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The Morning Record, October 20, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Diwnaua. tatmm
Piw* Tear—iTo. 145.
oa av Noftopork OBoaa. Buttoa* Bap
aad otoB Loalaaao oBiBlp Porto.
IE* atoooDor Wood, a larfo tomlo loadlaf 14,000 buobol* at po- SVPZETUOBS OOjrSlSBBSB IT
ATTRenrs jvbt looked vt Baaur.
UtoB at Nertbpert for to* Cbleafo A PEWOIO VEBO TBStSWAT.
F»M of EasMC* Sbtte Sun tB M■ngT fr-^- •ttucfUBC
Km* ;
aroET or ▲ spue
ffaUoa aad a warm g»m» Bap b* 'aspaetod.
lEara'waaadlaaatrou niaawap oa
Birbtb •traal peatordap moralnr. A
faroHn-b taam bacoM* fnfbtoaad aad
, th* ktraet ooUidad-wilh
OOBBOtto* will Pram* Plaaa aad Mtaralabada
a to toam, also partiaUp wrackBabkit Batimato* for
BaUdlnc av A4}oura*d Koottoc- laf to* wapoa.
The BtoaBar Ctdambla. whieb ha*
PropMlttoB to Boad Qoaatp Will
laid Bp for a abort Ume
Pfobablp b* Satenlttotf bp P#<nl*. baaa lab
Howet* E
eaB* ovar pasterdap
Ilk* baaloB*. j
to proeld* a aaw oovatp ooaH boD**, { aarohaBdlae. laeludlair ooo barrels of
wa* atartod bp toa
to* board of aaporrlaor* (NorthporW Uland, Baplr* and
pBtordap. Thap
. .
' other pelBts lo UelaMU oooatp.
.. Ui. ..U, ol Ih. 1—J I
Aadrow W. Pullar Baeaa* BUMfOUp
Ooirmt i» Omr«i of Ourton* EpooBruak and Paid a Vto*.
«^r»-E«port «p to XUtolcht.
Aa^w W. Pny*rpaid Jad(* BobCEkMpi. Oek IS.—Tb« WMJ7 imrj la •rtt a Am of dr aad ooata aaoBoilaf to
belac ralltp of too Baeh bltoo Latocwt oaM oarl/ tol* Moralar
. roMBod Ito doUborattoa onr to* »po- laritr aa Moaday alrbt. H la told of
" wrilto® *Tld«M»pU* b*»o» It Tk* FaUar that b* waat to the brawarp
V«“nBlaa Maosd aftor two e’eloek toU wlt^ hi* toaiB aad bowlad ap to adbb
4onOa« aadtoejuiwrooloptoa a to- aa anant that be did aot keow a bear
U*. too ftoor Md too ebotn. Broab- hartal troa acaldmlaa. Q« baoaB*
fMk «M tokoa at T:I>l Tboa work *0 dniak that b* was lataaaibla.to tala to toe preeallloc aaotloiaaV
aad It wa* wbeo b* wasthat fortoer delay wtmld b. «_iwaa waoBOdawoke to* aezt morDlaf la jail that he
Tha qoMtlpo «f a poaalbla ootaf All aorta of ruBor* rrf
toe I betas to r*dr«l npue hi* ezperleaee*
Jarr "wor* corroot oaUld*
«fow4 wblch fatbofod U4* BOrala«. of toe ptarloBB althu Hi* uaoi wa* to ooBstltpte both oooatp rsert hoaae {
dlaoeverad bp Prask HaBlItoo npua aad dtp hall, was also dlaeaiawl. bat =
Naoa* tt permlttod ia the <
to* laws of hla pr*«l*«B oa Waabiafpltea
aBeaptlaf to* taporter* aad
toe atraet. and the polio* were noUfled. ___ ^...poaltl^. Howeeef, toe board
_________ _
reportoddurlot the attenaooo I The ootolwaafoBod all Untied np l«jwiUaot be aeera* to roodrlaf
t^tth*)arpe**MBotarr**aad that a boap with Puller la th* nldat^ Iv tnrm from toe dtp uadlac to
toap stood 8 tor oonrletloD aad 4 tor bllBfaltp BDooaadoB* of hit pr^iaa- BulUtlOB.
Id order to t*t the Batter In ebap*
Tb* asset attitad* of to* Beab He was Jailed with the rmnlt
jarr, of oonta^ la aoiAaown. aor la U related, n* toam was eared for at lor acUon the eoB»lt<M,.att~<<t*aotp
UrooDda aad Buildlot*. A>^W. Slack.
kaowo pet whether thap wilt afra* or Moq;aa'a bora,
4. A. Perry and K. J. TayloTvjya*
aot. At nrtdalthl the jorora wen.
obtain all tor lofarmatkiB
lotoadopiortoealrhtaad to* jedp*
plaaa and sp-e fi ation* of
weat boiae.
Horrible Huntlat Aecld«at Hear
aad eaiiBsto of tb* probable <
Sanlt St*. Hart*.
iBlltoe will rl«* tb« I
E A. Beattp, who (a a memberof to*
mnale firs wblch la to b^ln boat- Imnudlato oonalderalloa. but It la aot
Toeht H. 8. PlBcra* Jr. Oarriad a
awH OB to* Seeto kid*, b^ raoaleed a likely that they wilt-hare anyihlnf to
Fartp 08 a'VUhlat Oniu*. preaeot tbU acaslbo. Wbaa toe bahrd
Ust Baadap Boralaf Praak EMad- latter from hU wlfeatstaaltHU Marla, adjoarns it will probably be to to* a«r
rtob aoooBpaaUd by Toap Norotay flrlaf toe daull* of a borrlblehiuiUBA oad Monday of Jaauarp. «*bea it ao
8. C. DBproa, A. R Watorburp and aeeldaat wblch eoeorred » miles from •arioua obauol* te preaaatod a reeoluthat
Prad Baehtol. etartod oa‘ a abort
tlon to submit toa propoalUon to to*
, anise la the paebt B. 8. Plnpra*. Jr. maa named Herb Bob went baailar people to bond toe eoeatp far a aaS'
with two
u,< p-ni.
Tt. jfcH
eraiaed to Pisbertnan'* laland. lb* 0*1
that b* dellTOrad betweeo Aotaat
M. 8. HOCUV. Man
■r ahows is the city, at
—that we caa my of oar----
Mens All Wool Fiioze Ulsters
at $8.50
and Artistic..
1* what we claim for oi
e*mi«l*a*. hi* puB
»*.S4> Coaches
there remain* ao mneb namid that nothlar ahart
of SB Inapectioa wUl do.
Right Overcoats, Right Suits,
Right Furnishing Goods,' Etc.
At Right Prices for You,
are here, aw^tiBC/oarlBBpeelloa.' Oomaisaadlatasahowpaathecooda.
1^.Tk... '“'‘•T'eon la the back. klllloK him
‘3Jo;9q Bre2i«q b qan*
- ^At»MJ JAAdO DOj^ 'Avopuud 78BA JOO OI BsdO
•jdAng |o aScJicTd iu9 Anq 07 AiiiAiii T nifT)
^100 7| 7Dq-rifiJ»dojd pc . 8iq» pew 04 peaq
erq no Saipoe48 januopad enojD e e»qe4 41
Ibaatato. Wa-alsohare
to* erala* waa to enjoy a UtUe flabinr
Poetpoaement at Petcakep oa aV
aad bnnUac
1%* pMtp returned .Word wa* aeat to Sault dte Marie aad
B«UakU S17 Ooeli, Otfpat aai Oletoia^ B»m.
ooaaV of Bain.
Some Barnains
Monday with a pood anppip of Aah and B wapon eeat for toa body of toe uoB
c.-eicame. Teatordap Prank took toi aame
l*eto*key y**torin Odd Beds.
party ont for eoffic bahinp aad Store opto the anihorttlB. but *b U wa* j
, aerideat there • ’» be »o| a»y. there were n
Mr-----waa reported. This U praetl- ; porrip
tar bim to answer to the
that they will o aeoff to
/^yto* laal erala* of to* ****..» Iqr'
toe packv which will eoon be UId np
for toe wiator.
I28-I32 float StrMt.
A TatBBB left pBtordap for a tieil
Ppattoof CanurelHa Hot Bxto cure.
. paetad to Lie* TasUru ip.
C. O. Taraer waa Bi Elk Rapid* Moabp Added Dlnminatlon.
I Sir*, rpetle. a Pfancbwom..n«^ft'«B• dap OB l*d*l I
A word to tbe wIbb. By ‘*the wiSB’* Is
The eteamer Craaoeot it BOW Uphtod Il terrllle. who
le wilbia a fen dap* of
Han. U. ti. Corell weal to LaUa<
mBant people who know b hawk from
asUralp by electricity. Thl* prtal ooo-; beior luo yet. of ar*. h** b*eo rery yaaterday
Icfal boalaeaa
* mnleaee U due" to toe inreonlly of | III for a«me time with dro**y aad her
a. B. Flood of Elk Rapid*, waa i
a hmnd-BBw. To this olass—and it is a
•Oharlea Wabt., aoe of II. A. Webb, pro-; reiallre* hare been especllrc that abe |
pleasure to say that it is a growins oaa
vriator of to* Trarera* Bey LU*. would die almoal aay hour. Yoet^ I ger. B. 8. Bae will go to Elk BepkU'
Ckarles kaa bolU a dynamo eemplete dap abe < t* a* low that there aeamid today to officiate at a faoerat
want t^^sfiiy, that
Master Mecbaaie Coaaor of to* C A'|
aad with toe aBUuaee of an aarin« DO pawible doubt but that the ead
- it
of enluble capseiiy Uffct Ufeneratod tronid eoB* loaff before the cloee of W. M. raUroad. waa In to* city lait ‘
OB toe boat In eufticient rolome for canaiphv
of guteg to the wall; ia fact tbep
mn »tlll doing bnaia«M—nor hare
Alderman Goodrich went to Leland
raalpooe aad aaoeaaitp.
eeaitp. VWhile toU I* aad parchaiied aoaaketof UaderUkar
wean eastern buyer—We prefer
peatordap he a witaaB 111 a case In the;
a knat Impron aenl to'tl
buylngour nwa'gooda Wetan
Mr*. I’petu i* oee of to* oldest Circuit eoari.
la aa lllaatratlea of the ability of tba
sell you frmb aew good*, better
pioaber* of Leelaaan oooatp aad withTom Armatron*. li|fht keeper pa
poaap man who baa made ft pcmlbl*.
qnslity and at lower prie«< than
out doubt toe oldaet peraoa la toe 8onth Maaitou lalaad. la 1* the city on
Fioar ia what yon want
aop bou>c ia lb* eiiy wilboat rr~
sorting to »>me oova and ball
bnalnaa* aad rlaUlar friends.
»torv about Imaginary failure* in
8be oaa
oae oauynter, .Mlsa
.-Hia* ryvM*.
Aopaa ilrapeon left paewrdap for,
tbe east, as following price* will
XmoalBUmbereofZ). O H. V. Brapar-j*l«y-mren pear* old. who baa alwapa______
UVw, where he will take'
tac for a Bil«nm*«* to Oraad Bapld*.: llr*d with her mother, but ha* been a. ^bai^e ?*
reniral Lake Torch.
Boys’ Double bepasted *ult*.
IteaMe* tote I
good ralue at 81 M Tor •■;>v
Kaaka Temple. D. (>. K, K. of Grand 1 cripple for aereral j.
Hr. Roaentoal-Ttiompecm. wbo 1
Bapida, will take a consplcaoa* part in i dauchtor .he ha* m.
been stodpiof medicine under
ralue at 81. TK for l>4c.
four of whom bad nice farms'
the <-*rnlr^ of fun In Grand Rapid*.
rreatet ph,r»U-l*n» in Germany. I* preHoy«' Itouble br«Uatcd wool
aultk made of-fani'V Si-otch i-berparinc to return heme. «h* will laare
Ospober *w, *» eei-ort to the reliedLmlsneu county some y.
lot. regutar prii-e 82.*i for 81 S'*
pr«f>h«V All
Iloyi.’ Reefer wool >uiU made
to The member* are , cl
Imndon. learlag tbrr* for America
of eitrs fin* brotqh Tweed od:,v
Gmad Vap | 1» 'V*.hia*ton Territory In the lurnabout toe first of Noremher.
87 5M*. and many olhera rangii it
•___ _
.. ,a.]berbu*lae*s. Mri I’yeUe welphed bein price according to iiuallty,
"id* October Ml* fuU'racaUa »» ‘ke
from «-W to 81 7,11.
palace of toe temple. A larfe number ween 3U0 and 4'*. poonda.
1 Lot yoatb*' besrp wipier
Wife—-Doctor, can yon do anything for
of memberb froM thl* city are prepar
auita. aiu fmea age It to lU.
fi. J. Morgan will buy b'.lpoo boaheU
my huahaadr'
ing to attend and a meeting pf Tra*JUHXOB LSAOTTS PB08HAK.
worth *4 00 for fS to.
iKKtor—-Whatceemsto be to* troable?"
1 I^l Toutoa' beery wialer
«ra* City LcdK*. No TJ. K. of F. will
—tVorrriag abont moorr "
aalla. inaicU and Cbeck* up to
be OiTSB
b* bald touerruiag l2> oomplete ar- piaasant Sotertaioraeni
Tb* Detroit Hoaae of CorreeUoa will
■•Uh. I can reUeee him of that all righv^
date. worUi *i TS for 84 »">
raoelre a cari.iad'of fine potatoea from
raanunenu Air^ambeia ar* nrged
la Waet Bid* Obnpel.
I ixil rnotha’ Black worsted
salt* lu ra'lse.1 cbei-kt np to dale.
Tb* Junior Lmeue of the Second M. here, ahtpped by Malcolm Wlnaia
Never mind the^octor. Try Millikea.
. „gl»e an enfertolnmenl
Tne City BookAtre oow lilumlnatm
A ebureh will
1 I
He sells Dry Goods.' He can relieve
lo toa West Side cbapel tbi* ereniag. | lu dieplay window* with h row of
larked oal by.oempeGtk
at 7:30 p. m A good protrram baa been ] ioeaBdeoeeat llghto aronad saeb wlaanyone of that kind of tronble, asd
mryain for.toW oor prt
FarBars’ iMtltat* Will b> H*ld 1
Admlmiou. looanla: mem-idow.
have something to show for it,
I liot Men's Raw wontodauiU
ThM City Bweember 18 aad 17.
beraof toe league. S oaata.
John Bolmee, wbo waa amated some
too. after being relieved. Office bonrsgood weight well worth M-fn for
The datm for to* farsna' laalitotoi j
Ume ago for aelliag llqnor from a bodl
frpm 7 a- m to 6 p. m. Wednesdays,
la thta bwjUoo of tba atate haue been ;
at Sortoport. wa* trled at Lalaad jaaBKV. HOBTHBVP HOHOBXD.
Tuesdays and Saturdays, evening also.
m s
a«*d a* foHpw*;
taiday aad ooarlctod.
Bmaia. at PraakforU Daoember
Hodamtor at Baptist itlalaThe K aaenraloo to Detroit. rU the
Eclectic School.
and 18: Qraad Trareiae. at Trarara*
Here ia where we make to* *oM. A.\. K..,wmiear*her«aiy:SS this
a la Bap Olty.
caUed cheap store* wonder
<Xty. Dwmmbw- 18 and IT; Esmav at
Our $2.59 All Wool Blankets are
Day City. Oct. IV.-Tbe Mtcbigaa moralag. Many ara.prepariag to take
where we bought 'em.
Petoahep. December 17 and IS: CharleadraBtoge of toe low rate,
helping a good aiany.
Boys' good Ubtor. Jut toe
uol*. Dee*mberW aad tl: Aatrim. at
gneea City Camp, No. STS. Royal
w e-eloek Ibta ic
thing forsehool. worth «3.to for
Oaatral Lah*. Deoembm- *l *Bd «;
s pna-! Neighbor* of Antorim. will t
81 M.
Rer. G. K. Norlhrap of Traeatae.i night la Montagae Ball.
M: Kalkaska, at Sooth Itoardman, Dafca-; are reqeceted to be p
oamber l.t aad 18.
Uoya’ Bine B««far Jacket*,
Mman. BeidA-BeaUp. who repradouble breaetod, wory> 84.ou for
aeat toe Chicago Cettage Ffatoo Ca.
baee lea*ed the Bartok atore. on South
’^Mu'B good hmrr arerooat*
UalPB atoeet. whara thap wlU dUplap a
amde of d^ark Gray Fraiae. worth
X*„. ftaanlltlm Balagllhlppad Out
84:uo for 81.W.
fall Itoe of their Instmmeau.
Ohle^ Xarfcat.
'Uj Veaeala.
Mea-a Hmry weight wool ClIlia Dr. J. B MarUn will go to I.e•ter* would b« a baigaln 8t 00
Parmer* amriirawa aad WUllamalaad Friday to glre aa eatortaiameat
barg barn plaatp of pototoB to aell bat
that eraalng andec toe anapicea of the
bnpv* hare beea naabl* tb get a taffi
Lealaaan oaaaty teaehem' aieoclatloa.
-Bad weather, and the children. Boys and
es number of mm to carry th* etock.
which moais there Pridap aad SatnrHmrr Weight Bmem
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. Wc
Tb* potatoee la that locality are all of
Orarooat worth 87.M te tt.to
r«iT fla* qnality aad yield heartlp.
have Better Value in this line than ever before.
Tba Bsaagotosat of tha Blgh aebool
Tb* etoam barg* AUoe M. OUl will
loDt ball taam b arruagtag far a «*•take tBaaoUtordeak load of lambar
tmt with th* Maabtae tana
(ram tmre ftir SltlaitooaB A Vmbraa
13th Btraot grouadn Batardap. n*
tu Obkago- The bold wlU eantoia
MaNbta* atoeaa b now a «araag affta- »>»*aiB.rtto«i4B1h. T>a*mOMy.
•boat 10.008 baehate af poSfttoaa lakaa
Tte Sik Uitt beau iH Silas.
—-,------- -------
Equal to the Emergency.
■at T II’ ud B«rs OTCKMi
ttd UlsUr DipirtMl
■M to tok« Isto U« aUk tiwlntH tborowaaeadi an «
mlooaldD't tdlberof
AbMl UWy pMfd« w«B potoooed fcy a
«i^idt were, and wl
(MPf »Uk •» Act Arbor. HtohlfAD.
TmAVXRBE cmr. , mcHiaAH JoW IB. Tho BymplomB woro oowo
—Im. la Um atoiCTeb. foUewod by dy»otm, »
'bon 1 weo a boy”~
aacoof CT alboBlBOid poteoa kaowB a*
"Ob. that doen'c natto. I aappeda
Cm. T. Bat« act J. W. BAnn. tyroMBlooB. TbacCT. Uwaafoaod. bad
dona 'oDOMiblap wnnp doee
bMB len .taadloy uawaahod la the
t. W. dABMH. Bdikv ud lUaMw. •aa tor four daya. aad tbaa Ulod witb- then. •
■*Br—rue ntoetiiDM b«) a bol a
«mt aoaldlBf- Thoro la a maa wUh hla
mllb boalaom rulaed dmply boeanao he!
tJkoufbV BO doabt, ibal U did b(A pay
to ba poBUd OB tbo actaaUfte aldo of
Um niUk baalBoaa If My obo bad Bbt really a faettiap taan."
It I'd tod ber of that ooop on Tallow
talkod to hla ob Uw daafer of tyroVuriooB Tcry llkoly bo wonld bare Oriigaa. it might bare got touid to tba
•Tboory."- gotenrw. yoo we. ,
"Ob. ttol. Uat ito't eaiy non
Board-o Daliy»aa.
’ttoDetiBiea wbeo I waaatOatfotd
s=^.x-=r'. ■ ■ ■ - ■ -.i
puLuiw IS pap.
board of aoporrlooto bare takoa hold of
propMlUoa to buUd a eooBty eoort
ioBae la rraiHylaf. The moaibora ar«
trantlrally a bbU 1b tbo aoBtlaMOl farMfa» the projwt. Tho--------- .i—.v..
It al^v bo adrlwblo to ibo diy to cob
to with tbo board npoa the qoootloB of
tho wladOBi of buUdla* a eouaty bulldtlf BAd city ball taffotbor will r
•OM eoaaldcralloa. Thoro aro . ..
fa taror of tbU Idoa. bat la ordar to
«airy It out
,M0 of a porUoa of tbo oouBty r««uda.
whleb wodW rwjolro M act o'
ordor to aalal
CoBadataa wct ooatrul portloo of
tbo oily. Tbo proaoot proBoda aro oatitoly oaftod to a oouBty buHdlap, bot
aro too raoMto from tbo eaalral part of
‘ tbocitytoOQB*aolBBootocUy<«ooa.
Oiald tbo proaoBlproporty of Iboooou^ bo aoM at a roaaoBablo flrsro, aad
•Bltablo laad procured la a
tral locatloB. Iboa It mipbt ba adrtuWo to tho dti aad ombIj- to jola Id
tbo oBtabllabMDt of t huimiap
MBoaiato with tbo Doedaof boib dty
la tbo death at Admiral Joka
WotdoB. boro of the Moaltor. wbksb
Marited aa»to>eb Ib DMdera ural warto« la tto sacafatoeBt wlU the Meri■ao. tbo eoaatry loooo oae of lu Dotod
abaraetoo Ib btotory. By bU domloo a
AtUBg examplo of Amori«aD beroiam
aad brarery U romorod aad om whleb
bo ebertabod In tl(0 Btemoy
at a' llberty-torioc poople.
'Boa, ttiii.iAM jKBBiBot BavAB baa
CTpr^d bU Arm bollof la a detory
to Beary Goorpe la the B»ayoraliy
•OBtost iB Oreator J<ew York. Lot'k
BOB. did aot Mr. Bryan oomotloe iaot
fall, mako aaotber prodlcUim that wao
•ot caaeUy fol&llod? But perbaya ho
to hotter pooled ea poUUoal propbealoo
■ow tbaa hr wao thoa. on aecooBt of
kla exparlaaoo.
OaU tor Tour Pretaluma
Trcaaurer Monroe U a
pay prcmlnmt awarded et the
etaadTrareraeoenaty fair. Thaw
ttUed to do ae wUl pleaoc call at Judpe
Mooroa'a of^ee. In the oopety baildlap
Mtd pet their meaey.
