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The Morning Record, December 11, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Fiat Teu—Ko. 19a .
bt boabd or
omeuXi9Mrm ■
Seboola Win 01o»» to* Two 'Wooko,
Boslatps Brttoy. Doombw 17—
mm AAoBoaodUtlUr BmIbv »
• Aoooyt » flood Booltloa Is BcU.
Tb* basrd <{r 01
mootlnr loM o Mlsr to fix tbo tor* of
tbo boildoy oaeoUoa tar Uo pvbllc
•eboolt. rrssb Satib. tbe rooaaUy tppoUMd aambor. orao proaeat for tbe
Slot Use. bio boatoa* boisf rack that
be WM able to boja tbe (dty.
itOrawB bad made a
«as«am of too toaebera aad It seemed
to ha the yeaefal daaire aatony them
to hate the .holiday taeatloa berie
aext weak, ao that they ooold at least
■^asd Christauts at home. Tbe board
dlaalayad a dUpoBlUoa to arraaro Aha
■Ntacatom ee that all ooald got to tbalr
Amral homes before the Cbristaaa
ftaUtal aad as moUoa it waa daelded
tooloaatoeatoooU'oa Pi^day. Daeembar 1?, for two waalm. Tbe toactaon
'weald tons bate plasty of Uma u
Tj ODt torir ptasa asd ha raady i resame thalr doUaa OS Monday. Jai
Os BwUas tha dark aad mayor . .
astharUad to pay toe nlariaa ad the
toaohara ap to toa iTto.
Asothar aaaUar' praaaatod to toe
board waa the paaalbla realfutkm
of Miaa Ada Basadlev tha prtoolpal of too Boardmsa aranua
aehoal. Soportotoadast Orawa aabisittod a latter raosirad by Mkes Baaadiea from too aspartoUadaot of the
pahUc acbaoleatBlcto, lU.. to wbish
Ulm Baaadkt was srfad to aeoapt as
oBta of pee par moath for a term of BH'
to taka ebaira «d .a sto-room
aohool of toe aeraath frade. Soparlatoadaat Oeawa atotod that Misa Basadicl did aotfael^Upoaad to leave bar
tseaaat pcaltln U it was afatost tba
wttoaa of toa board, bot aha eoald aot
oatiraly Ifsore toa oSer, as U b »tO
a mostoa e toaa ber prasesA salary.
WhUo toa mambers of tha board ware
loth to have tbe jiaardmsa avesae
aehoal deprived of each an aseellsst
teacher, they did SM feel that tbsT
cnld ask bar to ifeorethe preposllioa.
aad woald rellan bar if she daalred to
realys. Sapertoteadaat Urawa stated
that while he woold he aorry to Use
Mbs BssedkU thb was a food oBar
asd peeaaated masy advastafca Ha
atated Shat it vronld be poasIbU to pro
mote a teacher from toe E«bto ineib
if Mbs Besadlet decided to leava.
' Atlesttoe was called t? the aaperiir'' teadest to the lavitatin from the ofAoara^d the tamer's tamUtsto to tha
puplb of toe airb aehoal to Ibtae to
toa sclestifle lecture to be delivered
next Friday by Profeasor Uni of toe
Acrionltcral aoUs(B. ThesaporUt ’
aat tboog-ht that tba lactsra would
prove iBvalusbla to the swdesb aad
. toa board rested parmbaloa to hsid
too amainti of that aftarsoos Is Stobabery'a Oresd Opera Hosaa. where the
issUtote b to be beld.
It was also atttad tost aevatel of the
atsdnu woald be Uriud to write ra.
pone of too laetora. asd tha dae aaaklar the beat ra^ort. whleb was to be
Jadfad at toa eoU^ woald ba re
warded by OSS year’s free room raat
at toe Airrlesltuiel eaUere. Tba
oBd bnt to be rewarded by free Iseldeatab for ods year.
last work u toaeher of toe day aebnal
dlrlstoD. TW «lnb bM beM |
toaraiaeoBfideawof blaoneenoaa is•tadTlBC tb« hiiMrr. tltmlarc *od
atraetor of the Bible oeboel.
of UrMoe f«r Mver*l BoaOift. Md Ui«| _____
The hebbato aebool aad day aeboula
profTW appwlauly took tho forn of, IJVBD A
ra prapaniis far tba etaaerraaea of the
a lyrle drama. Tbe otory of Sappbo
aad bar oAool of poetry waa clTOB tn
aaraa, the theme beliip the lore of Said to Kara SqaaBdaiad Bis Wttabi tohe plane ia too aebool ho^ ea I
Kemay asd Laetobad toa^ Mach Vaar’s aea Oasdy wUl be ontrlboted
aappbo ,forPbaroo.aadbU aaeeatofal
nit tar the baad of DamoypbeUa. a
Attaatios TTpos Artotbar' Womaa '
aad J. W. Brotn will foraUh p^eora.
fair maid of 8H>Pbo'o anrt. S^pho.
—Leftfowa Tbaraday After Draw.
the trath. tritb trae aaorlIsC SS60 Prom tbo Bask.
C. O. Tomr. momber of too slate
Sdar lore aacoorarea Pbaroa ia hU
J. M. Wstta. wba has baas proml- board of pardosa, has reeeltad sotiddaeotioa to Dasnoypbelia. asd pata as
aad to ber owa life. Bar spirit ratorsa seat to toe eoadaet of the Lelaad eatloo that tbe dtat meattar of the
board will meet to Lanlas Mon
iogto bar daeotod frieod bwala. to ebom
bar wito toe premln of a speedy re- la» too past year, la bow Scorlar as day. Be will Isate for Imsatiw today.
Diaries ?
7es, SiB?.
X^ots 0±•jrhptyn.
Juttbesioestkiiidof a present for anybody.
AUSiaas and Prices.
M. B. HOLLEY, Wsaaow
j^hb; busy!
aaloa to a brifbi laad bayoad tha the priMpol pwV l«> • •«*»dal wblcb
l Tbniaa -A
aides, asd a dalaty late aeeae betwees! baa bees hrawtar tor aoma
I. with a
Pbaras aad DamoypbaUa brtafa tha wblehThas aalmtoatod to a
d att dolFraming Pictures these days—Bring yours in now, so
Watu has dad asd
. TbeaaUra Id tbe
play tea
play U fall af paetle rema aad ptotnr>
we can finish them^jp before the Holiday.
easDO Ublaaa^ tha fraoefal Oraak f mosey which rlyhUy belonyad to
eestamm aad atoya aatUByi addlay b wife aad toe Uttar Is maktay aa
larp^y to toe eSaM. The parUelpaato isveatlyaUos.
Watts has ban aaes ia Travena
ODierad partaetly lato toe feelloyof
toe pl^. aad carried thalr aadlesee City a ymt deal aad had UUmaU rewith them to toe far away ehoraa aad latlose with aavaral boalsaae i
seamed to be quite p^uUr ustU Utaly,
>owy tomplea of Leaboa
7/^a/ eoulA he heller for a Christmas^ Gift than a Cloak?
The east af eharaetwa was as fol when the maouer la which be hae baas
aoBdnetiuy bimaalt has exritod
o if yoQ go to oa auctioii mle to
TheeaseatloB eras sprusy bay fnmitnre. yon will bave it to
wbaa he praeaaui a rkeek for psao, refer to, to toil whether yon an
ms yos naUM tbejwwsrof mosny as m^ as is ton
Damaypbella—Mtm yioroaea Jaok- dfawD by toe Schombary Lumbar Oa getting beat or ooL
of flood Barbor. at toa State Bank far
We aeU n fiist^hwa W. W.
paymesL Paymaat was rafoaed. beBraaU-MIss Ella StetoberrSpring forf1.26. Good, well made,
Mt^ Watm had dleeovarad toat
AttoBdaata—MUsaa Aliea Orawfoid.
,hnnl-irood Bedsttod, 41.35. HrstWatb was eanylsy os as istlmaey
offnisd U sor SpwUl XaUday RaU of flloahb
Carrie U'Naal aad Lottie Uarilaad.
cltM Exeelrior Mattress, 91.50.
At toe ooaelaaloB of toa prarram as vrith a yaasy womas of <hb elty to First-dsM wool top Mattrewa. $2.
Look at These Prices.
totaraaal raoepUoa waa toadorad Mca. wham ba was mid to hsva baas davoV Poliabed Oak SUo^ 60c. A 20x20
0. 8. Mortonip. wbo leaves today for Isy too m^ attasUaa asd cash, both inch Centre Table. 75c.
of wblto akoBld have beas darotod to
Mout Morris. Lhrht refreabm
back Rocker. 75c. High back DinlitasdSlSTalaaEnrnq'/ .
S •valanBUtoBoaeUalSSH
ware aerved. asd as boar was spaat ia hb wife Isstaed. Mrs. WaUt soUtted iog Ohairn, 93.75. A good Loange,
Uaek, Mae nr yraes. at SB-M
SU valne Bins Karmyat r.ri
a aoeial way. Mra Horthrap has baas toa Imsk sot to cash the ^ack asd $4.00, and eveiything else in oar
avalaadmombarof toaelabaad it b sotiee of toa ooeorrooeo ^ baas, east aton at the same proportion. Now
Sia asd SW value Black
Sll.Ki valne Bias Esmy, '
with rarrat that tha sambata part to tha Sahomhary Lumbar Co.
PsrsUs Onrl at
all Used wito Ibffeta
these are pll new gooda. and we
The obeek Id quaeUcu waa'Tbr leys ooaldn’t afford to hire an auctionwith bar. *
Bmv«rJaekstsSS.Ha8d S4.U
Bilk, at
aeld to toa Sakombary Lombar Co. and oer and sell Umn at diene prices.
whleb ware swsad tgr Mra. Watto. Mra.
Watu vraa tormariy Mra. Belmaad
wheaa hushasd died abant five yearn
Maarty AU tba toasbara of tba Psh- ago leavlsg Ufe iasarmaee to the
all St Bsrgsfai Prices.
of Sio.oM. aad eaaaiderhble
^lle Beboob WU Bpasd'tba Hol
prepdrty. WaUs, wbo waa fomerly
idays at Tbalr Bonn.
BaUaUa Dry Sesda.
b aaid to Impa ap
As toa holiday ^eaUos for toe pobOaiyri and methUg 1
peared Bpoa toe eoaaa soon .after and
138-132 Ttmi Stmt
lie aohoola b sow flaad for two weeks,
about two years age he aad Mrs. Balthe taaebera will bera to plaa to sposd
BtoBd marrlad. Siaee that Uma Mra.
tha Cbristisaa featival aad holiday
Watm hsa had axtasslve property laweek at their aavaral faomaa. Some of
Wn Sxeandiayly Bnyrto that
tarcBU af various kiuds which
them reside paroiaBeDtly is the' city,
but oassy othorm live la various parto maaayed by ber busfaasd.
AmoDg tbe aaurprbee in which they
oftheslata. are Utoresiad was toa Lelaad PoUt not a Ufe OerUfleato to tmeh Art U
Of tone la toe Oaotral baUdlaf Pm
mart which waa Uiyaly dev^apsd any braaeh. evaa In oar awn eountry.
fiaaor Horn will remato at 1
lummer aad which U rapidly be- Yet OUT work b olmMity toa pabUe.
A. Cobb wUl also remain bare. Mbs
Olrs yea Just what we rrpresect It to
Bouidla will yo to Sayisaw. Mbs Me- aomisy aa attraoUva asd valaabla be. and equal to that which b put baLauyhlia to MarUs, Mbs Kotud w property, alaa a yeaerak atora in La- ifre tos pnbUe nt triple its aenL
Just the thing for persons troubled
Ass Arbor. Mbs Jiekliair W Marietta. Usd. Evarytoiag.saeosed to yo alosy
Mlm riowBlay wtUremaio la Tiavaraa aU rlyht U the domaeUe circle oatU. it
with cold feet.
City. Mim Warsar will go to YpaUaatl. b autad. Mrs. Watm dboorarad that
Him Bevereoca to Bovi. Mbaea PraU.. bar haabasd was yhiag too muto aV
Cook aad Oibka will apend toa vanUoa lautloD to woawa of qheatioaabia raSt home.
AUs wO^I yo to AlmnL paU. when aha begun to laok Uto her
a ox gsmeasirwo Oitsr.
Oryaler. Sehoelder. asd Jessb bnlaeai affulra a lluU. Tba raaaU U
Bard will auy hare: Him Edith Bard dbaatrous. us raUtod. Mrs. Watb bad
wUl vbit at Fortlaad and Mbs BaaseU oa deposit U the First Natiosal bank
*3M whleb Watu blaldto have draws
Thuiaday, after paymaat of the SehomOf toe Baardmae avaaueaeh
Basadiet wiUApasd toe vaeaUoabt her bary check was rafuead. He toes aehome aVOraA Ladye. Mbe Lamb ia eurad a riy aad disva to Sliyhm waara
Chleayo. Mbs Covert in TpsUasti. Mba he toak a- tr^o os the 0. B. A I. for
LaSalle is Portlaad. Mbe Adams is tbe south, bavUy the cheek asd
Oakwood asd Mbs Camp Is YpsilasU. ia kb poaaasaioB. Bb pmest wharaTbs Oak Park te^kere will apasd abeaU arc net knows.
Wbaa Mra. Watubtyao to eanfim
Ckrbtsias as follawa: Mim Higyiss at
horns, Mbs FHIklss at Coldwatar. Mbs bar suaplcloui aba esme to Trsveraa
Housekeeper. Are yon one? If so,
aevelasd afOoUwaier. Mbs Coaway City oa Tucaday. where toe wsa tal: it is unnecessax^ to say to yon that
at Masbtos. asd Mbs Carr at Dundee. lewad by bar haibaad. wbo b mid to
have yivaa hb time dariny tha weak
Of Oak Park. Mba Bates will yo
Orayllsy. Misa Tkylor to Chloayo, Mbs to toe ether womas.
Yaitsrday Mra. Watm vrast bato to
BaeWa la Travetae City. Mbs SUlos
St Coldwatar. Mbs Swift at Oraaa- LaUsd to aadnvorto atruiybue aut
villa Mba Nelaou at Ithaea, Mba bar affaire aad it b quite prababla that
oS as istareaUsy
Kllsa at Qamopolb.
Nnrly all of the teaebaia will leave
here Saturday, the l«tb or an the Mon
Flour is what yon wranL Mannfactu^ by
didstod Wito tbe Orsad tno- day foUowiaf, wblcta will allow thorn
e Harald-A. P. Babirh Wfll
rood vAntioa.
Go daskaoa
Igadpotor Yerk WUl Have Obnrga of
Oomplsw Maw Outfit Xaxt Wash.
•veaiuy by wbUb toe Bnraa, rood will
V. H. Eddy, master of traasporUtioa
and sabsaripUan Ibt of tbs Trui
B«v. fl. B. Verthriip WUl flo to XL
•f U. E. A I. r^way, was U tits elw
_Ckr Trusseript bacotuaa the prop" ■ Kieh.
m^y of tos Ciiaad Tiawm
p has raeeived and yesterday. Airmacemanta are
for a eompleU new iraU and anThs Isst Usus^ of tbs Transcript
a «aU to toe BapvriU appeal today. Tbs matorUI tbt 'ehomh of ML Morrta. MUk., of yUs lortosTravamClWAwnnok and .
will be sold sod removed, end Mr. whleb be vraa fomarly pnaur tor toroa tha new aaqaWtioa vrOl ba ham next tlonallj'
HtiA and
Bonyb. wfaw hat poblbhed the paper
Thb ehareh has raosally re
tar toe last Sva yiw wiU jro Uto busl- eved a letmey to he used U tbe ereeMM in Jadmon. Hieh.. and a host of Uoo et a new ehnreb adlBee, and they
BaJoyad a Soednl BvsnEny.
friaodsbm* of Mr. and Man. Bonyb dsriia Mr. Morthnp to retup aad lead
Thare was a pleasant party
wiU five thnm sincere good wishes for tham U tob eoirrprba.
rnnlny at the horns of Mlm'Millar.
Thb b toa aeeood time Mr. Norlbrap »mar of Cass aad Stoto atrssm.
Tha Herald wQl emuma all paid in has baea mtollnd to eervs a neepnd pae- name who partidpawd wars the pn- XUiSB thiS
advanoa enbaerlpUons to the Transcript tomto U a former Said. The family pfla af tbs Sunday aehoal oUat of Mrs.
and full erndlt will he yiven aa tos wUl leave to^py over toe 0. E. A L Boxbaryh and a taw Uvitod yueets.
Bermld-s nhneriptom Ibte tar such.
Tha enalay wna paaasd U SI
inaraad for toelr new home.
Joymeata «nd ilykt lafmhmania wen
Xlssaot Fowdiy—L. M. Beanet b
dmUylag in hb ahow wUdew. a lUe
afW^ anm ware. UcUdUy
Story at
tact Under Diiaettoa of Hm.
UsrirainUii 'With Was. X Slasa m
eootaUa many aayyeai----------Buparlntondeav
A. B. Xnrtin.
mas and one can select a prasrat ben
that b both low U price and rich Id deTbe Bev. John Eedpatb. Sabbatk
The Woman's Qub hna many times sigo
and vulua Cut yUsa b ahowa -fn
dc-montiratad lu ability, in a Utomiy pnlir Doveitlea and be BUS eboald se- aekool mbakmar?-. held a maatii
'For cut pricaa in Robber*. There is always soroelhing
naMl mutical way.* and yentorday a pro-' Ircl CbrUtmaa yifb wttooat first leek- toe sehoel honte at Kllybu last
wrong. Old seoda or aeconds is what too get always at
lay St 1 o'clock nad iworynaUed the
yram wut yiven that showed the dDb lag over toU eluant dbpUy.
’'cotprioem Boy the Best Rnbbors Ma^i at
Sabbnto nehool which baa been aloae
to poK^ew dramatic talent of a Ugh
M DoyU
'U will eleae
ImejtoAf ^ ^ tar ever alx moatha Wm. X CBnne.
order, as well.
‘Ihs afternoon was Ueharyaaf Mrs. Imwreoee'sSatardaynigkV Call early wall known ttmvane City yoany man
was elaetod acperiBtoBdeatJby a ’
• J. B. UarUu assbted by a nnmbsr of and aee toe bsauvllal tolnyi eke has
tmM voto, nad ae ha to
mrnbrro of tbs Music, Art aad Sx-
_H^kell’s Rookstore.
not in any other way
Grand Values
House Furnisher.
Foot - Warmers !
CrayoD, Water Colors
aad lai Pattraits...
North Star! A Progressive
Blankets Ttie ‘Best’
fu-e the Best produee£
Hannah & Lay Co.
We have an excep-
Leather Goods...
you ca^ot afford to
if yon are
looktag fdr aOmethiiiK
"Wa.i3cli (DuL-t
- '■'•L
r mi.- .2^1..' ' 1 Ah'.
t KOSmtO MOOS>»r»SJTODAy> |>B0S1I»»» !>■ »8B7,
iflee Pie! Ceiie!
YtalMRliUb is A BMBtMr «d *S«0B>teet «l Mrs. PokMr. Uflictisc sMtoos ^ny soppn^ James 3. Ocrbbtt.
Bdimr SmWi-bss snmn A SBV tsroe
•eotuedy foe Abbs Held, wbiob norenoe
n^TXBSK omr, - mobioaii
T«o Bmt7 rotten.
