The Morning Record, October 29, 1897

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The Morning Record, October 29, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text








trui for mordhl

iaoi appear aeoooiiert for Laelrert to
Ihlieenml trial, wbldi Ueehadotod tor

Uw with aay who rentar* to optnU
▲TTOuzr osjr. katvasd «• th*B. The UteeietyleUa Bii*le bojc XQBO
btsixesc pr
I Attorney Snmney today to eonrolt with
which U deelra^ u. play a toa# when
jhlm nlatire totaMnc aharfe of the
alckeltodroppedtoa etot. TUa U
ridbl. bat oocaalonally the parky •beiur Xania aad DepattM Xadioairtr--wm J all
Is Vkb l«w Oa
who droiw the alekal la lawarded by a
ad by OimdJory-Tme BiUe ^
jQdtt OortMtt to l«t Aald* U kaadfol of eeto* to addlUoa to the
Tbifkr-ato ladtotnanM tor Felon- took pUeehetweeatbeMBMgemaknr
aad hU oonneel yeaterday. Vincent
Orte to thaw 0mm Why m I»- mink, which U aol all riyhu The
ioae Wonodtop AUo Foasd A«^t
erged Loelgert to agree to a rean
jOMttoa IhaU ««» b* iMiiad-Vr- preMewtor wae rWtod by aa Meat for
ble oontlnnanee o* the eaee. bet be
XajBMd Vm HwTMtottl^.
oaeofthaaedeetoea yaalerday bat
WOkeabatra. Pa, Oet.
The pmad obdorate. Vtoeent told Loctgert thel
lUy^rd ti Uktof eltoed to penalt ita nee in the dtj.
>ty today intarBcd a trae biU acaiaet he bad negleeted bia own b .ineae for
a toad U Uw Sytit a<aia«t U» m«
Sheriff MartiB aad Ue depatUe for the three mooth* to by the ease, aad that
Uw, iMfuatod by th« flUcTM
d to bare a little tli
LatEmer ehootlnj- Utoetoea are loof ClwrlM^
dkied tor morder, oae for each aai torhlmaelL
iMt ToMday Attorney* JUyne *»d
lAetgertheea e angry and east for
kiUed. aad one for the Tiettom, eoneld
OmidDtoMk of ChtoleroU eWto^ thi.
•red eoUeeUeely.
X «ity Md to b*b*If of JobB O'Neil, a
Thirty-^ tsdietneau an found In
* P. V. at HartlMa.
\ proaOneat tobeme of Ctaarleroix, aaW. W. Kimball Oo. will
way tor ’
M organ* thU year and «an •alliag
Kalktoka, Bkto.. Oet. a.—It U toI
to Jod(« Corbett for an isJaBcUon
erainst the came defendante.
them at factory cost, Wbolewle and
i,,li,lnln[r the fast*andfiab warden teaded to make the Oraad Baplde. KalIf the Betall. SSS Front *treet,Trarerw>Cli
of CharleeoU oounty fto« iotoefertoy kaaka A Southern railroad oaa of the
N. B. Strong. Manager.
160 8i
jnry had iyaored the MIU the •
with the fl»hcrn>eB to the poraail af artorlee of oommeree to Blth!«aab
ante wonld haee beea raarreated.
their ealllBir- Jody* Corbett tvsed an railroad eyatooi. and not a mere lor
onl^d. Mebellaa A Ash. I4t-tf
order to ehow eaoM why aa tojooetJoo flof railroad. BtartlM *t Vanborea.
ahmld DOt be tened and Bade an or­ 00 the C. A W. M. railroad, the aeo
Herbert Montagne ha* nwraed from
der rertralato* eOBfitoaUon of Beta, liae mp* to Ralkatka. Prom there it
peodtoff thedateofihenttora of the will be po*h^ alony oa the eorrey of Oetrolk
Mb* Jennie Bigg* bM ntomed from
the defoeet DetroEt. Charierolx A Beorder. Korember a.
The lebMtoeB to Dorthara Mtohtoaa oanaba raUroad. wiU the Mine objeo- a loag trip thmngb Ohio.
Mr*. Jamm Wimmer wUl leave today
proteat acalan ibe tow paaaed at the Ure poiaL eU: Barrleoa, oe the F. A
for Trinidad, CoL. to Join her J
toa eaeioB of the toftolatara. which P. U. r^road. ia Clare oonnty.
Will Bobtowm wUl go to Grand BepBRihiMta fiehtor with aay kind of nett eoBc potol BOt yet deflaltely located to
id* tfab morning to aee the beetof tbe
to the lakee from Oetober SI to Deoem- Kalkatka oonnty. a bmach wlU be mn
__ __
While the emt U bronyht by to Grayling, when It will totor*ert the cnnlral.
Bert Ke'UybasBeearedA pml^ to
O'Neil he I* backed by all of the fleher- northern dlrUUm of the Michigan Centbe OadlUec basket fnetery a«4/WiU go
aes to that loeaUty. aad thaw eayared
« with the P. A P. M, there todey.
In that bMliiMi in Traretw City are
Fred Kellogg ntnmed last olgbtl
BQCh totareetod to the oBtooma.beoa*»e in addlUmi to the extonskm 1
from a vi$lt to hU paresU at SparU |
np a
UtheUw hold* (roodit wHl caneea ee»- Mieblgan Central will
and Incidentally to the earalval at
is the flehing boelneee nnlU af­ mon eauiuin UfrjUorj thao t
flrwt aapeeiod and will make the toad t^mad Baplde.
ter the ISth of Der-mbw.
Mim A^e* Bich will leave for banof the moat importai^ to norUern
Attorney General Maynard and Depring today. where She wUI prepan to
nty Game anrf Flab Warden Cbaa. B. Michigantoke theezamlnaUoD to phar^e^ bw
Brewster arrlred Id the city WednanfoiT the biaU Board of Phartoaey oa
day night to look after the matter aod
Mr. Maynard bsedreldcd to make a
Jamm H. Bobwto. Mra. Bobe^
BotioB hetore Jndge Corbett to hare Baglnaw K*n WIU Look Bp Bich
Ur*. Walter TrnmbaU and UaAm
him eet aelde hi* order. The ttOtUn
Itoposlta Bald to Bare Beea
Ckartea L. TrumbnU came over from
wQl be argned ii thU elty ttmtoiTow.
Abandoned Yeere Ago.Old Hbrien yeaterday aad atayed ever of your life iv spent to bed. It b well
to have Ihsl comforUbla We
kritsoata very little oast to
Sagtoaw. Oek M.—A party of Bagl- night at Fark Place.
Tbe canleal to Grand Rapid* wonld
I good Iroo Bed, br*»» trimmed,
aw oea an preparing to set ont'for
extra good Woven Wire Spring .
<nob Betarned Teotorday an entinly new g<dd field, a* yet but not be complete withoat Frank Fried­ so
plete for $5 00. If yon want wood hrd*
partially explored, bot wid to be »a
wc can sell you a good solid well made
tempMatare. together with Governor bed aad as extra good Spring for $3.76.
The Oetabednl Hob retomed frwB rich a* the Klondike. It i* located
Piagne. Ue stopped off Um9« 00 hb
Ptoue Ldke yo»ierday afternoon wlih along the eaatern elope of the Boeky
jcit epposite the Klondike. way from Chicago.
1 of
of th* chaae.

One Gejit Will Buy,



They bromght tack ISl tore bUck
^nome of them weighing fln poond.
/ each. The Stti wen eaogbt la ^be
/ tfW. Wodneadsy In about fonr hoar* of
the flnwt kind of *poM. He*ldc* the
hnm than were two large plekerel, one
•wclgbtog 13 poonda Game wa* aUe
ahnndantand-SSpartridgwand IS Jack
•nip* teeliOed to thenkill of the hnntsca. TkU wa* the bent trip the dab


The gold then i* foead to pl*'Wr bed*
along tbe elope of the moootaiQ*. about
mile* from the Mackmr e river,
and along little ttteam* that flow into
the Mackeoale..
John Becker aad JwUfc Brown in
ie:« ran away from borne, drilled overlaad to the Padflc coast and joined a
which fitted oat a emaD steamer
end left Vaneoarer about Uaieh sa
Up tb* Athabanca and Mackenzl^rirer*
atenmrfprooe*d*d for 1,600 mllea
HMrtog ctSrie* o( a stnam that flow*
throogh a bed of gold and empUee Into
tbe Uaekeoxie. the party dleembarkad
and tnreled aboet 100 mQea orerland.
They found the'pUoe and to lem
Uan stow ^7* ^ areraged abont
$14,000 ^leee. *010* haring a* Mgh a*

Oolatly Xaiiied.
Albert Needham »nd Miss Nettle
Boffmaster were married last night at
the rmideaee of Wesley Holmes of East
Bighto streek to the presenoe of a few
tomily frienda Justice Verly per­
formed the eeramoay-

Latter Day Britotm
Among toe aUendanU at toa tmtter
Day SainU- dboferMoe at Bonto Board, whbb opeM today, tbera wtU be
from thb section Mrs. B. M. Ktoney.
Mr*. Yonksr, Mr*. FresM and Mba
Jolla Kinney.

