The Morning Record, December 08, 1897

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The Morning Record, December 08, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nmTMr-^o. 187.



rasDBVT xexznsT »jeTPEMlg «0 OAXTOV.

AMonos Mww on.

too will vroteUr to «m oC tte
dUUaraUted rMMo wte .otell totoad to* laltt*tor7 owitooalto of
■TrsTerM city Ttet, N*. i7». K. O. T. BMVAtOM KoKILLAW UMOra
to to teld b*« oa to* trmiat ot
to* I7to. Mr. Boyatoo U aow la Plof^
AnfT^nvaTMtwtejrKomlac to Ida. bat h* wtpoeli to b* la Xlehicaa IbVateVlaeaofV.B StoaBMoKlah.
date, to *a** te ateold
IgBBate to ba BfHodatB Xtoto(B
Vlad Sit Hotter .^bU
fall to do *0 toar* or* bomcbI otbar
Bln-lte Voaorab)* Vomaa BtU
M«b*tB of tba Oiaat Oatop wb* wfll
bB of KotoO ate of Aat
•tnklac. Bow*t*^ aad Oaaaot Xdr* babara
MVlaote B» «M0.00a
Oaa of to* ftatar«B of to* bibboIob
WaabtogtOB. Daa 7.-8wxator MeMfi*
Ouitoa. D*o. 7.-PrtoU^t MeElaloy wiU bB aciBteparatewbtob will ba
atrivod to a lyoelal trala at • o'eloto partteyatod la by tb* toBta irom alh laa wlU totrBdaaa today a bUl oatbiwtowBB aarrOBadiar TraiaiBB aty. totogtoaprteiaattob
toi* Mrat^. Ob taariac to* tnda be
WB* maeb cteMod to Uan ttet U* to nidooB Btoall towaa ate It It «i- OB tba great lakaa a gaabtot to taka
. MOtterWB*nllUMac. a*«**drlTao poette that tba Qrawa ate Old Mtetoa tba ptooa of tba Ualtod Statoa ataBato
I wUlb*BOO«apaatodby tba baadB Mtoblgaa. to aot eoat BBOt* toaa BUO.*
to b*rbM**adwMOoaeat bv bodhOB* ptooaa Tbor* wlU be ateat OOA •BolaMve of armaaaBt.
to tte oeBBtraetloa of tte e«aBol all
900 talttotoA of wblto aboat 100 <
Mn. McKlaloyavpiaredBBoaM
•ere will be TrarerB* City BypUcaat toe praTtBloBi of tba aet of Aagoot».
teiattoepni^MtOBtorodtoc n
There wbb Btoerttm tost alffat of itoABatotoatortola, aaglaaB. boQara,
•eeSii«aatod by bto wU* aad aloe*.
liaiai MeKtotoy. b* kaalt by to* ted* be eManiiltoe from Treraito aty Teat aad Btoeblaary, ate.. ahaU ba foUowte
tote abd kteod bor nrortoiUy; a* bo aad Amaada Hire to arr«iifa for tba axMpt OB to prBBlupa. wbteb ar* ato
ted •• to* plaeod aa ar« aboot bM Bwto grate baaqaet to fallow toe toittotory tobBotered. Tba reeBBl is to ba baOl
work ate preyarattoBa ara to ia«|
Bad BiratdBd toBt Bb* ka*w biia.
m«« tbat to all Ito parla H k '
Sb* aUo «o«*BUto to* i«todi
•r domoBtlc BMBatoetiira. Tte «
wU*. »to«sb*d b« baad toward bto ate BMata ew kaowm la Tiatfara Qty.
My te eoaatrwitod of atoM or otoar
kaow Mabel ate tk* otbera.
metal oaot BUoy.
Boob after tb* arrival of bar bob abo-


lavMd toto aa oacoowdoo* ooBd'
BfBto ate to* atroBCto that •*•■•
or Hayiag Btato KQitary Bwtomp.
ter* boBB arte for to* toot tooUaif of
mate ate Aspiiea to a Ttet
ooa aad tootoor BBBBiifl to toar* bar.
VroB tte TaaUo.
At atealgbt ad ateaf* yaa rayort
Tte Maatotaa Nowb of yamatday <
■■Jaba B. Btllaaa. who ratoraad yea*
tmday from Orate Papiite la wUU^
to twaar that too loar>*oted tor Btato
A^toa Otoon win WcKk fl
MlUtto board wOl pat to aa ap
at HaaUtoa wttoto tea daya.
iBtMOIaeB.wbobaateaBtoa baad
•awyarto toe aaiU of tte Oral Wood TU board bat ooaa to aododdd
Otob Ob. tor aoBra toB8 bU yaatB. baa gardlijg tte loeatloa of tb* Btato bbeampmaat
ate tte BbU Mty Btaada bb
itolgatl to taka tte paaltlciB af aatalda
aapteataadaat at tte atUl ate yarte good aabowaBHytowalatte stoto
at tte Bubumboro Hardwaod Laabor It to eortato tbat tte aataial adraa*
I eaa^ te oqBolod aayw
<kk of Gaod aarber. Mr. Olaoa baa
teas to Traewea aty 1« yaara aad bw
tore aDtoctag tte ampler of tba Oval
Weed Dlab Oe. ba worimd for Baaaab
I^y A Co. te twB yaari to tbolr
mill aad aabaagaaatly for fl«« ywa tor
J.J.FbyAOB. Betoi^tbalatovtoa
lagB for both toe latter trma, ate ef
toa lOyaareopeattotolod^lt yaara
bare boaa apaat aaaawym-. Ba will
laar* lor Good Harbor tomarrew
kb -tomily wUl fdlew totor. Mr. «*•aa baa maay frtoaSa to Trarmaa
etoewBlteplmaedtoloaratoatte to

atottepropraaimity of Lak*
poBod <mmp groate. ate aa tb* gaaboat
Yaatia wUI te to eoadltkm for tte aatory eoald bare tbeir oaV
ter at tte mm* Uma, aad tba gaaboat
ceald ha aaebored to tba lake «S tba
bm-top oacampmaaV

ate OBB wUto bo U •« eapobt* of
■agtTliTB V
bvLaada of tte Btato.
J. 3. BabbaU. to tba Etewv Bortow.
•deoeatto ftr* wartaea for Ml

. tow
lolma. aetttog
Mag of trm by
oto. Bo atoo ad*

K HinrsnD R

ba Wd to
tba atat* to eai
anaiwymt-* oftaxaa aU toada aaiV
aMa for femat propagatloo abaU
ptoowl to raaenaUoe far that parp
*Ae toads sboBld ba ptoatod whb tba
^ber salted to them, a* waa abowa.
by the arlgtoal growth.
la Bortbera MiebigBB Umbar baa
baoa eel by tba aqimre m»a whU* tb*
raCm* baa baea toft oa tba gmte to
hMseam food for ftraa which bara ba«*m* ilmliarUta to ataodtog Umber,
topioperty aad life. If the deamlte
towL farfoltod for taaea, eooU be to*
elBded to rtaerraUoaa a cleartog up
' ate leptoattog woeld atop tbia deotroo-

Aoatrimi) fexb tshb.
Aftor Two Hot* Days Bn tba Bate
Anotto OaBitold Voaad Vot BdU^.
Aastto Oaafleld has be
a Jory to Ja«UoB Biowb’
geilty of toe erlme of dbtorbtog
meeUag of toe Braagellcal AlUaneB at
Btlier Lake The firsttrlal of Ctefleld
for tbc alleged
awo day* aod toe.reaaU waa a dimgiewMBi of toe jBry. The
trial b«aa Woutay moratog ate was
maeladad aboet Ue o’eleak last
tag. Aftm brtog oat aboat two hoars
gko Jaiy rotoroed a rardlct of. aot
VMd Pratt repriBeotod tba doVoratenatCHtrsl Lab*.
__ BigbCbtof Baagm M.-M. Callagbaa,
mt Order of Foresten
^ toa !»'
of MleblgBa. topttbePark Pla<
. arriied to A* dty yeoterday t
over aigbt. oo b» way to Bewl City
from OeBtroJ Imke. wbma be to»Uiaite
a eaart of the ordv- ateotte by Btato
OigBOlaw A. A. Weekaaf OfMi S^id*
aad 0. 8. Ca*b of tola dtyWiU letara tram Cmttel Labo Sator*
day toapeteSateaytoTiaratM aty.
ZraBt of Dooambor 17.
Oopety Graat CocBmateor OYkaaaf

te toa K. O. T. M. of toto

M. a.>«OLL£Y, MAMAteB.

badoaoB ooUag* to oa tba sti
Bgato aftor a-aalgB with a brekoa aakla
Oaod to a prmdtoa gama of foot

ba. Bank Bamtt Dlad at
Homo Haar Xmte Atom
Mia. Barab Barratt. a pioaear of tte
<«■•. dlad Moaday aigbt at tba bomo
of bm daBgbtm. Mra Jaaa Votoemo,
tbro* aad oao-baU sUm wte of Late
Am Bto yaaMBfoab* bad a aoran
attadt of tte gr^ wUte loft bor to a
dammlod aoadlltoa. ate a orlppto as
bdptom ao a abOA Mr. BairoU dlad
•ororal yaaiB ago. Tbey eama to tbto
regteatolMAaBd aftarllrtoga abmt
Uma to Traroroa aty. loaatod a* a
eooaly. ato BsUa*
wam of Lan Abb. Bomb jmn ago
tte ----- —* wM tndod tor tte farm
left to momm hm. Mm. Jaaa Fate
teiBb BeU Bad UadlB Barrott. A aea
left for tb* waat aboat 10 yean ago.
bet baa aow booa teai^ from. Tb*
fBomal tokBB ptooa tblaahvdm'l
tb* bom* of bar daagbtor Jaaa/ftol*
aorna Mm. Barite w*a to yoto

. ate Mra. A J. OraBato ef Blk
da. ar* gaaataofOa BaMram at


•o if TOO go to u aactian tola to
bnv (umitur©, yoo will hare it to
reforto, to trlf whether yoo mre
getting beat or not.
Wa aeU a fite-cla» W. V.
Spring for $1.25. Good. waD m^,
banl-WDod Beditaad, $1.25. Rrat*
ckto Excelaior HattraM, $L60.
Firat-claa wool 'top Udttnw, $2.
Poliabed Oak Sto^ 60c. At0x20
inch Centre Table, 75c.
back Rocker. 75c. High back Din*
ing Chair*, $3.76. A good Loonge,
$4.00, and ereiything elw in ewr
•tore at the wnw pn^iortioQ. Now
tfaeae *i« all new good*, sad wa
oooldnt afford to hin an aaetion*
eer and eeU them at theao prioea.

