The Morning Record, June 22, 1897

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The Morning Record, June 22, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


. '>1^

nrat Te»r—Ko. 42.

report™ OYER.

ohhv i|^Tm

«etad.b«t AoOob MNrad-Bapwt
if tb0 Vfttar W«^ OonmlUM

gnvaladftftd vmgnttM. tb» «n ehi*r
proWtaud Msdfy oUer laporumt
pra^Uou. oonptod th»»tleDtiM «t th*
•MXBOU tMt nlrkt utti 11 o-cloek.
Tb« ftnt mitter oMUldered wi
tiot mioot llM M teUt «Um of
1 the 4ea »t
the frUt aUl to Ue mouth of the




• edofkted ead the
thMMitheUee. Betore the debete ce
the propwitlon wee floiehed Aldeneea
' poodrieh reetared to ieqaUv who
to be the boat of the Job, the Board *t
■t^blic Work* or the «»ty eeptoeer. Be
stoted that OB two or three onwilnBe
•treat r*dei had biem eetobUehed bj
the eiViBew to oppoelBoB to thrwieha
of the board, aad he. for ooe. woald
Botaettotheaetternalealt was de­
cided that the Board of Peblle Works
•hoold hare power to delaratoe' bow
the Itoe ebooU be atobtbhed. Mayor
Balth toforaed the aldennaa that sooordii^ to the aettoa of the oovneU the
board woBid boa the Job, eobjeet to
the ^^roral of the oobbcU.

OtTmMmTT./ •

• eonU be
lag of the report nntU
learned aboet the other piopeel
referred to. The report te told
and aeite deferred antU the next
On mottoe Aaatotaat Chief ^ha«
wae entbortoed to act ea chief pa0
take charge of the departmeet nntU
Alderman Ocenrleh moved thst repom of the cemBlltee on etreete aad
walke ea they were ptomtod. be dU
eatelttod before eny- nelloa wm
to^en npoB either. Aidertnaa Itoaugne objected to enuh n eonrse as ^e
did not Utah the conneU eonU grasp
•omnehntonee. The motion dU not
pren^ aad Alderman Goodrich let the
eobjeet reel.
The report of the oomadUee on -eewre reeommeaded that the propeeed
eewer to the aUpy between 8toto aad
Washington street from Wellington
to FranUto. be extondsd acrcoa PrankIto to eorer two lots owned >y Mra P.
J. Cnrtia and O. P. Oarw, cast of
FraakUn street. The
la at^ted andadt^tod and the work
Hie qeestioa of 'Wnmbering reeldeoem aot ptoridjd erlth BBmbere,CSd
brosgktnp by the
omstoBdnUoBi that the work be
Ideted to view of probaUe free postal
delirery. Barry ftoiker.waa, on mo­
tion, glren the teeeaary authority to
anpply nnabers and do the work for
anyone reqnlrtog new nnmbers.
The committee on streets aad walks

Vanity «M.000 Bnahels Bhipped
From This Immedtate fioctii
(teeoa Held Two^ Voaks Xmager
Than Xrsael-Oanatities Bon^t by
Ynilons BayM
Saturday prmrtlenUy cl^ the eeaaon foe potato baying to tbb section.
Berslofore the eeeeon has eloaed ahont
May 1st. bet owing to the faUsrs of
eerly eostbem erope, eaased by bmvy
fltoda. there has tenn bettor demand

anck local beyerwUl proem of epeotol
totercettoeeeryoM. and ..perkape the
total amonot wUl prors a surprise to
Thbtebeena bettor year dor po­
tatoes than eeveml fcrmer years, the
prices heving FenamUy t^ea higher
thaa for seveml yeoin. Last year tbe
maxlmsm price paid was abont 1» canto
abnsbel. Thbyenrthemaximnaprtos
paid was to cento, though that ^nre
prevailed only one day.
large quantltiee were sold for It, IT. 1»
dnd np to u cents, though early in the
on large qaanlltiee were eold et
from fi to 10 cents. It b estimated that
the avenge price was not lem thaa 10
eenta. Some buyers place (be average
at IS cento. The total amount brought
up to thb locality, largely to Xnverae
City, aggregate nearly 4M.OOO bnsheis.
About tbb quantity was pnrehste by

Sera Hext Bnnday.
Tba Traverse City OaUarmed Rank
Knlghta of Pythias, aceompantod by
tha Boys' Band, wdnt to Maabtee last
Snnday and acted as ea^ to the ledge
of that dty. whose gnestt they were, to
their memorial day czerebea. They



' Eddie Roe will not jamp and atoh
branches of trees any more. He
engaged to that pastime yeeterdey af-

svenne sebooi. when he fell
talned a dbloeatod and fractured
attended -to by Dr.
OarpnsOhrtoti.and»lsotheoccneloaofiTke tojury
mmlttee on the
Jcrlty report of the
fimt eommnaian of a clam of ovor ■________
gepropoeed for^ yoong pe^la. The church wks KtoXatroeta aafi m
It on West Sixth. Seventh bcaatifuUy decorated with
end other BtrM to that seetlcn. The Tbe pweeeel^ of the young eommndHenry LederU. Tbe bicycle npairer,
report son**** the nee of aboet ew) casta was foteed
fo<Wd at tbe ecbi
ecbool bnUd- bbesHugmanyeomplaintafrom wheel­
f.otof tiUrg ytlderman Parker did tot at tSTfiMr of the tooralng aerrlee.
men that tbe tires of their wheeb
not agree with the
from wbieb place they marched to the being puBctared by lacks and bent
of the committee and presented n ml- church. It was a very pretty eight, pina In many cases it b tkongbt tbst
noriW report. His reco__________ the girb being dressed in white, with these are thrown upon the atrveta and
provided for the we of boly abont sdo wrenl|h» of flowers and wkhe veils, and
walks purpoaely. The new bicycle
M of tiling and he declared that h^ the boys wearing bntlonb
dtoance provides a penalty for those
did notapprove «d tb« plan of the mn- of flowers. Father Bsder's
detected to eaeh aeta.
JerityVif the committee oa aeconet of e^w^iy far them, being oe th«^ Holy
the expewe. and coneidored hie plan OatotaBBionand the duties eonaected
A Horning Wedding.
Jnstae good and much cteper.
A Heeasr wse beaed by Coanty Oerk
In the eventog At veepeia then
Alderman Montague moved th^ the
’ to Mbs Katie Weldtwo rapom be laid over nntil thetet meeeeioBnl ceremonies in honor of tbe
aer, of Summit Oty, aad B. J. Nobla
meeting, ne there wae a great deal of
tbe etation agent at Ktogsl^. Tha
detail, aad to prop^ly .eoneider thm
ceremony wlK be performed by Rev. H.
----------------------- ------------------ -7 for the the church joined. Twelve UUto girb
a Korthrnp thb morning and the
strewed flowers before the long proeeeit. Tte aid not aalt Alderman Good­ Mon. and aU who look part earrtod
rich. who moved an amendment that lighted ceAdlee. the wboie
aU mattora before the committee on very pretty showing. Tbe dnreh was
etieaU and wnUm tnhe the aame eouree. crowded both moratog aad evening.
: ThU created oonsidemUe dbeesaion,
yeetaritoyjor 110 framaa
Ohioego RUrfcet Bepevt.
' bat Alderman Ooodikto finally wlthOeear'Chaae te taken a pmlUeB aa
drow bb aasendmant and the motion
Ctoicego, Jnae >1. *-Wheat —Jaly, dark to Frank Friedrich's ahoe store.
^-erf Alderman Montagna prevailed.
66S'c:' cor*. s»c; oats, teue; pock.
Prof. C T. Grown will ecodnet the
The matter which bee t
tenrtero' toetitaie at Kalkneks Angiwt
Ckned—Wheat—Jane. a»e; Jely, L
public ettention for e
U tt.
erX^fMc; Urptember. MS««4c: DeAearioed of drivtog hense arrived
iber. 66ke. Corn—J uae, stHm
uT^^ttae en te and“i^ltte
far B. J. Morgna ysatentoy vb the M.
r. 84Xci t^ptember, eiXe. OataAK£.tromChtoago.
e. 17X« July. ISc; September,
that ex-Ftre Chief Desprec be reepThe new toiephoAe system b sbent
potated at a salary of toOOperyenr. 17Xe. fort—June, r.»T; July. r.4h.
nnptotod sad Manager Rady te five
and that he be permitted to go off daty 'asd-Joae. $»-«;JoJy, 83.7a
Hogs—Brisk: gmrolly 8 oentalower. orders tor new taleplmoes.
at the engine boose at < o'clock p. m.,
ftoeptoin drank
. ptokednphy
bat at aU tUaae to be prepared to m- Ugfat, fil.U93 I7S: inixad. to to^t U;
OfioorOi^non oe Eighth
bth street and
•pond to Are alarms aad eerva as ekleL' te^. fi».0»9AU; roegh. to.06@A16.
Oattto Steady to strong. Benven, lodged to the lortnp tost night.
to the report the committee referred
Tha printed Mb*
«he Mojole ocdltooertolnoth.^tic, that te to 769AIK: nows snd bsUmn, «!.?»«
4-l0( stosbew nnd tssdmn. to 4094.80. •nee are ready and
■wnOoeditehobleotod to the acev»Mse totenstod. from,

Never let it happen again when you can get
the Finest Stationery the market affords by cuHng at oiir
store. The exercise will do yon good, and save yon mray
a hasty word, when you want to write.
> '



M. 8. MOLLSY. MAtoteS.

.Croquet Sets "i


A Full

Btolghto of Fytbtoa Xomorial Say



Out of Writing Ppr?


