The Morning Record, August 29, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 29, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





TOAYEBSK CUTT, MCfa, firXDAt, AUGUST 89, 1897.



^fOHVCBzn Of xnsBsn t
Of «lw Aem WiMiz^ Dp«
«MM-QoaU Ktr a* UM f»a
•wpkm^u 1
for S
XoBtan IsotmmC So 78 On«L

aatti« atorka ofaarip dara. Bk tetoor baoogbt too int fOBi toto too etata
that wara toad arilh pareairito
aad toapwafatoaadrpafaU toa la- HAS soumt XAVT ▼xosm nr
dkto to toa aaaalrp. At that
TKAvno oxrr.
rtol aolato waaadnfto too aarkat
aad borafaMdaaaerota wrm^t tut AfaitpofBatfal MtoWoDKaevn
ar«a. TodajtoataaBaaeraototatoa
too MaJaatkbaUdtoraadktolaad at for too Ooid JMfftofa SCtoa of

toa naaa foRBod.

7W troat I

•hooU A«dd* to foot
Now tfaot tooototof Mt attooet th*
ottoattoo of •portottn Boch ioofw,
tkatr attoattoB wiU aataiaUr ton to
toe pamU et ramo The opaa waaoai
far vaitoM ^lada of ram *t« aoBO
tt»« a llttia ooafoalBf to tboM who
da BOi hoq» tooroofUr poatod towwoa.
la Ttow of tok, aad too reqaaeta that
hato baao atada for laf<natloa apon
toat polat, toa RaCbn pilata beiow a
apa^ak- of toa atoU fam aad flih
Uwa. aa ralaUaf to thU loealitp:
Opto aatotoftodoar, KotoBhar stii
to Noraabar toto. both iaelarira, az. «a|>t to toaoomtiaa of I^iaar. Hnroa,
Haanaa. Taaeoto. Kaeomb. 4U«faa.
Ottawa. Monroh aad dk Oair. wham
^ kUltof of daarJa prohihitad uUl
Jaaaarp 1, IBOk
Not Bora thaa «?a 4aar «aa ba
Mitod bf aayowa paraoo to aap om
A tkotoa (aa of aaraatr-flra otota
te paraoM who bava naldad wtthla
too atau tx a period of ato Btotba
aazt praoadtof (ha
UaaMa, aad ft! (or
ttato. matt ba tokaa oat bafora
to baaaada to
ekrk to toair roMdeat ooubp (w itoidaBt IkaMoa. and to too ooaaBp'whora toap propoaa te leaate their

Bk Bapkk Oafbatad Afata.
StoMtBareoaatadditiaaal fold dla• to tha KloadUm rafka tha
to dafaattof too Slk Bapida taam paa- farar baa takaa a boah frip apaa
Tramaa tetp attkana who hare
tardaptoaoao^dadeoataat. ThafaaW
had a Joanap to Alaaka to Bind
work of Ibarkattia. Soon: Jakab tim J. O. Uafworthpbaa bw
iaattoiaa (ha first dl
Bloffara U nsa, 9 falta aad I orron.
Sk Ba^da-7 raaa, 8 Uk. 4 amro. foU os toa Ynkon rivar a^-V^baiaStroak oot, hr Scholar 1. bj Tarkattla rka. aadlaatwtotarhadbfkada.plan
B.bpTblribpll. Battariaa-EIk Bap- wharabp ha ooald mtoa ibe pWow
Ida-Sohalto. ToikaUU and U Foifa: Botalataprofit. UtalpbahitoBadtha
of raadtof of aertnil
Jakab Blatfaia Ibirlby aad Novotap.
fatk hnaUorm who have eom book
DB^ia-Artow Ooa.
with fortanoa fatoad bp toa matboda
bp Mr. Laafwortop. Mow
be baa Bade a final datarmtoatioa to
XitohrU A Kabaa Sold 8.000,000 So aaat hk lot aoaawhora to tha Ktoadlka
axpaeta to leave bare aboat
Blttaohotoa A BBbtoi Of OhMOfO.
aad aapacu to ba Jolsad
The stoat aztoaalre ptoa tombor deal bp tieo. W. HaMaal, Dr. L. X TadBan,
Bade to tok immadiata toaaUtp (or a Ed. Bnmeb and ProL W. H. Htaffana.
tone ttoM hat raotoUp ban eloaad.- Thaaa fanUamaa kava fonnad a plan
A Einbrea. tha larfa bob- to boOd a boat of aaffielaat aapaetip
atactarsrs of Ohl
and aaawartbtoaaa to earrp two paara'
•.OM.OOO foot of fiaa ptoa tosbiw of provkloBi aod taka theio aafalp boB
M,»b.n, . IUU.1
^ a.

iof latar. DaaaBbar opened liWA
hlfhar at nW9H. dadtoad to I1J<
and naovafid to ilK. Oats wna with*’
oat aa todapandaat teatttn. aad little
Tha M. A H. B. taanrdcn to Manktoa
leaves tok Bontop at 9A8.
Tha eeheonar Amia Fhmips k loadinf toa htokfroB L M. tnaale tor
She aebadnar AdaJladon k toadtof
IsBbar 'fcoB tha Oval Wood Dkh Oa
A-Baidoa sriU p> to Aan Arbor
TuBdap as a dakfnto te tha C. IL.B.
A. state ■aatiaf.
A larfa noBhar of people wlQ fo to
hmad BMda thk Botntof on the C A
r. M. ouanion.
Smith Bras, ban raoaivod the
tnottorJ. W.PhUllpa’new nddaaea


dIspMii Of all tha ptoa oa hand at Beat
Bap. Tha laBbar will ha haalad to
tok dtp aad ahlppad bp rami to Chieqfo (roa tha Bannah A Lap Ook.
doek. Tha first boat wUlba ban aarip
to the weak.

raporkfroB tha Grand Lodfa Bade
tha toidon son than oanaUp totaraatiwAboot 1.000 boahok of wheat wan
raedrad at Hannah A Up Oompaap’a
BiU paatardap. The prioa paid
from alfbW to alfhtrdva eaata par
daods Parmartar, toa bop who
tojarod at Ktofdap a tow dapa afo and
Tk.7ta™.l«.lorU»o,w.wboaa laf wnanBpatntodbp Dr. Mar*
Uosof modw. uchinM. which
tto. k nportod aa noovwtaf (ran the
piaetieal aad If tha az*arknoa of otk
ai« eaa ba taken as a ortUrloa. oofht. eflaota of the ahoek and k dotof aiodpMona aboBld (aU to attoad toa baas
to ba aaooaMfal.
There an anBapaa othan to the ball fame Meedap. TbaChteafo Bd>
dtp who have a paaraiaf to dallp with para will plap (ha Haatlan on tha
afowBlUioneof doUan worth of fold Twdtlh atraat fronada.
bat few have (ha aarva to bnve tha SehBidt toatnnnpeoaoherwiU ba to
Mfnaadeafer aad haidahlp of the Joarnap
CItp Tnaianr Wtonla roodrad paaBowavar, bp nazt aprtof, there will ba
aehanaatoaaawhownntfortanaa bad tordap 8n;M0 dollan to tazaa Taaaanoafh to Bake a break (or tha Kloa dap V . *ja toa Uat dap for papBant,
dike, aad It Bap ba naaoaablp aan to ar.i^t tha added pareaatafa T
dodad Ukt Tnvanem^ aaarfp k ai who bars not pat paid np shoald bear
sdve as aap vat davalopoA
Bilap Bjtoan rotarood paatardap attarnoon fitia a bodaeB trip to Charle­
voix. Petoskap and other poiak to that
Mead Shoaa and Olethiaf nt Oamp
Banta veip aeUvp, tooagh tha Bortalitp of that Bdftab<xhood k aonaaL

So Ba JUrrlad In Detroit.
Mr. and Mb. Baa TaloBMtato
Mka Mepor of MIk Bapida. panad
toroafh toa dtp peaterdap on thair
wap to Datrdt where toap wlU attend
tha waddtofof Mka Fbaak Talamatato, (ennarip of thk dtp. She k to
ba Berried Tnaadap te Lawk WtoklaTa>.Uaekorfrap aqabrek aan be
lawfaUp killad onlp from SapiaBbor
.U to Daeembar 81, and the naa of forBOSXAlAlLBBrS SALX..
raU to poraol^. e^tartof or kUllaf
thaaa apaeiaa of aqalrraU k p^hlbitad. Tboa. K. Arrtofton Charfad With
Wadiiiiftoo. Aafoaass.—llwBaa M.
WOd tarkap are protoetod nnUl the
poor 1908.
sirabla hoasB. taken oo
twdva pean past aa omplope of Jthe Bant apon tha depoUea abortlp. befon
wUl be add eboap if boofht
panniD6B om qcAtL.
sfiee departmaah waa arrsatad dapUfbt aad before thap ware dkeovPartridfa. qtail. aproea-ban. anipa.
arad thep had
«il aroond tha iCTBa—B. W. Hi
hm thkal
pbd kUlad 1
paap'a boom aad ladaead dfbt
Oatabar 1 to Daeaabor 1. The baptof
to atop at home. Whan the dapnloraatifatkn of Arrtoftoo's.
or aeUtof <rf wood-ooek. qaall or pvtto ih k aald rasnUad to tha dk- tiaa arrived thep attamptad to atop
tridfo k pnhlWtod.

aMTchan bot toe atrikan paid no
oovetp of a shortafe of 83,000 Ha waa
attastke to ordara aad whan thep had
ralaaaad on 83.000 boodt.
fiakbad their work thap asarehad back
WOd dock, wild ffooae, brant, orotoar
WOd wntar fcwl map ba klUad (roa
MotTioTiUa Won.
Than k Bach aafiartof at Oamp lao—a half hoar before aanriaa to
In a fam at the ^ froends paatarUtioa OBBoeoantof thalaekof aloth'
half hoar attar aaaaat of aoeh dip. dap aftanooo tha Korrkvilla bop
(naSaptoBbarl to Jaoaarptl. ozeapt troB the Bast Sideie. 19 to It.
tof aad ahoaa. Maap of (ba aan an
laotad. havtof won oat their
to tha Upper Paatoaala. where dtftto.
• Barehtofand dotof mlmiu


aaaaciB for treat bad frapltof
trOB Map 1 te Saptembar 1.
The spanrtof or/Oatehtof bp dip sat
of Ballot, ftnoa plko, rad Mdaa aad
aotoan at aop aoaaoa of tha roar k al­
lowed to ttraam aad rivan whan
toan k no laenl act* torba.



