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The Morning Record, September 02, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
, mm GO TO PETOsin.
ape«Aladbea«Uch They drore to the
Boardmaa rirer dam and took with
■Two game* of bate ball today, ilw
thamalnaeh. Wbenthey had Cehad
- m. and 3 p. m. Oeban Glanta ve
natU they baeanu hungry they, ad- HAWAXIAV gUMTlOW TO »« IneUera
Jonmadtoth* place where they had 'oimrmzDXATB attbvtxoh.
Profaaeor MnrUngb will give an
lafttherigandfouu^aome riUlaa had
Membly la bb dancing academy Fri
apprepriatad the fefraahmanta. At Oongreee WiU Be Aakad To Bntlfy day evening.
t Win bt • tut* »
pcmqMiwl bj H«b*n of the B^lagfortroetoaaaam^ etoameb Anaeaatiem Treaty-^* ~
Dr. H. B. Oaraer made a fiying trip
v.m. u-«oj* Buid wm r> Aetbit btbo bard week theyga** ap aad WiO Be Pushed Tbrooi^ Probably > Lake Ana yeeterday to attend a
u ■MCtft-B07*l Ttm Mxp^tbtd.
Bibr* Begnler Beealan.
yoang girl who was acalded aeveraiy
hot water.
Ban Pianeieeo. SepL 1.—The
. . tut Birbl UUr* «u • B*MiBC <
A boy. weighing eight ponad* b a
Anstralia from Hoaolnln just arrired
MaPhanos Pwt, No. IS, 0. A. &. for
tb« porpoM *f oociaiterlBt tA*<i«MUoa Haanah BlAaa Whot *o Play SaU with Hawaiian adrieea Praneh B. welcome addittea to the tomily of WIU
With Soya’ Band.
Hatdi. mtnletar of Waahlagton, arrlrad Brown, fcoeaaa in the Uvery born of
of atteadiat U« uaaal onflaapiBifat
Two of the moat hotly ooateeUd Angnet Suth with epeeial InformsUon
•f Um Oraad Tiaran* Soldian u>4
HaUap Pinch of thb eUy has been
.SaUon’ AModatlon to b* held lo P*ta*- gmmae of baa* kail played bare laet which win raqalre the attanUon of
graated an original pension, and B. a
k«7 8*ptMtber IS, >6 and IT. Tb* taattu •caeoa were thoee pUyed between both the gorerameat aad the
„wBBdlKOM*d aadH wasTOtodtoban team* leprmeatlng the aaaaah Bill** end a call ha* been leased to the
OUlett aboof thb city has beer grant
I from TiaTcrw City. aad the Boye' BanA Tbe first gam* ben of the letter body
ed an
u wiUaf a e be made for weea tieaad In th*game toeetUe tbe meet &
Among the arrivab lest night were
e. MlnlstA
BlnlM . BatU> Mia. El
tb* trip aad the attandaaoe from TiaT< matter, the ebldler bo.rv efter a migbty qoeeUo*. Meanwhile.
is in almoet ooMtant oonsnltaticW'^th by her daagbUr Mba Beil. They wUI
etae Qty wlU be-laire. Tbere vm be streggle. ranqaUbed tb*
Tbe Biflw knowing tbst to defeat the | Preeldeot Dole and the cabinet,
•abonl •ereaty from the port aad
Tbit their consla. A K Harper.
lart* Damber of the W- B. C- A Coe»- beys of the band again they most keep . The iaw malms will be asked
Traveree City galaed a pennaaent
mitue 00 transporutioa waa appoint' U condition have been In training all ify the enoexation treaty which was rerident at noM yeetardey. who took
winter, are in grast eondiUon. aod | recently signed at Weehlagton ee the ap hb abode with fab parenta, Mr. and
«d. who wiinook after the detail
eamry la eoaaectloo with each a Joar- they hereby challenge the band teamjmejorityofiiiemembenfararannexa- Mra. Cha*. Makepeace. Elmwood
ney byraU. The Boya' Band wjU be to another game to be played ^t a time tios. Tbe matter will be mshed
Tbere will be a eattrbe prayer meet
employed to aeoort the eeteraa* aad and place to be mnluaUy agreed upon. throogh-. The reason for the extra
swaloo of the eecete b e matter of eon- ing by the CkrbUan Endeavor*
Udim aad the repreieatotlon fi
jecturt and much enriority b evinced. o'clock Snadey mornlag In the CongreV;^eaB City wUi aot be the leut of the
The eenator b aathorlty f<w tb* etete- gationel ehvKh. Mim I*ran wUl be
deletatioae atUe Katb^riag. Setoen of tbe Xemben of ment that Hatch brought forward from the leader.
key wQl epccod beraelf thia you aad
McKloley that be resolved to call eone^rnyme whoabaU aUaad wUl be royXaeba Temple from Grand
The Women's Foreign Mbxlomary
two months eulbr than uanal eoclety of tb* Friends Aarrii will meet
for the pnrpoe* of dbposing of the today at the reeidenee of Mra. MartAt the convention of Travmee Qty .treaty before tbe regular aesaloa.
Moore on West Seventh streeL SnbLodge. No. T3. h; of V. lest night, ectJecL "Mexleo."
Bit By«BaUH*liiiBtaineda ■*t*t* Ive preparation* were continoed for
Yeeterday attorMon Tony Novotny
the ^anixatlon on the leth of TiarBoptanaadlalaa
tost *a smbtella. Some mberaent
m City anb D. O. K. E. A epeeial Great Britrin WantoHer Sabjectn To
filched IL Imst night Dick CampheU
inw>ing U called ter tomorrow eve
Become Aecuatomed Te It* Dea
lost hb bicycle; another mbereant
8oaM day* afo Bert Oarrey, an em
ning In E. of P. hell, when five eomploye of the oral diah faetory, aM
London. SepL l.-The foUowlng no- stole thaL Tbere'U be troobla
mltteaa wUI be appointed to' take
Meeera Langley and Btoeekar, inwitha avioas ia^ while watcUar a
tie* wa* placed on the Beak of Eng
ehaig* of verioDS errangemeau and reofbaUtaprotT«m amoag amae
of knlb aad boUera. arrived
land today: “Tbe eeeretaiy of State
oepUonof vialtora. Tbe chairmen of
u- the factory dnrlag a
for Indb la Ue oonncU give* notice of tost aighL They wUl inspect the H.
theoommlUeMwiU formaa exe ‘
sale bllb of exchange on Oelcntla. & Pingree. Jr. here, at Sottoa* Bay
eommiUe* which, win have the
Bombay and Mediee will be snspended tbe Eva HiU aad at Nohhport the Oi^
/ fitA»d ball
agemeatof the affair while the viriNothiac eerkmt
for not lea* than tea werita” Tbe ward.
' ' rey iatheal
totsare here and the deUlla of tbe
Qem Brown hu sent to the grocery
tboB^i of It at the ttm*. bat a prepnmtions. A fall attandano* of government has very Uttie nscaey la
raptare waaeoetaieed aad ^ Injured
India to draw on. owing to the famine of John Brexlaa on Cnion eUect,. a
>beis U eameeUy reqnaeted. ne
aad pUgne haelag rAdered the col- sample of broom com nine feet in
•man waa ftxeed to taka to hU bad.
this wUl be the most Important event
Isction of tax** etow. The preeent beighL^hieh he had rabed on hb
in tb* hbtory of tht lodge of thla city.
Urn* may be opportnne to aoenstom the farm. Tbl^ ea exeepUoaally fine
Indians to nse gold tnatsad of rilrer. epeelmcn oforoom ton for any localTmvem^Oity Honored.
Profemor C. 8. Hem wa* eboaen a It b tbongbkthatit woold not have
Assembly Friday evening. Prt
ProL E.
Baatlare and Ooban OlauU Will Play lember of the board of trustee* of the been attempted had not tbe eearcity of
Z. HnrUugh'e Dancing academy.
Anti Saloon Aseoclatioa. at a meeting yaoBcy arisen.
At SOM This XoiBlng.
The Dally Telegraph, anticipating
in. Grand Bapids
Tb* tmse ball
ITnesdsy. Bev. W. A.-Frye who b a tb* action of tbe Indian eonncil. said
day by rala will V* played thU. moi
mortgages, wUl be sold cheap if bought
attended the meeting. The today: “Tbe conneU may refaae
soon. A cbencc to get a home on e**v :
lag atl>:30. The Cnian Olanu at* "a
aannel etate congres* of the assoefa-1 draw altogether, thus sending the — terms.—E W. Hastings.
atrong.aggregnUia aad will give the
tlon will be held In Battle Creek in! change ap to the gold point and reader
Hnatters e hard fight. Buttaerferd will
Itpaaribbfortheeatoblbhmealof Uie
pitch this game. Another game wUI
idard in India.
be pUyed in tbe afternoon with Watr BMO^CPICBMT APPOIVTKEKTS - _
The acUon«f tbe indmn oonneU ntkina in the box.' Tbe eelored ptayen
Xade By Commander Haohey Forthe traded but the slighteet notice in
arrived yeetardey morning.
Petoekey Gathering.
: afternoon newspaper* end he* not al-
wHar MiRKtr fiRH.
c. F. H..,.,,
Grand Traveree Soldier* and SaUora*
mye: “Tbe deeblon was altogether
Amoriatton, has mad* the foUowb
appaln|aenU for tb* encampment f «inexpeeted. being the ontoom* of the
attoa in India."
h* held at Petoekey September U. :
and 17:
Adjutant Owieral, ,J. C. Boatoco
Post 170, Petoekey.
WHl be Boraned by the 'Woann'e
Olnb Thia Tear.
Bandy. Pest 83.1
Tha fint meettng of tbe Womaa'e
Qnartermastor Gcoenl A Worden,
anb for tb* new yenr wUl b* hrid Fri
day nflernoon at tbe oaaal boor. Tbe
prerideaL Mra J. A. Montagu* vrUl
B. Devb. Poet 170, Petoekey. ,
Chief of Staff. A- J. Strdnd. Feet SO. deliver her annnal addrea*. Tb* regnier program b In charge of Mra J. O.
Horten Bey.
Inipedior General. Geoeg* W. Diok- Bamadell who will give e paper on the
------ FKOM OOR: of Greece aad a general
inaon. Poet IS, Harbor Springp.
Thb wUl be preeeded Ijy
Chaplain. B«v. John J. Cook, Poet 31.
aflilrnii by Prof. C. B. Hors. IntrodneSurgeon General. J. E. Bankl^ M. toiy to the etndy of Greece to be pnrsned hr the cinb thb year. The proD.. Pwl 170, Petoekey.
Chief of ArtU^. ,H- A fialbbnu. r«° b a meet intereeting one and
ebottld rim to be preaPoet 170, Petoakey.
Prevoet Mairiiel. H. Berdan. Poet no, enL
Oommtsaarr General. N. L. Hanna.
Wndanberiff Brm Ballets Aid of a
There wOl be a epeeial meeUng
Poet 79C. Sherman.
Prisoner to Print a Hewspaper.
.Chief MttsiclsB. A. F. Bach. Past ITO. right of the K. A. 8. E. for the parpoee
Undeenheriff Manip Brown of Lsof electing delegate* to the naUonal
Und. U fell ef reaoarces as well es
M<^* 11.73 Wee) Pse
Senior Aide. J. W. Mosher. Poet 84.
Shrewdnee*. Daring the ebseopp of
. Editor fNeleon ef the Leelanan BnUrprlse. who is in Bnffelo, Brown has Poet 883. Lake City: B. P. Baiser, Post
cdiarg* of the' oSm of the Eoterpriss S3S. ft-—Byren 8. Shepard. Poet
and upon him fails the reapoasiMlity
SM. Fife Lake; D. W. Riripe, Poet m.
Beniooia; Samnel Balsud, Poet lOS. hrid at the anaory on State etraet.
nty jo*
to tbeethlaao
Maple City; F. D. Maiwin, Poet 16. Captain MaeOreger wlU be In ebarge,
astern. Among the f
TTavete* City; J. A MewriUe. Poet 8U. ambted by Mra Lientenant Colonel
e>onty ^ is oAs Dick Bontoa. who is
ron of Grand Bapids. LleuL ChandLa, .......
Boyne City; Che*. Johnson. Poet 848.
awaltfaw trial tor Wgkway robbery.,
torand Bav. Howard Moor* paetcr ef
B^n* Falla_______________
Dick Is one of thone aooommodaUng tntt* Friead* chnrah.
Mr. and Mra
dividnals who Is iriUlBg to- b*Ip oat
Barg wUl ring and Amne Wood wlU
any tima ona^acAand u tbs *dlAadstiUthereb more good news. five an lilnatratod chtmM talk.
torial foree b Umlud daring the eb- TW Uttie difference between Traeerae
eenee of the editor in ohiat. Dick obear- caty and Maabto* ha* been pntahed
lAk* Ann’a X*w DepoLtaUy ra^oodad to n raqnaet to enter ap and thefinaUen wUl be hare SonThanowdepoYofthaM. AJf. E. at
ibe b(dy of hoaeeaadjhar* tkt respon- day and M^idny. September 3 ana Aw- Imka Annbaboateomplried aad tbe
oibQitla* of the monldtag works. Tbe Mantotar«*wn.
railroad to doing as mneh bnelnae* at
KMUk ..............
The enly differenoea kaowa at thb that point a* ever. Other brildlngs
a printing office rid* by aids with a Mdoftheline are tbeaeoree of the are going npand the town b«gtoe to
party eopeeted of mndar. awelUng gamaa played betw^ the Colls aad dbplay some of its old-ttme hnaU*.
trial for robbery and MHl In enetody, b Bn^ara OUmr alleged differenee*
Beth Dow for Xayor.
