The Morning Record, September 24, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 24, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Pint Tew-No. 128.


. «mov»M nnsu>AT.

.......................». Ch*rl«y Balls ssd a
O. CSrrer hssUsd him. hdwsrsr. Is
tsostol tbsis.
Below Is s soapleU sammsry ot tbs
seam. pUe* ssd Urns of wissais:


astll tbs
sad piosic sapper at Bay Tlaw Tbsraday aftarsooB. started from tb* ebnreb at
t:sa Let all «M* la Urn* to eoioy
tbladalirbtful trip.
Mia. A. S. Beajamls, eut* praaldant,
Mtr. Jalta B. Psiab, aorraapoadiac **oretary of tb* ataU asd adttor of tb*
Mtebiraa Daioa. sad Mr*. G«rtrada
Minor* wm be present to help tbroarbout tbe ooBTsaUco.
It U hoped that Bor. Odell. W. C T.
V. mlealomiy to tbe lumber eai
will alee be oreoeat.
It- ia hoped that larr* delefatioae
will eome from all tbe Daieaa and es­
pecially from aQ new eoeletlea.

Emm ud AtlUMlc ■pert* T. PtSBlBctes. let: Bowlasd Boa^- 1^ XTpos Obiosc* Brasidk for Funds
Vm« SaoSttec ud the Feet JUU toe, tad: n. 6attt, Aea*. bed. ‘nas,
To Aid Is Preaoontlon ef OOoors
•em* letmctter-fed«e Beaeden:
,Two-mil* basdleap blflyeU raea—
dBd F. a oabm lUd* Sntertela Frank Boldswcrtk. serstob, let; C O.
V 1st Addr—M. ^
Bo Xad* to Ooaelct for Merdsr.
Oarrer. eeratA, tad; C. P. Bsok, 114
'A* stMuUsM St Uelsir yMterday yard*.ftrd.. Tits*. ft:»J<WasbiartOB. Bspt. ts.—At tbs fst
wsi Torp •stUfsetorp ssd sp to the «s*
Os* mUc epsB Weyelc laovBolds- dsy^ leaioa of tbe a
• e{ the asssr«s>«8l. WUls worth, let: Book, tad; Oioar Frlsd- of tbs d
I of Ubor
tbars trst-sosspodsl isdiesUes tbst rleb. trd. Tim*. t:»0X■adoptad a Molatloo dlraeUsr
ItO-ysrd bardie rsow-F. D. Oatobsr, Chiearo Fadaration of Labor to aid tbe
tbsr* wss to be s rery lsrf« sttesdsee* dsrlor the vsek, os seoosst of Elk Baplds, let; A. B. Dewar. Sd; perl taaaare^asd carrier* to thoronrbl;
tbs Ualtsd exblWU (roa tb* ooeslip Panslnrtoa, ftrd.' Tim*. 17i<.
tleae in th4 bUtory of the dUtrtot.
CSBlB*. Tbe foUowinr reaelstlo*
tbs dlsplsysef tbe-cUymerabssUwsr*
Beasisr beoad Jornp-Coteher. IB adopted:
Makqyt'a ebbjeet of prayer and eom
eslnOstsd to sttrsot aon tbss ordl* feet 1 iseb, let; Dewsr, 18 feet I Inebes,
'Be*olred.r71tat w* dd^an tbe at­ ap exi^Unr tb* preeeaoe ef God.
tsd: Penslnrtoa. IS feet, trd.
tack of Sbcriir MstUb asd dapaUes oa
Man B. A. Caxracu.
Dp to lest eTsbiof 14ft fsatly tleksts
■ of the atrik* was'
bad bsss sold, which wss sesrosly sp ts feet t Uebss, let: Cbsa. Helm, tT
t the fall mUlU
to tb* Boahersold np to the tsas Uas fast to isobcs, tad: Pesnisrtos. tefsst
ft eoal operator* of
V. O. Uwreaee tbU wbel
ft Isobes. 3rd.
Usl yssr, bat the .b1b<U sdaiseii
>taat tbe^jar!6r.^bi
elfiai and beat pattoraa.
uMsr birh jnmp-Cstcber. 8 f*et;
were eosMarsbly is sxesaof tb* c..
(^rrsr and Pesslartos. U*. « fast
rssposdisr day Ust year. Tbesslesof
‘Beeolred. that tbe vet^siigadr use
the drat ds^ were also (Tsatsr tbas
.fa Ut* year* of eoart lujnnctloaa.
Ust year. Upoo tbs whole, tberel
Blaadlar hlrb jnmp;-ODteber. 4 fast armed force and aute mtlitU ia time*
it b szpselsd that tb* tmqIU of
s nebc*. ut: Panala^B. 4 feat, tad: ef tbe labor troublaa U oaly part of
week wUl equal if sot szeesd tbs pre- Helm aadCarrer. tie,'trd.
tbeiaftidQoae premium to entirely aobTbree-larrad racd-Catcher sad Wil- jarate tb* worker* of America , to tbi
rioui year. Yesterday there were »ftO
elstle adabaloBS sold, afalaet lees aoa. let: Helm and P. J. Boblnaoa, Sad: most debaelar derradaUon.
than 700 ee lb* easts day last yearP. Dural sod Dew* r, trdr •
■■^Ived. that we coodema moel
Tb* attraetloss Is the stals boUdlsf
Barrel rato-Prledrieb, let; Oaerr« severely tbe waatoo kiillnf aaf
bse* already bsai rseisw^ U tb* Pewln*. sad; Boy Urubb, trd .
woBndinr of the poor mloers at LaUThe foot ball rame bctwasa the first mer aad wUl rive oar fnllaei sappsrt
Bsooss asd tbsra is little, If asytblsr
and *«coBd UaMoftb* Hlyb eeboel tbroarb tbe trade* ia tbe Amerieaa
Tb* Olaf attraetfaw wa* tb* laoe caaaltod la favor of the first team. FedcraUoa of Labor, to raiae money
S. Lardls acted as referee. for the leral proeecattoa and oeavieV' traok. bat tbe etoek aod laplesiaat asTb* first team took lb* kick Off and iOB of 8borifr.Martln-aad bU mardarooe
Ubita earn* is for a larfe abar* of attasUan from the famere, who war* amde two touckdowus and one rood depnUca, that jnatioe ouy bo don*
ead rasa la tbe remi
atoBo for these ravolUnr taordeia.**
Oss ef tbs aursetlos* which Isritad tb* fame boner* wore eqaally
■or* than passlsf istersst was tbs sa- The flret team was tb* etroarar and
blUUoB of fir* sKtlBfslablsr by L. K. besTlar team all aroaad bat the
Oibba, fssaral afsat of tb* BscId* pad team pot ap a placky rame aever- Maple Olty BailBem Men Want To
aa Good play* were mad* by
nrs&tfissCa Mr. OIbbs bad casssd
■bow Their Travel** Olty Bretb*
to bs ersetad a est^ frams balldlay, both teams and reaeral aatUfaeUoa
whesalMlacos one of onr laxarioa*
rea How To PUy BalL
whleb be flllsd wlU dry roods beae* irea.
eotaa U an easy putter for tbe daUUIy
week. berloDtnr Wedaeeday.
Tb* ball raM yastorday morntar
id etbw
ether lirbt eomboeUbl* materials.
led m^dea. Time elipa by wbea
wa« a eloee and sxcliiar coateai. bat
mforubly eMOoaaed. sad tbe visplace. Ae in years peat UiU will be aa
ally with
» oil, Tb* stract- w«* finally wda-by tbs Mapleton Mam
Itor reaUtee wbea -be leave*, that f»soar* of 14 fo IS. Oarey Hall aet- attractive point for tbe Traverse City tween wooiea'e sweet fBaeiaatlon. and
«u« was set adr* asd tb* ebemleal
baelaeM Biea and tboae who are inter/•
^tparatu of tbs Baeise omspasy ar ae amplre.
eetod ia eutorpriee wfaleb dUpUy* tbe the beaoUfal effect of BMar't furni­
brao(bt into rsqabltlos. A commit'
ture artUtieally arraagwl. that bU
energy of tb* farmer and merchant.
ts* appolstsd by tbe pneldest of lbs
Lait yeat there wae d liberal reprs- mlad turned to borne oomforto aad
, aoeisty. eossieUBr of*Mes*r«. A. H.
otatloo of tbe Traveras City b«aloee* tboaybu of love.
Dobeoa, Henry Bredbafes. asd Wa. Fif^.Fle* Kea'Wrent Mortb TqaterWe've the FnnUtur* at deoidedly
ea. This year will ba ao exception.
MeDosald, wltaeseed tbe tat ssd protorday t| Work oa tb* Mew
There have always been feataroa to at- tbe lowedt pries*:
. aoaseed it perfect and fally sp to the
C. A W. H. Bxiaaaioa.
. attention from the city and tbl*
elaljs* of Mr. Gibb*. Tbe flra
year It U propoeed to latrodaoe eometiaratobed ia to eeooade tiM tbe time
Work ba* already b*rao on tbe C. A
It wa* Iralted.
W. M. eeteaelea from Van Bnrea w tblar new aad exciliog. Therefore a
lenge hat been imeed a* followe;
Tbar* belar no eebool yeatorday tb* Kalkaska. YMterdpr
at urtnrea* mks or Tatraatt rrrv;*
paoed thraarb tbaeltyau tbair way
who mad* tb* toott of e
to ! Borlb to work oa tbe new line, which
sad helped mttorially to ewcll, U to extead Si mile*, at presanU from of Tr*<
Van Boren. ThU diatanoe will take baae ball
tb* line tbroarb
OB a day lb be hereafter dnlyaated.
Oraar* Bxarai***.
Mana Cm- Busixm Mm.
into tbe expeastve pise tlmbar tract
At tb* ooncInelOD of tbs foot ball *1 tile Thayer Lamber Co. Thar*
While tbe Maple City buaUea* m
ram* tb* crowd ratberad at tb* speak- ar* lathe tract S.ftOO.OOO feet of pin*. aod eltiwo* all acre* that tbe Haet«r^ Btoad wbar* tb*r>
This wUl opaa ap a eooatry IM can pUy ball, they have not lb*
rivaa. ia cbarfa af Pomeba that wlU la Ume baeoma a feeder to
opinion of tbe Traverse City
- frasr*- Tbaprorram waa ia cbarr* Tiavera* City and one which will be of
a. Bat to irlve the mercbai
of LowaU Boer*, who latrodooad P. C. Biorc value than rnfrbt at first appear. ebaaoe to show wbat they know about
OQbart a* tk* flrstspeakar of tb* aner- From Kalkaaka tb* MnalaaUeB of tb*. tbe yams tbe ehalUag* U iasaed and a
aaoa. Mr. OUbarf* enbject wa* -Lee- Use baa not yet bean dafiaitely decided reply U expected at once.
new from tba Elandlu.’* and It-waa opoa; or If decided ba* aot yet been
While it U admitted that tba Maple
ably haadlad. Be said Uat erary dol- {given o i by tba C. * W. M. By. Oo. City bnelaeet men know a lot about
lar'dor from tbaaartb repraaentod two However, tbe thlrtyone miles will take the aaUoaal gam* tb* Tiaveise Oty
doUara worth of toU sad expaaM. and' tbe ezteeiloD within only a few mllw' baiiae** 'men are wupposed to know
if maa woald only pat tba same eaenry of tke Miebitfan Oatral and it U ex- sure abool tb* game than tbe average
pectod that a eoeaeclioB
with that line butlaea* mea baeaaae they bare tb*
at boms they would aoeompliab evaa will be a matter of <
beet amstenr team ia tb* etete. and
rraaur mliaclo*.
W* sboald delve tbe near future.
they will nBdonbtedly_aoeept tb* ohal
. are garment* that
deep asd devalop liberty and patriotTbere arc evidently not a great nnm- Uoge and ehow ibe'Maple City folks a
4nast merebanu think
lam. (Talem we do ao our wmltb will ber of
3 ia Traverse City who ar* thing or two about bane bell.
can be eligbted.
U tb* I badly io need of work, ak»aptoy**toreuitearedlirerenu For in--------- w#
mla* of all bappSaas and tbe farm day-afternoon oaly tan had appliad for
wa g.give
orders to have oar Working
bom* U tb* dearest spot of all.
employmeat oa the road.
Ulu made ap aaBototantially. If
aot more so. than a dross gardne^ ud ^v^^o’ii^i*’:^
menu M'lih our Popular Low
Cbroy Hull baa eooBontod to act lie
Ueal talk on. -Tb* oaUook for tbe
Prices we offer aa anlde that I>
Buaager for tbe High school foot hall
farmer." He ebowed that tbe rUs and
VUltors TceUrday,
oar* three late, cannot be
team,, and ba* already opened a eorfall of prioee for wheat depend* almoat
The resort eepeoa pt Ne-ah-to-waat* reapeacleac* with- lbs CadlUae High
•atlrely opon tbe condition of crop* U
Mbor oouatriea. and made plain tb* closed yesterday. Col. S. A. Bmitb, lb* aekool Mam for a gam* here tUturday,
folly of pUaUag a heavy erop tbe eee-. maaiiger. left tbe rroort aad departed October t, on* week from tomorrow.
Under bU maatgsmeot aod with a
oad year beeaose of good price* the*' for Jaekaoo. A Urge number of
I gueeU atoyed naUl the Uat mUnte aad team that abop* up la the exeelleot
flret year wbea tboae price*
form that tbU Man did yeatorday, foot
caoeed eolely by failure ef crop* in did not leave astil tbe bowl eeaaod
forelgB Ubda Be also devoted eon- do basioaw tbU yaar. TbU baa baea ball sboald boom here tbU automo.
and. laddeataily oUar a llttia m
aldarabl* attentloa to the attitude Uk- oae ef tbe
an kr tbe raUraadtagalaet tb* farmer* tbe bUtery of tbU popaUr raaort, and foe th* boya.
allbougb cold waatber daUyed
:^dng Baoas aad Oama*.
B. C. Oemptoa, proprietor of tb*
vUltor*. wbea thsy earn* tbay arrived
Tbe last event, tb* miU open bUyel* U Urge aumber* aad stayed long. HotM WblUag, want to Grand Baplds
noe, oa yoeterday’* program of aporu Among tboM who Uft yaater^ war* yaaterday aeoompaalad by Mr*. Compresult^ U ae pretty a oontesl as ba* Mr*. J. C. Hobart, two ebUdrea and ton. who will go t MU CUmea* for
over been eaea la this el^. Holdeworth Bur«a; Mr*. J. N. Caldwell, two cbll-'
■lory rbaamal
woa from (Barlay Book U a fiaUk that drea and aura*: MUe M. O. B(W. MU*
ooalda't have been closer. The first Babbitt, aad Mr*. J. B. Uargrovaa, all
Up wee finUbbd with ib* *U etertarB of ClneUnatl_____________
la * BtrUg, HoldBWartb'flftb and Bnek
Obleago Market.
Bmroath MUtriet. In Fotoskay.
bribing sp tbe nar. Tb* last half U
Chicago, fiapi. Sft.-Wbeal-Septemwhere toae* two drew ap oawad away
Tbe POBTtoeatb aaaaal convaaUoa
firms tbe field, flaUhiag almoat seek
of tb* Blcvaatb W. C. T. U. dUtrict of
' Wd Dodt. Holdeworth wlaalag by lee*
Ukblgaa WlU b* bald U tbe MatbodUt
Oetobar, obareh at lU^kay, beglnaiag next
Department U proviag a anooeei
»Xe: Daoembar, ftOKtetfe; May, Me.
away beyoad our expectation*.
Both tb* other
___ mday afteraooa at i o*oleek. aad
Oats—S^tembel-. lOMo: Oetobw, closlag with a sue* mroUag Saaday
eUa* aad well oootetted. Uvl Peanlngtoa. a dyk bore*, wtaatag the 80c: Deeei^ber. 8(.Ho: May. 8IH9K*
afMraooB aad svealng, Oatobsr 3rd.
look or bay.
Porit—September. fiS.IS: Oetobar,
half mlU aavio*. Bavar being b'aadad.
Oaa aad aaa-tbird fhr* bm baaa
Holdeworth also was the two'mUe $«.»: Daeambar, ge.lO.
aeearodoa tbaG. B. AL and C A W.
lmrd-8*pwmb*r. fli-U; Oetobar. M. B B.
open from tb* eerateh, with CUrvar,
■i.ftft; Daoembar. M.eoififtl.
aUoaoraWb. right after him.
Bay ymir round trip tUbat at plsaa
F. O. Oatobar was avsey OB* of tb*
ofatarUagaiihaaaraMa. flaad aamm
Tb* India* ar* iavltod to eall today
'MaavMtaUwbUbbaoatwad, wkUh aad
tomarraw at Mrs. W. O. Lawrm^ atdaUfaMatoMfa.P.J.Howard. Bay
M«a*d ovary aoBtaat. aaaaat tba bar. atwenadaeaherTUw.
hgtivGWMul InlulTiIlM,
wan aad MeycU raaaa, of ib* d«y. aad wiator miUlaaiy.
Coma for Ibeopaaiag aad taaula |Mrve*tBk.gMa4rtab Blk.




