The Morning Record, July 01, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 01, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^ T-' ' r'; •'



vm TO 60.


ofadofownedby.BmrtWtoaie. WhUe
folnf aloof the walk oa State etreat in WILL BS BBMTXMCBD BT FVl>aB
the afternoon the anitaal eMseOta
by the 1« aad remored a small pORtoa
of his trensen. Mr. 7rematn*s attea- /o^.Baadered Two ▼ardiota in Pa*
Uon was ebUfly eccnpled in prsTentiaf
ud OtdUlM WIU Do R«TMtf
vor of Xnaalandand DoU to JUaotthedof from Ukinf a ehnnk of the' nant Salta Involviaf Peaaeaaiaa
Wi«b • Alorioiw
__ ______________ '
AtMetlowst kuty OMu> PtoM flash.
of I^ropwy OB Which They Hold
to ttl» Tmw>»dUU'Tmaity- .
Tax Tltla Daada.
WhUe tlMCt wlU V M> iBdepuitoBoe
c^etoMtaa toTnwM'Cltythtf ymt^
JtoM teeliaad to the ^orte toekUotol
toodSepUrof potriSfteoi ud Fovth
of Jnly enthwtezn wUl not wmI tor
opportaBlOM to en}oT tooMthrM nod
five Test to the' boUled-op potrlotUm
of • year.
Brery oraMoedt rUtoce In UteOmnd
Tnvm r«ioo will have eome eori of
a oelebratien. and tome of the larfer
towxie wiU etrive to ootdo tbeaedvea

Dins Mi FUjO.

The aeatotioaal faataree of ihis tern
of the dreolt eonrt are pracUoally ooaeloded, and the remainder of the term
will be derated to the trial of cases anIntareatlnf to bat few basldas the paryheoaaaca.
The trial of Mark Morris, aoensed of
suaUnfawateh from the real pocket
of D. E. Wynkoop, was finished aboat^
11 o'clock yeaterday jnomlnf. The

will he for the boaaflt of tha L.C B. A.
A food time le si epc ted and a laifa at­
tendance la desiiad.
The axeelient pre^m giran Ib the
enjoyed by a larye company, and the
proceeds sriU be anfident to snpply
the sons books needed for the chnreb.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bauer of Elk BapIds are rlaltinf friends in the dty.
Chris is raeorerlnf ntoely from the
bams received in a recent faeoUne expledon in Us barber shop.
Saturday moralnf the e;tO a. B. train
on the O. E. A 1. will make
with the epeclal train for OadUlae, arrlTtof to that city at 0 o'cloek. The
rate will be one fan (or theround trip.
The new bicycle path recently oonatrneted throufh the aandy etreteb at
Bast hay. has been fully completed and
aooepted by the club. This is aa Im­
provement which will be appreciated.
The eebooner trinalow. which came
Is here yesterday after a load of pota­
toes, is ths etafl which weat ashore a
feiv days ago at Elk Bapida. She was
lowed bm by the tof Eva Hill of Bat­
ten's Bay.
A pleasant aftemoou tea was firen
by Mra. Walter TbnrteU yesterday aft­
ernoon to honor of Mias Cora Travis,
Miss Mabel White, MatUe E K. TenEyck, aad Mrs. Taimar. An enjoyable
time waslf^
The Church Aid Society of the Confrefatioaal chareb will five an toe
aad strawberry eoelal next
_ .
the ehu*«k par.

AxTanfnmeate la Progreos for an
BUborato l>edlcattoa of ToreotiiB* Mew Eome.
The exeentire board and eom
OB dedIcaUoa of the Porasters' hall, la
new Broech block, met last alfht and
deddod to hold the dedlcetioB on Tnesday. Wedneedsj and Thnraday. Jaly
S7., U and to. The Sopreme Chief
Rahfw. Dr. Oronbyatehka. of Toronto.
Canada, will be prewnt. also all the foUty-of larceny. Morris will be senhifheourtoffieereof Michifan.and sor- .— IV e term of Imprisonment at
erai diiferteit stetce. CommnnleaUoni'* Marinette this momiaf by Jadfe Cortl^ locality will he U llanUtoe. The.
read from eereral of the sister
'' belt.
..hefle wUl befis to eereooh early Saleonrto thranfhont the sta)e. etatiaf
ueday morelnf and ke^»it ap natU
The ease of Fowler vs- Blackman was
their IntesUoa-of'oominf here in e
•fttf ■idnlfbt Monday. Thr« lone
body to mttend the deileetlon. The aonwuiied on aoeoant of Uelallareof^
dayi of epoci aad eatort^aaeBt. ThU
see here arranfred a profram the plaintiff to appev.
will be the objecUve poiat of a freat
The remainder of the day was de­
for the three days that will surpass
aajority of tbooe in XiaTOiee City inanythlnf of tbs kind ever held by For- voted to ejectment s«u ito tax UUe
Madtof to lare town. The Boetlere
of Kneelaad aad Cola
esters in Micblfan^wai be Uiere. and. of oonree. wtil form
The first osae was that of the above
Anotbsr mretinf of the commltMes
an additional attraetton. Th^ will
parUea afalnat Mrs. 0. Nicholson and
will be held Fijfay •
narry an immeaie foUowiaf.
TiteCoaUtof. The eaae Involved rifht
when the profAm w:
Boy*'Band will foalOBf and .help Inof pomemioB by Kaeeland and Cole, who
•plre the ball players and entertain the
Bode a Bifh Orale Wheel.
bold tax tide deeds for unpaid taxes
outlUtade. There will be baU camae.
-------- ..
J. D. Slater rode e hlfb frade wheel'tor the-------year-ri..
1«0S.4------------------The jury returned
horse races, bicycle raoea. baUoon aa- > ^ Traverne City Sunday, aad hasn't [ Terdiet to favor of Keeelaod mod Cole,
eenatona. parades, and ererylhtof te j^ne anythlnf since. Monday moratof
dUi^t the pa^tioally toeltoed.
toeltor^ ' j. (v. wrapped...........................................
him in a horse blanket 1 A elmllar ease was that of the-same
... . _^,u»
Trains wUl be
andaent him home by freight. And !plaintiffs egaiast D. O. Ball,
and jew rates will prevail.
now there's a hl^ f^e Ueyele for I ^oteenston by UUe purchased for unpaid
rwnisi. eomes next, with a list of at.. ai..«-..-En
I a verdict in favor of the p*alat»ffa
I go. All the officers wlU i
ranged not only te attract but to ea I
The same plaintiff* had another ease,! the company. Tbey will leave on the
tmtUa. Everybody who goes Uere!
M. A S. E at V:SS a. m. ,
will be sure of a good Ume, as the Cad-1
Admission to the Congress of States,
for unpaid taxes of l!<VI. The case Is
Ulae folks have before demonstrated :
still on trial aad will be concluded this which U to bo repeated in the Pity
that there U always a supersbundanoe i
Opera Houm tonight byvthe pupils of
of hoepltallty and a cordial welcome to j
or Mnrtangh’s dancing academy,
- visitors on all oecaaions.
will be but 10
I cents to aey part of the
Elk Baplds will celebrate on Monday, that lirorder to make a good showing
hjuse. The proceeds will be devoted
and extends s hearty toTltalton to I ad>io« the HuaUeis they must
to s picnic for the iitUe folks, aod
Traverse CllT to eome ol-er and have a i strengthen up ooasldenbly. They have
good Ume. This will be tbe dnUnaU 'D ; n^dod W their lUt Billy 'nebalA who
there sboutd'be a largo patronage.
Daring the thunder storm Tnesday,
of a large number of wbeelmea. On P syed third here last----------;*•' Frank
Saaday all the churches will unite to a , Q »»»“• » fio»d! t'te^er and all-around
iirxe, another
VrUte to take place to the town . a , P
another pitcher,
pitcher, beraldBTTioew
................... .......
«4metackvjtok, andKldOli
i Kld<
Convicted ............................................... so sort of dnll white. The box U oonThe addrem will 1^ delivered by Be*.
Manistee favorite. These, with Ac^uUmd................................................. VI strncted of ^k and varnUhed. but the
W. A. Frye of tbto city.
___ ___
_ the players already there, sbould make
Frankfort will make a demonstratioo




toad, and they will probably be aceom- <‘*yf celebration, and from p^nt topantod by a liberal following; becanse j dicaUons there will U no diaappoinb

Total number prosecuted................ »