OM whtoh b Introdneed only in Law aieonlyoeatkmeof fsariful
laaaneen^i hot it goea
ttoo whhA rone wUd ia Manbtoe.
Hew York. SepL i.-Borreagha omnmitue of toe aueena Cnion has nomlGhioage XariuL
aated Seth Low See mayor of greater
eSHeafO, September 1.—Whent-De*. KavYork.
. TkeXUbtoand B«. VOhriiVVeBt a»Me; eora.8IM«m: ante. lOMe; por^
Amangtocae who
from Snt$8.-80.
toMBey yarierday to ee* to* baU
game <rar* Jeek LItnay. Dr. O. C. JaeP^ralsr Oothlsr.
Un.B.Mritoriand Ola
Hlaale took a last nkaaca at tM
tHPnaeau'tobMsbSBb. toavaneOtr
Them wu no Bxdtament Testwday
aad Com was Steady.
CUeego, SepL 1.—Wheat wae qaist
to dpUnwi nt the ^lening today with
an earier feeUng appamnL This It
doe to theetagaentonblee. Uverpeol
ahofring >< at K d. opening daeUae.
to the liberal reoelpU hare, tb*
arrivaU this moniing are being report
ed at 41» ears. The deUveriee ef Beptombm-are very ligbL there being only
abont 1S.OOO bwbels. New Vorkb advieee wnre rseeived soon after tbe open
ing and eaid that tilt foreigners had a
gain on liberal boyecs. Tbi* canaed e
geaetnl covering by aborts here and
the muketa became very firm. Decem
ber evened at 8«K against yesterday's
eleaeofiVX- It eased off to «SK and
then tamednadsoldnptoWI^ where
it was well maintained.
Cora is
Up- I
Bargains |
A Mile In if
That beats the greatest record. We are
beating the greatest record in the sites of oof
Tablets and quality and prices are selling stacks of
them. This is the place for all school supplies.
gfiO FHOWT STHEET.___________
Paul’s Ink !
Just Received, large assonmeat. New Thing. Good
Thing. Nonspiliabie.
Haskell’s Bookstore
■arttam Bleek.
Fur Collarettes....
Are Very Stylish—We've the only
In the city—Bon^t Irom^t t^^at lowM poarible prices, wUA, .
OF FDRS AT--------
: S3.»tO$10.=
... .Mew acaks and Capee.>t;...
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
.We. Still Ivead..
Notwithstanding the general'
depression in the milling'
business, we are haring a
phenomena! trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....
flour. Send in an order.
Watered Stock Sale i
1.19 i
Bright, Fresh, Neat Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Heats—always fresh. SaU Heats. OBDBBS DEUVBBED PBOMPTLY.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A’complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
No Larger Nor Better
Selection of.....
..School Shoes
in Uie city than can be a
J. B. BtmFMd MiM Bvney m
TEATWWEorrr. • kichioah how traDnteUlw.wlMre thoj ottosded (be eouty Sudij oeboel eoa*
UteMoUto QclBtol. who hM hm
Tbm. t. Bim A89 j. w. VuncB. opoBdtot » WBlh with Xn. J- W.
Bmwb. wtn ret«n to Koliwiof) thk
9. Vf. BAVxti, Bdttor ud IUuc«r. ttonUBff.
.r -
oa«. mrRKrt •««»
Jew before the edjoommmt of the
labor eoBtiw la St. Loofai 809000 V.
Debba made Bepeeob whlob te Ar«y alo•BTtbl^ 701 recorded. He deelBred
that cieQ Uberty la Amerioa to dead.
. BBd that be bee ^pealed to the oi
for the IBM time. Tkto laat attarBaeo
to Bol at bU nrprtoiac. It will be reWMber^ that Debb made aa appeal
t» the UaitadStatpBOOBrt, aomeiblat
wear two jean afo. bat that he aftac
varde ^wat a,term of tmprtocmmeat la
ae lUiaoto Jail for oftoBMaK*>>M the
iBwe of theeounUT. Whateror map
be the merita of the euatroeeiej
tween capital aad labor at thie Ume,
aaeb etteraaoH aa theae are aot Ukelj
to bold la eheek tboee botrheaded «
are who are prone to adopt violeat
aaeamree to falB the eada tbep eeek.
Ix eeema that the rleb «old dtoeow
iM la Alaaka aad BriUah Amerioa are
M TlelaltT of the Thkoa.
porta haea been reeelred of tabolona
8eda Bleat the aortb fork of the MaoMOlaa rirar, Alaaka. wUdi to aomewhat rametefrernaayof the diaeoeertoa yet rapprtad. Tba oauat of the
cold Aapeatoe la Alaaka la eaareely
be eetlmated, and for that rtoeoa It to
folly for anyoae to attempt to make the
>oarwoy thtowlatar. tor fear tome oaei
alae mey c*t la ahead end cet all the
Tb labor ooaTaatioa la 0L Loala
haaaotapait Sepiembar thtadaB''Oeod
rriday", when all
with the atriklacBilaera are orfed to
laake apeeial eoatribolioBa far thalr
raUef aad Md. White the radical
ttmeato of bebo may norataet with nafreiwl approval amont all workiat
.mea. tboamada of -boaoit tolleie trill
' spare a UtUe for fboea who are coaaeleaUnaly atnirtllat for better
wa«ae la the oodl miaca.
to anherity tor the ■
. Idn. IU77 Orobb hM retuwd to her
Bt PlDdlmj, Obko, BfWr B thiwe
WBtte' eteU with-her BOB Fiwak Bad
{BmUyof Arehie.
Mn. Q. & OowtoekeMa^m b^
ttn. Kaw of ladiBBBFaUB, kare retanodhoiD# from BTWt with Mr. Bad
Mtb. A. B. Hoiwb.
M. T. B#bb BBd B. D. Bom of AUe(BB, who hBVo been opoBdlnf b few
' U tbc eltj BBd
vtdnlty. wlU retain borne today.
Mr. and Mra. BnoaOnrtla are enjoyiac a vtoil with thalr daoebtar, Mra.
Frank Orabb aad family aad other ralativaa 00 tba palamla They wUl retarn to Fiadlap. o. Friday.
Mr. aadMiaW. H Oatoof Chleaco
aad Mtoa Baailana ianaiaca of De
nfumoaa aa rooca for thalr hoaMS
after vWtiac atjNwah-ta-'
ra.sMi'iaf W. Blobarda, B fr Wbala_mn aad wUaaad W. 8 SmIU'oame
down from Omens ymtarday oa their
way to thalr bemm la ClBdaaaW. attar
■ attberoaort.
Dr. Bmma Decker who baa baaa Ttoltlac Mrs. 8 a Udd, wlU laave tbto
moralac far Mt. Qemena. SbewUlbe
aafaraa Detroit by Mrs.
Davla. mother of Mra. Ladd, who will
Coto UUoa, K. Y. fora vtoil.
For Oa OhieacoFoat Ofioe Bold Za
1-<toorce MoKiat
nay A Oo.. of thU dty. aad tbe Kirby
Deaato Oo.. of Mariaetts, have aeean *
a eootnet to faialab UcArtbor ^
the Chloacaobotraeton aad baUdei
0,000 Norway pis* pllea. to be seed to
the coaetreetlea wwk of tbe new ChlTbe lamber wIU be
mt aUoc tte Untoeacoa braaeb of tbe
Cbioaco. MUwaakee A 8b Past raUway
' WMnay. aad will be abipped over
tbe aaam line. Tbe pUea wtU be cat
from thffaad opoa wbldi tbe Meaeaalaad Martoeue paitiaa raeestly
haaod tbe atampac*
M K> ks
fitm fUty toatovr<Mt to lencth.
lecclnr camp has already beea catabthere aai the work of ealtiac
and ahlppiac will becia at oaea. It It
aated It will taka 400
fiU tbe order. Ibis to tbe larcest eoatraol f<» piles ever let to the apper peof Hidilcaa. Tba tract of
toad from wbtob tbe Umber U to be
eat Um oa tbe otber aida of the raUroad over wbtob the pltoa are to be
BCoatbly Maettoc of tbe W. O. I. A.
abieet of the apedal eemloa will to
the peimate of eeveral reform
which were demaodad U the coverLibrary parlora. This aftenoo
■orb taemacea.. Now oertala aaohari2:M o'clock. AU members an
qawted to be praaeab
Those wbo bare not paid their yearly
dam aM raqnmtsd to pay them at the
Manana to tickled all aver baoanae recalar atoathly meeUac.
the Qrand Bapida leacoabw ball team
A eordlal tovtuUaa to cl*w to all
to tortfltihatMtytoracaaMof baae ledlea to became saembara of the aaso
balL Tbate to aot moeb woae for eiaUoa.
alaUoa over that proapeet. how
AU members of dlvtoloa 8 ' are rw
sad If the Odita maaot baste the day- ^nested to taralah for the Satnrday
liCbta oot 4 the ‘'BoboUaka'- they Market. Sept. 4. ary one of the foUowaa^t aever dare to claim the amatear tocartmlm: Bread, salt-rlslac. yeaet.
ebampkmahip of awthem Mlcbicaa.
aad brown bread, cake, oooklea. crallera, fried eakaa, Datcb cbeeee. pidUaa.
•alada. baked baaaa. ale.
Tbe followiBC aamed ladtoa are a
C H.
waot to Ibaakfort yeaterbarsotdivisioB D.
Meadamea, McLellan.C C Maea.McWm. Hocc of Neaeea Qty wae la
B. J. Morfan, H. Moolacoe. T.
Mra- F. T. O'KeU baecoac to Charla- D. McMaana Oertle Mdr. M. C. Oriatt.
J. Oliver. W. J. Parker. C. M. Prall, 8
oeia for a viaik
A. T. Palmer, a weU kaown dttoen H. Pop^ A. Paydea. Pickett. C. U.
Petenen. V. Petertyl. T. Pieraoa. M.
ef Otaero. U vlaitiac la the elty.
d. Boberia. J. Rennie, Baaeom,
Nias Lnrllne lUwka of Beat Jordaa.
Cbaa. Paice. M. O. Miller.
to the r>«*t of Mra H. D. Wood.
Those wbo have dlsbes at tba market
Utot Hattie Meboncal of Omaha, to
aroreq seated to call for them Satardar
irtoiUnc Nr. and Mra Bobert Priea
Tboaa wbo bare t^aa dtohpa from
Iva KMlocc aad Mlaa Nellie Orayaaa
are at Old Mtoaloa for a tow days' rlslt. tbegiarkat are reqaaatad to retora
a. B. Olda. postmaster at Bendm, them Batarday.____________
araa la the
on baalaeaa yeeterdar^
FVaal RaffaU. of the town ef Lowell,
Mra. y. A. BeaaeW of Ht Morrie,
Wts.. was serlouMr If DM (atalir forvd
BUeb., retaraed to her borne yaater- by Ms tHilL He was In the Watalc tastnina a rope to the tmlJ, pteparatorr to
B. B. FraU la bbme from Oraad Bap- takina him to town to be sold.
Cbsires of attempts to aoUrit brIbM
Ma. wbaro be baa baan aa laial tomlla tohaU or (be aoutta town iauaipr by
ansasd taprearntaUTM of that ofBctol
Jamaa Harmar and Mtoa Barmar ef
DetreU are apeadiac a few daya *at
lyorge Lsaunon bas wrtttra to Mb
s at Tacoma clvtaa psrtlCDlan ot a
Ifae. Stnac of Vtokaborc. treaaarw fabalonMy
deb strike on McMOIaa'a
of the atata c*aace. to the cw^ «f C
Is Wbl^.
A L JoyeeweattoOmwiicaabod■am toip yaateaday. Baesw to Sato
toae Bay today.
i. W.Oorttoaadhtobrlda. fMar]y
tore. Jeaka. left for thalr boma la Mew
aea aty yesterday.
Mtoa Mamie Oriatt baa takaa the poaltioa of bookkeapw for. TbarteU A
Oaae at tba Palaee Bakery
f. A Oary aad tam|^, who have
ipaat theaammertoer»v»at.mtata to
Qtaad Bapida toddy for tha wialer.
Mn. r. b: Wktoaay and M« of Batoaft, ptotod thnack tha ei«y yaatar-
Owen Tbemaa. U years old. was rstaralBc frem ehurcb at Dodforille.
Wto, os borsebark and srbra to tbe
town cf MUBla. WJa. tbc ctrtta tonke
and be fen Ob tala bead. Be died to
twenty mlrwiSee
AbcBt thirty BiMdets weridac to
Fallw A AohMoa aiaektoe wwBa
MadtoCB, Wta.. west oat oa a ctilke for
btober wayts. Tbe company refoaCd ts
•mat It.- Tb* men have ■ —
ftem «.»to to a day.
Tattimeny ef MrA Teach and tha
Man Who Wat in the Factory
on tha Fatal Night
• Kept Vp a
bvekwl Oat r>MB (be terae mt the Bapimmmi SolUsy «a PMmh of a Mmrtmim*
WU»~Wbsa Mis. *>i^ Told.
Cbtcoyo, Sept 1.—Tbe Laetyert trial
beyan in earneet yesterday and (be
prueecuttota wae ver^ well satisfied
wben tbe dap was done. Mrs. dyatba
Toeeb was tbc first star srUncaa. 8be
described tbe domeetic Ufe ot tbe LaeU
yerts as oo« of tbc most onbappy
Impytoable. and bHaichMa^o tbe case
for tbe first time thr^iotlvA She de-
tt toj bemi Seclded to hold eo pabito
eviefaraUca of l^bor Day this year to
MadtooB. Wla
Barry Mills Cole, tbe veteran petottr,
ooiamitted suicide to New York by tmtoy OB toe yei in bit room.
Mlai Wimar. of PbUade«pMa. Is at
Chlcayo to meet wooura teanis ssparta
for tbe woman's ebamptoiiBhlp.