Haskell’s Bookstore.

interesting prices.

$8 96 _
HERE will bay Fine Qual­
ity of All Wool Kersey
Jackets—lined throughout
with best'‘' Taffeta Silk.
Strictly tailor-made and
sixes 32 to U.
Navy Blue.

Value is really
$13 50.

House Fomisher.
U8-13a fttmt Stmt.


$8 50

HEBE will buy Men's AU Wool,
poib wonted Black Clajr Saits.
Ekgnntly mnde and trimmod. '
Oortnet fitting. V*lnei*$UAa

$8 60
HERE viU boy Men's All Wool,
Gesuuns Irish Fzmss Ukten.
BIsek, Oxford or Brown. Ihsgr
nra fiaJO St other stons.




•et a Ufa OerUfliata te taste Art to
labdd laat aigbt
btaaeh. oraa to oorowa aoaatry.
Btttebomaef J. W. MimkoB. BaUdm
oar work la alaaUag toa pablto
Olmyeo ioat what we imaaratHte
eqoal to tbat white la pot bw
■rm Wbee todalgad to aad datoty rw
fore to* pabUe at tbrtpto Ito eeol.
tebyMiB. MBli*
kBB. Tba folk
•d ter to* oaoBtog ato BBoatoa:

Foot - Warmers!
Just the thing for persons troubled
with cold feet.

Craiea, Wanr Galore
aal iak PanralB,,

tnaa PrasIdaabvOBlia Ortott.

are: busy !

Framing Pictures these days—Bring jmirs in now, so
we can finish them up before the Holidays.





Bacratoiy - Mobal
a H. Laaeariar.


Haoptog Batealote BaO.
Bit Ooleate ate Bart CraH are aaV
ttogwood «« to* Eogm* form, foar
iU«B aOBto Of toa dW- They wUl
Tte pregram far tte Cob
-ork to toe wood* all wtotar ate bara
teorte BidmaottortobB held to toe
b«nt» eomfortabto ahaaty. wbar* they
ebareh pBrlor**V« p. m. today premia
will keep baebalor’a ball uUl Itelr
•a te bebotbaeral aad
work U ftalahad.___________
Tbo gaoetal aab}aet far toe aftoraoa*
•Broad aad Bread Maktog.” ate
‘ Oram Obaxte Baaoflt,
Mrs. P. J. CBTtlBlBtoadar. Tte pro­
Tte todlaalof ttehmooteoite bam
gram Is as follows:
b^n* to aall Uekota to adraaoa for tba
All aboat fl-r^-Mia W. W. Smith.
oaaoart to b* glrao by toe mala qaarCoMMBtej^tbraBd-MTB. B. J.
tot to Stotobarg’B Orate aezt WodoaaOulto.
day MBola’g. Tte raaarrad aaat pUt
YroBt brate Mrm. O. P.
WiU ha opaa at toa bo* o»oa Moteay
Baltrtotog bimd-MiB. X H Btab
Bt 7;4S o'doek.
Whole wheat breell—Mra T.
•ete ate Mtm Taniea----Hot waa*B—Mra 3. G. JobMoi
Mm. A. W. Walt
Tte p^oabriwaamwill be UiBBtratod by deUctoai waflea made oa
toe apet aad aarred by Mrs. JobaaoB
ate Mra WMt
__ _____
of toa
Bodoty or aot. are eardtollj toritad te
atlote tola meettog.

That's what oramaa aaiB that aaaa w BOW Block of TeUotOBoaa
Maalaar* Bata CeF aad Ooltor Bexaa H*» ...........ate Otoia
p DM. ate too
to Odlaloid. qBartar tpwed oak aad plate,
to* Uka
M aew aaw tte Uka Ttearara toa floaat tbalaia palaatte
-aitettofoyw. Waaramaktog prfoaa that aaonet bdpbataoO
toagoeda Toa are looktogfor preaaata jaat look tbaoaoraraad
JM wOl aet haiB togo any fartoar.

Cbaa V. Baokaa, mambdr of tte
boaH ofmatomoftbaHcrtbmwAay*;
lam, arrtoBd to tte dty-laat algbt. Ho
mot at tba trals
Ito Maaoea.

nonn ov m bixtibb.

k $tortow
ioTtow Olnb
dab Otoeuaote 1
tomyto How Book^ -BqaaU^.*
The Bmik terlaw Oab mto
•fmraooa with Mra. C. T. Orawa Bad
^•Bt aae of tbte BBiiBl plaaaaat Bftarm. Mrs. J. A. MoatBgao read aad
rotewad BaUamy’a aew book. “ BqaalIty.” wbkfa la a aaqMl te bis famom
werk.-LeektogBaekward.*' Hla tow
ortm ef llfB aaltlBtobototbeyoar
aooo were foead to beef maeb totwte
aadwarBttemBgblydloaaBo^d by tte
elab. Bappar bteaaoelBl tim*.BB at
aUtoaamattoiBof tteelab addwi to
too ptoasarB of tbs day.

‘Oh, the Beauties!”

Saaate AlteBrioa, tote glroa atear tte
BmvtoBB of MoPtetBoa Foot tbto area
tog ate tumaarow ^toraoee ate oroa*
lag wUltotevtoe**t\beboaofleo to
ibotgto Orate tbto moratog at
aifbto'alaek. Boaarete Beata. U otau.

MalUday Oo. Boytog Leg*
Tte Balliday Co. of Grate Ba^
bm aaterte toa market bar* for maple,
brate. elm aad ate logs Cbarlaa Oartote U agm>t ate bayer for the oompaoy. with btedqoartars to toa dW-



Fair and Square

Best Flour


Hannah & Lay Co.

is superior to all oth-

The VolLas oyator aoppar toalgbt to tbdr baU,


The O. B. C. met at the Temple ad
Odd VaUawB* MtoeUmB.
toa Prapbetma tod aigbt .ate anjoyte
Tte anoal maattog of Orate Trar* B totoraattog BBaBlaa.
•me Lodgm Ka »oo. 1.0. a V. waa
A apwdal maattog ef the W.
bald tori aigbt. ate toa foUowtog aS*
AoziUary wlU b* bald at Mtb. Oar*
bare deette:
toteb Tboraday afteraooa at« o’eloek.
llBbta OtBad-WOltom BoUIMor.
Tkaratra Bay Him. No. 71. L. O. T.
Vico Oiaad-C O. TBraar.
M. baa aeoapud aa toritattoa to rialt
toa Old MJoBkm him
MiB. Hoik, who «
}arte by a faU oa Tba
tea aeariy raeomrad. ate to able to ba
UtUe Cartoaa SUrm. daagbtor of
Am Melotote of Boar Imkotemt I
eager boat* to CUaago lor aaalyBto ate Prof. X SUtotb. tbedoBctogtoi
tmdrte word that they abowte 11.4 toto* happy pamamor of a aa
ptoao. parebaote from
per coat BOgar. Tbat to a 8*o obowtag
for beM raked to Bortbora Mtoblgaa Stioog by bor fothm.
ate aetUa* to* qoiaUoo of boot ongar
Tbraaghaa errar to to* BteoW) a
prteedte forrMaatotra oaaaly farm- fowdayaago toBBameof Mra Jeaato
M. Paagbora wbb omlttte tram toe iw
prat of to* Bobdmb Btodfom. Mia
The AaoUoa Sato at r
PBBgborB WBB teoeOB ae «n
t dd* two yeor*.

Tte BBlobforatofor to* hantogfoto

We aro showing this
exc^ent ribhon ln a
handsome line of Ro­
man Stripes. Plaids,
Checks, Taffetas,Batin
and Grograins.
If you are looking
for a first-class article,
ask tor ' the above
brand at

to s bed comforter thsn a faw pounds ot skferibr
bstttng and any old thing lor covering.
Our BUitolihss at 8e
Our Batte at 16.18^ or lOo
wtete ■ oombinatiGai and a comforter that's basutifnl to look st
And worm to sleep under. Ton find the goods st

Remember that it costs us le» to sell


than any other house in this city.
Shoes and Rubbers bought riirect from the best fac- •
’ tories and guaranteed second to none.

8O0TB 0X>X




'■n Momimre


wiTiMkornr', ._»OBioiK
B>. T.

m> i. w. Ha«.

