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The Morning Record, November 27, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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y •
Finrt Te«-No. 178.
abont oa* o'aloek while tp* ooeopaaU of the boM* were alaeplarThey had barely time to aecape with
their Ilvee and did not have evea time
to drea*. They wet* forced to aeek
ahelter wiA a aelshbor. s»ln>^ •<»>•
dietaaoe la their nisbt clothias. bar. )riT«B 6a Sbor* By Heavy Oal* 1b
Of Um Ooldea As* of
aaable to eave a aiacle article
«u«-KHnbm gf
Club lac
BUadiac Baod SMrm-Th* Or«w
0*lT*d D«ep la CtUaaie Lor* aad of ercariac apparaL ‘n*y were kladly
Beached Load At Oi» Haven
eared for aed yeetorday a aabecrtpUoo
BMdnrod Th*ir KMMrehM TmAftv FarQou* Trip la thevStora—
paper wae circulated ameac tba baai▼emiel la Great Baacer.
Bee* meo of the city aad over CM raleed
for their relief. The bnUdioc waa MpccUl leTeiMoBitraeKenMin.
Olea Bavea. Nor. <•—Tba ataamer
from tfae sertias m owaed by tbe Getcbel eaUte aad wae
Woama'i Qab. bat over tblrtp w«n rained at lean than •too. Thera wae. Oo^bee. boaad from Cbicacc^ for Baroa‘ Uebt, ras aabore oa the eoatheaet
eom^ of Korth UaaitM ialaad laet
rre'm aader lb* iMdanUp of Mr*. J
Bicbt la a aaow etora- She ie oat
B. Santo.
abont two feet. M’bile there are
Tba Ooldw As* of Greak Llteretarc
vno tbr Uietae of *a able papm- by Lodi**'Boa* ^onnal SariM to be rock* thera, ah* U not Jcoklnc. They
have let tbe water law ber. bat aa the
Hr*. C. 3. Koeelaad. She devTlbed
Exhibited at the Oobct«C*wiad ia Borthweet. raakioc a heavy eea
briefly tbe work* of the three rreat
tioaal Birthday Pai^.
Ue U pouadliiy baH. She U la
poeU of trasedy. Aewthy
The Ladiv Ueme doaraal pictnrea,'| the same p\ic» where Ue etesM Alva
aad Beripida*. aad told of their iaflaaaee. Tbe aatad hbtoriaa*. Herodo- which will oODatitnte tbe principal ; yrouaded.
atate. wiU a boat
taa. Tbaeidyde*. aad Xaaophoa. rw ‘“I""
eelrad meatlo*. aad the pfaileaapher*. 1
bhrtbday party of tbe CoDfrera- uhore today wlt£ Uelr yawl laabeavy
wind ud aaow etorm. A vet? perilou
Soeratea, Plato, aod Ariitotle. wheat tloBsI ehomb aad Sunday school, i
trip at thU aeasoD of Ue year. It U a
d the opiaiooa of tbe
works of art, eeaaUUoc of the moat haH plau to worku It U expooed to
elaborate eover* of tbe macaxlac. also almost all winds, so berdUapea.M
raUer doabtlal anlem fiaM^eatW
the m<mt artUUc illnslraUoos of
of the nnmbere. The vain* of tbee* pravaila
acalptor. Phidiaa. i
prodncUon* may be toalUed when it U
Thaaiatoelaa. oloaloc with a w
Morthpon Potato Money.
eUtod-that aems of the deeicos
ate to the worth of Perlclea, a
The potato basiaem at KorUport bu
thepablUbenll.MOcaeb. In addiUoa
to these, tbe photocraphic art eoUee- bun partlenikriy yood thU fall. Tha
of Atbeoa owed i
tloo* of S. E. WaiU Mra. J. W. Milllkeo, Barry Kaeeland. Edith BoaaeU Ual point np to Ul* time exceeds fiSO.boo. TbU ie U* laiytet smonat evdr
aad other* will be exhibited.,
Tbe art exhlblUen will M c>m kaowa to have bees paid out at No^
drat of tbe famoot Greek phlloeophere la Us hladercarton departaeat on port for potatoM la oae aeuna.
«o teaeh that maa waa a axwal beioc. Ue beU atterooen aad evMUac
BU favorite maxim waa - Eaew. Iby- of November SO and December
aalf.” aad he taacbl the ^reel eyetem The porlon will be ttetefolly deco
Tbe first alelyh of Ue eeaeoa
the world hae ever koowa with tbe ex- rated wlU the meet elaborate trim peered apoa Froat strut yuterday.
oeptioa of the teaehiar* of ChricL She
Maleotm Winnie U leadlay .five mu*
wlU^ prepared by
cloeed with a portioa of Soerata*' oable
of potaWM fu Ulpmeat to New York
Ue llbrarihBB w|U Ue aeeUunce of
defeae* whea oa trial for hb Ufa City.
Mo Icm latereaUac U the lUe of the Ue ladUe of Ue aid eeelety.
A dauyhtar wu bora to Mr. aad Mr*.
There will be a-----friead aod stndeot of doeralea Plato.
On*. Oreenwald of Cedar strut. WedTbU anbiect waa ably baadlad by Un. boU afteraooo aad evealoc of
J. B. Banie. She spoke of the lafloeooe daya. ooasUtinc of mnxic, boU vocal
E E Bfbbard wUl Ulp tea art of
Ue theoriea
ban exerted oa all Uter
potatar* today to Pre^enu. E I., for
philoaopber* ahd Machera He believed
that women ahoald have aa eqaal share Oo Wednesday eveoiac the blrUdey Earl Bros.
A tabular well sixty ful In depU
witf meo la the affair* of *uie. Mra bare will be reeeived aad Us Home
^to *poke of maay of bU beat kooi idoaraal pietorea. flfty la nnmber, will faMbuBdrlvea oa Ue Ralph I^bn*
utaU. U euppllu pleaty of ]
<Mriea aad yave a aomi
mber of eelec- bedUpoeedof.
St water.
'tiooe from bU wrilioc** that are re< Bsrkably keeo aod appropriate In the
mjamU Cook of lalaad mat wlU
world'* preeenteute of civilixatioo aad
aa aeeldeat iaaeblaylr mill Wedaea*
Bic City of Travel M wlU Boa from day at Lake Ana, which rualtod ta Us
Bdawa ^bor to XUveuko*.
lose of two flayfirs aad a Unmb.
eoBdndiac her remark*.
Beatoa Barbor, Nov. » —The UfaGeerye Heltaerof Blaybam. oouii
After a short recces Mr*. Dcaa reed bam A Morton drraaaporUtion obm' of WillUm BeUaer of UU city. U preU*• latereetlar
aemat of of Ue laet paay wIR operate two Ha«* of boau parlay to bnlld a fine yaaollae plouarr
aad deaU of Soeratea. girro UIs wlnUr. Tbe eompaay today char- but for service oaCUrp lake next aula Ue Ptardo of Plato, and Ura. Qar- tertod tbe bly el
re City of DulaU
MU eeaeluded tbe pracram wlU aa aod City of Trsvene. Ue former to ye
- Tbe BoeUl ylvu hj St. FraaeU Liter
aooooBt of Ue myUs of Apollo, U* oa Ue Chieare ran and Ah* lattar on
ary Society lut nlykt wu attaaded by
Bbo Ood. aad Ue hero Herealee that Ue Milwaakee ran. Theu boat* will
a laryc nnmber aad very enjoyable.
waa very laurestiac.
yo iato eommlmloB OB December 1.
The litanry fnad wu noaaidenbly reAt Ue boelsew mecliac It waa de
plenlsbed by Ue teulpU.
dded Ual Ue recoptioD to Dr. SooeB'
Oandidau far Bofona Beheol.
The Woaiaa'* Farelya Missionary
thal-Thompeoa. plaaaed for'two weeks
tloelety of U* Friends ohnreh will
ace, eheuld be held oa Boadsy aext. at
Traaot •Officer Marrla U briaclac rel UU aneraooB wlU Him Be
3 p. m. The ladle* are aaticipatlac snlu which are not pleasaat to certain
■laeh pleasure in meeUaC the doctor traaau who have accleeled to attend Wriyfat. &31 WasblaytoB street. The
tnbjul to be dUeamod U -Maxleo.'
acala aad heariareameUiacof her ex- pebool. YuUrdayhemadeeompb
illUm Beitaer wUI sblp vU
pnfMoea la Barope. At Uis Uau Mra ac»lo*t a cirl of IS and WiUUm Matblaer Petukeyon brr lut trip, two
J. B. Hartle aod Mra M. E & Bates wiaoB, a boy of Ue ume aye- The
car load! of eortala polu and a larye
will also rire Ueir report of Ue
warraau were eerved by I'adersheriff
quality' of trimmteye for cartala
' C of 11
Ue SUte Pederatloa of Wi
Aahtoo aad the two refractory ]evo*aaba
poire, to Marahall, Field A Co. In Chlalle* Uk'cn before JuUce Roberta.
It was also voted at U* bull
Ue yirl'k esse Uere seemed to be mltmeetlac that a reception be tendered ir*)AaC eirenmstanees and she wai
Hix moaUe ayo many farmer* la UU
Mra Irma T. Joaea vx-preeldenl of Ue
loealllj talk^ teriouly of pBlllay np
StaU Pederatloa. when she eomeo :
promialay to bfyia etteaalay school Btaku aad yoiay to Ue Klondike. Bet
U Dpoembcr'toeoadDct Ue worn
Monday. Tbe boy bu proven to be a potatouat forty Mats a bubal aad
eeeOoa of Ue Farmer's luUtnte.
refractory cbaracier and eumt to make more sum to be aa effectivs eura for
it hU builneu to avoid work aad stiffiy Ueyald fevar.'
The euam baryr J. E-Hall anterod
of all kioda. Bail la bU case was fixed
tbU port yuterday alter a caryo of
at tso and in .^fanlt of auretiu be
Prioe Took a Jump In Obleayo YeoUr* Ukea to jail. County Ayeat HcDoaald inmberfrom Ue Oval Wood DUh Co.
day and the Xar^ Boaaiaed
win bcAiaUfled te look inU Ue cau for Cleveland. On aeoonatof Uehuvy
aad it Is not aalikely Uat Ue lad wlU wiad she was aubU to tie ap at Ue
dock, ao tbe remained aaebored
Cblcayo, Nov. K.—Deeember wbul yo W tbe reform acheol.
shore Uat alybi.
eoldatadolUraboatn:iOtoday. Tbs
-Whirl of Society.
bclye started ia that optloa at 10
The examlutloo of Riley fiwi
o'clock and carried it np steadily to •!.
Tbs first of Ue urle* of six eocial who U aocued by B. D. Alley wlU
It we* carreat talk la Ue pit Uat tbe partlM of U* winter *ueon. arranyed baviny app>'i^>riatad Ue amoaat «f a
eeverlac which started the bolye
by the promlaant>oclety yoany men ebuk which be alleyuwu Ue pepdoae by a baaeh of smaU sborto, ai
of Ue city, wu ylvea la Ue City Opera erty pf Ue eaeoeuer to Ue RUey
traders who are kaowp to have oot Boom lul erealny. Tbe ball
fiwceraMarble AOraaltaCd.. wu pat
huvy lines showed no siyiu of *
over la Jodye Roberta’ ooort yeetarday
m dad Us event wu «
The Immediau caou of Ue Jump to of Ue deliyhaul eocial efforU of the
ft wae Ue bnyinir of abont SM.OOO
M. Good mule wu furalUod aad
bashelabyOoaaeelmaaaBdDay. After all Tireuat Uoronybly enjoyed
Uat prlM WM reached, however. Ue par^. Tbe next one will bo ylvea
market dropped heck qniekiy U VtX
larry Parker bu feoe lo Betaa
malar of Doumber 10.
coats, bap another spaetn of eovutay
sent It ap ayala to «SK oenU. Dec
J. O. Uotaor of Klayilay, wu ta Ua
Bwediab Ooafiematloa SotvIm
ber boll* eold beavily oa Ue swell.
city yuterday.
Bev. John J. Maakeetad will ooadaet
Howard E Gill of NorUport, wu la
ShlayU Damp at WcU.
Ue city yuterday.
Tbe Kelley Bbla^eCa-haa started a
Jaa. L. Morray, Jr., cams borne from
rainy at 10:10 o'clock.
camp oa Ue tract of cedar timber reJackson yuterday.
eeaUy pnrcbated'la Loalakae county.
Attorney Joba A Loraayer wmt to
The ablayU* *rll) be maakfactured ia
CbdUlae vulerday oa layal boilama.
eompriaea, Mia* Aetrid Petorua. Miu
Ue mUl of Jerry Sallivaa at Cedar.
MUa StelU Owen of Oraad Baplda,
MarltOlscB. MlMlayehory Halvoraea spent Thaakeyivlay wlU the family of
WOtfED nr MIGHT OLOTBES. aod Mle* Marie Halvoraea. Oommua- Mayer W. W. SmlU.
ion aerviu at S:30 o'clock p. m.
mmu Moatyemeryot BritUb Oob
ambla. U ia Ue etjy visitlny kU aUtar,
•troyed by Fir* wlU All 0
ffioayht taaidwaod Timber.
MUa Ada MentyMiorT.
The family of Becrry Xln
Prank Kabeck aad wile of
Looy Uke, wu !deprl**d of all thalr;
are la Ue city rialUay Uelr pareate.
MoaylBCs yesurday Borainc by a ff» Pratt and Ue leys «rUl be haaled to They wOl romala aatit Moa^.
whiob destroyed Uclr dfreUiny wiU Ue mill ueooauUe elelyhlBy wUl
Sheriff A E BeUlayer of Laalaaaa
all lU eoateata. Fire wu diaeovered pwmll.
oMty. came over yuterday oa baffi-
aeee eoBByeted with hia office. Be will
CO Ib-flti^t* tbU Boreioc after a wit-
Books You Want to Read.....
Priaa* Bamed by EtdiiUtora at ttte
Ooooty Pair.
Ibe City Booketore baa bera av
ed tbe eootraet for the pietnre*
framca to be clvce to the ecbooU of tbe
ooaoty which exhibited at the <*at
eonaly fair. This hat been tbeca
of the acHcaUnnl eoclvty for tbe peat
few year* aad te oae which U appre
ciated by tbe eeboola. The piotnrea
ihUyearlaclode ihoaeof Waabisetoa.
LlaeolD. Qroot aad LoorteHow.
“W.hst all the World’s A-Seeking"—Ralph Waldo Trine. ‘
“Menticnltars, A B C of True Living"—Horace Fletcher.
“Twelve LeMoiu in Truth"—H. Etnilis Oadjr.
“Lover Oroatesl Thing in the W’orld"—Henry Drummond.
“Philosophy of S.-lf Denial"
“Finding the ChriA.uHii^lTW.*’
Goods make attractive presents—some pretty
things in Toilet Casesard Fancy Christmas Gifts
a* Haskell’s Bookstore.
Steinberg’s Cloak Department
A Full Third
of yoar life U epeat la bed. It U well
to bare Uat oomforteble
We eaa
lake U eo
so at a very lilUe cost to yon.
A yood Iroa Bed. brass trimmed, aad
aa utra yood Wovea Wire bpriay «c
plete for •5.00. If yon want wood b.
w* can ull yon a yood solid well mi
bed aad aa extra yood Sprlay for •:.
Ladies’ very fine Tan Hersep Jackets. 26 inche*
long—very chic.
Velvet inlaid collar, fancy pockets^
strapped seaia& Lined throughout with heavy quality..
satin. Strictly tailor made, by men Uilors. Value i«
$15,00—We place them before you at the
wonderfully low price of................................ lp^»7O
Come and See Our
Cloak Offerings-
m-132 Frat StTMt
Seen Bradshaw?
LOOK AFTER THE..........
He has now a
Framing Department.'
Better call and get some
Large Plalino Photos
To send to your (riends
for Xmas.
We caa uU yon yood Wet WuUar Shorn far
a vmy Ultte money. W* waatyoa toau Um.
South nnion Street.
Good Judges
of FLOVB are Invited to try a sample of
# We grind the beet winter wheat and
TO LINEN OR J mUl to a high atahdariL .
Hannah & Lay Co.
elastic AND
A Little Flurry
in Ribbons
Closing at 29c a lot of 35,
40 and
Ladies’ Box and Kaiigaroo Calf Shoe for $1.50
Also Gent's Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy's and Yonth's' Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Ri^t in Style, Wear and Frice.
•! *AU
ernp. 1
ol OT«r $SO,««.OUO. Tbre*
tia • half mllUon acret of wheat hare '
bwa Bowa tbta aaMtoa. as toeraaie
«fc4v*R8i crry. - michioah erer
Uat year of IS oar eaat. '
raoB T«» «rfM
quarreltof aimug tinsnlTei woato be
followed todap.
Thao wm two facdoea mmg the
Bockbuldun. Ouc, l(d li; F. D. HifilT.
had obarice of the exhibiu. The other
led, wlK-cber |a*ly '
.7 tto- t-tmgu lodetemiloe. ‘
• r w K.)od ]
O* SMtim
Nr. Eoond. dnlj c
Board mdJo»rDrd_
omaiAX. taoozzsniM
'^BOa. T. B*TW **» 3. W. BAMxa.
t. W. Baaaaa. Ediw lyd Masacv-
• > • • ••
rWED au»T.
cm caeCT-T«i
»ftbo Board of EdaeaUes of the 01
of Tnean* City. Hieli.
B^otor moeUsir of- BoaM of Edi
too. held to eonocdl rooio Kor.
M«UBf ~,^led^ order by toe
fVMideoU W. W. SmL_
Preaeal. Member. Moore. Pyb.^
Ktohola. Gilbert, aad Beoad aad t> ■
W. SBith. Prealdeot.
Miaotee of toat relator meetlair aad
of adjouraed meetiac held ho?.
I8U:. were readsBd approred.
Travetae City. Mtcb.. Nor. 34. l$97.
Tu the Ho«w’-lr B«inl of Ectocotfc*
7Viirrr>r t'Ut/. Mi<*:
'GKm.aaEt—Hariaf eaaailaed the
boniseto dowi. The •
readtedsrliaiax iu IXixiob
to achaw^whnm he fcwetold the
wchave.a sort of harvest
borne festival in the way
of fathering the ikt crop
of dioesfor the months of
coU and wet aid snow and slush. There’s got to be more ttian the
Ofditury amount of wear resi-^tance in winter shoes, for that’s the
time that tries their soles—and their uppers too. You may not have
noticed the great lot of shoe cases we have just riceivedfind unpacked,
but OD looking them over tv hat e come to the
conclusion that wc now have tlie bed line of
winter shoes that ever came into this town.
They’re too gpod to keep and .we won’t own
♦hiTn toig if you will come in and have a
look at them. .The best makers made
ahd we guarantee them to be wonh the little
prices we ask.
_v„ '
amred ui lopeha Uk- rrtamif l»-
rs.lr'ivC’s Mr.^toby
a for the detoati'* at
That tbooie
tn ii<rraB0r <u«l
,. of
w um we aaow umi »
mlif i;f hiitni- fa&ou.w.tfk.J art. What tb« filial ooP
that ato toe raeoltt
enoraiotia cropa;
.ttos: speare rpt'ot nuuiully.
^ eouir of it uU will he ie tcercly ci^oo•f wbaai aad aH acrtcoUoTal ^oett.
pa, nJl t« S..e-b«
isn- niiiBHl. •*----,1^. tarul^_B »i* likily. however, that the
Ihe toteat report, .how that tto wh»t!
I down to dr
dinioiilfy w ill he «-t'ltd Boon. It in atat^s„dinioTiny.....................................
Jield U 100 per cent, fioatar thaa laat;
NrrUaRet.nira ..-ik ....
V j
'n-mnnit-nd auS ^ **“' iir. Hlgby hn» a few treditopa
jaar aad toe ceaeral a^fricnltural pee-1rcai.
daeu to proporiioo. The amouat «><
erheat aorra tola aotoBiB exceeds that ..i«o,^oerr.,
Wurzburg Block.
of Uet year b^ 16 per c«t. aad If tb. i
^e. eoctiaoe. near to. prea«it fifora |
Till- rutuewaeburiuwt^lVy the Santo
............ .................... ' -N.:^-------------------------. w._.«uibetoltacatoaexty«•
rD>u>^ and their »ooXa damnrd
fer ftimitr.
Kow that odd weather haa aet to'x.w.Hwitoc*.ii»<u
do in tola
*> r ••
-IV.i'-tiix- tiaapfranof. Ereiy big puade.—Tutieka CupitoL
llBOltcome to aa lively aa
C3iPi»tiiai Kucliwvnivr ahonld be a tulal
'tor three monthTpaat. but tha aalea ef
al«uin,T. Our inflo.-uoe will be axatoM
.^wheat will be Increased and if tie
for our patrons and a grand opporUaity to add new enstom to oor,.
lauikniai-.- onlrw we pa^ioo it
! Afiw reading abohi uiimibw and anH.au Kei
- remaiaa near the dellar mark J4.
already largetrada WbUe la Chicago Uat week we fortaaBtcly
K. Wait. ..
ti„xu,i—EcKt-ale paMii- opinion i Imaktiloa liulv ToddUebadbccapo*be able to oonttoM raap- CiruS Tf»T»r«»
tokmerat will
■raiaBaiii-tuiUniiwmJKV. WbHx tlic |»-..|de : aling hia jovonile tcato to diaxjrer
Clorr B»r. Job
iBf aharreat.