everyone ean have a good Ume to "’-'*'
A great spread U being made to Em­
pire for Saturday. ThU will he the Went Fiehtog and Had a Break*
red-letter day of the town ahd the
^deat dUpUy the place fw knew
Testerday a number of the HasUera.
wUl invite the attenUon ef Che entire 'Matktoa. Hunt. dull, and Novoiaiy,
state. Indeed the whole state has wlUi C. M. Parker and Ssm Ilea, went
been Invited to be present, and U>e cel- upon e fishing trip to Bsss lake. They
ebraUons at other points will be lees captured a bushel of bast and ennflsb
largely attended on aooouBt of Uie big and had a rMl lovely Uma When they
_ . arranged for at Empire.
, came home they got along all right nnCedar City will eUborate on the wme |
cj,niag down Uie hUl near Uie Mer-_
- - - -and
Co.-» f^rm, one of the rigs gave
. day wi|b a fine program
of aporta
out and spilled several of the party all
^'ISjJd'u preparing for the grandeat over the road. After matteru were ad­
dentoastraUan in the bUtery of Lee­ justed and the unfortunate ones dis­
lanau eoanty- Tbare are to be boiae posed of to the other rigs. It was found
races, tdcyela raoea, ruanlag events, that one of them must walk. Ex-Aldboating and all aoru of games and
sporta. only derUed far Fourth of July proposition to ride the horse taken
pragrama One of the mala events from the damaged rig. into Use oity.
will be a ehooUng match between J. Be performed the equestrian act to a
M. Watte, of Ulaad and Fred Beehul
to everyone
of MtU city. The contest will be for except the borse. aad the party ar­
•100 a aide, and a good match te axpeet- rived home without further mishap.
ed. The pretty gaaoltoe yacht, “Lady
Watta." wUl ran excurmloBa on <Mrp WAX.TSB ^AMBBMM BIBTHHAT
Lake every hour and Ml together this
wUl be a gr^t place to go for a good Fifty Frieda Helped Oalabrata It
Northport wUl a
«in ragYsuterday was the eighth anaiver*
nlar otd-tasniooeo style.
u. lureer. aary of the birth of UiUe Walter Hanof this city, will deltrer an addrem a^d eeo. »oa of Mr. aad Mra: Peter Hanaon.
the day wUl be given up to all kinds o< i The event waaohaerv^ la royals^
fintelamenUrtatoment. This will be by a grand party in honor of the young
a good plam to mack by the boete and
and aboet fifty of All javoa Mil on the bay will be an additional nlle friends BMteted him la eelabraiing
indaeemaat. TbeCreoeeat Ban^will. -^e oeoaalon. at the home of the lad.
ooreer of Boardmaa avenue aad East
'^TbSe'wm be a big Ume at Ddagter's E^hth atraet. The
Park at Saiton'e Bay Saturday, ateb. eventog were devoted to garnet and a
I^wdrlm. gamae and every knowj general jomfleattoa and the lltUe folks
kind of aporta wjl be Istroduoed.
rejolcod with Walter over a large
Down at Tkompaoovilli the eagle her of fine presents hronghi by the Uv
wUl eeream aU day loaftlefrUnda. In the early evenlaga fine
Senator ConU wUl daUvar a patriotic repeat ^ ice cream, cake aad othae^dAlaervod and aH of the gamtt
Lake wOl do kwaelf proud
and their bast had a hapor ttea
sadjivoagood time to aU whOahaU
attend. Traverae City ta aapadally in­
Ohloago Harket Bsport.
GbloBgo, Jane U.^Wheato-}'
OUte points Vhere good timea wUl
M had are Aides, BeUalre. a farmom »Ji;Jnly.««<:Septamher.
pleatc at Sberman. and a similar Deoember,«ei«kWH.
On-Jane and Jaly.MH:
gatbariag aear Acme.
Sp^l tratoa and rates wiU b« pro- her, UJ(9tSX.
Oata-Jaae, liH\inly. i79i: Septasvidod oa aU the raUroada. and ovaryooemn make a day of it as ttadlta korVlTM*
Ped»-4a»o rhtt Jaly. r.U.
Latd^nne. tt-0»; Jnly. fit-OtMaxt year Travana City wU be in
Um for a glorioae eelabraUoo. and aU
i. gmat ttao will be knd F^
the other towns meaUcaod will prob- •vealag at the .da^ given by thn
SiiMtBix. aty-Opwhfiowtt-




rich Found Hia
Alderman Benbcn Goodrich U now a
firm' believer to adverttelng. and he has I
lately had an effecUve domonstratioa ■
of tne efficacy of the advsrUatog col- j
amna of the daUy papers to finding
things. He lost bte spectacles s few |
days ago and bamsdlately rushed to
the Eboord offim aad inserted an sdrertteement, offering a reward to the
finder. The next dey he found the
miming glasses aader bte bed.




Is life sad and dreary? Take life easy for »
while and enjoy a hammock. They are going
at your own price. All new goods.


290 FRONT 8Tf»ET.

M. B. aWLLCV. MAitAfiiai.




Is worth more to me than
Hare had a good trade in them and
sell what I hare now at less than tbey caa
be bought at wholesale. Prices range front.
35 cents up.

LSK:m..T/s soossoTOsa.

Get Aboard I ^
Don*t Miss These Bargains.
PofiiUFely the Megeat yon wiU gM thlfi
year. Ky greet July Olearmnce Sate. 1 will quote a few
prices that are bargaioe, bat space is too expensive to quote
one out of every hundred.
A Rood Lounge, well meda, full
Borinir. 81.00.
A good Cducb. full s|niiig, $5.50.. A good
rin;^ 6.50.
I will positively mU but 4
A good large 3-pieoe Bedroom Suit,
large gtssa, patent enstora, for 11.75, A fine large 3-]nece Suit,
patent dust-proof drawers, patent castors, for 12^. A fine 6*
piece Parlor Suit, beat plnsn. ailk beeda, spring edge, 22.00,
Large high back Dining Cbnirs, solid oak. tJO.
wgb beck
Bockere from 95c. up.
Iron Bedsteads from 8.75 up. Polished
oak combinatiop Book Cases from 4.50 up.
We haven’t many
of these, but what we bare must be sold
Jnly 15th.
those that come early will be happy and those ^Mt miss this
sale will always regret it.

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,

19-u! PBorrr «raxxt, TSAvasss cm.

Your Choice

Light kbade Tau Shoes
pain at half price, ladles' and
gentlemen's ehoea.

Fine Shirt Waists
^ Watete at..
Sl M Wuteu at..

Broken assortments of sites is the only reason for these
cuts in prices on desirable goods. Come promptly.



E. Eauaom A boaa hare bad a tele­
phone placed la their euce oa Front
-ne mtoOTv of PhlUlp Feigir. of this
dty. have been granted an tooreaeeol
The echooner H. £ Wtoalow te loadtof potatoee at the Lumber Co.'edoek
for Earl Broa. Chicago.
-34 pair* ledua'Plasree A Smite
BaiorTore. Hand Tun>m,<note
Mn. J. B. Ha^ will go to NorthTopa; A. B and C. M-60 aboee
port tomorrow night to give aa elocu­
atst ts toeloeeoat.
tionary eotertainmeat.
The lawn eoeial that wat to have
beea given at Geo. CalklM vrlU be poet*
poned oatU after the 4th.
71 pain Oxford*, former price
QaeoB City Camp, No. 679. B. N. of
SI 25. fii-SO. fii.75 and S3. Uur
A. win a>oet toalght to reg^ilareemloB.
prise 11.00 toeloMeuL
A fall attendance te dealred.
'The qoarteriy meeting of the Ladtea’
Llhrary AModation wlU be held in tea
AT tooou Saturday afternoon.
Men** Patent Leather and EnChief of PoUec Baaate and Nl^t Po>
amete. foroier prloee S5 and fiO.
liee Otayeon arrccted two drunken fetocloaeeatat S9.00.
malee last night and lodgad team to
I aeoouBt of teeoheuiiiuueof Mon­
day aa lodependeace Day there wUl be
It pain Menh Plate very
■o local trdgfat on tee b. A W. M. oa
atylCb Bllpi>en. focmer tl.ts
good* going at 69c.
Grand Travene Lodge. Na SM, 1. O.
O. F.. WiU hold a apedal aeetlag IM | |hV A|y
their haU, eorner State aad OdkA I || I All
•UMU.too^ht. for degree work.
47 p^ ladiM' Black and Taa
There wlil be aa toe oeam and etrawFiagree A SaUteJallel*. former
berry aodal given by Travarec City
price S3, eledag oat price «l.
Mo. 147. of tea Baetern Star,
in tee MaHaic Ball tomarMw evening.
The Good .Tampiare Mterlainod a
IxigigateeringiaMcatagae haU last
might, aad tee toe ■eaai eoelal

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.



Th* OrigiaaL

The town U^m te heflm«P<»tl
tawB at the homeof Joha'hafrjteaig

W* Mia*
She** mt U ae**^ « Pa.

Ladies’ Tan Oxfords:.
T^njS. U.KI uid KX» tiiid

Nw UK gf hfiiH' Hi CMIIm's^StoK.
Th, Gtmad UhL
Tea Caa Alway*



BOBBINQ bboobd.

MteQlhm,whe bee hem rWUM
Mn. 3. Bifhlead, retmed to hnhPM
to Seet JcrdM ywtardey.
^^iBMcrri! . loo.uo«. Mn BifdeeU; who hoe hooo rWttac
or BOB. y. G. UrdooU. rotorood to her
hone iB OroBd Boidde. yeoterd«y. JeiTio d. JeohlBce ontirod tren De'•mol. T. BAWi AKP J. W. HAjmoi. tralt yeeterdey to jtdo Ue tenUy ot
their tanner hone at Ke^h-te-waato.
Kaos Oerlo errlyed m the 11;10
. J. w. Humo, EdUor ahJ
trelBlaMBifhtfarefew woeke' rleit
la the aty. Be wtU fo to Mew York
from bore to }otB a theatrteal troape.
Aba T. Pare woo
Cron Omepa
yeetarday. He elated that the Omeaa
loo wUI eooB be oonpUtely filled, ae
nearly all of the rohote hare been mwcsnm-. •__ ;_
Car«4 already.
■.WFtOBl «»»**•
Mra. Abian Adelt haa retanod fron
Medielae Hat M. W. Tor, whore the
epent Ue wtetor, aad will twain
tbroni^ the oanmor with her daarhiA scrBx>iBi.v l»ppy aoMtofcttoa oi er, Hxa. E. H. Pope.
•dntifle toowledpe' mA ■wibinte*!
arewwTT.y leawwtwit
•‘ ■«» liBB bwa crotred by » protewor of
• -GlMco^ DnIrcW- Til* ■eh«ae
Xloa Benton and X.E Howe Wedded
•QlfuenU elBclrie U«k^dl•po«ol
Znot Hi«bt.
retae wd fureUh w»t« f*r iMiaOne of the pretUeot and aoet ha^
ArtM Md p«Wlc UU-. TW* It
Ue^hV »d the proj«toc tbo«UooiM woddlBfe which haa takaa plane in
OMT bm. where be CM flad « CndtM this dty thie eeeitm waa. aolannlBed
«uu (or the eterciM of Uo iBce&oitj. Ian alAht at the hone of the bride'*
Ibftt both propoelltoft wooW MlM the notbn. tie Spraoe atiwet. Tbe bride
maitary problem of maty % ceowded wat Min Boima Benton of tbla
dty. well knewn and pepalar. and tte
ffoom wna M. E Hewe, a fireman on
/ TRATWMtnueiasdeBtacelMt ^
tke 0. E A 1. raUway. lirlnc In Grand
y Jwtiee eoDrta of MiehicoB hj the hor Baplda. Tha eorenoay waa perform^
Ml--'-*'" io Detroit TpetorAiy. The by tbe Eer. J.'W. MiUe^, in the pnelowTerm who ere reeponelWe for the
of a larte eodpany of Inritod
AeeUretioB that few of then ere :
fneott and the InnedlaU rolaUm of
•et, wereproWblr nerer hoacawd with the ooapla The bride carried bride
dhe ditUnetieei of befaf Jeettoee.
roee* and eamatlon* and wae preitUy
they bed they wocld aerer preoama
gowned in white, while the loone of
attack the dlrolty of thoee e«r«tt the dwelUnf in
trlbnsalt. Or. perbepe they here been alod with fdha. nanroeritea aadroeea,
■ ^wileet, end ksew aU ehoet IC
etrletly in ^
Prod Oton eerred aa beat man and Min
Winifred Benton, aUterof the bride,
ae brideenaid.
Foorth, Preeldeni McKinley will fo to
After Uie eerandny the oonple rehie heme in Cantoa aad enjoy a few
edred elaoere oonirratalatlone from the
daye’ reeplte trom the ann>yane
gaeeta and the entire company nt
oOce-eeekera. In the neantine that
down to a eplendid wedding eapper.
•lemeat will worry aopr “A bearthe
Among other naneroaa aeefnl and
nepeane with the fotiluAe character*
a parlor teble.
ietlc only of offlce-eeekera.
aerrioe of aUrer ware, complete eet of
It hoe been feared'that Earene V. chlaa and table linen. The eoaple will
leore tbU morning OB the 11:10 train,
Debt had abandoned hie co-open
oolony achenc. It wUt be rratifyinr for Grand Baplda. whore they will
to the reneral poblie to know tkat make their fatare home.
Among the gueau from oat of town
oook ie not the oaee. Mr. Debt ie ctUI
Afarinf apon taklny hia foUowera to a ware Mra. H. M. Ditebeoek. of Grand
aeeladed oomer to IneUtnte a gtntn- Bapida; Battle L. DeLong. of Lriaad;
neat which will nit erery notber'a aad Mr. and Mra. Well*, of Loag Lake.




