The Morning Record, August 31, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 31, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






Pint Tew—Ko. 101

'^w or PBXFAmATXOV ST Dl«moM ov TBi socntTr.
Brenf 0*7
a* <te Tlmnd^,
■neitiraa. vb«i ab»ui »»»•
ea neatc vmXik* n*M-Thm
win B« OM AShtettc«porti ead
Xaaba«tM»M«Mtot>»Mr of the
Ofwid Trevora* Afriealtaial o>4 lodatriol 8oeM7 wlU tor eeml dar>
be the eUof ottnetlon lo tUe port of
the rtctoa. Like oU praekme oxhlUte
bp Oiaad Tmeeiee Indnetir tUe will
be erotihy of the oetlTe Utmet of the
baotoea ood prafeaioool Bes owl othon laTroraoeCUy. oeeroUoeof the
t fair wlUtake place f
81, 88, 88 and 84. Satnrdap aftataom
there was a neetlnc of the dlreeton of
the eocletp to laanfarate aetire preparatkNii aad arrange the pro'^mia^
pertloB of the prccrwBTbe dlreetoce node a wlae eelaetloo
la Joha White, who te to be xeaeral
eapatateadeat ot the fair.
Ob Wedoeedav there will be 'aei
w wbleh wQl larlu a
The WbeatOB Collece eonteat wUl take pUoe at 8 o'clock
la the afteraoan. Tble will be followed
. bpaeerleeofUepeleiaeaeaadathleUc
eporta. Ibe detail of whleh will be la
charge of O. P. Carrer. who le alreadp
prepariag a good prograa of erenta
which are edre to be latereeting.
One of the local eoraetbande will be
oa tte groaade Tbandap aad a
Ape maeleal prcgiam wUl be a pleaa^it part of the Graage Dap a>«.
-^erdaM and aaaaal tarBwe' ^hs
wbkA bare been dedgsMed ter thk
The progiaai wUl begin at t p. n.
and wlU be ander the aaqdeee of
Onad TtaTana Dirtrtct Pomona
Giaage. Tcmm wUl be adaitted free
to the groandi apon that dap.
Oae ot the baada will not be the
* leaat of the attrabtioaa os Pridap. aad
other fwtoree will be entertainiDg aad
Ob aeoooat of the light fruit crop
the extent of the berticoUaiBl exhibit*
win be lece extepalre thao laat pear;
but grain aad Tegetable dleplaps will
be a credit to Grand Tneene iadnetry.
Ac the trait ditpUp wiH be limited a
•pedal effort wUl be made to ladnce
loeal laerchBBta to ocenpp the remaioing booth* la the mala holldlag. a P.
Oarrer and E O. Ladd h*rt beeo ap­
pointed te work amoog the merebaal
for thi* perpoee.


orFxoiAL VAnm

b ia the dtp Opss holL whieb wUl
1M reodp bp that time: there will be ot
ieo^ 800 ooeen laid.
Amt the dietlafobbad ofiecn who
are expected to be preeent are Grand
CkaaoeUor tan P. MeMoUea of CbebiWM: Oraad PrelaU A. A. B^ett.
Blc Baplde; Saproae BepreaoBtatire
W., H. Loonio. Grand B^dc; Bopal
Vicier Leo. A. Chro, Ormnd BapMe: lapwlal PriDoe of D. 0. R. R. John A.
Biaeep. Cbloari.'
Ae far ae kaowB at thk Use the el«b
wUl beferaedotthetoUowinr oaadl:
datea: TraTtew dtp. BO; Petoekep. IS;
OiarleTtdx, U; Barber Spriara. 10;
Mabeelona. 16; Ralbaaka. it; Haaletea.
M; Cestial Lake. S.
Tblc wUl be one ot the red4etter trateraal eresta la tbe hielotp of TVarene

Were Stolen Trtna 'hIs Owdltng
While He Woe'Awap From
Some ♦>"«« la the montl! of March
la*t John Papmeot, who liree near
Beodon. laft home after locking ap hi*
dwelling neenre from ponlble Utradere. He reterned a few dap* ago. <mlp
to dad the portable contente of the
bonae mlMOng. al*o aboet fifteen pord*
of wood from th* pard. The flr*l Impal*e ofi Mr. Payment, natnrmllp,
h the Tlelr
to make anil
of reeoreriag hi* h
poadUe. A man named Nathan wing
waa aoeeaed of trying to dUpoae of
ofthaeffoetBof Mr. Payiraa arroated
Sheriff John Braddtaw ot
' and taken Into eimtedp. A farther
irwUgation wa* InatiUted.

TRunan StiAney. WhoUred Here
Traman C. SOdcaep died at hi* boa*
ix. Grand Raifid* Seadap aerpiag.
agedBipeara Mr. Stlckaep WB**iorweil
Trerarte City ama,
and there ar/a good maap old-tiae
friend* of the family here bow. Mr.
St cknep moved to Grand Eapid* aboot
<8 peace ago.

When Squirrd* Map Be Hunted.
in the ExcoBD.of Scndep there we* a
•pnopel* of the Miebigea game lawa
it wa* aUted in one imragrapb that the
open teaaoB lor black and grap esBirreU *ae from September 11 to Decem­
ber 81. ThUwaeaaenw. a*the open
eeaeon for thi* epedee of gaace dote
not begin unUl October 1, A* there
have been tcporto eeet oat with thi*
error, tbrongh mUtoke bp certain pabllcatkaa. It te well that thoae load of
thte «ort Uke parGealar notice of the
■ eorreetdate.

In Fear and Trembling.
There wa ea iaportoat mailag of
Trpvera dtp Ledge, No. 78, K. of P.
--^t night to wmplete arraaget
to the latiU.Uoa ia thte eiip' of a
hraoeh of Rabd'Temple. Knigbto of
gboTvaami. Leo. A Caro, Bopal VUlA
of Kaaka Tbmple. a O. E. R. of Otmad
BapMa wa.preantto attend
final 'details. Mr.-Shro te wtU knowa,
aot oalp a tke Bopal VUier of Kaba
Temple, but a Comptroller of the ci^
of Gread B^kte, and fate pubUe career
ha admlrablp fitted him for soeh a dtetiaeGoB a that of a Bopal Vizier of
the D. O. R. K. He te chieflp known,
kowerex. a the prinee of good fellows.
OomptroUer Csro te also aserotorp
aad treauror of Urn Mlcbigaa DiviGon
L. A. \V. and wUls her* this morn­
ing will do s
the benefit of toe local e
The orginizsUon ^ Tiavera City
Club. D. O^K. K.. wUl beaa event of
more thaa erdiaary fraternal importoaa to tote etty. It te deaignbd to
have cAe meeting apeer bare and four
meettags aaaually in Graad Bspids.
The date of the organteaGon te now
defiaiulp at for September 16. The
pr^ram to the dap will be eUborato.
The Grand BapidseoatiageatwlU eoaatet of the oS)eers of Raaba Temple
aad about 150 membetn. Tbep will
lav* Otnad Bapideoa'a O. B. A L
apedal at • a. m. taking oa fraternal
hroGtota from Hating*. 'KashviUs,
GrAtavm*. Beldlag. Big Rapids, Boward C19 aad Ladiagam, vrhlok will
BweU'thc total to 850.
. Th* Gain vrOl tmA hero at 8 p. m.
After dinner a balaai meettag wUl
beheld, whlG^.waiooaaiMS gnator
portion ot toe aturaoca.
At eight o'aock the eelebtatod D. O.