•rT«-» a* «ro
ISlwwBi totMiii.«Br.-and the aalocai to . wh«» they t»me from. At UK he hit
aroUtnrr .
xh'T will not r> Ir- open what be ooneidered to be toe eoloWbkxt jamped to obc doUarfa Chinio^ the law* that tioo. ••Obviooaly." said Iw, "genua
• II 44' fon-. it i« um
eagn yeaterday and while it wee b«t a
——■ i and to bp rrfoniied a» tht- p-ople. Ecrise, toe laarket eettled
fomitht- UwcaudinKthe pi>.-iap. and
Very Teepeclfnlly.
down to a steady tmata and stUl beven
n Ptm-L
• dcodli-ttfT. Kefoem the
Travene City Karttet.
about the dollar mark. ____
Below U a Ibl ef the bovieg and sell-;
Jambs A. Houxe.
Dg prices of yesUrday for grocer*. |
Oeamittee oa Way. aad Meaaa.
Bpeoial Trip of the Obarleroto.
and farm prodneto in
OD ito lait leg*. The good, are nearly all of ihb year> porehaeeMoved by Nr. Gilbert that the re^
caliim. Bixl not aitanipaign
ew. We pmid ao eeaU on the dollar, on low tariff prieea It eeaabu
The steaaer CbartoTOlx of the Narth- be accepW^yd claims ordered paid aa
«ra Michigaa liae. vrtll make a epeeial
amnog Uin» who are nnrayrd agnime
.. _____________^'^c*^H^loIe
OTt the' eaV^ stock at onr’nanaj am^l rateof
aad overabirta
trip Berth. leavtorO
S.S profit, making tfeb sale an ertraordtoary one. ihb aeaeoa. enabllag porchuw
^w^^tttyf liich., Kov. 11. IM*;this great HiL And what
to SS! to aecore aeoaonable merchaodbe for lens thaa tnannlaetarera cost. Chll ttr a
•a take the last of the freight from n,
B.-or.l ef
Sli Ifew of toe moktcoospicaona barytas la the lot:{ '
warioaa pelau for thU aeaeoa. Oa her
_ Vanr Committee •
' ^t trip the eteemer wm forced to go Buildings andUi
. * S'
Nen-a finmt imported Keteey Ovwooat. aatto aad all woo! clay Itoing.
* " atricUy tailor made, was retailed formerly for •». oor price*!* SO.
delivery of T40 cords of
Aireel from the HaalM la Xatkago. btoa for toe
^e same, only one grade lighur weight. rMailed forawrly for *18. oor
for tbeachobl beildiags to the
vritboat etopjdaf at I'rankfort ar Maa- wood from
aevemi parties and hare
Utae. oa aoeoaat of aa cxUaOTdiaary _awarded toe eontnet
^ umriarmer aaUa Itoad. was r«alled formeriy for •is.owr prieo
et to toe following
Mwvyeargaaf fralght.
; named perseaa. giving amount and
___________I priceof same,
price oi same, ati wmAi *ui
to be
good, aouad and attaighk mortJy body
Men's ali wool Chinchilla .Beaver Obter. retailed iorm^ for *1*. oar
wood, beach aad mapla down to 4 tocn
Tha following !a from the Petoakey to diameter. AU wood to be delivered
before close of coming wtotcr eeawa.
to wit:
••It wUl be w—, Central Bebool BaUdlng—Krenpa A
Bevera: loto ef chUdren'a School Baits at »Sc aad *1 ti.
«nl year* ec many late plaated and | jieoui. S70 cords 4 foot wood, •!.« per
aaripe potatom —------- -1.1--------J ««. !
OaUforiiaototioBa. Come qnlck
Oak Paric Bulldlag-Gee. Bddgem.
r strnug dri
•ton of this pertkm, of the. Mate
Bible BmirngK-^LcT.
tar aeadiog out sound
§ooi Bodger*. Jr. 140 cords
XX. 1;
: Dt oi. xsi ](>-*l
duck was damaged-. ■
lui, *9-81; ha. t. 11; xxriii. 1^;
•oald not Sad market
Traverse City, Mioh.
in. i, l-lS; Math, r, IS-10) Luke xii.
Class Block.
The Baeord b glad to etoU that a cold.
i. 4n;xxi.'84: Bom. xiU.
great many farmers learned a ledaon.
Cor. V. II; Gal. T.-19-2A
pAd mocb earlier pUatiog of tha tou
potatoes has resulted. Aeeordlsg to Oi-td.
Committee farther r«qn<
geporta all aloag the shore
re from Trav.
gj.oo per cord for good, dry.
erw City oortowwrd- toe potatoes
potatoei ship- \ ^gdy maple wood for preoest use which World-. Fair CaOMO a ayadtewto Tr—Ms.
Ohieace Karket.
The Ada Ecban Katni: of Janice,
pod ooi tob fall are Arat-claaa.
Bstoek fro*
ahoift .wbu-b there bd. U ui and b like
ly to In- much cipiurive Inigation. enrTyre b BO more need for havtog scabrice an iuiermtlng etory. Bumanoe and
y than greea or frast-killod potatoes
gaei an- unst «tiang> Iy FOT«m to ito
Jor tos market, and now that nortbera'
hi.trey. and the «od■ ■ ,n.>t
Michigan baa rodeemad henelf it b to
at the old stand ? You don’t need to
The cxpi-nrive pi«s, of stotnsiy ia
he hoped that.poUto growers wUl
DOW put nwuy ia the rtonuf h. baranm
look all over town for....---■alu to kespiag onr repatatioo anjt aa traaat oflleer gt Cik.
ilk. Bvnitiug
nvnitiug the fmal action >of the
apMted to toe fatnra. If we do it will
0 Moremher »ad.
t a" to iu dirjiiiAitiiin. The
mean five and ten ceata a boahel more
i. till- wnrkinc out nf^ti (dre odranced
«B the average'to toe farmers."
bvB woaltby Suoiana man. Judge Bick
The W< nderfnl
ford of Helena. Thi.gentlriuaD
Langha. enea
chief promoter of the call rprbo ai^ b
HERE you can get Staple Groceries and Pro
wieg*. tells atoriea. aelb good, at auc
.1...........................e dara the fgiMidnit of too cumpan;
The CarringtoB^eeDic allegories, the
tion. aad will preach a aenpoe for yon.
As ia weU kaowo. toe
visions all at once. Everything Fresh........
Come in and brer it all free: 6on piem
o ba given to
h'nmher ef trnaato—7.
shown at the Wm-ld's fair aa n Monuua popular muaie ID eeato per copy hvir 8th and vto. nader
Namber uot atteadiag ihool—«
a city Dm
.1 be nee
aeceai ry to make exhibit. The figore is onuaidered aa erethtog la music at :8S Pront atrwl.
Pied it will
«ka aaaplcea of MePheraoa Post. G. A.
atteadiag near the idial repivwDtotiiai of the fig lT4-tf.
iplaiet of toBie
repreaeat some of the moat reeilbtic ______
Some of toe Worst triiaats of a ure of Jmitii'e aa it b p<Mjt>1e to make.
oeenea et the warned eveau of hbtory moato ago are aow aileodlitg aehoui
ll I. pu}io)arly reppowd tliat Ada Be
lAara to dance aow and ecior yonrhan piiM-d fur the hgnre. but thjs stoty , nelves Do not wail antll the daaciag ,
that have boeome^mlUar to efsry atawith, then bUnw your-1
b ojx-u to all Hurts Ilf arpuincnt. One'
4oat of toe hbtory of ibb connuy.
Truant ofUcar.
in toe spring
the_ preseaUtioB the Grand Baplda . O. B.
to the effivt that nn lUinoi. girl pow-d j moch fun. Pm>r. Sii.v
Democrei eaya:
C, T. Gbawx.
-for the flgete. WbctbiT or not too I
J. A. Mm'U:.
Barely haa there bees a more merl.
j praiK-H ahi- nn ivid fiw her ODtranring ;-------tbb wet weather. You can buv now. the best kind at* dbeooatof 90
ie toe Bl.
I txancy and auj-i rb ftgnn.- had llw riTi-ft
percent. All Bobber Goods at a redact^ A.ti. KBYHAK. 814 B. PreailSt.
Cecilb auditorium than
] of tuxaiugbrr ln-.i'l ik tint eutir*-lycli-ar.
last evening, with iu.nperbi-J
.port of Snpl. of noD-re^cnl lui-(At uiiy ram, U.i->-l.<rygw-»
gi*-» that the fiii»hue descriptive deliaestiona
bptemtor. October.^
guiuod girl nUayiil
kUayiil ffrutu toe.path <
-Erolution I a New World.” »Ith
i-uds tu
aad November, aad of drliaqueal tul-1
I-1 revtitudu hod
had fumu-ikeU
fumu-ikel her frii-ui
a eerirs of hlat_
rproduetlon of ] tjuu.. «a*
was preseated, aad. on
oa oioiloe
moiloe of
of;| tii
til kueb
a tin.i- u» she wan f'ffsaki-n by
»be dtacovery of Amerire by Columkux 1 Mr. Nimre,
them. No iiiallcr whether Uii. Mury b
aad its snbsi-queDt early bUtory: toe aad
- placed on liia.
I true orimt. ir soBDda-well mid icuilii an
were imprvssively rrelbtlc
W Mr.
.t .nl,,,Ul,r .hum to . diwu’’p’l^lcii^iBBrfTyl-v llJk
nim-. ewi uB~- It I"
I Tim Ftatne I* iiwm-d Igr the Mnotana
' Hospital for Ooi
^'Bilrig BtalDi-iviuptuiy. It titaiHb ninn
Labaliig. Mich.. Nov, JS.-Tbe eta:
ved by Mr.
I Gilbert that Mbs Nim fM.-t high, and iu weight spiwixiiiiau*
it if iiinde alcic»t i-tuin ly of I
hoard of hoalto b urging the aeod of
lyn bs ei
'iK-i-r, wito as mnefa ailny ;
hospital for mmanmptlres. aad i>
— rtlar out priaud matter citing iaigmcDt of tos
Maom abovuiag^kat only a public toaary.
exisTimrut wiu. a hilftoJt.ble failure,
gtftBttoa can cepe with toe dbeaee, 'eoJoUcD carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore toat toe Sept, the KUrfare of tin-figure being foil of
yedally amoog toe poor.
he autborixed to procure the neeceaaiy Ultk hohsaad u'-Tal all amoutb. Then
an expirt was hruagbt all toe way from FIKE INSTrEAlTOE—
turalture for a recitaUum room,
Pans, and bn was micanaifnl with toe
Moved by Ui. fybua that the Trav- caiitinK. Ti»- lix-ur" rtivd imt a ptafeot
NOW b toe Time to laaore Your
rse City InirWorks be autoorbed to Ukeurea of n> bmniiln] modcL ^
Dwclltog Uonae and Conteatt at'
^Mmooi Crops and Tirmiorne In*, ifeaUgmtoaatotbeaeUoo toe water
ll b impusolile in place even a con-,
„aa opoa toe boUer and pipea at the
cream of aU AgiicuHarel
asrratioaa to the Oommilte* oo- Huild- zeekesKd at buUiui nun. U coneidm*-1
------------T^ka. Kan.. Kov. S6.-SeereUrj- ing aad UruBads.
hie. c3 coorec. but its cfakd ealne b aa a j pouciES Written to
Oebnra ot the agrieultoral deptrtment
that toe Com work of an. A ti-jwemtatire of the [
Moved by
haa imued hb final buUetto eorering mittee
on Balidlog* aad Greanda be ewckbuhton of the ^pany deelarea;
and pot «p STORM SASH. If yon taved't
«be crap yields bbA. tana vatoea aad authorized to have toe driaktog ptaoes
«k* value of like stock la Banmi
bi^ an cmiuiaie of
When the World's fair had clomd,
the year. The showiag b ramarie
aaj vre’d like to make jon aome.
the owners rt tbs statue caK about fer
aoiae jdaa to make it a paving investIa«BireAho«itheWEW BATIH
Moved by Mr. Pybos that tha
Dcot. Th^ decided, after due driitamabh Goeioty he gteea the use of toe pri$84,000,000. Tbb b aa laaroaa
maiyoehool buUAtog ca State .etiwet tioti. to dii-play it to ahuw vriadowa ot
■eariy IM pm eeat. over last year.
*tiriilTnm nrwibm aafi that they large stores over the ooontry for a prop
Iho total valao of all BgrieBltorel f—
he reqaeowfi w Mare halUUag to A er oauideatlm. The |diu
aadUtoutotoprateeto tor Kaaaas to
great ommeea. and hot for the anfortoJokaMa
1«1 toMM.000,000, wU«h b a art laxmta.fart that (he Kockboldwa got to
The Old Reliable Shoeman,
and Gents' Furnlsblng Goods
srB-s;"/nS 7^ v*s^“‘'c:s;‘iS5 r: n
Tate Off
Your Screens
waiTH Of KillStS.
J. E. Greilick Co.
mam coreriBK tbr whpVfr^of (be ititffern tree, looks Uka » rantable “t.aB
It is oh boor sttra midday, and tb« 1' InMde tbe edroreb has bran toraed iottoffiralswiBbeamiDgOBtRleiiUeasly. :» • beraer, cTctywbcts {.las and
and Katie Beaman w« drowned ywterday afternoon, acd thOr mother is
tc a danvecous condrtlun as the result of
bey were d
iStCF the h
rt^ bdiotrti. a^ ti„ ,i,„ rails frraontwd m'th maid»
ot tnu city. «tMn ih^r
hair and ftciibandtii. while lbs towir
fnehiened anil plun»«d
bait of Uie east window is a perfect
CUaid of the brlilge Ipto fifurc (ret of tlioaew
who bare died in esile in tiusdUbank of feras and flowm. above whieb
water. The ladies went duon with tbr
tbe ,i»,
clear blur
blue .ij.«.««
*ky. flecked
..j b,ti»
horse ant. aprinit TSkt'b' '>'hr svseanit IT’
of the ladke brcbpbt help to the aoene,
to save tha daucbti IS.
whose drad boiile* sera recovered.
The mother was nscuod with (Teat
dtaculty. and Is rilU In a Berlcnia eor.dlShe dots r.01 know that htr dnuyb.... ara dead, and will not be advlred
Kev T.««. Nuv. M.-O0 8BS««r nof»- until she yrls better. The fathrr of the
las, tor Uk firsi ttme la tb« history ot youed Isdits ts a prominent farmer. H* i. U. t„ dl«.TO pr,».t
the CubA t> er. rrbel bnUKa aouaht Ih*
: Tiata
are Ot
dark green tovne
tothe uren
tirrt *7e.
comUtlon of Mra Pr.-imBii and the baa of
palace le llat-atM, ny> a ClaiiatiSi to
T» m,l‘ ^
Ills daukbUn. Thry had a plcaaani
I paoiilo mniniTtiKtlinfi out of the church. ;
- the Herald fivm Hacans. me abou
Thanksslvlry dtneer trarether jun liecent from Caaa Blanca. M) yard* aercu (ore the Udt.s startrd out for a drtva
the entrame to ibe barbuf. and abllc
Thvl •>i«eruiua'*l>y IneersDll.
Bobod)- aac bun. the palace, aith lu>
|r .
Th«y Hold a Picnic Within Ewy
Rifio Shot of Con. Blanco’s
Palace at Havana.
electric llsbtm. «u a ^InlDC tnark ar.d
mutt have beesUl. Tb.'stiablihautborlUia aiu-mpt to make lUht ot Uir aftalr.
but at the same time a tvponcr tea lui
• Lucha » he a-rvie o|. and auemi>ted to
^ • pohliifa the tacu li. the case a-aa arttat.
' ad aad la stUI Int-umniuulceila. Theattaek-oa Cue Blama use made by tb*
bcigadler c^nctaL lulocl de Cttxder.ae
and Ofly reU-U. They eutered the Uia^
,------- shortly betore mldiUybt on bursebai-kr
at the end of f'>v boun eacb.mas
Jedym of tewn a bono-: with one eaira
betkd an<ro|inat<4 ladrCbtUielotlUnc.
provtslona. Blver plate and coiuddefablc
aervee the
the palace, then co.lly retired
frlend'e boure Inalde the Kpanleh llD«a
and took tui>er. prerloutly ordered. All
• thlf vaa under the cun» of Cainras and
Mora It it Icanied trom an liutdr fu<
that the object ot the r.U ls «a» to
feet the relcaae of n<-tierai lllue Ith
and jaanc a eltUi n r.aiDid I'uml'-ro.
is ksdWD at a apy. Tliey tailed In
flr« OBly becauee of some mUroncei'ilon
rasardina Ibeappolnied line or. thepart
^of eonfe^ rates wIlMn the piiiMi a-|
"trboin arrsnarmeiite bsd )ieen msde
admit the raiders Into (he fatrera.
ramlero mana^ la escape
whole adalr was well planned.
Geoersl Cardenas came in the early
emdrw with two cclraiel* sinns the sea>
abere and at » odock the men followed,
tw Brat Tlidt was to Cabana. When
they raw that the amncemetits had
bOed the rebel* went after Fumlero. Ha
asd BCTora ibe hartbr and the rebels
did not dare follow.
Then the rebels
wnt to Casa de Ics Prailes. the prjesft
boora. trbere they took blanketa. sliver
lilste and Btseey. Tbit botm la rlrae
to Horn rastlc. The prtaaraiade a ifreat
otucry. but no aoldlmt came. Tbe rebeU
then racked the store ot PumleraracurUk Bom* sold. They aim looted three
raker ttures wtlhn^ tnolestatkia.
Bekel* Are rately Away.
Worklnc as ijuletly as poralble they
at mldnlitbi approached a cavalry out*
post and secured srvrral borsee. Theor
they ted teck Inin town and Iraded wltb
opDtla. The hursra then art out with
■moDjietechment of mro. and the other
.rebA wenl to «u|rper at the heuse of a
(TM>d wlitalc thr lines. For t«o hours
thfey enjoyed thensrUrs. thro rode ..
Ae hart«>r edee and fln-d IwoirolleyB at
,*he palace, cvnsplciiour by lt» Ujrbts.
i TbU aMustd the BpsHards fur i
x'' first lime, but by tb* time troops liimed
rait the rclwlt had aune. The auihorl.
ties made every effort to luiRtresa th'
fietalls of this rdld. thouah an omclal
tsprat admitted that tlz reMs entered
the town. The relwit appruacbed and
fired upon Mariano Wednesday nlsht.
Then was yreai ex<lj.-meni. the volun
teers rerr called out. and alone with
the ln» !• returred the rebel Are, The
realdrnnwere panle stiirken and locked
U>ems<ltea In tbrir huun-a. The rrbela
did cot puif.'i-d In eDicrlns the to
ne lines have beep atr<-srthened
Havana. <^irrspondFara«
celved from the east states that Oeneral
Oomea la massing men near Ragua and
Is preparing to march weetward te
Blrlke 'a potest blnw Iwfore cor grew*
Bavwui OMeial. ray It Was a‘Hra*-<
Tariff-Tew fl.rfwraaigwad.
Havana. Sov.
Tbe lutw reported
ta bsv* (unialmd dynBii:lte wbb h wa*
found by a man. suba.qucnlly arreWri
by the private waichman of thr Amcri,
won r.MwulaLe bulldlr.g Wednesday nflTVirf.b n>ar lb* UuU iff the ccnvuiaie Is
Int 111, II tiric a y k<-. Tbu-man arrested
Is Ir'ilfl-d Ik.
III.- ll,.'.vllllial who
u-,. tu|« where II was tuunA llui
In unl- i i,i guaid ugmliM any puadblU.tlra Ui' r ; enlkh utncaJf are {akJng pnravriunn i. iiuiirJ III., I'nlted Hiale* eon-.
INlate an<;
;,|,i,ct the Cnlird Statra
•earn pubUehr- tnl. morning twudecyeea
afgaed l>y the
rra.i-l anl by B«nuT
Baesatsu the pr. uiLt. The tirvt decree
fLppttra to tbe Aruil-f.iw, Uwff learribrd
te tbefirMcbapur nfib- HjalnlshcorstltuUeo. wltb a guarani,, of iiu- appliesUM] of tbe general laws 'nu,
drere* extend* to tbe AniUle* ih. uRlveraal suffrage of 1®#. Aicurdli.t t.i the
law of June ft. U®. the el*, ..^ai qualiOcaihie was bcld by all the mole Sj>an-
Dlelpkllty for at leori five ytara
Madrid. Nov. H.—Tbe ctause In
Uuu In tbe laHffB In tb* ffovarnmenr*
pruiMoed adieW uf autotMiny for Cuba
IffMiiilra fur the crvalioa of a mixed
«,.>iiir:lmlcr. In be contpaaed of Cuban*
and Ppanlard*. wbtcb la toftx tbe tariff)
Til. tui.w hy fhe.cmnmliisloB ore to b
•dnr t.d i y the Cuban chamber of deputie- and .h.m apprornd by tb* BpanI ‘
eori'.,* i-ff,jr- they UetTirae effective.
Anuld ir,T viilaed commission cone to S
4rad-lu.k»ne (Tirira Is to be tbe orbllra
of tb* qu.,»tl,io St Issue. Prime Mlnlsttr Baga>ts ha* received over IW dls-
(Tilcagc, N> V. ft.—Thi-rr.waa no surjirise In Col. Jiiirersoir* li^-iurT d.-Usn-red frc-uitbo church luhiud. Jiomeoncis
here Url night: be ts eUll an agnostic.
His’'rermon'' a-as Is three suodlvl Inns;
"What Has thr Church nom t ' Wiial
Hai-e the Worldly IJnnrr- and "Wlum ■ Then the curTinge* drive ap and the
Shull We Thankr' The chuit-h hr.d congropati™ dispe,«.
done roihlng: lb* worldly hvd done leave aw of coarse the gorcriot nud
iiiucb: nature, however, got mnei of the
; ^|r £tS>54r?i‘
Teratel la tb* XsKCftae Cm.
