The Morning Record, November 05, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 05, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Fltrt Teu—No. 169.

noKDmrr omui


ITm a War TMaraa of SoaoraUa
aooortl-Had SMTod Vpoo •
of Owiacata WnraMaa, Oaa, Bart•otr aadflohoAaM-VonMatjr AMM
In IxKol AAim.
Major Joka balaall dlad at kla koiaa

aoMi. tba fu^ ot kooor
Mn. AUx. Caatard. proaUeot of tka
Maadeo Woua'a Club, who U rUttar
)iar alatar. Mn. J. & MarUa. Mra.
Caatard'a talk bafora tka elab frUaj
aftoTMOo waa amok aajojad aad tka
ladlao took tkU opportauiitr to
Doriny tka aftar>
Mra. Ooatard i
and ^oka briefly ot tka almi of
WoMob olobo. and tka able maaar
la whUk tkay aro aooompUaklay tkooa
aad broadaalar tkair ooUook la erory
dlroetloo. eko ^ofea aapooially Of tka
i Ufa ot dob wooMo. abowtof
tkat tka beat laotkaTa aad koraa kaay
era Mka tka brlyktoat aad aoat able
’orkora ia tka elnh.
A anaibar ot tka ladtaa praaaat were
callad apoa by tka yraaldaat. Mra. J. A
Moatarod kod apokoot the work of tka
Trarotoa City dab.
A olaao naaibor by MUa Jooapklaa
Vadar and voaal aolo by Mra. J. T.
Uaaaak. with Mra. W. D. C Oonaalae
war* Book oajoyod. At tka oooelaaloo of tka prorraCD daUeaU rotraakU ware aarrad.

t7. TaaUxday Boralaf, at tka a<a ot
Major DaUall waa bam Jaa. «. IStS.
la Borka oedBt7< Peootjlraata. Ba
oolMtadaaajolvatalaKomabar. IMI,
• for tkTOOTaaras rooalialadin IM and
waa aaoatarod oat aa Major la Oooobbar. Itas. Bia drat aotUtoiaet waa la
MoLanchlla'a Sqaadron O. V. V. C.
wkMk waa a part of Skarmaab brifa^
- MaJ. Dalaall aorrad at dlflaraat Uoia*»o
''4^ ataSa of Ueaai Bamatde, HarUoS,
D. Oox aad Hoboflald. Bia MlUta>7
okroar waa a hlfkly hoBoiabla oaa.
la tka vrinr of iMa tka fanUy
moradtotbiaeoaatry, loeatloffoa tka
tarv u BUawood towaahtf. wkiok
boon tka faally koM atoeo.
W.O. X. AHaaBadS
TkU U tka ftnt doatk la tka faraDy
la tony yoan. Mra. DalaaU and alsa
far tka Vntara.
4kUdroa aarrlra. Tbaoa are: Mary,
Tka Mtbly waatlag af tka Woouab
now Mra. Alax. Maaoa. WIU. Lixxia
BOW Mia. J. M. Akora. flonry. Edward,
Joka Jr., rrod. Fraak add Florooea, all
teryb rapori abowad tkat the Satarday
foMdmM at BlmWood towMklp.
m^eu kava been a aaceaea la a fli
dUl way, over »«.00 belay raallaad
Ibo Major kaabao»ta poor kmltk ' ovary weak from Jaly tat to Oat. Id,
far aoroial yaoia. aad for tkioa yOM aad ovwytkiag belay dUpoaad of each
wa^. la fan. tkara waa always a
haa baaa oootaad to tka kooaa; ‘
two ymiapaatkakaaaoakaaoakU to yiootw daotaad than aapply. aad anMe dowB. bat ooeaplad tka ehatr U atkor yaor tka ladlea k<^ to maha a
wkiok hU fatbar died. HU trookla apaeriil aSwt to kava wore eookley farrkiek eaae' tkay will ba
waa dropay. ooBpUoatodbykaart dlaabU to aeeotaplUb a «ood work vritk
pmaeoda. A
DolaaU waa proBlaoat la kU
towBoklp. bad flUad tka ofieaa cf pa- addiUoa U tka yro«ndB''aa a parramilt of thU yoaria work wUl
yerrUor. town olark. Joatloa of tka
oaa Boxt aprtay la tka form of
paaoa and otkar slaar paoltloBa of
many bodaof
■ traab Be waa aa aaooBproBUlaj
pobUeaa aad tookaa.aeUra pari la


Boot Mxpraaa Booad for Mow. Toric
naagod Into tka mirw Moor Stan.
«oa oo' tka Ok«apaaka A Okio■ortoaaa Wat* Heat From Blebmoad-Mrokaa Ball Said to Bam

Mra. F-J. LewUof Bay View, who
hM baao vUlUay Met. B. U Bprayae,
atoroed home yaatariay.
Mra. Charlmbrlof Paw Paw. Mick.,
H. LawU of tka Caakmaa
Booaa at Patoakay. alopped bare laai
night no hU way from Orand.Baplda
Sapariataadant C. T. Orawa waat to
Baaaooia yeatarday to attend a maatlay of the board of BaoaoaU oollaya.
MUa Mabel Bataa vrill go to Qraad
Bapida ikU moralay to atlaad a maaV
of a program oommluae, whiek
Maof tba prtaelpnl afieata of tka
Mlokiyaa ChrUtUa Maavarara. Tba
ktaarmBya tka
object of the o
program far the aanaal C E state o
vaotlao to be bald aext apriay.

apMM uTaiMeanR* kacMo.
Staalof. Vlr^la, Bor. 4.-1ba
T: F. A 'V. paHaafor Umla. oa tka
Cbaaapmka A Ohio waa wrecked, aappaaadly by a bmkan raU oo a bridya.
The cart waat laU tka ritor at Shadvilla tkU aftaraooa. Tkara U great
asaat bare. Half tka Uaio U nadar watar la tka river. It U impoaai'
Oyntandiractfrem BalUmoraalwa;
ble to gat detaUa. Tka railway offldala • hand. HeLallaa A Aak. I«:-tf
aad aaryaona kava geae to the aoaaa of
t^ aoeldeat from BUbtaood. Tka.
U^B waadoaatMaw Torh at 7 o'clock.
A’talagraiB from CharloUavUla aaya
tkat many were killed. The traia
ntrooya of Bnatara Oo Vorth.
Tko nppar paalaaala U tka maeoa for
UvaraofkanUay. Yeatarday I os <U«r
baataia avomad tka atraita ot Maekiaad W more waat oortk from
aaotkaro polaU oo tka Q.
A I. raUroad, koand far tka anma hantlny
yrooBda. Balpk Oaaa aad D. E. WyakoopofKinyalayaBdadoMaframvariOQB polata oo the Travaiaa City braaek
ofihaO. EALIaftoBtba amolay
train. OaaMaetor Biyyli^oHSiW.
K. E. M.ULoha of LAka Aaa'aad
Oharim BlUmaa ot Oadar atao.-'waat
aortk Witt a party from'MaaUtoa.
d oo BoU Blaao Xalaad
aad BBatataadO
Thralaam borya WaaaoU. which left
ham laat vraak with a load of Ijtmbar
for CkUayo. vrMtaakore a few daya
ago oa BoU Blear Ulead. Bba wa
laasad yaatarday bat her bottom
badly damayad.____________

as aoll oaa be drawa to tka apot and
who will losK bear la kindly ranam; tka balba are raeeivad.
WUl .Baw Km Isabel
Ooa of tka moat aoUoaable Imp
bmaoa Major DalxalL
The mUl of tba Travame City Lum­
Tka faaara) tarrieea will ba bald at menu la'Ike oametery thU year U la
ikd OrailiekTlUawebaol boaoa. aad the the aaylam plat. ThU bat baao yiad- bar CU. will reoaom work next weak
time to cat oat a qaaaUty
od, covered with rick toil and aaadad.
of aim Umber for lUrrUop Brea.
OB keratofara aaad kava kaaa raThe steam barge HayUiaw U loadlay
plaead b7 nml boo niarkeio.
Maoy otkara kava uaprovad tkalr lamber from tta Travame Clly Lumbar
BaoUay Poiatoaa to tkU aty.
loto tkU year and the lafloaaea of tka Oo.torTdado.
:/no ran of pototooa Into tka dty,
daUoB U fait on every haBd.
Noble JokaeoB has saearad a podtloB
yyMtorday aoatlaaed aqoal to tka roU ana of tta dapartmaau of tta large
oalpla of the two daya pmvioaa. Tba
•tudlad Boaie iB^Morepa.
atora of tta MaraaatUa Co.
/ rndvaaea of priem In tka city over what
Tha City Bookstore reeelved a bait
la balay paid at aaJToondiay lowaa b
travaiaa City people who have
lay tka fartaara to make toayar Mlm Balaa Flamlay la yeara poet, oo mrload of stetteoery stock yasterday.
of bar vlMtB vrtU tka aomaof itaompoaadtef koUday gm>ds
kaaU. Tba <
__mbara af farotara with baovy looda famUy of her broUar. J. W. rumlay.
W. S. Aademoa was called yesterday
are eomlay tato the city from North- and who remambarwlih pleaaara.Nar to take charys of the fnaaml of the In­
port. Baltooa Bay aad other towaa ia baaaUfal Mayfo. wlU be tataraatad
fant eblld of Mr. and Mm. NaU Bye of

