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The Morning Record, May 06, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
nnrtT«ar-No. 8.
IMPROYED^ROADS. These Are Inventory Days !
and she wQl he ready for
P la % abort time. Mr. Mon
tague haeedldhleflaaoepaeht Viking
MoPRKBSOir PObT PBXPA&IHO to Mr. Bobluon of Grand Ba^lda. ^ f>VX 07 THB OBJBOT8 07 OVKBM
Moa-Vnioa Koa Barrod.
OommittM* App
.Yeeterdap moraing the oaptala of Beosing Xeetiog Xmai^ Wight - aad
Bleoted—Bicycle Paths Oon.
ftB XavlutlOD to m
the steam barge Bdwabd Bucklep.
Bidered and Astlre Work Urged in
tho Boptiot Qht
itnred to place twp flremra ef the
Me PbcnoB Pmt. G. A. E. set lut barge araoag the ualoa mea oa beard.
«vniBf to dSocoM plonk ood btari ibe Tho latter wtered an objecUoa aad •fhe Qneea City Bicycle Club maa red last night la the clnb house
vroltMinoiT orroniroBenU for.tbeir o«- qait work for a few raoBMate. uaUl the
■ml Meaorlol Doy exerclMO. There oaptala withdrew the ftream. and the of the W^ne^tODg Clnb. (t the moot
rathealaatlc mooting of the year.
BM d' larf ottondonoo ond the trail- loading eoattaned.
There were 42 member* present and
mrat raprawnd woa thot the doj tbonld
^obtomd vitb the tome tlobormte IVniOM YBBLT^ PB0TS09B. active Btepa were inaugurated to make
oorraiootra m 1b jreort -pMt- Follow- Three Onartor A B. Club Went Bleh- thU eeaaon even more sncceeaful' khan
inf were the oomniuee* oppolntod to
Ing this Xotnine.
Presidrat Hale reviewed the faUtory
Moko the neotMory preporotiou:
Thle morning bright and early Joa- of the orgaaiaatioo and in kb resume
Grorade-Coofodw HobUb. BfalU
tJee Verip was ronted from • eweet re of the work of the clob.abowed that it
iBf. Salth ond
pose bp a dosea membere of the Three was organlaed April 14. IBM, with le
gnarter B. B Club, who had arranged membet*. which iuereased daring the
Preirroawith tbs good joetlee to eeoort them peario IBA.** The club made during
ud Smith.
upon a. trout Bahing trip. HU Honor the pear 21 runs, which averaged S
Oomrodot Morte, John Wright ond did not require any urging and la a mllm each, aad which wm paKlelOridlee.
abort time the ratlin party, ladee pated ia by an average of 14 memberv
Maue—Ootnrode Voder.
SoUcUiae fondn—Comrade Boberte. with baakeU of good things tor luach- ‘After the close of the cycllag eeaaea
eoa, kodaka, angle worraa and Bahing the winter months were devoted to
Morklor r»»»-Comrode Smith.
Troeoportotion—Comrode Hoirroreo. tackle, wil. lake poeecsaioh of the early social pleasures and six danclag par
iBritellot-Comrodee CorUo, Keith C. A W. M. train «n route for Sabin. ties were held, at which there was an
«ad Sonic.
There they are to dUembark aadapeod^ average attendauce of 140. At the
The Ik»t ocoepled oc laeltotlno from
a few bonra Bahing on the poad of the close of the pear the treasury wasl
Bee. H. 8. Norihrup, to ottead HemorBoa^maa Birer Electric Light A ISiw- graced with a balance of $4.33. which I
iol eerrleet'la the Boptfet church oa
erCa At 11 o’clock tho party will go was considered rarp satUfaetorp bp!
Sondoy. Mop 30. at 10 o'clock o. ml
bp the O. R. A 1. to Repatone. where the member*.
they will uke lunch and apend the reAfter .the address of the president |
of th. d.j «.rcbl.t **'« j Ih, loUowlb, oBo«. w.r.
•tnu. tor trout. Erurjouu .ho
c, K. But.; rioh-pr^ideut.
V«id to the Xeaoty of the Lote OoL koon the JuiUm ud hi. proMcu.
lohn D. BUUaco.
wiu be e~uied tbet thue .ill-he ..
. „
1. directors, --------Gayle
the abore I
The roemp porloro, dlolof room ood plenty of fun a
oApbe some fish.
officen and M. B^ellep.
office of Fork Place were fliM with
The laprovemeut^of the roads about
8.000 BasbeU. Potatoes.
trieode who gathered to otUad
thU eectioa of the state aad immediate |
Alderman George Lardle is shtppiag
fraenUof Col. Joke D. BilUago.peoUr■ieinitp of the city, formed an inte'eat- j
d^p o^tonwoe- The eeremoalei, which hUpototo-vUtbsKortheraWlchigaa
and. snvgcnt'weroooadooted bp Be*. D. Cochlla. ao- Traasportatioa Co. to Chkago. Oa her loBS Were made towards briagtag about |
stotod bp Eer. W. A. Frpe, were fnU of next trip the Petoakey will take out many needed iminoveiaeBta ^
the peaeetal epirit aad the hope aad 3.000 bushels. Good qualiUea are
A petiUon has been circalated bp
cheer which died the Ufe of the grad bpingiag S eeaU per bushel. .
Earl Tyler to raise funds to coastraet
' omo who had paerad oa to the higher
a two-foot plank walk ooverlng a dUtBA&BXBB
Ufe. The eerrloee were opeaed wlU
ance of dOO feet along the sandy stretch
eiaging ‘•Nearer. My God. to Thee.” bp Beeauae the Price of a Ralr Out U Benear Mitchell's. wHh such suecem that
the ebolf. C. K. Bock, Mrs. A. U. Hoi
duoed to Tifieea Oentt.
,rlp the full asBOuat required was
lldap. Mtm leabel Hammoad aad W. J.
*ne local barbers hare held a meetHobba After readlag a portloa of tbe
The same petition was taken to Elk
eertptore bp Ker. D. Cochlla aad proper Ipg for the pnrpoec of endeavortag to
bp B«t. W. a. Frpe. Mr^ CocbUa epoke peraoade J. O. Langwprthy aad M. H. Rapids and iu objects explaiaed to
for a tew alabtee of the Ufe beprad, Griffith to resume the old price of 23 cpclUU at that place, bp Hobart I-ewis,
whoee efforU have inaugurated e
which ie bat a oeatinuaace of the pree- cents for evtUag hair. A c<
appointed to wait npoa those geaement which map tend to the great
eat Ufe, the dawalagof a bright morarovement of the road betweu thU
lag foUowiag the eettiag of todap'e UeascD. but the result was not aatUfaotovp
and that plaoe.
eoB. Mr. Frpe followed with a beanla this ooanedioB Earl Tpler stated
tlfal tribate to Mr. BilUaga, (apiag Some of them favored a eat to 10 orata,
epeeial etrees oa the MeadaUp, belp- If those who have redneed the prise to to the club that E. A. Treadway one
fulaem, lore aad ^iritnaUtp maalfeet- IS eeoto would aot reaume the old rate. of the owner* of the Ne-ah-to-waaU
rmorL had offered to eubacribe $100 In
ed la his daUp life. A brief proper bp
Bew Salt Wat
cash towarde the ooBsU-nethm of a
Mr. CoehUoaad eoag. “0, Paradlee,”
Tbe Nartham Michigan Trmasport- bicpole path between here and the
ooaoladed the eerrloee at the home.
With simple aerricee-the iatermeat ation Co. U eauslag to lie erected oa raaoit. Thie propositioa was received
took place at Oakwood oemeteip. The the steamboat dock, a warehouse for .with favor, but no definite aoUon could
bearert were Meaera J: T. Beadle, J. the storage of saltshtpped from Maats- be-takea.
T. Baaaah. H. C. DarU. U. Moatagne, toa. The salt will he kept ia storage
The matter of leasing the We-qaeall the time tor the local dealera.
SamGarla^aadB. J. Morgw- Beaumgelnbhoueewae'dleeuseed aad re
tifal flowet^ la great profa^ra dUed
ferred to the raeeutive committee. It
the parlor* aad expreoied the lorlng
ie the purpoto of the olnb to ieede the
epmpathp ef a wide drele of trleade.
Btq^A O. Adanns Died la Oregem building to the seaaoa. If It ean .be
Mr*. B. C. Adams, the danghter ef done, aad in order to earrp the pro
Mr. aad Mra. Silas Stiles of lalaad. ject through, 160 members ought to be
be Startod bp traveiae died St her. heme In Aatoria, Or/. enrolled. The clnb voted to admit to
Dbeiahlp pereoas wba Ao'aot <
April 22nd, aged S3 pear*. A parties'—CBtp Lumber Oo.
wheels if thep dmlre to eajep the adThe Travmae Clip Lumber Ce. will larip aad feature of her death to her
to be afforded under the
fiaieh euttUk the hardwood stock of pareaU was the Atataaoe which render proposed plan.
the Senth Side Lumber Co. in about ed It impeasible to them to be with
hoglritwo weeka Whra that out iaBaisbed
the oompaap will begin aa their hem beod ' ia thte regloa will grieve to*
lock which wUl come ia from Elk Bap- leara of her death.
Important Tmprorameats OoutamIds and several other pelnU on the bap
Lumber to Chicago.
plated to the Burtacb Block.
bp rafL The oompaap has large qoanThe eteam barge 8 K. Martin of Chi
Jacob Fnrtseh is making
tities of logs along the ehaln ooaaist- cago arrived et thle port peeterdap
tag of Elk Lake, Grass Lake. Toreb moraiag with her coaewL the D. L. menu to fioldi up the entire
Lake aad tribntarp atraams, which will Filer, after a cargo of hemlock to floor of his brick block oa Union atreet
be tranaportod bp ooe of the steam- Chieego. to A. R. Colbnra of Michigan into lodge rooms, whkh. whn c»bsboata of the Elk Bapids Iroa Ca., which a^. OaptMo Martin ia in oommaad plated, will be a marvel of eoavealeoea
has hera chhrtorad for that pnrpoea. and the two boats will tal& about The plane ehew a oommodiouB parlor,
The steemer will briag the logs to Elk 1,000.000 feeL The O. £. Parks will oeeupping the firet IS feeL fadag ou
Union etreeL and lighted bp large
Bapids aad from there tbej <rlU be take a cargo of the same stock.
jMlata glam wiadowa Bade of this Is
-rafted to this dtp.
the etalrwap from the pronad floor,
Oottgrras Btttea.
tpvo cloak rooms aad two aate-reoma,
Trof. A A Maitoagh Is preparlag to The XeeetH Bead in Brarp Boma opoalag late the large assemblp haU,
Teetodap Boralag.
give a prodssUra of the Ooogrem
whleh will be 40x71 ia dae.* This le
With a few poerible raeepticae, w
States, ee soon as aeoMarp ariaagaweU lighted fromtheaidee srtlh fife
asrate eaa be pertoeted. A rehearsal bcuee ia the dtp was stfved with the wiadosn.
srm take place thU afteraora at foar Meraiag Beeord peeterdap before 6:10 There to abaek dairwap from the
ti>eicdt. f^ the sailor*' chorus aad o'clock. The exceptions ratored to gronad^eerepHlBgiatoahaU which
thom taUag part la the driU. Prot
0 some of the reeideaeee la the out- la*& to the aaeemblp room aad te a
Marlaagh far* a Aae prodaettem of the eklrte. which srere mimed bj riaeon of roomp kltehra in the rear, whl^ wtU
Oeagreee of Batteos last pear and thM the earriare aot havlag eaough papers, nave water eoBaectioas. ahelvlng, alak,
thoogfa more thra 1.7M were dlstribn- ete. Betwera thto aad the ememblp
will he atm more suoesmfal.
tod U the dtp. The earrieia attraded haU to the large Uvntorp. A baggage
Btrictip to bnsinoas and served the pa- or etore foem la the rear will bo vmp
J. A Xoatagne WIU Bara a Baad- pen promptip with the eaergp whleh eoavealrat to etoing pi
evarp live aewebop aeqairee aftar
Pnrtienlsr attratira will be paid to
■eme Vow Bleep Yacht.
ehert asperienea. The whole dtp wUl vraUlatiosi.
J. A MeutagM is hariagaheuAsoBae
Mr. Furteeh wiU ehmmraee active
new ilaop praht baiU bp VIetor Boawithout eoet to readme.
work ra ike improvemwto ae eocm nn
tagae. T>e eraft will be S3 feet in
ProL Murtangfa desires to inform he reeeivee the arnnraaee that there
la^th with 8 ^ beaes aad designed
tor speed aad eafe^. It will be one of thcae taking part la the coming eoa- wm be a demaad to the rooms. Bare
aad iougiess to meet at the acad- to e good chanee to some lodge.
the fiawia^aiag beats oaths bap aad eert
omj oa Satardap at I p. m.
3 It
whw eoaplatad will be a beaa^.
Take a look at Geo. Wiualeto ndrarbtoemrat on Hd pngu.
The •MBeeftiiepachtwm bo “Mus-
^v; -r'
just completed our annual stock-taking and find
we have many things, one
oiTa kind, which
we'd rather sell at a great sacrifice than cariy. Wall
Paper, Books, Ladles' Pocket Botiks, Bill Books, Etc. Can’t tell you all of them. Come and see.