Chicle , Nov. ,M.—The Tribune .this
raonimg says that "a man who knnwe" •bet first N-asou. The aid-dt-camp pre-! P"-*"”' “"»** ® *
pans to follow, as oraal. but the chec^ ,
awwrts that (he finding of the
martial in the Hanimcnd case .
the accused. Capt. Levrrlcg. !• gullly aa
charged In the ap^lffratlori*. and
And so the newly amrod private tec- '
who has bevu with ber father as long
Northern Supply edtnpsmy** saw mill at
Plifcer horned yesterday mesmlng. Thr
lora Is C:r..too ar.d Insurance llO.Ono. The
the tnwiu Plsher Is the headquarters
of the \Vi*c<uialn and Michigan railway
ojtd about thirty inIK-s from here.______
plant of the t’nited Btatr* Electric
Ugfallng company was gutted by fife
last night. The lights In the greaiTT
pcrilnn-uf the city were kept going by
this plant. *•> that Washington Is now
In darkners tu a largi- cxtgnt at night.
ihetf wheek
IT* ihetr
wlth.T (or
rerslTs doriM the wlolsv. I
Orpostle M.AK. a. oeput.
i*°*. ®
—Watch Repiiriiig
„„ .«a
lliph come* a mo
—Front Street.
nid ptlroOU k^l at tbe altar raila
r?,Tv.r damping oruiohmara in
younger chUdfvtisnd their BovMPraa.
'Wedding March*' " aars i
r*^ h.*
"Ob, today is the auuiv
I ”bW
own marriage, I believe.
Major Koble nor she has yet
tbe sURC of wishing
wedding day.” Is (ho ri-ply.
And so tbe joyfal stnilns
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
A Wise
Oadoaeiarl Why be focsoarfryiac to
pick ap. or ia other woeda. eoteh on to
the waits oadtwmotM whea sob eoa
I them both parirelly aader his laitkma la one private leraoa. or do
,h, link, coksni,.Oo. o-l"
Tbe mnridmn
.i.d w l.nshand
follOT, BDti tbe cburch is sliat op and
loft tofbecarr nf the aative gardien
ontiJ auoiberilaDaay oomes roand.
Ksvok I Take aa AppraL
' Only tbe aid-de-camp, is Duusnilly
Vlm-jn. la.. Not. 3(.—Tbe NoTak case
win be taki n to tb* rupmr.e court. The grave doriBg tlie rest of tbe di.v. for a
attorn, ys f.ir tbe Walfurd baidtrr. cen- •Uange fovebcidiiig bat enme over bim,
vicied uf Ibe imlhjer of Edward Murray. and it seems jost a'itule bard that Ik.
expTvra tbr inmoat cimBdcnre
, who bra rcmaiaed poor and has begun
new Mai will be ordered. If that falls to ffrow gray in tbe service of bis exan appeal will l»r taki-n.
oellency. and for kras of him and bik
SI- a* Mra Pwralyi-o.
obentd be vmnad for a sfranger and a
l*glngt<n, Ky., Nov. »—J. A. Coora Dewavoer jaxt beesnra forsootb be is
the wen-k'oTTwe ttirtUng horse man. *
heir to a iionaietry and to' a forttme.
wlin paraJywlt. here y-------- ■■
reesver} If d> ublful.
' It Uevaniogin tbecold weather, aod
Ibe abort tropical twilight is oearjy
(irer. tb&oao having aet no one tide <d
Tbe nninlwr of player* killed In fool tbe ravine half on tour ago, while tbe
halt nm.w this eeaiw.n has iicen eight.
foil Boosi has risen on ibeoibet, throw
<'hlrl,-s Miller, nf fbtcag.>. wun tbe ing black absdows evraywbiri’. tBrning
twclvi-hnur bike race at Atlanta, cuv- tbe Wajcrfali to silver and lighting np
crlcg =1 milea
tbe mist of spra.viH»n it reaemblra a
Tomniy hyan. of FyYacuae. knocked bope web of goraamer with tbe dew
out Aurtraliao Im ityao in the fifib upon il.
round at nmlra. N. Y.
A party of ynuoR people .faive been
A diaiauh r>T-«i.*l-at Vienna anexploring the raviDC- Tbry have cloninuunras that i.WO
ailuirlatif are In
bend Bp bt ride tbe caanade. have fol
open revolt ayalnel Turkej^
An epldepiic ..f SLarU-t l-v.-r Is raging lowed the iiv.-r’s- bank to ibe limit.of
tbe govcnniriDt bnuse grounds aud are
In tbe mile villaa. of liuurliua. Hi*
JTbe public aih.-d* hav.- b-en cioaed la- DOW rctonjiug by tbe tiiab road.
Aa thiy round the
past tbe
Tbe OpIr^tM-, of Home, alrongly op Minrrbiwoof l{>« party Unger bebluA
pose* the I- * lairals y( iioluchuwakl tu They ate tbe govenior's eldest daughbff
form a Kuiunram enmmefxlal leaffw* and tbe private seendary, The oUk-ts
against Ameri.a.1
go oo. but pnoeotly diworer that aoraii
Ibe p-.rid.n l5 bl* meaaage will. It
ate misFiiig. aoil Ihc aid-de-rnmp tvI* rxr*'~t.d. il- r-t* >:inrr all.-nllon to
tam* to locA fur them. He ..
Alaska Ir.au.hae iHvn given to th.- big
terrliorj htrei-'f-'r!- »ln.., ti» pan-haae. gently, walking on tbe grass'bj >be
Kev. Maurice Fennel.: Fikea., of the vttnulude. He calls, but no one notwera
FIrrt Uaptlai chortb uf Ti--ntun. N. J.. rtoB tbe ebareb come* the sound ct
has app.ilnl.d the pr.,|li**t girla In hla mnaic. The amatear organiri has been
eongregalP.n u*h*rw niid cillvvtlon tak- boliUng a choir practice and is pow
playing oo in the dark by iuna-lf. Ebe
William J. Bryan baa given to the plavs a low. iwn-i vnluotsty. itii preoMlosuurl stoU- uBtveralty (£« w bk-h 1* ently breaks into tbr •- Wedding March."
tu be used annually In awarding a prig.A* theaid-d.-canjp advtuca be rodfur tbe l^t •owy oo.tbe sclcr.e* of govdeiil.v d.-ivnea torn figorvv, close beside
ernmtnl. ’
him. stoudiug under tl», shadow ot a
Mb-hael beat fiiarbnck un the bh-yrle
at Madison y-juare garden. N*-w Tork, spreading bauynii trvr near the clinrrli
^.y thirty laiu. In a distance of twenty- gate. They are the private secretary
five mlii-e Tiinr.UimlnuiceSt l-t a,vund*. and tbe a-idest danghier. and tbtir barbs
braitliig Mi'iiaera Cbiiogti In-duor rcc- are toward bim. Befon- be bu* time to
apeak be b.ait a munly voloe aay,
Fire at Temetkai, a suiuirb ..f Oak •Tbat it a gmd omeu. is it not. my
land. Cal.. completely d.-mmyed ih- Oarliogr' and a svm-i, girlish treble rechurch and >-rhui'l .>f the Bavrnl Heart,
pliei: "Yot. aisl 1 slmll lov.-Heudelsthe clem house a»d all ih., adp.inlng
aohu's 'Wedding Mat.-b' all my life be.uitbuHdlnjri, Father Berg-, bad n tiar
oanm it asems M Uiunil up writb yoa
Mr. J. tv, Khawalter. tbe ch.-ea ctmni. onci vriib my. faxppluiva. Do yno rePioD. bar g,.ne to New Haven. Corn, tm-iub>-r (bal hrat Bunday"— Bui ilito coach ihe Ttfe l*dm in the ch.-es aid-dr<-amp baa tcru.d oo his heel and
Kiuman.fjii tu I-- plajed on N-w Year-- is out of bearing l>y .Uiii tioic. , lie rwl>ay tvl'veen Vole. Harvard, FrlocHou pocts iliai Ihe ttragglers "are afl right
and Columbia luiugaa.
and omiDfi on. Tuey have only boon
Father, nutb.r. and children. In a liatcnuig to Mr*. Noble's playiiig" *
family of a doxro at Unculn Ceotei.
Tb(, luuoo oontiuuiw to shine and the
Kan., are eU in iwhool. the par.nu and
tbe two i-'.b-t children brliig In
Ihe trtleifoU to KpBtbJe in b.T rays and to
aiaih* clp«>. The father Is an ambittour aplaob mueiiiully ilow-n inin iu rocky
bed. bat to tbr aid-de-canip a black
mltilrier. 45 yeara old.
G. R. Hanrcrk and the Mlaeea Han alMdqw of great darkness arout to have
cock are in WaahlDgton arranging for spread itself ovi-r everyibiug. and' the
the iirrwnuilon of a ccHeitlon of TOl) at tbe foltiug water aisi (be noise
awvwda. the p td tbe breeue among the tUna trera have
faher. Oeoeral
a aeonifol. wuraning Boand.
to tbe National museum.
.Gorernor Uradley. of Kvalucky. baa
It is Dotm OB abrimsni day in Cfariatsent out l*ic> re to t|^ ]u4gea In counties masweek and crata-quetitly in tlie mid
Its whFl. rnlder* btve cr-mmUlrd ouri
dle of (be hot eeosoo. Ontodr (be giuss
rairea raying that tinlera effort* are
is begiDiiing to look bnnit ap. ar. 'be
mode to pn.tect property la tbeoa oecroom and goantum* are too mock «atinna lie will send troop*.
baosted from tbe beat to pat fortb any
The Waalh*^ W* Hay Kaperi.
mate flowera, bat tb- faor^ begonia is
Waaptngira. Nur. ja-F«.ao»lae an the etiU in foil Uoom. end the oleanders
wealW Indteatara (<r tnwtT.frar henn
In-i,* p. IB. yra.erday: For ladU a and Dll have large tmneb''* of jiiuk hlamoms oo
nr.I.^|UM. ivnime te atoia-la awthern pur tbe topB of tbeir lall. willowy elema,
. iW. I.l~llr colder: aeelherly wli.da he. wbiefa wave bark and forvmrd in tbe
Dv n-mherly Per Iiowar VIobIgM-Ratai
>'■*: e-riee: brWk raribarly wind*, be teeeae and oxbalr u dHicirn* porfome,
ai oenberly. PM- Cpper MieUgm aod like that of bitier almonds, in
norin-snow. dacidaily eeUar; raetberlr Mg
per of tbs churchyard
churchyard a Ui*s fraagipani
a P.wloos-Kals eraa.>v Istba
trea beam waxy clostere rrf pole yollow
flower* at the ends ot in eaotaalike
trnnobea, while ahining emt oaaeng tbe
loUaga in
the gorenuDent boara
Cbloaffe. Hev. S.^Todoy hetag a ca
gnmnds oppi^tn fe ff toU fUmbbyant
Osoal boMap lb« nekaxitra were ai
«aaa.wklob. with in floma oolond bk*.
doaed-oad there m iK^mariut report.
fikia nera.
i»«- there break forth tbo joy«“ affainsof the ••Wedding March."
down the aisle the bride
looki up in to tbe bridegtoaiu's tso^ and
be, stooping over bcr. a
’'‘‘"is. atid. With renewed e~ew*
be plongM
sbaling tbe ptoeesaion and rscurtingtbe
gnesu 10 their carriage*, and tbrtmgboot (bat long and burr day do one oceing bis bright. pUoraui face and bear
ing bit ctierry voice conld gnesi tbat
for bim Ibe sun was darkem-d and tbe
light of life aud bope gour out, and tbat
to his cart Meudelssohn's "Wedding
March" wiU forever ooond like s funer
al dirga^Sketch.
still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Tbe Eaterprise Grocery
is still doing bufliness on
Front Street, jost west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be fontad in the dtj.
Mme. Woltow of St. Petervbnig la
tzying to funnd a new club which is to
bo devoted cntirvly to tbe bygeiiic dovlopmmt of womau.
Tbe Bniprras Eugenie live* in the
most c<auiil<(r rrrirement at Foraa'bciroagh. BU-is modi crippled by rbsamalirio and vny drvoaL
Tbe mikwlo nf Japan. tboDji
xiaoah Iy l.vud of horse racing,
no Irmng on bis tvuck and porsnec the
qnri purely for spurt's rake.
Lead BnxfirliL a Bruteb jndge. coce
I'm thitikinyewad bo
Mim Helen ,V: Boswell, tbe
and bwd <ff fbe Wnmao'a BepnUiran
movx-UK ut fS New York, is a mioing
ttiKineer and tank* high as a mining
George W. StepheDA wim made i
great repataiion as m war rortvapooden
daring tbe Urceo-Tnrkiab war. U «
gr^naieof Balliol college. Oxford, and
it not i$ years of age.
So Mayen ia tbe first beir to an AMran throne tbat baa gndnaiod fnwi an
AniiTiiou coUego. He, bat raorivui a
dipimuB from Ibu CoU>. University
rabool at Lcwisbai. Me.
A Miiiuc woman wito asked tbe Be*.
Elijah Keiiogg buogi- tbeotU-rday waa
qairkly auswiffod by tbe 'auibK- of
"Bpartaraa;" "1 do not ifU my agu. 1
ray 1 am SO. 1 am nre of Uul"
tkJlu F nnDtiuRion.XbeHioted rail
way uiai), ntsiumin. three palutia) rcsidunces, wbidi' onr kept in such prafect
ronuing order that any raicuf them ia
ready for ucenpoucy by hi* family at
momeui's Doiice.
Profuasur Msbsffy of the Univenity
of Dublin raid U>o oiUr day that be
"doBbud whciUT. as iUi rwmli of tbe
of tbe last 80
years, the people of kkiglaDd ore uitber
happier or britcr "
Abraham OrabiU, •
(be Htonewnll bngad«> died at bit heme
tbe shot that killed General Bedgwiok.
near Bpottaylvauia Uoun Hoorn.
, George Bond, tbe noted FrcechwoBian and wrtt«, was really Mtae. Oadevant. and bo- reloUves war m proodtd
her literary nooora (bit tboy bad tbe
loiuily name changed from Dadevoui to
Baml—:ibu only iosisDce of a uom -de
plume legally onsUng the real nan
Arebdoke jeapph. a ootutn at the
peror ot AaMtio, not lung oiiiee gave a
tBuqoet W hia raboulfellowa who at
tended tbe graaimar sofaMiI with kdm
60 yeora oga Tbete wwe not
many of tbdra
bnt those
ivpmranted evmy walk in life.,
mayor general to a ban
Want Ads Pay!
Cost Light
Enterprise Groceiy,
W. J. EOBIKBON. Manager.
Hu OoBfi to iBdiuifi After Aaoiher Oar Load of
Fine Farm and
Draft Horses
If you BMd a
hoxM at a low piioe,^
I 'Will retoTB with the horeu in aboat 10 days.
213 Front St.
Baltimore Stock I
1 Tbrea Tlwc* a Week.
Counts. dOe per quart
StMRdorda, 30c per
fltlclier's Ofsitr Depot aaiTResiwait.
!! fou Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse City '
Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
ni* Oaly TUoc t* 8ow
Short Maple Wood. L^nds for sale- Mill Machibery, of all
••Than.” raid tbe lady, polfida* tp
tbe wood pOo,. "bow does tbU ttrikm descriptiODS, including s Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
erai (o a boruera mokrff.
"MaiMw."iu—ded Mr. PoByP®
tettie. "1 Bfffw raw tbe Mko. "-Isdiaii-
Company. We
have for
for sale
sale Go
TH» Komrnro B*eo»r, catubpay, govBUBEB a?. 1887.
T® •C*th«rinj of Amtrictn# Who
Colobrktod Th&nkogiving
at London.
Animals Loota Again in the
Raicharath and a Great
Show the Reauh.
_______ wwu Opnal tht toMl iUL in
MO l*t»r. IB rwVj
hi* bMittb. tndulcr« in bnnlacm»« of foniifr >JmlUr
0«w ;
w a >'«ar*lB (ar lb* rrt-nf '
,1, ,
toB OalU af Artlaa
U i>n>l>ablf
a Bama Maaltcr. «a la aprak.
KRipTmT WllUtm Bnd I’ri^drnt :
Kltilrr. whirh wB« ri-cHxrt wltb r
crFfOno o( Ibp
•nnbly «trr CBliIrd lo l*rr.ddfmllrKli QvtMBroUlbml
Wuhli ctoti, Sev.
Al Ihe Krlft-pt4n*B M. E- rbur«h. wl.ere Pivna. i.i
JjcKlDlo- *«tei>d«^l »<-rvlr>.-. Ib v. Ur.
Ji>hii»t>iO dwUrt-d (bat pn»prrU>'
boiv: Ibai of (hr |»TUa that ^hreaiip Ukcailnr. (be cblFf wrre nmi. audai.>in and
He ai>f>kF at iome leB/rtb
acalnat Uie daitacr of a farelan rbru^
LoDdcB, Nov.
Ovi^ MO AtnrHtbti advocated aivlmc ibe Unman Catholic
that rv<-rr
•MV and woiiun and a fav^oaUah (ktenjo}'*. hut that hia chvrrb l>e
___, bv enJoj'B.
am ^Fbraiid Thanlualvl^ Da>
hAr.tJe off tbe
wno. a. (be llotripecll Uat Blfbl. The I
hla refltarka he referred
and bi^ire
bU wife
^trt amt.a.-aidor.
aml.e.-w^. acd
danger Henry White, a«^ur> ^
^ Um^rtntrt^Uer,
tA. aecvmd ..creiaiy cf the
Lord SiraUu
CanAda: Ai.hd’Weoa SliK-lalr. LouU
Aaur Cbanlvv and William Fulch. Unit-
^ Idiynma" He alao rvfeTTtd
eocTujrt fuiHle. and
rtctory^of Tammany In
Ibclffdad in art doenratlre foraitcra .
' Inclodod amoDs artiatic articlea tbat'
am bnt little money are fnar liffat tnndelatda lu l>ivad«o pattcrua
Tbuni ia a fad Jnat
J»*FB—IWl.teaf. TidUime* team Off!
la iledar of <irV WeyW.
from lb# \V>.a Matmioee .llri'lMi yiad
Itima. IrUad oT MiOorv o. N<n . N —
Aall-Vaaraaoiaa l>orwu>#wle.
ThI* town ai.d Im iKWt wen decorated
Wedneoday ■
d.-r* havinOwefrereeted
thedlaanceful flshllne..f Wedm»j^bune and
nte wim.ee of
the pmudent <■( the ehaml»-r. m. Abra-
rarliar In Hare a Nary.
It U pirfectod by tbe aaffcrlngB aad
jtnUDtlw uf the imsMil. All thing*
worit lORvther f<ff Ita good. The fit«
pnrifiea It, liw little givia ita puwera
ezwvlie, the'iUftova Biakiw it to grow
' Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Importaiit to Propertj Holdtn!
. )Jiaud.iii to hr apprndatod.
Far- ;
their ufton* command a|.j«tiVBL:^ouiIng I* I'wt by kimlly w.rdKrf flHoreM
and rv»iimili.ai. Flaitv^ ia off.iud^
of aBiUbtT'a kthducat
and aurvice U alwayaacue^aUST^^tanbFUrian.
Grud Rapids 4 IndliBi R. R
«. a.' r ■. Lv.
n It SCO Tea*.Oily
r. a.
rtalty af CMiMMr.
Caiuncter Rwwa isto figlty. Childhood's gaarcptilimtj fad<* with the
WtiBiwmaBaowabcreapa Prom
tbooght be fPM b) died, Ircnn deed to
babit, from habit to ebaraoter, from
ofaaracler to duailay.—Bev, Karr A
Tuppm. Baptigi. AUadelphia.
I. W. Paichm._
gta ■a»'l^^
Attoraers at Law.
*Bets la Baolago* Bloeh. Tiaese** Oty. Ml*-
a M BROWN, aiuevey a
0< Law. apeelal aLeaiae
aaS esnesraarma. til Proan
laelB' aut, OraaS BapTraltaarrltafroai aaels'
Waplda. DaUqU aa4
’LaeaT^lg^oe braac* arrives al II AOa a.
It. MervaaUlr Co. Woe
R BOmvN. N. D.. »y*leUi> Bad O. L. MX3KWOOB O.
-------call*, ajwelal
: u,e raiUtsa *
........................ ................
- MarkBaa Block.up
ChicRgo —
West Michigan.
Vn^lnwilL ite™a<ta. Orw Flist
SatbSal ^kT%>lS25rttrVrt**l
iairaotino miliw^rfm*sr.Bo**BadtkissL
Ar Bay view...........
LV. Ti»—. oni:. Ttt-i.' .T
. ................well Inraled.
- iverMaty i«wprHj
trade f-rTravr
W PmlrhloorJ.
_____ 33 W
nij. tr« *w.
umiEB UD lomBunu li
OOU.O »tmm.
AddreMbork Box riO. Traveeae CH#. Bleb.
i3 •lalhitorU.ee b
‘..tSf '
to RRNT nrieral I
. wtBierat-miW.II
Trareesr CUy I
SwX S'-,-
suwet raeaov kH wlU b* Iskeo a* pan p
Ms Verir- >• Freoi aU*«L IG-tt
eeeal77eltr pmpeety. t,6.a
IrtOK RALR-at aerta of laad oa Ltag lab*
f ■oliabletwlvworremn psrpww. lor
.... ^
ail from'Chicago. Tha
d Guard was eecorted by a de-: ty-flv* aurvlv.
tsrtimeni of the Utdtad Btalae regular* monumesit to
to erected
.----------------on the
from tN.verfMjr'* IsUnd. Qpeat tawram- i the regiment flint rallied and
tion* had t>een mad* to feed th* poor by I the treat of th* ridge In Ibe
th* r'.nimllMoner* of Charin** and
recllona and ihe-gleemooynsry IttMItu.
