The Morning Record, August 27, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 27, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ns msm mwtE,

sonuBS cou»mr vam

a X. Bovaanr wnx PDxmaH


BMtt* Oiwk PiM Vp mgkt Soorw
Z> n«t teaiMi
• VtM

VD BMifsm vom bxbl

•tatteaary la BoppUm by W. A.
• to Pwatth PaalBaee Met Bwpceidod to OaU fbr
<Then waa a qaaran of the board of
odaeatioa laat al^t but tboao prw
wwe aet worried With wolgbty

MBifeat U the baUdiag.
Tonight the attracten la BtoUberg^
Oram Opera Boaee will be Plngerald
ted play.-The «]«er
■ibyteeMeonAUr. .’.with Willard KeweU
la tea lea^ rote.
JoUaeSaalabwg Ina pUaa prepared
ter tee lmproreneot of bia baUdlag
neutty oocBpim by Fkuk Broach A
Tbootraeten wm be ronodalrd
with a metal (rent and plate glam windown. abaOar to ten ntore oeeapied by
Bagbee A Boabor^
The ----------- Oolembdn wBl —^ u
aeankn trip to the ladten ca
neetlagat «cr(^port8aaday. Iw*
TravnraeCHy at» o'clock a. warn
tnralag Iwra at
it 4:M p. n. Stopa wlU
be nade at Onnmam Ke-ah-ta-wut

