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The Morning Record, September 16, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
«vnoiAZ. rAnm
Fiwt Tmt—No. 116.
tfPMlim) BY PDieiEK.
ot V. lor cf«»»»ikFUr tm
VMikm T. etMMo I oad 1. food ptodnct*.'
OSAt. O. TXr*HU VO» .^Tno.
Oa« botti* W. BiifW’OpMfn** **1ET BOAEO OF FABOdVO. . «• di.M for tM bMt oU poloUac at
faioa frooB Eaaha Tompl*. Oraad BapIda. aad tb# vtoltBr* from olbor poiaU
Bloat th*UM«fth*0. B. AI. Amoac
thoB* whB bar* Blroady ttartod to decTO oHmnrxAH BiraxA'
jBrBtoaroThaBoUfrBroB.. 4.0. >ohaBBa. M. B. Holloy. Moanva Bscnait.
Boooath a^trlct Xakoo a Good Show> BoBtoa Star*. Frod B«ehUl. C A Ctorto,
lac Vith «6 Soator Aad IS taalor B. B. MiUBr aad' Bca*'* dr^ ator*.
Thoo* plaeM ars aU fay with
of Boport «9 B* th* hri(ht rod. yellow oad hlo*
of th* D. O. K. E. ABoar tho
Sahnittod At I
4. W. EiUlkM-dS worth of food*
forth* rTMMtoBd bfhidioplmyaleor
i rorloUooot plckloo mad
tM ar Vorttm KkUcu Aojlum lootiy
roltahoo. I •orroo omd coBOOd trmlt.
>*Ukommd OH. pot op
tho wUbpotatSMBta Kkdo bp thoOeromor. iur.
Socrolaiy M.B. BeUoyof tho-Blo*Goa W. Qydo-Thro* doUon for tho
oath C. K. DUtrlrt. ha* ptpparod hli
asBoal roport which wUl bo oahnlttod
0«j K. Ch«Mr:«f fiOlod^ Jodc* of
4. O. JohoMH-Sotot oiUlUiy broth- at tho ooBTOstkH to b* hold U Balkaa^ thofliBt«to«itt .
*• Tolood »t «l.7ft to tho wianor la flro- ha. h«ciaslac tomorrow. Tho roport
to oxhauUToaadftUod with iatocootDdwmrd B. Bd«wd« of Frumt. HiUhmmdlimphfepelo
Sot of tiro mmd whool hco^ wwth lac dotaUt which roroa) oridoaom of
rapid rrowth aad laoiaaolac latorcot
Ccond Fry •«* aocioo**.
«* toe. to fho wimmor Is th*
la thodtoolct. Aayaop^ofth* ata:
tkoSNrlMw 000017 JMTOO******
ieo hieydo room.
tiTiin-t Lothor of HoUood. who roW. 4. Hobho—A foor ^omrt iM oiooh tootto* ci*M wfU hoof moeh latoroot to
Aoomt te hon hoohol of Bortlott an Badoarcrora
Thor* aro la tho dtotrlct ala* Jaaloro
O. B. McOotebooo. of SoTmw daiewho har* become ttoalot*; 4t amoelaH
(Mo to «hi KoUomI inifoiioa ooohay* b*oom* artl^; eo har* fuo* late
thahhoroh. Thor* arrtM eharoh laamCharlw O. Toiwor of Ti*T«no aty
«tttecoMCh»rl«L. Bordoa of Groom- Asd ‘-Thoro WUl ho a Hot Tim* la boiB
th* BadaaroroTB. Thor*
%Ulo,BOO>hor of the otoM pordom homid.
arc 1454 aeUr* moaboia, 415 amoctat*.
tb* Old Town Toaicht.'
^ Arthur «. Soxtoa of Joekaom to oooSO affillaU. maklar a Croad total of
Twirht tho D. O. K. K. will taka
S.441. Th«r* arc arroa ecoatto* la tb*
«ood N. B. OUWrtof Bmy Ct«y m o
of'Tnrocoo CItT. mod that
dtotrlct wlthsesaalor aad le Jualw
-lu b..,.. aow aoeloUea
r*prto*atlac H deaomlaatkm. Th* OoacT^Uooal leads with
«4 aoclattooaBd thod*r«*bjrt*riaBs with.
II: SfOO bar* bo*arl««o «> aitoaioa*
aad thoro are :oo paper* Uhoa I7 tho
diSeroat taoHbai*.
Th* foUpwiac to tha table of stattogTTm
*ko tortaio
ChwlM F. BMkju 0f .DM.0it WiU
TNET fit CDmilt
WilUaa KaUay of Valeaa aad B. O.
Brwwa of (tolaaMt. mambara of tb*
hoard at ooateol of tho -Htohlcaa Oollot* of MisM to aaooood 4amM B.
43oopor o< Hanooek aad P. C. F. Woot
of OUamat.
^aaay P. Caak of HUMalo. atMhvafthohoaidofooBtraloftho Mioh- Ifha aiylam lor the laaaat
Tb. ,-U„
Arab* will be her* ia fora* from all.
diraetioB* today and the toUowiag re
frain wlU b* heard:
Oow* slow, roo trcU«* Arsb>.
Aad Uuo nmt aovtacetFen.
For iWr'i futn* to b* s Beetin*
4b * kBMliB* boithwB too*.
Tbsrs. s lot id T)KB nitinc.
ttlio ir* quaklBC is ttw4r *boe>;
Aadth* wi«r<iOM.taers>«MriB«.
~Tb*r ra't deBthi^*o.rcB "
Tbm'U br B bor Uim
For >« c«> W( <rr-U ell b. tbw^.
.Uni v»'Uik>tbrtbia<tq, teem. .
Tbw*'liUZi«41-B,h»tbrWf.-TW--II W nimor b} (br iabd To rolTMt U.C tr«n pUrrin
At U mkl U.T tpm V Bset
' Ofi. tbne'Ubi-sLiottts,r
In Trarww ('<■)
Wr'll M»l|. IhMU sod vr'U skifi (boa
Uul t«t |dBa«r> le tbrir hUb;
Wr'U hie tbrir (wthBad Witt tbrir Jolau
ABd eu <b*B fell of halB
Ve'U Iri ibMti riCr uor caari
Vbca t brr a« t», aor* to tralk:
aVU du •eTMBl utbw |>1>MB( tkt^
Aboai rtirbvriuBtt ao( talk.
In that M tlBr '
la TraratM Cilr
At tb* moeUag of the commltteca laat
night a rooeptoon eammitlo* waa ap
pointed as fcUosm:
4ohn A. Lorangar. M. B. Gate. M.
a BdUey, F. U. Heomaan aad A. Kow-
Friday mght.
fer greatMt aad beet dtoplay of fruit
ifi ChaOi^ alM WTiagv
Vm te a* BnbilMt at Womaa’e Olub
auengo Haiket.
Tha exeratoa* at the Womaa-a Clbb
Cbkage, Sept. 1A-Wb*at September.MXc: Deeamter.
Hay. Friday wfU cwnetot of a atady of Homer
sad kto works. Th* program la ekarg*
Oora—fieptaaber, fiPlfe; Oetober. M ton. 4. L.OlMapr0HtoHtob*Tet7
Wife; DeemnbH. 81MeKe:;ilay. w
They’re oomini; great and smalL We’ve got a «ock
that will please them one and all. They're the Knight* cf
KborsMan from the soath. To thia northern d[^ tbw
come to boy their goods from the City Store, and they’ll do
it every one.
*80 FRONT gTfMirr.
M. B. HOUAV, ojariapf-
Qaaatity srlthont eala* raeolvod, don't pay.
QnaUty aad AMortmmit to what w* aim for.
I “isrHASKELl’S BOOKSTORE,”iisI Us Tour Ears and
Eyes a Moment
While we tell you a^^ain of - •..
whoa•ittlagoa one oftonr laxarioo*
■otea to an oaay matter for th* daintily
C'O r'/~\
Men’s Black Clay Suit, vj5O.0U
If* *Tery thread and fibre wool—if* pore s*o**t*d-A**vy weight—
finely triained-msde right, by tallor^U th* eqnalof whatto
charged fiu.50tolis.50 Uotberrtorm. aaek.donbl«hr***tod8qBar*
Cat or Cateway Btylee. Big Uac of Other Ssit*. at MoMy fiariag
iwr reatuM when he learca. that be
tween womaa'e eweet faseiBaiion, and
the baauUfBl effect of Hiter’i tnraiture arttottoally arranged, that kto
mind turaed to home comfort* aad
tboaght* of lore.
We're the Furnitarc at decidedly. |
the lowect price*.
Toaag ladloB Orlpptod fa an Aecidaat at BUchtt Biding Tootorday,
4oa Bird, aa Indian boy ahoat le
yoai* of ago, mat with a horrifying ac
oldant at SU^ta yeaterday. Bewaaat
There ar* bow eight noioo* in th*
' wiKk SB tbs tramway aoar tb* mill of
oonaty. With to good a Dumber it to
HMly A OoToU, wbw> an nnfortnnat*
adTtoabl* that w* meet tageiher at
aaetddat tbraw him andar tbo wb*eto
leaat once a year for coaaeil and inot tmooftholambereara. Bto right
epiration to coMldoronr past work and I
foot was terribly matUaled and tb*
fntnr* plana The coarenUoa wiU be {
boao* eraabod. Tb* lajared lad was
Tb* epedal IraU from Grand Bapld* held the Stet and :2ad of this mootk.
oared for by W. K- KoUy aad bora* to wUl arrlT* at 2 o'clock on tb* O. B. A
Tuoaday eeanlag Mr*. B*a>maa. oar |
tbto ei^ on the afteraooa train. Be I. and tb* detogetee will be reel at the eteW preeldent. will give a* one of her \
ww takos to tbeof&o* of Dr. Martia ' depot by the
iHittee aad the
famouateaperaaceteeturMat th* 00*-^!
whesHpotatedtbcmainportioiioft^ Band.
There will be arrirato on aU | greraUanai ebateh.
Erorybody wUl '
foot, loatotod by Ito. B. B Oaraar. ^ the regular trains from Tarlous point* | want to hear that,
ud tb* Ttoitor* wlU be cordially <0-1 Wednesday moral^. eeaU^ of deleTWO HAFFTHBABIS
eelred be the comtsiitoe ai they come. | gate*, orgastoation and mothM*' meetThe parade sriU atart prompUy at s jing. The *es*k« will commence at
KlM Loelto Biefeard Aad William o'clock in the CTcning. from th* head-1 V:5u o'clock,
fiebBSon Harried Terterday.
quarterv Foreeter*' Hell, oa Front i The aftor
A very bsppy wedding ocoared yes- •treet. then go east to Boardmaa are- 1 o'clsek aad wUi te flUad with
torday moralag si tb* boas* of tka,
bride, abont thiM mllH ooalk of the; thence west to t'nion. north on Ufikm dtocuMioDi on lire U^e*. *neh aa.
city. The principal* were William I to Front end east to the point of Btert- "Equal SuBraga. " "Why ahosld waj
work tor the ringing of the Curfew
4ghnaon of Bower* Harbor
and- ii(»
Mtoe lag
L^la Bickerd. »toter of A. W. Etokerd. | .Tbc porade will te filled with ortgicity clerk. Both bride aad groom arc | nal feature*, muaic. and th* line of jest need* of the
‘w*ai known is this locality and tbelr march wUI te lUsminatod with fire-]and
i of tb* fatbeia.’’
futnre happincM will te the wish of a' works aad tke air will te real with eto-.ctc. Everybody to tovltod to com*
ahrlek*_«f the doomed. whUe aereral aad take port, mes as well aa women.
large aambe^ of friend*
floats will aeeuratoly Ulutrate the ter- Gome, tot ua reekon togetbor.
rorlslac proceeet*. of which there wiU
Same BaU Today.
Wednoeday evening as otbtorieal
itHt will te gifsa.
Today aad tomorrow will protebly te a great many. Aftor the parade
aeo tb* •-ish of the hoM tell eeaeon U and ceremoato* the dead wiU te bartod with solss. daete. quartets sad msadotkto r^toa. Turn out and glee the aad the wound* of the earriTing aewed Uneiimto
Some of the bri^tost talent of TraC' best team Traretae City ha* eter had a up by an extra fore* of aargeoas from
inMlai eead off. They hare well abroad, while thoee who have Heaped .onm aty aad oUier towas will teka
dmth will tee* their eaffowrdrowaed part. You will te aorcy If yon mtoe tb
and woaada h«led by eandry potsAdmimloa, adalte 10 eaato or three
tioaa of aem-aem an>Ued iBUraaUy. lor 25 ceate: eblidrea sader 12. s cento.
aad every known variety of gm' AU datogatei aad vtoiton wUl te
MvtMt u. o»n«
tkiag* to Ht. wl^ wQl te sorrod at eorved to tb* ebsrek.
oongenwt For Fair Bxblbltaia;
Program to next Mondayb dally.
The Vw?*! bnriaeM men ooBtinne^to
. P. B. Taavu,
Tb* advance eale of ecote fer the
0^ Utecal ppselal prtaea tor eahiblto
________ Oonaty Prmidmit.
at the fair neat week. Th* foltowiag "Bunch of Beya” wiU begin at the box
have been added to th* tttt oaUtohed office of Btolnberre Grand Op^ bOH*
ia tb* Bbooku yarterday mmiag:
TbnrtaU A Oaae—«0-p*aad aaek of
Wahbam A<k«*bytoOoUM*dal flour
fm- the beet loot of broad ssade from
tbto kind of flour.
. HBaBabAImyM*re.OD.-Oa*Uatbbtoy^ bag worth fii to . tb* wiaaer
to U* two-mil* baadlc^ hi^yei* race.
On* leatberbleyela bag worth fit te
tbp-wteaerlatbeoM-mOs egm Her
The Arabs are a Coming..
la Fred Kartaagb'e
F. 4. Batoroo* of Crcawoll aaeHbor of
the laoaiaace policy oommlaslon to *00ooodSamo*! B . Lowof Laaaiac- .
Borvly D. Bantopa of Sault SU.
Maria, Homhor of the beard of the ,
Kowhory aaylam boord to eocoeod BR. Ooodell of Hoafhtoa. reolcaed.
—' CharlH F. Backu* of ’ Detroit, roesiber td KortherB aeylam boord to *oceoed Ooa. A. Bart of Maatoloe. re•load,
_________________ .
tics to th* os* In Bo**'* window, and
w*0 arraagod by dm* P- Watktee. It
to a fne «lmil* of a K. of P. omblom
aboet thrw tHt aqaaro. dopllcatod In
doaign and eolor. tb* auterial need belag only «neh a* to fonad on th* ah^TH
of * drag ator*. Carto’ dln»Uy to eery
attraetira Frod Beehlel'a wiU pcoaeat
(to. Tb*B**toa
8tor*W*atUiindaHayyard*of bant
ing to make * taatofnl display. Otboro
wOl bar* their plaeoe of
droMd thto BorAiBg.
BeUifck SfrOeedaOupet and OtthisgBmA Tran
•We Still Lead.
Xotwithstaoding the general
depression in the milling
business, we are baring a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to alt parts of
Nor-them Michigan our....
flonr. Send in an order.
The pDp«l*rCleU>*r.
We htr* edded to car Ciothiag
and Furutohlag itoods Stock........
the efficlest enpervisios of Mr
T. A Choeto. fonserly of Bay
CUv. who baa had masy years
experieace ia th* merohast
talloriiig bsalnee* (making him
an artist in bto line.) We do not
beeitate In guaraateslag Httotaclioc in dt and sroritmanahlp.
tviu, tb* above addltkm to osr
Mammoth Stock of ready made
clothing w* are safe to mytog
thatUwUl te one of the test
are good now and will be
good all the aeaaon........
Buye New, Btyltob Aoman Stripes
In Eo.AO width, at
-*U : P
Ladies’ Welt and TuraBd Sole Shoes
THB MOMmro MooM>. THT7HBPAT, sapxiiiBBK le, iwr
■mT«g»m ww MMMr.
Talv»8KCITY. • mCHlOAH
tmm T. Baw *j»p J**»*»■•
w. HAB^ MItoT •Mi lUw.
uwta •iu>«rb t*
“ wehMr*
«| t«iMMn wlO» U>*
iBwr««tt, Viack to, Meordto* to rMor
.M oMtomA » r«M(oiUoo of belUr
«MC7. U8poi««>wfc0»ortitk»to■or*«ito.»d»*oo«f«itfc»,th«e-to oo
noMO wbj Um CtftaM iteald sot osjoy thAi dtoUseitos St tho hssda of
«tkor ssUoss. Bot It to sita(otbw
Ukoly tbst CkptAU OosorsI Woylor
orfU hMT tsrtbartrop
The sane mv Ba aaM o< these ^o an
aWo to aflord doUgbt wltb atoeattoa.
nioetlsos aad laatrdnontal nnsto.
iastramoatal pleon wbteb daUfbttoo sadtoBM were ptoao aolea by
tfUe Oortrade Montagne aad Mtoo
WbiU. Both ffore reppOBSe to oatboasUeoaeores. Tbo idoen eelocted i
difiealt aad beat Ufollyroadwed. Min
Orawtord garo oao of bar bnt odeoBpot tbo rioUa and was toned
respond to an eaeoro, and
eneero eras equally as well
rood red. Min Uraee BeettoffS. Mtoo
BUS BUtoberg and Mrs Martla redted
al now eelecUoae and ware toned
mpond. Mtoa SteUbsig redted to
plane aeeempanineat by her sister.
Mb* Ber^ AlU Steinberff. Mtos WUbela. Min BoberteandMre. A. B. Bolllday, wbeee voien are rich, etroaff and
to respond
Sottoo Te Sixinyns.
WUl Me Otoen By Oonpaaicai
Foteetofi Sent Week.
The Oompanieas of the Fern
will fflTs a tea east sapper at tbelr
ball in tbs Braeefa BlcMk, Tbara^y
evening. Sept 21. from 4 to t o'doeb.
folleW. in the enatoff by a 13 oast
I will beinmyoOnto neeivo the
atjaadaeboettannoftbeUty dar
ing the nanih ot Baptenber. im.
from • o'l'Mh to ll:Wo'doek a. n. and
from 1 o'eloek to 4 o'doek p. m. aad on
Taen^ evenings ftnn ? o'doeir to t:W
o'deek p m.
remnlningaepaldtetoberl. 1B97. Uers
Ttaeatiioal SoMb.
Dalaty fane canedy will bbU the
^^BkeJi^Be^ Bonding, Nn. M!
etaffe at Sielnbetgto QtsaA on seat
Monday aigbl. Bept. Wth. Hoytt "A
Maujoui Wtntn.
Gly Transorer.
Baneh of Keys” to oae ef the bnt mmDeled Sept let. lf»7.
leal akiu ever pnaested to the pnblla.
It has an anaalnff etany. to fall of wit
Dr. G. M.Ckaaatoback tram a tnp
aad mBSto and Manager Botoner neb
to the eonthem part of the state.
seleete Ibe '
had-pretUnt bnaeb aitglrto that the
Prepare to attasd Grand TtatRialto eaaferntob. It to Jeet the kind
eisa Conntf Pair, Sept. 21, 22,
of show to drive away dall ears.
28 and 24.
Tbto attraettoa was presented in
Power's Grand Opera Bean in Grand
Bapkto this wadi, and the daily papete
wereannitlaffreat prmtoe of the eoss- Friday Vi^t.
nopany. , _________________
appro^Moa. The pngran etosed
Itb SB toeplrinff good night aoaf by
the qasrtot,oomposed of Meesce. Parka,
Whlto, Haslett and Buter. WbUe.tbe
atteadanoe wes not torre the Wa
Cleb wiilreanseeavataamasa start
for tbalr deb hoase faad.
