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The Morning Record, December 31, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Two (Mels.
Fust Y9u—^So. \%^^
You Have Several Photographs
of ckBdldsUe oe the first reralsr meetoseb of the twelve little glrie Isrltod
lar after Peb. M. As the loesl lodre
were reqaeetod. io preUy Udtts. wee euccmefol la the former eoatest.
tleoe to Mur Uelr doUtee to meM
SOftKZBU X>XATR 07 J. & ‘'MSrrorlte.’' Ix>U' dolMs The sfter- t. tLr P. BVOXABT TO KXSTiby which they raiaed e hsadaome
IMewbolo rs*«<i
that a
KA&TIV or UrrXKLOOBXV. Boos wme SUed wiU pleseore for
______ L{like smoBBt of eathoMaam will W diethe little folio Ssd the party
Cm sad iMtsatly wUl lonr Iw reoMDbered se <wo la ^ City Van tr^oaday to i pleyed la tbU iaetaaee.
^ ^ imerioed. BeOoaaider the Piepoeed liae to AatXiU«d-Ww AttJetsd With DMf- of the
Tm at Mrs Xeadd'.
> were eerebd 6s little' tstoae Bay—Xmelaaaa Oosa^ Toopla
MM sad fkU»i U kssr
TndaMra. Fisak 1
blee sad the vleode were amde la mlo*
An Sathaaiaatle sad tho Project
eeeelBX a aember of Udiee at V
istore. the losToe of bread betar la
la Balat Fashed.
keeplnf wUb the
Tbe petmpeeu for the propeaed tell- aali^ •
. A hacriMt sMiaMt occmrfd «a the while UayUyeroslteeASd otfcor deli_____ Tbeaordlal hospitality «f Ure
ewdwwere cqoslly dimloBUr^ The road from tbU city to Sattoae Bay t
M. A N. B. 7Ml«Fds7 St ll
lookler very eaeoareclar. Tbe eo
Meade made the oeced^cia one at Mpeets wbieh A. V. Usrtla. s
d to owapUe eUtteUa
^ Millie T^^
em. BelM lUaaea,
■ertihsat of thst plte* «fsa ImimUj bett.
_____ sad look after the rirbt «f way b*'
jo^lae Ds^_ Qreee
Tke TkUia m w^lclnr siosf U«
The aiy Ufaraiy wiU ohoa today
side inck liMiar from It* Wj-lto Paaale Bleekbais. Baxel Kritoe. Oeaey- ero aat are new rcsdr to UUc bumaeae
Oooporat* Go's world whra be wsf latte Ebaer sad ttarysret Chmeroa. j sHth partlee who may become acUve ia Instead of tomorrow. Beriaataw XoBtt of the re- day. Jaaoaiy >. aad ti^pril I it will
stntdc by a Umia of flat ears beia« Tbe liule baateee sad Mis. MIlHkea | the- project.. A
switched to the mala Mae by the I “ado the ooeaeion shappy ese for ailiiosMM.ot the
the jforUoB of LMlaaai be opaa evoiy afurdooJ-'fram t to S;
laty to be entered and affected by Tuesday
Baturday ovealags from
fcedrht train lesTiar Tisrerrt at. la the roeete aad their doUlee.
Hoc has bMD tent «:M to sma
ratar. The aecldeat eecurred
ef the Peaasylvaate rsll^
Shest to o'eloek. Ibe freirht tisla
I way system aad they havo eommaniof alaa ears aad fitteea fist!
od with Presldsat J. B. P. Hn(bart
by the {Persecuted Oi|iaea Bouybt Offlhtel
the O. B- A 1. who has'^vee the What'a the matter iritA
belDA ppehmi by
gModoa to' the fiOanthtet
fiOanchtet eof As
matter evefol eoaetderatioa. .The reU t
a pade
vvade at
earlBv- T^cctI 1>
Baomy. bat Didn’t Get it
h that a meeUar has beea ar*
fihat pciat aad It la difBetiU to
Probably the most stertllac reqoMt
M the eornmlttoee aad
stop a tiaia at short aAlee. to which a pnblte oSetel evsr had oeeala thU lastedee It aeems that Martin slos IO coBsIdsr was presented to Proe- Preeldeat Huefaart to take place la
TravoriiB-eity next Wedneadsy.
weaaot dlseorerod OB the track antil
ecator Twaddle yesUnUy. A party
The work of the committee has
the trsla wm too aesr to be etopp^ td liviac b short dUianoa from ths city
•hows thst the farmers aad basteces
ttma .While it U cideat.tbat e «lr
te Leeteaao conaty slow tho ptosaltoatopim rivca ae eooa ae the aaees at the haadeof aaether. Be is a
pooed ronte s^e onthutesUc and that
AaaCM ef the man was dkeowed. the
tew abldiaf man, thoayh poeieee
the matter of rifkt ef way wilt eo^fact of hU bolBC very deaf probably
eertein personal characteristics
>o difficulty, at least west of the for a C^riatmaa or Kew Year's
aacpotte f« his sad fata.
reatrally aoqnlrsd by the erdlaary
y ^e. Two reutee
Portly after the aeddest ooearred citlMB. fie has lately eyiaoed a
preanit? We hare a nice lot oi
Cetoaer Veoa la thb-dtr was aoUfled.' yearatefi to be rid ot hh per* der eeaeideiaUoa Oae is to follow the them in every styU and finish.
Ha went dewa on the AM train to bold seentor. bat eooAht to do it lefally M. A R. B. from tho elty to aatekb White EBanel, Antique Maple,
sa iaqaeetaooompaaied by Undetabertff •a^ at the aame Ume efieclnally. Oreselar. aad from thero ma to <hrp
Aahbm. A jury was impaaeled by Therefore he determlaed to ysla the LAke thronch Blafham. theaoe aorth' imtiqne Elm, Afih. Mahogany and
JasUee A. K. Cards aad ths .erdlel eoneea.t of the asthoriUes to pot hie oast to SmtODs Bay. Aaother say- Birch in equre and tong glam,
wae that Marda came to hie death by paemy oat of the way, la response to Sest^ roelo b aloor the Bay shore, dl- patent dust-proof drawers, and we
reettoSottoasBay. Bveiybodyte
* beinr ma over by. a tr^. by aoeldeat.
at* selling them at prices tbai will
fhte detvmlaatioa he vletted the proo- tor the road aad the
ne employee of the read were omecBtm' yesterday aad sakad permf '
aioMid to have impmead the offieteb surpriae yon.
to kfll the party who cave him so moch
\ The traia was la ehaiye of Coadaelor troable. Whstever mirht bs the mdh* meatlMsd vary favorably. Frank
Kirefauerof anciaaaU. pramdeatof the
q F. Da.ls, who teeUfled that Ue
lu ia the case, the preaeeotor d*
, ha. al^ya
proper sifaal was ri.ea to stop, also
it hte duty to. refeee his official ma
favotoda road threork Lor
the dyaal by the eaclaasr as
to ibopiopaaedcrime, bathe eoffiMt and the laatur bow in coask
as the rasa, Ws discovered ot
ed other memos, which while sot qolte b beiac rivaa mack atteniic
■tnek. A saow etorm prevailed •
so bloody msy relieve ihe per
ui-ias Fiuat 9k nAVBBSB CITT.
Kfrehaor boUovM .te Leeteaen
ladividasl. at least for s tims.
as well as la the Omens reoort aad kas
At first
VTUat-lnfl«siioeatbbeommsud wbieh
- than oae awn wae discovered on the
may be ealbwd ia the prtijoet. It b
track, but they were supposed to be I
expected that be wUI.be aV the meet...u..
1-Wr It ,™.4 .Utu 1
Hu WU««1 . Ml.Inc Bcxi Wedamday if be SM. reach
ethers on the track nemror the train
aioeary and wUl On There to Diva.
«at off bat fltarUa remmlocd. Before
_ fist _
ChnU have been received by frieade
he. was struck by the first
ear ___
,at the moeslmeetiBC, aad who will
aot bear amtber did be bear Uie
Mbs Paeaie Ivee mMt l>rmldeot Hurbortwe:
wkbUe o'ftae««tee.- After strikteA “<* Rw. Alton S. Brooka T^y ^11
year PHOTOS. We havo a comalete
jufer with TuUroad -------- vw.
thetrm- wsat aboat forty I ^
line of Pictaio Menidtego aad will flU
IB OB riAbts^^/wsy. all nrdeio promptly, if we have to work
E. J. Peck. H. M. Cote. B. Smith. Sr.
all aigkk
I dracred
of your friends, or periiape tome pivtty bit of tcenery.
would look eery fine in a Mat with as many opeuingB at joa
bare picturot. We have some new Mat Board that jartmttelf
the ralort of the photo. Se« how niotly they haiBonize.
S9C raoffT snterr.
ti. b. hollet, mibibi
U called to oar line of Water Color, Cnyoo. Paasepartont,
Mat and I>r«wing Papers, Water Color Bomid and Raw
8Uk Papen. All colors and atj-lea. Tbs flneat ever
sbowii'jn the city.
Ha'skell’s Bookstore.
AWeg ^
Odd Drosstr
for yoD tom
' at any other Uma
Mach M you waak
OUerTteUags at 4c te 10c a yard.
From twenty to fifty
per cent discount—
On Short IrsiiS'ths
ADd Eomnants-of—
Am boToad raeonittem.
Warm Shoes
Overgaitors <>’ /
We Can Sell Yon These Goods Very Cheap.
411 SeeU Uaipa Sk
eoUeje coano. They, -c married by
Bike win fteoeyre A PliMaat On*
the Bishop te Cbleare.
iMvlay at oaoc for their mw field of
labor abroad. Mra. Brooks Unght te
Tonlgkt-wUl be tbe aigbt ef all tfaa
the Travetue City echoob for some year for the Elka Trsverue at^l^ge
time. Dp te two yeata ago, and has a ha»eentoolafiarge*omker of iavitaKonatod DMr Wtiieb te Almeat
liMtof friend* Amn who wUl cxtead tiOM aad the aaaual eoetei eSksion wUI
▲U WUte.
and wtsbMfor. beoneafthelwettethe htetory of tke
Jim PUbMm the texidermtet. bM a happy fniure.
lodgw Thero will be a large aui
-Aabbed the mouuOaf ot a deer wbieb
of Blk* from oat ot tba city proMat
b a freak of aatore and a lunmikable FOBBSTXBA AWDAZ. DUMIBB aad Ue oveut vriU be a brUlteat OB
^Imen of Ike dear speetee. It b a
fruterasl clrclea
bunk two yemrs old. alaiaat eatirriy WUl Take Flano Vew Toaite Day to
white, exoept >bcntl ihe . neck. The
Bo Poltowod by a BalL
Aega are almwt pure white end the
Tbe Forosten are aaUclpatiog
body white with small browa Sj
graad Urns at their annual New Ym
It mlrht properly be termed a white dinner to take place ia their ball in the
tome Baida
Am. Tha knimal ^Millled te the Broach block itetardsy afternoon. Tbs
Pitwocatiag Attoney Twaddle fase
uppm .penlMBte aad
sent here to meno wUl Aw elaborate end tbe feast
B. Bristol, who b a frie^ of the nant- wUibeeaJoyed by the ForMteis
; limits a
Y' who eaeared ik Tha deer will be their tamiiiea Thb baa beea the
Uem tea rigid sarvoUlaace which mky
-placed on exblhltioB today te E. & tom for several ymrs with the Forest*,
lead to aaoibar reaovatiag te a short
Miller's drof store.
era sad the aaousl dtener b looked for Uma
ward to with (freat plMure, A graad
ball will foUow in tbe evening.
Loot fiSOO In Ohecka
While William Auger ot •MDwaakee.
Daploaaaat Badxag of a Sleig
LOim STBTOXBB'S TBOVBLBB. rM te Ue [MtoSa^yrnfarday he laid
gtofiSOO, OB
A sleighing pdFty of yaoag boys Bo Boake to Haro AaoUor Put Uodesk aad daring an ataMBoe fiurn ft*
dor BondAto Bmp Ue Pa«*
desk a moment Ue cheeks ware ebolaa.
Lqol* litryeler came te Ue city from Auger had jaet remlvod
* one of B. J. Morgaa'edoable elelgba Long lake yesterday for Ue purpOM
from Msaa Bum. of MUuvaakae, for
and team, when on Wetater etreet Ue of swearing oat a warnat for Ue ar
team became fr^fatened and Ue
rest of a yoaag maa who lives aoar kb
who WM driving lost eentroL
^ace and whom be.elairaod ks* s»- Auger tailed te kb oearch for Ue.
urateg s eoraer Ue sleigh Upped eaolted and Unateaod klm. Stryekar
eheeka. bathest^ipaq paymoat apon
aver sad Ue bi^ were dumped oak
fears for hb persoasl mfety and
Uem at Ue loeal banks and te. eoatiaFmtaaately aooe wm hurk Tho
te have Ue m a pat oador b
uteg hb qaori for Ue party who ^
team kept oa and tbe sleigh
propriated them.___________
keep Ue peace.
The outfit tlaahad upon
ed kmaod by PrasMBter Twaddle sad
State straot Mwarde Ue.hara bat
will pewbably Am served today.
PaRB Bald for $8000.
ware ffplag too tMt to turn. TMy
Oarpet sad Okethl^ I
IF SANTA CLAUS didntbnngyona pmrtd
We rare
Still Very Busy
at'6c yard
cbolM pauaraa, value Sc.
IfteitlieRysli, What?
Rush Shim Mora, of Course
Our Cloak
wiir be especially
busyjiB we are maXlnx
Taking Prices on some
of tbe latest product
kept dasblag do antU Union street wm
V. A. B. S. SAaeiiaa.
ly te aotte AoosUUm sad Uero b a
roBcbod Uen Uey turaod down and
At Ue aaaaalmMang.af Ue loeal pnmpect of ahealUy teae for ,
strock Front etroek After s lisrd m
time te eomo.. Teaterdsy B. J. Movgaa
- to Park etreet the outfit etmek a firo tMUDoh of Ue Nat
kydruat aad the eleigb wus badly dam- StaUoaary Eogteoera. heU laat night, Mid bb pUe^ four nUIee oonU of Ue
aged. Attar Ue kenee bad treed tkem- Ue followteg officers wore mectod for city, kMwa 4 the Murray farm, ooaMlves Uey kept on uatU Uey reached
sbtteg of M a^ya. te A. Domoaih^
>e epsuibfr 7—r:
for fis.ooo. Mr. DumoaskeUe wQl u
PrMldeat—M. White.
Ue bare agate and turwod in. Oae of
OB Ue plaee oooB aad make it hb b
Us koioes was hurtap Uey were etopVhw
Secretary—A. W. Blank.
Be kM been locpted on a farm about
poS by a wagoa ia the ban.
r. W. BaggaiA. Urw i^M east ot Wlliteawburgh.
Troasonr-<Qoarge BaU.
wUeb be has rocaaUy eolA
Coadaelor—W. TravtaVM. ft. . KuW* O.T.1 BUMk.
Doorkeeper—W. E Dswitk
Vaiqus Party atvea By Xmte Xhaohor
1%* Good Tam^ars wfU Am eateiAtthe Hoim of'Hra. if. V. HHUbaa.
Loot a TalaabU H<
taiaed 8q.Urday night by
nc most uDlqoe and dallgk^j'avoHa
>. Ud by E. B. AUya.
U«t eight a valaabte k
sBbpartyetUsseaooB was glvOB hy
Uttfe Lob Tkaqkeryesterday aftemocm teg to B. J. MiBgsB dtod.tfter a sorm gavel Meek' ba* 'boon oSeeod by Uo'
a fiao draft bene val- Oraad CUof Templar te Uo Aodga te
at tkefaeBeofh^aaBt,.Jln. J- W.
lUoBteteialUaUagUelarfMta ’
Mtmkaa. It was a doUtes' party aad
of all klndtf most
go. It will pay yon to
investigate. ■
wiiffiM nos.
Unquestionably So...
Thst A Flour U known by the results it produces.
That The success of the Flour is best judged by
the testimony given, and by tfiat judgment we are
Villing to stand. It is the •'‘BEST.”
Hannah Sc^ay Co.
_of AU Kinds of Dry Goods.
etbemf If no, now's yoof ehuce.
insbtinnst |o brfore inveotory.
Low Piios is the poWerfnl levar to mw them:
TBATS&SE cmr. - lacmoAJ
I. T.
J. W. 1
J. W. Hamm. Bdlter tad Mi
Mr. Md Mn. M. Pa—rttitl ud dMfbtvaf PMMkejr. ud Mr. aad Mta. J.
H. Stalabatr •<
aide, and bto rye «hatn»» andhtoknHa
to nd. and ny eye nerer learoa hto.
TbM ba paasM and bcodi low with
X had been lU with farer. Tbs' tall
*’6ablh,'' he Bannara. and hto rtdM
na that it waa a arreia illnaa
to etocalarly low and geailto. “I
that the oauoBe waa ter many daya' to __
fl. K. omdroraoaartraM OlUa Pla*
doobt. Twice, they aaidrtoy loot prana-1 .7^ dlaaMndl" I hooraaly amnnaT.
yaatoiday aa haMaoto.
ed CD the retga <d tba dark ralley, and ; h, ranoree hla tartu and alowly
Nya Jardaa aad B. 4. Padi w« o*« twioe waa 1 drawn bark. I know littla : o^rinda its Bsay folds. As bo doca ao
troB Sattoaa Bay y-tordayol thia prtfboelly. For two weeks <w
aecBi tiled with the matle <d
and a atran*a, tweet perlajoa
Darld Btobar ot Sattoaa Bay. w»a to BMn Iwaa either delirtOBi or anw-j
Christmas is Over!
But We H«t« > Hu. Di«I>l*y of
Soltebl. tor th»
HoUd.y F«tlTltl~. Al«i FuU Une
Bon Bonn, Ohoeolntss snd Bsst Oonfsetions-
if shadowa j ^ ^
uk« ■ atiOed aob.
« backJroBi tJ
W. D. C. Oermatoe Ktarwad froB a
Slowly the atnnear antrdda bis rnrjrip to Detroit Wadneoday alyhl.
ban. and aoddealy eat of it leaps a
Leri T. Paaaiartoa la k—a 1
BT enfeebled ^ydna
Sd that my
Ctaat labile pebbto. Ba Jilto it beteo
Oomer PnriE snd Front.
Bacon Oty to Praaque lale ooaaiy.
lion acOBDtaated tbe artion of my braia Be betwixt bis lean brown .tfauBb and
1( seemed as it the rest i bad ^ren it— fa^niteT. and 1 know that to hto othar Branch Sttoc roar Mamie htoek. aa CaioD Street.
* Mra. W. O. Braaer ol Oraad BapUa.
hand be bolds the nd knife.
'*Tbe diamoDd ot tbe niaaB. aabih,”
to to the city rlaittof the fanUy ^ A.
. threw a peat denial tboogbt into tbe
D. Field.
As be speaks a sadden pay «f sonBaai. Botoky ol CtodlUae. to la the oainietiaD ol tbe first conoeeted aenenee 1 addrmoad to my man. TbUto Itobt tolls apuD the while pebble and *
He will fo
CUr, cdty Tidtto* bid friaAa
Blgfaly Rkary nems to fill (be roam.
My eyelids drop helon tbet *lan.
^ B^Wafoaor. owe ol theedltora bf
He started up hastily.
eeotbe brown Ian at tbe Indian bcaMl .
Bow U haa ome to p— la Kew York the Aldaa Wara. waa la the dtyyoe.
tirt Yrt. air. tottan and a lowet. I see bis fingers elatebin* at bis 1
^ wotoM Bay not aaoi« la ehotck. tordayooortoiU
knlto. Tbe room grosrs darii and yet.
the wleBraB."! aaid. aftar datkrr. l.peem to be slii^ipc bwky. '
Charlto Lebot ol Detroit, airlred to
BmmUj a lady fall aUoep U a ekareh
cpell <
for several weeks—so..good thst wefare
the city yeaterday lor a rtolt wlto C. U
to tkat cUy aad ker aaorla* ao
tortod toa MrTiaM that Uie potloa
DoBtoe ot Ehat Bay.
compelled to add
that By name? Is aeapebody call- I
^lad to aad aka waa airaatod and toMr. and Mr*. Ony ol Lather, are
is my I
me? Wbat u Ibis tbal bolds
to* B
kaa to Ike aUUoa kouaa. Why U tba rtoltiaf their daa*hwr. Mn. Georye
l^rr IS n>j pron>i"-«
, lumo ju
e hacAf Ko, m: let
Mat ao paraaeattor tba lair oaaa? CampkeU oa Weet BlckU etroet.
that abe era* at Ooloraup BptinK* wilh I ^
They Baat aot attond do* &*hta, anore
Loato Boae el MoStocaa. wko baa her invalid mother when Ifellill. I|
to akuvh Bor Uto thalr lorata 1%. poh- beee rtolUae the,la*lly ol Jallaa looked ai tieoTRe. Be mast have read
Surely somebody to eellto* me.
myqoeation He—-mod to make a moI open mv evee alowly, so slowly.
Ucplaeaa. What aait?
rutarv calealation.
