The Morning Record, May 18, 1897

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The Morning Record, May 18, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


morning record.
First Tetr-No. l^


Baa fixed at gSOO. bot I
8. A Trerett, who Is charged with
feloBlons aesanlt npon Isabelle Mang,
tbe fourteen year-old girl who bM roeentiy eome into poblie notice,
brooght here yeaterday from Grand
Bapida by Under Sheriff Ashtos. lie
WM at enoa taken before Jndge Boberts
end tbe hearing fixed for this morslng.
BaU WM fixed at fttOO, bot as TroreU
ooold not fnrsish ssrotiea he went to'
Tnraer A Oatea were retained yeaterday to defend Tre*rtt, end Uai
ersniag Mr. Turner slated that exIn all profaabUlty be
walred. aad tbe Coart naked to reduce

The Demands of Mey
are enormou* So are tiioae of oar oiutomers.. Thfi
difference between Greece and earaelree is that wg
to eappty all demand made on o* ^nit
now it'e for hammocka. and ve hare tbe atocL '


S Take Votioel
All members of the We-qne-tong Club
re sommMied to tbe eaanel meeting
to be held at J. A. Montegne'% hall
above his hardware store at 8 o'tiock
tonight Important business, and if
the action et those whe attend the
iting does not soil tbe absent ones
then blame no one bnt yourself tor not
taking a part in the meeting.
H. W. Ci BxisBBsx. Seo'y.
Wheelmen are BotbosUette Over
Mew Bieytie Path.
There WM an exodus ef wbetimea to
Elk Baplds Sunday, and when they retnrned they were nnanimout in praise
of the e/tie path constrocted from that
place towards this city. For two mUea
it is M level M a floor. This improvemenUa so mack appretiatod that ao
effort will be spared among eytiUts
hereto posh similar work from this
end of the rente. Among thoae who
rode over were. Bay ttrewa, F. H.
Parks. C. F. Hnnter, C. B Hale. John
Tatoiaa. Btipb Hastings, Jnllas Paige,
J. VUck, Alee SleUberg. F. Cafee,' Bo­
land Booghton, Hobart Lewis, Bd.
Bartnk; Geo; filne and Frank Kafka
rede a tandem.
Athlotie Olnb Eneting.
A meeting
meting of
the T. C. A. A. aad aU
those Wbo intend to jtia for hnee tanlt,
tenaU and onl doer sports, will be held
U toe BasiaessOoUege roams tonight
at 7:45 for the pnrpoae of eleetUg enpand managers, and alto to ascer­
tain where to hold their ootiaga.
Gamea wtil be sehednled for next week
and regular meeU vrill take plaoa. A
prompt att^snoe is desired from eU
members and those iatoading to join.
W. 0. T. V. WOBK..
Supper aad Pai
The W. C. T. U. will give a supper at
toe Baptist ohorok parlois on Friday
evaalng next, from 4 to 7 o’clock. Os
Batnrday and Snnday next Mrs. A. 6.
BenJamU, the wtil known aad distiagnUhed W. O. T. U. wn-ker wiU be
bore. On fiatorday evening Mm. Ben­
jamin will give a parlUmeaUty drill
at tbe CoBgregatioaal ohnreb, aad on
Sonday evening will deUver an ad­
dress «t toe Methodist oharck. Mm.
BeajsmU U dtiag e greet work for toe
temperanoe eanae aad her reoeption
bare WiU bseardUl aad earnest. Mrs
Benjemin eomes under toe nnqiiese ef
toe leoei W. C. T. D.

BegjamU Booghey, wbo is aa nxpmtaoeed Canavaad tboroogbly posted
oa nil egrieoltoral mattem aad
posaibUitias. bM aolvnd toe potato
qosatioa m tar m be U concerned by
boUdiag a potato chip factory ea Us
f irm just sento of the city. He hM
fi-ted it out with toe newest and best
msehinery and will manofactnre
a' hundred pooads ot the "ohi^" dally.
He wUl utilise the predoeto ot his own
farm, aad m the boslaesa Inert
wlU boy fms oth* temen.



Were the first one in the city to-

Hang Curtains
do 80 yet All widths carried in stock and satis*
faction guaranteed. Cheap, ready-ma^e curtains
from 10c, hp, at-----:^’8

Vsw ir^nsgOT of the Eotsl Arrived
Yesterday afternoon Lewis Voigbt,
one of the owners of the Omena resort,
errired in the city aeoompaaied by
JcMph Vagner, who wiU amaage the
Leelanau hotel at the resort this tomMr. Volght is here to make arraagements for the opening of the seaaon and Mr. Wagner will at once bicl*
tomaue the comfortable hotel ready
fur an anticipated heevy botinees this

Tw6 Cent*.