J. W.

T.. iMuMtMMUay a^ a
KKjK^rttywitkklihKtlNr. U
r. Pattoott.
Mfa. 7. a 0a>4aw e( Qcaad BapUa.
I. U tko oHy to apaad tka haUday aaa.
mm wllk kv paiaata, Hr. aad Mra.
Tka faUoWlkc aapariaaoa to wBUa
Wmiaa LoJaa
Artkar Olobaaaky, drof doric at J. ky o«a of tka party of daar kaalar.
of Jadca Oarbatt. Qty AtO. /ohkioa>. -aa
--------- 'tera.y aa ^tMM la a tria^- Be Vnay OUbtrt. i-~——
ildra— Draond ud itton.. Q- ■
era. nid rannd tra thd "PP«
wwT.w v0» XXdOmSZBBp—;

Owrap ra d. ti. rad ran. dl


MtoB Battoor Kaa to Hava «ka^
Of Mar Bapaffitfoa.
BaaM Harbor. Dac.*‘>.—Pbtoeamr
tka Baioda-'lWd ktac. kaa tatmai
tr<aa WaakU«^ whara ba waa ^
to »-"♦««• witk Bacretary of W»r
AUcar oo tke beat maaao of ^attlaf U>
tka in^tba- rhtoaator. wko ^aat
mmA tt»a la tke pack tialaa aitd
Kooatua traaaponafioB eompaay
wkUa la tke wMt, adttoad Oaaaral Alnr to odopt aoek a plaa aad tkat WO

.nn------ atartod #»ar
lkaCbUltootpa«aboatlUrok». Pbtooator wma ar»ad by Oaaaral Al«ar to
taka AairoafUto^traloaiid aaa
tkat It waa pnn»rty atartad. PWa^
Mr baa eoaaaatad toaaatat tka aaeratary of war.

Udiw. iira. P- P. MldilOi


rad ddld.tdid “Oddt i«dra-d«
raidwrara—.Ow dwra nwdra .nn. .-dra
„J „ ra rara-ra
a >*•
dniwld.ii.dw. (linw.W-dn»
ra d-racwtdd w . nw w lid



Timely, Interel^
niustrated Featnre


tot Way’s GEGOE

Kedaa a*d FaratoM. tkaf wa waak
dukaa bat eoaa eoch day.) Aftar dtoor-d-r tke aHa^fraacaa of tka aaw
•odal Wtaakaator »->0 aaokaleaa.
oaaa byoaa*amtaarofoorpa!^. mod
aospariac it wltk ©tkar lai*w bora
oamp. watook ootael-raa oot
of tka way by r»la* to bad. Tkattoto
aay tkroa of na want to bad—tha rarawtwtwy two mkabara of ear party
waia mora Bodera aod did not nak
dtuu ». r“P “•
------ at the------;
their aaatBny oo a bad made of polta
«„i ud uii~i™- u..
„~o. adiii.d d«~i»d«d dtid
oorerod (or aBooreraa
aaeorerad iI w.ui
wltk oera.raw.
I. u ran—di dl
boogha.' Thaaatwohadala^banq-dUraurac ti. pndd—I
All the laU daaipw li Sota Plpc"^ aad aa we three bed-fellow, were falliak aalaep wa were oecMcoally dUkM eOBfiotfl hiMlf. to wtBBl facta.
tnrbad by a amoUiorad eaolamaUon or
«0aarlj dnwa and brtoflr
f^eeKrbafonndatthaaalaof Art
It we lared royally this emsosi.
In onr Cloak Dep
KM aa hriaf a. to daalror
llmhraifrr- at Mra. W. U. lawreeea'a. mgBifi^at kick, ladi^tlag that one of . Chicago. Dee. r-Wheat-Ho. ^
i, but haring b«o aiimnlated hj ad^
the alaa^ng haga wae,nct goiag oa white. »0e; Ka ? rod, Decemhar. »Ite gales >ATa iocieaaed. tb
«t hto ainnwto la
fy^Orada. «• booght cnrekaaly, h«^
few daye loa^ar.
JBM right, or tkat tke aereral llalnge May. «He; No »i»d. •«<: ee^ «■ Tantageoaapi
M^tooo.- Tke aatra^a aa to tha

Baeaiptof___ __
•( HawaU to aa tba paklie
of tke other were trying to change
an gveretock
Wbmt. 4.000; com. 1,000; oata.-J.000.