mnw iBdtt Oot ta,600 fbr llalf
Xbterm la.aa Pataat Oar
Aadrvr Smith of Kghth eWreb who
RUwhwtO Um •matt, the olMkp haa patwted u inptored car lock, nad ywtafday from Chiaafo. - where
a«id the nm «d jmhe
cloeed a each AmI for a half iatoreat
tvdaj weald he*e heea «ea
BartlmhMdidowa. Bat ad to rw lahialarutlobfarS».«M. The derke
e wUeh baa attneted noeh attealate. Moh • thlBf U Bot pombla It
«M pertly heed taek. pwtlj reoW Uob ancbc baamw am It b now ta
piejIW. “J-teUttle"poor Jedcimat oae by erery beat Urery la Chieaffc
eeof rnudaa IbeOldMr.
haa appUm for paUata lo
m the pvt of Unpin Bonn, jaet •
Inge reported that the eoatract far the
epaple e< UtUe erren, e (net deal of alaa diterut fonlc« oouttka.
hatlathehaadeeltheaoMend naa. tarutloo la pioteetad by three pataota dwka hm.beae awarded by than to Q.
Nr. Saalth haaa'UUle'-Klomike’’ K. Bombay ter filM ta
Maehay. aad the nd. wd tale h tedd.
la in muotaetore.'
The eoatreet for antloMry wae
There wen food playe, and ptn
awarded to M. A. OlnaWd of Chkaco.
plape flo bothtidee. aad thne wei
daU noMat* ahd eadtiaf ova
Tbcae ware theloweri bidden aad Row the Toong Baae BaU Boya An
The rhitan etartad ta to wipe oat
thermorteottheeawnlttenewM* aosirniarthe defeat dwlked op ecalnrttben. la conpletr form, of the pnpeeed
Than b a rood deal of Interwt la
the dnttaalBf they otade owe raa ea watar worka, hare been roeelrm from oepted am thrir ncoaQnepdatkme
baw baU la teeelty thb jmt ootekb
a hit hy Paleev aad aa error By Wheel- Barlaeer Batter, am an aow belag mmtod.
led by the apecial water worka
of tee ganeeof the HwUon. The
mr. Be nore eeoree wen nade by
ordered paid.
Gant Sidnn ^yedagatant tea boya of
dllhor lean aaUl'the fint half of the
of tee committee
UnUtekriUe yeaterday aftaraaoa at
foarth wheahlUbyParicaaadSalfka.
groonda Ud baUdlsga, reported that:
Utter ^awaad defeated team IS
a baea oa balla to Wilhelm, ap emr
Fyada am a panrd baU fare the
Prank Priedrieh ud S. 0. Paepno bMa for tee wlster'e wpply <
e thna w foor teana U town taking
loeala thm rw aad the lead.
teoogh bkb had toea nguUrly
Badm a Three-Weeka Oruiae
the heya aadcr 16 yaan old, ^
U their half of the a«xtlaalaf. the
Uaed tor. Be atated that in order
Lut Wight.
they an working bard with u aye to
fttth, the Baettare made two aoora
procore tee necenaary aopply action a poeeible plaee U the ragaUr team in
Boat BaCled. atale eeeoad. meat to
Tba yacht HawB 8. PlBfree Jr., with
third 4b a pawed ball aad aeored oe a her orraer. Praak Piiedrl^, .« board moat be taken aooB. or aUe the acbooU yean to cone.
poor throw by Docedill, HoU aad
d by & C Deeiret, utarml
The om Park Originab wu a fane
JWheelar weat oat la order. Farim the harbor, after an abaanee of Jeat wood tebwUter. la thb
he advbad that etm* be takea aoos to from the Ehet Bide nUe Wedaeaday,
y/plaahed eat hie third hit ot the
three weete. The party loft here ter a
praeon teel from famen ter aeri by a eoora of 17 to u. Thb nakw twa
er«lee to Ooorriu bay. tnt O. M. Dane year, tbaa aaaartag w«U aweoaail they have taku oet of a aeriea of throe
dbelL TeayAawoaL
of Northpwt, who Jollied the yacht at mod. The natter of eoal waa broatecd,
Jeat pUyad bttwaw the two
Oae wae td<t-d to the rMten' aeon that place, beeane Ul-doring the fint am Mr. Moora auud teal a propoai- aUee. Oeyr DeLoag. as-emtel>
la their half of the fifth, oo a ^le by week. Thbahortened the trip The Uon hm baennede by the
a chalUagea aay
OotedUl. a wUd plleh aad a two bawr yacht, bewonr, weat to the “8oo”
yaan of age te play tea Orlgiaala on
by B. Waraer.
am rialted erwy polat of inUreat bw wylBU. to'fernbk
the fair gnmada.
NellhweldaeeatadlBtheelxth. bat
thk edty am that point. Mr.
rate, bat la view cit the prewat
Patarau;a Hard Znek.
la the cmath the boate twm fot oae Dane left the y^t at Maekiaaw am ____ tioB among coal nlaen be did aot
4aaB0thar«Riirby>>adea tfafle by
Prledrle|am Mr. Deayree eutte- thiak it pralmbU that the pngweitloa
Oopembk. Aagnat M.-Ute WadneaParte (wbleh aboald hare beea a doa- oe4 the Toy^ alooe. with u oeea- woold hold good BOW.
day aftwaoca Pruk Pateraoa. a I
Ua. bat Dmpin Barae derlarad bln •toaal eonpuy of paaeaogen wham
ryer. hm hb ham e«l uUnly off
oot at eecMd oa a clow dedeioa) aad they ratcrtalaed u roale. It waa a waa glvea powar to taka tee naeeawry
a aaw at Crimmenb mllL Pataraoa
trip for pleaaan lo ereiy ■<
oae nwa pawed baU by Oc«edill.
reakUe at Lmke'Ana.
Parka Ujored Ida kaee la Taeadayb boya eojoyed it At'Mackl
cute aad la rapBlBf to aeeoad be wae S. Plagree am daBgbtor Heael
acaia hart IB the wme place aad Wal- goeettof the yacht ter a day. aa ware
bdamplaead bin la left field.
aenral other frleada of the ownera at alto aateorlaad to eommanicate with
da' the rieiton' haU «f thia iaaiac Petoakry. Charlerolx. Harbor SpriBga
BMrtgagee. will beaold cheap If boaght
eoon. A chaaee to get a home oa eaey
then waa a reoaloa ot the playm
ud other polota. The
M 6t
the home plate aad whea the reU wae aa btawB aa old win am report a Jolly- JaaJtor Tonpkiaa ot the Blmwoad Uraia—E. W. Baetl^
#»iud pjfht ii^iaimniatlTiM r»f the tity
aveaiie aehool, wae voted r so extn
oa the ataia Uae ot the Utaad Truk
Batortalnm at Whiatpar month, for the can of the email
reepoaded to their aanaa. OecmiU
Mra. J. B. Kaaa of Chicago, one of aehool boUdiag oa tee Weat Side.
nofbed firat oo aaothar error by
Wheeler, blaekey nade a two baw hit. the goaate at Park Ftaee. entartalnad
wbbt in tee hotel parlora Uat olghL TMS BOABDMAK BITZE nAJfT
thn Palrey wut oot trow Bolhorford
b> fint boot aad & Waner waa ntlrod The prtaw wen woa by Mba AUboa of
1 by A T. Maltey,
y to Hut am it looked Uke Chbdgo am Dr. O. C. Royea of thb
Chicago Bxpert.
It a
alaa. kope waa dMpatod Ci^. Mm Lottie Barium am M. a
no aoere, bot
A. T. Maltby. who mdnaeed tee
.Holley oeeand the eoaeoUtloiii Bewhu Sanaay. who had baea playlof
>«ben«f tee eoucil a few nighta
great ball. thnwUfh to Toayud al- tnahmeatt wan a part ot the mttrago Bpoa the water worka qaeatioa,
lowm Tyoi* to reach firte W. Wi
waa bnogfat hen by tee Boardmen
"wme a baee Ut am Oo^m am KwdeTftB OOtOMD BTAMOBLIBIB
Blvor Electric Light A Powar Co., for
oy aeored. Irwia hit for two
leattheplale WUlBeAtBeeemX.B.aharrii Bat- tea pvpoe; of making a thoroogh Uveatigattoo regardteg the npaelty of
I the HBatlm'
whu be a
Mday am Buday.
Bev. am Mn Oeo. a Jackaon tea
decieton botltwaaBoge. After that Narlag evengelbta. of Coldwater,
a baee OB balla toOfidiacn u error by MkA.^ wOl be at the Beocod N. X towarde tee pUat aad lia naoonee am
wiU tom U a report U dataU which
WOhdn. another fin to Ocfa^ am chonh Satwday am
wUl abow teat the Boardmu river
a MBead two bacrerlBthleiaalac by
they will render em » of their oompuy have a pUat with more eaMackey rrlih three wa u taaeae. am fiaeet aoage in the womer
peoity thu it ia geaenUy erwUUd
the total wee elfht rua for the la- teat ao deUghte the boanr.
with having. The ampleymut of Nr.
------ PHOM OUff-----BlBg, am ten all told.
Bev. aad Mra. Jaehaon an hi^ly eoItby waa U view of the tetan poeBattle Cknak nade BO
doned am very popnUr. Be bavlag
the coo
The Butlan nme a rally 1b the Uat May eomUeteda aertn ot meal alUHty
alathbotaoaldo&lyaeerccBoe. Wat- Uga ben. Mr. Jeekaod vrlll be gladly
Ute hit for two baaaa. alole third am weleomed by nuy trlenda. As all
aeored wbeoOogodUl dropped Morotay'! dqyb grove aaeetlag Sanday wlU
third etrike. A Nagle by Adana and
IB taring at
a baae on tmlla to BaUka roeBlted la
nothing aa Batherford waa oaeqBal to
The achooaer yntet Aaderaon of BeUe eeeaeloB aod waa throws oot at Bev. Hr. Smith on both hb •VMinVcaaaba entered thb port Uat sight.
lU thb year.
Batbarfard pitched a iroad fatte, bat
" Socaleab" Mackey wUI probably be
lack Waa agNaatblm. Mackey pitched
in tee boa agalD toe BatUe Creek today,
The Aaylan Well.
eager ter paU face aealpa.
I am A T.
The ftetaroB of the fame
Maltby of Chicago, have made a teat of
Uet ball gahie of the Mriee bebattug of Parka, throe alBglw am a tm edacity.of the MW artwUa well|t*«» the UoaUen am Butte Cram
doable is tear Uawe at bat. a doable
at the aaylam am tee naslt piwea WlU be pUym today. A good game b
play by WUbeln and NcFrotoy. a one
that b fiewa 600.400 ha^ a dqy. u •an.
bam atop by ^daw. a catch 1^ Snlfka
atated U tne Eboobd the morning folDm Tornape. who b empUym in a
In rl^t field, am om> loft by WatIng the day wnter
•binglemlUat Soath Boardmaa. bad
hb band badly Uoented yeaterday by
Whoaler bm a doeidedly off day,
SanwnU So Ite Oaeln.
Tbe canagainat CbarUa Fanri ter
Mn. Oavin of Union Btnet. gave a
Mad^ work wae the ftaton for
BattieOwm. Be km da awlan ta hla fttewall party toaaeleet few Uat bm- aUpgm vUUtioa of the Uqeor Uw.
In honor of her daaghtor. Mary. wae adjoernedby lodge Boberta fmpoaito
vriU/Uave ter Detttdt Tneaday terday for one week.
. amadagtolBiewanw atbat,
moralag. teponbc her maakal atmUa.
At the Utt meeting of the Hunab ,
Maaklriw the featen <rf the evoblag. Bifiae it waa derided that hereafter tec I
am Ugbt refnebmcBte wen aervei
plaee Monday eveaUgi
Chicago Kaifeet.
Tbe BrUga Balldwa wlU hold their
Qhicage. Angnvt OO-Wheat—Aagnat. ngeUr Monthly meatUg Wedaeaday
OOb'e; September. WXe;
evening et the home of Mbs Alloa
MXe; May.osMc.
prawtem oa Waahingtan atreet.
LB AegoU.
TbengBUrunUagof the W.C.T.
U. WlU be held thb afternoon at »;».
U tee homo of Mn. Bari. 8» WaehlBg.
IBMc: Septembof.' UmateeM. Ura. Boberta. Under.
lOHc; Daoember, fOHc; May. Uke. .
Prisnda ot the Beptbt Yoaag PeoPock—Angaat, fiABD; Beptembori
•AOO; Oetobw.fiAOO: Deeembw.fiLOTi^ pUb Ualea an rarnimed ofteetencent aeppir to be glvu in the ohonh
Jauaiy. fiio-ioi
w u
rd-Angnte fit-OSj fitptember. paricre teb ovaning from 8 to 6 o'oMk.
•4.MI Oteober, •4.07N900; DecMBber.
The (bm atnot m^lao honm tea
PopQlsr caottaififf.
tm aaade brighter by • new ocat of
•ad V^OfOlBC«r.

