The Morning Record, December 17, 1897

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The Morning Record, December 17, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Fi«tY«M-No. 19R.


jseti bp PiMtleal aad SeiM
Tannsrs—laersaalnf latarMt
Itodani Xstbods HaaMMtad.

Two Ontte.


panare for bar asw field <it -orb ia
Elgia. Ills, -here sbs bag aeeeptsd
•hofriar tb* r'vrmr proa -poslUoo Is tbs peWic school. Tbs
porthmof Uw.Mele.eo^
«&A«Ok WOT IWDOBS- erealag -as pleasaaUp pawed, toffy,
_• «ood» aeeded bj eoWfc j
popoora-aad apples fonalag tbs reXHO OKS KAV'B IDSABcalTek bonw >Bd IwMr*. 8<»eoftb«M|
frt^msala. Miss Bsasdkt fsTorsd
b« bad pr«par«d froa hit owa ob«er?B-1
Te^r-lwltb bor sseellsat masles) tolsato.
tioB and be eiplalaad bis nethods la a! Jad## B*msdall*t
Kbe -111 be grsaUp wisssd bg the
________ r. bls‘ob}«*^t belag ta get
Xsaporas Hot Adopted Beoaase
i, eentael la aiesiwl rad
■era to stodp the quwtloa, la tbs
OfcjsoUoBS to Dabbling in Pohtk*-1
circle*, also by tbe aetoben of
that to get tbs best ToanUs aad
OfBoea Xleeted for Bacalnc Tear.
MetbodUtebarcb. -bare aba bas
largsat profit sa tbs larestabat. tbe
D«, ,«.-Tb. 8UU A»...|l«»lr..~k.
dairy ana asast look into tbU atotter
daltoa of fanaeia oloba adopted tbe , — ■

Isr falwaelf aad wak« mia* of a

• .p'aod tbe I
stady 61 lb In tbU -ay only eaa be
tollo-lnir ofileora w«* elected;
he bops to make a aaoecot of
. PreaWeat. *. J- Cook. O-oseo; eloe
TbU U cqaallp tree
Kca. B. L. Look-ood. pe.


“Jess 'Afore Christmas”

Tbs food work doas ia adsaiiea by
tbs oScM o(tbe FbrMn' JasUtaW
was sbowa pasterdap aMniap la Um
Urga atteadaaes at tbs ftrst asaslorf «f
''\tbe laititata. Xe tbs past ttaeas mssV
Vn >»▼■
Iwld ia Graags ball,
s pear Sislebsrgb Oraad baa
keaa-ear^Cad, and thy mla pert of '“^**
tbe beasekas bam wa)<. filled at all tbe ^ >•
proportions of food

is tho timo when yon are looking for acietbing to make some
glad. Too glad when you . see our new goods, nfi
-■II be
tw. glad that
the Mei^
friesds will
wilt be
^en^we will
yoo are glad, and tbe
tosedyonstsU timwi
glad that you hare been made glad. Oladi


We eriU Frame year netaras so yea <pB baee tbem.ia tlma fm


aad ia behalf odTtaeetaeatpmtsad- l^^hc scieaUfle farmer U the oce
.ed a cordial weleome fo all.
wbe U bound to soeceed In tbe tn^re.
Dr. W. J. Beal cf the Agricnlteral i c. I- Whilaey. sUward of the a»y
OcUega. spoke briefly of tbe beaefltsi loot. taUewed with an interesUng talk
extended to farmere by the Agricnl-1 along tbe maw llaea. Tbe sew asylnm
taral department at Waabiagtoa. eubles ars medels ta senp way. aad
abi^mgb Its sstoblUbmrat ef Agrteul- tba hard of betwssa flfty and sixty
■teral eollegss. whers special eoaraes kcUteiaa bu tbe best Aad most saaitoarc ffren U all parts of fcrw work, ry of qoartefa. Tbelr lattoas are care­
iadosn as well as enV
fully portloaed, and it wpold be dUBcall to find a herd anywhere that U
MmpmM brPrsaldeat B^lwsantully looked after, aad st«dA fias aslecOea by tbs Arebis ottAss- iad aeieaUfleally to pn^nee the beet
- torn was woeb enjoysd after which reenlto. Wr. Wbitaey watches erery
Pmldeat Seyler gaee a witty teapoaes detoU ta regard to the cows aad their
to tbe addrem ef wsImbs. Be apoke
aad kU talk was a following oat
'*f theebeeriagpraspeetfcirAhe torm- of tbs
«a tbit year, aad tbs
easily fsr paUest study aad p*ibstakselTal of btolBCSi ta tksctUss. laRw- iag carp la aU mattorm pertalaiag U
half of tbs iastitato k« extsadsd-aa in- stock ralMng and dairy.
Tttatloa to tbexitlxeas to attend tbe
(OonUnufti <m tnd Page.)
seesloai. wbieh bare bem planned
with an eye aot only to lbs latoresU
«f lbs fanam bat to eUaraas welU


Test the needs and likes of others

latioB. Wbde bs fata
toxatloD be objected ts'^e idt
BMnt by the grange of any Non* }

& fludsoDit Bolidijilin

girs the grange the appearance of dab­
bling in polities On bU motion tbe ___of our Mosle Cabinets, Book tUse*.
or Writlag Desk* is the latest sod aewreeolntion —as referred.
Mt deeigna. -bleb are models of eon▼eulenee and nUlily.
Oor atoek of
cbolec bltt of snperb Furollare for t
Iday prmeau ean*t be equalled
Tiaeerse City. Come in and look
Project to SstablUb Serriee Bstwoen Sbaai.' Oooaa stored tree of ekarge
natU Cbrtstmaa.
' Traeeiae City and Haoklmae

by considering yoor own and you Vni buy nscfnl aifticles
for your friends' and yelatives—such as Clothing, Famish­
ing Goods. Headwear, Cloaks, etc In these and many
other meritorious lines of merchandise we lead not only ia
the magnitude and variety of our stocks, but in the value*
we ^ive. Before securing Santa Claus snpplies, make sure
to visit Steinberg’s, .


J. W. SLATER’S now

The Cbarlerotz SeaUnsl U ruspsosl-:
blc for the statoBient that Capiala H.
J. Webb of tbe Trarsfus Bsv Use *f
Blcamers bascomplrtod arraageoeaia
HoQM Farniihing Store,
for a line of steameru from thU eUj to
Mackinac Ulaad next season, ft U IM-m FremtBt. T&AVEB8B CITT.
purposed to pines tbe Colombia and
Cummings oa tbs as- routo. TliU
sritl bs s routo that -lU find favor la
Traversa Cliy aad -ill probably bs of Ws XzessdiBgly Battret that
gr^t bsacflt both \o Traverse City aad
Aonnges ef Tbooo Who Took OleU Ticlslty aad Macldaae Ulaad
Borrice Bxmmksatioo for Poaltloas
Dot a Ufa Cbrtlfleata to tesmb Art la
ae Letter Oanter*
branch. svsB la oars—a eosntry.
Folio—Inf h ybelUt of areragea of
niessiag tbe pcblle.
. U Plea
t -batto eandldatm -bo took ike eirU ear- Cora XxeaUsat Batortaiamaal
sics examlaaUon for positions sa ca
tbs poblle at trtpls its coal.
Fbllo-iag Utbs^mvram for today
risra nader tbs frto liellrsey syswm:
at tbs farmers' lasUute;

that tbs man —bo keeps kU eyas open
•ad —subes tbe pabllc demand —ill as
a-geaeral thing waks 'bU tors payweU.
A practical' address an ‘-OTosn MaaariBg- -ns giTaa by Dr. Baal. WbUa
laeoriag tbU method of emriebiag Ibe
osU be espseiaUy rocommeaded tbe




«:W Qnmtioa Box.
10:H -Bbesp Bnsbaadry.beet breeds
far UU r^ioe sad ears nad feedlag
asctomry to Insore tbs greaMst proflv’'
a. C Ballsr.
DUcaerioB. K. J. Brinkman.

ll;W Beriasas ausUag. Meetlea at
oficers. eto.
0 ■■Katars Stady; am ttlostrated
tolk to yosw F»F'n."
W. J. Beal.
5 “The NemU of Oor Sebeols.'■i« Keitis C Omy. Oonaty CommUElmer M. Klmhell...........................
etoaerol BaAsoIe.
Cbna H.Broadfool........ ............-.76.75
Olaevetoe. Prof. C H. Bom.
Mound E Sprugue.......................
QassUee Box.
Orson W.Peck.................................. 75 M

teeesfel from tba fact that bs spoke •
from aciosi sxpsriesea. Hebadonei-^-""’*^^**®*blbUioaa large aamber of bstoalsal
siieeimea. from tbs oollege axperi-^EmU J. Hanslovsky..
meatlag grsnads aad <
buvdat mhool avxval
to tbe eodleaoe. A aamber were ebo-a
"simply as eartasIUee. Others have been
prorea of valse la lb* climate.' amemg XleetioB of Ofltoers ia Oei
OboTck Last Might.
them beingasv^l varleiiss ef vetabes,
peas aad elover.
Several ef tbeae presaat fa*« ibair
exprrleeoes -Ilb seme «f tbe leee w^ held last night with the followiag
knows planu ehd^n.
Is csBclealea Dr. Baal raoommeoded
fkiperintondent—C. B Hon.
eeuat one of the very beet ••epver"
Flneaclal secretary—KUs Walt.
crops. When clover ean be raised eaeceaefally It is amoag the beet tUags to
TVeararsr—Miss Bstolla Sebneldar.
plooA ander. Wbsre elover falls, tbe
Llbrarisn-M. B. HoHey. '
saicb almost always sacceed. and eera
Library eemmlttoo—M. B. Halley,
will also aaricb tba groBad evaa bettor Mrs. M. K. C'Batos', C._T. Orawn.
Bov. D. OoebllB. C H. Bora.
A 8. Dobson rscommeodsd rye as a
good crop to tan under for potatoes
aad bnckwbaat as a toandatioe for
A medley of populer sirs by tbs orcbeetra -as waU rsoalvsd. sad a geaeral dUeussion as to tba rslaUva valss
of dtSeroat plants for grssa maonriog
ia UU region broogbt the morning's


—XjO^w Px^oes.