Of the Gty OaoneU of thetlty stTravoineOlWSILLID SSAJt MASXBTSX.
Attorney Cbarin G. Taiser cpm
Beet of hto lime ynterday afternoon
tot of otsto to not blisd nad lest evening in reoeiring the ooagreteUUoas
of bis friends apoa hU anto the fTSTlty of the ■
f the Mic
Ichifsr betwon Cotas sad Spsls st this
KooUag Of Tonag Paepie
Meat Saadsy swing.
By toritatloB of the Bpwortb Leogao
dhoro wUl bo a Baton naetiag of aU tbo
poo Off pooptobMeSettnof tbo dty at
dtoeM.Sebnrtoa*xt8anday eroaing
t dototeeb.
•tdaborgb Oraad Last Sight.
Tbo weather tost niffbt bad noeb 'to
do with UmlUng the atteadanoe at the
aamtalnneatoffheWonaabClnb la
OlMsbar* BnwL These who wore
pmntaiijeyBdoaeofttaetroatt witb
wbtob tbs aaeeUent talent of Tcanne
GV eoadneaads noto and than to tooor
gaWto. Wboa one Uotaaa to nab
The Berkshire
are vafranted not to rip, and
we authorize the'.m^Pc^ot selling them to-make eur
warrant good, ^z:
Py payingyoa lisente for eneh Sa^ender
Bewntteteennoff; MeantaUtbeW^tband ripe: er a new pair if they rip rtoewbne
within two moatb* from date of ealm
a to raahlngle my
a at No. Ill Slats street.
................ granted.
Motion carried.
To (he Bcmorahle. (h« Mayor and CUy
Council of the Cilp of 3>«acrs« CUy.
MtcAtyah.Whereas. There to ae eran walk on
Front street east of Cbn street ia nid
dty. for a dtotaooe of more than half a
bloek. aad the traffic and basiasn
needs of that portion of the dty to saeb
that (he ojnvoaiaooe and inUresu of
the bnelness men having their place of
bnsiaen there, aad also of the pablie
at large woald be eoastdered by the
baildlng ot a eras walk aeras said
Front street staooi half way between
the erne walk at the iatareecUon 01,
Front A Cbs» slreou and the '—-----walk east thereof.
rnpecttally ask
ooaatroetioB of
if a cron walk at saeh locatloB
the HueUmanlel baildll
to the T^nelier Work or aa near there
ea shall appear deeireble. that being
chased; one at Levering aad one at
Booa. for tbeae pnrpean SS.OOO have
been paid.
There are 2.000 membwe of the Bp
wortb Uagne is then flaldA
Bcv. 8. Steele, aftersizty-flve yabre
of expeiiaaea. to still abls and wUllag
to “land a band" wbea needed. And
Rev. A J. Bldrsd seems to have re
newed hto yenth. Bebraksover all
bonndi. ffo^ over the whole ooafer•aoe to And place to expend hto ener
gies. He preaebed W eenaoas in loo
days of this ynr.
That boatatedefi^laly the______
of da>e wbteb be spent is Tmveree
Gty, and how seaay days etoawbe
for which be ebargn 823.00.per dsy.
That be W||s parttealarly. wbai part
of bto bill ^^xpensn to for rallro^
tare, for bJVbUto etc., aad wbat por
tion to tor expren ebar^
Dated BepUmber isth. A. D. 1S«7.
he reeolBtion be adopted aad passed.
Moved by Alderman Jahrantliatlhe
-BOtion of Aldarman Goodrich '
amended to lay the rseolelloa on
Motion lost by yea aad say vote:
Yeas-Aldennaa Moatague. Oeemond
aad Jabrai
Fsniamla Baaday Bcbools.
Tte^'Pealaaala TownMiip Sanday 'Ceok. Lardle. BneUmaalel and QarriSchool Anoetotloa will gnat in the
Oongregatioaal ebarob al Old HIseioa
oa Sanday, September lOtb. at 7 p m.
k exoaUaat pragram to being in
land and a large atteadanoe loohnd
Hamilton Clothing Co.
-ra otb»r« (all rae«Bli I>r. Pemou- aat
hl>«tsRurvpvciA)U«* rto mrw
x*S7;r..ssf,'7.rsrtr,a-jsiCannh, Chmic ud
Print! Diseases,
*fhe above make of pants merits the attenUon of
eve'r)’ pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
prices $i .50, $2.00 and $2.50—they are made in a variety
of patterns—ask to see riiem.
Dr. Parsons Clinic
One Solid Week
gaa Advisory Board ef
««",« la thooTOBtof tronble tbis(<
oesmat wlU send to Hstou s fleet
lag by Oovamor Piagree aad the powar Tonoto that orill show that the
dtioa to oae of gmt responBibilily.
Cnltad Ststoi to prepsrod for oaerren'
' Mr. Taraer also received e telegram
from Railraed Commiseioaer Wen
eoagretaie^g him epos the- koaor.
Dated TreveneCity, .Mich.. BepL »th.
EoTwmuTASnuMs the rosi deposits The appolabeatof Mr. Tamerto dae
of wosltb in the Elonklke rorioD. there to (he iaflaeace aad good ofBoee of UV7.
S M Brawn. Oscar Slmpsoo. O P Car
toff there ot
It tl
this tisM so Frank Friedrich of tbto dty end others ver. £ McNemere. M iJ Griffith, John
M eaebsi
Rennie. Tonaelier Bros. Philip Bbeadlntmediote rolief, and the eqeeUy near to the governor. .
“ F Edi
fitoUiisri wbtoet toconstoortoff meth
ods tor setlos that wUl roliere tbo dis«Mi Of Aaiertooa aiaoro. ^
0 muruH. ^ L oewue. w a
Report of Lest Tear's Work laeaed
teber. Eaterprtoe Grocery; E L Banby Prodding BMor BoUogg.
1. B M Oanlato, Rich A Hallberg.
BrorltitoPrnidlng Elder Kdlogg of the Biogham Broa. Gty Book Btore. Jacob
Lodisfftoti to o strosff offffroffsttoo.
Grand Tiaveroe district of Metbodtot Caiman.
Moved by Aldortaan Bnolltaaatol
Tara ost sad bolp the Bostlero wia to- ^ordsoa, bas Jaet toanod hto report of
tbo petiUoB bejMtod.
day sad twmoiiow.
tbo work of tbo poet year. Wbtlotbaro
Prof. T. A, Bssiley, the kiuff of baa taeea no expendvo i^arcbn bellt,
Moved by A
lOeblffsii'i slelffht of bsad porformcro. there bas been many itoprovementa la Mr. Kelly be eothorised to prospect ter
oe Mr. Prett'i farm west of the
0^ has been is Cbiesffo sad the west ekareb property and the ahowiag to
city, and If enitable gravel to foend
dor the past year, has rotamod boaie very good eonaideriag the deproasod that the commUtee oa streeta aad
sidewalks be aatborised to parebase
onoagh for ass antil aeztregalar
Oaj B. BoUtoter, ssetotant esi
^,^^a price not to no.3 ,0
to the Old MstioDst Bask. Uioad Bap- Ooe ot Traverse City, the Second M. E.
too. has pnrehasod the oombiaaUot
Motion carried.
oheroh, coating SI .300. aad one at Cope,
0^ row beat. Battorfly, from t
mtoh worth Sl.OOO. Both of tbeee will 7b tac i
c tbs ilayor 7md Cttp
be paid fer when the pledgee are tam
ed into cWb. Two rnlniaa eharehn
. MlnMiutoMeOeapldwboUen
to you plans and
' of tbo dty. Mtoi Loatoa Maba of Blaf- babe been pnrcimaed and paid tor at rndfleatioos for water workaforTravbaa sad Mtoo Moek of Battoas Bay, Petoskey.
..ae Oiy prepared by Oeo. W. Batter
A new ehareh has been begu at aad B. F. Northmp ander oar dlraata«« eatoeod' Profseeor Dodkorayto
Monroe, cn wbat will be the Levering tioB. Tbeee plani and ^flcatknn
ehaige; tbs Epworth ehareh on the ^ve been dnlyagg^ and
Cbarievda circait: the Bethel ehareh
■ their adopUoa b7 Four
B. U Spraffoe'^oat to Ormad Ba^ on the Kalkeska charge, end one honorable bodv.
DaWd SepL IS, 14U7.
tbompeonvUle. Tbas six cherefa
B. C Datia Cbainnan.
Dr. J. C. GaoBtlett aad wife of Elk
PaoKoi* Krmju.
Bapids, wore ia tbo dty yesterday.
E. J. Fl'U.Bt M.
1. £. Goossr aad wUs of North MorW. W. Sicmi
•ad. Mtob.. aroTidtioffC. L. O gas or Barnard anAilrawa will alse soon be
Moved hr Alderman Montagae tha
aad family.
report U reeleved and pisoea o
Besides Own, fande have been conMrs. Priest, wife of Bert Frtoot yard
. Motion carried.
mvtosv ef the C. d W. M. la this dty.
Bssolool. ^ the Coancil of the Gly
r for the payarrived last aifbt aad to at tbs Hhllsoa
of Traverse
that the Gty Clerk be
mntt of debts as loUowa: At Maeklnaw aad bareby to directed to requnt of
Oeo. B. Oohmaa arrlrad last nlffht aty. ^Grew VUlaga. Irontoa, Bast Jor- George W. Baftor Esq., that ba famish
ai^ Itanixed
toom Oyaad BapidA Hs.wiU tUU atAldea, FUs Uke. Joyflald Boeth atatemant of hto ebargn in oonneetion
Sonsy & Q. Tarasr ca proton
Frankfcri, BardtokviUeandNortbport.
$3 a Month
Fatal Banaway Aoddont For John
Mantotoo, Sept, IS.—Tbls moralaff as
Madtooa Ooaaty fanaor was drivtog lick, UMdrieh. Cook. DcamO^Lerdto.
toward Maatolee he dtoeovered the pros HaeUnentol. Gerrlsoa and Jahrans and
trate body of a laaa lying oa tbs An
Sable taridge aboat eight nUn from V (hr Homwe U. (he Mayor and Cky
Council-o/ (i CiG' <if YVoeerse CUy.
tbto dty. Near him wee a baabd bas
BDtUustoider.amwntar mb. OBre I
ket. A kaaty eaanlaatioB showed
Eos. Ailss B. Mow, eosnl to
Uo CUrslsnd stoistoWtoos, to osroetoa booM in sfow dsyo.
Wlws bo srriToo bo »1U ftsd s fsU
EodffoA eowtroMiossl boom swslUsr
«o toeetoo bbs. Mr. Mono woold «sBoobtodlj bo plooood to oloy into tbo
oboes ol Oaofrolsmsn Smitb; bof it to
the dead man was John Baghn. a
too bod In bto frteodo to ooloet oneb
iiviag on the lake shore, near An
food Bso for snob s fortors bopo so
will pmont Itslf is tbo Fifth dtotrlet Bable. The bearer of tbo sews te the
dty oonld not toll Jnst bow death was
eansed bat evidently from a ranaway
Tsatssu QTTtotboeostto of bco- as Baghn was In Manistee yosterday
pndaee. Mrs. John P. Shhied a
pltsllty U sorters Mkbirsn, sod toBsy sscihor opportulty wlU bo pro- dangb^ ef the deceased Uvn in tbs
SMtod for s tnrtber dwsositrmtoc- -* c«»y
tost olnmont.~Tber« will be boro dostHOMOBS FOB 0. •. TOmMSB.
^ -two bssdrod Tf^ton toon Qrsnd
Sspida sod olhor patnlssna wbos tbdy One Of Trevene «ty>s Yoong Attor
Bopsrl they wiU esrry nenortoo of tbo neys Gets Important Appaintmant.
- « oBd coidislity of the ditoost
goBltlw euf« o(
Durw« e( tb* been ueS wwm. biooS act
•kib.MOWbVb. liwT aad kidBarv oat rrmal*
Wu oa tbt Trigs Of lasBBity.
___BiB* r*Br> >
tr«B NBr-euMab,
KnwMiB* 1 .tbouchi I vMlSseUi'
«BCk>Btirr I taCBB bu ItVBflOl IMlUs«B
Hbbt Hx
TTBWB»atr.iueb-aFis tg.iin;.
lurrb mSBi ta iraBUS boUi lenBr bbS
KJtaMae^^lu«^pa*Bn mwerii^to
Nrr-i>u«(DcWUlr.«>Bi' Orlarr II U IM> Isw.
W»b«,»w^r s»l UiOri r
rrbB asrictata OoBfldeece Meintatai
D»e't >bU lOCbUBBthcBVnilBMiikpwG
IC « OUBCVB at UTlD, fw
*^Dr. ^Iwkii' VUBJe
b* lacBWd »1 UqlBL
wbew «B ir«aSBS «■ onr IBM v1>lt bvrv.
OhUdren’B and Misses’
Best Stock We hare ever shown and
Prices never so attractive•at
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store.
We are now about pt^pleted with atockiag op with New
Fall Merchandiat in All Onr Departments which are
brimming fnll of
SteiDbol'i firiDd Open Bn» BegaitUaas of advance in all lines, onr pricea are lower fhBT» ever.
Today we are offering Specialties in onr Children’e Clothing DepL
Monday, Sept. 20
We Offer. While They Last.
Tbs Honaieh of tw Conedtes
A Cbild’e neat Suit, frixD 4 to 14 years, for........................7S
A nice blaak and bine Cheviot Snit for...................................... | ,3S
A nice heavy oxfotd gray Snil-for........................................ ..
A nice Chinchilla Reefer for....^............................................ 1.48
AchUd^ Aetrachan Reefer, in varioiu abadea,lor.................... |,95
AfinennfiniahedWorrtedReeferSoiLhandaomelybraided,for 2.25
Children’s Union Knee Pants for..................................................... 19
Children’s nice heavy Wool Pants for.............................................. 48
A Bunch of Keys
, We have loads of Clothing in this department aad as fine
aa they .make them, but the pruxa are the lowest on earth.
We call parUcular attention m onr Shoe Department to
Our Line of School Shoes
limt lU M Tsm nnWe
AChUd'sSoUdShoefor.............................................. . 67c
A Yontb'a Solid Shoe for.................................................... 75c a^ np'
A Boy’s Solid Shoe lor.
................... ..................-98c snd'np
ESMi leiliilHvItonUuUei.
Trade in the largest store where the variety ia big and
the prioes the lowest
Snto on Sale at Box Offlee
Friday Morning.
Prii»s2S-35-SD. Boi Seats 7Se
The Boston Store
Olua Bloek.
We Oan Save for You
ITom 10 to 60 Per Cent on reliable FOOTWEAR.
We are closing out at Cat Prioes 2346 Pain of opr Best
Plngroe A Smith Shoes and Oxfords in Black aad Tans, to
make room for onr New Stock of Coin Toes. Call eariy before
the best sizes are taken.
: i :
Tlie Old Bdiable Shoe Man,
lie Fbont Stsebt. Wuszbubg Block.
H#. «■ tbe iHo«tnf «jrf*T:
«ft« Ua^ AH «UaM ot Ubor b*
tb* wmm f»r rock work m for
tSc d«rt: w» «emAn4 iMt iw <Mn MU
a for oetlnc oe tbto eo»<
nv* ‘DiouMfid (Wlway Mintn
To B«9winginc Their Pickt
tgr This Eveninc.
Tb« eompkar* •»»»*» »« **'?
ffrot. that U» men art boI. ana w^rr
ha^t btoB. obllata to buy rkelorh'ty
at tht company au>rt. atcond.
adranct t ouia not 0" rf*nt«J btcauae
nv waa payln# tht av«ra»t
third. «b« roiMBoy
thtc of tht rtiriun; tl
atanlulrly i 'uted. wlibuut aaai^lni
la Oibw Biriha
uit man auaptodtd oa Idle da^ hart
the prlvUean of taklni nume other par*
•ana' plaw. tbut makltta food tht diffMwec to rata beiwaaa rock aad coal
work; and Ofih. tba\ ao man rtiall ba
a Baatrtoo—an. dlacbanted fur actlai on tha arievaaei
l^toat-UUMtf committee.
iLUXOto rroKKATtoa or UBoa.
day aad a atlU toryer aumbrr were to
vnrktoc oidar thto toomtoc- At leaet
• t.MS of the raU mlaara will be at work
by thto ryenlaa, and uuue a numl»i of ,
ri*er dmera wiU u;»o resume. I’rcri-1
data Patrick DuUu >c»t>iday out ibe
asan of tba Wbeelinc dlvMon al PlnitrvUle. Bemadearpeechtol.OOO of taem
BBd rave bit viewa of the ten*da)'ilaua«.
ITatIdMt BMerik flaw af «ba PHaalplm
At a raault they unanlmoualy acrced io
«ait to work today. With thr etcwiiUoa
ot Uw ABdaraue mini- all »l them will
ba bury wuie tbr <-or.viBiloii la belnt
bald la pittaburs loday. Tbe aacepUoa
.la oe ecvoum of iraprovea>«iia neota*
aary before tbe men can work. But at
tbe ArAetaoD mine ibe mm wUl
handllr^ ptckr.aram at *»ob aa tbay
«aa yet ih. The Piiiabura and Chicace
Oai CoaJ company, which owna tba
jBlaee al OaatoB\llU. Snowden atto the
Brw f*ri. bat had men at work batow
tbe rate. They have been told that tbay
wUI DOW «el the mn» rate aa paid W
tb* Mber mlr.ee <>f the dlvlaicn and wUl
alao atart to B ork at ooca. Tbla maki
nalformlty all alord tbe B'beeUnc dlvltooB.
Waat All M Me« kbey Cm
Bvarythiny I* to aa uproar tbere. Iba
Optratort are telrarapblay for can aad
they want men—all tbe men they, ran
catBt ttcMta Utile haa'yet been done
to tbe Paabandle dlatrtri to roal mlnlny.
Tba mtneri ar« walUnfe unill after the
aaarveBUoB to be held today. Altfaouch
tba mafonty am to be la favor of
fCaartiw tba tan-day ctouae of the Colanbua coeveniliin all arc not. There ir
ian*day ctouae
1. tUa. 8ept. ».-Larce ato,
Bffeenih apbual i-unventl»i. of the
I Aufbolder.
: Plybt le to Uo Ml to WfM Tlrwtata
Rrem Falrmoni, W. Va.. .comaa tba
, lOUowtoy: -Tbomaa W. Carney
. aum* up ihe minlnc iituaih.n In
atate: ''We are yolny tu flybl Ihe tiaUlr
every operator la Wert Vlrylnla
uattl1 r
unl'« lalvir,' Cyrney |r r
• rperaior* of iftto *
I Vlrylnla
that after Peiinrylvanla and Ohio yd
fair rate* they would receive atlemlon
to to 'be fuIAIled."
tadlaaa Mefi M^rt YWmwmww.
Terre Raate,
and called a aUtr convention for tomor
row. It I* eaprctrd that there will be a
aietiny of Indiana liiiumlnou* operainri
la thia cRy tbe Mine day.'and *n effort
wilt be made to arrar.yr a >oiai riinferaace with a view to effectIny a aeltle■leat at M cenu to run until December,
when, accordlny to the Cotombn* aetile*
menl. there will he an Inieretate Joint
conference to Aa ibe acale for the calen■ d»r year rf 1»M. Tbt uprratnn of wulbsI ledlar.a
arc underrlood
ti be wlllli
to eater into *uch a ocniracl, bul ..........
to aopie doubt about tbv operator* of
aortkara Indiana.