ocetameT There will be aevaral floats
to Une aad toe eveeto wOl be Uli^
aat*^ with fireworks.
At Biaeo'eloek then will a meettag
for iaittatotp work in the aew
aw Poreaten' baU. The earavaa wilC start
^ with
all the pomp aad gtoy
noolptothep. aK.R.aad Gm
a wUl be led aeroes th* bei^
At 11:80

t the Quoding 0
ith Si^
side of Tenth
Tent) Street
At th* teat regular mating *f the
MaDeil a walk waBoederod fault on
toe aouto Gde ofTeath stroet from
(tea* street to UtkeAve. ThepetiGoc
whieb Invited toe seGoa bf the eouaeil.
however, wa signed by some who ware
not owhers of property on tbe strat
while ame who sre owners of prop­
erty there had not sigued - It Now
there te a kick and it te esid that a pre­
test wiU be seat In at the nest meeting'
of toe board.
Ke^on Soctel' Tonight
A soctel wUl take plsoe in the CongregsGmal chcreh parlor* tote eveniog uodn- the sosplcro of the Y. W. C
T. r. MnsieandrroiuGoo* wilt sdd
to tbe enpoymeat of toe oeeasica. No
admission will be charged but melen
will be aerved to all who wteb itFOB ••nOHXQAH DAT."
ASatoWHlBsFixedFor Wblvnria*
State At Xenaaeaea Zxpoeitioa.
Boa. A W. Wnto, eemmtesloaer gajeral bf the Teaaeeeee ezpcalGoa. te
maklBgarrnagementstoaday whieb
te to be eet apart as -mebigaa Dap."
toeufb the date te not deflaitolp fixed.
An iBvttoGoB wUl be sen t to the mepor
of each eitp in Miehigaa. wito aa urgept request that they attoaA


BeU 4ha
Roar ikita.




Oalp four hlte and -eoe kaelp raa,
and that uneaitied, waa all Ue Chicago
Edgar* eottld get from Entherford'*
cplaadld Etching penardap. Oalp for
a hraoe of error* in the dnt inalag the
reeelt would have been a ebutoet.
Of the four bite made ti!p.^h«^tof*
0 two were made ia anp <^e inking,
aad after the first
got pact first bato.
••Jocko" Schmidt* « la the box for
toe Chicagoans aad be pitched good baU.
Aside from bte pitching -Jocko" te
worth toe price ot admteakm. Bte fenay remarks and queer antics keep
evetyeae in good humor.
Tber* were a anmber of pretty |^ys
ladc. Botablp * hot doebie pisp bp
Parks in tbe foarto lanlag. Park* also
amteted in another double play in the
fifth aad hte aU around playing was
The Edgars were also credited wito
a doebie play in th* third.
Adams at short steo pot op a uni­
formly good article of ball.
Saifkate error U right field la tb(
first wa* costly, bat after that ks
braced up aad pla^ well, haviag two
put-outs and an aiGst to bte erediv
Him took eve>yt£laf toat same bte
way haadUp, at did Wbeelsr. la fast
tbe eatlrs team {flayed well.
TPay kept up hte sGbk work: two
bite ta four times at baV
Wbealer mad* two hits, oae ot them
baU over tos'Hett tem
gar in to* third.
Rnugar led toevtelton vrlto .tbe
sUek, makiiig two hits of the four
eiedited to ‘toem. Be ateo demoattratod to* fact that he can play third
Jerome Wilhelm am|flr*d ^ there
was toe usual amouet,of IriKieg bp


Beehtol. Dick Campbell end Temp Norotap epeat Sudep flehing at Carp
Imke. The reaalt wa 17 fiae ptekerc'
Uadi baa.
T. O.
te buQdiag a new
story frame buUding oa bte property
on Union etrat aouth of the BbOaon
a. When oompletod it will be
occupied a a barber ebop ^ Sqelra A
Lente Butberford. C. F. Watldaa,
Bam Adaai*. B. C. Billtaf*. Cbarla
Bale aad Fred Bnator broegbt hooN
from their fiahing trip to Lalaad Potot,
Carp Lake, about 40 pouade of fine

Fur Collarettes...,

There wiU be a meeting of the Buadap
evening in toe oflleeotB.W BaeUaga
Tbe object te to aettle np tbe expensce
of the rally aad thcas who have hi|te
eontraeted tor the rally are requested
to preeent them at the meeting.
E. & f^tt wept to Graad Rapid*
yseteiday K> attend the United State*
court in the interasu of Julius SUlnj. in toe suit which wu brought
against him by toe CoBaolidated Store
Serviee Co. which' elGma royalUes upt«
toe ceGt earner used by Mr. Steinberg.

Have paid 20,000 rupees for revolting. No.
one will revolt when they see our stock of
School Snpplies. Buy here and ^t what yon
want. That swats the matter.



hi. B. HOLLEY, »

Paul’s Ink I
Just Received, large assort'
ment. New Thing. Good
Thing. Nonspillable.

Haskell’s Bookstore
Are Very Stylish-We've the only


$3.* to $10."
... .^*w Cloaks and Capk at...

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

Two Demxable bouaea taken

as impartial a* pomiblc.
A ebsnee to ret a borne oa
la ea^v
Tbe local team made their first run : term*.—E. W. II
in toe third Inning without a hit. | - ,,

Snifka. the first man to bat, was!----------------------thrown out from Krueger to Hughe*.
Bntoarford drew a base from tbe -only |
I^Gmate left bander In the boGnem."
Hunt went to first on aa error at sec­
ond base. Another error at toe same
place scored Louteand placed Hunt on
third aad Hull on second. Farks flew
to left field aad BGI < * deubled at



Two more runt were made la the
fourth, by tbe BusGera Wheeler ted |
off wito a two-begger. Novotny flew {
out to Beateh. Tbea Adam* followed
Wbeelerte example aad hit for a couple
aad Wheeler' scored. Beateh threw
Snifka out at first Eetberford was |
next up and wito two strikes oa bimi
b* luteed toe baU over the feaee for I
two bags, aad Ssmmp seored. Huatj
wrut to first OB balls aad after Louie j
had stolen third, stol* second. No |
more ran* reeelted. however, as Watty j
was UirowB oat at first base.
Tbe HusUer* made tbelr onE- other
ran la toe eighth on s base on Ulte
Adam^ stolen base Bad a poor throw , *
Iry Farley.
'i •
S^idt made the onlptallp for the S
Edgar* la toe first iaaing. After two f
men bed beea reUred he was given
first oa faalte. stole second, went to
third when Hunt threw wUd to catch
him and scared wheaSaifka dropped
Mp * mm Woo) Pa*n
Stellmaa's 8y. Thatb aU.
Mn'afi.a Wee) Ps*(*

.We StillXead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the milling
business, we are haring a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to alt parts of
Northern' Michigan onr....

flonr. Send in an order.


