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The Morning Record, August 13, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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^entoiAx. rAn»
Pint Twr—Ko. 87.
sn.Bvx>is rASASi or rsAXSBJTAl. BBOnSBBA. ■
B«ml«aee mnd Oonoqrd ApproprUMIy SsttBpMcd.
It WM FofwtM' dtj, ud Coart
TtswM kM fMOon to be prood of
dedleaUtm of Ui^ bMotifal oew boiM
is tbe Btooek Uoek.
YwtenUy wm oa idMl d*7 for the
profT»B mopped oat by tbe oomalttom
Mtd ttw
exactly M ploBUd.
. Fromooriymoraloe aUl after mtd___ joBdeoramittew
ly to moke tke’ofloir.
♦ peat owitood ^eir effort*
crowned with o^endid oneeeeo
At noon prepnrotioot for the pnmdc
wm oommeneod. The orrlrol of. the
•po^ train from Mo&iotee obont ten
oTeloek. bronght 0 lOTffe oninber tr«D
ttet ^Uee ood eerrrol eoock load*
<i«m OedUloe. whieb were tiaoeferrod
from the has oibor road. Abont 3t&
potaooa eame la on the train. TbU
crowd waaoweUedlorrely by eotaUer
parUee from all direetioaa ‘nio Ui|r
«^dalefati0B eame from CadUlae. eon-,
^^ting of 71 roreetera and obont 1*5
wthera. The ooaru of OadUlae. Mantotea, Prankfort. Boat Jordan, kfarion,
GopemUh sad other point* ware all
UberaUy raiweaented aad the following
dUategniehed offloare were preeanV
High Chlaf Banger M. V. Oalloghan.
Band CUy. Pmi High Chief Baager
Tkad Dm. Detroit; Paet Part High
XAM Baager Lae E. Joelya, Bay Qty;
High Vloo C%ief Banger .John L.
SMrkweathar. Borneo; Hi^ Seoeteiy
Jfiba <%embeni. Port Baron; High
ireaearer O. H. Taggett, Cairo: Bl^
Phyaieian O. N. Moon. BoweU; Bigh
Oaane^ R. J. tteDoaald. Moekegon;
etala Orgasiter A. A Week*. Oraad
BaphU; Btata D^ty Pkeehbaaar.
The Bigh Ooart oSldale arrired on
the i«i O. B. A 1. train, where they
were met by the offleere of Court .Tre»aiee end the exeentire board of tht
dedioatlon. The Boy'a Band neelred
the party as they alighted, with
etraine of iaepiring moeie. and the
• gaeeiB
eaoorted to
tampie batwean Unee of ForeMeia
eletiBg of the Trarene City, HaaUtee
aad'OodiUec coort*. the'parade wa»
formed immedietiy efter and slartod
from the Broeeh block la the foUowlag
pnnw Chief Baager Orrnyatekha. la
whk^ hearty oangratalationt
tfiarterrd Oonrt Trarena, and ragrata
at hie
.Short addnmA were meda hy Past
High Chief Bangar Lee E. Joalya, moe
Bigh Chief Baager J. L. Starkweather,
Bigh Treanrer O. A. Taggett and High
PhyddanO. N. Moon
State Organlear Weeka made an impreeeirt addram also, in which he paid
a glowing trihata. to the memben of
Court Trarene aad to the G
of Fonatan in the city. Be gara e few
•tetixUoe which showed the total
bersMp of thr order to be 1*0.000. l*,oeoof whWhanenrdlle&latto ooarte
in Michigan. Be daelirm that Court
TraretM wae ftnt in enthndeem and
onlyaeoondin nomben to^ny coort
la the Suia.
Oaeofthe plaeaaaat aad
lag featnrca of the afternoon wee an
addrem hy Mie, Stewart of Grand
Bapidt. who was the flnt to Inaugonte
the moeement which led to the eatebUabment of the ordw of the Compaolone of Foreeten ia Michigan. Mn.
Stewart epoke in eioqoent term* of the
work of Coart TiaTeno la being the
thlrdlntheeUtetoarganlaean aaxUlary. She urged the Foreeten to path
the work of mganlxiag ooarte of Companione aad in eondneien reatared the
hope that High Chief Baager Cnln^iaa
woald BOOB take a oompaaion for life.
From this one would iafar that the
highchlefraagerisa aUgte man and
the xnggaetlon 01 Mn. Stewart waa aeeondedlqr the andienca-^Tbat official
hlothed like a echoolb^ in Us fint
lore affair, and arose to remark In
tnmbUagacoenta that there an Umes
in OM's Ufa when one would nther be
alone, and this was one of thoae time*.
Past Bigh C^f Bangar Daaa-*lao
gara a few Um(ly nmarks which wan
followed by Bml A. Fleschhanar.State
Deputy, who gare an entertaining addnm and seised the oppartunl^ to.
plunge Bigh Chief E»nger Oalaghaa
into further hnmiUatien by announc
ing that if then wan any ladiea in
Tneene Gty yearning for dUtlncUon
a* the oompankB of a Ugh chief ranr
■ Mr. Calaghau wa» a csndldato for
domestic enjjymenm. ThU ebeerratkm
made kr. Calaghan blush a deeper,
rosier hue, but he n
unkind cut that Mr. Fleiachhauer was
ember of the Pingroe • legislature
and that what be esld might be oonslderad with the same degree of Inter
est as the aetd of that laU lamented
Theee happy remarks concluded the
program in the open bouae and after
the aanouoeement that an Inritotlon
bad beea extended to the rlalUng For
eeten to rlsli the acyinm. the meeting
adjourned to the Umpie, where the
dedication ceremoolce took plnoe.
i J
A Oama of Intsnac BsUtaaent In
•WhiA the Oalta Varrowly Baeapad
■hut-OuV-Untimaly Btron in the
Binth Inning Oarc Then a ^itaiy
Boota-ITno WoA by B^Tca^
Than wen happy people anUn^e
that wen not ao happy, at the «dcM of
yaetorday'e gama Among the joyous
onn wen the memben of the looal
baae ball team. And they bad good
reaeoh to be glad. For aight etralght
Innings did they play without an anw.
and kepp the young men from Manis
tee from making a single ecorc, aad
had It not beea for a lltUe group of erron in Ue ninth—but let thel go. Two
nmee ont of three are not ao had.
Of the iadder dnee. probably the
moat melancholy waa Frank Quinn,
who for the flnt time took hie bumps
from Tnnrse Gty. Then were also
some unhappy onea among the large
II] I!
,teh< b, 11, huJ «UU« Colu.
For the production of milk, but ^en the
sun shines bright you want good curtains to
darken the room. See on'r new stock, from
10c. up to the very best. -
Bon. G. Q. OoeaU was in Saasan
Be*. Ueo. Cramof Boekferd. is rhdting the dty.
Marcus Uort of Buttons Bay wi
the city yeeterday.
J. W. Murray, agent of the F. A P.
M. at Manistee, was ia the dty yestarday.
Ben Bonky and 6oL Praeeot. came
up from Oedlllee yaeteedey toeejoy the
*■ *■ Se>i°o«r. dnli ol U» Drailua,
W.Uln. touiri >
mJr ire uUUriii kiu
Cows arolnd^nsible
««>ii.pu.l.a bj Hn. S^mour.
E, “"'I-
•< “■«“ -b" ““ »p
Bsv. E A. Well* b aatertnlnlng Rev.
enthuee the fans.
- Bunt held np bU end et.lhe battery Watford P. Law of Grand Raplda
work in ea unasusUy flna maaner. and Mr Law wiU occupy the pulpit of tbs
Epbcopal church aext'Suoday.
bis sBek we* in eoeeptable erffieaoe.
Lea Calmaa was twelve yn
Wilhelm was back ia the g»me and
a* full of ginger, and as ttVkj as a Wedaeeday. aod about UUrty of her
er-oIA His second base play young triands were servnd with a daiqty epread in honor of the occasion.
es perfect.
Dsita and A. L.
Parke was once mon et hit old peel- „J. ^M. Longneckarof
ibers ef the
tion in left Add end the way be pnllad |
’em down was a reraalatlon. He hit Oral' Wood' Dbh Ca. are in the city
hard, too. a'double and a dagla. In apon bnaineas coanected with the comfour times at bat, being hb ahan of paay. oomUned with a liute pleasnr*.
Neal Dempsey. B. L. Smsen, WUi
BuU did nice work in hie garden, A. Walts. Mr. aad Mia. Max Banmaa,
and led the team with the etiek. mak Harry Hersbarg aod J. S. Dempsey
ing tbiM clean einglea' Carey's baa* came np on the special from Manbtee
rnnaing was et a high order, also, aad to see the ball game aad enjoy the
Farqpter*' fcatiritlea yesterday.
a flue bead-flrat elide to the pUte
■sa-HiSKEll’S B00OTBE,-ar
You Take Half
W* take half—that's our ent<-priee story on what's left in
Ladies’ Suits,
Ladies’ Summer Capes,
Child’s summer Reefers.
Special and Extraordinary Values in Ladies' Shirt
Waists and SUfc Waists.
Jlsw FaU Stuff coming in every day now. a
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
The Frlncesa Barber Shop.
Norotay got after Quinn, too, and
When you want a light, easy shave
but for Gleason’e clerer work in centra or an artbUe hair cut. drop in at the
would have hadone mcca hit to Us Prinocas, 3rd door west of Bowl Wbiling. No vraitlng. Three first clsss
**^he Colu fielded weU. Hayi
O. E Bxui-s.Prop.
first base demonstiatad the tact that
he b valuable at any old place.
An BxhJbition ofFins Olothiag ^li
Tlbald did some g^ work at second, be made st our store tdday by Ueo.
notwithstanding the two arrore credit HlUar, represenUng M. Kolb and Sons.
An opportunity for all to see the aew
ed to him.
fall styles and place an order for fall
Another one of Manbtee's fast doub suit or orareoat.
>5 tf
lUiCt.TOi CuiTOlxe Oo.
le play* was made by Quinn. Ttbald aad
To the crippled condition of
Fox made a great catch of Ad
The Opening
the times we consider it|onr
short fly over third base, whan ao
..of the..
expected him to reach it.
duty to inform you that,
Mayor, aldermen ^ dsy ofBeiale, in
Haynes and Tlbald
tour UU ot
quality omsidered, our........
High Ooart and other Offiocra ia ear- GBVBBAl, HABT WUOi BXXXBS theflveUUeredltadtothe.OUto, two
each. Basman made the ether.
From Beard, of Trnetaea Mortbaea
Another feature of the game oeeured
Traearw City Fire department. Engine,
Kicblgaa A^nm.
in the fonrth Inning when the CoIU
boee carte and apparatoe, lod by
The Maabtee New* of last erenieg were retired on three Uteked ball*.
Chief of the Deyartment. John
tvit the fist one aad flew to
Beanle.and Amiatent Chief.
Sour is the cheapest you can
•■The noon mall carried a letter to Parks.' GleneoH also hit the first hall
B. J. Fal^em.
Coort Logan. No. SW. of CadlUac,- 71 the execuU*e office at Lansing and wUl pitched sad U* foul fly was caaght by
A word sbonld be aaid of the good
Ooart Traeane. No. tit, US metnbara Geo. A. Hart of thU dty ha* Wnderad
hb radgnadon-as a. mambar of . the work of the rooters on the blsachers.
Menbace of the ooort of ManUtee.
board of trustees ot the Nertheni Mich- Tksy kspt the player* aad everyone
OOeare of Coart Trarene.
Jgaa Asylum,
els* joUled up in good ehape from eUrt
TbwOoat. OB a dray.
-la conrersatloa with Oen. Hart thb to finish, and IfanyrooUng waadone by
Followed by carriage* of Oompenlooi
•f Foreeten from rleiting ooarta and morning the New* aseertained that the the friends ot the vblton It wasn't to
rsmsoDB for the rsalgwtion were owing be beard. Everything .was good
the local oonrt. ia earriagca.
George B. CTNeal waa otarehal at the to preming budnem aatten aad the aatarod and It U a part of the game
I neceaeartly tensamad. Hr. Hart that hadn’t been properly done before
day end hie aide* were W. W. Fairwaa appdotedby Oo*. Bleb and bis thb
Was a'Cracker Jack
child and C. Chadwick.
The BueUan started off in the first
The }ine of aerch waa at foUowa: time did not expire natil IMO. Be hasProat Btreet to Union, Uaioe to Eighth. been an energetic worker on the board inning with one nan on hlU by Bull
The only drawback being
Eighth to Cnee. Cam to mate. Stale to
Is what j'ou will observe in everything in our New Meat
b In a flourishing condltka."
In theaeeond. Noeotay went'out oa we could not wait on all the
n fonl fly to Klnmond. Snifka reached trade. The following remark
Market in the Brosch Block.
to Front and th«o wcat to Steinberg's
Shir Boeters From Abroad.
first on Tlbald's error. Hunt singled, so
Grand Opera Bonae.
was made by many at our
Among the dbtlagabhed fata- rooters did Hua and Koon scored. BuU tried
The line rMcbed the bell after the
parade, eboat *:4S. ead the marehera fm- the Manhtee Oolta, who came here
entered Steinberg’s Grand Opera Bmee, to see the game yerterday was a party thrown to the plaU to get Snifka. but dale I like to attend."
where the Tlellon were welcomed and who regbtei^ at Park Plaee like thb; Klnmond was too quick tor him and ha uine stuff—this is no fake and
the keye ef the city eorrenderad.
if you are not^uited you get
I{paa the piatforra ware the Mayor, sey. Japan: HettU Dempsey, Heath soored. Twornoa
city oBWele, Bigh Ooart oBecra, local Africa: Mra W. Denning, Sooth Sea . Poor runs, two ef them earned were your money without a kick.
. eoarttHlBeeta and exeentire board, aieo tslanda They were paeuliarty aUent made in the seventh, hy good clean Sale will continueuntil further
daring rite gams, axoapt at farcrad in- Uttlng and pratiy base running.
aeraral Oompaatone of Foreatera
Snifka. tha first man at 'the bat, nodee./________________
The Chief Banger of Ooart Trav- lerral*.
faU belors Quinn's eurres; than
area. P. C. QU^ praMdad aad Mayor
*^oop Factory Frqjset
Bant lined the ball to the fenoe
W. W. HmUh'dMlTUedtheaddnm of
Calkins A Bwift will the firm name
Lumber Company, We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
waloome. in behalf of the dty. Mayer of a new hoop factory soon to be eraei- too hard for OImsod' and land
ed on bag twa. Hull Ut for a baae
lock Lumber. Snrfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Smith reeelred the Forertare with nap
Bay street. Barrels, Uh* and firk
py word* and la aarTasderlag the keye in* pill be manufactured. B. Swift and Bunt scored. Wstkins singled sad
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. MiU Machinery, of alt
stole eedbnd: Wheeler reaahad first
ot the dty. ttatad that that waa as
here from Big Baplds. and the
descriptions, irtcluding 2 Engines. Set WorkA Carriages
• aaaagimc ry oeramoBy. ae the city bw other member of the firm b Geo. Calk whan be Ut to TlbaU and BUly threw
tp the plsU to cat^ BaU. who slid in
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
longed to the rteitore already by right ins, the well known local barker.
safe. Whaalar stole asoood
OUoage MarkeT
and scored whsA'Park* Ut for a base.
High Chief Baoger Oilbwt welw
Qdeage, Aagnat ll-Wheat-Aegas^ WUbelm flew out to Tibald and Basthe visits Foreatera ia behdU of
Coart Trarene la an aloqnant iSdCW. 8*M«: Saptamber, Ubc; Deeambar; jaaa threw Adama out at first.
®3CTENSlVfc NEW LINlb OFThe vbltors'ran was made in the last
which - iaaptied the aodienee witb >: Mbo.
inning. Glsaaoo got to first oo Adams’
eenOMt of the ooriUelity of their tflow throw to Tony, want to second on
*7Kc: Deoembar. »MA
17Mc; Seplamber. Haynes' aingia. to third whan Whaalar
e to the addremm of weldropped tiia throw in, and aeorad whm
oome was made by the Bigh Chief B«> l«b« Oetobar, I6ba
Good goods at Low Pric^
PoA—Augnxt. r-Kh Baptsmbar. Snifka dropped Mtcaen’ fly. That b
g«ofMkUgaa.M.M.Calaghea, who
imie'imiil the eadleiwe wiU the feet r.ao; Oetobac. r.i*.
our motfo.
^ A
Lard-AugMt, St.U; fieptambar.
that Trarana City hoapitamy waa set
To* Cm AHmy* »• MFr to—
— to Mm. aa be had baea hwa •i.U: Oelotar. M.M.
Barley-Cbah Mo. A WH«Ma
Men n^ knew what a waleome in
M«ae atf mtaat Mr- aUghaa Rye CiMh. dflO; Bipfbar. fieMd
T, J. Host’s^
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.
If You Have Logs to Sell
H33, $498, $5.3»
Crasli Hats, to oiose....... 29c
—School Shoes
14 Off 01 all Taa Calorad Sboes from tUs data.
vend atMegnphln mwomn from Sa-
FOfmltf caotUff.
snrAsoB BAmrjv taobt
Wu VnAad »■ Vortbrn Uwr* Pf
I«k» Sapartor.
TEAvrasEcnr. - uiCH)pAJ<
Port Arihnr, ObU. Anf- 12.—Aa
■MD pubt Comaaebe. wiU Senator M
A. Sanaa and part; os board, U aahm
Tmm. T. Batw akd J. W. Baxvwk. acKSewbar* In tbe
dlatriet of
tbe Bortham ahore of Lake Snperior.
J. W. Baxxui. Editor ud ttMMgv.
Tbe boataaenulnaarioiiadaecar ai
a Ula«raa calUnr <or aMlataiwe aaka
that wrec^lnf ti«a and a Ii(bUnr be
aent at onoe, Tbe talactam waa aant
fma Niplfoa, a itatloo on tbe <>aadUn Paei&e.
The place Vbere tbe paefat eame
Cm aieuLtlnm d^ter U of a rockp foraatios. 1
nbanaal beinf dattad with sanp aaaU
lalaada: It U oonaiderad d
water dor anp exoept experienced
■t ttwm citf,
•d «t
FmuAm M
A tocapr for tiM pn
waUMdaUiMMM iM u i
A preacher of that auw
koaeta of baring perforated marriase
aarenoolee for t.bOO eonplea, and also
ftoclea ia the fact that not a oingic di
vorce esit haa reanlled from theae nnMrooanaioaa Tbe
U ao bapt>p over thia eeriaUe rec
ord that be haaorganiied a aocletp of
tbe famiUea thua created and it U hia
parpoee'to extend the good work,
laobeotthoaetet '
when be aeea i
not beritate to ^b it along. AU of
which will meet with naiTeraal ap
A,d Pthm Hripftil .liirtnictton
eiaaad Before Taaehaa..
upon their totercet aad energy ia pro-vidlng themeelvea with aaoh a hand*,
some end eompUte home, whieb tber'
T. f. BOAT BSOMIVBD IK* HOST anBoaneedaa one of the beet-la the
■0. a. Paris Won the Bicpole and Kra
dohn Bennie the Embleaaatlo Bing—
Hnmbera of Ticket. BnUtUag Hold- •harp Advance to Prtoe Testerday
Oiealed XxcHexnenL
era to Fitm*-Tb* Fair Oioned wltix
Cllioaga, Aug. II.—There la great exOtaod Banquit and Balltoment iu wheat today. Tbe reeelpto
' The grand fair and dedicate of
re large but tbe trader* are 'excited
and they talked a dollar for wheat.
In a hUae of glory. Tbe ball
In the ^ aft
brilliant aneoem and the rialUng High
mU. A reaetloa
Court oBicera wBie oonapicuooa
the honored gneata. Thermnaic of the of lE^'toUowed. Extenaive i
I to aad the Septa
Ideal orcbmira eloclrifiod the dancers
and ihemaaeeof the waltt aad gj^ op^ was bid np from 81H to M
eighu and qaarten without any
tiona of the quadrille wore thoroughly
eejoyed bp an Immenee company. ^ tioA. When 84 waaWd the in
hall was tented to lU Vtoat^paetty
> a*K
and the event waa one of^^ ai^eceeaea which
followed hf reaeUem to
of the ecnaoa.
