The Morning Record, June 15, 1897

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The Morning Record, June 15, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


- omotu rAviik


Tear-No. 88.



Thlladwa. Ala-r Dayton. ObkN Cbailoua. M. C UiaMruburg. A C. Chatta­
nooga. Taaa. Mr. BoUpy hM alaa raWXLX. FBOBABLT BB ABBBBBD ealvad the ofikial aoavuak od the later'
aaikmal aonvaatka which k to toke
plaoa In Saa riaaehao. It b aa alaTreaty k WrltMa aad wm go to the mlaam piaea ahont toe aba of aallvm
daaata doon-Two-Ulrda of daa- half-dollar, iasoribad with the date,
aad C.E. monogram. The moat
atoraSald to rbror Anaaaatloa.
valaabU and aalqaa of toe aolbelkm
k a wevea silk badge of the aoekty of
Eaglaad whiob b for a aaloa ooni
BtatMwtllbaaaatto tha aaaau aooa
bo to ba bald la Liverpool.
after the rataro of the praaldant anlam
grouad work |a wklto allk, whL too
preoaat plana are altorad. Tha
.^ta. monogram, ahma of toe pboa,
treaty WM writtan aad all Itt datalla
ate., woven fa five eolora. with the
fatly agreed apoa briora tha praaidaat
Britbk ooat of awaaia the oaotra.
aad Saoratary Sbanua left tor tha
TbMtrkal Motoa
Tkme la ao doaht. it h Mid. of tha
W^l A JohaaoB'a Burs od pomedy
praaUaat'a aoqaiMoaa^ la the tarma
aUStaiaof tha treaty for tbe i^aoe that.ha gave'their latUalp
waa made fally aware of them before heig-s Grand last night aad toa aama
"atam-h vroll ^bd. BaehatoiL ..
ha>fl. .
own Uaa
The treaty la oa tha gMaralllam of
the treaty aagotlatad dariag tha ad- of work, unalloat aad they are not
atiaUoa of Praaidaat l^rkoo aad oonflaad eloaaly to any partieUlar llpe,
withdrawn by PraaldaA Cl^alaad. It attorn. OM of toatr ekbf awibbalag
Aa a eartala-rabar
provides for tha
ratty UUa aomady
“A Kba U tha
i tha part of
-w..^ aad ruoaivnd with altoe Bawaiiaaa aa to the form of govaugbterandappteiiaa.
aramoai to ba voaehaafcd to Bawall.
leaving that qnmtka to ba aaUraly Mr. Carroll, aa Sdlm PatUboaa. a Jealooa hasbaad. balag toa aktef laagb
Abpoaad of by toe govammaat of
United StalM. Tha United Statoa wm provokm. Tha prdtty Uttla Mubratu,
agraa. however, to aaeama the debt <d Greek Cnmmiagt aaag a fawaoags a la
the prsiBut Hawaiian govammaat bat Lottie Giboo. and. at leant aqaated
Tha taroya.
will coma Into poasaaakn of ail

^iMbmlalagtha aala etetfl thafor(har order of tha aoort. aa there wm
aot aofBciaat tlaw hafora ^a day of
aakforaraMiB of aa order to abow
Moae, and toehow aanae ea the SSad
toreaBagsedOMh U «he VeA cf taek. why the order of April (7th
;tlU Ud-Woanda OeVwk bat aot aboald aot be eot ealde. Tbe Saprame
Ooort haa not pamed apoa the marita
of tha peUtkm. aad wm not oatil tha
rrtdkj e*«ja*( Um UUto iT«-rwr>
ra of tha elrealt jadga is filed ^
ddm a( Dr. OtaatM. wboaa faBilj tbeiaaMdalyargaad. Tha order that
lha oa Kaat Stata aUMt. waa Mveral; tbeSoprama CaoKdld make kaafol. WM^bra A* balOiCiBr to
Aadmoa. Tba A« waa nawlar
■'Oidarod, that tharaapo
MM boM wbea tha litUa fellov ap- ebedit judge, do ahow ca
I tka aahaa} apnaf coon on tha ttad day of Jai
at tka tad Mvacalr. teataalar kb tattb why a I
la tha aaak «t tke boj. The aacdc of not be Imoed oat of and aadar the aaal
tka^UtOa fallow
of thb eoart to oom^ htaa. tha aald
a^Mntakfd.adaopfaah balsf ton Oiroaltjadga, to forthwith aotaaidaaB
tttkatkroat. Tha back of tka aaak order made tc him aa aoah jadga la a
WM atao bnbad aad aoratebad wkara aaiiaa paadlag k .eak alreblt aoul
. oMoftkapawtof UMderrrin^tba wbarala Chariaa D. Kaayoa k eoaAUd.
plalnaat aad aald raUtm k defaadaat,
Dr. Kaaalaad waa
whkh Mid order wm made oa tha (7th
■oaaead tka woand
day of AprU laat.
-.Iko^ aot BidiwarUy daacaraaa, Ba
"And It la farther ordmod that the
dTMMd U and n*« tka ■laiiMty at- aala ad tha pramlsaS^ aadar Me da^
taatioo. tkoocb ba did aot di
and order In aato aaime ba. and tha
■miary to employ aaoualaatlon. Tha
■ k hereby 4ty«d antU the farther
eaearraau waa faportad toCklaf of Po­ order of tbk oaart.”
lka Baaak. who deeldad that tka do(
akoald ba abot. Nlrkt Polka GrayaoB
arm aaaoata the aalaal tkto aMraiar.
WbUa Hr. Aadamw raload t^e d<«
te afToad tbat. aadar tka oireamohaaga la 0»orati6n Today.
ataaoaa. U aboald ba kUlad. It k aatd
The new metaUk awitahboard la the
Uads and otom poaIkatwlQletka dec t* aat-aclj ItbM
w ready for
Wttaa ehUdraa bafora.
ThaanatobM baaa <
Tha bey aad a brotbar lira oa Saat baalaem.aad Him Bdna Thaekm. tha
toe aei
Otata etraat aritk a a«r«a, tha father operator, mill h^ia her datko la the
offioa apatalro ta tha Haaoaic tbe aamaxatloa aad a
karallac.^______________ •
a of toa propoaiUon my
block Ula amralag. The new awitehboard k the lataat dariga with all new toat they ballav
:ovemaau for parfaat earrlaa, aad toe two- thirds <
provided with the loag dbtaaee traaa..Baatlaia VU riay BaU la Xaatotaa mluer. It k daalgaad for two operaX-O.T. K. nSITOBS.
For reorth of daly OHabiatioa.
tore. If aeeeaaary toaae more than one.
Oaray Boll racalrad word yaatarday Tha wirrn have all bean
Travataa Bay Siva wiU btartafa)
aad thoagh there may he come Uttla
Indba from eruwn.
deleeta ia the aarvtoe at tha bagiaaiag.
The ladies of TmvmM Bay Hiva, L.
Manager Barry will have It working
Mam of that plaoa dorlar tha Poortk perfoaUy in a day or twa Alterlthaa O. T. M.. will anurtaln toa ladlat of
Orawn blva today. Tha Utter wOl
^Jaly aalabratko. Thera wm prob­ baao ihoronghly taatad by
ably ba thraa yaat^; ooa aoah oa the
a aad Him Thacker be- coma ovm in a body and ariU be given
hid. 4th aad Atb. Tke Buatlara will r%thoeoa^y famUtar with the a dlaaor by the TmvorM City ladlat la
aaira W par oeat. of tha gala raaaipU. ehaagaa latrodacad on tha aew hoard torir lodge room, after wbleb a taguwkteh baa always bean tka aostom oa tkU wUl afford perfect aeraka, aqua) to lar MM^ wlU ba balA with faU
tka Foorth batwaea Haoktaa aad Trar[toanga la the aUta. Mr. Barry iBlUatoty work. Traratue City lodge
area. Thb amttar daftaltaly aatUad ao b loth to part with tha old awiteh- wUI be oat la foraa aad a fine time b
ripatad. Tbe local lodge has tls
tlaw will ba ket to gat togathar a faat board, wbieh has givaa good aervlea
ibara aad b in a 1
taaa. With tha BMtlars and Boyi' daring its font and oae-balf yaara aaa.
Band la kUabtaa daring tha oalebrat- la addition to Improved local aervloe. ditloa. A nambar of WllUamaberg
ka a gcaatarowd a»y ba axpactad to aext nwatk the longdbMBea wire will ladkawboare mambn Of tob hive,
ling la Uma to
be ready for baaloaaa aad direct iMm- WiU ooma ovm tob
manleatlon caa be had with Grand partielpata la the. faaUritba
»B*T WA»T OAmr..
Bapida. Chkago, Detroit. BofEalo, Maw
York and aU large eltlaa. Thb will be
BM.lfada an OBkr «a Uiensoa inagwortoy. toa barber, dbofgraatbaaeflttotba local mcrehanu
•top Adaaa.
wbo oftoB haya oaimalon for quick playad hb originality ymterday by dbBam Adame, who bM baao ooaaaatad
la tke tola- playing a black, piratical looking flag,
with the Baatlm for thraa yaara,
Travmaa City b la line which, while-not la Uaa with the
baa had an oftar
from Maalataa aritk toe larger aitlea la Hlehlgan.
eaatimaatof Flag Day.
to maaaga IhaAaam at that place
Ib aigThe telagrapk laatramaato wm ba
dniag tha praaaat aaaaoa ham aald ehaagad aboat toe and of toe wMk,
.laat aiglet that ha did not aare to laara wkmi Mr. Barry wm eompleto toe fit- tlr. Laagwortoy aaya
Trararea Oily, oad woald not do ao oa- tlagapof the mw oOeaa. whkh wiU.
I “no quartar;” toat maana that,
ba amra eottreniaat than the aid qaar- ha aelb ahavaa at tea eaata each, iathat ba aonld not raabb Sambo
•bad of a quartar. aa'foRBarly.
toe beat playara wa have over had hare
aad it bill bo hopodtoat ha wm reTO XBR AT SDOBWOOD.