Aercm tbeletelo^fey bed Iseetbeiaee
Er.TjtluiiK Fn«k in Oroc«ie«CPro»iMoii*
Allen McKee and W. H. KattaU ot
ot George leaninR forward, bis leatons
OoaoakaaMax BaccKaaot 8a*toaw1s Mantotoe. and. Bar«w Bdott of Grand
and Fresh Meat*.
to tbe shadow.-bi« eyes gleamili*,witb
Mt with the pradiotkB that Oararwor Haran, werayaeatoat dtonar at Park here today."
Mary wiw eaming. Tbe tbooRbt art triRbtmed anxiety, in bis band a tiny
ptoyrea wUl oaTer be ratoruad to the PlMO yeaterdayad on me like a tonic. 1 wanted *- medicine «lam ilut ntebaa admaling
•Meatiea chair. Be daema the canThe laBlly af Bor. C T. Stoat.
tbnw aside tbe blankew and leap tu tbe I
^ souligfat. Somebody else U tbere,
Adaey ot O’DoaaeU aa alfallcent aad ..setor ot Once church; hara arrlred to
GodsI And X eoaldu't i-vpn rane I •aorbady wbo bolds my bond tigbUy.
•a iadteatfea ot a oombtoe a*atoat the city and are at Park PUoe. peadln* my arm.
I somebody wbo rails again;
HJei flowets. Georpr." 1 mnrmund. I -Joha. dear!”
the eeleetloa ot a aaltohla realdaaoe
"Let in tbe eoaligbt. Hide ibear hut- \ | raise"my eyes a little hicbet. AnMea"
; other face it bciMiii« over me. a white.
Be smiled -a^
amooibed tbe blankeii
blankeir tear stained laoa
»M«y Happy *aw Taar •oaaanira .
H. Oane Died to This 01^ above ma•■EvFTytbto*
Ba Praaaatod to Baeord Baadant
m possible. Mr." be raid.
It ia thaeaatoB oa Kaw Yaar'a lor the
John ?}. OaaeolOadmae. died yew
Aa preanuble asp.issiWe? That note
MTTiar boy* ot the 'dally aei
—day Bonitoc at nine o'clock at tke of esce)i(ion most mean me. Never
ektaad to each aabaeribv oa hla roato
at hto eea. Qtorf Oane. oa Bind. Mary was coming. Mary loved FIVE REMS41KABLE TREES.
Death nealud me too vrell to lake offense 'af my
Waahtocton atioet.
-AT THEiv:^---a. appropriate addr—. ThU
•t^ke ei paralyato aafferad by
MB wUl be obeerred by the hoys who
"George.” 1 sulA "th* •"W ia still
jBCiarr* tost Sanday. The par^yato oatoMte tbere. Isnpposa. Beadthenewa.
The wbistling tree, cr Acacia flstala.
hove eo lalthlally delivered Tna Mom.'i- Waa the dinet rasalt af a kick to the
to foand in Nubia aqd tbe Sedan
.^-Uo^REcom every morwinf atoce it aide tram a eaw which Mr. Gaae re
’"S 'nsd to s»e lor half sn boar ea- The Arubr call it mflar. or piper, beator^ Few people rdolise what the
i^. nsd tbe newa Jnto ai it oame to eumaol ttaewbiwling sound that itinoceived a short time b*o.
datie^ a corrtor tor a daUy aontof
Dseeaasd was
years of ace aad hand__tei««raph, local. politicaL For.'doees. and tbe specific _
popw era. They
to Mlchlcan from Oaaada thlr^ a time bii vciee bai stosply a lullinjf , a wmd also mnning pipe or Hum. baa
owe of theB. And to order that tbe yean aco Be arrived with hto tomU^ effect. Then 1 began to Uke noon ol , bem given it lor the laiue reason,
, Mb—Ibenlmay cot their paper to time
tbe sabsisnee of wbat be re^ Vben 1 i toaerts tofew tbe tm and deposit
and movable effects by raU at ttodar bkd beard' all 1 warned. I bade bim tbeir eggs in lU aboota. A gall-hke oxA UdiM* All wool, lirown S:eno7 JAckot, ftacy aUk:
for hroaklast. tfiey must rlae earlySprinc* aad tram then they west ‘ atopantllet tbe sobsunte ol hii rvwd- onvesoce aboci an inch ands-h^ia
They Buet ba at the offlee ready for
lined thronghoat.Bt $6.60.
Cadillac by teaBS, Bweh of the way ing filler ttaroogb my braiu. As 1 soove dtameier
dtamner is prodi
prodand a tbe base of tbe
haalnm at 4;» to tho amratoc. while thnatb a vrilderiMsa. katoc obUcad
itaoou. and wbea the larvw hare
A ItodlM* bU wool. blA<^ KMTM7 JBcket, TelTet Inlaid
' alnaet evotybody else to eajoytoc cornseemed to hedd' my fancy to a peculiar emoged Inim cmVlar holm to tbe side*
eat a road Urouch the timber,
forteblc Bloe^ Ko sattor wbat the was the Brat white ssttisr to Issatc a wav. It waa a telegram which toid that of tbe tooow the boles. pUy^ upon by eoUar, nioaly braided, ibney ailk lined throo^toot. $7,76.
WMtber. the —Tier ' boy Boat hoBimtaad to the vietoity ol when
- ■' 1twun bad be^n rpb- I tbe wind, prodnoe a ----------.mam of- larHindua
A 304ncb pleeed fine Aatrakhan Oepe at $6.00. ‘.
I equal to that \prodooad by a sweet toacd
ha an band. *nd it to truly aald Cadillac aow staada aad tha lowaahip bed ol an almort'i
_ _ it« - undenctood be i
I flute
0t the hoaUBuelar thp Radoan. that
A Coney Fur Cape, 28 inch, $3.60
of CIS- Laka. which lacladcs the city vrhKb
Vietoris al tbe time . Tbe oow tree U ao mlled 1
dhay an alwaya on time at the ofBco.
Ladlea’ Eleetric Baal and Aatrakhan CoUarettea ^
WkUe eoBetlBeBtherpBholaaaWerler
A rton fudhtal serTloe vmi he held
tasciuaie me—tbe diamaudobutn the milk deep incinous are maoe i _
the papertob^
lat— ol the boar
troB the reaideoee ol Oeorce Oane this of tbe Biaam. filched Item ii^injisstal
«t celMnc it to. occaalaua-litUc daisy. BoralBC at 10 e'cloek aad tha rematoe owner, gleaming maybap fftfc tbd| into vessels placed rendy to receive it j
H to aot tbe fault ol^he carrier. TheraThis wgembie Bilk is white, smnewhai Isfa-tt oTjqy0 moaliB Q,uick Balos BiidONo Froflts.vrUl be taken to CadUtoe lor-------------tore each of tbe boys, growiag Into BoberlOaae. aaotber eoa. from Oto.
vtoud and has an agreeahle flevd, and
manbood aad:earalar moaey by tbeir Baaot.0..aadtheyocacsat-eoo. Wal queen. And Maty was ooming. Vbsla an aualyi.is of it tiiuWs that ia very {
CWB eapreetie eflorte to clotba tbea- ter. wbo.ooBductt the farm near Cad- gift lor Marv that diamond would be— ; ninch like the milk ol a cow to its oocd- j
Maty, my qnrenl Tbere wm a grange , posmon Tbe oow wee. gro^ « the |
oMem and
an-------------eaU.MU aid
MM> tbato^DscoM,
------------also hen. Then-is aaotber
ul the tuoauiaiu chain bordering <
mine iu my btad, Lot out <if It all
..-I . -a Ctoat
. .I—.
1 ll« lor (hair
deal -■>
their | ___^
“lac- Kantaa who will nog be able te
Front Street.
one clear Ibo^bl—1 would get M.. VeueraeU
Qlass Block.
•Bsrey and atrlct atuntion to daty.
re^bera: Bto^aaghter. Hiv Tboaiac tbpt diamood and give it to Mary.
The clulh tree is looud at Otabeite. to
Tha carrlen lor the B»»aD ^ pre- Bodgwa of Cadillac. arHvad yesterday. When 1 bad drtermtoed tm lbiH. 1 seem tbe Muih Ka- Tbe berk it taken off to
.-asat to tbe aubscriban tomorrow a
ed lo grow cool and oafcalaunR. 1 tral- ItaiR stniweud P«“
belplew 1 was physically, ■tat i „ nmning water The soaking saftest
Beat addrem. aB—prtale to tha aePXODDOI6 OF M0BTHWX8T
ised bow..........................................
will power, thank (iod. wa«. stiU ju «> Hmt the inotr Uber may be easily.
MaloB aad voteto* a saatiBent which
e my 'mind •spaiatfd from the test of the bait.
vriu appeal to erary-reader of the pa Ware Bbowa Bare to Hbcniflesatty
The flbt-ra are pot togciber to lengths ol ■
1 vrouid wiU him too
Hquippod Special Oar of V. P. Hy.
per. These will be ciwn-to the
aboBi ! 1 or U yards, and tbs leigths,
rlerf by tha publtohen, aad If tbe bai a
Tbe World's Fair exhibit ol the ton to me.
1 bad reed mnewbere that tbe soul are plaoed side by yide asiil tbey are at
shall be c««tad to relars by the F of the N’ortbetp Pacific Ry. Ca. atlrac
a body portfied by tbe lire of diarasf- Irnst 12 incbea in width, and two or i
frisada and the frienda ol the Encoan «d a *«ai deal ol atteatioa bore yeacM above tbe.cestrictioaia to ctnuaitB three Uyers (ff fiboa are pal one upon |
-with aoBctbloc to makeMthelr youaf terday- Tho ear to fiaely esalpped and clav Waa uol my aoul «> portfied? 1 swaber
The fibers adbtsv togetbre in om i
haarto ctod and enoourare them
to in'charge of D- M. Utowart. It U TO b'xcd my thought BpoD'tbe nlxam'adia
piece, and tbe material tboa Itrasd it;
ttonad efforta to please aad do their feet to length and to im oooatroctioa
To oor ctutomera tor tke liberal btdtday patronage
Red ukJodi roUlng rapidly; out ol . bmmnnpooaDiiootbTii««»ofwo.«luniil
daty well, the object of the addraas 175 different kinds ol wood are repiw
acconled OB, and aagnre them that we abatl cootinne to keep a
them a touch ol Wueaky. a whirl of yaihfcwmmaslhia at mutito. It ta then
vrlU be attained and the sabaeribera •ented. The car eontatos fiae epad- low dnst. a auu that beat down fleirely r^.wob«d to tbe air for a time. wbM it
full atuck vt tbe b«t qaality of Orooeriefi «nd ProrWon*.
■will raoelve a Uttie ueuvmilr worthy of
of tbs prodaeu of the aorthwmi. ttim midbeaven; tbewalla of a city, a | „ rvadv to be uiaile up into clotbingPrompt Delivery. Price* Alwaya Bigbt.
toctndlsg prtaervad Iraita. Biaesal
.narc;!* and towma. t -j-j^' .nugiup trve ol t^oeenrtand la
a plane to et«y
l; a city wito a huge I p),Miug to tbe eye. batdsnRerooslotbe
apeelmesa. threshed grains and gi^ns
• paimd to sod
and xotxb lu effects al« eari.wa It car ^
((-way tbn.ngb tabicb
la tbe stalk. vegeUblea. Barbie.
I Ihat'
array of attauge gartwd groat puiu to the ikts® '
R^mbar tbe carriw rbpy New
ks aud caris. Aud then a ha* ibe misfortniM- to g
aol, Tba carrier boy’i. addrma'wai be Is- give a good Weaxil.the reeearcea .
dicrv, and wbiw lurbeoed turn wttb
toaed toatorrow. Kvery Recpbh reader (hatcobnuy.
browu fan*. And ibcair.was bot and | ,tmi« is painfol in rainy w.aiber or
----------------------------: when to aur way it gen wet. b'r.-qufutdry . aird a strange bdor
' aboald bare oaA
Correspond irith
ly it is nrowwiry to dioto toirtos au^
The Ladles' Ubrary rooms will be
Tbrtsdn a rort»w by thn btfee ptrflah d<wg tbal bav.- been Muug by the tree.
the T raverse Qty
IbU alterpodu at the naual boors, i oaee ol •watoeton va. Beegmlller Da- 1 Dated a crouching figaro—a turbaned
instead of Satorday.
elded u Fsvor.pf Plaintiff
,*vutiti Hemiictu'native witb straug^ noR* to bis
Rather M. Lewla ol this city, vraa ^ The jury to th/eeeood trial of the and
■: (sn (sHioroto and-.\nsoua. Wben,. ^ Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plaok, Maple Flooring,
that gleamrtl with a i
' to tbf lm*t disturUti. tbi»biRbly“»'-i-■
ling whilcDom.
And no bim
gMici^y granted a. widovr'a paasiaa ; ease of bwi lat^vB Seegmlller
of. all
a jodgmsBtwM rendered to favor thoogfal oent.-ard. Then be urow* from
ot algbtdolton per month.
. Enpn, Set Works, - Carriages
le plaintiff
court, bw bi-ui puMtioe end idaBk tortb. As
a H. Kills has been dangeronsly ill. of the
platotiff to
to Joatiee
. Brown's
be iBionI amid the snarling do*s tbal odor.—D. V. F to Pbiladtophia Titaea
and Saws. A complete Saw-Mill Plant for salef
lor ten dan and U mill conffaed to ^ii yesterday afternoon, lor ti:5.«o aad lijopbt and yrlprd beyOod tbe City
costa. UeeRmllUr
beegmlUar bongki a stallion
borne, aiiable to leave his bed.
ol walU 1 uouced that lu tbe folds to his
iive then LOOO obelitia. to potitlmi
Swalnitoa In I'KI and gave lour prorala- ginurnu br bcld a Iodr. keen kaife.
The bid year wUl^ ha givou a^load
Hgypt. Two ol Evc-rand ariroi be Uxied ev.y hisahonl. tarowell tonight aad the acw wUl
paid, bat drr aa hr sloocbcd aloug And tbe no
he wslooBod by namoroas watch
gland, and tbe drsert spread btoerr
partisa. '
I the platotiff and him. and tbe diis* arose to yellow pnfi*
Thru cams two nslire soldtort ndiug
Llerut. Col. C. C Herroa ot (Mtogo. Patebto ;md Crotaar the defeadant.
D wt-ary borvea. and tbey cned out at
wOlheboreTamday. Jaaaary 4. and
Indlm wUl be inUrmted to tbe rag sight of Tbe footman. And when they
will apmk at tbs Toluntosrs' armory,
to wdm him toe knilo
127 8Ut« atroet. All ars .tovlttol.
flasbed. and «1» soldier toy silent at bts
Tho annual review of Traverse Oty earpeU bv tbe Waahbarav Croeby Chi -fret, and tbe other fled aerom the gtoam•Sooond Qaality Bnbbera ar« the
superior ing <Wn. and tbe knife was red.
Tknt, No, 871. K. O. T. M.; vriU be held ef fetmkey. by a aew
Business Has Been Good
New Stocks of Goods Constantly.
After Christmas Considerations
"We Extend
Hearty Thanks
if You Have Logs to Stil
Paste This in Your Hat.
(hla eventog aad oSeera will be elect'
Tbirr «<-n- rkinda and oonliiBed
aoenro. and out from them all tbe man
.ed. Afallattendenceiadmlred.
Priem lem tbaa Chicago rates,
Waabbarae Crosby Co. are now tUtog wub the ted kuite ineoard ou. to bis
The a A W. M. RaUway
a larwe airht-wbeeled an- aa order Jer tbe entire new Arlingtoa
ror, half dropmiton. tbe look to a
arorki and 100 fiat ears IroB the Pena- work it No. TTn every rospect. Kacili- baunu^ man.wbaaF Isia Impeli btot
tiro lor doing the largmt work in tb« foewatd. Then eDathtr rfty. a city to
sylvaaia Chr company.
wd walls and many hots mid
_Jht regnlar mestiag of tha Vf. C. T.
tow patome and stmebmtoJbe am and
tovy efrcalar.
D. wUlbshsldat^hosmof Mtv Ptbe mast* of abtra.
at wsVea, and tbe roaring
J. Cartto. State atroet this alinrooap
OhtoStc Market.
to tbe wind, aad tbe rauto to contogA
at ball past tw^ e etoek. Sohjset. 'S>ar
and to the midst to Ibe ship (be brown
Department Work." Mra. 4«hi
faced man calmly todiffetant to tbe
r of tbs
Tbsro isanw
lamUy to Mr. aad Mra. 4aliss D
bsrgthtowsek. Tbsaatiro fantilyDro
asMsnt and tbs oemMsa Is a hnpn
MlsB. BwMs* tbs BSBhi to tba
m-ty to thk tolg thn n irant
M^ cloodt andka^htottkitocba.
otto Mthiacnem. Myegmftnd thnm.
storm gatoa* at tbe wall to my room.
Md presently it opem and tbroogh U
•teia tbe man wbo croochad by tbs togy
QifvMi BnpUa. Dae. M.—Whmt. Me. •Mm BteptqrMcpbeeenmtoajbsd-
New Jenny Rubber Shoe Oo.
Cunnecticat Robbo- Co
Pan Bobber Shoe Ca
Fedeielh asd B*y Suie
Old Colony and Oiaat Rnl^r Ca
Keystone Jabber Oa
Rbode Island Co. and Woonasquatacket.
liook out for PUNCHED GOODS.
The BhOTe Bttbbm ere Deer at Any Prioa.
the old beuable shoexah,
118 Frail SliMt,
Woirimr* Block.
11 mu TO GOMEI
I mcBta M «cr«iiiit of tb« Pkclfte i»0lro«d
the totml iwli '
I wonlh weuW haxc FXC««d*d
pMidorM by aoproHiMtely ll.7».«0a.
I Tb* relunx* from la^rmal nrcBM
I auutxM «bo« * cralltj-luB larroM. Md
It Is «>t unllkst)- tbat tbr .Orambrr
W«tchlng th» ProgTw of Rort- sutsment will show sa »xc*»s ov«r
November of p.«SO.m AKo«*ttoer the
bro«ity Nogotwtiont a» Thoy
altustloo so tar 4R reveunes are «ooAffMt Thoir Product.
eeraed U very crailfylBr to the traaaery ometals. who conBdently predict
MOllP EQ 01 m OUlOl (USE. i ^
there will be a surt>lus (or eacb remain
Inc month of the present fiscal year.
Wni ls..W%.l.lbe A*a^ Casa
Washlncton. Dee. »-lt Is expected
lat the a\1I servlee eommlsslon will
-veattcate the mse ofCbUsctor Avery,
at Poet Huron. Mirh.. wbo-tec«iUy re
moved several depulle* for alleced e»oUtloDS of the dvll seo-lce rulea. These
WaahlnyUK. D«i. ».-Tbe lumberand ▼l^lio
lions. II Is s.1'1 Bi the oAce erf the
•Iber^Blercsts wblcb ml*bt be aflseted
be psdproclty ireatlsa are watcbtBC had paid p.liticel si----------June. !»»«. The comralsaUm
Pi the I
here all Uwi~coBceras tbdr special U
>nlaUve of ’ testify, p
chairman of the executive
the KaUunal Lumbermen'
- Be has had several Interviews'
Rebel Uederin Cuba.
I Columbus. O- Dec. lA-Tbers was as
j taflDX ttf leclsUtora last alvbt Sfd tbs
Hanna RepubUcans. led by
I Kurta Wiu test the strenctb of tbelr
! forces In tbe orvaatsstlon of tbe leclsprsarnfl oolCE lEAS BCSO SHOT. ’ Utnre was indicated by the anoOclal
I annoBmement that Kepresenutlvs HaI sna. of CTeveltod. would opp<«e Repreaentsttve Boxwell. of Warren county.
Tor speaker. Allen O- Myers, the ap
parent- leader of the DeinociatB In the
propp'd tuston with the pantl-flanna
Reputaimna. bar xivea ont tbat 'tbe
Democratic members of the bouse will
support Mason.
Havana. Dec. tO.-JIany friends «rf, Wlibln tbe last
___few day* streec op____
m certain Demv•enor Caaalelaa and S>lve«er Heovel. ; ^
tbe propoaed fushfii. and tt Is
eon^spobdent of the New York World. ' BOS' tenaln that all tbe Democyatlc
canoot be cettea
meel them, and were creatly dlsapDemocratic
p.ilBled at their non-arrival. They are j
m jh, cUy last nl*ht staled eracunndenlly expected today. -Kcus ha* ; phatically that lhe> would not vote for
rived here ahead of them that Scot el . aa$ one except a Democrat for rnlted
,«• bark irem the 4b-ld after bavin* pre- Stales senator. T^rr wasa^nf^nw
Real Estate *».
Correct Styles.
Most Complete Assortmeot
ever sbowo in this Citynow
on sale at
JJo. 131 State Street,
Traverie* City, Michigan.
Menejf to Loan
ImproTed Farms and
City Property.
Come in and look them ov^.
Johaaon Block.