Yes, We S6II Paul’s Ink..
in thtf neV>A^omaiic Sa^ty Bottle. Ab$o>
lutely.^^n'Spifhtble. No Evaporation. No'
Cork. Safe, Economical. Convenient




Some of tb* bigemt tUafs
ior tba meney fa tb* ettv at

TbU Store will b* cioeod
Monday and TuMday. Sopt- 37*3S.

Tour Cloak Choosing
here will be from the coantiy’* beat prodoctiona,
bought under the most adrantageoua oonditioos, .
and to the profit of onr cnatometa.

Here are Samples of Our Values:
Imdlto na* BoaeU
Jackete. half (UUa
Uaed. -a^iUb eaU
worth •4.00. at



CbUdrdn'e fiaaey mU-1
wool Oaael- \
worth n.Tft,!

A Big Stoek, Big Variety, Big Valaefi, at







I lot *ir.¥S5,7£ $3.98
I lot
I lot Rsa-.a;~“- $6,98




Ooo4. Flour BtB BaBaoiuble Prioo.
Proplowant tluit kind of Flonr.
WeoAUlt . ,


For Boy’s Waists,
For Jtten’s Shirts,
For Children’s Dresses-

Our 25c Wool Flannel

WtUwjostntielmiuNtiraReeLigeiif..... .