A Bamlan Jooraal that baa taeaatly I
eome undw oar notice AU» ntMBttoo to
Ue.tact that for Kune jR yaara peat the
iBhehttante <d a malarial loeaUty in
Ue portoniPMit <sS Kbarkor bare nmd
powdered «nba wiU great enacem in
tbe cam ct ferrru. Tbe powder ia yrepared in the foUewtop way: Idea erabe
ate pcmrrd orrr wiU the ordlnair
arlUUy until they get aalrep They are
then pat cm a breed pan in a bot oran.
thoTJOpfaiy dried and imireriaed aad
Ue powder paewd tfaroupb a fine etera.
(hie d>wi.a taaapnemfu], i> gmerally,
enfficimt to cure tbe intsmituot term, i
In verr otoiaate enwa a aeccaid doee la :
raquii^ Sat-b Awe ie UTariahly peie-;
ceded by a tflam of aloe brandy ni a |
pBrgadro. Tbo powdee la mad to that
lonlily in
aye Ue >>ca
to it—Now Yc»k Ltdper.
worn.—F. A. Sam.
Bara Bead It to gw
The flneat I ever w
Oreat Balaoe Qar XapCTt* Pawod qoile-.
"Did yoB ever nntire tbe queer, rotasot"—
ly ftcMBie blr. Chilkini alwjre makto
Druakf Ob. dear, not That wcold whet, hi* w ife rinjp. to tbe- bcitlcr?"
bare ebowB a great weakiteaB of ebar"Ytu. You MV. be Bftd U> be a moPbUCUo^o, pet. IB.tonuan bc-f»tv hr wrai to tbe KlunIt wami't worth while to mentiem dika
dled Boddealy of heart d
Chkopn JoactiaL
that night whan tbr other nteo pnt lua
t o’doek tbU Boralnp la hla
cent brown stoae boM OB Pralrio a««- te bed the wtoog end. with my boota on
Ue pillow. 1 wae only orrrvome wiU
aae aad Blpbtoaath otreet
« be caltlTatinc tfat
Ur tmoke and aanteaieai,
aantearai, yoo know. ; ■ ■
PalUaaa reUred laat eroaiap.
*1Weagoodbofl rmgbd."ebel^^i.
Uy la ordiaary boaltb. Md tbore
I laSleatloB of hla damiae or aey
1. Wcfl. Uiet'e nearly ea"
wmwem Anawwa.
rltiOB of UlDoeo. Will
at bU ofioe le tbr Wllman boildlnp up
Now. Jack!"
r y
to t'o'docb yeotorday aftorsooa. Mta
Bwear w^ or eo now and then. Foot
Wllmaa U In No* York.
la addiUoa to tba oer-fara for teuad
At tbo towu of WUman, whoro tbo ball and biUlarrie im Tory ttylng yOB trip Oct. tsu to mh tbo G. B. A J. Ry.
will pirc a ep^rial rx>-nTaicm to Uraad
pimt ab(^ are oiiaaled. netklap wao
Eapide I'riday. Oct. stub.
beard «f blB death until tbo newap
OD boat race day I
Uare Truroreo City 5;t5a. m. fare PJ.BO
■BOB bepaa to inquire about a mrelinp
•• (bdillac
7:411 ••
of the people on tbo aubjoet. tmmodv
Isn't that wirked enonitbP’
•• RoedCSty
»:tl " "
B:13 " "
1 U
Yr-fo. bat men all do it. Baabdafl.
_ HapMa
atolo proparatlbiio wore made to <
Howard City B;M
B:M " "
tbo ohopo aad to the proper oboere- when t»e dropped tbe big Hammer on b t! '• Howar^
...- «~od
Grand ^p.ds
Eapide ll:is
11:U n. m. Bej
anoo of Wllmaa'o ataerquiao. WhHo tot tbe oUot day aaid"luralnfr. Cpoclal wUI Irare UraoO Bap••Wbatl"
aermlBply la po^ health. Mr. Wllmaa
ide for Traretae
i»A boon eomplaialap for the laat three
G. LocawooD,
or four dayo of ibe bit apell aad baa
•Ob. Uat'e bow I alware ewcM-"
O. P. A144-91
hooa feollap rutbor uaeomtoUblo
‘Yoa teU awful—auUBten"
" Yen. Ual'smy formed wickedneea"
Laara to Daaca Oaiekty.
I aeared a aigh of relief Uat aba bad
TruTotao City. OeU IS. 18B7.
To Ue danctop public of Trareraa
BaU is Sh Karr'e Oburob la Kuako
City and vietoitT: Ono prirate leaaon
. pOB OioBbod toMbo OroanA
to daneisp ia worU four to Ue claea
MuakopoB. Oct. IB.-Tho Wll la 8t
Mayy't church tower buret from ito
MartiDck's )owelry etore.
' auKO you anew me.- Now, (ell me. i ■wwoc.
IroB oupport and fell craahlnp throuph I wciu'l be CTwe; really I won't."
’ •'fo old_ rora onl melhoda of taaebiup '
d hr me. bnt a method hy I
Brr floor* cf tbr otooplotblo moralmp.
"Bnt r»e kunwp you erer eiapo yoB
„ IrTbo church warder, tlrorpe Wynne,
ete a baby, more or
leea Yrm
You wete a ’'bleb I Will pnaraeloo all who Uka;
Arom me will leara from
watrtaplapto B o’clock maao whrn
includ- j
tho aceldoBt occurred. Ue otood uuder
I log Ue walu and two.*top. at each lew
eoa. and
the bell on tho oame Boor, but otoppod
... leara Uem p^eetly. er 1
aaida iu time to oroM belap atruek.
"Dear old Jack! U Uat really tltte?' Giremaatriel. Lseeoai --------"
About »<» pMple were eaterlap tho
Very Bcapeotfully.
"Trae at goipel. little oae."
choreh wbra tbo pondorouo piece of
As a mstiet ^ fart it w
breaa waa toklap lU downward fllpbt
"Now I'aaoontrbeed c
aad If it ^ net lodped on tho aeeoad •entrcL
floor there oerUlaly would bare bera
•No. yop heten'i. Tbei
J. W. BUter. Ue Bobm Fantohor.;
oeroral falallUea The hell and it» lu
Oak 1*0010X0^ Hrattog btore.
I twiddled my mustache BDaMily. 1 SelleUe
welpbrd 8.100 pouada
naruBlee bemd with errry stove. '
tbougbt there was. ^
About »1SS dastape. reaalted t
"Did. yon Owt WIU fblly Orabam
tort Ubrimuasr'
0«t your Oyatvra from kicLellea A
1 knew that was Maalng.
lU^Ihry^frveb from Baltimora.
lt>to aU right.-F. G. Doaran.
rs‘‘JBraa'' twoyearean-...—,
loptbar.—Vktob itotaai ix.
Evaau Hooa. 1
'iS sz
^rrrtw'd beard me'^HktotVat cabby
I drm'l know—I almcot tblDk—J
obonld iiko ycij tiriirr—if 1 ptodbly
bould like yon briirr. Jerk. d««r—if—if
—yoo wm JUKI a liUlr—erar aoeh ■
tiny bK—wkkid."
.1 lifted n-y «7< brow* la mild aoton
lM>r.» i:t I h»l an iilra ibst 1 wai uM
ekftlr wicked. ikK dcoprretely «t rlriotuly vickrd. yon kaour. bai jnM
aboet wicked rcooph.
“ Weald yon like me to pedam poaay,
oteal Anal Jaae'e knit ting, or pat
in the porarDor'a pipe.
naeh tbe matrr’e—no. 'poo my word,
eta. I won't do nayUiDg to tbe drar Ut
ile matn."
Don't be~K> abaord.''aaid 8be oranaly ("Sbe" wlU a big a -U.yoa
'■You don't look ptetty vbeo yon
makr faoea Cla"
•■You Mid yewarday UatleMlda't
-------- ATTBE--------
New Shoe Store
No. 135 Front Strwt
TSUS “WTSIE3KIn paliB Laaiea Shoea. w
Baby Shoes a .
Mea'B Oil Graia Sboea at
Mea'B Beat Kip Boota at
gl.W). LSS, l.SO al
Rnbberaofall kUda. No. 1. (no oM atock) at loweat petoaa
Jaat rvcelred, a tall Hae of Vto
wbick I will offer at Bock Bottom P
The Ncyy Shoe Store
' 138 Front Street. Traverae Qty.
C o. HNITB. Propr.
J. W. Blatar. Ue Bouee Funitober.
wru. Docning tc
Sells the htaedard bewinp Mecktoe. a
"Nc*t oa boxing day?'
>t claw maebt >. to a UtUe moacy.
"I don't naiember."
"Wbea you
u walked
heme tom ikaV
lag WiU her?"
Oyatara direct from Baltimore alway
You were eo tnkan op wUb Uat fool OB band. MchellMAAU. iC-tf
"You dldbt aU me to akn*e wiU
^Yoa alwaya had half a damm MlowB round yoo."
r't belptt" J gnawed my
Waa Xitetod by Dr. 1
Aa appraclatlra audlaaea eompei
of Bome of ear beat eitlMBO. waa
Stainherp'o Qrand laat eroBlnp to hear
Here, agalu, tbera wae an I
OmplUl, eiOO.OOO ^
interraL '
tba aaeoBd laetura la tbo eoarue by Dr.
Tbe Boeton Store will meat yoarpoekatbook.
Ntm .tamt Poll. Gr.bur- ri.
Bcardoley. The onbioel.
'Please irll me. 1 won’t ba
l>lpaoUoB." oidlaarily one that wonld
eroU- And—and-1 do want to know. ” ,
WISE OB UNWISE. UeHaatoaStoradaaleoBteqnalvalneatoaU. to .
Mem of lUUo latercet to mlaeellaiteoni
! OFFICRBS-I’erry JiMaab, PreaWant; >
,1..^waa treated la oneh m oripS
CUSTOMER OB STBANUBR. akUe Boaten Stotn Ubra la only f
'Yoa kigeed berr*
j a. Tracy Lay. let Vice PreaMeat: Ji
• iMl and faoelaaUBp muaor that he
to OM prtoo to all.
Horgna, tad Vice Prealdrnt; J. T.
bald tbo cloeeet aiteatioa of bio oadlUP OB DOWV. at UeBoatoa Store pilem are alwaya Ue loraat.
aab. CMbler; Samael Uartoad. Awitf
OBOe for oae boar and a half. Hi
PBOL'O OB HUMBLE, at Ue Boatoa Store Ue maMOonrta^ and: to
[^.■r—didn't want ta*
abewrd how tbo body li Bonritbod by jUea.
impartially ahowatoaayooa.
Vbr did yon do iff"
D1RECT0E8—Parry Hsuaah. A. Tracy
"Oh. Oackl"
tbe food wo eat. Tho woodorfal eoaaid 1 did."
•■1 haren't eai
There were ezplaaatiaaa bare wUob
Lay. Jamea MorgM. J. T. Uanaab.
Tbe alipbtaat deviation from Uoaa coat-linnrnlea. kindly r^ort at to
tonctlgn ^ the otomaoh. How tbr
“1 know yoo dijl.
do not affect tbe arpament
Kamnel Garland.
ram drfokore and dyeprptie’e t------ S Ue office of the Boaton Store.
Oh. I did. tbei
UetHnofwHtod•ra alike laflamod. Tbo relatire Tolnr
"Yon are ankiod—horrid. I bate
In Ua meantime do not forget to aak for oar .
M.*’ aaid abr.
«t food. Bread (not doophl the atoff
I'won'tbe rngagecl to you. aad
•‘ita'I kiwinp wfekedT'
Matter to Ue Trnveraa aiy Htota Uaak.
"Of oQurw not. wbeu peep)* •» MrTbes the doctor pare a practieal loo- gaped. Don’t. Jerk.”
YVaeame (Sty Mlob.
■OB in cookibp B dlBBor. on the otape:
"Well, wbet't ilM partkoUr orlm
"Bot Ida very much." ,
nleo told bow tea and euSeo abonld bo yoa admire. Cia?" 1 ii^nired cbrerfnl
"I'm glact-gtod-glad. Nowyra’U
Alao oar No. X»l. a fine Wool Cbakmara, faU gweap. donWa boa «
Mds 00 aa Dot to be tajurioua. At tbr ly. "Idaremyl'rreotuioiUediltotba
odurae of a long and aril Ufa "
^ plAIled Oapa. velvet eollar, lor 84. Meloae ho inrlted the audioaee to <
" You know Idoa't nraan real wickedUe dlCTor. whleb woe proaeaDO
.... .—M.9 I
mm Uai ia wickedncea I'm qaiu aata _
Uat yoB woBlda'l ----- —----------- Joery. ao 1 picked bar dgkl nptony
Tkh eraalap tbo oobjeet of the doe- torn, dear''
"It was only one. Cta"
tor*o leetnra wlU he ‘ The Bamaa Eye,
I wwn't ao eora. bat I waa etoar
••to that troef"
Cbtarrh, b'oae end Tbroat" aad how
eem^b Uat 1 aboalda't tell bar of it
"Afaaolaiely." Of eonraa it wai
raltlrate, Improre aad preeer^e the
"And yoa nevar will again?"
anUM la baaltb. Thb lactore la aald wlobedncam raally, only—ar—yon
"Neui." Of conme Ididn't i
Be ba OBO of Ue beet, rad Uoroupbly
"Yon are alwaya ■triktngly iBatd." forfeito or anyUing of Uat wit.
lUatontod by la^ modeU ot tbr bead I obrerred
"And don't want to?"
aOl OST a>0 SOLO.
"Not a bit"
"Yoo aM alwaya teMlagme."
C>lT«avaU|ta^^^rK*Ss|^- tomewtr
Aa a prelode Ue doctor will eaplala
"Than I Ihiuk—I will be—aag
‘'It tbai wiekednew whiob^ to cr
^t appoBdlelUe. One of Ue many which ieti'iP’
MwMpUwB rlewe ehowa will ba Ue
"I'm not going to dtoeom frivdBtoai
Hp»t»top Anrtap a Uander eterm. Al- air. Yon know what ImeoB."
"Dm banged if i dor'
"Well, I mean—people aay—that a
"1 don't want yon to ba artoked.
oaght not to be—Uat to—I know
ObaBOe tor a 'rortoae.
Molly. Jack."
Tba Oalled Statea poet ofBoe dqmrtUe price on 2368 Pain of Audi
ototolk abont tt
araJetog li _
Bs* parr
Uat U elmple. dtprable. ebeap and
‘•Bat Idnt tike U I
improremeat oa Ue awkward atampe
"Well.yoo meM Uat Udoeontto
Md bammen bow naed Is amall offloea manly for a man to be wo good i
Bore U a ebanee to Tmrane dty paper, to Uat It. OUr
ahreoe^ It
pmilBi to aaeertiuelf. L’atn Jas. J,
ineboB apart, it wonld nejutra 9H daja
"Dptn my word V
from 10 to 50 per eemt. Spa^
I'm no*."
4BBM, worktop modelaof aacb derlera
"Ah." mid abe toamebaatly.
nl- to them ^ paw a pivm patok
Imw Prioaa arc foaad on Barrow arUttn
arm be raoelred by Ue eommlltoa on
laptoiertoUy i»noenara(
and amall alam ia ladim' and ganttoetamp derlcae la Wsebiaptoa. aad tram --------- - -MbalMahadoecD'tDMr^,
Umo oaf will be aeleetod.
«Kt)."vtaB»Awt«yon donaf 1 abaU Bc-lt aeams to me UainbaAfn)
lovar to abont tbo most pltifnl ottfeet
Baagar I# TyrotoiAm
The Boeton Store con ecpyly your WCTla.
STATE BANK. I I^ich. or poor!
— —.
Ladies’Mackintoshes it $1.95
I Qlau Block.
Traverse CHy, Mich. |
We Have Reduced
Pjiems Smith
Nigh Grade Feotvear
■AaadtomahnnwtM Mtoote. bal ganraa.
On* of th« Point* That Ha* Com*
Up in Ut* Campaign in
Or*at*r N*w York.
WMWmioB. Oft. 1*.-Thc «Ule *••
bw refuiirt tb. tr^juot of tb*
M«Xk«n fuv«ram»Bl tot m* mrt»i>4«
lo II undtT the »»ir»di«t.B inroiyof Jf.uj
•OutrtB. who »w. «er ot
II«teuDlB l£ Ibr (TirlMBird Uoisa raid Ir.U
Uuko !• lM.<nibcr. iiK. Ourrra war
miTtOB or A OITT CLECnOB. Z.'i :K.r,‘«',r r.
According to th* Opinion Hf th«
Man-Who Built th* Cor.
man Empir*.
Ooarwd aad MarriMl a T«ai*a Wpawta.
“How Ought W« to U%a, Etc.”
Sirifun Rod PortorhoM* Steak,
10 tod ISc per poood.
Roood Steak...........................10
SlbaPortqbofM................ .35
Steinberg's Grand Opera Hoese rhveaed
Poultry........... 6 and .00
EgjjK, twadcoeo for............. X
Fine Aj^dc* 16 to 20c peck.
B. F. Bosi^m
te lb* propoalllun lhal local tw
. -te paramuum In lh« clir <
while the liepubllran orgahi
aiMB that Ih* Dghl be mad* ui
Xjoula plBifiimi uf the tarty, a
dh'of that
> Ihr flnanc lal planh'of
Th* dec Urallon in the l«w pUtlorm
•that pro|M r compeniBl Ion be exacted frr
. . ranchlaea
.. rhlaea grantedgranl*d-oucb
a* for xtte*:
taHway*—I* but line ut aevrral attempt*
hy men. who are fnr the meat part Itepubiiewna In s-tiwldriitlal year*, lo have
the campaign fought on local tines TJ
free sllverllr* atnong the TVmorra:
. have from ibe uuliv-i been aggrewavi- .
tavuring the exiilultlnx nf their Iheorle*
of flnanee In thr c-liy ’-anvata. but lb«
are In the mlrtt-Hty. and were eomplei
ly overruled In Ihr Tammany or regular
Democratic convention, and had
conalderallon In
ri>ur>-n> -<
Tliama* Jefferwin parly, which n,a9e
Reary G*orgr ll* (landard-liearer.
Dem.ee.>» Ailaek Urn KieW law.
tally Ignorln*
r work on “Ihi fubieci
the exrh* law. even-elevati-d and *lrr
tallwar car* being pldcarded with qu
rtta ar in the Jufilce of a Uw which I
riee a taw upon lh« larger rlllce, ■
tinn of ihe p
ed* Teing baeinw-ed. u|ma
tha cnunlry
Irirte ThIa queellnn ->f
Ih* exHee ll
er atm*—and ru
orattv—Into Ihr ebvtlxp r>f rremhet*
In a total meml.
rhnaen In the-yirealer N*'w Turk ttjrl
tory The fAeci of thU—a aiate ia*u* 1
the ma1n' l*ll>e1v to he felt In the Vot
tor om«rrv of the rtty."
For Friday and
' Saturday....
ICO ar.d aliaihod and iA.|>tut«l a hi' x
at eh* r-atldt^huMda* harlne
d*i.-d fur murdrr. t. hbery and fcidaapu',:.
The inurtlrr «a» bared ut»i. th* klUliit
of aoldlMw In the raid, the lublwry upun*
I the rai'lure ut lavalry buieriv. and the i
Ha.aaa he..|MprT Vtewv •Mhe e •hoa |
I feldnarinc wa« liaewd on the laplure ol j
Wlaatloa- tWhaaB Hay Wat
Althuuah thire had beet.)
at M. LaUla
aiitni- few ln»tBi.«w during the raid t f
Ib rliii. Ocu It-The NruAlt Narh*
private r>4)U-r> It wa» not ahuwn that
rh hM-nl of Lelpalc. publlahe* a Wpori .1
Ourrra wa* runerrseil In thmu
New york munk-tiial Aam^kcn M
Hr wa* arretted and lutnmltted ln|_ u-menallon
which PrUKw Hi—
Texae fur extraditinn. but Ma rvDlwel u aaid
«OBrat ot an tnicrvtrw with Murat
hat e bad with a recenl vlailut
a writ of ha><eai varfu* and the| aurlaa
Med, poUiahed raeltnlay. Thia la ihSt { eutd
e tourer |it which the ex-chan- rriun Baku. uO the weal
CBH'lan wea a rente»_of ihe great ull
rtded that be rouM nut he eui-l
9C-extent Ihr laaue If whether thera
Ifur ,If quoted a* *a> lng' that the Mon
producing region In Buropran Huerda.
I-ring really pnll
a-ard» Ihr n-»l of Ihe world
aia appeali-0 t.r ih* rnlted Fiiie*
▼Idea Damorrsia and Republlranf alike
Which drlded that the low- Vlutenre lo the other Alii<-ruan a..d ,j,rtngi
—Uh laner. perhaps, mure Miarpir than
no JurHIitk.r In ll* inter. I Rurupean elates with Amcri- ao Inter-; valley >
the (oraor-aa to bulb natlml andftata fcrenc* with ihe committing maxl.ltaie.' eels- ll Would be armlugous the prm. -r j are enormoua
MBuea Th* alpmgth of the Lrw In■tfed Itf holding. Thie brought U aald Ho have add.-d. If Kiuerta and burning.
Four apringa
■oTrf'aa ■
at last to ihc flair deparlrpenr.
dlatllow frunilrrl three burr bulea have been dewlroyed.
M*r Attf KI>4R»>
Fort Ualnea. Ga.. tVt
thrlelag town of X.HV Uihahliaata baa yuM
A Owaa of Piea
relrlirated tla flrat mtrrlagt In erven
)-ear*. .The bride waa Htaa Pearl Brown
and the groom Joseph Culpcppn. Tba
fail 'that the yuung pro|de of the vllUav ahotrtd nu leodi-nr)- l« wed baa BtmeUee. amaidtir.
been the BDune of much uoeaMneaa for
y(ar»..and' when Mr. Culpriiper began
courttng Mlaa Brown the entire tuwa
of Bartford, Cooa.. bevtnaiac
wa* In a stale of fearful Mapenac.
At ta*t lb* engugeuent wai
Duuneed. and when the oAarrUge
plait- rvety alurr In the ntllagr rluaed
Monday Kveolng. Oct, IB.
U> die^ra and alm>«t the entire ynpulathronged the ehureh to wllneea the
wedmng. Ro p.:|.«lar> Mr. Culpepper,
Uh BtvoUU
. . -................
Crf hi*
r'p. that he will be
Moodae. e Ipior,
" ' ‘ fur
‘ the mayorally of Port; Htart. Ulood and Laafa.'
Tuaaday seeBiDg. Oct. tl»~
------------------------------- --Dir«otloa.“
TeRfW* Cwl oil rtre ta Ra*
fall to ariW yoafaelTCB ot thaaa
Friday eeeBlag. Oct »—“The Ho-
pnwera m
In Aria-I.u«la and tlreai
i«Btfd the right
me pUlltH
Wl Ma.wa
alatua withemioui »lie,, ,v.l~ - OIU, o, n.— w.