’Phone 73.-
A Fevr of Them Left
Those pretty Solid Nickel paadniple Silver Plate
that their product may bat-e to bear
-------------------------TAUGHT HER TO USE HER UPS.
tbs brunt ^C.e.d..e eeclnrocllv ne- •
d TuDU yesterday yilhor- Kspies*A«e>l Belleirsd to
' ,atetmrblc««w.Ow.ol>wb. Wa* how Re,—
-----oe dlSAao Wboa 8r r-i„nL
Sid tbe followlDS Inteniew on this
p, n lia i Onrars to suiTTBder i^eneral
xrfl-' Hoe Tatro.
clproclty WoWem:
Brunswick. Oa:.
Tt Is, evldeni ibe tdmlnlslraUoo-Is bry. axent uf tbe. fionthorn Bxptvrn martlBlrd on tbe spot, but on leandnc | Chicago. Dec. SC.—By patiently tAchInc tbe use of the lips tor uUerances
......................... ....
company at this irfac*. dlispi^eat^ yes- that the}' were special envoys from
Dr. wnils D- RtrKer. staff pbyalrlan at
ada under s.ectloD i of tte Dlnstey bill. ] tedray with tt.OOC
retsry Bhemion. actlnx under tbe
As «ha)rman of tbe exerailve commit Brunswlch 8avln*a and Tn
tee of the national lumbcrihen's
imet^ ll^*^?y bt'*"ml‘^* and ibi i«>wer of spew^hto M^ E. Lauf.
4 and SkCOO coBsUrned to t
▼cetlOB I bare said to Commla
w^t we said to the last con- Bank of Brunswick. This
Shipped by Ibe Savar.nsh Bank and
Trust company. In addition Mabry U
(tenor MadHxal tVnlted Rtates coaaul ...■htr.lBX- Since that Ume and
six wssks a(o ihe'youns lady
supposed to have taken H.SOO placed tn ai SanctI Gplrlios) expUlned to General nboulbeemmabllo utter a sound.
I the exprea rrfJlee by ihe Johnsue Gomes that l>realdmt MC-KInley. la ac had
cordance w-lth a promlae to R|wln to use .Dr. SK.rer (rained Mlsa Lauf to use
■tcamsblp line.
lira as be would a . hlld, and after
Tuesday nlcbt Route Affent LoveU ar bis friendly Nnfluence with the Insur i her
of Irwsons the youn(
rived to idtech up Ihe uSk-c. Mabry gents to brinxNhe war to an end. >ad lady suddenly partially
"ButweWedecidedly oj-pused
rejcmJned her
hjip lAvnor Madriiml) and Voice; and with conalaat practice
tni with coal and Ash the burden of a worked all nl*hl and rhr<-krd himself selected
up tSM Short. Afier flmrltic In tkdn ftcoyel to carry out the mission. He now entirely recovered tbe use of It
pediey which the maasre of our i>e<iple trytn*
prstwoied Itecretary Bbsyman's
to Ond It be wrote a lhree-pa«e
^ arc utterly IndlBerem to. but which Is letter to
his wife. In It hr slated tbat .........to Oenerdl Gomex. Tbe Ultec bad
P prvsd on the admlnlsiratlcn b}- a few he was short
and did not kn..w where the ssroe iransUied for him and save
’ Jlsi Challpww 8^ acsla.
Americans ln|eresled In the seal «ah'hoald
money had «one. Ayenl Lovell orders that the < mmlsslonera. shoal'
New York. Dec. 81.—WUIlam A.
' iiilM and-a tew other American cltlsens the
discover lbs abortaxe and prob be tnei
Bmdy. rorhett's msnaaee. has chalwho arc owners of<htnadlan furesta As would
..........It for the (
ably Jail Kim. The dl*«Ta.v wa. too fixed s
lented ntrslmmons to a(ain meet Cpra mailer of pHnclpIe. policy and bual- much
t durtti* the Intervsl i
tlO.Bc; and has dep<«aed *t■eaa. the aversxe AmeHcan atudcol of
then on hand and left- If an>re- confer with Ihe Oulwn rovemment afitb
se match- The rballeo«e
•vety-day affairs can see no more readed be would kill hiroseir.
refereiwe to Ihe action to be taken.
contains Che usual Blaxs ai Bob's man..—sa& luatlce jr demaivd for reciprocity
*>b will never foryei tbe
wlA Canada than wHb her Imperial
Jim (wve him af
BOtki^r. our beat cuatohjer for our
wheat, com. hay. centra, lumber, eic.. AwdTwM tberaila w«s Tskettts Lhs ■ues amured Senor Madrical and Bcovel Carsun. and that li-b won by a flake,
that he was mu. h pleased with tbe In and derlarea It an altempi to deceive
nU of w hich she buys not
terest shown by tbe American (..vempublic for Bob to Insist on Jlra
L M.-John
mental (rounds but Amply because she
Rew York.
In the Island of t'uba. and that he
ttnx some olher man first. He also
wanu ihem. The Oanxer to our Inter- I ,,^3 Tuemlay nlxhl hailed a policeman
reply to President McKInley refers to a promise (iven Jim by Bob
•au Ues IB reciprocity with nail, ns lo^hlrd avenue with ''Hem. ivipper.' would
thronth Ihs rvpresettallve of the On- that the IMier would (Ive him the flnn
its corpse
(Dvenuneiit at Waahln*lsn. ae he ebauev If hee^r fouxht any one axaln
sent a bullet throuyh hts
arral Oomrtl was not allowed to
falllBC dead at tbe officer's feet. Is said
■ Ke. different In tbe couniries In
.-The fOllowlnc
New York. De^
h we need to have been formerly a wealUy realtropica, p
> Clywn. oi
and whirb cannot be produced at dent Of Cbleaxo. it U said that Ber»- alejaa Is retumlnt 10 HataBs (or ffoo<
I Tbompaon. who
havlna (Iven up his ptuiomd YlsU 1
Mn. BalUnytoe
astern iMba.
Booth, the Stslenient belnx Issued,
wblcb be enme easl.
■IBERT or 8»xo.vcKy^Tma»oa.
He took to drink, and In spite of
was announe^^. because of Inslnuaihs
aid w-bicb relatives extended to himrecemi} made that Mrs. Booth'a cndlUon bad never been aerlous aa hadbeen
reached the depths of poverty. In bis
room was found the followin*; -Give
reported: “Mrw. HalllBdonBcioth la aufe
my body to some cblleye or hospital.
(erinp from no aneurtain of the aona.
It Will be trf some use. It was hob
re consider tbst her condition
wbu has ridden
while I w-a* aUve. No work, all kind*
snd lx serbius. She ts alwolutely
tbe IsUnd. writes
(orlddden I o do s py work."
With Canada Bir Julian Paun.-etote Is of trvuble and (out: that Is too much.
mw St Ran Jose t'j4as.
now able to (el abouL bavin# for some
province. «J«l reconceniiades thrnwn
TIa trials Men OsIbx ta CmBs.
time been laid up with rfaeumatlsm.and
ll Blufia is . Dec. SO.^^Tve Chlaio the Sirsrw or dyln( In. wretched
will be' able lo (Ive Ihe rectprocliy
Columbus. O.. Dec. »«.—D. O. Reed,
urs. mere llvlnc skeletons He stated cs(o and NorihnesTcrn rails a, OL-d In
matterw irerwraal aitenOon. Jt may be of Richmond. Va.. and Mr.-Haxm. of hat
the realstei of deed* offi.-v here
W.floo hive Jl.-d within a year.
(Uicd that Kaasun. tbe special pleiu- Chlca(0. tin plate men. a^
(ur'SUIi,«h>.<MO 1
The lrlsuivents have luimed ll.M
- purTKBse beln( If
poleotUry conmissinner of tbe.Ualied
of the Dnlied Rtalea Trust company, of
e rales afflped UPStates chanced wllb the conduct of tbe 1 possible to restore
New York It Is (tven for the
letlnx. but which
Defoliation o('reclpro.;ity arrwn(ementa I OB at a f.ievluus
and irvallee under Ihe tanff acu has *| were vloUUnl by | i of the members
. im.3»
not un.lerukcn to cmslder the subjert I thereof.
• provjri
ilMlh of a M-cMy F
of mipriK-lty with Car.ada. Tfils ab- ]
St. I»ul*. Dc. »—Thoma* W Sey
sfentlon on tbe iwri of Kasson Is at- i
JH.—A aper-lal cablB
mour. foun.'er of the benevolent older
tribuisb'e to Ihe fa.i that the sublrct i dispatch ,1.. The Herald from Parts an.
to enxaxv (cui^ of Inaurfenta. uf tbe RnKhU and Ladle* .of Honor,
of reclpr."lty, pure and slfnple. as de Bounees that the C-untess Castellane. and
the tiwopa'lnel band* of 1» and J» ana cTBBd aecretary for the stale ,rf
acrihed In the tariff »rt. has become a , nn- G.iul.1. Tueodiiy (sve Mrtb to a Imt
alroDK, and experienced unumal loaa. MISMUri. died ai hi* horae at MapleInvolved with the seal gUrsilon sndulh- {
Ht. I*>ul* rounly. yraletday a*
ar tssHi-s aa tn b~ ome prwcticall} Irisepand comentradu*' »'*■" •►'“ve- lately tbe rcull of paralytic ati. ke
and so> the entire
rnllre |{
Joined the ln»nrsent«:
sullied of ('auadlgn relations appeal* \
------ •
PMre 8ab** 8er Utah..
to remain In the.v,nlro|.of ex-Bcretary ; Tbe Bell Teleph'one cumpany renU 'On Sunday tn ihla-provime leader
Xul* Delyado wa* awraarinaied by two
Bhanchal. Dec.
It la rv-(iort*d here
:»«.«:» Iele,.h.in-s.
Great Britain wants to ne(otlBI* a ' Durirc the past year tbe earitlnjm <« «r hi* uel(hb,'rw. who had induced him .hat the admiral of. the Ftvnch fleet
ounfei w Ith Ihem. It 1* *upj«ued they has hoisted tbe PreiKb flax on Hat-Nan
treaty Ihsi will cover Canada and her ‘ralbosds In lUlnuls axrrenated tKJI*.- i.i
were (uvernmcnl aicenl*. Al La Gaya, Intend. The Chlnew offered o« oppoMWent Indian u.lonles. ss to reciprocity, .m.
and Ihr sc»llrA\ Question also, whlbi-„.^ burxtarw were capiored while In the niiulUdi* U-rl o! the ptovliuv of
Foster Is gu'rft-d as espresslirfi a dHeC- . ,^u,tn( H-rpevlD'a ature at Chlpiwwa Puerto ITlmiie-; the Imwira-nl* eelalllehed ra-er a inunlh ax.>a well fcrtlfled
mlnatloD K. (..rie Great Rritaln. if be I
can. t<) 'treat the sralln# guesll.m 1 ^
(,-i ihkk. .-amp, luflU two hr.uw » for omcea. he.
to collect horae*. and re,«n»tnu-led
« per cvnl. pure lron,.ha* been it»n
f-rty-flve mile, of telephone line to La
wo^ aeem to a man up a 1 ,„„,rd In Center . ounty. Pa.
wants .^b* oldest .'IMl war veteran Is Cor- I.ul*a farm, the camp of I.^der Monottp? that
»stl..B w.nu
command* the Inadraeni Mree*
ts use tbe seaHn# guesllon and red- nellus De Venn-v.
Js.ksoil. Mich. irf Iraa Tunaa. General Bando. falllnc
dreclty aa clubs respertlr-et}* to beat De Venney Is I'C yewra olA
to continue hla march Into the ln*ur- uy town «r my laiyh,>od lo maken
/the i.lher with. It is the oplnlnn here.
The report that men were needed
vlidl. usd w litle there tbe whole Wwn i
In eaxiern Cuba
- anAi* a lance number of pubUc
, the lreh..iuws on lT:c lakes near Piwau- nnint of inaurroountablr
iru* ret mftoA by Ura appemranre of a |
thsi F.wter will have to treat al
l-eii rompeUad to ,-on«TOct f inllllary hiKhiv luieraatiuB tariRm-r—a Hon, ,,
unfou"^qu-s(l,ins losrevher and the pr ent In- '
dicall.ms are thaieefiurts whl e made i Fire Aestr..>ed ih« «i.af a--ollan lo line and poM* aipnx tbi^lvey Caul., to esrian of ooUe l inlL Na be warn t a |
U. include i-anada amutK the colonies i the Great Newlhern b.deL CtU MO,
tetrher la iliuraiae. Hr wa* a (leBniDe ,
Te.,-ivra^ihe advanlaxe^f reriptcxliy.
» *«•
«hc.-*"‘cl o.miracyj^ , He reiurria an eiloiialve x.me abelter- lilbvi HuuKaiyui. <>»e nf the clever,
Inc ItunnreBt* which cannot he In pivity
- Th. i-iMt .l-slrv of the Brillih tVnU In- Ifee.W.
Kmalll.'wn had ffons
dlun r..!..nle. is maecuh-lire *• percent. ] Mrs. E-A. M.srtr. of «.'hlpi«-»s
Chlpi.-ws Fa’i
Falls, vaded aa he ha* n.. -poaw to aupplr abnaul 10 etudy tunaic and bail there J
re, Ipr., II, r<-<lu, tloii on tunar. 'Wbat Wla_ (ave ''■Hb t" tr.pl'ts on ,'hr.el- tr.a. troop* wltlj f.w«l. thu* »>elB( com- m.-l and lus'ic a reriua* iin}in«s)ua rai
I-Iled iiMSin»m»et military i«*ta- ObeywUl 1«- on.Te.1 in'exchanice bas not yu , mas day. Alt/he yuuusairrs
puil.math who bad
In* the ..rdera ..( General IPau o.
' been d-iertiiln.-d,
1 and dporwus..
AlKiied that the recovDr. Wile,-Me, '. of New Torfc. bas Uurmx.. C«irdero l. ft Dinar del Ri-> for dtUHMl liu-waire V.’ uaLc b(TS visit.
Hr held a tolliiary jafritue In hi» ,mn
C vatni! "f <ien«al UtiyU
r JiiUmi would i>errolfa«-tfve
• ■
dlscuveiieS a n.-i anseslhelli-, cimsislTh-y
waufTT. nod lb., tail* of bis miliury
atepa on the Kriilah-An^vrlcan treaty <i(
apeak ..f tviljtiiw, und-r «»t. Uual with a teiliisat red. u,«aOrfUWtluD. Tli.-re If no prsaeni
pvCroUc ether. to iy prrwtwtril tl>* entire coomranity.
peek however, that' onythin# will Iw
Uevnria A'veretta McMutlm I* the penalty of l> irre killed. Then be
done OB that -uh>.-i, and up to this name rt the new claimant tor the remain with the insunmt*. but was
rime no pe(ntlail<ne have been <ip<-ned wea'th of the late dloek yardt (ClUca* between tbe ambasjud .r and the state (ol" kli'C—Allen ‘Grexwy.
UIIboI* rcilatinwaa ta CaaaeiL
KBialitown WM onl in full fnro*
department. B<ith eo,.-imnients hare
Dr, Thomn* W. Kvan*. ‘
KprtiKfleld. HI*.. Dec 30 — At
to five a good look at him. Lk-ruHitTbit
M^Mvd a favorable aiuiurtc toward ;
Pan*, left a fortune nlxM'a . xencrsl m-eitn( ■•( the I
rMpanInff ne(«tl»tioni.. hot the ftrilli* ;
m.ww.oik.. m
,h« U left TearberV a«*-e-laUon Henry C. t'ox. obaroh depcrWustil differod
aoytblbarvfw wittHwsrd I
(Dvenupgnt will lake nu >i,ri« whatever
priDcilwl Of the Kruebel echuol. Chloawith tb*
until a definllo araurance u (t hand
(p. delivered a memorial address og_ ery. II* Wa* *ret^ in
^e' New York Herald',
»eu. pnnep.,
-----------Jvhn H. Tear, dkwased.
principal u.
of q>e
^ yoonx •DOinU wbeD ^
Chlcaxo. Prvfeaaor \ down Ote aiele. As tbe tallw eflttfvd
•e by the raim.atlon JJrt**undertV«diM ^ween tlm (ovwnof the .enara. ________
^ ihe United Ktatea.
, de—j tb* pew Ihe tall HowrarlBti arere;
"The I piacrel bis band amra biajhrvaft and
IKC8EACK IK BBVKXce Rkciiim. ; pr, E. M. SmlUi. pr*ddcnt of Monl,toobl*4u n rclvmotinra* bow. then
-----ptH.-r eemlnary. Montpelier. Vi., ha* Kihi, ai and' Hhjwical Element* In Phy- 1
hUuerlt. the »d eoattail* beillg
" U-ro elected prealdent rf the lUlnol. m.-al hlducaOun.- Wllltem Jenklna of ,
evideno* during |b* olnia.
^ j Wealeyan uulveraUy nt Bloomlnffton. Chicwxo. was appointed B tBemtwr of:
«>m^tee on «duc
- «nt<«*daf*w
romtslUee on non
! At an tia(ii*fded snte cmoain# or l
formnl reoepbt. T«y Boperlnt*
mem receliday and expenditure* w-m ' Chirux.. and Nortbwmern railway
BT. As a rule,
L. of tni*- rttr. is slated f*r prealahow a 'material iDcrwaae In tb* reoelpu Auelln iCbIcaXo »uburb) Mr*. Buaan
d make rere*ppfrom l-jtli cuftoma and Intornal rvv- Hill wa* almoaLknatantly killed by
tng bows in church; bnt. a* is evidont.
Mxu«.'Yc*irnlay'» Ini-ome from cuatuana
xnch is Ura HnuK^ifinn tasbioB. and
Mias Juai'pblne 'Johan, while rn her
n. the hlchrat fiffure*
al.>ne w*. K1L.M7.
nver. Dec.. Jl^he books uf tbe BmalltinrB wu* iiomrally moeb inlcrTCathed
e new lartir Uw
.ray at Chli-a«o to altecd the weddlnc
ed (Mat** branch mini for the year
nf Hkrry Hornii* and Ml** Brasle GrtdR-ireral tl
■re now rinsed. -The depcMtts of ««t>«l and BgiUMd over tbit udimbbI dis
la«t few week* the custom* revenuec ber*. fainu-d In the street and died a (old are tb* larseet «ve'r received. The play*ar fonigu wanner. •'—Detroit
have cxcee.led ICM.OOO. and accerGln# few minute* after In her motheri* arm*. tstaJ will aliphtly exreed tILMO.M*. asd Preaa
t0 the expctailon* of the treaaury ofThe wni of Charle* Coutoft. Olsd for • cora^atlv* cMltnate made by the
Adlnb theae fi*ur,i *|U be fully main probate at New York, after beguexu to mint officlato ptere* the entire output
^JMi fartnn vrbo Inow it b
tained for an IndeflORe period. Tb* relaUvc* and trlenda kuvea tiie remdu* of Colorado at tS.OM.IMI In round fix- against tb* law to tM* temW ta driv*
incrcn*e from cusioma this aonUi prob- of the emiffa. valued dt n.MMN. to be urea, Colorado will go tar ahead of Cal- out rabbit*, pike* ta tb* bwtow a reb•htr ^ exceed November by tUMM* dlvMed amond tb* (eneral tbeoloffi
Uornla. aa it ta uaM to b* ««Mfat U hra bore with a tia bera ca tbt «od to«r ILtN-m w-Uidi wrOl lend* n mrplos semlBary of tb* Proteetant Bpumol
Callfomla’* output will towA tb* Itt.- •cmd. Tbre tlMT blow tb. hM. and
§w the month.
rturcb and other InMItutlona
en.reo mark.
fainay oorere o«t ta qutofc ofdre.
independent of tbe rmidpu and pay.
Get One Before They are All Gone.
F. A EARL, Jetveler,
Uatma Blo<*.
Printers’ Ink Says:
™ I —.
••.■\mong the bgt advertising media are papers that
spend money liSwilTy on themselves, first in secur
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to result in a st^^
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
adverfTscr, of course, shares."
The Morning Record
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Every Day, and on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-to-Date
Popular Illustrated FioIuimi
It Costs Money to Do It
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that
The RECORD Ris i Readied Sat fi the Rud I««i.
Advertisers Pro^ by It.
213 Front St.
tore Block .Beeoirad Three *naea a #*ok
Counts. SOc per. i|unrt
Flelchifs Ofstti Depit aed RKtairait
are wbst j'oa need for tb»
weather, and yon c«o bay
s^tb'em ot ns
We aell Iba beat that's made, ;
- sod the |>ri(^ V* ae follows:
6c, 12c, 27c, 32c, 39c, 46c.
Yon t{at tbs BoBtOB oLthe OoodyMT mabaa for that pno&
ED, PEIDiT, DEeBKBEE 81, 1897.
m'tbr tn«Eur7 at th» batrean
UUIllltllrii U 1
With H)« R«P)y tD Q«k*'» tnv^tatier) to a Controvarty Over
the Sacratary'a Plan.
iviauw for ««14 i»a«»pUoM. sM
t«nk« ■<u>rcmeT TOU v« bold
to b* awA
0 roronttr Owd«
•t» tb« •
bef»r« tbo bouof »nira»««*
Im •»< oormiry U» EUpport of-foor WII
Toa soy thfti (b«
(b« «ov«rtim»m
--- ------------•OME OF THE
I «pon Which we anaJl l- required to pay
intereat. The Inron.i.tency of
! autemcnt and your plan
: a«d «“>"»
— ,.