Haskell’s Bookstore.


Tbe firat paper of tbe momlag s
*j Bobert Barney. HU snbjeet. -Deea
yparming Payt” waa treated ia aa^ Iw
. tereetlag maaner. Be proeed clearly
that where farming fall* to pay It U
nine times eot of tea tbrongk mie-i
agemsnt. earaleasaees or neglect ef tbe
indiridaal farmer. Another
tailnre U tbe fortyaere man oB aa
^hty-aere farm. Tbe man Who eaa
mot find time to join a farmerb orgaafxatfon. takoaa
tks lasUtate will leas atneb
Mere la the eennsofa year than U
WMld hare »st him.


Bring Th^m In-.

The state graage bas elsctod F.
Bedfam of Cliatoa. K. A Boldro of
I i^^ftiaw and R. K. Oirine of Oaklaad
Xapor ■mltb'a WeleoBS.
tobers of the exeesUre oemwitTks galberiag -i called to order bp lag at length, aad wade erery point of ** '
t. 8- H . Sayier. Mayer TV. , tbs procees clear, from the first step' to
Jadge Easidoll of ‘^reree City
well etaceea words. I tbe fineai giltwdged- -batter. W. 8»itl
«Itta. in a fs—well
welcomed tbe wembera of tbe iastUate i trequeatlp qaeetlooed bp the iatoresV
fin tbe city. He spoke-ot tbe benefits' ed aadleace and pfored bitoeelf a tbor- Ueraraor Pln|re*b railroad mrasaree
«r aaeb a weeUag. aot only to tbe|«mgb master of hU subjecl. Aflqr lie- to Ike last legUlaiars.
Ez-Mastor Thomas Uars of Iterrira
UrmtT*. bet to tkeciUseos as well.i^nto, » him oas became eoarlaeed

Tbeie U Profit in Panting:


290 FRONT mi^.

Death of KlaB XmiM Oook.
Him Emma Co^. aged U. died yeetorday moratag at the boms of brr
bjptk«r-la-la-. Oeoegs DlpUy, -hers
ibe bad bean vUltlng. Sbs -as Aba
TleUm of eoasnmpttoa. Dseeased -as
tbe daagbtsr of Hiram Oook. tbe Frsat
Btrast grocer, sad -as very popalar
among a large elrele of friends. Tbs
fnaerml will taka plaos Saaday mora'
The tboBis for tks afteraooa oeasioa iug at 10 e*eteek from tbs
-satbsreaoralearoof stoek aad lbs
boms dairy. ThU -as hb)y handled
by Coloa C. Ullie of O
a giadoato of tbs AgrUaltazal ealMotad W. 0. T. V. Wsxtea.
lege aad a practical stoek raUer aad
Tbe regular mastiag of tbs W. C. TAairymaa. Ur. LUUs kas mads a study
of the ears of stock from a sdeaUfle U. -m be held at tbs books at Mra.
MBdpoiat. aad ba gave bU aadieaes
torasoa at bsU-past two o'elosk. Sabmmax ae— ideas ca ibU Impmtaat *
Jse^-^’Aa aftenoam with* a few a
)aot A laiyc part'of bU talk waa
W. & T. C workeri. Mrs. D. B. tUaa.
sotod to thOqaestiea of rogalar ratk
leratatfc. Ba bad with him earafn

7:00 Oeaeralinlermalreeaptioaaad
Bottol -lib soma special feataree ef

Crayoi, Water Colors
aid lak Portraits..:


we: urj
urge yon to gi ve yonr special attention to
!-------------------------of CLOAKS.
Valnes that Positively cannot be equally else­
where, on reliable, up-to-date garments.' Skle
includes Ladies', Misses', and Children’s styles.

.Visit The Cloak Room.

There is Nothing so Pleasing rfor a Christmas Present
as a pair of

Nice Slippers
We are showing a Very Handsome Line.

THE.SHOE HOUSE of Traverse City.

North Star

Something finsP WebAveit
Ho eleTStor whaet mlztores enter
into a single barral of

Belaad Merrill. Beaton Harbor.
woHAX'* mcitoS IX ananax hau.
Oeodnetor. Mrs. lim T. Joaca,
t;oo “Wheae Imags.” Mrs. Irma T.

are the BMt produced.

Hannah & Lay Co.'

Ueaeml dUeasaioa.
Local KBlghttPrsparad to Batottola
Largs MombsTS of VIsitMS.
Today U Maeeabse day aad It U apsetsd that asvstml tanadred rbllM
frsm snironodlag to-as vril! be bsra
to pariieipato ia tbs graad toscial ravie— of Travsras City Teat, No. flTl.
K. O. T. M. It U as- asssrto that
tbs teats from Old MUsica £ad Ora-n
-m bs soeempaatsd by eenet be
-bish -ill make three bands in tbs
r. tks Boys' Baad of
eagsgsdfsrtbsoeTbe parade ia the svsalag
-ill Bsmbsr severe kaadrad aad tbe
work aad baaqsst to foUow -in bs
-orU rsmemberiag by tbs vUUag
kaigbto aad eaadidaUa.
Gave Bsr a PIsaaaat SorprUs an tba
Bus of Kar Dspartara.
last svsalag a laiga aamber of tbs
•ebors of tbs pablk sebooU and
friends of MUs Ada Bsaodlet gave that
popalar tsaeW a pleamatstopcU
tba boms of Mi. aad Mr* B. A Pal^baai, 110 Bast figktb ftrst Tbs
gatbsilag ww anaagad la hcoor of
KUs Brntodh* oa tbh Ota c< bar da-

Floor. Try it.

We have an exoep:
tlonally fine line and
i .
n cannot afford to
miss this If you are

Don’t Wait
(or After Ohi
Jfiiketo and many ntch tblug*.

We've Anticipated January Prices.
•you oui 8«t Bwgflu. NO*—.

looking for something






tty. At $1 «>—don’t pay $i .10—or Child’s Rubben. fleece lioed^
at IOC, .^WhUe we do business here we will not be undersold
by Jew or Gentile.



«Ei Ko&vnra


I «HerAd the' dieoAMiM wkkh


p of th* Aode^ hA#

/»tMA W PO0A.)


MOlAtiAA «7 •)
C ike nUreAd i
vAi At OOTATAor iHACTM. Maa; of
wata ovowod odmAUa of
rUCTAo'A TAUfAAd tAXAlloO idOAA. b*l
«Aa nonlnTr- wm« referred bMOAe
«ko »Aioriiy ob)eeU to hATioc it "oid
tkAl U dAbblod iA poUUcA. OAOUAT7 'to
Uo dAetorAUoA of priadpUA of the
Mow Uo Dmtoioofow'*'
bade At Uacle 8ab for 810.000
•o relBburee Ue owmere of the veeeel
wbleb the WAfAkip YaaUc tab UU oo
her trip to DeUOtV The Detroit bavaI
prlM eoBoe U be'fAtod U en---taronblA.

-tbii mA« be pntty oU m

TU pK*TA*WAAAAU««A4w!tktAtortio., bxtkApop«lArAr«klAAr.

u OopABdAh ABd ThoapAOBeV
•m. T. Batm ua>
W. BAnn.
WAA lATV- fAl bAilAeee for b few deyA.
Tbo AftefAOOA AttOA<
UO htiag
lA the normlAC.
■ j. W. Ha»kwi. Bdlw W Habacw. w
MAAAt. ABd todAy pnMdAM tO>A «eoA
WA of AABCCMlBpoiBt of AttMdKAUrAUy bmb. 1b UeirdalUflAwlIh
Uelrfdlowi&ea. look for enti '
X«At Weit'a >«*<""
rc«ord the look «d It a# a moe)
•n* OeOAlAA tAAdMI WAA opoBod ertth defeat. If Ule be Boeol the deoilBfa of
BOAie by the Archie or^AAtTAABd r
Ban eriU otaB. bow aoch id«a eo
BiAat It be troe of the dUlingA if eo wo
Mia. B. J. AdA*»rAAdATA»T lBt»- BiAy ay, of lOAii wlU Oodl—Bor. Paa Powah -OAtbolbh 8ab MdeetlAT A»d lAAtTAcUee pApor ob •The


I 17, IM7.

MAteriA MedlOA." 1b which ehe^W
deed freely Ue t«At»eAl by diAfe
by omrphyeiclABe. She beUerei
» ...epeaelAr with dregi eltaCAther.
CiTin* BAtor*. Aloof with POIA Air AAd
w»Mr. A chABce. 8b# »A*e eone tai7
................... t ...........
^^Ard to Ue
iB regAT
yofthe dJ
Ue huBAo lAce. A. Mre. E. 8. Ormy
wAi ebeemuUe dlaenioA WA# oaittod.
to Ue dUoppotaUBCSt of AkAay wbe
.BCh iBtereetgd to Ue nbjeet.
hBoUar deUfbtfuleelecUoo wie reodared by Ue orcbeetrA- which wae


Millions of Stockiiigs
TMs CMstmas

Mind U Ue be«imiiBgaC dTiliaAdoA.
bu Ue Wide and trBitage Uereof aio od
Ue baart.*>-B«T. N. a Hlllie. Centnl
XBdo HaU. OhtoAgo.
In AalA Ue average BAmfaertd tobabItADto per cqoare nOie la 48; to Atria,
16; to ABeriGA. 8; to AawtaIIa. 1

win be fined with
feet Feet eat vffl dance to beir gltt cr
wfll at least fed the Impulse to exhibit their itodness* We a« doiDf
our share in tte making of glad fed. Our sfaoesMetoene^^^
the wear-wdl sort, ma^ by ttie “worid's bed
makers and fuaianteed.
The prices are enough tower than otbas; yw
can save enough to make a neat totle amstiBas
presert to soradiody wifli your saving.
Our assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes
is >Bt right for tlK season.

