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The Morning Record, September 14, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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keCkUrekBdAldBrmwOoodrtob. bar
fa# (reeka be (riU be Jalaed by hU
dK OoBk. QtelUek. BueUkiKktel kkd
friend Alex. Maaoa. when they (riU
hunt deer toyether. Mr. Whi^p It
OMTieoa Ik (he •*rd»v!»»TbKt diBpoMd 9t the (Better ee (er e*
(rithont doubt the oldeat man ia thU
WILL BX AMXm the bill ««a lumerkti ead Aldermea nxnraro nArvus o» baxj. aootloD of the eoaat(7 aad hU q>iiyhVeAn z» KAimm 8uin»AT
WJ» Aoootnrr. OoodMeb bed eeored KM>th«r vtetory.
ab proverbial. Kotwithttaadlny
bU yenra be b MU hardy aad dmeribei
Dorisr the debeU npok the eeeepteaee ot the report AlderoMm Koate- ■netlara OotpUyod Oelta aad Vmpire hb oomlay trip aa a Uttb fan aad dlBalaa Xeeame Tee Backleea in Hia TontioB la the roaUac of areryday Ufagmt erred delay U eoittld«kUo8 of the
aad epeddeatlma kstU the epaaDaettfaBa-Whaa ^t Oonld XaelfaBd peopleooBldlook deeper Ute; dnia tt Mo XMyer He Xamoaatrated
the (rater qoeaUoe. Be arf^ that^ ana Waa AMoltad-Thea There
Xam at Maple OiW ZleMroyed by
(re bare a oyetatt of (raterenerkt
Waa TrenbU.
Tire and One la TrauetM City
ruai meat U dlqioaed of ftnt, baforai
Ibe prlaMpal featarc of Buaday-a
asythlar wae done aboat another,
Tteuvy ftt ttemMtfaref tha «ou«U thoerh he waa not yet prepared to ex- baU yame ia Haaieteo waa a amaU About twpo'clock yeatordar moraiay
tmi Ba«lM<r BatUr wOl’ be praaa himaelf one (ray or the other at
a aarere .tala, thunder and aleetrb
of the klathiaAny: Mayniu (raa at
Mked Ik rwpeetfnl
fkikiab kb
bataadamayireahlibaaaonballe by atorm rbl^ed tbb oaetion and left eoniU^aed aUtMBMt *f hta eh»r(ae for
kt be (rat not
alderabla damaye In Itt (mke. At
Quioa. who (ma umpirlny.
dikWlkc Ibe plkki Kkd epedflcktlokK
I the plana <
Mapla aty the barn on the farm of
TUk'wm whkt Aldermin Ocedrieb aonroe propoeed, and that If be could claimed that the deeUioaa oa all four W. H. QrowaU wna atruck by Uybtnlny
BzfBd Bpee tbe eoBseU »t the UM be eonrlneed that they (rere aU ri|d(t
and bnmod to the yrouad toyether
tBfkUr BBMiB«,
and Beat bay the proper aonroe. be
with all ib oontanta of bay and yrala.
•MtlMBt IB (roold work aa bard aa anyone far the Bant tbok^t that Quinn mada a dam- Tbe farm (rat oc<c«pl>d by Adolpbua
atrike him akd>olAed
-taear of thatoeoraa. Thai
him aamy with hU ylOTod band. Boom Mewmaa. who lti*Tf it from Mr. Crowu laat nl(bt. bat Mr.
At praabnt the (rater (rbrke problem
of the Manlatee player* raehed to the aU upon ebarm. and a tlllrd ot tha
Ooodiich had hla (ray. aayboar.
la abalvad aad Ita fatare eo tar aa the
eoene and OleaBOB kicked Hnnt. Bant yratn la tbe bam wna owned by Mr.
When the report of the epecdal (rater
plant are ooneemed'b e matter of
retaliated by atriktny Urn. Tha crowd Crowell. Tbe lorn b not lam than
workaeottnlttea waa Introdaoed there eenjoetara.
nabod oa Uu field and it teok the unit $1,000. Tbe bam (me Inanrad In the
eraa eonalderable diaoBNlea ea to
ed eflorto of both teama to protect Fbnnera Mutual Fire Inaumnee Co. for
(rbether the adoption of the report
A peUUoa from Front atrept boainem
$300 and Mr. CrotmU bad berndae, $100
(roold Man that that oonrae (roald tea for a cram (Talk on that Btreet to Bunt from tha Infariated mob. The Inauranoe npon tbe eentMta. Mr.
Und the ooancU teaeoept the plana. bo laid at a polat abont half way bo- aheriff and aereral daputlea wen oa Newman'a loea b total.
'U (raa dnaUy oeaatned that end a eeea Om atraot aad the noxt oroiMny hand aad did yood eerrloe. The whole
Dnrlny the atom a bam balonylny
affair laeted only about lire miautea.
ooarw (Tonld a» bind the board. .Then lat. (raa yraatod.
to Jamea Marrin. on tbe Weat Side.
when quiet (ma reetnred and the yame
on ttotion of Aldcrvan MoBtacne the
atruck by Uybtnlny and badly damTbaoommiiteaonatreoU and walka
ibport (raa reoeired^nd filed and it >aa Inatrneted to derlm meane for bat
ayed. A boroa atandiny near tbe apot
Sereral membera of tha Manlatoe whare the bolt entored waa nnlnjured,
(raa the aenae of the eooneU that the ter drainnye on Front etreet at -the
team bad prerioualy uaed vile laaynaye while another in a more ramota portion
plana and apeififieatioaa i
Wbltisy Hotel.
aldemd at a fatare tlM.
u- KeUy waa aov to BnatandheatooditokUl patience of the baildiay. reoairad a eerera
be a rlrtae. Be did not at ahoek- The probable moaa of tbe
Before thh aetiok. borreeor, Alderto ptorpeet for yraTe) npon
MB Ooodrieh introdaoed a rMolatlon tha propwty of B. A Pratt, and the tack Quinn and atimek ao one until be aboektotbe horae (me that It (rare,
(ma aamnltad by Oleaaou. then ba very nboea. wbUe the other animal did
^ totheefleettkatMr. BafteroboaU be
Btreett and (ralka
roperly aaoerted bimacll
> reqaired to fnmttb a bfil of itenia of
The yame iteelf (raa eaaOy won by
hM ebaiyea. ao that the people
the puatlei*. who ^t Bobb freely,
kmam arhero the money tor the plana
fire raaa. and fielded in eplen- DaUy of Um Afternoon Train on
had been expended. Be referred pardid
ft I. Dna U aa Aeelda&L
ttfSlarly to the Item In the blU of $14«
aort that ia charactariatic of Maaiatae.
J^TkUread fare and expremed-e. which
Tba O. B. A I. paeaemyer train, due
Adama mada a (rondarfal oae-baae- hen at l:t0 yaaterday afternoon (ma
. ho claimed to be laimalre.. Be qnolod Be Deeidad Imet V}yhtand»atea Here
ed atop and r—**•*-* in a doable play
delayed thrm boura by an acetdent oa
/ the rate of tare from bora to Boeheater
Oanoeled-Another Team 'WiU
the alath innlay.
and oeeld not make oat that the total
the mala line at Milton. Tbe northPUy Hera Thla Week.
Parka played la yreat form, noKrith- bound tmla ran Into tbe rear ead of a
woDld amoont to mete than aboat $17
Baaa baU aa tar aa the Colta aad itaadlny the erreia bkaryed to him.
frelyhl and damayed tbe paaeenyer.e
srhqeach (tay. (rhlle the b|ll oborred a
Watkiaa pitched a moB«erful yw
yiae. Tbe paaceayara (rere
. eharge of aboatfm. Aafor the ex- BMfienareooaoeraedlaorer for tbU
w at Icaat. The fnUowiny fale- allowiny bat three bita.
ahakea op but noae injured.
pfMaci. Mr. MUUkea ot tl^ oommlV
BuUer made a fine runniay catch of
tee ex^lned that the inatramenu
Georye X^der baa returned to bb
fly la riybt field.
aiaed by Mr. Baft0 (reie <rery dellceU explaint Itadf#
Wheeler'a .borne ran kit la the eer- ume la Vlekaburf after a rbit aritb
and were peeked in qalte a laire box,' 3. KxHox—Dhectoia in acatioo no(r,
Can't aee oar (my clear. Bare decided eatb lanlny ^th two oa faaaea aad the bb een, Dr. Snyder.
and while the exprme cbarrea miybt to dUbend.
J. E. Knxxa*(.
ooore a tie (ma reaponaiMa far three
aeom U^. they were not ia tbu ioPrepare to attend Omnd Traveiee
Manayer Keboe U neyotlatiny with,
aad perhapa, the yame. BUtwoOookty Pair. Sept 91, 89, 98 and 94.
a Grand Rapidateam U play Thunday bayyar tbkt bit the fcace. cam
LTben there (raoa reneral dUcamhm and Frida;' Inaioad.
beiuy a borne run alee. .
apon the meriu df the MU. (dhicb U
There are a tarye number of fan* in
Watkiaa bit hard, makiay a twoB1TS9.SS. and of thia amoaat $0M baa thia city who beliere. aad judyiny from
aad two aiaylee la four timea
been paid. TbebUleraa dlaeoieed on the laat few yamee played, there U bayyar
at bat.
baeikeaa prinelplea *a ooarteay to the yood reaaoo for it. that had the three
Hoot aad Hulbalao bit weU.
^eelaloommUtee. Alderman Moatacne yamea., achednled for Wedneeday.
The Coltt mada two ruaa la the flret
bellorad that
« prinelplea ahoold Tbureday aad Friday, been played, Inniay. Bayuet reached fint oa field
apply to mattm ot a mdnielpal aa well (hat the Huatlera would hare Ued
er‘a ehoiee. Bebaa (ru bitb y a pitchae prirate natare. bat in tUi Inaiaoee Haaiatee In tha number of yamee ; ed balL Hayaea aeored oa Buna' aiathe men whooompoeed the eommittet played. The yamea now dtand, woe. ; yle aad Behan oa a paaaed baU.
were Mtlxena of Interrity and whoae ManUteelti HoBtlerBS. Perhapa there
Two more for Maalatee ia the fifth
tntereet in the city (raa aa freat ea any
ia method ia the aeUon of the ColU' OB a ainyle by Bobb and Oleaeonb hit
. member of the eoanML The (rater
manayoment attar all.
rer the fence for four taaya.
work* matter had been left U their
to the meantime the Huatlera had not
haada and they bad performed aa exbeen idle and had yot teyethar four
oeUent and dlffiealt work: therefore be
rona. Two ia the eeoond on errora by
deemed it aa aetaf dlaoeerteay to qaeaand Bayaaa. one iu tha third
tien the actt of the oommitlee io lacar. William Horn aad Anna Has
two two-beyyem by Watkiaa and
Weddad Boaday.
riny the MU for the plana after the
M Pepobr OMaorr.
William Kora aad Anna Handrlcka Wheeler, aad one ia the fourth on
-oiBBeU bad left the matter in their
BnaVa elnyle aad Hatl'a doabla
ere married Soeday afternoon
haada. The diBoaaeien became warm
ana were atade by ellbar
and Mr. MoBtafai did not heelute to l:SO. Tha fier. Beckemlar of the GerLuthema ehureh performed the aide uatU the aerenU. wbea'tha Huat
My that the aetioo propoaed by Mr.
lera earned three.
Goodrich. oBder the elreumeUBcea (raa oeremouy. Pmok ilunlk and Mary
UdU Binyled. Park* war. atruck c
a rofiectlon epon t^ Integrity el the Baafk were tha wltaeatoa.
by the umpire. Watkiaa kit for e baee.
Ltft ereoiny about fifty
membeiaof the eoSmIttee.
Then Wbeeler. (^ib two atrlkea oaUad
Alderman Deamoad declared that Eern'a oommdce of the Hanaab Rlflae
on him. and thlakiny he mlyht juat aa
whaterer the eoaneU ahoold decide called at tbelr aew hoaia ea Waabinywell Uke a chance, reached for a wild
aboat 4f-T->dt-y an iumiMd bUl it ton etreet and preaeoted the ba^y
pair with a beanUfol BUrer battar dish ona, met it equanly on the i
aent it orei;.tbe left fence aeorimy WatBaftar'e blU and that the------------- aad knife. LieoV P. C. Gilbert made a kina. Hunt, aad himaelf. Boom:
(my to do would be to pay the bill aa few happy remarka aad the boya all
; amoked on Willjam and bla brida.
racommended by tha —........
of a Mmllar
AldermBB Jabraua
It would
Xerlval At Maple Olty.
mikd, tboai^ be ooasiusrau ..
Tbi* department wUl be nuder
be a food thlay to bare tbe itema. but
Her. L. B Lupto* of Luptoa. Oyetbe eficlent auperrblon of Mr.
bad been looked after by * ata oouaty, pamed thrauyb tbe city
T. A. Cboela. formerly of Bey
• e of aMi and ------- -------City, who I
* -■------- ---------yaaterday aa rouu for home after eontXMrienee
wbo had tbe iatoreeU of the daetiay a aerie* of emayelbtie i
taUoriuy bni tea* (awd^ bi
at beart kkd be waa aatbfiad to ae- lay* at the Frleada ehoreh at Mapla
an artbl la bbI Hue.) We do a
aty. Mr. Luptoa baa been doiaf emabMiUt* la yuamuteelay m^dHiprT- Ooodriah referred to tbe yalbUc work ateadUy alao* early laM
iM^t the peOfOa would IHce
May aad b now yolny bom* for a rmt.
know whether Hr. Bafter wno eharr Ber. Borrard Moor* of tbb dty b eaclothlay w are mte
Uf farthatbaabaerHalMciaBoebea- dearortay to pemoade him to letum
that it (riU be on* <
ter kftw kb imtvbit. At tbb exMayer Cbvb areae aad atated that be
«Mld kol allow aueb Ikfaraaeei to ye
WUlerd W. O. T. V.
uMballokfad.' Ba Mated that the
The WiUarU W. C. T. U. (riU meet at
time Hr. Xalttr wae siok waa aot laeladad la tbe MU, bat oa the other the Second M. B. ebumh tbb after
baad Mr. Bafter bad daTotadaoaakler- nt l:M. Important batiaem b to be
•bfa tlma torwhiekh# bad mad* ao totttoctod aad every mambor b r«qumtod to maka a apeelal aCort to be
Membera are requMted
fenlday of Itomliad Mila. Mtymto roU eaU with
Smith romlnded AUarmaa Goodrich
aalaaan Ooanty’S VetoraaHaa Gone
' ttetwhaatheLadtaytOBoatiBOarwaa
To Hant Xtoar aad Z^nx.
btaoykt bera by Mr. Goodrich and a
afSSo proMatedto tha aouanU
Daa Wklppla, Leelaaap oonaty'a P>»aer and votoraa of t(ro wais, wbo
tbof* waaBothlayaaMbythatyaattaOdOKO. Bept ll.-Whaat-S*i
■aa about as ttambadbfU. Aldormaa ber.MKa: Daeambar. MKXiie; May. la«^ only thruayearaof pamlny tbe
itary mark, kae loot Uttia of hb oldOooXifahmlAthataraadUfaiaak Than
time viforaadhaa embaricad upoa a
Mayer Smith allndod to aaothar bUl of
Octs Soptomber. tSXe: OM
SM artifah wae once paid by the vUlay* MXei Dtoembar, «lXe: May,
baatiay aad trapplay axpodltton to
mrflbv afalo by tbaolW oad BOthlay
Oato—Septomtaer, iSXe; Oetober. CMtppewa eoaaty ia tba *nw penlaaula.
Be left yaMarftty aad bb
(*ao mU about Itom*. Tklay*
MX*; Dtembw. lie; M^. tika
Btioa b to d'erote moM of tbe
mr, SAU; Oetobw,
tima bafara tha daor
la ImMaf wnlvm aad lynx, apoa
hHUt CMHx U4 Mut M)«.
wHA than b a bouaty.
ta a lttr(«Btax.PHMr**kak.
onroxAX. papxb
mm DF UEBTliilG.
i n
!! 15 51!
A Week
‘‘Old Sol” with his rays did some tall scorchioff.
The crack wheelers did some marvelous scorchitig.
. Down in our ofRce we did some creat scorching—
Afi a result we have some greit hatpins to oRer
inTabletsand Pencils....................................... .
ToyetyoodOoode. Blab Tableb are tha hoM on tha mar^ and POST you HO MOBS than othara. We hare
He# Idea fuliion ghetb far Oeteber Ho# Hwo.
Whatever Tour Taste May be
We ShaU Suit it
' Cape or Jacket^
For Fall or Winter. We’ve the line of Ladiee’ Wniw
of the city. Choicer etylee or Fabrica not to be seen;
kB Little prices on dependtble qaalitiee, nowhere else to
behad. If yon get it here, it*Ube,^igfat......................
Reliable Dry Goods, CarpeL and Clothing House.
..We Still Lead..
Notwithstanding the general
depression in ^the milling
business, we are having a.
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....
flour. Send in
A Few Pairs left and they go at
Om DOLLAB a Pair.
8i«a6J,6.7.7i. 7i7|. Good
for Bicycle Bidera, Driving and
Genaral Weu.
A Ooinine Uocha and told
fonnerly for tL60.
“T. J. HOST,
Se tin jist racelnd la intirLlm Uu of....
Ladies’ Well and Turned Sole Shoes
Bast Axsortmeiil of SCHOOL SHOES
in the clt7, xt-------
tWATUMS cny. j^MICHlgAy
9mm T.' Batu un> 3. W. BAxxn.
«. W. BAmM. Mitar ud Mm«v*
S.;r^zsr. . . ■
TnWM atjr.
AT • 9oe|»l-De»eer»cy «eeU»f in
Ohlaro Bnndny there er« n moetmiam
mt Ineendinry epeMhee empued in
«rhkh the Bnyurkel eddreeMi we
MK MnwUoni. IbeMBUaMBt 'en«t«Uy upreMed wee that the pnUoee
«( tteriehehonldberedoeed to eebee
mmi thntthelorohebealdbethe ey»Mol of ilberty. One enffer edroento of
- Iheee eominendnble Ideee nrred thet
twenty aeiUioneiree he UUed «o etone
tv the dentbe of the vlnen whe were
•hot in PennaylnnU. Prompt menenrw by the CUoK» nnthoriUee to eoppreee tbk tiimmt wiU meet irith the
ny«rcT»l of nil Uw nhldlnf dtlaene,
1Mb Penneylennin nnd* eorrepp
Inc eonl minl^ dirtrleu here dedded
toneoepttneeSwitmte. Why oonld
thii not here been eeeompllehed be'
nenriyneeoreafhBBnnUvethnd \
merltoed> Hm nte nr>«wl'npoD will
he n mntorlnl admnee nnd eonld enelly
knee been decided npon eeeeml 4nye
bet it wee not notU the blood of
hnmnn- lo&nn bnd bew ehed thnt the
Vnbbve ome renlUed wbnt the etrar
A UDT U Grand Bnpide wae iwtone
ly injiuad in a bicyole ooUMknr The
riiiHB wae that a yosne man wae ridlac ea the wianc eide of the toad,
•nek as aeeldeat hne not ysl bnen rw
norded Is Travene City, hat aniam
rand ralw are sun etrtotly obnereed
W. X Thaekv hae •
e and the total nnmhv
mow ihnwe AOU nhUdren of echnal aye
iathedlyDr. A A. Oaten, whe reoenUy morM
hare bom Bmdra. bee Ipneed tbe ofiw
tn the Maeonie block, in the rear nf
Ibatoonpiedby W. P. Baieha.
