The Morning Record, August 20, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 20, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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'' \
Rrrt Tear—No. 98;



Bmrr satb nr 9axl.



Into orthaHan INi^aetod of Eoto
hto« IbwaUlnci Bara.
Her. a B. Hnibert of OU KMott. b
Tba man who wm arreatod in Bald­ BEBl TO OFFSBT UrJUVOTIOBB lathe
That's what the jouog man said when he shw the
win a few day* afo, oharfed with leBra. Jaa \U. Johnwm b riailtog to
, TUifA • Good caws OitOM
ataUnr trainman with a we^Mn. plaad- X>o Bot Fropoee to Allow Ooaita
Btuume^ girl in one of oar hammockE Yoa are Missin' a
Grand BapSda tor a few days.
<Mf Oa» Brror-EathMterd XMd ad rnll^ yeeterday aed wat aantanead
Mba Oiaee Cnatard of Hendon, b toe good thing if yon don't bny one of those same kind of
Braak tbe Etilke-Wlll Beet tbe
FiM Work ABd Bwjrbodj Hit tta* to M days in JaU. Tbia U tbe party
Tectlee of tho Other Side and Bn- gMet of Bia. Dr. J. E Martin.
hammockE Got just a few left
( '
anvaetod of rohUnp eeeeral dwalllncB
Mrs. Barney Aadetaoa and a
' B40-T»«lTa BtoUa
tend the Flcht.
near thla elty a abort Uine ace. When
home from a rialt to Korthpoet.
Another vietory for the BoUlen yte- hh tim it ont ha m«y hate an o^erOolnmbaa; AnCaet it —The^ttonijl
Bra B. 8. Bull retaracd last night
terdej. Thb tU>e et Bejr View.
tantty to astplaln what ha bad to do exeeaUte eommlttee of the MinmeLA^ from bar aammar home to (toto.
aoeUtton waa called to meet here towiU tbe robbarlee refenad to.
A. L Joyea leam thb moratog 1
M. B. HOIXEY. Mamm
W7 ud eltbovffa the eeorc wee sht
dey. Preetdeat Dolan of Pittoherc. abMlnemtriptoOraadBa^a.
pertAoelerljr oB»«lded. the Tisri
e. E * X. Time Omnern
opoo helBf aakpd why they were here,
Bra. Medad Vlaum left ytaterday
bore bed the fene was irau the etort.
There will bceehance'of time on Mid he did not know, karmf been moratog for a trblt with trienda to
omr eiirfat ludoce were Plered in the O. E A 1. b««laniBC Mt Snaday.
order to eUow oor teem to oeteh the The fi:MeLm. treln oet and the e;U a. toe bmdqoartara Seoretary PUroe Mid, Bra. F. A. aary aad Bba Clary re' treinthetwriTeiheieet«:Mp.iB.
m. train In ara takan off. Otker tielaa toey did pot have any newa to give oat. tamed to toelr home to Grand Bapida
Prealdent Ratehford aaid la aa in- yaaiarday.
Eathertord pitohed e fimt feme eed wUl ha ran aa at rrtyinl
allowed the oppoeiac teem oeljr three
tereiew: “The eonaerratlre policy
Bra. LydU Blal haa ratamad from
hhe. Be eleo atreek oet clem
which waa adopted by oar board at toe Bellerae. where she baa bwa 01.
and In the eemth lnola( retired dhe
berinninc maat aeoeaaarily be depar­ waa aooompanlcd by bar eon WOUam.
Ohaiced by W. F. Xenney with Bo- ted from, beeaoee of toe extreme radieatbe aide on etrihea
Mba Barrlotte Baatlaga rctanied to
taintne OoUectlona.
dax pleyed rifbt Beldynd made two
eal polity of toe other aide. We wonid her home to 8L Loob yeaterday after
hite ee did Bell end Beat; Beot'e two
Teeterdayln JnetlM Brown'e eoah mneh prefer to fipht the battle along a Tbit with the tamUy of E W. Uaaheiar both two-haaere.
a Jary Hatched to the etidenec of the peaceable Itnea ha we have been doing, Unga.
A (eetere oflhe r*B>e «a> the eiicV eaaeof the People ea. C. M. Watklna. bot oar board will be obliged to meet
Prof. C. T. Grawn latomed Wodi
leie' beae raaolnf: tbe^atole twelre.
Watkina U ebarced with the embeule- toe Uctiea of the otoer aide and alao to day night from Kalkaaka. where he
The Ttareree Cltpa made their roi
aant of fi3. which he waaTallcred to | extend the ficht Into other flelda.
e^dneted toe teaoben' imtitate
aa fodowa: Bent, the drat man to bat hare eoUected for W. P. Kenney and I haee to adopt oUtar methoda to
that eoanty.
In the flnrt, hlttod two beae* and atole not tamed orer. Watklaa waa em- toe InJoncUoo. Oor people are brine
Bba Jorie Tima haa aeoeptod toe pothird. BeU nfairled.aad Bent aeored. ployed npon eommlaaion by Keney. arreated to a wboleoale maaerr for eltioa of iastmetor to the Art departBall taroed bia ankle, and Adama who who..............................................
10 ebargea that he retained certain holding'pabUe meeUngi and we don't I
atoo^ for the deaf aad
waa opt U to ran lor hlan, atole aeeoad eolleeiiona whieh were {myrnenta npon propose to hare toe tojnoctlona blank.
aadAMmdonWathlna'ainrla Watty a^aewlng machlaa Tbe defenaa of tUMMlTiker__________ '

