The Morning Record, June 11, 1897

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The Morning Record, June 11, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





. ffiiMiEiR imr.

Mr. Baiby k boey fottiar hk


aad tho awitohboard k la poaiUop aad

onr.iacH, fbeday. juxe u, lew.


sunsL t. nxi^ov caxoA«o, boinr eoanootod ap. Whneonplotod OO-OPS&ATZVS .MAa BALL
Asszvn nnsmxux
tho offioea, opotain la tho Maaoale
T* Aot in •MUMBWt ornaetBltT Sv
tvf«s *XioasibOTWMa *Bd >»v«M
ay OwiWMifu
WU) VrobaMy >• BaU »t Om
Dutol J. EmI*. prwUOTt ot the

. iMfaborwMB'a AaoeiattoUoa In Chi*
MO. ODd « OHBbw of «h* nttoso!
/ioord of orWtrAttoft. arrirwl la thia.
jMtardar sftnoM to nate aid
to the loeal aaloa to adjoai U* dlffar*
aadihaTra»«naatjrLash«rOo. Mr.
Kdafa la a pleaaaat rMUasw aad
•saai dlapoaad to. uartall
—nirn i^j— —*•— Beapontth*
I in beoonlac awiaalatad
trtth Ite amben of tb« aaloa aad
' atadjtac the •Ittatlba. Ha ako had
aa iatorrlaW with Mayor 8Htth.
The aaloa bald a aiaaMay teat alrbt
at tholr roooM «■ Ualoa itro^ iaat
thair aotloa waa oaald aot bo
lahniad, aueyt that It waa » ra«alar
Moatiat. Pr«l^t Zaoh ataM to tha
BaooBD, howoTor. that tha qaoaUoo of


bloek, WiU be' moeh nora attra< ''
thaa tha proeaat qaartoia, aad- aaoh AeUra Bt^ an Sefoa, bat tba On
BiodradBanoa ViokMa Kan ba
SOTO prlvala, whkh k aa afrae
■oldbMsroBaap BaO k AnoraA
olMare.aelt facUitataa the work of tha
They Bheald hD ba Takn by To*
oparotor of the aachaafe ae waU aa the
aorrow alyht.
talafraph oporotora
ftaeoDparotlTaM*A »oyn«tM
I bne baU Mam for thk aanoa as
prlatad in ths BK»as ysstsrdsy, has
mst with popnar faror aad afsw
OoTamaaatte 9« Aakod to Prorida ban alroa^ plaosd their aaaua opn
(brSsportB^oaL^aad Palp. thalklforseasnUokota Itk aaoaanry.
howaear. that thoas latndiay to
Ottawa, fkaada. Joat 10.—A Urya
do ao at noa, as tbs
>r of lanben
tsam daalrea to i
baakdiroeton aa4 i
.•amaBta,bnd ao mon tosnysye
catehsr wUl bs asads
Btrht to ilkooea
aetioa that«hoold
■An ta Mtaqaaaea of tka ro>e- aatniootieksu hanbanaolA A* It
tin hy tha ufttad SUtea oanato of the wUl aot bo poMlbU for ths itaaayaioBe toatrlkaoat thadallae oa lam- mnt ts rWt sntyooa. Ikk ban hsn
bar aad palp, whkh wae lapoaed by plaesd la ihs Oky Boohatoro. OMy Bows
Ue Dla^ MU. Tba yraat iajartde BUod. C & <kns’ Myar alora. aad
of allowiiw Canadkh 1<^ aad palp wtu Barbert MoaMyoa aad Oany
wood ta be oaportad to tho Caltod Hall.
Btolaa froa of da^ to be tharaaeaaa- It k axpaoted Uat the team .wUl yo
taetarad lato laetbar and palp, whieb to Maaktee for two or three yames fsr
woald tboD eompata with Chaadlaa ths Foarth of Joly aalsbraUoa. which
k to onnms throe daya Ana^oopaSkMoely roaiUrod that tha forora- aronle far praetiea wlU ba bayna at
mnt ba aakad to make a prorlaioB for ooea aad tha aooaar the IW tkkata an
export daty OB lofa aad palp wood apekn for tha aonar wUlwahan
aqnal at kaat to tba Ualtad Stataa Im­ haaebaUhwa.
port daty, eboold that altUaataly bo

emmii retiuitidm.

bat that Mr. Kaofa waa loeMa*
the altaatiOB. and aoaaa raaalta of hia
▼iait woald be teada nuaUcat todaj
Mr. Keefe woald aot dtaeaai tha did«alty ontil ho had had aa iatarriaw
with Mr. Ladyato. bat he aald to tha
aacoKDthatha>waa heartOy la faeor
of a eoafaraaee batwaon the aaloa, Mr.
Mks OlUe Bmalbora k tWtlayhw
tr/0 ot Potato Plaatlnc.
tAdcata. the ao^or aad any baaiBCoa
aktor, Mra. W. P. Crotaar.
mm who are latareatod la the auttar.
OB'jaaaMh.aod la eU and a half Mro, D. H. Day arrind on the FatooIt la yrobabla that ,a oonferaaaa wUl boon, CaeQ i. Sloytor planted oa hk kry test alyht from Oln Bona.
bo'hold today aad that aona aort of de- Aarm, near thk dty. 10.717 hllk of po- MiA W. H. Foatar ratoraed last
ralopMato wiU be awte dariat the tooe with a hand plaator, eoToriac alyht from a nalt la Soatharn Miehldh hUl wlU hk foot. ThiekororU sa.
tho Mlaata
Miaa Mary Hoatar _Mt yesterday
Bonlay fpr o rkh with her ekter at
MiddlerUla, aoathan Mtehiyaa.
xvznssnvd pboomam.
Mka <^thia Keyes went to Sattoas
CUldnab Bay Mairekii te Ooacro* Bay yesterday aad from there she wUl
OaWadaeadky the eoyt«M ooart
yo to Omni to spend the samuer.
taaoad a permtery Maadamaa raqitrMro. Atkina, who hn hen nsMac
tBciodyaOorbottto reatjmia tha ^
I of ehlldrea'a day la the Mrs. BtlUnye for eome time, left yw
oloartalnyroporty ta tho
torday (or her benie ia ladioa^oUa.
ra of C D. Koayaa ra Mia. Ooocrogat
Miss Loa Dooyherty. who has ben
Krlza K. Oaria. The ooart aloo tBoda tac. In pUeeof therorolar eorriee. wUl rkiUny
Mim Jennie SmlU. retaraad
to the lltUo folks aad eaa tartte,ord«r that tho Jod|^ Mww
borne yeaterdsy. Mho Smith aoeom
oanaewhy the deerea ihoold aot bo tortaiahv for the <dder people. The poalsd ber for a two woaks' nslL
aetaelda ThU woe a eaae U e^oery. work of the popDe ta the kb
Mrs. Thos. Sbensmo wUl kare thk
UK pnn.dlu. teliv bKHwM K !«.- department, t» line- with the Sunday mprainyfor a few weeks’ visit with
oloaa a nortfica t^oa the property aehool leaaeaa. wUl be attraeUrely ar- roUtivas ia Msrioo. lad.. Mr. Bhar
boeaaoe ot the aoa-paymanV of taxea: naced aboat the ehareh aad wUl form WiU also ya than for a visit a U«Ua
exbUrtUon. Ber. D.
The aale waa to haea taken plaoo SatCoe ilia wlU' doHrar a abort aariBoo to latoroa..
Mra. Mark Priedrieb. after a vkit is
Thopotoiattaeaolaoaidto be that tha ahlldm whieh wUl not only la* tbis dty of aboatthroo weeks. retarBwl
tho dofeadant bad bo aotloa of the atrnot bat oatartain. Mke Oraarford teberhomeiaOraad fields yntarday.
SUny of the doeroa, aottee aot harl^ wiB May aad the Bala qnartat wUI
wlU be
MksSadk Msyas.of Kalkaska
been aenod oa tte datedaat. befoca
tho thao had olapaod for paysaat an- tollowod by the proram of oxerekos yeast of her aktar. Mrs. U. B. Bamaa,
for slew days’visit.
dor tha doeroe of tha ooart. Taraor A bytheohUdroa.
Qataa wore tha anofaeyi tot Mro.
IboBkteal Vetaa
Tha dyke atooerk aad flaal dkaola*
WIU Oe Pram Ban Toalght
ahOOfoab Bay Proftaa.
ttoa of Mr. Byda k owe of the moat ▲ Bonn
toAttndaBaelal ■sasiBo.
ThoMothodlat Aaroh ermoaWHate thriWay aad Jstoaaaly dramatk Mot<MfldraB<a Day next Sooday oeoalac ares rrar asn oa any atayo, and leans Ahaotadoan asmaban of tha local
wiU Inva hare thk oveaThmt wlU bo ehtnaed by tho ohUdraB. with tha aadleBoa aa iadeaertb
aad iadirldaal aatabora by OUlo aad faaUny of awe aad woadar that is ax- -iay for Baeanaba to vklt the lodya of
Boroio Folyhaoi. Jack Forty aad Flora vioBoed Umy attar tha aartaia has thatmty, whanaalaa of twenty-Sve
wUl be adoraad with aaUers. Aftn
HUoa. Ibhra arOl alao be radtaU
>8t from new tha Bdmk aoona.
W. B. Harttyaa wUl ytro a naUsUe the srork a yrond aadal aaaalaa wUl he
portrayal of the dnai ^aroetorato- halA
It waa tatoadisd by tkk lodya to yo to
JawbOroaBwoldBad tha Only Pin. Dortg^ the past two yeara priaes oa Oraad Baptds n the iTtb to aUnd the
■or ea
BlCht Sand Out OC
all foraas of aaosemao t ban been yreat- dedhmUon of Shb aleysai aew ledyerooms of Daisy todye. pad to take the
JaoobOT«uwdld.aB employo'of Rally ly ndoeed aad tha theaUieal basl
Boys' band aloay. bat nsrioy to the laA OoraUb alU, at SUyhVa net with a
paadal aeoideBt yeetorday moi^. Poihi^ this has baea more noUoaabU abUlty to yet saffleinUy radaoed ntoa
tha raUroada that pin k abaaWhile oporatlBy a knot Mehlno.\ the itftbelaryardtka thaa la the smallor
flrattBfwothieEi^tbaad waa ohai- oaeo, bat next wa«k Trmnrsa TSty donod. Bat aboat twaa^-ltra mam*
of thk lodya WlU attood la a body,
pUtolyWorad aad tho thaiab boidly tfaaatro yoen wUl ban thair. dm oplasted. Mr. OroaaweU had fwa- portanlty te wltoeoi a raallyAat-claas' aad it yoea withoat aayiay that they
will have a royal Mme.
riooDy loot toother throe ftneen of
at tho pratheearoa hand, aadwhOe Wore he niUny lew Mty prime of lOaad IB
had aparilal oae of Ua he^'^aeei- eaats. The attraeUoa wUl he the Pomona Oranye amt at Monroe OeaAoat roodere it pnetleally aeewa ^Mr. BUrs of Comedy htStelBboty*B OraaA ter yesterday and Wedanday.
Oroaaweld dUplayad aoaaider^le It k a mperior oryaaisatloB which
plack; .ao one Tolnatooria* a ooo^y■ blyhly raoommeodod and oader baUtlekoU aboold do ao baton tomer*
vayaaoa, he walked nioat of the diorow aiyht.
taaae to tUe elty, whore the woasd who won
Qankn k oabolWOB dreeaed by Dr. Tbotapeoa.
that the poopla waatod a yood abow at IkhlBythehaadoomaresUeace of W.
C.HaUwitbaMwdromof attrsetiva
T. P. a 0. B. Offleira
diroaodapaelaltko-aenral of wbkh
AVtba boaiaeM laeoUac ol the Oon- are poaiUn aonltka -aro «hai«ad paiat.
Dr. A. a. BoUiday haa rocaivad >U>o
in«atk>aal Y. P. 8. C Bthiewaak nyhUy.
appoatmant as Ssryaos at tha Dalthe toUowlay ofioero ware alaetod ter
Bank. Kniyhto of Pythiaa, U
* tha sort tlx Bumtha
tkk dty.
PrroUirot-C. J.Shaar.
WUl Ba B*dy byFoaa W.ndinu Twnty-tbrae ears of poUtoeb wme
▼lee PraaldaBt-Frof. C B. Horn
Boorotaiy-MiaB Alioe Aiklae.
shipped aaaloatheG. B. A 1. yaatmThe new baae ball park in Maaktaa ' ly by B. J. Moryaa aad A. A. MeCoy
Is located on Oak HIU. and It Is to ba apdSoa.byepackltnlB.
MXV TBLSPBOVB BZBBOSOBT. Uo by M», taot la else. A laiya foroe WiU Hobbs. C. M. Parker aad Sam
of laea are at work yradiny. sto^
TrevotM Oity-Mew Baa 164 Thmaa pBlUay aad feaea-boUdlay. Bniy- n« eompoaed . a party of Ssbenon
who wnt to Dosy Lake yeeterday to
la Vaa.
thiny. lacladiny yiaad stand, k tobe aayk tor tha aloaive bthek ham.
yby^oMl*' The street ear eon-: Hnry Tonadkr wnt to Kaystona
ohaagea la thk dMrIet faaa ban ar* paay k to b&Ud'a apor direct toXha
troot-Sshiay WadnaadayattonmoB. and
raac^ by Maaiyer Bany. of tho local parkfato.
raaambar of flaa apaeimaM ba
axaha^ aad U 1oet Maf liaaed fraa
ShefdbefBeeof tbaBecald. Zhwaaro
after baiay dreaaed.
i the
WIUbaBotdatdbeDld Btaad, Hw- Bov. W. A. Fiye,.0llk]yM^! wUldo*
kaUb Book Btora.
UvortboABBul tbrnmn tothoyndo*
At thok aaotiBy yanetday aftar* attoy Mam of tiko PotoMwy Normal
on tba Wmaab Oamotary Impron- aAoM la toawparo hoosa at tb^pkea
mt Mwriitifwi daoldad to opn thalr aaxtSaaAay avmilay.
a week trM thk Harry Kaat loft on thoC A. W. K
tor Ckand Baptto.
Trarone City, bat then are a
Sataoday, in M- B- BashaUb book stoea.
bdWI haniwIdBdly oOaradtha BowUlttkohk wheel aai ride tons
•phpaoaiaaoa .than toropotarUy I
:%na Tho BwAher-taaaoJaTnroraa oaaofhkatanoawy Satmday dntay than to Pale, ahind W odlsa.-whan ba
'Oty k fxaaMr tbaa aw htfar^