Jaeob Eoehlv ofOilcaco. who ie rleiBac X J. Motcan. hue ebartoewd the
yacht Udy Watu fv two daye and hne
inritod A par^ ol frtonde to Mioy the
eport with him.
Frank Bvbert the IS monthe old
•am of Mr. and Mra. D. B. MeMoUen of
Femtnenla, died Sanday of Banralalaaa.
The faaeral will be held at the h<
tbb afternoon at I o'clock.
Iniarmast In Oakwood.
C A. Barkv, formvly (Bimelpal ownV of the Tneeiae City Lnmhv \lo.
MW of (Xleeco. peeeed thrm«h the
nity Bnndey OB hi* way from BnetJertetoCUeaCd. Mr Barkerhuahipprd
ftom hie mill at Bohemi
Jordan. l.Dto.WO feet of h
bvand i.MO.ooo from ethv polnte In
who hae heea raanlnc
n toala on the mala line of the G. X A
L dnrinc the bnay rneort eeneoa,
antamed to renme hk pUee ne
Ametvon the Traeetae City bemseh.
JBM temily. who hare hana epnmilnc
thn ni------- at Grand Bnpide, ^ BapIte and MaekJaaw. altoraatoly. have
tokvi (--------•- of their reeidenoe on
^ who had been
Mra: W. G. Lni
Jv thn pmet few woeke in all the laicr
BiUinery eonton picklac oat the vaam
^ «a.ht«na and eiylee in hv line of
If r_
^emnhyhvmkece, Hvtonv MunaeU,
ml Ha|rir'“- MtaX. whe wUl rielt wiU
Mta Oer**^^ Vndv wamt to Grand
"^’c/S»d»rJtontteHra*klvt yaepriaa Minnie ChrroU arrived home
XMCbkngeonthePatoakny Sunday.
Bnlph Banttan ^ yantenfoy fv
J.__to eator tbe Agriealtnral Ohl-
^ hB pw—w* fwWwiiw
B^. «. W. toltk-crfiki BM(»4 M.
B. eb«r«k mi Bw. Mr.
ol Norttp«»t, l*n y«tw*»7 W •tt»4 Ibt M. B.
MfttefWM iB
Mr. AUm
«M MOMputed by bl» dfcufbMr.
W. C NelMw. BdlMr «( the LmUuv
EBUrFtoe. .reUiraed yeMerdey troea
A the MtloMl O. A. &
Bevy Onkloy Hne Viewed Aaonc
r Lombemen Thirty Tenrn.
Open the eloee of nnriceUoB the
Urge InmW firm of Bitienbooee A
Bmbree of Cbtoi*o,,wUl eloee thdr
jHeeob ofBoe In tbU dty. Beniy Onkley tbe TeUrnn Iwnbv tnepeetsr end
hoyV hee bnd ehnrre of the boelnev
of tbe oompeny on thU ehore iv three
yenm. nsd when hr vreio hU oonneotiv) thie fell be will eaek n ehort reel.
Mtiee in thnt teenltty.
Mr. Onkley hne been in tbe InmW
neee In thU loenlity fv newly
thirty yenre nnd enjoye the dietlnotloD
•Tnopele of Whnt M to oJwur Here of beinc the fnthv of hnrdwood lornnapeetion OB tha thorn. Bevme
Chundny When the D. 0. X. X. .
tsnlatee bom New Tvk euu in
BfanU tnke Poeeeenion of OityThe Knlchu of l-ythlne held e awetr IMS nnd alsw thnt time hne not
been'Idle n eincle dny. Be hne held
inf ieet nicht to fmrthv the nrmnfnImporunt poelUose with Iniye Inmbv
menu for {he niOTtinc of the D. O. X.
K. w be held here IhBPedny. At the
ofnetorerein MnnUiee. nnd tome
Bepide end elnbornu nmneevenle nre in procrene nnd n -bennUlnl of the Inmber bnront of thet plav
were bnrd wvkere by the elda ol Mr.
U belnr iwned for the
Oekloy yenre tea and there is not n
of the
i-e-« of timnd Bnpide wlU be here nnd lombv denlv in tlwKvtl^w
tbe pnrty wfU somber nbont MO. The dM not hnow the p^lnrtinapcetv
nnd like him. He U rMMiied na tbe
proemm will be nbont ne tollewe:
After the 100 w.MO v MO Ambnw hMt patted boyv dad ine^tv in Uia
end of the etnu. and baeldet hie hoelfrom Qmnd Bnpide nrrlre nt Trnreree
ehrewdnaea he hne many fine perif nt nbeot lhe>oor of * p. m. on
Bonnl qBnlltiae which oinke him hoeU
.jsndny. the toUewlnc wiU he the
pmenm: t;0u to'*:00p. m. drireei »:» of trtesiM. Mr. Oakley may dedde
ianva TmTOrea Ci^, na he hat n v
p. m., bnelneu meetlnc. Stelnberc^
fvtnble home in Mnnlatee. and ahosid
opem bonee; S:M to ^to ^ m. Isttinbe anenen in bselsaae deew
tlon ol enndldntee new work, new fMtbteode here wUI with him well and resree; 11:00 p m.. hnsqoet (end eeeh n
fenei): l;00 n. m.. tnln etnrtc tv
evdlal eoelal aatnre.
Utsnd Bnpide. Tke Fbrentere of TrneM aty hnve donnted their hnll tv
Thentrieal Xoua.
•ndqnnrtere. On tbe ttnin e pnilv
The ilocle of the "BuBch of Eeye" ie
r wUl be proTided for the indlw who
heaid and the poatere toll ae It will be
np eeeempnsy the enmmn.
av StalBbariTe Grand an Moaday ereBThe basqMt procram wUl be:'
lt>C. Srpt- Mth. What a merry ekit it
Votary M. A. Aldrich of Grand Bapldi. la. Whet aiaeic, what nimble feet and
(Be b an expert pietol ehot and ie what pretty faceearealwayepaft and
pareel of tbe eqalpment of thie <
,Tvee Oito Qaartot
..............By al^ro dertal ahowl Menaev Bothav eeerA Vew Bemarka.............
Grand Chaneeliv Dan
an P. M^allea, ' haale the pley erery eeaaoa. he pate is
Cheboycannew BQOC* i^hieh inrarlably are whb(LimiUd to two hoara and ala mlsatoa) Ued by the aoeall boy fv tbe balaav
A Fanny 8^ ■. ■
^ a Hus '
of the year. The BoUl Offiv ie thoroachly eerobhed and a new rerietor
'^Otaad B^da.
plaeod Bp0> the deak. Of ooniw he
By an Arab oanBot part with Teddy, fv ehanainc
Grand Prolate A. P^Besnett, Bic Bap- Ade Bothav U a Btor.
M mmn raoBMw.
too lone tar
(Match hetwenaaniiah
tad time.)
City Man
he certain folia
1 In UU neitona
eomedy arc ebaacinr clothea attondanU wUl wator the camels. (Lookout
fv tbe care when the bellrinca.)
lha mmmittoee are:
Parade—B. X McCoy. M. X BoUey.
Jamas Harchle, Charlae B.
C. A Pbeipe.
BansMt—F. G. Benmana,B. W. C«na. C. S. OaTie.Charlee D. Meabr,
Masic-A. B. SoIUday. O. C. Ugrtf,
A. W. Bickerd. W. X Loomla. C. K.
BaU and Deonraltone-X C Comp
ton. X X Van Flvt, J. Ki
Plnanee-J. T. Hannah. M. X Oatoa.
G. X BnlUdny.
BnecoU**—X X McCoy. F. Q. Hammamn. X B. BoUMay. X C Compton,
J. T. Hannah. ____________
W Ftm OnUTvy Oarriara WiU Take
Place OetohvRth.
An enamlBaUan fv the paalUone of
Olarim and earrien fv the Traverto
dty poet olBv aadv the b«a deltwy
^um wUI be held aatarday. Oetobv
9th at » o'clock In tbe mominr. The
enmlnatiOB will he Uchanre of a leeal
elTil eerrlM board, of whlsh Oamr
FHedrieh ie aeeietaiy. The pcMtkwe
are open to any one wbo wkhM to apand can pace the examlnatlona
can eeenre bianke and faU
e by addraaainfOaev Fried
rich, thie city.
Jy. »
I Settled in the
Private DU
Xing Hear the Bmrecy Sunday.
A Igbt to n flnleb took, tdace ne
the brewery. In Blmwood. Sun^ be
tween Jv Bokae and Jndc SheSv.
both of Lealanan coanly- IMve hae
bean bnd blood between the two for
come Umc on aaeonnt oi eome trontda
wbleb oeearred nt n danv a while
The men tnaUy decided to eettU
feed In the rlaf and
*tteiwA«ary mf
to cMtliW to
«MF. tatanet yaa
■araBomt To Oignfon XaiHB Thin
there WiU be a MseffiDg ihM aranlag
nt •afokmktatharnamm «f «M Imel■va mdlati. llMemhkmk.to.|^tom>
tv an ladapMdamt local toot baU ta
la the game
---------- mmayhepnU dvlac Sep
tember with an nddiUonnl foe of one
fvedleetton. O*. all tnsae
rweeuiieC nnpdUOetobvl. 1W7. there
will beewcod a penalty of two pv
eeat. Iv oolleetlonOav in Remld Bnildlac. Me. lit,
Proat etrcel. Boom t.
Mnxiooui WiBvin,
City Treneaimr.
Dated Sept. 1»V 1M7.
The Berkshire Pantt are warranted not to rip. and •
we aythorize the merchant selling them to make eur
warrant good, viz:
Prepan to attend Grand Tmvane Ooon^ Fair, Sept. Bl, 88.
83 and 84.
By pnyinc yon ll oaato fv eneh Ssepesav
^ BetMmihnteomaaoff; OOeanlelftbeWaieibnBdrlpe: venewpniriftheyripaleewhve
within two awnthe from date of tola.
$3J)0 e mentti
The above make of psnts merits the d^ntiDD of
every pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
pricM $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50—they are made in a Variety
of patterns—ask to sec them.. ^ .
Hamilton Clothing Co.
> cilBlr. MOB ct, Br« Bici
pawl VbUtBc.
One SolTd Week
BBUiSBiuMair.^rM^^r^- o*«* '
Little Governor
Cittnk, Chronic aod
Printe Diseases,
r'.3i?.dS -
Littie Captain
^ Boys’ Suits.......;
rBtafTh tar I! jamnoBe wee laefBa WJ ■
et>ewUBe4wa««mdB«eaV wheel ww
i> ea roar leei *i»t< la ttB«eree
Improt* tha era weak mmi
Bow.atw?«olr iwe'w"B«bB' u
thuerrh aa« W MBW4 baU ImwIIt
caomltunoBsUr it U • polMathai eiUi
ve tke Rest rnulMai.
now on sale
and the price is jwithin the reaeh
Sf'i.'s.i's of ail. at.........
X«r.«BS IWHUtr, nwM ootoiw ii W tae IM.
Wa hB^e B^r^rn
»e the wens
■ BoibiB« BBC amp eave
>ar lift
'Sshiv iteeiairei »laww b<
THURSDAY. SEPT. 16. *87.
ra<e uriB* ' -...........
On aceouat ol tae Emmet Connty
Fair and the G. A. X BeoaioB.
W. M. By. wUl eell Uckete to Hay 'rniiATnnKT. ;
view and retom on aonva dele et |l 00
from Trarerae City Traie will leaat 6.-M a. m. and arrire at i'etoehey at p a.-a> wtu
V:uu. Tbe rrand parade will start at wbOBi wr traawr
10:00 o'clMk. Special uala will Uare
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store.
tiko. DbEavch O. P.
Go to the Liao Barber Shop for hair
euu and baths. It eeatt each.
Still on Dkik ^
at the (Md Stand.
G. B. A I.
Tie Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, jnst west of
Grand BantdeA
. .
A Indlaba
Bailway wUl
Grand C^ra
ll Fdi
mn the aaaaal
FaU <ennr^ to tbe Steinberg's
abore mentionnd
Sa.00 Detroit. House, and presents the best
Bidinuad v Jm Croeae and retnra,
St 00 Chicago and ratura. ~
line of good goods cheap to
«UI be eatd tromal) etaii
be found in the city.
inaw City to Big Baplde.
good going ealy on apaeial ualne
of Sepuuber mh. and good re
turning on regular tralua aatU and indudieg Ooobv (‘th. 1‘aMengen may
atop at Kalamazoo. Grand Ledge and
Holland, v polnU south v eaat there
of. on O. B. A 1. By.. C. A W. M. B'y .
V D., O. B. A W. X B . and Uckete can
W. J. BOBIM8ON. MtoK«<-be made good retaratog from each
pcdBtt. Through eoMtaM will be ran
to the eeveral daallDaUeBa For time .
of epeciel waine and fartbv Infcrma- '
Uon coasolt Q X A I. Uebet a
C. L. Lockwood,
G. I*. aadT. L .
Grand Baplde. Mich.
Enterprise Groceir,
brimming full of
Bq^udlw. ot tdnnc i. .11 li... om prion «. lo«r thu oyer.
Todiy .. u. oSaiitg Speoltltiw In oar ChUdnniV CSotblnc Dqil.
We Offer, While They Last,
A Child'. n«t Sail, (rom 4 h> 14 ,»,A fc,.............................. $ .78
A aloe bUi* .»d bln. Oh«iol SniHor...................................... | .38
Anlo.h«,joriorilg™,8.dUor................................................ ,.68
A.io.ChincbilU IWtorfor.................
A ebUd’. Arirnbu Brafer. in nriona riuden, lor.................... 1.98
Afinn».finUhedWor.l«iR«ter8.1hha.d.o«.lrbndd«i,lor 2.26
Childrin.'. Union BneePa.!. lor........................
Childreo'. nioo benrj Wool Pool. lot....................
Wo hnro lood. of Clothing in Um dq»rbn«>t nod u Sno
„ Ibnj n»k. tb«n. b.tU»prio« .r.tbelo.»ton«rUL
We call p.rtionlnt attention in out Shoe Depnrttn«it to
Suits to Order.
Our Line of School Shoes
Stciiberfs tiud Open Bona
Uonday, Sept. 20
The Monarch of Farce Oomediee
ouaca gloem in tbe pcManee of a vowd
of eyvta and ethere not m aparty.
aoaie of wboat were c< Tracene City.
The aemn did na laat lamg. hoitorv.
aa Bokaa kevkad Shelter oat in the
eeeo^ round by a torriU# Uow la the
n^ There wae no aeriona barm dohe
^ it la Buppoeed that the friendly
feeling between the two Ie re-vtoh-
Vottoe To Vsnpnyefn.
lac the aenth of BepUmhef. IMT.
from • oMlook to ll:»ee'olook a. m. and
from t oMloek to « oMloek p. m. and on
'----- ireAlnce from 7 o*elvk to 8;M
> M isl thU bmbUi. and
What 1 “ • •
H. W. Bvrtacton. ooaaty agent of
tmdaanu ennn^. wat In the dty yaeSvday-''
jwaw rwapboll and A C Deeprea. who
Mta Cbtair> «
atoamhnrga UeheX _____________
AUm If. 001. ratwwd an the barge
FOOT XAXA xxxmra.
'’aMvM X W. Jahrana wlU Mnw
today fvanaxtondadtrtp to Caanda.
AuSable aM ethv polsti am
K^nuB LmDxm arwiox
Lmteet aad Brnt ffiagfog. DaaelBt>
mad Barleaise Pastaim
Beato m MatBe>OBm
Friday Moeulag.
PnmsfSJS-SD. Rohm Ite
The Boston
Fire Insurance. Olasa Block.
-fog, TBB apTBL.)
M Oi m Attt Imitti
Trade in tbe largest storm where tbs yarielF is big and
the priees tbe lowest
•y OF SAFETY....
We Can Save for You
m /1
Fioi^ 10 to bO Par Ow»t on EBLIABLB POpTWBAB.
Wears closiiig oat at Cut Prices 8846 Pairs of onr Best
■ Ptagroo * Smith Shoe, totd Oxford, in BI«* mtd Tmts, to
make room for our Mew Stock ot Coin W C.& emly before
the best sites are taken.
118 F»kt Stebxt, Wowbdpg Blooc,
' Tissm n Him
Sotti BeMMAnVmteoM
|To« Onlr imMiv War (b» Vaim
T«rk, 8«pt. 1S.>^ »{«atkl U
H«»U ttom V^aiiliyoa mjk
Vf tU« tiiB« ntiM tlM trMtj of
-------- i.y
HkwkUM telMda to tb«
Okttod BUtM. Thta MMrUoe wu
Mte toj torio M. TiHlIOtOB. U «hBIg«
e( tt«
to um OalMd bum*.
Tksnton atU U*l tbt B»wmUu mmI»
tOMMkblo SootanWr
MB M UMt brfjr «• tMiMimoBO
tka UBuation. U 4«Bbti«i i»t
tt« MBUattoM tra»^. Jo*t balor*
«ajooni»Mt of tte tesM* iMt 7«or
Jalat tMolvUoa wm odoptoB asul*
awttily ^aeUrlar that tb« BawaliM
It k beUared ia mdnOBiatfatloo dr>
alaa that tba affaet of tha traat; by tba
Battaiiaa aamat* will ba as tsflo
M Ma aanben of Ibe Ualtad SUtM
mm^ wboaraaowUdoabt whatbar
til that te BOW aaeaaaarr ia tha api*ea•t of that body.
Bnraott or THB ovsar
' Smdarad Barrla O. Taylor, »atirtas
KlBiatar to 9p^ •
Baa Sabaatiaa. Sapt. IS.—Batlriat
Caitad Butaa MlaUfar to Bpala. B
O. Tbjlor waa taoaia^ la aadlaaoa by
tha Qaeoa Beceat today aad praatttad
hla lattara of roeall. Boo* afterwarda
the aaw Coltad Btalaa Xlalater of
Braia. Gaaaral Woodwart. waa
odvad by barmjaaty aad praai
_____ _ .. Taa Barafi te Bod ampioyiMDt la Cba aottee Oclda When lb«
iaaehh>ary ear Mt tha ralla K fall aa
tia oMa. naarty ah of tba maa baint
caocht hr the baatr baaaa A ear of
lov waa pUad oo top of tba <»» 1®
which tha neB wera rKUay. and that
aay aacapad Inataot death la bnt UtUa
aboH of a mlracta- A oMaaaca waa
aaDt lo.Tralmnaatar Watab at tbla placa
hr the train crew, and be Immediately
ordered out a arreekln* crew and with
DlvtaioB Roardmaater SleLead went to
the aeene of tha wrvoh. taklnc wUb
theiB Dr. Dibatl. the eompaey^ local
M place. The Brat thln<
done waa to extricate the dead and
wounded and oo account of the tacaey
loo and machlarry under which they
were hurled, tbe taak waa a lahtyiout
<me and It waa aevtral houra before the
laat of tbe bodice waa rtBioead trom the
JM trace nwrlMy Kaiwled.