j Mr. and Bra. A. Gates of Bollalre.
atoie aeeoad and Uiiid and aeored when Watklna b that he withheld the money
throngh toe elty yeaierdsy.
Wheeler reached diet on an «errar by beeanae Kenny owe$ him aomtolng
They came here with toelr eon C P.
/ahort atop—» nina.
for aerrioea. The taaUmoay waa not Were Dbeuaaed at a Baettog Imt : Oates who b rctamiag to Sanilac after
Twn more were made in the fifth. all In last night aad toe ease will be
e ridl at BeUalre.
Bntherford elncled. etoU aeeoad. and oonUnaad thb morning. PoUowtng
L 3. Fima, toorthaad toatraetor to
At toe meeUng of toe Bannah Klflce
ara toe Jarora: A. Bingham. B Bamlin.
eocnd on Hant'a eeeead two-banv
last night Caputo J. V. Belntaoh gave the Biialnem College.left toataight for
the caaaa ••DaBty" atole third and C Ifoeett, 3. Paanlngton, Goo. Thomas
UaakegoD toatay a short lima, and toe
and aeoced on the eatober^ wOd threw aad Bd Began. J. W. Patehln b eonthe aute military aacampmant at Is­ remainder of hb vaeaUon wOl be spent
dneUng toe dnfany________
land Lake, which be rUltod last week; to eontoam Bleblgan.'
Inthealnthtwo mere were aeored.
Mlm Pearl ThekabarTy', who waa last Thatwereevmpaton DEPENDABLE gUALlTIEE W# bonght Mr goede
Tka qoaation of alUmate admbaion
Bell hit far a baae. went to eaee^ on
year oodneotod with Pennell’a adlliaery ^batowiegntorvatoea. and tola advantage we offer yoa. WBAT WE GBT.
into toe atate eerrioe w
a peer throw to ftret, and aeored on
baa ratamad hers from Adrian, WE GIVE Wa only aek your axamlnatlMi an proof of the ^Ui of o«r
■tog than
toe onUookbmoreea
Wbe^ar^ ain^a Wboalar atola aeepnrebaaad toe Penned atoek. aad will
OeaoeUdntod Store Swtoe Oo. Wnnto at any time riaoe the <
oendaad eroaaed the pUta when T«y
of toe bnilnam
Captain Meintoih had an aadbnee
a. Stelnbeegto Paytor daeotOaeh
Mm. B. Simpson of Haattog^ Bleb..
with toe military board while at camp,
Oarriera Bongfat Bbewhara.
Total, aareo rona
hy Innlwra
Brand MmC. Powlboa. of Dorand.
A di^mteh from Lanetog ymtarday' and he erged npon toe eompany the ae- Mich., and Mr. and Mm A. C La BoyBBMten.........j 0 e e t > a e-r u : atatod that anil had bean oommanead ecaaity of aeliee drilling aad hard work
teau of PlatofialA S. J.. are toe gnesb
Berview..........4 0 I e e « O’e-t a r
Reliable Dry GGodE Carpet, and Clothing House.
to toe Dnitad States eoart agalaat to mder to gain an admneed profieleo- of Mr. and Mm Powlboa. on toa panBelleiHe neltemataadBsu,Ware
JnUiu Stotoberg. by toe ConaoUdatod ey whieh wonld largely aid to Ufa Inanla.
r of entry into the ataU troops,
It la eestomarr for the winning
Store SerAw Co. of BintoD. who etotm
deddad to bane o elrcnlar letter
In any fOM of ball to retatn the ball toe right to eoUect royalUaa npon a
from Utond. where he went to the tnneed In the came, and after ye -' ’
eatoearrbr syttom whieh Br. Steto- to every Aember. stating toe object of
.' cam the Beetlera, aa wea their ri^t. t>erg b a«tog in hb itora. llii alleged
took tbe bell. Tberewaaeoa.
to Mlehigan are
Boa. end the entoome wma that jaet ee
whieh wo« aid to toe dealmd end. I !^«****^“
. i from toa person.
^e playaiB were ebonl to fet aboard which are controlled by toe Boston Every mei^er b expected to
the treln for home the manecer of tbe oompany' and wblto were
sold ent nt toU meeting, aa It U not nnlikeBay A'iew team, inatead of aetUlnf by parUes nnsuthorised to mann- ly tost toe eompany may soon be mnawithtbarWtlnc playaia,.aent a boy faetnre them. Br. Sielnbarg stated Ured to.
ahare of the reeelpte, Uea yeaterday that he bad been aalng the
«1.SS for the ball. A new baU eoata ayetem aboot foor yearn bit that when
Where mone; i« scarce, and every
«!.«. end tfaU one wna need lor e>cb; he pnrehaaed it the party from whom Eetumad From Alaaka With a For*
tana of950 000.
MtrinniagB, and beaidee not belnf he bonghtgsve him a wriUaa gnarandcOiar yoa spend tat fordgn
worth tte cripiwl P<^cc. waa already tae protoettog him agatoat action of
BoUand. Aog. iv.—Hoto Da EoUm-of
ptodocto shorts the loesl snpidy
the property of tbd^ HaBUera. At
thb natnm The Boston oompany baa Holbnd. who haa beea to>laaka arren |
MBbar of the Mam temarkad--lt w
been to eorreapoadenee with Br. Stein­ yearn has raternad homa with a for-'
jost that Dtodi, making it harder
berg eooe Ume regarding the matter, \aoe of 5«).ooa
to get tbe money to pay them with.
and Pmtt A Darb bare been looking
after Br. atetoberg'a toleraata. They
B<». M. J. Boym of Chabea. shipped
Better boy home made floor, which
state that be b properly protoeied from here yeeterday aearload of catlleagalaet the claims hy toe gnaianue
is the “BEST- mod. like “Mary
The yacht. B. S Plngree, Jr., an­
whieh ha holda
chored to toe harbor at Mackinaw '
Ellen,*' keep year money st home.
Detroit. Ang. IB.—Plngree A Smllhh
Bnt here le a aaap right at
heme. Yoa do^ have to
shea faetory, toe only anion ahoe abop
There will be a dance to StMnbarg'*
freeae to death to get it
in the dw- wna Ued ap at noon hy
dance hn!l Satarday night. Mnab by
either. T. J- Host oftere
' ntrlke of toe boUomma. Ahont 7W
thUweek-------al Ohoreh Xam Bight,
handa are aSaeted. The firm b willThe advanee sale of aeato tor the earesponae
. lagtoarUUatetoedlffmcnembQttoc
gagemeetof Willard NawaUsrill i^n
men claim that they alwaye get the
at the box oCea. Steinberg's Gn^
worat of arbttratlon and demand an Oongregatloaa) ehnreh of TraTcrae Saterdsy morning.
Inereaaa In toa price of oertain gradea City, a meeting of toa eoeneU waa
Le« Todd and Mary DeLong. both of
beld al t:30 p m. yeaterday to examine
lurlocben. cams ap ymtorday and
W. Wooda, paator of toe B. E,
after a abort rialt with Jaatlee Vardy
Uaparelled to Seopa
eharefa at Em|dm. and to adrbe with
left town man aad wifa
referenee to bbordtoatioa ea a ConTbe ladbB camp meeUag at NorthWUl>Ba to Thb City But Woek gregaticmal minbter.
For Two Oamaia.
C E Halbert. U. D.. paator of the
Jellogg will br to charge sad good
The game of ^ ball between
ehnreh et Old Miasion. waa appointod
Is what you
observe ineverj’thing in our New Meat
mimic and epeaktog
be pleeaant
Caban Ulanto and to# Bartlera, adecrhalrmaa and Kev. O. CotoUn a>
Market in the Brosch Bl<^.
tiaedfortbe haa baan eaneelod
Tbe fonmal of the late Kkholaa
and September I fixed instead. On the
Hen's all wool extra d KJL
DeZoete. who aoieided Wednesday. wBl
Mto ani Uto of toU month toe
heavyKateeyPaata leO^
be held from the family realdanee to­
team of BaUle Creek wUI be kerc. Thb
day at 2:00 o'^oek p
Bev. W. A.
aggregation haa been here before aad
. Bev.'D. CoehUn making toe ordi­
Itnowa aometoiog aboat Traearae City nation prayer and giring toe charge to Prye oaelattog.
The Jantor Leegae o( the hd Methofcasa ^ matarial. bat they n
>e new paator.
played aaeh a atrong Tnverae City
Bev. B. W. Woods roaa to WlUow
home of Frank A. Bldied, North Elm­
taamae they wUl go against tob time. Springs. Mo., aa paator of toa Congrewood
mae. FridM Ave^ Aagaat
ThaM wQl be hot games.
gaOonal ehnrto of that plaea.
Iva aad tn eeata. '
IMh. Five
A pony wae given Wedneedny at the
There srm,>Wa epee^ meating of
Correspond wifh
le Baatm MarpaiEt Tnoadayoventog. bone of Mlm Ida DaQy, to bonor of toe
a. B. BcOotaffa -of Trataras Cily. b
the Traverse City
Bbaee Creeay of Grand B^i^ Gamaa
htoldingaMxfio warahonaaat toa eor- AH mamhars are reqa«tad to be preeLumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
wma todelged to. retraakmea'
ner of Monroe and Oeealaad atraeta.
aad a very enjoyable eveateg i
Maple Flooring,
on toe alto «d toe UcAnley warehonaa
Ohio^ Katoac
' MM »«■ a MU ream
The Creeeeat baad’e exeonfi
whieh bemad UM wlator. There b
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- Mill Machinery, of all
Chiea^ Angnn 1»—Wheat<>Aagaat, 'day evening wUlgotoOmeaa toeteod
. ItxSA addltipa for a MahU. it b u STHc; S^tember. e;i(c; Oseember.
of Kortoport. aa preriooBy arraagaA
,paeted that toe wambonaa wlU he OM «71»c; May.«9«<e.
W« mH year eiuatlea.Mtos .
The'prtoe will be 2& eenu for the trip
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
fletad Sept. 1st and it will ha need for
tarn iSM ta*
—i a
Com—Aognat. tBW^Ve: SeptomW, Tbe CBnmbb leave# the dock at 7
BMealaweeotua. tat pme
.r. . toe hay and grain baslneaa—Manbtaa MKiitKe: Deoemoer, toiieiMay. Me.
--the Km Boys taracd toe tobies m
The Grip of a Bog.
toe Boat Kdarsyaalerdayaftmoon to
game, winning oat by a aeore of
Ottripy-doyee was playing with Fred
• to A The deteatad team la aot tavdhlriah
Many 6ther Bargains
orably toaiaed to toe derialoaa of toe
0^ to not a eMtoaa dog bat to eery
which we wUl be
who baDs from the Soath Slda.
-1 toaaekma. and when be has hold of
Buy a good ont We have some good ones cheap.
The balldtoga of A Bntrfer aad John
.naything he hokto tight. Bb tooth era
pleased to show
OUlia <» Froht aboat, oeoapiad hy J. C
*abarp, and now Charley b anraiag a 54-^
•a-Aagart, 95.0?; S^tamber, Vlaeh aad Bell's bakery, are betog
•ore Uft baoA The dog b atiU dtoa.



You Can Use
You Can Also Use




We Lead ...M

Jackets and Capes

The Smallest Prices



Tales Come Hard

No Doubt,
That There
Are Snaps In
Alaska- -




Bright, ..Fresh, Neat

■'S''.'"*..””'.'”" 1-.19

Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.



If You Have Logs to Sell




..If Ton Want a Cheap Shoe

ss “Sr::;

l-40ff^0n all TanShoe8=l-40ff.

ARtrad to Tukey.-..^-■Gwafie. Ang. ».~0r. Jamm
E Aagall. ^ new United Stab* Btojitor to Tarkey. arrired kara today.


wUl brtog toe walk ap to tha dml of
that at the Beadle Moek. thereby la-

Mvlag a daiwf'W Mtoe at toat

TSwCm Alnyo Do ■:

Popular Ootfate.

Londem. Au< U.-A dlapatcli to The
Fall Mall OapciM from parla aay* that
tha bomb which wna exploded yedurday nt the eonier of (be Bonlevatd
Mngentn had the Roe tmtxyvtte ab^
1y after rnoMme Fkar* had paaeed
Uen oa hla way to the railroad ataUon
where be took the trala for Doakirk.
ca hla way to RuMa. oontalaad a niunbar of bnlkt* a quartar of aa loch m
diameter; in addiuon to aalla A milk
lug carried by n paartng girl wu hit
and atotiered. The police arc balBed,
Md actoiding to the carrtdpotidmt of
U MaU OaxeUe the whole afialr

I To^ ....
1 The Ladles

ICn. Po«t>—Ob. U
«o 1
bM ««7 «owh. Bb« hMae t


pentoat evMto


*'theflnkhk nbcmt oa «
any port e< the ma.'

CvevlMp CmbW MuM

Byea Trail k Bloehad with 9mmm.
gan Md Traf^h
SMttle. Aegeatas.—Oa lakaa LadBM aad Bauatt aaarty MO people
are aeUvely maUag pnparatfoaa
bnUdiag beak /or their daaeeet into
the Elaadlha. The Skagway kaU k
opea and tha flnt eoatiagaat tea '
Tegkh lake «a Tharfday laat bbb
lag MO people. Tke trail k aearty
fifty mike leog aad heteaa are able to
pack »M pooada troea the aalt water to
Tegkh. Nearly 1.000 people ar '
camp at dkagway Md it k expected
that they will reaeh the lak« la tea
daya. That foete will take’eearly "
the travel from the Oyea rente daring
the winter Md eprlag monthh
opnaiag of the Skagwny rood will he
anre to casaa travel to eeailaae ae late
the pyer tiaQ k Wodud
with freight Md paaeeagen and to
kate mattm the CitOcot Indiana
ChDCAeo It the diet dty to prceeet have etra^ far so eeak per peoad
t wooMB’B gjoBdlhe elob. da «!(•■' wbkh makae the ooet of doer at thk
itity of oae hoadred fair plaoe fill amok. Boatloadaof phopla
are leeviag here aad Imke Bea
aveiy day far the wdaaa
frlaaiy ohjeet le to dJf fold ead
Ulo eumpetitioo witt uy one who
oomae eUmr-^The Udiee wMt It uteetood. however, that it k aot
X. * X. B. B. .B. Paid to the Btato
a heeheadweeklBr eehoBo, hetaetriet.
ty hwelawi reotm Bate k m anatImad«, Ang. 1ft.—The Delelh,
pie of-the aew woBMB whkh It k w^
Booth Store A AtlMtle rallroed peSd
uaeofSiATTA aad the Maaktee
On eM eearee^ rcailke the deafer
A Northeaatem ik taxae of Sl.Ot* laet
da the lite of e acddlcr. aot ctm e eltl- Bight. Oatofa total of MM.aU for
aaa aoldlen Md the meaaoe to Ufe Md tbeearreBtyeaMbere naaalaa oapald
Uaah la a
«6.0H. aix amall UlehigM roada b
IhlBf toJhe ooaaidethd aeriooaly. thedehtm.
In addition to Um inteiet of T per
enat added in Angnnt. tbnra will
from iojartea received at Oaap 1>1diileeted a penalty of 9 per eea
free- Be waa hit ia the head by a .^oath from today.
haee l»l{ while eofafed la that peatkma paaUme wiU'other aoUiera.