graded pnd graveled at a east not to
exceed •*00.
--------- a_..v—,-:.a
A peatiOB for gnv«Itor*Bd r«dtoc to have the report laid orer, but it was
Ptaeetreet aad the atabUehaeet of a
accepted and adopted.
' walk was referred to the eoiBaiUee OB
r tto ■ treatment by
The aame oommlttee eleo reported to
•treele aad walks.
Ihelr Meabtoe brethren.
farorot the grading and improrement
PraakBroeeb was granted perm laeloB of Bonghey UU, at Ue end of Union
Next Sunday will be the memor&I
.toestead a eewer from hiu block on. stiaet. The recommendations were
day of the order to thb dty. aad the
Front street soroM that street to the aeoepteAand adteed.
b coming ep to take
rirer. nader the Yalooisteto property.
^'^Ipart. They may be sure of a warm
Belatire to the commnicaUan of
This wae deeated a preoedent. eni the WUUam Boldswortfa r^ardlng the i>.
A large tnmout b expected.
B. J. Morgan................................. K.oosl
^aeetioB of fotare reqaeau of the ktod
of the aUey along the river
Pf thb qeaatity about &0.000 bnshda I
The Veafenaoo.
srae dlwaseed. and it wae eaggeeted by beak soeth of his pr<^erty, the com.. Northpqrfs comfortAldei'Maa_ Goodrich that U br deter- mUteereportod'lhat sotkiagooald be were shipped to Chicago by N. M. | ^he Wi
boW. h..
at thi^«llBe defialtely that aay done nnUl a dock Uae bad been eatnb™U U. ™rto» oUKr polbU.
„d ...a, „or.
^ reqelred to ter
Tbe report was reoelved and
Th. ,r«cr p.n ol th.
p„p.™a« (or ..oi>rr r,.
nofexto^tog pipeethiosgh filed.
C^beU b-.pplb
: Itoe. H. D. Campbell-wae
The mneh-talked-of
I wUotts from a large number of tonrbta I
preeeat aad entered an objectte • problem wae again preaeotod Vy te **®*- *****”• **^__________
! for aeeommodaUons. and he expeeu a
this, •• there wse s eewer to .the alley
mmlttee. and owing to the expenee
back of the Brdtob property which he> tnrolred to extend a ft-toeh main from
and othera had bean oompelled to help Eighth and Franklin streets to the cemOf Ladies' Aid Boctoty of (
BOSintnin by taxaUon, and he did not | etery
think it proper, if the
of the windmill proposltioo
The Lsdlee’ Aid society of the 6oni mistakes to of Arms A Cole as the most eeooemleal
•aglBMXtog, tkst property owneia and feasible, _
to vbw of
probable rrgaUoual chureb will hold ita lest
alongthem ahoald beeompeUed to In- mtablbhment of n new witir wote' litorary meetlug for tbb year to tbe
church parlors Wedorsday aftersoon at
ear the expeato so|
aystem to the aearfstare.
Ooodriek. which wonld nmonnrto pay­
Tbe coat of the exteaeloa referred to, 2;W o'clock. Tbe program will be to
ing twice for the same pnrpoaer
Inciodtogtheeaetof pipe and toying charge of Mrs. C. R. Doekeny. aad will
A petition of the Michigan Telethons of the same, way given as S7.400. Aa- Ctosbt of music, sad talks bf Mrs. J.
W. Travb on ber winter in the aontb.;
On. to plnee poles on Fonrteenth street other, higher cetimato. n
to Cess street, was referred to the
or-toch Iroe matoe la and by Mrs. Broner on her trip to Caiimittoe bn etreete end wslka
the cemetery grounds, and tbe prvaenl fornia. After tbe program tight re­
freshmeaU wiU be Mired. A upoetol
The residents of
pipes as totorato The ««i-r to
tovitatioe b gives to all the ladles that
a protest •gntoel the setkm of the grounds wereaetimatod at abont $
OMincU to ignoring • former petition
(Coatintud ou P»d PUpc.)
for the extension and Improvement of
avenne. and- sebmittiag
another for e elmUar i
- Alderman Goodrich t^ked (rf .the'mat­
ter of the opening of Volley eUeet.
• in BtFns^
WUeh bed been enggested by Vl<
Obnrph fiUBdny.
Beitaer. is e fair oompromilM. The
Very totorestlag and li
petition wna finnUy referred to the
vbee were bald. Snnday In 8t- Fraade
eemmltter on atreets end walks.
cherch, tbe day being tbe fmUval of


Tbe Maaietae hnea haU team was de­
feated to Maatotoe yeetarday by Maakegen ky a SCOTS af 16 to 7. Booram.formarly wUk the BwUers. wae to the box
Ibe pamphlet eontalatog the rvpcrt
of ttie water works commlltae can be
proeared tr«» Oty Clerk BkAerd. at
bboSoe to the Uenld bnlldtog. by
thcae dealring it.
John Kabar. mbreeanting the cloth­
ing firm of BothackUde. Levi A Oo..
wUl be at T. J. Bast's store today to
take measnrae tor tall aniteSBddlsptoy
a line of new goods.
Mr. and Mra. i. G. Beniamin mh
bnud the filth annlvereary of their
wedding et their home on Union street.
Satnrday evening, lee cream and oaks'
served and the eonple wen the
rooiptonto of a namber of naefnl pfeaenta'
Tba Pickwick dub will
Iber entertatomaat tonight at Htetobergb Qmad Opera Reoaa. Tbdr
formanoe last nighl t
c to attendance that they i
of a anperior order to ■
Kotamteperfaetiy ^easing co
ly refined eyenlng of eatertol
conld be had. 18 and to cents admb-

Select lour Fill Snitt Now.


Of tbe tweaty-tonr boon
S^geaerally qwut in bed. Ifa
It's also well to cloto your eyes
and^u them os artistic and






------------------------- *■

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
oppoem HSBKxun BooKsroaz.


PBcmr •mnr.

Prices Cut Deep„„
Ladies* Tailored Suits !
for........ .
worth 16.00 for.. ^.

worth89.00, for.......................


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothiog House.

John Kaiser
^eprroentiag the well
biMwa maoefacturefB
- ■ -

Will Arrive Today

take meaenree.

, Doean’t make any better,
any whiter, any lighter,
nor any more brend than



any other «onr, but it
makea jnit aa good, besides
being a home product



tall eel tisfect lb Uie.



on aU Ladies* and GenU’ Razortoe Shoes in stock.

T. J. Host*

Toe Can Always ne BBT et—



THU xoMjnma bsoobo, zuisJiat; nrax sa, issr.



F. & PriM Mt yaatorihr for BaUiara. where ha wlU vWt hU miithw,
whoisnyaaraaf age. fbomihanhe
go to Baatoa and ratnrn heta in
ierame WUhetm ratnmad from PhOwfcAKri TRAVEBSB BSBALD,
adalphia Sataiday nif^t. Be has,not
entirely recoramd from hU raoent 01^oa. T. B*»w
neto.«o4it 'hi donbtfal if he can pl^
ataUwiththeBosttwa thUeeaaoi
: I. w. baot..
Jadga B. L. OorhaM, Attoraw* B &
Pratt, J. A. Imcangar. J. W. Pabhla.
Proaacator Twaddle and OreBltCmirt
dtonogiapher J. K. Bandanon of CadUlae vrea t to Laland yesterday to attend

Mias Harriette Wiley leH ywtan^
for her bocM in Dowagtac, where ahe
will remain nntil Angnat, when^ an' tars a large miUlnary hoase in Chlrngo.
Mias WQey was formerly head trimmer
tor Mia. Lawrence in this city.
*J» Water Wortt »roM«n.
Dick OampbeU, Dr. 1. A. Tbompfon.
A mepEl» ol tfce rep«t *f tbe w»l«r
. wOTta 0^ute« end of .CosmlUnr from Grand Baplda, wharo they atiendA«iMer Eafter Kill be fottad i» u- ad the gland dedlcattoa and social seaooiamn. A csrefn) pWBaal.«f that Uon of Daisy Lodga They were finriy
waibe*^ ihintforeroTTta^Tor antortalned, and hare all aorta of good
da tor the Oivid Bapidsfclka.
Arernaaloftbev&tir* report in pan
/phlei form «>H be »UU sure Interwt
and enllgbieninr- The doeoneot
reivkbit Infemntiea that will
Mnaln of ralne W tW dtp ter imop WILL BX iBtaM nr pobox toyears, end the reeuit of the recent inXOXBOW APTXXVOOM.
Veetifstions will be partteolerly fraU
eyiny to the student Of the pare wstn
[ of Grand TrnTarsa
peoblen. Bsst b*y.{M nMWted >y


Mr. Batter. Is an ideal eonree from
Which to procure a sap(dp for pehlie
and dotDwUc use&
A oarefol study of the report and the
^tail of GODst'DciioB wm etowoeceowince tbe earefol busiam man and enferprisinr ciUren that the concOgdoas
4rawa by tbe eupineer are correct, and
that Trareiw City is eapedadly farared
ia thia regard. In hlsineeaUcattcme of
the other eoorcrs. partiealarly of West
hay, there will be scnio thingarnrprieiar^ many.
Y^t the explanatioBa arc given in
each minate deuil.- the reader can
Meatoaee that a coatlnaed eee of
wator from tbe West hay wwald eooaer
or later become a menaee to good
health. Tbe committee ^ade a good
aalectioB In employing Mr. Batter and
have themselrea perforaed nncelleBl
an-riee for the city. The coat of the
proposed vrorks and-of the preliminary
tercetigatloBl may seem Ugh. hot it
aronld appear that upon a matter of
^ .aach vlul imporunce to a thriving
" Mty. and one which aenands ^ «.
pe^tttre of a Urge anoodt. a too
eigid ceodemy^vrotild be nnwiee.-

on the Bny 'iFiU Ponn Pnri of the
Pregram4Abon» Fifty Leleg
M annul meeting ol the Grand
Traveme Baptist amoclation will bs
held in UU city Wsdneadny sadThoiaday. The aaaociaUon compriaea the
chnrobea in aorthwaetem Michigan,
and it U aspaeted that there wlU be
aboot to delegatee preaaat. Bev. O. d.
Korthrap, of this ehnreh, la besy pre­
paring for the rccepUcm and entertain­
ment of the Tlaltora. and be. with the
Mneepf the memberaof hU ehnreh,
wUl m^e the vlstttnf clergymen reiber.tbe meeting as one of pleasure
as weU as proBt. Tbs program will be
tanttally u foUowa:
>AT arru-voox, l:30.
Gall to Older by Bev. O. D. Uarger,
etoric. Appototmeat of oommlttoe m

to adapt, B. D. ChmpbUVadvShd tba
BM «f waod mains, as tha I^ aaioepUbto to froBW
AUarmanMantagaaebJaetod to the
adopttan of the raoacamaadattan w
wasted toJook farther lata the detail
aafl enpuea to see whatbar it wonid ha
ddvUabla at this ttma.
Aidmman Cook thsogkt IhM tha
tniVvr of watm for tba oametery had
haen deferred too omny Umaa already.
Hull mantel
poelttoe of the oommlttee. dad diaooar
aged the nse of |he team and tank syelemasinanfacient.
plnUIy Alderman iahrans withdrew
his mottoa and the nport was laid
natil tbe nesrt meeting. The Board of
Public Works WM instiweted to
vide means for watering the tree
toe gronnda nntol other prevktlon oodM