A J. Stoalalr. otate afoat of toa
Home Inaoranoo eompup of New
York. aoecHnpaded bP hk wUe. has ratarnad from a bastom trip to the
northern portloa of toe atota. While
abaent tbep aojopad a few dap fisbinc
at Carp lake. Koaeh Statkm. aevan
The ahippinf or aUaspUaf to ahip BUaasvaatofTravaraeCitp. aadlB oiz
or havtof to pwaaBioa or nndar eoa- boara oaa^t tblnp-alz larfa plekeid.
tool for tha parpoae of aUpptof. aap Mr. Stoddr b aa aathadaatte ft
bird. anlBal or ^ protoetad bp towa
ipfak sport
of thk stale, boi^ too boandariaa of
tha proper plaeoiofo
tok auto, kprahibltad.
baaa aad piekaraL
Buez BAB, PSnOK A>
an readllp toand and ha aaps tha InIt U nalawta] to anp watars of tha dkn faide -Maaiwa" k a fanlaa.*front UkM wltbto Jarkdietton of thk Evanlnf Pnac
Mto, toaatehwithaapapaeiBOfBat,
and ntato <c.r nla or aaa. aop btoek
Kka Peek Sarpriaod.
bass of aap aUe. or aap poreh of baa
^MIm Harp Peek of US Waahli«toi)
trelfht toao foar. oaaoaa or aap pika,
Bireot waa aorprkad bp about tblrtp of
Idekerti or antfito of a Ub waifkt toan
her pooBf frleada Pridap aventof. Tha'
• poasA
ovaat wna plaooad bp bar nareata, aad
pBiALTxa roa vioLzr
the oocnaion was bar Wrthdap. Mlaa
Tha panaUiaa tor a rlolatioa of anp Pack waa not to towa bat enm boae
of tha atouua (or tha pi
at 7 p. B. oa bar (atbar'a. A. T. Paek<a
fnas aad fish are fiOB 86 to 81U, or train, aad wbaa aha arrived I
avarpUiof wna to nadiaata. An aaiopaW. avBitof waa meat hr alL
of toapoaaarienofaapnmorfiah at
nap timwhantoatnklW. hllUnf or
Good Oaatarp Baa.
havtof toiriiiiHfiBkbylaw |a«hibYaatardap Boratof at S;tO Prank
itad k mtopriaa Jadaoridawaa of
Holdawerth started for Chartavoto oa
hk -biepeto. Ba arrived bom afbto
toat evaatof ate:»a Tha dktaooe k
elaaa to UO toUaa aad thk waa a fnat

m* will Laava Datradt to lAoato to

C. UDba^ot BaetBap k oatat*
' toiatof hk mmato Chartaa UBoat and
AL.HaQ,aaattonMp«fDattolt. Mr.
Mtwaatpncnaof valnabla
t the dtp cd Detroit, rated
M SBADOA which ha k ptotttof and dkporfaf oi Hekanazparteaaad (rak
. and v««tablM fTOwer and k to dalifht^ with tha Grand Ttovana n_
and itapn^aota tor (rait that ba'haa
nrdtaBid 800 aota to thk eoontipLSA*
. vffi ^afo aztoadvalp to tha M
L^oatb panato wan pUi
’W DeiNttaadhaidataa amap istar-


The amaU eoal oparaton to the Plttabarfdktriet,wheantotaa Bajoitp.
are to revolt atatoat tha -Blf Thlrtoan*'or lake ahl^am and thnatan to
pat their attoaa to.opamttoa at tha
damaadad bp the atrihBe.0» oaata.
nazt weak if the mtoars’ offldak will
allow toa Ban to ntwn to wo^ In­
stead of aaUtof the pcodoet to tha “Blf
‘n>lrtaea’'os horatotea, thap srlU for­
ward It to the dlfforant saarketa >heanBKWZXA.1 (BOAMOB
la Oarp Lake Whaa Shla Party Ma>
Than will ba a fraat aearettp of fito
to Carp lake after todap. Thaoaaaa
It aU k that tha foUowliif partp left
last oifbt fora dap's fishtof: B. C BUItofa, C F. WatldM, Look Botherfoid,
& O. AdoBS, Charlie Hda and C. Pne
Hontar. The paeht Udp Watte took
tha partp to Lolasd toat airht


Whaat BaanuToHaTo Batamad So
a VermalStofa
Chkafa Aafoat
All the frato
nd provkSoB Barkata wen qatot alMat todaltom todap at tha opaatof,
which k a marked oeotraat to the ezitaBaai aad haavp tradtof whkh has
banetoriud them dartof the past
twowaaka. There waa sUfhUp ataadiarfeaUBftowbaatoaiaUtttonUp at
Uvarpoel X at IX d. Deoambero
tof vnaatOOXatXaaafmtost psatwdapbolodaf prieaofOOaad advaaeiac
Ohienfo HarM
to90XCblaafo, AafBt* as-Whsat-Anfast
A (aaton of tha aarkat waa tha aaU­
9te; SaptaBbar, MHc;
tof of BaploBbta wbaot bp AUaa Oriar
90a; Map. 91Ma
wna aoppooed to ba aaftoawrtof
the deal to that apUoa. SaptaBbar
ttlde; Map, MJfa
18Ko; Ootobar, IBe; Daaamb^UXa:
Pork—Aafoat,- SA75;
88.78; OoWiB. 8A8IX:
fSAO; Jaaaarp. 88.87K.
ifwt. St-77X{
S1.T7H: Oetobor. S4AIX:

—FROM OOS------

Tin Mills Make One CtnL.

^ Ten cents make one dime. Ten dimei make
one dollar. Tbat's what the farmer will get foe
-his wheat At the prices we're making on Blaidc
Bo^b it'll be dollars in your pocket to see onr new



in. a. holley, mmuom.

Paul’s Ink I
Just RccelYAd, large Assort,
meat. New Thing. Good
Thing. Nonsptllsble.

Haskell’s Bookstore

Some Good Things
The New Fall and Winter-

Cloaks and Capes^
Per Udtoa, Mkm and ChUdraa, a

RelUble Dry Goods, Carpet. «d Clothing House.
TF you do not care to.Jrny so early in the season, yon can
I at least come and look them orer. We can save you
money if yon buy, but yon are as welcome to look orer
our new lines of these goods.

.We Still-Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the milling
business, we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan onr....

flour. Send in an order.


Watered Steel Sale
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what J.0U will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.

... .27

-ssa.Tr-f.'r'... 1.99


•sssgvr-^rr:-: 6.90
...... .29

Fresh Heats-always fresh. Salt Meats. '


New Fall Styles !


TBM VOBarOrO BBOOBD. ^ Mm- Ontkudatbn.nt«Ma
TmAVBBsx orrr. - woHifAM
T. BAimTSTj. W. Bonn.
1. W. HAxna. Sdltor ud lUaonr.


AUrad t*T7 of OnMr. u «U bojbood trtedudMboolnM of Bdltar
B. U 8Fnff«o.bMteM TUtiar Mr.
6|««cM «ad
iorlac-UM put
wook, Mdun(dTbomTUterdsjr.
Ml*. J. a Kulm. »ad Mm
<bri,Bob«t*BdArth«rofOT*»d BopIdm ore at Pork Flaoe oo tbMr woj
bona fronOnaao. Tktf wUl
wrml daj* bet* bclon Koiag bon*.
BabmDeaataroad doctor Oerti*
Of Milwoaku. who were opeBdiaK o
mpU of wote rWttnr frtoaa* oad
T^tienottb^old boa* ot SaUow
Baj. lotaraad to

. W0RX F0Re.iUI. tniRlRS.

K ON o oanbarof mmU oool
* ia tba Flttabnv diewbooNOTfiaf thohney oparokoto tolattbeakiklaffBdaangobaek
to week. The W( teUoira refon. N
tb* sa»D opoNVOT. wbooN la t
nojortty aooMrtooUy. thzoatn to ]
Ibeir nlan la opeiMtoa at tb* rot*
- dbytka^aara aalan
ac,TUa aiay be a bMp to
«b* Btrlkara ^ armtaoUy. be the
toralBff ptdat la tba otoaorl* toward a
wiatoty. Tble woold
a* tba aonU opnotew boN It la tbatr
power to abip toeatoid* narkati iaataod of aoniaff to tb* “Wr tblrtoea.’'