tobe M •pUMie of
bwb. Thi«»la« U U* OU World,
nm. I>rc«tdeotrur*ol FtMM &or>
' rawly oaoopod owMitwtIrw ot the
teofu '
H iiffBorod. OM to wrwk tb« tntla
■poa which the preekUot wm trerel1^. Next je report eomee fram Cob•tuUaople thM » wideepreed i
■taa pM it aieeoterert is th»t dtgr.
Three hombe la ee Baay dlffermn yvte of the «d»y .weee foeed
Md au wee ' exploded with dkMtroBi eoBtcfloeaew. kiUlnff M
IB \he eeee of Ptei
Ihare thwe eeean to he so motive
Other thM Ihetwhich flUe-the hreMt
o< the mwHie BonpaM eaer
BMtotheOoMtMUBOfU •mr tbtre




Cedar Raplda, la.. Any. U.—Tb* great
atrnnle which haa raxed ever auee laat
Saturday when the.flm candldaiea ar>
nrrd on the Arid aM MahUahed enartere
pnetlcallyS^fd df 4:30 yeegatee which cempoeed Ito.-RcpubllcaD
atate eoeveetloB aelectrd tor the Mdcr
cr the comict ampalxn Hon. 1... M.
Shaw, et Cnwford county. The other
while epinted. were aooc over,
nod the report of the c
.vestloe adiearned aiiie dl
lion waa tailed to order prokPt'r »* n
a. m. by Hca. John McMllUa. chaltmaa
of the Mate eentnl oommMtee, who aft-

Bianil Ticatc At BowaW Saihor ToTheiw win be aa axttaalve eewttntmt from thk dty to the pfamk of the
PaBlaaela McKioIcy Oah, which k to
daha place at Bowen Harbor today.
pMted nia» from the eeyltua will play
thelBviaeiblehaUteamafOld Mb
dor a pun«4of CIO aad baaldee the raaae
•hare wU; be apeeehee, pleaty of good
«hii«B to eat aod a feaaiaUy k
•laaa. Taia elah dktiofakhed ItaaU
Aariaf'thacampaifalaatfaU aal tha
dattarlof reanlta wOJ natarally give
oppertaelty for ara^ that k latenatfag <m the program.
A Spia oa Tfoioa Straet
William Waiaerof Port Oadda left
Ma team hitched la froot of the MorOMtQe Oompaoy'a atore yeaterday.
They beeama trigkteaed Md atanad oa
araaaroDDdthaooraeraod np Ualoa
.atnet,, taekUy
other vdilelae ia the way aad ao owe
waa ioiered. Tha team waa taaUy
eaaght aaar Urk^atraat after laaatag the rig ia N. B. Oatea' yard »t tha
oaraar of Blghtb aad L>lea etraek.

A peiy from Bdgewood apeat a omet
eajcyablh day at Ulaad Pelat yaaltr.
day Md ezpraaa theaaaalvaa aa highly
pteaaed wi^ the aew raaort aad tha
heaptlatda boat and hoatam. Ur. aad
Ura- J. B. Watta. Mr. Laad of ChU
ca^ oaa of tha gaeak at Bdgewood.
whdhaaheea paatiag a few daya at
L^d Poiat, retemed to
with the party, briaglag with him a
auiag of atgbty haadaopk apeeUad
troat aa the reanlt of hla vlei^
Bawrday KartMt
nvWoa B. Mn. Pieak Oillk^ a
ThadoUowlagaamadladlmarekamhk« of Divkloa B aad ariU haaxpaelad
toaewttthakkrtha laterday aurkat:
kaead, «Uk, knam »d klhwktagt
aria. —Waa. BUdaahTkahadha—,

aa a aerluu* attempt by
larrhM. The bomb, h* my
1 and
have cauaed grral damage* but that the
tube wa* crackrd.
The bomb refenwd to waa the eeed-oS
lb* anarchlat* gave to the mwldeel aa
he auned fot Dunkirk to take tolp for
Ruaela on a eMi to Ihe rear. He artved
iafriy at Dunkirk yeaterday afternoon
and wa* aevordad aa uvattoa. Later
the pr**ldeM and hla *ulte emfaartied on
board the French warebJp Potbuau. The
mllor* clambored loto the rigging and
beertny cheered lha preaMmt. who (bee
reviewed (he French aeuadron. aad m
aoon a* Ibl* ceremony wa* complrlrd
the Poihuau pet to *ea. followed by the
Sureeuf and Brulx.whl<± will eaoort her

’‘WbntwM fthntfii
fitoaur iMt
' Tha panpk to Mm play had tee
totMeetaadthevhoteeadteaoe toofce
loom aad duabedon the mikk“—Chi
And the “peach- faU eriih n dnl!
dokenlng tfaad to the gremnd.
Bm. tern tm her. ebe «n* >n>
to ride.—Hew York JonnmL -

Upon nocmrenlDf (be o
^eeded 4» boMnoa wllboi
report at the c-ommlttec o

e alao anaouiiccd that
IMmlretlona would hr made by cell of
dietnrta and (hal no BoatnaHni
apecebra would be pennlttcd. Malor
Mahon ihankad the cooveption (or the
hcooT anK auempted to make a epcech.
After talking about four ralmitat the
converlkei rompeUed him to dekal. all
brlag aexloua fur the fny .to canmenre.
The ooBVCSiloB^t <*ice proceeded to the
0( xoveriKir. Seven cendldatn were placed
Hartan. of Reary cOuntyrHaM I'arrod.
r Black Hawk: W. E. I
Fuller,r. cf FaySot.: A. T-.
rncaiDxee, or l■ollawatIaInle: I. H.
Shaw, of Cnwford: A. H. Kunk. of
Dtcklnmn. Byere «-ltbdre« tiani the
enelect Tneeday r.lxht. and John Cownle. of Iowa county, yesterday 'morhlng.

le’Wae ael.^aed
That le the Way.
aa the neat Ballat.
The lAtomtal lalloi developed what
bad been e*p«i«l rartoH led with
B1 vote*: Funk war tecor.d with' 9M.
and fOiaw; third with 244. Hanh. Ful­
ler. Harke and Fllckinxrr followed In
the order named wae Utile
.ppolnted Beeretnry Board of Bagia. ctaapge Ic tbi fir* and ret^.nd formal
the Infiemal l-allol. aleon Beep Waterwnyn.
Ionia. Mieb., Aog. 10.-G«n. J. H.
Kidd returned laat night from the eaat. fuun the race. Tbl* etarted Ihlagi (
where he wae aammoaed a week ego
Many counllr*
laat Friday by a dkpatch from Baerepaaacd when
tary of War Alger. Be met the ptedend wa* reached It was evident
deatiai party at Lake Champlaia, K. that- Shaw would be nominated.
T.. wheae be waa tendered aad aoeepv Ju»t 4:3S when Woodbury <«M her ihlrhe pcaiUcai o
of the ty-lwo vote* for Shaw. TUI* wa* all
waa«e(V**Bry. The eeeee that fol­
1 offiagiaaei
Bagineen from deep water- lowed- ____
_ _
waya far the great lakea to tha AP lUdlence of AOIP per pie w eM wild aad
' Tha poalUoa carrlae cheered and cheered for aeveral mlnutea
with It a aalary of to.000 a year aad Aa fare aa order could be Reloted
tie* begao charxing Ihelr vetea.
The chairman of the Black Hawk delagatloe, (be home of Matt Parrott who
had led all the time until
hoanrsd the witbdnwal of Parrou and
moved Umi the oemlnattoB «« Shaw
made by en^anaUon. IbU carrkd
cteonritwe wa* appoUrtChleago. Aeg. Ift.-WbMt aaada a
n And Shaw and netiCy him of U*
aw meead today, it opdned at Mk
was voting
eaak, haoke to 87H oeak aad than
HeBUeaai duvernce when the rommitise
jempad t6 «X e«ak. Attorward H arrtvsd with Shaw. He we* greetoBwIlh
vtgocou* aad prolonged dwertng. Shaw
nude a hrtef bet happy -mweeh and wa*
luently applauded. He decUivd he
t O. «■ T. Idftarary CewtMk
accored the nomlnatloc by bnnevi
Tha Good Temidan ere BOW eiU _
mean*: without otaklng any e< .-.ivulnc*
iae Utereiy eoateatMd baveelected or prcihl*** to any man cr wi of me
leaden far the rwpeeiive eSdea'aa fol- He said that be would administer tl
CompMy No. 1. Mke Mabel aflar* of state g* beet be knew how.

n: onapMy No 2. Karl Konhnip
B C Fnlgbom haa been ehoaea~}ndga.
The program for next Satarday c
log k In eharge of eompany No. 1.
bnxpentod that every member wQl he
preeent In order that the delegate may
■traetad la regard to Otaad Lodge
whiah eoaveaae Tneeday. Aeg. Mth. at'
ItomhaU. Uleh. Vkittag Good TW

AtlaaUc City. N, J..Aug, ll.-Tbe fact
developed bcie laat night that five Ca­
ban expeditions have left tbl* city with­
in Ihe pa*t few muoth*. Tto laat. to put
out. according to tofonnatlan rnmUhed.
waa on Taesday. when not alone were
provlatona taken, but ammunlUon aa
welt The ag-nt* of the Cuban cause
have, worked their expedition* so neatly
they pot out under 1h* eyas of
ttoo delecUves who are aatd to thOBld think of yonr mnl'a
be atathmed here. The rapedltion »f Where will yon •gaud etmnityt H«Tuenday, It I* reported, conaleled of mvmber. we ere bme hot far a d^. and
twelve midd dry gona and six dynamite then we are goaa
guna Bill Ihe Brett (with tea .
There were alao U.dNl cartrtdgea. All
•Ton may to ton
ton far a day aa
mod dttvrh—Ton
thcae artlrlca were loaded on
■ boat waa towed up> tbelHMagoM.
the I <h*R