'Mrs. Alexande'r Cnatard of Maadon.
arrived yeaterday to visit her rister.
Ml*. B. J. Martin. Mra. Cwtard b the
l of toe Woflton'a Clab of Men-;
d will entertain the local

Lnnring. Oek 36.—Labor Commimlon'
r Cox bee evolved a singular aeberae,
wbb'b be proposei to lay before toe
next legUlatBm. Tbe plan b to eetabIbta to ccnnecUou with toe labor bna state employmeet oflec. where
all toe unemployed persou* to toe 1
regbter their names aad oceapstions. and be fumbbed employi

toe fact that to many places to the
state the supply of laboreru b toork
while at others there b a surplus,
thinks tost a state bartnu would equaltoe matters and at the eame time keep
as. to
« of toe labor markek

TakM Bnmmnxg Aetlou.
Lanetog. Oek M.—Inauunce '
Btosioaer Oampbell mtumed today
from Sagteaw. where be took another
Mm at toe books of the Wolverine,
Ohioago Katonk
Tri-County and Oummeretal Insurance
Chicago. Oct- W —Wheat-:Oet
ipanies. which are managed by
«7Mc; December, «tKe: Janaary. BSc:
Bowtoad Cannor aad Chariee B. BtUL
May, Me.
Coro-Oetober. JSHeHe: Deoember. who have aeked for hb removal,
reanll of the tovcdiigatkm the eotnssb$6K9Me; May. SOSc.
sr ordered toat no further InsurDate—Oetebsr.
aaee be written to any <ff the eompaniSKri May.siS9Hea
Porh—October. fT.TtKi Dmm
He will at o*m taka utepa under the
•tatnte to ekae op tbe affairs of to*
lmni-Oetob|p. ft.e.S: DMcmbmr.
three oompantoa.__________

Oant Vn Them Bar*.
Utety aevaml agentt far varkian Im^provrd nlekeMn-thwriot dvrloee have
ap^ted to Proseeutor Tweddb far pm- .mb atrMt, Sonto Wda.
mbalos to plan* toab maebtoea to tob
«ity. But toe prueoeutar extendi
•Movagmaeak U* hM mm prabiblt'


A Full Third

Elijah Adriey of thb citj ha* been
granted aa toereaae of pension,
Dr. Beardsley wlU give hb ctoring
Uetare to women tonight to Btolnberg’* Grand Opera Bouse.
A large aodlene* of men Ibteaed to
aa toatraetive and interesting lecture
by Dr. Beardsley to btetoberg'a Cran'd
The B. N. of A. wUl bold a boatoea*
meeting Saturday rirtemoon at two
o'eioek. Tbe object b to make arCivil Servie* Bxaa
tmonte for the sunper to ha give#
According to dril •erviee regnlabons
Wconaadsy evening.
la eiUet where the free poatal delivery
^tem b cetablbhed. It b the enatom
to bold examlneUen* of applicant* for
poritioos clerk* or earrlvr* once each
year. Otcar Friedrich, wcretary of the Oommlaatoner Oox OfBm

Vew T. P H. a B- Paper to be Pnbby iriw Wtnifrad Pratt.
A new ChrbiUn findeator pnblfaatten to be called the bideanor Tidlngm.
to to eontempUtios by Ml** Winifred
B. Pntt The paper will oe derotod
to'the Bodearor work-and aodeUce to
the Elereath C E. DUtrtet. Ulm Pratt
U makiiig earefol preparathm to carer
the Seld thorooghlyund wiu her e«perienee aad great totereat to the work
the BndMTOr 'Rdtoge will bd sard of
- Tberalaeolneh a pnWlea.
tton to the BlerenUi dtoPtot U tan to
total board of ezamtoer*. baa Imoed a
be grenk
BoUe* that *Dcb esamtoation will be
POB BOBTBBBM PBBUIBUXA. belA to tbb rity on December 4lh. and
applications miwt be filed with him
Party WOl Iwam bn Bteamw Onew before November 13th.
kaaa Bnxt Monday.
The eteamer Onekama to eommand
K*. JobnatOBb Lamp.
_.-4»f ChpUlB J. P. Bmory. will lean thto
A party eappci^ to be a thief stole
port Monday for the aorlheis Peatothe patent chemical lamp from the bianU with a ^rge party of hnatofa. cycUol JameeG. Jobnaon Wednemlar
Tb# beat will stop at Sottons Bay. Elk
nighk Haring nee for the lamp Mr.
BM^d* aad CharleroU for otheia.
JohBioa wae angry about fk but the
wUl ant tooch at Ewmnaha or
thief cant nao It beeaase be don’t
that point anAAtotribBte the bnten
Anew toe oombinatUn. If he wanb
At potole to eoll their fancy. Th# par­
toe lamp very bad Mr. Jobnaon will be
ty will be away about three weeks and
glad to iBstnct him to tta bm if he
wlil bant deer aad other game.
WlU mU at the drug etor*.
Bab Mot a Blffta BoUar.
Lm. Solomon (i not one who eonld
be termed mtacUy.A hlffk mU"jMterday wbUe leading one of
bOTSM oa State street by tbe baiter the
•nimal gave a vigoeon* tea* of fhe
bead and Mat Mr. Solomon roiling
*eroe* the •tiMl and tote to* gutter to
a manner that curprisod the horse and
left Loobetotblng to proper rimpo for


12S-132 rmt Strsrt.


pwteWUly toat ax-J edge YtooMi wiU

Three SUto PeiteiU
Six Sbeeto Writing Paper
SU Good Enrelow
Tbrae Good Pena
Six Sticka Oolored Ctnjon
One Ink and Paneil Eruer
and a Domd Otiier Good Things.




M. g. HOUEY. MaWAd—.

^ lSrE"W H.OT

of BLAIB-S TABLETS. They are the
Best Values for tbe prtem At

“NEW IDEA^* Patterns—Economy of goods
and Simplicity in CoMtmetion are


Facts Upon Which Their Success is Based.

Stil! other styles being constantly received, ^

BriUU* S17


ai OetUnf Esnm.

Better Buy
Floor, ia the advloe of thoaa who are intoreatod
in yonr woUkre ^rhealth” aa well aa
«^or what there ia In it.”

Hannah 8c Lay Co.


A Good
Corset Waist
ComforUble, Eaay
Pitting. Health^,


at Low Price of 60c
Best Goods for $1.00.


Vow Be VUl Lom Bie BeM XA«<
y«r. n»AuAge VinoMk
Chkago. QsS- W.-Th*r# b a •


P$|glo CMM*. littff ui hntt*.
HPiMtauFrMns* Mk.





Ladies’ Box and Kangaroo Calf Shoe for $1.50.
Also Gent’s Box Calf intTsible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy's and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are -'
Right in Style, Wear and Price.


TH* xoumro


eboobp. tbipay, ootobbb

‘•Whatl that? Who OB earth eao be
playlnc the hanjo at thU
CwT It raaat he tha lilted------- __
bet playiBg •Aamei.’ fie
Ukel IwM be^niniM Tiaht Bear hoa. Obrhaaveni, 1 east
Imt ite wonld kttnct bo oJWotkB.-— •taBd that aoQgl I're beard it tooaaBy
nuD tkTtiWhbeald.
ttmee wbes 1 havan't been alooe. and
BlDiM an eyebrow bMtdea. Playing tbe
binN> *«■ t»*»
**“ *•
who be UJ HaHe. »lari^ plmee ^
J. W. HAsm'. EMur »»d IUmcw.
knock at thet maa*a door aod a* tl fat





----- tbetBtor.
'Wtat itf” w«x«od tbo FBmpmd
KicMKtf • sewlj rich booaA “I gitem
powUofaloto pB^lortbe ink.'*>^XnelBMti Soqulm.




tbiwtgh tbe dam

29. ise?.

_______________ _ *!rwia» k
dtMclsa maeU^M aliU
lae-tf .
SottoeBfKeellacarBbard of Beriew
and BquaUnnttcB.
Tha Board of Review and BaonllmtioB «f tba fi«a wardaot tha eity of
IVavaree City will meet la ragalar emioa OB Monday. Nov. let. IMT. in the
OoancU room, from ■ o'dloek to lUlOi
o'elooh a. at. and from 1:W o'clock tO{
All pareoBi latemtad mar appear at!
thb meetteg^^tha Board will bear

The Bond ahaU hava power to ro**^ThaBk yna. Marla Oo to bed bow." deaerlbe. re-valneand fn-MoaUu the
oeveml parla of a dmmipuoa ef mal
Edith didn't wake «p tiU vwy la
to the day. bat wbea aba did It v**
with that peroliar ua«iwtoBmn«< an”
Auma wT|£»bb.
oOwr peraop in tbe room. aBd tlfere waa
—bo't only Maria Bhe ttood and narad
Bcd uapod at Edith, a haB Idiobc, half
{hsbieofd amiJe “ -----------

More to Come!
im. a B. Kuo—I tore nand Jama Undarwaar totieoyaa*ni it baa
given geod Mllateirtlm aad 1 oan highly ratwimaiul U to tbora of a eoid
blooded AatBte.
I. M. Wtmnn—1 woald wear nothing alaa tat tbe "JanB."
O. C. MorrATT—Have worn tbe Jeroa Underwev to tm araaom
and highly
Ma« OaAW—Bon^t two ettlla, need tbem two wintera. aod goodyet
. Da. O. A. Boludat—I tava worn tba Jaraa OndOTweBC to tbrec
ynafo. aad waaring it yet Perieotly mtlafled wiib it