The bnalaem of the baxar wm* eon
eluded earlier than the other depart
ment# beeanae of the neceeaity of
clearing the hall for the daneera. but
with prayer by Eev. W. A, Frye.
ti.e other bootim did a thriving trade
Him Marah look np •' PareeoUga." during all the evening. The b^quet
The chief thought inrher talk waa Ip connection vrith the Imll
that the almple workahonld.aalntnu:- c-..palderable aliracUon and the gueeta
tiona, be automatic. She alao.ahowed had the double oleaearo of dancing and
the proper uM of the chart along thia earing at will. The featt was under
tiie aupervUlon of Sam Eller, chef at
lina of work.
In her cUbb in Language aha dl^ I'w^k i'iaot . aad waa ftnely aerved.
eumed the uae of tbe picture aa a baaia
The voting oonuato created Intel
{ot Ungnaga work. She ataied that lu'ereei lou'nrdB the eloae. that
the axprcaakm of eorrect form ahould tiiBcaoe'belag the moat aplrited. Tbe
Tkb tie formed between the popn' be auiemailc. and explained the'way cotfteat waa p'acllcally between Sem
Itete and demoeimUiaOhiolaet antomn of obtaining thU reaulc
Oarltsd aud T. J. Boat, thelormer at
In the afternoon a Urge clam waa in- l':c head of ibe Mawnlc fraternity and
baa been terered. The middle of the
road faction of the people*# party hare leraated in another Ulk on •' Nature the Utter of TraveraeCUy Tent. “'No.
sanballed tbair forcee and hp an orei< Wc«-k."i.The principal thoughu '
fc?:,K. O T. M..aotlPeoelvod«Olvoiea
whelming majoritp named J. S. Coxep the way to atndy animala, the ccWMc- pad (iarland ST-J.
dor goremor. TbUoomlnatloB aonnda tion between regeuble and animal life,
The emblemi^le rli^ waa won by
Che death knell of free eilter in Ohio and the proteetire eoloration Of ani- Hr*. John Bernle, ptoriding ofUoerof
ita dMtinp, howevor bright in. the maU The reaaost given for the Unt the Cimpsnionaof Foreatera. She rehakpoa dape of Brpan. ha# now been thought were that aalmaU were eol- e ;ved U8 votea agatoai 87 for Mru. W.
ored for ^oaeealmenw aa the Polar B. Thacker. Conmander of Traveree
Tax acUTlty manifeated in the wheat bear. Tbe eame prineilde U alao Ime Bay Hlvo. No. 71. L. O. T. M.
The tocye’.o voted to the most popn’ aaarket y«terday. in which the price throughout eegeUble life.
In the morning Profemor Hoyt held Ur reUtl merehaat was won by C. S.
per hnahel monnted to aearlp M oeata,
I6f agaimat Charlee
krefTwhingto^the farmer who baa hia regnlar ciaae In Uteratnre. conUa- Cvl* by,a vote
learned what it is to anffer the bard, ning the atndy of the " Merefaani of R.jaenthiri «ho roerived VB vote#.
Number lot wgs the gold mounted
ebip el raial
In the dkmea in geography and hia- pipe, the ticket for which wae .held by
al for SO cenu, when the coat exceed*
e ftqniaitioB of new territory. Cbarlm brown of Manbteethat fignre. 'New there ia a proapeet tocy. theC
rentlona were tbe
•bat tbe labor expended hp the agrieal. and the recent
Following are the arUclea not claim
ed and the anmbera of the tlckeU;
taial toUer will reap iu jnat reward.
Atmt tbe middle of tbe afternoon
Pair trowtera. ItT; Knivra aad forka.
Tkn ateam paebt Coi
the InaUtaU enjoped •» old-faahioned 2M; fiahaet. 276: hemaUtchedlinen mt,
bore Senaug Hare Banna and a dle- aoelling match, inetead of the regnlar 2M: eeatrepleee. 1?S: ailk crnxy quill.
tiagniahed partp upon a cmiae into MBOB in writing.
837: oomforteble. 312: canarp. 30a: gold
iwrtbem water#, waa wrecked peaterTbe afternoon wan cloeed with a talk ForeatoTB’ pin. 414. Holder* of iheee
'Jap on the ahure of lAke Superior. on Pedagogy and Seb
numberacao aecure the prlaea by ap
Tbia touat net be taken aa a foreboding
g 1 by Proleeeor Hoyt.
plying to tbe oommiitoe.
.1' .
jj,.,_____ ___________
enrolled aiaee
Of the Tutnre of tbe aenator'a poliUcal
- .The _additioiial
Tbe number# wbicta call far other
chance# in'Ohio. .
Tueedey evening are LUUe Horton. prixea and which have not pet been
Monroe Center: Lydab Croakblte. presented are aa follow#:
t in Cali£oraia Kingatey; Belva Ghering. Old MImloo:
UI7. t07». 1099. lOM. 1078. 1101, lUB.
Jnringthe pnat few dnye preeent e»- Lulu M. Johneoo. Mapleton; E*teUa |
ngj. 740. BM. 332.
idence that the depoalU in that eUte Schneider, LilUlnEMUler.AnlceReyIIIO. ■ 7S2. 716. »8,
300. - have not pet been exbauated. If thia Bolds,MomcNWham.dIbertS. Foote.
140*. '084, 1*30. 1048. 1133. 881. 18B0.
la Une of California it map be atlll tme Bdua aapp. Ada Smith. LltxU A. Olda
170*. 14SM, 881. 1082, 1887.
Of other BUtea, and tbe eharma of the Litrie Parmalee, Edith M. Glbhe. Agam
17»T. mt. l*».
ItOO. 1S82. 1*60.
'Klo^lke and the Yukon map notbeaa Fiaher, Rose E. Birmley. TraveraeCi^
1*62. 1386. 11*9. 1*«, 1I8S. >3«. 1672.
’.pUnring aa heretofore.
nVT. l«*7, 313. ns. fllB, 104*. OPt.
2S*8. 86*. 569, $19. 106. 617. 409. 641,
1648, 690. 1778. 987. 1437. 1*8, *56.
Pioeceutor J. J. TWeddU waa forced Pelnta Tblted Bp J. ▲. Koatagsa 1663. 1416.. 640, dM. 676.
678. 3M.
and Person Their Oralaa.
to leave hU oflloe pwtsrdap 6a aeoonnt
tJ7. 961. 61*.
686. 766,
1818, 1634. 036. 1646, 931.
J. A. Montague nad paiV returned ISIS.
Jamee C. Hill haa aoid hb' aeeond today from their thirtoenth annnnl
1817. 866, 167.-814. *78. 408. 174J.
bnad furniture alore on Beat Frost erublng trip la northem water and 1441, *70. 1013. *56, 38*. 16«. 868.
they all nnite in proclaiming thb to he 633. 94*. 968. 1?«. 978. 1606. 961,
one of the pleeeaateet axparieaeee they 1714, TOT. 763. 1*63. 1317, 84. 1463.
boy at their home peaterdap morning. hare yet had.
ITS*. 780. 60. 1171, *7. 1*76, 411. 1*61.
The lad weigh* tea poands and baa
The partp oonabUng of Hr. Monta- UM. 706. 1038. 08*. 908. 1031, 1189,
gne. hUtwo ponng eona; B rl and Her- 6M. 823. 764. 411. 498, mO,-1447. 1746,
179*. 916. 1596, 109*. 1*95. *66.- «91.
Oco. W. Hall and farnHy we
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
than plesned laat night, theb grandaoa Inetltate. Chicago, and Omer Qroreos 1606.
LewbS. Hall of Detnrit. ateppad off of Kokoaw. Ind., left Trnveree City
July M InJfr. Mmtegiie'B sloop pa^t,
Inat'a night'# C. A. M. tmia.
Jariiee 8. H. Brown hna aneored the Onswa, and after a abort atop at
north eeet comer of Front nad JUrk
naehed DeTonr the Uird
Opeood by High Oonzt Otfioen.
etreeto, from hb brother. W. L. Brown, dap out. Tbe next point of interia exebnuge for n bonne nad let on eel rialted was Brace Mine#; old
ily after tbe ad‘
la the
to the Grand Opera Bones. The
The trinl of Alexander Stewart and
FbH Morgan, who ware arrented on ship channol at the 800 bronght them room# w«e throoged with people and
eharge of inmping their bpard Wll et to Mimaaaugda. where between the thMO was aearedy room to turn, while
Vm Pangboin Hotel, hae hewn poet- roeka mfe harbor* abound. One«f the the booth* and voUog contmta k^l
poeta of the Bndaon Bay Trading Co. allver pleem to eonaunt exchange. It
posed for two weekn.
to aUll malotainod her*, and if to the
four o'clock
On aeeouBt of Un membrre of the
only Uaee left of tbe wild and romantic were eompleU for the de^leatkm,
Bnanah Riflee, employed at tbe baaket
life of tbe fnr traders two hnndred
When everything waa to readioem
factory, being enable to get off. the
of th* ofiloer* were occu
sompanp waa nnnhle to parUeipate in
joyed a trip through the Spanish River pied by <^Uf Banger P. C. Gilbert.
the Fereeteia' parade peaterdap aftervriU it* thoomnd or mora «f tolauda. Vice Chief Ranger F. D. North, Paat
whose ^ctnrmquc beauty far exeeeda Chief Banger John Jump and Chaplain
i of twenty that of tbe world famed Thonaaad tatA Wepcle party'ec
A. E Fox. After order waa aecurad
psaag people from the aeplnm. took a ands of tha St. Lawreaoa. Bythtotlme
the BUUoa* were vacated to favor od
fSB ont to ^t Bap >eeterdny after
of the Onawa were quite tha High Court oSleen who work to
mm. They report the beet time of ready to welcome elvUiatlon and ao ooadnet the oeremoniea, aa foUo<Mra:
dim iisinn Light retreehmonb w*e made a stop at Little Ourront. on ilroat
High Chief Ranger CaUghan. High
amrad and garnet Indolgad In.
. where. At the only Vice Chiet^gw Starkwaather. High
Among the good attiacUoae to be drug/etore In the OeorgUs Bay region, Chaplain t-leachhaaer and Marrital A.
seen to Stelnbargb Grand following JihS* refreshed the inner man with Uc A. Woeka.
the OoeWtv ntmimmoan xarbeop<
cream Boda and klndrod luxnriea A
The Beralda were as foUows: bat,
MIMtloa. wm be the .WUllnm Owen delightful mU hack on the ontaide A. V. IMedrich; Weat.C. Pybnaj NorUi.
Oaapanp. which appeared here laat
ge brought them to the fam- Allen Smith: Bonth. W. W FalrdiUd.
eeanon, and Newri Brothetu with a fint
fiahtag grounda of Lea ChenThe dedication waa formally oon;.
slam oomedy company.
where they cajoyed life for ducted acoOrdtog to the ritnal and tbe
The regnlar meeti^ot the-V-CT. a few day*, taking in MackiiUe laUad
eedlnga were totoreetiag to every
C. will 'be held at the botne of the <» the trip home. -They reached Old body prmeat- When the temple waa
Mtmee Chapin. 822 Wnehington sb
Mimion. ennhnrned aird. happy, t*ed- declared open for tbe parpoem for
thia aftenoon at 2;S0 o'clock. Tbt* neaday afteraoou and dropped anchor which it wn* dedgned, by tbe High
prill he a Motberb mqefir'g and all
harbor ymterday. The Chief Ranger, the r-*^-— --------Bother# and those tot«s^ in the weather tbroughont tbe trip ifu de■ to the I
govemmeat of children a^pocUily l^btful. and nothing nopleamtin the
be riaittog
'Inrited. Mn. N. E. Strong, leader.
way of aeeldent m advratnre occurred
>rud to the aayhim. where
j; M. Wattn of tbe Inland l^lnt re- to caet a thadow over the ^ree week** they were shown through tbe inatltoUon by Dr. Mnimon.
•ert, brou^t the fog bora of hb yacht outing.
Profeaeor Orosaon left ymterday for
Xmdp Watte over to the haU game pew
The new tomplc was gieatlT admired
terdnp aad employed H. W. Canning- Chicago, tout bto hrother wiU rataato by the rialton akd was denlarad to be
ham to grind it In the grand atand, for a few dey* with Mr. Montegne, aad a fitting moanment to one of tha very
vUeh Canningtem did to the qaaes'i wiU endranr to Add to Ua lanrala as a hett oonila to the SAtira aUto. Itoe
Mr. Watti Malma the oradH of folMimiBhyoajtoutogafowblgraln- dtottogutobedofieara freely enagratntoowndrateerntraM.
toted the membere of OosM 4*aveiae
erinalsg the game.
nte w«e opened
_____ _
I y S,
Wtwanllo sell the balance
of our Shirt Waist Stock, j =
‘Buysgood choice ^yles—nU t :
culls. . .
Provided y*"* pf - J. W. MILLIKEN.
Interesting Talks by Kim Marah and
Profnaer Hoyt.
The lecture on Wedneadar evening,
at tbe acheol houac. by Profemor Hoyt
and Hiaa Marah were very Ulereetto
Prof. Hoyt gave e abort, but extrei
ely helpful ulk on "Tbe dijerniit
eUaeee of children." He described
them in an intereatlng manner and
explained bow to diaUngntob the diff
erent typ» He drew largely in hto
Ulk from peteonal experience.
Him Mateb gave a brief bUtmy of
the Mother*' meeUng in Detroit. Five year* ago it waa oonaidered
neocaaary to bring parent# and teach
er# Into cloaor relatlona with each
other, ah it vfaa thought that people
who vrere lotercated In tralulng the
same child ahould know aanethlng of
each other’# m'etboda To thia end the
perenU are invited to atund a Moth
er*' meeUng ou the third Tborad*yof
each rpouth.
At these mcelingaeaeh parent to froe
to dtocnm any anbjoct pertaining to tbe
welfare of (he chOd. lim rmoll ha*
been a much greater feeling of coaS
dence to the teacher aad aa tod toatlcn
to trqpt her jodgmect
For the purpoee of giving systen
work for each mosih'a diacumlon. the
following ooorM of study was pniened
daring the year. Five of the leetoree
were given by akiUed apodal
Tbe remaining five were home talk#
by tbe prtodpal. Him Marah.
The oouree of atudy darning *96 and
'97 todnded two Ircturm by Dr. LAertea Conner, one by Dr. Mary WoodalTeo
of Ann Arbor, one by Dr. CtoraUoa, and
by Dr. Dayton 1‘arker.
Th* CsUbtxUi SpecUlittf,
Ts.tVERSE Cits. Mich.
W8doetdfi7 and Thwidfi7,
OonauitBtloD and ExBzninAtlon Free end Strictly
DBM B B 8.0 03 d*riit«(b«ral
AMhui* Mid Oauttim. aul r'l
Anew tow partnerthlp hae been
formMby twoofTravene City's legal
llgbu M a Uatra. former partner
of C. Q. Turner, ha* farmed a eonneeticA
with City Attorney Farm. C. Gilbert
and they wiU occupy tbe ofitom now
held by Hr. Gilbert. The new firm
b^toa bnalaem at ones. Thiaiaavery
etroag oombtoatioe. aa both young
are -not without honor and dbtiaetlon at the local bar. aad evea abroad.
Death of an Old •ettlar.
Daniel Penaenter, one of the ©td eetUere of Loetonaw oona^ died at hie
e near Bingham yesterday at the
advanoed age of 77,ycara. aftm a Ttogertog Ulnea*.
He leaves a wife aad
twoaoaa, Edgar aad Frank. Mr. Parmester toCAUd at Biagbam is 1865 and
was wdl known and highly reepe^ttoFuneral eervioes will he held at the
Bingham school hoase at * p. m
W. L. Aadereon will have
«h«gA __________________
Might School
ctiy'to Dt.^ or tu, 8^.
me ^
B» Daoerl. GrvMBl DobUi(r.Sc*araA.8ki»
KPILEPMY 08 riTM luMtiiatJ eund b> a t>w ud aww hUmr iwwdr.
DTK B l> e ('«. m*!* >
uf *11 Icni* of lUctaJ IHmm*. ril<*-iBi«eal md oiw
--------- U_.i •;icm.rWurM.niuil*.—ekwhar*
aOM t*km tor Kerroaa
•04 Ubm TroaWc. all r.-rrO.
- - 3UoB(nmbuduo».*e4«iU»oi
>1 XaiU CMMi* V 11
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
eaSerinx fma asr vcekawaaarhv e*e
Bcrlrtfr «-ta64^ti*L
Tl'ltOK# AiVD CAN<'8RS rBi«4 vitba
r*T*8BH- \nr Uuma-trvaUtrsl. L'l
OVlBtSTEE To cut* rrvri cm* of
r^or acw. 'k.« OMlbodr.
^Smdaebc. PUm. Tap. ITan
*llI«l»««»M**al»tl*otio€i to dtSralt cmm aad to
ts'lrd to ror*. P. mum appirtax f’ r tt»mw«*t 111 ptoe** Um 1
u^be *r* BB*btr to call ra* urTtWfnU sanlcalara of
•oat bi-rinmaa. with full
_ ^tioo* tbow to brtak TUanuo' Or.. B.. aet'o.
w*. ioc
.plottacB. Tboai
X. B. Oaten and Oily Attorney Oilbert
WiU Work TogetberT
Two Days Only Xnch Honth.
•r aad haw dMOicim m
F wiih a c^ttal b
Ic and «*1I ksi>ws.
DRS. ll S. Sc CO.
Lock Box 160.
Ever Burned Out?
If ao you know
the value of
jaSTS'CTRuA.lSrOBl. '
O P. CARVER. Agent.
Baser aad Squre ToeA
Has Your
AttentionEver been called to the feet
that yon can ret at the Drag
Store (our atore)
Pure Pewdered Bpicee,
Pure Oreem Terter,
(and Pure Baking Powder. If you want
ne to make it. 3 pound* for Sl.OO.) Rub
ber Sbrettog. bbber Tubing, all
■lace. Water Bottles (rnaraateed for
two year*.! Ponntoln Myringea a»aay
kiada. Ttoxmt Braahea Ai Atomiaera,
Ulyoerto* aad Witch Rasel Lettoa for
the hand* aad toea
Boda Fountain
Ocmnler we arc nvrer cocteatod to **let
^1 enoairtt alone'’ but always try to
Jis. G. jontsoi.
85 tf
Steider^ Grtod Opei Bout.
One KlghtOiUy»
Wedoeedjy, Aagiut I8U1.
Great chance
to visit the "birr lale”
at a low rate. Tbe C. A W. M. ty.
wUl aell vSm* on above daU to M^"
tone latoad and return for fit.OO rc
trip, vto Bay View and G. E A L
train leaving Traveree City at 6 a.
Boat will arrive
at the
a m.. aad leave at 6:30jpmi
p l_
Ono. DktlAVXx. O. P. A.
George Miller, travriing ealesman tor
a large New York C othlng Uoaae. «rUI
exhibit ble Use to our slora Special
. train will leave Traveraa
City at 6.-W a m. and arrive at by
Viewat9. Betnratoglaaveat? p. m.
Bound Bip rau fii.*8. whl^ toeladm
Take your imaA atodg aad have a
Gao. CkBAVn. O. P. A.
IrttletOB male.—.
Aeeurate B^odaedoti
, Fire Insurance.
Suits to Order.
Ftee Merchant Taikiring.
Every detail of the 14 rounds, aa waU
aa tbe-ton mtoatm prbriouaand the tea
to^aftar the grra* battle antheri.
Wm It % PoMl Blow?
Ooma Mid 8m Ibr TowMtt
. Ttt* Oraat Commonwaal Oaner^
Nominatad by- tha Popu*
liata of Ohio.
_ poaarey: attMiMy rniant. C. A.
tt«(4«r. Warn* county; vtate tmaorer,
F. M. Hwrli. AuBlAlac county. Tb*
ronventlon rnnatncO In kmIub QBCil
nftar < o'clock nm nltlns U>c Teport ol
he tnyeatlcntlna commlUee, but it cm
jot forthcoaUB* «nd the convenUoa ndJounied Bine «l* with the utid«r*UiiiUn»
that the coiomltt** would report U the
New vofiK-aiiowQAN CA*e.
TvmiMb la th* y-rmer.
New Torh. Auc. It^acob N. 8am|»' aon. a former aaaljunt dlatrlrt attor-
j ney of Lenawee con.'^. Mh-h.. who waa
OontintheStTMtSOf AbuHamkO tcuiictcd in Ihu county for allowtoc a
rou wiu stvhuflittT
~ -•«
by th* AnstOeEffVPtiAn
j ptlBomr to eaeape. wai artalsned before
^ w^* r^rrr.Tfl
I Jodae niaaerald. In the court of «anrercksonwia
^,Mon» mterday momln*. Baap______________
I aon and hbrrtS FerfUBon. o« the mmc
. .
county, came to this city aoine moutba
SITES FULL or FLOATISO B0SH8. ayo to cet a man named Anton ChrlB.