Ten saloons Ib Kans
The Rpaoieh cwblnet has dacided to
call out KkiWO rtsrrvea. more than a
third of whom will be sent (u Cuba.
Tbe survtr.y amir.B mleera in esetem
Ohio la yeoviny mi.r. acute daily, and
aome vtyoroua meaiuies of relief must
Mon be.taken.
It is fi-or.:d that tbe widow of PrealdSBt Bcrd*. cf Perui will become Insane
at toe rssuli of yrlef caused by her bosbabd's ataasstnaUab.
' VllUom Thondey, CBylneer. and Louis
-BfbWB. firemao. both Of MouBt VeraoB,
O, were kiUed by a loeemoUve belter exploslOB SI Frederirksburg. O.
Tbe fourth BnBual fair of tbe Oneida
saussyc maker bed utltovd words of
reyard, if not aSecUoa. for Mary
Mi« Ptnoy' Rtrc^ OBly daughter oC
Siemerlny. while In tbe next breath be toe late Prealdeat Rutherford B. Hayes,
clencbed his bands, as Uumyh be could win be married to Enalyp Harry E.
choke bla Wife to death. “1 cannot, and Sffilib. VBited Biatce nary, at ~
will not. live with my wife.” were O.. toBlybL
words attributed to tbe prisoner. To
cap the climax to this Ule of domMtIe
Chwtoiofil Voua.
qusrrrels, curses and what fnlybt bo
Tbe next attraetloB to StetobwCa
ponstrveHl to be threats to murder, tbs
wttnes wove a web about tbe prisoner Ormnd Opera Booaa will be One. Brotbby chsrylny him with scores of sus afto celebrated company to Boyt
picious uttersncciL iD Sddltlon, (bere "Bnacb of Kays' wbtob to andoubtod
crept Into the testimony tbe cbsrye
that the prisoner had suyyeried mur- u>v HKMvauooiviw.
derlny the wlinesk own busbaad.
edy «v«r written to tkia country. Tbe
The FMol Xlytil ta lbs rWeWwy.
oompany wbtob U to praduee It bare is
Then came Wntchmon Blalk, wbo ^ to be one of the beet on tbe rood
wax one of Luietyrrt's employes and
nnd from tbe pnea nottoea clv«n >1 tbe
was at tb( factory the nlyht of
r--------- .------,1
there oUlm Beams to be well founded. Tbe
srerc barrelrof caustic soda in (be base pleee wiU be pweentet September totb.
ment apd bow be bod. t LiMyerVs
orders pul oonse of It In
cautoye vat.
Id tneedy tbe WUliam Owen eomHe sold tbere aws steam uoder
pnny hae surpassed anytbinc yet prutbe luller* m.thr furnace room when be
arrived at the factory at 4 p. m. oa eentad to this city iritb tbe poaslble
Hay I. Luetyert turned tbe oteam Into enraptloB of tbe Walker WbUaaide
and Instructed company. Bnt In eomedy tbe scyrehim to keep up tbe steam duriny (he
nlybt. as be would need It. At t:U
Luetyert sent h'm .to a dray store, to orcnnixaUoM wbtob
purchase a patent nerve medicine. He TraroiM City. Yesterday i
wosyoneoverbalf an hour ondyave tbe at a mnUnee “bavM Garrick was civen
bottle to Luetyert tbrouyb the yate to and the aadtoMa
oearty two
tbe saaaaye-maker-a office, which was
locked. At U o’clock be was oyalii ocat bows to tbe kannaatktod ef 4»ieyi
to the druy store for aome mineral of tbe vory bestsertof aettof.
water. .After oivlalt tbe ihlneral water nlcbt "Tbe Leva Chase' was fl
to Luelyvri tbrouril the yate be did Tboee wbo eooaidered "Dnrid
not see the oansaye-aiaker ayaln that
riek^ a epieadid
nlsbt.tar'Settor pleaeed arith "Tbe Lose
NM Altowad ta tba
t be said Luetyert <
Chase.' TbU to eortatoly oae of tbe
(be hasefnent where the val woe located' Bneat and
and tbe door between him sod tbe tx)ller
room, where the ar|tne« was at r-ork. preeenwd bare. In U tbere are rare
remained locked. About 3 o'clock In irc opponnnlUen fee Boee Eyttofe and J.
murciDy the ste^m to the vsl wort mud B. Amory to display tbelr peeuliar peron. RIath left thy faiicry at ' Sunday aonal ebaraetorisliea. while Mr. Owoa
mnrr.lr.B. and before l.aiHry went In tbe
oQlcv. where he ssw Luctinri olttlcg aod MU* BakarwrrcDotempromtoeDt.
i Three,------parts. were
chief .
with hts feet on ih< UUe. He did mu
not------„- tbe
..........know wbelbet he was asleep or nru 1 tluas. tboucb Mr. MeConMlI
:s to B part wbtob did not de'o^l^lmsBd tbe
srork of which be is
rilmy suh- capable. On tbe whMe this eomedy Is
stsnrv. Ntsr the vnt was a rhstr
from the offler tt li.-eee mid thr<» laryv to My (bat tbe supfMrt was superb
do> IS which hart » ret! removed from tbe
emckr-huus* •xr.c l«sld< Ibi vst. as tbc sltuatlow so crapblrally pres*
though they bad t"»rii used to rovrr the that aothtof to real Ufa eourd be 1
vat while Us coBleets w«e l>oiilt.«
lapruMlve or mlrfb-preroklpc.
TiSsd ta Brtaa Btato MM IxTSIh.
Hsilk said (fast after the fsctniy
Friday erentoc. Frol
Briard by tbe rherlff be IrenirdI tost 8Anicmbly
Mwtaucb'a Daaetoc academy.
Mrs. Lurtyrrt was itilsriny.
e asM
that on Runday vvtnlng at > o'clock ha
few Luetgrn Id his office, and asked
him If br wvrrtrd the Meam taracd into
tor vat that rlybt. Lonyert. be mlA
turned pate, end said "Na” At this
atsleipmt , of ' tbe wltneea Lurtgert
UugtHri hc^ily. Blalk Ibea told of hli
vMl to the fociory with the police rffteerw Officer Dean discovered two
rings In the vst and the oOlcers csrrUd
the house ot the witness wbee Loi-tgert
esme there to etc RIalk. Luetyert asked
wliners what the ofllcrra found H the
e police anythlny.
of Kn. Kpmoyee.
Bon Jota. Cat, SepU ».-Tbe vault to
Oak mil cemetery owned by the Orlt>ner family was broken open Monday
night and tbe t^g marble slab over the
coRin ccntalclny tbe rcmslns of Mis.
Dr. Spranyer was lorn from Its place
In the solid cement and masonry. The
body was not disturbed, although tbe
slldlny door on toe casket was puriied
back and the remains expoeed. Mra
ftpraayer and her bustond ' come to
Santa Clara county a few years ago
from Cbleayn and built an elegant borne
on top of tbc Sonia
death Tbe autboriUrs are now woi
Ing whether tots had aBytblag 1
with tbe deeecraUoB of her grcrs.
Topeka. Kan.. Sept. 1..
C. Uttta.
private secretary of Got
has been decorated by the kbedtve cf
Egypt with toe leriglna of the ctand oordon Of toe Imperial Order of M«Bdk£
cf tbe Ouoraan emptra. The demyaUeB
arrtred yvctrrday by expreea Tbc ytR
came dlrMtly frooi Abbes
dlTV, wbes* rriaUcBo with UtOe wtoa
toe Utter was eoncal yencral at CBtoe
were vwy friendly._________
■tad Cm Bar Wosate
CMcayo. Sepc L—Mra Harriet Btot*y. ibol Friday night by Benry D«»*
always popular **Bo6ton Hat/*
better 8tyle*--no finer finished stiff hat inadeT at
popular price.
Also a line of Fedoras made by the above house
—brown—black—and a handsome myrtle color—
don’t be afraid fo look at them-r-we are aot afraid to
show them. -'
Icnyen of tbe-------- -----,-----------many os forty different round daneea
and JUS amnatoc
well as catertatotoe. A Uif* crowd atraded their perfarmaMS last eventog.-Oany Beaorier. Petoikav. Ancnat IT. 1807.
Tbe popularity of Prof. Silvara and
bto dauffitor was evldoaced MMiday
BlCkt by tbs tore* owwd that attended
tbs dasetoc rxhibltlan at Lewis Opera
Honna. Prof. SUrera baa cnMfnl
danemc redcccd to a aelenee. BilTwn
and Corinne exemplify tbc '* poetry ot
motion ' wiifa a cadasioa and craoe that
e to aprlcbt to bto
’! be letura
Enterprise Grocer;,
W. J. kOBINSON, Manner
Prof, and Mra. 8 BUvvn and little
I many of
[4(tie Mtoa
n a
ebannice manner. Her movement to
perfect and easy, abowiny able tratolny.
^f. SUvers to without doubt tbe best
executor of tbe Terpeleborean art that
to tbs city.
easy and yrauefnl. Nearly every one
of tbe dsncee were heartily eneoredU Is tbe Intention of tbe SUvara tb
taarii the art of danetoy dnrtoy tbe
aad met with got
bipiVriM. Mkgmt la, im.
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Fire Insurance.
Tba C A W. M. and D. G. 8 A W.
Itoaa wQl aall 0B Sept. tpd. ria Detoolt
and M. C. 8 8. and oa tbc lOtb, sto
Detroit and Wnbnab 8 8. axenrrion
tickets to Kinev* Falla at vary low
Batora iWt wUl ba.Era daya 1____
date of sale. Ask AeseU for partioatora
qZ DaBAvn,
■ *t
g p.
HIGH cut:...
Oo to tbc liea Baibar Mbop for kal
iMa wfll tta
.attar the m8IW-
8till on Deck
at tl^e Old Stand.
Prof. Eieoa 8 Silver
We. tbe underalenod membeo
Sqalen Orebeetra of Oraod Bapida.
cheerfully rtoomaend to the public
Prof Silvers as tracber of daneiof - '
deportment, baviny wltbcaaed bU
OB several oecaaioBs.* WebavenobeeItaney In recommendtoy bim aa I'
Saest aad mcatenoefnl executor
l^bop will^Clt
ever bad tbe ptoesure of witoemtoe
__ ,
BadihopuraoM and we all unite in rayiny that be eer
itou pleasant means of tois to make (bis
ily to ccooad to none. Stynml.
Boys' Band Orebeslra
trodueUon. Tkt
mnato. Mr. Silvoru and bis
will funitob mi
danebter Lare come here to Ure and
have leatod Stetobery's Opera Uouae
BaU for tbe wlnterT Tbe price of ad- .GrandBa^da. Nov. 11.1801. IMM
mlssloe will be 10 cato ud U oeato
for raeerred seats.
pltobaa toicbtor. UMtoOoertoa. The
tberouFb toaaber of tbe
art ef CaMdacMA utOe -Corinse aa' dnilbyhtodiever werk to parA aU the moot dlfltoult movewltbeaMaadcnM____ IT Mtb all tbe modern danoee
and tba Bttlelady. aUbewck «llcbtiy
‘ was pertoct to erury daM
Ever Bamed'Out?
exhibition of daaclny at tbe opera; line of gOOd gOOds cheap tO
bouse Wedceeday niebL The sklU of:.
g___ .7^ ..
Hr. B-avera as a uaeber is well lllM- be tOUOd in the City.
(rated by tbe flneaess of tbe liiUe elrl'a
work and Mrs. SUven. wbo to also a
pupil shows rapid advaneomenL • We
have often hebrd Prof, t
but never
l*Tpf. 8 8SU»erm. tonnerly tyf braad
Bapida, one of (be me
moat ellldeat to' ttbeauw, barstraeiors of deaetoc to
ibilioe. aaatotod
to give nn eabil
by bU danebter.
danebter, Conn...
Conunc. of
.. all
Uteat and moat artisUe danocs.
Sleinbcrc's Grand Opera houee. The
exbihlum will toelade forty different
Tbora sraga larfe attondanea at tbe
opera boMC. Frtlu orantoc. to wtv
Data tba dawitoc •kblbttiew cw«R ky
Prof. 8 8 BUvun aod bto ao^
Prof. 8 8 SUrers aad dauebtor
Cortona r»v*
eablUtion of round
dancinc at Gould City Monday evantocovar 100 attaadtoc. It was a eradltabta axbibitioo. little Coriuneb dandac
The Enterprise Grocery
belay exeellept for one so yousy. wbUe
tbe professor showed himself a mastor is still' doing business 00
of the art A dance was riven afier Front Street, jnst west of
tbe exhibition.—Sl lessee Batoi '
July 82,1807. ________ •
1 Steinberg's Grand Opera
wm -BBtertAiD WBdBBBdAy
vw* and bto danebtor:
a papers printed a
Lamson & Hubbard
TtoeweedwaUr for
• apekato the ■aatlac e«
vara aaddaacktn ara tba oha^ta
Al«ora«r* ai Imm.
•ndeavarlag to gmage tbe aymmatry of
your trienda and «e 8.
Febraery—The Boman fMtitral Fbb* bow many of tbmi can rpell every word i
- je waa bold on tbe IStb day of ttiia eomctly. The aimumee coatalaa many
Ton- may taU abort j «•
ita beibir bard to intaodnee
I moeth in bonor c« Lopema. the god of a( tbe Ttwl patera cd tbeapelliag book.
VTkklk k. BORTOI. M. O.. PbT^lclM wM
March—Named fram the Bomaa god
yen'll^d ^ middU agad mon cd van, Man.
have found a Urge titiml
arc willing to pot all they pomw talo
traa diSerctil. Tben’a hardly a thing
now tbai'a done tba «um way or by
acommoB Hock and than aliker
■pring generally btgini and tbe boda
“OertaUly,*’ replied tbe eoeUUrt
the Ntne .appUaneet aa It
^an In tbU month.