Z1(«fe)d,'Jr., wfil pndoos t^tr aort
E. d. Bwk^ Lw Ute tes Jnt ear.
BKUm^VBBMTi^t^ yt'iMi two CtertoT whlW
DabM Bert is to ^hamAtiM Opis
old, wUeh woKkod Wi pouds tmd'sBswbook. “OW
«BM. T. E*n» AXD J. W. BAjm. MootteTkto
te A r*«ArtebU *«i«bt for lirodon BaailltoA wl£
ia« role.
s. «. BAnn. BAllor Asd MmaCV porkers ol Uxsl
The pieoe whkb WOUbm OlUstts is
tbs w»7 food tadispsMsdoA tbs Bwt
s'=:a-rr’. •. ■: ■:
SimtAsav Baifesfc
I will move to my new store in the Broseh Block
on Front street this week, with a FuU Line of
_C.ead SOUr rroosrlee.
bhtle is imwent.
I gir^ «.000 tlB
I PUBBtnC AB bSSAUlt OB ,__________
>00 la_ tit li»«U fa 18B6. 8oreB
oompAOles an BOW pUyldg it ‘
Mr StaaisUiw Soaage has wrlttSB a
nQi^ oooMdy for Him Marioo MaooNew York, Dee. lO.-A World dls- U ABd Mr. jAok Mason, which wiU
BAieb BAys; AB iBportABi kottle to s*- iboitly to indBoed lo fiostoB.
psetsd boorly. sstbs IasmtmU here
Ssrdoa has jast wrlttfn a oe* plsy,
plABASd tbs
••PaineU, in which Qe^sBe wilt Ap^ her retoro
Ite aotioa
loro to
1 Parts
~ ' “
Tn SpMilsk nWsct is esretUUBK stratloB agaiBSi Bstsbs I« ^hs year.
wltb which to tboroogbly s<ibI» Qeaenl Farrtdos has sUrtod from thU ■
been >1
%m wry sod prspsrs w> meet with city • wltb stroBf ooloenBS #f troops ts 1
•nro rwlsn~i~ dby toore of tbs I oltod StAtrs towArds lolerrssllos lo tbs deatlai areot of the Bpaaisk roreraOpbso diffleoUy. In ibstnesntiBis the meat weal with him to aeoerUia the
real eosdiUoa of UsesBS prorloee.
fad is oollee
srs sdnooinf o* Hswltb Tirr*^st fsnn mad sn sttAck U . UeDsral llodrifaes. with the comJEWELtW JOTTINGS.
ai viao AATBS or Tasrma err
pxpsclsd At Aoy U»s. Notwllbstaod- bloed CobAB foroes oader fleifAde. Nory term of ProsIdeBl dATz Aod lleOArdeBss. Is eoesmped I
. .
rollnre” to wear with
iBf theo
MeEla ley's BMsere Spola fesrs tbls twenty Dllee eoBtb of
i.^'lalng di^^aro as fAsUnable this
AAdtbsCabsBt bsvs lost way to Hoar Del Bio. He hae *^^^3^
t.ooo meo who are well armed abA be|
Bhilacee __
■ POPS of thstr dstsmUsUMi.
is eald to here e Holobklm rapid flriBf |
t|„ faihinn of a eoUsr. are
WnxiAM F. MclUiuUT. one «f ,Ois ----------I 41 beoouiiOR as tbry aro pcpnltr.
butUae dsneenMo worksis la the
OollesobsebSBged Antoaio Rodral-. Braoelrt. aro mocU worn. There an
•Fifth dlslrtel. U AOt U» poUtios, bnt
goes Rirera and a aegro Based Osman. |
,o„,Urstyl«B-<hcwr that sHporn
tbiaks there is a dint elast oaportnolty They went to CoUaco wiU money end j
Hnp otoin taacolrts and oartorsomeffood a prepniiioa for him to lay down h'is nw faangkw.
Cbieage KarkaL
A note was
ttiweial reoentaclea are bow dseigBed
>. eeoepliag
~irai.iew Aideo dmltb. Mr. McKnight [T
plBB^ PB the breact of the basged | fc^ special Aowen. puralsr esaupim
ABd doobUcto la the hande s«...noaBaagtb*tA.y en.
j toiBB._cUry*uihem«mTn.n
m a slmilMstetn woald moot a'uke onAld vsis. roeu bowls and Um lika.
«f hiatrteods.
The English tasblon of wiwriBg letter
It m qalts appareat that-Pinideat
bioocbes, uoaQly thv iniiial nf .the
Po^Deeember. r tl^' Jeneary,
wearer's naaia is here. Then Initial
FIcKialey omitted to ooaealt the Boabroochw an is mort oaeee Ml with *^Laid—December. «4.1S: Janaary.
ys.—u Taylor before eompoelBg the
Sate Chaaged From l«tb to Slot of geiuA*
Oahae propoeltioae of hie meoeage.
The neweel (batidahMe boast trf from
Tbls KoBth.
. ir Senator Allea remaiac 1b the aeaThe eeterUlameBt to ban bna eight to ten chains, frtm which dangle
•to long enoagb be mey seea pnaideAt gWea OB tbs icth by Ue BnagsUeal AD nsttoisblng varfeiy of kmrkkiiacU
mbowUl compile e meMege to eaii eberebbas been • ptotpeaed eaUl De- tooh aetebleM.ptooUs.powd«boAeA
~ wsto' UftoAlaf
eembto :i. on aeeoaat of the Farmers'
lasUtats to Ukaplase next week. The
Oeandiaa Holiday 1
OBtertsiemaat wUl be a pleaeaat one
The C. AW. M. and D. O. E4.W.
E E Blbbard made a abipmoBt of and local talsai will to oootribatod
OB Dec. 18. IT and
ton tore of potatoee yourdey for Earl feneroasly. The proceeds will to de- Bys. will
18 to
eeted to the toaedt of the cborcb.
trip ’Allgood torlrtra an-
Gmeries and ProTOiens! •
Ipll Grand Opening Saturday.
We will seire
FREE Sator*
urday and next week, delicious Mince Pics, made from the
s celebrated
Club House Mince Meat. HOT OOPFEE made frota the Globe Braod of Java and Mocha.
The Pnblic Cordially Invited.
iiSpeciai Sale
ti«y of potatoee of nry good sin
eiteab-gtnr ia bb oollAr-from « M
•f old petoloto that bad bees left
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.
Dee. 1. !. ». I. 10. n. IS.
0. P. A.
The Ddke of Cambridge' ecmpleM
O. H.*L Hnarte 1
hU sixtieth year of mllilary eerrioe on
Ker. 1. Hwwaegaaetttde'beeTetcolo.
State Tea
Dec.'sTandti. KaMAft.ei.
BdonNoT. 8. Itta;.
Cbrltetaas aad New Yeere Hellday.
Dob IJvio Borgbeae. moeBd eon (d
one and one-tbird fare. SeUlng daya.
Tboaaa McMin, froi^t agtot i
Ifae Bamsn PrtoooBoqttoae. UWmt to Dee. St. 2i. 31 and Jsa- 1.
Abe C. A.W. M. raUmy. ia U the eli
BM*7 Mile, ftegea dnHbttr of the
CABAdlaa Exearei'm. aelllng daya
riob.Hcbrew beaker of Paris
Der lAlTandlA Belsra Umit San.
. Mn. BbC McUcmald end child weat
Tbe msiTiaire of Miss LiUUn Oaiy. 7. 18»8. One fM for roasd trip..
C L- LonawAo.
«e Petoakey yeetordsy fora Tisit wftb das^tcr of Pootmsjiter fJroersl Usrr.
O. P. A T. A.
to Mr. Bob** Thyl» *>*
Mta. McDoBBld'e parwiu. '
C. E MoanxT. Agent.
lake plAOB until next spring.
Bee. E M- dweeasoa of Uraad BapIds. will prescb in the BapUat ebartih
again next Hnnday. both morelag and
ally be tought 500 Irmn tbe Indisu*.
sying snaTcnige-of 80c«iUapleOB fw
Mr. ABd Mrs. M. J. CandaU of Sand
Lake. Mich., arrtred U the city last
F. Martel Crawford, tbe popnlar
Bight aadaregomuof Landlord Pangnorelist. waited over IS yrars to e» his
bmnset the Pangbon HoteL
be had writun atamt a
two voUuno novels.
Qtneni Cbsrles E RoTty, wbo died
Aa^TbatKnnistMWm 1
neently in WaihlogVm. was one of tbe
Open AU Winter. '
arigiDsiorsof tbe oormal sriMol idim
WasblogtoB. Dee. la—There is a inininniSBndtbe-ariApreaideBtirf tbe
praepcet that the port of Maabtee wiU piinnlw Ntoltol school At NiOWaL
te kept open all Ue year rooad in
Miss Mery Barbel Dobmo. a dsagh----- and THE-----apite ef tbe treasary erder recently le t* of Aorfin .Uolison. is nO« of th.- moM
aned as ibe resali of the report of a active w.irkt-r* in tbe nniveT«tT srttU~
•peelsl ageotwho hsd Lorcat^ted tbe moil frr w»uh« in Euular. ludis.
Their work Ja priui-itmlly among tbr
Brndeofthebtomeaecom^—'order wee epafto^ ^
_Pope ..
Deo. Biad# ssight
policy ol relreBchmeo* bat Ceogree^
WiUioot disMoolioa <J age
dks. I wine this year framtlwviocyaidbe bad.
orolaM.ABd bask of oar
j set oot in tbe- VaiitoB gmdtos A small
protnUe standi our splen
‘ j nw. aaotber inrticoi i» eent ioecbBicbi.v
did sUxskot.............. V....
I to be BMd at mass, and tbe rt«t is stddellyeeterday wUbariewto baviog lhe| cbi.« p,.re„ „y,on die" of brain dto.
acd* revoked. Mr. Howell promised |
. iimpl.' is liertboM
to give the matter &is peraonal aUea-;
tbe AiMiian rhunplun, wbp
tloB and will askfor anotber report j w,, (uuoai tor bi* proOriiuev. Since
IMK. when be tlrai Utium- widely
tnciwi Iw has engaged iu fr»«ji
tesu with masters in the art.
In epiVo of Emperor WilUam
of Americn. be be* tak.-u a gnat liking
to tbenaral attache of tbeUniUd ttatas
137 Front StiooV
etubaioT at Itelin, Ueuttoanf Niblsck.
Topeka. Kan.. Dee. lO—KaAiae la He fmiui'jitlv inritM him to the p
Mfleripg from a water ftmiae. The and they ducoia naval matters with
proloBged drought has faaeome a aerioas great infoRziality.
Btraama from wbieh tbe
Tbe late Jnstln Winmr, librarian of
tosme aad eittai get their anp^ are Bnrrard anivenity, was the firat to
unmadranitba* tbo posltino re^aited
diy and tbe wells which aJIoedid tlie
tiiorongbly csltlvated and well edn.pvpie with water tor 'dammUe pur<Bt^ man and made ft aeandlritoOf
-peam have failed.
his aoniaaoce Ibst bis rank ihonld to
In adoxsBofths larger towns tbe
as high as that 01 the profamwa
tpUfOads an baallng water aod depee*
Sir Cbaxtto Murdsont. Ban, tbe
fling it la Uto for tbe aae of -the piglntiS In tbe n
Money K iMii
The last chance to buy kid gloves at Democratic prices.
The Dingley bill has raised prices on kid gloves just 6o per
cent. Through a fortunate deal, for spot cash, we just re
ceived 35 dozen ladies’ kid gloves in Foster’s lace sod clasp
of the latest shadte of Ox Bloods, Greens, Blacks, Browns
and Tans. We have placed them for sde today at even z
lower figure tHan'tbe same qualities were sold formerly. /
This is an opportune ttfne for a sole of this kind, as a
Kid Glove makes a nice Christmas present for young or old.
aod our prices are within reach of all.
The range of prices are as follows:—59c. 8qc, 98c. $i.ao
and $1.50. Come before assonment is broken.
-ONImproved Fahns and OUm Block.
City Property.
Johnson B
We Promise the
Bestin Quality,
Thono 78.
Oorreot Styles.
,Most Complete Assortment
ever shown in this City now
on sale at
No. 131 State Street,
Traverse City, Michigan.
Come in and look them over.
Lowest Priee to All •"^lautAdsi
Record 1
fitcbes, a«is, JeiebT,
Silmare, KoteltlB, Etc.
Timely, mtereslxiig
ninstrated Feature
Next SoDday’s RECORD.
fft I
W. C.&B. A. Gannett
Eato jngbth Soetal FaxtyTbe eaeoBd of the aerim of
parUes of tooaieoeie^ was .gl<
tbe City
Boase lagt night. Thera
. were aboat aeveaty ooaplm preoesi
and tbe evanlng wae axtrembly anlpy
able. Tbe maelc was insplriag and
tbe eveei
etosee; end thoto to tollew i
eqnally planaant.
Faealiar Sheeting Aeciteit.
Mra. Bette Y'oang ww called lo 0«f
Iral lAke Tbrusday to asaist in Ibe
ease of her moth*. Mra. PflUr, wbo
met with m peeallar eoeident a few
days aga Throat eome miadhai
gu was Jarred from ft poelttea 90 Ibe
waU ^ her grandseo. The pteoa eras
died raotoUy InXotidto. Tbi* i* tbe
earn where the prlDm cboae to go apes
the ——Md waa beltetd -to bava
••perjarad himself like a gvoUeman.”
Steiilitrfl erud Open Hp
WodnoM>7 BYonllig.
Ueiri-Otbatp UocmwwBlatiagTaad^
X>oo6nibor 16th_
Tfllr a* the brat utedlmB f« b* diflday
«f vmatUity.
Tm ItoW*ei ra orae* t|toi|li toar<*.
Tbi- name
Air. AnAony HopeS
new play for Mr. E H. S«*h«t» U “The
AdvtoUzre of Lady Urmia."
' The rarllert Amcritsan ttoatea '
ntNewYerkandABimyolU. KBIi A1iBBy. nvY: Baldmcte. ITlA
"HacMt Serrlto" rights id Bmofwm
ytadtotlto have beto sold fra Bad*,
pwt. 8*Un BBd St. FelmttMtg.
■usmesegra flO ■raisT weraiag.nra.il.
MllBe Jamal. itM dw«kttr <d.8
TrftverM City, Mieh.
Of Plngroo ft Smith Shoot on Nairow
Laata. 800 pain of I«adioa' Fine Sreaa
8hoeo,on'A,BandO laata,
In Lao<Bntton and Juliets, Ba«>r. PiooadiUy and Bqaare Toes,
Former Price, $8, $8.60, $4 and $44»
Ml “A" Lasts go at $1.88
All “C" Lasts ga at $2.48.
Siaea S) to
No Pietttre or Bebete Ticket! given with theee Prieto..
tsessmms timBit,ismeBAi, nsefiineriv.
_____ a»l tba pnaMrafa rtava. asA «W
ptobabir latrr b* 4aflnltotr tormoUUd
and Hid btforc oonpivaa. Bnatr At
ptan U to plac* Um repsbUe obdar a
Stvt»d by All*n of MiMiMippI
Whon tho Pontion Sill
Gomo* Up.
Aar rmttMta Har^
aaA mt, TWr> %a* Ka CAU to
Washln(t<ia.DM. la—WhUr tfav t»OM
«mi ooBstderli-.K ttu- p«bUob ApproprUtkn TMerdA)' Canuon. chUnus of tfc«
appropnallooA. took
wcAslon to make a r<«er«l Btal
for tb* purpon^ b» ba1<1.
tb* nlsda or metnben aad «m o
of A f»:*o ImprcAilos ma^a by i
partaon «t the ti
expendUarew CBM.00a.eoe. show Ins
estimated dcSdl ot ULeW.uOO. rader
Iba last aUBdA^ clvU aci the secretary ot
tbe treasury, be polnivd .out. was coiapeUed to estlmaif this year for MkOM.•M of river sn.l harbor worn. m.Heo.b'U
0t which had nut Ueea authorised by
law. If this sum not heretofore Includ
ed In the eirtims’ei. were dnlucted there
wonld he. an edin.at.-a surplus ot tt.tee.m Inilead of a defidk
.. mrcrn It. tor a tine, at laast. Juat
as tbc Dlamn of Columbia to rovaraod.
coAlnlasloo would, la oRrcl. bo aaR aad Ui« ra^bllc auuM beeoaa
an abaoluttam-anTdlparcbrTbofw would bo DO ropraeaeta^we ina*
eblDorr. BO Icirlalanira. or eounai dD
rioollcfta BO doctoral f«B()taiao. ^Thllo^
wo^ dwoBo et anr1
It laatod.
o capactir at tho poepto |
doubla as
nadVoA It would die- I
StBFliis Siinr Niwte!
Boatoa, Dr« }«.—Tbe OlAe today
toys: -MiB. Uaetawt, the i
thd of the I
derer. ao^ealled. »a Chle*»o. to eUre end
Hvsdaome 8fiTer Bseto
poMMimut or nic BoraE.
to to Glre the dusto at Kew Torh
^ashlegton. Dec. lA.-Represeataxles
Adama of Peansylvanla. who was yea.
teiday named as chairman of the sub
committee OB foreign aftalru to deal
with Cuban qtMslIODS. when asked as
to hit view# Ob the Spantah-Cuban
autoa. aald; "We. In b friendly way.
through’ our-minister at Madrid, Ur.
sugeested things
flpaUt ahoeld do. sueb as (he speedy
(rial of AmerIcBB prOoDeiB, a mure
humane wey of conductlrig the war,
and a better treAUneot of tbe eoBcentradba Those suggeeUons were made
Just before tbs (all of the tost Bpablsh
WUl| tbe
Sagasta cablBct (best . .
relTsd favorable recogBltlen. and by
the recnll of Weyler. tbe froetog of ev
ery American clUaen. the murnlng to
tbefr bomea and the feedlny ot the cooetntrddua. Bpalh has carried oat every
friendly propMItWB of: our goverbmenL
• pramUeBb mem liberal car
ts the CnhaBa. autonomous
character, aad undiw au.h coadlttons
tbe admlntolrailon feels called .
give the reforms oa the part bf Spain
a fair trial. In fact under diplomatic
our friendly oKera having beca
accepted we must mi least girv tbe
Spanish ralntotry a chaBcv to carry Ml
• await tbe rsoult.
Berry. ..t Keatucky.
(be ^mociBUc member of tbe commit
tee. (avota IrnaedUte raeognItloB of tbe
belltoerency of tbe Cubans Reprceenta.
tireHeatwole. (be «(ber memlwr. would
be Interr1«»ed. saying be
restigals tbe uUbJ.-n and await further
maximum. I stayed ten. or afieen year*
to ae* It. but II has uto yet come and
I cues* 1 11 have u. come hack agaln.'
HtoUgblvrl In (vncluslon Allen apoki
«f the hardships this great tax hordeti
plAACd on the peepte uf the south who
were, —be said. 4wlug "reli-atlawaly
burdened by the
sUndard and 4^.
cent cotum.” la reply to Itocey wbe
defend** the liberal pension roUs, AUea
said U could not
factrihai ATt.AOO
Ihe pension uffice. Then
h>0.M0 men tn tbe tedermr
in'l.--t «r « meetiBg beN-rfederate gad .-x-fciland gray reunion They
n tbs dto.
' appearancu of all bovtlUty.