” '


Aaona axpaditloe baa retaraad
lion o trtp daoicBod foe tbe diaoemT
«f tba Hartb Fete. It kmld tbatopaa


aMoa* WON dlMseattaoed. U by oay
naaa* Itooald b* leaiwad tbot tbne
pm riob gold.dapa*ltaot the apex of
Pole tba •

Oa Ooraraateat Vork.
BaitolO. Aar^ t8.—Aawar other
bniana tnnnated la tb* *a
■nilm of tba Qrood Aray eaeonpneat yntaiday w«a tb* kAlowiar
roMdetkn woa Adopted arfiac the fooaramaat to oaloree.a law ralotlN to

la who hoN oomkw to fire anployneat tod
la foeor of aaeb t
I tb* Uneola
taof Uaoolo be a
la tba load a
1 Uw Motkaial nooam
ttoB wm be oekad to take fevonMe
aetloa. Tbe aonmitlee reported fav­
orably as the lequaat ot promiaeat
ooatbora non. iadodiar tb* (ovoraor
k Sooth Oerollaa. that tbo ooeanp
neat aip* tba poaaore of a Ufl la oosrren ^proprlatiar noBoy to bolld o
aoailortBai oo tbe dte of CbaUe Ptaekoay la Cbarleeloe barber a* a namorbl
to Major AndaNoa of Port Somlar

Mugh Htnna Talk* of th* Pro*
pOMd CMHan Commintoa
an tht Curronqr.

tBdtoaapeito. Auc. n.-Tb* cbalrmaa
ot the moDctofT cBecuUve
Hush a. Haana, retiu^
laat evenlBB after bd akoedn^ three
weeka duiinc which be b** navetod
pnttr much on over the cectsirT- At
tie Bteetinc at SaratocA oa An*. It thto
cennnlttee eelected a auraocr eommle*
dot) ot eleven mea. Tbe mminlnlon to
made op of remarkably Mtobk men reprceeoUnc varloa* aactiou of the conntry and many llees of bndoeea Seven
of tbe eleven appelated have accepted
and. the uthera have tbe matter under
advtacmeat and wlU be beard
three or tour daya Ike commli
be called tooetber to otBaalfee aad bacm work, at Waablectoe about Um
middle of September. A nnmbCT ot cz.
perta wOl be brou|dit befoiwtbe commtoelot) and a larce amonnrbt btotorlnl
iefortaatloa and eacceatlooe that have
tee eucceetlon* from peotde of all elanee. rvinc anurance that they wni be pi
•ented to the commtoakm and ttven 4
baa tbe aupport of tbe a
MAJOa WntnCLKT at <XKrKL*Ktl.

ClevdanA Aoc. tt.-Becau*e be ar­
rived In thto dty too early yeeterday
Preeident McKinley epalled a (rand
reerpuon that bad been peepand for
him. Ai a eoet of compenaatlon for the

Ir to retmhiar to leara that tba
Cobaa qantioa to eooa to ba la abaoe
beee orronced te bold a public rverptioo
to b* heonckt to a dtpkaoatto crtdi
Aa Analyoto <d tba Pvodeet of Aay- tble aftmwon at t o^loc^ ai tbeHollenden boUL ’The j»wldeol aad Senator
lom Vdl to Hlfkly Oratifpiac.
Hanna rrcret that tbera etaould have
An oaalyAoftbewotaroftbo-aaw been any dtoappototinetit. Tbe latter
Msvaaa a few d^ ar> tokJ b*N a Biy
eaid laet cvcnlny: "I dM nut -Bbow
■ wiSeaBoe wbldi wUl aid la brlaytay cm . taotoa wdattbaoayinm, ando by that a atnclc arrancement bad been
Pnt V. C. Taoeba of tb* MleU(*a made for*
IStata Laboratory ia Aaa Arbor, baa kind usUl our party
laaaotbaroolanBet the Bboobb to baaa a^vod by Soperlataadeat Moo- bouae thto xnumlax.*'
Senetur Hanna eald be tveeivcd eevprlBtadaiyaopatoof tba coma aad flab aoa. Tka aaaly^ abow* tbe water to
eral telccrame In Buffaloyenerday aak-.
lawo o< the atate. wkleb covera tb* be of nut OBodloat qoallty and ot tbe Inc him wbat time tbe prcmdcni would
lower pealaaala. Tbaae wtU ba of poraet idad. aad tbe ooadaeloe of arrrlve In Cleveland, abd te all of them
eaperlel iataraat to local eporteaMi at Profeaeor Vaafbo to *o cl*«»- Tba be bad replied tbal be did not Know, for
eveothlnc depended upon tbe weather.
dble tine, o* tbe opoa M
I of tbe watM to ooa dayNa It wa« not certain tbe preeldnil woald
toH tbaa that of tba Park Pladi wall. come by boat until he went aboard tbe
. ktade d cone will hacia very ■
Albvetber tbe tnwten aad anaoc*. Mr. Hanna aald he diacounumd
bile demoaetrathm for tbe tot
(BentPf tbe laetitaUoB an partiralarly j
To Oomp At Oarp Laka.
a that it could not be deOnItcly
pleaaad wiUs tba ezperiaieat. Follow-' ■tated wbat time tbe prvtideal would
Tba fdlowl^ truT tb*. I
reach ClereUnd.
» tboae wboweat to carp lake yaaPrcKldcnl
McKinley wee tbe yoeet of
taeday. to camp over Soaday: Min'
tbe American. Bar amoclatJon at Ita
' Ball JobaaoQ. Miaaie Coiirtade, BeU
banquel toet' cvenlny.
Tbe pic idKUtoaiy, Kit Kaolaad aad Benia CoatMem entered the banquet ball after tbe
apeakinc Umn. He was accompanied
tod*. Mnora Cbarin CbrroU, WOllam
Johaaoa. Frank aad Albert Coortade,
HAMoeea. n*.
A WM bed b%-cn rewrved for him heVmrr Bajtoytoaaad Bmll Marldcer
Total realdoe obtriaed by avopontioa
4U tba aaeeuary parapberaaha for at 110»C, tSS.
the arKoclatloBB. After
bad aubaanidarwoe takeaaadagood tine It
Beetda* after lyriGoa, or Inetfoak: which erected the prceMcst
announced that
BOttar In re^na. 185.
Otyaaie ritoidBOi or Ion oo iyaitlea.

& A (Hlbert of TbanpotmvOi^
Anoant of cblorioe eolmlatod *e oo- by ctaeciB He made a
to town ynterdby.
diam ahlorlda. 5t.
Mn. <Mheo& of OiMonatto. 4aA, to
Anoaat of eal^
Ba », troeoe. (eUykt).
Swttwi 88 erttw tuita Aet-AMMWr Cb»
Porto of'
ftonabaMaen tr^to Oroad Boplto.
Boeleo. Aok. tl-dn a leltrr Senator
dneed-by too oefoaie
r te to*
Chandler, rtferrlnf to tbe aectlro of tbe
Mr*. B. Ftobloy oad ■tomlly ton wotar, 8.
oew uHff law Impoainr e 10 per cent,
«0Metol.doB4for s ebon vtoit with
AmooBt ot fro* omin<mlo,'0.005.
extra duty oo all fcralcn prodoela comAmoaat of albamterid omoMote. int ibnmcb Cenada Into tbe United
Min UttlaOotnoiBeloft yottorday 0.00.
Slate* bold# that the leriMBtlon wea
tor * vtoit with bar atotar Mr*. C L.
Amoeot of aitrotao eoleaUtod oa N 8 peaacd by wrlilnx il ee new matler Into
e eoafercncc report, where It wee adopt­
OS, MB*.
ed by both hotiw* of ronxrnw without
Mio. O. Dartlnctaa of Wboolor. OnAaroant <rf*Bltritee. eelBBlond to
Mot oottoty. to vtaiUnjf AttotnayG. W. B808,ooae.
Canto aad wife.
pointa out that tbe o
mcooeooPtCAi. i
H. D. AUay toantartalniay Mib. L.
Smril amoaat of V
W. Stow* of Aob«n, M. Y..
rived heN laat Blybt
Min Flotanee Imtbrap. wboka* baaa
atoylBy ot Rdfowooid tor *mw tin*,
taliimad to JookoM yntardoy.
Mr^ Ml—«* iMwi^a laova* MoaAoyfnChlncowhaNthaarOl Nnaln
two woake oad pureboa* foode.
A T. Boxia aad fomUy left yntartoy tor Aan ArtMr wb*N Ibay wUI
nak* tbalr hocaa la tb* totaro.
L. K. Oibho oad tonlly kON mend
toonMoytold-totbtodtyoadhoN tohto pcaaaedoa of tboir bcaao, 507 Wnt
O. A Btrlekor. wUo oaA akOd aad
iqn LotUaStrldnroNU«hori«y oa
mate from Oeeaao to tbrir bon '
r. aBaoerotOroadBapfda, orrivod
■ toot Biyht tor ovUt with hie wUek
■OMta. Mr.yoad Mk. W. J. Porker of
Ml*. Aaa HlyglaA who to* 1
atoykwtoriay the eamnn- with bar
doailiter Mn- J. W. Hoaaoa. rota

imber gurma developed attar 84
a, Msa: after 48 boor*. Jt.
nd of OBlma3 Inoeatetadl with
le, (obdomteel eovity). wblta r»t.
Roeolt* ot toe teocutetteo, aecoUve.
Thte water ieexaeUeot.
flew Baoka That An Good,
Tbe aty Bookaton feeeived yaotarday. ‘ Tb* OariattaA" BeU OBteeb
tetaet and by ter beet work. 1b* Sret
odltteeof 50.000 eopkowMeeldbdaN
It WM off tbe pram. Tba aaeesd edlWM*oU te a weto. Tb* tokd
edlttes k BOW oak
“Trilby” wm to* aeeet mlkad-ef
beak of to* ago, but Do Mauitorb
.. Tb* Msrtoui ” k meetteg eves leeger
mIm ■ Jmaam LoMAlteBb “The IstieMe
Cbok”kMBtrasgMOBjrb*bM writtea. Bwy bey asd g*fT-'baa road
“ Boteob Babiao.” by Jobs Babbm
IbeywaiaowgowUdouor-Trif sad
Tri^." “a mteej at a drteTtelly dotetotfal Uttla rirt aad bar adorteg aad
pawte. iridkew ato
friroda" _________________
U P. Camr. ef CUntca. Wta. dUtar'
tated hli >ew whBe yawaliic. 8^ two
heurv phyulctase koHnd to pet It hato
in the aockei end failed. Then be wm
taken to JenwOlc. where be wa* re­
F. C. Seteoa meat Uomm of Mepi
knetera. k In Cbteaco. After twenty-