WM aeoUred the offlel*! psper of ik%
IX WM dadded to Uj * walk aad
rr«le BMt 0tk tiTMt from the O. B. A
Binr ouioB or m ooxrvon. 1. railroad to Barlow atreei, aad a
to trade aad Uj walks oe
Boae aad Maple streats
TES BXOOBD DBStOVATXD AS naUl next meattng.
Ttia stMameat of the director of the
poor showed that the expsadltare of
Wm Print all the ProoawiiM of Oonn- his department dnriag the pMt year
eO and Board of Bdocatlon-Tale- amanated to and that daring
phoM Pol# Kattor SotUad-PMi- the iMt six months there bM been a
tloM Against Obaags in Oloalng sarlag of ttoS.«B orertheeorrcapoadlcg
Hour for Billiard SaUa.
six months of Ust year. The report
The loagest meeting of a dty oona- watPaeeepled aad adopted.
Ob motion of Aldermaa
«U erv held In thU city wm iMt night.
There hare probably baen longer maat- the eommittee on ordlaanses wm Instractcd to draft a
iBM aomewbere else, but aot here.
There were also sereral long speoeh- mating the riding of bieyelae on the
ea, Tory long spoeehea whksh b^ped to walks.
■ass weighty msasnrea. bnt tbs speech­ Alrt-rmen Goodrich referred to the
poll ux matter end .mored that the
es were mors o
elerk pad city attorney be lastraeted
A petition to hare Cass atreeV grar- t) draft an amendment to the charter
eledfrom lOthstreet aohtb to ISth wm proridlng that the tax go into a gen­
talked of faroeably, bnt referred to the eral fund instead of a f and for each ef
on streets and walks. Aa- the fire Wards. The mot
Hiram Kieney end Allen Orayaon
other petition to have a walk laid os
Ballroad amna from Waahlngtoa to were reeppolnted night wetohmen,
Frost WM
referred. Union street end Ml motion, Victor. Mootngue
property owners asked to harp that appointed a ^letial poUeemaa without
pay to look after the We-qne-tong tinh
atreei fron »«» ^
gradad np Uka the north end, ot the groonds. George aootier was epatraet.aBdtbat'wMretorred, too. An­ pointedtoa similar poalUoa et the C.
other to bare Bandolph street Axed ap A W. M.
Aldermen Lerdie notified the oouncil
WM aeat the same way.
Mia. Maria Friedrieb Mked for a per­ thet Mr. Moody had declined to qnalify
mit to erect bar propoaad brick block M pound toMteranddog catcher. As
on Proat stieeU and gare a daaeription it WM wrong for the tity to be thus
he mored that tbe va­
of wbat It h to be. The oonadl deelrod to look orer the speoiflosUons re- cancy be imaiedlaltiy filled. His angtod and Allan Smith
fording the thlekaeaa of rrmUa. etc.,
Mr. Smith wm preaad
patllion rms referted to the
d the trust
oommittoe on fire and water.
nen the moeh aanoylag telephone
The biUard baU
The obJeetioM
br n petition from the yonag
to piecing tbe poles on Union street
peoples' aoeities of the cliy and the W.
were reviewed end while the oommitp. T. U. Mklng that the petition retoe and eome other alderman had
neatly preeehted Mking lor a change
learned of eerlons objeetions by
1b the elating hoore from 10 to 12
promieeat pre^erty ownere, Mano'tio^ be not granted. Alderman
sger Bsrry bed received favorable oooMontagne offered to compromise, mak
ly otben. Finally
the nour
boor 11
lag me
i* o'tiock. bnt theC prosettle tbe ssatter Alderman Uurdie
poaitioB created a good deal of disonsdisoni
sion for aad against. Mr. Garrison Bioved that the Michigan telepbohe Co.
toroted the petition of. J|^ M«»tagne be given the right to «et pales on the
Bad Mr. Lardie joined with Mr. Good- CMt tide of Union to Stale, then across
rink aad betWMn these geatimea wm to the west side aad to Seventh street
ith. then the allsT on the cast side
the greater
giMtar part oi
of the
Mr. Montecne did not faror the eai^ of Union, and Bohemia street on
ly tioaing partiemarly from a pereonal the west tide, thenoe threogk both
ataadpolnt. bnt be sUted that Me. sonth to mh street, thenos on Union
Chris had made a hcary axpaadltore on to tity limite. TbU propotitioo enlted
the promise of the^ncil to fix the Mr. Barry and disponed of a vexing
In tbe dueostion Alderman
boor at 12 o'clock aad be bellercd that
thare wprs worse places than a first GMdrich broached the mxltar of tree
lortiM city .and he Mked
tisM bOt^ ball like this oaa, there­
fore, nader lha tirenmstoneea be be- Mr. Barry if he would net OM hU inUered that 11 o'tiock wotid be only flneace with his company to eeeare
fab to both
ai^ Mr. Lardie and Mr.. free for the tity at IcMt five instrufair
nom BHRw.
ito in eensideretioB at the priviQotHlrteh nrgently opposed thst propcsltieci. both referring to the esneat 1«M granted by the oonneiL Mr. Bar­
work of the mothers and daughters, ry declared be wonld get for this tity
who signed the petition sgslMt the M much m WM granted other cities.
Tbe Ust and one of tbe most impor­
boor. Tbe
iBier Bwvi.
« MV disensaion----------' — -----------------------*
More **«»" one-half an boor, when Al­ tant matters to come np wm e petition
derman Goodrich mored that the pe­ from the Boardmao Blver Bleetrii
tition be not sUowtd, m be beliered It Light A Pawer Oo. for a franchise to
WM tor ti»e beat IntereaW of tbe tity to nse the streeto tor water mains in view
bars tbe billiard balls closed at ton of establishing n system of water
o'clock. Alderman Montagne mored works. The petition was referred to
to amend, nmlriag the boor 11 o'tiock- the committee on firs and water.
It WM after 11 o'tio(k then and tbe
Wbss It came to a rote oo tbe amesdueBi, that WM carried I7 a rote of fire coontil doeosed it wise to go home.
to throe, and tbe stotios M hmended
▲ SCPFBBSMOl 07 $60B0.
eerried by the same rote. The yeaa,
Montagoe. G^iek. Oook, BntilBow a Pont efiee Order Oai
MBBtel and Garriso*. Naya, Goodrich.
Change^ Flan*
Lardie aad Jahrans.
- .There wm some further dison»l« Mias Alma PetoM haA her plans
ngBrdlttg the ralidi^ of tbe aetioa, all made for some time to start this
when City Attorney GUbert informed week for e snmmer visit in Cblifornia,
the oeontil that the action taken had bot hM been wtitiag for e poet office
BO weight whaterer. except to place order which wm isclnded U tbe Uvithe eonoeU on record. Before any­ totioo. It eeme in dee time, bot wbea
thing oonld be done an amendment to she went to cash it the discovery
>t be anbmlt- made that the poatmMter in Gallfare al
tad aad roted upon. The rote :
bad left off a very necessary part of
tefcea being simply a r----------- **‘
the order, making it read 70 eento In■naro was no further action.
atead ofjTO. Now Mias Petenon U
John Morray's Uqoor bond wm ap- waiting M patlaotly M may be for the
prored with John HopklM aad Jos. matter to bs corrected.
Trombly. Jr. Meoietie*
The otMSBilttee 00 tialmi and aoTO XBXP TEB FXAOX.
ktso damages
bThwardad to Mrs. Sarmh SmiU who
Peter BtaOhr Pnt Va
bad sostalaed a fall by slipping n> the
toe at the bornl district last winter.
The oommittos stated that legal pro- TsatotAsy Peter Steflar wm amatod
eaadlngs would oost abost «2S to tbe U Mayfield bir Bberiff ffimpeoa, on
tofL. W. Dnell. wbo aoogfat
tiXf aad to aettie the matter they roc---- p«ying Mrs. Sstitb ^t to here Steffer pet under bonds to keep
Peter Waller was tntindad
BrnoonU The
U the oompUtot, bnt when the eheriff
arrived Weller had Utt withont saying
Kda for
lor the city
tity pnaun*
Stefler was
•d aad tbe etfielel printing ef the eons where be wm going.
ell, board of edneation aad miseellaae- brought before Jnstiea Brown, wbmo
ntlng WM ewerded to the Mow he admitted having made thnatt to do
toMoo*d, the_>ldsbeing: Bsoona, bodily herm to Dnell. Tbe noei
U oento per foUo; Berald. l«; Traas- WM pUeed madar a hoad of fiMO (o
tfipt, U and Bagla M. As Bacon keep the peeee tor Mx moatha.



Making a Conquest
When sitting on one of
our luxurious sofas is an~
easy matter for the daint­
ily dressed maiden. Time
slips by when so comfort­
>ly ensconsed,
and the
. visitor realizes, when he
leaves, that between wo­
man’s sweet fascination
and the beautiful effect
of Slater’s furniture, ar­
tistically arranged, that
his mind turned to home
comforts and thoughts of
love. We have the Furniture at decidedly the lowest prices.

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
OppoalW BrnkuO * Bo.

new belts

(MU for s Now Men fnoblon nbMl
for June. Tboy'robero.

—0—just received.
Tho eolom nre..


Various stylos of buckles.


Price 25 cents.



Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

Is being restored.


base our assertion upon
the fact that our sales of

“BEST” Flour



which dbeg, not show a
lark of confidence.






