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The Morning Record, May 09, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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T...::— ■-
MoimiKG moomie
L AUtUawlU
ipUabed tUa aaBBer. bat
wUl be done to au^e the
eoApatytoeoapleta the
amm* ow amsaioav wxov nextfmr^ Thli wlU
cvdi&cpot U Ue mU»t of whot wm
oBly«lberk^ ttm« ifo w >p»Toat
(j •/
*;■: f'
(SKEimiHHL unp p»|, tiM,
I wUl OeeB be made
PraapeeWoha T. ^aadle Salaet- *
ad Preddeat.
Am irnpqrmt Motiac of the Orud
The beard of pablle waka met laat
VyBU0rainM«B4 tihlppen' Theta are Many aad «han OoBpen* alpht la the ofBa of the city elak far
' tmtrtatiim
fmAuity mHmrtioa. Mr. Bn«k.Bewly^eeiBitlOB la «lkad Xr. Xoody viU
•ooa •tUMOMMlMtonot «h* Of«f»
ed BeBba. waa aot preaaat, belM
ba Wm- ■
iMion. »e iMtn botlMM ,»m the
oftowBoaa fiabiaptri^ Mr. HaBlW
B of the d«lf»hUM9 of lelatfet
the BBBWIpal admlaatratioa la one of wMalaoabaeaV
the AwieBB rrelt Orowefe’ OAIob.
ri^, and the aerelae Thaflntbadaaa of the board waa
Thk OTfBBlAtlaa Blreedj nvahen la
win be axpaetod of the to elMt a praaldaat fa the aaaalap
Iti III! l■^^*1>1^ Mwe of Ue beaelMt
iB adjaatlnc year, aad Jaka T. Baadtowaai
Mt cratmts’Dlaeof Um prtaelpel oomMl by the b . .
Battarm. Ihe enet mambar of dofa at ad. Jbha KaUy waa re^polato
traH yfod«elBr«teUeBBd hae f^eved larc« iB tbe city la a Bare matter of BOB' aBBleaioaa.
^ hmelhdal. lie ehlct abn la to
Some tfme apo Ue city eoaaell iaptotBBi ita oeambm a«alaat fflattad Jeetare. bat it la a Batter of feet that atnietod the board of pabUe wake to
oBly 187 lleanaea hare been iasaad. The
aarkata by kaapiaf thea lafonaed aa
renwre from the Mill creek ereaalai
eaaieea who do not wear thoman
to the atate of the UffB
tacBaat take their ebaaeea,and the DlTlstoa atreyt, Ue tUa. which,
It farakhw refrifefator oara ef
prarea laadrqoato to carry off Ua
■Mat apiwoTed Bake. aU atoeket with .iheaeea are that their ohaaoee for oob- wator dariap mgre than ordlMiy
fort aad peaeefol extateoee wlU be palalea, aad tu aspioyM io the elttea wlU
rdna. No d«ftalto aettoa waa
fnlly meapra. Tboogb th«y are
dtapMeof the frait aa It la reealyed,
takes bythe aid board, bat lest alpht
If tU#pan daelre to aaad frait to aaj for the pteaeot beoaaae tbm la Street OoBBUdoBa Kelly,
fotmt OB thBirowD raapoBaibUlty the
atraetod to ramore Ue ttle. preparatory
«alj r««Blall» la that the bbIb oflloe the ooand Boater or doc eatober. to a peraaaent atractare.
lodeed, tberela BoprorteloBBt aU for
Beat be BBtlfled ht order to p»'
There had been tome c..
a rest pKrfaBlooal doc «V9ber. Ponad
izpaadlap ^ooh maacy at Ula time
■ay sartledlar BKHtet. lha Ualoe al- Maater Maady Ibi iatormed tha eoaoen for bridpe tBproTeBaata, hat the board
laady haa UO refrlgarator cara In aee
of pablle wake expraaed Itoelf aa be
« are belaf made to fill the la- BBd U awBitlac Ita aetioB ao that he lay naanlawnaly oppoaed to aay back*
wUl know wither he U required to
.ddetenaloed to procatch
The orcaBlaaUae eeeBa to be one ef
ride ample Baaaa for anyinp off Ue
the beat thlaffa for the proteotloa of fera Bonay.- Then the queetloa of wator from Ue flata which ware fiood
trait frowafa that haa yat been de- priee wUl be another proUeB.
ad with BBcb damape aboat a year apo
Tiaed. and the Oread Traeene aaaoeia- inat be a rate fer eateUnp Ue dopa. berana Uere waa aot aaffleiaBt oatlet
i^oA b faeoraUy Uelieed to It, bat no Then a rate for Uelr beard pa day, fa the water.
deeided at^ were taken at yeaterday'a nnUl Uey ahaU be larited to peB la
The BBttor of aapplyiap water fa
BeeilaC ^otid appelaUac a oobbU their eheete aoeordtsp to the llBlta- Oakwoed -aBoetery wae Ue aahject of
;«ee eoB^aedof Jadpe J. O. BaBadeU. tionawlaely eeUbllUed. Then ^ea oneet dlaouaioe aad a probloa
W. F. Haiaha aBd A- 8. Dobeoa. Theae Uena-loBced-lofdoca hareao hopa which ha pnuled Ue board far a loop
CralleBan wUl thoroncbly lareaticatc (belBC redeeaed Uay B«at be kUled; ctse. Now. bewera.' the hoard haa
dhe UaloBaadreportata Baettac at hen Uey are dead their reaalna anat decided w oonaMa the Better ffiUa
OtBBCe haU Satnrday. May n, at t p be deoenUy laterred. aad Uere Boat be aad to make recomoMadatiosa to Ue
B.. vhaB denbtleaa a peraaaant er- of conra a rate fa'
TbeeepropedtioaawUl require wiae coBBcU feraaoitoble wateraappiy for
The Oraad Trererae Prplt Qrowere dMlberatloa and after Ue eoucU eheU
apoi whatie bat to
BBd ablppere’ Aaaoeialipp'baa bees la
BKlataaea for a Bsmbar sf yeara asd be dene, and ahall ba«e caaoted aa act
haa abont lOO BOBbera, aU of whom entitled an act prorldlec tor a raioahare lar»a asBa loreated la thslr or- aUe ecBpeBMOon for Ue extaBlea- Xaepeotor General Oaa wlU Zaapeot
Xknaah Blfia Friday ViphL
eharda. T^ey sra fnU of eatarpriae. tloa of all Ue aaUcped care wlUU ^
Oaptaia J. V. MetatoU of Ue Han
sad prapoadtokaeJoBlhelBdBBt ia Ue dij llBlta, it Bay be raaaoBably
ihat Poond Maata Moody nah Rlfla raalrad word yatoday
bU BBttora pertalBlBC to their baalOaaeral Oaa of Ue
will hare hjahaadafalL
MIeUpaa NaUoaal Ooard, would he
nfijraxMOTrs flat oMotnro. hem next Friday tolaapecttbe Hmaaah
BUa Oeoeral Cea WiU be aoeompaLlttta »oy Harwwly Maapad Urowa- Bled by gaptola Oardaa ef ibe U. 8.
d MeMt Ta* Law :
fop iMSt HlphV
vmy, whh hat been dataUed by Ue
by»B. UmamWi
Lact areniap abaat area o'elak, wa departaeat to aeelat Qeaeral Cha
Tlurawwja talriy gM attqhdaaa while twe yoaap tada wara pUylnp oa la Ue iMpe^oa of the Naiioaal Ooard
atOraocahail yatodayaftaaooa oa Ue rirar bank, aov Ue M. A N. E. de of Michlpao. Thie wlU prohably'be ttw
Ue oeeaaloa of Ue leetare by Hoa. pot M» yoBBpaeL alboatfira yearaof flrat at^ towarda aatraaa lato Ue M.
JaeoB WaedBaa. Hr. WoodBoa eaBa ape. feU Into U» wator. Aopaat Imtw N. O. fa tke BlBa aad M it b eeldom
whp ia amployed la Ueyarda of If era Uat Ue la^ectorOeaeral rielttpr^arad to talk to faraaara la fsaecal
so Ue adraateca of Oraafe wak, bat Ua railroad ooBpaay. chaaoed to witladependeat eoBpaay, aalea la a
aea the accident aad preapt aetioa Mwclal parpobe. Ule rieit b e^eeblly
throaph a Uule aUapBl
praapeia ware preeeai. eo laateed of reealtod la the raeeae of Ue little fel elpnificant^ portande wttlfor Ue
Ua leoUre he care a brik. which
predteaaeat had not bean diaeorar^ BlBa
prared rary tetarattap to all prcM
mesba of U« ooapaay b
Ha darotad aMM lima to pabUe la tiBC. Pareata aboolS prohibit UcO arpedtopttendaepeji^drill Moa«ay
qaatlOBa. paylap apaelal attaatioa to yoaap ehildtaa from aaU daaparoa
aipkt, abo erary.olpht onttl Friday.
the eonaty road ayatoB. While poed plpy.proBBda. .___________
It b Ue pnrpoa at Ue effleera to ahow
roadaareBachVo befieeired be weald
ap as peod arao^paay m the peaaral
not aada any eirenantaaea he la
wlU find ia Mlehipaa. Ae Ue. Baafaraot hoadlap Ue'ooaaty fa that
aab BIfla an ampoaed ef Ua vary
parpeaa. a-la otha werdi aaortpape W«ta Works Oommlttoa Tastiap bat matorial there wUl be ao dlfflcalBottta Fooad Bayead Old KMiiea.
Ue eoaaty. ead ladlratly eeeh fanaa
^ At aU aboat that._______
The towaahip anil aeho^ eyetoa alao
Dorlcp aercral waka la Deoemba
raeeired hia attMtloa aad ha waa aad Jhanary UaL the eomailttoe ap900 Bpackled Treht
ratty oppoaed to thia. By Baaarxrf polatod by Ue peaaell to iaraetlpato
A ehlptaeat of epedtled trout
a blaUbaard aad dlapma ha pe>tod Ue mattor of a wator capply fa ttfo oaUeM. A N. S. troB Bea Ciiek yeaout the dleadrutapa u be had
olty< Bade earefel taw of the
of abaat
thea in Ua ewa eoaaty.
ia the weat bay from the bobU of soo 8U weiphlap 80 ponada They
The Bortpape tax law wae ala Boardmaa Hrar. TliU waa doee by ware seat by Fred Beebtol. Toay Kotoaehed ap<B aad the praape wae dw Ua-aa of bottta floattap at depUa retay aad Bm. Wilhelai. who went to
dared to be Ue preat aad oaly
raapiap from Ue aarfaa to twenty a Bea Creek a few days apo. : The fiU
teettoa to Ue faimera of Ue etato.
Boe fat. Bach botUe eoatalaed a were dbtribntod amoap friei^ of Ua
eoaeladed bia remarka wlU aa eloqaeat prlatod reqoat to the flada to maka a
^faUe piaapa, arplax that Bore rarefal note of wkare aad when foaad
Bonday School on Ua XaBitow.
yoaappeople be broapkt late H aot aad BoUfy J. W. MUUkea. of Ue
only for Ue peod of Ue InaUtatloa but Mlttee. Yatordaya'reportwarealrad Qepipe Baadereoa, Bbricnaiy of the
la their owe aka Aooordlap to Me. from B. F. SoheUerly Uat ke found. ABMfIcan Snaday School Onloa, aeeomWoodBaa If there U any derelopBest Slay <U. oae of Uaa; bottta aboat paaUld by Jama Bedkooa. hae J«t retaayoaap Baa aweaaaUe praape one Bile eeaU of UeOld Mlaeloa point taraed from South MaUtoa
erinbrUpltoat aa weU aa aay pre- Uphtbooa Thle bottle wae lannehed where Mr. Headareoa VpbUxed a Boa
feBl«i. ItlaUepnatedoationallB- at the BoaU of Boardmaa rirar at 1 day aebool ef abont forty mamlMn.
•tttattoa of the fanaa. rnaldap poed o'eloek oa thealtoraaonef Da WU They report a rary worthy and appreepeakeraaad parlUmeatariaaB of the aad waa fiatod atadepU of toar feet ebttre company of aatttoe oa Ua bl-'
^oaap folhaaadkMplapUeB rereed la from Ue aarfaa Tboa are qtdto a and aad Ualr rblt a aaeeea to erary
pnbUe affaiia. .
reapaL _________ Bomber of bottta pot oat la
Vo Soadap Wwk.
that hara aerar been reported foaad.
FMTTT fabk.
A Ivpe naBba.howarar, wara |dckad
I to the RtooED arerw
WUl briBld Oat Bear Boardmaa up ufromalew hoaiatoa few dayi aladed Uat Uere will be m
Biva XIaetrio Id^tDaa.
tame, bat Ula M Ue only aam aborted Mcmfiay moratap, aq^da baae npooL.
The Boardmaa Biro Blaelric Upkl
that day woold*Baa9work apoa 8aa. A Poara Co., la prapariap ta Uy oat otorilnp pelat.___________
day, which the Scoobd fora wlU dathe fiat below Ua «daB ahd pewa
rato to reat. The wok apoa Ua BaaThi
t^oaiatoapark. TV Job at plowinp
b mainly AewkeGhariay Oaaton want a flahlap. Be
haa baea let opd atba pnparatfoae
■ntapcB Ue bank af Ua Bcardmaa fora Bidnlphl mm Satarday.
•ralapraprefi: All thh dead ttmba rirar daa Twaaty fat ef the fork
MaBeyoarwaata ia ttw **waar <»aad Btaiive wUI V remorad aad ttw
arad la. Charley aUpped U arith U» partmaat of Ue Baeoan.
plat abdfiad. Shade trea wlU be at dlrL ItwadaikbatUaMeadaficbad
for IBeMtA
aolaVUe proaade oUerwla am*
U^.eat. Becaaphtae Bah.
ikhbd.'iUnaUe eeatarwUl be oi
TraTanaCityBiwlDeaOoUet*. 4 St klMk.
Mtefi wiU a Urpe fiah pead «
You want to rest. .The easiest way is to use •
Hammock.—Haven’t got any? Then you haven't
V seen our new Stock.—Largest and best assort*
ment in the city..—Can't help buying if you set
WMi PIPES. at 5c„ 6c., 7c.} 8c, and 10c. per rolL
~ Kc-r Ic.. 2c. and 3c per yard
lad ita all la UM.yaar’a pattoraa No dd atoek to work off hS
It’s Dangerous, and
FooUsh as well.—aiN«»'ge.mypriceson
.before buying, as I have
a large stock and dwided\y the lowest , prices. If
you need a new Couch
now is your time. I have
Couches and 1 will close some of them put -at a big
J. W. Slater’s Farnilure Store,
188-188 FBOHT 8XBXXT.
. OptHMlw BukeD’s B
..Ladies’.Firve Hose..
For B Limited Time We Offer-----^
Ladies' asc, Ho« at., I9c.
Udies’35c: Hose at............. 8Bc.
Ladies’soa Hose at... .......... ..37c.
Udies' $1.00 Silk Hose at.
. .60c.
South XlBiOB Stvoet.
The Quality and
Price Question...
Should alwiys be considered in yonr
purchases. We claim the lowest prices
on the same quality of-------
Best Grhdi^s of Footwear
We are prepared to demonstrate the tact.
-^AfJKEB if?Q8.
KOBimra ssoou>« btopay, kay e. i807.
Br«nttM. '
PTCftpert^ fttTrftTftifteOitr.
Greatest Hat Bargains
TrftTeree dtp to« » »?« p•pel^-the
HftTotaf- B^coBO—pobltohed from the
ofitoe oAbe Onad Troreroe Hereld
ThomM' T. Bfttee fttol J. W. Beaftea.