Ponatan an rmUsdif that the
■bMtay Biyhti Imva ban ahaayad to
Mondaya Tba aaxt mMIlpy srUl ba
Moaday a(ybL Tim Bkkrbood wUl
maat la tha attanwn at tha naal
J. «r. Htetor.shaFroBt stroot forafton dn>or. ahtpprd yoMarSay a nita of
to Wbha Clood.
whhA k oaly to talks from Oraad
Baplds. tha faralMra ontar of
Tba frlaadi of Or. Oraot Span,
fammly of tha Rorthero Mleblysa
aaylam, srUl ba pkaacd to Inra ttet
Mr. and Mrs. Spear are tba paroats of
a das boy. who arrtved yeetorday


Adviom from Chkayo shewed 'Uat
tho potato ssarteet hod srsakoBod Mneo
tho provioas day. Priom hsn mayod
from 114b M ents. thooMi a few
ehokslotshroaybtashiyhas Monts
Tho Y. W. e. T. C. wIQ held a r^lar moettay la Uo Frioada ehorah. thk
aftorson at t o’eloek. An aaosasUy
s of yooay pso*

Oar Mouldings ai^ *r new ud the latent

By (flaying over oar
new mttaic. We have
made arnmgemente so we can mH die very
latest music—some at one-quarter off—toaie
. at oae*third off—Some at one-half off.
we don’t have we will order for yon.'

Sfio FRONT rraarr.

M. B. HOCUr, MMAon

We Frame Pictures!
OoT Work and Prices ar* guaranteed t<t


h has made slsbI for tbs eloslay
party of bu daaday academy to take
place thk evniny. Tbcne who hare
iavitattoao wUl n|oy oae of the bmv
■oelal events of tha yas^.
Landlord Sharpe of tha Lake .Via

A Full
ItkaleowoUto okaa yam oym
0. aHkne mri

at tho hotel, tor eyelkta aad all who
oaa take advaataya of tbom. IbkwUl
be of a^mekl iatermt to bkyria partim
from Trovaiaa City.
Mitts Broa. raUroad tiekot broken
In Soyinaw, have Inabd the nerthwm
ooraar of tba paatofBea room tor _
facaaehhrekarByaoAeeaad srUl have
it fitted np is modoro oWlo. Oae of
the mombets of the fim wUllook after
the oOee la thk city.
Jerome IVUholm k amony yood
friends la PhUadelpkia- Bekjoetreooverlny from a seven Ulaem aad tho
Univoratty bam baU team, of srfaleh be
k o member, bm invited him to ocl__
paay them apoa a trip to Boston, otfer.
iny to defray aU expaasm aad aot i«9sln him to play. Jeroma k sUU
der the can of a phyaioka aad mal
be obU to aoeept the iarltotin.




la Ina Bedriaada—liyhtocm, bmntj

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,

Today’s Bargains I

Hold undisputed sway
over our wmpetitors in—


Broken Sizes at
Less Than Cost
is order to dote' out entire
stock of Childreo's Clothing.
1 lot of $2.00 Suits
for...................... ;
1 lot of $2.50 Suite
for.......... ........... ..
1 lot of $3.00 Suite
for.............. .........
1 lot of $4.r0 Suite
I lot of ^.00 Suite

Yard-wide Coitoa. worth to. at.. IM« Maa’a Black otnaad aad
Good Bloaefaml Tbwola.alae 17x>7
M^ Ptoa Balbriyyaa Oadw
•M*nm cioe am WMvm, vaiM
Me. to SUMtiwr pair...............
Maa’a Balf
ribfaad top,
worth to. Bar pair. at..............




Special Prices and Special Yalues
All ttiroogli our stock of Reliable JlercliaiMUse.


Why? Because wfc do
not cheapen the gooda It’s
the price that we lower, aot
quality of goods. Will cost
you nothing but your time to
We place on
sale this week tnaoy lots of
well made and up-to-date
Suits------- r



Reliabts Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing Hoi^

are in donbt aa to which
la the best flonr to nae aend
na a t^ order for

The «BEST”
and we wiU prove to yoM
aatiafaction that it ia all
that the name impUea.
Manufactured by


Miaacn' and Chlld'»-Ba,m’ and Vonthn’

Inmtor ju {it Sipnakr
PtinsniHtoivfML Ox Blood:



Chocoiate Colored Shoes

You Ou Oo Tlw BEST Hcm.



' '!

THE KOlUfnfO KBqOHO. FKtPAT, JTTHI^ 11. 1897.




,-nuv*B8scn4’ - MomoA*.
raea m omn ar m

npoa new platea certain ImdRea for
____ »bich tbtae aeana no potalbla expUnation, their atartiiog and tmaoeonstahla
•Mtoadala—Tha Oannon dniahdmant; appeoymee being "wiopt in nlolry,'*
OMng Btoot Bouly ob Agri-'canaUig ertooiafanieBt not tmsdtoderith
raltm rmuM.
•»»«», I»W a muemm nack
_ ^_i..^i!au czpoonre upon the interior of a
WaaUngton. 3aa» 10.-The tori* am,
donhtfnl of toe
waa today aa anon M *"'time and prooetded to derelop for onaenatob rontina baalnata waa oat of I
exponn. To bU great tnrpriw toe
toe way. TUlnmn took toe floor on; plate developed qoiekly. and to hia
Ihri p«nd1i» amandmentof Canaan of greater rorgirtta the fanege waa a«inCtok. srOTidlng export bounty on ngri-1 to^or quite difltoent Iran that npoa



batu axo

3- W. Burinx.

