The Morning Record, September 08, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 08, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Two Centfc

Rnrt T«w-~No. 109.


tor OitoMwhahod ttndr out throe
ttoMO. Be kept np the fopd work and
didtheaometUar. Blacal hit a bard

•Aid or


at the plate. MeEiaaey
Txnuuao dxbxbxot.
Fear aeorod. Two oat, two oo boom
aad Uoc John Qoaeel to bat.
Xm»1 9mm 0> Xtt KMtto «ad B*.
Bat It oaded when John hit o kmc Ztopnttao xmran Before aa Xafuriatad
mtmmShU Bor S»ttb«
Keb of StrlklBC Xtaeio-TroabU
By to ooBWe that tkcay fothcnd la
*Mn Voik ob4 StecoM tooely. aemo;
* Fiaeipitatod by Order to Xviot Ooal
lyBotti ViMO-WotkiM
ICneto-Tbe Obdeet of Operatttia aa
Vttor VaUura.

tor “Bad" aad fortbe tender sympathy
omed whDe the faaOly wm
>hn Antintod the ■taansar* Tattle
Which Went Atihora.
Uaalntna, Sept. 7.-Tba etoamer Petaakey did not arrlea In pert aatil mid­
night oa her trip eoath. bting twain
hooia behind sehndale time. Monday
time waslost by going to
mee of the big gnla barge
Tuttle, which went ashore oa Bnr
Ptiat. ' After hard work the Petoskey
In raleatii,g the grain nmel
The aalnge will be quite sn Item on
thtejob. _________________

BoboUata bMtM ]br btttar bon.
Pittebarf, Sept. 7.-Eflortt to eeiet
ta • few wocdo, tho otacy of jMUiOoj'a
tke atriklac mlaeia of thp Plttsburf
aad Chtaac* (4e aad Goal oompaay at
AlteofbtkeeWton mode the moM
Uta,tbo*pl«odidaoldlocoftlw BmV
la a riot aad tke attar fallare of the
IM hold tkom dowa to b«t two
eompaay to aeeompUak Its <A}eet.
U woooeoniUsro emtoM u ^
When the aewe wae
that orle.
•aw aClU to Start Today.
beea idoyed oo the hMO fMoade thb
tioae wero to be employ^^ ^Hy
Ed. WlteoB was BP from BoricM,
OMOoa. oad Dot aiitU B«U pnlled down
ab^t Flaleyellle. Qaetoaeflle ah
ysstorday, dtiag butinsm ia the city.
Wf Joha Qoasel'e fly ta the aUtb iaaarerlUe became wildly exelW:
Biac woe the rleteiT •»
Last al^t tweaV depuUee from Be raporto fature bustoem proapeet
•rniiolm ot Mcoad boae pUyod craot
WaehiactoB. Pena., la chertre of chief bright, and though hte saw mill with
• koU aadocoodefloreof-tteerodit tor
deputy Bemphlll, Touched Flaleyellle,
therwoUMeoitetoiiim. Be oeeeptwhere they were met by a large crowd a few weeks ago. he wlU start the m
ed eicbt bordoboaeee, two «f them la
ot Btrlkere aad frieade. Bach deputy again this moralag.
o ahorydoable^la the oicblh Uaa armed with a wlaeheater rifle and
Bii«, oad oaotiw whea he Rot O^ie'e
re^eer. Ueepite thte the etrihere
hard bU la thealDlli end throw to
aided by oae bnodred Polish women. Wheat Market Bzpericacod Aaotbnr
Boat oad eoocbt DhtorMci «t the
Closed la <m thwn. The depptlcs were
BerlTal Tentorday.
CradaaUy drieaa back and fluaUy re­
Chicago. Sept. 7.—There was a Jamp
Bnateoechtacoad’cazaeond aet-o
treated to GestoBTlUe. followed by a
etolea boae woe mode by the
crowd of about two hundred men mud of twooenta in the prioe of wheat at
Bobe. Oo two diflereot ooeoetoae he
The Oaetoeeille deputies the opening today. The ma^et was
lenced by eablm from Llnrpool
aaeieted la rotiriac rooaan oa the bom Bannoa Voteware BaBbrod a K<oaa took refuga la the office of the
paay where they were kept aU night. showing aa adnace ot
of $«00 LoatW^t.
Saturday. Brokers for tbs bull clique
HoU, flalfko oad Poiha rot ereiT towcU toTuBMomn Eioobd.
During the night the building
UtUe wheat at the openlag but the
thlaf that come their way la the oatbarded with etMMi and brlcke aad
WilUaembnrf. September
At ^
naglBgwas limited aad the markbt
flold. Adame at ehort hod aa
tally flred at.
O'eleek tbk erealnc the bam of Bar>
credited to him bat it woe oa eaeaea- ^OB Koteware wae totally deatroyad
TbU momlBg the trouble of the gradually need off.
ble one, the baU toldac a bod boaad ^ Are. The oooteata ot hay aad etraw night reached a cUmax when the 6epa B. Bleytsle Boa.
jaet oeitiaached hlm.
ntlea sallied oat from their beaeigad
aad a few
The C. B. bicycle club will meet thte
eneUeoL Wbaolm oceepted hie tear
The Are wae eaaeed by a quaitois and started to martffi to Orerealag ut the home of Mias OsUa
a without a break.
baralBf etraw etaek, bat it le aot aagerUIe. Batii one canied hte winOriatt at 7 sharp, aad after a short run
«hit hard. known how the fire In the etaek orif- Chester in hU hands aad hte rerol'
■' k^hleaerreoad peUed oatof eaatc inated. Effort# to earn Um baUdlnc espoeed. but these had no terror lor WlU go to the Fernwood timpel to attead the C. E. prayer taeet^ there.
pretty ti^t ploeee. Re etnek oat were unaVailfair’. The lorn le aboet
agera. Beaded by tbs
aew ama. iaelndlac McKlaaey, Drte- SMW. Koinearaaee.
the strikers marched ea the All membme are urged to be oa hand
eeU aad that hard hlttlac UtUe Oerdepatiea with stones, dabs aad pick promptly._________________
sncBAOB or a bot.
maa.81oc^ Speoklac Of Slacal. the
handles. Blows fell thick aad fast.
Dr. D. W. Conalaeof,r8'
wayheeatoff baoehltela eeatrafleU
Oae Mg woman wnssud a rifle from ported eerioasly Ul.
Found Sniak aad Taken HoBM Ob a the haads of a deputy, striking him oa
' Ban Money
Joha Oaaia] ot flret boae put up a
tbs bsad with it and Inflicting ueriousi
Bt buying SebCbl Books and Scbocl
food came aad amply eaetaiaed hie
A boylnUfl teene, whoee name le injury. By thte time one thousand
SuppUesof M. B. Bolleyat QW Book
' reDBtattoaaethetoarperforaaeroathe wfthbeld at preeent. wae found in a
sod eblldrua bad jolaad the Store.
laiUol wek. la the Weetera Leacue.
state of Intozieatioa Monday and taken' crowd.
They easM from Ventia,
e Ban the Only OveUr In the'
Qlboea. wh<| hae been here before to Moir'e lieery ham on SUte etreet. Snowden, Calamity and Fnaleyrllle.
X Fletcher;# OolamMan. 108-3t.,
with the Grand RapMe Beralde. and Chief of Police Rennie was aoUfied and The deputies slowly gars way to
who at that Ume wae *'caey iaaBey.’'|ia the
srie E- Horton, M- D. desires to
le tbb boy '
OrangerUle, taking all the insults and
rm her patients that owing to illtooled the loca^hlttma wlUtAia alow to hie home oa East Front street >
lajuries without firing, a shoL The;
she will, for s time, be nnable to
Yesterday morning be was finally took refuge In a eacaat bouse attend to her practice.
_________ _, who
___ ______
before .lodge BoberU and an
closely foUowed h; the mob. which
lionia. Mich., team, wae aln> lamUiar effort made to eeoertaln where he pro- qnicldy surrounded the building,
cured the liquor which made
tbreatonlng to act fire to It. Finally
itoKlnaey led with the stick for the dmak. Be sutod that s msa from one of the strikers approached with
Bobu. maklBg two donblae aad a single Cobh A MitcheU-s esmp gars him
flagaf truce andaoonfemnee was held.
la flee timae, aad Fear had a double bottle of whiskey, which was found ia
The deputies were ordered to lea
aad Slagle la three times at hat.
one of his poekeu when he was token town aad after s short parley decided
. rabbea aad Griffin also had two biU borne: also that be bad ^t aome beer to do so. They emerged frem
each, la foortimmop
at the brewery. The emtomeate
huUdlug badly scared and walked heck
Bull for the Hnstiars made a two Dot euffieienUy clear to wansnl ar­ throegbthcopenranksof the strikers
>- baom aad two eiaglan
rests. but SB effort wlU be made to dls- wbenstartingforOastonTma Almost
“Oout Ikey" Oempen wasn't le tke corer who sold him liquor.
sn In tbs posse was cut aad
game, maA to the dlaappoh
bleeding aad eereral were seriously
TBXB WXLX.BETEB BBALTEIBe. hurt. One man had hte hand almost
aoma of the old time mtom
ItwMone,two. three tor Trawse
a sharp etona As tbs deaty la the Amt two Innlagu. , la the Hsnwsh Biflmand Boys Band mil featod deputies ran the gauailet they
Flay BhU Today At 8:80.
^^^JJflrd, after Tony and Adame
were greeted with htesee. curses and
The game of faaae hall hetweea the ridlcnla The strlkara closed la bahlnd
tired, OibeoB hit botii Wilhelm aad
Boat la the ri^ It didn't help, as teams of the Hannah Rifles sad the them aad ararehed to the etotioa where
Is what erery mothei is lookBoys Baud which takes ^see today is the depntim to(A the train for WashHnU hit a lltUe oae to John.
Batter lock la the fourtk. ' Parks, Twelfth Street Park, 1s sure to be. a lagtoQ. After their departore the mob
this week a
Arst np. flew to GanssL Watklas bit a wonder. No Tolls; firl^ or tromboue dispersed. The officiate ot the eu
Children's C
litUeoactoGibeo^bo tossed lto*«r blowing will he allowed on the ooseb- ny esy that no further attempt will be
tow prices.
Gansars bead. Wheeler hit the ball to ingJlnee The rooters sre expected to made to erict the mlneia at preeent.
right field, Dlekersoo eoulda't locate it
aad Eddie leaded on second. Snifka them and they will be acted upon.
kit a hot-oae to Drieebll aad Watty This game U eertain to be bot stuff.
aeored on the out. Tony reached sec­ Tarn out and see the real thing.
Beanlta of BaU Game, BlcyoU Baoee
ond OB UeKiaaey's errm- aad Whetier
uarr two obfkahb.
• aad Sparriag Ooateat at
scored. Two runs.
Blk Bapids.
Sum fiew out to Griffin. Osrey hit
Xrs. Ftonoaa BArtwick Died TeaThe sports at Blk Raiddi on hlondty
tor a base in the ; fifth after two.
were not finteked until UW in the erenwere out. took'sccoaA on'a wild pitok
Ifra. Frances Hartwick, who has Ing. It was almost dark whea the
and third when Purks reached flretoa
sea smployrd at the Catier House for WUUamsburg-Blk Rapids hall game
OaaseVs error. An error by Griffin al­
>me time, died ymtordsy of paralytis.
lowed Parks second but no ma reaultod
tiaheff-aa easy eietor; for WUltariff bUl went Into effect,
be wae a widow and lesTsa two ehll- iamsbait. The fdUowlBg Is the score
lo that aloue we eare yoo
as Watkins flew out to Isft.
toe. oa the dollar.
Koeotoy tingled in the eUth but died drea. The body has been taken to H. bylaalngs:
I., carter’s andsnaklBg rooms aad her Wailaambort.. 0 8 0 0 1 0 li » 1—19
OB flret
Onapscre wae aeored la the eerenth. brother U Mnsk^tm aad brother-ln- Blk BapMs........008000 000—0
It was wall along toward eraalng
Uw In Williamsburg bsTU been aot
Wilhtim got a gilt of first went to
when the fire mile bteyeto race was
ond on 8001*# pretty saeriflee, triad to
callad. It was flaisbad In good time.
attetoh hh imi but wns safe whea
Beary Onehel taking fliat potitioa,
fMflto dropped the threw. .Osrey then
SV..Bs)r.s«.S BcCMd Salt.
WOl Oiea a PIcbk At Blk ^pids Fred Brateehl aeeoiid aad Jaasm Beard
' . Ut tor two bags, aad Jeroese aeored.
Heat •uad^.
A Slagle by Snifka la the eighth
The Genaaa Workingman's Aid 8oFoUowiag the bicycle nos eai
oosatad tor atisgkt as did another by
ticty of Elk Rapids Is
fisU la the ninth.
bays a wool Bait worth ft.
for a graad time neat uetaats
Harry Booator aad Don­
In eeery Inaiag but the fifth aad
SnDday. the oceaetonct thalr ptoato. ald McKay. The tea roaads reealtod
aerenU the Bobs had
hamu, but only la the third and nUth Tkare wUl be good matic and aU la a draw.
kinds of good things to mt, Tramae
did they sueoead la oeorlag.
is iaritod toJolB to the featiritiee.
Oae was
la tbs third <w MeKlaser’s two-bmer orer left feaoe sad
phioage MarkeL
Xolto MairayFonadHte Boa'in Otaad
' Huatb error. Two. other hits
We bsTe three tou oT Boyek
itoidda AjiTioua to Oobm Koma.
s la thisviaaing. Slagel slagled
--im, time frem 6 to It years.
and ms ran down on tba line brtwees bet. Mhe; October. ■97ke: Dacembar,
7k# Bboowd Is in raotipt of a letter
, aseoad aad tiilrd. MeBltahea also hit Mli; May.MKc.
MairaT. who went to Grand
Ri^Usyeaterday after hte eon -Bud'
for a base aad was farced'at eeeoad.
away Satarday night aad gave
Fhar made a hit la the toarth and UMe; December, M3<; May. 80X»kc.
Oeta-Septombar.’lSKa; Dacembar. hte paraalaa terrible tears. Hr. Mi
was left «B first. Griffis singled and
ray etatoa that be toaad the boy i
' yrm cas«ht on the line, la the tixth. toXc: May, MHc. •
Foric-Septombar. 88.75;
MeShbea made aaotiur hit la the
sight aad very aaxtooa to eoau hoa
Ha WlU remala la Graad Bapida a f<
•aightb bat was doubled erlth Drto- 88.T&.
Lard-Beptembm, 9t.n;
dayatoaaa tha tolr aad haraa Uttia
It looked ia the ninth aa if tltoBofaa. $i.7U
Mr. -Maxray deatiaa the Bxcoap to
Bave Mosey
axprsm throagb Ita ooloaua hte tiaoma
py bo]^ Schoti Books aad Be
fled aad sreattothird oa Fbarb tsre- aiHum
B. SoUeyat City 1
thaaketo OhUf «f FoUae Baateaad
Battbaa wae aeat la to bA
other friends who aided to tha asanh