Manday ^am Monday

, Brentiaa.
The Rntorprls* Orooary Go. ha* plaeed.
X^arlniea of Sneob XratoAeU and
anew awnlnA orer the front of the
Aohn Cottar.
ore on Front street
This tt a Story of mlsplaead eowAArther Oafnen.B. L. Usa, A. Pohoial
.eaoe. '
HMK raaomca or »■■
and Tony Petortyl left for the flreThe vietlma srare John Cotier and
men** oonTention at Detroit thU morn
Enoch RiatoohvU.
iBAEooeh and Johatook a rig and start­
•Sami T. Bat** axd J. W. Ha****.
John R. Santo and T. J. Host return- ed for toe farm of Jease WMl* with a
ad yesterday from Bmpire, where toey ww which was to he pot aot to pastj. w. BAJtKPt. EditoT^
cadAht toont and brouAht home a foodTbeeow.waaled belttod, pari of
SUBeOBimONB. • '
toe way.
OM wok. or eorrtoT.
Dr. HtoA yesterday set a brokea laA
Shortly after leavior the city Bnoefa
* *»
9hM* Bonth*. br >»U.
,« lor a cow belonAtnA to Charles O'Meal- and Joba overtook a eeopla of women.
■i*Bo»ui«.br».u. ;
ey. which was lajared by tlipplsA down Whom they thought to be footsore and
in the pasture.
weary. But the women were net tired,
y. D. CTSTOt
The WtHard Ualoa of W. C. T. D. as Enoch and John le^ad a short
OGm, m rraol BOWA
wfll meet at the 9nd M. B. church to­ time afterwardA
Enoch and John are trader hearted:
day St half-past two o'clock. Aooidial
and eeeing the woasra trudging along
welepme is extended.
The Jevenile Temple. I. O. Q. T., tbroogb toe dus^ read they beU^ooghi
BleTOle Path Problem.
which has done a rood work amonf them te proffer a UtUe aid.
Said Enoch to John. “Suppoae we got
Than is * biU belora U* legidetai* the bay* ani girl* on toe Weat Side.
out and walk along and let the ladles
to to»Ue7clM to oenU meh. tke rere* wiU take a vaeatton untU October.
BMderired from tUs tox to boused lu
ride, while we lead the critter behind.'
Arohie OrUtt has pt bis barber ahop
Said Jobs to Enoch, “Suppose wi
,«.»vtwy bicycle tr»ek* in ibe streets
a eopy of the New Voric Herald, dated
0Md lands. Tkis .Ux is to be levied only
de.'* And they diA
April 15,1865. oontausioran aotwnnt of
where bonrds of saperrlsorssbnU so orThe ladies were grateful for the
the aamsslnatioa of Abraham. Lincoln.
Aer, the eonslmciton of side pnUis to
kindnem displayed towards them and
Bebart Lewis and Ber. D. Oocblin
. he plMed in the hands of n board of
they saiA “Thanka," with all the gra^Ae path oommlsaloaen oompeeed of bad a'collision on their bicyeles yester­ eieusneas neoemary at that time. But
three elector* selected by the board of day. The wheel of Lewis was unask­ : when to«y had beeome oomfortably
•aperrisoi*. No doubt erery owner of ed, but fertnnately both men were un­ settled in toe buggy it was dlffereat.
a wheel la MiehiAaa would be very hurt.
They became bcdA So bold wen these
wilUsA to pay ftfty eentoa year If #ood
The arsl Si
weary ladles that they whipped up toe
wheeling iside paths cMld be insured to Utec on toe M. A N. B. was well pa- horse, waved thrir handkerehlefs marthem, but.the Beconuoan see no rood trouUed Sunday.
About 100 Tisitm* rily to Buoehaad John, and with a
reason why a special law should be en- came in oa the train and spent the day Jolly “U U. boysl" away they drove
aeted to tax a bicycle any more than to in the city.
tike the winA
tax a eaiTiaA*- A wbed Is declared In
This parformanee made booh and
Fourteon eyelisU took a ru to Bast
law to be a vehlele. and U entiUed to Bay last eTenlng where they ' were en­ J<ton very wrathy, but they hurried'
the »««« riAhts and prlrUeAfli as a ear- tertained by C. E. Hale. Sam Adame aloag b^ing to overtake the ladiea
ftofo or-any other wheel veblela The and Traoey Oillis to a uniquely aerved agaia, but the eow was not able to
Aay Is very near when as mncb atten- lunch around a big bonfire.
keep toe pace, eo the women
tSBtla wlU be ffiven to preparinA side
drove out of sight.
paths for bicyeles asU
However, after di^nalng of the
they oonUnued oa at a rapid paee
towards Fife Imke. but the girls drove
too fast for them and continued aloag
except for a abort trip of trading.
gpsnisi road tax when the ovrnw of a
happily and had a lot of fun at toe exThe ladies el Amaada Hire, L. O. T.
f•rTlage or wagon is exempt.
pease of the men. After a while the
wheel should be placed, as regards
mra espied toe girts driving around a
toxm. on toe same lootiag as a car- McNamara haU to-monow night.
hill. Knowing th*t the road led near­
ftoge: no more should bessked of it.
ly aronnd It, they skipped around toe
A and everybody is Invited.
and noiam. By eourtesy of pedestrians
otow way and the flist thing the girU
gaavAlde walks, in Traversa City and
6. C. Despre* hns gone to Detroit as n knew toey ran their hone almost up^irhera, are conceded to toe use of delegate to the Uraad Commandery oa toe anxious Enoch and Jpbu. The
He will also attend the latter Invited the _________
the wheel, bat'toe fast laemaslng num- eoaelave.
ladles to get out and
har of wheels In use here will seon ne^ meeting ef toe state Finmen'^ra-1
D held
at. the
j there
.w «
Butns they had
^ltT‘- toelr removal from the walks
to toe streets. This means that with- time.
all the fun they wanted and had ncsi
la a ysar or two all toe principal buuAt toe qoarterly c
aeld by the ly reached their destination they had
aHS and reaidenoe streus of Tiaveree Free UeUaodists. at Femwood Chapel, the laugh on the boyA and so has ev­
City mnil be fitted with side paths for OB Sunday, JShn Boawell era* gnuted eryone else who hat beard about it.
the wheels, good in rainy a* well as a license to preach, and he wUl hold
A Pruab Air Boclvty.
pleamnt weatoer.
stated Id ' his first service at Sabin, on Sunday
toe Rxooai) a few dnys ago, more than ' ut-xv
A new society has been organised In
MO »«w «b.d. h... bMO booshl b, |
y.. MlcblM" this city by some of the elite young
pattdrats of Ttavome City during the Womsb'» I’rcH AesoeUUon will be ; men, which will be known as the Fresh
J^alxty days.
There are probably held in Unnd Bspids June S3, 33 sad I Air Beclety. Km Adam* is president
got leas
*00 to 1,000 wheels ineoa- *4. MrA M. E C. Bates of this city, j and Tracy Ulllisseeretary. The society
, StaBtnBeoaoursireata. It is probable president of the aasoeistioa, wiU make j doee not have npon Its membership lUt
toere are oot half that number of ear- toe anusl sddresA
I one who enjoys anffieienl eonfidenec of
fttgea.iB toe city, and a wheel is used
Dr. Maggie McKellar of India, left | the members to hold the o«ce of Arees‘ |sa miles to every one mile ef enrringe. yesterday tor Canada, to report to toe i ow. but it is expected that some ex­
This is a matter that should at
emplary young man may be induced to

vBuanp arOT aoBatas KMJsn aonuT.*
TBAVERSXdrrT. - MicmoAH.


i toe attmtorn of toe townships ml.w«11. for msay
farmers-ani baying wheels ss a matter'
0l economy. With good roads throa^pattoe country no farm would be cooItoered wel^ Equipped without oae or
acre wheels tor family USA
Tha one tbusand wheel owner* of
<fravet»e City are entiUed to as much
a at tt(S-hands of toe i itv

toe summer here and at Urs'

