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The Morning Record, September 15, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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taaeral takiap plate at Utdore. The
deoeoe^d was OeorpeOhlhaski of UapU
Olty. who died of old ape at 11 o’oloek
«o n oxvnr wo* noasm av Satarday. Mr. Cblhaski «w tl ysara umw OP BABB BAXX Uof ope aad a wife of »s yehrs aarviros TWXSV OOLX« An ROBTUUM.
him B. L. Carter ot this city hU
«i«M WUl Add InM^Md Aid Xb oharpe of the fuaoral. aad la his oxpor- Travarae-Oity Bm • fotooatopi
I of *0 ysaia this was the oldmt
«B0 Of Oamea Woa WbUe Maaistee
MaldBC tb* Sipodlttoa • ~
90 he has had to taralsh a easkot
Tkm WUl >• AdU OuMB <m *hiw
Oaa Bhow »Bt BBO-Oelte 'Bare
S«r*MdOtb«rVMtawXAat WUl
Woa BO aad Lost 91-Kao
»• nMBlBt Md AnMibU.
Mteor aad aaotear paaUamao.
Mlaor rotaraad with Mr. Hoatapae but
tee tamateder of the party left for
Chleapo from Bellalt* test Tboreday.
The SsheraMB enjoyed tte trip aad eeeuad a prsat mteh of base.
RoPbersM Bote aad W. E O. WUI
Laaea on tha Ooliuabta Thia
IBs steaaar OolnnbU laarm bare at
o'clock teU meralap for Potedkay,
ith aboo> 70 mmabais of McPherson
PosU No. It. O. A E. aad tee W. B
C. on board, boaad for tee eaeampit of tee eeddiers aad aallom Tbe
boat will atop at Nortbpert for Coloael
WooUey Post. A landlap-wUl also te
made at Bowen Harbor, and it U ex
pected teat abmt MO wUl te la tee
party npoa tbe arrival at Psioekey.
aboat It of whom orUl sobm from Ma
ple City, it U extremely ilomible that
tbe Klapsley band wUI aeeompaay
SOB Poet Mm th'u city.
tee chela at Ukee ntealap Man Blk
Bapite te BaUatro aad teat toeality«r. Meatepao soadasted a party od
^ Jadpo Btelth. Qeocfo QarroU, Bany
Gtoods of
Sold at 1897 Prices.
That’a Kay ahead o( time. Jost abowa bow we keep pace
•sd astioipate oar costomera' frantA Oar atock of
Blank Books prvrea oar aaaertioas.
SMratMT Lddd o( th* Afrlcmltnrdl
Pmit Party ia Boaor ot Kloa •«Mo
SooidW bMwvpU«lft Utt of BpMidl
Sattoa ef tadlaaapoUa.
prlM WbotifMbyJwdlaf km
That morry, aoUy aad tea loviap lot pood time te prove by flpatas ^
homm torttIWtiMUo f»lr to
team b eoUUatf to the obappM
p^MMBtWMk. n«U*tto«al7 V»*' at ptrie who eaU thOMelvm the K A of aerthera Mlebipaa. Aeoordiap to
was at lU bast ia Jutlee Vortkl M tbMveoUMnwkowUl fit*
of last ovealap tbs
friM b«t Uo datdU kM BOi yM boM lyb OSes last al^v the eaaasioa beiap OoKs bars pUyed tt pasaes; of that
VM^od. Ikte kbom 4B »eUv« UMi^ a fnUt party la boaor of Mka Basle aamber to have beea wMaad il loeb
" MtbitartoknUtkofBlrUteTMr by Dattoa, who bee beta rMltlat aad rw ThU plvss theaiaperoeampp^ teo.
iMtdlar^UMMudtbwoeTidouM of sortlap u thU Tlelalty darlap the eaat- aoeordiap to theestabium mlo of
UbMUty wUl fo Ur lowvdt molrit mor aad who wUl'leavo ter ladlaaapo- tlpmriap. Bow aoeorate ths blufcue
tho apotiUoa •■oeoook.
IM m lU this mornlap. Bhs wlU be aoeom- Apaias are of ooorae eaa sot bsl&owB
paalod by Mim Boss Calmaa of this
^ M m^twl U M foUowt:
aatU a lUt U pabllabed. The HoeUeia
adyBookStoM-mapoeidlpriM OB city, who will visit frtoada aad i«la- may well be proad of Uelr aeaeoab
tehod esbibiv HO *ortb Of book* to tlvee la that elty.
record as vrill be eeea from tbs folbt MlMlod by M>b<Ml.
lewliV lUt of paates. Ko team except
U. %. HMkoU—tad •yeoUl prfM bo
ManUtre kes takea more tbaa oae
adboolBxblblvH worth of books to bs
paaie from Traverm City. The amtoAroopoet of a lorpe OatKeriop far
ber of' pamec played bee been <4. aad
»iath Aaaoal OoovoaUoa of
MUs NoUio C. Ony. ooBoty oeaBlsSB of tkem were won aad le IceU a
SloToath 0. B. XHstriet.
. BloBor ot sebools-trd spoelBl prtso «o
ot OSd. or 40 more thao that
exhibit, $s worth of books to ba
The delepatos to the olath aaoBal F tee Colts.
oolootod by soboot
aBTeBtiMi of the Elevoath District
. W. A NowtoB—Bo)iy oob worth 9io Mlehipan Cbristiaa Badsavor ObIm.
to tho oooyls who wUl be tsorriod oe te ba held at Katkaate, Prlday. BatarWon. LoM.
tbs fair poiiBds dmiBc ths fair.
day aad Buaday, Bepl. 17. i* aad le.
J. H. Mooroo vBwt farm toom, most will leovd herepa Mie «:4t p. m. O. B,
5^ ■
wstfk aot Ism thaa MOO poohda. SL
A I. traU Friday, aad retara Moaday
latorpriM Groeory—One dollar^ at l:» TheB
-DLu^^L............... 1
srorth of rrwolatod sarar for boat pal- wUl taraiah free i
IM eroek of bottor.
warmly weleome ell delapatee. The
J. C Vlaei^Flot pooads of Wt fkw faro for the ronad trip from here will
torhoooo fltook tor boot tat atosr or hedl.sa BeveralJaakaewtU pe
aad the fare for them If aader twelve
,tb%. P. K. Aahtew—Om oavalior yeera wUI be Ot oenU. There wUl be
TOtaU.................................. M
jiAlhlBr hat tor host opocdoisB of
pie City.
It willteeeaaby tee-atev# teat
Cedar. Korthport. 1
/inwm work.
J. A Mootocno—Om pothto dicrlBf Sattoas Boy. Old'HkaloB and diehie
whaa eilUap oa eoe of oar loxarteoa
A dark for bMt display of potatoes, foor srtao will Imre oa the sms trais.
while the claim of the BasUem U
say deleratoi who po aad eaaBol stay
maidm. Tims slips by when
J. W. lUator—Foldlap sswiap tsble; over Soaday, they eaa retora at ?;!« baeked by oadt^mtod flpares U oom-1
pariaoa trite tee Ap^rce'cUlmed
Uc ris, worth ai.U for best hsod amde sheou datoMay sToalap. dtooop tho doleImvm. teat teOaotor table worth dt u for bast head j pales from the ci^- are Bov. 0. Ooeh- MaaUtm. While Maarntm te. v^ e I
woman's sweat
made table eearl. Pair plUow shaxs; lia. Rev. Jo^ Peaaiaptoa. «ta> msjorliy ol pames played wlte Ttnv-1
golden for beet pair plUow sbatao.
, Wlaltrad Pratf Uvl T.
arUsUcally arraapte. teat hU
Jeha Verity—Biap worth dLOe. beet F. M. l^lae. aiee Mabel Bates. Ed. OolU oo teslrownprouad. la
with BotUer. U tek.a Into
' torawl to home oomteru aad
la aoy bleyelo
Krlth. Leila l*mrl. .
aUon tears U aothlnp v«y earpristap
amtOB 8tore-A pair of toe Derble Barney Aadersoa. Roy Tho
la ths roeait The majority of ter:
FoAlton at decidedly
oortalae to the oldest merried ceople B. Boltey.
teams played by tee Colu tevo bMB [ ^ j
attoadlap the fair. CompeUtors to re
played by tbs Hastlen sad with thoae
port at the offiae askd plre ape ood dale
teaiBS tbe HasUm hsTe 's tetterahowof marriape U the eeeretery
Oread Traveiae Herald-One yearly
Haskepoa was defeated by tee Host
aabearipiloB to tbs Herald, old or aew
Tbs Kalpbu of Pythias ars maklap lers 5 of C paaias; won 4 of 4 played
r. for mob of tbe tollowlnp:
with 81. LoaU Tbs Colts were de
1. Moat aatlqoe relle sxhlbilocl.
Oae feated « of 5 by Matkapea: which poee
t. BeetdUpleyof bread, cake. etc..
—peraoa or Umlly
- j *f Ihe flae fmtnree of the event will ba to show tee Colts have little to booit
ABeet dUplay of pardoa aad 4eld|*kepraa<l parade la the ovealap. It U of after ell.
The Ne ws stated last alpbt that tee
sappmledthatl'>oatatrMtbe elearad
maoafordUtaaftdlap waa that tears
4. BsMooUeetkmpboteprapba
that thU wUl te doae U otelpe were ao linmedUte pamee teead.
t. Beat half bosbal white sriater
teat, dates had been fixed for thU
the eommltteea ia Ume fer the pa
rade. 'Many of the bnslaem men oa city for Tbursdsy aad Priday. aad the
Aneafomeat. are beiap made tor
tbe mala elreeuwUl daeorate their BuUam bed apveed to play two rotara
pame of baU at lOo'iJoek a. m.
Satarday and Baaday. Thaiaatpne
Wodaeeday. ‘Iboiaday aad Pridar.
eolore of the order are red, yellow aad fora tee stetemeat U only made for af
fect. aod tec ooaclarioa b teat tea
Oolu did net care to toce fartear defeat
ittebaadsof the BoeUem
OrtuUaod Laat Bight with Bripht
Another CMpe;tUoB would, peteapa,
Pnopeets aad Oood XateriaL
I la ordm-. Of the M pamee played
There was a meeUop 1ml nlpkt teorby MaaUtee 41 were pUyad on tee
•aalas a local feoi baU team. Tbe aV
The ladlee of tbe eewinp circle of hocae prouads, » bwe and 1 ia Lodlap^ete^addedtomr^l^p
toadeaoe was Urpe^ tbe team U aa Traverae Bey Hive, No. 71. L. O. T. M .
The HasUara have played ST
moorod fact. Tbe eSvea will be oom- have ie^ workiap fereome Ume oa e pamee at home and 17 abroad; It Is
poaed of tbe beet foot ball material la novel and ettreeUve eilk qoiU, witk Msabtec, 4 la Maskspoa aad
«ke city aad will tarn oet for practice
iDdereUBdinp that the lady wbem Bay View. The BaiUen. It wUl be
Tbaieday aveoinp. whee the poelUoos
k eoautoed the praateet anmber of
, have played on etraape proaade.
srUl be asslpned.
41 per cant ot their total paaice aad
A eballenpe has already beea retec Colu bat tl paroeot.
t team of . sqoare. Tbe blocks v » broosht 1
oUeedfrom the ladi
Aaotker boast U made by MaaUtee
CkdUlac aad U U likely that the Brst | tbs repular meeslap of tbe circle yee- of tee fact teat they have paid fll.too
tw«lar pame wUI te arrsaped with < lerdsy aad Mrs Bomers Aas fooad to la eaUries to tee Colu teU see
the feam la tbe* city, the Tiaverse he the wiaaer, her Uoek eaniainlap i. there U oae thlap more tewi aoother
Ofty tmm wUb to have It naderetoed Stv pieces. OlhM whom blacks ooa- teat Traverae City peOpIs are josUy
that they do aot want to conflict la any taiaed a prmt iwber of please were:
ed of It U tbe fact that the HwUan
way with the HIpb eebool
Mra. Btewarv loft; Mim. Peace. 7S0;
T. A. CboaU. fcaiae^ of Hay
meetly realdcBU of tec city. Three
City, who has had many y*are
Oamm played betweea the two leeal Mra. Thacker. 665; Mia. 0-N#U. SMj salaried pUyem have hoea tee ssoet
experieaM la the merobaat
teams shoold eerre to Improve tbe play Mra. Brown, 414; Mra Kent, BBS. Mm. carried by the teem at any oae Uate.
UlWlap boelaeee imiJt^ him
Istf of both aad lacrcaes the Interest Brown aod Mm Thacker have debated Only two of MaaUtea'i team Uve there,
so artUt In hU line.) We do aot
their hloete to the eireU. to te sold ter aad they are ealarted pUyem
te the team
hraltate la poaraate^ap aatUtoction la flu aad warkmaBehl^
The topnlar player* will te selecled pin enaUoa oovem The qnllt U very
There arc a tow other pcrtlaeat
With tee above additloa te oar
from tbe beet material after a tow ptao- hiartinniiaaiiniitlriiil weU repays tblaps that may be e^. bat tee foe*Hamawte Stock of ready made
Mm tnnen for her Mbwa
elotelap we an safe la safiap
poiap flporoe wUl ptwcooclaelvoly to
teat It wUl ba one of ^ tet
At the eloae of the aftmaooa's work tee fair minded whM of tee
ia the way of tee ladepeadeat champions of MUhlaMl^BaA
maloa aad eak* wam aaited aad a aoBte^Wteth Krthdap Aanlrotmtfx amlttsMadiayod.
Oorioa from tee Bad Lands
Today Bsarte the «»U birthday
Pat Ocna, teasuter la tee fire de
uaiveiMfy of Or. B. D. Aahtoo. U
partment. has reeelvad a larps and val
rRM Ova
haa^ «f ths oeoat a esra roast aad
la eoUeetloa of carious laUes aad
Boape oa a Oaltatmskm party was pivan at tea tamaMr
imaoe from tea Bad Imade la Mooaottapa of tea teasUy es tha Wmt SUU.
JMob Fartesh woa te* da* paltar
iBBi by hU motear. The oolleerafflsd
Tatmaato whieh tbs old MamU of the pood
coasUU of opatae of pecatUr fosThs lOOth ahmber drawn woa aad N*.
Aostor vrere tevlted. •‘Tte Oan*
koa. ahelle. teavoa aad paeaUar
waa tha aeaae «f a ha^ aasial palter- mwaaibshiehyoa*
tep aad the Meads were pted ed thU
eppmteaity to dUplay their mteam tor
dUplay tee ooUeetloa la a aaltable oaae
CUsapo, Bspt. 1).—Wbmt—Septsm- at tee oMoty fair to take plane next
the rtirriTT It wee a reuloa of old
aad temUiar Meade aad aa eraat that bsr, MKe: Dsoambar. MMAKa May.
wUl Uve kmp te tee measorim of tee MHO.
Saooaaetol Plehlap •raise.
ra—Beptember. aoc;
pnealB aad the bemered ooe ea waU.
•aast* ChlhMW of Kapla OHpr^Vho
BdaiBaaaiday. Waa BA
Oaa of tea tedaat Atteaaa od baMaiaa
laid te test yasterday. t^
ev.isamr A ORMTUMT.
mm B< MU uw.
OoaaUty wlteeal valaa toeMvad. dcat pay.
QaaUty aad Asaortmaat U what we aim for.
Clsthsi Made to Tsar Rtatan, If Dsrira
New Ideas in Olothes
are Oonetantiy Desired.
The Men's Fine Suits
We drew for Fall, are the choicest products ot
the tailor s art. They're made right in every -away—long service and continued good looks in
every thread. Patterns and cloths are the se
lect pickings of the newest designs. The prices
we call your particular attention to, for fine
goods, are these:.................. ..........................................
$8.5Q. $10, $12.50, $I3:S0. $15. $18.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
.We Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in 'the milling
businees, we are baring a’
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to ail parts of
Northern Midiigan onr....
Send in An order,
are good now and wlU .be
good aU the seuoa.....,
Buys New, Stylish Boxnan Stilpea
In No. 40 width, at
We hen jest racitna u win law Uit of...,.
ladies’ Well and Tumad Sale Shoes
Best Assortmsat of SCHOOL SHOES
in tbs city, at---------
S' ■
tMa fu Mm «r ns
T. Baw Am J. W. BAmnsi.
M. W. Haaict. Bdiw Mid Itougw
OM MMtA, Iv Mil. ■
VkMAMAtfeAbrMAll. ■
■ttmikAtr-AU. •
Tu OtataB <|MalM B MW raMtvUc
MM a*Ml AtiMltoA tnm tke |«mIdMt wdbUcAbiMk The Unor of ti»
igUm of MUitMT ffoodtaA to the
r««Mt of ApwlB t«oe« M doobt
M to Uw d«ali« lor » pwoofat aoIsUoa
of Ue bouhle botwoM (hibo Aod tho
rovwAiiMat. b«t »t U«
tim» it ii ploiAij MBltei thol tho
Ualud Sute* oxyoett to fe*vo • hoad
ta the MtUoMSt of the diffioolt;.
PreeideBt MoKUle^ wlM Mt do mjtolar to Intompt the retara of pr«»
r«it7. bat tUi Battoo U o malt la Ita
armrAVtj torltoo Cabu potriote.
Ttorofore it biww too daty of toe
oaoemUTo to fito tole l■partoat qawtloa
ttoa, mad ot toe mne i
toediraityof toiero<
aetioa la toe >oattor. WbotoTor uy
be toe roeah of the deliberetioeaof toe
aablaet. ite attttade 'oad toot of toe
VoBldaatiaerbedepeadodapoa to be
la Uae with too Wui of toe poc^e oad
too altlMto oaam oao of wiodos mad
jBOtlM to aU whottno; eator iato toe
it eof too troablo betwooa
with toe etovle exeeptba of Hr. Good
rich. reported to fareref DMRdt, bet
Hr. Oeadrteh #ade a totaorltp report
to««top Laadar. whiehtoaa ooartev
ed of a eaw mUl aad oae tof hoaea.
After a loaf ctranto Imaai^ eree
ohoeea aad the wledom ot Hr. Goodrichb oovto to the matter hae beea
ihowa to toe detelopmen^ of the etate
dariar toe half emitaip elaoa tUe amttar wae eetUed. To Baoe Ooodrieh.
1. more thaa to aap other mi
dae toe fact that ImMtof wae made
toe capital dtp.
Bald 9o Dtoeoto Im;
Weahtoctoa. Sept, u.—Great laterert
b attached to toe oeMaet moeilas todap oa aeoeaat of toe earfeae importaat qaeetioae peadtos aad toe tool
that It b toe ftret for eome w '
Beerp aiember of the oablart except
Seoretarp Leap, who b oat of the dtp,
toe White Boaae at elevea
o-elodi. Bach had ea naoeoaUp torpe
aamber of papme aad doenmaata. Owlap to the Tolame of baalacM it
deeldad after the eabtoel had beea to
wdoa .for two aad a half hoaie te take
reeeto fw Inaobeen.
the leealae wae devoted almoe
tirelp to toa'eoaeideratloB of the Uaioa
PaclSo qeeetloa preeamablp for the advkmhlUtp of tahtof aa appeal Crem the
decree of the Ualted Btotee court at
Omaha for toe eale of pre^ertp aadar
placed apoa them art to talk «f toe
omttar aow. hot It erne etatod that aa
lo the ooaree
expected la toe ooaree of tan dapt
Goed bam ball tomorrow aad Fridap
Ladtogtop va. Baetlore. Urtpatatoof
r K. G 1
Xmipaaad Xappp Oathiriap at
lar Taint t«
Yaetmdap aftaraoom ahoat dftp
OMmbariaf the Travamatp Baltop.
