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The Morning Record, November 03, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
omoui. rAPBB
FintTeu-oKo. 167.
akvies o«
emoiA2< rjkrwM
Viopaaad PUa of Ballnada asd Tfma.
Liaato Tiaaafar Frodaeta of Bar Folata to Boada
and Oaptato ByAeM to to the dtr with
0»W>rs lua MtlM ftll kte
hto barge WhHe Star. whleyarriTed
Mtnla b«« uldiur
amui la tUa
aday with bar bold AlW with
c—aaellwi wttU Iba' 8«prft coort
shkU b»*« readpred iU dMlaloa. Dap- BBFOTT OXFFOBD wnrOMD SlB Inmber from Croae Village. She wiU
tsfcs OB a daek load of poiataes for
atj Oaaaa an« Flak Waniea Knaalmsa
Baflalo, where ehe will go to Mmi
raealyad aotka to tk»t aflaet jaatarda^.
toTaotarday wUhthoBobtoacm.
Perprlaad a Fopular ICarebaat.
Konia«-Oaa AU^ad Thtod Slaia
aad Aaotbar Oaytaiad Oriantuad
A happy auiprtae was predplUta last
•eaalag apoa Mr. aad Mia Bmaaaal
Sane of Daapwadoaa Biou^ to
> Xat Death by a
Wllhola. at Ualr pret^ boM oa bat
Oriat \
Sthsmet. The par^ was artaapad
Tar^ Lake. So*. A-A aboektog aeMkA.. No*.' A-A
ky tke esaployee of the store of WU>
to Oamatrafody ‘waa aaaetad to thto TUtofa
belto Bros, aad Mr. WUholsB tha'i
rank mill wbkto rasaltad to the death
of the aatoolahad taarehaat. Tha early thto saoralar. Asa teaalt Will- of AlonaoTHaworth.aa employe.
eeonlBC waa a happy oae aad the anidead. uUled by a bullet froB|.a rwlrer wae trylag to put oa a ball with a
stick wkea the atlek eaaght to the fly
to the baudsa of DapnVy SkarlS Qiaord
Tbs daad borvlar ing belt and atfnck the man ia the
of Tl
a killed Bide, toflleUng aa injury which nanjw
while tryiad to eecape arreet. For ad to deaU to a few momaata.
day. tbe oSoen bare keen hoi oa tbs lea*M a wiie and thioa chUdian.
A Mttarof tker
to Um lanaan aad ahlppm
Mar t7 tko kay porta to baUff a«tooal7
•eoMldorad by tba raUroad oSeiala aad
<topt. Wakk. awa«af ttia Traaatae Bay
UMOfataaaara Ckpt-Wekk ralaisad
yaatarday (n» Gtaad Bapkto wkera ka
baa bees to aouBltetteB with the offi_^to of Um T^roada oeoteriDy at tb4
-pOlat. Tha plaa aodar ooaaldaR
WILL DZOTATB ADXIHIBTBA. (ua#k tiuU. Joe Boee. oae of the
to \tba aatabltokBoat of a
traMfar ferry be twees Traeana TIOM OF OBBATBB MXW TOBX gnuf. wae Jailed at Fnakfort Uat
nirht. Lew MUler was captured by
•aty aad all the priaoipal Bay
▼Ax-wiox zi.Bona> BT PLti- Skertff Eoon*bere Uto BMistor at
pelBtt for tbe aklpaeat of all klada
—bit brother Willard was
' frelfbt frtaa laeb polau by
BAUTT or 100.000.
shot- Tbe ehoottod oocurred at 6:J0
to tke aaslera. weatera or aoatkara:
narkata Tkto traoafer llae would be
aa inqueet i^as held this afternoon.
no to oaoBecUeo wltk the TraToraa:
SherUt Kooa ease froa I'mnkfert
Bay Uae of ataatMra. It would aeoeabefore daylldbl thto asomlud Md.
aittte tke anplaymeat of beary traaaBBBOLT IV OHIO IS IM DOUBT. gMkcr with Deppty Gilford,
- - rd.rfi
for boattoapaM*
boldlny perbaiM
to the house of Edwurd Booth, whei
tea pradoaeaeara. Thete would be
ruB troB the dock hero dlreelly oa to Keatueky*aSileer Damaoiut Blaeted— they found both tbe men. Lem Miller
BepubUoaaaBhow Seduced Kajor- wae found in bed. but Willard was up
tbe Write aad taken to potato where
Itiea to Beraral Statea—Bxdtlac to and partly dreaaad. When lha ofliciato
.Modad. there raa oSoa aide Iraeka,
,ndar, XJ^WmaFad
Haw Tork aad Detroit But Klaeleaded aad ratanad here to eoauaet
todSpd m^e
with the rallrood liua A 'oonwhara Tary Outot and Lidht Totan. out of a bole to the buUdtod apd
pnty '^6rd
a break for liberty. Deputy
paraUrely aaiall ooat would pul ia tha
ordered bim to atop or be, wv
tide tracks aeedad at tha aeratal p^to. Bpn..lsl loTeiNDUUsa aaconn
Dalroit. So*, t.—In Detroit, with tea He daahad around tbe house aad start. Thaboneatotolhofar«erandahlM*r
would be itTeai. Yesterday poutoee
run aad bepu firiuf to the
brouffat U to M crau la IVame City: of Maykury (D
ukea, thonrb It taatllls
atSuttoos Day. Noribport and ather by nboat S.flOO. Tbompaoa (Demoorat) |
r runs tar ahead and wiU dark he sras unable to diaUugntoh tbe
bay potato the;
_ . wllhoqt
haeeabautt.ooomajority. TbaBepuV. fugiU*p- A shot struck Miller to the
Tbto Ihroach n
put tha pries {ISeaa eaadldatea for city clerk and jns- left ahooldar lodgiag to a *ltal part;
are probably eleei
eleetod. He ooDttoaed to run uuUI te'rnn
of potttoee or any other farm prodpet
bmatod to the ouwide marketa up to Kina Republican and nine Democratic against a barbed wire fence- which
eary near tha Travetae . City firma. aldarmen are eleetod. maklag a gain of threw him to the gwruad. He breathed
This trnnafer Uaa would also opan up a I't-;wo for the Dsmaerata la the oonneiL bis last soon aftm.
Lam MUler wae taken to tha village
Oreater JTaw Toik for Tammany.
dfraet markat for fmita, bark. Uca.
posts, lumber, and any aad all farm or
Sew York. So*, t.—BepubHcanaom- jaU and locked up.
tenat prodneta for which thara to a Wde the . eleeUon of Van Wick. | The dead man was twenty-eight
market by raU. It to to be hoped \he the Tammany candidate for mayor,
Tbe' three mas. Joe Boas. I^m Millar
plaas now proposed may ha earrled nearl* lOo.ooo. Henry George. Jr., cut
but a small figure to the *ote. Indlca- aad Wmard Millar, are tough ciltoeM
in Mats
We make Mato aaj color yottwant
—to match the monldiog and har
monize with the picture—It make*
a swell combination—Seethe mIots
,we carry in stock.
X3C- Two lor to*.
Oyatara dirwt from BalUmoru a1 waya
s> hand. McLaUaa A Ash. Uf-tf
MiiiraiT Bi-moTm n o*.
It’s your money's worth
that you want.
A-Full Third
of your life is speul in bed. It is well
to hare that eomfortabie.
make it so at a rery lUGe c
" 1, bra.
■xtra good Woreo Wire Spring '___
e for fo on. If you araut
______*ou a"go^ aalld wall
bad aad an extra good Spring for g:.T&.
tfaos are that Sew York 8t«W also
tic by u safe plurality.
rtleular crime for whlcb they are
electing Parker, democrat. CbM Jus
Popular rWranm City Olrl Taken by
tice of the court of appeaU.
Tong Mas Prom White Cloud.
-ks they hare traveled
. Port Huron Bapoblieaa.
by wagoa. stealing wbererer th-y
^plmauntweddlDgoceniTed yaswrtiberlff Hall arrived today fiom i
dby afternoon at TS8 Waahtogton aireet. ' Port Baron, So*. S-—AU repnbUeun
Detroit to galbar in tbe priaonera '•
Him Oliee Morgan, daagbier of Mr.
marriadtoKte*ro-. repoblieaa. for may-er, will
/ and Mra M. D. Morgan.
J Mr. Ctorl H. Van Aukp- 'ofWblte'aoud.i^’;^ shout 300 orer Wenmafi. demoThe earonerk inquest waa ^Joumad
antil one o aoak today.
chnsetts Xsjerity Badnoed.
by Be*. J. C. Van Auken. father of the
‘brldagioem, to fhe prearnca of tbs Im
Boston. So*. f.—Waleatt. repoblknn.
mediate ralatlrea and friends. Many is lo-alacted govarur o*«r WUltoto^
Thera vrill be a regular oenvutlon .
Uc. buMby rednoad maj^iy
of Travwne aty Lodge. No. 73 ttmight. ;
.year. 5
pruaente of china and aUverware.
Work to the third rank.
Dainty rafrmbmante were . served:
rpnblieu Loan to Iowa,
Will Bbaer. J. F- Hoover ud Cageae ;
after which Mr. and Mra TanAokan
lines, Iowa. Nov. S.—The vote
departed lor their fotura home at to the state U very UghL Thera are OorneU went to CbdlUae tost night to ;
Join a hunUng party en roote for the I
White Clood. aeoampaalad by Be*, and
heavy republieu loaaas which may northern peninauto.
Mia VanAuken.
lit in the aieetkm of damoerata
The Bridge Bullderm will meet, vrithi
They will bear rrtth ibem aa abaitdto Hamilton eouty.
Miss Kate London this eeantog at 7:30
ananofeongratulatioiisandweU wtei-:
Betoras from about l«0 preelnete to
ea from the many friends of Miss Mor wra abow a net democratic gain S3 a-eloek.
Aa totorasttog mil
gan to Traverns City; she wlU be paria each preeiact. At that rate tha m- program will be given.
tieularly miseed by the targe circle of pnblicah plurality of last year would
The regular meeting of the W
aonng people, her amoclatea, by whom be cut to lees than is.ooo.
MisaioB elrtde will be beld at the hrme
of Mra Northrop. M7 Wehetor etreet
Pres BilMr to Kantndkg.
thto alteraoon at 3 o'clock.
l^anlsvllU. Ky-. So*. 2.-The allver
OfifieUM WUl Hut Dear.
William Beltnw shipped another <nrsmomats have undoubtedly carried
A diattogntehed party of dear hnntara
the sute by uaafe majority, aleettog. load of the cboieeBt potovoes to be bad
will leave the city this momtog for tbe
to tbe DeteoU Bouse of CoTrectlon yeeelerkofsupremsoaurt.
' upper pentosBla. where they wtU hut
terday. He baa shtnwd thai far 4.400
'Tu Burau does Dry.
for a few weeks- The party te eembushels.
Paw Ikw. S(»*. 2.—At the aleetion
pmed of Jnage B. L. Corbett. AlderThe village of Maatoa will affect
asan F. C Deamoad. PromUng Attoi^ Monday Van Ilurnn ooauty voted by
again thto saaeon ud to
aeyJ.J.Tweddle.CityAltomeyP. C
OUbnrt and Attomev George H. Oroaa.
conteau I
shipa voted dry ud tba two oombtoad «•*»»*•«
Travarm City team.
ooly gave 79 majority for Ucenae. Iba which to n
XZOHIOAH HAPUE 00. Tha reserve aeat plat for the High!
majority to l.OOO larger tbu at Ue last
frill be placed i
'Was ZHaaolviNl to thto Otty Yaa local epUeu alaelkm iu tbe oouty.
tba City Sewu staad on Saturday momtarday.
Pualoa to Vehraaka.
Liaeolu. Nvb.. Nov. 2.—Thirty pre- iter. November «th. SoparaaBwUlba
At a maatlng of tbe Michigan Maple
allowed to reaerve more thaa five aeata.
Immba-Oo. held befT yaeteiday. that ciaete Iniialde of Ltocolu had Omaha
Tbe three Cartier hmthen, Mr. Hhertodtoata 'the daetioo of tba tnaioa
-ergaaisaUoa was formaUy dtoaol
maa aad Cemgrttoamn lUahapk private
Thto aompuy was orgulsad to thto atoto ttoket by not leas thu lt.00a
secretary. Mr. Cnrtla. of LodtogtM«lty to Fabmary. 18M. and wns •
Ohio to DoubL
pamed through tha city ymterday on
poaad of tha leadlug hardsroed m
OtoetoaaU. Nov. 2.—Bapublleaaaoen-taotanra whoM mills are tributary to cadad the elecUoa of Damoeiatie bou- their way to tha upper putoaula after
the lake porta of northwaatam Mick- ty and legtolaUve ticbete io Hamlltoa ear.
Um aoppar anaoaneed by Amanda
canaty by about 7,oaa Trmaeadoua
dumoerntie gatoa. Betursa from the Hive. L. O. T. M. No. 331. for Friday
atote are maager but the rcaulu eaaaot evanlng <.f thU week, kaa bean posV
to Friday. November 12th, wheu
Latgaat Baoadpta of Potatoaa of Ajiy yetbctoUmatod.for govornar baa about 3W majority it will be given ia tba Foreatam hall,
One Day Thto Baaaoa.
tmm i to 9 o'eloek.
mr Buahnall.
The price of potatoee ymterday
Tha Boynl Nelghboto of America
Bavtoul flocki of wild gaeoe making will give a tan-<«a\ supper at their
ranged from Si to »8 oenta par bushel,
though one load brought 41 easts. Tha thMr wny aouthwurd were noUeeahle hall to Hnatagna buUdlng thto
receipts to tbe city axeaeded any 'pre- last night and lha night before.
iag from 1 to 8. An antortalnwanL
vtooB ay of tha aaaaan. tha total
teuxloal and otharwtae, will ha given
Ohiokgo HarksL
amout betog lO.OOD boahali At ana
tree after tha aupper.
Chisago. Nov. S.—aoaad—Wheat—
time S8 loads were oouted oa I
Tba Womaak Boma and Foreign
November. 90c: Deoamber, Me; Jan
Ikaionary Boda^ of tha Coagra
uary, 94Ve: May. 93K9)(cIVBT&UOnOVB TO DBFUTXHA
Oom-Sovembar Me: Deoamber. al church wUl meet with Mru. OviatL
9th and Uke avenue. Wednaatci;c: May. Mkc.
day afunaon at 8 o'clock. Tha
•tote Game aad'Fiah Warden OMwn
Oata—NovamboA 1#H«
ladtoa of tha ohnreh are ganarully toAwaits Bnprama OanrOa Daetoien.
ber. 19Sc: May, 21K9XCPork—Novambar. fl.flO; Daeembar, vlud. Ught refraahmeata wQl be
Peadiug the acUon of the .Supraa
Opart on the Injuetloa nrooaedtoga a J7.00: Junaiy. *3.U.
Laid-Novambar, Si.iO: Daeembar.
faetbr tbe <
le Warden Chaaa A •Lti.
w. slater
No matter how cheap a pritx yon pay, if yon
get a poor article, it's false economy. Es
pecially is this true of CLOAKS.
We take a pardonable pride in our immrase showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and
Children’s Good Cloaks—which is the
Greatest Cloak- Stock in this region, with
pri<^ named on them that make this stock
Pay a v^ to
our busy Cloak room.
BaUtUa SiyOetdAOnpat 3sd OeUdagSsuA
^A7 unm
128^:32 Vrost StrMt.
we an aaUtog *00 pain
Ladies’ ' Fine Shoes
Oaanllie Kid ikto, New Toss, regular
*2.00 Shoes,
JLT $1.60 Uh. FATR.
M can. Thafawhatwe^
Bnt we always blow for
The ‘Best’
hl^ bttkB va up in quali^ and ptloe.
Hannah & Lay Co.
When a
to ou>
It won’t b« mBkingnaore gpot ovor your hipa for tho
rwmon thBt It won’t bo broken thero. THAT’S R
vontoffo, ian*t it? They ure $1—only ono Btoro in- town
koapo thorn----
W Jil UAVHl .A.
Ladies’ Boi and Kangaroo Calf Sboe for $1.50
Also Gent’s Box Calf inrtmble cork .Shoe at $2,50.
Boy’s and Yonth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.
“ ' ■
m MOBHnra
M f'lA. Bwtl^ faAfa buma
SpohAOC. WAfa.. NdV. t^AA tb. I»-
A fKopof excTted women mod a miB
AAolph Dkfv WU «p AtAin U
or two WAM AtAOdlBg fa tfa (MTABOA
4»i«ntaf 4wl»» th*Are ABd fa UfcplAf TbeyttkiBttbAttfabodytf A gtrl—A
trWD A wfadBWWAAfadly fajwd.
jrOtlDK AOd ptAlfa gill—fad faoD OAirlcd
in not long tetm. 6fa fad faon foAad
flctttlBg in tfa SetBA- -A CAAA.at nicklA.
old-time gmmwer. waa afat three Ome*
and profaWy faiaUy woanded. “Flakey*'
Of. S.) Barnett.manager of tbe theatre,
bad a Bager abot oS and bb face Bllad
with fatreed powder. »-hll* Ut wife bet
ter known by the atage name of Ida
*. EAfTw J- wf SAxm.
ClartoB. received a ballet thKogta her
Aboulder. ________________ y
t. W. aw*. EdlW Md MaiMnr.
TottUr Z>wtfoyAa ABd TaIbaUa
BA.h —bbte Bre.B daa
felt aorty I bad nrged Urn
XtU PropAity TbrMfanAd.
Deadwood. B. D.. Kov. A-Tbe foot
agaifat bU wULfor bb face waa aa ' Belle Poareh fank nbbrri overpowered
Netblng battar
PMMkey. Not. C.—At 4 o'clock tkta white arcialk
Wb. B«5m Finaatl ever wore.
. and, hia maonerwutfat,j O
m. Lawreooe eounly JaU*r and hb *1fe
Oao. LaBM»-Wora it two wintam Like Ik
MOnfac CobMaWo'4 AUAn Uasdry was of a man walkiog in a dream.
^ ewaped into the hllb takfag with
* tvnumm Moore, a negro murderer,
Paagg BNOacn-Yoa bet it b all right Wontda'tdo.wttboat %
‘•It temloded
be avid, after we .
dlAootAred to fa fa flAmcA. ABd It
■ Carr. C. .A. Wm>-<}iT*a good eatbloettea.
fad walked tome little wey. and fa j Tpe robbere an meoibetn of (be deaper-'
Travaree Cily. Mich. Oct *7. IW.
■eeiDod better,
cutbwa and wi
wi, “of a girl who waa! ______
f gang
w%MD «nJ*T.
cm 0>PC
0 ago fa
*'The HaKikTOii Clotsuo Co."
dpowuid a good
ago. Pw- mptvred only e '
^ fc*torfaa,~'-“~good many
many yaam
yaane fattle.
Mootane after a a
GasU:—I AB weU acqaAfatfa with tbe ■‘JAt«a”Uederwear, and I want fa give yon my beartleM endoraAniaDtaf them
aea'med almoal oartafa fa go doAplU
'TbeyareeoaortaanottolrTitotetbBtendenAtAkfa. They afaorb the
tbaharofaetetaoftbeflraman. Hawt. W. Sfaur. tfa E«
Bobtara ao perfectly, and prvvent tfa aodden cooUag. or ebangea of the
■' ley A QalBlaBb factory WAA d%Bagedelb the St
famperatare of the body, (the oiaal caaoee of cold*). If yoa cab get
A. for riitUe Boney.
firnt claaa a
“entiteol,” waiting for dinnor.
Ben and women of thb piece fa wear them r Inaiead cf tfa ebiap eob
I am aoeb a thoroogb fogy now.”
fan good*) there will be but little compblntef naaal catarrh, congha.
etc. Another point tn^^hHr favOT. they dp not ahriak aa eaoat
Mm EvAAtIKUSA (faRBOA tfa fair
Motiee t» Soldiarh.
Sow A Tight Cor Often fa lAdlagtoB tbe big Voltaire chair intowhieh I bad
OAfaB who WAA meuAd t«M JaU fa
a and aUI who deaire
BpSttnaLgr, M. D.
fotood him. “that 1 dare *>y. Prank,
Waa EottlAd.
Adjoated., I bog fa anBataba ABd who on far ArritAl fa tfa
yon braid hardly Imagiiie bm yoong
UdlAgtOB. No*. *.-Tbe LndfaffaB
.bat I will fa at the Botel
A fa thb
aud fairly good looking.”
MtofficA wmr bAA boea AAttfad 1b a
•'Yoo forgot.” 1 aoawered, ‘‘thal
Tory pecallAr mABBor. SAtardey Ooo- we .were both tolerably yoong when ..w-.-.. i. when .
a* re<jotrad.
BlAboy faofa A caU -fa tfa Wf firet made aequainUDce. And. in Attend to penalon bo»lnrfa
fair AAZofhArAdaipfadeoaAtoT fa Afopinion, yon are good looking now.”
Ildtorof PeoiteB
ffatfag the tM ol tfa powder puff, el‘Oh. yre. to yon. perhopa Bat oooid
•ested the fafaroAtA of BndaoA end
tkOAgb fa lAthAT AB AMAfanriAh WAJ.
yon imagino me a man with whom a
thAt aixty «nt of tfa girl—pretty and much aoBgbt after—
woold faU to.lore? Yet ao It wat, and I
fa hb think 1 ebAll feel lietter if 1 tell yon
aCtat. faA kept op bar ropAfattoe far
t-A frtesdA ABdiA oosaeqBcaUy BbODt it tbu evening."
laBlMAM Dnrfag tfa alAOttoM fa
PcABkfart yefaardAy only two depati*a rary wrathy. Th# gAtber^ag waa held
‘ Tellme byallm-ina.”IeakL "I
Md two rfatera wore killad: bot the fa B hall ABd Mr. Bbbop Atefad the #b- Bevt-r knew before yoa ware a maa with
BtmCfa CAABOt fa ABBOODOAd UtU ^ottbeBaeting. A rot* waa fakoB
He amibd rather mdly.
tba bAlABoe of tfa Afala b bcArd froB.
"Whobaa ngt a otuty? Onlywedo
CABCOA while McMABtor recaieec'
EcirnA tTAB UeorgiA Are BWAgre. toUA. EadioB WAA tbcB declared the »« happen to know it I don't aapptew
that we who have failed in life ei re^K-blnitnMB* le
Durtmr ter
fat tba UtMt AdtietA fadfatc a tepM eoeecAAfol AiplrABU________
garda bapplneae ure in tfa minority
AdTABOeiBAatof cirUbAtioB. Tba lagWell, 1. too, bad my dreama of a wife
pzMoomriMo nr ashes.
of tfat AtAta biA A bill fafore
BM A borne At Biat th^ wt^kgne
tt which protidBA for tkA faUl citfaePlre Deatroyed KaIb pAit od Tows •nd abadoAllke. They onty^Wb «
tfao Af tbA gAme of foot fall In the
toi-e form when 1 knew Allfa Te^la
TeetardAy Koming.
I have called ber pretty. Lot Hbink it
__ ______________
PineoBBiag. Mick.. Nor. 2.—Thb ril- wat the iutidligenee exproaoed in far
Now thAt poAce or Bind bAA
Uga wAi tUlfad by tfa wer*t 4re fa ib eyr* that one noticed i
fAlly rcatoied fa Mr. Btcherd Tabba- bbtory thb Bomfag. It Afarfad is tb awlft amllflifatpi
w. gBQg:
ay Ctoker fa may tAke iBBMdiAto Dr. Parfar’B rfaideace ob Second etreet, when abe apuka."
Atep* fa ooUlB* the policy to fa par- leAped aeroAA to Sober eUeet
1 waited iilentl;
aoed by Mayor-Elaet VAsWlck.
cbABed oat Ibe faUdingi ot> both eldee
“Wo were engaged.. There waa ncBb.
for A dbtABoe of tbrAe blodfa.
Ing to wait for. I eonld afford fa
The wind waa blowfag a gale froB marrr and Alioe bad a little ntobey.
tfa BorthwAAt Asd tfa piogreAA of the not rnnoh. and 1 waa glad od it rabcrald
If IfaUMBy for AB lada&aite
oooid net fa Afapped msUl etery- boi bare wirbed to be one of- thorn at
' parted. Mora'A tfa fdQr.
tbfag fa tkelr pAtb bad been eOBABBed. whom the world pofata aa a man who.
and put up STORM SASH. If you haven’t
The fatAl kaf wUl reAcb fdO.OOO, with bymaTTTfag. baa done well for himPorooBAL
tlS.OOO faearABOe.
F. B. Moore ABd MfaafBkBApidii.
any we'd like to make you some.
“My dear friend,” 1 eBelBimed. “no
one oooid ever imaglpe yon hontiDg
ware la tfa city yeatanUy.
after mooty.'
lOOcy. I cm afraid yon have nnOao. U ThuTAtoB. B proattoBBt.
>ed it all yoor life and wUl keep
faABt of OcAtnJ fake, b fa tfa <dty ob
Dear old JobnKW! WfaweTcr 1 tfafak
OapltMl. $100,000
B. B. fawb, BWBBgA^ of tfa Elk
Snrplns, $86,000
BBpldB IroB work*. WAI iB tfa city os
wttb here esd then fa the world, and'
ynine fellow, bot then
pot toooft^
I have alwaya really lhai if BMOey omCEES-Parry HanBab. Prealdeat!
Mbe Selfa-JobBi
Bb name, by tbe way,
open* all door* fa t£b world it certain A.TratT fay. fat Vice PrraldentiJAmet
laft Monday fa tbit frienda and rafa*
: afanaan. hot it wUl'aoawer all tfa par- ly won't open aa tfa door of heaven.
tfaaa fa CbeboygABMotfAB. Sod Vice Frealdent; J. T. BasHowever, 1 am drifting avriD^ from
7c. E OiABberlafa of Grand Baplda^ : pMM of my Atoty to call him aa
what 1 meant to tell yon—what that itah, CAabler; Samoel GarlABd. AMbV
CboeoUte or Ozblood Shoeo. aliet l> to 2. e
y waa fa the city yeeterday look
dead faoe of a girl M ma to force me to ABtOMhlar.
tnany a geoerabfa of
aoUd. for 6Se pair, at A. & FBVMANIi. Bt Boat Frost Stroek
property which be owda here.
DIBECT0R8—Ferry BannAh. A. Tracy
Jacob Scbwarti of the Leland fam- thAt’be<irrJed
b* WAABeaiiiur 60 TeATaafAse. together 1 fa" “'d. engag.d. Ibe wedding day Lay. Jaaiaa Motgaa, J. T. Han
farCa.waefa the diy yeaterday os
with the very nraU remnant of fortnira
of one of her relaiiv^. tfai giori- Samaal Uarlaod.
faaiacM aed rbitfag frienda
Jobs Beymapr of Chicago, a Btember which remained after one of bb frienda' ona month of, Aoga*W Cfae d«y I went
N. B-—Addrma all CeUeeUcM and
> late in I
ap fa Umdon. r
«f tba Nortbam Mtebigaa Trantporta- had awfadlad him
regarding UAsking
JobnaoD waa enetly tbe parM to be evening. In ell the year* that fare
Moo Co., waa in tbe dty yeateidAy.
Matter fa'
awfadled. Hfatraatfal. geMraoBfaAn pAford I have never forgotten that evrnC. 0. Taner waa aamBoaed to
ilaty )
im(. I can eee bow In memory tfa
aude him aa (kay prey.
’TbcMpacBtillattabiBomiBgoo prof«»“I doai't like leAving my naUre moonlight falliDg on the treea, ita glare
Largest and brightest Shoe Salearoom in Northern Miefaigan.
Monal bfalooB fa oaBneetkin with tfa laod.”fataldfataBadayorao betee —for at the fall of tfa moon it b a
•mat of tfa knrgfac. Ofat Millar.
khdeparfare, “tat ^ tact b lean so eol4 bard glare whicb fallitw every
Arch. CbseroB of Torch Uka. Oao. looger affend to Ufa fa Eagland, ao 1 thing, or 10 it wwma to me—<m tfa
tbe inettpenaive while gravel of tbe arrooe Iradlng to
E Hopkfa* of Baar lAke. and W. B. Boat avail myoelf
•t H. E. GIBBS'.
CkABdiar of ElkBaplda. were fa tfa ccBtfaeDtal atyle of esiateDoe. 1 am tfa booio-. Eveo ai .tbe old taUet
We propofa to open tbe Phil and mater eroaoa with a whirl in Un Sfa
BlrrcllM. .
itsfanlea or ae etarae. Prlem tbe
nUg ycalanfay fa Attend tbe Beating of bomd for Faria, wbiob. after aU, wUJ opened tfa door 1 oew there waa BiraertmcAk ud fa fatter teeilltote toe aAlytate aemmodale the rneh. v
thing tbe matter—a Uttle crowd <f
■ot fa going very fmawi^” ^
bare laid oot a
tbe MicUgma Maple LABbar Oo.
Jfanaon had been Uving ateoad for
klBde and atyle* of hbo
Mrw DeS MeDeBAtd and danghfar fame than a year when 1 decided. tfaaC omgbt my arm ABd triad to ptfll m«
hav* only apace to cBoi
Kargarite arritod froB Paloakay yae- it waa Abont time 1 waa teofcfag bim np^ away—tried, bnt failed, for I foagbt
ir regnlar llnea an very eompL
tarday atunieea fa join DaS who cabo
Be waa BOt good at oaneapondaDoa, and etroggled to xbake off the graap. 1
,2‘Me^brthr* I
kaew at once aomeUifag bad kvpaBad
aareral woeka ago. Tfa family will
T7 palra Womaa'a fine \Toe KM and
to AUee Temple.”
Wa eicbanged ocowdoiial
«eeopy apartmeaU oter tfa bfare of A.
Doog.^ Batton. ’Band Tarna and Walrna Calf, Kak...................... He panifd ao loAi
^ieb aeemed u> be fnU of nothing, ao:
•M of iroteeT.. ate
~ Ifa. and Flexible aolaa. Soma Pia- eat obapea aad faeo. patoot leather and
•W. JabTAM in the ToBnelter block.
baw^MWT^wr Haw.
I wasted to aee with my own eyea bow wfat CABM nazt.
e A Smitfa and other celebroted atock Upo. at lowtat prteoa. We have
satt-Binaiwiai. .
fa WAI bearilM hb obanged fortanea.
nnod of my vdtea.
na. BagalArprlceefromtafagS.to
Eilay Swann Troobloa
"I tacgoilwaatelliBgyon aboat It,”
It WBf fa tfaamaU "entteaol'' cf oae
Tbe ATTeetofEOey Swean MoDday of tbe tall booioi of tbe old Latin qoar- fa aald. “U aarmad aa thoogh I were
- «• A charge of forgery preferred by B. ter (f.the capital that 1 fonad my friend going OT« il
it all
II by myeeU.
myaeU. 1. often do.
attlfg latheD. Alley, b an eobo of bnAlnen ^ob60 Bail* Womaa'a floe DosgoU and
tboogb it happrned eo kmg ago. What
brome Etd Bottoa and trace, fair itKBgeat in tfa etate.
of tbe former Bilry Sween j He declarad that be wae
Bvery JpUy. was it? Oh. ‘one of thorn boating aeci... ..
aUteb. and flexible toleo, foabtenable
Mafble A Urmnita Werka. of which B. I fat I did not b'Uore.lilm It wai only denta.' a* people »ay when they lay
lapca and faea; regular «2.2& gooda;
'ard Wide faea Aok faoee them,
olook down a daily paper, complaining of tbe
D. Allay b the aAcceeBcr. Sweere li 1 a Aort cf dogged dotmoin
oiaa-* Box Oolf BaUBOnle atw
ity of nowa Alioe bad been boet•eoAiad af faring appropriaud a cheek ' «■ fUc canny gde of thfage fa general
IraBBoi toe for gS-fS.
Tbere,was an apart: no one hart
Ladfaa' Hand Welt
A large lime oft Li
u.. a i w. u. EJ.-C*. which ... 1
Ih hi.
1 the pa
M patra fine Kid and Heavy Sbom. aad tnnw at very low prtee*.
_E. 0.1 V.U.. ortw o, •^■»l^T;i.S,o..h l»'>ll,'.l. .^rlltll. Jam brooght
Cbildron'e echoed aboee II to 2 regnbeeU ABd aprteg boeU worth »1 fa $1 to
Sweet* Co.,and wat for over-paid lodging«
ii bead almott (onefaed myself free of my weJJ
Ur gl.16. good for 79 eenfa.
frelgkta. The check waa received- by | o,* <»iiiug and where hii fntgal
meab It wo* on the white,'tt
Sweere laat Jnly and caabed. It b eon-1 wet* etst in by a ‘'traibrar?'
drenched hair of my dead krre that my
BOT 8T0?f.
forgoMan thal
fandad that Sweet* b gnilty of foegiag | Jotanani I ■ Job tfa fellow who eye* rcawd. 1 have never forgoiUB
4T palro Mfaaea II fa 2 fine Kid. heel
Fell asd Beaver allpper* llaed tSe to
and oprlBg hnl aboei worth $1.*^
tfa aame of the daAaaet oompany. iu I ought to In tbe head of an afflorat Brit- aigbt. never feu gotten her In all tfa
S2.to for Uc.
aad Beairor bottoa asd Uoe
knilntm having been saeoeeded u and bb hoBwhold. with ami and dangbten yean of day* and nifdit* wbiob have
gone bvsinoe then. Strange I have Mver
In great variety: ell ahapm for
AKomed by Alley. Mr. Bweer* elaima growteg np anraad fam Or be aboold
have been a ■wealthy bacheW ancle, ab- talked of it? Bot, tUra, we Dover do
T&e. 95c. gl.lO aad »1.4B. See tfaee
that Um cheek waa to hb ow* order oolotaly Adored by a Urge cebUngmt of talk of what we feel mort deeply. Ypt
.. A let of Hen'* fine oboeo different good* OBd eompere them wtto other*
aadtkat if there b any donUaetobb aepbewa and nieooa holitadc did Bri tonight that poor
Atyleo, good makeo. taraladlBg C. '* at SOe asd 75c more. Ov«r*ho*t for
mor girl—I dare my aobe
Eandaraon'a ABd otoera, worth ^
mea, woaaa aad chUdrea. erory atyU.
ri^t fa It it rmta with Faster A Orat- oaem Un proper eetUng tor him..
not a very good glrL bat faaveo
for •!.««
and peteea away down.
aar, hb farmer pArinerA, fa renorer
However, be todt for hi* motto,
i.metrifol than nun and tahop n
-wt ofadc of Iramfarmaa'b
of all the dcopair and mfaety
framblm mmA aot Alley. Be MaIba. - Whatever b, fa beat. ” trotted me aboot
I aad Sack* in tfa dty at
however, that ha bad a rfgkt to tfa
7S pain Hea'a Shoea, brokan alma, eat rate nrteea.
Mea'a PorfaetteM from Ac.
SoBd^elU. Cork Solon. BagUah Pmoney which fa pbt^fad oa tfa
bfa level brot to make my fartnlght’a
ameU. aUiMSt every kind of oboe, gt
fUy a pUamnt one.
valoe at SktotoglAO. aU go at <
Be woold bm inafated on givtog:
_________ _______ •baa
Xairted ta HayflelA.
prtee *1.40.
npbfabedhadmlgroUtig to as nnlet
Perbapa. who knowk ia
Mfa Bwtba Norria of NarrtovfUe.
ottte on tfa fifth floor, fat I woold bo(
forare ezfateoae oor dfaappolntABdXlrAVaaTHAelof Monroe CenUa.
meBtawill all he madevptOiB. At
fata of it
were married la Mayfald Monday, at
1WA* ObligAd to JOBtODd tfat I jbCBld Any rata that fa one of my pat belfafa”
tfa reaidanoe of Aloezo Van TbMcL eertainly aaSooAte ia tbe anall cloiM
“Too thiifa tfat in lome fotore yoa
Tbe ogromony wAe.perfwmed by Joe- fa dignified fa tfa title of “ohambre
and AUee Temple will fatt«tab«r’ 1
ttea of the Feaoe Frod L. DaelL Both ooBobet,” and that I bad eogagfa qaar- Mked raUier taepttealfy.
"Idcrn’t pot Cbinga inte foam -nnA
tbeee yonag people are vrril known la ten at one of tfa aBAieat honfa cm my
Our Prices are Bight, ud
Correspond with
Trovene Qty and vietei^ asd tbelr weytrom tfa railway etatteo and before taape. I cimply btlteve Uiat t and aU
who have i
fntore happlseaf will fa .tfa rineero 1 fotmd him oot
the TraverseCity.
ymiwiU > right It you pot
Tboogfa we bad known eadi other
wfak of All their frUada.
dBiiBgAgoodmaiiyyAAn.Uwaa only
ore of ik for bet* oomea dinovLumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem*
yoor money in a pair of them.
Aa dear old Jobmmn bowed bu bead
when my stay to Porfa drew vmy Bear
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plaok, Maple Flooring.
ifa doe that Jq^ooB erne «T«BiBg be- to ooy grace, for be reroemUy oboerred
tfa prartioea taagbt bim la hfa childShort Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
I am not very Ukely tt tegrt that faod. bfa voioe tremblrd, and when fa
descriptioos, including a Engines. Set Works, Carriages
Aow to Saotara OitaBAttBk
evtDing. eltfar. for 1 bad eome tmt ra- lotaod op ogtaB and miaad tfa ooTV pf
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
y—1-»— Nov. t.—Two booeea b*- I tfar etek and daridodlytaaddailBg from ^ Ut^^^ ta^
toe moegM.
U^ftag to MbfaAAl 0U7 Jmd JaI1»
SiinnU^ r* Ettonaok, banmd at aa
•Arty koArthfamoralBg. ABd tagetfar
tmAvrRBi cmr, .
Et=r»tr--• • •• •
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Dancing School!
Take OfF
Your Screens
J. E, Greilick Go:
Misses’ Lace or Button,
Shoe Department 2nd Floor
BICYCLES ENAMELED November. Days, Look Out for Squalls!!
Our Box GaK
line of Shoes
Have a Reputatjoa
for Wear. Style and Fit
cmrn'i Biititi TUle
lim’Bugili TaUt
lei Iiitiii tUk It. t
Glass Block.
Traverse CItjr. Mich.
If You HdvB Logs to Sell
»re Tran«f*rrwl
• 1^ •( Arm
Tarti i
Omn t
hM tecB aelacd hy the OiUeb covem
nest. ■ queniltr of Arm* neared ASt
A few mea arreiled. The in*rlatrAte
Of Ao^ Isiasd WA* tstomMd that the
CsbAM taAd A resdeeveus on «l* of ibe
WABd* OCAT tbr CUAM of Cub*, and
■upplIeA The mACUmle aenl ouS^A
- bo*« to iDvealtcatr and dlxovered that
h WA* Deep creelt.- It Is U»ou«ht that
tArt of the tblsAii wwre left there by
ttac Aohoocer BtIak*, «hlcb was os the
BAmAtA Uank* PirAbuut a month tran»ferrtbK Arm* And AinmunlUon to Cut*
hr the tU|[> DAtmtIe**. Smith And other
buAtA The Cub*n»AtTeAled werv- ptaead
Is qoanntlDe. The resdeAviu. tasd
been Ions opented. And was dtaro«>
•rod by sn InfotisaBt who was sfler
prise raoner. Commamrstlen thioesb
Nassos sbd Rer Weet with the Junta
New Tor*, K.iv. t-The Cul>sn JnnU
held s meeting ymerdjy U> proiext
Agslnst tbe proposed refunn • fTi-red l>y
BpAin . to Cub*. It wA> iinsnimiualy
. . decided to draw up a resolution, tvpudlAtlnr the praposed- rrferma. t • t>»
signed by every Cuban pat'l.^ tow re
siding in tbls.c<>udlry an I abr-sd. The
meeting was |>re*ded otvi i.) Toma*
EstradA PAlms: prvxldeot
the Cut«r
. JuntA. Addretse* were znAde bj Rnrique
JoaS VaronA. who wa* selecleu b> •
tmanlinnu* vote u> diafl '.Be resolulloo
of repudlaltun; Jose de Armar. UAm,.-I
Sangullly. Bnrlgue Amramcni''. Sirur
nquerva and otbere. It wa* decided I.
bold • public nuuy meeting or< Nov. S
when the reeoluili<n w ill be read tor Jbe
flret Ume.
■pBla «uwatki a. Her Navy. .
' lemdoo. Nov. t—The Hally Chrento'e
tbi* moralng *aya: "We are in{or<ne<]
that tbe tlpanlsb govfrcnieni signedfontrarta la»t week
wheat consent. prrwimaMy. Spain had
secured to Ukla-arrangement. Wh-n
tbe uweotlon of fiaanre was raiei-d by
tbe contractor*, the Sparleh minister of
oiailnt. Admiral BermrJj. repf* i-ted
that Id the wrest of war tbr Bpai iah
Mancbesier. Nov E-Lord Roaeberr
addnased a large meeting here last
evening ts cvnnertluo with tbe ccoles'
arj ceteliraUon of Ibe Cliainber of Coramerc*. lie reviewed ihr history of fre*
. UBde. elaUiraul} praising wbai be described a* Ita adtAntagea to EcglAnd."
Lord Kowlwry oentended that the oondiUon of tgriruliurv abroad, dtspite
.buuniits and tirt.intlon. was little better
Bnglacd. He quoted Sir Wilfrid Iaurl*T. tbe Domlniun premier, as "a most
llJnstrious auihisliy wislaining tbe
virw that It i> tree trade whirh has pre
served and eunsulldated the Brttisa emHa fully Agrtod'with Sir Wilfrid LanHev. be decUrrd. that any drvUtloa
from fbenlate polltlral and enmrnen-lal
fieedom would only weaKeti the hoods
boMIng lh< empire ir«rther. and (hat
ABrtbUw In the dlr^-rloh «f an imrxHtr-tbe p
h prospMlty under fre*
trade. He raid be would -tread softly
In Ibe pr.au*. of tbe idea ^ a aollvmeOa." f. r be believed It ahvady dead,
ft twbooved them to walk strosglr and
. warily In tbe path of empire, bat such
a BuOieieln would form a permanent
"i ■
idMate Id* ot.ialred side roetrol
Ibe trad* of the Rdudan
change fer the payment cf an
to the Ery-pllan gorenimrnt and.
defrayaJ of the expensee ><( military'ncrupatlon. It will rerotiMruct aiq work
the railway from Snaklr bn the Red ara
to H-riev op the Nile, the southeramoM
point reached by
New Departubei
Per Dotes.
• •
Fire Insurance.
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
StiU on Deck
at the Old Stand.