" eoBBty alaofrom potato aootk kaow af bar mum from a two yeora' Baldvrio.
Bad aan wUk stock wtaieb woald atay la karopr. Daring bar abaaaaa
Noble Johaaea briage tta BaiToai)
tbU eoantry aba kaa atndled rvaralapaclmaaaofpaa
aatorally ba boaybt at the riUayaa
Bear their fanaa. Tba prior la tka elty Franeb nnoya with Boahy. of Farit', of bean stelks with pods larys and well
yeawrday waa M oaaU while at North- tba operaa with UlrmiMat af tka ParU
- omtorioa vritk
port and tka o^ polata
aad r.
bfiage a .tomate
«aaU ware paid.
Oaerya Beaabekal oflAodoa. Ska U
randy tn rmama bar work ns dl- pUnl picked from Bear the Panyborn
!. wblckeonUlBsa doian luxnrTWO WHDDIMaS TBSZSEDAT. rwlor ot veml mnaU in tka Snpar
School of Oratory U Chicago.
Toony PaopU of IntarlodbiB Joined
The royaler meaUny of tta W. C T.
11. will be bald tbU aftemooa at S:W
by Fatkar Bpaar.
tta boma of Mm. E O. Ladd, on
Two yoaay ooaplea of batorlockan
warn married yeatarday by Bav. Ft.
Kaley. a bmkemaa on ttv
. Baaar. poator af thaUt. PraoeUeharckparing
Tha Aral were Joined at tba raoid
W. H. Umlor, of the Novelty Han- M. A N. E. bad one of kU flnyam Ukai
eayayad U ooapdorlay tka early momlay hicmra.
nfartiiriny Co..Baaessson to the Sba^
ware Andrew Boofar and Alma Im- tack HanBfacturiaeCo..aanooaeaattal Uay earn U tta yards.
Tbaae.wba have oooma tiekoto tor
armnyainaBU are belay perfectod to
At fonr o'clock io tkp aftantooa NUa raaame banloem U the factory aoeo. the ttiyk acbool laelare oourea me
AUIta Stooa aad Edward Bodl '
ft U atetad that the pleat will ahortly have ttalr aaate rooerrad at tta City
ooltad by tba Bov. Fatker. All of tkaaa ba maaiag aadar dlfferaat maaaye- Newt Stead toBtorrow
are wall kaawa la Intarloekaa aad meat and tkdbaUopk lor tka fauna U
Tka Tmvame Clly Flak Oo. raoalvad
_.4bn kapolaam wUl ba* tka daolra of
from Northport yateerday ¥» peoada
tkaU many friooda
expram to tta Cl
Btkal OawU Birthday.
Tka Maooaboaa who Utead to aeeam;
At tba riynlar maatiny af tta Good
paay tta dsyras team to li
cava a party for MUa Btkal Oaw. Tamplara tomorrow evealur tta ofioan ttUavaaiagamaryadte ba oa band
Aaaybter ot SUaa^iw who waa aeri- fw tta anaalny qoarter will ba UateU
promptly at tear o'daak ttU ai
ooaly tajarad la the wreak of tka Uad- od. H U vary Important that anab
Mim NatUe Omy. eanaty eommUmf PMk Boul of CkarlrvMx. Tka mambar attead ia order to ebooaa atdaa
aloaar of aekooU. vroaid like to eorraafor
yrsadata U eariay for the family of
with a teaekar koldlay a
Mr. Oaw wbila be U dataiaad by kU la- U axpaetad for UUUlioa.
amtiflteM. who has aot a
A bioyr^bleal skatel. af tta .Ufa of
Jarlat la Charlavolx aad tbn avant ti
te the wtator.
yeatarday vraa om'of the bappieat Jove- Oaa. Kml Dow baa baaa prepared tor
Maaairar Barry stated last aiybt that
mUa ovoata ot the acoaon oa Ninth ttU meatlay by.Boy Tkompaaa. VUltUy Oaod Tamj^an wUl. ba flivaa the tts teleymph kaaiaatB of tta Wmtera
Otroab Ethel waa kooorad by Ike
UaioB Ca waa matt laiysr dortay
glad band.
onoa of a .lary* oomber of y.
tts month of Octebar ttaa any month
friaada who aame to help bar ealatarata
for aavaml yearn. The beavy baMaam
Obleayo Barkoi.
bar birthday aaaivormiy.
Cblmyo. Nov. 4.—Cloaad—Wheat— In potetoaa helps swell tta
KoreAber. »4c: Daoambar. »4e: Jaa- bariama from ttU polnk
PoUtoaa From MorthpOn.
Tkaaokoooor J. T. J«maa cleared trniy.ttc; May.MXeOnm-Novambar UKa: Daoambar.
from Nortkpert Wadaaadoy olghl
C W. HarriagtOB of OadUlae, was In
Chlcayo with 14.000 boakaU of pota- M>,ci May. MJic.
tom. *rke prevaUtar prtoa wai frmn
AreUe Ckmsroa ratomad from Tsrtt
ber, lSS«rKc: May.SlKa.
23 to 27 oaata per boakal.
Pork-Novembar, r.«; Daoea
E a. Pmtt vreat to Laariay yaatorr.sTH.
day to aryaa a eaaa U tta Saprama
Mia. E r. Northrop kat yoaa to
Oyatoranoabs aannrad a Ckleayo for an axteodad visit with
Thsmembem ot tta Woman's Clnb the Coiamblaa
laansteuiaat at Baltimor

Beautify Your Home..
bjr using Crepe Tissue Paper,
sell the full ten foot rolls for

lOc the Roll.


per Boll
for esc.
ft 10 ft. long.

at Haskell's Bookstore.
Vsw TamiMkaBters-Me to soar

the critical eyes and
the careful purses
of women, are in favor of the beauty,
durability and economy in pricci of
our great stock of

A Full Third

Visit onr Cloak Room. Yon won’t feel poor when
yon see the goods and the price&

UdUs Black Bsavar
| ImdUo’ Sae qasUty Baa- I CUldcaa’s wool JattMs.
of your Ufa U spent to bad. It U
Jseketa. New Style,
' '
j eta' Jattate, teilot^mada. I la fancy mlxtorm, ah
to have that ocuafortebla.
make It so at a very HtUs coat to yoo. S3.7E
A good Iron Bad. bram trimmed, aad
an extra rood Woven Wire Sprlay cooh
Cloaks from $1.26 to $16.60.
plate for ss.oo. if voa vrant wood bads
wa can sell yoa a good aalid well made
bad aad an extra yood Spring for »7.7&


188-132 ?roat 8tr»rt.


IsUsUs hry IMa Osipst sal OMUay BeasA

crersT TAjm
Ladies’ Fine Shoes


thatwa kava eat torn SAW to


Men and Boys’
Boys' good SalU for $1.00
Boys' all wool Sal* for Sl.Bl
Boyf yood Overcoat. wItt cape,
Boys’ heavy CUtera. sold laat
year far to.75-^ Ike weather U
warm, ttey go for S4.47
Boys' Oordaroy Knee PaaU. 4Sc
Men's kaavy Cheviot Bolte. la
black or brown. $i
SO aidant, all wooL deaUad
breasted Solte-Arst aoms flmt
aarrad- SI

Overcoats and
Man's aMa heavy jaool Overeoats. Nsvy Kaa.
Meab extra Sae woM haavar
Maa'a extra heavy Ulsun,
high collar.
Mi^b extra CAlaekUia UlsSms,

Rice Style, Good Uatfaor, Lots of Wear.

. B'zirsnDRzos.

buy A floor thot will bothsr the
life out of you. Get

The ‘Best’
whioh is the chespest.

Hannah & Lay Co.
ASTRAKHANA splendid blAok,
All Ailk Used

Used to be
o&UedKlgger’s Wool

Jacket for $7.50.

- iATe atriotiy yaaraatea tha
above yood^ £ir« sAUfaeUoa

• at aimpJy to oOaat

Ladies’ Boi ao& Mfdo Calf Sboe for $1.50
Also Gent’s ^6z Calf inviKble cork Shoe At $2,50.
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole' Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.

CMMv. BtiUr ui rnbMi.
•• riMim rriifni nr

yvsisrw ci».

THa MOBHnro BaooBP, tmidat yovyiomt


BaddlMTa Be Ansalssril,
Peoria, nia. Oct- St.-Tbe state board
idnUM JUW17I. Baknw wnx’d
ot eharltlee met ban to Innatlgau the
two. «t»T »»p. »*-»»»»
iMpMOoB of kia «unl rapork
safttr of tbe Bl«e of tbe MW aaytam
«*baa BA* BaM A
vkiek wtU ka MkcDlUad to «at«rMa
tor tbe Inesrable Inmne. it bavtot bean
Oaaaaahare. Atwr ikat i«k«t k M4a
»M rn errtn •rna
reported that tba. bsUdtnt alraady
Mr. Bekala wlM aaaid bU TMlruUoo io Renea 'pneaadt'd the gurcrnineat cT erected was ta daogM «t coUap
tary Whies remilned orer to
Brwtdwi MoUalaj. Mr. SekMa* tarn tb« caar to mil all Rosssn America tor
further, and 1
the ritual
«MA T. Batm An J. W. BAvn
«f e*a jaM M aa«pU«Uar wlU sot aX' tt.soaooo. or a UtUe lam than > orak tbU tbet
an near. He bad ccaatad ato^ Kotnabna doned.
plra nUl April SB. in
1. W. Baivu. BAlwr Md lUufw.
■utmd Id i'kcs, and aft« taking a faiv-

TmAvxEfix omr, -

iMt riidfty.



MB Batanw Ipdlcbta that



wtai peep at Bt. Mirbnel'a inlet and tba






' •


repost tfaal tba ralna of that polar dk.
trict txiMktcd thkdy at itt eras and its
awamp pinta; both of wbichtka Yankee
trrapaMSs woold be aora^to axbaaK
within tba next >0 yeara Within a
ar^Aba tolly of tbe tnsnBer was ooii.

*wu wiawn- S«Hm tk
Paaax Bnoa^Yoo bat it k aU right. WosldnYdo wftboot ft
Catt. C a. Wsan-Oiraa goed aatlafaetlas.
Trarena aiy. Mkb. On. S7. 18»7.

Glass farlcki an made esckMiralyfa
wwiiany. They are blown with a boltow oenicr. r«ntai«t
and dot
ybrtoka They fraelyadBlt

anre the alaetlM at tba antire repa>
Talbou was ori«iiia])jr ceaeadad 1

bna wonnd araty nl^t tat U

^*^^t'a poihlnc. IK'bmaeiloek
that, ay bnAmnd baa Jotfot to wind
array sight (or 40 yaan.Chicago

raeUd ratarna tram Talbatt eannty lo­
Tt»«»iaa CItr. Uean leclalaUve dalacaUoa tram tki

FW) OeTtin:-It<B all right.
Da. T*om-«m-Yaa. I sraar U and t

"Tbesa'a n man Is town who owns a

mnstb <d tbe Yukon did not besdlste to

lands are known m rantain krgv and
maretwlnabla fosMs than Maiaaand
Michigan takes logetbet.
The tar yirld-ot Alaska has alightly
inenemd os terra flrma.
tbe ralna