Sepl. 2A—Tbe coal miner*
ie UaaaUlon dlatrtri heW a deleyale
>-mceltoy yerterday
rday and declde.d to
accept the new rale for mlntoy
aKjdrattoa of tbe tab day*' limit. Part*
of the compeomtoe atreemeiit w«R>- tvJected. bow-ever. and a cummlilee waa
appolBled to confer with the operator*.
If the demand* cT the mrn are not
granted In ten daye^be airlkr will be
Sprit yA< Id. nia. Sept. 11—A apeclal
(ram Tallul* to The Slate Keytater aai*
tb* miner* win yn Io work there today
at M reel* per ton. an Increaa* ot « Cent*
ov*r tbr rale iLry were betoy paid When
they ttrurk two w.e.k> ayo.
ALL la tfi'ier
Butter, Butter,
caUad oat Jallar Eaaaa and took tha
n# BM>b aaos ptwkad lit way
of jail.
Noat of tba 1yaob«a are kaowB. All
Bairbborboed of Correct,
tba two mas were arraatad laat Satar-
roB A Diiaet
Moaat aeat tbe foUowlaf to tbe abar**
Blpley oooDty
Cor CBlaaa>( Nlatoaw.
tbla afiernoon:
*‘Wlra uia at ooea fall paniculara of
the lyncblBf la yoar aoaaty. I foribar
all tba pawar yoa «aa
briar to jaatto* all ot tba parUaa r*iUy
r m*thM* aq)M ,
Baatoton. Pb.. Sept. Jl - Deapltc a
warteiy of alarmin* rumor* and a morntey iBoveawni by a body ot mtoen
vhtok lookad formidable, yeaterday
paaaad off witboat aerlou* diMurbance
la the strtbe rcylon. Matter* iim wmr
aoob an uacertaln aapoct. however, that
Oaamal Oobtn declare* that tbe removal
. •( the laoopa or of any poriWr. of them
ha* BM been conumputed. The atrlke
itaaU to apraadlny with .
Exact eotlmale* of the n
.A*. W. J-eA-SH^TTB,
>n allacad to bava baan lynebaA
-Suck IbwIoMnaaa to totolaral*. aad
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
all the powar of tbe »Ut*. It aecaaeary,
wDI b* vlroroayly aaployad for tbe arreat and paotohmaatof all tba pa^aa
Meal Tickets at RedecedRa tes.
Pmt^oi Atonal «iya: Sticky fly palar oaed in aammer to catch fliea to aald
a Metcd it in front of tbe b(^ frtn
>»®W thm fai* until you oan oa}*nr*
Aa Appolatinaat.
• •J" w* 1----- - tk* toMtotei-af au
wbo took part on tost Friday.,
Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will not make -regular con*
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangem<»tB
for the nse of this handsome i
yacht* by communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland. Mich.
See Our New line
Picture Mouldings
uf tub
Opraar ot
near M. A N. R depoL wtoke* U
Cycle Oners LdoI Here!
aeuac* to the public that he ba* 'r*fitted and (urntoked tb* Botel Paaffbora better tbaa it ever ba* barn be
fore and caa aoeoumodate ibo travelInffpnblleinffood ahape. .Satlafartton
a*Lyai..BMf M.ax K.D*pm.
Lederle's 2T^'S:*p2:.
Bright, Fresh, Neat
..............“ VT7:----------
. V>.
3* f to
Thomaa Smiai Of Hav Jaraey
Lady 'Watts
Now for Business!
*rilT be^i^rfiw'ali'ataiton* Mack
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Heats.
Still on Deck
Angus McColl
at the Old Stand.
were stoned bai.. tolo
- A?»^ into tbe pit
irth after the retmatlny men. One
n. whose name cannot be laarned.
* dariny than tbe real, ventured iiRo
a*wn and waa atoned unmercifully.
H* will probal y dir from tbe ctfecl* ot
tb* abua*.
Wladowa OfOttea Of iravara* 01ty
Lntnbar Oo. Ware Rniaahart.
Thaweya«aat»tee*»am»NewtWto» Qato.
Bbepard. Hleb.. Sept. U.-Tb* toqneai
on the death of EHmer E Struble. eas
ier of tbe Farmer*’ bank, has been ad-'
Journed for On* week. Tbe attoroeya
for tbe SiruUe family claim Co have re
ceived letter* putllny them on lb* tracA
ot valuable informaliri) that will throw
more light on the my«*riou* affair, and
the Jusilc* has yraniril them ‘tbii
time 111 pursue thilr invesityaltoni. No
devtaopmenli tumid up, nic«pl a
lahuntoy of- a deAcency
- of KO.U
j Farmer*' bank. The theory of suicide
appear* to yatber day by day. alihuuyh
ally .
tbe dead cashier p<i-*lBt
to the declaration
Jeraey. coasal to Moaeow aad
Noah L. Chaw, aaaistant rufftotar af tbe
alffbt aaddayllffki Wedacaday. i
anknon paraea or peraon*. maUd
The Enterprise Grocery
is still dpii^ business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in .the city.
ly broke the window* ia tba offie* pf
To Rent
Butter, First Class
Yoa do tba real wbaa you W Sbaa
A.S. FBYMANm. IH&t ^tS
the Travarae City Lumber Ot -It wlU
ffo bard with U>* mtocraant* If (bay
o lAto*. wllb Injllcallons that to
a abcrl time every colliery of importance
In tb* reyirii Bill b* Wto
aoBi* dUpoallkio has been abown by
Huai bodies of atrlkcr* to the outlyiny
Flra Paraaaa Mat l>*atb at Handa
Atotricti lo make demohitrallona. they
off an Safariated Hob to Infeavt btwn of a rather fceblv character,
At Lalllmer yesterday afterniKm a
teiliw attended and derisive mroUnff
Varaallle*. lad.. HepL IS.-Adnab of
af atrlkm wa* held in receive the bd40U Ufuriated maa toM alffbt lynebed
awar of tb* (-ompany to tbrir demand*.
WHh a -!*rye Usly strike* yalhervd to
Lyle tte*l. Bart Abdiwwa, Clifford dor.|k* open eiiacv iwfur- ihe company*
dm.. WUllam Sanktoa and Biuey SbaLaCrossc./Svia.. Seri. ll.-Ahner OH*,
Wore »up*rtnleodent lllake appeared
uf-tb/ mow wealthy asd widtly ler. Tbay war* takae ffrom tb* aupi tb* door and-gave them their answer.
Wlactmsto. dird tboriUaa
It was abort and w the polni and was known lumbermen <
Tb* waa bad baaa arraatad far barglaat with acUoB equally as deetolva.
Tb* damanda bad bmo formulated aa
lary. Praqaant robbartoa bad aaiaffad
"W* dtelre and wtah tht
tbadttoaaaofftbaaoakWffBdtba mob
priTBaffa o< bsyiay oar pravlalen* where
WM cospmadcffdMakM ffraa Milan,
a think proptr. toataad of betoy totoad.
pt.tb* riimiwtty’s aura: me want'
SuaMn aad olbar lewm.
r cteiL ad*aa*a cn aU atepme tff
'Tba Bobbtea. «m baraakaak. mtetad
or Aaytblnr la tba lisa af
tookara- Matartola. call oa
Tuk Stmt. WtwHn rnmt ( Cui.
of participdtlon ia tbe aardar of tba
u.S?TS;5;.“Hr.XS!S; X
dlreet ytM to ptt^eiad ItottadlaUly wVlh
cam fraa a dteiaaoa. >raeamaWy from
Don't Fail to try our^utt^d
■Slices for these two days.
•ervitv. 1 have withdrawn my restynaWhat be clalmr to have been ila
BsmiD and agalA. TbU to batter than
llOB and have noUAed the *ecreury
lempluoiu ireatmeBI of meaaurca
vored by the labor elimenl. Whilr many tbe corporation to that effect." '
queaiKina of Importance will occupy
atlenikm of thv i^nvemloa, that of
I. Sept. U.-IB d
ahooiiag by deputy ahenff* <-f rlriken in
matter yeaterday
Oovemor Tanner
Pennaylvanla ovirrhadowed alt other*.
frankly deriarvd that notbiny bad oc
The keyaole of PrerldeBl Hlefler-i «curred to alter the determination he
drtM waa ihe followlna i«rayrai*:
espreaed two'month* ayo that he did
’-JUM ro loby aa .labor murl divide Ibe
'Boi think It advlaablr to incur the product* of II* toll with ihiae who con
penae of calltny t fpeclal leaalun. "1
trol Ihe opportunitit* to Ubnr. Juat ao
le pMiUona aU
have not aeen ai
lony will mUlloMireo and pauper* alike
y forth reaaona
ts be In eatotence aeltlny
ezl*t to Buriety. Superficial remedit* art
for an ealra *e»«lon. however.
ittadequair to lubdue fundamental Ilia"
He Intimated that It waa pu*>lble Iheir
C A W. M. BY..
He tterammeaded the frditatloe to "lake
augyertlon* miyht put thinya
a bold and unequivocal aund to favor
Tkto to wbai jrou have beau waiUa
llybi. a* be recoyniie^ the importai
of—Pim. the aboimoe of land raoaeymly
r—a etaaoM to vtolt your Irieada wll
of a new revenue tow.________
by letyiny all uaea upon land value*.
lUa expana*.
■MU-d with a LomM Omw
IrreapeiUve Imptovcmeata. In lieu
C, A W. M. By, train will laava Travother laxra; MCend. tbr
Or*en Bay. Sept. U -A h.i nt ynuny
en« City on aboe* data »l 7:S0 a. m.
P oT rallroada teMcraph* and Bten were ramplnc In lha word* abuul and arrlv* Id Cbicaffo about k:») p. m.
lalephonea. and tbatr o.
tbrae mile* eaai of iht cllk. Fred Krauae LaCreaae about t>:0(ip. m . and Oatrolt
converlenn of the people and
had a loaded yun with a trrac-herou* (VlaD.U. R A W fi B jaboulTriS p.
IwnrlU. third, ibe munlripdl ownerehtp lock with which he wa« fwllrd.
m. Round Ulp rate to Cblcaffo Se.QO.
and cot lr> 1 of all ihme public ton
yun wa* accldentolly dlxharRed,
Detroit and UCroaaa S’-.bu.
Irnce* whi.h l>e<>oine a neemlly by
entire l<«d of abul tokiny rff.d In the IlmlLOel.nib. TickeU may be naad
wm of the crntralluilon
left cheek and Jaw* of J<». t* Ocremarj to principal atatloa* aoutk of Uolland
, and ehnotlny out all hUTreih. t>r.lW)1e.
aad ea*t of lirand Ledye. Aak ayeaia
necewwry lo di
o rnalqve *-ho drMMd the Injury,' ha* dnuht*
for full information.
It." He al*o rw-umtfier.ded the lakiDf of ' hie reci.vrry.
reo very
Both the youny men i
^ko DkHavcji, (J. 1’. A.
meaaur,* m eeeWte aeiton b>- conyrem : about i> ye«
l...,klr.y to Ihe elabltobmrnl and mainWbal enaeo" JJttler May*.
Frapara to attend Oraxtd Tiavaraa
tenaniv of pcoiaf aa
SprinyArld. 'in*..
A* auen a* the pi
Oounty Fair, SapL SI, SS. BS and »4.
lavid T. IJitIcr aay* thli 1* the bulleal
addrva* J. F. Faarluw. of Chlcayo, of
fered Aery reaalutlona protevllny ayaln*!
t). K. A 1.
1 Auyuii
tbe action «f the drput^e* at Hfblrton
Fa. The reaolutlon* were a bitter deaun- when the maalmnm temperature
Cora I*
riatlnn cf that action, aiatlny tbat the reeded » deyrec* each d*y
••victim*. who*e only crime waitomarrh ruffcTiny from the beat and drouyM
hiyhway. were
brutally bladm drylny tofor. th. kernel to
......tiered like *w me for refuclnc .. and to rtveral place* corn I* belny
obv> the mandate of a Mnad-tblrtty
RaUaasl ttuayf*^'^ Cotorwl Womh
run tka annual Pall neuralon to the
yany of hlyhwaymen. The only remedy
Na*bvllle. TeniL. Sept IS—The aecond s>Mes MSintWme^
•« —. tw,—••
for lhe*e,dl»a»trau* evlh 1* Ibe abolition National Conyrva* of Colored W.
nf the court*, the removal of lh» cor met yeeierday. Thi addrraa of weloume Klebmond or
rupt Judyea. or the meetlny r.f the er.e- waa delKered by Mr* Ctdeman Thompmy with hi* own weapon* " Tbe raao- aen. and ihe reoponae waa made by Mr*.
inaw City to Biff Bapida. iaelnalT*.
>)Utlon* clond liy etatlr.y that tb* time B. K Bruce, of tbr Dietriot of ColUJ ’
ffood ffoioK anly oa special train*
bad arrived when men of labor ahould
The We*qp*c We May
of September 7»tb, and
rood »
he armed !•' I-- able to cemhat Ibe hlnmiiwtoa.
tarniaff on refular tfalna nnUl aad lallny* oi the c- rporailuea. After a heated
oludiBff Oooker Nik. BaAcnffara BtoT
dlrtJtoli n the reanittllunt were rwferred.
atop at Kalamaxoo, Qraad Ledpe and
T. J r< Brlen offered a reaolulloe which
>(ber: cuntlBoed
Uotland, or point* aoutk or aaai tkarawa* adopted to the effect that tb* trade*
wtato. pM Uhl
O, R A I. Ry .C. A W. M. K'y..
union Tnnvemenl It menaced by Ihe efU. K A W. B. R.and Uckauoaa
fort* <f Pevoluilonary ayliaior* to divert
ba made fftwd ratarnloff from auck
with .......................
lb- true obJ«1
of tb*
eoaeka* will be
poiau. Tbroeffb
laatlnn. B»elitar.<-* and enconnyemenl ot
U the amral dcaUnattoaa For i
labct combination* In Rialntalnlny equit TbrMlrnlnc wtwiher. w
of apaetol tralo* and further lafortnaable waye*. aiiA dieclalmlny ard dl»tten conauU O. B. A 1. Ucket ayent
avnwtny alllmpracticable •nciallatlribeC. L- Locawoop.
Orie*. and anarrhMm of ant kind.
O. P.andT. A..
Blyht la MMerw |■Drtl<■a: brisk t-> bl^ «>etb*rtr«mdah»x.DRD(aaribwrrt*rty. Fnriow*
eraad Bapida. Mick.
cpt, IS.—The Darr mtea —Lml •boven; |>rulably fair weather -hlosheny rlvei. >vperaled Blybt: nweb cuter, suotterly wtoda. b<
by Otbnrne d Saryee. of CS-x-land. O , toy eMthwralrity'
at hasuctox.
Siting Beefdtod Roasts
ftid Cheap Friday <ADd
Saturday. ««•««»
aad Uri and Jaakiaa kad
by tba laob wbaa U«y war* taken oat
the acene of • riot yesterday which
will pfobably result In the d.-ath .T al
least one man
Tbe machine miner*
lerday a .
poaed to the men wurklny yatbered at
tbe pit to ylve tbe worker* a hot reevpl'lnn when fhey came out of thefnlne.
Fine, Fresh Buner!
diaoooary and’ih't i»'lice derided urnaka 1
l-uetaert paid
Indlciod by the.rmBd Jury for
a theroafh inventtaiina. Luetyei
---------------- It htboa»kttbat Uri aad
little beed to the rumor, but >U
rya aaut a man at once to a
tbe» «oaTwo mota bonea found In tba
A wui be
factory vata. it t
Identkled at bnmaa
by tbe atnta
perta Juror Powler waa much
proved and It waa tbouabt be would
to bia place wbea court eonvenea
The wmnat) who
' “
M,;rt.ae Park —^ -........ ........
a» Mra. Caroline Jnhrtj r_ tu North
tolo tbd oanraoaaa aod 1b Ita-lBipB-
Cbleaao. Bcpt. U —Tht fact that, ow- tUaoa fliat flrad os tha ftra prlaowaia
tnc to Juror ro« Jrr*» kloroa. yeKerday aad Uaa dianrad ibaat to a Iran a
joara from }aU and haarw) thaa.
traa an oS-dajr
Ibt Luetcnt trial
waa Bul aUoirtd to UUrfcra vUh tbt
Aadrewa aad Oordoa bad alfaady
wotIdDs up of Mnaatlont. In the SrM
plat* a wHd woiBan captured In the
al Uaua wkUa atUmpUaf to rob a
wuoda near tatlroae Park wat bellcyed
by aotnt to be Ura. LueKrrt. ao'cloaa atora at Comet laat Saturday alrbu
waa the fCtemblanct) to the mlaalny
Bhular waa In jail for attampWd
D of Labor. wbUb b*yan her* yaatcrday norutoy. Praaldiot
Cbarlea Riaflar cajjcd tha maettay to
order and aayor Koch deUvarad tba addma of wtleacnc. Prealder.t RMlar re*
Jay of tha BtaOeuta
Prttvldaace. H. I.. Bapt, 18.-K. Bonja*
muraliv '
prutaatlay ayalnaf awatdlay tha eon- Rita Andrew* ba* withdrawn hla rtalynatloa
of Brown unlvatalty.
tract for prtntiny tba aaUoaal occaa of
the Modern Woodmen to tbe Nebraaka Laat nlyht the Kudenta cclrtnated tb*
Btoir JoantaJ rotapaay. a non-ualea avaai and the univeraliy wtlI'^>p«i'toh renewed activity aad xiyor. J
tbop. The roMutlolta were teleyrapbad
■aor Andrew* fay* that WM A*
to the meeuny of tbr head olBnn of the
Woodmen, now to aeaaloe at Pultc«. racrived th« corporailoa'a Ittar EMClny
nia. ano an anawrr waa recalvrd cut- bim tu withdraw hi* mtynatloa ha "had
undertoken to perfona the enminy year
toy the (natter waa betoy conalderad.
In aa toiarvirw Preatdant Kleflrr certoto work whieh. after learelny the
of the crporatloaoelbeaubatated that the picaperi fora retllemeal
the mlaara’ rtrtke la lll^aols. by whkh jecl. 1 came to reyard a* incompatible
_i advance from tbe former acale ta with the dutle* of the (irealdency. I
yieeti. don not appear hopeful. In hit therefore fell ubUyed al Aral to adhei
r^lynatloh' »u. briny now "'eH
foihe uBlver*Uy my undivided
U tbe acta of the laM kslitolure and
ata or tbr lalam to tbe McDonald field
told DoUn that he artO hli mta tboudbt
tba pladya ouclii
- •
loaytd umU t
AHOTMCT turroerr aeNSATiQW.
0*-Dt7t> IboTHai mM la wHb ■»
nAland Canter. Wto.. SapL IL-aoa.
D. L. Downa. ladff* of tb* aoontp coart.
arto* way ytrtoban wBb pvslytoa twa
toaaka aya. dtod at I drtaak paatorflay
RpwB aa bteto sffur teUalffbk,
Menirise Groceiy,
W. J. BOBINSON. Manaffcr.
Green that will kill Bugs
Every pouad full waiffbt aad ffuaiaateed to kill tkam.
Bicycles.c. to Rent
B. R WUt, Dr«ff-
PtoU Ua* matertoL
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
WBtoek. L'BtaaawaM.
Fire Insurance.