Kanaaa Oty. Sept. It.—A cprctal to
The TUnea from Van Buren. Ark., mya
many aad areoea.were enacted at Han*
aoB. One of tbe dead, wboar name la un
known. waa found with bia bead raaahed
to a pull bciwn the
v>- loca. hla
bealna ooslnc out. Ottaei.*e-ere cruabed
and manned In a horrible maniwr. Two
of the dead were broukbl here. Wllllatn
and Chariea Pune. Will «aa feund on
(me aide of the track and Cbarlea oo the
other, both crushed almoat out of nemblanee to hman belno- Tbe acene at
Vian. when the dead bodies of those who
had lealdad there anWed..w«r« aSectiBR
In the extrcBM. The parenla and other
relattves of the deceased were at the
BUtiem when tbe train came la It will
probably be aereral days before
wreck wiu hare been cleared away . .
the full astent of the dlaaeterla revealed..
Three men
> the sutements of acme o Uxwe who
ember Who Mel Tt^r D
Denver. Sept.
A wodat to
Rocky News frean New Castle. Qolo..
mya; Prank Burbank, conductor,
Enclnerr Ortrsnder. deceased, of the
Colorado Midland railway, arc ebaryed
by the enroner’e Jurv with helm
■poaalble tor the frishtful wreck which
occurred Pridsy moir.lec Tbe Jury
decided from tbe evidence that the
dartor and enstneei attempted li
rtve at New Castle aldiok upon tbe time
allotted by order of tralr dhpafeher
Grande paaaemer weat-boni
Conduct, r Itarbanfc was released on
Vofthpon PoMofBw HbMw Has
nee and after the verdict
was annoao
the verdict
a received aitbout any
B. E. OIU ariU ba psaunaatar at anrprlse. The death of Rev:
Borthport, Mleh.. vlee C. A. »alaaa re- Hartman, of Herscber...lUa.. and the
andinc of (br body of Encineer Os
trander locreaaea U
dead to eleven, "nw coruaer'a reW. P. BBBUytea 1
ions tbe I
peatnaaiter m Maatna, Mieb.
K. Cooper ramoved.
t death m the awful «ccl-
Saadasma Haw OnartaiB.
K. B. Stroar.thetDnaiedcalar.whofor
a loaf time haaoaenplad the llula atore
«B ProDt attaet. pdjolalxie Aosbori
Bacbaa^ drair atora, baa laaaed
larva atora raeahUy oeeupiod by tbe
aaa»k« at PimshBroaeb-A Bona. Tbe
■•era to b^ raSttad and adarsad with
as attawetiva metal front. Mr. Btnmr
wfll pat Id a luva sod aoaplete line
of amali Btaaleal iaatiumata. abaat
anale andcandriaa. is addltkm to as
. axtaaalva Una of Kimball ptohoe. He
to tha aaMrer fer thlt aaeUos of Mlab'
10» «sr tha ElmbaU Plano Co. and thto
oMy to hto haadquanm. Thto wUl be
MaottbaftBaatmiiatoataraala North« HUdvsn and llr..Str««v has bnill
ip'athriTiBVboraam which wUl be
aaad la hia new atora.
■ay. There Asvata
Mara Dead.
Portland. !nd.. Sept, tk—Tbe tuseml
of Charles Mantas, n victim of thewredi
Albany, took pinee Snturday after*
m end was larftiy attended. Orlands Colima, wbo to Will alive with bit
back broken, tells a ttartllnx story of
tbe wreck. Collloe saya there were, six
other men In ibr car wUfa Maness and
bimatir. and he thinks It oothtnt abort
'of Impomlble fur them to have escaped.
pMto«acw Clerka Adpmrw.
Baltimore. Sept. Ik—Tbe National AaBoelatiQo of Poat<Ace Clerki ended Ita
was chosen aa the platv
next September, The alertxm
rtatilled aa follows: Pretodenk
ml. B. 1
Uneoln. of Boston, i
'. WUUaj
Acuew, of Cleveland.
L O,. Sept U.-In a « cf
] end waa cemaummated Saturday. The
UOb workara at tbe Laitlmcr miaea.
to whom they were bound in an eOert
to Induce then to loin tbe atrlken*
ranka. laid down their plcfca and ow«re
U do no Bxrte work UU>H kll the domanda of the men at .........................
tii* Con* the
dMrkl haee been needed. Next Is
Rstelutiont Adopted by
VBntion of Coal Di|S«r» at
Cotumbua, Ohio.
muiirnoH m orr rar
aiaVMt I
■d the MlUnay O
■fejeney awll Ko»-D«w« M^Bemai
Butter, Butter,
Fine, Fresh Butter!
rants for the arrest of Shertfr Martin
and the IM deputies Then there pere
•Fvemi meseinra of miner* and clUaena
all denounclns the toscria and hla depu
ties Then the Auatrlan dlplomaU n(
Washlncion will be called upon to move
In tbe matter, many of the killed and
wcninded belnp aliens Rea(duUooa have
been adopted by numerous Ubor bodies
all over the nmntry denonnclns t:
ahootlnt aad Oompera and Eleba a
n etatamcau biuerty aanalUiw t
■hens. Detur aSort belnc the btcttre
The altaatlan hen la cmver than
has been at any time slBce the bloody
aSray. Tbefb la etruns reason to fear
CDOttJct between the sttikers and the
rallltary today Jtnd there Is an Indica
tion that from 6.0M to 7.M0 more miner*
wUI }uln thr malcontents Tmuhle la In
tbe air, and it it la to come the time wlU
be thto ^mlng. Thto to clear from tbe
words used Usi niebt by General G '
tommandcr of the Tblrd brt«ade.
atrlkiny mlnem ha« made elaboraU
preparation! for a demonstration at the
bee amriy^ Thirty.
Columbim. O, Sept. lA-Tbe sreat
nlnera' strike which was declared on
July 1 waa brotybt to an and Saturday
I so far. at leatt. as western
■ivanla. Ohio. Indiana and Weal
Vlrcirla are concerned, by tbe action of
convention of mlaera
Which bad been In oetatM hm since
Wednesday. After a day
wransliDd. tbe convcniloa adiipied a)^
olullon acceptlES the propadtlWiJlf tbe
X of tbe kind shall be permitted.
PlUshurc operators The vote was tU
>at from Ihu'timr on there shall
for and >fT Bsalost the terms of nettle,
o marcblns of any ebaiarter whatment. eleven votes were not '
Boevev. whether durtnx funersto
dticsaiea from lUlnoU. who
otherwiae. Hla rewilullon to
erally knoim and the miners are soln«
• -aiDonc the Oblc and Piitatwnc
delecaiea nyainto lu
adoptnd were exactly
practical lotenis and p .
that had been re}ectcd earlier tn tbe day.
and are aa f(.Uowa;
■otto ■caameiar
‘'Resolved. That we, the miner* of
Pennsylvania. West Virvinls Ohio. In
diana and Him
bled.de berrby acrte U aoept the proposlUoD recommended by our national
executive commlllee. vix.: CS centi
tbe Plttaburs district; all placM in
above-named states wbete a relativ*
pHce can t>r obtained to resume wash
nnd eoMrlbute llbenlly to the mlaera
who do not receive the ndvance. wbarc
the Axbt muto be coptloued to tbe bitter
act as an advisory board (or the purpoae
of ptuvtdlnr ways and means for the
(■rryinx on of the nrihe where neceeaary; provided, however, that no diamet
resume work for ten daya for the pnrpone of xlvtnx miner* In other dtotrtela
time to confer wtth their A,p«ralot» and
pet the price Jf pesunae.*-1
nuaala Mm tv Meet on the lath.
While ten days la provided for
■dnen to retome work II Is probable
that many of Uie Ohio and Pitubur*
mlsea will ty- reopened today. . Thr
General Gobln alau made a revelation
wbtob put a atartlinx aspect
Bltuatlon. Thla vas that the houae of
tbe ensmeer of Ko^ooll.ery had bean
broken into late SL^day nt(bt by.aU
raaidcrd men and the eneloeer. who la
cripple, unmercifully beaten. There
BO clue to the Identity of tbe assal
hnta Tbe only work the man baa bet
Coins lately la the pumplBS neceaaary
to free the mine from water. The seoeral had alau received a formal report
of tbe Audenreld outraxe of laat Tbur*.
day Blsht. srbrn strikers broke Into the
bouse of tlomer Jones. superliitenCent
tahlxh and WUkesimm Coal
company. Junes, wboaa unpopularity
srilh tbe miners was one of tbe Sr*t
of tbe strike, waa b<k ibeve. but
an Uteralty wrecked tbe Interior
boose and then attached a mine
power bouse near by and stole tbete1 a quanllly of dynamite.
I all Intent! and purpose* Haxletoc
la under martial law. General Gobln
declared last nlsht that n spite o
warranu Issued
authority will be pei
permuted to arrest the deputies. H« i
aherts to aa executive ofllcer whoae
duly to Co preserve tbe peace, and-that
he iGotdn) and the Irooia
aubordhiaie to tbe ahertff at this time,
being ragagri] m helputg talm to per
form thayduty. fnder these clrcnmataiices be will not permit Interference
with tbe aherifTt oOdml*. eo long as the
mllltU to here.
Boiling Beef and ^daab
. Sold Cheap Friday and
Satard;ay. e o • e 0 a
Don't Fail to try our Cuts and
Slices for these two days.
Park StTMt. bHwMB Proat A Oan.
Rates, $1.50 per Da^.
MeairictetsaiReilnulRatts. Lady Watts
SWRnt Adsi»*
Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will not make regular con
nections with trains on M. &
N. K. Fishing parties, howeve/. can make arrangements
fpr the use of this handsome
jacht, by communication by
mail pr wire, with
Leland, Mich.
See Our Ret Uie
In recommending a aeiUement
Pa..' Sept. Ik — Clement
terms prcpo*ed. Tbe llllonls miners wHI PliHaiclion.
plrlack. aged U years, one of the
be called In ccnvenilon at SprlngfirlA
elriker* who uai ln)ured In Friday's
to detennlne what shall be done nut.
tost nlgbk making (be
in that suir. Some • ihe.imnijto delegates age very hitter 1 their denunrta- twenty-thiid death,_________
the convention,
tonee. they claim, th r Inleresta have
not been given dor ixiorideralloD.
resetuUon was adopted d<nour.clng 1
action of the depbtlei in firing Into l
Chicago. Sept. tk-BalUmore baa the
crowd of striking miners at Hatleli
toad now for tbe League base ball
trophy, having climbed over Ihatoe dur*
Opeimins»fVptolsorShe Delsy.
lag toat weak. Ttoe toaiu however, to
PllUbUrg. Sept. U.-The raal
sUght-tmly five potatta and tber*(«tooka
peratM* of the Pituburg district think
they have got the worst of it by the
idqptmn at Columbus '
■rovtoo. J. C. Dyaari. chairman of the
oc^l, *Frtl^Zg"to'ttaiindSi
Wayed. Won. Lo«. P.
11 ^
pBorwrruhor thk
Ootser of Uhioa and Ha; Strwts,
near M. A N. R. depot, wiabea to anMdnes to the pablk that be baa rm
fitted and fnrstobed tbe Botel Paagbetter than it ever baa been be.Ceraaadcaaaeeommodate tbo travel
ing pabUe Ih good ahape- SatlalaetSoD
Picture Mouldings
Cycle OfnersLookHerel
or CUpv-CasI lose yov
•Criji'-atokto' uii*,' p«i aa.
Lederle’s PTE'S',;
■ay Bl. srar M. A ■. A Depot.
tbe nfiner* of tUs district knrw wbal
bar mottaer. Mrs. Doea. One shot took met of a game has been played cm ttaen
effect In the moiber knd two in the strL and OB the Ptnaburg operator* by the
nimou. Indiana and Oblu operator* sad
The latter w«i fatally wounded.
miner* they wcnld not stand Idle a
Chicago ....
menc. bul
• -turn to work Imme- Brooklyo ..
PllUbui* ..
Pittsburg mlners'b
beutovtlle ..
Oticryo, Sept. Ik—Tire booss fromtha
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
St. LrOUlt ..
Doeirtri aansate vat were idesUM
FotowtBg are the latest Lesgue acorrs:
Market in the Brosch Block.
At WaaUnctoD—OtocinnatJ U. WaiACkim Tsrrer Cathets m His
ware added to the ehaln of rlrcumatanei
Ington K: (sscotod game) CUicionail 4.
Shsayvs Dailf on the RaH*
by which tbe prusecutloo hope* to prove lien. IVhat coal the Pituburg operaur* Wsablngtoo S; at Pittsburg—UmtovUle
w«ys of the Country.
Ibai Luetpert first killed hi! wife and are urable to Bhlp will be furnished by k PUbtnirg «; at Baltimore Chicago k
then bulled her body m caunic potash miner further west."
Baltimore 1: at New Tork-Brooktyn I.
Mtaalliia In Uie ItwlHe amiw
aolatkm. In Ider.llfylnc benes for
New Tork «. at BoMon-PhUadelpbto 0.
Spricgfield. nts , Sept n-New* et Boatot. 11. tSunday) at J3e
Profemor O. V. Bailey, ei.
osteoloflat. said: "This looks like tbe the action of the national convention of
ml! i. am eland b
head of a rib 00 the left aldci ll to riwil miner* at Columbus. <>.. was reciivad here with great rattofacllon. Tbe
, about the sise of a third rib In a <
an. This U a v^ond DbaUnx from tbe strike In this stale was entered upon nea polls—Ki
In response to the rail of the natloeal taecond game) Kan
fonrth toe cf the right fool of a hb—
offlecr*. and a majority of the mlnert
at 8L Pac
I mean a small adult. Tbis bone
Road hor*aa«apaportion of a head of a bumenu. which have felt that there could l>c oo local Paul IS: (second game) Milwaukee f.
elalW. Third dour watt of MarguBV
Uvo; Bark.
settlement until a basis for aettleinrat 8L Paul >/at Indlanapoltn-Detrolt k
sh<-uM be adopted by the national or- lodUnapolls 11; laecond game) DetraltO.
•oils S. ISundayi A
At SL Paul
. A. 'Ualne*. another exMemphto, BepL ik—A apaelal to Tbe pert, laldr - here la no miuakc about acrira of theronvertlon the inlrpi* were
• City 1. SL Paul 1
Commardal Appeal from Van Buren. Ibsl being a luman rib. I can Identify Jubilant They believe that a aetUemrat
Ark. aaym: A mort dlaaatrous fr«l«ht
by the ind' BUilon, (hr toiape ar.d tbe for llllneto on a rate proportionate te
Thto bone Is tbe rad of a meUcar- that adopted for Pittsburg will now be (raoctod game) Mlonrapoila 0. Milwau
pal bone of Uie human band, it comes secured, and that there will be a raeedy kee 2: at Colnmbua-Grsnd Rapid* k
tram the eecood finger where the Joint resumption of work. Prealdeet Ratch- Celumbas 1«: (second gama) Grand
ferd T 111 leave Columbus for Illinois toBsien. at * p m. yesterday, resultm* In aitaebsa to the band." But In spite of all day to request the minetvjfi this dla- RapMa k Cedumbus k
tbe defense, so II Is sUted. will proBaUarM Phlaoe
uaoe oagury.
the daalb of aereo man and the aerious tbU
orto k Dubuque 4: at Rockford—Cedar
dura expert wltnsmea wbo wUI swear trict to come into the srraQimsent
Savaatk a^
Injury «t stx other*, two of whom will that Ihrae bones arc not necesaarily buRapids k R<«hrord 4: at Dra Hoinea
DdIoo atreata.
die. Tbe dead ar«: WUUam Fame. mao. and that there can very eatoly be
—GulDcy J. Dee Moines^; at Kanaai
Chartaa Faisa. Dpuglaaa Anderson, John "mtolake about IL"
aty-8t. Joaeph k Burtiogtoo *. (SuoURsraltIwg C
day> At Kanaai Clty-8L Joaeph k
The defense has alao been experiment,
iobsan. Bore Henderaen. Prank Haslltea and B. 4- Walttgi. Tbe injured- lug on human bodies, the latest-belEg
Haxleton. Pa.. BepL 11—Tbe events Buitlngtoo 2: fneeond game) Bk J
Gaorve OBaraait. Jaetc Josca James thst of a woman: the fdacc the vat la yesterday In connecUon ertth theterrtble
k Dubuque d: at Roebford — Cedar
phUUpa BObart Bubanka Charies Uietgtri's factory m wbirh tbe state tragedy enacted on the highway,
WhaDvoaciwbByBuwoMaaaelMUto. ((toUandlMpficttheBaw
I. Rockford 1: at "
say* Mrs. Luetgert waa boiled, and tbe here Friday, ware the death of auotber
U De* molnes k
ooadUioia exactly the same aa thorn under which At was boiled. So far as of the wounded. Jacob .Tomaahantrai
any Inrormalloc can be obtalnsd this ex- the IS-year-old boy who was shot
. wlUi the eaeeptlon of Walten-s pralmrat dtopiwve* the whole of the
boapltal doctor* that tox noore wUI
Robe Rnah'sranBlng l
body. It balnf brou«nt to tbla place, Bute's theory of this part of tbe alleged tbe
die. The death of TomasbaeKw makes
and Baaoom. driven te a akel
where he has i^aUvea UvUtg. None crime. Tbe stale expect Co get through twenty-two. cWd If alX more die the Alad
wagon, and Eari Klner. tbe bicyclist,
of tbe trainmen were hart. Tbe wrecked today, anij If the defenae doea not croea- total death roll wUI be ta-eniy-elgbU took
afternoon de the
train was a local tisigbt. No U, tram
Two score are maimed
track at the Oolumbua Driving paiR.
omreeviiie. Haa.. to Van Boren. While
serieualy. Tbe roU of dead aad taUUy Stoer was paced by a qulntec la the
the train wak rtumlBg at twenty olMs
wounded Saturday wasr Dead—A»di
mile boat the horses went away with
YtoU Uhs iBAtogWL
an boor the forward truria of one of
Nlckowskl. John CniobebSkU Stevra a lead of fenr tongtba but Rlstr
tbe ears near the enr*-!e broke, wreck. BepL Ik—Tbe ntlottal UiKA. Andrew Teehmaa. John Fraako, under tbe wire first in l:4T%. erinnlng
la* fifteen cat* k>adi*--nb walnut loca
John Zernawlck. Frank KodeL John byraniy two feet. Tba second hast of
aad baled hay.