Tb okjactof tkamnilTAlef <u bi tba damoerata. and tba later awsScial
Qmd Bnida «aa to kalp kaaiaaaa re- ratamabowad tkat ToU, tba rapob- of ^ tlaberke baa dooblcd thrke Mace
J. W. Blator. tba Hooae Ptmskbar.
el*a aad braato a atealou to ratara- lienn. had a majeri^ at tw* votaa orar IMT and has nowrearbed an erenga Kails tbe Btandard Barring Maetaina. a
a yrar for mlnKB first clam marina, tor a UtUa money.
tar preterit;. Ta a eartala axtoat Oram and Leonard, tbe damoerata. and at 46.000,000 oans
.U----------.. gj
that Bdward Woodall, rapnbliran. bad
IkU waa aeeompUaked.
tJad Uem. wblla Dadla;. damoerat,
MW phaae to tba raaolt la ptaaa
Oat yonr Oyaten tram McLallan A
ood. Every num. nikpui and child
bad a msjoritl ot bat tour.
It te aald. that tba earaival kaa
kirming the pu].ulatiun cit this planet Aab. They ara freab from Ualtlmora.
tka Braniac Kawa claims that thh
pUUly ckaafed Ue poUUcal mUook.
*’ ' ~
alanviut AlsMmwdnsca
ebanca Insaras tba lowar kooaa to tba
OaL M. A. Aldriab. who was direct
ercfy niimth in the yev for tbe next
rcpaUlrana by 47 ratee to 43 for tba 100 gtBentks
•aaaral at Ua oaniTal. la anld^iar
exiesi of the y
kabail for napar aa tba damaetat
Uon to alrbt u> tba aonata and S ma. any pcrceptShle di^ree.
> Mekat. Lae. A. Gam oomptronar.
Coal In six Tarit-IKMI. inrlnding lig­
'' •Saetad ‘■•with
ainUai aaptratiaM. )ortt7 ait tbiriaea on joint ballot.
nite. but ale> the vslnable bltonun
wklle £BC«se Joaaa, cbalnaaw at Ika
known as caanel xr*l. has bees dlsourwaralval axaeaUre tensilUaa, tads
errd at halt a taondiad diftmt pouua
kiwaalt boma alone an a ware of andat the gnat mathlaad and may yi4 exOpeuisc or Prol.
So Bbow Wkathar
Kara. clode twxtFrn bn|sirts from tbe Pacific rri«Ar sight. Not. a risstchrttoBoro'Bsiui
Hamaaa Than
Hk Prada-ke4s as lar wailh as Liw At«ulea
I toll orcSoM^ Aaaloslm for ib* riscit
And to ail that luck has now added a |
>»>•. <>e-tv a rwmt,-. Lsciss.
eaaaor, Waylar.
OvseuA’ irovecf prwtosa inetala tbtugb 1 *''«• Tedrnts* 1
Baraaa. Her. 4.—Tba inaorrmCkpt.
it w.Bld be a mirtake to npprae that: stl. glTlss^bs a c
Altrado Bsbaaa baa bean eaptoied noar
the tliMorcty uf plactr niMf dau
Uarana kr tba bpankb piaHlla toreea tbe wot Kkudike b>i
of Loyane, Baraaa aad Ban MigMl del
Tbi- MusooTite moiarchy. it ii
Arm aararal j-eaia ot eanparatlea Padran oomblnad. It U not known yat
> targu. m
rearimablr and n
Mtily or
wbntbU fata will ba. Aooordinf to
Orand Bapldaara b^taoinc to leallaa tba military law in torca bara be will cunld aell nine other uruTis
11 bbje^
tba atlaeta of a aototaatlal reriaal la ba court-martklad. 'bat wbatber a of Alaska aad still
rnaaaut.of tral retat^
it ^igbt be I
tb^ boalnem. Low warm and limit,
k aantenoe will be pamad npdo
t aprei^
. — c.lito did not • MlloUMsIaasIk. DiPoetir
•d torcaaot amploTaa hare prer
bim. M was tbe asaga undar Uanetal
almcril give away 'be mbri^raloable ^
MT nrata
for tbraaTcan. Row naarljr all tba Waylar, or wbaUer Ganarni Olasoo
tisth <if bU world empirB. F«g the | tram.
tetariaa are ranalnf tall tima, and wlU be more maraifal than bla preda- riiotbcrviDiist 600 miles the climalc cf i

•oma ot tbom orartlma.
Baaidm la- eeaaor. k not annesnoad.
Alaska i» tuUder than ibsi of Enrapuan !--------------------------------;---------------arMsIne tba aambar of amplojraa,
Tbe eaptara et K^oa has arooaad

b tbe **;^raa' Os*
toy ahaorbtha
______________ riianges of tba
nnamef colds).
It yooean pat
mas and women of tbk plw
thaa!(lMieadof tba cbfap ooP
_ be
. bot'______ __ mptaintef Ksm) easen-h mmcAs.
tori goodal there
acOda. ate....................................
Anotbor point in thalr taror.'
r. they do not abrinkaa 1
goods do.
B. P. BaaWLKT. M. D.


Haitiiiton^lotliing Co.

it StrilspIliicISBil

Dancing School!




Manor Co. baa adranead

Back UtarasL

Tbongk ba U not aa


Odiwn rink to 16—not to mentian Moaoon and Bt. Prtmnboig. when- old mtdsn do not begin to growl till the fitw
riBsnlidaUhi their U«rds and-fEHr b
pospi. Tbe truth aarms to be (bbt Major
Henoi did ivally not suspect tbe exirnt
of tbe Alaska formis and judged the
value of the mines, from his MXpurkDoe
nnlta ofXlactioa in Ohio.
in Siberia, when- ib.-gidd brazing nake j
OApitAl. $100,000
btn be worited ptufiiaMTHmly with the '
Saw York. Ko». 4.-ln eommei
claapest kilid of <xxivu-t ishe.
upon tba emtaintj ot bk rawiactic
SarplOB, $86,000
SecrrC^ t-ewanl.
the <rtbw band,
tba aokaia, Bon. Mark Banna s^kd
Msmerans XtapoaiUts ' of the
mailc a riitvwd-gm-w at the nwl raloa
to a reporter today:
OrayUnc-Bank Ara XonraiBg
Tb,„ u - omCIES-lWr, II....... P_14»t,
“Tba waatbar was agtoast tba npob- ..I .!«
Tor Thatr Xoaay.
ans this year aad the good Umm
warea ot a laree portioa ot Ito toroa SO

Other taetorka ara taking

Otarling. Mkb.. Nor. 4.—Tbe last made tbam earelms. I dost think the
tbraa day* ban bean tbe moat exciting rmult has much algnifleanea na to tbe
Tba bnsl- money qnestioo nnd I don't aaa bow

Uthabktory of Grayling.

damoerak oan ranaosably


womae bara bean

walking tbe silrar up ua aa kaoa ta thlaatata uguln.
ta ta a halt erased way. bemoan- They did not make an kaoa ot it tbk

tbalr loMM tarangb tba tallnre ot tba year.
Many kat
'I hardly Abtak tbe moaey qnmtios

Orarltag Exchange faahk.

4aeory«aat*bay bad taUe world.

A man and bk wife mho cook la a

camp aant ibalr pay to tba bank rag
mlarlylarav mosU and
coonomy mrad $*00.



They ara new

^olkas.(.Aa old aoldler wbo k toe
akk to work hadsarad filM to baap
-------1* aad bk wUa saUI pmmlos tima
coma around agata aad today be baa
Mri a dollar.

oagbt to ba maaldend aa affected ta
l4Aer way.

Tba raaaluaU orar the

rantoy abow H waa aa off year."

«nkt9»,itaquaHer,rf Pike (vionty. Mo..
Bud. h ing overtakrti l.y tl
(uraliri. iriid l^vuiii to exrui^^ tiecajiado os a plea of iiitoxicaticu.

B«T»n-*»d Vie. Praaideot: J. T. Han-

C*«»p«ti»k or Oxblood Sboea. sizes It to I. nwy pair watraUad

aiiwltiN- kidnaper. BxbiUling agnod|
jj B—Addramall Coiloctioca and
.........your —
h-rma. (dr. " he added wbeo be noticud
that tbe avotger had ivdorad his mra- Matter totbe Traearaa City BtaU Bank,
ace to a half e<ibk. "Wall, atoanger," TraTUrueCiiy Mkb.


Many amall dapoalton do not know
Imw they wUl lira throogb tbe wtator.

nyaon ly hit
an amusing stray unent tbe lanreato
told by Jane* T. Ftelda and which dom
appiwr in the. prviMil memoir Teawbo sow find tbamaalraa without
risoMyorwork. Tba dkappaarunoa of nyHon was very liimm in his dram, and
aHrayt affected a rape oral and a huge
cnraral tbonaand doUara from so small
wide awake luit. He went Up to Oxfo^
• tewa has bad a dlslnrblag effect 00
<10 a hri^i Mar morning in IH6> to ra­
bnalnam. aad U k trared tbalr lo«m cier bis diK-tor'e degm. which the
eriU aarlously ambarramaom of tb» university had yori-unoterred nprai btaL

Mom warn rrorktag men wbo bad 4aid

np smaU amooaU tor a rainy day aad

The btotoryoltbe bank^ firm of
Etnley, tormarly of Ckra. ramd^bara ta

aad gritb tba bnoking of C. C


a cPeainsylranla


T—a amaU prleata banld^ butlnm with Jcriin Staley as mbier aad
bk daughter. Mflk Prunem Btatay, ua
mktant enabler.

Tbk tastitutios waa:

Vatraslaad by nearly aearybody ta tba

Btalay bad bam elaetad

CUgktar of deads ta Tuaoota oosnty and
nlth0i«b ba tailed la boitam tbmo ba
appmrad to bare many trlaada.
IntmtigaUoa dkelonm tbe tact tbnt
Mtaky loaned money on


notmandtaatbe (naeaiod witb .O. I.
Ball qulU n earn of money ta gypmm
cad timbor taaSa ta the Uppm Pantamla, wbkb prored unprafltnbla
A warrant has bean Imoad far Oataisr

wbcaa wbnrmbmk k stiU a



Shoe Department 2nd Floor
Largeot utd brightegt Shoe SaWooid in Northern Michigan.

; BICyCLES ENAMELED November Days, Look Out for Squalls II

mi Aba dkariar that Uft hw a paapm

— Praaoh A Buley Is iniareatijag. . John

Misses’Lace or Bunon,
nolld. lor «c pak. at A. S. FBVMAEIi. XI4 East Frant BtrwL

■Ud tbe Pjke in aorni(4 still hnskrvrith
of Chkago. wbo cxcitniMDi. "bow would T6<x
vkHod Mka Oarria Braadfootjlp tbk you*”
OurYaccity last ya^ and doriag bar stay made
reenembcTud that aneodota wbra they
many w^frianda. died at bar I
noeived <tbe filst tuply to tbalr bypoMonday ot pneumonia. Ber frieodt
thetiral inquiry, “in rase vetere bMB •
' rightly tufixmd that the «

dapaadtag oc that to heap tba
Wtaaa aba beard

J. E. Greilick Co.

DIRECTOKS-Porry Hannah. A. Tiuey
have 10 aetile
rtlle Ibis
marterwiih lend,
Lay. Jamm Morgan. J. T. Bmnah.' ‘
mid tbe Pike, cocking his rrTulrfW. -Can’t we aitUr -it with MlvarV «kirnal Garland.

Mks Baum Low

mta> k tick and dopendent.
Bbe bad
Vsw York Oounts ssirad at tbe Col­
Apoaitad rooy a part at tba Ipasranea umbian rmiaaraatoraald ta bnik a
mammj reeeieed tram bar hukaadO -Baket” prism.

and put up STORM SASH- If you hiven't
aoy we’d like to mBke you some.






bare laid out a uum
kinds and atylm of L
bara only apaee to m

AMtber case U that Ota poor widow

asolt tram tba door.