Join who has the ability and Sntreglty
to handle the club fnndA Tbe objects
of toe organlxallCB are not exactly

clear to toe unlnltiatod. but tbe name

WiUiam Bitcboock of Leland, passed
torough toe city yesterday ea rente to Is BuggesUra.
BpUt Htt Great Toa
Grand BapidA where be is engaged in
a law suit with Perkins A Co. Gemge
Yesterday morning while Joe Major
Bouthard of Fonch and W. W. Smith of was spUtUng kindling wood for break­
I .eland went with him as witnesses,
fast, be let toe ax slip and the blade
was driven torougb bis shoe and spilt
Tbe schooner Agnes Potter arrived
bis great toe tbe entire length. Dr.
St th^ port yesterday morning after
Moon sewed up the wound and Joe will
BonaeU as toe five hnadrcA or mo- lumber for Bittenhouae A Embree from
be sble to get about in a ahort time.
lam BujHber. esrrisge ownerA
Tuc , wtUtam Britner.
The barge Maggie
pedaaUia» arc entitled to tbe exeln-^ Hnrshnll is also here for lumber from
alve M of toejsidewalks.
What 'will Onniel OakA also for Chicago.
be do&r in the matter? Tbi* 1* one of
The annual meeting of the We-qneIbe vexing ^snidpal problems that
have arisen with tbe changing eoom- tong club will be held tola evening in
Jasl eottditkms of the closing years of toe office nbovc the hardware store of
City NfiWfi Co.
J. A. MontaguA A fall attendance la
the nratory, and It cannot be ignored
aigei asrtbere will be important bnei«r neglected, nor enn the solnUou of
to transact, tncludlng plaas for
this Importnnt question be long detbe season.

Fedora hats in grey—light tan—black and other pop­
ular colors—all popular shapes. aud greatest values
’ ever offered at any similar sale—remember the even­



Two little boys had a narrow eaeape {
from drowning In tbe river near the*
G. R. A I. depot last evening. ' One of'
them feU into deep water and was
KtA Sarah Hardman
drawn under some square timber, but
toe other lad sueeeeded in drugging
After much suffering Mta Sarah btm out at great risk to himself.
Hansen,, one of Traverse
A regnlar meetlag of Traverse City
aty’s piou'eerA passed awsg Sonday
•OOO at toe age of 60.. She was born Lodge, No. i06. of the National Reserve
In England, snd came to this city in Assoclacioo wUi be held this evening
IMA Seventeen years ago she was iu McNamara ball at 7-JO o'elock.
^•iriud to Louts Hansen and ^ their full attendance U desired as bnainesa of
borne OB toe West Side has always bees Imnortaaoe U to be traesaoted sad aevOM of toe pleasant spoU where ndlgh- eral candidates are to he initiated.


bec* and friends loved to gather togfVhar. MrA Hansen hss been In quite
foeble bealtb all wieWr sad seme weeks
•ga reoeired abad fall which rerndted la
blood poisoning. It waafoand neccaanry
about two weeks age to ampntato bar
Uab at toe hip, and ste never ^verad tram the shock- Bbe had n wide
f^Kle of IriendA all of whom will
gjaearely mourn ber Iosa
aarvioee wiU be held Wadaceday aftei^ooaat lbs rasVIanm, oornurof ElmVOodM?***^”*’^**^

Prof. Wm. Holdswm-th ef the Agrieultara! Oolleg*. came up toe last of
tbe week with his two children, who
will ^end tAia snmmer on the penin­
sula with tosh- auBA Mr*. JoA SberProf. Boldswortb retorued
by bis wife

Suits to Order.


Fine Merchant Tailoring.

Palace Mery

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Also a good artkls In


Ever Burned Out ?
• go s
bread, both Ckeamety aiidK
and Dairy.
O. F. QARVMi. Assat.

We have in Stock a full line of



P«ik StTMt, krtWM rient t Cm,

at right priesA Try our new branff
Mocha and Java Coffee, the best in too
city, at 40c. It is simidy dcgaaA


Rates, f1.50 per Day.

Meal Tickets at Reduced Rates. Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.,


Very Latest!
Very Stylish!


M. H. Gspxna.




and Tan







A. L NeWeton Departieiit

Made oa Mew Xnate with the
Mew OolB Tee*.





The Man Milliner,
1 tt

Is toe place to buy


if!' YOU

and sister wai soon leave for a three

Oe to theLkmBarbernbopfer hah
ata and hatha. 15 easts cato.

: '


Do You Know

after loro


Alonday and Tuesday. .

VriedHeb Btoeb.

your feet in the Utest fashion.
We show aU tlM new dcaignA

TtoOU BeliaUvBbe* MSA



Is read by the pec^le
yon desire to rcack.
If yon have anything
to sell, hndA or want .
to buy anything, make
it known through tha
EncoxD. -

Telephone 23.




Him Nm Wrifhtto rldla« •

j '

Mr*. H. Brlotau. of Old Miidm, lo
riatttaff ttie fomU; of & E. Woli.
SaperrtMT St^er C. OvttMi, of
Th« Prwldwt lCwl« Uffnt B«oom> Nortbport, «rsa 1b th« city yMterd»y.
Hmry Scbombore. of Good U»rbor.
B«Dd*tioa for B«U«f of SoibrlBg
M In the oity doinf boBlnen ywterAmoriouu ond Oongrow Appropnd»y.
at«l •50,000.
of MeBOBtieee, for>. H»7 IT.—Ttio'pi^demt
marly of thl* city, i* in the city rialtogr
«od«y Mat a aemre to o
bis mother.
lac approprUUoH for Uie relief of the
Mrs. Prod'Calrerretamed to
. dMtitnto Anerie^ la Cuba. A epeeaaw today after a month'e'^isit at%er
tel meetiag of the w*« aaiB:
sooBOil thta ■(H-alnc to oonider the old home hers.
a. Bonrard. a oommerdal man of ChiBatter and onUiae the ateen^. Sen*
ater Davto of the forelcn relAoas con* cngo, is at the Park piaee accompanied
mlttee oalledat the White HdaM whUe by Mra Howard.
Edith Uoloomh. who te tenehinc
the meance wae la procreea and wm
admitted to the cabinet room at onee. aohool atSammit City, epent Sunday
The member* of the cabinet who ware with her parente in the city.
L. E. Qibhe has cone to Bnetne. Wls..
preMBt were Sherman. Loaf.
Oafe and McKenna. The prealdent on bwlneea with the Baclne Fire Bn•aat ont word to the poUUdana aad Cine C/a. for wbkh be U efent la tble
,othen who were waitlnc to talk with eeetton.
E. W. Seymenr. caneral
'him that be oonld not eee them.
The foUowiac U the maasace to Con- the Northern, Michican Tran^rtaCreas: ’-To the Mnata aad bouse of tlon Co., was in the city from Manistee
' rapreMDtaUrea: Official
C. J. Owen of Bellaire. will
from our eonnU In Cnba astahlUbaa a
larce nnmbte of American citlsens in this city toon tor the purpoee of bny
better aad farm prednee for
the island in a state of deatitntion. snf- Inc
aft. the gno^.
fmlBC for want of food aad mediclnaa
Eer. and Mis. Wiley K. Wright here
TbisapplieaparUcntarly to the mral
distrleu of Cnba and the eastern parte. gone to the Wlnons
The ncrionltnral cUiere bare beenI diaoa. where the geaeral PreebyterUn
Mr. Wright is a
foreed from their farms Into the near- Astembly is to meet.
Mt towas where they are without work j eommissloner to the aeeenbly. He will
The lonl antboritlee of the ▼lilt Chleage before returning.
Dr. G. A. Holliday aad Clate Isgrlg
.aereisl towns, hewerer kindly disposed,
are uhable te help or rellere the needs returned Saturday might' from Detroit,
et their own people and are altogether where they attended the Urand Lodge help our eitlsena' The of the Knighte of Pyibla*. Mra HoUilatest reports from Oeasnl Oeaeral Lee day aooompanied the doctor from Grand
Mtlmate that from six to eight baa* Rapids, where she had been ▼isiUag.
dred Amerieans are without meau of
Kore About the BnorA
support 1 hare aeeured him that a
proton will be made at onee to reThe Uoxxixo Rxooto. Trarene aty’*
liete him. To that sad 1 reoommd
didly, presents a eery flae af^earciougren to make as approptaUon of auee. So did the Mas ton Graphic.—
not less thaa Bf^ theueand te be im­ Fife Lake Monitor.
mediately araUable for use under the
The Moutiie EKOQXn. TraverM Oity'a
direetkm of the secretary of etetenew daily, is a very neat aad testy
It is desirable that part of tee sum.
sheet, full of newe aad wall gotten up.
eshkih thay he appropiated by eongreea.
—Central Lake Torch.
should in dlaoretln of the secretary of