Mae die Baturda)-. They elecud by
Zaaltck. John Bbeka. Antim Oreeklo. halt a 1
Correspond with
AO tbe DsaS la Oae fSae.
tiamatSon Cbarlea K- Darting,
Darting, of I
■Andrew Tnrlck-all
With tbe Bicepdon cf two car* In
the Traverse Gv
let and ssiaptod « Harwood: Andrew ElinenakL Adam
three car* In tbe raar,
aa the pisra et
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem
cMb* Uie eabooae. every car Of tba
nt Ttoe Ladlra*
C the tram was ditched.
bert Csata-all of Crrstnl Kidgc:
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floonog,
drew CotUA and RaCaM Reckewtra. o<
od «dtb heavy macblnery^aa
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
a aa a law. to thu w
la thto car that several men were
InJoiad who are at death's doer—
icriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
a kids and IMm abJ^aevsa
—-— VMBcic. Caspar Dolaaa J<^ n to taaUwad Um 1
- m awtoaMp amwidad wqr*
Botofee. Andrew ■■braW and Jacob to the roads by tbq UnitadAtatesoi
and Saws. 'TV complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
against tbs Mata tnUreaA ocramia
ttot tmtiMa Aortty af»- segttv* sofMiimse at the
rah ba iialiaiA. Tka <
; a00wa Rkat tbs msgAi
• ara had Rb *
Biu'BHitiMg aru tmtofi thto bbiw.
raeatoifi tta tn
Wta at ^’lal>. 1. T. wbo -
....i-iS 5 S ^
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Fi-esh Meats—always fresh. Salt Heats.
Angus McColl
The Pure Juice
*" ■“
Butter, First Class
Green that^ill
Bicycles to Rent
If You Have Logs te Sell
BMk Oinetor Who DiterMlIt* th»
Story About White Motel
in tht RoMnro.
iModMU Sept.
lud and a (onwr (overcor. haa a Uttar
la Tfa* TUdm Id the eourae of wblefe bt
aara: ~A» a UmelallM and aa mm of tbr
aaalM nembenof tbr iMnkcoan I think
I hare a rl^t le aak od what groaitd
the «t1br- of tbr artldr ioatted
Bamonatrante" la rov Saturdar Uaaa
nahaa hU aaaertloo that the bank haa
decided te berid a ftfib of ita reaarre ta
allrar. Had tbr bask dooe ao lu acUoa
dd hare bera aulctly la a
b-the bank act of 1»H. and aquailr
la aocNtrdaDce intb the aettaa takes
un br the roremiaeBt thn prcaided
crar br a maaMMoetalUat. Hr. Olad*
aioee. H*b«t tbc bank did Id im »aa
to aaaurc the trcBMtry that the bank
wooM alwaye be open to the pordiaae of
oUrer on coadltloa of the return of the.
nlou of other ecunuica to autb ruta _
would laevre ccruisty’ of cinvrtehm of
•old iDto Bllver aed of aUr.r into r>td.
SIBetaltlaU declare that the practical
remit of a double axafidard te Fbaeoe
alone erar that the two leeiaU did
chanse tbrouf^out the world at a legal
ratio, or erlth such etight rarlatl
ntlgtat te coeytderaUoo of thie free
}eet benei^wed.
Seabh the Troth oTOm ■ary
*^ere la do gn-uDd for earing that
anr M» coeowled with the baek baa
nffldallr.goD* berond that poalUoD. tadeed. 1 doDbl It aer
recorded or anr deter
. ____
at alL Tour corrMpoedent'e a-tele UU
ter aceme fonaded oo a aupfiaritloD of
wkaf mar or mar not hare arleAi ta
the eecenmrr
with regard to the waterlog of the
BdaUr declared dx of the am.
eama of fever on BL Claude atreet to be *b* CuJennt Be* Oatr Tame the C
rellow fever. A couple of boun Mbnegnaattr the board announced anoiber
of reUow fever at Miro and Baiaa.
streeta. aUo In the lower part of the
dtr. but a mile or more awar ftom the
Opaof tbeie
M of the giInfected ■
Tht announcMbeM of Bwat IhEbiti atiUly of the cleoWe eorthe Dnt elz caeca of rellow fever.
not unexpected, alibottgb It waa hoped not ia to bo found far op in the towar
from the delar on the part A the ax- of OrOM obapei, New York, when
pertt that tbeoe cnaM ware dmplr of clectridtjr Jmh leptaoed the velgbta of
the tower eloek, and not ooly tone ita
bUioua malarta
No general alarm haa reeulted here, wbMta. but aim atrikaa the naartm
although the new* apread rapidtr and the boon and playa a enfew bjma.
through the dty. The autborltica do
Am oar noden are well aware, tba
not believe the attuattan la maMrtallr oaual method of nimiint tower doeke
werwe than H was four er five dar> ago.
and itaer are aUll conSdent at thdr abU- li to meahi of de«d weight, the weiEhla
Itr. with modera mnlury andUbcea. bd^ wound op at etatad IMemH. tfae
moceortuUr to quarantine the lafectad tiSpioteuKiiit in the Grape ebapel clock
oooaiili in the teplaei^of the wei^ta
dUtilcta, _
bf a amaU eleeClc motor, thus ofaviatFATAL ERROR OF AN OFFICER.
ww«c a Megve neml te Oeaamil a
BeanaTfllc. Ind.. SepL U.-In War.
Ick ceuntr Ocorge Slaughter, a negro,
crtmlnallr aaaaulted Mra. WIU Jonet,
Thurnday Bight, and mnde bu fneana.
Slnugfater returned PiMar. Jamea Roh.
InaoB. a colored deputr aberlS. arreeted
him and took him to Hra. JoeM fer
IdentlScatlcn. When Mra Joace recoanlrcd him Slaughter
atartlog aod atoppliig
te the ordtearjr
OgaraUng elocka. 11m clock progea,
which, with the ke7taa(4, it Im
• amall room te tteimentle of
dteorr tower olock pgttero and dlffae
from thia only te the fam^tbat tba barlel OB wbiob the weigtata would or-
a B. BBOWW. AUecaey aad Owl
. Hotel Whiti^
Teavebse Cxtt, UlCH.
I Tliirs1ar, .0«gl»i 14. 1897.
Om Day Ooljr Saeh Monte.
OoBsoltetlon end Emnlnstloii Ftm cad Stxlotly
DBS- B a a.* CO dcTM* their at
XXT ^.tosi^AMcr^
soCwitboaltte see ef ttetoT caaeUc or Ua^vc. Caam ana te
■omn. Ai
To Yo^ng, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Tkoeewbe ate asshle lo esll css wrtu fall psrtiridan «f Ike
rrleoe of Victoria de Iki
It byeiprwea. vitb tall IbOrurtloas bow to be hkea.
Tbe Ora of Dtv. IL, S. * Co. was ibcorpoested eeTersl yvereel:
Bitted of SSO men. of whom Ut were elck
In the bonlMl. The place capitulated
after a heroic defenee. The coaunandanl with three oAeen aad eeveaty-flve
men marched out. taking with them the
Hck and wounded. The Inaurgenta fired
cannon ul the boapluL hllbougb 'be
flag of the Red Cvoa* Sedeir waa
hoiated ever It at the time Hany of
the wounded perUbed In the fibula. The
tarurgenu lott toe killed."
awcbedjH TeertUe CHmw
OeBtervllie. la.. Sept U.—Unknown
purtiea Friday night tiird to blow up
the air and eacape ahaft of the Star
Coal etanpanr'a mine at Rathbun. n^
here, with dynamite. A Aarg* of the
exploalve was faatened te the ladder ■uenm BXLr wfgpiao cucx j
Tbarefore Bettor than ai
close to the ahaft montb and eet
■tlMakea the rerr peraooe whe depte- with a tune. The charge
npon aa extcnrlaa at the hnaa
eaied thU dllnUoti have alware been
y «a. auppoecd aad
eh (he'‘'worka‘’ are r'w'Wd
itnel dcatroge of a tnoeb greater dilu
not '.forcible ebnugb
tion br the iaeur of pound doUd
damag^ The ^rpetratora have
mare or lev fiduciarr baeta I may
been diaeoverod. but a dltcbargcd miner wire belt tubI t^a
i^b mouuD
Motion pnlleyoB
dude br mrlDg that the eKpr<
the arbor or aha^ of the eaoapet
'oartaln Ammeatu' ii ararretr a I
ge«. whkb is ,-thos aolijwted i
derndptlon ed the eommtaaloBere DO
Storm lAke.
a.. Sept. U.-*lrorl atendy pnll.'Vnketiag to the ps___
Sdallr charged
• has not now and
Dwirgins aayi
b their difficult and o
never had any i
n Whatever with tee weights Id an ordinary clock. Every
the flmi of J. R. Willard^ Co., and movemast of the eao^iement allowa the
only business connection be ahaft to rotate the reqnired amooot,
■ntb hts nepfarwa Is that they and tee tcanltlcig movements of tee
DC time In bU employ. Re Is eloA are tranaaltted by light hoUdw
Ideot of the Storm Lake In- teaftlng to the tower clock diala A
bade of the propoaale
vcoimeDt company, He says hr owiu emn on tee minute shaft makea an alcodeUgalre ap|»arr to lie tbc withdrawal
one ahare of stock In the company trioal contact once a minute and aaods
Of the half eovcrelgc and the nbetltuI Is workl^ on a salary.
a current to a coutart diak on tbi boor
■eetrvr In ellver. Tble
•baft. The diak Is fomished with foor
o<u#h from the point
•. but It would be
contact points, which operate every
Fifteen compsnlet whose object is to
a werr oueetlonable poller unltee eoitte
boom (be Klcndyke bsve been Uunctaed qnaitcr of an '
walue of I er were apparent. _
The Cn-stsl Palace at Londoa. £ng,ta Chimes" barrel, which is te the lower
hot the d
If Germanr ehnuld
right hand corner of the clock. This
melting i
thalen. If rrwnre and ihV apaUe Of bolding a greater number
of people than any other building In the hanel isaimilartotbaaewbicbaie
More than IM.tOO can be ac- in a miKlo bov, being fomltbed wl_ _
tt ladUreopeDedtheJiiiDU.tbenltmlght
imber of pins which operate similarly
predeeiy t o'tiocfc Satsrday
be within the provtnec of the bank to
I ihveldtat HpKlnley at Somerset,
meel the euggeeUoDf of the Xmertean
touched a button here that opened
etmiDlealooera and the alleerlleu. But
the iBMtrt thr French govrrr.mert were the electrical exhibit of tee Clevriand era, hot aerve to lift a terias of i
to adopt Umetalllem the mlnletrr would expoaitlon.
aleoMo fc^ and past meemlve ...
be eTartbmtrtL The new goM dUcoeetlee
Tbc documented merchant marine of ranta throng a a«tes trf wIxm which
aad the fact tbet other naUona . . the United Suces on June » last, num lend up to the diimea te the bnlfiy.
aodptlng thr gold ftandard prove abun- bered t2.CB vessels of 4.7«».020 gross
Beneuth the ten hallt an plaond ten
dantlr the wtadoee of no departure from tons, an Increase of dEtOO tons over
powerful Bolenold magncH, one to each
June JO. im.
tte prenmt er*em te tWe cooDtry."
The steam schooner Bcnth Coast ar- buU. Eachef tbeaecoostati«f an iron
Ived at Port Ton neend. Wash.. Salur- nimatue. which hangt, whan tba magay maming from 8L MlcheaJ a Alaska, act Is Dot charged, }oa( within and
with tweeir-elx fasaengsri and about: nbova tee aolaBOid eolL When ten plai
I of tee rotntteg haml below strike n
Boatao. SepL U-6enator WIKUm P. ttto.OdViD gold.
It It reported that J. R. McNeil and • to,, . coireDl la pnmad through tea
Chandler, of N'ew Hantpeblre. tie
fj,. ttrntn•Iven tbc following letter to the Amo- Oeorge Hunter, of Willow creek. Hum- ftoepM "tiHB
pnUed vlolantlr down within
dnted Preet
i appeal to nil Republl- boldt tsoowy. Cal., have located a ledge ,
cana m meet wuh Joroa* wetcome the
ftrut atep EngUnd mar take towarda
NO. 9
Wmet^lW* ^ mrement eameeHr
SBd taalouel)' t«sun li>- Pretldent Hc- of Bmokly n. died te tee wm* bouse »Wch U tens onnaed to make cos almto
KlDler. in oUdlenee to the 8L IkmU from mn stroke. Kicbols wna serving tat every cootacL
. Lower pan ecatUatte'
pUUorm. wae qnkdtlr Joined br the
A atmUar mcobaiitonI to
I teal
teat abova
Preneb mtsletry. and the Joint proI daaeribed servea to throw In a
poaaU are being carefuUr and arrloue. cylinder or barrel at 9 o'clock every
; BMlIi I cabinet,
' I evnateg. which piays what ia known aa
wlth a reasoaBble prospect that Eo|- InvBcb-of-promlsr of marrlag
TitA tbs onifaw hymn, aod after tba hymn
land will reoia-n her Indian mlnta. will plalnUS U Miss Agnes Rlnch.
la played tee olock remains silent
Oove^or ■Ptegree has broken
' tero^ tee night, te order that the
pardon record by releasing eight oonvJets to one day. all of whom were aerv-............. I msty nwhedtatertad by
1 Ihe'Unlled lag long terms for serious oSeBsta, and teebdla
I. fourth'
. . .
In nddltico to tee ai
paroling two sbort-lerm ewnvlcta.
WMI as nlne-icntha of the people
The sensatloD at Chicago Is the elope ism for striking tea qnartar ofalmew tea
MI90ELLANEUD8 WANTS■ Turaday at J. C.
Fins Tan
India, dealre the Umetalllc sywtem. ment of Hiss JuUs Soper, daughter of a boor and playing tee onrfaw a separate
Vlaekh Bb
which BO much depends upon »«llsh wealthy family, with tee family coach kayboard ia providrd te the small
jMlp- This U'DOUme tor dlsortmloaung man. William Abramoftei. They were ; at
tea base of tee towar In whleh the
dutlea or deounclaiury demoeatratloiu manied. ao it le said, at Xenoaha. Wla.' ntoeBmnchaalamltlooatad.
agalBK any Europsac
s Erncet Hariman. aged U. killed Chaa teaboallka
•bould hanken alone i
I entreat WmeUl. Samone at Unity, osar Cairo. Ills. ~ '’ ^tc* tto taabicn of a lied organ, nnd
It Is naed avaty morning at» o’ototo
beard agaliiat
the peace. In which neltber was iDler- for playing a hymn topa by huMt. nod
tee engorged money leaden of New
at the lagnlar annday Mrrioan
bipldaat IlilOa.^^ Loave^6|W p. ^
Tork and Chicago aad their aobeement
Bob PltsBrnmoca la quoted as aaytegi' ^^‘***^
•1 «riu not fight Corbett agate ontll
^a^teaM*!^ anjtg^Mia^tA
makH a rcpuUtloa. Lwt Mm fight aome
iento. It will be a great place for fnn.
Washington, BepL Ik—Grant cnrioaKy one ctee. He quit like a ytUow cur on
Obo. DcBA^-n. U. P. A.
tee I7ib of teat Mamh: baoldaa I hnva
kdtnra of tee alaotee Lon- retlraa."
w fnUnrs of tea onr- Prepare to ottond Omnd TraToma
________ a Saturday morning that tee
First naUoaal prtoldml of tee Worn-! rant,
at the_____ ___,______
■apt.8I.to. to had 84.
Bank of BogtenO has rasclved to keep
_ Oto, Kn. K. nc.™c,,w»n,b.»«..*«.a
...............liaI Iraaii'vi te
• sDvar,
“ er, and
• aa
SI »i-~i «•*.
__________ 1 of tea move te eagerly
awaited. The aMtaUle money Hreute- was bom at LynnSald. Maaa, March
Uoa of the United Kiagdom te. aneord- n. uw.
te the last sUtemant of tec diraetor
The four-eterr a
at Sevanty- la tea oidlBaty tower ehlmw te tana
Gtui Ripldi»lodiiin E. I
i “•1 ‘“1 **“
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box leo.
W.P. ■erase*.
Attomaya at Uw.
OabeelBMawiagaentoek. Tntent Oty, Kite.
Au OdOnM S^KUliiU,
kB rive perasMBt t^rf.
Suttntos Iram say
Uieslr eoteteUsl.
______H XVD CAXt'gBS
curve wlibost edds, knife, pals or seer. Mew MthaOs.
CATABBH. New bone irestmcol. CseorpeseeC ssC ebesp.
OVABAN'TKE To core erery «e« ot Pyrpetwta. SWk needeete. Mek,'
Vans, and
eaped before Rot son could Interfere.
. ...|dg.r.«w
uS,"V" L?rr SVJ.5;'
« (0 .raicage..
1(o|fu WayiM
II (», LowUrfue
't^iiai. Lovle
bslasarrieeWe* aaetaeatU, Oraad Bnp^■l*f^|^B^OMS^£kplda.OaweM aad
^KaTtml^iaabeBnek eiTteasalimOa. m.
Chicago —
West Michigan.
r.n. IS. n.
-.n. k, B.
imsm inmnunra li
fcubsena«aas4v>faas«. US7,
atlODa'ctocka. m.
oono Bonn.
at the mlBL W0.00t.tee la gold and BaNnte atreet and tee niteols Centml
gUMOFtoO ta Mvar. This la gnvata- oheks. Chicago. coUapomL teroWisg
mmiitoeacy. Tbegold Ul^ tendertoaK' 'fenadrads of buabete of grain <m tec
surer te te^ tan«t no of ew BMwry.
_________ ______ . -__-i «< aU
•ona. altenngh it la not MBaBy totor.Aangaable with gold, and there have
- FmneeWaaas a Later Whom.
Parte. SapL tL>-The Itette, te an artl<te on the grate aupm aaya U wUi be
Bteeaearr to import dKttOAM ontetala
at wheat tele seoaoe an aaecnot at the
flattora «d (he erap The imptotatteB ad
tkU oaantJty of wheat wW^Md Mt,«MW Bnam (ohont IH.W.0M9 doty.
’‘^M^ohlma (BBStete of ton Mnaaly
baUa, tea Uigeto of white wtd^ nbonk
1.000 pounds and tee mnnlkst ISO
pOBndLandtosItikaaaQaetoBtlypowatfal blow on a fa^ walgUag a too nod
the n half taqalrea a ooBaideriWi amoam
oCtatte. As a aaWr od tet a pan to
entto batwaan thiaa and
y tter wisthir: eaotteasdhlte
Wtods. Per tawtr tan 1---- ------- — .... •ateU tea
gMla ounant ten tee dynmno to
Ihwwa an by Moaat at tba relay box.
white to nttotead to tea wmU od tea
tower. Iba dost od tba entrant te roato aattonatad at 1 ft-10
to freak matkwlr wl^ heaaiSt oSr Blto tea motor
•Dd tea oioek hm pnrcd
wmtetto. Pm has TkiaaWW 'witlkw.
r. BctimfUto
MitoWp wHheuI r^ esalksdr wteda te
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Ever Burned Out?
If anyooknow
a P. OA&TXB. AtoM.
ChyLomberOa.___________________ICBHI .
to'Loan I^SSdS^s
(tty faapsety.
