The Morning Record, August 10, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 10, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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orrtozjLi. rAPX&
o» »H« oirr. i





Tint Yeu^No. 84.



fonaar well kaowa boilaeei maa of
TrarcnaeCi^. He we* 09 yean of ag*The remalne were looked aftar la
XiXAXH 07 AST XVDIAV OAVISS Grand Bapide by Um Maaoale frater­ FOB THB BZXIXSAnOM OF TKB
nity, deceeaed bMhf a mwaber of TreeBT A CTEAIBT.B MTOBIVO.
eiee City l4>dce; Ma t«. P. and A K.
The feaetal wUl take place tnm the ■Uberau PrepamtloB to BcUpoa AU
AmmU tappoMd V> Hat* bM 0«Baptist eha^ at 10:U this momlac
PrcTtone Bflbha of the Hlnd-lHer the aoeidees o< Travene City
tiagniabed oaoeneftbe Order to
flM* Uiiuim taflMtatf, bat 1h« TloLodge.
be Preomt—SboaeWbeWiUteaAll Bonbwa of the ledge are reigattou iB Piogri
dnot the Departeeata.
foeeted -to be at>the lodge ^mmom
Tbe exeentiTe board of tbe Yvette.
A eoroaor'* lory U Sattoaa B«y ia «b- promptly at «:«> to attend the eerrieoa.
wmsMting of T. J. Beet, Angne M^U.
Cofad to iBTMttfAti&r A
a & OcTis, Mrs. Allen SmlUt. Mrs
bUMdtbedMlhofHi ladUa BMMd
SaU nayece at the theatre.
Joe Mop.
Manager Eohoe has made arraage- Prod NorU and Mie. Jad. Oamnron.
Mop died SoBdor oftenoo* ud Ue
ento to eatertain the Manistee Colte
dMtbWM doe to P
and his own boym, the finsUort. Ihey tbe Fbraetcn fair Md dsdknUoa of
Ahelr new heU. which wlU be opeoed
wUeb be ree«d«ed Setordep. Jolj Slot, will at^ W. S. Bart's perform
^ pertlee onkoowm. Tfa* deed lodiu of"Oamille*’tonlghVlnabo<^. Inriew to tbe pobUc this afternoon. Tbe hail
OBttl Pbeat tea dope ^ wee emploTed of the immease hit eoored by Mr. Bart Is beaatlfnUy aad tastUy deemated
bpB. A UeOey. nUi^bericenddolar and hit company last night the hones wiU erergreeas aad boating and ebowe
Ue good teste of Ue dMoraUaj
'other work U the woode. aiaee he left wlU be crowded.
tb4iiapto7 of DeUeybe^beea woricmlttee and membera. Tbe
booU la the mala IfaU Is la ohaige of
lac for Mr. ChrieUeaeoa. Oo the 8etMia. Oeo. Boon. Mta. Dr. Tadmaa sad
ha easie beek to SattoM Bay aad had la
poeeedoa hU Ably Crwted In Teaohara’ InstibkU Mrs. lm:kcy. Tbe booU is Uterally
eoTcred WiU articles af bmaty aad
wiM ead aoneeappliao which ha had
asefalaeee too aameroae to mealioa.
oaKbeeed. It le eappoeed thethehad
Tbe Grand IraTarne County Teaehfor Uie parpoae of robberp,
Tbe fish pond aim la tbe main ball U
en' li
in charge of Mia. C. Slayter. Mrs. C. Ely
bat being of------with an enrollmentof it; tt
sad Mrs. Jes. Marebie. Mrs- John
•aid nothing abont the oooarrenee. ex
were recorded in the afternoon and
Jomp and Mia. Ayers wlU be In charge
oept poeslhly to his compaaiOB who
morn are
of Ue booths In the dining room,
lifad in a shanty with him. A weak
TheeondaetorU Profes«>r ^oyt of
where the puUU eaaSnd all kinds of
ago yesterday he appeared epon the
the State Normal College, and the inry aad dgara. Mrs. Geo.
streets in a terrible shapa His fees.
etnetor U Miee Harriet Marsh of the
beU and body'weraa mnas of bralsea
Maaeoek School in Detroit.
^ he looked mere fit far e hospital
drink stand, which te ta
In the meraiag Mias Mereh tool
Mia. Prase. Mrs.
than the etreeb lost Pri^ he wu
by the aeateaee methods
compelled by the eendition of hie tried to show that, as thec^ thought: and Mra. W. W. KeUr will here
charge of Ue lee eream parloia.
' woonde to take to hie ehanty. and on
la seateaow, hs skoald learn to read
The rotlagoaatest will take ^ace In
aad Sonday be was mad with
in SMteaoea, not la words.
pain and hie Injariaa Beamed to hsTO
f mala hall. A
la tbe afternoon eke gaTB a talk in
.aCeeted his brain. Bla aefleringa,
ring will be ^ren tm
aatare work, making a epedalty of
of any fratnraal eohowerar. were ended by death Sunday
beaV end ehowed fu effect la Ue proelety of thta city, aad will be
daetion of of w^. water pow«, elec­
. Anlnqaeetwne>M yeaterday and
ed by rote, the lady raeririagUe graaV
tricity. masenlJ power and electrical
iber Of rotes to get the ring.
eflorte are being made to dieeorer the
power. Bodies, as geod aad bad
Tbe OMtmt will rioae Thnredey at fi:M
tdanUty of the eeeallante of the Indl
daetcre of heat were eoasUered.
Brawls anwmg tbe red men aboct
4S. m. The foUowlag committee will
Tbe lest eabjeet in the aftemoon was
Sattone Bay are of bwiBent oooarbare charge of Ue eoateet; Mra Aas general talk oa ebUd Mad) in Ita apnntm and not Infreqaentiy theymmgcr
gns KcColl for Ue Poreetere; Mra H.
plleaUoa to tbe physical needs of the
taarm hsTe been bnspeeted oPIeking
Lederle tor Ue L 0. T. M. Hire, No
child ae ontliaed la tbe work dene in
ndeantage of the older men a
71; Mice Lederle for the L. O. T. M.
the Methere- Onb ta the Baneoek School
drank,-to reb tkeim. aad it Is often tbe
Ne. Ut; Mra Fox far tbe Bebekahs;
danng the last two years. She eon
CMS )hat there hare been eome pretty
Mra D. Melnagfalta for the Eeetcro
dnded with three rales which hare
eerlcem qaarrels among them. Os thU
Star: Mra E. Ingersol for Ue Boyal
been lulpfal in exeledlng
oaeealon U U sappoaed that Mop
aad ecariet ferer from tbe echool dorbeen drinking. Chretal iBTestigatSoM
A high grade bkyria wUl be giree U
are bning made and the eatberitiee will
Ue moat popalar retaU merchant of
carrying oat of theae no cnee of dlpkcreiy effort to briag the gnllty'
the city, raorirlng tbe moat rotes The
Uerie ead only one of seerlet ferer has
parties to IneUee.
ooBteet will eloee-Tliareday at lO p. m.
occurred in Ue dleWct. wblU aamA gold beaded mae will be giren Ue
berc «00 chUdree. They are ae fal­
nwet popalar preriding officer of say
fraternal aoeielyofUe rity 'reeririag
I. ^eeer allow e ehUA erco ia warm
Xanieie Strengthened with Baththe moat rotes. TbU coolest will rice*
weather, to leare Ue hoam before he
erfOtd and Jerome. Wilhelm.
Tbnndsy, 1040 p. m.
At lert Butharfordle here. Be er- has aetea eome breakfast aad is sutTbe coateeta will be la charge of Ue
liTsd yesterday at 10;so a. bl Aad flcieaUy clotbed.
II. Nerer alUm a pnpil to ataad on exeentlre bmrA The ring, eaae and
that isn't aU, Jerome Wilhelm will be
Weyrie are on exhibitioa la C & Cbrie'
-ta the gaiee today, too. Although Je­ Ue corner, or in s doorway, waitiag display window.
rome has joet rcoomred from a eerere far the eebod bell to rlag. U be arA mnseam of airktads of sUffad aarirea too em-ly lot him eome in tbe
apdl of elckaem. hb is feeling weU nad
Imals aad birds is u be^ exhibitk»
anye be can play the game. Thatleell
tU. Brary popll noder the sixth ta Ue gallery.
that leaecemary. Now the haetleie
Mra dan Yoaag. Mra Jse. OriffeU
grade .Uonld aleep at least mine boars
•re reedy for the OeUs. Thom firleky
end Mra Wearer will be la eharge of
gnaUemea from Maaietee owe Tmr- oat of the twea^-fanr.
Ue tomnt sapper, which wUl be mrred
ciee City a game or two and the boys
from » U 10 aneh algkt in the store be­
rithaisUe. aad eonttaae the week la
arc goiag to try aad make them pay
low Ue halL
the debt. Tbe Poreetere bere. la their Natan Stady.
Tbe Beys' Bead will glre » eonesrt
program, lacladed the bnU games for
eneh ernaiag In Croat of Ue hall, also
the next three days, so that any rlsHinride, nad a maelral eatertalnment
tag memhetr of that order will mlee Trarane City Xiomber Oo'n. Pleat WiU be gireo by pop^ home taleat.
none of the program, aad at the same
■lights XHsebled.
. Thoradey. the Last Itay.
time MS n gome or two of good bsea
Two aeeideaU la Ue mlU of the
10:K> s. m. Reoeptloa of eppream
bnU. Wetklnp. Pieber ead Bntherford Trareree City Lumber Ca yesterday
will aiuraaw ia tbe box for the three eaased Ue pleat to shot dowa for a oSoers. bl^ eonrt offieen aad ririting
tew faoara One of Ue parts of Ue Forestera
Merabsll of .the day. Um. O Nml.
edger was broken wkleh eompelled tbe
0. ■. Bicycle Chib Ban.
sUpplag et Ue eircolar saw for a short Aldm. W. W. FrinhUd aad C. CBadtbe C. B. Bleyele elab will bold its
time, bat tbe repsira were made ae that wiek,
t:00 p.m. Straet parade, led hy Ue
Ue eew rmamed work early la the' afat the bomeof MimMiMBatea. If
Uraoon. The hrmklng of the mala -Boye’ Bead and Ue mayor aad alder­
It is pfcaeaat a thort btagMe ma wlU
men. Ue rity Are department, enprame
bearing of the gangmwalao eriU make,
be made, etarting at T o'clock, and
aad high eonrt offieen la earriagea,
it aeoeeaary to tend away for a new
lineletn aad a social time will foQew.
riririag eoorts of Poraeters aad Ue
one, which wUl eaoee Ue gang to raIf it U stormy the social part of the
of Cuart Trararea. After Ue
inaeting wUl take plaee at ^ home of mata idle for sereral days.
parade the dedbetioa
Mim Bates.
haU wUl take pboe, Ue eeramoBy to
be oaBdaeted by dnprsme Chief BaaOBBXAtBD A TXAM.
gar Oroahyatekha. of Toronu. Can­
-Wblrii Were BnUt la Thie City Take
ada. aerieted ^ High Chief Baager M.
let end Sd Prisna on Black Lake
Barn of Abraham Olark Bnrnad 8a«M. CaUagban of Ue High Court of
nrday Might. ~
Two Trarene City bnUt yeehte. Ue MIeUean. The addremei of wrioome
a^torday ovcaing a barn belonging Ethel, fanoerly Wabaeeo. aad Ue wUl he made
Meyor W. W. SmiU
VtkTag. WM bonore et Ue regatu of sad Chief Bsa^ P. O. OUbert. Beto Abrpham OUrk, near Blagbam.
bomed to the groand with aU iu con- Ue Grand Bapide Yacht Clnb, at Black spopee aad addraMbs by Saprme Chief
4Mte of hay and grain. Mr. Clark had Lake Satrrday. Victor Moatagae. Ue Beager Oroahyatekha and other High
jan fiaiehed thrmhlagaad all hie gtaia bellder of 1^ boats, ealled the Vtldag, CmrioSoera
was la tbe be^ A team beUmglag to aad be W cempelled fa ohaaga her
A grand baU wQl be giren ta Ue
George ITi npin was alee In the bam rig U cere e heery haadleep. He, eraatag. wbleh b open U Ue pablie.
kowerer, won UeraoeeaeUyorereerea A banquet wUl be serrad ta Ue etora
aad was emmstad. Mr. Newmaa
left hU team la tbe bam while be went
kataw the bell frra lo u It o'riooh
fiehing with Mr. Oark. Tbe km ' coarm was right mllea.
which will be ta charge of Samnri Eltar, ehef of Perk Place. Admlmioa to
aboot WOO.
ed FradertU J. Meeeh of (taarleroU as t^ baU aad baaqaet will be one dol­
lar par eoople- ^
number are
postaisster ct Uat clWexpmted from Msnbtee. Ladlagton.
Wa^iafftoa Ooanlae Pamad Away
Petoekay. PreakfoA. OadUlae. Boat
Ofalcage Maiket
. /'
Be^ and
Chicago, Angost 9^—Wheat—Aogwt,
WnAiagton Oonalne died la
ril Ue rittaa of oorUara MbUgaa.
Bepids Snaday, aad the rcmalm wen nifciSepteabm. TCX^Tle; December.
broaght to thU elty yestmday by Mr^ nH9~^HK Key. fllke.
Tonlfbft PrograB.
Cora—Angoet, HUe;
Moody, of Beaton Harbor. Mta Moody