- >
cent. ConUBUlng. Prioev llifmarrk 1* i tloo* beiweyB-rtie t'anadlan railway and ' DaMliH 1
reported tu have fyenarked. "Thclr'grcat I canal ccunmiilc* and the Orrmat. i-bam. r *»vwwa«* j
Awteettwwfia ta* Part* Kapmdihm, •
meallh. due in
In llw
Ihe mil of Anu-Hca. ha* Ii berw
her* uf
of .r-oiim*rce
. .....
and the Umber flTTna I _
Waahlngtwi. Ort. l» -Con*u1 Rcnag- led the American Icglflamr. to .rvee-ev-] with a^il/w of Importing lumber from
an at Cbemnlls Oennany. in a rejitirt! Gmale their own righu and uDder-r>il. ' Canada. Instead of the t nlled Slates,
to rhe flat* driwrtment urge* Americana ! mate Ihe right* of the other Amcnran ' The i«aper suggrsU lhal German caprefforl rouilble lb an-ure a < and Uie Kur»p.-ai> stapes" ,
j lal might la- Ititn-dur.-d Inin the CaMavwaa NewepaperWi^lM,^—.
[ itadlan Umber trade and the fouDdaUon
good exhibit at Ihe I'art* ex|v«m>m In |
IMO. He ihuw* what Oerinany 1* doing
Havana. 0.-t, 1* -Among OK'new^.] laid lhal wnuld lead up to an Mtual
In Ihl* dlrecAinn. arid uy* that Oertrtan per* here there ■■ cvoMderable Merc^.-s treaty.
manufaclur-m an d-lermlr ed lo have , „r .naninn a* to the policy whl, lf.aJ»auld |
gw. Uem l—it m Wlw*«.t. h. A
the heat exhlHI (here. a. they had al be adepu-d by Spain laward. thiba. Th* J
vi-indwir N " '* *'
Chicago In UOL He i^y* rin- American* Uiario de la Marina In sn,edii«rlal
: Patrick Kelley
who have l.een lo I,.-i|-lc ;.r
c !~lli )• .
cmiplr, have b<
have g.>ne luick dn«pi>- ibj.-.! j
their hnuju'. V
altouing made by Ihe rnlt--d
lhal Ihe auinnoml"! {•nhe) favored hy
Runday-a fire.
Heiw'Sagaau was what the am«noMeat of he people burned out efoarad
mlala th (hiba bad been adviawilng tor with IlUIr Wearing appsrrl. Conarrta*
Indlarapolla. Oct, 1» -The ronventlcg ,
yearsahd Ihcrelcrv Ihe
live eatlrnaiee pUre Ihe Inaurance at
Of the Foreign Chri.tUn MladoMO'
' pr,„ter.n.u1d not be credurt with h-v,
clety wa* addrvMed yeeterday atlem.-oo '
-nauguraled 11
Ai the mm* Mm* ISkl.riO- rnl more than » «vnt. nf the
|n». which would make the lailer It..
by yr C. IWy^. of Pennri IvarUs; f *: ;
,bat Senoc Ha«a>ia
Newman, of ivtmi. and M It IJeyd..d!
really -.lily fnllowlng the.’ |~ll.y
KenturHty Al-Ut tw ^ple were p,^ »
Oea Harm Gl««w Blmw-lf Tp.
La.l night about S.fdi. atlended Thhnd that the tMfn. Ihemf.-r,
Mount Vernon. Ills. Ot. 1»-— Or*
were more Indebted io Caallllu Umi. Sa- Havin, former chief clerk of the south'
Angola. Itid . and H. W Kvere.t;
llllnola jM-pItenllaty at Cbealer.
Moltie*. la The converiicn is Ibe lata
whercahoula have been unfcnowra
H ay Iw tawka View* It.
eat hi Ibe hhtrtry of the eocleiy.
1.B Lurhs In ah ediiorUt hr-ad.-d “Aii> Bluer the dlscovto nt a ahortage In bis
Wa^a ih.ll> fhi airle Cake.
i tniwiii) f<ir the Aulumimlat*. ' claima art-ounis apiwared here sudd-rr.ly, met
Mi Parlard, of Randolph coun
lymdnr.ti-l 1»-Tl Dally Teiegtai*e1hai ffo parly had riKUe right <n inaugui<g>ulln<‘d n-A'urate autoanmy than Ihe auli-non rat* ^ ty. by appolntirenl. arwl gave tvmd for
:hla m.'cnlr-g gl.-m 4
n of Ihc
iiaelves La I.ut ha li^Klsta that th* hla apiwsranie
nrby. 1
' Inyal1 SUlonomUl*
rirculaiioti by The Daily Oiioniclr «h
•lone have ihUbonnr.adding:
T.,ord Sallidiurv c>.r|emr<aiefl reUremr
frowi the preml-trwhip and the Unwlgo <
fit*; It may*' 'I.E<rd Rallsl-ury la atror. .
er and frollng Iwiter than for. many aenapvea The latyr
Romervllle. tjilriy mile* potth -of tbt*
year*, whil.
HalUI-ury haa almoal Weallh-cf the country nu.re man inplace »latf thal.tw^ negroe* nainrd
ritmpbHelv eeci.v.ted‘her health
‘r*pre«rni |..lltl<al i«rty. and ihev «l
Penn and Haaleion -were lyp. hed Pu.>■
Ihe wjvirilgnty of Rpaln. wi
The men were a.-cured «<
«ahwMBrr«.|tae.. 11—4 Mights Walk.
Kuanlidt govwntTT.t In evyi
arw.c at d had h»cr a meted hy the aberKriiki.k.la.. Del. 1* .-John Harris rl.ol i way m
. pacify
.____, ...
Island ahd ared-slri 1
and law 'Vhllc relurhlhg with their
Hied George
.ii.Irrllv Mllefl
G.iirge ‘Kebr.
‘Kebo U«l
Uv| i< of enahUnx
enaMinx the governmwnt at Madrid .. ,.rtwjnei
id mnh <jverpow crcd Ihe
Jfarria- »on-lr;l*w. I.ul : pn-Halm -In th. .................. ............... _ . "f*
Us wife.
Kelv. I.r-.ke eignty nf R|alf. In Culo. d.vw nnl dei-iid
ard llal-ri. met him. nn hoym.el* alxi.c. but Uiair the HHi.Vtl
Keho tired: then llarrt* .hoi. killing hlrn S|mnl*h terid. nir nf r^iilui. wli..repree>ut
iHarllv Hnrel* gave hlm»lf up. Kelui ihr wcallb of lhal IsU^I " (
Oahkosh. Wia. Oct. I». ~ William
- an'..<t.|v^.,n>nVl>H ^
tawuaa III fcwawgh To Me t* Bed.
Payne, the^ n.-gro who killed HotcL
!»,- Bei...r RaeasiB. Ihe keeper'Beaitwh al Ft.nd du l.ar Sunday
Wmtwwn.Manlart-wHwlw inwariaa
ws» i-rougbt here Ia»t rvenlng
W. J.
Ghbago. Ort m. Sri rclary AlgeT^ rremb r,
n HciBldu. referring u. ihe depaitor* and pla.vti In thr Wlnnebagn county
dln-ci.d iMrrrJ liii»kr lhal a cum*
nilbuM.-r* fr-vn Nee Jail, tl wa* feared that n elfurl would
b.^ ho . rdi-r.d *ar the trial of fapY-u-k.
-^e Amerl.aD* c.niliiii> Ic Iw mttdc to lynrh hUn t
Pond du lac.
, -to prevent Ilielr defortute"
Mrs Langtry D-rwdhe Oeweefwl ThtaB.
Texaa c
samely. lhal ibc offenae wa* pt'l
and Ibcrefnr* lh«l Ou<-ttb shall n
•■rraodered._____________ _______
AdSsE i
R W. BAsnKOB la
Fire Insaj^nce.
Rubtwr Raclag Ihr CUpw-Caat k«r yewr
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Lederle's Tnl'K
The Enterprise Grocery
still doing business on
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the.city.
•k tw A.Mr... iMvmwmry Claim, an
Pri wau aa taler,lew la pmal.
New York. Oct. !».—The‘ cami-digtt
' conimlllec uf Ihr Jetreraun Democrat y
out. w.th s alatement that William
J. Uryan la In favor uf Henry George
for Ihr nr« ma><« of Grvaler Nrw
' Yortt- They bale their slaleiDciil upon
Bn Iniceyiew whl»h appeared In th*
Kvsnevlllc ilod.i Courier oa la-l (.and
which was only diB>.>vercd yrrierdsy.
On Oct. 7 Bryan deiuarvd an addma
lo Kvanaillle. and afterwsrda. he was
lolervlewed on Ihe ailualluo In New
Tork city. Acconllng to ih« pa|nr men
Uooed. this M one of Ihr queailun* aykrd
Furt Bhert*
1* ^THMtKW
to nr
BP A HOT TIMP.^ J-ondon. Oct. Ik-Mrs Lily langiry.
sod the ie|4y hr madri
death of fVtward Langtry.
"Dp yuu Ihlnk Henry Oeorga wlU be
sleeted mayur ot iMraler Nrw TArkf"
"1 Ihlnk hr ha* a aplcndldcbamwuf be.
RprIrglHd. HP.. (HI. Ik—A C^rtlnTtlic
Bt. T.ouls <n i IS Three fHiban i a. ,
lag the neat mayor of New York. Hr la
well known Mi the people qf New York
city.' The raaaara b.-llrvp la him and
wnlni Hccofncrralurtlanirmn. w-heni^^^ he ‘a*'f'««7"^rt.ysprocurt«|
L.-Hugh E, BAHey.
arlll eupport him at the poll.. I do nui
think nallunal’lanuea will cot much Agley hMl agi-eed lo take hack all the
Mtipping ammunlllon to the reU-lsJ
adlutant general und un- In Ihe New York H.. tlon "
I.ior O..D ae sMin as more men were Their w.uk le at last eompletcd. and
AllgeW. died al hla h..
No letter or t<-legram* have. b<wn re
. . d-d
. they leave today f«e Cuba. Goeoflbem yraierday
ceived fn>n> Rrran by any nf IhcMcnm
maosgera that would lend locorroiHirate*
,lbe alw'vr Blalemrnt. and no far a*
The pr.-i4dinl I a* appointed Cheeter !
",Texas |..ri tsa.uigt;
e!L twMtMoor bsara
known he ha* n..l Wn asked for hbi
W Mania. <1 Mlchigasri-naul ai Am-;*,J*"^*'*'*'
mi. * p « r^^lar: Pur lUlaaw-Falr. I
oplwhih on the alluailon h-re.
I putuls and aaddlety. iMcnd- d for thr Ijr,thrr'-wwitl.aarMelr wlndB-P»tr ICiiKiia-I
homiH-rg, 0"i.
he Yukon Hewe' Ip'^Dlcnl army. Two cxi^lilona <vm. ' y,ur sewtb**,: prubsMy U,r*etwlB* ta wcethxavlgatlvn u
I.icwh.dn bIv^I ’^ 'hg tbeM- BUPJUI.-# will aull tonight ' rra iurri-«: Mtlwwatorl' wtads POr U.»*e |
Y loaed h> a
blockade. Srv-.,^, ^
1^,, Ulwcn the city of i Mieh«an Pair -lath.r la -w.tb.oT.. csl |
ral vcwn-lr are frxw.-n ll
lam Jcfrnlng Krvan indicated hi. *np|i<>r
HagoaJ and Dort Galv.-si.h. and In Ue *b.« r. .a .Kwtbera i-;riioos ll*l.tj«ta^ |
Fire at New York wiped out the arv. '
of the George ■■•Set In thr GreaUr Ner
ea-.trry factory hulKUr.g al r» lo »l
Yorfc'r*mi**lgn. Ilr>-an wle«1 the follow
Spring -reel. !>».. MOO.OOO
trig lo Ibe Aamclali-d Ihea* U.r n*h
lock. T^r.t ulwi. agents ate „
I .h..warw la | orthrn. |.. "
Nial Ih.w'. fallicr died a
:• and hie Gol.iiirl
from Norfolk. Neb -| have not ex
Gc. la,- j.,hrMtun. ..I ih* MaBiprtr'm ____ .
prnaed any opinion In rygard lo ih
of Grnrial
ll.jl. ff. Colonri (WnenvU- f.lr waa'bert Iwa-P.ly hewl rtiow
-'Tfra York maytnalty camtaign and-In
^tduard lirliinn.urt. gntl v’ai>taln ll. A- ar»u. iberwrly nanlnr. wmiecly windSome enti rprtalrg ri-j«>rter Itaa dlriviv-t-.,,uiirl --d.ilm.u.i, wa> liiicriiol tare lo exprrw* any opinlnn ih re_1------erhd that General HarriwHi would like fi viewed bj a 'oporirr _
_____- ^
"-" ■
Bard 111 It."
uw ox.Serr.iary Trao elected nmyor uf.
jj.- waid
• Autonow'*' No. Noililng
^ .^T
Mawv Werairtg. ar Mew TmB.
Nrw Y-rk,
I but al.-itote fiwdimi
We iiave
FI"* Secdod—1 OOnk the f«or^
tiiw Yttk. <hH. la-Doaen. of'meelIKphlhera ha* broken uuj at Watlair. I men under arm* in tMIwi
Virtually have acaktx) lotiK itaoQgb IS tba a&Dlsit> were held la.l right m the boiouanr
Uhl... two famine* i-eing sRIlcted. Klghi (he whole inland exi'vpl Havana. Malan- iqillc cntupnuDd.
making up th< liew
N'w York.
with It. Go* drain
■-— ■■ down .....................................
“ tas aud t-h ufueg.w I* ni our lands. We.
Btoutid tjarond—I thiok la DM T««
Generol Trmy wa- lllf Piinrliai) speaker
ha* oeruered.
could take Havana liy meaii* of dyna- w-rt—- gh« cblOfMo of Ubm ute tha
al Ihe Clennom Aveoue rink. Hxioklyn.
A huml.r of the convirtt nuillnnd In mile, hot we would have to i»ollf> the Mrs7
The coru-iuding imIJit.. wa. d> llver<-d
Ihr Itlvrrvldi- |.ciilli'nilBr> at Plllat.urg,
by Rrnaivi John M Tlon.ion, uf
P«.. havr brt-n maiiularturtiig'cuunlrrbrarks
fell W-irni pircca.
TYtrr* waa a large and very enthaala*i|e
Rorgriui Genrrhl Newitm L. Bales, of
rrowd at a Jlenry OeoTge meeting wbirh
was brid at lh> Lexington Avenue 0(-era the navy, thr prcaldcnrs family {>hy<lclao.
tiled at Ihr Rhorvham
CreorB* made a spen-r. Intro
and Whi. b l.aa not yet been mfnUunrd Jatrn?”
yri.*rr9«»doctng ax-PoaimsMer Dayton, who wai
V*e pa«--rv. ItI wa* relirratrd Ithat:
“yaa IsHdtbo
Atfmlral John U Wordeik mind, died
cheered. Mayor Rlmng api.ke laei night
rum- Cuba would ai-cepi nolbing. hut al
••Exoril«L DJiaUweuarttbarotafy
Bl a Seth Low maat-mcrilng In thrMui•mandrd the Monitor during ita engage. lute freedi.m. ll la a waste nf'lmie
ray HIH lyoenm: Keih Li,w s|H>ke
the l ulled huies tu drat with Sg
______ KL One OKBDttil—dM yoB
meril with rh- Merrimac.
Maaontr lemplc. Hn.iklyn
••I think
Enterprise Grocery,
—Watch Repairing.
'■ «< i
—Front Street.
Jnu. R. Santo.
Sri^' ’eirkie Upw put e^
lDserTcb«.ruao<w>ea.»aeS....................... 1»
Other HwadrlMi la Proportloe. BnxMag at
aU klsd. prorapUy daoe. Palehhig T»*« by
Valcaolituoc olherrrier. I dc sot eat yew
Un- u> repair thcai. Hagkr Tube Week a
Ls tbe^liy. OIr*
Tx-a-u-si-o Oicsr,
eaOM THt tAgTcaa UARKert
.Also everyUiine in the line of
Perry DrImoni was Ihe prinrlpat
apeakrr at a Democrauc meeilnx'ln ti e
AcBdeny et-Mnsic. Hronklyn. The LUO
Haltltlora. Oct. U—The DcraocTi
city coinmlllea haa laaurd a .
tar the delegales to the retent <
' aaaamlile today and raaomlnal* all
Damorrstic lirkel. This extrsmdlnary
eourw* haa Iwen rendered nreemry hi
the fallura <.r Yhe chairman of th>
original conxenUon lo (vetlfy to Ihr
BtimlnBUon of th.in- lOAected al that
time. John P Qlltlnga. the rhalrman If
queatlon. neglecisd to corepiywllb Iht
pruylMon and sent lo the H<Mkr moun.
talas on s bunllng expedHIon Lelirr*
and trirgrarns havl
.ream I..................... ..
n no ri* I
WaablagtoB,' Oct Ik-The appolat.
MBt Is anamiBcad of Prad B. Thos
al BoeUnaxtar at Ruperinr. Wla
Thr Peruvian arnair haa paamd the
bill dmlaiirg non-Rn'mait ('slhollc marrlag... valid, arid prnvtdtng for a Civil
reglucr l.o .u.Hi marriagr*
Rwtl IVirr. left hla huma In the tiiwii
of RrnH-a. W.«i .xianty, Wla. at the
evening xf.Tuewiay. Hepl. tl. IW7. andl.a* n. I riacr h—r aceti or haard from.
a xw.mp n.,t nmre ihan 1» feet from th.
door of hi* bontf near 81. Croix lake.
Solon Spring*. tVla.
I.tghining rod agenu art working un
- Fall River
WI*.. by ■aititg that the governmesi dcmandr IlghinlDg r<ifla on bouee* lhal ar*
within certain dHianrea of other bund
Andre* ArndiaiiD.A II-yeAr-old boy in
Ihe employ of Ibe Sawyer A Austin
Lumlwr company at UaCruwe. Wta..
rrai employed near the •lal- chain and
hi* foot IncaiiM caught lo It He wa*
A Bsrrievrid (Wlal eow drew the rope
with wJU^ she vaa atadted oat through
a |i(l* of burning ruUilth and then xrrmi
through a barn, tialling the buraUuf
rope, causing a bias* which was pM
out wlib difltcuay.
What we waiil
th* t'ntled Sutes I*
Ibe granting of l-lUgef-nt rights.
"With that In lea* than seventy-two
hour* a-e would have out of varioua
poru uf the mited Stale* forty-two
veaarela flying the Ccilain flag. Hefore
the Affirrlcan congreaa meet* again
event* that we hope irtU
Ordsr* by Tbone given quick at
the .
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ^
I also pat tha be* vats
boolea «B the puriaUo fnnaco and art
tha nnatard plasis whego it wosld tarrh Medletee usmI bv Vapor Iwhalatinw. 8. £. WAIT. Draggtet.
••Iban I think xra ai» aD wady.
••X think an. Mtwsieari. in are qnlta
nady.”-^43aTelaDd Plain Dualtg
Misses’ Lace iir Bunon,
ChoooUte or Oxblood Sboea. aise* lYto 2. every pair warraatad
aoUd. ft* «So pair, al A. & FBYMASti. S14 Bbal tool Btroob
-a ofrihe c<
weal are about lo
wni ahoHly aiUik
illrd. We a
[I ahow congre*. that wr r
t ahown 11 hithertoWith bclllgrrml right*
r bland will
Im free before Dec. *1
Wllhuut recognlrion we aball
free Iwtore March of next year.'
Goods pfomptly delivered.
Oil for laying dtwt on track ballasted
xrith giBtal and cinder* te bning oaed
on the Wrst 3mej uM Seasboto rail,
road. Ml. J. U. Kicbote. Baateianl nn! gloesr. informi na that thU plan haa
i they a» *ly waits* th* canptetiai at
lacarlordlsnlboliiig the oil tMebanieI ally to cover all dnsty plana on tb«
' CaavIM wl W^Maai a H.
I nad. At Ibe {gtaeat time than ar*
Kansas aiy. -Mo.. Ocr. II r-Caabl«r aboot {o«r mllte of track ao Created.
Geotg* A- Taylor, of th* Argentine
n>e tails aia krpi clean by means at a
bank, which failed, last year ow
Shield. The resolt obtaloed U a oeatbouaaoAi of deUara lo depoallora. i
plete freedom flam dost at polntewbiab
eohvictod te the ertmlaal'ooiirt In
tamerty the oast du^CMthadlgeoUnc. Kaa, yeaierday of artaeklag
If You Have Logs lo Sell .tTrlfe
Lumber-Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem-:
Jock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Tin MuBHnro aBooRO. wsditbbday,
Unutual Claim Mada by tha
8tata’a Attomay in tiia
Caaa of Luatgart.
• tUi m WM.
rBtets-«s*;nb awr—iirt lh> CsSwImI
OMit MMiat as CUrase ITaltiac la*
«h. V**«t«-ta«ialaal Rial tfaXM.
Chlcafo. oc(. ]».—Infnrtnalloii
trem She Jun ivom b that a disAr**-'
a*Bi has taJtrn piaea la (b* Lueiam
abM. both Rdca txiac obMlaat*.
aa)(jii>- «>f th* Juo' la dealroBi of a convictual.
It b no*' procraU}' tboswhtmt
Xth* Bnal ouuximc will b* a diBCrrancni.
lb* mas whuie fatr
teariiia ID ihr babnr* was alccplns lb
tbs tan a* calmly as an Id(rDI.
ChU-agu. lUC U.—liBt* r«*l*rday afl>
armam lUaia's Atl«rn*y U*nc«n flDlabad
hb pira
ibijurr In tbc Uucicart caas
with Ihm* words:
‘'OrMU-mcD. 11 ba*
ooiobeb so. isst.
bolKMao aereae tba etreac (mntbe PMirt
»»«RpUw€rf ibeeitr proper did not
buitdlBV bad erowde cd apaciaion and
------po-SMa An Uralid Twitobly. tboi«b
every elndoe da the siructuraa iSctac
CsevOK aa tha pBaMa Oaaat. aad Oa yoon« Is aplHt. be akade the but bli
tba iMiUdlDf bad Its <4vuiania
d«alcOe. and e*ar alsev be baa waxed
An Blicmta of a araie.or tu of frtaBds
ef Lueixart le forre their *ray Into the
n» idea at eeoTtrtlas ao abawdotiod ttroof and beany, regalndd bla loat
eoiirt rootn about l-M reeulKd In a rail Mrert car Into a domtolle la atrlotly Cal- bcalth and aectuad a new Umi
life. ;
(or pulli-r and a * inn load was aeni.