•tBBd Tnwk Itaa^z-^BBAAl


Tba M. A' K. S.L B. B. Co. wUl eell
FUrtiv-Uli ao <mUed iBBOoent pAA- tiekoieBtooe tareB Ue roABd trip to
- ABk
«ae U iDoet ooDtonptlblA.. U Is Ud
to Ue oeee of B wo®mB._to
beora delieer «e from Ue Baa who llBlt Jab. 7. lew- for tAtee oaqAlre of
B. W. COAsruoBAB, Aft.
will K> far forset bis mAnbood Mto lU-lOt
tnedae Ue oontaopclble Am Ue
Idiotio («Ubcb the lUly twaddht the


vtftofi iaridat to flinaticB.—Bev. &.
L Undeay^freabyteriAD. 8t. Unis

h fan.


imu of JuBio BoUo BiAka.
Old-tlBO reeidoBte of TrAreree «ty
•Bd Ttotolty. who wore here 1b Ue
^ly •Ode wUl weU
ftahe, wbe held ab i«porlAct poeitloB
vriU HABBAh. Lay A Co. to Uelr to«heriaf operAtioBA. Mr. Drake weat
weet A food BABj y««« Afo. Thle
Borctof the Hkb4U> received a copy of
the LBoatof. Iowa. Mirror. eoBtAtotoc
a leofUy oWtoary boOcb of bie daarbter. JoAAle Bello Drako MIb Drake
wae bora to Travw City ?4 yeore are.
ne bad beea feiltof tor aose Boatbe
gnNAofreeuof UefHp, bother deaU
At Ue Uak MIb Drake
wae A fTMt favorite ABOAf
•tea, and Ue nottee referred to speaks
to hlfbwt ter*eof barebAiacter and
aaeompUebmeatA. The Meade of Uc
' toBUy la the old-Ume .days here will
cade afo; yet ooceelonelly you will
•paapsUlae riaoerely wlU Mr. aad
hear Ue remark toads that Ue old
Mia. DrakeADd Uie broUera la Uelr
•yatoB. BBder which Abraham Ltoooto
aad Btephen A. Dooflae.wer
*’u^l be totareetlAf to Ue Meade
was better than that of today, it was
h«e to kaow that PiBBk has eharfe of
kU belief that Uoee bs* would have
the Beooomy blodt la Ml
been what they were under say. odnCharles le taaebiaf at Bt. Oend. Mian.
•Bd Lewie le at koae wiU Ue pareata. catlMsI tarilitlea



O. &. * L Bscmaion Baua.
8Ute Teacher*' AieocieiioA. Lasatof,
Dec. tread :s. Bste8S,ei.
ChtUtBU aad New Yeara Holiday,
one and one-third fare. Belltof days,
BdBCStios At PobUe XipoBAA.
; Dee. 14. 3S. 31 and Job. I.
Atwraey J. W. fstebea favs sa
; C. D Locawooo.
O. P. A T. A.
URsUBf lectare on “The Unit
'Ood tcveried toChrUi. ]
C. E McaBer. Afent.
which edocstiOB Uoato be csrrted at]
as UU righteouaneB UI
-------------------------pabUceipaBee.- Xtta hie belief that]^
boat—to a «orm or Ue!
Tmvatae Oity BUrket.
onr poblle eUooU are Ue bolwarke of better than-------Ue baUob. ABd to UoB He iU etreofU pmiK uf a jieruDt to a child.
amunri uf its puw^ to Bve..—
jVweidBMU PtoUytaW. Phila-1
W ^wuTn 1^#:
nalton wiU QreU Britain sad Ooi- delpbU.
BABy. Theae eweatriee apead yearly
gw rM. of a rviMto.
foar tlBee ae Boeh upon Ue amy
Have yon ever acanaed Uetaosaf B
and aavy ae Uey do npo. Uelr poWU friend who has returned toyooaftera
achoolb: whMeeeUe Uaitod Btttea re-, long partingl Uc Mt you. perfaeps. a
eeieee UaLepead tof four Umee ae Boch eaUuw young men. qntokly reoponrive
Ue world, pure
upon the public schooU ae It does npon to all tiw gUiDour
lyaadakvy. BeUtokaUepoo- hearted, and wiU the <Mt>8i>to enUooaem
youth upon him. He rctome
pl. do aot approdate the eyito* car­ afw a Bsore of yeara. with Ue old
ried oa In our eouniry to lU fall value, voi«. and tough, yrt Ue mood, gay or
and Ue developsteal of UU eyAtes tolBlB. U not n lightly swayed. Uere
develoto vriU the people, based upon is a aodatenns that vras not there bethe limit to wUeh edncaUoB should bo lot«; be baa beam face to face wiU aerieawled at public axpew. He oob- OBS thinga You feel that fire bas been
pertd Ue ichooU of Uo prueeat day there, aad forging. And grim pneoanter
wiU trial*. AIJ UhJou. invaded his
WiU Ucee which Uo older cllUone rounded beauty perfaapa. but bow moch
.rided wlU. Be atatod that men your trumd U. after all. wiU
the iUooU to Traverue City at Ue what greaW ropoaeof conddenm you
present time were superior to edi
omtietoblm. ThereacpflberAndstoew
Bcnao BsTta or TBaraiAB ciTT
taeiUtiB to the eolleges of a de­ to bU MendUip now.—Brv. i.r
The righteooBOB of Ood ie ao reveal­
ed in Chriw that il i* known, flnt.
Urongb Ue vra^ anxndty. it oobmaude aearut. madt thirdly, it ie eSaotori only wbcB wo yield o«rr
ahipwre^ eaUa trnrtA A boat, A ebild

Tho Old BaUable ShoemBB,
U8 Piont Strert

Ready fo| Busiiless!




Woixbmg Block.


My Opening ^asT>een a Grand Success.
Now lam ready for business

in the Brosch Block.

I have a large stock of the

Finest Groceries which I can sell at tbe Lowest

Everything Fresh. Goods Delivered as soon as ord^^
No Delay.
Prompt Service.