M. B. HOLLEY. JMaNaaea.
Where am i at ?
This is no Jokc^l am at
129 Front Street.
It’s Dangerous, and
Foolish as well.—
Not to get my prices on
; Furniture
before buying, as I have
a large stock and decided^
ly the lowest prices. If
you need a new Couch
now is'your time. I have
too many high priced
Couches andji will close some of them 6ut at a big
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
188-189 7B0VT STBXBT.
Oppoaltv HukeIVs Bookstorr.
Just Arrived!
Factory should have deliv,
ered them two months ago.
THjs is the handsomest line
Soby .
that we have ever shown, and
as it is late in the season we,
offer the lot ,at* prices away/
under values.
, Bpnth Union StxBot.
The Quality and
Price Question. ..
Should always' be considered in your
, .r
purchases.' IVe claim the lowest prices
•on the same quality of-
Best Grades of Footwea:
We ire prepared to demonstrate the fact.
■ To
The liffbtiaf of the Mesoaie lodfe
roMM hea be» resist to B. D. Camp
TR^VS&fif CITY. • HIOHIOAR. bell A Soaa.
Qaeea City eamp Ko. 573, B. N. of A.,
r*dH nu omcs or rn
wUl meet to-airbtla Uoatefrae haU.
Ev«7 member to reqaeeted to be preeTM. T. BaTBO AMD J. W. Hamssm. eat.
Telepbeae namber 41 baa been
J, W. HAmnai. Editor »ad Muaffar.
plaeed la tbe realdeaoe of J. W.^Baa
Wed Pratt reeeived yeeterday » dee
earrlaffa fhm Upoaier, lad . -a pitt
. toraad Sveht ToOTlght
Elaborate preparattone have been
made by Obaa. BosaaUul tor the baaqaet which be wUl plve to tbe Kei^te
of Pythiaa to-nipht. A splendid pro.
pram to arraaped aad Che baaqaet will
be nerved eapeetolly pood by Mr.
we have
for boys.
Daaciop aehool Friday evealap. 3 tt
«Taiie a look at OeoT Winaleto adverttoeaent on 3rd papa.
Have yonr plaaca Used by_^ reel.,
Tba Bxooed wiU be pled to reoelre dent tnaer. W. 4. W. aiffe. Send
aay Item of Interest or importeaee by orders to N. E. Sti^'e Masic Store.
e to aamber 33. day or alpbt.
Elmer McCoy has mored tbe raeiap
b^sce Arbntaa, paa Bailey anJ Bloy
ole Girl to the fair prooads for traiaTh* T«xt Book BUI.
‘Ikat to^-book utter wkiok ieari lap.
tttiat the bowdoof edvcetioB ia MkAi- The Womaato'CemMery Improremeat
ifw, . i> ooe wUeh ewj tupeyer AiMciatloB WiU meet la the Imdiea'
•bottid etodp. The Ekxibo i«tu witk Library roonm at 3 o'clock this ofterUarhMB Bloek.
rrofuor Urewn tliet tke. pMMfc of
Aatoa flleder. who haa been ooadaed
tbe QnhM-FonTtb mmnn mmld be
diaMtroM to tke edoeettoael apstem of to hU boam aoma we^hy eerioas Ulaem, was able to pet oat of doors yaeItlakicu. Patrdba of the, aeboola
•bMldbriacell tbotHViaare pOMiWe
. Tbe steam harpe O. B. Parka hea re«• beer ^npoe tke larUetnro lor the torasd from Chicepo after another
defeat of the bUl, wbi^ woold awen oaipa of lamher froot the Trareres
eo additioael expead|t«n for books, LnmberCo.
bj orerTPopU. Wby iiK ooealdortbe
Tbempeoa’s phofo^ph pallecy has
free text-book plea .fad dieetue the been removed from Froat street
edrieebUi^of Totiav <m the prepoel- Boardman areaae to the ooM
llos lD tbto eitpr deooidiar *o tfOod Froat ead Park streeta.
•atb^ty the east each jear to tke eity Jas. A. Chase has erbeted e aeal lit
for each papU weald be bat «> oeata. tle booU OB Park street, opposiU tbb
' MdUiepraaeBtaxeeUeDtradeof text Hotel Leelaaaa, for a shoe repair shop
books «mU be aaiataiaed.
Vietor Uoatepae to boUdi^ a haadWuLk the diapatekM record sharp §om lo-foot row boat for Mrs. M. V.
and stimtafetle taetiea between the Aldrieh of Grand RApids. who apeads
—Fire Insurance a
Oroeka aad Tarks, and actire maaen- the eommer season at Old Mtosloa.
—Real Estate.
ear* oa both aides la the atran'K thf
A Teaap Wemaa'a Temperaaee tin30HRB0N BLE.
toreitfa mlalatsn haia made erertarea ion to oMtemplated and a meeiinp wiU TXLIPHOWX H
to aaalst la eadiar the war. The Greek be bald tomorrow afteraoiw in the
foraraaieat baa raserred its -replp, bat Baptist ehnreh to oooaider Mia proJecL
ittobelierod that eeeret aefoilatioBa
pr. J. B. Mertia left ymtenlay after- are la procaea to tafia^ the troableao
a eleoe. It weald probably be witoom noM for Chieapo, where he wUl attend
eoBveatiea of the Mattoaal Amod
ea the part of the Qcaeks to aoeopt the
iatWTratioB. bet reoeat OTeata bare etton of Ballway Sarpeoae. bow ia eeeehowaa dogfed ladepeadoaoe oa the aioB.
Mrs. H. (b BnU eatertaiaed the Book
part of Ureeoa which neat betakes
tioB betora aajr wtUe- Beview elab la a
Taeedey afteiWm. At the ooaclaaloa
•t to effected.
of the book -lavlew an appetixlap tea
Tn Bboobo hastees to aeknowledpe was aerrad.
too eooree of tarorable oomBeata made
Smith Bros, will have M>e jolata and
la regard to the drat aomber of tbe eye-beanu in place on the aew Broach
paper. It wea deUrered ia tlaia for block to-day. Tbe propresa of tbe strncbreakfast yesterday at aearly ewy tore is very rapid and it wUI soon nuke
hocee ia the city aad iu eoatcaU of an Impoela^ appearance.
fresh aewa eeferly cead aad aajoyed
L>ht Dipfat tbe Derit Lipbt Ooarde
Tbe same ataadard of excelleaee wbleh
ebaraeteriaed the diet namber will be pave a uja»;ic laatera show in Coebraa
haU. Tiie object was to ratoa fnnda for
new aaif«ma The eateiiainmeat was
'Xn>« OkoMOB of Greece to e shintap excellent, many fine views beinp shewn.
Mr. aad Mia. H. P. Boas are abont to
•sample of tbe modern poteatote. Be
to not only a warrior of reaowa and move to Chieapo. Tneaday aftemotm
- ralor of beoominp dlpnity, bat be has a namber of lady frieade of Mia. Bom,
4ordoped a sort of^^ WaU-streeVlenp- pave bar a pieaaaatearpitoe and left
bur Shoes are made
haadednms whieb baa aweUed the aeverml pitta to testify to their frieedon honor, and we nevroyal eoSera.; A apeenistion in, Greek MUp.
•ad Tnrkiah bonds netted hto hiphau
dr misrepresent them.
Arthur Emrdto. who flUed the post of
•omethlap like SS.OOO.OOO franca.
porter for W. O. Boldee while the lat
We sell them on their
ter wee Buaeper of the Barks at OadilBxemKo erebiluW tie Onclu ™- lee. has aboepted a MmUar poeithm in
merit, and on their
Cafaaa troubles the City Hotel la BoUead. of whiohMr.
merit we have built
•omewbat of late: bat it to eneonrapiap Holden to now ounepey.
up one of the most ex
to note that the tosnrpento are still
WUlard E^ht of the Electrical Go.
•eMre apd are winainp factories which
tensive shoe business
of Fort Wayan laA. wUl arrive ie tbe
- promtoebope^reeatia
city tonight oa boslaem with the
es in Northern Michi
Boardman River Electric Lipbt ^
Huwer Oo. He wilt spend a few days
had rattens’ in trout fehlap with William Loadoa..
Mr. and Mia. Gas Bapatrom pavs a
President HeWetby of the Otaad pariy Tneaday cveeinp la ^aor of
Trarorie Tsaohera aad Patraaa’ Aaao- Godfrey feepatromaad htosWer Ida,
•iatiOB. haa .pnapared sa
who have reeeaMy ooau from Sweden.
testmettre propram for ,tha aanaal A larpe aamber of trieada pave the
Boetinp to take place la Grmape haU boBored paaate .^a eerdial waloome
May 15. It was expected that State
■aperiateadeat of PabUe laatraetioa
Bert McCoy aad F. a Usnmaaa
Hammond would bepreaeat.b«t hewUl claim tbe larpeet eetch ef real larpe
taet be able to aUead-sFollowiap to tbe tront of the aeasoa. They went oat
ymterday awramp aad from the Board—nc—
I river paUed 50 Sac r^ecimsBa
waiphlap from H ko IH poaada each.
Their trieada at the WhUinp helped
diqnae of them at dlaaer.
For MM. Boro aaC YootM.
at Haskell’s Bookstore.
The Hamilton Watch
Veckweer firosi................ ......... .60 up
OverehlrU from........... ..... .;..|18o op
Stiort Pants (s stack of them)
for all ages, at........................... lOo up
Sweaters firom.. ........................ I0o up
Xaong StockiDgs, exosUsnt for
the money..........................Spaira 860
Osps.................................. ......... 10to26o
Brown Overalls........................... ;.. .B60
Short Pant Suits, prices fr^m . .48c op
■xtra heavy wool Sweaters
wlthoape........................................ :60c
Railroad MeA !
... k Perfect Time-Keeper...
I.; M. BmtTiragx-r,
E. W. Hastings,
(Oar loweet priced goeds an equal to aay la tbe
market, so an the hipher priced poods.)
$1S9 buys a Suit frt>m a lai^* k>t we
shall close, and in this lot are goods
sold last season for $8 to $8.60—th^
are cheap.
$1.60 for a suit in the lot sold 1^ $8.60
Bee them, it will pay.
We never showed a ob^oer line cS
Short Pant Bnita at $8 and above
than now.
All wool Pants from a let of suits, well
assorted slzee, running to 14 yre 60c
An extra good lot at 76c and flOhildren*e Tamoehanter Caps........ 860
Honesty of Goods
The pniUcet lot of child's aad beyto caps ever
shown hare.
Children's cotton and white Xus-'
lin Waists firom........................860 up
Ohildren’s Umbrellas for................ 60c
Honestyx Purpose
Nevsr before ooold we sell tbs' hovel styles in
hats as low ss 6O0—Fedoras, Cabans, Dsrbya—a
great variety of colors snd mixtures.
Out a great figure this ysar, 18 to 6O0. 60eents
buys an imported cap, silk lined, while 86c some
some handsoms patterns In silk linings also.
is frill ^ths latest dssigns in colors 'and shape.
Bee Uie colored Oubana. tbs staple Fedoraa, the
**Queen City Stiff” hat, the '^Xerwell” grade.
—Pingree Afimith "Rue Shoes.
$3.00. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50
acd $^.00.
One big lot S9c; one lot 66c: one lot 99c; one lot
fl.19; one lot $1.60. ‘ Hew designs for young
msn in styUsh, wsU-bum^s pants at $9and $8.60.
The Rindge Line
Rinr Shoes, Hard Paas aad
bow to ovens
_ Xiloyd O. BMt. NcaL
•Relation of taa^eia topapUB.-"(
p. Pritchard, Oedar Ban.
-Relation of ecbeo! Ufe toboaeUfa.’
u HeUtoa Gray.
••Relatloo of aehool Uto to after Uto.’
tfra. A. D. McRae.
l:WF. M.
•<Belatlonof parentoaad teaebera.’
C. T. Orawa.
^What UupnbUe haaaripbt too•set from tbe aehooto.*’ Fiom the
fi^polat of tbe teacher, Oefr L. Crtop.
fnm^ patrea’e atandpoink A. f.
The ladica of Amanda Bive made a
. dtodid aneeaaa of thair aanmr aad
damie laat ai^t, tba’ adlblM iron
Pbslyaarrod aad 150 paeato ajaysd
tha,anppcr and daace.
turxb mxpulsxo bt tse
Savapa Attack mat Bravely and
Tida Tornad.
Void. May 5.—The Tarktoh forosa to
••Briattoa of the htofa eMwed to tbe day fieroely attacked tbe GreekWoops
gwnbry eehooto.” Pn^ E. E. Ryder.
at Vsleetlno, bat wen npalaed. Tbwe
wen heavy loaaea oa both aides.
PiphUap ia proeetoiap betweto the
^U. U-OuartTK.
oFP«^ anatoa at two other polata.
Here ia a line at 6.00, 7D0 and $8.00 that are attractinjg much attention. lAam a few yearn ago
sold for 10.00 an4 $18.00. We bought them
oheq) and are eelling U^m cheap. $10 and $18
llnea axe handsome. Qreat taken among young
men. $18 to $14 Stein Blochs' unequalled by
The A. E. Nettletqn
Shoe For Meti
The Douglass Shoe
Fw Good Service,.
frank Friedrich’s
Mew ShM toon.