Tb» rt'www Chftrlerc^'to inUn
‘ r.o»T«o^4rr-«
The flrtit ftomberwftepohltohed. Wedtnm-Chiomgo tUs Boral>c«t 7 o’elook.
Btftdftp aorslsr ud IW ftbow of ftdTerbat ii expeetad to to ft littirlikA.
ttolae p»tK*e*e Indicfttee thftt proeOoodaetor Jdaftiftt tiiaC A W. M., p^^(mftp Bore^etroek the towiL The
Tki*. T. Batw Am 3. W. HAnmi.
who toa toe* eoBftftto to the boo«e bp
J. W. HAwm, Bdttof *ad lUsac«r. iUnw. !• ftr»ia
leeted, being filled with well-piepaied
Tbe fttr. J.^^rWeetooU to expeotod local matter and the more Important
•boot WedDtodftj foTftCftTfoo^bftr*
' dtopatehea.
Mr. Hannen
wood lonber for the Sooth .SldtoLum fonaerlp resided In thto dtp and Mr.
ber Go. to O^ieMfo.
Bfttea to well known among Michigan
The EaooBD office la.eweet with the. newspaper men, al) of whom will wtol)
fragieaoe of twe totge plaato of Baeter the new paper anccM In ererythtog
miM, froia*the greeahooaee sOf the •xee.pt poliUea. It will advocate the
J 0«M.» FMM
repnbHcae poUep of gold etondard aad
Fipral Co.
na toUortxlw Bfcote
Uat night Chnrlep Helm and George protection, and thox aMtol in delaping
___ the retnmofpreiperity.'-Orond «op^itoon eateiiatoed Bari Jt1<T'« oa«TSI reporto of B- O. Dona end tM tomen to the Park Plaoe ,^rber •hop ida liemocnit.
- Bndstnet ofeocp todftp iadtoftte • etognitar moaie.
Brigbteet and deaneat.
bOl^ of boftloeto eosditioito whkih the
The ftanoe yacht Vlkldg, wliieh J. A.
The new Morxiko Bxooko. toaned at
cmmtrp h»e not experiedeed is more
to Benjamin Bobineon Travme Clip, to already one of the
ttoa two peftio. Specnlfttiooa in nU
of Grand paplda, waa ulmto Black
■ moat
------linee hOTe deereoM end foUnree JorLake peatardap afternoon bp John one loctotog dailiea of Ha elaaa to Michtog April were grftUfplnglp lee* thu
igan^ In fact. It could not well to oth4«rtoc ttto prertoot moatb. There to ot
Frank, Freddie and Willard Haa- erwtofrto view of the able' team at ito
jMfttoae explonfttioft to thto pleoetog
alorakp were ont earlp peaterdftp morn head. Thoa. T. Bates, preprietor of
•toto of ftffftirft
AtourftBoei of *
for a-dap’e flAtog trip to the head the Grand TraverM Herald, to the aenhoftlthp reriToTto fMerol boeiafteeto
lor nmber of the firm and J. W. Han
to^ired bpfttottotplng eoa&deooe to of mill eraek. sonth of Uie aaplnm
sen. formerly a well known .Grand
theeooifteof the ftdmlBtotrftUo
Eapidaeititen. to editor and manager,
The Rbooxd wUl to pleaaed to print
THXQreeke nreeUlloB theroft-«nd orerp Sondap momtog the order of ear- —BtenlnpPreM._______
the Tnrktoh ormp eeeme to to ftboot to rioea for all the ehnrehea If the paaton
PeUtoee Took a Jump.
e*d the war Whi^ hae been waged eo eo deaire. Copp ahonld to handed to
Sharp oompetltion amoag local pota
pmatotontlp and reatotod ao Toltoatlp. Salardap aftemecm. earlp.
to buyers seat the prise up to U eeato
TtoapmpathP of AmertoftHft. howerer.
Bap Browa. Harrp KenU Will Lock yeatwdap. The prevmUtog price, how
to atooBglp to taror of Greeee. whoae
hart, I. J. Fleee, WUl Newman and ever, tofrom 8 to 10 cents. There to a
^acUp Te^atoaee agatoat heorp odda
•Hie last two da^i. has stopped to admire Ue select line of
Clark Allen, went to Kalkaska on their praepeet ef w Improvemeat which wUl
bah attnotod the admlrattoo of the
MBW BFBnro 8HXBT-WATST8 displayed thereto. Many have already,,
wheala thto morning.
Frank Parka to appreciated._____________ .
aodC. B^Ha^ rode overJo Blk^pida.
made puicbaaea from our Immense aaaortment. We’ve the nobbteet and nuMt
Until further aotioe I wlU ent hair
Stpltob effects, the prettiest patterns, and the germeata are perfeeVfitttog.
THxeUtotogtolatnrepropoeeeto a^
F. 8. Prioa. who baa epent Uie paat at 10 oenta per head.Amoa Iwng^Jaael. Oownor Ptogree oa the 4t|^t montha to Nebraaka, haa retsro- worthy.- First door weat new Boaen>-3t
other hand to.detoraftoed that the •d. Mr. Pr(oe reporto a fine winticr in that btoek. up stairs.
• fe
Nearly Every Shape Shown..
And the pirice^That’s what sur
prises them-FIFXy CENTS-
Every lady that
passed our window
Hout mr
He will spend .the anmmer
l^tolatora wUl atop to Laaatog all the weat.
•ammer. or anUl they eaact aome eort^ here and cetom to Nelmka to the;
of tow that will to Is line with^fttotng fall..
qpQB the rallroada.
Mrs. C. H. Hanalovakp and children
T*x trait Orowaia ottHraad Tiaverae left ymterday morning for Chicago to
oaontp ate ptegreeeire aad ap^ttfdato. mike that city their futore home. Mr.
'tbetr pn^tkrn to eshaaee the fadU- Unnaloveky will follow as toon as his
to« for ehipptog thalr peedaet to tostoeas matters are all eotUed. and
wUl extend hto trip as far as Colorado
wofitaWe marheta. bp jototog
Onioo, woold aeem to to a to bopea of reg^tog hto health.
FSKD Bakkb haa moeiTed notioe that
campnigB doeameato don't go to the
•tote legtatotnre. That to rather tongh
4» Fred, partleolarip a. John Doonowol Uap. 'democraac leader to the
toooee, filed the notlee.
Wbat agtand opportunl^ Greater
Hew York nOwpeeaenta for Tammany j
They Don’t Un it.
They imitate our methods,
but ran’t match the goods.
Prices alone don’t tell the
u!e, its the quality. Our
goods will bear inspection
for comparison.
Traverle CltybTiew morning dally,
the Bxcord. waa pobltobed for the first
time OB Wedaiiday.
It to a neat
appearing folio, five edlnmna to the
page, and atarta ott with a big thomiag
if advertlatog from local baatoeeamen.
J. W. Hanaea to the editor and managar of the new veptore. which to toeued
from the Herald offc*.—Free Prtm.
rou wim and iwi stue tou wmt.
I4»w Prices----- 50c. to $2-25.
$3.25 to $6.00.
Geme and see the geoda.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House,
Palace Mery Pillsbury
Chtmsh Serricea Today.
thx good txxfiabs
Bar. H. W. BmltS. psnorla the plaee to bay
Seeend quarterly meeting oendneted
Two Boadred Fenons Bqioyed a byAJ.Bldred.
'' '
Pleasant Program.
Love feast at't:30*. m.
Preaching nt 10;30. f«Ulowed J»p comThe open meeting ot the-G6od Tem
plars Imt night waa attended hp fallp mnnkm.
fW perwmi. who enjoyed a program of
Temperanee lecture In the evening
nnnaoal excellence. The members of bp Mrs. Mtoereof OviA Mieb-, to the
the lodge heveyorked for the
f«w ' iotoreate of the W. C. T. D.
Thnradap evening, ISth
meatM with a pw»»‘«*«' — “--------erbieh haa tome good fruit nntil the lam., a anrlea of Evangeltotto--------------Not tJboddy.BlaekandTBB.
WeBlaoeeUthebattertpgo with She
ledge haa gained a foothoM that makes topBev.O^A. Jaekaan. All are invited
DeUvned ie Mr pert •( the ettr.
Heoeoftbeatreageatlatheoitp. The to attend theae meeVuga.
bread, both Creammy and Dairy.
~ma was opeaefi by a piano eolo by
Ted TliirJb^. which waa followed- by nav. D. OomUa. piMMr.
We have in stoetoa fnU line of
OSc-fil no-ei l&-'S1.3&-gt.30
pnyer by L~tL.Hobba. A vooal eolo bj
Tkere wUl be a nnion meeting of the
ti 5o-«i.75-it.oo. New
Hart'Slmmoaa: recitotlon. “Dot Baby Y. P. a. C. E..aBd Jnnlor aocietlea at
■ ef Mtoe.” Mingle llubtoll; qaartet. «:15 thto evening, and on thto aooouat
Pioah Yeaetahtoa BMto.
at right prleee. Try oar new hmirf
Bala and Dora Marvin, W. W. OoW- the regular Jnnlor aaeeUng will not be
Moeha and Java Coffee, the beat to the
oedBert Gray, aecompantot. Mini.l- vld at 3 o’clock. The enbject f<w the
city, to 40c. It to aim^y elegoat
Brown: reading, “An Old Man'aStory." evening meeting to “Why 1 love Jeena,’*
Bltoer B^own; piano solo, ikof. W. H. 1 John 4:19;.John 3:M 17.
5Oc-doe-75e-00e-Sl oa
BItWwm- radtottoa, “The Laat Daps
415 Union St.
ef HercBlaneum.*’ Mabel Gray; read- a. m. Wella rector.
Telephone 34.
log. >«lare of a Bad Habit," Carrie
There wUl be eerrlnee at Grace
ne-45c-30c-3Sc-40e-60c. .
©•Keal; vocal eolo. “Oood Bye, Sweet
rand evening at
Day." Ada Benedict; aoeompaotot. Jen- the nenal Ume, and on the West Bide
.ple SUlee;
• Beavroly at 4 p. m.
Oamv” Mamie OviaU: Negro dialect
rxBxwooD csanL.
end 93.00.
MOltaUen, 'Applm.- M B Holley;
rirarhlnff by Bev. Mr. Bonndy at the
. voeal aoio.-“Priae of the Ball,” Ben Femwood efaapel today at 10:30 a. m.
00-91.8'-91 50-fl.TS
Hr»y; reeltoUon. “Eodmlck Lee."Oora
Sandsp school at 8 p. -m.
eadfisoa All Solid.
. Walters.
Servloea In the evening at 7:30.
pnl^^»g vbc evening Mrs Soule gave
Prayer meeU^ Tneedap and Thnm.
91 ft0-9l.75-«! 00 end 93 30.
on Intereating resnme of -the order and day evenings.
K eck end Ten.
.^grwt vrork accompUahed by thto
,Y. P. 8. C. B. meeting eatarday
Bnt theresre m CHan to»de
ee^ety rioee lU organlaatioq, showing eventog:
50c-75c-l»<^l.00 mmi 9I.S8.
ttot daring two years the memtoftolF
V—AND------ !
Yon are cordially tovHed to any or
ted grown from W to li7. Theptp- aU of theae aervioea.
was eloiaed with a song bp the
_______ ___________
••V.O.S. Horthrsp. Psmm.
I ^
V 93 60.
After yon have read the Becoxn pet
After the initiatory workof Traverie n poor hat and take a walk to the'
91 0O-91.83-91.M Bad 91.M1.
CUg tent, »o. 871. K. O. T.M.. Friday fresh emralng air. Then eome to
Bigbl. the members mt down to a fine ehoreh and join with ns la divine sror^
by the tent Beauea ship. Theme of -thememtog eermoh'
. 6Be-80e-e0e-91.10-9t 39
- tte Wtead epeelxl mnetoal. Uteraiy and today. “Whenoe bath this man these
91.50-91.TSBOd S8.00.
Evening to^ “OBeeimBa
aelretions made np a pteaaant things."
Not Sheepskin.
Atripto Kingsley waa dla- ;a^T>hilemoB.”
* The B. Y. P. U. Bt «;18 p. m. In the
tlZId and oeoaldered with favor.
W« Shine Colored ahoea Frae
pMion of the ebBreh wW he led hy
, If Bought 6fUa.
Oe to the Uon Barber ebeq^ for hair Mtoe'Edith Haatlnga. tahjeei. “LeaJm aid to^ IS eenU eaeh.
aona' for the Meenrinn " Aetalto-IA
AU vrill be welooem. ’
1 am the agent for this Fam
ous Brand.
Ladles* Oxford8-63c
Men*8 Congress Shoes-90c
Men's Dress Shoes g
neiscImiai'sCoinpies^ hast
Men's Working Shoes-80c
Children's Tans
and Ox Bloods
Infants' Fine Shoes
thurtell &. Gane, Ltd.,
Jacob Furtsch,
Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Shoes
Uidies* Kid Shoes
Men's Bicycle Shoes
Are Others I
Ladies* Fine Sandals
Ladies' Black and
Tan Kid Oxfords
6 0XNT8.
.fngraita«l&elici088 l
Monmne Bnoo»r-I0 eenta a wae|L
lend euheiJi IpMrtni to ItoTtont street.
«av OU BcUabtoabov Maa,
wcaiwro bi&
Bi^cle Leggings
Ladles’ Tans and
,a^o0-«.00 end
. A.W.JAHRAU8, •
FsoiiFT DauvaBr
And Uw VBST- BMt Onoda.
Frank Stepan.
ThtoliMte oedms to So. 109.
Him. A. C. Wynko(9 of Oedar Bon. RECKLESS NAT GOODWIN.
Nothing more beautr .
was in the dty on a riait yesterday.
ful than a well kept
B. 8. Pratt retamed yesterday from Aa nlaWiaUM of Bsw tee Oomiidlsa Bm
In order to
where be has been attend
AU Sxuro VOBOD Pnuiklort
A Ftory I have just braid aneot Nat produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut and watered..
ing ooart
Mrs. Thomas Whaley, wbo has* bedn Good.*la is bet andlicr inriapceof his
rwklevs generosity and constant -doffis
LAWN MOWERS. From................. ...$2;75 to $5.00.
TuldSb VoKM H*r» SBtovd.Yole rislUag Mrs. George Gene, retnmed to to bote zDoucy spea all possible oceaRUBBER AND COTTON HOSE.... 10 to ftc per ft.
.^ChriKtiaes Oopimandtd tb I«7 Ci&lUae ycstardhy.
Kat bad boc-n in the habit of raiwiog ,,
Sown Anna bj tba To^th-OommiU -at Bendon, U home to spend ban- part of bis tinu-at a certain bmteiry—-j I Also put in laps and Connect to City water at hpttom
d3T with his family.
thatilaU tbed^ii«it«
prices. Give me a call.
ValMtino. H»7 8.-DeUehBMta of
D. paty Sheriff F. D. Marria spent
aariDM have been landed from Brltiab,
the week baying potatoes on the Pen- natund Gnmun. They hsdknown each {
Kmrian. 'Anstrian and German war
other well and won ou cxcelkut terms, i ,
fnsnla for E. L. Baasom.
ItTcanie about cne day, during the, I40. rrOnT M.
•hipe off Volo to foard the tewa. For>
Mrs. Fraak Tomlinson nhd Mrs. broaching cf a bill, that Mr. Orodwin !•
oigB ecmanU arrired to confer with
oodapeed csdm ap from SllghU yes difpoWd an it( u at #60. In' Adug so b« 1-----^^------------Bdh«m Pasha, the Tnrkish eommaader.
terday for~a brief rislt.
wiu moTBlly-ccrtain that thi^isdcbi^As this dispatch is being eeitf. the
Mr. and Mrs. Seott of Northpert, IK«8 was not Ills. Mine hort was equal
Tnrkish troops are entering Volf ‘Hie
Friday and yesterday in the city ly sure ou bis side of the coutrary.