Mr.-OodMea. F. T. ^NriL Mm. J. A
Bamaot, Mr. eod Mr*. A J. BeoatevShy oad Maator WUlord an aujoykto
tt* Sabtes to Oarp Lake.
IQm Beat MllUkea. who
^Mdlto eemrol weeka wttokiHLsaat.
Mio. j. W. MUUkcA wOl laovo tomor­
row «ar bar bom* to Woreeetm, M^
OeMTOload Mr*. A M-Outoboro bf
Onto Boptto.pom*dlhroecb to* eity
yoetordoy os torir way beiM from
’ of OeoUUl Amee. S

mko with bk vita kM ban rieltteg kk taaro oMoriri oaita ef ttaitoto

Tea on eotdlolly lavltad to wenUp
St too Bopttotehoreh today. Bov. B.
Mcltoroiouil of Kolkaako wCl preoeh
Tto A y. P. C. ■ootoNT ot «;is te
too porlon of too tosrto will to lad by

BoveM'b^riodtmeraterpnyor i

lay. AcnotOMOoutNtfcM.
O^phl Moelter for etariettoM ad oU
body come oad brli«AU yoar trtoada
wito you, oad olao yoar Blblea
aOBlsbny. Pneue.^
Pr*oebterotlO:tOo.m. oad Saoday
Y. K A m*etteFot«^ m.
AU ON weleoaeo.
Bwned Kwirs Bad Kwy Meam. Pesun.
SwvtooetomonvweetoUowe: .
n A m.. meettes tor wtapUp- Sabjeet. •‘TbeTeberoeelo"
8:45, BlhloaebooL
4p.Bb.JoBlormoeUBr- Mro. MetetlN. leader.
0:15. C. K. meotter: topto. “The
Idoto Wo An Ukriy to Wonbip.*'
Lcodor, Tbomoe WkteBory.
Vtoiun te tbo etty oto aU otoon ON
Tbdey wOl to a OMeiol mUkioaayy
day ot toe Ccmr»dCotloool toorto- Tba
procrom tor both menter oad evrater
wUI be te ebois* of the yooBf lodioi’
mlaeicoory aoeiety. tb* Brtdr* Buildera In to* BMrnter Dr. Mary MeKelter will coodoet the aervioeo. *p«o^
eepeelaUy to toeyoeof mea end yooar
womoB. ApUeeterfeotanoftb*
vieewillbettoetefteraf Ml** Oarri.
Ltedl*y-''of Chloero. te toe eventef
Mr*. Kior of Amom. wOl ^aok of the
mtokmary |work te toot for away

Min AUm Craw­
ford will mlor- Every one la oerdiolly
invited to tbeeaaerviee*.
Josior C. A ot 8 p. m. Owmocrotlto
mMtiiic. Let all Jaolen eome pro-’
pored to take pert- .
'■'Frar of hread riot* in wreraJ towna
In Ohio are cntmalixd. Reporta Now
that aBacrrvcateofn.UOperaoBi arc in.
wnnl of f«xl many of the** bHnx chIU
drea under 14 year* of ace. Coalytrlke*
Tbaotrkml Mote*.
Tomefrow nlcbt Wmiam Owes aad
hU aplandld M»imBy eriU
a tor«t
BiyhU’ eoprupuot te Statebers'a
GfoodOperaHooaete a r^ertotn of
Icffltlmow ploy*. Tbe eollhro of tola
orfoalmtloa 1* far akon tboee ireueroily oerate tola ecetkm of toe eouatry,
a* wo* preero by tbelr ecnlleol weak
tetoMeltyloBteemmcr. Oweo ia owe
bf toe OMet promietec yoonr tncle
r before tb* poWk, end feaNipllmrota paid blm by toe
rooebout to* ooBOtry droot*
. edeooeemeot toworo whole<to* mi
to* prim* feotaiUB laet yaer wm bk


w^, to <

rtes end toriUmoto
_______ te toot eopoeity with Hot
Ooodwte. Jail* Moriowe, Bto*.
r*Bto Bteln ood other ottBottow
MtoMood Baker aloe nton*
with to* eo«fsoT toto
of to* eoet ON
Che*. 8todd*fd,-Adel* HoModo.y JoUett* Portob. ClriN Ameo oto KteKetey
Tba alMN efCeete oad ooetam« ON Uvtob te tbrirolob
'‘Oto*Uo''wm to fiw
ovoBtef. Ik* forioo* profi
be omwaaeoddoily. aad oepoetol mot-

tee* wU! tori'
•' Beort of Bow York ^ te Steteberfk
Onad Opwo Boaae Uet al|kt. by the
Moon A UvtertoM eompoay. Tble
eompooy hoe two or tore* plwwwbieb
. tot tocy
ton prodoood two toot kove
op to tba Btoadard, ood oo* of tbeoo
glNB teat Blfbt. Tble U pNtobly
oeeoBSted lor by toe fact toot tble k
eely toe eeoowd week oet tor tbe acfnfotioB. Tb* ottroetkm teat eirht
sued with teterwt. bat tor toe iw
net well fiNO. Mr.
Bewail eod Mlm DeVenim an clew


Itm on Deck
at the Old Stand.
The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tiie best
line of good goods cheap tobe found in the city.

Has Your

blA bat It will taka otoorttlmekmrer
for toe enpport to be obi* to acquit
The C. A W. M. end D. 0. A A W.
Item wm **11 OB Sept. tad. vte Detrcdt
and M. C A A. oad oa too lOto. vlo
Detroit oad Woboeb A A. OBcatBkm
tltoote to Btefon Folia at very low
Batera limit wfll bo Sro day* from
data of aolo. Aak Afoate tor porttoaloN
Gao. DeBbvsx.
O. F. A

Puts Powdsrsd Spices,
Pure Oreum Turtsr,

two year*,)

At Our

boon ofSo-m. oadt a. a., olao 5 p.

Soda Fountain

k OooBMrwaane«weoataotad'to‘n*t
1 weapBoaich okma'' but oHroye try to

. a. D. Camfbku. a Son.

JAS. 6. iOHISOl,


Steinbei^’s Grand £
Three Rights. Cemmeiciig

F. Alter A A. Chomporoe Oo.

'Rn aad Stcoid Hard
williaTowen, Bicycle Repair Shop


..Rose Eytinge..

Will k| Mil sill seMif tih
liois«loll gwils lid finlMn.
wm fcOTV


I wet* tallr reacMteea. OtvemamO.





. _ . ler. if yto w»at
it, I poonda for $1.00;) Rub­
ber Sbaettec, &bber Tabtef. oQ


kslletieStigi Effects I

Ever Bamed 0*t7

■amkt. KlehUee. OUellu DavM Oan

or F. OAAVXA AgasA


OpMiBS Mifik-'emLM."
erlf. I rccrct to Hty that I did not n
whil tbr conferrece bed done. Senator
Cer.non in open eeotoo e*ked wbeiber
they Intended Co do anythin* but •cult
dlfferencee between ihe two boueee—
whether they Inleeded to pur any new
matter Into tbe bill—and Senator AUkoo
raplM cmphatirally that of couiw they
did nec But the provtaon we* Isacrtcd.
end ** no aUcntloo wa* culled te It la
tbe report It wea paaeed without bvlnp
ootlecd. HuvIOK bud experience with
eoeferenre reporta wbkb toould have
warned me to reed every word of tble tetestad aupporl. whkb thk eeeao
icpvt. 1 have no ezeuae te oSer
evsa etixmgor toaa ever, bateg
eafornad by t» eddittea at emm ot
aiy eenetl
giv* myvelf.*'
Bom Cyttega, wbo fgr yMN WM teodO *«” JN taeqraA Ajr. ■AUSOO ta
Tapek*. Keir: Ans. n.—Tb* executive tegtedy at tb* Cutes Sqaara IbeotN.
txpatottce of the Pcpolkt eute eautre) New York. 8b* wm too fliot*‘CteeODomlttce bu decided to delay Wulni patn” te tok oouatry sad oteo to*
theaddreta celUnp for a natloDal eoaventteo of Populleu. oorteUeu aad allied origteol “Rom Mtebal” te AmarkA
pcdltkal lotvreete ontll after tbe 8L Aeide from Mary Andmees ab* k tba
Look BMctlnx next Mcmday le tbe Interaet of the etrikliig tnlnera. becaoae tbera
8. a* wan M I
k a movement oo fool emeap eome at
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Mr. J. W. MeOossell wm be iiieim
band Mbal^te toe coat laat aaswa.:
from evoT etatc and * can kaoed by nateowm J. A Amocy^s, by tb*;
that patbertnp It k eUted would bemer*
osaetiv* than a ceU by tb* PUpuIkt
party of tbe one euta.

—Watch Repairing^
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

High in Grade !
Low in Price!


Fire Insurance.

Suits to Order.

cletea aa to wbMbw ft wOl go late
Bquldacioa. tbe
fc ef Mtanaepetk
efoaed It* doota yetarday. Tba bank
ba* oet tatted U the saroe et btanp
bunknipt. bui hM tosply pone out of

vtos sot tt
A' A teitb ef braiartto, Ckoarford
oossty, toother ef Mia.
O. W.


Llma,P*ru.vka*lvtBtaB.Aus.a.OdesM psado. ef BoBvla. wito a
to 0« mn he* Invaded to* FaruA

If You Have Logs to

Lumber Company. We iiave^ (or sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Sniiaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W<^. Lands for sale. Mill Ma^inery. of all
descriptions, iodbdiiv 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
andSaws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.



- 1-2 Off.



COW low mn
Th«twn MiMtht



MkB 4««»ctod CNM tM-«V« kr »•
Ma»uv wbe wt U over to tb* kteol
tnuDNT. • • • nia coutB »rvT*ll»
more cncreJIy in P«Biuqrtv«slA tteti
•leewbcre, eo that there
the Fsttebors otimtwe it
Wwtloae to that vhldi thw
hareprocth*! • • • Thei.
Uvea of the 1S0.0M mtam
•trfke are readr to meM thetr anmtom
at any time or plan that may be eda>
venleai t« ihem-oot aa miaera of cmki,
Wmt Viratnla. PeoMjrtvula, lattaaa
or lUlBoiB. but Aa mUtcn of a grtU.ooal

Rstrdst Sdtmdd from thd Encamp.
mtfrt fit Buffalo and tha__
Boys OoMoma.