It Watered Stock Salej

m liiTii

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch BliKk.

Fresh Heats—always fresh. Salt Heats.



s*lfkx.r. l ...



If You Have Logs to Sell

The Edgars can play good baU aad
there eho4d be a good crowd today.
••JockbWeaGiiBg te woaderteL

Chicago. Aeguvt 80—Wheat—AaguBt
8»Mc: September, 8»e: December.
ra-Aegnet ».J«s Septombfg.
85Ke: Decembm. 88Me: Map, 8SM«.
Oato-Aegnst 18Mc; September,
18K«Me: Deoembm. 80We; May. 88R
Fork-^ugwt la-rH; Beptembarr
Lacd-AugHt Si-UK; Beptember.
Bartap-OMh. Ma 8.85»4«L
By» Cheb aad Be^embar. 48Ma

the Beatmm Star Chapter thte evening
»ialtlatloB work.
Member* of th* TbimU* Clnb
reqiueted to meet et Hr*. Dr. Moon**
oo Wodacedap aftarMCB.
J. L.Oibb*he* removed bte tamllp
to Mapfidd aad wUi give bte pereoaal
attontioB to the Olbta*' aw mlU.
-jocko" Schmidt wQl be in the box
agalB todarfor Gie Bdgan. Hetblaka
lag to trp.MM>iB. L. Cterter ba purehaaed the Bartak bara aad wUl tend it to Set
Bay Of Maple City for the fra oa of
hte patrew U that vidaltp.
The Imdte*' Uome aad Fbrdga Ml*alonarp eocletp of the Coagregbti
church will mat whk Mn. Freak
BamUton at Buneet cottage toiaoi
Pator Arlaa&r of dadiUae. wtU
preech et ike acbool houa oa Bat
Stole atrat thte evealag. in the Swedteh laaguage. A oordial lavltotion te
extraded to all.

•s'.—........ a
“sirrr.—“.... 3.98
The Woman's clnb will resume their
tneattng* for the pear Friday aftermen. The next mesGagof th* Bom* Fo­
am wfil be cn Wedneedap evMlng.
leptembw fito
Thwewnibe a ^edal mesriug tt

Correspond with
tbe Traverse Ci^
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooiing;
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of idl
descriptions, locluding 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.

No Larger Nor Better

.School Shoes

T. fopulir

iH the city thaa can be seen at


-fe- - ^


rvfBMd to b* u tooa
tbc am propotfUcn.
«M M


tlMr wcrO c
w Ue aecoc




of tbejnldBlBbt apodal
of the Cbieace«ad Altoa railroad wMeh
armoed to Ihl* ettr at 7;« a. n. from
CUeato narroartr eacaped death to a
arreek near Alton pMUtdar BoratoB.
Near th* oattolRa of that dtp tb* *■-

MM6fi( Tint h to DmM* th*
Mohammbdan Rulor Sownc To
OeuTM eftlM MbM 8tr9n
6« Courting Cortabi'ond
Tb* ofmiora* mnwint rafcmtf u
AudtiM ArmMlation.
!■ lb* tort«atm I* a n0tT u lUtobftrei. Bad* tb* dir More. TIm «ltb
" -rbit tb* oBwetwrl* tUtSit^.




---- ^

Ik* OTMd ■pfkktav 4


"Orsanlaed Hbor bu been worfctoB for
aome time <n the Une of tccunuB lesWatlao which wiu beneflt the worktec
okmaa tou tl hu bnju*ht u* no beneOl.
We will now bci to >01* to an endeavor
to remove the cause of our (allnreto 1«Motive circle* and hop* for better re>
Mlta" Branchtoc off into the minert'
Knke SoveietBB oald: "thl* ralnoF
otHke U nearer woo than niany peoi^e
believe. If ever there wu a real BrlevaoceandajuBcauMforetrndas « wu
to ^ sMke. and I believe they will yet
U they doa-t wiu It U the Hat

Other amvaH cf the day wm <J. C.
Ctomena. of Topeka. Kao., who bean
ervdetidab from CTiairmac Brleden^al. the chairman of the Populist
state cBuimIUee of Kasau; A. H. CHltuna of SpHnBfleld. ifc.; E. B. Web•ter. natkbal tnuurer of tbe Patriot* of
dLSaerlca. ChlraBo: Enok Stephens, the
a«ed alnsle taa advocate cf PbtHdelpMa; I. B. DIeckey. treasurer of (be
Katlceal SIdbIc Taa leasue. cf CblcaBo.
and J. K. Firm, also cf Chkaao. jamrs
M. Careen, pretideni of the United Mine
Worker* of luinuU. bu been here *tnce
riiday. Deb* arrival ibH morn1i« and

adrtsed that Itolthford
aad ot* or twe oiber* had
Iambus and amased a plac <f action
for tb^coufeivncc Khich they

' Peoria, nia. Aub. to.—Orand Mu<
SarBcnt. of the Brotherhood of Locon
Uve Flremeh. deelarce that he will npt
attend the meetluB of union labor leadt. ^uls today; -that be 1* oppoaeo to eyfopatl
gathetlc atrlkea, and t
the by-law* of tl
iBparttotbein. Sarsent aay*
eA&t that be would attend
tbe oonference
ce to unauthorised, ahd that

Oalaiua asM Asatosk th* TrtbMBM.
A column under OitonH Oordon wu
dtopatebed to the Bamaca district yolerday compoMd uUrely of native
troopa and fully equipped with medical,
oommlwarlai and tranrqxne servtcea It
bu Olden to force the Kitoai pamU neceoary. Much todlvldual
Into tte
camp at Jamrud has tsSa tksce. u
many u 1W Kray shots havlBB been

I bugne^connccted with the «hor1 a, ransc that thru native olDcen
who were on watch were kUtod.
•psaks well for the dtoetpHne and ebedlaec malautoed In tbe camp that not a
BbVBle toot wu Bred la exebasBe. Osh'
eral Wodehoue* hu Bone Bwm Haidan
to Bnstam. where th* force Bowamounte
le LOm mee with two buu and wiU be

vmpathUc with the 'strtUnB ml
and have shown it by their Uberal
•poue to an appml for flnanela]
sent out by him. Bui they can do them
----------------d by
y sta
work ahd •
Ins money to contribute than they
by stnUnB and Ihu cutttoB off ___
aonree of suppUca. Orand Master Pow­
ell. of tbe Orter of BaOway TeleBraph•rs. Mys they will not be represented at
the SL Louie meettoBOne Firm Has AO the CoaL

Ptltobura. Any. fL—By the end of toll
•l all tbe
river wlU practirully
sctirully be In
li tbe hands of

■ * ertll be made by the
of the valuable n
erm. There was a steady Incresae In
the price of coal all tost, week and at
present ruB-of-mlne coal bhas* from
10 to ISti eenta When tbe presenj strike
bcBan the firm of Jobe Jane* A Co. saw
that prices must advance, and It quietly
went to work and boUBbI rnal everywhen- It could at t>rict« whlcb now seem
very cheap. It ha* been keepiDB thl*
coal and. now practlrslly rostroto the
coal trade to this vicinity.