•• What are yoo ataring at, yon imbe•W. SB30SC
rilel Qodowmitaira. I'll dm myaall.."
For Be«ly a week. With aUld _te
BnylEarly. ilt •w^i^ai™ce a
She Mt the «H7 «B Feb. >1. Her ,_w TOBD. heilut pamwla^ oocB^ed
^eate all woBdered at thii eaddea pieklDg aametbing off the floor or doslater in tbV'seaflon.
non aBd into the conatfr at this no- isa with the newipapw nrw her face
godlj aeaBon. No one kBOw wl>7. tnt when the aervaDtii came iB. She didn't
aU had their tiMoriea.
bMT tbe baujo any »o*e and onnpleteBba cam a ImuheoB
fotgot the little inHdmt. Bar reat.TBAVEB8E CITY
Bid received a telecram at the
epirit revolted, however, at the aolthe cirie aaid, and ai ebe openrd it a
UT confineBKBt and aha reaolved to
very peculiar, half mirtbtel. hall «kd br<«k it
ezpMitm came into her fa^
"Who cam to a lovadek man who
••Well. irirU. I am r>i=<
»«- wrobebly wooldn't notice whether 1 bad
Bight lor three or foot wocka.”
anreyCrataU VDotr Pm goiiig onh
••Why. for goodim’ aake. ytra*» fo Marie, my bat and veil. "
tboroarbterea Ued the cermao tcnicfat at Kiog'a”
iMpertaal that
She atartrd off, and befnra kmgbad
pApiUl. $100,000
••Na Touichtrilbeawaybqmhtw- goorfarthcr tbon fbe imapiued. She
which proTlde wee
tor the traite of the Md aboald be XdoB’tqtuie know where, bat I m go- aatdownforrrMaadmediuition. Tbe«,
iborplofl, $26,000
iDganybow. Woo’tyoobareaoB»eB»r« bowrrer. were aooo ^iatorbed by a
fieen aplace
crackina tarig end a fooBWi) very clore.
Tbia wai the aoeree wbeaee ongi- Of coon* ahp toraed roond, tat waa OhTICKBB-ltrTy Hannah. PraaideiU:
Bated their Bamerooi and varied m- hardly prepared to the eyea that re- ArTracy toy. lat Vk* Preaideai: Jamaa
irard her oatonUhed gave.
Mergaa. end Vlea Prealdent; J- T. Ban________
coDvermtion- The
■•Where did yoo eome fromP? wa* nah, Oariiier: Samuel Qarlaad, Aaobtjseny girl* were glad benanae yoong the wmoltaneoaii ezdamati^
Mra Page wa« popular; tbo atapW
It wiU flrbt to the bluer ead the
«Mt MflMCe biU eaaeted br the XM- once were glad broanw it aemally gave
DIBBCTOBB—Perry Hannah. A. T«^
iltaa liVtetstBre. The *oreraor will be them aomethiac to talk aboct. and he"Yea. Edith.*’
Uy. Jamaa Morgan. J. T. Hannah.
fco* tbe fmtivitire were oTerttBenra
"Edith, what am yoo doteg in thia Samoel Oarltad.
«B teaUlar rKmd la thie lort of ac- of the pocr departed ronat have Imrwd
Urit; aad wbea he leta ap it wUl be like Are. In the meantime abe teleN. a—Addraaa aU OoUeetiOBe and
whea the otberfeUowe have leaned pboBed down to {adt’a Aoa: "Bellat
"After yonr telegram? Look.
what n Biaaiia to go afalaei Piacree ia la that you. Jaekf"
••And yoo did tbiaT*.’ . .
Matter to the TkaeMee City SUW Bank.
"Vce. dear."'
a dianiwios of a aatter of laOitwd
••Look! like it. doMB't it? That’* Traemneaty Mich.
' "Well, ytn'll be fBii>i«d. bg
what I'm doing here—waioag to it
belieeed in
to grow. Well, if 1 never beljoved
SnairpMAKru of Utiraer. Pa., who
m't it
tetallam before 1 do now. 4«i’t
« t“*•
"Doim tbe river •<
with hladepatieoabot and killed aevevm heard of? Wh
tenoiait thing you ever
rU take Marie. Why? Oh. ft*> jnat a
ernl alrikora daring the odnen' tm- whim. Jack, bat I know ym'U let me are too doing here yooraein''
A to of pleaanra and aatiatectioo to parebara ecaaonable merebaadlae at
••Jnrttbtnkingofayearaga Doyoo
bl«n.baaniB agauiat the.grand Jury
Bot oaly old tariff pricca. hot more than that prioea way down bdlow anything
t'a ja<t a yeat ago tniloy
Be aad the depatW ware iadlcMd and
“1 don't eappaaeitvraaldmake maelr
ever offered yet will be Inaafnratnd at tbe Boaten etora thii week. Onrmamaway? There •» another
maet be tried ior aeardar. Now It tv diffemxe what 1 wanted."
Beth atoek of Dry ^Sooda. aothing. Boeu and Sheet. Qoala and Carpeta we pareoiacideooe. Bot 1 rnnut not «uy brae.
to be detenloed if etrikera ahall be
"Now. Jvek—well, the tmin .
1 regret weing yoo more than I can tell • beTebehefau*at*eeBaoawaia ke»avw 'taBMdbetera the tariff affected Ugh prioae. Raying gooda ia eaae lott aa we
penitted to make demunatoBtiooa ea at 6:04. Too needn't oome op here. Be —yea. regret it. Dao’t look at me t^ p«lO». latev bierei* t«—.eto 1. aew te a do. direct from the oaiila. we aav* yoo the middte maa'a proflt
pablM atreeta and wnether H la onlaw- down at tbe depot at>d have acne money
tome. OoodbT. tire yon later.'Ot* to
fal for ofioare to aboot them down
get my thlnga ready."
_____ . , work poor, my ambiiioa
BpeathasappoaiUon that they maan
Bhe didn't gu to p-t berthinga reedy,
gone. Andtowhai? Beoaowthawomimt abe told Marie to. She rat down ia ao I loved to tbe Ifinil of myaeU. and
who profeaaed to love me loa montha
Qaagp EArme baa paoaed long a big chair aad tboogbt it all over.
"1 aeppove they'll alt think Pm after we bad been ported, waa married
TO* cawye^P^^v tb« CItr w> Bar » New
BooB^ team lu carnival feaUvitiee
erasT. and what on earth ahall 1 teU
teat the new atone cmaber ja« pnr- Jack? Oh. I'll get to the auiioa Ute; to another. Tbai'awhyl regrvL Do
yoonoderatand? Tell me. Edith, did
Oel—ttewt Wvar Feeev
^ f*-—' Tbe maohina baa proven iuel/ Sieo tbrte wem't be time to aay any­ yoo ever really immtine y'oe loved me, UOatlerBUr.
I ara,aatia- thing. Gr«Bt hravna. only a year ago or were yoo jn« killing time while job
a and the al
fled that the road problem ia nmrtT and bow diffrtvnt thingawerr! -That were waltiog to go awoy?"
than ever before.
Bmidalry. bow con yoo? 1 monied,
a dream, and I'd ntoally almoat fagot ye» And no men conJd love me more or
aboot it Bot aomebow wbeo 1 made be kinder to me than Jack. 1 feel wiokthat bet I felt aa tbongh 1 wonld loae it.
Xnakagonh Banner Tear.
rd and gnilty aonn-timea that I do i
I'm marriad: ao I’ve lout Cot my eye­
Cara are mneh la demand in Maakeg- brow off aad aend him the plettTpl Ion- him mowJ»t to kuowa it, aod’
maAfd Sritboot jAving hi
«B for the mavlBC of Ua ten prod
Bowiillyl Bot I'm game. I’ll do it
it worae than I tboogbt
Thia la tbe banner year of that city for Ob. d«ar. wou't I be ogly ^itbont an _
_ but 1 mart leave here tonight 1 for­
the ehipment ef potatoea. It b i
evebrowf I wonder where 5e ia oow. give yoa, yea—and God blew yoo. Ittfle
la eneae of aU pact yeaie.
•peak ebe wav alcne.
■ Madaine bad better be drewtag.
“He didn't ^ve me a cbmme to aay i
«« Mwi to imwia aiueUae.
The trank la packwL and it {■ half word." pbe aaid to heraell.
■ for tbe vrritlBg paatA"
Dainty i
She walked back to the hotel feeliag
■e in ImrTMdandoarved leatbw.
"Have yon ordered tbe earriager'
quite light aod qneer in the bead. T
awevBw ID i. c. Vteea*“
"It't ready, tpadame.”
Sane cf'the new paps knlvoa have
wcut op rtain and aiepL 'She woka np nwt nuMt. arpwnc kaui WhidM.tOverbladea wilhhaadlM of polbhed
a few boon inter in a high fever. Shy
■mg bom.
"Helln. Jaekt Neatly mtaaed it. gtew deliriona Jack waa aent to. Be
Sew T— to e»rwil articlea in Mlv«r didn't n wet e little pamled at rane c< Edith'*
■’ For btwvn'a aake. Bdtih. whet* ate rBT-.ngtand her tmoMh *hi
nn oorered with nwire mlkand lined
Vj? BUirs
yoo going
to which fbe mlinded constantiy, tat by
the time the w** well cnoagb to talk
Idnie povrds tone oontainlng tiny
' Look at onr Bargita TnMaa kow OB aadhiblUnB.
tbe eyebrow had nearly grown. Jack
Bowdw pnSa are B»de np in gold, ail•poke of It OBoe.
wand eteeL
"Jb*i yo watdi it pow. I n*ed to do
fhere are nme exoredla^ attractive
iiallthetima." Ahoat berraddn de«B-a-teu wu. bowU aad vama, in Jappertnre "Jtut a eAim. Jack. I"—
■neae porcelaina.
Maria, look in my noat pocket «>d Tlieo abe bad ao awfol pain io her heed
SteAmcTicBB Brnoty roae aad iti -gel me that telegram. Thanka. Lei'a
had to tiedown.
Fbr flae. np-ttedate Meaand Womoa'effootwearatttaLcwaatPriaB.tollaB
Soliage famiih a <harming .derign to eee Why, b* ini't in California el alll and
ttbe came beck to Hew York again
«be deeoiaUao of nme oC the
Cbtcego' What on earth U ba doing and wa* yn«t na popular ai eear. only
there do yno fg|moae?'^
bei frwDde fmagioed ibe had grown
"Did madame apeak'"
oldfi and mare dignifled. "So mar­
" No Go and read. •’
ried. '' coe girl aaid. —New York Son.
r fooIUb. tat
It’e a Fall and Winter Shoe,
Beoent aBrveya'taow that.over oneTraverse City. Mioh.
Math ot tbe male of OregoB. aamething Poor Jack I 1 many oogfai to to. him
It’a « Water Proof Shoe.
The Wcyrlc ba. come to may. and we
OTer ^mOOO aorea. ia oproed with -----u. to goad to me Ob. p»bawl
nothing to -aay agaiut it tat yre
Why can,tt people
. .
have money and j
^ ^ tSoogbtla tbe tiling of the delfesy roan of bralDf and
rt all
oil ifainga
ihinga that 1 hke^
on the part of cycler* the
Chimgo’f qdemdid new public library bined’ Now. Bcirdale.
I rraelty of which oogbt pot to mar an
tae peat damatlw'a nBiBe U ipMlad. m alee if b« hadn't been peer. 1
j innoeeot and iMwIlbfnI esereiae. Tbe
ShakoKiervi, while in tbe refomioe
cycler can ran farther and faeterthan
wbntliag that tooc? I
' any bora, tbal wa* ever foaled, tat be
Beginning Nov. I. 16M. Vienna will to—dear o
> that what I* ea*y to
wake in ovrn gaa Tbe M yean' fraa- BbI here w
felt and uspoatible for the. k
--1 went a tmtel oai of town where I
cf tto gaa oanpany there vriU raeao be very qwat.''
lid leave their dog* at home- 'The
"Chaiean Rooge. ma'nm. Jiel tba ordinary rate at wbieb they move with
pto« Onlv oie
tn tbe whole ho­ perfect eew. my eight or tea mile* an
Cash or on time—Best chances in the chy. '
itaadthecom- tel an b( don't bother no one Uegnea boor. and^Rbich 1they keep np eaally
moooio roond all day. Ve'r* 'aH to boerv togethw. ia beyond a dog'a
If you want to buy. come quick- •
afraid he’a a go>a «
Aa B« Coaimw* B.
•Well.nevermind Grirnybaga Tm err enre to maka ^
Ber Faiber—So yoa are my dankhg««*aaaaoed.ek' WeU. yoaag man. anxlooi to aee-tbe plane.' •
"latbivut Ob. Marie. t*B't It love­
Whai can 1 do to yon?
ly? We ran be io nioe and qnM hmel
Bee Attaneed—Well-er—what do
lan, ui. UMV ouaiauau;. uibu
m think ia ahont right, airl—New No. I won't oome down to dinner. Yoe
needn't either. Marie Both aaeal* aent treerm. with eigna of manifto diet
York JoaamL
np. plcaiie Yet "
and tbia we are Bate, with so porpoee
Titai night, after kag aad loving of ernelty on tbe owDer'a part, bnt
Mew line of' trimmed patuena at
lock* at that fatal ^ebrow. abe aelaed
HtaTT Solea. CaU^Liaed,B^
Bvwy boUte gwaraaMm. F. M. Atatea'a.
Jaek'* raw. which she bed deliberately B^toMi. aak <9cim to tenumb^tbat Doff and Ow Tow. IfaBKeatleTta aaly CMmen's shoe.
fmiiw-t Snerta Uty Bulba foraala teoegfai with ber for the pnrpoae. aod. tta d<« i* not a flt oompeniOB
torrb Madteten nnad by Vapor iBkalBMOB. A E. WAIT. Dr*|
BOW at Pnioa-BOreeahonac. llth atmei. with a gaepof teanlction, U vraa off wheel rideS-Oor Animal PrifBda
Snath Sida
IS? ?t
A BASMAW pApw boliero* thsl tbo
wBj to Tooeb Ibe tenor m tfao
food fo*d.«attorte*o*o tie tenteoUUtooMB ModllUB ai miw»r
4lMBlonjrUi>Ua«. It io krrped that
bj ttili MOM* Um r>0d Eood* Am
wUl bonUrteUyadTABOod mat thaV
•be inoUtatoo wlU fornkh bMUr opportaaittei for croaUnr a* iauwrt ia the
Work. Thto ie a r>«d RnoUn “d
BBC that aboeM wet with beartr aot*port. Whfle the pradacte of the ten