orwvoja. T*ram


Two Omit.

Garnnnr Would Dictiti Laos.
To us, bot the job is too big. We have
.jtated |Miees to oor cnstooiBrs and they ^gtte
to tbe terms. For example—all oor sporting
goods at ooe>third oE


sfio PBONT smaT.

M. B. HOUAY, 0

ic.. 3c.. 5c.. 4C-. ^ and up. Hard
Paper and Soft Paper, at-----

-s^HASKELL’S B00m0RE.-i5sr
We Have Some Specials in

...Men’s Fall Suits

*5.00. *6.50. *8.50. *10.00,
•12.50 m *15.00.
There’s more real worth in the clothing we sell, than
what will be.shown you at any other store.
We Invite Comparison.

Reliable Dry Goodfi, Carpet, and QothiQg House.

•We Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depiession in the milling
busioees, we are having a
phenomenal trade, aod are
shipping to all parts of
. Northern Michigan our...,

floor. Send in aa order.


Watered Stock Sale





- J

Bright. Fresh. Neat
Is what you will observe to everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block;

Fresh Meats-always fresh. Salt Meats.


New Fall Styles!

..If You Want a Cheap Shoe
Buy a good one. We have some gcx>d ones cheap.

1-4 Offn^n aU Tan Shoes^l-4 Off.


tokfraaa tadkato. atoS^wllllBC «hm wfaaaboBt twrtai mim wattlMf^
^ Momtrnro bbookd. towiac
to play tbaa at aay otoar Maa«
Mt OB tta ataamr PortlkM
Maaktoa, Mkh.. Ai«. S. 1W7.