If You Have Logs to Sell
' Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machincry, of all
descriptions, iodudiog a Engines. Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw MQl Hant for sale.
Mtien 0f « OvU 8*rv)o« Cut
That Ha* B—n Conaidarad
United Mataa an*
that ultimataly
promt court will ns s
the oussUon Invulved.
WaahlB*to«i.‘*ept. H.-The PhllaMi
phla Bagthu*. of the PadBc siaitoo. now
at HOBOIOIU. la to coma home as soon
at the oe
This will .
i.de repiesanlatlve of the Vnlled States
navy at Honolulu until Ihr Baltimore
roaches that jort.__________
Family That S««m* ta Hav* R*v•lad in Murdar, a Kanaas
Family Again, Too.
Thi Celtb»t«d BpKltllata,
WMhInvtM. Bepl.
Co*, of
- tMtarat
that Pwtmutrr 0*n*nl Omry »d4 Ai>
0«oef»l H**Ui b*
wMM!* from mnovUiff him from cO(«.
n* cue hM been coiulder«d In tb*
patoR of a t*ot of the power of re-
otslon wat aa elaborate review of the
law beanat-aa temovala of federal es>^yee. He held at the outaet that It
wat not wllhia the poeror at a court of
polatmeat e
>vaU front offlea.
Tbe« Uklny up the nerile of the
cate he autrd that It wat artiled Uw
that tb* poa-er of removal wat an In
cident to the power of apixtlnlmeal.
and that both could be exercised by the
bead of a dtpartment In reference to
•ubordlnate offlclala Conoerainc ibe
civil ecrvloe law. Judge Co* held that
U mutt not be conetrued to grant authcvlty. Hther to the cl\1I service commltalon or to the preeldent: to make
rulee contrary to the law Itself, or of s
legislative character. He quoted with
appeoval the decitlon of Jnttice Brewer
that coagreas could not, delegate itt
power to legislate to any admtnlstra-'
tiee body.
The declaloa eutni
Mmple tnanlry U v
yoked by tbe compl
p as follows: 'The
‘thrr the nilss Innant-«helher ibt
Pinion or both be
the authors of t
civil tenice art
tabllthed. In m. .
ultra vires and void.
' ****d '
that the prcsldeat rosy lay down ntlet
(or the Internal policy of Bit admlnutfatkio. and may require bis chief exofbeers. dependent upon bit
pteasore tor their terms of cfflre, to con(erre lo them or else to sever their offlelal reUtlon* with him. and In that
aenae the rules i
plalnani were t
snwit of such rulrt It a matter between
the president and hit cabinet, and not
a matter for the court, or one In which
the cooiiilalnanl Aa> any lr*l interest
“All that 1 mean
atate In this opin
ion la that the rul.v In quMtlon were
pot such aa the clti; aervUt- act authortaea and do hot derive any efflewey
from that art. t knoiv-of nothing more
Important tc the Inlrrcott of the ctiuntry than the iwllcy which the cUil ser.
vice leglalallon was Intended to inllUtv
and promote, and it U perhaps a matter
of great repivt that l>e art of Jan.
H. UdJ (the civil service acf). hat not
gone further than It does But M la
my duty to cooatrue It at It la.
ganerwl ^ad Ibe authority lo remove
tbe rompUlnanl - frvm oBlce at hi*
jdeasurv. that this Uv makes no change
la thto resticrl except lo focMd rv
movats fur refusal* lo eohtrfbute lo
partisan objects: Ibal the power given
to the commission and the preRdent to
esUldladi rule* lo carry that act Into
sSsn dors not aulh'irlse any rule
Which dhall make a change ht tbe
fa IhU. rr«siA-l:
d to tbe relief praj-ed.'
new or THE rnMMimoN.
I 1* Mel telmtowl I* (
e, n Is Awmicd.
That the 4tv
Dot regard the darMoR of Judge Ctox
as Inimical to the senice Is IndlcBted
by the foUoaing slaUmeot made by one
of tbe mem)^ <9 that body: “Th«.
oiUnlon of Judge Cox In no way affecu
tbe binding character of Ibe iiregdenl's
order ui«-n all ofBcera of the servlcr.
The iwesident has sulborliy Inherent In
hto oflUv to make removal* The Inteat
wa* that the appointing offlcvr in mak
ing removal* should Iw put on reeurd
a* lo the .grounds t-f his artlOD and
id give '
heard I
tbe aivused an opixiriunlly
In bis own defense. It wa* deemed
that this artlon would prevent removato
for Utber.caustv than the gvod uf Ibe
aert icr. Much an cudrr dors not In Ibe
least impair the power of discipline nor
Impede the (iroper exercise of the power
ofremeval. it simply serves as a ebrek
upon the api>oiniing offlcvr who acta
from |>otltlral or less worthy motives. .
“Tb* apisilntlng ofBorr who acts wHh
aele regard l<- tbe best taterssts of (be
service will deem It hut JuR to tbe pub
lic and lo the employe aBectsd that a
record be made It wa* the lack of
Just such records as Ibea* that baa
given q^MnuDlty to the cHUcs of the
dvU servic* Uw since Its ennetmenl to
charge that removsto from tb* public
service have been mad* mainly for poimeal rtwsona The fad to that the
tnajorll/ of removals have been made
Bor perfeeUy proper reasons but berecord (Uffervnt
exposed tbemaelt
tiee with highly benelk
the new ordar merely makes t
y to all pan* of tbe e
T»e. Ofc
............................... .... .
haae removed tor poHtlcal reasons becaaac no rwaapn was required to be
given by thoae In authority, la rsquirlag raaeoM beocafoRh to be given the
MV order wtU. It to bilisTtd. Urge)*
toiM rkl. itoasaa -
AUorasya at Law.
Mhcsala Moeiagne atock. Tnrm* Oty. MtohBVsiSEliS CARDS.
I illiosnt. Aitoc-wy aad Co*
Laa Spartsl s>.SBUee W <
paruwaelag DirrsstfK.
Hotel Whiting
V/fARIB g. aORTUX. M. D.. rkydrlah had
iXL KargMMi asalsssti^ to TtB-urm ORy.
' Tratebse CiTT, Mich.
AHeaMdts'TBssIM (Mbsr so the game
Chlraxo. *ept. U-—Two electric can
et the Buburtwo Electric rallwar col-,
'lidea while numlnc at fuU ipeed aloof
the otnrtcti of alnvle leach ob Harlem
aeeoue aouth of HarriMta etreel in LaUrance reeierday munUng. The ac«.
drat bappeiua ]uM before T.o-cloch.
when traSc wat heavy, and beartr'all
the paaeenvere with which both cars
were crowded were lajured. The motormen-J .Moepbr aad John JaraleoawiU die. The followla* ware eertocialy
tBjursd: Conductor J, E. Harvey. Aur»t huacta. JohB tioawilr. l^i*
OroedeL rranlt Beatty. tUebatd BchaudeU wniiaiD otto. Roy Bloom, nionias
Robert. EUaa Meredith. V. 8. McKee.
Charlee WhliaeU. W. R. Ryae and AuSOM TuMl.
It which btiBi
and M CMThSed and t
TrUI JarOnr Balebery a
Charm’d wM h the heeaadatUsd HU rath*. Uraaw
aed eklldrea . dMeasss Bm U. RstrtWha.
I Tluredar,Se|i|emtol8rJ|9).
Om Day Only Skoh Uomtk.
Columbus. Kaa.. 8epl. tl.-A story of
crHncs rIvBlIr.g the deeds « tbe notori
ous Bender fair.lly corim lo light in a
arrM and Strictly
murder trUI now lo progrem here In the
district court. Ed and George 8ialle.
back, brothers., ard tbrir mother. Mru
DRk. Rk-B-A O
George VUton. art accused of tbe mur
der of Praak Galbraith In June lest at Auhaw ae4C<AMUi>|
Galena. Kan The ctidence le so direct
that George gtaBeback and hie mother Bean. BMaaek. and !
found guilty of murder
In the tint and eacond degree, respect
ively. and the trUl of Ed ateflebsrk Is
still in pmgrese. The family were heep- <» a.eiicflsc trow liw»tB»s*. aaa without the as* of kaila essotic or llgstaiv. Com* sad b*
ers of a dive in O^ena.
was ahiA to death ard roblsd In tbe
aouth-bound car. which wat to have place- fullowing a quarrel with the
passed the noetb-boond car. where the mother and sorA over ihr wumao'ev»aka*R»*, weean give perwaasaiirwUrf. Abaolaueetw* esara
double track ends tailed to notice that daugbier. His body was thrown Into
-----aJCOCAHCEBB enrTS*ltb.niiaei«U. Salle. palBoramr. Kes wtbud*.
he bad ten the double track. Before
be could reverse hie ccmiroller and run
this sf s ■hrrt^ titete Rwrder.
back the norib-bound car «ame along
Mrs. Geoge atafWS^w^ of George,
ai full MMsd. the cun cellidlog with ter- and two other Inmnirt of) the bouse
rllk force.
gave tseeliarep as tv W fact* of the
murder, and fro;.-i lhi>flirrtse* ew(. I
inmFWbs M waahle to rwll eaa veil* hill
■seesi so tte Boll VIsM.
drnces of ar.otber triple murdi-r at Gavm. * capital ot itawi.
■Chicago. Sept. U.—League bam ball lerA has been ncurrd Their »u.r> Is **“TSviiof
rwto-naible and well known
rscordt'yesterday; At Broc8'.yn—New that two girls from w.sierr. Kansasw.re baser ywu lake wx-eaaca* If you emplaj taew. Tbrj
Tork L Brooklyn t; at Boston-Phlla- vlallt^ at the WUn>o dive by an atdelphta 4. Boston ID: et BalUmore- qualntamv« -Mike RUBeliack—another
Chlcsco I. BaUlmorv H: at Cleveland aoc of Ibe tVllsoci w oman who U now ic
--8I. Louie L Cleveland i: at LouUvIlle Jail chirged with burglary—liycante en
—Pttuburg 10. Louisville t: (second raged on account of Jealousy and killed
game) Pittsburg f. Louisville t—flve to. tbe man and two girls with a hatchet,
ttie bodlm were Ihr- wa Into an abandtmed shaft. At Caivna a force of men
ioSLerc League; At 8l Paul—Kansas upumplng out the itiafl In an endeav<r
City a at. Paul S; (eecend game) Kan- to find the bodies of the other murdered
City f. at.
l>etrclt «. Cntumbue H:
-Grand Rapide 1.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
v.-~—^ „„
«rud KipMi t iBdiui L1
“ DRS. B. S.&CO.
Look Box 160.
- --
Wesierti Assoctatloe; At Kanma City
at. Joseph t, Quincy <: at Drs Motnes
d Aflee Trytag U
Mllwwukee. aept U.-A special to Tbs
aentlnei from Port Washiiwtoa. WU..
says that Archibald Kelao. who was
wanted In Plllsbucg tor murdeHng his
fatbrr In a most brutal manner, and
who has been follcwvd thoussmds of
mllee by deitvtlves, wa* chased Into the
water, and ir'te almtsl certain that be
was drowiird. Detective Arthur Black.
of P1tls)>urg. was thrown Into the Uke
by Kriso betore betook hit fatal plunge,
and Black was rescued by Mum* Quid.
fun. another PHtaburg idelw '
as he tiruught tbe Dearly drownMl
ashore, had to Bghl o« KeIxV* pals
with his itlslol, and It to presumed that
b* badly wfiinded one of them.
On Sept i;. ISS*. Heno' Kelso was
modrted at b« htAne in PHMiwrg; bis
head was cut (rum thetrunk end burled.,
while the >-dy wa* Ihr-wn into the
M>r»sigab<la river It wa* wofci lesra.-d
murd.T wa* committed by bt*
dar Raptde 11. thibuque t.
Cn>w* at Uwah amte
Dea Mcilnea. ta.. Sept. U
mated that 10.000 vtHtofe
—_ _ _ _ _ _ —
_ _
_ _ ,
Trains esme In secUons of ten and I
tsrelve coaches each. The apeciaclc of ;
■aicge of Vicksburg- was' wit-■
neaped by «i,000 people Monday night,
and thiir et-ening the grand Renl Ora
Bed parwdewill Iw^veh on brilliantly 11lumlnatcd and gayly decorated streeta
mit PHm la A
Raglnaw. Mich.. Repi. IL-The Ulchigan ttalt ass-xialluo yesterday ad-|
v«DC«d tbe-litioe of sail In (hU elate 10
CenU a tstrrel. the secrevd adThnc, w llhtr: tixDfd^a To outside agent rs the
8ali !• now
■r banal against IS nibbrry
. uevas the dvtectlv,-* arrvfivd
Puruo county. <• T.. rlgbl weeks
tn char
agCL On hi* way Iwek «a*t ta
Beary OeocAe Is suSeriog from a of detecilve* be Jumped through a c
Btrcke of paralysis.
A case of glanders has beep reported
s not again rounded t
at Maine. OnUgamIe county. WIs.
Twenty-four pereons were killed by a
colUsioB on the Arilloauia railroad in
rise Eew Ca*e* at New Ortowst and Pm
. Tbe llllnelt grand lodge of the InUkoty To tie Addsd Today.
Order of Good Tvmplara It
New Orleans. BepL U.-The oOrtal
lo aewstna In BprlngMA.
bullHIn of tbe board of health for New
Big ewae* of typhoid fever have
>-ewterday to as follows as ofmpotted lo the health oBcer
Elroy. Bctally announced by tbe eUle board -of
WIs Two deaths have occurred.
The IlUnoto Blalt Nonnal unlverwlty hsaHh: Cooromlog the ortginai twekv*
suted by Dr. Wwida. of the
I Normal has opened with an atieean<« of ovee f». the largeac tn Its hls- sanitary Inspeciioii departmmL on perBoaal observance that three already re.lory
seriously lU are decidedly
A distress warrant
filed I
against the Veteran Union Leagae at • *>“»>' recvrtvd. Of the three new cwa«*
1 decUlwd yellow fever only one Is conThe Hank of Durand.llls has mSdean i
seriously lU. positir* cases of
a«ienM.-t In
vT^.ietj.^ I yvUow fevef have been declared lo exlsl
B. Wl^Tehrad. of Rockford, Illa .'belS ! ** “'«■
»•'*»»• I" ‘i)!*
- T*"
named at asalgnce.
sirevl. CarroUton: one
the idalnliffa the heirs of the UU Senator Pair The Jury failed to «gf«a.
Mydlrlnv creek, a amall uream whose
■ourr* I* In Iowa and which runs
through tbe castvm part of Livlngslim
county, Mo., to found . abound I
Ci.lonH Gustov Pebst, a sur. of the
Mllwaukre mlRIonalre bresrer. manted
at Venlor. lair of Wight. Mlia Hulda
Lemto a daughter of the mUUrmalre
tsvwer. W. J. Lemp. of St. Louts.
Bccaui^ she,bad been ebaatiaed (or
disobeying her pa,rvntA Laura Bloodgood. H years ol^ atitmtpled lo end
her life at her home In Harvey ((^ilcagu
suburb), by drinking carbolic acid.
J. a-OuDning. of Odar Raptda. La..
It al Glenwood. Colo., looking for traces
tbe in-faied train which sraa wrecked
near New CasU* toal Friday mnnang.
Tb* beading mill nt Cumberland. Wla..
owned l>y Ooorge Luff and others aed
opefaied by Keyes B Cole, burned to
tbe ground, entailing a loaa of ST.M* oe
mBl and stock. Lesurance, iIdw «e
The WasUrn Sir
ButfalA wbl^ has been
strangeat comblMUons in thla country,
baa been tonken by cmepeutlon aed
wUl dimolvc at the end of the present
The atfikliig tramasra at tba
at U>* oU wag* rata Tbe aenoaM*meat that tb* mine would be dosed (or
sn IndednlU time brought the mag
The body of WllUe Koch, tb* It-yearold son of RlUtom Koch, of Abnaps*.
WIs.' who dtoapgitarwd from hto home
*ev.yrai days ago. was found In the Meer with a stone weighing about twenty
pounds fastened to hto neck.
With a party oonelitlng et ax-Saaator Vltoa aad A. L. Saaborn. et MadSBOB. Wto.. aad C. P. Bpooaer. of-MIlvaakea. Bcaatar Bpooster kaa g*M to Tdlowatoaa park aad Jaetaaah BUs (Be a
huatlag and a*tag tup. Ika party wU
be goM about thns waska
** ®**‘ ®' ‘ *■"'**
ing ell
/ inlectloo. AU c
e guard and alrlrt quaranlloe e
.....to*.. -|pSS!
is Ornamental aad no ei
Si LobU I
TTSlMamrefroB OoctssslU. OtwsS Rap-
fr'^fiSerd^iptos. petod. — •
lM*saatlh>p.w. J. ,
^ U LOCEWOOD O. T. A., OrsnO Ra^.
Chicago ■«
West Michigan.
OaO Dg RA’
:= Milk Safe
kslos.psnrlrBdi. to-mer iiwn seBtllSied
atldSe-ctosks s
dADgvr from Uial e
aide of the aliovr
there, are four susj-lclous rases* which
“ •KTOTICK-No* U tb; U.,„ to ssv, B«.eTr,5 I
will probably be added to the list today.
WashlnxK-n. Se|.t. U-—nlgbrs
•advice* from the yellow fever dUtrict.|,„..,________________ ...
_______ _____ , ______________
n-ntained the following Information:;
n: 1 boi
sot apmar.
a* aabr
saar mil to.
iv bot
bet ^l■ceon»tf> *»w-1 smeLTiexe*
t'lir. Mlcb.
Mtcb. iw-tf
r. 'S.M.nM
ss. j h"k£“^^*s,'S2: ^
Mobile. Dr Gelteras reports three new «»d> are rtoased ansasllr. k'wkamr to >u.ir BoUl Whiitog. fas-U
Ivgin to sssutne an^pld«n^^f«m
Hto*. ' Dr Oulteras has been
lo proceed lo Sdwards. Miss,
amine a sus]4clous ease cf slckD
dedtoon over Bddic Coandly. of New
Bnwtowich. last algfai after twenty
rounds of sUB fightlag. In tb* earllce
stage* at tbe flgfai Ziegler forced tb*
pace and dearly ontpouxed Cueadty.
After the tenth and deventb rounds
Connolly braced up and gave tbe Quaker
aom* hard punches, knoddng btm down
ODCk After tbe ftflecatb round Ziegler
agkto started In to mnk* Ibt work and
set such a hot pace for Coaiiollr tltol tb*
Now BihDswIck man was very tlrdd at
the wxL _________________
sprlngseld. XUS.. StpL U.-Tbe gold**
tplke of toi^ BLLowla. Pcotto sad Northan railroad was driven' yeatarday afternoon by Mayor Wheeler, el BprlngBeld.
The laytBg of tbe track hatwM BprtngAdd abd Peecto wUl bow b« rushed to
Parta. 8VL U.-A great deck atrOtC
to immlaaDt at Havre, ta eaaseqaMCS
of a (efuMl by (be BRiploywi ta f(Ut
Prupan ta attaad Oraad TravutM
Oauatyrato. BspL SI. 88. 88 and 84.
T°J5fs£/s5?sii,taaif STS
3 roa tfkit aiMto k
lekwAto essuTbw**
—Watcif Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
/XDU- VANTED-Ooed atmdr
UTwmu a.irnmaamr plae^.
J-Money to Loan
Ever Barned Out?
PA90SIB * OaomR. A
PrauRta *a attaad Otubd Tcav
OauRty Patr. •epk. 81.88,88 aad 8*.
o. P. OASVBB. Acant.