F.-l^. C..wMttoPepbrI>etBtaad n}opad a }dlp pkmie to the prove aad at
toepavUloa. The aftormoom waa apNt
lavarloMamBoemeBUthrtGaB boM}opad aalp-at a patoerlap of Uvalp todloeaad pemtlaman oat far a dap .of
b toiawB
tMddeaadpood oheer ralpae eaptome.
Gme of too amadap feataito at the oeaaaiOB waa farabhed bp F. A. Bert,
who feU toto ton lee taV Be tharebp
farabhed piaat eport for toe parip aad
m erne of toe patoer’ and fleaaare tor
which toe P. M. C. b aofed,
X wUl he to mv ofBce to reealve toe
CUp aad Behool Ihxea of the Clip dorlac the rnoato of September. 1S»7.!
« o'clock tel 1:10 oModi A m. aad,
from 1 o'doek to 4 o'clock p. BI. and OB {
» from 7 o’clock to 8:10 .
o'deok p. m.
Said lAxM map be paid dmrtop Sep
tember wito aa addd^ tee of oae I
per CMb for eoUeettoa. Oa aU tazee!
rmmatolBp oapaid October 1.1»»7. there
wUl he
CMt. fo_______________
Ofiee to Herald BmDdtop. No. 133. j
Iboat atroet. Boom t.
Cltv lYeoenrM. i
Dated Sopt. 1letl»7.
Tho Berkdur^^^nts
an warranted oot to rip. aad
biU are
we authorize^
the tnerd^nt seltingCthem to make our
good, Vi
Pwpmie to Attaad Grand 'Rat- j
OM Oouxxty Fair, Sept 21. 22,
28 and 24.
Bp paplapyoB 13 eemU tor Mch Saqumdor
BaitemtoatBimiiodt; toeemUlfthe Wabtband ripe; oraaewprtrlfthay rtpdecwhefi
withto two maatoe from data of toto.
$3 a Month
The above make of pants merits the atteiition of
every pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
prices $1.50. $2.00aod ?2.5o~they are made in a variety
of patterns—ask to see them.
Seoeratioae of Bewtp.
the deaorattop ootomltue ef the
D. 0.>K. E. oelebtotiom have been baep
eeveral dapa la deeotattop toa baaqaet
haU to toe Stoihbetp Qpeto Boaae
dock far*.toe feaet of ^ D. O. K. K.
to take place there tomorrow alphu
The room hat bcM beaetifallp <
Bied with the colora of toe cedar aad
rapeelallp artmnped t^toe w
■BiUtotsiear.OvriMtor ma- om»
which WlU be toe fitt^pivM to thb
• aw. wle. wdtp tob eeaeoB.
Dr. Parsons Clinic
One Solid Week
m mmm ,M11> Mil
Hamilton Clothing Co.
w. rMM*
-l-~ -• -rulpllia Me arv raccaBMC hr
Thsatrloal Motto.
At Statoborp'e Giaad Opera Beaae,
ifoodap nipfat. Sept. ». we wUl hear
toe jiaple of the “Baacb of Kepe."
Tbb datotv and taaefal toroe hae paarIp toared the eoutrp and never failed
to ddipht toe people asd compel
maaapemente. Ada Bothsar b the
Wu OB the Tope of laoaaltp.
ater, Teddp Kepe (the tofaat terrible
ot the BotaL) The miaepemeat
aoaaoee a let of new aad prrttp pirb,
aod op to date eoape aad aoeeMea. mev., KtnAiM CM
eveC iu»U
the “BaBeh of Kepa*'new peto raetp
aad we hope never wUL It b the beet
toroe eomedp Hopt ever wrote
Bopt b the beet totirbt aad hasMriet TimTvn»citr.iikA..a*eL te.
wo hare.
CMcfTk aau b* iraMeC baak toceltr aad
Cantrli, Ckmie aid
Printt DIsusis,
MAXimr, with her orr>ecatle
paid boee bmU plojon. mokto toe proad
hold toelr r^alar meeUap thb afterMr. aad Mia. F. O. LpMO of Sdaqaeheart of hoTiar too-ohowploa aai
ooa la toe Foreetere' ball.
haoBa. Pa., toft tor Oraad Baplde pe
The Womeah Clab aatertato]
tardap after a rblt with the tomilp .
«ew too aaaibor of the latoee pU7«d.
thb evaatap to Stetobarph Oraad Opera' B. S. Pratt of tob dtp.
loot aad woa. eoapared with toe
oed of towITtaToiM Citj toon. wUI Boom wUl be wortkp of a erowded
/ ahowtoattooaartloc«haTebTa.loar
wajo toe |biot of it ia too aoa
The box oSee at 9
work, aad the HaeUwm are art all paid will epea >Yidap moratop tar toe
to. 00
MOB. aor are too Bajoritp of thea ‘Baaoh of Kapa''4o be pivaa Homdap
loarae pla7eTe.S*Tra*eree Cltj
naooB to he ftMtlp Mtlaflod with the
Qeeea Oltp Ckmp. Ho- 57&. Bopal
C. i W.H. BY..
Nelchbon of Ameriea. will
aroiaeBt aodtroaeral make-ap. aad aipbt et Hostapae hall. All
Thb b what poo have. b...j waitlap
they Uke Boehaaeea whoa thej claim arearpedle'atteod.
for—a chance to vblt poor Meade with
toe ehampioaohip of aorthora Ulchi_
|rae a varp aajopable eodal Utile expenee.
C. A W. M. Bp. train
wfff leave TrarB wffHeavel
par^ 1b rrofemor Hortnnph'e daadsp eree Cttv on above date
at 7:50 atoo to the eoaotrarp i
acmdemp laet olp^i- ft wee wall aV and arrive in Cbkapoaboat S:M p.
tended and oae et toe happp toformal LnOoaee abeot »r0u p. m.. and OeU
<vie D . G. B. A W.
B )' efaoat 7:4S
mlal eveste of the leeaoa.
m Eooad trip rate to Cbicapo S|i.C .
pirooB alirhtod toero. tired aad worm,
Some ef Travene Citph moat tatoated Detroit and LaCroeae $5 Ou. Betora
with a riait apoa oao of iU lofe oad iMiclaae aad aloeatombte wUl eater- limit. OcL 6th. TickeU map be aead
to priBdpal eiatloas Math of Uoltoad
attached to ItaBMoro eappooo'
trta aader the autobee of the Wi
eaet of Grand Ledpa Aek epMU
oooee B«M theiKortb Pole aad eoat h; aabthbevaatop. The prooeeda wUl and
* fall totormatioB.
bploror Aadroe. ' The pifeoa died be devoted to a elah-hoaea food.
Oaa DaHAvax, G. P. A.
after a ehort root}aBd before it had a
Waahlaptaa Poaad. formm-1;
Prepare to attend Oraad Travene
ohaace to h7 a wvd to coatm toe Btoted with tae G. B. A1. railroad, hae
aarsoettoae in toh MCMora If the takaa ap Ue reeldeaee here wUh hb OomatyTrtr.Bept.Sl. as. 88 aad S4.
J»i»d?hAd jmetiotoppod la aorthora tamllp. Tbep have takea the oottape
Mkhifoa loot eaoech to roeopt
MoaUp vacated hp A. T. Boxle.
before c«lac ao tar ooath. etartUaf
Hereto, aped ii moatto, too of Hr.
tidlare Mlrht haee booa rerealed.
aad Hre. Fiaak Chaat^pae. died HoaRICHMOND AND LA CBOS9B.
A eou> haatar la the Kkadike rerioe dap afteraooB at toe hotoc of ita parBaaide A ladtoaa Brtlrrap wUl
treat to«e “Ucht.’’ aad raaalac abort MU oa Barlow etraeV of cholera lataa■ aBBaal PaU exearaioB to the
tarn. The taatnl wOI take plaae to'toaaeirhher. A aohlle aeeetiac wae dap at 10 a. m.. from toe St. Fraade
hold aad toe aeaa ooadeetoed to dia ekarch.
'roBall eutioaa HackBe wae quloklp ttooa iato eaetodr aad
The Bapttot Hitoioo Circle will meet
haattd wltoomt aaaiBiwary eareai
Ihb aftaraooB at 3 o'clock to the par- ioaw City to Bip Bapida. iacladre.
oe apodal U
BarelaaaariniMeattofat«rof ami^ loreof toe chareh. Htoe Darlae wlU
aappUM tor ^thoee who eamtOMplato a be praaeat te addrcM toe meetiop. AU tarai^oa regular Ualaa untS^Md l^
totaraeted ere tovlwd to attoad. eepe- dudiap Oeober nh. Pi^..
>omR>e7 to AUtka
eiallp membara of otoar mbeiom elrelea BoTlaad.
____ . or potou aomto or eaet toereBOV. no* eOODBIOH BTZVO. to toe eitp.
, oa Q. B. StL E'p.. & A W. H. B-p .
aad tiekoU eaa
The taaMl of Hra. nebataa Weat
Sr»toerof Alderman Goodrich of thia
tocA place pwtardap from toe toaeUp
Oitjr Vaortar Hie Sad.
arfleld towae^ the
TMtorda? aftoraooB Bom. BeohM
followed to ttrtr toet
Ooodrieh reortred a sflMare fros reettop fdaoe hp a lamp
a a Locawooiv
Goodrich. GoBBaoee eoasigr. aaaoaae- oarriapae aad taama of triande who
O P. and T. A.,
iat that hit TOBerable brother. Baoe had kaowa aad arteamad the deeeaied
Oraad Bartde, Mtch.
Ooodrieh. wae dpiar. Hr. aad Hra for manp paara.
Ooodrieh will leara thle MMlar for
Dr. J. W. Uaaatlrtt, the optletoa o>
toebommoftoelr brother.
thb dtp, wlU ebortlp Mtar toe Medi
Baoe uoedrieh aad hli htrthar Boa- cal Odtlapa to Detroit, the doeter hae
hea ware la hoaiawe tether at Good- baea looatad ia thb dtp tor eome Um
rleh te 17 peara la IMO Hr. Beabaa aad hae had a pood prartlee la hb Itoa.
Goodrich emme to Traterae atp. aad Hra. Gaaatlett b aow to Bk B^fde
ahoat t peaia later hie brother Baoe aad wiU jote her btokaad me aoaa ae he
hoafht e ftaefarm at Foatoda. Taaoola to lototad la Petoelt.
The Mcoanh of fhroe OomoAto
epaatj, whtoe hae been hie borne mach
«f toe tloM elaee.
L. A. Pratt hae ratarmed to Aaa
Baoe Goodrich baa beea a man of
Storked ehaiaetor. promlaeat la maaj Arbor.
HtelraaeStotoberphaegoMto Fawape to hie aeeUoa of toe etate, hoaored of all taea. He lived a loac life toakop for a few dape’ vbit.
«f aeti*!^ aad aaefatoeM aad hae reHIM Joato Tltai hee pome to taka a
talaed kb tolerael to pebUe aad prt- poaltioB to tbc Art DepartBMOt to toa
(OB. TBB aoTBL.)
eato aflaire to tob Ume. Sack Urea are eebool far deaf aad dumb at FUatas esample for ethere to follow.
Bproa Holdeworth rataraad to tmaBob. Baoe Goodrich wae berm to elap paetardap to taeama hb atadba at
1 BlapoalooA Cbreca oematp. N. Y..
la Hltolpaa Aprlcaltarml Oolkpa,
Aar- 11. ItU. la UU Hr. Goodriob
Hra. K. M. Aehtoa left paatordap tomad a brothar cam to Hiehi«aa loeat- Detroit wbme aha wiU parehaae'hv
aada OCmpenp-of BrOllaat Omalac valaable traetaaf laito to Oeoeaee taUetek of mUliaWT.
ediaaa aad SparfcUap Semhtertea.
eoutp aad to less toe (amUp all came
JaM Lawb. formarlp ot thb d^
to toto e^te to take pnwttoloM of theec
ow' of Petaakep, b bora to aatot ia
toe D. O. K. K
Hr. Ooodrieh wae a a
r of toe Hra. Baabea Batch ratarmed to bar Lmtert aad Bart Siaptop, Daactop.
Httolcaa hoBM of repi
home to Oraad Baplde peatordap. attar
aad BarUaqae Featarea.
IHT aad a memhar of the etate eeaate M axtaadad virtt with ratoUvoa to thb
U4tat. WhOeatoemharof toe hoM dtp.
to JN7 he wae apoa toe epsetol oornHra. B. C 0evb b
Saato eal^atBoxOAee
toMoa appelated to eoartder toe a»tlhar, thototo NohlfoH
Fridap Mormlap.
«w of toe ftotoMtot tetottea of the
h.. aadharabtor.Hra.
Hra.MQanl. rt
U. .ywe. bvmrvaem.—
ChUdren’8 and MiBseB*
_ vrerr «aM.
Voaaa. Middle Aeed end «d Mem vbo.
e* ibr r«eun aS loduavUaak. arc taneiee br
bclorc li a 100 UM.
W* bat* Mtvr r*> laUvC vtea la tb* *«*«
-- s 10 cBm-i a cur*.
Best Stock we have ever shown and
Prices never so attractivef at ■
Doa't taUiocaUoBib
J a *UI> *«atB rtM ao(l
__________ > of arlv (or vbrwiaat aaalralaCeaMinaUw bikS cxaaiaaUaa. IsrluClac a
a.ao « KOIfTB.
Or. Far««i-cllBl* «1U be laraud at UoWI
Wkltia< for obt trtak twi me w,aib*. Bow*
Btev. Drtralt. Mlcfa
P a-Wr -HI b> plaaaaC lo *aa aU paUmU
bom -* uMrd oa oar laat rtaB b*fO-
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store.
We are now abo^ completed with stocking op with New
F^U Merebaadue in All Ou Repmrtiqente which ere
hrimining fall of
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
The Enterprise Grocetj
is still doing, business on
Frbnt Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd ia the city..
___ lJ51^
Enterprise Grocei?,
ardleas of advance in all linee, oar priems are lowto^ than ever.
Today we are c^ftoing Specialties in oar Children^ Clotfaiag Dept
We Otter. While They Last.
A Child’a neat Sait, from 4 to 14 yesre, for...............................$ .73
A nice Mask and bine Cberiot Sait for...................................... . | .33
A nice heavy osfdnl grsy Sait for................................................ | .93
A nice Chinchilla Reefer for........................................................ | .43
A chUdk Astrachan Reefer, in various shades, for.................... | .95
A fins nnfinished Worsted Reefer 8nit,hsodeomely brsided, for 2.25
Children's Uni<m Knee Pants for.......................................................19
Qiildpen's nice heavy Wool Pants for........................................
We have loada of Clothing in thisdepaitmeot aod as fine
astb^ maketbton, bat the prices sre the lowest on earth.
We osll particnlsr stteotion in oaf Shoe Department to
Suits tn Order.
SttiilMit'i 6niil ifei Boih
Our Line of SchcKil Shoes
Merchant Tailoring. A Chad's Solid Shoe for............................................... . . 67<.A Youth's Solid Shoe for.................................................... 76c «nd op
A Boy's Sdid Shoe for................................................
Trade in the largeat store where the variety is big sad
the prices the lowest
Monday, Sept 20
Fire Insurance,
The Boston Store ,
tsavzbsb otty xioh.
A Bunch of Keys 1
M. Tiktag UrttSm.
EitMj lnbitkt«?nna«ltaL
Prlct$)S4&^. Bn Saits 7Sc
_ 1
We Oan Save for You
We sre closisg oot to Cut Prices 8346 Palra of oar Best
PingrM A Smldi Shoes and Oxfords in Black and Tans, to
make room te oar New Stock at Coin Toes. Call early before
The Old Reliable Shoe Man.
118 Fsokt Stesbt, Wuszbubg Block,
tec bnek. tbc Pan Anfew CooITT XV 5
Mnanlao eeiopur boa«ta«. tb# tar m«
aad net «t which ww blown awov. The
B. «. Tmn iMhtt 0». Vm A«be viettmo b**c Woo oent to
_________tor tolcnocnt. oc. enocterr
T«a 9m OMt
aa yt< bcco atartrf there. AiBmlrtM. 8fL
«»■ havtac
Yicw from Wlaoie. Tt%.. aajr that ocarty
■Hfiow aa.«B|d(9*ao(Ui«B. G. P*- all the booaea there bare be» Wown
tan UuibvmpftBywiU nedre m down atid two away. At Webb all ot
tbe barna and one hoiwe wendentOiaM
iaenM* «f tn per ont. w I'
and natteted oeer th» eoontry. W
mo*. Petan ku Mdered lb» indterner. a prtaalnent cltliea. was
GnU and IntenUte railroad train
arnm tB rtaw e< tke npM tncmii ia
t war to Beaumont when the Worm
the prteM oi temWr proAaett.
that fcctloA ••Etrery one «■ the
ntaiM tke w*fn to wkai« tMtp '
Mows froet
WfMtteeotof Uetikll.
the track.- be aaM. “It waa pitch dark
and imtnlDf and waa blowtnt like it
oeeer blew before."
OCADKtnJK DJtowyixo n towa.
IklaJ WUI »• m-aaod
iwayaa apd nu Wtfc. a laaaa Indy
and a kaaa« Maa.
Waeerty. la.. Sept, it—The rtVer at
thu potat claimed four vletUna Bundajr
when UlMta pMtardap CBBMd M
8. E. Hyatt.
>arBmcBt cS tb« Laetf«rt merdtr
trtol. wUl.bi»ph7*kdftUtap, W able
Kms Boobd Orar.
John Knox of Hayftdld. wad examiMd bafora JaaUe* Brawn yaatarday
xNi a abarre ot baeinx eatued tbe death
of a aow by abooUax. Tba UdUmony
aeeapted aeariy all day and Kpo> waa
boaad orar to the Ctrcelt ooart for
MaL Bail waa died at NOO but
not faraiabad at oaca. tboaxb tba aeMaad axpaetad to a«eai« tbe Moeaaary
X>iad in the Oeaaty Hotiaa.
Mia. Aaaa Morxaa. who baa bean a
eocaty ebarfa and Inmate
tbe poorboaae ainw aboA tbe middle ot A«r
aav died yratarday of <|akb oanai
, Men. acad M yaam. Her baaband.
la ampleyad at tbe lumber damp of
Cobb A Miteball. waa aent taf aad ia
^ bert to attaud tbe fonciaL Moixaa
la too poor to defray tbe axpaaad ot tba
tandral and tbe eonaty will bear the
coat. Tba taaaral wUl take plaep tbla
Ute at Dixbl that it waa
kaowB what had befallen them. They
tbe river in a boat ta the foreChdlnx to apesd the day In the
FalHox to reiurs at al(ht tbe
telativea became uneaay and the father
of tbe tadica. who were atetera tnautrated a aear* which rcaolted In andX their boat and eSecu on the rtrer
bank about mldnixht.