XT WAS WOT tnrwsvAL. V

Tha Traaaertpt of iJaaa Uto mya:
Oaa of toe mast oaaaaal ordma,..waa
amde by toe Sapraaae Conn at Lahaiag
onWadaaaday. Taram A Uatas, kt^
aaya tor Mia Oaria of thb rity. asked
toe Soprama eonrt. to oompeIJndge'
Oorbatt to aet asida a former rnliag o»
hb at tha iMt term of toe Clrcnit oonn
for thb oonaty. Tbe aaaal manaar of
making aa OMm af tob kind, b fm the
Oapratoe Ooart toanowaclronit Jadga
to ahow eaoae within aoanaiatlma
why ha ahoald aot ravaraa hb formm
oedm. Bat ia thb eaaa. the eoart w
dared Jadga OerbaU to rnatialB too
. Mle without glrlag him the chaaea to
The facta are that Nr. Chaa. D. Kaajmn be^ foraoloBara -arooeadlaga ia
> ehaaoaiy agaiaal Mia Bvlra B. davia
for toe taxm of IWPS. amooatiag to
«U-St. Adeeraawaamadaiatoaaaaa.
Itad last term of Ciraait eoart Taraor
A Galea. reprcMatlag Mrs. Oaria, amda
a motion before Judge OorbaU atotag
him to^M aside
th?daoMa,tor tha.raa-•
a Mrs.
Hi Gavloorb



Zmdka'XkBiaaary Soriaty aad Bridge
BnUdare’Temomiw Might
Tha Udka' Mimkaaiy aocdaly wm
meat at Mia Lathroph, at Edgawood,
Wadnaaday at S p. m. A cordial inritaUoB4a aauaded to tha Bridge Bulldara
tomMtwito them. AUladkawhoariah
to holp ia tok good work, mamharo or
aot, are alaoi' laritod for a aoeial afteraeon. Him MaEallar. rataisad mbrioaary from lodla, wm be praaaat:
wlihhmoarioB. Aaomaibaa wOl Imvc
J. O. JohnaoDh drag atora at (:M for
tooM^daalriag to go. ^

Daughter of A V. WaUa Wadded to
tha WaU-XnowB J. O. Oarrm.
Mba Cora B. WaUa. daughter of A
W. Walbof toe MlAlgaa Baakattoetery. waa married WadaaMay. June S,
at St Joaaph. the home of her paruab.
to J.^. Oarvm, the popular yoaag lauanea man of Dpbolt
Mr. Oarvm baa made many tHaadi
during hb risib ia tob city who wm
libna alaoara oongratalatkoa.
White ool. gunmally khowa la thb
dty toa bride U kaown to n few kem.
Howavm, being tha daugbtor of tha
aatlmnble A W. Walk la anOetent fm
hm to eommaad tha moat aiaaara good
wbhaa from Tmvmua City pa^a

■hortaaad a nagur.
U^d-Salaa, aa cmplcca la Ut« baakat'-'toetocy. wm ba laid ap a abort
retatoM Took a Drop.
lima oa aeoouat of aa aeeldaat. whkh
PotatomtookadropiaChteaca yaa01 him yaatmday afterso
tardny ^ toa prlem kara raagad from
waiWag wltoutrawbany
aaadgtarmaahlaa when hb left hand S to IS aanb Bteekowa aad Imrdte
■aivad laatTMtUopa not to buy
came Into too aloM eootaet with the
kaUa. Tha iadaa fingm wm aome yaaterday.
what abortar afur Dr. Martin had ftaBBSOMTBBS OOJOVa.
bhad droaaing it
Obkago Xaritat Saport
Chkagu, Jana 14.-Wbaak-^aly, 69ei
am, (4tda; mU. Ite; pork, FT.47.
Ckaad—Wheat—71>de; inly.
?0k» September, astfe; Daaambm,
67a Com-Juufc (4Ke; July. UJie;
Beptombm, Mka Oab—Jana, lec;
July, 18S; Bapumbm. l0Si<il«HPurk-Juae, «.67; Jaly. r.67(f7.70.
Lard-JBna,»J.70: July, *3.7S«J 77.
Hoga—I'alrlg aetivu; fK to 6 aanb
lower. .Light Sa.4(N«S.M; mind, $3.4«
®S.SS)(; heavy, gl.SOi9(.S0; rraglt
Oattla-Waak aad JO oanb lower.
Baavaa.; aows aad. fanitea,


Xbatenaw Hotel at Ommta Wm Soon
Abd T. Page of Omad Bapldt who
b -lacgdy ialaraatod la toe Omeaa ra-''
>. WM ia town yaaterday buylag
tolaga He reporb tbe proapaete good
for a pro^iaroua ruMrt aeaMO. <Xha
hoSal b opm. aad the aatlra aeeond
flam h already aagagod ky Ciaelnaatt
parttea w1bo will ba hare aarly to July.
Sovaral of the cettatm are already uoeaptod «m tha amawi. aad aU todleatfcma aew point to tha bMt aanm (hte
popater ream* arm had. ^

to vaeata aad act aside that rultam and
Vnlqua T. F. A a B. SoovMln.
urdm a aew eale.
MctBoltey bmnktogaaalteatkn <
The Bneoao InUrvkwrd Jadga CorT. P. & a E. aoavunin and badgm aad
batt. who'uaym: ‘The Saprame Court
TBaMoamm OkartovuU wm Imva bM lately raodvad mvm^ framtehnad
gldao uBuaual thlag, and, brnidaa. the
wartiiy ad
artkla la too Tiuaaeript b
tobfOfSn next weak and go on hm rhteh are works of «r(
,T|m urdm waa ^ made by too Sabrnortiwm trip. Tha Pabmk^ rMmvmUon
graaM Ooari aatfl Jaae Pth. and the wUl mahatba raa alOM dariag auusm lately arc badgM (Rm^hodottm to Boas.
aala CM adrmtlMd to toto pUm JaM natU tmlt aUpMsab bagto.




>OT nvs TXAM or AOS.

Banday aturaaon William Sham waa
tearaating ahmg toa abora of Board
Uka aaar Jaekaoa's ka boaae. i
ha MW a bey fall iato toe water frx>m
a log apoa whkh ha wm playing.
Sham mahad to tbe raacaa and dragad
iba lad apoa dry land Uttla the woraa
tor hb daokiagi thoogb ba might have
drowaad had hot aarictasM back i

amour rite



aao‘ FRONT sTRtrr.

We Frame Pictures I
Our Mouldings are all new and the latest
Our Work and Prices are gnaranteed to
give satisfaction, at


Ifa also well to cloM your ufM
und«gan_toM «a arttette aad

aad raparton kept the aoAlMaa to a
onnUanal rear.. Mba Brriya Forbaa
aaag aoma aoagt and aang toam awaatiy. toe tern bdag lUHtiated with toa
oma flrat-etem nnimated plei
'MeOnekea'a Bao^tloa" waa anotSm
UtUa aomady. and obteUMS a diwrvad
ruoapUon. AlUa Axial, la aapoeteea'ar
aklrt daaea. waa gmoaful. and toa lateraat la hmnet wu inteaaified by a»ae
vary pretty Ugbt aCaab Tbe andiUrge, aad teat night's amlli
•bonld teat uaUl tUa.aycolng. mbaa
toare wUl ba a eompleto change of piograb 'fhb b oartalaly the beat apw
eialty company that baa aver vbiud
thtecl^.aad b c
r of aterga

An rffort b belag made to orgaalsa a
choir of girU in the Mathodbt chnreh.



Hold undisputed sway
over our competitors in—


Why? Because we do
not cheapen the gopdA It’s
tie price that- we lower, not
quality of goods. Will cost
you nothing but your time to
‘We place on
sale ^18 week many lots ‘of
well made and np>to-date

Broken Sizes at
Less Than Cast
in order to 'close ont oitire
stock of Children’s Clothing.
llotoftZOO'Snite^l ig
Itet of S2.50 Suits



J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
CLM Boonvoas.

ts-m fBoar arrsBR.

Ladies I




Fancy Linens,
We have just received a very pretty line of CENTER

Pieces, lunch cloths, tray cloths, doil^ .
and other articles too numerous to mentioiL Samples of
these goods can be seen in onr window' display. Thbse
interested in Fancy Embroidering wonld do well to look
over the line before the choicest sues are gime.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House. -

Tim*;—IWiBg and put­
tering with a poor flour.

Bn, the .“BEST” and sure
time, as well as improving
yonr chanre for a •SAKE,’
in the next world.


Beuinlwf rra get SapttailiK
PtiMsei III Smw Nile.


A Few. Bargains in Shoes:
........................... ■

You Cub Atwuyu DO BBTm



, 1


eg of old age, aged



^■Ot. T Batm jlsp J. W.


X W. Ha5»e»«

editor ud lUaavar.





•• ^•.'•-^


THB voumro juboobd. TtratoA'?. tuvb i6. iser.

, •- Omcncn^To.
• •

sevaaty-fl** yc»
mnk Pnrica and Bay Brown roda to
CbdOiae oa thalr bteyelM Snnday. Bay
Brown esM boM by train yaatarday,
bat Pariti made the roond trip, 118
mllaa. The laat 18 mUm was m
one hoar and throa-qaartera
Em. O. B. Jadmoa, tha eolarad
galtot.left TravaiM City yMtsrday fcr
Charlavoix. After a ehoA rMt he wUl
gotoKalhatkatoeondaet a.aertoe of
rarivala. ? departed b large
oeropaity of frieade aooompaaied htoa
to the depov
Flag Day was generally obeerred In
thto ei^ yeatorday. Stores and raaldenoM. (noioriee and

M •& CMUIUi^*<>«* *• *‘«^ **^

^ jcow it *pp.m p»b.w« ttot^
of B»«*ll wul MOB be UBfoced
«» tbe Baited Stttea. Tbe tmtgr |a
wepMod ud read; w ptcacBt to Om
While there haeo beoa MM
•0 darinr
he attUtod M aa iaip^MBt atnUsMle
folBt in case ef war with a {omIbb
and it* eonMrelai wealth to
d. cThe »Dfar Indwtry alone
fcofTaettoparUoce and yrOl afttrd
nwortanity for
A rarrno.vMkiae ooafieM in recor
•iM the Cehen* a* belifereBto has been
yraecated. and it to ^CMd>9 B.OOD.OOO
»ame.Clf petition* (o foranTthlaf,
«bto cannot but iropiM eoBfreea fwd*
My with the *enti»ent of the people of
«be Baited States rerardUl|r the '
gU tor freedotp by the ineniteBM

national odM, which prorae that Flag
will baoome vary popnlar with all
loyal Amerleaa dtlMM.
An adverdaement for a girl In the
want department of the Rncoaobtonght
I that it waa ordetnd
oht before the time for which it wnc
paid had axplred. Tba lady deairtag
help bad a aocre of applleatioM the flfM
day tbe adverttoi
Ihsre to BO c
log for the arrest of blcyclee ont
attar bonta, bat Night
Arayaon fonndawheel Sunday
abont S e'elod*. apparently without
aa owner, which he took obaiye-of. and
tba owner #ea worried when the wheel
was waatel. AppIicaUoa to the chief
set the mind of the owner at rest the
next morning.