Greeks who fled lo Almjria will rejoin
The di
risiting friends sod trading.
the main body of Ureek.fprcee at Do"Sechire." said GoodMiu, “I dco't; Lumber Company. We^have for sale Good, Sound- Hem-'
Joe F. Reed, the popular Ormnd Rap
ids traveling man, arrived In the city thryJiiJSrS'Se'Sng’^rbS Sl
Lumber, Surfaced : Sidewalk Pladk. Maple Flooring,
Ataena, Uays,—The new^pera la
yesterd^ afternoon to spend Soaday. Jost the principle of the thing."
j Short Maple Wood; Lands for sale, ^ill Machinei^, of all
this city ^nUisbed a report :^t«da7
Master Cyril Tyler came np from
‘IXt mine
to the effeotthat.Volo wonld be 'de
I Engines, Set Works, Cacriag*,,
clared a neatral port end the Tnrks Maoton yeaterdsy afternoon to make a 000."
knd Saws. A complete Saw Milt Plant for sale.
short visit with his fslber. BsrI Tyler.
therefore wonld* not nccnpy it. The
"Perhaps not,” doubted the ecmedi.
aenUUre W. H. Foster had a
minister for foreign affairs, Skoolodis,
"But- I’d sooner throw the money
severe attack of the grip in Lansing, an.
away or born it than give it to you
is an interriew. is.quoted as saying
last week, bat U giadoatly recovering. wlion 1 don't owe it to'you."
that the powers had not yet taken steps
Miss- Jennie Besf w of Bay street,
"Ah," excluimod theGcimanEareasto oonmnnlcate with the ministry on wbo has been in Chicngo for some time,
tically. "Yon huf tiioDoy to porn, oh?
the sabjeot oMnterreotion. Whether
fans Vetnraed borne mnch improved in Vrll, 1 dond't pclleve me dot."
it wonld be a desire for iotervenlion or
"Is that ao?" retoracd KaL "Well,
simply mediation, SkoaloudU ounld
Ti. B Strong, wbo covers this dis DOW, ITJ tell yonwha.t I’li do with
not say. The foieign'minister also
ru born *S0 right..bcfe before
trict for the Kimball I*iano Company, you.
said that be knew nothing concerning retoroed yesterday to spend Sandsy your eyts it you'U receipt the bilL”:
"By Cbiminyl" said the host "I'U
Urn report that Volo’wonid be consid
with hU family.
yoost go you vonoe."
trtA a neutnd port, bnt added that if
E. W. Seynoor, genemi
Without another word Ka* Goodwin
the Tnrks oommH excmsea 4n that
the Northern Michigan Transportation took his cbcvkbndc out of hispodret,
town, Greece will take measures deCo., spent yesterday in ths dW sad re filled ont 8 check for (60. tore it hut,
nsaadad by the sitoation.
a lighted match to it, and held
turned to Manistee laa( night.
InoonoInsioDSkoniodissUtod. ‘ The
Mrs. A. E. Willard and friend. Mm. it until it was ttHloocd to eahea
report that dissensions exist among the
The Gnnian. w ho had watched the
Helen Osmpbell. who have bra Vkit- procern with buh^g eyes, banged a
minUters 1$ aheolntely false. We are
isg Mrs. Willard's mother. Mm B. rubber stump on ‘the disputed bill,
ready to.aeebmpUsh the heavy task
Evans, of :!14 Sonth Division street, re ■tnwled his idgnatuie- ocrom it and
which we fasye oadertaken aad we
cannot nnlte oar poats wlthont failing turned to tbeir home st Empire this mid with a idgb:
"Chhmping dividesdts! Toncond't
. in onr daty." The Tarim, according to
Mr. and Mm George Beeman of get abeadt obf dose actor fellows no
last night's adrieea, hare not yet
Charlevoix, passed through the «ity how.”—New York Journal.
reached Volo. which is now completely
yesterday en roate home from the
eraenlated by tiie Greek troops. A fersonth. Mr. Beeman has aot virit^
^gn legion took part In the flgbting at
"I always like lo sec that senator get
Tmveise (Sty ia ten years, and he eras
naraalos. An BngUsnmnn aad two
pleased with the. metropolitan air of Bp to make a eproch.” said the drow^
Italian offioen were kiUed.
looking man.
the dty.
A di^ateh from Arte says thaWFned
"He isn't very Interesting.”
At ths Theatre.
"Ka When bo is on bis feet Tm al
Bey, *be Tnrkish commander, tbrongb
the G*e& Priest at Arte has iasoed a
FVaak Tncker. the well known actor ways rare that my nap will' not be dis,tnrbed
by any dotbust of appioase.”—
proriamation to the Christian -popnla- who Is organising bis company in this
^tfoo. ordering them to lay
their dty, has practically completed his ararms; or otherwise the rille^ wonld mngements, several members' of the
Name your wants in the " wht" debe burned. The enriront of Kanjs in company arriving in theeityyesterday. partmrtil of the Rea-ottp.
the Tnrkish territory are homing.
The first pterformsoce will be given In
Tha FttUoyfiig Flavors are mafle to ord«:
the City opem house next Wednesday
evening, the bill beiDg*'A Cup of (Tea,^
loe C»am PniltFUTor.-v.„m^ choo.l.(.,
smnsical farce comedy. Mr Tucker
Itupberr,. T»tU F™tU, Oattgf, P«d., L„»a, B. .m. I1,tortlo.
—Fire Insurance a
The BOneinippi Tfareat^a Purthex has adde<l to bU troupe several talent
Fruit lea —L.moB, l-tae-Appl., On.,.. BMpbrny, Cb.nT:
Floods. .
Kow. Orleans. Msy S.—The tempor being some with pronoaoced musical TgLEPBOKK 71
Shsrbart*—Buptenj, Oru.*..-Str.«B«T,. ckarr. Xjtamt. Tlat-Aprl,.
qualiflcatlena * The performanoe Wed
ary quiet of the Hiasimippi hod
Lootovnielntoeoafident^ Lost night nesday is sure to draw s crowded
Wo Blm put up Brick Ic^ Cream—ah lUron, mt u tbio. cS. la
it broke all its rrards by ^imbiug to
• brick. W.acll™to.Hp~Uo(lb.clt,r.ido«to(U,«cll,. .
1«.6. A few iaobte more and It will be THE FIRST lighthouses'.
Shoes St all priceslfrom
Try a Pound Box of our Fine Chocolates.
two feel above sU previous hlgb water
this to WM). ___ ; cr^
and the embankment will only aland a
We make them every day.
fewloehes moreof the terrifle simli-. j
John M. EUioott, tJ. 8.
If the rise begins no* InBOTBeet it
rife* for
.KiehoJa* s p.nper on
And deteose well provided, each wesk i ligfatbooM^ cnlitlrd, "Tlia LizlitsJTbat
levee having been strengUws^d sod | Gnidc In the hiight." Ldiuuusnt EliiOor. TnatandTarkSte.
. misedand bmeed until
potent to oott myo
Wbt-D shipa are sailing upon (he ocean
rerist the attack.
The levee gusrda ore carryiag ont the lights of heaven are their guides.
Even in the dark ages, wl»*>n the comTmtfiuBastotParu.
their threatt to fire upoa the veeaeU para and sextant were unknown instru
eomtng too tdooe to shore sad aeverol ments. the aeiniiugly motlonlesi pole r
baste bear buU«te in >hedr pRot bouses star bung like a bencrai light in the i
os aemvenim Bo one hsa been injured northern bcitvi ns, and the niuug and 1 The Hamilton Watch
setting of the ran and stars disUn- j
The breoka below ape all eloaed now guiabvd,^- east frtei the west. When, [
Railroad Men !
and the groves hov< escaped. Cattle however; sbips (unic near the land, the
lights of beuvin arc not sufRcieidJy 1
ore beiug^ippeid^away from that aee- safe to guide tliem. Bocks lie in tbeir
Moa forMrater mfety.
paths, unsreu Ui the ui|;ht, nvfs and
aboalir spit ad under the water, while
uusnsperted currents sweep the frail
Of all the ^alities of a' Piano before you
craft all blindly u]ra tfarsc dangers.
buy. do it right—make an intelligent comXeBotaiy Oonmiorion on ite Way to
Kevinbeleiw. sbi]M were sailed along
. parispn—and we’ll place our pianos and
dsDgerons coasts for ccuturies beforo' a lii
prices b^ide any in the counti^: On the
plain system of marking dangerous
other hand, if you don’t feel capable of
Kew York. Msy A—Bx-Vlee Fresl- places V..S iuvrifted. The eaily mar
deat Stcveiison, Genorsl J. C. Paine iners w«as* bold and, reckless .rovers,
yourself in the matter, put it all
mure than half pirates, wbo seldom
and Seostor Wolcott, who were reoeatin our hands and we'll stake ouf reputation •
a rood of the coasts ainug which
i»s——#•—! I
ly appointed by President McKinley m they auiiod, and could not bare estab
of square dekling that we will^ satisfy you
a commission to confer with the beo^ lished lights and landmarks cn them
iff a piano and price in everjhpafticular.
of the European govarnmeato relative . bad tbry carod to do oa Tbs rnde be
a system of ligiitboosss
ta balding an international bimotelUe; gicuiug, then, ofai
oooferenee. sailed for Havre today. was when the iiicrrhauts ^with whom
' Stevenson sold that the -oommisaien the neklam mariuets traded in thosa. |
mid prtmoed direeily'to Paris and dirk ages built beacons near the harbor i
mouths to gnide the ship.-into port by
after a confersmeo with the *■
.ud lighted flrus lor tbeir gnidanos _
(overnmeat.. would riait London, Ber- ■ ^
. harbor guide bod to •
lio. Vieusa and other capitals if other | ^e a rare landmsrk in the daytime and ;«
N. Ei Strong, Mgr. for Traverst City Branch. '
Buropran gcversm'eBta. ■ It is.expect# ', a light by ulgbl, it soon took on a 'set- •
smrh good will be aocom|disbed i tied abapo—akower uo which oould be «
by the oommisslon'aed they did not' built a fire, and such a tower was usnal- *
Have logs to Sell fs.'S.S
..Contracting and Practical
Ice Cream, lee Cream Soda
and Fine Candies.
E. W. Hastings.
Shoes For Si.OO.
[ limneose New Stock From
McLellan & Ash,
If You Want
... A Perfect Time-Keeper...
To^Be The Judge.....
•W. ■W. IKjLxEKTDeOa Oo.
foveramrat to appoint delegate# ,to the pexts which they sooghtTsas georoeMw
________________ ___ n wickednesi |
used it as a means for uwir dcetruction. j
Bauds of robbera, or, as they came to;;
Jamm Ginett went to Chlcsgo yester be cailed, "wreokera." would hideyl
thesnaelvcs somewhere aegr the havra . <
day otternoon on buainem.
Stella Owen of Bk Bapida wfll tpend songht by a richly laden veasol. andx |
afuw overpowering the fire keepers, i
Baaday with Jennie Smith.
Mre. F. F. Heddca of Groad Bapidt would exiiuguUh the beaoon fire on thej J
night on which the ship was expeotod. 11
^ rialOog frienda la the city.
Tbea they would light another fire near |
Mr#. J. O. Bamadell went to Mania- Bom<) treacherous ro^ The mariner, 11
t tee yraterdgy loapend Sunday.
aailing boldly toward the false light, |
Blanch Haskell returned last woold dash his veaml to datruotioo on
the aetd, wbeieupmt tha ivhber hiqiBd
^rahte from a ririt at SUghte.
Mr.ond Mra. J. W. Dl^srmaa of wonld {Bnnte the wredc and make off
aOn, were la th» eity yeaterdsy-
with the booty.
I What’S
Better .
Oniqae Jlesigns
TFie Man Milliner,^ j
Geo. B. Winmei,
UoteteM PMstm aaS yapsr Bsagw.
T. N. Martinek.
xoBimra bboosd, stthoay. may e, i*w.
m tuenrnt tx moHUif trvmm rrututati
irce by B«*rly«injM. T1>« vote w«
MnAmt*. Tht mate baa (alien in
mte Vltb tbe bonae ^ fixed May H as
the time tor final ad^urameot.
. Furaw^
^mdon to
VSed Meyeea' MneaBivt at la(n»
wu.'i May «.-The mur
derer ot Pred Meyere Is still at latfce.
bt Wlttenberr ^Bot
murderer and he was released. ■n»e
.dsputy ■heriffhaslenTorMenaaha.wbere
CASUf rtmumt VMaf4Mltf-«MI Kaka« »
another suspect is under arrest. Offleer
Wans apM*!! af rHaaMUp far aai
Oerwtax. vtau was aim subbed, la a litPrlda Ib tbc tMBWBni Otplont—rra- 1 tie better and may recover.
Turks Havs Poassaaton of ths
Latsst Omsk Position.
(•^■reaa TMU the CUmiasm That (ha
. CrVAAi ueyuliu. «ivfuiie*-ea |.ii.rwa./«^
a. AWm^
A •aiimtieato
t. City Opsra Boas. Awk.
Pore Oreun Tartar,
(aa4PiireBaktti|rPo*der..lf yon want ns to
«akelt.<p»nndeforSISa Bnbber aheeUnc.
Vobber Towns. aU sisaa Waser Bottlaa^snaeaaiaed tor two yaars.l ronataln Byriasoe.
ktnda: Throat Brnahem, aad Atoaitwre.
>riBo aad Wum Basel Lotion for the
ctly. to trade lor
twrre POritoa itonito.
eaewtoa. H. BSomt. .
■C«OB BBJ4T oa SALB-Boaww roow a^
r tou. Applyatzu VtotataairMt. sat
At Our.
lart aad PoM taW
f Mie. Suitable (or MitoB.
be Mcured atabargalo. Apply
TBL'M. Hotel Leelanaa. Park 84-
.Soda Fountain
Ceantor «s are aerer eoutem to -let well
.oaougb atone" baiaiways try to iwpron.
j............. ....
PbOMH- <
«. C. OILBBBT. Attoruey.
Pure Powdered Bpioe^
London, May E—The Tlmto prinU the
(oilowlna dispatch from t^eoUno.* vU
lMidon.May E-The taieweil
Athens: "Tbs expected battle iiefan at
•treo' last erenlnr by the Ai
<:SS Thursday momlns at thin point
«lety In London lo Bayard.
tMumador ot the United Sutea. was at Include the continued dMilne of water and at' Gynoscephalaa and a little Uter
tended by STD (ueeta. The company in- in the flooded lUstiicu of the Mlssimipiri above AU-all and Pharaaloe. The posi
dnded Ambaseador Bay. Mia. Hay and river valley, tn a portion of which plant- tions were as follows: Veleatlno* and
all the members o( the Americas em^ Int has betun: hotter demand for sta- the main Cynoaoephalae chain were
held by . the Greeks.
The plain to the
haasy.^tbe lord bishop o( ’London (Dr.
northtrard and the (my ridre Juitlnc
Crelgtitan). Baron Russell of Killowen
out bets-een the Cynoaoephalae and
(the lord chief Justice). Sir Francis and
Prino were held'by tbe Turks.