• hlrh aooB reslorexi order. In the couit, ........ _
room every aaat wa taken by i u'rtook.^ ^ ^ tl-,
NO Criminal irlai In Cbi. aad m n.vn.ltd ChSowp. Wb« you think of it.
year, has wUnra-d more wlde^rrad In-; tfc., u RO KM» why aoiiio aoeb UM
than allarhea to Ihb r^ebraladj
uat haa^ and itiUDiiuvable oUmt ani*
!i U not believed ihat even tb-l
tbea^oto oloi of floMua and lotMsm. A dinint
Cmfiln trial or the trial of the ankrchbie! ▼e^lolea with tbolr tUaed ddea and raqai baa boeo scooped «ai of tbe Muda
aurpaaaed IMS la the inlensliy of public; raniUbed
paiwU. Yot then is nuthlns and
iDtereM as lu the dnal reoull.
I about ^ Myle of tbeui aa they a
it la tbe roUwfitRi of b.x '
in other WWW
and ^ ‘‘"A at with tbe deoprat ----------ACCt-IKP HAM mu. niSrtPCNT. ' bone
U.-UV woa(b the amou eu
___ old* daya to auagoM Ihu altUnata par^
What He win rt>M im After Be oes. Fees ^
^ ™
»2“ vTciy ounter and braMire of tbv wub-
^ CamaD — Dear, do yoa tbi«V
MU’ btaltta
haa bees Improrod by xidFO"
UtRlU) has
Mr. Oiiuao—Foa bed. 1 have. adi. —
Uke an oMrich. aoood wind and
7 o'atoek te 8;M o'clock1st IsuT will he returwad. Oftioe
Uaiwld BaUdiag. Boom 8.
-s- Malouai Wnau.
City Treaaarar.
Datod Get. 7, ifUT. Ui-tf
^ ••‘d. died from tba
“ tiuiigual bint of laiiay.
““ “"‘F «he» *«y old people, aftw
" '
the raui|d«gt
in th.>
|smjUlc way fur
h>«‘y y»«ru.^vc umvambed at fawt to
‘A® eAttfW <» luxury iudulgtsd in ou
Adel. Qa.. CK-I la. — One hundred
lashes well lald uls.n the. back of a ne*
gro aas bla punlslpnent f..r f. ii.g Into a
woman's hous.- Hint d<-ijunding dinner,
to addillan 10 this the negro bas b.-va
Kwi. al.li n may mean almoai anylhmg.
It wems (hal as Hfu. Clay was |.r. •
paring dinner rUtuiday a strange negro
entered Ihvbousr. sat d"Wn to the (able
and ordered tomeal WM
helped himself t
to the c..rpua delicti the
lodge said.
“So man mar be con*
vieted of a ertro* unitl what Is known as
tb* corpus dtilrll has been rstsbllahed
bjr-th. |■^.laerulloa. and UDiras'yuu are
oonur.ced by the evidrnoe In this case,
beyond a reaaonaiilr duutu. that Umlaa
Lueigert dicd’st the lime eharg..d In
tbr indi- imrni." el... "in such s .as* It
it your duly |.> ai-uult (he defendant
Te prove the <un>us dellril the sute
• required .(• Iir.slu-c imlv aueb legal evl.
Rbe den the house and gkdrig dowD.
Jnry. Iwyond
town rei> rik'd Ibe msMer to the dll*
vlrtlun (hat the murder charged in the aena At iilght several y-kiung mei, fkiund
■ Indictment has been In fs'i. commit the mar. It. d him Pi » Uko- and alih s'
ted. ai I (hat ihe dcfendanl Is gulliy nt buggy whip gave hlnhovcr (gu lashes,
Its , .'..mmlsslon
• • *
Ihe UDiler which. Ihe victim lexwme a man
Btatut. of thy slah provides (hdt a per- j of Iscermllcns. Tbe yiiung mim left him
aor charged w!ih crime may testify In
but later the ropes were ml and
hts own behalf be Is not under any ' the vhtlm disapikesred. whether lo .aft•bllgati.ig to do so. and. the sutute tj. k.r to a Wkirar fute Is pot kBOwo.
aapLws'v deelartw thai bis negleci to
(■hbwga AMermaa IMat la a llrawL
tesDfj- shall not rroale any pieaumpllun
CH'Wgii. Oct. I»—JtMepfa A. Haber*
agairisi liim.- '
kora. aldrrrnBn fr<irr. Ihe S'ln.lki-mh
Aa4 the Jkty Takm.lbe fw.
T1l« Judge TulhIM rxwd the dlRer- ward, ehkt iwlie al { o'clivk In the
morting. Is under the rare of |ikv*l*
rtans at lb-- rtesl.y ierlsD hpapllal. who
are now- l«ltlicg fk.r his life, with Ihe
prc-ei«<i rf saving it (Ik'drce Jri's.n. of
r Imiiriao
irtfi H. i . rikx-nlh sirkfel. a lal.in. imaker.
(haci fi oiteen v.ara and ihe fourth aas dll (hi rhoi ling. It was the result of g
for ”n 1 guilty;"
As Judge Totbfil brawl ^al the Argyle saloon. IMT West
Oiilarie.; 111., r. jiciwr, b- i, . i:.d u|t si Marrlaon street.
(lie Juivra and said: 'Vleiitlemen you
gniesof lojkiey. .
may. M ilre and contld(''r your verdict ”
hq l«—A d
rRtIW ll’ W AMTS T«k k»:»: U KTIilCBT.
by- n.meral
Oretidinff. of UiU city, announix-d th.roiw»w>)lot in
d.-alh Isst ivepTog at(*tinii«i. IUh. fnim,
W boa the dnry
li.lurl.% rixelv-d In a Tonaw-nv, of his
Immedlalrly tinn we* an uprxHr' Ib r. lalfve. William J (Vn-solorfr. head nt
the ..lUri rvign. iJeei pk who bad beep the grwal plow and sc’U iiltural manualitli.g ar.we tf ihrli fr.'i and tli.. aliou.s fiiriiirtng Ann <if I'nilln A Orend.nff. of.
Of lalllffs i.rderli.g ev. ry ntie to "alt Llantou. He m«s.W ymr* <iW.
4imn" availed
Thr eroad
surgiMl lirward knd t...k U|. even irsh
«f s{iac« whelk* the f^ Ulai feoiv liairsil
Lbrin ficiD tbr atioriik^'A Women al*
mow tainted In Ihe crush, and Ihelr txi*.
tumes and bi-aiigear auflk-red. The crowd
seemed to want tu get liisr Lueigert.'
All uaniid Ik ace boa lli> big aauage- niakir siiod tbr hnal oidial now iliat his
Utar was ID Un halkila of the JUO- K!*.j
Bally Judge Tulhib otu.rkdUir room |
cleared and aai>k.unckd that hr akAiM :
aikjouin court until i ii’dotk al mgbl
It Was agie»d Uler (bat Judge TutbP
Wkiuld mtialii s> tbr crlininal court
building until Iv u'i)ock ui lewsl. and br
autaiii a fra mlnuias’ a-alk of bU ivurt
rven. all rJgbl Lueigert stood up naar
whei. Ill bad lieen siUiiig tnuM of tbc
Umr li.r more th*n tUgin weeks, aflar the
Jury rvllnrd. and with hU llitle goWre*
balrro son In bis arms ikrcvlvvd a few
1160. Bud nwUy tiik> imjavasinn yim
have cd tbe ionrikg is qiiib' sauijitBoaa
It miitbl be a I'ulliuau tar. \<r a cusy
onnktg in a iilobsTui'a uioosiiui, at.
Rgnctkiug tiqiully Itxxtmiuii-. if .vnu citu
tbiuk Ilf il. Heir ixaiM-ib tbc tivnng
evegy tiunday amua with tbc inslcriala
fig the bAbiwIli ilinu^,
iu; auii liii
family taiJuylLc kkcgie oud the frtxdoni
of Iswoh. park oukl saud dnuia. If Lo
olHxsaa. he may. live Ibcrv the week
UirtHkgh, as Cu|rtalo Dailiyr doiw Tlie
Mptain is a gvuilk-uuui uf pnimuieuce
•nd odiKwticn. who (uuud hinm lf a few
jws back broken iu Inwltfa awl out id
future, as be was in very ne«iy cir«unalaa.vs. He has
ly hydyh
Suits to Order.
iSce Our Neil line
Picture Mouldings
raaZ>ayARBtial l^aitontoltotnlb a^i^^
■ t'7»'7|Recort
Wednesday. Oct. :<nh.
M. A N. B. depot at U:
AS.tX) roand ^p
Arrire U::& p. m.
your tickets early of
H. N. Ct-ggiguBAH. JLgaat.
^iGnad Rapids ft Isdlm R. 1
Attorseya at Law.
Otoees to Koetogwe Blsek, Tnesn/OKy. Mirk.
r.s. Ls.
Ar.. *.
...1 II to *uu Trse.ovl .'!! U^to :<u Waltoa 1...
aisissss CAiiDs:
ukiwy as4 o«
at.caiK>s to a
.........: I Yho idotoaut of Ihajw.umrth .vumur
Ht and: -Defore a convi.i...n eaa
'”'111 have bis villa htfo ralhif thanai
be bad In ihl*
Ibr state nkuat prove
beyotkd a reasonable doubt an.l lu a brass bands, and .marctard along the ; PariAc Heigbu a a
niorul certainty—flrsi,that Louisa Luet- river front t.. Mouni t'arlsm. passing j
'‘ho bad the. imagi
. grn la dead; second, that she came lu a number (if mines a her* they exisx-ied ' kicM to b«lld the biggvM aOd ugUcst
her death on (hr 1st of Hay. I»i:. Ib the 10 force out all race whom they inlgl.l < baths in Ammca and a L'liff Himse
cuunty uf c<wdi. stale iif Illln Ur; tblrA
that looks like a fWiidl'd drvg«slshai.
Ihat Adolph I- Lunigert. (be defendant.
TViey found bo .one at work, however, , has lull to el.ac his <ya and ka*. a vievUlfull). mabt loualpv felomouM) sod of and relurned. The sliikeis
emUra.-ttel in
iitalK* afuretbuughl. killed and mur> very bkuei Inward the ..|wral.w<;a lng ^
d.red the said Loulaa Lueigert by aumv atem to he determined to cause inmMe. tt^an ala^ die boulevard em-tchinn
uf the \ ark.ua means charsed In the The governor, esn-utlve ofll.-etm. oinitbe MUul duuia. to the |
tBdb lmeni, or by means unknow's.' Tbe mander-lii-chlef td tbr mimia. adjutan’l the distaour. and all paying tribntu
bkuden of proof neale ui>« the praeecu- geBeral and aaalMani adjutant general,
ih.n to make out and prove to the aails- left, yesterday for Nashville. Th<' atutr
fariiuh of the Jury, l^yund all rcasun- guard will, therefore. Ik- wilhioil ahea.1
I. Otmari’i
vj’g Amilcile Uasam>
oble .ioubt, every utaleriail all'gellon Jf tn.uble ahoul.l Iwgln In the nest
villa—the sucil show jilafv n!
in the indl.Mml. and unleee that haa tlpve days.
villa It isbuagwiTbpnrti
been d.ine.Vhe Jury should find the dewit)> u diaiiig taUc^a tiu.v
idanl ct<>l guilty, it l« not tnrumtwnt
all the other duunaltc altribuhsL Its
r'lifiie d.-fi n'.laDl l.ipmve that Louisa
« Na Laat la C
Ivc, or her abereabuula.
ootAt of furoiiureasd cruppiugs com
Mab IHd <b* Pwatakkag.
O- p. CARVER. AeasL
walls ipow fluwera
■hock tbe Mgigilive
many readers prevMit fntber (totalli <d ,
TberoU already too : pjjje
not ou the water's edge, but amid
fcaao said ibal AaRslanl Slalc'a Alter*
Bar McKaren did nut aak the InfUcUoa
•f lb* draih penalty. That b true. I
de iTPgi within a
do nut think H b lUually wltblff tba
______Ihnwr td ban ifranciTO
Tbe .d^at iultabitant of Ykumewth,
provlocr vt a Mate's atCorney tu aak a
Oarville and lie care ladnig to Ad.Jph »h<. died a few days ago. is anotba 11.
lwa.pa.y H.I
/ury tu return such a verdU-t. Uul tbb Mslken Urtwg-tu O
a car tbifu. »tw»««*^* of the fact that the worM
a AliaM U Wweb.
cr)snr b au hetnoua a<> i ruH. tu wanton,
*hUig chat lau U.d<n»efor v.»y agud
Oharl.wl.m. W, Va.. tVt. !».—Herlinii
that I feel |>erfnlly JutlllU'd In aaklDs
Y.jn may txflv.vt it to dtuncMi.- pur- P^'pl® «» «« *“1‘P>T »h.m with luxurlea
SI your hands tba rktixine penalty of troulUe u anil< liMkird a ltn ihecoal mlD.
laaaeu furukah It olaUw4.J»^Juii y..g beynod wUt tlieir eyetems liav.- grown
tbs laa In the vaae ufOtOdtph I. Luet- ere in Kanaalia vall.y witbie tbe next
accuM.amd tu Tbo old man. who was
A bu» If rommeoi ran throivb three or
.. .itv ^^eie IZ
mouty. The iiaatiiui. tbinMdr. Jitni.
uiuctiro. had every ptmnIba <ourl roam aa the atali-'a atiumey (larvd be
..n uf*^ininero ^froir ^ i Who is a man trf much f.uvsi^laXk* a *■'
brevaufug a otaitesiariau. when he
Bnbhed bb addreaa and was • oacraiuindliil^in Mi^e^
W*“t <4her gnat t^ba. a w« nul.«nB-iclyrti«xw.fvxl in csukiMcUied by a lew frirnda who *t -near
Bd ecu flon. Iwgun. which ,
"•« •'
*»««»*, i.c WBW. to
f-»«Hnee, and. M
hint) Tnrjudiir cmnled an lin|>rontj)tu
, the Iasi ..f this week, ! knosr. H.r.-is a Isudiui with its ItriglkinhalHauL was giwu the
mewni fur ten mliMiles and uiun ibe
An aitempi was. Ua in the euburlio. a New Ytrt with l’l«vof hiiuigal lhel«wl f.wtlviliasand
CDun aialn comlm tu Older proceeded
de yoatri
; a Kamgausi'U Mer ««i Its water front w»» »o b» p«>»idod with the tuuil
to read bb'charc*.
I of the
i Why. it will be worth inilli<ui; yet •'comfflrta la- biadroUntng ytwrs" fa
Mrw Camsof-^b.' how glad 1 ■
that tbc m fnga Uve tbelr ahidiug
>*« lYauciaro Wava
Ever Burned Oat?
yoa mind, tgingiag in a bod «<
Shortly after U o'l-lurk lAietuert iras.
Infermed by Jailer Whllman that his i the mmiag Joantal
ooal in nloni! tbe gnat. -natHd Uacti. wfaicb
time for iwofnenadlnc the ourndor wasj the gas
I wblcb IrioBilliatM bis oorvro in abimuK nMcbea away to laake
I will he la my o&«e aaris>-iha
up and be must go tu bR cilL Just aa dining Mdn' Uf the availability of a Mmsdl He will toll you of ^e charm
BOBtb of Ocioher ' - ' U> reMlea
be turned toward ba cell be at
atrwM CSU- for living pnriwar there may at lile on the oceun shore and aaenre and aehool \aaea
iWnru 8 o'
If be rxiievled t<> I<e aisiullird.
be a qtuatitm. but of liw adaiitahility of
'Sure I do.- he said. "Wby a
the BtfwatBiw there ia no doubt—nut at
"Wbal ate you suing Co do a
get out f
1W«. .<»r . ri«. 1«
-*eIU" eald Lurigett allb .
11,0. a.,h. e.iBo o.™.
grin. -I guess about the Aim
aill go to are Mrs Keld. mi ,in i 0*t® »«*h. It it founded <m the Htud
loved Cbrtstine—itlal drar c___
dunea. and ila rvsidtdita are tree of tbe
ewe* me K*M. and I am goinambresacBandthceanaou Befntvtham
Itthe park awcich.w out lu Tlitaa of
- “What tbenr■Then I am going
T to make sem* groeu. around thou aiv ttwny mud
more nuney. I gtn
viriuble Sahara bUloa ing
I feel eae) i'
ww.y ... tbebilla To the we« the »*aI don*! worry on.' l.
n go;..g cific gtrefcbe* UUmiiabiy iu Iright
to sleep and If any
w m. It wu(,« <if
,d Uon
Uop wateiu,
wat«a an admiralde
will Itr bad Air him
itlam to Pruhsle pruclW.
^^Aklg g M(yTOK, M.P. n^krlaa
sod via Mtosd pMpUy to
rail.- atvckal aktoetiec gleea to obstoirlea
asd rkUf^rea’s dissuses. ttorsasai SWiLap
Boukct, 8:10, is repswtod Unw.
isatin iylippiTa’ mark is now 8 KI9.
Bean WUkM' retvad is now t
Baah.>;lU>(.Ulnit 14.8 hands high.
i^eAlltm hMlowoud hiaiuMcdto
TXB 8 *. tILT
<th(«x S.i •
and 8i
:i rssUsi
BllcSlikSk K.kll.
>A'smui Boy,
haaboeB added
tb the list of geidinga.
Kuwaday's third bewt ia<;18i< M
tbe (sktest vveg trotted by a S-yaar-old.
Fnuk futchra, by Jo Patchm.
8:011,. has lowmdfaisronadiok;!^^.
A match betwieo tbe tw o Pbitadelphla iroinra Allas iMiv. 8:is>.*. and
is being agilaud.
Ed A'^pton says that CLcJyaliA
>:0Tla, ram pace any "parkg truck" in
8:04-and tiuw timiu iMter than 8:0«.
inh. .**.1
taimd liwve to o(vopy. bcli.-iiug ifaAi
«o meet Jaiper
thcfivul.. froeairofthePactBcii'ti.cu Ayro. ^ Zomlgo in the free for aU
dowtd with bkoUiug vimiea which the Ota at the eomuig Lot Angides mocUn*.
c. k. k
I. r A.. I
. Ikgkees. Clly OprTm Q
W^st Michigan.
X. A MiUlhsn iUksA Heui ..•to It a.au, t
10 4 11.0. TUk.«tawe.fL
... .] a*
reu ......
.1 aw •ek...._
r. M. I r. a. Is., u- f.m.
!r.k.;«,a.^r.«.ia, a.
low UsBrsasS UB sssy leras If
" "
M.A Kolaey.
■ratal uf tieo all sad eerr rnoniy ai
You kbui 1.1 out be wItbMl It. **
M>rei Vsi-aiii hM •lilts-takes s» port toy.
JlUgi V’»rly,UkrnnlMekvt. U4 H____________
TV. Me
Te lake efluci UsaAay. J use K). IH7,
oiltoes'ctoeka m.
vbH U to^ssnyl
Me. AlMe. (■Ra ilMs. *
T|WiR wAl.t-<Vse.v.iehe) flulshs^iM
all ^ sals eksai..
wniiradefkvroe-i bkcycls. C. Pybto. slihike
H L. MereA'u. JUII
f'slser list-Hkiies aallltuii.
Lkiidoii. (ket. 1*. - pTklUP' Palmer,,
the iMiiiam-wk'ighi tikanii ioD <.r ving-'
land. arTd "Hsv, ’ rtulllvan. of li.xion.
met lust <;Vkrfring at tin Nalloijal 8|kdrtLng club at Ilf isiunds tu oipiiiets for
(br IkBhtani ctiuni|4onsklr of the world.
a purse of U.»u. and a side hst .-f tLOOU
The (xmtrsi' was won by Paltper Id
fwk.sic I-...mils
I TTUkR tiZlA-Oe lo
-VT£? fStfe
•AMTKl) TVV gXCUANOIIg-ttas4 Urjrele
ruwsiui of rhi
York. iX'i.
Cbsrlra A. Dana
late ho
w. Tlie
e will be read In Rl. Paul’•s y:pi».
ksir of isy sieve es rreoi
.todtoe. g. K. MlUse.
MS4o4: ykssl kiw vtto sye kmsMsm.
fD^rrossl HTcTbsosM IsM
rteer rsastog toroogU II: e________ ___
Ms* Urieu'. Vessw RsisMd.
New Orisaiks. CW-i. I».-Tbr follouin,
It Ihr official msirl i.f (hr taokld c
bealib: New i-ssk's of yellow fever. 87
.warmly shook the hand of the prisoner.
Xmetgk'ri tmjinl and gaoed about biRi.
He tried to leufc eatm and unnincerr.i'd.
hut behind the maMt of indiHfruiivetbose
CliHiniiatl. .0(1. it.—The VVeetcro
w bo have watched tbe varylv moods of Poundr}-men*e assixtotlun cusvcrix] here
tbe stalwaii MiiiMkce-niakar ootUd trace yeelcKlsy In annusl mr.-Ong. 1‘rrsldem
suppreroed uervxwkHMsa. Hr suod re* C. A riencoirli. <*f CnikWgo. ptrslded.'ajid
A. gorge. Jr., also %f CblkWgo. aervad at
al Ouusige Mklsna kt gwsM sMel. TVwrarss
my.MIA. VUIa«^euUmseaak. For
11 iti »
I'.sd which aurrouBdsd (be crtga*
-r aRyiblng u
glan- tbs iwenlBg of the famouc trUI. By
dark pie auuet in front of (be court
. taOdiBi was janmMl and the erowd
—d avoRsd tbe curwer to froet of tbi
lan. WMM and cblldren Uuad (be
Ml to ft|Mt Mtb* MIebtfu auuet
.. .V RBd die H»s ustaaided to Jiear.
aM Md McgtbCtorii
NtoML tw M8R M 8» Ifrm Mwy
Caul fresapaay Hak. aa OMw.
lualdwood. Ubi, tvi. i»—i^s c. w.
and V. Coal ouMipaay has offerad Ue
Bklpsn OH cants a tuB mine run or
Mwu Mseeaied ccai. aa advaocud of TH
Mato over May 1 prices.
board of baaltb aay iberi Is ao jruUmr
NO 10
Cupboard Safe
IbcUm tilsss goors os top. ewrwA poB*) «s<ee todsv. laigsdlUUM.
USSslsaAs. tskvve pan .csiUaieC.