PbM Pow4fir«d eptcM.
3Pu» OrsAm
(and Pure Baking Powder. If ymi wm»
ea to makeil. » pp^ far IRto
bar Sheeting. Kahher Taktog. rD
eum. Wat? Boulae (geanatoed fm
Ulyeertac aad Wlteb Basel Letioa far

Soda Fountain

O. A. B. Bennlen at Petatekey.'
ObOBtar we ore nvver emte^ to •Red
d the Cuban agents while ibey
Oe toe isto, idto aad iTih a< Beptom- ^ ewmgh ahme" hM elweye tty to
loadina the boat* a* tothr drstlnaof the provUloo* and received the her there will he wh»t promtem to he
answer that they were for cuuntry toe laiveat reuten ever held hy toe
Meoes up the eoast.
OfMd Ttoverm Soldtere' and toller**
AmortotloR at Peb^ey. Brerytolng
Itekedy Harttn Ite Wrmk.
St Lonto Aug. II —A spsctel to vTm wUl hr formtehrd toe vetorena. except- ^
^ ^

Republic from McLalniborough. HU.,
sayi that nobody wa* killed In tb*
wreck of freight car* on (be LoulstUle
aod Kashvllle railroad near Dahigtcn Boea bill end he dralgDated “Oamp
at ( a. m. yvaterday. The trainmen of Boee." The gToond* will be lighvdjl
fretgbU No O and ». which were
with electric tlgbta
eoitUMn. carapfd unhon. Both engtoes
The Monartoa of Beprrttdre!
mander A T. Blim. General I- U. Ruth­
Were rom^etely dcmellahed and
car* of corn diu-hed. dteaytog traim* erford and otoer eminent ^leekera will
Tb* SmlnBBt Aetor,
four hours.
be present Esenrsion mtea *riU preeall os all raUfoad* eatertog the Own.
SeHeml OMwbUm V. F.C. D.
Indlanapulla Aug. I*.—The national
rorv.ntb'li of the T. P. C IT. ecraed
Vettee to Water 0«
last night In TomUnson halL«'ttb l.esu
The ese of water (or eprinkliog puitopportadhytoa
peaiple In suendsne*. It I* estimated
that there are S.ett religion, workeri^ poem is. by oerralea. confined to toe
of 5 a. m. aad 8 a. m.. alao • p
from out of the dly here. Before the boon
conweitlne opened Itev. B. M. Olff-a. a. Md 8 p. m.
All ptaeea where wratrr b fonnd mof Egypt, preaented Temporary Chvlrto a r*j|*rwWi atOnm Kv«r
Qo*y ,wnh a gavel made from ning eoBtikiy to tote rklrwai he abet
off—cxespt where a speeial permit bet
1* M Palestine and Egypt.

JAS. i. KfflISOI.

- StetaHerfiGwd Open Hito




t orJy (
e of tra
. and mis* reached
the Ug total of 1CI1S.M* tmahete. Th*
highM price sdrerad wa* MW omte tar
Wheat at Chicago rcetctdny mads n
d-eeni lump, to «W centi.
There have hem t*ea(y-fear mam of
suicide at Cbleag* dnrtog the Arm
eighteen days of AngvM. .
Al Eaton Rapids. Mich.. Rsv. B. J.
Hall haa a healthy chicken, three
month* old. with two hodlm (on# Icgt.
but.only one bead.
Johanie. the Lymr-Md am p( Train
Dlspatrfaer Conway, of the New Tork
Central, ha* been abdecied from Albany
and held far ransom.
om as
_iry WU
Prince Fstrrhaxy de Oalsdiha.
■bout tt year* of age.

Greet ttaaca teetoredoraU who etMM tote MBoal ptenle or Behwehcmfamt. Spoetel ettmnlfawe will he me^
vided aad a dellghtfa] toy te
"waU who aUewd.
The C A W. U. By. wtU raa a spectel
traio from
rom Traeasae
Travoree CIto
CHy nt
at ? a. m.. arrivlny at GrMd
OrMd Bap& abonl
tar botta at 8:M p. m.
Ona OkBavxx.
O. P. A.
Aenanl pienie of to* GerttM BoeteMmofGfMd BaptdaandWeattra MltoIffM OR above data te Hoboanlaida
Oreva. Baeda Uka. Old OoaaWy
naMB. loto of fan. plenty to mt and
drink. Mnale by the bond nad ategteg
amdoty Don't mtea U.


—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.


■' Fire Insurance.

Suits to Order.


nfOnad BapUa.

Beer bees «RUed to 4km toes
thntyoeeM get at Ihd Dreg
surd ten Mere)

K. 4- la a PWw ll*wfha.

‘aternma. of Scott county: i
dent of pebllc Inetrucllon. H. H. Bar­
rett. of UJtcbcU: railn-ar comptroUer.
C. L Davld»pn. of Sioux.
Ountlar* entered (he Eau Claire. Wto.. aty at 7 a. m . and anivl^ at Grand
Captain i. C. Mlllman. et Harrison postoStee by a window, look eight p*ck- Bapid* abonl door. Batonteg
atA:W p. m. Boand tt
eonniy. wa* nominated far lieute aad ofikaed and scan
Uno DkB.
the eontacta of (be ottoia
The platfona I*
JuM IM buAel* of wheat
can declarathm. It rraAm* andaduptt (trvabed (tom two acvea of the Brsaey
In every part the drctaratlon of prm- farm, near Standlth. Mich. The crop
d‘ by
the Repeblicnn tra* tram the Teancaate Qlaat aakd.
ntlon of mi and It
Ever Buroed Ovt?
Oeaeral Jam«o Q. Loegstrect te eapledges far
a that (be rceolt In No- gaged to wed Mlia Ellee Dortch, of At­
If ao yen kRow
baU be a still ihoie lanta. O*.. aarlwant «(ate librarian. Th*.
vemlirr ae
Tan enntt U toe priu nt the Oread empbaUe show of (he "sttvngih aiM
rat te » yi
' TTa-ama a Tarrrai
Opwe Baeee gU eaxt wettt, when toe festloeofRepuhiltendortrtnes.’' It agate
I far praUetten add
patrone of toe toaaWe will here m opk amall worm, whteh I* d«aerih*4 as
O. P. CAfaTXM. Ago
portoalty of aeeing toe beet performpenally pear irra*. aoom ^uawacmrf.
aanheer nfiend to the pnblte far sneh
Mich., to ouch an extent that niln of the
Dm Mall
atmy. Very tow of toe high clam ellst state ranventiun will he
crop Is feaivd.
eomptoWeaompaay Van Olnkel-s Halt Obaemtory bulldTbs Oreea Boy and Wsetere Railroad
will be called to order hy
ny has awarded the contract (or
rmere, aad aorepar- Ing. and
totn eompaay offers eeoh M np-to-date today. A. W. Ricker, of Iowa City..
«r excavating Is to begin nl mce.
TUi oompMy aarrtei
•aide as temporary etaahnma of It wDI c«m n«.ttft.
iventton. After dinner Senator
OHtoedot eceamy end beggige. aad
There are a good many thonmnd
r*r aril] addrem the ctmvmUon. A
ea> b tress- wtthln a radliw of ten
age every WU* to perfaet detaiL
tldcet -win bh nominated. It
>llet of Paw Paw. Mich., but protmbly
With Mr. NawaU’a oompMy tote
I* expected that between Ml and RW there are not ten bnshtes of peaehex oe
m an Uim Halite Dtemoad Rigby d^egaie* will be preaenl. U seems to all of Ibsm pot together.
Forty friettes of Dr. O. W. Proeo. of
Md Ur. WHher J. Highy. aoebrnttr Md he aencrslly conceded that Hon. Chaa
A. Uo} d. of Mnscatlne. will be the n-m- Canhrte; Wla. recently appointed ctmheavy amn with tbt Oread -W
iRce (or governor. Lloyd wae a cmBones Stock Oampeay of Bentos eB toM dhUU (ar congrem (ram hte district In
the test eMteelXb and to very popular.
■mean, Jaa. B. Mnrphy. nomndtoa
And Be Win CWaltoas es L—h.
MelCee Banbto'* oompMy toM am
-. of Uu ttn■adaraom « Lahm. .baa kmnad
Warren, tils.. Aug. I».-Chartte U.
DaVarmoa. laedtog tody wtto
alar to to* nakma of the toatt
Bromwich, a-alderman of .BoMon,
Mr.JttoaOftfMkteeempe^y eeMOi
tbdr attcatioo to the AftaaMh
married here ymierday MIm Adelte
fare tost. Mwerd Ueteh with Mtea Cnrr. Xh* bride wa* s gtrl (rM t€ asranl teMttag te a
Bremwlcb^ fil« wtfl. who at her Amtk
w te a daotead fallam Pro ftwaw
„-4ttd «itt yWd dam twmtr asem
ARd gat only fatty^ bmhete. Ha
this m wan toot K remSWi
TheBaeosa aRMBtet toe people «


♦ =.»^S.W!=C-J=: 1


•• Lett Atlaaale Ctiy.
Hart, of Coi'DcU BiuSa
. . .
chairman arA made an addreea. at the

I akw wM le can year oa**aR*a *a I

Has Your



• la tM Pittehorr
bave decided to 4^ tbeii
aalaee refardlem of the oooarqoeaeea
ft k aaM that the
ploy Plakertoo mea to protect the dob■Bieamiaeraatallhaaarda Thk actleo will ptohablr (tedpiute aerioiu
kwehle aad whUa maaaeiaf the atrlkaae wiU iadte them to viideoce which
oaaaet hot end la


Fine Merchant Tatlcvuig^

•The Operator,” "The Mas­

ter Mind.” “The saw Lin­
ing.'’The Qemcnceau Case.**

“SSfittSstKSS '

-Tlie CroM of GoW.” -The
Mean of New York," "The
BolU"-prece4ed by "Lend

iMitii IM Cn UN d tMMqr

. ..xmato.



$U8 Sims.
Haw Md Ppto fafa Garda arty.



- - v;



TBaMOBvnia bioobo. fbioat, avotw «d, ii«t.