Ever Bunted Out?
In «*»*«»—tiw •<«a» r«ci« i
aud ib(»f *'“*“*^-
pretty, hot baa
me and liaa a little JabM airwafpe
It of noa.i«.t™ng.«toua.rw.
potnilaoc frumt^ throat duva
Fine Merchant Tailoring:
sliade or oUht of white
all .iniCDderf Ua wedding
annua! output. Will readily
i and rapidly •■II Into llae."
(-harleeton. W. V*., Dec. IC.-A DoJl. ed Mloe Wor
Inc tnc minera ot district No. I bcfaB
r plan for more thf
Clare acaliial .
here yesterday under tbe auw'lrea <d
noKhly ctimniluliK
csubut to t
. fold atandard. a plao forpdeatroylns the national executive board. Tl(e <ft«rouf *reenb*i-lc currency and «ul»Utut- TPDllon paased reaoluttnna afllrtnlna lla
tfia lank n»tea; a < plan In fact for alledance to the aaUonal orcanitaiWn.
ihe tr.ntn.l
e«.t.tri|| of
of the
weakenme the
national The meeOnr her* 1* f<o- tt*c punwae
of elcctlnc state ofllCr i* ans the tranaineirute ofValuaa, action ot auch bualncsa aa may be necof all m-asu
f the lanl— a
- plan
.------ ' ewwry to have the state pruperiy repand st-enctl
nlrnlnc «t what you
mobbiK.-.; Columbua, Jan. IL
■form' and which we i.............k...................................
Jy.- % • • Of all men In puUII. life ,
fhatunooca. Tenii., Dec. a-tbe
miners’ stiilie in the mal flelds alon*
we have the arettesi reet«-ii for
I the line of the ClnelnnaU Soatbem rwllprot-tty and liftecrity.
• way In Kentucky and Tenni-aaec. which
KvO* It* tlad* la (be OaM Wsadai
rauited i beitaB Ian May over a reduction of
"Ton aafc what evils havr
stand- wsBee nf JO iwr eeni.. wa* yesterday de^
fiutn our adheriiii e m th<- e<
f Ih.*e ' dared off by the m-n
A |woi-^tloo
«rd. 1 amwer that the evils
uioet jrrow I ww* suhfniued by the operalors and aethat have rrowo and
of values. • 1 oepted ^ the men to make Q» rvducfrom a •llsbopeai mea
ttoi)_of waiTPa I per cent, insist of 10.
measure at
t dlatHhutlon of wealth.
j “sp^mifleld. lUsTr^- ».-The inlri^
warnlnc* that la rl*htly their* and .-on- jat Aasumptloo. Oiris^tlan county^_______
lersil Ul«m olhrrs who have earned number, hare struck becauae the ml
It not.
Any -measure of values Chat 1 cunpapy refused to employ several of
thus force# an unjust dlaUlhuUon of ] Ihe airtutot* who were tbe leader# la
the producu of U»wr.. that deprive# | tbe strike lAM faU.
the producers of the fruits of their UHI.
tBOtXD 00 tMTO rtlEinCA
COU down wase* and proSU. thriAy
the Incentive-to eoUrpeise. Opldtoaar sw EagU-b IsWL-esdOT M t.
QegsalSMl LaborOver Hstw.
industrial slaimatlnn. enforced
New York. Dec. M.-Edward Har
ford. who with Havelock Wilson, M. P,
three'general share*. One share roe* constituted the British trades union
as Interest and real* Pi the money delegation to the Nashville convfintlon
lender and landlord, to raplMIlats who
of tbfi Americaa Federation of LAlsir.
do n>it pri.dncuvety use theU own cap
ital. wh" seek t» avol'l tbe risk* of sailed for Bouthamplon on the Amerpnului-llnti
.t s«Kxind share *•«■* aa lian liner St. Taul yesterday. Before
. profits to employers: a third ahare goes sailing Harf.wd aald: ‘The policy of
American trades unions In not ehas uaow lo WBse-carnerw.
gaging in poUUc* as a body Is stupid
Aaksr l.fwAer Abilin HI* CWss.
•The interest charges and reinq are How can ibey'eapect to obUIn any
reforms If they bold aloof*
to a jm-a; degree figed. and profits and
b*«d U.. ™.i,
« too
Bodear *nd vrrr diffemit frtan ihoae
flm ofTMud. Flat fdt t»lnir*Bm to
haw tbe prefereoee. though these are
often tilled np or dot^ little aooording to the faoc
Nihrly all tove
baperim of velvet.
nft made drtiwaa
mlt that you will eeck In vala for a
Biacie denorulatory word, etlher In J*card to your moilvea. yoUr plan, of
aolutlona de-
IsTrsOTroetMy. '
was cffrat.d a few weeks ago by first
tpltab, fnr and.rlMsm ai* all seem. ^ 1
n.ajn* sod ihco milBg
no end of Jvwc-lcd or rnt Mcol buckles (j,pg,
wnicr cuuuiuioK bleaching
I Some hove no ftwfbers. while others are)
luuows* mUod wiih the
! onwred. Tbe three plntnes. i«cb Iallin«j
' is • diffnent direction, seem to pleaae,
I neayl.T eveubody- Flowcr.de luoe and ,
a troerroir "liy nttaujsof Jew
^ powerful Mcnyw’wther steam
Xbe naervoir wall*.*
BK among the dcaurauou
are worn, a few velvet < .
aumetiiDm a clmw bunch ot velvet forgetnuuois. tKit the mow of
trimming for bate and UaioetB 'are made
featbon and jet and Jeweled ornatnentA
Satin draperies show well. Grebe I#
, deal M ^mming. and on Jomc felt bsta
a»-di*^ef made of btovy bosibai
I point Shined velvet, plush and saliu
! bats are anionc the most expensive and
I most striking
Tbe majority of them
. ciMOTBa *J tats
icthiaa.aa« taslr
.r.MiiV w^.o^-i
"■ u’lij
.Free Storage
for Bicycles.
WalOTa I
er' Tsljcaik.
W • WMaor.
»»1 • ».?•“
lU share* sotHo*’Jot ease aa.*«OTa#e.
to the warn line. The vel-« ii of Ita
ricberf poOTuble unality. Os the high
ooligr and in the o^ew-are very ^
„ tbu»ostof the bonneW,
lad is anew oui'». and wt»oahrirf-
« Uto, u to. Vto.. u» toto -4 SSiSIi?.
e (d tbs same and a high
veuinga In tbe leaves and sti
' { black pandua plume waves in tbe air
pistllt where flowers are wroaght,{lt makes a toque, of which any black
Where the design Is in areb<OT|ne* U M
lady ml^t he proud, lie soft
optUned with tbeae fine cut stetd beada Tam U'Sbaoter puffed erowu* are decidThere U totnethiiig inctmit«»bly rich udly tarinouable 8orae felt bats with
about the steel lands. Jei ooiw are band- fiat brims have tbe place for crown* out
me. and snail gUt .ones. too. but the | ooL *o that a veltvi one may be insert.
first arc not so showy, and the seoood
“: ed. and a plaiting of felt Uniadetoi
*AUcnieys at Law.
we D« refined In some wy. while the
u such a ease a folding
scta>«ul. Orwaa *a»-
;broi around the I oacOTiDHOTUsueBis^.TmOTnaCtty.Nieh.
•tpel uoe* are
a* Iwatifol as stan-in a qf »*!»« or idoab irovuro
frosty dty Tbev arwrkle on the velvet.}
opholdiiig the tbiok velvet loops
retro* s> lid*a. m.
tbme steel beada. tmi it u with • ch^ |
stiff ut tbe buck. 1
toned abemi Uiai makea the ^eni
^ taaqw bad
O.L.LOOKWOOD 0 P.AtoOf«B«masi2a.
gam aa well a* boawifnl. borne of the • -_
tb«B i~Jr'
rt ■. BKOWM. Aumvej aud Oot
Sw velvet cape* hare ribben to match ^ ^nort^U
twisted iiiui rnJBike rolls with 'hnws in ,
tbe t»ck and from, and .these bow* are,,
' ' '
r ICDVIOT ioProbsi*OTwctlOT. Booroslaa*
fastened iu tbe evoter witb cat steel. |
stiver and imitaflcmdiamoiKl bucklroipi
plan of Ignoring the .•oiitrol of political
mashlncry as a meansof betterCna their
eofidlllon they are not only
Ignoring their cbahces. b«l are Intitlng
the acorn of poUtkians-th* very
t l•eUer CT botKBs to match tb*JaiCCl^ and j
from whom they exjiect to get
throe are set on g«h.-r*ny
a. /iroa-1
maJses. Things I
mmitt than fnr tbelr naetolBhqaJfura•;
Und used to be much as they are In
the fhlled Ftaies. but they have pmcncul point of view.
Same of these velvet cape* *« made
changed. WetradesiioloBlBlsgoTlght
Into politics.
We have suixwded Injf^Hanliogooloraniofaascardiiwl.ca-
>rince of Retail Eordiaiiis
Chicago —
West MichigM.
rail.. BOTVlal EStSS
auroUOT 'S~
JobD Vanapaker
maklng the political ^lea tbere defer I rtsB. burnt orange Wnc and black.
to UA and why should we — '.Wears
* «•--------« made
majority. In eAery co:umry the
distiiicl ootura like gray and safworker* arc the maj-xily."
n-,s OT (hs t
M • mhi^l fw nch wrwpa i*
loot limlud to wrepsandmantteaforif,
The Science Of
Ban Frencisco, Dec ».-A euii that t* I •one of tbe prvttieW and most stylish
J h. fought through all tbe courts If .I Jackets. Btruo blouws. etonsand • thres-
Largely ResiHMOTtMe Iselbe FaU |g PrtsM
Unpn.vemeol In machinery exluslvely.
that the Isbt-r ««st of uroducimn ha*
nbl lw. n tncrensHl by one-ffrth In the*past jeur*. and that therefore tb*
^Tusc ..f thls.fsU Ih Prtre# must lie In
whal. If not in d.-arer money? and wa*
du>. primarily 10 an apprerluUon
rhangv.* In the value of money have
larg-ly InOuencwd ibe movvtneirta of
price* dnring'ttae Iasi half ceiitury. and
were great factor* In the price movemenu during one long period. During
the quarter iif * centory foUowlng the
gold dlrcov. rle* In CanromU there was
msch pr.iRKW* IS the line of iBvehtlon.
'■n.urh inrudurlif* of lalxr-savlng machln.-ry, tr-uch
SultS tO OrdOP.
WUII.9 iw vi wi .
^uS^'::p1:,^. • • •
•'However. It W _r
chropenlng of the lal
tlon. but also
an actual appreciation
of guld that Ihv fall In prlcc-selnce Igt:
has been In great part due. Arui this
api>re< Istlon has grown out of th« demuneilrailon of silver, which baa In
creased (he demands for gold. This I*
A quesllon that every ppiducer can SBsuer.
'Ilulhr fall In pHres rnrtailed
my eaniigss- If the fal: In pii.-s bas
been J»e ’. t’Hd to general Improved
metbdds of pr->ducllon-A lessening In
t^''lrue ^'Kt of i>rnducilon-d)e has suf.■ftred no loss from «n h fall. Uoreuver.
/the fall in prtre* since
• all gold-u ..iR countries
Plttahutr.Dec. »-The coal ^..torw
Uon of Lau.r. 1ot> replied In an open ( of the Plwborr coal dl.trict
waae* are subjeit to gtVal nuctailoha
This lieing *» It It clear that anything
that reduces tbe tolAl money value of
tbe products .rf labor must Increase
the share of the money lender and
credHor.ihiiugh nunilBally fltrd.and de
crease the share to lie divided amona
emf.loyrw »nd ' wage-enmers. It Is
equally < lear that In increase the value
of money must decrease the value of
the product* of Utior and therefore eerlrfi the ircdlliiT at the eapena* of the
delU.ir. Sow. If oOr adherence to the
gold standard hascaused money to grow
dearer you must admit tbsl the gold
standard has done Injury to eur p-ople.
brought dnuM-se to wage-earners and
«mplo«’ers. and discouraged enterpflse.
foU ani^ with a draped belt
silk* are thick and
- 'armoie. pmu
_ 1 neiledMIk.
Throe lavishly biwid'od nastt)mro are 1
!97 Jaabtaaalile and (he bnrse show list, ‘
Utter to Fecretarr Oa«ei r««il letter.in tbli dty todv l**
t.fciee ea.u ll. ni to the reaolullona Of the unlfort*l>- commiaee, J. u.
paawd by the tederalkm with refermce i dobneon aay*; -There 1> no doubt that
•TtheOage financial bill. Oomperaaare t the airreenjeni will be alpncd by the
In part- -Too take eECVplIon both to I maJoHiy of ibc-operalore. ard beforr
the poaiuen which our orimBlEaU<« F>b. 1 we ahall have alan^ whoT^
K— lejrea »non vour t.IlL aa well aa »« • production of I.OOO.flOOtopa of coal
Tbi» i« »vhi*
winter faDetioBH.
TtU U rnade^Ta dwpcaiwform of
Waablngum. liec. 90.—Samuel <t—
•pe™.p,«ddem of tbe Xmerl»n Pederw-
A new iniiKrtBtiua u a lioe ot
oolm'lia> b>«B made into attire for
flue thh* wonl mmplrti ly oorWed with
mad ftmcthaw where tl i«
biph uecitd Kowna- One of
, Pot viaa-e W.OT. T^u'oftt* ^1*^ Ui
V »
IwtTiht 1— It «-ia hb*P^ - Vot
ab bad the akm pUis bet
OTP or auUMrr-lte pettom .ad atiil nluncr half an inch or !?.7,
Toor plan Involve* the i»opo*ltloa of
• to the I ™***“
•“** ““ “
the reUtwnt of our oatlonH poper
PI*-,-PfW auba.
curreacj- and »r*enl-u k*.
’'*• “ ‘'P*®
‘ Wldtli of the hi
U3hp>tlBbt. lar.
\tr. by
by ineaoinor.i
we ni.'BO iBtereat at all and tbV l*M
' ■'.'T'■. 7,h ^ th-4. OT.ner«l)e i~
wance of'h-'ada IB luatead in iBeaum I gonir no tjWMj cooM ask a tnow
w* onc<w««i bet in caw ^ wide oepw high collar and arcwiiil ^e wtale j
MrtH.OOt.WO. which •e.ahall owe. and; a^OTTWh than one now put ouTieiraa
„jf-t “
• haaqow UwU* ihi. wa* a Am bine
Ini better ill the ema^fhaaia tb*
oe<-e(«*ry to seiUe a question « hi. b ufd
fectj> irsdcs unl"ne has
Fred Hess. Jr.. !
Prwnclsro Typigraphk
union. cniiectiv. i> and
■ I damagcf
allegre (hat (he unl..n cxrr. ie..* con(n.l
over It* memle-r*. and that said mvmtH-re were prevented from wortem* with
him in The llulletin prtntlng oAre In
«ce ..1
wiucti 1Iht" city. In ciinrcquence
of which
hTrftuail^ a* s
was discharged ft
yicldtd him on
Uiwtype ■.i.rrwtnr
| ROartew'' *»
nil tUoae gariii>u]W are tninmed
vrilb rich silk jroasenM’OPTie. though
red with hrovy t
in the nifcd droighs so popular a few
aeBsoosago The designs are picked out
with fine cui JM beads or j« and itrel
mixi^ A very few have narrow gold
bnid iu rOT«M..e
elaborate o.
orieuul work, bwt
vvell in sucdi striking
; fewpereofi* loiA ,"^tL
^ F»nh««a aud « is tetwr to be too 000I s-rvative ib such uiafiera than cm*
I the avTung uido. -Tito— o-er..«ita are
Income of S9 per week.
The i<lalBtiir charge* conspirwey. on geucrallv of black, though there are
Ue part of................................
tpe defecdanl*
to prevent
irevenl , few
„„ iu
„ darkoolow
— to
him from securtng employment.
nenf. Hess 1I mBolar
for Tin
«he ih. man who took-----------of the llBo. ^
II tueiu nave 0^.0
open Pell
ixii Meeves
Itiea aqdw.
adgtxl with sumeannof fnr, whileolh-{
, '-tore Ttw Hufleiln• omre-was unlonlxcd.
ere have tbu Banal ri.Tve of tbe aaaaoo
' H* appll«-d for tn-mi
for cnau, aud that u> a nudinm aiud
, K*- but Us Mm'Katlon »*• rejscu.d on
cround that hs had n.it served an glgot1 have noticed thja vMk are** »ciy
> sppremk eshlp. Then theprlniero struck
jiy 1-rce th« dlwharge of He» because gtaid uffivrts’ in tailor made cwrnmea
Tl»we on- no liauror rrstrictud to broad.
*— «
“ u» a nop-unlHi
Hnib alooe. but covert* in tbu new mi»I
Bat th*^.l<ldrp Will Oa
[ fhl.-aco. ric. ».-Mayt,r
lay-tr Harrison , veilleu* waavea Tbeae have a sawth|s,„«|
iWicjer uurface.lban hcrewfoiv. and the
order twohlbltlng pul
; thrwd* an finer and cloaw, *o that on*
boxing -xMblUuns In the city. Hr s
hi* pirmlarton li> bold »I*-round loh•I* 'icil l-.cn
and that fight*
e lakins Place In ttq- cily ureo fdghL
, eiiH 1,1 might n«clnd the order afta tin .. Vnil Ihei ii would stand for
nny troclf.*.
______ .
pouring* of gold cheajiened raid to a
greater d-gree than commodities wer*
cbewpened. add the result was that
plicro were in general 19 per «*UL
higher at'th* end of this period tIM
at tbe berlnnlhg. Then what bspes^t
Wc, along wllb many other nation*,
closed our mints to silver.
We increasad the demand far golA with the
result that «old went up la valu.
priOM of comraadlUrs down. ■ ■
-A»d now. just one word as t
Bsotmd of the r.....................................
poae of your currency bill U to esuae
Uie reOretnent of oor national green—hack currency and all kovernment paI»r money and the aubaUtatlonAf bank
notes. This yon bold to be desirable.
Wby? WoaM Knot glee the banks tbe
power to regulate onr foralgu ex
changes. th* power to cherft gold exporu by costractlQS BBd hr acivwlng
down aceommodaUon to fnerebshta wOas to foree them (nhtow thrfr priltogti
OB (be market at prtre# M.FidBh «BT
fbrem credltora would twthar taksanch
pcatacto tkaa our gold? WouU « mH
lillSTEB UD lomoismi LI
Te take aflret Msday. Jaae ». UFf.
stlBto'eMeka B.
Ma tine- llBs. It*
Sunday’s Record.
iisi::::.:: -
.AL«-Tt>c gOToUse li
bast. *ul
I pOTVlOT. rrsisiBi : SB* WAI
juilL North (•■.rt.
iHospitals’ w
left. FlBdrrptraOT
— •-*
Will nB'b*<T»'l“ert»roBfdOTia.
Scen» along the Water
Front of a Great City.
OB (ULB—Joapeeet P<
•ad b»FseM. J. O. La
gooag'Mas OTid WoOTSa'KOIML
ha* to look vrell » m th*t then 1*
DCge than one ooltr reprwented. Th*
Hvr«t <rf them dhadM aad woavw
beovena, olive* and a delhBto shad* of ftosty cadet hlne.
nnnttt la another tcnff for outdoor
winter wear. It is betwem artmiro and
tzioot invreBV*. It i» pretty *nd quit*
*u «WMi8b fer toOor coMamoa. Of
zreah outorawa 01 pieicur. esiwtuaur
' ‘ ‘N it Is not neoetoUT to ipMk.
the Maadvte dlsirtcU where the inbabi.
MBtnfl CBUed ]
taros arc ••Mdag safety in BigbL
been gasetted anthorUlng the goverpmeht dorlB* tb* prorogation of parUameni. to levy taxes and provida for
the mate expenditure from Jan. 1 '
June » next.
OTeOTlea^teethwadEsgiy to *=»g;J
iTT. Atotrset* of 1
l..-xlnxt. o. 4Cy_ lAt. »v—Efforts are ;
being insdc h.r<. 10 organiae
loKigf of til
alrac«l.>o of civu roTMce reform. TDia
order .will W Irr the future -Wpot"
politician* who favor civil aervlce. and
attend to llwlr ca»ea when they seek
re-eleclton ___________________
BL Joseph. Mo.. Dee. SO-—Miss JanBle Ednkrda, aged U, and Arch MeMaatero. H. membere of wreltby fami
nes residing near Hopkins, were kUIrt
In a runaway near there
Mia* Edvrarta' akuH wa* erwahed by slrikUig a
OOVKLIto AHoraere w
Several Fine
Illustrated Features
[LOCK LrVBBS (er ••)■ M M per 1000
-------- to XvarerOT CUj tMbar
i'KL__ Money to Loan
M SM;’s Rscoid.
FATofaM A OMOtBMB. Alfhwws
Two (Mels.
