The Morning Record, September 03, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 03, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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omotAX rAvv



Ruiiml Iqr Free Tradiu..


XIa Ooltor Bona Brrtcu.
Uttio Oasda Csm^l. aao of Oaer«s
Tka Oabaaa fottkrw b
Oampball of Birktk atnat. asfland a
P BT ofimAS OXAHn oUaehy aanatk. Two 1
■PBCIAX. WATBB WOBB* OOH- bad fall from a porak tort Ssnday bst
art satU Tsaaday that it wu
Repofts say that British agriculture is a {utifnl
' that kU ooUar boaa
spectacle of haroc . Here’s the difference—Trade has been
caa. Dr. Martin wuaallad to aad
■ Took tha Vtml^ Ou
Aadltod BUlaForPlaw and Spadfiso free, that haroc has been made in our great stock of
temw Hartis-Two
wtioaa-Tba Total Oort Wtn Ba tba tojsry attondad to.
school supplies. - But we have enough for
Piles - and
Abort $1800-Tba Baaalta or Tkalr
■ OhuwtHM Br 1
piles of tablets, pencils, rulers and slates.
Work tnu Bow Ba Baterad To
Wbl Baltaaaaklppad a larga qaanTba Otty OeudL
tity of esr^ prtu to Ckioeco yutoiv
Urt aiffkttkt^adrt water woato day via atfamar Patoakay.
Tta kito to*» au7. b«t wkn tkay
oanslttoa mat to the ofltoa of Boa B.
aattl «p» total of »waat> kaaaa it ia *awli.................... 4B r 5 m
S«0 ntONT BTflEET.
r. and Mra. W. N. Krtlay and faaC. Davie to aaaapt tba plau aad apedkaaiin«diar>tkat U, wkaa <ka t
Mr.ind Hn. Laea Van Uew aad
flutkm for tka prepoaad ayataaa. rataaKkMtiukatkas. Tha way tka
eaaUy drawn aad praparad >7 Geo. W.
■ '*<OakaM* aUafktarad the kail la tba
aafter. tba oonaalttof antourT~..Tba
Aboat thirty n ibarm of tka Yonnr
ptow wan formally aoea^ by >ka
oommlltoa and the UU of Wdaar Pa<v)ab AUtoaoa of tka Bvaarallcal
.1 certain Oaaaial Way
rtiaroh. laoiadtor Art. A SUabary.
ralar^ siaaiak tmpa Ckptala Maaao
School Books and all the necessary Hiings
ulred fiOM pnviouly and tka fastonu ^ant yutarday at Kwah-ty-wanta.
SmitA aad kla daaotad kaad woa
that go with them, at----.•MkOarkolulteHraMto------Elk iaptda Hlva,L.O.T. M.. kava
of bit bUl la 9WK.SS. Baton eomplettaaa oa Ita Mrtta-jaat kU it oat.
] I k 0 a a 0 a-t
a a a a a t a o-e tor tke work Xr. Bafter afraed that tovitod tka mambara of Travana Bay ! c
Blva to apend nart Wadaaaday with S
tka total expuditaru tor plsss.
iato tka knack oloaa kaUad tkalr laad
Tka lavltaUoD ku baaa
la. ozparlmrta, ato.. akonld sot
ar aad Jut men tkaa kalpad la tka
axeead fil.WO. Tba amosnt of otkhr oaptad.
pasdltsiu ky tkaeommtttu ai
Tba mk Bapids Iran Co. kava parla atrtetkaaa kali parlaaoa they
Ur. Baftorb blU wUl art exeut tke ckaaad from tba Traveru City Lnml
hard aad ftaldad waO. Baltk it aradloosl mastionad. Tito amosat to- Co toO.OOO fart of loea, which wUI be
' Itad arltb a koau raa aad two ala«laa.
ehidu tka dnwtor of plasa, apeeiflu- ent iato lambar for the acw chemical
Jordaa with two hwaa nua aad diraat
i. oontraeta, axperimasta, reporta worka.
^Ik tear kaaa Uta.
avarythiar eonnccted with toe IsJackKA U oaater ffeld had a laeolty Board of Bdnoation ViolWd B^ool
Tba MIbsm Kellie lArdie. Olllc Palvullratl^ aad work of tba ooramif fbam. May Piataea. AUue CUS and
BaildliiKa Taatarday.
o( palllar dawa what appaand to ka
aara Uta. aad tka kalaaoa of tka taaai
The Bo^ of Bdooation aeoo_._____
Uutor Clayton I.Ardle want to Old
playad lUVadrekall.
Profaaaor C T. tirawa oa a tonr of toMlsalon oa tkalr wbuU Tnuday. They
8aifka aad Hdniad tka koota taacc apeeUoa .vwtorday mrainr to au
ratarnad yutarday aeoomimaiad
la hiUii«. with two kite aaek. beh oretytki^ wu to yood ooaditloa rarular multor.
Stephen lAcdia.
oaa oftkamtofthaalaamada a Ut aroud tka aekooU baton tka b^to'
Cbarlu Paut, aycat of tka Grand
In tka dty—Boo^t from flirt haada. at lowaat poutbla priaaa. wUA
aaapt HnnWaad tka ateroaald Ur. Jor> nlaf of tka fall torm. All tko aehool
ndvaauye U yoara
Bapids Brawtof Co., who wu arrutad
daa WM n^ooalUa tor that.
time afo. ekaryad with aelllnf
ViU.Xaka Blfc B^lda a naaaant
HoUaudaagraatcat^off Jordaa'a
> fOBBd to ba to I
Hqoor wlibaot kavtoy paid Ua Bi
hiyaway oat la -tka aaatar told aoraar Orar ei.dOO ku baaa oxpeadad t^
mrj Uoanu. waived axamtoattoa
ropalra. but tka
fora Jadya Bobaru yutarday aad
^ TU atocy of tka raiaaa U aaoB told. woric la all dooa now and arerythtoc la Fbersby Lsbor Day. B
lad to Elk Bsplda to rnod boand over to tka Cirenit aaark
Tba aiaati nada two botae rau la
Uaaa and nut that it fairiy aktou
tka fifBtlBBlar aad that with aa arror Tka Oak Para aeb^ ar«a dm rlaltod.
Bottu To Biyb Bokool PopUa.
ky Hall aad a Uafla aattad than low Tkla ku baaa auppliad wltk un
rtkinc that poM to make np a day
Saperiotaadrat Guwa aad Profaaaof
tnnrha and tka aaaoyanu uuod by
>oiis. F. D. Catokar of Mt. Plus- Bora woald Uka to ban u maay. ^
and aoaktof tbroBch
Tkaa terh
... .Mew Cloaks and Capu at....
' tka* dawa to aotkiartka walla wlU ba dona away with la sat. who raeartly wo«% raid madsl at the Blyh aehool paplls u can ooavula tka riztk ianlaf oaa aiora wu
fatara. It wu foond that tka ar- Bsffalo for polp vaslttof, to opas com- lutly do ae, meet tkam at tke SspariapaUtloD to tka world, wlll lend hU aid toadent's office today, » to 11 a. m, or S
OMda <m a t«n>-bacc« ky Oarrlaoa, taaian weU
Id mnkiar tka affair a aoaeau Mr.
m.'ioT a elauifiuUoB. ThU
WOkaba'a anor aad Oraafa alalia
lar will rlre wvsrsl tru ublbi- will aave the rub of Moaday. tbc first
Aaetkar to tkcaareatk oa. a bom foTM to und It tkrooyh the baildtof.
I Tka unitary arraaramaata to the baaa- Uosa. osa of which will ka vasUisr day of tke ackool year.
niB ky aadtk.
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
Tka airktb wu prodacUTa of Bt* | ntsal aUo aerd
ebanfu One of
Friday avutoy. Prof.
Aa error by Tony. Howardb hit tko vacant rooma on tkaaoooad Seor ku tba but clrcaau Tkara will be a g.Aaaambly
Hortanyk's Daaetoy aeSamy.
byi^takar, akawanballaaad atoelu been fitted op with <» auta. luatoc aparrlnr match for polata to the eveniw-n _____________
only oaa vauct room is tka buUdtof. laf. Travetu City ia tovttod to go
by Grant and Smith.
Two Daauakle hoaaca. token oa
aad have a r«^ tlma.
Tba Boardmaa aad Elmwood Aaessa
Tko HuUwa thru ruu wan U1





September 6,1897, School Commences f




Fur Collarettes.

Are yerj’ Stylish..We've the only



$3.s'to SIO."