aotad down tha rirtr bafera the
ter tha aariiac of thaPorttoad.
ThakiBwho ara waltlac at Bt..XI^ak an hta'froM fin to fittaM thountafioDanbitaoi
ttora raportod by thaaa.
WIU retard to tha ainataiac of the
TakoB, Motoalf said that ft lataa from
twaaty to twaaty-firt daya to go from
•xaapttoa tauartiria tmn tha •Tiar­ St Mistook to Oawnoa Gfty ata paaas oomapndoatof tha Oraad aaacm laaTiac Saattla lator than AacBapUa Barald. Uwhioh tha cbaaploe nat nth wUl ban no ohiM ot raaohahip of aorthara MieUcan k elalaaad faV DawMB aty thk fall. Than ara
far tha Baotkn aad prooaada to apaak aboot S,t00 pac^a in DawtoBav aad
-pfay eroaka aionad them. Thk aamam
ad by tha two team with olhar
■rriaba., only aboat taraaty oktat^ban baea
Aa for tha Baatlara
worked ata tbka far note kica earn of
that aort voaUbaiaat tha.thlac to BBOirtykHbaantakaaoiit MoataniTprara thrtr claim aa
body k caftlar roady ta the wiater-a
OntaUa tha faan- ^ayod with tha. work, which wm be poahed aa riforOoMathe toan uipnawtl’ic tbk aity aaaly thla year m It m k|t ' Tha
haa piayad U fOBaa and area it of
itof cold that
thm: that iadaloo yoatordayk dafoat. thk fall will not be M lai^I aa’ it k
Aato Maaktoa Mtaal^ Mma
MUmated ta aome qaarfan. Abbot 17ft
CaoMa fraai tha Boattara-well, aaiy maa will ooom down oa tha PortUta
I that avor tixfii in tha Balt Chj Bxealrior ata a niy fair anroc*
ean explahs that. Tha mahara of tha each woold not onaad filO.WO. Many
toU taaa itaoU are
riphv hot it k wm hriac down prartioally aothlacbeliandbytha fan of thk aity and
by mabm of toama that ban
i aafcrtanata aaoacN’ to play in


Tbk waa aaawarad Mmdiataiy:
Xiaram at/, lOM.. Aac- • iw?Batm 4» J. W. BAxm.
j; E. KlUAA»--CkBt do it. .TO


.•fc p-".-iirr*
Cauaaa.BxiMMmolJH*r9lU d«elH«
«* »kk oomittT «•**»“« «**^»*^
to » pop«l»r foramMOL
TW« stfertliar rorelatka jraa Istro4>ftod
<«»«»»<*«* fifty
4ol«r»tM is St. fLottb yteijmiAj.
rkm, «Um«t.««*«ifi-bT »*mwUM Md thoptrafcMBt «CU'
lull,- of tb« Aaericoa party wm of*
«Mtod. With ttia
ot u
«t» of food U»*. wWok •«« f»fi»»Uy
Mac 14tbyallela«t.aiid «bo ooo«^ali«dymaifwttdfaitbo *c«o, mt adBlatottUloa. tbeaoatiBoato «x^Mood >y CokaortriJort wfll aot bo
IDtaiy tocrooteootaiapodo ia tba diTCeUoB of Uio boaaaret ttw mtm par^.
B tbo aoaU thio
^,a» briaclacw«pocada 10 Barth•n M^^r1^1clT^*■«" tbay Ufa i
frioad* of roaldaata la thJo
I by fi
B for (Ttalta, tharo ata Baac
Ua cantrriaBlato
yvOl carry away
>" Otaad TraToroa roclaa, widab will «a
thlacforaalatafOB Ihafaaalt wQl in ttiaa briar MW OMltfiljaaa of bialu aad aaatcy wIm baaa
___ ______ <_____ —uu
I to look

. IHMT Df itAB.

lenlly wnoc in tha mancatial d^artlontof thataan
It k ako brtiarad that la a aartaa oi
CaauB OB aaycmnda bat thoaa at
Maaktaaaad with an impartk) hbpira,' that tha HaiUam woold fin an
mllaataaooaatof thaanaalna.
Bowom, tto Baatoradoat foal half
an badaboatthkbBribeaaaa u aaai
faatod la Manktoa Tha my aeatror aarrtad on by tha Maaktoa Advoaau aad HaraU dkpleyi a aohortboy aaNaaaa aaonctha toa» of that
plaaa that k worthy of no farther
BOtfoa froa Tiantaa aty. Maaktoa
faala awfnlly bad aboat it aad tha
watUacaotthamakaanltaa tha tan^
daraat aynpat^ firoa thk aad of tha
M. A N. B.

aBiabopmu Attoad a
SOKKBOW or othar BaclaBd la alwaya
hapt la hoWwater.oThla tUaa Praai-Bool B. P.
pablie baooma Moy tad dariarw that lkbo^ aMfiberatoamcrai
«ha aoiaratetyofOraatBrilala la tfaa diatrfet, who k aa the riror aad harbor
1 toextet
ago. Now BaflaBd will proaaad to toiday far a aararat waeka' ririt in 041ia^wot Marbgra aad aUond
ahaatiaa Proaidaat Kraacar. aad aaaha
tha laoBchinc of tha
Ufa a bordaa tcChba.
Wbaellac anr Baa Pmadaeo.
Kicaiaaa ia proad of bar Oiaad Army
«haforty4«aUioaaaadlaliaa ta Baf-

SlBlay. Ukaafarythlarolaacflllahlcan. bar aoldiara are nea who ooeaa
attontion aad adwlrattoa avarywla

