The Morning Record, August 18, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 18, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■■1 e


onnaui. rusk


that dlnotlos hvre beea fnUle. Koa
It ta theojritt that the kUUa( of the
ladian wiU.lead toevUeaee wUeh wfil
It ia the breaklar ap of
theciiwaadbrlB/iiiCtheraa^ ««
tojutlee: If aot for the morte qf the
■hat OM la th« IntUMt.OuM el the Udiaa, for. atleaet. eertaia hifh bead­
■eMon-Bome Vmib Oonl4 Oet bet ed rohberlee which have beaa oocaaltOm Soom aad VWten teeared tedfo the eoant/dartar the peat /car
aad farther back.
■at • Mtaqr Hit.

Ob]/eae eoUt«7 hit ead not e siafle
Oal/foar MB rcaebed diet
oae eeeoad la the aattre alae laala/a.
Watklae wee at hie beat aad tweatj^aBMBwereieti^ before the team
" from WtaeoB^ inirineiilert ie
a eafa Ut; WoU wee the leek/ mac,
bet hie hit wae of BO avalL
TtareneCl^ dida't make a whole
let of reas etttkerxoae bda/tb^ par' ttett
The diak/, left ‘haaded earrea of
Wolf pppeaiadtopaailethe local hlltenand-eoveaaafeaoeawefa an the/
It wee a pretty ooateet aad both
teaam pet up rood bell ia the Bald.
Hall made a freat reeord la oeatie. Six pat oata, aad aome of them
were oa very dUBealt -a—
Aleo made oae of l<b p«ot head firet
. elldea for eeeoad ttet called iot the
«he«e of the foaa
Wheeler dteUacaiahedhiiiieelf acaU
b/ maldarah^raBBtareateh of a
Toaj wat la the rame, too, aad be
alao made a flaenuafor catch of a
fool Bear the lefhtlea^ere that
Wnhelm wii agala at Ue pom aad
^ Ua abare of the rood work.
/ Botherford played ia left Bald and
■^aeoepted kie two hard cbaaoaa ta Baa

•wfoBeat bad Ua am with him aad
threw oat the only man that attested
teataal aeoood.
Bnilka la rl/ht aad Adame at abort
did rood work.
Per the vUtore Knhu on Biet baee.
B. SekOe at third aad Leibl at ehort
' fielded fiaely. Khaka made aome freat
atopa aad hla catch of a foai-fly la the
niathwaa a pretty pUy.
The Brat aad laet ianlofa
only oae* la which the 81
had a man left 90 bama-oa.
The other two who reached fliat were
latir^ one at eeeoad oo aa attempled-etaal in the tWrd, and the ether
waa ran down on the line between Bret
In all the Other innlnca bat three
men were at bet in ce^ '
Tbeoal/ ran oftheruw'
ia the Biat innlnf b/ float.
rrlroB.UabaaeoD balla and adraaeed
to eeeoad on Boll'a prett/ aacreflee
*' Then Watkina aoade the hit that woo
the same. It waa a dean two baffer
and flant erdeaed the plateIn the eeventh and ninth the Boatlera had. man on baaea bet the
aw/ bite to aeore them were not forthv.'-'comlnr.
Upon the whole It waa aa prett/ a
. came aa wai eMr pla/ed here, aad it
makoa the third tlate thla teataa that
the Hoattera hare ahnt oet their oppoTwo of them ia

Below b yesterder'a aoora;

.............. ...

/eaterda/. He mated that be had Jam
arreeted Dick Boatoa of Settona Bay,
who b aeapeeted of oomplidt/ la the
ettaek npoa the Indlaa. Hop. The exnation of Boelea aad of Hnceby.
) waaametedapoaaalmUareharse
e daye afo. will take plaoe today at

X«Adat tor Bb Watch.
Anhof Strable bbmplo/ed b/ the
Trawee Otty Lamber Oo. He b ia
ihe habit whUe at hie work, wbbh
keepebimonleide.ofkanrinrkb coat
aad TM la the hydrant hoaee of the

Mr am.



Teeterday moraiar waa no exception
te tkb caatom. bat wbea be weat to
look at kb watch which he left la the
podeet ofhbeeat. be dbcoeered
the time pleoe bed dbappeared.
Tbe watch waa an open face with a
fold filled oaee, ema«d at aboot ten
Be b aaxiona to mem tbe tbbt.

wawBwrm Tiarr.w
itraok Pare Water Teaterday
ileptb of 06 -Pern lAifem Wall
Zb Chb Part of BtAe-WUl Baee
Xaeh Bxpeaae to tbe XnetltntlOB.
Water waaetreckatn o'clock /ca­
ter^ meralnf in the blf erteaUn
wait wkidi kae been nnder way ^.the
aeylnm fm emeral weeke. and in' tmae amoB« of watm b Rnahlaf ont
at the rate of nearly ».000 barreb.
over «wo,000 gallona a day. Some tioM
afo It waa dedded by tbe board of
traatem of the aayinm to tink a laife
well in the h<^ of Dbtelnlnf e anffident aapply of food mter for all the
needa of the Inatitetion. The pit
eopply b from a deep dnf wall and b
pnmped to freat tanka In the attic of
tiie B(aiB bnUdiaf. Thb pamdnf enteUa a heavy expenae aad the tanka
are now In a danferoea condition and
may five way at any time, fioodinf the
main bnlldinf.
In the hllbide Weet of tbe bama
larfc anrtaoe eprinfa. It waa dedded
to drive a teet well at tbb point, which
b 70 feet above the water uble of the
main bnlldinf and lU feet above tbe
Jeeel of the bey. Oardner A Son took
eootraci for dririef an elfbt-lnch
pine 100 feet. Ae eUted. water waa
atmekata depth of 95 feet and laat
ereninf the Bow eeemi'd to be tnereaw
inn and the water wu elearlnf np
Thb b an importent "etrilce'
tor the Inatitntion. It ioanree a betinf en^ly of the parcel water. Md la
abnadaat qaactUy. ceveral timea over,
foralltheoe«daof the entire InatitnUoa, with baraly the coat of plptsf
from the well to oonnact with the preeent ^ytteIn In the main bnlldinf and
ooltafca.baraa aad other bolldiafm.
The aaviof of the inaUtcUon trill be
*myUrf«.aa^l pdmpfof will bh done
away with. Thb dlaeovery b, la
allttie "KkNidlke” tir the Norlhem
Aaylumaiid- the offlren and tmetem
are navnrally frectly pieaaed with the
reanU of the experiment.
' Tbe foroe of the flow it ao freat that
ateom thrm tnchea in diameter, and
freat ebnnka of aolld day. one of tbrne
weifbinf IH ponnda, wore thrown
ceveral feet into air.

! i


Pied ia OaUfomla.
Word bae bea reeeiv^ In the city
of the derth of aamnd B. Bafati. of
conaumption. at Pemaado, OaL. Mr.
Bafate waa formerly a ruddeot of thb
C city and aa employe of ^ Ova! Wood
Diab .Oo. He wae St yean old and
bavm a wife and one child.

i ■



Ohleafc BarlMt.

iMck Boatoa Anaated Tfpoa' Baod.
jdoB of Beernf a Bead la Attaok on dee Bop, the ladloa.
The enthoHUea of Leelaaea eeaat/
are mehisr e mranaoaa eCort to brlaf
to JaaOee the pertiaa who are reepoaetble far the death of tbe ladiaa. doe
Uep, of Saboaa Bey. who died e abort
tlM afo from tajarlm reoelre^-at the
reon or peiapM
baada of eome pereon
penpaa wbo
r the pBI^^6^fobbm^ VbrafoBC.tiauthMehaa Idee
a raar wbo bare oo^mltted
WbMi the lew waaU paabh with

9MBltfoaUthafanwpartfo*«wU be

Chlcari Aoimm IT-Wbrnt-Aoj
MWe: Scomber, 6S)(«3He; Oecccaber,
OoRi—Aufwt, t7«ic;
tSlie; December. Mb<»He4
Deeember, ABMc: May. tl^Mc.
Forir—Aufam aisd October. «i.l7;
September. Be.i79M; December, $8At.
»i.47: ^tembm.^
64.47; Oetoba. 64.»09Sli Deeember.
Blba-Aufuet. 6t.M«M: Beptembm,

BimWMi om^. 97c.