"inhere ahould he asatber war," said
the cx-fMleraL "we will be atandlBg
shoulder to ahoalder andrr one flag.'*
"We will but you won't." retorted th*
"What do yiKi mean?" asked the *xfederal ."Legally you are dtoabled,"
Pmiib of MtcblgBa said be would
make the prnrinn a vested right If be
could. Nivtan iDem.) of Ohio aald tbe
bill coub! rm be U-n* Mg for him. and
- a
of other meinheru—BepuhUCUDS and IVmocrBtB—advocated liberal
Washington. l>e< lo—Sector Hov
yeftorday pTMentca a monster prouai
la the seaate from nutlve HawaltoBa
arOBSt the aabaxsUoo of the HawaUao
totoadt to tbe VtUted Plates., Tb* pro-
____________ / of th* Hawatlap Patnotio
Leagwe and the HawaUan Woman sPatriotJe League, who made cerUBtate*tbat the aigoalurc* wero all genuliu. Of
the n J«» slgsen UttM were Women and
ttC were forelgpers- Th* pelllkir. was
printed to twin the RaglHh apd Hawrallar. UnguagM. and w»# Tery toivt.
tom " The pTiiintatloa of th* peUUon
was wuneaeed by (he satlvc HawaltoBa
‘emnpriflng the delegatloB now baro tb
«M>oer onnexatton. whn madeAbOlr Oral
vltot to Ui* Cspttol yveterday. TheJtaM those »-Hb whom they coBveraed
poArfl to aui.exanuB.
What form of govemmrat abal] h*
bMfMd for Hawaii « b*«i.byUto.
lac cruaty. tbat cowtry ghaB be anatkld to (he Vntled Stat*a,-to
UM WbM) PrMddeBt McKinley U'Wldld
. There ts b »
a is recefetaa tbe a
Hi -of tbe aeoau foralga
Kl.ol'hou Ko-iwror XIcbolas
Rmperor William exchsaged teleyraihs.
Dublin. Dec. lA.-The EreniBC Tfleyraph nays (hat the war office has sent
an order to Dublta for the Mtarpenme
of all Bword-buroneta In the posseealon
of the recular tnwia to Itwiand. The
order to • unprecedented and a perfect
myAtcry to both ofTIrem and
________ afilnot HrMalsV Army.
London. Dec. la—The
Marpula of
Lanadowne. aecreiary of state for war.
Bpeaklag last night al Ibllnburgh. out.
hlnsd tbe military policy of tbs govettimeot. I-ord 'Lansdowae. aftor remark
ing thai-ths ountry bad been'e-mfrontrd during Ihe past few m.mihs
with dlfficuUles to every pan of the
globe not of her own ar-klng, specially
mrtitlonlng (he Behring iwa and \<
lAMAK MrilPHlRb TlhUlCATEOr toeUevsU ks4ab. Dc IA.—Au InveotlgBUon BOW being made betw.en tbc ofdi-toto of’ tbe congivsstobsl library and
tb* officials of Ihe roai<iffi.v departmaol
proiBtosu VO liitoa ■ giesi deal of UgBt
on tbe rcenl widely disciutord shortage
B. -dpoffoidAn
lni-e*tlgatloB by
depnittnem about
Librarian Bpofl> eluut
to h.- aU-ul t^.tPOO
' I"
aCCoUBtS. Pew l^-opir rho k’new
looked upon this at the time as anything more ihsn tin ev.denrc of deileal
negtlgcpcR to his d-p*rtrrenl. Now It
BpiTarB that a Isrge tian. tf Btri all. of
deflrtt-«hj.h 8p^.wd promptly
made g*>od o I of hiao<
now In.
HAts Something Issid Aside for TresenU.
F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
Houfm Block.
Christmas Turkeys
Oysters, Gandies and Nuts.
Ererything for Complete Chrietmee Dinner, inclos
ing Orooeiies end Provielon*.
Ifi the
......... . ........................
« «»:•?
■re aa (olirwx to mile* and Upa: Mil
ler. LAM. ,i; Klee. l.ia. A; liivlerre. 1 KS.
4: Schtoneer. I.«>7t Waller. L4U. Z:
Mo..re. !.«».
Hale. kPC I; Pierce,
LTI. A: dhes. 1J». t: Goldca. lJU. I:
Eatcman. 1.151. 7; Gannve. l.ae, 7:
Kins, l.nc, 1: Juttos. 1.17A, f
I was 234 mllM> 4 laps ahead .of the recurd
for nlnety-olghi bouru. It vrtll he srwa
that Hale has gut to arwetb place,
Order by’Phone end luve OMdeJ>eliTereid.
rsaanleawf Mrs. MeKlaley.
of Mr*. McKtnley. who atlB llngeiu at
Traverse City
Candy Co-
(rouble la breatblng. (he trouble bslag
nJ t.y apltoreal dlatreaa la
the dlrect’evlJeBcc uf which
the throat, ti
I ah omlrrous jw^'le. The president
idlaa at the ^Ide almost coattouonsir.
sere requM adding
Iw available Woffeuslve purKeafb'ChTtouma Trm TriMMlaca. Caadtoa. aad Obbdla BoldMtebdy
le ataerted (bat be
awlHr iasa/ttopperOrebn**.
T^abdafullUMBfOrBAiB—to. Dc*-t (ol«
Strtbg Ca^ abi
.................... -............ oplnkui that onir a
. Houghton. MJoh-, Dec 1A.-The eroaoapaelal prteaaaa enady tottoihMli, cbar^M.*bd .
moderuia service with the eolMx was
expcdleat. but he buped to be aWe to cat on tbe Baltic mine has gone forty
Praah Oyatova diract troai BaUtoaor* »l«»ya «• hand.
iDcrmae the eotabliahioMt of essh..
-uan. with every prositoct of being ‘
bume battalloct. (bus aecuring a 1a*l^
iWst fifty feet In aldtb. Tbe avere
Btotgia uf seaouBcd suldlers by
toldifa of the Calumet coughunremte
traetlag with smstl numbers of rerorv
tou wbo. for extra payment. wobIE' teselve feet. The vein Is rvmarbai
agr^ If necesmry. to rejoia the colors Ben iBtoeTBlIaed.
peaads of rtollv* copper wga rmtoed. No Braaeb etoiw raar Uaaaaie bloek, on CaMm dtraet.
during tbe Orst yaar of rma
• ••
showing has ever been made ■PT.O msd Cetotooe Agsaoto Ti .
tbe district.__________ ________
Berlin. Dee. la-DurIng the^haie to
Bare FWi Will NX FlgM Adala.
the relcbswg yealerday on-fee naval
Rcberaatd: "The
Milwaukee. Dec. lA.-Notwlthsiabdlng
«y or an Interview with a
land's policy is evidently directed to
ward the funwatlon of s sollwrela wlUC ____lid
noblnckln the wayof anotl
her cutontob
The L'nited State* alao tneetlBg between Corbett sand PI
andoubtedlr wish to protect
wna. MiB. Fltsslmmona. to a card
against our exiwgts: bm matters are
citoUng to Biicfa a JtoK (‘tat other AiSerIcwn rvpuMI-x arr-iptotog the linlted agalB with her consent«talsa In order to lurm s sonxeroto.
nilaat* locMotwr* liae. Noma
I*g|j-Amer1.wnlam li> for C.eitosny-slltl
(ipringlleld. nia .ner. lo -ltoth boune*
With tbflse cftmealarKe qnkQtitj: of Men'-d, Lddies'. Ckildrea’d
of the leglotalotv have *d)<A»f»ed foe
L'nKed £ta
«nd Mined' Pine -8&oed and a Uik« Stock of Bnbben.
hutonce of the week.
the sai
«hn sistr> bol rather as an Mtlre Dwyer tairuduced a bill ihe object of
...jUfavnl with regard tu iirodurinc; wbtoh to I.. lax atoeplng -ax a»d. faat
and my oi.lnion. Which Is shared by freight tlaea car trvata and corporaeminent sUtcomen and has also been tlons. and Indtvlduala other than the
owner* of tBllpisrto who owp aad opexpremed retvnlly l y Count Golucliew
Oortier Perk ehd Front.
ReeM Tlwin Frida;.
Hen's Arctics, best kind.
Men's Arctics, Coin TossHisses'^ Storm Bubbers---
....32 Cents
*i.i. to Utol Eunn'eaa- toatsa will ti
IJw lomlBg wntuty be ollged to co-«p
crate In order to auppun eai-h other In
tMs-slruggle fur cxtoleDoc with AT
aald: -The two cases are to no way
slmitor. The Venvsuelsn case was a
dlipute over a K-mturiai boundary reg* Into the same stair of (roublet as Indlu
utoted by treaty. The HaytlsB ease
was a flemaod for damage* (nr tnlsMadrid. Per. lA.—At a cublnet couBcO
ire«tmenl of a German subject.
.ojtoort was promised and no ptmnto* Premier Sagasta outlined ibe opliilaDS
vioUttO." Punher than this th* Mats of the European prrow regarding Pref
departmeBt decllDcs tn make any expIoiMUub. SarrvtaiT Shermao's opto- tbe majority of whlcli. thr premier asJd.
Iona are waU known. U* has declared were faCwruble i« Spain. He. (nrth
Mdi of Gerwtony to tbe declared that in tbe event of (be L'altLuedev* t»*e wofo Just and propwr. He ed Stale* altcffiptlng Ao Inierreae In
Bays tbe rase to Mrictly aaalogoo* to th*
case of the Britlah consular agent at
Corintu. Nicaragua where Englsnd
arised tbc custom bouse and held It
ucUl th* damagea were (ortbeom^.
BdSM DM ffi-Th* Athens
<mundeM af Tb(
Washlngujc. Dec. M.-Tbe cerate ym- (hat on Monday
Urdt) did a conWderabl* amoubt ot Imperial semes at the Ylldl* Kiosk, the
business, although no very
psiare of the aultae. made aa attempt
bto life. Thu wbf frostrated toy tbe
(here was vny lluir debate. GalUagor.
mdant* of th* gultan. Tnr vuMan
cbalnnan of the comMlitee on pinalnas, had tb* mab tortured In th* hope of «xaaltod aitention to the torreastag de■Uag tbs aames of tb* iBsUgatont
maad (or private pjaskm. lagUlatlon.
both auccumbed wlriioat revcallnr
aad rvodrsted seoator* to be <^tul In
ffie future to XV (hat their bUlMruu
Agsoed I. Hbad by (N* ami*.
H. LoQla. Dee 1«.-Ttoe BaBertae
M*o heU a ladeUaglD East SLXaob
d acnad taotaad by the dpriagsrid
136 Front StrMt.
lea." .___________^ . ,
Moslems Ma, <li,e the «Mg
la tbs Near PWtarw
t>i. Petersburg. Dec. lb—Throogbnul
llUKSian Asia there to general; unreK
-among the Mnalcnto
It to attributed
■to the exaggerated reporu of the Turkr the "great Greek e
■«» —•-r
pire." which have spread Ihrougti
old moDcy orders
leoglb and brea«|tb of the cooitoent.
ilnded Mbrarign forget to catoi.
Tbe autborllles eiwn fear that tbe re
A tystemath- search of the old library vival of-brigaadag* rvcvnlly Dodred la
mnrds has unearthed huBdreOs of old the raucasus I* dlm-tcd Blmam solely
orders wblch the f*rmec Ubrana* bad agalBBt ibe goicrnirenl ofllrials. and
put aside and appan-Dlly forgsUea. bod (be unprecedented phcnnmrnon of Geormore are (.otntog t<> light ^-very day. gtan* dlsptarlhg hualllKy toiyBrds Ar
Just a but the tnlal aum will amooto to menian* has to-co*ne manifest.
has not yet been rotlmaied. but li prob
■ The danger la ao serious that aeonferably Wtu come nvar wiping
eore of Caarussn governors ha* bsan
dtocreyoncle# In apogord * accounts.
ronvoked lo^ihceri tiieasore* ot pad
A<atlnn. Travelers 4n Onual Asia rets taThat MaytU
lart an extraordinary figmepi asioiig
CashlOgtop. Dec. 11
Ibd tbe Haolvms uf dllfei-ent rmvw. They
1 alladed to1*|- lVi
idt. oreMnluag tbetr' inuiu—
rouiual aaloMalt^
....... I—-Hai-ttaa m
i.-n asked why 8*iB was and declaring 1 It they are flrst ot all
ed staieu
the sultan a* (heir
Bor supported while Veneauls was an Mohammedans
• fWldent (hat tbe
official reply from the Mate depArtmciit nommon lUef.
imtilDi aad (any-flve w*ra pm
e bad tbe lau&igmuoa taUt g
myxi -bcok. to ma aa Ibouxh some .me
la leadlnc Be Into deep water amonx »hr
Of a decrease unlms the I te Increase
was to be attributed to lb< --exUceactos
of the ruceai campaiyB t Ohio. He
read from C«r
• appruprtatloas com
mittee ptvdictins a deficit of from M.*
AOO.aqA to IIO.AW.AW to expendltofee dur:t Becal year- The maximum
a not yet been reached.
■axiiaBm of tbe
Viki queatloB Of the if
t penskiB roll.'’ obe*-rve<
e of tbe thtoga that hat prottactsd
r stay la evayress.
Uevrrolug (he tstoo^
Germany *6 EtheOito KDi»*ChcKi
•nd Obtain a Cealb^ 8U«
tion from China.
Ato-iMti saner rtohi««n« mm
al ^toae Lato Aaly*
well. Mia. hoetym v
dty dorthd tb* monUi ot July, acknowl.
e^bed ber tdenillr. -heeTde dlvlns more
or leea esT-Uoatlan rdatlve tb'ihe meson* which cauaed ber to leave her faceband. wbo to asain to be tried tor k
tlte." Soch s-B* the rtartlltif declara
tion made by Editor John H. Scofidd. «1
BC 1j*M. to a OMbe maa. ftchofleMaapnUons ot Totera and the pollilcal
pl«beBl*lhlaaUtementfum»er wltlr the
tUtua of the Imported Chlnoae laborer,
poelllve asauraDte that HiB. laetcert
and wouM poatpene a dectalon of the
was el (he houee I DullOncbtttan tor
quesUon w^elber Japanew on the Ida period of three or four daVa bunas
aad and th* aaiive laborera ahooW be
tbe middle tf July teat
permitted to rote It to »ot-eootended
He said he based Ibis assutanee upon
lABdon, Dec 10.—^ dbpatch to'iba
that auto) a ayatem .of «ovenrtBa« Timar frem IVkin aajrt that yesterday (be fact that Mrs bae(s»% while la
abould be permam w. but It to
HMloa. acknowItvlRcd her full IdeoUu-,
tha litia*-ll-yamcB..................................
______________ aoch time
with tbe aseertton that she laft ber btisof
quirvd for the American population
bead. Ue Cblrepo ea>)sas»*nrabot. be)an.TuBS. that
tnereafe aad tbe naiUrr Inhabltaata or* the prutlDcc
caiifw of bto a;cikins with other •
iplled with ber debecome familiar with our InsUtutlona Cblna bavins
well as for n
mandaOeiinaBy UBdertake* toeri
Ad Uwa
would hHr him In hi* flnandal
la case the anBOxara la the seDate fall i, Kla.r<n>ou
Kla»>.Cbou at a date lu be nx.d
a busllwes.- l> further As
to count up a two.th»rda majority fi>r _
rrorive Instead as a;.*erttKl iha he twtlrved that t
tbe snnexaUoB
prv|AiBtl.m» are I
,i„ fiam-ltoh Inlet. In : s-rt w as
■' IVsstno. and that
belas made In the bense crnmltle^
provtoce of ro-Klea. over asalasl | would yet e tvnnd The Globe has tntoredsn affairs to r^ a bill or ^ ^
terv lewed ne Mr* Miws. of 7 P-uimnch
mrrvut reaolulloe of annexation. Tbe
iq.„The TImea, com-! ptscr, »
ssys that the womar
oommittee at Its meetlns tu polnled a ■
edlt*.rtally on the cxehanse of i p>»ed to be lira luwtcert went t
soh-e-enmlttee. one of whoa* duties 111
Bam-eah. bajw: "Oer-' name of Ulllle Barker, (hie day the
will be IV prepare such a bill or twlu- :
.pontaneously or ..iherwiae. has !
ic4 after readlny
Hon. and be ready
of 1
deference to the wlshi* of Rue- ; an acc.unt-cf the
the treaty fall la the sensle. This imto ^
pranev. aad.......................
Enirtand may have
quretlciiped by Mrs Moss said
committee cousiiM of Cbalnnan Hitt. > „„,^aina to as* to lh<' ueatlon of a
u-ouia be surjoLsed .If I told yo<
Praltb of Michigan and
Oerman nCval.isOooatSam-ttob.
Arkansan, alt anncxationlaia. itpeaker .
ia—A diapateb to the
Last year the eaUmated defldt under
the laet tsnS act was CK.OW.eaa. If
tbc Ci:.«».0ft> for river end harbor
BOrtt for which the sovernmeat then
atood bound had been Included the esti
mated deficit would have town BQ.OW,dat. Csnnoo said It mislit be that the
.r pens o-A for lM» would
exceed toe estlmsiea Th< wmitltoslDner of pslnxluns mtimat.-d the expendi
tures at CltoOW.dOu. If he ahould pro*.to be risht the tlW.Boa.OOO appropriated
%y (bto MU would pay U peBslons
, tbc Ursi eleven moatbs of tbe It
yw and a dedcieoey apiwoprlatlon
eonld ^ easily made, la conclusion
wanted the bouse (bat (he
laryc anlklpatory ImportstloBs would
'the rev enues under the prmeni
. law down to the minimum, and be ap
pealed to his colleaswes to be cci>somb
Ansa reedosos Other plsar*s.
AOea of Miamesip|)i aiurked Canboa's slAlrmenl la s speech In which
then were flssbrs of his humor thbl aet
tbe bouse la a roar of Isushter. He
yrweely commended Cannon s appeal
far «coaomy. tun avowed that the Acarcs of the c-hslnnaa of .the appropria
tions did net do the mtuation IncHce.
Be psoduced Bcuree.that showed aa
aatlBtated dsBclt for the neat year of
tn.M0.WA. , lie Jwtorred to tbo tbcreoae
wife aud mid:
••Maria. hsm>*a a li|c tnaaraaoe doe«toant
"Thabk Toa. denr." aald his wilb.
vBow at« you (Mine 4«.aayr
•‘Not wait” toe tvplifii. ■■otol 1 dob l
think 1 am long 1<*
“'I i
«a« to say to you tbat wbm 1 die it Is
ffiyu-isb thUjua dero^tl.Wjd ^
■07 (naenl
exfUiined thewUn,
IwercniDe,'' eirtaliiied
r do 700 want saefa an
••nicxplaia. I'M parfeedy satiaCsd
that boboc^ will attmid m.« (biw*b1. and
I waur to bin- p«uj>le to go at no much
a bituL I'm guijg oci today aad sac
wbal armugciuvui. I cm make lor altdDdanta on U:al f.ir^icomiiW mda*cbnly oceaffiun
If tto*7 w(«*t coaw
gntls. why—Ml just hire 'em aad give
•am aa t»d« db y<* ttz tbe OKmef."
He went itBib. and at bigtittaU r»totMd with a dejeotad-took••Itaria." batoid. “ifsBoosB. Too
Framed aad knag op to tbto Agrtod].
liual bank c< Paris. Ky.. is a cheek
which was made payable to •'SwowaM
, of tbe Sweeo,*’ aad-so ladMmd.
Ptwridmit Medaeof-tbe tmak talto
I the story cd tbe riieck at follows:
‘‘Oue of oor deiMdior* rsceaily gave
’hUwifeatdwk tot »10. ibeofaai^ hatug n«olMl7 Ailed oot aad doly stgoad.
exc«p( that it wat made pnyahle to
‘Sweetest of tbe Bweet.’ WbtB tlm
lady priMBted tbs check (or porn
•• ‘Who it thli -OwMiWM et tba
Swro*.*” •
■■ ‘Why. it'gma.' iberepUed.