See Our

PMAt Mnsd OMtfea wttl nay «Ua
There b to he a base ball'ganm at
Twelfth SMri Park (hbaftwaM
fo'eloto. The clerks <m the aonto Bide
of Front strut kiva bad a notion for
soma ttab that tram toetrnambar eaa
ba aalaetod a team- of ball players «(
for Nattonal League hoaors. The eInU
of that iaagne. howevar. baring al.
their dates fnlU they did the nest best
tUng and toalleaged the clerks OB the
Dorth elde of the strut, who toUk
Baltimore a eeeoadiry eoostderattan
wHh them, and they aeoeptod immedl
alMy. The men who will face eacs
Mart WlnaiA
Ads ms,
Bm WUhelm.
Bd Broach. .
C. O. Carver,
Frank Gannett.
O. iViedrieh.
Fiwnk Triid*.
John Murray.
It will be eeen that both toasM aca
oompoaed of fiiat-riaas playeru, aod a
lully good game may be expeotod
Admlseton wtU be 10 unta. to cover

a biU of dOOO OB account, for Oonssltlag
EnplBecr Baftardnd r« W Qty Bnglnear Nortornp. AidCrm
decllDcd to veU upon the
tag them palA ^derman Xardie
hesltaied beeanae he knew nothing
about toe amount of work performed.
but fiaaUy voted in favor of allowing
tba claims The claims ware aUoAed.
□ Tbe loaf-looka^-foT[ report of toe
tu Oream On the
committee on water supply waa prepreliminary report read.
-nj* Lhdiee' Aid Boeleiy of the First
aentad and
Alderman Lsrdie again refened to the MetbodlU chuidh wUl serve toe cream
expenm. and a dUcairion euned. Al- and cake on the lawn In front of the
dermaa ‘Jabrsua eondridered
the ehnreh thb evening.
amonat expwdcd and yet to be paid. In
Tbe Pcaih BeOOrA
all about fl.soo. wlacly Invested. .Al­
Sarah £. Tiadalt died at her home
derman Desmond was of the came
opinion. He deemed the vratar problem ia OriaU, last Ssturday evening,
oaeof ritalimportasce.and toeamoanl consumption. Mrv Tindsti wm 39 yuis
old. Ber knsband. Thomas, and four
pUd to Mr. Rafter and the
ixpenu none too great for sneh skUl children of ber immediate family sur­
and labor. Alderman Ooodnrii de- vive her. beside s largennmber of rel­
elared that Mr. Hafier was too big a atives and frieoda .Tbe fm
latOriatt, and
man for this small town and that tbe
workcoeld be done good enongh tor wai toe mut largely attended of any
gun. As toe report WM long ito far­ ever held at that place. The eerriees
C. W. Willther reading was deferred until toe Al­
dermen eonld all look it over earefnlly. lams.
AreaolnUon tbat it be tbesenuof
tbeeenneU that all poeslble prmsnre I Willie.. Witkop
should be bnmgfat to bear upon toe died Bnhday merniag and was buried
postoffieedeparunent at Washington to I Snadsy evening, ttrain trouble
auare toe free poeial delivery system ’ the canu.of her death.

by Bev. B. McDenynd. Beport of —
S. A.
AImb,. ai«l
mmuuittoe. .on nominattons. Aannsl urging Coagrutinan .Mulck end Sena- ij,Sunday, of heart dieense. aged 76 ycoiv.
ion. Beading of ehnreh leUeia.
Burrows and McMillan to ««« i The funeral will be held Ibtaafternoon
tbclr influener in that direction waa |
^ <,>;Jock, from tbe Almira schorl
iTottonal serriu led by Bev. B. A.
»presented by Alder-,
dmitb. Aawelattonal. Sunday school
t tbe city clerk ami
Tr tean and unk water work* aya- work. Bev. B. McDermand in chargw
tan meat tuflice for the cemetery fv a State Snnday aehool aad B. Y. P. U. mayor be instructed to make applleatios to tbe agrienUural department at Oauaed Heavy Fire Loan in Grand
eoaplc of week! lon^. Perhaps by worb Bev. X H. Stophenaon.
Washington for ooe of the good road»
dhatUmcall of the OMBcilmea may
mt-nsoAr uoiuaxQ. B;00.
n-scklnea referrud to In tbe Moaswo
agree npon something that wilt
Grand Bapids. ^tme Sl.-The hottest
DeroUonal. led by Bev. X C. Fennei
Ikccono a few days ago. The idea met fire seen la this rity fur several years
and be more efteoUve. In the
Addieas in interest of heme missiou,
. MBatime, If the ladies of the Cemetery christton edBoattoB. Ministers'Aid So- with toe approval ol the eodncil, and esme si a tew mlnntee before S o'clock
tbe reaolutioD waa adopted nnaai- tob afiernooa in tbeV>kutof the Val­
Improvement AssocUtioa wUl
eie^. by Drs. Jsmson, Mwther. and
e patience, aowi^lng may
ley CiV Desk company, oo South Front
others. Appointment of eommlitess
ttnlncy Thacker asked toe oouncil to suvet.
ocettr to bring about a i
IbtoP to s suggestion regarding a stone
thalr hopes and repay thnh (or thair
The origin of toe Are b a myatAy.
erosber for macadsmixed roada Mr. It b known that it started In the
loi^ labon for the pnbi
Devotlona] eervtoe, led by Kratber Bargees, reprcaeniing s manufsetnrer. meatan4 apnad ao rapidly that toe
Gaavu Rarius is jealone Of Kew Teric; >Uas. Leltoh. Addreee by Dr. Boyden. was present and explained the merits
employes barely escaped with their
and now 11 U suggested that there be p Miwtonaiy exerelsea by the ladiea
of hb msebtee. and after some dbeos- ;livea A man paaaing on the street
greater Grand Uapida. The Valley drem by Mice Dr. Carrie Oanlela.
alaa the 'matter waa referred to the aeys tost be beard an cxploalun Inside
01^ aapirea to a great many thinga Joan at 4:00 p. m. for boat excniaton eommlttee on aWb aad walks.
toe building snd a moment later
•van a pennant-winning hwM hall oa the bay.
smoke comiag fr>4n toe doors and win­
Thesniesl Voua.
(•am. Perhaps after awhile- aom
. TKCaSDAT KVBUHO. 7:30. _
X. M. Uanaaford-agentforBemenyi. dows and sooa tbe whole baildlng eras
hM lofty bopce will be realiaed.
vrttonaL led by Bu B. B. Wilkin- toe famous violin virtuoso b in tbe ablaxe.
It was Impnesible to get a detailed
Beport of aasociational mitoton- eily. and he aad Alex Steinberg
Tn eeublUbineot of a dock liae
statement of the lam atoooe. but K b
»mittoe. Addrtuu by Bev. L. making a oaavam of the city to sac
atoog Beardmao river ia the cHy limUa
Tkowbridge, C. E. Conley, and A. a goarantee. If they ssoeeed. this cel- olaeod, upon a rough
willkeaetep in the right direction
Bnttbe work skonld not end at the P. McDonald. %nsit to Asylum Fridsy ebratod artist will Uvor Traveiae aty $17,C0U.
The oompaoy employed abont 70 n
with a visit. Bemenyi b
nereesmbllshimr of the line.
The public ie Invited to Join in the by I.onise M Brebsny. soprano, and le good Urn -s. but bare been rannh>g
very ehort-bended of late, only nine
exuaralon. which will be given on the William Sauvleu plaobt.
belag employed in the building to­
Oeerge H. Cross hat gona to Innalag ColnmUa for tbe pleasure of the risiv
The- Pickwick Club at SleUtoerg’s
ora by toe B. T P. U. Tbe charge to
on legal boainese.
Grand last evanlug gave a flratrdass,
The fireme^obtolued routrol of the
4 &. A. Campbell of Kortbport waa in othera will be SS oenta.
redned entortalnmut that wm deserv­
*Ab additional future of the pccasloa ing of much better patrouage than it fire after toe explosion, mod although
WiU 7aa«aon and ateter Matte left will take pla<r this evening. Open air nealved. It ;was in every respect a the fire and
ttawd until late ia tbe afternei
guopal eerrieu wilt be held .from the
jeaterday for a rislt in DeUwlt.
genuine draWttc trmv Tb« beaoUful
Mr. aod Mra. Jam« KeU of North- gn^ Aagon. In eommnnd of Rev. X -mUe drams. In Honof Bound," was tbeiu was so danger efur 3 o'clock.
hort were^in the city yeeUrday.
X-GtophetMon. general Sunday-eebool perfectly acted and eatoasissthsany apmlmlonary
B. C. Coigptoa is eaterulolng hl>
{dmuded. After thb there was s musical
onaein. Miss Ethel lUllardot Manton. Bev. J. Proden. These two clergymea interlode by Miss Pearl Hammond
mskieg a tonr of Northern Michl- which proven her to be a most flnbbed
John HcClnskry took advantage of
.ghe exenrmiun to iitand Baplda hf^oday. gen and bava token ibU oocsslon to plaabt. The
Boward B. Uill came over \from rialt Traveiae City. Interuting
and pathetic, by the diflereal members
MarthpOTton the ColnmbU yeetorday vtoM are held and tracts and hooka dls- of tha eomptny, from the works of
toibutod. _________________
Bagene Field. JammWb:tn>mb Blley.
MiM Oara Chase has iwianed freop
aad otbere were very lae aad mnch apX. O. T. X. KXMOXtAL.
Matron, where ahe haa been viaitfhg
The periormaaoe coneladed
with toe eomsdy ■' Mlsmated," and tbe
Heaiy BlaekraaB. the poWte^bnyer,
ao^lenee was kept in a roar of msrrithoMotbodmt Ohnroh.
eriU go to Chicago tod^, and. from
slly BBtUl toe fall of tha
Sunday was ths Maoeabee memorial
day ia Traveme City, and it waa mut oartala. L. J. Gordon, tbe asaargsr of
Mia. Entherford. mother of deary
fltttngly obaerred. The urviou ,wer« thb eompany, was fermwiy oouoetod
Mntherford. arrived in the eity laet
hsld at tbe Mettiodiat ehuroh. which with Slayton's Lyeeam Bnrean, aad
Wight for a visit.
was beaatifally decorated la honor of hna found tost the geaeral public want
MoUy C. Dodga left yeatorday afterof toe nature of the anto^
toe oeeasiop. with flwal
warn (or CharlovoU and BUsworU for
emblems of the order, tbe mut oonaple- ■miameuta given by the nekwiek Club.
- .* low days’raoreaUon.
belng a large kive aod teat on Mr. Gordon has oertalnly aeenr^ an
Awnk B. Gmyss of Grand Baplds areiUiaral4oof toe pulpit, repreaentlug •seellent company of Udlea an^gea: / rtvodln tbs cUy yeatorday oa Us way
the two tarmnebm of the lodge. Nearly ttemcn to carry oat hU idea. Tonight
' la the Onmatte Gem.
1'.- tofaiaanmmar horns atChaewa.
two bnodred kcigkta and ladlu Ilsv' b an ^en date with the company aad
X. B. WUae . of ChlOKb P*
ened to tbe eloquence of Bev. W. A.' Traveiae City people will have anotfato
Ihto^ towB yesterday on Ua way to
eee them aad- abonld
Frye. whM eubjut wat. ‘^Pfadttcri
^iflii where he b Iniarasted in the
Lb ' fmoe to show their
irolnea." The theme was han­
Also, in toe Uughable Comedy.
Iteptre Lember Co.
of an excellent oempauy
dled to toepastor'e nsnal able manaer.
. ‘ Mm. C. U. Pbeipe has arrirad from
1 plays and .
ChUfonla and joined her hnsbaad, who
thing novel and arttsttto A new
' iaaanagtooltheevrtalapriedspartdrams, " Bsrbara." by Jerome X
eanelniioB he paid a glowing trihnto to
lawnt of Wtm Beitner'a laetoay.
m«b«n of toe otdto who hove pasaed JerooM, will be preauted and tho
AUereaan O. W. Imtdfe and Mmily ‘away, and offarad a prayer for toe de­ aomedy. - Mtamatod.? will tb ^peatod.
WBl Ma«* on the M. A M. 8. thte morn- parted and toe^hereaved onea. Pre- Priomfort
. Mig te MaaUtee. From there Brig Ttens to toe MrmoB Dr. O. A. BoUiday to IS aad 1
ariU taka the boat for GhUaga.
MB^^laodidly toe eolo.”JownLo*orof
ibm Margaret Pattarm ana 1mm ■ySooL" Tha oeeasioa waa, in all r*.
Mfa Anna VanVal
Kaalmfcaa. lU.. laat w«fe ai4 ^paaf «
Jadged iasuM yaatsrday
^ 4tl«
an,; at. 4
jataaoto Bha b new •» iMr fcmr
a toa paopto wfae and Bvaaa. TV^gatotoadto niimii
wm ba aaat to ikt mwiam.