Take Off
Yoar Screens ^

Im^rtaat Onban laadar. ba'k tba Srst




priaonar to ba taken b^ the Bpankb
Blaea tbe laadlng of Oeoerai lUanoo.

mam. the working pai^a aad area


The gnat nnivi rsity bull war rrowdod
with stndtku and vUikitr
gatlerira. Bbdditily a taudi feirw
-------------- " e. uad
id Ia wbiMiHir u
am '
Thera he stnnd in tbe doorway,
bk tall figure swaying from aide to
side, hii cape coat unbuttoned, and
with a pair cf while glores that be bad
<xdy half drawn rat. so that tbe tmflllnl
finger eodi stand out m his bandz Tbe
aOenoe was praffonod and almost pain­
ful as ea(A me of Ibe immililaffii gassd

t«. exceed tbe revmino. fat wbsl amnoni

OeMViSaiT, ^sntt.aijfc


Tbne bad alrrady
'^See^eSopla lae <4U u tel jenr week
77 pair* Womaa'a laa Vka Kid 1
Hand ffkna e
ri^ bml of waetots. as4 I noagola DuttsaWoHa, and Flrxlbl
- taltba aa- _____ ___________
was tbe aMonkfaing reply.
Regular pakc« framm to m-ao
If it U true that oasteni Alatau also iBCsUerMs.
tar Il.tO.
abemnde ta eUT«e and jMraknm. tbo
Bmadana niari admit that tbe Uundcr
of our Tminmam abotgun nmotiatvhas
kB'a fine Docgola and
41 oontidMhly salifrisd.
• •
.. fair
■VVhni have we d<«»-r' myaaoocraSpraidivt of the Morivne UazoUe in eranling npiio tbe uens &um tbe }ilaoer
all go at fii 4A.
•k. “We^avr timiwn away aooimUj- which, arre tra mav. is w<atji mcm

■ ^ ^

lout Bum Mk Pi

Off Box.M

Uii of Shoes
Hon 0 Repitoiieo
for Wool. StTle ood Fit.

tbniiihcGaiicaiMa."—St. Lutus CslotaaDemoaat.

It k coriou that tbk ptosml year
ahmld raconl.lho diamond jul’lTeeof
tokgnpby aad at tbe mne time b '

GUMni’i Banm TiUe
iiatflugiti Mb

Bcbod togrihor amara
aru ekatag out.
Kota them okmdy:

ntudlag all
. _____ ,____________________
tbe loading madofacturars ta Box CaB.
Walras Cbif. Kangaroo aad SUk. nowmtabnpm and toss, patnit leather and

iko our mon'a band wait Box (MM
Bala, newmt sbapm, boantim worth
»4 00tor«»6S.
Our line of taan-a aboea at SI 44 k tbo
Btroagmt ta the aUte. All sbapm nnd
stylm. OoIb. Balldog. Globe. Twangx
and Yard Wklc tom. Ask to see tbosa.

Womaa'a Box Calf Balmotals new
Lenaox toe tor SI.46. '
A large Itaeot Ladke' Oaod Wdt
. aad turua at vary low prkea.
Cbildren's aebeol aboea 11 to t regn>
lar Sl.ta, good tor 79 eenta


47 paira Mkaea 11 to S fine Dd. bael
Felt and BsaTeralippsnUnodUe to
and aprtag beal shorn irartb fil.M to
•».» fra Me.
Felt and Bearar button and tana
Kwa ta gnat eartety; aU abapaa fra
c. 96c, S1.10 and S1.4A
dae tbato
A lot of Men’s flue aboeo differmt
>oda and esmpare them with otben
aty.ea,'good makes, tacludtag C M.
SOe and 7Se mocw
OeenboM ter
Bendeikoa'a and otbera. wrath M np men. women and ritiidren, e*uty style,
tor fil.M.
and priees away down.
r«at stock or Lumbermsn’a
IS and Sorta ta tbo oHy at
. 75 pain MSB'S IAkwo, hrokea akoa.
rut rate a.
Band Walk. Orak Solm. Englkb £nMao'aPr
amofa. atatrat esory 1
ealBO at «L60to«Li

la’s Bu»Ii Mb M.-S

by William IV. The Pull MaU Uaiette
sub« Uint m July 4 of that year tbe
first telegraph wire waa laid. . Tbe drouii was botweoi Busirai and Cniudcn
Town railway Rationa onder tbe pmil way of ibo London aad Nothunllwi
diwsy, then nanwd tbe Lmdon'and !

their fiU on tbs rrally gloat taan. Suddally fm raw of tbe topmost smk a
Utile fdptag Toioe-afterward 'dkoorar.
ad to be that of a frasbman—raaitd out:
"XHd yaarmotbw rail you early, Altrod, dtaiT’
wire laid in srpazate groormeut
The effect may be imagined._____ ,
of haig liliK-kK of wood. Tfarae ai
am ntlred amid Uw uproarious ian^- Bumy of tiaaiu Uocks ta eiisimw.
•ec i^ieb-greeted thkmUyaad wu year or two ago raw was dog up aad
difficulty indneed to ratnin aad actually foruwd pan of tbe circuH
TeoriTe ta potilie tbe degree that had through wkich was flaabed to aU parts
of tiw empire the nwmge bom BiuAtagbam palace <m juUlee d^. 80 ttakt
a pratirai of the first telogi^ wlra k
dug np aad ararm as an aid to the loyul
memage in tiw soy year ta whi^ it k
Wbm Admiral Joaettw
’ jeopueBd to tologripti witboot sriin
rotary of the nary, tbe eo

tbe aoadeniy at AnnapoHi______________ , Park Editkn Now Yak Hraald.
oadetbe eowt onarttalsd fra triilppbig
oago Bank.
fire toughs aad two
Waabtagton. Bov- 4.-Jamm B. Bek- B was draw tamlfd
Sbo—U Uwam't fratbotdd
da, oontyW^U*'
tbe uarraaqy. baa
Ion. there wonld bo no fikta
noeoptod tbo prmtdoacy at tbo Oom- boyo^to^ya
Ba-If tt wasn't fer tfatfikta, (fcsn
Mtelal hank at Cbloaga, to wbkb ho
wmld bo 4W old baohahoA—(Mpnk>
ma ^ctad by tbo board iff fitraotan



jrod vili. be


Bight, ood

right if yon pot

yonr mooej io a

of tham.

Mm Aoooptod FraMdsnoy «f a Obi.




OI«M Block.

Travei^e CHy. Mioh.

if You Have Logs to Soil

Correspond with
Lumber Company. We &ve
have for sale Good.
Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Spaced Sidewalk Plank. Ma{de Flooiiiy,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale.' Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engioes, Set Worlo, Carriages
and. Saws. A ccmplete Saw Mill Rant, for sale.



I. '



kBto bood with oreiy aloea-

rmmic la a mW* Chai

Under the Dingley Tariff Bill by

to tbo OBO <d our gnmt awabs-. Tba
rimih iTlitmlliT Hantoe. BMnb«<d
tba academy. Itowotw. flmd it witb a
» 'oir • riy amn^ Mx. i "It *lw»y» U »i|G*tI'away tn • diA mciidiB mtirfactety at >M toJila_____ThlhUjiH tn» imm. i Traar — Tar trim ihe btidruooxi and M
wit. Heeix-i* tha foUowln* tabloid
iB ih* vUtaev cbinrA at KhrlatafT. Id «>• f ^ tzlMidi ahila atiU alire ba yet! Mer the patice or diuiaK roaa M |maai* tba raiatiTe belgfaia <d aatwal aaiaeBt
RialtrS dlMrtci, on (hr vtaun
^j^to aloobo) M keao. Ibe flab U kaowa ' ble. It alaraTBiadaik and Tsitilawd
«(tfcc Cii«r)», whea
Uqelttfa«.:by an aliabaft np *hioh lbar« Uowa
Adan at Fwonaiy lt» tot S totaat
Tmlta kcd a pantc caa««< ""«’^J!illab«nnaialatha*Hpwawawltftba papetsaUj a diamal draft that bat
lUad Id Uir 4mUi of
inetoly IlSCaace.TStiMiHt
u aii4 Ui( tevir* ln)w ^ IM ' n<*7 told by tba Cbinainan trtM pro- Kn^Ui« ooUtniiid and Kiteni abont

t tWIr CMK Ow

U,WoHh Banna.
WaHilDfton. KoT. 4.—It h
fcaova haiT lor aoinp Umc that tba tVaot
twdut. poatraBOT ot Oreal Britain
ergUia the bone coreratoeoi to aeanra
tban all the radpraclty adeantaaaa
Mbla under the Unato act. Tba
’ lUatIva WM taken' by Biltlih
trbart tha hl*b court, or colontal le«t»latui*. tnianlmoual]' adopted a renolntioa raquMtlBC tba auihorlUea at Londoc to laatruct tba Bnuab an
at WaBiInctuD to nacara all the adrao«a«aa eCarad otbar aotiDtrlra le tba Mdp
«C raelproeity. The dabate id tba bleb
aowt tooaebi oat the aatcineoi thM tba
■osar loduiUT of the rcUmr—wUeb la
X tba chlaf (»e-«n* dapeodc-nl to a larta
\ «RBDt on tbf AnartcaD markat. tba
’‘atalpwanu to the UOiad Siaien escaad
Ids. tbooe to all otber counirlea cooi'
btnad. It traa al«o elated durins Ibe de­
bate that the THnelev act voul .
a recirrartty amnaetnent undar whkb
BiitUh Oukana eould euatiDue her BUpaente of eucar to thU amntry.
rMEneeineWm lle«la Keanii
Before the debate clnaed the fovemnent aecraurr Boaounced that Sir AaSnstu* Heminliut. the sovemor ceneral
of the colony bad alraady called .ibe atteotlun of tha London authorlliea to Ibe
Buh}act. 1* trtea' of the rvaolutloD. boa-erer. the scirerbbr stoernlauppb-menled
hla prrvlooa action by nolitylns the forelT« olllne of the actl-in «.f the colorlal
lesIBalure. tl «-aa urderet<«>d that the
olber BrIUab Arnfrican mlontee would
take Bmllar mrtfon. Ineinirtlone have
now becaJwed to BIr Julian PaoDcafote la raaponae to theae appeala fren
the Brittah CoInnJea and Included la the
colontea wanlint reciprocity are the
Britlah Wen Irdlea. It la learred at the
aUU departmeniThai Sir Julian Pauncafote lilnaair baa not yel cnounualtaled
with tba departmeat rwectlna the
drawlas of a new eci of reciprocity treallaa batwaaa the t'r.lied Butt* and the
Britlah Weet IndUn poaaeralotil. buL
unonclally. advlcaa to the effect that ha
come* chared with euch a mlaalon
baTc heaa recelred from Ix<odnn.
TraOeTWwl f «*nbBan>s.
The aasr««au trade of tha BrttMi rolonlea with which we bad Ireaile* under
tiM HcKlnley UllTa very staat. eaewdtnr that of aoine of the ttrat-Haao natlOML B'hen the laet tTmtlea wfcp thade
tha a*poru of the c.-lnclea were.».«».am annually and th< Impufta about the
wine. The main *1pirvertt to the Tnlted Piatea were: Bu*«r fruiu.
ttWa.WO; coffee. WtM«; cocoa. »»ca^;
druaa and chemIcaU mLom. Tba
ahlpcnerla.frnm the I’nlted Buleato the
cclonlc* were mainly brewdatuff*. pro•I and