118 Front Street,
Wurzburg Block.
Snite aa low in price and as good valns as aay ons
them. If a cheep snit ia wanted, aee oun
$1.70, $8.19 and $4<96.
U airiUh aad BisS Orada
Hamilton doing Co.
Front St, Traverse City.
- 4, .r ;■
ttMy of OB XxoiUBg Ba|
VUeb Both oldw Pottgbt BroT0l7.
Athcao, U07 ».—The gOTeromwi U
with tbu od|oir«lB io obatOMod of the flecU of the foreifo powere la Ore toe waters for permbeioB to
i Greek srovhipe to the Itlond of
U is the'
0I9 today.
A. Emery oiKl wife, of Northport,
ore rueou oithe Whitloy.
Mn. 8. W. WiUoa. of Norihport, woo
o TroTeree Oty Tioltar yeoterdojr.
Mr. oBd Mrs. 8. P. Jonee of SbermoB
wen io the eity rioitior yeeterdoy.
Abbo N. CoBlterof LokeQtysrae o
CBeet ot Poi« Hlooe ot diooer yeeter*
Ma. C. M. Pnker aad
other. t<reek officen who hare bees'
dheriff A. E. BtiUnrer. of l.«elanan
The Torkbb forces today dereely atGo., came In from Maple Cl^ today on
toeked the Greek troops at Velestioo bntiness.
hot were repoUed. Fiybtlay is proOea II. Cross ntuHied .from
eeedioy betwceo the opposioff parties,
yesterday, when be bss been on leral
ot two other polota. businees in the snpnme oou^
The tcdlowiBf is the first stoiyw from
Mr. MeWary, npresenUnr Hulman
o earrcspoDdeat with the Tuha of tha
A' Berra. Of Tern Haute, has beea la
tghOat sebleb has UkeB plaee sear the city oa businees s few dsys.
Valntiao betweea the foroee of ’Turkey
Mra S. 6. Walker end Miss Walker,
aad Greece: •‘•The Torklsh poelUoa
of Old Mission, wen celled here yeeterhear VeleaUao. Theeealy. Friday ApHl
dsy by the death of Col. BlllUrs.
80. Ilfbas been in profrees here
Mrs. a. M. F. Raymond came np
aioee i o'clock this morniof. The
BouBtatas form a seml-etKle of whieb from Oraad Kapidt yesterday to attend
the fnneral of Col. J. D. BUlUra
V^tlno Is the center. The Greeks
Mrs. Peter .Munn, wbe has beea
oecBplad stroof posUloas on the hUis
speadlnr serenl days in the city with
In two wiBca. The Tories eemmenoed
Mr. Mens, nturned yesterday to Slierths attack uoder the oorer of a snstaiaed artiUery fire. The Greeks res
T>. Willell. of VsSsar.’land arent of
ponded feebly. Our troops fr^pally tbe David Ward estate, was U the city
gnlaed froand. s battery planted ob
last nlrbt visitiar Jobn A. l-omarer.
.our rtfbt, where theyround was oot so
eteep, eoreriaf *the adraaoe.
Althoufh the Turks were met wiU a fnrHan your pianos tuned by onr resi
Sraa fullside. they pushed forward and dent toner. Prof. J. W. CUffer Send
cnined summit aftersnmmlt. aad at the (wden to N. E. Stronr’s Mntic Store.
present they are occupyinf a straaf
poaltioa while awaitinf the oomlnc ap
of tha rest of the troopa. Our left had
a difficult task. The Greeks wen holdUr s preeipitona atountain posItUn,
the Turks eoenpyiar a posltimi U front
attaeksd ths Greeks aad foreed the eaemy to retire to a eeeood line of de
fease which she is bow ooenpyiaf. Our
eeater remains quieUy before one
of ths enemy's sarthworlm. while a
-Greek hptlaiy is eommsnelar work
with a battery planted on the side of
oor rirht wlnr- Constant suppUea of
For roar beaw tkao food white
water have to be sent to the troops ealead and oU PROPkkLY aUxed ac4
f applied, liat-a IS« klad e( stock t
fared. At the moBut of writUr thU
>. u*e. That's tk«
I Bis aad ipal
dispatch a burls on tbe mouaUin tide
* Hoc.
is tirnaUlnr that water U wanted
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Frofnt Street. -
Better. .
Gleo. R. ’Winnie,
i- N
Bute BBoampment wiU be Held U
LantiBf. May 5.-Tfae SUto Military
Beend met Tneeday afternoon and deiemUed to bold the anniml aneawpmeot at Island L«ke ns asasl, -Aag. 4
to e. teelasire. Tbs eaeampment will
to n “dry” sm if the order of the beard
gam. canteens wUI to tsbooed. It
wss also decided to porebsee cnoqgh.
shelter team tor one regiment.
quaated to notify tha firm so that thsy
/•ton bacalled for. Tbe opcaUg of ths
tor ercty can sow out.^
Panelng school grfday Tuning, sn
The young ladies takUg part U tbe
GoBgrem of States an requested to
meet for rubaanal this atteraooa at
fnr o’clock for tbe sailorkohOTBs aad
Everything de.sirable and up-to-date nrerchaudise. '
We always give the greatest values.
FHedrloh Block.
keliable Trading Place.
Choice Groceries
If You Have Logo
to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse CiQf
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. -Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for;saIe.
' Mery GoodB ■
Thurtell & Gane.
Wo Mke s opocisltj of
. .
Dry, Goods,Carpets and Clothing.
I The Man Milliner,
OaW MdahM. UtiMo,
.Contracting and Practical
Our Tme aad OeffiMs an Flaa.
OeU Ud oc* so wd iro WiU do m good.
Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.,
Ever Burned Out ?
Tf you ever did you know
the value of
O. P. OAAVSB. A««Bt.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.' lam
omo -W. SLA-W.
^ Rest HMoelr Block. Cahm Bitwet.
Are Others!
With this A No. i issue of the Morning Record we
place McLeilan & Ash as A. No. i in the line of.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
agent for this FanP'
and Fine Candies.
'* ous Brand.
The FoUowlng Flayprs are made to order:
lee Oreem FriiitFUTors—vaouiu. cbncoute. i
- Dtilvmd 10 oar pwioC ibc cilr.
ray. Piau-AppUi
Ruapbeny, Tutti Frutti, Oimage, Peach. Lemon, Banana. Platoahi*. Cherry. .
FiBiscliniai's ComprestMl Yeast
Yruit Ices—Lemon. Pine-Apple, Orange. BMpbeny, Cherry.
Sherberte—Baepbeny, OimBfeJ Stiawtorry, Cbeny, Leman. Piae-Appla.
W« AlM pnt np Brlok loa Orenm-AU a..cn, o>. u. ikn. lUm t>
abrick. We deUver to all parte of tiw elty aad out of the city.
But then are BO CigBia made
Try a Pound Box of onr Fine Cbc^olates.
Jacob Furtsch,
We make them every day.
41B UaUn St.
Telephoae 34.
McLeilan & Aslh,
Oe*. PreateBdraASW.
Wsshington, May S.—The arUtrm>
tioB treaty was rejected this sflsrnoea
by a TOU of 48 to se. It laekpd the
J two-thirds.
loe Oranm Oaas.
Bargain Vafuc^ll through our stocks of
•pcelel w HorslBf Beeord.
That .Yon Wa;^it'
YOU never
Cor. 7(h aad I'alee Sre.
ArUtrntion Tnsty Lacks the Meossesry Two-thlids.
Oeenpied by the Turklsb Feroea.
OoBstantUople. May &.-Uttti Psaha,
rr-------- - of the Torklsh foross in
X^rm. talegnphed yssterday thst the
.Turks oeeupisd naopposed summit
of Mont Kllkerini. tha domUatUg
slepm oppotiU Arta. 7
Pennell’s We Make The Prises .
----Dulnth. Msy S,—Forest fires are rafUr nnabated in this part of MinnesoU
and an daarsraasly near this city.
The fin department' hss been called
upon for estistaaee by the people in
the onUyi^ dtstriets. Tbe peet house
ana voar ^ense canrbt fin twice but
. the fiamee wcre^ oonqnered by the fire
men before m^b damafe was done.
Three bouees on the outskirts of the
- elty wm destroyed and aome stock has
,bsen killed. A« fsr ss 1* known there
has been no low of life,
etind from over the Meeebe\nd Vermlilkm langeetotbe effect tba\ firee
wen raglnir to all dinef.
We Have The Goods
Fragrant aad Deliciois I
. . XADB BT .. ^
• A.W. JAHRAU8, •
dniqae Jtesigns T
The Blue Room
In The White House
dUEledoacwliif KsehlMlfeodloo.
Bold hj AB DMOete.
N. Martinek.
Nothing more beauti>
ful than A well kept
Lawn. In ordet- to
produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut and watered.
LAWN MOWERS, From.......... ........ $2.75 to $8.00.
RUBBER AND COTTON HOSE...,M) to 15c per ft.
1 also put in Taps and Connect to cil^ water at bottom
prices. Give me a call.
146 Froat ^,
..Kimball Piano..
It was President McKinley’s Personal Choice. •,
> TUe Piaao ie ladoreed by the M
of the worid.
-W". -W. JSlii
Llba.ll Oo.
N. E. Strong, Mgr. for Northern Mich.
""': ^
Two Hundred of the Gay City's
Ariatocracy Dead,
Fricfatfolly MsHlated Cerptei Rkot•r^ froM tbc ^ne «f the Horor,
• VeriuMe Fir*>Tr*p,
VUhba'tOav^Blt tor thm Bui
Bundara* Otfh.
Br«uf f>vt aad
.■ad MaduBMu.AU of Um HlcfcM Faria
awdrir—Boori^Ua la oi^ tba Mruntl^.
TruBstad VlriltBaorOMrialKrutlMBca*.
acs j ■ ■ - ■■-, ■ •. . ■
' : _■ ■ - ■
‘•.v-> ' ' ' JIOMimB SEOOBJj, THtrBBDAV, KAT 4 1847.
.«MC> a*aa etanmud full of p«o^
plA |uiu Ute beat, was aUfllng. ^ing
very nncomtortable my friend* and I
determined to leave, but aomebow we
goutd not make much headway through
the throng toward the door. 1 lagged a
little behind, u I was offered a noaega^
by a ftall-holder, wbt-n oo a sudden the
about of fire waa raised. Instantly all
was commotion. We tried to keep oool.
but the rush from behind forced us for
ward and we were separated. Then I
tried to work my way back, but ,t ^n»
carried 7>ff my feet and carried, back
ward aod (orwnia la (heawaylogcrowd.
I tost f!Qr hat; then my 'coat was tom
off and then my waistcoat All thls^
happened la a few secondv
•Immediaiely the full extent of the
calamity dawned upon he all. The
flames spread with atartllng rapidity
through ‘ the whole building. '%hleh
rumbled like a living furnace.- But the
uproar of the eonflagration could nof
dmw n the groans and cries of the agon
ised crowil. Gradually I fouhd myseifr
pushed back against - the wall of the
building and finally succeeded In
scrambling through an ‘bjvenlng made
bj- some of those .who were near me.
Thro seconds later 1 would have been a
rictlm, tor • hardly had 1 struggled
through the hole bM<we I heard a
dreadful crash as the hissing rbof fell
Tarit. May &—AU P«cla ia In a Mate
Of treat excitement over the terrlbledi*aatce at the chaiiUhle baiaar In the
IRw Jean aonjan. How many are dead
la Bot poaltively known. The bulldinc
cattaht Are whUe. it'draii crowded with
the nobility, wealth and Aahion of Parti
and before all e«t ou^the roof fell ta.
The flr« redort wai' that thirty-five
were klHed. The baaaar U clven anCOBPSR8 riLED FITB FBIiT DEBIVr
soaUy for the benefit of the poor of
Parta and Ita maaaaere are leaden in Borrible Spewtaels Prsseated by the Be
mala* oftho «-|cUm<.
the fere front of hlch.aodety. The manThe dead were piled In heaps,; and es
atera ef the baaaar had arranired Uie
■talla eo aa to repre*eht a etr«^ of old pecially near the exit where the char
were five feet d“ep. In
Parta and It waa-opeaed Monday. The
proceed* of the iwlea at each aull were some cases only the trunks remalmd
with qo vestige of clothing. The news
dcToiftd to a oeparate charlty»
spread Uke wildfire. All the cabinet
AiMomey Fnuldru'Ovry the Stalk.
The n-tlhi were presided over by Mma mlnlsitr* now to Part* went Immedl:o the scene. Hundreds of'equlp*
Fevrler (the wife of General revrier),
streamed along the Champ*
MaroBliB- Pe-L'Alyle. Mme. -Macoba. I
wRh anstou.-)
Bardne I>e’La Lucette. Marqulae De 8t. I D'Elysee*, their occupants
Has Your
AttentionPore Powdered Sploee.