“1 -toM b« ta tadccaa tb* «b
whidi ab» did. «Hl haadad tt back.
ladone UJoMA«dannhdo^*'&«oatM (A Ibe SweaM'
■fitdopibano andi
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with'
the Traverse City
I Lumber Company. Wo
Soand HopWe bav.
have for salt'9008,
sale 'Qo
4ock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A ^plete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
' Wait for This Fins Lot of Horses.
Finest lot I ever 'brought to Traverse
City. I wlU have them here
WMnesilay, Dneniber IStli,
and Prleee Wllltoe Eight
BorteB to Ibt
luurr xaxT. acu
im--------- B
Mo> IWI> «-»•»
UtUc Rock. Ark.. D«. lfc-Tb» wpon
li rorrlve4 h«c frem tenttf Un4L PcbkBUBB'COvnt)-. IhBt tb* minora at BoMDU taav« «(-|(on»ic<l«od tbrtr twrtlrlpotlao In tbo IrTM^na of CobbIbUo
■OTEES ASS FOmOEILSSEI SEAS' MUITBT. «t U a»ld Ihoy hBVo aont w«rt
ko BobnaUnb oB!r<Ta that 1ftboyw»ntoo
I to arrMt Buy «f thrlr number lo rome
•m Ua>« OM Alaa •
M Borltoa
|„(q u,, ahstu nf thr mtnca and
BiMchM Pat lb. oaaar. an tW TrOak ; ^ ^ tbcr wanL They am well mipWlbo rVM Wba. M Oo*a Wltb»«aa,- piled wJlb ayfcniUe and II Ib knoa^
-I^.WinB. WarWWfbaykW-Oa-ard'that their pun"** la to bio* ur w
.M nOlaaolpaia
Dom Ballot.
U an vOort U made 10 approl^d thrm*lro Bad Kalla.
The mine >a aurroonuBu Weaaon. Mlaa. Dec. M -Omt at the pome, the nbonrrbelug in
aaaai atrocloua murtera on rectrt In the Be aaya be wiU foroe the ............ •outb WM committed Wedneaday night oapllulaic even If he' baa to Are the
mine. There are about 3A mlncra be
tn eimpooD county, thla mate. t»-onty
lieved lo have had a hand In the lynch
l1lT- from here. Brown Bmltb. a farm ing and a Irigblful flow of blood n^
er, and a aon of
®*- kom or life are e*reited to follow t»e
ward Smith, left hla family at hla b«i» nr- •obenatoa of the culpelia'
la the eoomry to po to town for BiopWHEAT OO^P TO $1.09-.
pmg ptopoaca. thinking of no poaalble
dangw tor thm. Yemerlay banning .Oilmg. mmb. aewemd.-a. le U SaU ee
Dl«bp)k»< 0*ed of an AU«gi>(t
aitaippi Farm.
«ha #.ah Wagta^ Boa. U.
■-------------- — w- “ “
s.-Oaa tUaf I ham leanad
iw«ia Ufa y^wr«tBd^_^ la. !•» (A
Pai tbefmwat apoKlo ed Oxri^
ttauitT-, VM bon In Tanoa, a oty cd
AtMrpeya at L*waUclfc^a geatile city. »a «»ito hlm lo bUi«^wBaai-.o»^ifci
!e Ledw known ottO
■dbyliii* I
at miu
and adroc«t« of
be bMWne-a onieKtaoi
Cbriatia^tT.. PantV Utba wa» a Pharlim, ot the ttilas.d Benjamin, a^ in
Mnewnyhadaoiinlwl Emnan-d^thtu tor Paul myb In AoU sxb, «,
nad eoamrawSA «‘
•wnTtagative." AtTamafanl UMrt , —^ ..^.rmLanoeaww
the Uieek Uwwu. and alao tbg Bade ; Q'^SSSt* Prej-wi-mtlm. Baa»«Bl
Of a hmnuak*.
h*nuak«. aa ev«*T
ev«T -ewiM
JewtA boy
nur i, la
.... ...................
. Oo-Wa^_____________
, onmiielled to leama trade. IbotM*
Iboni* i-aragn
». koWok. K0„
vt of tiaiiJjteL
. _al wa« at firm a violent t^tpnw «
Cairimianity, Imt, UOup ibirarnlotialy
be bee«» onettf the moat
■ealons ana
and eamiuaaMau
ctithiuaBatio ouw*"***«an»n«ra <d
' neaions
CJniat that the wcrld had erwaoen. In
o. P. OABVXR. AfiWt.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Taikmng.
Br'BeaeKa.aalcBlaek. Calm*
raUw'^wB •^'rWo cli ■■■*«( geayerty
ta Travene CUy-
_ _ ________
•whan ba returned, be found hU wife
-----Chlc*«n. Dec. 10 —The acare araa .on
and Bt* ^Urtreo aelterlng In their
blood, and appaionUT all dead
*- In earaam in Deedmber wheat yrater- Uiag Chrlatlan eburchtain Ite mom :=T. „ « qabnck Saim. Otar M
tbe-; dn, oMnilng. From gl.Ol at opening the
a (d Aaia and Surnpe.
_____ VI. 1...
entire neighborhood turned out to nunt DK^nber price Jump* d to *1 OO In lif AiSisi '\jy hie «u*»iei
op* ^ ^
ter the perrptrutor of the foul and |
mlnotea At the aame Ume that the
wotdy crime. There being to telegraph December waa cllmhlng. aotne myaleeonilectt.'.na deiaUa of the murder come; Htwa buying ordcra for January
Id elowly. but II la reporied that one of i came to a hBif-doten h.maei from he* laved deciiion in tb.-matter anil left tbe
the mile girla. ruppoaed al Drat to have ^ Til*. Al !!;» a'm. the prtee *■»* oi-"
been dead haa reel red enough lo lell i nod the rtorta were being aquecaed
w hat anv
ahe ent
of the ocrurrenrr. ^ the queen a laale.”
The clone waa
« >.i
n wh” commlued
mid abe knooa the
- klllwaukee. Dec. 10—There waa i
thin It great Jump In December wheal yealer•crIbM him.
-----day. the market opening at H-tOH and cd. He bad a bwriug butore Agnppa.-------------------•. and there 'i
track of the murderer.
' great probability that he .......
Bsnloe and F>«tu* and would have
Tliere aaa very
<ii‘ r
t.«v fvw hia aimeaL
bended, nnd there can be but little
Je egrllement
egrltemenl here, the jtiiarauace
doubt of him meeting n-eedy vengeance UlUe
He waa taken to Bank
Chlcawhen caughf. allhout walling for the trader*
, wiedc on Um> way. Paul-waauni»iM«M
formaUly ota ■ ourt. It la learrwd that go tu'dcfor two Team, and tben ant at lifaegty by
>«Uog waa Indulged In at
al every up
upMra. Hmiih and ihe other four chUdrea HowUng
. —... _V... *V._ Nm He vldted Unw*. A«a Minor
at* d««A Sherlfra BcNalr. of Uncoin, ward movement of December, bui there
- v
nnd Thompaon. of Coirtah cogntleahave waa no occasion fur (car at this end of aadBiBin.
Boaneand '
- gone to the acene of the murder,*eMh Um line. ____________________
bekandSat^e by Hero In bis iCRnt
'' with a pack of trained bUwdhound*
PLANNED A >10,000.000 BOBBEW.
the Qaahe
r fVIj.
XMabouaiB at
laiiwrnrinri td tbe Chriatikna Fran
PhUadelphiA Dec. 10 -Antonio Tuect. r*emBrtie«B4teA«MaatBrlhe Fire aa Fgal'a life many le—.mamay to Icnryd.
an Italian.
j raieeCay ahot and probably
.■•M. j.:».-rday
Panl wa* no* only a ier«it worter,
fatally wounded O. Tompone. because
New Tdrk. Dec. 16.-F»cU have been
of tbe rejection of hta atrectlona
mirecllona by teamed that aoggeal the poaalhmty that of edocnttocL c# oeep uMnafni- a iag«»* |
. daughter Tbetbeanyaterloua Br« which dsgtmyed the
is up by aelUng
emmlgrant buildlnga on Ellla teland a
ore to the cbnhing of Tompone-f lliUe
aoo Michael, and when an alterapt -ra* few montba ago was started by- tblevra. Unymiy. Hi* eidsUiu stand today aa'
carefully O'®®”.
planned ■
a glO.WO.eoO tbe be« egprragion Ot the tmtba ^
Bot ». Trawta. Okg. »«h.made to arect him he aucorasfully held whu had carelnliy
of umauamiiChriatianlti- Thla
Pauline '----------tnnea ql
*u*r ^
a squad of policemen and Bremen at robbery-, Ten of ihe trunk llnee leading ^^nm
In malnialpng
bay until be had iwloe Bred hla revolver tn tbe weal unlit m mainiaipn* a r»..- HTTior could in BO wav to tortrr etmat them and allghtly wounded Police nted odlee authe laland which cooiaina mmd than by each Ajaeavaa oe*nquantlUea
man fUmpaoo and a citlsen named Sacmltting tomtamwj
to iBetnoy wbat be tbli^ to ’‘t wt^ gt"- r*» * W.t
ebarrliw. Ptnallv driven Into a comei tbe Bi*-a eonaertaUve eatlmaU would be tbe dmlreig acdiTCtimi Cian all the J,
Ihvtakea ar f
be set Bre to hla iv^^irt unlll •ecyr^ plare the face value of the tickets In the ^tingauf Paul. N.-xt to Chria* HimtIuM. 1*« U
wlUi a i OUa laland office at tl6.6N.006
te-U. Paul the apiaUe Manda ai tbe
large knife. Tuccl U about « yeara old
He lived wlih Tompone. and for a Ion* "Chicago to Kanaaa City" wa* received bat aodU tbe world hM aum o< Ouietime ahowed afrecO-m for
Then aa. from a pa**enger and afleraard found *‘“‘‘•7Biblo Emdlnjta.—ArtE,
Wedneaday be pleaded for her love and to be one of the tkkeU auM»Sed to
waa rejtgled.Teaterday a/iemoon have been buttled. Now the mllroad
tbmiaine waa workingtn the yard when ficlala are aahing how many other UAa-orth are tn«Tucci opened Ore upon him. He put eu out of tbe
three bullets tn Tompone'a 1-ack. two In l*tmoe. Tt U deemid not lmi>o«albl* that
hla lega and one In Ihe bead. The boy the entire number wfcs stolen.
Ti. 1-10; Epu. iv. 1-7; PhiL l;; ’ deh-g-g.
Michael ea« the kh.iotlug and called for
niwa sag Ollban gbe.* a Tie.
Col ii. S-lb: 1 Tbm. Iv. Ji-18; IIT
help Turd picked up an oil can. emp
Chicago, Dec. 16,r-J. A. B- KllloU. of
tied Ita contenta over Mlehavl'a coal »Bd vfaasa* City, and Pred Otibert. of Bpint it. >-8.
.applied a match.
^ ^
l.ake. lA. *hol to a Ur Jn a malc^l-_.
Good mannwa in m tmit <t Kooi
thr Dupont trophy yealetday.
The boy ran^reamlng Into the' atreel dropped ninety-three birds. ElUott ap
---------.V- -.a.k
and an alarm of Ore waa aounded. while parently had the match, but lost a
Tutvi took lefuge ..n the aecond floor "floabed" blid at the niBely-founb at tbe• triwmyingtbatjroe'T^**** O—»»®from uir
the bom. «•••
ai« that
• It
•• to
— — ,
•f the houae. The poller and Bremen
and viidble sign of
attempted to dlaludge him. .but MmU
S,artgeH Jary^eteOalyOaeMaa.
that Invraid gnwe wbiob makM na give
from hi* revolver Held them back -and
Ob layterai'eWfwfattr
forced them to return the Bre. Atter a
Chicago. D-c. 16--F«or -new Juror* on in «"’«u things W tbe oomfort at
gpcrrartrin of atlempla. during which
Tbe polite perm mnat alw«ru
rerr necured In the Uietgen ease yeaFASOHXir * OROTSBR. AN
Tucci's ammunlllnn became exhausted. tefday. Thr Jury n.m ladm 1*1 one to iDoro popol® and give mow pl«*ra,
OKs* oeor Msaiag**-* hardwan
»-* —^ dnven to hla room on the third
an, and It ta expected that be will be toothentban the rough and booriMi
Hefnre tbe polk* had decided —
cutW today. _______________ (me. A little ooniwy ooata nothing but
make an attempi to arrasl him amoke
allttletbangbt,and It make* tbe wbeeto
de ArrlTM at h
waa aeea coming from the window. A
ot Bociety move vastly megu gmootbly.
iiish waa made Cor tbe [dace and Ihe
door w«a hurai open. The carpel* and companled by Brigadier Oeneral Segunt We do nut mom dmt tbe form ot flood
hcdiwece>>n fire* and behind thle barri and raeortrd by the *am->ra and Daou manum Mk*U take tote plaeettf yealbaa arrived •• «*»«a«mo.
Itr. but naaelfltomro* can to c^dvawl.
cade of name* Tuc-l alood n■•o^^abIng' ----------
to sell a Parasol or Linoi
Duster this time of year,
the chances arc your
money would be wasted.
But if you want to sell
anytbins particularly use
ful for;wii«er.
12i as—*°*
2rS hu“35i,t,ivsrtris
osL jttob
Sniid Eipiiii t lidiiu 1.1
waiw. i......«!»»
An Al
in the
t-AT".j:s. Sfv-
airtiu.’i-i8i iroi.'ii. «-«ol
. —
CbriKimiUy I^
Ever ^med Ouf?
The Record
Ttata>aenv*mN Olnrisiialri. Oran* Bar
O. k MOKWOOD O. P. A.Oraad BaWd*
Chicago— —' —
West Michigan.
__Money to Loan
a dangerou* looking knife
A determloed rush wa* made on him and he
waa overpowered after a deaperale
^ struggle, during whkh aetetal of hla
capl'u* were aUghtly acraii hed. Tpmpone I* In a veo' trttical condition, but
bU ooo waa onJy .^Wlr burned.
abbr'eviateo teleo.kame
g^witb it* Rtowth
Rev. Dr. Jobh Atkinson, author of
"We gball meet beyond Iba river," to
Before railing fur Europe Osorce w.
VKnderwit J dt out ll.N
m hta life.
CAati or wcKoiiB oa AOi-iiutxT.
Gertrude Prince, daughter of a Hayea.
Bat Laoh.Maee Like Manmr-VoMMplhed Wla.. Carmel. eloi»d with a necro ampluyed by her totber.
Chlago., Dec. 16.—EJt-ldeoce
Jamb E- Singer, a well-known Im
•lartllog nature whk* Indimte# that porter of wootana died at Milwaukee.
frorn A alrokrUf apoplexy.
murder liar
haa ‘trrr-u ............ .■ ■ * —
Harry Hfule. a well-knoATT young
between. Chicago ami Denver ....
aan ot dlarlealon. llta., picked up a
Chlmigo and Alton railroad, was found
geaierdny on'top of the fiool trucki of
geereiarr <7«re will InanguraU the
the PullmaD al«-<-|.lng car MlUtadee,
plan of giving revenue cutter* the
bbortly aflar It* arrival In ChUago. R
names of Indian tribe* Ihaieafi of promwaa a human foot appan-ntly that of a
».»■ and a Jung, alrniler spike i-rnr- 'nent men
tor minaf* *t
After Jan. . aVges
. troted lb# large l.%
The fool, which
IB be II a day inrtondof
had lieen toib off above tSe ankle, was Creede. Colo» wIB .
*-— and mnlllat.-d. Tbe Ugamenu, liSO- Thelnereaae
Hr by the mine owner*.
wfalc • *-vd town torn from Iba upper
Tbe BriMah troop aWp. Avu—,
. parti.- ■f jte limb-and remained pifoot were laieieu
twisted aiMu*.'*
around . about L6N men on board, from JamWea
...I- toot
UlcJivd .-I tn<i..r ulo.fl^alnrd truck* tK the alvepee. for Cepe Towo, baa arrived tber* aately.
The IH'*C believe that ihe man bad It was reported thal aba had foundbeen lied 'to the rallruad track*, bis erwdChartea G. Krtla«flui»r. « y*ar» prin
fool aplked lo tbe ilea ood lhat he then
bad Uvn left to meet certain death un cipal In the Dubuqaq. U-.pubUc •ebooto.
of the olderi and.beat known *duder tbe trala On this theory Inqulrie*
aiv nuw being made at every point on ---------------- the northwest.
the n»d between Chicago and Denver. TI vrara.
board of directors at tbe RL Iriuta
The aplk*. which waa in tbe center of
Exchange bdd a Nrietol
the great toe. Is about five loebn lout Merehani*
and vf the kind used In cvrtala pans of meeting and declared disapproval of
railroad conatruetpm where a delicate the railroad pooling bill now pending In
yel strong pleceoc metal ta used to bold
engraved on a alab of duartg.
• wood together. There 1a no Wood ,on
tlte engine, whicfa railroad men ay vrith veine of gold promlnenUy ihowlng.
prove* that tbe a«ad.»t. or murder a* win convej- Oallfornla'a tevitatloft to
prraldeflt McKinley lu attend tbe gold
rt engine* en Jubilee of the dlacovery of golA
Bloomington, aa the d»i
expelled lhat Kmperor Frareta
ta made at that point. .
ahonty faaue deexaet
Mextoo. MA- !>«=• i»^-Th« mangled
alnf W a man auppoaed to. be Sam
dame, of PrinoNon. U_ were found _____ - ...atria and Hungary regrading
tbe abaring of imperial expenditure,
r tbl»
■—----------budgetary and Otner
other eraeniiu
eeaenilal o>a..e<e.
• -— ---------n Ii. Haana. of tbe mooetary
railroad UaeJ|p Iwe gemains
dtaci verod until after the train had
para^. Tbe brad would Bppnx lo to tadiaoWita convention),
lhat of a man abopi » yaara old. Tbe to^^tonkeea
auppoaed idtnllflraUnn of the body ta J6.0W rircolar letter., aaklog UteB
frara i.xpen found In the dead man a ter Indorse a::d adv«-alc tbe comi
for fin: »ial reform.
Oaroraar VW TaB» nate Faria
Cairoti CUy, Nev. Det J6 -Coveruor
Badicr, of Nevada denounced the work
of th- mob at Ovou 1* Jynchlnr Adam
Ctor aa an exampla of flendl* harbattam He aaya that upon prdper wU•atlon from the autborKM *< Dewgtoa
lailcago.-Uburti). .Ill tbe dl.trici
ton-.nd-d br lAdyirt. Hotoy. Thomte
and Le Moyne atreeU thirteen-haBHri
tav. been robbed, among UriNthjNdf
a pouceman na* «« |iuUNNbe
-wlU Bring
.^Watch Repairing.
tmsni UD Ksnumu ti
TW take eSeet*.e4a>.Sao* ». INT,
—John Terly.
Try the Want Colunth
in the
—Front Street.''
a m fonto^t had bem aa pxid a*
tost mule'i hind sight. I wtol^ t b«e
been kideed by a dam right —8t
Louia BeimbUe.
»t jonf o— I-*—
A DOLLAR Record, too.
It will get you u»orc here
than anywhere else-—--
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Eight .Pages—Up-to*Date
Literature and Fresh News.
You g^ it for Breakfast.
235 "Eront Street,
HENEY liEDEBL^ Goods Delivered.