Fiwt Tmt—No. 116.
tfPMlim) BY PDieiEK.
ot V. lor cf«»»»ikFUr tm
VMikm T. etMMo I oad 1. food ptodnct*.'
OSAt. O. TXr*HU VO» .^Tno.
Oa« botti* W. BiifW’OpMfn** **1ET BOAEO OF FABOdVO. . «• di.M for tM bMt oU poloUac at
faioa frooB Eaaha Tompl*. Oraad BapIda. aad tb# vtoltBr* from olbor poiaU
Bloat th*UM«fth*0. B. AI. Amoac
thoB* whB bar* Blroady ttartod to decTO oHmnrxAH BiraxA'
jBrBtoaroThaBoUfrBroB.. 4.0. >ohaBBa. M. B. Holloy. Moanva Bscnait.
Boooath a^trlct Xakoo a Good Show> BoBtoa Star*. Frod B«ehUl. C A Ctorto,
lac Vith «6 Soator Aad IS taalor B. B. MiUBr aad' Bca*'* dr^ ator*.
Thoo* plaeM ars aU fay with
of Boport «9 B* th* hri(ht rod. yellow oad hlo*
of th* D. O. K. E. ABoar tho
Sahnittod At I
4. W. EiUlkM-dS worth of food*
forth* rTMMtoBd bfhidioplmyaleor
i rorloUooot plckloo mad
tM ar Vorttm KkUcu Aojlum lootiy
roltahoo. I •orroo omd coBOOd trmlt.
>*Ukommd OH. pot op
tho wUbpotatSMBta Kkdo bp thoOeromor. iur.
Socrolaiy M.B. BeUoyof tho-Blo*Goa W. Qydo-Thro* doUon for tho
oath C. K. DUtrlrt. ha* ptpparod hli
asBoal roport which wUl bo oahnlttod
0«j K. Ch«Mr:«f fiOlod^ Jodc* of
4. O. JohoMH-Sotot oiUlUiy broth- at tho ooBTOstkH to b* hold U Balkaa^ thofliBt«to«itt .
*• Tolood »t «l.7ft to tho wianor la flro- ha. h«ciaslac tomorrow. Tho roport
to oxhauUToaadftUod with iatocootDdwmrd B. Bd«wd« of Frumt. HiUhmmdlimphfepelo
Sot of tiro mmd whool hco^ wwth lac dotaUt which roroa) oridoaom of
rapid rrowth aad laoiaaolac latorcot
Ccond Fry •«* aocioo**.
«* toe. to fho wimmor Is th*
la thodtoolct. Aayaop^ofth* ata:
tkoSNrlMw 000017 JMTOO******
ieo hieydo room.
tiTiin-t Lothor of HoUood. who roW. 4. Hobho—A foor ^omrt iM oiooh tootto* ci*M wfU hoof moeh latoroot to
Aoomt te hon hoohol of Bortlott an Badoarcrora
Thor* aro la tho dtotrlct ala* Jaaloro
O. B. McOotebooo. of SoTmw daiewho har* become ttoalot*; 4t amoelaH
(Mo to «hi KoUomI inifoiioa ooohay* b*oom* artl^; eo har* fuo* late
thahhoroh. Thor* arrtM eharoh laamCharlw O. Toiwor of Ti*T«no aty
«tttecoMCh»rl«L. Bordoa of Groom- Asd ‘-Thoro WUl ho a Hot Tim* la boiB
th* BadaaroroTB. Thor*
%Ulo,BOO>hor of the otoM pordom homid.
arc 1454 aeUr* moaboia, 415 amoctat*.
tb* Old Town Toaicht.'
^ Arthur «. Soxtoa of Joekaom to oooSO affillaU. maklar a Croad total of
Twirht tho D. O. K. K. will taka
S.441. Th«r* arc arroa ecoatto* la tb*
«ood N. B. OUWrtof Bmy Ct«y m o
of'Tnrocoo CItT. mod that
dtotrlct wlthsesaalor aad le Jualw
-lu b..,.. aow aoeloUea
r*prto*atlac H deaomlaatkm. Th* OoacT^Uooal leads with
«4 aoclattooaBd thod*r«*bjrt*riaBs with.
II: SfOO bar* bo*arl««o «> aitoaioa*
aad thoro are :oo paper* Uhoa I7 tho
diSeroat taoHbai*.
Th* foUpwiac to tha table of stattogTTm
*ko tortaio
ChwlM F. BMkju 0f .DM.0it WiU
TNET fit CDmilt
WilUaa KaUay of Valeaa aad B. O.
Brwwa of (tolaaMt. mambara of tb*
hoard at ooateol of tho -Htohlcaa Oollot* of MisM to aaooood 4amM B.
43oopor o< Hanooek aad P. C. F. Woot
of OUamat.
^aaay P. Caak of HUMalo. atMhvafthohoaidofooBtraloftho Mioh- Ifha aiylam lor the laaaat
Tb. ,-U„
Arab* will be her* ia fora* from all.
diraetioB* today and the toUowiag re
frain wlU b* heard:
Oow* slow, roo trcU«* Arsb>.
Aad Uuo nmt aovtacetFen.
For iWr'i futn* to b* s Beetin*
4b * kBMliB* boithwB too*.
Tbsrs. s lot id T)KB nitinc.
ttlio ir* quaklBC is ttw4r *boe>;
Aadth* wi«r<iOM.taers>«MriB«.
~Tb*r ra't deBthi^*o.rcB "
Tbm'U br B bor Uim
For >« c«> W( <rr-U ell b. tbw^.
.Uni v»'Uik>tbrtbia<tq, teem. .
Tbw*'liUZi«41-B,h»tbrWf.-TW--II W nimor b} (br iabd To rolTMt U.C tr«n pUrrin
At U mkl U.T tpm V Bset
' Ofi. tbne'Ubi-sLiottts,r
In Trarww ('<■)
Wr'll M»l|. IhMU sod vr'U skifi (boa
Uul t«t |dBa«r> le tbrir hUb;
Wr'U hie tbrir (wthBad Witt tbrir Jolau
ABd eu <b*B fell of halB
Ve'U Iri ibMti riCr uor caari
Vbca t brr a« t», aor* to tralk:
aVU du •eTMBl utbw |>1>MB( tkt^
Aboai rtirbvriuBtt ao( talk.
In that M tlBr '
la TraratM Cilr
At tb* moeUag of the commltteca laat
night a rooeptoon eammitlo* waa ap
pointed as fcUosm:
4ohn A. Lorangar. M. B. Gate. M.
a BdUey, F. U. Heomaan aad A. Kow-
Friday mght.
fer greatMt aad beet dtoplay of fruit
ifi ChaOi^ alM WTiagv
Vm te a* BnbilMt at Womaa’e Olub
auengo Haiket.
Tha exeratoa* at the Womaa-a Clbb
Cbkage, Sept. 1A-Wb*at September.MXc: Deeamter.
Hay. Friday wfU cwnetot of a atady of Homer
sad kto works. Th* program la ekarg*
Oora—fieptaaber, fiPlfe; Oetober. M ton. 4. L.OlMapr0HtoHtob*Tet7
Wife; DeemnbH. 81MeKe:;ilay. w
They’re oomini; great and smalL We’ve got a «ock
that will please them one and all. They're the Knight* cf
KborsMan from the soath. To thia northern d[^ tbw
come to boy their goods from the City Store, and they’ll do
it every one.
*80 FRONT gTfMirr.
M. B. HOUAV, ojariapf-
Qaaatity srlthont eala* raeolvod, don't pay.
QnaUty aad AMortmmit to what w* aim for.
I “isrHASKELl’S BOOKSTORE,”iisI Us Tour Ears and
Eyes a Moment
While we tell you a^^ain of - •..
whoa•ittlagoa one oftonr laxarioo*
■otea to an oaay matter for th* daintily
C'O r'/~\
Men’s Black Clay Suit, vj5O.0U
If* *Tery thread and fibre wool—if* pore s*o**t*d-A**vy weight—
finely triained-msde right, by tallor^U th* eqnalof whatto
charged fiu.50tolis.50 Uotberrtorm. aaek.donbl«hr***tod8qBar*
Cat or Cateway Btylee. Big Uac of Other Ssit*. at MoMy fiariag
iwr reatuM when he learca. that be
tween womaa'e eweet faseiBaiion, and
the baauUfBl effect of Hiter’i tnraiture arttottoally arranged, that kto
mind turaed to home comfort* aad
tboaght* of lore.
We're the Furnitarc at decidedly. |
the lowect price*.
Toaag ladloB Orlpptod fa an Aecidaat at BUchtt Biding Tootorday,
4oa Bird, aa Indian boy ahoat le
yoai* of ago, mat with a horrifying ac
oldant at SU^ta yeaterday. Bewaaat
There ar* bow eight noioo* in th*
' wiKk SB tbs tramway aoar tb* mill of
oonaty. With to good a Dumber it to
HMly A OoToU, wbw> an nnfortnnat*
adTtoabl* that w* meet tageiher at
aaetddat tbraw him andar tbo wb*eto
leaat once a year for coaaeil and inot tmooftholambereara. Bto right
epiration to coMldoronr past work and I
foot was terribly matUaled and tb*
fntnr* plana The coarenUoa wiU be {
boao* eraabod. Tb* lajared lad was
Tb* epedal IraU from Grand Bapld* held the Stet and :2ad of this mootk.
oared for by W. K- KoUy aad bora* to wUl arrlT* at 2 o'clock on tb* O. B. A
Tuoaday eeanlag Mr*. B*a>maa. oar |
tbto ei^ on the afteraooa train. Be I. and tb* detogetee will be reel at the eteW preeldent. will give a* one of her \
ww takos to tbeof&o* of Dr. Martia ' depot by the
iHittee aad the
famouateaperaaceteeturMat th* 00*-^!
whesHpotatedtbcmainportioiioft^ Band.
There will be arrirato on aU | greraUanai ebateh.
Erorybody wUl '
foot, loatotod by Ito. B. B Oaraar. ^ the regular trains from Tarlous point* | want to hear that,
ud tb* Ttoitor* wlU be cordially <0-1 Wednesday moral^. eeaU^ of deleTWO HAFFTHBABIS
eelred be the comtsiitoe ai they come. | gate*, orgastoation and mothM*' meetThe parade sriU atart prompUy at s jing. The *es*k« will commence at
KlM Loelto Biefeard Aad William o'clock in the CTcning. from th* head-1 V:5u o'clock,
fiebBSon Harried Terterday.
quarterv Foreeter*' Hell, oa Front i The aftor
A very bsppy wedding ocoared yes- •treet. then go east to Boardmaa are- 1 o'clsek aad wUi te flUad with
torday moralag si tb* boas* of tka,
bride, abont thiM mllH ooalk of the; thence west to t'nion. north on Ufikm dtocuMioDi on lire U^e*. *neh aa.
city. The principal* were William I to Front end east to the point of Btert- "Equal SuBraga. " "Why ahosld waj
work tor the ringing of the Curfew
4ghnaon of Bower* Harbor
and- ii(»
Mtoe lag
L^la Bickerd. »toter of A. W. Etokerd. | .Tbc porade will te filled with ortgicity clerk. Both bride aad groom arc | nal feature*, muaic. and th* line of jest need* of the
‘w*ai known is this locality and tbelr march wUI te lUsminatod with fire-]and
i of tb* fatbeia.’’
futnre happincM will te the wish of a' works aad tke air will te real with eto-.ctc. Everybody to tovltod to com*
ahrlek*_«f the doomed. whUe aereral aad take port, mes as well aa women.
large aambe^ of friend*
floats will aeeuratoly Ulutrate the ter- Gome, tot ua reekon togetbor.
rorlslac proceeet*. of which there wiU
Same BaU Today.
Wednoeday evening as otbtorieal
itHt will te gifsa.
Today aad tomorrow will protebly te a great many. Aftor the parade
aeo tb* •-ish of the hoM tell eeaeon U and ceremoato* the dead wiU te bartod with solss. daete. quartets sad msadotkto r^toa. Turn out and glee the aad the wound* of the earriTing aewed Uneiimto
Some of the bri^tost talent of TraC' best team Traretae City ha* eter had a up by an extra fore* of aargeoas from
inMlai eead off. They hare well abroad, while thoee who have Heaped .onm aty aad oUier towas will teka
dmth will tee* their eaffowrdrowaed part. You will te aorcy If yon mtoe tb
and woaada h«led by eandry potsAdmimloa, adalte 10 eaato or three
tioaa of aem-aem an>Ued iBUraaUy. lor 25 ceate: eblidrea sader 12. s cento.
aad every known variety of gm' AU datogatei aad vtoiton wUl te
MvtMt u. o»n«
tkiag* to Ht. wl^ wQl te sorrod at eorved to tb* ebsrek.
oongenwt For Fair Bxblbltaia;
Program to next Mondayb dally.
The Vw?*! bnriaeM men ooBtinne^to
. P. B. Taavu,
Tb* advance eale of ecote fer the
0^ Utecal ppselal prtaea tor eahiblto
________ Oonaty Prmidmit.
at the fair neat week. Th* foltowiag "Bunch of Beya” wiU begin at the box
have been added to th* tttt oaUtohed office of Btolnberre Grand Op^ bOH*
ia tb* Bbooku yarterday mmiag:
TbnrtaU A Oaae—«0-p*aad aaek of
Wahbam A<k«*bytoOoUM*dal flour
fm- the beet loot of broad ssade from
tbto kind of flour.
. HBaBabAImyM*re.OD.-Oa*Uatbbtoy^ bag worth fii to . tb* wiaaer
to U* two-mil* baadlc^ hi^yei* race.
On* leatberbleyela bag worth fit te
tbp-wteaerlatbeoM-mOs egm Her
The Arabs are a Coming..
la Fred Kartaagb'e
F. 4. Batoroo* of Crcawoll aaeHbor of
the laoaiaace policy oommlaslon to *00ooodSamo*! B . Lowof Laaaiac- .
Borvly D. Bantopa of Sault SU.
Maria, Homhor of the beard of the ,
Kowhory aaylam boord to eocoeod BR. Ooodell of Hoafhtoa. reolcaed.
—' CharlH F. Backu* of ’ Detroit, roesiber td KortherB aeylam boord to *oceoed Ooa. A. Bart of Maatoloe. re•load,
_________________ .
tics to th* os* In Bo**'* window, and
w*0 arraagod by dm* P- Watktee. It
to a fne «lmil* of a K. of P. omblom
aboet thrw tHt aqaaro. dopllcatod In
doaign and eolor. tb* auterial need belag only «neh a* to fonad on th* ah^TH
of * drag ator*. Carto’ dln»Uy to eery
attraetira Frod Beehlel'a wiU pcoaeat
(to. Tb*B**toa
8tor*W*atUiindaHayyard*of bant
ing to make * taatofnl display. Otboro
wOl bar* their plaeoe of
droMd thto BorAiBg.
BeUifck SfrOeedaOupet and OtthisgBmA Tran
•We Still Lead.
Xotwithstaoding the general
depression in the milling
business, we are baring a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to alt parts of
Nor-them Michigan our....
flonr. Send in an order.
The pDp«l*rCleU>*r.
We htr* edded to car Ciothiag
and Furutohlag itoods Stock........
the efficlest enpervisios of Mr
T. A Choeto. fonserly of Bay
CUv. who baa had masy years
experieace ia th* merohast
talloriiig bsalnee* (making him
an artist in bto line.) We do not
beeitate In guaraateslag Httotaclioc in dt and sroritmanahlp.
tviu, tb* above addltkm to osr
Mammoth Stock of ready made
clothing w* are safe to mytog
thatUwUl te one of the test
are good now and will be
good all the aeaaon........
Buye New, Btyltob Aoman Stripes
In Eo.AO width, at
-*U : P
Ladies’ Welt and TuraBd Sole Shoes
THB MOMmro MooM>. THT7HBPAT, sapxiiiBBK le, iwr
■mT«g»m ww MMMr.
Talv»8KCITY. • mCHlOAH
tmm T. Baw *j»p J**»*»■•
w. HAB^ MItoT •Mi lUw.
uwta •iu>«rb t*
“ wehMr*
«| t«iMMn wlO» U>*
iBwr««tt, Viack to, Meordto* to rMor
.M oMtomA » r«M(oiUoo of belUr
«MC7. U8poi««>wfc0»ortitk»to■or*«ito.»d»*oo«f«itfc»,th«e-to oo
noMO wbj Um CtftaM iteald sot osjoy thAi dtoUseitos St tho hssda of
«tkor ssUoss. Bot It to sita(otbw
Ukoly tbst CkptAU OosorsI Woylor
orfU hMT tsrtbartrop
The sane mv Ba aaM o< these ^o an
aWo to aflord doUgbt wltb atoeattoa.
nioetlsos aad laatrdnontal nnsto.
iastramoatal pleon wbteb daUfbttoo sadtoBM were ptoao aolea by
tfUe Oortrade Montagne aad Mtoo
WbiU. Both ffore reppOBSe to oatboasUeoaeores. Tbo idoen eelocted i
difiealt aad beat Ufollyroadwed. Min
Orawtord garo oao of bar bnt odeoBpot tbo rioUa and was toned
respond to an eaeoro, and
eneero eras equally as well
rood red. Min Uraee BeettoffS. Mtoo
BUS BUtoberg and Mrs Martla redted
al now eelecUoae and ware toned
mpond. Mtoa SteUbsig redted to
plane aeeempanineat by her sister.
Mb* Ber^ AlU Steinberff. Mtos WUbela. Min BoberteandMre. A. B. Bolllday, wbeee voien are rich, etroaff and
to respond
Sottoo Te Sixinyns.
WUl Me Otoen By Oonpaaicai
Foteetofi Sent Week.
The Oompanieas of the Fern
will fflTs a tea east sapper at tbelr
ball in tbs Braeefa BlcMk, Tbara^y
evening. Sept 21. from 4 to t o'doeb.
folleW. in the enatoff by a 13 oast
I will beinmyoOnto neeivo the
atjaadaeboettannoftbeUty dar
ing the nanih ot Baptenber. im.
from • o'l'Mh to ll:Wo'doek a. n. and
from 1 o'eloek to 4 o'doek p. m. aad on
Taen^ evenings ftnn ? o'doeir to t:W
o'deek p m.
remnlningaepaldtetoberl. 1B97. Uers
Ttaeatiioal SoMb.
Dalaty fane canedy will bbU the
^^BkeJi^Be^ Bonding, Nn. M!
etaffe at Sielnbetgto QtsaA on seat
Monday aigbl. Bept. Wth. Hoytt "A
Maujoui Wtntn.
Gly Transorer.
Baneh of Keys” to oae ef the bnt mmDeled Sept let. lf»7.
leal akiu ever pnaested to the pnblla.
It has an anaalnff etany. to fall of wit
Dr. G. M.Ckaaatoback tram a tnp
aad mBSto and Manager Botoner neb
to the eonthem part of the state.
seleete Ibe '
had-pretUnt bnaeb aitglrto that the
Prepare to attasd Grand TtatRialto eaaferntob. It to Jeet the kind
eisa Conntf Pair, Sept. 21, 22,
of show to drive away dall ears.
28 and 24.
Tbto attraettoa was presented in
Power's Grand Opera Bean in Grand
Bapkto this wadi, and the daily papete
wereannitlaffreat prmtoe of the eoss- Friday Vi^t.
nopany. , _________________
appro^Moa. The pngran etosed
Itb SB toeplrinff good night aoaf by
the qasrtot,oomposed of Meesce. Parka,
Whlto, Haslett and Buter. WbUe.tbe
atteadanoe wes not torre the Wa
Cleb wiilreanseeavataamasa start
for tbalr deb hoase faad.