Pore Oreem Tartar,
* ’
(aod Pure Baking Powder. If you vial as
■akeU,Sponad*ferll.(la Rubber Sheetiog,
BobberTabing, all sliea. Water BeUies tgaarhnleed for two yeano Poaatalii Syriagei.
ppay klads. Throat Brasbea. and AloaiL
eiyeerttM aad ^tteh BamI iMioo for the
isods aad face. '
At. Our
Soda Fountain
SI i^^ip. oneola Prtod-
X>ARH. C GILBERT. >tConwy. Hprelal, dlJr ualloa to Probate practice. RcKMuSaad
to. BorcMlIie Co. Bloch.
I. aty opera Bonae. Blocli.________________
Fancy Toilet Miclfes.
Pretty Effecte in-----
!4lautly- bocs "»» »«
ly at ibe Becerd oOcc.
Cut Glass.
veU located city prupervy. Large porttoa litproeed truU tree*. WiU aanuBM swah waaiCioee.
**La^%^ *SrC^
HnlLyr^ Ola^JtriWeamiroo. sod
__ _____ _________ _________________ Peoav
aad Park Kl« K-cAles aad^patrs for all
See !-
I ■tow. beating »ui
» WaMbIngwe m
Hotel Leelanau.
Union Drips, per ^al........ 2©C
Yclipw Crawford Peaches
per can.................. ......... lOc
Dried Apples. Peaches
and Nectorines, per lb..
Early Vegetables
Ftrk Stnet. betwHn Frcnt £ Cau.
-Groceries. jMeal Tickets at Reduced Rates,
r .a
With our friends
; J-'
Q U. BBOWM. AltorMy aod CoaBsalsr a*
O. Law. Special atMa'ioa to eoUecUoas
aad eooecsaarlag. Ilkf^eiUSt..
,^New Ideas in-----
Barone DeSialdler.Catenae I>aal>-n8ka. ; rending scene* of grief and
MarqulM he Goueetler. MarqulM Di ■ lady ruihed alaiut franilcSb- calling
. Araence, Marquire IV PltU. Ducheai I her daughter by name. Buthe one told
B'Alenoon (a member of the Orleans her the girl aas •safe. whereu|>nn ahe
family), Mme. D Artn. Mme. BoiRScaux. Jumped, danced, hnd arreamed: -thM>
Barone F. DeSohltkFr. Mme. Moreau. ,
coachman to tell him to
Marquise Costi E>e Beauregard. Her drive home, and Ml in a dead swoon.
Aimih<7 lady want Insane.
A thirt
the Duchees D,- Wien.
. •
' Imagined In her frenxy that she recog. ]
dfm^ MarqulK.-DeMalsonandCountesse niged
her daughtt^r**
Be Orefful <nee LaRocbefoeauld). Mme. ; hyslerl9ally cafied upon hpr husbaiJd to i
Rates, ^1.50’pcr Day.
1> E3ens presided over the refreshment i-tell the police to prevsht the child from.
stknd. These ladies were assisted by going
BiahV equally well-known society ladles.
cabinet ministers. amtMssadns*.noble.
The Fatal huBber ThlrleAt.
men and memliers of the highm aoclal
As a somewhat remarkabletwlnddeDce and financial cirries were aide toy side
with the lowliest and the poorm.
wu '■No.13." It Is Impossible ! hh*T‘>ualy Inquiring for their mlailng
as yet in identify the victims. The ha- ! relatives. About thirty were saved by
aaar Is'k heap of stnqklng cinders and ' Pfw AjBbroise -and Perc Ballly. who
■First Class Day Board.
ashes. The (lasaar was MO feet long by ; helped Ihem over the wall with g Udder
ISO feot *lde. and constructed almosten- i to the printing room of the newsfiapcr
Cbr- 7ih>BdUMoh
tJrely of wood. .The Dowager Duchesne 1 LnCroU. The staff of xhe H.’tel Du
IFL'sef Is one of the most prominmt ' Pstali lent valuahleassiManceandiaved
Special Rates by the Week.
aoisoD^awS Bieslaa.
women in France, and Is said to have IM persons through a barred window
provided 3.000.0W franhs for the prop*- overlooking the baxaar. whbre,-virile thy
ganda <if General Boulanger. The hotel employes were earning away the j
ynsmg Duchess DTses wan. before her,, bars, they saw ihret- persons burned »•;
marriage. Mme. Marie De ' Dulnes. death. Follcemen have been deputed by |
daughter of the Ute Due De Chsulnes. *be prefect of police to pick out the por- ;
She was married In .Paris on 'Jan. 1«. i “ons of temalns and
wrap them Inj
ISM. In the chai»el of the conv«t of the ; Plvves of cloth, to be trankferred Ini
' Bgcred Heart, where she was educated. , amhulance* to do the palais de LTn- I
, The Duo DTscs Is the prepilcr duke of dustrie. The remains present a horrible
Frafrce. the creation of his Utle daUng ; spectacle of limh* burned and twisted,
hack to IGCL.
i Bn all sides can be seen stretchers plied
Twesly Cartel Is One BalMIng.
{muilUted conipes. skuUs spUt
Rnormous cruw tfe of people gathewd |
around the sone of the fire. Among | DKATB KrBtBiw in hiuB fi^cbr.
them were a large number of livqried i
.sarVanU inquiring for thelf Bil*lress.s. ; Name* »f ^ Pew of ghe Lost—Many ChUand the Indications wen- that among the 1
diwn Bare rsrtshsA
Wc bcrmld the future praaperity ^ our newly
dead would !>e a number of the French ( The following are among ;thfe Identl. aristocracy, although It-was hoped that i fled dead: Cdmtense MJrimel. Comteme ■bom infant, the Moainxs BkCoRO, and through twr bright and heikltby twuntt.
B. Vltwr Co^-Un. BUi«-1 >«•»<« ”« lab to express our tinoere thanks to the public for the good hare
taken In bringing os up to the Ug and healthy bonnetag boy of today. Hardly
and a numVr f the T
I seiiouly tn- mann and Sohlumberger. ' Comteme three years old yet, aad we hare already out-grown the oapadty of an ordipary
Hnmolsteln,- Marquise des Malaou. coneem. Not fading any ready-made atUre big enongb for the boy giant we
n to tt
e Palais DTndurtrfe. Before the flto- Mme. Ventlmesnllle. Mme. HoskIer(«ife had to hare onrh------made to mder. big enough aa if ere were full grown aad a
men could arrive the roof of the baaaar of the weil-knqwn Russian banker).
monster at that.
crushed In. bur>ii)g-'numbers of those Mmer-..F'^l^''*o- Mine. Jacques Hauss-.Onr new store when eompletod will hare more space than shy two ooneema
who had hsec unable to make tiielr mann. the daughter of M. Khevilte. and.
Mile. Mandal-Orancey. Among the bad->' in Uie city, (excepting the Hannah A Imy Oo.,) filled with a new stock of gen
injured are: Duebeas de U Torr.
eral mamhandiee from the gnmad fioor np.
8 hutried to the burning Iwsaar and
Onr aim for the next 60 days wUl be to dispoM of our esUre stock atagreat
cffectlveEnp was rapidly organlted'becarnier. de Daume.
aacrifiee. To more our mammoth stock sronld be p big expense aad it>ronld
twesn the firemen
D iand t
Andre. De la Tour OupIn.
Ps^ Roll Above lOO.
meaa a sitspeaslon of habeas tor a tloae. You can readily see then that we
Although an aUrm w^ sent out with and
_ U. l,efe»>vre.
The whole of the “ghest
highest society
society In
In : ean afford to make a rednetlon in all of oar branches.
reasonable promptness the whole wotblWo shall etart from tble date o* to qnote Job prices on msrohandise wl
cn structure was hlsajng before the fire- 1
• horrlbU pell-mHI. a preyj
sriil pay yen to inreat ia foryreseat as well as futare.
the bas^.
the ■roof
d appr„0. II
I — , BQ I . ,,IC
and'calling for wive* and fathers
a*d almost-thtvwhole building dolUpsed.
_ seeking and calling for daughiifs. One
&)Hng upon the upfortunate people,
A fuli standard print 3c p^r Fdrd.
mkny ...
of 'whom
u•—». —.are w..,,,..,*-..
suppqaed to
.V havenre.
bavepre3,000 yar^ dimities, (ally worth 8c for 5c per yarcL
kriously. succumbed to the silfliin
B,- ■.ll. ot tt. enort. or tt,'nr™,D
rottlo, .boot In.hn p.tUoo.1,
3,000 yards Utest effects in fancy dimities, a f Oc prodncUor 6c.
*■—•— •------ off 10 be
......... _j»e yispsed before the cberred *:
' tfOdies could he- pulled frofn the smoking
2^000 yards fancy duck sold formerly for 1 2 I *2c we offer at 7c.
---------to ttiM ho. I^u
-Bad bomlii
i rton hofor. M htti kh"”. “I'.."t™,
her «Iety. WonU
50 dozen sommer corsets folly worth 50c for 29o. .
I. tt. r-"""' '-tl to h-*-™-. th. horror ol th.
,. «»e •
tnwhJIr ihr phmni iitay«l cm Ihr i
•• “>•
so jleu's Bicycle Soite mad* Bp, with bett lit wodcmniahin Forth
. _ nin. nilnr.
ruins. Ar th. «-orh cnxrrrrrh thr lyrll.. .rr rxporra on th. aid. ont
' ind th.
the iiwolrta btoAo,. ttor. oiimn- I “ ■"
B-htott. '« • P”ttt»i ot 5.00 for 2.96.
^ And inrodnA It - lu
.thnt th. :
hnltdltid non In nnnr,. ol d.mnUMen’s strictly ell wool Clay Woist^ Suits fsU msds, for 5.O0.1t Anilh ■Al.-.nnid h. ntnch hhrt.r ttnn
hi n Intt.^n. ^.!y rovAt flrnl ntlnttird. Th. pouS offlrlAl. '
hi^ on nhrrU
A youth's strictly aU-wool suit nobby end itylish for 3.76,
they brnav.
believe It to- h.
be «-..io
certain tt,..
that “Pt-hd tty**: PlAhkA the bedl» aa they
tbe.number of deaths wifl'-exoeed 100,
. iiO boy’s aU-wool Rood weight Tricot suit mode ta retoid et 600.
recalling the tenibl* fir* a| the Opera pUced In ihre^ long rwwsHere
bot dightly riisded for 2 26.
nil lu taorrors. bodies completely nude,
Men's heayy cotton worsted idFt^ an esedt imitatidii ot wool far
limbs twisted In fbe wr^thlngs of agony,
PQg^h^ gfPP<lna> TO BE DRAg>
aome still having ahreds of clothing
which assist recognition In spite of
■ '
' ■
- '
•A^iAdiAA AAAd B-.
A jolj ol eo doisn msn-s modress shirts, made op io «mt olem stylo
| n^rough fire-eaten fleeb, aome merely
Ibe missing who are supposed to bt skeletana
^stolon* or .grinning fekulls blnekener
«ead tnclBde General Meunler. March- with smoke.
Many Amertcai
Isoeae De OaUifeL Duchess IFAleneon, EkigUsh were among the stall-holden.
A mi.ee.pp to dU. toe colored'.Ipe, J1
odlid th. Meide.-.;
Oouniess De Mun and Sl Pnrisr. but It Is Imposalble a* yet to give tbe
enywhore far 200 for, I :1 6.
losL Tbe flames UchM Beaaty. would
BfarchionsH De Flods.
Bono)' Holstrin. Bateiteas
ware homed from tbs backs of tbelr
(wife ot thc'lsader of the pro-raOsts In
wearer*, who tore off tbelr Maxing bats
tbc cbiuDber of depuUes), and Madame as tb«T rushed from tbe building, tbelr
bar son and four beads Binged to tbe roots of tbelr bnlr.
dat4^tcra Oae hundred corpesi bav*' The clothing not burned off was literal
been Uidont in tbe Palais deD'lndastrta ly tom off. No palnter-ever Imegtoed
It la believed that another hundred are a Lasi Judgment eo wpelKng. Tbe gM
beoetfUi th* ruins Tbere was only one who ran thrwgb tbe streete'Mdrtlem
exit. The bexaar was tn toll awing, to teU ber mother of her safety bad
when suddenly.'about 4 o’etotfiL the cry charge of tbe wooden borem to the ba•f fire rose la tbe quarter whwe tbs saar. It Is Impossible to my haw maag
mnsmatograph waa being exhlMtsd. chUdren were on them at tbe dme. sr
OM ot Cbs sunrlTors tMls to the oorre-: V«v manr pebabed
apoBdegt of tbs AaeocUtsd Vnm Ml
Friday evmtiag. ^ St
—------- - —
. ■ .
itf'eajoyed all the more when you have
a fwetty servloe of silverware ts
make ypnr Uble look invltiag ami appetixinff for the morning meat Wa
have handsome bmy eeU aad table
silverware of aU kisds. in new aad
attractive desigas. at prioec lower than
it was ever sold at before.
137 P^kT 8TRBBT.
For Bargains
Call oh your money savers,
The Boston Store,
Whiting Block, Traverse City.
Instrwctkws <n Violin. MandoUm,
Banjo. Oaitar. Cello aad Bam.,
Ttibb BffMOBBbU.
a ft, qitp Opesa Boast 1
nnrtT«ar-No. 8.