was s deter of Us deceeied.
Mr. COBBlaeb wife died the Itth of
and eaon after Uat Ui
baalU began to fall. While <m his
way from Beaten Harbor to Ombd
Ba^ about aix wanks ege tan wbs ta- km WlU the rioknem wbleh nltanataly
iwellii' in hie daetb.
Mr. Cknmlaa eras an eld aetUar and


Tbe frilowiag program wtU be gir­
WKe: Deoember, ?7J<e; May.
en at erOOo’eilockUb eraatag' la the
tMfclodge roam. Peraetan' kaU:
leife; October, ITlfc;
8ota-Mba AUbe Crawford.
Beriteticn-Mbe Genie CrHeel.

PoA-Aigari, r-«(i
Uid AignM. SM>:



Bedtatloa fleoM Weedwaid.

Blmey N. Pickard of Leland. Is tsfietared at PaU Maoe.
Mim Aiioe M'. Blacker of Manleiee.
dtaed at Pbrit Place Sonday.
Uley Sene ere left yeaterday far a trip
to CharieyoU and Peknkay. en bntl. Mia. Bsimey Andeieeei aad sen went
to Kerthport yeeteeday far a week'a
MkeitaylaOriswoU wOlleara today
for a waU'e rWt at ker komc ta VermontriUe.
. ’
MkaOUre KirklaadofOilretCoUcgn.
wko baa beee rteiliBgMre. M. K. Bock,
went to Baasoota ymterday.
Mim Bmc Boberte has retoraed to
ber home ta Sparta, after a tear weeks'
TleU la UU city aad Mabel.
Mr. and Mra. E-BPatteiamaadUco.
W. Thayer of Ornad Rapkto an meadieg e tew days at Paik Place.
Bey. 6. fialsbery retamed yeetevday
from Bead City, where be has beea atUndlag e mlaUtcriel meeting.
Edna M. Proet of Praakfort. arrired
oa Ue Peteskey Saaday moralng aad
will rlritMleeJoeieVeder while here.
Geo. G. Stekrtee. who came from
<Grand Ba^ wiU Ue ramalas of Ue
Ute Washington Oonalne. is at Park
Godfrey Eagstiom left ymtodey for
Uladstooe. Where be wUl take a po-

Geo. F. Owen of Grmd Bepids. he
who b one of Ue piUen of Ue organ;
isatloa of Ue Ealghb of Ue Oriii. b
at Park Piece.
C. P. HerriU and B. Peek, who heyp
been rbitt^ S. O. Adaab tor Ue past
weak, left OB Ue etariaer Petoakey far
CUoagoaadPota. IU.
Mra W. P. Crotaar. Mbs Mabel Fay.
Mra W. J. Boxbaig aad mother and
CbarUe FaUsr wen emong Ue riritere
at Omens yesterday.
ftaes. Wagner ef'BeldlBg.canM 6endAy morning tram Praokfart OB e abort
rblt to ArUnr Olbbard Ue akoe clerk,
ta A. V. Friedrich's-eboe.
Prof, and Mra B. Eeeetcrof Belton.
'Eexas. taft yesterday for fCUaa after
e moaU’e rblt la Ub eliy end Elk
Bapide. gaeeu of DraJ.W. and J. C
Osnde -L. Abbott, nopalsr porter at
Ne-ah-ta-waate reaort holai. has taken
ap Us rarideace ta Ue rity and ^
attend Ue tcachen' taetiute.
B. A d'Coaner. Depaty'ureat Commaader K. O. T. M.. retained ymterdey from Horton. Mlcb.. wfU bb tamUy aad will make thb bb fntora home.

One Tiling Japan Can’t Diu
Can't forbid n* selling Japanese
We have some of the finest ev
imported. Dainty as a lace handkerchief.
Our prices are the low^

820 mONT STHErr.



Accident Insurance
Is A good thing. Commence by buying at
our store and insure your^lf against inferior goods and higher prices.



These Prices
Should Interest the Ladies.
SUk Waists

Bhirt Waists


AU new—Kw.. me..
7*0.. ran. aad S1.4S.

Ifa. far Ue. ralMB
Uc. for Uc. fa Mo.

81.K. Si.rt, in.w to


Ladies’ Suits—Skirts—Capes
What we have left will be almost given away, to make ,
- room for fall styles (now arriving.)

Come in and see them.

ReliaUe Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

To the crippled condition of

The Opeathg
..of the..

the times we consider it ohr
duty to inform yon that,
quality considered, onr..........


flour is the cheapest yon-can


T. J. Host’s,

Was a Cracker Jack

The only drawback being
we could not wait on all the
trade. The following remark
was made by many at our
store: 'That’s the kind of a
sale 1 like to attend." Gen­
uine stuff—dits is no fake and
if'you are not-fiuited you get
your money without' a kick.
Sale will continue until further
notice. ’
on arm pob

$133, $i98, $5.39

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our
Market in the Brosch Block.


Fresh Heats—always fresh. Salt Heats.



if You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond with
tbe Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have____
Go Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Macbinery, of all
descriptions, induding 3 Engines. Set Works. Carriages
and Saws, A complete Saw Mill l^nt for sale.




CrasHratoefeK...... jsc
Good goods at Lqw Prices
our motto.

Said tp be

Man's $1.50 Slum
On earth.

We have it! Ladies’, Misses', Bo>V, Youths' and
Childs’ Waterproof Shoes just in.