They bad rose in faatblnc and a place
where a aand bar In a foot of water
termlnalea abruptly In n deep bole indi
cated bow they tot beyond their depth.
Both of tbe men wen rood awttBmera,
crldenl that their Uvea were
Tbe hodlea were^ recover—d yeetermarried only a few monkhe aco
wbkb occaelOD Hlaa TlbbeUa and youn«
UcQueen oOctated aa a hrideainaid and
trondiaman. Tba latter were -devoted
lovers and alao toon to have been mar-
Oty of Mexico. Sept. 14.-Tbe people
tailed at PanueUa quarry exploalon.
numbertnx lweo(y>four. were aaphyx
taied by, the drttsr Xaaea ceneralcd hj
Tba Xnicb^ Of Pytblaa VUl Oom
BMP ArranctaMnta ToaixM.
horaea and the bodies of i
> lay tPcetbrr in a borrIUe
CBed aa ape before tbe heavy al. Here allowed the _
ewer the craves In which they had bees
(d. E
Mlwide was tbe. true end
Ikararaa City Lodya. »•- ?*• K. of F .
1 bold a rayalar maatlur
tofartbaD. O. K. K. an oi9ortunlty to reclaim the bodica.
One hundred people were Injured by laIT will be acnplet- ballas the aaa
Tuunc Mnubad Mey PieuusA
BaauUfal neral Oflhriaya.
Tba fnuaral ot tba baba of. Mr. and
Mn. Ban McMulles took plaaa yaatarday and a tbranx of trienda attaudad
tba aarvieea. Mr. aad Mrs. McHuI’ ton daalra to axtaad tbair Ibanha to
tbe Foraators, Traraise Bay Hite L
O. T. M.. and many otbar friends for
tba bcaatlfuJ floral oflarinxa aant i
Two Toomt in Toias on tho
Ouir Viflited br a Dova*frvTbT Iff pnsofB MAT BE btati.
•a Mnawu to Mass Brau atIM at Pori
AaSbmr.Ctasersrboto Wa> a Bub.
part Tbas Tim ur MoiU Wet. Deuwasd al
■abtee Taw Tariy uf TWur Me Their
KUbourn. were drowned In tbe WlaeenalB river at this place yeatetday. Tba
boat Ifi which the> were rowinc upaal.
Frank Hayner saved himaelf by_dlacinc to 11. Dfbus who Is as excellent
awimmer wa^ drowned while aUemplInc to rescue the boy.
■truck here yesterday recalnc. Heavy
Several bitr-a were
fouRdaUons by tbe wind. Reperts from
the county Icdlrste damage to grain
in abqrk and starts by being btowrdowt
and ih'iroughly sfaked
Many people fled to c
program of tbe rtt nn.
aisem Pwri Heavy
Marincttft Wla.. Sept. 14.—A arvwv
thunder and wind stonn vtBled
place yeeterday. Uarge ireva wen
raolsd and hr- ken <-0 and bouasa
ooaaideiaMy damared Joaeph BcttrratcB. a buatman. and a traveling man.
left bvre at midnight for Egg Harbor
U a aali bo*i. They have not alncr been
beard from They mcountervd tb« ft
viulcnee of the saorm aad grave fear
tell for taelj^a^etr________
— Xanaaa Oty. Sept. 14.-At tbe beadl^LLOW PCVER tfl SPREAOINa
quarters of tbe Kanms City. Pfttsburc
and OnU Rcllrosa company, wblcbowri Hmrfle Mae a Cam a>4 Mew Ortraws ■
pons a rew Mare.
the town Mtt of Port Arthur, a siaicWaablngton. Srpl 14.—Tcsierday the
ufflcUI dtapatches to tbr surgeon
dwastar on tbe Gulf sraa rrm
the iHuatlon In tbe yellow
niebt. AcGOrttax
tbe rauroad reports
f«v^ region more serioua. Dr.
a heavy wind came on Sunday ntebt.
eras, ibe gavernmeol expert, reponed
tainlnc tbr vetocliy of a burriranr i
a cane of yellnw (ever at the rity
o-ckek In tbr evenlnx and iscrcastci
plUl at Mobile. AU.; also a am
f^tee antil $ p. m.. when the blcl
case, sad added that he apprehended
velocity waa tsacbed. la Port Arthur a aerious outbreak. At the asme ume
uls lives were loot, about thirty
Burgeon Carter telegraphed from Ocean
were blown tewn, tbr ascood Story of Bpringa that four cases of yellow fever
tbe bank was blown oS. tbe flaWne hotel existed at Barkley: that there had been
waa damneed tMOand roots wets blown right eases ktftwn fo be yellow Tever.
from the toundhonse. MUtoriom and and that two expowed ^yalrlaas wore
tbt rallnsd.rompsn^s sUblea The pier. al Van Oaave and Beranton. pracUewlly
It Ir reported, was somewbat damaxed. under guard.
Burgeon Wasdin. arbo has been at
The dead are—Frar.k Alhrtcbt.
Icbt. clmrte
llfbl employe.
FriU Mlchslla,
alia, carpen Ocean Bprtng* for some time, was token
ter; Oeoipe Martin, brlrklaycr; un
known man: May Ainsworth. It years came fram Surgaon Murray, who did
«M: Intant son of W. H Johnson. In- •ut Stole tbe nature of the lllneus but
forad—Mra. Roy guSurd. rt«ht leg Dr. Wyman auppoaes It to be jreDow
broken near hip; Roy Btaamd. leca trvar. Burgnm Murray has engaged
badly, bruised: imir datwbtv of Staf- a aurae «nd win can for him. Dr.
;ed sliies
•ard.Vrioasly Injured.
I Ocean
Tim Leri « totow. I
Tbe railroad reports do not stole Bpringa.
whether Ihsae people were killed ta
hurricane or drowned, tboueb It
In New Oriraiit, tocludlng tbe Grip!
stated that there la no bish water
ovatllow at Pori Arthur. Of tbe dl__ death, was officially made by tbr board
tor at Bablae Pass, wbtcb to the ■•oppetoUoB" tows to Port Arthur, tbe Puts- U protaiUe that another case wUI be
burg and OiV suitsitBt saya: ~At Ba- added to the Ust. exhausting tbe sari*
tune Paaa lbs lom Is on* sebooner. four ous'susplrloas cases aow under lavcMI*
gatlun- Tbe ninth cw Is Edward Mr*
tuga many buUdlnga ten or mu:
pic druaned. Including Moon ft Reltla. Ulnty. a younr mas living tmmedlatriy
eartracten. aad there Is six fret ofw atrr oppnrile a residence i
In Sabtoc city." President A E. Still- ' cblld died fram tl
Ocean Bprings
writ of the Pittsburg ard Gulf, last
bight wired hh reprcserlatlvrs at Peut
Arihur that the comrat)' would aub- I Chicago.,'Bept. 14.—Hembcra o flbe Boacrlbe llo.fW to repair tbe ‘
I rial DrthKtwcy uf America met at two
placoTirre Sunday at which verylnrandlary ■i.eecbes were made. There wera
hul siivet het and milder reaolulloas at
the meciltig of branch I. at tbe ball IK
Waahingt'-n skrevt. There were bot
New Orleajw. Bept I4.-Newe from apyeches and hotter resolutions at the
HaMas Pass ai>d Port Arihur. Tex , Is meeting of branch Mo which Lucy I>»rthat both lowDs are almtsl blova away. rans belongs, held -at lUS Milwaukee
Fra«r tarty morning tbe aky al Pori avenue. At the Utter piace tbe rew>luAKbar was ibroatenlng and a stiff gale tloas favored killing a mllllwaalie for
blew. No rain of coMsqoence fetl unlU every miner who was alaln tn PenBsyl.
4 p. IB,.
vaala. The terck was argwd as the am
rary wind »wwr U
---------- teas ot ft
I rsaebsd the •
very tnewndUry naiar* i
mads By
Pltxcvrald. Murphy. ts« Rid
Error V Ocodsrtn and ptbe^
Tlw Vl«w Taken by Seme Optt*
m»ttc People Up Around the
to Bcklay. bkley Is a nail entatag
trlUage anfl Urn In a vallar.
Tbsrs art a number ot criUertsa tbera.
and f«an have been entertalued tor tbs
pam forty-eight boon that iraubts
would faraak ouL as the men bad bean
acting very ugly. Tbe sUnatlon last
Bigbt In tbe Haxleton district wss one
of usnwt. AU tbe colUeries In Ibis dlstrict are apprebenrire of danger. Re*
aaests bare been pouring In to Oeoeral
OoMn tram the various mines asking
that be tend troops to tbe places
Butter, Butter,
iorMoes Trouble at nmma
Flttaburt. SepL 14.—The naUonal
inamiBoua raal miners* rtrtke of U>7
vlU probably be the laat ot the kind for
present rmeraUun. and hereafter
the difScunies aitaliK ibroaxta wa«e dtaputc* Will likely be aetUed by atatca and
dlatiicta. and a revolution ^y. be ex
pected la dlSefentlala favortnc Mber
tea aa tbe PtUaburi miners have bad
tbalr cyca opened. U. D. Ratchford. na
tional president, aod Patrtch Man. dlatnet preetdent. both expressed tbemaelvea privately that th^,jr«^tborouxhly dlacuaied
m sndyeri^V
glcla. and tbe cupldll}
Ul} of s^ 01
delegatSB who wlteed to ceciltnue
■trike. Last Right Prerident Dolan met
In coafervnee with tbs celgtnsl commlltse of seven: representing tbe • Big Tblrteeu." or lake shippers After the meetleg Dolan said he bad told the openlora
that the ten-day clause In tbe C« luiqbus
acltlement was a farce, and that be
would not Interfere In any way wlib any
miners who wished to return to wor4t to
day or any other day before tbe lendsys
had expired.
WowM Rare flttebsiu Stoads
It Is tbr presen InlenUon to make a
concerted cflorl to have the PItuburg
mlnera In a body accede from tbenational organUallon and farm an orgsnlaaUoa for this district alone. The facts
mg t:the Columbus convention will
be laid befoi
and It is bvHeved the
whole (district wlU be running In full by
‘Hiurodny morning. The macbloc cut*
tera at tbe Darr mine ot Osborne ft Barlay mortUng
work yesterda;
gee ’
« Jumbo Na
and t
Robbins Coal company.
Tbe mlnera of tbe Eclipse. Andereon.
Hsckel. Noulnghsm and Germania on
the Wheeling dlvtrioet. also mri yerierdsy. and after braring -s rap-rt from
the delegates lo Coliimbus. decided to
Ignore tbe ten days' clause and to t»7
Bumr work ibis morning. J. J. O'Krill
ivesived word from tbe men at theWebner mine that they mould resume at
orxw. Tbe miners in the vicinity rf Mc
Donald also tried 10 gri lain ibe pits and
n Is believed that by Thursday tbemlnes
wlU geoerally have resumed. The men
at Oareola mine will also be at work to
day Meetings were held yeeter.laV all
over the d|#trlrt. arJ In anlic-liwlloa
Boiling Beef and
Sold Cheap Friday wd^
general. bv>arever. and alibongb be lai<r
revoked tbe ciauae excluding music,
there were men In Une wearing tbe uul.
form of tbe Italian army, and others
carrying drawn luibrea
ter stood In front of tbe cburch during
the ceremoiUef wltbla "Tbe prlesU
gave mr theft aa.
arms should be cai
forms worn. ' said General GoWn. Tbe
general added that be would demand
an explanation from the clergymen
uiveIse belie
FOB A nickel'
Don’t Fail to try our Cuts and
Slices forthese two days.
medlstc vtclnlty have asked General
Oobln to place guards around tbeir
bouses. This has been done. General
OobiD wfll Dri make public tbe names of
who made
n the mau> street of Hatleay to thlf effect: They
group of mlaers and hearfl sne of them remark: "I've got
tbe material, but I doDt know bow tc
If I did I wauld
blow tbem up tonight." TbU Infonnattah waa sent to General 0-'Mn..aod ai
be bad already heard malteriags fr«HT
other sources, he decided to send guards
to the bouses of the two mtre superin
tendents. The gu4^ds were not placed
on duty until after dark i
The flrat discord between the mlUUry
nd the strikera occurred ycMerday, and
General Gobln war angry about It. Fbllowing hir order agalnri the proposed
funeral derrK-iutratlnn be arranged
a ranf.renir yesterday moi-nlng with
tbe PuUsb priests who ar» Icx>klng al
the cause of the men. He Unpres
them with the necessily for preventing
. show of a military character' and
said be would permll no uniformed met
partlripalv except those represeut.
- of- music,
rvUgtous soctetlea
side arms
srma stirk*
stlrkr and
ar>d banners
liaoRwere alao
prohibited. The priesu rromissd that
this stinoid be agreed to. and tbe
the other band agreed
Fine, Fresh Buner!
Saturday, e e e o e •
docs occur Tbe-geBcral decUiMs
-UDatoBfMa.Hsea ais Way kameMee- give tbe names ot tbe crillerlm, as
the raea In them arc sUU al w«b. Tbe
operator*, howevri^, are
of tba Taw-Day L
"diamono J.
rok A DlMEt
Osv CaloB aad Mlstb flla.
«r auTtbiftf ift tbs lias ^ ■
SmskM* Mbtsrlflla. e»ll ei
Park Stmt, bttwflfln nsat 8 Cm.
a DAT AXD neuT.
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
HeilTictetsnlleilacMlRatcs. Lady Watts
rir.iClaM Day Board. SpaeUl btea
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
^ .mm "
From this date this, boat.
will not make regular con
nections with trains OB M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever. can make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by commonication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.
Elwond. Ind.. Bept 14.—The Elwood
window glare plant slopped by a strike
of aomr of the wrorkm^ Is In opevatlon again. Another organIsaUun of
flall,uiera and cutters sot formerly tn
the union :haa been tnrnml and nearly
all ihr Nriklng member* have lotned
It Tbe new organltollor has Jidnvd Ibe
national aaroiUtlon and thus liridged
over the difficulty. An agreement has
bivii made that ibefour giadesof work
men are to shpre pr.'rcrilonately In
to begin at a moment's notice.
pauraigraa or THk
ITtunes Us so the Marrb.
any advance In wages. Forty men were
Plitsbnrg, Sept. 14—The women
brought from Rkhmund to lake the
on the march at Plum Creek again yes- pta<-e. of the striker* IR the tin plate
terdsy. led h> Emma tiaai. ihe "Joan factory. The atrikera taut tbe switch Ooraar of t'oloa aad Ray Rtraeu,
of An " of tbe strike. The result Is that gate, but the engineer
M. A N. K. depot, wiabta to aa- kBbtwr RaelBS Toe Clip, ■ Oasi leto yoar
Emma an three other women were
ivsiMl. rwarly every deputy was mo
Bounca to tba public tfcat be baa re
-i. “
bie excUement over tbe arrival of l
lem clubbed and Bamuel De Aimlt
fitted aad fuRiished tba Hotel Paag- cafSS.K St
cut In the hand with a knlfa The
bora better thaa it aver baa beaa be Be icim Toe Clips. adJuMabie. per
was the result ot a carofuliy planned
a*Ml>taals.vuhVl4 balls, per pole....... t«
Trita to'ntop Aaatato to tUlaoto
fore aad eaa aeeoiaiaodaU tbn travel- Llaa,rTubto.coM0M,.Mrb................... IS
attempt u. prevvel the men at work
r Oib,r Saodrie, Is ProporUow. Brastog ut
Bpringfleld. Bept 14. —One hundred iax public la good abapa. Sattafa
Plum Creek fram ratering the miB
all klad, prompUr dso,. Paieblax Tlrsa tg
There were shoot twenty-live women HriUng miners marched out to the
Um Ic rvpalT tbew. aiBris Tubs Tort a
and about flfiy siHkera concerned lo It. Black Diamond mine, eonth of tbe cllj:^
Tbe plan was to hkve the women march about 4 o’clock lari rventng lo try. an?
In f««i with their hablea. with Ibe de- Induce Robert Solomoa. one of tbeMwa■Igii <g working on the aentiments of tbe era hU two Bonaand fouautber menwbo
were at aork there toquil. Walter Pow.
men who would be going
to act aa a ahlrid to tbe rest of the par ell. who Ws loading oual. was assaulted
ty. The women were to crowd around by tbe ririkne after aome words, and
each man as he attempted to go Into tbe
mine, lake his dinner bucket from him.
o quit. Several
and then Ahrow It Into the ditch.
EtoiBS Baas Meads the CwlBB
Mtoese Weald MetWe to WA
About daylight tbe party started oat.
headed by Emma Haas Those not hsvBiNtiicaeld. Ilia. Sept 14.-A special
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
tng a baby, caotod
frrm Tallula to tbr Stole Register saya:
club of scene sort. On Ibe MurraysrHIe Early yesterday mcrnlng the superinMarket in the Brosch Block.
road they encsiuntorM « posse of depu tondral of the cralsbafibereordrred Ihr
ties and w-ere ordered twrfc tc the camp: miners lo lake cut their tools or go to
Nil aiteniinu was iwid in tbe order and work. Nsafly an rrapueded by taking
the i>ariy tried to ferev tbrir way out tbrlt looM. and none have gone to
through the Une ot depullca A Mffie eroilL and say they will not until the
frilnwed and Emma Haas and ibrae oth ■trike it coded.
er wcenen whv w-re In the lead wer
tested. A scene of silld excitement
Rprlng(l.ld. Ilia. Sept 14.-Tbr miliera
rrsued. Tbe moment a deputy
har.de on a woman he wse surroundra ft Albeos. Menard county, held a maromeettng yesterday aflenioai and elected
by i-ihers waving eluhs ti
using them on the head of a deputy
when, the oppurtur.lty oRcrvd.
■ vote to continue the strike.
IkewuUea BsM TWIr Petwi
Deputy Walker wae severely dubbed
a^ 8. C- De Armlt waa cut In Ibe band.
Chicago. Sept. 14.-League base baU
He toys he wae stacked by « woman records yesterday:
At Ualtlraore—
with a knife. The depotlee Anally got (%tcago I tlainmore 4; (second game)
their prisoners into lh> company sUblea. Ctacagv. 4. Baltimure 11; at Brooklyn
ar.d later brought them lo this elty. —.New York t>. Bruuklya 1
where they 'were lodged In Ibe county Bings, dsrknt
Jall The Dsmes of the women arrested clnnatl Z, tVashlaglon I: al LouMvlUe
South Uaioa SirMi.
were: Emma Haas. Mra. John «
—PUlabaig Z, Louisville *; a Bogtoo
Mrs. Frank Haas and Mr*. Btsaer.
Western Lrogue: At OoIumba»-DeKeiMr and Mrs. Eisner had their bwtde*
Balter ftt Mate
Ubte itagaiy.
with them. After tbe removal of tbe trcll II. Columbus U; at tndlanapoUsBmatb ftsd
prisoners from Plum Creek tbr excile- Orand Rapids V Ind....................
n-ent subsided and the wnmen and strik
ers returned to cwipp- The reason mon
of the women were not amsled wai al Mloneapolle-Transferred to Milwau
that four or five deputies were required kee.
lo bold one of them.