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
la the city, at-------




___ jea Paliaer, trork haatoiai CBai*
Tha Woed rtatara an ap to data la
to k« M la l»«Up«t Oeuac.. flak wMee aat! Hra. liaila .lUlaarp aad frcthalai«e caatc
WHfhl. «ha.toar aav »n. AMtoeap ItoiT hno fioMad tta tont fa a^la.
Qnttlok. k dMa teUat tuaBa. Ui^
_to aOd okapaBoa. Ttoep an hae<
vmATBiias onr. • KiomoAsr
tac-Aatropaatapthlawoak asd fhelr
r «; Mra. TtoaA Oreea. ]
nc aaid ethm an OBjaptar tho
S!i jSSiff—
paUtad ploMra fruaa: lea Hoxto aad Aaeat dl^lap the popalar pooaf )aB. Baak alw of OMlaa^
BalM^efrMmKlaM water aat: faala dlae haea oetr toad tha good tomaa
T. »ATW AW) J. W. H*w^
Nototaj: actUaUl Bowen: Joe aad
MlaaloTraiaalB.towato aad tatole cloth:
J. .W.
- jBpaalih ealtad naanad ara tahMia. Blaaar, Sow. eaaa: WQUas Boxhot cakaa tiy Uc. MeTm wui BV* >on W. waah howl pad pHeheo: Uda Heeda. tagUka
mn Koadap, WHh a XiM Of

fla. bora: Bln. Trawala. aowlat
Oard of Thaaka
Imp: Balph BImb. |rl*aa
Itoa fall ter. of tha Olioait ooart Ohariap Tri.ala. ohlaa eapa aad noe•. Owrgc Cola, wke waa laj
I ttma ago. edabeato aapeic bb
wUl toarlaa«rtMoadap. Ttoare - - •li;' wmu PalMT. tooth pleka aad
toeidar; Mr. aad Mra Jaha Sialth. larpa ___ ika to Ue ladlaa of Ua Ragbora
Hoc and aapeciallp to Dr. Garaer aad
dlalat IOC icp: Mr- aad Mra. T. anraa Hdap for Uair kiadaw aad
ctSMtaax. camsa.
Ootlor. Ubla cMh aad oapMaa.
good tea taieat.
Tha people ea. Peter Boatra.! ei^
t TraMiM OiV. Doe ef UBacr law. J. J. TwaMle for
Wotea*a dob Oontderlag Bropeaitte ft* a •ehaoL
rmm aaml NMm te Uo Ualud latk. ef meor Uw,
The people re. aanael a Treeett • The meben of Ue WoeBaab Oab
Biatoo. wklek ha* Wea ftadaallT latoW ladeeeat lltowtiea erlth feotaU an aglUtlag the nutter of harlsg e
oroadafand nalataUad. Bay
eeoklag eehool for two weeka la OetoetolM aader 14 pean of ate.
«oUod apoa toaaaartita^ 1
The poopte ea. Lawto Sladar; elola :bw. nadar Ue aeeplcof Ue deb.
•e toe itoe laUaUoa of the aav ^eparlMlM Bmltp Marlon Oolllag of CHI 01^.
___ _ looaUoeiairUie aaval laUUla- tloo of ll90or law.
The paoplaea Lawla Bladar; elola- Pa., wbc clpaa at Bay VlewUie
•ea la eaee of «M wtU> Bpala aad aeV
iraa oae of Ua aoceemee of Ue
1*. eupe are to^ a»ade to
theee tioa of liqoor law.
ibly cas be eeeared for a oourac
The people ee. Daeld Atotop: laroaap
Befeaden la ebape lor aoUoa. Ttoere
of leeana bet lo ordM to pap expaac
•re otooat MK» naral milltlaiDeB (a the fa«. ehep la the dajtUoa.
b iDtaaaifled by the daganwof
The people ea. Kd Ooleord; toaatardp. a elate ef too mnet be eeeared The
DaiUd Statea aad It la expeeted that
The people ea. Jao. Km; wtUallp ntet are extremely i^waoblp. only
all wUl be eallad apaa la oaae of troe•1.00 torUeeaUre ooorSa eo^toUag
tola la the Cobaa OMUwerej. la thle •Bd oiaUelooalp.tdmar oatUa.
•aaealatyerepteoeaiatioafroai MlebThe pec^e ea. Cbae. W. Ftoaat: elo- of two boar leeaoae erei^^
lor two weeka Mba Colttag ie
Ifan. laeBbere of the Detroit
UtMW ef liquor law.
pert lo UU Uae of work, aod Uo leewUl have a ehaaee todlaUarolah theautuaa or race.
eald be of laealealable niae to
e^iree. The aav departiaent aeei
Jallua HuaUmaatal ea. Madad VIbthe ladlee ef Trerene dtp. aasp of
•atUfled that there ta to toe troatola
too: troear. PoaterA Crotaar, Dodfe
whom hare ulreedyexprieieda dntie
Ue claaa aa hare alao a aamWana there aeeaia to toe a diepoalOla Bootou. ea. Weatehaatar Fire laUOB apoB Ue part of Japan to reaialn ■aramoa Ompaap; treapada oia tha eaaa. ber .of tha glrU employed ae dom^etlea
•pea poaoeatoU tenaa trlth the Called Pratt ADaela, P. C OUtoart. Thoa. The rlBM will be open to ererpooe.
wheUer a member of Ue dub or not,
Btatee la the Hawaliaa dlfieeltj. there Bataa.
nod Udee whowleh to Join are reqaeatfa ao dootot toot Uat ehe le keeplaf
Ole Baetrum n. laeuraace Oepaap
her epee opea fca-a Boaaitole ehaaoa to of NorU Amerloa: teepc oa Ue eaaa ed to band Uelr aamea to Mra J. A
^a adeantaie of thti aatioa. Sp^ Pratt A Darla. P. a Gilbert. Tbca Monugue before October 1. at which
lime Ua matter will be decided at the
' oleo eeametdatiroae of keeplar
dob maatlag. It U bopod Uat the
Ole Bostru. ra The Penueplnaia
p-matwtalln. m It will be not
trp U qulaUyl pnparlag for pom
BUry lady la tha dtp wOl proSt
of much
treable aad dhoald Spala or J^m taka,
PnU A Daria. P. C. UUUrt.
by an laepaetioa of oar elegant,
d alep too far towerda aa lafraetlo
line of MLUlscrp.
Tkaa Bate
the rlghM of thU oaUoa It will requln
Ole Boelrum ra Batieaal Fin laeoi*
toot a few abort dape lor a dataw
oa Ue
Maa that.tplU make the far Up. Bow- PraU A DarU, P. C. Gilbert. Tboa Armnd Japaac Wan Mot Xmaded
«nr. It la to toe hoped that mttan aap Bate
U MawalL
toe MUatolp-edjiutedee that then wUI
Ole Boetrum ra Bopal laanranee
*aUlagton. Sept. tA-Beterring la
I po krootola with either.
Oompaap: mope oa the eaaa Pratt Ue rte^b brooght bp tha atemer
A OarU, P. C. Gilbert. Thoa Batea
Peking Uat the pacagen aaw a large
8xaairr Maanx and kh depatOa,
Best Stock we have ever shown and
AathMp Pohoral ra Iran Duaa: ak>thedeathof aepdt appeal. -Turabr A Gate aamber of well driU^ Japaac
Prices never so attractive at ’
la UadL divided Into mUltaiy eqeade. OnsVr*ek ot..
tweaty-four nlaera at Latimr. are Pawhln A Lonagv.'
Durham W. Stereax. eooaeelor of the
Ukelp tobeeeaaloteniUaf tic toeCOaraac* I. MarUn ra AUlep B. Cor- Japaac legation, aape that Ue re]
iare they ar^througb wiU: the difi- a; cumpalt appeal, motkm for aaw
«oHp lmu^wtoleh the reoeat tneedr trial. Taraar A Gate Patchen A are natros. Storeae eve that no
une-e ImmMnota -Ure kllowed to land
pluagedethen. The exeeutlee coaaell
ef Ue Americea FederaUoa of Labor
up L. Vaaderllp ra Piuak Bdtaar
tone dBBOuaeod the affair ae a brutal
I.; trwAaee oa the eaaa UadarinUoritlea aad U«lr eer- ___ t !«• '»»• lw*» eeaiWr <rf ><>«(>>< *bo a*.
■■■II rr aadyieenHfd opMi toraacb wood A Cmfer. Piutt A DarU.
• preriouely eagagod
qtqtr tr«U«»ot. w» ere
tu renelB
emalatloiu for foad* wtU wbicb
Beajamin Thlrlbp at al. ra Oanld
o the officera to Ue hitter eaA Dake; aania^lL
Pratt A Darla
■atardap Market.
TtoU experieBM of Ue UerlB and ha Dorel A 8mlU. P. C. Gilbert.
Aepatlee wiU be likely to be a Icon
IHrUloa M. Mra. Jcb OSIeapia.
AaroB Box ra ba Cook. Wm.
Jackaoo: replerln. UaderwoodA Cm- Sapl.
Mcodamea S. C. Deeprae. A Dteprea.
lor. Ibatl A Daria
Wm. W. HilbraTrararaa City Po­ ernmm. Diplep. Geo. Diplrp. M. Dart*.
In Board of Trade of tiraad Baptde
Dob De*a.J. Denreodori.S. C. Dnr
Ac aot approee of Ue gnad etnet
J. ^bert. W. Bdmonda. Z. C. Bnaa.
tar the Opminc tfoor
earoltal wtolch toai been deeided npaa pe OB Ua <
J. Fowle, U. VVoeaa. Kattla Gray. H.
Ue tooelaen- nen-D Ttoc toeelac Pratt A Darla
Jaaapb Oortb ra Waltor K. KeUp Oridley. A GoSar. A. B. GrUBa. Jeeab
■oa. howeeer4eectokaow Cat U
Gilleeide. R. Goodrich. Geo. OiUett. J.
toeet ter Uc asd Uey d toaee Ue
Sat* Toof LUIb.
Pratt A Darla. Patchla A Lo- Quuirtt. C. L. Groilieh, J. B. Qreillek.
oarateal aaybow. The nebaate peeIrixb. A- W. Jehraoa. H. Jaaee•■m to Ulak Uat they knew a Ulag raager.
BOB. Mary Jamca. J 1. OIbba. F. T.
Dapi ra Wm. Blaekmaa;
«r two about adeertielag Ue town aad
Wa Ouarastac • 0u*as trwj ec M
Oiilb, A. Goedala. Wm. BMtaer. U. U
Anwlag tnde, regardlc of Ue o|da' pc and. GUbertAUate
Oatarrk. Ohmic aadFitrato
KMA.VCKMX no ooMiaaau.
tee of Ue board.
Ladbeof dlrbloa A. who failed le
On M. Van Tact re. DruaiUa Vaa
Tbaad: dirorea. Patehln A Lonngei.
nepoad Ub week.
Mlnala J. lAanatcr ra Jam.
Laet aight Ue Bike reeumed their
AUde for Ub pear hannothuea
Endaehi te Ttara
C. O. Tufser.
fagelar eeMdoBa aad next week wlU toe^ la. The laaM map be left wiU 1C b«u e auRmr fa* j*ei« Irwe eneeke ol
StoUa M:' Cfeampaep ra Albert B.
fU Ue work of adoralag fawae wlU
Ue aaeratary at the Satarday amrket.
Aa all wool, extra heavy Eorwy Jai
toampnep: dlrorn C O. Turnar.
DaUaMcMlUaa ra Seal MeMlUaa.
A 24 itwh. Braver Oape, triiuted with {nr aod fDor roteof bniil.
Aaatpeeterdap'ls eae of Ue to^peU
worth $SA0. for 91.75.
nc Be bad a oolllU. which
A ladira'Booole JackeE, Mtin {need, nod ralu at 96^ for thw apaeial
Irwoa Dodge AOorclL
BaakaU’a Book Bun.
onocked klc blopelw)aa«li
^ •
aale, 93.75.
Bobort Dadarattdt of Ballaira. the
A heavier Boncle Jacket, ratio Uned throatfffaont. prraent value 98.00,
Wm. II. Arme etaL ra Bhattack. artbtie aad tatatad wood camr. who
Ocorge Cole, who wae lajnred bp
oar price at thia apetnal eale, 95H6.
die a tuttber Mle oo the dock of Ue Mfg. Oo. et al: bill to eafom llaa. Mo­ haa made each a fine exhibit at Uc
A ladira’ genaine Bealakin (piecra) OcdlaietU at thia special sale 9500.
fair. WlU aot leave Ue dtp uaUl SatorTravone Clip Lkmber Oo. aad eoBered tion oa aetUemant of deer^
Mary J. Miahlnalck ra Waltor B. dap aftaraooa. Ha haa aoM a large Nerreee UeeilHr. eew* Uefair u a we tern.' Our alack ol filnuhe in nearly complete on tbe aecoad 6oor where yon
• torokoa leg. hae ao tar roeorcred ae to
«• Mt* ***** 7*1 IkM ‘«**B IB Ih* eem
will and great varietiraof infant's Qoaka and Fnr Seta, miaara’
toe able to get atoeut. Be left paeterday Nlakinniek; diroroa MoGoa for all- aamber cd hb apeclamoe of borelUea. MM* le «a*n • cute.
bat haring eome left will exhibit
and ohildren’s Cloaka, For Edginga ai^ ladira' Meffa.
Tbe seeteec OeaUec actc
dor bU borne U MaiptriUe. MIeb.
for Bale aad be prepared to do engrarWe solicit visits from' oar friends asd patrosa. Ooarteoss treatment Mra W. (i. LawreaorUextortaialag
iag U Haakell'a bookatan in Ue Manshown to all, whether yoa bay or not
•ha ladlea of Ue city wiU a dlaplay of
raxA- worr. lacLcowo hkdio
a MoKm.
toaautlful fall atylee la milUBory at her gait Beltaar ot aL Cadarwood A Cm- barn Monk aniU Satarday noon. Thb meo
D* Pe____ ' .nele *rUI he Uruma et BeMl
will afford an opportnnlty for map
‘ farlore <m Float etet. Harlexhilkl- lor. Pratt A Darb.
Wfaltlw lerfaewbo falVed to enjoy Ue
eAe*. D*^i. M^..>
•te UU fall exeeede la varletp aad
TVa* wte ae «w*«m«atb eem* to the weew
Ue fair to do eo la the dtp.
^Pfaaa^*a.e*tbe etoa le etoee* toll to
toeaulp aapUtag etrer oSend hen be-