-:p*oUa»; btrtmaoj will be
a to plsoe m sale
■M Ptabte at Bar an.
plaoaa, httt eocn all wa* qaiet and aa
i wiU bta policy apo* tbe
The mmer-in-law of that famona the foil moon reac oear the raet wllderS U Oartar haa pnr^mMd dfly
'' OohaaBoeatloo., To tkoaa who kaea A»»ioan branty. I-dy 0»T **«*» aea. aad hrightaard tke ehadowy nradcU cloth catkete at a eaah prim
Moefia- face of lake andalreaia, the bird of
\toMS awayad by aanUmaal In oaaajdar- nae Margaret Wayne Coylm
iarlng neorly glOO. wblA ha
kdo« of tkU problem tke adelea of tke
• togieahto patrena tke hanwiidom mmetchtoaeaam and hegn
lacldnn will not meet at ftat with
oalllag at oar tent in hto nanaUy bap^
.p^WwaL kot aaretal tkoofkt wQl «m- Brammefa.
Within the abort apaoB <tf twoyeara • Who-whe-whcHiro-yoar Tka aebo
ProL Bdaon lOmm kaa laaaad tka
alaea the mOat ardamt adeocaU of Cnhai htCB engaged to three M«f of bta call aaamed to aonnd and rerarkaa UbartT that tke eoam adrieed In high aocUl atanding. Mi- Orey Edgar- barata for mllm and mtlm twm the McNawa ball, orar McRamara'aakoC'
tke Htoaafe to the oalyoAe la Joattoa
not yet to. and Mnee torn waa la- graat formta ef pine and hardwood.
T*H« Out Mmbb • Orwt Deal on Onr PxfeM.
far thto foaa*»ent at.-tkto ttmt.u trodnod8~Bt the qwm'e drawing room Bsalty >0 cink down aad dto away
*u»oe. In tkto Inatanoa the keld> ^ bai'beon engaged three timea. each •a K reached tke adyotatag pUtaa to attoad.
Dariag thto apwtolaale oar ««Q ladtot' K—say haU auk Unad JaAotwOl ^
- - but a man
Hma. Aaoa. from
•am and w— of daty which aal- eogageinait
bom oat tha
taa ympeaawaow
-------- —
■atad tke chief axaoatlee la the Shortly afwr her drbnt aka becainaao- drptha of the eedar aad lamaraek Jna^U^e^Boaeleall wtin Uaed ynakot wHlbe aoUfarfLSS.
_raw.e kw
eaanot bat naced to Lord Oupard la MMnbant glee there would come the cry of the
> of loyal Boniilly. a damilcg yoong gnardmaa. •BohmJ." Ittoaeedlam to-aag
At the end of the ■wttk tka matdi waa
A-arioan ciUaana. Tha--------------- decUn.<d off. and then another aaits
^ITtoTliwSAkLvy Baa*» Ctaa.Thibet hrl—ed ebUar in froiat Wo
«ka aitoatioo to eomplata. ooociae and WM aocaptad. only to he throw^er
mnTineiag and time will no doabl for a third, who cliatwed to ha bnam Wa alapt, aadaomai
phew that tka pimldant to waU adatoad Canard, tha brother of 8ir BacAe Oa. A man baa a tight to-----------------------tot oE^tSSTiSSth.. a-ekw. ahaantg;
In te ataitadahakaa takn. Ha kaa nard. who married Mande Bn*e <* anort. If he wUhaa. la tke aegi^ani T*rt
My alpb-W-naw tkar •
nut tha eairaacy «aaatk« taea to taee Chicago and KewpA The wedding of Michlgaa aapacliilj ao if kto bar
wa* to take place at SL Oemge’a dmrdi.
go tor »4 U.
•ng ta eiew of the racommaadatlma
On Ibtowlawe wOlgiva yc a pknle la COLLABETTB8. Y.
larv, ana
me wTimiMmia gnge haa bam left by tka railroad
Hanorer eqpare,
—'i-^ade It to dittenlt to ear bow
farOoUarattea. mn^ in I ne from SS >p toPAU. te «t.»S• all dttt.. the
** pr^ta received and
nongram cm rifoae to gtoo
"^oa eke hoata of night wora on and
tka meat mrefal
of nuiov.
eoQiety.' gtiU wa alopw Bat whst waa that
Imagine thei wcODsmait oi
TbteMltotefor tnMvnakqWnd tka ^portanlty »t thto
. qseaUena hare hoaa renewed la ra.-ra<->id
rara- ______I mt op la bad. My bend
tiito mmeapMlaadoatka wh«da the 0ta« tt» «i*bw Pta. iAw
•Ally dntBshotxia b« tnknn Adnantnc* of by nU <»n*«rm>
bmahadagalaatthaeddeanvaaof tke
Mamago to om which wiU ehallaaga ried to Irt firm lorm. LmdBcndUy, at teat and 1 waa awaka I Itoteaod and
tiTg bayora.
81. Oeorgr a being givea away by bar
maid, while hto haudmn- lordahlp waa held my br«tt. aod Itoleaad morn teattended only by hi» ajllctooc. Mr. Cq- teatiy.' but aU waa allaat aa tka nawly
X ia Michigan I
iwd'e fim knowledge eff the affair waa fallea (tokea of aaow ooUMe. A faint
t. Oa October :s htonglit to him by the papen. and waa glimmer above tka tent ahowod wkan
I of tke I
----- AHDTHE-—
^KowB.ww.racw.«ra game played non XoBowed by hto tmani Sanoee'a tee moon waa paaalagon to give place
package of piwnta.-raCbioa«c Intm to theaurof tkodaavB. My cobimIn Abb Arbor hetweea tke OUret aad
lona all alapt. Save for tbeir hrcatklag
Ualroialty t—The reetdt of U all
M. that the adrtoocy hoard of Olivet
Thao came that aonad agala. It
WbUayonng--------haa placed the 1'niver.lty oa the black
am> tairu^ rac —j—iKimee moral aeamad to eat tka air. It made cate
Witbont 4utinciion of tigt'
list Whatever may be the eantlmem
and flnanrial liiliuea. wondering al- ahiver. It waa not a hark, it waa TOt a
or clsss, and beck o( onr
la thto action towarda the vniye why Ikey don't •••aooeod” In Bla,
promiie eteoda onr splraaalvoraity. tke Interaat U foot haU wUl lb—e are all aroood them imtnmerablc howL It waa a cry of deSaaee aad of
. U yon haaa avm board if
md stock oL..........................
uAnidee of tin fdwA and pmUteticy
that make atwevea. greater cr leaa ae- Worayonreeaghlultatnaoe. tfjem
' Tm MaJnoTw: Hmau) devotea tha Omding to the original advantage of the bmr H for the ftrat UaM yoo know
,/ major part of iu apace la ahoalng tke one employing them. One nri> inataoco what it-------- It laavea room for only
Daily Newa and Eev. BrodM.
The it fnmtoked by a negro who rooeoOy onetboaghtlf yonr atind—" wolveal
Mawa. however, eoatiapm W aaw wood had hto left )«g amjniteied near the an­ My compaalona coaUooed to aleap. bat
And pobltok a aewapaper. and Her. kle. Being- a'labon*. ho wa* thn* de­ my hair stood on end. I remembored
prived of hto only nving. But be did
Brodle eoBliaaea along ia Uc even
that we were fiteeo mllea from the
not ait down and wender what to do.
tMor of hto waya aad both the elergy i Be made bimaclf a tomjo in the tonn (f neareathabitetioa; that we had bow
man and aewapaper are proffting by a ater. and then be made a act <d ddU plcoty of •• wolf gign;" near by; that a
eonalderable tree ad.erttoing-to iba fnmiiate. tiling cigar boa material fm lakeabent ooa mile away, waa eallad
187 ITont fitetoet
agfat of the drcalaUon of tha Bermld. the bedroom-ast and gilding it and Wolf Lnkc. Aad then my toath begaa
making a#err prenntaUe loUang »K. to ©hatter aalr-soU-nad that, oo tha
Then bo f<lincl a meet ocraar where be faoaka of thto WoU lake we had reThe grmt Carrington aeonle alU- waa not mulmied and played hto lanjo oenUy fennd the booia of a haman be­
forim wUl be given In Suinberg'a and mng niggir eange natil be bad aold ing: I aacmed to aeo thoae white aod
Oraad tomorrow and Thnraday nighta hU doir. laniitnre. and then be wont
hoeue and made another aet of fernitnre.
tmi at a matlnoa Tbariday af lomooa. And thn* be earaii hto living, telling and horrible death right‘hefu™ •-;
Thto i. what tha Maalatee Advocate tbc prodort of hla own labor, wbiob eyee. I recalled Ihp fact that Ue akmll
XlUJyLixr.a. X....
naya of the mtertainmanrf
grow* daily more akilied. and oocaaioD of Uia nnfortneaU vietim waa found
' ' ag onr aaUoa'a ally gcnlug an odd dollar or tero dro]i half hurled in Ue aaad, eome rods fropud into bi> bat in retnm for tbe wng Ua bonoa of hto body.. 1 thonght—
^^l^eipJ^nta of the elvn wv. wbiob be ring, with good native abil
meat htotorlcally eorrerterer Ity. Rii bomcraade
■ I fanoyi
fanoyt teome to ap- Bark! There waa that cry agai»- But
s, wane
whilB wa
the mnaleal aeeompanlmade,
to the eympaiby
of SUS.
alL .ra
fur U
.. W...
Udla itaoemodfarUeraway. lltoteaed. 1
meat randervd la many
-Kew Orieau Tlmee- tried to apeak to ronae tka oUer boya.
a atory of ptuak.—Ki
realtoUc. aod the-andM—
bat my tongue eeemed froaen faat. I
at nagraa * Smith Shoss on Hsiiow
thrilled witn
with inicnac
Intenae smions
fecltoga •/. |ra
waited. At laat I beard the cry again.
teioUam aa the •atertelnaieat, pro^ V
Iratt. 800 pUis of loiSls*’ Pine Drees
gTMud. freqnently Interrupt wlik
inch farther away. The woJvw
Centrary t
Shoes, on A. B ud 0 lamn.
kmta of applanae. Mr. arriagtoo to
■ fawn
■wspaper paxngmpn—>• ttetta— nmnA doeM *^er aad hto dtocriptkve
a nor tioorgia haa a oam— on all tbe
tnlkawarelotereatiBg. A* aa inetraerustic'aimpliciiy and hlindul ignnranoa gone.
Bnnor, PloonSmy end Square Toon.
cxin Uock' itom'i dumain. bauire Jam—
performaneea open the dm— BlggbisOf Brooklyn townMdn Schuyler perlanee to oar party—that ia. to all
is 65 ywn of age. He livea cn I bat ona-aad he waa aalaep. Be al-Sbr*andtoMe want wild with d^%t- oonnlv,
tbe farm on wkieb be waa bam and haa way* atopt from 7 p. m. U any Ute
P-nnla ihotiM -nnaga to have tkolr Bfver be—I fartb—than SU mil—ban
hoDT Baxt monlv oai—a we pulled
Aildraa attend tka amtlnea tomn-'
hto own ta—rtbitnoe. Be nev—rode on him out to hake pM cakes.
Siailioid tain. m<vi» -w a r----- -----They said I had haan dreaming.
atiMalrieiai perfarmanoe «
Whea daylight a-a we found tha
Mr. wiggin* b— to a Jnttloe of the wolv— had eaten -half a deer f— pa
Waablagtan. Dan. 7.-Tha . acaate
mice baa iaMmeted tb# penee f— Brooklyn s«wum..p -.^rara. . where U lay oa Ue gmad a few rods
Then theotkeae of our
Mrgw.Vnb«rtea of tke aenato to -inaoe 186). NodocdaUiu haudtd doa-n
foroe tke ralaqgf tbe eenate prohlhit- bom hto bench hat ev—been rev—d nartyaakodof -a. ^Wky dUn't yoa
Ingtbe aala of llqaor in tka aonata hr a bi^wr oooit. He kaa mniriid more get «p and shoot at tkcae **olv-r I
-tag of Ue c^iua. Tbara waa no than 600 ecmpl-and pointavnU |cUo alm^ I my nsw.'-Toa
• Ow'-or Tm.
Uqnor oa ante in the aaant - to Ue fact that none of them av- ap- toll."
BUM Si to B^e
pwl.d to a div—cenrt 1-a a—an«
daring tke opaning day.
otUu maCiini—lial txmd. Squire Big­
No Picture or Rebate Ticket, giren with the« PrioeA
gins to a bachelor and -yaUat be can­
The following to a copy td a ai^ a
Bi,««y Plekard of Utand waa in not rememb- Uai he ever paid conn te t-DOMOe-gia-mnty:
any youiig-womaiL Be aim myt that he
Bcbolafda'Ihkin to Ln Wnttn. Bpailin
se VSJC u. ss#v .c.
D—nuomta" in the
A*ta«ti-.noticiiig tbe ^ •
a trip td Oood Harbor.
Mr. and Mra. John OraBloh are prens Front Street
Wnmhnrs Blech.
' a—ing for a tear to OalUonla, —ham
Mr. Omfllok to interostad in oUvo planhiUnd a Oeo«la -nl^-td- a
ttflaa “* ia 7—Im” (>■
OUvy r-hatt «f wmshomagh. 1 Tiiii fiWrifw)
tbi >r^Mfa VMM**.
ftk* M—MeKUlV
«(» OMCn* to r*f«akiBf ti lu wto.
M0MUOM. tt.n^Mttar Uw rictau
«( ottoar eo«BUi«a aa4 the •wnir*^ Md
wMom of ito
l>10n>s»aj aisilv docomoita of poal
*e«» U to Bliod «itk »«eh tto» tbe or-

Gldak Special!




We Promise the




Glass Block.

Lowest Price to All
Witek«,‘(aNta, indiT,

fflieniR, Roidtls, Etc.
W. C.&B. A. Gannett

Trsvarse City, Mich.

JR-u-lDhex^ I

ObUdren's first quality Arctics...........88 Cents
first quaUty Arctics........... 68 Cents
Woman’s best qnaUty Eubbers......... 36 Cents


136 Front Street.





Former Fries, $8, $8.60, $4 and $460

All “B” Lasts go at $1.98
AH“0” Lasts go at $2.48.

Tbe Old SeUable Sboemau,

TH» itaataro'.Mwaam; ■tWnanwpAT. n»oaMM» s. imt.


PbllaMpUa. Dtc. t.-A apartaJ to TNa
ProM ftom Pirtatna. Pa- aapa: A*
pMon of tan la tbf Ci*ar 8pHn« lalaa
nea Ihctr IItwl Tba rttable eoeapa ^ aevaa otban Cron'
inc tomb forraa a ibrtlUac tncldeot
of the acctdrai. The lajaroA ms are:
Adam Dnoarltch. Peter Doaavltcb aad.
iQcUDder Dorbtasier How the fcci
daat occorred.ia a<ft clear, for tba met
who atared tn It are all foralcsaro aM
nsable lo teU a coherent atorr- Tb.
Arat iBllmatloB of a mlthap waa whet
tba aartb abook and. oauaed wbole
Wocka of hatwea to wrap as thootb t

Otnn«a VMt*^ Anin In th* Hv>

BATn final A SHOBT THIE mar
toVMikMltat* C|>
M, «V1

nad Wka^
m •‘TV W'CUr4a<HMIC^

TWt M PrtTO. HbjU. 0*er T.-Th*
trosbW b«w*«i <>rnxwiy mud H*rU.

lb* iMilt or tM «m« «toa loBinM'

libiNtir* Hm • OtoM
lor Captor* by



tba reactierw
The peven entombed maa aaeapad
bodllrdtarm aad^were reecued aftaraav.
oral hooro' work. One of the mea who
aacaped aald a ninawap carhadktmdtad
loom a prop Tbia fell aad with It c
in a maaa of rock, ttoe deadly caa e
I lap from the optblnt ttaua mada.