.Honey to Loon
Diwnaua. tatmm
Piw* Tear—iTo. 145.
oa av Noftopork OBoaa. Buttoa* Bap
aad otoB Loalaaao oBiBlp Porto.
IE* atoooDor Wood, a larfo tomlo loadlaf 14,000 buobol* at po- SVPZETUOBS OOjrSlSBBSB IT
ATTRenrs jvbt looked vt Baaur.
UtoB at Nertbpert for to* Cbleafo A PEWOIO VEBO TBStSWAT.
F»M of EasMC* Sbtte Sun tB M■ngT fr-^- •ttucfUBC
Km* ;
aroET or ▲ spue
ffaUoa aad a warm g»m» Bap b* 'aspaetod.
lEara'waaadlaaatrou niaawap oa
Birbtb •traal peatordap moralnr. A
faroHn-b taam bacoM* fnfbtoaad aad
, th* ktraet ooUidad-wilh
OOBBOtto* will Pram* Plaaa aad Mtaralabada
a to toam, also partiaUp wrackBabkit Batimato* for
BaUdlnc av A4}oura*d Koottoc- laf to* wapoa.
The BtoaBar Ctdambla. whieb ha*
PropMlttoB to Boad Qoaatp Will
laid Bp for a abort Ume
Pfobablp b* Satenlttotf bp P#<nl*. baaa lab
Howet* E
eaB* ovar pasterdap
Ilk* baaloB*. j
to proeld* a aaw oovatp ooaH boD**, { aarohaBdlae. laeludlair ooo barrels of
wa* atartod bp toa
to* board of aaporrlaor* (NorthporW Uland, Baplr* and
pBtordap. Thap
. .
' other pelBts lo UelaMU oooatp.
.. Ui. ..U, ol Ih. 1—J I
Aadrow W. Pullar Baeaa* BUMfOUp
Ooirmt i» Omr«i of Ourton* EpooBruak and Paid a Vto*.
«^r»-E«port «p to XUtolcht.
Aa^w W. Pny*rpaid Jad(* BobCEkMpi. Oek IS.—Tb« WMJ7 imrj la •rtt a Am of dr aad ooata aaoBoilaf to
belac ralltp of too Baeh bltoo Latocwt oaM oarl/ tol* Moralar
. roMBod Ito doUborattoa onr to* »po- laritr aa Moaday alrbt. H la told of
" wrilto® *Tld«M»pU* b*»o» It Tk* FaUar that b* waat to the brawarp
V«“nBlaa Maosd aftor two e’eloek toU wlt^ hi* toaiB aad bowlad ap to adbb
4onOa« aadtoejuiwrooloptoa a to- aa anant that be did aot keow a bear
U*. too ftoor Md too ebotn. Broab- hartal troa acaldmlaa. Q« baoaB*
fMk «M tokoa at T:I>l Tboa work *0 dniak that b* was lataaaibla.to tala to toe preeallloc aaotloiaaV
aad It wa* wbeo b* wasthat fortoer delay wtmld b. «_iwaa waoBOdawoke to* aezt morDlaf la jail that he
Tha qoMtlpo «f a poaalbla ootaf All aorta of ruBor* rrf
toe I betas to r*dr«l npue hi* ezperleaee*
Jarr "wor* corroot oaUld*
«fow4 wblch fatbofod U4* BOrala«. of toe ptarloBB althu Hi* uaoi wa* to ooBstltpte both oooatp rsert hoaae {
dlaoeverad bp Prask HaBlItoo npua aad dtp hall, was also dlaeaiawl. bat =
Naoa* tt permlttod ia the <
to* laws of hla pr*«l*«B oa Waabiafpltea
aBeaptlaf to* taporter* aad
toe atraet. and the polio* were noUfled. ___ ^...poaltl^. Howeeef, toe board
_________ _
reportoddurlot the attenaooo I The ootolwaafoBod all Untied np l«jwiUaot be aeera* to roodrlaf
t^tth*)arpe**MBotarr**aad that a boap with Puller la th* nldat^ Iv tnrm from toe dtp uadlac to
toap stood 8 tor oonrletloD aad 4 tor bllBfaltp BDooaadoB* of hit pr^iaa- BulUtlOB.
Id order to t*t the Batter In ebap*
Tb* asset attitad* of to* Beab He was Jailed with the rmnlt
jarr, of oonta^ la aoiAaown. aor la U related, n* toam was eared for at lor acUon the eoB»lt<M,.att~<<t*aotp
UrooDda aad Buildlot*. A>^W. Slack.
kaowo pet whether thap wilt afra* or Moq;aa'a bora,
4. A. Perry and K. J. TayloTvjya*
aot. At nrtdalthl the jorora wen.
obtain all tor lofarmatkiB
lotoadopiortoealrhtaad to* jedp*
plaaa and sp-e fi ation* of
weat boiae.
Horrible Huntlat Aecld«at Hear
aad eaiiBsto of tb* probable <
Sanlt St*. Hart*.
iBlltoe will rl«* tb« I
E A. Beattp, who (a a memberof to*
mnale firs wblch la to b^ln boat- Imnudlato oonalderalloa. but It la aot
Toeht H. 8. PlBcra* Jr. Oarriad a
awH OB to* Seeto kid*, b^ raoaleed a likely that they wilt-hare anyihlnf to
Fartp 08 a'VUhlat Oniu*. preaeot tbU acaslbo. Wbaa toe bahrd
Ust Baadap Boralaf Praak EMad- latter from hU wlfeatstaaltHU Marla, adjoarns it will probably be to to* a«r
rtob aoooBpaaUd by Toap Norotay flrlaf toe daull* of a borrlblehiuiUBA oad Monday of Jaauarp. «*bea it ao
8. C. DBproa, A. R Watorburp and aeeldaat wblch eoeorred » miles from •arioua obauol* te preaaatod a reeoluthat
Prad Baehtol. etartod oa‘ a abort
tlon to submit toa propoalUon to to*
, anise la the paebt B. 8. Plnpra*. Jr. maa named Herb Bob went baailar people to bond toe eoeatp far a aaS'
with two
u,< p-ni.
Tt. jfcH
eraiaed to Pisbertnan'* laland. lb* 0*1
that b* dellTOrad betweeo Aotaat
M. 8. HOCUV. Man
■r ahows is the city, at
—that we caa my of oar----
Mens All Wool Fiioze Ulsters
at $8.50
and Artistic..
1* what we claim for oi
e*mi«l*a*. hi* puB
»*.S4> Coaches
there remain* ao mneb namid that nothlar ahart
of SB Inapectioa wUl do.
Right Overcoats, Right Suits,
Right Furnishing Goods,' Etc.
At Right Prices for You,
are here, aw^tiBC/oarlBBpeelloa.' Oomaisaadlatasahowpaathecooda.
1^.Tk... '“'‘•T'eon la the back. klllloK him
‘3Jo;9q Bre2i«q b qan*
- ^At»MJ JAAdO DOj^ 'Avopuud 78BA JOO OI BsdO
•jdAng |o aScJicTd iu9 Anq 07 AiiiAiii T nifT)
^100 7| 7Dq-rifiJ»dojd pc . 8iq» pew 04 peaq
erq no Saipoe48 januopad enojD e e»qe4 41
Ibaatato. Wa-alsohare
to* erala* waa to enjoy a UtUe flabinr
Poetpoaement at Petcakep oa aV
aad bnnUac
1%* pMtp returned .Word wa* aeat to Sault dte Marie aad
B«UakU S17 Ooeli, Otfpat aai Oletoia^ B»m.
ooaaV of Bain.
Some Barnains
Monday with a pood anppip of Aah and B wapon eeat for toa body of toe uoB
c.-eicame. Teatordap Prank took toi aame
l*eto*key y**torin Odd Beds.
party ont for eoffic bahinp aad Store opto the anihorttlB. but *b U wa* j
, aerideat there • ’» be »o| a»y. there were n
Mr-----waa reported. This U praetl- ; porrip
tar bim to answer to the
that they will o aeoff to
/^yto* laal erala* of to* ****..» Iqr'
toe packv which will eoon be UId np
for toe wiator.
I28-I32 float StrMt.
A TatBBB left pBtordap for a tieil
Ppattoof CanurelHa Hot Bxto cure.
. paetad to Lie* TasUru ip.
C. O. Taraer waa Bi Elk Rapid* Moabp Added Dlnminatlon.
I Sir*, rpetle. a Pfancbwom..n«^ft'«B• dap OB l*d*l I
A word to tbe wIbb. By ‘*the wiSB’* Is
The eteamer Craaoeot it BOW Uphtod Il terrllle. who
le wilbia a fen dap* of
Han. U. ti. Corell weal to LaUa<
mBant people who know b hawk from
asUralp by electricity. Thl* prtal ooo-; beior luo yet. of ar*. h** b*eo rery yaaterday
Icfal boalaeaa
* mnleaee U due" to toe inreonlly of | III for a«me time with dro**y aad her
a. B. Flood of Elk Rapid*, waa i
a hmnd-BBw. To this olass—and it is a
•Oharlea Wabt., aoe of II. A. Webb, pro-; reiallre* hare been especllrc that abe |
pleasure to say that it is a growins oaa
vriator of to* Trarera* Bey LU*. would die almoal aay hour. Yoet^ I ger. B. 8. Bae will go to Elk BepkU'
Ckarles kaa bolU a dynamo eemplete dap abe < t* a* low that there aeamid today to officiate at a faoerat
want t^^sfiiy, that
Master Mecbaaie Coaaor of to* C A'|
aad with toe aBUuaee of an aarin« DO pawible doubt but that the ead
- it
of enluble capseiiy Uffct Ufeneratod tronid eoB* loaff before the cloee of W. M. raUroad. waa In to* city lait ‘
OB toe boat In eufticient rolome for canaiphv
of guteg to the wall; ia fact tbep
mn »tlll doing bnaia«M—nor hare
Alderman Goodrich went to Leland
raalpooe aad aaoeaaitp.
eeaitp. VWhile toU I* aad parchaiied aoaaketof UaderUkar
wean eastern buyer—We prefer
peatordap he a witaaB 111 a case In the;
a knat Impron aenl to'tl
buylngour nwa'gooda Wetan
Mr*. I’petu i* oee of to* oldest Circuit eoari.
la aa lllaatratlea of the ability of tba
sell you frmb aew good*, better
pioaber* of Leelaaan oooatp aad withTom Armatron*. li|fht keeper pa
poaap man who baa made ft pcmlbl*.
qnslity and at lower prie«< than
out doubt toe oldaet peraoa la toe 8onth Maaitou lalaad. la 1* the city on
Fioar ia what yon want
aop bou>c ia lb* eiiy wilboat rr~
sorting to »>me oova and ball
bnalnaa* aad rlaUlar friends.
»torv about Imaginary failure* in
8be oaa
oae oauynter, .Mlsa
.-Hia* ryvM*.
Aopaa ilrapeon left paewrdap for,
tbe east, as following price* will
XmoalBUmbereofZ). O H. V. Brapar-j*l«y-mren pear* old. who baa alwapa______
UVw, where he will take'
tac for a Bil«nm*«* to Oraad Bapld*.: llr*d with her mother, but ha* been a. ^bai^e ?*
reniral Lake Torch.
Boys’ Double bepasted *ult*.
IteaMe* tote I
good ralue at 81 M Tor •■;>v
Kaaka Temple. D. (>. K, K. of Grand 1 cripple for aereral j.
Hr. Roaentoal-Ttiompecm. wbo 1
Bapida, will take a consplcaoa* part in i dauchtor .he ha* m.
been stodpiof medicine under
ralue at 81. TK for l>4c.
four of whom bad nice farms'
the <-*rnlr^ of fun In Grand Rapid*.
rreatet ph,r»U-l*n» in Germany. I* preHoy«' Itouble br«Uatcd wool
aultk made of-fani'V Si-otch i-berparinc to return heme. «h* will laare
Ospober *w, *» eei-ort to the reliedLmlsneu county some y.
lot. regutar prii-e 82.*i for 81 S'*
pr«f>h«V All
Iloyi.’ Reefer wool >uiU made
to The member* are , cl
Imndon. learlag tbrr* for America
of eitrs fin* brotqh Tweed od:,v
Gmad Vap | 1» 'V*.hia*ton Territory In the lurnabout toe first of Noremher.
87 5M*. and many olhera rangii it
•___ _
.. ,a.]berbu*lae*s. Mri I’yeUe welphed bein price according to iiuallty,
"id* October Ml* fuU'racaUa »» ‘ke
from «-W to 81 7,11.
palace of toe temple. A larfe number ween 3U0 and 4'*. poonda.
1 Lot yoatb*' besrp wipier
Wife—-Doctor, can yon do anything for
of memberb froM thl* city are prepar
auita. aiu fmea age It to lU.
fi. J. Morgan will buy b'.lpoo boaheU
my huahaadr'
ing to attend and a meeting pf Tra*JUHXOB LSAOTTS PB08HAK.
worth *4 00 for fS to.
iKKtor—-Whatceemsto be to* troable?"
1 I^l Toutoa' beery wialer
«ra* City LcdK*. No TJ. K. of F. will
—tVorrriag abont moorr "
aalla. inaicU and Cbeck* up to
be OiTSB
b* bald touerruiag l2> oomplete ar- piaasant Sotertaioraeni
Tb* Detroit Hoaae of CorreeUoa will
■•Uh. I can reUeee him of that all righv^
date. worUi *i TS for 84 »">
raoelre a cari.iad'of fine potatoea from
raanunenu Air^ambeia ar* nrged
la Waet Bid* Obnpel.
I ixil rnotha’ Black worsted
salt* lu ra'lse.1 cbei-kt np to dale.
Tb* Junior Lmeue of the Second M. here, ahtpped by Malcolm Wlnaia
Never mind the^octor. Try Millikea.
. „gl»e an enfertolnmenl
Tne City BookAtre oow lilumlnatm
A ebureh will
1 I
He sells Dry Goods.' He can relieve
lo toa West Side cbapel tbi* ereniag. | lu dieplay window* with h row of
larked oal by.oempeGtk
at 7:30 p. m A good protrram baa been ] ioeaBdeoeeat llghto aronad saeb wlaanyone of that kind of tronble, asd
mryain for.toW oor prt
FarBars’ iMtltat* Will b> H*ld 1
Admlmiou. looanla: mem-idow.
have something to show for it,
I liot Men's Raw wontodauiU
ThM City Bweember 18 aad 17.
beraof toe league. S oaata.
John Bolmee, wbo waa amated some
too. after being relieved. Office bonrsgood weight well worth M-fn for
The datm for to* farsna' laalitotoi j
Ume ago for aelliag llqnor from a bodl
frpm 7 a- m to 6 p. m. Wednesdays,
la thta bwjUoo of tba atate haue been ;
at Sortoport. wa* trled at Lalaad jaaBKV. HOBTHBVP HOHOBXD.
Tuesdays and Saturdays, evening also.
m s
a«*d a* foHpw*;
taiday aad ooarlctod.
Bmaia. at PraakforU Daoember
Hodamtor at Baptist itlalaThe K aaenraloo to Detroit. rU the
Eclectic School.
and 18: Qraad Trareiae. at Trarara*
Here ia where we make to* *oM. A.\. K..,wmiear*her«aiy:SS this
a la Bap Olty.
caUed cheap store* wonder
<Xty. Dwmmbw- 18 and IT; Esmav at
Our $2.59 All Wool Blankets are
Day City. Oct. IV.-Tbe Mtcbigaa moralag. Many ara.prepariag to take
where we bought 'em.
Petoahep. December 17 and IS: CharleadraBtoge of toe low rate,
helping a good aiany.
Boys' good Ubtor. Jut toe
uol*. Dee*mberW aad tl: Aatrim. at
gneea City Camp, No. STS. Royal
w e-eloek Ibta ic
thing forsehool. worth «3.to for
Oaatral Lah*. Deoembm- *l *Bd «;
s pna-! Neighbor* of Antorim. will t
81 M.
Rer. G. K. Norlhrap of Traeatae.i night la Montagae Ball.
M: Kalkaska, at Sooth Itoardman, Dafca-; are reqeceted to be p
oamber l.t aad 18.
Uoya’ Bine B««far Jacket*,
Mman. BeidA-BeaUp. who repradouble breaetod, wory> 84.ou for
aeat toe Chicago Cettage Ffatoo Ca.
baee lea*ed the Bartok atore. on South
’^Mu'B good hmrr arerooat*
UalPB atoeet. whara thap wlU dUplap a
amde of d^ark Gray Fraiae. worth
X*„. ftaanlltlm Balagllhlppad Out
84:uo for 81.W.
fall Itoe of their Instmmeau.
Ohle^ Xarfcat.
'Uj Veaeala.
Mea-a Hmry weight wool ClIlia Dr. J. B MarUn will go to I.e•ter* would b« a baigaln 8t 00
Parmer* amriirawa aad WUllamalaad Friday to glre aa eatortaiameat
barg barn plaatp of pototoB to aell bat
that eraalng andec toe anapicea of the
bnpv* hare beea naabl* tb get a taffi
Lealaaan oaaaty teaehem' aieoclatloa.
-Bad weather, and the children. Boys and
es number of mm to carry th* etock.
which moais there Pridap aad SatnrHmrr Weight Bmem
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. Wc
Tb* potatoee la that locality are all of
Orarooat worth 87.M te tt.to
r«iT fla* qnality aad yield heartlp.
have Better Value in this line than ever before.
Tba Bsaagotosat of tha Blgh aebool
Tb* etoam barg* AUoe M. OUl will
loDt ball taam b arruagtag far a «*•take tBaaoUtordeak load of lambar
tmt with th* Maabtae tana
(ram tmre ftir SltlaitooaB A Vmbraa
13th Btraot grouadn Batardap. n*
tu Obkago- The bold wlU eantoia
MaNbta* atoeaa b now a «araag affta- »>»*aiB.rtto«i4B1h. T>a*mOMy.
•boat 10.008 baehate af poSfttoaa lakaa
Tte Sik Uitt beau iH Silas.
—-,------- -------
Equal to the Emergency.
■at T II’ ud B«rs OTCKMi
ttd UlsUr DipirtMl
■M to tok« Isto U« aUk tiwlntH tborowaaeadi an «
mlooaldD't tdlberof
AbMl UWy pMfd« w«B potoooed fcy a
«i^idt were, and wl
(MPf »Uk •» Act Arbor. HtohlfAD.
TmAVXRBE cmr. , mcHiaAH JoW IB. Tho BymplomB woro oowo
—Im. la Um atoiCTeb. foUewod by dy»otm, »
'bon 1 weo a boy”~
aacoof CT alboBlBOid poteoa kaowB a*
"Ob. that doen'c natto. I aappeda
Cm. T. Bat« act J. W. BAnn. tyroMBlooB. TbacCT. Uwaafoaod. bad
dona 'oDOMiblap wnnp doee
bMB len .taadloy uawaahod la the
t. W. dABMH. Bdikv ud lUaMw. •aa tor four daya. aad tbaa Ulod witb- then. •
■*Br—rue ntoetiiDM b«) a bol a
«mt aoaldlBf- Thoro la a maa wUh hla
mllb boalaom rulaed dmply boeanao he!
tJkoufbV BO doabt, ibal U did b(A pay
to ba poBUd OB tbo actaaUfte aldo of
Um niUk baalBoaa If My obo bad Bbt really a faettiap taan."
It I'd tod ber of that ooop on Tallow
talkod to hla ob Uw daafer of tyroVuriooB Tcry llkoly bo wonld bare Oriigaa. it might bare got touid to tba
•Tboory."- gotenrw. yoo we. ,
"Ob. ttol. Uat ito't eaiy non
Board-o Daliy»aa.
’ttoDetiBiea wbeo I waaatOatfotd
s=^.x-=r'. ■ ■ ■ - ■ -.i
puLuiw IS pap.
board of aoporrlooto bare takoa hold of
propMlUoa to buUd a eooBty eoort
ioBae la rraiHylaf. The moaibora ar«
trantlrally a bbU 1b tbo aoBtlaMOl farMfa» the projwt. Tho--------- .i—.v..
It al^v bo adrlwblo to ibo diy to cob
to with tbo board npoa the qoootloB of
tho wladOBi of buUdla* a eouaty bulldtlf BAd city ball taffotbor will r
•OM eoaaldcralloa. Thoro aro . ..
fa taror of tbU Idoa. bat la ordar to
«airy It out
,M0 of a porUoa of tbo oouBty r««uda.
whleb wodW rwjolro M act o'
ordor to aalal
CoBadataa wct ooatrul portloo of
tbo oily. Tbo proaoot proBoda aro oatitoly oaftod to a oouBty buHdlap, bot
aro too raoMto from tbo eaalral part of
‘ tbocitytoOQB*aolBBootocUy<«ooa.
Oiald tbo proaoBlproporty of Iboooou^ bo aoM at a roaaoBablo flrsro, aad
•Bltablo laad procured la a
tral locatloB. Iboa It mipbt ba adrtuWo to tho dti aad ombIj- to jola Id
tbo oBtabllabMDt of t huimiap
MBoaiato with tbo Doedaof boib dty
la tbo death at Admiral Joka
WotdoB. boro of the Moaltor. wbksb
Marited aa»to>eb Ib DMdera ural warto« la tto sacafatoeBt wlU the Meri■ao. tbo eoaatry loooo oae of lu Dotod
abaraetoo Ib btotory. By bU domloo a
AtUBg examplo of Amori«aD beroiam
aad brarery U romorod aad om whleb
bo ebertabod In tl(0 Btemoy
at a' llberty-torioc poople.
'Boa, ttiii.iAM jKBBiBot BavAB baa
CTpr^d bU Arm bollof la a detory
to Beary Goorpe la the B»ayoraliy
•OBtost iB Oreator J<ew York. Lot'k
BOB. did aot Mr. Bryan oomotloe iaot
fall, mako aaotber prodlcUim that wao
•ot caaeUy fol&llod? But perbaya ho
to hotter pooled ea poUUoal propbealoo
■ow tbaa hr wao thoa. on aecooBt of
kla exparlaaoo.
OaU tor Tour Pretaluma
Trcaaurer Monroe U a
pay prcmlnmt awarded et the
etaadTrareraeoenaty fair. Thaw
ttUed to do ae wUl pleaoc call at Judpe
Mooroa'a of^ee. In the oopety baildlap
Mtd pet their meaey.