Jeune. Sir Edwin Arnold.»r Hen
Oreaks had three batteries of arUllery
ry IttompaoB. Xjajdy RandolphCburchfll,
and the Turks fc.ur. EUrly In the momlady Andernoo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .i.«*iuuc luiuicf
Vivian and Misa Oes^ere Ward, the semer pK iron and steel bHleu. with I >“* » well-directed Greek artillery file
But these Vas a notable ab producUon of ply Iron In ext^ss of con- prevented the advance of the Turkish
ed the majority^of tbe best known sumption and the pruepeci favomble ' Infantry. By 7:M.tbe artlUery firlnc was
| ver)' heavy on both sides, but each
realdlhc la London. Bayard for blotvina rut a number of stacks.
The total number of bnslnees failures ; maintained Its poalilon.' . At 10:M a
. had ‘ a eordlal reception. He brouebt
ailth him the tot of the Mayflower, throu«hcut the United Btetea thie we.-k yur^ab battery behind KonUri b^an
u,r«,n«n .n. Ih, Ore... . ..
which be deposited tn lu tlaas case In
the reception room, where It Instant
beimn to lose ground. A^hoi artillery
yearn for a corresponding period,
became tbe centre of attraction. Ue took
fusillade aka kept up
Mrm. May In to dlnner.'Ambasttdor Hoy amounting to-m. against :« last week.- unUI at..<ut noon, when the Greeks on
taking It.
* wrr In tbe week one year ago. (24 In the
the blf hill commenced to retire In orwe^ In
1M In ISM. and 21» in INE
rted ' derty fashion, but ••
at ......w..double (julck. The
rtfinnr ' There
mere were ss
SS pusiness ranums r^xpneo
from tbe T'ornliTon of Canada, compared!; Turks w«^ not firing at them and■ w
!*•»«»> «
wei-k. « m the we«k one Apparently Ignorant of their auccesa.
UlaaHot run
- -Tbe .Irregulars tried In vain to ase
of DeUw ai^. The lord bishop of Lon- “**
idst'lhe Gre<-ks by firing at the advanc.
doh. In a'fellc-------fellritioos speech ----------proposed
' —
ing Turks: and In fact throughout tbe
health of the pr«>rident of the United
they were
BUtea Nenton Cmnetoasted the guen '••wayor<
valueless. At 12:4S p. m. the Turks ataaritoBcfweUa.
ot the- evening.
Ambasaador May
u May E-The faUure of j Ucked the big MU with musketry and
ecrdUlly applauded all bU eulogies of
shell fire. 1 and another correspondent
take pabllr
Ito action
on . received n volley and five shells very
Rayard/ During the presentation o( the .
loving cup. which Is In the
_ form of a
' close to ua. besides ehrapneB wbUiUng
by a bust of Bay- | «aual ocaidiUan of affalri. There la no ; o^pHicad.
Several shoia reacBM the
DCAtt. AMlItoet aaS A
krer bMe caliadto Uw tact that 'yon
eaBsetaitbeOmtSMee (eur stare)
iwtd Deal Uka the, Oae at mawaleaOrsphs Wato Kat I'a It from the aiart—
affec^- Bayard, on rtelng to ry>ona
to Crane s aentlmr-nts. ;w grmed w»n
a storm of applause. He st^ke for an
hour, ilowly and ImpreMlveh. _
narh AWreiUBate Ki^oa*
Be said In part: There Is nothing
we desire to conceal except a gtrange
ahamefaoedness that tempts ua to r«atik'ln the lo^ each feels for the other;
.** there
_____ never should be a strain r\f
41oubt as to that aEecilon between the
heads of the two awntries. ' No man
feelsthlsmnreibnnmymusirtous succeanor. H I was ever wonh a button you
luv. Ho. . l»ii« hullon to put In mr
Idup. 1 rtlolo. In ntr .uc«~nri for b.
»*. o f.lr
I h»v. «ltr.>. wupht
__ InW.irf
----------- «l^™U>Mb*t
—---------- -----there was no cause of quarrel betwwn
the two nations, and alter a few words
.ot graceful and touching farewell con
cluded with a happy reference to the log
Ot the Mayflower. _____
aadeoarvaaelng. tllPraalBt.
taal ACaettea aT tkm Two Oaaatrtea
•K'.rro/’S. ss
at >B fVaai -ireel. up .lalra^k>B SALS OB TRADE-A gn la4
JT ly bicyrie forSWor vlUiraAe
--1re«I»ek Box IB.
TJiompson, The Artist
will make tliT^ grade eau^n^l^^
g^^Tatcr prmfMltoM BpUb. Be sara to
Ever Burned Out ?
-New Ideas kn-
Fancy toilet Articles.
.^lon, or that the treaty has
rejected, or that the defeated
treaty was dlfferwjt from the one originthat Is known offl.
concluded by
: gepreiary Olney nnd Blr JulUn Pauncegenate. It then went
to the
mts made and i
final action
? ent the Greeks from sending rvtnforce' ments t* their bn. where the TuiAs
i were rapidly ascending the Mil. The
i Greek batteries on the right wera now
uaclcas and almost sUent and the Turka
on the Larissa
Larisas road made no attempt
-Pretly EffeoU into attack them. At 11:45^ p,
P m. the at' |a«k on the right of the Cyr
became severe. The Oreeha.........
■ m htl) retreat, the lrrvgulara> fleeing In
t all directions. At t o-tdock the imig
of the executive aesslon luneof Greek Infantry wnaretreating.tbe
permit the state departmeat or sktrmlsbers forming Into companies and
p^ttah governmeni to be notified as then falling Into a single file.
. BLA-RXa,
IkMpalr Baa lUwa tbe Uae.
-I bear that the retreat from the
li. itlvwi
ilae began somewhat earlier.
,{„ lo ,p„
w nai p„
nas p.„
oeen jnnt
none. .nfl m
and the retreat from Pharaaloe toward
t ^
rejected. | Domokos earlier slltl.
Desptir was
the senate never should make Its i doubtlem running down the line from'
action known tbe last oAcUl record on j
lo li^bt and Influenring the reaulL'
the treaty would be lu submlsalon to The rafiway was completely ahand<
tbe senate four months ago,
I ana the Pyrouphll station deserted.
I 0o‘c1ock the Evxoncs rcinated on
.kluL and the remainder of the castOae 1. Paltiwg PatoM ia i em Infantry to Almyroc. Tbe Turks
Kagland as to tbe Kagllab.
TU* rwaUlyk Pftod.
; burned the village of Deltltla. During
^ Baron Rowell. In proposing the'health
Hunut*Ula. Ala- May E—There Is a ; tbe morning the foreign legion entered
profound mystery at Jeff, a small town j the engagemenu. ppbbaWy beseem Union Drips, per gal....... 20e
ol'Ambaarador Hay, said: 'The United 'p,^,ouad
■ Rt'ates have sent us their be« men to n«r b.... Two mon.b. u- lortn.
Pb.rMlo. .nd Alv^ib.
Tb. ^rk.
.0.4 «uM>r« ■"pen to have.dHven back the Greeks Yellow Crawford Peaches i
, Tfpfteent tbeifa: and we have no doubt a pro^m tww sad
!„ong the line ^tending from PbaTUlos
that the chain
b>; continued unseveral meml^ra of Ms family. , ^
,urnlng tbe flank of the
per can............. . .
teoken. To Amltosaardor Hay we wlU ___numtor of tenants w^ p..|^^ | Veleatlno division at the CjnoieephaUe
to have l>«n the re^ Dried
give Ibe hearUest of wrioomea. for we This
------ was thought
-------rmnn* uo tn
Apples, Peaches.; ..
believe that be I* the harbinger of peace suit of AUa. Kelly careleesly .^lacing
tad good w^ll to all." This ibast was re-I potoon In a cupboard. Kelly died In
and Nectorines, perlh- :6c
calved with greet enthusiksm. <>3lonel i Intense agofly. A party of eleven sitting ,
Bay respnndtag said: ■=W^nyourchalr- I up w«b hU body were poisoned tbe
ntter meiiy
Kelly aieu.
died. now
Now n
It oogins
■ man kindly Invited me to lie present to- ;'night
night aaer
Brill>4i HMueofC
nlgbL and when Mr. Bayard added the ‘o appear «»«» there to a plot to poison
house of
T.ondon. May 8.—In
-kanulon of his own friendly requeet. J , the family. After breakfast m-ery one
ly Itj. committee of sup
could not but avaU myself of the Appw- i »ho had eaten became vhrtemly 111.
fotvlgn cffice allowance Bob• tnolty to ^ so dqUghtful an eventng I Eight negw and six whites were seriOF ALL KINDS
In your ccmjtony. I stipulated, however, i^ualF affected, and two may die. Among sen. UberaL moved to reduce tbe sal
t»at 1 was toTcome not In an official ca- ■ the Ui to a drummer from Cleveland. ary of the Marquis of Sallsliury. the
Bsrttv. but tknply as an American tern- Tenn.. who spent the night at Krilya
promler. by £500. foe-the purpose of
porarUy a resident la England and deBi^^oa tbe fUir Field.
t+lrtng a dthate on the eastern ques
atrbuB to add mr'^trihuie of regard to
Chicago. Mny E — Scores made on
your distinguished gum.
League base ball 'helds ymerday were hsd criticised the action of the governi al)(lys have Iw-en. and faijey I - as follows: At Pittsburg—Cincinnati E mom In the eastern crista the parllaw . d^lally
to Mr.
j Pittsburg 7; at Loutovllle-Bi. Louis 7. B.er»tary secretary for the foreign office.
•cry matter «>f public non- j Louj^vllle 11: at Philadelphia — Baltl- i George* N. Curaon. warmly defended
rn u(>on whici
*lch men of
'"•T ^ more IE PhlUdeliWa.
____ _______
at Cleveland—
Oeveland— ; Great Britain for her part.
part, In
lu the cbn
ifer: but U hiave always been happy •
aevaUnd •: at Boston— jeert. and blamed the provocation of the
id proud m bis friendship. I
Washl^on 0 Boston 4: at Brooklyn— Oreeka. aaytng that the altitude'of the
afarrd the pleanurr all bto friends
| Christtorts In Crete was due to the preeTork 7. biirooklyn E
taken In olwervlng tjte unexamplsd af
DetroU-C<»i.;.■enoc of theF Greek force. Curaon furWestern League
fection and popuUrtt>_whlchhebas
con,s. priroli 9: at Grand Raplds'i thcr said that the wlOidrawal ot the
quered In England. They are'sucte^ (-Indlanapolto 2. Grand Rapids 5t at 1 Turkish troops In Crete would be th^'
BbQsen aad Brostoa.
-o complete that they cm provokens^- j MjnneaixJto-MMwaukec E Minneapolis . prelude to a massacre of the Mussul
alnly no Im
er envy r
mulatiun. Certain!
Paul — Kansas city l8. 8L mans compared with wMcb the Armenmediate successor to Mr. Bayard trouM ' Paul 20.
ton maxsacr^ would sink Into Intigbe so injudicious as to attempt to rival I W'eatern Asaoriatlon: At 8L Joseph | Mflcance
bit brilllam career or to replace him in i —Ditbuque 1, 8L Joaeph 20: at Burling- ' Continuing. Curaon remarked that the
Cut Glass.
O- 9. OARTn AMoaX.
-Watch Repairing.
—Front Streets
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
See !-
Si Mi!
Early Vegetables
L lon^^-tojar
la. aasup.
. asB> aiie \x.csap
svbjw.u ww
"Nothing but dlsuter ^Id
| Quincy—Rockford E Qo1nc>- •; at Dea dawn of br*gbicr prospects for Crete.
such an altempL None but Utyosss
Regarding affairs In the main land ot
-Peoria E Des Moines E
could bPRd tbe txiw of LTIySwa Mr.
Gneev Curaotosald that there were few
AmOmt Ctolto AgaiMt the Haltaa.
Baysrd will alaays be remembered a*
persons who did not know on which
Poughkeepsie. N, T., May E-«evefml tide the provocation rested: buL he
cur flrvi amliasMdor. and all tbe more
has_ gained the affectionate months ago. In reeponse'to tbe appeal of
Mtecm not only of the government and ,‘Rev.
fv. A.
AndruA a mlsrioMfy ot
(he gvverning classes but also of the , oiarbeklr. Turkey, the sum of S»00 was I on tbe subJecL* The Turks he assened.
'massM of the people of tlfcse Islands ; raised In this city for the aid of suffer- ,.
. exercised consIderatUe .eir
! had
Since tbe great revolution In France, ,mg Armenia. Wort to .received' here 1,^1., accepted tbe rtiallenge and
which brought tbe people forward as • that bn the morning of Saturday. Mart*
had carried tlleto^^
tbe principal factor of soveelgnty tliere.
six Moslrins enterrt the yard of tbe
attitude towards the Greeks almost
tl has been the fashion of the klngt and j Protectant -Rptoeopal ^nreb at _8en, j *
mnpenira to eall themselves effipstWrs ! and aftsr miirderiRg Khowaga
and kings, not of Prance, but of the , Yonan. of Marffin, agent of Rev. Mr.
Jr like manner It would be | Andrus, atoU tbe tmtlre'ktnn. A« the
rot inappropriate to eall Mr. Bayart murtei
not so much ambasMdnr to Engdaad as .Jessed, but tbe money bsis not been (•- Marquis af Salisbury- was then rejected
ambasMdor to tbe BngUah. 1 join you turned.
> byjii vole of 168 to W.
In wishing him and his fiaaily godTarktoh Atroetty All^rt.
Wsro They VlcUtoaof tbs Ftref
London. Hay E—A dispatch to Tbe
Kaston, Pa.^ Msy E—The officials of
MtoblgsaftotoMtsAdJeanimay BL
the National Switch and Signal 'com Pally Chroblcle from Athens aaya:
Lansing. Mich.. May E-Threc Impor pany. whose works are located here, "Colonel Manos wires from Aria that
tant life Insurance bills were put to arc,alarmed for the safety of Presldnt tbe 'Turks have begun a wholesale
death throu^ the agency of advene Oajtlelgh Thorne and Mrs. Tborrre. who msttore of the Inbabltanta In the tnoommlttee reports In the senate. One
have been in Europe for- some time, tartor of Eplnu. Almost all the Inhabi
required every company doing hoslaess nwy wero due at Paris ra^Mooday and tants of the village ot Ranvarina have
in Michigan to have a restdent dtreeuw. were to have vlsHed the Charity Ba- been* murtsred. a few only escaping to
Another rvqu^ that at least 48 per*
From other
tber paits
oraL of the gross premiums collected In
Hava jour piaaaatunad bj our resi ea ace arriving at' Aria In tbe most mlsMiriilgan be Invcstetd In this sute. and
eraMe eoodltlon. begglug protedtloo tor
the third required that 2 per cenL of tbe dent tsaar. Prof. J. W. CUffe. Baud their husbands and children who are be
guarsBtth fund he deposited with the ordera to K. B. StropF^ Musk Blora.
ing murdered by tbe enraged Turkish
treasurer of this state aa a gusTantcc
troops. Many of thssc poor ereati
,fV pollcr-holdera. flie senate has also
BMBd tbe hOl Ibomsliig tts RisMfle tax
■ xgtg vOd .t>E A!baMl.<«saBka
IVbvaaaOUj 1
■ OalliMu.
I li
Hotel Leelanan.
ia enjoyed all the more when yon bnv«
iwetty • aerricc of ailverwnre to
make your table look iavitiag and a^
peMslng for, the motBing mcuL We
e bandeome berry seU aad table
silverware of all kinds. In new and
attractive dnMgas. at prices lower than
It was ever
at befm.
GAMNEH BROS., Jevtien.
Tak« Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy,
rwk^tiMt, brtwm Fnxt S Sw.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
' ^’r-^y^.3
Mial rickets hRMicri Rites.
I hu Tlolla,
Banjo, QpUar. Cello aad f
■ ^ First Class Day Boari
Special Rates by ttfe Week.
Boom e, OOP Opsca Bonw Btoeh.