PATOani * OBGXaBR, Attaenag
keCkUrekBdAldBrmwOoodrtob. bar
fa# (reeka be (riU be Jalaed by hU
dK OoBk. QtelUek. BueUkiKktel kkd
friend Alex. Maaoa. when they (riU
hunt deer toyether. Mr. Whi^p It
OMTieoa Ik (he •*rd»v!»»TbKt diBpoMd 9t the (Better ee (er e*
(rithont doubt the oldeat man ia thU
WILL BX AMXm the bill ««a lumerkti ead Aldermea nxnraro nArvus o» baxj. aootloD of the eoaat(7 aad hU q>iiyhVeAn z» KAimm 8uin»AT
WJ» Aoootnrr. OoodMeb bed eeored KM>th«r vtetory.
ab proverbial. Kotwithttaadlny
bU yenra be b MU hardy aad dmeribei
Dorisr the debeU npok the eeeepteaee ot the report AlderoMm Koate- ■netlara OotpUyod Oelta aad Vmpire hb oomlay trip aa a Uttb fan aad dlBalaa Xeeame Tee Backleea in Hia TontioB la the roaUac of areryday Ufagmt erred delay U eoittld«kUo8 of the
aad epeddeatlma kstU the epaaDaettfaBa-Whaa ^t Oonld XaelfaBd peopleooBldlook deeper Ute; dnia tt Mo XMyer He Xamoaatrated
the (rater qoeaUoe. Be arf^ that^ ana Waa AMoltad-Thea There
Xam at Maple OiW ZleMroyed by
(re bare a oyetatt of (raterenerkt
Waa TrenbU.
Tire and One la TrauetM City
ruai meat U dlqioaed of ftnt, baforai
Ibe prlaMpal featarc of Buaday-a
asythlar wae done aboat another,
Tteuvy ftt ttemMtfaref tha «ou«U thoerh he waa not yet prepared to ex- baU yame ia Haaieteo waa a amaU About twpo'clock yeatordar moraiay
tmi Ba«lM<r BatUr wOl’ be praaa himaelf one (ray or the other at
a aarere .tala, thunder and aleetrb
of the klathiaAny: Mayniu (raa at
Mked Ik rwpeetfnl
fkikiab kb
bataadamayireahlibaaaonballe by atorm rbl^ed tbb oaetion and left eoniU^aed aUtMBMt *f hta eh»r(ae for
kt be (rat not
alderabla damaye In Itt (mke. At
Quioa. who (ma umpirlny.
dikWlkc Ibe plkki Kkd epedflcktlokK
I the plana <
Mapla aty the barn on the farm of
TUk'wm whkt Aldermin Ocedrieb aonroe propoeed, and that If be could claimed that the deeUioaa oa all four W. H. QrowaU wna atruck by Uybtnlny
BzfBd Bpee tbe eoBseU »t the UM be eonrlneed that they (rere aU ri|d(t
and bnmod to the yrouad toyether
tBfkUr BBMiB«,
and Beat bay the proper aonroe. be
with all ib oontanta of bay and yrala.
•MtlMBt IB (roold work aa bard aa anyone far the Bant tbok^t that Quinn mada a dam- Tbe farm (rat oc<c«pl>d by Adolpbua
atrike him akd>olAed
-taear of thatoeoraa. Thai
him aamy with hU ylOTod band. Boom Mewmaa. who lti*Tf it from Mr. Crowu laat nl(bt. bat Mr.
At praabnt the (rater (rbrke problem
of the Manlatee player* raehed to the aU upon ebarm. and a tlllrd ot tha
Ooodiich had hla (ray. aayboar.
la abalvad aad Ita fatare eo tar aa the
eoene and OleaBOB kicked Hnnt. Bant yratn la tbe bam wna owned by Mr.
When the report of the epecdal (rater
plant are ooneemed'b e matter of
retaliated by atriktny Urn. Tha crowd Crowell. Tbe lorn b not lam than
workaeottnlttea waa Introdaoed there eenjoetara.
nabod oa Uu field and it teok the unit $1,000. Tbe bam (me Inanrad In the
eraa eonalderable diaoBNlea ea to
ed eflorto of both teama to protect Fbnnera Mutual Fire Inaumnee Co. for
(rbether the adoption of the report
A peUUoa from Front atrept boainem
$300 and Mr. CrotmU bad berndae, $100
(roold Man that that oonrae (roald tea for a cram (Talk on that Btreet to Bunt from tha Infariated mob. The Inauranoe npon tbe eentMta. Mr.
Und the ooancU teaeoept the plana. bo laid at a polat abont half way bo- aheriff and aereral daputlea wen oa Newman'a loea b total.
'U (raa dnaUy oeaatned that end a eeea Om atraot aad the noxt oroiMny hand aad did yood eerrloe. The whole
Dnrlny the atom a bam balonylny
affair laeted only about lire miautea.
ooarw (Tonld a» bind the board. .Then lat. (raa yraatod.
to Jamea Marrin. on tbe Weat Side.
when quiet (ma reetnred and the yame
on ttotion of Aldcrvan MoBtacne the
atruck by Uybtnlny and badly damTbaoommiiteaonatreoU and walka
ibport (raa reoeired^nd filed and it >aa Inatrneted to derlm meane for bat
ayed. A boroa atandiny near tbe apot
Sereral membera of tha Manlatoe whare the bolt entored waa nnlnjured,
(raa the aenae of the eooneU that the ter drainnye on Front etreet at -the
team bad prerioualy uaed vile laaynaye while another in a more ramota portion
plana and apeififieatioaa i
Wbltisy Hotel.
aldemd at a fatare tlM.
u- KeUy waa aov to BnatandheatooditokUl patience of the baildiay. reoairad a eerera
be a rlrtae. Be did not at ahoek- The probable moaa of tbe
Before thh aetiok. borreeor, Alderto ptorpeet for yraTe) npon
MB Ooodrieh introdaoed a rMolatlon tha propwty of B. A Pratt, and the tack Quinn and atimek ao one until be aboektotbe horae (me that It (rare,
(ma aamnltad by Oleaaou. then ba very nboea. wbUe the other animal did
^ totheefleettkatMr. BafteroboaU be
Btreett and (ralka
roperly aaoerted bimacll
> reqaired to fnmttb a bfil of itenia of
The yame iteelf (raa eaaOy won by
hM ebaiyea. ao that the people
the puatlei*. who ^t Bobb freely,
kmam arhero the money tor the plana
fire raaa. and fielded in eplen- DaUy of Um Afternoon Train on
had been expended. Be referred pardid
ft I. Dna U aa Aeelda&L
ttfSlarly to the Item In the blU of $14«
aort that ia charactariatic of Maaiatae.
J^TkUread fare and expremed-e. which
Tba O. B. A I. paeaemyer train, due
Adama mada a (rondarfal oae-baae- hen at l:t0 yaaterday afternoon (ma
. ho claimed to be laimalre.. Be qnolod Be Deeidad Imet V}yhtand»atea Here
ed atop and r—**•*-* in a doable play
delayed thrm boura by an acetdent oa
/ the rate of tare from bora to Boeheater
Oanoeled-Another Team 'WiU
the alath innlay.
and oeeld not make oat that the total
the mala line at Milton. Tbe northPUy Hera Thla Week.
Parka played la yreat form, noKrith- bound tmla ran Into tbe rear ead of a
woDld amoont to mete than aboat $17
Baaa baU aa tar aa the Colta aad itaadlny the erreia bkaryed to him.
frelyhl and damayed tbe paaeenyer.e
srhqeach (tay. (rhlle the b|ll oborred a
Watkiaa pitched a moB«erful yw
yiae. Tbe paaceayara (rere
. eharge of aboatfm. Aafor the ex- BMfienareooaoeraedlaorer for tbU
w at Icaat. The fnUowiny fale- allowiny bat three bita.
ahakea op but noae injured.
pfMaci. Mr. MUUkea ot tl^ oommlV
BuUer made a fine runniay catch of
tee ex^lned that the inatramenu
Georye X^der baa returned to bb
fly la riybt field.
aiaed by Mr. Baft0 (reie <rery dellceU explaint Itadf#
Wheeler'a .borne ran kit la the eer- ume la Vlekaburf after a rbit aritb
and were peeked in qalte a laire box,' 3. KxHox—Dhectoia in acatioo no(r,
Can't aee oar (my clear. Bare decided eatb lanlny ^th two oa faaaea aad the bb een, Dr. Snyder.
and while the exprme cbarrea miybt to dUbend.
J. E. Knxxa*(.
ooore a tie (ma reaponaiMa far three
aeom U^. they were not ia tbu ioPrepare to attend Omnd Traveiee
Manayer Keboe U neyotlatiny with,
aad perhapa, the yame. BUtwoOookty Pair. Sept 91, 89, 98 and 94.
a Grand Rapidateam U play Thunday bayyar tbkt bit the fcace. cam
LTben there (raoa reneral dUcamhm and Frida;' Inaioad.
beiuy a borne run alee. .
apon the meriu df the MU. (dhicb U
There are a tarye number of fan* in
Watkiaa bit hard, makiay a twoB1TS9.SS. and of thia amoaat $0M baa thia city who beliere. aad judyiny from
aad two aiaylee la four timea
been paid. TbebUleraa dlaeoieed on the laat few yamee played, there U bayyar
at bat.
baeikeaa prinelplea *a ooarteay to the yood reaaoo for it. that had the three
Hoot aad Hulbalao bit weU.
^eelaloommUtee. Alderman Moatacne yamea., achednled for Wedneeday.
The Coltt mada two ruaa la the flret
bellorad that
« prinelplea ahoold Tbureday aad Friday, been played, Inniay. Bayuet reached fint oa field
apply to mattm ot a mdnielpal aa well (hat the Huatlera would hare Ued
er‘a ehoiee. Bebaa (ru bitb y a pitchae prirate natare. bat in tUi Inaiaoee Haaiatee In tha number of yamee ; ed balL Hayaea aeored oa Buna' aiathe men whooompoeed the eommittet played. The yamea now dtand, woe. ; yle aad Behan oa a paaaed baU.
were Mtlxena of Interrity and whoae ManUteelti HoBtlerBS. Perhapa there
Two more for Maalatee ia the fifth
tntereet in the city (raa aa freat ea any
ia method ia the aeUon of the ColU' OB a ainyle by Bobb and Oleaeonb hit
. member of the eoanML The (rater
manayoment attar all.
rer the fence for four taaya.
work* matter had been left U their
to the meantime the Huatlera had not
haada and they bad performed aa exbeen idle and had yot teyethar four
oeUent and dlffiealt work: therefore be
rona. Two ia the eeoond on errora by
deemed it aa aetaf dlaoeerteay to qaeaand Bayaaa. one iu tha third
tien the actt of the oommitlee io lacar. William Horn aad Anna Has
two two-beyyem by Watkiaa and
Weddad Boaday.
riny the MU for the plana after the
M Pepobr OMaorr.
William Kora aad Anna Handrlcka Wheeler, aad one ia the fourth on
-oiBBeU bad left the matter in their
BnaVa elnyle aad Hatl'a doabla
ere married Soeday afternoon
haada. The diBoaaeien became warm
ana were atade by ellbar
and Mr. MoBtafai did not heelute to l:SO. Tha fier. Beckemlar of the GerLuthema ehureh performed the aide uatU the aerenU. wbea'tha Huat
My that the aetioo propoaed by Mr.
lera earned three.
Goodrich. oBder the elreumeUBcea (raa oeremouy. Pmok ilunlk and Mary
UdU Binyled. Park* war. atruck c
a rofiectlon epon t^ Integrity el the Baafk were tha wltaeatoa.
by the umpire. Watkiaa kit for e baee.
Ltft ereoiny about fifty
membeiaof the eoSmIttee.
Then Wbeeler. (^ib two atrlkea oaUad
Alderman Deamoad declared that Eern'a oommdce of the Hanaab Rlflae
on him. and thlakiny he mlyht juat aa
whaterer the eoaneU ahoold decide called at tbelr aew hoaia ea Waabinywell Uke a chance, reached for a wild
aboat 4f-T->dt-y an iumiMd bUl it ton etreet and preaeoted the ba^y
pair with a beanUfol BUrer battar dish ona, met it equanly on the i
aent it orei;.tbe left fence aeorimy WatBaftar'e blU and that the------------- aad knife. LieoV P. C. Gilbert made a kina. Hunt, aad himaelf. Boom:
(my to do would be to pay the bill aa few happy remarka aad the boya all
; amoked on Willjam and bla brida.
racommended by tha —........
of a Mmllar
AldermBB Jabraua
It would
Xerlval At Maple Olty.
mikd, tboai^ be ooasiusrau ..
Tbi* department wUl be nuder
be a food thlay to bare tbe itema. but
Her. L. B Lupto* of Luptoa. Oyetbe eficlent auperrblon of Mr.
bad been looked after by * ata oouaty, pamed thrauyb tbe city
T. A. Cboela. formerly of Bey
• e of aMi and ------- -------City, who I
* -■------- ---------yaaterday aa rouu for home after eontXMrienee
wbo had tbe iatoreeU of the daetiay a aerie* of emayelbtie i
taUoriuy bni tea* (awd^ bi
at beart kkd be waa aatbfiad to ae- lay* at the Frleada ehoreh at Mapla
an artbl la bbI Hue.) We do a
aty. Mr. Luptoa baa been doiaf emabMiUt* la yuamuteelay m^dHiprT- Ooodriah referred to tbe yalbUc work ateadUy alao* early laM
iM^t the peOfOa would IHce
May aad b now yolny bom* for a rmt.
know whether Hr. Bafter wno eharr Ber. Borrard Moor* of tbb dty b eaclothlay w are mte
Uf farthatbaabaerHalMciaBoebea- dearortay to pemoade him to letum
that it (riU be on* <
ter kftw kb imtvbit. At tbb exMayer Cbvb areae aad atated that be
«Mld kol allow aueb Ikfaraaeei to ye
WUlerd W. O. T. V.
uMballokfad.' Ba Mated that the
The WiUarU W. C. T. U. (riU meet at
time Hr. Xalttr wae siok waa aot laeladad la tbe MU, bat oa the other the Second M. B. ebumh tbb after
baad Mr. Bafter bad daTotadaoaakler- nt l:M. Important batiaem b to be
•bfa tlma torwhiekh# bad mad* ao totttoctod aad every mambor b r«qumtod to maka a apeelal aCort to be
Membera are requMted
fenlday of Itomliad Mila. Mtymto roU eaU with
Smith romlnded AUarmaa Goodrich
aalaaan Ooanty’S VetoraaHaa Gone
' ttetwhaatheLadtaytOBoatiBOarwaa
To Hant Xtoar aad Z^nx.
btaoykt bera by Mr. Goodrich and a
afSSo proMatedto tha aouanU
Daa Wklppla, Leelaaap oonaty'a P>»aer and votoraa of t(ro wais, wbo
tbof* waaBothlayaaMbythatyaattaOdOKO. Bept ll.-Whaat-S*i
■aa about as ttambadbfU. Aldormaa ber.MKa: Daeambar. MKXiie; May. la«^ only thruayearaof pamlny tbe
itary mark, kae loot Uttia of hb oldOooXifahmlAthataraadUfaiaak Than
time viforaadhaa embaricad upoa a
Mayer Smith allndod to aaothar bUl of
Octs Soptomber. tSXe: OM
SM artifah wae once paid by the vUlay* MXei Dtoembar, «lXe: May,
baatiay aad trapplay axpodltton to
mrflbv afalo by tbaolW oad BOthlay
Oato—Septomtaer, iSXe; Oetober. CMtppewa eoaaty ia tba *nw penlaaula.
Be left yaMarftty aad bb
(*ao mU about Itom*. Tklay*
MX*; Dtembw. lie; M^. tika
Btioa b to d'erote moM of tbe
mr, SAU; Oetobw,
tima bafara tha daor
la ImMaf wnlvm aad lynx, apoa
hHUt CMHx U4 Mut M)«.
wHA than b a bouaty.
ta a lttr(«Btax.PHMr**kak.
onroxAX. papxb
mm DF UEBTliilG.
i n
!! 15 51!
A Week
‘‘Old Sol” with his rays did some tall scorchioff.
The crack wheelers did some marvelous scorchitig.
. Down in our ofRce we did some creat scorching—
Afi a result we have some greit hatpins to oRer
inTabletsand Pencils....................................... .
ToyetyoodOoode. Blab Tableb are tha hoM on tha mar^ and POST you HO MOBS than othara. We hare
He# Idea fuliion ghetb far Oeteber Ho# Hwo.
Whatever Tour Taste May be
We ShaU Suit it
' Cape or Jacket^
For Fall or Winter. We’ve the line of Ladiee’ Wniw
of the city. Choicer etylee or Fabrica not to be seen;
kB Little prices on dependtble qaalitiee, nowhere else to
behad. If yon get it here, it*Ube,^igfat......................
Reliable Dry Goods, CarpeL and Clothing House.
..We Still Lead..
Notwithstanding the general
depression in ^the milling
business, we are having a.
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....
flour. Send in
A Few Pairs left and they go at
Om DOLLAB a Pair.
8i«a6J,6.7.7i. 7i7|. Good
for Bicycle Bidera, Driving and
Genaral Weu.
A Ooinine Uocha and told
fonnerly for tL60.
“T. J. HOST,
Se tin jist racelnd la intirLlm Uu of....
Ladies’ Well and Turned Sole Shoes
Bast Axsortmeiil of SCHOOL SHOES
in the clt7, xt-------
tWATUMS cny. j^MICHlgAy
9mm T.' Batu un> 3. W. BAxxn.
«. W. BAmM. Mitar ud Mm«v*
S.;r^zsr. . . ■
TnWM atjr.
AT • 9oe|»l-De»eer»cy «eeU»f in
Ohlaro Bnndny there er« n moetmiam
mt Ineendinry epeMhee empued in
«rhkh the Bnyurkel eddreeMi we
MK MnwUoni. IbeMBUaMBt 'en«t«Uy upreMed wee that the pnUoee
«( tteriehehonldberedoeed to eebee
mmi thntthelorohebealdbethe ey»Mol of ilberty. One enffer edroento of
- Iheee eominendnble Ideee nrred thet
twenty aeiUioneiree he UUed «o etone
tv the dentbe of the vlnen whe were
•hot in PennaylnnU. Prompt menenrw by the CUoK» nnthoriUee to eoppreee tbk tiimmt wiU meet irith the
ny«rcT»l of nil Uw nhldlnf dtlaene,
1Mb Penneylennin nnd* eorrepp
Inc eonl minl^ dirtrleu here dedded
toneoepttneeSwitmte. Why oonld
thii not here been eeeompllehed be'
nenriyneeoreafhBBnnUvethnd \
merltoed> Hm nte nr>«wl'npoD will
he n mntorlnl admnee nnd eonld enelly
knee been decided npon eeeeml 4nye
bet it wee not notU the blood of
hnmnn- lo&nn bnd bew ehed thnt the
Vnbbve ome renlUed wbnt the etrar
A UDT U Grand Bnpide wae iwtone
ly injiuad in a bicyole ooUMknr The
riiiHB wae that a yosne man wae ridlac ea the wianc eide of the toad,
•nek as aeeldeat hne not ysl bnen rw
norded Is Travene City, hat aniam
rand ralw are sun etrtotly obnereed
W. X Thaekv hae •
e and the total nnmhv
mow ihnwe AOU nhUdren of echnal aye
iathedlyDr. A A. Oaten, whe reoenUy morM
hare bom Bmdra. bee Ipneed tbe ofiw
tn the Maeonie block, in the rear nf
Ibatoonpiedby W. P. Baieha.