£=^i5L_-: •:


m- -------

«a of them.
Xkxt year it wUl be the tan of
Tcaverae City to r<t ap on eztenaif e
^ 'Ponrth of July celebration. The eipericnee of last rear U eridenee that
the Queen <^ty,caD preecnt a dleplaj of
patriotlam equal u> any town twice iu

IBS xoumro bboobd, thub^dat, tmrt i, is9T.

agrapha^ beratofore pnaaed orar. aad
•wPCWii'■atuuash timd —hicaUj
Senator Vaat morad to p
JTiWB Cp •« a Maritev.
powder oa the . baa Uav An entendad
WfatolnppUedtoJotopb EMeOaldebate ontnad cn the nap of'bleach la
tor a poeitlaB h reporter on The
paper palp factoriaa
Otob^DMOcrat. to IMS. 1 had bean
AlUaonmored to raatcra the honae
edaboat hU detorintlra of dadm
prOTlaim rriatire to tbe Hawaiian
wen a old enit-<kWB. bat^
treaty, at foUoWi;
'Froridad i
Timea-DraMcrat aad treen Ookmel Dolemaaef tbe DoUm Nnra. which I held
effect the prorialoa*
nerrial radprority baterMB the to my hand, ceqdy te fala toapeetlop.
Daited State* and the kiag of tbe Ha­ 1 made my epe^, ratoer dkeoaoerted
by Ue cool cekaUtltig manacs to
waiian Inland* made Jaaaary M. Itftft.
wblob be inepeoted me while dotog *4
>e pr^iaiatia of any act of ooagrem ^Twi
banded falm my *
heretofore pamed'for axaention of the Be danced at tbe ■Ignata'CA wlthoot
reading the eontenuof eitberof the letThe reatoratloB of tbe proeiaion
tera pMud np a aUp of toetractloae aad
liaeneaad brtefiy, and then the timty told me to lepori the murder of Joe

who hto
prariaioo waa reatorad to the tariff bUl “
been murdered a tow mtontee baton to
without a rote.
tbe Preoeh qnarter, nod then oaretally
plaoed my beloved ‘'papm” to hie
pocket, wlthoBt a word of raplenetlnB,
Tbrar boar* leter 1 banded him a
Bteamer Kanltoa Aahore to Xdttie very oarrfally written report of the
mnrder, giving all of tbe deUOa,
Trareree Ley.
woald have filled two coIoba
Harbor Bpriafa. Jancto—Tbeatcam'
pnoeded by my own "mare benda”-to
cr Manlton, bonad from Chicago to
tis aectianc. glTlnc kU <ff tbe prtoc^
Mackinaw with a handred paacengera feott to abort aenteaoea Next montog
aboard, wont aabore daring the fognt
my repori bad been
I o'clock thU morning at Three-Mile
."enaottog clenm,” for
Point, UtUe TraTerae bay. Theateam
d to ea article eboat
•* Baaal took eS the paaeenrere aad two toebee long nsdee a amaU bead,
wiU aU Ue teat
branght them here. The
priDted, word for
toga Farorite and Onaplng are on the
word, exactly ei I bad written than, aa
way fram Chebpygan to pall theeteam- tbe body <d Ua item. NotewordofUw
er cff.


tor Maektoac lalaad by
■ Peter'*^te.
Waahtogton. Jane SO.-Peter tVbite.
of Marqnetu, baa mad* a
to the teeretory of war that may yet
theplaetog of a
garrieon at Mackinac ialaad.
chief objection of the i
of thoee aenaton who woald olherwito
faror the plu i* the eoet of aaUbUahtog and omtotoiaing ’a poet at the moat
popalar enmmer rcaort. For Urea
month* ot the year it wonld be a pleaaaat billet, bat for ntoe menth* it would
be rary anderirable from the atandpoint of Ue nT,>rage armr offleer.
White now propoam that the tort ahall
be ra-eaubliabed, bat that it ahall be
garriaooed only during tha _______
oaaeon.'and that iu troop* ahall he
aepeeiaUy detailed from Port Wayne
for Ue porpeae. Thia plan woald iavoIt* very Uttl* expanae. a* Ue Michi­
gan Central railroad haa offered free
tranaportation for men aad aa^lica.
Begino Today.
and aai^tenee wonld coat no more in
Mim Nettle C. Gray eaters today apon one place than to Ue other. Tbe
bor new dottee aa eoaaty eommiael
aeheme would no doubt prove very
plcaaant duty in a very pleaeant place
forUe hot mmtha. Secretory Alger
will probably decide the matter in a
few day*._________________
with steetridty
Oaaood a Fatally,


aerriand. June W.-Oae
eleetroeatod tble morning, another
Bnt Other Xerchante .WiU Heap
horribly abocked and aeTtoal aererely
Their Atom Open Xonday.
harned at the Nine MUe Creak, an
eaetora enbnrb. Thetnen were balldn daring tbe pa*t few daya regard, ing a atone abutment with thd aid of a
ing whether there i* to be a geaeral atone derrick. The gay rope which
eboerranee of tbe Foarth next Monday. kept tbe derrick in poeltlon wont over
There haa not yet been amrteinTel ar­ the fend wire of tboCoimoUdatod Tral.
rangement emeng. the bnainten map 1^ Syatem. Somehow the inaalaiien
t^arding'claeing their atoree on that
off ao4 aoreral men took bold of
Ai^a bnt it acem* to be tha general the gay rope to tigbtoa H. Tke fiiat
opinion that the atoreeahoald be eloaed.
to ttke bold of the rape wae Ja.
A eaaram amooK tbe merehaata, bow- oob Miller.
•rar. doee not abow any definite nnderil tag aad then
•nadiog. Tbe Bamiltoa Clothing Oo. Bd. MeOaire then took hold' of tho
3. W. MilUken and Wilhelm Brae, will wire. With a i
olaad Monday, regardlen of what other releaaed hia graap. bat
otorm do, and It it probable that n
twenty feet. Three otbera were danntheretoree will do llkewiae, thoagfa geronaly ahodeed.
ertth many it will be aatidaetory to
oloae if all their direct eo'mpeUtoia do
no. Parker Brae.. A. V. Friedrich,
A Market Garden Oompletety SoVkaak Friedrich, and E McNamara
will alao cleee tbdr eboe etOTee.
When Mra. HaUen of Eaat Bay
Bnt aa it 1* not likely that all will
doel alike abont it there wlU probably townaUp went to look at her ma
BO eoDOOrted action in thia dirac- garden yeeterday morning eke fonnd
that erery eer^ of green had been
eaten down to the groand by graeekopXanoB Xa Ztoran.
pera Two day* ego erery^ng geve
UttU Marion Glbfae wno tl year* of pramlae
an nnnaaally Imge and fine
0«« yaetorday. and in honor of the cron~JPhe loaa i* a aerione one to Mr.
nreat three W her ploymatee, Mabel and Mra. Mnllen ae they depend large­
Bolmea aad V«iaand Flerenoe Bathen- ly apon their garden for their eapport.
bary, arranged a plaamst lawa parW>
avsiv or teb eases
which waa enjoyad by a Uig* awber
ot the oompani^ of the fonr. mwpy #1U Ply Grand Blrer Between Oi
Aamm and tempting rafraahmdnte
Baren and Grand Bopido.
made the afternoon paoa qalckly. pnd
Obtain A. E JehnaioBotthe atM
theyoang people will ramembm the
birthday of their friend with fariinn Weotoott hae chartered the Qneea of
the Lake* of Elk Bapida for eerrioe
of pleaaare.
Oraad rirar. between Grand Bapida
and Grand Baren, for the eeaaoB. Tbe
boat toached here Taoaday to take In
fneh and procoeded on bor way
Otto Salchow of Ceabal Lake wna at Grand Haraa. Oaptatn London, for­
Park Plaqe yaaterday.
merly mate OB the Alice M. GUI. 1* la
Dr. Eraat went to Omeoa yaata
to perform a aargieal operatlmi.
Aldermaa George Lnrdie aad family
retarned lent night tram Chicago.
- W.'H. Arm* weal to Omaaa yeaterday EcctoNd to tbe Tariff BUI Tdetor>
iVto rat ap a wind mill for Mr. Clark.
Waahingtem, itthe to. Senctor PerOanecal B. M.Catebeon came ap from
Oraad Baplda yaaterdv ob hia way to kin* of California preoeatod la the
ate today a tolograpUc mamortal in faBart Gannett ratnn
nroftheannaxatidoof Hawaii Tho
from a long trip thmgh Boathmn wiff UU WM than taken ap.
Quay garaaottoeof a necmii
Fred Beohtal and C W. Vatot
oi toa iron era paragraph. hM propocal
- to Elk Baidds ymterday to rotom with todagtotocara farther aeitawcathat
o big catch of baea.
mi toicctlaf aunganci-----------------Mn. Occa Bonaal o< Koi
wmtam. Be toU be waaX not togc
toe eabjeet natO be ee




John Halett Dectroyed
Theban of John Bnlett, who liroe
Uree mUm ooaUweet of Eingaley.
Btrnek by lightning Taoaday aad total­
ly daatrayed by 6r*. The lorn ia aboni