ed him. The r>mg Udbe went la an
omalbrn end the younf men on wbeeb.
After ajo/iar » mmed tambhed ^
the yonne ledlm tile party retamed to
Mn. K«nVa on Weahiafton etieet,
wbm' the remainder of the ereninf
wee apeat in femea. Ice ernam ead
■ 916.000aadaoXaa
oaka war* eerred.
mma Bared YelnabU Property by
feereb Workmen Part* waa PetpEBFBBS* KW.
taj^ Petall/XeJoied.
Vot Aliowai tc Bateb Bfta, Beecrti
te Tiyi^ it oa a Voed FUa.
BIk Baplda, Auf. 17.-Tbe chemical
worka of the Elk Baplda Iron Op., were
& C. Deq^ It tbe fortneatepaeaemtotally deatioyA by Are thb afternoon. or of # hkn who b a lufolar Klondike—
Tbe Are broke oat in the boiler room
aay^e. She bid bar refubtion
and in a few mlantea tbe immenee neat full of cffu thb aprinf. hatebed
bulidlnf wae a aheet of flame. So out a thrifty brood of ohiclca, which ^
quickly did the Aamee d^ t^ worit
iMbtely deMTted aad commepced
that withia two bonn thfYM»VmI byinf Bfaln. loabtlnf on eettinf
d. the only buMlay left OB thb batch alao. She waa b no
mandlaf belnf the Btarehoua^in^hlob wbe dbooarafpd, but byed and act
b kept the aoeUte of lime, rortnn- on in eplte of the' daily daepoUbf of
ately the eteck In tbe bulidlnf U un­
neat. When all were fone aad ao
injured. Tbe lom wUl amount to more cfft forthcombf ahe became very
about Noinaurance. Thb ta anfry and at cnee took to eettinf OB a
the Ant loee the oompaay have had by wood pile, which ahe b eUll benbatbf,
Are elnee 1990. when the aloobol room
atlnfwith -'tooth aad naU" all
of titeeame pUnt vraa burned.
efforta-to remove her. If ehe hatchea
out klndlUf wood, ae b confldentiy ex­
___ __
K. K. Palrbanjb of Chi- pected. S. C. b fobf into the bntii
cafo. and Ue Dexter mtate, who bare and wUt mver aell «r make pb of tha^
been notifled of the Are.
Ibe heroic work of the local Are de­
partment tofethar with the exnelbct
water woiki eyatem mved mnrh valnaMr. and Mfa. W. W. HnU of Kenton,
ble aniroundlof property. The boUen paaMd throufh the city yeuterday on
of tbe plant are caved, but the enflae route te Oiand Ba|rida on tbelr bley
aad BtUla, wbleh are the meet valoable. 0^
The boildlnf
Bay Brown, Clark Alton, and Ellebelafeatcrated with Ur. alcohol and worth Hab etarted thb moratof at
dl, burned with terrible rapidity.
Are o'clock fcr 'Kalkaaka oo their
A eeriou and p^bably fatal acd wbeeb .
dent occurred ae the hoee oart from
The beartof of the eaae of Charlm
Eaet Elk Baplda wae proceedlai
FbaaVehaTfed with eelltof liquor with­
to the fire.
Alva Parka vrai
out a Ueenee, waa adjourned by Judfe
eeated In one of Po^efa’ rift bold' Boberto until Tboraday of next week.
Uf tbe haudUof the hoee cart whoa
Mn. Jemle Sokce and Jne Mlkub of
tbe wheel of the cart atmck a atone.
throwlBf him out of the rl*. 1%* hom MUwamkea. wbo have been vbittof Mr.
cart named over him. He waaoonrered andMn. Anton Maltoa of Weat 7U
etreet for o couple of vroeka, returAed
r. OauntieU i
to hb bom* and
don it waa found to U^ir home to MUwaukee yeeterda/
that Parka '
Fruk'^arkt baa been unmerclfnUy
from the neck down. John Berman
. _atao allfhUy bjurpd to Jumptof roaated beeaaae it waa atatod to the
from the ittof of one of the buildtofa. BxooiP that be made thedbtanee from
Onaccountof the abeenoe from town Elk Bapide ben ia two boon and flro
of Oaneral Manafer Uwta It b Impoeal- mioDte*. And Be waa adriaod to awim
ble to etate if the plant vriU be rebuilt around Old Mbtlon way the next time
he wanted to wake a roeord. It
tbe Eseveo'a fault. Parka made
trip ^
which b exeeptkmally food time.








Wheat Above Eiglily«


That means “warm” times for the iarmec- He
will make mice thing out of it That’s the way wth
wall pa^ we bave left. Our customers will make a
thing for themselv^ if they want some. It's .“way down




You Can Use

^ “"'f
__ ________
can be had at---------

_ rantago -thb


You Take Half
We take half—that> onr cnt^priee etery on whafu left to r

Ladies’ Suits,
.Ladies’ Summer Capes,
Child’s Summer Reefet^-^*,,

Special and Extraordinary Values in Ladies’ Shirt

Waists and Sat WaUto.
Haw Fall 8t^ oomtof to 9nrj day n

Reliable Dor Goods, Carpet, and Clothing Hou«.


Bam With Xmtfa Qnantity et'Orato
Pcatroyed by Fin.
Mn. Lucy Pranklto. wboee farm te
ear Old Mbelon. met with a heavy
loea by Are early Tneeday momiajf. A
mUe after raiAnlfbt Mra Geo. W. Lardb of thb city, wbo vraa vblltof Mn.
Pranklto. dbooverud that tbe barn.
tbe dwelUnr bouae, wea on Are.
freat abeeU of flame rotUiif up com­
pletely envel«Vl«r the rear of tbe
buildlnf. The apnad of the Are waa
ao npidthatnothtofoould be eaved,
and 10 test of hay, tOO.buabeb of tout I
year'a com totbeear, aeraa aerm of]
wheatandalxaoreeofoattto bundle*. |
bwldm a larfelotof farm toob and
implemente were deatroyed.
waa worth $570 upon which
there waa ae inanranoe to the Farman'
Mutual of 6550. The lom oo contenU
M 6400 or 6500 more and npoo thb
Vika OberUn OrfanlMns a Farty for

No Doubt
That There
Are Snaps In
Alaska - But' here b a anas right at
home. You don't hare te
freom te death te get It
rither. T. J- Boat offera
thb week

UoparaUed to Scope.

Ml^ OberllD. paatmaater at Blnfbam. b oTfanltine a party to cooabi of
. . to fo to the Klcmdike gold Aolda
Mr. Oberlto oBen to pay all expenaM
for one year, proridtog the amount
dom not exoeod StOOD. and that each
ibero! the party wlU diride equal­
ly with him the proeeoda af hb work.
Fred Schrader Ahakon Up.
Pfoderick Schrader received wkal
may prove to be eorioua totomal Injuriee whUe at work at Beltner'a factory
yeetarday. He waa angafod to mevlnf
moek from the aoeoad floor with a can
OB the elevator when the bobUBf oable
parted . and eauaod the accident.
The elevator dropped about elx foot,
and Schrader waa badly ^kea up.
Be waa lamoeed te hh borne on Front
etreet and attended by Dr. Holliday.
Ko bonce wera^rokeB.
' Btoycle Von nnd Fmyor Xeettog.
1W C. E. Bleyele Olqb will meet at
the home of Mbi Orlia-Oriatt thbeventog. lonvtof at 7 o’eUx^ for aoboct run.
foUowlaf which a prayer moetinf wOl
be held at tbe Fomwoed ch^iel.
Thirty FrtonAe Bntertatoed Blm at
Barry Kent wae eekad te aeeompany
two or tiiroe young people te Bani Bay
toat ovamlnc and have a “bo*’' euppm.
Ha did BO niad te hb grmt earpebo
whan ho nivlvuA there, found, that
oom thirty of hb bbude had proeoad-

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Menb hair tine Pnnta


Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.

Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Heats.
henry Kemey PnnU


cold the world over
for 65.00. now..........

... 48c

Bo^’ wool knae panto |25c

M paiBwe eon




If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Goodr Sound Hem­
lock Lumber,' Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including s Engines, Set. Worics, Carnages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
WJD JLRJD C3-rmhTQ-”"'«iwy

MMiy Other BargAins
which we wUl be
pleased to show

1-4 oil on Ail Tan SAoos

Hufj Soles. Wateiproof Shoes for fall wear la ladles
aadSaats. Also Sehaal Shoes.


fbpDlH Giothiv.




is anrsly
deal YleDnley's
uaseeamary. In declintoy to abide by
tba market valne otaUver as the rtandard ot the eorrency valne India haa
token a atop toward demonettiiny aUver. Japan and BnaaU hava adopted
the yold stoodard and no one Intends
Jamee MniT7, Jr. went to Stien ytt- to yo back on it. Then why not say
lerdar momtaf.
•o. and not be deterred by the tbraeta
Sberiir Clnne of Cheboysaa
^ of the pomible Bryanlte vietory and
the <dly peetordhj.
the qneaUon Anally?'’
Mr. and Mra. C. C. Tncbvr Ormnd
Bapida, are fntota a Park Place.
Xra. Bolomon Mnttrtalnad.
Mm. Stlae MOler and eon Fiskk
Last nlybt at Park PUoe, Mra Leo.
went to P^kforl yeetorday I------- *-** Solomon of Uyonler, lad.. Mtartalned
with relatteea
the yneeto at the hotol at a whU i party
Mtm Sadie B. Smith baa relamed to In the parlora The Brat prtors were
Cbarlerolx after a term at the Yraeene won by Mra Cmmptoo of Datrolt and
W. O. Bblden and thf oonaototlona by
atj Bnalneei OoUefe.
Mra Keen.j>f Chleayo and B. McliamMra. Oanee of Elmmod a
The eveniny’s pleaanrea were
entertalnlnr her daechton 'Pa«rl and —
ided by the eerriny ad retreebAnnie of Franktorb
Mta. Ueo. Lardie and fandly bare retoraed from Old Mimlon. where they
Itoeebeen Tialtlns two weeka
Mr. and Mra Qeorfe W. Bexford of
Syracoee. M. T..- paaeed thronffh the
dty yeelerday en loate tor Omena
MMe Maiy.DeXoeieotWeetOtbatreet
left for Frankfqrt for a few dayb rieii.
with-relatiToa on the M. A K. B train Dataehmant of Fifty Hanhad Upon
Oak Bill Hlnoa Wariay Amarioan
lent ttichb
Kay—Baatraintoy Ordar of Court
Mia B. S. natUbfa of SV. Lonla
Said to ba Vnneoaaaary. .
Mieh.. who baa been eialtinir' ber
nephew, B W. Haetloga retnmed
plltabury. Auynst -17.—At TarUe

eaeua, leeereaa.eto. After lenebeon
the/ pbtyed famee for a eboH time, reia»li« home latiefled that tlT^ bad
badoneof tkepleeaantealtimeaol the

' *eaum» «mr auniM nrirt BostuT,

T. »ATtt AM. J. W. Haotct/
f. W. Bitna, UUter ud Mmffar.



•t Ttaifw Otr.

Kletu » Mccod clkM bmut.