“j's, 'iSwsr i
I ctrcvdnh'b' nse.MT.SE*.:
mviAeM «»e
the rwHriyvvDia
Timni. and M
AD& Her I gi.cOsrraofttobmt .< Mdleal skKLasSsr
- milth. S1«.?C; I
tbo doQ- ItoeSoeteri* Ulfweit**.. Tsem*.toe.bosrS »»d
Cirrul*. I j,
_______ _ .. .oey. Bt.lJa.- 1 ij,
lile avint. "hbe
OS; tncTvaiw- lnr the mrjth. tSM^TS; In- | ^
I Remember, we
sre give a written puartease f..r th, year. t;.T3,atE
Jamra A. Bitasted of the ! aatra to care every case of WLESairf
TIM Wealher We lUy. iUpre*.
erf Ecrphdcqtyat tbe Urn- ! RUPTUR^_Al^tra t m a
v*mle I. TrwaMe •> maoteraL
•ritloreo- Nnv. • -itelealBx are tUw
MontreaL Ncv.E-Rol-n Lin-lttsy, "f | w
Gasiw:. who ha* eharteecd th<- steam- *~
, ,s wwnirv idilwttP«n DB*ha*ha.Egypt,ar«ixign- ;
ahlp Canadlenne. fW>-s be w4U appeal tn noH-FsIr westbwr. exfw-f* r ifccriy «i-<toj*neti» of anliqnititsorf nuDsaal value,
the court* n.it ||> allow the Tantir to
•h;**e--Tbr*«|entsits- '«*tb«r.
Among (bezn i* tbe mummy erf Mei|r, ,
proceed Wlthcmt her i hl-f officer giving
i !*»*««“ ^ Hath*.
secuflly for c .«is In tb- suit w hich he
r»k Bontaviy witKl- F<e lowsIntend* p, >ilr.g axalrri the fulled
m f„ be tbe Cblni-ar cW(**tsa to
States f..r the davtrg- d- re to hls've..» ,-<illlxlon. —"
watnao'sHrmgtTas'tu be held in LoBduB
In J60U. Tbe former, who is known as
t-Mr WiHitln.
An EaglHh writer asserts toot tlmra
Wsshlrglcr. .V,.t
Tbe comparative
wvra. anytirab*^ in L«d<m
toemitrf tooling, obtained
statemcct •( inand expendlnoM having bran ravoi^ by btrdeonwof doctor of medkdne at tb*
Itww-er ;hc fnlt-d Htale* i*inws that the
le ti.tBl rt-c-lt ’• fi r the mmilh of tV-'
«■* Medied college in PbUaM.Imt w-iapd the rxpendl. fled wlrb that *treet becaua* tbey w«r*
^ Sttn^Swn* cm. Mb
ir,-* fuTUl.n:. makirr the -xi-vs* of olway trying to flod it
erper.dllureeo-.-er receipt* for the month
InMniso toe achoni cbildidB wba aarr in MicAigw. wo* Uot In Hodw*
t*AIAOI*r. and f. r th- f-mr m> Plhs of-the
bare done best are aUowed to saw*, towwahip, N. Y., mi Mxirii 84. IBlft.
PI esi in risrai year txs.MB.qa
Wttb hh.por«U be emigrated to Michegare-wnuepeisaug---------^
,ad ha* lived at Battle
Cnek ever sinea. Bis fstber. Natboniel
. drove the firm stage Iwiwwm
Detects ofUB develop in steam eaHw.w«IoUwrn,»Wb,w
ifMS amt ntW nanhttMW that
Uw> atw
w. verr
w., BstUe
Mjntall wl». Urn
KawtOD M. Wibos. UringoM t
w,—rioul,awi,ori,l,.nl all
— -H- -‘t
great ingenuity in deteering tbe caum. I
MzuiuuiiraeMs,. us* hangink Id his bon Dalee* a man ip charge of os engine'
an inicnsting kivpmko in tbo shaiie of drrrlop* babiu at close ohservatian be t “What la on rare a* a day in Joner'
• flyraicber. It is nut *n cariims in it i* likely to to eetily beaten wbee any-1 "A Chinaman with aMe wbiskera D
self as it Ulnwbowrag theirimiiive thing unosoil takes place.
«r.-'—Ifew Ycrk Sunday JoainaL
mclliori* nwnrtcd to by tbe fnntiL-r* in
We read lately of a trade
early ds.r* to rid tbemsclvea of flies It
is »im)Jy tsro smooth walnut begrda,
prriiB|w 80 by U inctjew. li<-v,aed at <bm
Ti^ Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.
Jna R. Santo,
Ent^rise Groceiy,
—Watch Repairing.
W. J. BOBIN'SON. Managm-.
John Verly.
ourds Ktrtmg throngfa uuito
In {be antcib-llum days p<o|ile never
tbooght rrf kwping flies out of llie
booae; tbe problem was to disporo cif
then os tb^ swarmed tbrongb llie
romna. inakiag Ufe miwraUe gunerally.
In face the lue erf ortung to prwvem
Berlin. Nov. E—An Inrurance •oriety
to be called 'Tridna^ ’ le bring formed
by amployera tbroughout Oermany to
Iniare agalpst leas arising fp-m strike*.
The aoriety wID have a capital of B.Mt.m marka
•tre^ (be nosblraams'fly was tbe
*n^ iiBtnimenM aa tbe one draeribed
.above, 'em board* ware beveled andhBBg in aoob mmmer that by their
wdgbt tbey aepmted « Ibe botUD.
oaraot Ibe fliee tbey were ■
b molomea on the inner ■urfaoa
Waxbingtor Ncv. E-Tbe con
icburvrncy bar doclarad dirideuds
In favor of the creditors of Insolvcm na
tional bank* a* follow*.* Twenty per
cent. Second NatlCDal bank, "of Graiul
ForkA N. D.; I7.1D per cant. OtUien*’
Nailnoat tank. Madison. S. D.l two diddrnda. M and U per cent, respectively.
rm.iD National hank. Mlnncspcn*; lin
per cent.. First* National bask. Marian.
in oemvenient ploom about toe bous^
in kittosi; boUwoy, parab. vriiirii gsieruUy lerTed as toe aommer diniiy
plaoo. and fBpedoUy in pomagew
It wa* a ootnmmi duty erf every ina
of toe bonstoold when pomii«(meof
tooae couiltcn to (dap toe board* togeth
er. tous maabing toe fUce which bad
eoUected toeraen. The cook clapped
toem in toe kiubA toe faaiidaastoey
CoHimi B.riMikUUOK
Waabmgtan. Nov. E-^Tb* rgeeiplg for
during October amauBtad to
as ccBwared wtih tlUM.4**
fiM- October, UN.
As etut'.vbndy know*, flina Bra axeepCaracas. Venesuela. Nov. E — Great
•scUemem bo* been caused by the dls- tbnslly thick in *
covery of e pTni to start a revnlotlon
Vaasausla in order to prevent the me<
g «t eongrera. . Five hundred arvesu
remain* quiet.
sway of a Oorlim engine, wfaieb was «
9. W. SlAtn, tbs Sooaa FttrBWwr.
greil. my««iy fora liipfi. Tbe engine | New Tork. Nov. E-^rrad TItua left BanatbsOak Pealnanlar Haotiag Stovw
would apeed np fiw/b tew moinenta for Chtcasc yraterday wbtrf be I*
A.guarantee bond wltb evary alovo.
, take
...part In
tbr 08BIM-tl
aqyAppereot «aM and
boek to iu nerdtal need witbont any- arum againai Jimmy MIrbaci on Nov.
ttislne wae takn if- *nie distance will be twemy-five
thing faainr
being done. Tbe
apart and esttnined eareinlty. and parfifty men. nalng aU kinds of multlUaular attenrion wu devoted to tbe by
governcr. but notblag wrong oonld be
foond. One day. wbUe the Mgtnear
WM looking nt the engine, it suddenly
qweded up about (0 revciutiptia above
tbe nocsial. and befon the tieua eoold and the viuli and safe wrecked by dy
early yeMarday raoniiag. Abont
be ehut off it dropped back to tbe rrgo- namite
n.ee« was Ukrn.
iarepeed. Tbe engine wa* stopped, tbe
governor again Ukon apart, .the valve
- Bud a minste intbe whole manhine.
Oct year OyutAiu from MrLcUan *
and nothing oould be fonod tbe matter. tab. They ara frrab from BAltimorA
Seme of the people abont wete begitmlug to think tbi* ettatio engine waa
acting outside of natnral laws and that
• real niy*tc»y aurtoonded the teodency
to run away. By accident tbe eogincor
gruMped tbe governor b^U and wa* sur
prised to find that tbrpnllry tniuH on
tbe »hsft. The pulley wa* of tbe twman kiud,
kind, made id fwo piece* aod
and bolted togetbi-r, twing held to the abaft by
tbe frictiOD
friction of Ibe
tbe partA
psrtA Tbe boll* bAd
Dr. A. B. Spiaoey, of 'Detroit, also
worked Iocmt uDd fimultiad the pulley
to lumutt the abaft at abort inUtTvali. proprietor of Reed City SanUaii^. i*
cotaiag to your town, wbere 1 e will
When beoriog about tbi* myrtcry. remkin for one day only to give the
the nrpriMi we .-xpertenoed wa* that olek an opportunity to consult him
tbeetiglMer did not tbnnsigbly examine that CAsnot see him at hU SAoitariaa.
that pnlle.v after h« bad looked at tbe T>e doctor baa so much faith io tbe Tboae
experienc*' be has had is treating
gorminr.—Lucomotive EngiueeriBg.
ebronic diaeasM that he wUl p:ive one
------------------------Pari* poiiortSfW have boon supplied Biooth'a treatment-and medictne free.
with electrir dark Isiitero* by mean*
of which they can see ifiO feet away, ALL THOSX THAT AKB TOO POOX TO PAY.
All that be asks in return is that
They were rmplo.ved auoorarfuUy in a every patient will atite to their friends
rveexit raid in tb* Bni* de Boalogno on the results obuised by his treatment.
tbe baBMlempmoot who alvep then at All forma of chronic disease* and de
formities treated. No man in this
It I* l»*l
:b exteuded
State baa bad such
erleodrf expea th.
caxualllea wviuldTiave Iwivt far gTvster. grand was
ent of CATARim. !
bolching forth fratn lUinuB~
The large healer In tiu haggage >»r
was ovi!rturn«-d hy the ln>|>u:l and the most aonl the fcuaical thunder of that • uncle ' Jimmie CJrwn, who died re- DISEASES as the doctor. He gradu
great Wagnerian opera t^ yangiwnoe o„,.i^EiUworib. O.,
car set op-llrt',*
r*) Are nulosarad. 8.W.BiHTtKOBm
ated 87 years ago from Clerelaod,
Though |>stDfuny bruised about* his banting army of yellow Jacket wasp*
;Ohso; was IS $esr* in geoeral prac- ^ vh* Johnwsi block asUa
_ ____
bead and arms, Cooduriof HamKtivi •wept out of the instrument, with a
afotw_ nf Bingham. Ma. I tice: after that lectured a* Prof.
ruiWcd to a water lank and gut wnu-r. buxatiigwar aong. down-thi' lu^way
* „n,p..rt ii.*“‘!t.,i. <d ril^t *rat« fr^ \ of Anatomy and Phyntology
with which be pot out tb- name*. Th* and upon the audience, ^oddwriy.^*^ ov«r T l vw and ha* killed n.aflv 800
Medial Coll.lege for 2
wreck wa* Asused. It 1» raW. l*y « misSujmrint&dest of
due'te the c«rele»vne»“ of
placed »«ltch,
^V^flanl? SaoVtari
the lirakemep on the fr,?iuht
e, comluned with i
Those hurt *re Hetirr Llvpp.
Ewwb»dw* Emmona claim* that be ran i«tl« tbe 1 Jeara^^drt^^he°£St^ho*p^t*l?to
Krause. Rlel.beB-t.ilf. Andrew
“ gfWal •
DimriUeiiD- fluanrial qaeMicai l<y trunkunting into I| the country, snd examimng and
aod ti
treatVemsUtey. two Italian* and the train aod dooraepsued,
ing tbau*ands of chronic CAsea, has
sbriJl. |piplttg votoe «*kl to MdaUoftberilvmilmt iahrougbt
boy inante* unki.uwni; jill *>f CMcagu.roar A shrijl.
prepared him toenre when the graerat ____
and Hlrhari Harker. of le'gan-;-on. i heard riiriekiug;
• BiRDAfck is an r
Ind.. leg* l.roken. AU llte othrisPUfletAj | 1-dbarlie,
mitt Adh SbarliA
5?io?rai^ wmraiiirDsihiigfS;
admirer of Ibe bictrla He a
It*, hrolwv snd spiatns.
.1 ocaaemil!''
Lm»g beftk——.
Irfoeadba ———o——outraged buigbari d
riding and ri«rrt* be i* too old 1
„oi: If.
^ l>mg
— womeo
yon wbat relief Only t>ls«* ID K»a wbere yo
• take pan m tbe sport bun- f cure you. we wiU t
New V,.rk. Nov, E-Af.er a al.ort. 1
w.-iv tip* Uttle
^ of jn« ^«iS
yoacha get Anlstto
auiplag and OeaMBeotsUm
simple funeral set vice tb,- b-ly «f U-u- i ***J*"
^Lhrir tbe n xrfigbt.
ry tJeorge was finsUy tald to
m [ tmt of Uw town and mt down on the
Oreeiiwotd cemetery yesterday.- Orly ; railroad tradt. They were tbe staiaopO- haw onught • b‘*
a fra I* rw4ia were |.ie«er.t ui the lam- - oo-mosiau aggiugiui<in uf San Antonio, York and
Oppraile M. a M. K. Braot.
Ity restdenee. The s.-rvlce* were those of ; *ud tboir fatta, a* tbe
the E|di«-‘.|-al church, ledh In the hnu*aod at Oi>- grave, and the (eatura uf
the image qf that of Napdeon on
fCbilc Pmudmit Faun- nf Fnn» sms I nf electricity, that moat wonderful of
them wa* the preiwocv of Father JI. Igbt <of Wanwloo. They flogged jq p«,Tbiif. Bow-Ia he *lcp» in a hwt' aU agenuin P*ral7ai*,Loa* of Power,
Glynn, who a1*-> made a brief addr-e*. tbe night
err train pai which wa* made and dtm^xl f»P«i*l-. R^iMlis^^^ ^dise^ of tbe
Hgw'i nerroa* sys&m. O early, as ay
' : took pomage for Son Antotiia Their jy for the first «rand
Ncv. • -Tbe monthly i wiadom in slipping out of town trader KidioUiHvna. dangbUT nf Nicholas _
Staed oto 8Ma
lOA .Iheessed Pomm Atlewd ths Pint' Thar Sap*
tratP «ha »■«■■■*
Xlsht- Aa Ksellias aptfL
ASnah ths Load Mats*
OilcAso. Noe. t.—Ten tboosapd hn>
Tbe piano ww AD old grand. Ubad
ttasttaatlc OhlcacoAss last slirtil nr* not txen nsod for moatba Tbaocap*HsphAtlc ApproTAi to their Birt borte^ By' bad arrived in town bot a •bar*
time befme the pwfonnanoe began;
brimanttr IIInmInAlal Colls-nis. So benoe there bad ban no tima to «Mt tha
ciety. late is amtini. filled ihe.bnie*
and pTAied the apAdon* promenade _ boldly opened wide the Udt «d the
whtcb eDdre4ed Ibe riap. • It was tullr long tunieed graptf and then «t down
after the opcnlns fanfare war
.li>u'tfac trutapeter befort the to the key* The first touch convinoed
.f honor were filled hy many him that the notne were still clear and
ChhiASO notables. Ae United Ststea aaong, and that wfaMt^er dsdeom in
Marine band, whose oomirA to ChU»8u time there might be woold be wy
caused the local moiiclsns much per. •light, eo be begwi the aool iiupUnc
turtaUon fumtsbed a tilph claw aelectioo.
prt^rahvte of rnoale. whtcb was UhetaJKow. it beppened thmt is ell the
spill oMsqrr^ durlilK the month* in which the piano had moainsecond eshlblt. T. C Ausllna bsnJ- «d nniitcd a colony of yellow Jacket
h.td indoKtrioiulj (>o(lt Ihcpi'
3lPS fiulur. dr.‘<*
Ashby, became no- adea a'bmo in the iduiw <if a neat at
costroIUble ^ f.'llowed by s diiseo large a* aVod sl*od -ucor .Tbo aoft
jrroom* daeb^ madly around the tan- pianlMUuo |uvlu<l« to the mhetiui^cn'
bartt track. After Uie slrculi htd U rn tlywoke thou US]* (nnn their^meei
made three timer 'he bora» maoe o dMina
______ Bot w|ieu the *oU pivlul a
daab for the exit, but was tumed from rtdtasid eml th<' noU« grew
X vignrnnx
and tbe pluuo Ugiuj to rlivcrtu'r.iU'to
' divinrUti' waepi
buirPT .and threw AAby to the around. tbe bcavier ittwagve tbe
Inndins'him nttoat a foot frnrn Ihefeiice. gnqMCUvi diuigoT. TV'} turiitl tbuir
h^L-. ud sDtitebed and shook tboir
He was not severely Injured, however.
ganxy wing* vicioniOy. Tbe prufww
ot. uiBHwdfal of tbo fart that the tunKlaarinjand by the Mtsptaeeawal af a tic. far from aootbi&g tbo aaTage breast
tt the vioions traspn ambusbod within
HwlU* at Hartalate. laA
Cblessa. Nov. 2.—Nine peraon* were that piano, wax ronxiug tboir iru. playinjured In a head-end colli*.* between od on. From piam»«iuo to piano and
the Lottmasport Aocommodstlun on the from piano with oop'lxmnd to furtiMlJ^nhandle railway and A fretpht Sraln mo tbe oiBnpositiati ran. All tbe while
on the'tniuburs. Fort Wayne and Chl- tbo wn*pa fluttered tbeir wing* wiBkodly.' viciously, and all tbo while tbe fsoimc at Hr
fMor plavad. Now came tbo climax;
mile* from Chkwso.
now he was throwing together vaat
o-clocA. But for the p
f the psii- handful* of note* in tbu bamo profnndo
C inductor J. W. l
-Front Street.
Fair Business and Fair Prices.
Cold weather is now coming Yon need a new snit
of clothes and an overcoat. Look at our prices quoted
A S^it of Clothes, lot
A Suit of Clothes, lot
A 'Suit of Clothes, JDt
5 Doflen Pants.
. lot
worth $3.
worth 5.
worth 7,
worth 1,
worth 5.
worth 7,
. 3.49
These prices are good for THREE DAYS
ONLY. Call early aod have your, choice.
Brosch Block
- r AiHi
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
tacrii Madl^ uaed b^ Vapor lob
rv>i d
AUM nnm THE xAgnim MkfMTi
Also ererything in tbe line of
:'Goods promptly delivered. Orders by Pbeme griren quick at>
JI,'gT‘lSDE<«oce»y. ,
the A. i«aia iiiiiiiiiei w>
; arron
OnlM State*. Ruaaia m<J Japan
- to Sign a Traaty Abetrt
Tbam ThI* W**k.
IpT monioED
t» CW» __
Erer Burned Out?
A BiwniA ar»y cnioe to Chioago la Bmnan (aTort aad ioTitatkaia calm to
the iotg aga The minor detaiia of 11
«rta of. faactioofc wi>« thv mar
to toowaaaai had tba flotir atatenft Maocie of U an b* aiwi <* a»m and hriii* gnm mi
r::. ™rz:L-t
Ib^aay a Ur*e crowd hadmihered
' iw .
M aoyou know
Mahttf blCTr*pta,dnawwnaeuiNaBt
■JTe»’•i ^
ere oieppea to the ffont and
derrd.the crowd t«ck.- Just then at
one threw a w^ne Into the crowd
mrnr a.p^ K- ««
bMKob«ly Kl
propertv in ncw vork
tonanhaitoRKberaU U>« CMpUaa «d
Seol|rtaJe. Pa., Nor. t-A Hot oe»
— ~ I w
a anm. in the ^ne at nn.iturTTWORTH NEARLY *200.000,OOa
cuTTod here taM nlffat la whleh Henrr
Chtne to Chioagola a^nnaD (aTortaad b^tatkaa
GIlleaAe. Joba Jordan and Uaaacir
BUmp. of the Bcottdale Iron and Steel
.—e. «
wmMmrat la ih. Waaaai
had Um flour atatmft Maotie ofUan baaiwiflrattBand hriuc e«mi end
-oatpaay. wve badly Injured. Sunday
----------------- ________________________________ __
. ..
. ^ a*'>™ aymt
'■“* frepeetr—TeoaeW Mddea la (be cntaoanlaaf the SeenJaaJoney Into tbe ma (d
unko bAb. Ptaak Xelia. waa beaten
Maw Paeo ^ Mawo-»e« t«t Pto- rial aloag
tou of otbtw dont- 2*"
q"*»» •> mack.
_,to Iraenaitaimy by non-unJoa Uoo
•orttera. and Keltr feUoa worfcineti
voved eenecance.
fearinr trouble, when hie men oult^r^
toT^ thirty or forty of theo u, line
---------------------- . ...ihdi^ror.
and inarched up Plttebura a^i
At 1 «• ieasukWiaUd in OUT toinda wiOitiia
«_.v _
i t«rtt«7 known
and Myjh. gn...................................
O. P. CARVER. A*«it.
Suitsj^rder. .,
Merchant Tailorhie.
—No». t^it ia expfoua
de Book. Coloo aunt.
tW o tr.oi, or conrenuon bo.wwB
rot- thet make bim the maa torrihlo, tha
Britain wa* at war with »h-_____
■tortod a plant in
by _
^ Unlud_8l.i«. Rtan, and Jnpon •hot* Wb* tired
------------ Jem-iy*ji.;rnliJfro^,“^““““™'«»“«»«»>•«■
, Of cmirm a traamidoiie riraltr wedit«
wai be forwoUy aimed and executed at Ui* Bcn-unlon
-union men.
Manacer Skimp
^ JtoMgh ‘l-'«»’b«wir7
tl'oeibecBrity of
of tb«
them THtfs-1
riato. I
^ Lon»« w * Spanteb town. ' among hm-eiei.nr.
ber rieitor. .~t
and admim. «
the elate deimrliuem durtt« the preWnt
*2r‘**‘*!S^»beflnaM«.d moe. anl^nTiISw
aoiqne aadre S SSB OUf IBW liBB
carrj.r.f out the PfopoalUon be- J~thottn,het^roo,.odw..rtrockr^i«.Ui. douUlalif amnyuf w aee
, tore the Bejjrtn, aea eonterence tor a
■UWeijeloo cf peiaatc eeaUna. The pre^
.r.ouge uMi ofauiMD onmmaoder lm.« box to the mla. k
« uiMjeratardloc ie that the «sDl&c WM abot through the right arm.^e »«««*«•»• **w ropalre we are*pt-A*
St. Looin
Lt»U which
>*« helped
» St.
hia people ailed dfCiui
wau rfuil*
____to Pjp#|||'0 llfl|||HSn
... artery,
th an
and he to rcsaid him aa
ot Ihie doruireat »m occur wUhln the ban paaaliir ihroi^h
bled to death
~—th before the wound
Tvpreeient the eoutd
—.uiM be
John >-iuau
Jordan HOO
bad inree
enuru of the i
Ilnrere .ooi
shot oil. Several otherw weie fiaMn attribute ordae the rertw, I‘• *<« « outpat. located «^!
with the
•d the confer- aUrtUy injured , by being atruek with ;«Bdiu theme«itJiiie«
meanuma we pa;
payrent and
* —--------- ---------------il adJouTik The ternu or the
***^ *®
W~“*aiii of tbe*81Jt«ary etoha
^ty or convention w ni follow the Unm
Of the propuriUOD cvoaldtred by the cocferaace and nrterred with favoiable
toomineDdaUoQ to the autberUia at
St. Pe^buig and Toldo. The «
rial feature of the t
M fw the aunwniJon of pelagic araUng
:r's^c,s^n::rh.i‘“‘-^?«‘“ **"
“c sa- ■“ --!
SuapenMos fa not dieclowd.
IWwtU KuxMi. in IW Uay.
atmoal iniracu...—
Jmoat mirecw, ,B,, „ ^
jvrbrtpa the beat eiamnle of thw
began iu long, diflimit and ^Taaba'^Kewr^^S?^ 2
!■«■*■! file. — A
1 J.
killed tutnghl, nillrarle
ymmey oo Jon. a itsj. | ameting which t^hS?^
BflWlwI W 9 Hi
whentheahortlng .Illraple ruima that Amtri^n landlnrd iiAatoTcw rather
fer • place of n
he waa fired at by Manager
Uanagvr »imw;
***"‘1^ "• » nnmeroui and
«nd anbmqnait work decided aataig other thtnn?^.
Tbomaa Ollleepie.. •
a hrotber
of Henry
Henrr. ^: •“ extmrivo,
«*t™rivo. to widely
wkWy dixtribulcd
dirtribulcd and
fwovad that they were re- deavorto «toblL^-»n1
---------.■rTniier ox
atated that he
— «ried
u> uuiuiHKT.
. . ,r*^
w Manager Skimp f
tire “
«rted in
tdutmctcr. lac
^ Jrioa gneeaCTa, it waa
*»» oBweg“®«g- ; public wAoula of the diflurwitHri- a/'' .
that aj
aa taiKUurda
• n of
-O J uuiu
bold away
eway uvmaUcW
oveg au
aU riaiww
claiewa of
of *>. f^^y Captain Engunio Pnrtu. oomioand- the Wate. ThUwill be ««,
of Heri
Henry. t^boM
o ; Cltlld RlIlMt Jt TldUnt
lGlIleeple i
•, «uy. ooenpying evwy kind of atnethe armi of Manager Skimp far feloni
• tJW- ‘nwti. t<», the.\atcraaretypica!in
tooa. ahooilng.
Four non-union
I, that no atBtimvut muuw into ih.-man^
...«xe. uie« uie aaweot
were arreated.
agemoit of Hi.-ir properrio*. and. after ‘ 2?!“
Kauwausule wauinaffid. aa they Mum wtanen
- ■ ■
^iGnml BiplU^t.MluiEi
----------- £
. The aliltuue whkh Oreat ilrlialn will
amutue loword the proiHojtlou and the
treaty which u to lake its place la PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN R08BE0 “*• «•'"> « tree.» the tuai
DMMB —__ _________________ _____
uj uiia OCT.
lOtn. in all 180 moi. aelucled will_____
•wailed with much intwiwi. ihoa far
the BrlUah auihorttlee have not bo*u In
formed ae to uhat the voaf.rvnre pre
wwu Wilt.
L i
for pmUa end thrv demand
‘be ardn<«a joomey.
WIa. Vov
pay dolrg. Ai
At Ule
the ntxw
aatne linnilnn- the
^ it ‘‘Urn flr« id evciy
^ed upj^ Mia-i-ipp* riv-1 =
^Ui* ex^ru Profe«w,r Oatcy Thocf!
»t^J“ aa tbemae
may be. Socoer
. ■:
mwim' *f.
\ . “““‘b of
—the IJlinoi* e^ haa bad eeveal ktig talka with Waupun Seiauvl a Rot;). ,.f ij,« town —
^c town ntaterial ctnoeman
‘bc^^mg the ttwek rf, the ftBu* , J-W.Poieki*
l^«er and Uaman. and tb.ee have been of eiba. near here, won th* c«nfld*nct material ctnoemait in the amount to *bc^'Jeog the owck of, the Frtmch
of a feU^w-comVL
The latter connature that ;
teoK-d that be waa one of a gang «f
to^aoL not <«ema- ■ oZI. ZX
civor |u rtgx
ve cemroFc cy all panlea con- Chicago tblevea. and that being unable “* " J*"
but two. tlin» «
Of the -------a
booty .u
Id th* city they ; »•”* r»««. «»d if then a g««l
rerued If Carnida Whowed a dlapceltloo
go<»l tmant
‘b^’^ P*“**
to ^Bi ic the agreemeot. But Canada
oMogw* Block. TVaivno Ctty. tUefe.
It to Elba and burled It on . 1* tM( at band the buildiiigwill
igwill beal-~“..^i'haancrof Angcn!
aUU BUnda in the way. and the coofarm. Following the eonvlcfa dlnee- Nrcd. pnmdod the coudiHan of the
Aoenttny buforo from thatiBUed abMOc* of the Canadlah expert. • “®'“ Boby hi
SUcouD, la -ivgnrded in th* light of a i
diplomatic dlacouftwy. not only to the
Initcd Slate* iHil aim to the DrtUab
^vernm.^. The forrlgn oflk* named
him wlih Profeeaor Thompaoc a* an expart to r»«ne to Waahlagion.
r*l lo he founA He will turn aveeih.
Ko one poaejUr nemirew tn.«.
a ffgtie toiJfd la mow aud loo
—•» OldM w
to atOB
Uamlle-a rre»aco.
» tto-irnbiUty lowith-'
Wwiiea j......... (itm’ria
atk WHHaek city..
ProfeaaorTbotnpaou cai
*----------- •
lined a way.
The OtRl no czpUnaai'lwr^Dtly i*
Il la thought
imUn aa the Ameriuaji
o'-s: t
IxnJ saKjl ury »{,ecmvaliy wtaled in ac- .
c^-Mio* tile artTKa-itl.m, for a meeting '
toaiUwaatoV..m- hcieeen “cxierta."
• 1^11.1. end th. imflah expert TIU«ti,«ou
and lb* Canadian **|-rt UacVun w.rv
the tena of the l.»». do not trr to rat
BBAMorhnnA. Yim wiU be nVustri.
A* a utaitrr ,J tact, the Actor rvnt
»11a if <me could mw»to,ut*<rf them.
■ that
...a. uie
the Colled
II* .Xpert,
tomor Jordan.
liamlli warf
^Wceer. and it I* und.-raioeSt
''"‘■'•"'“^thal thla
cd lYlhcr
lYthcr tr
Ir the light ..f naming
to Mewed
. a eounaelor.-pf drpi. mal. «, Ux* rm-d
State* r.-pre**ntBilte, rather than
ctwifwe of conaiructl.m for th* paat alx
,r*ara, waa opened t-th.-public yeeter.
er AaalUlulac Uw
th# Bwlw
, I| djjy There were no t.remonlm of an, ;
o^ikhknilL'* f'*"'
ao rieclhur ooiutum-ial dj.
fWfoiT. far m.«v rellaUe within the
luuil.-d aphirt- peri-ajai, Uuu auTtbiM
•’^‘b.y Imsaothwrviuru niareh w>r
twincrrato. They wmhed St ^
Chicago 1- -----West Michigan.
.“1 W~a».-cauow
* «v.vet .
“ la..
city Oper.
H«ma. fill
- OAem,
Ariaatte Careiala.
AUocBer at Law. *----...nracial
net’ VdV.I
Wlna. Canola, a. ineyhav.no border hey pugii,*,.
action agalnat | Am.rl<-aT>, In .a aborn x-uotMt
t. «»'
!«■ <«« of tho t»raiua wb«e uamm am
™ th«n pay Ihi-rent IhvT agiued to pav
<« the flrM
. Uhraicto.
——the rolla who do uot diaappear when I
I ^eir Itwa. * AIT>p ,rr before if pcavifala
W>e A.tur* — -
*be handt |
wy pgoclainwd the TT7 E NW\. Pi.«cU«aod*iw.«L Bwa'b“ «t<'® r^g,*,
^be «.*,•
After rating bnoi’.n.i.ake.m’**'^"^*^
------------------ ; , —*-vpi«ng outue. ot.««W in the ----------------------------- -------------------------- —-—
^ AUaniic ooeau at th* Aaevew ia deni O 1^- NfPFttT, Abaatvrta W TliU. Baal
to Syftlv.v.v.-,
' .
w preaeni. hw u» B^iirt embmeay
t^clala w..r* pot repreiwnt-d owing to ...........................
—- of the l»uch‘.^f T^k.
b, U.e
«-» m Kv.n«„„.
Fowler W. j«op*. on* of the eldeat in.
of the olrteat In.; 8c» fto a* irnigovcnramgo. tbeeattom prt-hiwi
h* Vnlied suie*.; f”-b®b*““ many uf the other large tngutue
-o*7i ii;iL"
dl*d at Santa Crux. CaL
.for a burgUr Her-
Nori 1.—The Uilton Pacinc I r**” by hi* friend!
-Taad, proper. Including the buiklinga :
Th* annual cnaumpikm of wheat to
and all that gew* to o|«ralr the ayaiein. ; Auatn-Hungary I* m.am.iao buriu-la.
unsm uiHinuiBiiLi
to taka atoet Uaadar. Jaae n. M»r,
uprugretadTe. aad It i« hard- ; banb«m port uf the AUanric cw~" the: f~ *.
ly n
U .pumtiu run the other way. aud
ra It is nrsMl ui defttueef thia policy tuaila haee bn <b>Jie»;Ml tw*n
tolAri.U:.*t.. Thit amount due* nut in
clude the linlilnE fund In the hand* of
■‘““‘nf IW» 1" ,b*
>4.0a<i.4«l..the an.uum atated In th. gi.vemmem dKr.v covering ib* aat* of the
raA the t>4al icaid for the properly waa
IST,iM.»L;.TC. Tberv were no other Hddan. acd the road went to the reorganl.
The mlf of the road waa In itarif one
M the moat tarn* and unlmereMlog perXormaecofc pcaalble ta Imagine. )l waa
The monthl”«.t*m*nt nr^.
“““ .»f'*“««• ■"■effoch'daU nround 1
The *»»« of Eureka gaa ia *iT« to a
. Jobs Vertr. in rroal nreet. I«t tf
adveitiM-d lo take puc* la frt.m of the of the mtnr ahowa th,, ,he rottm^rx^ *b«n. they wtU alter alao. b« ih^ are
UltoBinanL expected torivalaoety- j
m tf
Union rarillc freight bouae at the Junc ♦coted during Ortolwr. 1ST atreregated •>»«.« *b* U*t to do aa
!«»«- Thia gaa aa dewnbed in Ine«. f'pOB SlLI^X^uctwHeetahl. maid,,,. «•
tion of .Ninth and June* aireeta at 11 M.IH.WO. of.phich n4«L0M waaSti-er
In the matter of iodividaal repaire, 1
originatod. hy M. H«nw «b.
e^ock, and tl waaJuFi enr minute after
Comptroller lik-kci* baa
“^ the
*be like they are dm
nvi of McmuJlaaixoe, Italy, la obtaiuad;
u>»uaew*4 cmorS^. ii tTaet a
M declared a ^“*****“ and
uot |i *■"'
it lime whCT Maaier Int'hanceey Cor.
n favor of (he
“beraL *_..o
but they
bare the reputatioti
cfl i — ft^uwa: bim»a*
xatue aspure
aapomible U [ TTJ^-r- irir^
.........................................• Ku_,
.. ..........................
• U.J
ih. w
waa to
in act aa
.. aucllaum.
ho waa
credlPirw ...
i>f the* Keyatone National bank doing '
lining wbalt tb^ pnimiaa Uaunlly reri-1
--1. , wnployed
, oyu as
a* a Imae.
haae. oolopbrey
ooIouImbt aad
and relcwl-!
r«l.j I Itoroao
oMm. ita«
hia Mce on th*.A<>w .ion* siqi In front
' '
putiaurdw before the
|.do« carbide being added—1.000 part* i S
"***“** •“
*• denoB*
the •Le*'*''™
®®*™”®* b> begin
tamni gore in. an^ tore Uwoocumai a
” toe —-.-wx.
mixture ee-uy
ready i<w
for uai
u« omuiating ' P
Ana got to be very enreftO. It b uot ex- ,
*«> << imiddime, 60 of
wm UaU la lb. Tr_a*a.
*»~*.d he rha
-k.r —.ak
t-^l were, or iwad re Loag Lake
Buffal^ Kov. i^ra Caiw*-, report
OB th* W. C. T.
Twni4* at Chl<^
Be wia « yearw of ^
I mixmg with air. No breting of wauc
waa the feature of the W. C. T. U. pro.
A rlUaen of Torouto. OnU 1^ that '
**“>d few tnretreta and ( *5“ «> ri»ial bnnre b needed. Otw
ceedlag* yesterdag. The r*t*>rt waa
ditwcly. toough they own the
pan* of the mix^re fire «
atrofigly tn faeor of reulnlng a control- toe alleged newEdlaoe preoesa fur eepanf gaa nt n ja—rei* of SB miiit.
lug intercal In that property.
After rntlng iron from low-grade ores by elec- graud upon whioh huodreda of ■«**. ’
conNderable debate and a nurhber of ^t> 1. hi e year* old and that he (tot «nicroire atnad. This kind of boUdiut “«««»»«g. and toe photoreetrit
inottou* one lo adopt the rejKirt waa T^nt^ mant has It patented. b not popular arito either breneW
the flame
carried eaally. Mtaa Willard :ald her
n* oumner
number of
of Immlgiwau
iramlgimnw arrived
arrived In
the__tomily. and they only hare to do
pun waa to go to aoanc rich
-pi* who
rolled States during the Oral tote* with
_ __________
nrar.iiFjin “*«»»
<» oalcium carbide employ^
nutllh* of Ihe^ifreent
Ule^n-aent faral
flacal year
<—<■ waa With
. *»«a«*ljg
’cf" “•«»* «*
had been friendly wtUi her and aak m^h*
»areooneecMd. Dwillinga in grat'
Would gireonly 16 candle bouxu
them to help her. A rcauluUCD waa
which t* a decrease of neariy 11.^vua, •>
ibernndeenpruing aUUnda. ton Tbn*.
it la
b ammiai.
amerttid. ate
toe new
new gaa
gaa la
b 60
inwn aaupieo
adopted lo eui
oupport U>« aSor. ii^ MO aa compared with toe same perfag'
_______________ ____________
•oe M.iri.-i.i.___j-Tiluinging in
per oret obtopw than aoetylrea. or that
last year.
••rere the iempla."
at eqnal com it will give half aa
yielding •
rienerej Ramnii Blanco-e flr*t act aft
Xareewly Iteeapad an Awtol DaatK
me. Xight
•r be was swuro In as governor general ------ ---------------Houghton. Mich.. Nov. t-Ftre broke
of Cuba waa to laaue a proclarmiion »he UmonH'prodBoen bb
oat In the. Central mine yeoteMay attAn Paetetog tatwwriir.
promlaing a r«llcT of goneroalty and re- laaaabuld WtRntire. '
emrvm. The miner*, nacended to the
Itaadvtatlaiugooltimuaof legitiait*
How nneh tooee rau ai
Burface at oaoe. Later It waa Jlacov- form, but announrin* a atmt deter-|
ewHtepor. are uuw r,«aided by the
tc rruah tba rebellion. .
ham only the A«o» rwn twU fawt eh.
ered that Fnutk Stahtou. agent of the
and thrifty portion (d
ehmin*, w-ltb Mt latoer. jete Btanbm. af
and Cenerei Fa„, Vandervoort. ?f
the public aa ah
New Turk, aecretaiy of the oompany.
rly t200.000.00a
the otaracnc, energy and eocoma of
and William A. Payn*; of BeMoa. were unuiha. each an ci-coromander-la-chi*' ~
ttre eetimata.
toore who fall to apailU In toe mine. A idtef party AtonodfJeneral R. N. Adama. of J^DrencIlw “d moMof It b rrelod. Ifitarenged
ed and by aimoet eopMhii—» uftagta
prelaM the now nnirenally accepted
tare Ju* aeeured Xtow mre, of Una
yiahl would ta *#.000.reamed toe Imprtaoncd aare. «4m ware
—» «>
wu •10.000.000
Div,ww,vw a
• year,
yaar, to
iu ta
no divided
omoed aetbod <d rredting toe preple muia un
lo Ita eoa« region of Texaa c» which, ®®0
tahlndintta raoeforb^
to oekinlm reteraae ef toe late war.
hetWMii two men.—Km v,.a*i—i*
hetwra two Bre.^gw To* BwaU.
F’ltS'LJSUSl.-'KtK: !5
cuu ra ,,u^ -I-. M.k .. T»X* oi r.reo. n. «l. *re4;e0were..ea»
ealUTwdaw. ttaeres wlik wtwtre wWrex a
waeM; reto komaa wtlh mow. bwrere
wwh a are, bwra. M. ml oWtbwUatw
WM I ■■ re nvOT-reuoM awM
lawd viiw
wtik BOWewWWW
US SSS'«“SS2 ti-KfSfSS
s-isarsi^ — ~•
trerwwa Ciia towUr Co. TS-«f
yrTFlcwg t
.. m.,..
H i-c Apply m ireeare.
rATOMOi • c
Obtain Slpteld It in the dtp with
Othon huM Milted ell kli depetlee to
hie harr* White Star, which arrived
refnio tiwe BekierMy emmlB tUe
peaterdap with ber hold Uled with
MeUoe utU the Soprise eovt,
BMVXJJt SXBTXQS OV O&AVS ehell h»*e tMd«nd it* dMialee. Dep- DTUnT OtFfOBD VTVaBD HIS lumber tram Cram Villafe.' Sbe will
Uke OB e deck loed of potetoe* for
•tr Oeae e»d FUk Werdea KMclead
Brgpwid PUe odBearaedi esd 9nw.
MW Bep line to TnwfM Prod.
fit PromlMd far Pensea.
Two Cento.
Pirrt Y«m—No. 167.*
Bnrprieed • Popnfar Xerebnnt.
A happy mirpriee we* preeipitoto Iwt
evenlBA apon Mr. and Ma Baannel
Wilhelm, at their prattp home <m Baet
Btoetroet The party «m
bp toe eaplopce of toe atore of WHhelm Broa. and Mr. WUhelm the parW
•er of toe aetonlahed merehanL The
eranlay «a* a ha^p one and the enr.
Tracedy in Tbo
XMBlnc—Om AUi«ad Thief Blein
and Anetom Captured-Oryanlied
Oanc o' Daaperadoea Braoffbt to AloBw Tltowerto Ket Beeth bp a
in Mats
Wemal^e Mat* any color yon want
—to rwafr*** the monldiDg and harmonire with the pictnre—If make*
a swell combination—See the colfvv
we carry in stobk.
Tocoh Lake. No*. S.-A shoeklac *eA aeUM' of th* crwtoft laportMoo
Tbompeoarille. Mich.. No*. J.-A
to toe farmer* wd *lilppam el Md
tracedy waa enacted in tola Tillage cidoet uuuuTied tob aftamoos in Camenew bp to* toy port* W befaf *Mtoa*l7
early this momiar. Aap^reenlt Will- iWb mlUwbkb reenlted In the A~Ui
Alonso Titaworto. an employe,
eoMldoind bp .toe aUixmd bfaefaU end
lard 'Miller, a anppoeed bdrylar. lla
Oepi. Webb. ownereftoeTaTeiae Bap
deed! killed by a ballet from a rerelrer was Uylnr to pot on a halt with a
Um of Bteeaere CbpL Webb returned
in toe hand* of Deputy Sheriff Olflord aUek when the etlck eauphl In the fly
Inr belt and etmek too man 1* toe
peetordep from Oand E*{dd« wber^be
Ude. InflleUnr aa injnrp which reaulv
''toe been In eownlttUoD with toe offlwa* a dapemle man and wa*
^jfaU of toe aOroed* eeaterinp U tol*
while trylBA to eeeape arreaV Foe ed in death la a few momenta Be
pdfaL The plan uder
dapa toe officer* h»*e been hot on too leave* ft wbe and three ehlldrea.