Mia. A. P. Bough want to Fife Lake

O. W. Bau. acMntaerela:
• 'Tn itodoeUoD is the state tax levy
> eaeae tor ooByratalattoB to the of New Tock, to In the dty i
mind, and while toiehlcan led by hto wife.
H. P. Mans, of 8V Fronele
cttiee, larye and aoiall. are peaetUnf
i. bnc gone to hto former home la
neoeoaiy lnarifidform,U top:
Bay CSty for a eraekto visit.
«o reflect that the aaske eantlmi
Ben. WlUto M. 61cMcn.of Bead
Invaded the eUte goeeranent.
in thedtylooklBgnpold Meeds and
doing a
tween tl
«MTeatloa to Be Held ha DMraH fa B. L. Edwards, formerly bookkee^r
tn the First Natlanal Bank, new of
Ofwd Baplda. epent Sunday in the
' ^ anthorily cl the national eonvaaeUyvtoiting Meads.
of IMG, and under tha direction of
Welter K. Shepard, aaMclate man­
.dhecxeentive cosmitteeof the league,
ager of 8p^ Afldd, a magaalne de'' flhe tenth annual conVentfon of the Na* voM to the iatoreete offlahermen.
Bepnhllcao leagne to-eaUed to huatoTB and the like, to In tbe nltyon
meet in Detroit oc Tucaday, July 13th.
yiw.ti state and territorial leagne to en­
Mr. and Mrs. Zaeh Aldrich of New
titled loeriectfoordelegntee trane
York, have arrived In the city to epend
«ongreitionel dtotricl andsln delega
the SBUer. - They are having their
oottage at Old Mtoalon prepared for
nto conTcnUoB will be the tenth
•ireinary of the formation of the Ma- oocnpancy.
Mrs. Ftonato Votobra who has been
B^blican lesgne, and it will be
visiting Frank Votnbra for the past
fttUngly celebrated by e reeeptioa ia
week retnrned yesterday to her home
kanorof iheex-pmidentoef the leagne,
in Beat Jordan. Shews
»U of whoin will be in
by Mtm KetUe VoUbro.
Mr*. B. 8. Morgan, Maeter Tberon
and Mtoee* Evelyn' and Qinee came
^ M. Parker exhibUad yentar^ from Chicago ea toe CharlevoU Sun­
Mvning a fine brook traat jnst it day. OrpcebndBvelyBare'
indica In length.
Washington fot the enmmer vacato)B.
noBostler* wUl play npoe the aspW. McVeigh. M. B- McVeigh. M. Q.
Ssatgraonda today at 8 o'clock wHh BoUoway, of MlnnMpolto. and Mm.
Brodenac of Buffalo, arrived in this
Balph.Hanlett and Charlie Hale took dty yesterday and dined at Park Plaea^Bptn oa their wfaeela to Elk Be^tda Thev Will be the gneeU of Mr*. Z. C.
Fairhaaks for a few week*.
Md back Snnday.
into CampbeU, B. McNamaro, Fred
The Travene City lUWe aoeioty wUl
jneat at O. A. Johnson'* drag aton thl* Bechtel, M. B. Oatceaad John E. Santo
roternedyeetotday from their trip to
tfvenlag at f o'clock.
BeeaMha, where th^ attended a grand
The long dtounce telephone line hae
social iweinn of the Elks. Becaaabe
gnnehed Manton. and to helng rapidly
wa* capedally prepared to give the
yaehed towards tbltci^.
antierod ganUemea a good time and
St. Fiaheto' oommcnceMatexeretoee toe vtoltore were eawrtaiaed in A
nnd fint-cla** entertaisMat in the prineely fashion.
Opera fionse tonight.
Two men were erreMed late last
craning by Officer Gmyeon for drankffioneia andtlodged m theeo^
There was a large aCtendanoe at the
f’oraeten\ lodge meeUng Ust night.
Vtonrteen oandldate* were initiated.

Xindte Kotloa to Striks Oat Differontral on BoflaM Si«ar vroa
m^aetod Fetmon Favoring BaUgoreat Bights flw Oaba SigMd \iy
Waahlagtoa. Jnae H.—The attendaace la the aenate gallariap to amaU teday.
AUea of Nehraahn, referred to the
colloqy last Setarday In which he held
thitU wee right and toe duty of the
goverament to taka legal steps to dieaolve toe sngar tjiiet. Be argoed that
the iajnnetioa qao warranto and ether
legal praeee* could be envoked by the
faderol eonrto agalnri •
toe engaged to Interstate w laternational tnda.
, If Haveateyer |nd htoaeacetaUa went
to New Jersey to proenre a charier as
s mere ehidd to Improper proeeedtoga.
waa tnndnlent and toe federal
courte had jurtodtoMoh over the aab-'
}ect. "Why. therefore, ahonld the
senate waste time and haggle ovor ihc
trust when
toe eonrU offered toe real ramedy for
dlaoxlvtog. tola ^gahUe mooo^y."
Allen spoke to favor of abragati^ the
Hawaiian treaty.
The aeaatcr Mid
that toe sugar InreatigaUoo. In which
he took part, dleetoeed that Bavemeyer
and Oani Spreeklee had aa agreement
by which Spreoklee cootroUed the ter­
ritory weat of toe Mieriaalppl river,
while toe territory east of the Mi*aieelptd wee was sabjeet to the toroye of
of the anger trust. HU rote, and he
believed, tbe votes of the popolUt aeaators. would be east to oaneel tbe Ha­
waiian treaty as

WUb ■nsdanx 3
Stag Stog. N. V., Jnne l«.<.Boward
A Seott wee eleetroeated at 11:11.
Scott'S crime woS committed to New
Vwk tact October. HU jealoesy canaed
a aeparatton of btomelf and wUe.
the day of toe marder Mn. Scott appllad for a divovM w legal eeparottaa
from bar bnehand oe tha grounds of
crael^ nnd non-snppori. Later Mrs.
Scott was fenad lying oa the floor of
her home with a ballet bole to bar
breast. She WMOnable to make netotemeat before the died. Soott vroa
pectod and Anally eonrieted. Tbe
waa carried on. and last week the court
of eppeaU dMided agalnet him.


The hall could not be procured eo the
match was pai^>OBed until Sund^ at
8 p. m. at a place near the brewery.
Mr. Plnnkard evMentiy had other bnrinem, at any rote be didn't mateMalite,
nnd John Berry agreed to go on In hto
Acad. The of
was aeroped tegetoer and divided betwesB toe men after several Inefleetoal
The Board of Bdmleatoon^Big
attedM>la to gale a fal*.
lie to eeatemplating
eg tAWmi
ffiAool teamin' ealaitos
utos to <^dc
St. FrandaOn
fat a good eolid evenlngh
of St. Pronoto school wUI take place In
' lanat go to Steinberg * to^ht and an­
Abe aty OperoBonMtonight. Inndte the ahew glren by Wall A Johndttion to toe regular eierdeea there
panto OomodyHtor*.
will' be a flae pragrom of moaleal and
Berbert A. O'Connor, the newly npLtkeaU «
a^tnd dtotrfet depnty of the K. O. T.
w of St. Fronde
fL for northern Michigan, to In the tonroh thto will be worthy of a large
pUg to TWt loaal tenta.
aadlenee.' The price of admleslea wOl
Hn. E. M. Btoe bM neoeptod a poal- be merely nominal, ten oeala.
Uon no nommarelal traveler lor a
fpholMala mOUnery bonne, and wUl dbSASB AMD BOOB TBVST
yiy of her miUtoary bniinee* on South
A Mew Oombtoe With 11.000,000
■ The Bk BapM* eyeliato are hutUng
aha Weyele track toward* TraTerw
'Chleifro. Jane u.—A new dew ooma». It hap baea completed abontato binatloa. named toe Weeten Dow Oo..
oat, nnd to a grealbooB towbeti- vritof1.000.000 coidtal and bMdqoMtan at Boto laland, has been formed.
I* Saeh. Door dnd
of .toe Mani^
Blind nMoeto'tioa, to organiser.
Tbe Men to to term n tract ca n new
plan, aa tha old trod, formed in Wlecoodn sevorol yean ago, has bean
fweedontof extotenee by the Wieeoadaooarta. The flnt vrerk of the com{My to to eeaWae all mA and low
taetoriM aioag tha Mhalmippiroata.



I Better,
I Best.