Begee Otwb. tar gcaAMlinn* of ihl* city, and none went tatm*1. tAUil*. Nov. SC.-te* Pitta a h*gr*
-w. » .
Uteib a aerim of volumes Mtataauag
meiborand* giving a ninnlng history of
the liuicb ■eitlement of Oalana trem
i« «n oiit
in eomprem
an old <
used by aaveral Arm aa A warebouA
for th* utoiugr nf hay and-food MuffB
the middle to near the elcm pf the nev- ___ ainuad
Cluhb'a lumber yard, and
•Dteoeth century, fully coollnnlDg the the oM%r«tght houm* ot th* LoulavUto
British boundao' claim*and Nashville railroad.
The tnemor.vnda
11 1* addsd.W^I-I
k, ..
rof Utoi
8l Louto, NU7...S1—Henry De Peaa.
“ 1“.^
The owaalim
. Chltad •luas Am-
try. A. R. Bia
* broker ot FrovMrocA. R. U aUsgm
ia tTT^I
that Pins tried te staal f
aa aavdlope soaulnlag 0l.aw
W^2k':^''A"c^^‘^oSlS fes:
TTRNLOeX LUHBRR lor *wU at « per MOB
XX (tat. Andy to Trarwae CUy Lawbrt
’irs.__Money to Loan
*'°™ "* “* ™‘‘
(Wee is Baulina
w.*ta It a.u.. t
Ita Far a* the Iw aesina'* Crap Brtaiw*
•fopika. Kan.. Nuv. Id.—me Kansas
.1 la boasting.
boaid of agriculture haa preiwred a
that *• talk United RiaUs, which anttnal bulleUn showing the
•war* equally a* well for telllpg th*
^ ,b, uumbrt
tnilh. The great )><dy of the penplr of
(h* two countries ate filend*. M'e are
Ihe furtuPBie hfira lu KngUid law and
' w ln-ai U *0,0«.:Ti buaheli, worth I
in>erty. which both natl-ns re*p-cl.”
A carried by meana
Lord Pirathona and M uni
Itoyal coverrd before anybody drank of It.
triaponding tt- "Our Keyl Itoor Neigh- Tbe district attorney has been Informed
case And will make a thorough
bdrs.”) said that Canada, while biyal
lo the queen and lo Oremt Jtrtlalr., bad < thvmllgalltm___________________
by the ub^
„ n.4siJT3 bushel*, an
(he fullest feeling of friendship for the |
-. Ba.lgw#ri !• Bav* Bit Ufa.
T'nlled eiates.^and he wmt sailsned that I
Boughlon. Mich.. Nov. M.—Captain
If either rounln' should gvi Into dllR- [nowlanda tsammer btaaat tha Atlantic
cullies the other would help Ita neigh-.haa resigned, hi* resignation ukn the dlaordeis reached
climax ^ ^ increaae of Ill.lfrl.MO over tha;
,'tng li
disliked I both he and Ibe president nought safety
ortaat y««r. Tbe net Imreaae In value of
Hon Rlr John Oarell -Banie*. Jntalce of i,y ,h* Finn*, who accused him
1 Alghl
Flvf* thi* year'# agricultural production* over
th* high court of Juftioe. when he pro- | treme artoganee and abuse,
ling Tbe Neue llK«e of 1»« to »*0.I04^«C, and of Uv*
posed the health of Ambaaeadur Hay. >eompBoy refused To discharge
. m<n Fn ie Ur.-**
oclallst organ Ar- alocW eo.ML.Ml. a tounnereaa* of »40..
struck. Captain Itna-Unda it, blier Zuliung. In addlllnn
(U.ia. or aomewbat mere than tl per
that hr lielirved exist* between Eng- was.aald. waa infewtned
t>y the atriker* prov1n<la1
•iwtned l>y
provm.lal J-mmalt. have b
been conBaUDd arA the United SUtea, aald; “If that they would kill''
cated'fur artlcb-a on Wedneedajr'B pro
tbe two countries will only pul' IhelT he reaigned. and the
ceeding* t'l-unt DadenI had imrrvlews
bqcka together they can rule lb* ty followed.
Rsvaioah. Oa- Nov. *».—An unknown
wlth-Kmiienir Fiancl* Joneph. Tewterdeatlhlrs of the world.”
day* Bitling was delayed while tbe ear- negro warbllled by lyncher* near Black
ly Will 0*« fhv li
AiTb Dea'-X) Rlnclalr pfopotad 1b*
penler* Tiullt fencea around the preB- Heart yeetetday afternoon, hit body beCity of Mexico, Nov. H—me New
laaat 'The Ladle*.” wbleb waa
redeiit's chair. VYhlle this was going ot ing lllerully riddled with buUetn. m*
Igwaded to l.y Ml*a aenerteve Ward, Tort! Life rtsurane* company will lose hr aawmbled membeea Indulged In anb
negro outraged Mis* Beble Davto.
DOtlilQt by the aulelde of tbetr Ute
''the aclrea*.
malrd dlwxiaslnn* arid Jested about the IT-year-old daughter of KU Darts, a
ganenl manager here, as hla life was
"prealdrnt’e cage.” me leader* of (be farmer seven mile* north of BlackInsured In another company for
oppoBilon met lam mrenlng to decide sheer, while ahe waa alune In her home.
New Toirk. ^'i.v. M.—New Tbffceta «M gvAd. and be leaves sham In vari
have the advaniagr of celebrating (wa ous eompanleaher* In wbleb be waa in what step sb<uld be taken In view qf ' Waciuaa. Oa.. Nov. It.—Jerry John«b* violation of the conatitutlan. but do son.nnegra.waalyscbedlaaterenlDgbya
holiday* in one. Yesterday waa nut ably terested to Ihe extent of IIL«M.
mob Dear Screven. He wm* In charge of
Thasksgtilng Day but ala.. EvaeuaUoB
offloei* end waa being taken lo Jail at
Jemup. He was made the target tor n
number of rlflea and hla body waa per
forated with bulleu. Tbe negro bad
WU*k Ar* Agalast T*ai iin|s
been *rrea»^ f.ir atealing a muto.
Guard and tbe local mUltia. m* Old
London. Nov. SC—A letter received
FltaBavn* t'pSeeeAMto Prspr*«rOuard cAwrved the day aa umial by
here freoi Ueorgvtow-n. BrUI* GulaDn.
beadquarters down
marching from 1
Pwaacoto. Fla- NOV. Jk-Aboul MBa..
sanouaevA that Great Bruala’a
bl archive*
worth of property wa» burned yea.............
have unearthed la tbe eulostal
•e rrapaale* hanu
rmu* Bt«.n .-eeiato rlaaara of propefiy
la BOW prepired u> (Ire the Fl<iu.tiB of tblB
rlir .Be broen. of aarh redoniooa. aod iMr
elH.W# froai BBoac IweUydvu leadlac aad t*-
................ ■ -•-■*Altwtart «• Paiaaa a rawille.
nuie i-xprvBslng ngiel
PUUvsvIll^ Wla.. Nuv. M.-vAa at
and d.aclalu.iiigany responalbllliy for It.
tempt w-a* Aade to poison th* entire
Thu acvsies Wednesday and yesterday
family of Jamb H»itar. Nr., near thi*
I are regai-Jcd a# a pariiaiuentary coup
Btr>*linlnv was plac-ed In a pall
'd'eut. and wi-rr wHneaaed by the Britof water
and alao In a pot of cuff-.-e on
I tab iinibaawdvir. Sir lluract.' RumbolUl,
the atove, A daughter of Mr*. Hooaer
drank a- rtvr of Ihe water and was thort- and by Nan.uel L CleUKn* (Mark
•n violetntly.Bl. 1
■a ard taken
0-. P. O&RVEB. AC*BL
Tba CbrtMaa'e te lha Blnraal U*a.
rom doll Plared TTsad i»4 UMmUaa '
’ ««“hal aalutathma. which were folad Stati-a mliilBier lo rrofruay.
i’aaba, to larntrari vitti
maao, which was eapecuily deaUned for
Chlmo. NOV.
a oeld mtwr
Herr Krupp lo build Tmir new Ironornamented with deep In mod and In a driiillna rain, be----------^
give* no Inatruetlin* a* l>i thi
■n and Brlllab (lana, and over tbe { fore a vaat rruwd. the I’nlvrmlt}' of an attenv|it to ,
................. .. ..............
Iheeh^lan waa an morm.ua Iwiaconaln tram di-r.at«l the North- German >)hU..nll.t leader. Iniemipled repair* of Ihr eld vea-la
^e bat ..f P*rt. wa, lo«, Ttie|w„,„I unlverall>
unlver-ll, eleven
-S-.me one el.# mual thi. Ire tru. It la probable
eleven 1b»v the dea Induced nuiwla b
take the . hair, t
<*.re of S to 0. When Wl
Herr Sch.e ni'fvr, t 1 liwder cif the a>T»
TerUa aaiol# tbe Aaalrlaa ITaa.
by tbe chmi-man who read a letiai^
i .iiipoclUan. th. n I
^,rr.*t wrrei‘'7
N..V, ii.-Di*palcbe* iwrired
. dated Wlndror raalJe fr- m Sir Arthur
II...'I..1 hla vohw; -I de.
f.r ralna of from ■
iobp nikav. private aacretary * to her aent thp-ugh the
1 am
am here fr- , Menuna, A.Ia Minor, anrlgls to B|waK jilUch, 1
tbre* to lefl yard*. Corheuu. e«peclally >»>“ho tne rigi
a a reauit of the dedalon
' of the Turklati governmenl
Hm »We-y Be«
bucking. For Norfha,-*lrm Karkaoii. !
WalttUaya Itlibi
demanda of Auairia for r drea* IP cm-The queen deHiei n
ijhbert.T Perry ar.d Sloan play.-l t
e rn-treatmem of Herr
Ameiicaii auibaw.adi.r
r.. t{ie flag of Auairia
j convey 1
l.y hla i
it Ueralna Wedneaday
'X American aoU. iy.ln L>ond«n the «apre*- tain Hunter ravered ihi-maelvea with It la (ndder. .ui.der fu.ii
'WoD of her majfwlyia alnrorv thanka tor gUffy in defenalve work. AnoCber llvaly iiminelukf*." A* ihe uproar .vuih f.d- | Turklah guna. a.... ... ...- ...... ..........
b, the government of Auairia.
^e hraullfully lllumlnaied addnaa of same waathai la-lween the Cblrago ai d lowed ehowed . v. iy algn of tncn aalog !
_______ _ -conatatulatl.ra ahe mvlved from that Michigan UBiveralty clever.a. tt waa won Dr. Alirnhainovl.* ad)>iun«d thehouae
j oti.Kk In Ihe aflrrooon. amid
' China PrepaHag tar war.
body. 1 have further to a»ure your t«a ttorm of 'hurrafia" and -bravoa"
London, Nov. I« -A dlapalcb lo The
___ __ ____ a played h. re were I
cellenry how . deeply the queen waa
Thea4iili.gwa*rv.uiimdal8;3n- Imme. TImea from H.mg Kong aayi 11 U tetOBChed by the i^-iiUmeiil* of lympalhy Nea- Jrraey All-Star tram agalffat t
dlalHy the l.eftUla commenced a lie- ' ported there
from Camnn that Ihe
With the enlhuBlaaRi of her own aufalecti Chicago Athlei
the New Jrraey men wer* not in iwendnu* din lo Uie middle of which the , vi.rroy uf the pmvlnce of Qnang Tong,
on the Balleth aimlrcnaO' of her acIt from the aUrt. and the Chicago GermanCemrlat.Count Falkenhyn.con- »llh the Qilneae admiral and fvoeral.
CcaaloB t.. Ihe throne which waa CpooBanker* again*! the New York Knlcker. celved aa a happy Idea a pro|»*al lo la preparHig defenae* and river fort* on
talned In thia addrva* from dtlaena of
bockrta. In which Chicago waa again a cow Ihe abMruclIunIsti by threatening tbe Canton Ylver. aa tbe rtwull of ' telethe Hfllled SUlea"
victor. Notable game* elaewherv were , their pocketa He moved that for the gram* received from the north.”'
AmhaiiBd ir Bay Kaha*a#pmrk.
aa follotrg; CnSverally of Prnnaylvanla i future dlaorderly members might be
W'ban tbe heallh at AmlAamdrw Hay
waa profanaed he reainededwtib a bright A Cornell 0; Nehraaka A Iowa 0: Kan- tuspended for three day* W the presi
Tokoliama. Nor. M.-The Klao Cbou
dent. or for tSirty day* by the hnuae.
ppeecb. He akelrbM tbe orlfln of the aa* Dnlvrrslly 1C. Utaaouri «; Universi
affair la aerloualy occupying the atlenduring which time their allowance
day. whirh bemtn. be aald. -li. that |«- ty of iniDota.A Eureka college «.
llotuof the
thetlc Ihsnk-offerlng of our forefatber* ty of lUlnol* «. Eureka college 0:-'
I the representative* of Japan abroad
Ing to leave the chamber when
wbeu they were keeping allghttheapark verity of Cincinnati S. Cartlale Ind
[have been Instructed lo aacertain the
quented might he forcibly eapeiled.
«f freedom which waa dratlr.cd to kindle
|reaoluttooaof the powers.
Peaaldeal ttawpea wita Bhjijta
o aurhahe«con-blaae.enIlghtealnraBd
■me apeech waa Intcrrupiii^'^B lth eon- i
Bartwqnaa# at ttMBaesau
adcnnnlBiinc the vwoHA Some of «ur
tlnuou* upf<«ir: Herr Woll^ ahiAilIag j
Bu«»tn*t. Nov. M -There
, _ ...................................'
oontlnned Hay.
•■Let'# pitch the bUckguarda rntw’" The .e-vete earthquake* here al J:iS yeater’’ibank HeaV.m we have loat. The wtieat
prraldeni vainly calleil ...r order. Final- | day morning. No damage waa done,
mwd away ]n tbe terr|>eat of ihe war
ty Heir Wolff rtatloned blmaeir dlr.etly
pi^ «aew a( Ibe a*aa^ at BerUa.
eaaaed; Init thIa. the mnatunqurmionof the prealdenllal tribune and 1
R..rt1n, Ni'V. iT-The llrai annw of the
tbe Atlantic and Pacillc AbrUI h
began a abrill w hlalle. A numb- r of neaaon fell here Wednesday erenlag.
. gaUon ciwifany. ant
drputlen tried lo force open the d«ir*
thlBg* that w# ran do that offend* noofeonttrue- i ^%he
while a 1
front of Ihe
the platform, -whlb
4he fr.ml
brdy, threater.a no oi>e. and compete* 1 eetnVhr »ow ha* In y
U expected j»rty of Carch* enoeavursd lo prevent ' __
--------with no cee
There cati rVever l>e too
^e. He aald: 1when the tumult waa a.
' M*w rarha. Ba. a. Itawbi^tberKUl*
much cTsdliude In tha world.
••When everj thlng la on board the *blp ;
Herr Abrahamovica declared |
Biaaew. L.ia«at
No Rmm la YBb tar UcMa DerTwea.
Worth. Tex.. Nov.
me wtd"Sewply million* of people pralalng
alias J. E. BlanlbOod bigrthcr would rot Juatlfr the ad
dition of ore Ironrlad to any navy op paaaengcra and piMVlalona. mr-pojpell- | neif.gefenae, and e*ll-d for the voilng, er. who was arr.ated at Mvrldan.-Tex..
villi he a U-hiiita -jwaer me whole night at once apw. and (he charged with having inurdcn-d Mr*,
earth. Tonighi we ran hardly he mid iBg power
to.be In a foreign land. A Fr-nch atates- naphtha engine, which will be made pg^tdent deilared the nmti.m caTrl<-d. phiiitiliina Lanrfeldi In tlan Franclaeo.
nan *ald th' other day: 'tVhere there U oul of alutnlnlum aa far a* that meial ^ numta-r of deputies then le-gan ar.d v> ho c-omiiilued suicide in the U-w,i,e prealdmi * pUt,.„unty Jail, haa Iwen baated In this
•• *■» Frerchirar Oleye tg Praeee.' So we can Iw used, and will weigh complete
have *00 rood r>aa»n< here ii- lielleve sre
_ . a
whereujarn he aelted hla bell and nty by me police olllclal*. The woman
are in
tn Am.rl.a
America toright.
lorlght. and may lie
'“'.ih*' I •*« '*>e house;
; n,.w goes byihe name of Ada Taylor.
paidoned for apeeVIn* of *.«ne little I
vvintaln .aufflrtent quantity
UaW II t> far the Uay.
- Nbe *aya
that ahe married Arthur
aing. Ihat weTwre about."
‘“e v«m1 around the earth
After a abort-Interval he returned Furbea at Llule Rock. Ark., in Its:, and
without replenUblng Ihe tanks.
and began to address the cbaml>er. but that they taught In the publU acbMU
expect te attain a apeed of luo
hla voice waa drowned In
li a torrenl
. of
. in Uosque
In It**, m.-y bgd
hour without almlnlng
a df ''Oet ouW »o«n» irouble. during which Forbes *Dt
Leftist yell* and ahoui*
Vwfttay MiaaM Be Ih* Atagrliia NaU<
as her Ibr.-e
and ''ahanve.’' Finally the Bitting
alttlrvg w
lbr>-e limes.
Blrd.th* Atabaaa^qwrnay*.
About tha^tlme Arthur Forbe*. alUa
' Lincoln.
. M —Koben Fits1*1-ended
May then,i>ald an elodwant trlbuu
who *h.rt»ed which PrealdentAWahampvIc* relumed Blanther. wSfc ahvated, charged with
*nhe nn)em*Bn namelrwi artlat. who
d thaj In arcordanc
LInroIn with th«lr ecmpfr.y
th* days of . early New England Am
.. night, denied the rv|»rt sent out from
brooini to perfertlon the pumpkin pie.
Buffalo of another Aght ■•etwern Fit*,
,^e Indorsed Uenjamln Franklin's sag- tlmmons and Curia (1. Fuaslmmona bad
Mr*. Forbe* says
ygeaUon (bat tbe turkey be the national
doubt aa lo Forl>es being the murderer
>aay except tomake a general de-,
!of Ihe Nan FraneJaco women: that he
•nblen Instead ol the eagle, "who.
die Julian.was not only emphatic.
often told her lhaf he was well ac
vrttb arlei-ratio proffle, |nud voice and but evidently .dtaplmaed. •'Fltxslir.motui Vlaleae* Is Ut* B
quainted .with Minnie Wllllama and
predalon d'apueltlon. hardly
will never meet Ccrl*»t again, make
Blanche I^mont. having been Inirohimself a> i‘)e emld<-m of modeat, In- that a* emphatic aa y<Hi car..” aald be to
K.-me uniwralleled
them by meodorc Durrani.
dlMXrloua ami c<inBCbnlloua demwrsry; the AaWM’lated
rn-ta correapi'ndeDt.
violence In the lower house of the rvk-hareferred
While the turkey. Uk - a true altnilal. •■Coebetl probtWy started the atoo' to
a manner that
oxtau only for ih» g<Ni4 of otbeis. and gt* aome cheap advenlalng." waa Ju rath U almoai the only Aubjeci of conversaUon itAoughout Aiteila Tbe 0«r- I vinced hf knew of them.
perlahes by ^h'nlu^dB y.arly for the lian’s flnai comment.
publlr weirart.''
In concluding hla aipcech Hay enu
merated (he ranees for thankfulneat
fur tbe clow!
There i« an attranlve hue of fflaied
potUHj diabca ml lu omaioental aUver
fTamea Tboae tUibea an upecially doaiRUKl for diot taUo delbmciur. which
which they are aooked.
general a puh"e
London. Nov. M.—The Conitanllnople
rtitTe«|B.naeet of The Standard leant*
Itet^the Imperial trade on the nbleet
pint. farDoobea. obanaa aud buckhw.
nfler hl» .......................................................
arrival here fre:
The munirinalliy of PattriB,
however, pr'iieid the requ^ef r
' '
e aqui
the town ball a^ eaU U^Weyler aqoar*.
>'or tlivdroaaugt table are imridad
velvet rovend piiieakbitma of oval
abape. nvtiiiR m aballow ailver trajra;—
vrUn floied burdiBl.
bvuaeofibe mrJim.D nawemme^ea-
Ever Bnined Out?
are tard aud ue ttUe* In maboaany.
vith tnua bkAuuhcl
Uaai. Larkban'e Cbae <alL
London. Nov. H.~A dleptKh lo The
Tlmt* (tom Hach. imvli.ce o( CulchOundava. lielurn^vlali, aaye that duHng
the operalkma nvar 'Dalcl whu-h have
been rimdacted duilna the leet few
dsy e »>y Ueneral Sir WllVam L-rkhart.
with the fourth bnaade ..f the Hritleh
• iiiinlil-.-e e*j»dliji>n i-pirotlna aaainet
the Ineuraenl irlle-amnn ■n the n'lrUi*
riitll the fre»t4»nl Koaiwi wMh llteljr*
frviollef of India. Oonrfal leivk*
and (he OBMat Hell. Later Brlaralaa h*>^' had a.aaiTOW
from belna
and Lemae lb# lloatlaa Mvailirra Ad- *hOh
.thn.uffhuul the b.«ee.
•uwtft the Dui'h never tioia. wd.