been tborouyhiy reno-to tka fonrtk aad all aarnad on
Lu<^ Bawapopara.
atofln by Norotay. Snlfka aad l*arka rated. Tke paper ku bus aeiaped
Tba Andllrt- Oanaral of tke atoU of
aad a doabla by Adaata. Tba aoan
Mieklyaa ku ulactad tke foUowiay
woodwork baa been varnlakrd and tka
papain to this vieUily to pablisk <
floora oUed. The roof and extarior the tax utoa to May. KH: Beasie'
woodwork kava alao bum painted. Tba ooanty. Bxpuu. Fiaakfort; CharlaII * 0 —i-n aehool boild
boildiac oa the Elmwood volx. SuUaal.. Cbarlavolx: Eramatt.
t a a I avonu yrvnnda
yix-nsdt hubeu
fixed np till
rd. Patoakey; Quod Tuvaru.
wltk fmk paint Baiald. Traveru Cityi Laalax
! ! !|1.
iaalde -and oot. and all neeeeaary im- tarprlM, Letaadi Manistae. Saatiael.
provasMati aad repalra, aad will ba ow
espied by tka toartk (rnde pn^
The eutrsl boUdlsf wu sever to u
rood akspe u it U todsy. Tke floora iPaU Twenty Fart aad a Doctor Vaa
throsrbnt tka bslldtor kava bua
Baqnlrad to Patek Kim Vp.
oiled, a new floor laid to the knaamaat
Claada MeViekar, ayad aboat twelve
aad too bairmaat tekool room psr....S .1 S S 5
UUooad off from toe rut of the kaae- yean, ia vialttoy bte
meat mnklnr them BDck warmer aad B. Bllia, on hU farm aoath of tba city.
Uat avaniny tke boy fall tram tka top
more aeelndad.
Mr. Graws expeeu a mack larfor eo- of a atlo. a dUtoau of abort twenty
' "
toia year tkaa ever before. fut. and autotoad vary uvera braiau
.aboattka bead and body. Be will ba
and tke aehool year will be a buy e
fOTOad to ramato todoon aoma tii
FIFrT-DOLI.AB BZUB BABBKD. Dr. Oaraar wu aammonrt to drus the
Tka Xorniac Oama.
Taatarday moralac'a fame wu a Boye* Band WiUtoy to Show Baa- tojorlu Claada livu to But Jordan
busty. Hard UtUnf aad aharp fieldnak Blflu m>w to Ftoy Bail.
inr batof tba rnla. Every member of
to raapoue %f tke okalleayc :
toe UoaUerediitwralakad klmaolf ^to . the HaoBab Blflaa, for a yama of bau
field and nearly avuyone Wt toe [
On Maw Okamloal Vorha BtiUdiny
Not u
an —
arror dia
did a.
the —«
eolorad vis_,v, u bo. lor .b.
—mi— ..
b.U.. No.
lo „k,
at Blk Bapida.
of tostsa
1W~ — ud 0.1, .... ... — b,
left fc
The work apoa tke aew straeture for
tka louU.
Whaaler wu aalaeky be muvnally syreed apoa. The chaltaebamleal woriii of tke Blk Bapids
uoayb to make both of tooaa. bnt he luye is aooeptod. however, eoadltioaIru Works, is batoy.puhed r^idly
radwBiad bimself aplwdtdiy and toa aUy. If toe soldiera tadalye in throwand forty mao are belay employed c
way he atopped hot liaen ud aoakad toy flfty-dollar bills at the omplra toa
toa boildiay. The atractare wUI ha
tkam OTOr to Toey wu waaderfai.
^aalelau will poalUvely leave
naek laryar and more eompleta tki
Part* and Adamaalso prt op a star
yame to tka tofleld. and Watklu aad
Taken lU Away From Boota
Hall paUad dowa a oupla of hard Oya
aaek to toe oatflrtd.
Mra. Griswold, wife of Dr. J. B. Gris­
Ontoad Peaaaaaloa ofaBtoDloo Vito
The batttoy of both taama
“fi"* *“
Oood Baeorfi.
ly aqaaland toe Hutton wu by yatGrand Bapids. ku bun lytoy vary iU
Hu's AU Weal Dime Peau
irabniy ku eooia into pu at Bdyaweod. Dr. Giissrald arrived
tiny tkrtr hlM tayatkar.
HaU tod for’ Traveru toty at hat aaasion of a flu piau of kern flaak of yutarday to toa prtuu oar of Oanaral
Mra-e ria^Varetad Paala.
vdto a doable aad two alaylee. Bant whito ka faaU aomwkat praad. It ia MuayarBayhartutkaO. B. A 1. and
and SnUkaamdatwokltaeaab. Wat- tka weU knowB atoUioo. “Rad Dear.- toa aflltotad wooua wu borae baak to
a^a irny Paata, aae* •am.
ktoa prt tte ballew toe fanu for two which be parekaaad a faw dayv ayo. of Grand Bapids tort nlyhL
bays tort u toiyar yroandi woald Uavld &aau' of bstlaka. “Bad Dur”
have bau food for rtykt baaaa.
Bara-Oertarar kaaa Paata
Baitlau tod toa Olaato with toa akiek finaat brad koraes to Mtoktyan.
^wQitk Laayoa Fraportoy n Baoapwith two atoytoa and a doable.
Thera Witt baa raynlar aaaaUny toB^-Waal Kaaa Paata
ttoa For Bart Taaaday.
At toe utart it leoksd blu lor u al^t of Travana City Ckaptar, Ma.
Meatoara of toe Bpwortb Inayw era
Tba GiuU sthrtad riyht oat aad yot in. B-TATM.
prspartoy to ylva i
U«atkar three raU to the firat Ikatoy.
Jocdnn’a twa-bayyar, atoytoa by hu- ; Mm^CaaafafaBaltaamW
CUcayo. Septamber L—Wbei
au and Garrison, an arror by Wkealat
or of Bav. W. A. Frye, putor of tka |
and n baae u balls to OrnaL belay ra- taubar. Ke: Daaamber MHc old.MK: rtiW X K cknrek. aad his uUmabla i
srlfa Mr. Fryabubaanmstorof toa
ra-Saptamber.MXeile; Octobu, okonA torm yanra and toe event la nrAdnoib stoyto, a bau u balk to
ii Daeambu,
Hart, a bau u balU to Lula, and a
of toa exeaUmt
wild pltto yava tka HuUera ana to toa
woric and praetimJ rualto attained by
Xr. Frye al^ kla oonaaetlm with toa
They made aaotkar to toa aaqaAd u SOiteKei May.-«*M.
‘^orto. TImu will ba a abort mnalcal
Boat's atoyto. Hall's ditto, a k^ to
and Utarmry prayram teUowad by raWatty aad a aaerlflm hit by Wka^;
fraakuata Tben wiU alao ba other
X-Mi Oetabar. fwtoru wklahu aaek c
r. a blow to
nlwayi aojoynkto. i
Hovotay aadabouubaUs to Parks
Poindm Ootbiflr.
vua iwualbto for five
i«pnuPt.msaiMh Kk. Tiawii



i i

■~::i ij

r f { fc

..... $1.29
__ 1.19
... .27
............. .75


„We StilELead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the milling
business, we are haring a
phenomenal trade, and are
pipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our...^

flour. Send in an order.


Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will obser\e in everything in our New M^at
Market in the Brosch Block..

Fresh Meats—alwa3^s fresh. Salt Heats.



If You Have Logs to Soil

Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. VVe have----for—
Go' Sound.Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines. Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.

^ Larger Nor B.«.r
SelecHoB of-..-

..School Shoes
in the city .than can be ssex At



toNref UiaadBephto, to'ta the dtp
aadtketMatfld Le^torABaetrae
the Hotel Loetoaea.
tm^vxiias omr, . xicbioam Mr. ead Mre. B. B. Dap «t Detroit,
THU m ernes w tn
their w«p Ifi Glea BaireB ter e ttolt
with their brother. D. B. Dep.
Cm. T. BAtn Axo J. W. iAms.
g tbeae who oeme oeor trMD
Blk Bepide to eoo the bell teate reotar>
J. W. BAjntsK. BdlMr Mid Muac«r. d^ were Barrp Brlcft, editor of Ufa
Pr^ieae, Um. Smith, Bd. la(mwll
sad Cberlie Uebea.
tors. Pator tolttoaaddaighter Ethel
who here baM epiadlat mom time
here with Mr. Mltu of the ttokat ofllee
Bseyw.hTMU. •
U the poatomoe balldtaf. toh peetardep for Brert. es toete for SerlMw.
Leo SolemciB eod femllp. who here
heea *r—the tnmmer la Treraiee
atp eao Meatotee, hero rotaned to
Ufoator. lad., aeoompeatod bp Mm.
I of Meatotee. mother ef tors.
Ir OsvtstB Omml
h» airt
Mn. Joha a Cahelea aad chlldrea
jrM msmsM U vMq«dsSbc IlM OttbM
liTfinn It dot* not sr(M that he left Ihto Btorelnf fer Wj-aadoMe after
kM not hMs ssoMdlBfl; tas^ dsrtac a Tldt rrtoh Mm. Needham. Maker
kk ckr npos tbe WU4. Whst he Deaato Needham aooomimaled tham
Uek> in kUlki7 sMenUrs MM\j to for a rtolt with relaUrea la Detroit,
. mtwt thM bw4« sr b7 hto apMstotlTs aflerwhldt be wUl' eater Amampl'
iBwtrhL N««r It to r^erbsA thst ooUace at 8aadwl<A. Chaede.
Wartor bMSMdsiBarsthu r.000,ow




■nty ol Spsto la Cstaa. ItoU to not ■
aofJspM^KJTSt toad
•» Oaeto
aw Hot eoatoat with
with tbosaaosatfoapoUerdf tht odawlththeHicaisf
mm «aaal.Ja4oSoiieoo(tfe« i
oi tb» Uslied fitstee or other sstione.
AUtotoMroolthtooad JapaawiU be
toras^t sv with wb»t to ewMol/
fid o "rooBd tSTB."