3, w. Haxkp. Wiw ^ IbM





toelr ooetMt to Uwfal MtkodB. Tbm
•n Blto Ukc
of tb« Laaber Cmmnr which bum be yitoo cantel ««•
Then there ill to be eonaidcred the cleimi of the «Bl<n eeordtoy
•mByements Bade with the muece. meat, ior budtinK lunbor in the evly
of thehesMD. The dolon eUlna
that Mr. Lad«»u baa sot kept hM
peomiae to theB relAUny to the lond'inyofboeu. Mr. Lidcnte mnintoina
tonl he made no proBJaae. nho th»t toe
i>tn« haa po right to dietoto to him an
to whom be ehaU eaplqy «■ what
priecaheahaUpar. Wliatoear may he
toe entoOBe. the Lnaibar Cempnhy ia
a* extenaiee Inatitotioa. ciTinf emytogment to a targe fom ot bmb, and
paying oat during the aaaaon fatly. If
■ot more, than «loo per day.
toadlng with the coapaay toe men
take thb into eoaaidaratton, at
time damaadlng Jnat data
tram the eompaoy under toaoirenni'
- ft--------without jeopardiriBC the righta
and istereau of oUwa. Iba anion
■aa Bay he^Bore efiiclent t&an othera
to handling ^e lunber onthadoeka,
and even toongb their prtoea are higher
ihan thoeeof the DOD-union nwe It may
Iw to the Intercat of the manageaueat
to employ them. Yet U be electa to
ataploy aomeone cite there la no qntatoon battoat be has Uat right. There
■re argnmenu la fseor of the poaition
ei the nnkm, and elhera in faror ot the
campany, but whaierer la done it ia
bapedthat the mill may-eontinae to
rata and that the wUletaeat will be
aaeh as to satisfy both
If tote la
Beneltsrillprobbbly 1»a>i
both aidaa to make coneamioai.
TBxn isn't auytblog very .
*■ gnted'about the Cut
Oounl Ocneral Lee and Dr. Oongesto.
Spanish coosol at I'bOadelphla. who
formed toe apecial comutteakte to ht<
«%ata toedeatk of I>r. Bulx,have made
a }<dnt report of certain
toe eaae. Then etch made a anpplemantary report because they eould not
agree. Tbe sopplrutantary reporta
dl*er. Kon Spain will
another report which wlUof oonne toU
toe whole story., fn the
Obtain Oeoeral Wyler ta aeadlng
Botaa of farewell to Jite inanrgrat
friends, unless he can. by ehanee, run
aacom them by'the ambtah method^
grben he captures tfaeaA it he oaa. and
torewatoea into priacn, where they
nit amc ide if they don't like K;
' e well to oota ia thte con*
it a uew trenty of oommeroe
la in eonrae of negotiation between the
United fitataa and hpaln; and It mi^t
alao be well to referr ittdireeUyi
- to the
Morgan naolatlOD and
Ita po^le rw

4.1-H 1-A Ab.J«d u.
oonditionoftha'inindaofUieaanaton.| j^otoer inatanoe of toe kind, haring
toaV toe repabUean membera. aat; goiM a mattkaial and tragic ending..
lUy eanaoled by th* iii on record. An a^joaore waa made
g'todbeoaathe Ineqaall-1 upon a view baring a^rer in the fon' grouid. Tbe pbotograpber, while dettaeoftoeCilfanda
I iB fa^aU of
—A I veloping thie peculiar pl*to waa perI in oaaau o* wua»ano|^^ mConnded by an apptaranee
! which be had not seen while taking the
• i pbotograpb. and for athich be coold in
* ! no way Vconot (A ooapletiBt toe
agrieultaral prodneto 1^ a vote of 100; d«.eeloment then waa piaioly rerealto SS. The augar achednle of-tbe tori* . ed in the for^rnmnd of tbe ydctnie tbe
M Itoan ap at 1:10. Seaator’figure of a womat). annreDliy-floatiug
Jonaa of A&anaaa opened toe dahaU in'fpriybMn toe water. Kot many weeto
lag toe new aagar ’
*® complete tbe myetery. toe body

iNot enough has

Laundriad -Ne^^ \ bccD Said for out

____ \ Shirt Stock.-^

regi an
Mt is I

Now that “shirt weather’


•'Mel^lqy U not bHaging the rallaf
; demanded by trade-aad oomaimea.
' eftoa powers, tbe BiaAatar of Turkey
haa praeUcally agreed togivenpTbtoaaly. TUa will be ail rig^ If toe aashamadora aileV to a until dt la glvea
^|n fact. In tbe meantime toe Tnrka
■enttnee to burn ^i\Ugm and afamghtar
flhrtetians in toe vicini^ of Dakoaaoa.
TMbbi: Is bUII coaaiderable naeor.
gaio^ regardiag ibe plaaaare of the
l^tan of Turkey in the appoL
. Dr. AngaU as ambsshadw of tkte gov■(■mant. Whynotiaritahlsfaighnaas
go lake a day ofl and rna over aad pick
■ata party to bis royal Uklngt Dr.
AanU haaj^b^r
bera. aaykow.
w at Bonor aad 9. aThaKarleom

expect them to “talk- for them.sdTefi*'

that aflUctiaBs whtdly
like arev:lamcd ender the general bead
of rbeomatism is proof that there is no
of the threat and 'stomach and with dtetincUynerrona affeotkma. The varietiat
rnn from mnmnlar rbenmattem to nentalgU. yet as to what timnes are most
involved in the worst form of"toe dteearn and in what manner they are invDlved, there are as many cipintani as
than me varieties of rbevmsttem.
Tbe rbettmatie patient, who some­
times nffm ail tbe pangs of gout, has
a bard enough time of ii at beet witboot being regarded aa a center of pbys.
ical aaprell as moral peatilenee. Be la
iirital^ pngnaoions, imputieot, angrateful and profane. Ute immediate

—Ask UB to «how


anything in the

shirt line and we can prodnce*it.


a Mngla rate on rpw and refined aagar had been taken.
^rix« an alghto ot a cent additional
Again, not long alnoe, the daily
wUto wonld make toe rate plain.
pen were agitated'over the aooonntof
at 3:10 and Vaat a traveling pbotograpber who, npem idea becanae of tbe obviona reality of
hte sufferings. They gencTonaly pnt
took toe floor to epeak on toa anger
of a repoted bannted b
ibemaelves aritfain the range and reach
at one of tbe windows a portrait of the of bis sfanea or vriMtever missiles be '
murdered man throogb whom the at band,
hand, in tffder
order that he may vary toe m
Iwoae bad gained its evil
In aa- moDotatiy of pain with tbe ^enmre of A
otoer oaae three diatioct tmagea, having permaal aamnlL To aimoonce tbe oon* ^
no ommecticB one with the other, were tagiooancm rf rbenm
n ia to drive
impremed npon a aingle film. Tbe plate away from fate bedaiite all sympatbetie
waa expoaed npon a garden in tbe even- and enduring frienda. When ^ witnem toe moral decay of a goA man in
^~vto^*^Boed in toe <
tbe elntcbea of tfali dteea^ they are
baamdnra of toe powam. Tewftk Paaha, man'e bat of old fatoioned toapa. a nattfrallT disposed to mve ihemaelTm
the TnrklBh mAalator ot foreign a*alra. ofaUd'a diem and a dog were distrib- by flight from e like oonditiOB.
aad toa OttiiMa ofltciala haa heea med over toe image of toe garden.
Wbst the victimsof the
Boch myrteriona imagm were more
right to mifiuain it that tbe dootesa
• eondliatory on toa aahjact of
in tbe daye of wet platea than know too little about the diaeaae. They
Themely. Uto^beltaTedtoatTvfew yean back rroftaaor Bnr- an too helplem in its riolent stage to
key will y}eld that point and agree to
ted toe matter. Upentrae- have any warrant for fnrtber dogmtlo ^
Withdraw her troopa. Thin ehaage is ing back toe hinoty of toe glam be
iUlIrmatioos abont iL If rbenmattem it.
aald to ba dna to oonnada from abtoad.
be claamd
toe ooot^iooadia*
VATXOVAlt wwnAurwM ■■w


The Soda Season-

Ice Cream Soda at 1
afl cream:) SyrnpTrf fine flavor mndn
\ from pure fruit fniees only. Olaaa^
> Bpoona. etc alwsya neat aad elean. An



of toe gbaete; it only deepened tbe eoiectiflo mystery, while it cleared away
Grand Army of toe Bepnblle will te toe anpenntnraL Tbe ^am traoed by
Burton had been washed fer same
held thte year U BaiZalO. in An^S
in atrnog nitric acid.

a. M


c. i w.

Eortibla Dteaitar at Bradfhrd, Xana.,
Bradford, Tena.. Jane 10.-rWlo IIUaote Central frright train gedug in eppoalte dirtations eraahad into aaefa
other tola morning near toe depot. It
is Impc^ble aa yet to Icairn the extant
ot the daaoaga. It to mid that at tenet
three and porhapa more pacaona are
under the burning rnma of the treioa.
AU toe train men are aeeotmtad for
Ed Beax, aagtoeor. bad hla collar bone
Jim Mortoeui
had both laga and arms fandien. The
iniurlm of both are beUeved tobel
latal.TThreeotberfwere aerionsly in'
anaant Xt^arianea of too Xotinlghtty dlnb ia Xnakta^

I amellpox bo^ute. a
me centers from whic
will tsdista like cboters from oriental
wells. Man ia
ia kept bnty enoogb dodging Ibe
bes of other dteenms with-

generel. At least, it seems to indicaii'
that Upm is not sUmlntciy resmtlal in
the fonnation of latent iniageu in a
acnaitive film.—Americaa Jonrnal of
A street vearder said that anything
that might be offered could be sold is
too street. Soane tbinga wll better than
otbera. and for mane tbe demand is
mere oontiD«o« than for otbera, bnl
bnyen can be fonnd for anything if tbr
article ia Ircnght to their attcntlos
knowledge of this fact prornpm
offering eometimre of mriona tbinga or
things that et fitst tboogbt seem enrioua. that one woolct not expect toeee
offaed in tliia way. But tbe fact will
be reeaUed. if one dweUs fi r a momcni
npnn thte aol-|oct, that there
Their novelty sttrert* some atteulion, end then
there are more ot teas people who want
tbe tbinga
tor instance. aeUlng
flics, uotbiug wbsiever but fllea. of
wluoh be had a pnab cart fnlL Tbese
wne flies of variona stem and of all
fciiHia—flat files, half round, aqnare,
three cornered snd nttaU—aU at tbe
uniform prioeaf ficents eaoborsix for a
qnarter. And there was a fair trade do­
ing in these fllea. The many people who
psm in tor oooise of tbe day aloa^ a
bbay street have manifold wante. Soma
among them want fllea
Files cannot be sold stmdUy by
street vettdera, aa many other things
arc—ibeio is a limit to the quantity
that tills market wlU ahaorb—bet tbere
te some aate for film in tbe etreet,

"Anyway,” abe retorted whrmly,
"yon dmi't And women's olntn tatulng
algbt into flay with tltair orgiaa”
“Ko," be mnaed, -women wouldn't
tarn ai^t into day. Tbag- have too
mneb regard for their oompteriona "
For it te a faot teeU known to ad
Me BnA Bport ia Olarulaad oa ttw that artiflclal light wiU tolne over
erably fair women wherh daylight
wooAda't'do a thing to thesn.—Detroit
Otevelaad, June 10.—The ]ary In the JonraaL
•BM of John PoweU, a member of the
Oerelaad baae hall elnb, who was
charged with playing axUMUon baae made in a French office beta
baUon SundayTretained a vurdlebof fol. typewrltarand an
gaiity tote nftaraoon. The delibera­ tbe'test bring the
tbe nnmber
of tlmm a
tion of tie jury lasted from 7 o'clock
^.iwordt ovldberqmlast eveolag dntU noon today. Thte
in five miantaa. Tbe typewritez
aetttaa the fata of Sunday hatee hnll in mored 87 and tbepaqaias ^
BamM'Obl.^-king of Ananw«bcn>
nrafkeeping aa a pilaqnm of
-Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Byde"vrUl be toa he
attrmetion tonight in Btelaberg'a state a* Algiflrt. ooonptea hte l^re
OranA Vane abonld fall to witoern with painting mid tueiids toakad some
Wore long to the aakm.
toe preeeDtaUea of thte great play by
Be te ateo a maaician and regrets that
W. B. HartigaB and a good emnpaay.
be te anabto to appreciate Wagaen
George Onlmaa, aon trf Mr. and MiaWbmi Hrinaw I in love, be wasao
Jacob Caiman. Is oa fate way fitun In“ apeUamaktogtoe dtetanceoahte Mkna.toat he primed a pams hato hte miateam (or tear it
Ba. Ba roMlMd Balamaano yea

Ever Btirned Ont ?