Oppralt* M. * M. K Dtpri-
,213 Front St
OalUBtec* Btock Bri>Me«l Tbroa Ti«n *
Wc------- ---------------
tountonrda, I
laEt Ads
Elrtckw's (bsBHtojiit Mf HwaHUt-K
Fiat Teu—Ko. 19a .
bt boabd or
omeuXi9Mrm ■
Seboola Win 01o»» to* Two 'Wooko,
Boslatps Brttoy. Doombw 17—
mm AAoBoaodUtlUr BmIbv »
• Aoooyt » flood Booltloa Is BcU.
Tb* basrd <{r 01
mootlnr loM o Mlsr to fix tbo tor* of
tbo boildoy oaeoUoa tar Uo pvbllc
•eboolt. rrssb Satib. tbe rooaaUy tppoUMd aambor. orao proaeat for tbe
Slot Use. bio boatoa* boisf rack that
be WM able to boja tbe (dty.
itOrawB bad made a
«as«am of too toaebera aad It seemed
to ha the yeaefal daaire aatony them
to hate the .holiday taeatloa berie
aext weak, ao that they ooold at least
■^asd Christauts at home. Tbe board
dlaalayad a dUpoBlUoa to arraaro Aha
■Ntacatom ee that all ooald got to tbalr
Amral homes before the Cbristaaa
ftaUtal aad as moUoa it waa daelded
tooloaatoeatoooU'oa Pi^day. Daeembar 1?, for two waalm. Tbe toactaon
'weald tons bate plasty of Uma u
Tj ODt torir ptasa asd ha raady i resame thalr doUaa OS Monday. Jai
Os BwUas tha dark aad mayor . .
astharUad to pay toe nlariaa ad the
toaohara ap to toa iTto.
Asothar aaaUar' praaaatod to toe
board waa the paaalbla realfutkm
of Miaa Ada Basadlev tha prtoolpal of too Boardmsa aranua
aehoal. Soportotoadast Orawa aabisittod a latter raosirad by Mkes Baaadiea from too aspartoUadaot of the
pahUc acbaoleatBlcto, lU.. to wbish
Ulm Baaadkt was srfad to aeoapt as
oBta of pee par moath for a term of BH'
to taka ebaira «d .a sto-room
aohool of toe aeraath frade. Soparlatoadaat Oeawa atotod that Misa Basadicl did aotfael^Upoaad to leave bar
tseaaat pcaltln U it was afatost tba
wttoaa of toa board, bot aha eoald aot
oatiraly Ifsore toa oSer, as U b »tO
a mostoa e toaa ber prasesA salary.
WhUo toa mambers of tha board ware
loth to have tbe jiaardmsa avesae
aehoal deprived of each an aseellsst
teacher, they did SM feel that tbsT
cnld ask bar to ifeorethe preposllioa.
aad woald rellan bar if she daalred to
realys. Sapertoteadaat Urawa stated
that while he woold he aorry to Use
Mbs BssedkU thb was a food oBar
asd peeaaated masy advastafca Ha
atated Shat it vronld be poasIbU to pro
mote a teacher from toe E«bto ineib
if Mbs Besadlet decided to leava.
' Atlesttoe was called t? the aaperiir'' teadest to the lavitatin from the ofAoara^d the tamer's tamUtsto to tha
puplb of toe airb aehoal to Ibtae to
toa sclestifle lecture to be delivered
next Friday by Profeasor Uni of toe
Acrionltcral aoUs(B. ThesaporUt ’
aat tboog-ht that tba lactsra would
prove iBvalusbla to the swdesb aad
. toa board rested parmbaloa to hsid
too amainti of that aftarsoos Is Stobabery'a Oresd Opera Hosaa. where the
issUtote b to be beld.
It was also atttad tost aevatel of the
atsdnu woald be Uriud to write ra.
pone of too laetora. asd tha dae aaaklar the beat ra^ort. whleb was to be
Jadfad at toa eoU^ woald ba re
warded by OSS year’s free room raat
at toe Airrlesltuiel eaUere. Tba
oBd bnt to be rewarded by free Iseldeatab for ods year.
last work u toaeher of toe day aebnal
dlrlstoD. TW «lnb bM beM |
toaraiaeoBfideawof blaoneenoaa is•tadTlBC tb« hiiMrr. tltmlarc *od
atraetor of the Bible oeboel.
of UrMoe f«r Mver*l BoaOift. Md Ui«| _____
The hebbato aebool aad day aeboula
profTW appwlauly took tho forn of, IJVBD A
ra prapaniis far tba etaaerraaea of the
a lyrle drama. Tbe otory of Sappbo
aad bar oAool of poetry waa clTOB tn
aaraa, the theme beliip the lore of Said to Kara SqaaBdaiad Bis Wttabi tohe plane ia too aebool ho^ ea I
Kemay asd Laetobad toa^ Mach Vaar’s aea Oasdy wUl be ontrlboted
aappbo ,forPbaroo.aadbU aaeeatofal
nit tar the baad of DamoypbeUa. a
Attaatios TTpos Artotbar' Womaa '
aad J. W. Brotn will foraUh p^eora.
fair maid of 8H>Pbo'o anrt. S^pho.
—Leftfowa Tbaraday After Draw.
the trath. tritb trae aaorlIsC SS60 Prom tbo Bask.
C. O. Tomr. momber of too slate
Sdar lore aacoorarea Pbaroa ia hU
J. M. Wstta. wba has baas proml- board of pardosa, has reeeltad sotiddaeotioa to Dasnoypbelia. asd pata as
aad to ber owa life. Bar spirit ratorsa seat to toe eoadaet of the Lelaad eatloo that tbe dtat meattar of the
board will meet to Lanlas Mon
iogto bar daeotod frieod bwala. to ebom
bar wito toe premln of a speedy re- la» too past year, la bow Scorlar as day. Be will Isate for Imsatiw today.
Diaries ?
7es, SiB?.
X^ots 0±•jrhptyn.
Juttbesioestkiiidof a present for anybody.
AUSiaas and Prices.
M. B. HOLLEY, Wsaaow
j^hb; busy!
aaloa to a brifbi laad bayoad tha the priMpol pwV l«> • •«*»dal wblcb
l Tbniaa -A
aides, asd a dalaty late aeeae betwees! baa bees hrawtar tor aoma
I. with a
Pbaras aad DamoypbaUa brtafa tha wblehThas aalmtoatod to a
d att dolFraming Pictures these days—Bring yours in now, so
Watu has dad asd
. TbeaaUra Id tbe
play tea
play U fall af paetle rema aad ptotnr>
we can finish them^jp before the Holiday.
easDO Ublaaa^ tha fraoefal Oraak f mosey which rlyhUy belonyad to
eestamm aad atoya aatUByi addlay b wife aad toe Uttar Is maktay aa
larp^y to toe eSaM. The parUelpaato isveatlyaUos.
Watts has ban aaes ia Travena
ODierad partaetly lato toe feelloyof
toe pl^. aad carried thalr aadlesee City a ymt deal aad had UUmaU rewith them to toe far away ehoraa aad latlose with aavaral boalsaae i
seamed to be quite p^uUr ustU Utaly,
>owy tomplea of Leaboa
7/^a/ eoulA he heller for a Christmas^ Gift than a Cloak?
The east af eharaetwa was as fol when the maouer la which be hae baas
aoBdnetiuy bimaalt has exritod
o if yoQ go to oa auctioii mle to
TheeaseatloB eras sprusy bay fnmitnre. yon will bave it to
wbaa he praeaaui a rkeek for psao, refer to, to toil whether yon an
ms yos naUM tbejwwsrof mosny as m^ as is ton
Damaypbella—Mtm yioroaea Jaok- dfawD by toe Schombary Lumbar Oa getting beat or ooL
of flood Barbor. at toa State Bank far
We aeU n fiist^hwa W. W.
paymesL Paymaat was rafoaed. beBraaU-MIss Ella StetoberrSpring forf1.26. Good, well made,
Mt^ Watm had dleeovarad toat
AttoBdaata—MUsaa Aliea Orawfoid.
,hnnl-irood Bedsttod, 41.35. HrstWatb was eanylsy os as istlmaey
offnisd U sor SpwUl XaUday RaU of flloahb
Carrie U'Naal aad Lottie Uarilaad.
cltM Exeelrior Mattress, 91.50.
At toe ooaelaaloB of toa prarram as vrith a yaasy womas of <hb elty to First-dsM wool top Mattrewa. $2.
Look at These Prices.
totaraaal raoepUoa waa toadorad Mca. wham ba was mid to hsva baas davoV Poliabed Oak SUo^ 60c. A 20x20
0. 8. Mortonip. wbo leaves today for Isy too m^ attasUaa asd cash, both inch Centre Table. 75c.
of wblto akoBld have beas darotod to
Mout Morris. Lhrht refreabm
back Rocker. 75c. High back DinlitasdSlSTalaaEnrnq'/ .
S •valanBUtoBoaeUalSSH
ware aerved. asd as boar was spaat ia hb wife Isstaed. Mrs. WaUt soUtted iog Ohairn, 93.75. A good Loange,
Uaek, Mae nr yraes. at SB-M
SU valne Bins Karmyat r.ri
a aoeial way. Mra Horthrap has baas toa Imsk sot to cash the ^ack asd $4.00, and eveiything else in oar
avalaadmombarof toaelabaad it b sotiee of toa ooeorrooeo ^ baas, east aton at the same proportion. Now
Sia asd SW value Black
Sll.Ki valne Bias Esmy, '
with rarrat that tha sambata part to tha Sahomhary Lumbar Co.
PsrsUs Onrl at
all Used wito Ibffeta
these are pll new gooda. and we
The obeek Id quaeUcu waa'Tbr leys ooaldn’t afford to hire an auctionwith bar. *
Bmv«rJaekstsSS.Ha8d S4.U
Bilk, at
aeld to toa Sakombary Lombar Co. and oer and sell Umn at diene prices.
whleb ware swsad tgr Mra. Watto. Mra.
Watu vraa tormariy Mra. Belmaad
wheaa hushasd died abant five yearn
Maarty AU tba toasbara of tba Psh- ago leavlsg Ufe iasarmaee to the
all St Bsrgsfai Prices.
of Sio.oM. aad eaaaiderhble
^lle Beboob WU Bpasd'tba Hol
prepdrty. WaUs, wbo waa fomerly
idays at Tbalr Bonn.
BaUaUa Dry Sesda.
b aaid to Impa ap
As toa holiday ^eaUos for toe pobOaiyri and methUg 1
peared Bpoa toe eoaaa soon .after and
138-132 Ttmi Stmt
lie aohoola b sow flaad for two weeks,
about two years age he aad Mrs. Balthe taaebera will bera to plaa to sposd
BtoBd marrlad. Siaee that Uma Mra.
tha Cbristisaa featival aad holiday
Watm hsa had axtasslve property laweek at their aavaral faomaa. Some of
Wn Sxeandiayly Bnyrto that
tarcBU af various kiuds which
them reside paroiaBeDtly is the' city,
but oassy othorm live la various parto maaayed by ber busfaasd.
AmoDg tbe aaurprbee in which they
oftheslata. are Utoresiad was toa Lelaad PoUt not a Ufe OerUfleato to tmeh Art U
Of tone la toe Oaotral baUdlaf Pm
mart which waa Uiyaly dev^apsd any braaeh. evaa In oar awn eountry.
fiaaor Horn will remato at 1
lummer aad which U rapidly be- Yet OUT work b olmMity toa pabUe.
A. Cobb wUl also remain bare. Mbs
Olrs yea Just what we rrpresect It to
Bouidla will yo to Sayisaw. Mbs Me- aomisy aa attraoUva asd valaabla be. and equal to that which b put baLauyhlia to MarUs, Mbs Kotud w property, alaa a yeaerak atora in La- ifre tos pnbUe nt triple its aenL
Just the thing for persons troubled
Ass Arbor. Mbs Jiekliair W Marietta. Usd. Evarytoiag.saeosed to yo alosy
Mlm riowBlay wtUremaio la Tiavaraa aU rlyht U the domaeUe circle oatU. it
with cold feet.
City. Mim Warsar will go to YpaUaatl. b autad. Mrs. Watm dboorarad that
Him Bevereoca to Bovi. Mbaea PraU.. bar haabasd was yhiag too muto aV
Cook aad Oibka will apend toa vanUoa lautloD to woawa of qheatioaabia raSt home.
AUs wO^I yo to AlmnL paU. when aha begun to laok Uto her
a ox gsmeasirwo Oitsr.
Oryaler. Sehoelder. asd Jessb bnlaeai affulra a lluU. Tba raaaU U
Bard will auy hare: Him Edith Bard dbaatrous. us raUtod. Mrs. Watb bad
wUl vbit at Fortlaad and Mbs BaaseU oa deposit U the First Natiosal bank
*3M whleb Watu blaldto have draws
Thuiaday, after paymaat of the SehomOf toe Baardmae avaaueaeh
Basadiet wiUApasd toe vaeaUoabt her bary check was rafuead. He toes aehome aVOraA Ladye. Mbe Lamb ia eurad a riy aad disva to Sliyhm waara
Chleayo. Mbs Covert in TpsUasti. Mba he toak a- tr^o os the 0. B. A I. for
LaSalle is Portlaad. Mbe Adams is tbe south, bavUy the cheek asd
Oakwood asd Mbs Camp Is YpsilasU. ia kb poaaasaioB. Bb pmest wharaTbs Oak Park te^kere will apasd abeaU arc net knows.
Wbaa Mra. Watubtyao to eanfim
Ckrbtsias as follawa: Mim Higyiss at
horns, Mbs FHIklss at Coldwatar. Mbs bar suaplcloui aba esme to Trsveraa
Housekeeper. Are yon one? If so,
aevelasd afOoUwaier. Mbs Coaway City oa Tucaday. where toe wsa tal: it is unnecessax^ to say to yon that
at Masbtos. asd Mbs Carr at Dundee. lewad by bar haibaad. wbo b mid to
have yivaa hb time dariny tha weak
Of Oak Park. Mba Bates will yo
Orayllsy. Misa Tkylor to Chloayo, Mbs to toe ether womas.
Yaitsrday Mra. Watm vrast bato to
BaeWa la Travetae City. Mbs SUlos
St Coldwatar. Mbs Swift at Oraaa- LaUsd to aadnvorto atruiybue aut
villa Mba Nelaou at Ithaea, Mba bar affaire aad it b quite prababla that
oS as istareaUsy
Kllsa at Qamopolb.
Nnrly all of the teaebaia will leave
here Saturday, the l«tb or an the Mon
Flour is what yon wranL Mannfactu^ by
didstod Wito tbe Orsad tno- day foUowiaf, wblcta will allow thorn
e Harald-A. P. Babirh Wfll
rood vAntioa.
Go daskaoa
Igadpotor Yerk WUl Have Obnrga of
Oomplsw Maw Outfit Xaxt Wash.
•veaiuy by wbUb toe Bnraa, rood will
V. H. Eddy, master of traasporUtioa
and sabsaripUan Ibt of tbs Trui
B«v. fl. B. Verthriip WUl flo to XL
•f U. E. A I. r^way, was U tits elw
_Ckr Trusseript bacotuaa the prop" ■ Kieh.
m^y of tos Ciiaad Tiawm
p has raeeived and yesterday. Airmacemanta are
for a eompleU new iraU and anThs Isst Usus^ of tbs Transcript
a «aU to toe BapvriU appeal today. Tbs matorUI tbt 'ehomh of ML Morrta. MUk., of yUs lortosTravamClWAwnnok and .
will be sold sod removed, end Mr. whleb be vraa fomarly pnaur tor toroa tha new aaqaWtioa vrOl ba ham next tlonallj'
HtiA and
Bonyb. wfaw hat poblbhed the paper
Thb ehareh has raosally re
tar toe last Sva yiw wiU jro Uto busl- eved a letmey to he used U tbe ereeMM in Jadmon. Hieh.. and a host of Uoo et a new ehnreb adlBee, and they
BaJoyad a Soednl BvsnEny.
friaodsbm* of Mr. and Man. Bonyb dsriia Mr. Morthnp to retup aad lead
Thare was a pleasant party
wiU five thnm sincere good wishes for tham U tob eoirrprba.
rnnlny at the horns of Mlm'Millar.
Thb b toa aeeood time Mr. Norlbrap »mar of Cass aad Stoto atrssm.
Tha Herald wQl emuma all paid in has baea mtollnd to eervs a neepnd pae- name who partidpawd wars the pn- XUiSB thiS
advanoa enbaerlpUons to the Transcript tomto U a former Said. The family pfla af tbs Sunday aehoal oUat of Mrs.
and full erndlt will he yiven aa tos wUl leave to^py over toe 0. E. A L Boxbaryh and a taw Uvitod yueets.
Bermld-s nhneriptom Ibte tar such.
Tha enalay wna paaasd U SI
inaraad for toelr new home.
Joymeata «nd ilykt lafmhmania wen
Xlssaot Fowdiy—L. M. Beanet b
dmUylag in hb ahow wUdew. a lUe
afW^ anm ware. UcUdUy
Story at
tact Under Diiaettoa of Hm.
UsrirainUii 'With Was. X Slasa m
eootaUa many aayyeai----------Buparlntondeav
A. B. Xnrtin.
mas and one can select a prasrat ben
that b both low U price and rich Id deTbe Bev. John Eedpatb. Sabbatk
The Woman's Qub hna many times sigo
and vulua Cut yUsa b ahowa -fn
dc-montiratad lu ability, in a Utomiy pnlir Doveitlea and be BUS eboald se- aekool mbakmar?-. held a maatii
'For cut pricaa in Robber*. There is always soroelhing
naMl mutical way.* and yentorday a pro-' Ircl CbrUtmaa yifb wttooat first leek- toe sehoel honte at Kllybu last
wrong. Old seoda or aeconds is what too get always at
lay St 1 o'clock nad iworynaUed the
yram wut yiven that showed the dDb lag over toU eluant dbpUy.
’'cotprioem Boy the Best Rnbbors Ma^i at
Sabbnto nehool which baa been aloae
to poK^ew dramatic talent of a Ugh
M DoyU
'U will eleae
ImejtoAf ^ ^ tar ever alx moatha Wm. X CBnne.
order, as well.
‘Ihs afternoon was Ueharyaaf Mrs. Imwreoee'sSatardaynigkV Call early wall known ttmvane City yoany man
was elaetod acperiBtoBdeatJby a ’
• J. B. UarUu assbted by a nnmbsr of and aee toe bsauvllal tolnyi eke has
tmM voto, nad ae ha to
mrnbrro of tbs Music, Art aad Sx-
_H^kell’s Rookstore.
not in any other way
Grand Values
House Furnisher.
Foot - Warmers !
CrayoD, Water Colors
aad lai Pattraits...
North Star! A Progressive
Blankets Ttie ‘Best’
fu-e the Best produee£
Hannah & Lay Co.
We have an excep-
Leather Goods...
you ca^ot afford to
if yon are
looktag fdr aOmethiiiK
"Wa.i3cli (DuL-t
- '■'•L
r mi.- .2^1..' ' 1 Ah'.
t KOSmtO MOOS>»r»SJTODAy> |>B0S1I»»» !>■ »8B7,
iflee Pie! Ceiie!
YtalMRliUb is A BMBtMr «d *S«0B>teet «l Mrs. PokMr. Uflictisc sMtoos ^ny soppn^ James 3. Ocrbbtt.
Bdimr SmWi-bss snmn A SBV tsroe
•eotuedy foe Abbs Held, wbiob norenoe
n^TXBSK omr, - mobioaii
T«o Bmt7 rotten.