13C- Two for 45c.'
WIXJ, DIOTATB ' AinaVUTBA- paar'B tr*lt. Joe Boae. one of the
i* toe eaublitomeat of a
nov OF OBSATKB VBW T9BX fany. waa Jailed at Frankfort laat
ttnaefer ferry betrre
IcLeUaaAAah. 14S-tf
principal Bap
nlrhC' Lem Miller was eaptnred by
MsEKBaa Block.
p^nto for toe *hlpBeat of all kfads of ▼AJf ^IOK XLBOTXD BT FLU- Bbbriff Koon bore tol* aominp at the
freicbt from neh pointe bp aU direct
earn* Um* that hb brother Willard wa*
BAUTT OF 100,000.
to toe eaatern. watern or eontoer*
*boL Tb« kheoUnc occurred at &;M
aarketa This tnaafer line woold be KATBUBT BB-KLXOTSD XV DB- toU iBomlnp and before Spulre WUaon
m In coneeetkm with toe Trareree
an inquest wa* held tob aftomoou.
Bay line of eteamer*. Itwonld b«cmSheriff Kooaeama from*^ Frbnkfort i
totate toe empleyment of beary tmnebefore doyllffht tob momlnc aad. to-1
fer boat* capaWe of holding perhap* BB8VI.T.IVOHIO 18 IV ZtOTTST. rather with Deputy Olfford. proceeded
to toe boose of Edward Hootb. where
tea or a doxen car*. Tfaeae weold be
ran from toe dodc here dlreetlp on to Venttt<Ap*e8ilwr I>eBeerat Kected- they foond boUi the men. Lem Miller
Bepublic^ Show Bedooed Vejor- wa* found in bed. but
toe banre and taken to point* whare
Meded, there nw off on aide ttacka,
ttlee la BeTMaLBtateB-Bxdtlnc in dnd parUy dressed. When toe ofibialt
leaded and returned here to ooaiMOt
Vew Tork and Ztetrolt But Xleewith toe railroad line. A oomwhere Tarp aniat and Idcbt Votee. out of a hole In toe bnlldlug and made
No matter how cheap a price you pay, if yon
paraUrelp email eoet would pot in toe
a btftak for liberty. Deputy Olfford
get a poor article, it’s false economy. Es
aldVlneks aeeded at theacrcral oolnu. apeeto to T«S UossoiB R*co*o.
ordered him to etop or be would fir*.
Oobolt. No*.
In Detroit, with ten He dashed around toe bonae *nd*UrtThe beoedU to toe farmer and akinier
pecially is this true of CLOAKS.
would be yf«ai. Yeelerday poutoe* preeinU to bear fromi the re-election ed ehrom Ue field. Gifford polled * I
We take a pardonable pride in our im.
broofbt »S to 40 ceau la Trarorw Citp; | of Mapbory (Demo
■run and bec*n flrioc in the dirMtiou ;
a Democrat) Miller had taken, thourb it wa* lUtl *e j
at Sattoae Bay. Kortoport and other ■ bp aboet S.ooo. Tli
mense showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and
far ahead and will,
guble to dbtlncui^ the
hap polnta toe price wae only ti eenU. I lor '
Gocid Cloaks—which is the
baveabeutt.OOOmajority. The EepuV:
* ,bot*tmck Miller In'toe!
Tbii tonmrb rail
Greatest Cloak Stock in this region, with
labaadUnr would at once pot the price | lba>» eandldata* lor city cleric
left •boulder
Bbonlder lodgiag
lodging iu
in a vital
riu parto! poutoe* or any ether farm product j He* of the peace are probably elected, He oonUnned to pie nnUl be ran
them that make thi^ stock
vranted ia toe onulde markeU up to Nine Repnbllcaa and nine ------------against a barbed trire fence which
Pay a visit to
r toe Tiaverae Oty figarea aldermen are elected, making a gain of threw him to toe gronnA Be breathed of your life is spent iu bed. It is well
Thb transfer line would abo open up a two for toe DemecraU In toe eoncll- fab last soco after.
to hs*e that eomtorUble.
We can
our busy Cloak room.
uken to to* village ' make it so at a very little cost to you.
diiwet market for fmiu. bark. Uea.
Oiaatsr Vew Tork far Tammany,
Lem Mllldt. .,
i_v..c nn
hr**» trimmed, and.
poata. lumber, and any and all fafm or |
S.-RepnWIcan* ooi- jail
and locked up.
*n extra good Woven WireKpriug comforaal predoeu-for which there b a ,
elecUen of Van-Wick, I The deed man was twentyeig« pi^te far fis no. if tou w»nt wood beds
I we cso sell voo a- Rood solid well madb
market by raU. It b to be hoped the , ^
by year.Of age.
The three
man. Jo* Bcee. Lem MUler j bed snd aa extra good Spring far fa,-;5.
pbn* no* propoeed may be carritsi[ „^,y
Henry George. Jr., cut
BallaU* Biy Ooedi, Osrpet aad Obtbbg Bmm,
j liilt a traall figurr in Uie vote. Indiea- and Wllfaid Millet are tough eitbens i
I lion* ure that New York StsU also
Central UiehigaiL The
I goes democraUc by a safe p'.nralUy,
pvtlcntsr crime for which they are
Mpal.. Tnni, Oitr OW
•"» wanted it a burgbrp oommilted near,
Ike of the oouri of appeals.
' Teong Van From White Cloud, "j
Olivitl. For weeks they hsre traveled |
we an eMlbg WO pnirs
FoitHoi ,
wagon, stealing wherever tuey (—
A pleaeant wedding occurred yester
Port Huron. Nov. S^-AU "P»^!ep,id. Sheriff Hall mrlvml today f.om^
day afternoon at
Washington streeL
indloatea far city offien ari elected. ■ Detroit to gatoar ia toe prisoner*.
Mlm Olive Morgaa. daughter of Mr.
aad Mrs. M. D. Monrau. wa* married to
1 a verv important captare.
Mpngnbr '.
The coponei-b Inquest
adjourned I
The marrige o&remony was performed ■
unUI one o'clock today.
by Bev. J. C. Van Aukvn. father of tbv: Vaeaschaeetta Bbjerity Bedno^
bridegroom, lo the presence of the im-. Boaton, NovV.—WaloalL repuKlleu.
.medbte ralaUvea. aad friends. Many \ is re-elected Jbvemor over WllUam*.
There wiM be a regular eooveaUon
friends remembered them with choice democraUc. but by reduced majority
AT.'P’SBP V. I’lBtCBPRXOSof TraveiM (Mty Lodge. No. 7S tooigbu
preaenb of chins and silverware.
IT last year.
■ blsew XcTwao at Tzmwwxwa Ol^.
Work ia toe third rank.
Daiaty rafreahmenu were aarved:
BepubUean Loss in Xowa.
WlU Bbnar. J. P. Hoover and Eugene ,
aftar which Ur. and Mra. VanAukau
, Iowa, Nov. S.—Tbc vote Cornell svent to OadHlac last night to
in toe state U very llghL
Job a hnating parly eh route for toe ,
Wbita Cloud., aen^paalad by
heavy rapublicaB loasaa which
Ufa. VenAnkea.
resnlt ia toe election of deasoerats
They wUI bear with toem an abendThe Bridge Bnllders will meet with
ano^ of eongratobtion. and wcU wbiOFFERED IN
Batums from about IM preeineb In Miss Kate I/ondoo tob evening at T:I0
c* from toe many friends of Hiss Mor
An btereeUng missionary
Iowa 'abo^ a net democratic gain t'S o'clock.
gan b Traverae City: ahe will be par
in Mch prbebcL At that rate the re- pragmm will be given.
ticularly mlsaed by the large circle of
The regular mertbg of the Womaa's
publican plurality of bat year would
t,by whom
Mission circle wHl be held at toe brme
cat to leas than IS.OOD.
Of oottTM w* obil TbAt’s wfant we’n
« much eateemed..
of Mrs. Norto^np. SJ7 Webstar street
Free Bllver in Kentucky.
pnid for. But wo Blwmyo blow for
tob attemeos at 3 o'clock.
OOetab Will Hnnt Xiear.
WHlism Beltnershlppedanother earhave
- A dbtbgubhed partylyof
ioad of the choicest pytetoos to be had
will bnve toe city thb morning for toe i U*'
^ • “*• »‘J®rity. elecUng.
to toe Detroit House of Correction yaeuppm- pMibMb. where they -iU bhnt
J. “• “■
for a few weeks. The party b cempoaed of Juage E. L. OorbetL Alder
P.W I..W. .w :.-At th. .iKU— - ” * „■
c..l, toW b,
^b. rtl,. a, HbbUb will U,«l
man F. C Deamond, PraaeeaUng Attof- U^,
U» U.T.
o. 1.™ lb (..b. o,
whioh bBokg u up in quU^ and prloA
lbb.1 bpUbb. *11 b.l Oro M
b.-Obl U.IU..,
ir, bbP tb.
only gave 79 majority for lloeaae. The which b noB eaL
The naarve east plat for the High I
majority U l.OOO larger than at toe bat
aehobl lacturkaonrae will be plaead at
Was Dbsolvnd b thb Olty Taa- loeal opUon alectlon b the eounty.
toe City News stand on Saturday mornterdiF.
Fuion b Vebrsska.
November 6th. No pane* will be
Uneola. Neb.. Nov. S.—Thirty prvAt a meetiag of the Michigan Maple
tmmber Ca held here yaaterday. that eiaets onulde of Lbeoln aad Omaha allowed to naerra more than five seats.
Tbs three Cartier brother*, Mr'Sher
«rganUsUoa wss formally dbaolvad. iadioaU the eleeUon of the fusbo
man and Congreasman libhap's privau'
Tbta company wa* otgaaised b tob sUto ticket by not lee* than 19.000.
aeeretary. Mr. Curtb. of LodbgMn.
-eityin February, ISM, und wua comOhio b XkmbL
fsaaed. torongh the city yastorday on
poaod of toe lead!
asrianaU. Nov. 9.—Bapubllcaa* eonmllbare tributary to eadad toe alaetofa of DamoenUe eeun- their way to the u^ar pubaub after
toetekn ports of nortowastere Mich- tyandlagbbtiveCekeu'b HamUtoa
It’s your money’s worth
that you want.
A Full Third
n' 1-1 1 g '\A/ 'wnpmg~
l:s-in rnnt Strat.
Ladies’ Fine Shoe^
The ‘Best’
Hannah & Lay Co.
-cMBty by abont 7,000. Tramandou*
damoeraUe gains. BeWrns from to*
ainto are meager but the reaulu eaaaot
Imrgaet XooMpts of FeUtoa* of Any yet be esUmaUd. Chapman (democrat)
for govemar baa about MO majority
On* X)ay Thb Beaaoa.
g Suahnall.
Tb* price of potatoea yaaterday
ranged from IS to M cenb per bdsbel,
Seven] fioeks of wild gaeae making
though tme load brebghl 41 cenb. The
reeelpb b the elW aatieaded say pre laat night and toe night before.
vious day of toe smaen. toe total
- Ohlaago VarttaL
amount being 10.000 bnahab At one
tlase SI loads were eountsi' on Front
Chicago. No*.
November. 06e: Deoembm. 06e; JanaWeoL
nary. «>ie; May.
iVBT&uonavB to . okputibb. Core—NovembeA Me; Deoemher.
»H'e: May. SOkc.
•tab Oame and F)to Wards*
Oats—November. UJfe; DeoamAwaiu dupreme Oeartb Vi
ber. l9Ve; Hay. tlMaXe^dbgto
toe aetfan of the Snprann
^-Novembar. r.W; Oaaember.
Quart on toe
r.fiO: January, Sa.U.
Lard-MoTember. S4.W: Deoamber,
Hlv*. L. O. T. M. No. A31. for Friday
avenlng of tob week, baa bean poaVpuaed to Friday, November I9to, when
It will be given b toe Foresters ball,
from 6 to 9 o'^oiA.
The Boyal Neighbor* of America
wUI give a Ua-oCBt supper at their
baU b Moategee buUdbg thb eveaiag from 4 to I. An entertabmeliL
moaieal aad otoarvriae. will bm given
free after th* supper.
The Woman's Home and Foreign
Mimioaary aoeia^ of toa Coagi^alional church wUl meet with Mr*. OriatL
oner 9th and Lake avsBue. Wedneeday aftmoon at a o'clock. Th*
bdlea of the ehnreb are genanUy
rltod. Light refreahmeau wiU be
The ateem btrg* Boblwoa b at
H0V OMtar. littB u< FitiUv.
QrMUekrUb aftm Inmbar
BoSaio, lwVTeelBL.rrt.4nsS aa.
18 OLD
it won’t bo making naoro spot otot your hipg for tho
rwwon thnt It won*t be broken there. THATB i greet nd▼nntege, Isn’t ItP They ere $1—only one -store in town
Ladies’ Box and Kangaroo Calf. Shoe for $1.60
Also Gffnt’fi Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
. Boy's and Youth!s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Ri^t in Style, Wear and Price,
m bad prePpcAane. Waah.. Nov. t—Aa tha reA graapof excited women and a man auK of a ahoetlBa affrar In front of tbe
Adidph San WM «p •Wr« la b«r
or (WO waie aundiny by the entraboe. Coeur d-Alene (bealre. Johnny Boll, an
nuiTXBSE orrr/- michioak . dwauiar 4nriac Uu flra a>d U lM|4ac Tb-y told SI Uiat tbe body of a glrl-a old-lUnr pamUer. erai abot three Umea
trott m wlikdow wm badlj isjorad.
pruhaWy fatally wounded. "Flrtey"
yonusand petty (1(1—bad faeoioarrlnd
(H. B.) Baraett.mananer of the theatre,
. I
a^d hli face flUed
n of anldda. bad a flnper abol
powder, while Ua wife, bet
» 3. W. Bunnar.
ter known by the atape name of Ida
■*1—think—I’ll taka ]
Umniph her
r aad Two llwelUw dear Irllow.atammered.
J. W. Bajikmi. Bdimr aad jUpacw.
TetaUy Saatroyad aad Taluabl^
dame oat trooi tbit
______ -■
XIU rcopaiiy TbraaMMd.
xobvzno sboobd.
wHk tk* eoainU i
Patoakey. Ror. A—At4o'«loek thU
miialBi Oooatable'a atoan Uaadry waa
Jaaoeerad to be la ftaaea, aad it waa
ooa ooBpletoly dertrayad.
Two dwelUan wore baiaad aad a
terfa Idoek of «iUa aad faetoriaa
lod aliaoel eartala U fo daaplto
the heroic eScMa of tbe fireaiea. Haw
ley A Quialaa'a factory waa rtaiaared.
£n;;V=T'- ■■•■■■■ 2
Mm* Bvaxuuaa Ciaamoe the tair
Cabaa «b« wa» raaeaad (cwb JaU la
Bavaaa aad wba «n bar arrlvalia Um
Oaited StatM •were aU«claaoe to ibis
feTaroaMt. baa eoaanaaeed to lean
. aome of the aoooBpUabawata of tbc
EUr aut of her adopl«4 eoaaby by afiaetiar the bae of the powder paS.
iko^ la ratbar aa aauteariab wa
BximcKT. beaidea deelarlaf fo^ fra*
baa kepwp bar repatatlot
^ alleer. baat
WwllMBi Dartar the eleetloM la
Vkaakfartyi iterdaj oaly two depatiea
aad two itetna were kUled; bat the
areracea eaaoot be aaaouaeed
tbe baUaoe of tbe atau it beard troB.
Batvanfrom Owaria are aiaac™.
It af eirUlMtioa.
Uatore af that atate baa a Ull before
it which proeidea for the total eatlne.tlaaaf tba fame'of foot ball la tbe
Bow that peace of talad baa beee
tally raatored to Hr. Elebard TaMoiaay Cn^er ha atay taka Uasedf
atqpt to OBUioe tbe policy to be paraaod by lUyor-Soet VaaWiek.
It waa decided yetterday to peatpoae
diameaUlnf proeeaaof tbraaeleat
octe of Taauaaay for aa tadeflalte
pwiod. Mote'a the Idly.
F. B. Moore aad wife af Elk Bapida.
wara la tke city yeaterday. .
Oeo. UTkarstoa. a
nknat of Oaatral Ia1«. la in tke
It reiDlDded me, be aalA aftw
wo t
William Moore, a nefrro murderer,
bad walked (omo little way, and be
^bera are membere of the deaperarrmed faeCtpr, “of a pirl wbo waa ale Curry panp of ouUawa aad were
a pood many yeaa an<i Prr- ' captured only a week or two apo In
yon about it by awl by." ; Montana after a arrere battle.
baperil telly
' 'him. Tbe
liulc ro- '
I dldnotqutation
Banoe of tala Ufa oame ont qbilo uatn3. W. autar. tbe Booae Enraiahar.
tally aa we aat Mpetber in tbe atuffy Sella the Staadard Sewing Machine, a
••eotieeol, *■ wailing for dinner.
fteathlaB maoblne. fora UtUe moaey.
“I am aoeta a tboroogb fopy now,"
tatuaiM Jofanaon from tbe dept^ of
How a r«bt ter Onoa In Lodlaffton tba td^'oltnire chair inio wUeb 1 bad
farad blla, "(bat 1 dan day. Prank,
Ta old Mddlera and all wbo daaire |
pendon mattem adjMted, I beg to an- ^
LadinytOB, Kor. A—Tbe tndlBftM yon noold hardly Imagine me young nouaoe that 1 will be wt the Hotel
and fairly good looking."
poatofflea war haa been eetUed In a
"Too forget,” I anawered. “that WhIUeg. Traeerae Oiy. Prtday. No
eember S. wbea f will b* prepared ic
eery peeallar manner, batorday Conattend to penaion ba*Iaeaa aa re<|Ulred
(Twaan BUbop latned a call to the
repreeantaUTa Bepjbllean* who reprw Byopiniou. yon are pond Idling no
Solioltorof Prnttosa.
••Ob. r-a. to you, pnbaiw. But could
•anted tbe Intereala of Hadaoa and Me;
Maater. the oppose)
of lha girl—iwetty and ninrb aonpht after—
Maator elalma that alsty
would fall in lore* V<-t ao it waa, and 1
•arenty tnrlUtloBe maed
- . ..tbiulc lahnll f.-el b- tterif I leil yon
opponanfa friendk and la ooBaaqaenuy about it tbia ernninp."
eery wiatby. Tb« ratber<Bjr waa heU
"Tell me hyaUn>'ma.'’laaid. "I
In a hall and Hr. Blabop nUtod the ab neei-yknew brfote ynn weivanan with
ject of tbe Dcetlny. A rote waa taken a rtotr."
He amililed rather aadly.
and- Hadaon waa the eboiee of tbe
eanena while McMaater recoired «
luHudInc fna, (Xau. » eeewi teOlea.
eotea Badaos waa tbea declared tbe
eeai* T«ae^lB( (real H (• aB nuKlaa
eacceaafol aaplraat.
gprtia fapppinam are in. tbe Binorlty all. (IrlBcyeyarhaaevW pra<-Uee vkai ;
Well. 1, (oa bad my dinapia of a wife hax bm teackt. Iraa f B la IX a-t tecS.
and a boBc. At Atrt they wwe aapne
Pira Paatroyed Bain Fart of Ton |ud idiadowflks Theyf only began to
take fcriu when 1 kiu-W
-W Alice Templs
Taaterday Homing.
1 have called her pretty,
tty, bnt I Ibink it
innc«»nlag. Mlcb.. Noe. A—TbU ell- wa> tbe iutcllipeone expreaaad in b«r
lage waa eiaited by tbe worat fire la Ita eyoa that ouo uotWd n>uA. or pMbapa
hUtoty thla morning. It aUrtad in tbe eu'ift amile that caimiAO~'bW llpa
Dr. ParUr’a r«a|denee on Second atnet, WbfU ebe apuko."
1 waited aileutly. Prewotiriy Jbbnaoo
leaped acroae to Kalaer atreet aad
cleaned out the baUdlnpa on both tldte went on with bie alaryj
“We were eoRiged. Tbero Waa nothfor a diatanee of three blocks
Inp to wail for. 1 could aflurd to
the wind waa hlewing a gale froai Barry and Alice bad a lUlle Booey,
the northweet aad the progreea of the Soluneb. andlwwpladrffil. labould
flamea eould net be alopped asUl erery- not have wiabed to he noc of UKMe at
tblag la tkelr path had been oonaamed. whom the world pointi ai a man wbo,
Tha totel loaa wlU ranckfiop.ow. with by marrying, baa-dcoe well for'busaait”
sis.ooo loan ranee.
"My dear Mend." I exelaisM. “no
from tbe C A W. M. By. Ce. wbloh wm
—out toUe order of tbe RUev
gwMre Co. and wm for over-paid
frrtfbts Tbe check wm received by
SwepreUat July aad eaabed. It la eontraded that Sweera la grtlty of forging
tbe aame of tke defnaot eompany. lu
bnaineas bavUwbees
d hf Alley. Mr. Bwanra <4aiBa
that tbe check wm to Ua own order
•ad that if there U any donklM to hia
right to it it reat^itb r«eur A Ootmor. hta former partners to renver
from blB and not Alley. He olalas
however, that be bad a light to the
Money which ba ohulned oa tba
KaiTied In Bnyfleld.
Mlaa Bertha Narrla of Norriavflls
and Ore VanTaaeel of Moaiwe Gratis
were Bmrried U Mayfield Monday, at
. tbe rertdenoe of Alonao Van ‘TaMel
Tbe eeremofty wm performed by JuaMm of tbe Pence Fred L. Daell. Both
Abera yohng people are weU kaowB in
TinvecM Ctly and vleiaity and tbelr
tetnre bapplneae will be tbe ali
wM •( all tkalr trtaads
t-'Bcn OuFtia—It'a all right
Dn Taonrwx-Yea. 1 wear it a
Nelblag bettor
Wa ..B^«n-W mt 1 eva wora
D It two wlntora Like it
w bet It ta all right Woubtotdo
wttbout It
TipverM aty. MIeb. Oot «. l»7.
derwenr, mod
They aa mo aenMnottolrritateUseUooereatakto.
aeft m not to Irritate
They abuorb tbe
perfectly, end parent tbe aoddra eoollug.a ehaagea of tke
I of tke body, (tbe uaoal aoaaof eoldej. If youonn get
Ben and womeo___
D of tbU place to freer them ( toatead of tbe cheap oot-'
longooda) there
e will
will be but lltUe complalet bf natal oatarrh. coughs
Another point to tbelr Ifavor,
r. they do not akrtnk
akrtsk aa moat
good* do.
’ B. P. BRAUatav. M. D.
HamiiiDn>Clothing Co.
It aniwisDudaEii
Daociog School!
Dear old Jofanaos! Wbeoeeer 1 think
B. B. Lawla. Bam rer of tba Elk of him I realihe that bo waa one of the
Eapida Iron wertta. a a Is tbe dty. on teas pood bearted fallowa waooly Bert
with beia and ttaeie in tbe worid. and
IHb Belle Johnaoe of tbe peninaula. not too eftaa.
KU name, by tbe way, '
laft Monday to Tiail frieade and raUJotaDMXi. but it will Boawer alt (be Fartleaa in Cbetx^gan.
C. B. Cbamberlain of 'tirand Bapida. poaoe of my alary to call bint ao.
waa la tba city yeaterday laoking after , It waa a name banded down tbroogb
toany a peneralion of noble aneerton
properly wbieb be owna keiv.
Jacob ScAwarU of tbe Lelaad bum- that be
WCo.. waaln the city yeaterday oa be waa soaring W yean of ape. topetber
/ bwHame aad eialting friends
John Seymoor of Chicago, a member
of tba Northern Mlohlgpa Tranaportt- had nriodled biia:
Jobsaoai WM hxartiy tbe perKQ to be
tton Co., waaln tke city yeaterday.
C O. Turner area aummeaed to •wlndled. Hia tmxtfil. generoiia banrt
Bade him an eo»j peey.
TtempaoeriUa tbia morning on prgfaa“I don't like leaving my native
aioDal baalnam la oeanecUon with tba lanl."teaaidioineailayerao bate*
MMt of tha’ burglar, Qlai MlUar.
Ibiadapaitnie. "but tba tart ia Iona no
Arch. Cameron of Torch Imks Oao. longer afford ao live in England, to 1
of Uw ine^aive
H. BopklM of Bear Lake, and W. B. mnrt avsa
! of exiatenoe. I mm
• Cbsndler of EUt Bapida. were-la tba
«ity yaaUrday ta attead the meetiag of bound fv Paria, wbloh. after all. wUi
net be going very far aw«y. "
tbe Mtehlgan Maple Laaihar Oo.
Jobnnm hnd bwn UvBw abroad for
His Duff McUuald and daagbtar twe than a year when i ^eeidad that
Margariio arrived from Petoekey yea- it wai abont time 1 -*aa looking bim np
Wday stumoontojoin Duff who came
He waa not good at eoneapimdenes
nareial areoka^ago. Tbe famUy wlU neitberwaaL
•eeupy aparUnenU orer tbe atora of A.
eemed to b
gahraaa In tba Tunneller Mode.
I wanted to aee with my own eyea
BUay Samara Troablas
ba WM bearing bit obanged forCnnes
Il-waa in ibeamall “eomwol" of o
Tbe arrcat.ef BUey Sweera Monday
of tbe tall bouee of tbe old Latin guar-
MarUe A Uranllo Works ofN
D. Alley ia tbe aO'
I bot I did not believe bim.
Hnw eoold a roan i
darvaloed it all your life and wUl keep
np the habit to tbe end."
Johnaon amUed.
•• PvTbapa there in ^mmethinp in what
you aav, perbain J lutve U-cn an ioeautkxw. oranaugnine fellow, but then
I have alway* Kaliwd that if mooey
oprua all doon in tbia world it cCTtainly won't open iia tbe door of heaven.
However. I am drifting away fr^
whal 1 meant to (ell you—what that
dead face bf a pirl aeemi to tornik of touigbi.^AUw end 1 were, aa
1 have Mid. eiignsed, tbe wedding day
fixed. Wo were viniiuK at the country
lalivee that glori.
up to Icnduu. ntnmluig
evening, lu ail the years tbat bare
pawed I have never forgotten that even
ing. 1 can Bee. now in memory (be
trees ita glare
—for at tb* full ef
ooid. bwd glare wbk-b folia on' every
thing. or ao it awma to me—on tbf
white gravel of tbe avenne lemliBg to
tbe baoM'. Even m the old butler
oproed Uf« door t raw there
tbe matter—a little crowd of
■trickeu faces eod then
It my ars nd tried to pnU me
awey-.|riNL bot tailed, for 1 tongM
nod (truggled to iifaake off the graqt. 1
knew at onne noethtog bad bH>I*Md
Alioe Temple."
He pauaed ao long tbat at Imi laaked
what eune next. Be atarted
•ound of ay voioe.
“i forgrtlwM telling yon about IS"
be aald. “It mmsU aa tboagh 1 were
going over it all by mywtt. 1 ofien do,
though it bappeoed m> long ags
wa* it? Ob. ‘one of tbon boating
deota,’ a* prtple aay when i
down a daily paper, o
oeamty ‘
OApitAl, $100,000
SnipluB, $86,000
OKP1CRES—Perry Hannah. PiraUrat
A. Trucy Uy. lal Via President: Jbbm
Morgan, rod Vice Praidrnt: J. T. Han
nah. Ckahler: Bamiie] Uarland. Aaaiatant Ckahler.
DIRECTOBB-Perry BannUt A. Tinciy
Lay. Jam« Moegaa. J. T. Ban
Bamuel Uarland.
B—Addi-M all OUlieetiou and
mpondraoe irgurdlag Banking
Matter to Uc TraverM aty Btato Bank.
Travcncaty Mick.
Take Off
Yoar Sernns
and put up STORM SASH. If yon haven’t
any we’d like to make you some.
J. E. Greilick Co,
Misses’ Lace or Batten,
Cbeeblato or Oxblood Bhoes tiara ts to every pair warrantad
aolid. for «8e pair, at A. & PBTHAlTii. ai« Ban Front BtineS
Shoe Department^ 2nd Floor
Largest nnd brightest Shoe Sfilesnmtn in Northern Michignii.
BIGYJDLES ENAMELED November Days, Look Out for Squalls !!
«t H. E. 6 BBS*.
WemupoaeaoopratbePkUandWintoraeaara with a wklri to tka Shoe
-epartmus and to bettor teoiUtato Ike sale and aceomnmdato tke ruak, we
kave only ^aee to enumerutuAfew of the pricra. NetothnBctonely:
la >M rHy l» CM roar vo(k
^l^^rraee I* (M tort UtMcnrr.. mmt I
kawMTved BjUnr..
tlM of Slues
Han a HepitaDoi
foiWeai', Style aeil Fit
77 pairs Woman's fine Vta Kid i
eaakes Begular priora fromU to fil.&u
yoiir fiox.Gaff
an tbe party except—well, they
cbt ber in. and a* I fought
mvai-lf five of my well meaning friend
^ ceiling and vtaere hi« frugal tneala it waa on tbe while. Mill face and long,
- drenched hair of my dead love tbat my
eyea rerted. I have bem torgoUen that
ong'hi to to (be brad of an afinnnt Bril- aigbt. never forgotten bic in all tbe
iah boovbold. wiib aoaia and dangbi
year* of daya and nlgkta wbieb have
growing op aroobd him. Or be abonld gone bv *ii>oe tbea Strange I have never
have Ix-cu a wealthy bacbekr uncle, eb- talked of it? Hot. then, we nev
aolntely adored by a large eautlngent of talk of wbat we feel moM deeply.
sepbewa and nieoca Solitndr did net taeigfat that poor girl—I:daieai.
dare any abe
•epm Uw proper aetting for him.
waa not a very good girL
irL bnt
bot heaven la
Boarever. be UxA for hia motto,
_ man
san UDd
memfnl than
and takM aono’‘Whatevoria Ubem"tn>tted me abont oouDl of all the damnur and mimiiy
Faria with an air of part owneiubip which go before mlf dertroodoa—eewhich waa infloiiely oomlo—in fart, did Btoded me of Alioe. wbo waa to h^va
bia level bert to make By fortnigbl'a been my wifs of tbe bapploMa I w
rtay a plnimnt one.
ed, yet wm Rfmwd. and it bM
He wonld baTe iantWad on living me magiMd me for a bit ByradbylrttaU
np Ua bad and migiuting to an unlrt feel batter. Perhaps wbo knows to
nttie on tba
Amt. bat 1 wocOd not •oana foinre exiatenoe cor dMappototbMreflL
BenttwiU ell be made np tons i'
I WM obliged to pretend that I ahould any rate tbai if one of my pet bellata
oartainty Mffooaie In tbe nnall efaart
"Too tblito tbat in aoisa fstore you
iM dignified by the title of ■■ohaBhre a and Alice Temple will be ugetbrnr^ 1
caoeber," and that 1 bad etipaged guar- naked rathw rtceptioally.
tea at ooa cd tbeneanatbotelaooniy
"1 don't put tbiiwa into ten and
way from tbe railway itfcm aad betore abapa 1 aimply believe tbat 1. and all
wbo have failed to tbia wmld. aball
1 found kiB oat.
Though we bad known each other have happtoem. Now M ua talk oo
dariop a good many years It wm ,«ily acre of it. few here oomea dinner.''
Aa dear old Jobnme bowed l.ia bead
when my rt«y to Paria drew very ^ear
itf cioae that Johnaon one erentog bs
eamo oonfldenttoL
1 am not Terr likely to frtgrt tha* bead, bia voioe trembled, and wben be
avasiDg, eicbex, for J bad oome act ra- looked up again and raiad tbe oover of
the HtUa aoia toxeuD fa toe ptuUai■iok
Orttlariag it ta to
fftbatfity. wuaia
If. Knaguroo aad Elak. ^aad toea. patrat leather and
at lowest prteee. We kavo
pUre Woetan-a flae bongoU aad
Our line of mraP aboea at Si 4* M tbe
Chrome Kid Bettoo and Ucc. hlr Btroegeat to tke state. AU tbapea and
eutch. and flexible aoles fsahlonablc style*. Cola. Bulldog. OlobTYnmox
shapes aad toes regular ts.ti goods: and Yard Wide toea Ask to see. tkeaa.
alLgoatSt 4S.
Womaa'a Box Calf Balmoiala new
Leaaox toe for Si.ts.
GUMfti'i Ba^di Mlt
A large lias of Ladtae* Baad Welt
U pair* fine Kid nnd Baavy Shem. aad terns at very low prioe*:
beeU aad epring heeU worth tl to Si to
-bUditra-* ecbool ab.
SLSi. good for 7* a
ipatfiutiii Tim
. 47 pain Mtaem n to s flae Kid. heel
Felt aad Braver aUppumltoed Me to
and aprlag heel abom worth fii.M to S1.00.
Felt aad Beaem beUoa aad laee
aboea to great variety; all ab^wa fo7»e. Me. SI.10 aad S1.44. 8te tbaae
A tot of Men% fine aboea different goods aad oampara them wltk olbeB
atyiea, good aaakaa. inelndlag C. M. at toe aad Tic more. Ovmuboaa for
Bendeim'a mW otbeem. worth Si np men. womea aad ebUdren. every rtyto.
lor S1.M.
aad prloee away down.
The largeet Block of Lambermra'a
Oveta. Felmaad Becks to tbe dty at
7* palm Maa-aShora brokra alna, cot rate Ertoee
Haito Welta, Cork Sotos, ^itak BaMra'a Partaottoas tram Sdc.
SBala, almoat every ktod of aboa. good
Bgya' Pecteetiora from Me.
valea at Si. to to S3, to. all go at one
An tovltattoa la exUnded to alt to
priee S1.48Ttait ear tofga deenrtBMU;
Tim K t
Onr Pric«e are Right, nnd
yon will be right if yon put
your money in n pair of them.
Travorn City. Mich.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond wiUi
the TraverseCtty
_______ Company.
. , We have
Iwve for sale Good, -Sound
lock Lumber, Surfa^ Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands (or sale.. Mill Ma^inery, of all
descriptions, in^uding 2 Engines, ^ Works, Carriages
V and Saws. A oofnplete Saw Mill Ptant for tak.
Frank Wricb,
ezTY hVMm oo.
PlftM in tht B»hunu Wh*r« Cu»
ban Filibuttera Tranaferrvd
~ Thair Loadt of Munition*.
%Wa AVAT* 67 A1 D(F0E1I£B.
Jncknaville. fin., Ktn’. :.-A •pwNl
to Tb* Ttmee L'Elcm and Ctltim ujm:
It to reported to Key WcR tbat the Ca>
kaoflllbuaterreitdaavoiia to theBahamaa
baa been netacd by the Bridah Kovemment. a duantlty of amn aiicured and
a few men amwi.'d- ■ The narlatrate
Of Aodna Jilan'd waa Intormed that the
Cabana had a rrndeavoua on one of the
toUnda near the coaat of Cuba, and at
fbeorahle ot^rtunltleevnnildi'arnrover
•appMn Tbe.tnarUirate aent oi
boat to tnveoUente and dlecorerrt
It waa Deep cre«a. It to thouabt that
part or the thlna* were left there by
Um acboooer Briaot- which waa on tie
'ItotBaha Banka f.irAbuui a munthtranafdrrine arme aod ammunition to
br.tbe tuEa Uauntlraa. Smith and
buaia The Oubana arreeted were placed
to quarantine. The rendeavaa had
been Ions operated, and a-aa dlaciiv*
ared b> an Intormam who waa after
priae money. CotnmumtwUae thionyb
Naaaua aod Key XVeei with the
at New Tortt had l>
theae headquariera.
New York. N..V. •-The Cuban Junta
held a me.-tlBC yemerday to prule*i
ajtalnst the proptwed reri>mi i tTered.by
Spain to Cuba. It waa-iinanlmiualy
decided to draw ny s reoluliao eepudlatlny the pr<>t»wd ivli-.n\.w t * be
stvned by erery Cuban patri.-t tow re
altime In tbl* O'UtHry an 1 itbr-a.l The
meetlnic was preMded ptet nj Ttmiar
Eatrsda Palma. prv«^t of the Cuiwr
Junta. Addtwnea were made by Htonque
Joae Varttr.a. 'who waa selecleo li> a
*•• VlMMWl Pmm* Amrnd HM PM
, .Not, I—Ten «
lb* piano WMah«M Rrud. Itkod
Uraatoatlc Chica«oaii* laai nlaht aaee Dot beta tutoA tdriuoBiha Tbeoconpaemphatic approral to their ttrrt boree mr hhd arriwod to town bnt a ahtat
Mw to the beeutirullr decorated and ttma brffl** the ptrfonnawk hesaxi
hrUllaatly lUunrtnated CoUwam.' So- BMW tlMPa bad bomi IH) tiiBn to M tba
Piety. Ute In arrlvlnd. Blled the bo«ee, .tBMsmnL Konctbelew. the {crdeoaand graced the apaeluua promenade cr faddl7 opwad wide tbe Uda of tba
which eoclcvled the rtnjt. It waa lulJy lODft tmnsed mood and theo aat down
an hour after the oiNoilns fanfare wae tothekuya Th* Em toociiocBTiaoed
auunded by the ‘trumpeter befqre the
plan* of honor were lUled by miny bia that tba not<« wtsa adll cliv aud
Cbbaim notiMea The United State* •trtBg. ODd that •
Martne band, whose «omtod to Chhairo tnoe tb« mijAt be woald
epueed tire local muatclan* much iK-rao be bugnn Utooool
turbatlun furnlahed a hl«h dam Mleotion.
proframme of mualc. which waa UberalNoo^.'U-bappcswd tiuit In all tbe
ly applaud'd.
Hllne aplll .oeconrd durtoc the «d taittotl a cotonyor jr^low jacket
xhll'll. P. C Austin'* handname chestnut iteldina Sultan. dr>N<n voap. b:ul iDdumnwiiJe bnlU tbemoelrea a buiue to (be shape of a DfM as
became u to • cart by R P. Aahby.
Aa.................lariw as a pwxl sifcsl wiuocr. Tbe ooft
ronlrnllable and folio'
the arltcdiju puyyrooma dadied madly around the Uti- --.......
barfc track. After the atrcult had Wen
. three time* the hoc— maur a
for the exit, but wqa tuined from lwl.-..«.Uind th- M"ic* gn-w-^K-wvtia
his eouiw by a aroom w-h„ foiled to and tlxi piano U EMI lo re-i rto r..b-to
atop him. 'rbe audden turn upiel the tto,b.«vii-!u-WLfelbcdi»iarl.dwaeihuAKy and threw ANiby *o the eruunU.
lantllha him atiout a foot from theloce. wmpectod daiwirr. Thi-r curled their
He waa not neverely Injured, however. ' todta and auvtcbed aud abook ttoOr
gatuty wlntj* rktomsly.
Tbf prrfei»
ur. uiflKsdfal of
tto) fact
that th. uinXlBs lajwted by the MtsplBcrrMBt af a sic, far from iitbtou tbe aarage hrmat
of tbevido*--------HwlUh at HsrlMlato. Iwd.
Chloaim. Nor. 2.—Nine perwnna were that ptona wu* romdng tbeir itw. playlaJuTd In a bead-end colllalun betvtrn cd <m. Prwu piautaatoio to plan.
the U«ansport arcoroinodatitin on th* troni ptoiw with one bound to forttodtbe tampasitin ran. All tb. wbiU
Panhandle railway and a frelyht train
. wingi
--wickedwickedon the Plitsbura. Fort W'ayne and Chl- tbe wnupe fluttered tbeir
cayu line at Ilarladale. Ind..thirty-three ly. eictooiily. and aU tb. wbU. the |coplaced. Now came tb. rlimax:
lie* frxun Cbicac<>. last nlcht tot t
for the prompt actl. n of now he was OirowtoK tO|t«ber ran
tv. Hamilton, of the r>
handfnUof now* toihc hamo prtrftmdo
__ _
____ It la beUev.-d Hu- Hal
TtvioD of tto.tonnuD«iL Just 0. the
(wnualtlea would have be-n tar crtaier. wnnd wo* belching furtbfrmnlta tonerThe lame healer in. ih. banace
Bwaa nul file DioaicaU tbuxlcr trf ibai
wwa overturned liy the lm|<-:’ and
; grewl Wagnerian oiwiw the rexiKemioe
j bunting aitoy of yellow jm-ie|ar^
of rc'pudlellon; Jt»e 4e Arms*. Mam
Bangullly. Enrique Amrwni.-nic. Arur
Ftqoerva and other*,- It n-m decided t.'
bold a public mas* mceilnit on .Nov. 5
m the froulullon will be read for tbe
ruKhi'd to a water
T’^jandupuD theaodiotirw Suddmily ami
which' be inll
wrev-k was . auaed. II la iwld. l>>------> a ml*- ; Jtxiuuig auiivwa
ahrioka fwnunded thniugb tbe
---placed aw lirb. due to the car»le»iet* «f 1wumtai wnw otriktog
one of th. l.rahrmen
the fre.ehl ;
............................... ------------------- train. Th.ww hmt ar
Anton Kruuac. Klr|.h-n
__ ____ and duuntmnied.
Ven-iskey. two tlalane ard the
Chicax". ! rmtf a ehriU. piping
boy tnamew unkr.mM.
-Sharlic. oome mill Acb. Sbarlio.
Ooriim ractoe. trtleb woe a
TMw. to Baa* lUrimaL
Smt afUTj fer a ttom. Tbe eottoe { New Tnrk. Nov.
Fred Titos toft . SaUa tba Oak Itoatoaalar BwUofStoti.
wonjd Ipoad up for a tew OKWMnto itr Chicacu yeaterday where he to to A^rMMto* bond with orery atowo.
wilboat any apparent oauan and drop ukc pan U> a paced race at tbe
baek to itt nonoal *p«^ wUbout any- arum asatow Jimmy Mtobael <• Sor.
^MbetoadoML Tbe^toewaiUki
The distance will be iweoty-Bre
UBIW helps dCBia
^,u. and Uw mnle#toM* wilt be paced
u usinc all kinds e
aa dererted
_i.« w. ryelm-
“ - tz
waa tooktog at the ointoe, It onddenly
■peeded up about M iuToluttMto abooe bank of U. O. Baxter was broken into
tb. normal, and hefof* tbe
wuld I
br abut off it d«i.i»d back to lb. i««U'
Ur apwd. Tb. rBnioe was Mtaped. the
{toremor ^ain lAmi apart,*w. ralri.
itoM) aod a mtoute In•pectioo made ors tbe whole machiae.