rnak ter«T, tb« ]



j thiuBja ttt wind,
it U a anra kUl«>«saaj, ioi to«a hi^
wa* do* to Ibe mhUna-of caodlaa al lb* t........................... -motneBi ab*n tbp Vir5u)w« »prp ofMVPd ! Jba ontaido o< tba barbor—U to ba da-;
Tbea. rf ««tw, tba itftbroom. 1*atla* th. rioadt of vkror to aacape | penM «e tba oeewnMa U li^ nn-,
the boow wboa
I one takaa i
1 bU elotoa and geta
{ran tha packed aod aieamlng aoncra- I »«q.i
It Ujtoat tfaoe iiKtea in togth and vat aU orer, ia Ibo placa vhidi uoat
whoTiJire waa of a bright yellow hue, toqiMBtly hw no beatine qipUaneea.
•■A*aifc why do an many architw*a
with qiota of black bora and tbera IH
ralaed. and an u
■sooth la ^oite laiBo. and tba part of bond tba waAatand in tba hallway ii
loared. There t
ataad of in the tBthroom. wbaev it b
be had nearer th_.
f. >tT»e»i the roornlnii dawned It re- ^m**Iifth«ruw<iff*to7^^U 1^ ' lon^ I doaH know wbatber they lb ink
▼aaled a vaal beep rf the dwd. Amonc boi the pwiiJiar |«n U that tht« ara | that a man mjoyi ta^ Ua hath is
tba vicllma fatally Injured were nfteen no Wl«. or what are popularly riiown wctlona <» wbatber Oey aet on to
aB•Dcl^ Wbvrvlbweabtiuldbetoakln theory tot beoogfat to Ukal^jpwlaalprw»na»«
U 35ft aa it U all on-r to U dy At a ly. preparing bimwU tor to bathtah
Bpriwtfleld. Ilia.. Nov.
B*-rtff Bax­ diMauo' of abudl lu. f an nivli and pne
"I aiked an andiltcrt oooa why be
ter and two drputtaa curpriaeJ Ibrettnea tnidiug from to Udly ux'ar to ccutral
who talar confcaaed to rabblna a More pan an whaf might be imll.d arma or did iL -WelL'aaid he.-wre haidlyorar
Tueedar nlfbt at Alexandria. Morinn laga Tbev are joUtoi and ha^ amne, do diff«*«iUy cierpt in jffivatc houma.'
Or. A. B. Spinoey, of Oc’h^ alee
connly. In a deep itvUy elsht mllea from ten very flue clawa Tbewe. uwetor
"Haa only to priratw. then, aa to pxipri^of ftodatySasitartitot^ii
heir- and all were captured. Wllllain whh anotor pair faitor anterior, tbe Euroi«uii. oOl him. the right to take a OOMaag to your town, wb<
WaMiburn. one of Ibe nier_ made w dew- fiiA, when alive, nacd to walk abont oomplete bath in une roans, or haa evo- remain for
with cu to b»t(m uf to jw is which Inihiu ixulared a apeciuBof flattenwbo Bick an •pportunity to consult him!
hlmathi - •

It waaemitatnud.
Datnrally era iDua|BUeoddoiDK it?
lund after being ahot by DeputyHarks.


It would ahow
"1 wirow chat the
fotb- | Tto doctor 1^ ^
ne other men gave ibelr namea ln
William Bhaw and John B. Davlef. of
ii^cndowiid with to spirit of to erU Of coerae every flaihouw bathtub
Ktw Tofk.____________________
ooe. hrlsUiag np its flns. mapping Its amall for any one except an infhnt. and
Algo pane auBCiCAi, opgaATton to
BepMt of Om- Vetlew Feear.
aharp icoUi. elevating a sharp., knifelikw 1 have noticed, not wltlwiut some awei,
THOai nxT A** TOO Fooa TO PAT.
New Oriwaa Nuv. t.—Tbe number of appendage on to top of Its now ai^ tot in each new flat into wbleb we *14,
Alltb^be^ka io return is that
new pwiww reported at the lAiard
patlefft wulbtate to their friends
heMllb ofBce yeaicrday exceeded that
rewnlts obtained by hia treatment.
Tuawtay. deaplle tbe fact that a light -holw or falw gills 3« back rf to in to- one prwmlliiK As I am growing the
All forms of chronic diseases and dc
froat fell here Tumday niphi PhywI- UrsK. armlika'anneodages mmtlaied atuuurooch
foemiUea treated. "
eUna expUln that ycaierday'a caaea had
the ; Whm to flMi was killed and plaoed fourth
uisntac m uu-ir »j
ttem U'fuw
u- iorv loa
1 am snrw that if SUte
-,r--r. hat bad
of Ct
I ware reached here. There was frost '
the bright yellow dimppmr- w« make l*-o or thno m<gw •movea’*0
various j-ioi^B to fever district gdeunrolysud (eftiniu plaqoawhitish will. ^orihU «le rf baUirab d«*tM^
He giadugrado- ^ |
night. Tm.
The Ae..K.
deaths bee.
here wee. oolor.—Puto OonimercfolAdvortoff. fiod a bathtub into whioblwainotba
-...V e,-...
ago f^ Clc^nd,
8. with a new cases. There Is no pgraide to get at aa
Kew York Pnna
AS IS years in
H.-ulsr efaanre ta tbe Miuallon any-

- -.............



Chlrago. Nov. «.—Tbe flrrl meeting of
le Chicago. Buriingto. ar.d Quincy
Rallrxiad compFry since Ihe change of
dates between which Ihi- ■■ompany's
runs, was held here yester­
day. Aside frcni the_re-rle. ll<tn of the
nM hoard ..f dlr-ctt ra ihe .-nly hnslnesa
(tpnsacii-d wae ihe apprcvsl of Ihe purehase by to dlres-inrs it the iJrand bl­
and and Wyomlna Central, nrardlsland
and .Norlherr tVyotnIbg. and Big Horn
Bouthara roadi.
A Pew NewwWkWMl/nrteHUIe.
Rlchmord. Va.. Nov. 4 - The Utest reirns from ihe elecll. n In VlrgtaU give
>« DetnocraU all the senaidra'etecied
ar.d N and prrhai>» T8 mefr.lter* of the
buuae. Tbe ReiMil.Urans get 4. peebapa

Fire Insurance.


Tbs AMWM Mayor Kwaw H»w U top
-----------isim Mis OiU 1W^
to Krs* w Ohamirt Cws-M Always to-

Free Storajge
for Bicj'cles.

progrussire iovnt.\..>
small but BTOgr««iTe
'■WeollM." mid to i
*to {Mity. "to SRI about y
____ that you w<nild
to the »ati_
esid to prcpcml rf tboae two
to lay meka masiotom as to mn-

, theconatry. and eaaminiog and tresttotatcMDoUblpmuitomm
tbouaiid. of chroakmaea. baa
Isay U a wry men sAnce. hat U is prepared him t»care wi
make snme
aoroe sad
aad hlimdws
blimdws tn p^^tioner
pra^tioner faut
fails. Have
Hart yon ton sack
.poMjble to tt^c
law aad evideiioh Thera
yeai..* ..• re .you disoouragedy
re wilt b .
are ecfftain
ecptaiu thing*
...7<n> van prove lir it'Callandaeeua.wewiUteUyoawhether
if you are sura rf your pretolam and ,
cure you^.or not. If see cannot
-WdVw«tb»rnJr.-wl«<Sli!" »n.l.oU«r lU... u...
m.ou i««
“>1 T“ »l»>

sm Ueir wbMl)>-wMhws far
Ua wtatsr, I

.R^s WWW tore yaw caa ga(*nlaUS


“And yet yon rail yoorarlT-a wide extract case tot imve a juukcr in this
and the benefit of all our; opP«^“
be oity ctnuddorablc
.| ,kiu to all who
are too poor to par.
awake man. competent to look afttr to
ornuudorablc nneasinem

, ._____ _
••S«*Bebod.v got bold rf his braf ax-iQur methods of treatment i>*ll that la ,
' tract and claimed tbatitwasmade tnun i known by all the acboola, with tbe aid
'asfiesh. and it was proved by aaaly- i sf electricity, that moat wondertnl of
-tot U. CO to satisfactitm rf to airagents in Paralysis. ^ of Pos^
e"hea»T sslr* Ir the soulhtvest and : tovaL*'
, als—that
i. Tt.~iuu.Tu..:
i «
R(tH gsm


a aa Rra Tmk
Wablnpon, Niw. 4 PoJIowias srs I

The newr riUbuns are tt rj attractive
id are cvid.
dcutly going to U-imura than
Wi‘ »f divMtriminL
trimming. Tbitu
are giagivrus pluids and to most fasmor

“A Icng aad 1

Still on Deck

"The pack.-r came to ns in----------- :-41
dim. i {SUiTHhi«%r
tram rf mind for a way out rf tha, dilB-1
Uato sutaaT
cnltv aeaaldbiaextractwaat^rf
we gives written guavnothing Imt b»»d. and he wanted usto.,g,,.^,„,^f,gYgrjreaaeof PU-BSaod
help him provs IL and we did so to his 1 RUpnjRE. Also, we Uve a lying-ii
felief and to to mtisfaction rf to: hospital department i< our Sanitai
health qffl.-<T». Wo dcmcmittrated that. | inm. Send for 7ounu ..
wbih' an urdiuary piece rf bwf did nut:
some rf each rf tome might have mt0wl into to making rf to 6utf extracL Tbe nanli was that to cbmnist
who had atrived at
almdoM from to fim teat had to hack
down troai hia puBiUmi.''->Oikago
As Bngllrii writsr amertt that ton
nmae was any tirab street in tmidcB.
the nams having beat Invesited
Pops Hungry aathora beenme ifiautifled wlrh toi aowet beeanm toy wan
alsntys tiying to fiud ik

1b UaxioD to sohobl obildim who
have doue beet are allowed
eigats whll* poraaiiV their h

Jao. R.-Santo.
HanvwmxAom B


to sea la ettrasMly imiaparvaL so
tot the firiiermrn can icadUy see the
bomsrf to lohMss protmung from
tbnir hiding phnea in to luchsat atm■bWwhle d«pUL To entloe to ernstaesMB fran tom mannlM toy tie a lot
rf wiwiu is a b*U and dangle tom in
fnmt rf to oanriona lotamer. Wben ha
grabs to tsUl. toy hsnJ him n»

EBte^iise Groeax


Fair Business and Fair Pricea

—John Verly.