Oorersor Plapoe wosld «aU o oreetol
iwriw of the tortoUtare. wlthoat the
•mentiee ontherlij. 'Sow people ere
woaderlar who to rooalac tUafe, Oor. marPlBSreeorWMeeUas.

retoaral ef Mtohlfaa. Mn. Kaetacec.
rrho WM ajKhoolmaU of Mta. Mortaa.
rrUl be rameaberad rorp Uadlp here
bp thoee who worn the lade aad mtoam
of thlrtp peanaca.
TBWBB BMITOAL ABUBSMBBXB to BoHoa neaallp a new atop
........... . aoeonUag «e aa-----------TbaodamOromla thaUanaaa
Vo U Made by the OathoUe Xotaal
dal orgaaa A faead mlxtam' ef
BeaeSt ▲moeiatioa.
Mher eidshMd aad ei^ ttokride to
Aoa Arbor. Sept. I.—The <htheUe
Matoal BeaeSt Amodatioa adeptod
aa amoadmeat' today Uadtlnc the
astaber of aeeemniBaM per year to
twenty laetaad of twoatyfoar. Dar- aad la amaKmla. Famd with alkallae
embOHto it glam a melt eolabla la
lag the poet throe yearn the member- hpdreohtorle aold. fnm whhto hpdiokbip hae latreaeid 1.700. 000 watbem
.'loet bp deaU aad ar^totom. TbapWdof thto new mbewee to eald
The total mambemhip of Mtohlfaa to tobadpm«Mtot theorlgtaalaalM>ar
aaad. and, tiem the feet that them to a
eoRPeptmdiac km of ealphw. It to «oaMap Locate Bwe.
todond that thto faytUam to flamed bp
Wnilam Boad. ef A*aUa.BearOoInm. —' '
cfealphai. Itto^boa lad., where be hae a large paetor- mlnad, bowaw, that eiaoe tbare to a
ato la the Prtoade’ ^areh. hae beaa eamU. or 8 per eent cmlp. km of ehlo▼toiUagUe family df^DrVegg for eer- ilne la tbe ekotmptk naotkn It to
U bythiom map be formed bp
cral dapa. It wUI be remiml*rid that pomilde that
oeltkm of (hloriiie. Ptttm
Mr. Bead married MlmJSlla Fogg.
wboM death, toet wister. waa graatlp be kttoed for with lafamL
toiaeatod bp mao.v frteada here. Mr.
Bead w^I probably rrtara aext pear to
make Trarene »tp hto how. engag­
Tbe laraotato'a aato to a earktolp.
ing la eraageltolle work la aorthera Its inlmior to of mod. dried bp the can
to the heedaem (f adobe brick. Its iaMlchiraa.
tarlor. of opliadrlcal ahi«e, to llaed
wtob a flmep white aahetaaei like ootWaehircton. 8*pl. f.—The i
of the dtparimrel of Mate has bem ton wool and thto qaetr boam to far.
drawo (0 the fart that the Mate of Iowa
be* attempted to dterKmnale agalmt
fiirrlen Inwraaee compaolee duing buA*
are* In the stale. Ae there were tadlra- of the mme Uad. Bold as the Utlucs of a stmlllar loter.ttoe oa the part rantnla to, be haa «m eaemp from
of certain other statrt. and the matter whom be wUl eaek mfage anywhere
war clearly a vtotatkin of the trratlm thet be ma—tbe taraatala hawk, a
made alib certain other aatlooa Sec- bage black, balip wai^ which la appearaaoe eoarepa tbe idea of a flpi^
taraatala Wbea tbe big epider opeM
fato doer of an afteraooo prcpamtdrp to
a pnmmmda oa hniliitm or pk
brat, if be qy a tarantala hawk b
L X.—It to aowBcoa.
ceded fan that Joba D. Rockefelter coa- Ing arOBDd be draws hook iato tbe
'Uola the Mrmtk Iroa mage aa abeo- boom la a bany aad okam tbe door,
lotely a* If be owaed every fort of aad not a atop will be Teaiiuo bepoad
ground on It. For tbe past few yearn bto tbrmfaold-BBlil tbe air to tree from
the small cumianlea have bera bought •Igw of danger. Ue kaowe be to no
y one imtU soa- there are only match for tba hawk, wbleb will mekto
htoa too qntekip- If onoe ha gme tbe
> the lAkr Superior c

A Tew Gold BuatemBneceed Za Oetttof Throueb VhiU Paaa.
Seattle. Sept, t.—The Uaemer ParreUoB arrlrad tbto meralac harlnt left
8ka(«ap eia dapaaco- The etower
ottoem mp that at Orea people are
elowlp bat aaralp meeilBf t^ dlrlde
aad the raad for taa mitoe sp the eaapoa U strewawlU teatt, prortotou.
dtowded bacgace and dead bbreae.
Lam thaa t.oM people are OB the beaeb
at Dpea as thep aU make rSorto te yet
the dlrlde at Skafuap. Zkam
are BOW i.00e people OB the nmta. Lam
fUtpmesbareaaeeaaded in faV
tlnr aerom the White Paia aad haadrade hare glrea ap trplac ahtil ^rtar.
The ralB haa faUes ooaUaaoadp thare
for eight daps aad U to impoasibl
All.kiade of bokaem to Soartoh.
1^. Maap am eeUlag their outdu far
UtUe or aolblag aad ethem aro bayiag
that to ofterod tor Bale aad moathlp
Walleee—1 waul to ebow a aopp of
tutagthe« e ta etoek gsawal atoree. sUtemenj of tbmpuhllr debt to»u.d at mp wotke.
the traaeurp departmeet showa the debt
Ferny—1 didn't know poa bad
TODBTB AjranPAX. OOHTBMTIOM le.-a cash In tbe ireaturv tv be ll.wia..
mblitl^ anythiDg
n.' which to an lacraaae for tbe pnblitM
Of VmiUf XHetilei, Voman’e Baltof month of,tn. Thto Increase ta
accrtir.led for by a coremcndlng deerrsse fn tbe amount of rash en hand.
The Interest bearing debt U tUT.MUW

The aaw of & B. teriMto «f Lake
Asa hae beaa mat la by ^
Bkhop. with a foeommoadaUoo for hie
I te the poatoOee at that from
foarth aaaaal eoa'reatka of the Taath
Dtotrtot Woman's Belief Corpe wUl be
Bmartim Ooiag Aow
held la Bellelre, Toeedap aad WadaeeTba recant cool daps hare started ro- dap. September 14th and l&th. ls97.
.■Artem howward aad aercral hara
g Tamday afteraooa. at I
left the near-bp reaorta aad are mat- o'eloek.
W "----------I._____ ...1^ .. ____
Oorpe to eaUtlad te one
«arlag la rarleaa dlmetkma Aamag dkUgaU for erery II membm Corpe
•hoae who left of the
dap are Mm. J. 8. Jeoatage aad cbllI. aad wUl be expected te
draa BarieUa. Jarrto, Chariea.. Bay glfo a brief report of the work of their
aad Frank. FromOmeaa. Neal Bardaring the poet pear. If not able
par of HamUtoB. a. Beaipe Cormaap to te preeeat they are reqamted toemd
•ad Mm. C C. Cormaap of CSi
by their delegate. Tbe ritaad Mm C F. Frledrtoh of Now York wtfari,. work of tbe order will be exCity.
empUSed bp Mo)or Webber Corpe No.
let, ef Bellaln.
Fne eatertdaawat wiU te proridod
a an Oolag to be by tbe Itxml corps for aU who eoate.
requaeted to
aead tbe aamse of ddagatea aad rtolt•o te a marked adraaee U the prtoe of on to Chrria X Bemetreet. Belloli«,-aet
to fadliwhite pine famber aa a rmalt .of tbe
adeoam la agrlenltaral prodacta The tate Ue work of Ua
lint committee of Ue totmtoeippi Tal­ mltteo, atoo plaaee BMatloa Uttw aaJ
ley Lnmtermea’a Amodatioa met yaw tnla oa which tbep wlU arrire. A
tatday to agre^ an adTaaoa te toke gr*pd camp dm will te glren bp Ue
aCoet neat week. A eeeond adraaee eatertalalag eorpa, Tecoday erealag.
at 7:80. la Kaaraep towahaU. Mci'
will be mode o aioBtb later.
aoa Baltof Cor^a atmdlng UU eoarmitlOB will Jola the Peotai BeUalngolBg
A. Loagwertby to back fram Oil City. to Petoakep.
That tbeae oooreBtkma an ho^I
J. T. Baaaahwoatto Chicago paw •d taapiring to all who attead. we all
kaow. and it to booed that ererp eorpa
fUaeto Vogt of Blchmood, lad., to la tbe dtotrict wUi te repnaeated te
thto eoareatiee. aa Uere will te qaaela Ua dtp.
X E. DoUep of tbe Bmpire Lombar tloaaof
which erery eorpa to I
Co., was la towa peaterday.
Lat aa eadearor
Mtoe Mlnato Beltaer retaraed bom ahould hara a rolee.
Chicago oa tbe Petoekep paetarday.
X C. Orlatl. troreUag pameagar
^oat of tbe Oaaadlaa Paoifto Bp., to la
Ann Socix. PreaUeaV
JcnxinA.. Woubaa. Secrelarp.'
Baword P. Tmodw«p. dmk U Ua
Xwob-to-waato hotel, wu la tbe dtp
Chortoe Boaeathol of tbe Bootoa
Btoro, retaraed from aa eaetara trip Xteeember Wheat Climbed To SS
Ooate Tootoidoy.
Chieogo, Sept. *.-Wbeot opoood
tom. B. X Soltoraad Mm. S. a tooffaU of Bon. ipeBlpeaterdap at Ne-ab- pret9 etroag today. Dooombor etertlng
at Mat b.oa adraaee of iX at IX
orer yooterdopb olooiag. Tte UrerMra O, L. Wblto of Moaoote
^TtoUtag bar eoa. Bmor Wblto of tba pool Biarket was the orenbadowlng laflaeaee. There woe eaSetoat reoll
Mn. J. X GrofUek oad dot«bMr J»- at Uo opealag adraaoo to ooaio a
aoUia to MX- Than woe pnoUeoUp
aq.Sbdot for lola aftar tha opmilng ofoadI Mm.
Mn BBlott «y of Boy fort^ warn ouorbod aad the market
led. December ollmWag ap to M
a. «oHod on frioade ia tbo dtp yeobefore aeoUer tarnlag point was
tordoy moreiag.
A. T. B. Palmar of Otoago. who boo roaebed Trade beemte brooder aa Ue
boeaipMdlsgowodifnUodfy. will
loan today for Peteakey.
KeotagofOU Frteada.
ChoriwX Wodermaa aad wife of
Mro-J.O. KaatororofOnad BapUa
Boeheetor.B. V.. war* lathedqy toot
aad bar three bops, who hare teea at
sight oaHbeir wap to Blk B^dda
b-ta-waate for a eoeple of weUa,
Mn. BUo Sbortor. wbe teirlmea ria.
Ue gamta of X J. Mmgaa two or
Maghorototor.Mn.A.A.M^. left
tohorbomolBBodeoa. taAT>eMor- throe dape thto rraU oa Uetr wop
ton. Knxtoror waa fermerlp
SBBaAaaehe. daaghtorof How.
AUep Thomoe left ycotardap 'finer■eoa fer a «r^ to ladiaoopolto oad Hob. Bmll Aaaehe. who was noelrer of
land ofOeeat this pfemdarXlUm^lad. SowUltegOMahoat