PDPQlw Oottakr.





voBunw »T«»T no»tm ueawwwntT.
T&AVXR8E crry. - micbioan
raoa w» orrta <» nt

obakd t&avebsb bseald,
THOa. T. BATn aks 4. W. Hazxss.
J. W. H*»W. Editor M>d UMatftr.

s==S;X-:2r-. •.UirramStiw

JonruliaUc XHgstt^.
Oeeartary Sbermu to mii to have

t i ■

- ^atotod itvardl^ Kn^toad. that ibe to
• great oouet^. bot net prone to tol>
tow op her qnarreto with blow*, and
*aat eke qaarrlea trftoner than ehc
•ghta. Thiq mar or atajnot .be trae.
bat whether It toor not. certain Lonba aew^pere take it ter rrastod
that the aU^ nttoraMee were net■aUj nttered. an^ U .eoMmmtIng
apoa them, the fteal Joniahto of
•he BiiUeh bipire aUow them•alree to let tb^ wrath to get the bet•vof their joamaltotk dtoeretioa and
dlgnitj. One paper reten to the al­
leged iatecriew ae hatng “a traltj
axaaple of Sbeman'e ealoon e^le”;
while another daelaree that E^laad
niaj not alwaje follow ap her qoanqto
erlth blowa bat that when ehc
atrikea, ehe etrlkae bard
thto obeerratien with aaother apon
•he atoorditj of the Idea of Bag'
latol'e helag afraid of e third-rateaaTj
Uke that of the United Btatea Tkto
aMtete oonelndee: ‘-^ndgleg from hto
Umt performanee we maj eharliablj
aiaanM that the romore that S

Good hate haU ttdaj. lUntotee n.
UaeUere. t:M.
}■ a-Uagwerthj aad lamUj Uh
jMtardaj for a wadr'e ttaj A Chrp
lake, eamptog.
W. J. Kent and tomUj and W. P.
Keanej andi tamllj bare gape cimping
for two waeke at Oerp taka
Aakar Cbmphell. a barber who to to
aatw the emploj of Oecar Bemae todap; azrltred tram Ljaa, lad., .jealardaj.
penoaa went toCharleroiz
on tha OolamUa Sandaj. The Boje'
Baad wwc on board and aa enjojablc
Meabere of Hoaa Oo. Ka S wlU ateet
la fell anttorm at their rooBM at lt:W
p.a».,eharp,Thiueday, totakepan la
tii» Foreeten' parada
The name of M. B. BoUej erae otnif
tod Baadaj moralag trom the Uet of
tboae who were aieoelaud with W..6.
Ban In the prodnotion of *-Tbe Ben^

eraalag in McBamera hall, at eight
ocloek eharp. A fuU attendence to

The ataam barge Barray J. Baadall
and ooaaort. Troy. amr«d yaeteraay.
aad will load hardwood lamher et the
deeke of the Traveree City Lfcmher Oo..
tor .Chicago.
The anhoal picato at tha Ckrietiaa
Bndeavor eoelatim of the PreabytetlaB
aad Frienda' ebarehea wiU be held to­
day at Bwah-ta-wanta. The boat
leavaa at 8;tta. m.
Uaderaberifl Aahtoa went to May-,
Said aad arreetod York Baru oa a war­
rant. charged with polniiag a maaket
at Michael Zey. Barta wiU have a
hearing belore Jaatlce Varly thto
morning.. .
Tonight ihere will he a
o of "ChmiUe” In Suiaberg’a
MlOpareBonM.^W. 8. Bartand
aaperb oompaay.
The bfltoh >oantaU
night -The Man of tha Iron Maak”
1 idea of
erild wcatem cruditj and i
elaee Seerctarj Shermaa wii
a^tcOoU baa raeaived advioea
element i
that an exearalon will he raa from
der dtoterbanee tame. KoweTer, when Cadillac to thto cUy Tbnraday for the
PoNcte.e’ dedication. It to expected
to make otteranoca that are off.___ that tharewiUheloOiatheerowd. iathoae bgltoh pepen wUl And DBearifM clodlag ?S foreeleta.
to di^j eome litUg rtepeot towarde
Bering the thenderetarm yecterdey
a man of ract mental reaooreee aad a
d^UmUe kepnnme which will be felt the foeee ta the electric light wiring in
■ if erer exeretoed. As to oar nary, a the reeidenee of C. 8. Cavto were blown
little btaeh or two might prore that o«b The aame pertormanoe waa entha aentlment of irre appUed at thto aotad early U tha mamlng la the po­
tato implemeat factory.
Claie woeld be eoceewhat mtoplaeed.
Beat Snnday there wOl be Letheran
TBa amamlnaUoD of Ctono«ae.-prani' •wleee ta the Beat StaU atreet aehool
by Ber. John
•erof Spain, to e aerere blow to that
TbaeetmonatlO:to in-the
poentrj.andthe effect hto death will
wOl hedellvered la Bagltob
hare ^mn the Cohen dUBealtj to e
auttorofspecalntlon. It to the optn- aad that of the awing at 7:M in Scan­
ton, bowerer, that a radical okaMte dinavian.
erUl he created Iq the attltade of Spain
TbaLctfyraraatotaareTvqnaetad to
- •owantotbetoland. aetbedeatoof the bring tlmlr fawy work for the haaar
gienUer will remere an inflneaee la be­ aad flab poad to the hall acme time
half of the {weaent eoone of ^aia. thto week aa -it to naeeamry tor the
whteh will be felt matoriaUj.
imittee to know a tow daya batore
the haxar what they wUl have to de­
pend npon.
Jeke FPrteeh received a box BatarKaka Ann lUn Solng WaB in day trcea Mr. Mettoaald, eon-in-law of
J. E. Onaton. which oontalaed a qnanWm. B. Sehroedcr, formerly poet- tl^ of Little Neck elaaw. three large
mater at Lake Ann. wae one of a party loheten and a rare variety of ealt weter
pd tkat place who weal to Alaeka after ftoh. aU of whiiA Jake took good oaa
p tetane ehoot a year ego. The other of Sonday.
A warrant waa toeaed Sanday for the
^flemen eame heck witbont any
afgM of fortanee, bat Schroeder kept teat of George Green itod Cheriaa
At it aad to ttriUng it rich near Daw- Smith, who are eharred with etaaiing
h wagon from CharUa B. Boberteaa.
Wm In a letter to hto etoter, Mimthe al^t of Angnat Ird. The wagon
bepborat, he ttUee that gold to being
token oot from Ssoo to S800 to the-pan. wae net found in their pommalon. and
• pan being two akoreUato of dirt. tha warraati were not aerred.
Prof. Orawa retaned Satarday and
to keepinc booea a few dayi aU by
himealf. hto boaaehold bring jaat at
- iwhet acattered. Mro.
OMaa Lamher Ooto Tlant Ptoboyed
Grawn to at Bay View, Mim Hilda at
By 9b%

Maator Cari at North*8oath Piaakfort. Angaat 9.—Fire villa. The profemor hUneeU wlU eaon
wtotod Beoth Pmokfort Snndey aad ha away again boay at Inetltata work.
pompletely daetreyed the mill of the
Bev. Ira J. Tripp, paetor of tke
fkaae Lember Co., beeidee a large
United Brethren chnreh. will leeve for
•moaat of Inaher ta the yard. The
Denver today, acoompanied by Mra.
people of the town depended largely Tripp.
ruof tke-oongregu
pa t^to mill aad ita daatractloa will tioa r^vat tkat iU hmltk haa toreed
hmrt a large part of the male pepala- Mx. Tr^ to rarign. aa he haa made
many fkm frienda by CMmolentlona ef^atalmaca mUl and lamher in g7D.OOO forti and dtoplayed the ability to bntld
. IaUJ ttoarpA the oompany did
ap a thrirljig chnreh.
kvV* hitotpctt. ahlpping from ten to
While ataadlng at the oomor of Oaae
•waive can per day.
and Slate Btreet Sunday ommlag. Dr.
Martla'a hena wna Mgbiened by
pw^iiri which wna bring rained by i
W-B-yBart reoelvad yettwday aad
letten aad talagrame fnm woman in pemltig. The horue daehed
around the coiaer of Bute npon Union
raal Kaatar, aethor
of “ Bell Gwyiw,’aad Uoraariar the bridge the carr
'•tbehlUto o'Brae.” etc.; Albert Bo­
wae badly damaged. The borne
land Bavan. aatkor of
acratehed aomewhat bat not aeriomly
ftoah U Parley. Managar of the


Me ” Beetoaiaim,” L. O. flake, of the
a«w Terk Dremetic Mirror, B. MoLeli.n
ginn~ Qty. and aevetal otkerc
from jtorttoa lam known
well wtohaa ware ae aino^ TaaUrday momlag Mr. Bat» ^^aie^ved a
wrwth of Unrel from no lam dlatingtoahed a imeonaga Ikaa Madame,
It anlvad by mU ^ the
Califonia aad waa ased Imt
sight cn the Mage for deeon
•mat aoeaei Thto will ebow the
mn^inwhich Bert to hMd by the
M people of the.
. •orwmdtohto oecnpytBga lofty peeittoafathe

Sravecae Ottyto Frodact
Tke Travm Oi^ prophet of piano
tanlng ^ in great damaad in Petoakey
aad Bay View. YeatenUy Pro.^. W.
aiff retomed from Bay Vtow aeoor^MlodbyMnClifl. White there Mr. CUff
waa employed by J. 6. Smith, aonbem
manwm’tor the A B. Ckaae Plaao Oo.
totaaethe ^apoe In the ooaasrtatory.
Later ha waa aent for by WOaon O.
Smith, managwof the eonapiiahnj to
look aftar otocr jdanoe aad hto work
wae highly oomplimentod by Max Bendlx. the tamopa viriiatot aad other
Bfoka^ artiriq U the ooneorvatory and