Steinberg’s Grand


Special Extra
of the...

...Pickwick Club

Windows fill] men’s Sammer Suits—closing pf^ocs

$4.95 and S6.95.
“The Best

I fever Tasted^’

Is what many people rema^ aftcir drinkink a glass of Ice Cream Soda at onr
fouaUln. It WiU only cost you S eeata to
uy a giam—Ton will have the same experienra as ethers-Best trait Jniora—
l*etoskey Ice Cruam-Glaaaas. spoons, etc.,
always clean as seep end water can

, S. 1. WAIT.
Xuonle Sleek.

Bring Your BaMes.
Get a bonnet or hat at half-price.
New Block—160 different sty)e»-are
all going this week, etrictly at wholeaale price—from 10c. to an all aiUi at

Pennell’s Millinery,

Take Advaiitage'34[8 Frames.

While the advantage is
here to take.

Let us make aome for you.


i Sijienorittractioi I



Has Your
Attention. '-'V-M

avwtomcolVdietae'ltot ttot yeo
eastMMttotovawve Iww etme)


Pnro OrefUBi Tartar.

166 Pairs Only

Half Price.

At Our
Soda J’ounraiD

High Grade Shoes at
Iiow Prices.

Noftrly bU m tf PlxgTM *
Smith make of ShoM.

CVSI...L ....



(ijo raoaa


Come early before siies are
broken. Make no mistalf^

90 fLite
eoa per doz.
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.


Special Bedaoed Prioae
o/l6 and 26&.


The Original.


.. wexsamonUK.

Ever Burned Oat ?

G p. OAJCVn. ,agent

Uvery, Bus and Feed Stobie...
, FmUdi bimm toiM • ,pedjtjr. Boae. Iiou^


THB Moahsa axiosp. tubsi)»t.

i ,

Mr. BldtM Finds Idssl Oondltions St that Point


gaa Uu^UI for the Insane has boss
wraed Into tbe Roardman river, and
iowa tbenbe into tbe weat arm of
Orand Traveiba tey. In the light of
pressat knowledge w* are of tbe ofiaIm that a better arrangemant eopUl
bava bMB mada Tbe Oat. sandy areas
tote* east of Um town .present an ad-

Uoa, and---------------- ---------- ---------------mtM'of pnriOcatlott bj broad IrrigaOun oa tbme eanay tends ooUd have
been devteed wUeb would Mve been
not only preferable to the preaant
method of owposal Into tbe west bay.
' Water Work* Oommilitte* XatfcoM but would have rendered tbe lands in
of OoBOOIUnv > ooeetloa tbe most fertile of tbe region,
the amditloBS are so favorable that,
e operated wliboat
' ▼olnabU lafoimotfOB and toterMttBf DoteU SabBiit^

Wstsr ecom Wool Bay wlU bs
Dsncsions horn Bssrsgs'

s of Hon.v B.
C Dari*. Mayor W. W. Bmitb. Probop
KyanUca, J. W. MfUikea. SHril^am
and AMerman Reaben >oo^.
tboegb Mr. Ooodrteb'e nambsJa not
signad to tbe report: be hsringre■igMd from tbe ooamitwe eome time
ago beeaase-be daamed tbe expense
Inenr^ by tbe oommittee toe great.
Mr. Rafter ha* proved tbe right tort
of person to make tbetereetegatlnni
BienUoned, and he ha* been ably aselsted by City Engineer H. P. Xortbrep.
The aammittee kas given this impor­
tant matter a great deal of itientioe
and the raaalt will prove of material
' benaflt to tbe city aad the taxpeyere.


jumb m, ibw.

tete past Dm paint at wbkb
ed to lend, wbile, fartberon, mlMcctane
■till funber overtook him. to tbe extent
that tbe boat got apeet. Bis wlf^ realIxiiig tbe danger be wee in. ran tnintteally akmg tbe *i<U> of tbe,*tream, oyiag lor belpte a pfBfnl vdSoe, when, to
ber Mieer amaMmrt. rite wm nddenly
branght to a etandetUl by brr basband
yeUing ont. ‘'U I'm drowned. Molly,
dtinnet forget that floor's gone opt
• Mck. ”__London Globe

146 Front St.
I, indeed. Por example, take
le year in PbitedeipUa—Tvioklca.


Tb« report of, »ba c
.. waw> to tbs Dm
w Aasat WBh Ben*
In taking intoooosidoratioa tbe (
«a» lutrscted to prepare plaa* for
} of erater work* wt water works ayatra, Mr. Rafter
There is an in*tenoe <m leoord of a
t of tbe
In bis addrem as ]
IM- Traveree CI«t. ba* beep made, asd •aya:
Briiteta iMtiteriao of Klertrktel Engi- ■hip going down in midoMaui before tbe
o»n eoaiaUte* tiiiliime tke reeoBunean»en. filr Henry Meoee said it wet in ryes of
_ _ <rf ______
ber _
sew „
and tboat
a reeooii^
datioB* of OoaeeUlnc Eacteeer Rafter,
at tbe time they were
wkom they eaiploped to make •orreya,
I of tbe mains as well as
prepare apaelfioaUm aad ooodeot exof the maurtelsof whicn
they are conatmeted (rausUy wood)
out of her and *be name to
/TherepertlioompUed la paTnpWet, reader* them entirely ioadequete to, carimwliy wiuJcwwd nettml pbenoateaa ; “•?
tbe needs of the preseat dsy.
.which, til the nutrarejfvi. might appear : ^ tetrlnee by reason of in own bnpy■^for», printed and »nb»lvted In oomA detailed estimste shows thnt this incredible. In the midiR of tbe moan- i ancy.
plete detaU. Its eoDtenta will be aar- plant oonid be 4bpUcated af tbe pres­
bow, bowever, comes
prtriag to Kime. and IntoreaUnr to ent time with last Itsn pipe. l-' '
Kinb nrb dirpteyt <d light- j who clximi‘that be can not only do this
iry boi
•rery taxpayer and fapiUy lo tbe oom
niug u
rttwTlption. He bad. at; M-lth an iron rteemcr, bnt tbsi with tbe
■mnity. Mr. Rafter i* as eneineer
o Haiu Bcaeou x<t the yi sr. obeorTod the udoptlon cf tail pateut sfai{M of all ktods
If the city <
a of It end ul
wtw rank* witk tbe most noted la that
water in the bay—was targe will be teodeivd nntlnknble. Ho Ikes
. profemion la the ooeatry. and bl* inthis hf means of csrbouic arid gas.
'S'crl'l—exactly tbe xppveraooe
Tbe ioveutbr'e name U M. L. Levxseeatlrattoa* and reeommaadatlOB* wlU
NutmsaymilmfroinHosHnbe racrired With tbe respect due them. tbe preseat pomps aad bci'l___________
•iters could be • -;ii lie bnd wiineSMd mysh-rions fhe sotiT, and k^ bas a large working model
In bis office in London. This model is
’ &e has made tboronrb and syatematlc acid tor «S.OOUjBskiag tbe net cost to
tbe city
investigations of tbe
.iu ate spcvVl of UK) milr* an boor, i
He fiUs tbe both with aandbs
Artaaten Waite Vot SUtaUa
of sappiy and by seleaUflc a
|.lu-i»wur»iou whirti no one bad yet been briria onfil b« waterline U
proenred ealqj........................
Among other poealble soaroe* erto^' abk lo explain.
| Meanwhile there 'arc two gaping boiee
Wbilo stouming along Ibo ooateof 4d her aidea, envend over vrlib eoUMon
Ing tbe parity of tbe waters aad tbelr riaa Welle were eonstdered, aad tbe
lats and stippoaed to have been fcsoekadaptabllite fo* ^ablie and ^omeatic
found, by tke exam'.na- Balmbinati he bad been called from
bis cabin at night to observe Xbe more ed in her by another craft
tlons of Mr. Rafter, that none of the
As eonn as the mats arc removed tbe
The report is a ealuabie paWkatlon. walls thus far pat down have devsl' onmtnon plicuomenun of a milky an.
the water for milra aronnd being xia- vcaae) txgiiM to rink. At ,tbii point in
and. ihat ^ intereated • may beoone. <9*d sufBeleat qoenUty of water to gnlariy while and laiuinonx lo tbe
bis demomitTation the 'experimenter
tboraegtaly eonveimnt with tbe ooadlat method for* a nme ioeaJity tbe sea was, for abort pe­
riods. as if pntrid, tbe Aeb being depnbUe aopplylag a water supply for years la tbe fa________
etw^vd iumyrisda, eo that lo perent
■hip floats proodly co tbe eorface.
tare. and fally laformed npoa tbe work
not deemed worth wbUe to snend ' * pretilfnce meannii bad to be taken
Allowed to sHik to tbe bottooi. idie
■. »r. hn—
— ttj.
of the eommlttee. they have eaased
time on an eetiamto from that sjmrce. to bnry iboac curt np on the boach. This risoa at once the mameat tbese eocka
ere opened. Tbe model fa five feet In
be printed 1.000 oopiea tor geaeral dU- Tbe dirtanee from toe nearest p>iut to| pbeuomtiiou was dratbtliea doe
ontbn ak of a nabBiarinc ToicaBO and length.
tbe center of Traverne City is only abooi the Ubrmtinnof
ofulp.------------- Tbe inventinn onnsists of a nnmber'
Tbe inveetigatlons of Mr. Rafter six miles, but the interrealng high I in itKeu
•n ji'tlvflh were a* large of independent coltepeRlIe i
hare proved that tbe most available groond would ruder it neeemsry. in j n* footballs. aiKl
snokevef brilliant airtight tod waterpnKtf, which,
eoaree of aopply for a complete new grdar "to obtain a grarlly aupply, to« bw w.iv bh t with in gmat
not lo ose, Imtig
bung nndex tbe deck of a
0.1 MB.. nM.
A ..V .
ayatem is the Ks*t bay: aad in aobmii- '____
a detoar of the ..
lake by way
On tme occjuioo a
swamj of sea anafc* ship, or. indeed, in nay eiiece n<rt re­
Us report be givw full and eom- (|ewB of about IS miles. A prelimibery forrvd.their way Dp one of tbe
prebeaaive details regarding every pos- aarvey made by Mr. Xortkrap indicates In &ara-hi harl.or, apparently for tbe
Itaviiw a bottle royal. f<w tbe
rible soon* in the immedUte vielnUy.
long. hesvy.gattiQgott the flrst few grcHind beu.cpu high imd low water like mnentina*. and when not needed
He qnin flat against rhe eelliugs and
^^.Jftietber with tbe approxiaiste «.
tiles, whlcta.'token-with the oon»id<
wo* thickly roTinri with tbeir under ibe decks
ca It matters not where
n aystem for SMb e<
also tctentific | ukte duttooce to be traversed, readers s bailee Ui jymiticna which betokened a they arc placed.
naslyaas of the wpMi* of
supply f
dudly MjBggie.—B.jitno Trunseript.
On deck orwbeffvcr most cunvenimt
a nnuiUr of smalt cyl­
An tdaU Oon'ditioB. .
J. W. Milliken. of the oommittee,
inders with liqold carhouir add.
nendiag Eut bay, Mr. Ref■aggested that a oomblsed pumpiag
tor says la faU report:
or air
aad gravity supply from Duck and 811« IMF In «rUw.
••A* regard* water suppUea
bags each of which is inde|>cndent. and
teke Michl^B, we bavujiere a Burly var laku might be noasidered. Tbe
••As in to.' daily wear and tear of In caw ...'one being datnaged toe others
idul oondillon of aifeir*. A study of idu was given eome atteaiioa. aad an
an* not injured.
« enviroomeat. the bacteria, tbe mitmuy is nn-d up. it Is uhaointely
As soon es a collision ocrart tbe mere
orDseopleal form* and tbe cbemU-al
siry (but Ibt- n-psir to tbe libdy be polling of a lever ly (be officer on tl>e
nnalyai* all point M Bast bay as be.iog
. and sysb maticallr touke«l eft- bridge canaes tbe gas to raiih into any
toduoltab................... - . - -- ------- ---Bosidmsn Lake and Blvgrer.” writes Mi*.
Mis. 8. T.
" Rtn-r