Fust Y9u—^So. \%^^
You Have Several Photographs
of ckBdldsUe oe the first reralsr meetoseb of the twelve little glrie Isrltod
lar after Peb. M. As the loesl lodre
were reqaeetod. io preUy Udtts. wee euccmefol la the former eoatest.
tleoe to Mur Uelr doUtee to meM
SOftKZBU X>XATR 07 J. & ‘'MSrrorlte.’' Ix>U' dolMs The sfter- t. tLr P. BVOXABT TO KXSTiby which they raiaed e hsadaome
IMewbolo rs*«<i
that a
KA&TIV or UrrXKLOOBXV. Boos wme SUed wiU pleseore for
______ L{like smoBBt of eathoMaam will W diethe little folio Ssd the party
Cm sad iMtsatly wUl lonr Iw reoMDbered se <wo la ^ City Van tr^oaday to i pleyed la tbU iaetaaee.
^ ^ imerioed. BeOoaaider the Piepoeed liae to AatXiU«d-Ww AttJetsd With DMf- of the
Tm at Mrs Xeadd'.
> were eerebd 6s little' tstoae Bay—Xmelaaaa Oosa^ Toopla
MM sad fkU»i U kssr
TndaMra. Fisak 1
blee sad the vleode were amde la mlo*
An Sathaaiaatle sad tho Project
eeeelBX a aember of Udiee at V
istore. the losToe of bread betar la
la Balat Fashed.
keeplnf wUb the
Tbe petmpeeu for the propeaed tell- aali^ •
. A hacriMt sMiaMt occmrfd «a the while UayUyeroslteeASd otfcor deli_____ Tbeaordlal hospitality «f Ure
ewdwwere cqoslly dimloBUr^ The road from tbU city to Sattoae Bay t
M. A N. B. 7Ml«Fds7 St ll
lookler very eaeoareclar. Tbe eo
Meade made the oeced^cia one at Mpeets wbieh A. V. Usrtla. s
d to owapUe eUtteUa
^ Millie T^^
em. BelM lUaaea,
■ertihsat of thst plte* «fsa ImimUj bett.
_____ sad look after the rirbt «f way b*'
jo^lae Ds^_ Qreee
Tke TkUia m w^lclnr siosf U«
The aiy Ufaraiy wiU ohoa today
side inck liMiar from It* Wj-lto Paaale Bleekbais. Baxel Kritoe. Oeaey- ero aat are new rcsdr to UUc bumaeae
Oooporat* Go's world whra be wsf latte Ebaer sad ttarysret Chmeroa. j sHth partlee who may become acUve ia Instead of tomorrow. Beriaataw XoBtt of the re- day. Jaaoaiy >. aad ti^pril I it will
stntdc by a Umia of flat ears beia« Tbe liule baateee sad Mis. MIlHkea | the- project.. A
switched to the mala Mae by the I “ado the ooeaeion shappy ese for ailiiosMM.ot the
the jforUoB of LMlaaai be opaa evoiy afurdooJ-'fram t to S;
laty to be entered and affected by Tuesday
Baturday ovealags from
fcedrht train lesTiar Tisrerrt at. la the roeete aad their doUlee.
Hoc has bMD tent «:M to sma
ratar. The aecldeat eecurred
ef the Peaasylvaate rsll^
Shest to o'eloek. Ibe freirht tisla
I way system aad they havo eommaniof alaa ears aad fitteea fist!
od with Presldsat J. B. P. Hn(bart
by the {Persecuted Oi|iaea Bouybt Offlhtel
the O. B- A 1. who has'^vee the What'a the matter iritA
belDA ppehmi by
gModoa to' the fiOanthtet
fiOanchtet eof As
matter evefol eoaetderatioa. .The reU t
a pade
vvade at
earlBv- T^cctI 1>
Baomy. bat Didn’t Get it
h that a meeUar has beea ar*
fihat pciat aad It la difBetiU to
Probably the most stertllac reqoMt
M the eornmlttoee aad
stop a tiaia at short aAlee. to which a pnblte oSetel evsr had oeeala thU lastedee It aeems that Martin slos IO coBsIdsr was presented to Proe- Preeldeat Huefaart to take place la
TravoriiB-eity next Wedneadsy.
weaaot dlseorerod OB the track antil
ecator Twaddle yesUnUy. A party
The work of the committee has
the trsla wm too aesr to be etopp^ td liviac b short dUianoa from ths city
•hows thst the farmers aad basteces
ttma .While it U cideat.tbat e «lr
te Leeteaao conaty slow tho ptosaltoatopim rivca ae eooa ae the aaees at the haadeof aaether. Be is a
pooed ronte s^e onthutesUc and that
AaaCM ef the man was dkeowed. the
tew abldiaf man, thoayh poeieee
the matter of rifkt ef way wilt eo^fact of hU bolBC very deaf probably
eertein personal characteristics
>o difficulty, at least west of the for a C^riatmaa or Kew Year's
aacpotte f« his sad fata.
reatrally aoqnlrsd by the erdlaary
y ^e. Two reutee
Portly after the aeddest ooearred citlMB. fie has lately eyiaoed a
preanit? We hare a nice lot oi
Cetoaer Veoa la thb-dtr was aoUfled.' yearatefi to be rid ot hh per* der eeaeideiaUoa Oae is to follow the them in every styU and finish.
Ha went dewa on the AM train to bold seentor. bat eooAht to do it lefally M. A R. B. from tho elty to aatekb White EBanel, Antique Maple,
sa iaqaeetaooompaaied by Undetabertff •a^ at the aame Ume efieclnally. Oreselar. aad from thero ma to <hrp
Aahbm. A jury was impaaeled by Therefore he determlaed to ysla the LAke thronch Blafham. theaoe aorth' imtiqne Elm, Afih. Mahogany and
JasUee A. K. Cards aad ths .erdlel eoneea.t of the asthoriUes to pot hie oast to SmtODs Bay. Aaother say- Birch in equre and tong glam,
wae that Marda came to hie death by paemy oat of the way, la response to Sest^ roelo b aloor the Bay shore, dl- patent dust-proof drawers, and we
reettoSottoasBay. Bveiybodyte
* beinr ma over by. a tr^. by aoeldeat.
at* selling them at prices tbai will
fhte detvmlaatioa he vletted the proo- tor the road aad the
ne employee of the read were omecBtm' yesterday aad sakad permf '
aioMid to have impmead the offieteb surpriae yon.
to kfll the party who cave him so moch
\ The traia was la ehaiye of Coadaelor troable. Whstever mirht bs the mdh* meatlMsd vary favorably. Frank
Kirefauerof anciaaaU. pramdeatof the
q F. Da.ls, who teeUfled that Ue
lu ia the case, the preaeeotor d*
, ha. al^ya
proper sifaal was ri.ea to stop, also
it hte duty to. refeee his official ma
favotoda road threork Lor
the dyaal by the eaclaasr as
to ibopiopaaedcrime, bathe eoffiMt and the laatur bow in coask
as the rasa, Ws discovered ot
ed other memos, which while sot qolte b beiac rivaa mack atteniic
■tnek. A saow etorm prevailed •
so bloody msy relieve ihe per
ui-ias Fiuat 9k nAVBBSB CITT.
Kfrehaor boUovM .te Leeteaen
ladividasl. at least for s tims.
as well as la the Omens reoort aad kas
At first
VTUat-lnfl«siioeatbbeommsud wbieh
- than oae awn wae discovered on the
may be ealbwd ia the prtijoet. It b
track, but they were supposed to be I
expected that be wUI.be aV the meet...u..
1-Wr It ,™.4 .Utu 1
Hu WU««1 . Ml.Inc Bcxi Wedamday if be SM. reach
ethers on the track nemror the train
aioeary and wUl On There to Diva.
«at off bat fltarUa remmlocd. Before
_ fist _
ChnU have been received by frieade
he. was struck by the first
ear ___
,at the moeslmeetiBC, aad who will
aot bear amtber did be bear Uie
Mbs Paeaie Ivee mMt l>rmldeot Hurbortwe:
wkbUe o'ftae««tee.- After strikteA “<* Rw. Alton S. Brooka T^y ^11
year PHOTOS. We havo a comalete
jufer with TuUroad -------- vw.
thetrm- wsat aboat forty I ^
line of Pictaio Menidtego aad will flU
IB OB riAbts^^/wsy. all nrdeio promptly, if we have to work
E. J. Peck. H. M. Cote. B. Smith. Sr.
all aigkk
I dracred
of your friends, or periiape tome pivtty bit of tcenery.
would look eery fine in a Mat with as many opeuingB at joa
bare picturot. We have some new Mat Board that jartmttelf
the ralort of the photo. Se« how niotly they haiBonize.
S9C raoffT snterr.
ti. b. hollet, mibibi
U called to oar line of Water Color, Cnyoo. Paasepartont,
Mat and I>r«wing Papers, Water Color Bomid and Raw
8Uk Papen. All colors and atj-lea. Tbs flneat ever
sbowii'jn the city.
Ha'skell’s Bookstore.
AWeg ^
Odd Drosstr
for yoD tom
' at any other Uma
Mach M you waak
OUerTteUags at 4c te 10c a yard.
From twenty to fifty
per cent discount—
On Short IrsiiS'ths
ADd Eomnants-of—
Am boToad raeonittem.
Warm Shoes
Overgaitors <>’ /
We Can Sell Yon These Goods Very Cheap.
411 SeeU Uaipa Sk
eoUeje coano. They, -c married by
Bike win fteoeyre A PliMaat On*
the Bishop te Cbleare.
iMvlay at oaoc for their mw field of
labor abroad. Mra. Brooks Unght te
Tonlgkt-wUl be tbe aigbt ef all tfaa
the Travetue City echoob for some year for the Elka Trsverue at^l^ge
time. Dp te two yeata ago, and has a ha»eentoolafiarge*omker of iavitaKonatod DMr Wtiieb te Almeat
liMtof friend* Amn who wUl cxtead tiOM aad the aaaual eoetei eSksion wUI
▲U WUte.
and wtsbMfor. beoneafthelwettethe htetory of tke
Jim PUbMm the texidermtet. bM a happy fniure.
lodgw Thero will be a large aui
-Aabbed the mouuOaf ot a deer wbieb
of Blk* from oat ot tba city proMat
b a freak of aatore and a lunmikable FOBBSTXBA AWDAZ. DUMIBB aad Ue oveut vriU be a brUlteat OB
^Imen of Ike dear speetee. It b a
fruterasl clrclea
bunk two yemrs old. alaiaat eatirriy WUl Take Flano Vew Toaite Day to
white, exoept >bcntl ihe . neck. The
Bo Poltowod by a BalL
Aega are almwt pure white end the
Tbe Forosten are aaUclpatiog
body white with small browa Sj
graad Urns at their annual New Ym
It mlrht properly be termed a white dinner to take place ia their ball in the
tome Baida
Am. Tha knimal ^Millled te the Broach block itetardsy afternoon. Tbs
Pitwocatiag Attoney Twaddle fase
uppm .penlMBte aad
sent here to meno wUl Aw elaborate end tbe feast
B. Bristol, who b a frie^ of the nant- wUibeeaJoyed by the ForMteis
; limits a
Y' who eaeared ik Tha deer will be their tamiiiea Thb baa beea the
Uem tea rigid sarvoUlaace which mky
-placed on exblhltioB today te E. & tom for several ymrs with the Forest*,
lead to aaoibar reaovatiag te a short
Miller's drof store.
era sad the aaousl dtener b looked for Uma
ward to with (freat plMure, A graad
ball will foUow in tbe evening.
Loot fiSOO In Ohecka
While William Auger ot •MDwaakee.
Daploaaaat Badxag of a Sleig
LOim STBTOXBB'S TBOVBLBB. rM te Ue [MtoSa^yrnfarday he laid
gtofiSOO, OB
A sleighing pdFty of yaoag boys Bo Boake to Haro AaoUor Put Uodesk aad daring an ataMBoe fiurn ft*
dor BondAto Bmp Ue Pa«*
desk a moment Ue cheeks ware ebolaa.
Lqol* litryeler came te Ue city from Auger had jaet remlvod
* one of B. J. Morgaa'edoable elelgba Long lake yesterday for Ue purpOM
from Msaa Bum. of MUuvaakae, for
and team, when on Wetater etreet Ue of swearing oat a warnat for Ue ar
team became fr^fatened and Ue
rest of a yoaag maa who lives aoar kb
who WM driving lost eentroL
^ace and whom be.elairaod ks* s»- Auger tailed te kb oearch for Ue.
urateg s eoraer Ue sleigh Upped eaolted and Unateaod klm. Stryekar
eheeka. bathest^ipaq paymoat apon
aver sad Ue bi^ were dumped oak
fears for hb persoasl mfety and
Uem at Ue loeal banks and te. eoatiaFmtaaately aooe wm hurk Tho
te have Ue m a pat oador b
uteg hb qaori for Ue party who ^
team kept oa and tbe sleigh
propriated them.___________
keep Ue peace.
The outfit tlaahad upon
ed kmaod by PrasMBter Twaddle sad
State straot Mwarde Ue.hara bat
will pewbably Am served today.
PaRB Bald for $8000.
ware ffplag too tMt to turn. TMy
Oarpet sad Okethl^ I
IF SANTA CLAUS didntbnngyona pmrtd
We rare
Still Very Busy
at'6c yard
cbolM pauaraa, value Sc.
IfteitlieRysli, What?
Rush Shim Mora, of Course
Our Cloak
wiir be especially
busyjiB we are maXlnx
Taking Prices on some
of tbe latest product
kept dasblag do antU Union street wm
V. A. B. S. SAaeiiaa.
ly te aotte AoosUUm sad Uero b a
roBcbod Uen Uey turaod down and
At Ue aaaaalmMang.af Ue loeal pnmpect of ahealUy teae for ,
strock Front etroek After s lisrd m
time te eomo.. Teaterdsy B. J. Movgaa
- to Park etreet the outfit etmek a firo tMUDoh of Ue Nat
kydruat aad the eleigb wus badly dam- StaUoaary Eogteoera. heU laat night, Mid bb pUe^ four nUIee oonU of Ue
aged. Attar Ue kenee bad treed tkem- Ue followteg officers wore mectod for city, kMwa 4 the Murray farm, ooaMlves Uey kept on uatU Uey reached
sbtteg of M a^ya. te A. Domoaih^
>e epsuibfr 7—r:
for fis.ooo. Mr. DumoaskeUe wQl u
PrMldeat—M. White.
Ue bare agate and turwod in. Oae of
OB Ue plaee oooB aad make it hb b
Us koioes was hurtap Uey were etopVhw
Secretary—A. W. Blank.
Be kM been locpted on a farm about
poS by a wagoa ia the ban.
r. W. BaggaiA. Urw i^M east ot Wlliteawburgh.
Troasonr-<Qoarge BaU.
wUeb be has rocaaUy eolA
Coadaelor—W. TravtaVM. ft. . KuW* O.T.1 BUMk.
Doorkeeper—W. E Dswitk
Vaiqus Party atvea By Xmte Xhaohor
1%* Good Tam^ars wfU Am eateiAtthe Hoim of'Hra. if. V. HHUbaa.
Loot a TalaabU H<
taiaed 8q.Urday night by
nc most uDlqoe and dallgk^j'avoHa
>. Ud by E. B. AUya.
U«t eight a valaabte k
sBbpartyetUsseaooB was glvOB hy
Uttfe Lob Tkaqkeryesterday aftemocm teg to B. J. MiBgsB dtod.tfter a sorm gavel Meek' ba* 'boon oSeeod by Uo'
a fiao draft bene val- Oraad CUof Templar te Uo Aodga te
at tkefaeBeofh^aaBt,.Jln. J- W.
lUoBteteialUaUagUelarfMta ’
Mtmkaa. It was a doUtes' party aad
of all klndtf most
go. It will pay yon to
investigate. ■
wiiffiM nos.
Unquestionably So...
Thst A Flour U known by the results it produces.
That The success of the Flour is best judged by
the testimony given, and by tfiat judgment we are
Villing to stand. It is the •'‘BEST.”
Hannah Sc^ay Co.
_of AU Kinds of Dry Goods.
etbemf If no, now's yoof ehuce.
insbtinnst |o brfore inveotory.
Low Piios is the poWerfnl levar to mw them:
TBATS&SE cmr. - lacmoAJ
I. T.
J. W. 1
J. W. Hamm. Bdlter tad Mi
Mr. Md Mn. M. Pa—rttitl ud dMfbtvaf PMMkejr. ud Mr. aad Mta. J.
H. Stalabatr •<
aide, and bto rye «hatn»» andhtoknHa
to nd. and ny eye nerer learoa hto.
TbM ba paasM and bcodi low with
X had been lU with farer. Tbs' tall
*’6ablh,'' he Bannara. and hto rtdM
na that it waa a arreia illnaa
to etocalarly low and geailto. “I
that the oauoBe waa ter many daya' to __
fl. K. omdroraoaartraM OlUa Pla*
doobt. Twice, they aaidrtoy loot prana-1 .7^ dlaaMndl" I hooraaly amnnaT.
yaatoiday aa haMaoto.
ed CD the retga <d tba dark ralley, and ; h, ranoree hla tartu and alowly
Nya Jardaa aad B. 4. Padi w« o*« twioe waa 1 drawn bark. I know littla : o^rinda its Bsay folds. As bo doca ao
troB Sattoaa Bay y-tordayol thia prtfboelly. For two weeks <w
aecBi tiled with the matle <d
and a atran*a, tweet perlajoa
Darld Btobar ot Sattoaa Bay. w»a to BMn Iwaa either delirtOBi or anw-j
Christmas is Over!
But We H«t« > Hu. Di«I>l*y of
Soltebl. tor th»
HoUd.y F«tlTltl~. Al«i FuU Une
Bon Bonn, Ohoeolntss snd Bsst Oonfsetions-
if shadowa j ^ ^
uk« ■ atiOed aob.
« backJroBi tJ
W. D. C. Oermatoe Ktarwad froB a
Slowly the atnnear antrdda bis rnrjrip to Detroit Wadneoday alyhl.
ban. and aoddealy eat of it leaps a
Leri T. Paaaiartoa la k—a 1
BT enfeebled ^ydna
Sd that my
Ctaat labile pebbto. Ba Jilto it beteo
Oomer PnriE snd Front.
Bacon Oty to Praaque lale ooaaiy.
lion acOBDtaated tbe artion of my braia Be betwixt bis lean brown .tfauBb and
1( seemed as it the rest i bad ^ren it— fa^niteT. and 1 know that to hto othar Branch Sttoc roar Mamie htoek. aa CaioD Street.
* Mra. W. O. Braaer ol Oraad BapUa.
hand be bolds the nd knife.
'*Tbe diamoDd ot tbe niaaB. aabih,”
to to the city rlaittof the fanUy ^ A.
. threw a peat denial tboogbt into tbe
D. Field.
As be speaks a sadden pay «f sonBaai. Botoky ol CtodlUae. to la the oainietiaD ol tbe first conoeeted aenenee 1 addrmoad to my man. TbUto Itobt tolls apuD the while pebble and *
He will fo
CUr, cdty Tidtto* bid friaAa
Blgfaly Rkary nems to fill (be roam.
My eyelids drop helon tbet *lan.
^ B^Wafoaor. owe ol theedltora bf
He started up hastily.
eeotbe brown Ian at tbe Indian bcaMl .
Bow U haa ome to p— la Kew York the Aldaa Wara. waa la the dtyyoe.
tirt Yrt. air. tottan and a lowet. I see bis fingers elatebin* at bis 1
^ wotoM Bay not aaoi« la ehotck. tordayooortoiU
knlto. Tbe room grosrs darii and yet.
the wleBraB."! aaid. aftar datkrr. l.peem to be slii^ipc bwky. '
Charlto Lebot ol Detroit, airlred to
BmmUj a lady fall aUoep U a ekareh
cpell <
for several weeks—so..good thst wefare
the city yeaterday lor a rtolt wlto C. U
to tkat cUy aad ker aaorla* ao
tortod toa MrTiaM that Uie potloa
DoBtoe ot Ehat Bay.
compelled to add
that By name? Is aeapebody call- I
^lad to aad aka waa airaatod and toMr. and Mr*. Ony ol Lather, are
is my I
me? Wbat u Ibis tbal bolds
to* B
kaa to Ike aUUoa kouaa. Why U tba rtoltiaf their daa*hwr. Mn. Georye
l^rr IS n>j pron>i"-«
, lumo ju
e hacAf Ko, m: let
Mat ao paraaeattor tba lair oaaa? CampkeU oa Weet BlckU etroet.
that abe era* at Ooloraup BptinK* wilh I ^
They Baat aot attond do* &*hta, anore
Loato Boae el MoStocaa. wko baa her invalid mother when Ifellill. I|
to akuvh Bor Uto thalr lorata 1%. poh- beee rtolUae the,la*lly ol Jallaa looked ai tieoTRe. Be mast have read
Surely somebody to eellto* me.
myqoeation He—-mod to make a moI open mv evee alowly, so slowly.
Ucplaeaa. What aait?
rutarv calealation.