Mr. Albert Blair, writing in tbe 8L
Idols Globe-Detuocrst aboot President
marks especially npon. bis
and in so doing relsus

Of course .there was a crowd, and no­
body bad time for more than a word
and a handritake Mr. Blatewaa pre­
sented to the pnaiflent, aad then nepped aside u waich tbe abow. Mr. Lincoin and Judge Daria oairied on a oonversaflon, oonstan '

Mr. katr,


yon dOb
boy* (this teT"a yonng aoldierl or *1 a
gladtovta yon.’or h
nf cwHial r
Tberv wm no oOclal Maieh, hut what
repeciaUy impsuned Mt. Blaiy was a re­
mark made I7 Mr.
in • perfeotly matter of faot, nnaSectad tone, lond
roongb to be beard fay many of thel^standera.
"Judge," mid he. ‘T amur knew
di toe other day bow to qell Che wosd
■fflsiDtananue.”' Hm a band inter­
rupted him. ■ "1 alwnya thought it
m-a-i-n. main, t-a-i-a. tain, a-n-o^
anos. maintainaiKn, hot I find it te
m-a-i-a, main, t-n to a-a-n^o-e, m

O. g. OABTBK. Arena.






ia toe city.



It Sets TbeEGDessjng. Has Your

63c. and $1.00^

Shoe Sale.


■vwbreaesmuielbelsrt UM r«a
ess swat Ita Dr«s mere (mt sun)

Pure Powdered SpieeB.
Pore Oreem Tertar,
tataPkreBaktscPvwtar, If yse wmt es to
■akcU.lp«iiUc(or8im. Rsbtar ftacUac
RatawTpMas.aSs(ma.VstsrBsMtas (fsac
■Tktota. TWKtat I
dlrnttac aad Work Basel lottoa 1

At Our
Soda Foonlain

Prices and Goods That
Are Right.


WemsB'e flue Kid Osforda. aoUd, Oe.
Woman's floe Goat Oxfords, aolid. ein.
Womea's floe Urn aole Oxfords, 48c.

tbe Unlveml^^ of Berlin would mem to ’^dren'a^, t«rearie.StoA *fie.
oreitoiow the toeoty that tmetarta at^ Cbildmn'a Tka. no bed Bboto Ve:
tndtepeaaabte W tbe exisunoe of anctent
Intanto’ so heel Sbaes, to. ito, 8to.
lito which tbw^ waa put fmto by
°Men'B Plow Bbom. 84c.
Men's fine Inee. 81.85 to 83 00.
Men's Bieyuto Hhom 81.U to «t-to
Good DiuMn nt Lake View Koima.
ALL tbe above gooda are regriar
atam. not a lot of-small atom to eatoh
Blk Bnpida.
On and
I am to ever, toe old ml. ’leahoeman
t^unday dinnera will be served at tbe
Uke View boose. Elk Bsplds. at Uo. of tberiwp. m.
Tteoa. B. dnaar,

The Originel.


Other CSoIoi*, Other PricCA Hina
are the beat aad Lowest in Pnoe.

and all ita bntotoes.

Most of then------ ayedin **Women’a^ ati^ Baadqla. rid kid.
toe vandowserf Eng
Women's fine Serge Oongrem, 85e.
are exbibitad ty reqnrst of tbe rviyimis
Wanmn’ettatge Rarirlaa. M and toe.
and at Uxir own espenaa. One London
Women'e Indte Kid BaUon Shoe, Tto
pbotagrupbrr charges gs.60 forpnttinf
Women's Vied Kid Button Shoea. f1.
acarttin awiada./aDd ffifornoabWoaaen's Tennis Oxfords, white, toe.
______ ___________
^team’ Kid, aolid aote Bbeaa, 9 to
Experimonti whloh have rveently
CbOdren'a KM. aolM aola aboto « to
been made at toe Hygienic Institsm ot

0« to tit Lto. B.rt»r ab.p tor toi,
.taudb.UM,ltooataoMi. ^
1 tl
II. B. Gorrm.

TABS, In. Hew Shoes.
OxUoods, CbooolatPB,
CSotb Topr

Our Special 48c.,
fonnd tbemaelvM ignorant where tbry
bad snppreedtbcnwlTesweU infonned.
In Febrnsiy. 1865. Mr. 'Biuir wi
present st a White House icoepdon,
geotTsI rereptton. open 10 everybody.
Mr. Lincoln w as attended by Judge Da­
vid Davis, who took tbe names of all
oomets and intndnoed them to the





haa teenad a elrealar giring rataa from , Msal cknnUxxta, yet Intpitcof aU IhU
varioaa pointa in tola locality aa tel- j euoogh enenty remained latent to form
n<dcvelopable image npcBibe tii'u flln.
TravmaeCity,-88.85; Baikm towek. vbetoer by cbemkal or pfarsUi.! l.;r.
go.e0: BelUire.; Oeataal Lake,-'be discovered. Acomj.Ki
■8 65- CbarlevoU. MBS: Blk Baolda. t
*** diffimlfy would prob

A spedal from Frankfort to the
Bx-OovnuioBCox u not aoeiritMnad Mtateua Kaws yaatorday aftamoon
goboU fightk nor the aoetety of bal^ taya; Attararagular meeUn^ of toe
igfctora. therefore it u UMe
ly elnb laU night, twenty
>f the olab dteplayed ^ent
'ghntha is net ia a burry to<aeaept the
...................... mintotor''
Omimal Cox Is a cultured g«tWn.
iowevar. whose preaeaeeI at l^adrid eoweloate la toe yard, where be had
fallaa whan he aooght open air. Sev.
lean peopie in bit aUliRy ^UUgly eral'otbare are In a
*U apoat of more than ertUnary imporIt is thought that toe tee ermm that
aarved at the meotlfg waa toa
ganea oa account of the qumtioa wblto
la agitating toe miads of Amariaan
> aad toe popular vanUct Is verdi­
gris poisoning.
Only two or torre
of toe popular pleamtn elah
S la the aeaaU are
•Aoptlng every subterfuge to dalsty were on ttirir feet tote morning, and
aafinlta acUon ea the tori* MU. thaa local phyriciaas are kept eonatantiy
Wtordiag mueh-aeedsd tagteUtAoB.
Jamaerata aU over the eoenty an howllag. with toe refrain ■•we tald yon aa,".




ow we are told tbatnot only are
cancer and oosMumption ooctagiciaa. as
waU as aeveral other dteeaamlong re^
garded aa iadividnal, hot that ibenma'
tlsm may be transmitted frantmeperaoBtoaiMtow by oontaot as well aa by
buredi^. This la tbe more slarmitig heoanee rbenmattem. for which there ate
moraanre onrasthana pharmacist<nn


wTeral tlAafA to
^dvedlatbeMtUaBBQtAfth* dtte^
■ «bom bAtwwA Ihe Tt»t«»6 aty L«i»' -tar Oo. u4 tte -tontfahorMwl UbIoia
Tke rrieTMce* of toe mea-Ai* mUUAd

to wto*rt.p»







Livery, Bus and Feed Sta^...
I honaa a apedaHj. Horn boarded,
TenasnaaonaUe.State 8t west of

raa MOBJcnro uBdoRp. raiPAT. juay tx, lew.


'reiTearljr lo tbeday. Fodr or 0 o'tdoA

pfcTtr. M«u •»- INTERE8T1NQ FEATURES OF THE fiX* . io tbt BMmlBg ia tbe time (or tWng.
rmlr *mit(M4 tbe MU araciaM ni»aa>
«««*»■ an aiqMRiitiy in Ibe aame. aitnaPERIMENT AT HARTFORD.
nr* d«alKiw« to build up a raM fuod
Uoe aa eqe joalbof an inertdiapoettKB
for dlnribuUoi amonc (b« b^MtciailM
wbo Rot op earlr ia tbe moraiiis that
of tbe bUi and t tba •KpeSM of tba 8*a Tark. 8a« aarea ai
be misbt bare hkbt time to loaf, but
> fHAT EITEEFEISIia FTTELiaATIOI •'fcryotten ihan”—tbe taxpayer.
maaf barewak, e^ieclaliy in tbe msHe Indirectly crltlcleed tboac Demosw. Bod aU woBld work if tbejr ooold.
t who roled for ibe amendentic eenatbrea•bM ta Hav* bttlaaad tba Pnillit, Oat mmtc to the bill puttlna a
t May Vm* Ta.
In ItaJy hreakfaat ootwtoto chid); of
-OOhraa lake TraeMe earf OMm Oar \ and
and othe
other ardcltn, eooteni r that thi
A iMtoai
wbioh baa at- milk, bread aud ooCea. In UOa omntrr
ndioal anorauan
<baa Avar «• ■pal3» faapiali
leourae i
acn of meat ii added to tbe Uat,
Matta«toAar Oaa to l%r. ba
the teneta of Donee
day CasDonof Utah
badp 8m 8atoayad a TraM. It
port bounty on land Hartford railroad, wMcb la now
meot id^BK
. ■«■■ toarh la W MmU.