of tbe air ,ba^ at will. The chxraeter of
of view to be bad at TravTbe exualaailoa of Bmrdmsa river Imdice' Home Journal. "Then,
the air bags isvoeb ihat by (be premure
tVe, therefore, unqualifiedly
L.._^.1_____._______ .
d tbU body of water as toe •bowed toe water to be of fair qaality, man must cnate hmi and force, aecord- nF
of Bb..
toe gas
tocy A.
fit lb
of your future^ anppiy.- Tne bat not nurly BO desirable a* that of ] ing to ib. < limato ii> which be lircv and ically to tbe contour of (be cargo or
the occupatiuu he foduwii A wieo
wbuiever place they may occupr.
faiuatiuu of fuod is. ll.iti fcr.', Mccmxiy
The inventor rialms (bat there is very
to keep tbe body in w dricing .nkT. In
of Mr. M- Tborn. from which point tbe toat water frdm there sroaldcease com- oold weatber we u.^'d a laiger amfrant rarely a coillrioo wbieh would neecasicf all the bag* on a ship
waser will be raised in a resetriitr of pteia*.
Bnt be «**
4.000.000 ^Iloas upacity to be site
The idu of a eombiaed alectriellghtBllliags pronerty i
atod on toe Bl"'
aad water supply pleat was a'sj
-I—..........-if lb.'ship were col into two
•Oon. bot examinatioM monihs fruit and green vegetables, coo- pan^ „ has «>tnetin.e*b*ppened. either
_______________________ _
The wa
aarfaee nfthlsreeervoir wtU be *at .
show that Boeh a plan most be dte- teinltig toe Bxlte neccaaary to keep toe , cud of toe vessel oould be kept afloat by
elevatfitD of about 330 to 335 feet ab>ivr
of inaeSclent power. blool in gaal condition, aboald be used means of bis bags erf carboole acid gas.
tbe Grand Traverse bay. A 30- Mr. Rafter went iototbU lavuligattea
I So long as tbe bajr> remstned ania.
iarii supply tesla will lead from
••Aocording to mir method of living i jerud tbe Inventor claims that the abip
the reserv »r through Peniatnla strut in mioote'detail, tiecaau there bs* in this country, we rfiouM Uke about |«,old be k: pi afloat, as tbe ges vcouid
to Garfield avvnu^ad tbeaoe tbrougn been ao much utd abut toaupsv-i'y
1 mu ewapo. The deep, r th« bags are ioEighth strut to Itoi'Mi. where it will of toe power from tbe river lie dr.ggs, milk, eteese. or. in the vegetable ; scrie.l in tbe hnhi. the gn afer would be
terminate for toe peesut Citimxtely
it is nropoeed*to extend the SO inch eteru toat this baa been grutly over kji.gdom. (heold peas. lx'ausaiKn.-utUs toe lifting cfTart they would vscjt on
—to thru parts <M carbonaceous fool- ■ toe ship
main to Uak atreeu thus furals
- •
.but- iI rioe.
ample pressure to the l^est Slda
Bisrdmso teke. beiagmwelya wld- each a white bread,1. pntiitoea,
of the river, toe quality of ] *“• <'«*» ««l
kind*. Then ! bawri npon
toown principle of
tbe waver isV at».rv
ab>irv the urns, but
bat a aeu-';
It was first d.-viaed tqr
t bay Mr. Rafter nrate ut.uate i* glveo on tbe eoat of a ! nr watery vcgetxbie*. sqcti a* lettuce. «. G. Daboia an engineer of Ux- Pari*
W uonitas of
flcAs toat tbe utobllskmeat
i froi*i_ In making out a dsily ration wo experiment and atudv tba schema was
tem for a supply from toat body would
la drawing toe pteai and apeeiflea- sbouid have
Ibe befounuig of tbe finally pitfocted.
bean unwise move, net only from s Uoai Mr. Rafter kaa

------ --------^
CDargm with
. aanltary stou^prinV but beuou of tb- a term of about tw»nty yaari aad baaed j skrwly, to
jare toe stomach for the ' liquid citrbonie arid at toe beginning cf
grut expense that would be Involved toe «|^tu upM a poputeUoo of!-to«» ««•» }• to foUow. tb« a niiwt or tbe voyage, and. once plaoed in their
In thk conne^on. after reeiting anfa- is.ofw lahstHteute. Be baau toU .du I
on the abip, they
•• • - parititm
V/ are to
w 4^uxmui
▼arable coadiUons in other cities, hr npon the fact that Traverse City in»*»«e. Tbe bags, however, can be moved
-------- ji--------- — A-----------. —
:.— -hickena. ritber rici* or poUtuu
around at will to ronfonn to tbe opes
spuocs that are left when Ibe car^ bai
As to why tVmt bay is infarior
u*<T in ISSU: UM.SU
Bast bay tbe.e un b- bnt one ansv
aeaClf U.LUO lo ICKT.'
In Bonipe tots nnt has vsrioas
, On passenger sbipa. wbw this In'
The Bo ' Wut bay euch •.cn-arc u the town *afwhich are ooly hrgiiiBltig to be lecog- ti<m woold be
The Batimatea of Coat.
Bishe* together with the ■•wage of tp-t
say toat tbure would bo plenty
Tba catimste* give the or
m-p'o'atloB of 1.300 at «»■ Kortbern
, non being toat cf n Virginia oompanj'Of room for tbe bogs in sure slateMi^lgan AsylumI for tbe ~lB>«ne. The pKafrom Oack and Silver Ukes at ,-i,k:h luuidka tbt'i»nuoi prodacta. Tbe rooms. All iif this adds, ft te^aiiued.
pollaUag material, white
Tbe auawl expeau for runJ pcoducU aiv pcannt oil for but little u. toe teltiid cost ofu ship
•ot yet large, suti •&»»* 'o m^.» ex- aiug being about 41,100.
_ J oooking aud table .pntpowu
_ eoofeo____ i _____________
M. LeVamnir claims toat eo large
tut when aysteuiatlc examipatioos
A B mrdmaa------rieuy system
is aaUmat- tiutK-ra* nsc. .puanai cribble for confeo-1
ship as the Paris Lncanis conid be
---------------------- --- --------------------- , —----------------------•uab aa tboae now
----- • un(
uuder . is'MfMtBu-are
P«unt k^rs for soap. rin.. pea-ifftteri ap with bis appliance for aboni
in riawof tbeae jwrtdoeni ek- adat4M8.o00.uadtoaauuaal axpanaa
•apiw from townataking water Up abootil.SOU.
iMlfloorteb^tw aud peanut tetn; 36.1)00. Vgehts aorf small boat! cooM,
pou from toe great tehan. we are d«teka. tin oAl Annual
Tbe cdl is highly valoed be saya be eariiy fitted with ibo a»ilt.
that if Tru'
-.tedlytof tbe opinion that
ft»Uy M» «t small nit-Now York wS5d.
expeaae of ruanlng. fllATIO.
I 3S.OOU.000 worth of peauutaarebrongbt
<Rky«>*'lUnnre to uae Wut bay «
le tllbe in the future.suffer
Wdat bay. tiso.0oa Aunaal
it srllt at
, into Msrucillca anunalit for the maaoMUs Maud Powell, tbe vinliniat, b^
.‘romn-------------------- ,
pboid. In any use. If you
The above caUmates are made oa tba | aoa^ and for other porposea. Tbe peu- a aomewbat imiwaal ^prriCBce with
cMe to ooua^ct toa new work*
ber prccioo* rioUn.
aiait it by exI solidly lecfcwi
stool wooden
made into tauad,
Uon system as far aa poaaibte.
bot wb«n toe came to oteim it it
Tbe esUmate oo tbe eoat of tbe Beat biscuit, etc. It is one of tbe favorite
the appeartkltuxfffnod in tbe bmplulsof Ger­
. .
bay system, with eaUrely new dlstri- many. Tbe eotinuited product of five aoce (M toe box to tbe offictel. mod a aad
^•* >by the nnalyri* of toe water which bhtioa. without referenee to toe praatooa of peanots mnomia » fiSt gallona
^ proved that in wialw. whan toe surface eat
pteut, is_______________________
given aa fiioa.OOO: uaewai
F.’- of the bay U covered by toe, toa danger i cost of runDiog, 34.500 By ntillxato
Ion* of endo oil,-at 60 cents; S.fim)
[g '"Of propagation of typhoid fever jranus i of pruaent dUtribatiou. fllM.OOO. Tba pouBds
floor and meal, at 3 cents per
Uy increased, becanae the water jwtlmate of the ruunlae axpea.* in- ^d; 8.S00 ponuds of'mock f^. « j »i4-8pringfleid Btpablicaa
loded fiviTO the porlfjdag iofiufuea eludes an engineer at toe pumping ata- «0 cents per bnudrid ponnda, making .
all. In the mcchsuical ban-I Stttwbcrriea are oftm served with
tsOB at flsto ^r year.