—Front Street.

B. J. 3id:oBa--A.2sr


These prices are good for THREE DAYS
ONLY. Call early aad have yonr choice.


. Its from un tmtf) Ua
to poattten ^ held at tbe Uim

“ Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. S
tarrh Madkdne med by T^ ln>n1a|if



XfT-i nti i gsaa.

and a feooD livery.

A Suit of Clothes, lot 728S. worth »3. for
A Suit of Clothes, lob 7507, worth 5. for
A-Suit of Clothes, lot 6299, worth 7. for
5 Dozen Pants,
lot 7233, worth 1. for
lot 7505. worth 5, for
lot 2011, worth* t, for

Broach Block


—Watch Repairing.
“What U aa nuu aa a day In JoBer*
••AChinammiwith ridswhitoii.U
anr.*’—Kew Tvk Snnday 3oafsa£\


TniraSrill^ef Justlee rf Ariaona. Uvtag at Pboralx, died ysMerday. He has
hrra 01 arariy three weeks. Mr. Tt
deU was S rrara of ag<: bora at Bock
Island. Ilia: graduated by the UaUcr- .

The Enterprise Grocery
IB. still doing business on
Fr^nt .Street, jnst west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
Housed aad presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.


Cold weather is now coming -You need a new suit Tx*a’vejree
femr ahadra rf
?si^iy'^feim*^5i<rf clothed and an overcoat. 'Look at onr prices quoted

Ihg toHVtbcr with n bright. |*uUy effoot
Orirfita) brruKlnd ribisms ndd to the
variety, uid so d<> gUra.ribbuns v.-tib'
fancy burdera Tb-au are nacut velvet
rihbaw with to ribs running <romwim, some In lovely oulori. tbe newerf
brfng a olnar shade rf purple hlim


.«.,«»... *


wratbarmwwth iSTWi
1 cm Ihe ollofoth rf to bathroom with
ewthen porTkn warmer: Ught aoatbsrlr 1 v,. .___-k.
•Itida baoWM bto ..orlberty dbr fppar 1 “»
»«»•. *“* *"
fldeaee now. n can hardly be doubted MKiilgau Ttrratmla*
that Brranlsm will raise Us bead again wNfcmoware.rnIdw: b
to blsbiMer^'selr
under Its UM I'hsmi.lun or under a
; saowe IS »ortl,.T piwtioa:
p.wlt.1. 1
other. Before tbe next prealdent
elected there will be Du lack of material __________nortberir Wtoda Por levaPslrirealberthta mornlag' Increaslntr rluodlfor a*luu<«. aw to Bi>snltcs profi-ss Bwe
ibl- aCermu.deOdedly ro'dar: auntbssly
to be free traders aad are dlaaaUs- vluda beu.mlag vortlierly
Bed equally with the fl«sl snd flaancl*!

. tUvAas. Me*. A—Over H per «smL rf
to peopis iatorrf late to Katoaas
toUict. an a praeaWhmarr wsawri

Per DeiB.


.... _

- -

Por Indtsaa sad nil-1

Bn-an stands a^a."_


New Departure!


pollry of the pTMpm sdmialMrailofi
The ouilook la not v«ry cheering either
f.p tbe ralte.
lag bnslneas r puililral drallngs «>ih
that country
The UaUy Mall reflrrlng to the al­
leged deal betweer. the New Turk BepuMl.siis and Croker, aays: 'In eureld
fasblooed'/enrlab uplnton the' whole
buslnew la Inconceivably tnc«n and
diny, and the axplanalton la that Amer­
ica has lu.i yet graspad the oulllpas u(
the atiesnlng of .MtriuHam-''
Tbe I«per n&ctrs Chambrriala'a
dwlarailun at Olasgu* yeaterday tot
nmvlng p-.litlca to pollUclans, whether
In national ..r municipal affairs, M as
fatal to s ...uniry as tmving tba defaeoa of its territory to merranarlm,''
and this obserrattun as “so
Macularlr tnapprapriau and yet so
curiOMtr rakvant lu the todlltoh rf
things In New Y'.rk '
The Dally News says: -tt Is rathsr
difficult to believe that disappobitmMt
the opb
the Dingier tariff
1 tbe 0
nner hara bad moeh
rasoli of to mnlelpal
York, nisdonbtfal aw whether eraa
If Henry George were Urlng the result
would have bean dUfeimnL Anyway, the
• most deplorable. One
cannot help. .
miring to wunderful l%mtni
npUnr. Oruker Is a worthy a

Fff Find.


nafe was hlown
open with d>n§n.lle. Tac man war* en- | Stop HI”
gagod In the p.i'bf-ry. All Ihe valuable ; The mayor rvBected for a few mlnlen, irgelher with ».800 ptes and then mid:
I rarit The l.urglsra .-scaped <
'■(rcntletneu. will yon kcopa secret*”
' “If U'sutJihiAg detriuieniAl to to
Met toil*
/ «wsi«w me ■se.FTweMy wMh CwMl
■•Wvll.lani just as anxiens to have
fn,/ Tbe government la ix’W favorably cooserv ices r ret th» remains of the (bat work dme as yon arc. but yoq I
aMering the euertloa of rvcurrtn* to fb# peral
Dnehew 'J ' X*ck (Princrae Msry of know b(iw toy usu^lv go about MU-h
things. U we let them alone, they'll
York. begin work abont to Um rf NoTcmber,
It is known that Ksswm. w|
wbc. ai-d
specially charged with the a
I to.'..uie™ up.lTu»»,u,^uo.
momJ. . n
ortiy runs
tans under tl
heft** na» suuiiuer U half over
la At.''s chsi>el." Windsor Castl^ •
s friendly t
i Mow. If toy bavgiT^y detarauted '
ndy Mew tA« MSI wf s Jwk.
t thU improvummt. my mytng 1
B....,.,., MU...N.V. .
! “*•
■“ rf
it wou t change them, boi
twe countries w
Minins coc-nrfnv. «hlrh has JgM
! it will have fltie effort—it'll put tom
- lor and
a Rear.
sorbed the I msrs' k. Junior
SU were not enuslljl dividad behsrged fifty miners ; «■
D- them aAd tbwi CA*
Iw let out a few I gang rf .men some night and put them
I to w<rt with ianimu and niA to job
• tr-ceu. ■ w ■.».« — V»—■ra—;
i .through so fast that toru seno't be any
* traSk) wbataver."—
PUtsburg. Nov-. 4 -PTealder-t VcKIn- \
ley snd hie party leTi this rity Isrt night 1 " athmglon Btar.
ai II o'l Ir .yt fer Washington T
la this my comnenl on the rwcent
factions In the t'nlted Sutrw
yimaa ssya: 'The


botUa CMMkn-

Ito only Oa-


PROM niOM THt gAgrilBI tSAMtrrg

Also ffreiything in the line of

Oiden by Phone given quick e(tention.


& K. WAIT, Dra|


IH* xuuma axooBD, tbiday. hotbmbmi ». isw.

(Vh«n TH«y Tail Him th« R*pubItun* Hw th« Ugi»l&tur*
of th* Buqk«y* State.


mpanr from lUbllllx At taw ta
M Ue eiDPlor< taiaivd ekctad U> t>k«
t iMOiwa.

t>w MolM Nov. C—Tta*


thu rrar A pio-


mitr of oDi> L- AM A snanu.

tlD. ChAlfthAn NAAb mr* tbrrt wtra
tAcUnnAl IrouMt* In mhtr cltlra than
ClnelonAll — colAbly
Talodo - And thAi tbe ratny.wratbrr
«bd other rtAAoni on TuerdAy CAiutd
an unuAUAn>-4Ar«e '■tAy-AI*bome volA
Olt AUlOA tbA( the offlcUl want wUl
•bo« thAI tbt A nte A AA mUCll MTIAlltr
■a the rural dlMi-trU than txptetad. and
■with All that ibt RepubikABt oarrlcd
-tnort muntict th»o wtrt cARlad IaM
Otar OB tbt proaldeatlal vota.


8b« hMl • rote iikt •

W \’W. Nov. 4.-K«wa
I twM btrr 1am nicht thoc Is JAckaoe



IrtAr UannU TouIm
war Hannia Taylor.


Ever Bsraed Out?

Ml P>) MM-tbMgkk>M •

H aojoAkAow
tha TAlaa ol



| wimArrted dAurhttTA ABd a poo AbouMJ « dl7 OT* u we room.-.Tit-ftiM.
of A«t oo a form «> oroAt uca. i

9. P. CARTER. AsanL

r-u. -

Tueaday for tU. Karty in tbe nlyhl the ]
«JcnkiBi Myi bicyclra are BMn dMk>
timlly A'A. mwAkened by a rap at tbe ! genxu UutO truUi
I door, tbe peraon deMrln^dmlaalon an- '
-iHna ba
I BouBOiBf blmaeU a. John UorvAB. ab
oaf. adopted aon. Aa Mra Oreen opei^ tb* j
Ha «» hit »T A tmUar *
ArtkM la AA An.
and ; d<«r tbe yo«nc man .truck her ertlh a
— Oob and baat her bralnr onl. He then I »«*• “•
■What Tayl-r la. bUled tbe eideat dawbler 'aUA one blow. ,
CM A WbtoL
. And. aa he thuuyht. UHed the youncer
n All.
murder, be rtiabad ihreusb
MAdrId. Nov. 4.—Senator Balvanl baa ibwTrar door ard hid In a corn ertb.
WtlUa a letler to Ihe newapApera here 'Tr'here he waa aoon found and beaten to
In raply to the atUcU on tbe AhibAB dealh by tbe aaramlA
Wblle Hersan was ararchinc for tb*
publlahed In AA AloctlcAB masgyraap. 1 tuppoaA WeU. 1 baM to Sd
AklnL of which article Hannia Taylor. bey Ura Green'* younyeet daushl^'
^teed and earaped Into tb. wnodA
.thr^ornwr United Sutra mlniMer to
where Mie wa» followed by the murder-


BaBhBMl for tof
thBorandUit r«M
of tbtRtpuldlcAn
PlACtd Al K.&M.
The pIurAUl) In
Ohio lAM raor'for
■trentr KBVA Me'Xtuley UM rear^
A plurAllty of !».• W



MO. Th*« B»UT« Art bAAtS « |
tlc^llr compMt marBA. Ttai* wni*fln ^
BhiA A mAjnrlly ef BtArir ».0«. wbJch
lA. IB nCMA ct OlAt >WO ytATt A^

om tlAht|r.AlE ooBCitUA OO. tb
tanw from
Ibt AtAlA Uehcl. ABd tbt otbP
two pounllAA of the
VlDtun-Aro vMlmAttd.
Xa (KrlliC U«
plorAUUao t>r ooudUao Uia pluraliir for