Th« Mattw of Chitf intwMt mt
th« N«tional CapitoL


New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.c

He apoke for two I nmoiiiR tcgnlw locil tralM by tbe tUrd

WaMUnfton. Jnm t».—^wcial OoqbmI hour* .
e need of aivinc tbe fanner rail eloctrto ayatem between Hartford queoUr naod here. Pork or cbiokn bet------------------ ter •uitoooearcMtomodtoaresrtable
6UbooB went to fee the preildMt yto- a ahare of tbe
tbe baneflu
baneflu of
of tbe
tbe tariff.
jjew Britain, Oons
.tcrday to report wbat be aaw In Cuba, BuHer of Nwtb (^roUaa atoo apoke la j tk-m », two aectltmi on tbe third
it to uaerted.that tbe apeclal coaaael fcvpr of alvinf the farmer equal beneBren then tfali aecUoai it not at all decompUtm that be wat beuar«d br:ihe Ut-: wUh other ctame. und^ tbe bill. !
Kea- Torto nelrapaper men and that taU Only half a pace of tbe bill.
•uled; it ia lem popolooa. that ia aa
When yon cannot better tb
four brief and coraparatlrely •unlm- -Ne*'Britain to Bariford, 6^ »>uea.
price*. CAKKBD GOODS ,
'troatmem at tbe WbUe Hotue waalack* ponaai parajrraMiA’waa diepoaed of ' Tbe raiU an 08?i pooodi to tbe yard, Tboae who are not fortunate eno^b to
In aome of the elcmeeu of rurdlalliy durtnx tbe da)-. The aeaelon will be«ln apc-cially rolled in ibe form of a flat- bavo CBuploymeni are aoon loitering
ould hare made bto vlalt there one Wt 11 a m. today.
f tened A. They are laid in hlocka of aboot tbe atrees or gathered into tbe
lUoyed lUcABUR. He found the
TheBepubHcaamerabetaof theflnanre)<j,ood rtotfnghitbetiei.'bot faatoned.
ttak premature committee will withdraw the amend. h„t boldlnR by Ihclr own weight Btoh
«* ««
..--------- , but bolding by Ihclr o-».
toubUcaUoB of Conaul aeneral'a re­ menu for an adltlonal .uxon
^rand' i,
the next to make al^tfaMchn
port OB the Rule caac and over thenewa- for the duty of IQ
I a pound on tea. ]
alt be
by two
two otmnar
copper haada
banda Ii Omno, CW.. o*®
papbr iotarvlewa with blmieff (CalbolKd I P-^“'
““wboon). Tbe iudge proieated that be had
not Ulktd to tbe prcai and ( bad
iia bad been very rreal and that , relnni of Ibo carrent tutbApowerhonae!
, been Mtamefully lied about He InU- many Repgblkwn' la
Republkwn repatora
r^tora had
ia by
by aa heavy
bcay eopi
^per band under tbe
thr fj”^
mated that after be had tu^ down ddtd aunda agilnritbem. The fujyna!; tbltdrma At all cromingaaitdnrittfwa tion. Some of tbe idlerx are interested J
in pool, bal^tDostof them gather around
tbe reporter* the- had wickedly c*u- acticn of the cqmiDlitre on the aabiect'
«naed on him and put language Into hU haa not been tafen. but the deiermlnathe oard table*. They plqy for tbe
moulb he bad never ’uttered.
tlon baa been Feacbed. The roembera
drinks It u ouly oourtcoua to tbe prowm Wan oa Uw praaMraf* Betan.
bf the committee are ntlll in doubt a* to
prietoe tbal they abould do ea SomcCalhoun next paid I \ialt to Ibe aute vnat ataall be done atth Increaiw* on
rioes 6 or JO oeuis to staked, but tbU u
department with Flabback and waa la tobacco In the Internal revenue part of
not nsaally doucrxoept in totterlea.
eoaauIUUoB with AaaUtant Swretaiy tbe Mil. but there bai been great preaOer. L'alM aaS MlaiX
Day.for about an hour and a bait dur- eure to have thew sxee reduopd.
do not ail up until evening, tmt in win­
tag whieb time t^e aaxUUnt aacretary
The quertloh of revenue to grlvlBg tbe
Sealed bimaalf to all eaJlera. The Lee eommlUee conalderable-concern, and. If I
report upon the Hula caae vrhtcb baa at-1 there abould be a withdrawal of the inday, not entiiely on arooant of tbe cold,
tracted ao much attention waa brought j creaaea on tobacco aa well aa tboee on
bat benanM of tlw eoloroed Idlenem dur­
to tde department by Ptohbaek and de-1 beer and lea the bill would nut meet the
ing that part of tbe ycar.-JArena.
Bvetwd to Judge Day.r. Who find raw the. need* of the government at a
Keep aha to«t WaiB.
prettlcally determined to make
We abould at all-baaarda keep the nnUilttriber notice t
pram. Tbe aaalrtant aecretary aald that check ttanip lax. and Ihe question of
feMwarm. Tbe diffeience between cold
toe waa not-prepared to aay'that the addlilqnal revenue by means of a lyafleet 'and warm it a
primed pubIleaUon was Inaccvratev tem of stamp taxes on beer baa been
Vblch In dlplotnaUc parlance U about aa nnder conaideratioc. Tbe c'nnmlttee U
baa an important eStM upon tbe gener­ and no extra eliarge tot gronpa.
-tor aa a Kate department official can go cnntoderlng tbeae questions and endeav­
al temperature of tbe body a^ju) pmberUifs work ia gnaraateed
toward! eonflrmtng a autemeni. The re­ oring to meet them a* It
equally Important effect upon Mtb elaaa In erary reaped or money refnadport Itself was thoroughly dtocumed by
taealtb -and comfort alUcfl-iu tbe nigbt
' the tbiee MBdala. All that could be
miD AitL Buerne MOTOB cato.
and in Xlt« blood, propeUed
1 from them at to the future
Waablngton. June IQ.-The aenate yeaara placed wbid) the fey tbe heart, cironlate*. aa we know,
. terday conflrmed tbe followiog nomlnaaction of tbe departmem
waa.that the matter \rould be held , tions: Henry L. Wilson, of Waabtng- Sm mount! befm it gtrikaa tbe nU. tfarongb tbe wliule body, if a oontldhtoeyaace ualll the return of President tqn. mlntoler to Chile; JMm O.A. Lelao- Xtoe aeniaoa ara made ”aliTa" or eiable part of tbe bo.iy. like tbe two
man. of Pamsylvanla. minuter to "dead” ftqm the ewlteb tower, ifae op- feet, ia very cold, tbe warm bto^ baa
Bwilcerland; Lawrence Toa-naend. of mur cnttlsg them lo as tbe ttaiu to peea throngb a Urge cold ami, and it
.if waa learaed yesterday afternoon ^awyl'-aajx. Wtlnlater toPortugal: Ar- starts out wbeu tbe txatn etopa Tbe beoomea oooled in paaiiag. fiot in tbe
the d«g>artment of state to In poa?• B»rtow. at MUaourl. contU tails at any etatlan are'"dead” tm case of cold feet not only is tbe area
aemton of two distinct reports btoHag!
of Mexico. Tbe flrai tbe time the -train-edmee in until It goes oold, bat Ibe flow of blood, in coaMenIheRuUcaw.
They were brought ‘wo l^n the foregoing were ^ly
quenee of tbe remoicnMi of the feet
<mt again.
by Fishbadt. the aeere- lusted by
- the
- — -yealerday.
to Wash!
, Inatead of an ovetbead trolley tbe from tbe caidiac pomp, is at Irt lowest.
lary to Ctolbona. and handed
Why toagall Darn Hat gall tor Tartier.
electric cttReni paasM to tbe propelling There ii oomeqoently tbe element of
ant Secretary tey. One of tbeae re­
Washington. June 10.—pr. Angeli wrlJ
rn ,u ,
o* ■****■ car by two abrwa 88
ports was made -by Coesul General Lee be obliged 10 cancel hla engagimeni
and baa been fully eel
___..r Europe tomorrow, fp to this I
•!*«• ^hicb are lo ooutact with
papera. -nie other retort, really the; j|„,,
Tqrttiah government has n-.t I tbe third ruiL Barb car is equipped mneb really oold fi«t may lower tbe
whole temperatttiv of tbe blood, aud ao I
origlnaL was a joint producUon signed returr.d an opiolon aa to whether the I with two 185 boraep
by Consul General Lee and by Congo*- explanations oiTeted aa to ihr-reeord of | Matroller U cm each platform, and on Of tbe body. Ou tbe otber band, wM-u |
da. the Spanish critsul at PhlUdelphla. i u,e trntoler
aattofactor)' } It. and one placfonn ia an electrical air pomp tbe feel are warm, vny warm, they |
b General Lee conelltuled
who with
' .. _ __ deemed wire In make_____
for tbe electric brakes and whistle. TbU’ Will not lower, bat actoaUy raise the \
by allow-lng Ang. ll to proceed lo hto p-*t I
is stopped aud Hatted by an in- | temperature o! tiie blooU, and thus
unding ihr death of;
(Mnstanllnople until
uril! It to knowto pc«- ,
itatnatic arraogenwol______
which i .make a very iuipnrtaut tliffemee, inli automatic_____.._____
Hula, to this
' fommla- i uivi-ly that he will be priwoua grata.

tlw warmth of Ibe whole body,
oomea into play at tbe preMre in tbe i denb^n
could to-1
of ilMw tbioKB. one may
•ether, which aecess
tanka riaiDa' above or falls below bO | Tbii
to a mere stxtetnenl cf the fgiFU
. see why a innall
inDall dt
gree of oold(TJl is produced
atbitar«|^». Ageatw A-lag by AatbaHty. Ara Kin |
Tbe currml
at tbe readily
not subject to controversy.
in tbe fto’ijuay {irudoee in
I dynamo at a pressure of 650 volt*, and
f^taageS Nagetlattoas l.lhely.
10-Judge .I
^ocBfxlcactmt Ismpftfed in series at perrouscclic^iaiur, aud even diarriiea,
Vailing to agree npoa a naiemeet of
while a degree
of ccldutas in

the cause* which led to Ruts' death the
States court ibarTn ageut of the gov- • •*
farilK? end of U» Itoe. 18 miles f tbe frai may briw «ls>o‘ in
tatfUttti ud SkM liiic d ID UiiL
I"**'® **‘**^-.
-I —.......—
i-j- «,
fhla.polat. aud t a by mutual agree- ernmeni acting within the -cope of his j
boilers at ibe povrer sUUtm an iilab
It'mad* what may'be describe aa i aiithprli)- Is not within the Jurlsditlon I Tbe boiien
.1 rrports
• gm- '! of the *tate oourto. The dectolnn w as *
balteries of five each. Tbe MOrltla af tbe B
erumema In which they
made In the ease of Ihr aiate of )• wa vs.; ffitw •• ■ Ainw-Cuttoss of 1,200 btirwe.
□qld n.
ex-Penston' HxamIr.rr Wallr,






HlflES, PRotopipInr.