Bar AaaoetoOoB Declare* There Are
Few Honeat Once.
Port flarac, Jane to—The oonveatlOB of tbe Michigan Bar Amoeiation
cloeed tbla afternoon after alaeUng tbe
following officer*: Preeident. Michael
Brennan of Detroit: viee-preaid
Thomaa E BarkworU of Jackeon;
rotary, E W. Paadleton of Detroit:
troaaarar. W. J. Gray of Detroit Tbe
board of diraeton waa re-elected
Tbe report ot the eommittee on jnatie* eonrta ateted that Uere were few
nt jnetice oonrte in Ue atate. and
toat Ue aneleanly eooditioa of eoart
w waa repeUaat to refined natarra.
aa reeommeaded lhat Ue aext
legialatara be aeked to enact remedial

"^riTbStifnl Cbi
lag, bat 1 wiU never forget my ferlinge
a* 1 read that little item. Ifeltnttoiy
craabod, and if I had had myielteay
Mr. McOallegb wonld never bare ee«n
me again. 1 wandered arannd the hotel
to report, when 1
delight be gew me an I
eignmeoc for
bnge boodle
per. and while bolding thia package
Ue conteuta of wbinfa wen enkaown to
me, b>- proceeded to give me toatraotioni end detail aU of my faUtoga to
Clant bat very lacld aantencea, wi ’
tognp like Ue eraok of a whip w1
"Pat tboae clotbea <c and report
doty to one boar." My bead \ra« eetaally awtountog when 1 left tbe rocan.
Tbe package ermtatwnH a oomplete
oatfit, ttviin/itng aboeb, ablrt, nnderwexr, oollar, tie and cme of Ue begt
fitting enits I ever wore, Ue total ooet
of wbicb ooald not baiB been macbleae
1 nevfer mw my letter* again, bat
wb» 1 left, two yean later, be wrote
me Ue beat reootnmeadatkm 1 ever a
ocived and waa alwaya ready to eay
good word ty wire if it waa leqtM
—Old Beporter to Qilcagn BeomtL
Tbe habit of oompaniea which
Bgainat aocldeati to oompal Urir pa.tioni to reaort to tbe coarta to recover
in oaae of tojnry was Ue oeraaion of
Uii ringnlar Uoagbtfnlueaa told by tbe
preeident of a large aoridem oempany:
"Some time ago." be mid, "a large
policy bolder in my enmpeny wee ran
over by a Brooklyn trolley mt and hi*
right leg painfnlly craU
matoed oonerieB* after Ue abock for
three minatca, daring'which time be
palled oat bis watch end caUed the attendon of the crowd to Ue feet that it
war jaet 1< rainnM of it Hia poli«r
expired at Boon, and hia toteaight waa
ly todemni ,
___ _____

Mra S. E Walker. Mim Walk_ WUliama.
------- a*. BeitiMr.
er. Old Mlrnkm; C.
Ed. Carroll, Archie; O. VanTi
. _ tnp AU go^ to
Vanibmel. way lara for roan^
>tarn Jaly
>obn Morriara
Quo. DxHATmt. Q. P. A.

tobh Bay; Mra E Jewal iSa. K. Atol«y. Onto: C Bll—a, Cedar Qiy: Mra
aorakam. C A. Webh aad arlf«, Gme-



1* what My peopte ramark aftor drtokink a glam of Ice Cream Soda at oar
foBBtato. ’ It will only coat you A cant* to
tiyaglaae—Too wUl have tha bam* *xperienee ae ethm—Baet fralt jataaa
Petoakey Ice Cream GUmee, apeona, etc..
alwaya clean aa aoap and water can make


I PesMil, Tbe Han Hiiner


1b Eellin^ cheaper than ever
DOW. EveryUiing in tbe store
cat baif io two. If yoQ ever
' bongbt cheap yoa candpitnow.

I 120 ^ront Street.

Friedrich BlocR.


Murtaugh's Academy. BOIIG, GflIlie-ftHT CHUPl
Com Today aid got a ckotce
'soyyly for tonomw's DiHor.

33G5 Frames
Letaa make aomeforyoa.

■OLLBT. Her.

» FroM aa


OB Vteita. Mandolin, Ban-'
jo, Onitar, Cello and Baaa.


Has Your

Beam 6, Ottr Opera Boaee BteeX-

ONLY $44.42.
To the Tasrpojfer* of Ttwerge
That ehoald bare beeo e
Aood'speech delivered by B. A.
Hinedale at oar
High 6cbodl com_____ :___' <___i.:.i.

Pore Pdxwdlered Spioee,
Pure Oreem TmrUr^
(M4pBrva*klsc»Bvdw. If rn warn *• «•

menoement exerdaee, for which
onr bchopl Board paid $44.42.
ThU, with tbe agreemeat to pey:
George W. Rafter ll^Op by the
Water Woihe Committee for in*
formation as to congtroction of.
wale.' works plant, for wbicb
'lieb jost
•nld bav
SB re'Uble info
iformation conld
been obtained for one-lbird that
sam. U conclosive evidence that
Tbe Silent Six will give a dance Frl Traverse City baa a saperabnnd*
day evening at Ue Oty Opera Booa« ance of money to bum.
‘ « and have a good Ume.
P. S.—It may be interesting to
A great time will be bad Friday
evening at 'U* dance given by Uc many people to Lnow that Hr.
HinsdaUUitoid a libefkl salary
Silent Six. City Opera Boa**. 50
by tbe State of Michigan aa a '
X A V. E Tratoa Jajy 8. 4 and 8.
Satardey. Jnly Sd—Leave Traven
City B;35 a.m.. S:40 p. m.
dnlged in by onr ^hool Board
Saadey. Jaly 4U—Leave Trareree daring the put and present year,
CltT «;S0a. m.
Monday Jaly SU—Leave Traverae wbicb U additional eridenee of
3or ebandant enppiy of money
CUT 4:00a. m.. $:S0a m..9:SSa.m.
On Batorday. July 3d. Special train daring these years of financUl
will leave tor Foacb at 0:00 a. m , wn- depreesioD.
B. G.
neeting wiU Bbat for Lelaad. where
Urre will be e celebratloa. PaaevBger* for Frankfort wUl leave
here at 9 SS a. m. Satarday. and get
back kere at 11:00 p m.

Wodnaadayh Ameala at Flcteberb
The FiAb at Xlk Bepida
E Chato. Icwg Lake: Ira Warm.
J. E London, Fred Landon. Mr*. Dr.
U A. Clark. W. KUgore, WUUamaborg:
I Ue C. A W. M. to
Mra UoffaiaB. SL Thomaa, Cho.: J.
ee atunding Ue celeGriiring. Jno. Kronpa, M^toa: WUl49-St
ard Naah and A. W. dark. Grawn; E
Middleton, Jaa. Adana aad wlfo, E
Fare M Kanlctee July 8,4 end S.
L. AUtOB. D. E Wright, J. B.
Tlic M. A N. E E E Co. wUl cell
Dawaoa. E B. Moeea. V. E Menud retara July S,
Adama, Trareree
stb. at SI 50.
to retara
dty; Mra C. Underwood. Chlmgo; 4 and
eU, the Sanday train as aanal
- J at
Mr. and Mra Holme* aad daaghteia, Jaly eU.
------ limited
limited to dab
' one fare
diarlovoU; A. Niekeraon. Haw; M. •1.00
la Michigan.
Dolan, laadore; Gee. SmlU, Vera
F. A. Mm-Bxix.
Mm-Bcix. G. I.
P. Agt.
Smith. Acme; Fred Lordie, WaUen;
E W. Cr.vais(iHxu, Agt.
J. E Drew, 8l Faal, Mina; E E
Drew. 1. SbiUtng, C. E Foeter, Ovlatt.
... . „ *>nnB and wlfo, Glen Hi
Feanfa of July Eatea.

Boot PoU. WUUam Miner, Bartlett:
Lob Seieteter and todr. BaUaire: John
Sbabrleh and wife, CmteraiUe; Mra
Wm. Imatoar and eon. Btapbra- UntBar. Solon; Hobit E BeaUrn. D. ~
Bendra; E D. WtoBt*,J. a (

“The Best
I Ever Tasted"




AKrmte>»v4. S.W. Baamraew
(ht JobBMMaekmto

At Our'
Soda Fountain

50c. per dos.
sow. lUhSwraC

—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—F/ont Street.

Fire Insuraoce.


Do You Enow

Ever Burned Out ?

ThM ir* hu4ivaI>M**«edSUUUeM»M
uU Mate of PiWra w v«lt aU ktstead

City Hesre Oe. :


If Youllave Logs to Sell

Correspond irith
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We hsve for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mil! Machinery, of all
descriptions,, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages, '
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for tale.


Livery, Bus and Food Stable...

* TermenMom


lei 8 speddty. Hones boarded.

•ttitn B1 wmt oi
rihii';,.- .Wi.;.


/Me Y«Uow M«tBl PmpI* st th»
Ohio Otmocntic MMt


KmA A|>rlr-Net«a 1

^cDp-e a 1
r. II

ApiMOW ■—«m B«a«h
Omm Won a CArll.1. BatlMb
Cotambaa O.. Joae
The ♦reUmloarj week of the Democratic naU cooTCBUon reeterdar abowed that H .wa*
almoet onaounou. for free idiver and
John R. McLean for aenator. Pr*noua
to the dtfirtct meeUBgi at t;M p. ai. the
flsht ajtain.t R. T. Bottsb far roeeenor
became m> blttac.^1 'there wa. much
. talk of e«-Repre»h»Utlve D. D. Dona.the ilcitei. WHtT.
bead ofVui
Tin would be aUtfd If It
for tbc oantrolllBB HenMita to drop
Htroch. On all Mde. It va* held that no
atandnrd bMrer .iiould be aelecied wbo
bad any fold aiiaak In hi* record. While
it wu conceded tbai Hourh wa« an
drlBinal Bryan man at Chlcaso aveo
before the rtomlnaUon wae made, and
' that be bad advocated a free allver plank
* the plaifonn three year. bbo. yet the
■ /fact that HouBh wore a CarlUle butte*
-/ one day In Wuhlnyton va. lued aa
damaBln. evidence .Baliift him.
■oLmo Carrtm the DMrtM..
When the delcBate. met at CM p. m.
by dlPtrlcte. It developed that there waa
a .trons fcellnB walnat some Of MeLcan'i manaBer. because of their at­
tempt to dictate the .tale nominatlona.