Havt« Talk with th« Hmd
of th*' Minors
«a t%» BMfea t« T*»lr OliuM-u aa
0«MaMa( mil* lOa Baal CHato WUI
<^■■1111 «WB( Avaj-lUaa To Ba
Oaa»a< «WI «M lUa WBa WUl Walk
OoM Makaatha Oa Afk
dauaaMa «W airifc-.'
nttabon. ABf. U.-H to l«wcd that
tat coDoaetlon with tin coal opefktorimactlac last slgtat OotoMl W. P. Rcod
ABd Ui« F. U Robblaa-^panr bad a
ton* ooDfcratKo with PretoiMit DoIbb.
of tba mlnctk the ranm of which wai
a Milt IrtaanuB to National PnaldcDt
RatCtoford. uUtir kin to come ban Is
•Boitaar Mdsavor to aettle tbe strike.
PlttBborx, Auc. H.—Tbe meeUn* of
the Pittataurf dMhct coal operalors
wbteh was becun at ClevalaBd Tuesday
DiSht was concluded here last erentiic
ahortly after midal*ht. Nose of Ujoae
aitendliw tbe meeUnf would dl>-ulce
the proceodlnca The ooiy statetnest
, slven out was the tact that the aotloB
taksB at the aevetood meetlsf was rat­
ified and ercB empbastsid. asd that the
« U. Hltchco^. bad It
o appoiil^ a
will aeek a coBtarcnce with the mloers'
omdals looklns to a aeiilemest of the
atrike. It to nsderatood that Uie'baMa
to be uraed for • smiemem by the opentora to tbe M-cent rate for mlninc.
and WutuM tbe miners refuse to accede
to this aod their old employa decllbe to
return to »ork tbe cpetntoiv will at
once Import men and start Ihdr mlaa
at any bsaard.
Will AMrsty Flafct the atrilm.
At It Is eziremeir uBilkely that as
^IcaUe arrantemeBt eas be effected,
ihcmtne esmerabave afftsedtoahare !!>*•
^ expeoae altendanl upon the startlsa of
th- mines and no sxpedlem>wlll be over­
looked In the acconvllahmest of the ob>ect aimed ac-thc bmUaf of theatnka.
Tbe mlees ts be expertmented kilb bare
not as yst baes atlacted. but It to said
tbe break will be loade at four different
places sndely scattered ihrouybout the
district in order to as much as pomltale
disconcert the strike leaden. Tbe meet-.
Is# laK Blfffet was representative, id• eludlbK amonff Us attendants flflfse

It to AM llM BM Who ar« aun IB tb«
emava :vUI rraiBlB tberv and wtU aarcta
*k «a«al tB apHc of tbe ab«rlC aad tha
ovun s ueuer. sTsaiaRu uoiaB saio lai
bto men woald coBtiboe to rnanh. asd
the rtteriS arrested theta other mt
wouM take their placw at ooee. 0aM
he: ‘The AertS wUl hart to do hto daty
If we rlolate the law. and arreto na If
he Is of the oplntao that we are notaiars
he will have to lake us to Jail asd pusIth us like any other criminal, t sent
me order to all the camps this '
to continus the marebtsa os
peaceable llaea that we have boeo followln*. and I am willloir to ahlde by tbe
result We do sot Inteod to sire up as
■ ■ If we
. -..............t to dealt
out to ua. provided It to prores that we
have broken the law. We do oot wtoh'
to iwerre tbe ahertB from tbeUne of bto
A mectlBt of the mloers frMi thi
Itnckle Rat mines walled on Buperlatendect R Q. Dtekaon. of tbe Muckls
Rat mine of J. B. Corey, and ktoicd him
if be would open the
returned at tbe M-cen
be would not asd the miiMW would not
be opened until the neat take season.
■s Will ^ to Wsst TIesl-ta aad Ms tki
- Haerklas ritoeto.
Wbe^Unr. W. Va. Au». I*.-Tbe oastem Ohio strlkera. flushed wJUj their reesBt BucceoaES in marcblna to worklca
mlnea on both sides of the river, at*
march/acroes the country from Wheel-

the Wheellnc and Fairmont pike U
about fifty nillea and at last three dsye
would b« I
. .
annaouncemenl that Qeneral Coxey to
to be sent lu West Vlrclnto to mads. He
will be rleUlled for work In the Fal-r
mont resloo. It Is rot known, however.

Fatrraom, W.A'a.. Aiw- Ik-Tbe mUi.
ers arrealed yeaterday mornlnc for \ln.
latinc Judae larkson'a
before Judp Nathan floff. at Clarksbum. yesterday, belns reptaaented by
John J. Davis. Jr. Jndee Goff remand­
ed the men to.Jafl. as they eonld not
give l>ond. and 10 o'cIm
«as set as the time ol
Squad after aquad of i
mlees of tbe
at Camp OMimonxah t
Btcbt. Allot-.,
_ _____
tbe Monoacab^company. waa
at Bicbt. repoAnt things quU
mine. He sa)-Abe output there Is with­
in thirty ears of as much as It sras be­
fore the strike begxB.
A. Hanna A Co. Intercsta mlnaled with
NO aiOBBB i•illCk irOR DICK2IN*. .
the operators befere the roecUr-a, talkIn* to a tiumber of them aod also with Osatmeu That Os KalltaaOict ram Mast
President Dolan, of Ibe misers, but be
May ausd la tiM Way.
did eel enter the/conference. 41e pare
Chicago. Aug. IS.—A conference of IIBO reaauc for not loinlna and left the
ilnuls and Indiana coal operators, at
which aU the principal ones were pres­
- Way BaalB > lUeedy Was.
^rvelasA Au*. it. — T1
decttloe ent. was held In the Rookeo' buUdlng
yesterday moralng. aad as bouror morv
rearbed by tbe ojerators ui
was spent , in Islklng over the atrike
bun district at Uielr confen
altuatloo. The opinion aeerned to be
opt n ibelr mlrAs remrdjtsa
s will probably ca
that there mould !«• no reo local
,e PI
. iBoee |iaiu m nen uie eirlke .was ordered.
ton to eecaae Ptnkinos men to protect ' II was stated that any other course a-as
Ibelr OOD-UB1C41 mes. TbU actios on Impoaalble. owing
) tuSl eatrffe until May
tbdr part will probably precipitate a tracts <
terrible dUnas to tbe crest strike, and
irge proportion of tbe output of
the eperatora admit that blood will
was said, to under conprobably flow. Ir. rpeaklns of tbe i^bmany districts there are
ahlc reaull ef the opeialora’ deeldoo
l4«ras Cuddy, of the Cuddy-Mullen formal coulracis signed bg operators
Coal eompasy. mid: "If It is tosod nec- sod miners fixing definite wages. Were
a^ary to do ao a whole array of detec­ the prires now demanded paid. H was
tives will be employed to protect our claUM^, the,small maifitn of profit
nm. and tf the worst esmea they arm would be more tbaa atworbed. Catoaa
te supplied with Ctotlling g_ Ds asd otb- these <ontra< t» for coal are earned out
e tbe strikers Ibe party faUIng la Habic to damages.
that we isaan taadnem There wlD be so It was (he Impreaslns that noeie ef tbe
operators would altend the Peoria eosday. althougli
what tbe first SCOCB"

Cuddy's fiaiement Is upheld by j. p. thai there la only tZO on
Zerbe. pmMdem of tbe Ohio and Penn- '.MiO
strikers. Yesterday was, the tVfiUayfvaala Coal company, who said: "We lar dUtrlbotloB
day. but tbe eommlsarq deterrained to open
aaries usrs not opened and tbe hungry
wenl unfed, 'rbccskdiaonof tbe strikers
and ubImb aid
are ptoaty of Boe-anlon workmen In tbe resebes bare desperate,
a crlOs to lasrltable.
eountJT wbo are wilting to Agfal for
Ms asrike/Jkely irt Osmlar.
their prctectloB. altboucb I am of tbe
opinion that we will be able to prote<
Decstur. Ilia.. Aug. IS.—There la now
when tb belPved 10 be no Ukellbond of a strike
old misers find that
of the coal miners here. Another meet­
the mines being opened they wingohsefc ing of the men was held yewenUy. but
to work again peaceably."
oelr 1« men attended, shlle over SN
at work. This to more than
worked Tuesday. The miners from Llneoln. Pana and Fprlngfleia are atlll
CUaeklag af Thai I
quiMly IB camp Joat outside the dty.
PltMtuTfi. Aug. U.—Teaterday. was
Tewe l-Bileeml>y (a rrs|isalim
operai^ day. and from preaes't apPlttAung. Aug. IS.—Progress la a«=
pearaAws they have made a mart ef­ ported by the earamlllee having in
fective OKiv* and have marly, tf not citsrae tbe onimrmity agreemem. It
quite, checkmated their opponents, the was aonouDCed yeaterday that the
atriklng coal mlnna. Tne court'e decree eoltcllor bad rexvived the aignaturea
cent, of the operators
yesterday la maklns perTnaaent tbepre- uf about as
and that It was exirected before ttat
Umlsary Injunction rvairalslsgtbealrik- close
of tbe week to amire almost the
«m from camping, marching vr la any nqulnd B per eeat.
manner InWrfering with the New York
Sssssios Ska DbII PtoM.
and Cleveland Um Coal cxqnpany'a mlnara has kad the afieci <k almuw deidetChicago. Aug. ».—League bam ball
tag Che eaiBpa about tbum mines, and
appareatly a geaeral dcmorallattuc
us «; at New Ti>rk
aaaciaK tbe Gampets extota. Camp De- -Phlladeipbla k. New York *; at Boston
, at Turtle Creek, waa re­ -Washington 0. Boston ».
duced la konbers from BO to fifty,
Western L.eague: At Hlsneapdlla—
men who were told to go borne gatbereU XndlanapolU IS. Hlnneapolis U: at fit.
In as aagry crowd and detuiasced the Paul—WetxgrouBds; at
Grand Ranids I. Kansas City 10.
Waatern Aasoclailoa: At Cedar Rap____________ tbe crowd. They de­
ld»-(}un>cy 2. Cedar Rapids •: at Ft.
manded of him work or asMstasce. He Joseph—Peoria t, St. Joaepb 6; at Bar-’
replied rsiber curtly chat be would get hnglon-Rockford 12. BurUngton (: at
Des Molnes-Duboque t. Des Wolnca 1
them N>bs in the workhouse.
After Warner left a number of tbe
B>en threatened to return to their homes
Showed herralf a better boat than the
II look for wortt Uriah Mnmn In a stiff breete. and by her win
BUUngbam. In charge of tbe camp at over tbe latter secorrd to C^iada for
year tbe Seswanhaka-CorlnthPlum Cr*dL.'pui a damper os tbe camp­ another
ers at that<e. He bad )Mt r^umed lan club cup. Glencalrn led
from the dty where be bmtd Ukcourt's
deciiinB. He told the men tbkrc>BqId
- be BO araec marching and so aaad of
such a terge oombet' of men at thecamp.
He advlaad the men u> disperse to uSr
respectlee homas and get work wtaarewr tbay eouM. At this camp, wtsre
iwsday ttam wan Ma saaa. test aigbt iBarabfil far Wyoming to efiter a re­
.fbars wac* tawthaa m aaady C»qMi ward of on tor tbs capture et tbyblgkf it pAffltoiBy ahaadtmad, a«d U to M waymM wbo beM op sUgea aad robbed
tassNi Mtoatbw R WUl be apiBae a»iB
aagars ta TMtowstana park last
AML AUMMlMnartlem.thaaUI