“Why DMl laien Un't om of then
tboywen yoang. Why. my naele oau
May-Utln Malta, probably derived wbo baiaoentto bU Daaa.’’—Wj
Rmember the time vben every kind of
foodi war made by band, and be In’t
very old either. It'a langhabla to bear
him tell bOw they tsied to gM '
Bverything. It mena. v
Romrt dlviBity
tbe sloveat and bardort vay on earth. rtiped ai tbe qoeeo «( bcavea
Peegde need to think that they were in
July (Jnliw)—Jolitti Oaaar
- vorldtovork, and itdids'
bom In tbk month.
macb dlSetenoe vhat they vere at. I
AngnM-Named by tbe Emperor
tall yon. bqya. yon don't appreciate
OBaar. H\6^dor^
B\g...Mrrttar himvhat it ia to live in ibcM dayi."
he reganlcd
cd iVa Incto ra
AtlbiainectaTe a man vitb entirely being that in which
d eevetal
gray hair folded hU paper pivparatory vict^M.
rrlTwst lltts. m.'
to departlag and looked at tbe crowd
September (aeptetn.. or 7>-SeptnDbn
near him. One of them. ohMrvlag him,
itb In tbe old Bormtured to art vbat he tboogbt about wai tbe aeveuth
man calendar.
Ichwru InwreaHmoouxiffie*. a>-a
'‘Pretty nearly right. I gnex." ba , October (ortOii
C~^hlCa.gO aad
the old Bomaa y
1 T°
8c?-*°°^ fuMvew. eu. Art oa
Open, the HadeMDe and Um Place de
U CoBcerd*. Esormoai crovA of peo
ple lined tbe rondi. and tke pnaideat
vu wannlr acclaltbed. AU the balcoolca were filled alth tpecuion. and
the wavtap of bandkerchleb and llaxt'
■waa u> be aees on all «d<A
Thrae mlDutea after the pKeldent bad
paved the Itadrlelce a bnmb wae ex
ploded inalde ttfe nlllnpa aroond tbe
Anreb. Tao arreeu fcdlowed Itnmedlatdr and the rallrd-eccloaiireena clcacd
' bp the police.- « ho betas an active Inveotipatloa Inlo tbe ouirate. Nobdr
alon, but tbe
e aSatr.
lore, cauied the treatea: exTbe perrotu Indde the ralltrerv minilUlelp
Ike before ihev
Xt la ftenenllr I’etleved that tbe bomb
cxplnder aat a Inrxilr. All Partf erea
c In a di-Unim of dtllthi yeaUidap and
laM nltM ove> tbe Ruaao-Fnncb aJU-
At 11 o’clock ta«i oiRht a ^•nd of 150
perocme with flat* nylnlt left the opera
and proceeded In the direction uf tbe
EIrnev shoutNut; ’Doinj with Etnporor
(be ninth mouth in tbu ol
The police
e t>To- j wae tbe only known tuetbod cd metro- yearn Rue' Atueceiran. Tht- band ' politao ccnrcyance, when bicycleewtr*
Doeembet idecem, or 1.0)—
tbe i nibliig to come, when tclepbaoed were
an experizDcnL' when ibey didn’t make wai tbe Iviiih montb ui (bv
grata AccldfI 4nTriuw Ihr iBivrni Ate .
1 two atm la
1 and tboogbi'thembeaTy.wbenfonutain
Bntiaton. Tea.. Sepu 1.—Near Applel.y !
- . r . .
aleeper on the arnth-boond Houaton, ’
Jnmped the track near a curve, carry
ing tbe sleeper and day coach off the
track, prartlcallj- demeUshlnr Itnth. D.
D. Hart, of (Atreno, was ktIM Aeri:- do IL Tbe facts are otberwlae. Wfaen I
was A yoong man, tmtlnca men need
J. F. Somraera and R
typewriten. A good mnoy wen think
Nacogdoches, very badly ing aboot patting U n pbomgraph.
enuoed: C. C. iuna,'Borvvepon, sau; Peemie wbo didn’t own any bieyclM eg
J. tr. Vlnrj-ard. Naeogtlocbee; X- J- feel like paying for a tab smally trav
Qraer. LonMana: G. H. Moran, and B. eled eionnd town In a cable or electrio
•W. Ballinger. Condurtor Lockhart
oar. Telepbowee coat lO oeaia a try jan
Among the half doten others who <
as tb^ do now, anleai yon knew eomebadly bruised.____________
body yen oonld spange on. Ainbipi
would go op and eotne down pretty
macb at they do now. Tbe Sunday pawm mfnll of ada that it took
WaabintrtoD S; at PMIadelphia-LoulaTUe A PhlUdelphla E; al Bsltlmore- tUlMendayto find aoytbiog to read
8L Loula A BalUmore U: at Brooklyn '' '
—Ckvrtand t. Brooklyn »: at New Tor*
—ClnolnnaU-g. New Tork T; (second
game) Cinrinnatl 1. New Tork 9: at
expUnadOL So be coneloded: “Ton
nlngs. darkness.
aw, 1 got ihU gray bolr tryiag to make
Western league: At Coloiubue—
r payUKaaKansas CT«y 4. <S>lumbuo U; (seefiad------ =,----- ■vT'Z*"Tn”i.t
— ~—
. game) Knn.*ae City 0. Coluoihos »; al •
y**"Deiruit-Si. J>aql IJ. Detrtlt *: (second *
*" !■« March.”—ChioagoTimeagame) Ft Paul 4. O'lumbut 4—dark- Herald,
lo Ullwauke>.
4Mtlag Married.
Is “His Qnest of tbe Golden Olrl”
Bicbaid U Golliene, in one of bU egx>.
aerve of land o
in the heart c
- worth In the i
'daysof their own (mT'i
1 ererythiog
n of eighty i[ like real married people—for, aa tbe
«“ iiewf.be ,
the rSd'^
QOOK VAVm>-TTATcr*e <3iy Lusher (So.
’L’CL—Money to Loan
itwo things in modem life of which d
people know nothing—tba I
editorial sanotam of a daily p
oo«o aOCTB.
m ViBiti imioniunBiLi
Suits to Order.
Pin^ Merchaat Tailoring^.
S-E-s-r iltE:
)Iotwitb«anding all mmore to tba
ooBtrazy. Mr. Nat O. Goodwin, will re
ton to tbe United Sutea to follUl hU
i Oda Bkinoer baa a new lomantio
oomedy wbkb be wiU pnaeot tbe oatatog eeasoo that ai yet baa. oot been
West 3Iichigan
.s= ^ iig
d of *4.e»,ew. !yp«bateb
West NewelL Ills., Is tbe
hALg-eii^A ioao
Kate Unxton bai Joiaed tbe waadevUUana
Kanne O’Neill will wuiyMagda'-next
■aaaoo ia SandenaaB'e play. "Heimaib.
ia "Tbe Whirl
of tbe Town” weigbing
They eaU ber “ A Imdy of Qwattv. ”
Tbe manageomt of “Two littte
VagtaiUi” baa engaged Mim MUdnd
BolUad to play ibe Uttto tamo. Pan
, OAlBivmrtcaysutMny.
JtUia Marlcrva baa viittea that a
OSesuTur Mwlaroe’* hArOvar* Ateru.
yoong Eogliib aotornamad KeodMok
bae been engage^ to ^ay leading roUa
Heniy 3 Sayrea,’ oompoeer of “TaiB-ra Boon-de aye.” which' made Lot
tie OolUus tamoni. faai writteu moM of,
tbe mnaic for 'Tbe Good Mr. Ben.”
Mmc Alexandra VtanU. a Politb
antrtos oelebtsled on tbe eUidaeoL
will-make ber flnrt appearance in Amer-'
icA at tbe Fifth Aveooe theater. New !
Tort city. Not. Stt.
irilnctoo 0. Peoria
Mi. Cbarlec Frabman'a ptodooCioo of
[ Many yonag coaplee of my arqnaict- ,
[ anee, wbo have bad no oiImt rcaeoa for : 'Tbe Little Minister" wUl be tbe first
lUUon of that pieoe on any etagn
PHtshur*, Sept. L—The Premed OUas ooocealiug tbe fart beyond their own
ware scale, affecting S.eoo men In Ohk>. i wbim. bare tbas slipped off witboot i
Penneylvanla, and Indiana wae srttled saying a word to miyUrfy
anvbodv and retard
retnraMl ! U tbe role of ivdy BrtibU
lories wtu be started
Xortliai Micliiltii
—Tnsiiportatioii Co.
•TU aSAScr OoreU S HaaISaa.
X___ •
ooao wokn.
ty OAAr MseuleBlpck. rnlsiaMet.
“ 3Ian Wants
But Little
TKere Below/’
oo»o aocts.
But He Wmnts That Little
* QUICK. *
I “I dm’t know myaeU wbat gettimr
Th*LaCroese(tviaHnder-mdcnt Tele- 'married feels like, bat it caoaot be
. Tbs old Ramans began evety banQostwitb eggs and ended itwirtaprttio»«bing like palpitation
Uw heart just before the pi>'’« ultcis plSA
the final fatcfnl worda,‘I dwlan- yon! %orkllng cbampagBS was tbe dieI. .-wrtnu in
imy <f Peirne Perignoo. a monk
naod wife.' HaU aaeoend before
yoa were still free. Half a mcuod after I died in 1716.
L-Ooreracr F. yon were bound for tbe term of yoor
Tbs popoUtiOD of DnbUn has' daM. l>rake has returned to his home In j oamral Rfa Half a e-eeid befOse mo i creased within tbs last 40 ysan fn»
SSJ.OOO to X46.000.
tor tick peopl. hw made considerable ! JT**" *
P“‘ ^
Pngs have been raining down in
lmprov.m..i.ilr. blecondlUoo.. He look.
“«»»*> U»ns giddily' tbiek aboweis on Bisgru. in TtmU
and feel. b.iur then st any time do'- swinging on to tbe brink of tbe precl- Tbe UrgeM were tbs sias cd a man's
ing tbr alx ueckx that have Inierveaed . pUe 7Ct> ■» saved Half a sectiad after tbomb
dnee bis accident at the capitol. hut be i "AU the Ung'e Iwwe ami aU tlM> ktag's mm
With a two banded svtird Godfrey
is yet a long way from full recovery. J Oanaot make yua a barh '-----Boailloo. at tbe Msgs of AnUoefa, ont
Labw' 11^ si'lteaal OlT^ IIL
Tnrk inid bsires fnan lbs •faonldets t
Moodt Olive. Illr.,
1.—A o.ni
Hon of delcxalef frem the miner*mtofF
rf Ruunlnfl.GIUexple. J.luivhh•cU. TVordes and Ik.rcnin hga d-^ldrt '
to give a monster celebration here on
Xrtbor day Tb* dalegaie* ettlmate tba. vacattoA. and ooe anenwoo went oot item U tbs most Importaat one with
AMO miners wUJ be prtscLL
j to walk spoo tbs pter. Ayooag'man acme of tbe Urger botusA
I was also <» the piar with a oo^ of
A farmer llTibg near Maplstaa, Ma..
Oisvse 4Hito
1*0 whom be aald, as be saw dsoUrm that bli bens always stops at
a eeculB point tn tbs rosd for bim to
get s switch, after vfalrt tbe bamt
narm off for town at a tapid galL
Aoootding to tbs Cihiasss. playing
eards wers Inwted ia Obina in iiM,
approaobrt and pobialy aokoowladgad and iMim Bo. wbo was telgulng at
I tbs aalntatiao of bU emstooMr. wbtt that tima. derlsed Oam for tbe ntskTbs woman wbo aiRUi a man fee
taisment of Ma wivaa Tbe Pnrltans
. rta.ptopom of refotming him nsvsr.
. . akMkat ma. Dow thU eallsd playing oatds tbs “devU's piocoat fltP’ PooU took in tbs dtaatlem. tarsbook.”
“It osnainly doss not fit," said ba.
and pdiiog oot a hit of Frsoofa obalk,
fas pibosadsd liberaliy to mart and
Artistio papetariss ara fnnMbsd to
osom tbs coat of Ms would be (jMlIsr
raoks soriobod with allvm
all ovar and then ofasarfod. with tbs ntmost tutanity, “Now. If yoo will kind gUt moanitogA
Among tba many convanteaosa ^
ly wDd tbntsoat to my aMv, tbsaltarntloH rtall bo.attcBdsd to."—Argo- Blgnod te travaUrs an Uatbar taset for
Opsnwnrt stands <f rilnslorTMa«hs Mrtv Oy DM n.
'ibsaoMrwitfalbe biepoU faeeaA Una botUea am twdadsd now vitb
tbs bnmpoo hi
his bsnk stnrts to tbs toot- necessary toilet aftiolsa
am ptgMTwai^iU with awateb to
ligbM. "Myk
kingdenafora boimlllbs
tbe oentac afford two dUttoet oanesaieaess in one omamsatal objsot
Tbs fin ds sUcU Aeadng bag tor
MavelsB to to ffmatos allMator rtta,
hsgnppaoltfcB tbattt.^ a pnag.
d with oUtw and oat
1 lln TM r^^brt Ml niiiiaUiiiil
Irtfftm—Iswalon'Oitthose-of ite^ona i
two 2JiJ’T.rar’ttr f!^rrj:«;
Tb* ^k-^ ^!
: SSl'uSr.S aSi S, Stf
»p— fJ.’Sl'Ti" .!
All Ailvfftisenient
Want Deparhnent
I it tie...
■ tm>a AM
anly wtAk.
liw^ nm^faOT* tnOm mSmT
The. ■ Morning. .Reconl
Tnieitc BijLiiie of Steuien.
^ oova xonB.
Is known to be Effective.