Ta> Lon>os tuiu tteMa cditorUUy
ttei ladU,.in dMllaior to abide bj the
mBrintTelneof^lwM the etoodard
•( the earreaej Talee, bae taken Ike
flntetep towwde the
' cf sUw. In rlew. of thto oondltioa
«ke Tlaee declam that tertker
eidereiioc o! the
at Preeldent (llcKlnlj U nnni
Wkatorer Baa; .be the «ptoi<» of eeo.
aareattva mlnda | refardina the eomi^Miea, it cannot bnt be «
«t that the ettitnde of India ie
• nerere menace >0 the tree I
Mra J. F. Cramer of Orand Rapids
•deoeatod In tUe oonnt>7 laatant-tma. arrived at Park Place last nlybt where
Olbar leedint^penof Knfland eoncnr abe wUl exhibit some Bne
Sn the eplnion of the Timea
of embroidery.
m. W. Fairchild went to
FnavK' Bann-Tos write# Tk* MonayeetSrday on biuloem oonneetAd with
nra Bsoobd trcen Kew York that there
the estate of the Ule Uriah Eoffmaator,
to a leamnriof tone to bnainem oondtof which he is the
tlooa in the rrnaV mctropolia, where
Frto Lany and Will Deariny of Elk
tte kay note of deprcadon or proeperia aonnded in ebanrlnr-eondttkina Bapida, came down on their wheela yee
Then' ia now a healthier aapeet to all derday to root for the Sbeboyyaos bat
a which ia (irinr an went back friends to the' Bnatlcta
A. a Wheeler and wife of 1
paaeed (hronyb the city yectorffay <m
Mew York feela a reeival erery Mtj In
the ooutry meat efperience a almUar their way nortb. They will laisn to
reaalt. Mr. BamUtoa ta one of Ttae- afewd^toetayashort timeatPark
erae CUyb meet carefnl and _____ _ Place.
Pan! TreUna of Mllwankee, toft for
tiee boainaaa men. and the worda from
hiaa printed in another eolaaaa. mnat home yeatarday aftonwon, after a tew
days’ pleasant vlalt with Anton PiaahU
nartainly enoourafe tboee who have not
already felt lodleaUoaa of bettor timea. and tamlly, oomer of Union and MtoU
On>to|b A. E. J(4iaaton of Uie staem
TBben. toJoncUona imned by Uu
Wcat Viryiaia eonru ayalnat the etrik- barye Weatcott dined at Park Place
toy minme are noted bed after all. yesterday in company with Mra. JohnThey merely mtralo the miner* from atoa. Mlsa Addle Santo and Mr. and
treeiaiilny, not from exereialny free­ Mra. W. H. Staema
dom of veecb.
akrikera a» aUll my bebefal of attain-toy tbelr end# witboat material inter, teranoe. The leaden are eantiona and
szpKBmroxD zm all limbs
arye the men from violent meUioda
and aa there haa been no b


esMS pay aannally to foraiga titled foetana bnnteni the agyreyate nn at «»0,000.000. So prevalent haa (>eoame tbs
taabiem of ' ' '
rs that the tost Maw York

hands to yrab ereryibiny they poaaem.
This tow piovidea that any woman,
bora a (dtisen at the Dnitsd Statsa who
■ball have married or aball marry an
alien, apd the fondya born ohlldnm
and deaoandanti of any anob woman
depoe ty birtb in a foreign .ooantiy,
entitled to
bold, convey and dev
Tear iiioperty aitnated within the atate



Ttaimal Cnr; Mich.

. ,4^

August 18 ABd 19,1897.
Two Sa>e Oa^Badi Hoath.

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

Theatrlcal Mows.
' One of toe evenu of toe eeaaon will
**. vv eaa rim pararasaet r*T.......................................
be toe eofagvment of Mr. WiUard
Newell supported by the Moore A Liv­
ingstone Company at toe Opera Bouse
« aad to aaan otfa^
all next week.
win plesMtalv tUi'w
TbU company eomea highly re.
parUesUrsef ttadreaaVand bam:
- Tbaarwba are unafala loeallvsB
U> eaU vsa wTiiataU
vriMtl.-,-------mended and to undoubtedly the etrong- amt ta arprcM. •rliS full tanrartkOH hov to b. takes
Tb* am of Or*. IL. e. a Co. WM locorpavsiad •rretsl *«sr* alM vtlb a capita)
cet end aioel complete repertoire oom- beiwvrna
tdoBoorsMMlI rwimplar um. Tbap sis iMpoeatUe asd swU ksuws



Hotel Whiting

^rir pngierty at home when they mar­
OonsultAtlon and Examination Froa »nd Strictly
ly abroad, they will be able to oootrol
it, and will torn be able to command
( '
good tnatmeoi from tbelr rea;
DBM. B B.M.M CO <toro«* tbelr slIMKIou lo IHwsw. vi Ita g>s. Ear, Tl.rcsl
sponsea When a foreigu fortnne
yea toe woman and ber property into AsUms*adCeeaeplloe.S(KlallCLr<wierrirat*si.aUcU.rnwsBTV.OsriiM«. OUcbsrnrk iWEar*. Bmee
bia own onotroJ
result is anally
mnefa mlaer^ for tbp American woman,
aa tbe eumerons aeparatiODa and lawnita growing, ont at international mar­
ed. BravsW weeersslKiyiwot PUo villiMt rela. lelen
riages tpattfy.—San Franoiaoo Azyo.snaritbost ibe HM af knlla. ceaatic <