The Best

Here are.a few bargains;



..... ..

ttvays Soinelliins New..
At the City Bookstore. Special Offer to advertise our
sale. We will give away a beaotifia
valoed at $5.00. Coupons with, every
25c. purchase. See our special offers on inside pages
of this issue.



«. B. HOLL

September 6, 1897, School Commence^ I
School Books and all the aecessair
that go with them, at-----

■ffis-HlSKElL’S B00KST0RE,-sa-

For the Girls—
Kc*™iPr«,, Tamoshanters a.
2Sc., 42c. and BOC.

For the Boys~~
Good Suits fTu.
Speckiyai-es at $1.25, $2 and $3.
Boya' FurateUng Goods-aracytUng of nliaMc qoaUty, atlowertprieea.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

.V\^e StilL Lead..
’Notwithstanding thegenend
depression in the milling
bnsiness, we are haring a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....

«onr. Send in an order.


20 in. Wide
40 in. Long
3c. the Price
'’For a good imitation

vHuck Towel
Bath Towels same Price bat not
q^te so large.



1 xoumro bsoobo.
«wa. t.
J. W.

w. BAun.
Mitor oa

•• •"
raBKUBT, ^


Teat OTtetloo pnpotitioa of fba ooal
—«*t«oliitbePlttatarcdtolriet a*at
SuZrtaryoaUrday. 7k. aWkio,
■Soora dbployod Ualr «iaon«>*Bl «<
«ba plaoasdokJaeUdtoMor tomod
sot of fcooaa aod koo»a. Thay w«o
nlotaeadbys^oaBdokUdroB osd
tkc dayoUao. ai»od with Wloehaator
iUm aod iwdm^ waro rootad.
oiate of rtot pretoilod asd tha atrlkan
soaraoiad b ayaiUnd
imHp» ot
ftooyarotM TUaboakoaookpoetod
aod nalaaa a ^aody wttlamcot b
mebad atlU taora aariosa HaHof may
It waa aacTMtad la tha Bioobd aoM
ttae aco that afaw laaaooa Is hoae
haU hy the BoaUan to a oartido Waatwo Laaitua imm Is Grood Boplda
•Iffht oot haootWylaoa. The aar
goaUon yrofod to ba tlmly. Ttataaa
oUadad to haa baaa bora aod Tooaltod
ssa laam frooB tha Traeotoa City t(o».
.^BtlU another lolcht oot be oat of plooa;
tbOBCh wedcM'tebtatoboaoy Croat


BicoaOD COPACTO haa lyahM. Et
hMaborotarood from Boropa mod d»
I that Tbmmaoy wlU oo)oy tha
mine tha flrot mayor of
' Oraater New York. Forbapa that aattlaa It aod yarhaya U dom sob
Sea tha Basoah Bi&aa asd Bqya Bsod
flay hall la theTwaDth BVaat Poib
Tb* Oampanlno.
bold a ^eeial maotioc Tbnradoy eraolfl(ot7;l0. A foil attoodaaaa h roi qnaatad.
WtUard Brodlay, fanoeriy of Battle
OKrir. reeeoUy employed ot the Boaton
Store, baa aeeayted a poritkm at WUkalm Broa'.
Tba Baby Uc^t Corners dob will
V«t Friday oraoloc at the borne et C
J. Eoeelaod. AU mamben ore reqaeatsd to be yiaaeot.
The Leelasan raoort hotel ot Omeoa
aroe elooad for the eeaeon yeeterday oed
«he ramalobc r>**U ware bnM«bt
«OWO by tha Craaoaot.
Thera wUl be a recnlar omoUoc of
Tbatere Ci^ Lodye. No. n, E. of P.
«hb eraoioc-C Two eoo^Ua wlU
take the work lo the isok of Koicht.
There will be a recslor maabnetbb
soaottaof tbaFtatenml MyatteOlreb
asd oil mambara or« nreed to attaad
tar tae eesaldarotlao ol Imyortaot be' stoaea.
Tbm arlU be 0 meatlof of tta Bema
Borsm thbertabc.
aam b to eome betas tha order, after
Wtaeh there will be a boaqaat b hasor
Sf Btata OrcaoUar Fbhar.
W. A. Seoddar'oodfamily. MrsMsrr
Krespa aod E Corbett ood famll.v
bora retoroad from aa ontloc at Lo«c
lobo^Tkay report flahlta dnt elam
asC^W^ht bock 138 taa pbharal asd
The Lsdlea- Aid Society of the Coe«r«Cstlos*ld>urchwm meet thb eltannnn et half poet two. There b laaortoot'bnaioeee to come before the
soelety, ood aU ladlee interceted la the
absreb are requeeted to be
Tbwe will be two hot yaaea of bedl
tamorrow aod Friday. Tha
CoHa will .be here for two r
ttacrooodaahooldba erowded to aaa
BsmeoMa. It b the objaet of tha
Bsatlais to take both and
viMaMaobtae that tbetrOoIta are not
m tsrisdble aa they baaat of briof.