Oat your Oyataia fruiu McLellaa *
and aptbiug oould be toasd Uw aatur. | Aab.
Saw. of the people about were begiDDiuB tu Ibtok this csntieeiictoewas
•- •
and that
on. ^pijiiet
Per PNid,
to rtn-awoy. By awidMt tbe«siDe«ir a. oaaadtender aorti a pm ,'hot
htotaaodtsItnupud tbe iforeroor belt aod waa anr-I f“**
;n£w Departure!
mon ktod. mude id two pieces aod bolt-'
toFAeT fttrt I wntol
ed togeibcr. beiDg told io ibe abaft by >
Aaim MrtaiTL mciwp
the frktiou of the parts Tbe bolt, bad i
worked loo* and pwmittod the poUey i
toturD cm tbe abaft ml abort toterraU |g2iwTourr town, wberuT?NsJJJ
When beartoc about thto myotoxy.
day only to tir« tb*tto Ifptt* we .xpeneuced WB* ttaat ^ „ opportunity to .ec
tbcMipuiei-r did iiot tborousbly examine ] ti^i cannot bm him at hia^
fail in tbe Mwe N
toot polU-y afiur be bad looked at the i Xbe doctor baa ao much faith
exper^ce be bxa bad in
; chronic di*«aM that be wUl ifire one :
fr^ ;
Paris poliecaMa bare town
with .electric dark lantmia by rawns
wbirh tber cmn ew 160 foM away.
of whit
They ^ e employed «icce«ftiUy to a every patient will atkic to tbeir friends
teoent .■.« .u
tbe b.mMOma pnoiiui wbo altop ti
iormUiee treated,
mao in thU |
State has bad aneb extended expm
rieneain the treatment of CATAKRIt.
vncle Jimtol..........—
(STM. Who died re- , piSfiASeS aa tbe doctur■ He grado^.j,. ^ ElUwortli. O..
' jnted Sr years ago from ClcreUnd.
Per Dua.
i.Sis:""'" S<;aulkett & CO.
HABTiRan to
Fire losorance.
Tbe New York cbemiaL Plefeoacw
f.iumenw cUtms that to con setile tb*
Bnwn. ill] qniMlro Ly tnumiottog into
gold a of tbe ailver that ia broogbt to
Prince Buunardt
_ ..
i an‘etilhmiiaatio
tdmm r rf the
He ap^v« <d
j lamg before tbe ootrngud b«*to« tff
i<«TTt* to'^.c. old
. - I Kei^n.wt-rv ui> a little baud of men and stiff w tok. port in tbe ipon bun
cut*. dTulsi r and epralna.
Fresh Batter
„ Phyviolocy in Detroit
BmiMopaihic Uedica! Colleire for t
yearai was 3 years Superintendent of
Almn and VpailanH SanitxrtniBa.
Tbtoexperieuce, combined with many
: years’
^ara’ study
ttndy in the
th beat boa^ala to
: the ooaotry. and Cl
< tog thousanda of ebronl.
I prepared him to cure when thejreneral To Hum whe tear* than- wOecU'wttkBe Nr
<rtU*kv^BMai7Nrrwte!^ «w^la»a». I
Are you diacaarogud?
cure yon ox not. If we ennoet
! cure yon. we will teU yon what relief
pUM to W^jrhrte^
*** *** AntoU*
Free Storag^
for Bicycles.
aoucthews Use Navy,
icinea. aurgk
f. 2.-*The Dally Chronlcto
toefit of all e
this tnurainc mya: \'V:t are lntor.nvd
that the Spanish covemiiirnt .eigned lly ritod.-ne*. Tbe aervKea were tb .es ot ^ ,heir. fan*, os they recooBtod tto- whit* it would appear that a moo piay
meUwda of treatmei itUaB thxfla i
. contracts last week with »n tmpudant the F44so.|'ai .hurr-h, b..ih In th- b..u— ; f,t:gron through which they bdd pouKd. pomibly win to a I-aitng fight
; ano^n t,- ,u the aehoola..with tlto_aid;
film of BHilah ahlptiulld. I* by which ■( and ai the grave, and the feuiur, of
While Preuident Fanro of k'tunoewB.
, ,f elect^y.that moat wonderful c* I^
Ilaa “l' i tb. night of WaltoW Ttoy flagjrod ^ peterhof. Ku«aa. ho d. pi to a tod aU agents in Par^yda. ^ of Po^ j
flrtng sura which the Bern had nearly toera waa tb.- ,.rv*e^ "I
pm«*g-T tiato and which was totok- and droigu.d eeproial- RheupaUam. aud
donpleled for aantoer Eovemmeot. OI, na w b^’s,' madr a l^ef addr--. , ^
--------------------- -^
Anwoia Itow jr for too first tJrand Ducbe«
na my
wbuue cuneenl. premmably. Spain Lad
Wadilcxtun. N<-v. 2.—Tbe monthly wiadoea to aUpptog out of townnndw Kkholju-nu. daughtersrf Nicbolaal.
secured to thU ananx ineol. tVh-w
TuISwr*toe4 aa« Sola
e-.elemem -f to- <-omplr. IUr of Ihr cur
the qursthm of finaoir was rol^
tbs contractorw.'lbe Siuirlsh mlnistc
rency etMlwf tbe .-inulatl'.n of nailunai
marine. Admlrol-Bermejo. reprveerted bank rot.* cr 0.1. 3p it, have tweo aa
that In the event of war tbs Spat lah f.,||. w*: T. lal vlnulatl.m.
Eoverruncel ctmld counl upon aa li
decTva*.- f.,r the m.aithv
d.'erroae fnr !h- y.-ar,
tl.g- aeured l-v lawful rrir.ry. W.lfn.- ■n.'t ye*|rr>la> and .•l••clB^-d a a.-ml-a : ble nrcal. ‘*8he took The ’TiizMi OIW piiaiisih* DaM Mala*.
IT'ift^lJlNiUtoi FHRB TBAISE. StS; In-r'a** f';r the in.it th, t»».»T6; In- nual dlvid.tid of :s P-r irni
, Mpphunent.”
Remember, we give a written guar-1
CTtoae f. r th. y.-ar, fT,T32,et2.
I Pwf«^ •>“»« A. BtmM rf the | aole^^rc ^ery caae of «L^^
Stui on Deck
the Old Stand.
- Vawtr la TrowlAe
Monin-al. Nuv. 2.-Bolwn UnOsay. of-----I (laroe. who baa chartered the aleam- tr<«
___ . __...
.I. . — .'—
_ri»eBlcg is consecIloB ulUi tbe cen^n- abip Canadlmne. .«>'« he,will api>
brt2''t^-Tiy w^Lw imait of antiquiiusof unumal value, i
' ary ctOcbrallon el Ihe Chamber of CdrO'
/ mem. He reviewed tor hUtory of frv.
wnb rain:
' tuuM. alalmratulv nralaina arhat hr dr. rrcuilty
Dr. Hu King Eng ODd Mi-WkDf '------------------------------------------------------- Intends to l.ilnx acair-- the rmted I wMiher: ’
• alber oonh«elv winds, to- or* to be the Chtoc* delegatee to tbe
gtale* f..r th- .tamat- d.
Ix-rd hoaelK-ry c
woDan's cCDgnie. to be held to Latotm
•ej Vl> lb- VantIc Ir a o.lll-J.in,
, dlllun of agiif t
l«»h. The f.irmex. who U kiiowB aa
bououea and proiettlon. w
r-mr toMlhs.
An EngUib writer usMta tbal
the ”Jdifarie Lady.” on aecowit of her
—and In aom. caaew w as w uroe—<nan lo
Washlrxt'r. ^ov'T*.—The
compsratlye :
Xoi'': -The enmparoy^
was any Orob atreot to Umdoa,
EngUnd. He quoted Blr Wilfrid Lau- atttemeri
rlw. the Dommiut) premier, a* “a OKUt
:h- iBiU-d Fll
'lUuotrlous suthorlir auatalnlcg toe
view that It la free trad- w hicb .has pt«•n-ved and cotuulldated ibe Brltlan em- urse rsnitflf. iraklrg the -sre*a of ' olwaja Hyutg lo find it
Milta. B-tht.
oU«* liTiiif pfa>xp-f dltu>e*i>ver rcwlpia for th- morihfully agreed with Sir Wilfrid Lau- tt.ne.PliT and f. r lb. fqur m- nth* of thUillnn U> .d«old.lUr« wb«
1. Wid^: m bon. U. BMn.
N. T .t* March S4, 1819.
rier. he declared, that any deviation nreoent fte-al y-ar W.fW.me.
have de«e beat on allowed to-------from ahetoule polltUal and commen-lal
I ^ anlgraied to MichCigars
freedom would >Wly weaken ili; bonds
to IBBS and boa lived
a Bottle
holdina the empire tugeiber. and (hat
His fatbtr. Kotaaniel
onytolcx In toe direction of an Jmpe^rsollvereln w-culd weaken (be em PrtmMtw MetUd wf OvtUmg RM e( the
pire Internally and excite (be permanent
M alive with iDdlana.
. WilMm. living <me mite
beataitr of the whole worlA already
* ;] *myoturioos in their ocigto and ooU
excited by Biitinh prowwrily under free
l cd
my* a Sisyaatoirg (tod.) ,
iagetruity to deteetiDg tbe eanee.
^ ,0
^ ^
trade. He aalO lie would "tread softly
*. bar tutoring
banging to
in his
hu ten
bon ;!
7^.- L ^
In the preeenev of th- Ides -ot m anil- an iliietronag kr.-|*ake in the ibape rf : ^^jop, habiu <d clcm> oboervatiem he I " What ia ao ran aa a day to JuneT*
Tercin.’' for be l-elleved It already dead. _ BytsttdMT.
•’ArhiimiBanxritb oite whiaki-ra to
II bebonved them lo walk strongly anS «df oa it itto *l»nrtog the primitiva
'—Mew Yuxfc Sonday Joainal.
'Warily In the path of empire, but such m. tbida rewrui) to by the fanuera to
a xoUvervlD would f.irra a pemancnl
early days to rid tbe^iialvt* cd flioa li :
menace of vrar.
is simply tiro amooeb walnut boarda, |
piThs{>. 30 by 12 inebua. bcvolnd at <me
.mdaudlastenHl bgvtbcr by two whang
Dally Mall from Paris
ooftla strung throngh mairbed boles
lab ovndlcate has i l.iarred «ole eoetrol , In tbe antebrUoiu dara poiplc never
c.f the trade of th.- A.udan In ea- Ibongbl cd keepiug Itiea out td the
chaoge r. r the laym-nl vf an annuity
to the Eo'idlan governmrni and tbe bomu-: tbe {^iblKm vnu. to diqaan of
swanued through the
dnflayal of Ibe expenaes ef nillUory or- tbom.as
rupallon, t( will reconstruci and.work ttxnna making-Ule miamblo gahctaHy.
Cold weather is now coming Yon need a new suit Tx-a ireacap 0±Cy,
Ihv rwfivray from Roaklr on the Red aea In tocL the use cd netting tu prvrcDt
n-riev on the Iflle. Ihe noutberomoat their tognwa ia of oomparatlvely recent
origin, tbe tovnititB <d tbU much need of clothes and an- overcoat. Look at onr prices quoted
ed article Asriwg back only 16 or M below:
Jno. R. Santo,
. The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing bunoess on
Fron> Street, just west of
SteinWrg’s Grand Opera
Ifonse, and presents tbe best
Hne of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.
—Watch Repairing.
Mfirpme 6roci»7,
W. J. BOBIKSON,. Manager.
—John Verly.
-Front Street.
1B. J. 3ycOEO-,A.3Sr
Pair Business and Peir Prices.
esuelB In order lo peevent the meet
ing of oongre**. Five hundred arrecta
« beep Blade
aiade by order of Ibe
the goremmeat Tbe country
large. however.
remains quleL____
e of toe credllora of tnaidvrat
tional banka a* follow*: Twenty P-r
cent «!«iDd National bonk, of Grand
Forks. K. D-: 1T4C per euUL ClHxen*National bank. MadlsoR. B. D.: two divldenda It and U per cent, rcopeetlvaly.
I'nion National tauK Klnneapolla: UTl
ccnU. Flrol National bask. 1
thmaJly (hick to farmboBaea. ewm
Wbsv ia«(vi» or uied. and wbea Ibey
are nut they an- almoM toiolekabta In
tte <dd«o day* the meihod mot ood■Mtly evnidoieti to tbe oovhny to d»atroy tbe truinbhuune fly waa tba tee <d
onch toJrtnmona as the one denibed
above. Tbe hoards were beveled and
hang to snob maimir
by tbeir
weigbt they separated at the bottmu.
end ibu* bang to an inverted V ahapo.
To attract the fliea they were smaand
edtb innla—a on the inner luitooe.
Thus prepared, ftey were *iep«Bded
to ooneeniceu placee about tbe bouae—
to khcbcB. hallvfiy, porch, which gteeeally served aa tbe sonuner dining
pUoa and eqwtolly in ja iigiwiya
It waa a otonmeo duty id evety waber
of tbe bouxebold vrfaiB jiBtogona .
ibtne caicbm toolap tbe boards togeth
er, thus maehtog tbe fUeewhtob ted
eoUected tberecaL Tte eook d
teem to tbe kitoben. tte teate »
poaeod toandtnte tee-howao*
AtTlw Fair le Can Sdl YodA Suit of Clothes,
A Suit of Clothes,
A Suit of Clothee,
5 Doreu Pants,
lot7285. .-orth *3, for
lot 7507, worth 5, for
lot 6299, worth 7. for
lot 7233, worth 1, for’
lot 7505, worth 5, for
lot 2011, worth 7, for
These prices are good for THREE DATS
ONHY. Call early aod hsve your choice.
Brosch Block
- FAIPi,
n. 8AVLAM.
Mayer’s Mapetic Catarrh Cure. Bteed.
^>7 tetUe
Tte only Oavc
■ ocatotorei wUk «UIM»
met tbeir doom.—at Lotas Bapubtto.
MMedtotoaunta^V^ tete^ttoo. &
8. S. WAIT. linBtol.
raoM mw TM* aArm MAaasTS
Alao ereiythiiig in tb« line ct
Olden bj Phone givai qoick aL
«h*SMi wm.
WORTH NEARLY «200,bo0 000.
r. were badly lojured. BuoOajr
mah. Vrahk Kella was bdalea
into Iraeaalbiinx by Don-nntoB Iron
worttera. and Kelti' fallow wortjnen
vowed venceatice.
ManaAer Skimp
f«arl''K trouble, wboi bti meo «ult work
I formed thirty v ftrty of them In
Hlttabnrc sirecL
iwd had call.....
and four of the marcben wltb draan,
Ac^M CAhb4i> mA • CMPptoUt TM revdecra aaepped to tb* from and or- 1
a«w K^fft Ha* Kat Aw»*d—TmlMi dered the croad back, dual Iben aome
r threa- a moBC Into the eras'd of
OWnOaa to\»i|il—I HuslU.
If ■oyoaknow
tea nine of
Tbe minor detaiU ol h
of It
it are
are »
* eeen «
d> moi and bnas icreea eyed'
la th.---------asd the finer amtmaft
«1> V* «—
of the Ew-b
»!■»«• ^
into the eyee ofl
Uddes In tbe
m» •* Thta Vwn
other jrtrla
7^Irtrl* set
»« favored
lavored qoi
quite eo n
a«a ftea ts. Nmir-«et Terr rea- fial alwc with tail of Other ^-o- bw the qtmertwt aff«t of thi. kind that >
•eeiwea and WaM re* Othen *a Lead, tteeti that wiU Bcvar am the light ^ came onder the Soda, of the writ__ ______ ^
d«Ain. But we know that t^ bm* a*
We are all
wreathe ^
over tbe llli^pralriaA
^t American landlord with dlafa«c.;^^^^„„^^t
i»cr»» the
Be ii aaavutod in owr isindawith the ^ ,
la ct their wmTeijma.
ec waa a pyramid of e
etacked np fn«n flow I
ner of the parior. T
France oedtal to Spain all of that vast
iromenta : twrituiy known as Looiriana. rbldi
oomfot' tttetched from the month cf the Uiiwla-
Suits to Order.
cnorae. at the bue. and tbem t
! S^Tindmd. with I^ofT^S.
-^Picture Mouldings
“ TT.
ddoiu of the t8 litmy cluha:'
which totoMipomthe Fed#raUi.u of W
w\Mi.uto.to. w i.totoftot*—> toto..^to the
—. lake, toMto.—
] tat and (be law troterta bini.
jom,. diOcuU and' «i’a Club* in Eeumoky at a rei
. Prrhapt
...... the
beat example
------------.. <rf .Vtbe ^nawona
y on Jan. A IJM. ueetiaK which they held for tbe pur-;
America landlntd ia AsUr. or mtber xi^^ni«*d ^
tbe diidanoe at *20 pgae of Interchanging Ideas npem club ,
ten Aatota Thoititereata of tbi* famtitu
_ gcO milm. and rntMOn^t work decideeiwiuoug other thiun Co CBKo» Y(rt taxnlly ate io nniueroua and ,Q„mhave prored teat they w«er*- deamr to eaubliah a bird dv in the
' *_
■»u —..a-iw
..'—a —t
citice of
widely a;-.—;,
and na^hly gtxd guemm ..
U waa o«osr- pal
*> yaried in chamcler. that as laa>u<
ed by CaptaiD Engtaiio PUTTU. command- tecatato. Thiawill be
e effert in a
; they
hold away
twer aU
i iruerve the birds The
; cUmr. of
ing. and L»eV*““i
ty. oocupying 'every kind of atmo- interpreter waa Luia Cbevalier. Chiefs preeidema 'ill also use their
a Th.u.i.si.tbo.A»«*aaretrpicalin Ejectumo and Se«iuig-« Ird the 60 !u- to bate lii.Tatnro Bp'S) tbe sabjeot die0 Mtimi'Ut ciitera intoI tl
tlx- nun^ ^ Eux and Kmawahaule aaniinatnrt. aa tlx? beli
Awaited wltb mucli'Internal. Thus far
the British aotbomlee have i.ot t-rn Intomird s> u »bai the cueftremv |ir>>>
po#r» dulsg. At Ibr laine Unto- tbe
Brttlah expert. Pr.,fe**)r Darcy Thomi son. has bad aet cral. long talks with
Porter and HatnUn. and Utra. have been
Cf such a «tlaf..-.ar, nature that It
was believed an amtcable underatandlrwould be reached by
panics coocemed If Oanada abo«-cd a
Want Ads
finuiil Ripidi i Indiui R. R
c!C»fcet An*.
*.a.-r.B. Lr.
Sr. O-B ir.B-.m.
11 la, a OU Tear. CUy | ........i I Sk f IS
IToiioNit*-•*•'1-tribes n^wiTe 66'S|sniah e^nn- ignunint «tf tb-' ea-t dwametien of
this ia uun of ^ miyiag^ent of
,11 ISO men. eelecied with tarda canaol by tbeir bather trimmed
moat n»l ortate in this city.
■ ipedalhdiTencelothrirabUityiowith- hats
to May Piad TAeIr PT*F*rtT If
Aa Unillmds tb« Actura demand the
the ardnuBS ioani<.-T
Merchant Tailoring.
to the top. litis
with the FuiC
immoaae eapacity (or dedtroying auidy,
excepted ermy male viaitcr m add to
_______ _____________ _______
jd a. .pb.. U.
each of the other eoruara d 'tlM rooOL
Uf eourm a mnatMloaa ri'
amdog her eiaiton and admim
adminwt to get
Pg- n„. |lp^ I!-«
teefineatand moat unique natlee aud.^®®
imparted boxes Strange to any. ebe;
mamed a man who had tever added a '
kme box tothe pUa. but be i
destroy nne of tbe nwm I
offrringa <f other fellows —
Joseph.: leant TiamtDeanoenU-
to by a a
lalllade. fi
shots belnt
anea wtu adjourn. Tb. tettna c
rroin the number of ahoia fired Ii la
''.Ueatj- or coiivtsUoi will (olkia the Ucea
W the prupaduoB oonaUkrtd h>- the cooteance and referred ultb favorable wbcBthtehoctlng e^'fiunenced he start'd
rccoBUiMfOdBiioh to the BulhLfltle* at
f" a place
mfety. Be ^aiim t^t
iger mimp.
8l Peterabuis asd Toklu. The eaachlanaaer
T of Berry.
Ual feature uf the Irtao or caavenUan
Utotototototo airito.r.
U for the au>i>.nelun ol pelaclc aeallcc ,ala(r« that
.be dl";:^.
far such a piriud aa K Ul penr.it toe eeaJ f three ahot* Injl
~ . III I*.
■ tvtUr.
Ibt i.ciK<l <
■r Skimp f(T felnnthe arrest
Inna ahnnilne.
Mi.icb Great Jinioin wlU were artWlrd.
O. P. CASTER. Agent.
lUR ina car-1
K,,WlU.ca7 mtarm.U uaorm™. ^ *PPl
<in.dU. li»i to Itol
firat Britain was at war with tbe
United Statu. Sfmiit. UolUsd and
lantu^thltfal. the man bcMila
1 France. Sc Louis was a Spanid. town,
thoT'Iacsrityof them r»«jn*l^'aiid EngilKh oflioera atUtAed it at the
'Z ™“fooTa‘r!?C™
i dice* it la douWfol if many trf na "* bmd of 1,600 Indiana They were debrick OD the left aide of him clearly or judge him fjlrlr. Ao- teted
tetod with litUr uouBle
uouhle and n
trewted. ;
bead, and la aerloualy. tbooch not ' wording aa we arv lH«r'tnorlng day
In n-vettge the Spanish commaudiw
datuterouBly, wounded. Hvery
H»'i— GlUeH;!*
and a# we ieruio rejmira we ate apt At St. Louia whleh Ua people caUed
” '
was ahet thronch the
5! toremud him as a t«t diiagrwahle !*San LuU deHUnoia.“ planned a raid
This a-aa r
cItthey are dua. wilh oufnlfiU
4, to rerwin asd little ,in
eouia-bedreaped. John Jordan had three I knnbui attributew or else tbe
too, o., -toto. oto.to
^|K..uljii a
Ever Barned Oot?
imBaa (aTora and biTitatlcBa
tbe Imiff aya
United 8tetM,BuMi« and Japan
to 8ign a Tra^ About
Them This Waak.
WAabtDStnn. Nov. t—It la anxctvd
ttat a ITMO or ceavaatloB baiwcvo
tlM I'eUad 8tAi<A. Itaaau and Jatao
«U1 be 'tomallr Mcned and asrcaied at
tka ttau dat^imcDt-dunnc the prwM
waak, carT7-'n« out U» propoalUon befare the BrhrlQK aea coaference for a
MVenaloo ct ptiajrtc aeatlng. The pmeab Uhdemjindtns 1« that the alroknc
( tha a.
A ^«nWi Amy came to Cbica«D la
li'e. ....
, At
K t ae Malkoaka {.
K r I4Maac-:«aa
market rate for nats and they dtannnd
oS^^urxiwd uVthrMi*i^
Juneau, ttts. Nov. k^urt b^e h« it the firm of every menth orqoarUT. * to the mouth cf tbe illinuia i- ;
la lu M-Hock CUT
! vaa reli'SStd from tbe atate'a priun _.
le ....{ Cadi.lac
.................antbeoue true be. Sooper than make tectme along tbe tr»ckof tbeFraichS> ........ SeeSCKr
Wtupuo SaniUil D. Roly, of Uu- town
material ctuif.iadolia in. tbejwanant to explDrera aud vovugeia. The runte took I
n-m, the conUdeni'C
. bo paid on a l.uae the Aaftif willMllow
u'litwia river past Fort
a house
D 14
to rviuain racmaL tan <nb aea(Peoria)
i ^
Noria) to
to old
old Fort
Fort 8s
Atuwneya a
*■' ***
an or year twly. but twcCslhiae or Luui* (Smired Bte'
atdt). Here they plant- I
UrSSapd* .
d that belns uoab
Ttnim and If
"eMiy^to I^*cUy they
“ 8'**^ heiant
blood •Caided baiter
of Ayagon
t «t hand the bciimug WIU bo at- ,nd
CaatUe Aoeuturyl
Aotaitury Udoro from tha’
. Detsait.
.11. ...r u .to ,K- to.v ..toS ,hto tototo
PollowlBS the convlct a dlrec- Cored, proridod the ««cUtion of tbe
..mineooe U c*He bad unfurl.BUSISESS CARDS.
S«ed“ iX«
clnl^un cx^'*“ been'di«itw .m tbe neigbbrwhood require* iL It U app^ tee fleur-de-liiof Ftaooa Snb.»iueDUy
in^to tch.
alreate- recovertd nine- eat, Uxjrtdore. that the Aetofa g.* the tee Britiah ^ had wavtd over iL
le» gnld waicfaea and a number of rltiga figures they aak. Tbr*r>ajvnotthe Iiigh- Kinr Old UIiwt waviw there in pesos Cl n BBOWX,-suorary aa4-Cm
diplomsilr dlBcouncry. nut otily
and diamond Plns^»*e fheleJ^lB, ST^id. f« the t^te. lake no
there in pesos
Vnltrd Plate* Imt also to tbe Brttlab
vll Up to thu average.
Pute'a fares toiled in now and ioe
goveTBTlKr.t. Tb« for.lgu oOlce named j
* . . —. ... ■ ■_ to>h-»-.—. — — — — —_
him w ith Profeaaur ThompaoB as as ex- | ^V”.to’^hTr’to.rS'®
powild.'r nqniie* moo-lasur- ^ tbe junction of the K...k.k.v, «,.! /Ill
nwraqi’aihility in unaBta- rb*'. r.__________•r-...—
.~t •i...-'-*..
— -T character ....
. May Oi4*el ta Hawl
1 ideotincatlon.
Tbe prlwner who^- *l» Astmu. Eel.-renoee• aa
) a point weM of
what ia!1 rsBIK K BOBTON. «
PrafeaBorTbompste v
^.bWlcloeedihelnfrrmatlrnleW.T.J. Black- and financial alaiidil
Buw booth Chicago and <
' „«retoM> saaioeauxi^ls Tra^r^tMy!
hlSvDur has reruamed'
II altead
aitead praMpUy u> *11 day or algkl
a four-}'
ooming if y>tuw(Mld U-an AsKir tenant. Uke at iu aouthmi edge
X-y found . aa* aiU
cleeB u. *Wu-(Hr*> Tralm arrlr* lro<B Cleeta-s
taws sovrntoirni-ha*
1:1 Do exiJana- 1
and they murt b.- to^ than iwpe ref, d««Ute rogi.ui of im am.
Markhaw Blork. up'la.
at ^
p; ■.
1 MiaibKis
twn of this sAonr a:
erm^. for tboT will bo invrrtisated
Thence th«7 marched
_________ Ways*. <Awad UapMa.Deuatt sad
Oblivious to all IriquirlcT. It U thuuebt
carefully. If you aro ntiknown <» can~~
the prto«, nrf of IlamItn as tbe Amerl<-aa
lELII A H adL^^btolgaiaabn............................
T . JJI.WU^. Uav*aail:jap.ia.
rsp<rt ir. tbr flrlllsli-AnirrtcaD mcctiBg
may tie tlx- ca'uee of Canada's Icat-tl. n- gtwmioual I
have goLaud that you an-fairly c-r- h>I>otnjlt at thenewsof Uuir apiirtMch.
. wbhm has I
C. ItotOegWOOB
LiCM AailsluirT sprcincally vuied In actiin of being able to meet the runt fiw
,]] ^ tee Mimw IvU into the hand*
c for a meetlBt
o-pUcs the pTuiwiti'
^thiU^.donptti^toMl^.beineadam Tb^ proclaimed the i
that H waa to be one l-eleccn "exierts".
an AkUw hooM' You will bo refused.
.ivunignty 0# Spain ov« lUiaraviiua
lo ILIa end tbe Brltliih exi-ett ThorapwiB
divided thc.rturea Alter testing »*■<>“■
Aa a matlir of law. the Artiwrcnt
and the Cauadtan rxpen MacoUD were
mils if auecouM'airarocoiiivs of thi-m.
ealhvy bogtn Iheirreturu luaruh ,-t-.r s s <UTB1 PhyaidaB asd Santwe.
aamnl It.ftoHtig expected that tbe Tnlted
w.pild bo an cxt^l^mt ooimu. rciaJ <U- q,«y ,i,; t„utrrontc- Tber nwched bL I ;M
Stau-^'WouId.rjirre a> lia expert I*n>wnory. far more r-liabl.-wiibin the Louis in aaf'-tyafiir a midwintvrmaivh
-V '
llamllc was named,
Ttk. H n. (IkBXKK. Aaraaoe. O'tor PiTal
luml.d Bphete jarbaj*. than anything «f »BrjT I.4W) liiiU'S through a hewtile-------hjw-aver. and It Is underalood that this
JJ N.iir«ia1 teak. Tsdephoa* IB. %.aeial
A Vii x.-d rather Ir the light of namlrix ObMUtaaluKSi. UnUSBY BLlLPUtA. w.
eviT attonipud ill ili:« 4-ity. Kiutoty-five
Kiu'-ty-fiv* einuitry.’Tbeylmd
Ru* va*-ualii«. and , Btitoutuio __________
itodiau>M<ir«yii.<ar. auseaodtnnwl.
a counselor. 01 diplomat, a# tbe Ifr.lira
per evot of the ; .ranua^how uamw are ;g,,b«vd
States rcpre*enlalJ\-e. rather iban an
fhey agreed to pay CJ,r.«itoL
e vesler. <• ihidu pay
P"F the rent
I *» • M........
• aa tan........
Otoa. City Opera H
on the .fiTKC (fi rTery m.ailh. Tboae ob j
S t»
S.-Ji-iJsr'.'sss.” •
toutotot. toto EUptoui. rtJET lito Miowrt tb.;Ki;'.ssr~
.■S2fa£-::: ...(
Chicago •- -to to to..
West Michigan.
■ p
o, to.,™;."... p„, to.' jr
7 «...
*•» **»,..
the roll* wbo do not disappear when;
———i'rrr ■ H.FWTEE.
a. r. a
fio mvt.tluB la made in tbe coeventten
----------------their l.uwto arc up or before if pooxible. j
It la an inlenaiiuig fact 10 the rrwwda ' W .
of Ulr kminx of seala In caae Grtat
•Caek KaWa" Kaorhad Ilia OaS
The Aston, are mit hard landlordi. but efi scieuufic fwogrem that the Uwted | ^has a nsvER-AtiM
Britain and Canada do. not <v-cperate.
Londoo. Nov. 1. — At ExrelMor halL
teey are v»vy iTudnaaalllie, and tbe die- Bmia* navy has far a Img time part j C Lma i B lUlkm Bkwfc.
2i U polr.ied out tbal RUasla amd Japan Belhnal Green. Docd.ui. Ian evrrurg.
poaema preardiug is reoarted to when- been dropping bonles ovntcard in the! ——■
steps Rclilnsor. alias -pock Robin." the ba.
nvtr oocasico (iomanda
'Atlantic pooao at the Aacoca. in deep [ O. teateaadCM
aealiist Canada, aa they have do border ' ney pugilist, defeated "Pat" Dal>.
Tboogh of Ouich stock tbe Aator* water aldbg tbe
of Bpain and from ;*»* Btoek.
Irtereeis wlHi ber. Any action against Amert<-an. In|a ahi rp rantetl; ^baiy
. Canada. ih< refete, must be taken by general
generally forrid the '.ghtlng. which was have DO freliug of trietKiUnos for the the Hadvita and tbe Cananea aouththe I'r.lted State* alone. The pUe of very fl
Rut 'Cock Uquor trafDc. Tbe aaloon keeper is tiot ward along the coast of Africa.
.... MOUyaaa Ek Rafads
MlUng o
. baa beetf-enbcdled RoMb" put IB
of Ihe seaU
« epiendid body w.nk WAtited. •wen at the high rates be offtra fact that all thew. Uwtles that
in the l.ltl 1 efore coDgreay. but It baa at clu* quarters
gad neither is ane other aort efi teaant bnu nxovered ^v« been found ou the
.. t«*.a. ............. •>??•«•
ttjt rOBito bef ae the cti-fornce as s Mep
At. Tra»ata« Ctiy T M *J. .
who U likely to clash with the puliee. ooart of tiouth America on tbe AnulKISCELLANEUU8 WAHT8.
now to Im- takce by tin- allKd |4i»er>.
From iimo p. time, of coenK!. pa-noor lea and wane of them a* far west aa
Foster imvc a reveiT-.I.n jesterdsy to
J Emm. Aa«*a.Tr*»waa
r deaths from iafloeosa were re- Dot in larur with thv auihoriii'w crei.p tbs tnunth tfi the Bio Urande. attggrstt
tbd Rua -an. lappees - ai.d Urittsh dels,
into Akuw propirtiia but when diaoor- i the Inferetm- that er«gy booyant uliject
gates ar J-kr>FHa. rn;ft,.»,.r Thotnpeon
was tires, m. but the Brlilsh embasay
R*" Fra*>'“'* WllUrd I* pUUBln:
«ui they arc oustod as qniokly and as wbieh has b>e^‘n dronxd into tbe on-aa
offlrtals were not rv|rvS4'nted owing I
------------- -qnicOy aa pomibla
during the jm-Msii goultafioal epoch by
>nih of mourning iinpiwed by tb*
Evanston. III*,
80 far aa improvements go, the ««tate*
^ .............. —
Fowler W. Pope, one of tha (oMen looath of tbe Duch.wa of Te«:kiB^iilRaiae
bihind tnauy of the other large tuguow or Ainixuu has fiwid ita way 1' pW>B^RS!«^^^^M™a«il.
e^g RgM -a
To lak* eOsnasaday. Jaaa IB. imr.
ie)mot}ve engtOtovr* In the Onlted SJatvW
to Amfrico and beoi MnnOod acane»»»■ *^
at I MIe'etsek a rt.
died at Hants Crux. Cal.
le tmt
Being mistaken f<rr a burglar Rer«alaa F*.dne Bid la by £»••
..............................to, ... . <;-adat 8..oth'Cbi- nifutofthc------------ ,
rag., by hli frltotid. Jlartlij Krlpa
ow'diuply nnptogreeaivc. and it ia hard- I northcTU t««
Omaba. Nov. 2—Tbe Union Pacific
The ar.nual r..n>umi>ti<.n of wheat In ly np to what might be exprePd of it < caurunU run tbe other way. and
- road proper. IncludlDg tbe bundlngi
Auatn-iiufigar} I* iw>.no.(4M bu«h>U. ' yet It is nige^ in d,.-fiaiBe of this policy mails have tweo delivered from Ainen- ^m’AS'VrB-Toexeaaaxe. axoos work k«e*e
•nd aU that goes to operate tbe aysiem.
but thi* yrar'a crop U trai than lU.OOO.- (bat vaiiona Kvtima of the city in . ca to.Europe. In Cbc t^cifle orean tbe
was yxsterdaj n:umiDg acid to tbe reor- ;
OM burtitoir.
which Altar bnlOings are larae aro atdaily luatU delivered on tbe wi«t coast
ganlsstlon cummlittc fur tbe aum .of
xt *b<re
Wh-n Chb-f Klpley. of Chicago, rennAerBoinTa chanae and that i «fi Amcriew trum Mount St. Eliaa south- ' WB UAUt-Oo- Ira bai.
__ ______________ llaamaeoak A>
$jdA2>LU;.*( ThU BiDuUBI does 001 In
tiim. from N>« York be will find bit S^ioMJi^priaiein characue will 1 ward have procewded Ifom about the '^7fi~
*. The*a»ecaabe*MBMeama«
clude the sinking fued In tbe bands of.
oltby W'ltfaovi a caryx-t. Some peraons ^
trouble with ^ twentieth
parallel north, in the vicinl- i at couaimaalaoa O* VVoal Mrvei. Trare
te parallel
the guv*tT.n.eBt. and asking Ihla to be
«miB*Uo*U«eer (nr ea*k. I
h—irwatod ! re ifi ike
and archi;»'l-'
e Ualae
Malay UMinsnla
•Ltel.WO, tbe an.ounl suied In the gov- Biole the carpel.
I bare traveled through
na*t JordaB.
ornnirr.l d.vrxe cu\-ering the sale of Uieand (bo Japanuec sea to pick
rnad. the total paid for the |>ro|ieny wa* frem a few iMId tree* on bl* farm aud bold* them in clioct. while BiiaUer and
|«.6«.»t.:.Te There werr DO other hld- sold ahem for n pet bushel.
dwdgnod tor (bo weatofu
; weaker men take the_rlA. and often
Ber*. and Ihe road went to the teorganlIn a flt of drapondchcy caused by lack they atand in the way ffi prugreas by
aatlun committee wuboul *fiy bppoelof work cniarte* Gulbeck. of Ptwaukec. preMtlng' immense block* of property
I'la. made an unMi-rrasfui attempt to direetly in the line of great inipruvt^Tbe sale
th^rewd waa la Itself.one
nd h!s life by taking rat potaon.
manta If change* are cITectod all around
cf the most tame and tmtatereaUjig prrThe monthly statemeBt of tbe director teem they wiU alter ■i*0| but they are
tomiarrvs |to.iaslb1e to iDiagIne. It was
_____ Thia gas, aa domribed in inven
Ul* laM » do aa,
adveitiito-<l lu take place In fn.Bt of tbe of tbe mint ahows that the coinage cx(ion aad originated by H. Becur de____ ____
. iadividual reiMlta.
Unloii pavinc rr.iKki house at the jum- ecu>ed dunng (Vu.l.er. IWT. aggregnied
fhvi of MimteOamoM. Italy. U obtained j
tion of Nlrlh and Jone* atreeu at II
aa follows: Lime aa pure a* possible it u^SioaL c'clork. and it waa Jurt erne minute after
■ah bat they .. .........................
".toS .7^,1,; BtetoJto.Uto,
employed as a base, oolopbooy and eal-1 Saamoomco.
that lime whee llaster InCbancery Corg what they prumim. Usually residua carbide ta-ing added—1.000 partaj ma aAUtBish. who was to art aa auclIoDeer. look eredllorv of tbe Beyaiooe Nattoual b
dawea are put in ord« before tbe:
of Wert Huprrlor. Wtato making In a
ot tbe mixture ready f<g «“» oooaiatiag | ^ bom.
epositr or ehy peopeny. Haant gora in. and tboi tbe oooui
per cent
of WO of qulcklima. 60 of oolopbuoyiS^
Morris McKinney,
of Minneapoiia. one »a*
has got to be
TOT (carefnl.
cKinney. or
db *07
mwul Itbnotex- i „h m trf oaictnm iMPbide—and tbare is T^oa^aiA-SM acre* «r Uadra U»* t**»
and 60 (fi calcinm mrbide—and (bare ia I po>
ef tbe oldest logging op
_.to___ ■_________ to li.Xil.'to tof tototoltotoi— hto
Win BaU la<h.TcMpia.
•* 3
S' !S
:: SSi :::::::: JSfi
■S’ -
BoSalo. Nov.
lira Cars*'* report
•. C. T. U. Tempte at CStlcago
ocedings .
gtrorgly In favor of relaInlog t> conlrelIng tmervat In that property. Altei
oonrtdcrable drbatr and a number of
inottoos one to adopt the rejort waa
eurrted raslly. Ml» Willard lald '
^an wa* to go to some rtcb pei-ple «bo
had been frleDdly wttb her and ask
them to help ber. A rraoloUcn waa
than Hdvpted to support the alfon to
••mve the templa"___________
is i sr srs
He wa* «
fl«ta Qirecuy.
arecUy. tn(^
; Uleraof
Edison procera fra aepa- MM
»i«« o< gdaata I»w-« of « "illU- 1
rating Iron from low-grad* orra by elee- «««na upmi wnvm btiwirw m *wn ; rioter* of wat*. and tbe pbotometrio , T
trtdu- BOve yesrwoldand that be ilh* atrucfuroi atand. This kind <fi bufltog
«g tee flame ii stated to he
to— .. ,_________
______ . . —..................................
92 ^
~tito toarA
Ixyars, whUe
while the mme
The number of Immigranu arrived In the family, and tb^ only have to do |
^ eulcium mrUde employed
tha United State* during the Oral three with it » far a* receiving
wouM givotmly 18 candle boora.
month, of the present flacal year wa* mota are oaneemed. Dwtilinga in givwt _
to——.^i the new su is 60
last year.
General Ramon BInneo's flret act aft«
NsTVaaly K*rap*ri aa Awfal MIk.
r be
he wa* awtirn
aworn »n
In as go'-ejuu,
governor a<-uei*4
Houghton. Mlrh.. Nor. t-Ftr* broke of Cub* waa to laade a proetarviiion
out In tbe Central mine ytrterday aft- preimirtng a noUcy of geiwrosity and r*e
The tuloer* aacended to tbe form, but announcing a atere detat»
•urlAce *1 once. Later U wax dlawv- mlnallon to crush tbe fcbelllos.
General A. 6. Welasarl. of Ullwauk.>e,
errt that Frank Hianton. agent of lb*
mine, with his falher. John Stantmi. st and iQeoeral figo' Vandervoort. of
New Tork. aecTeUry 'of tbe •»Bptny. Omaha, each an ex-comm^er-lo-chief
and Wllium A. Fiyne. of Boaton. were of the Grand Army of the Republic, and
otlU In the min*. A reUtf party dteorud- OeDersl R. N. Adama of
hare just paenred ttOM a
edand by
......................... ... ................
d tha imprianned n
In tea coast regloo o‘
fb atealM eataruM 1*
erch Blgh erhaaatdd,
wa’si.'Aairais.'toJS —
I yearly too
a and boteU areohitdly
•___ ,
roduoen aside fttn tea
»b« ini^ prorti
leasehold pn,Y»Ttiv*
How much tbow rents
hap* only the Aston can tell, but
re^ estatoof the two Imicbe* «l tee
fomily ix worth nearlv *200.000,000,
,*oi«ding to a reaicnvatiee
gufl m^ (fi It 1* remtod. If it av(
J ■
SibE-t ■iwae.m«f^.M;M
ci y.«. o. * a I. «o**:«p *****. ■aaser
The adrertirtng oolatnhi of legitinmM
■ewiipapMS'are now regarded by th*
O^paaymore iatelligtait and thiifty. portloti <fi
the pahUoasaa unerrihg b
tbe dhamonr. eaergy and
prwtete tee
t at etna mm
> CBy Lawhw
'itSi—Money to Loan 2.
Oa iaiprvrsa rttyjeapartrFASOHUI * oaocsn, Atwawsy*.