Take Lessonfl
Murtaugh’s Academy.


Isi, suy* il

wgs one]
atd It to
probable that the Spanlrit goverument
baa one Inkrr.ded to contrrvert It made
tor Dr. Congueta. With ttl 'of this 111oratnre on the subject la pomcmlon of
the twn governments the posslbtiltli
Of prolonged ot^Uailons arejiromisItL
<M»ra Oa- Ces- ta th* Baemy.
After his corference with AaMstaat
Secreurr Day Calhoun deMed to d»lay his departure from 'Wash'ngian. ^
Thto wUl a"ord time for further discus-Mod between the asslnani secr'eU'
tbe apeclal ecnnsel concerning Calian
affaln. The pubUcstlcn of the Lee report Id advance of the reception at '
atate department haa given much i
the .official*
will be made tte subject of a qirle
qoifT. laaamncb aa Ii to believed that
tbe posttlon of >ur goveromeai In (he
are sura to follow with i

I while tbe oidinoty Euro-

on the charge of intimidaiing wiim-ae'.[ two more, and wlioi it it eoloyged, peau breeds of borsra may bare been
to secure evidence which couvlcied and , t|»»will be rotM for throe otbera, givUoded Van Leuven lu tbe peollentlar). i-fi an ainnmte of
On ao appeal Dvl'nited Stale. DU-j.
of weetero Bur
trtel Altornvr RHls to ibe .Ute supreme
„.o K. W tnries ago. it is probable that‘’thoro^n the decirton of the low. r ccurt was i
~ :
load, and 660 oogbbted" boraes are of tasteni orig)&.
affirmed, wbtreupoo Attorney Belto ii,d ®
He ibtolcs that Torkratan whs tbeir
Waite Mirender to the Hale autborltira. ’ *'ben
' loaded.
At Hanford and Berlin tbe tneka ar« j original borne, and tbal tbe ancient
habeas of rorim* fmm
Judpe Shlrmr. and t > decision resulted feDOud
T tway to gi-t into Turonmans and kloagols were the flrst
1^1 Asiatic tribes lo make tbe wild horse
which discharged Waite. Judge Lot h- danger is ~
mb tbe feuoe «
ran. ex-pemlon commisslooer. war here onder the
oar. Tbedai
If oat
and testified
------■-' —on tbe tbirtl t


...... ,<» ™




r rail o
bui:“ • ““'J
• never doanesti
tbe JaiUT to notI eaeoialiy dangcron* v
b.. lb, Kmmdtiqblt,
it bn_. aua—tM Ibl^t tb, oott.1
-to quite -n.

- ^
steppea. From Tori

showed comlusl>-eiy that
iratacling as an agent of’ tlthe guv rumeni with
authorky. _

Ibinl nil I, <ll«»»t™. d md U* td™. "■

*, ua.timcrc ii: at wash-,
Ihgtcat—fit. l.ouls Q, Wasblrgtoo C; else- h^xra.

, ........


Groceries I
And the VBB7 £«•<; Goods.

Frank Stepan,
Budelph BtnWdfft ttdA

;ing fact

OMKPOOV BWTtoATC A TtoONT. / , dlar.apo!ls-Mllwauk« i Indianapolis roportod
rspuned to hare said tbal
lines compel.
wio. That -Es

«« whom

»bom tbe
»b* botse was ®n. I fafvtm.
.. not
.. worn
^ ^ ktMWB hsfnn. tbs sdvM
»: .•
at f'.bInmhM.—V.n...
City .L Cb>- jog with ateam
roads omld
Detroli-«t. Pgal E Di.
; iMW el»^ the
skill and oda^-

A dispatch' from New Torli girt* aiitoK Wrote
iBtervlev .w ith Private
back regarding tbe work
B«i cbu,
Ctolboun In Cuba.
Bee’s •peraroal report needs ao eoiAneat. I- would like to say. bowevsb.
<bat I bad absolutely nothing lo do with

rrr,.‘'.oi"Tr.v si.’xiss jrrtSHS
iubid.^w,. niK..d.
Child WrarsmM.
Mich. June :

-The <-

■ ressoika OulcateJ H O. Pnat, editor of "®*
**** onguiai snbjugaaon oc tne
^S^llroMl OaJeitE^
^ bran attributwitotb.

Indian of tU pnarien ”

a»sm that the report was given Into my I ____
_ .......
and waa
lust. Mining ed In reading w^l be lipa to My aboBi
penoaal .c^rge. althcrngh true, mlgl
ght! and ether Inixlness was stopped and Iba naa of electoicity in railioadiog.
toad to some mlsapprM>eoti<x. as to tr
Ing fur
a( 10 o'clock next mornl
Holley lini^ thau any otber^gr^ ' ——4*u .k-—n— v—
Havana, and then sealed It up with (he ; night aa* very taiUy.
^ “ *”
MBSUlat* aeal. That seal was broken for .
_ , ~" ... .
^ ^Up^^CtoKilV’^^wiy'^f
Sa flr« time today by Judge Day. II
Cape Boro when quite young. 1
'toad no copy of the report, therefore It! Lafeyvtte. Ind.. Jua.
------ -------.

Calhoun’S report practically em-i
yesterday ,
the aame concluaione as throe lo :
sroduaie* beard anaddress by Ret.
Oeoeral Lee’s pernonal report. It could 1 J«t>«*ns Uoyd Jones, of Chicago. The
not do otherwise after an Impartial re- <5«gTet* were-given by Dr. James K.
«ew of the ease. Mr. Ttolhoun s con-' 8">art. president of ihe nnlveraliy. -JovIS an atteodaut upon' tac
_______n with President McKIntoy waa
uooflncd almq« abllrely lo verbal cxt>lai
aatlonr. of the Rula matter. Hr. Calbene will retruB to Woghlngtoa next
-----’t and then win tfe
-' the general condlUoa of Cuba with tbe
whicb mannfacreree

Mm Itto
of ii;
.be «x„.of

to ‘
- Mttctbliig new aU tbe time from tbeir
^ experiencM. J like to go in tbe fouiio{ ssfy- j dries, too. aud tbe maebine gbopa and
<1«« »b?7 ««> g' t frotn tbe electric
Mbc(i in tbe
s8e«l railways—tb
of odds and ends cf knowledge cn
to beat retKlored by pn
tiiefcednp iu tbie faabiou. ”

Indlctmentj for
ftaudnlent banking against Prestdent
01dfleld.«f the bankrupt CommerMaJ Baviog* bank, of tbit plaoe. were diemianed. Ha was net la aelirs diat*e
of the UstmUon. and -tbe court held ba
could Dot h* *rt-—--------

ioorpb Wetxler, editor of Tbe BecMcol Bnginesr. belttvaa that tbe tbtod
rail eyiton ia weU adapted for 1^ dtotanoM He thlaka tbe diflIcoltiM of
toaving tbe third raU expcoixf ooald b*

ttntoted ad that tbe

t»M to

Flour! ■Ii
Family Groceries
SaU eweS ka My pan el

F1eisohmai’sCompre$seil Yeast

Fresli Y^-taWesMy.
Jacob Furtsoh,
41&Union St.
Teeptione 84.


AraroDlBseraa. K. W. BARDfO* la
tbe JshasoaHw* roll.

Fire Insurance.

A tbrflHug tirawtkni freoi begloning to'cod-a pAay.oocc wit.
oeewd to be reimbeied tee
Tbe iMltoMt aufag

W. R. RifligH.
Hea no Mperte In ttopomya]
of tbia great port. Bit trawformattow ar* waM. Martiiag ead

Thurtelt & Gene,

Palace Bakery.
Oakes and Pies.
' Cookies and Bread

This Sensatiiwal Drama
tod by ^ flrnt

Homo OATS, at__ tojtg.
OaaDadApplea.pwcal........;.. Me
Steinberg'5 Grand,
............... •• “
Friday Eveningr Clol-. Kin. FIcU... p»r MU. 10.
Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.,

June 11.

Do Tou Know

c«r. yvh aod raioB •».

Suit^ to Order,
Fine Merchant Taaoring.

City News Co.
will open at MHwankee on Sept 4
and QloM on Oot «. -No eftarges tor
sfMoa. ligbE power, gw or water are
made to exblUiOM

flantlisr Osy «( apro,

Washington, June IQ.—The aenata bad
• period of tariff speeches yesterday
and aa a reoult Uuie progreas waa made
•a the MIL Rawlins of Utah and Mote
•f Texas dlactuoed the Democratic at­
titude ou tbe uriS from their respective
Mhndpoiuta. Rawlins was a member of
the plelform eommlttee of, the Chicago
■ooventlon. and propoeed the tariff

Most wonderfnl-mmtexcMacmost laterMilng ^y. ever pa*

fstoWo. IM.

_ indiaoenaable that many have
4- — i— ..m,

U thus SlSrjui'
_ ,\
! ^Bmt Iblbii. «w
of tb. UM
DuttiBgUt* i •
gpain Is weakened by
oy thus yto^yts
League: At OAnd
Rapids- ‘ raU«««“»«»*•
system. PretodentClarkof tbeNew rrt^r~r..r.’T.L. tiuT
la poatoMton^^e other toda.
^ ^ U potnled out tbal our 1
' ------




cuam Fos tu pee dozd.




if You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We Sive for sale Good, ^Sqund Hem­
lock Ltimber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Kfaple' Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill MlKhinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engtoes. Set Works, Carriage*,
IPaper Hanger and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale- .

Geo. R. Winnie,



•tas MOMTuro —oOBa. wmJit.itUMm n. imt.