; Uant'f.. who
t.-ni.>n'.cd aomethlna
acme money to amUt the antl-fualon ,
Uke 1100 and bad been arreited here.
Mm 1b • ntc MBjBrttr Popollita. and he deiermlaed to find cut j
■ealvl wMh ThBlr reed htu^ ,
The ab.-rlff and'the a'ltflacl dUtrlct
—OtkarraMlBa MBkMdwrcMor Brtb- the initb of tl. He mid he went to
fUrdly Aar of ThM Are attorney let ChitMlonaen go on the paymj wMk Hbbbb b* ifcB Brtbar.n4 tar • Major Chariea IMck and lold him the
. _ .
---------_BrtlMi ment of the mdbe>-. For tbia the two
PopuBlb were dlmatUfled with the
Indletett. Fergueon went back
llBM Thaw An Unix P>
Democratic cairipaln and racKeated
B Flmallr Kb»9 lb* €
Ihhee MM Leara Bf the Caar—AaaeehlrtB .
that the tuilor. mlCDt be brtdtes up. Ha
■DCtin <Jr»n*-Tt*k»t MaBlBBlad.
referred to Hur^ Pteyor aa a pronjlnent
lea. \Mr
Columbus O. Aua. It-rFUMOB
Popollat e-heae BerrlceB would be worth
I’hen the case was a
Cairo. Attg. IZ — O
F by the PopollBU aecortne. and arransed for a contenenee trom Aaeoiipn. on the Ntl* near th* , I
>wyer aiked tor an adjournOhio In n mnoaer bo emphatic as
and 'the ease was placed nn.th*
iTB CD chaacB for coatrovcray rccwcd*
b. biu™.. bU»»
« Ab.
- *2 ’ WJb-,
^ U« the futitrc policy of the party. The
Dl.kagTccia to pay th>
of head. I Ando-Btrutlan troopa under Cpl^i
PovuUBt aute ccttvenOoa, by as overUtiartera. literature,
erhe^Btas maiorlty. aerered the fcUlBDce
rualon PopullaU ‘
Hwdc a year b«d with the Democaacy
It-The fact that
on the tree sUver tHoe. aad nmnlnated
a toll BUte acket headed by Jacob
nnsoi EE&m7 bat dowi nm.
to J..H K lor morey i-* !■? u.— . *i ■ i a .!
and hed reertved a checN for til. signed ,
Charles Diek, and drawn <m the Ohio I
lack, of Washlngtcn. D. C..,
which was ruhmitted
J«ab>a* llwsiaBd Catt UU Wlfr^ Thnmk
BBd CamtatU UuleMe.
wounded, of ubom the T.-nlh
CTlcagc’. Aug. I!.—Afiee cutting hU tatiDllon L.st fourteen kl'l.el. among
wife a throat Ctarlea M. aifford ended them two HrllUb .Jllcer*. and thirty,
UaJ -r H. M .Sidney fell
earthly MUtem-e by shooting four wound-d
mortally w..undt;d while Uading
hlmseW with a revolver early yeaterdhy
men lo the attack, and lUvd In flve
morning. The murder and auletde ocne leunu mltiutea Lieutenant Ftuclarence was
curn-d alb^ut 4 ji'clock
II..W1 Bi SM Rush^*b«t almoft at the aatne moment
Where t^
through the heart. Thrv. Egyptian ,offl.
CMraaa Varht !• Mti-inv.
klllwau'iee. Aog. II.—FTlend# of the
occupants of the yar-hl Merlin, of Cbl*
cago. are worried over the absence of
the convention had been bought out
. by Mark Banna.
StahM Chsr-B nrBrtberr.
Be claimed he had proof that del.eaatea bad bees bribed by the BepuUIcubb;. he had the proof, providing be
was given aa opportunity to produce
IL The matter could not be preeented
tn flve minutes, however, nor dlecoaaed
hy-tflat time, and he charged that the
■Sommlttee'i report was aimed lo jieevent tt. A* Witt waved aloft In bla
band a piece of papTr which he claimed
waa a check that had been given to one
of the drtegatra by an agent of Mar*
Mann* he launched Into a bitter inthe *ral-f
charging that all of them bad* been cor
rupted by Hanna money. A seore of
delegates were on their feet in an In
stant. crowding around the chair on
wM^ wm atood-
. ....
riMBB «r pBlie* Beenlrod IB Get the
MtoUbc tB Older.
When on* «f the drlegatea attempted
to pull wm off tbe chair the latter
mm J.
Ittuded To.
FatS Stmt. betwMa Front ft Cam.
•IWU/B tB Stock.
Rites. *1.50 per Day.
TeeaelleT Bloea.
Meal Tickets at Redsced Rates.
PlratClsasUarB<iBrt. Rhaetal Ratee
Lady Watts
aw.ike ... I.M
------ ---------- - the bodies
hll. h.. last Beturdsy and which ha*
of her father and mother. She n-Ufled
bcb-n beard of since.
A mesoage
the, relghhorhor-dailford
ly praises
ouiWr ' ■a hakery and a
. ...
-ngagement. ' ferson Jackson, of MacaUws park, near
to Rush ats-i-et and lived In the rear
The yfUiage Is a network of crowded ! MnlUnA , whtre the
yacht was aupiTplare of busincas with faU wife
house* and twtotlng narrow alleys, so ( posed lr> sail for after She left befe.
When the little girt
J aonZET
that most of the fighting was dotw at , ing about the boat. Tboae on board of
awoke she found the room occupied by
Anec for governor. Turbulent
.w.- -b.->nts
Her mother
'he point of the bayonet. The derv-j the yacht are: H J. Baker. Henry E.
.rsnte in
Iked the cpenlng of the convention. -her parents
In disorder.
dialer. Her
Her mother
^^..tedly charged .Abrongh the : O. Heinmann. Cora Baker Spangler.
, anU-toBlonlsu bad awept every.
narrow strevU. FlnaHy
Aheir cavalry. Helen Baker Eastman..Elmer Jwm*
ifiy Ahi
- • I-----------Itaker. George
M. Finney. Laura W.
number, fled
------------ —
lo« o
orgnnlprertpltalely. followed by ab-ui I» In- I Jackson. UlUan A. Hopklna. Jule Wegcovered with Wood, and eTerylhlng In
' Mtk«
fantry. Tbeae were all that eoeaped. ] mann—all of Chicago—and three saildicated that there M been a struggle
and they ware on their mettle. Sor'kha
drrvish comni>u:dcr Mohammed '
before the double crime was commit
the policy adopted by the tuahmlsu ted. Mrs. Clifford's throat had been cut aelD was cuptur-d- Another well-known
O..W UeiMcrots •* lows.
c^culated to temper the feeUng which
Dee Molne*. Aug. It.—The ftste <
with k large butcher knife and a bullel
•had been arouaed among the ‘middlefortified tral cuoitiilttV < f the ‘‘N'alIcnaT' D
wound In the right temple of the hpa- hU foUowrrs In a strongly
«(>tbe-Toad" PopuUnta. The threat of
bouse, and ws» only killed at last when ■ ocrats _
band showed bow ht had taken his
m-i >mtt
the fnalonlita to explode a bomb In
wen cf orgaclsaili n ard outrewDlver lay by hU aide, the house was rteatroyed by the artll- | „„
A large r
tb* convention waa like llaunUng a red
Head- '
e if Jealouay. the other lery. A lam- number of pris-mers, arm*, t
ftac and when the cenventton aaaen
standard*, caipel* ard htnue*. with otb- ; -u.ner* will be opened here aW-ut Aug- I
ise^beln* a pollcemaa.
the drtegatea were ready for uny
er property, were uken. The Nile at , jg
Watteraor. Cariirte. Ser*f.r Und- ,
T*«K that might be aprung.
Meiawl I* in a mert unplcsaant aUl* i
Patrick CUtlr.* and Renat.r Vila*
from the con’»r» floating down. .
among thow arsour.ted to roak- ad- •
The report of the committee on roles
AltBehed by the #twHC BIDS ADIKT TU rz IB K1
nad order of boiineaa brought out the
11 give____
Milwaukee. Aug It.—tart of the idant
proiDlaed aensatl.m.
The report pro
tepenw TTIIIbelm Bag Hk Km
WaterC-a^AMLOM Viiakew.
vided that no gpeerdi should excebd flve of the llUnuI* Steel company I*
t. Louis. Aug 11.—Fire rtarird on
minute*, regardless of the subject dis hands of the sheriff, who last night at8t- P-ter»l.urg. Aug. ll.—Ai 11 o'elrck
•cotvl story buildcussed. Several delegates Immediately Uched the proin-rty to satisfy an atJoined In a proiest against this proTtolon. claiming that It waa contrary
to the fundamental prlrx-lple of the Peo
ple* party, and an amendment waa trf^red to rtrtke frt-m the typort the ob
noxious aecthm- Finally Pvtcr, Witt, of
CleveUnd. soured recognition from
» Belt* and mounting a chair
Fishing Parties
Now for Business! caep lake.
From this date this boat
will not make regular con
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangements
for the use of tbiB bandsome
jacht, b>’ commnnication by
mail or'wire, with
Leland. Mich.
See Oil Rew Line
l[oI'Cltmbg<*S TBZ
Picture Mouldings
Bhy Btroeta.
ta,chatent for
in favor of the , .
Newport Mining lompany.
The auU j lk-» of Hus«ia and G.-rmany started
H. A N. R depjt. withes
ixrtk* out Ilf failure u
oads. where Em- ;'
leged to be due on iron ore delivered j
KOUam and Etr.prea* Aueurta b. the two top stortea. The damage li . fliwa and fnrntabed tk* Hotel PangEBcIns Toet.-UiB-OBi.l loroyoor
b>- the plaintiffs It is said that the at-! vici.>ria were to rr-emUirtr upcci the rottmaied At IM.ooo. mostly caused by jboni better than it eyer ha* be«n be.J W i -.'I*'***
tachment will li
0 w«y ir.lertere wt» ;
Impertal ya. hl Hoh.r-aoll. ro
B<cktp Up— p'‘t sw.
fore and raa accommodate tt:o travelThe nostber was niagrlfleinL and as
ing public is good abapa.
John May.
c;1|»- sdJaitmUci p-r »«jr •*
Ball Oam* At Four K
the Alexandria left the landing stage
eliliai«bwUi.^|iBlr.......... ZM
formerly *rith the Hotel WblUng. will
of the opersllDg depu^mont buUdlngs ■alulcs were fired, the tr.np* ralutf-d.
There will be*ball f*®» between
wtte.' BrwitBg tt
Other HoBUnro ..
the bands played 'h'i 0<rmsn national
.ifayelte’e folta and ihcT mch team have charge of the office and attead to
le comilalnt allegro that som< time anthem, ard tb* '
Its of the gu'eats.
Is Jlnlr.g th
».ipaUrNJ>oinl Sunday at * pago the. Illinois Pteel company and the tbriret chetred co.
repair tbrn. aiBek Tube Varfc a
. The Gir
boat n UI make regular trips fi
r- rbroprot Mace bi Ike rtiy. Olv*
Newport Mlolfig comimny enlered Into man emperor and emprem bowed re
two contract*, the first culling for the putedly Ir. achnowledgment of the *adelivery of JS.000 tons of Iron ore for lutea.
Thr Alexandria rrartied Ctun> to tbe Lion Barber Shop for hair
wflich the steel company was to pay siadt tt 1 o',clock In the afternoon. The
tK.nC. the money to be paid In twelve q'unyi arere densely crowded.
euU and bathV » eentt
paymi-nia, wlibRu a year. The aeeond
Their German and Kura an majeetle*
cOBtroet culls for th* delivery of *0.- lmmedlal*ly went c.n board the Oennas
ooe tons of Cromwell ore at nUMO.
The Xiohigan Gold Oure.
which also la lo be paid for In twelve lunched wUh Prti
Dr. J. O Conaer. medical dhaetor of
payments. The complaint alleges that Tbe Oermnn aquadron tymalned
the^ichigaa Gold Cora. I* bow located
the def.ndar.ts have paid
roads until after 4 o'clodL when the
City and will ramaln anUl
1 the see-. signal was given to gel under way.
ftrsf contract and Ilft-IT
about October laV He treatt auoeeeaond.
The Oeman guanen tbundcred n sa
fally all eaece of the liquor, morpbtoe,
lute. to which tbe CrouMn'Bt torts roaearroBB Ike Ball rVU.
opium aad cocaine bablta, CompHeaChicago. Aug. U.-League base baU!.piled. Th* Koenig Wllbelro. hitherto ted and long atasdlng cases a special tv.
re-^rts yeetetday;
At Clr-ctnrAtl-St. |1 *U»et. new flrtd a farewell aniute. For Trra'ment giveo at borne and strlcUy
Louis 5. Clnclnr.aU li at LouIs\ Ule-Chl- ; aonie itm* their German mnjeatles stood ccBfidentlal If desired, without baa of
I cago 4. ILoulrtille S; at Waablngton- , cm the deck of the H.iheosoUero.
from buaiDfes.
I Pfanadclp
•city referencee fnrntebed.of paiienla
At.xsndila. saint-I
'treated here a year ago. For any In
BnetuD—New York S. Bostonnt Brook* iRg one another and waving band* to formation ,ln regard thereto addrea*
ChoeoUtc and Ox Blood SkoM, Big 1
II waa nearly ( o'clock
|jm_B*ltlmore 1«, Brocklyn L
Baltl- one another.
when tbe Alexandria steamed in.thr di P. O Box lOOO. "•
t more slso won the tecobd gn me.
S4 6t
Western Luguft Ar Columhu*—Mtl- rection of thr nrw Frlrebofr palai-e and
waukee T. Cclumbu* U; at IX trolt-Sl. thr .nnhcRtnllrrs departed with her
were able to‘^e'thr«.,;;2; j «««* »«
*■« ““ «■
Cycle Owners Look flffe!
The Pure Juice
Butter, First Class
.......... .. .
^?'o. C
, M- D.
Great Cut in Bicycles ftr.ii-~. wb-..
rupted th* hoetllltka aad a few min- j
M-c*,ern Asaoclallou-. At Burlington
«tea later a platoon of police reached
s. Burllngiot *: at Dea Molnee
tbe ronventloD ball and the convenUun ! -^..dar Rapida 4. Dc* MMoerZ: at Bt.
• • •
- - ' Jaeeph—Bivkford t. 8t. Joseph 14; at
- y «.
■ urilh a Ml
The police rvma.D..-d until the conven
Glmi MaBBfiwtasro* la Ouua-isBSW
tion t<iok a final adjournment.
anU-toManliU were not In the least dis
V hiding a necre
mayed hy the charge* that had been
on at the Auditorium. None
- .. nnd Oie report of ‘be -cc------ '•‘-
Boys' Blouses i
-MlD______ . ensued In *rMch several blow*
nesis>1l*S.1ndlajiap.->Us 1«: (w cud gamel
were exchanged and chain raised aloft
Mlr.neap.llB S. Indlanep lU 10: at Grand
te a threelenlag manner. A poUceman : ,
City It Grand Bapldi
who waa psesent ruabed la and later- |
In the yards Is even slrotixer thin when
the price of meat was Brat advanced.
Every iark»r In the city announced
the reduction, all at the aame hour
am mu
Orders by Telephoee fremptlr
~~PWrlb. <b. I0»1 Ubfc .
ground c
Aglo^Eoitian tn»i.* advanced to- the within a
Bttach ufxin the village
A atubbors ' the packt---------------------------------Aouse-tn-housc flghl ensued, and Col- price <.r dtvwid U-ef loth-local tradeto
Hualer was obliged to brtng up the!« evou a >»>und. This action, being an
ent. rauBfd proThe reault baa
In i ud 10c. Ocht*
At our athr*.
n. M'h.
Oaaeyr od ■'eommonvea]’' tame, aa Ike
The RecogRtzsi leaders'
Heats anj Groceries
pay to look at the alagaat Una
from a Cartw'seurr*. to the effect that
te.OU voluBK-rra have "be, t nrganlaed
and are being rapidly nrmrd In vartou*
provinces cf fRialn
Rarope Wmeu fleme Wbeet Tkk Tetts
• London. Aug. It.-The Time* In t
conrae cf It* finanrial arilelr »*r»:
U estimated by (rrsona In a porttlon
form an opinion chai at least U per cent
more wheat than Is ttsually needed hy
Europe win he wanted this year. Ow
ing to the iGort RusMan. French and
PHT* ‘he United
intry able
SMteo will l» the only
meet this extra dr^rA"
call and aeo LbemH Aun-Tog Cwyniigo Co.
Green that will kill Bugs Sr
It's the Paris Green we sell.
To WiMm IT Mav Cosatm-Tbe City
lod fall
weight ^ffimiuteed to iS^U
lua Every pound
rnoeil at the City of Tra'
I ist, Masoulc Bloch.
ivu, by raaolution heratofe
. nine (U)-1b main .
in Sewer D
the City cff Trarorec City. Mtchigan
Pull line matertaL
Baid T ice it eh main Sewer to be laid
in Wellington Btroet from Waahingtaa
street lo Eighth street.
Part of the cost of said main sewer
to toe aa eaaednponUie real prwrrty
Fiaeh's Bicyele Bepair Sbop,
in said Sewer District Number ‘Three
i'-' Bicycles to Rent
be. but It la known that an advance
of us to no, athlcb waa the first *ctl contemplated, tt Is nuderatood that
curate abowln* of the reUUve atrength
there wlU br considerable trouble Id
of tbe fartlona
The ooBveBiloei then effected ^PCTagreement a* to the amount
of advance, and that II will tor two
man John Belt* of ‘nffln. and Tempordsye at lra-«i U-for* the matter can be
aiT Secretary A. B. Ughtwaltcr. of New
mate* of said proposed main B>wer a
Tbe demand from thr ^aa*
beUf made permanent
woikrr* tor an advance In wages wat
officers. From that time on the fusion,
diacusaed- ?l>r manofacturvra offered
London. Aug.It.3i^The executive coun
tsta, tbongb In'tbe mliiortty. were very
a raise of ^ per cent, but President cil of tbe Bo.Hsl Federation hs* paaaed
-much In evtdence. but Ibelr effort* tvof PabUc Work* of flald
Uurna of fhr Glaaa Workers’ urIor. •
_ rraoluUOD that the death of SeBor
anltrd in nothing except to dilay the
-lerkh office
ly will meet at the
straight tnerrsse of S perlcano’
____inova* del Oastillo.the Spanish preml- I
of th* coDvertton. The rea- dcmandvd-4
. Batnrdsy. Auguat 14th. li*07. at 7:S0
........ .Alts.-.*.*
toabout '
' er. -at the hand* uf a t^lf-sacrtficing '
dopted rvaffinned tbe Popu
agreeiDeot wa* | fanatic" was "a rigbtf-ous mrtbnUon o'clock r. M . and conaidi anyauggew
platforms adopted by th* Omaha ! ” P" .
r made by
t for bti cru.'l persecution and torture
^ th, party : rtwphed.
I to said
of Spaniard* balding advanced oploMasgiro 1* ICrU
and took issue on aevertDT matters
Cfajcago. Aug. U.—Alderman William
local toterrot|
Before th. morolng aesBlon closed a Manglvr murt pay a fine of tl.OM and
' -solution was adopted providing for , serb'F a term of ninety day* In •the
Rome. Aug. 12.—The Vatican Is dl^
the anwintoiefit of a consrotMee to In- county Jail a* * punlshmenl for refuting appointed that tb* encyclical of tbe Pannislfralr charge* made on the floor of to tell the July grand Jury Hie rtory Angllcan, or lambrtfa. conference does
the convention that delegates had been of the promlrirnt man who attempted
The fu*lonUta who made to boy hU vote on the Oenrral Electric
tbe mtarge* opposed an InveBUgaysh hJ ordinance. ThU.ta Judge Dunne'* de^Ji^^
e pope 1* a
a eommiuce. claiming that It i^ould clMoB. Mangier, some weeks ago. told-*
ryclleal adv
ae\eral peraon* that he had been
u of the Holy 8
tempted by a briber, but when be was
L'’H^'’New PhkadelpWa;
i: H. W; gueetloned hy the grand Jury be «Loedoa Aug It—The Dally MaD
Fredertclff fused to talk.