I>89iiiii awpwwiw»»«^|

iB-Chief LytbwaaaB Aadmenvfltoptlto
Tbr Wemen’i RtoUf Oofpg«tocu< Mta
Barub 3. Martin, of MtamaH. peesldt
and ton- Robert P. Athtoa. of
•aaior vlca prraldeiit. Mra Sate JoMa.
of VsRBoaL waa chosen jakUr vkapraawts reidcst. Mrs. Belle f

HMi Fa*am XMvw Ow AbUk —The



Meats and Gnxkes^


^itreamwMkthm*a-aK«e*0«Mi7 wm i.K»nrw a«K p

the Pltuborg dlatitet have not bees
' .«deep the past tew days. ^ Imptimlna is canals mclca that there
wobM be DO attempt
to atari the
mlaae aeeoe to have been eaubllahirt
ter a purpoae aad that' parpoae eras to
«van the attabUoa of the miners’ of. fldaU It haa bees deflblteljr derUed
^ ta start aevcnl mlnee akne the Wheel. Jaa dinalaB of the Baltimore and OUo
laOmad. The preUmlnailea wen all
aomplated last nlsbt and a dedalve
aove cas be expected at s»at any Uma
It wae elves oat that the CtevaUad
eparatofe bad ■oor to thdr bomm for
the oeamalble purpose of aeraltlsK the
amalt of the 8L IxniU easvestloa. Some
af them weal, but others did not. Tboae
temalBlaK beblsd were roembem of the
tt la to perfect the.arrangemesta tor
atarttni aomc of the mlaea aod la the
aud brmk the ctrlke.
. MadeasAlUaBcewllhthemaltwayu
One et the ftrat morua waa to (et In
touch erlth the rmllraad compthlea. ^e
uOdali of the railroads at esee agreed
to'co-operate with the egterators Is
brlaglBg about. U possible, as eru of
activity Is the coal prodoclng Indoetry
adtbePittAargdistrtct. Iiwi
apparest that theTallraada
a large amoust of. bu
they were fellow sufferi
with the coal
After this
c the werh of hiring fruited labor
- r aapecial a
t principal i
WUon of the Baltimore and CHUo
fiict that the Btnea along thla road
>au0>eea auppylng coal for the loeomoifvaa of the railroad, and it e«ul te
Mt forsiahed United Statea inaU tralna
iBOQld not be mn. and the whuela of the
/satlUonal govenmept would be Ister■Imed with.
>ersbctin la trying to' get Ms
tb-cest rate and ears they will do so.
btot that they fear peraonal violence. To
these he haa sude tbe prvpoaltlos that
he will care for their tamUles la ease
they are Wiled. Othee-operatwv who am
wtuing to par a cenu do not. think
WloenibeliB can get hla men to work,
ahd are not going to make asy effort to
atari uotn the strike la over. Barring
M McBweeney'a detective agency on
Fourth. Bvenne haa been hiring men for
tbe last day or twb to go and Wuard
minra. and la raid to have secured over
looea h eons have pm
notices ar their Cataburg aad.IvD mlaea
to tbe effect that tbe mines would be
. started up at the O-cent rate when­
ever tbe men are willing to go to work
About WO mlnere >are affepted. and a
meeting will Hkely be held

tbe prospect of an early aetuemen of
Che acrike Is favor of tbe diggers Bfferts
are how belsg directed tc the mlsrn
alOBg the PeBBaylvanla railway and the
central IMda of Peansylvanla. DMrlf^
President Dolan addrvsaed a meeting at
Clartdge. Westmcraland eonnty, Tbnim
day night, sod the result waa that tbe
men decided to unit work. This meahe
the dosing of two mines of the Wmmorclasd Oaa Coal ccanpany, the larg­
est company of the Pennaylvasla rail­
way. Prealdeet Dolan says the work
will be syatemalicalty pufbed and expeeu (oon to have al] the ralnea Idle. He
aaya aU mines have been closed Is tha
cehtial Add and that work wUl be sus­
pended Is tbe ttglos wlibtn a short time.
Bberlff Lowry vest to Hunola yester­
day morning accompanied by several
depullta. and ordered the strtkert off tbe
puUk inada As Injunction waa aerved
CB Captals Walker, wbd U Is chai
and also t» several of the men.
epemtms arc preparing to start their
mlnea. but It It hot likely any move to
reaome will be made untU After the 8L
Louis conventloo snd tAbor Dsy. Ttav
WAS a riot at tbe Oiamptoa mlaea Rebblaa A Co., near McDonald, yeaterday
morning. The company put a lot of men
at work loading stack And a mob of WO
strikns' wl>’es drove them off w1
stones and cloha and then undid wb
work bad been dose. At tbe same ill
LOW striker^ were on tbe march Is i
nelghborbood and-are sow camped
tbe mint wWtiag for another attempt
atari the worka which wfU be made.

Am Idle.
Haseiton. Pa.. Aug. to—The exported
atrlke at Tan Wycklr’s Oolralne and
Braver Meadow coUleriea lookpUce yeetwday morning. The Hungarians and
Italians are masters of tbe situation, and
LMC race are Idle prndlcg tbe declstee of
the faretgn element. Tboraday night tbe
foreigners held a meeting, and at a lau
hour they elalted tbe bomei of tbelr
connirrmen. pulled them out of bed and
delivered tbe edlcL When tbe oaclals
amred at Ka 3 collery tbey found tbe
Bine doer dosed xnd-x placard bearing
tbe word "StrAgk-;^ced npcm It. TUB
waa the annouscAest of tbe strike.
Two bundled mfii marched to the ca­
nal. where they were Jolred by tW more.
They then went to the breaker. Tbe
boaaea and coal and Iron police tried to
Stop them, but they were bustled adds
and tbe breaker was clegVvd.. The carpentera and bUckemltha were driven
fro mibe d»opa. Four hundred sirlkeiv
tbelr way from Braver Mradou
IsesvUlc marched through thU c
>rlly before coon. Tbe dUtacev I
ewera Braver Mradow and Mlinravlllr li
MX mile*. The reporter for the Amoelated VMm talked wlib the leaden and
It was learned ibai tbe Hungarians and
lutlana want to be rveognlscd on the
tame Imala a* tbe Em^lab-igwaklag mtn:

SlJlperday; Hungarians:
irlacanw and tl-W:
tbe tkigluh Uhor-rvV receive fLU. and
the Hungarians ft IL
When the Coleraine airlkert reached
Mllnemillr Iasi evcrlig after passing
tbmuab this city they drove tbe LWO
men employ<d there from tbe atriigilagi
and bntkcra. shotting down the mlnea
comfUet'ly. The excltemahl was tntenae.
The alrratA a-ere crowded with men and
wi men. great cinarda golrg from tbia
etly to Mllaerville with the alrikera.
Lan rlxbt a meeting was held and tbe
Hungarians decided to stand by tbe
Coleraine workers for as tscrease of
wager. The Engtlah-tpeaklrg miners
would go to work at orce. but the for•cane of their tnlnes In Pittsburg, to on- elgnere are In a Urge majority and wto
ploy Pinkerton deleeUvea and nee Oat- dot permit IL ________
Msg guns, and to th&Aesd decided to
bear the expenam mutually of tSO.000 to
Springfield, nu.. Aug. to-A few discarry their plant Into operaUou.
gruntled miner* employed at tbe West
week later they called a conferenc
End shaft here puhlltoed U local papers
Ora miners’ repreranlatlvm to i
notice fbat tbe strikers bad acted In
them Jointly and-endeavor to aetUe the bad
faith with .them, barteg pratnlaed
strike «-oold soon be over, and that
etutors really Intended to bring about the
would go 10 work yesterday morn­
a aatlatartory aotuthm of this trouble they
A close watch
pUced on the
they would have ftrat met the tnlnera, ing.
mlse. but no n
kent dow:
who are aHays ready to meet »ah asd
probably s<
wIlL Operator* geeArlkers a vtctorybow.
The piiMIe la advised by them that we
Is only a matter of a few days usare opposed to arbltruttou: that we
the strike will be over and all tbe raCn
decHne to attend a conference, and Is ta
tact that are ariU do nothing that is at work on locteared wages.
Mlaee.IMdel.iimy out.
fair to cad tbe preaccl struggle: and
further, that our organliatloD la being
ftntingfleld. niai. Aug. to-A State
anpported by operatora la other sUtes,
wbo want to contlnoc tbe strike, as well
aa various other things calculated to
Tbe TaylonrOIe men, under cemmaiid of
John O'Hara, left last slgbt for Deca­
tur. Ob tbelr way tbey wlU be Joined
by miner* from NfTwoed. Oiscn Ridge,
volvad. and still toviu it. We have Olturd. Alrden end Auburn, and expect
Bcver dSTtug tbat time bsM a*cd by to hare l.t« miners is Decatur today.
the eperaiora of any fleM to take part Bute President O’Hara to eemnund.
la a eohteunee of any ebaraetar. We
hare not opposed artritraUan. and do
. to—ffke Buffalo,
*M oppcaa tt, but rather oppeae tbe
hasla opoB which it M offgred.
FirsL beoausa It is not based upon a
Bving rate of wagra as prtgiooed by tbe
- eparators: aseood. bseause It ft only mtoers-atrike. The road's freight bolprepnsed In oue of the five etatea tnwolvcd Is thla ButpenaloB. State linee
atPIMswi I orogtoloaMsra.
know DO .eompetttlan In tha caal bualtogton. n^. Aug. a.-Of the tM
aaaa. Our strike com* a giaal coal
it Btoomtogton who struck five
«Md. ABd our men employed by operaka ago ten retuned
returned to work ymtertofi many of whom have large lotercata usy.. Tbe
1 He opmlors my
ray msny axm wiu
ta the variona alatcs. and we take tbe work todsyr"fbe ettike lenders my they
poaltkm tbat tf arhurtUos would settle win Induce tbe ten men to quit today.
thla quastlun it ahould be of a general