Hamilton Clothing Co.



A Basiness Camivall


Specials in the Oloak Department

Specials In tbe Clothing Department


Dry Oooda Department


Shoe Department

fiew •-Silly

Gso^ir illli S:

............... . ^


Qhtss Block.

Six Houses and Lots


In Box Calf
In Cordovan
.In Enamel.


t{t titinil Uu ait bnsiatirBa.

Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. IS

V. W. XtmbaR On wmaavepnatha white. Btu what'* tbe good cf eating?
"8« tan. That horee yoa aoM me
I'm going to bai. I'm dead. Then 1 oan rtmtaway. kicka. bItea, atrikea ead trie*
woke np la the moraing and troriy all to tear down tta riable at nl^t. Tm
told n* that if I got btmgmoelw
She woke BA tbda^,.:More tta ant Met wift him to li.ooa"
Mpratng-JBM in tta mMdl* cd tta
"Wii, yoa wob'l"-tHtoolt Fioe

Steeed. K. B. Strong. BUBagm.


FKiftffleiliii, IJisses’liafie^ir Buttofl,

jr Okktoed Bboaa, «tana It to S. ««a*r FMr wBtn A. 8. RYMASTS. m aMtrnmie


Human Ufa CniahMi Out and
Mom Than Haifa Wllien
in Property Loat

-Min Tilt m.


Com BpriarTw.T.. Ort. l».-Pro«l««H

XXonr** opjDloB Hial Ibr
of UN
BouUf oomliK oa Ut New Tort Crntr»] mimr
mSU MpMoe
tho wrr«r«hni
UDOoa rmDw.r
milUr •lia lb*

ta« «*ol« of a om**
aUnoed hr
flr«U mmf upboM^
o«rUU and
•If «h« »ns-

h*jJuner« cr iho miiwo ^

£Uta Oetham Seeie^ Oan>M and
Oamaeia Held a Oemenitra*
tien for Seth Lew.



Um «Ut»mcn» mode hr o"* o«cUl of U«o
W >-«»»rd»y.
Wh*r IW WT
twrtly-oU ra»-lm«M»r» of Ihe
York Omral
orrivftf at the
«c«nc oartr Mondoy rnomlr* and eomnoimd a rrlHcl «or»>y of lb» anctttm
of Ui< nmtxnknirnt wbleh bad br^n
Mr s rslalUy'Cirla la reell.
titbor waab«l or Mown out. onr of fh«
8L PauV Oct- n.-A Giatfow. Hi
roadinaatnm. a mao who had frnaf •»«>clal to Tbe Pioneer Presa aara: Three I polrac* U ibr ua« of dyoamiu. aid
XBOm saat of Jftosdak at l;ll o-eh*k,1 that Ibr ___________________________
clrayatlon look'd In hln verf
yunteedar morn!* the no« aefloU*wp..ek ,„o<4i like Ihe work of dynamite,
ttat baa occurred cm UiU dhrldoa of the
The lendrnry of droamlt' la to hUN
oraat Norlbarn read look pUee when a I inward taihee than upward
.. W jhe
eaparl Iraok
deoUe-beader hanllni sixty aenpOea tel- wart
hnOden of .the nntitod aaya that a very
Mcoped iDlo a aioi k
Jlgbt cMrpe of dynamNe would have
Ta-o mcb are poa dead as a rasull of the
rolUtwed a aeoHon of track rully aa ex>
acetdeat and aeeeral were aerloiudr totenjtve at the aeetlon In oueatlw. Tbe
yared. Tbe dead are: Harry Neale, aj- locomoUre waa found In the river at
'...flnaaee m mock lialn; Plrrmao JoBn ieaat IMrty feet aoutb Of Ihe depreartoa
QMtoa. on rear enriBe of tbe double•rtaln that Ibe-enklne leai
.^der. cveaie
Neale wai>
waa a married man with aonarey
hr fore It Maned In lit plonpa
• wlfeand ta-o chUdren reMdln* In OUa- ! the spa,
n of the river “
■ow. flarion will also be moarwed by a tote the tyntom
ihacar Toorrv aaldr
artfs and child, who re«(de In Beatrice.I
General Wan
Keh. He waa recently from OreatFalU^ believe aomeihln* broke on the etmlne
employed to a «lm-^1 and ploaahed op the treoond arM Jarred
arbere be hac
I the road bed an that It loosened
Uar capacHT.
U slid Into the liver.

uTibe Kame Wlhet.

> KIIM. Om f

New Toto, Oct. 3.-C»oper Union waa
paver before the acme of such a «raticc
polltkal dscettoc aa that whldi toek
plate tlrfra yeatenjay afiaraoon. The
maJorltF of the a
and Rlreralda drive and West Bad av­
enue al that nr wumen wefe adber-

W. W. KimhaU 0a. aoll PiaDW a»d
twin bon UM orcnl^ Tha EfW
tnoetlsE waa al lb« La^% Ha plait Orfaaa at factocy «eat aa aasy .Mnaa.
HaMa - naa nreirtd at Um m Piwt auaat. X. E. Btiwr. aaa»aorta by a aaiotr from all Ibo whUUta.
Hr waa anoWd aUb appUntr by ^
wortaneo. and made a apeocb *» w»*
0«t Toor Ojatan titm MeLaTlaB A
he ajtpealed f«w au|.port for the admlrU- dab. l^aretr«b to»a IMttMratratloti and aired the neeeailtf of eontrollnc the reneral ataembly. The aee.
•nd Dwetinc wa» at the Aetna BtMdard
doaa aa Tbay Wrew
Ifos aod atool worka. where M* emIt ia reUiedof FaBsy KaiUa tliM
ployrt of the fOlil tmard hUa.^ the
o»*icair«l tfaeatago
anernooo „T
he ________________________________tbo
tpoke to as aadJeaeewhl A
fliw the Bndjteport Opera Hooti. and tnto ererydsy affaira WMlo to Bom
la the evenlnr he addroaaed aaotber ^ atoppad at tbe Tmoet Hob» and
terve meeunc at the MaitU'a Ferrr
aoniatooMd Id 41m to bir roQBU ad
.ra House. At tbe eonrloNod of IN , ^'clock. On one ocatoOD tbe-walw
1 HarUns' Ferry speech be boarded
train for thU pUce.reacbto* the £l>NaD
. hbd Bhe otode htoi taka it away
theatre al • o’clock.
nntH dm boor bad ttrack. On aaotber
■ayar RareUm Area to New Tsvfc.
oeeatooB toe (ava ttaa awwi -aona

Ml Neale'a enjctne. shoulder broken,
makir aprnlned. vara almost aeveredfrom
the head and badly cut about the head
' and face. Bolh irelna were rurnlr* al
the tale of t»erly-el*ht mllre ar. hour
When they came 1<»ether In a narrow
cut Jam arewnd a abarp brod In the
Cadaaar Ibtn Cadre the Wreck.
TV banka on both aldee wen hlrh aod
covered w ith na-ka.. and how ary «>
«a tbe eecaxa escaped with bit life
Uttle toon of a miracle. Immediately
after the colIixItB fire broke uot. and
twenty care were totally deMroyed betore the names rwld b- extlrrulNied
Neale met instant death, tbe car-load of
copper r>to« G*ht over hte body. AH
day tbe wrecklnx trains worked, but al
■ dark they had not found the body of the
BnrertUBalr easineer. Hla wife .was in
a dellcale ecaidUInn at 'the lime of the
Mddeol. and tbe Anrk to her waa sn
■nat that for a tib»e the phyMclani
feared for her Ufa. Oarfor. was knocked
throurt tbe arlDdow of Ihe enrine by
the lender, and feH on his back sem
ku*e boulder. Be lived for Ha h<
aad waa ronarlodh to the last. It Is
peaalMe to learn who waa respons
tor the coniMoti.
iBTCn nnaKKm.
toaau Coat B- kaab Aha

. /



„ ,b.