AlMg this Una Mr. Rafter saggeeta
,«■ Idea which would aaem to be worthy
Tbs problem of toe proper dtepcMl of
fhe aew^ of Traverue Citr is so loti1 astomakeasbortd:


gnmesto tba fakare. Aa to* matter

New Process Vapor Stovos,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.


ible rtMtotu Tbea < mgu and |niee of several oraagea.
toe cal and orutoed maos -to aabmitted them ofaUl in tba refrigerator for half
woold amount to 833.500. Tbe aanital to a bot into for mpuatiag toe sbeR* an bour andhcrve with powd«ed ioe.
iaterenaccoontfor-tbe eattre laveat-; and ksmels sod floatly tbe kneli an
UMat, luelAiug .runalQg expeuaw, Jried fo i^rate them from their akina
wonld amount to •it.spo. ttierefore tba
pyatem would be a paying lavestaeuL
Ibe aboveia oulya avaoitogflf Ua
report of tot
Ua kasmsHS in umMlB flundal. waa
bMltgivat a geuaral uutUue «f fto"
torn boat tiytehtaSto gal
Im aortaua UBiMa.
Wrote tbe ateeam vri^ dzDva bM BiltN


Look Herel Attendon, fent Sidel '

teesytblng In tba Une of

In fact ereTTtoing kept in a first
eteu MutI Markt
Market or Grocery.





Gi^oceries I
The Best Grades at tbe Lowut Prieaa.

Frank Stepan,

-.k U gdaruni
e>au In every rupeet or money refund­
Don’t make a mtetake in toa
plane Proat and Park 8ta.

HIMES, PRotopapher.
Take Lessons
Murtaugh's Academy.

Tetepboaeonlera to Vo. lOd.

Family Groceries
DrlismS Is aa||pan ef the cHy.

Fleiscteai's Compressed Tut
wetions oa Vtoi'n. Mi ndolte. Banio. Guitar, Cello and Bam.

Tarnu Hmsonkble.
Ssom 6, Oitj. Open Bdow Blocte

Fresli YegetaUes Daily.
Jacob Furtech,
Teepboae 34.

We Seil-



r. SAamtOB te

Fire Insuraace.


Have you tried our makea

Tlie Recapiizei Isailere


are my

And everything in the hoe


of first -class jewelry and
toilet articles.



and every Iddd of—

Delicious Drinks...
Pram the New Pro

W. Heck Serves Them
Do Tou Know


Suits to 0/dar.
Fioe Merchaat Tailoriag.

Wl DOf

Olty Newfl Oo.

if You Have Logs to Sejl

Correspond with
the Traveree City
nber Company. We have for sale Go9d. Sound Hem'
lock Lumber) Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floorioff
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale.. Mill Machinery, of a*
de^ptioQs, tndudnig fl Engines. Stet Works, Carriages,
Stfws. A complete Saw Mill Flant for sale.
• up—u.

Geb. R.1Hfinnie,





THB AoBtriNO BBOOim, l^gPAY. JUM BS, 1897.

Britlih EmpJr* B«glm th*
JubilM of Vietorib
. p.MyAaklrrtStCwirt’i.Wirtw,
•L pMtX


• Sew* tt


w arrji turrtac the niaable- ttf GrtnwwU and iaadiBC. tollowtd fay ibe ap««k•r with hia iraln-bearera Rev. Candn
Wlfberforee, D. D.. and Ih* ratotnen of
Use crown who are tDcmbers of thebusae
of cnnsmoiia. After them came m-erwl
ax-mlntaten and then memben of atl
partial, esreptins the tilth, who bad
(ortnally decided not4i> uk< part In the
eelebrarlcn. The prtnclrwl clerka of the
boisto cloaed the,ptoeewlon.

Ofhf ' 0^



the teferewfani. the Imperative mandaU
and prof-'Ttlctial reprcaacuuon.
««*hIWiment of banhain the pt«.

Mtdv tP tbs

de^a*^ F“M^CMpbeU.*oAh?la"bor eaefsanye. opposed the cUuat raferrlny to poytal ravinya banka. Deba
then explalMd that he waa '
, lalD ayalnyt banklny inatltuttoia and'
I the tweaent monetary ayatea. but condl-1
, tlofsa
Uofsa had to
<0 be met In'ihe
In the sariv
«.ri« mtmwrm I
Tall. BaeMeltor Thto Tb«v Aiviajato, ^ ,h* ertory that made arWauchn^
Marvtay Waeklaymaa ai CWItaaa and. abaololely istorawry fer a Uma The




r\k.«. A BOOK. phyalciM aad aargveto




X*^udUeatoProbatopvaeto*. Boamataay
W. ktoeaatua Ca. Btoek.

,Gre*i P«tiip».
CrviHM «Mk ^
thf «9fwnafc

Um TlMrr.r-t>rl. *»'• E«T«r> *H>
!■ B»>ml Carrint^-Tf ■ »iu i —■ «>i»wd«
to tlM torxtt Lnrri* aad OoiBama* Oil*
t%mak» •t^^ortr tVartatMM- mmt to

lfiaT.r> T.ka PaA 4het«to.
There were two aervleea at 8t. RUI'a

luly ouOIiied In thoe dl*r

cathedral In fhUchyi-ai 11 a.ih.and • p.
m. Immenae crowda fllled all the appnaefaee to the cathedral at the Bsom.

Cbtcayc. June D.-*Jamea



Chaase la liir 4 ■■or<^ Servlee.
Ordlnar}- niari ;r-K rtayera beyan wllh
a shert exh.'unti -n ft..ra First Timothy
and tbe auDrac.e after the creed conUined adUbjal rem.ncc*. There were
also addlilcm.1 iiayerv appropriate to
the occasion. TI.vh »as tx. (ennon. but
a special hymn wrliten by Rl Rev.
Winiarn Walilism. anHihl^iop cf Wake-’
field, with murk by 6u Arthur Sulllwan. was *ur.y at hir majesty's reqwesL
Tbe third verw war a* folknac;
“O royal with wide embraeq
"For all her ohlldrcn yeaminy:
“Oh, happy rvaim, sucdrmoUicr yrSKc
“With loyal lovi returainy.
“Where Enyland'a flay files wide ufurled.
“All tyrants wrony* repeUlny:
a“God make the w< rid a belter wortd
“For man’i brief tarthly dwclllcy."
tbe Mother Kbaem Bee CtolldrM.
At the end of the service there wa* a
The queen with bowed bewd
eonUnued In alien prayer. Then followed a aoene nhkfa will ever llnyer In
the memory of ihc«ie who witnecsed IL
'SummonlAK Empr.w Frederick, who
bowed low at her «d.. the queen Uaed
her on both cheekf The Duke of Connauyhl and thr oib.-rr of tbe family followed, raeelvlny .t. landed knee a simi­
lar token of affr
in many oases tbe
Teclpleni wai
several tlmca The
queen was profoundly moved and tear*
.Tolled down hrr cheeks. At last.-and
evidently with great reluctance, she
beckoned her Indian attendant, and
-leaniny on ber arm i>aawd slowly out of
the.chapj^Lth* -mirc.orytayatKnsWndIny. the soft light fajihn throoyh the
multi-colored wind- »•» and the exquisite
torains of the orgar rialny ard swelllny
beneath tbe GothU.


' l^'ukvMu'

the "Amen" foltowiny Ihepriest'a word*. ' fellow-bcinir* w(ih the paltry orumh* of
•T-et her reign be long and pmsprrous oharity to i>erT>eluate conditions which ,
and itrowD her with immortaUty In thr make their lives a
strive for a more-exalted humknily.
a diviner rivlltiaii,.n. such as the Ussier
taught when hr aatd; "On earth peace,
good m-lll tciward men.*'
pqprk E-roy OBHat.^ '.........


lavlto. clnha D. to Coat.

Htyh mas* at the' Brompton OratorT j .
waa made the occatirn of a tbankmlv- I


Reea Cstoy
inner rnnpleV Mnwry.

Dodgrrillr. Wix. June S1--Edward-P.
Thoms*, a prlvatr bhnkrr at thv village
of Cclih. also the poatmaster and town
clerk. I* ™id 1-1 be In trouble on acc-cnnl

- ' Of dlscovrriva a ebori lime ago of s^n.
^ ^In hla^rciTUnls with
^ the •pnstofflee
------------depoaltnr* of thr hank. A poatoRIcc

lmiB4di*te object will —.
*'“* ur»empl.i>-«l by coloniging a


;CycIe Owners Lookgere!


j BtMPrd'U. with *14 haU*. per pair..........