• Oty
See Our New line
s. :e-AJCT3-i30H3sr.
Picture Mouldings
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Fresh Meats-always fresh. Salt Meats.
Angus McColl ]
The Pure Juice
■" ■“
Butter, First Class SSSVoStS:.*
WMayatori aw Crwy«M ta Ttabwb
ai Aay MemsM.
Haalrion. Pa.. Sepi. U.-Traubie has
broken out at Coxe BroUsra' colllarv
at Erkley. Two hundr^ miners at
Buck mounuln. wblcb U about three
BiHss fram Eckley. went on strike
terday monilax^gd started towards tbs
Eckley mine. The supvriotendent ot
the Uckley eolUrry triegrapbed Oen■ral Oobln for troops, but Ister to tb<
day tbe rsgueri was wltMrawn, the auperlntend^l notifying the general ihni
tbe glrUIng mlnera bad stopped march
ing. Al 4 o'clock In tbe afternoon Gen
eral Oobln received anotbar telegram
etallng that them miners bad again
Wbaa jM obB buy aew oa« w ebtep.
s^lM »t A. 6. Frym
waged here (nr tbr pari week between
is an arrangement tor a Joint debate
between Elder William R. Cover*, pre
senting aMl-spIrliualiM eoavtcUoa. and
Moees Hud. ri^resentlng tbe spiritual
ists. They met yesterday aflereota at
tbe Doxry bote] and signed articles of
atayeroent for a four days’ Jolnl debats
to be held at the Opera T
city beginning Taesday;
.—It U reported that
be Docheta.cg Toik wUI taortly iMiie
a appeal In behalf of tbe liiab who are
aty Troop, of Phlladel- appeal whlcb the iMbem of Wales
pMa. to go to tbs aosM at tbs dUtar- fltode in behalf of tbe Loedon poor at
I tor tba qutaa'a
fcanee. The trangta* tafls asms tba
aeoBtalaa. a distaftcc cT Kgbtata bOm.
Bicycles to Rent
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
TK> MOJmniO A>00«p. W»I>WBSPAY. SBPTBMBKB 15. iW7.
TtaB Dm A«W(«* k>rM» Tm>* I‘
trUtlnc to (be « b«bl bltiiMlOB !• *S M(net mm tb* ooniplM* mcnUtlr report
ct John HrA«. Utr-•Utlftklna ct the
•(rtrultamJ d^unmetii. wbirh ic lamed
today; "Hl«h prira for wheal havc'for
ameral «Mha put bfca bHnslr« out
•njvliea quite frrrlj-.-and Inmaaed tui>9Uw bare, to lura. reafied apoo pMoea.
•amiBd Bone detllnc from gu btehat
tt(«rea of Aucaet T1>e veaaral tea
tbe iafanuguc cleaned from all arali*
able aouma la cot. bowever. of a <
carded rnim tbc cotuunterC or the producerV polsl of Siew-«f aer laatartal
« heat tiatll aaother cn«
U In «cbi alib a prtMpect of ampler
alncka. .Vt Ith an asaual averact Eu
ropean product of over l.Ut.tMkUe
. butbeb dunne tbe atx yeare from tl»l
to im Inelualvr we exported an avrrace
of idfciTs.m huihelj a year. Tbta year
tbe Euiv|>eaii Cit'p. accordin
hall'e Cum Trade Near, will In round
numlieia amium to l.in.owooo WinohralCT huehelv. or W.«K>.tnO iuMheti ieaa
than the avarace of the «a yaara In
biiwpa^ ttrheieaer t. I ISMOW.
••If we make the eompanecn with th.
dcurec vlvCB by ^loerU-hm hw IB7 lh<
dedelmry In the EuropLaa crop'la elll
tba. ficure*
ela beinc: Avetape for lOMSM. 1.41a,.
crop of 1»7. t.U».«00.0M; differ.
eiK-e. Ut.«W>,MC. That la aooordlnc l<
Brertmhni'a eatimate of thia-ytar’a erop
theta u a jlefleleney of nx«e.fl00 huabcla Id European countrlea aa eompared
with Uielr avrrace product for tbe etc
yrare. ini to itK—an
-an averace
dudee. the exeapuonally email cm
IMl. To make up tbe deficiency 1
hell' It to be expected from India,
ceattna Or Auetralia for month* to c>
and laaofar a* Europe will have to
America, and aapectally from the foiled
•utea. the Cknadiaa conuibutloe helnc
vela lively.email
Other ClonatitM May or May K« Mato a
Unlr Wham to tmaiv
•nfficlal rrtuma for Onurto and UanU
toha give for tbeee two prwmrea an
accrrvale of U.MXSU buehrla. » the
Kay Make a New Crtal Kaaeaaaary—D»
Chicago. Bept. 14.—Th* tereneon aeaeba of tbe Euetctrt trial waa laterrupled paeteiday by tbe akknaae of j -
....................... .......
taken m<k Saturday afyr court ad-1 — HER OPINION <5F MEN.
Jounrrd, but recovered auakteellr to'I AaM rhUeada
............. I
I MarvM IW Bad
appear yeaterday.
wvi* eelaed wnth a
“I nulybewToacabom It,” modeeHy
earlier <»•« «<«<> old AfiM PhUeirda Brandbead Id tbe nidM of
ceae. borlEC to be able to reeume In the ladlM at Mrt Joept Tubman'■ qcild&c
aflemooD; tout be waan'tand the caae bM.‘‘baildoa'i bt liew tbere i* any
went ever for the day.' If Fowler ahould fixed role or aet ctf rule* that oaa be
remain U1 for any ecnclderabla Ume-it
foUtwed ill all caMi In n>aaagloc
would render valueUa ^1 tfte time '
’—brine w I hav«
epmt on the trial, a. a new jurTwodid •‘»n*band. I m
Thl Cfiltbntfid SpMillUtl.
Hotel Whtting
Thursday, October U, 1097.
n a human •
.................... Bailey.; a TCcolt of tuy aourewbat extanded anV*'*
1 •“ Pw*»y »eU eooTiooad
mum. waa put on tbc atand and for two .
b no enntUalMd law which
hour* and a half anbJecUd to-a rigid ;
croae-examlnatkn. Attorney Vincent i ?f._
want at tba wltneea hammer and tone*. >
nf My ttec of them,
and tried in every way known to tbe | "What b one siaii'a meat b aaotbec
legal butaralty to dlaeount the ex-1 oun’e fniacm. yon kw^. and tbe nwtbpert'a teatlmony, Profeteor Bailey clung I od
ptoerdurr wbiob will convert OM
to hla theory, bowever. Durtne tbe I parael of maKnliBr material Into a eatcrom-examtaatloo tbe defenae oflered In bfMUny bueUnd will prove a total fallwhich bad been aubbrled to the action '
*iie I.V <
of potaah iQ the counter teeu made
the deteaia to coctradtet the caae, bu.., i'■
up by the ortmecntluB.
The fight tor a time raged around ;
tbe amnmoid bone, aa the experu de-1
dare It. found la the vat. In reply to a ^
eerlea of queatioae Frofemor Bailey 1
in tbeb dupoaitloiw
world that
***cn»ye bothiug elWib ibr>c
1 .oao think
of to mnch.at
do a lot
- •----------of tonda \m can oerrrteU In advanee
which wa.v they are paing to jemp when
you poke 'em. nor, for that Dialler, bow
-Tbeic b a proverb which mv. that
• and Strictly
DBti B a e.a CO derc*.
AMhma wad Coo*ua.|4io«.
J SX'Si •
___ rt.atuiBaea.aDd Nermu. DUewaM. Chemw <(ll. Vlts.
DlMa***. DIWMM
aad «'<■>««. and all dl.*me* ac
j^n-cnv Ok riTK |iu*iUT«]r irwl bv a new and never I*
iKhlMand Vli-1lnf BMtal Vi
wrt boSaTrooble •'- - ■•- "_____ i w» cl**'
and wlthunl the ni
(* Meadea trow
c Of Ugwunw Coau and i
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
imsissisir------ ------------OV.tBASTEE To CM ever, caw ot D,M>etwla. g • -
who ar* nnatile lu call can wriie fuU panirulanef tbalr camaad haveaadlel
■w of Dr*. E. a. a
waa Ineoreoialed^ce^ rear* elne* with a eapttal ol
> II joaeiBiaa, taeai. They are eopucalbl* and well knowa.
.me together In a dag."
thf wit- I
Intoniul econonnei
*a. Attorney Vincent then produced ' ■***■ ^
oommnuicattob wilh their
X X-t»y photograph of the foot of a bHtto in that (lirvrtMm. You cun win
an weighing ninety-eight pounde to one mau'i everlaatiug *etw.rvirnce hr
afaow that Ibeaeaamold l•onea therew-ere tte
" mcwarful application of a mo^ | LoC^ BOX 100.
a* In a dug'e fool, but rrvfeaaor Bailey
declared the picture ahowed they Were filmny at tbe ordalhitl Uuir. aud tbe
dUtiBH. holding that It waa the per- ■atue action will make a tynst or a
apactlve that made them look cloae to niaanthrope or both of the next man.
One man ran be •ubjagated hy maklttE
him abaid of yon aud aooihar bv maklUlareaf the Himav, om—.,-.1- o^. Ine hlni think yoo are afraid td him.
Ton moat talk to one man and Itotaa to
paay. a Chkagw Canaaim,
Chicago. Sept. 14,-The Reaerve Com- another.
”AU in all. about tbe oa]y intelUble
mladon company, which faae been doing
.rge eommlealaa buatncaa. cloaed lit <
regardiug men fulfct that 1 have
doote yeaietday. Tbe failure will eaute | n»hM«l from my experience with (bam
b that tbe niau who before
death Of . numberTf'**
-----------nmallcr ctuicvtae throughout the crniml lovea a womu tbe moat extravagutly
pan of the United Slalea. fur while the after marriage lovea her the BMat aooChicago hualnea* wae limited It had Boulcally. Tbeaveragemaa'aidenlwtfe
deaUage with aeurve of petty brt>k*ra In b one who know* 4)Ow to drem oc nochSI. Louli. MUvaukw. Indlanapolb Cln- iog a year aud alwaye look welL*'—
clnnall. Dee Uoinra. OaliwtoDrg. Iowa Ton P. Mcegaii In Krw Tork Trpth.
City. Oekalociaa. Avm
«nd euch town* a* far eaet
MeawallfieJ For gowihaU.
It In eailmated that the I
Oahaley—Well, 1 gappo**. your MB
waiikee alone will
Will aqpu begtwfaiiilaat yiar in railage?
• >*-> m
.ii.Parka—K«. be iut going bac* thb
mUiluc cooMw
any le endued with having
dcnc <na.moet exteoelve U)Tltit-w uf It*
Dabiley—Oh. tbat'i too badt He
kind oelthe priv
^.V.7 .
ihrongh now that be'i got
ft had
fiiuil Eipidi ft IiUui 1.1
DRS- B. S-&CO.
“.rri i
Tbe WlaconNn tobacco erop, bring now
nxaiiy »h«dd«l. I* uut of danger from
damage by hall or froac.
E Kdt*un
has taken up tbe
............ —
-------------«tuay of atr ahipa. He
ready .......
In iirlnrlple!
*“ wrung
Teinprsluies were rtroided Sunday In
Indiana. iWa. and lUluuU uf over IWi,
breaking all records for the tin* uf
Chicago —
West Michigan.
mast always redsm
V_______ JM
TrwiDs acTiTs rrsa CTnrtnaaiiL Orand
BapDstash aad
tlrafffre^t e* brwneii arritss al II Wa. •.
140^ Warns
tal and no end of cOnvenlenea.
WaahJngton, Bert It.-Prraldent McKlnle)’ returned to Washington yealerday anerr.cM from SomcmeL Pa. At
torney Otncral UcE<
the piraldeot ar.d lira UcKinley.
the only other memtoer* of tbe tarty
were *Aas Bnddey and Bxsrativto OeiB
Oeorge B. Oortvlgon. T%e preaddeni was
ebeertd at vartous placoa en nau.
(Alnms VUUgt al Omiha
Washington. BepL tt.-The aecrelarr
of the iranaury tons gtvra authoriir to
the Mac Lee Wah village eranpaiur to
bring tolo thb CDuatry dM CBlawe to
la the Ti
Uk#s pan
Inieraational exhiHOoa at Omhba.Hebo
nexi year, nt Chlncm axhttdt srtU in-I
elude it rlUagt.
AUoenaye at Uw.
iOeae la Mewiagw* Block, ■tmmna CMy, Mlek.
Thr Remrve comiany waa crganlaed ^
had a fever and that hie bab
with Hou.w ral'iial At thr t,mn» of' bad all come cot?—Cleveland Leader,
the comiany in the hlallo building the (
offleerv of thr conoraliun were given
fullou*: Prealdrnt. A. H. "
She. Our Dcighbcn in that villa are
i; treaturer, R. B gtidratly very liob prapb.
She—Only conaidrr. They bavo five
San Sebaattan. Sept. 1t.~Thr retiring grown up tbnghim. all tuuaarried,
United SUlea minuter to Srwln. Han. they give no parttea, don't go to any oC
. Taylor, wa* received In audleaac tba bopt, don't apprar on tbe board
promiw Ihroaghout moat
by tb* queen regent yeaterday and pretiallan colocice: but the area traa nar MDted bU teller* of .reran. Soon aTier- walk when tbe band playt and. moBorowed toy dmigbt at eeedlnc time, and warde the new United Statea mlnlaier to ovar, wear tbe plalaeat cloibea imaginar atocka muat tor low It la not likely Spain. Oenetal Stewart L Woodford, ■hla.—St. Peterabsrg Shota.
that even with a full yield the crop win was received by her mayeaty and piw
be one nut of which any great amount aenled bU crvdenllaU.
can ^ aiutred for exportation.
•Tbe preaent high prlcee would or! told tbat tbe Klondike gold b not
filnartly tend to encurag*- the aowlng
Five mec were entoiuty burned by wegth ao mneb to tbe oonee aa i
of an Incrraaed Breadth In India, thould
tfar weather be tavormble thU fallin-ut mciicD metal Ir. a alort factory at Igeda. ’ Ttbrr twaoda.
-I conIdBt
any Inclinallun on the |iart of tbe poorer
Caclfcmia fruit growei* rannoi ol>- m to tbaL Wf o
rut1lval‘-ra to lake advantage of auch
«d brh
iln hrff enough to harrcai cropa area
favorable nrndUlune will protutoly be In
1 ain’t no idea aatoou
at advanced wage*
aetlrv drwlon In trying to pick nawe
e harveat »
. . .
In la ArceMlna. thti country ">*>' have
Riorv iir leea obtal In vx|>ort. ai the
tauat mail advieet reprraent Ibr crup
aMt>rlDC IWflnrcrHtdltlnnmnd Ihrnealhar hlfMy (avotahle. There are. how
thancr* of aertoua damace
irtnc the next three e
>r UiMt accounu fror
dreea tefi V)
fad of the
But leavlui
the buiden of aupply for Europe will
fall mure Urgel, than uaual upon the
fnlled Sla^ It la nldent that tharw
«9Uld, In any caae. be a demand for a
targer aurplni than U to be expeicUd nnt
I* year a ep.p
the failed
Biaua average
annual citnrl ffir the Mx years DOClinr «r add a Ruropran shortage of W.WU.Mai iiuaheU figured out ),> Bitanhall w* gel a total .a MSJ7XXT2 htwhels.
and Inwifar a* we fall short of *uM>ly.
(ng that quantity Eurui», a* rum|«red
with an awntg* year, must suffer a
atan-ny In her hrwad auj i ly, extvpl Inaofai as ah* ran avert it by drawing
on th* sltwk* that may rentalo tmt of
prevkHiB cropa. Tn* wiwld'e reaarves
have, htiwrvcr, bern rtduccd tn c<au«tjUrvtc* of the Miort wheal rrof, of'last
yur. and a deflcirrxi In smue uf the
l.W.Pamma. .
Tarisr ear leaves
luism UDMRnuiaiLi
fc aiilk Safe
A Flalek- Belgmah t
«e lafcs easel asadv. Jaaa M. UR.
atIUDa'elaaka m.
Ooao BOBS*.
IT part veotUaieS
threw atMM* at you. wfant wtmld you
cancer Patrick Ksantd!
vine, Ills., ended hb Ilf* w Itb a re
The tidewhrel steamer Elisa Andrrnon Is aafc at AHiteta HarUir. She was
ca rout* to Alaska and reported
a reeked.
ao.oou.000 heciumren, against tl.O00.tD0
htctnllimn In in*.
Kev. Ahel Stevena died suddenly at
Ban Jrwe. Cal., of heart taltuc*. aged
nearly K rears. Hr was known as th*
hlriorun uf Methtdlnm
Mrt. tirhuasroao (at a summer nuort) i
—Gottlieb, tbc paper cay* tbat tbe'na- ^
tlvea of tbe Baodwicli kUuds pay ahom
»S for a wUn.
ProtamorBcbnnania_______ _______
—Hm. hml te ranch. JenuyS-EAba jy swlbnius up all loot uU ckahiag a^ '
itMTlti hai a Mritig to It"
‘‘Tea Asoingcdraoaboeiwa''—£
(nit Jonsai.
and Dealers' -Pretsellv* a
at St. Louis yralcrday le
at.oual coDventton with i
---------------BOtlr* ' .til onto** 1-5
rnpETd ts aitand Orand Travoina
OBBBty Talt. SapL SI. S9. SB aad BA.
;*«d old
The min* workere cf labparalng and j
Nrgaucee, Fich.. agreed at maad-meei- ' phtB'e tn me
Inga to mis* li.oeo for the coal ruinerv of |
lliiaula. All the mm agreed to give caw
daFe pay.
Rev. O. r B. Howard baa aaraped
tran the D
BOturiooi United States prtsoner tram
Tanaesaee. Howard was tniatsd In ths
front aAca and walked away.
kira. Howard McFarland, a praantneat
young roalroB 6t McLean. Ilia., was
bniped to death by her eluthlng Igniting
from a gaaollne stove. Her son. aged A
WM very aeverely burned la a hwatc
fitoavor to aav« hla mother.
The body ot Chrta Nelsoa. srho wae
drowned at UlUe Falla. Wta. aboot
June lA was (band a tow days ago on
Fh»t. U going to tbe an laland halew Chlppewn Falla There
n October Bbs wU be wae nothing left hut the akeletoa of the
body. Hat hand aad arms wgre gotw.
Mih Jarsras Woadsrard. Uvtag about
sevea milea sbuth ot Waefoah WM..
triad ta rammH KiWda.hr tafetarVMrti
Ltd youBiake asa^
•roesa PtiyActane at^ hw Mfo- The
mr ^
—Watch Repairiag.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
L—Honey to Loan
Ever Burned Out?