Today to not all Oh. Ue foUro* morifictog Ue birthright running Urungh
r bu.................'....4SUS0
m«.iy yean and ccowniog them wlt^
*or Ue wUe of gTBtifytof Ue AeFront Btrsot.
Ue paming momuitl There aio
Brosch Block,
Baay to Ue world today who made
Ueir bed# Ai Uey did booaoee they did
not ooiaddcr how long Uey would have
to lie vpan Umb. WiU Ueir owb bends
To Uoee who boUave to eecooBlrlof Uey Miytlwi the fire within^Ueir
MIb Bthel KoyU left yaatentoy for to Ue eyetsm. hf Utoka Uelr votoc* to hrt«au becanee they did not rem^ber
• AylBBT. CaBAde, to vleil her faUer.
be ao obeeurd Uey wUl never be heard, tbetUe flame Uey ligbtid irthe one
Ew. J. C. CbrBOA vr^l oecopy the aad Uat Uere to no part of Ue modem t>.^ .h.ii nevB be quenebed; benoe
__________ .....r.lflc; January. SChe;
efucalioo Uat we wouU take from o«r tbe kOun whiuh Uv Bible toy* upon
l^pit of the Baptist chBreh Sanday.
July. hOliC.
iboTs aad firto. 3ood edocattoo to (aiU. upon the gnat futuru There is May.
' WUliaa Beluar letoaidtog a wa
Oato—Dmember. SlJic: May. MHe.
a futuxo ocming—a future wiU Its
Pork—Deceaber. r.OO; January.
kMAs loxiw feet. adJolBtof Ue factory. I Ue •klfheet boon Uat Ue state •ema glnTT.boDarandluuncrtBlity. Mortgage
rive U iU eiUMa*. Be spoke of Ue noi that fntuiA. He not like Been, wbo 1 CO.
BefU A Kehl of Battone Bay. dellr.
«4.4S; Januaiy.
•ledwUeaeylcByeeterdayaload of Bjaay p«w people who move into fur ooemorai'i of meat uniwrenrind all
enr cilice aad town* Uat Uey alfbl hi* after year* —Ecv. Dr.
jlBS boevet.
C?mtOT direct fcnm BriUmorealvrayu oa band.
rive Ueir chUdren Ue eoporior adtan- Uiy Etaagriicri AlUanoa
Orand Baplds. Dec. r
Mrs. W. W. PalrcbUd Uft yeetarday lafee offered ia Ue cUy and town
Tlw Ciwlau Maa.
for Nlafara PalU to apaad throe vreeke telml&CBe declared Uat if you aak
Sons declare Uat Ue «odt to dying
•tber old boms
aayeBs what Uey would take for out; Uat tbe good old days wau Ue
Oonsr Park asd Front.
MU. Ptabc Fnller ABieted Mia J. B.
_ would
- towL* -They deepairdl the fuiuru. AclUrtto to Ue eatertAiBBOAt to 8her- anrwur that Uey wbnld leas b« part of t ©ceding to Uiau. dcgeuurAry to Uc goal
Braach Store iw Masonic block, oa Daioa Street.
Wodaraday Alffat.
... We do not realue what to .betof of humanity. This to wn-ichtd phiioe> O. O. Tamer wae eloeled vice preel- dona for our bpye end girls. Under | nphy to Mch Ue yenU of any lanA
Tbe man who adopts It'must have a
AMt of Ue 8taU Board of .Pardose at Ue old meUod. Oto poplto were Bwie high optotoo of bimaelf and a amall
to learn Ueir Icaaoc*, which were net optoica of UOB who wUl come after
Ua Tertl'T U InnelmK Ule week.
Mrs. J. V. MetotoU eatertalBed Ue maev. neder penally of severe punieb- him—hia own cbilitom. for instanoa A
toAlB whiet elob at her home on Wash' meat with Ue rod; but today Ue pu­ man ought to cducaM hto famUy to Ue
pils pre led to love loamlng. to reriiae belief Uat hi* acs ought u> bo a bettor
. iBftOB etreet yesterday afterat^.
man and fill 'a nobltf plhoc to aouivty
Rev. 8. balebery went to Fotookey the bleaelnge to be derived from ito than hima-lt Hu ought to believe iu
iBioa. aad ^ Uat ascUod they
jtotvdey to eoadoct qoarterly bool
pfogreea Have hope for potoenty. Man
^ AND THE----acquire a/ eagemees for Iffibwl- buodbA>ii»>ty<<a(UiiDeditofQll
tof. ne will reBSia till Monday.
edfe Uat makSe eWdy a pleasure to- In the long jr*H
Ue tvmuriia thiiv
Tbo WoBAB'e Briiet Corpa are
stead of a dread ae it formerly was wae a maa even Jfwn* <>t .NasareU. and
perlAf for a tea oecl oapper U be Tbea
^ ^ «,oomtog age* i* to bereTbaa agria. Uere arc eo many
fiven to uranfe Hall Monday alckt.
btAAchea laofht today Uaa our anoee-.!,.-din tbe hnnianlty now itrogRli^
- We worid suggest to these iktog to and about town to Biake UelrpurM»ben of Ue t?oBaa’e Club are
e provided wlU: muelc. draw- and fighting tawaid higbn-things Ue
chava BOW aod DOt writ Ull Uclaetday. Weboaet of tfAde-eoartog It bUsa ,
fnllnew of Ue NUtnre of Ue luan to
WithoQt dietindioD of
iBBiaded of Ue reception to be fiven
to dcri at Ue Boatoo Store, usurily about a day cr tvro before Cbrlatmaa. It
Christ Jesus.^tov. J.'J. Muir. Hapor claBS, and back of onr
to Mrs. Ima T. Jonce in Ue cldb roose
wUl crowd our faclUtle# Ueu. and early custoBUsa wOl aatnrAlly roeeivc bet­
promise etauda our eplcD*
at 4 o'etock UU afie
bumau mind. It to believed by iobc ttot. WaUlagton.
tor treatBsal and have bettor eeloetloa*
' did stock of.....,.............
T^Blka held refriar Beettof last that beyond tbe ooBgaou school eduoaA nerntr in time
aifht and ooBplelod arranfeBente for ttoe. Ue pvpie eboold look out for
tkolr aoBoal eodal Moaioa W be held their own advaacemeBL Thequeettoa
to. bow to eecure Ue freaUal amoonl of
Mew Year's eve.
oooirrvauirj- and OKpUiniag to them
V. ______________________________
.edueatlonri taclliUesand happtoeee to Ue pit>]>uniB of euuu uf Ue cbolocat
BBtof Us
Mea-setyltoh Ties, fine llaen. cutbrie aad silk ladte'aad gaatiaMB'a
fwiewtooifhlUorewlUbenodrlUq; Ue freatoi* number rf people. ‘•Wbea
Baadkerchiefs. Weol. SUk aad KM Gtovae aad MittoBS for ladto* and goata.
^ Auiung the visitors was a would be
tba Hannah mflea. Tbe seat drill will
world WiU a good odoeaUoa." told Mr. young looking- middle aged lady, who
be held Monday alfbt.
rvpty doxriptiuo volootrerod Ue
Itotehto. •blcBtoge come back to y<«
V AaelegAAtltoeof JardtoleiA. A flse Una of Stattoaefy.
The new train meatloied to Ue BccUat Ue plants and flovrtee
___bUBdred fold, and It wonld be very
ChOdren'e Bobby Suita, Beefen aad Ovareoala. A foU Uaa of CloU aad
*' MS a few days age for the G. B. A I.
1*7 Front BboM.
fooltob to take away a ringle advaB- ■he hurt at home were qdiu- equal 1
Plush cape. Ladtoa'. Btoaae* aad eUldrua'S Jaekela aad
at gmatJy re­
bmaeb. has arrived and beea placed to
tage. aad when we are hcl^ag euuport aavihiBg eshibiied bert or indeed an;
wbrrr Just as they were passing
•MBtoeien and Mr. York. Ue eandacduced prices.
Ue iBsUwiioue for higher leanlag vre giant cactus she was heard to exclaim
Men's Suite aad Overeoate to ahuadaaco. Bey uaeful pruee&ta. aad do
tm.' to proud of it.
' .
---------- WeBnetteaeh
••Well,-this is' DoUiag oxtranrdtoary.
aot epeod your Booey oa werthlMB triaketa. Aaeertato prieea oa ovarytUagAay tme deelrtog full ktiewledfu of our people to protoet aad preserve
1 have s oactn* at home that to etiU
inoorUaee aad coma to your BcmeyBTUtA
gbe secret work of Ua Maecmbea* «w
larger. Iplantud mod lemed it myaell
. -'-Mbiato euggeetione from 'Uc window of
■•Beerrd it yoorerif.-‘ Ur pnifBsc
Mr. Palchto wae heartily applaadad.
tba City Bookstore, where Us-borri- •ad a dtocueeiou foUowed, led by PnH
Dtly olwentd.' "How rouarkablt
lis specuueo to «8 .^ear* old. and If
We AatoU to tflueeratod.
toeecr C. E. DoekerAy.
OImw Block,
Front Stroet.
yoors to still Imiger”J. W. Slater bee laaeed two. roomi
Sre of a Olerioua riitaiA.
bbovc bto famitare etore ob Frant
HU line of thought tab riong that of
•Met to be lued eaclurivaly for hto
fieiday of ooncheifUe epaee to Ue Mr.-'l'aUhlB-e. Be does sot believe
UaI there are aay who would retard
Correspond with
etoree being
our presMt prugrem to Uc eyetom, aad
the Traverse City
that we are now apoa the eve of a brought y.iu yi-«.T.uiyt
Sound Hem­
Alim—1 duo t like it at aR . I dca't
GeorgletU Ebner. danghtor of Mr.. great aad glorloai future. He spoke
and' Mm C. J. Bbaer. oriebratod her of Ue advanoement of Ue nation to can- to tiuiKh it.
Maple Flooring,
Tom—Uuwmoob have yoo luad?
oeveaU WrUday anaiveimry ymtor- toe oael M yoaiA. Fifty yeara ago Uere
Short Maple Wood.- Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of4iU
Aliae—Uoe chapter.
day aad fiftoea of her youag Meads vrae hardly aailraad to Ue UnlUd
Tom—Them you rtelly haven’t gtS
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
Mrietod to Ua fmtivtttoA Utttaglftt. States, ue tolagfaph. I
tow Ue Story. The Bmchapiar'a Bcreand Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
•pprepriato.fer tbe eveav were brought,
ly a sen of totrodoctlaa.
AUoe-Bnt Ue firm Unitor im't tbe
by the youag friha aad all at Uam bad
«e I’ve md. aad the berotoe died No:
a merry time vriU gamaa Bad a Bae
Johkttoa Block . ThonoTS.
PrMldsat Saylor, B. D.Oampbrila^ you may take It baok.—OUcago News


Traverse City
Candy Co-


We Promise the

MostinQiantlt; A Busy Week Coming^

Lowest Price to All

We EipNt tbe Meit Seven Dajs to be tbe Banner feet

_____ _______ .-‘S. Watete, Clocb, Jeielrj,
Siliemrt, Moieltle, Etc.

Onr Departients are Foil of Gbristias Bai^l

W.C.&B. A. Gannett

E.W. Hastings.,

Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.


Moiffiy to

'improved Farms and
kity Proitorty.



Part of
•umt Out* *
HetiM Pai^ Turm
To Bo Oun Ploy.

H„ . K„H. 00. For
Ib» tMEu


tho Ponnoyivonlo Condi-

dcta For Offico.

BE IB II snail OF unoi UBOB,

Tbe motion l«»»lhrned th« o««loB O
tew mlnuteo. but did not
BMt with the rerenue oommlttew- Adl^ed. LuodU Utiodoced n ro«>tuUM CAlliDc for the Epo1ou=o« of.
Losow eommlltie to love.tlc»te .the
Chico police force.
tntrodooed . WU la the
booM for the ctlon of aralo In ele.▼olora. w»rehou»* «>d • bouse.,
nod ail el-N-«lor.w.rrhouse or ■tomae
•bouse irfrtiftcate. cslllns for armlo or
showlar that uir person la entlUed to
have delivered to him. her or It, My
loced. WUr*-'’:h CTWln. -■
Nohe louodoc

0(rl VMoUr «

Vba dUMS of Ihl. ld.ce were martled
TBe^dej Bl«bt by . roalUado of pistol
Shota at the rreidence of R. t. CIW.
where a bouse party
The soeMUna of women Mouaed the
town amd the whole
sred .bout the Mew
when It WM dtacovered that three men

Iiitc. » coBunii-

sf tb< wbol# for U>* porpow
V IB tbe rerMoe
Im WBO n*0« Jutt
D tb« point Of od-

• Womb



New Tork. Dm. It—Tbo paasau«an
on ihe Bteamer Hohrteln. wbkh ar­
rived here
b«n Basta
Martha, told corlooa atortes of tba aUeUon |B the republic of ColomWa. which
occurred on Dec. A and which r-olt^
In the re-election of President Caro. It
waa aiated that several daya before
tbe elecuoD fifty or ality aopportera erf
.leya —----------------------opponent of Caru. were thrown Into Jail.
The only known reason for tbelr Ira-

Operattesa May Btrike,
Nashville. Tenn,. Dec. U,-Tba atter1000 seaaloD of tbs FederaUon of 1-abur
BonvenUoa waa martwJ by many vl«*
waa tbla tbe


tbe protest ofered
tmeot of J. H. Pax. commerer oommla*

i S.Tf™m U., K.. l.^y


Jones, a younc man. wa» also InstaWly
klUed. the three men fallinc within a
radius of .a few feel. Aa soon aa the
Brsl abut ranc out Jhe yunc ladleajiedan to flee for their llvefi. and Iwfore
the room waa cleared two of them were
----- --WWntKm •! HI I • r»»« W Hara.
CiSlfT fired three ahot*. i II three Uk__________
X Orllfin
^ect—one alrtklud

.^Most Complete Assortment
CTcr shown in this City now
on sale at' .
No. lil State Street
TraTerte. City, Michigan.
Come in and look them orer.

booths and permuted only supporter,
of Care to exeedae their franchise. Aa
a result of thrse occntiencM the pasSrtilb-r. said, there waa a certain
amount of truth In the oMal siatemeuta diven out by the co^efracnl of
ColumbUt. that .Caro had bsed^ unanlmoualy dwted- '


nUnwU nude Orwas^
8prin»fleld. IIU.. Dec. It-The Slat*
Onnee of Patrons of Huabaodr- *”


to Birlkea. Edward Harfcifd. of the Ball-

date from 1 nrlMA and Hon. J II. Wiltrwieinal deledate.
I the federation. U.
and primary election.. Be«ardlnd Re- ; (^wed*^and
w-aa .
Caidc«0eB rrrresentaUve of the
.........................a resolution
-............. ..............
adoj<ted that the steerine committee ,
dovernmenl tnveetlsaUnd the
,„,u require the attendance of all ab- I
|„qu,iri,* m the I’nlted States,
,ent membera. not later than Tueaday | ^ pr.wenied and S|«fce briefly, exnext.
___ ________________ plalninc the plalninc
purpose of
purpow---------dent Oompera. In answer, aald the fedTHAT COMBINE IN PORCELAIN.
,-iled Icveattxailan.
WUir»i*ablyMesraet J

.... u..