-f- N-.,

- T.“



Bi ll today—totoR----

•avast idsE


Juitaa they art”
The aerraoi went oot, aod a few »0IMBU kter two u«d entored, bekrinc
the dotbea in a tub toll of acBpoBdskDd
datbea.aet Ibem <to tbe Jldor «od



0 SaJSBLLI “™““
• ■ Fire Insurant
eral llws from the famous
thorns" tpeech.
the principal apeal
He said in part;
"The chains
that I am not a frtend of oryantoed U-

f the ddtocs o

In fthe annual
Vaablncton. (
re of the
report of the e
oral land office for the. year ended
. ar-uttempt to aelae some , bor U untrue, lam a trot Jefle^lan to It U aiated that a.Tto
tbe Vt'laconsto
nail ireiiMs lat. »ii« o.u
I natreiled in WlacooBn 18 toe
w laconaio
tore which thev tUd. hU. they reat..rt ^™“T
of Its grant
• l*»d tbe older I baslUla tc
-oprei Ihe warriir club
Jennlncs Bryan
For lhliiy^?n ,
was patehled •- »—
Indian with a *un until he ycame
j years 1 have been a mrmliet c
clous and then >lhot him He i

Lauhw Ilumpel hre husband's dead
iredy. whe h l« atrem* the live corbses
Bnlrn from the county monru* at ItonBlnr a f^u nlijMs atre. was taken to
.vmceal a crime. Sh. decUrea It aa hre
heller that be was mauled to death by
the aiiendanis Sbs mys tow saw him
-Ralurdar afteenoon, and he was brulssl
and i-ul. An altendanl would not let
hre see his fair.

mSH Efi4s

For tbe tailca«o mea InUnd
• **•
raaponaa w tbe ab«t
vh»op U up'’ for Van Wyck.
Law. and the mrellti* they *ul op waa thitr are prepared to -roam
“Sfyelotbea U»t
laMned to ahow what they emiM do to !
e aueepia taatr." aa they
a poUttral way. aveu If they did not
«• bave not bMB able
baVb volea Bach woman waa supplied
Mtbtaa ready otrtoc toadiAcatlty
bannerette on which was the
. tbo lauBdiT. -*■«* ^
bi«.Ou<Wtoarto.Hatto Bsh a Baal
word -Low.- Ihe data were waved
when the women wtrtied to applaud.
The men a-ho came In for blaaea were
ffetuon aty. Ho.. Oct. n.—Two Ter­
pelBrtpdUr Croker and
Platt- The ritory *an*a of ouUawa are conum“I knuw it. inadiB.,.bat to«j are do!

ftt. Pool tvt i-A BpcHai from the
J.eech Lake reservation In northern Hlnaepclal

Indian, bavin* re.-, vered conroot and klTb-d the warden.

Ptr Ftiid.


..u ..;u» w™„-. e.nlcw..
Which advocataB the elecilon of Seth

•ame mat*irn KUu4^ treltoto and la
NIastot Klltod.

r baa reached the i
(l*hl ocrurred bcl
nd a ysme acarten In which aD
three were killed, also an !i»lUn woi
A deputy aame warden aiTtvrd
__ WiaB camp oh an Island la-tween
Becirldjt and Ihe rasa Lake reaervalton
a and a trap oulfll
and seUed two *una
;sh Kkh Quash and
whP9r brkmced to Ki
. two Indians <


<9iIca*o.OcL SL—Supported hr pcarlr ctotbaa for tbe toaiKby.
Ml broad-HMoidemd mamban of th;
’•Wbto can tbeaa be retwwdttsm
rook CVuBTT Drmorracy. Mayo* llarH. watoed and iroiwdr' toe imitiirnd.
n and hit cabinet left bOPle at 1 p. m.
••Tbe day nfwr Mdorow. mdaa. at
three dayw atumplre
- .
-punph nonUtBa*'
<^“oriur New fork,
“Balt BO." «na tbe tanatlo laply,
Ih fleiTT
r Tammany and
II IB Wedneaday
... ...
OB tbe boorappoteled tlMc3^Wii
e ......________________
delecatlon. and tbe
, a
- ereernere
------------- —
— lo ^ In that rroiin* , bmd sot bem msmed. and at taa aiB^

toattew not to toe.
*ow. endneer. Injured to the
pnkic tptained and badly eat sbeat tbe
bead and face, ore rlk brok**>: John
Oarana. Glaaxow. head brakeman. H^t


bbe—PopcHc—1 watOct wbat>e really BMBStl
Sb^I dcB'l know exneUy. but I’m
_ae of one thing—if he'd ever aauo yt»
bn aroBlds’t bave aid it—OcTBUBd

Cycle OvsfflsLoekHniti
Lederle's ?rfS

ihr hand of
Heory George^ rRe- »" ”1
land and :.1H.T« acres of ansurveyed
sflhe-Und. a toi^f 4».HLSW ac^
FuUoain* a lonsVaucos of Republic- r
•£ dlstrl.i lenders vesf r.!Ey Presld-til ,
------—------)ul*(. of the Ilepubbear eommlttre. ; Chlraim. Oct.
—Stairs Attorney
tave out a vtatamem In -pan as
Deneen has arranred to place the me—
- •----------------------Tra.ya'ood Luetgert trial on the dod^ for
Ailorney Phalrn

still on Deck
at the Old Stand.

N*n T.«rk illy; story. . -____
which Mr Lon will have any suh-'|tws deiecllvea worklnit on the mat
aUntlal RepubOesn auppnrt Throe are i and would make every effort to get
the Twerty-toverth ai.d Tweniy.ninth, .the bottom <f tbe atoG'.
IB th.*e dlatricis-tlwv hHrg the dla- ■
t-.rere Hsdiy.
irictiMt of which pto.-tlcally the whole
_ «,. n.«rro
[yro vide wHihedrewn-the nei-ffereof I
HtmphU. Ocl- ».-Ptvenewcn
Hr Ixm- eundldacr will be lo Increnar i ‘“d *'
the majcrllyofthe Rrpub'lciopariynver fecO« ... HemphU
ended last night. Tbe wentber
T’an « yck
Is>«‘a v. ie Ailll be smallrT
than Van Wyrk's In roch district. Wt
arry .New Torti for Tracy by Just
______ the pturelilr over Van Wyck
which was obtained by Governor Black
l•orte^.” 0»nerml X>anlel
B. Nickels y-siecday aBnopnred tbai he H. F. Prtriw. Captain David. KtahT
would loic aral work Tor AreM-ral Tincy Ogdenahurg. ran or. tbe rorka JoH north
and the whole Republican tIckeL
of Foi Point, about elevar. mllro north


—Watch Repairing.
The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing bnsiness on
Front Street, jost west of
Steinberg's Grand, Opera
Honse. and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to!
be found in tbe dty.

at. LonU Oct. a. -A llsbted Hcarette
by a them
>Wd to have cai
Charles Hlllhrandi •
................... .. ............. --a praelleally gutted
r- Htdaefl'. whi. was wiu o.m.
assutan.v and ihe reinalaa we*e
tba while alone building At the comre
It was areerlalned that his
af fieventh and CJhrstput atrerli orru- __ _ ..ui
todne and both Umha below the
toad by the general offlees of the WaDecs
fenah railroad. At 1:0 o'clock. Juto afler
tbe dreha bad returned from their nooe
The rtarcs. Aaslrei Cseasa.
raetas and were begtnnlBg work, the
Btotnadeld. Ills.. tb.-l. W.-A special
Are br^e out and the alarm was given. msetiox of Ihe eaevotive rommlllee «rf
iMUeUy there was a confused rush for the llimnis Hire IV.Tk-es of America
of this cUy/ yroierday. All attempta to
ovory means of exit. Kortunaiely the will be hebl l*ri I.snorrna to Inverilreleosr henmvr proved UBavnUng.
. Balrwaya were wide. The aluc. where gale « har«esoW>ri>».ry pr- ferred agalnM
ptre Dreerwys a Mg WaiihiBm
tbe Are starivd.~«sa stared with
JBle FrvsHeni forson «f that order,
p-pre. and d.wumenla. aod within Ave
Quincy. Ills-. Oct H.-A Urge ,Rvet'llfwmes ha^e been summeesd.
tolBUlaa wa* a raaiing furnace. The
story hrirk wnrehouae of the Donnelareusms re crsisre. Ills.
Whole Aoor seemed t.i suddenly --------HtodUr IncTwaalng
My original CMI- , Kanre ptovveompany burned Uat nlgbL
. <>.1 ».-lguyeBCS D
into Barnes In every part.
litote made ten days ago that be would Tbe
The toundry
and other
.MM.—.a M—
- boHdlOMM"