Belli Tbss Wbal Ms ■sMas'W to Ms
Detroit. Aug. Ik—The War sttraetfaa
of yesterday’s srsslrn of the baiikcrr
ooavenuon was Comptroller Befcsto. At
OfCeuTM Hfi te run of «w OfMt the oOBChisloe of bto
Bontnya pi thfi ICIondjrkR
surrouadtd by mrae thas a score of
memben wbo praised forward to so
Minins Rfigten.
gratulaie him asd shake bU baird.
vsU of thanks was i
tbs young comptrdler for hto w
While Bckels was spsaklng suiodlBg
Ttora was hardly to be had In the
s oooD as he had flalshsd
the audience rkpMly dwindled, lauvlng
I such a wide axpanaa of umpty aeuta

Loon roB

n o(ua

Remember:: ^makers!

lots and fiiofieileg



OilHi III TiliphiM PranillT

I on tbe prog^Luims were put ovsr'uotfl
.; this morkM. Bckria waa gr

warmly 4Awn be ruse to apeak.
! severely lEfltietoed the Blabd-AIUsoa and
Chicago. Aug. U.-Mr. C. M. Nettle- (so-egIM) fibarman acta as being tbe
ton has jnsl arrived Id this city from wotvt-kfnd of financial legtsUtlon. asch
TBUn>flOHB 141.
ficatilc. Wash., and to ai present stop- act making raattera mors dtoastrous
plBg wlib ralativss In Hlnadale. Ket- than they were before.
Protably tbe key note of kis speech
llefm Is dty editor of tbd SrajikfWiCAULKETT & CO..
IstHllsmckr.. He was Isto^M^ed Ih the
offices of tbe KloDdyke-AUvka AScid tbe cloiid npon tbe beautiful borlson.
Iflnlng. Trading asd TrasIptofatkiD which
cotnpsBy, In the Western Union build-. oura. to the ataiMgulto to gov­
Ing, BDd while bto statements In refer­ ernmental contracts toArodiieed by
ence tv the Klondyke region are some­ tbr legal tender tosuea. la tbelr e»...............
what surprUIng, be 'CVideotly believes eralloa they «
them lu be true. Nmleius «aye that bepe of tbe advoeatca of tbe frra cola- PMi StiMt. bWVMS r»Bt S OW.
Brattle Is bcomlag aad tbe oondlttass
remind the oM aeiilera of tbe pahny UMtog proeperity. They are demand
I tUT AVB xioaf.
days ef CaUfonria in ISM. He exhibited obUgatloBa never retired, yielding to —
a number of specimens of Klondyke«old , ordinary rules of trade oecessitito
Rates. $1.50 per Daj.
as It le taken fmm (he beds of the expansion or contraction In volume,
Alaskan and .Sortba est Terriiury riven tbe very terms of the contract which to
■loee. AfS Met al All L'alqow
"I believe." mid Neitlelon. "that
wltbom quesUcm tM.OM.too of tbe yel­ loss and expeoae to the people. Th<
low metal «ill be token from Atoaka at once enhanced the coet of tbe cit
next year. Ore peculiar ftature of tbs war and prematurely drove the counli
gold seeking Is that the miners upon from a specie basis to one. for mat
landing In this country seMom are srlU- years, of Irredeemable paper."
Ing to tell (he (ruth In reference to tbelr
Further on he said: "It to aaserted
iurrera. Nearly fvery one of them ra- that when tbe revenocs of tbe gov­
peets to triuiT. and for thU reason they ernment exceed Us neessaafY expcndlarc reticent and do not give tbe facts t« turra no further (roubts will foUow
(be public as to the amount of gold they aad tbs argument totocd upon fonnar
have la tbelr pusesalon." One miner
■ r a plethora of money
when asked by Nrttleton how much
gold he had secnred^rrplkd that he bad
, bow greatly tbe burdra placed
about mm or
when the truth
was he had tll2.M0 worth of Ibe shlny
mvtal abont him.
_ throagh afiver i
aod bow. uafisr existing c
Netileion mid that duly about forty today, the treawy has no goU toeasRc
aqiiira miles of imltarr l^Aiaaka ban from the ordinary ohaaasto of racelpu."
there are handreds af square miles of
territory which. It'Is iH-'Heved. rontataw CUosgstValght A^^GIvelMr TIew
af Haw II erstks.
are the same as ihfbT^ tbe groBod
Chicago. Aug. B.-Frelght agrnts to
wlilch has been gone over and the esn- Chicago erjto handle RritUh goods re­
dlttefts are tbe mme. But Nrttleton wmU ceived
siay.of Canada are cot at
people shoold not attempt tr, go to tbe an worriril to ngard to the 10 po- cent,
fields this S’Bson. but should pusl|v>r.e dlnrimlnatlon tax In thi tariff tow.
their trip until rwxl syrlrg. when cor.dl- They Biy It will make no dlffrreEce
tlnoe »1I1 he more favtrable to travel Brlttob goods at the cunowi’ hoasc
and proep.ttlng.
of New York or'cotne over the .butder
, Montreal ot Quebec. The 10 .
PIseseiry Allexed Thai Stoaws Thai
rt additional duty affteta unly goods
Csaedtas Is NetWIekek
sent from a foreign country and arriviug
Skagway. AlaMia. near Dyes. 'Auc 1. to the Uhll.d fiaies through another
via Seallle. Aug. U.—Twelve Canadian foreign rruntry. adjacent to < ur own.
Cansds Is a Brltltb puasesslte:. and It
cuatoms ufflcera have arrived berr and
regarded l.y the government authorities
will establish a custom house
as vlriually a portion of Great Brit­
poriaxe between Lake Bennett and hmain. so far at Its relsHon to the tariff
raopfitania oy trk
Tagtrh lake, a (K.lnt by whk-b all Take'll law Is connrti-d. Therefore BrUUh
vr Klondyk^ travelers m
gcods. whether shipped dlre<ily from
they atari from Dyea and Fkagsay. UVi-rpool or Glasgow to New York, or
The rates of duty will averag- al»o( shipped to HoBlrral sd<d forwarded by
no on the average ouUlt of a Tukuner. rail, simply post from tbe domlr.loo of •Conor ot Cmo» and Bey Slreeta.
The officers sre well armed and sill Great Rriufn to that of (he ITili
M. A N'. B. drpuL wUbra to aaBlalet, They do not pagf through any
ihe public that be baa reforeign ^mtry. within the meaning of
l*ad furniabad the Bold Paagthe river will be stationed guards to tbe act iA\th Chlneee or Jatwnese goo^
boRi better tbaa it esvr has beea be­
It might be dtffertEU
s oflk»rs.
fore aad eaa aeeomaodato thn trevollaff imhlk ia good abape. Satiafaettoa
into aaseit that (be treaty betsreen O’Brien, attorney for the Orard RspMs fwaraatoadL
Ruaria and Great Britain prorldn that and
ap(he Yukon. Fosxruptoe aad Skeena rivreceiver for tbf Hamlllon KeoBOTBL PAHOBOHS,
era MoaM be free for commerce and pototsd
mpted trum the tmpaaitloD of eqa- wood Cycle ctnrpaBy yraierday.
SrM.aR RDspel.
Yalos af tbe tolsw Ualla-.
IS duty.
The Canadians evade the point at toNew York. Aog. a.—A( yeateidafs
sue by claiming that praapeclors cross-. New Tcrt price
Ing the monntolD ranges lo the tasss tbe atandaid allvtr dollar to M.M carta
d waters of the Yukon do
TW Weoahae Ws Hay ■upuab
of th?
^VjoUagtow^j^. M—MmrbM^ara



aad asory khii of--------


Mul Tickets it ReRiciR Rates.


alwoye la gtoek.

-A.. *w. o'uAjarsLA.'crs,

Lady Watts
------ roa------


Fishing Partifift^^

Now for Business!



From this date this boat
will not make re^lar con*
nections with trains on M. &
N. E.> Fishing parties, how*
ever, xan make arrangementa
for the use of tbU baodsooie
jaebty by communication' by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

Sm Ow Hew Um

Picture Mouldings

Cycle OfoeisLooIHere!