FintTeu-oKo. 167.
akvies o«
emoiA2< rjkrwM
Viopaaad PUa of Ballnada asd Tfma.
Liaato Tiaaafar Frodaeta of Bar Folata to Boada
and Oaptato ByAeM to to the dtr with
0»W>rs lua MtlM ftll kte
hto barge WhHe Star. whleyarriTed
Mtnla b«« uldiur
amui la tUa
aday with bar bold AlW with
c—aaellwi wttU Iba' 8«prft coort
shkU b»*« readpred iU dMlaloa. Dap- BBFOTT OXFFOBD wnrOMD SlB Inmber from Croae Village. She wiU
tsfcs OB a daek load of poiataes for
atj Oaaaa an« Flak Waniea Knaalmsa
Baflalo, where ehe will go to Mmi
raealyad aotka to tk»t aflaet jaatarda^.
toTaotarday wUhthoBobtoacm.
Perprlaad a Fopular ICarebaat.
Konia«-Oaa AU^ad Thtod Slaia
aad Aaotbar Oaytaiad Oriantuad
A happy auiprtae was predplUta last
•eaalag apoa Mr. aad Mia Bmaaaal
Sane of Daapwadoaa Biou^ to
> Xat Death by a
Wllhola. at Ualr pret^ boM oa bat
Oriat \
Sthsmet. The par^ was artaapad
Tar^ Lake. So*. A-A aboektog aeMkA.. No*.' A-A
ky tke esaployee of the store of WU>
to Oamatrafody ‘waa aaaetad to thto TUtofa
belto Bros, aad Mr. WUholsB tha'i
rank mill wbkto rasaltad to the death
of the aatoolahad taarehaat. Tha early thto saoralar. Asa teaalt Will- of AlonaoTHaworth.aa employe.
eeonlBC waa a happy oae aad the anidead. uUled by a bullet froB|.a rwlrer wae trylag to put oa a ball with a
stick wkea the atlek eaaght to the fly
to the baudsa of DapnVy SkarlS Qiaord
Tbs daad borvlar ing belt and atfnck the man ia the
of Tl
a killed Bide, toflleUng aa injury which nanjw
while tryiad to eecape arreet. For ad to deaU to a few momaata.
day. tbe oSoen bare keen hoi oa tbs lea*M a wiie and thioa chUdian.
A Mttarof tker
to Um lanaan aad ahlppm
Mar t7 tko kay porta to baUff a«tooal7
•eoMldorad by tba raUroad oSeiala aad
<topt. Wakk. awa«af ttia Traaatae Bay
UMOfataaaara Ckpt-Wekk ralaisad
yaatarday (n» Gtaad Bapkto wkera ka
baa bees to aouBltetteB with the offi_^to of Um T^roada oeoteriDy at tb4
-pOlat. Tha plaa aodar ooaaldaR
WILL DZOTATB ADXIHIBTBA. (ua#k tiuU. Joe Boee. oae of the
to \tba aatabltokBoat of a
traMfar ferry be twees Traeana TIOM OF OBBATBB MXW TOBX gnuf. wae Jailed at Fnakfort Uat
nirht. Lew MUler was captured by
•aty aad all the priaoipal Bay
▼Ax-wiox zi.Bona> BT PLti- Skertff Eoon*bere Uto BMistor at
pelBtt for tbe aklpaeat of all klada
—bit brother Willard was
' frelfbt frtaa laeb polau by
BAUTT or 100.000.
shot- Tbe ehoottod oocurred at 6:J0
to tke aaslera. weatera or aoatkara:
narkata Tkto traoafer llae would be
aa inqueet i^as held this afternoon.
no to oaoBecUeo wltk the TraToraa:
SherUt Kooa ease froa I'mnkfert
Bay Uae of ataatMra. It would aeoeabefore daylldbl thto asomlud Md.
aittte tke anplaymeat of beary traaaBBBOLT IV OHIO IS IM DOUBT. gMkcr with Deppty Gilford,
- - rd.rfi
for boattoapaM*
boldlny perbaiM
to the house of Edwurd Booth, whei
tea pradoaeaeara. Thete would be
ruB troB the dock hero dlreelly oa to Keatueky*aSileer Damaoiut Blaeted— they found both tbe men. Lem Miller
BepubUoaaaBhow Seduced Kajor- wae found in bed. but Willard was up
tbe Write aad taken to potato where
Itiea to Beraral Statea—Bxdtlac to and partly dreaaad. When lha ofliciato
.Modad. there raa oSoa aide Iraeka,
,ndar, XJ^WmaFad
Haw Tork aad Detroit But Klaeleaded aad ratanad here to eoauaet
todSpd m^e
with the rallrood liua A 'oonwhara Tary Outot and Lidht Totan. out of a bole to the buUdtod apd
pnty '^6rd
a break for liberty. Deputy
paraUrely aaiall ooat would pul ia tha
ordered bim to atop or be, wv
tide tracks aeedad at tha aeratal p^to. Bpn..lsl loTeiNDUUsa aaconn
Dalroit. So*, t.—In Detroit, with tea He daahad around tbe house aad start. Thaboneatotolhofar«erandahlM*r
would be itTeai. Yesterday poutoee
run aad bepu firiuf to the
brouffat U to M crau la IVame City: of Maykury (D
ukea, thonrb It taatllls
atSuttoos Day. Noribport and ather by nboat S.flOO. Tbompaoa (Demoorat) |
r runs tar ahead and wiU dark he sras unable to diaUugntoh tbe
bay potato the;
_ . wllhoqt
haeeabautt.ooomajority. TbaBepuV. fugiU*p- A shot struck Miller to the
Tbto Ihroach n
put tha pries {ISeaa eaadldatea for city clerk and jns- left ahooldar lodgiag to a *ltal part;
are probably eleei
eleetod. He ooDttoaed to run uuUI te'rnn
of potttoee or any other farm prodpet
bmatod to the ouwide marketa up to Kina Republican and nine Democratic against a barbed wire fence- which
eary near tha Travetae . City firma. aldarmen are eleetod. maklag a gain of threw him to the gwruad. He breathed
This trnnafer Uaa would also opan up a I't-;wo for the Dsmaerata la the oonneiL bis last soon aftm.
Lam MUler wae taken to tha village
Oreater JTaw Toik for Tammany.
dfraet markat for fmita, bark. Uca.
posts, lumber, and any aad all farm or
Sew York. So*, t.—BepubHcanaom- jaU and locked up.
tenat prodneta for which thara to a Wde the . eleeUon of Van Wick. | The dead man was twenty-eight
market by raU. It to to be hoped \he the Tammany candidate for mayor,
Tbe' three mas. Joe Boas. I^m Millar
plaas now proposed may ha earrled nearl* lOo.ooo. Henry George. Jr., cut
but a small figure to the *ote. Indlca- aad Wmard Millar, are tough ciltoeM
in Mats
We make Mato aaj color yottwant
—to match the monldiog and har
monize with the picture—It make*
a swell combination—Seethe mIots
,we carry in stock.
X3C- Two lor to*.
Oyatara dirwt from BalUmoru a1 waya
s> hand. McLaUaa A Ash. Uf-tf
MiiiraiT Bi-moTm n o*.
It’s your money's worth
that you want.
A-Full Third
of your life is speul in bed. It is well
to hare that eomfortabie.
make it so at a rery lUGe c
" 1, bra.
■xtra good Woreo Wire Spring '___
e for fo on. If you araut
______*ou a"go^ aalld wall
bad aad an extra good Spring for g:.T&.
tfaos are that Sew York 8t«W also
tic by u safe plurality.
rtleular crime for whlcb they are
electing Parker, democrat. CbM Jus
Popular rWranm City Olrl Taken by
tice of the court of appeaU.
Tong Mas Prom White Cloud.
-ks they hare traveled
. Port Huron Bapoblieaa.
by wagoa. stealing wbererer th-y
^plmauntweddlDgoceniTed yaswrtiberlff Hall arrived today fiom i
dby afternoon at TS8 Waahtogton aireet. ' Port Baron, So*. S-—AU repnbUeun
Detroit to galbar in tbe priaonera '•
Him Oliee Morgan, daagbier of Mr.
marriadtoKte*ro-. repoblieaa. for may-er, will
/ and Mra M. D. Morgan.
J Mr. Ctorl H. Van Aukp- 'ofWblte'aoud.i^’;^ shout 300 orer Wenmafi. demoThe earonerk inquest waa ^Joumad
antil one o aoak today.
chnsetts Xsjerity Badnoed.
by Be*. J. C. Van Auken. father of the
‘brldagioem, to fhe prearnca of tbs Im
Boston. So*. f.—Waleatt. repoblknn.
mediate ralatlrea and friends. Many is lo-alacted govarur o*«r WUltoto^
Thera vrill be a regular oenvutlon .
Uc. buMby rednoad maj^iy
of Travwne aty Lodge. No. 73 ttmight. ;
.year. 5
pruaente of china and aUverware.
Work to the third rank.
Dainty rafrmbmante were . served:
rpnblieu Loan to Iowa,
Will Bbaer. J. F- Hoover ud Cageae ;
after which Mr. and Mra TanAokan
lines, Iowa. Nov. S.—The vote
departed lor their fotura home at to the state U very UghL Thera are OorneU went to CbdlUae tost night to ;
Join a hunUng party en roote for the I
White Clood. aeoampaalad by Be*, and
heavy republieu loaaas which may northern peninauto.
Mia VanAuken.
lit in the aieetkm of damoerata
The Bridge Bullderm will meet, vrithi
They will bear rrtth ibem aa abaitdto Hamilton eouty.
Miss Kate London this eeantog at 7:30
ananofeongratulatioiisandweU wtei-:
Betoras from about l«0 preelnete to
ea from the many friends of Miss Mor wra abow a net democratic gain S3 a-eloek.
Aa totorasttog mil
gan to Traverns City; she wlU be paria each preeiact. At that rate tha m- program will be given.
tieularly miseed by the targe circle of pnblicah plurality of last year would
The regular meeting of the W
aonng people, her amoclatea, by whom be cut to lees than is.ooo.
MisaioB elrtde will be beld at the hrme
of Mra Northrop. M7 Wehetor etreet
Pres BilMr to Kantndkg.
thto alteraoon at 3 o'clock.
l^anlsvllU. Ky-. So*. 2.-The allver
OfifieUM WUl Hut Dear.
William Beltnw shipped another <nrsmomats have undoubtedly carried
A diattogntehed party of dear hnntara
the sute by uaafe majority, aleettog. load of the cboieeBt potovoes to be bad
will leave the city this momtog for tbe
to tbe DeteoU Bouse of CoTrectlon yeeelerkofsupremsoaurt.
' upper pentosBla. where they wtU hut
terday. He baa shtnwd thai far 4.400
'Tu Burau does Dry.
for a few weeks- The party te eembushels.
Paw Ikw. S(»*. 2.—At the aleetion
pmed of Jnage B. L. Corbett. AlderThe village of Maatoa will affect
asan F. C Deamoad. PromUng Attoi^ Monday Van Ilurnn ooauty voted by
again thto saaeon ud to
aeyJ.J.Tweddle.CityAltomeyP. C
OUbnrt and Attomev George H. Oroaa.
conteau I
shipa voted dry ud tba two oombtoad «•*»»*•«
Travarm City team.
ooly gave 79 majority for Ucenae. Iba which to n
XZOHIOAH HAPUE 00. Tha reserve aeat plat for the High!
majority to l.OOO larger tbu at Ue last
frill be placed i
'Was ZHaaolviNl to thto Otty Yaa local epUeu alaelkm iu tbe oouty.
tba City Sewu staad on Saturday momtarday.
Pualoa to Vehraaka.
Liaeolu. Nvb.. Nov. 2.—Thirty pre- iter. November «th. SoparaaBwUlba
At a maatlng of tbe Michigan Maple
allowed to reaerve more thaa five aeata.
Immba-Oo. held befT yaeteiday. that ciaete Iniialde of Ltocolu had Omaha
Tbe three Cartier hmthen, Mr. Hhertodtoata 'the daetioo of tba tnaioa
-ergaaisaUoa was formaUy dtoaol
maa aad Cemgrttoamn lUahapk private
Thto aompuy was orgulsad to thto atoto ttoket by not leas thu lt.00a
secretary. Mr. Cnrtla. of LodtogtM«lty to Fabmary. 18M. and wns •
Ohio to DoubL
pamed through tha city ymterday on
poaad of tha leadlug hardsroed m
OtoetoaaU. Nov. 2.—Bapublleaaaoen-taotanra whoM mills are tributary to cadad the elecUoa of Damoeiatie bou- their way to tha upper putoaula after
the lake porta of northwaatam Mick- ty and legtolaUve ticbete io Hamlltoa ear.
Um aoppar anaoaneed by Amanda
canaty by about 7,oaa Trmaeadoua
dumoerntie gatoa. Betursa from the Hive. L. O. T. M. No. 331. for Friday
atote are maager but the rcaulu eaaaot evanlng <.f thU week, kaa bean posV
to Friday. November 12th, wheu
Latgaat Baoadpta of Potatoaa of Ajiy yetbctoUmatod.for govornar baa about 3W majority it will be given ia tba Foreatam hall,
One Day Thto Baaaoa.
tmm i to 9 o'eloek.
mr Buahnall.
The price of potatoee ymterday
Tha Boynl Nelghboto of America
Bavtoul flocki of wild gaeoe making will give a tan-<«a\ supper at their
ranged from Si to »8 oenta par bushel,
though one load brought 41 easts. Tha thMr wny aouthwurd were noUeeahle hall to Hnatagna buUdlng thto
receipts to tbe city axeaeded any 'pre- last night and lha night before.
iag from 1 to 8. An antortalnwanL
vtooB ay of tha aaaaan. tha total
teuxloal and otharwtae, will ha given
Ohiokgo HarksL
amout betog lO.OOD boahali At ana
tree after tha aupper.
Chisago. Nov. S.—aoaad—Wheat—
time S8 loads were oouted oa I
Tba Womaak Boma and Foreign
November. 90c: Deoamber, Me; Jan
Ikaionary Boda^ of tha Coagra
uary, 94Ve: May. 93K9)(cIVBT&UOnOVB TO DBFUTXHA
Oom-Sovembar Me: Deoamber. al church wUl meet with Mru. OviatL
9th and Uke avenue. Wednaatci;c: May. Mkc.
day afunaon at 8 o'clock. Tha
•tote Game aad'Fiah Warden OMwn
Oata—NovamboA 1#H«
ladtoa of tha ohnreh are ganarully toAwaits Bnprama OanrOa Daetoien.
ber. 19Sc: May, 21K9XCPork—Novambar. fl.flO; Daeembar, vlud. Ught refraahmeata wQl be
Peadiug the acUon of the .Supraa
Opart on the Injuetloa nrooaedtoga a J7.00: Junaiy. *3.U.
Laid-Novambar, Si.iO: Daeembar.
faetbr tbe <
le Warden Chaaa A •Lti.
w. slater
No matter how cheap a pritx yon pay, if yon
get a poor article, it's false economy. Es
pecially is this true of CLOAKS.
We take a pardonable pride in our immrase showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and
Children’s Good Cloaks—which is the
Greatest Cloak- Stock in this region, with
pri<^ named on them that make this stock
Pay a v^ to
our busy Cloak room.
BaUtUa SiyOetdAOnpat 3sd OeUdagSsuA
^A7 unm
128^:32 Vrost StrMt.
we an aaUtog *00 pain
Ladies’ ' Fine Shoes
Oaanllie Kid ikto, New Toss, regular
*2.00 Shoes,
JLT $1.60 Uh. FATR.
M can. Thafawhatwe^
Bnt we always blow for
The ‘Best’
hl^ bttkB va up in quali^ and ptloe.
Hannah & Lay Co.
When a
to ou>
It won’t b« mBkingnaore gpot ovor your hipa for tho
rwmon thBt It won’t bo broken thero. THAT’S R
vontoffo, ian*t it? They ure $1—only ono Btoro in- town
koapo thorn----
W Jil UAVHl .A.
Ladies’ Boi and Kangaroo Calf Sboe for $1.50
Also Gent’s Box Calf inrtmble cork .Shoe at $2,50.
Boy’s and Yonth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.
“ ' ■
m MOBHnra
M f'lA. Bwtl^ faAfa buma
SpohAOC. WAfa.. NdV. t^AA tb. I»-
A fKopof excTted women mod a miB
AAolph Dkfv WU «p AtAin U
or two WAM AtAOdlBg fa tfa (MTABOA
4»i«ntaf 4wl»» th*Are ABd fa UfcplAf TbeyttkiBttbAttfabodytf A gtrl—A
trWD A wfadBWWAAfadly fajwd.
jrOtlDK AOd ptAlfa gill—fad faoD OAirlcd
in not long tetm. 6fa fad faon foAad
flctttlBg in tfa SetBA- -A CAAA.at nicklA.
old-time gmmwer. waa afat three Ome*
and profaWy faiaUy woanded. “Flakey*'
Of. S.) Barnett.manager of tbe theatre,
bad a Bager abot oS and bb face Bllad
with fatreed powder. »-hll* Ut wife bet
ter known by the atage name of Ida
*. EAfTw J- wf SAxm.
ClartoB. received a ballet thKogta her
Aboulder. ________________ y
t. W. aw*. EdlW Md MaiMnr.
TottUr Z>wtfoyAa ABd TaIbaUa
BA.h —bbte Bre.B daa
felt aorty I bad nrged Urn
XtU PropAity TbrMfanAd.
Deadwood. B. D.. Kov. A-Tbe foot
agaifat bU wULfor bb face waa aa ' Belle Poareh fank nbbrri overpowered
Netblng battar
PMMkey. Not. C.—At 4 o'clock tkta white arcialk
Wb. B«5m Finaatl ever wore.
. and, hia maonerwutfat,j O
m. Lawreooe eounly JaU*r and hb *1fe
Oao. LaBM»-Wora it two wintam Like Ik
MOnfac CobMaWo'4 AUAn Uasdry was of a man walkiog in a dream.
^ ewaped into the hllb takfag with
* tvnumm Moore, a negro murderer,
Paagg BNOacn-Yoa bet it b all right Wontda'tdo.wttboat %
‘•It temloded
be avid, after we .
dlAootAred to fa fa flAmcA. ABd It
■ Carr. C. .A. Wm>-<}iT*a good eatbloettea.
fad walked tome little wey. and fa j Tpe robbere an meoibetn of (be deaper-'
Travaree Cily. Mich. Oct *7. IW.
■eeiDod better,
cutbwa and wi
wi, “of a girl who waa! ______
f gang
w%MD «nJ*T.
cm 0>PC
0 ago fa
*'The HaKikTOii Clotsuo Co."
dpowuid a good
ago. Pw- mptvred only e '
^ fc*torfaa,~'-“~good many
many yaam
yaane fattle.
Mootane after a a
GasU:—I AB weU acqaAfatfa with tbe ■‘JAt«a”Uederwear, and I want fa give yon my beartleM endoraAniaDtaf them
aea'med almoal oartafa fa go doAplU
'TbeyareeoaortaanottolrTitotetbBtendenAtAkfa. They afaorb the
tbaharofaetetaoftbeflraman. Hawt. W. Sfaur. tfa E«
Bobtara ao perfectly, and prvvent tfa aodden cooUag. or ebangea of the
■' ley A QalBlaBb factory WAA d%Bagedelb the St
famperatare of the body, (the oiaal caaoee of cold*). If yoa cab get
A. for riitUe Boney.
firnt claaa a
“entiteol,” waiting for dinnor.
Ben and women of thb piece fa wear them r Inaiead cf tfa ebiap eob
I am aoeb a thoroogb fogy now.”
fan good*) there will be but little compblntef naaal catarrh, congha.
etc. Another point tn^^hHr favOT. they dp not ahriak aa eaoat
Mm EvAAtIKUSA (faRBOA tfa fair
Motiee t» Soldiarh.
Sow A Tight Cor Often fa lAdlagtoB tbe big Voltaire chair intowhieh I bad
OAfaB who WAA meuAd t«M JaU fa
a and aUI who deaire
BpSttnaLgr, M. D.
fotood him. “that 1 dare *>y. Prank,
Waa EottlAd.
Adjoated., I bog fa anBataba ABd who on far ArritAl fa tfa
yon braid hardly Imagiiie bm yoong
UdlAgtOB. No*. *.-Tbe LndfaffaB
.bat I will fa at the Botel
A fa thb
aud fairly good looking.”
MtofficA wmr bAA boea AAttfad 1b a
•'Yoo forgot.” 1 aoawered, ‘‘thal
Tory pecallAr mABBor. SAtardey Ooo- we .were both tolerably yoong when ..w-.-.. i. when .
a* re<jotrad.
BlAboy faofa A caU -fa tfa Wf firet made aequainUDce. And. in Attend to penalon bo»lnrfa
fair AAZofhArAdaipfadeoaAtoT fa Afopinion, yon are good looking now.”
Ildtorof PeoiteB
ffatfag the tM ol tfa powder puff, el‘Oh. yre. to yon. perhopa Bat oooid
•ested the fafaroAtA of BndaoA end
tkOAgb fa lAthAT AB AMAfanriAh WAJ.
yon imagino me a man with whom a
thAt aixty «nt of tfa girl—pretty and much aoBgbt after—
woold faU to.lore? Yet ao It wat, and I
fa hb think 1 ebAll feel lietter if 1 tell yon
aCtat. faA kept op bar ropAfattoe far
t-A frtesdA ABdiA oosaeqBcaUy BbODt it tbu evening."
laBlMAM Dnrfag tfa alAOttoM fa
PcABkfart yefaardAy only two depati*a rary wrathy. Th# gAtber^ag waa held
‘ Tellme byallm-ina.”IeakL "I
Md two rfatera wore killad: bot the fa B hall ABd Mr. Bbbop Atefad the #b- Bevt-r knew before yoa ware a maa with
BtmCfa CAABOt fa ABBOODOAd UtU ^ottbeBaeting. A rot* waa fakoB
He amibd rather mdly.
tba bAlABoe of tfa Afala b bcArd froB.
"Whobaa ngt a otuty? Onlywedo
CABCOA while McMABtor recaieec'
EcirnA tTAB UeorgiA Are BWAgre. toUA. EadioB WAA tbcB declared the »« happen to know it I don't aapptew
that we who have failed in life ei re^K-blnitnMB* le
Durtmr ter
fat tba UtMt AdtietA fadfatc a tepM eoeecAAfol AiplrABU________
garda bapplneae ure in tfa minority
AdTABOeiBAatof cirUbAtioB. Tba lagWell, 1. too, bad my dreama of a wife
pzMoomriMo nr ashes.
of tfat AtAta biA A bill fafore
BM A borne At Biat th^ wt^kgne
tt which protidBA for tkA faUl citfaePlre Deatroyed KaIb pAit od Tows •nd abadoAllke. They onty^Wb «
tfao Af tbA gAme of foot fall In the
toi-e form when 1 knew Allfa Te^la
TeetardAy Koming.
I have called ber pretty. Lot Hbink it
__ ______________
PineoBBiag. Mick.. Nor. 2.—Thb ril- wat the iutidligenee exproaoed in far
Now thAt poAce or Bind bAA
Uga wAi tUlfad by tfa wer*t 4re fa ib eyr* that one noticed i
fAlly rcatoied fa Mr. Btcherd Tabba- bbtory thb Bomfag. It Afarfad is tb awlft amllflifatpi
w. gBQg:
ay Ctoker fa may tAke iBBMdiAto Dr. Parfar’B rfaideace ob Second etreet, when abe apuka."
Atep* fa ooUlB* the policy to fa par- leAped aeroAA to Sober eUeet
1 waited iilentl;
aoed by Mayor-Elaet VAsWlck.
cbABed oat Ibe faUdingi ot> both eldee
“Wo were engaged.. There waa ncBb.
for A dbtABoe of tbrAe blodfa.
Ing to wait for. I eonld afford fa
The wind waa blowfag a gale froB marrr and Alioe bad a little ntobey.
tfa BorthwAAt Asd tfa piogreAA of the not rnnoh. and 1 waa glad od it rabcrald
If IfaUMBy for AB lada&aite
oooid net fa Afapped msUl etery- boi bare wirbed to be one of- thorn at
' parted. Mora'A tfa fdQr.
tbfag fa tkelr pAtb bad been eOBABBed. whom the world pofata aa a man who.
and put up STORM SASH. If you haven’t
The fatAl kaf wUl reAcb fdO.OOO, with bymaTTTfag. baa done well for himPorooBAL
tlS.OOO faearABOe.
F. B. Moore ABd MfaafBkBApidii.
any we'd like to make you some.
“My dear friend,” 1 eBelBimed. “no
one oooid ever imaglpe yon hontiDg
ware la tfa city yeatanUy.
after mooty.'
lOOcy. I cm afraid yon have nnOao. U ThuTAtoB. B proattoBBt.
>ed it all yoor life and wUl keep
faABt of OcAtnJ fake, b fa tfa <dty ob
Dear old JobnKW! WfaweTcr 1 tfafak
OapltMl. $100,000
B. B. fawb, BWBBgA^ of tfa Elk
Snrplns, $86,000
BBpldB IroB work*. WAI iB tfa city os
wttb here esd then fa the world, and'
ynine fellow, bot then
pot toooft^
I have alwaya really lhai if BMOey omCEES-Parry HanBab. Prealdeat!
Mbe Selfa-JobBi
Bb name, by tbe way,
open* all door* fa t£b world it certain A.TratT fay. fat Vice PrraldentiJAmet
laft Monday fa tbit frienda and rafa*
: afanaan. hot it wUl'aoawer all tfa par- ly won't open aa tfa door of heaven.
tfaaa fa CbeboygABMotfAB. Sod Vice Frealdent; J. T. BasHowever, 1 am drifting avriD^ from
7c. E OiABberlafa of Grand Baplda^ : pMM of my Atoty to call him aa
what 1 meant to tell yon—what that itah, CAabler; Samoel GarlABd. AMbV
CboeoUte or Ozblood Shoeo. aliet l> to 2. e
y waa fa the city yeeterday look
dead faoe of a girl M ma to force me to ABtOMhlar.
tnany a geoerabfa of
aoUd. for 6Se pair, at A. & FBVMANIi. Bt Boat Frost Stroek
property which be owda here.
DIBECT0R8—Ferry BannAh. A. Tracy
Jacob Scbwarti of the Leland fam- thAt’be<irrJed
b* WAABeaiiiur 60 TeATaafAse. together 1 fa" “'d. engag.d. Ibe wedding day Lay. Jaaiaa Motgaa, J. T. Han
farCa.waefa the diy yeaterday os
with the very nraU remnant of fortnira
of one of her relaiiv^. tfai giori- Samaal Uarlaod.
faaiacM aed rbitfag frienda
Jobs Beymapr of Chicago, a Btember which remained after one of bb frienda' ona month of, Aoga*W Cfae d«y I went
N. B-—Addrma all CeUeeUcM and
> late in I
ap fa Umdon. r
«f tba Nortbam Mtebigaa Trantporta- had awfadlad him
regarding UAsking
JobnaoD waa enetly tbe parM to be evening. In ell the year* that fare
Moo Co., waa in tbe dty yeateidAy.
Matter fa'
awfadled. Hfatraatfal. geMraoBfaAn pAford I have never forgotten that evrnC. 0. Taner waa aamBoaed to
ilaty )
im(. I can eee bow In memory tfa
aude him aa (kay prey.
’TbcMpacBtillattabiBomiBgoo prof«»“I doai't like leAving my naUre moonlight falliDg on the treea, ita glare
Largest and brightest Shoe Salearoom in Northern Miefaigan.
Monal bfalooB fa oaBneetkin with tfa laod.”fataldfataBadayorao betee —for at the fall of tfa moon it b a
•mat of tfa knrgfac. Ofat Millar.
khdeparfare, “tat ^ tact b lean so eol4 bard glare whicb fallitw every
Arch. CbseroB of Torch Uka. Oao. looger affend to Ufa fa Eagland, ao 1 thing, or 10 it wwma to me—<m tfa
tbe inettpenaive while gravel of tbe arrooe Iradlng to
E Hopkfa* of Baar lAke. and W. B. Boat avail myoelf
•t H. E. GIBBS'.
CkABdiar of ElkBaplda. were fa tfa ccBtfaeDtal atyle of esiateDoe. 1 am tfa booio-. Eveo ai .tbe old taUet
We propofa to open tbe Phil and mater eroaoa with a whirl in Un Sfa
BlrrcllM. .
itsfanlea or ae etarae. Prlem tbe
nUg ycalanfay fa Attend tbe Beating of bomd for Faria, wbiob. after aU, wUJ opened tfa door 1 oew there waa BiraertmcAk ud fa fatter teeilltote toe aAlytate aemmodale the rneh. v
thing tbe matter—a Uttle crowd <f
■ot fa going very fmawi^” ^
bare laid oot a
tbe MicUgma Maple LABbar Oo.
Jfanaon had been Uving ateoad for
klBde and atyle* of hbo
Mrw DeS MeDeBAtd and danghfar fame than a year when 1 decided. tfaaC omgbt my arm ABd triad to ptfll m«
hav* only apace to cBoi
Kargarite arritod froB Paloakay yae- it waa Abont time 1 waa teofcfag bim np^ away—tried, bnt failed, for I foagbt
ir regnlar llnea an very eompL
tarday atunieea fa join DaS who cabo
Be waa BOt good at oaneapondaDoa, and etroggled to xbake off the graap. 1
,2‘Me^brthr* I
kaew at once aomeUifag bad kvpaBad
aareral woeka ago. Tfa family will
T7 palra Womaa'a fine \Toe KM and
to AUee Temple.”
Wa eicbanged ocowdoiial
«eeopy apartmeaU oter tfa bfare of A.
Doog.^ Batton. ’Band Tarna and Walrna Calf, Kak...................... He panifd ao loAi
^ieb aeemed u> be fnU of nothing, ao:
•M of iroteeT.. ate
~ Ifa. and Flexible aolaa. Soma Pia- eat obapea aad faeo. patoot leather and
•W. JabTAM in the ToBnelter block.
baw^MWT^wr Haw.
I wasted to aee with my own eyea bow wfat CABM nazt.
e A Smitfa and other celebroted atock Upo. at lowtat prteoa. We have
satt-Binaiwiai. .
fa WAI bearilM hb obanged fortanea.
nnod of my vdtea.
na. BagalArprlceefromtafagS.to
Eilay Swann Troobloa
"I tacgoilwaatelliBgyon aboat It,”
It WBf fa tfaamaU "entteaol'' cf oae
Tbe ATTeetofEOey Swean MoDday of tbe tall booioi of tbe old Latin qoar- fa aald. “U aarmad aa thoogh I were
- «• A charge of forgery preferred by B. ter (f.the capital that 1 fonad my friend going OT« il
it all
II by myeeU.
myaeU. 1. often do.
attlfg latheD. Alley, b an eobo of bnAlnen ^ob60 Bail* Womaa'a floe DosgoU and
tboogb it happrned eo kmg ago. What
brome Etd Bottoa and trace, fair itKBgeat in tfa etate.
of tbe former Bilry Sween j He declarad that be wae
Bvery JpUy. was it? Oh. ‘one of thorn boating aeci... ..
aUteb. and flexible toleo, foabtenable
Mafble A Urmnita Werka. of which B. I fat I did not b'Uore.lilm It wai only denta.' a* people »ay when they lay
lapca and faea; regular «2.2& gooda;
'ard Wide faea Aok faoee them,
olook down a daily paper, complaining of tbe
D. Allay b the aAcceeBcr. Sweere li 1 a Aort cf dogged dotmoin
oiaa-* Box Oolf BaUBOnle atw
ity of nowa Alioe bad been boet•eoAiad af faring appropriaud a cheek ' «■ fUc canny gde of thfage fa general
IraBBoi toe for gS-fS.
Tbere,was an apart: no one hart
Ladfaa' Hand Welt
A large lime oft Li
u.. a i w. u. EJ.-C*. which ... 1
Ih hi.
1 the pa
M patra fine Kid and Heavy Sbom. aad tnnw at very low prtee*.
_E. 0.1 V.U.. ortw o, •^■»l^T;i.S,o..h l»'>ll,'.l. .^rlltll. Jam brooght
Cbildron'e echoed aboee II to 2 regnbeeU ABd aprteg boeU worth »1 fa $1 to
Sweet* Co.,and wat for over-paid lodging«
ii bead almott (onefaed myself free of my weJJ
Ur gl.16. good for 79 eenfa.
frelgkta. The check waa received- by | o,* <»iiiug and where hii fntgal
meab It wo* on the white,'tt
Sweere laat Jnly and caabed. It b eon-1 wet* etst in by a ‘'traibrar?'
drenched hair of my dead krre that my
BOT 8T0?f.
forgoMan thal
fandad that Sweet* b gnilty of foegiag | Jotanani I ■ Job tfa fellow who eye* rcawd. 1 have never forgoiUB
4T palro Mfaaea II fa 2 fine Kid. heel
Fell asd Beaver allpper* llaed tSe to
and oprlBg hnl aboei worth $1.*^
tfa aame of the daAaaet oompany. iu I ought to In tbe head of an afflorat Brit- aigbt. never feu gotten her In all tfa
S2.to for Uc.
aad Beairor bottoa asd Uoe
knilntm having been saeoeeded u and bb hoBwhold. with ami and dangbten yean of day* and nifdit* wbiob have
gone bvsinoe then. Strange I have Mver
In great variety: ell ahapm for
AKomed by Alley. Mr. Bweer* elaima growteg np anraad fam Or be aboold
have been a ■wealthy bacheW ancle, ab- talked of it? Bot, tUra, we Dover do
T&e. 95c. gl.lO aad »1.4B. See tfaee
that Um cheek waa to hb ow* order oolotaly Adored by a Urge cebUngmt of talk of what we feel mort deeply. Ypt
.. A let of Hen'* fine oboeo different good* OBd eompere them wtto other*
aadtkat if there b any donUaetobb aepbewa and nieooa holitadc did Bri tonight that poor
Atyleo, good makeo. taraladlBg C. '* at SOe asd 75c more. Ov«r*ho*t for
mor girl—I dare my aobe
Eandaraon'a ABd otoera, worth ^
mea, woaaa aad chUdrea. erory atyU.
ri^t fa It it rmta with Faster A Orat- oaem Un proper eetUng tor him..
not a very good glrL bat faaveo
for •!.««
and peteea away down.
aar, hb farmer pArinerA, fa renorer
However, be todt for hi* motto,
i.metrifol than nun and tahop n
-wt ofadc of Iramfarmaa'b
of all the dcopair and mfaety
framblm mmA aot Alley. Be MaIba. - Whatever b, fa beat. ” trotted me aboot
I aad Sack* in tfa dty at
however, that ha bad a rfgkt to tfa
7S pain Hea'a Shoea, brokan alma, eat rate nrteea.
Mea'a PorfaetteM from Ac.
SoBd^elU. Cork Solon. BagUah Pmoney which fa pbt^fad oa tfa
bfa level brot to make my fartnlght’a
ameU. aUiMSt every kind of oboe, gt
fUy a pUamnt one.
valoe at SktotoglAO. aU go at <
Be woold bm inafated on givtog:
_________ _______ •baa
Xairted ta HayflelA.
prtee *1.40.
npbfabedhadmlgroUtig to as nnlet
Perbapa. who knowk ia
Mfa Bwtba Norria of NarrtovfUe.
ottte on tfa fifth floor, fat I woold bo(
forare ezfateoae oor dfaappolntABdXlrAVaaTHAelof Monroe CenUa.
meBtawill all he madevptOiB. At
fata of it
were married la Mayfald Monday, at
1WA* ObligAd to JOBtODd tfat I jbCBld Any rata that fa one of my pat belfafa”
tfa reaidanoe of Aloezo Van TbMcL eertainly aaSooAte ia tbe anall cloiM
“Too thiifa tfat in lome fotore yoa
Tbe ogromony wAe.perfwmed by Joe- fa dignified fa tfa title of “ohambre
and AUee Temple will fatt«tab«r’ 1
ttea of the Feaoe Frod L. DaelL Both ooBobet,” and that I bad eogagfa qaar- Mked raUier taepttealfy.
"Idcrn’t pot Cbinga inte foam -nnA
tbeee yonag people are vrril known la ten at one of tfa aBAieat honfa cm my
Our Prices are Bight, ud
Correspond with
Trovene Qty and vietei^ asd tbelr weytrom tfa railway etatteo and before taape. I cimply btlteve Uiat t and aU
who have i
fntore happlseaf will fa .tfa rineero 1 fotmd him oot
the TraverseCity.
ymiwiU > right It you pot
Tboogfa we bad known eadi other
wfak of All their frUada.
dBiiBgAgoodmaiiyyAAn.Uwaa only
ore of ik for bet* oomea dinovLumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem*
yoor money in a pair of them.
Aa dear old Jobmmn bowed bu bead
when my stay to Porfa drew vmy Bear
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plaok, Maple Flooring.
ifa doe that Jq^ooB erne «T«BiBg be- to ooy grace, for be reroemUy oboerred
tfa prartioea taagbt bim la hfa childShort Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
I am not very Ukely tt tegrt that faod. bfa voioe tremblrd, and when fa
descriptioos, including a Engines. Set Works, Carriages
Aow to Saotara OitaBAttBk
evtDing. eltfar. for 1 bad eome tmt ra- lotaod op ogtaB and miaad tfa ooTV pf
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
y—1-»— Nov. t.—Two booeea b*- I tfar etek and daridodlytaaddailBg from ^ Ut^^^ ta^
toe moegM.
U^ftag to MbfaAAl 0U7 Jmd JaI1»
SiinnU^ r* Ettonaok, banmd at aa
•Arty koArthfamoralBg. ABd tagetfar
tmAvrRBi cmr, .
Et=r»tr--• • •• •
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Dancing School!
Take OfF
Your Screens
J. E, Greilick Go:
Misses’ Lace or Button,
Shoe Department 2nd Floor
BICYCLES ENAMELED November. Days, Look Out for Squalls!!
Our Box GaK
line of Shoes
Have a Reputatjoa
for Wear. Style and Fit
cmrn'i Biititi TUle
lim’Bugili TaUt
lei Iiitiii tUk It. t
Glass Block.
Traverse CItjr. Mich.
If You HdvB Logs to Sell
»re Tran«f*rrwl
• 1^ •( Arm
Tarti i
Omn t
hM tecB aelacd hy the OiUeb covem
nest. ■ queniltr of Arm* neared ASt
A few mea arreiled. The in*rlatrAte
Of Ao^ Isiasd WA* tstomMd that the
CsbAM taAd A resdeeveus on «l* of ibe
WABd* OCAT tbr CUAM of Cub*, and
■upplIeA The mACUmle aenl ouS^A
- bo*« to iDvealtcatr and dlxovered that
h WA* Deep creelt.- It Is U»ou«ht that
tArt of the tblsAii wwre left there by
ttac Aohoocer BtIak*, «hlcb was os the
BAmAtA Uank* PirAbuut a month tran»ferrtbK Arm* And AinmunlUon to Cut*
hr the tU|[> DAtmtIe**. Smith And other
buAtA The Cub*n»AtTeAled werv- ptaead
Is qoanntlDe. The resdeAviu. tasd
been Ions opented. And was dtaro«>
•rod by sn InfotisaBt who was sfler
prise raoner. Commamrstlen thioesb
Nassos sbd Rer Weet with the Junta
New Tor*, K.iv. t-The Cul>sn JnnU
held s meeting ymerdjy U> proiext
Agslnst tbe proposed refunn • fTi-red l>y
BpAin . to Cub*. It wA> iinsnimiualy
. . decided to draw up a resolution, tvpudlAtlnr the praposed- rrferma. t • t>»
signed by every Cuban pat'l.^ tow re
siding in tbls.c<>udlry an I abr-sd. The
meeting was |>re*ded otvi i.) Toma*
EstradA PAlms: prvxldeot
the Cut«r
. JuntA. Addretse* were znAde bj Rnrique
JoaS VaronA. who wa* selecleu b> •
tmanlinnu* vote u> diafl '.Be resolulloo
of repudlaltun; Jose de Armar. UAm,.-I
Sangullly. Bnrlgue Amramcni''. Sirur
nquerva and otbere. It wa* decided I.
bold • public nuuy meeting or< Nov. S
when the reeoluili<n w ill be read tor Jbe
flret Ume.
■pBla «uwatki a. Her Navy. .
' lemdoo. Nov. t—The Hally Chrento'e
tbi* moralng *aya: "We are in{or<ne<]
that tbe tlpanlsb govfrcnieni signedfontrarta la»t week
wheat consent. prrwimaMy. Spain had
secured to Ukla-arrangement. Wh-n
tbe uweotlon of fiaanre was raiei-d by
tbe contractor*, the Sparleh minister of
oiailnt. Admiral BermrJj. repf* i-ted
that Id the wrest of war tbr Bpai iah
Mancbesier. Nov E-Lord Roaeberr
addnased a large meeting here last
evening ts cvnnertluo with tbe ccoles'
arj ceteliraUon of Ibe Cliainber of Coramerc*. lie reviewed ihr history of fre*
. UBde. elaUiraul} praising wbai be described a* Ita adtAntagea to EcglAnd."
Lord Kowlwry oentended that the oondiUon of tgriruliurv abroad, dtspite
.buuniits and tirt.intlon. was little better
Bnglacd. He quoted Sir Wilfrid Iaurl*T. tbe Domlniun premier, as "a most
llJnstrious auihisliy wislaining tbe
virw that It i> tree trade whirh has pre
served and eunsulldated the Brttisa emHa fully Agrtod'with Sir Wilfrid LanHev. be decUrrd. that any drvUtloa
from fbenlate polltlral and enmrnen-lal
fieedom would only weaKeti the hoods
boMIng lh< empire ir«rther. and (hat
ABrtbUw In the dlr^-rloh «f an imrxHtr-tbe p
h prospMlty under fre*
trade. He raid be would -tread softly
In Ibe pr.au*. of tbe idea ^ a aollvmeOa." f. r be believed It ahvady dead,
ft twbooved them to walk strosglr and
. warily In tbe path of empire, bat such
a BuOieieln would form a permanent
"i ■
idMate Id* ot.ialred side roetrol
Ibe trad* of the Rdudan
change fer the payment cf an
to the Ery-pllan gorenimrnt and.
defrayaJ of the expensee ><( military'ncrupatlon. It will rerotiMruct aiq work
the railway from Snaklr bn the Red ara
to H-riev op the Nile, the southeramoM
point reached by
New Departubei
Per Dotes.
• •
Fire Insurance.
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
StiU on Deck
at the Old Stand.