If You Have a Waut
, mm GO TO PETOsin.
ape«Aladbea«Uch They drore to the
Boardmaa rirer dam and took with
■Two game* of bate ball today, ilw
thamalnaeh. Wbenthey had Cehad
- m. and 3 p. m. Oeban Glanta ve
natU they baeanu hungry they, ad- HAWAXIAV gUMTlOW TO »« IneUera
Jonmadtoth* place where they had 'oimrmzDXATB attbvtxoh.
Profaaeor MnrUngb will give an
lafttherigandfouu^aome riUlaa had
Membly la bb dancing academy Fri
apprepriatad the fefraahmanta. At Oongreee WiU Be Aakad To Bntlfy day evening.
t Win bt • tut* »
pcmqMiwl bj H«b*n of the B^lagfortroetoaaaam^ etoameb Anaeaatiem Treaty-^* ~
Dr. H. B. Oaraer made a fiying trip
v.m. u-«oj* Buid wm r> Aetbit btbo bard week theyga** ap aad WiO Be Pushed Tbrooi^ Probably > Lake Ana yeeterday to attend a
u ■MCtft-B07*l Ttm Mxp^tbtd.
Bibr* Begnler Beealan.
yoang girl who was acalded aeveraiy
hot water.
Ban Pianeieeo. SepL 1.—The
. . tut Birbl UUr* «u • B*MiBC <
A boy. weighing eight ponad* b a
Anstralia from Hoaolnln just arrired
MaPhanos Pwt, No. IS, 0. A. &. for
tb« porpoM *f oociaiterlBt tA*<i«MUoa Haanah BlAaa Whot *o Play SaU with Hawaiian adrieea Praneh B. welcome addittea to the tomily of WIU
With Soya’ Band.
Hatdi. mtnletar of Waahlagton, arrlrad Brown, fcoeaaa in the Uvery born of
of atteadiat U« uaaal onflaapiBifat
Two of the moat hotly ooateeUd Angnet Suth with epeeial InformsUon
•f Um Oraad Tiaran* Soldian u>4
HaUap Pinch of thb eUy has been
.SaUon’ AModatlon to b* held lo P*ta*- gmmae of baa* kail played bare laet which win raqalre the attanUon of
graated an original pension, and B. a
k«7 8*ptMtber IS, >6 and IT. Tb* taattu •caeoa were thoee pUyed between both the gorerameat aad the
„wBBdlKOM*d aadH wasTOtodtoban team* leprmeatlng the aaaaah Bill** end a call ha* been leased to the
OUlett aboof thb city has beer grant
I from TiaTcrw City. aad the Boye' BanA Tbe first gam* ben of the letter body
ed an
u wiUaf a e be made for weea tieaad In th*game toeetUe tbe meet &
Among the arrivab lest night were
e. MlnlstA
BlnlM . BatU> Mia. El
tb* trip aad the attandaaoe from TiaT< matter, the ebldler bo.rv efter a migbty qoeeUo*. Meanwhile.
is in almoet ooMtant oonsnltaticW'^th by her daagbUr Mba Beil. They wUI
etae Qty wlU be-laire. Tbere vm be streggle. ranqaUbed tb*
Tbe Biflw knowing tbst to defeat the | Preeldeot Dole and the cabinet,
•abonl •ereaty from the port aad
Tbit their consla. A K Harper.
lart* Damber of the W- B. C- A Coe»- beys of the band again they most keep . The iaw malms will be asked
Traveree City galaed a pennaaent
mitue 00 transporutioa waa appoint' U condition have been In training all ify the enoexation treaty which was rerident at noM yeetardey. who took
winter, are in grast eondiUon. aod | recently signed at Weehlagton ee the ap hb abode with fab parenta, Mr. and
«d. who wiinook after the detail
eamry la eoaaectloo with each a Joar- they hereby challenge the band teamjmejorityofiiiemembenfararannexa- Mra. Cha*. Makepeace. Elmwood
ney byraU. The Boya' Band wjU be to another game to be played ^t a time tios. Tbe matter will be mshed
Tbere will be a eattrbe prayer meet
employed to aeoort the eeteraa* aad and place to be mnluaUy agreed upon. throogh-. The reason for the extra
swaloo of the eecete b e matter of eon- ing by the CkrbUan Endeavor*
Udim aad the repreieatotlon fi
jecturt and much enriority b evinced. o'clock Snadey mornlag In the CongreV;^eaB City wUi aot be the leut of the
The eenator b aathorlty f<w tb* etete- gationel ehvKh. Mim I*ran wUl be
deletatioae atUe Katb^riag. Setoen of tbe Xemben of ment that Hatch brought forward from the leader.
key wQl epccod beraelf thia you aad
McKloley that be resolved to call eone^rnyme whoabaU aUaad wUl be royXaeba Temple from Grand
The Women's Foreign Mbxlomary
two months eulbr than uanal eoclety of tb* Friends Aarrii will meet
for the pnrpoe* of dbposing of the today at the reeidenee of Mra. MartAt the convention of Travmee Qty .treaty before tbe regular aesaloa.
Moore on West Seventh streeL SnbLodge. No. T3. h; of V. lest night, ectJecL "Mexleo."
Bit By«BaUH*liiiBtaineda ■*t*t* Ive preparation* were continoed for
Yeeterday attorMon Tony Novotny
the ^anixatlon on the leth of TiarBoptanaadlalaa
tost *a smbtella. Some mberaent
m City anb D. O. K. E. A epeeial Great Britrin WantoHer Sabjectn To
filched IL Imst night Dick CampheU
inw>ing U called ter tomorrow eve
Become Aecuatomed Te It* Dea
lost hb bicycle; another mbereant
8oaM day* afo Bert Oarrey, an em
ning In E. of P. hell, when five eomploye of the oral diah faetory, aM
London. SepL l.-The foUowlng no- stole thaL Tbere'U be troobla
mltteaa wUI be appointed to' take
Meeera Langley and Btoeekar, inwitha avioas ia^ while watcUar a
tie* wa* placed on the Beak of Eng
ehaig* of verioDS errangemeau and reofbaUtaprotT«m amoag amae
of knlb aad boUera. arrived
land today: “Tbe eeeretaiy of State
oepUonof vialtora. Tbe chairmen of
u- the factory dnrlag a
for Indb la Ue oonncU give* notice of tost aighL They wUl inspect the H.
theoommlUeMwiU formaa exe ‘
sale bllb of exchange on Oelcntla. & Pingree. Jr. here, at Sottoa* Bay
eommiUe* which, win have the
Bombay and Mediee will be snspended tbe Eva HiU aad at Nohhport the Oi^
/ fitA»d ball
agemeatof the affair while the viriNothiac eerkmt
for not lea* than tea werita” Tbe ward.
' ' rey iatheal
totsare here and the deUlla of tbe
Qem Brown hu sent to the grocery
tboB^i of It at the ttm*. bat a prepnmtions. A fall attandano* of government has very Uttie nscaey la
raptare waaeoetaieed aad ^ Injured
India to draw on. owing to the famine of John Brexlaa on Cnion eUect,. a
>beis U eameeUy reqnaeted. ne
aad pUgne haelag rAdered the col- sample of broom com nine feet in
•man waa ftxeed to taka to hU bad.
this wUl be the most Important event
Isction of tax** etow. The preeent beighL^hieh he had rabed on hb
in tb* hbtory of tht lodge of thla city.
Urn* may be opportnne to aoenstom the farm. Tbl^ ea exeepUoaally fine
Indians to nse gold tnatsad of rilrer. epeelmcn oforoom ton for any localTmvem^Oity Honored.
Profemor C. 8. Hem wa* eboaen a It b tbongbkthatit woold not have
Assembly Friday evening. Prt
ProL E.
Baatlare and Ooban OlauU Will Play lember of the board of trustee* of the been attempted had not tbe eearcity of
Z. HnrUugh'e Dancing academy.
Anti Saloon Aseoclatioa. at a meeting yaoBcy arisen.
At SOM This XoiBlng.
The Dally Telegraph, anticipating
in. Grand Bapids
Tb* tmse ball
ITnesdsy. Bev. W. A.-Frye who b a tb* action of tbe Indian eonncil. said
day by rala will V* played thU. moi
mortgages, wUl be sold cheap if bought
attended the meeting. The today: “Tbe conneU may refaae
soon. A cbencc to get a home on e**v :
lag atl>:30. The Cnian Olanu at* "a
aannel etate congres* of the assoefa-1 draw altogether, thus sending the — terms.—E W. Hastings.
atrong.aggregnUia aad will give the
tlon will be held In Battle Creek in! change ap to the gold point and reader
Hnatters e hard fight. Buttaerferd will
Itpaaribbfortheeatoblbhmealof Uie
pitch this game. Another game wUI
idard in India.
be pUyed in tbe afternoon with Watr BMO^CPICBMT APPOIVTKEKTS - _
The acUon«f tbe indmn oonneU ntkina in the box.' Tbe eelored ptayen
Xade By Commander Haohey Forthe traded but the slighteet notice in
arrived yeetardey morning.
Petoekey Gathering.
: afternoon newspaper* end he* not al-
wHar MiRKtr fiRH.
c. F. H..,.,,
Grand Traveree Soldier* and SaUora*
mye: “Tbe deeblon was altogether
Amoriatton, has mad* the foUowb
appaln|aenU for tb* encampment f «inexpeeted. being the ontoom* of the
attoa in India."
h* held at Petoekey September U. :
and 17:
Adjutant Owieral, ,J. C. Boatoco
Post 170, Petoekey.
WHl be Boraned by the 'Woann'e
Olnb Thia Tear.
Bandy. Pest 83.1
Tha fint meettng of tbe Womaa'e
Qnartermastor Gcoenl A Worden,
anb for tb* new yenr wUl b* hrid Fri
day nflernoon at tbe oaaal boor. Tbe
prerideaL Mra J. A. Montagu* vrUl
B. Devb. Poet 170, Petoekey. ,
Chief of Staff. A- J. Strdnd. Feet SO. deliver her annnal addrea*. Tb* regnier program b In charge of Mra J. O.
Horten Bey.
Inipedior General. Geoeg* W. Diok- Bamadell who will give e paper on the
------ FKOM OOR: of Greece aad a general
inaon. Poet IS, Harbor Springp.
Thb wUl be preeeded Ijy
Chaplain. B«v. John J. Cook, Poet 31.
aflilrnii by Prof. C. B. Hors. IntrodneSurgeon General. J. E. Bankl^ M. toiy to the etndy of Greece to be pnrsned hr the cinb thb year. The proD.. Pwl 170, Petoekey.
Chief of ArtU^. ,H- A fialbbnu. r«° b a meet intereeting one and
ebottld rim to be preaPoet 170, Petoakey.
Prevoet Mairiiel. H. Berdan. Poet no, enL
Oommtsaarr General. N. L. Hanna.
Wndanberiff Brm Ballets Aid of a
There wOl be a epeeial meeUng
Poet 79C. Sherman.
Prisoner to Print a Hewspaper.
.Chief MttsiclsB. A. F. Bach. Past ITO. right of the K. A. 8. E. for the parpoee
Undeenheriff Manip Brown of Lsof electing delegate* to the naUonal
Und. U fell ef reaoarces as well es
M<^* 11.73 Wee) Pse
Senior Aide. J. W. Mosher. Poet 84.
Shrewdnee*. Daring the ebseopp of
. Editor fNeleon ef the Leelanan BnUrprlse. who is in Bnffelo, Brown has Poet 883. Lake City: B. P. Baiser, Post
cdiarg* of the' oSm of the Eoterpriss S3S. ft-—Byren 8. Shepard. Poet
and upon him fails the reapoasiMlity
SM. Fife Lake; D. W. Riripe, Poet m.
Beniooia; Samnel Balsud, Poet lOS. hrid at the anaory on State etraet.
nty jo*
to tbeethlaao
Maple City; F. D. Maiwin, Poet 16. Captain MaeOreger wlU be In ebarge,
astern. Among the f
TTavete* City; J. A MewriUe. Poet 8U. ambted by Mra Lientenant Colonel
e>onty ^ is oAs Dick Bontoa. who is
ron of Grand Bapids. LleuL ChandLa, .......
Boyne City; Che*. Johnson. Poet 848.
awaltfaw trial tor Wgkway robbery.,
torand Bav. Howard Moor* paetcr ef
B^n* Falla_______________
Dick Is one of thone aooommodaUng tntt* Friead* chnrah.
Mr. and Mra
dividnals who Is iriUlBg to- b*Ip oat
Barg wUl ring and Amne Wood wlU
any tima ona^acAand u tbs *dlAadstiUthereb more good news. five an lilnatratod chtmM talk.
torial foree b Umlud daring the eb- TW Uttie difference between Traeerae
eenee of the editor in ohiat. Dick obear- caty and Maabto* ha* been pntahed
lAk* Ann’a X*w DepoLtaUy ra^oodad to n raqnaet to enter ap and thefinaUen wUl be hare SonThanowdepoYofthaM. AJf. E. at
ibe b(dy of hoaeeaadjhar* tkt respon- day and M^idny. September 3 ana Aw- Imka Annbaboateomplried aad tbe
oibQitla* of the monldtag works. Tbe Mantotar«*wn.
railroad to doing as mneh bnelnae* at
KMUk ..............
The enly differenoea kaowa at thb that point a* ever. Other brildlngs
a printing office rid* by aids with a Mdoftheline are tbeaeoree of the are going npand the town b«gtoe to
party eopeeted of mndar. awelUng gamaa played betw^ the Colls aad dbplay some of its old-ttme hnaU*.
trial for robbery and MHl In enetody, b Bn^ara OUmr alleged differenee*
Beth Dow for Xayor.
OM whtoh b Introdneed only in Law aieonlyoeatkmeof fsariful
laaaneen^i hot it goea
ttoo whhA rone wUd ia Manbtoe.