Mra iB. B. Qaxaar k la Harbor
%r1|ira tor a waek<a.aWb
Mr. aad lira. J. Bbntow of fanetaaa-.
M. are apaadlnc a faw daja at Park
' Mia. I. B. Lorajoy'of Bic KapUa.
to too gomi of Mia. U Oela-Bf Plan
Mia. B. L. Millar of Otaaro. aritoad
toot araalac for a rklt with Mia. Dr.
MkaMlaalaOtotoUlaM far Chlaafo
the Petoakey yaatarday to aklt
Mka Marrie Foloy of Wyaadotu.
Mich., ia rkltinc bar aktor.lln. Haoxy
Mia. A. Barry and aoa Pi^. of M»
fcacoa. are rtaltiac Mb. aad Mra. W. B.
Mka OBBtaid of MaadoB. who haa
boon Tiaitiac Mia. Dr. MarMa.
fobam boaaa todayDr. J. A. Snydar k aotartMalac
a. P. 8i^d«- of PaltoB. who arrirad oa
Ika C A n. M. laat oraal^.
Mka Borteoae and MM Ja«to OrUMth of MUlbrooV. are rialtiiir wllh Mr.
•aVMia. M. A. Orlfltb of Ninthakaat.
Mim. JallM etaloberc and aoa Laon
day fraa an oataadad
tolptoPatoakay ,CharlaroU.8t.lraaea
fliM Dalor atopped bm lor a rkit
arkh hk aopria Mra. U. M. Daad. 8a
to «a bk way to bii
Bapida oa kk wbaaL'
Mr. Aadaraaa and Mr. Oracofy of
Idtebfiald. ara airittnc
<Ma and
Itoal^te • bw daya, afUr which they
arm tov tha aortharti laaorta.
Mka Arttfia ToBBaUar of Daeatar.
tad., Mra. B. W. Moon, J. B. Morrkoa
■ad Mra dohaaoB af Bantoa Harbor,
MO CBMnW Mr. aad Mia Bpaiy Tba-

WAJLOm ows tWAsn
■ to bo a dkpoMtloB oa
Maaktae baao haU I

ooM tha took fogaidfac «a )Mto CBM
naked for. wUh tha HtoMo^^v^atorday
aadSuday. Aanat l4aodU.^aiao
wkT andmatotho laprawloa^^
dhaTiartnaCity i
. aatpl^ia•battown. AaaB

naatrioad Votaa.
Tha company aapporUnc Wliliam
Uwan nt Sudnberr’a Orand naxt waak
I of the eooat capable aad beat
lad orcaniiatioai aa roata ia thla
) of the oooatry.'aad na their
tie worth te waU known in thk
city, a Ubaml patronaca wUl doobtlm
be thalrcmrtiWa tarce one aad oomprket tha beat of
rtaaaie l^ya, aad the monatlnca of
oorraetana tothe moat mtnnta datnU, and the ooataminc both
akbocata Mid aleraat. Mr. Owanb
lity and opleMid
ability ea^Ulad horn laat sammer
Uaa qalk popolnr ^th local
acoora. and t^wb wm be
many of bia adairora oa hand
to c<*« blm cordial froeUac Monday
OToaiac whoa SbakoopaaroB "Othello"
wm -be prooeatod. Thk k a play
whkdi haa. In all prababU^, ooa- '
tod more erery day q«ClaU:HW than
any other of the immortal bardh freat
werica. la "Otl
••laco" will haw
rm. ijawmalaoM. 3. W. MeOoaaaU la tha tltk rale of tha "Jei
Moor.” whUe Boae Eyttace will hare
amide opportonUy to display her axorilaat diamatie force aa "Amalia.”
It of the other i
rrama will aptwar latrr.

a P. i

Itatar PkUtotMkof taoMia. V. H.,
•Btao haltaynvataivada IpJoM-

tam VtaUfh of XtadeBirmfi.

TtaoMefwatartooprtokl^ pw-

HaBri Boehafart, darikt JoamaUal
atapDUrieton.bH hem onrxtaarta to
nttow taoto of liaialw—i U
^kiao, Svlto k> Ufa MBkaoM.
Tta ktoVHaBM Baataer Btowa *Anpk»^l^ waimkto
1OW0 east form that k. m “L”


^iT****^ D. Gawranx A Son

Steinbeig’s Gnod £

Price -Vaat Onr Oaa IMlar ataXorkatWMOraaUy Bxeitod Pototoaa
ata Bfaa Shorten BBopa AlaoTba OtAiooklaFaToiahlaPer Parther Adrasoae.
Chicaco.ABraatM.—Wheat ahot op
today M if a nleaao had boret andn
tha maihat Septambar wBkh doaed
laat alcht at MK atartad today oo tha
m^lar board with the ealaa aU tha
way from MH to SI. Within fin aalaatM It WM talUac at Sl.m.
The market wm my exdtad bat did
not bmak. Bafere the opward
eaaaed the qaoktiaa wm lOftH far Sep­
tember. Today WM the Srat time that
the balce carried the price pact the
dollar mark la 0hi(ac4 Sediar v^aat
barlnc only baoa jMt tooobed ta a
aMOMBt eocne days aco.
BtadM the action of the Preneb rovIt to 1Dpholdkc the dnty oo
. tia<^
tiona shew aa tanaea eqoal to 3H at a.
The aherkc* to tha potato crop abroad
k eoUmatad at the enormoM total of
C the de­
mand ta Ameriema wheat -Kioeahortace la ftromd m betoc aa tore* as
wfarat KS.OM.OOO boabek.
Later adriees from Liverpool at I:fte
abowad a meeaaion la priwa there and
Cbleaco followed salt
wheat b deeliaioc almoet m mpldly ea
it tavaaoed. The price at »:S0. twenty
mloota after the openiac wm Oftit.
At tea o'elock aaotber mlly earrird
Sepleabar wheat opacaia toSl.OlH.
Team aio. whan it wm men the
habioa to Eansaa than at pmaant,
Uaikd Sutea Attorney Bill Pe^ can
a aUf party to hk caDikmcn Meads
at Port Scott Hr bad pmnrad a bonattfol aopply -i cold bew te tba dakotatlOB of hlf (aaok, bat bid It away toon
the proper, time arrived te tbe
lenktKB of hk aaiprta, be aaki to tba
"Boya, 1 have a loi of oold beer op
Kota, bat before we start 1 want to
know whether ytm telend to drink like
genikMBB or like bocar"Oh. we’U drink Uka caDenMa.
Lead on. BUIy.” obaraaed'a diMB
vedoea la reply.
"Tbataeittalt"ieimed the ynltX
boat H a smile rippled onr all three of
hk doahk oblaa "J'U have to eeta for
n»cfe beat. A hoc alwaye ksowi wbaa
ha’s fot sBonc^ "—Cum* City Joor-

itt the Old Stand.
The EnterpriK Grocery,
i. still doing burinen on
Front Street, jnst went of
Steinberg'. Grand Opera
Hon«,nnd prerant, the bent
line of good goods theap to
be fonod in the city.