Z1(«fe)d,'Jr., wfil pndoos t^tr aort
E. d. Bwk^ Lw Ute tes Jnt ear.
BKUm^VBBMTi^t^ yt'iMi two CtertoT whlW
DabM Bert is to ^hamAtiM Opis
old, wUeh woKkod Wi pouds tmd'sBswbook. “OW
«BM. T. E*n» AXD J. W. BAjm. MootteTkto
te A r*«ArtebU *«i«bt for lirodon BaailltoA wl£
ia« role.
s. «. BAnn. BAllor Asd MmaCV porkers ol Uxsl
The pieoe whkb WOUbm OlUstts is
tbs w»7 food tadispsMsdoA tbs Bwt
s'=:a-rr’. •. ■: ■:
SimtAsav Baifesfc
I will move to my new store in the Broseh Block
on Front street this week, with a FuU Line of
_C.ead SOUr rroosrlee.
bhtle is imwent.
I gir^ «.000 tlB
I PUBBtnC AB bSSAUlt OB ,__________
>00 la_ tit li»«U fa 18B6. 8oreB
oompAOles an BOW pUyldg it ‘
Mr StaaisUiw Soaage has wrlttSB a
nQi^ oooMdy for Him Marioo MaooNew York, Dee. lO.-A World dls- U ABd Mr. jAok Mason, which wiU
BAieb BAys; AB iBportABi kottle to s*- iboitly to indBoed lo fiostoB.
psetsd boorly. sstbs IasmtmU here
Ssrdoa has jast wrlttfn a oe* plsy,
plABASd tbs
••PaineU, in which Qe^sBe wilt Ap^ her retoro
Ite aotioa
loro to
1 Parts
~ ' “
Tn SpMilsk nWsct is esretUUBK stratloB agaiBSi Bstsbs I« ^hs year.
wltb which to tboroogbly s<ibI» Qeaenl Farrtdos has sUrtod from thU ■
been >1
%m wry sod prspsrs w> meet with city • wltb stroBf ooloenBS #f troops ts 1
•nro rwlsn~i~ dby toore of tbs I oltod StAtrs towArds lolerrssllos lo tbs deatlai areot of the Bpaaisk roreraOpbso diffleoUy. In ibstnesntiBis the meat weal with him to aeoerUia the
real eosdiUoa of UsesBS prorloee.
fad is oollee
srs sdnooinf o* Hswltb Tirr*^st fsnn mad sn sttAck U . UeDsral llodrifaes. with the comJEWELtW JOTTINGS.
ai viao AATBS or Tasrma err
pxpsclsd At Aoy U»s. Notwllbstaod- bloed CobAB foroes oader fleifAde. Nory term of ProsIdeBl dATz Aod lleOArdeBss. Is eoesmped I
. .
rollnre” to wear with
iBf theo
MeEla ley's BMsere Spola fesrs tbls twenty Dllee eoBtb of
i.^'lalng di^^aro as fAsUnable this
AAdtbsCabsBt bsvs lost way to Hoar Del Bio. He hae *^^^3^
t.ooo meo who are well armed abA be|
Bhilacee __
■ POPS of thstr dstsmUsUMi.
is eald to here e Holobklm rapid flriBf |
t|„ faihinn of a eoUsr. are
WnxiAM F. MclUiuUT. one «f ,Ois ----------I 41 beoouiiOR as tbry aro pcpnltr.
butUae dsneenMo worksis la the
OollesobsebSBged Antoaio Rodral-. Braoelrt. aro mocU worn. There an
•Fifth dlslrtel. U AOt U» poUtios, bnt
goes Rirera and a aegro Based Osman. |
,o„,Urstyl«B-<hcwr that sHporn
tbiaks there is a dint elast oaportnolty They went to CoUaco wiU money end j
Hnp otoin taacolrts and oartorsomeffood a prepniiioa for him to lay down h'is nw faangkw.
Cbieage KarkaL
A note was
ttiweial reoentaclea are bow dseigBed
>. eeoepliag
~irai.iew Aideo dmltb. Mr. McKnight [T
plBB^ PB the breact of the basged | fc^ special Aowen. puralsr esaupim
ABd doobUcto la the hande s«...noaBaagtb*tA.y en.
j toiBB._cUry*uihem«mTn.n
m a slmilMstetn woald moot a'uke onAld vsis. roeu bowls and Um lika.
«f hiatrteods.
The English tasblon of wiwriBg letter
It m qalts appareat that-Pinideat
bioocbes, uoaQly thv iniiial nf .the
Po^Deeember. r tl^' Jeneary,
wearer's naaia is here. Then Initial
FIcKialey omitted to ooaealt the Boabroochw an is mort oaeee Ml with *^Laid—December. «4.1S: Janaary.
ys.—u Taylor before eompoelBg the
Sate Chaaged From l«tb to Slot of geiuA*
Oahae propoeltioae of hie meoeage.
The neweel (batidahMe boast trf from
Tbls KoBth.
. ir Senator Allea remaiac 1b the aeaThe eeterUlameBt to ban bna eight to ten chains, frtm which dangle
•to long enoagb be mey seea pnaideAt gWea OB tbs icth by Ue BnagsUeal AD nsttoisblng varfeiy of kmrkkiiacU
mbowUl compile e meMege to eaii eberebbas been • ptotpeaed eaUl De- tooh aetebleM.ptooUs.powd«boAeA
~ wsto' UftoAlaf
eembto :i. on aeeoaat of the Farmers'
lasUtats to Ukaplase next week. The
Oeandiaa Holiday 1
OBtertsiemaat wUl be a pleaeaat one
The C. AW. M. and D. O. E4.W.
E E Blbbard made a abipmoBt of and local talsai will to oootribatod
OB Dec. 18. IT and
ton tore of potatoee yourdey for Earl feneroasly. The proceeds will to de- Bys. will
18 to
eeted to the toaedt of the cborcb.
trip ’Allgood torlrtra an-
Gmeries and ProTOiens! •
Ipll Grand Opening Saturday.
We will seire
FREE Sator*
urday and next week, delicious Mince Pics, made from the
s celebrated
Club House Mince Meat. HOT OOPFEE made frota the Globe Braod of Java and Mocha.
The Pnblic Cordially Invited.
iiSpeciai Sale
ti«y of potatoee of nry good sin
eiteab-gtnr ia bb oollAr-from « M
•f old petoloto that bad bees left
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.
Dee. 1. !. ». I. 10. n. IS.
0. P. A.
The Ddke of Cambridge' ecmpleM
O. H.*L Hnarte 1
hU sixtieth year of mllilary eerrioe on
Ker. 1. Hwwaegaaetttde'beeTetcolo.
State Tea
Dec.'sTandti. KaMAft.ei.
BdonNoT. 8. Itta;.
Cbrltetaas aad New Yeere Hellday.
Dob IJvio Borgbeae. moeBd eon (d
one and one-tbird fare. SeUlng daya.
Tboaaa McMin, froi^t agtot i
Ifae Bamsn PrtoooBoqttoae. UWmt to Dee. St. 2i. 31 and Jsa- 1.
Abe C. A.W. M. raUmy. ia U the eli
BM*7 Mile, ftegea dnHbttr of the
CABAdlaa Exearei'm. aelllng daya
riob.Hcbrew beaker of Paris
Der lAlTandlA Belsra Umit San.
. Mn. BbC McUcmald end child weat
Tbe msiTiaire of Miss LiUUn Oaiy. 7. 18»8. One fM for roasd trip..
C L- LonawAo.
«e Petoakey yeetordsy fora Tisit wftb das^tcr of Pootmsjiter fJroersl Usrr.
O. P. A T. A.
to Mr. Bob** Thyl» *>*
Mta. McDoBBld'e parwiu. '
C. E MoanxT. Agent.
lake plAOB until next spring.
Bee. E M- dweeasoa of Uraad BapIds. will prescb in the BapUat ebartih
again next Hnnday. both morelag and
ally be tought 500 Irmn tbe Indisu*.
sying snaTcnige-of 80c«iUapleOB fw
Mr. ABd Mrs. M. J. CandaU of Sand
Lake. Mich., arrtred U the city last
F. Martel Crawford, tbe popnlar
Bight aadaregomuof Landlord Pangnorelist. waited over IS yrars to e» his
bmnset the Pangbon HoteL
be had writun atamt a
two voUuno novels.
Qtneni Cbsrles E RoTty, wbo died
Aa^TbatKnnistMWm 1
neently in WaihlogVm. was one of tbe
Open AU Winter. '
arigiDsiorsof tbe oormal sriMol idim
WasblogtoB. Dee. la—There is a inininniSBndtbe-ariApreaideBtirf tbe
praepcet that the port of Maabtee wiU piinnlw Ntoltol school At NiOWaL
te kept open all Ue year rooad in
Miss Mery Barbel Dobmo. a dsagh----- and THE-----apite ef tbe treasary erder recently le t* of Aorfin .Uolison. is nO« of th.- moM
aned as ibe resali of the report of a active w.irkt-r* in tbe nniveT«tT srttU~
•peelsl ageotwho hsd Lorcat^ted tbe moil frr w»uh« in Euular. ludis.
Their work Ja priui-itmlly among tbr
Brndeofthebtomeaecom^—'order wee epafto^ ^
_Pope ..
Deo. Biad# ssight
policy ol relreBchmeo* bat Ceogree^
WiUioot disMoolioa <J age
dks. I wine this year framtlwviocyaidbe bad.
orolaM.ABd bask of oar
j set oot in tbe- VaiitoB gmdtos A small
protnUe standi our splen
‘ j nw. aaotber inrticoi i» eent ioecbBicbi.v
did sUxskot.............. V....
I to be BMd at mass, and tbe rt«t is stddellyeeterday wUbariewto baviog lhe| cbi.« p,.re„ „y,on die" of brain dto.
acd* revoked. Mr. Howell promised |
. iimpl.' is liertboM
to give the matter &is peraonal aUea-;
tbe AiMiian rhunplun, wbp
tloB and will askfor anotber report j w,, (uuoai tor bi* proOriiuev. Since
IMK. when be tlrai Utium- widely
tnciwi Iw has engaged iu fr»«ji
tesu with masters in the art.
In epiVo of Emperor WilUam
of Americn. be be* tak.-u a gnat liking
to tbenaral attache of tbeUniUd ttatas
137 Front StiooV
etubaioT at Itelin, Ueuttoanf Niblsck.
Topeka. Kan.. Dee. lO—KaAiae la He fmiui'jitlv inritM him to the p
Mfleripg from a water ftmiae. The and they ducoia naval matters with
proloBged drought has faaeome a aerioas great infoRziality.
Btraama from wbieh tbe
Tbe late Jnstln Winmr, librarian of
tosme aad eittai get their anp^ are Bnrrard anivenity, was the firat to
unmadranitba* tbo posltino re^aited
diy and tbe wells which aJIoedid tlie
tiiorongbly csltlvated and well edn.pvpie with water tor 'dammUe pur<Bt^ man and made ft aeandlritoOf
-peam have failed.
his aoniaaoce Ibst bis rank ihonld to
In adoxsBofths larger towns tbe
as high as that 01 the profamwa
tpUfOads an baallng water aod depee*
Sir Cbaxtto Murdsont. Ban, tbe
fling it la Uto for tbe aae of -the piglntiS In tbe n
Money K iMii
The last chance to buy kid gloves at Democratic prices.
The Dingley bill has raised prices on kid gloves just 6o per
cent. Through a fortunate deal, for spot cash, we just re
ceived 35 dozen ladies’ kid gloves in Foster’s lace sod clasp
of the latest shadte of Ox Bloods, Greens, Blacks, Browns
and Tans. We have placed them for sde today at even z
lower figure tHan'tbe same qualities were sold formerly. /
This is an opportune ttfne for a sole of this kind, as a
Kid Glove makes a nice Christmas present for young or old.
aod our prices are within reach of all.
The range of prices are as follows:—59c. 8qc, 98c. $i.ao
and $1.50. Come before assonment is broken.
-ONImproved Fahns and OUm Block.
City Property.
Johnson B
We Promise the
Bestin Quality,
Thono 78.
Oorreot Styles.
,Most Complete Assortment
ever shown in this City now
on sale at
No. 131 State Street,
Traverse City, Michigan.
Come in and look them over.
Lowest Priee to All •"^lautAdsi
Record 1
fitcbes, a«is, JeiebT,
Silmare, KoteltlB, Etc.
Timely, mtereslxiig
ninstrated Feature
Next SoDday’s RECORD.
fft I
W. C.&B. A. Gannett
Eato jngbth Soetal FaxtyTbe eaeoBd of the aerim of
parUes of tooaieoeie^ was .gl<
tbe City
Boase lagt night. Thera
. were aboat aeveaty ooaplm preoesi
and tbe evanlng wae axtrembly anlpy
able. Tbe maelc was insplriag and
tbe eveei
etosee; end thoto to tollew i
eqnally planaant.
Faealiar Sheeting Aeciteit.
Mra. Bette Y'oang ww called lo 0«f
Iral lAke Tbrusday to asaist in Ibe
ease of her moth*. Mra. PflUr, wbo
met with m peeallar eoeident a few
days aga Throat eome miadhai
gu was Jarred from ft poelttea 90 Ibe
waU ^ her grandseo. The pteoa eras
died raotoUy InXotidto. Tbi* i* tbe
earn where the prlDm cboae to go apes
the ——Md waa beltetd -to bava
••perjarad himself like a gvoUeman.”
Steiilitrfl erud Open Hp
WodnoM>7 BYonllig.
Ueiri-Otbatp UocmwwBlatiagTaad^
X>oo6nibor 16th_
Tfllr a* the brat utedlmB f« b* diflday
«f vmatUity.
Tm ItoW*ei ra orae* t|toi|li toar<*.
Tbi- name
Air. AnAony HopeS
new play for Mr. E H. S«*h«t» U “The
AdvtoUzre of Lady Urmia."
' The rarllert Amcritsan ttoatea '
ntNewYerkandABimyolU. KBIi A1iBBy. nvY: Baldmcte. ITlA
"HacMt Serrlto" rights id Bmofwm
ytadtotlto have beto sold fra Bad*,
pwt. 8*Un BBd St. FelmttMtg.
■usmesegra flO ■raisT weraiag.nra.il.
MllBe Jamal. itM dw«kttr <d.8
TrftverM City, Mieh.
Of Plngroo ft Smith Shoot on Nairow
Laata. 800 pain of I«adioa' Fine Sreaa
8hoeo,on'A,BandO laata,
In Lao<Bntton and Juliets, Ba«>r. PiooadiUy and Bqaare Toes,
Former Price, $8, $8.60, $4 and $44»
Ml “A" Lasts go at $1.88
All “C" Lasts ga at $2.48.
Siaea S) to
No Pietttre or Bebete Ticket! given with theee Prieto..
tsessmms timBit,ismeBAi, nsefiineriv.
_____ a»l tba pnaMrafa rtava. asA «W
ptobabir latrr b* 4aflnltotr tormoUUd
and Hid btforc oonpivaa. Bnatr At
ptan U to plac* Um repsbUe obdar a
Stvt»d by All*n of MiMiMippI
Whon tho Pontion Sill
Gomo* Up.
Aar rmttMta Har^
aaA mt, TWr> %a* Ka CAU to
Washln(t<ia.DM. la—WhUr tfav t»OM
«mi ooBstderli-.K ttu- p«bUob ApproprUtkn TMerdA)' Canuon. chUnus of tfc«
appropnallooA. took
wcAslon to make a r<«er«l Btal
for tb* purpon^ b» ba1<1.
tb* nlsda or metnben aad «m o
of A f»:*o ImprcAilos ma^a by i
partaon «t the ti
expendUarew CBM.00a.eoe. show Ins
estimated dcSdl ot ULeW.uOO. rader
Iba last aUBdA^ clvU aci the secretary ot
tbe treasury, be polnivd .out. was coiapeUed to estlmaif this year for MkOM.•M of river sn.l harbor worn. m.Heo.b'U
0t which had nut Ueea authorised by
law. If this sum not heretofore Includ
ed In the eirtims’ei. were dnlucted there
wonld he. an edin.at.-a surplus ot tt.tee.m Inilead of a defidk
.. mrcrn It. tor a tine, at laast. Juat
as tbc Dlamn of Columbia to rovaraod.
coAlnlasloo would, la oRrcl. bo aaR aad Ui« ra^bllc auuM beeoaa
an abaoluttam-anTdlparcbrTbofw would bo DO ropraeaeta^we ina*
eblDorr. BO Icirlalanira. or eounai dD
rioollcfta BO doctoral f«B()taiao. ^Thllo^
wo^ dwoBo et anr1
It laatod.
o capactir at tho poepto |
doubla as
nadVoA It would die- I
StBFliis Siinr Niwte!
Boatoa, Dr« }«.—Tbe OlAe today
toys: -MiB. Uaetawt, the i
thd of the I
derer. ao^ealled. »a Chle*»o. to eUre end
Hvsdaome 8fiTer Bseto
poMMimut or nic BoraE.
to to Glre the dusto at Kew Torh
^ashlegton. Dec. lA.-Represeataxles
Adama of Peansylvanla. who was yea.
teiday named as chairman of the sub
committee OB foreign aftalru to deal
with Cuban qtMslIODS. when asked as
to hit view# Ob the Spantah-Cuban
autoa. aald; "We. In b friendly way.
through’ our-minister at Madrid, Ur.
sugeested things
flpaUt ahoeld do. sueb as (he speedy
(rial of AmerIcBB prOoDeiB, a mure
humane wey of conductlrig the war,
and a better treAUneot of tbe eoBcentradba Those suggeeUons were made
Just before tbs (all of the tost Bpablsh
WUl| tbe
Sagasta cablBct (best . .
relTsd favorable recogBltlen. and by
the recnll of Weyler. tbe froetog of ev
ery American clUaen. the murnlng to
tbefr bomea and the feedlny ot the cooetntrddua. Bpalh has carried oat every
friendly propMItWB of: our goverbmenL
• pramUeBb mem liberal car
ts the CnhaBa. autonomous
character, aad undiw au.h coadlttons
tbe admlntolrailon feels called .
give the reforms oa the part bf Spain
a fair trial. In fact under diplomatic
our friendly oKera having beca
accepted we must mi least girv tbe
Spanish ralntotry a chaBcv to carry Ml
• await tbe rsoult.
Berry. ..t Keatucky.
(be ^mociBUc member of tbe commit
tee. (avota IrnaedUte raeognItloB of tbe
belltoerency of tbe Cubans Reprceenta.
tireHeatwole. (be «(ber memlwr. would
be Interr1«»ed. saying be
restigals tbe uUbJ.-n and await further
maximum. I stayed ten. or afieen year*
to ae* It. but II has uto yet come and
I cues* 1 11 have u. come hack agaln.'
HtoUgblvrl In (vncluslon Allen apoki
«f the hardships this great tax hordeti
plAACd on the peepte uf the south who
were, —be said. 4wlug "reli-atlawaly
burdened by the
sUndard and 4^.
cent cotum.” la reply to Itocey wbe
defend** the liberal pension roUs, AUea
said U could not
factrihai ATt.AOO
Ihe pension uffice. Then
h>0.M0 men tn tbe tedermr
in'l.--t «r « meetiBg beN-rfederate gad .-x-fciland gray reunion They
n tbs dto.
' appearancu of all bovtlUty.