It !• elated that the dlaoovertt* el.«r tbe
<!>-. eten and will areally (agmalv tha
wora of the arbUratan^
Oa ■■proved elu propoetyPATOKXM * OBOTggfl, dtliwwi
y •
Finrt Te«-No. 178.
abont oa* o'aloek while tp* ooeopaaU of the boM* were alaeplarThey had barely time to aecape with
their Ilvee and did not have evea time
to drea*. They wet* forced to aeek
ahelter wiA a aelshbor. s»ln>^ •<»>•
dietaaoe la their nisbt clothias. bar. )riT«B 6a Sbor* By Heavy Oal* 1b
Of Um Ooldea As* of
aaable to eave a aiacle article
«u«-KHnbm gf
Club lac
BUadiac Baod SMrm-Th* Or«w
0*lT*d D«ep la CtUaaie Lor* aad of ercariac apparaL ‘n*y were kladly
Beached Load At Oi» Haven
eared for aed yeetorday a aabecrtpUoo
BMdnrod Th*ir KMMrehM TmAftv FarQou* Trip la thevStora—
paper wae circulated ameac tba baai▼emiel la Great Baacer.
Bee* meo of the city aad over CM raleed
for their relief. The bnUdioc waa MpccUl leTeiMoBitraeKenMin.
Olea Bavea. Nor. <•—Tba ataamer
from tfae sertias m owaed by tbe Getcbel eaUte aad wae
Woama'i Qab. bat over tblrtp w«n rained at lean than •too. Thera wae. Oo^bee. boaad from Cbicacc^ for Baroa‘ Uebt, ras aabore oa the eoatheaet
eom^ of Korth UaaitM ialaad laet
rre'm aader lb* iMdanUp of Mr*. J
Bicbt la a aaow etora- She ie oat
B. Santo.
abont two feet. M’bile there are
Tba Ooldw As* of Greak Llteretarc
vno tbr Uietae of *a able papm- by Lodi**'Boa* ^onnal SariM to be rock* thera, ah* U not Jcoklnc. They
have let tbe water law ber. bat aa the
Hr*. C. 3. Koeelaad. She devTlbed
Exhibited at the Oobct«C*wiad ia Borthweet. raakioc a heavy eea
briefly tbe work* of the three rreat
tioaal Birthday Pai^.
Ue U pouadliiy baH. She U la
poeU of trasedy. Aewthy
The Ladiv Ueme doaraal pictnrea,'| the same p\ic» where Ue etesM Alva
aad Beripida*. aad told of their iaflaaaee. Tbe aatad hbtoriaa*. Herodo- which will oODatitnte tbe principal ; yrouaded.
atate. wiU a boat
taa. Tbaeidyde*. aad Xaaophoa. rw ‘“I""
eelrad meatlo*. aad the pfaileaapher*. 1
bhrtbday party of tbe CoDfrera- uhore today wlt£ Uelr yawl laabeavy
wind ud aaow etorm. A vet? perilou
Soeratea, Plato, aod Ariitotle. wheat tloBsI ehomb aad Sunday school, i
trip at thU aeasoD of Ue year. It U a
d the opiaiooa of tbe
works of art, eeaaUUoc of the moat haH plau to worku It U expooed to
elaborate eover* of tbe macaxlac. also almost all winds, so berdUapea.M
raUer doabtlal anlem fiaM^eatW
the m<mt artUUc illnslraUoos of
of the nnmbere. The vain* of tbee* pravaila
acalptor. Phidiaa. i
prodncUon* may be toalUed when it U
Thaaiatoelaa. oloaloc with a w
Morthpon Potato Money.
eUtod-that aems of the deeicos
ate to the worth of Perlclea, a
The potato basiaem at KorUport bu
thepablUbenll.MOcaeb. In addiUoa
to these, tbe photocraphic art eoUee- bun partlenikriy yood thU fall. Tha
of Atbeoa owed i
tloo* of S. E. WaiU Mra. J. W. Milllkeo, Barry Kaeeland. Edith BoaaeU Ual point np to Ul* time exceeds fiSO.boo. TbU ie U* laiytet smonat evdr
aad other* will be exhibited.,
Tbe art exhlblUen will M c>m kaowa to have bees paid out at No^
drat of tbe famoot Greek phlloeophere la Us hladercarton departaeat on port for potatoM la oae aeuna.
«o teaeh that maa waa a axwal beioc. Ue beU atterooen aad evMUac
BU favorite maxim waa - Eaew. Iby- of November SO and December
aalf.” aad he taacbl the ^reel eyetem The porlon will be ttetefolly deco
Tbe first alelyh of Ue eeaeoa
the world hae ever koowa with tbe ex- rated wlU the meet elaborate trim peered apoa Froat strut yuterday.
oeptioa of the teaehiar* of ChricL She
Maleotm Winnie U leadlay .five mu*
wlU^ prepared by
cloeed with a portioa of Soerata*' oable
of potaWM fu Ulpmeat to New York
Ue llbrarihBB w|U Ue aeeUunce of
defeae* whea oa trial for hb Ufa City.
Mo Icm latereaUac U the lUe of the Ue ladUe of Ue aid eeelety.
A dauyhtar wu bora to Mr. aad Mr*.
There will be a-----friead aod stndeot of doeralea Plato.
On*. Oreenwald of Cedar strut. WedTbU anbiect waa ably baadlad by Un. boU afteraooo aad evealoc of
J. B. Banie. She spoke of the lafloeooe daya. ooasUtinc of mnxic, boU vocal
E E Bfbbard wUl Ulp tea art of
Ue theoriea
ban exerted oa all Uter
potatar* today to Pre^enu. E I., for
philoaopber* ahd Machera He believed
that women ahoald have aa eqaal share Oo Wednesday eveoiac the blrUdey Earl Bros.
A tabular well sixty ful In depU
witf meo la the affair* of *uie. Mra bare will be reeeived aad Us Home
^to *poke of maay of bU beat kooi idoaraal pietorea. flfty la nnmber, will faMbuBdrlvea oa Ue Ralph I^bn*
utaU. U euppllu pleaty of ]
<Mriea aad yave a aomi
mber of eelec- bedUpoeedof.
St water.
'tiooe from bU wrilioc** that are re< Bsrkably keeo aod appropriate In the
mjamU Cook of lalaad mat wlU
world'* preeenteute of civilixatioo aad
aa aeeldeat iaaeblaylr mill Wedaea*
Bic City of Travel M wlU Boa from day at Lake Ana, which rualtod ta Us
Bdawa ^bor to XUveuko*.
lose of two flayfirs aad a Unmb.
eoBdndiac her remark*.
Beatoa Barbor, Nov. » —The UfaGeerye Heltaerof Blaybam. oouii
After a short recces Mr*. Dcaa reed bam A Morton drraaaporUtion obm' of WillUm BeUaer of UU city. U preU*• latereetlar
aemat of of Ue laet paay wIR operate two Ha«* of boau parlay to bnlld a fine yaaollae plouarr
aad deaU of Soeratea. girro UIs wlnUr. Tbe eompaay today char- but for service oaCUrp lake next aula Ue Ptardo of Plato, and Ura. Qar- tertod tbe bly el
re City of DulaU
MU eeaeluded tbe pracram wlU aa aod City of Trsvene. Ue former to ye
- Tbe BoeUl ylvu hj St. FraaeU Liter
aooooBt of Ue myUs of Apollo, U* oa Ue Chieare ran and Ah* lattar on
ary Society lut nlykt wu attaaded by
Bbo Ood. aad Ue hero Herealee that Ue Milwaakee ran. Theu boat* will
a laryc nnmber aad very enjoyable.
waa very laurestiac.
yo iato eommlmloB OB December 1.
The litanry fnad wu noaaidenbly reAt Ue boelsew mecliac It waa de
plenlsbed by Ue teulpU.
dded Ual Ue recoptioD to Dr. SooeB'
Oandidau far Bofona Beheol.
The Woaiaa'* Farelya Missionary
thal-Thompeoa. plaaaed for'two weeks
tloelety of U* Friends ohnreh will
ace, eheuld be held oa Boadsy aext. at
Traaot •Officer Marrla U briaclac rel UU aneraooB wlU Him Be
3 p. m. The ladle* are aaticipatlac snlu which are not pleasaat to certain
■laeh pleasure in meeUaC the doctor traaau who have accleeled to attend Wriyfat. &31 WasblaytoB street. The
tnbjul to be dUeamod U -Maxleo.'
acala aad heariareameUiacof her ex- pebool. YuUrdayhemadeeompb
illUm Beitaer wUI sblp vU
pnfMoea la Barope. At Uis Uau Mra ac»lo*t a cirl of IS and WiUUm Matblaer Petukeyon brr lut trip, two
J. B. Hartle aod Mra M. E & Bates wiaoB, a boy of Ue ume aye- The
car load! of eortala polu and a larye
will also rire Ueir report of Ue
warraau were eerved by I'adersheriff
quality' of trimmteye for cartala
' C of 11
Ue SUte Pederatloa of Wi
Aahtoo aad the two refractory ]evo*aaba
poire, to Marahall, Field A Co. In Chlalle* Uk'cn before JuUce Roberta.
It was also voted at U* bull
Ue yirl'k esse Uere seemed to be mltmeetlac that a reception be tendered ir*)AaC eirenmstanees and she wai
Hix moaUe ayo many farmer* la UU
Mra Irma T. Joaea vx-preeldenl of Ue
loealllj talk^ teriouly of pBlllay np
StaU Pederatloa. when she eomeo :
promialay to bfyia etteaalay school Btaku aad yoiay to Ue Klondike. Bet
U Dpoembcr'toeoadDct Ue worn
Monday. Tbe boy bu proven to be a potatouat forty Mats a bubal aad
eeeOoa of Ue Farmer's luUtnte.
refractory cbaracier and eumt to make more sum to be aa effectivs eura for
it hU builneu to avoid work aad stiffiy Ueyald fevar.'
The euam baryr J. E-Hall anterod
of all kioda. Bail la bU case was fixed
tbU port yuterday alter a caryo of
at tso and in .^fanlt of auretiu be
Prioe Took a Jump In Obleayo YeoUr* Ukea to jail. County Ayeat HcDoaald inmberfrom Ue Oval Wood DUh Co.
day and the Xar^ Boaaiaed
win bcAiaUfled te look inU Ue cau for Cleveland. On aeoonatof Uehuvy
aad it Is not aalikely Uat Ue lad wlU wiad she was aubU to tie ap at Ue
dock, ao tbe remained aaebored
Cblcayo, Nov. K.—Deeember wbul yo W tbe reform acheol.
shore Uat alybi.
eoldatadolUraboatn:iOtoday. Tbs
-Whirl of Society.
bclye started ia that optloa at 10
The examlutloo of Riley fiwi
o'clock and carried it np steadily to •!.
Tbs first of Ue urle* of six eocial who U aocued by B. D. Alley wlU
It we* carreat talk la Ue pit Uat tbe partlM of U* winter *ueon. arranyed baviny app>'i^>riatad Ue amoaat «f a
eeverlac which started the bolye
by the promlaant>oclety yoany men ebuk which be alleyuwu Ue pepdoae by a baaeh of smaU sborto, ai
of Ue city, wu ylvea la Ue City Opera erty pf Ue eaeoeuer to Ue RUey
traders who are kaowp to have oot Boom lul erealny. Tbe ball
fiwceraMarble AOraaltaCd.. wu pat
huvy lines showed no siyiu of *
over la Jodye Roberta’ ooort yeetarday
m dad Us event wu «
The Immediau caou of Ue Jump to of Ue deliyhaul eocial efforU of the
ft wae Ue bnyinir of abont SM.OOO
M. Good mule wu furalUod aad
bashelabyOoaaeelmaaaBdDay. After all Tireuat Uoronybly enjoyed
Uat prlM WM reached, however. Ue par^. Tbe next one will bo ylvea
market dropped heck qniekiy U VtX
larry Parker bu feoe lo Betaa
malar of Doumber 10.
coats, bap another spaetn of eovutay
sent It ap ayala to «SK oenU. Dec
J. O. Uotaor of Klayilay, wu ta Ua
Bwediab Ooafiematloa SotvIm
ber boll* eold beavily oa Ue swell.
city yuterday.
Bev. John J. Maakeetad will ooadaet
Howard E Gill of NorUport, wu la
ShlayU Damp at WcU.
Ue city yuterday.
Tbe Kelley Bbla^eCa-haa started a
Jaa. L. Morray, Jr., cams borne from
rainy at 10:10 o'clock.
camp oa Ue tract of cedar timber reJackson yuterday.
eeaUy pnrcbated'la Loalakae county.
Attorney Joba A Loraayer wmt to
The ablayU* *rll) be maakfactured ia
CbdUlae vulerday oa layal boilama.
eompriaea, Mia* Aetrid Petorua. Miu
Ue mUl of Jerry Sallivaa at Cedar.
MUa StelU Owen of Oraad Baplda,
MarltOlscB. MlMlayehory Halvoraea spent Thaakeyivlay wlU the family of
WOtfED nr MIGHT OLOTBES. aod Mle* Marie Halvoraea. Oommua- Mayer W. W. SmlU.
ion aerviu at S:30 o'clock p. m.
mmu Moatyemeryot BritUb Oob
ambla. U ia Ue etjy visitlny kU aUtar,
•troyed by Fir* wlU All 0
ffioayht taaidwaod Timber.
MUa Ada MentyMiorT.
The family of Becrry Xln
Prank Kabeck aad wile of
Looy Uke, wu !deprl**d of all thalr;
are la Ue city rialUay Uelr pareate.
MoaylBCs yesurday Borainc by a ff» Pratt and Ue leys «rUl be haaled to They wOl romala aatit Moa^.
whiob destroyed Uclr dfreUiny wiU Ue mill ueooauUe elelyhlBy wUl
Sheriff A E BeUlayer of Laalaaaa
all lU eoateata. Fire wu diaeovered pwmll.
oMty. came over yuterday oa baffi-
aeee eoBByeted with hia office. Be will
CO Ib-flti^t* tbU Boreioc after a wit-
Books You Want to Read.....
Priaa* Bamed by EtdiiUtora at ttte
Ooooty Pair.
Ibe City Booketore baa bera av
ed tbe eootraet for the pietnre*
framca to be clvce to the ecbooU of tbe
ooaoty which exhibited at the <*at
eonaly fair. This hat been tbeca
of the acHcaUnnl eoclvty for tbe peat
few year* aad te oae which U appre
ciated by tbe eeboola. The piotnrea
ihUyearlaclode ihoaeof Waabisetoa.
LlaeolD. Qroot aad LoorteHow.
“W.hst all the World’s A-Seeking"—Ralph Waldo Trine. ‘
“Menticnltars, A B C of True Living"—Horace Fletcher.
“Twelve LeMoiu in Truth"—H. Etnilis Oadjr.
“Lover Oroatesl Thing in the W’orld"—Henry Drummond.
“Philosophy of S.-lf Denial"
“Finding the ChriA.uHii^lTW.*’
Goods make attractive presents—some pretty
things in Toilet Casesard Fancy Christmas Gifts
a* Haskell’s Bookstore.
Steinberg’s Cloak Department
A Full Third
of yoar life U epeat la bed. It U well
to bare Uat oomforteble
We eaa
lake U eo
so at a very lilUe cost to yon.
A yood Iroa Bed. brass trimmed, aad
aa utra yood Wovea Wire bpriay «c
plete for •5.00. If yon want wood b.
w* can ull yon a yood solid well mi
bed aad aa extra yood Sprlay for •:.
Ladies’ very fine Tan Hersep Jackets. 26 inche*
long—very chic.
Velvet inlaid collar, fancy pockets^
strapped seaia& Lined throughout with heavy quality..
satin. Strictly tailor made, by men Uilors. Value i«
$15,00—We place them before you at the
wonderfully low price of................................ lp^»7O
Come and See Our
Cloak Offerings-
m-132 Frat StTMt
Seen Bradshaw?
LOOK AFTER THE..........
He has now a
Framing Department.'
Better call and get some
Large Plalino Photos
To send to your (riends
for Xmas.
We caa uU yon yood Wet WuUar Shorn far
a vmy Ultte money. W* waatyoa toau Um.
South nnion Street.
Good Judges
of FLOVB are Invited to try a sample of
# We grind the beet winter wheat and
TO LINEN OR J mUl to a high atahdariL .
Hannah & Lay Co.
elastic AND
A Little Flurry
in Ribbons
Closing at 29c a lot of 35,
40 and
Ladies’ Box and Kaiigaroo Calf Shoe for $1.50
Also Gent's Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy's and Yonth's' Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Ri^t in Style, Wear and Frice.
•! *AU
ernp. 1
ol OT«r $SO,««.OUO. Tbre*
tia • half mllUon acret of wheat hare '
bwa Bowa tbta aaMtoa. as toeraaie
«fc4v*R8i crry. - michioah erer
Uat year of IS oar eaat. '
raoB T«» «rfM
quarreltof aimug tinsnlTei woato be
followed todap.
Thao wm two facdoea mmg the
Bockbuldun. Ouc, l(d li; F. D. HifilT.
had obarice of the exhibiu. The other
led, wlK-cber |a*ly '
.7 tto- t-tmgu lodetemiloe. ‘
• r w K.)od ]
O* SMtim
Nr. Eoond. dnlj c
Board mdJo»rDrd_
omaiAX. taoozzsniM
'^BOa. T. B*TW **» 3. W. BAMxa.
t. W. Baaaaa. Ediw lyd Masacv-
• > • • ••
rWED au»T.
cm caeCT-T«i
»ftbo Board of EdaeaUes of the 01
of Tnean* City. Hieli.
B^otor moeUsir of- BoaM of Edi
too. held to eonocdl rooio Kor.
M«UBf ~,^led^ order by toe
fVMideoU W. W. SmL_
Preaeal. Member. Moore. Pyb.^
Ktohola. Gilbert, aad Beoad aad t> ■
W. SBith. Prealdeot.
Miaotee of toat relator meetlair aad
of adjouraed meetiac held ho?.
I8U:. were readsBd approred.
Travetae City. Mtcb.. Nor. 34. l$97.
Tu the Ho«w’-lr B«inl of Ectocotfc*
7Viirrr>r t'Ut/. Mi<*:
'GKm.aaEt—Hariaf eaaailaed the
boniseto dowi. The •
readtedsrliaiax iu IXixiob
to achaw^whnm he fcwetold the
wchave.a sort of harvest
borne festival in the way
of fathering the ikt crop
of dioesfor the months of
coU and wet aid snow and slush. There’s got to be more ttian the
Ofditury amount of wear resi-^tance in winter shoes, for that’s the
time that tries their soles—and their uppers too. You may not have
noticed the great lot of shoe cases we have just riceivedfind unpacked,
but OD looking them over tv hat e come to the
conclusion that wc now have tlie bed line of
winter shoes that ever came into this town.
They’re too gpod to keep and .we won’t own
♦hiTn toig if you will come in and have a
look at them. .The best makers made
ahd we guarantee them to be wonh the little
prices we ask.
_v„ '
amred ui lopeha Uk- rrtamif l»-
rs.lr'ivC’s Mr.^toby
a for the detoati'* at
That tbooie
tn ii<rraB0r <u«l
,. of
w um we aaow umi »
mlif i;f hiitni- fa&ou.w.tfk.J art. What tb« filial ooP
that ato toe raeoltt
enoraiotia cropa;
.ttos: speare rpt'ot nuuiully.
^ eouir of it uU will he ie tcercly ci^oo•f wbaai aad aH acrtcoUoTal ^oett.
pa, nJl t« S..e-b«
isn- niiiBHl. •*----,1^. tarul^_B »i* likily. however, that the
Ihe toteat report, .how that tto wh»t!
I down to dr
dinioiilfy w ill he «-t'ltd Boon. It in atat^s„dinioTiny.....................................
Jield U 100 per cent, fioatar thaa laat;
NrrUaRet.nira ..-ik ....
V j
'n-mnnit-nd auS ^ **“' iir. Hlgby hn» a few treditopa
jaar aad toe ceaeral a^fricnltural pee-1rcai.
daeu to proporiioo. The amouat «><
erheat aorra tola aotoBiB exceeds that ..i«o,^oerr.,
Wurzburg Block.
of Uet year b^ 16 per c«t. aad If tb. i
^e. eoctiaoe. near to. prea«it fifora |
Till- rutuewaeburiuwt^lVy the Santo
............ .................... ' -N.:^-------------------------. w._.«uibetoltacatoaexty«•
rD>u>^ and their »ooXa damnrd
fer ftimitr.
Kow that odd weather haa aet to'x.w.Hwitoc*.ii»<u
do in tola
*> r ••
-IV.i'-tiix- tiaapfranof. Ereiy big puade.—Tutieka CupitoL
llBOltcome to aa lively aa
C3iPi»tiiai Kucliwvnivr ahonld be a tulal
'tor three monthTpaat. but tha aalea ef
al«uin,T. Our inflo.-uoe will be axatoM
.^wheat will be Increased and if tie
for our patrons and a grand opporUaity to add new enstom to oor,.
lauikniai-.- onlrw we pa^ioo it
! Afiw reading abohi uiimibw and anH.au Kei
- remaiaa near the dellar mark J4.
already largetrada WbUe la Chicago Uat week we fortaaBtcly
K. Wait. ..
ti„xu,i—EcKt-ale paMii- opinion i Imaktiloa liulv ToddUebadbccapo*be able to oonttoM raap- CiruS Tf»T»r«»
tokmerat will
■raiaBaiii-tuiUniiwmJKV. WbHx tlic |»-..|de : aling hia jovonile tcato to diaxjrer
Clorr B»r. Job
iBf aharreat.