Mm- rote In tke moat diaealt performIhe Qiwwth «C the dwWM ae*y.
^ la tkto portrayal Mr. fiart comThe growth of the Oenaen navy ainee
blnea every neceaeaty qaaliScaUan aad
1871 bm
to attempt to eridetov would be amamiag too much. Conataace WUllamai
that date bai been 617 per cenL The Bharad the boaoru with tke etar aad
ontlay of the Korth Oennan Oemfedwachamiag pereomllty la the rimrtfoB in 1870 wip only Cl.lOl.OOA la aeter of Pauline e^>toi«d the andiamw
IBUtbat of the Oennan empire etood
110.119.000, wbilf at the date of the at tke atari. After eaelag Bhee la tha
) role thoae who ware preeaat were
Emperor William D'e amernkn it wet
eariy aerprtoed. Mtoe WiUiami to
0700.000, which by leat year bad
namto£4,Slfi.M0. The pnpmnOi of a woman of a wide range of btotrioaie
the Qnman admiralty fv the ptceent talent And in the pereanation of Paayear inTolTedancxpendltnmef 0460,- llne ehe' dtoptoye natural gifte which
000, (ff wbiob more than 0000.000 commaad the Intereel and admiration
bm been voted by the teinhmag Dnrof >the eeoet exacting critic. Lcrito
Ing the pMedt reign—In e period, tbet
to to eay. of nine yearn—no I«ei than MAlihews ae the digmlAed General
86 new tmila bare been added to the DnmM prmeutod a pleaeiug eherfiecL Bat yet neither Ketow WUbMm aeter for whSeb ha eeeine ta have
DW Admiral HoUmann to wtiPtod eepaeial talenta
Beeeaaat aa por­
liike Oliver Twtot, tW.nnsaklng fer trayed by Dwight Smith wna an
mere and are makiaf > ve
rtaining etady aad aaide trom hto
natural. abUlty Mr. Smith dtoplaya
sharuetor in «ver;
itriklng feataree.
by a etndioue. aneoemful effort to prem cf ablpato
ablpa to be o
rtfour y
aeat the part true to life. The other
not, indeed, e particnlarly large
memben of the oompaay. Louie BoaIt involved the oonetmotiaD (d 4 baKto: doln. frank Gaffney. George BarOand.
ebice, 0 large entoeta, 6 amallm etato- Edgar Deaton. Mtoaea Brooke and Meran and M torpedo otaft. What ipobably
arith gave eocrocl and pleaaieg Interelanned ibereicbatag wae tbe-bint that
9Bof their aeveral parte. It to
war wmocmiag at nove^dUtant date,
and the aeamety veiled preteadon to aeidom that each a really Arut eleoa
dUpaMwltfa.Bagland the command of company to eeea in Traveme Qty. aad
the me. The dwnandi. too, were mdWiU give
denly pat forward, aad pablio opinloo
bad not been tally prepared for them.
The ammqnmMV waa that the pobUo
and the teiebatag were bewUdmd and will be preaantod tonight and 'The
refamd to be hubed into a gieat ooUay Man of tbe iron Meek” tomorrow
for an obeoaie cod.—PortmghUy Be- aighv Tac vxceUeace of tke pertormaneee aad Cbe degree of telcnf dtovievr.
pleyvd more tkaahcaiuoat the advance
The Annetoe de I'lnriitot Patteur Botieee given ihe qompeay.
Oa Wet
gibe part year et the
Gaarge Miller, traveling aaleeman for
Parto Paateor tariitoto. The number of e large Mew York C4rtklng Bonee. wUl
penotM treeted we* 1.808. lam than in exkibit bin line In our More. Sprrial
any prevksu ymr ainoe the instltnte ordere taken for, future delivery.
BAmiltox Clotbiuo Co.
waa opened. Thto dixninolkm to aBrihnmble to the fact that pattontt. iaateed
Tbe PrinoaM Barber Sbop.
of going to Peru from all paito of tha
ooontry. undergo the inocnlaricma et the'
When you went a light caey ahave
' hedatUUe and r an artltUe hair cut drop (h'at tbe
Inriltotea have >rlnorm. 3rd door wmtof Botel Whit-


to Paria. During the
ten yean which have elapard ainoe the
* •

Speeial attraction at tbe Aaacmhly oa
thto data, in which farmere wUI be in, tareeteA
I C. A W. M. traia will leave Traveree
City at 6:00 a. m. and arrive at Bay
View at A Beturnlng leave at 7 n. m.
Bound trip ruu li M. which inef^m
^mtorion tickel to aU Aieembly Enter-

toe oaticBielity of the petienta tpn
which it eppeam that England cootribated no lem than 87U indtridoala—
men than any oiber eoaaaj—Belgium
eccnil« next, with 489.
In eome of tb« depertmmte of France
cane of reUee beve etoadUy dimintobed.
tbanka to the roerpMic atmeora taken
Tekc your lunch along aad have a
by tbe local aotboritiee, while in otbeiv. good t*0M.
Uto DxBavzx. O P. A
when lem vigoroua aapa have been
taken to goattJ ageinet iu dimemination.
the onmber of caeee bat ineceamd. ft to.
Tbe Kiebigaa Sold Onratbe eoutbern dietricte at Fianer that,
r. J. O Conaer. medical
medical dkector of
M. Potterin trito ne. "poamm tbe md
Mieblgaa Geld Cura,
ire. to now located
dtoOnotlao of oontaiaing tbe largeri
rrevene CUy edfl wUl rremain nnUl
He treatt eueoeee
.. , .
of the Ilqnnr. morphiae.
opium and eoealne harita. Complleaiawaof tbe eanitaty paliea "
ted and long etandlng caeee a epeeialty.
Tteatment given at home and strictly
etmSdenUal 11 derived, without kne of
trom. buetotni. Unexeeptioual
tdmtobed of patiaata
For eay i
deqgolng parllement .
One lady who kept a Mewliiigboomi p. o. Box 1000. a».
64 6t
J- O. ConcHt. M. D.
on tbet amount during tbe ftmtaomb
at tbe rate of *00 per eoA Tbe moond
3o to tbe Irion Barber Sb^ far telr
month abe bwl cut tbe deM down to
ta aad bathe, 16 canta aad.
M. B. Outmij
£86, bot tbe unrer rutoed tbe Intanm
to 880 po oem. and it went on aa foito the oflleial report:
Twenty ponnda for tbe tiiitd month.
800 per cent; on Ci 6 tor tbe foortb Council of t
aonlb, 400 per oent; on £J0 tor tbe beve. by ree
Aftb month, 600
fv ;«rdcved
0 per dent; on £6 fm
erdceed a nine
(9) la main i____ _____
toe rixtb mootb. i.800 per cent. Then ; in Sewer District Nambar Three (I) of
''■lyof Tr------------ --- — • •
per cent war obaqmd
fer other
main Swm to h^iaid
montba on e Aedtloni cum. ae pcaettoaUy tbe whole cf tbe £80 wee peid ta WelUagton atmet from Waahlagtaa
beck in alx montha After thto £67 wae
M tatereri, making the iaMseet to be amemed upon the real property
eha^ at tola period np to AOOO per in aald Sewer Dlurirt Rumhvr ‘IbM
cent Zh this com tbe lady tnlly.meuied (I) aad part to ho paM from the Oeatbe leader by deporiting bet pUta It aml Sewer faad.
to now propoeed to mde detoalt penalThe Plata diograma. plana and aatitiee.An« and tom nme illegal and to mateaof aald propcaad a .
. .
to86 pm oeAleandopeefor inn.
ottee of the Cty Cleib cl Traverse aty.
oent a year.—Mexican Herald.
Tbe Board ef PshUe Works of aald
aty will meet at Ibe am aerkb office
* 'Sim WilktooB bw two mighty maagt on Setorday. AngnM 14lk. 1697. at 7:30
boyt," remarked Mm. Comtomri. “One o'clock P. M., end ratalder any anggmet 'em be* gose to town aa. toarat to tlona or oh}ecl^
may be made by
paint TbeyeaybepotsatotMabMOapro^^ mala sewer.
Dated Augaat 7th. 1697.
••Mandy, rin't yon tbiakia about Wa
AiMov W. BKxnn.

5 At ■ Steinberg’s . Grand . Opera # House. |


Seats How on Sale at Box Office




----- 1-SUPPOBTBD BY---------

Miss Constance Williams
a»»4e»Mm«a—tC—peerri rtaywiritect «we» Ittw TmU. to Itoee ri ttr >i




Wedgesiar.iipmil, - “Tlie In in tke Irba Kasi"

Tkerg'll be miey a bot ii| m this seassi.
It’s a little late to buy and tbe prln
cipal ^ducement, must be eatUfactory :
styles first and tben, satisfactory price.

So here goes for price:
The finest Organdies



Udiea' SUppem. vamp
cloth tope, laae. band
tnm eole. Plngraa A
Smith Sboea.


Ever Burned Oat?
If aoyeu know

O. P. CA&Vn. AgWL

Has Your
AttentionEver baaa eaUed to tbe fa*a
that yoe can get at tbe Drug
Store (our ateru>

PuFS Powdsrod tpless,
B^ Say Ot
The loatjWo reboara leof tbe BaUy
Day eboroua wiU be bald oa tbe eveaiugt of Aug. I7tk and 84th. Lat every
one make an effort to he preeeat aa tke
Boric wUl be one of the eperial teaturea of the rally.
______________ Coluuuaa.
Tbeetrleal Motea.

taxee tor tbe Asml yeer lWT-iae6 have,
haen drilvarad to me Iw tha CMgr Clark.
8bM taxes may ha paid to toca»mr cf-

bar Sheeting.

One per ewi. penalty tor coUactlcn
win ba u^iyd iSd cnTleetod Vfcm aU




ttro yewMTW^^I


. I wUbaatmyoAeato narive
___ taxee an all waak days Iron 8
cartain calls at tbe ^d ef each act laas o>rioek aatn IlilO ririnA a. m. and
evening teeOAed to the* mertta of the
'■ Imdy of Lynne,” preeentod by W. B.
Bari aad hto talaated oompaay in unto 6:30 rieloek.
Maloom Wixxa,
Stotnbergb Gmad. Thto pieee waa preatyTraaaurw,
Bontod hme two yearn ago by Bbea. OAlee Boom 8, Herald baOdiar. 18
I Mr. Hart aa bar leading maat
Tbe partormawM lari night anrpamad
Voltoa to Water <
that of Bkm. Mr. Bart was at hto
Tbe see of watm for
poam our ralm,
bov* ofSa.m.dnd6a.m., ate 6 p.
the ^eee wae riegaatly ringed aad ua. aad 8 p. maunmWy r»dar^ Aa Claade ^AU pdaoea wham water totoaad run
ning contrary to tbtotMawlU baabut
aettg lie. ^ prmeatoA, aycha,*^
raqrirea aU
the -ff^^a^pmrnubaaj
alament* of an aetorwbo

Pnre Orosm Tartar,

Jfotiee to Can Fayets.
Tbe tax tnUa of tbe Ave werde of tbe

- $2.2S



I Sisisaiii ''*™"*
Fire Insnraifbe.

WU^Bate I
the baato aad face

At Our
Sods Fountain
well enoritb ekme” bet elwaye try to

iH. fi. JflfflfSOI.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.


BY ASSA^ili'S BAIill
C^ovu Cartillo, Priim MlrUstv
frf Spain, Fallt at tha
Faat 0f Hi* Wifa. ^

tb« m«rt)b«r« of the diplomatic carp*
have eeprueed their ayn-i-ath; vilh the
Manr aBratcna depetlee
and seoeraU . <rhlU expreeaSti* their
■Tief and lndl*i>atlae. have offered to
rendeV to the aoremmeRt all the a^
•lUaDce Id ttetr poieet.