EnUirprise 6neei7.
W. J. E0BISS05. Ibrasf.'

Tim Rijiilt, ewntmiii

aad a playwricht Ba k atiU oa tta
richt iida of flee Ota thirty.
IVoftMer Palb Of Tkaao prediek
that on Bov. 11. 189^ tta earth wiU
ooUida with a ocnet Tta earth wiU
not aoSW. hot aU Uriv Itarwa wUl te
aaSooatad by petooDOOi c«M

Monday, Aug. 30 Has Your

■Daar little Damper' arid Mta.
Tortea “1 faelien be bM alraort seam
eaoacb to talk. *'
The Matter Mlad” WM repeated la
Mra. Tatar's bmbead looked at tta
atobarfk Omad by Willard
K tboacfattally. "At any rata." ta
aad ooMpaay. agala laat aTealnc."ba- •aid, "tba brete haa aimae eDoegh not
fare aa ^pradatlTe aadkaea. That to"—OUeacoPdat
Mr. NawaU i
i hk aoaoaaa of Tta Oraad Tranrse Soldltra’Beoaton
Monday alcht aad waa ably aapperted
Petoakey kprepartocta tbe cnatty tha balaaoa of thecaat kail that k
ert reonka ever held by the Oiita
to My.
Tiaveree Sdldtora’ ata Sailort* AmootoUoa, OB the mb. leth ata I7th ef Septomber. AdrioM rwwived faom tba
pacta. Beltof Oorpa aad & of V. camps
ly BatvnlDcVfthBBt $BOOO to to Wauford. Kalkaaka, eiataTravetaa,
Leetoaaa. Antrim. Cfcarlento, Benak
rt TowaeaBd. Anyaat M.-The ata MkaaohM Oooatka todkat
aeboonar. 3. U. ColaMaa. whkh left
camp BoM” wm
St. Mkhaakatthemotoh of tbo Yu­
doaBoM 1
kon JaiyMth. waa votaa laat al^t. Pstaakay,
View, Barter Bprliva.
Tha fUemaa brli^ few paktaewa Link Tiavwn Bay, ata Lake MkUwho^re bean ta the Ekadika aad can, ata wQl ta Uchtod wUh aieetrk
who left Dawaaa 'Oify Jaly 17th. lii^ta. ata Mpplled with watar from
•ay tbam eraa Chartaa B. Matoal f af UupobUematoa All to camp will ta
Detroit. They all toU atorta of tha nppltod with cooked i»tkaa, dkhea,
(fatanaa of the moadlka. Boaann aad toataataatraw.eotdmtttaywiU seed
El Dorado eroaka, bot they all aay that te hrtof nothtof except bkakete with
there hare been' bot few ekao
a. AmoBC the emtont aftiiakeri
alaaa aariy is the aamn^. Mr
■eted are DepartmHt Oommandir
bM been earacad ia tha merabaa
A. T. Bike ata etafl. Oapt. B. M. AUn.
Bate at DawM»aty- Olrele i^ty Sea. L. O. Batherlord. Boa. H. B. Htaata other pidak far three yaaia^paat! OM ata Mata B-H. Oraea. The O. B.
and hM been oat arary year. Be c«aa A I. ata the C. A W. M. wm ci'* ^
in mA year arer the Oyaa trail and del exeaiaioa ratea CampfirM wiU be
laat aprtar ha took in twaaty tone of beU <m tbe enatoc of tta mb ata
Mcht It took him tmm Marek Uh
iftenooB of tta ifttit. As tta UV
to May let to rat tha fiaicht over the Ue Trarerto fair k bald doriac tta
■B with OBi Bka. two horm and
I week. Patoakt# wm te a Unly
pkM from tta Kth le tta »tk of BepWtaa tha Oolamaa left Bk MiAaria


Tta C A W. M. ata O. O.'-b'V^
fMwTotataCcf MoaeowwM pan- liBMwm sell OB Sept tad. ria
riOMd hy tha 0M> hft 1871 teoam ho ■ta M. C B. B.. ata oB^thaAfi^ ria^
Dikolt ata Wabash B. B . nanmlaa
tiekrta to .Nkc*>«ralk at very low
riBitall k a widtaaa. bat haa


eyinala. and tba two 0>Udim. both
boyt are raopeetively New aad Bampahka. The Uhriattoa aame of Mi. SimmoM’fatbarwM'PW.
Herr Stetoito. tba otaM player, it oaa
of the kw men who have had tbe plan
are of leadlac their own obkaaiy. Ea
WM ta ka« the ebampioe ohsM player
«f tta world. Be k ohk to play SO
cameo at com aad mv to mid to Uiarally Un te the Kama
M wit)
motver. 3ia uwjtay k a



..Rose Eytlnge..