A Bamlan Jooraal that baa taeaatly I
eome undw oar notice AU» ntMBttoo to
Ue.tact that for Kune jR yaara peat the
iBhehttante <d a malarial loeaUty in
Ue portoniPMit <sS Kbarkor bare nmd
powdered «nba wiU great enacem in
tbe cam ct ferrru. Tbe powder ia yrepared in the foUewtop way: Idea erabe
ate pcmrrd orrr wiU the ordlnair
arlUUy until they get aalrep They are
then pat cm a breed pan in a bot oran.
thoTJOpfaiy dried and imireriaed aad
Ue powder paewd tfaroupb a fine etera.
(hie d>wi.a taaapnemfu], i> gmerally,
enfficimt to cure tbe intsmituot term, i
In verr otoiaate enwa a aeccaid doee la :
raquii^ Sat-b Awe ie UTariahly peie-;
ceded by a tflam of aloe brandy ni a |
pBrgadro. Tbo powdee la mad to that
lonlily in
aye Ue >>ca
to it—Now Yc»k Ltdper.
worn.—F. A. Sam.
Bara Bead It to gw
The flneat I ever w
Oreat Balaoe Qar XapCTt* Pawod qoile-.
"Did yoB ever nntire tbe queer, rotasot"—
ly ftcMBie blr. Chilkini alwjre makto
Druakf Ob. dear, not That wcold whet, hi* w ife rinjp. to tbe- bcitlcr?"
bare ebowB a great weakiteaB of ebar"Ytu. You MV. be Bftd U> be a moPbUCUo^o, pet. IB.tonuan bc-f»tv hr wrai to tbe KlunIt wami't worth while to mentiem dika
dled Boddealy of heart d
Chkopn JoactiaL
that night whan tbr other nteo pnt lua
t o’doek tbU Boralnp la hla
cent brown stoae boM OB Pralrio a««- te bed the wtoog end. with my boota on
Ue pillow. 1 wae only orrrvome wiU
aae aad Blpbtoaath otreet
« be caltlTatinc tfat
Ur tmoke and aanteaieai,
aantearai, yoo know. ; ■ ■
PalUaaa reUred laat eroaiap.
*1Weagoodbofl rmgbd."ebel^^i.
Uy la ordiaary boaltb. Md tbore
I laSleatloB of hla damiae or aey
1. Wcfl. Uiet'e nearly ea"
wmwem Anawwa.
rltiOB of UlDoeo. Will
at bU ofioe le tbr Wllman boildlnp up
Now. Jack!"
r y
to t'o'docb yeotorday aftorsooa. Mta
Bwear w^ or eo now and then. Foot
Wllmaa U In No* York.
la addiUoa to tba oer-fara for teuad
At tbo towu of WUman, whoro tbo ball and biUlarrie im Tory ttylng yOB trip Oct. tsu to mh tbo G. B. A J. Ry.
will pirc a ep^rial rx>-nTaicm to Uraad
pimt ab(^ are oiiaaled. netklap wao
Eapide I'riday. Oct. stub.
beard «f blB death until tbo newap
OD boat race day I
Uare Truroreo City 5;t5a. m. fare PJ.BO
■BOB bepaa to inquire about a mrelinp
•• (bdillac
7:411 ••
of the people on tbo aubjoet. tmmodv
Isn't that wirked enonitbP’
•• RoedCSty
»:tl " "
B:13 " "
1 U
Yr-fo. bat men all do it. Baabdafl.
_ HapMa
atolo proparatlbiio wore made to <
Howard City B;M
B:M " "
tbo ohopo aad to the proper oboere- when t»e dropped tbe big Hammer on b t! '• Howar^
...- «~od
Grand ^p.ds
Eapide ll:is
11:U n. m. Bej
anoo of Wllmaa'o ataerquiao. WhHo tot tbe oUot day aaid"luralnfr. Cpoclal wUI Irare UraoO Bap••Wbatl"
aermlBply la po^ health. Mr. Wllmaa
ide for Traretae
i»A boon eomplaialap for the laat three
G. LocawooD,
or four dayo of ibe bit apell aad baa
•Ob. Uat'e bow I alware ewcM-"
O. P. A144-91
hooa feollap rutbor uaeomtoUblo
‘Yoa teU awful—auUBten"
" Yen. Ual'smy formed wickedneea"
Laara to Daaca Oaiekty.
I aeared a aigh of relief Uat aba bad
TruTotao City. OeU IS. 18B7.
To Ue danctop public of Trareraa
BaU is Sh Karr'e Oburob la Kuako
City and vietoitT: Ono prirate leaaon
. pOB OioBbod toMbo OroanA
to daneisp ia worU four to Ue claea
MuakopoB. Oct. IB.-Tho Wll la 8t
Mayy't church tower buret from ito
MartiDck's )owelry etore.
' auKO you anew me.- Now, (ell me. i ■wwoc.
IroB oupport and fell craahlnp throuph I wciu'l be CTwe; really I won't."
’ •'fo old_ rora onl melhoda of taaebiup '
d hr me. bnt a method hy I
Brr floor* cf tbr otooplotblo moralmp.
"Bnt r»e kunwp you erer eiapo yoB
„ IrTbo church warder, tlrorpe Wynne,
ete a baby, more or
leea Yrm
You wete a ’'bleb I Will pnaraeloo all who Uka;
Arom me will leara from
watrtaplapto B o’clock maao whrn
includ- j
tho aceldoBt occurred. Ue otood uuder
I log Ue walu and two.*top. at each lew
eoa. and
the bell on tho oame Boor, but otoppod
... leara Uem p^eetly. er 1
aaida iu time to oroM belap atruek.
"Dear old Jack! U Uat really tltte?' Giremaatriel. Lseeoai --------"
About »<» pMple were eaterlap tho
Very Bcapeotfully.
"Trae at goipel. little oae."
choreh wbra tbo pondorouo piece of
As a mstiet ^ fart it w
breaa waa toklap lU downward fllpbt
"Now I'aaoontrbeed c
aad If it ^ net lodped on tho aeeoad •entrcL
floor there oerUlaly would bare bera
•No. yop heten'i. Tbei
J. W. BUter. Ue Bobm Fantohor.;
oeroral falallUea The hell and it» lu
Oak 1*0010X0^ Hrattog btore.
I twiddled my mustache BDaMily. 1 SelleUe
welpbrd 8.100 pouada
naruBlee bemd with errry stove. '
tbougbt there was. ^
About »1SS dastape. reaalted t
"Did. yon Owt WIU fblly Orabam
tort Ubrimuasr'
0«t your Oyatvra from kicLellea A
1 knew that was Maalng.
lU^Ihry^frveb from Baltimora.
lt>to aU right.-F. G. Doaran.
rs‘‘JBraa'' twoyearean-...—,
loptbar.—Vktob itotaai ix.
Evaau Hooa. 1
'iS sz
^rrrtw'd beard me'^HktotVat cabby
I drm'l know—I almcot tblDk—J
obonld iiko ycij tiriirr—if 1 ptodbly
bould like yon briirr. Jerk. d««r—if—if
—yoo wm JUKI a liUlr—erar aoeh ■
tiny bK—wkkid."
.1 lifted n-y «7< brow* la mild aoton
lM>r.» i:t I h»l an iilra ibst 1 wai uM
ekftlr wicked. ikK dcoprretely «t rlriotuly vickrd. yon kaour. bai jnM
aboet wicked rcooph.
“ Weald yon like me to pedam poaay,
oteal Anal Jaae'e knit ting, or pat
in the porarDor'a pipe.
naeh tbe matrr’e—no. 'poo my word,
eta. I won't do nayUiDg to tbe drar Ut
ile matn."
Don't be~K> abaord.''aaid 8be oranaly ("Sbe" wlU a big a -U.yoa
'■You don't look ptetty vbeo yon
makr faoea Cla"
•■You Mid yewarday UatleMlda't
-------- ATTBE--------
New Shoe Store
No. 135 Front Strwt
TSUS “WTSIE3KIn paliB Laaiea Shoea. w
Baby Shoes a .
Mea'B Oil Graia Sboea at
Mea'B Beat Kip Boota at
gl.W). LSS, l.SO al
Rnbberaofall kUda. No. 1. (no oM atock) at loweat petoaa
Jaat rvcelred, a tall Hae of Vto
wbick I will offer at Bock Bottom P
The Ncyy Shoe Store
' 138 Front Street. Traverae Qty.
C o. HNITB. Propr.
J. W. Blatar. Ue Bouee Funitober.
wru. Docning tc
Sells the htaedard bewinp Mecktoe. a
"Nc*t oa boxing day?'
>t claw maebt >. to a UtUe moacy.
"I don't naiember."
"Wbea you
u walked
heme tom ikaV
lag WiU her?"
Oyatara direct from Baltimore alway
You were eo tnkan op wUb Uat fool OB band. MchellMAAU. iC-tf
"You dldbt aU me to akn*e wiU
^Yoa alwaya had half a damm MlowB round yoo."
r't belptt" J gnawed my
Waa Xitetod by Dr. 1
Aa appraclatlra audlaaea eompei
of Bome of ear beat eitlMBO. waa
Stainherp'o Qrand laat eroBlnp to hear
Here, agalu, tbera wae an I
OmplUl, eiOO.OOO ^
interraL '
tba aaeoBd laetura la tbo eoarue by Dr.
Tbe Boeton Store will meat yoarpoekatbook.
Ntm .tamt Poll. Gr.bur- ri.
Bcardoley. The onbioel.
'Please irll me. 1 won’t ba
l>lpaoUoB." oidlaarily one that wonld
eroU- And—and-1 do want to know. ” ,
WISE OB UNWISE. UeHaatoaStoradaaleoBteqnalvalneatoaU. to .
Mem of lUUo latercet to mlaeellaiteoni
! OFFICRBS-I’erry JiMaab, PreaWant; >
,1..^waa treated la oneh m oripS
CUSTOMER OB STBANUBR. akUe Boaten Stotn Ubra la only f
'Yoa kigeed berr*
j a. Tracy Lay. let Vice PreaMeat: Ji
• iMl and faoelaaUBp muaor that he
to OM prtoo to all.
Horgna, tad Vice Prealdrnt; J. T.
bald tbo cloeeet aiteatioa of bio oadlUP OB DOWV. at UeBoatoa Store pilem are alwaya Ue loraat.
aab. CMbler; Samael Uartoad. Awitf
OBOe for oae boar and a half. Hi
PBOL'O OB HUMBLE, at Ue Boatoa Store Ue maMOonrta^ and: to
[^.■r—didn't want ta*
abewrd how tbo body li Bonritbod by jUea.
impartially ahowatoaayooa.
Vbr did yon do iff"
D1RECT0E8—Parry Hsuaah. A. Tracy
"Oh. Oackl"
tbe food wo eat. Tho woodorfal eoaaid 1 did."
•■1 haren't eai
There were ezplaaatiaaa bare wUob
Lay. Jamea MorgM. J. T. Uanaab.
Tbe alipbtaat deviation from Uoaa coat-linnrnlea. kindly r^ort at to
tonctlgn ^ the otomaoh. How tbr
“1 know yoo dijl.
do not affect tbe arpament
Kamnel Garland.
ram drfokore and dyeprptie’e t------ S Ue office of the Boaton Store.
Oh. I did. tbei
UetHnofwHtod•ra alike laflamod. Tbo relatire Tolnr
"Yon are ankiod—horrid. I bate
In Ua meantime do not forget to aak for oar .
M.*’ aaid abr.
«t food. Bread (not doophl the atoff
I'won'tbe rngagecl to you. aad
•‘ita'I kiwinp wfekedT'
Matter to Ue Trnveraa aiy Htota Uaak.
"Of oQurw not. wbeu peep)* •» MrTbes the doctor pare a practieal loo- gaped. Don’t. Jerk.”
YVaeame (Sty Mlob.
■OB in cookibp B dlBBor. on the otape:
"Well, wbet't ilM partkoUr orlm
"Bot Ida very much." ,
nleo told bow tea and euSeo abonld bo yoa admire. Cia?" 1 ii^nired cbrerfnl
"I'm glact-gtod-glad. Nowyra’U
Alao oar No. X»l. a fine Wool Cbakmara, faU gweap. donWa boa «
Mds 00 aa Dot to be tajurioua. At tbr ly. "Idaremyl'rreotuioiUediltotba
odurae of a long and aril Ufa "
^ plAIled Oapa. velvet eollar, lor 84. Meloae ho inrlted the audioaee to <
" You know Idoa't nraan real wickedUe dlCTor. whleb woe proaeaDO
.... .—M.9 I
mm Uai ia wickedncea I'm qaiu aata _
Uat yoB woBlda'l ----- —----------- Joery. ao 1 picked bar dgkl nptony
Tkh eraalap tbo oobjeet of the doe- torn, dear''
"It was only one. Cta"
tor*o leetnra wlU he ‘ The Bamaa Eye,
I wwn't ao eora. bat I waa etoar
••to that troef"
Cbtarrh, b'oae end Tbroat" aad how
eem^b Uat 1 aboalda't tell bar of it
"Afaaolaiely." Of eonraa it wai
raltlrate, Improre aad preeer^e the
"And yoa nevar will again?"
anUM la baaltb. Thb lactore la aald wlobedncam raally, only—ar—yon
"Neui." Of conme Ididn't i
Be ba OBO of Ue beet, rad Uoroupbly
"Yon are alwaya ■triktngly iBatd." forfeito or anyUing of Uat wit.
lUatontod by la^ modeU ot tbr bead I obrerred
"And don't want to?"
aOl OST a>0 SOLO.
"Not a bit"
"Yoo aM alwaya teMlagme."
C>lT«avaU|ta^^^rK*Ss|^- tomewtr
Aa a prelode Ue doctor will eaplala
"Than I Ihiuk—I will be—aag
‘'It tbai wiekednew whiob^ to cr
^t appoBdlelUe. One of Ue many which ieti'iP’
MwMpUwB rlewe ehowa will ba Ue
"I'm not going to dtoeom frivdBtoai
Hp»t»top Anrtap a Uander eterm. Al- air. Yon know what ImeoB."
"Dm banged if i dor'
"Well, I mean—people aay—that a
"1 don't want yon to ba artoked.
oaght not to be—Uat to—I know
ObaBOe tor a 'rortoae.
Molly. Jack."
Tba Oalled Statea poet ofBoe dqmrtUe price on 2368 Pain of Audi
ototolk abont tt
araJetog li _
Bs* parr
Uat U elmple. dtprable. ebeap and
‘•Bat Idnt tike U I
improremeat oa Ue awkward atampe
"Well.yoo meM Uat Udoeontto
Md bammen bow naed Is amall offloea manly for a man to be wo good i
Bore U a ebanee to Tmrane dty paper, to Uat It. OUr
ahreoe^ It
pmilBi to aaeertiuelf. L’atn Jas. J,
ineboB apart, it wonld nejutra 9H daja
"Dptn my word V
from 10 to 50 per eemt. Spa^
I'm no*."
4BBM, worktop modelaof aacb derlera
"Ah." mid abe toamebaatly.
nl- to them ^ paw a pivm patok
Imw Prioaa arc foaad on Barrow arUttn
arm be raoelred by Ue eommlltoa on
laptoiertoUy i»noenara(
and amall alam ia ladim' and ganttoetamp derlcae la Wsebiaptoa. aad tram --------- - -MbalMahadoecD'tDMr^,
Umo oaf will be aeleetod.
«Kt)."vtaB»Awt«yon donaf 1 abaU Bc-lt aeams to me UainbaAfn)
lovar to abont tbo most pltifnl ottfeet
Baagar I# TyrotoiAm
The Boeton Store con ecpyly your WCTla.
STATE BANK. I I^ich. or poor!
— —.
Ladies’Mackintoshes it $1.95
I Qlau Block.
Traverse CHy, Mich. |
We Have Reduced
Pjiems Smith
Nigh Grade Feotvear
■AaadtomahnnwtM Mtoote. bal ganraa.
On* of th« Point* That Ha* Com*
Up in Ut* Campaign in
Or*at*r N*w York.
WMWmioB. Oft. 1*.-Thc «Ule *••
bw refuiirt tb. tr^juot of tb*
M«Xk«n fuv«ram»Bl tot m* mrt»i>4«
lo II undtT the »»ir»di«t.B inroiyof Jf.uj
•OutrtB. who »w. «er ot
II«teuDlB l£ Ibr (TirlMBird Uoisa raid Ir.U
Uuko !• lM.<nibcr. iiK. Ourrra war
miTtOB or A OITT CLECnOB. Z.'i :K.r,‘«',r r.
According to th* Opinion Hf th«
Man-Who Built th* Cor.
man Empir*.
Ooarwd aad MarriMl a T«ai*a Wpawta.
“How Ought W« to U%a, Etc.”
Sirifun Rod PortorhoM* Steak,
10 tod ISc per poood.
Roood Steak...........................10
SlbaPortqbofM................ .35
Steinberg's Grand Opera Hoese rhveaed
Poultry........... 6 and .00
EgjjK, twadcoeo for............. X
Fine Aj^dc* 16 to 20c peck.
B. F. Bosi^m
te lb* propoalllun lhal local tw
. -te paramuum In lh« clir <
while the liepubllran orgahi
aiMB that Ih* Dghl be mad* ui
Xjoula plBifiimi uf the tarty, a
dh'of that
> Ihr flnanc lal planh'of
Th* dec Urallon in the l«w pUtlorm
•that pro|M r compeniBl Ion be exacted frr
. . ranchlaea
.. rhlaea grantedgranl*d-oucb
a* for xtte*:
taHway*—I* but line ut aevrral attempt*
hy men. who are fnr the meat part Itepubiiewna In s-tiwldriitlal year*, lo have
the campaign fought on local tines TJ
free sllverllr* atnong the TVmorra:
. have from ibe uuliv-i been aggrewavi- .
tavuring the exiilultlnx nf their Iheorle*
of flnanee In thr c-liy ’-anvata. but lb«
are In the mlrtt-Hty. and were eomplei
ly overruled In Ihr Tammany or regular
Democratic convention, and had
conalderallon In
ri>ur>-n> -<
Tliama* Jefferwin parly, which n,a9e
Reary G*orgr ll* (landard-liearer.
Dem.ee.>» Ailaek Urn KieW law.
tally Ignorln*
r work on “Ihi fubieci
the exrh* law. even-elevati-d and *lrr
tallwar car* being pldcarded with qu
rtta ar in the Jufilce of a Uw which I
riee a taw upon lh« larger rlllce, ■
tinn of ihe p
ed* Teing baeinw-ed. u|ma
tha cnunlry
Irirte ThIa queellnn ->f
Ih* exHee ll
er atm*—and ru
orattv—Into Ihr ebvtlxp r>f rremhet*
In a total meml.
rhnaen In the-yirealer N*'w Turk ttjrl
tory The fAeci of thU—a aiate ia*u* 1
the ma1n' l*ll>e1v to he felt In the Vot
tor om«rrv of the rtty."
For Friday and
' Saturday....
ICO ar.d aliaihod and iA.|>tut«l a hi' x
at eh* r-atldt^huMda* harlne
d*i.-d fur murdrr. t. hbery and fcidaapu',:.
The inurtlrr «a» bared ut»i. th* klUliit
of aoldlMw In the raid, the lublwry upun*
I the rai'lure ut lavalry buieriv. and the i
Ha.aaa he..|MprT Vtewv •Mhe e •hoa |
I feldnarinc wa« liaewd on the laplure ol j
Wlaatloa- tWhaaB Hay Wat
Althuuah thire had beet.)
at M. LaUla
aiitni- few ln»tBi.«w during the raid t f
Ib rliii. Ocu It-The NruAlt Narh*
private r>4)U-r> It wa» not ahuwn that
rh hM-nl of Lelpalc. publlahe* a Wpori .1
Ourrra wa* runerrseil In thmu
New york munk-tiial Aam^kcn M
Hr wa* arretted and lutnmltted ln|_ u-menallon
which PrUKw Hi—
Texae fur extraditinn. but Ma rvDlwel u aaid
«OBrat ot an tnicrvtrw with Murat
hat e bad with a recenl vlailut
a writ of ha><eai varfu* and the| aurlaa
Med, poUiahed raeltnlay. Thia la ihSt { eutd
e tourer |it which the ex-chan- rriun Baku. uO the weal
CBH'lan wea a rente»_of ihe great ull
rtded that be rouM nut he eui-l
9C-extent Ihr laaue If whether thera
Ifur ,If quoted a* *a> lng' that the Mon
producing region In Buropran Huerda.
I-ring really pnll
a-ard» Ihr n-»l of Ihe world
aia appeali-0 t.r ih* rnlted Fiiie*
▼Idea Damorrsia and Republlranf alike
Which drlded that the low- Vlutenre lo the other Alii<-ruan a..d ,j,rtngi
—Uh laner. perhaps, mure Miarpir than
no JurHIitk.r In ll* inter. I Rurupean elates with Amcri- ao Inter-; valley >
the (oraor-aa to bulb natlml andftata fcrenc* with ihe committing maxl.ltaie.' eels- ll Would be armlugous the prm. -r j are enormoua
MBuea Th* alpmgth of the Lrw In■tfed Itf holding. Thie brought U aald Ho have add.-d. If Kiuerta and burning.
Four apringa
■oTrf'aa ■
at last to ihc flair deparlrpenr.
dlatllow frunilrrl three burr bulea have been dewlroyed.
M*r Attf KI>4R»>
Fort Ualnea. Ga.. tVt
thrlelag town of X.HV Uihahliaata baa yuM
A Owaa of Piea
relrlirated tla flrat mtrrlagt In erven
)-ear*. .The bride waa Htaa Pearl Brown
and the groom Joseph Culpcppn. Tba
fail 'that the yuung pro|de of the vllUav ahotrtd nu leodi-nr)- l« wed baa BtmeUee. amaidtir.
been the BDune of much uoeaMneaa for
y(ar»..and' when Mr. Culpriiper began
courttng Mlaa Brown the entire tuwa
of Bartford, Cooa.. bevtnaiac
wa* In a stale of fearful Mapenac.
At ta*t lb* engugeuent wai
Duuneed. and when the oAarrUge
plait- rvety alurr In the ntllagr rluaed
Monday Kveolng. Oct, IB.
U> die^ra and alm>«t the entire ynpulathronged the ehureh to wllneea the
wedmng. Ro p.:|.«lar> Mr. Culpepper,
Uh BtvoUU
. . -................
Crf hi*
r'p. that he will be
Moodae. e Ipior,
" ' ‘ fur
‘ the mayorally of Port; Htart. Ulood and Laafa.'
Tuaaday seeBiDg. Oct. tl»~
------------------------------- --Dir«otloa.“
TeRfW* Cwl oil rtre ta Ra*
fall to ariW yoafaelTCB ot thaaa
Friday eeeBlag. Oct »—“The Ho-
pnwera m
In Aria-I.u«la and tlreai
i«Btfd the right
me pUlltH
Wl Ma.wa
alatua withemioui »lie,, ,v.l~ - OIU, o, n.— w.