Prauan «a aWd Orund XrawaaM
OotathaUaa Barter Aae te M
anta and tette. U eauta aaak.
o P. cuvxa ..tot t-ft
taaeral takiap plate at Utdore. The
deoeoe^d was OeorpeOhlhaski of UapU
Olty. who died of old ape at 11 o’oloek
«o n oxvnr wo* noasm av Satarday. Mr. Cblhaski «w tl ysara umw OP BABB BAXX Uof ope aad a wife of »s yehrs aarviros TWXSV OOLX« An ROBTUUM.
him B. L. Carter ot this city hU
«i«M WUl Add InM^Md Aid Xb oharpe of the fuaoral. aad la his oxpor- Travarae-Oity Bm • fotooatopi
I of *0 ysaia this was the oldmt
«B0 Of Oamea Woa WbUe Maaistee
MaldBC tb* Sipodlttoa • ~
90 he has had to taralsh a easkot
Tkm WUl >• AdU OuMB <m *hiw
Oaa Bhow »Bt BBO-Oelte 'Bare
S«r*MdOtb«rVMtawXAat WUl
Woa BO aad Lost 91-Kao
»• nMBlBt Md AnMibU.
Mteor aad aaotear paaUamao.
Mlaor rotaraad with Mr. Hoatapae but
tee tamateder of the party left for
Chleapo from Bellalt* test Tboreday.
The SsheraMB enjoyed tte trip aad eeeuad a prsat mteh of base.
RoPbersM Bote aad W. E O. WUI
Laaea on tha Ooliuabta Thia
IBs steaaar OolnnbU laarm bare at
o'clock teU meralap for Potedkay,
ith aboo> 70 mmabais of McPherson
PosU No. It. O. A E. aad tee W. B
C. on board, boaad for tee eaeampit of tee eeddiers aad aallom Tbe
boat will atop at Nortbpert for Coloael
WooUey Post. A landlap-wUl also te
made at Bowen Harbor, and it U ex
pected teat abmt MO wUl te la tee
party npoa tbe arrival at Psioekey.
aboat It of whom orUl sobm from Ma
ple City, it U extremely ilomible that
tbe Klapsley band wUI aeeompaay
SOB Poet Mm th'u city.
tee chela at Ukee ntealap Man Blk
Bapite te BaUatro aad teat toeality«r. Meatepao soadasted a party od
^ Jadpo Btelth. Qeocfo QarroU, Bany
Gtoods of
Sold at 1897 Prices.
That’a Kay ahead o( time. Jost abowa bow we keep pace
•sd astioipate oar costomera' frantA Oar atock of
Blank Books prvrea oar aaaertioas.
SMratMT Lddd o( th* Afrlcmltnrdl
Pmit Party ia Boaor ot Kloa •«Mo
SooidW bMwvpU«lft Utt of BpMidl
Sattoa ef tadlaaapoUa.
prlM WbotifMbyJwdlaf km
That morry, aoUy aad tea loviap lot pood time te prove by flpatas ^
homm torttIWtiMUo f»lr to
team b eoUUatf to the obappM
p^MMBtWMk. n«U*tto«al7 V»*' at ptrie who eaU thOMelvm the K A of aerthera Mlebipaa. Aeoordiap to
was at lU bast ia Jutlee Vortkl M tbMveoUMnwkowUl fit*
of last ovealap tbs
friM b«t Uo datdU kM BOi yM boM lyb OSes last al^v the eaaasioa beiap OoKs bars pUyed tt pasaes; of that
VM^od. Ikte kbom 4B »eUv« UMi^ a fnUt party la boaor of Mka Basle aamber to have beea wMaad il loeb
" MtbitartoknUtkofBlrUteTMr by Dattoa, who bee beta rMltlat aad rw ThU plvss theaiaperoeampp^ teo.
iMtdlar^UMMudtbwoeTidouM of sortlap u thU Tlelalty darlap the eaat- aoeordiap to theestabium mlo of
UbMUty wUl fo Ur lowvdt molrit mor aad who wUl'leavo ter ladlaaapo- tlpmriap. Bow aoeorate ths blufcue
tho apotiUoa •■oeoook.
IM m lU this mornlap. Bhs wlU be aoeom- Apaias are of ooorae eaa sot bsl&owB
paalod by Mim Boss Calmaa of this
^ M m^twl U M foUowt:
aatU a lUt U pabllabed. The HoeUeia
adyBookStoM-mapoeidlpriM OB city, who will visit frtoada aad i«la- may well be proad of Uelr aeaeoab
tehod esbibiv HO *ortb Of book* to tlvee la that elty.
record as vrill be eeea from tbs folbt MlMlod by M>b<Ml.
lewliV lUt of paates. Ko team except
U. %. HMkoU—tad •yeoUl prfM bo
ManUtre kes takea more tbaa oae
adboolBxblblvH worth of books to bs
paaie from Traverm City. The amtoAroopoet of a lorpe OatKeriop far
ber of' pamec played bee been <4. aad
»iath Aaaoal OoovoaUoa of
MUs NoUio C. Ony. ooBoty oeaBlsSB of tkem were won aad le IceU a
SloToath 0. B. XHstriet.
. BloBor ot sebools-trd spoelBl prtso «o
ot OSd. or 40 more thao that
exhibit, $s worth of books to ba
The delepatos to the olath aaoBal F tee Colts.
oolootod by soboot
aBTeBtiMi of the Elevoath District
. W. A NowtoB—Bo)iy oob worth 9io Mlehipan Cbristiaa Badsavor ObIm.
to tho oooyls who wUl be tsorriod oe te ba held at Katkaate, Prlday. BatarWon. LoM.
tbs fair poiiBds dmiBc ths fair.
day aad Buaday, Bepl. 17. i* aad le.
J. H. Mooroo vBwt farm toom, most will leovd herepa Mie «:4t p. m. O. B,
5^ ■
wstfk aot Ism thaa MOO poohda. SL
A I. traU Friday, aad retara Moaday
latorpriM Groeory—One dollar^ at l:» TheB
-DLu^^L............... 1
srorth of rrwolatod sarar for boat pal- wUl taraiah free i
IM eroek of bottor.
warmly weleome ell delapatee. The
J. C Vlaei^Flot pooads of Wt fkw faro for the ronad trip from here will
torhoooo fltook tor boot tat atosr or hedl.sa BeveralJaakaewtU pe
aad the fare for them If aader twelve
,tb%. P. K. Aahtew—Om oavalior yeera wUI be Ot oenU. There wUl be
TOtaU.................................. M
jiAlhlBr hat tor host opocdoisB of
pie City.
It willteeeaaby tee-atev# teat
Cedar. Korthport. 1
/inwm work.
J. A Mootocno—Om pothto dicrlBf Sattoas Boy. Old'HkaloB and diehie
whaa eilUap oa eoe of oar loxarteoa
A dark for bMt display of potatoes, foor srtao will Imre oa the sms trais.
while the claim of the BasUem U
say deleratoi who po aad eaaBol stay
maidm. Tims slips by when
J. W. lUator—Foldlap sswiap tsble; over Soaday, they eaa retora at ?;!« baeked by oadt^mtod flpares U oom-1
pariaoa trite tee Ap^rce'cUlmed
Uc ris, worth ai.U for best hsod amde sheou datoMay sToalap. dtooop tho doleImvm. teat teOaotor table worth dt u for bast head j pales from the ci^- are Bov. 0. Ooeh- MaaUtm. While Maarntm te. v^ e I
woman's sweat
made table eearl. Pair plUow shaxs; lia. Rev. Jo^ Peaaiaptoa. «ta> msjorliy ol pames played wlte Ttnv-1
golden for beet pair plUow sbatao.
, Wlaltrad Pratf Uvl T.
arUsUcally arraapte. teat hU
Jeha Verity—Biap worth dLOe. beet F. M. l^lae. aiee Mabel Bates. Ed. OolU oo teslrownprouad. la
with BotUer. U tek.a Into
' torawl to home oomteru aad
la aoy bleyelo
Krlth. Leila l*mrl. .
aUon tears U aothlnp v«y earpristap
amtOB 8tore-A pair of toe Derble Barney Aadersoa. Roy Tho
la ths roeait The majority of ter:
FoAlton at decidedly
oortalae to the oldest merried ceople B. Boltey.
teams played by tee Colu tevo bMB [ ^ j
attoadlap the fair. CompeUtors to re
played by tbs Hastlen sad with thoae
port at the offiae askd plre ape ood dale
teaiBS tbe HasUm hsTe 's tetterahowof marriape U the eeeretery
Oread Traveiae Herald-One yearly
Haskepoa was defeated by tee Host
aabearipiloB to tbs Herald, old or aew
Tbs Kalpbu of Pythias ars maklap lers 5 of C paaias; won 4 of 4 played
r. for mob of tbe tollowlnp:
with 81. LoaU Tbs Colts were de
1. Moat aatlqoe relle sxhlbilocl.
Oae feated « of 5 by Matkapea: which poee
t. BeetdUpleyof bread, cake. etc..
—peraoa or Umlly
- j *f Ihe flae fmtnree of the event will ba to show tee Colts have little to booit
ABeet dUplay of pardoa aad 4eld|*kepraa<l parade la the ovealap. It U of after ell.
The Ne ws stated last alpbt that tee
sappmledthatl'>oatatrMtbe elearad
maoafordUtaaftdlap waa that tears
4. BsMooUeetkmpboteprapba
that thU wUl te doae U otelpe were ao linmedUte pamee teead.
t. Beat half bosbal white sriater
teat, dates had been fixed for thU
the eommltteea ia Ume fer the pa
rade. 'Many of the bnslaem men oa city for Tbursdsy aad Priday. aad the
Aneafomeat. are beiap made tor
tbe mala elreeuwUl daeorate their BuUam bed apveed to play two rotara
pame of baU at lOo'iJoek a. m.
Satarday and Baaday. Thaiaatpne
Wodaeeday. ‘Iboiaday aad Pridar.
eolore of the order are red, yellow aad fora tee stetemeat U only made for af
fect. aod tec ooaclarioa b teat tea
Oolu did net care to toce fartear defeat
ittebaadsof the BoeUem
OrtuUaod Laat Bight with Bripht
Another CMpe;tUoB would, peteapa,
Pnopeets aad Oood XateriaL
I la ordm-. Of the M pamee played
There was a meeUop 1ml nlpkt teorby MaaUtee 41 were pUyad on tee
•aalas a local feoi baU team. Tbe aV
The ladlee of tbe eewinp circle of hocae prouads, » bwe and 1 ia Lodlap^ete^addedtomr^l^p
toadeaoe was Urpe^ tbe team U aa Traverae Bey Hive, No. 71. L. O. T. M .
The HasUara have played ST
moorod fact. Tbe eSvea will be oom- have ie^ workiap fereome Ume oa e pamee at home and 17 abroad; It Is
poaed of tbe beet foot ball material la novel and ettreeUve eilk qoiU, witk Msabtec, 4 la Maskspoa aad
«ke city aad will tarn oet for practice
iDdereUBdinp that the lady wbem Bay View. The BaiUen. It wUl be
Tbaieday aveoinp. whee the poelUoos
k eoautoed the praateet anmber of
, have played on etraape proaade.
srUl be asslpned.
41 per cant ot their total paaice aad
A eballenpe has already beea retec Colu bat tl paroeot.
t team of . sqoare. Tbe blocks v » broosht 1
oUeedfrom the ladi
Aaotker boast U made by MaaUtee
CkdUlac aad U U likely that the Brst | tbs repular meeslap of tbe circle yee- of tee fact teat they have paid fll.too
tw«lar pame wUI te arrsaped with < lerdsy aad Mrs Bomers Aas fooad to la eaUries to tee Colu teU see
the feam la tbe* city, the Tiaverse he the wiaaer, her Uoek eaniainlap i. there U oae thlap more tewi aoother
Ofty tmm wUb to have It naderetoed Stv pieces. OlhM whom blacks ooa- teat Traverae City peOpIs are josUy
that they do aot want to conflict la any taiaed a prmt iwber of please were:
ed of It U tbe fact that the HwUan
way with the HIpb eebool
Mra. Btewarv loft; Mim. Peace. 7S0;
T. A. CboaU. fcaiae^ of Hay
meetly realdcBU of tec city. Three
City, who has had many y*are
Oamm played betweea the two leeal Mra. Thacker. 665; Mia. 0-N#U. SMj salaried pUyem have hoea tee ssoet
experieaM la the merobaat
teams shoold eerre to Improve tbe play Mra. Brown, 414; Mra Kent, BBS. Mm. carried by the teem at any oae Uate.
UlWlap boelaeee imiJt^ him
Istf of both aad lacrcaes the Interest Brown aod Mm Thacker have debated Only two of MaaUtea'i team Uve there,
so artUt In hU line.) We do aot
their hloete to the eireU. to te sold ter aad they are ealarted pUyem
te the team
hraltate la poaraate^ap aatUtoction la flu aad warkmaBehl^
The topnlar player* will te selecled pin enaUoa oovem The qnllt U very
There arc a tow other pcrtlaeat
With tee above additloa te oar
from tbe beet material after a tow ptao- hiartinniiaaiiniitlriiil weU repays tblaps that may be e^. bat tee foe*Hamawte Stock of ready made
Mm tnnen for her Mbwa
elotelap we an safe la safiap
poiap flporoe wUl ptwcooclaelvoly to
teat It wUl ba one of ^ tet
At the eloae of the aftmaooa's work tee fair minded whM of tee
ia the way of tee ladepeadeat champions of MUhlaMl^BaA
maloa aad eak* wam aaited aad a aoBte^Wteth Krthdap Aanlrotmtfx amlttsMadiayod.
Oorioa from tee Bad Lands
Today Bsarte the «»U birthday
Pat Ocna, teasuter la tee fire de
uaiveiMfy of Or. B. D. Aahtoo. U
partment. has reeelvad a larps and val
rRM Ova
haa^ «f ths oeoat a esra roast aad
la eoUeetloa of carious laUes aad
Boape oa a Oaltatmskm party was pivan at tea tamaMr
imaoe from tea Bad Imade la Mooaottapa of tea teasUy es tha Wmt SUU.
JMob Fartesh woa te* da* paltar
iBBi by hU motear. The oolleerafflsd
Tatmaato whieh tbs old MamU of the pood
coasUU of opatae of pecatUr fosThs lOOth ahmber drawn woa aad N*.
Aostor vrere tevlted. •‘Tte Oan*
koa. ahelle. teavoa aad paeaUar
waa tha aeaae «f a ha^ aasial palter- mwaaibshiehyoa*
tep aad the Meads were pted ed thU
eppmteaity to dUplay their mteam tor
dUplay tee ooUeetloa la a aaltable oaae
CUsapo, Bspt. 1).—Wbmt—Septsm- at tee oMoty fair to take plane next
the rtirriTT It wee a reuloa of old
aad temUiar Meade aad aa eraat that bsr, MKe: Dsoambar. MMAKa May.
wUl Uve kmp te tee measorim of tee MHO.
Saooaaetol Plehlap •raise.
ra—Beptember. aoc;
pnealB aad the bemered ooe ea waU.
•aast* ChlhMW of Kapla OHpr^Vho
BdaiBaaaiday. Waa BA
Oaa of tea tedaat Atteaaa od baMaiaa
laid te test yasterday. t^
ev.isamr A ORMTUMT.
mm B< MU uw.
OoaaUty wlteeal valaa toeMvad. dcat pay.
QaaUty aad Asaortmaat U what we aim for.
Clsthsi Made to Tsar Rtatan, If Dsrira
New Ideas in Olothes
are Oonetantiy Desired.
The Men's Fine Suits
We drew for Fall, are the choicest products ot
the tailor s art. They're made right in every -away—long service and continued good looks in
every thread. Patterns and cloths are the se
lect pickings of the newest designs. The prices
we call your particular attention to, for fine
goods, are these:.................. ..........................................
$8.5Q. $10, $12.50, $I3:S0. $15. $18.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
.We Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in 'the milling
businees, we are baring a’
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to ail parts of
Northern Midiigan onr....
Send in An order,
are good now and wlU .be
good aU the seuoa.....,
Buys New, Stylish Boxnan Stilpea
In No. 40 width, at
We hen jest racitna u win law Uit of...,.
ladies’ Well and Tumad Sale Shoes
Best Assortmsat of SCHOOL SHOES
in tbs city, at---------
S' ■
tMa fu Mm «r ns
T. Baw Am J. W. BAmnsi.
M. W. Haaict. Bdiw Mid Itougw
OM MMtA, Iv Mil. ■
VkMAMAtfeAbrMAll. ■
■ttmikAtr-AU. •
Tu OtataB <|MalM B MW raMtvUc
MM a*Ml AtiMltoA tnm tke |«mIdMt wdbUcAbiMk The Unor of ti»
igUm of MUitMT ffoodtaA to the
r««Mt of ApwlB t«oe« M doobt
M to Uw d«ali« lor » pwoofat aoIsUoa
of Ue bouhle botwoM (hibo Aod tho
rovwAiiMat. b«t »t U«
tim» it ii ploiAij MBltei thol tho
Ualud Sute* oxyoett to fe*vo • hoad
ta the MtUoMSt of the diffioolt;.
PreeideBt MoKUle^ wlM Mt do mjtolar to Intompt the retara of pr«»
r«it7. bat tUi Battoo U o malt la Ita
armrAVtj torltoo Cabu potriote.
Ttorofore it biww too daty of toe
oaoemUTo to fito tole l■partoat qawtloa
ttoa, mad ot toe mne i
toediraityof toiero<
aetioa la toe >oattor. WbotoTor uy
be toe roeah of the deliberetioeaof toe
aablaet. ite attttade 'oad toot of toe
VoBldaatiaerbedepeadodapoa to be
la Uae with too Wui of toe poc^e oad
too altlMto oaam oao of wiodos mad
jBOtlM to aU whottno; eator iato toe
it eof too troablo betwooa
with toe etovle exeeptba of Hr. Good
rich. reported to fareref DMRdt, bet
Hr. Oeadrteh #ade a totaorltp report
to««top Laadar. whiehtoaa ooartev
ed of a eaw mUl aad oae tof hoaea.
After a loaf ctranto Imaai^ eree
ohoeea aad the wledom ot Hr. Goodrichb oovto to the matter hae beea
ihowa to toe detelopmen^ of the etate
dariar toe half emitaip elaoa tUe amttar wae eetUed. To Baoe Ooodrieh.
1. more thaa to aap other mi
dae toe fact that ImMtof wae made
toe capital dtp.
Bald 9o Dtoeoto Im;
Weahtoctoa. Sept, u.—Great laterert
b attached to toe oeMaet moeilas todap oa aeoeaat of toe earfeae importaat qaeetioae peadtos aad toe tool
that It b toe ftret for eome w '
Beerp aiember of the oablart except
Seoretarp Leap, who b oat of the dtp,
toe White Boaae at elevea
o-elodi. Bach had ea naoeoaUp torpe
aamber of papme aad doenmaata. Owlap to the Tolame of baalacM it
deeldad after the eabtoel had beea to
wdoa .for two aad a half hoaie te take
reeeto fw Inaobeen.
the leealae wae devoted almoe
tirelp to toa'eoaeideratloB of the Uaioa
PaclSo qeeetloa preeamablp for the advkmhlUtp of tahtof aa appeal Crem the
decree of the Ualted Btotee court at
Omaha for toe eale of pre^ertp aadar
placed apoa them art to talk «f toe
omttar aow. hot It erne etatod that aa
lo the ooaree
expected la toe ooaree of tan dapt
Goed bam ball tomorrow aad Fridap
Ladtogtop va. Baetlore. Urtpatatoof
r K. G 1
Xmipaaad Xappp Oathiriap at
lar Taint t«
Yaetmdap aftaraoom ahoat dftp
OMmbariaf the Travamatp Baltop.