We have a line of hate
at one dollar and'fifty
cents tlat were good--We
afterward pnt several lines
of thentin to dOifc at^one

dollar and nineteen cents—that wee bettei— ;'
your choice of seme now for eevarfr-wtag^

< ttm nauwar Pnwt
Quite, a lepntetioo has been made by
Pnrdoe oniTnclty with its roitwsy deA few
a departmenc'woold
Bervart, toe railroeds of tbe country
being looked to for «t00,000 toward eetabliibtog eneb a depntment. Be Im-

cents while they last—this is" best"


at Pordne. and ttuti be could not aak
be wotod aal
they ebonld allow him one experienoed
man for a abort time each eeaaaa. Tbe
of tbe Big Poor at onoe inBinoe tbeo tbe scope and utility bare
been m bcoedeBed tost it be* become
known ell over tbe oonntty. Tbe next
actmol year will pcovide tbemottner'fect coarse «f the fctod affered anywbeie. Tbe Mbjerts to be cooMdered
during tbe next year
equipments, locoMoCive perfornmnee,
labontccy work, locomotive dseign,

ecmaider Senator
enaens tonight <
. to modify toe
ksilway laesti<m,
Spooow'a ]
tariff bill ap aa to protect toe govern, rsilvrsy toemUtry and railway eanitation. In ndditico to tbem -COOtM,
agntost toe
I by memwhich will be
II beaeebet*
n of tbe faculty, ti
there will
e at lectnice by n I hightotbeix
*ay motion to strike ont the fllBvren-1
ogdifferantdeon refloed sugar. The motion
partaentt of' rsHtray
liwaj orgaitisatica.
rejeoted 8G to 89.
The-houae adjourned nnUI Mcmday.
Olnser presented a petitkwaaU to toelude 8.000,000 names la fevwof Caban
wei^t, ihto eonod. aod yet with ell
rcougnltioD -as belUgeuMiU.
that U known of eome of tbe maiiifectatton* we are aUmlntcly igoareoi of what
« all ■
be traDfcrmabie into cveiyphnjc
I cognizant to the linmeo aeuiei
Freiideat army of vpeonlBtive erieotUte U divided
Faure Unaxplalnabto.
iu opiiiioo e* to whether light is mat­
Paris, Jnne 14.—Tbe newkpapen to­ ter or uoL For a loog time onr textbotd:* bare cantained tbo statement that
day agree toat tbe alleged attempt to
"toe sun is tbe eource of all ligbh’'
amemtoate ihreeldent Paurc was either nod yet vre manofSetnre light every
a imcUeal joke ora raadutan'* act,and night, at a time wbro the son U at tbe
Umt toe ao-caUed outrage was arranged oppoMteiidcof Chat porlicoof tbe earth
»o u not to hart norhody.
when- night prevail*, and Ibis ertiMal
The report yesterday waa to toe ef­ light (nlfilU tbe fnnetiems of sunlighL
fect that an attempt was made to as Beoeutly it bu been ameried by noeemltete Felix Faare. prcaideni of tbe knowledged adentUts that light U dmply vibraticn—tlievibralion of perticlrs
Preaeb repnblie. while be was ea route
in what is termed the atnioepbere of
to Long -Cbampe to wilneaa the Grand space, tbe M called eibcr. Bot particles
Prix. WhUe M. Fanre'* carriage waa of wb»t? For ben. again, ooenee a qneepeatiog a totoket near La Cascade res- tioo. Scieotists are divided m opiotoa
tanrant, in tbe BoU de Boloogne, a I as to whether there U a veennn in tbe
bomb, which entaaeqeentiy proved to be I intentellar space or wbeAber tbe ether
a piece of tubing abmit e.x Incbea loog 1
and two inches in diameter, wlto a ’ “
thiekneas of half an inch, charged with
powdnr and ewanabot. exploded.
A carious stats of thingawM Observed
k« one wa* Injured by tbe explosion. intbetnnncl at toetu*'
A man to the crowd, aeipuctoii s> tbe
prime mover, was arrested. He gave
hU aame aa (•allet, and oaly maOe toe. two mile* there U only e single
briefeat replies to qaestiooe pat to him I «>■««. wbkffi H entirely Insnflk-ient.
and tbe tr.tinsruaningthroiigb
the .......
-s ,v.
Del coaptttaAbo air vrithin like tiiet in
a 2aliatoi dytuniile
» gun temlof
Si TMa't 'WraMla.
ted that oa aevenl occen. it i*
wreetiiag match advertised to
weie raised bodil.v from
ksjT tbe pmnre of air aod
Saturday «ight at Oolembto Eere are tAe Footiage.of Btate Tax
ie<^ Saturdi
aaU.>tweea "Si Plnnkard" and WiUL Steps have been taken to intarn Tender of Dnlcth. didn't ooM off.
Lanslag. Jane 14.—State Aeeoaatantj'

Dr. Ed Ashton and Or. B. D. Ashtoa
Morad with their famUics
nyeatd ^y to
atof t4^wu.
nhnir enmmer cottage
The Jnne term of the drealt «oort
jgi Leelaonn county will begin nckt
Bfonday with Judge Oorbatt on thy

Bto aarvloH in the local
day wets attended by
Miy 'largo eongiegatkM, nnd the
t pragtnm gfvM bgr the UtUa
• ftfifs WMB eojoyabU and a aradltto
fllWMPMM Bauer of Irane,abo«t dtw
AllMCraaifhtoeity.eaM Bnreyeeter
AnyatMrnaaeket fcr the rtMlMCf
Ma Mthnr. Mr*. Bath HeuM. who

r.T.wir mwokr.Tto
wwhVt.t^ XHB
sxroAB nrvxnxoAStov.



“T^e Best
I Ever Tasted”

' la what maay people teanack after drinkink a gUm oTloa Cream Soda at our
fonatain. U will only eost yoa 8 eente to
try a glaw—You will have the aame exalways clean as aoap and water oan make


I Bring Your Baties.
Get • bonnet or bat at half-price.
New stock—150 differast stylea—are
all going this week, atrictly at wholehale price—from 10c. to an all ailk at



and iS98 baaed upon toe appropriation* j^vin do away with toe danger of inof toe state legUlature. Tbe figoree •nOcient veotiUtlon. which now ren•how a material rednelltm from tooae den tbe emplcymoit at the eeme time
of toe previoustwo years. Tbe total cd the two 'track* in tbe tunnel ebaostate tax for the preaent year will be lately dangeroim—Scienco.
•r.STV,907.88 and fcr toe year 1898. «t.Enrtah tor Qe»**"*"
<U8 237 08 a total for toe two years of
84 3U8.134 85. As <
f of American 1 (dependenoe U to
texre of 1895 sad 1896 there U s rw
thU year, oa Saturday.
daeUea of 8890.833 89 sad it U princi­
__ 8rd of July, and toe eitiaene of
pally la toe Item of general pgrpoeee. Grond Ikareree enuntv bare bees '
Fur instnee tbare wa* levied ia 1895
for geaeral ezpeuea of Aha etatefuninmaklegtoU
___event a notele U 1897 toe amoont U gl.M in toe eelebrotha
854.570 81. 8e aUa in 1898 the
serial en­
levied was 8l.17l.000. while la 1898 it
ded fo
U $1,154,375. Tbe state dairy ai^ food cltlHhsaad a progrom of eojoymeut
department U given doable the «ioonat prepared tor them wbirii make* CedlUacU invitatioa a moat deeiroble one to
of DMory that toe
85-8tlad. it, while toe state fl*h <
mUtioa bad its annnal appragristtoa
The BaooOD reachea toe people who
of $30,000 rednssd to s UttlsTeM than buy.

Eo Olne to Ztentity of WonM-ba
Tiaia Wneton.:
NewYci^. Jnne 14.—‘Tbs pelfaw af
BrooUyn an atiU vrlttwet any elac as
totoaidaotiiyof toe Would-be train

rod to take the
lss8 night i
Uvea of 1^ 1
placlagaalna roU on the t
tbe Sea Beach UnST tt-waS dUcorand
today that an attempt waa aUo mode
to wToek the train on tbs Culver line,
wUsh rone pomllel with the 8m Bmto
soatte by tofnl«r the ewitchee:







Has Your'
tbe Dreg Men («ar «•

Powdssed Sploee,
OPnre Greem Tartar,

197 Pairs
Men’s. Ladies’
a3id Misses'

Ib Light Tan Colors.
Nearly aQ are the Plngree &:
Smith make of Bhoee.


Come early before sires are
broken. Make no mistake.

.Ihe Original.

(a>*rerv9*U>*iWv4«r. If you west wa to
o*k« ml peered* ter HA Kabher OSmUm.
awbterTublBe. »U
Wewv BmUm i**wrwatMd tor two yron.) TtreatelB Syrlacw.
uuy klBd*. ntuet Bre*>»i. ped Atsetiam.
Olycvriae eed WHch HamI Loetow ter tbe

Ai Our
Soda Fountain
Oeeeur *« are eeeer eewoit to riW w
eaeuM eMM" Sut«lv(,ri UT*e iMi-M

It Makes
No Difference
Wbetovr you are epeadlag
•1 or $10. yon want to get the beet
value lor toe particular amount spent.
Wben you ivlorn from a ehop|ting .



Ever Burned Out ?

- •- i



Let n* make eoM for yon.



Livery, Bus and Feed Stable..
• a ipecialfy. Hotsu beardad.


SUta 8t want of


.. J

THB xoBiiriiro i

FtudB«Ni n Two Southern liti.


eollwtioti ct nuBKripti Mstlas to


New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc. ;

Pmsidontand P&rty Lobvo NashvillofbrWashinfften.

-CBrioM]/ «ooogb, after 1 i< jw.«
Itbe «k«e of

. T0BBDAT. rum 16, 1097.


laTOROrATOWirilAUTBHOT.'ui^i.rt'^P to Kri Tb««n.pri*i STOP AT OHATIAIOOBA Ef BOBTB.

i fXUtempnrfeiT «Vt «



» *»•

i*„. entiiJod -Kew EaifUBd

Mrilto la tkaOM

i»T. editor of the Boalnr BUI aaaeue.
B* died itx boon later. The abooUnc


bears aometlDce traveled aeroM what ia I
probably tbe Piarataqoa river.
Abont 70 years ago. early in SepteAt-

BUaatlea a. te Wha ataaU l-Ul Um a|
k Tenn, June W,—After a
week of traret.


Tbe bean oame to tbe east bank

■DdanmeringeMthotlHTtlU low water.
when ^ey took to . the water,
actoif aud landed op tbe Hampde




an antborltyon bears told me that dur­
ing tbc fall be bad gone on a tiapplAg


| trip, but bad found few bean, till am
noraftig in Kovember after a snowfall
be found ibe tracks of nine diffeamt
bears, alllieBderi np one little valley.



TheBeetGrsdeeuttbe Lowcet Prieca.