Mayw^Wh.1. MKTaUuBadM.
Tb* A>sct cf tbeconfercnce. u far u V Buffalo. K. T.. Aub. ».-A deiCBSthm
can he ascertained, are to devtoe aome of the Mine WorkeiW asKicHtlon of (he
micu for the retl.f of tbe strtktoB mle- BocklnB Valley and Jaekaoe's field
on of thscountrr and to prolcst aBalnsl called on Mayor Jewett and asked him
"Sovemmat by toJuncUon." Secretary to cull a mass metdnB In thU city of
*«. W. StetobUa of the BnlldliiB Trade the sympathtoers of tbe iUikins coal
OouncU, of 81. LouH. wbcbulfaeworkot miners 'Mayor Joueit refused to Brant
prqpailBB fbr the eceventlcn. uld: "W> tbe request, ssylns (hat h« was sur­
want Justice and we sre «otoB to have prised that he should be asked publicly
IL but-not to defiance of the principle* of and actively to irteresf himaelf to a
American liberty. We are putrtoUc aad cunttovrray between
we wael what to for the beK tnleresu of empUye outride of this dty aad auu
th* CBtlr* country. Th* BrqatcK/result and to attempt A Influace aay one In
•eibe meinlsK wtll be the unltlnB of all favor of either alile.
of the labor orennljatlons In this eonnW*lk.OM of Mh>en DU x*e Omb
ITT In «B* commoD cause. It wlU with­
UarquettA Hlch.. Auf. fo. — Tbe
out any question lead to tbe unton of
an the labor crBsnlwkm* In one repiral threatened walkout of mlneraat
dW not take place r
body, to which unUed acrion can b*
taka for th* Icterests of labor oe every
qmatloa that may aQ^i ibelr. Intercat forced to quit work In the mines
I know that all rvpresenutives «f laboi conUnual elertlun wa* In piPcrem 1
Hat week, and wba tbe votes w«
te St. Louis are to favor of aeb Hep."
counted •( a meettoB j-eeterday It «
found that tbe atrike propmUon w...
defeated by a »llff majority. The last
strike In these mines resulted in seva
weelu cf leml-starvatlnn and thc^ a
PlltsbuiB. Auf. so.—Before sotoB to returii to work at the company's terms.
the St. Loul* convention law nlSht PatANOTHCR HUI^ri 6QDY BOILED.,
rkk Doton. district president of the
United Mine Workers, ezpreiued himself DetHwe Is (be ImHpwt Oms trim an Bsvery freiiy nmcentlns the sistemeni of
the prem cotmcfliee cf tbs coal operator*
*Chl<«Bo. Aub•Ibe jury that wlil
Batar^ay. The stBiiment durBcs M. D. try .Vduliih LuetReri for the murder of
Batchford. tbe national prcfldmt. with his wlfi has been secured, the last man
maklnB certain asM^rtlons (bat are un- belns accepted SalunJsy. The trial
irue. it Blvea the deull* of the offers will beain this murnInB. A human body
made by the upusiors and abirta tbe was Iwiled to Ibv Vat In which It to
burda of the blame to Batchford. 'Tl to maintained by the prosecution the body
unfair to the miners and ihetr ctndatf to of Mrs. Louise Luet«eri was reduced 10
fluid and lha flooded away with tbe
have auck staUmentr so before the pub­
lic. for they are mUkadtoB and In the aewAB* uf the ractory. Those who ware
main untrue." said DoUa "Let me tell at the experiment were the lawyers
•MncthluB coDcemljiB what passed bv- wad adentlsta interested to (be defease
twsea u at that cooterencs.
When of LuetBert.
Tbe butItoB
Sose under tbe same
Batchford bad Biven hli ulUmatum and
the operator* aero asclud sad some ot conditions In which It 'to alleced the
lha very much out of humor 1 lotdt tbe murder was committed and the wnfloor.
nemes of it aay tha tost will disprove
■T toM tba that 1 looked into the tb* stale's theory. Dr. Jobs H. Logs.faces of many operuiots who had ivpeat- bead profeMor of tbe Korthwcs£ra
•dly told me that If the miners' offlciale Hedlral colteBc. who was In cbarBc' of
succeeded in brihBtoB about a.suspce- the experiment, aald that at the ad of
akin to certain mlnet that were paylv a throe hours' boiitns (be He hone* were
loweFrato they would asye* not only to SUM Intact. ThH be rays, will have a
pay W (cnto. but tl a ton. 1 told iha KBdacr to destroy tbe state's Crisc, as
we bad brouBbt about the suspension the testimony on that point to to the
they asked for. aad they knew I tsfeired effect that LurtBcrt did the work to two
U the Ne w York and Ctereland OuCoal *««ra

hu been recelvet______
le.Afrtdtowre IquarreilnB
amons tbemiclre* ever tbe dlvislcn cf
th* booty ta
Only about StO of them I
Buard the Khyber paiu. tbe other* hav­
lBB dispersed to. seek supplies of provis­
ions. This to prchably th*

The seneral Ides hereto that U further
detoy occur* to puntobtoB the Afrtdto—
for whlcb purpoee at lewM fo.OM men
are required—there will be a seoeral
upristoB on an enorsien* scale, estendtoB from Oraksalland (c Zaimukbt. be­
yond Koram and into Wai^stan. de­
spite tbe presence of (be B'lUsh Arid
force in the Torfal valley east ef Bustam. Betwea Buner aad the Indus the
tribee appear to bt dtotoritned to Joto
the rebelUob. A stroiiB column ot na­
tive trooe and the royal Irish reBlment
srlth four Buna. under commard of Col.
end Riebantooa. baa started for tbe
relief ot the Kunin Valley tort*, and
another force has been tent (o tbe a>sMance of tbe Sbtmsrart EurrisoB. It
he* devel^>ed that the capture of Port
Lundl-SoUl was accompUahed (brouBh
treachery, and (bat the oriBiaal re­
port that a fiBht UmIbb two hours took
pUce within the watts of tbe fort was
Tbe HO Khyber rifle* «%€ srerc sUtloned there bdooBed to varihu* cHns
and Included a nnmba of ma from

waras dropped from the walls and fled
to their homea. Tbe Afridlson thewalto
soon beaaa to esehanB* Breetlnics with
the besvlBers of th* fort, whereupon the
Kate* mere opeoed from the Inside and
(be eremy poured In. Some of'the de­
fender* fled and other* remslned and
Laternlatd with the beselsera.
Prahawur* were dUsnned. sH of them
held u prlrouer* and the remain.