MoimiKG moomie
L AUtUawlU
ipUabed tUa aaBBer. bat
wUl be done to au^e the
eoApatytoeoapleta the
amm* ow amsaioav wxov nextfmr^ Thli wlU
cvdi&cpot U Ue mU»t of whot wm
oBly«lberk^ ttm« ifo w >p»Toat
(j •/
*;■: f'
(SKEimiHHL unp p»|, tiM,
I wUl OeeB be made
PraapeeWoha T. ^aadle Salaet- *
ad Preddeat.
Am irnpqrmt Motiac of the Orud
The beard of pablle waka met laat
VyBU0rainM«B4 tihlppen' Theta are Many aad «han OoBpen* alpht la the ofBa of the city elak far
' tmtrtatiim
fmAuity mHmrtioa. Mr. Bn«k.Bewly^eeiBitlOB la «lkad Xr. Xoody viU
•ooa •tUMOMMlMtonot «h* Of«f»
ed BeBba. waa aot preaaat, belM
ba Wm- ■
iMion. »e iMtn botlMM ,»m the
oftowBoaa fiabiaptri^ Mr. HaBlW
B of the d«lf»hUM9 of lelatfet
the BBBWIpal admlaatratioa la one of wMalaoabaeaV
the AwieBB rrelt Orowefe’ OAIob.
ri^, and the aerelae Thaflntbadaaa of the board waa
Thk OTfBBlAtlaa Blreedj nvahen la
win be axpaetod of the to elMt a praaldaat fa the aaaalap
Iti III! l■^^*1>1^ Mwe of Ue beaelMt
iB adjaatlnc year, aad Jaka T. Baadtowaai
Mt cratmts’Dlaeof Um prtaelpel oomMl by the b . .
Battarm. Ihe enet mambar of dofa at ad. Jbha KaUy waa re^polato
traH yfod«elBr«teUeBBd hae f^eved larc« iB tbe city la a Bare matter of BOB' aBBleaioaa.
^ hmelhdal. lie ehlct abn la to
Some tfme apo Ue city eoaaell iaptotBBi ita oeambm a«alaat fflattad Jeetare. bat it la a Batter of feet that atnietod the board of pabUe wake to
oBly 187 lleanaea hare been iasaad. The
aarkata by kaapiaf thea lafonaed aa
renwre from the Mill creek ereaalai
eaaieea who do not wear thoman
to the atate of the UffB
tacBaat take their ebaaeea,and the DlTlstoa atreyt, Ue tUa. which,
It farakhw refrifefator oara ef
prarea laadrqoato to carry off Ua
■Mat apiwoTed Bake. aU atoeket with .iheaeea are that their ohaaoee for oob- wator dariap mgre than ordlMiy
fort aad peaeefol extateoee wlU be palalea, aad tu aspioyM io the elttea wlU
rdna. No d«ftalto aettoa waa
fnlly meapra. Tboogb th«y are
dtapMeof the frait aa It la reealyed,
takes bythe aid board, bat lest alpht
If tU#pan daelre to aaad frait to aaj for the pteaeot beoaaae tbm la Street OoBBUdoBa Kelly,
fotmt OB thBirowD raapoBaibUlty the
atraetod to ramore Ue ttle. preparatory
«alj r««Blall» la that the bbIb oflloe the ooand Boater or doc eatober. to a peraaaent atractare.
lodeed, tberela BoprorteloBBt aU for
Beat be BBtlfled ht order to p»'
There had been tome c..
a rest pKrfaBlooal doc «V9ber. Ponad
izpaadlap ^ooh maacy at Ula time
■ay sartledlar BKHtet. lha Ualoe al- Maater Maady Ibi iatormed tha eoaoen for bridpe tBproTeBaata, hat the board
laady haa UO refrlgarator cara In aee
of pablle wake expraaed Itoelf aa be
« are belaf made to fill the la- BBd U awBitlac Ita aetioB ao that he lay naanlawnaly oppoaed to aay back*
wUl know wither he U required to
.ddetenaloed to procatch
The orcaBlaaUae eeeBa to be one ef
ride ample Baaaa for anyinp off Ue
the beat thlaffa for the proteotloa of fera Bonay.- Then the queetloa of wator from Ue flata which ware fiood
trait frowafa that haa yat been de- priee wUl be another proUeB.
ad with BBcb damape aboat a year apo
Tiaed. and the Oread Traeene aaaoeia- inat be a rate fer eateUnp Ue dopa. berana Uere waa aot aaffleiaBt oatlet
i^oA b faeoraUy Uelieed to It, bat no Then a rate for Uelr beard pa day, fa the water.
deeided at^ were taken at yeaterday'a nnUl Uey ahaU be larited to peB la
The BBttor of aapplyiap water fa
BeeilaC ^otid appelaUac a oobbU their eheete aoeordtsp to the llBlta- Oakwoed -aBoetery wae Ue aahject of
;«ee eoB^aedof Jadpe J. O. BaBadeU. tionawlaely eeUbllUed. Then ^ea oneet dlaouaioe aad a probloa
W. F. Haiaha aBd A- 8. Dobeoa. Theae Uena-loBced-lofdoca hareao hopa which ha pnuled Ue board far a loop
CralleBan wUl thoroncbly lareaticatc (belBC redeeaed Uay B«at be kUled; ctse. Now. bewera.' the hoard haa
dhe UaloBaadreportata Baettac at hen Uey are dead their reaalna anat decided w oonaMa the Better ffiUa
OtBBCe haU Satnrday. May n, at t p be deoenUy laterred. aad Uere Boat be aad to make recomoMadatiosa to Ue
B.. vhaB denbtleaa a peraaaant er- of conra a rate fa'
TbeeepropedtioaawUl require wiae coBBcU feraaoitoble wateraappiy for
The Oraad Trererae Prplt Qrowere dMlberatloa and after Ue eoucU eheU
apoi whatie bat to
BBd ablppere’ Aaaoeialipp'baa bees la
BKlataaea for a Bsmbar sf yeara asd be dene, and ahall ba«e caaoted aa act
haa abont lOO BOBbera, aU of whom entitled an act prorldlec tor a raioahare lar»a asBa loreated la thslr or- aUe ecBpeBMOon for Ue extaBlea- Xaepeotor General Oaa wlU Zaapeot
Xknaah Blfia Friday ViphL
eharda. T^ey sra fnU of eatarpriae. tloa of all Ue aaUcped care wlUU ^
Oaptaia J. V. MetatoU of Ue Han
sad prapoadtokaeJoBlhelBdBBt ia Ue dij llBlta, it Bay be raaaoBably
ihat Poond Maata Moody nah Rlfla raalrad word yatoday
bU BBttora pertalBlBC to their baalOaaeral Oaa of Ue
will hare hjahaadafalL
MIeUpaa NaUoaal Ooard, would he
nfijraxMOTrs flat oMotnro. hem next Friday tolaapecttbe Hmaaah
BUa Oeoeral Cea WiU be aoeompaLlttta »oy Harwwly Maapad Urowa- Bled by gaptola Oardaa ef ibe U. 8.
d MeMt Ta* Law :
fop iMSt HlphV
vmy, whh hat been dataUed by Ue
by»B. UmamWi
Lact areniap abaat area o'elak, wa departaeat to aeelat Qeaeral Cha
Tlurawwja talriy gM attqhdaaa while twe yoaap tada wara pUylnp oa la Ue iMpe^oa of the Naiioaal Ooard
atOraocahail yatodayaftaaooa oa Ue rirar bank, aov Ue M. A N. E. de of Michlpao. Thie wlU prohably'be ttw
Ue oeeaaloa of Ue leetare by Hoa. pot M» yoBBpaeL alboatfira yearaof flrat at^ towarda aatraaa lato Ue M.
JaeoB WaedBaa. Hr. WoodBoa eaBa ape. feU Into U» wator. Aopaat Imtw N. O. fa tke BlBa aad M it b eeldom
whp ia amployed la Ueyarda of If era Uat Ue la^ectorOeaeral rielttpr^arad to talk to faraaara la fsaecal
so Ue adraateca of Oraafe wak, bat Ua railroad ooBpaay. chaaoed to witladependeat eoBpaay, aalea la a
aea the accident aad preapt aetioa Mwclal parpobe. Ule rieit b e^eeblly
throaph a Uule aUapBl
praapeia ware preeeai. eo laateed of reealtod la the raeeae of Ue little fel elpnificant^ portande wttlfor Ue
Ua leoUre he care a brik. which
predteaaeat had not bean diaeorar^ BlBa
prared rary tetarattap to all prcM
mesba of U« ooapaay b
Ha darotad aMM lima to pabUe la tiBC. Pareata aboolS prohibit UcO arpedtopttendaepeji^drill Moa«ay
qaatlOBa. paylap apaelal attaatioa to yoaap ehildtaa from aaU daaparoa
aipkt, abo erary.olpht onttl Friday.
the eonaty road ayatoB. While poed plpy.proBBda. .___________
It b Ue pnrpoa at Ue effleera to ahow
roadaareBachVo befieeired be weald
ap as peod arao^paay m the peaaral
not aada any eirenantaaea he la
wlU find ia Mlehipaa. Ae Ue. Baafaraot hoadlap Ue'ooaaty fa that
aab BIfla an ampoaed ef Ua vary
parpeaa. a-la otha werdi aaortpape W«ta Works Oommlttoa Tastiap bat matorial there wUl be ao dlfflcalBottta Fooad Bayead Old KMiiea.
Ue eoaaty. ead ladlratly eeeh fanaa
^ At aU aboat that._______
The towaahip anil aeho^ eyetoa alao
Dorlcp aercral waka la Deoemba
raeeired hia attMtloa aad ha waa aad Jhanary UaL the eomailttoe ap900 Bpackled Treht
ratty oppoaed to thia. By Baaarxrf polatod by Ue peaaell to iaraetlpato
A ehlptaeat of epedtled trout
a blaUbaard aad dlapma ha pe>tod Ue mattor of a wator capply fa ttfo oaUeM. A N. S. troB Bea Ciiek yeaout the dleadrutapa u be had
olty< Bade earefel taw of the
of abaat
thea in Ua ewa eoaaty.
ia the weat bay from the bobU of soo 8U weiphlap 80 ponada They
The Bortpape tax law wae ala Boardmaa Hrar. TliU waa doee by ware seat by Fred Beebtol. Toay Kotoaehed ap<B aad the praape wae dw Ua-aa of bottta floattap at depUa retay aad Bm. Wilhelai. who went to
dared to be Ue preat aad oaly
raapiap from Ue aarfaa to twenty a Bea Creek a few days apo. : The fiU
teettoa to Ue faimera of Ue etato.
Boe fat. Bach botUe eoatalaed a were dbtribntod amoap friei^ of Ua
eoaeladed bia remarka wlU aa eloqaeat prlatod reqoat to the flada to maka a
^faUe piaapa, arplax that Bore rarefal note of wkare aad when foaad
Bonday School on Ua XaBitow.
yoaappeople be broapkt late H aot aad BoUfy J. W. MUUkea. of Ue
only for Ue peod of Ue InaUtatloa but Mlttee. Yatordaya'reportwarealrad Qepipe Baadereoa, Bbricnaiy of the
la their owe aka Aooordlap to Me. from B. F. SoheUerly Uat ke found. ABMfIcan Snaday School Onloa, aeeomWoodBaa If there U any derelopBest Slay <U. oae of Uaa; bottta aboat paaUld by Jama Bedkooa. hae J«t retaayoaap Baa aweaaaUe praape one Bile eeaU of UeOld Mlaeloa point taraed from South MaUtoa
erinbrUpltoat aa weU aa aay pre- Uphtbooa Thle bottle wae lannehed where Mr. Headareoa VpbUxed a Boa
feBl«i. ItlaUepnatedoationallB- at the BoaU of Boardmaa rirar at 1 day aebool ef abont forty mamlMn.
•tttattoa of the fanaa. rnaldap poed o'eloek oa thealtoraaonef Da WU They report a rary worthy and appreepeakeraaad parlUmeatariaaB of the aad waa fiatod atadepU of toar feet ebttre company of aatttoe oa Ua bl-'
^oaap folhaaadkMplapUeB rereed la from Ue aarfaa Tboa are qtdto a and aad Ualr rblt a aaeeea to erary
pnbUe affaiia. .
reapaL _________ Bomber of bottta pot oat la
Vo Soadap Wwk.
that hara aerar been reported foaad.
FMTTT fabk.
A Ivpe naBba.howarar, wara |dckad
I to the RtooED arerw
WUl briBld Oat Bear Boardmaa up ufromalew hoaiatoa few dayi aladed Uat Uere will be m
Biva XIaetrio Id^tDaa.
tame, bat Ula M Ue only aam aborted Mcmfiay moratap, aq^da baae npooL.
The Boardmaa Biro Blaelric Upkl
that day woold*Baa9work apoa 8aa. A Poara Co., la prapariap ta Uy oat otorilnp pelat.___________
day, which the Scoobd fora wlU dathe fiat below Ua «daB ahd pewa
rato to reat. The wok apoa Ua BaaThi
t^oaiatoapark. TV Job at plowinp
b mainly AewkeGhariay Oaaton want a flahlap. Be
haa baea let opd atba pnparatfoae
■ntapcB Ue bank af Ua Bcardmaa fora Bidnlphl mm Satarday.
•ralapraprefi: All thh dead ttmba rirar daa Twaaty fat ef the fork
MaBeyoarwaata ia ttw **waar <»aad Btaiive wUI V remorad aad ttw
arad la. Charley aUpped U arith U» partmaat of Ue Baeoan.
plat abdfiad. Shade trea wlU be at dlrL ItwadaikbatUaMeadaficbad
for IBeMtA
aolaVUe proaade oUerwla am*
U^.eat. Becaaphtae Bah.
ikhbd.'iUnaUe eeatarwUl be oi
TraTanaCityBiwlDeaOoUet*. 4 St klMk.
Mtefi wiU a Urpe fiah pead «
You want to rest. .The easiest way is to use •
Hammock.—Haven’t got any? Then you haven't
V seen our new Stock.—Largest and best assort*
ment in the city..—Can't help buying if you set
WMi PIPES. at 5c„ 6c., 7c.} 8c, and 10c. per rolL
~ Kc-r Ic.. 2c. and 3c per yard
lad ita all la UM.yaar’a pattoraa No dd atoek to work off hS
It’s Dangerous, and
FooUsh as well.—aiN«»'ge.mypriceson
.before buying, as I have
a large stock and dwided\y the lowest , prices. If
you need a new Couch
now is your time. I have
Couches and 1 will close some of them put -at a big
J. W. Slater’s Farnilure Store,
188-188 FBOHT 8XBXXT.
. OptHMlw BukeD’s B
..Ladies’.Firve Hose..
For B Limited Time We Offer-----^
Ladies' asc, Ho« at., I9c.
Udies’35c: Hose at............. 8Bc.
Ladies’soa Hose at... .......... ..37c.
Udies' $1.00 Silk Hose at.
. .60c.
South XlBiOB Stvoet.
The Quality and
Price Question...
Should alwiys be considered in yonr
purchases. We claim the lowest prices
on the same quality of-------
Best Grhdi^s of Footwear
We are prepared to demonstrate the tact.
-^AfJKEB if?Q8.
KOBimra ssoou>« btopay, kay e. i807.
Br«nttM. '
PTCftpert^ fttTrftTftifteOitr.
Greatest Hat Bargains
TrftTeree dtp to« » »?« p•pel^-the
HftTotaf- B^coBO—pobltohed from the
ofitoe oAbe Onad Troreroe Hereld
ThomM' T. Bfttee fttol J. W. Beaftea.