MAwOMk.C »• Ptea «f (h*B



hec^iSo^ ***** Bumbcn of Chlnw aOmtltailJoto
tbi. ceoBtrr aa v

v. \ sssjsiruS, is. srs


Mnw»«>»..#uM jA-VirtorUB««r. Anethtr OffRcuKy In ths Tsriff
•IMor of Tb* vontomt. of
BtH fattfsd.
poMHoe t. not weU Uken and
«-lH> wu qvoled «• MliiMI that tht Deb.
oaem: -nTheo the tentl Of a repteaenta- letter of the law aatboruiBC thair a0>
oolOBlutloo icbMBc WM pnctlcoUT
rUHi tire expire
esplrea and tbc people have tailed
ftbudoncd.U now QBOted u nrlu that
■ to elect a nceeaaor beforeband.' which
th« whole matter hae t
7 often when a malortty la
. Jtne
Aetlac Stow*
atood. He nr* It l» the inteotlOB of the
V w
.or an etoctlnn. the cxeciitlva
ya Tath^dar
Social DemocracT all over the eouatry
Talh»te Ba>
Ba- I ^ alway
alway. teued a writ of election
to BO to onanlalnB in. the hope that
evenioaUr they wiu tret Into power and
therefor* conchidw the report that the navy department la connected with the
revoiuUoBlie the wclal traeni of the
goven*or of Oregon w entlited to make movemenia The Mlchlgaa mtlltla wUl
United Sutea Meanwhile, a. faat a.
■slab er PeaMu BilU Bepaeted.
the appointment and (bat Mr. Corbett | be drilled ai Bay City sod Delrpll from
they Bel meana they Intend to Mod un­
j Ja»y u, ,o H. jhe ininol. nSuUa ^i
Waablhgton. June M.-Afier tedious U «itm.d to the .eat
employed people fron dtlea to a point
be met at Chicago Aug. * to tb
In the' vet aun to be .elected, where coMlderatloc cf the tartif bill throu^theyr may bbare a cbance to make a live,t yoMerday the eenate wound up vlih
• thegewiemae A^
baff hour of lively and amnalDS
The colonisation Kbeme U only a Mdc colloquy between TUlman and Chandler.
June M.—The taqueyt of
lisue vltb the Social Deotocracy. but The former bad propeeed an amendment
the Idaho pe<^e for troops to protaei
Ban FTnocUeo. June M.—Tbe arrangaBerger *ay* the preia of the country
bai made It the main plan. Deb. U in to (be tarte Utl firovldlng a iUO bead .tbem against the Bannoefca dkl not menta are now all practirally made tor
BUDlgranu asd a reiirlctluD read! tht war department until rather tbe racaptioD and
full accord with the plan ouUlned
Berger. The latter aayi there are
late yemerday afternoon. Becretary Al- ihooqaB^ ^ people, many of whom ara
r dilacns. TiUODO.OOO unemployed In the
now on thatr way here to attend tbe
man made an earnest apeecb on the de- I
consider bla party lucky* If
Brack and aome of tbe sixth aasaai totenaUonal ChilaUan
can raise mooey enough
traiaport : preyed condition of Ubor. but be was j
<rfBcial. wbo are expeneuoad In Endeavor convention.
Tbc cxrurxiao
only lOAM to the we«t.
______ ualna. as they-eeier-the state wiu be
newer-any (ntfnllot) of forming
(tyle of I tbe concluilon reached was
tbe de* i everywbeia met wtth evldencm of the
army to Invade the west In search of
n f<E , warm welcome avalttog (been. Many
laaloe to- pariment should take tiepe
homes and a livelihood.
ward aeveland'a admlnlflraUun. Thl*^
•‘luatlon to tbc Fort
of the station* along the road willdlaSTUDENTS WERE THE THIEVES.
to time
president. : Crttage T..M a* !
at Omaha- Neb., the headquarters of mile* from Ban Franelaco, and al
Laartag, Mleh.
^*"** ~*~ i the department of the PUite to wbhh , Fresno on tbe south, shoot MS miles
LanMng, Mich... ............
June M.-The'»ault
of asHulu
on ClavelmSd
. ......... ....... member
oC , ,he
reeervstkaibyIs ■ Included Instructing from San Frandaeo. members of tbe ra­
the Agricultural collie here was blown ^1*
When the fun had been | bim to iwnd one ot mot* officers -to tho cepUoo committee.
detegatca From these
the.....TIU- j .cerw of trouble to ascertain and report .

o^n wKb dynamite April « and
upon the stau of affairs there.
: places to San Frandsco. iralos wUl oarcash disappeared. A portton of this.'
seewas fond* beluhgtng to the peeioace.
to 1 being cast by Butler. Quay and Tllli
>»ce- lo
that the difficulty wUI be easily over- Ikto of (hi* committee.
One member
the aame building. There were vanoua uurtng the day the Mate dupoced
dUpoee of ; oonic. betle*lng as they do that the In- from Ban Frmodsoo will be in charge.
theorle* snd Detective -Bate* «
tbe liad paragruphx (he oorntnlttee
ftdent that be had at one time lucated Of IS rents per pound on lead ore being
piirtclpally to gather aome of mltiee. will assiat to tbe work of distbe burglara to Chicago. Postal In­ adopted.
the roots that rliwn shout (his Uipe. tritmttog reglslraUtm cards to all Enspector Lartmour and Detective Abels,
and of which they are eery fond, deavorara, and of answering queaUoas
of this diy. were conMent that tbe Job
.ex-, ho -.-II.. -.iih-i. e.w,iii.e
Tillman wds ree-ogrlseJ toward the ; These IndUni

A compute Lue of Uw very
bert Tese. Coffees, ETerytbiog:

Everything Fresh and in Peesoo.

The best to be hsd-elwsys.

Jacob Furtsoh^ ^
tlS Union St.

Tnlcpbone 3C.

AttenfloD, West Side!
BT«7thla( la the Uaa«f


felt m thcM prelbnlnaty meeting, a oon!nvcsllg|tloi resulted In fastening ,
• fercDce va. railed for. last night beme u^ C
twMo McLean'. Ileulenanu and other
thr killing of Jodie Conn, a faremr. br­
icadera The McLean men carried all of
Elghty-aeveo memhers
the twenty-one congrew
___ y stale guard are preaent
.-^.■ii-- U..-W
to.-... .
t to our mint* fer coinage at the ratio of commlaston a wora so far
by large majorltle. for e
^ therame condition* with gold "
ot been succeasfui
. “ prolec (be negin from the hasEs of
mate central committee and for all the Cadillac. Mich. M year. old. Both
------------‘ a mob. Acting on Inttructiong frotn
Tillman spoke uf the rapid spread of
other commllteet. but maoy wbo co(pwea Uil la the aeaste Gallery.
I Ooverwir Bradley. Colonel Oalthar
pauperism a* rhown by tbe HstUt'r* of
grated with them at theoe-Onretlng.
W*»hlngt(iT), June M—Ex-Queen Ull- aearcbed every per*<.B wbo entered the
the Jan* and prisons It wa* Brae, be
1 to (be
io ball Ij appear for Itlal to the United •al.t. to keep platform promirea to do uokalar.l. ot iht Hawaiian lilanda. q>en(
1 room for concealed wean ;na.
ThaBMtOfadcaattha Lowist PriMB
State* district court. About ll.SOO of aome^lng for l*Ur, to k^ rack Ihe soihe lime in the privet' aallcry of tbe.
ludlaaa Are I'p tatoevlltrv.
,che *talen monry has
.. million , lmmigreni» arrlvtog an­ senate yesterday accomianled by three
Boise. Ida.. June M. — lufortaatlon-j
and the balance made good by (be par- nually.
He tp»k< of the mitiTable condl- memlwr* of her sultr. 8|ie flrsl appeared come* tram Cams* Prairie to the eff ct
nt* ^if (he boys.
tlrn of the coal miner* ot PVnnsylvanla
that the settler* threaten to organise i
•eoMoa Wasll WM.
and read from cfftcial report* Kaylng card ic. Perkins ot California, who after and exiwl thr lodlarw It they are nol
• The committee on rv*i>lullon. t. <
Chicago, June U.—Fr.tlowlng Is tht many of the mtorr* were compelled to exchanging a few word* with her and promptly taken cnn> of by the govern- H
pooed of radical Mlver men with the eg.
•ague base hall yevterday: .....................................Apd thi*." eeptIcD of e*-Oovenxw Jamc. E. Camp­ record of I-eague
menl. ’They are b iratog f-nce* and!
leagues esorled I
t Clereland-t—PilllUburg *..aeveland I: | claimed der1*iv<ly. "wh<n
bell. ei-Senatur r. M. Marriott. W. P.
[ tbeir horsee Into U>- Aelds Of ;
—Brreklyn 7. Boston *; at ; framing their law* for the pr-.lectlon < f where she look
Hackney and Carl N'ao. who are rlaaerd
of and Am'tiran indus- • ■ ------------I Amerlcai
as conwrvatlve Mlver men. The mem­ PhlladetphlB-Waahlngton ». PhlUdelber* of the .tale central committee arc phia 18: at Chlcsgi^LnuisvlIle 7. Chi­
! Oo to the Ltoo B-ber -Ibop for hair .
all clasMd aa silver men and favorable cago U: al New Tork-Baltlmere LNew
i enu asd hatha. 10 .«ola «a«h.
HaUa a Bmh* Ib lews Butten
to McLaan for aenator. viih powibly York,*; at Ft Louie—Rain.
Quay remarked that the report from: WathIngtoti. June M.—Aa a result of
1 tf
M. H. GximniWeetern League: At Hlnneapnlln— Which Tillman read wa* made by a Re- the
two exception*. After the meettoK* of
recent experlmeniat shipment of
the delegate* by dlatrlrt* there wa. a Si. Paul I. Minneapolis 2: si Detroll—
Ammcac butter ic England under tbe
moyement to bring oifl s new man for Indlanapolle 7. Deirolj S; at Milwaukee
cf the agricultural
governor, one vho had not been In­ ‘-Kansu City I. Milwaukee ISi
a Republican congrew to pr'trct there paibinage
We Sellment an order ha* Juet been plac,*' '
volved tn the compllratlnti* of (be past lumbus-Rtin.
people akainrt competlttor." declared a London firm of merchanu .for
Weviern AsaocUtlon: At 8t. J'laeph Tillman.' "WIU you dr
(WO days and Oeneral A. J.~ Warner,
^president of the National Bimetallic
lir Or will you be ut:
'^League, and one of the original. aHver
uace* from which the butter wa* taken.'
(Paintcr SOd
advocate* In congreu, va* m<wt proiamore. Chicago and other cities and .id '
P°Vnd* dally.
Inemly mentioned aa the dark horw.
■ (Paper Hanger
rblnew B ay* TTiat Ara Dark.
Oallet fer a Oreea Bay Bud.
Republican majorltir*
came from
At the meeting of the committee*
Washington. June M.—Information ha* q_
Op ICagleOSee
Oreen Bay, Wi*.. June M.—The own­
He rtn*ed with
a reached tot ina.urv detwrtmeni that
night II wa* decided to make the tempo- er* M Ihe tlreen Bay and tVeilern road last'
tnry organlMtlon permanent m a. to have aoqoired control of the Kewaunee. gkrmy predicllcn that If the tide
proceed vtth buelnew vlthoui delay. Green Bay and Western road by pur­ ct Immlgrall'n wa* not turned back the
Hon. Uinc SIcane will preside and chase of the toleresl of JT<'ildem W. J.
Colonel W. A. Taylor vill be eecreiary. Abrahams and Oeneral Manager S. W.
TIm new state central ccmmlllee
Champion, of ytla cUy, and W, W. Car­
•wlirhrd Og- to P
organised by the McLean men. Daniel gill. of LaCrnrse. WI*. Tht* gives the
McCanvilfc wa* re-elected ebairma
Chandler srked why It
Orem BayandWesiernaneuiern outlet iBimlgratloB
Bagraneo Oasoltoe Stove la ahodliiUy
the nate executive comndttee by a
bin paeaed h
Lake Michigan and coanectlen with
o( to to 1. which Indicate, the atmigth to
to the last coTAreM
had been ACCIDENTS IMPOSSIBLE «f;*id'wiH not explode.’ li to clrtBp. too. J.
the Ann Arbor car terry ItoeA- HontsAoe. It7 Froot SL
. •
of (he McLean delegate* on all the comdefeafed.
aapseme Oaart tVrveksa Bask.
mitteea The molutlon* committee met
"Eecaose your Republican
toM nUrht. AH the rewiluUcoa.«p.C
Tacoma. Wash.. Jane «0.-The Union Grover Cleveland.
And everything inj^e line'
tariff and ererylhlng el»e vye thrown Trust and Ba<
yes­ Tillmaa
Froot and Park 8U.
away. The-CWrago pistfonn la leaf- terday and tbe court appointed Charles
Amid the laughter
. .protested
turned arxl that part of ii which refera 'RtorhardHO .as receiver. It 1* stated aguinrt
having ^irreiBBu
Cleveland uCTignateo
designated !
first class jewelry and