DnpralleM. Offer!

Cll CUIT rauw USES.





*^Xtor*S»j^e WL Mar^ ». SWaj »l»

A Woman’s


'S3= Hill BONHD.


ft YOU


h ;d

. ARE-



TbarsliL Friday and Satarday.






One W I taapr. natll
Satarday'Higlit,Sapt. 25.
S.jLftSUSSSTS.,'-’’"-'-Dr. Patsoa's Methad Cares.

Gbildren's and losses’


W^helm Bros.


:srsK.'.s5i!;’Sir— —



The Boston Store

Mlw FolepofOtdarwa^te Uo oitp
Jaok LlUap of Suttee Bep. wm at
•toe fair peetardap.
Wn. Klnrelay of Beldlag|llkh.. wm
da towa peeterdap.
Mn. George K. S.1U of MorUport.
waa la Ue dtp peatordap.
Mr. aad Mra George OaTaep of Cbd
iUae, WMU guaata at Ue Wtaitte
' Joha F. MUlar wUl go to 0
Lake Udap U latrodc Ue aoe^lea*
gua loafihlae.
MlMoa Irma aad Bn Lang of Bb
Kapidaan rieitlag MUe LotUa Oeok
Mia CharleB Bex of BIk te^da. wai
atUafalrpeatatep. Haraoa Boberl
Mr. aad Mia F. B. 'nnnte of Oaatel Ihka. wan la totra p oaf dap to:
•cad tha ^,aad rWt Mnda
Mia. B. A. On^attedad thp W.

Xba Oarrie Trcnala aad Fraak
Xmpa Manlad Tnte^.
A kiw aaarrlage wm aolemnlaed
peetardap afwrnoen la Elmwood, whiek
anlted Ue hcarb aad kaada of Mba
Carrb Tramala aad Frank Kroopa.
The eerWBoegr wm parfonaml bP Her.
D. Oechlla. paator of Ua OengngaUoaal chnnsh. U Ua prenra of a
laige ecpaap ef idatlc and friaada.
After Ue oaremoap taUca wore teaad
la Ue grove In front of the hoc aad
Ua wadding fnUrltba were gap and
happy. The yonng eonpU were acbbpUeir fricb
who farorad them wlU glfb of aaefalaaoa. FbUowtag b a Ibt of Ue pree•Bte aadiUc who gave the;
Mr. nkd Mra. Amoa Tramala. ..
ymffT'kf earpet: W. H. Tremalae aad
wife, dlror kaivM. forka aad apoone;
Mr. aad Mra. Pphna, taaagiac Ump;
Mr. aad Mrv a H. Ftolmor. ctor; Mr.
apd Mra BaiteA tnlx aad
dbhaa: Mra Henkad aad Mra Swan,
water - c aad ' tey; Mra Uaxb
Wi lema. Snlt aad naga dbhcM

Mn BarSaad, .mo BiUBw


Dr. Parsons Clinic


Tool lira] naailp alwapa tedlmpte Hotel Wbiuag.
AwceabeaU hMip
Tbe real tieace of a bone btba
woman wiU an spGtnda (or finding
Helm Uat ore Icra
When a dooicr caUa caaMUmB,'
hU wife niwuye C a prirC ooemltatkm wlU him oaoMa.
Thb werld wiU ao* be cMMp Mti»fCoiT totbewoaaen aatU aoc maa
koB given bliU to a bobp.
Wbco a wcMM b ahxic abont bar
tehaad. than b a gUtHr la her eye
•hat dc not tew at oap o«h« tlm.
When a wcka
a Unle bob^
abead, laCml of ipeadlag It on bar


Taarac a


OtBM Block.


Free Concerts

.....One flollar a Pair Saved.,
We have redaoed tbe price on all DoAOolor TAH mad OX
BLOOD SHOaS, OOIH TOBS, Finsre & Sasltk and
KetUeton mpke. OXTB DOUiAB a pair, for genUemea's wrar.
in Vid Kid and Calf. On aU Light Color Tabb we have
ent the price in two or One Hfilf Off regnUr price.. These
are not ag^hrap Uae, bat are Oar Beat Shoaa Ohaap...........

Awwia fimk tbm tetetiaWM
aU bev aeigbbc JClp If te amr'
•rbd to •«* tbutr fatiud gub away tic
Breer vosua. movdlBg totbeC^
te lalb 10 bee mend bnabaad. wm
feete imo te te» mawte* trte




The Old Bsliabk Shoe Man,

U8 Fbomt Street, Woszbdbg Block,

YBS MOBvnre uooai), niDAT. axrrxxBXjt m. im.