F.-l^. C..wMttoPepbrI>etBtaad n}opad a }dlp pkmie to the prove aad at
toepavUloa. The aftormoom waa apNt
lavarloMamBoemeBUthrtGaB boM}opad aalp-at a patoerlap of Uvalp todloeaad pemtlaman oat far a dap .of
b toiawB
tMddeaadpood oheer ralpae eaptome.
Gme of too amadap feataito at the oeaaaiOB waa farabhed bp F. A. Bert,
who feU toto ton lee taV Be tharebp
farabhed piaat eport for toe parip aad
m erne of toe patoer’ and fleaaare tor
which toe P. M. C. b aofed,
X wUl he to mv ofBce to reealve toe
CUp aad Behool Ihxea of the Clip dorlac the rnoato of September. 1S»7.!
« o'clock tel 1:10 oModi A m. aad,
from 1 o'doek to 4 o'clock p. BI. and OB {
» from 7 o’clock to 8:10 .
o'deok p. m.
Said lAxM map be paid dmrtop Sep
tember wito aa addd^ tee of oae I
per CMb for eoUeettoa. Oa aU tazee!
rmmatolBp oapaid October 1.1»»7. there
wUl he
CMt. fo_______________
Ofiee to Herald BmDdtop. No. 133. j
Iboat atroet. Boom t.
Cltv lYeoenrM. i
Dated Sopt. 1letl»7.
Tho Berkdur^^^nts
an warranted oot to rip. aad
biU are
we authorize^
the tnerd^nt seltingCthem to make our
good, Vi
Pwpmie to Attaad Grand 'Rat- j
OM Oouxxty Fair, Sept 21. 22,
28 and 24.
Bp paplapyoB 13 eemU tor Mch Saqumdor
BaitemtoatBimiiodt; toeemUlfthe Wabtband ripe; oraaewprtrlfthay rtpdecwhefi
withto two maatoe from data of toto.
$3 a Month
The above make of pants merits the atteiition of
every pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
prices $1.50. $2.00aod ?2.5o~they are made in a variety
of patterns—ask to see them.
Seoeratioae of Bewtp.
the deaorattop ootomltue ef the
D. 0.>K. E. oelebtotiom have been baep
eeveral dapa la deeotattop toa baaqaet
haU to toe Stoihbetp Qpeto Boaae
dock far*.toe feaet of ^ D. O. K. K.
to take place there tomorrow alphu
The room hat bcM beaetifallp <
Bied with the colora of toe cedar aad
rapeelallp artmnped t^toe w
■BiUtotsiear.OvriMtor ma- om»
which WlU be toe fitt^pivM to thb
• aw. wle. wdtp tob eeaeoB.
Dr. Parsons Clinic
One Solid Week
m mmm ,M11> Mil
Hamilton Clothing Co.
w. rMM*
-l-~ -• -rulpllia Me arv raccaBMC hr
Thsatrloal Motto.
At Statoborp'e Giaad Opera Beaae,
ifoodap nipfat. Sept. ». we wUl hear
toe jiaple of the “Baacb of Kepe."
Tbb datotv and taaefal toroe hae paarIp toared the eoutrp and never failed
to ddipht toe people asd compel
maaapemente. Ada Bothsar b the
Wu OB the Tope of laoaaltp.
ater, Teddp Kepe (the tofaat terrible
ot the BotaL) The miaepemeat
aoaaoee a let of new aad prrttp pirb,
aod op to date eoape aad aoeeMea. mev., KtnAiM CM
eveC iu»U
the “BaBeh of Kepa*'new peto raetp
aad we hope never wUL It b the beet
toroe eomedp Hopt ever wrote
Bopt b the beet totirbt aad hasMriet TimTvn»citr.iikA..a*eL te.
wo hare.
CMcfTk aau b* iraMeC baak toceltr aad
Cantrli, Ckmie aid
Printt DIsusis,
MAXimr, with her orr>ecatle
paid boee bmU plojon. mokto toe proad
hold toelr r^alar meeUap thb afterMr. aad Mia. F. O. LpMO of Sdaqaeheart of hoTiar too-ohowploa aai
ooa la toe Foreetere' ball.
haoBa. Pa., toft tor Oraad Baplde pe
The Womeah Clab aatertato]
tardap after a rblt with the tomilp .
«ew too aaaibor of the latoee pU7«d.
thb evaatap to Stetobarph Oraad Opera' B. S. Pratt of tob dtp.
loot aad woa. eoapared with toe
oed of towITtaToiM Citj toon. wUI Boom wUl be wortkp of a erowded
/ ahowtoattooaartloc«haTebTa.loar
wajo toe |biot of it ia too aoa
The box oSee at 9
work, aad the HaeUwm are art all paid will epea >Yidap moratop tar toe
to. 00
MOB. aor are too Bajoritp of thea ‘Baaoh of Kapa''4o be pivaa Homdap
loarae pla7eTe.S*Tra*eree Cltj
naooB to he ftMtlp Mtlaflod with the
Qeeea Oltp Ckmp. Ho- 57&. Bopal
C. i W.H. BY..
Nelchbon of Ameriea. will
aroiaeBt aodtroaeral make-ap. aad aipbt et Hostapae hall. All
Thb b what poo have. b...j waitlap
they Uke Boehaaeea whoa thej claim arearpedle'atteod.
for—a chance to vblt poor Meade with
toe ehampioaohip of aorthora Ulchi_
|rae a varp aajopable eodal Utile expenee.
C. A W. M. Bp. train
wfff leave TrarB wffHeavel
par^ 1b rrofemor Hortnnph'e daadsp eree Cttv on above date
at 7:50 atoo to the eoaotrarp i
acmdemp laet olp^i- ft wee wall aV and arrive in Cbkapoaboat S:M p.
tended and oae et toe happp toformal LnOoaee abeot »r0u p. m.. and OeU
<vie D . G. B. A W.
B )' efaoat 7:4S
mlal eveste of the leeaoa.
m Eooad trip rate to Cbicapo S|i.C .
pirooB alirhtod toero. tired aad worm,
Some ef Travene Citph moat tatoated Detroit and LaCroeae $5 Ou. Betora
with a riait apoa oao of iU lofe oad iMiclaae aad aloeatombte wUl eater- limit. OcL 6th. TickeU map be aead
to priBdpal eiatloas Math of Uoltoad
attached to ItaBMoro eappooo'
trta aader the autobee of the Wi
eaet of Grand Ledpa Aek epMU
oooee B«M theiKortb Pole aad eoat h; aabthbevaatop. The prooeeda wUl and
* fall totormatioB.
bploror Aadroe. ' The pifeoa died be devoted to a elah-hoaea food.
Oaa DaHAvax, G. P. A.
after a ehort root}aBd before it had a
Waahlaptaa Poaad. formm-1;
Prepare to attend Oraad Travene
ohaace to h7 a wvd to coatm toe Btoted with tae G. B. A1. railroad, hae
aarsoettoae in toh MCMora If the takaa ap Ue reeldeaee here wUh hb OomatyTrtr.Bept.Sl. as. 88 aad S4.
J»i»d?hAd jmetiotoppod la aorthora tamllp. Tbep have takea the oottape
Mkhifoa loot eaoech to roeopt
MoaUp vacated hp A. T. Boxle.
before c«lac ao tar ooath. etartUaf
Hereto, aped ii moatto, too of Hr.
tidlare Mlrht haee booa rerealed.
aad Hre. Fiaak Chaat^pae. died HoaRICHMOND AND LA CBOS9B.
A eou> haatar la the Kkadike rerioe dap afteraooB at toe hotoc of ita parBaaide A ladtoaa Brtlrrap wUl
treat to«e “Ucht.’’ aad raaalac abort MU oa Barlow etraeV of cholera lataa■ aBBaal PaU exearaioB to the
tarn. The taatnl wOI take plaae to'toaaeirhher. A aohlle aeeetiac wae dap at 10 a. m.. from toe St. Fraade
hold aad toe aeaa ooadeetoed to dia ekarch.
'roBall eutioaa HackBe wae quloklp ttooa iato eaetodr aad
The Bapttot Hitoioo Circle will meet
haattd wltoomt aaaiBiwary eareai
Ihb aftaraooB at 3 o'clock to the par- ioaw City to Bip Bapida. iacladre.
oe apodal U
BarelaaaariniMeattofat«rof ami^ loreof toe chareh. Htoe Darlae wlU
aappUM tor ^thoee who eamtOMplato a be praaeat te addrcM toe meetiop. AU tarai^oa regular Ualaa untS^Md l^
totaraeted ere tovlwd to attoad. eepe- dudiap Oeober nh. Pi^..
>omR>e7 to AUtka
eiallp membara of otoar mbeiom elrelea BoTlaad.
____ . or potou aomto or eaet toereBOV. no* eOODBIOH BTZVO. to toe eitp.
, oa Q. B. StL E'p.. & A W. H. B-p .
aad tiekoU eaa
The taaMl of Hra. nebataa Weat
Sr»toerof Alderman Goodrich of thia
tocA place pwtardap from toe toaeUp
Oitjr Vaortar Hie Sad.
arfleld towae^ the
TMtorda? aftoraooB Bom. BeohM
followed to ttrtr toet
Ooodrieh reortred a sflMare fros reettop fdaoe hp a lamp
a a Locawooiv
Goodrich. GoBBaoee eoasigr. aaaoaae- oarriapae aad taama of triande who
O P. and T. A.,
iat that hit TOBerable brother. Baoe had kaowa aad arteamad the deeeaied
Oraad Bartde, Mtch.
Ooodrieh. wae dpiar. Hr. aad Hra for manp paara.
Ooodrieh will leara thle MMlar for
Dr. J. W. Uaaatlrtt, the optletoa o>
toebommoftoelr brother.
thb dtp, wlU ebortlp Mtar toe Medi
Baoe uoedrieh aad hli htrthar Boa- cal Odtlapa to Detroit, the doeter hae
hea ware la hoaiawe tether at Good- baea looatad ia thb dtp tor eome Um
rleh te 17 peara la IMO Hr. Beabaa aad hae had a pood prartlee la hb Itoa.
Goodrich emme to Traterae atp. aad Hra. Gaaatlett b aow to Bk B^fde
ahoat t peaia later hie brother Baoe aad wiU jote her btokaad me aoaa ae he
hoafht e ftaefarm at Foatoda. Taaoola to lototad la Petoelt.
The Mcoanh of fhroe OomoAto
epaatj, whtoe hae been hie borne mach
«f toe tloM elaee.
L. A. Pratt hae ratarmed to Aaa
Baoe Goodrich baa beea a man of
Storked ehaiaetor. promlaeat la maaj Arbor.
HtelraaeStotoberphaegoMto Fawape to hie aeeUoa of toe etate, hoaored of all taea. He lived a loac life toakop for a few dape’ vbit.
«f aeti*!^ aad aaefatoeM aad hae reHIM Joato Tltai hee pome to taka a
talaed kb tolerael to pebUe aad prt- poaltioB to tbc Art DepartBMOt to toa
(OB. TBB aoTBL.)
eato aflaire to tob Ume. Sack Urea are eebool far deaf aad dumb at FUatas esample for ethere to follow.
Bproa Holdeworth rataraad to tmaBob. Baoe Goodrich wae berm to elap paetardap to taeama hb atadba at
1 BlapoalooA Cbreca oematp. N. Y..
la Hltolpaa Aprlcaltarml Oolkpa,
Aar- 11. ItU. la UU Hr. Goodriob
Hra. K. M. Aehtoa left paatordap tomad a brothar cam to Hiehi«aa loeat- Detroit wbme aha wiU parehaae'hv
aada OCmpenp-of BrOllaat Omalac valaable traetaaf laito to Oeoeaee taUetek of mUliaWT.
ediaaa aad SparfcUap Semhtertea.
eoutp aad to less toe (amUp all came
JaM Lawb. formarlp ot thb d^
to toto e^te to take pnwttoloM of theec
ow' of Petaakep, b bora to aatot ia
toe D. O. K. K
Hr. Ooodrieh wae a a
r of toe Hra. Baabea Batch ratarmed to bar Lmtert aad Bart Siaptop, Daactop.
Httolcaa hoBM of repi
home to Oraad Baplde peatordap. attar
aad BarUaqae Featarea.
IHT aad a memhar of the etate eeaate M axtaadad virtt with ratoUvoa to thb
U4tat. WhOeatoemharof toe hoM dtp.
to JN7 he wae apoa toe epsetol oornHra. B. C 0evb b
Saato eal^atBoxOAee
toMoa appelated to eoartder toe a»tlhar, thototo NohlfoH
Fridap Mormlap.
«w of toe ftotoMtot tetottea of the
h.. aadharabtor.Hra.
Hra.MQanl. rt
U. .ywe. bvmrvaem.—
ChUdren’8 and MiBseB*
_ vrerr «aM.
Voaaa. Middle Aeed end «d Mem vbo.
e* ibr r«eun aS loduavUaak. arc taneiee br
bclorc li a 100 UM.
W* bat* Mtvr r*> laUvC vtea la tb* *«*«
-- s 10 cBm-i a cur*.
Best Stock we have ever shown and
Prices never so attractivef at ■
Doa't taUiocaUoBib
J a *UI> *«atB rtM ao(l
__________ > of arlv (or vbrwiaat aaalralaCeaMinaUw bikS cxaaiaaUaa. IsrluClac a
a.ao « KOIfTB.
Or. Far««i-cllBl* «1U be laraud at UoWI
Wkltia< for obt trtak twi me w,aib*. Bow*
Btev. Drtralt. Mlcfa
P a-Wr -HI b> plaaaaC lo *aa aU paUmU
bom -* uMrd oa oar laat rtaB b*fO-
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store.
We are now abo^ completed with stocking op with New
F^U Merebaadue in All Ou Repmrtiqente which ere
hrimining fall of
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
The Enterprise Grocetj
is still doing, business on
Frbnt Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd ia the city..
___ lJ51^
Enterprise Grocei?,
ardleas of advance in all linee, oar priems are lowto^ than ever.
Today we are c^ftoing Specialties in oar Children^ Clotfaiag Dept
We Otter. While They Last.
A Child’a neat Sait, from 4 to 14 yesre, for...............................$ .73
A nice Mask and bine Cberiot Sait for...................................... . | .33
A nice heavy osfdnl grsy Sait for................................................ | .93
A nice Chinchilla Reefer for........................................................ | .43
A chUdk Astrachan Reefer, in various shades, for.................... | .95
A fins nnfinished Worsted Reefer 8nit,hsodeomely brsided, for 2.25
Children's Uni<m Knee Pants for.......................................................19
Qiildpen's nice heavy Wool Pants for........................................
We have loada of Clothing in thisdepaitmeot aod as fine
astb^ maketbton, bat the prices sre the lowest on earth.
We osll particnlsr stteotion in oaf Shoe Department to
Suits tn Order.
SttiilMit'i 6niil ifei Boih
Our Line of SchcKil Shoes
Merchant Tailoring. A Chad's Solid Shoe for............................................... . . 67<.A Youth's Solid Shoe for.................................................... 76c «nd op
A Boy's Sdid Shoe for................................................
Trade in the largeat store where the variety is big sad
the prices the lowest
Monday, Sept 20
Fire Insurance,
The Boston Store ,
tsavzbsb otty xioh.
A Bunch of Keys 1
M. Tiktag UrttSm.
EitMj lnbitkt«?nna«ltaL
Prlct$)S4&^. Bn Saits 7Sc
_ 1
We Oan Save for You
We sre closisg oot to Cut Prices 8346 Palra of oar Best
PingrM A Smldi Shoes and Oxfords in Black and Tans, to
make room te oar New Stock at Coin Toes. Call early before
The Old Reliable Shoe Man.
118 Fsokt Stesbt, Wuszbubg Block,
tec bnek. tbc Pan Anfew CooITT XV 5
Mnanlao eeiopur boa«ta«. tb# tar m«
aad net «t which ww blown awov. The
B. «. Tmn iMhtt 0». Vm A«be viettmo b**c Woo oent to
_________tor tolcnocnt. oc. enocterr
T«a 9m OMt
aa yt< bcco atartrf there. AiBmlrtM. 8fL
«»■ havtac
Yicw from Wlaoie. Tt%.. aajr that ocarty
■Hfiow aa.«B|d(9*ao(Ui«B. G. P*- all the booaea there bare be» Wown
tan UuibvmpftBywiU nedre m down atid two away. At Webb all ot
tbe barna and one hoiwe wendentOiaM
iaenM* «f tn per ont. w I'
and natteted oeer th» eoontry. W
mo*. Petan ku Mdered lb» indterner. a prtaalnent cltliea. was
GnU and IntenUte railroad train
arnm tB rtaw e< tke npM tncmii ia
t war to Beaumont when the Worm
the prteM oi temWr proAaett.
that fcctloA ••Etrery one «■ the
ntaiM tke w*fn to wkai« tMtp '
Mows froet
WfMtteeotof Uetikll.
the track.- be aaM. “It waa pitch dark
and imtnlDf and waa blowtnt like it
oeeer blew before."
OCADKtnJK DJtowyixo n towa.
IklaJ WUI »• m-aaod
iwayaa apd nu Wtfc. a laaaa Indy
and a kaaa« Maa.
Waeerty. la.. Sept, it—The rtVer at
thu potat claimed four vletUna Bundajr
when UlMta pMtardap CBBMd M
8. E. Hyatt.
>arBmcBt cS tb« Laetf«rt merdtr
trtol. wUl.bi»ph7*kdftUtap, W able
Kms Boobd Orar.
John Knox of Hayftdld. wad examiMd bafora JaaUe* Brawn yaatarday
xNi a abarre ot baeinx eatued tbe death
of a aow by abooUax. Tba UdUmony
aeeapted aeariy all day and Kpo> waa
boaad orar to the Ctrcelt ooart for
MaL Bail waa died at NOO but
not faraiabad at oaca. tboaxb tba aeMaad axpaetad to a«eai« tbe Moeaaary
X>iad in the Oeaaty Hotiaa.
Mia. Aaaa Morxaa. who baa bean a
eocaty ebarfa and Inmate
tbe poorboaae ainw aboA tbe middle ot A«r
aav died yratarday of <|akb oanai
, Men. acad M yaam. Her baaband.
la ampleyad at tbe lumber damp of
Cobb A Miteball. waa aent taf aad ia
^ bert to attaud tbe fonciaL Moixaa
la too poor to defray tbe axpaaad ot tba
tandral and tbe eonaty will bear the
coat. Tba taaaral wUl take plaep tbla
Ute at Dixbl that it waa
kaowB what had befallen them. They
tbe river in a boat ta the foreChdlnx to apesd the day In the
FalHox to reiurs at al(ht tbe
telativea became uneaay and the father
of tbe tadica. who were atetera tnautrated a aear* which rcaolted In andX their boat and eSecu on the rtrer
bank about mldnixht.