letts and finceries

* at A
blBb rat* of opewd. and thrown down a
furtp-flvo-teot ODbaakBMBt. The ten
' thro* basBaB* caro eoatatoBB
j acenerr and wardrobeo of theDtohr

d a .
detmntniUoti .t
. Jmithqf
0*tUi« Ban* and Plnkeitoa
y OatllBc
. tceUvM.
M. m»
m* la
(ala* and Hr. BatibMmm to* Mattor. » U tototord knowa it. H* aar* thta la ch* acm totadto PoU*t WoMM 'Md !
rho tear dlanmton of lha
• Al>**4-nrMM a
rhrMtoMdhrTWtMee Twe I
ma If ao why did Mr.
Batchford dedln* to accept aar oa* of
the foor prapoHUoa* made hr the «»•
eraton at lb* UoosoBabela Bona*
Parla Aub- tk-The Memorial EHplo- !
- SL iMU, A««. sa—T1
[BC« Ot
-matlque amepti that the ameer of
■abmii to an lm>
B Uie ualtod labor conbaa ordered the taUbfnJ to
partial board of
>T What tn*
Twlton w tbli wimnc U'aw04«i«U* 9f
la readlBtae for a boir
dlfferenee* to artiltiatnr*
- bdlHPpelstBtait to tbeh
the partlea demaoda as a war and that a meettsB of malHbs'hoo
on arnacemetiu. The
eonditloB of arwtratloa that tbo other- been eoneaned at Cabal to dlacnns tba
torrender all that was demanded to tba atiuatloe.
flrat piaee.
Hr>:-W. C Peare*. •
. . . _
BoKbar. AOB. M.-Uttl* trcib nawa
"Hr. Batchford aapa the mlneiw mtut j hae been reedvod here from the Cron>
nr*r of the United Mine Workera «(
hare a *IIv1bb rate of aacea'
' 'Amertca: R. Aakew. ■ecretair of
NaHonal lCB*ra] Mloeri’ aaociauuo.
lApenlac, Itleh.. and Srirmer KelU* miner in the RtuburB dl.lrlct daUr *
»" repoHod. lodtos
her, fOcBMrir aecretan' of the A. a. U. Mmed. under a B4-cect rate, a hlfber killed and B
wounded. There tocBb*
had at maent pnbllUier ot Tb* SocUl wace than I* paid to a matoiitv
y of
' th*
alOBB the BoUn route to Quetta, and the
Pnnwaat. Cblcaro- 8otm«Icd fouabt Bechaalee to the mlUe a
of^reponera nntlt acartr .U o'^oA
IdCBtapb wire* have aBain bus out. It
than It 1* reported iharthe tnbeamea are Bathlit nisht, whan he nrae cors«r*4 In th« received a hlchor wace pee dar
paid for common labor by m
icr railroad
Laclede and nitmlued to an intcmew.
eriBB DMT Zlrael ualtorlum. and mneb
eftv rut
ot the
aexlctT la '
It 1* Umplr ImpoaMbl* to forecaat what
t the Mfety of
« oprtat'
K. .1
women and chlldrm there, u the,
Ub eoetcmicc wUl do." Mid Bor«rel*iL
tl bream
Offlclato ate aakiaB for miiltary
*Moho4jr can icll whLi it* outcome wtU
mao. Batchford le land la proucUoa f.» thoir iwoperty.
If the
ba It aeeiBB to me. however, that all
Ohio operator*, who
wemeh and
lahor oraaslutlocs reaUac that the Utne want to capture tbe market for Pltuchildren at tbe aanltanorawllIbebiwaBbl
hai com (or them to put eudde all pettr bUTB coaL
away, but otherwise troops will he sat
Jealouale* nod form one Brand aroalsafrom QuetU to protect them.
tosceul Win Bet G* to 8L laal*.

a» oU

compaar and HopkBo ThMtrteal e
paST. and a pcMal car fdlowcd a«<
rolled on top of th* «bb1
Peter BaOntr. of BtooMtoBtsu. th* cn>
Blheeer. wu ptoned. H* wu taken oM
fatallr tafurod. nroaaa ChariM John•on. of BloomtoBtmi. Ilia; UaU derka
Robert Matumooe. of JeraervlUe. Ilia.
and W. P. Simper and Samuel Orobha.
of Cblcaco. crawled out ot the wreck
aeverelp hun.
Tb* aheek'threw the paaaenfen from
th«tr berthk. and MeaaBM^ Duacau B.
BarrtaN. of the Dlaby BeU eompanr.
wa* Berkraelr hurt about the chest Oth.
«r» WWW iBlured more or leu aertooslr.
Bnctocer Raffertp wu found to havu
a fractured skull, internal Inlurte*. a
brokeu anh and two broken iesa. Tba
tnmmcu aatd that a tramp •
sualloB a ride wu under the wt
wu probably dead. All the scenerr,
property and wardrobe, u well u
•onal effects of the Dishy Bell cacni

Rtapizef lulin
1st sad lOAdfsis


Offers l|[ TelkligH PranptlT


*TBLBPH05£ Hi.



Fttkatmt, brtwHB rnstACm.
> nay AMD nasr.

( '

alwsja to atodh
-A- *W. JA.TmA.TTB,

Rates. $1.50 per Daj.
Why Amertata Whou b I
Buda Pest, Aus- ».-The mlntotry of
acrlculture bu tosned Its anaual esUmale, to which It dsortbee the worWe
harvest u extruordJnarfly U«hL Th*
total yield of wheat to placed at 57X,7W.WO metric taucdred-welcbta wblto tbs
preeeat annual requlremeata are eetlmated at CH.UO.OW metrle hundtedwelBhta It to calculated that for im
aad ins there wni be a shorUBe of M.•WAW bundred-weiBhts. The world's deflelto of cereals other than wbeat are *»■

.trley, 1...

m.000; con. U,000,000.

*Qasd** Whssl Acalut H*TM ■riv
Philadelphia, Aub. lA-The ave-mile
race between a relay of runnins hi
aad a qaadrupt* bicycle took place at
tbe Kenstorton Driviny park. Ron
bore, nsu hue Batuiday aftenooB
rssulted in a vkiery for th* hetuis,
horse* were startsd at dStorat dtotancea. Belisarlu and Rom* «otoi
mile each; Eflto 6. and Aida Kirk r
nine tbree-quartera of a mile u
r maktoB a mile and Btotsp.

■eal Tickets at RedBcedfiates.
Pint ctsss DuPiiatd. tfnli1 P*im

Lady Watts

Now for Business!



Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will not make regular con*
nections with trains on M. &
N. B.' Fishing parties, how­
ever, can make arrangements
for the nse of this handsome
yacht, by communication by
mail or ^ire, with

»ke quad 10:11

Iceland, MiclL

S«e Oil New liai
ssylnir: "The
____ _______________
Turkey are sU puiUl* and proti
the Amertou) mlsriob schools at Manovas. Bull*. Erwreum aad Van. Tlw
Uvily of these schcoto (the bey to
‘ have added] are the curs* of Turkey
and ArmetU alike."