1 KahhRrkartag'TaeCUpa-Oaa’SlOTWyear

1 43m**Hs^ ^|i^'oHdU*"ttpa.’ ^ to.


i !?;ssi£ rsasra^


Uito to eapalT tora. MagU Tnh* IToeV’Yf" g.
, Bpael^iy- atoagMgto Jo »b«





; Pixk Stmt, bftwNB Trent A Oms. :

/ Rates, $1.50 per Day.

Meal Tickets it Redacal Rates.'


nm Ctoas

k is delivered before
It contains all ^ the
local nei^ up tOF^midnight.
It contaibs a resume
of important and gen­
eral flews of the world
of the previous day.

Bow^SMlal Raam

unsns iiD lOBTiaitRn 1.1
T» tasa eSrot Sanday, Jose a. UB,
atlgee'clecka m.
^□Co BOkn.
Mo. I

\ ■


!:Bi3 *n T» Ts' TS


’em "»M


• M

It is the neatest and
most attractive daily
newspaper north o£
Grand Rapids in all


ii ii




w ir

It is the only morn­
ing daily paper in
Northern Michigan:

•4 4*





her Roman Cathcliq BubJec1^ a special
Te Deum being eung. The Oratory was
richly decorated for the octaslogi. the
marble column* tnside the fdlflce h Irg
draped with crimson, and the chance]:
with cloth of


Mgr. Stoner,

pope's envoy, officiated at hlyb'mta*.
All the envoys from Roman Catholic
countries acre present in full uniform
except the Prince andrPrincess of Naplea, who were absent owing to the pieaence of the papu envoy-. Wilfrid Lsu-

(hr resources of nature to provide for
thrmselvra and their dependent one*
and manfully discharge th'duties of an
vmanclpat*d cltlxmahlp. In this move,
ment there are no
dl«-.lm-itona ,
Rich or poor are rqually w-el<-ome to a d
In dethroning g-dd and exalting humanlty. Then th- strong shall help the
weak. the wrsk rhal! I,.ve ihe strong.
and tbe brotherh-id of man aba'll iraneform the earlh'Iniii a v. rilald- iwradlse. 1

Bevrrwl hundred dollars of
•fho.d money had aliu. Iieen dc|>oaltrd
**hk and uhen the teacher*' were prtsriiud they could
he i«ld.
Pome of the deposit a of the bank
“"'xe that they left securities with
Thomas for c.iieccinn. hut that he dePos'ted the securltir* with another bank
** collateral for loans.
Hla total lial>lll’Je* are estimated at aliout 130,000,

to auch a work ]
„ __

ri jit,tin rf duty to my- ■ hcleni
•tv-man. and trusting . oount of Ihr exposures, and Invc
' that you may 1 rd It consistent with ]*•*">' »re still going on,
your . own
and j
, towp Mrwb ts the I'alW Mataa
oMIgatirm to Join hands With j
Warilington. June 31.—Secretary Wil­
US In our emsnrlpalUig and ennobling
son. rf the agricultural deparlmrat. has
mission t *ul*«ri'-e mvself youiw very]
lasuetf to the manager* and agents of
nllraods and traneportallon rompanle*.
stockmen sti^ other*, a circular notlfy_________
I inx them that the contagious disease
nrto Matotog
as sheep -wab. or w.blee of thtep.
W Jimmmm a uemaaa.
among Sheep In the United State*
The fitsf-regular semlon of the Social and that ti Is s violation of the law to
Democracy of America was held Salur- 1 receive for irwnsportatlon o^ trwnapoti
laU. In re"
sfMnse to the Invl^tlons sent out by
the Amf-rican Railway Utrinn the fclMadeltoe PwlUrd la EasUml.
lowing oryanlkaiicnw In lympatfay with
London. June tl.-Ulra HadHIne Po|.
new moveinenl. espoused by the -lard, who was the ptaIntIT In the senuUnited States /eeair. preached 1
I Deb* follower* of 1894. wrrr represented: tlnnal suit against farmer Reprrsenia- |
Queen's Park Cor
I Profrrslonal Workers' BulsHetlc aUl- Ib-e W. C. P. Brechlnrirtgv. .if Frank- ^
Harrow Road. .
flirt, Ky.. anfl who dlupi eared after thr
«e ^Wtoiter Altoey sad wd ItorSpecial dlsjtatche* Dorn Parts', Berlin. ,
< w
trial which rrrultrd In a verd.ct In her !
yaret*>Cliaef4,to*to*aa. r
.Tl^. 8L Pe-.etsbury yjid nearly bv"I!*’*
llvi.r^. city
rita In
In Europe,
wor.CS: show
.hr>w- 1
.Inlon of North America.
The national paean of praik;
ery targe
Media federation. West Sid* Mutual j Ing quietly In Isinlon. She Ir appa
thanksylvlng found official expreailph ai > thanksgiving service* were held in the
I ly In good xircumrtance*.. ard l» underWevtmlnMer AbiHry and ^ St. Mar- I local English eburrhe*. numerously ai•arct'i. We»tmlr.ftvr. At tbe abbey * imded. The newspaper* In rnany-cltle*.
Trade and Labor alltonte. OrcasdaIr! rngagtrs In Iltersry work. She Ictendt
Dean BtwdUy offi.toted WoF^an Im-'
Vienna and St. Peterobury. club. Brotherhood of the Co-operatIre { m make Frglard her borne. ’
the Ronton Catholic .wero were ' “lT«d my

Inttnskflerpoon and especial Accession Day service* at Westminster Al.i^y and St. Psul's cwthedral.
At 8L George's chapel. Wlndwr, In thr
aftenoon. a special musical servlre was
held, at whicb.moat of tbe memt>rn of
the royal family, except tbh queen and
Emprw* Frederick, who had-attended
the morrlng srrxiee wrr* prettnl.
Stw^ral of the leading pulplu of the
dty tfere occupied by American peachera. dll of whom alluded In,the moat
taUliy terms th the quren't* life and
character. BMiop Coxe preached at thr
Windsor parish church, and Bishop

Commonwealth. Thirty-second
Ward '
' ■— '
Economic club. Chicago BorUllsl Labor
wa tb
pony. Woston's National Sliver League
and Uonrian' Reform asroclallon. Fifleerth
Ward Eeeeomic Edurstlnnsl
club. Rnsktn unloB, United Brotherhood
oUCarpentrFt and Jotner* of America. T Osr-Bstwveo BoM WUtiatMld IwstaOee.
(Zmcago.L^bor Union exchange. Four­
teenth Ward EccDomlc
In accordance with a new -polity the
mating was open to the public. Before
proceeding to the adopUen of a ccnstl- Q.OW ^EETRIt^ATOB for
tutlOB fer tbe new movement the fol­
lowing "demand for immediate reller *004 lavs awwT cheap.
toep. ni A rroai to
was adopted;
1. The public ownership of all ratl- TOR Bg!«T-AB Atotae bewce to VsakiastoB
rqodk letegraptL telephone, all mtahs of
tranaportatioo. communlcaUon. water­
works. gM. electric Plante, and all other
L The publle ewncrsblp of all gold.
aDver. eopper. lead. coal. lr*u and ail
other nUaea: also.aU oU and gas wella
I. Reduction W tb< hour* of labor In
tc the progreas of


pcfwooB was headed by the Iord(,chan- ,
, number of high Ottoman
•allor With hi# uri»erw tbe black rod [ offlcui* to represent him at tbe asrvlce,
the aeryeanl-at-arnu ,nd the entlro dlDlomattc? coma
corps was
ird the purse-bearer, 'prewenL A guard of EnyUsb blnejadteta
wbo w^ Wlow^ by the Clerk of the
'4 1! »-*,
waa drawn up
un along
alona the main aDnraadi
botn* of lords with hi* aecreury. and („ u,, chaoe.
these In torn by about too persons w^r- J
i„ ,ne united SUlae service* wereheldtog their rich robe* of scariet and ermine
, number of titles. Inriudlny New
ind led by tbe archblahop of York, tbc Tork. CWcago. tlerver and San FranHarqnU of SalUbury. tbe Marquis of cisco, st which tfie queen's life waa
QnRerin and Ava. the Duke of Marl- ■ «,iorttod and proyert offered np for
borough and tbe Duke of Westminster. I |,er. In Canada the day was uijlveraalA guard of the Queen's WestmtRsiw i
fegltnent lined ihe route to the entrance 1
The morning paper* today are wholly
near the Poet's corner. In the Gonyreca- i ficvoied to jubUee apectol arUeKw. pertioD w-era more than fifty peers withaut' •onal memoirs and reminhwence* of tbe
tbe robe* of peerage. The royal family ^ „oeen and th* royal tamlly. maps of the
, • was repreeeated by the Dncbet* of AI- >outa and blrd-eye rlewe of the dreambwiy and ber children. Iberewaa a Urge uona.
Tbe Tlmei Imne* an excellent
oonUnyent of forrlgn tIUed proplf with 1 eoiore^UUiograph portrait of (he queen.


" '--~ar3a^■ AM,.,.

Oadsden. Ala_ June
Late yeaterday aReroooB Henry ibomas. a necre
exsurslonlst Ifom Birmlnybam. Bred
Into • parly of Gadsden negroes Just
as the train'was leartny. and wounded
Will Garner, a local cabman. Garner!
and Us frjtodi tetuised the fire and a I
general riot ensued. Tbotnas was shot'
in the ba<* *»d Mck. and was Mobbed
twtoc IB th# Miootder and wU) dJa. Two )
•yroes wq Ifcot,

of the ncemplayed, the pubUc credit 1
be utilised for that psrpoae.
^ All naetul invemiott* to be Dm to
#a the Inventor tete remfiserated fay
the public.
«• The oatabl^mM
postal savtogs

} t Tka a

1 ct th* taltlatlM aal


F. a p. “




B. W; OPIBOg IB. agJt’,

...... .a.
West Michigan





r. a. |a- a-'a. A
s.a! v■a
A I*.




, ••••

Quick Returns

Trata* be*w«vs i_____


-Onyaad m RapUs
torn ..........
ton................... tiiSA.
a-a. II B*.A IMvA.
ato. UBe. a. dllFA.



6rud Ripldi i lidiiu I. S.


W*52;’8r Orirom.