«• e*>w«y cMtr

■■■cwoti-wr ‘

Nn> OrlMM NfX- 0--TM oMlI
««xw4 to tbt tK«l4 of
oOo to«
•Ifkt >t < o-^o(k'«ho«t4 « totol o(
•Uic* i o-ctock TvMaw
*od two
«w mrr*> Ooom
QM dMtb odO arrorml mmm
WloH. ua tklrt««a i«» “»*•
ud l«o dMto* *1 Kdwdrd* Ml*.
MoblM. Ato.. 8W» n.—T1»«« w*» •
•itolit tocrcM* to tk« nuabu' o( sow
MM of youow tov«- duna* t»wty
fwir boor* oodod ai »oo» rodterdaj,
tat tbl« WM o(to*t b7 tta aanowM*
torn that tber* w*t* no d*tta U> T*pon. that av* of tta paUenw
dtochatsod..and that all tb* patlonto vm
dotac wdl. Than baa bm no da»tb
a^ toau an
______ __
t la tbr«o.
aumbar of caaaa ii tblrty>toar. Ita
aaw («aM ara four to numtar.
St. Louto 8«pL 21-.A apeclal to Tta
Rcupblle froa Cairo. Itla. aara; Tbt allnailue bare la brlsblcalns aoory dar.
Tbrre are ao onra ruDMra of ydlo* fa*
Tao patltnla to tbe Harint boapltal ara itoprcrlas rapMDrLoulfvtll«. 8^ 8.-Th« aatwd caa*
of jd^ faaer
Star Wblta Hr la iota UrDoanll.
toir of MobUa Ala. Tbe Brat caar »aa
that of Prank Dr JtatBarr. «bo dkd at

Dost. Tnt.. Brpt. a -Tbr pcc«le
here are takins to tbr iroiida. A nnra>
/ «bo handled New Orlean* ncaraiio*
pen baa died of re»o«_tdrerTRUTH ABOUT ARROYO’S DKATH.
Moitoaa t^twAtoeWwOoM hr <b* Or>
dee af «ka C»M of rwlWo.
CRr of Mncleo. Sept. ZAr-Tbe ariuaUoe of the day la tbe c
Velawtuea. Ute ebtef of Mto-e. now in
Belem prlaon. that he dlre^cd the mur>
AmuUo Arroyo. «e ray* be or­
dered tbe deed In cold blond. At fliwt
Vrtaaquea trird to avnld tbe m>|>uoxJ*
Illy To gursiona pul to hld> be conlually reapnnded that he war a xrtal
admirer of the prealdent and frit that
the arandaloua attempt made upon bto
life merited aertre punlahment The
J»a«e all<
allowed Ihle evatlen
Ian col lieyond all ai
OnlU It t

•eaae. made ibe opmtos autement fw
Lnetcert. and aceordtoc to him the de.
tonaa will be atmpto. tt.wTUconalatdilef*
tp of a KCbenl denial of all tbe expert
orMcDoe aabmitted by tbt aute. proof
that tbe eauatie potoab need m tbt vX
waa porebaard by Lucisort for tbe purpoea of maktox aoap. and evidra
bto to Bbow that Mra. Loatsert
Abd la all protabUUy la Oennany. Oon
: tbe rins* found to the vat aeWng there t
Mra. Laetgert.
that .she bad never seen the* much
laaa worn them. He also declared___
ba would bring wltnesM to show that
many of the bones MeBtUled by
eorperta for the prosecution as but
boaee are In realltr tboee of the lo
if« would alBD show, he aald.
that Mra Luelgm bad
r her mental troublea.
{ May 1. tbe night on which It la

He also aa1 that Luetgert would go c
stand to bto own defense. >
Le*l righto

mid that he would rroee that Mra.
<Laetgen. nervous and diacourafed by
tbe bualneas revenea of her busbanA
tad told several neigbbora that she In­
tended to run away from borne,
atate protested with much earnreti
Against tbe admlarion of such evidence,
and tbe court, after listening'to tbe
ArgmneDU of the lawyera, said that be
«M net think becotod permit sneb lesllmooy to go In. The defenac felt ibis
badly, as Vtooent to the heat of bto
aUtemetit bad aal4 that wltbou sucb
evideiKe as he tad )usl aUuded
ctant might be hung. He fought with
Aeaperate enem* for the admlsrton of
the tcMimany. and BnaUy Judge TuthiH
said he would permit tbe lnlrodurtU>n
«C. vtridmee retotlng to conrermtionB

Why tartgrrt DM Hmt Veil U
t beard. Tbe
_ A. A.
-Judge Vlnwni, chief csunael for the deft
mtm aald that oo Mar i Lnei
to ble oAcc. and with tears to bis eyes
iMgrlbed him that Mm Laetgert had
fiapptarad. it was on Monday, and
Xaietgert aald taU wife bad left on tbe
Saturday night'previous May 1. Laet
g«n told wiwem tbal bis wife was an­
gry becane Luetgert bad lost bit fnon
cy. and tad left him. ‘T advised him to
keep msttefs out of tbe newspapera."
mid Goodrich. ‘T toWblm ibat If bU
creditors to whom be owed some mwc.
beard of tbe dlmppear
Brow would forecloae
Balpn B. Bradley, another law partner
of Attorney Vincent. tesUfied to a almtlar atmlB to tbe evidence of ex-Judge
. Goodrich.
Adolph Elandt. a drsymon. teAlfled
Ibat on Hay 1 be look thre^' barrcli of
grmae and ullow to Lurtgtri's mumge
(aetocy. He uaderitood the sinlT was
be oaed lo nAfcIng aoap Or.e dar I
ward tbe cleae of April, wltnem alA :
waa at Luetgert'a factory and saw Mm.
Laetgert. who seemed to be depressed.
8b* remarked durtog a conversation
that nearly everythin
Mie thought Mie would go too, metly
. BOcc. and wert on a fann where no
knew her.
Item OJ^h was called to tbe wlti
ta the evidenee of Emma
SehlBUike. wbo t
eatioa and aald sbe mw Luetgert and
bta wife gnfBg from tbe Lueigert
dence IC Uie 'mumge factory .about U
o’clock on tbe nkrtit ot May 1. Oott.
Ueba SchlRipke. -the younger siater ol
Brama, tad testified to this tact, but tbe
cdUld afterward Admitted tbat*ed
. know wbat state «r cotmtyabewaallvlng
to. and her evIdcBC* was of Uttls value.
Bom OlHcta mid ttat she was with tbe
BehImpfce gtrU on tbe nigbt of Hay L
Tbcy«had all been to a dance.
Sbe declared postllvely tbai neltber of
the Bchlmidce girls bad sees MUirTLaet.
g«rt or bis wife that night and ttat
—e ab* testified 9nma ScWmpfc* tad
r Wtinem ttat aba tad
Aftmlttad I
B Calmly, asd tried to get tar to do
the mme. toUIng her ihai abs mua
be •ta Lnetgert'* alde.•VinBa 8ek»twpb» mM to me that tt
was the peatUs of bar sister that m>t
csort toor wUaeaam s



played to tbe terrible
tragedy of tbr earty morning of tbe
CandldoCuellar.B groom to thcaerrlce
Of Velaaquea. was examined
to buy knives, which be tad done
he bad delivered them over to bis
ter witboul knowitag for wbat reahe had been ordered to purchase
abere. The Judge placed before CuelUr
some of the knives used In tbe commis­
sion of Ibe crime 'irtlxed with others.
Cuellar pkked nut without any hesltalon tboee ^ bad purctasM.

WaAtoctoa. Bept. S.-S»tator BOttoa.
tlMto vte beutof a loM* «r CSik ■
«f Went Vlrstola. hM ytoterday that ba Mf ^ovAlof Tto^ytllstowdta
wlabtd to rornet
and erUtM tbe MM.
eUlmed tbe autbormhlp of a
That boMta— and eoM Is tba «AoM
tM tt of tbe taiW law. A sotobar
MW be CMtiMattetai IV TCbWag tte
Mb ootloBsara bad bea lotertoled.w
ctoeat tocke a
«ttb aOf
bhn to frantos It. be aald. and wan <
UtM to aiiib credit aa tbt pubUe abooM
SN’e It. -^be movemeiit to bebRlf of a
thin«« to ribbon*
aattot torts
and T^as toapaet Nn. W. a l0watcadily TTorward." aaild Bktoa.
At bar ^ mUUtarj opaathere wfQ be no halt tutll adeqaata pro- tostodbyaadtoiBcrtoa.
tteBca la aectired tor oar Atoartcaatalp*
pins and asalaM tbe prlrileaea of tbe
Canadian railroada. Tbe «tat ihtot 1
will do OB tbe raaaanbltos of ooacraaa
will he; to prtatst a bUl provtdtos for
SAM bad
aod-ll la abdii half coan^ettd."
The daclitoti of Attorhey Oeneral lle& A W. M. BY..
Kenna. niplnc ool the dIarrtmiBaltos
dnlW embodJtd to tbe aectloe to weU reThia to what poa baea been waiUar
celecd here. t<reclally to iba treararr for~% ohaaca to etait poor frieada wltA
departmert. where Uticatloa and ’frtc> UtUa ezpaaae.
tion over tlie enforcetrert of lb* aeciloa
A wTtT l r. train win lr«ee Trar-1
were fear<d. The ft-erda of what
at T SO A. m.
known aa the AMrtcaa abipplito
cbtaA«o About a;» am.
are. of oonree. keenly dhnppelsled at
t^c„^ ,wt
n. m . aad. DatroU
“ ! lACrotoeaboatSKlOp.
tbe reault of Ihrlr e-erta to atcure le«to'
D.O. R. A W. E B.) aboat 7:4t p.
totlon. ont Ibelr defeat to cenerally
to Chicago MJ».
■carded aa a warclnjE that the
t '
Detroit ADd UCi^ S&.M. ”
to aecor*. ebarKP* to the taw
limit, Oct Mb, TTckato map be uMd
and abore board, after full dtoruaakin : ,1 ^__il.r atotioaa aoatb of Uoliatid
and witboul any decrecy or tUmMa-rts__ .'Z, Grmad Ledge. Aak agtau
ibr t^iMtematiob.
Oka Dsaam. O. P. A.

North Adama Maw.,
not oftin that North Adaiito bnd ika
quiet towns of Berkshire
▼ored with a fairer day than that which
miected for Ibe rtall of the natloo'a
chief executive
a:-.d the other dlaUn- run the annual Pail a
who are belncC «!•
lertaln,ed b>' tbe younserl city of the
La Croaie Asd ret
ga-cti Oileago and retan.
town of Adaina People were early wUI be sold ffrom all atotiona Mackastir in anticipation of tbe arrival of laaw City to Big Ea
tbe predldeDl and party, and tbe rail- i g^xiA
roads and electric care btought m I; of
5^"*SaptomW »tb. Afid good reof excursloolsta eager to ! tarntog on regnUr iraiaa anUl and toa gllmiise of the prealdent:
___ ^ stb. PAaacDgm may
Icludlag Oeober
navy, and
I evening and

^ early call at our store may-result
in beneSt to you.