“IwoDito «pUto. "Uoond Joho
srratber tadkatwi. far terevty tuur :.aan dinget *‘M 0 ante la tte gnat galaxy
of ecBUiwBwealUu HawaU wUl dmplp
froB >a m. y»tw4.r: Pur Irdlaas a
tea Jtm daadp."
p..rUvm. twTlabW ataW F.e Uwia Hkhl
"You bet." ecbeed BotL
aaa gbowsn: Itgbt a rtb^tlr wlmtoteocnB. Down, "a wgalar H^lolo."—PhUabbto aad tsrr aOn« I'w l.'ytwr Hiri.
avvara: ftsab no I ■aaMarly wtada Iw
t. For Wacc.B«s-IU.«Wfri: frsak
Aaeembty Friday erealw. Prof. X
• Vlada. Fe tov»->alr watbsr. prw
r ihovias to aa icra lortaia; cuUrto B toHriangh'a Daaeiiig academy.
IWlt _________________
Morganatic murrlagrs nisp to oeeridend to bare b:id Iteir dap. Their
dcothkaell haa teea toaoded bp (be
Jadgmaal Jam nadend ui tte LlppeDWtpold eaeoeadoB etaairovertr I7 •
epeeianp or^aad triboaal. prodded
orer tgr the roaenbla king of Saxoop.
dean of oU tte mrereigae oompriaed in
tba fedetslioB known at tba Ganaaa
ompite. Aetordiug to tte daeddoB of
thto eoart—tte decrees of wfaioh, bp

tte Uroaa Thto helm the caae, it natarally follows that tbep eeaoe to entaU
aap dtoqnalifytug cmieeqBMMM So all
other portioaier*. aad theC tbep teoome
Tte triboual coaid not kg^lp oottt
to any oUmv oaoclasioa. For if mor------ ------- —*---------- tte pert of aaon-


0 that at lean nra qneatioa wbetim if JSmperor WiUiain'e atpament bad been admitted hto
own ehildrraooold bare beeo permitted
to eaooeed to tbe Utoae cf Prma^
dine a bp no means mnote anecMor of
tte prreait Ooman ernpema married a
eerranl girl, from wboen ber imperUI


led a pan^ bad, and area man
Uoae that know jnet bow maob joy to
In sate a pomamioB.
If yon bare a boUed. cow pnaap
there in Angom. TnupUatantil
Mda daring cfOd weatbm. or. larnead of
P^. fire.p light ooreriag cf toarcd
white sboold not te potead cloaafy.
Gire air and light oa warm, aump

Prettiest cap on the market—made with
patent leather visor-^ui all latest cloths,
inclDding all shades of Cordnroy.
Also the new Cassimere Hat—turban
shape—made with one oi; two colors, as
desired—prices fifty cents to one dollar.

wish to show every interested customer our
new stock in this department.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

profmaor to a tboroagb taaebrr of the
an of daaeiag aad UtUe Qorlnae mtoatohed all bp her elerer work la parforming aU Ue moat dUBealt morw
awate with aaae aad grsee. Thrp are
famUiar wlU aU the modara daneea
aad the little tody, althoogb allgbtlp
iedtopoaed. waa perteet la erery daam.
wheresm he bga formed a elasfa la .
gcBtlemaa who to aprlgtai ta hto baal?
ama dealiaga, aad abMld be retara
bmo agsia tn orgaalM a elam sriU m-

been at Maoklaae laldad
aad met arlU good aoeecea
Eaiarpria*. Aagait itt. IMT.

ereolag followte bp a bop. Prof SUren oad daaghten am tbe ehamakta
ball-room danoen of America oad ^learen of tba raorld. Thof daam as fortydiSereat
aad are amaaing as well as oatartMaIng. A large crowd steaded UeU persnmg.-OMIy I
:gmt 17, W7.

Tbe popularity of iVof. 8U1
bto dangfiter rraa erideaeed tooadap
Bight bp Ue Urge crowd that atleaded
the daaeiag ezbibiiioa at Lewis Op*«
Boaee. ProfTfalren has gneofal
danaag ledaeed to a eetonee. Silron
aad Coriaae exemplify Ue •' poetry of
But it to 0 Oood Thing M Pmrldo a motloB " wiU a cadeaoe and grace that
MBBOt te exeelled.-C3iari*roU Seat!Latter Bom fer Hoc Whoa Froo
dol. Ango« «. IW7.
' Ztolirory U Xnabltohed.
Prof. X X SUrom aad da^bur
Oeo. W. Eaff has beaa eppofat
exhlblttoB of rcaad
agont in Uia eltr for J. S. MaoM A Co,
— —*—■----- >ol letterdrop ______ _________ City Mooday erealag.
box plates orer soo aUeadlag. It wae 0 enditeand receirer*. Now that free dallrary
ia aaanred and wUlte mteUtobed aboet
Nerumber 1. Ue laaVter oaght to te Uepeafsmorebowadblmaelf a a
looked after. While there to 00 eom- of Ue art A dance was giren after
! eihltUloa.—St Ignaea Knterprtoe.
paUioo aboat It. a drop boa srill te a
greol eoarealeace aad a nrlng <
tmeUe to the boasawife as well aa U.
Sdma X SUrmra, awtoted by
carrier. Mr. Ra8 has a few aemplea ,
aad daagbter gave a. tlatohed
rangiagtrMtSeeatotoSl.OO. Better
a of daaeUg at Ue opcc»
call at bntellorabtvU raarof Masom
Wrdaeeday algkt. The aklU of
to block aad look them orer. IM-OL
weU QJ
maeMr. Silrm....
tnted by Ue Saeaeee of tbe
Ilnle glrt'a
ra. 1who to aUo a
work and tors. SUrara.
po|41 shows npld adrai
bare often
bevd Prof,tUlren
of la O
Grand Baplds. totok.. bat new
Cheop Bate to Ohieago by Ua Laka bad Ue
.e pleaaore of witaemlag bto aU
la Ue ^a^aaU^t Wylaeadiy^algb
The Nortbera Mtohigaa Tnaapoptetloa Co. will isaae a ronad trip SIO ’
tii-krt from Trareme City tn Chtoa^,
good ui^ Oewber 1st. nis will laclade meals and berths.
ll» 6t ,
faibitioB at Ue open
d^ erealag. The Pit
tooad daaoee aloae.-------------. .BMP
.. of
stem WlU ton. lUIren. litUe Mtoe
atoo exhibitedter
1 akUl and


wm XatarUin WtodueadAy

chanalag maoaer. Bermoremeat ..
parfeotaad oaap. abowtogAble tmtolag.
Prof. Silreta to witboai doubt Ue teat
exacator of Ue Tarpriehoreaa an that
waa erer to tbe ritp. Hto moremeata
to tbo many dlBeatt naad daaoea wen
easy aad gneefel. Maarip erery oae
of Ue daaew were baartUy eaeored.
It to tbe toteattoa of Ue BUron to
^ Ue art of daariag dariag Ue
1 aad wtoter. aad' already maap
re offered to baaome mambme of
the____ ___ - ________
Ue eabibitioB.-toaatoUqte Pleaam.
Sept. 11. 18M.
We. Ue at-_____ _________________
Bqaien Orttealra of Unad Baptde.
ehearfally riwmanad to the pabUe

Prof. X X SUren. formerly of Onad
Rapida. oae of Ue oaoat rOcleat tostnaetora of
la tba elate, to arnagiag to glre aa exhlbiUm, aaatoted
te ^ teaghur. ConaM. of all the
------------- arttotie daaoea. to
idOpan bouse. The ^
ea aaaarel aeoarisM.. He bare no bew
Iteaep to root—ladtoff him oa the
laaet aad moat giMaSI emeator wo
boa wUl te girea. Tbs date to arm bad Ua pleuan ef rriteimlac
algbt am tbe pa^M aad weallaaitelaatetterUathaeef^
to to make thto
tatolptoacMMltoBeae. OffaaA
Band Orehaatra
Iranaai '
to lire

Very early ia te*Ut Ue peotoettoB
map te remored, nd, If oanfallp wa­
tered aad teeltemd fnm tbs aoooMde
aan. the paatoce wlU moa to hloeari«p
As eooo aa Ue troM to oat of tba gfo«Bd
they map te tnaaplaatod to the gatete.
Make tte bad rich rriU old. das. sta­
ble maDme. Oirethemamaayritaatfen. 1 my, WlU aQ defnaam to writon ^faTSte r^w^4he mSa
Onad BapUa, Hot. n. IMS. HIM
who lay paaatoa aead a abedy poaithm. mtoalOB wlU'te lOeoata aad 18 eaate
Mol^tte p^h^wiU oMp dm, lor rmerrald aaata. Btorybody to wel­
Motloa to Wa^ Ooaaammo
-------n—• rliiT- WlU te
The aw ef water lor^
aon fnm the bottom of the faaap or, formed. FaUowtog are a few of tbe
be«W thaa anpUlag rim If yoo eaa exeelleat teettodoAto girea Prof. 8U- BoacB X te vvinlea, eaafemd to
8 a. m. aad I a. aa. atoo
get it. to wood aarU or loaf mold.

A good nratoh mi ptoafy of wten,

aad we hare BO MHhtM Uat frill hart

There wmateigeaMMritotoaeat Ue ""•’Jlll£.'::b.n Wtetetofe-adreo^ry te thto rale wffi be ahte
home. Frifeymto^. to wfe
_____ ______________ _
xaesptwfemed teMlalpwmnhw



W6 want your hat and cap trade, and

D. CamBx A Btm.


Ever Burned Out?


Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
The Enterprise Grocery
1b still doing bn&iness on
Front Street; jnst west pf
S^nberg's Grand Opera
Ilo^e. and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.

Enterprise GroceiT,
W. J. BOBIN8ON. Maainii



—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
>r OF SAFETY....
Fire Insurance.


(toll aad toapeetUesa.



•••mttP Htv* « Fighting.Ctnn**
tbo Striko of
Coal Minora.

fen ftajouBfec uA Mt k *«rt tea «a«MMd M ta vtet a tbt MBtteMt


truta RiTmoB. Barclay aad ..
who bar* bc«a te tamp b^ for Um

•VBlepmdnt of thd TdBtiMNMiy ha
thd runeui Ch(e«cQ WHb
Murdtr Crntd.

could aot do tbat and
lag Cbey bad lived pri
---------------------------------------They bav*
been orderly and well behaved. Tber*
|ttemnt at tetlmMatlea


aad they toede pan et n Man.
A featora of UdsromaritaM* ease Uat
M hardly less reskarkable than the eaa*
I* tbe teurtt that Lather Lallte Mills
takas te IL Fbr over two monlbs,
prompted solely by bamanltartan moUvoa be has had deUeUres at work te
Dortbera Wlscosste tryteg te locate a
woman who. la tbe opinion of oonte
people, mar be the Blsring Mrs. Luetgvrt. Almost dally Mills has reevtved

Smokers I




leats aid Groceries

irm BmU> WMh«r IW B


rmiii 1


PUtnors. 8^t. a—The Plttabnn «•!
«Omton nt tbe mUsmI vsmtiTt
boM4 or tbe UnllfO HIb* Workcn of
AmarkB at I o'clock this monOoB
CeloBlwa. O. A confmoc* wu beg
■nd It 1* very trobobl* tbat (be big
atrik* viU beketUedteot. bowwer, bbiU
tba DlDcn ot tkc Pittaburg dutrtet te'
B akg. m* Ik brief It tb« UtotUcm. ai
bopaa art btgb tbat a aettlatocot trill
fonow the confcretide. It knay b» prtTwitad. though, br oer aid* or the otba
(hlUBg to tnaka eonrcalocM that ■or
be la OgbL Itet the intaan' ofl
thiBk (avonblr <* tbe propoaltlaB
Utted by Tboma Toni« la bebaU of
tbe Beaaior Haaaa InCereoU la rery ert>
> dent. A pitvnta OMtaage from Dherlrt
PnaldeDi Dolan atye tbat tbe proporittoa will be cenildered. but that be waa

Peoria, nia, Bept. t.-Tbe mteer* of
tbe Peoria and Canton asb-dlatrtet met
yaaterday at Matdetoe to a delegate
untSob aad deddad u rrtara to
I thla BorWag at aacala eg
Thts affects about lOM

mo p^’S OAUQHTen married.

4Mra«M.y-B.w »,Sarad Rvterara ■*• I
“• Amw TbMs Was Any Crtass"^1 In tbe latter^ pan of July be was
aoUclied to defend Luetgert. and te
_______ cd' company with Attorney vin.»,-t w.a
efgevt trial two Intcr^wi »lih the p
general Uileres^ li
*rre *u
ycBterday sras tbe ei
could nori^go hilo the case, but he n
s t.took a grant
Interest li
Daring one of tbe teterview-t te tb*
M be bad been with CMBcee SHngvr. Uv-i eouhty Jail Luelgrri ahowtd hlB a big
teg at tbe latter-a bouse sM paying ao ■ buudle of Iriter* frotn
from pev|>le
pevide who raid
board. Be bad dune no w^ but y.
>'Ue was I
apector debaack had provided meaaS for' wanted money to And ber:
tea wife to live and pay tesL Ibr fact pteporiercus tale*. One
was also brought out ibst previous tel Mllla It was rigned by a man named
May 1 the watchman bad met Lueigen i SBltb
?H!lUi and aald ilthat In hi* tplnlo
tn different paru of
hour* of the DtghL
I view. Win. a small town near Oreoo
It the build-1 3^ ^ ju« sooth of Sturgeon Bay
B tbe yard at late hour*. ranaL Mill* sent for Smith. He toM
t said be regarded the actioDS of | m, ,ior, bywtrnlgfaUorward manner. Il

ding of MIm Bada' Mae Peck, d
of Ur. and Ura Perdteand W. Peck, to
Mr. Charlea Barries Slmma aoa of Mr.
W. n. aimma, of Dayton. O.. was oelebraied at OcoDomewoc yenerday afteeBoon at 4 o'clock te £uu> Splacaoal
ctaurcb. Tbe whole village waa en fete,
and never before had preeented aueb an
attractive accite. Never bad any aodsl
fUDcilon Uken place at Oroaomowoc
•bat ao esHted Interest a* thla nuptial
be turned on the | that a raistkrlons wo.
event. Tbe little Ep4acoi«l church In
m into tbe bs eneni at S o'cloek. mto tb* Wm bouae
which the eeremoey took place li a
was unusuaL
simply asking tor food.
small atone edIBce sitaated on Fowler ThisOsuW
Mara kera La. tg.ri at Week.
lake, te tbe naldat ot a iree-abaded
It was made plate to tbe Jury te tbe
yard. It la about a block and a half
>-esai<.iitall>T tt>a< U.eia.
bis fainted when she heard the name Luetfrom tbe Peck residence.
Tbe bridal party walked totbeebareh. position te the boiler room, could have, g*rt menUoned when* of tbe
The trw# ere ao beavily laden With looked through an opening near tbe ele- , crime reached tb* farm bousn. A defollagethat iheentlre waysraa abeltersd vator and have seen LuHgvri at the | tactlve was ssat to tbe place. He found
vat te the LaaemenL He did aot do oo.' tbe
the farm, but tbe worn*
woman was gotw. Her
by a Bsttaral gfeen Uiw
be raid, boause he knew t would not disappearance was a
waa ted by U
do for him to be caught at H. Bulk; ttrmar aad a anbject for meditation by
after whom ccame tbe be
asM that although Luetgert had bar-1 tb* detective. He found, so It b saM..
mtaaii an In favor of aroeptlng tbe
bad appeared
daughter of U
? --Tn. whir,- o iBr ,, ,n
neighborhood sbcrtJy bclor* she
propoolUoa and H la almoot certala tbat
arehce I. Peik, served aa flower girl the
a eanrcBUonkriu be called. Wbetber tbe
“ *'■ I vaalabed. He at once came to tbe n.aIs preceded Ihe bride. Tbemoat plctor- baaemeM tbirv was ai
which be could have walked Into t ' Huaicm tbat tbHr appearance aad her
BOW they an much elated o
.. and Hr. Oar-

yiare of the <v
' byhoMlaga
operator* t
trada Tb<
atari aad If a aetOeineeit I* not reached
Colambua. it U ksown that they wUl
rtouiue with ini(»ned men. Becretary
WflUan Warner laned a letter to
BtlDen laat night enuring then tbi
aettlcBient would be made at CMambua
below the O-cent rule without Ont
. avtlog then in convtotloii.
OoloDel W. P. Itend arrived In Pittaburg yaaterday. Be aald be hoped that
a aetUemeel would won be reached, and
If It waa aoi the operator* would bring
In Dcw men. *1 Halm to have the right
to operate my own property f* 1 eee
fll,- be raid, "the' efforta of the offlclaU
of the mteer* to the conlrary nutvltbatandlng. ThU ir aright 1 haw. and the
law of tbe land mil proti'cl me. There
la no doubt that U a setllefnent la not
reached tbe opcralora can get em
men In a few day* to operate Ibelr
mine*, which tlWy wrely win do. Tbe
operator* have never abated In tbeir ef­
fort* to Wart chemlne* and will no dooljl
have tbam rncnlng tn a abort time."
D* ArraM Mgw* **r ralfraraRy.
W. P. DC ArmlL prealdeni of
New Torfc and Oereland Gu Oal c
puny, lajt eveeltg aturhed the al|
«ra 0
Tbb rignal'
awaited a long tSme. and wine of the
prolBOten of tbe arbeme were beginning
to deapalr of gettlrg It Thoce having
In ebarge the neruring
•urtng ofr ilgnalBtee
feel ennOdem thal tbe real of tbe
■ wpwmtora win ten In line rapidly aad
tbe aGlfomJly plan will aoon be an a
nred ted. Tbe aecnilve committee
ttaelakeWiIpperabeldaRieetlng yraiei^
day. and It I* aald that It wa* .decided
to move at or.<'e toward* opening their
mlnra. Tbe mine* were aclertrd
tbeir location waa ngi made.pabUc. Ar■d'^m.mi
mplIoB will not
be tel
Ooiamboa coafereBra I* known.

teaw. of Dayton. O.
Tbe cbalr, wbk-lf «
for tbe occaaluB. wai Of wicker, and
formed an artistic bower of sweet
and amJlag. Tbe Interior was lined
empire green silk. The charcb asd
chabcH were elaborately decorated
with goldeh-rod. pahns and amUax.
-Hvm of smllax were strung fron tbe
raftera and ihwroud aereen te froat of
tbe altar wasm aolld maaa of goldenrod. Tbe chnteh waa lighted by wax
candlca. over tw being uaed. Rev.
Frederick Jewel, rector of Zlon'trhurch.
and Dr. John Rouae. of Trinity. Chi­
cago. bfBclated.
Wbwb rseeamatily WmCeraMmSsfingW
ly Mmal T

HarrimiUe. Mich.. SepL t-Thla vtrlnlty I* excited over an outrage per­
petrated by a masked mob upon Hiram
McKiitea and Mrs. Frank Rawa
Rlnna waa recently shot and slightly
Injured by Mrs. Haws' hosband on ac­
count ot McKlnna'* alleged temlltarity
with Mrs. Haw*. During Tcuaday night
two name* of masked n»cn took tbe
weroan and McKlnna from the tetteria
boos;, irtrtpivd them of most of tbeir
ciothlag and marched them to West
Harrtevnic, three mile* distant. Aoggteg
them both with whl|w en roote.
The hair was cut out fnun Mrt.Bawt'
bead and the couple
:raph |<ulc. l.ater McKteea wtreturr.ed burnt with the woman, who
waa in a pliable HindtHoa from tbe
blow* she haJ revived. There have
been no arresl* yci.
asoera aa tbe EWU FteU.
Chicago. Rer-i. 1.—League Iiase
rrcordf; At Wasbtegioo—FltUteirg L
Washington S: at PblUdelphla—Lout*la T: at Utlmo
Raltimorr 11: at Bosti
Cbiragn A ttesion 7; at New Tork—
Clnclr.rail 7. .New Tcrk S: af Brooklyn
—Clevtlsnd 1, Itmnklyn ^
Western Aaiurlatlcn: At

Oilirs bj Telejliiin Pronjtli

CAULXETT & 00Coe. Calm aad Mtelbau.

opRg BAT agn kwar;

Board. BiwctalBaUs



always IB stoek.