Oolumbaa O., Aug. S.—PreaUent
Batimford. of tbe United Mine Worksra
yesterday Issn^ a suiement replying'
to tbe ymetutoA Of the PllUburg distartet. The itatAnenl In part la aa followt: "On Jnly 4 tbe strike eras ordersd by our execuUve council, and for

to tog beard of tbe AtrUis’ ptont prsparsd
• taree and attaefcad tba anemy. .
toarp fighting tbe AfrUls ware driven
beat to the hlUi with heavy tocata. The
Buffald. N. T.. Aug. to—Last sight Brilish leas was one aepoy klUad and
found the Grand Amy to retreat from BAtire officer asd two arpoys waupded.
Buffalo. Tbe aDcampmenl of 1»7 la ever The Upper Swat tribes os the right
asd lu comisdaa are leaving tows as
taat aa tbe cart can carry them. Basd
All U quiet-at S
after band, flowed by weary moi It la betteved at'StoiU that the Orakxala
are not sufficiently to earnest to atu^
down the atreett af Imervate during last tbe BritUb touts on t
London. ^>ug.
evcnIsg.”Hmnc. Bweel Home.’’ was tbe
- 2f.—Tbe Tlmea Paris
ent declares

usual selecUoe. und the crowds wbicta corrrapimdeDt
tbat a definite
treaty between France and
actually been signed on tbe deck of tbe
French cruiser Pethnau. It la itatad
that the trastt proposed at tbe banduet
on tbe crulaer ware drawn upat Wadnea-oiuw, •
eay a confereocea. A dupateb from
en’a beadquariera u I o'Odfck.: Paris
Nothing Is knoom aa to
when the terms of tbs' aUlan^ between
France and Rnaato will be-------------^
but It Is rumored that tbey will not I
iwii. * —
publiabed yet. Tbe Oefrnaa prem II
Prmiai la CkmpUte the OMal M
The Orshd Army yesterday elected coaceato Its surprise and ebagrto at tl
tbe tkUnce of lU ofikers tor tbe ensu- eoBciualon of tbo treaty under as a
tog year and adjourned to meet at Cln^ aumed Bocebatonee and with tbe as­
etonatJ next year. Testerday'e session sertion that it makes no difference, as
laated frton »:U o’clock to tbe morning the esar wlU not ranctMe any aebeme
until S;4t o’clock to the afternoon wltb- for French revenge upon Germany.
mit toiermlmion. Opening under that
order of boaliHra tbe eocampmerit took
up tbe Hectloa of oenUr vice com- bnomssto Tom HtauMs sad too Oto
mander-u-chlef. Contrade Allred Lyth,
OasMU** Lwra.
of tbeBWweU-WUkeaoBPosLefthUcf
Rock Island, flla. Aug. «L-A fright­
was Placed to nemlnatioD by Major
ful accident UKUiied yesterday after­
3. K. Smith, tbe commander of bU P<
noon by Which one man was killed
The election right and three olbere fatally Injured.
C. 3. W. Scbrvtoer (the oCBlructor). W.
f a Junkin vice
9 until anerneoB, H. WllUa and John Lowe. <brt(toto]
there being four
and Joe Crudnp (a eolored bodear
tolerraptJona to the proceedings of tbe Were on a aeaffold at the front of a
eacamptnent by speccbco and tbe ed- new balldtog wbee the acairaM sudden
mteslon of a committee from tbe Wom­ ly gnve way and they-were preclpItBtef
en Relief Corps. On the first ballot tram the height of the third story tc
the stone sldesralk below. WUIto died
F. a lUlen. of Connecticut, the__
dIdate of tbe Kavsl Veterura, led and within ten mlnatta. nad Tt to bcllrvcd
on tbe ascend tbere
........ that all will die.
and before the roll cell bad

from a 1

chief. Paal Commander-In-Chief Walker. of IndUna. was preaented with a
rtlver service by tbe encampment, tbe
aOdrcaa being made by William M. OUa.
of Boston. A committee from tbe Wi
en’a Relief Corps was admitted to
ban and preaenlrd the convention v
aevr-ral beautiful floral emhlema .
made a brief report of the work of
the W. a C. for the past. year. Mra.
Woodicy.natlonal pretldcnt of tbe Army
Nurses. Waa aim admitted to tbe cr
ventlon. likewise "Mother" Ransom
California. «9 years old. tbe oldest army
nurse living, and Mrs. WllUam Soatt.
wbo spoke for the colored veterans who
were uuble to attend tbe encampment.
Bspmt.ftW Pisilia CwBBritM
Among the reporu reewiring Uvorablc
conalderatlon to the executive *«

tr ttM to tha organs

tpoc tbe
Engslrom was working oA
nd called to tbe aien below
tor water. A Jug waa banded
upon tbe tinea of a fork. la reaching
for 11 be tooteiils bstonce and feU, tbs
Unra paaring through bis body,
cannot live.

riled to adopt n
the aame aa those ta tom during
Hanlaon ndmlnlstrution.
The report
also recommended t^ congrea* pas a rapirwd on bonrd bis yacht, the May­
service penaloa tow'to apply to all vet­ flower. The deceased bad been 10 fca
eran* wbo have reached the age of ft about two montbg
eW, HarBspest.
_____ ____Aag. 1
weather tadkaOen* f<
(rasa I p B- vMsed
UUoets-Palr e

purahaie several of tbe m<»t Impoi
battlefield about Fredericksburg. Va..and
connmt them by government luada was
adopted. ,The Invluuoa of tbe Toueg
Men’s Bualneas nasortotion. « Rlcb-

! tbe rebelUoD as^p
A regret la expreaoed ibal after ea ekBfritoaUon of all the bistseles vM m tbs
aUle, that were loyal to the govwrameiiL
In the opinion of the committee none
merits tbe unqualified Indorsement of
the cggantostlon. The repprt ekwed with
tbxt tbit CMimpmeni UTge*Se
ned ngllatlon of the ctufstlon of im­
proved text books to our scfaoolt tbat re­
late to (be blatery of the United Btotra.
capcctoUy a* to the events of the war of
tbe tvbellloo: oera^ that tto luticnul

«pM IfiftM toom tbs_MoaMfi4 cC ih>

la s apdiToo. Oran






?firk8ti««i, bfitwatB Tro&t ACin.

fiiteuFo ia ataeft.

om DAT ASP n«RT.


RatM, $1.50 per Day.

■ul Tickets aMlediceilRttts.
FtaaaaasOayBgara. BpocUlhM



Fishing Parties

Now for Business!

From this datie this b<»t
will not make regnlair cofl□ections with traiiu on M. &
N. E. Fishing'
ever, ^an-make arrangements
for tbe nse of this handsome
yaebt, by cornmnnicatioo bj
—il or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

, Ml':??:

/ .ril’ v;':

Sm Oil New lice

Picture Mouldings




Lederle’s STTSU:

The Pure Juice
Butter, First Class
Boys’ Blouses

coDsleraatloDi yesterday by
ttte uews Ibal LMM ponnds of valuable
gold ore beiooctog to tbe caa^laBr .w
down to tbe City of Mexico.

the proposllkw to eaiabllab national
parks at the hatllefieida bf Vicksburg.
Blouy River sod AppomsMox. The re­
port of the comMUee on text books used
to tbe public Kboola was adopted. Tbe
report drato severely with some nf tbe
hlnortea uM to tbe aoulb. charging

ilMM Ti.

OofBor of Uniou and Bar Stroata.
M. A K. R. depot wteLa to abheller regulate prices, and to have the
nortberr and sootbera pig Iroe liiureets aouaec to the pabllc tbat ba has (»fluadaad furwtohod tbe Hotel Paaract to harmony.r____
better tbah It ever baa been before and CM beeMDmodate tbe traveltor puM^Foo4 shape.

1C aa that embodied to tbe Pickier
which haa passed the bourn of elected mayor of Glenwoud a year
Atirea, but baa not
ar a Joke over one of tbe prominent bussenate. Tbe report suted that t
loeaa men.

Bfi««F«a tried Mr ■aba*

Tie leetpiaf leiien

Oiters bi TdftlMM PranjUr

southern turnsce Inlercou nn ndvnnce of
a certs to H cents per ton on feundry
trem was agreed on. It was suted that
"owing to the abnormally low pricks

Walby was trying to makkUm go '
hts room, when soddenlr he turned ar


a permanent commlltee on the sobjeet
of teaching patriotism to our aehooto.
which wltl make a report each year;
third, tbs 1 tt he urged upon e*eh depart­
ment of tbea.A.R-aBdreeommended to
the Woma ■ ReMef Cmpa. the Boas at
that they give direct and________ __
TentloB W the talecUoa of proper text
mini rwou i iiiioi
books for use to our aehooto and the
At their tost meettog tbe foUowtag ofll- exetuahm therefrom of sudi as are tmMH were elected: 3. S. Dtodtoiffn. of proper.**
Who* (be epcamptoenl was to emtoon
ar caaruton. aaa taat mm oc ib« Oallimteii.<L.preMdept: K. O.OrasvsMr,
BcUgnb. aergetary and trinwrir.
hava I........I tha mteers to ratae fuada

la l■ll■lll tha stifha «r tolaaagarkto
ft,toarhcoraafoandad. OarmlMw^

> hto farm two miles 1

Smokers I


Bicycles to Rent

Soda Water J

Mritj. AU tbe bmt trait fasen. ^mitaaad
mbebcaL A-A.lleOoyaeoaL.FrSS.