Itat poltobed stael agy te kepi tnm
tarlBgSeld. Ilia. Sept. n.-Tke audi­
tor-of public accounts has Imosd a per­ rust by ilviBg it a UgbtMatingof qUto

235 Front Street

Jno. R. Saato,

Lady Watte


Fiahing Parties



Now for Business!

From this date this i>oat .
will not make regular con^
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how­
ever. can make arrajigements
for tbe use of this bandat^ yacht, by communication by,
I mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich-


Su Dar lew liie
S. £>-A.2TO-ldOXtXT.

Picture Mouldings



OR A....



Sttadawd fuTwUtod tae Hotel
^ tatter taa.
fere and eaa aeeommodate ttai invcl-1lu^vyubM.ooeaaM.nrCr................ la
togpabUctogtadabapa Sattofaetam I,
Vwlrmuaev er mWvta I As Dot eta yooT
U>«i to rvt»)r iDvB. am^ Teta «•>* ■
•mrlAhy. CbMpvot plAc^D too niy. Olie




Bar tar. aoor K. A K A XWfOl

Bright, Fresh, Neat

Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.

Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
The Enterprise Grocery
» still doing business
Front Street, jnst'west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods deap to
be found in the city.


Angus McColl;
The Pure Juice

" ■“

To Rent
For Peaches and Crab Apples

re's Patow Bakmy. .

Enteipiise Groceiy, BROKEN SIZES IN TAN SHOES..

That efaUdiag MmM ta tonght tta8
to beip motaer U a plaasn* ntbar than

rbnolw. Nawyer It At Tsatw Old.
Oabkoah. Wla. BepL Cl-Congratula- a duty.
tlona personally conveyed and also
through tbe medium of a deluge of tele­
graphic dlapoicbes and leilen poured lu
yemerday montog upon ex-Seuator
PtaOetus Bawyec. It waa tbe Itat anntvetmry of tbe birth of tbe ex-sepator.
DeableTsoai ktwiU taweead.
Philadelphia. Bept. ts. —Tbe pacers
John R. Gentry and Robert J.. yester­
day-aftemoon. on the Belmont track,
lowered the wortd's doobie team record
fflf a mile to t:W. Tbe prevlons record
was ticm bcid by Mra.W. E D. Stokm.
MIm Rita apii JoMe B.

W. W. Kimball Co.

N, E. STRONG, Local Manager.

tbeir »&lb birthday near here Tuew
John U. a well-to-do.buslne»t mat ..
flenera. a small lowa to tbe suutbem TE VOIT
pan of this (Adami) county, and ftteb- • **
hrd to a prosperouaOblo farmer. Prlenda
gathered from far and bsa'' to I»>' tbeir


I^L— WIm— Wm a.-.) re.ii.t_-_ ->

W. J. BOBIhSON. Mangm.

Green that will kiH Bugs 2

Thafa taa Faria broM wa mlL It
ta ^Byrny^pc^full wM^tagd g«anatoad

The $6 Falcon Camera

aim Into ta* com," mid tbe witMm: «»l
Pototm bMhtos tadlyto tae
- t aba tmUSad to bsU tks Md* «feot
aaaabd bmL

We are 'offering unusual inducements to purchasers of
GOOD Pfanos in both prices and terms during ^ month.
We do not deal in Cheapl^^os. but can astonish intend­
ing buyersGf Good fSahoswHh^tbequality ^e are offering
for tbe money. DdnU-e&pect dbtaetbing for nothing, but
you can expect the best bargains on earth on Reliable In­
struments and not be disappointed.......................... ...

to tbe aareral deatiaaUoaA For tUna
Of apaclal tratoa and ftothar UforiBaUoa cooBuU 6. B A I. tiekot agMt or
C. L. Lockwood.
D«wlur. Ilia. Sept. a.-Rlcbard and
O. P. and T.
lit lU
OrAAd Bapida. Mmb.

AtirM ea tbs tall FM4.
Cblcd^.Sept.S.—Lcogue bOMballreeords yrat^ay: At PlUabwrg-Cinctonati ts. PUsburg f: faecond gaipe) Ctoclnnatl *. Pltiaburg 8; at PblUdelpbiaihlngton t. nitladrlpbb
Tork—Kallltnore 4. New York (: at good artlcla rather tbao a cheap ona
Cleveland—Chli-agc T. Cleveland 1$: at
That an attractive table will coma a
Boator—Brooklyn *. Boston 1*
Western Aasnetation; At Burilngtoa hnsband^o dome tegolaily lo bis meate.
Ttat ebUdrtn aboald ba oorefnU^
—GL jraeph 14, Harltogton S: at Cedar
RapMs-PeorlB 8. Cedar Rapids t: at trained to bieMbe tfaioagb tbe noMrik.
Roekford-Dubuque A Rockford 8:
Itat a dailF aalt water balk gitta 80
a detioata child..................................
ood gome) Des Mo>»«* ••

MUwaokm. SepL ZL-ln tbe match
race teg C8.0M at tbe atau fair Star
Futater wcB tbe Brat beat to ttlSH;
Patchen the second and third to t:UK

Good Pianos «
Cheap Prices...

There '

Canada Pellews Owe ttoampte and raawe...... .......................... .....aa AUew Labor Law.
boxee by boat eWy week, most of
Detroit. Sept. fS.---A sw eeping alien j goes lo Europe, bertdes tar.dllrg local
labor clause wbM was added lo~tEa i trade.
Another lirm handled 9.0W
crown timber re|§lallons by tbe Ontario ,
August, shlrmv mist of H
firm also

shipped LAM Soxes lo Ecgland and l.W)
to Scotland. The rorelgr. demand is In­
regulation prohibits emidoymetit ot any
person not a resUrnt of Canada to any
Athens. Sepl. S.—With tbr exception
of The Aely and Tbe Akropedlslbenewsesllmsler i papers are preachtog a nsthmal frwmdr
' against tbr condlitonaot tbepea.eiiaaty
- Itab
suiiT>ei»lun <:f I
and any timber
ployea V>aH to
.... -^puiies favor war:
isa.. S^e
Ichtgan lumbermen i Bmjopny ,dopt a veryjeaerved attitude.
who have been Inte^lew^ believe
thfi regulation was made as retaliation ,
for United Riaios IcglsUtlon or the Cor- ! Chicago. Sepi. a—At a tpecUl i
lias alien lalor Uw. Many Michigan • »Wt of aiockholderw of the Chtoag.
men arc rmpltyed to tbe operatloni of I Ni
tbe proposed general refunding
American lombertnen to Canadian irrrt. '
mortgage was approved and authorised
without dissert by a vote largely exNew Cwer le Is tbe Meop.
hlrds the tot^ capital
CUch^ Sept. 2X-Cbarles W. Carr. I
tonner superlntendeat ot postal sutlon
O. was recoTtunended yeoterday aflerL rolloelss are <hs
nese for removal from tbepnstal service
by tbe faU total board of tbe Cbtcagn
poaloflke. The.,*vcommendaUon came
. after s^ hearing of ■ formal charges
; preferred
nrtoclpal i «iiir ta r we^^*"*^^*^
Tf^ against Cair. the principal
-bt totrssb a<
of which originatad to bts appeal to <a tmly
Fer lowa-»-|

mit for the orgaolgaUoit of the Durand
State hank, at DurknA Winnebago
county, for tbe purpose of tranme
a general tanking buslnem under
laws of llliBcU. Tbe capital atock la

Not Che^p Planoa,4>Vit

Uam oay Ught-FYupf PUm Cartridgw for 11 EsepoMum and LOADS
IN DATUOHT. Impitmd tatoty
ahattar.aatcf Umaeat«H«. Am nebnmaUe lana. vtow todm- and Bucket
for tripod aerow. Kamux Kodak
Oa.. Boukmtar. W. Y. Ikranlaby


Bicycles to Rent JSSS

ttabmtwork fur toaat
111 Haat Frowt


If Yon Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We-have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill .Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.

jaXTT LUXHm 00.


The Oathering Celled by the Con
Motion That Met at the
Bridge City

Ob vita ll. b«t i* toaUaiM t


wHfc OpwMM*. '

- WaiblnatoD.^pl. XL—Tbe csccutlTt
■ aogocU ot ttia'AmcrlebB P>4«ratl<w o(
Labor o>«t at tbt bcadquarter* of the
oraaotaatJon in ihti city to *>".«»— the
oitolBa altuatloQ.
The GOUDCII UM Diaht lamed u ad>
Oreea which In part followa: "A eai]
fcai cone forth to the trade nolou and
poblle tor a Ubor coaventloa In ChlB aid of the
fnlnera on atrike and to eSeet theaveop.
Ins powera.of the eenna In arantina
lajunctlooa In defiance of popular
rtaeta durina tabor dlapatea. Tbeaa eb■Jecu are very commendable and worthy
the active practical anpport ot erery
tradea unlonlM and of every torer of
hit frUow man.
But coBdlUona hare
aocnewbai rhanavd alnce that conven------------- ^ aarerd upon. Tbli week fully
n.000 I-■------ « have aooe terma fixed iplntly by the mlnrra and
It It the I
•Ined by tradea nnlona In yeara. ..
waa won ayainat the combined power of
wealth. Judicial uaurpatlona and Inhu
man tryranpy.
BbUctw Only ta PrarUml MmM*.
•TTie American Prdrrallon of Labor,
belietiny only In practical reethoda hu
decided to conllnur Ita auppori a-|tb or*
yanlxera and raoney until a complete
Tlrtory for the minen la won. To thla
end It cwlU on Its unions and on the
public to not liall In their full and un­
measured aid to this worthy movement.
Many tamOlea atill need support, and
money wmi be required unUl the min­
er* are more fully at work and able to
help themielYea. Let the tradea nnlona
he liberal In their donaUona until tbia
■truytfe Is crowped wlth eompleta aoc-

“We can ace BO need for the tabor
cOBventlOB In Chicayo next Monday. We
advise our unlona not to be represented
there. Tbe money It would cost to wad
deleyatea had better yo to help til* SBfferiay miners and Uiclr famlllea li U
iventloDs witb I
lory' declaralPm

conditionally, «hUe the eperatora aay
that If tlMlr eompMJton is the Orapo
Creek fletd'ao Mow n eanta for mine
run the

I Contimietto Chn
BnineFag and Wenfef
th« Mind.