Lady Watts


Fishing Parties

Now for Business!



It* Rmid Again.
New Tr.rk. Sepl.L—Bar silver made a
low record in this market yesterday.
The quoted price era* filtt eesta ao
ounce. U rent briow .tee prerteas low


Rates, $1.50 per Day.


ms test .yoor ladlridBai
Queriten reprearat tease
Of lb*
for whirb mirapprehen*
reapcaslble. sad wbicb
(SO. would seek to dIspeC tbe cerporatl»B • • • racBot feel Ibet the dlvergence of viesra apou tb* silver tfuestloa and It* effects ui-un tee uhlvetslty
between ycu and the mearbera of tec
corporstl* c 1* an adequate cause of teparaiton l^twien ua. • • • It tbervfoee renewsltsamarancevof highest re­
spect and expreraea the confident hop*
that you wlU -withdraw jour reslgna-

Ib S aad lac. Offai*

Ptfk stmt. Mwbbb ?Kst A Cbbb.

d him to go back I tn*n a ratnHdeiwe. In f
Ad delivered tbe , the *
M. Luetgert did j Tbetatm pe^srecognlsed Mrs. Loot.not at any time tell bim not to enter I cert's tteoucrapb The huot bas been
the baaemenL The watc&raan said be pep, „p
since. Tbe scent grew
could have locked tram tbe upper floor*
cold and hot. From
of tbe factory acrara a court into tbe tsrm to farm the detecar* weaded hb
part of tbe building* wbsra the
He heard < every hand of tbe
were and could have seen Luetgert and
but never got with.
bb laniertu but did not do ao.
’ In forty-eirht hour, of her. For ARC
Mas Whe Hasdl^ tb^ PwSad
Frank Ocorafsky. the smoker
deteetjv. Ullb baa pursued thla teLnrtgrrt fartory. wa* called aner Rlalk
it bU own exj
left the aund. He told of a larrel of
Painter caaeriraege wtufT which riood In
engaged as
office, and which he wm told «o carry counsel for tiM defenae.
aald. "it will burn your bands." Luel; rsia.isil.s r.sbisi
l^i* Is l fais
gerl, continued Ihe witness, told him to .
__ . . * J. r .

pure the stuff resr the middle vat and ;.
break It up He coverad hb bands with !
that they would not be burned
Brawr. unlveralty voted yraterday aOer a long meeting t
and did a* he wae tHA "What. If any- lentey
Andrews to withdrew
thing, bappeeed while you were break **
33. 3>.A.2Ta'330Xar.
• l It upr'
- asked
- - -Alale's Attorney Ignallr.e as prealdmt of tbat It
Deneeii. 'The stuff burned through the The rsquert wm* embodied In
rag* and burr.-d m>- hands. I tcld Mr. tJan which began with sc earnest bope
lAietgen about it. and he aald: 'Be care- teal Ibeprerldenlandvorporailon would
fuL Take your time.'
be brought imo carneet accord, and exWkat He Pewsd Nest Mstwl^
pUtelrg that te the n^n»raUon'* acOdorofsky Mid be broke up the caus­
not loiyndcd to •pr*. Ooraar of UbM Md Bay Streets,
tic poush under Luetgerl'a direction*,
1 which yea sbouM|-U*ar M. A N. R. depot, wiabra to aaand put it In tb* middle vat Wltnese tr-ao. or
0 rerirain your findcdh of nouDce to tbs public tbat be baa rethen told what he raw In the hasemeot rebuke. .
HoDday -morning. May 1 Beside (be opInUB or Teaioeable
--------ftUadaad famished tbs Botel Paagrat was a mass of reddUh-brown stuff ance.’ but Empty to tetimaie that
which bad crrrflowed frten tbe %-ai and would be bie part of wtedom for yoa to
been cwTTlid part of tbe way toward (be take a less active imrt te excltteg partisewer oper.irg te tbe floor. Tbs-riuR san dtecnasfon* and apply your eoergte* iag pabUe la good ah^ Satlafacthm
had as offenslTe imell. and was slimy more exclusively to tbee aSalra
of tee

emoke house near by. ‘Two of Ihesr
doors were smeared with some ■ahstann
as though they bad been on lop of tee
vat and the roRteci* of the vat had
boiled up agxirst the
(he fdoor*. He raid
quantity - of
shove) and rsamln^ Il carefully. In It
he eould are small nlr<
what appeared
Meed the riafflar tbe raUcw.
Odorefaky raid Luetgert ordered him
to remove the stuff from the floor asS
vat. whirh he did. and ter nurageIOWA Mfimu ARE OM gTRlKB.
iker then told him to take it <Al Into
II over the yardl
the yard and s<
ysed." raid tee
apoiis. Detroit
witness, "but I did rot scatter tt
Dm Moines, la.. Rept. £.—The tbrsat- Weather.
arounO. Inrirad I dumped It In en*
sned mlBera’ strike In thla dlalrict cuiAaw>Mallna; At Peoria—
pls<« and put aome'dlrioverlt.’* Wltnera,
1. Decorahmteated yesterday, and all the miner*
raid that after tbe pollre began (heir teLl Cedar Rapid* veMlgailors be abowed Ibem.whetv h*
except about foe emfjoyed In tbe Cbri*had pla>-nl the material from the vat
ty. FUct rdllcy and De* Moinre Ccal'
and Mining company'* mines went out.
following the lead of the Carimndale
Chlragn. flepL 2—Ul*s France* £.
miner* sevi-ral days agode- j WllUrd na> Issued the olBclal call for

is« you MM o«r »akM

TM iMspinl iHtes

Bay Bl. nsar X. a R. R. DepSL

F«m this date this boat
will Dot make regnlar con­
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how­
ever, can make arrangements
for the nse of this handsome
yacht, by commnnication by
mai] or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

See Oil lew Uee

Picrure Mouldings
Cycle OfieroLookHere!

„liV.» ~

Lederle’s STTS


IJ. E. Greilick Co. I


Call and Inspect our Complete Line.



appolnled to confer ailh Ihe opsratort :
Bun*l«. .N. T.. Oct. » to Nov.
^ a^Mlement may be effected. About | A P**- « «IH Immedlauly follow
fourth lilenntsl n nvenllonot the tVcwld**
n>e operators Isaord a riateinema few W. C. T. L'.—<Vi. a ti) a—which,
days ago refusing to grant tbe price turn will follcw the anr.Usl o.nvenllon
asked by tb* mteera, and it Is reason- of (be W. C T. i;.. ot (be Dominion ot
Canada; the lari two to be held
city of Torecto. Ont. -______
enta. a
w may grant St and
mteen as Polk county, but the strike
nay afferi tb* offlcial De* Motees dis­
trict Uklng In Adair. Boons, d*u—
OracD*. Gathrie, Marion. Polk. Story
aad Webster eeunUes.
Boons, la.. Bept L—The miners in tbit
district bM a mesung yesterday aflerDoon and voted te demand St cent* per

This *umincr tbe miners te tb* gsnersJ
trade mtrws agn -d to work daring tbe
>u la order te get some
e dull aeaaoa, tbe uaderataodlR
Ddlng being that the M-«eet cut
onid be resumed tn tbe faU. Tb*
vmllroad Bines have aJirady made tbeir
cotaract* with the road* and with their
snlnan and say they cannot pay mora.

day's seaMoB of the state Cbrlnlan En­
deavor cocvenlloD opened with early
morning prayer meellng* al various
palms In the city. In tbe eoaveeiloe E.
R. McGaaley. of Cedar Raplda. spoke on
•■Where An tb* Toung Men?" C A.
TObe. of West Union, on "Why Are 9a
Few Touug Men te the Cburchr* and
Waiter R. Rennlaon. on ' WhatIt Shall Be
Dose W Get Hold of the T« >ng Menr
JteF I
the Retwed Appte.
Maacoutab. Ilia. 8ept. 2,-Judge PadSsM. reridlng near Summertleld. a taaU
doaen miles north of her*, has broken
the Ug apple recoid srtlh on* Juat
picked In tala orchard. It Is of the BslteDota variety, weighs twenty^ne
ooneea. sod t* flve and tme-balf teebes

package conUInlng %Sm In silver
mlee* AeveaSed.
the stolen te a mysierioas Banner fron
Adams Express office here lari n
Although as empioy* was wlthir
feet of tb* package when It was takes
he MW or heard no ona Detectives are

thraau of vtolcnor preveated ibeSnaa
jnln^ from working Monday vreee Rrvaried by SberiS iSurita and are bowAb
tbe Bruokimie JaU. Further ar^
wfl] follow. Tb* men arrested were
atmsd with raveivsra. The detsxatss
Mrs ysgtartay nst am after l o’clock
'.40A adjsumsd Cor a oaoualttss to
BimMate resnlarioaa A seal was'
jAaead « «b* ttes of etary delegate b*.