Mat or Arrr Loodm, an allecad
Du« ■ttblfct. mclMd a rrlala roator*
«ar- Tva Oorman cratacn eatarad thta
port dutinc tbo ooml^. oat an niti*
Mtum mNB ibr Ortm^Tcnnnrot
CaratlM PM Kat Want Mine.
a driirmd to Ihr Harllrn pot Fra, „
j ' New Turk. Dec. 7.—The weddlap of
r«W Iha.latter.eltht
! carollrw Darla to William ntoman
Wbleb 10 trant the demanda of 0«- i
ba> broucbl to
maap for an Mdeenolty to Harr Lhed- j
"*“* pathetic tocnanrea
-------------- --------Oatood. when a alndmt at Wlbroha^
felltn lOTwwith
Hlaa Davta Bbeacoened
Ith HI
be waa not an athlete.
Prom that boar be worked like a beaver
benime one. After hr bad achieved
tion' a* the kreateet half back on tbe
tHdlmn he asain aakrd Oarolloe Davto
fo be hla wife She apumed him. Ha
tbes went, to Cuba, wbeee a abarpabeoter^ bullet ended bto Hfe.
Cllliaalam U Hto> WtUaiA.
I.nndon. Dec. 7.—ft deretoped poatar.
dap that Vlaa Butler wrote to Mtoa
Pranrea B Willard laat week raalpnlat
the auD-Hnlendencp of tbe purity
Womas'a Chnatl
branch of
Trmperanoe UnloB
unlem tiM latter, as
'•The popnlatlon of the city, late yea- pnwHtot of
World t Chrtottai
terday afternoon appeared calm, and
Union. uneaulTocalty pe^
tba'lndlcalimi* aeem to •conftnn the
BUppoalUoh tbaf the toremmenl *411
aa09l the eondllhuu In.poaed by Oer>
smay no tar an maoey tndetnoJIy la aecretary of atate tor India In AP^'
eenccnted. and It to atoo prohabla that laau TClkave to ihe Indian army, which
ylaldlat to aupeijor force and in order Mlaa Butler dracrlbea as betny an
to avoid taiematlonal ireuMca the toe- tram form of the repniatloo of i
amment win accept ibe uthre- condlUm The exact aature of Oarman a I Wo*fcta« Hard to
demaada m> Hapll .► aa pet >aacnewhal I Uhcola. Neb.. Di
In doubt, but U U underwood that the | far Butane Uoot^.
aaba. Pirwt. an
as In-I
tn- | atatate asdiior
aeniehced last Tneaday
u) tovemment BBbh.
liy a( t».«M I American! fur Herr | rlyhl years In tbe penitentiary, aplatadera: eorimd. the promise thyt Herr 1 pMiwd bafora the supreme rourt
Timbers may r
id there I letday aad os a showlny of poaalh

«0tpa bm bebpce the tn'emmeat Of
tbb iWbne,^iBa.dec»ded to accept the 1
eondttlone of Oermany. In anllripailoB
•f trouble the .lllaena of Oermaa aattosallty aouebi reluce Sunday on
board two yteamem which arera at tbU
port, and the French ateamer Vllte de
MaraalUe baa been reguWlioned by the
Vymeh MMatec In order to wrve aa a
flare of refute for Prencb eltlaena The
Vina de Mareetlie hn« arrived here dl.
rect from Poho Rico Tbe popslatlon
of thie pure la In a atate of treat e*dllafnefit. hot the Hayttan tovemmeol
baa atront force# of trooim at It* diepaaal aad I* reoolved to malouln order.

a been se<-ured op ic
man yoverament In tfie whole tranaac- ' my, bat his attorneys declare they will
Oob; fourth, that the prealdentof Hayll pBes one rasidy
ataall yradomoy receive Ibe Osman
Ctaarye daSalresAt Port so Prince.
It to thta fourth demand to which tba
BMt prions eacepllun ha* been taken
by tbe Hayttan yoeeniment. as affeslibaniam welybi char .
world, which was po*tp,y>ed from Nor.
tbe nerman charye d'affaires St Pnrt su Ifi. cam* rtf Jast nlyht. and was woo by
Drtne*. wbo went before Prestdrnl HI- Barry In the twentieth rouni w-|th a
non Ram and rudely sabmlitsd the da- < blow on tbe M»
n of tbe brain.
Band for Indemnliy and apoloyy.
Isnd save bln cu
terday ^ron von Bulow.


Both will Aa.

layutmate and moderate drmaads. as |
.. ........... ....
HM tb* Idea.
k addition l<> the luatli* of ovr claim ( Berlin. Dee. T.-Tbe American
wsliav* tbe win and tbe power to an- : baamdnr. Ardr* J. Wbhe. opened Ibe
basaar at mwn rea«*rce It.-resa
Oermany fortmrtny tbe debate >i
tb* naval quesilos Count Umbax- | warded wirne v.ilushle ylfta. and Ibe eySttaum. the Conservative tender. asM: empresa *cnt a tauly th-waJClny to make
of peace and , puciiyars
mimt arm nurseliwn for Ibe avenluatity
war Why should a Oerman ebarye
iTaBalre* be ebllpcd to sutimll to be
root i>aU r^lpts at ‘ PrsmkUn
tlOSted with Bhameles arthnanre hy
.■ tbe btork* .f Haytif And how was ,, ; field. PhlladHpbla's foot Ml yronads.

----- --------------------------------------


,---------------- --

^ aa Par OSatol'AaaaoM.
' New Tot*. Dec. t.-A dlapalcb U Tbe
Preae from Port Ptorca. Fla., aaya:
^or the laat two weak* tbaumdato of
die Bpanlsh eoomlaU tn Jadmoortlle
been constastly on tba alan. the
tsarded adUona of prominent Cuban
lasdero occaalonlnc thorn much tronble
The flllbuater Daanileat that baa been
the Vicinllr w»a Witched, and Spanlah oplaa have ben up and down.tbe
coast lookink for mambara of a «Ubuatcrlnp et^pedlllon wbo ware trplnt
at awv- But tbe Cuban leader*
entirely footed Ibem. For aeveral week*
l.tM rniaa and a larye.qaiL0tlty of Bmall
Mere* bare been lytnf under pnard on
tbe keya aouth of Miami, whlcb ware, ao
the atory «oea. to be ablppad to Cuba^
on the Dauntleaa. but the doae watch
Biilntmlncd^uaed a chanye of plan*,
and on Nov. so. a doiea mantbrra'of the
DauiKlea^ciTW went aouth to Miami
by rail, and •-Ith amall boats wei
tbe rendeaVDua

arbooner succeeded In rmklny a landla
In Nuertua. It was one of Ibe moat
darins espedltlims yet reported- Just
,aa the last of tbe munitions of war had
bean taken In small boat* uS the
schooner aod .transferred to shor* a
lary* Spantoh vessel waa seen baaitay
down npon the fchooltef. Tbe men In
the amall bnau pulled for their live*
and manayed to reach tbe Wtaltr
Winy*, but when they yot her un^er
way If Was found ibsl she bad apruny
a leak, and they were Jiunpelled to
bearb her. the crew puitiuy
aaa In
the small boata
Baste rtrheS
Captain Mels, pf tbe White Wlnys.


2d lit sam!"
ChrMiMS Mi Skw Taws BtiMar.
OM Mi oM-tUri fan- fiMUan ii^
-ip.iSdi’xwf.ysr SI PMM,M,«*ai«M.l.
ssffdsTSTJsr'.afar.sss .2:Tj^?-?!r£^ia5E
, issa. Ow* tan for TocBd trip-

Party WniThha.
BprtncflalA IIIb. Dac. t.-Mi
tba leytatatuie were sumaraoi Ih town
laat olyht. and the work «C II
ae*alnn waa dlacnaaed os all k
Democralk member esptuama liliraett
thus: "The assertion by tb* RapubUcan* that tbe buslBas* under tbe mdl
be transacted In tan or Iweolp dap* h
abaurd. Of coufse the EemoerwU wR
oppoae any attempt on tbe part of tbi aaip^_tothaaBy. Haaa*yl«*saaMalM
RepuUtcans to yemmandar tbe ante
A* far a* tbe policy of tba Democrau
as a party la Concemed that sriii be'mttied at tbe esoeoa tomorrow. It to like­
ly that tbe psslUon at tbe me
all leytalatloa wlU be demandi
I are imroduewd. 1'^ j
__ Democrats wlU hlodi aj^p food lectolallon'iltoi Isdealred. The DemoetaU
will not be a unit on ajlducationa Then
. some of ns wbo bellev* that a
ropolltan police bill would he tbe best
tbiny for Cblcsiro. Tbe cMI serr*e It Most Comjilete Assortment
Chimiyo U a flat failure. The police tit ever shown in this City now
ttaere «re kept
— —------

aS.Mnuy. Sent.

CUTTEitS—^ Real Estate.**,
Fire Insurance,
Oorrset Styles

says that tba MaNon win laM<it leaal
two munihs tfle based hla .
Upop the atalemcBt that U would lak<
•• leneih i»t time to ayree upon and


on sale at
^o. 131 State Street,
-ONTraverse City, Michigan.
Improved Farms and
Come in and look them over.
City Property.
Johaaos Block . ’Pbon* 78.

on wood alcohol-

Kietw. ». H- Dae. -.-Three rMdent* of thta town died pe«erday
the result of drtnktoy wood alcobol.
The rirtlms'^ai*: llorao* Qotmby and
wife, and Mrs. Aoalc
WbHe It la kaown that all thra* drank
wood aleohol Sunday nlyhi «i ta posslUc
that another pelsoo was mined with tbe
spirits, as a bottle of ollbf cedar andAh
oontalnlnt carbolic acid wer*
found In tbe bouse wtwre the three
lived. The police are of Ibe optnlon
that all met theta death by acddani.
Yesterday momlac wheel a -lielyhhw
called at the Qoimbr house no one
rwpoodetl. and Inter tbe fad that «be
bouar seemed deaerted brouyhl about
aa Investlyatlon. Tbe Fluslnunons
waman waa found dead, and U was
thouyht that she died from natural
causes, and that Qulmby and bto wife
were sleepiny off a debauch The rlcllm* had beeuYesvy drinker* and the
waman I* known to haw*
Runday Myhl.