Canton: J. M.
pubUihe* a dlfpatch ftwo Oporto. Por
Akron; Peter wm and Georg* A. tJrooL
tugal: wblcb sayr that tbe town U In «
Pkria Aag. U.-A dMpaich to Tbe aute of c|Mn rebellion aad that the anAt th* afternoon ■MBloa the foUowftv Figaro fttan tan Sebastian aaya that
UMrittw bare only maintained tbe upper
•tau ticket ^ DOmlaatad: For gov- p»tii, tbe* iMi lain in the eoBTOe jet a
J fay proclaiming martial law and
•nor. Jacob Cbxey, Stark eswnty: Brapolice axamlnaUon deriared that »
Mng elgbieen ansy iffilcer* who
Morris WhRoomb.
•ouM b« FrcMdent Fhure’s ton asEt.
; eepmae yadge. O.
H- E. Oibha, tn BIIU blcyalc shop. »ll FroatSt -
Accidents Impossible
Dated AogUt 7th. 18F7. '
Auuog W. Ricagsm.
nark of Board of Publk Worka of the
Soda Water
lo nent SoatbL-nlooStreeU______
Chn be tooBd at-oar store, also lee cream far
' i, delivered at reeMenca free, lea .
McLelton A Aih. oer. Front aad' Park,
' aad
Tho Best Condios thefandlytraa*.____
Ice Cream Freezers .f;
h gardes koea Screes doon,
r*. to or SOe- 8. K Northern.
Sning lleKaaaia*a tboe atore.
Ladies' High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Friedrich BloiA.
wr. Troumg and Boad hcorsea a spar weat of Moegan'a Uvery Bars.
Poric nrAPn and Insect Powdera. TUa te pototo hug time. Lookost
rdliO Ul^ll (orthem. Get vonr eztermiaator from B. B. MtUer the
criglnal drug man. first dear east of poalofflee.
VotiM to Water Ooi
.alao »p.
‘^A^pIaMt'wbarg water is foasd roanieg eoBtraiT to this rule wOl be ahnt
off—exeapt whm« a epeeial permit baa
bM jraitod^ D. Caao^u. A Some
Feeding Fnnnere’ Boreae a SpeoiAlty. Hones Boerded.
TBB'M'B Ta.wi AWrtTO- A T=rr.-m
*H* KuBirnra
The Bnt mmtlng heM by the ^kera ,
At Irwin wna poorly Attended toy the i
mlnen cn that dlatrlct aa all weft «■'
Strike “Oeneml" Mn Trtie*
portation from the Ditehtt
in Front of Goffoon.
aoowt i«. i«»t.
•‘DnJUe, dear.” aiked the lnlitaat«4
AUortieya at Law.
"would yon rather 1 gave
yon a pl^ brnoeiet or one with n peod-. com la Koetagma Black. Tmeen* City. lOeh.
Cewi^r hoi writttn to 81
«fL*^WK4T T3BOIX1A 1KJCKCT10X. KicboJu u mrtjrJf OB the ‘'Oirlbood ^
orsnuiss cards.
•• Qoetu................
__ ___ - ____ - ■
I eonrae of which be aayi:
way, gUBSM a diamond ring with
g H. Bko
A-P-owco-paar -or-i.
, -------------------- occspaticm In which
ia^*MAo*ica to
O. Lav.
to it.
Clocumatl Ewjuirae.
Paikerrbnrg. W. Va. Aug. U.—The^^ Tbceewai i
. Bl Fromm.
a yenn. weariuf
text of the famoue Ir.iunctlon granted : tin wf» wdnat
^ ' 'n ctinpie white
-bite go«
n nod la^ atraw
toy Judge Jackaon doaa not warrant the
. Pnedrteh Bleek.
aepD etigaged. It
B ^----feat, wgi freiqnently
remarks that certain people have'been
v ' .
• i
Innta. One
m Vbich serwal meo bad been
~u,„ .k..,T., ,««„■«. —
grastod to *ihe Bopongab C<«1___ of tboae who Mw her aaid that u be ' lyoob^.'' He offered the owoer a good to, HcTcautlle Co. BlackCoke company. The acope of the order • aometltnea
Srul Sulil t Iidiui L1
, aM aepanan «f tralM at Travaep
—SiS;guUraTu affael June SI. ISrt.
- ••..
p*su°»“a'ss:;i2ss' J5Stl.S
aetgbborboed. and the vig. I. atr Opera BomuSS:
U t. th. cml.U» Irom U... v.n™.
Inee Imi't tfarongh with il
•ummartea telegraphed lo the neweca- i f*At. pen of the tmp^ni uuallfylng espres-1 The faliwem was an enrly riaer. g^ yet‘’—Atianu Cymatitotioo.
tUlasW OlHfc*
ftM I
■Iona ••ualowfully*' and "upon the prop- , ting up
np at !, freq^to earlier^.in^^
efty of the company." For inaiance.. tumnirr, and
CoSeea. nu., Aug. It.—0«D«ral Brad- la the aerend .peragraph It aaya: “Be- ■ ger brewkfam wna
•Mbe Railroad Killed Him" ia
l*y T»tur*d io the “dead Use’* 3rc«ier> Blratnlhg and UlbiUUng the defendants
beadline in a daily exebanga.
Atcd or couaected
and all oihtra aaaocAtco
connectea ;
orineeaa *«.•ight be ezpedi^to enjoy;
dar afumoon at ( o'clock. Be i
Beally aame^ing abovld be dose ta
with them from in any wlae lomterlng \
atopped br the euarda at the point
flk and fruit, placed
matrain tbeae railroads, when they rias
.their ftitia Be aafcad tor Bectlecr MlUa,
from the niadbed and fcUl men lika
■ who era* aeni rfor. The teceJeer acBt cr those eperatlror them. Hther by menWbeniaeakfaat was dnisbed. the llt- that. It's bad eovngb when the engtnea.
kack wud he would have 0 dalliii
or any laractcr of In-'Ueprlneeaswwtferawalkoradrive. kiU them.—Atlanta CoMtitntion
Vllh Bildler and refuaed
khUe her half sister. Feodern. b« alNorthsrn IdcUginLlne
ttmldaHon." etc. ‘
•trike leader. Bradler tbn aeked for
In the fourth parai raph the defend- ! ;
the maror. ^rarlor war broagist trots anu are further "reatralned from a*- ^
ibllng In the paths, approaches and | ^
Hla hone to the “dead line.'* wSere the
“'••eefal” aeked permiaelon to enter
^ at libercytowazKletatariliJbTonirit '
Gotrecn. "Tou and your man cannot
oomo won*.
.l.n, wbM t«
« ,1,. |
» » Pl«
atep a foot into Cetteen." repUed Traytor. "Ae long 4A yon are *OcnrraI
Bndley you inaet keep ovl When you
become Hr.’ Cradiey you may not pose and object of this rrstntnlng order; ef the dochem. Pluio food,
only come into town, but you will be is to prevent all unlawful cciaWnatlons, coil'd, aas placfd befon
widow. AAlrsw Jennie. Post Qgoe. <
the :
,he did it Joatica, for the wm
welcome m my bouee: but you moat and conmlrarte* and lo rratraln
fiidt reaign.trom command of your army defepdanls engaged In ttie pn<incitloo
nlthy and strong and mijoyed har
of oich untawful comblnaUcms and rtmnnd diemlaa your men." Bradley' did spiracies from emertne ui>oo the prop OKala After dinner she received aiBdstnot know at lint what' to do. Then be erty of the Horongah Coal'and Coke ance in her siodici till 4 o'clock, when g-«oos wa~STa>-TT«««r«Oiiy Lumber
company deacrtlxd In this order." etc. ■be was tuken by her mother to eixit a ^
|•■^h#ps to walk <r
or drtVb. or ; ^bbuicx troop FOB BALB-singls lond Aj.caieage ................
The labor leaders are at Illx rty to go frictid or iwrhnps
cmnr<> Moanu
mllea away. Bills said he
all oviT the elate except U|>on the prop -abe.wat laimittHlto ride a donkt? ia i Q eoceou-Osohieinadt* «»n-s. »»»*«;«
them doan to the dm frtrlyl.:
Lu.nerCo. -__________________ ^
erty of the company.
lardena '
by the camp.
boor of the duebeaf TTraxTKP-Lor rwfwn. Travstsr
At the dinner
ber little■ girl supped, stated next to Vv immberOo.
- Dtcalur, Ilia., Aug. It.—May.r Benja
SB torsale at tsw lOS
min Z. Tayior. si 11 o'doefc last night;'
0 Travarst Ctiy Lsiaher
WatUo'sBay ...
- ber nurse, Mm Brock. By i:
Usued a pmir.tnatlon referring to. the that they are getting a I
reports that miners were aald to be com unlonim In lln«- It Is likely the mem-I- ' rom^ was finUhed - the b
ing from Uocoln, ar,(l calling on cUI- bciahlp list of the otgantaatlon willII would be at theirdcmcrL and tbca tba ^^AI^ED^^w.goed awa-Travefae^CUy
sens to remain~at their homes and keep be increased considerably n>orc than priooea would be called io to jota
the streets clear. AH marching In bodies was expected beforT the end of the two tbem.
uf any kind Is strictly (wohiblted. Not weeks allowed for them to come In. as
Kloe o'clock wM bedtime, and gbe
■jore than three persona are to gather the men are Joining the union to*avold
Oa liaprated elty ptvpetly.
Id one place In the streeta All dtiaens a strike If posslblw The business men never pralotyed borday beyond tbat
are advised to be tn raadJneas to amlst of the two dues are trying to Induce bou. Ko mattarwbetber 'abe era at
OSOM oTCr MeBiag\w'> h*«l«ar» Merc.
in malnuinlng order. Staerlft Nichol the men to jejn the union, but they are bomeaattbe botue of a triesd, “f
son has DOtlded HO deputies to report doing this in a quiet sray.
o’clock bedtime WM rigidly anfopced.",
at the lad for duty. The coal company
Ber Uttle bed was placed beside ber
has decided Jo close the Nlamlc maft.
W«i ■ufa. afffwd BympalkyBlrfke.
notber'e larger bed, ao that by day and
but wUi keep lu men at work in De
•Via Swarter Oeeell to ifaiilswe
Ci'luiimb^ cw
C Aug. U-—The r*pr«
oigbt fbotber and daughter were oerer
tatlve of Ue Asenclated Press hi
Flmaaat nalas Man Brought OaL
from high and reliable aoB<«oJar study, tegular exerdae, aiiDC>pringflclA Bla. Aug. U.—The Peters- ihiwlty that there will not be any strike
■He mloen. If. says ple food and plenty of time , oat of
bulir miners marched yesterday to
;rike cannot be won doexa. plenty of play and plenty of steep
Pleasant Plains, where the men have this anibortiy. t
that will clr*e the distingniabed tbe npbringiiig <rf Eng
been working sloe* the strtte began, and
ii>or organltailons are land's future queen.
after ah inter>iew the Pleasant Plaint
miners agreed to go out as soon as they coocemtd at present.
oould Umber up the mine. About twena Duel* la Italy.
' ty men Are wnrWng at the Ashland
mine, and the TaHula miners will prob
aeconttag to Milliogen.
ably visit them and endeavew to gat
at Cassrl and de
them to quit work.
7.U7 persons In tht mining camps of this scribes a duel betwien a lalbe* and a
aelwrtlsw Obew SMhas.
Detroit, Aug. U.-In' the economic district tbat -were in actual need of sou in tbe reign of the Emperor TbeodfoodTbe
oric. When Cbarlemagnc forbade wager
•eetlon of the American AmociatWn for
-ceded 7 ccKs per capita.
Oie Advancement of Science yesterday
of battte among tbe Lombardi, be nnCharles Pertvr Hart read a taper cn
Bays 10.000.000 Fewt af Laasbev.
oountered tbe flerccat opposition fr«n
•labor R/strlctl<ns as Potent Psctori
Uarlnette. Wu.. Aug. 12.—Arrange tbe nobles. Early In tbe uiuth century
tn Bodsi Evolution." Be dealt ptrtlcu. ment* have atxiut been rtsnpleted De Madieis. a kuigbt. defeated in single j
tarty with the condtUen of the striking whereby the p re neat season's cut ofthe
miners, advocating wate sui*rvl»ifn of SpaJdlrg Lumber company at Cedar combat tbe bandit Mngel. wbodevasut- j
wages and onipui by means of a Icgis- river goes to tbe John O'Brien Lumlaer ed tbe Flarentine district now called :
after him. Mugello. Oiho II granted
tatlve commtsil<T.e A general discussion
npany. of Chicago. Tbe amount will «be prayer of tbe nc^lity for tbe r»■ followed in which It was snggicested
fully 2P.ew.tw feet and the conaidthat the difflcuUy could be remedied by
,tl»n Is In the neighborhood of tlM.- cttabliMmKBt of wager cf battle in dbS.
the ettabliKhnient of
Women and Trieste were not tcmpelled
to accept it. The Normans showed leas
f mines
gallantry. With them a woman bad to
■laer> rtarsttlag to E
accept' Dorcoold sbe name a ebampion.
ngfltM; Ills.. Aug.
Begwter apee
to fal* "Al** to the eartA Armed wlttfa
miners of thi..........
Adolph Stein, of Chicago. shotTilmself club, be tried to nrike her as abe dryesterday afiemocn for Mount PuUMd.
where they arrived last night, ard will wltfa a pistc.1 at the tot of the Lcgan ' cled around him. hii weapon being a
endeavor to get tb- men working there monumtnt and was found
• dead
* -I V
I a ball Of mm at tbe end of a o«tL If
to strike. Fn)ni there they go to Nlanfelted to tooch ber at tbe third attempt
tic. Where the mlcrrs are still at work,
The nurriage of United Stales Seo- , be was vanqnlsbed. which meaut to
and from there to Decatur. Which city alor Hinsbrough. of North Dakuta.'ABd
him death with dlsbonar.
they eaiwt to reach this morning They Miss Chapman will take place lo N<
arc equipped with baggage-wagon* York on Monday.
duels were fonght in Italy
and an abundance of food and acme
Francis hUrton GrtfRth, Democrat, days is that where tbe tew does not af
UMBcr. tbe petnlMocs ard caMi hsMng has been elected to succSt'd tbe late
been donated by Lincoln buslnem men. Representative W. 8. Holman from tbe ford protectlmi one mnsi look to slngte
oombat to retain tbe respect of one’s
CapUIn Patrick Hardin Is In command, Fourth Il^sna districtand the lltilr army U headed by CUa
The 3-year-Ud SOB of Frank C. Boner, fallow men. In tbe middle agea tbe ferao- drum and flag
living near Kdon. Ind.. MI rrrom a Ity of Italian dnels passes belief. “Any
grBiKBU gtsiKc AT aPBiyro hua. ham window, injuring himself so badly way of patting an enemy to death
that he died acveral hour* later.
Cogoi mode') is good enough,'' says
yilM b OMUag Oat *»• MaeA Om»—
John BukolL V. P. Atwell and J. P. oue of tbeir wrtten. “When an Italian
ami (htldrea 0w Cks BrwM.
Hothman have organlied a stock com
PHMborg. Aug. It-The fart Just pany at Euvens Point. tVUu. to maou- Brantomq.
atade public tbat tbe m«i at work in lacture and sell the Bukolt aelf-rocklng legi aod gives him as a memento cf fali
the Spring Hill mine, of Dempster. Buyd cradle.
The Portage <W1a) county crop re kindocM and geneiusity a bidcous gash
B Op, are getUitg O cents baa further
acroMtticfDOei." Lampagnano practiced
cOmpUcated the strike sltukUon. TUi port Issued shows last year's ,_potalo
_ _, os a paioted model of Oaleaaao Sfona
at _
20.Hu baa been paid aioce July tl. There aerrage at MAM and thu year'sI.n»,7«
Last year’s yield wss ldl»,7« • before be stabbed him. Dueling was
arc nlnety-nuw men at work in ihia butiieis.
called "te sciena oavalkiescA’''rI' called
iDloe and 2«0 rntn'e wagons are mioed
The Brut On plate manufactured in fyyxTbili
every day. This ta dumped into the America, to be sent to Europe, was that
teodeiu of tbe locomotives on the Penn- surted yerterday By tbe American
syKatila railroad. An effort will be PUtreompany. of Elwood. Ind. Itlssent
Bmde by the utrthers to get the tnlnen "to Italy.
A Aangoe drnmmw reewnUy raw a
- ML Tbe latest movenwnt of the alrlkeTs
TbvnnDual camp meeting of the Rock woman cuter the train at Nwtb Boukatndlcatea that the miners’ leaden have ford, Ills- distrljt hss opened at Ep- pon and mb tbmogb the ear Just M It
ahandomd all hope of drawing the cuke worth grove and wU eonymie two was getting speedy. He oooUy walked
r^oD into {be strike and have adopted veeks. Many Imprcvements have bees
after ber and Jnsi before the fatal leap
a plan of using the cokers to aaaiK the made la tbe grounds
nrikers in a more provable way. Com
An election -was held at Ortcaas. InA.
mittees hare been In the coke region to vote for tbe oonatructlon of thirty
all week coliecaing money and ptx>- miles of gravel roads at an estimated bis grip, saying. "Madam, you aba’n'l
rlsioBa. Tbe headquarters of the dU- cost of I44.0W. The friends « good Jump off tbe oar and kin yoor«lfr
4r1ct ofBees of the United Mine Work roads won by a big majority.
tnian sbutet ber breath, ahe abrieked,
ers’ tn this dtr are still bealaged with
m big fool, 1 was ceiy goltig out on
The pretidant has designated Prank
piteous appeals for aid from the starv- A^aiteerllp.
asalstmal secrotarT of the __ platform to ware my taandkeroblM
li^ women and cbildns «f the atrikliig
duties of t» my friandt." A party, of ”-------treasury.r. to perform
register of tbe tnaaarr during the abab yanbUBneu aboard tbe train sence of the regtsCr and assistant tbe dramiiNr for bis imraiBB
gm boar aod at interrals
two days aad the requssu tiw tadp are register.
Two trempa gaabed the hands of a ejBlBgfleld Bepublleao.
nway in exems of the meant to reapoaA
Anntnd the Bunola mine and along the Rhinelander, ^la. servant girl with a
WbaeiiDg division of the Baitlm(»« and knite because Mie would n« bend over
Oklo rahroad the mitering aseos to be te them a pali of binsberriM Mw had
srotsL la many taomea there seems to Just picked lo the woods aad was car
be wothing but dry bread to eat. and rying homa
ObUuarr: •
U aogw easaa not even tbJa Arraagcmenu al* iMtng made to a Hg Ubor F. Maw.^
n^rthig tn McKdesport ^tneday even- rallroaA- At Bxrelsler Bpring. kto..
Colotwl B. C. Blab. At Danve«, nia,
WUllam BItehIc. U. At Ashland. Dls..
- leys arc expaebad to attend, tte meet- Summer* CarosL U. At Kokomo. Ind..
Peter Miller.
Two ptuapectoi* bare come to Bolae
.BraMdaat Oty. Ida, froa the middle to* of the
I 10 t 4D
Bil:* ■
Ip» ......Iddmaw.
7 KDet'LH-C.
Htitbern UcHl«u
^ Tnuportitloii Co.
W^acj^ncuML Chleage aod
' a k. MUBRAT. AgsU.
I.F. A-OTwadEaplS*.
^11 ;' ill:
West Michigan
*. a^e. B.A- a-
“^1=? ii
At c5£»
i| Bs/vK..............
Tratot bctwccB Trarctsc aiy sod Blk Bapida
!SS. UEtiilS
^. isl-
'«J2a—Money to Loan
Chicago —> j-E' •"
OBb, t>g BAVK», Oca^yagyv Agi^^
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
.Youp Choice.
To taka affoet auaday, Jnaa m. Utr.
Be. ilBa. *
-lliS %
sitf 'i'is ■iu
"sis '«■
>moH ■ssi
» Itl - 4 H
H nj • a
Travenc av....... Ar*
oonro BorTB.
Buildins; Lots
Houses and Lots
For All Casli or Low for
.Part Cash
iMiiBBoS taeanaiimBiifaBiBBQtf
lU door* for tbe
This haa been
Iiiiitees of tbe VUlyno—
tore kM BB atm. Mr.
pMiartoOB tolM)—T«7«aR7.M
output ahMJd be m wagons par Oar. the aadMrittH M tbe ■
ee UiSSMisere-Wio leave
^entoiAx. rAn»
Pint Twr—Ko. 87.
sn.Bvx>is rASASi or rsAXSBJTAl. BBOnSBBA. ■
B«ml«aee mnd Oonoqrd ApproprUMIy SsttBpMcd.