To Rent
Dorcntlcci of Iowa Is In a deadloch:
baUota all alike, have been taken.
• WolcotL tbs cohired fighter.
Iced out Oeotge Green l^rtchteea
nandsBt Bna Frabctoee nurAsyaigtaL
Arthur OUmnn barter, a p4«accr bueteM mas of Chlcags. died at bis Imme.
lA kOchlgan avenue, ut noon yetocrday.
IW dam to tbe /WlaeeeMn riw at
KUbourn City baa been washed away,
kavtag the pKasare hnata to tbe
bigta and dry.

toeab of the tote rmpsinr FiedeilcA of
Free Mlvn euraten ad tba Calvantty
.t MteMsrl have chacfud Dr. F. e
Bicfca, laudwani of political aensumy.
wtth leaching gold otandnid and pra-

wbo bum the eiankforl ahd Kokomo
road to Indtoaa. ft daad a* Now Tcrk.
. n ysara
Oennl WeoBtort.

Ice Cream Freezers SI.OO; wtodotei. *s er aou.

«. K. HuwlteM!
ftaatet.. adJuMagdEcHaatorat^ftSSS:

Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots

prattMat to «y«a. ilM

Angus McColl
Paris Green C’Jsr'SrtS

Fftftdlag rmrmm* Morwm a

Boneii BoftFdftd. ■



win leave Faria a



Kw Tjw*. AM- !«.—Bwia*twefi
«y«; •»*
tr«4» «ittt»UOT
tiiiSM to Imptovc. A&d uid* Crom
UBMcgmiUj^ prola&«*d itiike
aoft va«i rotne™ then M UtUc ia Hcbt
\ to ctoad the ottUook. Hu (Mtuit o<
\ 4bi traek to Uu' adraao* In prtcM e(
ataiMMt nU l«41|v «tnp)««. b«tai
wUh na upward dortBUBt «U nlons
Ub* In Iron and kmL Steri UU«U _.
«Dw UAO Above loweat fleurea. bare
«LM. iwde n and ^ltat« U.
tdp Iren tt «p a oeau and tonad.. _
a* amount. Lead. tog. aad aoR coal
Bradatreet'a polau oat that the
ataUaUcal poettlea of wheat U the
atroacBat lOMnni Mace the- Ualted
StatoB beoame a MoaSderaUe exporter.
. and that tu price. ai weU aa that for
brand, la llkrir'te materlallr exceed the
preaeat weefc-i advaaeea. FoUowia*
that for wheat, price* are blsber for
Wheat dour. oora. oata. lard. potatocK
batter, cna, beaaa'checae. iMf udtaece,
WOOL mb6 live Mock. Advance* for
leathar. hided, lunber and linaeed oU
are alao reportA. Oottoo. which la up
>-lt cnL lapoita the amallen world'a
atoek for aevenraar* part at thU period,
bn Uoproved tone and hisbcr price* tot
XheOM WheWm reuiatu Ow BUII1W
orAihMtCtalcacD, Aoc—n. — The mjreierlou*
wotnan vbo bae bknred wtU) aoebproa.
laeoee in the doalls of Al BnnMna wli:
be a m/ftery a tbe la«l. Oontent Ir
the beUet that even If tonnif ber heatimony would net bare chanerd tbe Inaueat verdict lro& tbe one ot accidental
datb. both tbe police and Deputy Cor­
oner Bach were wailnp to be Induced
Tbnraday moraine to refrain from fur­
ther cBort tow-ard the ceubliabaent of
ber identity.'

ue cunaci • jury, uui louwca in ner

' atateaent lay tbe only way to-tbe act­
ual undetwandloK of tbe cauua aad
ututv of the accident, the preaalnc of
the polBI of dodlBX ber name ahd ot
7 karalnc tbe reaaoM why abe wae not In
court wa» dlacreetly paaaed by.
Brwei* *a the Ban FMA
Odcapo. Auc. tt.—Le*«ue baee ball
recorde: At Waahlnptoo-et. Louie A
WaahUwton t; at PhlUdeSphto-Plttcburp «. Pblladelphia 6: at Baltimore—
CtacinnaU f. BalUtnore t: (aecond
se) Ctarlnnatl A Baltimore t: at
new Tork-Cbkar> A New Tork $:
faeeoDd game) Chicago A New Tork i;
at Brooktyn-Loalsvllle 4. Brooklyn *:
at Ba*wn-Cl*veland lA Boaton A
Weatero League: Al Colo
*-MHwaakee A Colnmbne 1: at
. PaulOrand Rapid* A Bt. Paul 14; al Detroit—
ItlnneatMlla A Detroli ri: at lodlanapoU*-Kah*as City A IndianapolU U.
. WceieraaeaoclaUcD: AtCedarRapidsBl. jQ*epb A Cedar RapMrdl: at Rockfort-BurlltgUB t. Rockford U; at Pe­
oria—^Incy 10, Peoria 17; at Dobuqa*
—De* MblBCt U. Dubuque ».

in Loadan a tfVf ot the Haairia Bible
braagMth*R03d>ljwd an cl«M.00a
Ibe Maaarin fiiUa la ab called baeaiHa
aootir «<itwae Brat diarwend bp De
Bure in the ilhcaip Of Cardinal Matarin,
in PariA aboot I7M. Ita veloe ter bonk
eoUeetonUealntbetecttbatU ia the
flxtt book «t anjr anpnitpde prinlad
tnm tnoTBble tppaa it wnwined I7
QatantwiS at Uoiiw. is I450-6, and for
that teaacn Hentp Bterena calla It tbeOntaBbrifBibla It kdirided intotwo
volamea, the dm oontainimt tS4 and
tfaa aeeood 817 popee, eaob page oointiatIng of two^colnmna The ehancteta,
wbidi are GotUe, an large and bandaone and very inocfa reenable SHanaaipL Before tbe diaoveiy of thl* Bi­
bs «>e ao called Baabetg Biblt.of PBstar was getwrallf r^arded aa tbe tat
printed book, tet that bonor U now

■ Not «a» <d onr pabUc man baa aackped die Umpoc cf well rpsaning ealnsuir—Ber. Dr. BanelL OoUegUie ;
Cbnich. New York.
BvU* *r Oty UPi.
There It no inmnticn <d bril for tbe
deatrpftloa of bttmau aooU which doot
not find a place in emr citr life.—Ber.
A. & Otonbart, Bartial, Bafgan.

materia) thingf, no mattar bow poor be
may be—Bar. Beniy LabecA. Bpiaeopal. New York.

Attorwsya at Itak




:-ratara ts •

...... ua

Tbe ehildnn cd lte.-faeBnt day,
mny ttwm. inn md^ bcaK^ and
obeying their parcutA
parenti to hosKw and jbey UJton-—Ecr.
LociM Cuthbcft, Baptist. Charleston.
•VwtU tw PIVB— Brake.'
A woman tplUng of a runaway amid.
"I pot mytruatiu the Load nntU tbs
taoM broke. ” There k a good deal of
tat kind of tnsting newadaya—Ber.
Dirisfat L. Moody. BerivaUaA in New
Bible on paper k about tlB.OOi). and York.
AtlOetk Bpaet*.
tboaa pc velltun are valued at about
It it not a bad sign of tbe times that
dS0.00a Practically, bowavet. tbetr
Talne k a variable qaastlty, depending athletic ^Mria are being eniRed upon
A strong brain
on what the book collector« are willing j
to give for tbem. It has long been a meuL as a rule, bare for it* acnonpani- T°«S2.~«Sr**^ rwra* «or. SU. aad Oak
Bettor of dlqiQiewhether the ^ypeaam- burnt a strong body.—Rev. Jobuston
ployed in priuting thk Bible wen nw- Meyent Baptist, Chicago.
talUo or wooden; but tbe queotion U
atm nndedded. Aa a apeciman of early
Some ppcq>low-k-kedly urn religion to
printing the wort ia magaitasA con­ “**«»" that pk-asnts of excitement oortaining rii..................................................
napCDding to tat onaiug from tbe oae
bluA ted and puple.—New Ytefc Trib- of alridiollc Uguen and nazcotick —
Ber. David Starr Jordan. Freaident of
Btanlofd Univ^iy. CaliforoU.


. ...jSSjCaw

....... It B tmWxm-c


Bad at 84.000,00a It k aaliBBtad
g to ba aboat l.dOaOOO.OM.

to tbe ■

Vri.: I-..

Htrtken MicUgu
•- .TruiportiUoi Co.



.... ftS



Chicago — —».»>■

West Michigan



; !ls;


I Jill


n Wrara Opealy. T*t TraM

TTben tbe futme historian ait* down
to write tbe otory of tbe
tnry, hk pea will have nothing bUeher QOOB WAirnD-TrararaOMyLeabtete
to record than tbe affair of Ctrie aad

Men are trying to mta an aim fer ^yAXTgP—^ ratten. Tiaiw** ^raiy
oono SOCTH.
their Uvea by oeatlng an artificial pare trooble with tbe poae for tair eadrienc*. leUimamcaig
saeb artificial parpoasa tbe getting cf
money, power, infinenoe, rank, station,
I to women's back hair, bat tome.—BahU Jooepb SUvermtoi. New
alboUowsd ahos beelf and York.
aswsd up in varioua artlclra of wear, in
CbarWahl. Mra.
d<« ctdlaxA in bateea' boofA ip fruit*
I find tat tbe mori cbaritabla mat in
•assoAi. omca* an mcx
Ob laprrad «Ar jii many,
and vegetafaleA io tninfcs with take tair Judgmemoi
Judgmei)! of men are pl^raicU&a
Boat End Miobigan 8t„ Cbloaga.
botUmA in pipe* and cigatA in eabcA
P^Sta k OBOTm. iitlorueya.
The moe practice they
«n the neck* of oaxrier pigeotii and even have, the tc
borisd in men'* tkm after tbs manner
of tbe KafBr dltmcad Ibievra.
“But lbs man who did tbe alkkeat

!~L..... .

iigsni inioiniisnnLi
T* taka «g*n aratar. 4 «M M. uar.