- >
cent. ConUBUlng. Prioev llifmarrk 1* i tloo* beiweyB-rtie t'anadlan railway and ' DaMliH 1
reported tu have fyenarked. "Thclr'grcat I canal ccunmiilc* and the Orrmat. i-bam. r *»vwwa«* j
Awteettwwfia ta* Part* Kapmdihm, •
meallh. due in
In llw
Ihe mil of Anu-Hca. ha* Ii berw
her* uf
of .r-oiim*rce
. .....
and the Umber flTTna I _
Waahlngtwi. Ort. l» -Con*u1 Rcnag- led the American Icglflamr. to .rvee-ev-] with a^il/w of Importing lumber from
an at Cbemnlls Oennany. in a rejitirt! Gmale their own righu and uDder-r>il. ' Canada. Instead of the t nlled Slates,
to rhe flat* driwrtment urge* Americana ! mate Ihe right* of the other Amcnran ' The i«aper suggrsU lhal German caprefforl rouilble lb an-ure a < and Uie Kur»p.-ai> stapes" ,
j lal might la- Ititn-dur.-d Inin the CaMavwaa NewepaperWi^lM,^—.
[ itadlan Umber trade and the fouDdaUon
good exhibit at Ihe I'art* ex|v«m>m In |
IMO. He ihuw* what Oerinany 1* doing
Havana. 0.-t, 1* -Among OK'new^.] laid lhal wnuld lead up to an Mtual
In Ihl* dlrecAinn. arid uy* that Oertrtan per* here there ■■ cvoMderable Merc^.-s treaty.
manufaclur-m an d-lermlr ed lo have , „r .naninn a* to the policy whl, lf.aJ»auld |
gw. Uem l—it m Wlw*«.t. h. A
the heat exhlHI (here. a. they had al be adepu-d by Spain laward. thiba. Th* J
vi-indwir N " '* *'
Chicago In UOL He i^y* rin- American* Uiario de la Marina In sn,edii«rlal
: Patrick Kelley
who have l.een lo I,.-i|-lc ;.r
c !~lli )• .
cmiplr, have b<
have g.>ne luick dn«pi>- ibj.-.! j
their hnuju'. V
altouing made by Ihe rnlt--d
lhal Ihe auinnoml"! {•nhe) favored hy
Runday-a fire.
Heiw'Sagaau was what the am«noMeat of he people burned out efoarad
mlala th (hiba bad been adviawilng tor with IlUIr Wearing appsrrl. Conarrta*
Indlarapolla. Oct, 1» -The ronventlcg ,
yearsahd Ihcrelcrv Ihe
live eatlrnaiee pUre Ihe Inaurance at
Of the Foreign Chri.tUn MladoMO'
' pr,„ter.n.u1d not be credurt with h-v,
clety wa* addrvMed yeeterday atlem.-oo '
-nauguraled 11
Ai the mm* Mm* ISkl.riO- rnl more than » «vnt. nf the
|n». which would make the lailer It..
by yr C. IWy^. of Pennri IvarUs; f *: ;
,bat Senoc Ha«a>ia
Newman, of ivtmi. and M It IJeyd..d!
really -.lily fnllowlng the.’ |~ll.y
KenturHty Al-Ut tw ^ple were p,^ »
Oea Harm Gl««w Blmw-lf Tp.
La.l night about S.fdi. atlended Thhnd that the tMfn. Ihemf.-r,
Mount Vernon. Ills. Ot. 1»-— Or*
were more Indebted io Caallllu Umi. Sa- Havin, former chief clerk of the south'
Angola. Itid . and H. W Kvere.t;
llllnola jM-pItenllaty at Cbealer.
Moltie*. la The converiicn is Ibe lata
whercahoula have been unfcnowra
H ay Iw tawka View* It.
eat hi Ibe hhtrtry of the eocleiy.
1.B Lurhs In ah ediiorUt hr-ad.-d “Aii> Bluer the dlscovto nt a ahortage In bis
Wa^a ih.ll> fhi airle Cake.
i tniwiii) f<ir the Aulumimlat*. ' claima art-ounis apiwared here sudd-rr.ly, met
Mi Parlard, of Randolph coun
lymdnr.ti-l 1»-Tl Dally Teiegtai*e1hai ffo parly had riKUe right <n inaugui<g>ulln<‘d n-A'urate autoanmy than Ihe auli-non rat* ^ ty. by appolntirenl. arwl gave tvmd for
:hla m.'cnlr-g gl.-m 4
n of Ihc
iiaelves La I.ut ha li^Klsta that th* hla apiwsranie
nrby. 1
' Inyal1 SUlonomUl*
rirculaiioti by The Daily Oiioniclr «h
•lone have ihUbonnr.adding:
T.,ord Sallidiurv c>.r|emr<aiefl reUremr
frowi the preml-trwhip and the Unwlgo <
fit*; It may*' 'I.E<rd Rallsl-ury la atror. .
er and frollng Iwiter than for. many aenapvea The latyr
Romervllle. tjilriy mile* potth -of tbt*
year*, whil.
HalUI-ury haa almoal Weallh-cf the country nu.re man inplace »latf thal.tw^ negroe* nainrd
ritmpbHelv eeci.v.ted‘her health
‘r*pre«rni |..lltl<al i«rty. and ihev «l
Penn and Haaleion -were lyp. hed Pu.>■
Ihe wjvirilgnty of Rpaln. wi
The men were a.-cured «<
«ahwMBrr«.|tae.. 11—4 Mights Walk.
Kuanlidt govwntTT.t In evyi
arw.c at d had h»cr a meted hy the aberKriiki.k.la.. Del. 1* .-John Harris rl.ol i way m
. pacify
.____, ...
Island ahd ared-slri 1
and law 'Vhllc relurhlhg with their
Hied George
.ii.Irrllv Mllefl
G.iirge ‘Kebr.
‘Kebo U«l
Uv| i< of enahUnx
enaMinx the governmwnt at Madrid .. ,.rtwjnei
id mnh <jverpow crcd Ihe
Jfarria- »on-lr;l*w. I.ul : pn-Halm -In th. .................. ............... _ . "f*
Us wife.
Kelv. I.r-.ke eignty nf R|alf. In Culo. d.vw nnl dei-iid
ard llal-ri. met him. nn hoym.el* alxi.c. but Uiair the HHi.Vtl
Keho tired: then llarrt* .hoi. killing hlrn S|mnl*h terid. nir nf r^iilui. wli..repree>ut
iHarllv Hnrel* gave hlm»lf up. Kelui ihr wcallb of lhal IsU^I " (
Oahkosh. Wia. Oct. I». ~ William
- an'..<t.|v^.,n>nVl>H ^
tawuaa III fcwawgh To Me t* Bed.
Payne, the^ n.-gro who killed HotcL
!»,- Bei...r RaeasiB. Ihe keeper'Beaitwh al Ft.nd du l.ar Sunday
Wmtwwn.Manlart-wHwlw inwariaa
ws» i-rougbt here Ia»t rvenlng
W. J.
Ghbago. Ort m. Sri rclary AlgeT^ rremb r,
n HciBldu. referring u. ihe depaitor* and pla.vti In thr Wlnnebagn county
dln-ci.d iMrrrJ liii»kr lhal a cum*
nilbuM.-r* fr-vn Nee Jail, tl wa* feared that n elfurl would
b.^ ho . rdi-r.d *ar the trial of fapY-u-k.
-^e Amerl.aD* c.niliiii> Ic Iw mttdc to lynrh hUn t
Pond du lac.
, -to prevent Ilielr defortute"
Mrs Langtry D-rwdhe Oeweefwl ThtaB.
Texaa c
samely. lhal ibc offenae wa* pt'l
and Ibcrefnr* lh«l Ou<-ttb shall n
•■rraodered._____________ _______
AdSsE i
R W. BAsnKOB la
Fire Insaj^nce.
Rubtwr Raclag Ihr CUpw-Caat k«r yewr
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Lederle's Tnl'K
The Enterprise Grocery
still doing business on
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the.city.
•k tw A.Mr... iMvmwmry Claim, an
Pri wau aa taler,lew la pmal.
New York. Oct. !».—The‘ cami-digtt
' conimlllec uf Ihr Jetreraun Democrat y
out. w.th s alatement that William
J. Uryan la In favor uf Henry George
for Ihr nr« ma><« of Grvaler Nrw
' Yortt- They bale their slaleiDciil upon
Bn Iniceyiew whl»h appeared In th*
Kvsnevlllc ilod.i Courier oa la-l (.and
which was only diB>.>vercd yrrierdsy.
On Oct. 7 Bryan deiuarvd an addma
lo Kvanaillle. and afterwsrda. he was
lolervlewed on Ihe ailualluo In New
Tork city. Acconllng to ih« pa|nr men
Uooed. this M one of Ihr queailun* aykrd
Furt Bhert*
1* ^THMtKW
to nr
BP A HOT TIMP.^ J-ondon. Oct. Ik-Mrs Lily langiry.
sod the ie|4y hr madri
death of fVtward Langtry.
"Dp yuu Ihlnk Henry Oeorga wlU be
sleeted mayur ot iMraler Nrw TArkf"
"1 Ihlnk hr ha* a aplcndldcbamwuf be.
RprIrglHd. HP.. (HI. Ik—A C^rtlnTtlic
Bt. T.ouls <n i IS Three fHiban i a. ,
lag the neat mayor of New York. Hr la
well known Mi the people qf New York
city.' The raaaara b.-llrvp la him and
wnlni Hccofncrralurtlanirmn. w-heni^^^ he ‘a*'f'««7"^rt.ysprocurt«|
L.-Hugh E, BAHey.
arlll eupport him at the poll.. I do nui
think nallunal’lanuea will cot much Agley hMl agi-eed lo take hack all the
Mtipping ammunlllon to the reU-lsJ
adlutant general und un- In Ihe New York H.. tlon "
I.ior O..D ae sMin as more men were Their w.uk le at last eompletcd. and
AllgeW. died al hla h..
No letter or t<-legram* have. b<wn re
. . d-d
. they leave today f«e Cuba. Goeoflbem yraierday
ceived fn>n> Rrran by any nf IhcMcnm
maosgera that would lend locorroiHirate*
,lbe alw'vr Blalemrnt. and no far a*
The pr.-i4dinl I a* appointed Cheeter !
",Texas |..ri tsa.uigt;
e!L twMtMoor bsara
known he ha* n..l Wn asked for hbi
W Mania. <1 Mlchigasri-naul ai Am-;*,J*"^*'*'*'
mi. * p « r^^lar: Pur lUlaaw-Falr. I
oplwhih on the alluailon h-re.
I putuls and aaddlety. iMcnd- d for thr Ijr,thrr'-wwitl.aarMelr wlndB-P»tr ICiiKiia-I
homiH-rg, 0"i.
he Yukon Hewe' Ip'^Dlcnl army. Two cxi^lilona <vm. ' y,ur sewtb**,: prubsMy U,r*etwlB* ta wcethxavlgatlvn u
I.icwh.dn bIv^I ’^ 'hg tbeM- BUPJUI.-# will aull tonight ' rra iurri-«: Mtlwwatorl' wtads POr U.»*e |
Y loaed h> a
blockade. Srv-.,^, ^
1^,, Ulwcn the city of i Mieh«an Pair -lath.r la -w.tb.oT.. csl |
ral vcwn-lr are frxw.-n ll
lam Jcfrnlng Krvan indicated hi. *np|i<>r
HagoaJ and Dort Galv.-si.h. and In Ue *b.« r. .a .Kwtbera i-;riioos ll*l.tj«ta^ |
Fire at New York wiped out the arv. '
of the George ■■•Set In thr GreaUr Ner
ea-.trry factory hulKUr.g al r» lo »l
Yorfc'r*mi**lgn. Ilr>-an wle«1 the follow
Spring -reel. !>».. MOO.OOO
trig lo Ibe Aamclali-d Ihea* U.r n*h
lock. T^r.t ulwi. agents ate „
I .h..warw la | orthrn. |.. "
Nial Ih.w'. fallicr died a
:• and hie Gol.iiirl
from Norfolk. Neb -| have not ex
Gc. la,- j.,hrMtun. ..I ih* MaBiprtr'm ____ .
prnaed any opinion In rygard lo ih
of Grnrial
ll.jl. ff. Colonri (WnenvU- f.lr waa'bert Iwa-P.ly hewl rtiow
-'Tfra York maytnalty camtaign and-In
^tduard lirliinn.urt. gntl v’ai>taln ll. A- ar»u. iberwrly nanlnr. wmiecly windSome enti rprtalrg ri-j«>rter Itaa dlriviv-t-.,,uiirl --d.ilm.u.i, wa> liiicriiol tare lo exprrw* any opinlnn ih re_1------erhd that General HarriwHi would like fi viewed bj a 'oporirr _
_____- ^
"-" ■
Bard 111 It."
uw ox.Serr.iary Trao elected nmyor uf.
jj.- waid
• Autonow'*' No. Noililng
^ .^T
Mawv Werairtg. ar Mew TmB.
Nrw Y-rk,
I but al.-itote fiwdimi
We iiave
FI"* Secdod—1 OOnk the f«or^
tiiw Yttk. <hH. la-Doaen. of'meelIKphlhera ha* broken uuj at Watlair. I men under arm* in tMIwi
Virtually have acaktx) lotiK itaoQgb IS tba a&Dlsit> were held la.l right m the boiouanr
Uhl... two famine* i-eing sRIlcted. Klghi (he whole inland exi'vpl Havana. Malan- iqillc cntupnuDd.
making up th< liew
N'w York.
with It. Go* drain
■-— ■■ down .....................................
“ tas aud t-h ufueg.w I* ni our lands. We.
Btoutid tjarond—I thiok la DM T««
Generol Trmy wa- lllf Piinrliai) speaker
ha* oeruered.
could take Havana liy meaii* of dyna- w-rt—- gh« cblOfMo of Ubm ute tha
al Ihe Clennom Aveoue rink. Hxioklyn.
A huml.r of the convirtt nuillnnd In mile, hot we would have to i»ollf> the Mrs7
The coru-iuding imIJit.. wa. d> llver<-d
Ihr Itlvrrvldi- |.ciilli'nilBr> at Plllat.urg,
by Rrnaivi John M Tlon.ion, uf
P«.. havr brt-n maiiularturtiig'cuunlrrbrarks
fell W-irni pircca.
TYtrr* waa a large and very enthaala*i|e
Rorgriui Genrrhl Newitm L. Bales, of
rrowd at a Jlenry OeoTge meeting wbirh
was brid at lh> Lexington Avenue 0(-era the navy, thr prcaldcnrs family {>hy<lclao.
tiled at Ihr Rhorvham
CreorB* made a spen-r. Intro
and Whi. b l.aa not yet been mfnUunrd Jatrn?”
yri.*rr9«»doctng ax-PoaimsMer Dayton, who wai
V*e pa«--rv. ItI wa* relirratrd Ithat:
“yaa IsHdtbo
Atfmlral John U Wordeik mind, died
cheered. Mayor Rlmng api.ke laei night
rum- Cuba would ai-cepi nolbing. hut al
••Exoril«L DJiaUweuarttbarotafy
Bl a Seth Low maat-mcrilng In thrMui•mandrd the Monitor during ita engage. lute freedi.m. ll la a waste nf'lmie
ray HIH lyoenm: Keih Li,w s|H>ke
the l ulled huies tu drat with Sg
______ KL One OKBDttil—dM yoB
meril with rh- Merrimac.
Maaontr lemplc. Hn.iklyn
••I think
Enterprise Grocery,
—Watch Repairing.
'■ «< i
—Front Street.
Jnu. R. Santo.
Sri^' ’eirkie Upw put e^
lDserTcb«.ruao<w>ea.»aeS....................... 1»
Other HwadrlMi la Proportloe. BnxMag at
aU klsd. prorapUy daoe. Palehhig T»*« by
Valcaolituoc olherrrier. I dc sot eat yew
Un- u> repair thcai. Hagkr Tube Week a
Ls tbe^liy. OIr*
Tx-a-u-si-o Oicsr,
eaOM THt tAgTcaa UARKert
.Also everyUiine in the line of
Perry DrImoni was Ihe prinrlpat
apeakrr at a Democrauc meeilnx'ln ti e
AcBdeny et-Mnsic. Hronklyn. The LUO
Haltltlora. Oct. U—The DcraocTi
city coinmlllea haa laaurd a .
tar the delegales to the retent <
' aaaamlile today and raaomlnal* all
Damorrstic lirkel. This extrsmdlnary
eourw* haa Iwen rendered nreemry hi
the fallura <.r Yhe chairman of th>
original conxenUon lo (vetlfy to Ihr
BtimlnBUon of th.in- lOAected al that
time. John P Qlltlnga. the rhalrman If
queatlon. neglecisd to corepiywllb Iht
pruylMon and sent lo the H<Mkr moun.
talas on s bunllng expedHIon Lelirr*
and trirgrarns havl
.ream I..................... ..
n no ri* I
WaablagtoB,' Oct Ik-The appolat.
MBt Is anamiBcad of Prad B. Thos
al BoeUnaxtar at Ruperinr. Wla
Thr Peruvian arnair haa paamd the
bill dmlaiirg non-Rn'mait ('slhollc marrlag... valid, arid prnvtdtng for a Civil
reglucr l.o .u.Hi marriagr*
Rwtl IVirr. left hla huma In the tiiwii
of RrnH-a. W.«i .xianty, Wla. at the
evening xf.Tuewiay. Hepl. tl. IW7. andl.a* n. I riacr h—r aceti or haard from.
a xw.mp n.,t nmre ihan 1» feet from th.
door of hi* bontf near 81. Croix lake.
Solon Spring*. tVla.
I.tghining rod agenu art working un
- Fall River
WI*.. by ■aititg that the governmesi dcmandr IlghinlDg r<ifla on bouee* lhal ar*
within certain dHianrea of other bund
Andre* ArndiaiiD.A II-yeAr-old boy in
Ihe employ of Ibe Sawyer A Austin
Lumlwr company at UaCruwe. Wta..
rrai employed near the •lal- chain and
hi* foot IncaiiM caught lo It He wa*
A Bsrrievrid (Wlal eow drew the rope
with wJU^ she vaa atadted oat through
a |i(l* of burning ruUilth and then xrrmi
through a barn, tialling the buraUuf
rope, causing a bias* which was pM
out wlib difltcuay.
What we waiil
th* t'ntled Sutes I*
Ibe granting of l-lUgef-nt rights.
"With that In lea* than seventy-two
hour* a-e would have out of varioua
poru uf the mited Stale* forty-two
veaarela flying the Ccilain flag. Hefore
the Affirrlcan congreaa meet* again
event* that we hope irtU
Ordsr* by Tbone given quick at
the .
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ^
I also pat tha be* vats
boolea «B the puriaUo fnnaco and art
tha nnatard plasis whego it wosld tarrh Medletee usmI bv Vapor Iwhalatinw. 8. £. WAIT. Draggtet.
••Iban I think xra ai» aD wady.
••X think an. Mtwsieari. in are qnlta
nady.”-^43aTelaDd Plain Dualtg
Misses’ Lace iir Bunon,
ChoooUte or Oxblood Sboea. aise* lYto 2. every pair warraatad
aoUd. ft* «So pair, al A. & FBYMASti. S14 Bbal tool Btroob
-a ofrihe c<
weal are about lo
wni ahoHly aiUik
illrd. We a
[I ahow congre*. that wr r
t ahown 11 hithertoWith bclllgrrml right*
r bland will
Im free before Dec. *1
Wllhuut recognlrion we aball
free Iwtore March of next year.'
Goods pfomptly delivered.
Oil for laying dtwt on track ballasted
xrith giBtal and cinder* te bning oaed
on the Wrst 3mej uM Seasboto rail,
road. Ml. J. U. Kicbote. Baateianl nn! gloesr. informi na that thU plan haa
i they a» *ly waits* th* canptetiai at
lacarlordlsnlboliiig the oil tMebanieI ally to cover all dnsty plana on tb«
' CaavIM wl W^Maai a H.
I nad. At Ibe {gtaeat time than ar*
Kansas aiy. -Mo.. Ocr. II r-Caabl«r aboot {o«r mllte of track ao Created.
Geotg* A- Taylor, of th* Argentine
n>e tails aia krpi clean by means at a
bank, which failed, last year ow
Shield. The resolt obtaloed U a oeatbouaaoAi of deUara lo depoallora. i
plete freedom flam dost at polntewbiab
eohvictod te the ertmlaal'ooiirt In
tamerty the oast du^CMthadlgeoUnc. Kaa, yeaierday of artaeklag
If You Have Logs lo Sell .tTrlfe
Lumber-Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem-:
Jock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Tin MuBHnro aBooRO. wsditbbday,
Unutual Claim Mada by tha
8tata’a Attomay in tiia
Caaa of Luatgart.
• tUi m WM.
rBtets-«s*;nb awr—iirt lh> CsSwImI
OMit MMiat as CUrase ITaltiac la*
«h. V**«t«-ta«ialaal Rial tfaXM.
Chlcafo. oc(. ]».—Infnrtnalloii
trem She Jun ivom b that a disAr**-'
a*Bi has taJtrn piaea la (b* Lueiam
abM. both Rdca txiac obMlaat*.
aa)(jii>- «>f th* Juo' la dealroBi of a convictual.
It b no*' procraU}' tboswhtmt
Xth* Bnal ouuximc will b* a diBCrrancni.
lb* mas whuie fatr
teariiia ID ihr babnr* was alccplns lb
tbs tan a* calmly as an Id(rDI.
ChU-agu. lUC U.—liBt* r«*l*rday afl>
armam lUaia's Atl«rn*y U*nc«n flDlabad
hb pira
ibijurr In tbc Uucicart caas
with Ihm* words:
‘'OrMU-mcD. 11 ba*
ooiobeb so. isst.
bolKMao aereae tba etreac (mntbe PMirt
»»«RpUw€rf ibeeitr proper did not
buitdlBV bad erowde cd apaciaion and
------po-SMa An Uralid Twitobly. tboi«b
every elndoe da the siructuraa iSctac
CsevOK aa tha pBaMa Oaaat. aad Oa yoon« Is aplHt. be akade the but bli
tba iMiUdlDf bad Its <4vuiania
d«alcOe. and e*ar alsev be baa waxed
An Blicmta of a araie.or tu of frtaBds
ef Lueixart le forre their *ray Into the
n» idea at eeoTtrtlas ao abawdotiod ttroof and beany, regalndd bla loat
eoiirt rootn about l-M reeulKd In a rail Mrert car Into a domtolle la atrlotly Cal- bcalth and aectuad a new Umi
life. ;
(or pulli-r and a * inn load was aeni.