It WM FofwtM' dtj, ud Coart
TtswM kM fMOon to be prood of
dedleaUtm of Ui^ bMotifal oew boiM
is tbe Btooek Uoek.
YwtenUy wm oa idMl d*7 for the
profT»B mopped oat by tbe oomalttom
Mtd ttw
exactly M ploBUd.
. Fromooriymoraloe aUl after mtd___ joBdeoramittew
ly to moke tke’ofloir.
♦ peat owitood ^eir effort*
crowned with o^endid oneeeeo
At noon prepnrotioot for the pnmdc
wm oommeneod. The orrlrol of. the
•po^ train from Mo&iotee obont ten
oTeloek. bronght 0 lOTffe oninber tr«D
ttet ^Uee ood eerrrol eoock load*
<i«m OedUloe. whieb were tiaoeferrod
from the has oibor road. Abont 3t&
potaooa eame la on the train. TbU
crowd waaoweUedlorrely by eotaUer
parUee from all direetioaa ‘nio Ui|r
«^dalefati0B eame from CadUlae. eon-,
^^ting of 71 roreetera and obont 1*5
wthera. The ooaru of OadUlae. Mantotea, Prankfort. Boat Jordan, kfarion,
GopemUh sad other point* ware all
UberaUy raiweaented aad the following
dUategniehed offloare were preeanV
High Chlaf Banger M. V. Oalloghan.
Band CUy. Pmi High Chief Baager
Tkad Dm. Detroit; Paet Part High
XAM Baager Lae E. Joelya, Bay Qty;
High Vloo C%ief Banger .John L.
SMrkweathar. Borneo; Hi^ Seoeteiy
Jfiba <%embeni. Port Baron; High
ireaearer O. H. Taggett, Cairo: Bl^
Phyaieian O. N. Moon. BoweU; Bigh
Oaane^ R. J. tteDoaald. Moekegon;
etala Orgasiter A. A Week*. Oraad
BaphU; Btata D^ty Pkeehbaaar.
The Bigh Ooart oSldale arrired on
the i«i O. B. A 1. train, where they
were met by the offleere of Court .Tre»aiee end the exeentire board of tht
dedioatlon. The Boy'a Band neelred
the party as they alighted, with
etraine of iaepiring moeie. and the
• gaeeiB
eaoorted to
tampie batwean Unee of ForeMeia
eletiBg of the Trarene City, HaaUtee
aad'OodiUec coort*. the'parade wa»
formed immedietiy efter and slartod
from the Broeeh block la the foUowlag
pnnw Chief Baager Orrnyatekha. la
whk^ hearty oangratalationt
tfiarterrd Oonrt Trarena, and ragrata
at hie
.Short addnmA were meda hy Past
High Chief Bangar Lee E. Joalya, moe
Bigh Chief Baager J. L. Starkweather,
Bigh Treanrer O. A. Taggett and High
PhyddanO. N. Moon
State Organlear Weeka made an impreeeirt addram also, in which he paid
a glowing trihata. to the memben of
Court Trarene aad to the G
of Fonatan in the city. Be gara e few
•tetixUoe which showed the total
bersMp of thr order to be 1*0.000. l*,oeoof whWhanenrdlle&latto ooarte
in Michigan. Be daelirm that Court
TraretM wae ftnt in enthndeem and
onlyaeoondin nomben to^ny coort
la the Suia.
Oaeofthe plaeaaaat aad
lag featnrca of the afternoon wee an
addrem hy Mie, Stewart of Grand
Bapidt. who was the flnt to Inaugonte
the moeement which led to the eatebUabment of the ordw of the Compaolone of Foreeten ia Michigan. Mn.
Stewart epoke in eioqoent term* of the
work of Coart TiaTeno la being the
thlrdlntheeUtetoarganlaean aaxUlary. She urged the Foreeten to path
the work of mganlxiag ooarte of Companione aad in eondneien reatared the
hope that High Chief Baager Cnln^iaa
woald BOOB take a oompaaion for life.
From this one would iafar that the
highchlefraagerisa aUgte man and
the xnggaetlon 01 Mn. Stewart waa aeeondedlqr the andienca-^Tbat official
hlothed like a echoolb^ in Us fint
lore affair, and arose to remark In
tnmbUagacoenta that there an Umes
in OM's Ufa when one would nther be
alone, and this was one of thoae time*.
Past Bigh C^f Bangar Daaa-*lao
gara a few Um(ly nmarks which wan
followed by Bml A. Fleschhanar.State
Deputy, who gare an entertaining addnm and seised the oppartunl^ to.
plunge Bigh Chief E»nger Oalaghaa
into further hnmiUatien by announc
ing that if then wan any ladiea in
Tneene Gty yearning for dUtlncUon
a* the oompankB of a Ugh chief ranr
■ Mr. Calaghau wa» a csndldato for
domestic enjjymenm. ThU ebeerratkm
made kr. Calaghan blush a deeper,
rosier hue, but he n
unkind cut that Mr. Fleiachhauer was
ember of the Pingroe • legislature
and that what be esld might be oonslderad with the same degree of Inter
est as the aetd of that laU lamented
Theee happy remarks concluded the
program in the open bouae and after
the aanouoeement that an Inritotlon
bad beea extended to the rlalUng For
eeten to rlsli the acyinm. the meeting
adjourned to the Umpie, where the
dedication ceremoolce took plnoe.
i J
A Oama of Intsnac BsUtaaent In
•WhiA the Oalta Varrowly Baeapad
■hut-OuV-Untimaly Btron in the
Binth Inning Oarc Then a ^itaiy
Boota-ITno WoA by B^Tca^
Than wen happy people anUn^e
that wen not ao happy, at the «dcM of
yaetorday'e gama Among the joyous
onn wen the memben of the looal
baae ball team. And they bad good
reaeoh to be glad. For aight etralght
Innings did they play without an anw.
and kepp the young men from Manis
tee from making a single ecorc, aad
had It not beea for a lltUe group of erron in Ue ninth—but let thel go. Two
nmee ont of three are not ao had.
Of the iadder dnee. probably the
moat melancholy waa Frank Quinn,
who for the flnt time took hie bumps
from Tnnrse Gty. Then were also
some unhappy onea among the large
II] I!
,teh< b, 11, huJ «UU« Colu.
For the production of milk, but ^en the
sun shines bright you want good curtains to
darken the room. See on'r new stock, from
10c. up to the very best. -
Bon. G. Q. OoeaU was in Saasan
Be*. Ueo. Cramof Boekferd. is rhdting the dty.
Marcus Uort of Buttons Bay wi
the city yeeterday.
J. W. Murray, agent of the F. A P.
M. at Manistee, was ia the dty yestarday.
Ben Bonky and 6oL Praeeot. came
up from Oedlllee yaeteedey toeejoy the
*■ *■ Se>i°o«r. dnli ol U» Drailua,
W.Uln. touiri >
mJr ire uUUriii kiu
Cows arolnd^nsible
««>ii.pu.l.a bj Hn. S^mour.
E, “"'I-
•< “■«“ -b" ““ »p
Bsv. E A. Well* b aatertnlnlng Rev.
enthuee the fans.
- Bunt held np bU end et.lhe battery Watford P. Law of Grand Raplda
work in ea unasusUy flna maaner. and Mr Law wiU occupy the pulpit of tbs
Epbcopal church aext'Suoday.
bis sBek we* in eoeeptable erffieaoe.
Lea Calmaa was twelve yn
Wilhelm was back ia the g»me and
a* full of ginger, and as ttVkj as a Wedaeeday. aod about UUrty of her
er-oIA His second base play young triands were servnd with a daiqty epread in honor of the occasion.
es perfect.
Dsita and A. L.
Parke was once mon et hit old peel- „J. ^M. Longneckarof
ibers ef the
tion in left Add end the way be pnllad |
’em down was a reraalatlon. He hit Oral' Wood' Dbh Ca. are in the city
hard, too. a'double and a dagla. In apon bnaineas coanected with the comfour times at bat, being hb ahan of paay. oomUned with a liute pleasnr*.
Neal Dempsey. B. L. Smsen, WUi
BuU did nice work in hie garden, A. Walts. Mr. aad Mia. Max Banmaa,
and led the team with the etiek. mak Harry Hersbarg aod J. S. Dempsey
ing tbiM clean einglea' Carey's baa* came np on the special from Manbtee
rnnaing was et a high order, also, aad to see the ball game aad enjoy the
Farqpter*' fcatiritlea yesterday.
a flue bead-flrat elide to the pUte
■sa-HiSKEll’S B00OTBE,-ar
You Take Half
W* take half—that's our ent<-priee story on what's left in
Ladies’ Suits,
Ladies’ Summer Capes,
Child’s summer Reefers.
Special and Extraordinary Values in Ladies' Shirt
Waists and SUfc Waists.
Jlsw FaU Stuff coming in every day now. a
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
The Frlncesa Barber Shop.
Norotay got after Quinn, too, and
When you want a light, easy shave
but for Gleason’e clerer work in centra or an artbUe hair cut. drop in at the
would have hadone mcca hit to Us Prinocas, 3rd door west of Bowl Wbiling. No vraitlng. Three first clsss
**^he Colu fielded weU. Hayi
O. E Bxui-s.Prop.
first base demonstiatad the tact that
he b valuable at any old place.
An BxhJbition ofFins Olothiag ^li
Tlbald did some g^ work at second, be made st our store tdday by Ueo.
notwithstanding the two arrore credit HlUar, represenUng M. Kolb and Sons.
An opportunity for all to see the aew
ed to him.
fall styles and place an order for fall
Another one of Manbtee's fast doub suit or orareoat.
>5 tf
lUiCt.TOi CuiTOlxe Oo.
le play* was made by Quinn. Ttbald aad
To the crippled condition of
Fox made a great catch of Ad
The Opening
the times we consider it|onr
short fly over third base, whan ao
..of the..
expected him to reach it.
duty to inform you that,
Mayor, aldermen ^ dsy ofBeiale, in
Haynes and Tlbald
tour UU ot
quality omsidered, our........
High Ooart and other Offiocra ia ear- GBVBBAl, HABT WUOi BXXXBS theflveUUeredltadtothe.OUto, two
each. Basman made the ether.
From Beard, of Trnetaea Mortbaea
Another feature of the game oeeured
Traearw City Fire department. Engine,
Kicblgaa A^nm.
in the fonrth Inning when the CoIU
boee carte and apparatoe, lod by
The Maabtee New* of last erenieg were retired on three Uteked ball*.
Chief of the Deyartment. John
tvit the fist one aad flew to
Beanle.and Amiatent Chief.
Sour is the cheapest you can
•■The noon mall carried a letter to Parks.' GleneoH also hit the first hall
B. J. Fal^em.
Coort Logan. No. SW. of CadlUac,- 71 the execuU*e office at Lansing and wUl pitched sad U* foul fly was caaght by
A word sbonld be aaid of the good
Ooart Traeane. No. tit, US metnbara Geo. A. Hart of thU dty ha* Wnderad
hb radgnadon-as a. mambar of . the work of the rooters on the blsachers.
Menbace of the ooort of ManUtee.
board of trustees ot the Nertheni Mich- Tksy kspt the player* aad everyone
OOeare of Coart Trarene.
Jgaa Asylum,
els* joUled up in good ehape from eUrt
TbwOoat. OB a dray.
-la conrersatloa with Oen. Hart thb to finish, and IfanyrooUng waadone by
Followed by carriage* of Oompenlooi
•f Foreeten from rleiting ooarta and morning the New* aseertained that the the friends ot the vblton It wasn't to
rsmsoDB for the rsalgwtion were owing be beard. Everything .was good
the local oonrt. ia earriagca.
George B. CTNeal waa otarehal at the to preming budnem aatten aad the aatarod and It U a part of the game
I neceaeartly tensamad. Hr. Hart that hadn’t been properly done before
day end hie aide* were W. W. Fairwaa appdotedby Oo*. Bleb and bis thb
Was a'Cracker Jack
child and C. Chadwick.
The BueUan started off in the first
The }ine of aerch waa at foUowa: time did not expire natil IMO. Be hasProat Btreet to Union, Uaioe to Eighth. been an energetic worker on the board inning with one nan on hlU by Bull
The only drawback being
Eighth to Cnee. Cam to mate. Stale to
Is what j'ou will observe in everything in our New Meat
b In a flourishing condltka."
In theaeeond. Noeotay went'out oa we could not wait on all the
n fonl fly to Klnmond. Snifka reached trade. The following remark
Market in the Brosch Block.
to Front and th«o wcat to Steinberg's
Shir Boeters From Abroad.
first on Tlbald's error. Hunt singled, so
Grand Opera Bonae.
was made by many at our
Among the dbtlagabhed fata- rooters did Hua and Koon scored. BuU tried
The line rMcbed the bell after the
parade, eboat *:4S. ead the marehera fm- the Manhtee Oolta, who came here
entered Steinberg’s Grand Opera Bmee, to see the game yerterday was a party thrown to the plaU to get Snifka. but dale I like to attend."
where the Tlellon were welcomed and who regbtei^ at Park Plaee like thb; Klnmond was too quick tor him and ha uine stuff—this is no fake and
the keye ef the city eorrenderad.
if you are not^uited you get
I{paa the piatforra ware the Mayor, sey. Japan: HettU Dempsey, Heath soored. Twornoa
city oBWele, Bigh Ooart oBecra, local Africa: Mra W. Denning, Sooth Sea . Poor runs, two ef them earned were your money without a kick.
. eoarttHlBeeta and exeentire board, aieo tslanda They were paeuliarty aUent made in the seventh, hy good clean Sale will continueuntil further
daring rite gams, axoapt at farcrad in- Uttlng and pratiy base running.
aeraral Oompaatone of Foreatera
Snifka. tha first man at 'the bat, nodee./________________
The Chief Banger of Ooart Trav- lerral*.
faU belors Quinn's eurres; than
area. P. C. QU^ praMdad aad Mayor
*^oop Factory Frqjset
Bant lined the ball to the fenoe
W. W. HmUh'dMlTUedtheaddnm of
Calkins A Bwift will the firm name
Lumber Company, We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
waloome. in behalf of the dty. Mayer of a new hoop factory soon to be eraei- too hard for OImsod' and land
ed on bag twa. Hull Ut for a baae
lock Lumber. Snrfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Smith reeelred the Forertare with nap
Bay street. Barrels, Uh* and firk
py word* and la aarTasderlag the keye in* pill be manufactured. B. Swift and Bunt scored. Wstkins singled sad
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. MiU Machinery, of alt
stole eedbnd: Wheeler reaahad first
ot the dty. ttatad that that waa as
here from Big Baplds. and the
descriptions, irtcluding 2 Engines. Set WorkA Carriages
• aaaagimc ry oeramoBy. ae the city bw other member of the firm b Geo. Calk whan be Ut to TlbaU and BUly threw
tp the plsU to cat^ BaU. who slid in
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
longed to the rteitore already by right ins, the well known local barker.
safe. Whaalar stole asoood
OUoage MarkeT
and scored whsA'Park* Ut for a base.
High Chief Baoger Oilbwt welw
Qdeage, Aagnat ll-Wheat-Aegas^ WUbelm flew out to Tibald and Basthe visits Foreatera ia behdU of
Coart Trarene la an aloqnant iSdCW. 8*M«: Saptamber, Ubc; Deeambar; jaaa threw Adama out at first.
®3CTENSlVfc NEW LINlb OFThe vbltors'ran was made in the last
which - iaaptied the aodienee witb >: Mbo.
inning. Glsaaoo got to first oo Adams’
eenOMt of the ooriUelity of their tflow throw to Tony, want to second on
*7Kc: Deoembar. »MA
17Mc; Seplamber. Haynes' aingia. to third whan Whaalar
e to the addremm of weldropped tiia throw in, and aeorad whm
oome was made by the Bigh Chief B«> l«b« Oetobar, I6ba
Good goods at Low Pric^
PoA—Augnxt. r-Kh Baptsmbar. Snifka dropped Mtcaen’ fly. That b
g«ofMkUgaa.M.M.Calaghea, who
imie'imiil the eadleiwe wiU the feet r.ao; Oetobac. r.i*.
our motfo.
^ A
Lard-AugMt, St.U; fieptambar.
that Trarana City hoapitamy waa set
To* Cm AHmy* »• MFr to—
— to Mm. aa be had baea hwa •i.U: Oelotar. M.M.
Barley-Cbah Mo. A WH«Ma
Men n^ knew what a waleome in
M«ae atf mtaat Mr- aUghaa Rye CiMh. dflO; Bipfbar. fieMd
T, J. Host’s^
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.
If You Have Logs to Sell
H33, $498, $5.3»
Crasli Hats, to oiose....... 29c
—School Shoes
14 Off 01 all Taa Calorad Sboes from tUs data.
vend atMegnphln mwomn from Sa-
FOfmltf caotUff.
snrAsoB BAmrjv taobt
Wu VnAad »■ Vortbrn Uwr* Pf
I«k» Sapartor.
TEAvrasEcnr. - uiCH)pAJ<
Port Arihnr, ObU. Anf- 12.—Aa
■MD pubt Comaaebe. wiU Senator M
A. Sanaa and part; os board, U aahm
Tmm. T. Batw akd J. W. Baxvwk. acKSewbar* In tbe
dlatriet of
tbe Bortham ahore of Lake Snperior.
J. W. Baxxui. Editor ud ttMMgv.
Tbe boataaenulnaarioiiadaecar ai
a Ula«raa calUnr <or aMlataiwe aaka
that wrec^lnf ti«a and a Ii(bUnr be
aent at onoe, Tbe talactam waa aant
fma Niplfoa, a itatloo on tbe <>aadUn Paei&e.
The place Vbere tbe paefat eame
Cm aieuLtlnm d^ter U of a rockp foraatios. 1
nbanaal beinf dattad with sanp aaaU
lalaada: It U oonaiderad d
water dor anp exoept experienced
■t ttwm citf,
•d «t
FmuAm M
A tocapr for tiM pn
waUMdaUiMMM iM u i
A preacher of that auw
koaeta of baring perforated marriase
aarenoolee for t.bOO eonplea, and also
ftoclea ia the fact that not a oingic di
vorce esit haa reanlled from theae nnMrooanaioaa Tbe
U ao bapt>p over thia eeriaUe rec
ord that be haaorganiied a aocletp of
tbe famiUea thua created and it U hia
parpoee'to extend the good work,
laobeotthoaetet '
when be aeea i
not beritate to ^b it along. AU of
which will meet with naiTeraal ap
A,d Pthm Hripftil .liirtnictton
eiaaad Before Taaehaa..
upon their totercet aad energy ia pro-vidlng themeelvea with aaoh a hand*,
some end eompUte home, whieb tber'
T. f. BOAT BSOMIVBD IK* HOST anBoaneedaa one of the beet-la the
■0. a. Paris Won the Bicpole and Kra
dohn Bennie the Embleaaatlo Bing—
Hnmbera of Ticket. BnUtUag Hold- •harp Advance to Prtoe Testerday
Oiealed XxcHexnenL
era to Fitm*-Tb* Fair Oioned wltix
Cllioaga, Aug. II.—There la great exOtaod Banquit and Balltoment iu wheat today. Tbe reeelpto
' The grand fair and dedicate of
re large but tbe trader* are 'excited
and they talked a dollar for wheat.
In a hUae of glory. Tbe ball
In the ^ aft
brilliant aneoem and the rialUng High
mU. A reaetloa
Court oBicera wBie oonapicuooa
the honored gneata. Thermnaic of the of lE^'toUowed. Extenaive i
I to aad the Septa
Ideal orcbmira eloclrifiod the dancers
and ihemaaeeof the waltt aad gj^ op^ was bid np from 81H to M
eighu and qaarten without any
tiona of the quadrille wore thoroughly
eejoyed bp an Immenee company. ^ tioA. When 84 waaWd the in
hall was tented to lU Vtoat^paetty
> a*K
and the event waa one of^^ ai^eceeaea which
followed hf reaeUem to
of the ecnaoa.