Aad This Uttle Lady Kw WoAed
Traeeise City.
Sanlt Ste. ^erie-'Oh. yon Banghty.
nanghty man. you smoke
doB’t be afraid of me: I'm not carrying
dynamite." The is the way a sedate
by a dainty.
modest little iedy with haset eyea
b«>k came ont of a satcnel, and was
immedUtely sold to the dassled men.
who can't tell now why he made the
^nrebase. The lady was Mias Liberty
Keeley. of Detroit, who js working for
a free ecbolatship at Ann^Arbor, offered
by a Chicago firm to>sy lady who
would sell 1,00(1 oople* of the book
within three months. Mis* Keeley had
sold 057 when she left the Boa She
sold 65 here.—ErcHbw? Kevt. .

in Jefferson codirty, N. T., there
streteb of countty where the sand drlftelike now. making greet beofcs and
hllndiax the eyes of those who look op
wind 1»
It »#B
Is a ueawai*-.
desolate, barren
wuik-u xo
wber* the soil te only as deep i
rooU of the grass
isse in effectIvrooB daring tbe fitat 80 or 100 bom
flf nee, after which they slowly fade.

The 4th of July.
Trartrw City a
It yen eaa crlrbrau now by bartai your
HIM polniMl IB as arUMtr mamier by----

V, u.. P.C


a iso put in .T^ps and Connect to city -water at bottom
prices. Give me a call.-


146 Fruflt St.

Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.


HIMES, Photographer.

the editor aad maaager of the new v
I ture. which is tesaed from the Heratd |-----------------------------------------------------; Office -Newspaper Union.

The Moiwixo Rnx>Bn. a Beat UtUelyQ,; WANT IN THK . . .
dally, te the latest aewspap^ venture I
Vet Permit Oreeoe to be
in northern Miehlgas. and te tesned
issued Ij
every morulag except Mondays from;
the office of the Traverse City Herald. 11
Oettstentinople, May 17.—IIm repre- I by T. T. Bates and J. W. Haraen.
...uutin. ct Ik. I»,^ Itoia * I M...___
,to,to.«rf taa U,.
yon vUl«ni>Hrr»( ll hy eoBlnr uTerlo
kto( ....liw
are- .p .
cffireutotn»»rephl»u, p.c
osr Miore. We trill mU you toeii'e Kbue*
*• follow*:
rttok -in k. prerektod U, Uto !
Mteaee' Ox Blond aad CboeoUte.
cloth tope, elsee 18 to 2............... SI 25
that the editor^
8lse*ytol2........ -...........................
instruction frem hte goverrmeat. Tbe I
Ox-Blood oolof. worth $3 85 ... 2 25
aore ... arel -,U p^ «»aikj"^
RoseiaoCalf. Goodyear welt S3 too
French Celf, Goodyear welt. 54.' 8 00
tW H, .torelp rep,.,. U.. re,.»lj
-ko to . ,re.U.«u.
Womente Fine Vief Kid sboea,
Ire re»l..lre ..a dretorre tk..
„,p,.to.toa-lU. k.. pre.
worth S3 50 .......................... ......... 2 50
po-re. -m u> ». I
1.11 , 1. ™kFine Vir] Kid Shcea, worth $.1. 8 on
re-krf iiu»5Pk 1. to
. .7'“
Vicl Kid Sboea,lace. worth S3 SO 8 50
Chooolate color, laee. worth 93. 2 OO
* quartin thatjbe ports, in aocordaoce,
cUon. Snecees to iU—Kalkaska
Chocolate color, lace, cloth top.
e eastern n
with thsMte
worth SS.60................................... 1 67
T to ohUin lei
more' inOTder
We wUl sell the W. p. Douglaaa
It te painted ont that if the Turkish ! PAXIVB 8TBI0KSH OBlXaSESM. Shorn for a few days for 80 per oeot
goveramrnt4cslre to bargain it would [
--------------lew: that will makeaS8aboeooe'tSl.40.
not have formulated itt conditions of
be Aielsted by Junior 0. Tm
Oeme end buy yonr abece of me. I ran sorely
Tbe ton* of the millUry j
«»<* Bridge Builders,
officials hsre and elsewhere te mcatj Tbe young folks of tbe C<
L. S. FRtYAiTAyr,
illy agalntt abandoning Thee-!al Sunday School Junior C. B. aad
They argne that if Europe ha*; Bridge BnUdei* are amtetlng to Mad a

7-iShoe Line,

ttellerred M aay pan of Uw city.

Violin, Hand*
r. Cello and Be

Intnnnati aad Sbett loilc $I iH UadL
Terma Beasonable.

Fleischmai's Compressed Yeast

Boom 6. dtp Opera Homes Bteeh.



Fire Insurance.




I am the agent for this Fam­
ous Brand.

e Palmer aad paper Haarer.


Mo.uo. .lih-, i«.i«.J w. Hu.u to]
out divteion. for the pnrpoM naked.

LAWN MOWERS. From.......... .......... . $2.7B to $5.00.
RUBBER AND COTTON HOSE.,. .10 to 15c per ft.

Geo. B. Winnie,


.. o.. J

Nothing more beauti­
ful than a weU kept
In order to
produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut and watered

Ob Snndey. May 2Sd, the C. A W. M.
will nut an exenrsion train to Elk
Baptds and TrSreree, -,t{ty learipf
Charlerotx. at 9 a. m.
Fare for the
round trip tl.
Returning trsia will
lease Traretse City, and Elk Rapida
at 0:80 p. m.