Hew York. SepL i.-Borreagha omnmitue of toe aueena Cnion has nomlGhioage XariuL
aated Seth Low See mayor of greater
eSHeafO, September 1.—Whent-De*. KavYork.
. TkeXUbtoand B«. VOhriiVVeBt a»Me; eora.8IM«m: ante. lOMe; por^
Amangtocae who
from Snt$8.-80.
toMBey yarierday to ee* to* baU
game <rar* Jeek LItnay. Dr. O. C. JaeP^ralsr Oothlsr.
Un.B.Mritoriand Ola
Hlaale took a last nkaaca at tM
tHPnaeau'tobMsbSBb. toavaneOtr
Them wu no Bxdtament Testwday
aad Com was Steady.
CUeego, SepL 1.—Wheat wae qaist
to dpUnwi nt the ^lening today with
an earier feeUng appamnL This It
doe to theetagaentonblee. Uverpeol
ahofring >< at K d. opening daeUae.
to the liberal reoelpU hare, tb*
arrivaU this moniing are being report
ed at 41» ears. The deUveriee ef Beptombm-are very ligbL there being only
abont 1S.OOO bwbels. New Vorkb advieee wnre rseeived soon after tbe open
ing and eaid that tilt foreigners had a
gain on liberal boyecs. Tbi* canaed e
geaetnl covering by aborts here and
the muketa became very firm. Decem
ber evened at 8«K against yesterday's
eleaeofiVX- It eased off to «SK and
then tamednadsoldnptoWI^ where
it was well maintained.
Cora is
Up- I
Bargains |
A Mile In if
That beats the greatest record. We are
beating the greatest record in the sites of oof
Tablets and quality and prices are selling stacks of
them. This is the place for all school supplies.
gfiO FHOWT STHEET.___________
Paul’s Ink !
Just Received, large assonmeat. New Thing. Good
Thing. Nonspiliabie.
Haskell’s Bookstore
■arttam Bleek.
Fur Collarettes....
Are Very Stylish—We've the only
In the city—Bon^t Irom^t t^^at lowM poarible prices, wUA, .
OF FDRS AT--------
: S3.»tO$10.=
... .Mew acaks and Capee.>t;...
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
.We. Still Ivead..
Notwithstanding the general'
depression in the milling'
business, we are haring a
phenomena! trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....
flour. Send in an order.
Watered Stock Sale i
1.19 i
Bright, Fresh, Neat Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Heats—always fresh. SaU Heats. OBDBBS DEUVBBED PBOMPTLY.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A’complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
No Larger Nor Better
Selection of.....
..School Shoes
in Uie city than can be a
J. B. BtmFMd MiM Bvney m
TEATWWEorrr. • kichioah how traDnteUlw.wlMre thoj ottosded (be eouty Sudij oeboel eoa*
UteMoUto QclBtol. who hM hm
Tbm. t. Bim A89 j. w. VuncB. opoBdtot » WBlh with Xn. J- W.
Bmwb. wtn ret«n to Koliwiof) thk
9. Vf. BAVxti, Bdttor ud IUuc«r. ttonUBff.
.r -
oa«. mrRKrt •««»
Jew before the edjoommmt of the
labor eoBtiw la St. Loofai 809000 V.
Debba made Bepeeob whlob te Ar«y alo•BTtbl^ 701 recorded. He deelBred
that cieQ Uberty la Amerioa to dead.
. BBd that be bee ^pealed to the oi
for the IBM time. Tkto laat attarBaeo
to Bol at bU nrprtoiac. It will be reWMber^ that Debb made aa appeal
t» the UaitadStatpBOOBrt, aomeiblat
wear two jean afo. bat that he aftac
varde ^wat a,term of tmprtocmmeat la
ae lUiaoto Jail for oftoBMaK*>>M the
iBwe of theeounUT. Whateror map
be the merita of the euatroeeiej
tween capital aad labor at thie Ume,
aaeb etteraaoH aa theae are aot Ukelj
to bold la eheek tboee botrheaded «
are who are prone to adopt violeat
aaeamree to falB the eada tbep eeek.
Ix eeema that the rleb «old dtoeow
iM la Alaaka aad BriUah Amerioa are
M TlelaltT of the Thkoa.
porta haea been reeelred of tabolona
8eda Bleat the aortb fork of the MaoMOlaa rirar, Alaaka. wUdi to aomewhat rametefrernaayof the diaeoeertoa yet rapprtad. Tba oauat of the
cold Aapeatoe la Alaaka la eaareely
be eetlmated, and for that rtoeoa It to
folly for anyoae to attempt to make the
>oarwoy thtowlatar. tor fear tome oaei
alae mey c*t la ahead end cet all the
Tb labor ooaTaatioa la 0L Loala
haaaotapait Sepiembar thtadaB''Oeod
rriday", when all
with the atriklacBilaera are orfed to
laake apeeial eoatribolioBa far thalr
raUef aad Md. White the radical
ttmeato of bebo may norataet with nafreiwl approval amont all workiat
.mea. tboamada of -boaoit tolleie trill
' spare a UtUe for fboea who are coaaeleaUnaly atnirtllat for better
wa«ae la the oodl miaca.
to anherity tor the ■
. Idn. IU77 Orobb hM retuwd to her
Bt PlDdlmj, Obko, BfWr B thiwe
WBtte' eteU with-her BOB Fiwak Bad
{BmUyof Arehie.
Mn. Q. & OowtoekeMa^m b^
ttn. Kaw of ladiBBBFaUB, kare retanodhoiD# from BTWt with Mr. Bad
Mtb. A. B. Hoiwb.
M. T. B#bb BBd B. D. Bom of AUe(BB, who hBVo been opoBdlnf b few
' U tbc eltj BBd
vtdnlty. wlU retain borne today.
Mr. and Mra. BnoaOnrtla are enjoyiac a vtoil with thalr daoebtar, Mra.
Frank Orabb aad family aad other ralativaa 00 tba palamla They wUl retarn to Fiadlap. o. Friday.
Mr. aadMiaW. H Oatoof Chleaco
aad Mtoa Baailana ianaiaca of De
nfumoaa aa rooca for thalr hoaMS
after vWtiac atjNwah-ta-'
ra.sMi'iaf W. Blobarda, B fr Wbala_mn aad wUaaad W. 8 SmIU'oame
down from Omens ymtarday oa their
way to thalr bemm la ClBdaaaW. attar
■ attberoaort.
Dr. Bmma Decker who baa baaa Ttoltlac Mrs. 8 a Udd, wlU laave tbto
moralac far Mt. Qemena. SbewUlbe
aafaraa Detroit by Mrs.
Davla. mother of Mra. Ladd, who will
Coto UUoa, K. Y. fora vtoil.
For Oa OhieacoFoat Ofioe Bold Za
1-<toorce MoKiat
nay A Oo.. of thU dty. aad tbe Kirby
Deaato Oo.. of Mariaetts, have aeean *
a eootnet to faialab UcArtbor ^
the Chloacaobotraeton aad baUdei
0,000 Norway pis* pllea. to be seed to
the coaetreetlea wwk of tbe new ChlTbe lamber wIU be
mt aUoc tte Untoeacoa braaeb of tbe
Cbioaco. MUwaakee A 8b Past raUway
' WMnay. aad will be abipped over
tbe aaam line. Tbe pUea wtU be cat
from thffaad opoa wbldi tbe Meaeaalaad Martoeue paitiaa raeestly
haaod tbe atampac*
M K> ks
fitm fUty toatovr<Mt to lencth.
lecclnr camp has already beea catabthere aai the work of ealtiac
and ahlppiac will becia at oaea. It It
aated It will taka 400
fiU tbe order. Ibis to tbe larcest eoatraol f<» piles ever let to the apper peof Hidilcaa. Tba tract of
toad from wbtob tbe Umber U to be
eat Um oa tbe otber aida of the raUroad over wbtob the pltoa are to be
BCoatbly Maettoc of tbe W. O. I. A.
abieet of the apedal eemloa will to
the peimate of eeveral reform
which were demaodad U the coverLibrary parlora. This aftenoo
■orb taemacea.. Now oertala aaohari2:M o'clock. AU members an
qawted to be praaeab
Those wbo bare not paid their yearly
dam aM raqnmtsd to pay them at the
Manana to tickled all aver baoanae recalar atoathly meeUac.
the Qrand Bapida leacoabw ball team
A eordlal tovtuUaa to cl*w to all
to tortfltihatMtytoracaaMof baae ledlea to became saembara of the aaso
balL Tbate to aot moeb woae for eiaUoa.
alaUoa over that proapeet. how
AU members of dlvtoloa 8 ' are rw
sad If the Odita maaot baste the day- ^nested to taralah for the Satnrday
liCbta oot 4 the ‘'BoboUaka'- they Market. Sept. 4. ary one of the foUowaa^t aever dare to claim the amatear tocartmlm: Bread, salt-rlslac. yeaet.
ebampkmahip of awthem Mlcbicaa.
aad brown bread, cake, oooklea. crallera, fried eakaa, Datcb cbeeee. pidUaa.
•alada. baked baaaa. ale.
Tbe followiBC aamed ladtoa are a
C H.
waot to Ibaakfort yeaterbarsotdivisioB D.
Meadamea, McLellan.C C Maea.McWm. Hocc of Neaeea Qty wae la
B. J. Morfan, H. Moolacoe. T.
Mra- F. T. O'KeU baecoac to Charla- D. McMaana Oertle Mdr. M. C. Oriatt.
J. Oliver. W. J. Parker. C. M. Prall, 8
oeia for a viaik
A. T. Palmer, a weU kaown dttoen H. Pop^ A. Paydea. Pickett. C. U.
Petenen. V. Petertyl. T. Pieraoa. M.
ef Otaero. U vlaitiac la the elty.
d. Boberia. J. Rennie, Baaeom,
Nias Lnrllne lUwka of Beat Jordaa.
Cbaa. Paice. M. O. Miller.
to the r>«*t of Mra H. D. Wood.
Those wbo have dlsbes at tba market
Utot Hattie Meboncal of Omaha, to
aroreq seated to call for them Satardar
irtoiUnc Nr. and Mra Bobert Priea
Tboaa wbo bare t^aa dtohpa from
Iva KMlocc aad Mlaa Nellie Orayaaa
are at Old Mtoaloa for a tow days' rlslt. tbegiarkat are reqaaatad to retora
a. B. Olda. postmaster at Bendm, them Batarday.____________
araa la the
on baalaeaa yeeterdar^
FVaal RaffaU. of the town ef Lowell,
Mra. y. A. BeaaeW of Ht Morrie,
Wts.. was serlouMr If DM (atalir forvd
BUeb., retaraed to her borne yaater- by Ms tHilL He was In the Watalc tastnina a rope to the tmlJ, pteparatorr to
B. B. FraU la bbme from Oraad Bap- takina him to town to be sold.
Cbsires of attempts to aoUrit brIbM
Ma. wbaro be baa baan aa laial tomlla tohaU or (be aoutta town iauaipr by
ansasd taprearntaUTM of that ofBctol
Jamaa Harmar and Mtoa Barmar ef
DetreU are apeadiac a few daya *at
lyorge Lsaunon bas wrtttra to Mb
s at Tacoma clvtaa psrtlCDlan ot a
Ifae. Stnac of Vtokaborc. treaaarw fabalonMy
deb strike on McMOIaa'a
of the atata c*aace. to the cw^ «f C
Is Wbl^.
A L JoyeeweattoOmwiicaabod■am toip yaateaday. Baesw to Sato
toae Bay today.
i. W.Oorttoaadhtobrlda. fMar]y
tore. Jeaka. left for thalr boma la Mew
aea aty yesterday.
Mtoa Mamie Oriatt baa takaa the poaltioa of bookkeapw for. TbarteU A
Oaae at tba Palaee Bakery
f. A Oary aad tam|^, who have
ipaat theaammertoer»v»at.mtata to
Qtaad Bapida toddy for tha wialer.
Mn. r. b: Wktoaay and M« of Batoaft, ptotod thnack tha ei«y yaatar-
Owen Tbemaa. U years old. was rstaralBc frem ehurcb at Dodforille.
Wto, os borsebark and srbra to tbe
town cf MUBla. WJa. tbc ctrtta tonke
and be fen Ob tala bead. Be died to
twenty mlrwiSee
AbcBt thirty BiMdets weridac to
Fallw A AohMoa aiaektoe wwBa
MadtoCB, Wta.. west oat oa a ctilke for
btober wayts. Tbe company refoaCd ts
•mat It.- Tb* men have ■ —
ftem «.»to to a day.
Tattimeny ef MrA Teach and tha
Man Who Wat in the Factory
on tha Fatal Night
• Kept Vp a
bvekwl Oat r>MB (be terae mt the Bapimmmi SolUsy «a PMmh of a Mmrtmim*
WU»~Wbsa Mis. *>i^ Told.
Cbtcoyo, Sept 1.—Tbe Laetyert trial
beyan in earneet yesterday and (be
prueecuttota wae ver^ well satisfied
wben tbe dap was done. Mrs. dyatba
Toeeb was tbc first star srUncaa. 8be
described tbe domeetic Ufe ot tbe LaeU
yerts as oo« of tbc most onbappy
Impytoable. and bHaichMa^o tbe case
for tbe first time thr^iotlvA She de-
tt toj bemi Seclded to hold eo pabito
eviefaraUca of l^bor Day this year to
MadtooB. Wla
Barry Mills Cole, tbe veteran petottr,
ooiamitted suicide to New York by tmtoy OB toe yei in bit room.
Mlai Wimar. of PbUade«pMa. Is at
Chlcayo to meet wooura teanis ssparta
for tbe woman's ebamptoiiBhlp.