•rT«-» a* «ro
ISlwwBi totMiii.«Br.-and the aalocai to . wh«» they t»me from. At UK he hit
aroUtnrr .
xh'T will not r> Ir- open what be ooneidered to be toe eoloWbkxt jamped to obc doUarfa Chinio^ the law* that tioo. ••Obviooaly." said Iw, "genua
• II 44' fon-. it i« um
eagn yeaterday and while it wee b«t a
——■ i and to bp rrfoniied a» tht- p-ople. Ecrise, toe laarket eettled
fomitht- UwcaudinKthe pi>.-iap. and
Very Teepeclfnlly.
down to a steady tmata and stUl beven
n Ptm-L
• dcodli-ttfT. Kefoem the
Travene City Karttet.
about the dollar mark. ____
Below U a Ibl ef the bovieg and sell-;
Jambs A. Houxe.
Dg prices of yesUrday for grocer*. |
Oeamittee oa Way. aad Meaaa.
Bpeoial Trip of the Obarleroto.
and farm prodneto in
OD ito lait leg*. The good, are nearly all of ihb year> porehaeeMoved by Nr. Gilbert that the re^
caliim. Bixl not aitanipaign
ew. We pmid ao eeaU on the dollar, on low tariff prieea It eeaabu
The steaaer CbartoTOlx of the Narth- be accepW^yd claims ordered paid aa
«ra Michigaa liae. vrtll make a epeeial
amnog Uin» who are nnrayrd agnime
.. _____________^'^c*^H^loIe
OTt the' eaV^ stock at onr’nanaj am^l rateof
aad overabirta
trip Berth. leavtorO
S.S profit, making tfeb sale an ertraordtoary one. ihb aeaeoa. enabllag porchuw
^w^^tttyf liich., Kov. 11. IM*;this great HiL And what
to SS! to aecore aeoaonable merchaodbe for lens thaa tnannlaetarera cost. Chll ttr a
•a take the last of the freight from n,
B.-or.l ef
Sli Ifew of toe moktcoospicaona barytas la the lot:{ '
warioaa pelau for thU aeaeoa. Oa her
_ Vanr Committee •
' ^t trip the eteemer wm forced to go Buildings andUi
. * S'
Nen-a finmt imported Keteey Ovwooat. aatto aad all woo! clay Itoing.
* " atricUy tailor made, was retailed formerly for •». oor price*!* SO.
delivery of T40 cords of
Aireel from the HaalM la Xatkago. btoa for toe
^e same, only one grade lighur weight. rMailed forawrly for *18. oor
for tbeachobl beildiags to the
vritboat etopjdaf at I'rankfort ar Maa- wood from
aevemi parties and hare
Utae. oa aoeoaat of aa cxUaOTdiaary _awarded toe eontnet
^ umriarmer aaUa Itoad. was r«alled formeriy for •is.owr prieo
et to toe following
Mwvyeargaaf fralght.
; named perseaa. giving amount and
___________I priceof same,
price oi same, ati wmAi *ui
to be
good, aouad and attaighk mortJy body
Men's ali wool Chinchilla .Beaver Obter. retailed iorm^ for *1*. oar
wood, beach aad mapla down to 4 tocn
Tha following !a from the Petoakey to diameter. AU wood to be delivered
before close of coming wtotcr eeawa.
to wit:
••It wUl be w—, Central Bebool BaUdlng—Krenpa A
Bevera: loto ef chUdren'a School Baits at »Sc aad *1 ti.
«nl year* ec many late plaated and | jieoui. S70 cords 4 foot wood, •!.« per
aaripe potatom —------- -1.1--------J ««. !
OaUforiiaototioBa. Come qnlck
Oak Paric Bulldlag-Gee. Bddgem.
r strnug dri
•ton of this pertkm, of the. Mate
Bible BmirngK-^LcT.
tar aeadiog out sound
§ooi Bodger*. Jr. 140 cords
XX. 1;
: Dt oi. xsi ](>-*l
duck was damaged-. ■
lui, *9-81; ha. t. 11; xxriii. 1^;
•oald not Sad market
Traverse City, Mioh.
in. i, l-lS; Math, r, IS-10) Luke xii.
Class Block.
The Baeord b glad to etoU that a cold.
i. 4n;xxi.'84: Bom. xiU.
great many farmers learned a ledaon.
Cor. V. II; Gal. T.-19-2A
pAd mocb earlier pUatiog of tha tou
potatoes has resulted. Aeeordlsg to Oi-td.
Committee farther r«qn<
geporta all aloag the shore
re from Trav.
gj.oo per cord for good, dry.
erw City oortowwrd- toe potatoes
potatoei ship- \ ^gdy maple wood for preoest use which World-. Fair CaOMO a ayadtewto Tr—Ms.
Ohieace Karket.
The Ada Ecban Katni: of Janice,
pod ooi tob fall are Arat-claaa.
Bstoek fro*
ahoift .wbu-b there bd. U ui and b like
ly to In- much cipiurive Inigation. enrTyre b BO more need for havtog scabrice an iuiermtlng etory. Bumanoe and
y than greea or frast-killod potatoes
gaei an- unst «tiang> Iy FOT«m to ito
Jor tos market, and now that nortbera'
hi.trey. and the «od■ ■ ,n.>t
Michigan baa rodeemad henelf it b to
at the old stand ? You don’t need to
The cxpi-nrive pi«s, of stotnsiy ia
he hoped that.poUto growers wUl
DOW put nwuy ia the rtonuf h. baranm
look all over town for....---■alu to kespiag onr repatatioo anjt aa traaat oflleer gt Cik.
ilk. Bvnitiug
nvnitiug the fmal action >of the
apMted to toe fatnra. If we do it will
0 Moremher »ad.
t a" to iu dirjiiiAitiiin. The
mean five and ten ceata a boahel more
i. till- wnrkinc out nf^ti (dre odranced
«B the average'to toe farmers."
bvB woaltby Suoiana man. Judge Bick
The W< nderfnl
ford of Helena. Thi.gentlriuaD
Langha. enea
chief promoter of the call rprbo ai^ b
HERE you can get Staple Groceries and Pro
wieg*. tells atoriea. aelb good, at auc
.1...........................e dara the fgiMidnit of too cumpan;
The CarringtoB^eeDic allegories, the
tion. aad will preach a aenpoe for yon.
As ia weU kaowo. toe
visions all at once. Everything Fresh........
Come in and brer it all free: 6on piem
o ba given to
h'nmher ef trnaato—7.
shown at the Wm-ld's fair aa n Monuua popular muaie ID eeato per copy hvir 8th and vto. nader
Namber uot atteadiag ihool—«
a city Dm
.1 be nee
aeceai ry to make exhibit. The figore is onuaidered aa erethtog la music at :8S Pront atrwl.
Pied it will
«ka aaaplcea of MePheraoa Post. G. A.
atteadiag near the idial repivwDtotiiai of the fig lT4-tf.
iplaiet of toBie
repreaeat some of the moat reeilbtic ______
Some of toe Worst triiaats of a ure of Jmitii'e aa it b p<Mjt>1e to make.
oeenea et the warned eveau of hbtory moato ago are aow aileodlitg aehoui
ll I. pu}io)arly reppowd tliat Ada Be
lAara to dance aow and ecior yonrhan piiM-d fur the hgnre. but thjs stoty , nelves Do not wail antll the daaciag ,
that have boeome^mlUar to efsry atawith, then bUnw your-1
b ojx-u to all Hurts Ilf arpuincnt. One'
4oat of toe hbtory of ibb connuy.
Truant ofUcar.
in toe spring
the_ preseaUtioB the Grand Baplda . O. B.
to the effivt that nn lUinoi. girl pow-d j moch fun. Pm>r. Sii.v
Democrei eaya:
C, T. Gbawx.
-for the flgete. WbctbiT or not too I
J. A. Mm'U:.
Barely haa there bees a more merl.
j praiK-H ahi- nn ivid fiw her ODtranring ;-------tbb wet weather. You can buv now. the best kind at* dbeooatof 90
ie toe Bl.
I txancy and auj-i rb ftgnn.- had llw riTi-ft
percent. All Bobber Goods at a redact^ A.ti. KBYHAK. 814 B. PreailSt.
Cecilb auditorium than
] of tuxaiugbrr ln-.i'l ik tint eutir*-lycli-ar.
last evening, with iu.nperbi-J
.port of Snpl. of noD-re^cnl lui-(At uiiy ram, U.i->-l.<rygw-»
gi*-» that the fiii»hue descriptive deliaestiona
bptemtor. October.^
guiuod girl nUayiil
kUayiil ffrutu toe.path <
-Erolution I a New World.” »Ith
i-uds tu
aad November, aad of drliaqueal tul-1
I-1 revtitudu hod
had fumu-ikeU
fumu-ikel her frii-ui
a eerirs of hlat_
rproduetlon of ] tjuu.. «a*
was preseated, aad. on
oa oioiloe
moiloe of
of;| tii
til kueb
a tin.i- u» she wan f'ffsaki-n by
»be dtacovery of Amerire by Columkux 1 Mr. Nimre,
them. No iiiallcr whether Uii. Mury b
aad its snbsi-queDt early bUtory: toe aad
- placed on liia.
I true orimt. ir soBDda-well mid icuilii an
were imprvssively rrelbtlc
W Mr.
.t .nl,,,Ul,r .hum to . diwu’’p’l^lcii^iBBrfTyl-v llJk
nim-. ewi uB~- It I"
I Tim Ftatne I* iiwm-d Igr the Mnotana
' Hospital for Ooi
^'Bilrig BtalDi-iviuptuiy. It titaiHb ninn
Labaliig. Mich.. Nov, JS.-Tbe eta:
ved by Mr.
I Gilbert that Mbs Nim fM.-t high, and iu weight spiwixiiiiau*
it if iiinde alcic»t i-tuin ly of I
hoard of hoalto b urging the aeod of
lyn bs ei
'iK-i-r, wito as mnefa ailny ;
hospital for mmanmptlres. aad i>
— rtlar out priaud matter citing iaigmcDt of tos
Maom abovuiag^kat only a public toaary.
exisTimrut wiu. a hilftoJt.ble failure,
gtftBttoa can cepe with toe dbeaee, 'eoJoUcD carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore toat toe Sept, the KUrfare of tin-figure being foil of
yedally amoog toe poor.
he autborixed to procure the neeceaaiy Ultk hohsaad u'-Tal all amoutb. Then
an expirt was hruagbt all toe way from FIKE INSTrEAlTOE—
turalture for a recitaUum room,
Pans, and bn was micanaifnl with toe
Moved by Ui. fybua that the Trav- caiitinK. Ti»- lix-ur" rtivd imt a ptafeot
NOW b toe Time to laaore Your
rse City InirWorks be autoorbed to Ukeurea of n> bmniiln] modcL ^
Dwclltog Uonae and Conteatt at'
^Mmooi Crops and Tirmiorne In*, ifeaUgmtoaatotbeaeUoo toe water
ll b impusolile in place even a con-,
„aa opoa toe boUer and pipea at the
cream of aU AgiicuHarel
asrratioaa to the Oommilte* oo- Huild- zeekesKd at buUiui nun. U coneidm*-1
------------T^ka. Kan.. Kov. S6.-SeereUrj- ing aad UruBads.
hie. c3 coorec. but its cfakd ealne b aa a j pouciES Written to
Oebnra ot the agrieultoral deptrtment
that toe Com work of an. A ti-jwemtatire of the [
Moved by
haa imued hb final buUetto eorering mittee
on Balidlog* aad Greanda be ewckbuhton of the ^pany deelarea;
and pot «p STORM SASH. If yon taved't
«be crap yields bbA. tana vatoea aad authorized to have toe driaktog ptaoes
«k* value of like stock la Banmi
bi^ an cmiuiaie of
When the World's fair had clomd,
the year. The showiag b ramarie
aaj vre’d like to make jon aome.
the owners rt tbs statue caK about fer
aoiae jdaa to make it a paving investIa«BireAho«itheWEW BATIH
Moved by Mr. Pybos that tha
Dcot. Th^ decided, after due driitamabh Goeioty he gteea the use of toe pri$84,000,000. Tbb b aa laaroaa
maiyoehool buUAtog ca State .etiwet tioti. to dii-play it to ahuw vriadowa ot
■eariy IM pm eeat. over last year.
*tiriilTnm nrwibm aafi that they large stores over the ooontry for a prop
Iho total valao of all BgrieBltorel f—
he reqaeowfi w Mare halUUag to A er oauideatlm. The |diu
aadUtoutotoprateeto tor Kaaaas to
great ommeea. and hot for the anfortoJokaMa
1«1 toMM.000,000, wU«h b a art laxmta.fart that (he Kockboldwa got to
The Old Reliable Shoeman,
and Gents' Furnlsblng Goods
srB-s;"/nS 7^ v*s^“‘'c:s;‘iS5 r: n
Tate Off
Your Screens
waiTH Of KillStS.
J. E. Greilick Co.
mam coreriBK tbr whpVfr^of (be ititffern tree, looks Uka » rantable “t.aB
It is oh boor sttra midday, and tb« 1' InMde tbe edroreb has bran toraed iottoffiralswiBbeamiDgOBtRleiiUeasly. :» • beraer, cTctywbcts {.las and
and Katie Beaman w« drowned ywterday afternoon, acd thOr mother is
tc a danvecous condrtlun as the result of
bey were d
iStCF the h
rt^ bdiotrti. a^ ti„ ,i,„ rails frraontwd m'th maid»
ot tnu city. «tMn ih^r
hair and ftciibandtii. while lbs towir
fnehiened anil plun»«d
bait of Uie east window is a perfect
CUaid of the brlilge Ipto fifurc (ret of tlioaew
who bare died in esile in tiusdUbank of feras and flowm. above whieb
water. The ladies went duon with tbr
tbe ,i»,
clear blur
blue .ij.«.««
*ky. flecked
..j b,ti»
horse ant. aprinit TSkt'b' '>'hr svseanit IT’
of the ladke brcbpbt help to the aoene,
to save tha daucbti IS.
whose drad boiile* sera recovered.
The mother was nscuod with (Teat
dtaculty. and Is rilU In a Berlcnia eor.dlShe dots r.01 know that htr dnuyb.... ara dead, and will not be advlred
Kev T.««. Nuv. M.-O0 8BS««r nof»- until she yrls better. The fathrr of the
las, tor Uk firsi ttme la tb« history ot youed Isdits ts a prominent farmer. H* i. U. t„ dl«.TO pr,».t
the CubA t> er. rrbel bnUKa aouaht Ih*
: Tiata
are Ot
dark green tovne
tothe uren
tirrt *7e.
comUtlon of Mra Pr.-imBii and the baa of
palace le llat-atM, ny> a ClaiiatiSi to
T» m,l‘ ^
Ills daukbUn. Thry had a plcaaani
I paoiilo mniniTtiKtlinfi out of the church. ;
- the Herald fivm Hacans. me abou
Thanksslvlry dtneer trarether jun liecent from Caaa Blanca. M) yard* aercu (ore the Udt.s startrd out for a drtva
the entrame to ibe barbuf. and abllc
Thvl •>i«eruiua'*l>y IneersDll.
Bobod)- aac bun. the palace, aith lu>
|r .
Th«y Hold a Picnic Within Ewy
Rifio Shot of Con. Blanco’s
Palace at Havana.
electric llsbtm. «u a ^InlDC tnark ar.d
mutt have beesUl. Tb.'stiablihautborlUia aiu-mpt to make lUht ot Uir aftalr.
but at the same time a tvponcr tea lui
• Lucha » he a-rvie o|. and auemi>ted to
^ • pohliifa the tacu li. the case a-aa arttat.
' ad aad la stUI Int-umniuulceila. Theattaek-oa Cue Blama use made by tb*
bcigadler c^nctaL lulocl de Cttxder.ae
and Ofly reU-U. They eutered the Uia^
,------- shortly betore mldiUybt on bursebai-kr
at the end of f'>v boun eacb.mas
Jedym of tewn a bono-: with one eaira
betkd an<ro|inat<4 ladrCbtUielotlUnc.
provtslona. Blver plate and coiuddefablc
aervee the
the palace, then co.lly retired
frlend'e boure Inalde the Kpanleh llD«a
and took tui>er. prerloutly ordered. All
• thlf vaa under the cun» of Cainras and
Mora It it Icanied trom an liutdr fu<
that the object ot the r.U ls «a» to
feet the relcaae of n<-tierai lllue Ith
and jaanc a eltUi n r.aiDid I'uml'-ro.
is ksdWD at a apy. Tliey tailed In
flr« OBly becauee of some mUroncei'ilon
rasardina Ibeappolnied line or. thepart
^of eonfe^ rates wIlMn the piiiMi a-|
"trboin arrsnarmeiite bsd )ieen msde
admit the raiders Into (he fatrera.
ramlero mana^ la escape
whole adalr was well planned.
Geoersl Cardenas came in the early
emdrw with two cclraiel* sinns the sea>
abere and at » odock the men followed,
tw Brat Tlidt was to Cabana. When
they raw that the amncemetits had
bOed the rebel* went after Fumlero. Ha
asd BCTora ibe hartbr and the rebels
did not dare follow.
Then the rebels
wnt to Casa de Ics Prailes. the prjesft
boora. trbere they took blanketa. sliver
lilste and Btseey. Tbit botm la rlrae
to Horn rastlc. The prtaaraiade a ifreat
otucry. but no aoldlmt came. Tbe rebeU
then racked the store ot PumleraracurUk Bom* sold. They aim looted three
raker ttures wtlhn^ tnolestatkia.
Bekel* Are rately Away.
Worklnc as ijuletly as poralble they
at mldnlitbi approached a cavalry out*
post and secured srvrral borsee. Theor
they ted teck Inin town and Iraded wltb
opDtla. The hursra then art out with
■moDjietechment of mro. and the other
.rebA wenl to «u|rper at the heuse of a
(TM>d wlitalc thr lines. For t«o hours
thfey enjoyed thensrUrs. thro rode ..
Ae hart«>r edee and fln-d IwoirolleyB at
,*he palace, cvnsplciiour by lt» Ujrbts.
i TbU aMustd the BpsHards fur i
x'' first lime, but by tb* time troops liimed
rait the rclwlt had aune. The auihorl.
ties made every effort to luiRtresa th'
fietalls of this rdld. thouah an omclal
tsprat admitted that tlz reMs entered
the town. The relwit appruacbed and
fired upon Mariano Wednesday nlsht.
Then was yreai ex<lj.-meni. the volun
teers rerr called out. and alone with
the ln» !• returred the rebel Are, The
realdrnnwere panle stiirken and locked
U>ems<ltea In tbrir huun-a. The rrbela
did cot puif.'i-d In eDicrlns the to
ne lines have beep atr<-srthened
Havana. <^irrspondFara«
celved from the east states that Oeneral
Oomea la massing men near Ragua and
Is preparing to march weetward te
Blrlke 'a potest blnw Iwfore cor grew*
Bavwui OMeial. ray It Was a‘Hra*-<
Tariff-Tew fl.rfwraaigwad.
Havana. Sov.
Tbe lutw reported
ta bsv* (unialmd dynBii:lte wbb h wa*
found by a man. suba.qucnlly arreWri
by the private waichman of thr Amcri,
won r.MwulaLe bulldlr.g Wednesday nflTVirf.b n>ar lb* UuU iff the ccnvuiaie Is
Int 111, II tiric a y k<-. Tbu-man arrested
Is Ir'ilfl-d Ik.
III.- ll,.'.vllllial who
u-,. tu|« where II was tuunA llui
In unl- i i,i guaid ugmliM any puadblU.tlra Ui' r ; enlkh utncaJf are {akJng pnravriunn i. iiuiirJ III., I'nlted Hiale* eon-.
INlate an<;
;,|,i,ct the Cnlird Statra
•earn pubUehr- tnl. morning twudecyeea
afgaed l>y the
rra.i-l anl by B«nuT
Baesatsu the pr. uiLt. The tirvt decree
fLppttra to tbe Aruil-f.iw, Uwff learribrd
te tbefirMcbapur nfib- HjalnlshcorstltuUeo. wltb a guarani,, of iiu- appliesUM] of tbe general laws 'nu,
drere* extend* to tbe AniUle* ih. uRlveraal suffrage of 1®#. Aicurdli.t t.i the
law of June ft. U®. the el*, ..^ai qualiOcaihie was bcld by all the mole Sj>an-
Dlelpkllty for at leori five ytara
Madrid. Nov. H.—Tbe ctause In
Uuu In tbe laHffB In tb* ffovarnmenr*
pruiMoed adieW uf autotMiny for Cuba
IffMiiilra fur the crvalioa of a mixed
«,.>iiir:lmlcr. In be contpaaed of Cuban*
and Ppanlard*. wbtcb la toftx tbe tariff)
Til. tui.w hy fhe.cmnmliisloB ore to b
•dnr t.d i y the Cuban chamber of deputie- and .h.m apprornd by tb* BpanI ‘
eori'.,* i-ff,jr- they UetTirae effective.
Anuld ir,T viilaed commission cone to S
4rad-lu.k»ne (Tirira Is to be tbe orbllra
of tb* qu.,»tl,io St Issue. Prime Mlnlsttr Baga>ts ha* received over IW dls-
(Tilcagc, N> V. ft.—Thi-rr.waa no surjirise In Col. Jiiirersoir* li^-iurT d.-Usn-red frc-uitbo church luhiud. Jiomeoncis
here Url night: be ts eUll an agnostic.
His’'rermon'' a-as Is three suodlvl Inns;
"What Has thr Church nom t ' Wiial
Hai-e the Worldly IJnnrr- and "Wlum ■ Then the curTinge* drive ap and the
Shull We Thankr' The chuit-h hr.d congropati™ dispe,«.
done roihlng: lb* worldly hvd done leave aw of coarse the gorcriot nud
iiiucb: nature, however, got mnei of the
; ^|r £tS>54r?i‘
Teratel la tb* XsKCftae Cm.