Tb» rt'www Chftrlerc^'to inUn
‘ r.o»T«o^4rr-«
The flrtit ftomberwftepohltohed. Wedtnm-Chiomgo tUs Boral>c«t 7 o’elook.
Btftdftp aorslsr ud IW ftbow of ftdTerbat ii expeetad to to ft littirlikA.
ttolae p»tK*e*e Indicfttee thftt proeOoodaetor Jdaftiftt tiiaC A W. M., p^^(mftp Bore^etroek the towiL The
Tki*. T. Batw Am 3. W. HAnmi.
who toa toe* eoBftftto to the boo«e bp
J. W. HAwm, Bdttof *ad lUsac«r. iUnw. !• ftr»ia
leeted, being filled with well-piepaied
Tbe fttr. J.^^rWeetooU to expeotod local matter and the more Important
•boot WedDtodftj foTftCftTfoo^bftr*
' dtopatehea.
Mr. Hannen
wood lonber for the Sooth .SldtoLum fonaerlp resided In thto dtp and Mr.
ber Go. to O^ieMfo.
Bfttea to well known among Michigan
The EaooBD office la.eweet with the. newspaper men, al) of whom will wtol)
fragieaoe of twe totge plaato of Baeter the new paper anccM In ererythtog
miM, froia*the greeahooaee sOf the •xee.pt poliUea. It will advocate the
J 0«M.» FMM
repnbHcae poUep of gold etondard aad
Fipral Co.
na toUortxlw Bfcote
Uat night Chnrlep Helm and George protection, and thox aMtol in delaping
___ the retnmofpreiperity.'-Orond «op^itoon eateiiatoed Bari Jt1<T'« oa«TSI reporto of B- O. Dona end tM tomen to the Park Plaoe ,^rber •hop ida liemocnit.
- Bndstnet ofeocp todftp iadtoftte • etognitar moaie.
Brigbteet and deaneat.
bOl^ of boftloeto eosditioito whkih the
The ftanoe yacht Vlkldg, wliieh J. A.
The new Morxiko Bxooko. toaned at
cmmtrp h»e not experiedeed is more
to Benjamin Bobineon Travme Clip, to already one of the
ttoa two peftio. Specnlfttiooa in nU
of Grand paplda, waa ulmto Black
■ moat
------linee hOTe deereoM end foUnree JorLake peatardap afternoon bp John one loctotog dailiea of Ha elaaa to Michtog April were grftUfplnglp lee* thu
igan^ In fact. It could not well to oth4«rtoc ttto prertoot moatb. There to ot
Frank, Freddie and Willard Haa- erwtofrto view of the able' team at ito
jMfttoae explonfttioft to thto pleoetog
alorakp were ont earlp peaterdftp morn head. Thoa. T. Bates, preprietor of
•toto of ftffftirft
AtourftBoei of *
for a-dap’e flAtog trip to the head the Grand TraverM Herald, to the aenhoftlthp reriToTto fMerol boeiafteeto
lor nmber of the firm and J. W. Han
to^ired bpfttottotplng eoa&deooe to of mill eraek. sonth of Uie aaplnm
sen. formerly a well known .Grand
theeooifteof the ftdmlBtotrftUo
Eapidaeititen. to editor and manager,
The Rbooxd wUl to pleaaed to print
THXQreeke nreeUlloB theroft-«nd orerp Sondap momtog the order of ear- —BtenlnpPreM._______
the Tnrktoh ormp eeeme to to ftboot to rioea for all the ehnrehea If the paaton
PeUtoee Took a Jump.
e*d the war Whi^ hae been waged eo eo deaire. Copp ahonld to handed to
Sharp oompetltion amoag local pota
pmatotontlp and reatotod ao Toltoatlp. Salardap aftemecm. earlp.
to buyers seat the prise up to U eeato
TtoapmpathP of AmertoftHft. howerer.
Bap Browa. Harrp KenU Will Lock yeatwdap. The prevmUtog price, how
to atooBglp to taror of Greeee. whoae
hart, I. J. Fleee, WUl Newman and ever, tofrom 8 to 10 cents. There to a
^acUp Te^atoaee agatoat heorp odda
•Hie last two da^i. has stopped to admire Ue select line of
Clark Allen, went to Kalkaska on their praepeet ef w Improvemeat which wUl
bah attnotod the admlrattoo of the
MBW BFBnro 8HXBT-WATST8 displayed thereto. Many have already,,
wheala thto morning.
Frank Parka to appreciated._____________ .
aodC. B^Ha^ rode overJo Blk^pida.
made puicbaaea from our Immense aaaortment. We’ve the nobbteet and nuMt
Until further aotioe I wlU ent hair
Stpltob effects, the prettiest patterns, and the germeata are perfeeVfitttog.
THxeUtotogtolatnrepropoeeeto a^
F. 8. Prioa. who baa epent Uie paat at 10 oenta per head.Amoa Iwng^Jaael. Oownor Ptogree oa the 4t|^t montha to Nebraaka, haa retsro- worthy.- First door weat new Boaen>-3t
other hand to.detoraftoed that the •d. Mr. Pr(oe reporto a fine winticr in that btoek. up stairs.
• fe
Nearly Every Shape Shown..
And the pirice^That’s what sur
prises them-FIFXy CENTS-
Every lady that
passed our window
Hout mr
He will spend .the anmmer
l^tolatora wUl atop to Laaatog all the weat.
•ammer. or anUl they eaact aome eort^ here and cetom to Nelmka to the;
of tow that will to Is line with^fttotng fall..
qpQB the rallroada.
Mrs. C. H. Hanalovakp and children
T*x trait Orowaia ottHraad Tiaverae left ymterday morning for Chicago to
oaontp ate ptegreeeire aad ap^ttfdato. mike that city their futore home. Mr.
'tbetr pn^tkrn to eshaaee the fadU- Unnaloveky will follow as toon as his
to« for ehipptog thalr peedaet to tostoeas matters are all eotUed. and
wUl extend hto trip as far as Colorado
wofitaWe marheta. bp jototog
Onioo, woold aeem to to a to bopea of reg^tog hto health.
FSKD Bakkb haa moeiTed notioe that
campnigB doeameato don't go to the
•tote legtatotnre. That to rather tongh
4» Fred, partleolarip a. John Doonowol Uap. 'democraac leader to the
toooee, filed the notlee.
Wbat agtand opportunl^ Greater
Hew York nOwpeeaenta for Tammany j
They Don’t Un it.
They imitate our methods,
but ran’t match the goods.
Prices alone don’t tell the
u!e, its the quality. Our
goods will bear inspection
for comparison.
Traverle CltybTiew morning dally,
the Bxcord. waa pobltobed for the first
time OB Wedaiiday.
It to a neat
appearing folio, five edlnmna to the
page, and atarta ott with a big thomiag
if advertlatog from local baatoeeamen.
J. W. Hanaea to the editor and managar of the new veptore. which to toeued
from the Herald offc*.—Free Prtm.
rou wim and iwi stue tou wmt.
I4»w Prices----- 50c. to $2-25.
$3.25 to $6.00.
Geme and see the geoda.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House,
Palace Mery Pillsbury
Chtmsh Serricea Today.
thx good txxfiabs
Bar. H. W. BmltS. psnorla the plaee to bay
Seeend quarterly meeting oendneted
Two Boadred Fenons Bqioyed a byAJ.Bldred.
'' '
Pleasant Program.
Love feast at't:30*. m.
Preaching nt 10;30. f«Ulowed J»p comThe open meeting ot the-G6od Tem
plars Imt night waa attended hp fallp mnnkm.
fW perwmi. who enjoyed a program of
Temperanee lecture In the evening
nnnaoal excellence. The members of bp Mrs. Mtoereof OviA Mieb-, to the
the lodge heveyorked for the
f«w ' iotoreate of the W. C. T. D.
Thnradap evening, ISth
meatM with a pw»»‘«*«' — “--------erbieh haa tome good fruit nntil the lam., a anrlea of Evangeltotto--------------Not tJboddy.BlaekandTBB.
WeBlaoeeUthebattertpgo with She
ledge haa gained a foothoM that makes topBev.O^A. Jaekaan. All are invited
DeUvned ie Mr pert •( the ettr.
Heoeoftbeatreageatlatheoitp. The to attend theae meeVuga.
bread, both Creammy and Dairy.
~ma was opeaefi by a piano eolo by
Ted TliirJb^. which waa followed- by nav. D. OomUa. piMMr.
We have in stoetoa fnU line of
OSc-fil no-ei l&-'S1.3&-gt.30
pnyer by L~tL.Hobba. A vooal eolo bj
Tkere wUl be a nnion meeting of the
ti 5o-«i.75-it.oo. New
Hart'Slmmoaa: recitotlon. “Dot Baby Y. P. a. C. E..aBd Jnnlor aocietlea at
■ ef Mtoe.” Mingle llubtoll; qaartet. «:15 thto evening, and on thto aooouat
Pioah Yeaetahtoa BMto.
at right prleee. Try oar new hmirf
Bala and Dora Marvin, W. W. OoW- the regular Jnnlor aaeeUng will not be
Moeha and Java Coffee, the beat to the
oedBert Gray, aecompantot. Mini.l- vld at 3 o’clock. The enbject f<w the
city, to 40c. It to aim^y elegoat
Brown: reading, “An Old Man'aStory." evening meeting to “Why 1 love Jeena,’*
Bltoer B^own; piano solo, ikof. W. H. 1 John 4:19;.John 3:M 17.
5Oc-doe-75e-00e-Sl oa
BItWwm- radtottoa, “The Laat Daps
415 Union St.
ef HercBlaneum.*’ Mabel Gray; read- a. m. Wella rector.
Telephone 34.
log. >«lare of a Bad Habit," Carrie
There wUl be eerrlnee at Grace
ne-45c-30c-3Sc-40e-60c. .
©•Keal; vocal eolo. “Oood Bye, Sweet
rand evening at
Day." Ada Benedict; aoeompaotot. Jen- the nenal Ume, and on the West Bide
.ple SUlee;
• Beavroly at 4 p. m.
Oamv” Mamie OviaU: Negro dialect
rxBxwooD csanL.
end 93.00.
MOltaUen, 'Applm.- M B Holley;
rirarhlnff by Bev. Mr. Bonndy at the
. voeal aoio.-“Priae of the Ball,” Ben Femwood efaapel today at 10:30 a. m.
00-91.8'-91 50-fl.TS
Hr»y; reeltoUon. “Eodmlck Lee."Oora
Sandsp school at 8 p. -m.
eadfisoa All Solid.
. Walters.
Servloea In the evening at 7:30.
pnl^^»g vbc evening Mrs Soule gave
Prayer meeU^ Tneedap and Thnm.
91 ft0-9l.75-«! 00 end 93 30.
on Intereating resnme of -the order and day evenings.
K eck end Ten.
.^grwt vrork accompUahed by thto
,Y. P. 8. C. B. meeting eatarday
Bnt theresre m CHan to»de
ee^ety rioee lU organlaatioq, showing eventog:
50c-75c-l»<^l.00 mmi 9I.S8.
ttot daring two years the memtoftolF
V—AND------ !
Yon are cordially tovHed to any or
ted grown from W to li7. Theptp- aU of theae aervioea.
was eloiaed with a song bp the
_______ ___________
••V.O.S. Horthrsp. Psmm.
I ^
V 93 60.
After yon have read the Becoxn pet
After the initiatory workof Traverie n poor hat and take a walk to the'
91 0O-91.83-91.M Bad 91.M1.
CUg tent, »o. 871. K. O. T.M.. Friday fresh emralng air. Then eome to
Bigbl. the members mt down to a fine ehoreh and join with ns la divine sror^
by the tent Beauea ship. Theme of -thememtog eermoh'
. 6Be-80e-e0e-91.10-9t 39
- tte Wtead epeelxl mnetoal. Uteraiy and today. “Whenoe bath this man these
91.50-91.TSBOd S8.00.
Evening to^ “OBeeimBa
aelretions made np a pteaaant things."
Not Sheepskin.
Atripto Kingsley waa dla- ;a^T>hilemoB.”
* The B. Y. P. U. Bt «;18 p. m. In the
tlZId and oeoaldered with favor.
W« Shine Colored ahoea Frae
pMion of the ebBreh wW he led hy
, If Bought 6fUa.
Oe to the Uon Barber ebeq^ for hair Mtoe'Edith Haatlnga. tahjeei. “LeaJm aid to^ IS eenU eaeh.
aona' for the Meenrinn " Aetalto-IA
AU vrill be welooem. ’
1 am the agent for this Fam
ous Brand.
Ladles* Oxford8-63c
Men*8 Congress Shoes-90c
Men's Dress Shoes g
neiscImiai'sCoinpies^ hast
Men's Working Shoes-80c
Children's Tans
and Ox Bloods
Infants' Fine Shoes
thurtell &. Gane, Ltd.,
Jacob Furtsch,
Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Shoes
Uidies* Kid Shoes
Men's Bicycle Shoes
Are Others I
Ladies* Fine Sandals
Ladies' Black and
Tan Kid Oxfords
6 0XNT8.
.fngraita«l&elici088 l
Monmne Bnoo»r-I0 eenta a wae|L
lend euheiJi IpMrtni to ItoTtont street.
«av OU BcUabtoabov Maa,
wcaiwro bi&
Bi^cle Leggings
Ladles’ Tans and
,a^o0-«.00 end
. A.W.JAHRAU8, •
FsoiiFT DauvaBr
And Uw VBST- BMt Onoda.
Frank Stepan.
ThtoliMte oedms to So. 109.
Him. A. C. Wynko(9 of Oedar Bon. RECKLESS NAT GOODWIN.
Nothing more beautr .
was in the dty on a riait yesterday.
ful than a well kept
B. 8. Pratt retamed yesterday from Aa nlaWiaUM of Bsw tee Oomiidlsa Bm
In order to
where be has been attend
AU Sxuro VOBOD Pnuiklort
A Ftory I have just braid aneot Nat produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut and watered..
ing ooart
Mrs. Thomas Whaley, wbo has* bedn Good.*la is bet andlicr inriapceof his
rwklevs generosity and constant -doffis
LAWN MOWERS. From................. ...$2;75 to $5.00.
TuldSb VoKM H*r» SBtovd.Yole rislUag Mrs. George Gene, retnmed to to bote zDoucy spea all possible oceaRUBBER AND COTTON HOSE.... 10 to ftc per ft.
.^ChriKtiaes Oopimandtd tb I«7 Ci&lUae ycstardhy.
Kat bad boc-n in the habit of raiwiog ,,
Sown Anna bj tba To^th-OommiU -at Bendon, U home to spend ban- part of bis tinu-at a certain bmteiry—-j I Also put in laps and Connect to City water at hpttom
d3T with his family.
thatilaU tbed^ii«it«
prices. Give me a call.
ValMtino. H»7 8.-DeUehBMta of
D. paty Sheriff F. D. Marria spent
aariDM have been landed from Brltiab,
the week baying potatoes on the Pen- natund Gnmun. They hsdknown each {
Kmrian. 'Anstrian and German war
other well and won ou cxcelkut terms, i ,
fnsnla for E. L. Baasom.
ItTcanie about cne day, during the, I40. rrOnT M.
•hipe off Volo to foard the tewa. For>
Mrs. Fraak Tomlinson nhd Mrs. broaching cf a bill, that Mr. Orodwin !•
oigB ecmanU arrired to confer with
oodapeed csdm ap from SllghU yes difpoWd an it( u at #60. In' Adug so b« 1-----^^------------Bdh«m Pasha, the Tnrkish eommaader.
terday for~a brief rislt.
wiu moTBlly-ccrtain that thi^isdcbi^As this dispatch is being eeitf. the
Mr. and Mrs. Seott of Northpert, IK«8 was not Ills. Mine hort was equal
Tnrkish troops are entering Volf ‘Hie
Friday and yesterday in the city ly sure ou bis side of the coutrary.