They bad rose in faatblnc and a place
where a aand bar In a foot of water
termlnalea abruptly In n deep bole indi
cated bow they tot beyond their depth.
Both of tbe men wen rood awttBmera,
crldenl that their Uvea were
Tbe hodlea were^ recover—d yeetermarried only a few monkhe aco
wbkb occaelOD Hlaa TlbbeUa and youn«
UcQueen oOctated aa a hrideainaid and
trondiaman. Tba latter were -devoted
lovers and alao toon to have been mar-
Oty of Mexico. Sept. 14.-Tbe people
tailed at PanueUa quarry exploalon.
numbertnx lweo(y>four. were aaphyx
taied by, the drttsr Xaaea ceneralcd hj
Tba Xnicb^ Of Pytblaa VUl Oom
BMP ArranctaMnta ToaixM.
horaea and the bodies of i
> lay tPcetbrr in a borrIUe
CBed aa ape before tbe heavy al. Here allowed the _
ewer the craves In which they had bees
(d. E
Mlwide was tbe. true end
Ikararaa City Lodya. »•- ?*• K. of F .
1 bold a rayalar maatlur
tofartbaD. O. K. K. an oi9ortunlty to reclaim the bodica.
One hundred people were Injured by laIT will be acnplet- ballas the aaa
Tuunc Mnubad Mey PieuusA
BaauUfal neral Oflhriaya.
Tba fnuaral ot tba baba of. Mr. and
Mn. Ban McMulles took plaaa yaatarday and a tbranx of trienda attaudad
tba aarvieea. Mr. aad Mrs. McHuI’ ton daalra to axtaad tbair Ibanha to
tbe Foraators, Traraise Bay Hite L
O. T. M.. and many otbar friends for
tba bcaatlfuJ floral oflarinxa aant i
Two Toomt in Toias on tho
Ouir Viflited br a Dova*frvTbT Iff pnsofB MAT BE btati.
•a Mnawu to Mass Brau atIM at Pori
AaSbmr.Ctasersrboto Wa> a Bub.
part Tbas Tim ur MoiU Wet. Deuwasd al
■abtee Taw Tariy uf TWur Me Their
KUbourn. were drowned In tbe WlaeenalB river at this place yeatetday. Tba
boat Ifi which the> were rowinc upaal.
Frank Hayner saved himaelf by_dlacinc to 11. Dfbus who Is as excellent
awimmer wa^ drowned while aUemplInc to rescue the boy.
■truck here yesterday recalnc. Heavy
Several bitr-a were
fouRdaUons by tbe wind. Reperts from
the county Icdlrste damage to grain
in abqrk and starts by being btowrdowt
and ih'iroughly sfaked
Many people fled to c
program of tbe rtt nn.
aisem Pwri Heavy
Marincttft Wla.. Sept. 14.—A arvwv
thunder and wind stonn vtBled
place yeeterday. Uarge ireva wen
raolsd and hr- ken <-0 and bouasa
ooaaideiaMy damared Joaeph BcttrratcB. a buatman. and a traveling man.
left bvre at midnight for Egg Harbor
U a aali bo*i. They have not alncr been
beard from They mcountervd tb« ft
viulcnee of the saorm aad grave fear
tell for taelj^a^etr________
— Xanaaa Oty. Sept. 14.-At tbe beadl^LLOW PCVER tfl SPREAOINa
quarters of tbe Kanms City. Pfttsburc
and OnU Rcllrosa company, wblcbowri Hmrfle Mae a Cam a>4 Mew Ortraws ■
pons a rew Mare.
the town Mtt of Port Arthur, a siaicWaablngton. Srpl 14.—Tcsierday the
ufflcUI dtapatches to tbr surgeon
dwastar on tbe Gulf sraa rrm
the iHuatlon In tbe yellow
niebt. AcGOrttax
tbe rauroad reports
f«v^ region more serioua. Dr.
a heavy wind came on Sunday ntebt.
eras, ibe gavernmeol expert, reponed
tainlnc tbr vetocliy of a burriranr i
a cane of yellnw (ever at the rity
o-ckek In tbr evenlnx and iscrcastci
plUl at Mobile. AU.; also a am
f^tee antil $ p. m.. when the blcl
case, sad added that he apprehended
velocity waa tsacbed. la Port Arthur a aerious outbreak. At the asme ume
uls lives were loot, about thirty
Burgeon Carter telegraphed from Ocean
were blown tewn, tbr ascood Story of Bpringa that four cases of yellow fever
tbe bank was blown oS. tbe flaWne hotel existed at Barkley: that there had been
waa damneed tMOand roots wets blown right eases ktftwn fo be yellow Tever.
from the toundhonse. MUtoriom and and that two expowed ^yalrlaas wore
tbt rallnsd.rompsn^s sUblea The pier. al Van Oaave and Beranton. pracUewlly
It Ir reported, was somewbat damaxed. under guard.
Burgeon Wasdin. arbo has been at
The dead are—Frar.k Alhrtcbt.
Icbt. clmrte
llfbl employe.
FriU Mlchslla,
alia, carpen Ocean Bprtng* for some time, was token
ter; Oeoipe Martin, brlrklaycr; un
known man: May Ainsworth. It years came fram Surgaon Murray, who did
«M: Intant son of W. H Johnson. In- •ut Stole tbe nature of the lllneus but
forad—Mra. Roy guSurd. rt«ht leg Dr. Wyman auppoaes It to be jreDow
broken near hip; Roy Btaamd. leca trvar. Burgnm Murray has engaged
badly, bruised: imir datwbtv of Staf- a aurae «nd win can for him. Dr.
;ed sliies
•ard.Vrioasly Injured.
I Ocean
Tim Leri « totow. I
Tbe railroad reports do not stole Bpringa.
whether Ihsae people were killed ta
hurricane or drowned, tboueb It
In New Oriraiit, tocludlng tbe Grip!
stated that there la no bish water
ovatllow at Pori Arthur. Of tbe dl__ death, was officially made by tbr board
tor at Bablae Pass, wbtcb to the ■•oppetoUoB" tows to Port Arthur, tbe Puts- U protaiUe that another case wUI be
burg and OiV suitsitBt saya: ~At Ba- added to the Ust. exhausting tbe sari*
tune Paaa lbs lom Is on* sebooner. four ous'susplrloas cases aow under lavcMI*
gatlun- Tbe ninth cw Is Edward Mr*
tuga many buUdlnga ten or mu:
pic druaned. Including Moon ft Reltla. Ulnty. a younr mas living tmmedlatriy
eartracten. aad there Is six fret ofw atrr oppnrile a residence i
In Sabtoc city." President A E. Still- ' cblld died fram tl
Ocean Bprings
writ of the Pittsburg ard Gulf, last
bight wired hh reprcserlatlvrs at Peut
Arihur that the comrat)' would aub- I Chicago.,'Bept. 14.—Hembcra o flbe Boacrlbe llo.fW to repair tbe ‘
I rial DrthKtwcy uf America met at two
placoTirre Sunday at which verylnrandlary ■i.eecbes were made. There wera
hul siivet het and milder reaolulloas at
the meciltig of branch I. at tbe ball IK
Waahingt'-n skrevt. There were bot
New Orleajw. Bept I4.-Newe from apyeches and hotter resolutions at the
HaMas Pass ai>d Port Arihur. Tex , Is meeting of branch Mo which Lucy I>»rthat both lowDs are almtsl blova away. rans belongs, held -at lUS Milwaukee
Fra«r tarty morning tbe aky al Pori avenue. At the Utter piace tbe rew>luAKbar was ibroatenlng and a stiff gale tloas favored killing a mllllwaalie for
blew. No rain of coMsqoence fetl unlU every miner who was alaln tn PenBsyl.
4 p. IB,.
vaala. The terck was argwd as the am
rary wind »wwr U
---------- teas ot ft
I rsaebsd the •
very tnewndUry naiar* i
mads By
Pltxcvrald. Murphy. ts« Rid
Error V Ocodsrtn and ptbe^
Tlw Vl«w Taken by Seme Optt*
m»ttc People Up Around the
to Bcklay. bkley Is a nail entatag
trlUage anfl Urn In a vallar.
Tbsrs art a number ot criUertsa tbera.
and f«an have been entertalued tor tbs
pam forty-eight boon that iraubts
would faraak ouL as the men bad bean
acting very ugly. Tbe sUnatlon last
Bigbt In tbe Haxleton district wss one
of usnwt. AU tbe colUeries In Ibis dlstrict are apprebenrire of danger. Re*
aaests bare been pouring In to Oeoeral
OoMn tram the various mines asking
that be tend troops to tbe places
Butter, Butter,
iorMoes Trouble at nmma
Flttaburt. SepL 14.—The naUonal
inamiBoua raal miners* rtrtke of U>7
vlU probably be the laat ot the kind for
present rmeraUun. and hereafter
the difScunies aitaliK ibroaxta wa«e dtaputc* Will likely be aetUed by atatca and
dlatiicta. and a revolution ^y. be ex
pected la dlSefentlala favortnc Mber
tea aa tbe PtUaburi miners have bad
tbalr cyca opened. U. D. Ratchford. na
tional president, aod Patrtch Man. dlatnet preetdent. both expressed tbemaelvea privately that th^,jr«^tborouxhly dlacuaied
m sndyeri^V
glcla. and tbe cupldll}
Ul} of s^ 01
delegatSB who wlteed to ceciltnue
■trike. Last Right Prerident Dolan met
In coafervnee with tbs celgtnsl commlltse of seven: representing tbe • Big Tblrteeu." or lake shippers After the meetleg Dolan said he bad told the openlora
that the ten-day clause In tbe C« luiqbus
acltlement was a farce, and that be
would not Interfere In any way wlib any
miners who wished to return to wor4t to
day or any other day before tbe lendsys
had expired.
WowM Rare flttebsiu Stoads
It Is tbr presen InlenUon to make a
concerted cflorl to have the PItuburg
mlnera In a body accede from tbenational organUallon and farm an orgsnlaaUoa for this district alone. The facts
mg t:the Columbus convention will
be laid befoi
and It is bvHeved the
whole (district wlU be running In full by
‘Hiurodny morning. The macbloc cut*
tera at tbe Darr mine ot Osborne ft Barlay mortUng
work yesterda;
gee ’
« Jumbo Na
and t
Robbins Coal company.
Tbe mlnera of tbe Eclipse. Andereon.
Hsckel. Noulnghsm and Germania on
the Wheeling dlvtrioet. also mri yerierdsy. and after braring -s rap-rt from
the delegates lo Coliimbus. decided to
Ignore tbe ten days' clause and to t»7
Bumr work ibis morning. J. J. O'Krill
ivesived word from tbe men at theWebner mine that they mould resume at
orxw. Tbe miners in the vicinity rf Mc
Donald also tried 10 gri lain ibe pits and
n Is believed that by Thursday tbemlnes
wlU geoerally have resumed. The men
at Oareola mine will also be at work to
day Meetings were held yeeter.laV all
over the d|#trlrt. arJ In anlic-liwlloa
Boiling Beef and
Sold Cheap Friday wd^
general. bv>arever. and alibongb be lai<r
revoked tbe ciauae excluding music,
there were men In Une wearing tbe uul.
form of tbe Italian army, and others
carrying drawn luibrea
ter stood In front of tbe cburch during
the ceremoiUef wltbla "Tbe prlesU
gave mr theft aa.
arms should be cai
forms worn. ' said General GoWn. Tbe
general added that be would demand
an explanation from the clergymen
uiveIse belie
FOB A nickel'
Don’t Fail to try our Cuts and
Slices forthese two days.
medlstc vtclnlty have asked General
Oobln to place guards around tbeir
bouses. This has been done. General
OobiD wfll Dri make public tbe names of
who made
n the mau> street of Hatleay to thlf effect: They
group of mlaers and hearfl sne of them remark: "I've got
tbe material, but I doDt know bow tc
If I did I wauld
blow tbem up tonight." TbU Infonnattah waa sent to General 0-'Mn..aod ai
be bad already heard malteriags fr«HT
other sources, he decided to send guards
to the bouses of the two mtre superin
tendents. The gu4^ds were not placed
on duty until after dark i
The flrat discord between the mlUUry
nd the strikera occurred ycMerday, and
General Gobln war angry about It. Fbllowing hir order agalnri the proposed
funeral derrK-iutratlnn be arranged
a ranf.renir yesterday moi-nlng with
tbe PuUsb priests who ar» Icx>klng al
the cause of the men. He Unpres
them with the necessily for preventing
. show of a military character' and
said be would permll no uniformed met
partlripalv except those represeut.
- of- music,
rvUgtous soctetlea
side arms
srma stirk*
stlrkr and
ar>d banners
liaoRwere alao
prohibited. The priesu rromissd that
this stinoid be agreed to. and tbe
the other band agreed
Fine, Fresh Buner!
Saturday, e e e o e •
docs occur Tbe-geBcral decUiMs
-UDatoBfMa.Hsea ais Way kameMee- give tbe names ot tbe crillerlm, as
the raea In them arc sUU al w«b. Tbe
operator*, howevri^, are
of tba Taw-Day L
"diamono J.
rok A DlMEt
Osv CaloB aad Mlstb flla.
«r auTtbiftf ift tbs lias ^ ■
SmskM* Mbtsrlflla. e»ll ei
Park Stmt, bttwflfln nsat 8 Cm.
a DAT AXD neuT.
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
HeilTictetsnlleilacMlRatcs. Lady Watts
rir.iClaM Day Board. SpaeUl btea
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
^ .mm "
From this date this, boat.
will not make regular con
nections with trains OB M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever. can make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by commonication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.
Elwond. Ind.. Bept 14.—The Elwood
window glare plant slopped by a strike
of aomr of the wrorkm^ Is In opevatlon again. Another organIsaUun of
flall,uiera and cutters sot formerly tn
the union :haa been tnrnml and nearly
all ihr Nriklng member* have lotned
It Tbe new organltollor has Jidnvd Ibe
national aaroiUtlon and thus liridged
over the difficulty. An agreement has
bivii made that ibefour giadesof work
men are to shpre pr.'rcrilonately In
to begin at a moment's notice.
pauraigraa or THk
ITtunes Us so the Marrb.
any advance In wages. Forty men were
Plitsbnrg, Sept. 14—The women
brought from Rkhmund to lake the
on the march at Plum Creek again yes- pta<-e. of the striker* IR the tin plate
terdsy. led h> Emma tiaai. ihe "Joan factory. The atrikera taut tbe switch Ooraar of t'oloa aad Ray Rtraeu,
of An " of tbe strike. The result Is that gate, but the engineer
M. A N. K. depot, wiabta to aa- kBbtwr RaelBS Toe Clip, ■ Oasi leto yoar
Emma an three other women were
ivsiMl. rwarly every deputy was mo
Bounca to tba public tfcat be baa re
-i. “
bie excUement over tbe arrival of l
lem clubbed and Bamuel De Aimlt
fitted aad fuRiished tba Hotel Paag- cafSS.K St
cut In the hand with a knlfa The
bora better thaa it aver baa beaa be Be icim Toe Clips. adJuMabie. per
was the result ot a carofuliy planned
a*Ml>taals.vuhVl4 balls, per pole....... t«
Trita to'ntop Aaatato to tUlaoto
fore aad eaa aeeoiaiaodaU tbn travel- Llaa,rTubto.coM0M,.Mrb................... IS
attempt u. prevvel the men at work
r Oib,r Saodrie, Is ProporUow. Brastog ut
Bpringfleld. Bept 14. —One hundred iax public la good abapa. Sattafa
Plum Creek fram ratering the miB
all klad, prompUr dso,. Paieblax Tlrsa tg
There were shoot twenty-live women HriUng miners marched out to the
Um Ic rvpalT tbew. aiBris Tubs Tort a
and about flfiy siHkera concerned lo It. Black Diamond mine, eonth of tbe cllj:^
Tbe plan was to hkve the women march about 4 o’clock lari rventng lo try. an?
In f««i with their hablea. with Ibe de- Induce Robert Solomoa. one of tbeMwa■Igii <g working on the aentiments of tbe era hU two Bonaand fouautber menwbo
were at aork there toquil. Walter Pow.
men who would be going
to act aa a ahlrid to tbe rest of the par ell. who Ws loading oual. was assaulted
ty. The women were to crowd around by tbe ririkne after aome words, and
each man as he attempted to go Into tbe
mine, lake his dinner bucket from him.
o quit. Several
and then Ahrow It Into the ditch.
EtoiBS Baas Meads the CwlBB
Mtoese Weald MetWe to WA
About daylight tbe party started oat.
headed by Emma Haas Those not hsvBiNtiicaeld. Ilia. Sept 14.-A special
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
tng a baby, caotod
frrm Tallula to tbr Stole Register saya:
club of scene sort. On Ibe MurraysrHIe Early yesterday mcrnlng the superinMarket in the Brosch Block.
road they encsiuntorM « posse of depu tondral of the cralsbafibereordrred Ihr
ties and w-ere ordered twrfc tc the camp: miners lo lake cut their tools or go to
Nil aiteniinu was iwid in tbe order and work. Nsafly an rrapueded by taking
the i>ariy tried to ferev tbrir way out tbrlt looM. and none have gone to
through the Une ot depullca A Mffie eroilL and say they will not until the
frilnwed and Emma Haas and ibrae oth ■trike it coded.
er wcenen whv w-re In the lead wer
tested. A scene of silld excitement
Rprlng(l.ld. Ilia. Sept 14.-Tbr miliera
rrsued. Tbe moment a deputy
har.de on a woman he wse surroundra ft Albeos. Menard county, held a maromeettng yesterday aflenioai and elected
by i-ihers waving eluhs ti
using them on the head of a deputy
when, the oppurtur.lty oRcrvd.
■ vote to continue the strike.
IkewuUea BsM TWIr Petwi
Deputy Walker wae severely dubbed
a^ 8. C- De Armlt waa cut In Ibe band.
Chicago. Sept. 14.-League base baU
He toys he wae stacked by « woman records yesterday:
At Ualtlraore—
with a knife. The depotlee Anally got (%tcago I tlainmore 4; (second game)
their prisoners into lh> company sUblea. Ctacagv. 4. Baltimure 11; at Brooklyn
ar.d later brought them lo this elty. —.New York t>. Bruuklya 1
where they 'were lodged In Ibe county Bings, dsrknt
Jall The Dsmes of the women arrested clnnatl Z, tVashlaglon I: al LouMvlUe
South Uaioa SirMi.
were: Emma Haas. Mra. John «
—PUlabaig Z, Louisville *; a Bogtoo
Mrs. Frank Haas and Mr*. Btsaer.
Western Lrogue: At OoIumba»-DeKeiMr and Mrs. Eisner had their bwtde*
Balter ftt Mate
Ubte itagaiy.
with them. After tbe removal of tbe trcll II. Columbus U; at tndlanapoUsBmatb ftsd
prisoners from Plum Creek tbr excile- Orand Rapids V Ind....................
n-ent subsided and the wnmen and strik
ers returned to cwipp- The reason mon
of the women were not amsled wai al Mloneapolle-Transferred to Milwau
that four or five deputies were required kee.
lo bold one of them.