Jaeob Eoehlv ofOilcaco. who ie rleiBac X J. Motcan. hue ebartoewd the
yacht Udy Watu fv two daye and hne
inritod A par^ ol frtonde to Mioy the
eport with him.
Frank Bvbert the IS monthe old
•am of Mr. and Mra. D. B. MeMoUen of
Femtnenla, died Sanday of Banralalaaa.
The faaeral will be held at the h<
tbb afternoon at I o'clock.
Iniarmast In Oakwood.
C A. Barkv, formvly (Bimelpal ownV of the Tneeiae City Lnmhv \lo.
MW of (Xleeco. peeeed thrm«h the
nity Bnndey OB hi* way from BnetJertetoCUeaCd. Mr Barkerhuahipprd
ftom hie mill at Bohemi
Jordan. l.Dto.WO feet of h
bvand i.MO.ooo from ethv polnte In
who hae heea raanlnc
n toala on the mala line of the G. X A
L dnrinc the bnay rneort eeneoa,
antamed to renme hk pUee ne
Ametvon the Traeetae City bemseh.
JBM temily. who hare hana epnmilnc
thn ni------- at Grand Bnpide, ^ BapIte and MaekJaaw. altoraatoly. have
tokvi (--------•- of their reeidenoe on
^ who had been
Mra: W. G. Lni
Jv thn pmet few woeke in all the laicr
BiUinery eonton picklac oat the vaam
^ «a.ht«na and eiylee in hv line of
If r_
^emnhyhvmkece, Hvtonv MunaeU,
ml Ha|rir'“- MtaX. whe wUl rielt wiU
Mta Oer**^^ Vndv wamt to Grand
"^’c/S»d»rJtontteHra*klvt yaepriaa Minnie ChrroU arrived home
XMCbkngeonthePatoakny Sunday.
Bnlph Banttan ^ yantenfoy fv
J.__to eator tbe Agriealtnral Ohl-
^ hB pw—w* fwWwiiw
B^. «. W. toltk-crfiki BM(»4 M.
B. eb«r«k mi Bw. Mr.
ol Norttp«»t, l*n y«tw*»7 W •tt»4 Ibt M. B.
MfttefWM iB
Mr. AUm
«M MOMputed by bl» dfcufbMr.
W. C NelMw. BdlMr «( the LmUuv
EBUrFtoe. .reUiraed yeMerdey troea
A the MtloMl O. A. &
Bevy Onkloy Hne Viewed Aaonc
r Lombemen Thirty Tenrn.
Open the eloee of nnriceUoB the
Urge InmW firm of Bitienbooee A
Bmbree of Cbtoi*o,,wUl eloee thdr
jHeeob ofBoe In tbU dty. Beniy Onkley tbe TeUrnn Iwnbv tnepeetsr end
hoyV hee bnd ehnrre of the boelnev
of tbe oompeny on thU ehore iv three
yenm. nsd when hr vreio hU oonneotiv) thie fell be will eaek n ehort reel.
Mtiee in thnt teenltty.
Mr. Onkley hne been in tbe InmW
neee In thU loenlity fv newly
thirty yenre nnd enjoye the dietlnotloD
•Tnopele of Whnt M to oJwur Here of beinc the fnthv of hnrdwood lornnapeetion OB tha thorn. Bevme
Chundny When the D. 0. X. X. .
tsnlatee bom New Tvk euu in
BfanU tnke Poeeeenion of OityThe Knlchu of l-ythlne held e awetr IMS nnd alsw thnt time hne not
been'Idle n eincle dny. Be hne held
inf ieet nicht to fmrthv the nrmnfnImporunt poelUose with Iniye Inmbv
menu for {he niOTtinc of the D. O. X.
K. w be held here IhBPedny. At the
ofnetorerein MnnUiee. nnd tome
Bepide end elnbornu nmneevenle nre in procrene nnd n -bennUlnl of the Inmber bnront of thet plav
were bnrd wvkere by the elda ol Mr.
U belnr iwned for the
Oekloy yenre tea and there is not n
of the
i-e-« of timnd Bnpide wlU be here nnd lombv denlv in tlwKvtl^w
tbe pnrty wfU somber nbont MO. The dM not hnow the p^lnrtinapcetv
nnd like him. He U rMMiied na tbe
proemm will be nbont ne tollewe:
After the 100 w.MO v MO Ambnw hMt patted boyv dad ine^tv in Uia
end of the etnu. and baeldet hie hoelfrom Qmnd Bnpide nrrlre nt Trnreree
ehrewdnaea he hne many fine perif nt nbeot lhe>oor of * p. m. on
Bonnl qBnlltiae which oinke him hoeU
.jsndny. the toUewlnc wiU he the
pmenm: t;0u to'*:00p. m. drireei »:» of trtesiM. Mr. Oakley may dedde
ianva TmTOrea Ci^, na he hat n v
p. m., bnelneu meetlnc. Stelnberc^
fvtnble home in Mnnlatee. and ahosid
opem bonee; S:M to ^to ^ m. Isttinbe anenen in bselsaae deew
tlon ol enndldntee new work, new fMtbteode here wUI with him well and resree; 11:00 p m.. hnsqoet (end eeeh n
fenei): l;00 n. m.. tnln etnrtc tv
evdlal eoelal aatnre.
Utsnd Bnpide. Tke Fbrentere of TrneM aty hnve donnted their hnll tv
Thentrieal Xoua.
•ndqnnrtere. On tbe ttnin e pnilv
The ilocle of the "BuBch of Eeye" ie
r wUl be proTided for the indlw who
heaid and the poatere toll ae It will be
np eeeempnsy the enmmn.
av StalBbariTe Grand an Moaday ereBThe basqMt procram wUl be:'
lt>C. Srpt- Mth. What a merry ekit it
Votary M. A. Aldrich of Grand Bapldi. la. Whet aiaeic, what nimble feet and
(Be b an expert pietol ehot and ie what pretty faceearealwayepaft and
pareel of tbe eqalpment of thie <
,Tvee Oito Qaartot
..............By al^ro dertal ahowl Menaev Bothav eeerA Vew Bemarka.............
Grand Chaneeliv Dan
an P. M^allea, ' haale the pley erery eeaaoa. he pate is
Cheboycannew BQOC* i^hieh inrarlably are whb(LimiUd to two hoara and ala mlsatoa) Ued by the aoeall boy fv tbe balaav
A Fanny 8^ ■. ■
^ a Hus '
of the year. The BoUl Offiv ie thoroachly eerobhed and a new rerietor
'^Otaad B^da.
plaeod Bp0> the deak. Of ooniw he
By an Arab oanBot part with Teddy, fv ehanainc
Grand Prolate A. P^Besnett, Bic Bap- Ade Bothav U a Btor.
M mmn raoBMw.
too lone tar
(Match hetwenaaniiah
tad time.)
City Man
he certain folia
1 In UU neitona
eomedy arc ebaacinr clothea attondanU wUl wator the camels. (Lookout
fv tbe care when the bellrinca.)
lha mmmittoee are:
Parade—B. X McCoy. M. X BoUey.
Jamas Harchle, Charlae B.
C. A Pbeipe.
BansMt—F. G. Benmana,B. W. C«na. C. S. OaTie.Charlee D. Meabr,
Masic-A. B. SoIUday. O. C. Ugrtf,
A. W. Bickerd. W. X Loomla. C. K.
BaU and Deonraltone-X C Comp
ton. X X Van Flvt, J. Ki
Plnanee-J. T. Hannah. M. X Oatoa.
G. X BnlUdny.
BnecoU**—X X McCoy. F. Q. Hammamn. X B. BoUMay. X C Compton,
J. T. Hannah. ____________
W Ftm OnUTvy Oarriara WiU Take
Place OetohvRth.
An enamlBaUan fv the paalUone of
Olarim and earrien fv the Traverto
dty poet olBv aadv the b«a deltwy
^um wUI be held aatarday. Oetobv
9th at » o'clock In tbe mominr. The
enmlnatiOB will he Uchanre of a leeal
elTil eerrlM board, of whlsh Oamr
FHedrieh ie aeeietaiy. The pcMtkwe
are open to any one wbo wkhM to apand can pace the examlnatlona
can eeenre bianke and faU
e by addraaainfOaev Fried
rich, thie city.
Jy. »
I Settled in the
Private DU
Xing Hear the Bmrecy Sunday.
A Igbt to n flnleb took, tdace ne
the brewery. In Blmwood. Sun^ be
tween Jv Bokae and Jndc SheSv.
both of Lealanan coanly- IMve hae
bean bnd blood between the two for
come Umc on aaeonnt oi eome trontda
wbleb oeearred nt n danv a while
The men tnaUy decided to eettU
feed In the rlaf and
*tteiwA«ary mf
to cMtliW to
«MF. tatanet yaa
■araBomt To Oignfon XaiHB Thin
there WiU be a MseffiDg ihM aranlag
nt •afokmktatharnamm «f «M Imel■va mdlati. llMemhkmk.to.|^tom>
tv an ladapMdamt local toot baU ta
la the game
---------- mmayhepnU dvlac Sep
tember with an nddiUonnl foe of one
fvedleetton. O*. all tnsae
rweeuiieC nnpdUOetobvl. 1W7. there
will beewcod a penalty of two pv
eeat. Iv oolleetlonOav in Remld Bnildlac. Me. lit,
Proat etrcel. Boom t.
Mnxiooui WiBvin,
City Treneaimr.
Dated Sept. 1»V 1M7.
The Berkshire Pantt are warranted not to rip. and •
we aythorize the merchant selling them to make eur
warrant good, viz:
Prepan to attend Grand Tmvane Ooon^ Fair, Sept. Bl, 88.
83 and 84.
By pnyinc yon ll oaato fv eneh Ssepesav
^ BetMmihnteomaaoff; OOeanlelftbeWaieibnBdrlpe: venewpniriftheyripaleewhve
within two awnthe from date of tola.
$3J)0 e mentti
The above make of psnts merits the d^ntiDD of
every pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
pricM $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50—they are made in a Variety
of patterns—ask to sec them.. ^ .
Hamilton Clothing Co.
> cilBlr. MOB ct, Br« Bici
pawl VbUtBc.
One SolTd Week
BBUiSBiuMair.^rM^^r^- o*«* '
Little Governor
Cittnk, Chronic aod
Printe Diseases,
r'.3i?.dS -
Littie Captain
^ Boys’ Suits.......;
rBtafTh tar I! jamnoBe wee laefBa WJ ■
et>ewUBe4wa««mdB«eaV wheel ww
i> ea roar leei *i»t< la ttB«eree
Improt* tha era weak mmi
Bow.atw?«olr iwe'w"B«bB' u
thuerrh aa« W MBW4 baU ImwIIt
caomltunoBsUr it U • polMathai eiUi
ve tke Rest rnulMai.
now on sale
and the price is jwithin the reaeh
Sf'i.'s.i's of ail. at.........
X«r.«BS IWHUtr, nwM ootoiw ii W tae IM.
Wa hB^e B^r^rn
»e the wens
■ BoibiB« BBC amp eave
>ar lift
'Sshiv iteeiairei »laww b<
THURSDAY. SEPT. 16. *87.
ra<e uriB* ' -...........
On aceouat ol tae Emmet Connty
Fair and the G. A. X BeoaioB.
W. M. By. wUl eell Uckete to Hay 'rniiATnnKT. ;
view and retom on aonva dele et |l 00
from Trarerae City Traie will leaat 6.-M a. m. and arrire at i'etoehey at p a.-a> wtu
V:uu. Tbe rrand parade will start at wbOBi wr traawr
10:00 o'clMk. Special uala will Uare
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store.
tiko. DbEavch O. P.
Go to the Liao Barber Shop for hair
euu and baths. It eeatt each.
Still on Dkik ^
at the (Md Stand.
G. B. A I.
Tie Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, jnst west of
Grand BantdeA
. .
A Indlaba
Bailway wUl
Grand C^ra
ll Fdi
mn the aaaaal
FaU <ennr^ to tbe Steinberg's
abore mentionnd
Sa.00 Detroit. House, and presents the best
Bidinuad v Jm Croeae and retnra,
St 00 Chicago and ratura. ~
line of good goods cheap to
«UI be eatd tromal) etaii
be found in the city.
inaw City to Big Baplde.
good going ealy on apaeial ualne
of Sepuuber mh. and good re
turning on regular tralua aatU and indudieg Ooobv (‘th. 1‘aMengen may
atop at Kalamazoo. Grand Ledge and
Holland, v polnU south v eaat there
of. on O. B. A 1. By.. C. A W. M. B'y .
V D., O. B. A W. X B . and Uckete can
W. J. BOBIM8ON. MtoK«<-be made good retaratog from each
pcdBtt. Through eoMtaM will be ran
to the eeveral daallDaUeBa For time .
of epeciel waine and fartbv Infcrma- '
Uon coasolt Q X A I. Uebet a
C. L. Lockwood,
G. I*. aadT. L .
Grand Baplde. Mich.
Enterprise Groceir,
brimming full of
Bq^udlw. ot tdnnc i. .11 li... om prion «. lo«r thu oyer.
Todiy .. u. oSaiitg Speoltltiw In oar ChUdnniV CSotblnc Dqil.
We Offer, While They Last,
A Child'. n«t Sail, (rom 4 h> 14 ,»,A fc,.............................. $ .78
A aloe bUi* .»d bln. Oh«iol SniHor...................................... | .38
Anlo.h«,joriorilg™,8.dUor................................................ ,.68
A.io.ChincbilU IWtorfor.................
A ebUd’. Arirnbu Brafer. in nriona riuden, lor.................... 1.98
Afinn».finUhedWor.l«iR«ter8.1hha.d.o«.lrbndd«i,lor 2.26
Childrin.'. Union BneePa.!. lor........................
Childreo'. nioo benrj Wool Pool. lot....................
Wo hnro lood. of Clothing in Um dq»rbn«>t nod u Sno
„ Ibnj n»k. tb«n. b.tU»prio« .r.tbelo.»ton«rUL
We call p.rtionlnt attention in out Shoe Depnrttn«it to
Suits to Order.
Our Line of School Shoes
Stciiberfs tiud Open Bona
Uonday, Sept. 20
The Monarch of Farce Oomediee
ouaca gloem in tbe pcManee of a vowd
of eyvta and ethere not m aparty.
aoaie of wboat were c< Tracene City.
The aemn did na laat lamg. hoitorv.
aa Bokaa kevkad Shelter oat in the
eeeo^ round by a torriU# Uow la the
n^ There wae no aeriona barm dohe
^ it la Buppoeed that the friendly
feeling between the two Ie re-vtoh-
Vottoe To Vsnpnyefn.
lac the aenth of BepUmhef. IMT.
from • oMlook to ll:»ee'olook a. m. and
from t oMloek to « oMloek p. m. and on
'----- ireAlnce from 7 o*elvk to 8;M
> M isl thU bmbUi. and
What 1 “ • •
H. W. Bvrtacton. ooaaty agent of
tmdaanu ennn^. wat In the dty yaeSvday-''
jwaw rwapboll and A C Deeprea. who
Mta Cbtair> «
atoamhnrga UeheX _____________
AUm If. 001. ratwwd an the barge
FOOT XAXA xxxmra.
'’aMvM X W. Jahrana wlU Mnw
today fvanaxtondadtrtp to Caanda.
AuSable aM ethv polsti am
K^nuB LmDxm arwiox
Lmteet aad Brnt ffiagfog. DaaelBt>
mad Barleaise Pastaim
Beato m MatBe>OBm
Friday Moeulag.
PnmsfSJS-SD. Rohm Ite
The Boston
Fire Insurance. Olasa Block.
-fog, TBB apTBL.)
M Oi m Attt Imitti
Trade in tbe largest storm where tbs yarielF is big and
the priees tbe lowest
•y OF SAFETY....
We Can Save for You
m /1
Fioi^ 10 to bO Par Ow»t on EBLIABLB POpTWBAB.
Wears closiiig oat at Cut Prices 8846 Pairs of onr Best
■ Ptagroo * Smith Shoe, totd Oxford, in BI«* mtd Tmts, to
make room for our Mew Stock ot Coin W C.& emly before
the best sites are taken.
118 F»kt Stebxt, Wowbdpg Blooc,
' Tissm n Him
Sotti BeMMAnVmteoM
|To« Onlr imMiv War (b» Vaim
T«rk, 8«pt. 1S.>^ »{«atkl U
H«»U ttom V^aiiliyoa mjk
Vf tU« tiiB« ntiM tlM trMtj of
-------- i.y
HkwkUM telMda to tb«
Okttod BUtM. Thta MMrUoe wu
Mte toj torio M. TiHlIOtOB. U «hBIg«
e( tt«
to um OalMd bum*.
Tksnton atU U*l tbt B»wmUu mmI»
tOMMkblo SootanWr
MB M UMt brfjr «• tMiMimoBO
tka UBuation. U 4«Bbti«i i»t
tt« MBUattoM tra»^. Jo*t balor*
«ajooni»Mt of tte tesM* iMt 7«or
Jalat tMolvUoa wm odoptoB asul*
awttily ^aeUrlar that tb« BawaliM
It k beUared ia mdnOBiatfatloo dr>
alaa that tba affaet of tha traat; by tba
Battaiiaa aamat* will ba as tsflo
M Ma aanben of Ibe Ualtad SUtM
mm^ wboaraaowUdoabt whatbar
til that te BOW aaeaaaarr ia tha api*ea•t of that body.
Bnraott or THB ovsar
' Smdarad Barrla O. Taylor, »atirtas
KlBiatar to 9p^ •
Baa Sabaatiaa. Sapt. IS.—Batlriat
Caitad Butaa MlaUfar to Bpala. B
O. Tbjlor waa taoaia^ la aadlaaoa by
tha Qaeoa Beceat today aad praatttad
hla lattara of roeall. Boo* afterwarda
the aaw Coltad Btalaa Xlalater of
Braia. Gaaaral Woodwart. waa
odvad by barmjaaty aad praai
_____ _ .. Taa Barafi te Bod ampioyiMDt la Cba aottee Oclda When lb«
iaaehh>ary ear Mt tha ralla K fall aa
tia oMa. naarty ah of tba maa baint
caocht hr the baatr baaaa A ear of
lov waa pUad oo top of tba <»» 1®
which tha neB wera rKUay. and that
aay aacapad Inataot death la bnt UtUa
aboH of a mlracta- A oMaaaca waa
aaDt lo.Tralmnaatar Watab at tbla placa
hr the train crew, and be Immediately
ordered out a arreekln* crew and with
DlvtaioB Roardmaater SleLead went to
the aeene of tha wrvoh. taklnc wUb
theiB Dr. Dibatl. the eompaey^ local
M place. The Brat thln<
done waa to extricate the dead and
wounded and oo account of the tacaey
loo and machlarry under which they
were hurled, tbe taak waa a lahtyiout
<me and It waa aevtral houra before the
laat of tbe bodice waa rtBioead trom the
JM trace nwrlMy Kaiwled.