C,eek fifty aUlkera without leadara or
music and 'with nothlny at the bead
but an American Bay. marebad from
cainp this momlny oa the Oak Hill
w; TbH woa does aapzpectediy
and ia viotation of the reatralnlay ord<-< temporarily eonUaned by toe eonrt
yesterday. Before reaehiny toe mini great New '
Slieriff Lovriy and posse mbt U
with entire n V and special seenery
ntarchcrs’aud ordered them back to and wl.l intro,
CBTjp Ibe strlksra relnetantly tamed les of refined elnglay and dandng spectrsek and averytblny waa peaceful. laities.
\V:air the men were yolny to work toThe eompany anmbers. 14 arttott.
d-iy they bad topoaibetween two i
many of whom have held important
of fVeoeh womeiy.. The women cabled pusltlMS in permanent New York com
to the men on ibelr way 'O work and panlee.
toreaienvd to hit them with stoeaa
Tbe. prioee have bees radeeed to lo
aithooyb tbry did not do ao. The man oenta with an addltiooel prioa of ic
hurried Jost-as fast as they could, fear­ oenta for reserved aesta
ing to aay Mytl^ as toe women
Itonigbt the o
looke^dvtperato. When the men had
all iriT* the women went t> tbelr' pietlng life-Uke. snimatod ^tnrea of
bomca, Myiny they weald be out again toe^iwt flftlc eontoat between Corbett
tomorrow morainy.
end Fiusimmone. will be given ia
The miners' ofBclala axpreas toem- Stalnbergb Ursnd Opera Honee. nii
•elvea aa well laUsSad with toe iPjnne- to en eatertolemepl which has met the
popntar fancy and will no donbt be
Uoo prooeedinya
“Aeoordlny to the eoart,** said freal- gTMtod with a crowdsd honee. The
4ent Dolan, -'the tojaDction only r«- edvsaoe mle has been very large.
atrsiaa ns from dolaywhmt we have
Xleariee’ BordarUnA
not done aad wbat we do not Intend to
There’s an lotaaylble. but nevwthedo. The camps will be eoetinned afid
oondneted as osnal until furtber noUce. lees d. finite Une that exists In life.
Step br-yond iu border end the gloom
bavs abnndaat asaaranoe of help of ueln. toe poison of despair stares
n are of liule'
apd all toe reports that we are deati- you in'tbe face. Hrolth U tbe suany
bladranoe to tbelr canae. In the mean- Prank' Hamilton Stadias the IndnaUod of life, disease tbe gloom. It to
trlal Oondltions in Mew York—Ptods tnta have ao foaodation.''
tlma the atrlke la atUl' proymainy. and
asserted tbst the mysterious border
once cromed there'een be so returning.
An AoOri^ la Boatoeos Mot Known
operaton are puuled aa to the ontTravarse Bsaob Bo^ltality.
In many, many ceiee it is true, pro­
Por Threa Teaie-Pavorabto
A party of yousy people enjoyed the vided an unskilled practltioerer has the
Individual is charge. Not so with Dr.
A raw more artealan welU like that
MS|dtalHy of Traverse Beach last even- 'Ottman.
toe emlMnt speclaltot of the
which hai been driven at the Korthem
New York, Anynat 14.1S87,
og Profeasors Mwtoiiyh and Stef- firm of Ofs. B. b. A Co . of Moakeyon.
Miehlyaa Aaylnm wonldeolve theeity
Monniin Becoan —While here 1 have fens faroiahed toe mnalc for daneing Ml.'b. Ua'der bU maeipalaiion and eel'
water eni^yayetem. TbU ^aher will been pleased to Imbibe the new almos- In tbe eperiou dining room. Befreab'
at Iceat eeUlcitfie qncation for the^Hymenta wereasrved daring tbe evenlnr.
irant from that of any eeaeqn for
the paei three yeara. The h^pefal oonditlaaa are so neUeahle. not Only hare
in New York bet all over the oonntiy,
As PnsMaat of Oolonlal Tratt Oo. sod ability is Dot toe result of chance
as yivaa by Tlaltlay marobants, that
nr-look.” but tbe tegiUmato growtl.
He WiUDrasSaUiyoftlBDOO
is ineUaed to ask, "Wbea did we
Chleayo Partim Oloaed Xtoal-to Man.
Wasblnyioa, Any. 17.
atralned ________
___ ____ _____
evar have hard timea?” Beporta to aU
toto<tor Manriy Ten'XiUion.
voutoad for and sabstantlatod by liv­
the Kaw York papera ahow the eoP- BekeU wUl soon take up his duUta
ManUtoe. -Any. proofs, by toe healthy beln«a wbo
dition of aUloealittoi aad with hardly president of the recenUy formed Ool- have been restored through Dr. Ott4 here now and ei
onial Treat Oo., of wbieb BoavreU F. man's skill.
•dnlt today when an exeeptioa the reports are moat favThis rasowned phyatetoa will rialt
to. The marketi on the Unaa 1 Flower is toe acting pcoaidenL Eekala
dbeblyrmtahinyledeallnthe hiatory
Troverae CUy WedBaeday
WeSaeday and
i ‘ Thais~
base (laryety whiare wool entoral has had thto offer in eoalnaction ;
«f the local trade-waa mada
toe prealdeney of a Chicago bank trader
m. a Jayer ofethe Arm of B. C Jayw
A Bon of Cblcairo..aade a pnrehaaa of
-the larye qaantlUes of wool aeeaptod the New York offer and will
B.WO.OOO ahinylea. oTbe order wm di­
itothlaoonnVT prior to the relieve Mr. Flown cariy la the fall.
vided amooir aeveral flrma. Looia Baoda
Mew Mshfoideitaa.
edlatoly after he has Bntohed toe
tariff act, will ^vp a taadehoy to keep
meelvlny the paryeat plaoa, bla order
MlmUraoe Johni u of Grand Rapids
annnal report to toe eeoatary of toe
prices down for some tiiae to
' batoy.s.000.000.
treaanry. ErkeU’ nlarr in bis new wUI beattoeraald ooe of Mra. J. B.
Hantot ]|«I B Sto
sto street for toe next
Tba demand for yood Mkhlyan ablapeaitloB will 'be yiS.OOO p:r year. two vreeks
weeks with a oomplcte
oompU.. line of
«1m haav.been mteadUy iiwfaaatny hare are bayloy more freely thaa for
years. From the ayricnltaral dlstricla. Chtrlea U. Dawee of Evaaaton, III.,-a ____ .ped linens, silks, etc. Tbe new
•hronybool the aaaaonjdne udonbt'■food crops.” ia beard: from maaotac- member of toe exeentive commlllee of coronation braid work and aU the lat­
•dly to the movement ot|eropa in :the
aad moat beeutiful darings 8be
that state aad a close peracoal friend est
will be pleased to have toe ladies cell
BTeat and the steady bnaineda revive
work.” they say. aad ibos the dealers of President McKinley. wlU eneea
aad see them, whether iDtandlng to bo;
bnlny felt in varlooa poriloM of the
or Bot and will do atamping, give lei
bera are yptO^ a latyar tr»4e thM Beketo ss Comptroller of Cnmocy.
sous or take orders aa desired. M>-:t
aaital. The tael that these reporto aad
Q and WV
<-f others of like Aaraetar
tm Umaa for-Mai
have some from vUIUny
who have ao political ends in view, bot Mot a eiayle Htaer at Work la the
wbo volantarlly exprem the qondittona
Wheeliay ZMatriet
The Monarohsof Bepebriro!
«o bo Stow to tba Bwedlcb Z«tbam Of their respeeUve atatea, has, 1 think.
Wheeling, W. Ve.. Any. 17.—The
of bettor, times that atrlkera show metorial yaiaa ia all
The BmiDffnt Actor,
To marrow aly^t at the Bwedlab InUone of West Vlryinle today. In the
ehnrch. there wUl be ananetka. party.
Wheeliay dtotriet there to not a mli
F. BaaiLtox.
It to to be a aale of ton^ work made
working, while on the Ohio aide pf toe
My the ladlea of the LadIn Society of
river toe last man hxeept thcee who are
Kantotoeb Mew Dally.
to furotoh ooal for the water aad elec­
Snpportodby toe
A momioy daUy paper bat baan tric light pUatawIll be ont tonlgbV In
,and the Brat imae the Falraibunt dtotriet the strike lead­
toator* wOlibe a raffia haldfrm a roek- started in Mai
^pahikd yseterday. It ia a lonr-paye ers did not succeed ia'chwlny the Monii« etetr.C-The prtee for tieketn
lUy printed aad well fiUhd
ton aci\to.;| All are invitod.
mlneentirely, but they have made
local aewa The mlntalMy an- decided gsiSB. Tkecamp wOl be aials'
Oni«d->by Pai^
nonneea that it U to be dsaiocmtle aad tained there nnUl toe last mea leaves
‘The Operator," "The Mas­
U M. Tbompklna of Cedar atoeet, atrietly local and the pebliahsra. Foetor work when their reemltowBl be taken
ter Mind," "The Silver Lin­
who haa been lU wiOt a varied of ail- aad layram, are aaaiired that there is a with toe main body to the other Wetyood
"The Gemenceau Case.”
MMia. U weU ayala Be prayto fdr
m compaatoa mines to helpelosetoeia.
Xr. KawaU aa -man*" kb oitatael
mllef and aaid that if a core waa yottennpaad.makeaaoambiUona bid
le Kanawha valley about HO men
aablie patronaye.
^ mmehaated him be woald be haptlaad.
have gone to work aiaee yestmday
Be became well Sunday oad went Imoraioy. bat aaore toaa that anmbar "The Cross of -Gold,” "The
aaedlatriy and was tmmeraad to lha bay
ive left Work. In tha Norfolk aad Heart of New York," "Thff
bytoa ImttorOayaatoyWeetorn dtotriet the oryanlaart beve Bells'-'—preceded by "Lend
Daelarad by London PapsTt^io be -gone to work egaia with a will and
OniTla ItolftoT^Ryt^
•taddard of the Wsrid.T
there to e asflcslnt number to prove Me Five ShHlJngs."
’ Carrie Molr, daayhtar of Mr. and
London, Any. 17.—n# Weatminiitor effective, rkt leaders era yetting cm
Hto. OeoryeMolrofStotoebdk yave Ossetto tUt aruhtoon eeboee the edi­ totoe Ui
n dall^tfalaftenoon party to a taw torial of the Times this moralay
aad they Aad apoa earefnl reedl^ that
need ia tooee wodaMtCM.
of her playmates yesterday. Attar
to the to«y prohibitbat liita|imta|
toklic them all tar a ^art drive they Aaaoelatod Pram aad a^* that it asw aad do not apply to apeaehamUag or
ratornad to bar home to Sad the dtainy ao obaace te the ■
ahlagaiatoapahttoyravad. Thera
roo^ haaaUtnlly deeomtod with awwt rsopsasd to the oolBaya of Mlvar, add- la ao toager eaaaa for akani to the «rpmm and a table SUed with Uyht deli- 1^, “To fo(d aay loagar with PnM-




DRS. B. S. Sc CO.



Lock Box 160.
Tea Priaesea Marher Shop.
When yon wsnt a light, easy share
>r an srtlide hair cat. drop ia at thri^
>riaoeM. 3rd door wmtof Hotel Whit-

The oae of water fqr crinkling purpoees la. by our rules, ooafiaed to toe
honia of & a- m. and 8 a. m., also t p.
Ail plaM where water to found rannlng epntraiy to this rule will be abet
off—except where e apeelel permit has
been granted.
H. D CaaraiXL A Soxa

—Watch Repairing.
—Front Street.



Ever Burned OuVtM

Has Your


AttentionBvm been called to tte Mb that you can get at toe •Ornff •
Pure Powdered Spices,


Pore Oreem Tertar,

The Ladies

I Free-Lessons

(and PureBak-ny Powder, if yon waat i
ns to make it. I poends forSI.W.) Bnb-;:
bw SbeeUey. Bebber Toblng, all'^
aisae. Water Bottle* (netantoed tori
twoyeero.) Fonaiaia Syrinyee, meoy^:
klede. Throat Bniebce. and Atoariawa.:'
Olyeeriae end Wiuh Basel Lottae Ber ■

.. .

At Our
Soda Fountain

\ Silk Enibroidei? ,

TO ALL PL-waASBaa. ^


\ aaeiy ptama. alwpad ■sods. ^ J

} kUG. ISttitoSEPT. 1st
i MRS J.'f. CRAMER,'
\ at Orand Rapdda



250 PAIRS MEN’S Steiiliei:(YGrud.OpnBntt.

WM Newell,



O. E. BExca,Pr^



Thfi PiliteAtfid BpKiAUsts,'




M Shoes, onr price tar


Every detail of the 14 rouads. oa writ
ee toe tee mientca pvovloesaad toetmi ^
mleetae after tbe yroat battle aalhori*. '
Lively sboow.

Wm it A Fmtl BtowP
Come «9d
to Tooie*;^^
FBICBS-Ate. aad fioe.


Suits to Order.
Merchant Tailoring. |

•omtfhtRK About AMlotant Oon>
oral Suporinttndont.

ciuicT «r xicmdix.

Ckpltd baomac vb«n to 'WwtiiBctM.
b«t pbUK id« come to th« pownfltet.
dbpftrUBUt to Me hini. to uk bU «d-,
vlre. »b4.I0 wcore bU •ulinsM In Ux


tn the writ—Patrick Dotan. trilllam
Warr.rr. Cameron Miller. VCah BelUng^am and Edward McKay-ar»rea«ralB*d
fr..m marching or ircrparaltig on the
ermj any’a fx-rperty. The cthera men1 rlcned can be only iboee fonnd In ciim' pany of the five named In (he Injunctlcn.
Aa rear as ran he learned tbe
Mrlkeev urd.-r Ibe inkarreilcn can march
—but net at ataied time#—aalMigaatbry
are nci in company wHh any of Ibme
In addition to a number of clvO aaiu
entered agalnat Present W, P. De
Armlt by hla former employee forwagea
held back according to contract, three
mna. cmvr mnMhhed m erimlnal aulta havebcenbrought agamat
i—eMtary T.U «eiag Samuel De ArrrfK. a brother of the prvap,
^ u„ mmo and »•»»• i tdent. Mn. Civier. who waa evlrted or
o-Heta'w Ta.-y«4gM. Mmc the Saturday by Aamuel D.

brought a crt^ngl ault
^ —
------------aauU aitd >rfuery. 8b«
Th«»r l iri 1t- •^•"■^."^5;^:..
charge tSkl De AnnK tooh her by tbe
. Oepaty—sertheeW cniiiai la amee»
: ,nouUet»ahdlhtverberoat of the bouae.