'pa^ roRtoiiltoS^nrtoSi;;;^ tZim

cemion from tbe west door the oryan
was relntorced by trumpeu and dmoto
•Bd at the end mt the anthem for tbs
day the natlortol anthem wa* nnc with
great feeling.
The members of the eommona tn aeenrdane* with a rprdal reaclndiNi ad^cd UM Thursday, attended tbc service
•t SL MaTyarct*a They assembled in the
bouse about half past ID. Shortly beCor*
1' Wtntom Court GuUey. the spaaker.
•t «tad In hU robes of oBoa, Th* pro•amon wss then foemfi. Uw uerteut-


j.e »

the noted eorreapondem. leleyraphed i is eenta The Railway Ituiii'The 001^
IhK aerrica..aaztoua to vatdi avUm^ Use Kew Torh Journal Saturday ai fnlof the royalUea and dlatlarulsbed per*. Iowa; “One of the
ocrat. and a enbecriptlon to It Ut Icaona*ea who were anisoanord; lodudltic and bewlldertny ivaulta of the oryaoiu*
Uon of.tbe •Social Damacracy of Ameri­ cludod Id the duew In ihfa way the ywLendoo. Job* fl.-Qoeto VlctorU b*. all Use Proteaiaot envoya. The fUat to
pel of the drmociwey will be qsread- Ko
ca' on the mine of U.c once powerful
afternoon nrealnn wa* held, aa the ley!*CU the eele'iTBtiuB at her Jubilee }>w* arrive and to bo recocsslaed wUh Use
foQuwlailre committee wai net prei«red to
tCTitor. M wes li^ntiinc her entire co*. <reateat Intereat were the arcbMabop
of Plnlasd, In purple and hUf.y vest- iny letter whlcb Prealdeni Del« today report on the cotatltulian for tb^ etate
■ mr, before the «iur of her tolth.
nsenta. aecoospaisted by taro dtoeotsa. asaUed to Mr. Rockefeller. preald^Dt of and local union*. Tbeae matter* will be
nuwighout LoDilan.'tb* United KIbk* and Oeneral KIrretL In full tmlfonn.
the Standard Oil company. 1 know of dlvK>*ed of and *n adjonnsnient taken
don ud the empire. In ee^ cotbedi^L Then followed Chaise Tiny Buan. the
ttOIhlny like It in Use whole hlatory of a* aooo a* pojwlMa.
cbvrcta or ch«r*l <'t the 9>ubU«b« Chineae envoy. In coryeoua celeallal
the tnduiirlal atruyyic for life ayalnat
Church of UnicUrd. nu held a aervlce Sransesta.
He waa
eeqorled to the,
Inoreaaliiy dUBculUea. To­
«fnU*r to ihai *i Si. Ocorvc'e chapel. ^Ir. where were aeated alao the en*
day I atoed Philip U. Amour. Use bead BMtonOntUny'Cx
•Iinodeor. u-here her m?4enT paid her
. Ctato yuhdSny.
_______ _______ of the beef truat whal he tbouyht c.t
land. Denmark. Sweden. Bratfl
dcTotlooa and . fiend aoleiBii thaok> «>
Chicayo. Ji ne ZL-Tbe baae ball *11Hawaii. Whltriaw

Reid, with Anihaa- i
l>*be' plan, and hla sole reply wai
God. The ai.auunnmest that the aer*
tador nay and Mra. Hay. Oenerwl ?fel- thle: 1 have no lime to Uslhk or ulUt nation baa n< 1 ehanyed much *tnce last
vieee at 8t.
chapel would be
OMStlnue* to lead.
non A. UUep. Oyden 'Ullla. Crelyhton alsoul IL If you warn to know ar.ySM\-Bte and for the memberi of the roral Webb. Capialn Majsa and Captain Ma- | ,hmit about the aauaajre buMrsm J will but Boaton bu cut down bar nolnts
tomUr prerenud the c«tbenr.( of a eauley, came in royal carrlayra.
ylad 10 .tell you what I can.' Here one-half d- rtny the week. Ch'raco t»
lar«e crowd. The eceoe waa moat ImUnder the dome and behind tbc richly u.jir. Deba' inter lit to dated Chicayo. no lonyer a baM ball city, lu cults ara
No. U:
pretore and the nrvioe rerr aimple. ortmwjoed royal pew# were the peer* ' June 1*. 1»7. and addreaaed
PUyed. Won. Lobl. P. C.
f«» "he*, the forelyn John D. Rockcf*llet{ N.
Her majeetj- nt li> the chair of eute< ----------------------------Tqrkclly"lr
■*nvoy»,and five colonial premier* wllh
Baltimore .................U
el)' Ir front of the
toe Mlllenali
their famU**Other* seated In thl*
iwU. and Ju^t l« sidr the hnua pUte
Uke the IllH-rty
to inIn- cintiiinail
y to
portion of the cdlQce w«re-4he special
whoa* .tn*rdpt...n deeiccate* the rpoi
deleyatioto from rarion* socletlca. Just form ynu that wc have th.a day or- j sv»-<Yort
which waf the itinporary plane of interyanlsed the Social Democracy’of *before It Vclock the Archbishop of Can­
Brooklyn ....
toent of ,ihe i-rime roneort.
U. Lsindon
*e.nuoo and
anu the
-ryanltation dealymd
terbury. bie bishop of
Philadelphia .
Qwera aad Iter lodUa-httoadeal.
uena. vt
.uc vatuttirat. wl.h
e jtn ...a.l,-.™.
(oecwineonu ;
or ,b.
' .4»
Use ladles and mnilrmes who are the olonry -o. oboir, rrooo.0-1 ,o ih.
riU.Oo., ................ U
arrand officer* .if ihr queen*! bouaebUd door In T*>>»u-e t>iB
of les'Mtoei I ">»cn iney aia not create ana wnlcn, Washlr.ytoD' ..........ti
entered Aral. f.H. wed hr the nillltaiT
ktilghta of tyindtor In the fall coatuase
ynwrd pf*ft>nor conalMlny of the teedlcal
i Chl^yo .
of cocked 1^18 and acarlat coata The
ly stated. t<> supplant tbe present c
... Id view of the fact that —
Duke dr Derunrhin- aztd Lord Roaeberr
to# Boepital Sunday.
e ihelatest Leyy-jescore*;
occupied their elalli U KclshU of the
The menbera of the royal family ar•

~e 7. Washlny.
Garter. The rm of the church waa [ Heed panri
«{ PhlUdelnhla-Sl Louis I i
inrtuallr and were rwclved with which mmiunalr.* and mendicanu, the ton
‘ rtapty, Use watf-pf tl- royal family be»
reipeet as they
. . ] aalion. win disappear toyeiber. and the r
». .. u—*.>
.-m..._____ _
«ny near Uie qurrer.'*. The dean of Wind- j ihrouyh the sti^et'a
tbe cathedraL
brotherhood of r
•or. n'cariny the mslpnla of cbaplai
] 'AmonythemweretbePrinceandPrint
tofileMand beautify the wurld. In this' u,*ton T- e4 New Tork—Clvreland
tte ^er.jrf tte Garter. oOl^ted. ■*■* j of WaltolheDukeard Durh«»"oV
university , ^** “-0^ V
I^rh-Cl.t eland d.
■isicd by Use. lord tlahtm of Barry and ,te Duke of Cambridye. the Duke and city alone. In which
which bear _your name aUnd. menu-;
^ ebe*i of 5
_ .
mental of Use triumphs of labor and
«i>t K. Columlms It; at Orand Rapidi
tary the queen arrived from the clola- Ilea. Preceded by Use rieryj- and amid fabulous wialth of the country. «.(i00ihdlanapolls K. Urand Itaplda t: at
famltia* are prwtilcally bomclet* and
tera at the eciran' v Aseisted by her In­ the straits* of the proceaslonal hymn
llwaokee—BL Paul 1. MlUfaukee 4;
dian attendant ehe walked elowiy to the
~0. Klny of Kloya. wboae relyn of
I Cily-M^neapolu «. Kansas
eltsir of state, the conyrayaUoo stand(Sunday) At
Otort le toa Bits Cawat Them.
. **HBtn been freos everlastlny”'—
: at Kansas City—
IBmply a Kamily of Warahlpn*.
.“If you think this statemriit aa ex- '
they proceeded 10 their seals.
L Kansas City 11; at Grand
the was dremtd all In btack. extiept . Tbe service was condneted by the ayirerailon I bey that you may come Rapids—IndUnapolis
lUnapoIis ». Grand Rapids'
. tor a white tuft ut her bonnet. Bmprea* lord bishop of London, and the cele-; *>fre and 1 will arrwnye to have them 6; at Mllwaukee-BL Pant ». UUwauFrederick of Oermamy. attired In deepI brated cathedral choir of ISOmale voles. <m the lake front, and tbera, kee 6. .
black, took the e>-ai at tbe riybt of Use assisted by an orchestra of I'M from 1 under the common sky. their only shel- |
Weftem Aseoelallon: At 81. Jrwepb—
queen, while Ui>’ Duke of Oonnauyht,
_ , Covent ikardeti Opera House sod a v- ! ter. their emarlaled facet and tattered Peoria refoaed to play with MIdyely aa
weariny hla Windsor uniform, seated [ era! of ike prtoetp*! theatre rendered yarment* may l«ear testimony to ih* umpire, which forfeited the ywme to St i
* .liJmself at her led. Tbe othera yrouped ! the muslrwl portions. The bum of aer- hayyard truth of map'< inhumanity to . Josej.h: at De* Molnto-Cedar Rapids I ^
tiosely behind sod looked veo' like a i vice was the same as at St. Ocorye s ra»n. tlbe-plt ture Is well calLulalcd to 1 Des Moines
at Qulncy-Dubuque 4.
Bmple - famXy of worsblpera.. Amtmy chapel and was participated in by the l UPI^I to men and anyaU. and a« you | Quincy J; at Burllnyton-Hockford 6 I
them wet* the Durhese of Conttauybt. ‘ vast conyreyatlon wllh evident fei-Uny.
• Christian yentkman and arewldv-1 Burlinytnn 4.
(Sunday) At Quincy- '
Prince Henry
-- ..------,--------.. Prince*
--------- ,
invocwtlon of the priest "8?nd , >r known for your benefactions perhaps Dubuque i. Quincy I; at Burllnytorv—
Henry, Prince Christian and
her' help from Thy holy p1ae?“ came 1
mlyhl deem it prop' r. nn less than Rockford ». Kurltnyto
Cbristalr. w «h h-r . children. Princess the deep n iwnsf of the knedlng multi. dutiful. 1
r aupjK.n I
Uoinc*-Cedar Itaplds 3. De* Molne* 4.
Henry .d Baitvr.Urc, tbe Grand Duke
Boryiua md the Krar. l duchesa '
.................... In Impressive uatson came «« fwd and humiliate these auffertny



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