Sterling Sher Noveltiis!
. OOXBB. ^>19 BBV8HBB,
Baadsome Bwa;,BaekH.


now in. ksTo SomotUn* Laid Anld. for Prooenta.

P. A. EARL, Jeweler,'
Monaon Block,


the steward, a u
b<rtt bad no cocQpasaor atMBor abc
and lot kmi'. beatlny around the yreater
part uf FrMsy nlfbl, betm Jtaylly
picked np by a Nomreylan #»wll eespe*
and landed at.Nassau The men «d
not remain there lony. but shlppe<jtD a
Key West aponye boat f« Plarlda. On
rsachlay the l-and of Flowers they srsrc
at their rsQUeat pot Into thair beat In
Indian river and sailed around U Port
Pieiee. cemlny lu here yostenlay motn-



- '

-at the old stand?- You don't need to
look all over town for.......... .

LW eras Is to

Ibe boat with Captain
louMedly compelled
shore. TbS cahln.taoy
I land OB Ibri'ul
' of the White Wln|B- whose
Streaks, flrat dtocevared the Spanish
, yardsner llviny on the out- veaeel. he Iwiny on the outlook In '

—a r-e... of Herr Utedem. and have
1 and compenW- land then sbof Mmaelf.


Tam^ cue,
Saaamtke lauetae af Oaha. White the

ULMOW* LniaLAiivF etnut

do* to hte vlytlanee that the membefs
of the espedltlon wen- not captured and
the war stores confiscated. Tbe men
with Capuin Met* who were forced, a*
land, will probably cMSpe
iDlertor. allkbuyb the Cuban*
........... cl tbe expedttiun had already
t lefi tor the interior when the boat* wees
I reiurniny to their vessel Had tbe
j taWUe Wlnya not apruny a teak she
I tni«hl have anccssdsd (n eeadlm
. Spanlah veMI by folny Into a r
I lay<H>n. hut the leak compelled the
Iwacl) her and,b^s^wn her.
ucrAiLs or ths near at oi-ua.

«v* dropped oct for


St.^^ Dec. I.-Sallle Jackson,
birth to a child yesterday. Seised
remorse she almost oarers« the child's
head from Its body with a bu ' *
knife. When found shews* unetmai
I tbe dead infant lytny near
was removed to the hospital and
taler died without reyalnlny consC

who U now In court for ht* second trial
for mlfe-muider. hah tmued an appeal
to the public fv fund* with which to
defrwy the coat^of bl* irlsl. He open
hta appeal with an afllrmalhm of limoreijoe, snd then dectartny Ihat thc.flrwt
promlsm to repay wbafi at liberty.

HERE you can get Suple Groceries and Pro­
visions all at once. EvenThin^ Fresh............ '


are^ooe of the sUraotiiNifi st oor store.
We slfio have |dl kindk of fine confectfocM,


■ rrl.fl k

**Whst I llk^" aba add. *Ms s
OYSTERS Sold in Bolk one of onr ap^ifiltiefi. Think ow jour
Spaulsb oolumn UBlIar Coluner Tovar •
Cbrifitmis Csndiee sod FnU;. Iben call on us.
was delayed four day# before arri*1ny |

monort" .
■»« *“»
actant support
^ .-Mienyad
tOMSw and cwpiurtny tbe poalHon S( Ihe Inaur- ;
; yants The Spantoh lost a capUIn, a ,
i* -nltad. •‘I'll be
P at A«0 puinto. ' I
the oBtotal ac-, siiswsfnrMM- Th«** »* mwmetaof
tatar of Hsytl to tbe I'nlted Slates, when tor the cl
, he Tee wanMd to tall you for an bow f»
Comer ^erk end Vronk
P.. C. Burke. ^ > editor of the La- , _ _ fipanlsb
^ed yesterdaycnncemlnd a cable ftom
y Prea*.
Prtat. has riolyoed
ri^oed .
urt-mcatly. U eonstaled of
at K»
U» men. tsare. but'
Oermany etatlny lliat Haytjhad ayrwad Crosse (Wl* ) Dally
Bfuadi Stoi* Tsur MMonte Hetk. o« (T.lon RtrusL
to pay the Indemnity askod In tbe case bto pnallloo and win so to Alaska tn tbe The furta. five houae* and tOt butt were | “Vea.''nfped. ssrlnctbat be bsfiof l.uedefw. said that he bad recelvrt] no ■pHnfi
;de*ln»y*d. Bl*htm#ninchar»eofUMlMalrtl,"whalUH.»”
adrlces i.f any chnoye to the pertUon
Rev. JTimsiaBUne FVydrycbowncs. of i.bcuoyraph realsted until aB wei*
■•TbW* a bSyMnck sRSfik down dM
taken b> bla yovenunrai. nkmrty, that Thorp. 1VI*. wbo wai accuaed of pol- wounded.
fids of yoar trasa Ignsssll'seot*.”—
It stood ready to psy cheerfully sjiy aoDlay tbe cattle of bta'oelyhtaMa. waa
■ ■ ^ CJersland Under.
proper Indcninlly nrovMed It hpd the acquitted
bad six cannon. They were eeBmanded
opportunUy to dHaonslrsle wtei^r
The HraslUan atate* of tUu Janetio. by fienelnl Callxlo Garcia, General
illectlbia. Parana and Sao Paulo have been pUead Jesus RaU and Geoetwl Ramlrcs.
under otarttal law taeesvse of dhavrlxd larye quanllty of dynamite waa tae
Cansul Oenctwl
.V. Plisbuyb Lee, ~
------ ............... -........... eemditi.VII,.,,-acM.
when tb- n nnedappraac^ of
1 cabled
. ...
Ad a
and plekle Interviewed Upon
he bad forwarded
■ adei schori shipb mused ; manufaqlDrer
manufraurer has
bos bequeathed
bSqaaatbed «LW0.fiW
SLW0.M from New York that
romofs t
the yuversment at Waablnytcm a
thv were meB-«f-war' f„r fbrelyn mlseiona chleOy In Moravia,
copy of tbe conetltultoe adopted by the
ornniay t<. blockade tbe ifland. It •** ; naly and China,
predteted then by tbe mlnlsler that i jbere are more than M.SM acre* of tnauryrniB. replied that he had sent no
document aa was described. He
• *l»at eselt-mem would follow tb* Uf 4und still open for setllemeol In Bay
proseh of the r-erman vsmaL but b* } add touoly. Wla Moat of It to slUl added that he bad no communlratloo
baa a* rraaon to fear that ■the stability 1
with the Insuryrtits such as war tnUof Jb* tovemmem to audanywad.
, xe alleyed found-op of eonyriesmsli maled by a llaVana paper, but aald that
he would forward In hta ofll.- , «n*able far PmbieBi Mms ewa.
| Mars furiy-two Senators and lit l*pckpacKy whatever documente brarI. Jamaica.. I>cr
Advlesa reaeoiaO*-** oppi»*d to any action reCuban dimooIUes cam* into
raewiTed bare yesterday frym Port aa
I>itiiee A«w tbat eerious trouble to Immlnaol tn Baytt, Th-'air,.,i* of tbe
ons of ths flnMt lota oror bron^t hore.
of f
capIlAl are ptacurded with "lyown wtth a Btesober of the Cook County DafBoctbe yuvenunent.*' and Ihe tONips have racy exscuUve cmimltte*.
been ordered Into tba barturk*
Serretaip U>fik, of tte naval depart­
ment, hka asked Miss ChrttUne Brudlay.
, Dec. '7.-Huih Hai
Jnst ths kind of stock wanted for winter woA:. Oe
ehalrman of the exsculive committee of
Loedodi. Dec. 7.—A dispatch tt."The danirtnar of the Kentucky
end eee them et ny hem.
ehrlsiae tbe baltleaUp Kentucky,
tbe mooetory roofrren<*. last nlyht exDally News from Shanybui
pressed 'yrsttalcatlon U-ihe etaod token
ecram has haw rwevM^ed lhare from! T«> Pflaortaf*. l-o of
Chlnan-Ku aasertlny that *» Garman , murder, and the olhefs tor burylpry by the pres dent. Concemlny the messaye be saM; -nt president cartolnly
m.rlr.f* and aallota. with two msctalne t
toryny a^ yte abandoi^l.
bss made a ptaln. uryetit appeal for
yuito. on P«day last mtorod Uw city
euprt from ^ FuH a eounty tm <
tifind • f^Mcb.
currency leylatallou. and tberv!ta no un­
Lewlstown. Hla.
sound la bto axpreaslon ef views
,f th* City V
as to the *1(^1 Importonce of fiction by QMCiaD wfafitbw tbe wtf* of a Mam SDTdlepotodaa
as admlltrd to be due U. there win be the preeenl session of conyrcei. Be mxMw bfid finy oOdAl titla <r doC
Correspond with
due to the rnlled Stoles on tbe M e< wtoely passe* over tbe detail of
mans advanced.
January next fiit.lB.0ST.
OfMod M *‘Mm OovenuK SDUfidAO. ”
the Traverse City
Dry Ooad. FWIIam st Da* M^ta
Jdheph llradH was takea to tbe hoeTbe oebm moatly ipMsted tbut eha waa
D«* Unlne*. la., Dec. Ic-Tbe dry pltol at Asbiaad. Wla.. from the Hoode,
Sound HemLumber
Wabaah. tud.. Dee. 1.-.T%e wlfiow ot
poods hrm orRiMchky Hroa. baa fDed where be had been terribly tajnrad by a
Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Mattel mortK>ye* f,r tUJK! coerriB* (elllay tree, ^tb cf hU leys were ex-Govemor Ira J. Chase, who with bn Blank.- They teaUy e«md to leave
tMrwotlre *i,K:k. Tbe firm to one of tbe brokon and be waa badly cut OS tbe dauyhler make* her home la this city, tte amwr to tbe fint men Cbey .mefi.
of Ml
Be jawfud w be n Iriteaa. Ibegr
dHdSI tn the city. It ta tboiqcbl tl>W tbe baad.
SMfieial difhcuitiec race be settled and - Tba CUeayo beard ef adocuUoo baa fMsUi- Governor Cbsae did not tesva rtatad tfafiM« tobbn and aMte Ua descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
hta'Camlly touch property, thoufb Mm.
the hastnre* continue.
rsectrsd a prolaot from tbe daeialM Al- <%aa* baa a yfiod bspa* snd a fimall
you Miy ba
Uanoa. The -........................... ...... “ amount of meur MoMsl t*a fi*»L .
« la tb* Bcbads at
tfigtoh's Wrtliday anivctmty