Vio« Prwwint Hobtrt • Vteiatcr
li.niiiT--------- ft——

> M«4>

Vr kj tlM

“two OF A KINO.
The lystmi cf woodworklpg-known
tkalii ■isrtii Ksar reek AfmM Makar
• SheDfrC
M tbs "bnUt np" autbod. and now
awd ihaekay M%W Mart Sash Olh«.
tcmU^ ntora and non into tocos, is
A MUM knklac and well diessed
Mew Twk. 3aa* Id—»tar MaW and
add to be et^iayad adrstaieoasly to
roB Shariwr foBihi last nlcfat at the •enOemaa kma«ed in the eleealor sow ctf doen, tbe fdaiio bsratace Athlstie aub for a m.Me parse. *i«Bee ot a finsdwajr wboUMtle dfT
lac ti
nestled in thenAt the cad ot ihs eevcnth round the po- foote wsKboMe. Appsmiii7 hit aoU
IS of bre Tiolet ortd
Interfered and the eoaten rmuKed rnmnatfoai was watching the faoes of
woods traasmasiy s
Now and
find then
then be
be woold
Ml a most unaausthetori draw. Never 1—rmlij Now
«ren*t»i.,i^bUity and dornb> the hlMoiT ot the rincliM there beta' auks a fednt at Uarfing for aoae pa«auch an enormoM atundaaee at a two- i Idr dean and then gewmlly tssum
iW7 modelsti
bout in tirts TkamiT. There , were hU Usttsas attittide acainst the door
door aye.onaataakaf
*™ *■* iiiadiTidnaJly.
4«S4.t • ••
it«t 10.000 perebew aqueeaed lute the Jamb. At Iwt be did make a ftaBtie bi«^l a«eai 1 lore yoa with wt>
I.CitjOprrs Bobs* Btocfc.
Udine hopliic
wonld let the men defat but New Tork
There U BOW in tbe Brittdi Bmae«m
is partlcBtarlT tender-hearted for pn«-!
‘•In a world’s ooticiwB td baaotien,
obatraetsd bis pnrpose.
B nickel In tbe slot amobiDS wtiieb
and oouldn-t tfaliU of IsttlM them tNdore be«oaU otntch the n o^
---------------------hurt each other.
dates ban a period long before tbe

wbo was a buyer for a yon alone, tola with me m if
So. when Maher lost a little blood and
tdrUi of Cbriat It u a oeaUnaCiOB of
later bes^n ssnfu^'u
well kiiosw
Jngaadslot matblse aaed tortba dleWith a slcb of <BO« enqoisits relief
i over the ropes and ;/lookliic, well teied gen
girl, ber donbts all Inlled is psamtton cd holy water. A coin of the
or so-'
SB- tbe
— fair
tbe fletat was a. draw. The boxing was bad been
D lonnging
lowving at tbe eleraltir
pped ber golden bead upOB Ua raise of S draotamM dtop^ isto iba
dry poods seat, dropped
Twy tama for five rounds, nellher »"■« , tranca «d am
S»0 W. tub Bwsea
aloe opened«a valve wUdi allowed a
sbowinc a mark. In the auui round, wu«bouae. di
tbe etoM
tow drops of the liqoid to caoapt.

; isSfJi
; T'SSS.tSSSifSS^ta!

Oile*r>. »“« ”• e^«»«e
VM p«««it»J to the intonute eo»aBMRw oommUrton > e«Mrdky momJn*
to Ike •Sect U>*t
*-• H»b»rt.
ytoa siKBfdail ol t»e tttflcd BUtea.
ncema Ik • illrwi InftkcUoD rt U»
Cedenl Uw. It tr»» »tow» that h« «ru
ot the three men who prepanQ *
jng arreement I’etween roads rus_
said, "tor I know you ooold sot look
oast from Chl.-a^ This was anMtnCCLLAKEOVS WAITTS.
' [ That mmealtaiMo
same afterMoo tbe drat
first aien««»• me straight
strmigb in the eye and swear to a
fanod. aeeoTdinR » one of the inwHbei*
’ Honed of tbe two assart loakitig, well falsehood, ”
«f the eoramiaeinn, li. afaaohtU rIolatJoB
Boa aaut-Pise wsos u
of the imerautc .-ommett* Uw. The
weartr completed when Maher, after Worth street to tbe bridge on Park row five <• sU peato of derisive .lao^l«
t vai read to the
gotting in eome good blows on Ebaikir' and bad »c*rly,rea4bsd Bt*ter street with great dlflUaJ^. moranrrt to btoliy J. U CUrk. iteneral wdMera frel»hl •nt ttn latter to tbe floor near tbe : wbea a tough yonng man aeiaed bin by aaU: "Ob. can’t I. tbongb. Tmootbe■^j^Ajrrrc^ ^ or ■uy^ys wi»«k
aCMit of the l.akf Shore aad Miehican
i bind w ^washable oontbrinkable booCotithem railr^d. Garret A. Rotert'e ropsa with a ten In the wind atad a right ’ tbs arm.
j ..g^
^taH I sell yoo a fiiit todsulde tnimner fahrice- ooonter for
tmmt was attached to n. as It uandi as sa^ <m Ue Jaw. Dui^^

the records of the cemiiriaUtu^ proceed
Oefir of the AH.ImtMii* AVU«.
TuTvmz tSr?”L.W
II tf
Char»r* were made darlJic the oampalcn thet Hobart's aympathlea were ttaoQctattobeatoalbjruecrowdaBdthere'aad
____ ______
_ Ted In
A man who will admit that be is sentbe gentleman was growing
with the nJlroadr braavae he sated as
ir" from tbs' partisan* tbe face. ~

' tiniental bee no mote of it aboot him
' arbitrator for (hem o*> one occasioh. of both
The din was terriAc, but I "Let go my coat, yon blackgnard, or than a frog.
It has aerer/before bM Ufowa that the was taersased tenfold when Inspector' rU
U base yoa arseatedr' bo eboated, | Tbe average woman goes to bet grave
nauli of the arbitrator's dcoWotL was MfLABghlac ordered the police to ar- stragglUM to abafce Off
the otiMT’e letoeubarisg wbet girl gave ber tbs
real all tboae concerned U the fight,
- Aeepeei weddiog prewwi M»e got •
PoUcemen U unlfonn1 swarmed into
Into uw
the Ii
^ __
wcBtl We’re io de
Old bachelors know more tbaBaar-Areitrstora A»om «1 me ^umi xrauic
Ot delectlvm aMv
in an look tied men because they bare a mon vaAsseeUtloB" Nov. A ttH. from O. 3.
mn.. t»,.
hm. et»T dee
Crammer, name manner of the lahe
goodA l‘m ana we can aait tied
o umouM the boni
Shore roaA He resd It to the oommU.
Tbe avenge wtanan wonld have do
Shoe, as folloaa: "Aftat due eonsMera.
Uon of the arsumtetta presented and the
aUtlatlce of trame forwarded U tBk past
Oatl* a Chtmao Haasantly on tbe puller in:
,i A girl's idea of aloniy married eonthe aroJtrator*'award Uthal east-bound
we i polioe cOoer. Td pie is one that always 0vm a.parto on
Alnnisnu of tire atoOft shd . dimmed
^ of the dsy \bey first
SprtotAcM. ynne I#.—Oorenor Tan-■ have yoo arrested, yon"— Tbenvrdrds the
ncau from Chicaeo and Chl«a«o Jnocttnna. Included In this refereoca. re- ner algned the tameue Allen street rail-1 (ailed.
dtieed to an eouiralmt of Uxtb-eUM way bin at W:« A m. yeeierday. Adw^
‘‘Ko. yon wonldn’t Ter »ot*n bat-'
When a. girl wbo baa pretty tort liet
tohnaxe basis, be apporUonsd. ^«we*n caiea and opponents of tbe bui were tar’s a puller io yerseU I'ne seen yon down is a hammoek. abe always goes to
the llnsB In imereni from and after fftvea a hearing by Oenmor Tanner i ob Broadway layin fur people an yank- kita of troutOe to oovar them «p—asd
■ Sept. 1. lee. a« fnilows:" [Here the Tuesday, and elmoel tbe enure day .was ' lb’«» in Jea’w we da let Jea’a pull- doea*t
apporUomnent l« rivcu la tabuUr foAn. oonaumed in speetiM. There wem eev-1 er
aaJBeaa I am. bat you ain’tiot DO
Tbe only thing neoeslwry for a BMm
Another paraiT8i>h and uMe pivca'ths
to know aboot any one woman ie when
decUoa as l» eart-houad dead trelrbt] era] hot Baasages between the cevemor pride nor tympafy in de bto. Beel"
(olm M. Harlan and tbe Utter and
And tbe Moart iotddng. well dreawd to take ber at bar word aad when not
■ailwapaOkerM the ■sallira
gentleman hnnled-rtr vritbout mying ta aad then not ta—Kew Tork Piam.
The whole U eiitned by J. T. Oodd
yoa « nay or uttering a proiert. Tbe;
-------------------------Oarm A. ^bart and S. R. Leonard.
canker of compnisoB bad esitered hie 1
>*••' eawiBoia
Clark, under the qaestlobTbt* brought tbe goveroor to hi*
MRimlsaion's attomer, W.
eosL—Kew York gun.
; "How do 1 know that yoa really lave
lap of
with blood In hi* eye. He laid he did
lur. a
mg" abe aoked. "What asrannee have
not know it and that be did not want
SPANKING AN ELEPHANT. 1 that you wonld be willing to make
HarUn to i—— *d. Harlan Uter re­
eaeriflosa and ewdnre batdWipa for my
It w dared Clew- peated it and the governor said be would
inoist on a retraction before Harlan was
toad. O.. Feb. U. uaT. aad addrewed
d Bad *• PaaMh A—thee.
to proaed.
Be lotdttd it ber In
J. L. Oark: "B« sure to ae* that our permitted
Harlan then retracted ae fer aa tbe
yon ever we an elephant spanked? tabmeot and exclaimed:
tonnage Is redurrd. If It Is neoes
koowtag was conremrA but______________
^ aW? ^
!)y. for they
don't do
"Wbat more oin yoo
Bawt I
to send Red line n Lrtilgta Valley ton­
nage over Nickel Plate In order to re­
\ ,U J... “ “*■ cocDtry. nui mey oo in inuia for sis month
duce our excess }-«u can do so. but be. LT.tdb":ai5‘rX;;:ebe{H:H C.p«inMariin
BriHsb, ar,^. ^Unt hmnl. on yarn Hrtle
Sore dtrinr It you must arrange with had. the governor would know that tbe
Waablngton btor.
----- ^NewIdMBlB----the Nickel PUte to drilvcr Bed line legisUtura was .bribed. Then the gover-iW** *«7: Elephjmt AWnl (Mo. 16) ;
------------tmalneas to New Torii ,'Omfra! and nor rama^ed U.;( Q was evidently Bar-1 was on trial to killing his keeper. 8y« :
Oww w o
l.ebl<h Valley buslnsB(-io The Lehigh Un’a doty to gotothe grand Jury. White Bambonclea by pMfciog him up by tbe "Twen^-flve dol
Valley at Buffalo I 'am very anxloua Harlan was msklng them chsrges be I legs aad enwbing bis oknll againrt a g pitifbl salary to a ecb
a pitifdl 1
that r>br curr-ni burimas WIU show a bad said be couldn’t prove them, and
-nduclien at once. C. 3. ORAMMER."
Terkw-toid him that the
It doea, wlw." replied i
CUik suied ihst between Feb. < Bnd made such charges when the accused