■mx sonra


Bteoh4a-w*ob Mobl VUl be Spas
s 9mr Waata Loofor.
Id hM htas reported so the etreeto
Shod tba bedal ot Na ob b wopb hod
Sota b not tha aaae. Tba
aweta baa Aooa a aplaodld boabeaa tkb
«am Md tbabotelhoa otOl a Idrca
•ombw of rMOta It wCl be ot boat
taM woaka osdparhapt throe beteo
JoUyToc^tbc Pm**y Airiood b tba
Bay loot Blybt.
tatasiebt tba hobdMma aloop y
«^Bddtto Bndwril * orTteed b tbb port
la iiini-r^ ot
Tha ♦■Hattb BrodwoU*’ tafia from
MeMObaeasd b owoad by'wMoyor
Jidm W. Wbb of tbot tJI>; ■arida
dtaooptMottam omteMi of kobo
Sosao.takmodi.osd Abs-Jobl^

Bdaairalb, dooebtor.
IA« Oi Dmi«U, HiMWrltkt^ C«k»,
N. Y.. Piuk CMb of Moowlooo. ud
Mr. nd Mfo, W. M. MUta. TW jMbt
b tko Uifook plMroi mUiar «nft oo
8bo te* booB Bpoa o mIm of »,(I00
mllM ud tbo WT*c» la sot yot t»iahod. Tka yotV 0(0 ost tar ytasm
ood tba boot b tolly oda«BOta ta- •
eOBOOObooa sod aotaty.

Ysllow Jsok VifiHs Thrsfi PtacM in
MitalssippSAndNMr Orisons

•aed. This CM case was taken charts «<
la tima and aarii actonUfic fumigatton
ha* bean applied as to warreat (he bepe
ttat w* shall promptly and eficetlTsly
ctairp cut be disease. We have made
annagemenu lo Issue a ctrcular to
every practictiig phyrictos to New Or*
lecna eemtnanding them promptly to r*>
pramptly in' every i
>e sr.4l It unfortunately,
ately. other
Cases of !

film OASa AT BDWAID8, Mm

Bicycte lolf Hose
Every Color.....
' Larp Assortment.