Remember:Smokers I
Wi*.. M... caur MAnrw

^iwar ' First Outbrsak Amons tht MIntrt
Of th* Lahigh and Wilktf
barra CoHtariaa.

poatoacM »T* nuned by 0»*
mall aervice. TbU U 4<*ne In order
avoid pocfueloc of oaran of oAcv,
aliBlUr naiDM mictit mliUead
way poatal clerki In tbelr rapid work
oa tbe flriBK tralna.
node ramota by .air WaWeaeiM.

rlet* fit ■«!- i
■ u jBmm. Wi-r TMtaAae ’
*°»» *•’«*
■y ae^i at mmm.
roa^. Sooiland. made famoo. hySlr
-oaw Mm io WaMliyM y»e ter Scon. „
U BMklftf
making a
a tour
tour erf Uie
Oie 1world.
and wUI apecd a tew daya la WaMUng- i
ton to give hi* aoa, a bri^t Ud of U. i

T.—Alexander a eiante to »e» the capital. Speaking of-;
Oraai. aaUrunt general auperletendent hlatoemandttaenilnaoribeahclehtnb-i
bey. Mr. Dunn ao«d;
«t the railway mall Hrvfce. la one of tbe
-Melroae U one of the grent enten i
beet fcncwB Michigan men In tbe nation­ of attraction In Bcctlar.d to Amertcan ,
al eapital.
teeiHria. who care rneire foe it and Ab- ;
naacltca. Pa-. Aug. ll.-Twenu-dve , ghe aan..^ brtd a hatchet above h«c
Be te an active member of tbe MIcU- bouferd. tbe home of Walter Bcotu than ' hundred mlorra of the Lehigh and , bead and threatened to kin her. Her
gan'' amcciatlon and never tlrea
1 any other placM. Though Melrose hss
ceJIlerlca Ih tbe Hcnty- two children lone s ak-k boy» were sMj.
been a bargh or harr>ry atner ItOf, « la
^ «irihe vsairrdav throim from the boom. John Crour.
anaodlrg ibe praiaea of bta native *t
her huahsnd. aim sum D. ArbUJ f»
Mr. Grant wai
at Monroe. Mlchu. a .man village, end would not he of •
greet importance but for the abbey, morning and at a meety
larceny. He claims that De Armlt t<wfc
abbot M ycara aga lie la of Bcotcb pawhich bchm« to the Duke of Buecleucto. ! eolved In a body lo atand logelMr. tnia
and a »Utaatkge and t( endowed witb all tbe
“Tbe building la DOW la rulna; the , la the liras defu-tlon among ihS.m^r» ,
»ad baa slace refused to r«uiT
sturdy cbaractertMicf of the Scotcb peo- west end and a good part of tbe north if coitem AparfVTnms them.
y thsi
that Alex
Alex Omni
Oram la
la mnbainb- aide have dlaanteare;).'but-the elevatlsa . Utc wage
' Ids. Seme say


M**ai^ m^te^tbele'
side la neariy entire, and;
ra that way. __At^^ nu.
always while ihe arulptured mot Itlll cm-era tl
and him a couHeona and gsnUl aatag>1 end of the AasevL /The geeot <
am window has been moat genemlty
There are few young men In Waahlitg- mired of the Individual features of t
tim better known thpn Mr. Omnt. aa be
has bcea tor a number of rear* past Ifie
gmideat of the Columbia Athletic club.
OM of the moat prominent cluba In
... „
'WaAdngton. and he baa bem an acUvs I mde of ihe nave there aiUl aUnda fear
and hard-wMking member ever .Macs :«f the original equate pier*, and one of
Ua otTanlaatlon. His unbaggIng tni*e- ^tbem ehowa a Norman cap. The choir,
qgt la athletic aports bai endeared him | f«rt ^f which la shut off by a meeslve
to all lovera of athletiA In the aty. and: road screen, has t>Mn largely apolird by
him a writ-known figure
In all I| ranch aewnteenth cenluo'
ceniuo* work.
--------- --------------_
-nthletlc ewnta. That, however, la hM j mough of decorative deull atni
—a fnt^nem
th railway ' to arottee ffae
aduilratloa and despair of,
I been the modern sniri In aiohe.
man service, with which be
cor-bectsd. aa tbe-nld legends gc. since
nMl arsUsg PIms.
tbe **memory of man runneth not to the
*Tt wai la this saicc abbey church of
Melrose that tbe heart of Bruce found
Cterh la a PastaMfs. resting plsiv. and aroeag the
Mr. Qrani entered the railway mall many tcvnba anrmard gatl
ibered under
mrtdce immediately after graduaQnc the •ame nxf wen those of a faithful
drum tbe high school at Monroe. Mich.,
Sir WOlmore ycara ago than be la willing to adtfae Dark Knlghl cf LIddeadale. and
1^ He wqa first employed a* a
the hero of Chevy Chase."
- General Delaware Krirper. ex-centui
of the t'nited Statre-al Amoy. China,
d Michigan. dlftHct. He remained
has returned from, hla reerf.t poet of
In that peelilon about two teara. when duty. Ho greatly enJoyed..lhe trip borne,
he waa gtven a plaee on the Pllnt and and statv* that he bad a m<»t dellgblful
Pert Marquette ratlroad as a poetal voyage throughout. He came via tbe
rierk. and many are the atrriea be tella Pacl^ mall fteamer China and arrived
of hU expeiiencM oa that line, which In ftgn Pranclsce a week ago. The fourat that lime opened op tbe finest pine


transfer of t
aril the fevling agalMt him IS m
etroag (bat he move* about with an
armed' eatort and hta house I* guatdtd
.day and night. At ilw meeting last night
I elected I

Is s had lOe. Ciemn
sr« mv

Meats and Groceries



Tin Recgfiiiri Uiftri


At oor stare-

---- AXD---- -

Onlers by Ttlepben Pimftlif

Oor Calos aaS mrfth bia.



sltrsya is atoek.

Rates, $1.50 per Day.?


Lady Watts

Pint Class Oar Board. Spssial Raws

eras made to discharge them for paltic- ■ t^^rvllle. lUa. says; "The striking minIpating In ihe-ttrike movement.
arrlvwl Baturdsy are «1I1 here
UHgtamI (wase al the reoabta
Irty-fiv. drtvtri wer.1 out bn Saturfor an Increase in aagea Tesleemorning :.SOO miners JUne^ them.
men had no or^nlxatlon,
;lon, but a
bronch of the irnlied Mute -tVorkeri' aasovlaiiuD Was itarted^y»«lerdsy morning
and <(« men at untv signified tbelr miU>g»e4« to Join, CblePOrganlaer Pabey.
The men
t PoUariUc. wi

miners emi^'ed in tbe CMrieravlUe
meeting waa l.eU
^ the mines of the St Loula
voted emirnathutiy to stay »t w.jk! J^ut twenty nfralatd from Votl(«.
‘flfc men In the Cartc»vUle OiaLc-‘<D'
pany mine an came out. but tbey pcom' lard to go back to wptk today, and ‘Stay
tbeua until tbe men at tbe St. Louis and
cblk's baU and there decided to mak< > Big Muddy
Coal company's mines
Hir strike general. Ihe .AUre fi«cv uf ; (hinge tbelr mlti<la. At the Scott Wlicoal and Irtn r-dlce.carrrinfWlnchaaler ' wm trfta a meeting was held, all tbe 1
rifles waa. on band to guard the coUle- : going out eai-ept one.
riea. The strikera assembled < n the hlH ' sheriff an-ures mere deputies this luar
abevethe worksatAudecr Mdardaer<«d
Miners are aymtbe deputba p,u„,uc apd a very little glib mlk

. ».con (Igual the r,uin,„.d„ them.
They are thervlure
men at work deft theW- f^cet. Those
unaetUed aa long os this disturbwho were hesliatlrig aerr guaohd by
riementVvmaln* In tbe vicinity.
• belt in the Mate, but wbkh
i iy begun and noiwl,h.i.«dlng
aJrikera and taken past the d.-pulles. . Decatur. 1^..Aug. IT.-Aaother Bjeet_i,
beat encounti-csd
who did a
aiiempl to molen the men- ' lag of th
the ^entur coal miner* waa held
the route. ihUAortloa of Ihe trip was
foading In that amicnvbad all tbe e
About m
alro enjoyed t>< tbe cx-codsnl end hla
Grecnaburg* Da.. Aug. 11.—Wild diavu
ras taken
quit w.
d kW in
As abi-iit
-General Kemper was seen last nigbt Older prevailed In thv vlclclly cf Her- ,^d it was <arrted
mlnle and the Ocear. Ccal ccmiacy'a sm miners Were gt work yeslerday it fat
njgch etfH t this win
to the tbrongh line between New Tork
and Chicago, and aanlated In building up
have. Commlllees arere nam-d to n«l‘that line which I* now the greatm mall
;ing the miners ty the men nut preaAt and try to get
route In tbe world.
Hermlr-le i«it. Alv.u» !T» mm quit (Mn, out.
mlVa tinrih of He rg Kong, la the





PsrkSbMt. bitwMn Treat ACim.

join the camp of strikera.
vlca pfcfident to ri-mvacni the. Italian ! Urge number of women who accomrlemest and Alex Mullen repree^nted : pooled tbe men Sunday were allowed
Ute BhglUb-tpeaklng mlmra. Beeolu- I «<> vnier the village ^ Cofteen yroter-



cn:aAfig~K lUihoia.

| Bege W CagS.a la HHI Oa—«•
Beea Tatay.Away Taaiena
8L Loula. Attg. 17,—A special
i Republic frmn Runnton. tlla.. aura: Tbe
a band left bare last night



Fishing Partiss


Now for Dusiness! cabp lake.

to >

Prom this date this boat
wUl sot make regular coo*
nectioos \rttb trains on M. &
N. Ei Fishing parties, how*
ever. C|io make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by commnnication by
mail or wire, with


Leland, Mich-

""thed" u“rS

delightful M>ol on the entire Chine*
* •I
Manon. lua.. AUg. ii.-neporia iron,
cnari. nmeral Kemper stated that hla |
*r> btlgHlreUtlons srllh the Chineae cfllcUls were
"P *“*
er. 'The emaad-rs have ^msolidatej
of the pleasantest rharartee, and that ! They thimened the miners at Anna
f.ovv at Cart-rsvIWe. but aucc-dbe found them an InteUlgent clear-!
WntlGov. who number ad.aii tie ^ rvAy In a temporatr.suapendif..; of
headed .and aerslU* class < f msn. who '
Int Imallr.g that W they dU ■» i quit
They went out. out
rrady to assent to any cesn-;»‘'7k lh«y w<vjW be injrn.d out. The g.-M , nwetlng at I P m. and Waled
propcsttbm. ard who could
Urguage .rml-d much ex,ctorn. All tbe mlJwv mar this city
- —e I. I.
A-..,- , .
_ ...
peririro the benefits derived
at Ji.hnston City.
I a^ Arira miners ale aot tt- .,j,eei ww no marchers about,

A* examinee at C'eveis chief clerk and aaslatt'Washington, be
hSKowo a knowledge
acq*lnt»ncv with all ih« varying
dltlons of the aervice. which could


be gained by actual expe^ce.