• hlrh aooB reslorexi order. In the couit, ........ _
room every aaat wa taken by i u'rtook.^ ^ ^ tl-,
NO Criminal irlai In Cbi. aad m n.vn.ltd ChSowp. Wb« you think of it.
year, has wUnra-d more wlde^rrad In-; tfc., u RO KM» why aoiiio aoeb UM
than allarhea to Ihb r^ebraladj
uat haa^ and itiUDiiuvable oUmt ani*
!i U not believed ihat even tb-l
tbea^oto oloi of floMua and lotMsm. A dinint
Cmfiln trial or the trial of the ankrchbie! ▼e^lolea with tbolr tUaed ddea and raqai baa boeo scooped «ai of tbe Muda
aurpaaaed IMS la the inlensliy of public; raniUbed
paiwU. Yot then is nuthlns and
iDtereM as lu the dnal reoull.
I about ^ Myle of tbeui aa they a
it la tbe roUwfitRi of b.x '
in other WWW
and ^ ‘‘"A at with tbe deoprat ----------ACCt-IKP HAM mu. niSrtPCNT. ' bone
U.-UV woa(b the amou eu
___ old* daya to auagoM Ihu altUnata par^
What He win rt>M im After Be oes. Fees ^
^ ™
»2“ vTciy ounter and braMire of tbv wub-
^ CamaD — Dear, do yoa tbi«V
MU’ btaltta
haa bees Improrod by xidFO"
UtRlU) has
Mr. Oiiuao—Foa bed. 1 have. adi. —
Uke an oMrich. aoood wind and
7 o'atoek te 8;M o'clock1st IsuT will he returwad. Oftioe
Uaiwld BaUdiag. Boom 8.
-s- Malouai Wnau.
City Treaaarar.
Datod Get. 7, ifUT. Ui-tf
^ ••‘d. died from tba
“ tiuiigual bint of laiiay.
““ “"‘F «he» *«y old people, aftw
" '
the raui|d«gt
in th.>
|smjUlc way fur
h>«‘y y»«ru.^vc umvambed at fawt to
‘A® eAttfW <» luxury iudulgtsd in ou
Adel. Qa.. CK-I la. — One hundred
lashes well lald uls.n the. back of a ne*
gro aas bla punlslpnent f..r f. ii.g Into a
woman's hous.- Hint d<-ijunding dinner,
to addillan 10 this the negro bas b.-va
Kwi. al.li n may mean almoai anylhmg.
It wems (hal as Hfu. Clay was |.r. •
paring dinner rUtuiday a strange negro
entered Ihvbousr. sat d"Wn to the (able
and ordered tomeal WM
helped himself t
to the c..rpua delicti the
lodge said.
“So man mar be con*
vieted of a ertro* unitl what Is known as
tb* corpus dtilrll has been rstsbllahed
bjr-th. |■^.laerulloa. and UDiras'yuu are
oonur.ced by the evidrnoe In this case,
beyond a reaaonaiilr duutu. that Umlaa
Lueigert dicd’st the lime eharg..d In
tbr indi- imrni." el... "in such s .as* It
it your duly |.> ai-uult (he defendant
Te prove the <un>us dellril the sute
• required .(• Iir.slu-c imlv aueb legal evl.
Rbe den the house and gkdrig dowD.
Jnry. Iwyond
town rei> rik'd Ibe msMer to the dll*
vlrtlun (hat the murder charged in the aena At iilght several y-kiung mei, fkiund
■ Indictment has been In fs'i. commit the mar. It. d him Pi » Uko- and alih s'
ted. ai I (hat ihe dcfendanl Is gulliy nt buggy whip gave hlnhovcr (gu lashes,
Its , .'..mmlsslon
• • *
Ihe UDiler which. Ihe victim lexwme a man
Btatut. of thy slah provides (hdt a per- j of Iscermllcns. Tbe yiiung mim left him
aor charged w!ih crime may testify In
but later the ropes were ml and
hts own behalf be Is not under any ' the vhtlm disapikesred. whether lo .aft•bllgati.ig to do so. and. the sutute tj. k.r to a Wkirar fute Is pot kBOwo.
aapLws'v deelartw thai bis negleci to
(■hbwga AMermaa IMat la a llrawL
tesDfj- shall not rroale any pieaumpllun
CH'Wgii. Oct. I»—JtMepfa A. Haber*
agairisi liim.- '
kora. aldrrrnBn fr<irr. Ihe S'ln.lki-mh
Aa4 the Jkty Takm.lbe fw.
T1l« Judge TulhIM rxwd the dlRer- ward, ehkt iwlie al { o'clivk In the
morting. Is under the rare of |ikv*l*
rtans at lb-- rtesl.y ierlsD hpapllal. who
are now- l«ltlicg fk.r his life, with Ihe
prc-ei«<i rf saving it (Ik'drce Jri's.n. of
r Imiiriao
irtfi H. i . rikx-nlh sirkfel. a lal.in. imaker.
(haci fi oiteen v.ara and ihe fourth aas dll (hi rhoi ling. It was the result of g
for ”n 1 guilty;"
As Judge Totbfil brawl ^al the Argyle saloon. IMT West
Oiilarie.; 111., r. jiciwr, b- i, . i:.d u|t si Marrlaon street.
(lie Juivra and said: 'Vleiitlemen you
gniesof lojkiey. .
may. M ilre and contld(''r your verdict ”
hq l«—A d
rRtIW ll’ W AMTS T«k k»:»: U KTIilCBT.
by- n.meral
Oretidinff. of UiU city, announix-d th.roiw»w>)lot in
d.-alh Isst ivepTog at(*tinii«i. IUh. fnim,
W boa the dnry
li.lurl.% rixelv-d In a Tonaw-nv, of his
Immedlalrly tinn we* an uprxHr' Ib r. lalfve. William J (Vn-solorfr. head nt
the ..lUri rvign. iJeei pk who bad beep the grwal plow and sc’U iiltural manualitli.g ar.we tf ihrli fr.'i and tli.. aliou.s fiiriiirtng Ann <if I'nilln A Orend.nff. of.
Of lalllffs i.rderli.g ev. ry ntie to "alt Llantou. He m«s.W ymr* <iW.
4imn" availed
Thr eroad
surgiMl lirward knd t...k U|. even irsh
«f s{iac« whelk* the f^ Ulai feoiv liairsil
Lbrin ficiD tbr atioriik^'A Women al*
mow tainted In Ihe crush, and Ihelr txi*.
tumes and bi-aiigear auflk-red. The crowd
seemed to want tu get liisr Lueigert.'
All uaniid Ik ace boa lli> big aauage- niakir siiod tbr hnal oidial now iliat his
Utar was ID Un halkila of the JUO- K!*.j
Bally Judge Tulhib otu.rkdUir room |
cleared and aai>k.unckd that hr akAiM :
aikjouin court until i ii’dotk al mgbl
It Was agie»d Uler (bat Judge TutbP
Wkiuld mtialii s> tbr crlininal court
building until Iv u'i)ock ui lewsl. and br
autaiii a fra mlnuias’ a-alk of bU ivurt
rven. all rJgbl Lueigert stood up naar
whei. Ill bad lieen siUiiig tnuM of tbc
Umr li.r more th*n tUgin weeks, aflar the
Jury rvllnrd. and with hU llitle goWre*
balrro son In bis arms ikrcvlvvd a few
1160. Bud nwUy tiik> imjavasinn yim
have cd tbe ionrikg is qiiib' sauijitBoaa
It miitbl be a I'ulliuau tar. \<r a cusy
onnktg in a iilobsTui'a uioosiiui, at.
Rgnctkiug tiqiully Itxxtmiuii-. if .vnu citu
tbiuk Ilf il. Heir ixaiM-ib tbc tivnng
evegy tiunday amua with tbc inslcriala
fig the bAbiwIli ilinu^,
iu; auii liii
family taiJuylLc kkcgie oud the frtxdoni
of Iswoh. park oukl saud dnuia. If Lo
olHxsaa. he may. live Ibcrv the week
UirtHkgh, as Cu|rtalo Dailiyr doiw Tlie
Mptain is a gvuilk-uuui uf pnimuieuce
•nd odiKwticn. who (uuud hinm lf a few
jws back broken iu Inwltfa awl out id
future, as be was in very ne«iy cir«unalaa.vs. He has
ly hydyh
Suits to Order.
iSce Our Neil line
Picture Mouldings
raaZ>ayARBtial l^aitontoltotnlb a^i^^
■ t'7»'7|Recort
Wednesday. Oct. :<nh.
M. A N. B. depot at U:
AS.tX) roand ^p
Arrire U::& p. m.
your tickets early of
H. N. Ct-ggiguBAH. JLgaat.
^iGnad Rapids ft Isdlm R. 1
Attorseya at Law.
Otoees to Koetogwe Blsek, Tnesn/OKy. Mirk.
r.s. Ls.
Ar.. *.
...1 II to *uu Trse.ovl .'!! U^to :<u Waltoa 1...
aisissss CAiiDs:
ukiwy as4 o«
at.caiK>s to a
.........: I Yho idotoaut of Ihajw.umrth .vumur
Ht and: -Defore a convi.i...n eaa
'”'111 have bis villa htfo ralhif thanai
be bad In ihl*
Ibr state nkuat prove
beyotkd a reasonable doubt an.l lu a brass bands, and .marctard along the ; PariAc Heigbu a a
niorul certainty—flrsi,that Louisa Luet- river front t.. Mouni t'arlsm. passing j
'‘ho bad the. imagi
. grn la dead; second, that she came lu a number (if mines a her* they exisx-ied ' kicM to b«lld the biggvM aOd ugUcst
her death on (hr 1st of Hay. I»i:. Ib the 10 force out all race whom they inlgl.l < baths in Ammca and a L'liff Himse
cuunty uf c<wdi. stale iif Illln Ur; tblrA
that looks like a fWiidl'd drvg«slshai.
Ihat Adolph I- Lunigert. (be defendant.
TViey found bo .one at work, however, , has lull to el.ac his <ya and ka*. a vievUlfull). mabt loualpv felomouM) sod of and relurned. The sliikeis
emUra.-ttel in
iitalK* afuretbuughl. killed and mur> very bkuei Inward the ..|wral.w<;a lng ^
d.red the said Loulaa Lueigert by aumv atem to he determined to cause inmMe. tt^an ala^ die boulevard em-tchinn
uf the \ ark.ua means charsed In the The governor, esn-utlve ofll.-etm. oinitbe MUul duuia. to the |
tBdb lmeni, or by means unknow's.' Tbe mander-lii-chlef td tbr mimia. adjutan’l the distaour. and all paying tribntu
bkuden of proof neale ui>« the praeecu- geBeral and aaalMani adjutant general,
ih.n to make out and prove to the aails- left, yesterday for Nashville. Th<' atutr
fariiuh of the Jury, l^yund all rcasun- guard will, therefore. Ik- wilhioil ahea.1
I. Otmari’i
vj’g Amilcile Uasam>
oble .ioubt, every utaleriail all'gellon Jf tn.uble ahoul.l Iwgln In the nest
villa—the sucil show jilafv n!
in the indl.Mml. and unleee that haa tlpve days.
villa It isbuagwiTbpnrti
been d.ine.Vhe Jury should find the dewit)> u diaiiig taUc^a tiu.v
idanl ct<>l guilty, it l« not tnrumtwnt
all the other duunaltc altribuhsL Its
r'lifiie d.-fi n'.laDl l.ipmve that Louisa
« Na Laat la C
Ivc, or her abereabuula.
ootAt of furoiiureasd cruppiugs com
Mab IHd <b* Pwatakkag.
O- p. CARVER. AeasL
walls ipow fluwera
■hock tbe Mgigilive
many readers prevMit fntber (totalli <d ,
TberoU already too : pjjje
not ou the water's edge, but amid
fcaao said ibal AaRslanl Slalc'a Alter*
Bar McKaren did nut aak the InfUcUoa
•f lb* draih penalty. That b true. I
de iTPgi within a
do nut think H b lUually wltblff tba
______Ihnwr td ban ifranciTO
Tbe .d^at iultabitant of Ykumewth,
provlocr vt a Mate's atCorney tu aak a
Oarville and lie care ladnig to Ad.Jph »h<. died a few days ago. is anotba 11.
lwa.pa.y H.I
/ury tu return such a verdU-t. Uul tbb Mslken Urtwg-tu O
a car tbifu. »tw»««*^* of the fact that the worM
a AliaM U Wweb.
cr)snr b au hetnoua a<> i ruH. tu wanton,
*hUig chat lau U.d<n»efor v.»y agud
Oharl.wl.m. W, Va.. tVt. !».—Herlinii
that I feel |>erfnlly JutlllU'd In aaklDs
Y.jn may txflv.vt it to dtuncMi.- pur- P^'pl® «» «« *“1‘P>T »h.m with luxurlea
SI your hands tba rktixine penalty of troulUe u anil< liMkird a ltn ihecoal mlD.
laaaeu furukah It olaUw4.J»^Juii y..g beynod wUt tlieir eyetems liav.- grown
tbs laa In the vaae ufOtOdtph I. Luet- ere in Kanaalia vall.y witbie tbe next
accuM.amd tu Tbo old man. who was
A bu» If rommeoi ran throivb three or
.. .itv ^^eie IZ
mouty. The iiaatiiui. tbinMdr. Jitni.
uiuctiro. had every ptmnIba <ourl roam aa the atali-'a atiumey (larvd be
..n uf*^ininero ^froir ^ i Who is a man trf much f.uvsi^laXk* a *■'
brevaufug a otaitesiariau. when he
Bnbhed bb addreaa and was • oacraiuindliil^in Mi^e^
W*“t <4her gnat t^ba. a w« nul.«nB-iclyrti«xw.fvxl in csukiMcUied by a lew frirnda who *t -near
Bd ecu flon. Iwgun. which ,
"•« •'
*»««»*, i.c WBW. to
f-»«Hnee, and. M
hint) Tnrjudiir cmnled an lin|>rontj)tu
, the Iasi ..f this week, ! knosr. H.r.-is a Isudiui with its ItriglkinhalHauL was giwu the
mewni fur ten mliMiles and uiun ibe
An aitempi was. Ua in the euburlio. a New Ytrt with l’l«vof hiiuigal lhel«wl f.wtlviliasand
CDun aialn comlm tu Older proceeded
de yoatri
; a Kamgausi'U Mer ««i Its water front w»» »o b» p«>»idod with the tuuil
to read bb'charc*.
I of the
i Why. it will be worth inilli<ui; yet •'comfflrta la- biadroUntng ytwrs" fa
Mrw Camsof-^b.' how glad 1 ■
that tbc m fnga Uve tbelr ahidiug
>*« lYauciaro Wava
Ever Burned Oat?
yoa mind, tgingiag in a bod «<
Shortly after U o'l-lurk lAietuert iras.
Infermed by Jailer Whllman that his i the mmiag Joantal
ooal in nloni! tbe gnat. -natHd Uacti. wfaicb
time for iwofnenadlnc the ourndor wasj the gas
I wblcb IrioBilliatM bis oorvro in abimuK nMcbea away to laake
I will he la my o&«e aaris>-iha
up and be must go tu bR cilL Just aa dining Mdn' Uf the availability of a Mmsdl He will toll you of ^e charm
BOBtb of Ocioher ' - ' U> reMlea
be turned toward ba cell be at
atrwM CSU- for living pnriwar there may at lile on the oceun shore and aaenre and aehool \aaea
iWnru 8 o'
If be rxiievled t<> I<e aisiullird.
be a qtuatitm. but of liw adaiitahility of
'Sure I do.- he said. "Wby a
the BtfwatBiw there ia no doubt—nut at
"Wbal ate you suing Co do a
get out f
1W«. .<»r . ri«. 1«
-*eIU" eald Lurigett allb .
11,0. a.,h. e.iBo o.™.
grin. -I guess about the Aim
aill go to are Mrs Keld. mi ,in i 0*t® »«*h. It it founded <m the Htud
loved Cbrtstine—itlal drar c___
dunea. and ila rvsidtdita are tree of tbe
ewe* me K*M. and I am goinambresacBandthceanaou Befntvtham
Itthe park awcich.w out lu Tlitaa of
- “What tbenr■Then I am going
T to make sem* groeu. around thou aiv ttwny mud
more nuney. I gtn
viriuble Sahara bUloa ing
I feel eae) i'
ww.y ... tbebilla To the we« the »*aI don*! worry on.' l.
n go;..g cific gtrefcbe* UUmiiabiy iu Iright
to sleep and If any
w m. It wu(,« <if
,d Uon
Uop wateiu,
wat«a an admiralde
will Itr bad Air him
itlam to Pruhsle pruclW.
^^Aklg g M(yTOK, M.P. n^krlaa
sod via Mtosd pMpUy to
rail.- atvckal aktoetiec gleea to obstoirlea
asd rkUf^rea’s dissuses. ttorsasai SWiLap
Boukct, 8:10, is repswtod Unw.
isatin iylippiTa’ mark is now 8 KI9.
Bean WUkM' retvad is now t
Baah.>;lU>(.Ulnit 14.8 hands high.
i^eAlltm hMlowoud hiaiuMcdto
TXB 8 *. tILT
<th(«x S.i •
and 8i
:i rssUsi
BllcSlikSk K.kll.
>A'smui Boy,
haaboeB added
tb the list of geidinga.
Kuwaday's third bewt ia<;18i< M
tbe (sktest vveg trotted by a S-yaar-old.
Fnuk futchra, by Jo Patchm.
8:011,. has lowmdfaisronadiok;!^^.
A match betwieo tbe tw o Pbitadelphla iroinra Allas iMiv. 8:is>.*. and
is being agilaud.
Ed A'^pton says that CLcJyaliA
>:0Tla, ram pace any "parkg truck" in
8:04-and tiuw timiu iMter than 8:0«.
inh. .**.1
taimd liwve to o(vopy. bcli.-iiug ifaAi
«o meet Jaiper
thcfivul.. froeairofthePactBcii'ti.cu Ayro. ^ Zomlgo in the free for aU
dowtd with bkoUiug vimiea which the Ota at the eomuig Lot Angides mocUn*.
c. k. k
I. r A.. I
. Ikgkees. Clly OprTm Q
W^st Michigan.
X. A MiUlhsn iUksA Heui ..•to It a.au, t
10 4 11.0. TUk.«tawe.fL
... .] a*
reu ......
.1 aw •ek...._
r. M. I r. a. Is., u- f.m.
!r.k.;«,a.^r.«.ia, a.
low UsBrsasS UB sssy leras If
" "
M.A Kolaey.
■ratal uf tieo all sad eerr rnoniy ai
You kbui 1.1 out be wItbMl It. **
M>rei Vsi-aiii hM •lilts-takes s» port toy.
JlUgi V’»rly,UkrnnlMekvt. U4 H____________
TV. Me
Te lake efluci UsaAay. J use K). IH7,
oiltoes'ctoeka m.
vbH U to^ssnyl
Me. AlMe. (■Ra ilMs. *
T|WiR wAl.t-<Vse.v.iehe) flulshs^iM
all ^ sals eksai..
wniiradefkvroe-i bkcycls. C. Pybto. slihike
H L. MereA'u. JUII
f'slser list-Hkiies aallltuii.
Lkiidoii. (ket. 1*. - pTklUP' Palmer,,
the iMiiiam-wk'ighi tikanii ioD <.r ving-'
land. arTd "Hsv, ’ rtulllvan. of li.xion.
met lust <;Vkrfring at tin Nalloijal 8|kdrtLng club at Ilf isiunds tu oipiiiets for
(br IkBhtani ctiuni|4onsklr of the world.
a purse of U.»u. and a side hst .-f tLOOU
The (xmtrsi' was won by Paltper Id
fwk.sic I-...mils
I TTUkR tiZlA-Oe lo
-VT£? fStfe
•AMTKl) TVV gXCUANOIIg-ttas4 Urjrele
ruwsiui of rhi
York. iX'i.
Cbsrlra A. Dana
late ho
w. Tlie
e will be read In Rl. Paul’•s y:pi».
ksir of isy sieve es rreoi
.todtoe. g. K. MlUse.
MS4o4: ykssl kiw vtto sye kmsMsm.
fD^rrossl HTcTbsosM IsM
rteer rsastog toroogU II: e________ ___
Ms* Urieu'. Vessw RsisMd.
New Orisaiks. CW-i. I».-Tbr follouin,
It Ihr official msirl i.f (hr taokld c
bealib: New i-ssk's of yellow fever. 87
.warmly shook the hand of the prisoner.
Xmetgk'ri tmjinl and gaoed about biRi.
He tried to leufc eatm and unnincerr.i'd.
hut behind the maMt of indiHfruiivetbose
CliHiniiatl. .0(1. it.—The VVeetcro
w bo have watched tbe varylv moods of Poundr}-men*e assixtotlun cusvcrix] here
tbe stalwaii MiiiMkce-niakar ootUd trace yeelcKlsy In annusl mr.-Ong. 1‘rrsldem
suppreroed uervxwkHMsa. Hr suod re* C. A riencoirli. <*f CnikWgo. ptrslded.'ajid
A. gorge. Jr., also %f CblkWgo. aervad at
al Ouusige Mklsna kt gwsM sMel. TVwrarss
my.MIA. VUIa«^euUmseaak. For
11 iti »
I'.sd which aurrouBdsd (be crtga*
-r aRyiblng u
glan- tbs iwenlBg of the famouc trUI. By
dark pie auuet in front of (be court
. taOdiBi was janmMl and the erowd
—d avoRsd tbe curwer to froet of tbi
lan. WMM and cblldren Uuad (be
Ml to ft|Mt Mtb* MIebtfu auuet
.. .V RBd die H»s ustaaided to Jiear.
aM Md McgtbCtorii
NtoML tw M8R M 8» Ifrm Mwy
Caul fresapaay Hak. aa OMw.
lualdwood. Ubi, tvi. i»—i^s c. w.
and V. Coal ouMipaay has offerad Ue
Bklpsn OH cants a tuB mine run or
Mwu Mseeaied ccai. aa advaocud of TH
Mato over May 1 prices.
board of baaltb aay iberi Is ao jruUmr
NO 10
Cupboard Safe
IbcUm tilsss goors os top. ewrwA poB*) «s<ee todsv. laigsdlUUM.
USSslsaAs. tskvve pan .csiUaieC.
.Honey to Loon
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