.. _l srlbout delay notify
the wtrid thraagb tb* AesceUied Press

Ever rinre the middle of Auguri
baa exiaed at Ocean Sprinrabui a care,
fnl examination resulted in the dociora
OmtmH BalUro It
agreeing that R was dengua But last
M. A.Waatcata«ooitoQ(oad BayAtwsy* Oaen mt nnt-aaepMa4 Oricb week the yellow fever appeared, a* vras
ahown by (he quick aod inersaring death
' ef tfc« Placw b U Bnip ItlaM.
raiei hefotv ibai be perevetag* of
Brod a. MayS^baaabtfocIo tU
MobUe. Ala.. SepL T.-SUb lUalb deathe
only «t per cent. The quick
ttant bwtaif oMoa of MUta Bros
OAcsr Pr. W. H. Sauadera reigrned death ot Dr HremU resaUed In anobw
£. S. Piott aod taaSy aro ootart
lac forstawBoyartodD. loresa ood B* reporte that tb* Lnnrtriaea medical
authoriiiee a«* Mtlalbd tao iMt tb*
wlie of Saaqsahooao. Po.
ttvto of the marine bospllal service and
Mr. osd M(o. M. Orowtod Of Oweaoo. <a*ea «naala«fi tbw* are truly tboae
boro rataraod boao oftor a rblt with of reUow r*vm. Upee receipt ot thS
resort asd upee furthar tepona that
Mfa. L. PMrb of Laha oraooa.
tb*r« If auapidoue alduxea to Scrontoa.
I ta the roniUnt InierHany Brice*, editor of tha ProfraM. Mia. forty miba waat M U^e os the
irce of Ocean Pprin** with Rhip l*|.
tma orar traai Elk Baplda yootarday coast, quaraatlec was ctaaM aa a* to and. where there lx a Vnlted Stolre govoftanooa to aar the hoU coota.
iaclad* that pure and atl eihrrWlBU erameeil quarantine. Ships from all
oaaeaUoc attmry A. & DimcW- on MUalaalppl Sound cuasta'vuriude of parts of thr world touch there. A large
nnmhcr from tropIcaJ crainirts* where
ty. Bat WiUbma,WmBUaaaod Boy N*v Orl*ana Saslury offlern are lu. yellow
fever to Irdlgenouf to be eoll-roPorrtoa waaa oaaesc tha Blk BayMt rated at Ttaodor* Stattoe. writ ot btee. port bere weekly. There has been
a rlyid Inquiry wlU hr rooduetad Steady and urixterrupted eemmunlca.
taMwboaawtheBo^lanwlo y«tar> where
and any peraon* from the mrected lo* tkm tiBtwssn the island and throe roari
tamiM wiU be beU 4d a camp of de- towps. and Dr. Walmaley he* UtU* cr
Mr. aod Mri. 3.
Plclay aod Mba tenlKin li 1* underatood that tb* ao doubt Ibm this has been the mesot
Baaa Daria left yaatardaj lor thrir qnaruDtln* U atoolute as lo pereena and of hrincing Into Ooran Spring* the deed*
etc., from Ocean SprInB*. and Iv genne of vellow fever.
» lo TtO^ oflar ataodioc-two basoaa*.
aae made ahaolnle axatnrt be aame
woaka with Mr. osd Mra. CtasyaoB »od from all other plarea on (hr coaot aRer
other Iriaada U tha alty.
the arrirat of the truto at U o'elwk bnt
aUht. The board ot baaltu Uai atght
runber extended the qo*ranllne to In*
elude New Orlroiw. Hembera of be ad (or poetry, bnt toanort od rythmk
board report that they bad lavcatbated
im BooaytiooTmbmtath. Pop- and found ao eaa* of any ausplcioja raaslata of the gveat svaat of Soptemher !«. which «m mark the
alar pBOtorltatBeasloF
SekDns to MobUr.
ttos Is tb.edty of a elnbof tta D. a
Om Owe ta S*« Ortmaa
The reeapthm hold lo tha M. ^
The iDcluSoa of N*w Orleans In tb* K. K. Tba eCort la s^ to tan bean
ohoreh bat oreslac by the maabar* ol
quarnotlne waa rauaed hy the receipt wafted throneb tha traaaou of the
tha Bpworth Uoene. b hoaor of thofa- Of a telecram ttailas bat be board ol
a of City CompMUorCaro In Omsd
r. BOT. W. A. Frya.
health there la>ued the ralluwinc yeaterday: •Araar <rf yellow (ererorlfl^- Baplda, but if tha tnlh ta *««r ksowe
proof of tha maay trtaada Bm. Frya
woo abea ha haa baas a worimr for inc at Ocean Sprtnya. Hlaa. ao be it will pratablT trspapira that the
Loulerllle acd NashriTle ranroad. Sx* ..
enriaawd from tta brals of Boyul
Chrbt b thb city: osd the hich mU- ty miles wrat of Mobll*.ba*lns died thS
aatha b whita ha b held by oot tmly mnnloc In New Orteeim the buaid of Vfata Oaro Umaalf atur slchu of
■taatracclB.thouch baiac modeat
memben of bb ehorek. bat by health of the state of Louisiana, artheoa who bora ooma b eestoet with curdlnc to the e^p%E« extatlim be- Oaro would sow oosfaa* to poetical
tween the slat* health authoriOra rd Sta'nttam. But hare it U:
be United States, hereby ofllctolly uteea
rjfh MM»Cf»T IB Ff. Tha aorlT poHot the srasbe waa notice of ibe fact. No other ram of
(ta OB* (d «ba PoOss* d>a> Ssiy* Brie* H.)
daeotad to a caMrol Mofat time, ood yellow fever la kiwwn by this board to
exlaC within be state of LnalsIanB. The
aeeiy esa laamad b thloh It bb or bar hody of the deceased was frivalrly tar. Atab. there's oommetioa to the loos at
Ttaverse. sam,
doty b by ood make tba orost a moat buried Immediately aRer the autotwr.
Aae tU •*«* am triad pmadtr omsevem Vitah
happy oae. The rsoapUos oosMlUea, ell brddins and other erttclee In con.
oompeoad ot Mr. asd Mrs. Bswlota section with the ca3e hive been burned, Tbebcmeil baa* tMr Ita-Ttm. whOa enta
and be prtmlam tborausbly dlain*
Ooocbta Mis.-Bbcbr. Mra. BrtaC. terled by the moat Improved metboda
Mr. Baara ota Mra. K^iUacw. imarei The family ot the patient, tbouph ap* taat woqM ehaw* wtoiuieid pasta Tbsmh
moeb eradlffor the abb monoar b paretitiy quit* well, he*e been placed In
quaruotln*. Under the clrcumstanrea
there 1* no raewwi to apiwebend that Way.BsdJi putyeclfa
• ritrtoth*
any further apread of the dimaar will
tba proermm: asd tba Joste orcur Rwm bat point of Infectrd dis- TW* s hmd «( pUtria beethen whopowalfc.
LaoCM which proparod the rbi^- trIctA as rtetfl quarantine has been In.
afta-eohlook betas the Btiluted afalnsa Orean fipHnts and ad­ JssltoeimeMtMrMtos. rmawrilwWek
jacent towns, euppiemmled by the ac­
prtarsm opesad. osd oil Jobad haart- tive efforto of health autbortUes of InItaydriskasseMsrclmr.cto they am grisg
Uy b obebe "All BaU the POwor of trrmedlate etatlons on the I^ulalana
w> bnas mm* biroftor whita ‘•Whore and NaiUirille raUrood and further tnipaliKlIon of tb* disease eSrctually
Woold I Bar a aolectioa anoc by prevented."
Tkmv'eashMHogal mm«l (too.
While. fioUlday, Todmu ood
Tellow IWr at Kdwaed*. ■!«.
■ar* ■ weed:
WhlbDoa.woaeoiayed. Thb waa fol­
yacknon, hllsb. 8*pt. T.—Tbe receipt Aadnta.who.whmyuBipmkc(Plmi kmk*
lowed by a maodona aad yolbr doat of the yoUow fcwi nears from ttrean
. mawasdatoaid.
of the to
by Charlb aad Lottla Balm, which ao Srrinn cnattd a mild sesmatlon In tkla ttame*U b*
easeksm amend this:
delichted the asdienea that the yonac city and many peeude have drtsrted
sortbwurd. ‘n>U feaHnu was lirtenalAed Aad tank Mtom tb* ecnsi*
paoplewero obliyod to reaposd with hy the fact that 11 was rutmieed bat
A rodbtloo by the
UtUe MeaaUo BaooaU followed thb. near Kldwarda.a
ana of here, and that thb was the Tbeev'tl beniripsthstat «d MIy. w
aad ha awoat, ooroeat maasar copS- cause
of the death Ihete ot linn. RUI
Toted her haararo. aod aha raapoodad Champloe. a prominent saembee uf (he Aad Htatom sad ChsrO* Btoek md a h
to an aaocro wHh oootbar rodtoibs, State latlSature. The report man Ed­
which waa equally enjoyed. Charlb
peraona'bad recently returbed from an
asd Louie Balm cove aaotber eharm- ouiinc at tVehn fiprinva and aRer Ibelr
“Old Black Joewae felum aeven of tbem were stricken wib
finely roodorbd lo the qaarteV
frrrr Champion had visited the family
W. B- Cooper coeo two eery pleaainc and two days afterwards waa tokea
almllarty and died Hunday anemooa
slbtiosB b Ue eooy maoMr, whkb The news from the aulf roast serves lo .Pcs tbeasKbcsBNm wOd Afto* wU a
woBtoUowed by another •alaetbs by recall to be people of Jackson tb* tarU ysB mic* thsb wOd imato whkb f
Charlb aad LoUb Bela.
Mn« tinm* of Ufa when tbS rtty was
Dr. a. A. BolUday. b behalf of the devastated by the yellow taSue and Teall mlm the tosta tUag sa mrih
when fur days a veritable retail of terErr, Frye ' ■ ----'
city and vlrtnlty.
with ao ebyant chair, with word, of
lore, probe aad frsUbde ta the good . prumlnral part and *
aad sobb work that their poator tad
preveottp* Ibe spread of the placu*
done ebee he hae beoo ameoc them,
Yaaterdoy moralac at« o'elota John
and lor the ohriaUaa Ule aad'bfioesee ' WMAT It aailt AT KKW OSUJlAXa.
Barry, aaaarrr of the Wcatan L'pkm
which he baa Mt before them,
Dr. Walmaey larM «. aUam. Htta isiociapb oSoe. raeelved a mmeedc
Mpp<-ad t ori. la.»
cloaed with the beat wkha of the Bn(ram Rldcsrine. ladlaaa. (or Uh.
worth Lcafne whererer dnty eaUa ' New Orleans. Kept. I.—The Unilstoaa Abbs Tksrpc, who lives at Lomg
their paator: and that tha chair with stair luard of heslb kept fbllh with its Lata, about tra miles from the city,
tlMcr btalles uf the south aed the rest
which they prcaenled him. may b the ul the country yesi.vdsy aRernoon w hrr. aaaoaneiag the death of a ralaUve.
fntere. canae him to reaembar the It made o^toi aiinuuiKeoirm as a re­ Mr. Barry raaliaad tta paoata^ of
yonac P«pb of the Bpworth Leocoe sult cl a careful aul«i>*r that Kaoal prompt daUvery aad aafiiccd a rig to
of Trareree City. Bar. Frye wee dap Gvipi. U years old. bad died of yellow dellvor the--------r aad at (he mma
ly eCceted with thb takeo of lore asd fever In bit cUy. Oejpl was be eon of ttmo taiag Mra Thorpe to the IIM ti.
eeteem. aod roapooded with word, of pruinlnrol people here and bad been E AL toala. Mra Thorpe raiarwad
spi-odtoc some time el Ocean tartoda
praba for the Itawtwth Uacoe asd where be was taken down with fever with tta rig and atortod at omea for
tboscht that It woe only a omU ttaas and brotfkht home her*. Suae aRer ar- BidgartlU, wkleb aka will reach ha
of the lore, renaroaity osd loyalty that rtvln*. desplle the brot medical alien.
Don. hr dM. I>r: Theard. the phyairton tima te tta funeral ef tar ralatlva.
loda b thaheoriaof oeory a
In charge, immedtotely reported u> be TUa waa qaita work ata had sot Mra
board uf bealb sod expressed the mNn- Itepa tags aWo to cswk ttat toala
tan bat deeb was da* to yellow frrrr.
would not tavo boon aUa to gat
Teeterday aftrmouo ao aulopsy proved
Dr Thasrd'* ides of yellow fever away ia time for the fuaeraL
mode bteroatbc romorha; Bar. D.
Cbtalb. Bar. W. E Wricht. 3 W.
poaslble mnad of the dto*
Patc^ IVofMaerC.TOrawo, A. T. caaa A* the ease was cor of imporu.
Friadrieh, C a. Torsar ood M. C. flan be doctewn exprrewd roiiMeiH*
bat they woi(U he eMetaWul
The death of young Gclpi naturally
. Be*. Mr. Frye eoseloded the
cauaed no little cxidietnrei in be city
cram with a few toaaarhs of farewell among the public. Physic Inna however.
. j. asd eUted
osd the oosertcofioo Jetaad b the
riocl^, ‘-Bleat be the tb that bbta,' their belief lb«i It waa onn* poaribt* to
arrest a spread ot be fevsr. The btad
after-'wbbk they ctatarod b tta during the daybnd ofdersd a rigM qnnr*
ehsioh psrimo asd asjagrad daltaaw antin* against nU point* on tb* gulf
ccari. and had taken every preroutisB
to guard all avetru** of
be entry Into be cily of acy
, Attherayslarsaaotbclaat^t ef persoe from Ocean Bprtaga Diioxl or
Trorone a«y Chapter. Ns ItT. Orta other prints cm the Sound which ii was
of tta Baaten Star, the faUowbc of thought be (ever mltat reach. Durtag
the day be buUetla board* had been
thrcBgsd. tb* bealb office besieged, end
Weethy Matros-Hro. B^ Kelly.
the Wssierp Unleu wtre* ftelghied wib
Worthy Fatros-W. W. Smith.
mmeagti to and (ram be varlcus ecaat
Atooetato W. M.-Mra. Asm Sota.
“We haue as fear." mid Or. Watam
W. Stalk.
ley. actmg pruldeeit of the hoard ef
keanii. -nhat the fsver will mill ta
Otataetam^^r^Onra New Oricuaa The board cf bstak to
pnpurad to ipaad ttdto.ta to stamp tt
^*^kmow)Bbe a
sat. and w* sc* as rtmmm to tool
fil. tar btalbHm
alarmed. Feta* *«tkt am to gw tcigki.
Waa. Babsar bloCkkoffo oo boat-

25 Cents.
Clothing Co.

We wilt III tte pupil If Trinrsi Chf
_..iiJ rlclilt; tt bif tlnir....


School Books

—------ AT THE----------

Of Mr. Holl^, and for that reason we offer
the following Special Inducements:

With All School Booka, bav or aeooBd hand, wa
aregiTinga Scrrloaabla BooIr^doTar, that will add
OBtathird to the waar of the booka.
With aaoh Tablet we give you a floe Aatoatatio
_ A ffaa box of Colored Orajroae are do&ated with
each DxBwlBg Book.
We fUTBish a SpoBga aBd PobcU with aaoh Slate
Aad thes we gira job a epleadid Waterproof
School Bag to carry year purehaaea in.