Greeks who fled lo Almjria will rejoin
The di
risiting friends sod trading.
the main body of Ureek.fprcee at Do"Sechire." said GoodMiu, “I dco't; Lumber Company. We^have for sale Good, Sound- Hem-'
Joe F. Reed, the popular Ormnd Rap
ids traveling man, arrived In the city thryJiiJSrS'Se'Sng’^rbS Sl
Lumber, Surfaced : Sidewalk Pladk. Maple Flooring,
Ataena, Uays,—The new^pera la
yesterd^ afternoon to spend Soaday. Jost the principle of the thing."
j Short Maple Wood; Lands for sale, ^ill Machinei^, of all
this city ^nUisbed a report :^t«da7
Master Cyril Tyler came np from
‘IXt mine
to the effeotthat.Volo wonld be 'de
I Engines, Set Works, Cacriag*,,
clared a neatral port end the Tnrks Maoton yeaterdsy afternoon to make a 000."
knd Saws. A complete Saw Milt Plant for sale.
short visit with his fslber. BsrI Tyler.
therefore wonld* not nccnpy it. The
"Perhaps not,” doubted the ecmedi.
aenUUre W. H. Foster had a
minister for foreign affairs, Skoolodis,
"But- I’d sooner throw the money
severe attack of the grip in Lansing, an.
away or born it than give it to you
is an interriew. is.quoted as saying
last week, bat U giadoatly recovering. wlion 1 don't owe it to'you."
that the powers had not yet taken steps
Miss- Jennie Besf w of Bay street,
"Ah," excluimod theGcimanEareasto oonmnnlcate with the ministry on wbo has been in Chicngo for some time,
tically. "Yon huf tiioDoy to porn, oh?
the sabjeot oMnterreotion. Whether
fans Vetnraed borne mnch improved in Vrll, 1 dond't pclleve me dot."
it wonld be a desire for iotervenlion or
"Is that ao?" retoracd KaL "Well,
simply mediation, SkoaloudU ounld
Ti. B Strong, wbo covers this dis DOW, ITJ tell yonwha.t I’li do with
not say. The foieign'minister also
ru born *S0 right..bcfe before
trict for the Kimball I*iano Company, you.
said that be knew nothing concerning retoroed yesterday to spend Sandsy your eyts it you'U receipt the bilL”:
"By Cbiminyl" said the host "I'U
Urn report that Volo’wonid be consid
with hU family.
yoost go you vonoe."
trtA a neutnd port, bnt added that if
E. W. Seynoor, genemi
Without another word Ka* Goodwin
the Tnrks oommH excmsea 4n that
the Northern Michigan Transportation took his cbcvkbndc out of hispodret,
town, Greece will take measures deCo., spent yesterday in ths dW sad re filled ont 8 check for (60. tore it hut,
nsaadad by the sitoation.
a lighted match to it, and held
turned to Manistee laa( night.
InoonoInsioDSkoniodissUtod. ‘ The
Mrs. A. E. Willard and friend. Mm. it until it was ttHloocd to eahea
report that dissensions exist among the
The Gnnian. w ho had watched the
Helen Osmpbell. who have bra Vkit- procern with buh^g eyes, banged a
minUters 1$ aheolntely false. We are
isg Mrs. Willard's mother. Mm B. rubber stump on ‘the disputed bill,
ready to.aeebmpUsh the heavy task
Evans, of :!14 Sonth Division street, re ■tnwled his idgnatuie- ocrom it and
which we fasye oadertaken aad we
cannot nnlte oar poats wlthont failing turned to tbeir home st Empire this mid with a idgb:
"Chhmping dividesdts! Toncond't
. in onr daty." The Tarim, according to
Mr. and Mm George Beeman of get abeadt obf dose actor fellows no
last night's adrieea, hare not yet
Charlevoix, passed through the «ity how.”—New York Journal.
reached Volo. which is now completely
yesterday en roate home from the
eraenlated by tiie Greek troops. A fersonth. Mr. Beeman has aot virit^
^gn legion took part In the flgbting at
"I always like lo sec that senator get
Tmveise (Sty ia ten years, and he eras
naraalos. An BngUsnmnn aad two
pleased with the. metropolitan air of Bp to make a eproch.” said the drow^
Italian offioen were kiUed.
looking man.
the dty.
A di^ateh from Arte says thaWFned
"He isn't very Interesting.”
At ths Theatre.
"Ka When bo is on bis feet Tm al
Bey, *be Tnrkish commander, tbrongb
the G*e& Priest at Arte has iasoed a
FVaak Tncker. the well known actor ways rare that my nap will' not be dis,tnrbed
by any dotbust of appioase.”—
proriamation to the Christian -popnla- who Is organising bis company in this
^tfoo. ordering them to lay
their dty, has practically completed his ararms; or otherwise the rille^ wonld mngements, several members' of the
Name your wants in the " wht" debe burned. The enriront of Kanjs in company arriving in theeityyesterday. partmrtil of the Rea-ottp.
the Tnrkish territory are homing.
The first pterformsoce will be given In
Tha FttUoyfiig Flavors are mafle to ord«:
the City opem house next Wednesday
evening, the bill beiDg*'A Cup of (Tea,^
loe C»am PniltFUTor.-v.„m^ choo.l.(.,
smnsical farce comedy. Mr Tucker
Itupberr,. T»tU F™tU, Oattgf, P«d., L„»a, B. .m. I1,tortlo.
—Fire Insurance a
The BOneinippi Tfareat^a Purthex has adde<l to bU troupe several talent
Fruit lea —L.moB, l-tae-Appl., On.,.. BMpbrny, Cb.nT:
Floods. .
Kow. Orleans. Msy S.—The tempor being some with pronoaoced musical TgLEPBOKK 71
Shsrbart*—Buptenj, Oru.*..-Str.«B«T,. ckarr. Xjtamt. Tlat-Aprl,.
qualiflcatlena * The performanoe Wed
ary quiet of the Hiasimippi hod
Lootovnielntoeoafident^ Lost night nesday is sure to draw s crowded
Wo Blm put up Brick Ic^ Cream—ah lUron, mt u tbio. cS. la
it broke all its rrards by ^imbiug to
• brick. W.acll™to.Hp~Uo(lb.clt,r.ido«to(U,«cll,. .
1«.6. A few iaobte more and It will be THE FIRST lighthouses'.
Shoes St all priceslfrom
Try a Pound Box of our Fine Chocolates.
two feel above sU previous hlgb water
this to WM). ___ ; cr^
and the embankment will only aland a
We make them every day.
fewloehes moreof the terrifle simli-. j
John M. EUioott, tJ. 8.
If the rise begins no* InBOTBeet it
rife* for
.KiehoJa* s p.nper on
And deteose well provided, each wesk i ligfatbooM^ cnlitlrd, "Tlia LizlitsJTbat
levee having been strengUws^d sod | Gnidc In the hiight." Ldiuuusnt EliiOor. TnatandTarkSte.
. misedand bmeed until
potent to oott myo
Wbt-D shipa are sailing upon (he ocean
rerist the attack.
The levee gusrda ore carryiag ont the lights of heaven are their guides.
Even in the dark ages, wl»*>n the comTmtfiuBastotParu.
their threatt to fire upoa the veeaeU para and sextant were unknown instru
eomtng too tdooe to shore sad aeverol ments. the aeiniiugly motlonlesi pole r
baste bear buU«te in >hedr pRot bouses star bung like a bencrai light in the i
os aemvenim Bo one hsa been injured northern bcitvi ns, and the niuug and 1 The Hamilton Watch
setting of the ran and stars disUn- j
The breoka below ape all eloaed now guiabvd,^- east frtei the west. When, [
Railroad Men !
and the groves hov< escaped. Cattle however; sbips (unic near the land, the
lights of beuvin arc not sufRcieidJy 1
ore beiug^ippeid^away from that aee- safe to guide tliem. Bocks lie in tbeir
Moa forMrater mfety.
paths, unsreu Ui the ui|;ht, nvfs and
aboalir spit ad under the water, while
uusnsperted currents sweep the frail
Of all the ^alities of a' Piano before you
craft all blindly u]ra tfarsc dangers.
buy. do it right—make an intelligent comXeBotaiy Oonmiorion on ite Way to
Kevinbeleiw. sbi]M were sailed along
. parispn—and we’ll place our pianos and
dsDgerons coasts for ccuturies beforo' a lii
prices b^ide any in the counti^: On the
plain system of marking dangerous
other hand, if you don’t feel capable of
Kew York. Msy A—Bx-Vlee Fresl- places V..S iuvrifted. The eaily mar
deat Stcveiison, Genorsl J. C. Paine iners w«as* bold and, reckless .rovers,
yourself in the matter, put it all
mure than half pirates, wbo seldom
and Seostor Wolcott, who were reoeatin our hands and we'll stake ouf reputation •
a rood of the coasts ainug which
i»s——#•—! I
ly appointed by President McKinley m they auiiod, and could not bare estab
of square dekling that we will^ satisfy you
a commission to confer with the beo^ lished lights and landmarks cn them
iff a piano and price in everjhpafticular.
of the European govarnmeato relative . bad tbry carod to do oa Tbs rnde be
a system of ligiitboosss
ta balding an international bimotelUe; gicuiug, then, ofai
oooferenee. sailed for Havre today. was when the iiicrrhauts ^with whom
' Stevenson sold that the -oommisaien the neklam mariuets traded in thosa. |
mid prtmoed direeily'to Paris and dirk ages built beacons near the harbor i
mouths to gnide the ship.-into port by
after a confersmeo with the *■
.ud lighted flrus lor tbeir gnidanos _
(overnmeat.. would riait London, Ber- ■ ^
. harbor guide bod to •
lio. Vieusa and other capitals if other | ^e a rare landmsrk in the daytime and ;«
N. Ei Strong, Mgr. for Traverst City Branch. '
Buropran gcversm'eBta. ■ It is.expect# ', a light by ulgbl, it soon took on a 'set- •
smrh good will be aocom|disbed i tied abapo—akower uo which oould be «
by the oommisslon'aed they did not' built a fire, and such a tower was usnal- *
Have logs to Sell fs.'S.S
..Contracting and Practical
Ice Cream, lee Cream Soda
and Fine Candies.
E. W. Hastings.
Shoes For Si.OO.
[ limneose New Stock From
McLellan & Ash,
If You Want
... A Perfect Time-Keeper...
To^Be The Judge.....
•W. ■W. IKjLxEKTDeOa Oo.
foveramrat to appoint delegate# ,to the pexts which they sooghtTsas georoeMw
________________ ___ n wickednesi |
used it as a means for uwir dcetruction. j
Bauds of robbera, or, as they came to;;
Jamm Ginett went to Chlcsgo yester be cailed, "wreokera." would hideyl
thesnaelvcs somewhere aegr the havra . <
day otternoon on buainem.
Stella Owen of Bk Bapida wfll tpend songht by a richly laden veasol. andx |
afuw overpowering the fire keepers, i
Baaday with Jennie Smith.
Mre. F. F. Heddca of Groad Bapidt would exiiuguUh the beaoon fire on thej J
night on which the ship was expeotod. 11
^ rialOog frienda la the city.
Tbea they would light another fire near |
Mr#. J. O. Bamadell went to Mania- Bom<) treacherous ro^ The mariner, 11
t tee yraterdgy loapend Sunday.
aailing boldly toward the false light, |
Blanch Haskell returned last woold dash his veaml to datruotioo on
the aetd, wbeieupmt tha ivhber hiqiBd
^rahte from a ririt at SUghte.
Mr.ond Mra. J. W. Dl^srmaa of wonld {Bnnte the wredc and make off
aOn, were la th» eity yeaterdsy-
with the booty.
I What’S
Better .
Oniqae Jlesigns
TFie Man Milliner,^ j
Geo. B. Winmei,
UoteteM PMstm aaS yapsr Bsagw.
T. N. Martinek.
xoBimra bboosd, stthoay. may e, i*w.
m tuenrnt tx moHUif trvmm rrututati
irce by B«*rly«injM. T1>« vote w«
MnAmt*. Tht mate baa (alien in
mte Vltb tbe bonae ^ fixed May H as
the time tor final ad^urameot.
. Furaw^
^mdon to
VSed Meyeea' MneaBivt at la(n»
wu.'i May «.-The mur
derer ot Pred Meyere Is still at latfce.
bt Wlttenberr ^Bot
murderer and he was released. ■n»e
.dsputy ■heriffhaslenTorMenaaha.wbere
CASUf rtmumt VMaf4Mltf-«MI Kaka« »
another suspect is under arrest. Offleer
Wans apM*!! af rHaaMUp far aai
Oerwtax. vtau was aim subbed, la a litPrlda Ib tbc tMBWBni Otplont—rra- 1 tie better and may recover.
Turks Havs Poassaaton of ths
Latsst Omsk Position.
(•^■reaa TMU the CUmiasm That (ha
. CrVAAi ueyuliu. «ivfuiie*-ea |.ii.rwa./«^
a. AWm^
A •aiimtieato
t. City Opsra Boas. Awk.
Pore Oreun Tartar,
(aa4PiireBaktti|rPo*der..lf yon want ns to
«akelt.<p»nndeforSISa Bnbber aheeUnc.
Vobber Towns. aU sisaa Waser Bottlaa^snaeaaiaed tor two yaars.l ronataln Byriasoe.
ktnda: Throat Brnahem, aad Atoaitwre.
>riBo aad Wum Basel Lotion for the
ctly. to trade lor
twrre POritoa itonito.
eaewtoa. H. BSomt. .
■C«OB BBJ4T oa SALB-Boaww roow a^
r tou. Applyatzu VtotataairMt. sat
At Our.
lart aad PoM taW
f Mie. Suitable (or MitoB.
be Mcured atabargalo. Apply
TBL'M. Hotel Leelanaa. Park 84-
.Soda Fountain
Ceantor «s are aerer eoutem to -let well
.oaougb atone" baiaiways try to iwpron.
j............. ....
PbOMH- <
«. C. OILBBBT. Attoruey.
Pure Powdered Bpioe^
London, May E—The Tlmto prinU the
(oilowlna dispatch from t^eoUno.* vU
lMidon.May E-The taieweil
Athens: "Tbs expected battle iiefan at
•treo' last erenlnr by the Ai
<:SS Thursday momlns at thin point
«lety In London lo Bayard.
tMumador ot the United Sutea. was at Include the continued dMilne of water and at' Gynoscephalaa and a little Uter
tended by STD (ueeta. The company in- in the flooded lUstiicu of the Mlssimipiri above AU-all and Pharaaloe. The posi
dnded Ambaseador Bay. Mia. Hay and river valley, tn a portion of which plant- tions were as follows: Veleatlno* and
all the members o( the Americas em^ Int has betun: hotter demand for sta- the main Cynoaoephalae chain were
held by . the Greeks.
The plain to the
haasy.^tbe lord bishop o( ’London (Dr.
northtrard and the (my ridre Juitlnc
Crelgtitan). Baron Russell of Killowen
out bets-een the Cynoaoephalae and
(the lord chief Justice). Sir Francis and
Prino were held'by tbe Turks.