— ■
• ■
Dnrlw all this exdtrmeot seven .Smmom.. Jr. «• cf'Judgs Kmmnrs. get at Iroat M per cvni of the Repub­ •-I... partully destroyed.. Loss.*:
■named tare debt Hiss Kva Dialin. only lican vote of N’ew Torh county and at partly Insured.
yPBOg women
•B employed I
W. J. BOBIKS05.1
dsirenire «.r
William U O
c ro^ma on th
least to per rent of the rome vote of
bad not been nullAed and were
nurre-vre asn.oal of Alaska.
lags epnniy has been changed by the

^ ^s
warktOf unronscliHiaaf their peril. When
Itprnvsd eondlHona I hrilev. today that
w-Busv«. OcC » imuowtag se.
tbey'did discover their altuatu>o they
la a canart-vattve rotimatr to say that
p. B. Tfwerday.
tonnd to ihdr horror that it
h> ihU euuniy to per.eerl, of the Rapub- _________________
_________ .
r. with mimwalag
potolbir to reach the sirreL
Mean vole will he euM for Hr Low ard ,»mg.totftta..-toaaalhswaai^.
toairwar waa burning Aertelg. They
It per ernt. of the ReophTIcar. vole In : laerros-Bg rlo-dloreo: pntoMy AM
nooeared al Uw wlnd.>*s and a cry
Irreemlsr wheat sold at NL Liwtis op
__ ________
'iiMItoo-FsnlT ektody w
p fro
from the streetA

kurror went ap
Jo St aiv yesterday, inaklng the Ugbeto
Are toenpe.- abouled tbe crowd, apd tgc record of the resson.
h^VgpecIrt the WcTfle baa I
young women co .
t: Ufkt to fresh w
Sprinter Wafer s record of «;« for ISO appeared aa a factor In the campaign.
panred. nnd a aaorot later eUmbrt out
wmyardA made In Canada, will not wand Tbewd.wv B Wlllla at pperept cemmls- j
OB tbe Iroo pUtform of the ewwm- Thry
I threMeoin wrothre t« aoa^Wjro
alon.T of works of the city• of Brooklyn.
~ ' *■■■
as the enurwe ws. right feel short,
betotated. bul advancing names gave
e of

o regtatrer | IBM to
The Army and Navy Union of the U a caielldate for the rffi.»
them determinailon and they atarled
rntMl Stairo began Its eighth annual of the b.rough of Brooklyn: .m m- v ,-------- ^
their desceot. rencbing tbe Mreet
Isresl here U puMlabad a auiement of '
meeting In Shrine hall at Kansas City
toMy as a Ibundering cheer went up.
the alreel ImpravemCBIs made In Ihe .
’ _____
Lewre^OeWy M
Wben It was seen, that tbe enlire
. gc
were seriously HtJured In a years pf WtUls' Incumhency of the eom- |
bunding must go an order waa glveo H> olbere
mlarionershtp art the amount of money |
cut the electric wires
Dense threags church Are horror at KhnIHelf, Runala
—« very large sum—eaprnded therefor. ;
btodted every thoroughfare
Without I Another vtctlm of foolbaJl. A cow at The
vlalemep.t concludes ’
warning Ibe wires wwre clipped and In Bourh KlBgatrto. L I., has died tailor to hl.'vrUsIs to vole for one who ;
clnb's pigskin. Including pan
_ron Blatant the throngs Were madly faltfig tack as Aashes of Mne and-yfllew of the wind
Vilwa’rdTlrtlb'I'n. !
Mm. John HcDonough. ^ Evanston
IlghtBlng apuUi fed fnnn the ends of the
advocaev of Herry Grorge'a Ihe.i4<adly wires ihit camv faUlng to the rcblrogo soburM. was ao ac\revly Tlea liroiicM him Ib .•'onAlct with Archgrouod. Nobody was injured, but a klee burned by the exi^coloB of a gnauUiM- hMiop CorrigaB In 1XM. la a frequent
struck a borer, kllltny li In MB Imrka. Bove that ahe died
rlritor at Gyorge hrodqnartets While
At.t:Hu'riock the roof fell with acraah.
Hatthew Oleson. a Finlander, of Re- there rroierday Dr HcGlynn said that
A. a rirtd. a c-lerk. was rarrytn* aome pnl^ HIch.. waa arretoed by Game there was no clash between the Romar
beuta from the -Wat B«.r wben ibe WMdrn (luautacB for having
Catholic church and Henry Oeurge'a
eratoi cwme. Flying debris struck him In hla housr He was Ancd Ito
an the bead, tearing It open doara to
A. 8 Franklin, who waa Jnlerpretor
the end of tbe Dost He was Quickly wUb tbr Wellman eapadllion of UK deremcred In an nmbulaiKie and hW loJuriea may prove fatal.
r irllurle
not n meteuritr, b
srttn tlerot Casi'gj.
At 1:» o’clock the Are. though atlll
raBwm. O.. Oct. to. — wnuam J.
banting Aarcely. waa pracUcaJly under
Hrei Mary Daria. *: yeare oM. diad nl
Brynfl came Into Ohio yesterday to give
osutrol. and at t o'clork with tbe
Chi. sgt. from tbr rfllreta of pol*. Her
oapUon of patches of burning emben buslurt. Jamrt Dailta. U held bacBuaa a flalsblng touch to the campaign for
W.A pMO rzHngulshed. Nothin* was hr waa unable to make a rtUtfaettar tbr Bamomtlc ticket. Be Is traveling
“Do TUB wiMi to drive »»' to toy
left of the two lop floors, but the broken
In a private ear end opened at the little amaboad'a lito-reao«Poe. wtgnnn? to
walk, while the three lower Boom laifHe bad a good
Hre. W. F. Dale, of Qabkotoi. Tria- town of MootpeUer
fered damage from water amd falling
<mr of Ihe oMcsl twtna In tba UnllSd alaed sadlenrc and devoted hli ^each
debris. The Are came so auddenly
fttatro. Utr oihre bring her ritoer. Hra
the free allvec Isaac and an attack
Cta CM Waa AU BIgbt.
*. M. Trantman. of Albany. N. r. They
Senator'Harna. .From Montpelier
kre II iron of age and arc la exerU<«i Bryan wus rushed to Ovtlaocr where be
hald a masting la tba afterboon. He also
. real estate deeds and beflJth.
-................................................... ra. of tba
spoke at Psuldlag and waa at VanUnited Stales bave banded together to wcrt last evening. Tbaae lawns waf*
toruyad. An otocer of the company
make ckalnleaa wheels on the i
recently vWled by Senator Hahns, and
Bryan's trip la tnlanded to oSaet tba
mltriDy BghI Colocwl Pope should -tar ettrec of that trip among tbr farmer*
banding at tto«M srtth M per
of Borthweetero Ohio.
nr for tafrtogvmenL
A peculiar feature of Bryan'e tour la
A man ariia said be was fren ..
fart that It has been kept as aacrui
tana waa Oauumred on tbr railroad
aa ptMbIr by the Deraocnitic leaders.
Cartla of Grant Fnrk. Ills-, nrsalter
Tbe Oliver lender wlU not mwak at emy
pullad away Jutt in U
tha OlBnit faouaa of vepreoahtaHvaa. a
a walling i
of Ibe largag ctilea of tbe otate. n*
hUto Mary Biha Orunn. also of arnnt
prtgresa ot the trein from DaAaact ta
Fork, were married her* at f o’clock
Vwwert was narked by enlhaalaBUe
UK evanli»_________________
nUterlngi slang tbe way.
^Uolr«..0, Oct- It BrnatBr Raosa
pBplH all walkad ant a few days
ntlaMOtol MtaaK-.-

Eaterprise Grocer,

—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Jao. R. Santo,

_ _ .. :,z,:

■b. ~.,H, .r X—- _ .


Be J.
TtiT-i C-.V. -i grt-TL

tParav exae Ca-ty-,




Alflo ererything HI the lia* of


Good, prompU, doUneed. Oidmn bj PlKne gh«n quick nl«o-Ke»


^fY^lu Have tiigs ?o Sell

BnMwBpd. niA. Ocl. K-^nN Akf H In * ptjrtiUar poslttaB. Tba tru
BCBtoBoy. of . Coal Oty. wtB MBit (BlMn te gaaaevn the prtoltltod nad ttaa
'tttor tothto wdv BBflgr tba ~
" gtBdents refuse to return oadl tUa H'
ir^to Tbe mtoto employ to*

mCTa bw dM tBtoh^lM to tta


With an kddruaa nt the irijtoiii


erfro.'HvsB.1wBa'bthgrT WJl.we'»i
‘ CM •’did afKdBd bell


Correspond irith
the Traverse Chy
Sound Hem­
Lnmtor Company.
Comnany. We
Wn Rave
have for sale Good.
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple noormg.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machmery. of all
descriptions, including * Ei^ines, Set Works, Carria^
and Saws. A complete Saw MUl Plant for sale.

CfTY VtOaaSB, (K>.