Come at once if you wish to save money’ by taking
advantage of these offen as they will be given but this
week only, and remember that we have the largest
stock and lowest prices of any book store in Korthem

M. a HOLLEY. Manager.

Ever Bmwed Oiit?

o P. OARTXB. A«Mt.

—Walch Repairing.
—Front Street.

Special Dollar Sale.
To cloM oat qu^ we have ptaoed on aala.a brok*
so line cf oar beta goods cmly. which indnde $4XX>, $SAO,
$,99.90 and $1.76 Rues and Oxfordg «t 0|fB
DOIalsAB A PAZB. We an oktai« oot naoj oHier Uan
and Can gave yoo money if yoo want good, reliable footwear.
We do M %e adrertlee.


The OUBehable Shoe Man,

118 Fso5T Stkebt. WuszBriSG Block,




D tto SBitoMl tasitst

atkto. aad ha> doaa

t tore bees Ime* for two wreki
to see Seemazy Day." said a veker
afur a coMUOte «m rmito toto
nxmih. "I tort Irea at hti doordaOr.
bnt be has so masy dtoUacstahodeatora
that t an ala-aya barred, tbouih 1 p»~
■osally know bits.”
«le wai talfclsa to as eaperteacad aad
oataa ynvnBBt aerfc. wbo i ‘
‘nske (bl» oheto of paper and t
flows talefly vtot yoa woald ny to
Day tt yoa were tv art oae of t

n urn MOSTLY IK w^nraros.
W »Mrir All tw H— W—Ii Mi
IHMttettM U Ikr Wm <lrib» ***
«• «IH vwtynak
VMUnctos. Sept. T.MB aaoM H. -MoOowu to u rntol
u« mtertsiniw e mead u «m
tod te oar eeiln XVblcu aCiloiip.
• lent rawest «t CoMwster.
. Sad very Well ksews tbraisbcut Uat
' «Uln Ksu of Mtekicsa. hu botoi
kMM hiB is Wstoascus BMrty sD tb«
aodite MeOowsB vss bora Is Mshooey
ssssty, O.. ts mi. e< Scotrit-lrtoii psNsto. ssd recBslsed st tbst pUce usUl
to ws* IT ymim oM. vbes to stored
With hto psresU to Ortos^ Isd.. sad
togs ttoresCter to Msrted oot Is Ute
far klmarit, sad becss br KaehUw
actoo: is the etotswr.
to un to esteird tae aslretslty. at
ItoSBlBC. sad wsa vraduted Trib the
tttotatT brsDcb of that laMItaUas to
Utt. Durtsc Cbe arbool year of lMl*d>
todse MtOowas tsasbt ts tto hlto
- sebool at OoMwatcr. Ust arbca Ito war
mt tto retallkiB broke oat to eatoted

rfflntinh Negotiating with Uft>
clflSam UndflrthflOinglflj

icb IsBds at Cape Cod. Tto cable waY
t IsKl usfler aattortty ylvea by tto
uty Brarts la

prsvaat tto laaduy of cablta without
the eonaaat of eoayreaa. while Sosator
MaHoa afterwards oOsrad aaoltor WH
ttartny Ito qaeodos with tto priaMeat.
Nefthar Wl pasmd cwram. WbUs they
were ander coaaMeratIcw m tto senatl

Tbe eoarolate eaekar «M oo. aad ttoe
sold; "Herr It la. That la aU 1 vast Heraa. tto Aryeotloa mlitear. bu aot
yet received oBclal notice at tto masmcod read li
aaye sent to tba'Arycstlna ooByraaa by
Preaifl«it L’rlburu aayyestlRS
rtolproclty treailm wltb tto Onltsd
suieacr rmallatory * tariff leytAkdim
If tbe Cnlted Btalea dertinsa
treaty, bat to ts ttmUlsr with Rs parDOee tbe seat day Mr. port. as It 1a Is line wltb neyoUatloaa ba
tor look hi* podtlsB oe
tto Bortb poTflee of the caceutlv* mas* has coadoctsd ter oesne time urlita the
Bios and waited aatU atarlr t o-doek. auts flepartsMBL He Is cxpaeUnipiB-. Ttore appears to be aiarb doabs as U
fOrmalM) from btt yoTerrimcat^ aa
aariy day. Tbe praosnt actloa'' U
I reaewal of
Aryentina was toraahndowed hy 8«^ aryurd that tto tine «
eaW: "Hr. Day. a
the oM line and
Use. ^It alne
Marou Is aa official aeu ewhlrli to
BlBsie—only a ndsaier'
r lime oyo. pnlDl«d Oqt I
U Becrelarr (
In this the QtsUer referred to tbepals-Certainly. It only for a
ful Burpiise of htttoveTwmesl os hear-’ scrsieylc I
tback you for belB* ao brief." yi
Of tto practkwUy proUUlory rata flutes, as tl
Mr. Day. aa he ebrerily (apied. called
tbe mas by. same, aad ebook
What. If any, actios tto yovers.
Witt kin. -W-tot do you waatr
1 will take has not bae '
. “I wart ao imerrtew witb ywb and
ar aa mo. he leaned.
eifl Bboked that tto malB articles 1
would like to tell you my rtorr Is full
t.y Anmnllna to tto United 8Ut«s !
vbCB yoa can tore time to recaire me.-| sera bare (tma. Now tt aa rood are w<.ot. h>de>. yoaKhloa asd brtetlm.
a thne a« asy. Tell me what yoa wast
rlffat now. asd m bear yott.~
Menu ^Bted oat that
*T am aeeklna as office. Mr. Day,’
tod aude heavy UrlS coamid. "and I rtiouM like to INI yoa all
nie L'sited Sui-o. nedfyiay
By b«^ SAoal Boaka ^ flsbmi]
aboat It: tot as yoa aren to be Is a aa foll.iws; "We bare ea tto free Ust. Sap^i«odVB.B«Uayat£llF Book
hurry. 1 win rtr* yo« tbit paper, wbieb braiden altor artklu. a
bdefly expuwui wbat 1 wast." aad be thretfieer. raw petrcln
coal. eoka.
-B* M ta this mamtb. aad
lococnotivni. ratts ard sleepers:
tosded bin the paper.
we have
fM ’am-Oyaiats dlraai troai
■^ou are as excetdlnirty practical ef- radured tto duty oa amber (yellow pise we*va-------lod-at.
flemaeker," mid Mr. Day. at be tteppW end oakl. on canned yooda. on petroletnio hit rarrlaae. "and I wiu rad thle oiB. OB odUod yooda UMs last from «•
par cent, to M per cent.), aad we ora
as I ddre aloBs. Too oaat>< to i '
rood dlplscnat. and 1 can aaaare
ievyiny a moderate doty on at] other
eton nk for«cl yoa." and to drorc Amerleaa prodacU Imparted there (»
the raper. Tto mas baa per ce«t. ad votarmn oa ptowa maebtaes
asd motom of aU Unda for ayricwltsra]
irpooea. aewtny ma^lrtei. rooln. wire 'Ma-wi
feacea etc." Tto valoe of Stll^ OH JJ6C&

tarb mrttSeait of diaaUUty. tovtsa
toss woasded darii« tto fSmovi Joha
Meraas raM tbrouth <tols. Prior to t«aainoK bl» wound to aertod neat «r bU
tto ranpalm wiu Bamaiflr to
aaat Ttonraee. and tell* nasy tales of
Jaicrtat about that campalas.

«tth the Boa.
Uwyer of CoMwaler. He afterwaida ectered aad. was araduted from
tto law stoooi.ed Ass Arbor. He was
adSdUted to tto bar Is 1K7 and lanaedla«to becaa tto practice of hie profeotoOD. todae McOowas tt a aunrti aad
ataidg/RepubUcan. asd toe told BUU>y
poit^af norr or toa praalBener la
kissdopted auie.
Be wae prooocutlat attorney dt Oold^ter ead had the proaecullee cf all
4Hmtnal baefeem Is tbe d(y. wbirb at
‘ that time ««a rery larite. end la thle
way to raised qatte a tepatatlca a* a
ertmlaal lawyer. After hi* lena of of*
^ expired Hr. HcOowan ttaumed hto

oa a carooaer. but 1 am a drtsKIna
I flitsk and bmcl myaetf merely to keep
ap oteam. That h. I chew lobarce.
rnnoto dyara and oae mutf nnUl my dlcemico 11 r»»e. iry mind doudtd. asd
“T nervee ttaklnr
ttokini; at
as In
to an a#ne.
ayoe. NothNott-

eatlnc attorney, to bad nealowHy proaecateB.
yine Poinr Offim.
Prior to becomlnr proteraiing attor.
M7 Jadye Hcaowan*a Hrt> public nffiee
waa that of school director in bit «oas>
ty, for which poaltloc be was eminestly
fltUd ae accouni of bis larye eipetieoce
Is cdacaUooal work. Be was foatlc^ of
tto peace for several years and tried
Marty 20a raaea and bad. as to expreaaea lu •’more fun than a roat." Por
..... ..t '
a anmtor of years be
tto ward Is whk-h be llTod.and
wards a member of tto Ukrblyas aiaie
la IMT to became a rtyesi la tto Csl.TCcMIy M Hkblyas. and told that cAcc
. wstfl btt ffiectlos to the Porty.FIftb cop.
■ as a RepaMleas. Berdsy bit eon*
w dorlsy tto Porty-Bflb ronyrem.
flfldye Heflowaa was re.deeted to the
Forty-Sixth coayreaa Beth of the cosyrttoit in wbieb Jadye McOowas served
ware sotaUy Democratic, ao tbal tbe
BffiiabHtaat could sol donu'ch on leytslattoB of national Imprrtanee.
Ibrooyfa a Wll Inlrodoeed bj
aalCb. a
.e mock towards betterley tto aanltary
emidKtats e< tto Cniied Stataa was er-