' “U is believed among sportsmen that
bears go back into Ibe wood* to den np
and come to tbe vicluity of the clear-

&KSZr!iS?=“X FOR 98t fER DOZER.
those ofw"
ena Whatuatural


when ot wbm to get togMbes fa their
trilA" .

iii,iii-M. ,11 ,m

Be Ovuihot


an ur.utuai ore I (hlrk I *m fully Jus-,
tided In **yiBg that’the offer of tbe mis»ne ciMcr was examined and prodon he* not been ofllrtally made to any
perfectly good, and 1 wm abont
ore. Tbeetfore to nay that Oen’erel Cox ' »o »«ilk away wboi tbe bead of tbe

Inp•ervice of Uengbia Kban. Mru Bobertsi
Of course y<,u knc« that Mr. i no ebccka tbii maming.’ And then 1
I uBwea. rf Olicago. brought word from ■ went bock abd bagired me crook. He

first sold tbe firm a bond and got
«rtgina! flOO check in paymtSt

Take Lessons

Flour I
Family Groceries
DeUeerid to aay^pan of tbe e«y-

Fleischmai's Compressed Teest

........... ...................
KWU. -CA. KUVK.. ... ..4.
aud declares that at laat Hie
settUr. acd to tbe appoloMng poi»’er as , **■ v«loe. iibe waa rieiting a yOnng
a proper man man to aurcetd UlnUter artist, wbo, with ber ebaperno, obaorrea
Taylf r. 1* not a* well known to the peo- all OR' prcqirietiea, lb a studio np town
I le nr the politMan* a* the gentlemen ; in Kew York city. Tbs Waabii
ywwg woman was cullad «m

by ber

minutes it was tbe turfivit tbe two glrla
to bubble with tarisfaction. Under tbe
doctor's iwrsuasivepower ibe otameron
was lost to tbe
the world and' all but tbe
u D'a power

apread over bU^rooe, on^JSib waa
carefully piaood tbe bit of black oar^

party alighted and CeneraJ Qroei^nor. f
a uinn
brief UIIU
and aiapni.'auarm.
graphic addreaa. acsenorq
.,, m
the event* ..f the afirmonn of that <ateftil Sunday. Returning (u the city lAookoui biouniato wa* vlHird and a deJtghtfur afternoon waa spent on that'

thing takas, that regnlatee its Impogaaimn Bak«.aa AppMamBartu
t,c.ndoe. June 14.—The ‘Dmea ea
"Wliat oakM you tblnkof tbatr'-to-' apundeni ai Constantinople says; ’
qnlrcdJitB wife

j scltan has appealedtoEmpcrorKIcb


d«y cornea, it'll .talFtake
minotta to ataod



Models nwaghtund tbe Ultimate Dm-

a la«
w is a practical uae
bypnotlBU. Aiiyttong that can pot
* ebaperon to sleep is worth baring
Truofa ma. ob, doctor!''—New
Irtrt World

la Bmlip tbero are iron pmta qr
atanebtems fixed oa tbe curb at cenveaientdiiUBm. marked "baiting pbwe."

wanli to get out cr if any p

wanufa bar aoda watec.’’—Waibi^teaStar.

"Wbas 1 was irto Bmrrtad. I tboaebt
my wtfewaatbacBlywoBaB ea eartb."
"How do
you «Ml abtmlU Bowr’
"WtiL tbma’s our aunt.” CTiinafa


"A* iSt!" iixclalmed tbe Weablor

for amnibMortrafltoat At tbeae plaeas
[ Tlseaaaiy to the Ottoa wait, and tbe driver* a
gian emplrt
This proceeding highi;
ihly ' aot allowed to pull .up at any other
i-s of the oil
iber^qmt Wbenanamnibna^proacbeacae
powers. Who ere expected to mark their tj' tbeae ptata, ^tbe «
by refusing to negotiate the !
place!” and if i

tiny cf (be Human Baoe,' but it'll take
ber ball as boor or moro to make vp
Meratindae towbat kitsdof ainp

Oeneral Rlus Rtreru and Colonel
Bacallo. tb* Jnsniirgeut chiefs captured
to Ptoar del Ric. was closed at Oabana
both rani and the a

Vku'n. Mandolin, Ban-

n «, City Opam Hooea Bleek.

SteiDberg'8 Gnod Open Boise

:.0ne Solid Week.


‘“*»*«* “•« «««••
«» ‘be wcoud and likewiae
impreta me with tbe fact that be
] "H right, so tlist.^ben be came around
a aecuqd rime 1 would not botber him.
->a D. Lanier iu berifancr'a.
--------------------------- —_
Why »• Uhad Bypaatl

this groat field could ararcely cttsUtB ! which make Cbaiianooga
and iia ’
ail Cbe tcDU of tbe oountleea boeta Tbo
o great a factor in Ibe btatoric
emperor's quarter* eloue were aix miles ! ri\ii war. AmonB the other* were Cob
aronnd AU
An eoormotta white tent capa-1
^«*“i'oen Wheeler.
« vjen.
Gen. r»i
ral Wigt:
bio of "pptainlrig f.OOO people was
Warner and Cninrui H. ,B. Caae. |

tbe iMuara Oa.) abet taetory biuMfi

^lepbone orders'to Ka 106.



delight when tba doctor fina)
to experiment ou ber. In ..

(bat Mayor Richards witoed to
Brown. It U alleged that he accused
Captain Hedley of preventing the mar­
riage. and acaenUed him ttarro tUnee
witbm tlx moniltB. When another aa-


. HIMES, Ptetoraiilier.

Kot long ago there stood befve tbs
Wing ailer's window of one of Kew
> big banks an onctnoet ]

ttam. end so announced In bta paper. I TrT—
After powerful presaurr tie was Induced '
* by Rlchardg friei ’
- witbdraw. doing
some W milesln extent | distinaulahed ”l»n»"lii»*ih”**baitle**of •
and. aocgnling lo one historian, emu ! chukamau^ and the other coRflicta

the fatal <


'elaaa in every respect or money refund­
Don% make a mistake in tbe
e—nvmt and Park bta.

(he kaeU nag '

tbe Itadera of separate fMiena Tbqlr i
^au 'u'*'MMc^ iSo ilita^ ^
8« rvury to the l‘r*M4-m Ih-rter and ' fhe wa« a^**wilM^hTOt^l™***^^
dlffe'rvr-ces during the last «mi»lf« :
of the prcW.ntial guests, (o-!
were partly patched up thruiigh the la“ “ baidieaflica^
„,.thpr with a targe reprewniatlon from
»•* oogw. »• many women
tervention orfrt«td*. who induced them>
«eaghra Kban at last retired frmn' ,he nea-spaper men. left at y:40 by rail ■*« to hMo be hypnotized wbca tbo
til Bee an agreement eoetBligcg^naloactiTe wrvieo tg lead a qniel life in tbe, fur Chlckamaun Park, stopping
soaveraatiem turfied on that nbiect and
SdpntaUoes. ore of wtilcb w4a that . enjoymentof the wealth be bad m-! Lytle JHII. where a number ot roave)’- , tbe ckwtor’i skill with Ibe aiU
they should apeak in each other
' qnmd at tbe expenso of to mucb toil I ance« we re lo readiness to take tbe parTbe doctor waa a trifle ebarr about
“ Use spring muclelpal elerile^ ubd blood. Tbe ••
“ ............. .w, v..u-.-----------------*
lortc ground. --The
party j showing
bis powers.

t that

Frank Stepan,




HIMES, tbe Pbotograpber wOl niake
UBt^ further notice the beat grade of

is bow tbe animals, wbiefa
tally mat­
ter over aika of. (erritory. know bow.

ITB?zr„':f,'",s'r3 T,£r;CT,'T'rLrr.'rjT!■"isi'r

plekF^p a spade, when tbc edit.
wblp|>ed out a revcivrr.
- ''Bhooi. you coward: 1 dare you '
^oot," II t* uid ■
maAed by Mayor RIcbsrda. aabemoved
forward, when Captain Bedley toot
twice In succecalon.

Groceries I


; denned up when U eame time to do
I and in tbc spring beaded cast again.


-------------------------- ----------------- -----,

, A
Mru Muty Sbeara Btdxsta, in her iU-'
riea of ''HlKmic Dwarfa" in St. Klcb-1

............... ...
_______ _ ......
Kb«*. nnd

■y to Karakorum ia |
Tbe plea 1* self-defense, and Capuin
»*>* •«*«
Hedlcy's counael said that under the penou or by ti
drenmnancet any other eoane would ;
ThiaWwu, tbecapjiul of (be
hare been Impoaalble. Tbe trouble, ke- ■ empire that
— ............
“-^'-g to report* beie. has been of luhj
It afterward '

f very stralnt-d. and i

stAplb ahd fanct


After tbe great
led eoncTered to go ,on hi* bond
Cor any
amount. He placed htmulf In charge of
A»u hia empite became one of tbe moat, ,^6 other res«r.* Z mu
lilB courAeL cx-Kepreieoutlve John Rlnf^ble
aker. The preliminary charge was heard
east to ; -Firri-, Isa* men. pr.ip nrquatifledaiid
befcie Justlrc Alva Clcud -and iMnd
flx^ at C.ece. A meerage <scnr (rum tbo nvvr Dnieper ici European Buaala : eolrrriiy mod (or this mbtu tmp.rtani
Bunker HMl at C:10 o'clock annourring and was a wider realm tbau Egyptian,' I Po*<- do n> i care o> appear to thr light
Mayor Richard*’ death. Capia
Captain Hed
Gn-ck or Human eonqgtror ever knew. i'< r an ulo-rior choice. Tbe president
is in the city In ebatge of tl
the aher- ; Tbe kiugi of Ann. uia and Georgia, tbe
‘bat it 1* a»,rnuch the duty of the
sad hi* eourrel. but hi? wbrr
sl>cut' emirs of Piisiu. thr granddukesof Bus-'
«■'•fcv|*‘^r\’lee to prevent war
• is kept

•Kds -demanded;
."Hedley. why don't you apeak
ii(eeoidtng to our agteementr
- ' TU tocuk to you when you apeak to
ate flrat." wa* the reply.
Mayor lUctaardi. It ta said, than as-


j .

r:.';'::;, ^



Cammo't ‘Standard Xataral Huttay’aa

been resvnUy
been eec-ured ty Meesra. Dodd, Head A
Ca of Ncw Yorl
________ ______________________
A few daya later the man appeared
o avoid i r heat cf ,he'
papirs which were carried
by t cliy. The epeclal train left Phewnan's •*
'“'iiidow rgain, bia oountruanoe
----------- de
— ----------------------—„
are Ml, I Hlllr at S:1S a. m. for Asheville, ,N. cj distended in the gjn>e tpiile, with an, bow«!Vcr, ia hU autograph, but jn that where icdsy will he *pent.
i Other check from the aame firm. Tbe

K.P0..4, A'n7rS:,.“:r»MS;7te'"

BevalaniUCsM Atso.