The bnalaem of the baxar wm* eon
eluded earlier than the other depart
ment# beeanae of the neceeaity of
clearing the hall for the daneera. but
with prayer by Eev. W. A, Frye.
ti.e other bootim did a thriving trade
Him Marah look np •' PareeoUga." during all the evening. The b^quet
The chief thought inrher talk waa Ip connection vrith the Imll
that the almple workahonld.aalntnu:- c-..palderable aliracUon and the gueeta
tiona, be automatic. She alao.ahowed had the double oleaearo of dancing and
the proper uM of the chart along thia earing at will. The featt was under
tiie aupervUlon of Sam Eller, chef at
lina of work.
In her cUbb in Language aha dl^ I'w^k i'iaot . aad waa ftnely aerved.
eumed the uae of tbe picture aa a baaia
The voting oonuato created Intel
{ot Ungnaga work. She ataied that lu'ereei lou'nrdB the eloae. that
the axprcaakm of eorrect form ahould tiiBcaoe'belag the moat aplrited. Tbe
Tkb tie formed between the popn' be auiemailc. and explained the'way cotfteat waa p'acllcally between Sem
Itete and demoeimUiaOhiolaet antomn of obtaining thU reaulc
Oarltsd aud T. J. Boat, thelormer at
In the afternoon a Urge clam waa in- l':c head of ibe Mawnlc fraternity and
baa been terered. The middle of the
road faction of the people*# party hare leraated in another Ulk on •' Nature the Utter of TraveraeCUy Tent. “'No.
sanballed tbair forcee and hp an orei< Wc«-k."i.The principal thoughu '
fc?:,K. O T. M..aotlPeoelvod«Olvoiea
whelming majoritp named J. S. Coxep the way to atndy animala, the ccWMc- pad (iarland ST-J.
dor goremor. TbUoomlnatloB aonnda tion between regeuble and animal life,
The emblemi^le rli^ waa won by
Che death knell of free eilter in Ohio and the proteetire eoloration Of ani- Hr*. John Bernle, ptoriding ofUoerof
ita dMtinp, howevor bright in. the maU The reaaost given for the Unt the Cimpsnionaof Foreatera. She rehakpoa dape of Brpan. ha# now been thought were that aalmaU were eol- e ;ved U8 votea agatoai 87 for Mru. W.
ored for ^oaeealmenw aa the Polar B. Thacker. Conmander of Traveree
Tax acUTlty manifeated in the wheat bear. Tbe eame prineilde U alao Ime Bay Hlvo. No. 71. L. O. T. M.
The tocye’.o voted to the most popn’ aaarket y«terday. in which the price throughout eegeUble life.
In the morning Profemor Hoyt held Ur reUtl merehaat was won by C. S.
per hnahel monnted to aearlp M oeata,
I6f agaimat Charlee
krefTwhingto^the farmer who baa hia regnlar ciaae In Uteratnre. conUa- Cvl* by,a vote
learned what it is to anffer the bard, ning the atndy of the " Merefaani of R.jaenthiri «ho roerived VB vote#.
Number lot wgs the gold mounted
ebip el raial
In the dkmea in geography and hia- pipe, the ticket for which wae .held by
al for SO cenu, when the coat exceed*
e ftqniaitioB of new territory. Cbarlm brown of Manbteethat fignre. 'New there ia a proapeet tocy. theC
rentlona were tbe
•bat tbe labor expended hp the agrieal. and the recent
Following are the arUclea not claim
ed and the anmbera of the tlckeU;
taial toUer will reap iu jnat reward.
Atmt tbe middle of tbe afternoon
Pair trowtera. ItT; Knivra aad forka.
Tkn ateam paebt Coi
the InaUtaU enjoped •» old-faahioned 2M; fiahaet. 276: hemaUtchedlinen mt,
bore Senaug Hare Banna and a dle- aoelling match, inetead of the regnlar 2M: eeatrepleee. 1?S: ailk crnxy quill.
tiagniahed partp upon a cmiae into MBOB in writing.
837: oomforteble. 312: canarp. 30a: gold
iwrtbem water#, waa wrecked peaterTbe afternoon wan cloeed with a talk ForeatoTB’ pin. 414. Holder* of iheee
'Jap on the ahure of lAke Superior. on Pedagogy and Seb
numberacao aecure the prlaea by ap
Tbia touat net be taken aa a foreboding
g 1 by Proleeeor Hoyt.
plying to tbe oommiitoe.
.1' .
jj,.,_____ ___________
enrolled aiaee
Of the Tutnre of tbe aenator'a poliUcal
- .The _additioiial
Tbe number# wbicta call far other
chance# in'Ohio. .
Tueedey evening are LUUe Horton. prixea and which have not pet been
Monroe Center: Lydab Croakblte. presented are aa follow#:
t in Cali£oraia Kingatey; Belva Ghering. Old MImloo:
UI7. t07». 1099. lOM. 1078. 1101, lUB.
Jnringthe pnat few dnye preeent e»- Lulu M. Johneoo. Mapleton; E*teUa |
ngj. 740. BM. 332.
idence that the depoalU in that eUte Schneider, LilUlnEMUler.AnlceReyIIIO. ■ 7S2. 716. »8,
300. - have not pet been exbauated. If thia Bolds,MomcNWham.dIbertS. Foote.
140*. '084, 1*30. 1048. 1133. 881. 18B0.
la Une of California it map be atlll tme Bdua aapp. Ada Smith. LltxU A. Olda
170*. 14SM, 881. 1082, 1887.
Of other BUtea, and tbe eharma of the Litrie Parmalee, Edith M. Glbhe. Agam
17»T. mt. l*».
ItOO. 1S82. 1*60.
'Klo^lke and the Yukon map notbeaa Fiaher, Rose E. Birmley. TraveraeCi^
1*62. 1386. 11*9. 1*«, 1I8S. >3«. 1672.
’.pUnring aa heretofore.
nVT. l«*7, 313. ns. fllB, 104*. OPt.
2S*8. 86*. 569, $19. 106. 617. 409. 641,
1648, 690. 1778. 987. 1437. 1*8, *56.
Pioeceutor J. J. TWeddU waa forced Pelnta Tblted Bp J. ▲. Koatagsa 1663. 1416.. 640, dM. 676.
678. 3M.
and Person Their Oralaa.
to leave hU oflloe pwtsrdap 6a aeoonnt
tJ7. 961. 61*.
686. 766,
1818, 1634. 036. 1646, 931.
J. A. Montague nad paiV returned ISIS.
Jamee C. Hill haa aoid hb' aeeond today from their thirtoenth annnnl
1817. 866, 167.-814. *78. 408. 174J.
bnad furniture alore on Beat Frost erublng trip la northem water and 1441, *70. 1013. *56, 38*. 16«. 868.
they all nnite in proclaiming thb to he 633. 94*. 968. 1?«. 978. 1606. 961,
one of the pleeeaateet axparieaeee they 1714, TOT. 763. 1*63. 1317, 84. 1463.
boy at their home peaterdap morning. hare yet had.
ITS*. 780. 60. 1171, *7. 1*76, 411. 1*61.
The lad weigh* tea poands and baa
The partp oonabUng of Hr. Monta- UM. 706. 1038. 08*. 908. 1031, 1189,
gne. hUtwo ponng eona; B rl and Her- 6M. 823. 764. 411. 498, mO,-1447. 1746,
179*. 916. 1596, 109*. 1*95. *66.- «91.
Oco. W. Hall and farnHy we
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
than plesned laat night, theb grandaoa Inetltate. Chicago, and Omer Qroreos 1606.
LewbS. Hall of Detnrit. ateppad off of Kokoaw. Ind., left Trnveree City
July M InJfr. Mmtegiie'B sloop pa^t,
Inat'a night'# C. A. M. tmia.
Jariiee 8. H. Brown hna aneored the Onswa, and after a abort atop at
north eeet comer of Front nad JUrk
naehed DeTonr the Uird
Opeood by High Oonzt Otfioen.
etreeto, from hb brother. W. L. Brown, dap out. Tbe next point of interia exebnuge for n bonne nad let on eel rialted was Brace Mine#; old
ily after tbe ad‘
la the
to the Grand Opera Bones. The
The trinl of Alexander Stewart and
FbH Morgan, who ware arrented on ship channol at the 800 bronght them room# w«e throoged with people and
eharge of inmping their bpard Wll et to Mimaaaugda. where between the thMO was aearedy room to turn, while
Vm Pangboin Hotel, hae hewn poet- roeka mfe harbor* abound. One«f the the booth* and voUog contmta k^l
poeta of the Bndaon Bay Trading Co. allver pleem to eonaunt exchange. It
posed for two weekn.
to aUll malotainod her*, and if to the
four o'clock
On aeeouBt of Un membrre of the
only Uaee left of tbe wild and romantic were eompleU for the de^leatkm,
Bnanah Riflee, employed at tbe baaket
life of tbe fnr traders two hnndred
When everything waa to readioem
factory, being enable to get off. the
of th* ofiloer* were occu
sompanp waa nnnhle to parUeipate in
joyed a trip through the Spanish River pied by <^Uf Banger P. C. Gilbert.
the Fereeteia' parade peaterdap aftervriU it* thoomnd or mora «f tolauda. Vice Chief Ranger F. D. North, Paat
whose ^ctnrmquc beauty far exeeeda Chief Banger John Jump and Chaplain
i of twenty that of tbe world famed Thonaaad tatA Wepcle party'ec
A. E Fox. After order waa aecurad
psaag people from the aeplnm. took a ands of tha St. Lawreaoa. Bythtotlme
the BUUoa* were vacated to favor od
fSB ont to ^t Bap >eeterdny after
of the Onawa were quite tha High Court oSleen who work to
mm. They report the beet time of ready to welcome elvUiatlon and ao ooadnet the oeremoniea, aa foUo<Mra:
dim iisinn Light retreehmonb w*e made a stop at Little Ourront. on ilroat
High Chief Ranger CaUghan. High
amrad and garnet Indolgad In.
. where. At the only Vice Chiet^gw Starkwaather. High
Among the good attiacUoae to be drug/etore In the OeorgUs Bay region, Chaplain t-leachhaaer and Marrital A.
seen to Stelnbargb Grand following JihS* refreshed the inner man with Uc A. Woeka.
the OoeWtv ntmimmoan xarbeop<
cream Boda and klndrod luxnriea A
The Beralda were as foUows: bat,
MIMtloa. wm be the .WUllnm Owen delightful mU hack on the ontaide A. V. IMedrich; Weat.C. Pybnaj NorUi.
Oaapanp. which appeared here laat
ge brought them to the fam- Allen Smith: Bonth. W. W FalrdiUd.
eeanon, and Newri Brothetu with a fint
fiahtag grounda of Lea ChenThe dedication waa formally oon;.
slam oomedy company.
where they cajoyed life for ducted acoOrdtog to the ritnal and tbe
The regnlar meeti^ot the-V-CT. a few day*, taking in MackiiUe laUad
eedlnga were totoreetiag to every
C. will 'be held at the botne of the <» the trip home. -They reached Old body prmeat- When the temple waa
Mtmee Chapin. 822 Wnehington sb
Mimion. ennhnrned aird. happy, t*ed- declared open for tbe parpoem for
thia aftenoon at 2;S0 o'clock. Tbt* neaday afteraoou and dropped anchor which it wn* dedgned, by tbe High
prill he a Motberb mqefir'g and all
harbor ymterday. The Chief Ranger, the r-*^-— --------Bother# and those tot«s^ in the weather tbroughont tbe trip ifu de■ to the I
govemmeat of children a^pocUily l^btful. and nothing nopleamtin the
be riaittog
'Inrited. Mn. N. E. Strong, leader.
way of aeeldent m advratnre occurred
>rud to the aayhim. where
j; M. Wattn of tbe Inland l^lnt re- to caet a thadow over the ^ree week** they were shown through tbe inatltoUon by Dr. Mnimon.
•ert, brou^t the fog bora of hb yacht outing.
Profeaeor Orosaon left ymterday for
Xmdp Watte over to the haU game pew
The new tomplc was gieatlT admired
terdnp aad employed H. W. Canning- Chicago, tout bto hrother wiU rataato by the rialton akd was denlarad to be
ham to grind it In the grand atand, for a few dey* with Mr. Montegne, aad a fitting moanment to one of tha very
vUeh Canningtem did to the qaaes'i wiU endranr to Add to Ua lanrala as a hett oonila to the SAtira aUto. Itoe
Mr. Watti Malma the oradH of folMimiBhyoajtoutogafowblgraln- dtottogutobedofieara freely enagratntoowndrateerntraM.
toted the membere of OosM 4*aveiae
erinalsg the game.
nte w«e opened
_____ _
I y S,
Wtwanllo sell the balance
of our Shirt Waist Stock, j =
‘Buysgood choice ^yles—nU t :
culls. . .
Provided y*"* pf - J. W. MILLIKEN.
Interesting Talks by Kim Marah and
Profnaer Hoyt.
The lecture on Wedneadar evening,
at tbe acheol houac. by Profemor Hoyt
and Hiaa Marah were very Ulereetto
Prof. Hoyt gave e abort, but extrei
ely helpful ulk on "Tbe dijerniit
eUaeee of children." He described
them in an intereatlng manner and
explained bow to diaUngntob the diff
erent typ» He drew largely in hto
Ulk from peteonal experience.
Him Mateb gave a brief bUtmy of
the Mother*' meeUng in Detroit. Five year* ago it waa oonaidered
neocaaary to bring parent# and teach
er# Into cloaor relatlona with each
other, ah it vfaa thought that people
who vrere lotercated In tralulng the
same child ahould know aanethlng of
each other’# m'etboda To thia end the
perenU are invited to atund a Moth
er*' meeUng ou the third Tborad*yof
each rpouth.
At these mcelingaeaeh parent to froe
to dtocnm any anbjoct pertaining to tbe
welfare of (he chOd. lim rmoll ha*
been a much greater feeling of coaS
dence to the teacher aad aa tod toatlcn
to trqpt her jodgmect
For the purpoee of giving systen
work for each mosih'a diacumlon. the
following ooorM of study was pniened
daring the year. Five of the leetoree
were given by akiUed apodal
Tbe remaining five were home talk#
by tbe prtodpal. Him Marah.
The oouree of atudy darning *96 and
'97 todnded two Ircturm by Dr. LAertea Conner, one by Dr. Mary WoodalTeo
of Ann Arbor, one by Dr. CtoraUoa, and
by Dr. Dayton 1‘arker.
Th* CsUbtxUi SpecUlittf,
Ts.tVERSE Cits. Mich.
W8doetdfi7 and Thwidfi7,
OonauitBtloD and ExBzninAtlon Free end Strictly
DBM B B 8.0 03 d*riit«(b«ral
AMhui* Mid Oauttim. aul r'l
Anew tow partnerthlp hae been
formMby twoofTravene City's legal
llgbu M a Uatra. former partner
of C. Q. Turner, ha* farmed a eonneeticA
with City Attorney Farm. C. Gilbert
and they wiU occupy tbe ofitom now
held by Hr. Gilbert. The new firm
b^toa bnalaem at ones. Thiaiaavery
etroag oombtoatioe. aa both young
are -not without honor and dbtiaetlon at the local bar. aad evea abroad.
Death of an Old •ettlar.
Daniel Penaenter, one of the ©td eetUere of Loetonaw oona^ died at hie
e near Bingham yesterday at the
advanoed age of 77,ycara. aftm a Ttogertog Ulnea*.
He leaves a wife aad
twoaoaa, Edgar aad Frank. Mr. Parmester toCAUd at Biagbam is 1865 and
was wdl known and highly reepe^ttoFuneral eervioes will he held at the
Bingham school hoase at * p. m
W. L. Aadereon will have
«h«gA __________________
Might School
ctiy'to Dt.^ or tu, 8^.
me ^
B» Daoerl. GrvMBl DobUi(r.Sc*araA.8ki»
KPILEPMY 08 riTM luMtiiatJ eund b> a t>w ud aww hUmr iwwdr.
DTK B l> e ('«. m*!* >
uf *11 Icni* of lUctaJ IHmm*. ril<*-iBi«eal md oiw
--------- U_.i •;icm.rWurM.niuil*.—ekwhar*
aOM t*km tor Kerroaa
•04 Ubm TroaWc. all r.-rrO.
- - 3UoB(nmbuduo».*e4«iU»oi
>1 XaiU CMMi* V 11
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
eaSerinx fma asr vcekawaaarhv e*e
Bcrlrtfr «-ta64^ti*L
Tl'ltOK# AiVD CAN<'8RS rBi«4 vitba
r*T*8BH- \nr Uuma-trvaUtrsl. L'l
OVlBtSTEE To cut* rrvri cm* of
r^or acw. 'k.« OMlbodr.
^Smdaebc. PUm. Tap. ITan
*llI«l»««»M**al»tl*otio€i to dtSralt cmm aad to
ts'lrd to ror*. P. mum appirtax f’ r tt»mw«*t 111 ptoe** Um 1
u^be *r* BB*btr to call ra* urTtWfnU sanlcalara of
•oat bi-rinmaa. with full
_ ^tioo* tbow to brtak TUanuo' Or.. B.. aet'o.
w*. ioc
.plottacB. Tboai
X. B. Oaten and Oily Attorney Oilbert
WiU Work TogetberT
Two Days Only Xnch Honth.
•r aad haw dMOicim m
F wiih a c^ttal b
Ic and «*1I ksi>ws.
DRS. ll S. Sc CO.
Lock Box 160.
Ever Burned Out?
If ao you know
the value of
jaSTS'CTRuA.lSrOBl. '
O P. CARVER. Agent.
Baser aad Squre ToeA
Has Your
AttentionEver been called to the feet
that yon can ret at the Drag
Store (our atore)
Pure Pewdered Bpicee,
Pure Oreem Terter,
(and Pure Baking Powder. If you want
ne to make it. 3 pound* for Sl.OO.) Rub
ber Sbrettog. bbber Tubing, all
■lace. Water Bottles (rnaraateed for
two year*.! Ponntoln Myringea a»aay
kiada. Ttoxmt Braahea Ai Atomiaera,
Ulyoerto* aad Witch Rasel Lettoa for
the hand* aad toea
Boda Fountain
Ocmnler we arc nvrer cocteatod to **let
^1 enoairtt alone'’ but always try to
Jis. G. jontsoi.
85 tf
Steider^ Grtod Opei Bout.
One KlghtOiUy»
Wedoeedjy, Aagiut I8U1.
Great chance
to visit the "birr lale”
at a low rate. Tbe C. A W. M. ty.
wUl aell vSm* on above daU to M^"
tone latoad and return for fit.OO rc
trip, vto Bay View and G. E A L
train leaving Traveree City at 6 a.
Boat will arrive
at the
a m.. aad leave at 6:30jpmi
p l_
Ono. DktlAVXx. O. P. A.
George Miller, travriing ealesman tor
a large New York C othlng Uoaae. «rUI
exhibit ble Use to our slora Special
. train will leave Traveraa
City at 6.-W a m. and arrive at by
Viewat9. Betnratoglaaveat? p. m.
Bound Bip rau fii.*8. whl^ toeladm
Take your imaA atodg aad have a
Gao. CkBAVn. O. P. A.
IrttletOB male.—.
Aeeurate B^odaedoti
, Fire Insurance.
Suits to Order.
Ftee Merchant Taikiring.
Every detail of the 14 rounds, aa waU
aa tbe-ton mtoatm prbriouaand the tea
to^aftar the grra* battle antheri.
Wm It % PoMl Blow?
Ooma Mid 8m Ibr TowMtt
. Ttt* Oraat Commonwaal Oaner^
Nominatad by- tha Popu*
liata of Ohio.
_ poaarey: attMiMy rniant. C. A.
tt«(4«r. Warn* county; vtate tmaorer,
F. M. Hwrli. AuBlAlac county. Tb*
ronventlon rnnatncO In kmIub QBCil
nftar < o'clock nm nltlns U>c Teport ol
he tnyeatlcntlna commlUee, but it cm
jot forthcoaUB* «nd the convenUoa ndJounied Bine «l* with the utid«r*UiiiUn»
that the coiomltt** would report U the
New vofiK-aiiowQAN CA*e.
TvmiMb la th* y-rmer.
New Torh. Auc. It^acob N. 8am|»' aon. a former aaaljunt dlatrlrt attor-
j ney of Lenawee con.'^. Mh-h.. who waa
OontintheStTMtSOf AbuHamkO tcuiictcd in Ihu county for allowtoc a
rou wiu stvhuflittT
~ -•«
by th* AnstOeEffVPtiAn
j ptlBomr to eaeape. wai artalsned before
^ w^* r^rrr.Tfl
I Jodae niaaerald. In the court of «anrercksonwia
^,Mon» mterday momln*. Baap______________
I aon and hbrrtS FerfUBon. o« the mmc
. .
county, came to this city aoine moutba
SITES FULL or FLOATISO B0SH8. ayo to cet a man named Anton ChrlB.