Hla recent accession 1
t U reasBlstuit general supe
carded aa a
hto efforts for lbs upbuilding of the j
service, and hla many friends look to see
him go sUll higher.
postal t. ..
SUtes. and there are nearly Mx tbouaud of them, kaom Alex anal by rep„ haa ___________
,^i&Uon. because hta name
general orders
yaars bean signed to general

arhkb are spread, broadeast
U Tbe
PMtal Bulletin, a dally pnblleatloB of.
pcatal ordeia. Every one of ihe.dlvlaloo
superintendenU ttaroughout the {
eouatry is personally ac
Mr. Grant, and probably
majorl y
all postal clerki have at different timea
met srith. and becar

and uion a change of admlnlatratloa
he has been known to go to tbe departd a
attend to n great d*al of cor»t mrf
« on Sundaya. In order tek««p
pace .with the grotring acediI of the

to ^ri?^*'thrm'r.'tlw“ifj
lark. as no cne Vn< ws just brw ma
a" crewded

Ftrikers to night at Uadisrn
' Peried that » few of tbe mlnsro at these

Sw Oil









born better than Hb«« be- B;h52^--J-aMw-c«;i»s«y~. _.

John May
tarmm^ rrith the Hotel WbiUne. wtU ,

avkie dm- p*> *.

lac public In good abape.

Pittsburg. Aug. 17. - Two deputlaa.
Robert Kerr ard PVank .\ndenoa. etn-

Fed.*. sTtaVl*

haee ^rve (rf the o«cs and attend to



avsiiBg .a.
the •white populatleo.* live on a little " “
trfoyed aa guardtans of the New Tork
itsoftbe fuesta.
tHand near ibe nrtvr rf the bay on
and ClevelandOasCoal company.fought raaraBtesd.
Which the t<iwr ir situaird. The ftr' Cumberland. Md.. Aug. 17.-Proii| la- yesterday afierw-jDO, a^ aa a. result
rignerv rule thb (srrUory at If It wi
formailoB letvivvd here last night most Kerr got a moiial
AnderIbelr own. make their
o. t rules and. aertoua trouble la likriy to occur amortg
I SOB la proprietor of a diva on Water
, street, thu city, and Is known as a bad
: the enfcrceireiit of them. ' Tbe
by the rrieaae of U
la charge of the deputlM
PS greatly In
British element f
arreslrd chargvd erlih ~jhreatealr.g
' I at- Par.dy Creekblow up tb< mine and'brirk plant uf
fiakland Coal lumpany. The rriea*e of
He had served before as. a
the exe'urive mile
Island In Ihe hay.
,ncuuiw the other
It la aot khown
ar.d wc were cfien Invited cot to dlastriker
whai tbe
auppera ard ether entertalBmenta
by th* Chine* rfflriala or Iboae of the
. broke I
words Andevaoa was
'and after 1
popnlat!<m who lanked In high life. The
Kerr, wbo retaliated and 4
: HaU'a aoda fbaaiala.
native* cnlerlaln grandly In 'their yahal T
mens, nr palace*, and arrange every­ Butea Uarohal Wbrelee wa* guarding ' rotih'^aiid tumble fight TasUng about
the miner* and wa* Mol at. but made^lgfollowed.
Andermn aocthing to suit the taste rf a queen

W. revolver, and
"When one of the oAciala ca rd «. me
at Ihe cohiulate I would gel 1
Vakw atreata.
, reside*, there. the rtotlrg ha* ; ^
through Ihe elctlm-a
the tail 1
together and fire a *a1ote rf guns, the
. nirnmi-nced Ibort telling where It Intesilnro and lodging In bis b
number of whkk deslgnalrd Ihe stand- ;
phyriitawB nay be •
Ing ef tbe official. When ,thl* f.-emallty , *“*,
had beer, attended to (be d’ghlUrr I
g A MTtUKS t
— ,..,.i-ntrd Iv deiKitl** wbo osl.1
,wo«M be shown into my drawlng-momaj
a orf •l.U a wack wUl 1
a *a* PttM
ry would ifoM him until the arrieal
tmia most profure salaaming on bla'raa
__________ .
Ptoe AadaeuM Wbael •» to tW. VU
tbe abertff.
part, which •wa* necemarlly reclpro-1
pay to look at the alagaat line. U. E. GIbba. la BU* bteyeta shop. Ill rrout at
(gied In a alight degree by myself, t j
Plttaliorg, Aug. 17.—VeWetday
would then Invite my guest Irlo the dm-• fraught w ith exciting ineldenu la mat- I
m^. gug. 17 —Judge A. K.
tea bad beer prepared,
pertalnirg lu tbe . mlrerV Krllca. vjekar* granted an Injuoctloa yester!
r ah-l -cake* and hrr.hcn* placed
Mullny ID the atrlker*' camp, a murdar ’
ua. Every poand fall weight asd gu*
In the dtputles' rank*. flllDg of (rimllial Itlaeraat *trlh*rv to desist Trom tre*.
lid be paeneo
panned arounc
around ana
and uiro
then wooi^
and civil oulia agslmt tbr Dr Armlt*. . passing <« th* ground »r Interfering
fenew Ihe Inet itable champagne. No
' '
; Chip** lurch, dlrrer. or fe*lK-al Iscom- and the htarug in the leJunctiuB
luddy Valley Mlalng and »
txlBSt ITesIdenl OoUa and other* kept
{det* nowaday* without this latter beVo the stcuggi* busy and
land also from entering on the k
M*(alfl**al tiroaaila

o,a« K.a«rir- 1. protwnjisa.


O.U.. I

Lederle’s rrSTiSS:


Butter, First Class

imero to «e?5i^ |

* ilrilghtful ptace to
................. ... ,_r conduct of tbe greal coal t r-PhlUdclphU i. New York ..
Oeaeral Kemper «m remain In tbia Blnuv' strike whl«h. ta* been on Mnce j
Wealern 'Leagug;^ At Bt. T
y several day*, and wifi *rf»;d up bU : jaty j. fTom the testimony adduced and [luaibua J. Bt.-Paol »; at Kai
w!* ! alSlri with i^govmvment. after whkh /froi, th- expreesion* uf the coart It can i i^rand Rapid* «. Kanoa* City
there irtU be
ter rt*elvfd conUIn* some loqulry. the
I sursirlsea. That_4h« Injunitlon will be
aiwwer t« which I* of Importance to
•There ta a
ireterially modified there esh be no
- tbe writer.
Arthur B. Helgt of Boatoi. ; doubt, which -ct. lu face would Indicate Dubaque 7. De* Mod
lame." mM Ai
-B.Kkford A Burilngtoa «:
ablle -rbftlrg here recently. •TVben
a vlctury fer tbr strikers.
1 boy an< young man I often wonThe prvllmitiar)' decroe..bai been con­ Oulncy n. Cedar ItapIdet:
why It wa* necesrary tor mr l«
tinued pending a eooauUatlun «t tbe >4Voria t fit. Joarph A
spell my name with that rxtn
rxtn vowcL judges ard an .iplnloa will probably be
Praer RlUed by a
aervice and tbe taw* and regulation* My falhtr couldn’t tell me. and
of; banded d*»n by noon today. Judge
govrrnlifc 11. With the dally mall opeo my Paige retatlva inmed to have
-------Collier iBid In court that tbe strike Prvitag. an extensive fhrtaer and dairyb^orv him oa hU dank. Mr. Grant dic­
glv^ It any thought.
man rvsMlag In Exeter lowuhlp. two
I after I bad
tates rcirfles withoBt evw being obliged
mile* north ef tbe'Tiltage of Hoatketta,
to Tcferto taw* or pootol mllaga.
HI* ' emne of age. I Investigated the matter
T bek of dtaorder. wak Wiled on hta own land by a vlrioq*
brata U aa cncydapedta of postal la- ; m,d found t>... I the profemoT «* right
bull no Satutday afimoosL Tbe naforthat when Oliver Ch’mwell sad h*'
fUrmatton. and he drasr* npoe hb d*
have the gympatfar of thr curt. (unate man. after belag uearty gored to
<wy at wiu. and that without any ap­
aa death, walked a -few stepa sad sredgad
flald be •There can be ao quesUun
w . ..
parent tacort.
under *11
*11 the
the teatlto what our duty b under
between two trees for mfely.
Mb aAebI
tfiebi poolUon ofton raqum Mr.
mw.,bui 1 am »
Orant to travel to
- dbunt
*• paitisdltoe
the ordrt- should not i
brutal work,
/ f» opectal mloaiona. and ^- who were aopporttng the king, laaened be Bfaidlfled. We cannot detarmtac Ihb “*
-------------------------aequeatly be baa probably seen moiu tbe extra vowel. Thu* It became known wltbent a coabiUaUon." Judge fitowe

OaDtoB. Dta. Aug- n,-’
cities, mst with more men. aod traiN^ Ibal
Med over Bccc bs1I«b of raUroad thaa
QMtlng a crude mtoe w
iBUing of
that]I teow bow It haiveiwd. 1 am gtad
r tbe niai
ircbers wbo are tnu. thb county, were «ve*
th public Otaa that'
• hM bssa par- Ktbav —
q« cue «( them. ThOM Marita. «U
fa a majority oC loBl tbetf t--------------------Atod: tbe otter two, 6eorgt asd Bm
bad. beea klDad I ri»ald r
g. ara reptatad
ad b
ta a praoaxtabasv
tku t* B
an iMMlMiWy ta be bon."
Oiaaght; thataaly tba 9v«
II iri~ By<n«(
tters dally with hi* (

Boys’ Blouses g.;
Great Cut in Bicycles fs."
Grwn that wjll kill Bug?