I aU or this
tto cotmumbi dbv bu
! ewtatBBdtx
b) band*, of wtilcB
' <U.CU.U> Ml duB or Jbb. 1 tuat tit
W.1KW p> Jbb. 1. IK»-_____


TlMteU* • I

&aMd on Hh* Motf fUdie*! OoM
Standird PrineiplM In Ev*fy
Proposition H Contairtt.

rcBtBrdar to tb. a(Bt( dBrani
Uw 'ractopt «t th. Iooc.ezii.cud cable.
trom Vnltad
tM- WooiUord at Madrid uaoBnlttt
ibe reply of tbr Bpaclab coTemmccl
tala eeptaaeuuUoDB Ic (be lutereat
peace la Cuba. Thla geaeace iMcas »e I toe ar^ieMeaupwy w ni^^ oa the Gfaioaffo
o'clock Ture> ^'ika cUlLS'e
a nearly roob
1 "W*®mjipoee. wwttnawtotw
Welt. 1 hate to do
-- y^iadwiabu
wbkii hid leW ^-kSiWa’^
terday berore It ass aU In band at the haaMad^tawfalAnocMooaldefWhsin- it but yoo tuay toll buu a Ockei at
deps---------------------- dntfad^tDStaag hr toyttgai
..............»• —- f’--------..................................
■psrtmeot --------------------It aaa tnK the
- Iglf fsu*.'
of ttae mrsaake that occupied the wires ' tonayveaiB. MlobetnHatalcbi.BD easer.
minato later)—Mao
all of that time, bet the fact (bat It aaa oreytodadai^ —ato«»^teehmtb-~e
all tr croups of Rcurea and that It was
the liqnalattue.
probsbly Ulrc filed In small
as niUsIchl a
SII baicheo
Imu-im BS
I n tnz trem
tbstoorrli IS
Bailnad uaetal—Abl Ttil Urn wo
It arms tun»d into the
«"«€.• «uaU
Bbwfaere ebe. _
toke pltosaro 'ui bandiac bun
", Ufa
undone at the------------------ ---------partmat. and the msosace uanalatod i Ir s»
------------------frun the cipher hack asaln into »owl. ,£» »b« dyjto s^^
EncUsb. This crctzpied nearly all of the
day. ao that it was half-past I o eXak
befwT the first lair copy of the tototoce > feu, iTilssp tbtsw BMu^bT^
was turned out.
asks tbs ascrei fcnowa. TW
From nnoffltUMnfortnallon that has ' sDol a

O. P. 0.'JtTKR. A«M

*'TFha» to an tan aa a dv to Jwar’.
••A ChtoamaB with aktovrtdtotoi to
anr.«_H«w Y«*k SwKtoy JooaiL j

Suits to Ortler.


rBFSbta. PHoBlral mmt lBU>rMt. to <M4.
toM>^ lb.

fttoiKMd omdal—COatoaaOeil olw*

I day Blctat and li

WaatainelfB. Oct M,-«eCTetar7 «rf U>«
Treaeury Ga*e read to the pualdeat
and the ea'iinei the taeoenmcDdatioef
aa to Onanrlal lecialabBB wbicta be vOl
to conereee la hla annual report
Be propuU'e to atrlka at the root of aU
the dlA-'ultm that have enbartaaned
the trearan duHne the last few years
fay rccomnundlec that the eovtry be
put unequivocally upon the ceU baala
and tbat tbr-lrrarwiT be taken out of
the bankltic buslaeaa
Such radical
IrsMatlon as he propoaes may be Imptaslble to aecure. but If hla advice la
not follnired be wlU throw upon coo. I
gresa the reeponslbltlty for refuslnc to'
correct the defects of the pneent cor-


Ever Burned Out?

And lw*Bt totoy.”toldMn. Waln a»ni»lrt for whipptac tooe. ■•ihal if yon tried it that wonld





J?Mr. WaUasT "toto Sfty!
ne man in CUeago Urod It yean «b

« CbrcLw


Tht taOewiag Wnr to tbe Lootai



In* SW i-t r
.. Inwreel, He believes
which declare on their face
they are idiysbie. principal and Int. in m.Id: .wn easily be sold at that
Of tbe present bonded
'Untry bears Interest at 4
and S
: per cent., (he annual savin* la In> would roorw than pay U
lnleresl_<« the tSto.MO.HO adding 1

In advance of this DMOtoce of Woodfon
• the
. . nature of the Spanish reply 1
la evldetil Ibal In neltber Unireace
auhject maiur Is Ibe omfnunlcallon
Ukely to N. tsk.-n as offensive by
government. It may be. It Is tr«e.
garded aa Insufllderl to meet Ibe ti
prsaenled by Woodfvrd In hb> note.
oSlclals of the stale department ->■ that
‘-'vn me-,

New Departure!

that any OSS wonld ski^i a eoaiwayw^ a I


•• B&Bantoe




'• Howard City FU
Arrive Uraod Baphto itilkS^ Botaming, epedal wiUtahve UiadJUp

O. Lockwood.
O. P. A.



See Oer New Uee

Picture Mouldings

I will Ito- io sy oflee daring the
...................'or l»T. to receive '

Grtod Rapids ft loditu R. I


cnlstluii. w-tiuld give lo tbe
tie* a safejand samewhWl etawic cur-



Wahoa |........^

:::■: !£





......i *»,......[Btolaa*

yesterday aaernoon. Tbe do^unyMerwas —.>a.
Ohio; waa 15 years in general pracik^ .
H. maowm.
aaoWK. ahotmt
ment devises to Che widow' the home-1 aadve hoaseboU. fcsd taro sosnd. The wire. Uoe; after tbat tectnred aa Professor g X
* .............—tma to <
aUfurlnto- .! wv
yd ««aaa^, eb-ed pf Ankliwy
stead w.*
on .Prairie
>«4ifr ■«
rwuc wiiw
and ...
-------—adl^iA the «toak.
•• UM sad lb.
tn^; also
tbe flret year after bis , ^
■ ossslortaUy uacupl.d
I yean; waa 8 years Superintendent of
death and tbe Income from *1.258.009
;A!ma and VpaUanti Bonitariama.
dortag her life. HIS daughter Flurencv
, This erperlenee, combined with many
■tves Castlr Reet In Ibe Thousand
Uncle Natfk ao years’ study in the best hoapiuls in
nds and all flxturvs there. Ftorenre
----------------------------a the country, and examining and ueatHarriett also r^-clve tl.8to.004 each. WT tsOl him. was greatly bothered by
7 Ing tlionaands of chronic cases, has
which is placed SB trust.
, whipporwiU that came Marly cvmy
nxA prepared him to care when the general
Oorxr H. Pullman. 3t.. and Walter night sad tot on a rock in his back yard ___
petitioner fails. Have yon been sick
Pullman, oona. are to receive , ^
Dd sang bta love aoug. or vrhalcTur
*» “
Are you discouraged?
I. tmtil Uncle Kate waa
rill tell^you whether
Herry Pullman and James M. Pnllmsn. ^
lay awake,V and. as he
he ^
brotbeia. and Helen Pullman West and
Bm^a Pullman Fluhrer. sisters, are to “*“•
re can give you.
receive *».0» each Tl, onalber brother.
“Plonth will be
I L. Pullman. *35.000 Is be- <Ad gnu that was loaded with a f..v
qncathed. Provision ts rasdc for grand- ciiaivu. be went to the tock door. and. absolutely a^'tbe tone^of alfour
- .toy...
rtilldren. nephewa. nieces and some of dmwiug a bead ia> the ruck. whi?h be
poor to pay.
It. Pullman’s falthtul rraplores and
To the «!’hlcsLgo Historical andety. Ihe creuciaaBNto gf a pxid dcud wcU dtxte.
electticiiT. tbat most xronderfal of
Chicago Orphan asylum, the Home for he again suo^t bit c.'ooch.
all agents ini Paralysis. Loss of Power,
the Frirnd’nia. Ihe Humane society, tbe
In tint morning his first care was to KbenmatUm. and all diseases of the
Nrsraboys and Honiblacka' hrenr and relcad the old gna as there was oo tell- nervous system.
Cro early, as my
other Institutions. HKON) each Is tsiirewWm it would to DredrwL After cCcc is always wwded.
qutothed. the tram acgRgallag tlM.finished he started fur the
tTTf^ei WlJ^
mnn .nf tlJtt-.CW) U set aside ....------ --------TTT H.'yOSrTKS. konnut « Le*. »pe«le>
alAlshn>enl_pf a free roanuel 1 tot* yard to ghat ttrra the manglrd nW. e»tsoti«to».»U.lsa
Irwlnlng scbol in Pullman.
| of bis toruicuior. bnl wbal were
The total..............................................rimwn
value of the
ti, horrtw aitd diagnst to find that toby the petition for letters tro
to he tT.CM.4to. Of this aiDoUl
wife's best washpitAl is .to Dr’— «•—
ta In pcnonal twojvriy and
Rb. which was turned boOato up abmU
Remcmtof, we give a written pat'
s. a. r.s
four feet trom tbe rock.
anteyio enregvery caee of PILcSand
The ditoppoinaneot was bad enough, RUin^RE. Alec, we h tve a lying-io
but when Aunt Hannah came out and hospital departnient it oar Baaiti
U mM OMtpauiy Orotarod IU>«al by
tow tbo ruin. Uncle NsM afterward de­ inm. Bend for Journa* ■
clared. It was worm than tbe whippoor.. Park PUms
____ ;cdBeadayariertbe organli
>y uatU a p- to. ho'Mcompany waa ller.'ely attacked In the
ta awu. t-awwx—,ro e*r^
United Slate* court yesterday.
It was
^ arekwrd.ttoro'BneeSroa I
t. A Co. oerbwrd Fee fanbei
asserted that not only Is the company
taeal'v of Niw. VUI lageesal
not a clitaCE of Ihe State of IlUnols bul
that It Is the lllcsaj outgrowth of two
other corpwraisoitf. which are also al­
leg'd to bavr bren lllctallr tocorporaied.
OffO- Qg
Attorney Rubl.e A. Cole raised tbe
guestloc In the trial of tbr first of the
eviction evils filed by tbe steel company
agalnsi June Island resldenu.
____of them all and very ronmy M
rumiwny was tomed '
Iota the mM
Ton should not be wilhoat It.
by Ihe .'•irjs.lldatlon of tbe North Ch'
eagu Rolllnx klUl mmpany and the Un­

.. .......