while tto shipaseaU of mUsrai oil.
lumber, tools, all klada of lastruiDeata.
rallruad equInineaU. etc., also were
WaaoftV illiiitfritosw,
PreBldeattrrlbafa's plan auatSmplataB
that tto Aryentlne tariff rates aball be



mtnds of tto todians that the
killed me. It was per- coadteas Is avarlcioaa aad toitialeal to
.......... other tbas
them: and that, onlem they have some
r puHed tbrouyfa." Interested ctaamplnn* cm tto spot, they
■r., k.Tr
oxi of
<»f their tortUi
f i «ne of ttoet dttreputable lobbylau has
hti nfe was tto defense of a yoany fel- i mws rich out of tbe credulity of tto
low naflied Hartis Buouri. wbo waa ! E*waVda « ihrimtlo^
. ehaiMd with kinbiy tto dauytiier or U I But the days of the bly lobbyieta have
amph^er b» cuttiny her throat Tto i
««,^r „e
t Hicfaiyan I
^ *«
InformTd to employ lobbylsu
I. for It was coe
a notorious 1j
y Utejrasyreaa. aod tto eaact------ Bepc»i«e frbm all over tto Unllad flutes were
)f tto irlU. Tto
b^ tto .i r,^

Istervortlaa of
profesaianal latcrlopvTe who are eritbeut lafluene*. but wbo auUce yreat preteoae of atreoytb and power.
_______________ DDNBAa
Mri. Ward, of Liras. O.. diad and'waa
baMod at WekorteytoB. Ftortay as attto ynee tto baHjand
tempt to rob U
aMoltui of youny BonaH. aad ^al^ stood yoatd k»d
B *minf late tbs crave. Ha flred.
C M Mm> aaa. b«t an Mpad.
a tran of htssd. wUah was ' '
t his Msads m Waahlivtos to

osti itofe

* bttd lOh^lffBtS









Fuk StiMl. inma rmU Oak

alwa^ ia nboak.

r. j-AmtA'Pg*
Rates. $130 per Day.

***" *kS UOMtoT*** ^***


Lady Watts
Fiahing Parties
From this date^ this boat
will aot make r^lar con­
nections with trains on M. A
IN. E. Fishing parties, howUrer, can make arrangements
I for tbe use of this handsome
yacht, by commimication by
mail or wire, with
Leland. Mich.

Sm Oir IM Un

Picture Moulding!:s

Omar at Cmkm aad Bay' Smria.
M. a K. R. dspat. wtttoa ta aa»ee to tto pubOe that to kas reflttod aad faratatod tto Betol Faaybon totter ttoa U wror.baa baeo bafora aad aaa aeeowtoodato tto tiavel..ttawio.
' wuM.


Lederle’5 STTZi

E Here's Another 1


Men’s N^ligee Laundered Shirts, worth SOc for.... 84o
Men's Fancy Bosom, Detatcbable Colar aud Cn&,
also Negligee, worth 75c for...................... .............87c
Men's np-to-date . Fancy Shirts, some plaid bosonu
am(^ tfaeni,jrorth at least ^.00 for... ................59o
Men's-fine Percale Fancy Shirts, detachable Cnffs and
Collar, worth fl.25 for................................................74o
A lot of finest Percale aod Maeras Shirts, white bands
and soft bosom, best makes, worth $1.50 at............986

Oome quick before tbis sale is oFdr, as tbe
quantity is limited.

Olan Block.

Traverse ,raty.


i Roomy, Attractive, Durable. |

Wfl hflTfl oonclndfld aot to cany or«r a sbiglfl garmflat
_ tidfl dflpartment and viU eat the prlesfl on aboT* B«rohandiflfl right in two. ft will pay yoffi to hoy thflm is half
dosen 16t^

pobUe wmt^eai was alt ayainst I

aad after miktey eritt the boy. u
winced tint to was lanocent Rc
opoc sat to werfc eritt Isdomtts


Orfirs If Tikfktis PiMptlr

fcr ‘ ■

En^rise Groceij,

Has* Fto triad oar Bahsa


Kelts tiHlGroceriK

The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing basiness on

tariff and a mlntaiatn tariff idmIUr to Front Street, jnst west of
theo yo
-build myself op. 8be reaall la I
plan of Europeaa countrtea Tbe
often aeea drunk, rn a wreck, and 1 odvar.tBxes of the mlalmum ralrn will Steinberg's
Grand Opo^
know It; bat » I cuaW break tto tobac­ ttoo be accorded tn Ito United ftutea
Honse, and presents tbe best
co tobiu tto Bquor toUt woald faesak
'eseioBs in Aryeatina
"Tto women of thla eouslry oaybt
yanda AryenlUia will arye that a treaty line of good goods cheap to
erect a monumest to tbe memory of <
to nvfutlatvd by wbhtt tto presidrat be ftmod in tbe city.
Treasurer Spinner." aaya as eWeriy yranis tt per cent, redactloa In the
. Waabtnytoa^
duties <ra such xoods aa may to ayreed
eoyyeetcd thst It la toe a
r.n Tto neyotUllona will not toepened.
BtOBument t " '
however. antU Seoor Heeua recstraa
....... of Ibe yreatest meo
esiiUcli taatnictUoa trean his yuvera"
produced are lylny la yrarta which
are hot ctoady marked.
*T«o matter whether Sptnser be aUee
toDmUsof Ms
or .dead." ato continued, "tto w
oaybt to erect a monommt to Us
ory. I think tt ouyht to
loot ayo. 00 tbst tbt- old
yooe to oee It Mmself. 1 don’t believe
Is waltlny for men to die. and to be alUMWt faryouen. before tbe
tta aK>recUtlon nf them "
' •Val why. madam, flo yoa tUsk the
woBten shcmid do ihss?"
"Bemose Uenetwi SpHiner waa tto
first msn to rome forward and Bybt
tbe battle of womeo with tto yoverarr-ri.
•• et-okyril womrn as clerks is
tbe ireasuly flqianinent. and did It In
----- AT THE----spite -t hitter
peer yiri then myaclf. and coaid yet alm<«t DotblsK to do to make aa bohewt livloy. when a place waa foond for
me Is tto treasury soon after GcBcral
Splcoer iMUvd btt mandate u.-Kin the
oub>ect. 1 waa dolny booseworfc. a
fay. and all, sorts of mental labor
my dally bread. 1 was a yood-lotA
ylrt. and rice was calUny me with
htrlay voice to a life of ease, when
opportunity to earn a Uvtny. aad a yood
llTiny. came to me.^have toes ssytsy
yood man
dally prayera f
ill cunUnua to do
I shall try to Impraa
upon all .others the rdbt thdt to was eat
of tto yrestest and
For Xen^ Oddorod, Btrft and
woi;ld, and shall nrver cease to <
Lffisderfld Boflom
women to anite in erectiny a nr
BMut to hit msiDosy. He was a s
tleal rriend of our sex."

valldlnn be ayatn resumed tbe practice
of taU pruleoston. and opened as office
Is the HcOowan boHdtsy Is tbU dly.
V conaldered oae of tbe best
lawyers Id tbe natloital capital.
Iudye HcOowan bat tto diath
betsy one of tto-defendlay lawyen In
tto only impeacbment trial e»-er had
to tto state of Hlchlyan He was amo.
dated with Hon. Jube B. Shipley Id the
defenoe of Charles A. Edmoada Wbo
Amony the lolihytats In Waahlsytoa
waa Impeached before the state senate who make tbeir llriny out of tbe peowhile to was land commlmluner for pie wbo have claims tofewr conyreo%
I there are nooc ao disreputable aa tto
men wbo ameos tto Indians of various
tribos for hnklny after tbeir interms.
cenyrem is always wcU auppllad
fiffit of that trial make two larye vol- Tto
boaeat. sincere mea la both
omea of about tw payee each, and la with
branches, wbo are carefol to do only
apsaktny of the ease Judye HcClowas
■tya: "It was cma of tto very difficoH



at the Old Stand.