Hi* Last 1V«ckt tot HU CowRrr. Ht
Die* with''Lone LU« Spoin"

•« HU Lipe.

Parla A««. I.-Thf SpeDtah erntmasy
hae received a dUhatd from Madrid
h aay* the murderer declared that
be bad DO accompllcea: that, even If
there U rcaaOD to beltere It an anarcblu
crime It li> wtthoui any polllleal ramlBlUona and that Madrid la qolte trae.ail. At a Q>«clal performaoce alvoB
ycaterday afteriKyB at the theatre Oe
la nrpubdq»r for the bODelU of the
Bpanlsb r«fo*eea Id Parla. Tatrlda
Marmol. the SpaDlab
anarchist, who
wat formerty iinprlsoDed In MontjBich
«aa at Uarcelona. delivered a vlo>
lent apeerti. In the fconrae of erbteh be
unted that Becor Canovas del Caatlllo
Miould be klllrd. It ta reported that be
wUl be arteeted.


addttloa to about l.OW othera. was at­
tended b> about a» wqmea. the wive*
I and dautbten of the miner* wbo art
j ftlU at work la the Plum Creek mine.
I NotwtthstandiDg the'ftct that deputlm
I vlalled tbe home* o< those people yea-

Rki. »d
No. i,.pn,b..;
_* -*
big St
at an lllinoi* CesI
Mining Town.


Because of tbe

they have hitherto been unable
! a ibance to argue tbslr cause with the
! workmen, ai ‘
1 ysaterday i
I vantage ot to the full
The nnusnaliopnonunuy was the re­
And Dstseml'ne.f That tbe Wortdn* Mias
sult of mlasIongrT work of the wives of
the striker* from McDonald. FlnleyvlUe
and Carnagfe. These wouieD bad been
working wnidiKnuly daring the past
and |ba ahsria' Has Mo t
week andysecured tbs promise of the
T» Ba Wtaalag tba Plght ea the Da' alve* ef-<be working miner* to attend
the meeting and bring their busbandA
The resuli of tbe meeting was tbe aat apodal to Tbe surance from nearly a hundred men
8t. IsJtdA AU*. ».-A
RepUbUc from lyiUboro.
that they would Jotn the strikers todsy.
nee U^ehan^ Tbe plan to for the men to work uctU
Mtuslton at Cetfeen mtnee
enty dayW pay.
for tbe worat. Strtkera arrt.
bem today, and
all ywterday from different .
desert ths^t. iesTlng
too men are there and l.OW will be
only eight days' wages back which.
present by this mornln*. A number of
1 noUble
arrema of *trUu-j» were made Saturday
night. The prisoners were brought here. Saturday, wfll be. refuaed them. If this
One itrlker ftum Mount Obve Was plan does not
miscarry tbe strlkera
bound over to keep the peace, and In think It will only be a question of a
default of twod was sent to Jail here. very short time until the De Armlt
nine* an* tied up completely.
This bas tended to Incite tbe strtkera.
The meetlrg yesterday was inaugur­
A »«nb« ot «,AII
..a auBaulU.
ated by religious services conducted by
occurred yesterday. "Oeneral Bradley ;
Uncoln t^»>* assisted by
.. on
. the ground, and Kayt that every
every o, twenty
renty colored joWIee Unger*, after
miner In the dtotiirt has l>een ordered which Hr*. Mary Jones,
Jonra. the Chicago
spoke for about an hour, put
to CoBeen to previml work.
SbertS •gltl
Randle. In anticipation of trouble, baa ting the cate ery plainly to her
Idaced tbr. responaibllltr
to other towns for additional Budltora She idaced
depuUea At present, nearly every man for tbe success cn failure of the strike
In Coffeen to on duty, with many from on the wives, and made a decMedly fa­
iiy-nvc amed deputies vorable ImpreasloA

Smokers I

Tin RetoRirind ludns

--------By Bjylng Your--------

Heats and Groceries

h s aad lOe. agar*

Orders bj Telejhoee Promptl)
Itteided To.


Cor. raloasolKlmbau.

ra arrived thfepe j «hey i


SacMia aw) Other Uhaeeh Saed IMr
Madrid. An*. A—Senar Omeva* del
CaatUlQ. the prime mlnlater of Spain,

aaaamaated yeeierday .at

Affneda by an anarchlM.


Th« murderer

ilred three ahota *iro of which auuck
the ptvmler
: the





’ tbe other In the






hour* and died


at t o'ciDck yeh'
aeon, .81* wife

.T-SuT” ■■■;:£



Psrk SteMt. bttwsea Treat A .Osn.

alssaya is atoek.

Rates, $1.50 per Day.

MealTictetsat Radacad Ratas.

Slant Ads

Lady Watts " '



Frtwn this date this boat
will not make regular con­
nections with trains on M- &
N. E. Pishing parties, how­
ever, c4n make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by communication by
mail or wire, with
. Inland, Mich.

See Our New line

Picture Mouldings

(^cleOiDers Look Here!
l^rSMhtofi^'ntdbe'lto;. pat iit.




rolUd States
premier, and be was frequently seen Australia ------lurking In the paaaagea ot the bathing South Africa .
asubllshment In a auspicioua manner.
TTe remalna of Seoor Canoraa will be
bfooght here today. Harabal MarUnes
Campoa bas gene to San Sebastian to
attend tbe queen regent.
egvox taaarra.






7.000. 0M

That theworldagreatproductwlllcootlDue to Increaae for a number of year
.to emne. says PrestoD. to self-evidani
as by
ud nRlboda ■ for RCRtln. tb. R»d
: oDBialned In the o * It to believed tthat


as: I

Jpwmtoe Vm trattlM Aw Bto VU* WIm*
the AamaMn Ftrod.
The queeu regeoi on bearing tbe
new* dispatched her pbrelcish. Dr. o spMlal train from San Bebaetian. Later, on leeniing tbei Canevaa
was dead, sbe .wired hM coodotenc* to
the widow. Tbe bealtb /at B»nor CanoVBs bad improved gresily of tote. He
bad beep I
tbougb be
at^ At tbe moateet of the amaaslbattOB be was waiting In the gaUery of tbe
bathing caubltohmeni for bto wife, wbo
was to Join him tor hiach. Suddenly
tbe ■ me will who bad tbe appearance ot
an 'oedtaiarT vuitor.



y„rk wtth J-ihn W. Jbemer. tbe

appeal for troop.
Many abertOs •«
least apparent danger telegraph for


Boys’ Blouses
t anlmui which actuated El-


programme of ihe Rentch picnic, be­
tween Mtoe Gordon and Trooper Reid.
reaulled In a draw.____________

WaMtldpon. Aug. 9.—Is bealtb and
nranamy dependent upon the weather?
OSdato of tbe weather bureau he;* arc
oosdueuag a eareftol WveBilgailoB
thu thtercatlug queaUan. and it U
_____ Ibl* that to the near, fware they
may be able to twue warning noUcaa
of the apgmdi ot dtwaae «r ertoM


Butter, First Class

McKinley to

r the question of ordering
a a very aerlofia one. This to
0 tW direct chan
a great indutirtol
idutlrtol ctruggi*.
whlcb affpcia
r hii telling
the whole rounchr. and these men en-• the i
gaged in tbir great struggle to secure

for themaelvro auflldtm wagea to keep
beat DUng for him to do. I bapron
■ •“
In my r
want from the door are neariy all l «
'*•* **■“* "*<*
that be has violated
Amertcan clilacna many of whom ear- ! *"*«
ried muskets in tbe cause cf aalloital I the ninth commandment—he ba* 'borne
ElHIque. Mich., Aug. 9.-Tbe fur' inItT tn tbe Krvggle of ISO to IMS. I false wttnrw agatoat bis neighbor;'
Ibould the emergency arlar where I am , «»«"•
nf the Weston Rurnace company.
I. city, was started Saturday morn* eonvinced that life aad property are !>'•»*“" vaguely about my ‘anlmua
tng after being Idle Dearly three year*. to imiBlneni danger of destruction, and ;'•Ulua.
Atoertcan pMpie have had a
The plant la one cf the laigest and beat the dvil authorities have ezhausted aU )
ole effort aad tailed to kero the *lnl of this absurd tomfoolary overXhe
furnaces la the upper Deolnaula.
ihaU have no^aacy to call- I tor aeato and the preW of
Milwaukee, ' Aug.
the tnaw* to MfBCieni force to ««»ng out two or thm yeato k*ger
gword contest wbteh took place at the
lead of tlita tee^paemt «a
NaUoDSl park Saturday as pan of tbe

Itor* for the full .amount of dep
made In tbe bank. Iwa dividends al­
ready pbld thereon. Tbe suit wilt be
brought by a number of depoalton

UdIod .b«MR


erty and maintain tbe peace aad good
order of tb. slate.
"No such an emergency baa artsen to i
r date, and 1 don't believe 11
OrUdTroak U*a 1* Dagwit.
because the miner* well Xoow'
Cbicaga Aug. 9.—Smne tl
amoag them many.......................
Kebraifca rnwnber* ot tbe <
.If they bring on a coaftld allowing tbetr
deeded that they would not patrobtee foI>cw)T* to begin rioting ending to the
the Grand Truck on their way to Buf­
aacdfice of human 4lfe. tbe streng arm
falo because that line waa a Ouadtob of Ihe tow. the -iCtti,
The Grand Trunk anneuBce*
that the boycott hae not Injured It in U lost, and I bare faith to their good
any tiayr and that ti bat *ecur«d all •anse patriotism and couaervatlveneas
the budnea* it can handle, and will to coDlrol ihelr force*" '
behind under the left shoulder, and tbe
Jn this latest case the facta reported
other lw«:iodglng In tbe bead. He feU have Its full share of traffic, notwlthetandlng tbe actios of tbe Nebraska are that Coffeen wa* ibeaelged by Ull
InsUDtly and only recovered ctamtoueveteraba
miners who Intended to force tbe miner*
nesa long cnen^ to speak a few worda
there to quit work. The town preMdent
Several medical men and bto wife wer*
1 th^
Milwaukee. Aug. 9.—The papere are had called en every able-bodied cUlsen
in the TlUagc to help keep the peace. It
aanouneed that the striker* were
mortal, and toe dtod In two bourn.
■tenlng to uae dynamlta The
Batreme uncUan wa* admlstotered amid tbe director* of the defunct I^kl
ten were determine tfr force out
A Bceoe of mjngled eoTTow and Indlgaa- bank, ebargtog them with mlaeonduct
miner* at work, who ar* earning
tton. The *wiwin narrowly e^ped in their official capacity as dlrectoea
, tt to M per day.
lynching at tbe hands of Qic '4raltei* and ■•eking to hold them liable to eredr
and aUendanto wbo niched fonrag^ Dean,t rlvll niarria IfBrmedlalh}*
aecurejs him. He waa very pale, tron*
Wed ffioirnUy and cVidently feared thijs
he WMld be Wiled on tbe apoL Be arltl
be am arraigned tatore the locat mag­
istrate at Vergara.
Tbe queen regent and alt tbe
•I tbe caMoet will return here today.
Ber mayedty has intru^ tbe preRBency of the council to Genesal Aaearmlntottr of war. aad the owta*

Lederle’s 2TVS

... R . I.. K.. K . D,,...
atlcaga.Aug. 9.-On being aiked wba^
be thought of Judge Jackaon's injuso
tt«n agalcsh tbe West Vlnrlnla striker*
exiGovernor Aitgeld aetd:
"It to an
fnfental outrage.''