Of the Gty OaoneU of thetlty stTravoineOlWSILLID SSAJt MASXBTSX.
Attorney Cbarin G. Taiser cpm
Beet of hto lime ynterday afternoon
tot of otsto to not blisd nad lest evening in reoeiring the ooagreteUUoas
of bis friends apoa hU anto the fTSTlty of the ■
f the Mic
Ichifsr betwon Cotas sad Spsls st this
KooUag Of Tonag Paepie
Meat Saadsy swing.
By toritatloB of the Bpwortb Leogao
dhoro wUl bo a Baton naetiag of aU tbo
poo Off pooptobMeSettnof tbo dty at
dtoeM.Sebnrtoa*xt8anday eroaing
t dototeeb.
•tdaborgb Oraad Last Sight.
Tbo weather tost niffbt bad noeb 'to
do with UmlUng the atteadanoe at the
aamtalnneatoffheWonaabClnb la
OlMsbar* BnwL These who wore
pmntaiijeyBdoaeofttaetroatt witb
wbtob tbs aaeeUent talent of Tcanne
GV eoadneaads noto and than to tooor
gaWto. Wboa one Uotaaa to nab
The Berkshire
are vafranted not to rip, and
we authorize the'.m^Pc^ot selling them to-make eur
warrant good, ^z:
Py payingyoa lisente for eneh Sa^ender
Bewntteteennoff; MeantaUtbeW^tband ripe: er a new pair if they rip rtoewbne
within two moatb* from date of ealm
a to raahlngle my
a at No. Ill Slats street.
................ granted.
Motion carried.
To (he Bcmorahle. (h« Mayor and CUy
Council of the Cilp of 3>«acrs« CUy.
MtcAtyah.Whereas. There to ae eran walk on
Front street east of Cbn street ia nid
dty. for a dtotaooe of more than half a
bloek. aad the traffic and basiasn
needs of that portion of the dty to saeb
that (he ojnvoaiaooe and inUresu of
the bnelness men having their place of
bnsiaen there, aad also of the pablie
at large woald be eoastdered by the
baildlng ot a eras walk aeras said
Front street staooi half way between
the erne walk at the iatareecUon 01,
Front A Cbs» slreou and the '—-----walk east thereof.
rnpecttally ask
ooaatroetioB of
if a cron walk at saeh locatloB
the HueUmanlel baildll
to the T^nelier Work or aa near there
ea shall appear deeireble. that being
chased; one at Levering aad one at
Booa. for tbeae pnrpean SS.OOO have
been paid.
There are 2.000 membwe of the Bp
wortb Uagne is then flaldA
Bcv. 8. Steele, aftersizty-flve yabre
of expeiiaaea. to still abls and wUllag
to “land a band" wbea needed. And
Rev. A J. Bldrsd seems to have re
newed hto yenth. Bebraksover all
bonndi. ffo^ over the whole ooafer•aoe to And place to expend hto ener
gies. He preaebed W eenaoas in loo
days of this ynr.
That boatatedefi^laly the______
of da>e wbteb be spent is Tmveree
Gty, and how seaay days etoawbe
for which be ebargn 823.00.per dsy.
That be W||s parttealarly. wbai part
of bto bill ^^xpensn to for rallro^
tare, for bJVbUto etc., aad wbat por
tion to tor expren ebar^
Dated BepUmber isth. A. D. 1S«7.
he reeolBtion be adopted aad passed.
Moved by Alderman Jahrantliatlhe
-BOtion of Aldarman Goodrich '
amended to lay the rseolelloa on
Motion lost by yea aad say vote:
Yeas-Aldennaa Moatague. Oeemond
aad Jabrai
Fsniamla Baaday Bcbools.
Tte^'Pealaaala TownMiip Sanday 'Ceok. Lardle. BneUmaalel and QarriSchool Anoetotloa will gnat in the
Oongregatioaal ebarob al Old HIseioa
oa Sanday, September lOtb. at 7 p m.
k exoaUaat pragram to being in
land and a large atteadanoe loohnd
Hamilton Clothing Co.
-ra otb»r« (all rae«Bli I>r. Pemou- aat
hl>«tsRurvpvciA)U«* rto mrw
x*S7;r..ssf,'7.rsrtr,a-jsiCannh, Chmic ud
Print! Diseases,
*fhe above make of pants merits the attenUon of
eve'r)’ pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
prices $i .50, $2.00 and $2.50—they are made in a variety
of patterns—ask to see riiem.
Dr. Parsons Clinic
One Solid Week
gaa Advisory Board ef
««",« la thooTOBtof tronble tbis(<
oesmat wlU send to Hstou s fleet
lag by Oovamor Piagree aad the powar Tonoto that orill show that the
dtioa to oae of gmt responBibilily.
Cnltad Ststoi to prepsrod for oaerren'
' Mr. Taraer also received e telegram
from Railraed Commiseioaer Wen
eoagretaie^g him epos the- koaor.
Dated TreveneCity, .Mich.. BepL »th.
EoTwmuTASnuMs the rosi deposits The appolabeatof Mr. Tamerto dae
of wosltb in the Elonklke rorioD. there to (he iaflaeace aad good ofBoee of UV7.
S M Brawn. Oscar Slmpsoo. O P Car
toff there ot
It tl
this tisM so Frank Friedrich of tbto dty end others ver. £ McNemere. M iJ Griffith, John
M eaebsi
Rennie. Tonaelier Bros. Philip Bbeadlntmediote rolief, and the eqeeUy near to the governor. .
“ F Edi
fitoUiisri wbtoet toconstoortoff meth
ods tor setlos that wUl roliere tbo dis«Mi Of Aaiertooa aiaoro. ^
0 muruH. ^ L oewue. w a
Report of Lest Tear's Work laeaed
teber. Eaterprtoe Grocery; E L Banby Prodding BMor BoUogg.
1. B M Oanlato, Rich A Hallberg.
BrorltitoPrnidlng Elder Kdlogg of the Biogham Broa. Gty Book Btore. Jacob
Lodisfftoti to o strosff offffroffsttoo.
Grand Tiaveroe district of Metbodtot Caiman.
Moved by Aldortaan Bnolltaaatol
Tara ost sad bolp the Bostlero wia to- ^ordsoa, bas Jaet toanod hto report of
tbo petiUoB bejMtod.
day sad twmoiiow.
tbo work of tbo poet year. Wbtlotbaro
Prof. T. A, Bssiley, the kiuff of baa taeea no expendvo i^arcbn bellt,
Moved by A
lOeblffsii'i slelffht of bsad porformcro. there bas been many itoprovementa la Mr. Kelly be eothorised to prospect ter
oe Mr. Prett'i farm west of the
0^ has been is Cbiesffo sad the west ekareb property and the ahowiag to
city, and If enitable gravel to foend
dor the past year, has rotamod boaie very good eonaideriag the deproasod that the commUtee oa streeta aad
sidewalks be aatborised to parebase
onoagh for ass antil aeztregalar
Oaj B. BoUtoter, ssetotant esi
^,^^a price not to no.3 ,0
to the Old MstioDst Bask. Uioad Bap- Ooe ot Traverse City, the Second M. E.
too. has pnrehasod the oombiaaUot
Motion carried.
oheroh, coating SI .300. aad one at Cope,
0^ row beat. Battorfly, from t
mtoh worth Sl.OOO. Both of tbeee will 7b tac i
c tbs ilayor 7md Cttp
be paid fer when the pledgee are tam
ed into cWb. Two rnlniaa eharehn
. MlnMiutoMeOeapldwboUen
to you plans and
' of tbo dty. Mtoi Loatoa Maba of Blaf- babe been pnrcimaed and paid tor at rndfleatioos for water workaforTravbaa sad Mtoo Moek of Battoas Bay, Petoskey.
..ae Oiy prepared by Oeo. W. Batter
A new ehareh has been begu at aad B. F. Northmp ander oar dlraata«« eatoeod' Profseeor Dodkorayto
Monroe, cn wbat will be the Levering tioB. Tbeee plani and ^flcatknn
ehaige; tbs Epworth ehareh on the ^ve been dnlyagg^ and
Cbarievda circait: the Bethel ehareh
■ their adopUoa b7 Four
B. U Spraffoe'^oat to Ormad Ba^ on the Kalkeska charge, end one honorable bodv.
DaWd SepL IS, 14U7.
tbompeonvUle. Tbas six cherefa
B. C Datia Cbainnan.
Dr. J. C. GaoBtlett aad wife of Elk
PaoKoi* Krmju.
Bapids, wore ia tbo dty yesterday.
E. J. Fl'U.Bt M.
1. £. Goossr aad wUs of North MorW. W. Sicmi
•ad. Mtob.. aroTidtioffC. L. O gas or Barnard anAilrawa will alse soon be
Moved hr Alderman Montagae tha
aad family.
report U reeleved and pisoea o
Besides Own, fande have been conMrs. Priest, wife of Bert Frtoot yard
. Motion carried.
mvtosv ef the C. d W. M. la this dty.
Bssolool. ^ the Coancil of the Gly
r for the payarrived last aifbt aad to at tbs Hhllsoa
of Traverse
that the Gty Clerk be
mntt of debts as loUowa: At Maeklnaw aad bareby to directed to requnt of
Oeo. B. Oohmaa arrlrad last nlffht aty. ^Grew VUlaga. Irontoa, Bast Jor- George W. Baftor Esq., that ba famish
ai^ Itanixed
toom Oyaad BapidA Hs.wiU tUU atAldea, FUs Uke. Joyflald Boeth atatemant of hto ebargn in oonneetion
Sonsy & Q. Tarasr ca proton
Frankfcri, BardtokviUeandNortbport.
$3 a Month
Fatal Banaway Aoddont For John
Mantotoo, Sept, IS.—Tbls moralaff as
Madtooa Ooaaty fanaor was drivtog lick, UMdrieh. Cook. DcamO^Lerdto.
toward Maatolee he dtoeovered the pros HaeUnentol. Gerrlsoa and Jahrans and
trate body of a laaa lying oa tbs An
Sable taridge aboat eight nUn from V (hr Homwe U. (he Mayor and Cky
Council-o/ (i CiG' <if YVoeerse CUy.
tbto dty. Near him wee a baabd bas
BDtUustoider.amwntar mb. OBre I
ket. A kaaty eaanlaatioB showed
Eos. Ailss B. Mow, eosnl to
Uo CUrslsnd stoistoWtoos, to osroetoa booM in sfow dsyo.
Wlws bo srriToo bo »1U ftsd s fsU
EodffoA eowtroMiossl boom swslUsr
«o toeetoo bbs. Mr. Mono woold «sBoobtodlj bo plooood to oloy into tbo
oboes ol Oaofrolsmsn Smitb; bof it to
the dead man was John Baghn. a
too bod In bto frteodo to ooloet oneb
iiviag on the lake shore, near An
food Bso for snob s fortors bopo so
will pmont Itslf is tbo Fifth dtotrlet Bable. The bearer of tbo sews te the
dty oonld not toll Jnst bow death was
eansed bat evidently from a ranaway
Tsatssu QTTtotboeostto of bco- as Baghn was In Manistee yosterday
pndaee. Mrs. John P. Shhied a
pltsllty U sorters Mkbirsn, sod toBsy sscihor opportulty wlU bo pro- dangb^ ef the deceased Uvn in tbs
SMtod for s tnrtber dwsositrmtoc- -* c«»y
tost olnmont.~Tber« will be boro dostHOMOBS FOB 0. •. TOmMSB.
^ -two bssdrod Tf^ton toon Qrsnd
Sspida sod olhor patnlssna wbos tbdy One Of Trevene «ty>s Yoong Attor
Bopsrl they wiU esrry nenortoo of tbo neys Gets Important Appaintmant.
- « oBd coidislity of the ditoost
goBltlw euf« o(
Durw« e( tb* been ueS wwm. biooS act
•kib.MOWbVb. liwT aad kidBarv oat rrmal*
Wu oa tbt Trigs Of lasBBity.
___BiB* r*Br> >
tr«B NBr-euMab,
KnwMiB* 1 .tbouchi I vMlSseUi'
«BCk>Btirr I taCBB bu ItVBflOl IMlUs«B
Hbbt Hx
TTBWB»atr.iueb-aFis tg.iin;.
lurrb mSBi ta iraBUS boUi lenBr bbS
KJtaMae^^lu«^pa*Bn mwerii^to
Nrr-i>u«(DcWUlr.«>Bi' Orlarr II U IM> Isw.
W»b«,»w^r s»l UiOri r
rrbB asrictata OoBfldeece Meintatai
D»e't >bU lOCbUBBthcBVnilBMiikpwG
IC « OUBCVB at UTlD, fw
*^Dr. ^Iwkii' VUBJe
b* lacBWd »1 UqlBL
wbew «B ir«aSBS «■ onr IBM v1>lt bvrv.
OhUdren’B and Misses’
Best Stock We hare ever shown and
Prices never so attractive•at
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store.
We are now about pt^pleted with atockiag op with New
Fall Merchandiat in All Onr Departments which are
brimming fnll of
SteiDbol'i firiDd Open Bn» BegaitUaas of advance in all lines, onr pricea are lower fhBT» ever.
Today we are offering Specialties in onr Children’e Clothing DepL
Monday, Sept. 20
We Offer. While They Last.
Tbs Honaieh of tw Conedtes
A Cbild’e neat Suit, frixD 4 to 14 years, for........................7S
A nice blaak and bine Cheviot Snit for...................................... | ,3S
A nice heavy oxfotd gray Snil-for........................................ ..
A nice Chinchilla Reefer for....^............................................ 1.48
AchUd^ Aetrachan Reefer, in varioiu abadea,lor.................... |,95
AfinennfiniahedWorrtedReeferSoiLhandaomelybraided,for 2.25
Children’s Union Knee Pants for..................................................... 19
Children’s nice heavy Wool Pants for.............................................. 48
A Bunch of Keys
, We have loads of Clothing in this department aad as fine
aa they .make them, but the pruxa are the lowest on earth.
We call parUcular attention m onr Shoe Department to
Our Line of School Shoes
limt lU M Tsm nnWe
AChUd'sSoUdShoefor.............................................. . 67c
A Yontb'a Solid Shoe for.................................................... 75c a^ np'
A Boy’s Solid Shoe lor.
................... ..................-98c snd'np
ESMi leiliilHvItonUuUei.
Trade in the largest store where the variety ia big and
the prioes the lowest
Snto on Sale at Box Offlee
Friday Morning.
Prii»s2S-35-SD. Boi Seats 7Se
The Boston Store
Olua Bloek.
We Oan Save for You
ITom 10 to 60 Per Cent on reliable FOOTWEAR.
We are closing out at Cat Prioes 2346 Pain of opr Best
Plngroe A Smith Shoes and Oxfords in Black aad Tans, to
make room for onr New Stock of Coin Toes. Call eariy before
the best sizes are taken.
: i :
Tlie Old Bdiable Shoe Man,
lie Fbont Stsebt. Wuszbubg Block.
H#. «■ tbe iHo«tnf «jrf*T:
«ft« Ua^ AH «UaM ot Ubor b*
tb* wmm f»r rock work m for
tSc d«rt: w» «emAn4 iMt iw <Mn MU
a for oetlnc oe tbto eo»<
nv* ‘DiouMfid (Wlway Mintn
To B«9winginc Their Pickt
tgr This Eveninc.
Tb« eompkar* •»»»*» »« **'?
ffrot. that U» men art boI. ana w^rr
ha^t btoB. obllata to buy rkelorh'ty
at tht company au>rt. atcond.
adranct t ouia not 0" rf*nt«J btcauae
nv waa payln# tht av«ra»t
third. «b« roiMBoy
thtc of tht rtiriun; tl
atanlulrly i 'uted. wlibuut aaai^lni
la Oibw Biriha
uit man auaptodtd oa Idle da^ hart
the prlvUean of taklni nume other par*
•ana' plaw. tbut makltta food tht diffMwec to rata beiwaaa rock aad coal
work; and Ofih. tba\ ao man rtiall ba
a Baatrtoo—an. dlacbanted fur actlai on tha arievaaei
l^toat-UUMtf committee.
iLUXOto rroKKATtoa or UBoa.
day aad a atlU toryer aumbrr were to
vnrktoc oidar thto toomtoc- At leaet
• t.MS of the raU mlaara will be at work
by thto ryenlaa, and uuue a numl»i of ,
ri*er dmera wiU u;»o resume. I’rcri-1
data Patrick DuUu >c»t>iday out ibe
asan of tba Wbeelinc dlvMon al PlnitrvUle. Bemadearpeechtol.OOO of taem
BBd rave bit viewa of the ten*da)'ilaua«.
ITatIdMt BMerik flaw af «ba PHaalplm
At a raault they unanlmoualy acrced io
«ait to work today. With thr etcwiiUoa
ot Uw ABdaraue mini- all »l them will
ba bury wuie tbr <-or.viBiloii la belnt
bald la pittaburs loday. Tbe aacepUoa
.la oe ecvoum of iraprovea>«iia neota*
aary before tbe men can work. But at
tbe ArAetaoD mine ibe mm wUl
handllr^ ptckr.aram at *»ob aa tbay
«aa yet ih. The Piiiabura and Chicace
Oai CoaJ company, which owna tba
jBlaee al OaatoB\llU. Snowden atto the
Brw f*ri. bat had men at work batow
tbe rate. They have been told that tbay
wUI DOW «el the mn» rate aa paid W
tb* Mber mlr.ee <>f the dlvlaicn and wUl
alao atart to B ork at ooca. Tbla maki
nalformlty all alord tbe B'beeUnc dlvltooB.
Waat All M Me« kbey Cm
Bvarythiny I* to aa uproar tbere. Iba
Optratort are telrarapblay for can aad
they want men—all tbe men they, ran
catBt ttcMta Utile haa'yet been done
to tbe Paabandle dlatrtri to roal mlnlny.
Tba mtneri ar« walUnfe unill after the
aaarveBUoB to be held today. Altfaouch
tba mafonty am to be la favor of
fCaartiw tba tan-day ctouae of the Colanbua coeveniliin all arc not. There ir
ian*day ctouae
1. tUa. 8ept. ».-Larce ato,
Bffeenih apbual i-unventl»i. of the
I Aufbolder.
: Plybt le to Uo Ml to WfM Tlrwtata
Rrem Falrmoni, W. Va.. .comaa tba
, lOUowtoy: -Tbomaa W. Carney
. aum* up ihe minlnc iituaih.n In
atate: ''We are yolny tu flybl Ihe tiaUlr
every operator la Wert Vlrylnla
uattl1 r
unl'« lalvir,' Cyrney |r r
• rperaior* of iftto *
I Vlrylnla
that after Peiinrylvanla and Ohio yd
fair rate* they would receive atlemlon
to to 'be fuIAIled."
tadlaaa Mefi M^rt YWmwmww.
Terre Raate,
and called a aUtr convention for tomor
row. It I* eaprctrd that there will be a
aietiny of Indiana liiiumlnou* operainri
la thia cRy tbe Mine day.'and *n effort
wilt be made to arrar.yr a >oiai riinferaace with a view to effectIny a aeltle■leat at M cenu to run until December,
when, accordlny to the Cotombn* aetile*
menl. there will he an Inieretate Joint
conference to Aa ibe acale for the calen■ d»r year rf 1»M. Tbt uprratnn of wulbsI ledlar.a
arc underrlood
ti be wlllli
to eater into *uch a ocniracl, bul ..........
to aopie doubt about tbv operator* of
aortkara Indiana.