Kanaaa Oty. Sept. It.—A cprctal to
The TUnea from Van Buren. Ark., mya
many aad areoea.were enacted at Han*
aoB. One of tbe dead, wboar name la un
known. waa found with bia bead raaahed
to a pull bciwn the
v>- loca. hla
bealna ooslnc out. Ottaei.*e-ere cruabed
and manned In a horrible maniwr. Two
of the dead were broukbl here. Wllllatn
and Chariea Pune. Will «aa feund on
(me aide of the track and Cbarlea oo the
other, both crushed almoat out of nemblanee to hman belno- Tbe acene at
Vian. when the dead bodies of those who
had lealdad there anWed..w«r« aSectiBR
In the extrcBM. The parenla and other
relattves of the deceased were at the
BUtiem when tbe train came la It will
probably be aereral days before
wreck wiu hare been cleared away . .
the full astent of the dlaaeterla revealed..
Three men
> the sutements of acme o Uxwe who
ember Who Mel Tt^r D
Denver. Sept.
A wodat to
Rocky News frean New Castle. Qolo..
mya; Prank Burbank, conductor,
Enclnerr Ortrsnder. deceased, of the
Colorado Midland railway, arc ebaryed
by the enroner’e Jurv with helm
■poaalble tor the frishtful wreck which
occurred Pridsy moir.lec Tbe Jury
decided from tbe evidence that the
dartor and enstneei attempted li
rtve at New Castle aldiok upon tbe time
allotted by order of tralr dhpafeher
Grande paaaemer weat-boni
Conduct, r Itarbanfc was released on
Vofthpon PoMofBw HbMw Has
nee and after the verdict
was annoao
the verdict
a received aitbout any
B. E. OIU ariU ba psaunaatar at anrprlse. The death of Rev:
Borthport, Mleh.. vlee C. A. »alaaa re- Hartman, of Herscber...lUa.. and the
andinc of (br body of Encineer Os
trander locreaaea U
dead to eleven, "nw coruaer'a reW. P. BBBUytea 1
ions tbe I
peatnaaiter m Maatna, Mieb.
K. Cooper ramoved.
t death m the awful «ccl-
Saadasma Haw OnartaiB.
K. B. Stroar.thetDnaiedcalar.whofor
a loaf time haaoaenplad the llula atore
«B ProDt attaet. pdjolalxie Aosbori
Bacbaa^ drair atora, baa laaaed
larva atora raeahUy oeeupiod by tbe
aaa»k« at PimshBroaeb-A Bona. Tbe
■•era to b^ raSttad and adarsad with
as attawetiva metal front. Mr. Btnmr
wfll pat Id a luva sod aoaplete line
of amali Btaaleal iaatiumata. abaat
anale andcandriaa. is addltkm to as
. axtaaalva Una of Kimball ptohoe. He
to tha aaMrer fer thlt aaeUos of Mlab'
10» «sr tha ElmbaU Plano Co. and thto
oMy to hto haadquanm. Thto wUl be
MaottbaftBaatmiiatoataraala North« HUdvsn and llr..Str««v has bnill
ip'athriTiBVboraam which wUl be
aaad la hia new atora.
■ay. There Asvata
Mara Dead.
Portland. !nd.. Sept, tk—Tbe tuseml
of Charles Mantas, n victim of thewredi
Albany, took pinee Snturday after*
m end was larftiy attended. Orlands Colima, wbo to Will alive with bit
back broken, tells a ttartllnx story of
tbe wreck. Collloe saya there were, six
other men In ibr car wUfa Maness and
bimatir. and he thinks It oothtnt abort
'of Impomlble fur them to have escaped.
pMto«acw Clerka Adpmrw.
Baltimore. Sept. Ik—Tbe National AaBoelatiQo of Poat<Ace Clerki ended Ita
was chosen aa the platv
next September, The alertxm
rtatilled aa follows: Pretodenk
ml. B. 1
Uneoln. of Boston, i
'. WUUaj
Acuew, of Cleveland.
L O,. Sept U.-In a « cf
] end waa cemaummated Saturday. The
UOb workara at tbe Laitlmcr miaea.
to whom they were bound in an eOert
to Induce then to loin tbe atrlken*
ranka. laid down their plcfca and ow«re
U do no Bxrte work UU>H kll the domanda of the men at .........................
tii* Con* the
dMrkl haee been needed. Next Is
Rstelutiont Adopted by
VBntion of Coal Di|S«r» at
Cotumbua, Ohio.
muiirnoH m orr rar
aiaVMt I
■d the MlUnay O
■fejeney awll Ko»-D«w« M^Bemai
Butter, Butter,
Fine, Fresh Butter!
rants for the arrest of Shertfr Martin
and the IM deputies Then there pere
•Fvemi meseinra of miner* and clUaena
all denounclns the toscria and hla depu
ties Then the Auatrlan dlplomaU n(
Washlncion will be called upon to move
In tbe matter, many of the killed and
wcninded belnp aliens Rea(duUooa have
been adopted by numerous Ubor bodies
all over the nmntry denonnclns t:
ahootlnt aad Oompera and Eleba a
n etatamcau biuerty aanalUiw t
■hens. Detur aSort belnc the btcttre
The altaatlan hen la cmver than
has been at any time slBce the bloody
aSray. Tbefb la etruns reason to fear
CDOttJct between the sttikers and the
rallltary today Jtnd there Is an Indica
tion that from 6.0M to 7.M0 more miner*
wUI }uln thr malcontents Tmuhle la In
tbe air, and it it la to come the time wlU
be thto ^mlng. Thto to clear from tbe
words used Usi niebt by General G '
tommandcr of the Tblrd brt«ade.
atrlkiny mlnem ha« made elaboraU
preparation! for a demonstration at the
bee amriy^ Thirty.
Columbim. O, Sept. lA-Tbe sreat
nlnera' strike which was declared on
July 1 waa brotybt to an and Saturday
I so far. at leatt. as western
■ivanla. Ohio. Indiana and Weal
Vlrcirla are concerned, by tbe action of
convention of mlaera
Which bad been In oetatM hm since
Wednesday. After a day
wransliDd. tbe convcniloa adiipied a)^
olullon acceptlES the propadtlWiJlf tbe
X of tbe kind shall be permitted.
PlUshurc operators The vote was tU
>at from Ihu'timr on there shall
for and >fT Bsalost the terms of nettle,
o marcblns of any ebaiarter whatment. eleven votes were not '
Boevev. whether durtnx funersto
dticsaiea from lUlnoU. who
otherwiae. Hla rewilullon to
erally knoim and the miners are soln«
• -aiDonc the Oblc and Piitatwnc
delecaiea nyainto lu
adoptnd were exactly
practical lotenis and p .
that had been re}ectcd earlier tn tbe day.
and are aa f(.Uowa;
■otto ■caameiar
‘'Resolved. That we, the miner* of
Pennsylvania. West Virvinls Ohio. In
diana and Him
bled.de berrby acrte U aoept the proposlUoD recommended by our national
executive commlllee. vix.: CS centi
tbe Plttaburs district; all placM in
above-named states wbete a relativ*
pHce can t>r obtained to resume wash
nnd eoMrlbute llbenlly to the mlaera
who do not receive the ndvance. wbarc
the Axbt muto be coptloued to tbe bitter
act as an advisory board (or the purpoae
of ptuvtdlnr ways and means for the
(■rryinx on of the nrihe where neceeaary; provided, however, that no diamet
resume work for ten daya for the pnrpone of xlvtnx miner* In other dtotrtela
time to confer wtth their A,p«ralot» and
pet the price Jf pesunae.*-1
nuaala Mm tv Meet on the lath.
While ten days la provided for
■dnen to retome work II Is probable
that many of Uie Ohio and Pitubur*
mlsea will ty- reopened today. . Thr
General Gobln alau made a revelation
wbtob put a atartlinx aspect
Bltuatlon. Thla vas that the houae of
tbe ensmeer of Ko^ooll.ery had bean
broken into late SL^day nt(bt by.aU
raaidcrd men and the eneloeer. who la
cripple, unmercifully beaten. There
BO clue to the Identity of tbe assal
hnta Tbe only work the man baa bet
Coins lately la the pumplBS neceaaary
to free the mine from water. The seoeral had alau received a formal report
of tbe Audenreld outraxe of laat Tbur*.
day Blsht. srbrn strikers broke Into the
bouse of tlomer Jones. superliitenCent
tahlxh and WUkesimm Coal
company. Junes, wboaa unpopularity
srilh tbe miners was one of tbe Sr*t
of tbe strike, waa b<k ibeve. but
an Uteralty wrecked tbe Interior
boose and then attached a mine
power bouse near by and stole tbete1 a quanllly of dynamite.
I all Intent! and purpose* Haxletoc
la under martial law. General Gobln
declared last nlsht that n spite o
warranu Issued
authority will be pei
permuted to arrest the deputies. H« i
aherts to aa executive ofllcer whoae
duly to Co preserve tbe peace, and-that
he iGotdn) and the Irooia
aubordhiaie to tbe ahertff at this time,
being ragagri] m helputg talm to per
form thayduty. fnder these clrcnmataiices be will not permit Interference
with tbe aherifTt oOdml*. eo long as the
mllltU to here.
Boiling Beef and ^daab
. Sold Cheap Friday and
Satard;ay. e o • e 0 a
Don't Fail to try our Cuts and
Slices for these two days.
Park StTMt. bHwMB Proat A Oan.
Rates, $1.50 per Da^.
MeairictetsaiReilnulRatts. Lady Watts
SWRnt Adsi»*
Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will not make regular con
nections with trains on M. &
N. K. Fishing parties, howeve/. can make arrangements
fpr the use of this handsome
jacht, by communication by
mail pr wire, with
Leland, Mich.
See Our Ret Uie
In recommending a aeiUement
Pa..' Sept. Ik — Clement
terms prcpo*ed. Tbe llllonls miners wHI PliHaiclion.
plrlack. aged U years, one of the
be called In ccnvenilon at SprlngfirlA
elriker* who uai ln)ured In Friday's
to detennlne what shall be done nut.
tost nlgbk making (be
in that suir. Some • ihe.imnijto delegates age very hitter 1 their denunrta- twenty-thiid death,_________
the convention,
tonee. they claim, th r Inleresta have
not been given dor ixiorideralloD.
resetuUon was adopted d<nour.clng 1
action of the depbtlei in firing Into l
Chicago. Sept. tk-BalUmore baa the
crowd of striking miners at Hatleli
toad now for tbe League base ball
trophy, having climbed over Ihatoe dur*
Opeimins»fVptolsorShe Delsy.
lag toat weak. Ttoe toaiu however, to
PllUbUrg. Sept. U.-The raal
sUght-tmly five potatta and tber*(«tooka
peratM* of the Pituburg district think
they have got the worst of it by the
idqptmn at Columbus '
■rovtoo. J. C. Dyaari. chairman of the
oc^l, *Frtl^Zg"to'ttaiindSi
Wayed. Won. Lo«. P.
11 ^
pBorwrruhor thk
Ootser of Uhioa and Ha; Strwts,
near M. A N. R. depot, wiabea to anMdnes to the pablk that be baa rm
fitted and fnrstobed tbe Botel Paagbetter than it ever baa been be.Ceraaadcaaaeeommodate tbo travel
ing pabUe Ih good ahape- SatlalaetSoD
Picture Mouldings
Cycle OfnersLookHerel
or CUpv-CasI lose yov
•Criji'-atokto' uii*,' p«i aa.
Lederle’s PTE'S',;
■ay Bl. srar M. A ■. A Depot.
tbe nfiner* of tUs district knrw wbal
bar mottaer. Mrs. Doea. One shot took met of a game has been played cm ttaen
effect In the moiber knd two in the strL and OB the Ptnaburg operator* by the
nimou. Indiana and Oblu operator* sad
The latter w«i fatally wounded.
miner* they wcnld not stand Idle a
Chicago ....
menc. bul
• -turn to work Imme- Brooklyo ..
PllUbui* ..
Pittsburg mlners'b
beutovtlle ..
Oticryo, Sept. Ik—Tire booss fromtha
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
St. LrOUlt ..
Doeirtri aansate vat were idesUM
FotowtBg are the latest Lesgue acorrs:
Market in the Brosch Block.
At WaaUnctoD—OtocinnatJ U. WaiACkim Tsrrer Cathets m His
ware added to the ehaln of rlrcumatanei
Ington K: (sscotod game) CUicionail 4.
Shsayvs Dailf on the RaH*
by which tbe prusecutloo hope* to prove lien. IVhat coal the Pituburg operaur* Wsablngtoo S; at Pittsburg—UmtovUle
w«ys of the Country.
Ibai Luetpert first killed hi! wife and are urable to Bhlp will be furnished by k PUbtnirg «; at Baltimore Chicago k
then bulled her body m caunic potash miner further west."
Baltimore 1: at New Tork-Brooktyn I.
Mtaalliia In Uie ItwlHe amiw
aolatkm. In Ider.llfylnc benes for
New Tork «. at BoMon-PhUadelpbto 0.
Spricgfield. nts , Sept n-New* et Boatot. 11. tSunday) at J3e
Profemor O. V. Bailey, ei.
osteoloflat. said: "This looks like tbe the action of the national convention of
ml! i. am eland b
head of a rib 00 the left aldci ll to riwil miner* at Columbus. <>.. was reciivad here with great rattofacllon. Tbe
, about the sise of a third rib In a <
an. This U a v^ond DbaUnx from tbe strike In this stale was entered upon nea polls—Ki
In response to the rail of the natloeal taecond game) Kan
fonrth toe cf the right fool of a hb—
offlecr*. and a majority of the mlnert
at 8L Pac
I mean a small adult. Tbis bone
Road hor*aa«apaportion of a head of a bumenu. which have felt that there could l>c oo local Paul IS: (second game) Milwaukee f.
elalW. Third dour watt of MarguBV
Uvo; Bark.
settlement until a basis for aettleinrat 8L Paul >/at Indlanapoltn-Detrolt k
sh<-uM be adopted by the national or- lodUnapolls 11; laecond game) DetraltO.
•oils S. ISundayi A
At SL Paul
. A. 'Ualne*. another exMemphto, BepL ik—A apaelal to Tbe pert, laldr - here la no miuakc about acrira of theronvertlon the inlrpi* were
• City 1. SL Paul 1
Commardal Appeal from Van Buren. Ibsl being a luman rib. I can Identify Jubilant They believe that a aetUemrat
Ark. aaym: A mort dlaaatrous fr«l«ht
by the ind' BUilon, (hr toiape ar.d tbe for llllneto on a rate proportionate te
Thto bone Is tbe rad of a meUcar- that adopted for Pittsburg will now be (raoctod game) Mlonrapoila 0. Milwau
pal bone of Uie human band, it comes secured, and that there will be a raeedy kee 2: at Colnmbua-Grsnd Rapid* k
tram the eecood finger where the Joint resumption of work. Prealdeet Ratch- Celumbas 1«: (second gama) Grand
ferd T 111 leave Columbus for Illinois toBsien. at * p m. yesterday, resultm* In aitaebsa to the band." But In spite of all day to request the minetvjfi this dla- RapMa k Cedumbus k
tbe defense, so II Is sUted. will proBaUarM Phlaoe
uaoe oagury.
the daalb of aereo man and the aerious tbU
orto k Dubuque 4: at Rockford—Cedar
dura expert wltnsmea wbo wUI swear trict to come into the srraQimsent
Savaatk a^
Injury «t stx other*, two of whom will that Ihrae bones arc not necesaarily buRapids k R<«hrord 4: at Dra Hoinea
DdIoo atreata.
die. Tbe dead ar«: WUUam Fame. mao. and that there can very eatoly be
—GulDcy J. Dee Moines^; at Kanaai
Chartaa Faisa. Dpuglaaa Anderson, John "mtolake about IL"
aty-8t. Joaeph k Burtiogtoo *. (SuoURsraltIwg C
day> At Kanaai Clty-8L Joaeph k
The defense has alao been experiment,
iobsan. Bore Henderaen. Prank Haslltea and B. 4- Walttgi. Tbe injured- lug on human bodies, the latest-belEg
Haxleton. Pa.. BepL 11—Tbe events Buitlngtoo 2: fneeond game) Bk J
Gaorve OBaraait. Jaetc Josca James thst of a woman: the fdacc the vat la yesterday In connecUon ertth theterrtble
k Dubuque d: at Roebford — Cedar
phUUpa BObart Bubanka Charies Uietgtri's factory m wbirh tbe state tragedy enacted on the highway,
WhaDvoaciwbByBuwoMaaaelMUto. ((toUandlMpficttheBaw
I. Rockford 1: at "
say* Mrs. Luetgert waa boiled, and tbe here Friday, ware the death of auotber
U De* molnes k
ooadUioia exactly the same aa thorn under which At was boiled. So far as of the wounded. Jacob .Tomaahantrai
any Inrormalloc can be obtalnsd this ex- the IS-year-old boy who was shot
. wlUi the eaeeptlon of Walten-s pralmrat dtopiwve* the whole of the
boapltal doctor* that tox noore wUI
Robe Rnah'sranBlng l
body. It balnf brou«nt to tbla place, Bute's theory of this part of tbe alleged tbe
die. The death of TomasbaeKw makes
and Baaoom. driven te a akel
where he has i^aUvea UvUtg. None crime. Tbe stale expect Co get through twenty-two. cWd If alX more die the Alad
wagon, and Eari Klner. tbe bicyclist,
of tbe trainmen were hart. Tbe wrecked today, anij If the defenae doea not croea- total death roll wUI be ta-eniy-elgbU took
afternoon de the
train was a local tisigbt. No U, tram
Two score are maimed
track at the Oolumbua Driving paiR.
omreeviiie. Haa.. to Van Boren. While
serieualy. Tbe roU of dead aad taUUy Stoer was paced by a qulntec la the
the train wak rtumlBg at twenty olMs
wounded Saturday wasr Dead—A»di
mile boat the horses went away with
YtoU Uhs iBAtogWL
an boor the forward truria of one of
Nlckowskl. John CniobebSkU Stevra a lead of fenr tongtba but Rlstr
tbe ears near the enr*-!e broke, wreck. BepL Ik—Tbe ntlottal UiKA. Andrew Teehmaa. John Fraako, under tbe wire first in l:4T%. erinnlng
la* fifteen cat* k>adi*--nb walnut loca
John Zernawlck. Frank KodeL John byraniy two feet. Tba second hast of
aad baled hay.