• Oty
See Our New line
s. :e-AJCT3-i30H3sr.
Picture Mouldings
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Fresh Meats-always fresh. Salt Meats.
Angus McColl ]
The Pure Juice
■" ■“
Butter, First Class SSSVoStS:.*
WMayatori aw Crwy«M ta Ttabwb
ai Aay MemsM.
Haalrion. Pa.. Sepi. U.-Traubie has
broken out at Coxe BroUsra' colllarv
at Erkley. Two hundr^ miners at
Buck mounuln. wblcb U about three
BiHss fram Eckley. went on strike
terday monilax^gd started towards tbs
Eckley mine. The supvriotendent ot
the Uckley eolUrry triegrapbed Oen■ral Oobln for troops, but Ister to tb<
day tbe rsgueri was wltMrawn, the auperlntend^l notifying the general ihni
tbe glrUIng mlnera bad stopped march
ing. Al 4 o'clock In tbe afternoon Gen
eral Oobln received anotbar telegram
etallng that them miners bad again
Wbaa jM obB buy aew oa« w ebtep.
s^lM »t A. 6. Frym
waged here (nr tbr pari week between
is an arrangement tor a Joint debate
between Elder William R. Cover*, pre
senting aMl-spIrliualiM eoavtcUoa. and
Moees Hud. ri^resentlng tbe spiritual
ists. They met yesterday aflereota at
tbe Doxry bote] and signed articles of
atayeroent for a four days’ Jolnl debats
to be held at the Opera T
city beginning Taesday;
.—It U reported that
be Docheta.cg Toik wUI taortly iMiie
a appeal In behalf of tbe liiab who are
aty Troop, of Phlladel- appeal whlcb the iMbem of Wales
pMa. to go to tbs aosM at tbs dUtar- fltode in behalf of tbe Loedon poor at
I tor tba qutaa'a
fcanee. The trangta* tafls asms tba
aeoBtalaa. a distaftcc cT Kgbtata bOm.
Bicycles to Rent
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
TK> MOJmniO A>00«p. W»I>WBSPAY. SBPTBMBKB 15. iW7.
TtaB Dm A«W(«* k>rM» Tm>* I‘
trUtlnc to (be « b«bl bltiiMlOB !• *S M(net mm tb* ooniplM* mcnUtlr report
ct John HrA«. Utr-•Utlftklna ct the
•(rtrultamJ d^unmetii. wbirh ic lamed
today; "Hl«h prira for wheal havc'for
ameral «Mha put bfca bHnslr« out
•njvliea quite frrrlj-.-and Inmaaed tui>9Uw bare, to lura. reafied apoo pMoea.
•amiBd Bone detllnc from gu btehat
tt(«rea of Aucaet T1>e veaaral tea
tbe iafanuguc cleaned from all arali*
able aouma la cot. bowever. of a <
carded rnim tbc cotuunterC or the producerV polsl of Siew-«f aer laatartal
« heat tiatll aaother cn«
U In «cbi alib a prtMpect of ampler
alncka. .Vt Ith an asaual averact Eu
ropean product of over l.Ut.tMkUe
. butbeb dunne tbe atx yeare from tl»l
to im Inelualvr we exported an avrrace
of idfciTs.m huihelj a year. Tbta year
tbe Euiv|>eaii Cit'p. accordin
hall'e Cum Trade Near, will In round
numlieia amium to l.in.owooo WinohralCT huehelv. or W.«K>.tnO iuMheti ieaa
than the avarace of the «a yaara In
biiwpa^ ttrheieaer t. I ISMOW.
••If we make the eompanecn with th.
dcurec vlvCB by ^loerU-hm hw IB7 lh<
dedelmry In the EuropLaa crop'la elll
tba. ficure*
ela beinc: Avetape for lOMSM. 1.41a,.
crop of 1»7. t.U».«00.0M; differ.
eiK-e. Ut.«W>,MC. That la aooordlnc l<
Brertmhni'a eatimate of thia-ytar’a erop
theta u a jlefleleney of nx«e.fl00 huabcla Id European countrlea aa eompared
with Uielr avrrace product for tbe etc
yrare. ini to itK—an
-an averace
dudee. the exeapuonally email cm
IMl. To make up tbe deficiency 1
hell' It to be expected from India,
ceattna Or Auetralia for month* to c>
and laaofar a* Europe will have to
America, and aapectally from the foiled
•utea. the Cknadiaa conuibutloe helnc
vela lively.email
Other ClonatitM May or May K« Mato a
Unlr Wham to tmaiv
•nfficlal rrtuma for Onurto and UanU
toha give for tbeee two prwmrea an
accrrvale of U.MXSU buehrla. » the
Kay Make a New Crtal Kaaeaaaary—D»
Chicago. Bept. 14.—Th* tereneon aeaeba of tbe Euetctrt trial waa laterrupled paeteiday by tbe akknaae of j -
....................... .......
taken m<k Saturday afyr court ad-1 — HER OPINION <5F MEN.
Jounrrd, but recovered auakteellr to'I AaM rhUeada
............. I
I MarvM IW Bad
appear yeaterday.
wvi* eelaed wnth a
“I nulybewToacabom It,” modeeHy
earlier <»•« «<«<> old AfiM PhUeirda Brandbead Id tbe nidM of
ceae. borlEC to be able to reeume In the ladlM at Mrt Joept Tubman'■ qcild&c
aflemooD; tout be waan'tand the caae bM.‘‘baildoa'i bt liew tbere i* any
went ever for the day.' If Fowler ahould fixed role or aet ctf rule* that oaa be
remain U1 for any ecnclderabla Ume-it
foUtwed ill all caMi In n>aaagloc
would render valueUa ^1 tfte time '
’—brine w I hav«
epmt on the trial, a. a new jurTwodid •‘»n*band. I m
Thl Cfiltbntfid SpMillUtl.
Hotel Whtting
Thursday, October U, 1097.
n a human •
.................... Bailey.; a TCcolt of tuy aourewbat extanded anV*'*
1 •“ Pw*»y »eU eooTiooad
mum. waa put on tbc atand and for two .
b no enntUalMd law which
hour* and a half anbJecUd to-a rigid ;
croae-examlnatkn. Attorney Vincent i ?f._
want at tba wltneea hammer and tone*. >
nf My ttec of them,
and tried in every way known to tbe | "What b one siaii'a meat b aaotbec
legal butaralty to dlaeount the ex-1 oun’e fniacm. yon kw^. and tbe nwtbpert'a teatlmony, Profeteor Bailey clung I od
ptoerdurr wbiob will convert OM
to hla theory, bowever. Durtne tbe I parael of maKnliBr material Into a eatcrom-examtaatloo tbe defenae oflered In bfMUny bueUnd will prove a total fallwhich bad been aubbrled to the action '
*iie I.V <
of potaah iQ the counter teeu made
the deteaia to coctradtet the caae, bu.., i'■
up by the ortmecntluB.
The fight tor a time raged around ;
tbe amnmoid bone, aa the experu de-1
dare It. found la the vat. In reply to a ^
eerlea of queatioae Frofemor Bailey 1
in tbeb dupoaitloiw
world that
***cn»ye bothiug elWib ibr>c
1 .oao think
of to mnch.at
do a lot
- •----------of tonda \m can oerrrteU In advanee
which wa.v they are paing to jemp when
you poke 'em. nor, for that Dialler, bow
-Tbeic b a proverb which mv. that
• and Strictly
DBti B a e.a CO derc*.
AMhma wad Coo*ua.|4io«.
J SX'Si •
___ rt.atuiBaea.aDd Nermu. DUewaM. Chemw <(ll. Vlts.
DlMa***. DIWMM
aad «'<■>««. and all dl.*me* ac
j^n-cnv Ok riTK |iu*iUT«]r irwl bv a new and never I*
iKhlMand Vli-1lnf BMtal Vi
wrt boSaTrooble •'- - ■•- "_____ i w» cl**'
and wlthunl the ni
(* Meadea trow
c Of Ugwunw Coau and i
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
imsissisir------ ------------OV.tBASTEE To CM ever, caw ot D,M>etwla. g • -
who ar* nnatile lu call can wriie fuU panirulanef tbalr camaad haveaadlel
■w of Dr*. E. a. a
waa Ineoreoialed^ce^ rear* elne* with a eapttal ol
> II joaeiBiaa, taeai. They are eopucalbl* and well knowa.
.me together In a dag."
thf wit- I
Intoniul econonnei
*a. Attorney Vincent then produced ' ■***■ ^
oommnuicattob wilh their
X X-t»y photograph of the foot of a bHtto in that (lirvrtMm. You cun win
an weighing ninety-eight pounde to one mau'i everlaatiug *etw.rvirnce hr
afaow that Ibeaeaamold l•onea therew-ere tte
" mcwarful application of a mo^ | LoC^ BOX 100.
a* In a dug'e fool, but rrvfeaaor Bailey
declared the picture ahowed they Were filmny at tbe ordalhitl Uuir. aud tbe
dUtiBH. holding that It waa the per- ■atue action will make a tynst or a
apactlve that made them look cloae to niaanthrope or both of the next man.
One man ran be •ubjagated hy maklttE
him abaid of yon aud aooihar bv maklUlareaf the Himav, om—.,-.1- o^. Ine hlni think yoo are afraid td him.
Ton moat talk to one man and Itotaa to
paay. a Chkagw Canaaim,
Chicago. Sept. 14,-The Reaerve Com- another.
”AU in all. about tbe oa]y intelUble
mladon company, which faae been doing
.rge eommlealaa buatncaa. cloaed lit <
regardiug men fulfct that 1 have
doote yeaietday. Tbe failure will eaute | n»hM«l from my experience with (bam
b that tbe niau who before
death Of . numberTf'**
-----------nmallcr ctuicvtae throughout the crniml lovea a womu tbe moat extravagutly
pan of the United Slalea. fur while the after marriage lovea her the BMat aooChicago hualnea* wae limited It had Boulcally. Tbeaveragemaa'aidenlwtfe
deaUage with aeurve of petty brt>k*ra In b one who know* 4)Ow to drem oc nochSI. Louli. MUvaukw. Indlanapolb Cln- iog a year aud alwaye look welL*'—
clnnall. Dee Uoinra. OaliwtoDrg. Iowa Ton P. Mcegaii In Krw Tork Trpth.
City. Oekalociaa. Avm
«nd euch town* a* far eaet
MeawallfieJ For gowihaU.
It In eailmated that the I
Oahaley—Well, 1 gappo**. your MB
waiikee alone will
Will aqpu begtwfaiiilaat yiar in railage?
• >*-> m
.ii.Parka—K«. be iut going bac* thb
mUiluc cooMw
any le endued with having
dcnc <na.moet exteoelve U)Tltit-w uf It*
Dabiley—Oh. tbat'i too badt He
kind oelthe priv
^.V.7 .
ihrongh now that be'i got
ft had
fiiuil Eipidi ft IiUui 1.1
DRS- B. S-&CO.
“.rri i
Tbe WlaconNn tobacco erop, bring now
nxaiiy »h«dd«l. I* uut of danger from
damage by hall or froac.
E Kdt*un
has taken up tbe
............ —
-------------«tuay of atr ahipa. He
ready .......
In iirlnrlple!
*“ wrung
Teinprsluies were rtroided Sunday In
Indiana. iWa. and lUluuU uf over IWi,
breaking all records for the tin* uf
Chicago —
West Michigan.
mast always redsm
V_______ JM
TrwiDs acTiTs rrsa CTnrtnaaiiL Orand
BapDstash aad
tlrafffre^t e* brwneii arritss al II Wa. •.
140^ Warns
tal and no end of cOnvenlenea.
WaahJngton, Bert It.-Prraldent McKlnle)’ returned to Washington yealerday anerr.cM from SomcmeL Pa. At
torney Otncral UcE<
the piraldeot ar.d lira UcKinley.
the only other memtoer* of tbe tarty
were *Aas Bnddey and Bxsrativto OeiB
Oeorge B. Oortvlgon. T%e preaddeni was
ebeertd at vartous placoa en nau.
(Alnms VUUgt al Omiha
Washington. BepL tt.-The aecrelarr
of the iranaury tons gtvra authoriir to
the Mac Lee Wah village eranpaiur to
bring tolo thb CDuatry dM CBlawe to
la the Ti
Uk#s pan
Inieraational exhiHOoa at Omhba.Hebo
nexi year, nt Chlncm axhttdt srtU in-I
elude it rlUagt.
AUoenaye at Uw.
iOeae la Mewiagw* Block, ■tmmna CMy, Mlek.
Thr Remrve comiany waa crganlaed ^
had a fever and that hie bab
with Hou.w ral'iial At thr t,mn» of' bad all come cot?—Cleveland Leader,
the comiany in the hlallo building the (
offleerv of thr conoraliun were given
fullou*: Prealdrnt. A. H. "
She. Our Dcighbcn in that villa are
i; treaturer, R. B gtidratly very liob prapb.
She—Only conaidrr. They bavo five
San Sebaattan. Sept. 1t.~Thr retiring grown up tbnghim. all tuuaarried,
United SUlea minuter to Srwln. Han. they give no parttea, don't go to any oC
. Taylor, wa* received In audleaac tba bopt, don't apprar on tbe board
promiw Ihroaghout moat
by tb* queen regent yeaterday and pretiallan colocice: but the area traa nar MDted bU teller* of .reran. Soon aTier- walk when tbe band playt and. moBorowed toy dmigbt at eeedlnc time, and warde the new United Statea mlnlaier to ovar, wear tbe plalaeat cloibea imaginar atocka muat tor low It la not likely Spain. Oenetal Stewart L Woodford, ■hla.—St. Peterabsrg Shota.
that even with a full yield the crop win was received by her mayeaty and piw
be one nut of which any great amount aenled bU crvdenllaU.
can ^ aiutred for exportation.
•Tbe preaent high prlcee would or! told tbat tbe Klondike gold b not
filnartly tend to encurag*- the aowlng
Five mec were entoiuty burned by wegth ao mneb to tbe oonee aa i
of an Incrraaed Breadth In India, thould
tfar weather be tavormble thU fallin-ut mciicD metal Ir. a alort factory at Igeda. ’ Ttbrr twaoda.
-I conIdBt
any Inclinallun on the |iart of tbe poorer
Caclfcmia fruit growei* rannoi ol>- m to tbaL Wf o
rut1lval‘-ra to lake advantage of auch
«d brh
iln hrff enough to harrcai cropa area
favorable nrndUlune will protutoly be In
1 ain’t no idea aatoou
at advanced wage*
aetlrv drwlon In trying to pick nawe
e harveat »
. . .
In la ArceMlna. thti country ">*>' have
Riorv iir leea obtal In vx|>ort. ai the
tauat mail advieet reprraent Ibr crup
aMt>rlDC IWflnrcrHtdltlnnmnd Ihrnealhar hlfMy (avotahle. There are. how
thancr* of aertoua damace
irtnc the next three e
>r UiMt accounu fror
dreea tefi V)
fad of the
But leavlui
the buiden of aupply for Europe will
fall mure Urgel, than uaual upon the
fnlled Sla^ It la nldent that tharw
«9Uld, In any caae. be a demand for a
targer aurplni than U to be expeicUd nnt
I* year a ep.p
the failed
Biaua average
annual citnrl ffir the Mx years DOClinr «r add a Ruropran shortage of W.WU.Mai iiuaheU figured out ),> Bitanhall w* gel a total .a MSJ7XXT2 htwhels.
and Inwifar a* we fall short of *uM>ly.
(ng that quantity Eurui», a* rum|«red
with an awntg* year, must suffer a
atan-ny In her hrwad auj i ly, extvpl Inaofai as ah* ran avert it by drawing
on th* sltwk* that may rentalo tmt of
prevkHiB cropa. Tn* wiwld'e reaarves
have, htiwrvcr, bern rtduccd tn c<au«tjUrvtc* of the Miort wheal rrof, of'last
yur. and a deflcirrxi In smue uf the
l.W.Pamma. .
Tarisr ear leaves
luism UDMRnuiaiLi
fc aiilk Safe
A Flalek- Belgmah t
«e lafcs easel asadv. Jaaa M. UR.
atIUDa'elaaka m.
Ooao BOBS*.
IT part veotUaieS
threw atMM* at you. wfant wtmld you
cancer Patrick Ksantd!
vine, Ills., ended hb Ilf* w Itb a re
The tidewhrel steamer Elisa Andrrnon Is aafc at AHiteta HarUir. She was
ca rout* to Alaska and reported
a reeked.
ao.oou.000 heciumren, against tl.O00.tD0
htctnllimn In in*.
Kev. Ahel Stevena died suddenly at
Ban Jrwe. Cal., of heart taltuc*. aged
nearly K rears. Hr was known as th*
hlriorun uf Methtdlnm
Mrt. tirhuasroao (at a summer nuort) i
—Gottlieb, tbc paper cay* tbat tbe'na- ^
tlvea of tbe Baodwicli kUuds pay ahom
»S for a wUn.
ProtamorBcbnnania_______ _______
—Hm. hml te ranch. JenuyS-EAba jy swlbnius up all loot uU ckahiag a^ '
itMTlti hai a Mritig to It"
‘‘Tea Asoingcdraoaboeiwa''—£
(nit Jonsai.
and Dealers' -Pretsellv* a
at St. Louis yralcrday le
at.oual coDventton with i
---------------BOtlr* ' .til onto** 1-5
rnpETd ts aitand Orand Travoina
OBBBty Talt. SapL SI. S9. SB aad BA.
;*«d old
The min* workere cf labparalng and j
Nrgaucee, Fich.. agreed at maad-meei- ' phtB'e tn me
Inga to mis* li.oeo for the coal ruinerv of |
lliiaula. All the mm agreed to give caw
daFe pay.
Rev. O. r B. Howard baa aaraped
tran the D
BOturiooi United States prtsoner tram
Tanaesaee. Howard was tniatsd In ths
front aAca and walked away.
kira. Howard McFarland, a praantneat
young roalroB 6t McLean. Ilia., was
bniped to death by her eluthlng Igniting
from a gaaollne stove. Her son. aged A
WM very aeverely burned la a hwatc
fitoavor to aav« hla mother.
The body ot Chrta Nelsoa. srho wae
drowned at UlUe Falla. Wta. aboot
June lA was (band a tow days ago on
Fh»t. U going to tbe an laland halew Chlppewn Falla There
n October Bbs wU be wae nothing left hut the akeletoa of the
body. Hat hand aad arms wgre gotw.
Mih Jarsras Woadsrard. Uvtag about
sevea milea sbuth ot Waefoah WM..
triad ta rammH KiWda.hr tafetarVMrti
Ltd youBiake asa^
•roesa PtiyActane at^ hw Mfo- The
mr ^
—Watch Repairiag.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
L—Honey to Loan
Ever Burned Out?
Prauan «a aWd Orund XrawaaM
OotathaUaa Barter Aae te M
anta and tette. U eauta aaak.
o P. cuvxa ..tot t-ft
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