Chlrogo. OcL a,-Tbe wiU of the ta.e

chased under the fShsrmsi
of ItSl.Oto.oid
This could ellber bs
Sold St the market price of silver
could graduslty be eolaed Into sllvrr
dolut* to tbv'anount of tu&.000.0«0.
To take the place Of tbe currency Secreun- Guce w ill propoae that tbe banks
be allow ed to lemie notes up to the par
value of the government bonds deRsaMi'-! bv '\hcra and be believes that
II of tbe addUIooal bonds
,• tiwued-te leUrelge
that »
emmrni mUce would be
banka > l*»i* for clrcuMtlon.
the Uoe c(
■nnawr wonethlr*
tld .'-.iriln-! Ilaltlmore pisn. whe
^’luuiie will I-' allowtd to issue addfi
Bl I'lrr iiIbTI<>:<. probaUy up to S per
r. tit
Ihvlt rapllal stflck. ampla,prDvliLo Iwijs made for l^s security.
rirealaUna la Free tolver Mtairo.
H' will also rectaamend that tbe ti
on n,.i.'.iial «.uck rlrculallon be redue
to JUM
to cover the ezfwnse
admlii teiiiiB tbe taw and superrlsInx tl." I«nks. In order to give lacreoseJ • ircutatlcn tc the' sooth
siaf.s ai d other ioealltles In which
sllw movement gaintd strangtb chiefly
on the prour.ri that more curreary was
nee<l~1 |..r trURtocUng tbe htiMneto of
the courary. ihe secretary will reco
mend i It national tonka be permitted
- with C5.M6
to org»
beli-vM thst such a p


*M?^fnto«.to.«ia»«ftt.h-^-s. ‘
Dr. A. B. Spinner, of Detroit, alas to n:8oo'
Bto<Mtb.rx»<U«.a>>dA.r.- proprietor of Meed Uty Sanitarium, is to
„ 4. o’cli
_______ t p m..
............and on Tueeday,
sstvtouisy ibegbssk AaeatUaKiy <be i»d comlog to your town, where le will evenings from 2-o'elock to 8;»l> o'clock.
Haato rtody fsr ooeapaUaa aad afiir a fwrs-. remain tor one day only to gire the
opportunity to consult
let l»iC will be retomed. OAoe in
I'aot .ee
aee him at hia Sanitarium, Henld BnUdlag. Boom 2. _
' «“t canaot
Tbndoctdc hu >0 mnch faith in tbe
HaU'uLM Wumn.
City Tretoumr.
cformln* altoses la cula.
Cuba. In eeinov. ' s*qsi.4i«ly-d. My I
d. eot qoM. chrombdiseueetbatbewiU give
Dated OcL t. I89T. lU-tf
IP- I fulUbw psnaos e(
e'ruse BOnth'* treatment and medicine free.
Weyler, ard In projecting
Free- A|A0 ntEg SltoClCal. OPRxaTfONS TO
rs to J>e a lllirral measure oi autoroRty. cur goveixmenl will .certainly
reel—at least urlll ecrjerito sreemble.—
.......iBlV ISO
patient wiU sUlc to U
and afford tbe new Piantsh gt^vernmetii
. ?Tr!^.y. .^i^ ‘he
obtained by bis_____________
■onable time to carry out Its plana r bid. ^
AU forms of chronic aiscasw and deAuomeys
rvemkdl^nri^ ^a>
formiUe* treated. No man in f t'
I kedl
wtrsB. Wbicktod
tsbick tod bssa
tom Crndtokad
tl State ha* had soch extended ex. .•
___ aina.
a mrharilto eaaoi.inanDe route«f
lo tbedlgreeat pan.sf fbi
lbs timue
faocua Wb
Wbsa ricncaio the treatment of CATARRH,
domand wtadowswaroaUctasBdsBd vteTT'.EYB. EAR. THROAT AND UJNQ

Oeo,M.IH.IIm.n In the probate,
eenlacks and Sherman notes, so as tc
ive n> noire whatever outsiandln*
ilcb o)uM be used to drain tbe trsaoy of gol.l


la addiUoa to tba oao-tore for twaad
trip Oct. Uth to 2»th the U. B A I. By.
wUl give a epLciai cxenratoa to timad
Bapids Friday. Oct. 2«b.
Etove Trave4i City S;«5 A m. fare >*.»
•• radUtac
•• B^aw


WIU Take Flsro K*« Moadsy aed TbsS ad
U.r KaroesracUta Dro. lA
WsIl.i.a-tuR. Oct. 2*.—Attoroej Gen­
eral MvK. rna fully coDflrmed tbe statemenu i.i.iutorr mads In these dis-.
psp'ho I. I' the recent offer of tbe tvorga.aiiilon eommlUee and Its sreeptX governmtoU by srhlch tbs
full -sn:-uM
I Of
of the goveramepfs
gorenunept’s claim i|
main line to the Unl.m !•.- :





IriU teiriroowhat r^ef

sssnsJssuteD'’S’„*u‘r'JSL.*s?s:.rt=K 'West Michigan.
“T..........I.......... '■-.■J ....
. SS-i-.........









ion Bteel cumpany
It le contended by
Cldc thal the nrgnnlsatloii of
corpiiradone waa In violation of Ihe re-taed statutea of Illinois and It was Turytard
ther asrerted ihat Ihe consolktatloo of
the two .'ompanlre was IHegal.

Dee Mnlne*. la. C
K-dudse Spur*
IS ev.-.-e- ..I Ka.wK.wAt ano mciuo.v out- ^er. of the United flutes district court,
eiat-.m.i; c. vcrtaner.l bonds Issued lo aid j » j,o bad’riled, the state board of elecof U.. f .ill to the fnioant of tiS.0T8.Slt I "i,o„
,pi»ar and show why they
«)f tu,' -uin »»,5i: becomto due on j ^
|n contempt of hU court, wae
Jar, I l;»^. and »5.l5T.«to on Jsnn. Its*.. us, „i,ht lervrd with a notice of a alsy
M hnhb- «# not the realgar,Izailoo’s of proceedings taeued by the state suortp.iji! 1,1,1 of tta.uw.uW bolds geode to ; preme court pending
a jir..|..riMnaU share as to tbe KsnsH , of im quesUon Invoh
olved by the hl*ber
Psi :;,,' road ta an
qnetolun. The ; court. Be told be would consider tbe
‘Wiaeii r ii rhurery Itayd this atnoum atj.„o4rer. but
approcir’iai. lrtl.moOO. and the cueunsupreme court omflol superUoti Uttrt, Ui.tedly Will be Ihal tbe guar- , aedr (he dlstricl court Iq summary proarir-r- ,,it r as (o ibU smouiit holds good. ' ceedinga.
Thir. ,|ii'-r(lnn. however. Is regarded as '
—af luilr or no consequence, as It la rew ;
fideriiy vxi.vted (hat at the KaatoS Pa'nashlngtua.
‘dll, sale - which nodoubt will take place : *rel VTyman
on l>e. . IS—the rcorgantaatloB commll-; chief of tbe w
tee will bid up to the foil amount of th# I « which freto may be expected at varlrivernraenfa claim and the first mort- 1 ous idar'ea-lnfeeted by yvUow ferer.^
gag. »s.nda
lu IniwrotA It 1. »IA i 1» taloemed that tbs average dMe^ tto
woui.l orinpri II to do thla If by any ; Brat sw-wranee of froK at Mobile la
etoii. r, h..wever. the comrolttee'* bid ' Nov. 22. I Montgomery Nox’. U. and at
anuld faU abort of tbe fuU amount of Oalveste
theX " vrtKDCSt'a claim It Is almcat ner- |
Uin Ihsi the goveroment Itadf. acUng
New Orleans. Oct. *S.-Tbe board of
le authority conferred by the
, Act ; health yellow fever report for yesterday
cf lliXT. .111 to p
IB itbe ijs „ foiiowe; New casea U. deatba H;
No an
total cere to date. LS21: tout deaiha
sialcstni.-d, I s likely
154- At «. .hvr points there Is nothing un........... _ made from high
tensslional. Tbe epkleffik faao
•bat the net result of the deal wlib the
list of r.<w caws and deaths,
reorgai'.traUen commlliae will undoubt­ bul not aearly up lo epidemic figin
edly he the realUatloa of tbe fullamsuBt
of the c.ivenimest's claim against both
the I'nicc Padfle arid Kantox. PactBc
The n*« mnvo Of th* ffovarwmnrt toward h final aettlMMgt of the srholc the Mount Vernon Ptaee Methodist
Wd-al.b-d reflraed uumtkm. It li told, church. The sesXoos ire secreL not
will Iw tbe loslItnUoB of proceadlngs even mlnlrdkcs of the ,
asstrst the Cenrial .Padfic road. T1>« the dly being admitted.
g.A’.'iv ■>-.-« ha* roctanded thal this road
Aatoher torths to tlw
1* sli.a'iy in default, and theerltwe oubon again
),si 1.. f ireclomjre: but taany rveat HI*
______________ ____ _
.s thne It
mid that Ibe raod muX drfai
Is the oarpentere working Icr Ooldle A
m of text January. On the I.
•(tos. TWrty-Mx of them walked out
tw*«ent montb Ihe Onlral Partlle 4
yetoerflay. The trouUc ta fiiis to tbe re-

taS of tto costoatonre to atotarg. all

?r*0 *gl€T-Ta« toarow w U aU meSero ta1 prweeasaiK waU loealeA. E. B. Aliys.
Pncdrteb Btsck


onoio xoBn.

WMAX ft* UALS-Oe ssekaafv

ssTv.sns'.s.t'iiJ^jr ■■


earta toje^wOearoae tea

gjyiLJrSvre bare.


rotr^o'BtaVurMSk U:eirelleat pa>^
pteatywf Uaber (ar boae are. Goto
Oi.ltoe(>eato vaau a coad laeto A
irvau ir-Sf


II ft; on
II M 8 U


Clipboard Safe
arbes. Glaro *om oa lap. nvred paael Seen ,below, iMgs dtawro.
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THiTjTE. gSeiligk oo. =

.Money to Loan ^ssJsKft-rwsr-srsia
Oa UBSe««*4 etty feapwiy.

TAKam* • OIOTMHB. AMtowyu



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