Bicycles to RentSS

Soda Water


McCoy A ta. FMut 9
Deve^A riRirr class bicycles, at rita'a Blayda Bopalr I
I 0 n6nl BoaU fukm Sttasfc_____________ _______________

The ^t Candies
b toda.

MeLeUaa A Aah. oar. Proat aad Phrk. aad raar Maaonk Bloefc.

",.°S Ice Cream Freezers irs-

..... ...

He 1


fore aad eaa aeeoma*-?|Ute the trasel-

Twoafkbaia Mass a nght
PwUly ShM Aa a MroaM.

Althongh he Is oustare of maener. of­
ficially. and aasraya dignified In hi* o«.
dal poaltlon. among hla friend* be U
one of the moat genial and entertaining
men la any branch qf the public service.
Whr eenerkl auDerlDtmdent. srbo has
e la Ibe railway
apent nearly
Mr. uranl mr
mall service,
a large portion of the executive
asd pUce* great reliance • • • -•,
•Age ahd imerpreigtlofl
laws and regulBtlona. Ha car refer
every statute and every ruling of the
department aa
readily a* tbe moat
learned theologian ran refer to tbe
I before
-The ground* rti^unding my hou»e |
chapters and verves of the BiUa
_____ ..mply magnlflort- Tbe flower* utowe and Colllei wa* perhaps
Many thoueande of letter*
17--League bga* baU
... and fwiv phmtt were *0 irfaniiful that If the most importaxi and totereriing ever
mially recrived at the
- ».it____ i„ w..hin« I transported to Ihl* country In AlUdla field in a HeDDay'lvaala court. It waa I iwrds yesterday:
At- Baltl—
they would be Ibe fortune of a * h„.ing In whl.h Udh raplial and the I Brooklyn L BalUmorv M; at UoaK
ton, and a majority t t^eee___
ot.rtat. I will my that my aurerwaor in iiKtusirflaborw'relntrrrotedaadtheiwaahirgtoaZ.BasicDiiaiPlttsburg—


Picture Mouldings

vhcwkirruB ur tux

Ocmr <rf



Praat BL. adjoUlDg MeKamara’a ahoe stora.

Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots i
Angus McColl;
Paris Green origta drug mas. tiM daar SMt of poatoAea.

neshoer, TroUiag amd toad honoa g sRad dour want of Morgaa'i UVoay Ban.






Stnm BouML




iH» ^Bimrb

imiu FOR ULU.

wM>jnMi)AY. apopbt


tht Kh»arkc. DaviM alM mU
r»*ctl<*n w*» o«n»lo to fonow ■
Canada would
blanod for U.
rtnc to thf new CnlUd B(at(« tatllf tW«1M aeld tba Dloclt? UU had buUt up a

“'.jrrsiss: ix«tiofl• «ri«r»«»R.K.bUto.
»f Silrar in tha Loo-

AMsMin of CanovM del Catfllo tberefoR, had raaolTt-d W groatlr traaaWill B« Oarretad Lika 1
fer ta Onat BHiain.