, MimiAn
Jtroog. managor
N. A Strong.
to the (Inincl.Iquestion lanlncrrpnrated that the cause of the trouble It a rmenl a1 Republican,
when the senator from i KTIfRAI.I. PIANOS
adioiaiBt St^In ihe same language .* UMd al Chice- decision of the stole supreme court to- R'
Uth carollra
Carollra had Joined ether Demo- ^***^‘' riAnUO.
toilet articles.
go. ThI* U«II the platform (hat Mrl>>an Talldallng IMO.OM worth of city war- ' cral* In electing lhal president
wanted In the *tate conventlno laal year
d of which ,
and it I. all he vanwd_at Chlrago.
1 "Te*." observed TUlman. while
. galleries roared. "I ask forgiveness for
- ; that, and promise so help me Cod ni | —
aoda watgr with lee cream, special atteoUem to family tiade.
MertdtOinahaawa Apimlal IM
The body of Adam Dnrleln va* found i
“ “*■*'
Oooda delivered. McLellaa A Ash. oor. Froat and Phrk. asd
the Detiell nallMHng.
to toe take al Baldwin park at Quincy.
rear Maeoalo Block.
«^ere rejected When Qu«y
Omaha. June
The annual ccevon- HI*. WhIl* ihootlng therhutra the night
»•' ■
tier of the Nebraska I-esgur of Repub­ before a toxt vltb a party of flve worn- '
lican club* wa* bOd In ihli city last en and four men capslaed. throwing *>earty laugh, to which
evening there va* a large attendance. tht^ all Into the water. Men *l bund
Big r.HM er Pe<
T>e expected ngfat over alleged fraudu-

Groceries I
Frank Stepan*

ii Geo. R. Winnie,








« did not occur, but a reso­
lution V * adopted providing for a more
ic lining of cliib. on (be book*
of the Mcrctory hereafter, by which
such abuse* would be targely prevented
to the future. Resolution* Indorsing
Pendent McKtofey. the Republtran
congresHonsI c'.eiegaUon from Nebraska,
tbc gold standard and protection were
adopted In a very’ emhu'jBRlc mai
RricluUorx were als/> adopted re
mending thai the reii national oonventJon c€ the iVague !*■ held to Omaha,
and the delt'gation fr< m Nebraska ti
Detroit wa* torlruclcd accordingly. C
E. Winter, of Omaha, wa* elected prenldent of the league: Brad D. Blauxtoier,
of LIncotn. vice president: Ed. J U^k.
qf Hasttnga. secretary, and P. J. HkU,
or Banndert county, treasurer. Thirty
dciMate* and aa many alteraaies ware
elected to represent the. league at the
Datlooal convenUonto be held In Detroit.
Bsy. mart, .a a Wrator* te.
Uacoln.' Neb.. June SO.-Hbn. m'llUam
J. Bryan left yeeterdar momlbg—Jor
Hastlngt in company with *evcral siA^e
offleeft to participate to the ex-Repre•Aiative McKeighan memorial aervKM
From that point Bryan will go to Rail
Lake and thence to California. He will
be In Ihe toller state for four days be­
ginning next Saturday and will rpeA at
-a celebration In Loa Angeles next Mon­
day. He will also vlait Oregw before
retnniiDt lo salt take to attend th*
.............................. congresB. of wblA tw
■r tbai mceUagbewlllbs


ChlrAgo'* B
population of l.IM.OM for I
The Japaneee bare .ordered all foi
eignnv cut of the Intertor of Formosa.
vk week's irotilng snd runninx met
will open Monday on toe kite (rack j
De* Holne* under the management i
an aasoclailon of local horsemen.
Ed Horn; a farmer residing ibfte miles




hundreds ot prlvaie pentlcn hi
llM and three general bliu. Inc:
together all bin* (hat had he
list of private bill*.


Delicious Drinks...
From the Kew Procem Soda Fottatalm.

eakas, pis* aud 'ouokiea. Gold
Thurtgll A Oaae. oor Uuioti

Fourth of July supply.

that toe men and; women named to ihrae
bills mu»l wale-for relief, ow.lng to the
Inaction of one cf toe branebe* of c« ngreaa At this (lihe enr.gree* wa* with-

, r-Hr-srs,.”

Front atr

ad}oialae UcNatnara'a shoe stoiw.


town. HI* neck wa* broken and he ex- ^^-en then In aemlcn asserted Morgan
plred toiUntly.
j The i„yer* cf the country would Irak
While Tom McCarty waa working into ihl* queftlon and there wa* a great
wlt^ a loaded rifle in a room over John deal of trouble ahead over this qnesUon
Devldaon'e saloon, at Hayward. WO., of congram being in rearlon.
the gun went off. thr bullet
through the floor. II struck Davidson,
injuring him arrerly. Bit recovery U lepart *a One of Ihe groetai* by Appotui.
Attobtful. McCarty le in Jail.
assal ef lbs Oeravabr.
* Mrs. Lensey. wife of Janitor Leasey.
Waahlhgton. June *0.—Tbe report prvof the Afbland.-Wia.. academy,
H‘" ‘n «»'
«. W. Cor.
tacked by a etrsnge man and" wolJra i
belt, ctolmtog a eeal In (be senate from
probably ha^e fared badly,
dog. Thi- Ft. Bernard attacked (be smq Oragon by appolntmrnt of toe governor,
ha* been printed for the uar of the comand drove him from the place.
S2 In ptooe of t 50. A. 8. Fryman. 214 B Frost SL
At Terre Jlaute, lad.. mlllee. After revlew^g the Btualloo In
n B. Feleenthal. «. At Biotol the Oregon Icglelature the report
Amoo baU shoe. Mtoam' and Boys'
MAO' DIrtle Wright, n. [ unue»: "It 1* dear, whgtever may bavr HUD BfiDL JJOO tm*.V. Maa-a Bloyel# Sbo*. 7Bc
A. T. Johns^.
At Brooklyn. Rev. Dr. Frank M. EIII*. been the nalure of tbe orcanlxatlon ol
South 8id« Sba* Store. 404 South Uoloa SL
"■ •- Janesville. Wi*. Charles tyealey ' toe legtstotore. that It had d
Whllller. 7T. Al Lancaster, Wto.. PoMend before March 2. Itt7,
waster W, J. McCoy.
when tbevacaacy to toe office of acbattu
Ex-Oovemor J«*n P. AUgeld. of Illi­ took place by the limit of tbe term tb
nois. ba* been aakrd by a Democratic which Mr. Mitchell had been duttdh.
orgactoaUon of Brooklyn to deliver tbe and which ba bad held for six yean.
Fourth of July orattoa to toe Academy
"It U weU eettled by a practice which
of Music. In that city. He has accepted ha* existed from the foundation of (be
tbe iBTiUtloB. xirovtded hi* health will government (bat vacanelci ao occurring
after tb* beginning of a eanstltuiloaal
Superintendent McKetvey, ef toe term may be filled by toe legUIatorc. It
Brooklyn police, says be will not permit tbai ba true they may be filled by tb*
the propoacd centaat bnweea Bob FIU- cxecoUv* of tbe Stole dartng toe recess
•touBon* gad Jobs L. Sullivan
to uke of tb* leglaUture.' The legislature la
only Butoorlxed by toe eonatiiuilon to
k ot wbeat la ilU- fill such vacuacle* a* might be fiUed by
rsgls M ] potato below what It waa in the executive by uaperary appoint­
May. na averag* to about (L Se^ ment naUl the next macUng o fthe kgoeoatSM report daamc* by ehlacta tanga. tolattir*. So. tf the execntlv* ha* M
wmum Jamca.« McTrtaa. DM. waa power th* Uglalatv* has
'■■rtt— ..
CTwAed to «mth'ga«^barTfI of oU.
thakswaJapaa has mtead (bar El-kBot torpatgn SU th* vaesMT t
do boat deatroyem of (ht ^tnowa



•Xlbraly'' Part'y
-----L Neb., June M.—The ttoW euBvcmioB of the Liberty pany Ifree silver
' PntolUUoutois). began here yeaterday
afternoon with delegate* present (ram
arfesB cottnUaa. C. F. Bender, of UnoelA. candidate tost year for the pfesl'dency. caltad the eonvestloB to ordor
Bnd made aa extended speech. Tempomuy osgantoBUon wa* cSectad by tba

aalaottoa of J. B. Porbea of Hartaa
ecMty. dw chglfttaa a^ J. U. DO-'sn.