The Pure Juice SinJSSk'?
Butter, First Class

*• “

a msy fW Ln—
Irad (0 coraplicai
B o*acers deriare ttsy wHl eafotve tbe las
aad win not dtocrlmlnate
OaloD qtreeta
against Amertesns.
It Is Idle to argue that there is no
aeslotu feeling between the Cansd'ans
and Americans. Unle* both governtnents are very careful a system of
pyrnkom rvtato.
rataUatlon will bedn v«
FoU May. tbe artist aafi earioataBM,
are aware of the fact, much in feeling teUi of a iaiwy cxperictioe he had oa
will fvUaw. and the miners srill be the
hto rctuni Iran a umr for the LoodoD
grratest sufferers.
When I esune back
banenrd to the oflr*. and toiagiae my ^J^^pon^awkighttaAgumatoodtoUilHamm.- ak Watt, Dr«c*
ftatifiratiou when 1 haw everywhere
a WilUe
mt baBpets brariug tbe iuacripThorp was handed a lener by a
largr lettnti. "Velcme to
who came down on th* Alkl from Dy<
It was written by J-toward Thorp, and Why
Fall Itae amtariaL
"Thiite tedeed (sme." 1 tbonbt.
came oxerland. raying that be t
cleaned up tlM.OM on the Klondyk*
and wboi J got to The •nmhlo eOea
leel^. AU the brat Crait flavors FraJtoaaA
eight weeks, and was coming home
there waa another urarriphan, with
«y the beat. A. A MeCoy aSoa. FroRtet.
the stramer Pottlaod, shiefa Is due In Sowm and aU tbe rest of It. "Wotane
Brattle on Aug. H. Thorp left firattl- to M. and G.” The O worried bm a
bae rear ago, haxipg gone north s>itb
drove of cattle^________
went oot with me ctnaMneed with Q.
^^ers Are Tlww Mmpa Tea WaaC
1 told the editor of my gratllloaiiflR.
■ ■■Why, you ccotisOcRl Idiot," toe to
--------------llaL^leaAA»h.eor.Fr^ai>dPark.aDdrear MZmtejB^
marked p(^eiyr‘’it's ootbing to de
with yoel Ife the marria(e of Prtaee
. fUte hM.
region. It to on
an enlarged scale, with the gold region OmneandPrtocemMay. ••
aa tbe main dhjertlve potoL and this
' Tbs Frias sdaeo^.
entire Jorallty Is given without refer­
Tbe followlt« Un ebowe the* k'gnat
ence to the remoter parts of Alaska.
n>e map Is called a ruute map. as it deal of RMoeyia Riade from poFolv
shows tbe route of travel from 8ltk2 mMto io Bogtend:
Hr Arthur SoIUvn to eald to hare
portbward to the Klondyfce counlrr.
naUmd Cl0.000 by bb oekbrated iot«
Hloe naairas* by new.
IfciB Hountola. Mtch.. Aug. Il.-Tbt "TbhLoM Chord.’■ Balfa igipeare to
Ciarotd shaft bouse at the Tiafier'amlne have received high prkca tor the oofiy“
look fire yewerday morning. The en- rlgbte of Mna gf ’*
Dceamt I Dwuh la
and irarkf
_ .
M mBietoc"Wh«OtMr
consumed. Tbe MuR engine to also
lApe.” mod CS.OOO for "Tbe BeM
total loss. The Hg crusher, however, Bowed Dowr. *' Wbeo raeestly pot gp
was saved through (be efforts of the fee aoetkA, Bl.lll ISa wm oMatMd
rnlnera. who fought the flames with the tor the oopyrlght of Mtehoel Wotemi'a
aM of the Mae puwpi and hose.
PtosvUto Mak Robbar Cradarsd.
FMdlng Farman^ Hetim a Bp^daltj. Hanaa Boardad.
Noel. Mo„ Aug. 1*.- Word reached
here al ac early hour this raorntog that
the Icadev of the PiaevlUc bank robben

Boys' Blouses '£.sg.!S-8Sr
GrMt Cut in Bicycle
Green that wiH kill Bugs

Bicycles to Rent
Soda Water J
To Rent K.TnSi'S.r’"''* «
The Best Candies



-v-. iv,* ««

Ice Cream Freezers i

Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Paris Green



The robtaM. who to badly wooodad. retusM to raveal hto tdcatlty. A poam
with blorlbuaBds Is te poautt «f Me







__ __________



k satonOM of Nla

*t Trp^ »ww.!

•at* • ra»rtc*Afc
Hrtr. to*t coriooB pUm of euEtt^.


The Obat Koir haa beoona ao ;

no nen ••Me" to dt in the eatalMt'
1« f gwt»fy<a« to ln»o« th« thii. nneowiphihmointo of « tpwrow in fail
VajMMtoVeeghof PenBrrlranik.- ttihy Wt»Ivc the cyrtrr. *bo» proper mUeottonof Urtn* Wrt*. Heeuptn^ t


There hare been foar aecKtoiiea of the bottom td the oooan and the ataina ;


*^**®.‘*.*'***^.‘* 1>ldtwo oananca. After a time

I that ita t
w»rwbotoDarooabtwiDwlib“Mc."two of aobmarine planta. la rapidly aaadii*;
■MnotBTiM at
td the
Um trwunry,^
tmmrr. tve !*»»•
nnat. aw*
____ t a
. bad
. a_______
.k.A ' for
aoo tlmt;
afftotof IntareattoaUwho hate aver: aeoretaiiBa

{ the ear. Id apriog hL MiogMd te an- i
uvA drayad the death oC itaowaar \ thiaebare bera C'a (three diatlaotpea________ ________ ________,
• t.,
wooUbothaTa baaDanaidaBt»deiTa,aona,thraediffeTratpoaltiooa).tw«h>eai
It hfi hmg heap known that tbe aoo-, ototomad to heap ^ of triolya
I bean H’a (the mae pcr«m aama pod-: iompooo «< the oyatertKit Infregnratly to
Twoda^te t^
waa the aon cd a well to do filler,
and althoagh not esMtljr of noble Una• V ha waa a man of ddoaaUcn and
Bwna Utarary taata. Oa oertaitity had
more ooltnre than ia naaeamry for the
ordiaaiy bodneat -of keeping a cafe,
dna of hta tr(okw by the way. waa that
of addrawing hU csatcantod aa "Mon■aignanr" or "My iord."
Tba Obat Kotr atood notil raoratiy in
dbaBne Victor Maam in tba^nartiar
Mcmtmattre, a legloo lobahltad by arttota and many other Unda of people baeit« DO lelabraa with feabtonahla my
dety. 6alU prided hlmaelf oo being a
dtinm of Montmartre and baring no
knowledge of tbe reapectable or Philiatioa tiaartait of Ptria.
On the exteriv tbe Chat Kalr wn
eeiy tantnaHaally decorated, preaenUng
a mixtna cf antique faaTttxea aritb
otbara that were eotirely original. Tbe
mart atriking fdljore abont waa a large
flgnia of a black cat, tbe auitnal which
gave in name to the ertat li«binant.
This oat bad iU tail erert an : -appeared
to be raSeritig from ezrltement of an
intenae natnro. Ibe Ague v> m atock

M PreWM* praeUe*.

tkm). fow C'a (two pemma. flea pod- aivea riaa to aerate tllncw. A few yaara!
. •w».-,*w
- the aparrow the Utter bagn aywmae—■»ao«eiM, BmaU.BM<
ago an emipent an^roD ^
Obioago dM
dona). ( « V.-«alt l^e Hwald.
log a^
raw i to flnltaia Ibetr cty. Intarmlngling it
aa the reralt of c«u«niulng
al5, bowerer. ^ ^Jh ita aonga.. Been after the cricketa _____________________________
oyatcra It ia more reoeoi'



that the fact haa '
Jamea R Duke, praddent of the dg- j „ bM'bein eatabU«h^ hejood
Bring oompany of_to; ^bUliy of a doabi
-hat tbe oyatar.^Itbelrcty.

Kone of tba other Wide at-‘


Th. n,»d oldnt IMw


a piiblic, aa tbe remit
t bia of wfalcb it it claimed by the leading
■a of Great Britain
■ ■
1 that
iobn O. BookafoUar hat notified tba
Dee Moinea Bapdft eoUege tbw be wiU
giee 9» tor erery dollar tbaoollega will
raiae from other mnreea.

there baa 'been a dacrewa in the rangnmpUen of oyeiera amoonting to throelonriht—that ia. tba quantity reqnlred
to meet tbe demand ht the p

0.1. UWIKWOQD O. r'.


Chicago —
West Michigan


3£",;rs,r sT4i^:^

aouiiary uo-1 .j.,.
. »Pf»d«l '
tboriUea for."rel.eTing‘;BgceRm.Li
~ ‘

of Lirerjjool <xiuk« ]
forward with the anjUH-*tiou that ore-1
u the preddeni'a ■>um> uaA<; wu»- tore receieed
teceieed from
from fertigu
fertigu per»» <hould, j Vv

«SW. Ttb ■■

!T of MaBaaebaadta

a. *».,

bM«,-d ,r.o,won.«,. U«l. mto-l
fondnew for b
' amuing oy«i<T«>ntbouieuliji'Oiias tb’m |Ttk4tiiW.Tm xi,__________________



-Honey to Loan

Gamgea Anciol, Maraolltoo. Banl AraMi. Edward
HaiMMort, ODorteliDa, Pooeboo, Henri
Bariaca, Dalmat, Uoty and Stelnleii.
When ttia Qbat Nolr beemse famont,
Balia fihargad bigb prtoaa for admiMloa
to iti muoatia, wbioh waa reaaonable
bataomewbet Pbilirtiaeu Lately be had
aermoa diaagraemenu with aome of to

"The Persona] bide of the Prince
Walea." "Tbe domeatic reUtiona of
B priDO " be aaye, "are not a topto
r free < acDsricu, bat at leart one
may aay tbat one senroe of tbegeneonl
n«aid for him U >ia bearing both to
tba qoara and to tbe Prinoem of Wale*
inpobbe. "


. _

died at Bedford. England, ^ 81 {
ire. He was a reoegade to tbe canae'
Ireland. acevTWing tbe <Ooe of inwma tax eommiaidouer from Palmers-;
ton 40 yeare ago and

nattly boptd that the nltimate rcaall;
wiU be tbe repndiation of tbe oyawr aa ■'
„ i^cle of diet, tbe germy bivalve I
being left alooe to

Q®“0 Victoria baa oatiivad not only
I all tbe dnkeaof I8S7 boC half of those

yoor life. As fo? myaeU. I am pretty
waU for ray time of life, bnt aomewbat





f>lB UMlWdsa-

i' :

Major MeEiuley was tba first "Mo" to
ba pr«mdraL bat "Mc'a" in the caddnat


—,1 .in, illll b*
had cne in
to aeoood cabiucL be --eing Ji

Henry of Maryland, wbo was i

dent John Adama
« Tbenext"Mc" tobecbooeatoacablnet poritimi was John McLean of Ohio,


.Youp Choice.


0.0^ Baa.

oorao souiv.'

Building; Lots
Houses,and Lots

oM ! aried. weighs 4S pounds to tba Crtie ,oiraelf 'wbicb appeared arao^ other




sebJoaa, whoa, till her ni
• \
paiodiai of modern anthon la a paper
fioUfa(< abe lived. The emprem was I
Black walnat^ less than half tba called LoDdoo. I have not a copy of iL
oonstanlly in Hombarg-ber carriage. | ^^iabt oTi^wi
tr ot otherwise I woold brad it yun. Toon
with Its black hureea. aod tbe familiar -kJ.