Attention. W68t SWeT^
BvmytbiBg ia Ute Uae ot

' clerk.
Tbe map wtiieb Mrampanies Umbc
•>’ was «H00. There was sLsnlntelr i
gtmek at Redley and It is at
e check
ch*ct oo i'u face, |
a plBioi ^^ Hedley ! *»o
t»«w • 1«»N« acale and
““v •*» AtW'rin'cd.
; ing wrong with tbc
wblppril oui-tal* revrAver anirnred tb*<nscat
tountlfolly drawn by an expert.'
There l» ahmluirly natMng,new to sty and it came from swell known cnsiotn-j
meat toantifolly
• abota. The
- the _
- gard to the Rpsrlsh mlasien. and a* erof thebabk. "In spite of all." said
no doubt
one uf
French engineers, i
In a I------------------------• •
a tbe wound faul. hut a apeclal and it aeemi probable tlut it was drawn |
meanirc 'tncludea
the ~
Co- '.................................................
1 the paying teller, ‘ socieibing told me
train waa sent to St. Louts for Dr.
ban que«lon no i« llcy on the tatter that fellow wa* a crook. So I said 1
y of&ciri dispatebre t
kfudd. who made the run here, thlrty- ^neb gevernmenL Tbci« is no dopil- luetH'-n can be glvAn. A gerileman should have to lookup tbe aceoaut bcK
•cvan mllei. In thirty-three mlnuiea,
cate cd it amoog tbe many maw In tbe'“>
•d«ninl»irailcn said: "The j fore it could be paid, aud while be
only to agree with tbe local doctors.
Be- uu. ilpn of the (?uhen t*-liry rccupie* waited I altpprd around to tbefirtn'a!
rUBA Wtu. Bk 8BLF-D

CUfUiiTUlc. nia. June It.-Captatn
Bedley reached this city from Bunker
Hill at 4 o’clock Saturday artereonn. and
WM Immediately taken lo the ahertiTi
oRlce. Many friend* were preeenl. alio


In tbe morniug il was fonnd that a
Coru.AoUd pudt..
laoie >aB)ber bad crossed. Hy fstber
ssw tbeir' tracks setoss a alx^fle plank
Peas. Early June.
in a sfaipyard.
'Again, about SO years ago, • friend
of mine, Henry Clapp, who is quoted in

1 BmlUngblandlyoTcraflOOriMck.
oature, indarsemca and every detail
tbe French a^ivea in Pa^ and i
The men were polltl
,u «—
4. vine service, but remalced with
blS J
other, {
^^.hBlka ot year's standlna. * They
i«a own, probaniy. « daogbt.r at the rerider.c«A;f W. M. Laanoon Saturday on one of tbe.p
‘“o. UtUe
^---------- -- — —- —-r—-—- — , iry. e n'lrv » m tea rvisiivr m tne nnerstreets. There_______________ __ ________ __
inaistence, "You acc, 1
in Waahington.- proenred
with tbe Bo-: man family.' Sht-ivnan's
daughter, S,,.
Mrs. '

. Kmweil.r,,
-u----- m---------------------A_..
. M. ...
... ..
sye-witnesses to tbe shooting, but none__________
dreaement owtifled.
mtifliwl •'
*!» boogbl hy tbe United McCull. m. was alTrcitd by tbe heat In j
erbo beard tbe wtwd* that passed he- j fiiatga mgV
imant from tbe heirs of Nashville Ust Friday snd was not well. I 'Tbe check waa paid witboot heeitatween them before tbe editor dfew hla ; Ooont de f
r and Wll<»n
It may be, and, Secretaries Alger
atirnded ^ tiou, bnt Ibe teller said to faimaelf,
revolvrrandflred twoshntsaitbe maynr.
quite pmUble, that *be Second Preehyterlan church. Tbe "Why is that idiot standing there with
The flrsl shot inflicted .a smal flevh , “»"**«• •'
Boacripta which baa' Pre^daMltl train i-ulled out between to : gqch a broad grin, trying to fix hia face
—lend In the right arm. The second this series of
entered the right side, psssed through
tbe right lung, end lodged In the w>iac.
Wright UaMl CsBst AsolBM a Gas.
Richards was a giant phyalcally. The
who killed hire Is
a pigmy. The
, „
» Weighed » pound* and

14^ Front St.
Why Go

of tbe PeioLscot river in tbe town of
Orrington. tbnot seven nilea below Ban
f^wT'^be bten conld be 'b^rd calling

were cue of tbe moat Impcrtant eveott
in tbe history of Ametioa. Uany ao-

had,a Sunday of rmlfulnoe here yes­
connu fay difleRotejewUneaeaaie ex-,
An Iromrw crowd collated
oonntr la eaelted from on* tant, mannscript and printed, perbapa terday.
wfA to the otbar bjr Uia -travedr. Only tbe moat raloable cd aU being tbe diary at the Union-BiaUoD at NashvlUe to
witness the departureof the prealdentlal
r of Captain Hedley pre-^ of George WashiogtoD, tbe
yWnted a Ipnaanc. Peelinc U runnUis nannacript of wbiob ia at tbe slate de- party, and to ap^d the Mrting guests.
The enibuBlasm was Wriud and as
hISh, and the prominence ,of both rau partment at Waabingtoo.
“ • ■
After Waehthe train pulled out tbe president ap­
baa arouaed Uttenae paittaan reeUnc- Ingtotk pertaapi tbe bkbI
peared on the rear plaifom and amid
X.yneti talk waa traety ladaWed In by account imld be that of Count
the cheers of tbe multliude bowed to the
the Menda of the murdered man. Edi­
Sochambean. It ia known that be i
tor Hodlry la la jail at Carilnvllic. about Tury careful to knepeopic. of bU oor-1
fmty mUet north of here.
He aurrendered himself ImmedUUly after the
h!! '
*m«dA very*ij.*ly*in™pii« that
departBHditdf «_____________
war in jTsnee, oi( ois tj,*
not bs
dliry of tbe Tor^own campriatJi
I Mwrara lUlnela.
Be was at once uken to (bat clly to never pnbliidwd until it was included
* await (he n-suli of the wounda be bad In DoBlorB gr4l compilation of docu-j
Inflicted and to rrvrent mob. tiolencr, meaits reiatiug to tbe gaining of Amer-! mwj|a,Hy. n
which was feared by the autb^tlea In lean indepradeoco, pnbliahcd'' about
clitaens who wished to meet
case of a fatal termination.
yean ago, nnder tbe auspices of tbn the chief
Both the murdfred man and the edi­
c of Hon. H. Cla;
asdoTciito tbiaday drove to the
tor have Iona been leadi
it baa never been printed, except greatly l^vanm Ui
lUlBoi. poutio. and their reputations
io iugluh.
giuh. • Ai«„Ii
■ ■- W.1— At
have extended bfrood the bdfdere of Ann—,0.1 io.
.1.. w—.. _ went to the First Helhodlst. chuieh.
the state. Bayor Richards was one of
the most popnUr men In the county, betaa.wtdBy knonm for hla.phllantbropla naebed Paris, and tbii abridgment gent returned to Evans' home, where be
He .was elected
mayor last waa translated and pnbliabed in EugUabjqainiy rested until
about S o'eloek.
imrina on the RepuWlean Ockel. recelv- in tbe Pennaylvania Gasetie and in Al- when MeMUmee HcKinley and Evans,
tna the tndoraeinent of tltereaular
Dem- aron'sfisnicmfannoer shortly after.'
the president and the commlmloner.
ocraUc conventlbn. Be |ved to
der Boebam- > drove to Orchard Knob, one of the cmTbe day after tbe «
I estate bad
built an elebtiic tiaht and water works
plant, wiuk which be suppll'
piled the cli} laurf ot tta D«A. A. lA-n, KM:
ud a' X'„
with llabtud water free of charaa. He FKDd, minim. «
^o'n reception. In the Read liouae.
« of aae and a bachelor.
Bad iMX Bm I^IHleal EaeaUm.
„ AAMK IKC fMCtU,*,!, KCUl
U„ AfUU^
Captain Bedley has a naUonal repuDcnx-nnta being tbe bearer. These two of Capuin H. 8. Chamlwrialn. a per.tstlon. He was an Intimate friend of (dBoeta bad ibown tbe moat ooutugs in nonal Mmd. where be rvmslned a short
the late Walter g. Oreabam. and has tbe siege and were thni rewarded. Tbe 1 time, aftersards going again to Com-'
. of late been enaaaed by the reUtlves of axiatebCDis not knownofeiUw of these;Evans' home, whence be eathe 4ormer eecrvtary of state in wrltlna original dlapatabeu
coned Hm. McKlnley lo the iralh.
a book of perspnal memolra. He served
A copy:

ra’s iourinl is iu
as through thr war of the rebellloBwith
nault of a pollUcal


Kd'io 1871.

IkaOMori. rtckUoIH

^jttf An*M».
t xZb
v-^7 '
«” Pw JWb of OotoJw. I78t
oompanying tbia wiittei) by a differcst
WtU FlMd Xtot B. «M4 ta Mf-Mna
band, but iocilond In. tbc aame oorer,
la a dial} of tb« alege by one of tbe
BoBker BiU. 'lIla, /titi. It—John It gitieer offlon* «nd a moat bentUnUy
c and nhror of tbt*
ofty. va. Aot and tetaUr wounded at YtKktown and vioinit.
MOOD Batunlar bjr CaptaU P. T. B»l- : Tbe aiege and nrreBder rf Torktowa

Geo. R. Winnie,
./Painter aud
(Paper Hanger


Fresb Yegetablen Daily.
Jacob Furtsch,
416 Uploo St.
: Teepbooe 84.



Fire insurance.

IhBmj^lClapa.! SlllOkePSl
Wall &. Johnson’s....
Have yon triad our mal



Tin Rwaniail iiailBfs
la S aud lOe. CMfuia
uiamy ^

Bringing wave* and gales of
langhter—showering a deluge
ofdelighta .Prettiest maldena,
newest tones. Funniest stories
told is moons. With Umeiy
inkes and daneea ga.r, la aU a
lot of fnuny>!BT«.