IMPROYED^ROADS. These Are Inventory Days !
and she wQl he ready for
P la % abort time. Mr. Mon
tague haeedldhleflaaoepaeht Viking
MoPRKBSOir PObT PBXPA&IHO to Mr. Bobluon of Grand Ba^lda. ^ f>VX 07 THB OBJBOT8 07 OVKBM
Moa-Vnioa Koa Barrod.
OommittM* App
.Yeeterdap moraing the oaptala of Beosing Xeetiog Xmai^ Wight - aad
Bleoted—Bicycle Paths Oon.
ftB XavlutlOD to m
the steam barge Bdwabd Bucklep.
Bidered and Astlre Work Urged in
tho Boptiot Qht
itnred to place twp flremra ef the
Me PbcnoB Pmt. G. A. E. set lut barge araoag the ualoa mea oa beard.
«vniBf to dSocoM plonk ood btari ibe Tho latter wtered an objecUoa aad •fhe Qneea City Bicycle Club maa red last night la the clnb house
vroltMinoiT orroniroBenU for.tbeir o«- qait work for a few raoBMate. uaUl the
■ml Meaorlol Doy exerclMO. There oaptala withdrew the ftream. and the of the W^ne^tODg Clnb. (t the moot
rathealaatlc mooting of the year.
BM d' larf ottondonoo ond the trail- loading eoattaned.
There were 42 member* present and
mrat raprawnd woa thot the doj tbonld
^obtomd vitb the tome tlobormte IVniOM YBBLT^ PB0TS09B. active Btepa were inaugurated to make
oorraiootra m 1b jreort -pMt- Follow- Three Onartor A B. Club Went Bleh- thU eeaaon even more sncceeaful' khan
inf were the oomniuee* oppolntod to
Ing this Xotnine.
Presidrat Hale reviewed the faUtory
Moko the neotMory preporotiou:
Thle morning bright and early Joa- of the orgaaiaatioo and in kb resume
Grorade-Coofodw HobUb. BfalU
tJee Verip was ronted from • eweet re of the work of the clob.abowed that it
iBf. Salth ond
pose bp a dosea membere of the Three was organlaed April 14. IBM, with le
gnarter B. B Club, who had arranged membet*. which iuereased daring the
Preirroawith tbs good joetlee to eeoort them peario IBA.** The club made during
ud Smith.
upon a. trout Bahing trip. HU Honor the pear 21 runs, which averaged S
Oomrodot Morte, John Wright ond did not require any urging and la a mllm each, aad which wm paKlelOridlee.
abort time the ratlin party, ladee pated ia by an average of 14 memberv
Maue—Ootnrode Voder.
SoUcUiae fondn—Comrade Boberte. with baakeU of good things tor luach- ‘After the close of the cycllag eeaaea
eoa, kodaka, angle worraa and Bahing the winter months were devoted to
Morklor r»»»-Comrode Smith.
Troeoportotion—Comrode Hoirroreo. tackle, wil. lake poeecsaioh of the early social pleasures and six danclag par
iBritellot-Comrodee CorUo, Keith C. A W. M. train «n route for Sabin. ties were held, at which there was an
«ad Sonic.
There they are to dUembark aadapeod^ average attendauce of 140. At the
The Ik»t ocoepled oc laeltotlno from
a few bonra Bahing on the poad of the close of the pear the treasury wasl
Bee. H. 8. Norihrup, to ottead HemorBoa^maa Birer Electric Light A ISiw- graced with a balance of $4.33. which I
iol eerrleet'la the Boptfet church oa
erCa At 11 o’clock tho party will go was considered rarp satUfaetorp bp!
Sondoy. Mop 30. at 10 o'clock o. ml
bp the O. R. A 1. to Repatone. where the member*.
they will uke lunch and apend the reAfter .the address of the president |
of th. d.j «.rcbl.t **'« j Ih, loUowlb, oBo«. w.r.
•tnu. tor trout. Erurjouu .ho
c, K. But.; rioh-pr^ideut.
V«id to the Xeaoty of the Lote OoL koon the JuiUm ud hi. proMcu.
lohn D. BUUaco.
wiu be e~uied tbet thue .ill-he ..
. „
1. directors, --------Gayle
the abore I
The roemp porloro, dlolof room ood plenty of fun a
oApbe some fish.
officen and M. B^ellep.
office of Fork Place were fliM with
The laprovemeut^of the roads about
8.000 BasbeU. Potatoes.
trieode who gathered to otUad
thU eectioa of the state aad immediate |
Alderman George Lardle is shtppiag
fraenUof Col. Joke D. BilUago.peoUr■ieinitp of the city, formed an inte'eat- j
d^p o^tonwoe- The eeremoalei, which hUpototo-vUtbsKortheraWlchigaa
and. snvgcnt'weroooadooted bp Be*. D. Cochlla. ao- Traasportatioa Co. to Chkago. Oa her loBS Were made towards briagtag about |
stotod bp Eer. W. A. Frpe, were fnU of next trip the Petoakey will take out many needed iminoveiaeBta ^
the peaeetal epirit aad the hope aad 3.000 bushels. Good qualiUea are
A petiUon has been circalated bp
cheer which died the Ufe of the grad bpingiag S eeaU per bushel. .
Earl Tyler to raise funds to coastraet
' omo who had paerad oa to the higher
a two-foot plank walk ooverlng a dUtBA&BXBB
Ufe. The eerrloee were opeaed wlU
ance of dOO feet along the sandy stretch
eiaging ‘•Nearer. My God. to Thee.” bp Beeauae the Price of a Ralr Out U Benear Mitchell's. wHh such suecem that
the ebolf. C. K. Bock, Mrs. A. U. Hoi
duoed to Tifieea Oentt.
,rlp the full asBOuat required was
lldap. Mtm leabel Hammoad aad W. J.
*ne local barbers hare held a meetHobba After readlag a portloa of tbe
The same petition was taken to Elk
eertptore bp Ker. D. Cochlla aad proper Ipg for the pnrpoec of endeavortag to
bp B«t. W. a. Frpe. Mr^ CocbUa epoke peraoade J. O. Langwprthy aad M. H. Rapids and iu objects explaiaed to
for a tew alabtee of the Ufe beprad, Griffith to resume the old price of 23 cpclUU at that place, bp Hobart I-ewis,
whoee efforU have inaugurated e
which ie bat a oeatinuaace of the pree- cents for evtUag hair. A c<
appointed to wait npoa those geaement which map tend to the great
eat Ufe, the dawalagof a bright morarovement of the road betweu thU
lag foUowiag the eettiag of todap'e UeascD. but the result was not aatUfaotovp
and that plaoe.
eoB. Mr. Frpe followed with a beanla this ooanedioB Earl Tpler stated
tlfal tribate to Mr. BilUaga, (apiag Some of them favored a eat to 10 orata,
epeeial etrees oa the MeadaUp, belp- If those who have redneed the prise to to the club that E. A. Treadway one
fulaem, lore aad ^iritnaUtp maalfeet- IS eeoto would aot reaume the old rate. of the owner* of the Ne-ah-to-waaU
rmorL had offered to eubacribe $100 In
ed la his daUp life. A brief proper bp
Bew Salt Wat
cash towarde the ooBsU-nethm of a
Mr. CoehUoaad eoag. “0, Paradlee,”
Tbe Nartham Michigan Trmasport- bicpole path between here and the
ooaoladed the eerrloee at the home.
With simple aerricee-the iatermeat ation Co. U eauslag to lie erected oa raaoit. Thie propositioa was received
took place at Oakwood oemeteip. The the steamboat dock, a warehouse for .with favor, but no definite aoUon could
bearert were Meaera J: T. Beadle, J. the storage of saltshtpped from Maats- be-takea.
T. Baaaah. H. C. DarU. U. Moatagne, toa. The salt will he kept ia storage
The matter of leasing the We-qaeall the time tor the local dealera.
SamGarla^aadB. J. Morgw- Beaumgelnbhoueewae'dleeuseed aad re
tifal flowet^ la great profa^ra dUed
ferred to the raeeutive committee. It
the parlor* aad expreoied the lorlng
ie the purpoto of the olnb to ieede the
epmpathp ef a wide drele of trleade.
Btq^A O. Adanns Died la Oregem building to the seaaoa. If It ean .be
Mr*. B. C. Adams, the danghter ef done, aad in order to earrp the pro
Mr. aad Mra. Silas Stiles of lalaad. ject through, 160 members ought to be
be Startod bp traveiae died St her. heme In Aatoria, Or/. enrolled. The clnb voted to admit to
Dbeiahlp pereoas wba Ao'aot <
April 22nd, aged S3 pear*. A parties'—CBtp Lumber Oo.
wheels if thep dmlre to eajep the adThe Travmae Clip Lumber Ce. will larip aad feature of her death to her
to be afforded under the
fiaieh euttUk the hardwood stock of pareaU was the Atataaoe which render proposed plan.
the Senth Side Lumber Co. in about ed It impeasible to them to be with
hoglritwo weeka Whra that out iaBaisbed
the oompaap will begin aa their hem beod ' ia thte regloa will grieve to*
lock which wUl come ia from Elk Bap- leara of her death.
Important Tmprorameats OoutamIds and several other pelnU on the bap
Lumber to Chicago.
plated to the Burtacb Block.
bp rafL The oompaap has large qoanThe eteam barge 8 K. Martin of Chi
Jacob Fnrtseh is making
tities of logs along the ehaln ooaaist- cago arrived et thle port peeterdap
tag of Elk Lake, Grass Lake. Toreb moraiag with her coaewL the D. L. menu to fioldi up the entire
Lake aad tribntarp atraams, which will Filer, after a cargo of hemlock to floor of his brick block oa Union atreet
be tranaportod bp ooe of the steam- Chieego. to A. R. Colbnra of Michigan into lodge rooms, whkh. whn c»bsboata of the Elk Bapids Iroa Ca., which a^. OaptMo Martin ia in oommaad plated, will be a marvel of eoavealeoea
has hera chhrtorad for that pnrpoea. and the two boats will tal& about The plane ehew a oommodiouB parlor,
The steemer will briag the logs to Elk 1,000.000 feeL The O. £. Parks will oeeupping the firet IS feeL fadag ou
Union etreeL and lighted bp large
Bapids aad from there tbej <rlU be take a cargo of the same stock.
jMlata glam wiadowa Bade of this Is
-rafted to this dtp.
the etalrwap from the pronad floor,
Oottgrras Btttea.
tpvo cloak rooms aad two aate-reoma,
Trof. A A Maitoagh Is preparlag to The XeeetH Bead in Brarp Boma opoalag late the large assemblp haU,
Teetodap Boralag.
give a prodssUra of the Ooogrem
whleh will be 40x71 ia dae.* This le
With a few poerible raeepticae, w
States, ee soon as aeoMarp ariaagaweU lighted fromtheaidee srtlh fife
asrate eaa be pertoeted. A rehearsal bcuee ia the dtp was stfved with the wiadosn.
srm take place thU afteraora at foar Meraiag Beeord peeterdap before 6:10 There to abaek dairwap from the
ti>eicdt. f^ the sailor*' chorus aad o'clock. The exceptions ratored to gronad^eerepHlBgiatoahaU which
thom taUag part la the driU. Prot
0 some of the reeideaeee la the out- la*& to the aaeemblp room aad te a
Marlaagh far* a Aae prodaettem of the eklrte. which srere mimed bj riaeon of roomp kltehra in the rear, whl^ wtU
Oeagreee of Batteos last pear and thM the earriare aot havlag eaough papers, nave water eoBaectioas. ahelvlng, alak,
thoogfa more thra 1.7M were dlstribn- ete. Betwera thto aad the ememblp
will he atm more suoesmfal.
tod U the dtp. The earrieia attraded haU to the large Uvntorp. A baggage
Btrictip to bnsinoas and served the pa- or etore foem la the rear will bo vmp
J. A Xoatagne WIU Bara a Baad- pen promptip with the eaergp whleh eoavealrat to etoing pi
evarp live aewebop aeqairee aftar
Pnrtienlsr attratira will be paid to
■eme Vow Bleep Yacht.
ehert asperienea. The whole dtp wUl vraUlatiosi.
J. A MeutagM is hariagaheuAsoBae
Mr. Furteeh wiU ehmmraee active
new ilaop praht baiU bp VIetor Boawithout eoet to readme.
work ra ike improvemwto ae eocm nn
tagae. T>e eraft will be S3 feet in
ProL Murtangfa desires to inform he reeeivee the arnnraaee that there
la^th with 8 ^ beaes aad designed
tor speed aad eafe^. It will be one of thcae taking part la the coming eoa- wm be a demaad to the rooms. Bare
aad iougiess to meet at the acad- to e good chanee to some lodge.
the fiawia^aiag beats oaths bap aad eert
omj oa Satardap at I p. m.
3 It
whw eoaplatad will be a beaa^.
Take a look at Geo. Wiualeto ndrarbtoemrat on Hd pngu.
The •MBeeftiiepachtwm bo “Mus-
^v; -r'
just completed our annual stock-taking and find
we have many things, one
oiTa kind, which
we'd rather sell at a great sacrifice than cariy. Wall
Paper, Books, Ladles' Pocket Botiks, Bill Books, Etc. Can’t tell you all of them. Come and see.