Picture Mouldings


m Killed Whil* Wwmi
PbllMp*. \vi*.. Aub- Jq.—vqncenl Folsart, the »»-year-old son of Andrew
PolBart. was aecldatally killed whll*
hnnitoE. He came here reeenUy from
ChicaBO. ______________________

Coniar of Uutori asd Ha; Strata.
)l. A N. R. dspot. wtobea to aaa to tbe public that ba baa rw
fittod and -furntobed Ufa Botet Paa«baa baa be* tba travaltor pribUe lu Rood ab^ Sattotoetia

In eastern PruMla lafertloaa infiammatloa ef lb* eyes to epldemle-----------tb* school (MIdrcB.
riT* at Virmato. EH. Batnidaj ..........
fne destroyed IM.OOS worth ef pr^etty;
tnsurance. M.C0Q.
Thlrtea butidlass
Th* report that Cohmet Pando. with a
fore* of BoUv-lans had Invaded tbe •
FcruvlsB prorioc* of Sapdia. proves to
be incotrect.
A t-ysar-«M child was carried awuY

ably, devoured.
waukee. and foe many years a lawyer
of New Tork city, to dead to bto
at New York, aced O.

venUnn adjanied at WtolMd Balnrday
until tomorrow noou, after bavtaB cum

Cycle OfoersLookHerel


lslv'^aS!7pl>!SVito rity.

,BsyH.BMrM.aS B-Dspot.


Lederle’s ZVltS^S:


The Pure Juice
Butter, first Class DnlMttreato.
Beys’ Blouses
Green that will kill Bugs

pacera were matched Saturday for a
mile race at Nywle park. Boston.
SepL 11 for d purse of H.0n. tbe win
to Uke alL
The clothe* ot J. L. Shaan. a praleat‘ Hi,
attorney at Ktmeua. la., were found on
the hank r( t
Whether the d

- ■“
and »0A WObalm Braaq

owovuv-uion owav


to Rent
_______________________ FaU llha matoriaL

n the, 1
• Tnsnne
iMBit b Thai a I«-t'«w-OU MfL Bar
Mather sM a Bay Af« DasA
Tampa. Fla.. Aus. ad^-Naria. tbe l«year-old dauBhier of Mrs. i^rancM Valdea. of Port Tampa City, went to tbe
kitchen Up start s Hr* yesterday utternoon. She poured on kerosae and In­
stantly there wa* a deafenliiB exploelon
followed by tbe flrt's aBonlxInB criee
a* she ran from the room on tire
Valdes at once wat to her dauBhter-s
aMistanee. H*bUe she was attcmptlnB
to exUDButob the flames her own elothm
eauBht tire and the two ran'sereamtog
from the houae. Both were burned to a

The bouse cauBbt from the flames and
ra* destroyed. A aoiall boy was burnM
J the bou»e. Tbe fire spread rapidly
company’s mlnesi It seemed absurd
and five bouiM owned by the Plant Injlazs4l Paadly nm,uUm.
0 accept d*tr.
raKmat company were burned.
work at the fo-reat -rate pendlns ^HHa boy. I
tratlon. I eKplilocd to tba that we had
0 the fro
trouBht aboul a sutpensla to the mine*
The flrv was witnessed by____
rwsrd. ao(
that aecmtrd to bciher them m> much and
eral thousand pleasure-seekers at PlcnH
Siva up as i
s family 1
wanted them to keep their promtoee.
' Mand and the lim.
here acx.n afin
»e overjoy..
“Of oourae. I; u well known that they
Blurday. Lord, wba
would n« llston to our parpoMthm. I
An«. M.-Win. J.
tba appcMM to them to nee their eftended the Orand Army a- Bryan racked bonw Saturday evalnp
foru to brlBB about a conference of
. .
I Buffalo, and whilFthere after an absace of three months. He
operators and miners to all th*
toaraed of hi* famny-* whembouta
win take aa active pen In next WedntaInvolved. I toM them that every 00*
eocvealloo. to
present abonid make an hoMi sffoK u
brtoB about such a con^noe. and as­
Duhaqua. Xa.. Aas- Mp.—Th* ampiita- JsWek he was elected a dslefat* at lb*
nty cdtLveiitloB. Bryan favors fuafou
sured tha that the mlnerT irmhila.
b to* ponallats and free silver Bearould do aB la thHr power to beta* tta
publleaas, and bto preference for the HI.

—..........................* and faned I tedd tha
X wsuM he sijBtaB to cat loose and act •ManwMtodU



: Soda Water
t Ftoebb Bh^^e Bepolr 8b<9

palnnent of lu oapitaL
The officers cf tb* Merrtiaau' AmoI U nt/lll South Dploii Straet.
Clauon of New York city usUmate that —------------- ------------- —------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------the boeflt by the vtoll of buyers from TJva
ranHlPQ ^ *•
«**■ «««. ^ ««
M ^rts of tbe coumry ^ fob. “
.tie family trade, deUesrqd at i«i£
wiU appraxlmats taDdW.SSt.
Oa^ ]
Office Lamorax. who Wb* cAiytri with
atlempiad fraudln eoosectla with
•urveya of Callfornto knou-u as tb*
hu controrerted
prrittiMt to tovto St H
'WUh tola STMt soon of Blaety-nln*
■ ““
AUrad V. FHadrlek.
out of IW J. A. B. BUlott. of Kanmi
aiy. captured tbe Dupont sUver trophy
plwbve plgeoB
ing from C. W. Budd. of De* Uolnea la..
la a matto ai bu Claira Wto.
John Keen, a BuritoEtoa road eectfoo
taanA wu.struck a the triad by lightaratWIoriginal drag man. drat door Mat of postofflee.
ra all
pleee* and hto right shoulder and a
burasd. the lightolnc ruantog off hto
hand to to* propelling lever be hcH. He
will' probebly recover.

ss Ice Cream Freezers Jfs?

Ladies High Bicycle Boots


Paris Green.

lie WelSbOT W. H
Wstobprtaa. Axg. kl.-FoaepprtoB era to*
w sMrtr wiada Pbr
rioHr to
tog vifiaHa F«r Low HItolMU->H*
wtetoar. beto aortliuMKly le waaHy
- - dtods sUag
ter XJeter MUtoa-


Teeding Farmer** aorees e Speeleltg.

Boxms BoerdsjL





l^n lUl^-—TT
t>a»*«1UI»la tt»» !.«.
Beadville. hUsa.. Aoc.
n* CU-

Tbeatar^ Madeiiiw BoateawUl
play tbe priscipal pan in "JDana.” a
DAT mnaioal piaoe to be prodooed oext
MaMB by Max Blieaa.