I CollectioB of Rgiid VaidtfilleFMRle.




10 and 15 cents.

• A. W. vlAHRAUS, •

rcaIgbUy. Seenroaautau

All for.Smiles.

Suite to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.,



mtoo. -w. sukn'.

if You Hove Logs to Sell

.Xorrespoad with
the Traverse City
Lumb^ Company. We have for sale Good, Souod 'Hem*'
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plaak,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of ail
descriptions, including s Enpoes, Set Works, Carriages?
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Pluit for sale.



iM» maamro^aoBjUB, iotspay, jvm

Th» Job of Ovonoolni tfit R»
publio of Fruioo.

*TmfT TO Asnsaniiii TAinffi
; BMBkKxvtaM'Ai-UlaMHaltoMat'
lUM •»r tfcr »•>—“
. verr m^c.ACUr ud IM
- UkelT l> Do Amt lUr«.*«t Mi Anraal
PATIA J«B» 1*-A» »n«npt W**
TMtcc4ftT lo ***»»►“'•*** PWli F»ure,
BTMldent et the Kr«nch (•pUbUc, vtill*
ht «rw «a rouie >^' Ij«t CbAmpc to
«(1lttea the Or*r<l Prt*. . While M.
FMte** •eaniMe » ■*
• thkk«
sev I* c*»e*f»e r.fthurABt. la the
S«U te Bolfuiitn.. B bonh Which ttib-

u, mbt.

arsfjrHsg cabds.


COBUOAOS Add eoitUmed to bon ri«bt
AMd left to the crowd, artv the ozpto■ioa. AA It aothliw bA^ bApiMed. It to
KArrow velvet
ret rlbboo to «nd m . A.curtow fhcl IbAt SAtur^r the Petite •6TORIE8 Qr-€QUtNE 1NTELUOENCC inerythiag.
ReptfUtoat PtAhOAl* poLll^ed a MaK»y A COUHTHV DOCTOft.
Velvet baiKto to Che heek. <biekl7 ^ ' ftoriAA fhAt the •pcillre wmt*
nwed with ate^ Ale Id Utck <ATor.
Ah Inrtdeot for U.
FAttre'e vUtt
Steel onumesto prontoe to beeoiDo
Ai tber
t rfep of tb
riATOd tA the Meadew hr OM DaIU h#a
The twtUm atolor bht (bto
white or colon, baa a brlUlABt plaid or
saltimore continues to lead.
■ The coentry doctor ii expected to go n^pwt .iih h-nd
^ toqwa hf very light
OrtaleCltr1lMln(|iea*e thetr «aM ew wbeoevrr called-tiln or abiuc, heat or i
tba aaee BaU l«wL
eold, wight or day: aometuiMa, perbapa | ttntw have betfo
oM. They are
ChlcAKo. June 14.—The Baltimore Sub ieUuely, hot aftes aa qnickiy aa poato-1 trimmed with nrtata of oanvaa had
of the NaUonal Baae Sail Leane took*
Tbroogh hU tbto hto hone and honohaa of quilla.
like a wiriner again at tbU atage of the; hlmaelf Az« ooDBiapt eonpanlaiM and i
laaUooabto Sat for hoe to
game. The butocr balMbampera of that' ^
■bare hweCber
Joy* asd the aoriowt of ripe _
more of h bhff than the I r
>ggre«.ti.m ar, Mill « the top «< the | oftberoafl. ItU M
not rirmage.
atoaaw. tbe^ore. - hi«^"ootar"of
toatoer ootar of lai'aprins,
hat aprin*. It taeMeod-j :
CU« And hAVl

A«e of lAAd. Cl
ttie beU 1^ to
OBd (
tkifabied from fourth place to eighth, aa Ibm, daring wbiefi ^ man uolaa tba, bright cole^ idaM ilbbon (d a
weave and la lasteoed wiSt a plaid i foUowa:
.wot tbe boiae.
enamel bnekle vrtileh matebea perteetly. i = rp L
piAred.-.WoD. Uatt P. c.
WhQe ^nlte a boy 1 knew a borae of
SalUmore .
prioeeaa gowoa mop np joat aa pm= ^ 116
lirtenUyaipokebaaneto. It'tonotuka.

1 Some


:■ T'lSSSLtSSsfTSrai-'lSS
1. OKy Opera HoAss m»A.
IM. MneraUte oo. Itevk.



“I ^ People

_________eonrider bOM u almort cd
•.4«7; kin to httman heinga and 1 havealwayv | Caabmere too.
.4*7 talked to them and treated them
, Dealer* nay that ito re C
am to bring
•4U: cordlngly. Ball, a ihe an^al baiotig- greeted wltb wtbnaiaMB. Tboe nevpr
I log to my npcle. who U*ad on a farm waa a more maMieaUecr gnnefnl ma"
adjoining con,
borne of
good afae aud eopecially Aae brad, wUb
areib^ toteat D«^ei
If a woq^ wlahea to be at the bai^
' . He bad dona of Pariiiu falbion. abe must tiU her
0 bU time, bat over her noae, wear a twin of tulle
r anything fant ttnder her chin, put on tigbUy fittiug i
^iiadeipMa 8; at BriK*lm-Cbl<aru a otoaaiaDal light aervlce, ao be oanally alervM and lunumerable UtUe trllto All
^nmfcim <: at BoatoD-Cinelnaati L'l bad the range of a paatnre In trait of over ber gown. .
Boaten 8.

'the honae, tbat tenebtd np to the yard . Parto send* word tbat the raff to awf
s-eeiern Xjaagne: At Ooluraboa-st.' ftmee. There were entUc and abe^ in men the fasbioo tbera It to made gotPaul 10. Columbue IT: at DetroH-Kan- ‘
^nte paatnre.
erally in ilme or chiffon, vi^ wide at
aae City a Detroli 8: at tndlanapoltoBall wai noted for hto ennnfng and, tfae ba^ and
ing in alM at the
hlinrapolu a ledlanapclli 11: at Crand ; ctover wicU ao?b as opening gates and
tnat, Some raffa however, are of the
le-hlllirBUkic 0. Ola
l^ doora, pulling down ben andlbe like,
rBhfllitST TArMK
me wWtfa all around.
bat DO osn auqiccttd him of playing
MOBmUt pi.'vml t > W A piece of tahltiK
Bioad eSecto acroot tbe tbmldera and
pnotica! Jrkea on ab«p when one aftrr
•bmit *lz Imfie. Wme «i4 two Inebet i8,.pr*t
small waist are Uie two t^ga conon...
the wrong “
to Oluneier. a^ih a thtckDCea of ball | Clir U. Detroit >.
■ anotba
^ .waa found
j ddrred very deairsUe- in a gown, hot
Wetcmi AmoclaUon: At Di
an Inch, rhiirc.-d »>’b powdei'and avan
• rt U» lo^
.w^"(J 'ih..p„,iUo,«yl.U.l..-o«««uto
piudKJ <™i cl lih. .
abot. «xptod.-d. -................ ..
In the crowd aepb—Deo Metnee T._^ 8l Joaepta I:
•o fmiBd that be attracted anenUen. A pinafore to abow a ntwi.r hniioenf ten
the exploelnn.
''••■‘iry T.. Burtlngioe 8: i
raaperied aa ih. i.rime mover waa ar. Burilngtoo—Outer}
reatvd. -He
hi. name as Oallei, day) At Dubuaoe-jCrdar Rapldi j«. , . ,__,
-------- ga'-'
.................................. ^ wool with hto
When Maa.Oaoaa.akB. Mas
and made only thr urlefeit tvpUa# to
*,_ Roekford-Peorto *•
over the fence.
WueMloof pui to him 1-y the polk*.
When rieam boctunea risible, it
Oailet lahl that ti. had ao oocupatjon. Surtlnguw »; at iC'joaeii^^'Molnaa , Then, going away aone diaunoe, . be ; to be steam. The exbaori a«n oomlng
! anxioualy waited, evldenUy 'Af^lBS Som an engine ocustotaerf portiriea of
but resided at L. vallrra-Perret. The t, 8t. Joseph U.
police are maklni: a ihurongb search of ' KlUfO BV THE U8TE5T AIRSHIP. j ^or aoma one to eome oat of
liquid water mixed with air .which is
.a soon u be i IT that tbeobeep
. hla lodgings. Hr t> beliewed lo be lo.'
mad BarhiaiM Pall S4MO P.4U | dtocoTMcd' be gave a stMTt and bqtan to
sane, for be ebiiund aa the carriage
' nin and kick UP bia becto with delight i
nassed alone ro louiliy as^eattraci genv-'aral alter.lloD In ihr crowd.
Steal sitielM'
Berlin. June 14.-Herr WoeUert. an ; Hometiaca be would -et^
Btol VtlUlB P»,rt.-Mr4iM Away.
tied br a machhilat
machltilat and hide them, evidently Ju«
jMt for
the j
llfSCSLLAA'Edrg lEriXTS.
The polk* have alw made another named Knabe.
de an esperimenUI,
esperimenUI ^ fan of tbe thing. One day a bMvy 1
arveai. In ibi» cs.. e rouih.’ but U la accent In a ao-called
ralla ____

led Bteertnx
Bterrinx airship - maul, kneb —_________
aa la naed.....................
fwSplitting n____
UMUghl prtdiaMc thai the actual nilf Comroer Baturdar land
! .
wood, was left so near tbe fence
prtt escaped. Th- of the attempt
balloon, which had that ho could reach it. When be anp-1
..................... ...................... “y.and
.......... —-------------•

: I



—Watch Repairing.



50c.. 75c..$lperdp^ :

—John Verly.
-^Front Street.

;unsRi im longEiam li

ooDTO Hoam

It is delivered befosfc |
It contains ^all the 3
local news tip to mid* s

; Oneksaa...........T.Asf
[Chief Itekc.......