Mae die Baturda)-. They elecud by
Zaaltck. John Bbeka. Antim Oreeklo. halt a 1
Correspond with
AO tbe DsaS la Oae fSae.
tiamatSon Cbarlea K- Darting,
Darting, of I
■Andrew Tnrlck-all
With tbe Bicepdon cf two car* In
the Traverse Gv
let and ssiaptod « Harwood: Andrew ElinenakL Adam
three car* In tbe raar,
aa the pisra et
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem
cMb* Uie eabooae. every car Of tba
nt Ttoe Ladlra*
C the tram was ditched.
bert Csata-all of Crrstnl Kidgc:
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floonog,
drew CotUA and RaCaM Reckewtra. o<
od «dtb heavy macblnery^aa
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
a aa a law. to thu w
la thto car that several men were
InJoiad who are at death's doer—
icriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
a kids and IMm abJ^aevsa
—-— VMBcic. Caspar Dolaaa J<^ n to taaUwad Um 1
- m awtoaMp amwidad wqr*
Botofee. Andrew ■■braW and Jacob to the roads by tbq UnitadAtatesoi
and Saws. 'TV complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
against tbs Mata tnUreaA ocramia
ttot tmtiMa Aortty af»- segttv* sofMiimse at the
rah ba iialiaiA. Tka <
; a00wa Rkat tbs msgAi
• ara had Rb *
Biu'BHitiMg aru tmtofi thto bbiw.
raeatoifi tta tn
Wta at ^’lal>. 1. T. wbo -
....i-iS 5 S ^
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Fi-esh Meats—always fresh. Salt Heats.
Angus McColl
The Pure Juice
*" ■“
Butter, First Class
Green that^ill
Bicycles to Rent
If You Have Logs te Sell
BMk Oinetor Who DiterMlIt* th»
Story About White Motel
in tht RoMnro.
iModMU Sept.
lud and a (onwr (overcor. haa a Uttar
la Tfa* TUdm Id the eourae of wblefe bt
aara: ~A» a UmelallM and aa mm of tbr
aaalM nembenof tbr iMnkcoan I think
I hare a rl^t le aak od what groaitd
the «t1br- of tbr artldr ioatted
Bamonatrante" la rov Saturdar Uaaa
nahaa hU aaaertloo that the bank haa
decided te berid a ftfib of ita reaarre ta
allrar. Had tbr bask dooe ao lu acUoa
dd hare bera aulctly la a
b-the bank act of 1»H. and aquailr
la aocNtrdaDce intb the aettaa takes
un br the roremiaeBt thn prcaided
crar br a maaMMoetalUat. Hr. Olad*
aioee. H*b«t tbc bank did Id im »aa
to aaaurc the trcBMtry that the bank
wooM alwaye be open to the pordiaae of
oUrer on coadltloa of the return of the.
nlou of other ecunuica to autb ruta _
would laevre ccruisty’ of cinvrtehm of
•old iDto Bllver aed of aUr.r into r>td.
SIBetaltlaU declare that the practical
remit of a double axafidard te Fbaeoe
alone erar that the two leeiaU did
chanse tbrouf^out the world at a legal
ratio, or erlth such etight rarlatl
ntlgtat te coeytderaUoo of thie free
}eet benei^wed.
Seabh the Troth oTOm ■ary
*^ere la do gn-uDd for earing that
anr M» coeowled with the baek baa
nffldallr.goD* berond that poalUoD. tadeed. 1 doDbl It aer
recorded or anr deter
. ____
at alL Tour corrMpoedent'e a-tele UU
ter aceme fonaded oo a aupfiaritloD of
wkaf mar or mar not hare arleAi ta
the eecenmrr
with regard to the waterlog of the
BdaUr declared dx of the am.
eama of fever on BL Claude atreet to be *b* CuJennt Be* Oatr Tame the C
rellow fever. A couple of boun Mbnegnaattr the board announced anoiber
of reUow fever at Miro and Baiaa.
streeta. aUo In the lower part of the
dtr. but a mile or more awar ftom the
Opaof tbeie
M of the giInfected ■
Tht announcMbeM of Bwat IhEbiti atiUly of the cleoWe eorthe Dnt elz caeca of rellow fever.
not unexpected, alibottgb It waa hoped not ia to bo found far op in the towar
from the delar on the part A the ax- of OrOM obapei, New York, when
pertt that tbeoe cnaM ware dmplr of clectridtjr Jmh leptaoed the velgbta of
the tower eloek, and not ooly tone ita
bUioua malarta
No general alarm haa reeulted here, wbMta. but aim atrikaa the naartm
although the new* apread rapidtr and the boon and playa a enfew bjma.
through the dty. The autborltica do
Am oar noden are well aware, tba
not believe the attuattan la maMrtallr oaual method of nimiint tower doeke
werwe than H was four er five dar> ago.
and itaer are aUll conSdent at thdr abU- li to meahi of de«d weight, the weiEhla
Itr. with modera mnlury andUbcea. bd^ wound op at etatad IMemH. tfae
moceortuUr to quarantine the lafectad tiSpioteuKiiit in the Grape ebapel clock
oooaiili in the teplaei^of the wei^ta
dUtilcta, _
bf a amaU eleeClc motor, thus ofaviatFATAL ERROR OF AN OFFICER.
ww«c a Megve neml te Oeaamil a
BeanaTfllc. Ind.. SepL U.-In War.
Ick ceuntr Ocorge Slaughter, a negro,
crtmlnallr aaaaulted Mra. WIU Jonet,
Thurnday Bight, and mnde bu fneana.
Slnugfater returned PiMar. Jamea Roh.
InaoB. a colored deputr aberlS. arreeted
him and took him to Hra. JoeM fer
IdentlScatlcn. When Mra Joace recoanlrcd him Slaughter
atartlog aod atoppliig
te the ordtearjr
OgaraUng elocka. 11m clock progea,
which, with the ke7taa(4, it Im
• amall room te tteimentle of
dteorr tower olock pgttero and dlffae
from thia only te the fam^tbat tba barlel OB wbiob the weigtata would or-
a B. BBOWW. AUecaey aad Owl
. Hotel Whiti^
Teavebse Cxtt, UlCH.
I Tliirs1ar, .0«gl»i 14. 1897.
Om Day Ooljr Saeh Monte.
OoBsoltetlon end Emnlnstloii Ftm cad Stxlotly
DBS- B a a.* CO dcTM* their at
XXT ^.tosi^AMcr^
soCwitboaltte see ef ttetoT caaeUc or Ua^vc. Caam ana te
■omn. Ai
To Yo^ng, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Tkoeewbe ate asshle lo esll css wrtu fall psrtiridan «f Ike
rrleoe of Victoria de Iki
It byeiprwea. vitb tall IbOrurtloas bow to be hkea.
Tbe Ora of Dtv. IL, S. * Co. was ibcorpoested eeTersl yvereel:
Bitted of SSO men. of whom Ut were elck
In the bonlMl. The place capitulated
after a heroic defenee. The coaunandanl with three oAeen aad eeveaty-flve
men marched out. taking with them the
Hck and wounded. The Inaurgenta fired
cannon ul the boapluL hllbougb 'be
flag of the Red Cvoa* Sedeir waa
hoiated ever It at the time Hany of
the wounded perUbed In the fibula. The
tarurgenu lott toe killed."
awcbedjH TeertUe CHmw
OeBtervllie. la.. Sept U.—Unknown
purtiea Friday night tiird to blow up
the air and eacape ahaft of the Star
Coal etanpanr'a mine at Rathbun. n^
here, with dynamite. A Aarg* of the
exploalve was faatened te the ladder ■uenm BXLr wfgpiao cucx j
Tbarefore Bettor than ai
close to the ahaft montb and eet
■tlMakea the rerr peraooe whe depte- with a tune. The charge
npon aa extcnrlaa at the hnaa
eaied thU dllnUoti have alware been
y «a. auppoecd aad
eh (he'‘'worka‘’ are r'w'Wd
itnel dcatroge of a tnoeb greater dilu
not '.forcible ebnugb
tion br the iaeur of pound doUd
damag^ The ^rpetratora have
mare or lev fiduciarr baeta I may
been diaeoverod. but a dltcbargcd miner wire belt tubI t^a
i^b mouuD
Motion pnlleyoB
dude br mrlDg that the eKpr<
the arbor or aha^ of the eaoapet
'oartaln Ammeatu' ii ararretr a I
ge«. whkb is ,-thos aolijwted i
derndptlon ed the eommtaaloBere DO
Storm lAke.
a.. Sept. U.-*lrorl atendy pnll.'Vnketiag to the ps___
Sdallr charged
• has not now and
Dwirgins aayi
b their difficult and o
never had any i
n Whatever with tee weights Id an ordinary clock. Every
the flmi of J. R. Willard^ Co., and movemast of the eao^iement allowa the
only business connection be ahaft to rotate the reqnired amooot,
■ntb hts nepfarwa Is that they and tee tcanltlcig movements of tee
DC time In bU employ. Re Is eloA are tranaaltted by light hoUdw
Ideot of the Storm Lake In- teaftlng to the tower clock diala A
bade of the propoaale
vcoimeDt company, He says hr owiu emn on tee minute shaft makea an alcodeUgalre ap|»arr to lie tbc withdrawal
one ahare of stock In the company trioal contact once a minute and aaods
Of the half eovcrelgc and the nbetltuI Is workl^ on a salary.
a current to a coutart diak on tbi boor
■eetrvr In ellver. Tble
•baft. The diak Is fomished with foor
o<u#h from the point
•. but It would be
contact points, which operate every
Fifteen compsnlet whose object is to
a werr oueetlonable poller unltee eoitte
boom (be Klcndyke bsve been Uunctaed qnaitcr of an '
walue of I er were apparent. _
The Cn-stsl Palace at Londoa. £ng,ta Chimes" barrel, which is te the lower
hot the d
If Germanr ehnuld
right hand corner of the clock. This
melting i
thalen. If rrwnre and ihV apaUe Of bolding a greater number
of people than any other building In the hanel isaimilartotbaaewbicbaie
More than IM.tOO can be ac- in a miKlo bov, being fomltbed wl_ _
tt ladUreopeDedtheJiiiDU.tbenltmlght
imber of pins which operate similarly
predeeiy t o'tiocfc Satsrday
be within the provtnec of the bank to
I ihveldtat HpKlnley at Somerset,
meel the euggeeUoDf of the Xmertean
touched a button here that opened
etmiDlealooera and the alleerlleu. But
the iBMtrt thr French govrrr.mert were the electrical exhibit of tee Clevriand era, hot aerve to lift a terias of i
to adopt Umetalllem the mlnletrr would expoaitlon.
aleoMo fc^ and past meemlve ...
be eTartbmtrtL The new goM dUcoeetlee
Tbc documented merchant marine of ranta throng a a«tes trf wIxm which
aad the fact tbet other naUona . . the United Suces on June » last, num lend up to the diimea te the bnlfiy.
aodptlng thr gold ftandard prove abun- bered t2.CB vessels of 4.7«».020 gross
Beneuth the ten hallt an plaond ten
dantlr the wtadoee of no departure from tons, an Increase of dEtOO tons over
powerful Bolenold magncH, one to each
June JO. im.
tte prenmt er*em te tWe cooDtry."
The steam schooner Bcnth Coast ar- buU. Eachef tbeaecoostati«f an iron
Ived at Port Ton neend. Wash.. Salur- nimatue. which hangt, whan tba magay maming from 8L MlcheaJ a Alaska, act Is Dot charged, }oa( within and
with tweeir-elx fasaengsri and about: nbova tee aolaBOid eolL When ten plai
I of tee rotntteg haml below strike n
Boatao. SepL U-6enator WIKUm P. ttto.OdViD gold.
It It reported that J. R. McNeil and • to,, . coireDl la pnmad through tea
Chandler, of N'ew Hantpeblre. tie
fj,. ttrntn•Iven tbc following letter to the Amo- Oeorge Hunter, of Willow creek. Hum- ftoepM "tiHB
pnUed vlolantlr down within
dnted Preet
i appeal to nil Republl- boldt tsoowy. Cal., have located a ledge ,
cana m meet wuh Joroa* wetcome the
ftrut atep EngUnd mar take towarda
NO. 9
Wmet^lW* ^ mrement eameeHr
SBd taalouel)' t«sun li>- Pretldent Hc- of Bmokly n. died te tee wm* bouse »Wch U tens onnaed to make cos almto
KlDler. in oUdlenee to the 8L IkmU from mn stroke. Kicbols wna serving tat every cootacL
. Lower pan ecatUatte'
pUUorm. wae qnkdtlr Joined br the
A atmUar mcobaiitonI to
I teal
teat abova
Preneb mtsletry. and the Joint proI daaeribed servea to throw In a
poaaU are being carefuUr and arrloue. cylinder or barrel at 9 o'clock every
; BMlIi I cabinet,
' I evnateg. which piays what ia known aa
wlth a reasoaBble prospect that Eo|- InvBcb-of-promlsr of marrlag
TitA tbs onifaw hymn, aod after tba hymn
land will reoia-n her Indian mlnta. will plalnUS U Miss Agnes Rlnch.
la played tee olock remains silent
Oove^or ■Ptegree has broken
' tero^ tee night, te order that the
pardon record by releasing eight oonvJets to one day. all of whom were aerv-............. I msty nwhedtatertad by
1 Ihe'Unlled lag long terms for serious oSeBsta, and teebdla
I. fourth'
. . .
In nddltico to tee ai
paroling two sbort-lerm ewnvlcta.
WMI as nlne-icntha of the people
The sensatloD at Chicago Is the elope ism for striking tea qnartar ofalmew tea
MI90ELLANEUD8 WANTS■ Turaday at J. C.
Fins Tan
India, dealre the Umetalllc sywtem. ment of Hiss JuUs Soper, daughter of a boor and playing tee onrfaw a separate
Vlaekh Bb
which BO much depends upon »«llsh wealthy family, with tee family coach kayboard ia providrd te the small
jMlp- This U'DOUme tor dlsortmloaung man. William Abramoftei. They were ; at
tea base of tee towar In whleh the
dutlea or deounclaiury demoeatratloiu manied. ao it le said, at Xenoaha. Wla.' ntoeBmnchaalamltlooatad.
agalBK any Europsac
s Erncet Hariman. aged U. killed Chaa teaboallka
•bould hanken alone i
I entreat WmeUl. Samone at Unity, osar Cairo. Ills. ~ '’ ^tc* tto taabicn of a lied organ, nnd
It Is naed avaty morning at» o’ototo
beard agaliiat
the peace. In which neltber was iDler- for playing a hymn topa by huMt. nod
tee engorged money leaden of New
at the lagnlar annday Mrrioan
bipldaat IlilOa.^^ Loave^6|W p. ^
Tork and Chicago aad their aobeement
Bob PltsBrnmoca la quoted as aaytegi' ^^‘***^
•1 «riu not fight Corbett agate ontll
^a^teaM*!^ anjtg^Mia^tA
makH a rcpuUtloa. Lwt Mm fight aome
iento. It will be a great place for fnn.
Washington, BepL Ik—Grant cnrioaKy one ctee. He quit like a ytUow cur on
Obo. DcBA^-n. U. P. A.
tee I7ib of teat Mamh: baoldaa I hnva
kdtnra of tee alaotee Lon- retlraa."
w fnUnrs of tea onr- Prepare to ottond Omnd TraToma
________ a Saturday morning that tee
First naUoaal prtoldml of tee Worn-! rant,
at the_____ ___,______
■apt.8I.to. to had 84.
Bank of BogtenO has rasclved to keep
_ Oto, Kn. K. nc.™c,,w»n,b.»«..*«.a
...............liaI Iraaii'vi te
• sDvar,
“ er, and
• aa
SI »i-~i «•*.
__________ 1 of tea move te eagerly
awaited. The aMtaUle money Hreute- was bom at LynnSald. Maaa, March
Uoa of the United Kiagdom te. aneord- n. uw.
te the last sUtemant of tec diraetor
The four-eterr a
at Sevanty- la tea oidlBaty tower ehlmw te tana
Gtui Ripldi»lodiiin E. I
i “•1 ‘“1 **“
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box leo.
W.P. ■erase*.
Attomaya at Uw.
OabeelBMawiagaentoek. Tntent Oty, Kite.
Au OdOnM S^KUliiU,
kB rive perasMBt t^rf.
Suttntos Iram say
Uieslr eoteteUsl.
______H XVD CAXt'gBS
curve wlibost edds, knife, pals or seer. Mew MthaOs.
CATABBH. New bone irestmcol. CseorpeseeC ssC ebesp.
OVABAN'TKE To core erery «e« ot Pyrpetwta. SWk needeete. Mek,'
Vans, and
eaped before Rot son could Interfere.
. ...|dg.r.«w
uS,"V" L?rr SVJ.5;'
« (0 .raicage..
1(o|fu WayiM
II (», LowUrfue
't^iiai. Lovle
bslasarrieeWe* aaetaeatU, Oraad Bnp^■l*f^|^B^OMS^£kplda.OaweM aad
^KaTtml^iaabeBnek eiTteasalimOa. m.
Chicago —
West Michigan.
r.n. IS. n.
-.n. k, B.
imsm inmnunra li
fcubsena«aas4v>faas«. US7,
atlODa'ctocka. m.
oono Bonn.
at the mlBL W0.00t.tee la gold and BaNnte atreet and tee niteols Centml
gUMOFtoO ta Mvar. This la gnvata- oheks. Chicago. coUapomL teroWisg
mmiitoeacy. Tbegold Ul^ tendertoaK' 'fenadrads of buabete of grain <m tec
surer te te^ tan«t no of ew BMwry.
_________ ______ . -__-i «< aU
•ona. altenngh it la not MBaBy totor.Aangaable with gold, and there have
- FmneeWaaas a Later Whom.
Parte. SapL tL>-The Itette, te an artl<te on the grate aupm aaya U wUi be
Bteeaearr to import dKttOAM ontetala
at wheat tele seoaoe an aaecnot at the
flattora «d (he erap The imptotatteB ad
tkU oaantJty of wheat wW^Md Mt,«MW Bnam (ohont IH.W.0M9 doty.
’‘^M^ohlma (BBStete of ton Mnaaly
baUa, tea Uigeto of white wtd^ nbonk
1.000 pounds and tee mnnlkst ISO
pOBndLandtosItikaaaQaetoBtlypowatfal blow on a fa^ walgUag a too nod
the n half taqalrea a ooBaideriWi amoam
oCtatte. As a aaWr od tet a pan to
entto batwaan thiaa and
y tter wisthir: eaotteasdhlte
Wtods. Per tawtr tan 1---- ------- — .... •ateU tea
gMla ounant ten tee dynmno to
Ihwwa an by Moaat at tba relay box.
white to nttotead to tea wmU od tea
tower. Iba dost od tba entrant te roato aattonatad at 1 ft-10
to freak matkwlr wl^ heaaiSt oSr Blto tea motor
•Dd tea oioek hm pnrcd
wmtetto. Pm has TkiaaWW 'witlkw.
r. BctimfUto
MitoWp wHheuI r^ esalksdr wteda te
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Ever Burned Out?
If anyooknow
a P. OA&TXB. AtoM.
ChyLomberOa.___________________ICBHI .
to'Loan I^SSdS^s
(tty faapsety.
PATOani * OBGXaBR, Attaenag
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