Sepl. 2A—Tbe coal miner*
ie UaaaUlon dlatrtri heW a deleyale
>-mceltoy yerterday
rday and declde.d to
accept the new rale for mlntoy
aKjdrattoa of tbe tab day*' limit. Part*
of the compeomtoe atreemeiit w«R>- tvJected. bow-ever. and a cummlilee waa
appolBled to confer with the operator*.
If the demand* cT the mrn are not
granted In ten daye^be airlkr will be
Sprit yA< Id. nia. Sept. 11—A apeclal
(ram Tallul* to The Slate Keytater aai*
tb* miner* win yn Io work there today
at M reel* per ton. an Increaa* ot « Cent*
ov*r tbr rale iLry were betoy paid When
they ttrurk two w.e.k> ayo.
ALL la tfi'ier
Butter, Butter,
caUad oat Jallar Eaaaa and took tha
n# BM>b aaos ptwkad lit way
of jail.
Noat of tba 1yaob«a are kaowB. All
Bairbborboed of Correct,
tba two mas were arraatad laat Satar-
roB A Diiaet
Moaat aeat tbe foUowlaf to tbe abar**
Blpley oooDty
Cor CBlaaa>( Nlatoaw.
tbla afiernoon:
*‘Wlra uia at ooea fall paniculara of
the lyncblBf la yoar aoaaty. I foribar
all tba pawar yoa «aa
briar to jaatto* all ot tba parUaa r*iUy
r m*thM* aq)M ,
Baatoton. Pb.. Sept. Jl - Deapltc a
warteiy of alarmin* rumor* and a morntey iBoveawni by a body ot mtoen
vhtok lookad formidable, yeaterday
paaaad off witboat aerlou* diMurbance
la the strtbe rcylon. Matter* iim wmr
aoob an uacertaln aapoct. however, that
Oaamal Oobtn declare* that tbe removal
. •( the laoopa or of any poriWr. of them
ha* BM been conumputed. The atrlke
itaaU to apraadlny with .
Exact eotlmale* of the n
.A*. W. J-eA-SH^TTB,
>n allacad to bava baan lynebaA
-Suck IbwIoMnaaa to totolaral*. aad
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
all the powar of tbe »Ut*. It aecaaeary,
wDI b* vlroroayly aaployad for tbe arreat and paotohmaatof all tba pa^aa
Meal Tickets at RedecedRa tes.
Pmt^oi Atonal «iya: Sticky fly palar oaed in aammer to catch fliea to aald
a Metcd it in front of tbe b(^ frtn
>»®W thm fai* until you oan oa}*nr*
Aa Appolatinaat.
• •J" w* 1----- - tk* toMtotei-af au
wbo took part on tost Friday.,
Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will not make -regular con*
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangem<»tB
for the nse of this handsome i
yacht* by communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland. Mich.
See Our New line
Picture Mouldings
uf tub
Opraar ot
near M. A N. R depoL wtoke* U
Cycle Oners LdoI Here!
aeuac* to the public that he ba* 'r*fitted and (urntoked tb* Botel Paaffbora better tbaa it ever ba* barn be
fore and caa aoeoumodate ibo travelInffpnblleinffood ahape. .Satlafartton
a*Lyai..BMf M.ax K.D*pm.
Lederle's 2T^'S:*p2:.
Bright, Fresh, Neat
..............“ VT7:----------
. V>.
3* f to
Thomaa Smiai Of Hav Jaraey
Lady 'Watts
Now for Business!
*rilT be^i^rfiw'ali'ataiton* Mack
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Heats.
Still on Deck
Angus McColl
at the Old Stand.
were stoned bai.. tolo
- A?»^ into tbe pit
irth after the retmatlny men. One
n. whose name cannot be laarned.
* dariny than tbe real, ventured iiRo
a*wn and waa atoned unmercifully.
H* will probal y dir from tbe ctfecl* ot
tb* abua*.
Wladowa OfOttea Of iravara* 01ty
Lntnbar Oo. Ware Rniaahart.
Thaweya«aat»tee*»am»NewtWto» Qato.
Bbepard. Hleb.. Sept. U.-Tb* toqneai
on the death of EHmer E Struble. eas
ier of tbe Farmer*’ bank, has been ad-'
Journed for On* week. Tbe attoroeya
for tbe SiruUe family claim Co have re
ceived letter* putllny them on lb* tracA
ot valuable informaliri) that will throw
more light on the my«*riou* affair, and
the Jusilc* has yraniril them ‘tbii
time 111 pursue thilr invesityaltoni. No
devtaopmenli tumid up, nic«pl a
lahuntoy of- a deAcency
- of KO.U
j Farmer*' bank. The theory of suicide
appear* to yatber day by day. alihuuyh
ally .
tbe dead cashier p<i-*lBt
to the declaration
Jeraey. coasal to Moaeow aad
Noah L. Chaw, aaaistant rufftotar af tbe
alffbt aaddayllffki Wedacaday. i
anknon paraea or peraon*. maUd
The Enterprise Grocery
is still dpii^ business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in .the city.
ly broke the window* ia tba offie* pf
To Rent
Butter, First Class
Yoa do tba real wbaa you W Sbaa
A.S. FBYMANm. IH&t ^tS
the Travarae City Lumber Ot -It wlU
ffo bard with U>* mtocraant* If (bay
o lAto*. wllb Injllcallons that to
a abcrl time every colliery of importance
In tb* reyirii Bill b* Wto
aoBi* dUpoallkio has been abown by
Huai bodies of atrlkcr* to the outlyiny
Flra Paraaaa Mat l>*atb at Handa
Atotricti lo make demohitrallona. they
off an Safariated Hob to Infeavt btwn of a rather fceblv character,
At Lalllmer yesterday afterniKm a
teiliw attended and derisive mroUnff
Varaallle*. lad.. HepL IS.-Adnab of
af atrlkm wa* held in receive the bd40U Ufuriated maa toM alffbt lynebed
awar of tb* (-ompany to tbrir demand*.
WHh a -!*rye Usly strike* yalhervd to
Lyle tte*l. Bart Abdiwwa, Clifford dor.|k* open eiiacv iwfur- ihe company*
dm.. WUllam Sanktoa and Biuey SbaLaCrossc./Svia.. Seri. ll.-Ahner OH*,
Wore »up*rtnleodent lllake appeared
uf-tb/ mow wealthy asd widtly ler. Tbay war* takae ffrom tb* aupi tb* door and-gave them their answer.
Wlactmsto. dird tboriUaa
It was abort and w the polni and was known lumbermen <
Tb* waa bad baaa arraatad far barglaat with acUoB equally as deetolva.
Tb* damanda bad bmo formulated aa
lary. Praqaant robbartoa bad aaiaffad
"W* dtelre and wtah tht
tbadttoaaaofftbaaoakWffBdtba mob
priTBaffa o< bsyiay oar pravlalen* where
WM cospmadcffdMakM ffraa Milan,
a think proptr. toataad of betoy totoad.
pt.tb* riimiwtty’s aura: me want'
SuaMn aad olbar lewm.
r cteiL ad*aa*a cn aU atepme tff
'Tba Bobbtea. «m baraakaak. mtetad
or Aaytblnr la tba lisa af
tookara- Matartola. call oa
Tuk Stmt. WtwHn rnmt ( Cui.
of participdtlon ia tbe aardar of tba
u.S?TS;5;.“Hr.XS!S; X
dlreet ytM to ptt^eiad ItottadlaUly wVlh
cam fraa a dteiaaoa. >raeamaWy from
Don't Fail to try our^utt^d
■Slices for these two days.
•ervitv. 1 have withdrawn my restynaWhat be clalmr to have been ila
BsmiD and agalA. TbU to batter than
llOB and have noUAed the *ecreury
lempluoiu ireatmeBI of meaaurca
vored by the labor elimenl. Whilr many tbe corporation to that effect." '
queaiKina of Importance will occupy
atlenikm of thv i^nvemloa, that of
I. Sept. U.-IB d
ahooiiag by deputy ahenff* <-f rlriken in
matter yeaterday
Oovemor Tanner
Pennaylvanla ovirrhadowed alt other*.
frankly deriarvd that notbiny bad oc
The keyaole of PrerldeBl Hlefler-i «curred to alter the determination he
drtM waa ihe followlna i«rayrai*:
espreaed two'month* ayo that he did
’-JUM ro loby aa .labor murl divide Ibe
'Boi think It advlaablr to incur the product* of II* toll with ihiae who con
penae of calltny t fpeclal leaalun. "1
trol Ihe opportunitit* to Ubnr. Juat ao
le pMiUona aU
have not aeen ai
lony will mUlloMireo and pauper* alike
y forth reaaona
ts be In eatotence aeltlny
ezl*t to Buriety. Superficial remedit* art
for an ealra *e»«lon. however.
ittadequair to lubdue fundamental Ilia"
He Intimated that It waa pu*>lble Iheir
C A W. M. BY..
He tterammeaded the frditatloe to "lake
augyertlon* miyht put thinya
a bold and unequivocal aund to favor
Tkto to wbai jrou have beau waiUa
llybi. a* be recoyniie^ the importai
of—Pim. the aboimoe of land raoaeymly
r—a etaaoM to vtolt your Irieada wll
of a new revenue tow.________
by letyiny all uaea upon land value*.
lUa expana*.
■MU-d with a LomM Omw
IrreapeiUve Imptovcmeata. In lieu
C, A W. M. By, train will laava Travother laxra; MCend. tbr
Or*en Bay. Sept. U -A h.i nt ynuny
en« City on aboe* data »l 7:S0 a. m.
P oT rallroada teMcraph* and Bten were ramplnc In lha word* abuul and arrlv* Id Cbicaffo about k:») p. m.
lalephonea. and tbatr o.
tbrae mile* eaai of iht cllk. Fred Krauae LaCreaae about t>:0(ip. m . and Oatrolt
converlenn of the people and
had a loaded yun with a trrac-herou* (VlaD.U. R A W fi B jaboulTriS p.
IwnrlU. third, ibe munlripdl ownerehtp lock with which he wa« fwllrd.
m. Round Ulp rate to Cblcaffo Se.QO.
and cot lr> 1 of all ihme public ton
yun wa* accldentolly dlxharRed,
Detroit and UCroaaa S’-.bu.
Irnce* whi.h l>e<>oine a neemlly by
entire l<«d of abul tokiny rff.d In the IlmlLOel.nib. TickeU may be naad
wm of the crntralluilon
left cheek and Jaw* of J<». t* Ocremarj to principal atatloa* aoutk of Uolland
, and ehnotlny out all hUTreih. t>r.lW)1e.
aad ea*t of lirand Ledye. Aak ayeaia
necewwry lo di
o rnalqve *-ho drMMd the Injury,' ha* dnuht*
for full information.
It." He al*o rw-umtfier.ded the lakiDf of ' hie reci.vrry.
reo very
Both the youny men i
^ko DkHavcji, (J. 1’. A.
meaaur,* m eeeWte aeiton b>- conyrem : about i> ye«
l...,klr.y to Ihe elabltobmrnl and mainWbal enaeo" JJttler May*.
Frapara to attend Oraxtd Tiavaraa
tenaniv of pcoiaf aa
SprinyArld. 'in*..
A* auen a* the pi
Oounty Fair, SapL SI, SS. BS and »4.
lavid T. IJitIcr aay* thli 1* the bulleal
addrva* J. F. Faarluw. of Chlcayo, of
fered Aery reaalutlona protevllny ayaln*!
t). K. A 1.
1 Auyuii
tbe action «f the drput^e* at Hfblrton
Fa. The reaolutlon* were a bitter deaun- when the maalmnm temperature
Cora I*
riatlnn cf that action, aiatlny tbat the reeded » deyrec* each d*y
••victim*. who*e only crime waitomarrh ruffcTiny from the beat and drouyM
hiyhway. were
brutally bladm drylny tofor. th. kernel to
......tiered like *w me for refuclnc .. and to rtveral place* corn I* belny
obv> the mandate of a Mnad-tblrtty
RaUaasl ttuayf*^'^ Cotorwl Womh
run tka annual Pall neuralon to the
yany of hlyhwaymen. The only remedy
Na*bvllle. TeniL. Sept IS—The aecond s>Mes MSintWme^
•« —. tw,—••
for lhe*e,dl»a»trau* evlh 1* Ibe abolition National Conyrva* of Colored W.
nf the court*, the removal of lh» cor met yeeierday. Thi addrraa of weloume Klebmond or
rupt Judyea. or the meetlny r.f the er.e- waa delKered by Mr* Ctdeman Thompmy with hi* own weapon* " Tbe raao- aen. and ihe reoponae waa made by Mr*.
inaw City to Biff Bapida. iaelnalT*.
>)Utlon* clond liy etatlr.y that tb* time B. K Bruce, of tbr Dietriot of ColUJ ’
ffood ffoioK anly oa special train*
bad arrived when men of labor ahould
The We*qp*c We May
of September 7»tb, and
rood »
he armed !•' I-- able to cemhat Ibe hlnmiiwtoa.
tarniaff on refular tfalna nnUl aad lallny* oi the c- rporailuea. After a heated
oludiBff Oooker Nik. BaAcnffara BtoT
dlrtJtoli n the reanittllunt were rwferred.
atop at Kalamaxoo, Qraad Ledpe and
T. J r< Brlen offered a reaolulloe which
>(ber: cuntlBoed
Uotland, or point* aoutk or aaai tkarawa* adopted to the effect that tb* trade*
wtato. pM Uhl
O, R A I. Ry .C. A W. M. K'y..
union Tnnvemenl It menaced by Ihe efU. K A W. B. R.and Uckauoaa
fort* <f Pevoluilonary ayliaior* to divert
ba made fftwd ratarnloff from auck
with .......................
lb- true obJ«1
of tb*
eoaeka* will be
poiau. Tbroeffb
laatlnn. B»elitar.<-* and enconnyemenl ot
U the amral dcaUnattoaa For i
labct combination* In Rialntalnlny equit TbrMlrnlnc wtwiher. w
of apaetol tralo* and further lafortnaable waye*. aiiA dieclalmlny ard dl»tten conauU O. B. A 1. Ucket ayent
avnwtny alllmpracticable •nciallatlribeC. L- Locawoop.
Orie*. and anarrhMm of ant kind.
O. P.andT. A..
Blyht la MMerw |■Drtl<■a: brisk t-> bl^ «>etb*rtr«mdah»x.DRD(aaribwrrt*rty. Fnriow*
eraad Bapida. Mick.
cpt, IS.—The Darr mtea —Lml •boven; |>rulably fair weather -hlosheny rlvei. >vperaled Blybt: nweb cuter, suotterly wtoda. b<
by Otbnrne d Saryee. of CS-x-land. O , toy eMthwralrity'
at hasuctox.
Siting Beefdtod Roasts
ftid Cheap Friday <ADd
Saturday. ««•««»
aad Uri and Jaakiaa kad
by tba laob wbaa U«y war* taken oat
the acene of • riot yesterday which
will pfobably result In the d.-ath .T al
least one man
Tbe machine miner*
lerday a .
poaed to the men wurklny yatbered at
tbe pit to ylve tbe worker* a hot reevpl'lnn when fhey came out of thefnlne.
Fine, Fresh Buner!
diaoooary and’ih't i»'lice derided urnaka 1
l-uetaert paid
Indlciod by the.rmBd Jury for
a theroafh inventtaiina. Luetyei
---------------- It htboa»kttbat Uri aad
little beed to the rumor, but >U
rya aaut a man at once to a
tbe» «oaTwo mota bonea found In tba
A wui be
factory vata. it t
Identkled at bnmaa
by tbe atnta
perta Juror Powler waa much
proved and It waa tbouabt be would
to bia place wbea court eonvenea
The wmnat) who
' “
M,;rt.ae Park —^ -........ ........
a» Mra. Caroline Jnhrtj r_ tu North
tolo tbd oanraoaaa aod 1b Ita-lBipB-
Cbleaao. Bcpt. U —Tht fact that, ow- tUaoa fliat flrad os tha ftra prlaowaia
tnc to Juror ro« Jrr*» kloroa. yeKerday aad Uaa dianrad ibaat to a Iran a
joara from }aU and haarw) thaa.
traa an oS-dajr
Ibt Luetcnt trial
waa Bul aUoirtd to UUrfcra vUh tbt
Aadrewa aad Oordoa bad alfaady
wotIdDs up of Mnaatlont. In the SrM
plat* a wHd woiBan captured In the
al Uaua wkUa atUmpUaf to rob a
wuoda near tatlroae Park wat bellcyed
by aotnt to be Ura. LueKrrt. ao'cloaa atora at Comet laat Saturday alrbu
waa the fCtemblanct) to the mlaalny
Bhular waa In jail for attampWd
D of Labor. wbUb b*yan her* yaatcrday norutoy. Praaldiot
Cbarlea Riaflar cajjcd tha maettay to
order and aayor Koch deUvarad tba addma of wtleacnc. Prealder.t RMlar re*
Jay of tha BtaOeuta
Prttvldaace. H. I.. Bapt, 18.-K. Bonja*
muraliv '
prutaatlay ayalnaf awatdlay tha eon- Rita Andrew* ba* withdrawn hla rtalynatloa
of Brown unlvatalty.
tract for prtntiny tba aaUoaal occaa of
the Modern Woodmen to tbe Nebraaka Laat nlyht the Kudenta cclrtnated tb*
Btoir JoantaJ rotapaay. a non-ualea avaai and the univeraliy wtlI'^>p«i'toh renewed activity aad xiyor. J
tbop. The roMutlolta were teleyrapbad
■aor Andrew* fay* that WM A*
to the meeuny of tbr head olBnn of the
Woodmen, now to aeaaloe at Pultc«. racrived th« corporailoa'a Ittar EMClny
nia. ano an anawrr waa recalvrd cut- bim tu withdraw hi* mtynatloa ha "had
undertoken to perfona the enminy year
toy the (natter waa betoy conalderad.
In aa toiarvirw Preatdant Kleflrr certoto work whieh. after learelny the
of the crporatloaoelbeaubatated that the picaperi fora retllemeal
the mlaara’ rtrtke la lll^aols. by whkh jecl. 1 came to reyard a* incompatible
_i advance from tbe former acale ta with the dutle* of the (irealdency. I
yieeti. don not appear hopeful. In hit therefore fell ubUyed al Aral to adhei
r^lynatloh' »u. briny now "'eH
foihe uBlver*Uy my undivided
U tbe acta of the laM kslitolure and
ata or tbr lalam to tbe McDonald field
told DoUn that he artO hli mta tboudbt
tba pladya ouclii
- •
loaytd umU t
AHOTMCT turroerr aeNSATiQW.
0*-Dt7t> IboTHai mM la wHb ■»
nAland Canter. Wto.. SapL IL-aoa.
D. L. Downa. ladff* of tb* aoontp coart.
arto* way ytrtoban wBb pvslytoa twa
toaaka aya. dtod at I drtaak paatorflay
RpwB aa bteto sffur teUalffbk,
Menirise Groceiy,
W. J. BOBINSON. Manaffcr.
Green that will kill Bugs
Every pouad full waiffbt aad ffuaiaateed to kill tkam.
Bicycles.c. to Rent
B. R WUt, Dr«ff-
PtoU Ua* matertoL
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
WBtoek. L'BtaaawaM.
Fire Insurance.
If You Have Logs to Sell
' Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machincry, of all
descriptions, iodudiog a Engines. Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw MQl Hant for sale.