"inhere ahould he asatber war," said
the cx-fMleraL "we will be atandlBg
shoulder to ahoalder andrr one flag.'*
"We will but you won't." retorted th*
"What do yiKi mean?" asked the *xfederal ."Legally you are dtoabled,"
Pmiib of MtcblgBa said be would
make the prnrinn a vested right If be
could. Nivtan iDem.) of Ohio aald tbe
bill coub! rm be U-n* Mg for him. and
- a
of other meinheru—BepuhUCUDS and IVmocrBtB—advocated liberal
Washington. l>e< lo—Sector Hov
yeftorday pTMentca a monster prouai
la the seaate from nutlve HawaltoBa
arOBSt the aabaxsUoo of the HawaUao
totoadt to tbe VtUted Plates., Tb* pro-
____________ / of th* Hawatlap Patnotio
Leagwe and the HawaUan Woman sPatriotJe League, who made cerUBtate*tbat the aigoalurc* wero all genuliu. Of
the n J«» slgsen UttM were Women and
ttC were forelgpers- Th* pelllkir. was
printed to twin the RaglHh apd Hawrallar. UnguagM. and w»# Tery toivt.
tom " The pTiiintatloa of th* peUUon
was wuneaeed by (he satlvc HawaltoBa
‘emnpriflng the delegatloB now baro tb
«M>oer onnexatton. whn madeAbOlr Oral
vltot to Ui* Cspttol yveterday. TheJtaM those »-Hb whom they coBveraed
poArfl to aui.exanuB.
What form of govemmrat abal] h*
bMfMd for Hawaii « b*«i.byUto.
lac cruaty. tbat cowtry ghaB be anatkld to (he Vntled Stat*a,-to
UM WbM) PrMddeBt McKinley U'Wldld
. There ts b »
a is recefetaa tbe a
Hi -of tbe aeoau foralga
Kl.ol'hou Ko-iwror XIcbolas
Rmperor William exchsaged teleyraihs.
Dublin. Dec. lA.-The EreniBC Tfleyraph nays (hat the war office has sent
an order to Dublta for the Mtarpenme
of all Bword-buroneta In the posseealon
of the recular tnwia to Itwiand. The
order to • unprecedented and a perfect
myAtcry to both ofTIrem and
________ afilnot HrMalsV Army.
London. Dec. la—The
Marpula of
Lanadowne. aecreiary of state for war.
Bpeaklag last night al Ibllnburgh. out.
hlnsd tbe military policy of tbs govettimeot. I-ord 'Lansdowae. aftor remark
ing thai-ths ountry bad been'e-mfrontrd during Ihe past few m.mihs
with dlfficuUles to every pan of the
globe not of her own ar-klng, specially
mrtitlonlng (he Behring iwa and \<
lAMAK MrilPHlRb TlhUlCATEOr toeUevsU ks4ab. Dc IA.—Au InveotlgBUon BOW being made betw.en tbc ofdi-toto of’ tbe congivsstobsl library and
tb* officials of Ihe roai<iffi.v departmaol
proiBtosu VO liitoa ■ giesi deal of UgBt
on tbe rcenl widely disciutord shortage
B. -dpoffoidAn
lni-e*tlgatloB by
depnittnem about
Librarian Bpofl> eluut
to h.- aU-ul t^.tPOO
' I"
aCCoUBtS. Pew l^-opir rho k’new
looked upon this at the time as anything more ihsn tin ev.denrc of deileal
negtlgcpcR to his d-p*rtrrenl. Now It
BpiTarB that a Isrge tian. tf Btri all. of
deflrtt-«hj.h 8p^.wd promptly
made g*>od o I of hiao<
now In.
HAts Something Issid Aside for TresenU.
F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
Houfm Block.
Christmas Turkeys
Oysters, Gandies and Nuts.
Ererything for Complete Chrietmee Dinner, inclos
ing Orooeiies end Provielon*.
Ifi the
......... . ........................
« «»:•?
■re aa (olirwx to mile* and Upa: Mil
ler. LAM. ,i; Klee. l.ia. A; liivlerre. 1 KS.
4: Schtoneer. I.«>7t Waller. L4U. Z:
Mo..re. !.«».
Hale. kPC I; Pierce,
LTI. A: dhes. 1J». t: Goldca. lJU. I:
Eatcman. 1.151. 7; Gannve. l.ae, 7:
Kins, l.nc, 1: Juttos. 1.17A, f
I was 234 mllM> 4 laps ahead .of the recurd
for nlnety-olghi bouru. It vrtll he srwa
that Hale has gut to arwetb place,
Order by’Phone end luve OMdeJ>eliTereid.
rsaanleawf Mrs. MeKlaley.
of Mr*. McKtnley. who atlB llngeiu at
Traverse City
Candy Co-
(rouble la breatblng. (he trouble bslag
nJ t.y apltoreal dlatreaa la
the dlrect’evlJeBcc uf which
the throat, ti
I ah omlrrous jw^'le. The president
idlaa at the ^Ide almost coattouonsir.
sere requM adding
Iw available Woffeuslve purKeafb'ChTtouma Trm TriMMlaca. Caadtoa. aad Obbdla BoldMtebdy
le ataerted (bat be
awlHr iasa/ttopperOrebn**.
T^abdafullUMBfOrBAiB—to. Dc*-t (ol«
Strtbg Ca^ abi
.................... -............ oplnkui that onir a
. Houghton. MJoh-, Dec 1A.-The eroaoapaelal prteaaaa enady tottoihMli, cbar^M.*bd .
moderuia service with the eolMx was
expcdleat. but he buped to be aWe to cat on tbe Baltic mine has gone forty
Praah Oyatova diract troai BaUtoaor* »l«»ya «• hand.
iDcrmae the eotabliahioMt of essh..
-uan. with every prositoct of being ‘
bume battalloct. (bus aecuring a 1a*l^
iWst fifty feet In aldtb. Tbe avere
Btotgia uf seaouBcd suldlers by
toldifa of the Calumet coughunremte
traetlag with smstl numbers of rerorv
tou wbo. for extra payment. wobIE' teselve feet. The vein Is rvmarbai
agr^ If necesmry. to rejoia the colors Ben iBtoeTBlIaed.
peaads of rtollv* copper wga rmtoed. No Braaeb etoiw raar Uaaaaie bloek, on CaMm dtraet.
during tbe Orst yaar of rma
• ••
showing has ever been made ■PT.O msd Cetotooe Agsaoto Ti .
tbe district.__________ ________
Berlin. Dee. la-DurIng the^haie to
Bare FWi Will NX FlgM Adala.
the relcbswg yealerday on-fee naval
Rcberaatd: "The
Milwaukee. Dec. lA.-Notwlthsiabdlng
«y or an Interview with a
land's policy is evidently directed to
ward the funwatlon of s sollwrela wlUC ____lid
noblnckln the wayof anotl
her cutontob
The L'nited State* alao tneetlBg between Corbett sand PI
andoubtedlr wish to protect
wna. MiB. Fltsslmmona. to a card
against our exiwgts: bm matters are
citoUng to Biicfa a JtoK (‘tat other AiSerIcwn rvpuMI-x arr-iptotog the linlted agalB with her consent«talsa In order to lurm s sonxeroto.
nilaat* locMotwr* liae. Noma
I*g|j-Amer1.wnlam li> for C.eitosny-slltl
(ipringlleld. nia .ner. lo -ltoth boune*
With tbflse cftmealarKe qnkQtitj: of Men'-d, Lddies'. Ckildrea’d
of the leglotalotv have *d)<A»f»ed foe
L'nKed £ta
«nd Mined' Pine -8&oed and a Uik« Stock of Bnbben.
hutonce of the week.
the sai
«hn sistr> bol rather as an Mtlre Dwyer tairuduced a bill ihe object of
...jUfavnl with regard tu iirodurinc; wbtoh to I.. lax atoeplng -ax a»d. faat
and my oi.lnion. Which Is shared by freight tlaea car trvata and corporaeminent sUtcomen and has also been tlons. and Indtvlduala other than the
owner* of tBllpisrto who owp aad opexpremed retvnlly l y Count Golucliew
Oortier Perk ehd Front.
ReeM Tlwin Frida;.
Hen's Arctics, best kind.
Men's Arctics, Coin TossHisses'^ Storm Bubbers---
....32 Cents
*i.i. to Utol Eunn'eaa- toatsa will ti
IJw lomlBg wntuty be ollged to co-«p
crate In order to auppun eai-h other In
tMs-slruggle fur cxtoleDoc with AT
aald: -The two cases are to no way
slmitor. The Venvsuelsn case was a
dlipute over a K-mturiai boundary reg* Into the same stair of (roublet as Indlu
utoted by treaty. The HaytlsB ease
was a flemaod for damage* (nr tnlsMadrid. Per. lA.—At a cublnet couBcO
ire«tmenl of a German subject.
.ojtoort was promised and no ptmnto* Premier Sagasta outlined ibe opliilaDS
vioUttO." Punher than this th* Mats of the European prrow regarding Pref
departmeBt decllDcs tn make any expIoiMUub. SarrvtaiT Shermao's opto- tbe majority of whlcli. thr premier asJd.
Iona are waU known. U* has declared were faCwruble i« Spain. He. (nrth
Mdi of Gerwtony to tbe declared that in tbe event of (be L'altLuedev* t»*e wofo Just and propwr. He ed Stale* altcffiptlng Ao Inierreae In
Bays tbe rase to Mrictly aaalogoo* to th*
case of the Britlah consular agent at
Corintu. Nicaragua where Englsnd
arised tbc custom bouse and held It
ucUl th* damagea were (ortbeom^.
BdSM DM ffi-Th* Athens
<mundeM af Tb(
Washlngujc. Dec. M.-Tbe cerate ym- (hat on Monday
Urdt) did a conWderabl* amoubt ot Imperial semes at the Ylldl* Kiosk, the
business, although no very
psiare of the aultae. made aa attempt
bto life. Thu wbf frostrated toy tbe
(here was vny lluir debate. GalUagor.
mdant* of th* gultan. Tnr vuMan
cbalnnan of the comMlitee on pinalnas, had tb* mab tortured In th* hope of «xaaltod aitention to the torreastag de■Uag tbs aames of tb* iBsUgatont
maad (or private pjaskm. lagUlatlon.
both auccumbed wlriioat revcallnr
aad rvodrsted seoator* to be <^tul In
ffie future to XV (hat their bUlMruu
Agsoed I. Hbad by (N* ami*.
H. LoQla. Dee 1«.-Ttoe BaBertae
M*o heU a ladeUaglD East SLXaob
d acnad taotaad by the dpriagsrid
136 Front StrMt.
lea." .___________^ . ,
Moslems Ma, <li,e the «Mg
la tbs Near PWtarw
t>i. Petersburg. Dec. lb—Throogbnul
llUKSian Asia there to general; unreK
-among the Mnalcnto
It to attributed
■to the exaggerated reporu of the Turkr the "great Greek e
■«» —•-r
pire." which have spread Ihrougti
old moDcy orders
leoglb and brea«|tb of the cooitoent.
ilnded Mbrarign forget to catoi.
Tbe autborllles eiwn fear that tbe re
A tystemath- search of the old library vival of-brigaadag* rvcvnlly Dodred la
mnrds has unearthed huBdreOs of old the raucasus I* dlm-tcd Blmam solely
orders wblch the f*rmec Ubrana* bad agalBBt ibe goicrnirenl ofllrials. and
put aside and appan-Dlly forgsUea. bod (be unprecedented phcnnmrnon of Geormore are (.otntog t<> light ^-very day. gtan* dlsptarlhg hualllKy toiyBrds Ar
Just a but the tnlal aum will amooto to menian* has to-co*ne manifest.
has not yet been rotlmaied. but li prob
■ The danger la ao serious that aeonferably Wtu come nvar wiping
eore of Caarussn governors ha* bsan
dtocreyoncle# In apogord * accounts.
ronvoked lo^ihceri tiieasore* ot pad
A<atlnn. Travelers 4n Onual Asia rets taThat MaytU
lart an extraordinary figmepi asioiig
CashlOgtop. Dec. 11
Ibd tbe Haolvms uf dllfei-ent rmvw. They
1 alladed to1*|- lVi
idt. oreMnluag tbetr' inuiu—
rouiual aaloMalt^
....... I—-Hai-ttaa m
i.-n asked why 8*iB was and declaring 1 It they are flrst ot all
ed staieu
the sultan a* (heir
Bor supported while Veneauls was an Mohammedans
• fWldent (hat tbe
official reply from the Mate depArtmciit nommon lUef.
imtilDi aad (any-flve w*ra pm
e bad tbe lau&igmuoa taUt g
myxi -bcok. to ma aa Ibouxh some .me
la leadlnc Be Into deep water amonx »hr
Of a decrease unlms the I te Increase
was to be attributed to lb< --exUceactos
of the ruceai campaiyB t Ohio. He
read from C«r
• appruprtatloas com
mittee ptvdictins a deficit of from M.*
AOO.aqA to IIO.AW.AW to expendltofee dur:t Becal year- The maximum
a not yet been reached.
■axiiaBm of tbe
Viki queatloB Of the if
t penskiB roll.'’ obe*-rve<
e of tbe thtoga that hat prottactsd
r stay la evayress.
Uevrrolug (he tstoo^
Germany *6 EtheOito KDi»*ChcKi
•nd Obtain a Cealb^ 8U«
tion from China.
Ato-iMti saner rtohi««n« mm
al ^toae Lato Aaly*
well. Mia. hoetym v
dty dorthd tb* monUi ot July, acknowl.
e^bed ber tdenillr. -heeTde dlvlns more
or leea esT-Uoatlan rdatlve tb'ihe meson* which cauaed ber to leave her faceband. wbo to asain to be tried tor k
tlte." Soch s-B* the rtartlltif declara
tion made by Editor John H. Scofidd. «1
BC 1j*M. to a OMbe maa. ftchofleMaapnUons ot Totera and the pollilcal
pl«beBl*lhlaaUtementfum»er wltlr the
tUtua of the Imported Chlnoae laborer,
poelllve asauraDte that HiB. laetcert
and wouM poatpene a dectalon of the
was el (he houee I DullOncbtttan tor
quesUon w^elber Japanew on the Ida period of three or four daVa bunas
aad and th* aaiive laborera ahooW be
tbe middle tf July teat
permitted to rote It to »ot-eootended
He said he based Ibis assutanee upon
lABdon, Dec 10.—^ dbpatch to'iba
that auto) a ayatem .of «ovenrtBa« Timar frem IVkin aajrt that yesterday (be fact that Mrs bae(s»% while la
abould be permam w. but It to
HMloa. acknowItvlRcd her full IdeoUu-,
tha litia*-ll-yamcB..................................
______________ aoch time
with tbe aseertton that she laft ber btisof
quirvd for the American population
bead. Ue Cblrepo ea>)sas»*nrabot. be)an.TuBS. that
tnereafe aad tbe naiUrr Inhabltaata or* the prutlDcc
caiifw of bto a;cikins with other •
iplled with ber debecome familiar with our InsUtutlona Cblna bavins
well as for n
mandaOeiinaBy UBdertake* toeri
Ad Uwa
would hHr him In hi* flnandal
la case the anBOxara la the seDate fall i, Kla.r<n>ou
Kla»>.Cbou at a date lu be nx.d
a busllwes.- l> further As
to count up a two.th»rda majority fi>r _
rrorive Instead as a;.*erttKl iha he twtlrved that t
tbe snnexaUoB
prv|AiBtl.m» are I
,i„ fiam-ltoh Inlet. In : s-rt w as
■' IVsstno. and that
belas made In the bense crnmltle^
provtoce of ro-Klea. over asalasl | would yet e tvnnd The Globe has tntoredsn affairs to r^ a bill or ^ ^
terv lewed ne Mr* Miws. of 7 P-uimnch
mrrvut reaolulloe of annexation. Tbe
iq.„The TImea, com-! ptscr, »
ssys that the womar
oommittee at Its meetlns tu polnled a ■
edlt*.rtally on the cxehanse of i p>»ed to be lira luwtcert went t
soh-e-enmlttee. one of whoa* duties 111
Bam-eah. bajw: "Oer-' name of Ulllle Barker, (hie day the
will be IV prepare such a bill or twlu- :
.pontaneously or ..iherwiae. has !
ic4 after readlny
Hon. and be ready
of 1
deference to the wlshi* of Rue- ; an acc.unt-cf the
the treaty fall la the sensle. This imto ^
pranev. aad.......................
Enirtand may have
quretlciiped by Mrs Moss said
committee cousiiM of Cbalnnan Hitt. > „„,^aina to as* to lh<' ueatlon of a
u-ouia be surjoLsed .If I told yo<
Praltb of Michigan and
Oerman nCval.isOooatSam-ttob.
Arkansan, alt anncxationlaia. itpeaker .
ia—A diapateb to the
Last year the eaUmated defldt under
the laet tsnS act was CK.OW.eaa. If
tbc Ci:.«».0ft> for river end harbor
BOrtt for which the sovernmeat then
atood bound had been Included the esti
mated deficit would have town BQ.OW,dat. Csnnoo said It mislit be that the
.r pens o-A for lM» would
exceed toe estlmsiea Th< wmitltoslDner of pslnxluns mtimat.-d the expendi
tures at CltoOW.dOu. If he ahould pro*.to be risht the tlW.Boa.OOO appropriated
%y (bto MU would pay U peBslons
, tbc Ursi eleven moatbs of tbe It
yw and a dedcieoey apiwoprlatlon
eonld ^ easily made, la conclusion
wanted the bouse (bat (he
laryc anlklpatory ImportstloBs would
'the rev enues under the prmeni
. law down to the minimum, and be ap
pealed to his colleaswes to be cci>somb
Ansa reedosos Other plsar*s.
AOea of Miamesip|)i aiurked Canboa's slAlrmenl la s speech In which
then were flssbrs of his humor thbl aet
tbe bouse la a roar of Isushter. He
yrweely commended Cannon s appeal
far «coaomy. tun avowed that the Acarcs of the c-hslnnaa of .the appropria
tions did net do the mtuation IncHce.
Be psoduced Bcuree.that showed aa
aatlBtated dsBclt for the neat year of
tn.M0.WA. , lie Jwtorred to tbo tbcreoae
wife aud mid:
••Maria. hsm>*a a li|c tnaaraaoe doe«toant
"Thabk Toa. denr." aald his wilb.
vBow at« you (Mine 4«.aayr
•‘Not wait” toe tvplifii. ■■otol 1 dob l
think 1 am long 1<*
“'I i
«a« to say to you tbat wbm 1 die it Is
ffiyu-isb thUjua dero^tl.Wjd ^
■07 (naenl
exfUiined thewUn,
IwercniDe,'' eirtaliiied
r do 700 want saefa an
••nicxplaia. I'M parfeedy satiaCsd
that boboc^ will attmid m.« (biw*b1. and
I waur to bin- p«uj>le to go at no much
a bituL I'm guijg oci today aad sac
wbal armugciuvui. I cm make lor altdDdanta on U:al f.ir^icomiiW mda*cbnly oceaffiun
If tto*7 w(«*t coaw
gntls. why—Ml just hire 'em aad give
•am aa t»d« db y<* ttz tbe OKmef."
He went itBib. and at bigtittaU r»totMd with a dejeotad-took••Itaria." batoid. “ifsBoosB. Too
Framed aad knag op to tbto Agrtod].
liual bank c< Paris. Ky.. is a cheek
which was made payable to •'SwowaM
, of tbe Sweeo,*’ aad-so ladMmd.
Ptwridmit Medaeof-tbe tmak talto
I the story cd tbe riieck at follows:
‘‘Oue of oor deiMdior* rsceaily gave
’hUwifeatdwk tot »10. ibeofaai^ hatug n«olMl7 Ailed oot aad doly stgoad.
exc«p( that it wat made pnyahle to
‘Sweetest of tbe Bweet.’ WbtB tlm
lady priMBted tbs check (or porn
•• ‘Who it thli -OwMiWM et tba
Swro*.*” •
■■ ‘Why. it'gma.' iberepUed.