“Hia ba had aaj-diaaattuAa tipari-

tbt followln* MAttretnt fmuYmiB* thlevlitadve ■llaAtlon: *'ll dot> ixil arall
npw to do anr cUlmlnK thri irtll nut (w
AUbMAStlAtAd by the rtlun
We have
alstcee RtpubUcAii wrai
t-> n'p>
DMnocralir and one duui>iful-thr unr
tre«n Calvert—Althoufb I am AAurrd
Ibai twth tbe
ibar of tbe bouae were elected there.
Of the Mxteen aenaton nine are h<'!davera If we elert the aenaibr from C
vert—and I have no doubt but that
Win—we will have a nujorlty of elsbi
In th. Moatc.
"In the houa. tbna ar. Bln«ty.«>.
ntmi«ra. It take. fony-M* of thea. U
Mvanlaa th. bona.. J ran M»w that
•re have forty-rtc TotM in Ihe bouae. .
rbto alvto u* a majority of on. In tb.
botue and either oeven or nine on tlw.
Joint ballot. Thia I. my claim and ft 1

i ar^h^
Cbrk ja mlDuU Uttrj-lUB
ar. whom .he mar.ased u
to elude. Mor■T am Asiouaded At Ur. Taylor's artl- ^ ranaarked the houae. look what ba'anoiaclctsmas. Ba'saom '
eU." OmiinulDt be then proerad* to ' money be couhl'^Rnd and fled. The youns | tbe b«ulatare.
tell tbe tollowlny M017-. T met Ur. Ctrl, tbe only eorvlvor. toM tb* story to
OQoial—Abf Km
iireet of Uadrid., a nelshbor yraiarday morrliw- Uorpan | ^ plrasnr. ia

MM.—BnoltlyB Uf«L^
cuaoe of
01 hi*
nip i-rtme.
4'rinie. Re
*ie cnnieaaed
1-10111 ppi w U.
imp bochlna. be aald: -Spain muM
ertme. The iKncer* are suardinc him
prera the Cul«n twurraclIuD t
---------I tn tb. woodA A mob Is after him and
^f Ann. Alone. She miul carry >ul r^
Walter FaiP-Hciw'd yos RMfca tt
, ’but little doubt of Us
He did not menllun
down at tbe Plnnktbompras laatniybtT
•Peace ‘
Conld ytm get much reaUsn in tba KIoa^ I .
dike wiatwacoDe?
OoPBt de Tina—Too naltsda Binrat
a^ranalT A^o^Wni^has a friend In the tVTille House, whoaepowbenMIle; for It always rosuitt to «» are on Ibe eve of explrtns and ab.
tiw 1 ever strnek.—Krar York tetb.
■ f flor mood «»»«*>l to pruiu by the opportunity to obTlneyard Maven.«ara..Nov.4.-U tb.
................. -J the party toyether
' —- --......... ............. -"r. for 1 eohoooer Portnna aurvlved a coUlaloB
Icftalatlve work."
Another ratlmate of the teybdatlra''“
whieb took pUc. rarly yesterday morn"Did yoo hdkr any prvA^inc
iitoatloa I* as follow*: Porty-lhree , M spam tl
Ictg, twenty mllra rauth of UooUuk aamnwr?" said Jonat lobuithlba otbar
and a Beput
Pout, efttb lb. Bcboofwr Edirard E.
r Importance of the
r .bouae with dnv
dfni onra da f
Brlerr. three men of her crew of eiybt ^•VeOl. I want to cbmeb a BtHBte
th my WeiutUnovM
PfyHhly drlfUni about tb. ocoan ttora." was 8mitk‘a actnewhal ambKAons raply—tiongragAtionallA
RepubUcana to t Dacneerati.with 1 tm , tine lormy premieri. wno wumiiy ____ ________ .
r^outa Hora.
Calvert U doubt.
thankod me U a letter which I he.'e iw~~■lira beaid from andeallmalea UUrt. Shortly aflerera^j^^rejor^ .
Wte^that thi
for othras ylve Ooldsborouyh <Rep.> for of Canovas beyan
•t^sifi ! M*. altbouyta there Is a poralbUlty Chat
■ule canptroller C.1H plurUlty.
| and ! waa comml



ninea 1

.ylor and to tell Wm Uey I
would be publlthed ^tbU-A,fortnlyht.
as acloally occurrtd.NrK^Wor em- 1
itrlbuU to Ihe yood
ther with a terrtllSe eraab.
tbe yreat
yreat Inter
phoM tbe
lost her nitlrc brad year
ntlon by endlny
tbe war.
• y the
be cut In order
of crime and a return to ba
tlM bull from further
ayaln baMened lu eoirununl
As the two rtasels were locked toyatber
U th* proper quarter,
CapUlB Oxase. of the Fortuna. with the
'*hyur Bay* Memra u At
first and aecoed male, tbe cook and ana
ra.m.n, manayed to dlmb an board the
ler. at lunch 1
without aloppUy to araertaU
Pa"T with Cas"tuJ
I>»a^ warmly prole«llr.y
heavy *r. parted,Ibe vesabd loT* *" Spala and
reinalnUf men of
**'* before
deeire to are u* succeed
could fallow. Another buy.

tlcbet In the .late has been elraud by'
a plurality fully as larye aa .......................
that yivan
ISTTaB last year. If not laryer. Early
yrai.rday afurpoon'lt waa ycnrasllyad* {
milled at Republidan baadquartara that;
lu municipal Iwarda and take from the .late waa lost, and BccrMary Slara.
blayor Taf.-I, Democrat, recently elacti |
ad as a fuaionbt. *umc of the power* of '
belief I S o'clo^ last nlybt
OiU .rfflce- Th. Dcm.crats Male that Ibe |
>wlny sirt^
In Cln. IU.all 1
■ ™ I ment; ''Keium* tbns far received
-ived by the
-----------------------------to the I
Kepuhllran scatr---------------------------—
committac po
r Ahum Srutcor
.lection of Sumvan (fusion) fen
ared ihr chief. an(} lu tartknial flybts Judy, by a plurality of
that will be tarrl.d Into the newt'ara- Return* ahoA that Ref.olitla
SkM of tbe on tbe ^ectlon I
^ ,h, university
of sod |rtherjnatter*^_Pr«e«ll- , ,n^j <.f iheir lickel. and wa wlU
T wa* freely discumed l>y Bryan and coiK:«dr their del
Taylor If Spain would not have reann
mpalyn. but neltfaer
Pbltadelphla. Nor. 4.-Tb« complet.
ClMlrmaa EdtnlMen. of the fualoa! «» f»«r a man who In a .perch In the
r Iraue. cut lirurh e
eSmmltlee.'aald he had no rtarab to aenate had displayed Mirh hatred of Tole of Prr.B*) Kanla Is at Wktws; For
cbanye hta eotimau of Turaday myht of ftwio. Mr. Taylor replied: 'Dor.'l notice Mate irsaeurer. Beacom <Rrp.), M4.UT:
(Dem ), r4e414: Pwallow (pro,).
n.OOO RluraJIly for tbe eetlrc fuMooUck- i «bai. for Rberman as ■ trapoiwlble mitt- .brown
N«liber of the poIlUral bradquartm Mtff «>» cbanye hi. npuion* Rpala ha* ] IILIU:
llAlU; Thompauo (Itid.). lIJM. Beaco<n‘* i<
plurality, Kt.ttl. Fur auditor yens yerte^day or last nlyht U ' •wilhlne
holhiny tn f»ttT In <hl* respert.’" tn etxn's
! Ri i-ul.llcan and Dertior 'These eral- McCauUy (Itep.), 4«^; RUler
adquarieri llyurea arc bo* quantity, and their ratlmate* were in a " ' '
•d clalma
Althooyb > measure aurmlae.
.St —M..
..... state ....MMsuAi-i
headquarOmaha. Nov. 4.—Thlrty-alyhl eouMlM., ‘.tboae altrnniled^ t^hlm now.”
treasurer Is TM.20. as
_ . conrede that thr leylMsIure wlU be Includlny Douylaw ar.d Lancaster, ylv. 1
. niA CY WA.
:r.w: m uk and 1.1*4.^RepubUcan on s close majurtty of on. ' I*nM 4S.M1. Bul^van 4»,t«l. The ram.;
ta Mata ttsa Calb >***
SwalloA. the Prabibl/ or fB. rr rhalrmati UcOr.ville due. not ' countlra last year yave MaeCall Wjn. I Baak af Bswl* «
Hon candidate, has a plurality In tra of
ranrede the control of that body l^tbe I Holcomb U.MI.

Ura Mra
.JIton county becaura uf tbe fear by tb.
reform Republlrans-or Ihe fuMonUU
—that a Btronsly Republican leyiaUtur.

? I and I


Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

Sn Oir New lin

Picture Mouldings


Hepulillcana He raid the Kepubllran* 1
Omaha, Nos. 4.—Return, bar* bean !
rrarlred from 44 of thr U eountlwo'*'
* Iryblaiurrtby T* l<
vra from Wood braMra. caMlny morv-than half tbe vota
M Nobl. countlra from their list, also of Che Mate Tbrae ylve: PoaL U.1U:
Lam year tbe rame
the ranaior frran tfar Marton-tdiyAn dl.- Bulllvan. M.ISS.
trtet. and said tbrae three cbanye. would counties yave MarOall C.4ST. Hob
p vote fall o
ike the i^ytalaloreStand <t DemocraU '.f4.*4S. If the
7f H.-pubtlcaiu. and he would never | ratio
o In-the r
Sultlran’s plarallly eannot exceed U.-



Thenreport* that certain
:rpubllran* and DemocnlIc manayc
bavr held COUferon<-es for
>e(As ApyeUara dndyo and
a cmbiui
briny out aruiher man If '
Governor Rustanell
. sUow tb. '
refuse* id
Kev Tork. Nov. 4.—Return! (rum tb*
Ase of his nam* for seiistur.
I state and cliy ele^Vlon. fraelved yesterBepabUoaB LsylUaUvr Ctelm.
! day do out ebany* the rsailt announced
' Al tbr RepubllcAD slalp>«dqui
, yesterday. Keiurn* '
tbe litl of dlitrtcu t* Eivrti In which K
He* In thr stale Indli-air
lie a plurality of,
I* claimed that thr Krpubliran* have II
tt Parker. Demabout Uu<M for
Apd (he iNmocrats 1* ferAlois. Tbe only
ocratli candidate fi r chief
o tbe .
hlef Judye of
• dliUrtct' dltpulvdI b)-Txemcwratlc Cb.url of sppral*. HI* plurality In Great- ,
"f •PP'-*"
Plur«llly In Great-,
which ircluiie.
lura raanen

Van Wyrk.'
.a wh^h
w™id "
,.a »hl.h would , Tammany candidate for mavor
isayor of New ,
York.ha* tl.M» plurality over BethLow,'
10 X>emnrialr. The P.epulillrans roncide
and ll».*«l over General Tracy. The
that Ihr Kemccrat* AiM’have two ma- stale leyiidature remains Republican.
Jorttr In the ranaie. and claim that t'b. The senators hold over, and the new
rsturn* shi w the hourr l<i Mand (A Rehouse uf assemlily Mind* U Uepulrllepubbratta, U Dmnerats and t doubtful. an* to «\ Demm-nitA Ton of the newly Ripubllisn a**emblj-n»en arc
aaUI to I*' ambPlstt. In thr present
TAM t. WtuU tbs MepAbllras Maa- sqnuic the RepuliHran majority la ML Id

CDivirtKO IN Nnr

acsrCMiB*ral>e*Uy NwOraraet..
Dra MolnSA ta..>'ov. 4.~Th» reluraa
ty cvuDiira an nearly all In now. Chalyman HtMlllan. of the lUpublkan stale
commlliee. ha* complete return* from
' Alnny-four cvuntleSABd bs* Mlimated
rsturn* fnrai the five remalnloy coun­
ties. by this mewns hr ha* llyured a
pluralliyKor <haw. Bep.. of abtait U.nh
Be thinks that these fiyure* srlU vary
hat mil. as th* corrected mura* for
th* five ••Mlmaiid counties eocne In. Tbe


I Mk.a nr |

RAvaiia. Nov, 4.—.
y to a dlapatch from Madrid the Apanisb yoesramoBt Intende to enter Into a oontrmrt
with Ih* Bank of R|mIb at Havana.
..irt .M b... .111

rial coocern* of the Island.