Chicle , Nov. ,M.—The Tribune .this
raonimg says that "a man who knnwe" •bet first N-asou. The aid-dt-camp pre-! P"-*"”' “"»** ® *
pans to follow, as oraal. but the chec^ ,
awwrts that (he finding of the
martial in the Hanimcnd case .
the accused. Capt. Levrrlcg. !• gullly aa
charged In the ap^lffratlori*. and
And so the newly amrod private tec- '
who has bevu with ber father as long
Northern Supply edtnpsmy** saw mill at
Plifcer horned yesterday mesmlng. Thr
lora Is C:r..too ar.d Insurance llO.Ono. The
the tnwiu Plsher Is the headquarters
of the \Vi*c<uialn and Michigan railway
ojtd about thirty inIK-s from here.______
plant of the t’nited Btatr* Electric
Ugfallng company was gutted by fife
last night. The lights In the greaiTT
pcrilnn-uf the city were kept going by
this plant. *•> that Washington Is now
In darkners tu a largi- cxtgnt at night.
ihetf wheek
IT* ihetr
wlth.T (or
rerslTs doriM the wlolsv. I
Orpostle M.AK. a. oeput.
i*°*. ®
—Watch Repiiriiig
„„ .«a
lliph come* a mo
—Front Street.
nid ptlroOU k^l at tbe altar raila
r?,Tv.r damping oruiohmara in
younger chUdfvtisnd their BovMPraa.
'Wedding March*' " aars i
r*^ h.*
"Ob, today is the auuiv
I ”bW
own marriage, I believe.
Major Koble nor she has yet
tbe sURC of wishing
wedding day.” Is (ho ri-ply.
And so tbe joyfal stnilns
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
A Wise
Oadoaeiarl Why be focsoarfryiac to
pick ap. or ia other woeda. eoteh on to
the waits oadtwmotM whea sob eoa
I them both parirelly aader his laitkma la one private leraoa. or do
,h, link, coksni,.Oo. o-l"
Tbe mnridmn
.i.d w l.nshand
follOT, BDti tbe cburch is sliat op and
loft tofbecarr nf the aative gardien
ontiJ auoiberilaDaay oomes roand.
Ksvok I Take aa AppraL
' Only tbe aid-de-camp, is Duusnilly
Vlm-jn. la.. Not. 3(.—Tbe NoTak case
win be taki n to tb* rupmr.e court. The grave doriBg tlie rest of tbe di.v. for a
attorn, ys f.ir tbe Walfurd baidtrr. cen- •Uange fovebcidiiig bat enme over bim,
vicied uf Ibe imlhjer of Edward Murray. and it seems jost a'itule bard that Ik.
expTvra tbr inmoat cimBdcnre
, who bra rcmaiaed poor and has begun
new Mai will be ordered. If that falls to ffrow gray in tbe service of bis exan appeal will l»r taki-n.
oellency. and for kras of him and bik
SI- a* Mra Pwralyi-o.
obentd be vmnad for a sfranger and a
l*glngt<n, Ky., Nov. »—J. A. Coora Dewavoer jaxt beesnra forsootb be is
the wen-k'oTTwe ttirtUng horse man. *
heir to a iionaietry and to' a forttme.
wlin paraJywlt. here y-------- ■■
reesver} If d> ublful.
' It Uevaniogin tbecold weather, aod
Ibe abort tropical twilight is oearjy
(irer. tb&oao having aet no one tide <d
Tbe nninlwr of player* killed In fool tbe ravine half on tour ago, while tbe
halt nm.w this eeaiw.n has iicen eight.
foil Boosi has risen on ibeoibet, throw
<'hlrl,-s Miller, nf fbtcag.>. wun tbe ing black absdows evraywbiri’. tBrning
twclvi-hnur bike race at Atlanta, cuv- tbe Wajcrfali to silver and lighting np
crlcg =1 milea
tbe mist of spra.viH»n it reaemblra a
Tomniy hyan. of FyYacuae. knocked bope web of goraamer with tbe dew
out Aurtraliao Im ityao in the fifib upon il.
round at nmlra. N. Y.
A party of ynuoR people .faive been
A diaiauh r>T-«i.*l-at Vienna anexploring the raviDC- Tbry have cloninuunras that i.WO
ailuirlatif are In
bend Bp bt ride tbe caanade. have fol
open revolt ayalnel Turkej^
An epldepiic ..f SLarU-t l-v.-r Is raging lowed the iiv.-r’s- bank to ibe limit.of
tbe govcnniriDt bnuse grounds aud are
In tbe mile villaa. of liuurliua. Hi*
JTbe public aih.-d* hav.- b-en cioaed la- DOW rctonjiug by tbe tiiab road.
Aa thiy round the
past tbe
Tbe OpIr^tM-, of Home, alrongly op Minrrbiwoof l{>« party Unger bebluA
pose* the I- * lairals y( iioluchuwakl tu They ate tbe govenior's eldest daughbff
form a Kuiunram enmmefxlal leaffw* and tbe private seendary, The oUk-ts
against Ameri.a.1
go oo. but pnoeotly diworer that aoraii
Ibe p-.rid.n l5 bl* meaaage will. It
ate misFiiig. aoil Ihc aid-de-rnmp tvI* rxr*'~t.d. il- r-t* >:inrr all.-nllon to
tam* to locA fur them. He ..
Alaska Ir.au.hae iHvn given to th.- big
terrliorj htrei-'f-'r!- »ln.., ti» pan-haae. gently, walking on tbe grass'bj >be
Kev. Maurice Fennel.: Fikea., of the vttnulude. He calls, but no one notwera
FIrrt Uaptlai chortb uf Ti--ntun. N. J.. rtoB tbe ebareb come* the sound ct
has app.ilnl.d the pr.,|li**t girla In hla mnaic. The amatear organiri has been
eongregalP.n u*h*rw niid cillvvtlon tak- boliUng a choir practice and is pow
playing oo in the dark by iuna-lf. Ebe
William J. Bryan baa given to the plavs a low. iwn-i vnluotsty. itii preoMlosuurl stoU- uBtveralty (£« w bk-h 1* ently breaks into tbr •- Wedding March."
tu be used annually In awarding a prig.A* theaid-d.-canjp advtuca be rodfur tbe l^t •owy oo.tbe sclcr.e* of govdeiil.v d.-ivnea torn figorvv, close beside
ernmtnl. ’
him. stoudiug under tl», shadow ot a
Mb-hael beat fiiarbnck un the bh-yrle
at Madison y-juare garden. N*-w Tork, spreading bauynii trvr near the clinrrli
^.y thirty laiu. In a distance of twenty- gate. They are the private secretary
five mlii-e Tiinr.UimlnuiceSt l-t a,vund*. and tbe a-idest danghier. and tbtir barbs
braitliig Mi'iiaera Cbiiogti In-duor rcc- are toward bim. Befon- be bu* time to
apeak be b.ait a munly voloe aay,
Fire at Temetkai, a suiuirb ..f Oak •Tbat it a gmd omeu. is it not. my
land. Cal.. completely d.-mmyed ih- Oarliogr' and a svm-i, girlish treble rechurch and >-rhui'l .>f the Bavrnl Heart,
pliei: "Yot. aisl 1 slmll lov.-Heudelsthe clem house a»d all ih., adp.inlng
aohu's 'Wedding Mat.-b' all my life be.uitbuHdlnjri, Father Berg-, bad n tiar
oanm it asems M Uiunil up writb yoa
Mr. J. tv, Khawalter. tbe ch.-ea ctmni. onci vriib my. faxppluiva. Do yno rePioD. bar g,.ne to New Haven. Corn, tm-iub>-r (bal hrat Bunday"— Bui ilito coach ihe Ttfe l*dm in the ch.-es aid-dr<-amp baa tcru.d oo his heel and
Kiuman.fjii tu I-- plajed on N-w Year-- is out of bearing l>y .Uiii tioic. , lie rwl>ay tvl'veen Vole. Harvard, FrlocHou pocts iliai Ihe ttragglers "are afl right
and Columbia luiugaa.
and omiDfi on. Tuey have only boon
Father, nutb.r. and children. In a liatcnuig to Mr*. Noble's playiiig" *
family of a doxro at Unculn Ceotei.
Tb(, luuoo oontiuuiw to shine and the
Kan., are eU in iwhool. the par.nu and
tbe two i-'.b-t children brliig In
Ihe trtleifoU to KpBtbJe in b.T rays and to
aiaih* clp«>. The father Is an ambittour aplaob mueiiiully ilow-n inin iu rocky
bed. bat to tbr aid-de-canip a black
mltilrier. 45 yeara old.
G. R. Hanrcrk and the Mlaeea Han alMdqw of great darkness arout to have
cock are in WaahlDgton arranging for spread itself ovi-r everyibiug. and' the
the iirrwnuilon of a ccHeitlon of TOl) at tbe foltiug water aisi (be noise
awvwda. the p td tbe breeue among the tUna trera have
faher. Oeoeral
a aeonifol. wuraning Boand.
to tbe National museum.
.Gorernor Uradley. of Kvalucky. baa
It is Dotm OB abrimsni day in Cfariatsent out l*ic> re to t|^ ]u4gea In counties masweek and crata-quetitly in tlie mid
Its whFl. rnlder* btve cr-mmUlrd ouri
dle of (be hot eeosoo. Ontodr (be giuss
rairea raying that tinlera effort* are
is begiDiiing to look bnnit ap. ar. 'be
mode to pn.tect property la tbeoa oecroom and goantum* are too mock «atinna lie will send troop*.
baosted from tbe beat to pat fortb any
The Waalh*^ W* Hay Kaperi.
mate flowera, bat tb- faor^ begonia is
Waaptngira. Nur. ja-F«.ao»lae an the etiU in foil Uoom. end the oleanders
wealW Indteatara (<r tnwtT.frar henn
In-i,* p. IB. yra.erday: For ladU a and Dll have large tmneb''* of jiiuk hlamoms oo
nr.I.^|UM. ivnime te atoia-la awthern pur tbe topB of tbeir lall. willowy elema,
. iW. I.l~llr colder: aeelherly wli.da he. wbiefa wave bark and forvmrd in tbe
Dv n-mherly Per Iiowar VIobIgM-Ratai
>'■*: e-riee: brWk raribarly wind*, be teeeae and oxbalr u dHicirn* porfome,
ai oenberly. PM- Cpper MieUgm aod like that of bitier almonds, in
norin-snow. dacidaily eeUar; raetberlr Mg
per of tbs churchyard
churchyard a Ui*s fraagipani
a P.wloos-Kals eraa.>v Istba
trea beam waxy clostere rrf pole yollow
flower* at the ends ot in eaotaalike
trnnobea, while ahining emt oaaeng tbe
loUaga in
the gorenuDent boara
Cbloaffe. Hev. S.^Todoy hetag a ca
gnmnds oppi^tn fe ff toU fUmbbyant
Osoal boMap lb« nekaxitra were ai
«aaa.wklob. with in floma oolond bk*.
doaed-oad there m iK^mariut report.
fikia nera.
i»«- there break forth tbo joy«“ affainsof the ••Wedding March."
down the aisle the bride
looki up in to tbe bridegtoaiu's tso^ and
be, stooping over bcr. a
’'‘‘"is. atid. With renewed e~ew*
be plongM
sbaling tbe ptoeesaion and rscurtingtbe
gnesu 10 their carriage*, and tbrtmgboot (bat long and burr day do one oceing bis bright. pUoraui face and bear
ing bit ctierry voice conld gnesi tbat
for bim Ibe sun was darkem-d and tbe
light of life aud bope gour out, and tbat
to his cart Meudelssohn's "Wedding
March" wiU forever ooond like s funer
al dirga^Sketch.
still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Tbe Eaterprise Grocery
is still doing bufliness on
Front Street, jost west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be fontad in the dtj.
Mme. Woltow of St. Petervbnig la
tzying to funnd a new club which is to
bo devoted cntirvly to tbe bygeiiic dovlopmmt of womau.
Tbe Bniprras Eugenie live* in the
most c<auiil<(r rrrirement at Foraa'bciroagh. BU-is modi crippled by rbsamalirio and vny drvoaL
Tbe mikwlo nf Japan. tboDji
xiaoah Iy l.vud of horse racing,
no Irmng on bis tvuck and porsnec the
qnri purely for spurt's rake.
Lead BnxfirliL a Bruteb jndge. coce
I'm thitikinyewad bo
Mim Helen ,V: Boswell, tbe
and bwd <ff fbe Wnmao'a BepnUiran
movx-UK ut fS New York, is a mioing
ttiKineer and tank* high as a mining
George W. StepheDA wim made i
great repataiion as m war rortvapooden
daring tbe Urceo-Tnrkiab war. U «
gr^naieof Balliol college. Oxford, and
it not i$ years of age.
So Mayen ia tbe first beir to an AMran throne tbat baa gndnaiod fnwi an
AniiTiiou coUego. He, bat raorivui a
dipimuB from Ibu CoU>. University
rabool at Lcwisbai. Me.
A Miiiuc woman wito asked tbe Be*.
Elijah Keiiogg buogi- tbeotU-rday waa
qairkly auswiffod by tbe 'auibK- of
"Bpartaraa;" "1 do not ifU my agu. 1
ray 1 am SO. 1 am nre of Uul"
tkJlu F nnDtiuRion.XbeHioted rail
way uiai), ntsiumin. three palutia) rcsidunces, wbidi' onr kept in such prafect
ronuing order that any raicuf them ia
ready for ucenpoucy by hi* family at
momeui's Doiice.
Profuasur Msbsffy of the Univenity
of Dublin raid U>o oiUr day that be
"doBbud whciUT. as iUi rwmli of tbe
of tbe last 80
years, the people of kkiglaDd ore uitber
happier or britcr "
Abraham OrabiU, •
(be Htonewnll bngad«> died at bit heme
tbe shot that killed General Bedgwiok.
near Bpottaylvauia Uoun Hoorn.
, George Bond, tbe noted FrcechwoBian and wrtt«, was really Mtae. Oadevant. and bo- reloUves war m proodtd
her literary nooora (bit tboy bad tbe
loiuily name changed from Dadevoui to
Baml—:ibu only iosisDce of a uom -de
plume legally onsUng the real nan
Arebdoke jeapph. a ootutn at the
peror ot AaMtio, not lung oiiiee gave a
tBuqoet W hia raboulfellowa who at
tended tbe graaimar sofaMiI with kdm
60 yeora oga Tbete wwe not
many of tbdra
bnt those
ivpmranted evmy walk in life.,
mayor general to a ban
Want Ads Pay!
Cost Light
Enterprise Groceiy,
W. J. EOBIKBON. Manager.
Hu OoBfi to iBdiuifi After Aaoiher Oar Load of
Fine Farm and
Draft Horses
If you BMd a
hoxM at a low piioe,^
I 'Will retoTB with the horeu in aboat 10 days.
213 Front St.
Baltimore Stock I
1 Tbrea Tlwc* a Week.
Counts. dOe per quart
StMRdorda, 30c per
fltlclier's Ofsitr Depot aaiTResiwait.
!! fou Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse City '
Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
ni* Oaly TUoc t* 8ow
Short Maple Wood. L^nds for sale- Mill Machibery, of all
••Than.” raid tbe lady, polfida* tp
tbe wood pOo,. "bow does tbU ttrikm descriptiODS, including s Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
erai (o a boruera mokrff.
"MaiMw."iu—ded Mr. PoByP®
tettie. "1 Bfffw raw tbe Mko. "-Isdiaii-
Company. We
have for
for sale
sale Go
TH» Komrnro B*eo»r, catubpay, govBUBEB a?. 1887.
T® •C*th«rinj of Amtrictn# Who
Colobrktod Th&nkogiving
at London.
Animals Loota Again in the
Raicharath and a Great
Show the Reauh.
_______ wwu Opnal tht toMl iUL in
MO l*t»r. IB rwVj
hi* bMittb. tndulcr« in bnnlacm»« of foniifr >JmlUr
0«w ;
w a >'«ar*lB (ar lb* rrt-nf '
,1, ,
toB OalU af Artlaa
U i>n>l>ablf
a Bama Maaltcr. «a la aprak.
KRipTmT WllUtm Bnd I’ri^drnt :
Kltilrr. whirh wB« ri-cHxrt wltb r
crFfOno o( Ibp
•nnbly «trr CBliIrd lo l*rr.ddfmllrKli QvtMBroUlbml
Wuhli ctoti, Sev.
Al Ihe Krlft-pt4n*B M. E- rbur«h. wl.ere Pivna. i.i
JjcKlDlo- *«tei>d«^l »<-rvlr>.-. Ib v. Ur.
Ji>hii»t>iO dwUrt-d (bat pn»prrU>'
boiv: Ibai of (hr |»TUa that ^hreaiip Ukcailnr. (be cblFf wrre nmi. audai.>in and
He ai>f>kF at iome leB/rtb
acalnat Uie daitacr of a farelan rbru^
LoDdcB, Nov.
Ovi^ MO AtnrHtbti advocated aivlmc ibe Unman Catholic
that rv<-rr
•MV and woiiun and a fav^oaUah (ktenjo}'*. hut that hia chvrrb l>e
___, bv enJoj'B.
am ^Fbraiid Thanlualvl^ Da>
hAr.tJe off tbe
wno. a. (be llotripecll Uat Blfbl. The I
hla refltarka he referred
and bi^ire
bU wife
^trt amt.a.-aidor.
aml.e.-w^. acd
danger Henry White, a«^ur> ^
^ Um^rtntrt^Uer,
tA. aecvmd ..creiaiy cf the
Lord SiraUu
CanAda: Ai.hd’Weoa SliK-lalr. LouU
Aaur Cbanlvv and William Fulch. Unit-
^ Idiynma" He alao rvfeTTtd
eocTujrt fuiHle. and
rtctory^of Tammany In
Ibclffdad in art doenratlre foraitcra .
' Inclodod amoDs artiatic articlea tbat'
am bnt little money are fnar liffat tnndelatda lu l>ivad«o pattcrua
Tbuni ia a fad Jnat
J»*FB—IWl.teaf. TidUime* team Off!
la iledar of <irV WeyW.
from lb# \V>.a Matmioee .llri'lMi yiad
Itima. IrUad oT MiOorv o. N<n . N —
Aall-Vaaraaoiaa l>orwu>#wle.
ThI* town ai.d Im iKWt wen decorated
Wedneoday ■
d.-r* havinOwefrereeted
thedlaanceful flshllne..f Wedm»j^bune and
nte wim.ee of
the pmudent <■( the ehaml»-r. m. Abra-
rarliar In Hare a Nary.
It U pirfectod by tbe aaffcrlngB aad
jtnUDtlw uf the imsMil. All thing*
worit lORvther f<ff Ita good. The fit«
pnrifiea It, liw little givia ita puwera
ezwvlie, the'iUftova Biakiw it to grow
' Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Importaiit to Propertj Holdtn!
. )Jiaud.iii to hr apprndatod.
Far- ;
their ufton* command a|.j«tiVBL:^ouiIng I* I'wt by kimlly w.rdKrf flHoreM
and rv»iimili.ai. Flaitv^ ia off.iud^
of aBiUbtT'a kthducat
and aurvice U alwayaacue^aUST^^tanbFUrian.
Grud Rapids 4 IndliBi R. R
«. a.' r ■. Lv.
n It SCO Tea*.Oily
r. a.
rtalty af CMiMMr.
Caiuncter Rwwa isto figlty. Childhood's gaarcptilimtj fad<* with the
WtiBiwmaBaowabcreapa Prom
tbooght be fPM b) died, Ircnn deed to
babit, from habit to ebaraoter, from
ofaaracler to duailay.—Bev, Karr A
Tuppm. Baptigi. AUadelphia.
I. W. Paichm._
gta ■a»'l^^
Attoraers at Law.
*Bets la Baolago* Bloeh. Tiaese** Oty. Ml*-
a M BROWN, aiuevey a
0< Law. apeelal aLeaiae
aaS esnesraarma. til Proan
laelB' aut, OraaS BapTraltaarrltafroai aaels'
Waplda. DaUqU aa4
’LaeaT^lg^oe braac* arrives al II AOa a.
It. MervaaUlr Co. Woe
R BOmvN. N. D.. »y*leUi> Bad O. L. MX3KWOOB O.
-------call*, ajwelal
: u,e raiUtsa *
........................ ................
- MarkBaa Block.up
ChicRgo —
West Michigan.
Vn^lnwilL ite™a<ta. Orw Flist
SatbSal ^kT%>lS25rttrVrt**l
iairaotino miliw^rfm*sr.Bo**BadtkissL
Ar Bay view...........
LV. Ti»—. oni:. Ttt-i.' .T
. ................well Inraled.
- iverMaty i«wprHj
trade f-rTravr
W PmlrhloorJ.
_____ 33 W
nij. tr« *w.
umiEB UD lomBunu li
OOU.O »tmm.
AddreMbork Box riO. Traveeae CH#. Bleb.
i3 •lalhitorU.ee b
‘..tSf '
to RRNT nrieral I
. wtBierat-miW.II
Trareesr CUy I
SwX S'-,-
suwet raeaov kH wlU b* Iskeo a* pan p
Ms Verir- >• Freoi aU*«L IG-tt
eeeal77eltr pmpeety. t,6.a
IrtOK RALR-at aerta of laad oa Ltag lab*
f ■oliabletwlvworremn psrpww. lor
.... ^
ail from'Chicago. Tha
d Guard was eecorted by a de-: ty-flv* aurvlv.
tsrtimeni of the Utdtad Btalae regular* monumesit to
to erected
.----------------on the
from tN.verfMjr'* IsUnd. Qpeat tawram- i the regiment flint rallied and
tion* had t>een mad* to feed th* poor by I the treat of th* ridge In Ibe
th* r'.nimllMoner* of Charin** and
recllona and ihe-gleemooynsry IttMItu.