; Uant'f.. who
t.-ni.>n'.cd aomethlna
acme money to amUt the antl-fualon ,
Uke 1100 and bad been arreited here.
Mm 1b • ntc MBjBrttr Popollita. and he deiermlaed to find cut j
■ealvl wMh ThBlr reed htu^ ,
The ab.-rlff and'the a'ltflacl dUtrlct
—OtkarraMlBa MBkMdwrcMor Brtb- the initb of tl. He mid he went to
fUrdly Aar of ThM Are attorney let ChitMlonaen go on the paymj wMk Hbbbb b* ifcB Brtbar.n4 tar • Major Chariea IMck and lold him the
. _ .
---------_BrtlMi ment of the mdbe>-. For tbia the two
PopuBlb were dlmatUfled with the
Indletett. Fergueon went back
llBM Thaw An Unix P>
Democratic cairipaln and racKeated
B Flmallr Kb»9 lb* €
Ihhee MM Leara Bf the Caar—AaaeehlrtB .
that the tuilor. mlCDt be brtdtes up. Ha
■DCtin <Jr»n*-Tt*k»t MaBlBBlad.
referred to Hur^ Pteyor aa a pronjlnent
lea. \Mr
Columbus O. Aua. It-rFUMOB
Popollat e-heae BerrlceB would be worth
I’hen the case was a
Cairo. Attg. IZ — O
F by the PopollBU aecortne. and arransed for a contenenee trom Aaeoiipn. on the Ntl* near th* , I
>wyer aiked tor an adjournOhio In n mnoaer bo emphatic as
and 'the ease was placed nn.th*
iTB CD chaacB for coatrovcray rccwcd*
b. biu™.. bU»»
« Ab.
- *2 ’ WJb-,
^ U« the futitrc policy of the party. The
Dl.kagTccia to pay th>
of head. I Ando-Btrutlan troopa under Cpl^i
PovuUBt aute ccttvenOoa, by as overUtiartera. literature,
erhe^Btas maiorlty. aerered the fcUlBDce
rualon PopullaU ‘
Hwdc a year b«d with the Democaacy
It-The fact that
on the tree sUver tHoe. aad nmnlnated
a toll BUte acket headed by Jacob
nnsoi EE&m7 bat dowi nm.
to J..H K lor morey i-* !■? u.— . *i ■ i a .!
and hed reertved a checN for til. signed ,
Charles Diek, and drawn <m the Ohio I
lack, of Washlngtcn. D. C..,
which was ruhmitted
J«ab>a* llwsiaBd Catt UU Wlfr^ Thnmk
BBd CamtatU UuleMe.
wounded, of ubom the T.-nlh
CTlcagc’. Aug. I!.—Afiee cutting hU tatiDllon L.st fourteen kl'l.el. among
wife a throat Ctarlea M. aifford ended them two HrllUb .Jllcer*. and thirty,
UaJ -r H. M .Sidney fell
earthly MUtem-e by shooting four wound-d
mortally w..undt;d while Uading
hlmseW with a revolver early yeaterdhy
men lo the attack, and lUvd In flve
morning. The murder and auletde ocne leunu mltiutea Lieutenant Ftuclarence was
curn-d alb^ut 4 ji'clock
II..W1 Bi SM Rush^*b«t almoft at the aatne moment
Where t^
through the heart. Thrv. Egyptian ,offl.
CMraaa Varht !• Mti-inv.
klllwau'iee. Aog. II.—FTlend# of the
occupants of the yar-hl Merlin, of Cbl*
cago. are worried over the absence of
the convention had been bought out
. by Mark Banna.
StahM Chsr-B nrBrtberr.
Be claimed he had proof that del.eaatea bad bees bribed by the BepuUIcubb;. he had the proof, providing be
was given aa opportunity to produce
IL The matter could not be preeented
tn flve minutes, however, nor dlecoaaed
hy-tflat time, and he charged that the
■Sommlttee'i report was aimed lo jieevent tt. A* Witt waved aloft In bla
band a piece of papTr which he claimed
waa a check that had been given to one
of the drtegatra by an agent of Mar*
Mann* he launched Into a bitter inthe *ral-f
charging that all of them bad* been cor
rupted by Hanna money. A seore of
delegates were on their feet in an In
stant. crowding around the chair on
wM^ wm atood-
. ....
riMBB «r pBlie* Beenlrod IB Get the
MtoUbc tB Older.
When on* «f the drlegatea attempted
to pull wm off tbe chair the latter
mm J.
Ittuded To.
FatS Stmt. betwMa Front ft Cam.
•IWU/B tB Stock.
Rites. *1.50 per Day.
TeeaelleT Bloea.
Meal Tickets at Redsced Rates.
PlratClsasUarB<iBrt. Rhaetal Ratee
Lady Watts
aw.ike ... I.M
------ ---------- - the bodies
hll. h.. last Beturdsy and which ha*
of her father and mother. She n-Ufled
bcb-n beard of since.
A mesoage
the, relghhorhor-dailford
ly praises
ouiWr ' ■a hakery and a
. ...
-ngagement. ' ferson Jackson, of MacaUws park, near
to Rush ats-i-et and lived In the rear
The yfUiage Is a network of crowded ! MnlUnA , whtre the
yacht was aupiTplare of busincas with faU wife
house* and twtotlng narrow alleys, so ( posed lr> sail for after She left befe.
When the little girt
J aonZET
that most of the fighting was dotw at , ing about the boat. Tboae on board of
awoke she found the room occupied by
Anec for governor. Turbulent
.w.- -b.->nts
Her mother
'he point of the bayonet. The derv-j the yacht are: H J. Baker. Henry E.
.rsnte in
Iked the cpenlng of the convention. -her parents
In disorder.
dialer. Her
Her mother
^^..tedly charged .Abrongh the : O. Heinmann. Cora Baker Spangler.
, anU-toBlonlsu bad awept every.
narrow strevU. FlnaHy
Aheir cavalry. Helen Baker Eastman..Elmer Jwm*
ifiy Ahi
- • I-----------Itaker. George
M. Finney. Laura W.
number, fled
------------ —
lo« o
orgnnlprertpltalely. followed by ab-ui I» In- I Jackson. UlUan A. Hopklna. Jule Wegcovered with Wood, and eTerylhlng In
' Mtk«
fantry. Tbeae were all that eoeaped. ] mann—all of Chicago—and three saildicated that there M been a struggle
and they ware on their mettle. Sor'kha
drrvish comni>u:dcr Mohammed '
before the double crime was commit
the policy adopted by the tuahmlsu ted. Mrs. Clifford's throat had been cut aelD was cuptur-d- Another well-known
O..W UeiMcrots •* lows.
c^culated to temper the feeUng which
Dee Molne*. Aug. It.—The ftste <
with k large butcher knife and a bullel
•had been arouaed among the ‘middlefortified tral cuoitiilttV < f the ‘‘N'alIcnaT' D
wound In the right temple of the hpa- hU foUowrrs In a strongly
«(>tbe-Toad" PopuUnta. The threat of
bouse, and ws» only killed at last when ■ ocrats _
band showed bow ht had taken his
m-i >mtt
the fnalonlita to explode a bomb In
wen cf orgaclsaili n ard outrewDlver lay by hU aide, the house was rteatroyed by the artll- | „„
A large r
tb* convention waa like llaunUng a red
Head- '
e if Jealouay. the other lery. A lam- number of pris-mers, arm*, t
ftac and when the cenventton aaaen
standard*, caipel* ard htnue*. with otb- ; -u.ner* will be opened here aW-ut Aug- I
ise^beln* a pollcemaa.
the drtegatea were ready for uny
er property, were uken. The Nile at , jg
Watteraor. Cariirte. Ser*f.r Und- ,
T*«K that might be aprung.
Meiawl I* in a mert unplcsaant aUl* i
Patrick CUtlr.* and Renat.r Vila*
from the con’»r» floating down. .
among thow arsour.ted to roak- ad- •
The report of the committee on roles
AltBehed by the #twHC BIDS ADIKT TU rz IB K1
nad order of boiineaa brought out the
11 give____
Milwaukee. Aug It.—tart of the idant
proiDlaed aensatl.m.
The report pro
tepenw TTIIIbelm Bag Hk Km
WaterC-a^AMLOM Viiakew.
vided that no gpeerdi should excebd flve of the llUnuI* Steel company I*
t. Louis. Aug 11.—Fire rtarird on
minute*, regardless of the subject dis hands of the sheriff, who last night at8t- P-ter»l.urg. Aug. ll.—Ai 11 o'elrck
•cotvl story buildcussed. Several delegates Immediately Uched the proin-rty to satisfy an atJoined In a proiest against this proTtolon. claiming that It waa contrary
to the fundamental prlrx-lple of the Peo
ple* party, and an amendment waa trf^red to rtrtke frt-m the typort the ob
noxious aecthm- Finally Pvtcr, Witt, of
CleveUnd. soured recognition from
» Belt* and mounting a chair
Fishing Parties
Now for Business! caep lake.
From this date this boat
will not make regular con
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangements
for the use of tbiB bandsome
jacht, b>’ commnnication by
mail or'wire, with
Leland. Mich.
See Oil Rew Line
l[oI'Cltmbg<*S TBZ
Picture Mouldings
Bhy Btroeta.
ta,chatent for
in favor of the , .
Newport Mining lompany.
The auU j lk-» of Hus«ia and G.-rmany started
H. A N. R depjt. withes
ixrtk* out Ilf failure u
oads. where Em- ;'
leged to be due on iron ore delivered j
KOUam and Etr.prea* Aueurta b. the two top stortea. The damage li . fliwa and fnrntabed tk* Hotel PangEBcIns Toet.-UiB-OBi.l loroyoor
b>- the plaintiffs It is said that the at-! vici.>ria were to rr-emUirtr upcci the rottmaied At IM.ooo. mostly caused by jboni better than it eyer ha* be«n be.J W i -.'I*'***
tachment will li
0 w«y ir.lertere wt» ;
Impertal ya. hl Hoh.r-aoll. ro
B<cktp Up— p'‘t sw.
fore and raa accommodate tt:o travelThe nostber was niagrlfleinL and as
ing public is good abapa.
John May.
c;1|»- sdJaitmUci p-r »«jr •*
Ball Oam* At Four K
the Alexandria left the landing stage
eliliai«bwUi.^|iBlr.......... ZM
formerly *rith the Hotel WblUng. will
of the opersllDg depu^mont buUdlngs ■alulcs were fired, the tr.np* ralutf-d.
There will be*ball f*®» between
wtte.' BrwitBg tt
Other HoBUnro ..
the bands played 'h'i 0<rmsn national
.ifayelte’e folta and ihcT mch team have charge of the office and attead to
le comilalnt allegro that som< time anthem, ard tb* '
Its of the gu'eats.
Is Jlnlr.g th
».ipaUrNJ>oinl Sunday at * pago the. Illinois Pteel company and the tbriret chetred co.
repair tbrn. aiBek Tube Varfc a
. The Gir
boat n UI make regular trips fi
r- rbroprot Mace bi Ike rtiy. Olv*
Newport Mlolfig comimny enlered Into man emperor and emprem bowed re
two contract*, the first culling for the putedly Ir. achnowledgment of the *adelivery of JS.000 tons of Iron ore for lutea.
Thr Alexandria rrartied Ctun> to tbe Lion Barber Shop for hair
wflich the steel company was to pay siadt tt 1 o',clock In the afternoon. The
tK.nC. the money to be paid In twelve q'unyi arere densely crowded.
euU and bathV » eentt
paymi-nia, wlibRu a year. The aeeond
Their German and Kura an majeetle*
cOBtroet culls for th* delivery of *0.- lmmedlal*ly went c.n board the Oennas
ooe tons of Cromwell ore at nUMO.
The Xiohigan Gold Oure.
which also la lo be paid for In twelve lunched wUh Prti
Dr. J. O Conaer. medical dhaetor of
payments. The complaint alleges that Tbe Oermnn aquadron tymalned
the^ichigaa Gold Cora. I* bow located
the def.ndar.ts have paid
roads until after 4 o'clodL when the
City and will ramaln anUl
1 the see-. signal was given to gel under way.
ftrsf contract and Ilft-IT
about October laV He treatt auoeeeaond.
The Oeman guanen tbundcred n sa
fally all eaece of the liquor, morpbtoe,
lute. to which tbe CrouMn'Bt torts roaearroBB Ike Ball rVU.
opium aad cocaine bablta, CompHeaChicago. Aug. U.-League base baU!.piled. Th* Koenig Wllbelro. hitherto ted and long atasdlng cases a special tv.
re-^rts yeetetday;
At Clr-ctnrAtl-St. |1 *U»et. new flrtd a farewell aniute. For Trra'ment giveo at borne and strlcUy
Louis 5. Clnclnr.aU li at LouIs\ Ule-Chl- ; aonie itm* their German mnjeatles stood ccBfidentlal If desired, without baa of
I cago 4. ILoulrtille S; at Waablngton- , cm the deck of the H.iheosoUero.
from buaiDfes.
I Pfanadclp
•city referencee fnrntebed.of paiienla
At.xsndila. saint-I
'treated here a year ago. For any In
BnetuD—New York S. Bostonnt Brook* iRg one another and waving band* to formation ,ln regard thereto addrea*
ChoeoUtc and Ox Blood SkoM, Big 1
II waa nearly ( o'clock
|jm_B*ltlmore 1«, Brocklyn L
Baltl- one another.
when tbe Alexandria steamed in.thr di P. O Box lOOO. "•
t more slso won the tecobd gn me.
S4 6t
Western Luguft Ar Columhu*—Mtl- rection of thr nrw Frlrebofr palai-e and
waukee T. Cclumbu* U; at IX trolt-Sl. thr .nnhcRtnllrrs departed with her
were able to‘^e'thr«.,;;2; j «««* »«
*■« ““ «■
Cycle Owners Look flffe!
The Pure Juice
Butter, First Class
.......... .. .
^?'o. C
, M- D.
Great Cut in Bicycles ftr.ii-~. wb-..
rupted th* hoetllltka aad a few min- j
M-c*,ern Asaoclallou-. At Burlington
«tea later a platoon of police reached
s. Burllngiot *: at Dea Molnee
tbe ronventloD ball and the convenUun ! -^..dar Rapida 4. Dc* MMoerZ: at Bt.
• • •
- - ' Jaeeph—Bivkford t. 8t. Joseph 14; at
- y «.
■ urilh a Ml
The police rvma.D..-d until the conven
Glmi MaBBfiwtasro* la Ouua-isBSW
tion t<iok a final adjournment.
anU-toManliU were not In the least dis
V hiding a necre
mayed hy the charge* that had been
on at the Auditorium. None
- .. nnd Oie report of ‘be -cc------ '•‘-
Boys' Blouses i
-MlD______ . ensued In *rMch several blow*
nesis>1l*S.1ndlajiap.->Us 1«: (w cud gamel
were exchanged and chain raised aloft
Mlr.neap.llB S. Indlanep lU 10: at Grand
te a threelenlag manner. A poUceman : ,
City It Grand Bapldi
who waa psesent ruabed la and later- |
In the yards Is even slrotixer thin when
the price of meat was Brat advanced.
Every iark»r In the city announced
the reduction, all at the aame hour
am mu
Orders by Telephoee fremptlr
~~PWrlb. <b. I0»1 Ubfc .
ground c
Aglo^Eoitian tn»i.* advanced to- the within a
Bttach ufxin the village
A atubbors ' the packt---------------------------------Aouse-tn-housc flghl ensued, and Col- price <.r dtvwid U-ef loth-local tradeto
Hualer was obliged to brtng up the!« evou a >»>und. This action, being an
ent. rauBfd proThe reault baa
In i ud 10c. Ocht*
At our athr*.
n. M'h.
Oaaeyr od ■'eommonvea]’' tame, aa Ike
The RecogRtzsi leaders'
Heats anj Groceries
pay to look at the alagaat Una
from a Cartw'seurr*. to the effect that
te.OU voluBK-rra have "be, t nrganlaed
and are being rapidly nrmrd In vartou*
provinces cf fRialn
Rarope Wmeu fleme Wbeet Tkk Tetts
• London. Aug. It.-The Time* In t
conrae cf It* finanrial arilelr »*r»:
U estimated by (rrsona In a porttlon
form an opinion chai at least U per cent
more wheat than Is ttsually needed hy
Europe win he wanted this year. Ow
ing to the iGort RusMan. French and
PHT* ‘he United
intry able
SMteo will l» the only
meet this extra dr^rA"
call and aeo LbemH Aun-Tog Cwyniigo Co.
Green that will kill Bugs Sr
It's the Paris Green we sell.
To WiMm IT Mav Cosatm-Tbe City
lod fall
weight ^ffimiuteed to iS^U
lua Every pound
rnoeil at the City of Tra'
I ist, Masoulc Bloch.
ivu, by raaolution heratofe
. nine (U)-1b main .
in Sewer D
the City cff Trarorec City. Mtchigan
Pull line matertaL
Baid T ice it eh main Sewer to be laid
in Wellington Btroet from Waahingtaa
street lo Eighth street.
Part of the cost of said main sewer
to toe aa eaaednponUie real prwrrty
Fiaeh's Bicyele Bepair Sbop,
in said Sewer District Number ‘Three
i'-' Bicycles to Rent
be. but It la known that an advance
of us to no, athlcb waa the first *ctl contemplated, tt Is nuderatood that
curate abowln* of the reUUve atrength
there wlU br considerable trouble Id
of tbe fartlona
The ooBveBiloei then effected ^PCTagreement a* to the amount
of advance, and that II will tor two
man John Belt* of ‘nffln. and Tempordsye at lra-«i U-for* the matter can be
aiT Secretary A. B. Ughtwaltcr. of New
mate* of said proposed main B>wer a
Tbe demand from thr ^aa*
beUf made permanent
woikrr* tor an advance In wages wat
officers. From that time on the fusion,
diacusaed- ?l>r manofacturvra offered
London. Aug.It.3i^The executive coun
tsta, tbongb In'tbe mliiortty. were very
a raise of ^ per cent, but President cil of tbe Bo.Hsl Federation hs* paaaed
-much In evtdence. but Ibelr effort* tvof PabUc Work* of flald
Uurna of fhr Glaaa Workers’ urIor. •
_ rraoluUOD that the death of SeBor
anltrd in nothing except to dilay the
-lerkh office
ly will meet at the
straight tnerrsse of S perlcano’
____inova* del Oastillo.the Spanish preml- I
of th* coDvertton. The rea- dcmandvd-4
. Batnrdsy. Auguat 14th. li*07. at 7:S0
........ .Alts.-.*.*
toabout '
' er. -at the hand* uf a t^lf-sacrtficing '
dopted rvaffinned tbe Popu
agreeiDeot wa* | fanatic" was "a rigbtf-ous mrtbnUon o'clock r. M . and conaidi anyauggew
platforms adopted by th* Omaha ! ” P" .
r made by
t for bti cru.'l persecution and torture
^ th, party : rtwphed.
I to said
of Spaniard* balding advanced oploMasgiro 1* ICrU
and took issue on aevertDT matters
Cfajcago. Aug. U.—Alderman William
local toterrot|
Before th. morolng aesBlon closed a Manglvr murt pay a fine of tl.OM and
' -solution was adopted providing for , serb'F a term of ninety day* In •the
Rome. Aug. 12.—The Vatican Is dl^
the anwintoiefit of a consrotMee to In- county Jail a* * punlshmenl for refuting appointed that tb* encyclical of tbe Pannislfralr charge* made on the floor of to tell the July grand Jury Hie rtory Angllcan, or lambrtfa. conference does
the convention that delegates had been of the promlrirnt man who attempted
The fu*lonUta who made to boy hU vote on the Oenrral Electric
tbe mtarge* opposed an InveBUgaysh hJ ordinance. ThU.ta Judge Dunne'* de^Ji^^
e pope 1* a
a eommiuce. claiming that It i^ould clMoB. Mangier, some weeks ago. told-*
ryclleal adv
ae\eral peraon* that he had been
u of the Holy 8
tempted by a briber, but when be was
L'’H^'’New PhkadelpWa;
i: H. W; gueetloned hy the grand Jury be «Loedoa Aug It—The Dally MaD
Fredertclff fused to talk.