M. B. HOLLEY. JMaNaaea.
Where am i at ?
This is no Jokc^l am at
129 Front Street.
It’s Dangerous, and
Foolish as well.—
Not to get my prices on
; Furniture
before buying, as I have
a large stock and decided^
ly the lowest prices. If
you need a new Couch
now is'your time. I have
too many high priced
Couches andji will close some of them 6ut at a big
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
188-189 7B0VT STBXBT.
Oppoaltv HukeIVs Bookstorr.
Just Arrived!
Factory should have deliv,
ered them two months ago.
THjs is the handsomest line
Soby .
that we have ever shown, and
as it is late in the season we,
offer the lot ,at* prices away/
under values.
, Bpnth Union StxBot.
The Quality and
Price Question. ..
Should always' be considered in your
, .r
purchases.' IVe claim the lowest prices
•on the same quality of-
Best Grades of Footwea:
We ire prepared to demonstrate the fact.
■ To
The liffbtiaf of the Mesoaie lodfe
roMM hea be» resist to B. D. Camp
TR^VS&fif CITY. • HIOHIOAR. bell A Soaa.
Qaeea City eamp Ko. 573, B. N. of A.,
r*dH nu omcs or rn
wUl meet to-airbtla Uoatefrae haU.
Ev«7 member to reqaeeted to be preeTM. T. BaTBO AMD J. W. Hamssm. eat.
Telepbeae namber 41 baa been
J, W. HAmnai. Editor »ad Muaffar.
plaeed la tbe realdeaoe of J. W.^Baa
Wed Pratt reeeived yeeterday » dee
earrlaffa fhm Upoaier, lad . -a pitt
. toraad Sveht ToOTlght
Elaborate preparattone have been
made by Obaa. BosaaUul tor the baaqaet which be wUl plve to tbe Kei^te
of Pythiaa to-nipht. A splendid pro.
pram to arraaped aad Che baaqaet will
be nerved eapeetolly pood by Mr.
we have
for boys.
Daaciop aehool Friday evealap. 3 tt
«Taiie a look at OeoT Winaleto adverttoeaent on 3rd papa.
Have yonr plaaca Used by_^ reel.,
Tba Bxooed wiU be pled to reoelre dent tnaer. W. 4. W. aiffe. Send
aay Item of Interest or importeaee by orders to N. E. Sti^'e Masic Store.
e to aamber 33. day or alpbt.
Elmer McCoy has mored tbe raeiap
b^sce Arbntaa, paa Bailey anJ Bloy
ole Girl to the fair prooads for traiaTh* T«xt Book BUI.
‘Ikat to^-book utter wkiok ieari lap.
tttiat the bowdoof edvcetioB ia MkAi- The Womaato'CemMery Improremeat
ifw, . i> ooe wUeh ewj tupeyer AiMciatloB WiU meet la the Imdiea'
•bottid etodp. The Ekxibo i«tu witk Library roonm at 3 o'clock this ofterUarhMB Bloek.
rrofuor Urewn tliet tke. pMMfc of
Aatoa flleder. who haa been ooadaed
tbe QnhM-FonTtb mmnn mmld be
diaMtroM to tke edoeettoael apstem of to hU boam aoma we^hy eerioas Ulaem, was able to pet oat of doors yaeItlakicu. Patrdba of the, aeboola
•bMldbriacell tbotHViaare pOMiWe
. Tbe steam harpe O. B. Parka hea re«• beer ^npoe tke larUetnro lor the torasd from Chicepo after another
defeat of the bUl, wbi^ woold awen oaipa of lamher froot the Trareres
eo additioael expead|t«n for books, LnmberCo.
bj orerTPopU. Wby iiK ooealdortbe
Tbempeoa’s phofo^ph pallecy has
free text-book plea .fad dieetue the been removed from Froat street
edrieebUi^of Totiav <m the prepoel- Boardman areaae to the ooM
llos lD tbto eitpr deooidiar *o tfOod Froat ead Park streeta.
•atb^ty the east each jear to tke eity Jas. A. Chase has erbeted e aeal lit
for each papU weald be bat «> oeata. tle booU OB Park street, opposiU tbb
' MdUiepraaeBtaxeeUeDtradeof text Hotel Leelaaaa, for a shoe repair shop
books «mU be aaiataiaed.
Vietor Uoatepae to boUdi^ a haadWuLk the diapatekM record sharp §om lo-foot row boat for Mrs. M. V.
and stimtafetle taetiea between the Aldrieh of Grand RApids. who apeads
—Fire Insurance a
Oroeka aad Tarks, and actire maaen- the eommer season at Old Mtosloa.
—Real Estate.
ear* oa both aides la the atran'K thf
A Teaap Wemaa'a Temperaaee tin30HRB0N BLE.
toreitfa mlalatsn haia made erertarea ion to oMtemplated and a meeiinp wiU TXLIPHOWX H
to aaalst la eadiar the war. The Greek be bald tomorrow afteraoiw in the
foraraaieat baa raserred its -replp, bat Baptist ehnreh to oooaider Mia proJecL
ittobelierod that eeeret aefoilatioBa
pr. J. B. Mertia left ymtenlay after- are la procaea to tafia^ the troableao
a eleoe. It weald probably be witoom noM for Chieapo, where he wUl attend
eoBveatiea of the Mattoaal Amod
ea the part of the Qcaeks to aoeopt the
iatWTratioB. bet reoeat OTeata bare etton of Ballway Sarpeoae. bow ia eeeehowaa dogfed ladepeadoaoe oa the aioB.
Mrs. H. (b BnU eatertaiaed the Book
part of Ureeoa which neat betakes
tioB betora aajr wtUe- Beview elab la a
Taeedey afteiWm. At the ooaclaaloa
•t to effected.
of the book -lavlew an appetixlap tea
Tn Bboobo hastees to aeknowledpe was aerrad.
too eooree of tarorable oomBeata made
Smith Bros, will have M>e jolata and
la regard to the drat aomber of tbe eye-beanu in place on the aew Broach
paper. It wea deUrered ia tlaia for block to-day. Tbe propresa of tbe strncbreakfast yesterday at aearly ewy tore is very rapid and it wUI soon nuke
hocee ia the city aad iu eoatcaU of an Impoela^ appearance.
fresh aewa eeferly cead aad aajoyed
L>ht Dipfat tbe Derit Lipbt Ooarde
Tbe same ataadard of excelleaee wbleh
ebaraeteriaed the diet namber will be pave a uja»;ic laatera show in Coebraa
haU. Tiie object was to ratoa fnnda for
new aaif«ma The eateiiainmeat was
'Xn>« OkoMOB of Greece to e shintap excellent, many fine views beinp shewn.
Mr. aad Mia. H. P. Boas are abont to
•sample of tbe modern poteatote. Be
to not only a warrior of reaowa and move to Chieapo. Tneaday aftemotm
- ralor of beoominp dlpnity, bat be has a namber of lady frieade of Mia. Bom,
4ordoped a sort of^^ WaU-streeVlenp- pave bar a pieaaaatearpitoe and left
bur Shoes are made
haadednms whieb baa aweUed the aeverml pitta to testify to their frieedon honor, and we nevroyal eoSera.; A apeenistion in, Greek MUp.
•ad Tnrkiah bonds netted hto hiphau
dr misrepresent them.
Arthur Emrdto. who flUed the post of
•omethlap like SS.OOO.OOO franca.
porter for W. O. Boldee while the lat
We sell them on their
ter wee Buaeper of the Barks at OadilBxemKo erebiluW tie Onclu ™- lee. has aboepted a MmUar poeithm in
merit, and on their
Cafaaa troubles the City Hotel la BoUead. of whiohMr.
merit we have built
•omewbat of late: bat it to eneonrapiap Holden to now ounepey.
up one of the most ex
to note that the tosnrpento are still
WUlard E^ht of the Electrical Go.
•eMre apd are winainp factories which
tensive shoe business
of Fort Wayan laA. wUl arrive ie tbe
- promtoebope^reeatia
city tonight oa boslaem with the
es in Northern Michi
Boardman River Electric Lipbt ^
Huwer Oo. He wilt spend a few days
had rattens’ in trout fehlap with William Loadoa..
Mr. and Mia. Gas Bapatrom pavs a
President HeWetby of the Otaad pariy Tneaday cveeinp la ^aor of
Trarorie Tsaohera aad Patraaa’ Aaao- Godfrey feepatromaad htosWer Ida,
•iatiOB. haa .pnapared sa
who have reeeaMy ooau from Sweden.
testmettre propram for ,tha aanaal A larpe aamber of trieada pave the
Boetinp to take place la Grmape haU boBored paaate .^a eerdial waloome
May 15. It was expected that State
■aperiateadeat of PabUe laatraetioa
Bert McCoy aad F. a Usnmaaa
Hammond would bepreaeat.b«t hewUl claim tbe larpeet eetch ef real larpe
taet be able to aUead-sFollowiap to tbe tront of the aeasoa. They went oat
ymterday awramp aad from the Board—nc—
I river paUed 50 Sac r^ecimsBa
waiphlap from H ko IH poaada each.
Their trieada at the WhUinp helped
diqnae of them at dlaaer.
For MM. Boro aaC YootM.
at Haskell’s Bookstore.
The Hamilton Watch
Veckweer firosi................ ......... .60 up
OverehlrU from........... ..... .;..|18o op
Stiort Pants (s stack of them)
for all ages, at........................... lOo up
Sweaters firom.. ........................ I0o up
Xaong StockiDgs, exosUsnt for
the money..........................Spaira 860
Osps.................................. ......... 10to26o
Brown Overalls........................... ;.. .B60
Short Pant Suits, prices fr^m . .48c op
■xtra heavy wool Sweaters
wlthoape........................................ :60c
Railroad MeA !
... k Perfect Time-Keeper...
I.; M. BmtTiragx-r,
E. W. Hastings,
(Oar loweet priced goeds an equal to aay la tbe
market, so an the hipher priced poods.)
$1S9 buys a Suit frt>m a lai^* k>t we
shall close, and in this lot are goods
sold last season for $8 to $8.60—th^
are cheap.
$1.60 for a suit in the lot sold 1^ $8.60
Bee them, it will pay.
We never showed a ob^oer line cS
Short Pant Bnita at $8 and above
than now.
All wool Pants from a let of suits, well
assorted slzee, running to 14 yre 60c
An extra good lot at 76c and flOhildren*e Tamoehanter Caps........ 860
Honesty of Goods
The pniUcet lot of child's aad beyto caps ever
shown hare.
Children's cotton and white Xus-'
lin Waists firom........................860 up
Ohildren’s Umbrellas for................ 60c
Honestyx Purpose
Nevsr before ooold we sell tbs' hovel styles in
hats as low ss 6O0—Fedoras, Cabans, Dsrbya—a
great variety of colors snd mixtures.
Out a great figure this ysar, 18 to 6O0. 60eents
buys an imported cap, silk lined, while 86c some
some handsoms patterns In silk linings also.
is frill ^ths latest dssigns in colors 'and shape.
Bee Uie colored Oubana. tbs staple Fedoraa, the
**Queen City Stiff” hat, the '^Xerwell” grade.
—Pingree Afimith "Rue Shoes.
$3.00. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50
acd $^.00.
One big lot S9c; one lot 66c: one lot 99c; one lot
fl.19; one lot $1.60. ‘ Hew designs for young
msn in styUsh, wsU-bum^s pants at $9and $8.60.
The Rindge Line
Rinr Shoes, Hard Paas aad
bow to ovens
_ Xiloyd O. BMt. NcaL
•Relation of taa^eia topapUB.-"(
p. Pritchard, Oedar Ban.
-Relation of ecbeo! Ufe toboaeUfa.’
u HeUtoa Gray.
••Relatloo of aehool Uto to after Uto.’
tfra. A. D. McRae.
l:WF. M.
•<Belatlonof parentoaad teaebera.’
C. T. Orawa.
^What UupnbUe haaaripbt too•set from tbe aehooto.*’ Fiom the
fi^polat of tbe teacher, Oefr L. Crtop.
fnm^ patrea’e atandpoink A. f.
The ladica of Amanda Bive made a
. dtodid aneeaaa of thair aanmr aad
damie laat ai^t, tba’ adlblM iron
Pbslyaarrod aad 150 paeato ajaysd
tha,anppcr and daace.
turxb mxpulsxo bt tse
Savapa Attack mat Bravely and
Tida Tornad.
Void. May 5.—The Tarktoh forosa to
••Briattoa of the htofa eMwed to tbe day fieroely attacked tbe GreekWoops
gwnbry eehooto.” Pn^ E. E. Ryder.
at Vsleetlno, bat wen npalaed. Tbwe
wen heavy loaaea oa both aides.
PiphUap ia proeetoiap betweto the
^U. U-OuartTK.
oFP«^ anatoa at two other polata.
Here ia a line at 6.00, 7D0 and $8.00 that are attractinjg much attention. lAam a few yearn ago
sold for 10.00 an4 $18.00. We bought them
oheq) and are eelling U^m cheap. $10 and $18
llnea axe handsome. Qreat taken among young
men. $18 to $14 Stein Blochs' unequalled by
The A. E. Nettletqn
Shoe For Meti
The Douglass Shoe
Fw Good Service,.
frank Friedrich’s
Mew ShM toon.