- “.snisasisri Pure Orsim Tartar,
(ata Pm* Bakito rtoidar, if ywi wtat
•toaa. Wlta Bettka (naraatoad far
two yaara.) PbrnMato Syriacoa.' mhw
tta kataa ata tooa-

> hMtooeind orders to t
Hie tta faet A ik hai^ to worfctot
Lord Wokaley hM to hk time fradnBtad to alBMBt every tmta ot mliitary
arviee. Bo bM beta an eactoom, qmrtanwator. an tajotoat ata aa irS^Mt«r, Ota be hM always narhad tba ^|baat inak to caeb dapartiDMit with whfcdi
he hM JMB ooaaaeted. Ba lua toon
anooeaM to five eampaiciB.
Of Aithor Balfoor'a three tktan one
k tbewifeof Beaiy SidcwleA. intaacr
of moral ata poBUcal eooaonyat 0ambridee; aootbef k marriad to Lord BayM«h. tbe celefainted eokatkt ata dkooveror of aictm. and k bcmolf an aoata tbe
third ka^iant mnaWdan and toe toaemnUe oompaaioo of the faaneroblof
aeoretaiy te Itclata.


Soda Fountain

irtiira. omeUe,
_____ net Teetoc. Hi
■otbiRt, Tbel^C

ator Vtobt-'orEBLLO.'’


Ever Barned Out?
If aoyoo knew
the valoe of
O. P, CAByZR. Ac«Bt..'

finert Preach MKandie to Marie Antotoeate devioee k decidedly one ot tta
Tbedomtomt aolecf Parkkataito P. AUor A A. Champacae Oo.
kma.k tta lavkh aac
txaBepatent ' ban opened atextiks of every oolor, wean aad deriCn.
Pkmkb IMM wnmefat on dalkato
net groaada aae mocih aaed to trim
eo« lawnoODd rirailar traasporenl Cabi
OhalUe, wool defatoe. anak niltoc
ata otiier dreans of thto woekn ma­
terial an made ip onr ailk aUpa aad
can be won nntU late to tta saaeoa or
for home dromaa dBliV tta eatin wto-

Ooontewe are nvm eoaUBted to "let
weU SemiA aioae" hat always try .to

^ JAS. 6. JUISH.
Stdibagt fiiud 0|ien flaM.
The Eminent Actor,


Ia a v^anelrv ef Oreai X* vr

^ lew Hi SNwd Hud

Bicycle Repair Shop

well op nnder tba amB, yokes, ofaateJatoM ata all tta abort flgaia, rton.
adoanata bolero >ekek atill ptoutomUy maintain tboir bold apon cuoial favor.
Tta favor whleb tbe BOW doable faeai
fabrio, llta all ooft
wook, loMk ilaalf rw«t admirsblyto
tbe maktoc of gowtm u they u« pow
Slaevei of diajdMDom gowaa are etm
------------JyMlled, tacked, ahiired,
wrinkled, etc., from wrkt to poff. to
of tbe Rown itoelf, bot tbe vary kteat Pranob sleeve
bH Simply ae camltua. It k merek a
pUto. wril fitted coat akv*. tare^
to aka ia poportioo to too arm.—Hew


vcrld are tta BotbaetaUda.

mUnjui sell sBCiitf hnd
hoisebold goois aii firBitare.
wm kwp a r^Jto*toanew


Nearly OieCar Loelof SceNry
4-D^ Oui Rpidiltl btMl-4BMiilWObwpPriM.—llta.


anwevliMIrmnewto (HvaMa

High in Grade!

Low in Price 1

—Watch Rei^ring.
—John V^rly.
—Front Street.


aboat I1.0M.0W ata that
Britain to •t.MO.OOa
Tta covmamHt of Xadia hM adopted
a lecofttta pAetottog tta killinc «f
•iaptanto to a t«aamwblrt exMada
faOM Bbetkh fm to tta dfetartriw
- tlM. TtaMoaktoiwBdtoatolySfiO
• (tea a ran who aaodta

Fitzgerald Murpbj’s

Fire Insurance.

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant TMloring.

SH PoBtonaUak wittartof aam
Wto "ttr. thk k tta fast ton I ban

If You Have Logs to Sell

Lumber Company. W« have for sate 'Good, Sound Hbm*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plaok. Maple Flooriog,
Short" Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptioas, hiduding 2 fingines. Set Worits, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Rant for sale.






----- - 1-2 Off.


!WipmOMH»0;«|OOtt). raiPAY, APOPW 97, 1»»7.

■ ovsmn DC iDWA.

FbH^FIv* Thowand Of th« S«yf

. Uiie i noGEBoov or gnmn.

DMlbdM. U.. A««. «.-0n» kra«r*a Mid ftRT BdBm tD the Gdrtm«4}« «WIJ Um In this dtr atroA yMttrtWr.

•cat Wadmaday tbarc vUl ba VtM
tag BlMra Id the
be Daa Motsaa -dtatrtet. Xbtnlnan ban
laa bean sattlnv m
and » cant* a tea
r Deal* ba maad to M
idn. They
I etetm tbat
tloB In tbe acale atmply for tba anii
Mbeef OaM Mnaaa in (Mm-nftH. meaUia and 4a«^ tbay vUl
aondrad ■** M
Tha Carboodala ndoara took tbe tBItla.
r (■
tiva and after maktns a ***»«,■■* for
ralae and frtUnf a retuaat they vaihad
out yaatarday lo a body. “
dtoutet matdaat «C tba United Hina
will have much welsht with tba otben.
Woriun of AtMtka, «*a arreeted In
Thera have been muttartns* (or sev■*Waabtn#ton eonnty yart*i:day afternoon atnl weeka ameot tbe mtaera, but de<vbUa iaadiBC a body of inaftAon i»at elsire action has baen peotpeoed uotil
Bapt. 1. mhUb la tbekod upon as tba
. tba AUlaon adne of'Coek A Sona. ocar
becinnnlnc of tbe Brloter seaam. Thera
; MeOeaam Mndon. Ha vaa arraoiad for arc two mtnas in tbe eounty which
vloutiac tba tnjnaetlon by manAi^.
work all tbe year around On contraets.
and which furniab resniar employineot
' Xav Aaoo tbe eutke started tba ninMB bsTB baen naUtic daOy martbaa to the men. in which tb< miner* will
not rtrtke. But unlest tb
ftoDtbAr camp U tbe Bdna Fitan tba accede to tha •! scale. Wbic
enlM to tba ralivay than la a tramsaom nkaly. It Is probable that the otb>
^aray radar wbleb ru* tbe pabUe read
so oak
Tbe operstors and
say that
.coal U

kboVB a* tbe WaaA

ntiMisrs. Atw.