The Mobxino Rxenau. the new Trav­
etete, also be need for the trans­
erse City daUy, began pablieatUm May
HiMBS, the Photegrapher will make'
n of American eiUsens who deport
lat, and Is an up-to-date,-all round, until farther noUoe the best grade of
« to return to the United States, but
: good newspaper. ' It te printed on goed
who are without means to do so."
j paper, well edited and abowa n liberal
• -ti.~-K.plr.
xtra charge for groups. Re, I Leader.
'laUone decided today to report the
this work te guaranteed fir«t
mine daily.
in every rmpect or money refundmol.tio. crrjliw
U.! Tr..™ Cil,'.

■ photograpka for lOe.


Jacob Furtsch,
41S Union St.
Telephone 34.

Are Others!
But there an no Ogan made



Groceries I


And th« VERY B«st Ooods


Frank Stepan,
Bindolpli 8t.,WMtSids.

•aU fay. AH D«*ten.

r™:. iu.. p..,. p»

unable to make Greece cvacaate! box of clothing and a sum of meoey to
ihe Island of Crete, bow will Europe i a mteslonary in India who ba* volunbe able to force Turkey ont on The*- teered to care for one hundred ehUdrea
from the famine dtetelct.
They Have Bnteed Money.
Lake Ann Delighted.
Madrid, May 17.-Tbe Uberate say
Labe Ann. May 17.—The entert^nthat the Ineuigeute xateed a loan tf „»»» n*«»
^ “«*■
•8.000.000 in New York.
■ j ^ ||arUa. asuteted by Mtes Frankie

Ice Cream. Ice Cream Soda
and P'ine Candies.
The FoUowin

s to order:

Ice Oresm Fruit Flavors-—Vannia,

,The Hamiltop Watch
Railroad Men!

...A Perfeet Time-Keeper...


7. .TntUTratti, Orange, Peach. Lemgu, BiMma, Ptetoahio, Chevry.
Fruit loss—Lemon, Pine-A^Ie, Orange, Raepberry, Cbe^.
Sherbsrts—BaspbeiTy. Orange, Strawberry. Cherry, Lei^. Plne-A^Ie.

Ws also put up Brick los Orssm—AU flavors, ope to three flavonlna brick.

WedeUver to all parte ef the city and out of the city.


Try a Pound Box of our Fine Chocolates.
We*make them every day.

Xii AA. BBiJsriTRn-r,

: o« —.re ™rere,>.rek„ir,:^

. . V- i well aelected to kept tbe andteaee in
ISO Ynat street.
Detwit. May 17.-4ten.tor MebfoU!^
M oer- Prtedrtrb Xlnek.
•aid today: "I approve ef •PP™Pri*-'
, ..„*,t*r" artist lx her ehoeen
tlag MU.VM
»50.oA> .or
for the reltef «e
the omw
Am^-; p„f^ton. ah wei« wsO pleased and
MM lx Oubaaxdawaishlpsboald bei
—«t there for the purpoee ef protect- ^
In «W
Ing our eiUseos, but 1 also think that
the time te near when the
should be
Bowever, tbe Ume te not here yet.'’ "I
am not in favor ef an sn>rt’P>'i*tion
Pmprt aad Patel ten fkan
ralieve the American citteexs ix Caba,"
Tbxn any other arm in the city.
mid Cosgreksmsa Gorltee, "I dox l be­

lieve in half way meaaurea. If this
• Have yon ever seen our new
M b<
Ihat a state cf war »tete and would
•otify Sp^n
thateffect ther* would
he uo wxf in Cuba, ix a few day*

We Make More Picture Frames

M. a Bouxv. Mf*.




McLellan & Ash,
BraiMb Boaib Caioa eu.,
Bear WaU 'aDmretiita.

OCX. rruateadrarkStit.

Tliere are others If You Have Logs to Sell
Who Hang.^
Geo. P. Garrison.

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of dl
descriptions. Including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages,'. "
and Saws. A complete Saw Milt Plant for sale.




-■'V-• --:.v

XOBlmrO BBOOHS, TtnSsIlAY, MAT 18. 18BT.
'■' ■




. _.—-ZTnwnt*SBTOt ftdwiftf 8. Oreyer. Hot-


rwk Name* H\t Prio« for Oi*eontinuint; tho War« •
wmt AOAii BULB a thessalt,




A>kf ie.ocM^T«i«Mh r»mmAM U Uaery forlb* NMt>-CfcM^
•Plerisltc McMlem He—— lar H— C—«l—
« •rtlw Pn>*l»ee-rMren C—«iri« KM ••
■rrarrol —4 M f8*n» Bat—4 THa4 Caatet— Oisvlly by Cbe
CoBstaatinople. U»y 11.—The, port*
tea replied offleUlly w ihe note of the
powere, and declinea
Hrmlatlcc uniU the fol
. are aoo^ad: The •nnex*Uon of Theawly. an tndemnlty of £10.000.«00 Turklah and the aboiuioo of the capiiulaOona. The porte propoaea that the
plcnlpotenurles of the powera ahould
»#ef at Pbaraaloa to dlacoaa the terme
.or peace, and decUrea that If tbehe
conditlona are decltned the Turklah
< array will continue to advaftca The
demand for- the annexation of Thcaauiy
to baaed upon the /act that the proTtoce was originally' ceded to Greece
, on the advice of the pcmcra with the i>bJeat of endinc brlcandaae and Greek
Incurahtoa Into Ottoman territory, the
pone bellevina at the time that the
alon would attain theae objerta. but the
recant lacuralona of Greek baada and
tba eventa Immediately precedlnc the
r have proved to the contrary. Thia
to the aubeiance of-the reply.
■ats— a Tmt O— I—,
The ambaBaadora met yearterday
eenalder the pvie'a anauer. which la
racarded as ralainc an extremely tcrave
toauo. It la believed that repreaer
tlons will be made to the aulhfa pen
‘ally to Induce a modification of ih—e
terma, but it la foreseen that thU will,
be very difficult. owln« to the attitude
of the powerful "Old Turk" war pany.
If the pone ahould prove obdurate a
Buropten conference U not Improbable,
allhoufh al piwaent Ruaaia Is op|K<sed
-to. this. It U regarded as quite certain
that the powera will pet cooeent to t
rctroceeslon of Thesaaly. Even tiermany U bdleved to be resolute on tbU
point, because it would Involve a vio­
lation of the Brriln treaty and Inipcrll
the peac« of the Baikana AltocetOir
the reply of the pone haa cauaed the
the createet eurprUe.
Turks Claim (he B—t oT Ike riabUna.
Ofllilat dlepaichea have been feeclved
from th* commandant at Janlna, who
•aya that a dlvlelon of the Greek fnreea
approachlitff tlie town by a narrow
corse from the direction of Grememtaa.
charred (be helghu of Grelboro and
Xokonaiia. but auffered heavily, loelns
SW killed, while on the other aide the
Parmekcvl. The commandant nates
also that ftshtlnc baa occurred at
No further details are
given, except that all these battles last­
ed until evening, end that the tmi>crlal
troops retained tbelr poditlon. .ThC
Turkish commander at t-nroe vHcgrapbs undar Saturday's dale as fol­
lows - "The outcome of a despemte
battle lasting two dam against a force
of 1&.W6 Grerits is that tbs Utter have
abandoned the position on the he'ghis
they had grevtousty captured and have
withdrawn to the pUve gruvee «f
GretnenUsa." _______ _
B« Bsltovod TW ItoLDaly a P


BUBrjrsss CAtata.