The Pure Juice
Butter, First Class


Bicycles to Rent
Wat»r FiRMt la Ut* city. All tbs'best fruit flnsat*. FralUand
OUUd ffaySI 0<»f#ctt<»orT U»* brak A. A. McCoy A 80S. FVont 8k
tkrate Uatos Stnek

Angus McColl

VMUnraad Bead borM* a qmIt of MovEaa-* Uvsey Ban.

FMdlac Farmen’ Hmaa « SpaeUlty. Hbtr— Bourdad.

Boston. Bept- t-At » amwiag et tb*
kMid of Orsetm ot tts OaiasNt
Bodalonlnff eos9«iy yosterda;
divusod s( CU ptr Mars wa* dseterad.

Union auawtn.

Gr^ that wil|ki|l B^gs

a flpgr a •RT.'m.



Si<3-et5oa3?a. Sa±e.
T.nU ru...
> »*■
DaMb 1ft 1 loebra. Cbrvsd Paasl Doora, Two
DrwwacB. Bids* VsnlOatad.




ThrM Parttot Cembin* te D*>
fMt tiM O. O. P. at th«
8tat» Enaction.

prlBdjilM. TIM D»ocnU iwfomA th«
Chle««o pUtfonn. Tb« cosfemie*
mitten went inw Melon et nlcht end
«ot into • deediock at on<« over ttie
Mpfrac JudceiUp.nn the panieewentInc thei omc«:. At * e. m. todejr Bryei

report of tbt conferenre comtnlttee.

1CAIT l)£I£0AliB n ATTElSAiaS

Lfaceta. Neb. Sept L-^utp-peetn*
der RMmlnr tbe eireeu of lAactin fluinc wUh people encertr anUci*
antiBf tbe eKriiemtot of n trlolocr of
oooeabUoiia. Tbit m-M tbt BrM time the
Uino elleer pertiee ever met utetber la
I la tbe tete. end tbe flret
time tbe Bllw Rep
> pvtr bet
held e delecete eonvenOon la the United
Btewe. Tl)U coeveetlon ef tbe SUvtr
Repoblleant eet ibt perfected enrenl*
patioB of the partT fonaoteted at a
raata-meeunc held la Ueeoln
March. A braet band paraded the
Mteett and tbe cooatiT ooetlaseat vere
badece and ttranned tbt tldnraika
Bven’bodr talked fualon and barmoar.
ZNtfiastbe moraine tbe DemocmUccUU
ocBtna committee met and agreed to
taeommend C A.
Bhalleebnaer. of
ver BepnbUeana met and a«r^ to recommand F. F. Loomla of Omabe. for
tbe name pealUonraod the RiinilM ttete
•antral committee decided to leave the
aelectloe of a tempurarr chairman to
their ooovemlon.
Opcaiaa ar MTbne CaaevalikM.
nt thm eonveetlona were called to
•rfler at t o'clock reeierdar afirmoon,
tbe Popnlltta mre-tlDC In tbe Lanalna
tbeatar, the DemixTaU in a putdk hall,
and tbe Bll»-er Ripubilcaaa in tbe T. U.
C. A. atidUonaiD. Had there been a hall
In ebe cUr Urs* enoueb lo accommodate
tbe crowd tbe three cunvanUona would
^havc been raenmd Into one. The DemoctaU and Silver Republlcana appointed
temporarr chairmen at aelected and tba
PopBltaU Klecltd I. H. Poweia, of Lin*
cotn. to i>reMe over tbclr maeltnc. Tbe
Democratic convention waa probablrUie
moat enlbuttaulc of tbe thre#. The haU
waa mted to lu ntmoat capacity. The
feature of the openlnf a-at tbe declara­
tion of State Cbairmbs Dablman rela­
tive to Xbf lennt of fudoo.

a, 1897.


Morgap-Oo you babara a tmu
riU Ua abuot bar aga?
Bbatlaad—Aboat tt? Ob. dmr, aa


IIU., Sept L—mnaen
namhetu of tba family and people Uvinc



grouDib and lliiened to a number ef a^
4rear* hj IV. J. Bryan. ea-Rrprr*enUr
tlve* A. Town*. General Weaver
and uibrra.
Bryan aald. ia






over three

Wgbly |

MlnMIer Woodford <ha* lefl Part* lor
The price of bread 1* aUU advanetag
•and Patia
Supertniaodret Lane expecu an anroiimeet of as,a» putai* in the Chicago
leboou ibl* term.
In tbe laat ala day* over »T.oee,a« ba.
to the
been aUlpped from .Vrv York
wat to more the eropa.
Rpmrnyl.the Hungarta
robbrd cf H.WO of allrerwarc. Jewelry
and clothing in New York.

CeoiptrbUer of tbe Currency Jamm H.
BekrU baa arrived at Helena. HocL.
It U right DOW. If it wa* tbe
for a hunting trip jinto tba
mount Uaye.........................................
. ration wai wia* moaotalD* of Colorado.
Saloon atattatlc* Cor the laat Chleago
tben U ta'-wtae now. The three purtim
cun act U«eUier without Injory to tbetr Uconee period ihow the laauanc* of CAM
party urganlaailona. wilboul •acriflca bcanaca. with iwcelpu of tl.0H.aM. Tbte
of principle, and without bam to each I* a decraaa of tS1 ealoona.
1 otber.
Mra BeaslaHIggioA daughter afwmtam Batidngbam. was found dad la
bed at her home In Ridgeway. Wte. Sba
• fight each other ll
waa in perfect health tbe day before.
praoencr of a united and ubbctvp
Reports from the grain department In
•aamy would not only poatpone t
tba oAcv of Ibe railroad and wanbouse
camttiiiBloa of nUnote teat wnk Mow n
tba gueocm of every other n
yar ago. The net Incra— at
tba fnrea which acted logetbar UM Cblceiga waa lABLtU buahHa.
year doa not m««o that any one of tba
A tarmar named Nelaon. tbm mila
partlM win airaUBw up the otber two; Bottb of Kankanaa. wia. teat all of hte
It oimpir meon* that tbey will travel grain by fire. A steam tbmhar had
tewether while tbey can and aparuta been engaged to do tbe tbreeblBg. and
only when they mnat. It OMana that had JuM begun wfaan lira waa dlacor'they wHi plac* tbe euccea* of a gruat
eaum above tba lamporary trlnmiib of
Consul General Dee caUa tbe aUU
uny parly, and lave tbe future lo do- departmanl that BvangMIna Ctaara M
termine which orguisaM la PMM
not tba ntece of tbe Haruuaa Jlifeta
worthy of puhllc aupport b tbia great Lnela. but the daughter M a pwwYTu•ontnt nti-r. err only vdbidhLua* they tan. and Ibai much more of tbe roBoutHbute to tbe auMca* of tbe canaa.**
ber 1* cnUnly falae.
•Tbv Populliu rvaArmad tbe SULaiuU
pUUurm and tbelr deroUou to fibe atlSebteetltr.'' wbo
xcr and Bn an. and rvfuaad to atulbuta
"divine heeling" camp at Uanbatuo
tbe Unproved Una 10 the tartB. liTt^bocA, Cbleega. atnea Sunday, baa beoi
g that the inproTcmenl U due to tor.
aervad wtU a aummana to antwrv tba
Bdataffa. T»<
ebatga <f pcMOdng medIdBa wuheni a
m It a pan ti
> and ebarsa tb* 1


TTJSgfcfssraiii.'aa'S ins




ooiMO Monrn.


It baa abut up iu p

a WAXTEI>-Tt*T*TMCItyLaab*r
er Co.


iaars. isa at;; isa
uBKi luiwnusmiLi


__ Koney to Loan

000(0 KORTU.

oomo UOCTB.



f* qtdcWf loMv mowy floaM aroM
Average cltlon. Hia acml rarolted

Suits to Order.

wbloh unkind fate and tbe polioa bad
raduoad him. U i* eaid tbat every tmoemity Soda aoma remedy. So it bm
proved In tbte« '

Fine Merchaot Tailoring.
wMaienle Blaek. rmoaBi


but to tbe
habitual ^yer <m tbl*
I sawly deviaed wheel of fortune they
larldeMemneb. HewalkiiDtOBetranga
' office. loWdenUlly tnmi off tbe ourraut
; of tba alaotrie fan, and if be aaa tbe
' nnmbeiB tbeaebe Immediata-lyramarkA
! *‘lefaoaaeiia.”orwbaiever may ha bU
I favorite nomber. Same mambar of tbe
Erm or a olcrk Imnuduivly plaea hla
faltfa upon loma other number taming
up, and there il la. In a minute tbera
, ia a'fiwt cleM game going full apaed. It
_______ ______on ibe ennant,
it __
BO aimple—tom
I tbeTtnm it off. and
win or loae. a* tbe
may be. Tbrta are many of tbeue

*^7 Ibi^ will win. They


W'SJtsSbSi ’iSS“ ’

a boltlw babe two

Ea*t End IClehigua 8L. OUeagu.



o.S;t.S2S5£Jir" lirtHeni lUklpi
Truiportitug Go. Chicago
West Michigan
Jferthtrn KleUgi& Idas


«po«l, bK.-

II be tt.WO per yeurE^OMMIITKK a
elliy PlfW.
BpringllcM. No.’, Sept. t-Thv roundTewwr aa* Othrra.
bourc of the Kancaa Clly. Pori Scott
Tbe aiver RepublU-an eonventlon a*- and Heirpht* mllwsy wkt complvlrly
btbiied very iliu- iw'rtt In eahauating deatroyed by Hr* ycwrtday morning and
five locamoHvoe
long'p<iwrr uod tbetv were many empty ,.......................
- _......................
- —
tba ball. Temporary | ^>r damaged. U-. cUmated at »«.-

wllh the other two partly In «be convralluii. . The th-ywe cooventiuna then
appotnlcd tbelr cummltteea and look a
raoca until J:» p. m. AI 4 o'clock Hut

1 te DMi. MC.


r<»»'ujtSrt-d tnquhaew.