118 Front Street,
Wurzburg Block.
Snite aa low in price and as good valns as aay ons
them. If a cheep snit ia wanted, aee oun
$1.70, $8.19 and $4<96.
U airiUh aad BisS Orada
Hamilton doing Co.
Front St, Traverse City.
- 4, .r ;■
ttMy of OB XxoiUBg Ba|
VUeb Both oldw Pottgbt BroT0l7.
Athcao, U07 ».—The gOTeromwi U
with tbu od|oir«lB io obatOMod of the flecU of the foreifo powere la Ore toe waters for permbeioB to
i Greek srovhipe to the Itlond of
U is the'
0I9 today.
A. Emery oiKl wife, of Northport,
ore rueou oithe Whitloy.
Mn. 8. W. WiUoa. of Norihport, woo
o TroTeree Oty Tioltar yeoterdojr.
Mr. oBd Mrs. 8. P. Jonee of SbermoB
wen io the eity rioitior yeeterdoy.
Abbo N. CoBlterof LokeQtysrae o
CBeet ot Poi« Hlooe ot diooer yeeter*
Ma. C. M. Pnker aad
other. t<reek officen who hare bees'
dheriff A. E. BtiUnrer. of l.«elanan
The Torkbb forces today dereely atGo., came In from Maple Cl^ today on
toeked the Greek troops at Velestioo bntiness.
hot were repoUed. Fiybtlay is proOea II. Cross ntuHied .from
eeedioy betwceo the opposioff parties,
yesterday, when be bss been on leral
ot two other polota. businees in the snpnme oou^
The tcdlowiBf is the first stoiyw from
Mr. MeWary, npresenUnr Hulman
o earrcspoDdeat with the Tuha of tha
A' Berra. Of Tern Haute, has beea la
tghOat sebleb has UkeB plaee sear the city oa businees s few dsys.
Valntiao betweea the foroee of ’Turkey
Mra S. 6. Walker end Miss Walker,
aad Greece: •‘•The Torklsh poelUoa
of Old Mission, wen celled here yeeterhear VeleaUao. Theeealy. Friday ApHl
dsy by the death of Col. BlllUrs.
80. Ilfbas been in profrees here
Mrs. a. M. F. Raymond came np
aioee i o'clock this morniof. The
BouBtatas form a seml-etKle of whieb from Oraad Kapidt yesterday to attend
the fnneral of Col. J. D. BUlUra
V^tlno Is the center. The Greeks
Mrs. Peter .Munn, wbe has beea
oecBplad stroof posUloas on the hUis
speadlnr serenl days in the city with
In two wiBca. The Tories eemmenoed
Mr. Mens, nturned yesterday to Slierths attack uoder the oorer of a snstaiaed artiUery fire. The Greeks res
T>. Willell. of VsSsar.’land arent of
ponded feebly. Our troops fr^pally tbe David Ward estate, was U the city
gnlaed froand. s battery planted ob
last nlrbt visitiar Jobn A. l-omarer.
.our rtfbt, where theyround was oot so
eteep, eoreriaf *the adraaoe.
Althoufh the Turks were met wiU a fnrHan your pianos tuned by onr resi
Sraa fullside. they pushed forward and dent toner. Prof. J. W. CUffer Send
cnined summit aftersnmmlt. aad at the (wden to N. E. Stronr’s Mntic Store.
present they are occupyinf a straaf
poaltioa while awaitinf the oomlnc ap
of tha rest of the troopa. Our left had
a difficult task. The Greeks wen holdUr s preeipitona atountain posItUn,
the Turks eoenpyiar a posltimi U front
attaeksd ths Greeks aad foreed the eaemy to retire to a eeeood line of de
fease which she is bow ooenpyiaf. Our
eeater remains quieUy before one
of ths enemy's sarthworlm. while a
-Greek hptlaiy is eommsnelar work
with a battery planted on the side of
oor rirht wlnr- Constant suppUea of
For roar beaw tkao food white
water have to be sent to the troops ealead and oU PROPkkLY aUxed ac4
f applied, liat-a IS« klad e( stock t
fared. At the moBut of writUr thU
>. u*e. That's tk«
I Bis aad ipal
dispatch a burls on tbe mouaUin tide
* Hoc.
is tirnaUlnr that water U wanted
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Frofnt Street. -
Better. .
Gleo. R. ’Winnie,
i- N
Bute BBoampment wiU be Held U
LantiBf. May 5.-Tfae SUto Military
Beend met Tneeday afternoon and deiemUed to bold the anniml aneawpmeot at Island L«ke ns asasl, -Aag. 4
to e. teelasire. Tbs eaeampment will
to n “dry” sm if the order of the beard
gam. canteens wUI to tsbooed. It
wss also decided to porebsee cnoqgh.
shelter team tor one regiment.
quaated to notify tha firm so that thsy
/•ton bacalled for. Tbe opcaUg of ths
tor ercty can sow out.^
Panelng school grfday Tuning, sn
The young ladies takUg part U tbe
GoBgrem of States an requested to
meet for rubaanal this atteraooa at
fnr o’clock for tbe sailorkohOTBs aad
Everything de.sirable and up-to-date nrerchaudise. '
We always give the greatest values.
FHedrloh Block.
keliable Trading Place.
Choice Groceries
If You Have Logo
to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse CiQf
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. -Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for;saIe.
' Mery GoodB ■
Thurtell & Gane.
Wo Mke s opocisltj of
. .
Dry, Goods,Carpets and Clothing.
I The Man Milliner,
OaW MdahM. UtiMo,
.Contracting and Practical
Our Tme aad OeffiMs an Flaa.
OeU Ud oc* so wd iro WiU do m good.
Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.,
Ever Burned Out ?
Tf you ever did you know
the value of
O. P. OAAVSB. A««Bt.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.' lam
omo -W. SLA-W.
^ Rest HMoelr Block. Cahm Bitwet.
Are Others!
With this A No. i issue of the Morning Record we
place McLeilan & Ash as A. No. i in the line of.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
agent for this FanP'
and Fine Candies.
'* ous Brand.
The FoUowlng Flayprs are made to order:
lee Oreem FriiitFUTors—vaouiu. cbncoute. i
- Dtilvmd 10 oar pwioC ibc cilr.
ray. Piau-AppUi
Ruapbeny, Tutti Frutti, Oimage, Peach. Lemon, Banana. Platoahi*. Cherry. .
FiBiscliniai's ComprestMl Yeast
Yruit Ices—Lemon. Pine-Apple, Orange. BMpbeny, Cherry.
Sherberte—Baepbeny, OimBfeJ Stiawtorry, Cbeny, Leman. Piae-Appla.
W« AlM pnt np Brlok loa Orenm-AU a..cn, o>. u. ikn. lUm t>
abrick. We deUver to all parte of tiw elty aad out of the city.
But then are BO CigBia made
Try a Pound Box of onr Fine Cbc^olates.
Jacob Furtsch,
We make them every day.
41B UaUn St.
Telephoae 34.
McLeilan & Aslh,
Oe*. PreateBdraASW.
Wsshington, May S.—The arUtrm>
tioB treaty was rejected this sflsrnoea
by a TOU of 48 to se. It laekpd the
J two-thirds.
loe Oranm Oaas.
Bargain Vafuc^ll through our stocks of
•pcelel w HorslBf Beeord.
That .Yon Wa;^it'
YOU never
Cor. 7(h aad I'alee Sre.
ArUtrntion Tnsty Lacks the Meossesry Two-thlids.
Oeenpied by the Turklsb Feroea.
OoBstantUople. May &.-Uttti Psaha,
rr-------- - of the Torklsh foross in
X^rm. talegnphed yssterday thst the
.Turks oeeupisd naopposed summit
of Mont Kllkerini. tha domUatUg
slepm oppotiU Arta. 7
Pennell’s We Make The Prises .
----Dulnth. Msy S,—Forest fires are rafUr nnabated in this part of MinnesoU
and an daarsraasly near this city.
The fin department' hss been called
upon for estistaaee by the people in
the onUyi^ dtstriets. Tbe peet house
ana voar ^ense canrbt fin twice but
. the fiamee wcre^ oonqnered by the fire
men before m^b damafe was done.
Three bouees on the outskirts of the
- elty wm destroyed and aome stock has
,bsen killed. A« fsr ss 1* known there
has been no low of life,
etind from over the Meeebe\nd Vermlilkm langeetotbe effect tba\ firee
wen raglnir to all dinef.
We Have The Goods
Fragrant aad Deliciois I
. . XADB BT .. ^
• A.W. JAHRAU8, •
dniqae Jtesigns T
The Blue Room
In The White House
dUEledoacwliif KsehlMlfeodloo.
Bold hj AB DMOete.
N. Martinek.
Nothing more beauti>
ful than A well kept
Lawn. In ordet- to
produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut and watered.
LAWN MOWERS, From.......... ........ $2.75 to $8.00.
RUBBER AND COTTON HOSE...,M) to 15c per ft.
1 also put in Taps and Connect to cil^ water at bottom
prices. Give me a call.
146 Froat ^,
..Kimball Piano..
It was President McKinley’s Personal Choice. •,
> TUe Piaao ie ladoreed by the M
of the worid.
-W". -W. JSlii
Llba.ll Oo.
N. E. Strong, Mgr. for Northern Mich.
""': ^
Two Hundred of the Gay City's
Ariatocracy Dead,
Fricfatfolly MsHlated Cerptei Rkot•r^ froM tbc ^ne «f the Horor,
• VeriuMe Fir*>Tr*p,
VUhba'tOav^Blt tor thm Bui
Bundara* Otfh.
Br«uf f>vt aad
.■ad MaduBMu.AU of Um HlcfcM Faria
awdrir—Boori^Ua la oi^ tba Mruntl^.
TruBstad VlriltBaorOMrialKrutlMBca*.
acs j ■ ■ - ■■-, ■ •. . ■
' : _■ ■ - ■
‘•.v-> ' ' ' JIOMimB SEOOBJj, THtrBBDAV, KAT 4 1847.
.«MC> a*aa etanmud full of p«o^
plA |uiu Ute beat, was aUfllng. ^ing
very nncomtortable my friend* and I
determined to leave, but aomebow we
goutd not make much headway through
the throng toward the door. 1 lagged a
little behind, u I was offered a noaega^
by a ftall-holder, wbt-n oo a sudden the
about of fire waa raised. Instantly all
was commotion. We tried to keep oool.
but the rush from behind forced us for
ward and we were separated. Then I
tried to work my way back, but ,t ^n»
carried 7>ff my feet and carried, back
ward aod (orwnia la (heawaylogcrowd.
I tost f!Qr hat; then my 'coat was tom
off and then my waistcoat All thls^
happened la a few secondv
•Immediaiely the full extent of the
calamity dawned upon he all. The
flames spread with atartllng rapidity
through ‘ the whole building. '%hleh
rumbled like a living furnace.- But the
uproar of the eonflagration could nof
dmw n the groans and cries of the agon
ised crowil. Gradually I fouhd myseifr
pushed back against - the wall of the
building and finally succeeded In
scrambling through an ‘bjvenlng made
bj- some of those .who were near me.
Thro seconds later 1 would have been a
rictlm, tor • hardly had 1 struggled
through the hole bM<we I heard a
dreadful crash as the hissing rbof fell
Tarit. May &—AU P«cla ia In a Mate
Of treat excitement over the terrlbledi*aatce at the chaiiUhle baiaar In the
IRw Jean aonjan. How many are dead
la Bot poaltively known. The bulldinc
cattaht Are whUe. it'draii crowded with
the nobility, wealth and Aahion of Parti
and before all e«t ou^the roof fell ta.
The flr« redort wai' that thirty-five
were klHed. The baaaar U clven anCOBPSR8 riLED FITB FBIiT DEBIVr
soaUy for the benefit of the poor of
Parta and Ita maaaaere are leaden in Borrible Spewtaels Prsseated by the Be
mala* oftho «-|cUm<.
the fere front of hlch.aodety. The manThe dead were piled In heaps,; and es
atera ef the baaaar had arranired Uie
■talla eo aa to repre*eht a etr«^ of old pecially near the exit where the char
were five feet d“ep. In
Parta and It waa-opeaed Monday. The
proceed* of the iwlea at each aull were some cases only the trunks remalmd
with qo vestige of clothing. The news
dcToiftd to a oeparate charlty»
spread Uke wildfire. All the cabinet
AiMomey Fnuldru'Ovry the Stalk.
The n-tlhi were presided over by Mma mlnlsitr* now to Part* went Immedl:o the scene. Hundreds of'equlp*
Fevrler (the wife of General revrier),
streamed along the Champ*
MaroBliB- Pe-L'Alyle. Mme. -Macoba. I
wRh anstou.-)
Bardne I>e’La Lucette. Marqulae De 8t. I D'Elysee*, their occupants
Has Your
AttentionPore Powdered Sploee.