Has Your

E. 8. Dryer* Co. The lndlctmcnUr»B»e
leal Gardes.
from •mlteaxlemem to recelvins dfipoeiu
In a falling bank.. The embcMleii^eaU
ATiOliniftwM ptojiag TiiioDf ■]»
allege assregate ^S.M0. Dreyefi ball befon the cagea
the aninato. Tbe
aisresatea yn.OOe,
ben^ which bad bean pasdog baokwaid
and forward half drowally. took up a
gait tbdt would have dtounoed ooe of
ard. ex-ambaandor of the United Siaiee | ^
in the pen by the tettaldea’
to Groat Bilwin. arrived Saturday on 1
Then then
______e in the home of tbe liooMa ai
I id and a* complete aa that of tbe ttme.
[ The enhawent
inkoecstacleA Tbej rollChapaasa Os— (o daU Today.
utr i7._l»r.rtMi-K.l«l.boot,Jnmp«i,f«Ho.erql»u«lKr,
Ctepmah. of New York, the recalci­ laoed oveer tbnto nwUM
lane Pore Baking Powder. If yoo want ns to
1 oo b«r make Ik t pooads for •!.«>.
trant eugar tmst Investigation wKnem. body, axMi daaoed nitre .
Arrived in' the city last night. This aft­ bemd. Ttaj 0»»d
ernoon Chapman will eurrender himself With the wding of the boMo.
to Marahal Wilson, of tbe District, un­
Then they gathered at tbe front ban many hinds. Thraal Broabes. and i
der whose direction he will be laken to
of tbe cage again and filently and paJaU to sen-e out his sentence. The ac­
tual amount, of time he will be com- tbetlcally pleaded fv more. Tbflr plea
‘ ' and in reapooae to tbe
peUsd to ramain In JaU will be twenty- delicate fiatteiy eooveyed by tbeir zuanfive day* as the law provides for a rolullaby osoe
mlaston of five days In tbe case of ner tbe player gave tbe Ittllaby
sim^y eat and liatened to
good behavior.
it M eileuUy as they had at tbe flm.
Mlehlesk Mas Gets a Medal.
Tbe traniition to* tbe jig muaio wad
Washington. May 17.-A medal aumom made speedily. Tbeflratnoto
thoiised by special act of congre— bas of the lively air bad barely left tbe vioitalwayi try to laprove.
been #*nl by Secretary Gage to Daniel liD before iti riotoni oontagion bad
E. Lyna. of Port Huron. Mlc*'.. for pallanto' tn volunteering to auempl the _ more oan^t tbe onba They rol­
rescue of the crew of the aehooner Wn- licked and tolled about and Mopped on­
Ham Shupe. which went ashore at ly wben tbe profedior, fearing to tire
Point of Banjuee May 17. 18M. Three their little limbs, took bis bow tram
men went with him and were dmwned. bis fiddle and told them they bad.«|ixMd
and he waa nved with great difficulty kenough for debDtAot«.
and danger.
Tte hyena is an nneanny hmta. Hie
goed a great way-to­
Washington, May IT.—The sugar beet vard bearing ont charges of gtavgyaid
ssed which tlis agricultural department rpbbny brought against him. He has
._____ .__________
___________ z_ L.,.
has been dlrlrlbutlng Is practically ex- DO musio in bis abnl ta..*
nor room for any.
hsutted. Tbe beets grown from the seed Sweet sounds are to him so antipodal to
will be analysed Vnd the saccharine everything in bis nature that they tot;
mfctter determined to ascertain where ipir« him with nothing but fear, and
beets con t>e proflubly grown far the
tbe most abject fear at that. When PropiSducUon <T sugar.
fe—m Baker tried to ioteteet tbe two
in bis perfocmanee
tbe violin, tbeybegau trembling visibly
Byndl—ts WUf* Will Le-I H—ey to
at the first note's utterance, and then as
Pan—rs al Very Low lUUa.
they aongbt tbe farNew York. May ll.-Congresa will be
asked within two weeks to grant a tbenuodt side of their {slson and tried'
chartej to a financial lastUuUon which tbeirbesttt
ies through the ban to escape tbe mel­
expats to exceed In comprehensiveness
and' imporitnoe the famous Credit ody.—Philadelphia Times

Ct U. BBOWK. Auomey and Co—tlssae
O. Law. Spwtol nlientwo to <-«—•—
jMdag- «ii rtoatto.


PowdeiWd Spioet,
Pure Cream Tartar,

ere. ear, no—, throat and skta. ©Bee to Prted*
rtem—h. Pboaato.
toUIr Co. Bhxb. n
1. ©tty Opera Bonto.Blocb.

luisTB UD ntrmtnn li
oomo BORE.

At Our
Soda FounUin





oonio Bom.

^h'.oitesiii^::: -

-New ideee in-

Fancy Toilet Articles.

Fonder, of PYanoe. according to The
PreM. lu prime purpose Is io lend
that they are now paying. As proejected U would be the greatest financial
Institution In the’world. lu caoilal
would be JIW.OOO.WO. It may. underthe charter as drawn, do a mori
and loan business of twenty times
The saving of Interest to borrowers
will be a year. It If stated
that among the men In the syndlcdte are
who since Lyman J. Gage has been
aecreury of the treasury has been the
head of that bank: J. Edward StmAona
prewldent of the Fourth National bank:
George O. W’llllama president of the
Chemical National banb; A. Barton
Hepburn, who was comptroller of the
treasury under Harrison and who is
prosldent of tbe Third NaUnnal hank:
Abner McKinley, brother of
-- McKinley: Conrad N. Jordan and Mau­
rice 1. Miihleman. a—Istant and deputy
assistant United Sutea treasurer re­
spectively at New York, and possibly
Frederick D. Ttppen. president of the
OalUUn National bank.

The hospital physician sbooid be a
of the most tboruugb methods and
tbe moat extreme
■boold be chosen as mneb for his prskv
tieal good acnae as for bis skiil in diag­
nosing disease. He sbooid .be a man
with intnitiODS and ought to be able to
decide almost at a glance whether a pa­
tient is snSeAng from brain trouble or
There have been of late a great many
instanoea where thia mistake bas been
made, and it is by no meana
to tbe boapital aotboritiea when aneh
blunders are made.
One of tbe latest exploits of a boepital doctor was to order a cold batb for a
eonsumptive patient who showed some
symptoms of hysteria Shortly after tbe
bath tbe woman died. Ja« why a doc­
tor aboold order socta treatment com­
mon aense as well as tbe medical profemion would Hko very moch to know, i l^eads them all fof quality at
Hospitals are io tbe main sapported j
^ tbe people, rod tbe people have a
right to good treatment and oourAay at;
tbe hands of tbom who are put io|
charge of such inriitutiona Failing to
receive this, tbe publio bM also the
right to demtDd an InvMtigation of tbe
situation and to demand the pnnisbmt of tboae who are gnilw
and Inhuman ccmdoct
and that their placea be filled by tboae
who are more intelligent and better fit­
ted for tbe dotiesand responsibilities of Paebara Coffaeafm..... ..IHt. lb.,
entfii a place.—Mew York Ledger.
5c. pbg. Boaeiaator......!................•«.