“j's, 'iSwsr i
I ctrcvdnh'b' nse.MT.SE*.:
mviAeM «»e
the rwHriyvvDia
Timni. and M
AD& Her I gi.cOsrraofttobmt .< Mdleal skKLasSsr
- milth. S1«.?C; I
tbo doQ- ItoeSoeteri* Ulfweit**.. Tsem*.toe.bosrS »»d
Cirrul*. I j,
_______ _ .. .oey. Bt.lJa.- 1 ij,
lile avint. "hbe
OS; tncTvaiw- lnr the mrjth. tSM^TS; In- | ^
I Remember, we
sre give a written puartease f..r th, year. t;.T3,atE
Jamra A. Bitasted of the ! aatra to care every case of WLESairf
TIM Wealher We lUy. iUpre*.
erf Ecrphdcqtyat tbe Urn- ! RUPTUR^_Al^tra t m a
v*mle I. TrwaMe •> maoteraL
•ritloreo- Nnv. • -itelealBx are tUw
MontreaL Ncv.E-Rol-n Lin-lttsy, "f | w
Gasiw:. who ha* eharteecd th<- steam- *~
, ,s wwnirv idilwttP«n DB*ha*ha.Egypt,ar«ixign- ;
ahlp Canadlenne. fW>-s be w4U appeal tn noH-FsIr westbwr. exfw-f* r ifccriy «i-<toj*neti» of anliqnititsorf nuDsaal value,
the court* n.it ||> allow the Tantir to
•h;**e--Tbr*«|entsits- '«*tb«r.
Among (bezn i* tbe mummy erf Mei|r, ,
proceed Wlthcmt her i hl-f officer giving
i !*»*««“ ^ Hath*.
secuflly for c .«is In tb- suit w hich he
r»k Bontaviy witKl- F<e lowsIntend* p, >ilr.g axalrri the fulled
m f„ be tbe Cblni-ar cW(**tsa to
States f..r the davtrg- d- re to hls've..» ,-<illlxlon. —"
watnao'sHrmgtTas'tu be held in LoBduB
In J60U. Tbe former, who is known as
t-Mr WiHitln.
An EaglHh writer asserts toot tlmra
Wsshlrglcr. .V,.t
Tbe comparative
wvra. anytirab*^ in L«d<m
toemitrf tooling, obtained
statemcct •( inand expendlnoM having bran ravoi^ by btrdeonwof doctor of medkdne at tb*
Itww-er ;hc fnlt-d Htale* i*inws that the
le ti.tBl rt-c-lt ’• fi r the mmilh of tV-'
«■* Medied college in PbUaM.Imt w-iapd the rxpendl. fled wlrb that *treet becaua* tbey w«r*
^ Sttn^Swn* cm. Mb
ir,-* fuTUl.n:. makirr the -xi-vs* of olway trying to flod it
erper.dllureeo-.-er receipt* for the month
InMniso toe achoni cbildidB wba aarr in MicAigw. wo* Uot In Hodw*
t*AIAOI*r. and f. r th- f-mr m> Plhs of-the
bare done best are aUowed to saw*, towwahip, N. Y., mi Mxirii 84. IBlft.
PI esi in risrai year txs.MB.qa
Wttb hh.por«U be emigrated to Michegare-wnuepeisaug---------^
,ad ha* lived at Battle
Cnek ever sinea. Bis fstber. Natboniel
. drove the firm stage Iwiwwm
Detects ofUB develop in steam eaHw.w«IoUwrn,»Wb,w
ifMS amt ntW nanhttMW that
Uw> atw
w. verr
w., BstUe
Mjntall wl». Urn
KawtOD M. Wibos. UringoM t
w,—rioul,awi,ori,l,.nl all
— -H- -‘t
great ingenuity in deteering tbe caum. I
MzuiuuiiraeMs,. us* hangink Id his bon Dalee* a man ip charge of os engine'
an inicnsting kivpmko in tbo shaiie of drrrlop* babiu at close ohservatian be t “What la on rare a* a day in Joner'
• flyraicber. It is nut *n cariims in it i* likely to to eetily beaten wbee any-1 "A Chinaman with aMe wbiskera D
self as it Ulnwbowrag theirimiiive thing unosoil takes place.
«r.-'—Ifew Ycrk Sunday JoainaL
mclliori* nwnrtcd to by tbe fnntiL-r* in
We read lately of a trade
early ds.r* to rid tbemsclvea of flies It
is »im)Jy tsro smooth walnut begrda,
prriiB|w 80 by U inctjew. li<-v,aed at <bm
Ti^ Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.
Jna R. Santo,
Ent^rise Groceiy,
—Watch Repairing.
W. J. BOBIN'SON. Managm-.
John Verly.
ourds Ktrtmg throngfa uuito
In {be antcib-llum days p<o|ile never
tbooght rrf kwping flies out of llie
booae; tbe problem was to disporo cif
then os tb^ swarmed tbrongb llie
romna. inakiag Ufe miwraUe gunerally.
In face the lue erf ortung to prwvem
Berlin. Nov. E—An Inrurance •oriety
to be called 'Tridna^ ’ le bring formed
by amployera tbroughout Oermany to
Iniare agalpst leas arising fp-m strike*.
The aoriety wID have a capital of B.Mt.m marka
•tre^ (be nosblraams'fly was tbe
*n^ iiBtnimenM aa tbe one draeribed
.above, 'em board* ware beveled andhBBg in aoob mmmer that by their
wdgbt tbey aepmted « Ibe botUD.
oaraot Ibe fliee tbey were ■
b molomea on the inner ■urfaoa
Waxbingtor Ncv. E-Tbe con
icburvrncy bar doclarad dirideuds
In favor of the creditors of Insolvcm na
tional bank* a* follow*.* Twenty per
cent. Second NatlCDal bank, "of Graiul
ForkA N. D.; I7.1D per cant. OtUien*’
Nailnoat tank. Madison. S. D.l two diddrnda. M and U per cent, respectively.
rm.iD National hank. Mlnncspcn*; lin
per cent.. First* National bask. Marian.
in oemvenient ploom about toe bous^
in kittosi; boUwoy, parab. vriiirii gsieruUy lerTed as toe aommer diniiy
plaoo. and fBpedoUy in pomagew
It wa* a ootnmmi duty erf every ina
of toe bonstoold when pomii«(meof
tooae couiltcn to (dap toe board* togeth
er. tous maabing toe fUce which bad
eoUected toeraen. The cook clapped
toem in toe kiubA toe faaiidaastoey
CoHimi B.riMikUUOK
Waabmgtan. Nov. E-^Tb* rgeeiplg for
during October amauBtad to
as ccBwared wtih tlUM.4**
fiM- October, UN.
As etut'.vbndy know*, flina Bra axeepCaracas. Venesuela. Nov. E — Great
•scUemem bo* been caused by the dls- tbnslly thick in *
covery of e pTni to start a revnlotlon
Vaasausla in order to prevent the me<
g «t eongrera. . Five hundred arvesu
remain* quiet.
sway of a Oorlim engine, wfaieb was «
9. W. SlAtn, tbs Sooaa FttrBWwr.
greil. my««iy fora liipfi. Tbe engine | New Tork. Nov. E-^rrad TItua left BanatbsOak Pealnanlar Haotiag Stovw
would apeed np fiw/b tew moinenta for Chtcasc yraterday wbtrf be I*
A.guarantee bond wltb evary alovo.
, take
...part In
tbr 08BIM-tl
aqyAppereot «aM and
boek to iu nerdtal need witbont any- arum againai Jimmy MIrbaci on Nov.
ttislne wae takn if- *nie distance will be twemy-five
thing faainr
being done. Tbe
apart and esttnined eareinlty. and parfifty men. nalng aU kinds of multlUaular attenrion wu devoted to tbe by
governcr. but notblag wrong oonld be
foond. One day. wbUe the Mgtnear
WM looking nt the engine, it suddenly
qweded up about (0 revciutiptia above
tbe nocsial. and befon the tieua eoold and the viuli and safe wrecked by dy
early yeMarday raoniiag. Abont
be ehut off it dropped back to tbe rrgo- namite
n.ee« was Ukrn.
iarepeed. Tbe engine wa* stopped, tbe
governor again Ukon apart, .the valve
- Bud a minste intbe whole manhine.
Oct year OyutAiu from MrLcUan *
and nothing oould be fonod tbe matter. tab. They ara frrab from BAltimorA
Seme of the people abont wete begitmlug to think tbi* ettatio engine waa
acting outside of natnral laws and that
• real niy*tc»y aurtoonded the teodency
to run away. By accident tbe eogincor
gruMped tbe governor b^U and wa* sur
prised to find that tbrpnllry tniuH on
tbe »hsft. The pulley wa* of tbe twman kiud,
kind, made id fwo piece* aod
and bolted togetbi-r, twing held to the abaft by
tbe frictiOD
friction of Ibe
tbe partA
psrtA Tbe boll* bAd
Dr. A. B. Spiaoey, of 'Detroit, also
worked Iocmt uDd fimultiad the pulley
to lumutt the abaft at abort inUtTvali. proprietor of Reed City SanUaii^. i*
cotaiag to your town, wbere 1 e will
When beoriog about tbi* myrtcry. remkin for one day only to give the
the nrpriMi we .-xpertenoed wa* that olek an opportunity to consult him
tbeetiglMer did not tbnnsigbly examine that CAsnot see him at hU SAoitariaa.
that pnlle.v after h« bad looked at tbe T>e doctor baa so much faith io tbe Tboae
experienc*' be has had is treating
gorminr.—Lucomotive EngiueeriBg.
ebronic diaeasM that he wUl p:ive one
------------------------Pari* poiiortSfW have boon supplied Biooth'a treatment-and medictne free.
with electrir dark Isiitero* by mean*
of which they can see ifiO feet away, ALL THOSX THAT AKB TOO POOX TO PAY.
All that be asks in return is that
They were rmplo.ved auoorarfuUy in a every patient will atite to their friends
rveexit raid in tb* Bni* de Boalogno on the results obuised by his treatment.
tbe baBMlempmoot who alvep then at All forma of chronic disease* and de
formities treated. No man in this
It I* l»*l
:b exteuded
State baa bad such
erleodrf expea th.
caxualllea wviuldTiave Iwivt far gTvster. grand was
ent of CATARim. !
bolching forth fratn lUinuB~
The large healer In tiu haggage >»r
was ovi!rturn«-d hy the ln>|>u:l and the most aonl the fcuaical thunder of that • uncle ' Jimmie CJrwn, who died re- DISEASES as the doctor. He gradu
great Wagnerian opera t^ yangiwnoe o„,.i^EiUworib. O.,
car set op-llrt',*
r*) Are nulosarad. 8.W.BiHTtKOBm
ated 87 years ago from Clerelaod,
Though |>stDfuny bruised about* his banting army of yellow Jacket wasp*
;Ohso; was IS $esr* in geoeral prac- ^ vh* Johnwsi block asUa
_ ____
bead and arms, Cooduriof HamKtivi •wept out of the instrument, with a
afotw_ nf Bingham. Ma. I tice: after that lectured a* Prof.
ruiWcd to a water lank and gut wnu-r. buxatiigwar aong. down-thi' lu^way
* „n,p..rt ii.*“‘!t.,i. <d ril^t *rat« fr^ \ of Anatomy and Phyntology
with which be pot out tb- name*. Th* and upon the audience, ^oddwriy.^*^ ov«r T l vw and ha* killed n.aflv 800
Medial Coll.lege for 2
wreck wa* Asused. It 1» raW. l*y « misSujmrint&dest of
due'te the c«rele»vne»“ of
placed »«ltch,
^V^flanl? SaoVtari
the lirakemep on the fr,?iuht
e, comluned with i
Those hurt *re Hetirr Llvpp.
Ewwb»dw* Emmona claim* that be ran i«tl« tbe 1 Jeara^^drt^^he°£St^ho*p^t*l?to
Krause. Rlel.beB-t.ilf. Andrew
“ gfWal •
DimriUeiiD- fluanrial qaeMicai l<y trunkunting into I| the country, snd examimng and
aod ti
treatVemsUtey. two Italian* and the train aod dooraepsued,
ing tbau*ands of chronic CAsea, has
sbriJl. |piplttg votoe «*kl to MdaUoftberilvmilmt iahrougbt
boy inante* unki.uwni; jill *>f CMcagu.roar A shrijl.
prepared him toenre when the graerat ____
and Hlrhari Harker. of le'gan-;-on. i heard riiriekiug;
• BiRDAfck is an r
Ind.. leg* l.roken. AU llte othrisPUfletAj | 1-dbarlie,
mitt Adh SbarliA
5?io?rai^ wmraiiirDsihiigfS;
admirer of Ibe bictrla He a
It*, hrolwv snd spiatns.
.1 ocaaemil!''
Lm»g beftk——.
Irfoeadba ———o——outraged buigbari d
riding and ri«rrt* be i* too old 1
„oi: If.
^ l>mg
— womeo
yon wbat relief Only t>ls«* ID K»a wbere yo
• take pan m tbe sport bun- f cure you. we wiU t
New V,.rk. Nov, E-Af.er a al.ort. 1
w.-iv tip* Uttle
^ of jn« ^«iS
yoacha get Anlstto
auiplag and OeaMBeotsUm
simple funeral set vice tb,- b-ly «f U-u- i ***J*"
^Lhrir tbe n xrfigbt.
ry tJeorge was finsUy tald to
m [ tmt of Uw town and mt down on the
Oreeiiwotd cemetery yesterday.- Orly ; railroad tradt. They were tbe staiaopO- haw onught • b‘*
a fra I* rw4ia were |.ie«er.t ui the lam- - oo-mosiau aggiugiui<in uf San Antonio, York and
Oppraile M. a M. K. Braot.
Ity restdenee. The s.-rvlce* were those of ; *ud tboir fatta, a* tbe
the E|di«-‘.|-al church, ledh In the hnu*aod at Oi>- grave, and the (eatura uf
the image qf that of Napdeon on
fCbilc Pmudmit Faun- nf Fnn» sms I nf electricity, that moat wonderful of
them wa* the preiwocv of Father JI. Igbt <of Wanwloo. They flogged jq p«,Tbiif. Bow-Ia he *lcp» in a hwt' aU agenuin P*ral7ai*,Loa* of Power,
Glynn, who a1*-> made a brief addr-e*. tbe night
err train pai which wa* made and dtm^xl f»P«i*l-. R^iMlis^^^ ^dise^ of tbe
Hgw'i nerroa* sys&m. O early, as ay
' : took pomage for Son Antotiia Their jy for the first «rand
Ncv. • -Tbe monthly i wiadom in slipping out of town trader KidioUiHvna. dangbUT nf Nicholas _
Staed oto 8Ma
lOA .Iheessed Pomm Atlewd ths Pint' Thar Sap*
tratP «ha »■«■■■*
Xlsht- Aa Ksellias aptfL
ASnah ths Load Mats*
OilcAso. Noe. t.—Ten tboosapd hn>
Tbe piano ww AD old grand. Ubad
ttasttaatlc OhlcacoAss last slirtil nr* not txen nsod for moatba Tbaocap*HsphAtlc ApproTAi to their Birt borte^ By' bad arrived in town bot a •bar*
time befme the pwfonnanoe began;
brimanttr IIInmInAlal Colls-nis. So benoe there bad ban no tima to «Mt tha
ciety. late is amtini. filled ihe.bnie*
and pTAied the apAdon* promenade _ boldly opened wide the Udt «d the
whtcb eDdre4ed Ibe riap. • It was tullr long tunieed graptf and then «t down
after the opcnlns fanfare war
.li>u'tfac trutapeter befort the to the key* The first touch convinoed
.f honor were filled hy many him that the notne were still clear and
ChhiASO notables. Ae United Ststea aaong, and that wfaMt^er dsdeom in
Marine band, whose oomirA to ChU»8u time there might be woold be wy
caused the local moiiclsns much per. •light, eo be begwi the aool iiupUnc
turtaUon fumtsbed a tilph claw aelectioo.
prt^rahvte of rnoale. whtcb was UhetaJKow. it beppened thmt is ell the
spill oMsqrr^ durlilK the month* in which the piano had moainsecond eshlblt. T. C Ausllna bsnJ- «d nniitcd a colony of yellow Jacket
h.td indoKtrioiulj (>o(lt Ihcpi'
3lPS fiulur. dr.‘<*
Ashby, became no- adea a'bmo in the iduiw <if a neat at
costroIUble ^ f.'llowed by s diiseo large a* aVod sl*od -ucor .Tbo aoft
jrroom* daeb^ madly around the tan- pianlMUuo |uvlu<l« to the mhetiui^cn'
bartt track. After Uie slrculi htd U rn tlywoke thou US]* (nnn their^meei
made three timer 'he bora» maoe o dMina
______ Bot w|ieu the *oU pivlul a
daab for the exit, but was tumed from rtdtasid eml th<' noU« grew
X vignrnnx
and tbe pluuo Ugiuj to rlivcrtu'r.iU'to
' divinrUti' waepi
buirPT .and threw AAby to the around. tbe bcavier ittwagve tbe
Inndins'him nttoat a foot frnrn Ihefeiice. gnqMCUvi diuigoT. TV'} turiitl tbuir
h^L-. ud sDtitebed and shook tboir
He was not severely Injured, however.
ganxy wing* vicioniOy. Tbe prufww
ot. uiBHwdfal of tbo fart that the tunKlaarinjand by the Mtsptaeeawal af a tic. far from aootbi&g tbo aaTage breast
tt the vioions traspn ambusbod within
HwlU* at Hartalate. laA
Cblessa. Nov. 2.—Nine peraon* were that piano, wax ronxiug tboir iru. playinjured In a head-end colli*.* between od on. From piam»«iuo to piano and
the Lottmasport Aocommodstlun on the from piano with oop'lxmnd to furtiMlJ^nhandle railway and A fretpht Sraln mo tbe oiBnpositiati ran. All tbe while
on the'tniuburs. Fort Wayne and Chl- tbo wn*pa fluttered tbeir wing* wiBkodly.' viciously, and all tbo while tbe fsoimc at Hr
fMor plavad. Now came tbo climax;
mile* from Chkwso.
now he was throwing together vaat
o-clocA. But for the p
f the psii- handful* of note* in tbu bamo profnndo
C inductor J. W. l
-Front Street.
Fair Business and Fair Prices.
Cold weather is now coming Yon need a new snit
of clothes and an overcoat. Look at our prices quoted
A S^it of Clothes, lot
A Suit of Clothes, lot
A 'Suit of Clothes, JDt
5 Doflen Pants.
. lot
worth $3.
worth 5.
worth 7,
worth 1,
worth 5.
worth 7,
. 3.49
These prices are good for THREE DAYS
ONLY. Call early aod have your, choice.
Brosch Block
- r AiHi
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
tacrii Madl^ uaed b^ Vapor lob
rv>i d
AUM nnm THE xAgnim MkfMTi
Also ererything in tbe line of
:'Goods promptly delivered. Orders by Pbeme griren quick at>
JI,'gT‘lSDE<«oce»y. ,
the A. i«aia iiiiiiiiiei w>
; arron
OnlM State*. Ruaaia m<J Japan
- to Sign a Traaty Abetrt
Tbam ThI* W**k.
IpT monioED
t» CW» __
Erer Burned Out?
A BiwniA ar»y cnioe to Chioago la Bmnan (aTort aad ioTitatkaia calm to
the iotg aga The minor detaiia of 11
«rta of. faactioofc wi>« thv mar
to toowaaaai had tba flotir atatenft Maocie of U an b* aiwi <* a»m and hriii* gnm mi
r::. ™rz:L-t
Ib^aay a Ur*e crowd hadmihered
' iw .
M aoyou know
Mahttf blCTr*pta,dnawwnaeuiNaBt
■JTe»’•i ^
ere oieppea to the ffont and
derrd.the crowd t«ck.- Just then at
one threw a w^ne Into the crowd
mrnr a.p^ K- ««
bMKob«ly Kl
propertv in ncw vork
tonanhaitoRKberaU U>« CMpUaa «d
Seol|rtaJe. Pa., Nor. t-A Hot oe»
— ~ I w
a anm. in the ^ne at nn.iturTTWORTH NEARLY *200.000,OOa
cuTTod here taM nlffat la whleh Henrr
Chtne to Chioagola a^nnaD (aTortaad b^tatkaa
GIlleaAe. Joba Jordan and Uaaacir
BUmp. of the Bcottdale Iron and Steel
.—e. «
wmMmrat la ih. Waaaai
had Um flour atatmft Maotie ofUan baaiwiflrattBand hriuc e«mi end
-oatpaay. wve badly Injured. Sunday
----------------- ________________________________ __
. ..
. ^ a*'>™ aymt
'■“* frepeetr—TeoaeW Mddea la (be cntaoanlaaf the SeenJaaJoney Into tbe ma (d
unko bAb. Ptaak Xelia. waa beaten
Maw Paeo ^ Mawo-»e« t«t Pto- rial aloag
tou of otbtw dont- 2*"
q"*»» •> mack.
_,to Iraenaitaimy by non-unJoa Uoo
•orttera. and Keltr feUoa worfcineti
voved eenecance.
fearinr trouble, when hie men oult^r^
toT^ thirty or forty of theo u, line
---------------------- . ...ihdi^ror.
and inarched up Plttebura a^i
At 1 «• ieasukWiaUd in OUT toinda wiOitiia
«_.v _
i t«rtt«7 known
and Myjh. gn...................................
O. P. CARVER. A*«it.
Suitsj^rder. .,
Merchant Tailorhie.
—No». t^it ia expfoua
de Book. Coloo aunt.
tW o tr.oi, or conrenuon bo.wwB
rot- thet make bim the maa torrihlo, tha
Britain wa* at war with »h-_____
■tortod a plant in
by _
^ Unlud_8l.i«. Rtan, and Jnpon •hot* Wb* tired
------------ Jem-iy*ji.;rnliJfro^,“^““““™'«»“«»«»>•«■
, Of cmirm a traamidoiie riraltr wedit«
wai be forwoUy aimed and executed at Ui* Bcn-unlon
-union men.
Manacer Skimp
^ JtoMgh ‘l-'«»’b«wir7
tl'oeibecBrity of
of tb«
them THtfs-1
riato. I
^ Lon»« w * Spanteb town. ' among hm-eiei.nr.
ber rieitor. .~t
and admim. «
the elate deimrliuem durtt« the preWnt
*2r‘**‘*!S^»beflnaM«.d moe. anl^nTiISw
aoiqne aadre S SSB OUf IBW liBB
carrj.r.f out the PfopoalUon be- J~thottn,het^roo,.odw..rtrockr^i«.Ui. douUlalif amnyuf w aee
, tore the Bejjrtn, aea eonterence tor a
■UWeijeloo cf peiaatc eeaUna. The pre^
.r.ouge uMi ofauiMD onmmaoder lm.« box to the mla. k
« uiMjeratardloc ie that the «sDl&c WM abot through the right arm.^e »«««*«•»• **w ropalre we are*pt-A*
St. Looin
Lt»U which
>*« helped
» St.
hia people ailed dfCiui
wau rfuil*
____to Pjp#|||'0 llfl|||HSn
... artery,
th an
and he to rcsaid him aa
ot Ihie doruireat »m occur wUhln the ban paaaliir ihroi^h
bled to death
~—th before the wound
Tvpreeient the eoutd
—.uiM be
John >-iuau
Jordan HOO
bad inree
enuru of the i
Ilnrere .ooi
shot oil. Several otherw weie fiaMn attribute ordae the rertw, I‘• *<« « outpat. located «^!
with the
•d the confer- aUrtUy injured , by being atruek with ;«Bdiu theme«itJiiie«
meanuma we pa;
payrent and
* —--------- ---------------il adJouTik The ternu or the
***^ *®
W~“*aiii of tbe*81Jt«ary etoha
^ty or convention w ni follow the Unm
Of the propuriUOD cvoaldtred by the cocferaace and nrterred with favoiable
toomineDdaUoQ to the autberUia at
St. Pe^buig and Toldo. The «
rial feature of the t
M fw the aunwniJon of pelagic araUng
:r's^c,s^n::rh.i‘“‘-^?«‘“ **"
“c sa- ■“ --!
SuapenMos fa not dieclowd.
IWwtU KuxMi. in IW Uay.
atmoal iniracu...—
Jmoat mirecw, ,B,, „ ^
jvrbrtpa the beat eiamnle of thw
began iu long, diflimit and ^Taaba'^Kewr^^S?^ 2
!■«■*■! file. — A
1 J.
killed tutnghl, nillrarle
ymmey oo Jon. a itsj. | ameting which t^hS?^
BflWlwI W 9 Hi
whentheahortlng .Illraple ruima that Amtri^n landlnrd iiAatoTcw rather
fer • place of n
he waa fired at by Manager
Uanagvr »imw;
***"‘1^ "• » nnmeroui and
«nd anbmqnait work decided aataig other thtnn?^.
Tbomaa Ollleepie.. •
a hrotber
of Henry
Henrr. ^: •“ extmrivo,
«*t™rivo. to widely
wkWy dixtribulcd
dirtribulcd and
fwovad that they were re- deavorto «toblL^-»n1
---------.■rTniier ox
atated that he
— «ried
u> uuiuiHKT.
. . ,r*^
w Manager Skimp f
tire “
«rted in
tdutmctcr. lac
^ Jrioa gneeaCTa, it waa
*»» oBweg“®«g- ; public wAoula of the diflurwitHri- a/'' .
that aj
aa taiKUurda
• n of
-O J uuiu
bold away
eway uvmaUcW
oveg au
aU riaiww
claiewa of
of *>. f^^y Captain Engunio Pnrtu. oomioand- the Wate. ThUwill be ««,
of Heri
Henry. t^boM
o ; Cltlld RlIlMt Jt TldUnt
lGlIleeple i
•, «uy. ooenpying evwy kind of atnethe armi of Manager Skimp far feloni
• tJW- ‘nwti. t<», the.\atcraaretypica!in
tooa. ahooilng.
Four non-union
I, that no atBtimvut muuw into ih.-man^
...«xe. uie« uie aaweot
were arreated.
agemoit of Hi.-ir properrio*. and. after ‘ 2?!“
Kauwausule wauinaffid. aa they Mum wtanen
- ■ ■
^iGnml BiplU^t.MluiEi
----------- £
. The aliltuue whkh Oreat ilrlialn will
amutue loword the proiHojtlou and the
treaty which u to lake its place la PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN R08BE0 “*• «•'"> « tree.» the tuai
DMMB —__ _________________ _____
uj uiia OCT.
lOtn. in all 180 moi. aelucled will_____
•wailed with much intwiwi. ihoa far
the BrlUah auihorttlee have not bo*u In
formed ae to uhat the voaf.rvnre pre
wwu Wilt.
L i
for pmUa end thrv demand
‘be ardn<«a joomey.
WIa. Vov
pay dolrg. Ai
At Ule
the ntxw
aatne linnilnn- the
^ it ‘‘Urn flr« id evciy
^ed upj^ Mia-i-ipp* riv-1 =
^Ui* ex^ru Profe«w,r Oatcy Thocf!
»t^J“ aa tbemae
may be. Socoer
. ■:
mwim' *f.
\ . “““‘b of
—the IJlinoi* e^ haa bad eeveal ktig talka with Waupun Seiauvl a Rot;). ,.f ij,« town —
^c town ntaterial ctnoeman
‘bc^^mg the ttwek rf, the ftBu* , J-W.Poieki*
l^«er and Uaman. and tb.ee have been of eiba. near here, won th* c«nfld*nct material ctnoemait in the amount to *bc^'Jeog the owck of, the Frtmch
of a feU^w-comVL
The latter connature that ;
teoK-d that be waa one of a gang «f
to^aoL not <«ema- ■ oZI. ZX
civor |u rtgx
ve cemroFc cy all panlea con- Chicago tblevea. and that being unable “* " J*"
but two. tlin» «
Of the -------a
booty .u
Id th* city they ; »•”* r»««. «»d if then a g««l
rerued If Carnida Whowed a dlapceltloo
go<»l tmant
‘b^’^ P*“**
to ^Bi ic the agreemeot. But Canada
oMogw* Block. TVaivno Ctty. tUefe.
It to Elba and burled It on . 1* tM( at band the buildiiigwill
igwill beal-~“..^i'haancrof Angcn!
aUU BUnda in the way. and the coofarm. Following the eonvlcfa dlnee- Nrcd. pnmdod the coudiHan of the
Aoenttny buforo from thatiBUed abMOc* of the Canadlah expert. • “®'“ Boby hi
SUcouD, la -ivgnrded in th* light of a i
diplomatic dlacouftwy. not only to the
Initcd Slate* iHil aim to the DrtUab
^vernm.^. The forrlgn oflk* named
him wlih Profeeaor Thompaoc a* an expart to r»«ne to Waahlagion.
r*l lo he founA He will turn aveeih.
Ko one poaejUr nemirew tn.«.
a ffgtie toiJfd la mow aud loo
—•» OldM w
to atOB
Uamlle-a rre»aco.
» tto-irnbiUty lowith-'
Wwiiea j......... (itm’ria
atk WHHaek city..
ProfeaaorTbotnpaou cai
*----------- •
lined a way.
The OtRl no czpUnaai'lwr^Dtly i*
Il la thought
imUn aa the Ameriuaji
o'-s: t
IxnJ saKjl ury »{,ecmvaliy wtaled in ac- .
c^-Mio* tile artTKa-itl.m, for a meeting '
toaiUwaatoV..m- hcieeen “cxierta."
• 1^11.1. end th. imflah expert TIU«ti,«ou
and lb* Canadian **|-rt UacVun w.rv
the tena of the l.»». do not trr to rat
BBAMorhnnA. Yim wiU be nVustri.
A* a utaitrr ,J tact, the Actor rvnt
»11a if <me could mw»to,ut*<rf them.
■ that
...a. uie
the Colled
II* .Xpert,
tomor Jordan.
liamlli warf
^Wceer. and it I* und.-raioeSt
''"‘■'•"'“^thal thla
cd lYlhcr
lYthcr tr
Ir the light ..f naming
to Mewed
. a eounaelor.-pf drpi. mal. «, Ux* rm-d
State* r.-pre**ntBilte, rather than
ctwifwe of conaiructl.m for th* paat alx
,r*ara, waa opened t-th.-public yeeter.
er AaalUlulac Uw
th# Bwlw
, I| djjy There were no t.remonlm of an, ;
o^ikhknilL'* f'*"'
ao rieclhur ooiutum-ial dj.
fWfoiT. far m.«v rellaUe within the
luuil.-d aphirt- peri-ajai, Uuu auTtbiM
•’^‘b.y Imsaothwrviuru niareh w>r
twincrrato. They wmhed St ^
Chicago 1- -----West Michigan.
.“1 W~a».-cauow
* «v.vet .
“ la..
city Oper.
H«ma. fill
- OAem,
Ariaatte Careiala.
AUocBer at Law. *----...nracial
net’ VdV.I
Wlna. Canola, a. ineyhav.no border hey pugii,*,.
action agalnat | Am.rl<-aT>, In .a aborn x-uotMt
t. «»'
!«■ <«« of tho t»raiua wb«e uamm am
™ th«n pay Ihi-rent IhvT agiued to pav
<« the flrM
. Uhraicto.
——the rolla who do uot diaappear when I
I ^eir Itwa. * AIT>p ,rr before if pcavifala
W>e A.tur* — -
*be handt |
wy pgoclainwd the TT7 E NW\. Pi.«cU«aod*iw.«L Bwa'b“ «t<'® r^g,*,
^be «.*,•
After rating bnoi’.n.i.ake.m’**'^"^*^
------------------ ; , —*-vpi«ng outue. ot.««W in the ----------------------------- -------------------------- —-—
^ AUaniic ooeau at th* Aaevew ia deni O 1^- NfPFttT, Abaatvrta W TliU. Baal
to Syftlv.v.v.-,
' .
w preaeni. hw u» B^iirt embmeay
t^clala w..r* pot repreiwnt-d owing to ...........................
—- of the l»uch‘.^f T^k.
b, U.e
«-» m Kv.n«„„.
Fowler W. j«op*. on* of the eldeat in.
of the olrteat In.; 8c» fto a* irnigovcnramgo. tbeeattom prt-hiwi
h* Vnlied suie*.; f”-b®b*““ many uf the other large tngutue
-o*7i ii;iL"
dl*d at Santa Crux. CaL
.for a burgUr Her-
Nori 1.—The Uilton Pacinc I r**” by hi* friend!
-Taad, proper. Including the buiklinga :
Th* annual cnaumpikm of wheat to
and all that gew* to o|«ralr the ayaiein. ; Auatn-Hungary I* m.am.iao buriu-la.
unsm uiHinuiBiiLi
to taka atoet Uaadar. Jaae n. M»r,
uprugretadTe. aad It i« hard- ; banb«m port uf the AUanric cw~" the: f~ *.
ly n
U .pumtiu run the other way. aud
ra It is nrsMl ui defttueef thia policy tuaila haee bn <b>Jie»;Ml tw*n
tolAri.U:.*t.. Thit amount due* nut in
clude the linlilnE fund In the hand* of
■‘““‘nf IW» 1" ,b*
>4.0a<i.4«l..the an.uum atated In th. gi.vemmem dKr.v covering ib* aat* of the
raA the t>4al icaid for the properly waa
IST,iM.»L;.TC. Tberv were no other Hddan. acd the road went to the reorganl.
The mlf of the road waa In itarif one
M the moat tarn* and unlmereMlog perXormaecofc pcaalble ta Imagine. )l waa
The monthl”«.t*m*nt nr^.
“““ .»f'*“««• ■"■effoch'daU nround 1
The *»»« of Eureka gaa ia *iT« to a
. Jobs Vertr. in rroal nreet. I«t tf
adveitiM-d lo take puc* la frt.m of the of the mtnr ahowa th,, ,he rottm^rx^ *b«n. they wtU alter alao. b« ih^ are
UltoBinanL expected torivalaoety- j
m tf
Union rarillc freight bouae at the Junc ♦coted during Ortolwr. 1ST atreregated •>»«.« *b* U*t to do aa
!«»«- Thia gaa aa dewnbed in Ine«. f'pOB SlLI^X^uctwHeetahl. maid,,,. «•
tion of .Ninth and June* aireeta at 11 M.IH.WO. of.phich n4«L0M waaSti-er
In the matter of iodividaal repaire, 1
originatod. hy M. H«nw «b.
e^ock, and tl waaJuFi enr minute after
Comptroller lik-kci* baa
“^ the
*be like they are dm
nvi of McmuJlaaixoe, Italy, la obtaiuad;
u>»uaew*4 cmorS^. ii tTaet a
M declared a ^“*****“ and
uot |i *■"'
it lime whCT Maaier Int'hanceey Cor.
n favor of (he
“beraL *_..o
but they
bare the reputatioti
cfl i — ft^uwa: bim»a*
xatue aspure
aapomible U [ TTJ^-r- irir^
.........................................• Ku_,
.. ..........................
• U.J
ih. w
waa to
in act aa
.. aucllaum.
ho waa
credlPirw ...
i>f the* Keyatone National bank doing '
lining wbalt tb^ pnimiaa Uaunlly reri-1
--1. , wnployed
, oyu as
a* a Imae.
haae. oolopbrey
ooIouImbt aad
and relcwl-!
r«l.j I Itoroao
oMm. ita«
hia Mce on th*.A<>w .ion* siqi In front
' '
putiaurdw before the
|.do« carbide being added—1.000 part* i S
"***“** •“
*• denoB*
the •Le*'*''™
®®*™”®* b> begin
tamni gore in. an^ tore Uwoocumai a
” toe —-.-wx.
mixture ee-uy
ready i<w
for uai
u« omuiating ' P
Ana got to be very enreftO. It b uot ex- ,
*«> << imiddime, 60 of
wm UaU la lb. Tr_a*a.
*»~*.d he rha
-k.r —.ak
t-^l were, or iwad re Loag Lake
Buffal^ Kov. i^ra Caiw*-, report
OB th* W. C. T.
Twni4* at Chl<^
Be wia « yearw of ^
I mixmg with air. No breting of wauc
waa the feature of the W. C. T. U. pro.
A rlUaen of Torouto. OnU 1^ that '
**“>d few tnretreta and ( *5“ «> ri»ial bnnre b needed. Otw
ceedlag* yesterdag. The r*t*>rt waa
ditwcly. toough they own the
pan* of the mix^re fire «
atrofigly tn faeor of reulnlng a control- toe alleged newEdlaoe preoesa fur eepanf gaa nt n ja—rei* of SB miiit.
lug intercal In that property.
After rntlng iron from low-grade ores by elec- graud upon whioh huodreda of ■«**. ’
conNderable debate and a nurhber of ^t> 1. hi e year* old and that he (tot «nicroire atnad. This kind of boUdiut “«««»»«g. and toe photoreetrit
inottou* one lo adopt the rejKirt waa T^nt^ mant has It patented. b not popular arito either breneW
the flame
carried eaally. Mtaa Willard :ald her
n* oumner
number of
of Immlgiwau
iramlgimnw arrived
arrived In
the__tomily. and they only hare to do
pun waa to go to aoanc rich
-pi* who
rolled States during the Oral tote* with
_ __________
nrar.iiFjin “*«»»
<» oalcium carbide employ^
nutllh* of Ihe^ifreent
Ule^n-aent faral
flacal year
<—<■ waa With
. *»«a«*ljg
’cf" “•«»* «*
had been friendly wtUi her and aak m^h*
»areooneecMd. Dwillinga in grat'
Would gireonly 16 candle bouxu
them to help her. A rcauluUCD waa
which t* a decrease of neariy 11.^vua, •>
ibernndeenpruing aUUnda. ton Tbn*.
it la
b ammiai.
amerttid. ate
toe new
new gaa
gaa la
b 60
inwn aaupieo
adopted lo eui
oupport U>« aSor. ii^ MO aa compared with toe same perfag'
_______________ ____________
•oe M.iri.-i.i.___j-Tiluinging in
per oret obtopw than aoetylrea. or that
last year.
••rere the iempla."
at eqnal com it will give half aa
yielding •
rienerej Ramnii Blanco-e flr*t act aft
Xareewly Iteeapad an Awtol DaatK
me. Xight
•r be was swuro In as governor general ------ ---------------Houghton. Mich.. Nov. t-Ftre broke
of Cuba waa to laaue a proclarmiion »he UmonH'prodBoen bb
oat In the. Central mine yeoteMay attAn Paetetog tatwwriir.
promlaing a r«llcT of goneroalty and re- laaaabuld WtRntire. '
emrvm. The miner*, nacended to the
Itaadvtatlaiugooltimuaof legitiait*
How nneh tooee rau ai
Burface at oaoe. Later It waa Jlacov- form, but announrin* a atmt deter-|
ewHtepor. are uuw r,«aided by the
tc rruah tba rebellion. .
ham only the A«o» rwn twU fawt eh.
ered that Fnutk Stahtou. agent of the
and thrifty portion (d
ehmin*, w-ltb Mt latoer. jete Btanbm. af
and Cenerei Fa„, Vandervoort. ?f
the public aa ah
New Turk, aecretaiy of the oompany.
rly t200.000.00a
the otaracnc, energy and eocoma of
and William A. Payn*; of BeMoa. were unuiha. each an ci-coromander-la-chi*' ~
ttre eetimata.
toore who fall to apailU In toe mine. A idtef party AtonodfJeneral R. N. Adama. of J^DrencIlw “d moMof It b rrelod. Ifitarenged
ed and by aimoet eopMhii—» uftagta
prelaM the now nnirenally accepted
tare Ju* aeeured Xtow mre, of Una
yiahl would ta *#.000.reamed toe Imprtaoncd aare. «4m ware
—» «>
wu •10.000.000
Div,ww,vw a
• year,
yaar, to
iu ta
no divided
omoed aetbod <d rredting toe preple muia un
lo Ita eoa« region of Texaa c» which, ®®0
tahlndintta raoeforb^
to oekinlm reteraae ef toe late war.
hetWMii two men.—Km v,.a*i—i*
hetwra two Bre.^gw To* BwaU.
F’ltS'LJSUSl.-'KtK: !5
cuu ra ,,u^ -I-. M.k .. T»X* oi r.reo. n. «l. *re4;e0were..ea»
ealUTwdaw. ttaeres wlik wtwtre wWrex a
waeM; reto komaa wtlh mow. bwrere
wwh a are, bwra. M. ml oWtbwUatw
WM I ■■ re nvOT-reuoM awM
lawd viiw
wtik BOWewWWW
US SSS'«“SS2 ti-KfSfSS
s-isarsi^ — ~•
trerwwa Ciia towUr Co. TS-«f
yrTFlcwg t
.. m.,..
H i-c Apply m ireeare.
rATOMOi • c
Obtain Slpteld It in the dtp with
Othon huM Milted ell kli depetlee to
hie harr* White Star, which arrived
refnio tiwe BekierMy emmlB tUe
peaterdap with ber hold Uled with
MeUoe utU the Soprise eovt,
BMVXJJt SXBTXQS OV O&AVS ehell h»*e tMd«nd it* dMialee. Dep- DTUnT OtFfOBD VTVaBD HIS lumber tram Cram Villafe.' Sbe will
Uke OB e deck loed of potetoe* for
•tr Oeae e»d FUk Werdea KMclead
Brgpwid PUe odBearaedi esd 9nw.
MW Bep line to TnwfM Prod.
fit PromlMd far Pensea.
Two Cento.
Pirrt Y«m—No. 167.*
Bnrprieed • Popnfar Xerebnnt.
A happy mirpriee we* preeipitoto Iwt
evenlBA apon Mr. and Ma Baannel
Wilhelm, at their prattp home <m Baet
Btoetroet The party «m
bp toe eaplopce of toe atore of WHhelm Broa. and Mr. WUhelm the parW
•er of toe aetonlahed merehanL The
eranlay «a* a ha^p one and the enr.
Tracedy in Tbo
XMBlnc—Om AUi«ad Thief Blein
and Anetom Captured-Oryanlied
Oanc o' Daaperadoea Braoffbt to AloBw Tltowerto Ket Beeth bp a
in Mats
Wemal^e Mat* any color yon want
—to rwafr*** the monldiDg and harmonire with the pictnre—If make*
a swell combination—See the colfvv
we carry in stobk.
Tocoh Lake. No*. S.-A shoeklac *eA aeUM' of th* crwtoft laportMoo
Tbompeoarille. Mich.. No*. J.-A
to toe farmer* wd *lilppam el Md
tracedy waa enacted in tola Tillage cidoet uuuuTied tob aftamoos in Camenew bp to* toy port* W befaf *Mtoa*l7
early this momiar. Aap^reenlt Will- iWb mlUwbkb reenlted In the A~Ui
Alonso Titaworto. an employe,
eoMldoind bp .toe aUixmd bfaefaU end
lard 'Miller, a anppoeed bdrylar. lla
Oepi. Webb. ownereftoeTaTeiae Bap
deed! killed by a ballet from a rerelrer was Uylnr to pot on a halt with a
Um of Bteeaere CbpL Webb returned
in toe hand* of Deputy Sheriff Olflord aUek when the etlck eauphl In the fly
Inr belt and etmek too man 1* toe
peetordep from Oand E*{dd« wber^be
Ude. InflleUnr aa injnrp which reaulv
''toe been In eownlttUoD with toe offlwa* a dapemle man and wa*
^jfaU of toe aOroed* eeaterinp U tol*
while trylBA to eeeape arreaV Foe ed in death la a few momenta Be
pdfaL The plan uder
dapa toe officer* h»*e been hot on too leave* ft wbe and three ehlldrea.