Ten saloons Ib Kans
The Rpaoieh cwblnet has dacided to
call out KkiWO rtsrrvea. more than a
third of whom will be sent (u Cuba.
Tbe survtr.y amir.B mleera in esetem
Ohio la yeoviny mi.r. acute daily, and
aome vtyoroua meaiuies of relief must
Mon be.taken.
It is fi-or.:d that tbe widow of PrealdSBt Bcrd*. cf Perui will become Insane
at toe rssuli of yrlef caused by her bosbabd's ataasstnaUab.
' VllUom Thondey, CBylneer. and Louis
-BfbWB. firemao. both Of MouBt VeraoB,
O, were kiUed by a loeemoUve belter exploslOB SI Frederirksburg. O.
Tbe fourth BnBual fair of tbe Oneida
saussyc maker bed utltovd words of
reyard, if not aSecUoa. for Mary
Mi« Ptnoy' Rtrc^ OBly daughter oC
Siemerlny. while In tbe next breath be toe late Prealdeat Rutherford B. Hayes,
clencbed his bands, as Uumyh be could win be married to Enalyp Harry E.
choke bla Wife to death. “1 cannot, and Sffilib. VBited Biatce nary, at ~
will not. live with my wife.” were O.. toBlybL
words attributed to tbe prisoner. To
cap the climax to this Ule of domMtIe
Chwtoiofil Voua.
qusrrrels, curses and what fnlybt bo
Tbe next attraetloB to StetobwCa
ponstrveHl to be threats to murder, tbs
wttnes wove a web about tbe prisoner Ormnd Opera Booaa will be One. Brotbby chsrylny him with scores of sus afto celebrated company to Boyt
picious uttersncciL iD Sddltlon, (bere "Bnacb of Kays' wbtob to andoubtod
crept Into the testimony tbe cbsrye
that the prisoner had suyyeried mur- u>v HKMvauooiviw.
derlny the wlinesk own busbaad.
edy «v«r written to tkia country. Tbe
The FMol Xlytil ta lbs rWeWwy.
oompany wbtob U to praduee It bare is
Then came Wntchmon Blalk, wbo ^ to be one of the beet on tbe rood
wax one of Luietyrrt's employes and
nnd from tbe pnea nottoea clv«n >1 tbe
was at tb( factory the nlyht of
r--------- .------,1
there oUlm Beams to be well founded. Tbe
srerc barrelrof caustic soda in (be base pleee wiU be pweentet September totb.
ment apd bow be bod. t LiMyerVs
orders pul oonse of It In
cautoye vat.
Id tneedy tbe WUliam Owen eomHe sold tbere aws steam uoder
pnny hae surpassed anytbinc yet prutbe luller* m.thr furnace room when be
arrived at the factory at 4 p. m. oa eentad to this city iritb tbe poaslble
Hay I. Luetyert turned tbe oteam Into enraptloB of tbe Walker WbUaaide
and Instructed company. Bnt In eomedy tbe scyrehim to keep up tbe steam duriny (he
nlybt. as be would need It. At t:U
Luetyert sent h'm .to a dray store, to orcnnixaUoM wbtob
purchase a patent nerve medicine. He TraroiM City. Yesterday i
wosyoneoverbalf an hour ondyave tbe at a mnUnee “bavM Garrick was civen
bottle to Luetyert tbrouyb the yate to and the aadtoMa
oearty two
tbe saaaaye-maker-a office, which was
locked. At U o’clock be was oyalii ocat bows to tbe kannaatktod ef 4»ieyi
to the druy store for aome mineral of tbe vory bestsertof aettof.
water. .After oivlalt tbe ihlneral water nlcbt "Tbe Leva Chase' was fl
to Luelyvri tbrouril the yate be did Tboee wbo eooaidered "Dnrid
not see the oansaye-aiaker ayaln that
riek^ a epieadid
nlsbt.tar'Settor pleaeed arith "Tbe Lose
NM Altowad ta tba
t be said Luetyert <
Chase.' TbU to eortatoly oae of tbe
(be hasefnent where the val woe located' Bneat and
and tbe door between him sod tbe tx)ller
room, where the ar|tne« was at r-ork. preeenwd bare. In U tbere are rare
remained locked. About 3 o'clock In irc opponnnlUen fee Boee Eyttofe and J.
murciDy the ste^m to the vsl wort mud B. Amory to display tbelr peeuliar peron. RIath left thy faiicry at ' Sunday aonal ebaraetorisliea. while Mr. Owoa
mnrr.lr.B. and before l.aiHry went In tbe
oQlcv. where he ssw Luctinri olttlcg aod MU* BakarwrrcDotempromtoeDt.
i Three,------parts. were
chief .
with hts feet on ih< UUe. He did mu
not------„- tbe
..........know wbelbet he was asleep or nru 1 tluas. tboucb Mr. MeConMlI
:s to B part wbtob did not de'o^l^lmsBd tbe
srork of which be is
rilmy suh- capable. On tbe whMe this eomedy Is
stsnrv. Ntsr the vnt was a rhstr
from the offler tt li.-eee mid thr<» laryv to My (bat tbe supfMrt was superb
do> IS which hart » ret! removed from tbe
emckr-huus* •xr.c l«sld< Ibi vst. as tbc sltuatlow so crapblrally pres*
though they bad t"»rii used to rovrr the that aothtof to real Ufa eourd be 1
vat while Us coBleets w«e l>oiilt.«
lapruMlve or mlrfb-preroklpc.
TiSsd ta Brtaa Btato MM IxTSIh.
Hsilk said (fast after the fsctniy
Friday erentoc. Frol
Briard by tbe rherlff be IrenirdI tost 8Anicmbly
Mwtaucb'a Daaetoc academy.
Mrs. Lurtyrrt was itilsriny.
e asM
that on Runday vvtnlng at > o'clock ha
few Luetgrn Id his office, and asked
him If br wvrrtrd the Meam taracd into
tor vat that rlybt. Lonyert. be mlA
turned pate, end said "Na” At this
atsleipmt , of ' tbe wltneea Lurtgert
UugtHri hc^ily. Blalk Ibea told of hli
vMl to the fociory with the police rffteerw Officer Dean discovered two
rings In the vst and the oOlcers csrrUd
the house ot the witness wbee Loi-tgert
esme there to etc RIalk. Luetyert asked
wliners what the ofllcrra found H the
e police anythlny.
of Kn. Kpmoyee.
Bon Jota. Cat, SepU ».-Tbe vault to
Oak mil cemetery owned by the Orlt>ner family was broken open Monday
night and tbe t^g marble slab over the
coRin ccntalclny tbe rcmslns of Mis.
Dr. Spranyer was lorn from Its place
In the solid cement and masonry. The
body was not disturbed, although tbe
slldlny door on toe casket was puriied
back and the remains expoeed. Mra
ftpraayer and her bustond ' come to
Santa Clara county a few years ago
from Cbleayn and built an elegant borne
on top of tbc Sonia
death Tbe autboriUrs are now woi
Ing whether tots had aBytblag 1
with tbe deeecraUoB of her grcrs.
Topeka. Kan.. Sept. 1..
C. Uttta.
private secretary of Got
has been decorated by the kbedtve cf
Egypt with toe leriglna of the ctand oordon Of toe Imperial Order of M«Bdk£
cf tbe Ouoraan emptra. The demyaUeB
arrtred yvctrrday by expreea Tbc ytR
came dlrMtly frooi Abbes
dlTV, wbes* rriaUcBo with UtOe wtoa
toe Utter was eoncal yencral at CBtoe
were vwy friendly._________
■tad Cm Bar Wosate
CMcayo. Sepc L—Mra Harriet Btot*y. ibol Friday night by Benry D«»*
always popular **Bo6ton Hat/*
better 8tyle*--no finer finished stiff hat inadeT at
popular price.
Also a line of Fedoras made by the above house
—brown—black—and a handsome myrtle color—
don’t be afraid fo look at them-r-we are aot afraid to
show them. -'
Icnyen of tbe-------- -----,-----------many os forty different round daneea
and JUS amnatoc
well as catertatotoe. A Uif* crowd atraded their perfarmaMS last eventog.-Oany Beaorier. Petoikav. Ancnat IT. 1807.
Tbe popularity of Prof. Silvara and
bto dauffitor was evldoaced MMiday
BlCkt by tbs tore* owwd that attended
tbs dasetoc rxhibltlan at Lewis Opera
Honna. Prof. SUrera baa cnMfnl
danemc redcccd to a aelenee. BilTwn
and Corinne exemplify tbc '* poetry ot
motion ' wiifa a cadasioa and craoe that
e to aprlcbt to bto
’! be letura
Enterprise Grocer;,
W. J. kOBINSON, Manner
Prof, and Mra. 8 BUvvn and little
I many of
[4(tie Mtoa
n a
ebannice manner. Her movement to
perfect and easy, abowiny able tratolny.
^f. SUvers to without doubt tbe best
executor of tbe Terpeleborean art that
to tbs city.
easy and yrauefnl. Nearly every one
of tbe dsncee were heartily eneoredU Is tbe Intention of tbe SUvara tb
taarii the art of danetoy dnrtoy tbe
aad met with got
bipiVriM. Mkgmt la, im.
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Fire Insurance.
Tba C A W. M. and D. G. 8 A W.
Itoaa wQl aall 0B Sept. tpd. ria Detoolt
and M. C. 8 8. and oa tbc lOtb, sto
Detroit and Wnbnab 8 8. axenrrion
tickets to Kinev* Falla at vary low
Batora iWt wUl ba.Era daya 1____
date of sale. Ask AeseU for partioatora
qZ DaBAvn,
■ *t
g p.
HIGH cut:...
Oo to tbc liea Baibar Mbop for kal
iMa wfll tta
.attar the m8IW-
8till on Deck
at tl^e Old Stand.
Prof. Eieoa 8 Silver
We. tbe underalenod membeo
Sqalen Orebeetra of Oraod Bapida.
cheerfully rtoomaend to the public
Prof Silvers as tracber of daneiof - '
deportment, baviny wltbcaaed bU
OB several oecaaioBs.* WebavenobeeItaney In recommendtoy bim aa I'
Saest aad mcatenoefnl executor
l^bop will^Clt
ever bad tbe ptoesure of witoemtoe
__ ,
BadihopuraoM and we all unite in rayiny that be eer
itou pleasant means of tois to make (bis
ily to ccooad to none. Stynml.
Boys' Band Orebeslra
trodueUon. Tkt
mnato. Mr. Silvoru and bis
will funitob mi
danebter Lare come here to Ure and
have leatod Stetobery's Opera Uouae
BaU for tbe wlnterT Tbe price of ad- .GrandBa^da. Nov. 11.1801. IMM
mlssloe will be 10 cato ud U oeato
for raeerred seats.
pltobaa toicbtor. UMtoOoertoa. The
tberouFb toaaber of tbe
art ef CaMdacMA utOe -Corinse aa' dnilbyhtodiever werk to parA aU the moot dlfltoult movewltbeaMaadcnM____ IT Mtb all tbe modern danoee
and tba Bttlelady. aUbewck «llcbtiy
‘ was pertoct to erury daM
Ever Bamed'Out?
exhibition of daaclny at tbe opera; line of gOOd gOOds cheap tO
bouse Wedceeday niebL The sklU of:.
g___ .7^ ..
Hr. B-avera as a uaeber is well lllM- be tOUOd in the City.
(rated by tbe flneaess of tbe liiUe elrl'a
work and Mrs. SUven. wbo to also a
pupil shows rapid advaneomenL • We
have often hebrd Prof, t
but never
l*Tpf. 8 8SU»erm. tonnerly tyf braad
Bapida, one of (be me
moat ellldeat to' ttbeauw, barstraeiors of deaetoc to
ibilioe. aaatotod
to give nn eabil
by bU danebter.
danebter, Conn...
Conunc. of
.. all
Uteat and moat artisUe danocs.
Sleinbcrc's Grand Opera houee. The
exbihlum will toelade forty different
Tbora sraga larfe attondanea at tbe
opera boMC. Frtlu orantoc. to wtv
Data tba dawitoc •kblbttiew cw«R ky
Prof. 8 8 BUvun aod bto ao^
Prof. 8 8 SUrers aad dauebtor
Cortona r»v*
eablUtion of round
dancinc at Gould City Monday evantocovar 100 attaadtoc. It was a eradltabta axbibitioo. little Coriuneb dandac
The Enterprise Grocery
belay exeellept for one so yousy. wbUe
tbe professor showed himself a mastor is still' doing business 00
of the art A dance was riven afier Front Street, jnst west of
tbe exhibition.—Sl lessee Batoi '
July 82,1807. ________ •
1 Steinberg's Grand Opera
wm -BBtertAiD WBdBBBdAy
vw* and bto danebtor:
a papers printed a
Lamson & Hubbard
TtoeweedwaUr for
• apekato the ■aatlac e«
vara aaddaacktn ara tba oha^ta
Al«ora«r* ai Imm.
•ndeavarlag to gmage tbe aymmatry of
your trienda and «e 8.
Febraery—The Boman fMtitral Fbb* bow many of tbmi can rpell every word i
- je waa bold on tbe IStb day of ttiia eomctly. The aimumee coatalaa many
Ton- may taU abort j «•
ita beibir bard to intaodnee
I moeth in bonor c« Lopema. the god of a( tbe Ttwl patera cd tbeapelliag book.
VTkklk k. BORTOI. M. O.. PbT^lclM wM
March—Named fram the Bomaa god
yen'll^d ^ middU agad mon cd van, Man.
have found a Urge titiml
arc willing to pot all they pomw talo
traa diSerctil. Tben’a hardly a thing
now tbai'a done tba «um way or by
acommoB Hock and than aliker
■pring generally btgini and tbe boda
“OertaUly,*’ replied tbe eoeUUrt
the Ntne .appUaneet aa It
^an In tbU month.