VbCMeol CaltBtM KvePlgMntaedtW^
Tbere DtiM be non ot Icoa
pie Ban Creeked Hmew
{ pato aptli the wonadN^cjartfibly bealad.
A predeanraf (dijaieBl onltue aa-1
meet that be baedi



Attoreaya at Law.
oaoee U Motrlags* Keek.


sar arrival aaen


Mae Lowery will ploy one of tbe
OWo paolnc tuUkm SlAr PolBUr, owned
chief para In “Tbe Qeeaer" with Don*
Vjr Junei.A. Hurphr, Baturtar wiped
I ^
and Qlrwl Wgt,l
next snaetL Tbonai
<wl tbe twcmlBWe coark aad eoM cd the Bon and tbe potitioa
of tbe teai i
Bot if
.tba eontravenr which haa beta «otnc
BBOim, Attoivr sad CB«
OB Cor yeara the apeed aoaUUea of
-»w. SpMlal at.cet4«B M <
nonktlea bis obKaeaUcca to Ibo »«» i
sooTcj-aaelsg. t11 Praol PL
tha light baniea* bone., Aooompaoied
A. M. Palmar bai ptinbaaed a faroa i
bare known of an
tbe tipe of tbe horns bad been removed ewnedy in foor acta entiUed “That
I pipw
bred ataUlon wiped'oot the mark and
to take to batting agsln, hot verp
Man.”byEmmaVivanti-Cbanna Tba
t bie______
bad Utree-toartha of a aoeond to aoaM vrltbool JookiL, _______
aoenee of tbe pUy an laid in Kew
bin walk. The diaoor«y was made by It*««»
Yott. and UwmbapradBoedlnOrto.
Be in ISOI wUla tubing pbyalcal I
onltore. 1 foaod a atobbon awkward- „
ptttet for record bnaklag. .
M« In tbe nomnents of 'nr pnpils'! Bcifal CoUege of retenoary Satgeona,
MlBOELLAyEuDB WANTS breath of air waa atlrrlBg when at 4 Cert. Locking lor tbe canae. I foond f«id:/-l oonsiito tba pn«k» ^ disCdoek tbe borw came out wUb a.ntn- ttiat nanj of then wen nieaeotoad. Cwraiog croel beeaote it eanns fcarfnl
Btait borae to make a trial for a erotld'a
Id otben ooa foot waa oorreot and tbe
Two ecorea were Biade wlthoot
bavc bnri tbe previm evidence and
tba boree getting off. bat on tbe thlid otbw taned ts.
“In taaebing rorreet breelbfog 1 bad agree with ii."
bu driver nodded for the> word and
Prcrfnww WilliaiD Pritcdierd of tbe
r be 1
«0 iBveailgaie tbehOBdiUoa of tbe nasal
flm onutcr waa at an reeo two* pan^get. Tben t fonod that wbanvw Boral Colirpe of Vrterinary Sorgeooa.
Landon. and for M yean profenar at
ounaie gait.. Is IS aeconda, and then as
MoCtaiT called on hie pacer to move
tbe Boyal Veirrtoary collfwe, CaaideB
then waa a great cheer tor he got to
_ __
_ ____
Town, had heard
tbe half In S:ts%. Tbe third quarter
With tba left foot m iitrlL If both ! •»«
waa tb* faatert of the mila The dlv
BCrtrlla wen defective, both feet w
taaee wha covered

L a.a. 1 r.B. iLv.






; iiW »«DMt.«t.c:





I hone. 'The defect in tbe left oortrlL

At another

great pacing BtallioB appeand to freah-ItimelexarninedoverdOwltha view to


College of Vcb«lDsry Sorgeona and for
SOBM time iU preekb-nL said, “In my
opinion diobaraiag 1« extnmely extiel
opd qnita niDereaKry. “
Prafeeaor J. Msrqnetv.
for ten yaaib



TraosportitloD Co.

l^^ff^ l^celicaBelisrrtvesatUMIBa. m.
a L uwKsrooD o. p


A might} about went Up. Meo yelled «»™U. with orerwide angles at tbe Town, said; VTbe operatton is not
Decemry. and. if rvformrd
feet to «»*«P«kL
as Ihougb
poesnsed.____In ....
the grand .;<«»*<•
■bonld tKLdoDt cirth(iai2i3-Bl before it
Btand the owner of the bOrae bad bts >' “Girls I
band T^ng until it ach.d.. Hardly
rs Theper- is 6 or 8 moDtbi old That prevents the
had McClsrr get___________
stand ! BOB wbo has i wbinii
or-OBoffiiut borpi growing, and tba operation is
bad MeCUry gu the horee t
aUll before _lbey had him
y is that with tbe ;
ahoulders and' t' e was born' down the ' A
e foBod invarUbly i
atmeh to ^ jud^? ra™d. ana“h^! '
as tbe band played “Han to the Chief." ^ "“P*® ebonlden and hollow efaeau, tbe
be waa imreduevd to tbe throng. A [ ■*«>?
*»«“«* ■
rre<fM» <
fairer mile was never timed. Many of direct ratio with tpedefeoL In extreme
• o< Uae Li
the watches tpsde it faster than 1:M14.1 «aaes then wm on ugly protnulani o
of I
medical paper in a m*nt issue bae
none slower, j W. Hsrks. «Uo of Chi-1 tbe abdomen, a tandsney to draw bad
rtok I deaoribed
' chandei.stic moTvmruts

• *

Tralas anira (row Ose
^*rM^|^^'a^^£bpUa.DnroH mt

Ntrtliffi licbiiu

—-- •








-J ou


West 3Iichigan'

r. t ma. m.
esoa B.
* Wa-IB.


•SSSIM fer the LaagM PaaasM.
Cbkaro. Aug. M.-«li>ee laM review of
tbe League bast ball altnatlan BalUi
baa won am place. putUag Boston___
ocA and New Tork has dimbed over
cmdniiau and mto third ptacs. •
Plaged. Won. Loot. P. C
«««»« ................IM
»««> ...................... 1«

... . u,
ebatecter. fhuL If'tbe'psin
him that
bis kft nciitril Is amaller than be in tbe ebcac and distributed a
igbt That
tbe right
That is.
is. that
that be
be oan
oan take
take jj Urge
Urg, otm
«*, tbe aaffemr sweeps tbe

^ It U«

i«. »1. :
““J"”?'"-.. Iboa,

Conveiaely. tell him to place tbe ger oetnretcbed and tbe otbera curved
end of tbe tbitmb under and againrt tba :

plpaii^ lotb. ™bi io« ™a,bj.|p.tobu, p.a„,

Bagtl.b Mvwm laws.

Am children of tbe marriage are ttd
bnibaod’s if he cboocei to bate
PblUd^lm-Piu.Uirg A I biK if be doe* not care toiwrfocm a ft’

will point at tbe place witb ooe Anger.
Tbe pain of bepaUc ueoralgU a
* i is indicated witb ^ thnmb

” . • ____ ________ ________ _
‘>® h-I With tbe hand flat
'also committed tbe nngentlemanly sin i
A cuioBS case is ^oted of a patieot
Kew Tork t—eight loBlngs of “klcUi
Western League: At
Detroit—:-Hln. ^ personal araelty, and in all caM of I complaining of a severe beadsebe. Be.neapolls 1 Detrull1 T;
T; tsecoDd
fmeond game) . divera and aeparaUen it U a man’a l-ing iuking in what part of tbe bead it
^----------- . 14. Detroit <: at Columbus- reading of tbe man made lawi tbat en-I waa, be answered, “Tbe top," and
i «rely decides not only tbe case, bnt tbe | when farther qaeniaoed as to tbe exact
IJ^^omsCityl. Jnd-na^lst:at8t.joons«,oenepe.aitotbe oostodyof tbe ' ep« prised hU flager on tbe eldeabove
Paal-Oraad Bapids
8L Paul *4. ehildren and tbe amonnt of alimony, tbecheek bone. This be did three timre.