.7 i'-""

—— “>v'“ “»


Brought in Saturday Dec. 4,
20 Head

Fan and Draft Horses

K You Have Logs to Soil



uKMma saooBD. w*djt«sd*.y, dsc


««• Wn4 w>
«M UfcM «B *<»"<•«• to
to« UW.
_______ _

H«gringth« RwdHgTh*r*of W«f
All th« SinifMM OengrM*

9rpt BU««
m M TbOBM * Bum owy Af;
. _M Md OMtof of Uilo »•*. mH Ondaaeli^ Why ha ftawrer trying W>
buy funitaro M your oorn prioo.
plA ap. or la ether teonU. eaten rm to
the vatu aad twn-«tep rhea yna ean
in at thi
laara ahen both ptrfertly «adar hte ia-



riBflT! GBoVd 4T TSE Oruiiui

\m at Mia. V. 0. I
11 fihd many pertly -

IBa CBJeago Mnckyarda are aalqna
I amesd Uw grM isarlk of tbe world. In

led" and
gleen mare than halt tbe offiiea
Mn daparunanta-. declare* agalnat the
prealdent’a latent extendoti ot tbe dvll
eerrtre. aad urgea«li inembere to write
their aenatore and repr^tailvee In
oppoairlon to the appropnaupa bf any

i, Dec. I.—Tbit opeolBC Ot

inMcunUoD ol tbe oetaloo it* dry.
ud exeept •• » opecUcl. hardly repaid
tbo wp«'do which thnmgod >th* puhUe
aad priraie gallertea Dlagley. Batloy
and Oraarenor enjoyed tbe beoor ot
bdng appolBted tu wait upon Uc :
Idtat. whota hMwage wao the eroDt of
the day. Tta reading waa long and
todtoin. ttat U waa fWlowad with olooe
attontkm. There wlh ae demonauattaa aatU the reading waa conoludad.
Whoa the RepobUrani Joined to a hoarty
arpreOBloB of approval.

Bootber {dm i
teaUlar .........
large an Bgw«tate o( boaliwai ttahtaet^ ^ the laUMOof geetnrea MHlwith*
•‘matth of a pen" at In the



ol tbeai

eal priaopen




peer* geia boldly

r Merchant Tailorillg.

AUorsey* at Law.
tom. I. Mmugta Btoak. Tmeam* OtyfMM

Free Storage
for Bicycles.

A whip

Iheaa ii at^fUitog aplxAdldly pfe-


> wlta m* tor
______ .* «be___________
II mMTlInf *t TeotT. d.rin the wtMee, I
wU cterge aMMM t<w can

w. HeeeultX do. H





on Jah. 1, 10«.

matalUe b

irortb of tba propwiy ben dealt In , opmmn» M. A «. *. DtaotjTOTM that a tatgaih *al®awi*hthd;^^


...J AM


AAA- !

- —

waahlngton. Pee.
-a——-.- .
«r HawallBO* who have com* In Ih» « U» nano
thla nouBtry to preaeot .a proie.1 ew^-^ tf the whoie «»«<»*<■ wt*a
agalnat the ntlBeailoB of tbe anneBa
Molded “in black and wbitck

£ntf Rtoidi t liiUm K. 1

UOB treaty reac h*d Waablfigton yeatiy
day. They an- C<don*l John Richardnn. Jame. H. KauUa. William AuHand D. Kalaukatata. They are noi

The trader in tba wheat frit it anned
npea wbiofa ha
mim to note tbe namea e( thoaa witb^
gmniiii natnn


ready te make any

ahd vht» of tbe eomnaeditiet bought

—Watch Repairing.

morn in a day or two-

«« *poB the vb*ly
da made et tbe nKnncM wben tbe

_____ _______ _____ . branch portal eartnga banka with ae oOlee in the de­
partment to be called the cntral bank.
Any per*on may become a depoaltor
under thl* act. ladudlng married wom­
en. and mtnom above U year* of aga.
IB ar« llmlird to SI aad 'Ita
t. and M exceeding ISM each.

Unp of I aad it ceota are to be eold.
lanrtat It tdAe at tbe rata of S per
ML a ymr. to be added te the prin­
cipal on June SI of each year. The
aecretary of the tiBaaury under tbit btll
to required to Invert In Intereet-bearing
bond* o* «te Vnlted BUlea or whoee
prinripal .it gwenteed by the Cnited
Btatea. or U aiaie bonda and bonda of
taMelpamtetaad ceuntleaunder atated
raetilrlinna Depealta win not be Uahtk
to aataure or delentloa under any legal



V, MWrteetotaxtlllaa.

tbe Upa c< «
sMni: bat tbe buys and mllar <d Um


tbe eervloe td tbe Itocai year endinr yardi enrry whlpa not peawUa. a^
June se. 1S». aa futalabed by the eev
t^Mr dtala are recorded in niamaiT Ihil executive depai^mrnti.
. Wend «< wTittoanptD trndlng eerdn Aa



—John Veriy.


itted to oongrraa th.
■t anoropnailoBa requited fu.


-Front Street.

^ I' w«U0yto|d«nretbeoldkBigblaBiak-

IW. *?«. *^*** ^^laktgtharongh
V .e

■Ittee on rulea yeeterday Itiatrorted
nileo of tbe eenate prebIMtforce
tar tbe aale of liquor In the eenatealnl
the CapltoL There wea ao nqoor
Bale In -the eeriate mtauraot dnrtng i

sahlngloo. Dec. T.—The altandanee
a tbe aeaatan ot tbe eenate yerter. both OD Ihr door and In the galitably large. deapUe
H. wa* Bo’tat
d tan that little buali

Prior to the emrentng of
membcrB paaoed half an
iiuu wbo haa
cdiaagtng greelloXB
hgea til for a wmh. wa given a coiaioj
reeepUnh by hia StMhtoan colleagoaa
WetertI of Oiliwidi. one of the mamben of tbe tateiwattoaal moeietary commlatoon. waa-atoo glvee a warm greet­
ing. When tbe eenate convened after
the uMl opening day peeee
the new eenelor from Ulaeli . .
tend the chamber, but tbe oatb of
» araa not admlnlaierad to him dnr.



nad nndy Baden cd tba
panning In tbeir nddlag to }ot dow*
apcB pnper Abair pnrofanna and nkn.
Mainxtodanwonld taiddeflnnwto
the very nataia et thinga^ dortolaDoatotbetoagnttMit i
blity ot------- ^--------------“U there nenr anf Bt^Wa'in tbb
ktbdofdealingr a

“U yon mean do tbe rndb-gb bade on

um* toerii to ceoiiu
tbdr faHgxina made by wbtp and band.
Dec. T.-PreaWeat Me- 1 can anawar. nrtvr.'' waa tbe trader'a



Klolcy left Weahlngtan at 7:St o-ctock anawtr 'aa be taroogbt tala trim black
last Bight to rciure to tbe bedaide of
to a bait in tbe cattle alley and
bit mother at Caqton. With him were iaa.w^ forward in hia mddla '‘Tbare
MiB. McKinley. Hlea Mabel HoKlnlcy.
pUc« In America. OT tbe
Mlsa Barber, and otherp___
t^f that matter, when ao


/ aba awty r«atan of tbe day.
■vaiMANra «B^_rorKT m


a "ts-

pected and agreeable imrprW to the ^
bnaiheai in tbaae pena wlU
.1 IbBA^b.................................
la gubered abnal the
ran about II.MW.OOO. And W toil
bedaide of MtB- McKinley ye*tertlay
done* Little talk, a
nrtotiMam. ghe rained con*i<niai
y^of wbipanndbnndaandBoeaBbnag*
.1 oTwrittw ftoonineDU batwoto b------dalldrn bwt extended rreetli
them, to her aged elatcr Mra Oeboro* n&lsaUaca
“H«e toatausabaf cattla that will
and to other* who were near. Nour.. flgate up about •10.000. Om then in
tahment waa given ber about noon, it
•ird tba otbar alley to a bay« wbo-^thto
wan noon arier thU that ab«
oCtoud nm n prion of fd. 10 foe
algni of retumlna •cnaeloui
r aeveral................................SthntloouMdobnttor.
tbn. 1 tbongbS ttet 1 o
day* bad a tsHtog <«•«.
Tber* wa* oiroag hope
I to tot tbe bnnetago
tglh tp-aurvive
roeover ebough otrengil
to tbe jnoeot nuMDl
prertdeni " '
any faU) attato until <
' ' It a Hoocb’words
r,w There
mebed ber twdaldeihl* morning.
Tbere B* **

tobtoh Wa. Mrt Beta M»—«h ■.
to Satt Oea. AIovt.
WMhlngtoa. Dec. *.■ tocreiary AIg*r
raaterday made puUlc lb* reprtmand
adminlatered to Captain Loveriog by
•aateooe qf coort martieL ea followa;
*Sy order vf tbe preaident the proceedtoga. Aodliiga and aentcnce in the cam
of (MhUiJi iatabifd A. Lovertng.ruuTtb
totantry. ere approved. It to. however.
dtoappolDtIns that an oR.-ner tu grave
and aa BA example ao far-iwhlag aa
thto abould have been vtolted wllb ao
light a penalty. There la no quertkia
but that Private Hammond doaerred
pontohmenl for hto eondocL bat be
■ ahooU have neeelved K In a lawful way.
Tbe mUttary lawa governing the army
aiB expllcll. They preaeribc the dutica
of offltoia and entlaied men, with the
■ penalliei for Ibetr Violation.
them both have rights aad obllga"Wbea. tbrrefore. an oBcer with the
tnlelltgcncc and exferienee wttb which
Captain LDvrring to credited not only
rtolalcB theae lawa but exbiblle oKfe a
tock of humaiitty aa la ebowh In iWa
came he abouW recvlve a more aevere
•entenoe «h*n a mere rerrimand. ComndUng imrh acta degrade* tbe officer
morv rh*n the aoldier be punlalwa. and
Show* nnlUae** for tbe care and ooratnand of men. Under-exdtement men
.fraqaently do thing* which In carter
Btomenta they recall with oerrew sad
regret but thto case le aggravated by
tbe fact that after week* of dcUbeia'
• tloe thto omevr evince* no rvgrw
bis wrongful acla."_____
Veto Membee Pluag** I
a malrway UeM FltoL