“1 -toM b« ta tadccaa tb* «b
whidi ab» did. «Hl haadad tt back.
ladone UJoMA«dannhdo^*'&«oatM (A Ibe SweaM'
■fitdopibano andi
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with'
the Traverse City
I Lumber Company. Wo
Soand HopWe bav.
have for salt'9008,
sale 'Qo
4ock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A ^plete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
' Wait for This Fins Lot of Horses.
Finest lot I ever 'brought to Traverse
City. I wlU have them here
WMnesilay, Dneniber IStli,
and Prleee Wllltoe Eight
BorteB to Ibt
luurr xaxT. acu
im--------- B
Mo> IWI> «-»•»
UtUc Rock. Ark.. D«. lfc-Tb» wpon
li rorrlve4 h«c frem tenttf Un4L PcbkBUBB'COvnt)-. IhBt tb* minora at BoMDU taav« «(-|(on»ic<l«od tbrtr twrtlrlpotlao In tbo IrTM^na of CobbIbUo
■OTEES ASS FOmOEILSSEI SEAS' MUITBT. «t U a»ld Ihoy hBVo aont w«rt
ko BobnaUnb oB!r<Ta that 1ftboyw»ntoo
I to arrMt Buy «f thrlr number lo rome
•m Ua>« OM Alaa •
M Borltoa
|„(q u,, ahstu nf thr mtnca and
BiMchM Pat lb. oaaar. an tW TrOak ; ^ ^ tbcr wanL They am well mipWlbo rVM Wba. M Oo*a Wltb»«aa,- piled wJlb ayfcniUe and II Ib knoa^
-I^.WinB. WarWWfbaykW-Oa-ard'that their pun"** la to bio* ur w
.M nOlaaolpaia
Dom Ballot.
U an vOort U made 10 approl^d thrm*lro Bad Kalla.
The mine >a aurroonuBu Weaaon. Mlaa. Dec. M -Omt at the pome, the nbonrrbelug in
aaaai atrocloua murtera on rectrt In the Be aaya be wiU foroe the ............ •outb WM committed Wedneaday night oapllulaic even If he' baa to Are the
mine. There are about 3A mlncra be
tn eimpooD county, thla mate. t»-onty
lieved lo have had a hand In the lynch
l1lT- from here. Brown Bmltb. a farm ing and a Irigblful flow of blood n^
er, and a aon of
®*- kom or life are e*reited to follow t»e
ward Smith, left hla family at hla b«i» nr- •obenatoa of the culpelia'
la the eoomry to po to town for BiopWHEAT OO^P TO $1.09-.
pmg ptopoaca. thinking of no poaalble
dangw tor thm. Yemerlay banning .Oilmg. mmb. aewemd.-a. le U SaU ee
Dl«bp)k»< 0*ed of an AU«gi>(t
aitaippi Farm.
«ha #.ah Wagta^ Boa. U.
■-------------- — w- “ “
s.-Oaa tUaf I ham leanad
iw«ia Ufa y^wr«tBd^_^ la. !•» (A
Pai tbefmwat apoKlo ed Oxri^
ttauitT-, VM bon In Tanoa, a oty cd
AtMrpeya at L*waUclfc^a geatile city. »a «»ito hlm lo bUi«^wBaai-.o»^ifci
!e Ledw known ottO
■dbyliii* I
at miu
and adroc«t« of
be bMWne-a onieKtaoi
Cbriatia^tT.. PantV Utba wa» a Pharlim, ot the ttilas.d Benjamin, a^ in
Mnewnyhadaoiinlwl Emnan-d^thtu tor Paul myb In AoU sxb, «,
nad eoamrawSA «‘
•wnTtagative." AtTamafanl UMrt , —^ ..^.rmLanoeaww
the Uieek Uwwu. and alao tbg Bade ; Q'^SSSt* Prej-wi-mtlm. Baa»«Bl
Of a hmnuak*.
h*nuak«. aa ev«*T
ev«T -ewiM
JewtA boy
nur i, la
.... ...................
. Oo-Wa^_____________
, onmiielled to leama trade. IbotM*
Iboni* i-aragn
». koWok. K0„
vt of tiaiiJjteL
. _al wa« at firm a violent t^tpnw «
Cairimianity, Imt, UOup ibirarnlotialy
be bee«» onettf the moat
■ealons ana
and eamiuaaMau
ctithiuaBatio ouw*"***«an»n«ra <d
' neaions
CJniat that the wcrld had erwaoen. In
o. P. OABVXR. AfiWt.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Taikmng.
Br'BeaeKa.aalcBlaek. Calm*
raUw'^wB •^'rWo cli ■■■*«( geayerty
ta Travene CUy-
_ _ ________
•whan ba returned, be found hU wife
-----Chlc*«n. Dec. 10 —The acare araa .on
and Bt* ^Urtreo aelterlng In their
blood, and appaionUT all dead
*- In earaam in Deedmber wheat yrater- Uiag Chrlatlan eburchtain Ite mom :=T. „ « qabnck Saim. Otar M
tbe-; dn, oMnilng. From gl.Ol at opening the
a (d Aaia and Surnpe.
_____ VI. 1...
entire neighborhood turned out to nunt DK^nber price Jump* d to *1 OO In lif AiSisi '\jy hie «u*»iei
op* ^ ^
ter the perrptrutor of the foul and |
mlnotea At the aame Ume that the
wotdy crime. There being to telegraph December waa cllmhlng. aotne myaleeonilectt.'.na deiaUa of the murder come; Htwa buying ordcra for January
Id elowly. but II la reporied that one of i came to a hBif-doten h.maei from he* laved deciiion in tb.-matter anil left tbe
the mile girla. ruppoaed al Drat to have ^ Til*. Al !!;» a'm. the prtee *■»* oi-"
been dead haa reel red enough lo lell i nod the rtorta were being aquecaed
w hat anv
ahe ent
of the ocrurrenrr. ^ the queen a laale.”
The clone waa
« >.i
n wh” commlued
mid abe knooa the
- klllwaukee. Dec. 10—There waa i
thin It great Jump In December wheal yealer•crIbM him.
-----day. the market opening at H-tOH and cd. He bad a bwriug butore Agnppa.-------------------•. and there 'i
track of the murderer.
' great probability that he .......
Bsnloe and F>«tu* and would have
Tliere aaa very
<ii‘ r
t.«v fvw hia aimeaL
bended, nnd there can be but little
Je egrllement
egrltemenl here, the jtiiarauace
doubt of him meeting n-eedy vengeance UlUe
He waa taken to Bank
Chlcawhen caughf. allhout walling for the trader*
, wiedc on Um> way. Paul-waauni»iM«M
formaUly ota ■ ourt. It la learrwd that go tu'dcfor two Team, and tben ant at lifaegty by
>«Uog waa Indulged In at
al every up
upMra. Hmiih and ihe other four chUdrea HowUng
. —... _V... *V._ Nm He vldted Unw*. A«a Minor
at* d««A Sherlfra BcNalr. of Uncoin, ward movement of December, bui there
- v
nnd Thompaon. of Coirtah cogntleahave waa no occasion fur (car at this end of aadBiBin.
Boaneand '
- gone to the acene of the murder,*eMh Um line. ____________________
bekandSat^e by Hero In bis iCRnt
'' with a pack of trained bUwdhound*
PLANNED A >10,000.000 BOBBEW.
the Qaahe
r fVIj.
XMabouaiB at
laiiwrnrinri td tbe Chriatikna Fran
PhUadelphiA Dec. 10 -Antonio Tuect. r*emBrtie«B4teA«MaatBrlhe Fire aa Fgal'a life many le—.mamay to Icnryd.
an Italian.
j raieeCay ahot and probably
.■•M. j.:».-rday
Panl wa* no* only a ier«it worter,
fatally wounded O. Tompone. because
New Tdrk. Dec. 16.-F»cU have been
of tbe rejection of hta atrectlona
mirecllona by teamed that aoggeal the poaalhmty that of edocnttocL c# oeep uMnafni- a iag«»* |
. daughter Tbetbeanyaterloua Br« which dsgtmyed the
is up by aelUng
emmlgrant buildlnga on Ellla teland a
ore to the cbnhing of Tompone-f lliUe
aoo Michael, and when an alterapt -ra* few montba ago was started by- tblevra. Unymiy. Hi* eidsUiu stand today aa'
carefully O'®®”.
planned ■
a glO.WO.eoO tbe be« egprragion Ot the tmtba ^
Bot ». Trawta. Okg. »«h.made to arect him he aucorasfully held whu had carelnliy
of umauamiiChriatianlti- Thla
Pauline '----------tnnea ql
*u*r ^
a squad of policemen and Bremen at robbery-, Ten of ihe trunk llnee leading ^^nm
In malnialpng
bay until be had iwloe Bred hla revolver tn tbe weal unlit m mainiaipn* a r»..- HTTior could in BO wav to tortrr etmat them and allghtly wounded Police nted odlee authe laland which cooiaina mmd than by each Ajaeavaa oe*nquantlUea
man fUmpaoo and a citlsen named Sacmltting tomtamwj
to iBetnoy wbat be tbli^ to ’‘t wt^ gt"- r*» * W.t
ebarrliw. Ptnallv driven Into a comei tbe Bi*-a eonaertaUve eatlmaU would be tbe dmlreig acdiTCtimi Cian all the J,
Ihvtakea ar f
be set Bre to hla iv^^irt unlll •ecyr^ plare the face value of the tickets In the ^tingauf Paul. N.-xt to Chria* HimtIuM. 1*« U
wlUi a i OUa laland office at tl6.6N.006
te-U. Paul the apiaUe Manda ai tbe
large knife. Tuccl U about « yeara old
He lived wlih Tompone. and for a Ion* "Chicago to Kanaaa City" wa* received bat aodU tbe world hM aum o< Ouietime ahowed afrecO-m for
Then aa. from a pa**enger and afleraard found *‘“‘‘•7Biblo Emdlnjta.—ArtE,
Wedneaday be pleaded for her love and to be one of the tkkeU auM»Sed to
waa rejtgled.Teaterday a/iemoon have been buttled. Now the mllroad
tbmiaine waa workingtn the yard when ficlala are aahing how many other UAa-orth are tn«Tucci opened Ore upon him. He put eu out of tbe
three bullets tn Tompone'a 1-ack. two In l*tmoe. Tt U deemid not lmi>o«albl* that
hla lega and one In Ihe bead. The boy the entire number wfcs stolen.
Ti. 1-10; Epu. iv. 1-7; PhiL l;; ’ deh-g-g.
Michael ea« the kh.iotlug and called for
niwa sag Ollban gbe.* a Tie.
Col ii. S-lb: 1 Tbm. Iv. Ji-18; IIT
help Turd picked up an oil can. emp
Chicago, Dec. 16,r-J. A. B- KllloU. of
tied Ita contenta over Mlehavl'a coal »Bd vfaasa* City, and Pred Otibert. of Bpint it. >-8.
.applied a match.
^ ^
l.ake. lA. *hol to a Ur Jn a malc^l-_.
Good mannwa in m tmit <t Kooi
thr Dupont trophy yealetday.
The boy ran^reamlng Into the' atreel dropped ninety-three birds. ElUott ap
---------.V- -.a.k
and an alarm of Ore waa aounded. while parently had the match, but lost a
Tutvi took lefuge ..n the aecond floor "floabed" blid at the niBely-founb at tbe• triwmyingtbatjroe'T^**** O—»»®from uir
the bom. «•••
ai« that
• It
•• to
— — ,
•f the houae. The poller and Bremen
and viidble sign of
attempted to dlaludge him. .but MmU
S,artgeH Jary^eteOalyOaeMaa.
that Invraid gnwe wbiob makM na give
from hi* revolver Held them back -and
Ob layterai'eWfwfattr
forced them to return the Bre. Atter a
Chicago. D-c. 16--F«or -new Juror* on in «"’«u things W tbe oomfort at
gpcrrartrin of atlempla. during which
Tbe polite perm mnat alw«ru
rerr necured In the Uietgen ease yeaFASOHXir * OROTSBR. AN
Tucci's ammunlllnn became exhausted. tefday. Thr Jury n.m ladm 1*1 one to iDoro popol® and give mow pl«*ra,
OKs* oeor Msaiag**-* hardwan
»-* —^ dnven to hla room on the third
an, and It ta expected that be will be toothentban the rough and booriMi
Hefnre tbe polk* had decided —
cutW today. _______________ (me. A little ooniwy ooata nothing but
make an attempi to arrasl him amoke
allttletbangbt,and It make* tbe wbeeto
de ArrlTM at h
waa aeea coming from the window. A
ot Bociety move vastly megu gmootbly.
iiish waa made Cor tbe [dace and Ihe
door w«a hurai open. The carpel* and companled by Brigadier Oeneral Segunt We do nut mom dmt tbe form ot flood
hcdiwece>>n fire* and behind thle barri and raeortrd by the *am->ra and Daou manum Mk*U take tote plaeettf yealbaa arrived •• «*»«a«mo.
Itr. but naaelfltomro* can to c^dvawl.
cade of name* Tuc-l alood n■•o^^abIng' ----------
to sell a Parasol or Linoi
Duster this time of year,
the chances arc your
money would be wasted.
But if you want to sell
anytbins particularly use
ful for;wii«er.
12i as—*°*
2rS hu“35i,t,ivsrtris
osL jttob
Sniid Eipiiii t lidiiu 1.1
waiw. i......«!»»
An Al
in the
t-AT".j:s. Sfv-
airtiu.’i-i8i iroi.'ii. «-«ol
. —
CbriKimiUy I^
Ever ^med Ouf?
The Record
Ttata>aenv*mN Olnrisiialri. Oran* Bar
O. k MOKWOOD O. P. A.Oraad BaWd*
Chicago— —' —
West Michigan.
__Money to Loan
a dangerou* looking knife
A determloed rush wa* made on him and he
waa overpowered after a deaperale
^ struggle, during whkh aetetal of hla
capl'u* were aUghtly acraii hed. Tpmpone I* In a veo' trttical condition, but
bU ooo waa onJy .^Wlr burned.
abbr'eviateo teleo.kame
g^witb it* Rtowth
Rev. Dr. Jobh Atkinson, author of
"We gball meet beyond Iba river," to
Before railing fur Europe Osorce w.
VKnderwit J dt out ll.N
m hta life.
CAati or wcKoiiB oa AOi-iiutxT.
Gertrude Prince, daughter of a Hayea.
Bat Laoh.Maee Like Manmr-VoMMplhed Wla.. Carmel. eloi»d with a necro ampluyed by her totber.
Chlago., Dec. 16.—EJt-ldeoce
Jamb E- Singer, a well-known Im
•lartllog nature whk* Indimte# that porter of wootana died at Milwaukee.
frorn A alrokrUf apoplexy.
murder liar
haa ‘trrr-u ............ .■ ■ * —
Harry Hfule. a well-knoATT young
between. Chicago ami Denver ....
aan ot dlarlealon. llta., picked up a
Chlmigo and Alton railroad, was found
geaierdny on'top of the fiool trucki of
geereiarr <7«re will InanguraU the
the PullmaD al«-<-|.lng car MlUtadee,
plan of giving revenue cutter* the
bbortly aflar It* arrival In ChUago. R
names of Indian tribe* Ihaieafi of promwaa a human foot appan-ntly that of a
».»■ and a Jung, alrniler spike i-rnr- 'nent men
tor minaf* *t
After Jan. . aVges
. troted lb# large l.%
The fool, which
IB be II a day inrtondof
had lieen toib off above tSe ankle, was Creede. Colo» wIB .
*-— and mnlllat.-d. Tbe Ugamenu, liSO- Thelnereaae
Hr by the mine owner*.
wfalc • *-vd town torn from Iba upper
Tbe BriMah troop aWp. Avu—,
. parti.- ■f jte limb-and remained pifoot were laieieu
twisted aiMu*.'*
around . about L6N men on board, from JamWea
...I- toot
UlcJivd .-I tn<i..r ulo.fl^alnrd truck* tK the alvepee. for Cepe Towo, baa arrived tber* aately.
The IH'*C believe that ihe man bad It was reported thal aba had foundbeen lied 'to the rallruad track*, bis erwdChartea G. Krtla«flui»r. « y*ar» prin
fool aplked lo tbe ilea ood lhat he then
bad Uvn left to meet certain death un cipal In the Dubuqaq. U-.pubUc •ebooto.
of the olderi and.beat known *duder tbe trala On this theory Inqulrie*
aiv nuw being made at every point on ---------------- the northwest.
the n»d between Chicago and Denver. TI vrara.
board of directors at tbe RL Iriuta
The aplk*. which waa in tbe center of
Exchange bdd a Nrietol
the great toe. Is about five loebn lout Merehani*
and vf the kind used In cvrtala pans of meeting and declared disapproval of
railroad conatruetpm where a delicate the railroad pooling bill now pending In
yel strong pleceoc metal ta used to bold
engraved on a alab of duartg.
• wood together. There 1a no Wood ,on
tlte engine, whicfa railroad men ay vrith veine of gold promlnenUy ihowlng.
prove* that tbe a«ad.»t. or murder a* win convej- Oallfornla'a tevitatloft to
prraldeflt McKinley lu attend tbe gold
rt engine* en Jubilee of the dlacovery of golA
Bloomington, aa the d»i
expelled lhat Kmperor Frareta
ta made at that point. .
ahonty faaue deexaet
Mextoo. MA- !>«=• i»^-Th« mangled
alnf W a man auppoaed to. be Sam
dame, of PrinoNon. U_ were found _____ - ...atria and Hungary regrading
tbe abaring of imperial expenditure,
r tbl»
■—----------budgetary and Otner
other eraeniiu
eeaenilal o>a..e<e.
• -— ---------n Ii. Haana. of tbe mooetary
railroad UaeJ|p Iwe gemains
dtaci verod until after the train had
para^. Tbe brad would Bppnx lo to tadiaoWita convention),
lhat of a man abopi » yaara old. Tbe to^^tonkeea
auppoaed idtnllflraUnn of the body ta J6.0W rircolar letter., aaklog UteB
frara i.xpen found In the dead man a ter Indorse a::d adv«-alc tbe comi
for fin: »ial reform.
Oaroraar VW TaB» nate Faria
Cairoti CUy, Nev. Det J6 -Coveruor
Badicr, of Nevada denounced the work
of th- mob at Ovou 1* Jynchlnr Adam
Ctor aa an exampla of flendl* harbattam He aaya that upon prdper wU•atlon from the autborKM *< Dewgtoa
lailcago.-Uburti). .Ill tbe dl.trici
ton-.nd-d br lAdyirt. Hotoy. Thomte
and Le Moyne atreeU thirteen-haBHri
tav. been robbed, among UriNthjNdf
a pouceman na* «« |iuUNNbe
-wlU Bring
.^Watch Repairing.
tmsni UD Ksnumu ti
TW take eSeet*.e4a>.Sao* ». INT,
—John Terly.
Try the Want Colunth
in the
—Front Street.''
a m fonto^t had bem aa pxid a*
tost mule'i hind sight. I wtol^ t b«e
been kideed by a dam right —8t
Louia BeimbUe.
»t jonf o— I-*—
A DOLLAR Record, too.
It will get you u»orc here
than anywhere else-—--
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Eight .Pages—Up-to*Date
Literature and Fresh News.
You g^ it for Breakfast.
235 "Eront Street,
HENEY liEDEBL^ Goods Delivered.
Oppralt* M. * M. K Dtpri-
,213 Front St
OalUBtec* Btock Bri>Me«l Tbroa Ti«n *
Wc------- ---------------
tountonrda, I
laEt Ads
Elrtckw's (bsBHtojiit Mf HwaHUt-K
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