Ktlng a (
tain where to atop and aldnm Mopping
be MiUfaetory to hla t«ny. but hit
• I
_________ ___________
It ongbt,
tben a awiftly
fear* dM npt appear to be gmernly
Metropolta. Hla. Sept t-A whol.*4l«
electrical wheel ought to atop in '
Temporary -Cbalrman Bballeapotming occurred In tbt family of
unoarUin nlaea wl^ tba euMt i
bargVT martv a lengthy apH-ch.
Henry MUler. Tbe polaou I* aald lo
l> Were »WII of Kami
have been admlnlMeivd by Nor. Mil- ^
aebama. . •
i'cimli* cocvrmioci wa* charac- ler a daughter In •cra’miiled eara A *!»* ibTenlor <rf tbe new form of gam- #_
tertaed by niuth eotfuiion.
Tbe dele- ; baby girt aged aU>ut H moniba. la, Wing ptoeeaded to numbet tba bladea j ••
gale* Insified on cheering for Iheir par- ; dead. The ntbera. whe are In a very aa- , Then each memberot tba gambling tru- Si
ty. and the p
■ ' rioua ...............................................
.................... ..
.................. ■
•• •
iletcmuned by a delegate atartlag
wlfe a
1 children, and Sophia Srhaf- : If tba a
a Of tba tan
cheer tbat waa alwa}-* Anlibcd
Trmporary Cbalrman
win* tba auke. It U all «> ea«y and *
eaade a abort ipFfck. In which
falrunlcaaaniaoDa*Maad*"ooaof tba •
'^’hec you make Ihr declaion a* to the
... ................................................... a Me
, bladaa. It U toeidettlally autb a bandy |
oandMtte tor aupreme Judge ore to It
la-aukec. 8epL L—A apectel
The way oi waging money, it i* fUling to i
that li 1* made in aueJ) a conclIlalorT
manner and wltti ani;b good willI wlih
___________ that to
_* '
—" - kmg feltwaaL
........................they will Join hand* and Prof^ Jji^ C. Hanwrn, of the Dnl- j^e office* wbar* aketrto tana an uaad
Too aU know. Democrat* i verity of tt laroneln. ha* Iv^en appoint- ;
too. thal If the P.WU.
>>r UbrarUn Young to be chief of ;
i beta, "Ooa, two, tbtaa. tour. Sea and ' 1
follow a Firancr ban- »*« “thJokfe department of the eon- ;

Cbalnran F. F. Luoml* mad.- a Aort
apeech urging tbe party forcea to keep
together and Join hand* in oo-oparatlng



-Sronacl- ha otad. -tadaei

Isg Up agalnat any old thing whlob
Trawa <
may tHm aoma one aha and enable tba
winner lo walk off with tbe “pile” ^paraaCK^ LCNBKB^ aaw a^K^^WW
elnng around many a petacn wbo ought
to have known better. Tbe pleaauiua cf
I.aataer laHg Bela Mlehtgaa.
tbe aportirely Inclioad
• Ingalla Ulch.. Sept. L—The new lum­ to Bueb li^antile ^artp aa mabdtlog (or
bar tarts bai galvanited into actlvlly tba drlnka, eboqttag erapa In blind ala line of bualoea which
emrloycd , ley, ud aimilar divertiona cd no parhundred! M idvd In thti vtctoKy.
■‘Om iBecOTcd rlu nronerti.


I u t«
II tt »a»
I* 1* t *1


It la thought tbat at ieaft eight Will'
die. A hired girl who la tnaane threw {
I In tba well.
>t 6e Imraed. but abe

w .lm. fb, lb. put .1. or

g and fle-




them the neccalty of gtaatlng u* thli
oIBce" By three remarki II was np-

BM- It

I —: . .1 cuta.

tTMUiCK wot > I~T1 “ITT Tlatli load
c IsadU) caaia. Traverse

' He laid: "tVe mam tbe PopaHaU lo
bndvratand tbat the Denocrata demand
tbetr abare of the fnilta of fualon. We yeorw ^ contmclom have atreodv .
aeeured work and are taking men Into
have conceded tbe bulk of offleea to tbe

the wood* to cut cedar telegraph pole*. 1
P^mllata. bol wv think we have a rtxtal
to the aopreme J
'anT'e^’caTu :
product* of tbe Bofi wood* which are j
found abundantly tn the rwampy j
atreteb of terriury betaecn Eacanaba
Bm PopUilet

,1.' W.IM1

ia ;si£iss.

*®'work double torn and blow the face
off tbe aaperbcwttvl owner if ucctwaaiy.
Tbe public wa* correapondltigly grate­
ful and rceted under tbe anifioinl alarm

Waaaafal Attvapt ofanirvaoirt a Pol.
aaa aranlly.


IS, NercaatUa Os. alack.

Be MaT aortr MM.



mat eaa»Tjaartar- Itirfociiai.
a. aoKTOK. M. D.. Pfeystrtaa___
iU. Borreoa. Iialiatil la Travane Ou.

it tbey were ready to «n
nny nalioo
t npoa
tba face of tba i
in mortal oombat. Tbit loTeBtor oarrlad out bii pblUntbitsde idea, and tba
i«Mll waa tbe plaomg upon tba market
<d tba electrical ?an.
Kow. tbU fao coDtalM Mi Uadea.
and -aveiy one ti a fanmmar. It ii ao
portable tbat it can be placed meat any­
where ao lotni ai tba wire oonneettan
U not binkm. Tbe fau waa lutrodneed
Into Mlect cirelo. h foend inaunt faTor. Ko more mopping of bmwA no
mere cbaMogof Siea from bead* wbiefa

, Hoard, of WUconeln.
Inr ebeaen prvaideni by a
« for B. P. Clayton, t
eumbent. and «H for Be



aa to be Invldble l« tbe «ya It
might be that with bladea to H aminia'
tw« CTolooe coold be prodnoed. Tba air
mwaodend by (bat e)c«tri(«l Mnado

frlendlr reUlloni would be cenwnted
forever. The other paper aulimllied t>y
^mium Lawrence, of Ohio, the vetMn
prealdent of the NaflonM Wool Crowara' aeaodatlon. empbaMaed'the neeea-

6ruf Rvlib t intiin LI



DenrlreraTT bnainaa boam. wd mtotia fat tba game.
Bow doM .tbit taappeaT 70D may nak.
VaU. II ia aU.tbr^b tba feet tbat
paopla tsfter fram tbe bank Soma bril­
liant lavanKt oamato tba «cn>clDM(m
tbat inatead of tba onUsaiy rercavidg
fiy trigbUBer that aorea

The apwker baa a favorite prelect for
tbe eetabllahmcvt of a colony of Amerlena tarmcra In Veneauela. and aald he
hoped eoon to aee tbe auccaa of tbia
plan. Then wltb cl^er


"----------- ** it—Bomoo TraaMSlpb

.SeltambM betacaaied totbenldcf
tbeerbeel of tertnM. Eren tbe wtod
vbich eImzkiUBi eeU to Ibeiratd to
nliere nffwin« bomuiitT It oow trtUiaed to fnrtber tbe ^embliaE impeBd. ttm of the men who vooid ntbar matob
tbto keep Ibote be eorsed. lo

SL Paul. SEpL L-The deltsalm tr tba
ramiera' National Comma liateaed
yaterday to two papera of unuaual tntareat. One, preaected by Dr. A. M.
Stoledo. of Veneauela. touebad upon tba
dtmrablUty of cloaar relailoni between
the United Btmier and tbe otber Ameri­
can repnbllcE «*ben Dr. Stoled.. refarrad to what he icrmad tbe attempt of
Oreat Brluin to alo>rb Venauela be
btcKichl forth an enthualaatlc buret nf
npjdauae b)' aaylnc that Ue pioplc of
bla country thoroucbly appracUied and
would alwara remember the attitude of
tbe United Suia In forUddlnf Intvrfer-





**« electnc fan in a |
dMtaia office. Tbey --------------discover----that n'
“Eve" or a ••tbrea” may ba rttetonably
oarhuo to turn np if tbe nureni i* only
allowed to be turoed on for a aeeoad or
k: that U tbe wb«el U nvolving at iU
full gait another figure will appear.
Upon tbeae prindplea tbey Make tbelr
ooiii. The majority of the ^ayan. bowera, do not flgtin upoo uiy auofa deep
laid plana They aria in tba morning
and ooBsldar tbat a oertain iramberwlll

ttoa baa apread. ll U related that la
aavenl la^ tffice .bulldlaga baaty
aums an wagend, and Tba Pna npoctar if infomad that than an few
baildiiiga.iu wfcieb then an not eleoMoal fanalM^ tba talltula nnmban.
Tbe aaloooa. c( oourae, do not pmnlt

Trlnit*l*ri””* Afvaa Tvaven* aiy.

But Little

tSSTou^: ;::.An

Here Be ow,”
But He Wants That Little

* QUICK. *
An Advertlseni8nt i.»
Want Departmnnt.


«l OMkmm* Jii'sctl^.lale IklTlrala aaO
ck*Ba*a>iuBciMciMiHo. 1. »toi»oalrteWba

TniemBijLiieof Steuiat.

Is known to bo Effoctiye.
If You Have a Want

tba ganglia onaUatad througb
body an little tealna Tbey an
poaad nf (ba aama gray matlar a* ia In 1
Iba brain and do a ea« amount <d
ttiiakiag SB tbMr own uoeoat acnee
U amoM tbat tba anetenii wtn not ao
tar WNog wbHi tbay tocutad tba affaetteM and paolOQsln '
gBM of tba body.
Vary onae the Ooa.
'*1 am afraid you an not wbat you
mam to ba," tumadoBd tba young aaan.
gtngoriy Engartar tba pteoaof fancy ^
work Ida ffad. bad aant Urn. OtMa bw I
fora ba had mtetakon a panwipw te m
UBOt tta.^ew York JouaaL





MM TiaviM* car

mm a ^


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