.ru...... by direct ................
people, favorlnd tbe Inltlatlva Md
referendum, favortn* lntema.llonn ar­
bitration and, equal aulfrade of the
sexes, oppoalnd rstlrsmeot of ths drsenbacka. uppoalns reductloB of taxes on
national bank notes and tbe laauaocs of
notes on the par value of their socurtUes. ainlnat the subaUlutlon of other
than dovrrnroent bond, aa security for
national liatik ^circulation, adslnst the
railroad prx.llnjt bill, favorlnd post**
■anks Md fres rural dHIvsry

ferred M.__
inlxatloa t^lllar with tbe aieel
The rai«rt
M.ort of the commlllee franchlaes and demandlnr Ita repsal.
____ __
. _
Id be ,
workers of Atlanta and
be sent to them, after
OilcadO. Dec. IL-ln navUrailod l**
... - theseason
------------------ I....
dreat laksadurlnd
waa adopted.
ridbl AcwliMt As Ai
The dlaruaiSun of tb e appesfapee of This I. nsarty
he FederatioBUI two aeawrna Tbe *">'^.,‘’'“•‘",15!
n waa resumed. ' tbe tusa.of the steamer Idaho, on
of Riedel. Cooper M Co.
Erie, when nlnrieen Uvea were aaertQeoris Warner leadlnx
ficed The remainder of the alxty-et«ht
a«ainst the rarryind «f the advertisew ere lust oue at a iliae.elUi«r from fall
roent- lnaiatlBit that It waa l-etler •*
Uo the Ind overboard or from accldenU
have the paper
............. — boM
ih> ... lurxer Insert the sdver- sbipinsrd. F»mn«_
lor tte
the 0
dealhof twelve. Fortlwtnenl. Much discussion futl..wrd essm-nslU* lor
drow ned. and three commitIkv™.
- —- - of a ttmlrat-l. and ai last the nwller ted auliid*.
was referred to the exe< uilve council. was Urst durtnc the season on lake
steamers, and but one Jumped over­
Then came tbe sUr of the afternoon.
—t,_k rtiefoUowInr lesoluiltinwas uken board.

.. kM. .-irt- u^i i—-.ak a. ^ ,^.,1

, panles and isircelalo _ .
ware companies In thU country are to
p, consolidated la admitted by tbe ofll] pj,j, of the lar»e companies In this clly
j Details of 'the consolidation have m»t
^een completed. Aa they relate to mat;/era of minor Importance " \i n prol«hl» that the ronaolldaitloo Is
« complete
led before J

fldhrUemple and

Uila ...Jclly. I «*....------------ ---U.
kollned to
Or«Bn fired four times. One .hot M- the Mmblae. but tbe oRIcera de»i
either admit or deny the truth
tersd CallWa
breaat, _
Btantly; another ainn k Clarence Jones i report. The eapital Involved la HO.OCC,tn tbe bead, and de.lh ensued an hour jq,,
omdal of a stamplud company
btar Mrk Callff waa shot In tbe abdo- | ..jq (be reason for tbe conaoUdalion
m that la now
Btso and bar 7-year-«l(J daudbtsf In tbs : ^ u,e ruinous con
neck. When thr fldbtinx commented .
for trada
people bepan to flee from dMper. i
^-e*. y„rx. d,c. U -The C<
many of tbtm pettlnc
drlvtns away.
’ conaulldatlon of the three biscuit
encAuo wiFK m-rt-HKB. f*
eeraful attempt of i le American Blai ull
i ccnipany tu cut tnit the New York busKsfsyWb. Hm Bara Bw-lerf- B
; Ineas of the New Y1 rk Biscuit company,
Vmm Poamt ta K>slwefcr.
otfirlal of
been effected.
Louisville. Dec. IV-A apee<al to The
mTV !
^oSt Blacult compMy adralUed It
i yesterday, and hU worts were coriv*orBd Bmlth and William Merry , alias
I omdal of Ibe American
Md Bin Knach. the latlei' wanted In
Oitcaaro for wife murder and tbe former
tor eompUclty. were ammed near KdNiles, MK'h., Dec. lA-Mra. EHaabeth
dyvUle. 1-yon county. y«i
Babcock, of Mendnn, Tuesday celeiax by -JflHwra who bad been advised ------- birthday. Mrs. Babthat they were in htdtnx alon« theCum- I br«ed her
t of Mayor KiefibeB
' bertand river. Smith made a conies- cock is lh‘
tbe'war of the
don. but Merry will not talk. W- me uf tbe few
aaked If be bad a wife be said
Ib^lIib~wbe'ncWly qurslloned be eon- '
ts^cled himself on several polnw. i She enjoy. Rood health._____ e








By PiUBbury, the Floor King.

Pacific Coast Naval Penitentiary
illustraTeB^ticles in



- '

« U Ibe Mew Faixlwwd Cst-

iAfiri a


p,„vlah senate ha. leased tbe
- - _ ■.____ —I.w

. 00KB8 AVS BSU8H1B8.
HBodBome 8ilTer BBok*.


now In. Hpt. Sometlila« LUd Aplde for Pp.««nu.

F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
Mddmb Block.

Here I Am
Bboe Stores. I oarry

Thefiest Footwear

„f unrest Is stri.iMt In the breast of the
_____ .1..-. ..r .hi. ..Ife newe Ihe an.

made in tbe oountiy, but l^wer
in Price than anybody eiae.

wratbr . -I receoe.fl) Uirtu
mach .older: n-riherty wli

Co. j-o„ „w a««- Imed Ribbon, C..d.» n»kf, for^f
lor Cbildren'e Arctics (or 38c; or Min’s AreUca for $1.10; orOiU-

1---------— af the Tratk.

Uren’s Rubbers for 18c-

Maastmlybupu for ihefniurals that
Be riuill gradually outgrow bis partial

Seere- ;j lbeuri.w Olid come more wa “>«” m*®
1 .if the irtVh. The h<ipe of his
and siwial
It Is tl.c
Lat.-r Warner told l.rleily how be bad as a atMrek.-*dwr and sau^r U
spinners Likbest i-ivUixatlon. bir dccpiwt reli____the ..UI and eluded Ibe woukee Inleiiial revenue dlstri
t rralsleU. Cious dt-vciupmcoi. is aloog this lina
Ofliivrs tw< loni.' He had Wh In hIdInR , Koberl O. Allen. «'h" |>la*'ed shorlslov
,h.. redUf lluii should
To aninire and juolnUiin thU freedom
they will expect
T BosHfTi l-vsl year, has sl«ned a
In Jers.-y I'lty f.w s-rtre lime, he raid. '
of ih.flight is thim the duty of all. a duand bec-iiilrx .tired of hl» cmcralment ira.t tu maiface the IndlanapoUs ciun ____ ___________ . »( financial su|
fr-.m IfOWell. lAwreno-. Lwwisloi
that ikiuu can erawpv, for every man
dscMed to xi'e himself u|. On the way
The steamer Cleveland has been cheater and other ciion manufacturinR j, ...d -wianan,
wianan, in whatever statiem in hfe.
to Ihe staUi.ti tin- alxhi of a bicycle
.'wrecked--*ir Vsnemiber Islsod 1u the centera. wh.-i--- Ihe oi^ratlvee under­ I is tmdiu'|B»noo to help, tbe ttUmt
A eurbltui or-Ti"i an avenue of
BDty-two of her t
stand that the battle which
Be alole th. whewl and naJe o PhlU- Pactge.
I of wbiuli ia measured only by tbalr
hr wa«*-d hT.- la for all New Knxi
ddphla. After yhnn time Ir
he started werr. nuikins hla way to i
XMsaa City on hie wheel by e»a».
, ■
Mil v>d tt V
-et today
^ »me.-ChrlAit the flplol.ina of the lalwtr lea.
He clalii.F to haw been al Riley ;
„.,«rted ■
e this week
tlah EegUtar._________________
expreaanH on the streets may be iak<-i
Cor seves weeks_________
; ^^ly as possible.
Tramps tnurterad John nirei. a as an indirathm of what will be done, i
tra D* All
conduetur on the Bl« Four rall- strik-- will b.- ordered.
pittsbura, Dec. H.-1I wsa-waid Ust
attain the grace of xilanoa;
vJVri-a. fourteen mllra wsat of
•r Waylsnd. N T..
of a
nlRht m-i the light in the Window Glass
all fault flnding that
n that
Woritera asw- la.loh U likely toV comapdtoS^when

" '"”■■■
■t yesterday for a l-old atlemi.i i.. ' »-!t. e.a
a mlnlnf
iRlnlni l.r
of tbe'-rew were lorn.
Wwwrt i^aiin
Austin, a
l.r kri
kri bera
who Uvea at the Midland.. Olbba was.
Joseph >-«duc-.'Ihj^oneri
»\as .
e^ered under the bed in Auattn's j Klondike, was n„r^ «


aeeompliahed his pmwre- and was sr-' KitOe Mason, of Bchuyter Fkna
He mrte DO defense whatever
William Montgomery Brown,
dea.nn of the

attpu in iwtober. lUMiMW: dtsbureeraaeu m lu-i-Owr. HVj rt.tT. Mvlng tbe
UTI hand taiAlAU. It Sbotra rsealpu on of buMnaas prior to
MOV. 14. im. to have bran WtCM-U.
airf receipts from Nov. 14 UH. to OuL

CL IMT. M.T«J.«T4JL a total <rf
mM. ■



Voi will boy tham o( OB to tbe Price'

proaciilnR r.-du< ilon of wa*es

n to earth. Slid al Krsl deni 1 his ' already iwssed by the d-pulira.