Aercm tbeletelo^fey bed Iseetbeiaee
Er.TjtluiiK Fn«k in Oroc«ie«CPro»iMoii*
Allen McKee and W. H. KattaU ot
ot George leaninR forward, bis leatons
OoaoakaaMax BaccKaaot 8a*toaw1s Mantotoe. and. Bar«w Bdott of Grand
and Fresh Meat*.
to tbe shadow.-bi« eyes gleamili*,witb
Mt with the pradiotkB that Oararwor Haran, werayaeatoat dtonar at Park here today."
Mary wiw eaming. Tbe tbooRbt art triRbtmed anxiety, in bis band a tiny
ptoyrea wUl oaTer be ratoruad to the PlMO yeaterdayad on me like a tonic. 1 wanted *- medicine «lam ilut ntebaa admaling
•Meatiea chair. Be daema the canThe laBlly af Bor. C T. Stoat.
tbnw aside tbe blankew and leap tu tbe I
^ souligfat. Somebody else U tbere,
Adaey ot O’DoaaeU aa alfallcent aad ..setor ot Once church; hara arrlred to
GodsI And X eoaldu't i-vpn rane I •aorbady wbo bolds my bond tigbUy.
•a iadteatfea ot a oombtoe a*atoat the city and are at Park PUoe. peadln* my arm.
I somebody wbo rails again;
HJei flowets. Georpr." 1 mnrmund. I -Joha. dear!”
the eeleetloa ot a aaltohla realdaaoe
"Let in tbe eoaligbt. Hide ibear hut- \ | raise"my eyes a little hicbet. AnMea"
; other face it bciMiii« over me. a white.
Be smiled -a^
amooibed tbe blankeii
blankeir tear stained laoa
»M«y Happy *aw Taar •oaaanira .
H. Oane Died to This 01^ above ma•■EvFTytbto*
Ba Praaaatod to Baeord Baadant
m possible. Mr." be raid.
It ia thaeaatoB oa Kaw Yaar'a lor the
John ?}. OaaeolOadmae. died yew
Aa preanuble asp.issiWe? That note
MTTiar boy* ot the 'dally aei
—day Bonitoc at nine o'clock at tke of esce)i(ion most mean me. Never
ektaad to each aabaeribv oa hla roato
at hto eea. Qtorf Oane. oa Bind. Mary was coming. Mary loved FIVE REMS41KABLE TREES.
Death nealud me too vrell to lake offense 'af my
Waahtocton atioet.
-AT THEiv:^---a. appropriate addr—. ThU
•t^ke ei paralyato aafferad by
MB wUl be obeerred by the hoys who
"George.” 1 sulA "th* •"W ia still
jBCiarr* tost Sanday. The par^yato oatoMte tbere. Isnpposa. Beadthenewa.
The wbistling tree, cr Acacia flstala.
hove eo lalthlally delivered Tna Mom.'i- Waa the dinet rasalt af a kick to the
to foand in Nubia aqd tbe Sedan
.^-Uo^REcom every morwinf atoce it aide tram a eaw which Mr. Gaae re
’"S 'nsd to s»e lor half sn boar ea- The Arubr call it mflar. or piper, beator^ Few people rdolise what the
i^. nsd tbe newa Jnto ai it oame to eumaol ttaewbiwling sound that itinoceived a short time b*o.
datie^ a corrtor tor a daUy aontof
Dseeaasd was
years of ace aad hand__tei««raph, local. politicaL For.'doees. and tbe specific _
popw era. They
to Mlchlcan from Oaaada thlr^ a time bii vciee bai stosply a lullinjf , a wmd also mnning pipe or Hum. baa
owe of theB. And to order that tbe yean aco Be arrived with hto tomU^ effect. Then 1 began to Uke noon ol , bem given it lor the laiue reason,
, Mb—Ibenlmay cot their paper to time
tbe sabsisnee of wbat be re^ Vben 1 i toaerts tofew tbe tm and deposit
and movable effects by raU at ttodar bkd beard' all 1 warned. I bade bim tbeir eggs in lU aboota. A gall-hke oxA UdiM* All wool, lirown S:eno7 JAckot, ftacy aUk:
for hroaklast. tfiey must rlae earlySprinc* aad tram then they west ‘ atopantllet tbe sobsunte ol hii rvwd- onvesoce aboci an inch ands-h^ia
They Buet ba at the offlee ready for
lined thronghoat.Bt $6.60.
Cadillac by teaBS, Bweh of the way ing filler ttaroogb my braiu. As 1 soove dtameier
dtamner is prodi
prodand a tbe base of tbe
haalnm at 4;» to tho amratoc. while thnatb a vrilderiMsa. katoc obUcad
itaoou. and wbea the larvw hare
A ItodlM* bU wool. blA<^ KMTM7 JBcket, TelTet Inlaid
' alnaet evotybody else to eajoytoc cornseemed to hedd' my fancy to a peculiar emoged Inim cmVlar holm to tbe side*
eat a road Urouch the timber,
forteblc Bloe^ Ko sattor wbat the was the Brat white ssttisr to Issatc a wav. It waa a telegram which toid that of tbe tooow the boles. pUy^ upon by eoUar, nioaly braided, ibney ailk lined throo^toot. $7,76.
WMtber. the —Tier ' boy Boat hoBimtaad to the vietoity ol when
- ■' 1twun bad be^n rpb- I tbe wind, prodnoe a ----------.mam of- larHindua
A 304ncb pleeed fine Aatrakhan Oepe at $6.00. ‘.
I equal to that \prodooad by a sweet toacd
ha an band. *nd it to truly aald Cadillac aow staada aad tha lowaahip bed ol an almort'i
_ _ it« - undenctood be i
I flute
0t the hoaUBuelar thp Radoan. that
A Coney Fur Cape, 28 inch, $3.60
of CIS- Laka. which lacladcs the city vrhKb
Vietoris al tbe time . Tbe oow tree U ao mlled 1
dhay an alwaya on time at the ofBco.
Ladlea’ Eleetric Baal and Aatrakhan CoUarettea ^
WkUe eoBetlBeBtherpBholaaaWerler
A rton fudhtal serTloe vmi he held
tasciuaie me—tbe diamaudobutn the milk deep incinous are maoe i _
the papertob^
lat— ol the boar
troB the reaideoee ol Oeorce Oane this of tbe Biaam. filched Item ii^injisstal
«t celMnc it to. occaalaua-litUc daisy. BoralBC at 10 e'cloek aad tha rematoe owner, gleaming maybap fftfc tbd| into vessels placed rendy to receive it j
H to aot tbe fault ol^he carrier. TheraThis wgembie Bilk is white, smnewhai Isfa-tt oTjqy0 moaliB Q,uick Balos BiidONo Froflts.vrUl be taken to CadUtoe lor-------------tore each of tbe boys, growiag Into BoberlOaae. aaotber eoa. from Oto.
vtoud and has an agreeahle flevd, and
manbood aad:earalar moaey by tbeir Baaot.0..aadtheyocacsat-eoo. Wal queen. And Maty was ooming. Vbsla an aualyi.is of it tiiuWs that ia very {
CWB eapreetie eflorte to clotba tbea- ter. wbo.ooBductt the farm near Cad- gift lor Marv that diamond would be— ; ninch like the milk ol a cow to its oocd- j
Maty, my qnrenl Tbere wm a grange , posmon Tbe oow wee. gro^ « the |
oMem and
an-------------eaU.MU aid
MM> tbato^DscoM,
------------also hen. Then-is aaotber
ul the tuoauiaiu chain bordering <
mine iu my btad, Lot out <if It all
..-I . -a Ctoat
. .I—.
1 ll« lor (hair
deal -■>
their | ___^
“lac- Kantaa who will nog be able te
Front Street.
one clear Ibo^bl—1 would get M.. VeueraeU
Qlass Block.
•Bsrey and atrlct atuntion to daty.
re^bera: Bto^aaghter. Hiv Tboaiac tbpt diamood and give it to Mary.
The clulh tree is looud at Otabeite. to
Tha carrlen lor the B»»aD ^ pre- Bodgwa of Cadillac. arHvad yesterday. When 1 bad drtermtoed tm lbiH. 1 seem tbe Muih Ka- Tbe berk it taken off to
.-asat to tbe aubscriban tomorrow a
ed lo grow cool and oafcalaunR. 1 tral- ItaiR stniweud P«“
belplew 1 was physically, ■tat i „ nmning water The soaking saftest
Beat addrem. aB—prtale to tha aePXODDOI6 OF M0BTHWX8T
ised bow..........................................
will power, thank (iod. wa«. stiU ju «> Hmt the inotr Uber may be easily.
MaloB aad voteto* a saatiBent which
e my 'mind •spaiatfd from the test of the bait.
vriu appeal to erary-reader of the pa Ware Bbowa Bare to Hbcniflesatty
The flbt-ra are pot togciber to lengths ol ■
1 vrouid wiU him too
Hquippod Special Oar of V. P. Hy.
per. These will be ciwn-to the
aboBi ! 1 or U yards, and tbs leigths,
rlerf by tha publtohen, aad If tbe bai a
Tbe World's Fair exhibit ol the ton to me.
1 bad reed mnewbere that tbe soul are plaoed side by yide asiil tbey are at
shall be c««tad to relars by the F of the N’ortbetp Pacific Ry. Ca. atlrac
a body portfied by tbe lire of diarasf- Irnst 12 incbea in width, and two or i
frisada and the frienda ol the Encoan «d a *«ai deal ol atteatioa bore yeacM above tbe.cestrictioaia to ctnuaitB three Uyers (ff fiboa are pal one upon |
-with aoBctbloc to makeMthelr youaf terday- Tho ear to fiaely esalpped and clav Waa uol my aoul «> portfied? 1 swaber
The fibers adbtsv togetbre in om i
haarto ctod and enoourare them
to in'charge of D- M. Utowart. It U TO b'xcd my thought BpoD'tbe nlxam'adia
piece, and tbe material tboa Itrasd it;
ttonad efforta to please aad do their feet to length and to im oooatroctioa
To oor ctutomera tor tke liberal btdtday patronage
Red ukJodi roUlng rapidly; out ol . bmmnnpooaDiiootbTii««»ofwo.«luniil
daty well, the object of the addraas 175 different kinds ol wood are repiw
acconled OB, and aagnre them that we abatl cootinne to keep a
them a touch ol Wueaky. a whirl of yaihfcwmmaslhia at mutito. It ta then
vrlU be attained and the sabaeribera •ented. The car eontatos fiae epad- low dnst. a auu that beat down fleirely r^.wob«d to tbe air for a time. wbM it
full atuck vt tbe b«t qaality of Orooeriefi «nd ProrWon*.
■will raoelve a Uttie ueuvmilr worthy of
of tbs prodaeu of the aorthwmi. ttim midbeaven; tbewalla of a city, a | „ rvadv to be uiaile up into clotbingPrompt Delivery. Price* Alwaya Bigbt.
toctndlsg prtaervad Iraita. Biaesal
.narc;!* and towma. t -j-j^' .nugiup trve ol t^oeenrtand la
a plane to et«y
l; a city wito a huge I p),Miug to tbe eye. batdsnRerooslotbe
apeelmesa. threshed grains and gi^ns
• paimd to sod
and xotxb lu effects al« eari.wa It car ^
((-way tbn.ngb tabicb
la tbe stalk. vegeUblea. Barbie.
I Ihat'
array of attauge gartwd groat puiu to the ikts® '
R^mbar tbe carriw rbpy New
ks aud caris. Aud then a ha* ibe misfortniM- to g
aol, Tba carrier boy’i. addrma'wai be Is- give a good Weaxil.the reeearcea .
dicrv, and wbiw lurbeoed turn wttb
toaed toatorrow. Kvery Recpbh reader (hatcobnuy.
browu fan*. And ibcair.was bot and | ,tmi« is painfol in rainy w.aiber or
----------------------------: when to aur way it gen wet. b'r.-qufutdry . aird a strange bdor
' aboald bare oaA
Correspond irith
ly it is nrowwiry to dioto toirtos au^
The Ladles' Ubrary rooms will be
Tbrtsdn a rort»w by thn btfee ptrflah d<wg tbal bav.- been Muug by the tree.
the T raverse Qty
IbU alterpodu at the naual boors, i oaee ol •watoeton va. Beegmlller Da- 1 Dated a crouching figaro—a turbaned
instead of Satorday.
elded u Fsvor.pf Plaintiff
,*vutiti Hemiictu'native witb straug^ noR* to bis
Rather M. Lewla ol this city, vraa ^ The jury to th/eeeood trial of the and
■: (sn (sHioroto and-.\nsoua. Wben,. ^ Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plaok, Maple Flooring,
that gleamrtl with a i
' to tbf lm*t disturUti. tbi»biRbly“»'-i-■
ling whilcDom.
And no bim
gMici^y granted a. widovr'a paasiaa ; ease of bwi lat^vB Seegmlller
of. all
a jodgmsBtwM rendered to favor thoogfal oent.-ard. Then be urow* from
ot algbtdolton per month.
. Enpn, Set Works, - Carriages
le plaintiff
court, bw bi-ui puMtioe end idaBk tortb. As
a H. Kills has been dangeronsly ill. of the
platotiff to
to Joatiee
. Brown's
be iBionI amid the snarling do*s tbal odor.—D. V. F to Pbiladtophia Titaea
and Saws. A complete Saw-Mill Plant for salef
lor ten dan and U mill conffaed to ^ii yesterday afternoon, lor ti:5.«o aad lijopbt and yrlprd beyOod tbe City
costa. UeeRmllUr
beegmlUar bongki a stallion
borne, aiiable to leave his bed.
ol walU 1 uouced that lu tbe folds to his
iive then LOOO obelitia. to potitlmi
Swalnitoa In I'KI and gave lour prorala- ginurnu br bcld a Iodr. keen kaife.
The bid year wUl^ ha givou a^load
Hgypt. Two ol Evc-rand ariroi be Uxied ev.y hisahonl. tarowell tonight aad the acw wUl
paid, bat drr aa hr sloocbcd aloug And tbe no
he wslooBod by namoroas watch
gland, and tbe drsert spread btoerr
partisa. '
I the platotiff and him. and tbe diis* arose to yellow pnfi*
Thru cams two nslire soldtort ndiug
Llerut. Col. C. C Herroa ot (Mtogo. Patebto ;md Crotaar the defeadant.
D wt-ary borvea. and tbey cned out at
wOlheboreTamday. Jaaaary 4. and
Indlm wUl be inUrmted to tbe rag sight of Tbe footman. And when they
will apmk at tbs Toluntosrs' armory,
to wdm him toe knilo
127 8Ut« atroet. All ars .tovlttol.
flasbed. and «1» soldier toy silent at bts
Tho annual review of Traverse Oty earpeU bv tbe Waahbarav Croeby Chi -fret, and tbe other fled aerom the gtoam•Sooond Qaality Bnbbera ar« the
superior ing <Wn. and tbe knife was red.
Tknt, No, 871. K. O. T. M.; vriU be held ef fetmkey. by a aew
Business Has Been Good
New Stocks of Goods Constantly.
After Christmas Considerations
"We Extend
Hearty Thanks
if You Have Logs to Stil
Paste This in Your Hat.
(hla eventog aad oSeera will be elect'
Tbirr «<-n- rkinda and oonliiBed
aoenro. and out from them all tbe man
.ed. Afallattendenceiadmlred.
Priem lem tbaa Chicago rates,
Waabbarae Crosby Co. are now tUtog wub the ted kuite ineoard ou. to bis
The a A W. M. RaUway
a larwe airht-wbeeled an- aa order Jer tbe entire new Arlingtoa
ror, half dropmiton. tbe look to a
arorki and 100 fiat ears IroB the Pena- work it No. TTn every rospect. Kacili- baunu^ man.wbaaF Isia Impeli btot
tiro lor doing the largmt work in tb« foewatd. Then eDathtr rfty. a city to
sylvaaia Chr company.
wd walls and many hots mid
_Jht regnlar mestiag of tha Vf. C. T.
tow patome and stmebmtoJbe am and
tovy efrcalar.
D. wUlbshsldat^hosmof Mtv Ptbe mast* of abtra.
at wsVea, and tbe roaring
J. Cartto. State atroet this alinrooap
OhtoStc Market.
to tbe wind, aad tbe rauto to contogA
at ball past tw^ e etoek. Sohjset. 'S>ar
and to the midst to Ibe ship (be brown
Department Work." Mra. 4«hi
faced man calmly todiffetant to tbe
r of tbs
Tbsro isanw
lamUy to Mr. aad Mra. 4aliss D
bsrgthtowsek. Tbsaatiro fantilyDro
asMsnt and tbs oemMsa Is a hnpn
MlsB. BwMs* tbs BSBhi to tba
m-ty to thk tolg thn n irant
M^ cloodt andka^htottkitocba.
otto Mthiacnem. Myegmftnd thnm.
storm gatoa* at tbe wall to my room.
Md presently it opem and tbroogh U
•teia tbe man wbo croochad by tbs togy
QifvMi BnpUa. Dae. M.—Whmt. Me. •Mm BteptqrMcpbeeenmtoajbsd-
New Jenny Rubber Shoe Oo.
Cunnecticat Robbo- Co
Pan Bobber Shoe Ca
Fedeielh asd B*y Suie
Old Colony and Oiaat Rnl^r Ca
Keystone Jabber Oa
Rbode Island Co. and Woonasquatacket.
liook out for PUNCHED GOODS.
The BhOTe Bttbbm ere Deer at Any Prioa.
the old beuable shoexah,
118 Frail SliMt,
Woirimr* Block.
11 mu TO GOMEI
I mcBta M «cr«iiiit of tb« Pkclfte i»0lro«d
the totml iwli '
I wonlh weuW haxc FXC««d*d
pMidorM by aoproHiMtely ll.7».«0a.
I Tb* relunx* from la^rmal nrcBM
I auutxM «bo« * cralltj-luB larroM. Md
It Is «>t unllkst)- tbat tbr .Orambrr
W«tchlng th» ProgTw of Rort- sutsment will show sa »xc*»s ov«r
November of p.«SO.m AKo«*ttoer the
bro«ity Nogotwtiont a» Thoy
altustloo so tar 4R reveunes are «ooAffMt Thoir Product.
eeraed U very crailfylBr to the traaaery ometals. who conBdently predict
MOllP EQ 01 m OUlOl (USE. i ^
there will be a surt>lus (or eacb remain
Inc month of the present fiscal year.
Wni ls..W%.l.lbe A*a^ Casa
Washlncton. Dee. »-lt Is expected
lat the a\1I servlee eommlsslon will
-veattcate the mse ofCbUsctor Avery,
at Poet Huron. Mirh.. wbo-tec«iUy re
moved several depulle* for alleced e»oUtloDS of the dvll seo-lce rulea. These
WaahlnyUK. D«i. ».-Tbe lumberand ▼l^lio
lions. II Is s.1'1 Bi the oAce erf the
•Iber^Blercsts wblcb ml*bt be aflseted
be psdproclty ireatlsa are watcbtBC had paid p.liticel si----------June. !»»«. The comralsaUm
Pi the I
here all Uwi~coBceras tbdr special U
>nlaUve of ’ testify, p
chairman of the executive
the KaUunal Lumbermen'
- Be has had several Interviews'
Rebel Uederin Cuba.
I Columbus. O- Dec. lA-Tbers was as
j taflDX ttf leclsUtora last alvbt Sfd tbs
Hanna RepubUcans. led by
I Kurta Wiu test the strenctb of tbelr
! forces In tbe orvaatsstlon of tbe leclsprsarnfl oolCE lEAS BCSO SHOT. ’ Utnre was indicated by the anoOclal
I annoBmement that Kepresenutlvs HaI sna. of CTeveltod. would opp<«e Repreaentsttve Boxwell. of Warren county.
Tor speaker. Allen O- Myers, the ap
parent- leader of the DeinociatB In the
propp'd tuston with the pantl-flanna
Reputaimna. bar xivea ont tbat 'tbe
Democratic members of the bouse will
support Mason.
Havana. Dec. tO.-JIany friends «rf, Wlibln tbe last
___few day* streec op____
m certain Demv•enor Caaalelaa and S>lve«er Heovel. ; ^
tbe propoaed fushfii. and tt Is
eon^spobdent of the New York World. ' BOS' tenaln that all tbe Democyatlc
canoot be cettea
meel them, and were creatly dlsapDemocratic
p.ilBled at their non-arrival. They are j
m jh, cUy last nl*ht staled eracunndenlly expected today. -Kcus ha* ; phatically that lhe> would not vote for
rived here ahead of them that Scot el . aa$ one except a Democrat for rnlted
,«• bark irem the 4b-ld after bavin* pre- Stales senator. T^rr wasa^nf^nw
Real Estate *».
Correct Styles.
Most Complete Assortmeot
ever sbowo in this Citynow
on sale at
JJo. 131 State Street,
Traverie* City, Michigan.
Menejf to Loan
ImproTed Farms and
City Property.
Come in and look them ov^.
Johaaon Block.