Bprij A »9T. ariinr under these ta- were cot preaeai was a coward. Bar* Major .Oameron of tbe Tbirty-fonrth fitrecta of dlstriot Ka 14. "bat weUn
atnicllons. be had diverted to tbe KIdcsI Ian aatd he didn’t eome to hear from Bagra* naUre inlonar. He read ttm |^t Miw Oilflippin of tbe Pine Ridge
---- Pretty Sflbota ia----FUte Mt can of rrelgbU aggregating Terkca but the totter insisted that he ebarge, and then -wituesaw pevred that neigbbarboad for that, on Mm’s tw’ *
lt.4W.H0 pound*. Other evidence aa to'
Ing the sutement
almtlar trmtuactinns was produced i
c such charge* tn ; ident then aentenoed tbe culprit to 60 Chicago Tribuna


Carnations 5s£"-a

____ _

—Jewelry. ,
—Watch Repairiog.
-John Verly.
—Front Street’.

sniL's:; rsitsi.-AVA'Si^

lumn iu lonBiino li
e«*ct nuatay. Om«-e. Mil




Fancy Toilet Articles.

Gut Glass.

• •rittoMgmaCrra.
Lansing. MIcb.. June lO.-Tbe Mlctalcrop repen eays that be average
ndwlon learned aimther very Intereeting
tloa of wheat tn tbe state Is 78
thet—that the rule* of the 'Central
Prelght aaaociaUoD and Joint Trafilc anmt aa eorapared with 77 one year
Whaat baa been badly injured by
HoeUtion are in force In spite of the
ret weather. The acreage ptonied
recent eupreme court deelMon. ’*nwn
m is W per cenL of that of average
tbe aaao^tioB baa gone by the board.”
Aalrmaa MoitUkA) asked of Mr. Clark, yean. That planted to oaU to « per
-but lu rule* an- *iiii tn force?” "Tea.
and tbe cendlllon of iblas crop
■ Indlolr. thU one. anybew.” aatd Clark, to M. Reperta from *00 townsbipe
reterriiw to the rule about tbe leagtb
ot time ear* might remain In Chicago
Wtttaoat betng n-mnslgned. dark urns lew than tost year.
. by tar the prlncli>a] wltaeas of the asaOwUy PlseaiC
ahm. altbougb a xery unwilling one. His
awtltnonr also helped tenrams tbecotnwlseton’* curiosity lo n mneb higher min/_
pitch regarding o nsln peculiar entrlea in» company at Carllnvtlle, lagethri'
wuta the toige cooper shop, John Schapon tbe 4>ookf of vsnoo* roada
ct's hardware store, and several reeldeaeea near by. were totally deetmyed
snd Cor
y onxlott*
to find out why ihr statem&t of tbe
Xake-«bora ro*d sh-mM ohoW a pa/ment of Wper cur io the Elgifa. JoUct
afhd Easteni rosd-riar i^ve. the
■' ruling price—for irnnsfer rtArgee ml
Chicago. Tl>ey *!». n-anted an explaaaT"------ MniAraart Bostoy.
tlon of another miry of tt eztya per
Hurley. Wl*.. June 10, — A woman
car which wat *li-ged » have been known as ’’Irish Annie” was murdere.!
paid tbe Chleaxo and Msstern llUnol* at U o'clock Tuesday night. - ShertS
read on cars of grain seCHasfl from It. l»gan and a posse are out in search
- "Tbe C. and E. I. did not dlseldae thb In the murderer. Mm hare been stationed
' thetr answer." saii Day. ”W) should all along the railway track between
nke to know a here ii is and wlA got It.” her* and Aatatond in bope of capturing
But Clark said he could not account
for }L He was sure It bad bra |
but could not ten why. He waa
pkrenUy borrifled at tbe auggesUon
this entry was nmd>^ Mmply to oancsnl
n rebnta
amm City of the NaUonal Credit

■pace, and In tbe prvaeooe td the wtela ^
‘■My erring btotbw,’’ Mdd tbe Salvabattery tbe ponUuneot began. The eab tion Army woriter. "do yoo not know
prit trumpeted tn fear asd
that it is Just aa great a aia to steal a
oartfaly noise.
pin M to steal a doUari”
There were 14 etofdmsta on CBe side
- itabontrigtak’-aaid
id the ofliem and men of the baKeiy 0i|]j (be Dil. '"Aftsr this 1 ain’t gnin
ontbeotbertbrea Intbecenttroftbia torttraloothin thataiBtvmrthnothia.’*
boUowaqnare stood LallmiKa 1). the _oinelnnatiEi»quifeg.
flagger, and tbe juiKmer. Tbe )
■«S Bw KM.
■ ebstned by the four togs to at b
avy iron pegs
pege and cool-------—
cocld not uort
ffafteneri to Lalls's ironk was an tin- aUppefa Bwe a yonr ebanoa A "gitnenw cable cbniu. When aU was tva<^. gantto aUppw «ie"'to advwttoad Ml the
tbe major gave tbe word, and down puer.
tito chain with a reeonnding . Amy—Ton bad better get a pair
wbaek. Abdul roared to all be
yoaieelf. Idoo'lwear glgantio tUppara
worfh. Fifty times
—PiBtbnrg Ohruntele-TWegrapb.'
tepested, and then Abdni wat taken to
_ _
ltd. wbeto be raoaiiied a prie-1
^ ] ticbe talk


. dty. ana suier-JB-iaw oi r. v. *»u«er,
'Coiled Statu coniul to Crefeld. died
' gmsterday monilnR from aa attempt at
wnleMe by fire. She had long been a
•nfferer from nervout prostration and
had eeveral time* tbreatesed lo take
ndar learning her buaband
t oo eeeing
the woman standing at hit beddde envcloped tn fiamea She had applied a
match to her own clethlng.
Bravy Lam er KmIghU «r Hoamr
8L Lmtla Jane JO.-Al the meeUng
here of tbe anpreue tedgv of the
Knightt of Honor latermt to centered
'in the new plana for atstiUHitm inturk which are now bated on the mor-

atatiftica abow that tbe unednented
faetotT girl it more frequently married
titan it
It tbe Wide
with awake, capable
girl in Uaw Y^ Snndaj JonmaL
tbe bigbci nlaried poaiQCB of atenog-,
---- --------------------nidwr. ofiloe aaeutaat, dwk or tnoted t
Tbe taoMry girl it sot; Fint Villager—There it no tellisg
thrown vrftb people of wealth and po- bow a boy will rare out
altion ao much at to ber mam talented
8«ood VtUager-Ko. bnt aioee w»
titter, and onnaeqnently wben «Bae jpg tbe curfew Uw we have tbe aatitboDcrt mon cornea along abe it ready to fartion of knowing when be will tots
treat ber future with hii in a duple, tn.__indianapolia JoamaL
evcsi ababby. little boma But tbe girl
----------------------- —
wbo era. day bj day. tbe rutile of my |
■" Ti-w et Om.
Udy’a sllka and tbe oonrtly
'lady’e butband and aont will not be |

*®.**.^* "£**»
T be to

the Tillage of Bangor. Wla, hae actuml- 1 not find ber ao rtianniDg when tbe rent
ly boycotted the Chicago. Ulteraukee | ti overdne and tbe boblee need
Id B
l .Paol railway. Hvery bOaloeea
i.'So abe stays on. growing old a»d
eonaeuccoce hat agreed not to
iring deeper lines shoot her aonttk
M the read until a new station
is built.
OUtnary: At MaMen. Mata. Com­
mander George H. Wingate. U. B. N..

w Prince _
"But lon't be dtoposed to be rstber
Cbartes Bourbon, del Monte.
U raoitino. sod Miee Jaoe Altoc Camp. tiiyF’inquired the girt to wbM hawaa

S'. ^


______ '^p.d




eS *


Th^ are tbe bast dgata
for tbaaa peloee to be ob­
tained aaywbera. Alto a
Ml llaa <a—

Pipes ‘




Riplib A lidhii L K.


“Ae to tbsL Ira’ly couldn’t my. I
at Oeaeva'fiwltaertond.
nevab bad tbe pleaeore of playing pokar
The dtfUcailon of Paying
- - Tellei wttb trim.’’-tgmieviUe“ODvim.JoarBogga of the Plret
PIret National bonk, of

im, ,Wa *mi.
__________ _____________
Dover. Det.^ may reach nW.4«B. 4mt tbe
“ *Ow SBUefa do you ebatge to pallbank to not afieeted aertontly.
tiig ont a tooth, yonag uanP’
Within on hour atur securing ber di­
'ayoax.4»BpaliaB. tab?’’
^ of a tnjgbt
"One Bhimag—and 6 tiiilUngs with
vorce at Oneen Bay. Wla. Mra SebisldL
itor'at ^
went I
wbo to ever to years olA wat married to
-u—tn tba oorridar.'^ I

Bteptaeti Praio, 8 yrara old. of Mapl* I bqy ImipBMii to be a page
"Five aUlUngt with gall TbsalOl
Is^ Whito
> H't day'Bonae. "raranaisgteoangRaL
be tepUed.-rObrittisn InwTligeaom.
oaloan near Dollar Bay, MlrtL Sxm,
Mlaetow Mat atfiLkoala
-Mias Isabelle Perkins, tiw wealthtoot
SL LouJa June lA-Floctota anfi
^"1 have bwe a neat aBd pretty liMa
Bfae-«’t taany. bnt aatiiatiaa X
BUiiiiywin frtgn all parti^ the txmn- toclrese in Bratoo. wUl be wedded 1
bova ksoirn Mr. Tifli ba saw *
try have-amembtod bore to atwnd the
paid ma anoaipUBMBL
Cwmitr'amrid a«niuM
own right
. fcstoa AMticb baa bato etoeted F
flant W the Aotnar Fnad of Aaet)



PukBtntt. trtwwrwnt * Cm

Rates, $1.50 per Day.

MeilTicketsatMBCMl Rafts.

Cycle Oners Look flere!

Lederte’s nrr^



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