“ «»o«*h »°
““t they will not stand the Mam. and
Impoaltlon. 1 have aiwar* been under

against hto aeigtolAir to not a fit i
for assoctotioh within the. private or
official Hte of Amerkas etttoeoa
■*rbere to more under this than 1
or droirt to mentton at the present
momat—Hit* * same
amiable .Mr.
Hamlin, who to now amneUted with

Great Cut in Bicycles
rica .rine Anttoroon Wboal. S» r"'
to MO.

H. B. Qibha. tn BlUa bicyoU .hop. >11 Front Si

pay to look at the alef

Accidents Impossible


J. A. HoetafftM.inF^tSL

Green that will kiD Bugs


u*. BvafyponadfnnwalirhtandffaanntaadtoiffUthain. S M Walt. Dmg-

Ton «u also r«
Aeagt meomr
----- Ba^ Shop, ail Baat Front almfC’

Bicycles to Rent

Soda Water 1

LMeCoF* Boo, Front Bt.
i 'BICTCLBS. at Finch'* Btoyffia Bepntr ShOF,

The Best Candies
aam aoda.

MataUan A Aah. oor. Front and Park, and root Maamle BloA.

we Ivsve never believed TL' t InUnd to
gel the proof of this aettoa on the part
of Fb«er and hto aaaoOatM and then
I Aafl add another InAMtnMnt dtoqaaUfylng him from running tbs state de­
partment ae as to dlacredU and injure
American tntereau and derame dtl

■uikw* have baesi aasurod that edaaid•rably less tkaa •« men wlU be at work
today at the mine. A large meetto^
waa bold at "CMnp laoUttos' at Ptini
Creek ycaterday afternoaa. vb'A. to

Albla. la.. Aug. k-iobanua Trnrtkttgtoh. aged C7 yean, widow of a vet*
eifUD.or the'Blackbawk war, waaii—“
by tbe Iowa Central pasbenger_____
Saturday i^le i-rnming tha ttatft and
»UM toMaaUv.

s. k

________________ Front Sy. adjoining MnNatonta> ahoaatora.

but. my dear Mr. mStLyou'know that

PitUbnrg. Aug. 9.-7AUbough yeaterday was oonaldered a day of rest amoiig
the atrtk*7 probably the mewt effecUve

Armitk tnaat OraM Mlaa*

Chocolate and Ox Blood Sboaa. Big -Barfalna.

A. T. JobBsoa. ttoutb SMe Shoe Store. 404 Onim StreaL

Cf®3m Freezers Jfs

eh.. Aug. » —Wheat proeiproved In this atau since
the last report.for AngusL Imned Sat­
urday tost by the seereury. of BUtq, it
ts nld that' the average yieU of wheat
per acre U no* eatlstalcd
bsffiet*. tbe average tn the aonOMm
eoiuitie* being it.M___________


South Onion 8UML


Ladies' High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Paris Green

Friedrich Block.


.Trottingand BondharMaa'SB*'
cial^. Third door rest of Mavgan's Livarr Bam..

original dmg man. ■mdoaraaatDdptotoffioa.


PBBdlng PBrmsrs' Hom a SpehUltF- Bonw BosrdBd.



Fishing Parties


El. FJkJSfo-Bomr.

has received no further word from
Sheriff Randle, of Moutgomery county,
wbo at ac early hour yesterday morulug
sent a call Cor troopa at Coffeen. Gov­
ernor Thener Best B. B. Ray, *ecretaqr
of tbe railroad and warehouse coundaklon. to CDBcee. intmtcUng him to wire
a report' o(. tbe couditiou at Coffeen
among the strlkera Governor Tamer
Hid: "I want Mr. Ray's report that 1
may know from a reliable source whet
bas iraniplred, and the temper <d tbe
mlnera My
0W cunl. n to that 4he theriff ^



Now for Business!

says: "As an .Indication of the inci
Id the world’s gold product
>*»< “i*
followlDg lable. showing the produ
the United SUte*. Auatralla. Sooth
Afrbm. Russia Mexico. BtlUah India


and every klo4 ^-;-----

have been order\-d from Nokomto. and
SMkai* Captsrs Another TrolA
fly from Hillsboro, to proeeed at one*
TlDeenoea. lnd» Aug.
An army of
3 Coffeen, and last night tbe abefUf
era* but a Aon
'coal miner* nombertng eighty men from
jtil ad an armed force of SOD.
took pcammloD of sc Elvunsvnie
Bvevy Smkier Is ArawM.
and Terre Haute freight train bound for
when be fall
psoon caniUA
Rvery striker to armed with a short
Bvanavllle yesterday, where they wero
tick'ur clulh and U> addition thereto
CaatiUo.paned away wtlb the cry ul
to meet AOOD more miner*, then proceed
those arrested bare been armed with
*XoBS Uve Spain", which were tbe last
to EarUegtoD. Ky.. to uy to get '
Two heavy trains of coal
mliwre at that place to Join the sliik
npon bis tips. Santa A#t»eda iT
....................out of Coffeen
Tbe train was side-tracked here for half
tor tu batha Tbe place U be*
morning at a high rata ofgpeed. ao that
inlendetit Corbett orthey
tweea San SebastUD. the aommer reel. Bvanwllle. When
of Sheriff Randle to Governor Tannel
detiee "of the ^pantafa couk and Vltn named tbe miner* again took
ClQdnnaU I:
send trooiw bas been refused on the
m of It and proceeded to Evanstorla. tbe capital of the
ground that the sheriff has not ex­
Afarva. about tbiny mHea aoath of Bllhausted hto reanurces. Tbe gensralopln
' Evansville. Ind.. Aug. 9.—The march­
Ibe preoder
went there last neapolla 4. CoUimbui I; at Detrell- Ion to that the sheriff WIU be able to
ing coal mln-r* cf aoutbvrn
•r*. eOoidI judgi
TbDiaday to take a ibree' weeks" coarae Kangas City IS. Detroit M: (»ecand control the sR-ikei
reached thu- city early yes'erday m<i
game) Kansas City 7. Detroit
and coolness« will avoid
l of tbe bs»b«, after which be expected
camp at Garvin
Grand Uaplds-St. J>aal U. Grand RapagressJre'
deputo ratan to San BebaMISn to meet tds 7; at indlanapoHs.
place had been secured
......................................................f afChiral Labor un
CniUd Ststea Minister Woodford whea Indlanapolla 7;ffaecond game) Milwau­
jl was the original Intention nf «he
•that fCDtlemaa Aould be oflldally re- kee A Indlanff^llt ».
Ion to have a mcnsier mass meeting
Columbua-MInneapolia i. Oohtmbna
oclvcd by the tueen resent.
A special to Tbe Republic from North jtrlerdry aflernwn. but the i-lan*
(•econd game) MInneapolli 9. Coiumbo*
AaaaasiB Chptoied ea Ae «p^
Ol^e. llto.. aay* the tnlcrest In tbe | rtianged and the miners will empl.ry
Tbe assassin was
Immediately ar- 11; at Del^—Kansas City 10 Detroit atrtke tltuatlon to now centered In Cof..j41„,.,^, ,„Uea. M the miners are
PMted. He is a NeapolltSiD and stves
the village bas
with the local miners their next
*) St. Paul U.
atlon and declared i
' tbe naaie of RiDsldl. but it Is believed Grand Rapids U.
e will be «n EtoriltigtoiL Ky.
em of martial law by which he has
tbai thU M an a^med name and that
Weatetn AimoclatloB:
Coffevn from all connertlon with
bis real name U Michele Anffwo OoUL Peorta J, Gulncy *; at Burlington—Du­
outside communloatlona. Telegiam* can
- The murderer decUre* that be kOled buque A Burn
neither be sent from nor received at
ranrairruB or -rax
Senar-Canovas "in accompllthm«Dt of Cedar Rapids
that point, and while Mount OUve
■live has : trouble ameng tbe
the min
mine worker*
a fust veitfeance." and that the deed U Molnes-Rockford «.Des Molne* A (Bun. direct connection with Coffeen by tele- fflahpemlng
lahpemlng and Negauhoe. Amass meetSt.
tbe outcome a vast .anarchUt conpbone
have any
Ing yesterday afternoon was attended
- qdrmcy. He la believed to have arrived
The delega- by over WO men
Tbe men were ad­ Oorwer ot Union and Hay Stroela.
Molpca—Rockbt aSnta Asueda the taiDe day as tbe
that 1
r points, num- dressed for over an hour by President
near M. A N. R. depot, wtofaea to anford S, Dea 9
berlng about 4D0.
unped near the WIPlam Uudge. of Negaunee. and KecS body ot
ol mar- retary Halthew Wesley, of IthpemlDg. Donnoa to tbe public’ that be has re­
tiOLO PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD. miage. while an armed
Bhato patrol* tbe corporate Umb
Secretary Wesley said that about 7S fitted and fnrBtohnd tbe Botel PasgWhat It Was mr Lvu Tear—Eatimst
permiu no on« to enter, no matter per cent, of the workmen
born better than it eecr has been be­
ft*7-Tabl« of laterMg.
what tbetr bual&es*. unless they .have
fore and «an aceemmodate tbx travalWaablagtcn. Aug. I. — Preston, the permUsioB from the president of the uni OB and could easily Potce out
Joha May.
nrn-union wn If they would only aund iug poWic In good shapedirector of tbe mint, otimataa the gcU village.
togeibcr. The noD-ualon men have late­ formerly with the Hotel WhIUng. wQ!
production of the world for 18M to
ly been solicited to Join the unlock, but have charge oT the office and attend tn
been tMAWO.Ouo. of which tbe United
maay ot them have refuaed. and in conStatea contrtbutiN) over tU.WO.000 Poi
tbewmntooftbe gueata.
neqnence the member* bad decided not
ISn It li believed tbe worid’a guld prod
. Springfield. Ills., Aug. 9. —Oovcnior to work with them after Aug. ZS. when
Uet will reai-h at least C40.000.00Q. ai
trouble to feared.
Increaae of ttSjJM.Ooo over UM. Preston Tanner, in an Iniervlew, stales that hs
t erd ay after*)

diamoiTd j.