.It contain* a resume j
of important and gen- :
eral news of the world _
of the previous day.
SSSSt^^'..:; “


.It is the neatest and
most attractive daily
newspaper nor* pf
Grand Rapids m all
respects. *

3 ,sssarg:,::;:;ij':

It is the only morn­
ing daily paper in
Northern Michigan. -

ilw v hl. ch. rred blu voclfer___
With people
p of a tree, a^ j-wovg wood pob BALS-ptae wooa • la
This time
time be
be o tache* laa* eaa br has at a tea p*4ea by
onalj. It «i
The ear. which was also <m Are. di-' ^
the rvrolt This
,be maul
______ _ . K..« “eh"* '“aW Ro“> tfc*- burning silk and | bad been seen canying Ibe
trwar. !1** —=
•bout «. whi. »t.«l in the crowd a bun-, , ,
ranteiir to the eroumL so tbe men made g:

vt^-.aawi_**>- •••• “

,“i‘?.S'vS£5'cW;.,;s’ = THESE

wb Iwravd.

It apprara-that the benatne I

^guioj^^aorting and kicking |
fbt ' TTAP* PQK BAtE-ba«
A'lwneTer they a
be tried to attract tbeir atteotiat to ,
a j.BUBuax.
aome other point



--------- -Si,"






tol abot waa m-rriy tbe notae of the] SUICIDE OF A STRANGE WOMAN,
-----She map* late s Oio>«h TrsUbsla sad
Nat Macfe Iteearr la (he Bamh.
Wbilo I l(iTo been eogagei in tba ;_.„vnto
Pat* a Ualtet late Her DcaSa.
The bomb «ar a clumallr made affair
practice of medicine my bom have, ^
to which a pWcT ut tuae'was auacbrd. : New Torfc. June It—While aervtoca bad DO
lily to periorm tricks:
and tbe fuw war |.r»lably lighted by a were being held In Calvarr church Bat* like tbese, but many times 1 have seen '
raated. Aypir te TV^paper fixed in th.- • ikI of a stkh aa aooo ordar afternoon an unknown woman
exbibitioiia of tntelUgeuce aud humor R
as the. brad of .th-- pruocesion
lb* vesUbule and killed
'W.« The |■ngau^U't.•JD
iingaunu't.'JD la that at the hetacir by Bring a bullet into ber right
I bavc known many boraea that abow-:
imeai the lua-j wa* lighted the
temple. Death waa lastaataneoua >
prit fled, and in any case the bombcould
Q* g._.,
a good
--------------------of bBtnoroawellaa
is- ;
^ have d,** much tenm lu
the tinri. moat of them being worn®, , ^Igunco. Lut for. good acnac I ibiuk ^

thicket Where th, | .<l!?e found the r*m*
axcitemrot ensued, and tbe arr* Frank w ax a lillie anprnar to any
■ante of the bom:., they fwd a ptetol y|c„
.tapped. Borne of tbe womea or. He waa 7 yeata old wbtai I traded [
! for bim.
“iiton a Felix F.ur.,” and the «“««* **^^ig|rtde was appafeetly about Ml Wben
_ Came into my p
be _flrto
*'^^telle hair and t debhud’tbc hoLit of fminrally i B.MerEacteaToe.
I dagger b>
Inaolptlo and
rnmnar tbreaicnloc: mutton
• ! Sc’hVi?l'LS«la^.*b^U«
tall and welgbedaboatllO po«t>da
awbewbut !«*>. U»e brow band ]‘tor....................................
< I'liiee found a
* blaric brocade aktri. brown
velvet, waist, low sboeo, almost new. aod would aomi timM lodge upon bin tar. ‘
Wbtmevcr cbia happened I would atop'iS _
**** tanev Mack atocklni
bim. get out of tbe beggy and replace p»^ *»■">!*" te.PrwwgteS;.
«tOB Of to. Four, .
it Be odou leaned to throw ibo hand;
Cvawd NahaaPiBii.ia,
New Turk, June 14.—WUUam Jen­ np wbeoeVKT berwould like to stop and ,Ur. la repair Ike.. Magta .Tvte Work a
The earreepond. nt of the Asaodated
Prew hod ao Intvrvirw with an official nings Brysm arrived here abowt'4 p. m.
8aiurday/«nd was greeted by a large
who waa riding «i«h to. Faure. Tlte Baiurday/«n! people. \
,«mctal aaldi -%vh<n the tonri waa
was coneauraf of
land for a a
With this Icginniug. I mlgbi at
_____: .-Bfe c’
iteraaUon peraUtent that be bad to respond briefI atop wtacn ax ' '
e thicket and
bad been 1 \T- Saturday night be took train for
and tbto i did.
until II waa found
where he la lo apeak toInjured. The polio rpraog forwi-ard, hi
BgumCBt of tbe baraeM would I
rbeil tl
found tbe ibickH d<-eerted.
and wait to have it:
crowd saw one uf ih!
bowevm. be wonU |
JtTOi-ed to the e.
.ha of lea
stop when the trauble was pot. in n^
ttai he was the prnxtntor of tbe WtIt—A Pbe- opinion, sufficiait to warrant so esnPafkerthurg.
•age. and handled him roughly. . .
nmacimi aaj»>u>>
blng him with heav>- walklog --------------sticks----and
o( UliB
uila city.
One day. aslwaa driving along nth
aunbrellaa ■unill hla------•*“ reacueg
* , bmn^n ice from two to three ii icbet long
blm.-badl»- Urulaed-------force that alow trot tmr a smooth, lancBone road
*** torSga
•"traee were denuded as completely 1 bad dropped tbe reins over tbe buggy
The prealdeiiri
i»r<ige then forest
.proceeded to Uir race co
as In roldartnter and crops were totally aptdn and wm becoming quite intersated in tba madiug.of aeewapapar
destroyed for many mllea
•' gm n jcoTkD.poK gccM
wben Frank suddenly stopped. Hooked
irisaSotdten- Hoow Ce..
Dee toolnea. la.. June 14.-Judge Vori- aU around and over him. but could an
____ .
^ took the CAM against the cotpufls- Botfaiiig wrong, ao I said, witb aomo
This attempt 'on the Ufa of M. Faure rioDsn of the soldimW home from the wpbasto. “Get n^ FtankI” But bo
was made on the vrry spot where Berv Jury Saturday in the federal court and atiU stood and kept tfirowing bto bead
gowaky tried to tooot the eaar while instrocied for the defendant* jm the Dp and down. Aa I mt there wigb tbe
te wa» driving lo the milliaiT review at KMuad tbat the guvernment had no case. phpsr io my band 1 looked again, and
l,0(«_Cbampe In l»67. and where Frannt aawBottung
" ik k.«fp.
'ttris, a lunatic, fired hla ravolvrr at If.
. - now, wiefaout
„. ____ U.—Tbe
/tokui* cm July 14 Uil. Having this Is ________ Une ofitoet* of tbe IlUnols
____ , took tbe whip from itBouckriBod..
/ Mind ibe poUee to<* extra ptveaoilona brigade of the Uniform Bank. K. of F.. giving bim a sharp cnt. repsMad my
■ Sperial (Ooera were detailed to watch w'll meet in Chicago torawrow to ar­
dtogoalong. Thism
range for tbe annual enoamptnent of ,___________ _________
ai^iacu and to seUnb houaaa knoi
be the rvaoru of dangerous characiera the brignda.'
still bo wouM not move fawiin£ After
tbe roadway bad bean otear lor-----aundlng f« a few moments, m if in
«ama VteSesla (• Tstwb the BMSs.
(I.*. The prealdeBtial eacurt.wa
dcep'ih^bt, ha auddenly tamed to tbe
br two draguona bolding their platoto
right nntil tbe. wberi oi tbat aide
forward In the most threate-*"- —*■ tbat Queen Vtotorto ba* boon atotad, totxM tbe buggy. Tben again be stood
. Then came a large body of
tbrongb Cjod Aberdeen, and bdr con....................................
atUi. only throwing
: btoI brad aa
and after them. In tbs midst of
b button In
I sow took up tbe rriiis and
«r dust, the preaWenfs open •
bang ig bring bim
with ouirldsfa The prvaldent waa ae- . London and thus atart^ big eJeeirio,
, ba«* Into tbe roaa.wlte0.tomyafta»ponnanled by hla wlfa while In an- :worka of tbe Laebioe Hy^^
othsr carriage were hto two dangbt" IsuideaBpBiiy.whiobareioa«ppiy«BBc,j^,n^:iogBd that tbe rein on that
I <g bone power I-r: aido. wbieb bad been iMtencd with a
iDle. Lucie Fanre and Ume. Bcrga .
...-------------------------Tb* horaes attached to to. Faurfi MontraaL
to_toe U^riee«rio|.H,ap, waa unauapped.
rarTfage reared wildly at tbe eiploaloii,
When I got oat to.faaten it. Frank
twt were whipped on by MongarraTi Baotriral Beriew.
aqnaaled. 1 believe a bone never aqueata
Tlgoroua arm. Roosteanx. tbe driecUve
onloa ha to exoitad. 1 dmw beard
Wte la always with the prealdebt nuhed
Frank squeal befttoC^ri-BOW be not
forward and grapi led with *»“•*»■»
To atoortain tfae number <rf brioka in: nayaquealed. batbbookbtobaad, pawed Pftik8tiMt,MwMft7ie&tAQuE,
waa immedUtvly sri upon by a halt
fifty-" ptraons ir. the crowd. proboUy a walk obtain tbe Doabtffria^etfirial’tbe gfonsd and ^foated bto de{^8
•ecompticea of the would-be awsMit. feet and multiply tbto by 1 fa a 4. fay «v«,7 dsom that be ooold cobi^
Tbe (Bowd "■tetn-* tbe dalaedve for an Inefawall, byl4toa9toubi^. by ai we aftorwazd, moved along- boaaRates, $1.50 per Day.
* abmt to lyorii him. B1 fa a II iaob wall and by SStora
amnt tiffm. as tbe tboogM
Ba was beaten, kicked, spat upoh and iTlaofawaU. If tbe vaUtotbitAarttBi
aHatohtoaind afnrii, bawonld
DCt raaraed by the police mitfl bteedlng 17 Indiea, add 7 bttafcs to ovary «Mto
' Ed nneoBKiou from a tarrlMa bsidiBg.
riiw OtemyjgAYA^Bpanal Bi
M; Faara beharad «IU paffaet mtU tkaalitaefaM


SfasRsvrsas7s^''l = in the morning

^-,-S5S5"-".5‘-| = A GOOD


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