Pore Oreem Tartar,
* ’
(aod Pure Baking Powder. If you vial as
■akeU,Sponad*ferll.(la Rubber Sheetiog,
BobberTabing, all sliea. Water BeUies tgaarhnleed for two yeano Poaatalii Syriagei.
ppay klads. Throat Brasbea. and AloaiL
eiyeerttM aad ^tteh BamI iMioo for the
isods aad face. '
At. Our
Soda Fountain
SI i^^ip. oneola Prtod-
X>ARH. C GILBERT. >tConwy. Hprelal, dlJr ualloa to Probate practice. RcKMuSaad
to. BorcMlIie Co. Bloch.
I. aty opera Bonae. Blocli.________________
Fancy Toilet Miclfes.
Pretty Effecte in-----
!4lautly- bocs "»» »«
ly at ibe Becerd oOcc.
Cut Glass.
veU located city prupervy. Large porttoa litproeed truU tree*. WiU aanuBM swah waaiCioee.
**La^%^ *SrC^
HnlLyr^ Ola^JtriWeamiroo. sod
__ _____ _________ _________________ Peoav
aad Park Kl« K-cAles aad^patrs for all
See !-
I ■tow. beating »ui
» WaMbIngwe m
Hotel Leelanau.
Union Drips, per ^al........ 2©C
Yclipw Crawford Peaches
per can.................. ......... lOc
Dried Apples. Peaches
and Nectorines, per lb..
Early Vegetables
Ftrk Stnet. betwHn Frcnt £ Cau.
-Groceries. jMeal Tickets at Reduced Rates,
r .a
With our friends
; J-'
Q U. BBOWM. AltorMy aod CoaBsalsr a*
O. Law. Special atMa'ioa to eoUecUoas
aad eooecsaarlag. Ilkf^eiUSt..
,^New Ideas in-----
Barone DeSialdler.Catenae I>aal>-n8ka. ; rending scene* of grief and
MarqulM he Goueetler. MarqulM Di ■ lady ruihed alaiut franilcSb- calling
. Araence, Marquire IV PltU. Ducheai I her daughter by name. Buthe one told
B'Alenoon (a member of the Orleans her the girl aas •safe. whereu|>nn ahe
family), Mme. D Artn. Mme. BoiRScaux. Jumped, danced, hnd arreamed: -thM>
Barone F. DeSohltkFr. Mme. Moreau. ,
coachman to tell him to
Marquise Costi E>e Beauregard. Her drive home, and Ml in a dead swoon.
Aimih<7 lady want Insane.
A thirt
the Duchees D,- Wien.
. •
' Imagined In her frenxy that she recog. ]
dfm^ MarqulK.-DeMalsonandCountesse niged
her daughtt^r**
Be Orefful <nee LaRocbefoeauld). Mme. ; hyslerl9ally cafied upon hpr husbaiJd to i
Rates, ^1.50’pcr Day.
1> E3ens presided over the refreshment i-tell the police to prevsht the child from.
stknd. These ladies were assisted by going
BiahV equally well-known society ladles.
cabinet ministers. amtMssadns*.noble.
The Fatal huBber ThlrleAt.
men and memliers of the highm aoclal
As a somewhat remarkabletwlnddeDce and financial cirries were aide toy side
with the lowliest and the poorm.
wu '■No.13." It Is Impossible ! hh*T‘>ualy Inquiring for their mlailng
as yet in identify the victims. The ha- ! relatives. About thirty were saved by
aaar Is'k heap of stnqklng cinders and ' Pfw AjBbroise -and Perc Ballly. who
■First Class Day Board.
ashes. The (lasaar was MO feet long by ; helped Ihem over the wall with g Udder
ISO feot *lde. and constructed almosten- i to the printing room of the newsfiapcr
Cbr- 7ih>BdUMoh
tJrely of wood. .The Dowager Duchesne 1 LnCroU. The staff of xhe H.’tel Du
IFL'sef Is one of the most prominmt ' Pstali lent valuahleassiManceandiaved
Special Rates by the Week.
aoisoD^awS Bieslaa.
women in France, and Is said to have IM persons through a barred window
provided 3.000.0W franhs for the prop*- overlooking the baxaar. whbre,-virile thy
ganda <if General Boulanger. The hotel employes were earning away the j
ynsmg Duchess DTses wan. before her,, bars, they saw ihret- persons burned »•;
marriage. Mme. Marie De ' Dulnes. death. Follcemen have been deputed by |
daughter of the Ute Due De Chsulnes. *be prefect of police to pick out the por- ;
She was married In .Paris on 'Jan. 1«. i “ons of temalns and
wrap them Inj
ISM. In the chai»el of the conv«t of the ; Plvves of cloth, to be trankferred Ini
' Bgcred Heart, where she was educated. , amhulance* to do the palais de LTn- I
, The Duo DTscs Is the prepilcr duke of dustrie. The remains present a horrible
Frafrce. the creation of his Utle daUng ; spectacle of limh* burned and twisted,
hack to IGCL.
i Bn all sides can be seen stretchers plied
Twesly Cartel Is One BalMIng.
{muilUted conipes. skuUs spUt
Rnormous cruw tfe of people gathewd |
around the sone of the fire. Among | DKATB KrBtBiw in hiuB fi^cbr.
them were a large number of livqried i
.sarVanU inquiring for thelf Bil*lress.s. ; Name* »f ^ Pew of ghe Lost—Many ChUand the Indications wen- that among the 1
diwn Bare rsrtshsA
Wc bcrmld the future praaperity ^ our newly
dead would !>e a number of the French ( The following are among ;thfe Identl. aristocracy, although It-was hoped that i fled dead: Cdmtense MJrimel. Comteme ■bom infant, the Moainxs BkCoRO, and through twr bright and heikltby twuntt.
B. Vltwr Co^-Un. BUi«-1 >«•»<« ”« lab to express our tinoere thanks to the public for the good hare
taken In bringing os up to the Ug and healthy bonnetag boy of today. Hardly
and a numVr f the T
I seiiouly tn- mann and Sohlumberger. ' Comteme three years old yet, aad we hare already out-grown the oapadty of an ordipary
Hnmolsteln,- Marquise des Malaou. coneem. Not fading any ready-made atUre big enongb for the boy giant we
n to tt
e Palais DTndurtrfe. Before the flto- Mme. Ventlmesnllle. Mme. HoskIer(«ife had to hare onrh------made to mder. big enough aa if ere were full grown aad a
men could arrive the roof of the baaaar of the weil-knqwn Russian banker).
monster at that.
crushed In. bur>ii)g-'numbers of those Mmer-..F'^l^''*o- Mine. Jacques Hauss-.Onr new store when eompletod will hare more space than shy two ooneema
who had hsec unable to make tiielr mann. the daughter of M. Khevilte. and.
Mile. Mandal-Orancey. Among the bad->' in Uie city, (excepting the Hannah A Imy Oo.,) filled with a new stock of gen
injured are: Duebeas de U Torr.
eral mamhandiee from the gnmad fioor np.
8 hutried to the burning Iwsaar and
Onr aim for the next 60 days wUl be to dispoM of our esUre stock atagreat
cffectlveEnp was rapidly organlted'becarnier. de Daume.
aacrifiee. To more our mammoth stock sronld be p big expense aad it>ronld
twesn the firemen
D iand t
Andre. De la Tour OupIn.
Ps^ Roll Above lOO.
meaa a sitspeaslon of habeas tor a tloae. You can readily see then that we
Although an aUrm w^ sent out with and
_ U. l,efe»>vre.
The whole of the “ghest
highest society
society In
In : ean afford to make a rednetlon in all of oar branches.
reasonable promptness the whole wotblWo shall etart from tble date o* to qnote Job prices on msrohandise wl
cn structure was hlsajng before the fire- 1
• horrlbU pell-mHI. a preyj
sriil pay yen to inreat ia foryreseat as well as futare.
the bas^.
the ■roof
d appr„0. II
I — , BQ I . ,,IC
and'calling for wive* and fathers
a*d almost-thtvwhole building dolUpsed.
_ seeking and calling for daughiifs. One
&)Hng upon the upfortunate people,
A fuli standard print 3c p^r Fdrd.
mkny ...
of 'whom
u•—». —.are w..,,,..,*-..
suppqaed to
.V havenre.
bavepre3,000 yar^ dimities, (ally worth 8c for 5c per yarcL
kriously. succumbed to the silfliin
B,- ■.ll. ot tt. enort. or tt,'nr™,D
rottlo, .boot In.hn p.tUoo.1,
3,000 yards Utest effects in fancy dimities, a f Oc prodncUor 6c.
*■—•— •------ off 10 be
......... _j»e yispsed before the cberred *:
' tfOdies could he- pulled frofn the smoking
2^000 yards fancy duck sold formerly for 1 2 I *2c we offer at 7c.
---------to ttiM ho. I^u
-Bad bomlii
i rton hofor. M htti kh"”. “I'.."t™,
her «Iety. WonU
50 dozen sommer corsets folly worth 50c for 29o. .
I. tt. r-"""' '-tl to h-*-™-. th. horror ol th.
,. «»e •
tnwhJIr ihr phmni iitay«l cm Ihr i
•• “>•
so jleu's Bicycle Soite mad* Bp, with bett lit wodcmniahin Forth
. _ nin. nilnr.
ruins. Ar th. «-orh cnxrrrrrh thr lyrll.. .rr rxporra on th. aid. ont
' ind th.
the iiwolrta btoAo,. ttor. oiimn- I “ ■"
B-htott. '« • P”ttt»i ot 5.00 for 2.96.
^ And inrodnA It - lu
.thnt th. :
hnltdltid non In nnnr,. ol d.mnUMen’s strictly ell wool Clay Woist^ Suits fsU msds, for 5.O0.1t Anilh ■Al.-.nnid h. ntnch hhrt.r ttnn
hi n Intt.^n. ^.!y rovAt flrnl ntlnttird. Th. pouS offlrlAl. '
hi^ on nhrrU
A youth's strictly aU-wool suit nobby end itylish for 3.76,
they brnav.
believe It to- h.
be «-..io
certain tt,..
that “Pt-hd tty**: PlAhkA the bedl» aa they
tbe.number of deaths wifl'-exoeed 100,
. iiO boy’s aU-wool Rood weight Tricot suit mode ta retoid et 600.
recalling the tenibl* fir* a| the Opera pUced In ihre^ long rwwsHere
bot dightly riisded for 2 26.
nil lu taorrors. bodies completely nude,
Men's heayy cotton worsted idFt^ an esedt imitatidii ot wool far
limbs twisted In fbe wr^thlngs of agony,
PQg^h^ gfPP<lna> TO BE DRAg>
aome still having ahreds of clothing
which assist recognition In spite of
■ '
' ■
- '
•A^iAdiAA AAAd B-.
A jolj ol eo doisn msn-s modress shirts, made op io «mt olem stylo
| n^rough fire-eaten fleeb, aome merely
Ibe missing who are supposed to bt skeletana
^stolon* or .grinning fekulls blnekener
«ead tnclBde General Meunler. March- with smoke.
Many Amertcai
Isoeae De OaUifeL Duchess IFAleneon, EkigUsh were among the stall-holden.
A mi.ee.pp to dU. toe colored'.Ipe, J1
odlid th. Meide.-.;
Oouniess De Mun and Sl Pnrisr. but It Is Imposalble a* yet to give tbe
enywhore far 200 for, I :1 6.
losL Tbe flames UchM Beaaty. would
BfarchionsH De Flods.
Bono)' Holstrin. Bateiteas
ware homed from tbs backs of tbelr
(wife ot thc'lsader of the pro-raOsts In
wearer*, who tore off tbelr Maxing bats
tbc cbiuDber of depuUes), and Madame as tb«T rushed from tbe building, tbelr
bar son and four beads Binged to tbe roots of tbelr bnlr.
dat4^tcra Oae hundred corpesi bav*' The clothing not burned off was literal
been Uidont in tbe Palais deD'lndastrta ly tom off. No palnter-ever Imegtoed
It la believed that another hundred are a Lasi Judgment eo wpelKng. Tbe gM
beoetfUi th* ruins Tbere was only one who ran thrwgb tbe streete'Mdrtlem
exit. The bexaar was tn toll awing, to teU ber mother of her safety bad
when suddenly.'about 4 o’etotfiL the cry charge of tbe wooden borem to the ba•f fire rose la tbe quarter whwe tbs saar. It Is Impossible to my haw maag
mnsmatograph waa being exhlMtsd. chUdren were on them at tbe dme. sr
OM ot Cbs sunrlTors tMls to the oorre-: V«v manr pebabed
apoBdegt of tbs AaeocUtsd Vnm Ml
Friday evmtiag. ^ St
—------- - —
. ■ .
itf'eajoyed all the more when you have
a fwetty servloe of silverware ts
make ypnr Uble look invltiag ami appetixinff for the morning meat Wa
have handsome bmy eeU aad table
silverware of aU kisds. in new aad
attractive desigas. at prioec lower than
it was ever sold at before.
137 P^kT 8TRBBT.
For Bargains
Call oh your money savers,
The Boston Store,
Whiting Block, Traverse City.
Instrwctkws <n Violin. MandoUm,
Banjo. Oaitar. Cello aad Bam.,
Ttibb BffMOBBbU.
a ft, qitp Opesa Boast 1
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.