The Last Call

. m Stee C> Bail
the Fort
At tto <
flira iudye HcOoean
ju-an bed
bar of the
tbe firm of BriUu^k Oray.
t attorurys
mpltaL and rcenalned with that firm
aatll tome lime In tttt. whoa, os accoant of a serloua lllotat. to had to

Smokers 1

was made that If tto Freatb caUe was
UMtad «alm fwvtMo* ca*Ur*^«raM
Stu IL
-adlly. ladkates
■ceslved h«»» rmreday ladkatte
f Iasi lirk in ib.- Iioe wffi bo
u ten
ewina in tto .UU-s-y of this final opmtlira. Tb- AnisH<!<n >-<ner.nna at Cape
Cnd is said in h^vr bc.-i
tbe liar rumilM lolo mld-Nvan. Tto
guaallua tefW Ito ilalr <lftjartme8t

•d to omcteeeketa Des'l aak ate wby.
bat vat It aa dows toatfle o< a floaea

1 dbUsetlae ustU USt.
..aad to bb aeHtoriovs cosdort aad
brarery itad*r fltr atultod tto posittos



HO. 7

- Rwy'fiMeAtHimUrtTiwOm. ^


TH» Mumitnro —oo«i>. wmatnttvAv, sstimaa. s.
CM Um MaUeaUaa «< ■edalMm- tW«
u jm hsadradj of tblAP that «u
Mt «• «ou Miiiif—niUr hr th« ataiA
W the leOtvIOMa^
if Uf arcumtDi for



tarn thadlliei M^rteoUMi



TOeOeU fw TM* Wwld Mm ai>a ateo-



BL Lonb. Me.. Sept. T..^nie teatvc of
XAbor Day eelebratlan In this city raoterday wa* an addraaa by Hoa. W. J.
Bryae. at Concordia jtarfc. Tbe btcfea
crowd ever aeea to tbe park erected
tbe ueaker. His apeech throo«hoat wca
•BttaaatostKaUy apidacidcd. Prerlocia
to tbemeettoc Bryan revtewed a parade
a( IMM toborlDd men. Bryaa H»ke to
. part as follows;. -While I dad pleasare
to parUctpstlB# to tbe ezeretoes of tbU
day 1 atn alto actuated by a aeasc of
■duty, because the obaervaoee of Labor
iZiay aSordi me an ^rportsslty far tbe
dlaeuMloa of these queetteu vUeb es.
peeially eoacera theproducereof wealth.
In a pamphlet wrttm by adtottoyalihed
New Yorti hanhw I find the assenloo
that tbe proapertty of farmera and laboreru depends opon tbe prosperity of
tbe boUaen
So tons as one eaterthtoe such an Idea be Is certain to en­
tertain erroneous views upon social and
-AU of tbe Uterary. professional and
cammervial claon wtU Itod upon totraatlcatloB that they rest upon thoee
Wtaoee brain and muscle .convert the
aalnral resources of tlw country Irte
material wealth- Not only most any
. real ptwepe^ty beytn with
toll, but the nation's prorrees toward
«•* -Tl

ertunest'e few are
and twanement. but It Is the average
psusraaa not the proareae of the few,
that mast be eonsidend. Tbe ImprureBMBt to be hoped for must come from
eltorte outUde of poUtIca Heetal-dtoelpltoe. moral uatolnc. baUu of todustry and ecnnoiny. a^ hare their part
to traprovtoc tbe ceoetal condlUon of
out people; and yet tbe toflaeace of
leotslauon must not be overhMhed. A
dorm ef ■oremment like ours make* It
peiHbte for tbe peoiBe to have such
Wialatloa as they deelre. but even then
U Is poaMble for a tew persons to orarreadi tbe peoirie as a whole.
df I i lil PHrUrooi I* Nabahy.
*Tbe welfare of the people most be
aousbt not to the secsrlnir of special
tnivlleces to themselves, but In the


tta Maaqaii cC Ltna, «*mb noaWiwrfaMMrMiMlto UMtedaf tte « amcal oc Oy«ada.«at pnMBt at
OM aperta baU aa Iho toe of the 8t
lawreoea. Tbooffh vrappad to fm ha
faUtbaeoldaeatelr aad^aatoinataad
to Mean atrt«t lad Ian incanilrifi^

CUcMpt Btirt. I.-Thr local oftelaii
UBrt ^UabuTr^’a •* "**
wtlon Bi«ntloa«d ator«. I ttaa poUer at dc
That U wu I 4 a <u«aUoD of aoelaium arr fnatlr putted o««r the eadla« of
the body of
B boart the
•iaamcr Ow*
•cevre c^taio advaBtacta aod
The ■boat waa loaded at the Marplr eertaio netda cBanineiE to all of
ftfcet docka. aur Waihlnctoa

Mcwt Net*bl« M«n Who
non La*
bofa Annual Holiday.


it cao br Icarlu cverrthtiw ta in-- “

■“ and
of wool,

body baUbed loadlnc at the I
beet dock! at Bub atreel. Tbe boat then
•tarted oo Ita Uke lotuney. but had
boelBeM netbodt. aad do all ihliic*
arltare of cone bat a ahoK dtataoee wbea tbe
tu nembera that the Ir.dtvUaal haa;
that the beM intenot of the
Sflaada but Ibe cause couW not be
enust be the crttertoc by srhlch
«•“ ---tstoed.
clde each case: that there was a time
OladstoM. Ml(^ tbe boat tied up
When private todlvWuali carried the
malls and ebsrhed wbal they pleased, for mate couda and tbs odor bsoomlnp
there brines poYemment poatefiee: unbearable, tbs mate oedered an labut as the srorM advanred erary «oy vesUgattoa. which reiolird to the flndtok
a ^ad man. Tbe' body was
•mmesH took tbe postal boalacsa tote Ha
•STB handn and no tolelUpetil man wbnld stabding brtwcee two targe bates of
have R turned ever to a private corpor- rags. Bear one of tbe Mg boUera Aflar
dlficulty It
tbs docka bat Boot of the crew
The latter part of the speech was desld Identify the reamtoa Tbs ma.
YMed to yovrmmerrt by Inlnnctimt. and
(he ez-BOvernor used tbe arcumentsthnt
are tomtltar oa that poinVdeclarlfis that
tbe corporations used the courts azali
the worklBcman; that It was the ludgsa
• Whs bNato ohisagw
wbe made the laws really: that labor
must be protected: that the Inlnnctton
Chicago. Sept. 7.—A. W. C. Orottcy.
as used ID strike oms to a blow at Ub- t New York. Is cbmlng to Chicago to
e«y aad violates the cnnstltutlon. and testify to Ibe defensa of Adolpb L. Luetthat as to the Ji}dh«k ’tbe American
people can remove evwy one of them gert. Ha wlU be the star wiincM for Ibe
lairB them to that Infamy smieh dafense. and upon hto tmtltnony Luattbe piemory of Jef- gert will depend to prove tu Ibe court
and Jury (hat hto wife was alive arier
the day he 1a supposed to have killed
In rail Oroitey wlU furnish the
It wUl be ncrcjsary l<
defense to (be case. Tbto annourtceincnt
wbo will be ti
made yesterday by Attorney Vlnot happen a
TtaU B
News that Oivttey had delerc at tbe ne
mtned to be a wltaeM was convey rd to
AUomey Vltkect by a telegram from
Orettey to (be effect that whenever trieUWHt BAT AMOaO THk HlHEBh.
gnphed.for be wtmld take tbe fastest
train to Chicago.
This telegram was followed by a long
letter which states thsl It was the tmllPittsburg, Sept. T.-Laber Day was mony ot Captaio BehuHtler
_ot observed generally to Pittsburg
to change fats mind. When Orwttey
yesterday. AM Ue mRls. fartories and reed In lhe'DrwM>epera that the capialn
had uken thcbiand end aworu that he
vtoltcd New York for (he purpeas
e running as usual.
and few workmeo told off'to celebrate •of looking up Ms record, and (hat be
day. Tbe Labor Day pienk and was prepared to attend to Orottcy U be
nod eocnmltlcd perjury, tba
I meeting beM at Calboua park wrath here
el tbe New York man knew M
under the auM>lcc>s of toeal onion No. bounds.
A Brothertbod of Paliitese and IXmralota. was the only public demonstratloa
during tbe day. Berween t.COO and t.«0»
Klleo. Mkh.. Sept.
lem Mlcfalgao ■
peevie were In attendance at the park
during tbe ariernonn and rvenlng. Ad. looking for persons who have secreted
dressra on various phases of the labor sticks of dynamite In Sheaves of wheat,
qucstlen wete delivered from Ibe pUtr GglesburOe wl|lle LoUls X,e(evTa
threshing, ao eaplaalon took place,
form to tbe open air by W. J. Brennan.
whkh wrecked tbe separator, staekar
James P. Burka aod Josepb Huwlwe dto^ convention t.dsy io elect and Btuchmeni. and the dames de­
detcgatesllo the national convention stroyed evwy bushel of wheat and tbe
promisee to be ttar largest and moot farm butldlngK Several men at work
he threahn- were blown manj fe«
Important ever bHd In this city. Meet­
>' and severely Injured. Al least
ings were held throughout tbe district
a dnaen of Ibeoe explosions have
yMerday to elect delegates to this, con­
vention. In almost ev ery ease tbe dele­ occurred In dlffervst parts of the couDgates to tbe dlsfrict convention have Iry. and the Insees bave lieen laigt.
been Instructed to elect representatives Pbrmera bave bleed datecUves to tothe national conventloo wbo win
fight for tbe maximum rate (•» cents).
It to believed the leaders wlU ©on■ tbe delegates who will attend tha
Columbus convention that Ihr only
thing left for the miners to to acceid
Goto tba Lton Bnrbw Shop for balr
the 6-cent compromise for the preseol, esu
and batba. It eento each.
H. M. Gmzrrr