It 1*

la Ih. a.rn,^


I ClI T «' I



AUcrasT* At, Iraw.
Wra* Is Mralaywc Blssk. Travstsi 0^, Mid

bM^m.raS:2 ir,nJ'«d^-‘^'

...a, -.rn.., ...

Gnid Riptdi t Mm 1.1



Ft— rv

oraa. Asia.1, PM*H and

AodeoararABelB.. tllPreetOt.

A .A


O.L.LOOKVOOD O.F. A-Oraad Aaga

Chicago ■“ ■nawn*.

West Michigan.


I of emcayo. requlrtny finelyn Insurance

.................................... lie e«r -

I. of lb
s recelpu. 1
lsoo.on.feo, and these note* will be re- ^juMve l-nefil of tbe fire depsrtmenL
r lbs yovernmenl
celved by
yovvrnmenl In payment '
* _____*of
-„M. house duUra Tbe yovmuneiH Ml- 1
1771 stdne house nl Tappan. K. T..
vrr blllA under tbta arrsnyeroent. *111 where Major Ar^ was ImprUoned. ww*
be withdrawn.
Mown down l<y the wind.
Madrid. Nov. 4.-rOwtny 1c
Cbarira Qolbrck died at pe*-aukra.
that Ihe Carllrt*
are knowp to
Oi. Ipr«nier. j TTIa. from the erfect* M takiny rat pols* ■
8«„ms, sind tbe minister for. «A
« of insanity,
CortsA. are consldertny th* : • Prank PhUrator, of Grand Rapids,
44.,,„i„b uf repressive mewsure*
It Is: Mich., ha* nold-bl* three Alasks yoM
re|.rtcd that General Asacarraya. who Bine* to an Enyllsb ayndlrate for tl.ule Schor CanovA. del i rao.*».

• attratira <0 ta* til


stlAeoWlseka m.

Cartitlu AS pivmlef. has decided 10 reSomebody palmed the deora and winOre from i« life.
/ dow* of two Chl«»srm Pall*. Wla.
I70A aaLA-Twt>'koA*ra a*, lou es WM
- It I churches
- - ..............................
A dUpatch from Rarcelous a*ys that'
a tatybt
hue Hallow
V star; abArssIsTor tb* rUrkt swrtj. lalit perwm* who have been confined ta ■ sen oiyht.
qalra at an NorUDItIMra •*»*•. Ue Sr>
the (orlivra of Uonllulr h for a yrar on >
gberlff La Bulve. of Dodee-county.
SUs|i|clor of rtimpIlcH)’ tn anan-hlM wIa, whtn elected to the poelllon last
pM*. and oulrayea. were released yra-I r«||, had but Ju*l»-roAched hi* Cnd'^
^TtsT <7AKay-r
CAKay-DestiH A*t
_______________ ,
1 blnl^sy ann1ver*Ary.
The (tsnptroller of the currawT ha*
authorised the Han Krancla» National |
jwnver. sxov. t.—*ne rrauu vi to* ,
o beyin busl- tk>k UEXl-Aalecil'in In Ihls stale I* still In d..uW ao 1
t .W.MkkAl. 1
far as Justice of the Mipreme court U
Two of Che Bdl. Fourth* hank roh- - WTraNTKD-tt> esebaas*. a raos m
concehied. and H will take the official .
iped from the Deadweed W Iras yood drlrtas braA*: ra_
ranvan to decide who has won. Th*
reta'ptur*d,aod th* Bber- ckrap C. C. M
Time*. A-hlch mppqhrd Hayt. candl- Jail, hate oeeu
date of the RepuMlcan* and Hilver He- “» '
wMraratlra^XS^ra Wra
The boiler of the Royal City raw mills 1
publican*, claims hi* elrcllon by less
than l.H*. In ihls (Arapahoe) county at Vancouver. B. C.. expledcd while the
men were oaUny dlaner arouDd it Sovticket
1 Uorsimdt I r Bhertft. eral were knirt and qtany Injured.
In a receol lecture Profrasor Beryvote
r In this eounty WA* quit* mans. of Bertlr. stated that tn fifly
tratton) p

Thr special elrcllon In the Third conyresslunsl dUtrlrt. Brooklyn, Tvfiull.d
tn a vicloty for Edmuqd H. Drlyya. !
Defnocrat.over William A. Prendcryast.'
BepubllcsM. by nearly Z.0#0 raajorlly. j
Iraat yoar Prancls WIIspb. RepuUlcan. '
WAS atectrd In Ibis diMrteC by mors
than T.UC plurality.
He nealyned to
___ ____
' Brooklyn.
Brooklyn. PrendnyaM suffered bscause of tb* bluer
ayht betweee th. RepobUcAn fpetlona
In Brooklyn.
The Press says that the new sUtt
-ksseinbly srtll cooMat of T» Republlraiis a aurprtra to many, reaiidny Dearly LMO tn a total of tt.WO.
Q n Dsn
• casnmUtM. has
Of the D
no flyursA He thinks thAi
ylven 01
W. C, T. P. C
the murns may isddB* th.
luSalo. K. T.. Nov. 4.-Mlis L. M. K.
Xanaas City. Ho. Nov 4.—lodiratlera
pluraUty for Hhaw to Si.ow.
ars-that the Republican* have carried a | iiev*
The RepubhcAD plurality last ysar majority of their Kansas county tlcketa ' dded
acvNirdlns to Krpubliean raJust shout cut iSii'lSy'^tnrrai^vM! frtun forty, esc. of Mli. Willard- Mnny reports
in two. Two yrar. ayo It was U.0«> for
of !• place elyhlran and paper* wtre ssad. Mira W lllaid


The wHl Of




ootMo pom.

>^tT. Whet* rts ebssB '
I^R asLA at sCTA*ot hiaSsa 1*— lake

Thi late K. C. B. WaBtra. ef RmbotT.
Mara- who left tSC.MO to varloua
fjctumn, I prralded tn the afternoon, when -------eo at pubUe yathei
yire twMvs b. —-----------------— . opa hobby, that <
^TSD to be nrixed. CounUra whes the ; came up ayaln. !
tepubilean yalns ars expected done, and the bi
eonveatlon closed with Ibe alnylny Of
I b. beard from.
mere Pvlt«b
ha* fifty
*noRi.. Sweet Home."
bras* bars. Mu
ATeceivbe. 4
members of which thlriy-«lrhti arc R«Kratraky Retsis* S* Her OM !«**.
p.ii Ucknr and tsfSlve
PupuUits and .
Baron, _
a ___
-- of the
Leuln-nu. Novf 4—Kenincky wheels
XJuiMcntA The house has IW membraa | election from the elyht court etrculU
wrau a mod tara. B.
r of lb*
uf whom tb* Republican* hsve elscted »how Ihnl
the. Republicans
hnve woe Into the Dcnirarallc cUumc asalr b> *
■lytyone and th* Pupullsls and Dran... —
oerau thtrty-nlnA Thea. flyurra ais and Elybth. In th* third and SmtsbUi aver the state abow that Sam J. Shackthe flt« of the new yrar
rtford. th* aUvar Dm
•Abject to sUybt vartatloBs. protMihly
for aimenate court ctexk. '
to the advantayr of the Democrat*, but
aajortly a
fuUy ».«». U pot SO.OOO. majority
________ Sbertlfi has arrtved al
they «rc erarntlally safe.
that thr silver Democrath sin have
Bayfield. Wia.. with WO tons of rails for
The lUpubltiAB* loat four mombets
BoMon. Nov. 4--Rt^ WolcotL tbs
tbe Bayfield Harbor and WoMrro rail­
tB thv senate and aeventaoB In tbehoas.
RepubUcan candidate, has l*en . rsway. T%erwdiny and brldytnx UB^
irt-d uUh ’he IaM leyUtatnra.
elecied aa fovvrti'or of Massachuaetta by
d and
the I Bck Will he laid

)• KepubUcAA.
7 eootpli
Which WAS overwhelmlcyb'
Amony tbe detraird Itepubllran* Ais
PartA Nov. 4.—Five power* of lb* before Dra. L
Tb. nilBMs supreme court ha. d.dd^
tenator H. U Waterman, of Otnmwa. pluralUy last year was it4.ML
lAtln UnlOA on the InlUnttveof SwUsrr«a»i tb. power to isvok* tbe Uosbm of
Aalrmaa otAbe way* and mraaa comMew Asraey%*ir«^>»ls ■lyakWras
lABd. have Myned a MavoDCke to Inmmee. and RepreGentattve Toaplft. <4
TrsBtra. N. i. Nov. 4.-1b* Nsw Jar- maaa. th. aumbra of BBaU Mlver coin,
ta tbe clrcBtt
Omeola. who becaow Identlfled With the scy araembly sr|U havs a RapobUoan by a franc per head of tbrir population.
mrasure kBown as the-Pampl. amand- majortty of n on Joint baOoL With the
th* exlsUny S-trane ptocra to slip- court. ABd not IB tha t^MsAd and warsBMni dlrsciad ayaiiat th* C.. B- and Q. hoM-evra saBatofs Ota assaU ytAsda ply tb. urararary sUvra.





^-5=-■■: F i:




^rrv^‘ sllShdT'iftiirth. Fifth:sixth ; majortiy of ovra is.wo. ««!;<*«» r^'=> ‘U

.Money to Loan


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