:H0 tNDU

h an thtamattonal
R^utation on th* Subjaot
Civ«» Hit Vitwt.
iu ¥•!■> DapMd* •• 1
• AatbeHt;, Bat |kl«« rrtca WUl
h Ito raalihiBC CMM-Oplo.

•aH Kl-e* tnm tk* Ukir atto frame
• oloMl-AHaaiplr m B>Mk BmawK
PhlladelphU. AU(. •.—The rreatnt
race ««Sn la the hleiory of Ametlcaa
O'cllne (AB^u ae <d4 Eatut^ar ctreo.
Wlllo* 'GrcTe'park. yrfti
•Irbtecaib A’alUr«l meet
the Leavue
of AmertcAH « ^ .ej> cloaed.
ta at>
i.ever been a aa-

TIm motor ear ,
UtelT to bate
BOt loto the duappowaBK ctafc of Iti,
.FARTS OF IT OEWRIBED BY ONE OF , dweloptaMrt. The pramtoM of the »•

»«- Vbt molar cat oonpetitkm. for
W«m •« Olmm«aa< SeUam OiaiptaA th. ^
j noMtr
BWaMottfal, and the propoaad rua tam
< ; Heemb the Pioait-MaaMad «a BB London
LcmdcB tc
to Blnninitbani
Blrtnlarham and
anrl back,
hook art
fe Bmm, LBUe nui loeplmd AU.
(cr Jmw L vat abandoead. The jodgea

We capf'nddenlj i
raciaa ncarlr IS.Ooo pereoaa wuneaed
uXS Tiden* of battle and letrmt Aixmt a fo entrteA Wtonlj
the cracks fr^ all parts of tbe Uoiied
j ttUe in adraoce the toad was filled and _An>ert£*b Machii


,'.v,s;; u» .wd.


AUoraara at Law.

ftud Sip^G ft Iidiut E. R



8.VJlaom. Auoi-M


- - (-«•,!»


«ASII. C OtLBgRT. Auaroey. SpsrW ^
uaUes K>Prebaic peaeUee. BoowSaaS
&BFe wtahmen can i
Bareostlle Co. Pin fit.
among them office!*' eerrauu with led Cnm steel br tbe marioal note emitted ipir^wi^a cm
faonet. and fartaaud tbma broktn am-'on strikiDg. A more certain SMbod.
bvlancei. satleri’ npp^
a bat-, bowerer, consinf in osiBg dilate oiote LObr'^STHSSI'B
tesT forge —
or •"
-t bonari^, malea,
—, or nlpbnric acid. It tbe sarface raI cr nearlr
basUly packed with offloeW’mtii klta. _
led by tbelr oooki. and now.psd then a tombed with a drw> o< either add, the
gnop q( aoldlera eridenlly deuUed metal U iron. bb( in tbe case <d sted a
enUtted men atlocbed to tbe bead- I black mark will bo lets owing to tbe
-a^rtere traina In fact, thi* was tbe liberation oft carton.—lewetafi’ Ciron.


and prlsea. Fred L. Longhead, tbe Ba- [ bakngiag CD (be Tarlons brigade, diri-


-- *"

aiisnlrA tbe half mile profeaBoDal
U( Aar PinwaiB, U>«.
tbe mile open prcfertonal.
remta- !
9L Louis, Au«. S'—A •paelsJ to Tb*
aiobo-Democm from CStr ol Utaaeo. tjon. ana wbu^ no nrsis appear ic o»
credit, t'ei bla aeecnds in the mile open :
Mtdtlco, ML'ira: The rapia dseane la the
and the live mile prcfetalotal flnato were .
pne* o( aUrer baa oaued muc^ w within a bslr-breadib of being first
a la bualDeat aeid t
Major Taylor, tbe eol<^ crack, was a ,
A etrdea. The «o«slble effteta iipoa bot fevorlte In tbe mile open heal, whlto \
Men00 ore teias r*iM^Ur dlaconed.
^ much apcculAtloB U ladulc«d la u { "■
tl. «.«, o, tb. lb.L b«i tb, bth.™ , t«l^— »bo™ .tneplb, ^ tte
Biipy rouewt
proied toe beady and fast for him.
Pm«ng tbi* wyinUtion d
CboUy—I beab that <BMppie oonmitAmong tbe amateari there was mueb < debris with a rasb by lenvlcg tbe pika ted saidde is Uumon.
to .m%. Uo&M a. Carden, the Bmiab good racing and Pesbodjf Eddie Llew- and gaUoplog over tbe open fielda on
Dndely—Taaa Tbe psriaoe apoke to
oonsat. who bae reelded to tbia capital eUrn and
_ Chatlei
Charles U. Eru rui
pul up tbe ' tbe side of tbe toad, we lAibed rapidly him DO tbe stweet and be nevab wished
tor many yeara, and who baa an inter- ------fineet_:biblUce. In moat cf.the ama- (b, bat not so qnickly bat that we
BBtlanal reputation foe toe maby ap- tear evenu tbe tiding we* close and In caogbl an echoing cheer f^ tbe en-, to be reoogniaed by an inferioB pebsoB
tidca be baa vnuen on the allver qaea- but few instances did tbe bors toew any ,
«« andservanta. wboncognised j afterward.—Mew Torfc Trnth.
ttOfL In an Interri^w on ibe sntdect
' tbe general and aboated and swnng:
■ara: "Mr oplnl^ ti that the mice ft
tbelr glen.
stiver la enUrelrV>vtn>«d by the law
Within the next few miles tbe pike
«f antmlr and demand. India, th or- C:M1-E Beveral tried to
ord for a mile. Cbureb covered It In and adjacent fields began to be Used
dlnary clrcnmatancca takes a Urge pro­ l:iaSA srtilch ,wu tbe fastest made. and dottiil everywhere wBb army wagportion of the aurpina produrilon of tbe Yerterday 2,t*» wheelmeo took a run to ana, sntlen’ outfita. beadquarten rnpWAMWD-Trareiee City LoaiW Co.
AtlanUc aty. sUty tnllea away.
ply traina. dtaabled oalascsi* and teamPoBsleB Boll Boarly a BUUoa.
Washington. Aug. S —Tbe pensluo roll
of tbe United State* ba* almost reached
the millloc mart Caenmlmloner Evans
'The preaent low price of silver will baajust iwued a statemont tooeiitig that
the begtimlng of thU
onlr centtnue as lotrp as thr present
_ of _
___ ________
f eondlUon
affairs in India
More- pensioners numbered Just »O.H*.
___ _ _ point mutt be reached. If silver I creew of U SM f« the past year. D'. reonUnuca to tall, aeoner or later" at j Ing that year to.IOl new pensions
artbeb It will be found Impeaalble la granted and S.*n p«wona were restored
to tbe rolls. <^d age and disease, bow
nine silver pr<
ever, la working great Inroads into Ibe
Ilsia for there were tL>W daatbs dar­
ing toe year._______________
rma was Bsid ea ThB TmmUr.
• Kew Roe.Ky..Aag.A—During an etec' trie storm the home of a tanaW named
trodomion of sUrer here for ueporL iBostedo near' Glbta Cress Rbadt, In
wad toaretore wiU be a benefit to Mex­
ico to a far more conMderable extent 'Tbe boose flumed and Boati
than tbe prejudice that may result to I and a grown daughter were burned to
t and raUwsLy companies death. A son and farft hand Jumped
on account of tbe price of
I from toe srlndoa, but In tbelr fright. It
Whsa i< WornId Be aertoat'is Mexteo. ! la thoughL they ran Into the Cumber' *^ut I have no reason to anilcipal Und river and were drowned,
tUi. as long before such a point could be i
Oao Way to Preveai lyaoblasreacted the producuon of Mlvc'
have ceased to be paaaiUe In <
I rrte, 1. 0-. Aug. ».-Cortner Hewitt
trfhs where wages are paid in gold. At , arrived In this city Saturday evening higher j and brought a eummens for ebeiiff
tpe pr»M
.prices may have tc be paid for Intereat MrLaln. Immediately on bis arrival






Rertheni IcU^
—. - Irmporlitim Co,
NoitlimiachlsuLlu .