’Phone 73.-
A Fevr of Them Left
Those pretty Solid Nickel paadniple Silver Plate
that their product may bat-e to bear
-------------------------TAUGHT HER TO USE HER UPS.
tbs brunt ^C.e.d..e eeclnrocllv ne- •
d TuDU yesterday yilhor- Kspies*A«e>l Belleirsd to
' ,atetmrblc««w.Ow.ol>wb. Wa* how Re,—
-----oe dlSAao Wboa 8r r-i„nL
Sid tbe followlDS Inteniew on this
p, n lia i Onrars to suiTTBder i^eneral
xrfl-' Hoe Tatro.
clproclty WoWem:
Brunswick. Oa:.
Tt Is, evldeni ibe tdmlnlslraUoo-Is bry. axent uf tbe. fionthorn Bxptvrn martlBlrd on tbe spot, but on leandnc | Chicago. Dec. SC.—By patiently tAchInc tbe use of the lips tor uUerances
......................... ....
company at this irfac*. dlispi^eat^ yes- that the}' were special envoys from
Dr. wnils D- RtrKer. staff pbyalrlan at
ada under s.ectloD i of tte Dlnstey bill. ] tedray with tt.OOC
retsry Bhemion. actlnx under tbe
As «ha)rman of tbe exerailve commit Brunswlch 8avln*a and Tn
tee of the national lumbcrihen's
imet^ ll^*^?y bt'*"ml‘^* and ibi i«>wer of spew^hto M^ E. Lauf.
4 and SkCOO coBsUrned to t
▼cetlOB I bare said to Commla
w^t we said to the last con- Bank of Brunswick. This
Shipped by Ibe Savar.nsh Bank and
Trust company. In addition Mabry U
(tenor MadHxal tVnlted Rtates coaaul ...■htr.lBX- Since that Ume and
six wssks a(o ihe'youns lady
supposed to have taken H.SOO placed tn ai SanctI Gplrlios) expUlned to General nboulbeemmabllo utter a sound.
I the exprea rrfJlee by ihe Johnsue Gomes that l>realdmt MC-KInley. la ac had
cordance w-lth a promlae to R|wln to use .Dr. SK.rer (rained Mlsa Lauf to use
■tcamsblp line.
lira as be would a . hlld, and after
Tuesday nlcbt Route Affent LoveU ar bis friendly Nnfluence with the Insur i her
of Irwsons the youn(
rived to idtech up Ihe uSk-c. Mabry gents to brinxNhe war to an end. >ad lady suddenly partially
"ButweWedecidedly oj-pused
rejcmJned her
hjip lAvnor Madriiml) and Voice; and with conalaat practice
tni with coal and Ash the burden of a worked all nl*hl and rhr<-krd himself selected
up tSM Short. Afier flmrltic In tkdn ftcoyel to carry out the mission. He now entirely recovered tbe use of It
pediey which the maasre of our i>e<iple trytn*
prstwoied Itecretary Bbsyman's
to Ond It be wrote a lhree-pa«e
^ arc utterly IndlBerem to. but which Is letter to
his wife. In It hr slated tbat .........to Oenerdl Gomex. Tbe Ultec bad
P prvsd on the admlnlsiratlcn b}- a few he was short
and did not kn..w where the ssroe iransUied for him and save
’ Jlsi Challpww 8^ acsla.
Americans ln|eresled In the seal «ah'hoald
money had «one. Ayenl Lovell orders that the < mmlsslonera. shoal'
New York. Dec. 81.—WUIlam A.
' iiilM and-a tew other American cltlsens the
discover lbs abortaxe and prob be tnei
Bmdy. rorhett's msnaaee. has chalwho arc owners of<htnadlan furesta As would
..........It for the (
ably Jail Kim. The dl*«Ta.v wa. too fixed s
lented ntrslmmons to a(ain meet Cpra mailer of pHnclpIe. policy and bual- much
t durtti* the Intervsl i
tlO.Bc; and has dep<«aed *t■eaa. the aversxe AmeHcan atudcol of
then on hand and left- If an>re- confer with Ihe Oulwn rovemment afitb
se match- The rballeo«e
•vety-day affairs can see no more readed be would kill hiroseir.
refereiwe to Ihe action to be taken.
contains Che usual Blaxs ai Bob's man..—sa& luatlce jr demaivd for reciprocity
*>b will never foryei tbe
wlA Canada than wHb her Imperial
Jim (wve him af
BOtki^r. our beat cuatohjer for our
wheat, com. hay. centra, lumber, eic.. AwdTwM tberaila w«s Tskettts Lhs ■ues amured Senor Madrical and Bcovel Carsun. and that li-b won by a flake,
that he was mu. h pleased with tbe In and derlarea It an altempi to deceive
nU of w hich she buys not
terest shown by tbe American (..vempublic for Bob to Insist on Jlra
L M.-John
mental (rounds but Amply because she
Rew York.
In the Island of t'uba. and that he
ttnx some olher man first. He also
wanu ihem. The Oanxer to our Inter- I ,,^3 Tuemlay nlxhl hailed a policeman
reply to President McKInley refers to a promise (iven Jim by Bob
•au Ues IB reciprocity with nail, ns lo^hlrd avenue with ''Hem. ivipper.' would
thronth Ihs rvpresettallve of the On- that the IMier would (Ive him the flnn
its corpse
(Dvenuneiit at Waahln*lsn. ae he ebauev If hee^r fouxht any one axaln
sent a bullet throuyh hts
arral Oomrtl was not allowed to
falllBC dead at tbe officer's feet. Is said
■ Ke. different In tbe couniries In
.-The fOllowlnc
New York. De^
h we need to have been formerly a wealUy realtropica, p
> Clywn. oi
and whirb cannot be produced at dent Of Cbleaxo. it U said that Ber»- alejaa Is retumlnt 10 HataBs (or ffoo<
I Tbompaon. who
havlna (Iven up his ptuiomd YlsU 1
Mn. BalUnytoe
astern iMba.
Booth, the Stslenient belnx Issued,
wblcb be enme easl.
■IBERT or 8»xo.vcKy^Tma»oa.
He took to drink, and In spite of
was announe^^. because of Inslnuaihs
aid w-bicb relatives extended to himrecemi} made that Mrs. Booth'a cndlUon bad never been aerlous aa hadbeen
reached the depths of poverty. In bis
room was found the followin*; -Give
reported: “Mrw. HalllBdonBcioth la aufe
my body to some cblleye or hospital.
(erinp from no aneurtain of the aona.
It Will be trf some use. It was hob
re consider tbst her condition
wbu has ridden
while I w-a* aUve. No work, all kind*
snd lx serbius. She ts alwolutely
tbe IsUnd. writes
(orlddden I o do s py work."
With Canada Bir Julian Paun.-etote Is of trvuble and (out: that Is too much.
mw St Ran Jose t'j4as.
now able to (el abouL bavin# for some
province. «J«l reconceniiades thrnwn
TIa trials Men OsIbx ta CmBs.
time been laid up with rfaeumatlsm.and
ll Blufia is . Dec. SO.^^Tve Chlaio the Sirsrw or dyln( In. wretched
will be' able lo (Ive Ihe rectprocliy
Columbus. O.. Dec. »«.—D. O. Reed,
urs. mere llvlnc skeletons He stated cs(o and NorihnesTcrn rails a, OL-d In
matterw irerwraal aitenOon. Jt may be of Richmond. Va.. and Mr.-Haxm. of hat
the realstei of deed* offi.-v here
W.floo hive Jl.-d within a year.
(Uicd that Kaasun. tbe special pleiu- Chlca(0. tin plate men. a^
(ur'SUIi,«h>.<MO 1
The lrlsuivents have luimed ll.M
- purTKBse beln( If
poleotUry conmissinner of tbe.Ualied
of the Dnlied Rtalea Trust company, of
e rales afflped UPStates chanced wllb the conduct of tbe 1 possible to restore
New York It Is (tven for the
letlnx. but which
Defoliation o('reclpro.;ity arrwn(ementa I OB at a f.ievluus
and irvallee under Ihe tanff acu has *| were vloUUnl by | i of the members
. im.3»
not un.lerukcn to cmslder the subjert I thereof.
• provjri
ilMlh of a M-cMy F
of mipriK-lty with Car.ada. Tfils ab- ]
St. I»ul*. Dc. »—Thoma* W Sey
sfentlon on tbe iwri of Kasson Is at- i
JH.—A aper-lal cablB
mour. foun.'er of the benevolent older
tribuisb'e to Ihe fa.i that the sublrct i dispatch ,1.. The Herald from Parts an.
to enxaxv (cui^ of Inaurfenta. uf tbe RnKhU and Ladle* .of Honor,
of reclpr."lty, pure and slfnple. as de Bounees that the C-untess Castellane. and
the tiwopa'lnel band* of 1» and J» ana cTBBd aecretary for the stale ,rf
acrihed In the tariff »rt. has become a , nn- G.iul.1. Tueodiiy (sve Mrtb to a Imt
alroDK, and experienced unumal loaa. MISMUri. died ai hi* horae at MapleInvolved with the seal gUrsilon sndulh- {
Ht. I*>ul* rounly. yraletday a*
ar tssHi-s aa tn b~ ome prwcticall} Irisepand comentradu*' »'*■" •►'“ve- lately tbe rcull of paralytic ati. ke
and so> the entire
rnllre |{
Joined the ln»nrsent«:
sullied of ('auadlgn relations appeal* \
------ •
PMre 8ab** 8er Utah..
to remain In the.v,nlro|.of ex-Bcretary ; Tbe Bell Teleph'one cumpany renU 'On Sunday tn ihla-provime leader
Xul* Delyado wa* awraarinaied by two
Bhanchal. Dec.
It la rv-(iort*d here
:»«.«:» Iele,.h.in-s.
Great Britain wants to ne(otlBI* a ' Durirc the past year tbe earitlnjm <« «r hi* uel(hb,'rw. who had induced him .hat the admiral of. the Ftvnch fleet
ounfei w Ith Ihem. It 1* *upj«ued they has hoisted tbe PreiKb flax on Hat-Nan
treaty Ihsi will cover Canada and her ‘ralbosds In lUlnuls axrrenated tKJI*.- i.i
were (uvernmcnl aicenl*. Al La Gaya, Intend. The Chlnew offered o« oppoMWent Indian u.lonles. ss to reciprocity, .m.
and Ihr sc»llrA\ Question also, whlbi-„.^ burxtarw were capiored while In the niiulUdi* U-rl o! the ptovliuv of
Foster Is gu'rft-d as espresslirfi a dHeC- . ,^u,tn( H-rpevlD'a ature at Chlpiwwa Puerto ITlmiie-; the Imwira-nl* eelalllehed ra-er a inunlh ax.>a well fcrtlfled
mlnatloD K. (..rie Great Rritaln. if be I
can. t<) 'treat the sralln# guesll.m 1 ^
(,-i ihkk. .-amp, luflU two hr.uw » for omcea. he.
to collect horae*. and re,«n»tnu-led
« per cvnl. pure lron,.ha* been it»n
f-rty-flve mile, of telephone line to La
wo^ aeem to a man up a 1 ,„„,rd In Center . ounty. Pa.
wants .^b* oldest .'IMl war veteran Is Cor- I.ul*a farm, the camp of I.^der Monottp? that
»stl..B w.nu
command* the Inadraeni Mree*
ts use tbe seaHn# guesllon and red- nellus De Venn-v.
Js.ksoil. Mich. irf Iraa Tunaa. General Bando. falllnc
dreclty aa clubs respertlr-et}* to beat De Venney Is I'C yewra olA
to continue hla march Into the ln*ur- uy town «r my laiyh,>od lo maken
/the i.lher with. It is the oplnlnn here.
The report that men were needed
vlidl. usd w litle there tbe whole Wwn i
In eaxiern Cuba
- anAi* a lance number of pubUc
, the lreh..iuws on lT:c lakes near Piwau- nnint of inaurroountablr
iru* ret mftoA by Ura appemranre of a |
thsi F.wter will have to treat al
l-eii rompeUad to ,-on«TOct f inllllary hiKhiv luieraatiuB tariRm-r—a Hon, ,,
unfou"^qu-s(l,ins losrevher and the pr ent In- '
dicall.ms are thaieefiurts whl e made i Fire Aestr..>ed ih« «i.af a--ollan lo line and poM* aipnx tbi^lvey Caul., to esrian of ooUe l inlL Na be warn t a |
U. include i-anada amutK the colonies i the Great Newlhern b.deL CtU MO,
tetrher la iliuraiae. Hr wa* a (leBniDe ,
Te.,-ivra^ihe advanlaxe^f reriptcxliy.
» *«•
«hc.-*"‘cl o.miracyj^ , He reiurria an eiloiialve x.me abelter- lilbvi HuuKaiyui. <>»e nf the clever,
Inc ItunnreBt* which cannot he In pivity
- Th. i-iMt .l-slrv of the Brillih tVnU In- Ifee.W.
Kmalll.'wn had ffons
dlun r..!..nle. is maecuh-lire *• percent. ] Mrs. E-A. M.srtr. of «.'hlpi«-»s
Chlpi.-ws Fa’i
Falls, vaded aa he ha* n.. -poaw to aupplr abnaul 10 etudy tunaic and bail there J
re, Ipr., II, r<-<lu, tloii on tunar. 'Wbat Wla_ (ave ''■Hb t" tr.pl'ts on ,'hr.el- tr.a. troop* wltlj f.w«l. thu* »>elB( com- m.-l and lus'ic a reriua* iin}in«s)ua rai
I-Iled iiMSin»m»et military i«*ta- ObeywUl 1«- on.Te.1 in'exchanice bas not yu , mas day. Alt/he yuuusairrs
puil.math who bad
In* the ..rdera ..( General IPau o.
' been d-iertiiln.-d,
1 and dporwus..
AlKiied that the recovDr. Wile,-Me, '. of New Torfc. bas Uurmx.. C«irdero l. ft Dinar del Ri-> for dtUHMl liu-waire V.’ uaLc b(TS visit.
Hr held a tolliiary jafritue In hi» ,mn
C vatni! "f <ien«al UtiyU
r JiiUmi would i>errolfa«-tfve
• ■
dlscuveiieS a n.-i anseslhelli-, cimsislTh-y
waufTT. nod lb., tail* of bis miliury
atepa on the Kriilah-An^vrlcan treaty <i(
apeak ..f tviljtiiw, und-r «»t. Uual with a teiliisat red. u,«aOrfUWtluD. Tli.-re If no prsaeni
pvCroUc ether. to iy prrwtwtril tl>* entire coomranity.
peek however, that' onythin# will Iw
Uevnria A'veretta McMutlm I* the penalty of l> irre killed. Then be
done OB that -uh>.-i, and up to this name rt the new claimant tor the remain with the insunmt*. but was
rime no pe(ntlail<ne have been <ip<-ned wea'th of the late dloek yardt (ClUca* between tbe ambasjud .r and the state (ol" kli'C—Allen ‘Grexwy.
UIIboI* rcilatinwaa ta CaaaeiL
KBialitown WM onl in full fnro*
department. B<ith eo,.-imnients hare
Dr, Thomn* W. Kvan*. ‘
KprtiKfleld. HI*.. Dec 30 — At
to five a good look at him. Lk-ruHitTbit
M^Mvd a favorable aiuiurtc toward ;
Pan*, left a fortune nlxM'a . xencrsl m-eitn( ■•( the I
rMpanInff ne(«tl»tioni.. hot the ftrilli* ;
m.ww.oik.. m
,h« U left TearberV a«*-e-laUon Henry C. t'ox. obaroh depcrWustil differod
aoytblbarvfw wittHwsrd I
(Dvenupgnt will lake nu >i,ri« whatever
priDcilwl Of the Kruebel echuol. Chloawith tb*
until a definllo araurance u (t hand
(p. delivered a memorial address og_ ery. II* Wa* *ret^ in
^e' New York Herald',
»eu. pnnep.,
-----------Jvhn H. Tear, dkwased.
principal u.
of q>e
^ yoonx •DOinU wbeD ^
Chlcaxo. Prvfeaaor \ down Ote aiele. As tbe tallw eflttfvd
•e by the raim.atlon JJrt**undertV«diM ^ween tlm (ovwnof the .enara. ________
^ ihe United Ktatea.
, de—j tb* pew Ihe tall HowrarlBti arere;
"The I piacrel bis band amra biajhrvaft and
IKC8EACK IK BBVKXce Rkciiim. ; pr, E. M. SmlUi. pr*ddcnt of Monl,toobl*4u n rclvmotinra* bow. then
-----ptH.-r eemlnary. Montpelier. Vi., ha* Kihi, ai and' Hhjwical Element* In Phy- 1
hUuerlt. the »d eoattail* beillg
" U-ro elected prealdent rf the lUlnol. m.-al hlducaOun.- Wllltem Jenklna of ,
evideno* during |b* olnia.
^ j Wealeyan uulveraUy nt Bloomlnffton. Chicwxo. was appointed B tBemtwr of:
«>m^tee on «duc
- «nt<«*daf*w
romtslUee on non
! At an tia(ii*fded snte cmoain# or l
formnl reoepbt. T«y Boperlnt*
mem receliday and expenditure* w-m ' Chirux.. and Nortbwmern railway
BT. As a rule,
L. of tni*- rttr. is slated f*r prealahow a 'material iDcrwaae In tb* reoelpu Auelln iCbIcaXo »uburb) Mr*. Buaan
d make rere*ppfrom l-jtli cuftoma and Intornal rvv- Hill wa* almoaLknatantly killed by
tng bows in church; bnt. a* is evidont.
Mxu«.'Yc*irnlay'» Ini-ome from cuatuana
xnch is Ura HnuK^ifinn tasbioB. and
Mias Juai'pblne 'Johan, while rn her
n. the hlchrat fiffure*
al.>ne w*. K1L.M7.
nver. Dec.. Jl^he books uf tbe BmalltinrB wu* iiomrally moeb inlcrTCathed
e new lartir Uw
.ray at Chli-a«o to altecd the weddlnc
ed (Mat** branch mini for the year
nf Hkrry Hornii* and Ml** Brasle GrtdR-ireral tl
■re now rinsed. -The depcMtts of ««t>«l and BgiUMd over tbit udimbbI dis
la«t few week* the custom* revenuec ber*. fainu-d In the street and died a (old are tb* larseet «ve'r received. The play*ar fonigu wanner. •'—Detroit
have cxcee.led ICM.OOO. and accerGln# few minute* after In her motheri* arm*. tstaJ will aliphtly exreed tILMO.M*. asd Preaa
t0 the expctailon* of the treaaury ofThe wni of Charle* Coutoft. Olsd for • cora^atlv* cMltnate made by the
Adlnb theae fi*ur,i *|U be fully main probate at New York, after beguexu to mint officlato ptere* the entire output
^JMi fartnn vrbo Inow it b
tained for an IndeflORe period. Tb* relaUvc* and trlenda kuvea tiie remdu* of Colorado at tS.OM.IMI In round fix- against tb* law to tM* temW ta driv*
incrcn*e from cusioma this aonUi prob- of the emiffa. valued dt n.MMN. to be urea, Colorado will go tar ahead of Cal- out rabbit*, pike* ta tb* bwtow a reb•htr ^ exceed November by tUMM* dlvMed amond tb* (eneral tbeoloffi
Uornla. aa it ta uaM to b* ««Mfat U hra bore with a tia bera ca tbt «od to«r ILtN-m w-Uidi wrOl lend* n mrplos semlBary of tb* Proteetant Bpumol
Callfomla’* output will towA tb* Itt.- •cmd. Tbre tlMT blow tb. hM. and
§w the month.
rturcb and other InMItutlona
en.reo mark.
fainay oorere o«t ta qutofc ofdre.
independent of tbe rmidpu and pay.
Get One Before They are All Gone.
F. A EARL, Jetveler,
Uatma Blo<*.
Printers’ Ink Says:
™ I —.
••.■\mong the bgt advertising media are papers that
spend money liSwilTy on themselves, first in secur
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to result in a st^^
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
adverfTscr, of course, shares."
The Morning Record
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Every Day, and on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-to-Date
Popular Illustrated FioIuimi
It Costs Money to Do It
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that
The RECORD Ris i Readied Sat fi the Rud I««i.
Advertisers Pro^ by It.
213 Front St.
tore Block .Beeoirad Three *naea a #*ok
Counts. SOc per. i|unrt
Flelchifs Ofstti Depit aed RKtairait
are wbst j'oa need for tb»
weather, and yon c«o bay
s^tb'em ot ns
We aell Iba beat that's made, ;
- sod the |>ri(^ V* ae follows:
6c, 12c, 27c, 32c, 39c, 46c.
Yon t{at tbs BoBtOB oLthe OoodyMT mabaa for that pno&
ED, PEIDiT, DEeBKBEE 81, 1897.
m'tbr tn«Eur7 at th» batrean
UUIllltllrii U 1
With H)« R«P)y tD Q«k*'» tnv^tatier) to a Controvarty Over
the Sacratary'a Plan.
iviauw for ««14 i»a«»pUoM. sM
t«nk« ■<u>rcmeT TOU v« bold
to b* awA
0 roronttr Owd«
•t» tb« •
bef»r« tbo bouof »nira»««*
Im •»< oormiry U» EUpport of-foor WII
Toa soy thfti (b«
(b« «ov«rtim»m
--- ------------•OME OF THE
I «pon Which we anaJl l- required to pay
intereat. The Inron.i.tency of
! autemcnt and your plan
: a«d «“>"»
— ,.