WaabtogtOD. Dec. T.—RepreaentaOv*
Betden. of
Tork. ooe of the vrt•n^ tb* booae.
ouily injured yerterdey 1
talUng down the marble nair* teaoina
trom tbe floor of the booae to tb* banemeat of tbe CapSlol. When the reading
of tbejnetoeot-s manage elbaad Brtdan
Btarted for trouto. going by tb* want
Hto foot eangbt a^b*
p.*ongvd headlong down the atepa. Wb«
trom a deep pash In the fucebead and
another aevom tbe noae. which It-waa
beltovrt bad broken tbe noae. He wa.
carried to tb* ectnmltta* room on aeaousta, where two doctora attended him.
Bclden wa* censdou*. but not ratlonfll
aad did not know bto triebds about
him. Ftom tb* baaty eiaifilnattnu
by tbe doctor* It was feared that
iiiw iiMirui of tb* bnto -might b*
Bought on. Tb. wound* to tba babd

w. feichlaer J. Atemngef.Tiaverva

•iynl»mritofr<m Ojeria aML Oraoi Hap- rtrito. a. liana.


It will g«t you more here
than anywhere else.—....

! tAcb bnaiiieaa to done CD tbe baaif of
-----: sanmml tntagrity. witboat ^ writto*
OoBtoe teek t^CiMrirrmw^eou ■ ' 1
(o itoow for tbe ttanMcUoDa. aa

lerU cheap VUI into* for
emrvy I M. Wteal*. IB vf

Chicago —
West Michigan.

.10' CN>« BALE-aetaertoof tortoe taag' Lakr
r e«ltoblr fertoimer i~n r*r*mn, lee


jvssr. tss


Enterprise Groeeiy,

Goods DeliTereti

or other i^i. . jufflrIenl.degrwP of
rveognto* tbe pcertdeni
when he reached her today It wa» not
thought, however, thai ehe wtll ever rvgain cfiRipieie con»ciou*oe«a.

Boning TU abow yon bow a
biUM^ <d fat ateet* 1* aold witbont
wtod of BOOtb or * tatatcb
^ the lime tbe tHi^ln U lunlly mndo.'
The otanmiMmi BSa (bcp rtnlghtened upiBtbotoddtoaadwaiiad fortba
----------------- . .
•fanycr to
.look tn bto tUrectioB.
- dlltoDt
Mow Brtv/toOto Mto.A-grtlabrBay*abe A BOBCDt Intto thto rCp
.^MDtotive <tf
4., C-to-8 Wlto
* big itocklaf booae
^ wbtatod
hto bone
A-___ A-


•____ -

.AA._____ .l._ .____A__ A.

»e« Vurh-ltocr -The aciionbrongbt
by Mery Ann Angell agalnat Helen
Oould and other, to enforce an admeaaurvmeBt of dower In the «*t<te of


— .

avlOBWclaato o

Tbs Cdldbntfld SpddiUiU,


Si faood in tbedlwctiou of tbe
InMaatly tba _____ —
^ mwblde riding whip
Hi* attit^ WBl ai

Tbatzbse <?m, Mich.

<be prealdeni to aid In turning tbe Itaue
of BUpar- money over to the nallonal
bonk*, and in the meaniime a purpoar
to give gold a further superiority ever
Oliver a* money.A.. .1

U** * !«« mnga gl^ UUt brt^
wnto*. bet we oudlgrtaBd 4^ otb«
pmfartly. We brtb know bow many
cattle tb«s« aiv tn tb* buseb and tb*
igtos at wfaiob tbqy bare been sold.
Had w* been wttbin Ri«nfcing dtotoam


adrty-tour by - -

--------------------- -

OaaXtoyOnlyBaAKonth. •

gontnlftto" »n# BicMBinHtlOB Ftm usd Strictly


To Young, Widdle'Aged, and Old Men

for tbamkorf wctoblUty.
onnm U would have mu* the tiu^
battm sautoratoadoraiiyaMce Uadtag.
-AObJoago PoaL
A Crta la *h« B1IIH1
Itea bare borti patobtad all Ubds Cf

r tbe stabbing sdNanaa dertoed for tba pupose cf seg a gun toft unring a bottle that cuanot bo reflltod
, ufto, baviog oooabemoo-'"

Chicago, Dec. f.-llotla Krtkm. of
Dayton. O.. challenger, dcfeaied Chart**
Grimm, ol Cedar Lake. to. yerterday
Iron medal by a ucotc
to 87- The *tiooc aitmetcd a no
erowd'of local and out-of-town cra<
A strong wtod which blew, catling
annw Into the face* of th* two expert*-;
interfered ellH aboottog.
feature ot tbe day was n rtrulfbt bfO ol


flllDH.DECaiBE8IOt)i, 1897.

dbredanafndavltrmnbloenenllB which
she mid: -T wa* neve* married to Jay
___________________ _____________
Oould or to any man ot that name, or nloR
__ cya _
of ___
tb* bay* ■»«*« ai^t
to any man named Jason Oould."
Ji^iilaed whip
M« inaiant b*
Bind hto band a little ^ove bto band.
held it motioHtoui a moment aad tbe*
droppod it with a forward movv*n«it
Quh^ tbe aeltor tapentod tbe motioM
uf ument with btowfaip, and then, tantag to hto onller. Mud:


Hotel Whiting

he a** pui on the Jury caleo- wua full cf nataral gnoe nad
- to»4 rtiowud that tba man was
dar. When
eounnei for
for Mr*.
Mr* Angrtl
Angrtl propro- ento tn the Bddto than faa emld bm
yerterdey coun.el

■iTTrfh*-r‘— My» Meoto Decba.
0*lve*f..iL Tex.. Dec. 7.-Hoo Willlam JeoTilng. ilryan reached berv yesterdar and left with e party of friend*
(or itoke Suriirwv lo huai duck*. Tbe
party will i-e gone three or four daya.


0rs.B.S.&C0. lUBia ui mmitiBi tr

the late Jay GouM. waa yeaterday die- toriking a* that of a cavalry OcdOHel «pmto»^ hy a Jun' 1" «he .upretne court
otmoeotmto tba ntA «h..rt lime ago appUtallon w-----------■*tnticai ““
of bto raginmi bafot* makiag
by the plal
ilnilff to dlsronllnue
Tbe -pone, taowartr.
but the «
denlrd tbe moUoe and--------- 'T,-^ ------ .

Blackabeur. tie.. Dec. 7.-BeT. *• A.
BMrne. the principal nr tb* Ptormcounty high eebool. waa aertoualy
rtabhed yerierday by Harry Harper, a
l«-y«*r-old pupiT. Heenw was punlsb.
tog lAltImer Harper. * youager btotbHarry aroee from hto seal
-e ..A

>KoD0y to Loan

225 Front Street.



Suits to Order.

They Ignon Iba
uw uo iDdlcaUofi whatever of future ------------revoluUonary ouibreaka Capital pun- aittfleialiCieBOC the aapla^tteaB aptahment hai not tieen applied (e poUU- ga vhhd) atoAww Iw

drculated abrewd by tbe waw oT^Jhe

O- f. CAKTTKB. Aga*

ae^ h>d Battcmbtag Uee work gleea

a air,
high in
ai aettaa a aea of claitarilu horna tba elgnal Ta aaaa ewd by
tba BKwwthiTttldlfiing of a band, aad

la to ica legain 1 to U'aahlngton. II
an r«»Uwd .i



«\ ForwrtthaBlaachtlH-tala at
aaa A Barada famltare nyma at
« aad Btata ttnwtt.
1« tf

• »btiDQb’^;

d rwolation pf a pMUl aariiigt bank
Btem. Introduced by Lorimer of Hll-


Ever Bnnied Oat?


ki <Mr I

addreoa tay» It la the duty ot the aaaodatlon to pTrUeettolheplewldenlagalHI
Attorney Qciwral UcKenna'a a

■tbo rogulu oeoolon tn Uk bo
witliool vBQsuol tftrtdent of •or char-



• oAcaoo stockvaaos.

B R«etAl addrM to Uw eeuticllo U the

0l«tMiTrM LoT>Hiic.(8


MBtSOtS. A gNOt deal cd
to be perpeBatad by «Hiat
(d aoma etoadard liqnorwtthnBtntelrt
frade and palming It off «S tb* criglnal

b ebts by blowing

and be thinks that thto «
tag rtMOgb to I'T'
Indooe aom
r fladalpbtoBaootd.

to u-lk

DRS. B. S. & CO.

Leek Box lao.

213 Front St


stock Boeeivad Three Ttman a
Conotn. 4Dc per quart

ftetSb's OftW Dejet ail BKUfiitJ

“■ssjsa,-. _

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