Stetling Siivar Novellias !

’ •<-w: wtoUpphlftlM to o-wihwmterli; rekkw
: Thw-Liret-roira I^.r

ST' ..... _ __ _____ _
TZ’:z:r::^ SSS't::


V.rt nn^nro^iri^e’-SJsTn" “o-

Kan,. chat»ed
li^^tos will V raporied t,maywith iompllcn, in the the‘ kldrap'M
ktdraptnR iof
jb. la'i^Vfh’
l.raest In tberountry.wlH ibanR.
N. T..
T.. Ust
Ust bands Jan. I.
,f yo
youh. Conway .1 Albany.. N.
R,p. : for tbe n-x. merrihR^_____

tllryrich three
miles from Itllry.
uhaae of


OpsowHs H. * V. B. DapM. -

The Wheat Outlook

np prorldind fo a protest on the part
of the executive fuunrll axalnal the
; reported proposed aiqmlniment of J. H.
be interaiale c
mtut AnwIra^dBdaa 1‘wuaa.

Renaior Hanna lias reiuinrt tnWMb; 1
He w,. at^.vnlly tn

lawyrij health.


Great Achievement of Famons Modern
Alchemist, Dr. Emmens.

-Wipe.set- .
Bhlnelandrr. W^ls.. Dec. l€.-The sale
of WlPconeln sUte park lands eras con­
cluded Iaat nlRbt’ All the land evnUlned lu the
whs not M>ld. but the
best tlmlrer tend In Ihe area waa dis­
posed of Tie sale was o-nducted by
••Wbereaa Wr are Informed tbai
the cmmlydouer of public Isuds, the
I. Paxaun la to be sppdnied In
•(cretary'of stats, tbe state treasurer
whereas. J. H. Paxson baa shown by hit snd the altotney Rrneral. Casson and
condu' l In reslROln* the hlRh^ ofiHe of Peterson were present In prison a^
chief Justice of the supreme cqnrt qt^e Hylrea was reprewroied by Charles t
sues nf PennsylvanU by lelefjMteh fo> Wbetan. assisisnt attorney Renefat.
the purpose of an-eptlnR an atrfxdnty About l.SW parcels were disposed of
ment aa a receiver of the Phlladet^ which will bnnR the aRRrerfale up In
and Keadlwt rallnad. and assistInR ID the nelghbiThoiid of Hyo.Ooa.
wreckinc that <v.mj«ny; and whereas.
lTeU*w-P.o WtorawslsKdlral Ora*.
J. H. Paxson has always mh.<wn an In­
AifUand, WIs..
tense hatred for unranlted Ubor
labor and Voll one of the best-known Oerman
an opporbaa on even' occasion
■ ailsras of northefb Wlaconaln, and edi­
hls offlcUl
I tunny
tor of the tlerman Herald, died yeatriHim to Injure the Interesla of waire- day mornlTiR at Ashland Junction. He
I pi^llu
It.sianced liy.lils action In went tu Ki Paul two weeks a«i> and
was taken -III there. He Rtvw so n
2mltb‘a cOBfesst m w al to tbe eBecl that Ba was wanted In ChtcaRo for compileletter that he sUrted for home.
1 Murphy, sf St. Paul, accompanied
tty In the kttllhR rrf Merry's w ife. and •
jr.^ late colleiior ..f olty
o fbrow
In order to
kI. rom,«nb.n
, .—mMA
wtllikfn Merov.'l■ water rave______________
iiD the train, but as the train reached
iaat bl.
wra "
who has been Indicted f
fi '.D thi
of Ills JudUial loslilun
tbe city ' ‘he welrhl
, Ashland Juntiltm. a few miles from
who waa also w^ted for |rtfe
embexallBR K.TU*. paid
asalnsl sraRe-earners. wni. me
I here. Votl w as Uken suddenly worse
Be would not admit mir deny that he ifie amount
wm.-Unl of
-f hjr
hJi shortaxe.
It Is sup- I '*f*•'
strucKlIim for lIvinB wa*ea; therefore.
bsA-fclUed tbe w oman. Both ara racked
and died Ih his berth.
the Plate's aiiorney will nolle
• llesolved. That tbe executive counnnd fool sore M.-rry a Iwet ate tn such pnwseque th- indi.-.truent a«nlnat Huf•wdtilrip'Hc
Insirntlril to enter a protest
that he can scarcely walk. trrkamiu
itment ss InlenilBliImllanspoUP. D-r. lA-The convenUon
• sRainst I
»d been camplnr alone
t sat'd l!
of the ivqs and OIrlsf National Homirami Fall af an hb-ratsr.
e Cumberiand river ,f«fr

assiKiatbin adjourned
«. Paul. Dec. Il'-An el-vsior In the r. ferred t
Usi nUhl. TV- fulli wliiR officers were
CbkkRo. Dec. lA—The police b*re are wholesal- millinery ewtal.llahment of
electetl: IT-Plib nt. Al-x iloReland. touswpirluua that the men arrested In Bi>l.lna.m * UnauBP fell atx stories ye^
lavllle- siKietsrv, J. H. Bradford.'W’aahKenloiky its Merry
. ,
------- ---------------iDct-n; tma-urer. Albert Pahm. Indiantramiw who are snxtous to Ret to rihl- ,ju„n. a iniwIlnR aale-man. and fatal- ,^e resolution and the artti.n •
spollA The h»mbiuartera will Iw located
:n without rptlhR a hart brake beam. .
injunnK iViiliani ^bailer, elevator {...j^^wtlon was followrt up by P J. Mcjliiitreln aeausticapeech. aodamidmucb in this city for the comlOR year.
Tbe Wraihrr «'e May KapraA«
; of the frteratlon be Insirucled to tele.
_ F
KItthAPKM CAlWttT. ;
claimed that the re, dlaaa- *rapl the i rrai.Ient of the or*wnlxa.aUraiww.
Bra at iUdb^
^ tb.n's m.«. solemn potest
X Crawwr B
I, City. nra. U.-AIben R. War.

Mwheloa s tbsir wbseM-wtihms <sr
apaUs dsrtBf lbs wfar, I .
dCeais Jstsrads.,

Silver TDrne4 Into Gold!

Tradea In referenoe U


-t that
shot. The pwlor wm a atVoe of awety. I
,^)uii .ball not adjouri
youaa foUta danrlna and slnalna alter- | ^q,|3 ^
.eted upon tbe queatlona

Tbli enrased Oriftn and he drew a
platol and be»an «o rave and make
UMt. a*alnal hi. hoal. CalHt knowInd OrlIBn to be a dandwrous man pre^
. ..
.* and ordered .k.
the .kTender
to leave the house. This prrr lpltat

Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Correct Styles.

asl*. n-t ■- Mw

After referrine a coronlunica-

the infiuence of liquor, berame too
“ offcoalve In bla manner toward the youns J
ladles. CalllT renionFtratrd with him
and advised him to do home.


fcLsaalai Tbla Btrc Ma»d <»•
SsWB Ibe Mallrw.



Frofeweer Kin*, of Olivet (Midi.) eoL
will V- the next CnUeO BtaUs mlar to Piam. Senator Burrows says
president will send In bts name as
O^Ce WeyertoetT, a youl
, man of
Uttle Chute, WU-, was drowned
Fox river near Kaukauna. WIs. A oomr-«iee who brelraihrunch the tea witt

by calling
ealherera, cutten andf
rMUBck evjTy^paU^ and
i.r wlthdrawliiK
ki.ixMs of Labor and joiDln* tbe Amer- i dUngterable feature of their daily life;
lean Fcleratlon of Ijibor. A.JJroposl
third, to pructloe the gra« and vIrtM
with title end tn view has been of praira—Rnyriot B. Htown.
le by a ounher of dlaeatlafied blewaod gatherers to .lB» cutters and
• •reedWBsstOlfta.
lUneners. and asking for a conferance
of ihe-four iradM) next week.

secure a funher delay and pave theway
for another aj.peal to the supremecourt.
hut Judge Bahra waa inexorahte and
and all objections c
^^‘aft^uiisd himaeU wlfh Ms »
tomary cooJrera

\S6 Front Street

ChFistmas Turkeys
• Oysters, Candies and Nuts.
Evarytliing for Complet* Christmas Dinnsr. inclod*
ing arooerios and ProTlsions,

Order by Thons and have Ooods EeliTered.


of wiskttig friends, for it ie ate uf Ood'
brat gifta. It involves iha&y tbinga. but
abnvu all it tbe potret of going out of
:lf and eaeing and
vbau-rw i< nnble and loving in anotbra
inan._Tbaxuai Hogbea.

of m« in the path <rf dhty
■ teagoodOhriMlara—Aaav


SI3 Front St

1 Tbrae Ttraea a ffask.

FIfltIw'S OjStM DtRIt Mi Rwllllllt

o» .... T...


.. ..