13C- Two for 45c.'
WIXJ, DIOTATB ' AinaVUTBA- paar'B tr*lt. Joe Boae. one of the
i* toe eaublitomeat of a
nov OF OBSATKB VBW T9BX fany. waa Jailed at Frankfort laat
ttnaefer ferry betrre
IcLeUaaAAah. 14S-tf
principal Bap
nlrhC' Lem Miller was eaptnred by
MsEKBaa Block.
p^nto for toe *hlpBeat of all kfads of ▼AJf ^IOK XLBOTXD BT FLU- Bbbriff Koon bore tol* aominp at the
freicbt from neh pointe bp aU direct
earn* Um* that hb brother Willard wa*
BAUTT OF 100,000.
to toe eaatern. watern or eontoer*
*boL Tb« kheoUnc occurred at &;M
aarketa This tnaafer line woold be KATBUBT BB-KLXOTSD XV DB- toU iBomlnp and before Spulre WUaon
m In coneeetkm with toe Trareree
an inquest wa* held tob aftomoou.
Bay line of eteamer*. Itwonld b«cmSheriff Kooaeama from*^ Frbnkfort i
totate toe empleyment of beary tmnebefore doyllffht tob momlnc aad. to-1
fer boat* capaWe of holding perhap* BB8VI.T.IVOHIO 18 IV ZtOTTST. rather with Deputy Olfford. proceeded
to toe boose of Edward Hootb. where
tea or a doxen car*. Tfaeae weold be
ran from toe dodc here dlreetlp on to Venttt<Ap*e8ilwr I>eBeerat Kected- they foond boUi the men. Lem Miller
Bepublic^ Show Bedooed Vejor- wa* found in bed. but
toe banre and taken to point* whare
Meded, there nw off on aide ttacka,
ttlee la BeTMaLBtateB-Bxdtlnc in dnd parUy dressed. When toe ofibialt
leaded and returned here to ooaiMOt
Vew Tork and Ztetrolt But Xleewith toe railroad line. A oomwhere Tarp aniat and Idcbt Votee. out of a hole In toe bnlldlug and made
No matter how cheap a price you pay, if yon
paraUrelp email eoet would pot in toe
a btftak for liberty. Deputy Olfford
get a poor article, it’s false economy. Es
aldVlneks aeeded at theacrcral oolnu. apeeto to T«S UossoiB R*co*o.
ordered him to etop or be would fir*.
Oobolt. No*.
In Detroit, with ten He dashed around toe bonae *nd*UrtThe beoedU to toe farmer and akinier
pecially is this true of CLOAKS.
would be yf«ai. Yeelerday poutoe* preeinU to bear fromi the re-election ed ehrom Ue field. Gifford polled * I
We take a pardonable pride in our im.
broofbt »S to 40 ceau la Trarorw Citp; | of Mapbory (Demo
■run and bec*n flrioc in the dirMtiou ;
a Democrat) Miller had taken, thourb it wa* lUtl *e j
at Sattoae Bay. Kortoport and other ■ bp aboet S.ooo. Tli
mense showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and
far ahead and will,
guble to dbtlncui^ the
hap polnta toe price wae only ti eenU. I lor '
Gocid Cloaks—which is the
baveabeutt.OOOmajority. The EepuV:
* ,bot*tmck Miller In'toe!
Tbii tonmrb rail
Greatest Cloak Stock in this region, with
labaadUnr would at once pot the price | lba>» eandldata* lor city cleric
left •boulder
Bbonlder lodgiag
lodging iu
in a vital
riu parto! poutoe* or any ether farm product j He* of the peace are probably elected, He oonUnned to pie nnUl be ran
them that make thi^ stock
vranted ia toe onulde markeU up to Nine Repnbllcaa and nine ------------against a barbed trire fence which
Pay a visit to
r toe Tiaverae Oty figarea aldermen are elected, making a gain of threw him to toe gronnA Be breathed of your life is spent iu bed. It is well
Thb transfer line would abo open up a two for toe DemecraU In toe eoncll- fab last soco after.
to hs*e that eomtorUble.
We can
our busy Cloak room.
uken to to* village ' make it so at a very little cost to you.
diiwet market for fmiu. bark. Uea.
Oiaatsr Vew Tork far Tammany,
Lem Mllldt. .,
i_v..c nn
hr**» trimmed, and.
poata. lumber, and any and all fafm or |
S.-RepnWIcan* ooi- jail
and locked up.
*n extra good Woven WireKpriug comforaal predoeu-for which there b a ,
elecUen of Van-Wick, I The deed man was twentyeig« pi^te far fis no. if tou w»nt wood beds
I we cso sell voo a- Rood solid well madb
market by raU. It b to be hoped the , ^
by year.Of age.
The three
man. Jo* Bcee. Lem MUler j bed snd aa extra good Spring far fa,-;5.
pbn* no* propoeed may be carritsi[ „^,y
Henry George. Jr., cut
BallaU* Biy Ooedi, Osrpet aad Obtbbg Bmm,
j liilt a traall figurr in Uie vote. Indiea- and Wllfaid Millet are tough eitbens i
I lion* ure that New York StsU also
Central UiehigaiL The
I goes democraUc by a safe p'.nralUy,
pvtlcntsr crime for which they are
Mpal.. Tnni, Oitr OW
•"» wanted it a burgbrp oommilted near,
Ike of the oouri of appeals.
' Teong Van From White Cloud, "j
Olivitl. For weeks they hsre traveled |
we an eMlbg WO pnirs
FoitHoi ,
wagon, stealing wherever tuey (—
A pleaeant wedding occurred yester
Port Huron. Nov. S^-AU "P»^!ep,id. Sheriff Hall mrlvml today f.om^
day afternoon at
Washington streeL
indloatea far city offien ari elected. ■ Detroit to gatoar ia toe prisoner*.
Mlm Olive Morgaa. daughter of Mr.
aad Mrs. M. D. Monrau. wa* married to
1 a verv important captare.
Mpngnbr '.
The coponei-b Inquest
adjourned I
The marrige o&remony was performed ■
unUI one o'clock today.
by Bev. J. C. Van Aukvn. father of tbv: Vaeaschaeetta Bbjerity Bedno^
bridegroom, lo the presence of the im-. Boaton, NovV.—WaloalL repuKlleu.
.medbte ralaUvea. aad friends. Many \ is re-elected Jbvemor over WllUam*.
There wiM be a regular eooveaUon
friends remembered them with choice democraUc. but by reduced majority
AT.'P’SBP V. I’lBtCBPRXOSof TraveiM (Mty Lodge. No. 7S tooigbu
preaenb of chins and silverware.
IT last year.
■ blsew XcTwao at Tzmwwxwa Ol^.
Work ia toe third rank.
Daiaty rafreahmenu were aarved:
BepubUean Loss in Xowa.
WlU Bbnar. J. P. Hoover and Eugene ,
aftar which Ur. and Mra. VanAukau
, Iowa, Nov. S.—Tbc vote Cornell svent to OadHlac last night to
in toe state U very llghL
Job a hnating parly eh route for toe ,
Wbita Cloud., aen^paalad by
heavy rapublicaB loasaa which
Ufa. VenAnkea.
resnlt ia toe election of deasoerats
They wUI bear with toem an abendThe Bridge Bnllders will meet with
ano^ of eongratobtion. and wcU wbiOFFERED IN
Batums from about IM preeineb In Miss Kate I/ondoo tob evening at T:I0
c* from toe many friends of Hiss Mor
An btereeUng missionary
Iowa 'abo^ a net democratic gain t'S o'clock.
gan b Traverae City: ahe will be par
in Mch prbebcL At that rate the re- pragmm will be given.
ticularly mlsaed by the large circle of
The regular mertbg of the Womaa's
publican plurality of bat year would
t,by whom
Mission circle wHl be held at toe brme
cat to leas than IS.OOD.
Of oottTM w* obil TbAt’s wfant we’n
« much eateemed..
of Mrs. Norto^np. SJ7 Webstar street
Free Bllver in Kentucky.
pnid for. But wo Blwmyo blow for
tob attemeos at 3 o'clock.
OOetab Will Hnnt Xiear.
WHlism Beltnershlppedanother earhave
- A dbtbgubhed partylyof
ioad of the choicest pytetoos to be had
will bnve toe city thb morning for toe i U*'
^ • “*• »‘J®rity. elecUng.
to toe Detroit House of Correction yaeuppm- pMibMb. where they -iU bhnt
J. “• “■
for a few weeks. The party b cempoaed of Juage E. L. OorbetL Alder
P.W I..W. .w :.-At th. .iKU— - ” * „■
c..l, toW b,
^b. rtl,. a, HbbUb will U,«l
man F. C Deamond, PraaeeaUng Attof- U^,
U» U.T.
o. 1.™ lb (..b. o,
whioh bBokg u up in quU^ and prloA
lbb.1 bpUbb. *11 b.l Oro M
b.-Obl U.IU..,
ir, bbP tb.
only gave 79 majority for lloeaae. The which b noB eaL
The naarve east plat for the High I
majority U l.OOO larger than at toe bat
aehobl lacturkaonrae will be plaead at
Was Dbsolvnd b thb Olty Taa- loeal opUon alectlon b the eounty.
toe City News stand on Saturday mornterdiF.
Fuion b Vebrsska.
November 6th. No pane* will be
Uneola. Neb.. Nov. S.—Thirty prvAt a meetiag of the Michigan Maple
tmmber Ca held here yaaterday. that eiaets onulde of Lbeoln aad Omaha allowed to naerra more than five seats.
Tbs three Cartier brother*, Mr'Sher
«rganUsUoa wss formally dbaolvad. iadioaU the eleeUon of the fusbo
man and Congreasman libhap's privau'
Tbta company wa* otgaaised b tob sUto ticket by not lee* than 19.000.
aeeretary. Mr. Curtb. of LodbgMn.
-eityin February, ISM, und wua comOhio b XkmbL
fsaaed. torongh the city yastorday on
poaod of toe lead!
asrianaU. Nov. 9.—Bapubllcaa* eonmllbare tributary to eadad toe alaetofa of DamoenUe eeun- their way to the u^ar pubaub after
toetekn ports of nortowastere Mich- tyandlagbbtiveCekeu'b HamUtoa
It’s your money’s worth
that you want.
A Full Third
n' 1-1 1 g '\A/ 'wnpmg~
l:s-in rnnt Strat.
Ladies’ Fine Shoe^
The ‘Best’
Hannah & Lay Co.
-cMBty by abont 7,000. Tramandou*
damoeraUe gains. BeWrns from to*
ainto are meager but the reaulu eaaaot
Imrgaet XooMpts of FeUtoa* of Any yet be esUmaUd. Chapman (democrat)
for govemar baa about MO majority
On* X)ay Thb Beaaoa.
g Suahnall.
Tb* price of potatoea yaaterday
ranged from IS to M cenb per bdsbel,
Seven] fioeks of wild gaeae making
though tme load brebghl 41 cenb. The
reeelpb b the elW aatieaded say pre laat night and toe night before.
vious day of toe smaen. toe total
- Ohlaago VarttaL
amount being 10.000 bnahab At one
tlase SI loads were eountsi' on Front
Chicago. No*.
November. 06e: Deoembm. 06e; JanaWeoL
nary. «>ie; May.
iVBT&uonavB to . okputibb. Core—NovembeA Me; Deoemher.
»H'e: May. SOkc.
•tab Oame and F)to Wards*
Oats—November. UJfe; DeoamAwaiu dupreme Oeartb Vi
ber. l9Ve; Hay. tlMaXe^dbgto
toe aetfan of the Snprann
^-Novembar. r.W; Oaaember.
Quart on toe
r.fiO: January, Sa.U.
Lard-MoTember. S4.W: Deoamber,
Hlv*. L. O. T. M. No. A31. for Friday
avenlng of tob week, baa bean poaVpuaed to Friday, November I9to, when
It will be given b toe Foresters ball,
from 6 to 9 o'^oiA.
The Boyal Neighbor* of America
wUI give a Ua-oCBt supper at their
baU b Moategee buUdbg thb eveaiag from 4 to I. An entertabmeliL
moaieal aad otoarvriae. will bm given
free after th* supper.
The Woman's Home and Foreign
Mimioaary aoeia^ of toa Coagi^alional church wUl meet with Mr*. OriatL
oner 9th and Lake avsBue. Wedneeday aftmoon at a o'clock. Th*
bdlea of the ehnreb are genanUy
rltod. Light refreahmeau wiU be
The ateem btrg* Boblwoa b at
H0V OMtar. littB u< FitiUv.
QrMUekrUb aftm Inmbar
BoSaio, lwVTeelBL.rrt.4nsS aa.
18 OLD
it won’t bo making naoro spot otot your hipg for tho
rwwon thnt It won*t be broken there. THATB i greet nd▼nntege, Isn’t ItP They ere $1—only one -store in town
Ladies’ Box and Kangaroo Calf. Shoe for $1.60
Also Gffnt’fi Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
. Boy's and Youth!s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Ri^t in Style, Wear and Price,
m bad prePpcAane. Waah.. Nov. t—Aa tha reA graapof excited women and a man auK of a ahoetlBa affrar In front of tbe
Adidph San WM «p •Wr« la b«r
or (WO waie aundiny by the entraboe. Coeur d-Alene (bealre. Johnny Boll, an
nuiTXBSE orrr/- michioak . dwauiar 4nriac Uu flra a>d U lM|4ac Tb-y told SI Uiat tbe body of a glrl-a old-lUnr pamUer. erai abot three Umea
trott m wlikdow wm badlj isjorad.
pruhaWy fatally wounded. "Flrtey"
yonusand petty (1(1—bad faeoioarrlnd
(H. B.) Baraett.mananer of the theatre,
. I
a^d hli face flUed
n of anldda. bad a flnper abol
powder, while Ua wife, bet
» 3. W. Bunnar.
ter known by the atape name of Ida
■*1—think—I’ll taka ]
Umniph her
r aad Two llwelUw dear Irllow.atammered.
J. W. Bajikmi. Bdimr aad jUpacw.
TetaUy Saatroyad aad Taluabl^
dame oat trooi tbit
______ -■
XIU rcopaiiy TbraaMMd.
xobvzno sboobd.
wHk tk* eoainU i
Patoakey. Ror. A—At4o'«loek thU
miialBi Oooatable'a atoan Uaadry waa
Jaaoeerad to be la ftaaea, aad it waa
ooa ooBpletoly dertrayad.
Two dwelUan wore baiaad aad a
terfa Idoek of «iUa aad faetoriaa
lod aliaoel eartala U fo daaplto
the heroic eScMa of tbe fireaiea. Haw
ley A Quialaa'a factory waa rtaiaared.
£n;;V=T'- ■■•■■■■ 2
Mm* Bvaxuuaa Ciaamoe the tair
Cabaa «b« wa» raaeaad (cwb JaU la
Bavaaa aad wba «n bar arrlvalia Um
Oaited StatM •were aU«claaoe to ibis
feTaroaMt. baa eoaanaaeed to lean
. aome of the aoooBpUabawata of tbc
EUr aut of her adopl«4 eoaaby by afiaetiar the bae of the powder paS.
iko^ la ratbar aa aauteariab wa
BximcKT. beaidea deelarlaf fo^ fra*
baa kepwp bar repatatlot
^ alleer. baat
WwllMBi Dartar the eleetloM la
Vkaakfartyi iterdaj oaly two depatiea
aad two itetna were kUled; bat the
areracea eaaoot be aaaouaeed
tbe baUaoe of tbe atau it beard troB.
Batvanfrom Owaria are aiaac™.
It af eirUlMtioa.
Uatore af that atate baa a Ull before
it which proeidea for the total eatlne.tlaaaf tba fame'of foot ball la tbe
Bow that peace of talad baa beee
tally raatored to Hr. Elebard TaMoiaay Cn^er ha atay taka Uasedf
atqpt to OBUioe tbe policy to be paraaod by lUyor-Soet VaaWiek.
It waa decided yetterday to peatpoae
diameaUlnf proeeaaof tbraaeleat
octe of Taauaaay for aa tadeflalte
pwiod. Mote'a the Idly.
F. B. Moore aad wife af Elk Bapida.
wara la tke city yeaterday. .
Oeo. UTkarstoa. a
nknat of Oaatral Ia1«. la in tke
It reiDlDded me, be aalA aftw
wo t
William Moore, a nefrro murderer,
bad walked (omo little way, and be
^bera are membere of the deaperarrmed faeCtpr, “of a pirl wbo waa ale Curry panp of ouUawa aad were
a pood many yeaa an<i Prr- ' captured only a week or two apo In
yon about it by awl by." ; Montana after a arrere battle.
baperil telly
' 'him. Tbe
liulc ro- '
I dldnotqutation
Banoe of tala Ufa oame ont qbilo uatn3. W. autar. tbe Booae Enraiahar.
tally aa we aat Mpetber in tbe atuffy Sella the Staadard Sewing Machine, a
••eotieeol, *■ wailing for dinner.
fteathlaB maoblne. fora UtUe moaey.
“I am aoeta a tboroogb fopy now,"
tatuaiM Jofanaon from tbe dept^ of
How a r«bt ter Onoa In Lodlaffton tba td^'oltnire chair inio wUeb 1 bad
farad blla, "(bat 1 dan day. Prank,
Ta old Mddlera and all wbo daaire |
pendon mattem adjMted, I beg to an- ^
LadinytOB, Kor. A—Tbe tndlBftM yon noold hardly Imagine me young nouaoe that 1 will be wt the Hotel
and fairly good looking."
poatofflea war haa been eetUed In a
"Too forget,” I anawered. “that WhIUeg. Traeerae Oiy. Prtday. No
eember S. wbea f will b* prepared ic
eery peeallar manner, batorday Conattend to penaion ba*Iaeaa aa re<|Ulred
(Twaan BUbop latned a call to the
repreeantaUTa Bepjbllean* who reprw Byopiniou. yon are pond Idling no
Solioltorof Prnttosa.
••Ob. r-a. to you, pnbaiw. But could
•anted tbe Intereala of Hadaoa and Me;
Maater. the oppose)
of lha girl—iwetty and ninrb aonpht after—
Maator elalma that alsty
would fall in lore* V<-t ao it waa, and 1
•arenty tnrlUtloBe maed
- . ..tbiulc lahnll f.-el b- tterif I leil yon
opponanfa friendk and la ooBaaqaenuy about it tbia ernninp."
eery wiatby. Tb« ratber<Bjr waa heU
"Tell me hyaUn>'ma.'’laaid. "I
In a hall and Hr. Blabop nUtod the ab neei-yknew brfote ynn weivanan with
ject of tbe Dcetlny. A rote waa taken a rtotr."
He amililed rather aadly.
and- Hadaon waa the eboiee of tbe
eanena while McMaater recoired «
luHudInc fna, (Xau. » eeewi teOlea.
eotea Badaos waa tbea declared tbe
eeai* T«ae^lB( (real H (• aB nuKlaa
eacceaafol aaplraat.
gprtia fapppinam are in. tbe Binorlty all. (IrlBcyeyarhaaevW pra<-Uee vkai ;
Well. 1, (oa bad my dinapia of a wife hax bm teackt. Iraa f B la IX a-t tecS.
and a boBc. At Atrt they wwe aapne
Pira Paatroyed Bain Fart of Ton |ud idiadowflks Theyf only began to
take fcriu when 1 kiu-W
-W Alice Templs
Taaterday Homing.
1 have called her pretty,
tty, bnt I Ibink it
innc«»nlag. Mlcb.. Noe. A—TbU ell- wa> tbe iutcllipeone expreaaad in b«r
lage waa eiaited by tbe worat fire la Ita eyoa that ouo uotWd n>uA. or pMbapa
hUtoty thla morning. It aUrtad in tbe eu'ift amile that caimiAO~'bW llpa
Dr. ParUr’a r«a|denee on Second atnet, WbfU ebe apuko."
1 waited aileutly. Prewotiriy Jbbnaoo
leaped acroae to Kalaer atreet aad
cleaned out the baUdlnpa on both tldte went on with bie alaryj
“We were eoRiged. Tbero Waa nothfor a diatanee of three blocks
Inp to wail for. 1 could aflurd to
the wind waa hlewing a gale froai Barry and Alice bad a lUlle Booey,
the northweet aad the progreea of the Soluneb. andlwwpladrffil. labould
flamea eould net be alopped asUl erery- not have wiabed to he noc of UKMe at
tblag la tkelr path had been oonaamed. whom the world pointi ai a man wbo,
Tha totel loaa wlU ranckfiop.ow. with by marrying, baa-dcoe well for'busaait”
sis.ooo loan ranee.
"My dear Mend." I exelaisM. “no
from tbe C A W. M. By. Ce. wbloh wm
—out toUe order of tbe RUev
gwMre Co. and wm for over-paid
frrtfbts Tbe check wm received by
SwepreUat July aad eaabed. It la eontraded that Sweera la grtlty of forging
tbe aame of tke defnaot eompany. lu
bnaineas bavUwbees
d hf Alley. Mr. Bwanra <4aiBa
that tbe check wm to Ua own order
•ad that if there U any donklM to hia
right to it it reat^itb r«eur A Ootmor. hta former partners to renver
from blB and not Alley. He olalas
however, that be bad a light to the
Money which ba ohulned oa tba
KaiTied In Bnyfleld.
Mlaa Bertha Narrla of Norriavflls
and Ore VanTaaeel of Moaiwe Gratis
were Bmrried U Mayfield Monday, at
. tbe rertdenoe of Alonao Van ‘TaMel
Tbe eeremofty wm performed by JuaMm of tbe Pence Fred L. Daell. Both
Abera yohng people are weU kaowB in
TinvecM Ctly and vleiaity and tbelr
tetnre bapplneae will be tbe ali
wM •( all tkalr trtaads
t-'Bcn OuFtia—It'a all right
Dn Taonrwx-Yea. 1 wear it a
Nelblag bettor
Wa ..B^«n-W mt 1 eva wora
D It two wlntora Like it
w bet It ta all right Woubtotdo
wttbout It
TipverM aty. MIeb. Oot «. l»7.
derwenr, mod
They aa mo aenMnottolrritateUseUooereatakto.
aeft m not to Irritate
They abuorb tbe
perfectly, end parent tbe aoddra eoollug.a ehaagea of tke
I of tke body, (tbe uaoal aoaaof eoldej. If youonn get
Ben and womeo___
D of tbU place to freer them ( toatead of tbe cheap oot-'
longooda) there
e will
will be but lltUe complalet bf natal oatarrh. coughs
Another point to tbelr Ifavor,
r. they do not akrtnk
akrtsk aa moat
good* do.
’ B. P. BRAUatav. M. D.
HamiiiDn>Clothing Co.
It aniwisDudaEii
Daociog School!
Dear old Jofanaos! Wbeoeeer 1 think
B. B. Lawla. Bam rer of tba Elk of him I realihe that bo waa one of the
Eapida Iron wertta. a a Is tbe dty. on teas pood bearted fallowa waooly Bert
with beia and ttaeie in tbe worid. and
IHb Belle Johnaoe of tbe peninaula. not too eftaa.
KU name, by tbe way, '
laft Monday to Tiail frieade and raUJotaDMXi. but it will Boawer alt (be Fartleaa in Cbetx^gan.
C. B. Cbamberlain of 'tirand Bapida. poaoe of my alary to call bint ao.
waa la tba city yeaterday laoking after , It waa a name banded down tbroogb
toany a peneralion of noble aneerton
properly wbieb be owna keiv.
Jacob ScAwarU of tbe Lelaad bum- that be
WCo.. waaln the city yeaterday oa be waa soaring W yean of ape. topetber
/ bwHame aad eialting friends
John Seymoor of Chicago, a member
of tba Northern Mlohlgpa Tranaportt- had nriodled biia:
Jobsaoai WM hxartiy tbe perKQ to be
tton Co., waaln tke city yeaterday.
C O. Turner area aummeaed to •wlndled. Hia tmxtfil. generoiia banrt
Bade him an eo»j peey.
TtempaoeriUa tbia morning on prgfaa“I don't like leaving my native
aioDal baalnam la oeanecUon with tba lanl."teaaidioineailayerao bate*
MMt of tha’ burglar, Qlai MlUar.
Ibiadapaitnie. "but tba tart ia Iona no
Arch. Cameron of Torch Imks Oao. longer afford ao live in England, to 1
of Uw ine^aive
H. BopklM of Bear Lake, and W. B. mnrt avsa
! of exiatenoe. I mm
• Cbsndler of EUt Bapida. were-la tba
«ity yaaUrday ta attead the meetiag of bound fv Paria, wbloh. after all. wUi
net be going very far aw«y. "
tbe Mtehlgan Maple Laaihar Oo.
Jobnnm hnd bwn UvBw abroad for
His Duff McUuald and daagbtar twe than a year when i ^eeidad that
Margariio arrived from Petoekey yea- it wai abont time 1 -*aa looking bim np
Wday stumoontojoin Duff who came
He waa not good at eoneapimdenes
nareial areoka^ago. Tbe famUy wlU neitberwaaL
•eeupy aparUnenU orer tbe atora of A.
eemed to b
gahraaa In tba Tunneller Mode.
I wanted to aee with my own eyea
BUay Samara Troablas
ba WM bearing bit obanged forCnnes
Il-waa in ibeamall “eomwol" of o
Tbe arrcat.ef BUey Sweera Monday
of tbe tall bouee of tbe old Latin guar-
MarUe A Uranllo Works ofN
D. Alley ia tbe aO'
I bot I did not believe bim.
Hnw eoold a roan i
darvaloed it all your life and wUl keep
np the habit to tbe end."
Johnaon amUed.
•• PvTbapa there in ^mmethinp in what
you aav, perbain J lutve U-cn an ioeautkxw. oranaugnine fellow, but then
I have alway* Kaliwd that if mooey
oprua all doon in tbia world it cCTtainly won't open iia tbe door of heaven.
However. I am drifting away fr^
whal 1 meant to (ell you—what that
dead face bf a pirl aeemi to tornik of touigbi.^AUw end 1 were, aa
1 have Mid. eiignsed, tbe wedding day
fixed. Wo were viniiuK at the country
lalivee that glori.
up to Icnduu. ntnmluig
evening, lu ail the years tbat bare
pawed I have never forgotten that even
ing. 1 can Bee. now in memory (be
trees ita glare
—for at tb* full ef
ooid. bwd glare wbk-b folia on' every
thing. or ao it awma to me—on tbf
white gravel of tbe avenne lemliBg to
tbe baoM'. Even m the old butler
oproed Uf« door t raw there
tbe matter—a little crowd of
■trickeu faces eod then
It my ars nd tried to pnU me
awey-.|riNL bot tailed, for 1 tongM
nod (truggled to iifaake off the graqt. 1
knew at onne noethtog bad bH>I*Md
Alioe Temple."
He pauaed ao long tbat at Imi laaked
what eune next. Be atarted
•ound of ay voioe.
“i forgrtlwM telling yon about IS"
be aald. “It mmsU aa tboagh 1 were
going over it all by mywtt. 1 ofien do,
though it bappeoed m> long ags
wa* it? Ob. ‘one of tbon boating
deota,’ a* prtple aay when i
down a daily paper, o
oeamty ‘
OApitAl, $100,000
SnipluB, $86,000
OKP1CRES—Perry Hannah. PiraUrat
A. Trucy Uy. lal Via President: Jbbm
Morgan, rod Vice Praidrnt: J. T. Han
nah. Ckahler: Bamiie] Uarland. Aaaiatant Ckahler.
DIRECTOBB-Perry BannUt A. Tinciy
Lay. Jam« Moegaa. J. T. Ban
Bamuel Uarland.
B—Addi-M all OUlieetiou and
mpondraoe irgurdlag Banking
Matter to Uc TraverM aty Btato Bank.
Travcncaty Mick.
Take Off
Yoar Sernns
and put up STORM SASH. If yon haven’t
any we’d like to make you some.
J. E. Greilick Co,
Misses’ Lace or Batten,
Cbeeblato or Oxblood Bhoes tiara ts to every pair warrantad
aolid. for «8e pair, at A. & PBTHAlTii. ai« Ban Front BtineS
Shoe Department^ 2nd Floor
Largest nnd brightest Shoe Sfilesnmtn in Northern Michignii.
BIGYJDLES ENAMELED November Days, Look Out for Squalls !!
«t H. E. 6 BBS*.
WemupoaeaoopratbePkUandWintoraeaara with a wklri to tka Shoe
-epartmus and to bettor teoiUtato Ike sale and aceomnmdato tke ruak, we
kave only ^aee to enumerutuAfew of the pricra. NetothnBctonely:
la >M rHy l» CM roar vo(k
^l^^rraee I* (M tort UtMcnrr.. mmt I
kawMTved BjUnr..
tlM of Slues
Han a HepitaDoi
foiWeai', Style aeil Fit
77 pairs Woman's fine Vta Kid i
eaakes Begular priora fromU to fil.&u
yoiir fiox.Gaff
an tbe party except—well, they
cbt ber in. and a* I fought
mvai-lf five of my well meaning friend
^ ceiling and vtaere hi« frugal tneala it waa on tbe while. Mill face and long,
- drenched hair of my dead love tbat my
eyea rerted. I have bem torgoUen that
ong'hi to to (be brad of an afinnnt Bril- aigbt. never forgotten bic in all tbe
iah boovbold. wiib aoaia and dangbi
year* of daya and nlgkta wbieb have
growing op aroobd him. Or be abonld gone bv *ii>oe tbea Strange I have never
have Ix-cu a wealthy bacbekr uncle, eb- talked of it? Hot. then, we nev
aolntely adored by a large eautlngent of talk of wbat we feel moM deeply.
sepbewa and nieoca Solitndr did net taeigfat that poor girl—I:daieai.
dare any abe
•epm Uw proper aetting for him.
waa not a very good girL
irL bnt
bot heaven la
Boarever. be UxA for hia motto,
_ man
san UDd
memfnl than
and takM aono’‘Whatevoria Ubem"tn>tted me abont oouDl of all the damnur and mimiiy
Faria with an air of part owneiubip which go before mlf dertroodoa—eewhich waa infloiiely oomlo—in fart, did Btoded me of Alioe. wbo waa to h^va
bia level bert to make By fortnigbl'a been my wifs of tbe bapploMa I w
rtay a plnimnt one.
ed, yet wm Rfmwd. and it bM
He wonld baTe iantWad on living me magiMd me for a bit ByradbylrttaU
np Ua bad and migiuting to an unlrt feel batter. Perhaps wbo knows to
nttie on tba
Amt. bat 1 wocOd not •oana foinre exiatenoe cor dMappototbMreflL
BenttwiU ell be made np tons i'
I WM obliged to pretend that I ahould any rate tbai if one of my pet bellata
oartainty Mffooaie In tbe nnall efaart
"Too tblito tbat in aoisa fstore you
iM dignified by the title of ■■ohaBhre a and Alice Temple will be ugetbrnr^ 1
caoeber," and that 1 bad etipaged guar- naked rathw rtceptioally.
tea at ooa cd tbeneanatbotelaooniy
"1 don't put tbiiwa into ten and
way from tbe railway itfcm aad betore abapa 1 aimply believe tbat 1. and all
wbo have failed to tbia wmld. aball
1 found kiB oat.
Though we bad known each other have happtoem. Now M ua talk oo
dariop a good many years It wm ,«ily acre of it. few here oomea dinner.''
Aa dear old Jobnme bowed l.ia bead
when my rt«y to Paria drew very ^ear
itf cioae that Johnaon one erentog bs
eamo oonfldenttoL
1 am not Terr likely to frtgrt tha* bead, bia voioe trembled, and wben be
avasiDg, eicbex, for J bad oome act ra- looked up again and raiad tbe oover of
the HtUa aoia toxeuD fa toe ptuUai■iok
Orttlariag it ta to
fftbatfity. wuaia
If. Knaguroo aad Elak. ^aad toea. patrat leather and
at lowest prteee. We kavo
pUre Woetan-a flae bongoU aad
Our line of mraP aboea at Si 4* M tbe
Chrome Kid Bettoo and Ucc. hlr Btroegeat to tke state. AU tbapea and
eutch. and flexible aoles fsahlonablc style*. Cola. Bulldog. OlobTYnmox
shapes aad toes regular ts.ti goods: and Yard Wide toea Ask to see. tkeaa.
alLgoatSt 4S.
Womaa'a Box Calf Balmoiala new
Leaaox toe for Si.ts.
GUMfti'i Ba^di Mlt
A large lias of Ladtae* Baad Welt
U pair* fine Kid nnd Baavy Shem. aad terns at very low prioe*:
beeU aad epring heeU worth tl to Si to
-bUditra-* ecbool ab.
SLSi. good for 7* a
ipatfiutiii Tim
. 47 pain Mtaem n to s flae Kid. heel
Felt aad Braver aUppumltoed Me to
and aprlag heel abom worth fii.M to S1.00.
Felt aad Beaem beUoa aad laee
aboea to great variety; all ab^wa fo7»e. Me. SI.10 aad S1.44. 8te tbaae
A tot of Men% fine aboea different goods aad oampara them wltk olbeB
atyiea, good aaakaa. inelndlag C. M. at toe aad Tic more. Ovmuboaa for
Bendeim'a mW otbeem. worth Si np men. womea aad ebUdren. every rtyto.
lor S1.M.
aad prloee away down.
The largeet Block of Lambermra'a
Oveta. Felmaad Becks to tbe dty at
7* palm Maa-aShora brokra alna, cot rate Ertoee
Haito Welta, Cork Sotos, ^itak BaMra'a Partaottoas tram Sdc.
SBala, almoat every ktod of aboa. good
Bgya' Pecteetiora from Me.
valea at Si. to to S3, to. all go at one
An tovltattoa la exUnded to alt to
priee S1.48Ttait ear tofga deenrtBMU;
Tim K t
Onr Pric«e are Right, nnd
yon will be right if yon put
your money in n pair of them.
Travorn City. Mich.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond wiUi
the TraverseCtty
_______ Company.
. , We have
Iwve for sale Good, -Sound
lock Lumber, Surfa^ Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands (or sale.. Mill Ma^inery, of all
descriptions, in^uding 2 Engines, ^ Works, Carriages
V and Saws. A oofnplete Saw Mill Ptant for tak.
Frank Wricb,
ezTY hVMm oo.
PlftM in tht B»hunu Wh*r« Cu»
ban Filibuttera Tranaferrvd
~ Thair Loadt of Munition*.
%Wa AVAT* 67 A1 D(F0E1I£B.
Jncknaville. fin., Ktn’. :.-A •pwNl
to Tb* Ttmee L'Elcm and Ctltim ujm:
It to reported to Key WcR tbat the Ca>
kaoflllbuaterreitdaavoiia to theBahamaa
baa been netacd by the Bridah Kovemment. a duantlty of amn aiicured and
a few men amwi.'d- ■ The narlatrate
Of Aodna Jilan'd waa Intormed that the
Cabana had a rrndeavoua on one of the
toUnda near the coaat of Cuba, and at
fbeorahle ot^rtunltleevnnildi'arnrover
•appMn Tbe.tnarUirate aent oi
boat to tnveoUente and dlecorerrt
It waa Deep cre«a. It to thouabt that
part or the thlna* were left there by
Um acboooer Briaot- which waa on tie
'ItotBaha Banka f.irAbuui a munthtranafdrrine arme aod ammunition to
br.tbe tuEa Uauntlraa. Smith and
buaia The Oubana arreeted were placed
to quarantine. The rendeavaa had
been Ions operated, and a-aa dlaciiv*
ared b> an Intormam who waa after
priae money. CotnmumtwUae thionyb
Naaaua aod Key XVeei with the
at New Tortt had l>
theae headquariera.
New York. N..V. •-The Cuban Junta
held a me.-tlBC yemerday to prule*i
ajtalnst the proptwed reri>mi i tTered.by
Spain to Cuba. It waa-iinanlmiualy
decided to draw ny s reoluliao eepudlatlny the pr<>t»wd ivli-.n\.w t * be
stvned by erery Cuban patri.-t tow re
altime In tbl* O'UtHry an 1 itbr-a.l The
meetlnic was preMded ptet nj Ttmiar
Eatrsda Palma. prv«^t of the Cuiwr
Junta. Addtwnea were made by Htonque
Joae Varttr.a. 'who waa selecleo li> a
*•• VlMMWl Pmm* Amrnd HM PM
, .Not, I—Ten «
lb* piano WMah«M Rrud. Itkod
Uraatoatlc Chica«oaii* laai nlaht aaee Dot beta tutoA tdriuoBiha Tbeoconpaemphatic approral to their ttrrt boree mr hhd arriwod to town bnt a ahtat
Mw to the beeutirullr decorated and ttma brffl** the ptrfonnawk hesaxi
hrUllaatly lUunrtnated CoUwam.' So- BMW tlMPa bad bomi IH) tiiBn to M tba
Piety. Ute In arrlvlnd. Blled the bo«ee, .tBMsmnL Konctbelew. the {crdeoaand graced the apaeluua promenade cr faddl7 opwad wide tbe Uda of tba
which eoclcvled the rtnjt. It waa lulJy lODft tmnsed mood and theo aat down
an hour after the oiNoilns fanfare wae tothekuya Th* Em toociiocBTiaoed
auunded by the ‘trumpeter befqre the
plan* of honor were lUled by miny bia that tba not<« wtsa adll cliv aud
Cbbaim notiMea The United State* •trtBg. ODd that •
Martne band, whose «omtod to Chhairo tnoe tb« mijAt be woald
epueed tire local muatclan* much iK-rao be bugnn Utooool
turbatlun furnlahed a hl«h dam Mleotion.
proframme of mualc. which waa UberalNoo^.'U-bappcswd tiuit In all tbe
ly applaud'd.
Hllne aplll .oeconrd durtoc the «d taittotl a cotonyor jr^low jacket
xhll'll. P. C Austin'* handname chestnut iteldina Sultan. dr>N<n voap. b:ul iDdumnwiiJe bnlU tbemoelrea a buiue to (be shape of a DfM as
became u to • cart by R P. Aahby.
Aa.................lariw as a pwxl sifcsl wiuocr. Tbe ooft
ronlrnllable and folio'
the arltcdiju puyyrooma dadied madly around the Uti- --.......
barfc track. After the atrcult had Wen
. three time* the hoc— maur a
for the exit, but wqa tuined from lwl.-..«.Uind th- M"ic* gn-w-^K-wvtia
his eouiw by a aroom w-h„ foiled to and tlxi piano U EMI lo re-i rto r..b-to
atop him. 'rbe audden turn upiel the tto,b.«vii-!u-WLfelbcdi»iarl.dwaeihuAKy and threw ANiby *o the eruunU.
lantllha him atiout a foot from theloce. wmpectod daiwirr. Thi-r curled their
He waa not neverely Injured, however. ' todta and auvtcbed aud abook ttoOr
gatuty wlntj* rktomsly.
Tbf prrfei»
ur. uiflKsdfal of
tto) fact
that th. uinXlBs lajwted by the MtsplBcrrMBt af a sic, far from iitbtou tbe aarage hrmat
of tbevido*--------HwlUh at HsrlMlato. Iwd.
Chloaim. Nor. 2.—Nine perwnna were that ptona wu* romdng tbeir itw. playlaJuTd In a bead-end colllalun betvtrn cd <m. Prwu piautaatoio to plan.
the U«ansport arcoroinodatitin on th* troni ptoiw with one bound to forttodtbe tampasitin ran. All tb. wbiU
Panhandle railway and a frelyht train
. wingi
--wickedwickedon the Plitsbura. Fort W'ayne and Chl- tbe wnupe fluttered tbeir
cayu line at Ilarladale. Ind..thirty-three ly. eictooiily. and aU tb. wbU. the |coplaced. Now came tb. rlimax:
lie* frxun Cbicac<>. last nlcht tot t
for the prompt actl. n of now he was OirowtoK tO|t«ber ran
tv. Hamilton, of the r>
handfnUof now* toihc hamo prtrftmdo
__ _
____ It la beUev.-d Hu- Hal
TtvioD of tto.tonnuD«iL Just 0. the
(wnualtlea would have be-n tar crtaier. wnnd wo* belching furtbfrmnlta tonerThe lame healer in. ih. banace
Bwaa nul file DioaicaU tbuxlcr trf ibai
wwa overturned liy the lm|<-:’ and
; grewl Wagnerian oiwiw the rexiKemioe
j bunting aitoy of yellow jm-ie|ar^
of rc'pudlellon; Jt»e 4e Arms*. Mam
Bangullly. Enrique Amrwni.-nic. Arur
Ftqoerva and other*,- It n-m decided t.'
bold a public mas* mceilnit on .Nov. 5
m the froulullon will be read for tbe
ruKhi'd to a water
T’^jandupuD theaodiotirw Suddmily ami
which' be inll
wrev-k was . auaed. II la iwld. l>>------> a ml*- ; Jtxiuuig auiivwa
ahrioka fwnunded thniugb tbe
---placed aw lirb. due to the car»le»iet* «f 1wumtai wnw otriktog
one of th. l.rahrmen
the fre.ehl ;
............................... ------------------- train. Th.ww hmt ar
Anton Kruuac. Klr|.h-n
__ ____ and duuntmnied.
Ven-iskey. two tlalane ard the
Chicax". ! rmtf a ehriU. piping
boy tnamew unkr.mM.
-Sharlic. oome mill Acb. Sbarlio.
Ooriim ractoe. trtleb woe a
TMw. to Baa* lUrimaL
Smt afUTj fer a ttom. Tbe eottoe { New Tnrk. Nov.
Fred Titos toft . SaUa tba Oak Itoatoaalar BwUofStoti.
wonjd Ipoad up for a tew OKWMnto itr Chicacu yeaterday where he to to A^rMMto* bond with orery atowo.
wilboat any apparent oauan and drop ukc pan U> a paced race at tbe
baek to itt nonoal *p«^ wUbout any- arum asatow Jimmy Mtobael <• Sor.
^MbetoadoML Tbe^toewaiUki
The distance will be iweoty-Bre
UBIW helps dCBia
^,u. and Uw mnle#toM* wilt be paced
u usinc all kinds e
aa dererted
_i.« w. ryelm-
“ - tz
waa tooktog at the ointoe, It onddenly
■peeded up about M iuToluttMto abooe bank of U. O. Baxter was broken into
tb. normal, and hefof* tbe
wuld I
br abut off it d«i.i»d back to lb. i««U'
Ur apwd. Tb. rBnioe was Mtaped. the
{toremor ^ain lAmi apart,*w. ralri.
itoM) aod a mtoute In•pectioo made ors tbe whole machiae.