'USL—Koney to Loan

'*'Bowf Why, ba bad a pasta ring
made exactly like ta ganoine one. He
waoM wear tbe paste one over, leave it
to to a^ with dUmondA wear tan
back, have them repUoed with -pasta
and tfaus carry on tbe game rigtit befora
trur admiring eyea We never anspeetad
taaeal. "—Demit Free Preaa.
toantloiwd, ewon nndar bk brsatb at
tba aligbteai nfereocs lo tbcPhilippina
ialanda and eoeartd aaragely al loa EaTbe Duke of UaUkbnff was at a bat­
tadoa Onidoi de Ammea.
••Sbopkteping pigsl" ha oallsd » in tue at btrartifi> Idsare and sbM ootiii^
gboiae Castiliou accanta and witt a mneb to bis disgust, aud when tbed^
11 over It appeared tbatbewoold to
norei acoentnatlon of ideaa Oh. bow
tremely pot out unless be was allowed
■atirieal and idtiag bswaal Canmbot
enabled to kill something, go in
"BpaniohliqiiariearbewanU nut.
tar to bimaelf oocaataally. “How 1 spile of all tbe gamekeeper conld think,
feel ot say a pbe**hoi was procured,
I Car
tied by its leg to tbe top of a poot, and
Melakbofl' was .put snrae 80 yards off
y UUo bm>i his mind on ..........................
baoed 'of tbe Yankees and yebzued to
wipe os cdt tbe face of tbe earth. Yoa tberiM take two abuu at ta bi^^ Not
bewaatarriblypatriotic. Bedetermined a bit <f it. He loaded both barreU,
tovkitxuinoog.; also U diagoiee.
tbe mutxle etuae to him a^ _
both barrek into him. witb "BeJ «o■‘Gratias^aetMrl ranks! HI. hit O
qnin." Tbe next day tbe Duka of WeiUI Bing, pUgl"
Tbe swarthy foreigner pltad tbe f9 Ungtou told tbe keeper that Malakboff
bill in bis pocket witb a wiekad leer, was a great mao wbo bad smoked to
and tbe New York boatiMB man took death 800 Arab men. women and chil­
dren in a eavA to which the gamekeep­
tbe bos of cigars. Tbe New Yoriter
chuckled tabifflself aa ba thongbl bow er replied: "Like enough, your grace.
He’d becapebJeof aoythiiig."—"Le*«fetoply to bad aecsrad ta eboioe Per- ttmof Lord Blackford."
faeun. wbieb the refugee confided were
«r the UalMd
Dod Juan Fernandei
Olio waa a ba^ty 1

. ... . . •


men wbo covet tbe aitnigfaty-dollar, and
to obtain it men must wmk. Tbooaands :
of laboring men ore working fioDday [
after Sunday tbat aonte penoos may
profit tberriiy-—Rev. H r. Lripaaer,
Baptist. Philadelphia.
Brief lateral*.
Man is aecuncaiied to-trief intovak.
Not long tbe spaoe between January's
mowdrifta and Jime’a red berrieA brief
the Interval totweoo Che egg and tbe I
cagle’afoU flight. Scarcely a more of
year* oeparute the infant cj day* from
ta youth (f fell Btatwe.—Bev. Dr.
BUllA Oenfeol Mnoio BaU. Chiooga
*b. asMath a BatMBs.
Bveiybody wonts tbe can and cleva-1
ton to run on the fiabbath. The steam-1
ship cannot atop in midooeon to ke^
Sabbath. Tba vast makrity of our peo­
ple prixe their own liberty, and their
aenaeof JuKiae will lew! them logrmit
the nmie to all And tat will bring to
an end ell Sunday legklatkm except
aueb as applies to oU bolidi^—BarTbomaa Utter. Unitarfen. Denvax. *

"Man Wants



hWc Below,”

But He Wants That Little


I * QUICK. * I

1 would put up no ban to tbe freest
bumau belief. 1 would to a trerihluker
And have every man that. At tbe aame
timelwoold not bevemenneglect tboae
simple truths upem whidi the beat life
ia boUt, always bos been, always wfll
be. It k not what we know, but tbe
kind of men and wiemwn wo ore, tat
makn Ufe aiguifleaDt.—Bar. R. A.
OteenA CnivotaalisL ^ringfield. Mam
“In Met
” kgmeeaUy conalderad a glocuny poem, bnt is in rnali^
tbe moat triumphant poem in tbe Englirii bmguage. It has more deeply penemtod ta rhind tf oor lime than any
Otar. Tbe value of it lies in its
It aigeak to. ta
grand primary tmta of our bumonlt
to tboae first ptinc^lea irhicfa am wort
men tan aU ta crank.—Rev. A. i
WeUA Unitarian, San Fraaokoo.

Hmt nigbt to antoed

y OUo letomed to hia taangbty
SiBBirii ebcuaA to nmde toatontly fer
Madrid. & waa doaetedvtkkly with



oaadiag from Orxinl'a room. .
to oea what wm tba matter and found
ta axpUnriion of Ocrisi's bad tadaobaa Tka room wa* qnila da^ and
tagtobadnotbaoBtamadoff. “Vhat
Waahoed and CVaoUtydidyiMdDwlth tagaaT' sakedCow­
'Manhood demands that one tall an. **Blaw him oaA” said Oariai. wbo
■tand cm one'a own feet and betfere by btf navtoatonagMbHBMrbtae. Tba
hit own bralA witbont
baadaota tan oaamd. They wara riBer. WilUasi Lloyd. Oong
featulJy'.aarad ooma nMnta, mm at
New York.
ta tn^taa of iba aanpana of tba

According to Dr. Anatin AlliboDA
tbeie are six known ocqdeaof the Manlin Bible cm veilnn, one of which ia the
Tolanic ioand in the Maarin libnr;.
Tbe eegrie* on valiain, bowcwi, are later
ttian tba oopiea cm paper, 81 of which
an known to be in exietenca. Th«e i*
a vallnm eopr of the Bible in tbe Briliah niuieiun and a paper ^ofj In the'

told ms abont it aRerward. Us was a
retired dpcsctlvs wbo bad aerved with
Sbephetd. MIcb.. Aug. SA—Bo far aa gfeai cxediL Sbortly before tcsigalng
the Ryaiu., father and *oo. are con­ ba claimed to bara received a baaatifnl
cerned. pabllc eentlm'eot Is thk vtclntty

I derided change now diamcod ting with three very Urge
Honsa from a New Yorker for whom ha
bad been able to anve' a good deal of
Ittg tbe murder of Cashier Struble. U money. It was certaioly a magnlllesnt
bae some to be pretty generally be­ ring, and tbe matter was dnlyezploitsd
lieved that the dying cashier was in no in tbe papora He profSsmd lo be doing
Btate of mind to give any accurate la- a private bntiDaw that took him aetoaa
fetmaUon cooeeralng tbe tragedy In hk tbe river feeqMily, and be woald of­
few ■eml-lucld moments Inst before his
death. NoUlag new has developed la ten use tba fany three or four timaa a
day. Ha qlwoya wore tba daaxling ring,
kba caae.
and 1 looked at it every day for moMba
VICTORY AND VEWeANCE. Yet tbat fellow waa making big Booay

ainntes Utertow

Dr. Law MddtaAmtag etory abMrt
Onlnl at Blaj^ HaO. whfeh tawed
tbeUtraraa a vwy aim pit man. Orrini. at one taa. aem^taad arety
nomlngof blahaBA *'l’are one bed
baadaebc.’’benaed to my at fateakfeat
to Mia Oewan. One sightJcnaidi Cow-

“LardeuTeme tram a ptonsfool.'
0 one knowa exactly when cw wbara
the original coin was “struck" or What aaid Daniel O'OHmall. Many
• •
metal was used. Oertaln potagaa in •tartb
Bomer would lead to the infeteae* tat ZoundiilliMnavritoaaDetity. Manymau
who olotm torbe kamad don’t know ta
rdglrt a^ day- Ibay
1184 a C Ttoditton
I’t hitow, or they don't want to know,
CUntos bad bronae oota m early aa
taytor 1190B. C ButBmdotata ta difference between a fool and a
man k ta very
acknowledged "Father <f Hiakay," U
psfeotfen of ta really anaUOa
If ta tqdniontat ta Igdiam'‘in­
—Rev. Father Daly of FmMOla.
vented” oolna same time dfiring the
Bioth oentnry B. 0. One of ta oMmI
ewteas ana vru*.
ariMMjw known is a gold datw. ootned
The anbiootion <f wife to buSband W
fey ta Perrians during ta reigB of
Darina On onesideof tfakcoin laa
n Of tta
boat of Darin and on tbeMber ridaa but is ta I
figure «f a kneeling atebar.

All AMsementi,.,.
Want Departflientc.



h known to be Effective.



‘■Sen m fifiaOMLOOO tn«S billA"
be abootod, "far tbe ainaws of war with
ta abotaaphig Piga Half <d ta pigs
aredMd atraady feom tbe Fluvaoub
jrr dgan 1 aold ‘as fer omuggied
Oobao goods! Ba! baf'
. Bo kt to aU taka wtaiBg end not
defy an anemy wboae blow ia fatal and
wbeas batrad k like unto a
-pgvid H. JodaatnKawY.
ueiiiM ta Prat Kita.
Sir Robert Gary rode nsar^ 800 lAei
•*Wbo is that manwbo tai^&rutntat- in leal tan Cfaree days when be went
teaily every tinw a waveoauMattagriilp from London to Bdtnbncgb to Inform
Jamm of ta death of Queen SUato ita to one alder aoked the
"Ba tbtoks bak doti« iA"raplM
touvtori bait in ta worid k tat
ta obltoto. "«a bring biaatang to
keep Mb from ountag a^ mi dsBagA
Bakta BBi vtamhB ta'toat'*—


•ttbmits to that bsrinad, wbo fe b
lover, not her maatw. baoanaa her besit
baa fennd in him inleraA BnriMndt
waoenmndadtoiova tbrirwtvHaad
to retrain trmaltfetMnmri tpeeck.
Ism Bttmiig a vriri>
mnslo to

* '

If You Have n Want

I ...TF^Ylt.

mi mi-

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