kii k


• the MaMi
.1 Bm la a UwM D0E8TT PUT IT IB 1B0SE W0BD8,
Varltwal Xew Toth.
New Turk. Aug. IT.-H q Hiika-1
brough. flentd Biatee atnaicr ftutn I g
North Dakota, and Mlat Marg Btrrl
■ CltMt 1
•Cawde aiad Bald DIplomarg.- aad Ad.
Cbapcnah. of WaWiIhgtoh. were married
etoaagaha BaU'la-CM the tThtW Betal
dtr»r Talk* tte Oaart Haw Br Cbmm T*
Help IML if U Osa. aad Befaea *s
Ba M AamrahW aad Crtalaal and Trtw
ClgMithe ladts Blais at iheMsuasstat
t» daaUtr Bb>
daele Maas.
Tarta Daal.
London. Aug. If.^-The lli
Madrid. Aug. IT.—Tbr co«rtaanoue««d
two-oulumS B>ecial ar^e icday rw•Ui decMOB at v^rgata'gaaierdag in tht
lewlng the eftecta of clialcg the India
caae of Aaglolll tailan OoiU) vbo atmlnu In couectlon with the vlali of The
saialaated Canuxa* dd CaaUUo. About
MO ptrvont vtrr prtOtai at tht irtaL
sags; ‘.The viusing
Tht TldBUr of tht prlBOB wai almoM
government from
deaerted, tb* puMle bttng apaartotlr
heavy Ml In exchange i
dlSarcat is vita ol tht cmaletg that
.uoua inckeaiw/lc the
tg from a dlaasuoua
tha dtath panaltr would follow
burden of lu gold
■Id obligati
obllgattha* It la
t Mm wiy darHag hralhw daek
At Mag artth PrW the ceB.
eeart-martlal. Angloill. hcavllr i
undoubtedly true that It also helped <
agM. nt btiwttn taro gon d'amet
keep downtbi-goldvaiueofsllverbuUloa:
0 fmt of -ht« Judgta Tba
twt may. not the QueoOott be raised
_ .^.VewhleoAtaffnaihndr
pinaldcu of ilw court read tht detiarwhether the lew price of
aUgna'af t}fa itceoMa. afttr which tha
cdarily dissetroua m that IndB which
amuta atatttntei of tht prttoBcr waa
putchaaca it to largeiyT Since 1S» India
read lug the tlt^ of tht court.
has been the only real wholesale cua>
at the HottI Burttnron U> this rttg yta- tomer for ailver. Other cun<mere are
AsgiclU. Id tht- courar of the acatt- ttrdag. The cetetnong took place Id of the retail order. The dfUcale adjurr.
MBt. tald that be Irfl ToggU la Octo*
of -the parlore of the hotel; which meet of the relative prices of the rupee T^OS BALI CBBAP-1
bar. in. aad wtm to MarMtnao aad ___decorated erlth white aaaleaa matd- asd ailver formerly exlsttag has txen
rudely shattered by recent eventa Since
Batedoaa. where ha took the aamt of i aa hair tema. palnu and pink roeea. The J8M
the rupee has risen and aUver has
Letter Bradoer olBclaied. uauig the
Jote Santua At Brat he had ro thought I
while at 1 ProteaUnt Epltcopal tervlea. The htlde
___ a corn colored allh with brocaded
“The lb* .forces now acting nOB aaLX Boase « Bariaw auMW Clwap.
a«d tulle trtinmlBg. and a white
anareblat doctrtnea. He then returned atrlpee
l(«hani hat with plutnea. Her tnoiber. Upon the price of ailnr have become
to Maraelllaa. and after hb. cxpuUloD
suchdelA. 8. Chapmaa. who bemowe^ the tremendcus to be dominated bythe
from that aig be weot to B.tglum and Mia.
led II defeat K WAXTSD-Trasa aCHgUiBbar Oo.
Ir.flueccea-ae precetded
band of the bride, wore while and grag
:~,Vinin-~r i with wmi*
-lioadon. a here be BWht meet (f ble time i ~7~te the aociety of anarchUu. Wh« the i »^***"* trimmed with
he bonnet of gray
execution tork place at Barcelona on
Mag 4 of Bve of the acarehleia convicted whiu.
be »Uhstt«d '• TTu article In cuBCludof
if partldpatlan
In the bomb cDIrage atf After the eeretneny tht gueeta
ihg m}-e: "The closing of the mints was
the feaat of Corpoa ChrtMl be------ —'. berlng about twcntg*Sve; were enter- fastlfled. and all that la now neded to
wni,; j
■■ “
wr-?.!" bring a great experlroeni to a auccemAbe Idea of
oat aeekJng an aecomplice he .
tul ehdlrg le a little ccutage and pa­ QBXLOCK LCMMa^tesate'at
y to. Spain and carried cat the reeolutloD.' i Ha
tience. as Well as resources, os the part CampeSr
”” iTu*
m Umkm the UMellg rie...
of the flrancicta of the Indian eihplre.
Tb* pubUe proaecDtor deeeribed 'Ihe
At the same time pIM and atr
Florida-avenna Washington,
ertine aa "premediuted murder” and bride Is the wboresa of a volun
ward language It hdvlsable i
' 1 the court te imi
impeke the death pen- poems and has been a contributor '
ini- The Indian atatcameu unpered
•Itg. UeoKmant' Oom
whom the Harpers and other pagaslnea
. j long with Umetalllnn. The lUiiacourt had aaelgned aa counael 0 defend
tlon. which seems t» Innnceei and In­
Oo ISBpieert eiir imfany.
' AhglolU. urged that the priaoner
nocuous. has already ecat them dear.
dtmeDied at the time of the ahoo
Mortally IVewads ghraa Ben aad Bees ar But for that the government would have
OBcoa erar BeaiagBc-a hardvaieladre.
and made a airorg a^al toihebenevoaaamted to the clertngtof the'micu long
lenoe of the Judgea. Whila hie counael
^Unmsra. Ib- Aug' IT.^y fhe tgesk- before
Caiaaisats an Oar Baht Otplaaaaay.
Ing of a coupling on a tram oMwra in
the ■'characterthe mine cflbe Wapello Coal rutnpaog latlc crudecem and* of American
to apeak tor hlmaelf.
which eaagranted.
He thanked neutenaot Gorrta for hla at Hltemah geaterdag morning tweatg
in sending a bimetallic com­
effortn. and denied that be bad ang acmore cr leas bad!}’ Ihiursd. mission to ask for the reopening of the
eompllcee, or that he waa an arcompllce three of whom will die. The fatally In­ Indian mints, while at the aame lime
afr thrae
who committed
the bombthrow* jured are James Dartry.
>y. uon,i.-om»in
Don,CouJ»in dealing the wont yoafllde blow ai Biitand Charles F-dmunds Thf «» mm emby paiBing the Dipleg
lip# were on a train of tariff. It is clearly imprsallile.'
n route d«m-n an In­ the writer, "to treat seriously a compreeldeot
cline from the month of the rtiaft i
mlMlon which arguaa that -npless we do
t Inierrupted himI and tbr«
ttaeif places of work, when the cwupllc
nethlng for silver the next elrclloo
atop him If he puraued that tine of n
between the last two cam l.roke. lelUng
the Vnlted Biatet will return Mr.
anarfc or touched upow ang matteta »
d..wn the grade. The cars Bryan te the White Rooee to the laatlng i . . ^
eeiniectej with the trial.
struck a curve In the track and men and Injury of British Interests. It la not . • • W
cars were piled together in a heap.
eerUlR that Mr. Bryan will he elected. I
Anglolll pcralelH In speaking of polltt
cot even certain that If he were
Paswllg BaetlaaGM^
ticf and of 'the ware In Cnla and th^
Dubuque, la.. Aug. IT.—Cnraeliui elected we would suffer more than we
Fhlllpplnee. The pretldetit tald: “All
Inrrsy. aged ». married, received In­ Bmnld from a new McKinley with an­
that ha'e nothing
other McKinley act.
OppawrtW Help tor mlvw.
in death geeterdag.
Anglom rolled; *T t
"Moreover, nrillsh Investors In Amer­
Rndclph and Oiy a
ican serurlUes have time before the next
plcioD of being Imp
riectloc and before the
of Hurvag.________
crash to get rid of them. One thing ts
certain, we would be very foolish to do
New Tork. Aug. 17.—At reaterdmv'a arvthtng for HIvrr. Even should the
dent declared the Ariel ended end nr- Ud price for silver to New T>rk the miind State* and Prance sgree te adept
tdered the court room cleared. After thg Intrlasic value of the atandard doUar hlmeialHsm and England to reopen the
prlaeoCT bad been conducted to hU cell la 4t« cents.
Indian mints. It would only bolster up
the fudges deliberated for an bemr and
titter tor a brief space, te tall again to
, then nnpounced the sentence
es: so tiiat Indian
'' court, which waa tha‘t Angtolll be garBwlUerlnnd has the largest army of Saancrt wonid be Jn s position as bad as
roted within the prluon aralla -..n Mere"
any nation In Europe in proporUon to
rKINCBLT prtiAUT ooiirtf WKU. Its population.
About thirty men left Spencer. Wla..
tha paat week for the DakoU grain Ctae ta Which PlBy-tosw Oat of aisty^wo
Aaa trim.
Mrk n«t W*m Made W.IL
Belda. among them being four tbm''
Paris. Aug. i:.- tloce Hei
Henri of Or©Bboqoe. la.. Aug. 17.—The fact that
leans, who was woui
unded In tbe lower
Prank Sinclair, one of the men who hog cholera la curable bat again been
part of the right side of the abdocnen was held for robWnff old man Oppelt
the farm of the Du­
Sunday morning In the duel fought arllh at Columbus. Wla, some months ago. buque Fruit and Produce company
the Count of Turin, nephew of the king committed suicide at St. t>mts.
-«ra W. U Scrufga. While itavaUng this city, where, under the dlrccUoD of
of Italy, paaied-s quiet night. Hla con
Dltialon Freight Agent Clemena. od the
dltlOn U now cimaldered by bla pbgtl- OR a Southern train walked off the Mat- Chicago. Mllwaukoe and 8t Pat* rallQtana to he astlaCaclorg. Seneral Al* toRS nehr Cohuia sution. Oa She la oad. flfiy.four-oai or ■xty-twx. mot
• .benone. the Italian officer who bad not dead, but her life hangs By a thread. hogs wer« treated and saved. There
The Illlnoto fecrtiaty of rtete baa IIchallenged Prince Henri, but who gave
wag to the Count of Turin, has with­ cenred thegneerporatten of the Home
drawn hU challenge. Palis la Intense­ Builders- and loTessora' Lean aMocla- the treatment was <
ly excited over the duel. The sale of Uon at Uaticen. CepluI atocK. U.OM.papers <»n Ihe leiuU-vards was alriloat
The agents of the Chld
The French wheat surplus ts SLOW.- bf this____jukee
unprecedented, while on all sides knots
and 8t. Paul Ball
Of Parisians. gx-sUcoUtlog with evsti OOD quartera. Oermany Is l.OOO.OOO qi
road company have .been using their,
more than customary energy, were dls- tera short: Austria has enough fOr
remedy lor over a year and have
custlnk. almost 'lusirellng.' over the ea- own wants aad Russla-f crop it below ceeded in saving fully »0 per cent, of the
the average.
bogs "treated along, the line of tbdr
• James 8m1th. of Trempealea*. Wla, road.
who but recently was release from the
that Prince Henri'soverthrow' has killed ■Ute.Bs>-luni el Mendota.-was reUimed
WaBilngton. Aug. 17.—61soe tb# new
OMewnalsm fur a generation. French
tr.RUutlon; having again
pride. Irrespective nf party. Is deeplg signs of violent Insanity.
tariff law went Into operatiem negutlahurt by the Italian prince's victory.
Und« the recent act of the TBsaa tloDi Itave be<n In progrew between the
Hapi>ll>- the ntoud of the Paritlan legislature reqolring forfeiture of char­ secretary of itate and thk Frenrti am­
Changes duickly and often, for It the ters for non-payment of the fraaefatse bassador here iemking to the fonnalaprea-nt temper were toiast IntematloDBlxiy-three. foreign and MS-d»- tluQ of a new agreement between the
al compUcatlons would he unavoidable,
two countries on the l>a«la of reciprocal
lie corporatloaa.
e Ptooch anger Is further allmulatod ebartcra
urlff concealon* under the authority
•rred-by aectlon 1 of the new tariff
a hU opponent In uerve proachea one of the tellers is the Bank
It bes Anally been agreed thatSecIn woi^amanablp. and was of France a privaU stgnal it gives tq a reury Sherman. AaotBact Secretary
I <of the treasury departmsnt)
overborne by the rloleoL concealed• photogrataer.
d„ln a lew
of, the Count of
vAual is aet enoferenee c n The subject In the
crrtly photographed.
la fully expected that
Ludwig wmiama 14 years old. aat ta
i.AirBnsB osn a oolo h
the alley bark of hU inotbar'B bume and _ cew eiKl ■Ulrtacton- agreement will
drank poison. He was dead within as be rwched., Bectlon S U the reelproeUr
Dlngley MIL
boar-afterward. WllUame was a oom- arttlcm of
pasiaher Lonls8ehafner.Uyearaold.wbq
CWiurtlaa Wiw. tb* to read Jttoto
AUPibptcd to hang hlmaelf a few dags
abere of the i
polntc CUtie. Aug. IT.—T«al*rda>-s Isago.
traatlonsl yacht raee
race tor the Seawasd F«^. cal'
AasocUte Juatlce Btepben J. Fldd baka cup was ovecTbe
There was
Canadian premier. Sir -Wilfrid Laorier. can now claim bavlng served ibelongest The weather waa time of any Juctlce on the United States
wed tbe Anlah
the B>eela1 gold medal of the club stmdt supreme bench. . Teeterday gave blm light wind, aiencaln
At* race waa tolled(or'prwnuilon te the Canadleo itaiea- one day moretbat JusUceJohn Hardball
man Utf.................. Dgirftlon of hla attach- who served thirty-tour gaairs.
challenger, won.
mest to
months and llVe days.
^ LouU
Chicago. Aug. 17.—
London Chamber of Commerce gertor- ward C. Chasdler. O.
clam In the terltorT.i
day. a^ every eeatlge of foelUig - Ma. Frank BowMa. of Chicago.^. At are Ukely to soon aeeun
vor of nnlOD with the ”-1..^
BneUssd.- He. Hr*. Ocrttuds TemkAlas.
cf Berton. At Palmyra. Wla. Ctartoto- 4he form of LOOO-mlle Uiterrtiaaceabla
ad. had iKilbing to galu-t
tickeia. good over twenty-eight dlffarpberOleson.U '
- - ttetrtng Davies srarued Intel
ent railroad ayatema
WTlKD. tt.
gnets agwblri the Uuumi-‘
Harvy A. BUB. a veteran of the
B^lassr KUtod bg a nywbssL
cuftirt of the Kloodgke. 1
Deiavan. lUa. Aug.- 17.—Ttaemaa
rUk and atage. -waa found dead at Chicago Is
wouM go there at thelf r*
an alley back of the Wiodaor hoteL He Bandy, engineer of the Macirlc Utttt
that the Canadlaa
appoara to have fatten from a window dUtlon. last night was eangbt is tbe SgM Uw foorth «erg of the boM. EUla wheal aad Inatantlg kUM. Be was
WM ts ffsod MRumataaoM gsd had a
' la Is felf
______________ r* «alM thwe iB paabodr iBlsg bnttes.


^ V.T.OioMae

rta waitod brra aad waited.
Aad te la aot rd la eiTht.
fhW Bd&k't warn aoad hrevg Ma
na girth U acts aad UgM.

1 B. a B OsdUtoe

w m......D.QAA m.


I *’*' ftwuait.
n »j 1 tO DaXB.&

e- '- .I^rtitioii Co.
Tint TABLE.^


‘SKKTJtfSSK'iai.: - ~
0.L.L0CKW0P0 0,1

Chicago —
^ ■ ilTi: West Michigan

nf.KSiW.TJSS." 'Sfi-.s



■ m.Si;;





.S' r.aS»Sir..

£•1 ~ ........ .

M BiKalhi
a. B. i
640 Cam
t4uPv w


tr OevaU 10 Kaalsiee.

i'KH__ Money to Loan

limiB in mniinB a t

Bast Bad Mkihisaa 8u OUoaso.
- B^POn.AgBBt.TiartasOB-




Youp Choice.

Buildino^ Lots
Houses and Lots
Tia'wee Olsr. Biea.

For All Cash or Low for
Part Cash

«0ixe XOKTB.
toiaw».B«r. Ttortai. Thenaeraaa





-_____ L.H


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