« the ladlea at her tall i

CLose uy tbk uiimT



TBaadayeeeplagatromTo'olock to tJO




■ul Tickets ai firinef Rates.



Ever Burned Out?

O. T. CABVESL Agma. .

Suits to Order.



Merchant Tailoring.
o-ano. -w. MJk^rr.

, Gnid Sapidi t Isdiui 1.1

Butter, Butter,



Fine, Fresh Butter!



Boiling Beef and Roasts
Sold Cheap Friday and
Saturday, a e e e e •

T aeT-Tbai^Mratasna^trf t^u | Don't Fail to try our Cuts and
! Slices for these two days.



.. Vtbf^.


“Oom Paul" Kruyer. preridml of (be
Tranoraal. ta ylven etyhteen months to
live by-M* docior. Briyht's dlsea*e.
The work* of the Tounystown Bridye

D collect only Che legal rata *f inter-

ain concluded
Malhla* ^xajs. one of the a
hr was marvhiny with Ibr men and was
MiM In the Lack. H' tald: "When we
yol to 1-atllnH'r 1 saw men standiny
w(ik yutA Tbe sheriff cstne.aod Cold
us to stop The •berlff pulled out hU re­
volver. pulnied il at tbe man who car­
ried Ibe flax and nid; 'If you yo further
J will ahuol you ' 1 wa* frlyblened. The
aherlff xot or the outadr. aajdaomethtny
and the firlriK beysn " On croas-ttsmInallno tbe wHnem aald that he
see the crowd i>asans, and Ibejr
made him yo
them. Anthony Aniiatlan, said he met the striker*
ihvy compelled him to march with

steaxnMilp aty of Peklny. which arrived
here from Hong Kong via Honolulu on
Tuesday eveclny. be true a stale of afblra exIstjLln Hawaii whlcbdemandsthe
iltentlon of the stale departmenL When
the City of PeRuny arrived at Honolalu
Iltentlon of tbe other pasenyers on
board that sieamer wae altncted by tbe
remarkably symmeiricnl movement* ot
174 Japanese strerayc paeenyvr* who

place* In I.tncoln park, as well as in
ibolt park and along the entire norih
shore, Chlrayo.
Beth I.OW has announced that be will
obaen-BiInn. and ocrarloned
ot withdraw from the New 7'ork msyorall} . race unless Ibr Clllxens' Union
ly under the command of a veienn
ants him to do n
yeant and divided Inin squad* of twenty
Chicayo men w-nl build a trollry Kite •under non-comtariorad offleers.
thirty mUre Inns over the mountain*
Ihirlay the voyage a mUitarydlapIpIlM
from Canon City to Cripple Creek. Colo., was observed w hich caused comment
t B cost of IWO.aM.
Tbe Cold Bealers- union i*5wirU that
a jreneral advance of way** amnunllny ure* were hsxaided as t
iS B per cent ban been yrsnted to ih- of ibetr tielny shIpp
Ipped to
gold bealers all over the United State*.
yrnrrally belle
timed f
I they were
Cnlored Hlixenwnf Alton. Ttls.. took
lo' the• iieanos for the purpos<
(heir children tuirk to Ihe old sehnrrl* fnrcIWr restating annexation. If neccaand pjaced ibem in amts. The principal
Run^ors of tbe presence of tbe
he atrikers,- refused lo lei »b* colored cMIdren mclie
mikado's soldier* are not new oo tbe Is)said
{ fourib llns
Two negro tramps murdered Jefferson aitds. and II i* said that over 1.000 wMl
Of the marchi-ra I a
Batey and aeriouMy wnunded William drilled men have already been landsd
%un* alony Oumad and
we were
Daria hrakeman on the lltinni* Centrsl there, and about 400 veterans of tbe JaMopped by the aherlff. Some one aald:
railroad, near Carbondale. Bla. 'and es­ paa-Chlne*e war are expected upon tbe
•Oo on.- and the sheriff yrmhbed him and
next ateamee.
pointed a revolver at his breast. Then
John R. McLean, who (a the Demo­
the rhootiny began and I laid on the
Bart by a Wi^mm AerideaL .
■round until ll was over. It tasted about cratic oandida'e tnr United Slatewaena.
Caaton, Hla. SapL XX.—While reiomtwo minulea The sheriff did not read tor ayalnst Marvu* A Hanrra. the In­
Inv home from a banquet at Cuba, a
a paper." A few other wltaeasis pave cumbent. has arrived in Ohio to rarry
tbe flyhi.
Mmitar teaUmony and District Attorney
bets of tbe Order of the Sastam Star
rhe body nf Alesander Uebel. ot the
Felt than asked l^al ihe sheriff and depprecipitated Into Adlich. Mrs. Dr.
O.. srho was
uilat he held for mri The ju'-g.* re­ ■First reylment. I. N
Strony was removed from *he wreck
tired for ronsa1tallcn..snd----------------------- drowned off Camp l.oon (near Chicayo)
broken ley: Mn. Lbole Hemer ,
Any. t». was found near Benton, norib
tnlo court anin fi«rd-cf i ,
left am was fractured: -Mrs.
IS.IW1 for of Waukeyan.
deputy andthesheriff at It
Henry Tbompaon’s akuU was MlyliUr
Tbe bank of Blnemound. Hla. localad
tbe heart of tbe
_ fwm
bell, —id
and op.
«K«w CabaaBai
rated by Bmwn. Ayes A Co., has been
sold to Armsircnc A Owen, of ChrtaUan
Bavanar'vta Ker West. Fta.. BepL n.
-According lo advlcto from Fnmo
Senor Banolome Maaao has
Opaealy*• awd
Mtase* Oa
CaaMt e»aw1WB Otny. PennsylTanla tlckH agent been elected vies pretadent of the Cuban
^iier «e Tens* toe ____ ___
Cambridge City. Ind.. was as*suited republic. Oeneenl-Maximo Oomes minTore Haute. Ind.. BepL XX.—Tbe
and robbed. Ulnodhounds were |
tater of war. and Callxto Osrete baa
' end meeting of commttteee or operators
bsen appolried major yeneraL GenetnJ
and miners eras held yesterday aflerGomes remaining cominander-ln-dil^
nooo. .Ho ayieement was reached and
of the army of llbemtloo.
adjoummeet was taken ontll nen
ieeu •* owfwnur. w m,
Xvw Bsak la ladtaaa.
,'^edne«day. when the commiltees will
7 examlnallos of Anayalo wM bare. Tbe-quesUor. of dlffarMillce. of Brule, duryod with asanttal between Orapa Creek (lUlnota ssnltlny an t-year-old fftd. UlUle Smfield) and northern Indiana ta tbe boM

edeomraUen. The wlnars ptaad that the



. t?S’£££;3!!e" ::::


Tr-tlmiaT mt Aome Mea Who MweM
/Will* the XtoM*. .
WDkesbatu. Pa. Sept S.—The beariny of tbe depulle* arrested for shooUny
into the rank* of the marehlny miners
at Lattimn <ird kllUny twenty-four was


Rates, $130 per Day.


it ap­
peals to the peaaloBa.of tbe multitude
can eer\-e no yood purpose, ll Is ooly
by ayatemattc oryenlxetion of the work*
Iny people in trade union*, with united
hmrta andBniled funda.and afratemlty
of purpose which knows no bounds of
of the Union
creed, color, nstianallty or politics, that to the nKlonal caa_
VeieranM*ey1on aa
WlU uplift (he maaaea
Iny of the Society of Ihe Arm;
Army of the .Irla. fu*tlfy the tnterporilinn of ..
Aaatbar Blow cl IbsIaJaarU.
In Joint aea- United States In favor of a trnnlnatlc
“Trade* union* are not she
of tbe Cuban war. It leak'd out *«r
alpn In Ihe board of trade audli
Motera of social dlaorder or the uphold.and were welcomed by Ma>-or 'BtaHt. time ayo that Ibe United State* minis­
era of riot or revolution. -Our couree
ters at various European
ta alony the lines of peace and his­
been Instructed to sound
torical. orderly, developpienL We are
ments to which -they were aceredi,
law-afaldlni< clltacna. and If the taw or
with a view to learnlny how Inten'en
Its administration at times Is ayalnst ns
BprinyflHd. Hla. BepL ZL-At yemer- tlon In favor of Cuba would be reyard
.we are confident that an enllybtened days sesMon of tbe aov.relyn yrar.d ed. Althouyb It was yeaerajly supposed
public opinion will ultimately correct lodye of the Independent Order of odd
at the time that this effort would not
the wrony. Hence we here make ap- Fellows Ihe yrand sire announced a
Mcceed. there ta now yood reason to
X>ea] to,all fair-minded moulders of pub­ fotnmlltee m revise tbe ritual of the Be- accept tbe statement in the Madrid
lic thoDRht. to our pubik men. to tlsc bekab decree
It was decided to bold cable as tolly warranted by the facta.
cieryy. and to the-preaa to msAe a de. tbe next meeilny at Boaton._
With such a lever in the bandsof Wood­
elded stand henceforth with us ayalnst
ford—and of Its eclstmcv tbe Spanish
tbe linfalr and aDconttltntlonal.,ttSe of
be aware by this time
Judicial Injunctions, which are wholly
t reyarded asextremely ImprebablS
Uyhl frwpts are rep^ed at Covlnyton.
aobvaisive of popular Ubeny.
It would reject any tender of our
Milan and ArllnytOA Term.
Woa-d asMIe ll at tbe IWIIa.
Sepi. ao tbe ladles of Blornnlnmon will
collect fares on the street cats for charI Jty’s sake.
Tbt increase of criminality li
coincide* with the enforcement of the
form* of Judirlsl tyranny and politjeal
. pliancy, which now prevafi in tbcst.rvlcs
«f corporate wealth."