•ovnvimeQt four yeara ago «b tbe tosuits that might happen to Mexico, ow­
ing to a fall In silver. Bill taoM good.
With this addition—that It might be
serious to thli country If Btver fell so
tar as 10 effect I2t per cent, premtum."
Cm»ci Major Bark'aer, L tt. a.
Oplatoa «r a Meateaa Boabaa
gprtagfleld. Ills., Aug. I.-The verdict
H. C. Water*, manager of the Banco of the coun-msfilal In tbe care against
Major John C. Buckner, of th* Ninth
tabllBiim-nt in this repobHe. said
hatuilm. t. N. G.. ba* been tranwnltted
Bid nm l^iievr the present fall In silver
would affect Mexico. Tbe loss occurring
( yet made 1
to the
Ihe governmenL
government, even
wen at the presest
preaent •
■gatet of exchange, risally amounts fe i
y little,
tmie. he mid.
mli, and tbe governmeM
governn^ ,
'Oould easily stand IL He bellend tost
Aug. >.—The iDteraatloaal
, :if stiver Mild much lower Ibe republic
promote artltratioo was
day tn tbe ball of toe
1L sad countries like
toe inwt. i chamber of deputies. BnUsh. American.
Australia, eta. would sul

Be believed ibe fall would enly Umpor- j Prwicb, Austrian,
arlly effect trade here. It mlgfit have;
some permanent effect on

of foreign .merebandito. but It would
cxrtAlnly Bimalatc all oatlve laduatflm
and would tend to suraU capital.
Btasii a-anu to borrow tW.moOD U
teet presBng oUlgaUana.
Tbe railway* would Sad a
. Tbe date for Iowa day at tbe Tentraffic. which would pMfM centennial a— bees changed from
for^gn !
10 to 8«pt 7.
exchange. "l see no reason to anUclGeneral Bragg baa Usued a call for
pate any pemiacert Iocs to Mexico by i
reublon ofihe Iron brlradc
toe fall in lilrer; ratber tbe opPoBte."
mid the banker In eoacluston. B. R,
ot. UcK.Inley has pramloed I
f of the Central railway, tor Urgeet ocrpcrailon post tc‘te gh en aPBuffaio. Aug. ti. 'i ■!*** to tl»em all cheerily and cojifidenP
Id toe rcpi^Uc. -refused to talk on
French ademiBs have discovered . : Ij. rtying; “Wean goite b^ to—
r generally. He said.
re..,-™.-, an . ■ «>mpo#ltlon tosi recdtm warahipe »- eampa. men. never fear, i'll gel a twist


k ’ TSo**”’ ~ '
%cm rwt Wuac. Drtrelt. CMeaga aaS
Oraad Rapid*

Chicago •«
West Michlg9.n



. t Bp-a»OOUfO SOCTB.

stem with led mulea, all drifting to tbe
tear, and now and then a wonodud
offiog or enlisted man on bortebsek or
plexidlug aloug -on foot, with groops oft ;_________
somedmea sitting a l^ibg down to rest
by tbe side of (be rood, wbile others
wen making coffee in .tbelr tin cope by
tiny campfires
Boon we began to see small bodies of
■oldien in tbe fields with stacked arme.
evidently eooking bceakfast. As we detaooebed into tbe fields and passed
sroond tbe wagou aiH through these
gronpe tbe geoM would wave fats hat
to tbe men and point to tbe fraiL never
twening hit speed as be preawd for­
ward. It was enough. One glan» at tbe
eager fece aud familUr black bom and
t^ knew him. and. stordag to their
feet, they swung tbelr cape around tbsir
heads and brake intocbeei* as bepamed
beyond them, and then, gstberi^ np
their belongingi and abonlderiog their
annt, they atoned after bim for tbe
' fionv aboudng to tbelr ocorades tartber
out in tbe fielda, --SbendaD! Sberidanl”
waving tbeir bats and poiniing after
bim at be dashed onward, and they,
top. oomptehended instantly, for they
took op the
tuned back for
tbe cbes
tbe battlefield.
To tbe best of my teraUection. from
tbe time we met tbe fim stragglers wbe
bad drlfted.back
eo.oacx irom
from me
tbe ansy,
army, ois
his apand bit ebevry about of “Turn
bock, mra: turn bockl Face tbe other
wayl” as be waved bis bat toward
frooL bad but €i»e result—s wild cheer
of imgnitiaD, an answering wave cf
tbe cap In no case at 1 glanocd back
did I fail to see tbe meo abonldet tbeir
and follow ua 1 think it is no ex­
aggeration to say that as be darted on
to tbe field of battle ta mile* back tbe
turnpike was Used with men preMlng
forward after him to tbe frooL • • •
After the whole line was tboraugbly
formod 1 tode over to my efaieft and
wrged bim to ride down iL that all tbe
men might see him and know witiwut
doubt that be bad returned and aaAt first be demnned.
but I was most urpenL as 1 knew that
In aotne lonmiem faotfa men and offieen
wbobad notsert bimdoobted faMsr|
gj, ,ppo,naBoe
grvetad by
end of tbe
line to tbe other, muy eft tbe offieen


I anire fro* (barloo.u, dal
■U. aaS te«t*vlU* I rfS A a.




Money to Ldan

Ob iBproreS city prepwTy.
PATOSXS A omoTiXR, Attorteya.
OS** orer KOMagM-t fcarCware »tore-

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
-Front Street.

to Barter apC*”"SS,

CsSv:;-;;::-: -


'"rs lUISTES


t flOa a.


Bast Cad Kiebigan Bu - ObioagOL


I ...Your Choice.

lu supplies on a g^d teMTand toe re- |
Saturday Presldem McKinley
Blit was ram ditrifneaiBi to the in-1 and Vice President Bobart played a
tsrmts of the road
bowls, the latter winning—1ST
------------ :------- -, to i«forOmBevUL
Tbe Chicago exprem on the Penwrl.
Gbester. HU.. Aug.
A warrant for \' vanla Il.a
lint ..nlll/ttid
collided rel,*
with-----------------a switch engine

the arrest of -Ocra HavlU. late cfalef , at IndtanapolU and kUled Viliam Marderfc of the Cheater penUenllarr. baa ^ tin. engineer of toe exprem
bam Usaed by County Judge Taylor, j Tbe VaUcan. Indudtng toe pope him-

' out of ^ boota before tbe dgy ia
• ov«. "
At no time didl bear bim nttar
'‘terrible oath” ao often alloded to in |
botb prose and poetry in oonneotlon
with toU day's work.—“Sberidan't
Bide.” by General Georg* A. Fbriytb.
U. & A., in Harpsr'f Magaslaa

.aoBUdalot was filed by Warden Tan*'Vety few know iL but it Is a fact,
■ncr and alleges that a r*c«|it Inveatl'gatlon of the inok* and accounu of
explained a pcomtnent builder to a rei.CJerk HavlU
....................................<l^q,ahDrtage In toe: william of Oerroany received a number porter, ••that tbe peoaloo offioe bnildiag
HavtU left bis home ; of threaienlng letters from nlhlllBa and I m the largest brick building in tbe
week ago and bis pan-5Uvl*U. and I
d to much
I ”
be aacenalaed.
erltictim, but it can stand IL for as
fudge Tulcy, of Cblcago. has decided Mm. W.™™ along
.Inne there
thare, are many
manv things
.aUd tbe cUy ordinance
aboot tt that escaped notioe when
ter Judgment of the people ba* prevailed blryclea. He says It Is a tax and means
u newer. In all ibere Wt over 10,and toere t* now no Indloatlon that double taxation. Tbe case wtU go to toe 000,000 bricks in the building. Qaicral
■Bona, the murderer of Pearl Morrison, supreme oourL
M«i^ took liberties with bricks that nb
win be (be rletlm of a Imcbl&g. Bons
bolding up a saloon and altobugh thirty other orebituot had ever attempted. He
afaots. were fired tn the melee aU tte
Tired ttak people not to act hastily. He tous* arc aHr« and not totally hurt. building, but be nred tbeffi In
ing tte Bairs throogboat tte boilding.
aya he will deal with the prisoner tf Ttey are In JaU. however.
There Is no doubt that a white weman
be baa a favorable opportunity.
Infatuated with Robert' Lee Jones a hava often been used for I
.colored loroale. furnished toe means
, Aug. t.-^Tbe See road tool enabled haU.a acore of prlsonere to
tte pensknofBee both
has made a rate of tU to Buffalo sad escape from CUnton. lUs.. jalL
and step an of brick. As a brick
nun for the O. A. B. ratampmanL
Tbe New Terk World prints' an al• ... --------- j-y gbermao building, tberefure, pure and simpla, it
win .nndotatedly lead to a geseial
-''canlval of rate cutting, as toe rale of In which he Is quoted as saying — Is unique in ecaiatrnctlaa onbddcafttbo
gU.BB made some time-ago by tbe Mla- mentlonabi* (tor a dtptbmat) tolnga fact that U Is tte
' uMpoUs and St- Louis read was raf- about BpalD and CuIb. Another ape- teidc bnildiag in toe wwld
fteent to call Chairman Oal^n to Mln- clal »ay» tbe Internes la a romance.
ueapoasdo labor wlto' thf BL LouU.
Al Rush Medical ODllegc. Cbingo, a
cadaver was. boiled for two boureln a
aolutloD of crude, potaab to prove toe
' Waabli^gtOBi Aag. •-—A* aa mMenm sseeninn of tte suie In the Lneigert
erf 4hc tnieicut In the Klundyk^iugtoa. eaae that a human body would be prac­
aa Ofllrial of the coast and geodetic aur- tically annihilated by sueb treatment Irish keeper wbo was good
enougb to make all kind* of ex
’ war* that an of Ub stMly
The assertion was proved.
bi* patron's bad abots. At laB tba
map*. *rwch was expectad •* last f«.
WMter We Hoy Bxpeet.
abootw, mode rebktesa by Ui •ocoaaa,
BIX moniba. was axtiaastad Un gays
lea. Ate- A-Mlosite on tte psosived a uovey (ft birds quietly feud­
BUcr tbe first new* .of tot J^tondyka
neldx sraa pu mated.
ing on tba other aide of a hedge and reaolvedto have aslap at them-on the
For Loser MkMgaa-^^
gnoad. Be fired, but to bis m^tifloa-'
ttoB they aN fie* a«By afboabad.
nrday mgbt aged « yuan; Be somac
"Oh. faith.'' eriad Pat Jifffully. “baderad toe city to tte fedreaM in UO.
Mr Park was bore ID OOMSy TynXBr
. ,




oooio oom.

Building; Lots
Houses and Lots
». OeWTORtoLteeav^

For All Cash dr Low for
Part Gash

THTcneBifUiieof Steuiers.
ooiae xoKTA
Vterei.r- *

oom eorrft.






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