IIMhISS SS?^.S!=1S1S£^^^
Wenen Aasoclailon: At Dnbaqne— t
EoglUb law permiu an tDifaitbfol
Des-MolDw:. Dubuque 5; at Rbdeford- botband and father at death to will
^ington 0, itoekferd I; at PeorU- away every penny of bU property from

XUbuque 8; at Peorta-QuUiryt. Pvorta
7*"* *■ o®* poeaiUe io Srotland.
. nor was it fcstcrrly josidblr iu England.
Tbe lawoi dower proboted the widow
or lat/rMt »>. pMal EoipIsyM.
nntiJ this cvntuiy. wbt« meu tinkered
Waah:ngtoii. Aug. to —First AaMsiant
tbe Uwa so as to gain a larger Ubioda
Postmari. rr-vneral Heathaayslivfornia. i.u...
**^*'*'”- The operation of thU
it that men were go- »“«>Uue privilege often gives onwrty to City, making a taniiy for cruel oppresaion not dreamed
cUng entertainmenu-of by right minded men. In feet, it is
8b. the lntere<t of leuer carriers for al- ' Only beesnse tbe large majority of men
leged clianishli purpoaes. with a view ora better tbao tbe lawi allow them to
of making proflis uut of ibe people's ba tbat Society U n
generosity toward the carriers. "The
prariln- nuM b«- stopped," he uid.
PoBtii] emidnyvs art prohibited from ahtalnlng money from the public In any­
Tba OaDstitaUoD'a goni wersidoable
way directly or indt^uy.
Mwtted witb round and grape.
LaureUocd Park



dead bealde tbe coffin. Twoladles.Mr_____
Bbase and Mias Kewmaa. a relaUve.
-4rdw from tbe bouae to taforai Krm.
•Wakb's relativea. wbes tbe borae ran
' away, cbrowtng oot tbe ladles and aerl*
eusly lajurlng MIsa Hewnum-

and broker
laat Hay. belhg last
■sea IB eweago. baa been located.

Waltan. of Buffalo, toimcrtyot U‘
tag. aneountered Ely. recently U
Uad. R C. The Inauranc* com
ivlly tas
with whom Ely was heai

I to ttae

FUst. Hicb.. Aug. 18.—Satorday aflar-

r 8-year-oM daughtar
Hay. bsr u-yaar*rtd
a ysBBger died tour boor*


• Mp-



sBisau.emcas asb »
Sod MiohigBB 8L.
B. B. POPS. hsM. Travsh

“3Ian Wants
But Little
Here Below,

But He Wants That Little

It of tbe War of 181A"

totbe anti-Shahcqsam crowd.'’
“Wm yoB pieom alBcidatrr- oahad

“Well, Mm gives nt baeaD for bteak-

is known to be Effective.

ustts MUSI

“My little KallU has jast kaW
onr and killed," moBBadapocr wot
They wuro barriworki^ maa.
tbair baaita were toBobad, and soo
hat waa being pamad nsBd.te tt»
aflUcted womau'i benafiL
“Bow old waa abM" takad « -of
. *‘Fivey«ara“ataeanfwer«d,aBdteB
pmalyaed them all with, “aadl've bad
ber avm siBoa abs was a kitML

if You Have a Want


taak awymonlng now, you will Bota"
-*PblladelphiB North Amerinn. ■


lYcrfiBacr MoOhll, for many yuan
ftinoi^ ef tbs Olaagow yatstioary
eoUaga tasaUng dl tbs pnetios of dmtani4 oatMt. taUt “I bm fatafld Nta

WaUgr^ «4 1


TfaTerseBajLifieof Steim
■very day rro^i^aero^lmaaai rtdeaa
wrwssswB ofUj^iswia


Mirom ber lartoard.aBartek.

“H«lieva.“aaid tba fanny boordar.
“tbat tbe landlady has been wim over



“■ISi—Honey to Loan '

*s take eSsev Ouday, JUM at, US>,
_________aiiaee'elseka m.______________

;__________ - 001X0 xoBta. •

wind, and tbe Oooatitatlanalowlyfciged
abend, fired again, luffed abort raund
tbe otber'a bowa and, owing to a heavy

art OB Are by tba smamya fesward batpart <ff tba

sill unsm lUKtimuna ti


decks wfju flooded, and


■e a Hafctagtos Sbs KJeadyka.
t W

©onto BOCTH.

.An AdvBrtisenienti.1..
Want Department..:

deed memlwrr of tbv Caibollt Total Ab- '
WoundeA.. Few a few
■Unere inicp. which was» fa
holding a pic- »lnnics. abronded in tmoke, they fooght
Bic here,.'bad taken retu„. _
....... at tbe dUtance of half .............
aaertn. one
Brown, j tbat tbotl time tbe Engliibmau waa4f
of Chicago,
mantling. Eleven
iBtund. None of the mjurtd
way tbe EttglUbman tsoagbt np to tbe
I- ■
San <—Thewlfeiore
Walksr.route agentfortheSatlonal Ex*
pvaweanpany. died on Friday last. Tbe
Bttrae. Mrs. Kate 'Welch, while prepar*
tag tbe body tor the funeral1 «»»a.
Snoda; e >. ■ ^C..y -

m QUICK. *

be a bad tooth.

ii;Ss'?'iu'5rs:'S,i,bt'"cS sr5rbS‘.£‘c:.r‘b^r5::2i'

w '




ParlwearlesTaeMrOrm aaapUsUlI:Mw
oaa Di BAnig^eM

soatrils alternately, breathing tbrongb ’ tbe Aonble Ir. In appeodicit?^ bolde
tbe even <me ewib time, and oak him | tba palm of tbe hand over tbe diiaaaed
.MamoQDi area wilboot tonefaing tbe ildo. When
him be i« auffering from ■ •

PoUoulog eTbe Uttol Ln
At •Washington—St. Louis Jl. Wasblci
too »: SI BalUnwre-omclnnatl t Bslii


...i ,iu. lb. ibte a.-

byhavlngbiBwalk jAcbild-Who oomplains o( ocBtinoooa
pain in tbe atouaeb, when there is no
It tbe proper aqgla is landemeas on preosaie is probably
er side of theme’
afflicted with disease of tbe spine. In
60 degreca with boib feet _
hip ^nt diseam tbe pain will he reaotoloeetbencanril from tbeolde. bat f«ied to at a point inside tbe knee. With
gently from BBderoeath."
violent dUfosed rKaiinflammaiiirT twin



QOOg WAVmt-^ttaserseatyLaater Ce.

Maaktoa, “to oota bow many amlneatly SMOBBffBl man wore R«ardad a*
itnidd wbhD they wva in a^ooL'*
“Sao.** npUed bU wife ta a oigBlflosBt tcM, “and tbe mtut iaiaTmting
poiat it that mart ^'tbaiiL.d^M begta

> atqnlm OBrMntaUctt te brtng
^mrtU Btttr they wan aaslad.**
» BHr.


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