Jeune. Sir Edwin Arnold.»r Hen
Oreaks had three batteries of arUllery
ry IttompaoB. Xjajdy RandolphCburchfll,
and the Turks fc.ur. EUrly In the momlady Andernoo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .i.«*iuuc luiuicf
Vivian and Misa Oes^ere Ward, the semer pK iron and steel bHleu. with I >“* » well-directed Greek artillery file
But these Vas a notable ab producUon of ply Iron In ext^ss of con- prevented the advance of the Turkish
ed the majority^of tbe best known sumption and the pruepeci favomble ' Infantry. By 7:M.tbe artlUery firlnc was
| ver)' heavy on both sides, but each
realdlhc la London. Bayard for blotvina rut a number of stacks.
The total number of bnslnees failures ; maintained Its poalilon.' . At 10:M a
. had ‘ a eordlal reception. He brouebt
ailth him the tot of the Mayflower, throu«hcut the United Btetea thie we.-k yur^ab battery behind KonUri b^an
u,r«,n«n .n. Ih, Ore... . ..
which be deposited tn lu tlaas case In
the reception room, where It Instant
beimn to lose ground. A^hoi artillery
yearn for a corresponding period,
became tbe centre of attraction. Ue took
fusillade aka kept up
Mrm. May In to dlnner.'Ambasttdor Hoy amounting to-m. against :« last week.- unUI at..<ut noon, when the Greeks on
taking It.
* wrr In tbe week one year ago. (24 In the
the blf hill commenced to retire In orwe^ In
1M In ISM. and 21» in INE
rted ' derty fashion, but ••
at ......w..double (julck. The
rtfinnr ' There
mere were ss
SS pusiness ranums r^xpneo
from tbe T'ornliTon of Canada, compared!; Turks w«^ not firing at them and■ w
!*•»«»> «
wei-k. « m the we«k one Apparently Ignorant of their auccesa.
UlaaHot run
- -Tbe .Irregulars tried In vain to ase
of DeUw ai^. The lord bishop of Lon- “**
idst'lhe Gre<-ks by firing at the advanc.
doh. In a'fellc-------fellritioos speech ----------proposed
' —
ing Turks: and In fact throughout tbe
health of the pr«>rident of the United
they were
BUtea Nenton Cmnetoasted the guen '••wayor<
valueless. At 12:4S p. m. the Turks ataaritoBcfweUa.
ot the- evening.
Ambasaador May
u May E-The faUure of j Ucked the big MU with musketry and
ecrdUlly applauded all bU eulogies of
shell fire. 1 and another correspondent
take pabllr
Ito action
on . received n volley and five shells very
Rayard/ During the presentation o( the .
loving cup. which Is In the
_ form of a
' close to ua. besides ehrapneB wbUiUng
by a bust of Bay- | «aual ocaidiUan of affalri. There la no ; o^pHicad.
Several shoia reacBM the
DCAtt. AMlItoet aaS A
krer bMe caliadto Uw tact that 'yon
eaBsetaitbeOmtSMee (eur stare)
iwtd Deal Uka the, Oae at mawaleaOrsphs Wato Kat I'a It from the aiart—
affec^- Bayard, on rtelng to ry>ona
to Crane s aentlmr-nts. ;w grmed w»n
a storm of applause. He st^ke for an
hour, ilowly and ImpreMlveh. _
narh AWreiUBate Ki^oa*
Be said In part: There Is nothing
we desire to conceal except a gtrange
ahamefaoedness that tempts ua to r«atik'ln the lo^ each feels for the other;
.** there
_____ never should be a strain r\f
41oubt as to that aEecilon between the
heads of the two awntries. ' No man
feelsthlsmnreibnnmymusirtous succeanor. H I was ever wonh a button you
luv. Ho. . l»ii« hullon to put In mr
Idup. 1 rtlolo. In ntr .uc«~nri for b.
»*. o f.lr
I h»v. «ltr.>. wupht
__ InW.irf
----------- «l^™U>Mb*t
—---------- -----there was no cause of quarrel betwwn
the two nations, and alter a few words
.ot graceful and touching farewell con
cluded with a happy reference to the log
Ot the Mayflower. _____
aadeoarvaaelng. tllPraalBt.
taal ACaettea aT tkm Two Oaaatrtea
•K'.rro/’S. ss
at >B fVaai -ireel. up .lalra^k>B SALS OB TRADE-A gn la4
JT ly bicyrie forSWor vlUiraAe
--1re«I»ek Box IB.
TJiompson, The Artist
will make tliT^ grade eau^n^l^^
g^^Tatcr prmfMltoM BpUb. Be sara to
Ever Burned Out ?
-New Ideas kn-
Fancy toilet Articles.
.^lon, or that the treaty has
rejected, or that the defeated
treaty was dlfferwjt from the one originthat Is known offl.
concluded by
: gepreiary Olney nnd Blr JulUn Pauncegenate. It then went
to the
mts made and i
final action
? ent the Greeks from sending rvtnforce' ments t* their bn. where the TuiAs
i were rapidly ascending the Mil. The
i Greek batteries on the right wera now
uaclcas and almost sUent and the Turka
on the Larissa
Larisas road made no attempt
-Pretly EffeoU into attack them. At 11:45^ p,
P m. the at' |a«k on the right of the Cyr
became severe. The Oreeha.........
■ m htl) retreat, the lrrvgulara> fleeing In
t all directions. At t o-tdock the imig
of the executive aesslon luneof Greek Infantry wnaretreating.tbe
permit the state departmeat or sktrmlsbers forming Into companies and
p^ttah governmeni to be notified as then falling Into a single file.
. BLA-RXa,
IkMpalr Baa lUwa tbe Uae.
-I bear that the retreat from the
li. itlvwi
ilae began somewhat earlier.
,{„ lo ,p„
w nai p„
nas p.„
oeen jnnt
none. .nfl m
and the retreat from Pharaaloe toward
t ^
rejected. | Domokos earlier slltl.
Desptir was
the senate never should make Its i doubtlem running down the line from'
action known tbe last oAcUl record on j
lo li^bt and Influenring the reaulL'
the treaty would be lu submlsalon to The rafiway was completely ahand<
tbe senate four months ago,
I ana the Pyrouphll station deserted.
I 0o‘c1ock the Evxoncs rcinated on
.kluL and the remainder of the castOae 1. Paltiwg PatoM ia i em Infantry to Almyroc. Tbe Turks
Kagland as to tbe Kagllab.
TU* rwaUlyk Pftod.
; burned the village of Deltltla. During
^ Baron Rowell. In proposing the'health
Hunut*Ula. Ala- May E—There Is a ; tbe morning the foreign legion entered
profound mystery at Jeff, a small town j the engagemenu. ppbbaWy beseem Union Drips, per gal....... 20e
ol'Ambaarador Hay, said: 'The United 'p,^,ouad
■ Rt'ates have sent us their be« men to n«r b.... Two mon.b. u- lortn.
Pb.rMlo. .nd Alv^ib.
Tb. ^rk.
.0.4 «uM>r« ■"pen to have.dHven back the Greeks Yellow Crawford Peaches i
, Tfpfteent tbeifa: and we have no doubt a pro^m tww sad
!„ong the line ^tending from PbaTUlos
that the chain
b>; continued unseveral meml^ra of Ms family. , ^
,urnlng tbe flank of the
per can............. . .
teoken. To Amltosaardor Hay we wlU ___numtor of tenants w^ p..|^^ | Veleatlno division at the CjnoieephaUe
to have l>«n the re^ Dried
give Ibe hearUest of wrioomea. for we This
------ was thought
-------rmnn* uo tn
Apples, Peaches.; ..
believe that be I* the harbinger of peace suit of AUa. Kelly careleesly .^lacing
tad good w^ll to all." This ibast was re-I potoon In a cupboard. Kelly died In
and Nectorines, perlh- :6c
calved with greet enthusiksm. <>3lonel i Intense agofly. A party of eleven sitting ,
Bay respnndtag said: ■=W^nyourchalr- I up w«b hU body were poisoned tbe
ntter meiiy
Kelly aieu.
died. now
Now n
It oogins
■ man kindly Invited me to lie present to- ;'night
night aaer
Brill>4i HMueofC
nlgbL and when Mr. Bayard added the ‘o appear «»«» there to a plot to poison
house of
T.ondon. May 8.—In
-kanulon of his own friendly requeet. J , the family. After breakfast m-ery one
ly Itj. committee of sup
could not but avaU myself of the Appw- i »ho had eaten became vhrtemly 111.
fotvlgn cffice allowance Bob• tnolty to ^ so dqUghtful an eventng I Eight negw and six whites were seriOF ALL KINDS
In your ccmjtony. I stipulated, however, i^ualF affected, and two may die. Among sen. UberaL moved to reduce tbe sal
t»at 1 was toTcome not In an official ca- ■ the Ui to a drummer from Cleveland. ary of the Marquis of Sallsliury. the
Bsrttv. but tknply as an American tern- Tenn.. who spent the night at Krilya
promler. by £500. foe-the purpose of
porarUy a resident la England and deBi^^oa tbe fUir Field.
t+lrtng a dthate on the eastern ques
atrbuB to add mr'^trihuie of regard to
Chicago. Mny E — Scores made on
your distinguished gum.
League base ball 'helds ymerday were hsd criticised the action of the governi al)(lys have Iw-en. and faijey I - as follows: At Pittsburg—Cincinnati E mom In the eastern crista the parllaw . d^lally
to Mr.
j Pittsburg 7; at Loutovllle-Bi. Louis 7. B.er»tary secretary for the foreign office.
•cry matter «>f public non- j Louj^vllle 11: at Philadelphia — Baltl- i George* N. Curaon. warmly defended
rn u(>on whici
*lch men of
'"•T ^ more IE PhlUdeliWa.
____ _______
at Cleveland—
Oeveland— ; Great Britain for her part.
part, In
lu the cbn
ifer: but U hiave always been happy •
aevaUnd •: at Boston— jeert. and blamed the provocation of the
id proud m bis friendship. I
Washl^on 0 Boston 4: at Brooklyn— Oreeka. aaytng that the altitude'of the
afarrd the pleanurr all bto friends
| Christtorts In Crete was due to the preeTork 7. biirooklyn E
taken In olwervlng tjte unexamplsd af
DetroU-C<»i.;.■enoc of theF Greek force. Curaon furWestern League
fection and popuUrtt>_whlchhebas
con,s. priroli 9: at Grand Raplds'i thcr said that the wlOidrawal ot the
quered In England. They are'sucte^ (-Indlanapolto 2. Grand Rapids 5t at 1 Turkish troops In Crete would be th^'
BbQsen aad Brostoa.
-o complete that they cm provokens^- j MjnneaixJto-MMwaukec E Minneapolis . prelude to a massacre of the Mussul
alnly no Im
er envy r
mulatiun. Certain!
Paul — Kansas city l8. 8L mans compared with wMcb the Armenmediate successor to Mr. Bayard trouM ' Paul 20.
ton maxsacr^ would sink Into Intigbe so injudicious as to attempt to rival I W'eatern Asaoriatlon: At 8L Joseph | Mflcance
bit brilllam career or to replace him in i —Ditbuque 1, 8L Joaeph 20: at Burling- ' Continuing. Curaon remarked that the
Cut Glass.
O- 9. OARTn AMoaX.
-Watch Repairing.
—Front Streets
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
See !-
Si Mi!
Early Vegetables
L lon^^-tojar
la. aasup.
. asB> aiie \x.csap
svbjw.u ww
"Nothing but dlsuter ^Id
| Quincy—Rockford E Qo1nc>- •; at Dea dawn of br*gbicr prospects for Crete.
such an altempL None but Utyosss
Regarding affairs In the main land ot
-Peoria E Des Moines E
could bPRd tbe txiw of LTIySwa Mr.
Gneev Curaotosald that there were few
AmOmt Ctolto AgaiMt the Haltaa.
Baysrd will alaays be remembered a*
persons who did not know on which
Poughkeepsie. N, T., May E-«evefml tide the provocation rested: buL he
cur flrvi amliasMdor. and all tbe more
has_ gained the affectionate months ago. In reeponse'to tbe appeal of
Mtecm not only of the government and ,‘Rev.
fv. A.
AndruA a mlsrioMfy ot
(he gvverning classes but also of the , oiarbeklr. Turkey, the sum of S»00 was I on tbe subJecL* The Turks he assened.
'massM of the people of tlfcse Islands ; raised In this city for the aid of suffer- ,.
. exercised consIderatUe .eir
! had
Since tbe great revolution In France, ,mg Armenia. Wort to .received' here 1,^1., accepted tbe rtiallenge and
which brought tbe people forward as • that bn the morning of Saturday. Mart*
had carried tlleto^^
tbe principal factor of soveelgnty tliere.
six Moslrins enterrt the yard of tbe
attitude towards the Greeks almost
tl has been the fashion of the klngt and j Protectant -Rptoeopal ^nreb at _8en, j *
mnpenira to eall themselves effipstWrs ! and aftsr miirderiRg Khowaga
and kings, not of Prance, but of the , Yonan. of Marffin, agent of Rev. Mr.
Jr like manner It would be | Andrus, atoU tbe tmtlre'ktnn. A« the
rot inappropriate to eall Mr. Bayart murtei
not so much ambasMdnr to Engdaad as .Jessed, but tbe money bsis not been (•- Marquis af Salisbury- was then rejected
ambasMdor to tbe BngUah. 1 join you turned.
> byjii vole of 168 to W.
In wishing him and his fiaaily godTarktoh Atroetty All^rt.
Wsro They VlcUtoaof tbs Ftref
London. Hay E—A dispatch to Tbe
Kaston, Pa.^ Msy E—The officials of
MtoblgsaftotoMtsAdJeanimay BL
the National Switch and Signal 'com Pally Chroblcle from Athens aaya:
Lansing. Mich.. May E-Threc Impor pany. whose works are located here, "Colonel Manos wires from Aria that
tant life Insurance bills were put to arc,alarmed for the safety of Presldnt tbe 'Turks have begun a wholesale
death throu^ the agency of advene Oajtlelgh Thorne and Mrs. Tborrre. who msttore of the Inbabltanta In the tnoommlttee reports In the senate. One
have been in Europe for- some time, tartor of Eplnu. Almost all the Inhabi
required every company doing hoslaess nwy wero due at Paris ra^Mooday and tants of the village ot Ranvarina have
in Michigan to have a restdent dtreeuw. were to have vlsHed the Charity Ba- been* murtsred. a few only escaping to
Another rvqu^ that at least 48 per*
From other
tber paits
oraL of the gross premiums collected In
Hava jour piaaaatunad bj our resi ea ace arriving at' Aria In tbe most mlsMiriilgan be Invcstetd In this sute. and
eraMe eoodltlon. begglug protedtloo tor
the third required that 2 per cenL of tbe dent tsaar. Prof. J. W. CUffe. Baud their husbands and children who are be
guarsBtth fund he deposited with the ordera to K. B. StropF^ Musk Blora.
ing murdered by tbe enraged Turkish
treasurer of this state aa a gusTantcc
troops. Many of thssc poor ereati
,fV pollcr-holdera. flie senate has also
BMBd tbe hOl Ibomsliig tts RisMfle tax
■ xgtg vOd .t>E A!baMl.<«saBka
IVbvaaaOUj 1
■ OalliMu.
I li
Hotel Leelanan.
ia enjoyed all the more when yon bnv«
iwetty • aerricc of ailverwnre to
make your table look iavitiag and a^
peMslng for, the motBing mcuL We
e bandeome berry seU aad table
silverware of all kinds. In new and
attractive dnMgas. at prices lower than
It was ever
at befm.
GAMNEH BROS., Jevtien.
Tak« Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy,
rwk^tiMt, brtwm Fnxt S Sw.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
' ^’r-^y^.3
Mial rickets hRMicri Rites.
I hu Tlolla,
Banjo, QpUar. Cello aad f
■ ^ First Class Day Boari
Special Rates by ttfe Week.
Boom e, OOP Opsca Bonw Btoeh.
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