Begee Otwb. tar gcaAMlinn* of ihl* city, and none went tatm*1. tAUil*. Nov. SC.-te* Pitta a h*gr*
-w. » .
Uteib a aerim of volumes Mtataauag
meiborand* giving a ninnlng history of
the liuicb ■eitlement of Oalana trem
i« «n oiit
in eomprem
an old <
used by aaveral Arm aa A warebouA
for th* utoiugr nf hay and-food MuffB
the middle to near the elcm pf the nev- ___ ainuad
Cluhb'a lumber yard, and
•Dteoeth century, fully coollnnlDg the the oM%r«tght houm* ot th* LoulavUto
British boundao' claim*and Nashville railroad.
The tnemor.vnda
11 1* addsd.W^I-I
k, ..
rof Utoi
8l Louto, NU7...S1—Henry De Peaa.
“ 1“.^
The owaalim
. Chltad •luas Am-
try. A. R. Bia
* broker ot FrovMrocA. R. U aUsgm
ia tTT^I
that Pins tried te staal f
aa aavdlope soaulnlag 0l.aw
W^2k':^''A"c^^‘^oSlS fes:
TTRNLOeX LUHBRR lor *wU at « per MOB
XX (tat. Andy to Trarwae CUy Lawbrt
’irs.__Money to Loan
*'°™ "* “* ™‘‘
(Wee is Baulina
w.*ta It a.u.. t
Ita Far a* the Iw aesina'* Crap Brtaiw*
•fopika. Kan.. Nuv. Id.—me Kansas
.1 la boasting.
boaid of agriculture haa preiwred a
that *• talk United RiaUs, which anttnal bulleUn showing the
•war* equally a* well for telllpg th*
^ ,b, uumbrt
tnilh. The great )><dy of the penplr of
(h* two countries ate filend*. M'e are
Ihe furtuPBie hfira lu KngUid law and
' w ln-ai U *0,0«.:Ti buaheli, worth I
in>erty. which both natl-ns re*p-cl.”
A carried by meana
Lord Pirathona and M uni
Itoyal coverrd before anybody drank of It.
triaponding tt- "Our Keyl Itoor Neigh- Tbe district attorney has been Informed
case And will make a thorough
bdrs.”) said that Canada, while biyal
lo the queen and lo Oremt Jtrtlalr., bad < thvmllgalltm___________________
by the ub^
„ n.4siJT3 bushel*, an
(he fullest feeling of friendship for the |
-. Ba.lgw#ri !• Bav* Bit Ufa.
T'nlled eiates.^and he wmt sailsned that I
Boughlon. Mich.. Nov. M.—Captain
If either rounln' should gvi Into dllR- [nowlanda tsammer btaaat tha Atlantic
cullies the other would help Ita neigh-.haa resigned, hi* resignation ukn the dlaordeis reached
climax ^ ^ increaae of Ill.lfrl.MO over tha;
,'tng li
disliked I both he and Ibe president nought safety
ortaat y««r. Tbe net Imreaae In value of
Hon Rlr John Oarell -Banie*. Jntalce of i,y ,h* Finn*, who accused him
1 Alghl
Flvf* thi* year'# agricultural production* over
th* high court of Juftioe. when he pro- | treme artoganee and abuse,
ling Tbe Neue llK«e of 1»« to »*0.I04^«C, and of Uv*
posed the health of Ambaaeadur Hay. >eompBoy refused To discharge
. m<n Fn ie Ur.-**
oclallst organ Ar- alocW eo.ML.Ml. a tounnereaa* of »40..
struck. Captain Itna-Unda it, blier Zuliung. In addlllnn
(U.ia. or aomewbat mere than tl per
that hr lielirved exist* between Eng- was.aald. waa infewtned
t>y the atriker* prov1n<la1
•iwtned l>y
provm.lal J-mmalt. have b
been conBaUDd arA the United SUtea, aald; “If that they would kill''
cated'fur artlcb-a on Wedneedajr'B pro
tbe two countries will only pul' IhelT he reaigned. and the
ceeding* t'l-unt DadenI had imrrvlews
bqcka together they can rule lb* ty followed.
Rsvaioah. Oa- Nov. *».—An unknown
wlth-Kmiienir Fiancl* Joneph. Tewterdeatlhlrs of the world.”
day* Bitling was delayed while tbe ear- negro warbllled by lyncher* near Black
ly Will 0*« fhv li
AiTb Dea'-X) Rlnclalr pfopotad 1b*
penler* Tiullt fencea around the preB- Heart yeetetday afternoon, hit body beCity of Mexico, Nov. H—me New
laaat 'The Ladle*.” wbleb waa
redeiit's chair. VYhlle this was going ot ing lllerully riddled with buUetn. m*
Igwaded to l.y Ml*a aenerteve Ward, Tort! Life rtsurane* company will lose hr aawmbled membeea Indulged In anb
negro outraged Mis* Beble Davto.
DOtlilQt by the aulelde of tbetr Ute
''the aclrea*.
malrd dlwxiaslnn* arid Jested about the IT-year-old daughter of KU Darts, a
ganenl manager here, as hla life was
"prealdrnt’e cage.” me leader* of (be farmer seven mile* north of BlackInsured In another company for
oppoBilon met lam mrenlng to decide sheer, while ahe waa alune In her home.
New Toirk. ^'i.v. M.—New Tbffceta «M gvAd. and be leaves sham In vari
have the advaniagr of celebrating (wa ous eompanleaher* In wbleb be waa in what step sb<uld be taken In view qf ' Waciuaa. Oa.. Nov. It.—Jerry John«b* violation of the conatitutlan. but do son.nnegra.waalyscbedlaaterenlDgbya
holiday* in one. Yesterday waa nut ably terested to Ihe extent of IIL«M.
mob Dear Screven. He wm* In charge of
Thasksgtilng Day but ala.. EvaeuaUoB
offloei* end waa being taken lo Jail at
Jemup. He was made the target tor n
number of rlflea and hla body waa per
forated with bulleu. Tbe negro bad
WU*k Ar* Agalast T*ai iin|s
been *rrea»^ f.ir atealing a muto.
Guard and tbe local mUltia. m* Old
London. Nov. SC—A letter received
FltaBavn* t'pSeeeAMto Prspr*«rOuard cAwrved the day aa umial by
here freoi Ueorgvtow-n. BrUI* GulaDn.
beadquarters down
marching from 1
Pwaacoto. Fla- NOV. Jk-Aboul MBa..
sanouaevA that Great Bruala’a
bl archive*
worth of property wa» burned yea.............
have unearthed la tbe eulostal
•e rrapaale* hanu
rmu* Bt«.n .-eeiato rlaaara of propefiy
la BOW prepired u> (Ire the Fl<iu.tiB of tblB
rlir .Be broen. of aarh redoniooa. aod iMr
elH.W# froai BBoac IweUydvu leadlac aad t*-
................ ■ -•-■*Altwtart «• Paiaaa a rawille.
nuie i-xprvBslng ngiel
PUUvsvIll^ Wla.. Nuv. M.-vAa at
and d.aclalu.iiigany responalbllliy for It.
tempt w-a* Aade to poison th* entire
Thu acvsies Wednesday and yesterday
family of Jamb H»itar. Nr., near thi*
I are regai-Jcd a# a pariiaiuentary coup
Btr>*linlnv was plac-ed In a pall
'd'eut. and wi-rr wHneaaed by the Britof water
and alao In a pot of cuff-.-e on
I tab iinibaawdvir. Sir lluract.' RumbolUl,
the atove, A daughter of Mr*. Hooaer
drank a- rtvr of Ihe water and was thort- and by Nan.uel L CleUKn* (Mark
•n violetntly.Bl. 1
■a ard taken
0-. P. O&RVEB. AC*BL
Tba CbrtMaa'e te lha Blnraal U*a.
rom doll Plared TTsad i»4 UMmUaa '
’ ««“hal aalutathma. which were folad Stati-a mliilBier lo rrofruay.
i’aaba, to larntrari vitti
maao, which was eapecuily deaUned for
Chlmo. NOV.
a oeld mtwr
Herr Krupp lo build Tmir new Ironornamented with deep In mod and In a driiillna rain, be----------^
give* no Inatruetlin* a* l>i thi
■n and Brlllab (lana, and over tbe { fore a vaat rruwd. the I’nlvrmlt}' of an attenv|it to ,
................. .. ..............
Iheeh^lan waa an morm.ua Iwiaconaln tram di-r.at«l the North- German >)hU..nll.t leader. Iniemipled repair* of Ihr eld vea-la
^e bat ..f P*rt. wa, lo«, Ttie|w„,„I unlverall>
unlver-ll, eleven
-S-.me one el.# mual thi. Ire tru. It la probable
eleven 1b»v the dea Induced nuiwla b
take the . hair, t
<*.re of S to 0. When Wl
Herr Sch.e ni'fvr, t 1 liwder cif the a>T»
TerUa aaiol# tbe Aaalrlaa ITaa.
by tbe chmi-man who read a letiai^
i .iiipoclUan. th. n I
^,rr.*t wrrei‘'7
N..V, ii.-Di*palcbe* iwrired
. dated Wlndror raalJe fr- m Sir Arthur
II...'I..1 hla vohw; -I de.
f.r ralna of from ■
iobp nikav. private aacretary * to her aent thp-ugh the
1 am
am here fr- , Menuna, A.Ia Minor, anrlgls to B|waK jilUch, 1
tbre* to lefl yard*. Corheuu. e«peclally >»>“ho tne rigi
a a reauit of the dedalon
' of the Turklati governmenl
Hm »We-y Be«
bucking. For Norfha,-*lrm Karkaoii. !
WalttUaya Itlibi
demanda of Auairia for r drea* IP cm-The queen deHiei n
ijhbert.T Perry ar.d Sloan play.-l t
e rn-treatmem of Herr
Ameiicaii auibaw.adi.r
r.. t{ie flag of Auairia
j convey 1
l.y hla i
it Ueralna Wedneaday
'X American aoU. iy.ln L>ond«n the «apre*- tain Hunter ravered ihi-maelvea with It la (ndder. .ui.der fu.ii
'WoD of her majfwlyia alnrorv thanka tor gUffy in defenalve work. AnoCber llvaly iiminelukf*." A* ihe uproar .vuih f.d- | Turklah guna. a.... ... ...- ...... ..........
b, the government of Auairia.
^e hraullfully lllumlnaied addnaa of same waathai la-lween the Cblrago ai d lowed ehowed . v. iy algn of tncn aalog !
_______ _ -conatatulatl.ra ahe mvlved from that Michigan UBiveralty clever.a. tt waa won Dr. Alirnhainovl.* ad)>iun«d thehouae
j oti.Kk In Ihe aflrrooon. amid
' China PrepaHag tar war.
body. 1 have further to a»ure your t«a ttorm of 'hurrafia" and -bravoa"
London, Nov. I« -A dlapalcb lo The
___ __ ____ a played h. re were I
cellenry how . deeply the queen waa
Thea4iili.gwa*rv.uiimdal8;3n- Imme. TImea from H.mg Kong aayi 11 U tetOBChed by the i^-iiUmeiil* of lympalhy Nea- Jrraey All-Star tram agalffat t
dlalHy the l.eftUla commenced a lie- ' ported there
from Camnn that Ihe
With the enlhuBlaaRi of her own aufalecti Chicago Athlei
the New Jrraey men wer* not in iwendnu* din lo Uie middle of which the , vi.rroy uf the pmvlnce of Qnang Tong,
on the Balleth aimlrcnaO' of her acIt from the aUrt. and the Chicago GermanCemrlat.Count Falkenhyn.con- »llh the Qilneae admiral and fvoeral.
CcaaloB t.. Ihe throne which waa CpooBanker* again*! the New York Knlcker. celved aa a happy Idea a pro|»*al lo la preparHig defenae* and river fort* on
talned In thia addrva* from dtlaena of
bockrta. In which Chicago waa again a cow Ihe abMruclIunIsti by threatening tbe Canton Ylver. aa tbe rtwull of ' telethe Hfllled SUlea"
victor. Notable game* elaewherv were , their pocketa He moved that for the gram* received from the north.”'
AmhaiiBd ir Bay Kaha*a#pmrk.
aa follotrg; CnSverally of Prnnaylvanla i future dlaorderly members might be
W'ban tbe heallh at AmlAamdrw Hay
waa profanaed he reainededwtib a bright A Cornell 0; Nehraaka A Iowa 0: Kan- tuspended for three day* W the presi
Tokoliama. Nor. M.-The Klao Cbou
dent. or for tSirty day* by the hnuae.
ppeecb. He akelrbM tbe orlfln of the aa* Dnlvrrslly 1C. Utaaouri «; Universi
affair la aerloualy occupying the atlenduring which time their allowance
day. whirh bemtn. be aald. -li. that |«- ty of iniDota.A Eureka college «.
llotuof the
thetlc Ihsnk-offerlng of our forefatber* ty of lUlnol* «. Eureka college 0:-'
I the representative* of Japan abroad
Ing to leave the chamber when
wbeu they were keeping allghttheapark verity of Cincinnati S. Cartlale Ind
[have been Instructed lo aacertain the
quented might he forcibly eapeiled.
«f freedom which waa dratlr.cd to kindle
|reaoluttooaof the powers.
Peaaldeal ttawpea wita Bhjijta
o aurhahe«con-blaae.enIlghtealnraBd
■me apeech waa Intcrrupiii^'^B lth eon- i
Bartwqnaa# at ttMBaesau
adcnnnlBiinc the vwoHA Some of «ur
tlnuou* upf<«ir: Herr Woll^ ahiAilIag j
Bu«»tn*t. Nov. M -There
, _ ...................................'
oontlnned Hay.
•■Let'# pitch the bUckguarda rntw’" The .e-vete earthquake* here al J:iS yeater’’ibank HeaV.m we have loat. The wtieat
prraldeni vainly calleil ...r order. Final- | day morning. No damage waa done,
mwd away ]n tbe terr|>eat of ihe war
ty Heir Wolff rtatloned blmaeir dlr.etly
pi^ «aew a( Ibe a*aa^ at BerUa.
eaaaed; Init thIa. the mnatunqurmionof the prealdenllal tribune and 1
R..rt1n, Ni'V. iT-The llrai annw of the
tbe Atlantic and Pacillc AbrUI h
began a abrill w hlalle. A numb- r of neaaon fell here Wednesday erenlag.
. gaUon ciwifany. ant
drputlen tried lo force open the d«ir*
thlBg* that w# ran do that offend* noofeonttrue- i ^%he
while a 1
front of Ihe
the platform, -whlb
4he fr.ml
brdy, threater.a no oi>e. and compete* 1 eetnVhr »ow ha* In y
U expected j»rty of Carch* enoeavursd lo prevent ' __
--------with no cee
There cati rVever l>e too
^e. He aald: 1when the tumult waa a.
' M*w rarha. Ba. a. Itawbi^tberKUl*
much cTsdliude In tha world.
••When everj thlng la on board the *blp ;
Herr Abrahamovica declared |
Biaaew. L.ia«at
No Rmm la YBb tar UcMa DerTwea.
Worth. Tex.. Nov.
me wtd"Sewply million* of people pralalng
alias J. E. BlanlbOod bigrthcr would rot Juatlfr the ad
dition of ore Ironrlad to any navy op paaaengcra and piMVlalona. mr-pojpell- | neif.gefenae, and e*ll-d for the voilng, er. who was arr.ated at Mvrldan.-Tex..
villi he a U-hiiita -jwaer me whole night at once apw. and (he charged with having inurdcn-d Mr*,
earth. Tonighi we ran hardly he mid iBg power
to.be In a foreign land. A Fr-nch atates- naphtha engine, which will be made pg^tdent deilared the nmti.m caTrl<-d. phiiitiliina Lanrfeldi In tlan Franclaeo.
nan *ald th' other day: 'tVhere there U oul of alutnlnlum aa far a* that meial ^ numta-r of deputies then le-gan ar.d v> ho c-omiiilued suicide in the U-w,i,e prealdmi * pUt,.„unty Jail, haa Iwen baated In this
•• *■» Frerchirar Oleye tg Praeee.' So we can Iw used, and will weigh complete
have *00 rood r>aa»n< here ii- lielleve sre
_ . a
whereujarn he aelted hla bell and nty by me police olllclal*. The woman
are in
tn Am.rl.a
America toright.
lorlght. and may lie
'“'.ih*' I •*« '*>e house;
; n,.w goes byihe name of Ada Taylor.
paidoned for apeeVIn* of *.«ne little I
vvintaln .aufflrtent quantity
UaW II t> far the Uay.
- Nbe *aya
that ahe married Arthur
aing. Ihat weTwre about."
‘“e v«m1 around the earth
After a abort-Interval he returned Furbea at Llule Rock. Ark., in Its:, and
without replenUblng Ihe tanks.
and began to address the cbaml>er. but that they taught In the publU acbMU
expect te attain a apeed of luo
hla voice waa drowned In
li a torrenl
. of
. in Uosque
In It**, m.-y bgd
hour without almlnlng
a df ''Oet ouW »o«n» irouble. during which Forbes *Dt
Leftist yell* and ahoui*
Vwfttay MiaaM Be Ih* Atagrliia NaU<
as her Ibr.-e
and ''ahanve.’' Finally the Bitting
alttlrvg w
lbr>-e limes.
Blrd.th* Atabaaa^qwrnay*.
About tha^tlme Arthur Forbe*. alUa
' Lincoln.
. M —Koben Fits1*1-ended
May then,i>ald an elodwant trlbuu
who *h.rt»ed which PrealdentAWahampvIc* relumed Blanther. wSfc ahvated, charged with
*nhe nn)em*Bn namelrwi artlat. who
d thaj In arcordanc
LInroIn with th«lr ecmpfr.y
th* days of . early New England Am
.. night, denied the rv|»rt sent out from
brooini to perfertlon the pumpkin pie.
Buffalo of another Aght ■•etwern Fit*,
,^e Indorsed Uenjamln Franklin's sag- tlmmons and Curia (1. Fuaslmmona bad
Mr*. Forbe* says
ygeaUon (bat tbe turkey be the national
doubt aa lo Forl>es being the murderer
>aay except tomake a general de-,
!of Ihe Nan FraneJaco women: that he
•nblen Instead ol the eagle, "who.
die Julian.was not only emphatic.
often told her lhaf he was well ac
vrttb arlei-ratio proffle, |nud voice and but evidently .dtaplmaed. •'Fltxslir.motui Vlaleae* Is Ut* B
quainted .with Minnie Wllllama and
predalon d'apueltlon. hardly
will never meet Ccrl*»t again, make
Blanche I^mont. having been Inirohimself a> i‘)e emld<-m of modeat, In- that a* emphatic aa y<Hi car..” aald be to
K.-me uniwralleled
them by meodorc Durrani.
dlMXrloua ami c<inBCbnlloua demwrsry; the AaWM’lated
rn-ta correapi'ndeDt.
violence In the lower house of the rvk-hareferred
While the turkey. Uk - a true altnilal. •■Coebetl probtWy started the atoo' to
a manner that
oxtau only for ih» g<Ni4 of otbeis. and gt* aome cheap advenlalng." waa Ju rath U almoai the only Aubjeci of conversaUon itAoughout Aiteila Tbe 0«r- I vinced hf knew of them.
perlahes by ^h'nlu^dB y.arly for the lian’s flnai comment.
publlr weirart.''
In concluding hla aipcech Hay enu
merated (he ranees for thankfulneat
fur tbe clow!
There i« an attranlve hue of fflaied
potUHj diabca ml lu omaioental aUver
fTamea Tboae tUibea an upecially doaiRUKl for diot taUo delbmciur. which
which they are aooked.
general a puh"e
London. Nov. M.—The Conitanllnople
rtitTe«|B.naeet of The Standard leant*
Itet^the Imperial trade on the nbleet
pint. farDoobea. obanaa aud buckhw.
nfler hl» .......................................................
arrival here fre:
The munirinalliy of PattriB,
however, pr'iieid the requ^ef r
' '
e aqui
the town ball a^ eaU U^Weyler aqoar*.
>'or tlivdroaaugt table are imridad
velvet rovend piiieakbitma of oval
abape. nvtiiiR m aballow ailver trajra;—
vrUn floied burdiBl.
bvuaeofibe mrJim.D nawemme^ea-
Ever Bnined Out?
are tard aud ue ttUe* In maboaany.
vith tnua bkAuuhcl
Uaai. Larkban'e Cbae <alL
London. Nov. H.~A dleptKh lo The
Tlmt* (tom Hach. imvli.ce o( CulchOundava. lielurn^vlali, aaye that duHng
the operalkma nvar 'Dalcl whu-h have
been rimdacted duilna the leet few
dsy e »>y Ueneral Sir WllVam L-rkhart.
with the fourth bnaade ..f the Hritleh
• iiiinlil-.-e e*j»dliji>n i-pirotlna aaainet
the Ineuraenl irlle-amnn ■n the n'lrUi*
riitll the fre»t4»nl Koaiwi wMh llteljr*
frviollef of India. Oonrfal leivk*
and (he OBMat Hell. Later Brlaralaa h*>^' had a.aaiTOW
from belna
and Lemae lb# lloatlaa Mvailirra Ad- *hOh
.thn.uffhuul the b.«ee.
•uwtft the Dui'h never tioia. wd.
It !• elated that the dlaoovertt* el.«r tbe
<!>-. eten and will areally (agmalv tha
wora of the arbUratan^
Oa ■■proved elu propoetyPATOKXM * OBOTggfl, dtliwwi
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