: aver.
A. Tw:«twx.
imperial liverin. always in from of
V The bowa of tba North Amttkao In-;—Pk»> "Walt Whitman tbaMgn.” by
tbe prince's villa."
Tbomaa Donaldtoo.
Aana were osnslly made from a aperies ,
td Osage ontige.


' TstskssgBe*ae»4ar.JBaBm.liw.
MlOaa'sleeka m

. .

the top b
■eqoeotly it ia pretty certain tbaL bow' '
g block r
r saODeaafoUy tbe pablio alarm may
with the metmlUo earoidge for it
* •"
he qoieCed for the time being, it will
Duiel O-OoDDcIl. yoongmt ^ iart , redevelop aounar or later •• tbe ranlt
BorriTliig aoD of the iiUaatot, baa j
w ontbrraka, aod it la to be ei

------ -


imsm iniwniiann Li

anfleld rifle and made tbe fltrt capping





BoSIL wticbtk^bMrebroa ia tba b-bitcd .

A.J U IBM. Tb. tl— D-k- oI B.J.; «Ol7 tbotl ti«l.>»l. tot b.« «m.i bl-k
hit children tnm
W Ibebr infancy
B«ki.Bb—. Cltt.1—1. D™. ' itl—1. »o-li lb —h .Tb.-bl tU.
yooth. wboB the prince need to be In
abU^ Bamiltoo, Laeda. Leinncr. Man- ‘ blackim inoreaaaa with incrasa^
the naneiy early each morning, down
' yeare. My mo Lioael waa married to
to tfaeir present matarity. A word may
Id. Somereet and siitfaerlaDd have all
dmngbtar cf F. Locker. Ibejmtbor of
be maid also of hu brotherly affection ;
) ..............................................................
"Londoa Lyrica.” in Eebrnaiy.
died during tba last ten yearn.
fortke Empre« Prederidt. wbobai aoj
narrowly miand, it at most ncaniDally
abared for a Abort tbree oiontlw. <ms of
was a grand attendauca of Utorati. of
the greateal impmal throoae in the
wbicb 1 read an acconni in one of ypor ,
Well dricff'laraA wdgbs45.g pounds „ ^
world. It waa her noaroes to Honbnig <
word a:
which was amoog tbe
that took bar brother .there
oe rmtnUi-1 “;^^^b»t b—bb -a


wwnlar, tlTaDd anKWhatavan and Upnrraitof tbalr Ufa ‘

Barr Mittermayer, a recentiy elected
member of tbe Anstrian releharatb,
faroogbl a anit for libel against a polit­
Mr UXAb Walt V
ical onioaent who aocnaed him of hav­ overfood of letter writing. Am so overing Stolen money when be waa a waiter ; bordeiled <
at a Tirana betel. At the trial bia adhalf of iL I am very gled to
vamaty prodoeedbUwriRraoanfeartcn, I bear that yon are so improved inbeoltb.
and Herr ITiitenMyer waa tttnad over and that yon move ahoot tba fleldi and
> to tba I to tbe criminal oonrL
{woods ftwly'and have enfoymeat of

merely. t«nt pen
raonal, the i
mother and. -Wi
. -if- •
L >.

bane Begia.. lUefclaaw am rmm


laamed it.

«‘ U.M?m-LM Uu oT SSf»loi^ j

phildogirt and tnndator of the Bible
into tbe An
BUigwiau and
Tnrkiah langoogea.


Itrttera UcU|ig
•?r^.?r.Trii!p«M8n Cc.

to at lra*tnuedar'(wa<liM<giD o »(tram i/>eooiK WA.ST«D-Tea
CHj- Laaber Cb.
from ■. uji. Ii i« n»i ^
Isndc tbe emblem of tbe teoently in Pari* by driving aboat with of
— water
____ ________
' black OMappeared many tim.a and in : * no** "od babyin
' tbe aeai
real nioally
ofoally oo- eUimed. bowwr.
bowircr. that our of theae 1 n-niLocg: WOOD roR aALS-aimrir loaS
{copied by bia aid. It wai then learned meararta
meararea will eniinir
eniini.r obliuiate
r- A WesBUA.aeBblvloaaW
m-a. T»»n i»«
jOljrl-^W Ob.
For maiv year* Saliihad attracted to | »»“« bia married daogliter bad given ^4,oid fever acd^bet tarih to a aoo three weeks bafora.
bat only U> eouie degn« diuiiniib tlietu.
q«eb at:
Tbe compauiei are, of course. Ubor■ in Framewnd tbe diDDcr recently given in Paris to tog earDosU.v to reot^erate their rapid• at rpsr MOO
oelebrate the hondredth performance of ly tailing bnsiocea, kiid it ia accordingeven onudde that ooontiy.
Among tboae who 'entertained to "SaniaonetDalUa." In answer to a ly pnpowd that the
pattona wm Ariatlde Brnant, who
to hla
ia glory be said: Generally

• apptot oyster in^)ectcn. whose daty it i
L Let oa'
- —.................................
writoa and singe eongi of tbe low life glory only oomea after death.
oa shall ba to make oarrtol inveotigition |
I of the hivalvea offend for sale in tba I ~~
of tail that for blood evdUng renliam wail cntil tl
•■-••AXa___ An
am aneqnaled by any oompoaitioaa of
Governor Black of ?Jew Tork was al B>»Uab
tbe kind at tbe pcemst day.
Ob laecexS eltr proe«»Vfarmer's ton and one of a family of J11»«““ “«>
East £bd Kiobagan
. I apeak—and aaoeriain whether than r
Tbe well known artlatt and men of ehUdren. yat ba prapared hlmaelf
■Bt'A hAiStran at
lettm who bare gradnatad from tba
ooUnnat ISaod'Bradatbe filthy germs
Chat Nolr inolnda Oondaan, WUlatta,


intemtini •emnl of ittn moaiekl

toont which oDdNtaiAoweenUpRklned ifvbo«^ •ttORKT^etieal nocirtPnto- fnnetioo in the world ie tM oooMinp*. ^ epOTOw tm after it bad haw
m lotacuatlDoal Tama, haa bean poUad drat UarfifJd.
• ttonof the ooae and elime which oorer :
W It ^ ha^ nodi )«



ihHMB MiMfMi «ws ttnn Aaar Mn | 4bnB^ »»"^T ot MinBMOtk Dm

Tbe teat ash wood wHgba 6S potaoda !
8 onnets when grea to tbe osUo foot I
- -V
60 poonda when
« -4,.

Om nigbt at dinner tba head iat

UM beavtret <x woods, weigning
-.k-.i fg, —.
, with tufinlte gusto and asked
8«.8i psoads to tbe cable foot
Tbra his wife was foolirti enoegb to
Treee tbe bark of which baa bean re- axrialm. "And wbal doyoo rannaa U
nibat it
feUed until tiia fol^ dies in tte fall , i^^J^d^any^*


a "by ordinar" good.
I only that it
-Ifamadeof oajTOta."sba oriad. Ht

--—--- ---------

' laid down hU fork and refoaed to toodT
Toritii*coffeeeopaof tnU ehlaaua
I nnotber meraaL This wm rank preja..A ^ in
' dke. ter the podding wha petfaoL It
by President
[floroe June M. ISIS. 1
sa.—. -.4-.
Fm WTving ICM oca
was made of I onpa of fratrd carroL
Prmldeot John ^nim^ Adama
Adams ocs
eonunj,yjaem of flowers.
' boe-baif oap fine snet, 4 taMeapoaos
ned McLea aa poaUiiaatar general
brown sogar. 8 '
- - - --------aetlnMlver
ing to adtotoiatratian.
baiU poond raisins, aria-halt pDond awAndrew Jacktoa. remamberlng bia
BavalattCBiary plaaoea in .tTiali*^ ' mf- ■ aaltspoon aalL a teaspoon moea.
Bbototry. made a "Mo" aecretazy of tba
traaniy. TUswai LonU McLua of ware are deocMtad with maoee tram Boil for 4 boon and bake »0 minntea.
oelcbtsted p»i»»**vir of BsTolaUonaTT '^*>8 don't tell what it U made ol —
DeUwaiw Hit appolntmeBt wai
New tork Post
Ang. 18. 18*i. Two yaan totor(May
*«. 4SU> Jaektoo made McLom saorw
______ ,________
bM reeaived doe eontaty of Mate, ba toooeadlng Edward IMtention. There sM Mlver ahakm.
LivingrtMi cf Lonisiana.
{ with gU« nning and oat iUm and decIn 1641 J^eaideDt Jobniyiarwantto orated atinton ebtna boxen
K«B4hn.Bl isitii (nnoMBtion. 4.-o., 1 "O fWMT »lWiT COOtTOt tbe WnOU
Oblo for a ' 'Mo” for meretav of war.
i ■”»
M. 100.000.000. They aUU «««cboMihg John McLean, wlto had bera
poatmonsr ganerml in MoBrae^oobi- L
Pnsddrat Millard FUlmom Im- • A plctum of the qoera appeare on mw ■
"M«r for aecretary of tba Inieriw./,
i aMa. while Windsor eastU U depicted :
An fiiwHab writer eayt that U tbe
Marc* 7. m&. PraaidaBt UneolD
inlnlBdHngh MeOnllooh of Indiana «e- Prawian oonseription were ^ied is
teoiy of tba tretoofy. wUeb poaltiOB ladU .^Und wonid have E600.000
ba flUad wbUe Andrew Jotomon WM Molar aoMlaa netnaUy la bwnefca.
wHh8O&,OQ0taeradtteptolng np every
ftm tttlb lAkk aol only Aria
• "Me." .^wtoOeoita mtbawtrld m^fi ko.apbdnod.

OsrtBwa Sasritoe. take taiB unia aaS

GREAT BARGAINS ftiRibBiiUleorsteuiat.

ooixc soBro.


For All Cash or ZjOW for
Part Cash


iiii«BairiiM'>^Wsr jiSsn


...................... .



-k._,.ku »- a______
Italy, obargraUa to tniad, fsoM t
bM beeo lew than

Aa Iririmiao was ridit« a tcWiy
barm. Tba animal pnoanUy got Im


bind foot into on# of tba atiftvpa. “By
Jabbrna.'^ sold tba Irisharmn. "if wa'm



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