New Process Vajior Stoves,
„ Ice Greaiti Freezers, Etc.

146^Front St


W. Heck Server Them
At tbe South Side Confeetiooen Stotu.
Union Stiwet.

Smokers I
Have yM triad tmr aukes

Tin Rwwnizeil ttnilers
In 5 and lOe. Qfaiu


nlwnya in stdek.


Suits to Order.
Fine Merfiiant Tailoring.



CRASH, Of TBAINS. JZZ°Z’^Z‘:Z'L pAesoss-twofkatkI^'XI’';^™’]!!

O n. BEOWN. Aiunwy aod CpwweUore)
' O, Lav. kpM-tel *tWDtu>c ti> mUsetloes
---■ eoererSBrlBg. tltgromSi.
r A DCAH. Aseklu
Y'. PrWdrick Week.

l>ai« Mlata ua o« 0«kw TU^
1 a* <M ai. car.
June ao.-Thr oext tonic ot j * HARO«TROKE AND A REMARKABLE ; a'lrUblj oo town d it$ tiae bai M 11
Two Pair* of THom Try to Pats theU»Aoo.
NMMnal R*\l»w wiu eonuin _
| mtuiy ruiT rich men
entha Samo Track.
•rtidc Anaaunctna bd ImportAot bl-----------•'^Ttoey
have mniiiinaire*
‘They bare
Ui bnr*
metalUc dcwlopmeri •! the hand* of
ETDEATOB EZOURSIOIBWSBOEEI), tl» Unlttd State* roemturr coramto: 6- Straitou, the nau who a few yean
n was- ____.
_,.-k—iiL, _ r.-u..!....___
whtoh will arTtve here to a few daya.

I iug a *caDt; llvuig, t—----------The comml»»loB. accordtajr to the KaIt to claimed bjantb^ideuon (heart poawswr of anywhere fmm *16,000,000 ,
Brtt«}f war that the graatest Wow of the to$»0.W0.0fi0,"*ayj rnyfrieud. "Strat- i
la tke LMtci. n'hlrta li • WrTtbto i
Uh iroeemmem a Idni atstemeni from oamptign between Greece and Turkey ton doc* not have the appearance of a \
France and the rmied Rlatr* declaring
nail CUrW M»> T»«i» Bead* •B»rst thdr Intention tcrdetennlot the altrged wa* stmek by Colooel Mahmoud Bey. ' mau bomedowu with a weighty pocket.
Wbo with one iwiftatroke of hi* award hook. Much of the time ho goca about ;
eap^raenA inaugurated In
eooplcffly severed a Greek of&oer’a in cloth)* a tramp might object ta
ChlfAfo. Ana* »—A n»r «nd coUtob* .1878. and daimliig our good will and ac bead from his body. There name author-( When b« bad, in a couple of year*.
bnvMH two cToadrd eKCunkw tnini tie* concurrence'' ,'
ittocgcMro^ admit that Ihto toick cleanod np .the paltry anm of $4,000,.
occurred otf thr Chir*»o and Ko«b*ren.
aUe to announce thA Etogland's reply may have been ijnimoommoB in aocieot 000—or $8,000,000 a year—bimreU
ern road new W*«t CaxlcAOt^, about wUI be that the goremment U
timea. wban stalwart men swung heavy and family thought they woaid like a <
thirtr mile* from thli city, at a late to reopen the IndU mint*, -to make a
battJeaaea, but they agree that it to vaeatttm. They coocloded to moke a |
bour last Blirht- The repoit* recetoed further suhatantia) contribution to the
unkDOwn io modem war­
br the oRIclalf of that road Indicate that rehabilitation of lUver by eziendlng JU fare.
to Den- •
no one was killed outriebt. but tbai at nae In EngUnd. and by increaalttg the
HiftorytosnmtOBtbemhJccL There vetfmbnnoeaa Hi* banker bad notified I ‘
lean OnecB neiwtr.f were more or lea* legal tender of •liver, making allver the to not a plethora of literature bearing bim that be bad made a mistake ofj •
Injured. Theb refori* contain no in- basil of notes, empowering the Dank
$200,000 in bis briik ocroont He bad ; i
England to uae tu diver feserve. and
foftnailoci as lo the cause of the aed- of
that material . anlsttnce and strong I *11
atorle* to, of oontre. **Itae Ad- that uoeb more in the bank thau he
dent. The ti'o train* were.ruimln* a* moral nipport will be given tc the ob- , Tentare* of Jack the Giant Billet," (bought be had. Cpoj itivesti;;alia(
aeparaU aecUons < r ■ re«ular «a*aen- Jeci the Cnlted Stats* and France have which,
for obvion*
teaKiM, doe* not dlacortiid that bt b*d rent tbc-bink
--------------ver tialn. aeJ tv'ih contained delecate* In view."
help the anbJecL 8oott deserlbea a lim- check for that am. ant, juit tekeo from |
and Tldtor* on ihvir way to the Padftc
T^iis, ynne 80.—The mlnlRer o
ilv episode in **Tbe Taltomab.'' bat the sale of-bto mine, wliicli lie had not |
ooaattoatterd Ih. aonuaj conv^tbm ot etgn aRaJre. M.
(be bM ,decapltatlou •toiy, f^bm an noted. That matier clea;ed up.
CbrtiUan Endtavor sodetk* to be held
6trattnu thought be wrm.d ree about <
memotre'of Capuin*j(to
^ ! gettlnB tickbt^for the CaJiferein trip.
and General Charles J, Paine, TIA do™h»«w^,o«i«tou»r.«ew!A.
donghty captgin vooebea tor tbevtrecity ! A* —i,..
nmal. be i»d...
UuaiTen of the n>ad Id tbto city as e«m
“o good aalL
as news of the wn<k wae recdeed,and TTnlted State* ambaMadcr. Oeneral , <>* tb‘'detoHo-UwnB*>
" 'Have yon got a bargain in ticket*
taken to (he ep. ne of the aeddem on the , Borwee Porter; the aecreury of the !reason Why we •boold not use the cna-I
I Cnlted States embassy. HenryVtgr.aud; . ttanary pinch of aalL Aevording to hi* : to Oaliforuia?' adted Stratton,
fan mail trsin.
an accounL stating I f^mler^Mellne. and the m^inter of jtruthful cbnmiclc.he overcame in lonr-|
• The clerk looked him over c^ully
The Reco^;
that Bfteer. r-rf. rr yere killed and ihlr-1 finance. M. Cocherr: Senator FougeTol. : nnnjent tbe three champiooe «f the I and concluded,tbkt a hobo had dropped
ty wounded Ai thh writing there Is no vice prealdtai of the blineiaUlc league Turktofa army dccatritatinc ench one ' in *0 gi't oat of the atm.






I ^ARM. C. OILBEBT. AUersey. Apeelri •*' iTitoare to PretoU pmcuoe. Beoa*tMM
I U>. lletCMUl* Co. Week.
mwcODLB A CBOaS. Atu>

Cycle Owners Look Here!
aeOber aacls* Te* CUp* -OaaT ki

WlrWToe cu'|>*. tojuMstilsi p«r
Be>aFvd«is.wttfeai<b*i:«.Mrt«ir . .. t du
UuerTsto*. m>ooiie,.«d>-f.............. . IB
Other a.iB4r>.-* lo Propunkw. BrsWog ft
•U klod. promptlr daM r»teaia« Tlive tiy .
- ■
• ins.or oiherwUt i to bW ett yeor
' Ures tu repair ibrm. aiusK TuW W'ork •
8feetol»£. CTe»|^^yl*cr Iti tb* Uiy. Olr*


?trk Stmt, Mvm rmtS Oiu,*

Rates, $L50_£er Day.

Meal Tickets at Redsced Rates.
P1r*i ClM*




i Hawkins had several fountain pin*,
------ u,>A««iCo«pl».awdarrere.'Wl>en the postmark «m the envelop, rf
I. KoBr
Keer Others.
i one of the letter* ante-dated the d 'Ji
Sew York, ..............
- :’Xi —The Herald has ' $•**
*"»fi *“*■
Aheffd compulsion . f
t letter to an '
memhre. of
nf a
. ccaeherarh. !' “‘f Hawklni P“»
put that---------------tbe folloolng Tv., members
Ing party wen- Alll.-d and four Injured i
^-------near Budd Lsk,. a nl--asure resort near ,
ftoy* H Was aa'Acetdeat.


t troopers under General Davis they were —Chicago Timet-Hcrsld.
| surprised by a detachment of Coofeder-1
--------------------------ate cavalry. A pitched battle eusned, ;
and Parscos, who was to tbe rear, saw t I* Mill aa Oldeet oT a
,ievei. a rerolvcr at Gvoi a rebel. o4ccr
OMal TWUoes.
! end Davis' head. Jabbing tbe spurs in-1
aorry. dr," said tl» polite
-I m
to/ uia
bis uurre,
hoTM, oe
be swuog
stntog n»a
bis saucr
nber auuve_______
__ __. . . ,____ . . .. •____

crushed; M X Wiliams, of New Bron*^
writ*.- N. J,. btdh cut about th? bead*
and hndy. lof rual IrJuricA not expected
to live; MI.1F Kat:e Wright, of Brook­
lyn, slight fraiiun of an arm.
Mr. ar.d Hr* ru-veiand m-ere an wid
coupia. They «vnt Into tbe water with
the coach and i>r> bsbly were dro«-n*d.
Near the Delaware. Lackawanna and
•Werterti ralirnud the 'track* run
• through thick underbrush and the mad
winds along ctre ride of the tracks. Just
OO the edge cf the neap

,e ,,. ^

sevreed hr • guillotine


'S.SXX”S:?.trJ; r-SXXXSXpTX i.