“Why DMl laien Un't om of then
tboywen yoang. Why. my naele oau
May-Utln Malta, probably derived wbo baiaoentto bU Daaa.’’—Wj
Rmember the time vben every kind of
foodi war made by band, and be In’t
very old either. It'a langhabla to bear
him tell bOw they tsied to gM '
Bverything. It mena. v
Romrt dlviBity
tbe sloveat and bardort vay on earth. rtiped ai tbe qoeeo «( bcavea
Peegde need to think that they were in
July (Jnliw)—Jolitti Oaaar
- vorldtovork, and itdids'
bom In tbk month.
macb dlSetenoe vhat they vere at. I
AngnM-Named by tbe Emperor
tall yon. bqya. yon don't appreciate
OBaar. H\6^dor^
B\g...Mrrttar himvhat it ia to live in ibcM dayi."
he reganlcd
cd iVa Incto ra
AtlbiainectaTe a man vitb entirely being that in which
d eevetal
gray hair folded hU paper pivparatory vict^M.
rrlTwst lltts. m.'
to departlag and looked at tbe crowd
September (aeptetn.. or 7>-SeptnDbn
near him. One of them. ohMrvlag him,
itb In tbe old Bormtured to art vbat he tboogbt about wai tbe aeveuth
man calendar.
Ichwru InwreaHmoouxiffie*. a>-a
'‘Pretty nearly right. I gnex." ba , October (ortOii
C~^hlCa.gO aad
the old Bomaa y
1 T°
8c?-*°°^ fuMvew. eu. Art oa
Open, the HadeMDe and Um Place de
U CoBcerd*. Esormoai crovA of peo
ple lined tbe rondi. and tke pnaideat
vu wannlr acclaltbed. AU the balcoolca were filled alth tpecuion. and
the wavtap of bandkerchleb and llaxt'
■waa u> be aees on all «d<A
Thrae mlDutea after the pKeldent bad
paved the Itadrlelce a bnmb wae ex
ploded inalde ttfe nlllnpa aroond tbe
Anreb. Tao arreeu fcdlowed Itnmedlatdr and the rallrd-eccloaiireena clcacd
' bp the police.- « ho betas an active Inveotipatloa Inlo tbe ouirate. Nobdr
alon, but tbe
e aSatr.
lore, cauied the treatea: exTbe perrotu Indde the ralltrerv minilUlelp
Ike before ihev
Xt la ftenenllr I’etleved that tbe bomb
cxplnder aat a Inrxilr. All Partf erea
c In a di-Unim of dtllthi yeaUidap and
laM nltM ove> tbe Ruaao-Fnncb aJU-
At 11 o’clock ta«i oiRht a ^•nd of 150
perocme with flat* nylnlt left the opera
and proceeded In the direction uf tbe
EIrnev shoutNut; ’Doinj with Etnporor
(be ninth mouth in tbu ol
The police
e t>To- j wae tbe only known tuetbod cd metro- yearn Rue' Atueceiran. Tht- band ' politao ccnrcyance, when bicycleewtr*
Doeembet idecem, or 1.0)—
tbe i nibliig to come, when tclepbaoed were
an experizDcnL' when ibey didn’t make wai tbe Iviiih montb ui (bv
grata AccldfI 4nTriuw Ihr iBivrni Ate .
1 two atm la
1 and tboogbi'thembeaTy.wbenfonutain
Bntiaton. Tea.. Sepu 1.—Near Applel.y !
- . r . .
aleeper on the arnth-boond Houaton, ’
Jnmped the track near a curve, carry
ing tbe sleeper and day coach off the
track, prartlcallj- demeUshlnr Itnth. D.
D. Hart, of (Atreno, was ktIM Aeri:- do IL Tbe facts are otberwlae. Wfaen I
was A yoong man, tmtlnca men need
J. F. Somraera and R
typewriten. A good mnoy wen think
Nacogdoches, very badly ing aboot patting U n pbomgraph.
enuoed: C. C. iuna,'Borvvepon, sau; Peemie wbo didn’t own any bieyclM eg
J. tr. Vlnrj-ard. Naeogtlocbee; X- J- feel like paying for a tab smally trav
Qraer. LonMana: G. H. Moran, and B. eled eionnd town In a cable or electrio
•W. Ballinger. Condurtor Lockhart
oar. Telepbowee coat lO oeaia a try jan
Among the half doten others who <
as tb^ do now, anleai yon knew eomebadly bruised.____________
body yen oonld spange on. Ainbipi
would go op and eotne down pretty
macb at they do now. Tbe Sunday pawm mfnll of ada that it took
WaabintrtoD S; at PMIadelphia-LoulaTUe A PhlUdelphla E; al Bsltlmore- tUlMendayto find aoytbiog to read
8L Loula A BalUmore U: at Brooklyn '' '
—Ckvrtand t. Brooklyn »: at New Tor*
—ClnolnnaU-g. New Tork T; (second
game) Cinrinnatl 1. New Tork 9: at
expUnadOL So be coneloded: “Ton
nlngs. darkness.
aw, 1 got ihU gray bolr tryiag to make
Western league: At Coloiubue—
r payUKaaKansas CT«y 4. <S>lumbuo U; (seefiad------ =,----- ■vT'Z*"Tn”i.t
— ~—
. game) Knn.*ae City 0. Coluoihos »; al •
y**"Deiruit-Si. J>aql IJ. Detrtlt *: (second *
*" !■« March.”—ChioagoTimeagame) Ft Paul 4. O'lumbut 4—dark- Herald,
lo Ullwauke>.
4Mtlag Married.
Is “His Qnest of tbe Golden Olrl”
Bicbaid U Golliene, in one of bU egx>.
aerve of land o
in the heart c
- worth In the i
'daysof their own (mT'i
1 ererythiog
n of eighty i[ like real married people—for, aa tbe
«“ iiewf.be ,
the rSd'^
QOOK VAVm>-TTATcr*e <3iy Lusher (So.
’L’CL—Money to Loan
itwo things in modem life of which d
people know nothing—tba I
editorial sanotam of a daily p
oo«o aOCTB.
m ViBiti imioniunBiLi
Suits to Order.
Pin^ Merchaat Tailoring^.
S-E-s-r iltE:
)Iotwitb«anding all mmore to tba
ooBtrazy. Mr. Nat O. Goodwin, will re
ton to tbe United Sutea to follUl hU
i Oda Bkinoer baa a new lomantio
oomedy wbkb be wiU pnaeot tbe oatatog eeasoo that ai yet baa. oot been
West 3Iichigan
.s= ^ iig
d of *4.e»,ew. !yp«bateb
West NewelL Ills., Is tbe
hALg-eii^A ioao
Kate Unxton bai Joiaed tbe waadevUUana
Kanne O’Neill will wuiyMagda'-next
■aaaoo ia SandenaaB'e play. "Heimaib.
ia "Tbe Whirl
of tbe Town” weigbing
They eaU ber “ A Imdy of Qwattv. ”
Tbe manageomt of “Two littte
VagtaiUi” baa engaged Mim MUdnd
BolUad to play ibe Uttto tamo. Pan
, OAlBivmrtcaysutMny.
JtUia Marlcrva baa viittea that a
OSesuTur Mwlaroe’* hArOvar* Ateru.
yoong Eogliib aotornamad KeodMok
bae been engage^ to ^ay leading roUa
Heniy 3 Sayrea,’ oompoeer of “TaiB-ra Boon-de aye.” which' made Lot
tie OolUus tamoni. faai writteu moM of,
tbe mnaic for 'Tbe Good Mr. Ben.”
Mmc Alexandra VtanU. a Politb
antrtos oelebtsled on tbe eUidaeoL
will-make ber flnrt appearance in Amer-'
icA at tbe Fifth Aveooe theater. New !
Tort city. Not. Stt.
irilnctoo 0. Peoria
Mi. Cbarlec Frabman'a ptodooCioo of
[ Many yonag coaplee of my arqnaict- ,
[ anee, wbo have bad no oiImt rcaeoa for : 'Tbe Little Minister" wUl be tbe first
lUUon of that pieoe on any etagn
PHtshur*, Sept. L—The Premed OUas ooocealiug tbe fart beyond their own
ware scale, affecting S.eoo men In Ohk>. i wbim. bare tbas slipped off witboot i
Penneylvanla, and Indiana wae srttled saying a word to miyUrfy
anvbodv and retard
retnraMl ! U tbe role of ivdy BrtibU
lories wtu be started
Xortliai Micliiltii
—Tnsiiportatioii Co.
•TU aSAScr OoreU S HaaISaa.
X___ •
ooao wokn.
ty OAAr MseuleBlpck. rnlsiaMet.
“ 3Ian Wants
But Little
TKere Below/’
oo»o aocts.
But He Wmnts That Little
* QUICK. *
I “I dm’t know myaeU wbat gettimr
Th*LaCroese(tviaHnder-mdcnt Tele- 'married feels like, bat it caoaot be
. Tbs old Ramans began evety banQostwitb eggs and ended itwirtaprttio»«bing like palpitation
Uw heart just before the pi>'’« ultcis plSA
the final fatcfnl worda,‘I dwlan- yon! %orkllng cbampagBS was tbe dieI. .-wrtnu in
imy <f Peirne Perignoo. a monk
naod wife.' HaU aaeoend before
yoa were still free. Half a mcuod after I died in 1716.
L-Ooreracr F. yon were bound for tbe term of yoor
Tbs popoUtiOD of DnbUn has' daM. l>rake has returned to his home In j oamral Rfa Half a e-eeid befOse mo i creased within tbs last 40 ysan fn»
SSJ.OOO to X46.000.
tor tick peopl. hw made considerable ! JT**" *
P“‘ ^
Pngs have been raining down in
lmprov.m..i.ilr. blecondlUoo.. He look.
“«»»*> U»ns giddily' tbiek aboweis on Bisgru. in TtmU
and feel. b.iur then st any time do'- swinging on to tbe brink of tbe precl- Tbe UrgeM were tbs sias cd a man's
ing tbr alx ueckx that have Inierveaed . pUe 7Ct> ■» saved Half a sectiad after tbomb
dnee bis accident at the capitol. hut be i "AU the Ung'e Iwwe ami aU tlM> ktag's mm
With a two banded svtird Godfrey
is yet a long way from full recovery. J Oanaot make yua a barh '-----Boailloo. at tbe Msgs of AnUoefa, ont
Labw' 11^ si'lteaal OlT^ IIL
Tnrk inid bsires fnan lbs •faonldets t
Moodt Olive. Illr.,
1.—A o.ni
Hon of delcxalef frem the miner*mtofF
rf Ruunlnfl.GIUexple. J.luivhh•cU. TVordes and Ik.rcnin hga d-^ldrt '
to give a monster celebration here on
Xrtbor day Tb* dalegaie* ettlmate tba. vacattoA. and ooe anenwoo went oot item U tbs most Importaat one with
AMO miners wUJ be prtscLL
j to walk spoo tbs pter. Ayooag'man acme of tbe Urger botusA
I was also <» the piar with a oo^ of
A farmer llTibg near Maplstaa, Ma..
Oisvse 4Hito
1*0 whom be aald, as be saw dsoUrm that bli bens always stops at
a eeculB point tn tbs rosd for bim to
get s switch, after vfalrt tbe bamt
narm off for town at a tapid galL
Aoootding to tbs Cihiasss. playing
eards wers Inwted ia Obina in iiM,
approaobrt and pobialy aokoowladgad and iMim Bo. wbo was telgulng at
I tbs aalntatiao of bU emstooMr. wbtt that tima. derlsed Oam for tbe ntskTbs woman wbo aiRUi a man fee
taisment of Ma wivaa Tbe Pnrltans
. rta.ptopom of refotming him nsvsr.
. . akMkat ma. Dow thU eallsd playing oatds tbs “devU's piocoat fltP’ PooU took in tbs dtaatlem. tarsbook.”
“It osnainly doss not fit," said ba.
and pdiiog oot a hit of Frsoofa obalk,
fas pibosadsd liberaliy to mart and
Artistio papetariss ara fnnMbsd to
osom tbs coat of Ms would be (jMlIsr
raoks soriobod with allvm
all ovar and then ofasarfod. with tbs ntmost tutanity, “Now. If yoo will kind gUt moanitogA
Among tba many convanteaosa ^
ly wDd tbntsoat to my aMv, tbsaltarntloH rtall bo.attcBdsd to."—Argo- Blgnod te travaUrs an Uatbar taset for
Opsnwnrt stands <f rilnslorTMa«hs Mrtv Oy DM n.
'ibsaoMrwitfalbe biepoU faeeaA Una botUea am twdadsd now vitb
tbs bnmpoo hi
his bsnk stnrts to tbs toot- necessary toilet aftiolsa
am ptgMTwai^iU with awateb to
ligbM. "Myk
kingdenafora boimlllbs
tbe oentac afford two dUttoet oanesaieaess in one omamsatal objsot
Tbs fin ds sUcU Aeadng bag tor
MavelsB to to ffmatos allMator rtta,
hsgnppaoltfcB tbattt.^ a pnag.
d with oUtw and oat
1 lln TM r^^brt Ml niiiiaUiiiil
Irtfftm—Iswalon'Oitthose-of ite^ona i
two 2JiJ’T.rar’ttr f!^rrj:«;
Tb* ^k-^ ^!
: SSl'uSr.S aSi S, Stf
»p— fJ.’Sl'Ti" .!
All Ailvfftisenient
Want Deparhnent
I it tie...
■ tm>a AM
anly wtAk.
liw^ nm^faOT* tnOm mSmT
The. ■ Morning. .Reconl
Tnieitc BijLiiie of Steuien.
^ oova xonB.
Is known to be Effective.
If You Have a Waut
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