TklawUlbatteUat4ar«( lha tMir.
Thm wlU U a tow more raoa* aad a
I wfll ha ip mv Bfleo to iweaiva tho
atj BBd Behooi ThxM of the Clly
kaU oaaa la tha aaoralar.
ta( tho
tba aiMtb of Soptombor,'

o’elodi B. L.
OPB* oar a*B meyr.
Said taxM
ba paid dariaf SepUmber with aa addlUooal toe of oae
Haaleloa. Pa.. Sept. S.—The peace ot
per eent. foroollee^ Ob el) taxes
the anlhrarlte dlaCrtct wi(» dlMurtwd by
rwieeiqjpy uapwauBaoear i, >ea<. xBetw
only «»e outbreak yeoterday. When the
wUl be charyed a peMl^ of two pv
men at Pardee'a Hardwood colliery re>
eeBL for eollaetlo..
ported for work a crowd of atrlketa,
OSce in Bwald
id _
Ha. m.
by women, aiaemblrd about the m:
Attarpara at Law.
fToot etreet. Boom t.
and tbeir threau of vtolenee toward the X>ake .r TWaaa tey*'Be Did )(■( aad De I
rtiw^MBDayBrMd. apeelaiBawa
Lmb* Par* -There D Xy soek ThU« la oamela Heotayw Block. TttTerwOtr.Mkl
worker* were ao menaclny that croopa
-ere inked for. • ■ - *
Dated BepC let. 1897.
airy wa* eont over and rematred durlnc
the dtealer part of the day. There war
no further trouble, but only a tmall inlO X BED
corltyrof tbe mlpera wer« co«rB«c._
Uadrid.8ept.SX.-Tbe Duke ofTetuap. 0« Law.
eoourli to work. With ibc exception ot
the Teaneavllle colliery of hie Lehlfrh the Spanith mlnitter of forriyn afialra.
naap Ohio ZsettiB|oa.
Valley, company, and the Hardwood In the couroe o; an Interview with the ^IL8XBr*UATB.a
The aonual axeuntoB for Tolado. O..
men. who did not yo to work, all tba
uf the
and. polBia in Ohio os the W. A L. B..'
mlnea of the reylon wen worUny. .denied that tbe yovemment baa re­
O. C.. H. V. and C E. A D. Bv'a wlU
thouyh not the full complement of mea. ceived an ultimatum from the United
atari from Um M. A K. E. B. B. depot
Btatra wlth-nyard to Cuba, and said
>:W a. m. Wedoeedar, October 6th.
cans, ype^ auemlaa «t*ra u> ohwrtrin
ifta eoach to Toledo. Tleketa St
he bad recelred a cablcyram from Sepor jjd
^ Markka. SUwk^
hiedo. O., and om fare and traa*De Lome, tbe Spanish mlr.Utrr to the
feet added for poiaU beroad, Umltod
United Bute*, to the tame effect yad
Shephertf. Uleh.. Bept SL-Per thi
to Notmber 6tb. IS97. Call early aad '
nino denylny the existence of an pltldm (Ime aicce the heariny In the Btrvare your tlclaeie of
CortetpoBaencia de Bspaaa
H. W. CvxnBSBax. Ayt.
btc Inveallyatlon beyan John P. Bran.
nieerta that pour parlera are proceed
eaUiler ot the Mount Pleajant hank, waa
iny between the United SUtea anC
peeaenl. with K. A. Sanford; of Mount
’ la meloM is Paul
Spain for a friendlr arttlement of ar’ maakmelCH. MePleaaani. aa bla coucaeL Tuetday'a'tcffairs In Cut>a.
El Er*ca after drll»-6t
tlmony la reyarded aa
nouDciny aa "aensidlanal^tbr atory of
fw an
an ulUmatum. poh^w--oub. that
Sooth Unit. stML Tdspbtmr m.
Cubans have ni.t iMn at) war with
Spain wUhout the moiVl a^J material
enake a clean breaw of IL and
manayed the affairs of the defur.ct co-operation <>f tie AmWlcan people.
IDmnt Plraaanl bank. If he doca not There la a yreat deal of <-ommvnl as to
leU the aten- aailatactorlly. Il la aald. Ibc ortyln of Ibr uUlmatum canard
beenaltribulrdKiaforelynambaaM- j^OOGB ^OOVjU^AUwwp and eonwlthe directors will ^o the telllny In a mat
dor; <>ut all the amlaasador* deny rener that will make Rjan's ear* tlnyle.
wwnalbillly for It. The people du not TTT H. FOSTER. Aunraey at Lav. SpseUI
Proaecullnc Mlorney McNamara hi
W . atuotlco to tax tltla*.
think that war la IncvliaH*
received a dlspalrh
tbe effect thi
Tbe minister of marine. Admiral d* /"UUS. G. TURNER. Atlcm. at Low. I
"Frank Sutlon." whooe alynatufe app»Of» on dlahonored tliecka accepted by Bcrancni. aaya that tbrer cruisers .<.11]' O Hum a MiUikm Block. TmTww ('Ity.
t H Waluio
'ahorlly be finished and ready Tie
CaMiler Slrublc. baa been located
• ITT. A
Arbor. Deputy Sheriff Ester was
>d ( ton
lesMs mm Ihe nilmalem.
on Ibc eUnd yeoterday aiid testi
. ..
London. 8e|.t. f.t—A 'dispatch to The
the flndlny of Strultle and the myau rioua
Standard fiom San Sebastian
"Fresh communications have p
tolp.m. TAaphi
'between United Slates Minister \
tord and the Duke of Tetuan confii_._„
the views of tbe United States aa staled
by tbe American minister last Satur­
um. ...^jtAW .
day. Both press and public received tbe
of PalsiRs Duiierwortb baa then
Intimation of the attitude of tbe AmwWashlnyion all this week, at bla office in lean yuvemment with aurprtae and In­ bMor*. Apply to J.WwIw.HiUw* Bin. m-at
the day time and at home In the
I» TUDefVM.C. .
Even now most Spaniards ^O^TAG Ro.*Mim b
F. a.I
tny. Tbrouyb aotne cause wholly base- are loth to beUeve the Unlied'-Slates
leaa and unfounded reports have been ta In eamett In oBeriny In the middle
In cIrvuUUon that he bad been aaaanitvd
' Seplembor mediation, which la cerand robbed at AUantlc City.
In to be followed In November by a
t uW Wayna ..
Altanllr City. N. J.. Bept. a.—Ben declaration tKat ll la too tale to stop
Butterworth. <bc cooimlaalener of patI action becauae opinion In tto
enta. was fined on a cbaryc of bel
United States calls for a dectalvc policy,
drunk and disorderly. This waa l
and becauae tbe Cubans wUI accept
result of his appearance ayainat t
noiblny short of Jndependence.
backmea. who assaulted and tried
; Vlirn. Lealsl...
Spaniards reallae that President Mc­
rob him. ■ Botb the kackmen were held Kinley had finaUy
aUy made up bis mind betroae aseuess
to tbe yrand jury.
Butterworth de­
ly a> Itap. B.
lated Minister Woodford •UMt. ap atal^ ltl-«
m*. Grand Ba^
clares tbe fine an oglrmye: that bla only srtth precise Inatructlona. poUte. but
eondurt waa rvslallny
At tb* Waaklayma Badafthe Wire.
WaaWnyton.'^pt. 2X.—The slate deO.L. LOCKWOOD 0
lartmeat oflclala refuse to discuss the
Veeei^ fiaelerta* ht CWaselL
Columtaa o.. Sc
Sept. tt-The-deleyatei Important autemcnl made In the cable





fpROlT rARM_rw8ri»wE^i^for^^ ____

:L“EiTtr^&.7'S3i 'Srs.-iS O OF
LIRL V.VNTED-feaadMaslyflrl. oas who


Fire Insurance.

West Aiichigan.


^yXLOCK t^XBn^aale «

—Watch Repairing.
-Koney to Loan


—John Verly.

Oa lapromd elu property.


—Front Street.

OOvaanw Mswtafke-s hardware a


i :r

nu tate n



manlal of them all and very rooMjr m
attaaellTa Yon should not be wiliwnt IL

OBO. Dl BATMtrSwSswfSs^ AgMa.^


MaptaOmr.............. "
OvMyk —..............







yteoL BepL XL—Aathoriqr has
bew yrantad for tbe oryanlMtloB of the
- National bank, of Union


CMumtoia aeata ouyhi


NO. .10

:: Cupboard Safe
t: iSr-a"..'s-yswasa.'-‘ - ''


Xynad w


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