Ever Bunted Out?
In «*»*«»—tiw •<«a» r«ci« i
aud ib(»f *'“*“*^-
pretty, hot baa
me and liaa a little JabM airwafpe
It of noa.i«.t™ng.«toua.rw.
potnilaoc frumt^ throat duva
Fine Merchant Tailoring:
sliade or oUht of white
all .iniCDderf Ua wedding
annua! output. Will readily
i and rapidly •■II Into llae."
(-harleeton. W. V*., Dec. IC.-A DoJl. ed Mloe Wor
Inc tnc minera ot district No. I bcfaB
r plan for more thf
Clare acaliial .
here yesterday under tbe auw'lrea <d
noKhly ctimniluliK
csubut to t
. fold atandard. a plao forpdeatroylns the national executive board. Tl(e <ft«rouf *reenb*i-lc currency and «ul»Utut- TPDllon paased reaoluttnna afllrtnlna lla
tfia lank n»tea; a < plan In fact for alledance to the aaUonal orcanitaiWn.
ihe tr.ntn.l
e«.t.tri|| of
of the
weakenme the
national The meeOnr her* 1* f<o- tt*c punwae
of elcctlnc state ofllCr i* ans the tranaineirute ofValuaa, action ot auch bualncsa aa may be necof all m-asu
f the lanl— a
- plan
.------ ' ewwry to have the state pruperiy repand st-enctl
nlrnlnc «t what you
mobbiK.-.; Columbua, Jan. IL
■form' and which we i.............k...................................
Jy.- % • • Of all men In puUII. life ,
fhatunooca. Tenii., Dec. a-tbe
miners’ stiilie in the mal flelds alon*
we have the arettesi reet«-ii for
I the line of the ClnelnnaU Soatbem rwllprot-tty and liftecrity.
• way In Kentucky and Tenni-aaec. which
KvO* It* tlad* la (be OaM Wsadai
rauited i beitaB Ian May over a reduction of
"Ton aafc what evils havr
stand- wsBee nf JO iwr eeni.. wa* yesterday de^
fiutn our adheriiii e m th<- e<
f Ih.*e ' dared off by the m-n
A |woi-^tloo
«rd. 1 amwer that the evils
uioet jrrow I ww* suhfniued by the operalors and aethat have rrowo and
of values. • 1 oepted ^ the men to make Q» rvducfrom a •llsbopeai mea
ttoi)_of waiTPa I per cent, insist of 10.
measure at
t dlatHhutlon of wealth.
j “sp^mifleld. lUsTr^- ».-The inlri^
warnlnc* that la rl*htly their* and .-on- jat Aasumptloo. Oiris^tlan county^_______
lersil Ul«m olhrrs who have earned number, hare struck becauae the ml
It not.
Any -measure of values Chat 1 cunpapy refused to employ several of
thus force# an unjust dlaUlhuUon of ] Ihe airtutot* who were tbe leader# la
the producu of U»wr.. that deprive# | tbe strike lAM faU.
the producers of the fruits of their UHI.
tBOtXD 00 tMTO rtlEinCA
COU down wase* and proSU. thriAy
the Incentive-to eoUrpeise. Opldtoaar sw EagU-b IsWL-esdOT M t.
QegsalSMl LaborOver Hstw.
industrial slaimatlnn. enforced
New York. Dec. M.-Edward Har
ford. who with Havelock Wilson, M. P,
three'general share*. One share roe* constituted the British trades union
as Interest and real* Pi the money delegation to the Nashville convfintlon
lender and landlord, to raplMIlats who
of tbfi Americaa Federation of LAlsir.
do n>it pri.dncuvety use theU own cap
ital. wh" seek t» avol'l tbe risk* of sailed for Bouthamplon on the Amerpnului-llnti
.t s«Kxind share *•«■* aa lian liner St. Taul yesterday. Before
. profits to employers: a third ahare goes sailing Harf.wd aald: ‘The policy of
American trades unions In not ehas uaow lo WBse-carnerw.
gaging in poUUc* as a body Is stupid
Aaksr l.fwAer Abilin HI* CWss.
•The interest charges and reinq are How can ibey'eapect to obUIn any
reforms If they bold aloof*
to a jm-a; degree figed. and profits and
b*«d U.. ™.i,
« too
Bodear *nd vrrr diffemit frtan ihoae
flm ofTMud. Flat fdt t»lnir*Bm to
haw tbe prefereoee. though these are
often tilled np or dot^ little aooording to the faoc
Nihrly all tove
baperim of velvet.
nft made drtiwaa
mlt that you will eeck In vala for a
Biacie denorulatory word, etlher In J*card to your moilvea. yoUr plan, of
aolutlona de-
IsTrsOTroetMy. '
was cffrat.d a few weeks ago by first
tpltab, fnr and.rlMsm ai* all seem. ^ 1
n.ajn* sod ihco milBg
no end of Jvwc-lcd or rnt Mcol buckles (j,pg,
wnicr cuuuiuioK bleaching
I Some hove no ftwfbers. while others are)
luuows* mUod wiih the
! onwred. Tbe three plntnes. i«cb Iallin«j
' is • diffnent direction, seem to pleaae,
I neayl.T eveubody- Flowcr.de luoe and ,
a troerroir "liy nttaujsof Jew
^ powerful Mcnyw’wther steam
Xbe naervoir wall*.*
BK among the dcaurauou
are worn, a few velvet < .
aumetiiDm a clmw bunch ot velvet forgetnuuois. tKit the mow of
trimming for bate and UaioetB 'are made
featbon and jet and Jeweled ornatnentA
Satin draperies show well. Grebe I#
, deal M ^mming. and on Jomc felt bsta
a»-di*^ef made of btovy bosibai
I point Shined velvet, plush and saliu
! bats are anionc the most expensive and
I most striking
Tbe majority of them
. ciMOTBa *J tats
icthiaa.aa« taslr
.r.MiiV w^.o^-i
"■ u’lij
.Free Storage
for Bicycles.
WalOTa I
er' Tsljcaik.
W • WMaor.
»»1 • ».?•“
lU share* sotHo*’Jot ease aa.*«OTa#e.
to the warn line. The vel-« ii of Ita
ricberf poOTuble unality. Os the high
ooligr and in the o^ew-are very ^
„ tbu»ostof the bonneW,
lad is anew oui'». and wt»oahrirf-
« Uto, u to. Vto.. u» toto -4 SSiSIi?.
e (d tbs same and a high
veuinga In tbe leaves and sti
' { black pandua plume waves in tbe air
pistllt where flowers are wroaght,{lt makes a toque, of which any black
Where the design Is in areb<OT|ne* U M
lady ml^t he proud, lie soft
optUned with tbeae fine cut stetd beada Tam U'Sbaoter puffed erowu* are decidThere U totnethiiig inctmit«»bly rich udly tarinouable 8orae felt bats with
about the steel lands. Jei ooiw are band- fiat brims have tbe place for crown* out
me. and snail gUt .ones. too. but the | ooL *o that a veltvi one may be insert.
first arc not so showy, and the seoood
“: ed. and a plaiting of felt Uniadetoi
*AUcnieys at Law.
we D« refined In some wy. while the
u such a ease a folding
scta>«ul. Orwaa *a»-
;broi around the I oacOTiDHOTUsueBis^.TmOTnaCtty.Nieh.
•tpel uoe* are
a* Iwatifol as stan-in a qf »*!»« or idoab irovuro
frosty dty Tbev arwrkle on the velvet.}
opholdiiig the tbiok velvet loops
retro* s> lid*a. m.
tbme steel beada. tmi it u with • ch^ |
stiff ut tbe buck. 1
toned abemi Uiai makea the ^eni
^ taaqw bad
O.L.LOOKWOOD 0 P.AtoOf«B«masi2a.
gam aa well a* boawifnl. borne of the • -_
tb«B i~Jr'
rt ■. BKOWM. Aumvej aud Oot
Sw velvet cape* hare ribben to match ^ ^nort^U
twisted iiiui rnJBike rolls with 'hnws in ,
tbe t»ck and from, and .these bow* are,,
' ' '
r ICDVIOT ioProbsi*OTwctlOT. Booroslaa*
fastened iu tbe evoter witb cat steel. |
stiver and imitaflcmdiamoiKl bucklroipi
plan of Ignoring the .•oiitrol of political
mashlncry as a meansof betterCna their
eofidlllon they are not only
Ignoring their cbahces. b«l are Intitlng
the acorn of poUtkians-th* very
t l•eUer CT botKBs to match tb*JaiCCl^ and j
from whom they exjiect to get
throe are set on g«h.-r*ny
a. /iroa-1
maJses. Things I
mmitt than fnr tbelr naetolBhqaJfura•;
Und used to be much as they are In
the fhlled Ftaies. but they have pmcncul point of view.
Same of these velvet cape* *« made
changed. WetradesiioloBlBlsgoTlght
Into politics.
We have suixwded Injf^Hanliogooloraniofaascardiiwl.ca-
>rince of Retail Eordiaiiis
Chicago —
West MichigM.
rail.. BOTVlal EStSS
auroUOT 'S~
JobD Vanapaker
maklng the political ^lea tbere defer I rtsB. burnt orange Wnc and black.
to UA and why should we — '.Wears
* «•--------« made
majority. In eAery co:umry the
distiiicl ootura like gray and safworker* arc the maj-xily."
n-,s OT (hs t
M • mhi^l fw nch wrwpa i*
loot limlud to wrepsandmantteaforif,
The Science Of
Ban Frencisco, Dec ».-A euii that t* I •one of tbe prvttieW and most stylish
J h. fought through all tbe courts If .I Jackets. Btruo blouws. etonsand • thres-
Largely ResiHMOTtMe Iselbe FaU |g PrtsM
Unpn.vemeol In machinery exluslvely.
that the Isbt-r ««st of uroducimn ha*
nbl lw. n tncrensHl by one-ffrth In the*past jeur*. and that therefore tb*
^Tusc ..f thls.fsU Ih Prtre# must lie In
whal. If not in d.-arer money? and wa*
du>. primarily 10 an apprerluUon
rhangv.* In the value of money have
larg-ly InOuencwd ibe movvtneirta of
price* dnring'ttae Iasi half ceiitury. and
were great factor* In the price movemenu during one long period. During
the quarter iif * centory foUowlng the
gold dlrcov. rle* In CanromU there was
msch pr.iRKW* IS the line of iBvehtlon.
'■n.urh inrudurlif* of lalxr-savlng machln.-ry, tr-uch
SultS tO OrdOP.
WUII.9 iw vi wi .
^uS^'::p1:,^. • • •
•'However. It W _r
chropenlng of the lal
tlon. but also
an actual appreciation
of guld that Ihv fall In prlcc-selnce Igt:
has been In great part due. Arui this
api>re< Istlon has grown out of th« demuneilrailon of silver, which baa In
creased (he demands for gold. This I*
A quesllon that every ppiducer can SBsuer.
'Ilulhr fall In pHres rnrtailed
my eaniigss- If the fal: In pii.-s bas
been J»e ’. t’Hd to general Improved
metbdds of pr->ducllon-A lessening In
t^''lrue ^'Kt of i>rnducilon-d)e has suf.■ftred no loss from «n h fall. Uoreuver.
/the fall in prtre* since
• all gold-u ..iR countries
Plttahutr.Dec. »-The coal ^..torw
Uon of Lau.r. 1ot> replied In an open ( of the Plwborr coal dl.trict
waae* are subjeit to gtVal nuctailoha
This lieing *» It It clear that anything
that reduces tbe tolAl money value of
tbe products .rf labor must Increase
the share of the money lender and
credHor.ihiiugh nunilBally fltrd.and de
crease the share to lie divided amona
emf.loyrw »nd ' wage-enmers. It Is
equally < lear that In increase the value
of money must decrease the value of
the product* of Utior and therefore eerlrfi the ircdlliiT at the eapena* of the
delU.ir. Sow. If oOr adherence to the
gold standard hascaused money to grow
dearer you must admit tbsl the gold
standard has done Injury to eur p-ople.
brought dnuM-se to wage-earners and
«mplo«’ers. and discouraged enterpflse.
foU ani^ with a draped belt
silk* are thick and
- 'armoie. pmu
_ 1 neiledMIk.
Throe lavishly biwid'od nastt)mro are 1
!97 Jaabtaaalile and (he bnrse show list, ‘
Utter to Fecretarr Oa«ei r««il letter.in tbli dty todv l**
t.fciee ea.u ll. ni to the reaolullona Of the unlfort*l>- commiaee, J. u.
paawd by the tederalkm with refermce i dobneon aay*; -There 1> no doubt that
•TtheOage financial bill. Oomperaaare t the airreenjeni will be alpncd by the
In part- -Too take eECVplIon both to I maJoHiy of ibc-operalore. ard beforr
the poaiuen which our orimBlEaU<« F>b. 1 we ahall have alan^ whoT^
K— lejrea »non vour t.IlL aa well aa »« • production of I.OOO.flOOtopa of coal
Tbi» i« »vhi*
winter faDetioBH.
TtU U rnade^Ta dwpcaiwform of
Waablngum. liec. 90.—Samuel <t—
•pe™.p,«ddem of tbe Xmerl»n Pederw-
A new iniiKrtBtiua u a lioe ot
oolm'lia> b>«B made into attire for
flue thh* wonl mmplrti ly oorWed with
mad ftmcthaw where tl i«
biph uecitd Kowna- One of
, Pot viaa-e W.OT. T^u'oftt* ^1*^ Ui
V »
IwtTiht 1— It «-ia hb*P^ - Vot
ab bad the akm pUis bet
OTP or auUMrr-lte pettom .ad atiil nluncr half an inch or !?.7,
Toor plan Involve* the i»opo*ltloa of
• to the I ™***“
•“** ““ “
the reUtwnt of our oatlonH poper
PI*-,-PfW auba.
curreacj- and »r*enl-u k*.
’'*• “ ‘'P*®
‘ Wldtli of the hi
U3hp>tlBbt. lar.
\tr. by
by ineaoinor.i
we ni.'BO iBtereat at all and tbV l*M
' ■'.'T'■. 7,h ^ th-4. OT.ner«l)e i~
wance of'h-'ada IB luatead in iBeaum I gonir no tjWMj cooM ask a tnow
w* onc<w««i bet in caw ^ wide oepw high collar and arcwiiil ^e wtale j
MrtH.OOt.WO. which •e.ahall owe. and; a^OTTWh than one now put ouTieiraa
„jf-t “
• haaqow UwU* ihi. wa* a Am bine
Ini better ill the ema^fhaaia tb*
oe<-e(«*ry to seiUe a question « hi. b ufd
fectj> irsdcs unl"ne has
Fred Hess. Jr.. !
Prwnclsro Typigraphk
union. cniiectiv. i> and
■ I damagcf
allegre (hat (he unl..n cxrr. ie..* con(n.l
over It* memle-r*. and that said mvmtH-re were prevented from wortem* with
him in The llulletin prtntlng oAre In
«ce ..1
wiucti 1Iht" city. In ciinrcquence
of which
hTrftuail^ a* s
was discharged ft
yicldtd him on
Uiwtype ■.i.rrwtnr
| ROartew'' *»
nil tUoae gariii>u]W are tninmed
vrilb rich silk jroasenM’OPTie. though
red with hrovy t
in the nifcd droighs so popular a few
aeBsoosago The designs are picked out
with fine cui JM beads or j« and itrel
mixi^ A very few have narrow gold
bnid iu rOT«M..e
elaborate o.
orieuul work, bwt
vvell in sucdi striking
; fewpereofi* loiA ,"^tL
^ F»nh««a aud « is tetwr to be too 000I s-rvative ib such uiafiera than cm*
I the avTung uido. -Tito— o-er..«ita are
Income of S9 per week.
The i<lalBtiir charge* conspirwey. on geucrallv of black, though there are
Ue part of................................
tpe defecdanl*
to prevent
irevenl , few
„„ iu
„ darkoolow
— to
him from securtng employment.
nenf. Hess 1I mBolar
for Tin
«he ih. man who took-----------of the llBo. ^
II tueiu nave 0^.0
open Pell
ixii Meeves
Itiea aqdw.
adgtxl with sumeannof fnr, whileolh-{
, '-tore Ttw Hufleiln• omre-was unlonlxcd.
ere have tbu Banal ri.Tve of tbe aaaaoo
' H* appll«-d for tn-mi
for cnau, aud that u> a nudinm aiud
, K*- but Us Mm'Katlon »*• rejscu.d on
cround that hs had n.it served an glgot1 have noticed thja vMk are** »ciy
> sppremk eshlp. Then theprlniero struck
jiy 1-rce th« dlwharge of He» because gtaid uffivrts’ in tailor made cwrnmea
Tl»we on- no liauror rrstrictud to broad.
*— «
“ u» a nop-unlHi
Hnib alooe. but covert* in tbu new mi»I
Bat th*^.l<ldrp Will Oa
[ fhl.-aco. ric. ».-Mayt,r
lay-tr Harrison , veilleu* waavea Tbeae have a sawth|s,„«|
iWicjer uurface.lban hcrewfoiv. and the
order twohlbltlng pul
; thrwd* an finer and cloaw, *o that on*
boxing -xMblUuns In the city. Hr s
hi* pirmlarton li> bold »I*-round loh•I* 'icil l-.cn
and that fight*
e lakins Place In ttq- cily ureo fdghL
, eiiH 1,1 might n«clnd the order afta tin .. Vnil Ihei ii would stand for
nny troclf.*.
______ .
pouring* of gold cheajiened raid to a
greater d-gree than commodities wer*
cbewpened. add the result was that
plicro were in general 19 per «*UL
higher at'th* end of this period tIM
at tbe berlnnlhg. Then what bspes^t
Wc, along wllb many other nation*,
closed our mints to silver.
We increasad the demand far golA with the
result that «old went up la valu.
priOM of comraadlUrs down. ■ ■
-A»d now. just one word as t
Bsotmd of the r.....................................
poae of your currency bill U to esuae
Uie reOretnent of oor national green—hack currency and all kovernment paI»r money and the aubaUtatlonAf bank
notes. This yon bold to be desirable.
Wby? WoaM Knot glee the banks tbe
power to regulate onr foralgu ex
changes. th* power to cherft gold exporu by costractlQS BBd hr acivwlng
down aceommodaUon to fnerebshta wOas to foree them (nhtow thrfr priltogti
OB (be market at prtre# M.FidBh «BT
fbrem credltora would twthar taksanch
pcatacto tkaa our gold? WouU « mH
lillSTEB UD lomoismi LI
Te take aflret Msday. Jaae ». UFf.
stlBto'eMeka B.
Ma tine- llBs. It*
Sunday’s Record.
iisi::::.:: -
.AL«-Tt>c gOToUse li
bast. *ul
I pOTVlOT. rrsisiBi : SB* WAI
juilL North (•■.rt.
iHospitals’ w
left. FlBdrrptraOT
— •-*
Will nB'b*<T»'l“ert»roBfdOTia.
Scen» along the Water
Front of a Great City.
OB (ULB—Joapeeet P<
•ad b»FseM. J. O. La
gooag'Mas OTid WoOTSa'KOIML
ha* to look vrell » m th*t then 1*
DCge than one ooltr reprwented. Th*
Hvr«t <rf them dhadM aad woavw
beovena, olive* and a delhBto shad* of ftosty cadet hlne.
nnnttt la another tcnff for outdoor
winter wear. It is betwem artmiro and
tzioot invreBV*. It i» pretty *nd quit*
*u «WMi8b fer toOor coMamoa. Of
zreah outorawa 01 pieicur. esiwtuaur
' ‘ ‘N it Is not neoetoUT to ipMk.
the Maadvte dlsirtcU where the inbabi.
MBtnfl CBUed ]
taros arc ••Mdag safety in BigbL
been gasetted anthorUlng the goverpmeht dorlB* tb* prorogation of parUameni. to levy taxes and provida for
the mate expenditure from Jan. 1 '
June » next.
OTeOTlea^teethwadEsgiy to *=»g;J
iTT. Atotrset* of 1
l..-xlnxt. o. 4Cy_ lAt. »v—Efforts are ;
being insdc h.r<. 10 organiae
loKigf of til
alrac«l.>o of civu roTMce reform. TDia
order .will W Irr the future -Wpot"
politician* who favor civil aervlce. and
attend to llwlr ca»ea when they seek
re-eleclton ___________________
BL Joseph. Mo.. Dee. SO-—Miss JanBle Ednkrda, aged U, and Arch MeMaatero. H. membere of wreltby fami
nes residing near Hopkins, were kUIrt
In a runaway near there
Mia* Edvrarta' akuH wa* erwahed by slrikUig a
OOVKLIto AHoraere w
Several Fine
Illustrated Features
[LOCK LrVBBS (er ••)■ M M per 1000
-------- to XvarerOT CUj tMbar
i'KL__ Money to Loan
M SM;’s Rscoid.
FATofaM A OMOtBMB. Alfhwws
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.