London. May 17.—Tbe preposterous
terms propcaed by the porte must be re­ A-r—bly Me-eta NsatThwrWay-Msa Whs
Wswid Wield lbs navsL
garded as the natural ytd^hsual method
PhlUdelphU. May IT.—Tbe lOTth a—
of Oriental bargalnlngT~Ther would not
be serious did they not force a continu­ setnbly of the PreabyUrian church In
Sutes will meet at Winona
ance of tbe fighting. With the failure
of the Greek dash Into Epirus there tsno assembly groonda Eagle Lake. Kos­
Chance to make a further nand unless ciusko county. Ind.. on May ». IBT,
at Thermo^Ue. w hich, by virtue of lu and w-ni probably continue la session
natural conditions. Is an Immensely until May SI Tbe assembly will
strong poslllsn from which the Tui
of about «» delegates.
would have, tbe greatest difficulty In half of them nrtnUters and tbe otber
At Domokoe the half ruling elders. The lOMh general
- - tbe Gre^.
Greek troops must be sultering severely
,-»l be opened at U o'clock
from the heavy' rains, a* they have no ^
jg*y jq
, ,ertnon by the
tents /
i retiring modeeator. Rev. John L. WithThe c^p^re or evacuation of the two [
D.. pastor of the Third Presbyto only a^pcstlon at m few days. 'The
church. Chicago.
Turk* have b^n seen al the paasee east | Among the delegates are found exand west ot Domokos, and General j preaideni Hairtoon. John Wanamaker,
Smolenifcl ha* warned Ihe crown prince |
,uie nnd Infiuentlal laymen.
to expert SO attack. The weakness of :
regard to the raoderatorablp of
the Creek position Is Jn the great extent! ,hit assembly. It Is tuted tha| the ran. of thi- line. 'Tbe news of tbe retreat In , qitUtes for tbe office thus far announced
Bpinis serves to still further demoralise
Rev.-Henry C. Minton. D. D-. of
the troops In Thessaly. As to (he terms ,
PrahSaco: Rev. Robert F. Sample,
on which peace will finally be dectared. ; ^ jj
^ew Tortt; Rev. Sheldon
( grtirrml belief In official circles is
and Mr. John Wanamaker. of
It they will
win be seltkd by European paiisdelphla. A number of gentiei
| have thought of nominating ex-Pre*lThe Times correspondent at Athens '
Harrison, but be baa declined the
■ays: Today [Sunday 1 M. Ralll. the I honor on the ground that be could not
piwmier, vtstled tbe various legations :
,be nrrressn
<« the duties of
and otdalned assurances that tbe pow- ,
pea would undertake to twevent any of- !
n the part of the Turkv. 1
' »*»«• «“ “ *'» ----- "
Springfield. Ilia. May IT.—BdJtb Jones.
a strictly defensive attitude. On this tbf tC-year-old daughter of Mrs. Tlllit
onderaauuteg he Immediately wired to , Jones, a restaurant keeper, was brought
'the commandem of the ihFee Grrt-k : here Saturday morning by the ahertfr
divisions at Domokos. Sourpl and ArU. i from Oilman. The gtrl was arreried at
instructing them to abstain fro* all , that place at tbe request of tbe girl's
bostlle action unless attacked -by tbs;mother. wWie In company with Repre­
enemy. The only Greek fotve now on ; senutlve James M. Large, of Athens,
Turktob territory is tbe band of Bpliwie i Menard county. 'They left this cliy on
volunteers led by Botxaria. which Iknd- , Friday evening, fhe Joces. girl going In
Cd at Prevesa and advanced alonf the defiance of Ihe order* of her mother.
of the Louroa Thi* force will;
BOW proceed westward along the eodat.
West Superior. Wta.. May 17.—Prop*
where It iriU be taken uS by iha Greek srty of the Duluth and Winnipeg railr.^
road tn Douglas county was sold oo fi
'The losass at GrtboK were the mortgage foreclosure Batnrday, belag
bgavtost since the bsctnnlng of tbs war. Md In for MTt.m by a
Seven offioers were kUIsd. I Mam that of tbs boedboldera. It Is supposed Jbn
the advance was doe to GoAonal Manoa. HUl Is thus given a bold of tbe Priar
who dmlred to regain tbs Ores* army's White Interest, VhlU ^ being a la-ts
lost prestige. The govtmayent consld- creditor.
erod bis plan a very hasardoni not. but
EswTrialtoe Dc.O
f of tbe
finally consented.
fighting at Oriboro requiring relntofeo, Neb.. May 17.-^udge
BMats. be was osapollsd to abandon
B granted a new trial to Dr. J. 8ldtbe oriffinal plan; and probaMy aU have
~ ~
, wbo Was ooavletsd
of wtte murder and eeoteoesd to impriseameBt far life (wo weeks ago. Ir*
' ta tbs flm trial are act out
GhiiMga, May 17.-n» epeetol gnad
ctowiwd a-tot^et sixteen Infikri- 1"



---- Pretty Effoote in----

Cut Glass.


Oaekama............... Im



1 IP

see 'j;a! -fft





* 11 “

.. ---- lkM« yuDctlM. Wks
cbMgvat JuacUoaioKo. I. to
oa^aaMBCrw—not to Mato to

• « I*
wto sad

tog too USM sf abvrs trafaw

60c. lb.

Other Teas from 2Qc. lb. op.

lOe. bottle of Mustard for.
—------- Par eesesss la large ClUse.
In eolTiDg"Pntolemsof Young Men'*
Edward W. Bok, in The Ladia’ Home
Jonrnai, teplying to an inquirer, codAU otoar gooda aold la B
tends (bat opportunities for promotion
(in buiiJKa) are more uomerons in
largo cities than is smaller oommuniti«, but they are not better. “Tbora
are more ebanoea in the largerxitiet,
but likewiae there are more applicanti
for tbe nbaneea Salarioa may be bigb«or. TtbaadL'aloaBM.
cr in tbe centers, bat so, too. is tbe ooM
of living. TbingsalwayecqealiBetbemselvea To my way of thinkiog, a modereta! tmtiDnB snoocai in a amall ocaamnnity meau more'toaman io point
of liviog and absolute aatiefactifOii than
a greata sneoeae in a larger city. ’’



A curious plan for catching firii is
oaod on tbe Columbia river. AaomlNr
of wboctoareaet npin tbe middle of the
stream, which, astbey tan round, outeb
up ibe fish und cast tbeon into troagba
by tbe riva banka Tbe aulmoa ara
then tinned and sent all over tbe world.
As mneb as five tons’ weight of fish a
bas thus been taken.—KaiMas Olty

Chicago —


West Michigan

Qumo Norm.

___________ -ty.. St____
Ar.Bk BapM*..... itOjuu.


«tSrifc ■

6rud Sipih -t Lrdiui R. R.
roe arrival sad dep
Oily atoUoB,

A ,^sitehorM Wa^n* nearly
new. double box, epring eeai,
iMUialBg make, wide tire.
One Double Wagon. 84b.
tire, all complete.

Tba Moanira EgooD—10c. «waah.

aiuii— ng flBnTTTfl.TrsTTradntT 1

One Doable Wagon, narrow
tire, complete.
One 8-eeated Open Baggy.
One FUtfbrm Wagon.

‘Aimn>-Blrer Drlvsc*. App»T to 1
W Luaber


be toeatvd wa

in the Moratng Becord ;
Quick Retnnia.
B. J. MORGAN. Ads;Bring

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