Canton: J. M.
pubUihe* a dlfpatch ftwo Oporto. Por
Akron; Peter wm and Georg* A. tJrooL
tugal: wblcb sayr that tbe town U In «
Pkria Aag. U.-A dMpaich to Tbe aute of c|Mn rebellion aad that the anAt th* afternoon ■MBloa the foUowftv Figaro fttan tan Sebastian aaya that
UMrittw bare only maintained tbe upper
•tau ticket ^ DOmlaatad: For gov- p»tii, tbe* iMi lain in the eoBTOe jet a
J fay proclaiming martial law and
•nor. Jacob Cbxey, Stark eswnty: Brapolice axamlnaUon deriared that »
Mng elgbieen ansy iffilcer* who
Morris WhRoomb.
•ouM b« FrcMdent Fhure’s ton asEt.
; eepmae yadge. O.
H- E. Oibha, tn BIIU blcyalc shop. »ll FroatSt -
Accidents Impossible
Dated AogUt 7th. 18F7. '
Auuog W. Ricagsm.
nark of Board of Publk Worka of the
Soda Water
lo nent SoatbL-nlooStreeU______
Chn be tooBd at-oar store, also lee cream far
' i, delivered at reeMenca free, lea .
McLelton A Aih. oer. Front aad' Park,
' aad
Tho Best Condios thefandlytraa*.____
Ice Cream Freezers .f;
h gardes koea Screes doon,
r*. to or SOe- 8. K Northern.
Sning lleKaaaia*a tboe atore.
Ladies' High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Friedrich BloiA.
wr. Troumg and Boad hcorsea a spar weat of Moegan'a Uvery Bars.
Poric nrAPn and Insect Powdera. TUa te pototo hug time. Lookost
rdliO Ul^ll (orthem. Get vonr eztermiaator from B. B. MtUer the
criglnal drug man. first dear east of poalofflee.
VotiM to Water Ooi
.alao »p.
‘^A^pIaMt'wbarg water is foasd roanieg eoBtraiT to this rule wOl be ahnt
off—exeapt whm« a epeeial permit baa
bM jraitod^ D. Caao^u. A Some
Feeding Fnnnere’ Boreae a SpeoiAlty. Hones Boerded.
TBB'M'B Ta.wi AWrtTO- A T=rr.-m
*H* KuBirnra
The Bnt mmtlng heM by the ^kera ,
At Irwin wna poorly Attended toy the i
mlnen cn that dlatrlct aa all weft «■'
Strike “Oeneml" Mn Trtie*
portation from the Ditehtt
in Front of Goffoon.
aoowt i«. i«»t.
•‘DnJUe, dear.” aiked the lnlitaat«4
AUortieya at Law.
"would yon rather 1 gave
yon a pl^ brnoeiet or one with n peod-. com la Koetagma Black. Tmeen* City. lOeh.
Cewi^r hoi writttn to 81
«fL*^WK4T T3BOIX1A 1KJCKCT10X. KicboJu u mrtjrJf OB the ‘'Oirlbood ^
orsnuiss cards.
•• Qoetu................
__ ___ - ____ - ■
I eonrae of which be aayi:
way, gUBSM a diamond ring with
g H. Bko
A-P-owco-paar -or-i.
, -------------------- occspaticm In which
ia^*MAo*ica to
O. Lav.
to it.
Clocumatl Ewjuirae.
Paikerrbnrg. W. Va. Aug. U.—The^^ Tbceewai i
. Bl Fromm.
a yenn. weariuf
text of the famoue Ir.iunctlon granted : tin wf» wdnat
^ ' 'n ctinpie white
-bite go«
n nod la^ atraw
toy Judge Jackaon doaa not warrant the
. Pnedrteh Bleek.
aepD etigaged. It
B ^----feat, wgi freiqnently
remarks that certain people have'been
v ' .
• i
Innta. One
m Vbich serwal meo bad been
~u,„ .k..,T., ,««„■«. —
grastod to *ihe Bopongab C<«1___ of tboae who Mw her aaid that u be ' lyoob^.'' He offered the owoer a good to, HcTcautlle Co. BlackCoke company. The acope of the order • aometltnea
Srul Sulil t Iidiui L1
, aM aepanan «f tralM at Travaep
—SiS;guUraTu affael June SI. ISrt.
- ••..
p*su°»“a'ss:;i2ss' J5Stl.S
aetgbborboed. and the vig. I. atr Opera BomuSS:
U t. th. cml.U» Irom U... v.n™.
Inee Imi't tfarongh with il
•ummartea telegraphed lo the neweca- i f*At. pen of the tmp^ni uuallfylng espres-1 The faliwem was an enrly riaer. g^ yet‘’—Atianu Cymatitotioo.
tUlasW OlHfc*
ftM I
■Iona ••ualowfully*' and "upon the prop- , ting up
np at !, freq^to earlier^.in^^
efty of the company." For inaiance.. tumnirr, and
CoSeea. nu., Aug. It.—0«D«ral Brad- la the aerend .peragraph It aaya: “Be- ■ ger brewkfam wna
•Mbe Railroad Killed Him" ia
l*y T»tur*d io the “dead Use’* 3rc«ier> Blratnlhg and UlbiUUng the defendants
beadline in a daily exebanga.
Atcd or couaected
and all oihtra aaaocAtco
connectea ;
orineeaa *«.•ight be ezpedi^to enjoy;
dar afumoon at ( o'clock. Be i
Beally aame^ing abovld be dose ta
with them from in any wlae lomterlng \
atopped br the euarda at the point
flk and fruit, placed
matrain tbeae railroads, when they rias
.their ftitia Be aafcad tor Bectlecr MlUa,
from the niadbed and fcUl men lika
■ who era* aeni rfor. The teceJeer acBt cr those eperatlror them. Hther by menWbeniaeakfaat was dnisbed. the llt- that. It's bad eovngb when the engtnea.
kack wud he would have 0 dalliii
or any laractcr of In-'Ueprlneeaswwtferawalkoradrive. kiU them.—Atlanta CoMtitntion
Vllh Bildler and refuaed
khUe her half sister. Feodern. b« alNorthsrn IdcUginLlne
ttmldaHon." etc. ‘
•trike leader. Bradler tbn aeked for
In the fourth parai raph the defend- ! ;
the maror. ^rarlor war broagist trots anu are further "reatralned from a*- ^
ibllng In the paths, approaches and | ^
Hla hone to the “dead line.'* wSere the
“'••eefal” aeked permiaelon to enter
^ at libercytowazKletatariliJbTonirit '
Gotrecn. "Tou and your man cannot
oomo won*.
.l.n, wbM t«
« ,1,. |
» » Pl«
atep a foot into Cetteen." repUed Traytor. "Ae long 4A yon are *OcnrraI
Bndley you inaet keep ovl When you
become Hr.’ Cradiey you may not pose and object of this rrstntnlng order; ef the dochem. Pluio food,
only come into town, but you will be is to prevent all unlawful cciaWnatlons, coil'd, aas placfd befon
widow. AAlrsw Jennie. Post Qgoe. <
the :
,he did it Joatica, for the wm
welcome m my bouee: but you moat and conmlrarte* and lo rratraln
fiidt reaign.trom command of your army defepdanls engaged In ttie pn<incitloo
nlthy and strong and mijoyed har
of oich untawful comblnaUcms and rtmnnd diemlaa your men." Bradley' did spiracies from emertne ui>oo the prop OKala After dinner she received aiBdstnot know at lint what' to do. Then be erty of the Horongah Coal'and Coke ance in her siodici till 4 o'clock, when g-«oos wa~STa>-TT«««r«Oiiy Lumber
company deacrtlxd In this order." etc. ■be was tuken by her mother to eixit a ^
|•■^h#ps to walk <r
or drtVb. or ; ^bbuicx troop FOB BALB-singls lond Aj.caieage ................
The labor leaders are at Illx rty to go frictid or iwrhnps
cmnr<> Moanu
mllea away. Bills said he
all oviT the elate except U|>on the prop -abe.wat laimittHlto ride a donkt? ia i Q eoceou-Osohieinadt* «»n-s. »»»*«;«
them doan to the dm frtrlyl.:
Lu.nerCo. -__________________ ^
erty of the company.
lardena '
by the camp.
boor of the duebeaf TTraxTKP-Lor rwfwn. Travstsr
At the dinner
ber little■ girl supped, stated next to Vv immberOo.
- Dtcalur, Ilia., Aug. It.—May.r Benja
SB torsale at tsw lOS
min Z. Tayior. si 11 o'doefc last night;'
0 Travarst Ctiy Lsiaher
WatUo'sBay ...
- ber nurse, Mm Brock. By i:
Usued a pmir.tnatlon referring to. the that they are getting a I
reports that miners were aald to be com unlonim In lln«- It Is likely the mem-I- ' rom^ was finUhed - the b
ing from Uocoln, ar,(l calling on cUI- bciahlp list of the otgantaatlon willII would be at theirdcmcrL and tbca tba ^^AI^ED^^w.goed awa-Travefae^CUy
sens to remain~at their homes and keep be increased considerably n>orc than priooea would be called io to jota
the streets clear. AH marching In bodies was expected beforT the end of the two tbem.
uf any kind Is strictly (wohiblted. Not weeks allowed for them to come In. as
Kloe o'clock wM bedtime, and gbe
■jore than three persona are to gather the men are Joining the union to*avold
Oa liaprated elty ptvpetly.
Id one place In the streeta All dtiaens a strike If posslblw The business men never pralotyed borday beyond tbat
are advised to be tn raadJneas to amlst of the two dues are trying to Induce bou. Ko mattarwbetber 'abe era at
OSOM oTCr MeBiag\w'> h*«l«ar» Merc.
in malnuinlng order. Staerlft Nichol the men to jejn the union, but they are bomeaattbe botue of a triesd, “f
son has DOtlded HO deputies to report doing this in a quiet sray.
o’clock bedtime WM rigidly anfopced.",
at the lad for duty. The coal company
Ber Uttle bed was placed beside ber
has decided Jo close the Nlamlc maft.
W«i ■ufa. afffwd BympalkyBlrfke.
notber'e larger bed, ao that by day and
but wUi keep lu men at work in De
•Via Swarter Oeeell to ifaiilswe
Ci'luiimb^ cw
C Aug. U-—The r*pr«
oigbt fbotber and daughter were oerer
tatlve of Ue Asenclated Press hi
Flmaaat nalas Man Brought OaL
from high and reliable aoB<«oJar study, tegular exerdae, aiiDC>pringflclA Bla. Aug. U.—The Peters- ihiwlty that there will not be any strike
■He mloen. If. says ple food and plenty of time , oat of
bulir miners marched yesterday to
;rike cannot be won doexa. plenty of play and plenty of steep
Pleasant Plains, where the men have this anibortiy. t
that will clr*e the distingniabed tbe npbringiiig <rf Eng
been working sloe* the strtte began, and
ii>or organltailons are land's future queen.
after ah inter>iew the Pleasant Plaint
miners agreed to go out as soon as they coocemtd at present.
oould Umber up the mine. About twena Duel* la Italy.
' ty men Are wnrWng at the Ashland
mine, and the TaHula miners will prob
aeconttag to Milliogen.
ably visit them and endeavew to gat
at Cassrl and de
them to quit work.
7.U7 persons In tht mining camps of this scribes a duel betwien a lalbe* and a
aelwrtlsw Obew SMhas.
Detroit, Aug. U.-In' the economic district tbat -were in actual need of sou in tbe reign of the Emperor TbeodfoodTbe
oric. When Cbarlemagnc forbade wager
•eetlon of the American AmociatWn for
-ceded 7 ccKs per capita.
Oie Advancement of Science yesterday
of battte among tbe Lombardi, be nnCharles Pertvr Hart read a taper cn
Bays 10.000.000 Fewt af Laasbev.
oountered tbe flerccat opposition fr«n
•labor R/strlctl<ns as Potent Psctori
Uarlnette. Wu.. Aug. 12.—Arrange tbe nobles. Early In tbe uiuth century
tn Bodsi Evolution." Be dealt ptrtlcu. ment* have atxiut been rtsnpleted De Madieis. a kuigbt. defeated in single j
tarty with the condtUen of the striking whereby the p re neat season's cut ofthe
miners, advocating wate sui*rvl»ifn of SpaJdlrg Lumber company at Cedar combat tbe bandit Mngel. wbodevasut- j
wages and onipui by means of a Icgis- river goes to tbe John O'Brien Lumlaer ed tbe Flarentine district now called :
after him. Mugello. Oiho II granted
tatlve commtsil<T.e A general discussion
npany. of Chicago. Tbe amount will «be prayer of tbe nc^lity for tbe r»■ followed in which It was snggicested
fully 2P.ew.tw feet and the conaidthat the difflcuUy could be remedied by
,tl»n Is In the neighborhood of tlM.- cttabliMmKBt of wager cf battle in dbS.
the ettabliKhnient of
Women and Trieste were not tcmpelled
to accept it. The Normans showed leas
f mines
gallantry. With them a woman bad to
■laer> rtarsttlag to E
accept' Dorcoold sbe name a ebampion.
ngfltM; Ills.. Aug.
Begwter apee
to fal* "Al** to the eartA Armed wlttfa
miners of thi..........
Adolph Stein, of Chicago. shotTilmself club, be tried to nrike her as abe dryesterday afiemocn for Mount PuUMd.
where they arrived last night, ard will wltfa a pistc.1 at the tot of the Lcgan ' cled around him. hii weapon being a
endeavor to get tb- men working there monumtnt and was found
• dead
* -I V
I a ball Of mm at tbe end of a o«tL If
to strike. Fn)ni there they go to Nlanfelted to tooch ber at tbe third attempt
tic. Where the mlcrrs are still at work,
The nurriage of United Stales Seo- , be was vanqnlsbed. which meaut to
and from there to Decatur. Which city alor Hinsbrough. of North Dakuta.'ABd
him death with dlsbonar.
they eaiwt to reach this morning They Miss Chapman will take place lo N<
arc equipped with baggage-wagon* York on Monday.
duels were fonght in Italy
and an abundance of food and acme
Francis hUrton GrtfRth, Democrat, days is that where tbe tew does not af
UMBcr. tbe petnlMocs ard caMi hsMng has been elected to succSt'd tbe late
been donated by Lincoln buslnem men. Representative W. 8. Holman from tbe ford protectlmi one mnsi look to slngte
oombat to retain tbe respect of one’s
CapUIn Patrick Hardin Is In command, Fourth Il^sna districtand the lltilr army U headed by CUa
The 3-year-Ud SOB of Frank C. Boner, fallow men. In tbe middle agea tbe ferao- drum and flag
living near Kdon. Ind.. MI rrrom a Ity of Italian dnels passes belief. “Any
grBiKBU gtsiKc AT aPBiyro hua. ham window, injuring himself so badly way of patting an enemy to death
that he died acveral hour* later.
Cogoi mode') is good enough,'' says
yilM b OMUag Oat *»• MaeA Om»—
John BukolL V. P. Atwell and J. P. oue of tbeir wrtten. “When an Italian
ami (htldrea 0w Cks BrwM.
Hothman have organlied a stock com
PHMborg. Aug. It-The fart Just pany at Euvens Point. tVUu. to maou- Brantomq.
atade public tbat tbe m«i at work in lacture and sell the Bukolt aelf-rocklng legi aod gives him as a memento cf fali
the Spring Hill mine, of Dempster. Buyd cradle.
The Portage <W1a) county crop re kindocM and geneiusity a bidcous gash
B Op, are getUitg O cents baa further
acroMtticfDOei." Lampagnano practiced
cOmpUcated the strike sltukUon. TUi port Issued shows last year's ,_potalo
_ _, os a paioted model of Oaleaaao Sfona
at _
20.Hu baa been paid aioce July tl. There aerrage at MAM and thu year'sI.n»,7«
Last year’s yield wss ldl»,7« • before be stabbed him. Dueling was
arc nlnety-nuw men at work in ihia butiieis.
called "te sciena oavalkiescA’''rI' called
iDloe and 2«0 rntn'e wagons are mioed
The Brut On plate manufactured in fyyxTbili
every day. This ta dumped into the America, to be sent to Europe, was that
teodeiu of tbe locomotives on the Penn- surted yerterday By tbe American
syKatila railroad. An effort will be PUtreompany. of Elwood. Ind. Itlssent
Bmde by the utrthers to get the tnlnen "to Italy.
A Aangoe drnmmw reewnUy raw a
- ML Tbe latest movenwnt of the alrlkeTs
TbvnnDual camp meeting of the Rock woman cuter the train at Nwtb Boukatndlcatea that the miners’ leaden have ford, Ills- distrljt hss opened at Ep- pon and mb tbmogb the ear Just M It
ahandomd all hope of drawing the cuke worth grove and wU eonymie two was getting speedy. He oooUy walked
r^oD into {be strike and have adopted veeks. Many Imprcvements have bees
after ber and Jnsi before the fatal leap
a plan of using the cokers to aaaiK the made la tbe grounds
nrikers in a more provable way. Com
An election -was held at Ortcaas. InA.
mittees hare been In the coke region to vote for tbe oonatructlon of thirty
all week coliecaing money and ptx>- miles of gravel roads at an estimated bis grip, saying. "Madam, you aba’n'l
rlsioBa. Tbe headquarters of the dU- cost of I44.0W. The friends « good Jump off tbe oar and kin yoor«lfr
4r1ct ofBees of the United Mine Work roads won by a big majority.
tnian sbutet ber breath, ahe abrieked,
ers’ tn this dtr are still bealaged with
m big fool, 1 was ceiy goltig out on
The pretidant has designated Prank
piteous appeals for aid from the starv- A^aiteerllp.
asalstmal secrotarT of the __ platform to ware my taandkeroblM
li^ women and cbildns «f the atrikliig
duties of t» my friandt." A party, of ”-------treasury.r. to perform
register of tbe tnaaarr during the abab yanbUBneu aboard tbe train sence of the regtsCr and assistant tbe dramiiNr for bis imraiBB
gm boar aod at interrals
two days aad the requssu tiw tadp are register.
Two trempa gaabed the hands of a ejBlBgfleld Bepublleao.
nway in exems of the meant to reapoaA
Anntnd the Bunola mine and along the Rhinelander, ^la. servant girl with a
WbaeiiDg division of the Baitlm(»« and knite because Mie would n« bend over
Oklo rahroad the mitering aseos to be te them a pali of binsberriM Mw had
srotsL la many taomea there seems to Just picked lo the woods aad was car
be wothing but dry bread to eat. and rying homa
ObUuarr: •
U aogw easaa not even tbJa Arraagcmenu al* iMtng made to a Hg Ubor F. Maw.^
n^rthig tn McKdesport ^tneday even- rallroaA- At Bxrelsler Bpring. kto..
Colotwl B. C. Blab. At Danve«, nia,
WUllam BItehIc. U. At Ashland. Dls..
- leys arc expaebad to attend, tte meet- Summer* CarosL U. At Kokomo. Ind..
Peter Miller.
Two ptuapectoi* bare come to Bolae
.BraMdaat Oty. Ida, froa the middle to* of the
I 10 t 4D
Bil:* ■
Ip» ......Iddmaw.
7 KDet'LH-C.
Htitbern UcHl«u
^ Tnuportitloii Co.
W^acj^ncuML Chleage aod
' a k. MUBRAT. AgsU.
I.F. A-OTwadEaplS*.
^11 ;' ill:
West Michigan
*. a^e. B.A- a-
“^1=? ii
At c5£»
i| Bs/vK..............
Tratot bctwccB Trarctsc aiy sod Blk Bapida
!SS. UEtiilS
^. isl-
'«J2a—Money to Loan
Chicago —> j-E' •"
OBb, t>g BAVK», Oca^yagyv Agi^^
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
.Youp Choice.
To taka affoet auaday, Jnaa m. Utr.
Be. ilBa. *
-lliS %
sitf 'i'is ■iu
"sis '«■
>moH ■ssi
» Itl - 4 H
H nj • a
Travenc av....... Ar*
oonro BorTB.
Buildins; Lots
Houses and Lots
For All Casli or Low for
.Part Cash
iMiiBBoS taeanaiimBiifaBiBBQtf
lU door* for tbe
This haa been
Iiiiitees of tbe VUlyno—
tore kM BB atm. Mr.
pMiartoOB tolM)—T«7«aR7.M
output ahMJd be m wagons par Oar. the aadMrittH M tbe ■
ee UiSSMisere-Wio leave
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.