Mtien 0f « OvU 8*rv)o« Cut
That Ha* B—n Conaidarad
United Mataa an*
that ultimataly
promt court will ns s
the oussUon Invulved.
WaahlB*to«i.‘*ept. H.-The PhllaMi
phla Bagthu*. of the PadBc siaitoo. now
at HOBOIOIU. la to coma home as soon
at the oe
This will .
i.de repiesanlatlve of the Vnlled States
navy at Honolulu until Ihr Baltimore
roaches that jort.__________
Family That S««m* ta Hav* R*v•lad in Murdar, a Kanaas
Family Again, Too.
Thi Celtb»t«d BpKltllata,
WMhInvtM. Bepl.
Co*, of
- tMtarat
that Pwtmutrr 0*n*nl Omry »d4 Ai>
0«oef»l H**Ui b*
wMM!* from mnovUiff him from cO(«.
n* cue hM been coiulder«d In tb*
patoR of a t*ot of the power of re-
otslon wat aa elaborate review of the
law beanat-aa temovala of federal es>^yee. He held at the outaet that It
wat not wllhia the poeror at a court of
polatmeat e
>vaU front offlea.
Tbe« Uklny up the nerile of the
cate he autrd that It wat artiled Uw
that tb* poa-er of removal wat an In
cident to the power of apixtlnlmeal.
and that both could be exercised by the
bead of a dtpartment In reference to
•ubordlnate offlclala Conoerainc ibe
civil ecrvloe law. Judge Co* held that
U mutt not be conetrued to grant authcvlty. Hther to the cl\1I service commltalon or to the preeldent: to make
rulee contrary to the law Itself, or of s
legislative character. He quoted with
appeoval the decitlon of Jnttice Brewer
that coagreas could not, delegate itt
power to legislate to any admtnlstra-'
tiee body.
The declaloa eutni
Mmple tnanlry U v
yoked by tbe compl
p as follows: 'The
‘thrr the nilss Innant-«helher ibt
Pinion or both be
the authors of t
civil tenice art
tabllthed. In m. .
ultra vires and void.
' ****d '
that the prcsldeat rosy lay down ntlet
(or the Internal policy of Bit admlnutfatkio. and may require bis chief exofbeers. dependent upon bit
pteasore tor their terms of cfflre, to con(erre lo them or else to sever their offlelal reUtlon* with him. and In that
aenae the rules i
plalnani were t
snwit of such rulrt It a matter between
the president and hit cabinet, and not
a matter for the court, or one In which
the cooiiilalnanl Aa> any lr*l interest
“All that 1 mean
atate In this opin
ion la that the rul.v In quMtlon were
pot such aa the clti; aervUt- act authortaea and do hot derive any efflewey
from that art. t knoiv-of nothing more
Important tc the Inlrrcott of the ctiuntry than the iwllcy which the cUil ser.
vice leglalallon was Intended to inllUtv
and promote, and it U perhaps a matter
of great repivt that l>e art of Jan.
H. UdJ (the civil service acf). hat not
gone further than It does But M la
my duty to cooatrue It at It la.
ganerwl ^ad Ibe authority lo remove
tbe rompUlnanl - frvm oBlce at hi*
jdeasurv. that this Uv makes no change
la thto resticrl except lo focMd rv
movats fur refusal* lo eohtrfbute lo
partisan objects: Ibal the power given
to the commission and the preRdent to
esUldladi rule* lo carry that act Into
sSsn dors not aulh'irlse any rule
Which dhall make a change ht tbe
fa IhU. rr«siA-l:
d to tbe relief praj-ed.'
new or THE rnMMimoN.
I 1* Mel telmtowl I* (
e, n Is Awmicd.
That the 4tv
Dot regard the darMoR of Judge Ctox
as Inimical to the senice Is IndlcBted
by the foUoaing slaUmeot made by one
of tbe mem)^ <9 that body: “Th«.
oiUnlon of Judge Cox In no way affecu
tbe binding character of Ibe iiregdenl's
order ui«-n all ofBcera of the servlcr.
The iwesident has sulborliy Inherent In
hto oflUv to make removal* The Inteat
wa* that the appointing offlcvr in mak
ing removal* should Iw put on reeurd
a* lo the .grounds t-f his artlOD and
id give '
heard I
tbe aivused an opixiriunlly
In bis own defense. It wa* deemed
that this artlon would prevent removato
for Utber.caustv than the gvod uf Ibe
aert icr. Much an cudrr dors not In Ibe
least impair the power of discipline nor
Impede the (iroper exercise of the power
ofremeval. it simply serves as a ebrek
upon the api>oiniing offlcvr who acta
from |>otltlral or less worthy motives. .
“Tb* apisilntlng ofBorr who acts wHh
aele regard l<- tbe best taterssts of (be
service will deem It hut JuR to tbe pub
lic and lo the employe aBectsd that a
record be made It wa* the lack of
Just such records as Ibea* that baa
given q^MnuDlty to the cHUcs of the
dvU servic* Uw since Its ennetmenl to
charge that removsto from tb* public
service have been mad* mainly for poimeal rtwsona The fad to that the
tnajorll/ of removals have been made
Bor perfeeUy proper reasons but berecord (Uffervnt
exposed tbemaelt
tiee with highly benelk
the new ordar merely makes t
y to all pan* of tbe e
T»e. Ofc
............................... .... .
haae removed tor poHtlcal reasons becaaac no rwaapn was required to be
given by thoae In authority, la rsquirlag raaeoM beocafoRh to be given the
MV order wtU. It to bilisTtd. Urge)*
toiM rkl. itoasaa -
AUorasya at Law.
Mhcsala Moeiagne atock. Tnrm* Oty. MtohBVsiSEliS CARDS.
I illiosnt. Aitoc-wy aad Co*
Laa Spartsl s>.SBUee W <
paruwaelag DirrsstfK.
Hotel Whiting
V/fARIB g. aORTUX. M. D.. rkydrlah had
iXL KargMMi asalsssti^ to TtB-urm ORy.
' Tratebse CiTT, Mich.
AHeaMdts'TBssIM (Mbsr so the game
Chlraxo. *ept. U-—Two electric can
et the Buburtwo Electric rallwar col-,
'lidea while numlnc at fuU ipeed aloof
the otnrtcti of alnvle leach ob Harlem
aeeoue aouth of HarriMta etreel in LaUrance reeierday munUng. The ac«.
drat bappeiua ]uM before T.o-cloch.
when traSc wat heavy, and beartr'all
the paaeenvere with which both cars
were crowded were lajured. The motormen-J .Moepbr aad John JaraleoawiU die. The followla* ware eertocialy
tBjursd: Conductor J, E. Harvey. Aur»t huacta. JohB tioawilr. l^i*
OroedeL rranlt Beatty. tUebatd BchaudeU wniiaiD otto. Roy Bloom, nionias
Robert. EUaa Meredith. V. 8. McKee.
Charlee WhliaeU. W. R. Ryae and AuSOM TuMl.
It which btiBi
and M CMThSed and t
TrUI JarOnr Balebery a
Charm’d wM h the heeaadatUsd HU rath*. Uraaw
aed eklldrea . dMeasss Bm U. RstrtWha.
I Tluredar,Se|i|emtol8rJ|9).
Om Day Only Skoh Uomtk.
Columbus. Kaa.. 8epl. tl.-A story of
crHncs rIvBlIr.g the deeds « tbe notori
ous Bender fair.lly corim lo light in a
arrM and Strictly
murder trUI now lo progrem here In the
district court. Ed and George 8ialle.
back, brothers., ard tbrir mother. Mru
DRk. Rk-B-A O
George VUton. art accused of tbe mur
der of Praak Galbraith In June lest at Auhaw ae4C<AMUi>|
Galena. Kan The ctidence le so direct
that George gtaBeback and hie mother Bean. BMaaek. and !
found guilty of murder
In the tint and eacond degree, respect
ively. and the trUl of Ed ateflebsrk Is
still in pmgrese. The family were heep- <» a.eiicflsc trow liw»tB»s*. aaa without the as* of kaila essotic or llgstaiv. Com* sad b*
ers of a dive in O^ena.
was ahiA to death ard roblsd In tbe
aouth-bound car. which wat to have place- fullowing a quarrel with the
passed the noetb-boond car. where the mother and sorA over ihr wumao'ev»aka*R»*, weean give perwaasaiirwUrf. Abaolaueetw* esara
double track ends tailed to notice that daugbier. His body was thrown Into
-----aJCOCAHCEBB enrTS*ltb.niiaei«U. Salle. palBoramr. Kes wtbud*.
he bad ten the double track. Before
be could reverse hie ccmiroller and run
this sf s ■hrrt^ titete Rwrder.
back the norib-bound car «ame along
Mrs. Geoge atafWS^w^ of George,
ai full MMsd. the cun cellidlog with ter- and two other Inmnirt of) the bouse
rllk force.
gave tseeliarep as tv W fact* of the
murder, and fro;.-i lhi>flirrtse* ew(. I
inmFWbs M waahle to rwll eaa veil* hill
■seesi so tte Boll VIsM.
drnces of ar.otber triple murdi-r at Gavm. * capital ot itawi.
■Chicago. Sept. U.—League bam ball lerA has been ncurrd Their »u.r> Is **“TSviiof
rwto-naible and well known
rscordt'yesterday; At Broc8'.yn—New that two girls from w.sierr. Kansasw.re baser ywu lake wx-eaaca* If you emplaj taew. Tbrj
Tork L Brooklyn t; at Boston-Phlla- vlallt^ at the WUn>o dive by an atdelphta 4. Boston ID: et BalUmore- qualntamv« -Mike RUBeliack—another
Chlcsco I. BaUlmorv H: at Cleveland aoc of Ibe tVllsoci w oman who U now ic
--8I. Louie L Cleveland i: at LouUvIlle Jail chirged with burglary—liycante en
—Pttuburg 10. Louisville t: (second raged on account of Jealousy and killed
game) Pittsburg f. Louisville t—flve to. tbe man and two girls with a hatchet,
ttie bodlm were Ihr- wa Into an abandtmed shaft. At Caivna a force of men
ioSLerc League; At 8l Paul—Kansas upumplng out the itiafl In an endeav<r
City a at. Paul S; (eecend game) Kan- to find the bodies of the other murdered
City f. at.
l>etrclt «. Cntumbue H:
-Grand Rapide 1.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
v.-~—^ „„
«rud KipMi t iBdiui L1
“ DRS. B. S.&CO.
Look Box 160.
- --
Wesierti Assoctatloe; At Kanma City
at. Joseph t, Quincy <: at Drs Motnes
d Aflee Trytag U
Mllwwukee. aept U.-A special to Tbs
aentlnei from Port Washiiwtoa. WU..
says that Archibald Kelao. who was
wanted In Plllsbucg tor murdeHng his
fatbrr In a most brutal manner, and
who has been follcwvd thoussmds of
mllee by deitvtlves, wa* chased Into the
water, and ir'te almtsl certain that be
was drowiird. Detective Arthur Black.
of P1tls)>urg. was thrown Into the Uke
by Kriso betore betook hit fatal plunge,
and Black was rescued by Mum* Quid.
fun. another PHtaburg idelw '
as he tiruught tbe Dearly drownMl
ashore, had to Bghl o« KeIxV* pals
with his itlslol, and It to presumed that
b* badly wfiinded one of them.
On Sept i;. ISS*. Heno' Kelso was
modrted at b« htAne in PHMiwrg; bis
head was cut (rum thetrunk end burled.,
while the >-dy wa* Ihr-wn into the
M>r»sigab<la river It wa* wofci lesra.-d
murd.T wa* committed by bt*
dar Raptde 11. thibuque t.
Cn>w* at Uwah amte
Dea Mcilnea. ta.. Sept. U
mated that 10.000 vtHtofe
—_ _ _ _ _ _ —
_ _
_ _ ,
Trains esme In secUons of ten and I
tsrelve coaches each. The apeciaclc of ;
■aicge of Vicksburg- was' wit-■
neaped by «i,000 people Monday night,
and thiir et-ening the grand Renl Ora
Bed parwdewill Iw^veh on brilliantly 11lumlnatcd and gayly decorated streeta
mit PHm la A
Raglnaw. Mich.. Repi. IL-The Ulchigan ttalt ass-xialluo yesterday ad-|
v«DC«d tbe-litioe of sail In (hU elate 10
CenU a tstrrel. the secrevd adThnc, w llhtr: tixDfd^a To outside agent rs the
8ali !• now
■r banal against IS nibbrry
. uevas the dvtectlv,-* arrvfivd
Puruo county. <• T.. rlgbl weeks
tn char
agCL On hi* way Iwek «a*t ta
Beary OeocAe Is suSeriog from a of detecilve* be Jumped through a c
Btrcke of paralysis.
A case of glanders has beep reported
s not again rounded t
at Maine. OnUgamIe county. WIs.
Twenty-four pereons were killed by a
colUsioB on the Arilloauia railroad in
rise Eew Ca*e* at New Ortowst and Pm
. Tbe llllnelt grand lodge of the InUkoty To tie Addsd Today.
Order of Good Tvmplara It
New Orleans. BepL U.-The oOrtal
lo aewstna In BprlngMA.
bullHIn of tbe board of health for New
Big ewae* of typhoid fever have
>-ewterday to as follows as ofmpotted lo the health oBcer
Elroy. Bctally announced by tbe eUle board -of
WIs Two deaths have occurred.
The IlUnoto Blalt Nonnal unlverwlty hsaHh: Cooromlog the ortginai twekv*
suted by Dr. Wwida. of the
I Normal has opened with an atieean<« of ovee f». the largeac tn Its hls- sanitary Inspeciioii departmmL on perBoaal observance that three already re.lory
seriously lU are decidedly
A distress warrant
filed I
against the Veteran Union Leagae at • *>“»>' recvrtvd. Of the three new cwa«*
1 decUlwd yellow fever only one Is conThe Hank of Durand.llls has mSdean i
seriously lU. positir* cases of
a«ienM.-t In
vT^.ietj.^ I yvUow fevef have been declared lo exlsl
B. Wl^Tehrad. of Rockford, Illa .'belS ! ** “'«■
»•'*»»• I" ‘i)!*
- T*"
named at asalgnce.
sirevl. CarroUton: one
the idalnliffa the heirs of the UU Senator Pair The Jury failed to «gf«a.
Mydlrlnv creek, a amall uream whose
■ourr* I* In Iowa and which runs
through tbe castvm part of Livlngslim
county, Mo., to found . abound I
Ci.lonH Gustov Pebst, a sur. of the
Mllwaukre mlRIonalre bresrer. manted
at Venlor. lair of Wight. Mlia Hulda
Lemto a daughter of the mUUrmalre
tsvwer. W. J. Lemp. of St. Louts.
Bccaui^ she,bad been ebaatiaed (or
disobeying her pa,rvntA Laura Bloodgood. H years ol^ atitmtpled lo end
her life at her home In Harvey ((^ilcagu
suburb), by drinking carbolic acid.
J. a-OuDning. of Odar Raptda. La..
It al Glenwood. Colo., looking for traces
tbe in-faied train which sraa wrecked
near New CasU* toal Friday mnnang.
Tb* beading mill nt Cumberland. Wla..
owned l>y Ooorge Luff and others aed
opefaied by Keyes B Cole, burned to
tbe ground, entailing a loaa of ST.M* oe
mBl and stock. Lesurance, iIdw «e
The WasUrn Sir
ButfalA wbl^ has been
strangeat comblMUons in thla country,
baa been tonken by cmepeutlon aed
wUl dimolvc at the end of the present
The atfikliig tramasra at tba
at U>* oU wag* rata Tbe aenoaM*meat that tb* mine would be dosed (or
sn IndednlU time brought the mag
The body of WllUe Koch, tb* It-yearold son of RlUtom Koch, of Abnaps*.
WIs.' who dtoapgitarwd from hto home
*ev.yrai days ago. was found In the Meer with a stone weighing about twenty
pounds fastened to hto neck.
With a party oonelitlng et ax-Saaator Vltoa aad A. L. Saaborn. et MadSBOB. Wto.. aad C. P. Bpooaer. of-MIlvaakea. Bcaatar Bpooster kaa g*M to Tdlowatoaa park aad Jaetaaah BUs (Be a
huatlag and a*tag tup. Ika party wU
be goM about thns waska
** ®**‘ ®' ‘ *■"'**
ing ell
/ inlectloo. AU c
e guard and alrlrt quaranlloe e
.....to*.. -|pSS!
is Ornamental aad no ei
Si LobU I
TTSlMamrefroB OoctssslU. OtwsS Rap-
fr'^fiSerd^iptos. petod. — •
lM*saatlh>p.w. J. ,
^ U LOCEWOOD O. T. A., OrsnO Ra^.
Chicago ■«
West Michigan.
OaO Dg RA’
:= Milk Safe
kslos.psnrlrBdi. to-mer iiwn seBtllSied
atldSe-ctosks s
dADgvr from Uial e
aide of the aliovr
there, are four susj-lclous rases* which
“ •KTOTICK-No* U tb; U.,„ to ssv, B«.eTr,5 I
will probably be added to the list today.
WashlnxK-n. Se|.t. U-—nlgbrs
•advice* from the yellow fever dUtrict.|,„..,________________ ...
_______ _____ , ______________
n-ntained the following Information:;
n: 1 boi
sot apmar.
a* aabr
saar mil to.
iv bot
bet ^l■ceon»tf> *»w-1 smeLTiexe*
t'lir. Mlcb.
Mtcb. iw-tf
r. 'S.M.nM
ss. j h"k£“^^*s,'S2: ^
Mobile. Dr Gelteras reports three new «»d> are rtoased ansasllr. k'wkamr to >u.ir BoUl Whiitog. fas-U
Ivgin to sssutne an^pld«n^^f«m
Hto*. ' Dr Oulteras has been
lo proceed lo Sdwards. Miss,
amine a sus]4clous ease cf slckD
dedtoon over Bddic Coandly. of New
Bnwtowich. last algfai after twenty
rounds of sUB fightlag. In tb* earllce
stage* at tbe flgfai Ziegler forced tb*
pace and dearly ontpouxed Cueadty.
After the tenth and deventb rounds
Connolly braced up and gave tbe Quaker
aom* hard punches, knoddng btm down
ODCk After tbe ftflecatb round Ziegler
agkto started In to mnk* Ibt work and
set such a hot pace for Coaiiollr tltol tb*
Now BihDswIck man was very tlrdd at
the wxL _________________
sprlngseld. XUS.. StpL U.-Tbe gold**
tplke of toi^ BLLowla. Pcotto sad Northan railroad was driven' yeatarday afternoon by Mayor Wheeler, el BprlngBeld.
The laytBg of tbe track hatwM BprtngAdd abd Peecto wUl bow b« rushed to
Parta. 8VL U.-A great deck atrOtC
to immlaaDt at Havre, ta eaaseqaMCS
of a (efuMl by (be BRiploywi ta f(Ut
Prupan ta attaad Oraad TravutM
Oauatyrato. BspL SI. 88. 88 and 84.
T°J5fs£/s5?sii,taaif STS
3 roa tfkit aiMto k
lekwAto essuTbw**
—Watcif Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
/XDU- VANTED-Ooed atmdr
UTwmu a.irnmaamr plae^.
J-Money to Loan
Ever Barned Out?
PA90SIB * OaomR. A
PrauRta *a attaad Otubd Tcav
OauRty Patr. •epk. 81.88,88 aad 8*.
o. P. OASVBB. Acant.
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