edge Is fully tw.nty
feel deep. --------- winde. diminh tag-*!**w^ ^ G^sUjg ^ folding bed. Yoiv«v« wc 9n- crowded
- -----------Ullyho swung a- resr the tracks around ■ .eatbri, preceded i>r sbowere t.-, ereteni purfought Oowral Meade had “ t®' I now a^ there are but few vacul spsrta curves cow charged full tflt at toe | tton: wariere Hria tifreeh-erierirto-ith- portut mewage to »d to Goierol !
horse*. The horse, shied, swerved to ' wewcrlr wind. For Wiicu sm-Falr weaiber; Harding, 100 miles distuL As tbe
theleft-and fen dewT, the emhsnlcment. heb'W freto souti.irewcriy winds. For. owa
through a countre swarming *o>‘*^*« beds b.?caiise In modem timea,
dragging toe Ulfj-ho and ItoUss^nger; ,
wret-Tr-.wmbelr winds
““ re" iTtb?
along with then.. No OOS bad any time '
tiM to Be
m. tirene naiwr that it miwfat Iw cwal.
folded up
to Jump and if the coech had not tllt-d I Th.
___ s .w ■
tuopportunelyandluKl tbeirlivcs crutb-!
to toOto, to--,, .to,
h.v, toitol, i
<<. ™ .to-.'-tollo.
“■Si «1 -tot. I
Tito tom to. ..

r ^.ITbS

»^>^tches from; »bore general appearaaoe betotamed {

The r^ed ere nine pis*. rgers and
tbirty-rix of the crew. One l>oai-l<«d of |
people goti away safely from
irora toewrecked ■;
vessel, out has rot been bta^ of since. '
in all. th. drowned snd mi«3^ inch^;
twenty-five passenger,, tw^ty


"“to dtonti «»u b.pp-a Itoto. to

"GencroL who Is tbe hardeat rider,


bis fiiat visit to tbe metropolis tbe I “ColODel Pareoas, ait.'' w
*«»» mentjoned tbe name of tbe llD I prompt reply,
! bim all thia but it bad no effect.
tie village up among tbe bill* of New i "Send bim to me at ooee. ”
It was «
Ham pah ire from which be came and re- I
fi o'clock on a Monday nigbt '
marked that be suppoMri bis friend bad when Gtnera) Meade gave tbe yooiu **Tr2^; -.rek a mainritvof rh. er.v
neror beard of it. "Oh, yea" aaid the I •<&« bis instructiona. He was to^e ' elliJ«biio^
aMO. "I was boro them'■ Imagins hU I with all bane to General Haidtog's

J after staring at bim several aeoanda, ex- ' a» answer,
' ooaftdenos. mneb lusa tbe affection, of
ratal Pall af a B
claimed, “See
here, rvfrbeardall about
-^ i»to,i-Tto.tomtoito«uti
-rtotototoi^totoatoi Twobto*«
Shaiby. b..
in I yon bunko fellen. ud youcu'tget a milea were to be oovered. Tbe roads
r waterworks Mi^lpe THl y*»- : obanoe to bunko me." 8o Baying, be were heavy, and tbey led tfaroogfa tbe ™*- ■' '
______ if tbe men saved Busiawlves. but
BxaeUy at noon on tbe followlns day
toe other two'fell to toe grou^ Clyde
Pamna entered GenenU
- Penneto of Jtockford. was klfied. and
Meade’s tent. The Uttar’s face grew
LduU OoMWnbus. of Gallon, hag hts leg
purple with rage, and be ripped oMa
An eminent bartitur. noted wamoob atring of oatba
for a habit be bad ot gnoking kHengea ; *'l* thU toa way yon obey drdeitr'
aatoi his eloqneoo)!. waa once iktend- be thundered.
What an you banging
Z>m Moines, la.. June Ik—The Na­
tional Grain Dealers met ta tbeh first ibg a murder cswe. He waa standing around camp fori You oai^l to be wltta
' t ymterdsy. In with a ballet in one band and tbe nnhl: General Harding by tola ttaa."
4hv abseaee «< E. S. Orernlesf. of -Jack- loaeoge ta the other, , 'beoandilenly. to | “1 bare Just letaned
aonvuie. Dia.. president of the aa«>da. tbemMft of a fine bunt of aJoqoenoe, j Harding, air.'’
mserial Esrimnge of Des Moines, pre- big face fell, and in a rone of agony be
**Tou lUres
Mded. J. W. HUi. prestdoit of the Com- cried:
tnerclal exchange of Des Moines, made
''GenUemen, I're swallowed tbe bnL
Parson’s taoe paletOtnd be dug tbe
let"—Losidon Tit-Biu.


the United SUtes

tieside ckne to a dentUt's if yoo an MU iU eoocetled bis anger, ''if yon I-to^rsnroa SALB-hBown as to*asrrsr too
my wimtoapding cOoer. liFtoer,
not food of aWeetmosto Ittoerantor- were
gan men evsfnUy avoid playiogaay- wonld knock ron down for (hat inault’’. . .
• Wi^t tbe fonnMity of a ealnle be !
turned on bis beel and left tbe tent.
Amalgaaiated Anoctstlon scale, and will
made an. ample


I to Greenland cu

algo bef^ tmitghi. Tbe TyMr comfit
has a large finishing mflL making toelp,
or pipe Iroa. and emptay*' about

s s^S--^-,£SS3'““



riTiifiwni^" r- f





The readers enjoy it at
the breakfast toble.

by Bring the ooliunna of

Because: ■»'
The people read It and
beoaoM it is the only
morning daily north of
Grand Bapids. Also the
beltda^ia thfrpartof








■*aV Cs,
t *0Pt.
I as





"sri'^a'Sasi'Sls.:.: -to ■
West Michigan

. OetrMi, Chicago a>4




But tbe reduce-

^ farm two mhes fromjhj o^de^
S^s w J a slito
«"» looking man went
^'tT »"<* ‘be couple bad not been mai
ol «1._ to ooni-ta.; ,
a year, ihv being his secoad wife,
tbe Riuve clerk smiled a sort of pepflve
Kncrville, Tinn.. June « -One then"**'*= "Vooctin't doanything
•and miners employed by the (Xal Creek
Lrats tbe world
ccmpsny returned ic wrrk yesterday
bow a man will let hi* prejndlere drive ,
morning at the old scale After a brief
____________ ^
?ife L«^lv^id 1^^ accommodatiouA And yet this mu '
■ The W«tbe» We Umj Cgrea.
knew belter too. ”



It coatalcB all the nevs
while it's fresh.
lyn. both legs i.n.ken: tuii Lottie Baft. »«**• « t**- «reK*dr which Bnitl-jy


iGrud Rtplds & Indiau I S

ihU ’ mormnu <-uion^So. ^ of me ! houlie and conducted him to a seat in feat of decapitation with an rcdinaiy.’ " 'Ccnalnly. but wo have no Job lot
Chrtsttan EtHl.nvor escurelaa to Ban ■
. saber and aawrt* that the Turk's yarn-[ on bund at pt«dL'
„ ^
Franelsco rat: lr.i > section No. 4. Three :
ghan was "loadtd" With QoickFilver^
JJ'How mneb ts a ticket to PanFranwere killed end .flftern seriously hurt. I
I The yataghan, bo explains i* a short ciMO?
Oouriney. en-inc r f secUon No. 6. wo* latheddry That Tried tlw Care af tb* To- • award, abaped something likeabntrbiT's j “Tbe clerk told bim.
faulty tnjuri'I l.:i;ii«'ur.<l nesb of un-I
bacn Trwst.
clcsvn. with an cpparmtlv bellow tube I
“'Let me see. I shall have to Cake
known pvoi’U' >ir. rsnilnuously being
New York. June 90.—Tbe Jury In the rnnuiug aloug the hack'from hilt to ^along several peopk—senrauts, yon
taken frvsn the wreck. A man was conspiracy case of (he American'Tobae-' point This tube carries a charge of know. Ghi-sa you bad better give mu
caught beiaeen the baggage ears and CO company. wMch has been on trial be- quickiilvcr. TCheu tbe sword to laid up- niue ticki-la'
englfte and cruefu J to death.
fore Judge FUsgerald In the court of right, this qaid^sitver rest* at the bilL | "While tbe clerk was staring at bim
Another rmlearor TrAla CoIIMm.
iin No
seselonk failed to agree. Al- ; As a blow is stTOck the liquid metal to ; Straitou was struck with a new idea
8t. Louis, Jun. Si'.—Train
No. A
E leav
ing here at i(, >V „
|. m. cm the Vandaiu Iprosecution burled down tbs grooved cbaimel, lt»d-' '"By tbe way. bow much will a apeiin'
* dl*«irec«n<ut to regard- ;
deadly additional wcigbt to tbe cisl carcort? I like to goascomfdrtsbly
' road and
"r. a V ronwed^t'out“ * '‘"I ' ^ow.
| .* po-rible when rtravel. Yes, I gnesr
side of Vandal,* yretenla,- n»rolng. !
The amertion made that this to the I’ll have a special car. Bow much will
One Uf the was a section of a',,""^^
sole iMtaccc of itt kind to the history , M cost?'
regular pSJsenci train earning a par- ,
^e^etd that It wculd be O* ‘t"®
«>» ^
** *** »
ty of CTcu^oniMF
to «»>« ; oaslewi to lack It uf again ar.d It
•“<! <«“
pcrformi-d during sutnIt was learre.! that right-,tbecmlwar.nQtwltba"load«l’'yata"‘That's all right Look here. I'm
■®«'twilntshad btennaken durlngtnrive [ ghan. bnl wUb an ordinary Cnifed going to stay a moulb or sit w«kA and
.ic.Vpc«m or Mb
Tbe man who wield- I guess IT) rirep to the SRiial.. How
r^nriia tacnagrmaster of trim^N^ | lien and two fer acuulttul. Thi Jure rs ed tbe sword to this episode. Colonel E. mnch mere will that cost?' He wa*
iT^re^bo^T'^Tr^n ParlLi!.!^ mail ,
rierk. of Columbus, and Frank OwenA \ ^
and Fosur Mlll-ker,
Colooel Pareoas was one of the fil weeka Got a blank ebrokV
fireman, of Terre Haute, wyre fattlly i
TkeCMefNrma Eaciisk.
| wealthiest and best known men to New '
"The clerk gave him ouc. It wc*
1 Chicago June 8tr.—Nellie Bngllshtrled i York sute, and though be bad urreer ! OHid nut and handed to (be cletk, who
None of th* "nasarngere to reported lo explain in Judge Dunne's court Mon- • reUlcd the Story the details were found i said:
killed or Injur-J
day why ahe'wrote endearing Iriiere among hisprivatepapersuftcr his death.
" ^ know all aboot Mr. Stratton, but
iWcwrr irate Wireired.
i to William HawklDw The girl Slid all The incident was illnstretcd and da-; I don't know rhatyouureMr, Stratton.'
Jun<' «-A report the letters were written on c-mpul- bribed to Harprr's Weekly at the time, i
"At iHut memetX Banker Moffett
on the Oregon


... I c«.......
1 oo SB. ( U

I Parlorcarltova*

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