ThU«s ChatSMB WklkBT I
fBoyl. DmU«
1>» Mat IMalM.



an gaiukert to no-

whkhtooU call iwet—Hofr Vituk

bf FMr** 4M*.
airt* OrlvoB fciJore ibe wu>d»r* Ini*tA
lenHrtsly. ond they lawly
Uifir Usluuou mlt»» OIK* bain*'

Ever Bomed Out?

Seed Saare on Fertile Soil

Ctmt. MMhodi-t, Chlc»inx

•tatM That tha Britith .tlen la
Holding tho Amarican ^gla
Off Cuba. ^

One of tho marked c
(bcM huil day. of the
lu Imp
.. bontjiviUD.

tonr U

C Tb,,b.»a
noa of the «ubK«ntiilile««. aave Jotab- 1
- Walker * ■tit.-nunt w«» In I*rt |

-------------u foUc.ei':
........... a^m. .a««._
nr»i. I »n-thon'UsWy eorrlnW
a-r Waatd Kill AU IW rUhh^
t4 Alt Uli^tB aa That BaaB-ClaU ;
«i-.|u.f.r-C...-.Crl.««kMo^lg,l trndrr «m„:
lh»t ^ay
tha- do i
.h.t ihek g^anmant
gmarnmant ahall
Wiall «»d- i

trol aiul laaur
aU i
urrau.-y itotaa
iMUatl ,1
by tba peopla;
tba banka
- that
• t tba
la; third.rbanka
‘ ;;


.si.«. ibrt. -b«...

K. ChaM* Eaaala.
e eTi-ry auvuuuu
advautago ui
conrfort Uw thrmplit to
ing •
vrtU f-u*
aa* m..a 1 y,*
^ *,,m ^
ru an- no
ijeKK, Ui.iii...* u— hiiN
-----lu trooUlo
u» Uial lh»
-- -------------—
Mtaiun ih., «t Ind. Tii y will «lu« »brir
i„i u»t aU ,
wiO{i* Biiil sink *> cl.iso u> ino groma are the 1
B M.

Suits to Order.


*!;?>»■ V
New OtleaM.
witb n-urw.-d UiAdway. They IrwjUVIit i
pelpH aad pawly adrwr, Urforo^tUuAble
Th<-r« waa
waa i.rv.*
ni V.* a
a lim
tiuio whro tba
•« rtgU aonli* nnuL-lHr and Hitof
* aide erblmicwa.
Ilia poupla
poo|Aa lim'd
u«»l more lo
to ]
only ahall rut
' to Ilia wind lUi'il tlioy iiati-aiului
ut ib*
tb* nolaa ao
,ti,.tia|rtil«l. the iroeWoB U i».«chiug i •
(on. gnd ba rasiemall.
u...Tpn««l T..p.lp..«.aUi.;j™
lrm|.tlon I* *P«1-. f-urlh. ih
baakt ebaVrbe
pfaall be r*<iulrid
rwiulnd i«.
u. kaep.-achand
li'. ..iwi«v l.dure it
iUnbeWB, ^

pala»lr »alln« by Amaricaaa-

Tba pro-

vUloBa of tba maaaun warr aaplalnad
tr D*»1A ebalnnan of tba (oralga relattona commUlaa. who aald tba« It wa*
la aid of Bag..lUOon* now pendlnc
a of Itaa
amoM I
fTtBlOB. ('.real
•nunaata of tba
IWUln. Roaala and Japan, milaraw


Reaches Out Rmen;
the People....

It ti> ma by a atruDR
: upr.n all currenry........................
qnwi .
aumrlant to guaraiiiaa tb.' l>!lad faurric.iDa. where k
.m.--—— —
by It aum
aaalnet lu« bmauac of Ulll JiifkA^ op by f'-ahottuen In nwul.v
Btaie* ira
mine of their Anal tvidamptlon
all aach idetaiK'eii they art. ^ufedtl by
n axpHclt programiw. . ^ —lewb.-B hICh in thu a
0tu.wa: Kkec.n..,ev.ia,
^et.var thmu.
tba i>pa«Idai;r» ra.v.m.-oiieni'i.a.
•- ,
. ,
Uyoltd lhp-abo« and
oad, taka lb- wnaa of tbc .o|hc.ltt'-a *e , art' hum.d
I., whelher It ahall promt-d lmm.-dl«tal>-; dftwd »'i*'
it. ftania
ftania ana
ana bin
bill making
making any
any omaionomaWer- piauwce
^oiuaga a.Skka,l witn uw apra.* t«y
• ...
abb' ahanga In tbe naltonal bfabklns ; kUutly bi'idiue h.-lplua* and
taw. If thaaa rVangoe arr d. K-rTnlB.-d |
(bnaliore to Uif fia« of the wind.

ahandy an«a«oi>ltad tba moBBBre. aayInc IhBt IbU aoulitry bad alraad) auffand tn.vra than . o-’-ugh humlliBtlun oB
araoBBl of the aaal baaluam. and that
b* taaond Uia aaUlanH-m of ttae.oaef
UoB^by Wiling all of tba aaala a* thoy
appearaAt »l tba m.-ln-rla» ..f
byWf lalaitd< If by tba let of Juna next Secretary Cage, that
Cnai Britain alw. bad n.H Mfaad
Ibr prohibition of lA-’agli eaalluK
IValker bill. TH* j-rogrt.
efland *m mnnidinaat to tba: affa. t.bui |
ne opposlil. •-. and It waa not acted
It waa d.-faata.l, Tb
" ---------- *
by the c.>n.:..m«« up lo the time of
fay a votf
r to Ml.

TTraTTRAlffOgo. P. CAaVER. Afwt


u.. ......

_____ cimmuii aigiil
(KA'an aburv.


Attorney* at

kuRgaciHi BLOCK

oato**1olta*l*»na»loeh. TrarrraeMty.inea.
al.’.SJ.Vil.'t.s- CAHya.

^ bitowx. Attorwr aoo t:

i - - —“
1oo block.

aarrUI at
____ __


9 __________
I aad will atleod-prowi

Professional Men,
Laboring Men,

Grand Ripids S iDdlui &. 1
CTival and (.-panure at tralat al TravarM
Clu ataU"' .e efleet Dec, a, tWT. , ■



ba'lUbatth- aswuctrtlw
aswa«'tlw l»-'*Vi^%i


nee U|>ai ccTtala claura ef propeiv


When ouoil blown on* to «Mg “>«
ihnro'lnnla have liltlo chauoeof ci'ape. •

A H. Hoi-

'abrar'^nUh^ ilortu

Thai If W* Daol ' aulKiih-a Bv.lbai tiiao ihcc arc likely
IVUi aa lat
to be M for Iriiw ahtae that Ih^cannot
aar* lo aa. arc an agrr-cm. ul wllU Kng■ a Ball Wilt.
1, aud t^.ve
land ibc i«>.ici-il..n of the aoata and
Washington. T>ec U.-Ita-Ber-retary f
tM«w*sd<0iw. 9.
bad failed. Bngisnd retuainr to even sutf Foeu-r. w ho " bile a member of , r..,.......... ................. ..............
writer upon Ihe B.'gi.tlalUnit •'For on*." Ihe Hairliton cal lnct negnttalcd the ofttiham.iuu Ib. ir il".«l UrdH-a alnoi;
fae continued. "I am tired of waltln*
Ural treat! annexlBC Hawaii lo tbernlt- with Ui.wo of tho hu|i1e»* ^lla *em.
upon Kngtand In thi* a* In oihtr mat­
ter*. It la hummatlnB that we e*ou-d ed State* and who haa taken much IB- anti h.Toua n«' flbhl'.* drifUrd upon
be iompelied m. not only In the terwai in II. *«jul«H'"B. when aaV«J ( aomaUictfv. whore Uk'wave* laavo Ihum
■ I(.high
higb and dry. After every heavy atorm
\ fur aaal. but In Culwn and flbanc lal yfmerday a* lo Ihe ataiua oftb* anoexn f
' btindiwda of am-h louklc— victim
VQU'atloaa. liealultng lo declare our In- atlnn que*ii..n, »*ld: "The op|*oneni* in
drpendeniv berauae of Rngiand'a p **>• congre-a* of Hawaiian annexation will
" be funnel ai i‘»e w-acbo* of onr
H have diapoeed of the «|ue*tloi
fale-oppoaltlon- The .mJy Intereat Kncduatt.—Our Aulma) {'ViunOa
Hint asatiiM and defeating this n
land baa lb protactlng the Bpahlab In(V. They muat decide what fahall be
ter«*t In Cold I* that Implied In Ihe
Tkea riba Took Ulas ta.
fact that Lombard alreei holda the the* policy sitd cndorl of Ihe imited I
« inaards the lalanda for tbe ful- |
Spanlab iMHid*. Tbla Iwlng the cane we
ean donoihiag for suffering Cuba unlewa _____ Haring irfoaed the sppileaiton of !
Great BHlaln la willing- So It la In the Island government for Incorpciratlon
Into our t'nion. *u<h au a.-t nrveaiarlly :
ith'.'Ut what?
came* with II the right of the former
-------------------- lie—Why. without ytjt. dmrart.—
tawB at the feet of the book noaed Jews to driermlne^la own fa^tlcal destiny
at laiBdnn to ascertalBwhelher they are uninfluenced by rontdderaUon* allectlas Cbicaeo Kewfc

society Women,
Club WometL
Church Women
Working Wd«nen

•T t a Bilks
as a etiJiaoc.
»v V m Peto-.'sey
le luai Mack, city
lu.......... raauiac


Read It.





wllltng that we abould do tha* and #o
to the mailer of pur own finance*."
. Mower iwvod by CleU Bereko MeMna.

tbe Itnlled Slalea"
Lwier on the iv.lonel aald: "But I do
«l Ihlnk the taUnde s "

tVhen the hill to provide for taking
the national . '-vru* came up l-odge aald
be «a* aware that at the preaent

__ _______ ji'wa* c-<ma'dered rather batter
term 1.) altark the edmlnlatratlon ofihe
law. He Bold that he had aJway* been
Mtad was b<’W a friend of the dvll aer>
vice la*. Preaidrnt ilevelaad had at
the vI.HH- of bl* admlnlatratlon made an
•nomK>u*' extcnalon of the claaelfled
service, placing about dO.tIdO perauna
without examination under Its pro­
tection II waa aailsfAci'vry to note that
Prraldeni McKlnlei^had bravely and
coutageonaly dealt witb the gueatloa
Ut the l•eclonlag of .bla admlnlMrattoa.
Lodge read exirarU from a letter fnim
the Hob Carroll D. Wright, rtlef of .the
Ubor boreau, In, whicb the exjwnae* of
conducting the eeaena ofllce were dlscuaaed altanglh. and In wa* shown
that taking the taal c«n»u* coat, tartce
aa much aa It wuuld hare-done nt
the merit ayWtem.
Mlaakylhv* eftke CWeAiTo He -Flred*grimtaaCaOni IWwOea U.I.