Oat your Oyataia fruiu McLellaa *
and aptbiug oould be toasd Uw aatur. | Aab.
Saw. of the people about were begiDDiuB tu Ibtok this csntieeiictoewas
•- •
and that
on. ^pijiiet
Per PNid,
to rtn-awoy. By awidMt tbe«siDe«ir a. oaaadtender aorti a pm ,'hot
htotaaodtsItnupud tbe iforeroor belt aod waa anr-I f“**
;n£w Departure!
mon ktod. mude id two pieces aod bolt-'
toFAeT fttrt I wntol
ed togeibcr. beiDg told io ibe abaft by >
Aaim MrtaiTL mciwp
the frktiou of the parts Tbe bolt, bad i
worked loo* and pwmittod the poUey i
toturD cm tbe abaft ml abort toterraU |g2iwTourr town, wberuT?NsJJJ
When beartoc about thto myotoxy.
day only to tir« tb*tto Ifptt* we .xpeneuced WB* ttaat ^ „ opportunity to .ec
tbcMipuiei-r did iiot tborousbly examine ] ti^i cannot bm him at hia^
fail in tbe Mwe N
toot polU-y afiur be bad looked at the i Xbe doctor baa ao much faith
exper^ce be bxa bad in
; chronic di*«aM that be wUl ifire one :
fr^ ;
Paris poliecaMa bare town
with .electric dark lantmia by rawns
wbirh tber cmn ew 160 foM away.
of whit
They ^ e employed «icce«ftiUy to a every patient will atkic to tbeir friends
teoent .■.« .u
tbe b.mMOma pnoiiui wbo altop ti
iormUiee treated,
mao in thU |
State has bad aneb extended expm
rieneain the treatment of CATAKRIt.
vncle Jimtol..........—
(STM. Who died re- , piSfiASeS aa tbe doctur■ He grado^.j,. ^ ElUwortli. O..
' jnted Sr years ago from ClcreUnd.
Per Dua.
i.Sis:""'" S<;aulkett & CO.
HABTiRan to
Fire losorance.
Tbe New York cbemiaL Plefeoacw
f.iumenw cUtms that to con setile tb*
Bnwn. ill] qniMlro Ly tnumiottog into
gold a of tbe ailver that ia broogbt to
Prince Buunardt
_ ..
i an‘etilhmiiaatio
tdmm r rf the
He ap^v« <d
j lamg before tbe ootrngud b«*to« tff
i<«TTt* to'^.c. old
. - I Kei^n.wt-rv ui> a little baud of men and stiff w tok. port in tbe ipon bun
cut*. dTulsi r and epralna.
Fresh Batter
„ Phyviolocy in Detroit
BmiMopaihic Uedica! Colleire for t
yearai was 3 years Superintendent of
Almn and VpailanH SanitxrtniBa.
Tbtoexperieuce, combined with many
: years’
^ara’ study
ttndy in the
th beat boa^ala to
: the ooaotry. and Cl
< tog thousanda of ebronl.
I prepared him to cure when thejreneral To Hum whe tear* than- wOecU'wttkBe Nr
<rtU*kv^BMai7Nrrwte!^ «w^la»a». I
Are you diacaarogud?
cure yon ox not. If we ennoet
! cure yon. we will teU yon what relief
pUM to W^jrhrte^
*** *** AntoU*
Free Storag^
for Bicycles.
aoucthews Use Navy,
icinea. aurgk
f. 2.-*The Dally Chronlcto
toefit of all e
this tnurainc mya: \'V:t are lntor.nvd
that the Spanish covemiiirnt .eigned lly ritod.-ne*. Tbe aervKea were tb .es ot ^ ,heir. fan*, os they recooBtod tto- whit* it would appear that a moo piay
meUwda of treatmei itUaB thxfla i
. contracts last week with »n tmpudant the F44so.|'ai .hurr-h, b..ih In th- b..u— ; f,t:gron through which they bdd pouKd. pomibly win to a I-aitng fight
; ano^n t,- ,u the aehoola..with tlto_aid;
film of BHilah ahlptiulld. I* by which ■( and ai the grave, and the feuiur, of
While Preuident Fanro of k'tunoewB.
, ,f elect^y.that moat wonderful c* I^
Ilaa “l' i tb. night of WaltoW Ttoy flagjrod ^ peterhof. Ku«aa. ho d. pi to a tod aU agents in Par^yda. ^ of Po^ j
flrtng sura which the Bern had nearly toera waa tb.- ,.rv*e^ "I
pm«*g-T tiato and which was totok- and droigu.d eeproial- RheupaUam. aud
donpleled for aantoer Eovemmeot. OI, na w b^’s,' madr a l^ef addr--. , ^
--------------------- -^
Anwoia Itow jr for too first tJrand Ducbe«
na my
wbuue cuneenl. premmably. Spain Lad
Wadilcxtun. N<-v. 2.—Tbe monthly wiadoea to aUpptog out of townnndw Kkholju-nu. daughtersrf Nicbolaal.
secured to thU ananx ineol. tVh-w
TuISwr*toe4 aa« Sola
e-.elemem -f to- <-omplr. IUr of Ihr cur
the qursthm of finaoir was rol^
tbs contractorw.'lbe Siuirlsh mlnistc
rency etMlwf tbe .-inulatl'.n of nailunai
marine. Admlrol-Bermejo. reprveerted bank rot.* cr 0.1. 3p it, have tweo aa
that In the event of war tbs Spat lah f.,||. w*: T. lal vlnulatl.m.
Eoverruncel ctmld counl upon aa li
decTva*.- f.,r the m.aithv
d.'erroae fnr !h- y.-ar,
tl.g- aeured l-v lawful rrir.ry. W.lfn.- ■n.'t ye*|rr>la> and .•l••clB^-d a a.-ml-a : ble nrcal. ‘*8he took The ’TiizMi OIW piiaiisih* DaM Mala*.
IT'ift^lJlNiUtoi FHRB TBAISE. StS; In-r'a** f';r the in.it th, t»».»T6; In- nual dlvid.tid of :s P-r irni
, Mpphunent.”
Remember, we give a written guar-1
CTtoae f. r th. y.-ar, fT,T32,et2.
I Pwf«^ •>“»« A. BtmM rf the | aole^^rc ^ery caae of «L^^
Stui on Deck
the Old Stand.
- Vawtr la TrowlAe
Monin-al. Nuv. 2.-Bolwn UnOsay. of-----I (laroe. who baa chartered the aleam- tr<«
___ . __...
.I. . — .'—
_ri»eBlcg is consecIloB ulUi tbe cen^n- abip Canadlmne. .«>'« he,will api>
brt2''t^-Tiy w^Lw imait of antiquiiusof unumal value, i
' ary ctOcbrallon el Ihe Chamber of CdrO'
/ mem. He reviewed tor hUtory of frv.
wnb rain:
' tuuM. alalmratulv nralaina arhat hr dr. rrcuilty
Dr. Hu King Eng ODd Mi-WkDf '------------------------------------------------------- Intends to l.ilnx acair-- the rmted I wMiher: ’
• alber oonh«elv winds, to- or* to be the Chtoc* delegatee to tbe
gtale* f..r th- .tamat- d.
Ix-rd hoaelK-ry c
woDan's cCDgnie. to be held to Latotm
•ej Vl> lb- VantIc Ir a o.lll-J.in,
, dlllun of agiif t
l«»h. The f.irmex. who U kiiowB aa
bououea and proiettlon. w
r-mr toMlhs.
An EngUib writer usMta tbal
the ”Jdifarie Lady.” on aecowit of her
—and In aom. caaew w as w uroe—<nan lo
Washlrxt'r. ^ov'T*.—The
compsratlye :
Xoi'': -The enmparoy^
was any Orob atreot to Umdoa,
EngUnd. He quoted Blr Wilfrid Lau- atttemeri
rlw. the Dommiut) premier, a* “a OKUt
:h- iBiU-d Fll
'lUuotrlous suthorlir auatalnlcg toe
view that It la free trad- w hicb .has pt«•n-ved and cotuulldated ibe Brltlan em- urse rsnitflf. iraklrg the -sre*a of ' olwaja Hyutg lo find it
Milta. B-tht.
oU«* liTiiif pfa>xp-f dltu>e*i>ver rcwlpia for th- morihfully agreed with Sir Wilfrid Lau- tt.ne.PliT and f. r lb. fqur m- nth* of thUillnn U> .d«old.lUr« wb«
1. Wid^: m bon. U. BMn.
N. T .t* March S4, 1819.
rier. he declared, that any deviation nreoent fte-al y-ar W.fW.me.
have de«e beat on allowed to-------from ahetoule polltUal and commen-lal
I ^ anlgraied to MichCigars
freedom would >Wly weaken ili; bonds
to IBBS and boa lived
a Bottle
holdina the empire tugeiber. and (hat
His fatbtr. Kotaaniel
onytolcx In toe direction of an Jmpe^rsollvereln w-culd weaken (be em PrtmMtw MetUd wf OvtUmg RM e( the
pire Internally and excite (be permanent
M alive with iDdlana.
. WilMm. living <me mite
beataitr of the whole worlA already
* ;] *myoturioos in their ocigto and ooU
excited by Biitinh prowwrily under free
l cd
my* a Sisyaatoirg (tod.) ,
iagetruity to deteetiDg tbe eanee.
^ ,0
^ ^
trade. He aalO lie would "tread softly
*. bar tutoring
banging to
in his
hu ten
bon ;!
7^.- L ^
In the preeenev of th- Ides -ot m anil- an iliietronag kr.-|*ake in the ibape rf : ^^jop, habiu <d clcm> oboervatiem he I " What ia ao ran aa a day to JuneT*
Tercin.’' for be l-elleved It already dead. _ BytsttdMT.
•’ArhiimiBanxritb oite whiaki-ra to
II bebonved them lo walk strongly anS «df oa it itto *l»nrtog the primitiva
'—Mew Yuxfc Sonday Joainal.
'Warily In the path of empire, but such m. tbida rewrui) to by the fanuera to
a xoUvervlD would f.irra a pemancnl
early days to rid tbe^iialvt* cd flioa li :
menace of vrar.
is simply tiro amooeb walnut boarda, |
piThs{>. 30 by 12 inebua. bcvolnd at <me
.mdaudlastenHl bgvtbcr by two whang
Dally Mall from Paris
ooftla strung throngh mairbed boles
lab ovndlcate has i l.iarred «ole eoetrol , In tbe antebrUoiu dara poiplc never
c.f the trade of th.- A.udan In ea- Ibongbl cd keepiug Itiea out td the
chaoge r. r the laym-nl vf an annuity
to the Eo'idlan governmrni and tbe bomu-: tbe {^iblKm vnu. to diqaan of
swanued through the
dnflayal of Ibe expenaes ef nillUory or- tbom.as
rupallon, t( will reconstruci and.work ttxnna making-Ule miamblo gahctaHy.
Cold weather is now coming Yon need a new suit Tx-a ireacap 0±Cy,
Ihv rwfivray from Roaklr on the Red aea In tocL the use cd netting tu prvrcDt
n-riev on the Iflle. Ihe noutberomoat their tognwa ia of oomparatlvely recent
origin, tbe tovnititB <d tbU much need of clothes and an- overcoat. Look at onr prices quoted
ed article Asriwg back only 16 or M below:
Jno. R. Santo,
. The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing bunoess on
Fron> Street, just west of
SteinWrg’s Grand Opera
Ifonse, and presents tbe best
Hne of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.
—Watch Repairing.
Mfirpme 6roci»7,
W. J. BOBIKSON,. Manager.
—John Verly.
-Front Street.
1B. J. 3ycOEO-,A.3Sr
Pair Business and Peir Prices.
esuelB In order lo peevent the meet
ing of oongre**. Five hundred arrecta
« beep Blade
aiade by order of Ibe
the goremmeat Tbe country
large. however.
remains quleL____
e of toe credllora of tnaidvrat
tional banka a* follow*: Twenty P-r
cent «!«iDd National bonk, of Grand
Forks. K. D-: 1T4C per euUL ClHxen*National bank. MadlsoR. B. D.: two divldenda It and U per cent, rcopeetlvaly.
I'nion National tauK Klnneapolla: UTl
ccnU. Flrol National bask. 1
thmaJly (hick to farmboBaea. ewm
Wbsv ia«(vi» or uied. and wbea Ibey
are nut they an- almoM toiolekabta In
tte <dd«o day* the meihod mot ood■Mtly evnidoieti to tbe oovhny to d»atroy tbe truinbhuune fly waa tba tee <d
onch toJrtnmona as the one denibed
above. Tbe hoards were beveled and
hang to snob maimir
by tbeir
weigbt they separated at the bottmu.
end ibu* bang to an inverted V ahapo.
To attract the fliea they were smaand
edtb innla—a on the inner luitooe.
Thus prepared, ftey were *iep«Bded
to ooneeniceu placee about tbe bouae—
to khcbcB. hallvfiy, porch, which gteeeally served aa tbe sonuner dining
pUoa and eqwtolly in ja iigiwiya
It waa a otonmeo duty id evety waber
of tbe bouxebold vrfaiB jiBtogona .
ibtne caicbm toolap tbe boards togeth
er, thus maehtog tbe fUeewhtob ted
eoUected tberecaL Tte eook d
teem to tbe kitoben. tte teate »
poaeod toandtnte tee-howao*
AtTlw Fair le Can Sdl YodA Suit of Clothes,
A Suit of Clothes,
A Suit of Clothee,
5 Doreu Pants,
lot7285. .-orth *3, for
lot 7507, worth 5, for
lot 6299, worth 7. for
lot 7233, worth 1, for’
lot 7505, worth 5, for
lot 2011, worth 7, for
These prices are good for THREE DATS
ONHY. Call early aod hsve your choice.
Brosch Block
- FAIPi,
n. 8AVLAM.
Mayer’s Mapetic Catarrh Cure. Bteed.
^>7 tetUe
Tte only Oavc
■ ocatotorei wUk «UIM»
met tbeir doom.—at Lotas Bapubtto.
MMedtotoaunta^V^ tete^ttoo. &
8. S. WAIT. linBtol.
raoM mw TM* aArm MAaasTS
Alao ereiythiiig in tb« line ct
Olden bj Phone givai qoick aL
«h*SMi wm.
WORTH NEARLY «200,bo0 000.
r. were badly lojured. BuoOajr
mah. Vrahk Kella was bdalea
into Iraeaalbiinx by Don-nntoB Iron
worttera. and Kelti' fallow wortjnen
vowed venceatice.
ManaAer Skimp
f«arl''K trouble, wboi bti meo «ult work
I formed thirty v ftrty of them In
Hlttabnrc sirecL
iwd had call.....
and four of the marcben wltb draan,
Ac^M CAhb4i> mA • CMPptoUt TM revdecra aaepped to tb* from and or- 1
a«w K^fft Ha* Kat Aw»*d—TmlMi dered the croad back, dual Iben aome
r threa- a moBC Into the eras'd of
OWnOaa to\»i|il—I HuslU.
If ■oyoaknow
tea nine of
Tbe minor detaiU ol h
of It
it are
are »
* eeen «
d> moi and bnas icreea eyed'
la th.---------asd the finer amtmaft
«1> V* «—
of the Ew-b
»!■»«• ^
into the eyee ofl
Uddes In tbe
m» •* Thta Vwn
other jrtrla
7^Irtrl* set
»« favored
lavored qoi
quite eo n
a«a ftea ts. Nmir-«et Terr rea- fial alwc with tail of Other ^-o- bw the qtmertwt aff«t of thi. kind that >
•eeiwea and WaM re* Othen *a Lead, tteeti that wiU Bcvar am the light ^ came onder the Soda, of the writ__ ______ ^
d«Ain. But we know that t^ bm* a*
We are all
wreathe ^
over tbe llli^pralriaA
^t American landlord with dlafa«c.;^^^^„„^^t
i»cr»» the
Be ii aaavutod in owr isindawith the ^ ,
la ct their wmTeijma.
ec waa a pyramid of e
etacked np fn«n flow I
ner of the parior. T
France oedtal to Spain all of that vast
iromenta : twrituiy known as Looiriana. rbldi
oomfot' tttetched from the month cf the Uiiwla-
Suits to Order.
cnorae. at the bue. and tbem t
! S^Tindmd. with I^ofT^S.
-^Picture Mouldings
“ TT.
ddoiu of the t8 litmy cluha:'
which totoMipomthe Fed#raUi.u of W
w\Mi.uto.to. w i.totoftot*—> toto..^to the
—. lake, toMto.—
] tat and (be law troterta bini.
jom,. diOcuU and' «i’a Club* in Eeumoky at a rei
. Prrhapt
...... the
beat example
------------.. <rf .Vtbe ^nawona
y on Jan. A IJM. ueetiaK which they held for tbe pur-;
America landlntd ia AsUr. or mtber xi^^ni«*d ^
tbe diidanoe at *20 pgae of Interchanging Ideas npem club ,
ten Aatota Thoititereata of tbi* famtitu
_ gcO milm. and rntMOn^t work decideeiwiuoug other thiun Co CBKo» Y(rt taxnlly ate io nniueroua and ,Q„mhave prored teat they w«er*- deamr to eaubliah a bird dv in the
' *_
■»u —..a-iw
..'—a —t
citice of
widely a;-.—;,
and na^hly gtxd guemm ..
U waa o«osr- pal
*> yaried in chamcler. that as laa>u<
ed by CaptaiD Engtaiio PUTTU. command- tecatato. Thiawill be
e effert in a
; they
hold away
twer aU
i iruerve the birds The
; cUmr. of
ing. and L»eV*““i
ty. oocupying 'every kind of atmo- interpreter waa Luia Cbevalier. Chiefs preeidema 'ill also use their
a Th.u.i.si.tbo.A»«*aaretrpicalin Ejectumo and Se«iuig-« Ird the 60 !u- to bate lii.Tatnro Bp'S) tbe sabjeot die0 Mtimi'Ut ciitera intoI tl
tlx- nun^ ^ Eux and Kmawahaule aaniinatnrt. aa tlx? beli
Awaited wltb mucli'Internal. Thus far
the British aotbomlee have i.ot t-rn Intomird s> u »bai the cueftremv |ir>>>
po#r» dulsg. At Ibr laine Unto- tbe
Brttlah expert. Pr.,fe**)r Darcy Thomi son. has bad aet cral. long talks with
Porter and HatnUn. and Utra. have been
Cf such a «tlaf..-.ar, nature that It
was believed an amtcable underatandlrwould be reached by
panics coocemed If Oanada abo«-cd a
Want Ads
finuiil Ripidi i Indiui R. R
c!C»fcet An*.
*.a.-r.B. Lr.
Sr. O-B ir.B-.m.
11 la, a OU Tear. CUy | ........i I Sk f IS
IToiioNit*-•*•'1-tribes n^wiTe 66'S|sniah e^nn- ignunint «tf tb-' ea-t dwametien of
this ia uun of ^ miyiag^ent of
,11 ISO men. eelecied with tarda canaol by tbeir bather trimmed
moat n»l ortate in this city.
■ ipedalhdiTencelothrirabUityiowith- hats
to May Piad TAeIr PT*F*rtT If
Aa Unillmds tb« Actura demand the
the ardnuBS ioani<.-T
Merchant Tailoring.
to the top. litis
with the FuiC
immoaae eapacity (or dedtroying auidy,
excepted ermy male viaitcr m add to
_______ _____________ _______
jd a. .pb.. U.
each of the other eoruara d 'tlM rooOL
Uf eourm a mnatMloaa ri'
amdog her eiaiton and admim
adminwt to get
Pg- n„. |lp^ I!-«
teefineatand moat unique natlee aud.^®®
imparted boxes Strange to any. ebe;
mamed a man who had tever added a '
kme box tothe pUa. but be i
destroy nne of tbe nwm I
offrringa <f other fellows —
Joseph.: leant TiamtDeanoenU-
to by a a
lalllade. fi
shots belnt
anea wtu adjourn. Tb. tettna c
rroin the number of ahoia fired Ii la
''.Ueatj- or coiivtsUoi will (olkia the Ucea
W the prupaduoB oonaUkrtd h>- the cooteance and referred ultb favorable wbcBthtehoctlng e^'fiunenced he start'd
rccoBUiMfOdBiioh to the BulhLfltle* at
f" a place
mfety. Be ^aiim t^t
iger mimp.
8l Peterabuis asd Toklu. The eaachlanaaer
T of Berry.
Ual feature uf the Irtao or caavenUan
Utotototototo airito.r.
U for the au>i>.nelun ol pelaclc aeallcc ,ala(r« that
.be dl";:^.
far such a piriud aa K Ul penr.it toe eeaJ f three ahot* Injl
~ . III I*.
■ tvtUr.
Ibt i.ciK<l <
■r Skimp f(T felnnthe arrest
Inna ahnnilne.
Mi.icb Great Jinioin wlU were artWlrd.
O. P. CASTER. Agent.
lUR ina car-1
K,,WlU.ca7 mtarm.U uaorm™. ^ *PPl
<in.dU. li»i to Itol
firat Britain was at war with tbe
United Statu. Sfmiit. UolUsd and
lantu^thltfal. the man bcMila
1 France. Sc Louis was a Spanid. town,
thoT'Iacsrityof them r»«jn*l^'aiid EngilKh oflioera atUtAed it at the
'Z ™“fooTa‘r!?C™
i dice* it la douWfol if many trf na "* bmd of 1,600 Indiana They were debrick OD the left aide of him clearly or judge him fjlrlr. Ao- teted
tetod with litUr uouBle
uouhle and n
trewted. ;
bead, and la aerloualy. tbooch not ' wording aa we arv lH«r'tnorlng day
In n-vettge the Spanish commaudiw
datuterouBly, wounded. Hvery
H»'i— GlUeH;!*
and a# we ieruio rejmira we ate apt At St. Louia whleh Ua people caUed
” '
was ahet thronch the
5! toremud him as a t«t diiagrwahle !*San LuU deHUnoia.“ planned a raid
This a-aa r
cItthey are dua. wilh oufnlfiU
4, to rerwin asd little ,in
eouia-bedreaped. John Jordan had three I knnbui attributew or else tbe
too, o., -toto. oto.to
^|K..uljii a
Ever Barned Oot?
imBaa (aTora and biTitatlcBa
tbe Imiff aya
United 8tetM,BuMi« and Japan
to 8ign a Tra^ About
Them This Waak.
WAabtDStnn. Nov. t—It la anxctvd
ttat a ITMO or ceavaatloB baiwcvo
tlM I'eUad 8tAi<A. Itaaau and Jatao
«U1 be 'tomallr Mcned and asrcaied at
tka ttau dat^imcDt-dunnc the prwM
waak, carT7-'n« out U» propoalUon befare the BrhrlQK aea coaference for a
MVenaloo ct ptiajrtc aeatlng. The pmeab Uhdemjindtns 1« that the alroknc
( tha a.
A ^«nWi Amy came to Cbica«D la
li'e. ....
, At
K t ae Malkoaka {.
K r I4Maac-:«aa
market rate for nats and they dtannnd
oS^^urxiwd uVthrMi*i^
Juneau, ttts. Nov. k^urt b^e h« it the firm of every menth orqoarUT. * to the mouth cf tbe illinuia i- ;
la lu M-Hock CUT
! vaa reli'SStd from tbe atate'a priun _.
le ....{ Cadi.lac
.................antbeoue true be. Sooper than make tectme along tbe tr»ckof tbeFraichS> ........ SeeSCKr
Wtupuo SaniUil D. Roly, of Uu- town
material ctuif.iadolia in. tbejwanant to explDrera aud vovugeia. The runte took I
n-m, the conUdeni'C
. bo paid on a l.uae the Aaftif willMllow
u'litwia river past Fort
a house
D 14
to rviuain racmaL tan <nb aea(Peoria)
i ^
Noria) to
to old
old Fort
Fort 8s
Atuwneya a
*■' ***
an or year twly. but twcCslhiae or Luui* (Smired Bte'
atdt). Here they plant- I
UrSSapd* .
d that belns uoab
Ttnim and If
"eMiy^to I^*cUy they
“ 8'**^ heiant
blood •Caided baiter
of Ayagon
t «t hand the bciimug WIU bo at- ,nd
CaatUe Aoeuturyl
Aotaitury Udoro from tha’
. Detsait.
.11. ...r u .to ,K- to.v ..toS ,hto tototo
PollowlBS the convlct a dlrec- Cored, proridod the ««cUtion of tbe
..mineooe U c*He bad unfurl.BUSISESS CARDS.
S«ed“ iX«
clnl^un cx^'*“ been'di«itw .m tbe neigbbrwhood require* iL It U app^ tee fleur-de-liiof Ftaooa Snb.»iueDUy
in^to tch.
alreate- recovertd nine- eat, Uxjrtdore. that the Aetofa g.* the tee Britiah ^ had wavtd over iL
le» gnld waicfaea and a number of rltiga figures they aak. Tbr*r>ajvnotthe Iiigh- Kinr Old UIiwt waviw there in pesos Cl n BBOWX,-suorary aa4-Cm
diplomsilr dlBcouncry. nut otily
and diamond Plns^»*e fheleJ^lB, ST^id. f« the t^te. lake no
there in pesos
Vnltrd Plate* Imt also to tbe Brttlab
vll Up to thu average.
Pute'a fares toiled in now and ioe
goveTBTlKr.t. Tb« for.lgu oOlce named j
* . . —. ... ■ ■_ to>h-»-.—. — — — — —_
him w ith Profeaaur ThompaoB as as ex- | ^V”.to’^hTr’to.rS'®
powild.'r nqniie* moo-lasur- ^ tbe junction of the K...k.k.v, «,.! /Ill
nwraqi’aihility in unaBta- rb*'. r.__________•r-...—
.~t •i...-'-*..
— -T character ....
. May Oi4*el ta Hawl
1 ideotincatlon.
Tbe prlwner who^- *l» Astmu. Eel.-renoee• aa
) a point weM of
what ia!1 rsBIK K BOBTON. «
PrafeaBorTbompste v
^.bWlcloeedihelnfrrmatlrnleW.T.J. Black- and financial alaiidil
Buw booth Chicago and <
' „«retoM> saaioeauxi^ls Tra^r^tMy!
hlSvDur has reruamed'
II altead
aitead praMpUy u> *11 day or algkl
a four-}'
ooming if y>tuw(Mld U-an AsKir tenant. Uke at iu aouthmi edge
X-y found . aa* aiU
cleeB u. *Wu-(Hr*> Tralm arrlr* lro<B Cleeta-s
taws sovrntoirni-ha*
1:1 Do exiJana- 1
and they murt b.- to^ than iwpe ref, d««Ute rogi.ui of im am.
Markhaw Blork. up'la.
at ^
p; ■.
1 MiaibKis
twn of this sAonr a:
erm^. for tboT will bo invrrtisated
Thence th«7 marched
_________ Ways*. <Awad UapMa.Deuatt sad
Oblivious to all IriquirlcT. It U thuuebt
carefully. If you aro ntiknown <» can~~
the prto«, nrf of IlamItn as tbe Amerl<-aa
lELII A H adL^^btolgaiaabn............................
T . JJI.WU^. Uav*aail:jap.ia.
rsp<rt ir. tbr flrlllsli-AnirrtcaD mcctiBg
may tie tlx- ca'uee of Canada's Icat-tl. n- gtwmioual I
have goLaud that you an-fairly c-r- h>I>otnjlt at thenewsof Uuir apiirtMch.
. wbhm has I
C. ItotOegWOOB
LiCM AailsluirT sprcincally vuied In actiin of being able to meet the runt fiw
,]] ^ tee Mimw IvU into the hand*
c for a meetlBt
o-pUcs the pTuiwiti'
^thiU^.donptti^toMl^.beineadam Tb^ proclaimed the i
that H waa to be one l-eleccn "exierts".
an AkUw hooM' You will bo refused.
.ivunignty 0# Spain ov« lUiaraviiua
lo ILIa end tbe Brltliih exi-ett ThorapwiB
divided thc.rturea Alter testing »*■<>“■
Aa a matlir of law. the Artiwrcnt
and the Cauadtan rxpen MacoUD were
mils if auecouM'airarocoiiivs of thi-m.
ealhvy bogtn Iheirreturu luaruh ,-t-.r s s <UTB1 PhyaidaB asd Santwe.
aamnl It.ftoHtig expected that tbe Tnlted
w.pild bo an cxt^l^mt ooimu. rciaJ <U- q,«y ,i,; t„utrrontc- Tber nwched bL I ;M
Stau-^'WouId.rjirre a> lia expert I*n>wnory. far more r-liabl.-wiibin the Louis in aaf'-tyafiir a midwintvrmaivh
-V '
llamllc was named,
Ttk. H n. (IkBXKK. Aaraaoe. O'tor PiTal
luml.d Bphete jarbaj*. than anything «f »BrjT I.4W) liiiU'S through a hewtile-------hjw-aver. and It Is underalood that this
JJ N.iir«ia1 teak. Tsdephoa* IB. %.aeial
A Vii x.-d rather Ir the light of namlrix ObMUtaaluKSi. UnUSBY BLlLPUtA. w.
eviT attonipud ill ili:« 4-ity. Kiutoty-five
Kiu'-ty-fiv* einuitry.’Tbeylmd
Ru* va*-ualii«. and , Btitoutuio __________
itodiau>M<ir«yii.<ar. auseaodtnnwl.
a counselor. 01 diplomat, a# tbe Ifr.lira
per evot of the ; .ranua^how uamw are ;g,,b«vd
States rcpre*enlalJ\-e. rather iban an
fhey agreed to pay CJ,r.«itoL
e vesler. <• ihidu pay
P"F the rent
I *» • M........
• aa tan........
Otoa. City Opera H
on the .fiTKC (fi rTery m.ailh. Tboae ob j
S t»
S.-Ji-iJsr'.'sss.” •
toutotot. toto EUptoui. rtJET lito Miowrt tb.;Ki;'.ssr~
.■S2fa£-::: ...(
Chicago •- -to to to..
West Michigan.
■ p
o, to.,™;."... p„, to.' jr
7 «...
*•» **»,..
the roll* wbo do not disappear when;
———i'rrr ■ H.FWTEE.
a. r. a
fio mvt.tluB la made in tbe coeventten
----------------their l.uwto arc up or before if pooxible. j
It la an inlenaiiuig fact 10 the rrwwda ' W .
of Ulr kminx of seala In caae Grtat
•Caek KaWa" Kaorhad Ilia OaS
The Aston, are mit hard landlordi. but efi scieuufic fwogrem that the Uwted | ^has a nsvER-AtiM
Britain and Canada do. not <v-cperate.
Londoo. Nov. 1. — At ExrelMor halL
teey are v»vy iTudnaaalllie, and tbe die- Bmia* navy has far a Img time part j C Lma i B lUlkm Bkwfc.
2i U polr.ied out tbal RUasla amd Japan Belhnal Green. Docd.ui. Ian evrrurg.
poaema preardiug is reoarted to when- been dropping bonles ovntcard in the! ——■
steps Rclilnsor. alias -pock Robin." the ba.
nvtr oocasico (iomanda
'Atlantic pooao at the Aacoca. in deep [ O. teateaadCM
aealiist Canada, aa they have do border ' ney pugilist, defeated "Pat" Dal>.
Tboogh of Ouich stock tbe Aator* water aldbg tbe
of Bpain and from ;*»* Btoek.
Irtereeis wlHi ber. Any action against Amert<-an. In|a ahi rp rantetl; ^baiy
. Canada. ih< refete, must be taken by general
generally forrid the '.ghtlng. which was have DO freliug of trietKiUnos for the the Hadvita and tbe Cananea aouththe I'r.lted State* alone. The pUe of very fl
Rut 'Cock Uquor trafDc. Tbe aaloon keeper is tiot ward along the coast of Africa.
.... MOUyaaa Ek Rafads
MlUng o
. baa beetf-enbcdled RoMb" put IB
of Ihe seaU
« epiendid body w.nk WAtited. •wen at the high rates be offtra fact that all thew. Uwtles that
in the l.ltl 1 efore coDgreay. but It baa at clu* quarters
gad neither is ane other aort efi teaant bnu nxovered ^v« been found ou the
.. t«*.a. ............. •>??•«•
ttjt rOBito bef ae the cti-fornce as s Mep
At. Tra»ata« Ctiy T M *J. .
who U likely to clash with the puliee. ooart of tiouth America on tbe AnulKISCELLANEUU8 WAHT8.
now to Im- takce by tin- allKd |4i»er>.
From iimo p. time, of coenK!. pa-noor lea and wane of them a* far west aa
Foster imvc a reveiT-.I.n jesterdsy to
J Emm. Aa«*a.Tr*»waa
r deaths from iafloeosa were re- Dot in larur with thv auihoriii'w crei.p tbs tnunth tfi the Bio Urande. attggrstt
tbd Rua -an. lappees - ai.d Urittsh dels,
into Akuw propirtiia but when diaoor- i the Inferetm- that er«gy booyant uliject
gates ar J-kr>FHa. rn;ft,.»,.r Thotnpeon
was tires, m. but the Brlilsh embasay
R*" Fra*>'“'* WllUrd I* pUUBln:
«ui they arc oustod as qniokly and as wbieh has b>e^‘n dronxd into tbe on-aa
offlrtals were not rv|rvS4'nted owing I
------------- -qnicOy aa pomibla
during the jm-Msii goultafioal epoch by
>nih of mourning iinpiwed by tb*
Evanston. III*,
80 far aa improvements go, the ««tate*
^ .............. —
Fowler W. Pope, one of tha (oMen looath of tbe Duch.wa of Te«:kiB^iilRaiae
bihind tnauy of the other large tuguow or Ainixuu has fiwid ita way 1' pW>B^RS!«^^^^M™a«il.
e^g RgM -a
To lak* eOsnasaday. Jaaa IB. imr.
ie)mot}ve engtOtovr* In the Onlted SJatvW
to Amfrico and beoi MnnOod acane»»»■ *^
at I MIe'etsek a rt.
died at Hants Crux. Cal.
le tmt
Being mistaken f<rr a burglar Rer«alaa F*.dne Bid la by £»••
..............................to, ... . <;-adat 8..oth'Cbi- nifutofthc------------ ,
rag., by hli frltotid. Jlartlij Krlpa
ow'diuply nnptogreeaivc. and it ia hard- I northcTU t««
Omaba. Nov. 2—Tbe Union Pacific
The ar.nual r..n>umi>ti<.n of wheat In ly np to what might be exprePd of it < caurunU run tbe other way. and
- road proper. IncludlDg tbe bundlngi
Auatn-iiufigar} I* iw>.no.(4M bu«h>U. ' yet It is nige^ in d,.-fiaiBe of this policy mails have tweo delivered from Ainen- ^m’AS'VrB-Toexeaaaxe. axoos work k«e*e
•nd aU that goes to operate tbe aysiem.
but thi* yrar'a crop U trai than lU.OOO.- (bat vaiiona Kvtima of the city in . ca to.Europe. In Cbc t^cifle orean tbe
was yxsterdaj n:umiDg acid to tbe reor- ;
OM burtitoir.
which Altar bnlOings are larae aro atdaily luatU delivered on tbe wi«t coast
ganlsstlon cummlittc fur tbe aum .of
xt *b<re
Wh-n Chb-f Klpley. of Chicago, rennAerBoinTa chanae and that i «fi Amcriew trum Mount St. Eliaa south- ' WB UAUt-Oo- Ira bai.
__ ______________ llaamaeoak A>
$jdA2>LU;.*( ThU BiDuUBI does 001 In
tiim. from N>« York be will find bit S^ioMJi^priaiein characue will 1 ward have procewded Ifom about the '^7fi~
*. The*a»ecaabe*MBMeama«
clude the sinking fued In tbe bands of.
oltby W'ltfaovi a caryx-t. Some peraons ^
trouble with ^ twentieth
parallel north, in the vicinl- i at couaimaalaoa O* VVoal Mrvei. Trare
te parallel
the guv*tT.n.eBt. and asking Ihla to be
«miB*Uo*U«eer (nr ea*k. I
h—irwatod ! re ifi ike
and archi;»'l-'
e Ualae
Malay UMinsnla
•Ltel.WO, tbe an.ounl suied In the gov- Biole the carpel.
I bare traveled through
na*t JordaB.
ornnirr.l d.vrxe cu\-ering the sale of Uieand (bo Japanuec sea to pick
rnad. the total paid for the |>ro|ieny wa* frem a few iMId tree* on bl* farm aud bold* them in clioct. while BiiaUer and
|«.6«.»t.:.Te There werr DO other hld- sold ahem for n pet bushel.
dwdgnod tor (bo weatofu
; weaker men take the_rlA. and often
Ber*. and Ihe road went to the teorganlIn a flt of drapondchcy caused by lack they atand in the way ffi prugreas by
aatlun committee wuboul *fiy bppoelof work cniarte* Gulbeck. of Ptwaukec. preMtlng' immense block* of property
I'la. made an unMi-rrasfui attempt to direetly in the line of great inipruvt^Tbe sale
th^rewd waa la Itself.one
nd h!s life by taking rat potaon.
manta If change* are cITectod all around
cf the most tame and tmtatereaUjig prrThe monthly statemeBt of tbe director teem they wiU alter ■i*0| but they are
tomiarrvs |to.iaslb1e to iDiagIne. It was
_____ Thia gas, aa domribed in inven
Ul* laM » do aa,
adveitiito-<l lu take place In fn.Bt of tbe of tbe mint ahows that the coinage cx(ion aad originated by H. Becur de____ ____
. iadividual reiMlta.
Unloii pavinc rr.iKki house at the jum- ecu>ed dunng (Vu.l.er. IWT. aggregnied
fhvi of MimteOamoM. Italy. U obtained j
tion of Nlrlh and Jone* atreeu at II
aa follows: Lime aa pure a* possible it u^SioaL c'clork. and it waa Jurt erne minute after
■ah bat they .. .........................
".toS .7^,1,; BtetoJto.Uto,
employed as a base, oolopbooy and eal-1 Saamoomco.
that lime whee llaster InCbancery Corg what they prumim. Usually residua carbide ta-ing added—1.000 partaj ma aAUtBish. who was to art aa auclIoDeer. look eredllorv of tbe Beyaiooe Nattoual b
dawea are put in ord« before tbe:
of Wert Huprrlor. Wtato making In a
ot tbe mixture ready f<g «“» oooaiatiag | ^ bom.
epositr or ehy peopeny. Haant gora in. and tboi tbe oooui
per cent
of WO of qulcklima. 60 of oolopbuoyiS^
Morris McKinney,
of Minneapoiia. one »a*
has got to be
TOT (carefnl.
cKinney. or
db *07
mwul Itbnotex- i „h m trf oaictnm iMPbide—and tbare is T^oa^aiA-SM acre* «r Uadra U»* t**»
and 60 (fi calcinm mrbide—and (bare ia I po>
ef tbe oldest logging op
_.to___ ■_________ to li.Xil.'to tof tototoltotoi— hto
Win BaU la<h.TcMpia.
•* 3
S' !S
:: SSi :::::::: JSfi
■S’ -
BoSalo. Nov.
lira Cars*'* report
•. C. T. U. Tempte at CStlcago
ocedings .
gtrorgly In favor of relaInlog t> conlrelIng tmervat In that property. Altei
oonrtdcrable drbatr and a number of
inottoos one to adopt the rejort waa
eurrted raslly. Ml» Willard lald '
^an wa* to go to some rtcb pei-ple «bo
had been frleDdly wttb her and ask
them to help ber. A rraoloUcn waa
than Hdvpted to support the alfon to
••mve the templa"___________
is i sr srs
He wa* «
fl«ta Qirecuy.
arecUy. tn(^
; Uleraof
Edison procera fra aepa- MM
»i«« o< gdaata I»w-« of « "illU- 1
rating Iron from low-grad* orra by elee- «««na upmi wnvm btiwirw m *wn ; rioter* of wat*. and tbe pbotometrio , T
trtdu- BOve yesrwoldand that be ilh* atrucfuroi atand. This kind <fi bufltog
«g tee flame ii stated to he
to— .. ,_________
______ . . —..................................
92 ^
~tito toarA
Ixyars, whUe
while the mme
The number of Immigranu arrived In the family, and tb^ only have to do |
^ eulcium mrUde employed
tha United State* during the Oral three with it » far a* receiving
wouM givotmly 18 candle boora.
month, of the present flacal year wa* mota are oaneemed. Dwtilinga in givwt _
to——.^i the new su is 60
last year.
General Ramon BInneo's flret act aft«
NsTVaaly K*rap*ri aa Awfal MIk.
r be
he wa* awtirn
aworn »n
In as go'-ejuu,
governor a<-uei*4
Houghton. Mlrh.. Nor. t-Ftr* broke of Cub* waa to laade a proetarviiion
out In tbe Central mine ytrterday aft- preimirtng a noUcy of geiwrosity and r*e
The tuloer* aacended to tbe form, but announcing a atere detat»
•urlAce *1 once. Later U wax dlawv- mlnallon to crush tbe fcbelllos.
General A. 6. Welasarl. of Ullwauk.>e,
errt that Frank Hianton. agent of lb*
mine, with his falher. John Stantmi. st and iQeoeral figo' Vandervoort. of
New Tork. aecTeUry 'of tbe •»Bptny. Omaha, each an ex-comm^er-lo-chief
and Wllium A. Fiyne. of Boaton. were of the Grand Army of the Republic, and
otlU In the min*. A reUtf party dteorud- OeDersl R. N. Adama of
hare just paenred ttOM a
edand by
......................... ... ................
d tha imprianned n
In tea coast regloo o‘
fb atealM eataruM 1*
erch Blgh erhaaatdd,
wa’si.'Aairais.'toJS —
I yearly too
a and boteU areohitdly
•___ ,
roduoen aside fttn tea
»b« ini^ prorti
leasehold pn,Y»Ttiv*
How much tbow rents
hap* only the Aston can tell, but
re^ estatoof the two Imicbe* «l tee
fomily ix worth nearlv *200.000,000,
,*oi«ding to a reaicnvatiee
gufl m^ (fi It 1* remtod. If it av(
J ■
SibE-t ■iwae.m«f^.M;M
ci y.«. o. * a I. «o**:«p *****. ■aaser
The adrertirtng oolatnhi of legitinmM
■ewiipapMS'are now regarded by th*
O^paaymore iatelligtait and thiifty. portloti <fi
the pahUoasaa unerrihg b
tbe dhamonr. eaergy and
prwtete tee
t at etna mm
> CBy Lawhw
'itSi—Money to Loan 2.
Oa iaiprvrsa rttyjeapartrFASOHUI * oaocsn, Atwawsy*.
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