tbe moet potent mnuences to tmprorlns
. the condltloo of the wase-enmers. La­
bor orraaltatSeni are almoM entirely
reepcnslble ter the fact that skilled la­
bor wacee have not fallen as much as
prices, altboucb they fiee not always
' aueeeeded Ir. keepini; emptoymeBl up'to
faU time. While ylvlnp to these orpaUaaUona cndlt for s hat they have done
It Is only >falr to suairest that oelthee
Ubor orsaalmtions.' oor.any other form
of prolmilou ean M'curc l<- the laborer
Dcrmaoent immunity If tbe feoerwllevcl
of prtcen contieues to faU.
Idle Mas Is a Mssnw*.
“The Idle mac Is tbe menace to tbe
ma who baa «nploymeni.aDd thennm- booest. men are amt to the conveatlos
.ber of idle men must opremsflly to- they win act in accordance with the
tight of truth placed before them."
Dolan aald that a propototloo would be
. aad constantly lowers tbe maiket value made to the relnera to maJetaIn camps
mines where the district price Is dot
ot the producu of Ubor. ArWuuUon-ot
dtSeretkes between large corporate vm- paid, and an asMssment be levied oa all
tdeyers aad their employes to one of the miners at work to meet the nrciMary
political reforms mmt needed by vage- ezpeojwa. He said every effort would
aanera Cotll arUtratlos to secured be made to make (be price adopted at
tbe strike to the only weapon within tbe Columbus' nnUoRB througbeut tbe dto____
raacb of labor. Soclrty at large to to- tricL
tareoud to the appUcation of the prinWMW It Mean* for the Mea.
mme of arbitration to the differences
Coliwrbus. O.. «ept. T.-Ow!ng to the
wbtd) arise Crtun Ume to Ume beri
many compllrationa Ibsl Inlerfrrc to the
aorporatlons and thy emMo}'«a.
fixing of rates In the vanous dtotrlrlk
It to hard to compute exarUy wbal ef*%abortog people have a special to- «ct the gS-cenl rate In the Pittsburg
tsiest Just now In securing relief from dtotrfct will have. If tbe coming mlBe^
Mint to aptly described as -government coorentlnn accept* the bperatora* ptujp*
by tojuncllon.' Tbe extent to which the oalUon. a* it to expected to do. In gee.
writ'of Injunction has been aboeedwlth- <n>l terma however, for pick mlDlng to
to recent years has aroused a hostility the bituminous districts, the value rate*
which to almost universal. It to only a will lie as follows: Peocsylvanla, C;
quesiloo of time when gov
Ohio. C5; Indiana. Sf: Illinois. Grape
........................ il be cured by legtolBl
Creek. AI:eVeat. Virginia. H:. other dtoTbe main purpose ot tbe writ of tojunc- trkta. «A. The latter to not a fair flgurr
tloD U to avoid trial by Jury. Trial by to quote. Inasmuch as (be miners Ibeve
Jury Is-miwe Important to the Amwican get to addition to It a fair price for what
people today than It ever wa* befofe to In -called “brusfatog the coal “
American history, it war origlnaOy in­
tended as protectlcin against reyajty.
and it to today the mala protection of
D an tourptotocracy. which
wUeb Is |
tbe people agatost plutocracy,
*^j,h Kccrctan' Byai
to the couDtry what royalty to under a. peu minrrs, who toft for Columbus torcblcal form ot govemroent.""
b> exclirment among the ratoer* of iniEOla and particularly to tbe northem
coal relda. Tbe fart that the o^eralora
Philadelphia, Sept J.-Ex.oorBn>or of northern IlUnoi* hare refused to atJMm F. Aligeid. of iiinoto. addrwd an tend any conference looking towerda a
andtopce of about LW people al Wash. settlement of the present trouble stoo esIngtse park on the DeUware river yea- totalisbe* the fact ttet then ean be no
nettiemeiit at tbe present Umt
terday afiemoun. HU subject was **Mn- geoaral
Should the Pittsburg mtoera arcepl the
aicfpal End OoTPmmrst Owoetahlp and dt-enn rate and rcaume work htotory
Ooveramcei t>y lajuncUon." Tbe event wlD'repeat Hselt and (he DUnol* mtoera
srbkh brought the ez-gorenor herewan wfll be left to hold tbe bag.
Oie Labor Day celebcaUon by tbe Cnited
Labor League vrf thir dty. President
Bmst MruR occupied the chair and
DCS Mstosa, Is.. Sept 7.-AU the ariamad* the opening address. He then to. aia of tbit county. I« men, quit week
Mndneed Aitgcld. The goremor de- this morning except those et tb* Christy
TOtad flve-tixths of hto ^>eecb to an ad- and Poor Bouse Fbrm mines. Tbe de­
wueacy of government and municipal mand to fbr n cent* a ton. The operaownerfalp. drawing from tbe clUea d ton say they cannot concede that price
•lanehfster ai
and Birmingham, England. -forexisting contracts would cause them
s la.favor of that to losr money oB every ton mined. They
_____ He aald that propesato of thto
say they can better afford
amn were generally met by (he claim eoolrarta Efforts wfll b* made to have
that they wen sedallMlc.
tbe ffllnen to toe two mlocs namefi
He then defined nortonm aa tollowa: to join II the airtbe. but (hey will hard••godaltom baa been dcAavd as a syxum ly be BP
af govemmeot to wUeb the eompetmva
'gyatsm to eodr^ ahottobed. and thn
principle of aaaadatod effort i* appDed
Muneie. lod- BepL 7.—A statg fit**to everything. AceneUng to tbe ttnnd- hraUoB of Labor Day By alt trade*
ard auiboriile* aocUim to aa f ' Itm men to IndUna wa* bad ber* :
mate founded cm Justice n^ to whHAlht tarday. 2i.COO atalaart labor men
beneflu of modem toamte and of mo- tending and U.OCO etrangera. TbejUiaa*
pspsly »ball be shared
ths psopU was TWO mile* long and t8c mea
teMsad ot betog cootiMtod b> the faw marched el^t abreasL Bpeecbe* wen
. and osed by these few to make (bsm- made by Ralph Bewumont. of OUaMlTUh (be absMuw maMsrs of Ih* many. boma: Mayor Cromer, and C. F. fimia
Tbe word -mrlaltom' to umd as a tent ,(af IndtonapMto). tbe totter apsaktog to
Of dsrttien only by the Ignorant or tha
' izge andtonee at aighL
atrrlU. Hswsver, the wortd t* M ftW




IblahkaL Baaakad^te!2^"‘^|I
Baatfad K> bear aaeh a teMpenMn
wtMB be bad n UBla on. “Why yon bo
I oarer faM?" iaqoM tbe IndiaB. Tba
BMzqoie npUeS that so one am dU
' ao. asd that ba WM aeeaatenad to ban
MafaoosakadtroMblfth. “ Good. “ re.
idtoedtbeiniitoklBc. “MeaDfeea"
had be tralked away.—Sas Vtuetooo

Suits to Order.


^ Soar UaeaMe Btoek. C^au



<r, taTB

; IS
• rw^MXii-c.


,.'Attor«a|« at Law. '


oono xom.

Bvanfssa CAitos.
D «• wuw.

‘ : 'iiiji-s

Fire Insurance.

Itrtlien MciUju
*v^» Titiiipiirtitioi a.

t iWlut 11

Pint Merchant Tafloring.


ayd Osi


: Chicago —
West Michigan

jssrsj... :






LFOOTS-. AlWra— — I— H,.—l


ajjTSSi Abamets M nua
, East Esd Mi^icau Sl.

(toles«o. i

m<p.ta. TelMiljfai.Tt.



The Pure Juice S^J'sJsrB.'EiSsr.Sr'f.JS.S*
Butter, First Class
Green that will kill Bugs

)______ ^_________________ Unioa atreett._______________________________


aa ^B|^jMa^IwaicbtaiMruMt«adtokUltW 8 K. Walt. Draff-

Bicycles to Rent lx

also get tbe bast work for lea.. .
. . Bepair Bb^ Sll Bast FroAt i
L. Meboy A Sop, Front St.
at PlBchb Bicpclc Bepair l&op

Ice Cream Freezers {;s“ X-Ws „

-. e K-ai;

iwera, gardra hoaa. Screen d

Front Bt.adjotntoff McXi
Jfemarab shea atgye.

Bat it in * Good TUng to BrovMn a Lnttar Bog far Vnn Wbaa Bran
1UUTM7 U Bntoblinhad.
Oeo. W. Raff baa been appototo
Bffant is tbia city fur J. S. ManoB A C«
uf Bontoo. maBafaetaiMB of latter dro
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
boxns and ommeatol Uttar box plats
Market in the Brosch Block.
and feocleara. Now that ftps daUvsry
to nmnrwd aad trill ba esUbltobikl abant
Sovwiber 1. tba luttor oaffbt to bs
toekad after. While there to no eompalaion abemt it. a drop box wlU be a
great eoBveatooce aod a mviag of
troabU to tbe bodaawifo an waU aa the
carrtor. Mr. Kaff h» a faw Mmole*
raofflaff from tS eeata to tl.oa Better
call at hto tailorabeptoraarofMaMS
ie block and look them over.

Bright, Fresh, Neat

Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.


Oti^ Bata to Ohlcaco by the Xmke
The Narthara MtoU^ Tranehorlatioa Co. will iMe a toond trip tlO
ticket from Travane aty to Cblcago.
ff^ satil October UL Thto wlU Ipelpde meaU and bertha.
)« et


Whaa you can buy n**
atyl«* at A. 8. Frymi


lu Have Logs to Soil


i;tOCNI>-Oa pwsu toreaa a goto bcaralM. i
JP Own** call alkaoouoofBee. sews I*many ■
andpayehaigm. MMf


r any yea can lake a SBOL ptoasMB rise es
0OIg« gOBTS.

nt wa-tt*
HaUaetaeBlahloMbedBaee:^to bid




T70HB VANTED-Foe a heahfay babe two

■wsRifa-sur^ *—

Fine Farm and Draft Horses. Some
veiy fine stock M reasonable prices.


CHy LaabwO*.


WSSte-cT -* —-“-T.y
'its.—Money to Loan
Oa iBfsvrvt etty ynpsrty
Oteea emr Moatogoe'e hardware

Sute Street, near Union Street


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