It reaches the


,g BOOM TO Hkjrr. la Woratsuw htark.

To all. aonuer <r later. Christ a

, (■<» f<jr all b
affilition. am* otio awful oonvicliuo of ^iJTnJet^jwertay'te^
Appan^ a^Maka Plea** telsra to WIII lu,
dnfuliMwa and i
^ju, many—and tboim, perhap*.
pec^Je—it guo#
«i tapn|h
ta^lh after

•a'Tbtah Hie CWaac* Mr Cwiiiaty

and Ood ouu nudorsiaud. tlw- Lotd i*
cleunklng than frutn their faultt and
them to nndinitand wisdum w-



It. reduced
la the penalon ofTIr
a aalarl
tag a reduction In
dTb* civil service uueatlMi
tapir uf diat-ussdon and tbe pro|a*iUoa
of Amtaiani l«e<-n-tar)
Ihe TnaaurT
retuv- < I-rk» age waa
made (hr text for denunrtatlon by
upihe board, and learn. If
Moudy of Uaesachuseita and Johaaoii puaalble. wfat their chance* would be
a Indiana, bolb ..1 wh-m are defender* iwfore lto*|ioitac-. Reed did not hold
>. iteArnmno.
lleArnmnd. une ftbe civil *erilre taw.
much e^..s,urag*m.
eiue.ur»g*ment In the line of
sf ta
ta deb.le
debate oa*i.- n„jnclal leglatatlun. bi I Intimated that
dor the lamude all.iwed
proprlatlop Wll*. made an 1nii>a*»lone.l
chance fur
speech npt
tb* majority f.ff n-i j^kruptcy Wll^tag m holiday recyta
TOIlag upon the Ui
oluUun passed by the aenalr al tbe last
Washington, l>«. U-The Popultata
tr-^- HI* remarK* were given added
Imt-.riance In/vlew of the at-tl.m of tbe have decidei) 10 bold u caucu* tonight
DamK-rullc caucua declaring fur aa ag- to outline tbalr pollcle# on pendlngqiisagVMalve atipport of the rvcocnlUua of ii..ii*. They will oppose the annexation
of Hawaii and favor the rrcognltion of
Clfbao beUlgerrary.
Wlicii ibe debate drifted to the civtl
Berv1<v taw Moody (Rep.) of UaaMtrhu- .OYNAMITE FOR FITZNUOH LEE.
aetU. l alU-d aiu-mloL ta what be termed
the -extraordinary pfOpoalUon" advo­
cated b) Aealelant Serrrlan’ o? ‘he
Treaaur)' Vandeiwllp tn an Interview, la
UavsBA I>ec. lE-A small box. apthat Intervle*. Moody Mid. VapdeiMlp pareaUr mad* to contain aamptaa of
proposed to etwabltah 1a Ibe treuanrydeaome dew-rlpllon. w-a* found yesterday
punment what In effect would be a
elrll iwnston list. A* one uf theae who morning at ftaka Neuv*. where lb*
believed In the merit ayoiem. fae UxNight ITnlled Stall-* mnsutale ta alluated- An
cuiigTi** ought lo meet thl* propoiHUuB eiamlnation of tbe box showed it to
nt tb* IbreaholA "If this ayMeip whiefa eoBUln a lule mird with aa exploalve
ws auppori ta to lead t« tb* eatabUsb- —e-tance. l ortunttel} the cover waa
menl of a civil tx^rlcm lUL" said
removed In thn. ordinary way. hui
**tb*n the people ought ti> wI|h- it
apllntrri-d o|«t. Underneath the
(Oeneral apliplause-l A* a 1 oov,r ’w as s piece of sand paper, Into flight * bus of msu-hra and
trtend of dvll nervier eform I aay Its
' worst enemle* are mu >m»r «nu *re tBua hriag^i^ul an exiJosion.
tehtlag it cpenly like Oen. Oroeveaor.
That Mss WUIeM BrwH Fti
faui men like tbc author uf this prt>pa«lanclanall. Ihv- lt-Ricb*rd H. WIUtlon. wbtsslta'ln tbr cabinet by the aide
•f Preeldanl McKlnleyj- [Apr
rd that the___ ___________________ ______
Johnson of tadl la^edat
under the apolta ' ind.. arrived ta tbla city from Auguata.
Ual ceastu eonducli
yraierday. WUlett «^1^ hr ta

t<* year* pad yt'Ura, and to their
mmI to flie throne of Chriat, be-

"ssiri;,' vixr i “i-r.';;

aaiuon vlalated tb* Bpim and lettar of
tb* law. Mmaon waa kaategad wttb
UueaUcm* from tbCM ^ontavud
him. But b* bald Uf owM •MdUitBt
that the rwerumeiit waa net unaffBiiMS.
for the purpoae «f ptuvlAnff fot mm to



for sal*


.Koney to Loan


chBiaiw-iurot Ood «a«t to tnaka that;
■oul beltur which Mimed to u* alwMdy .
100 good for earth.—caiarltu Kingsley.

___ _

• OBOttlRM. AtaoxMju.

•r Moaiagoa'a hard war* at
Orthodoxy battoxliiod lor 100 ytun
that iitaralliau wa* dying in thia coun­
try. Out bn-thruu should learn wiadon
and hidd tbe auuonum'nii'ut tu)Ul Tl>c
otauqniiw ore fully perfonnad.—B«t.
U. A. While. Uuivertulin. Chioaga


Chicago —
West Michigan.

it eSaaSo..............

The Home.

I ’St.i7»’s;s.'5ss?J:t2us:




That is the Reuon



Want Ads
in the Record..

oown itwUl be littsally to Uy R
at the f»d «if JtMita Christ. ‘Eev. ci. C.
Pblmor. GongrugaaonjUM. 8L ixiuia


unsm m loimusini t.i



—Watch Repairing.

Bring Good Results.

• ruptawd to bare
________ ,_____ clergyman: “I am
Qg for tbe pnmAi return of iby
Lord. 1 obuuld not bo at all «nrpri*od
if when
ben .
1 _
am __—
oaUod to hiy aside my


Tr*v«w City UiWk*

ercdly. burning out of them the chaff of
" will, aud arlf oigictdl and vanity.
Washington. l>«r lA-Tlie gtal of the
leaving tally tbr pare gold of rigbtMirreilcj rveolutlona adopted by the
Kellonal Board of Trade yrslerday waa ____ mw. How many mvwl, holy aouU.
kxjk obeeKul enongb tafora the
aa indoracoicni of the single gold atandard. Ihe gradual reUrement of United
- —"-T i..ipi
State* noI«.
aole*. ...
Ihe .nl«i.em.nt -t inrirow.: torj ™ij
naltonal bank clrcutatloa with a grad- nU day Itaig ond lin down lu aleep cm it .1^,9,
of Uscitr.
ual redurllon In the tax on tbr aaroe. ^ night, BUd flier Will tmirj it p»- [ Wtww-Pity La»WC-o. 1^-6^____________ ^

Wa*hm^-n. I>ee. li-The boW«-*I'eot
t- \ and Itnally tbe eatal.llehmen.i, of nationthe A*'f 'f ihe coualderstlon uf i
i»- . al bank* with a capital of or
tStaHve. executive apd Judicial
-~Xi population.
-tirtatlon UlL ElgblyBlne of the US
i permanent
y pagea of the bill werv cot'ered. and only

U-UtCKWOOn O.P.A..Or*a*^aataa-


She—1 at* A tfood ^doa^MW nilnw i Q* apply to Mm- rr t. i
pie ft* diawr than 1 ■h^ld.-Apettuil -ureei. i»M_______________

:: t-.;;::

bnae* arrtv**** llUda- M-

mth and year after y«r. By arc
trialg chaxtaiiJV*
I in a*.
iteninga which mioe but they



Trataa^T* ti«> Ctactaiattl. Otaai Ibb-

wmiag to Try 1

X.™. ..n, .. ...1.
linen, the BngUah and Canadun*.
They bate leamc.l the eolootal
of nreat Hrtlaln that wherever
Hah Hag goes there tullow equal
taxation, iuat and Imiwrllal admtnletratlon ol the taw*, gnd h<«eM and or­
derly govemmeat
. the pun<n*e* of the
pn-aral rulers. 1 feel eiire that when It
ta finally determined tbar they a ■ hoi
-------------------------- to the filled stai.-* they
will lose no time In opening negoUaUoa*

u MMook BWwk. Caloa biraat.




H*au hldog .the

Merchant Tailoring.

—John Verly.



—Front Street.
AU classes read the

HORSE FAIR! Sunday Record
Because it is Finely
Illustrated with Upto-Date Features by
Noted Authors.

I have just arrived from Ligonier, Ind., -with the Finest Lot of
Horses ever brought to Traverse
City. Come and see them at Euro­
pean Horse Hotel.
Prices to Suit Your Pocketbook,
Retell An llRdi itfNple
and Stock of the Best Eiud.

fled because hr feared perwcmal lajniy,
owtac I.. cnemlea he bad made In the
c.uiu>-ir*i contart. ta tijat county
He **)•• he wlU return to Leavenworth

i -V--

through the RECORD.

esa OHy-.—-A"

oonro uouTH.

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