Davtu tba tact that riwMant MeWlDlay VM amaadlaciy ttaary ba Tact
«bt tooM r—muiii laai al|ht tvm arm
dinner aad acooKyaoM by
Black vent to Bnalc ball to a
panaral pabBc. Tha attain of theday,
however, was too much tor fleab and
blood, and after ba bad created about
fiaaWial VeKlalar
tha UaaWaa
kOM person* Individually
JvldUl . be
... was
_ com.
peUed to leave tba hail. PuUy MAM
son* blocked tba rtreeu in tba vieinlty of
tbe ball and e^presMd dlaa
1 and Peaty 1
m «e Fsaa *1 not belac pcnbltted to Wiake the
IdMt-a band.- iMvtnc Ifiisir haU the
prasldeBlwM driven to tbe Boftalo elnb,
Buffalo, Ang. ta—Porty-llve (bouabd
vrtwre be rw^lvad tbe Uoysl lAftoii.
men ouchad tbreueb etraea ^ortou* la
Base and buntlnc ycetreday. rsedvinc
bU ovation* of M.«» people. The pte*Idant o fthc Union tb^ foucht to mvc.
blmaclt tbatr comradawa* aUbylrhafA
tlTim the ~
14;M yesterday monrtnp tboi
new polltkal er^tsatiui epbirti. a* th*
not a elood. Tbe rain None oftlbe'hlkbt
Iba''call issued ^m Detroit asy*. will be
Mt a clear, braelnp air that ams Uk* a
devoted to tW rcMcraUoB oS tbe sfdrtt
tonic toibeniarehlnpman. Thai
and asntlraeni of tbe nrlplnal federal con*
moved for five poura and forty*
SUtuUon. met yeworday In Dmld'e haU
utea Alimp tbe lira of march M plrU. vUb about arty delegate* prsarat from
dreraad In tbe eoJora of lb* flap, srat- ntau suiee and on* terrtiory. Tb* state*
tered flowers in tb* path of tb* soldleta. reprcacnied arc: New York. Ohio. HlebPiasldeul UcKInley rode to a earrlapa Ipaa. Illinois. Ulwwurt. Iowa. Karaas.
at tbe bsad of the praelon aad waved CMotado. .touMana and Indian TerrlhU bat at tb* cbeertiis crowd. At the toiy. It Is stated that a namlx. y other
States have
tbalr wSlti
revirwinp stand be took ira poatUon

Plttsburp. Ang. M.-Tbc coal opoBton
of tbe PUtatiurp dilrtci have made a
decided change In from rince Turaday.
Internal dlasccflona mixed with fear on
the part of aome. caused a w>m In tbrir
foros* and a ehanpe of base. On its
fan the move looked to many like a
tampofury snrrvoder to tbe United Mine
Workers rf America. Thia however.
o ray
' polnp to start ibelr mine* aad
upply the demand from tb* north
■and not eund Idly by and let a large
volume of buBnees go to operator* of
.-other atatea They publictr eute tbat
they are willing to wait for a week or
ten day* before a decided
Tbey claim that tbie win give them ampi* time lo pel the lake irada ~
tbe opemietB in th* mcetliw were fyaak
•nouph to atate that the eltuatloa
praam lime In all brunthea of li
^IHeaL and that they bare'no desire to
make any move that wonld

The aeraloa waa ahon and aa a leoiilt
the follovlng was tooued by tl*:lr prom
committee; "Th* orgamsatJon nompoeed
Iff aU tbe oral operaloH. which hai been
In raaBtin at tbe Uoeongahela llouee.
adjourned this morning sin* die. This
actios put* affair* Into tbe band*
committee appclnted this morning under
an agmmem which was entered Into at
GHvelaod. and which haa since hem
ratUad and atrengibened by the elgnatunw of a large majority of the rBIlmad
-anal pndueera of ible district. Thte
ntttiw U rrated with dlsrretlonsry pow­
er to aek** All efforts jo (Ind out who
oompoaed ttate'ipecial eemmlltee were
fntllc. The prera tanmlttae after re­
pealed efrireailee refnoed to divulge the
names of the eommittee men.

xou x» OPT uf nxuOta
•waM** Maivh ra TBylOTTtU* ara Are Wafc.
easMd by <w Men Wstklag.



^ .
r -

BprtngfeU. Ills.. Ang.
H.-A But*
Bsgtstsr spectai from TaylorvUi* ray*
that IM striking mlnen fnum
marched on the Taylorvllle miners yestraday monilog aad succeeded in IndMIng most of the IM men who were pni, ceadlng to work to ewtuiw home again.
The Taylorvtn* men ta many iraunceo
tarwad over ibe'coatents of tbeir dlnrar bUBhetj to the Pang men. Oeapal Maaagw abnmvar told hi* i
ahsy eouH «o •• tbey pteased about poH* to woek. Only ten or twenty men
nwtiral the Bdira Th* Paaa ntrikara
ratO all are onk Ther* was
» lars* crow* *f
*f ecl
............. ......................
order prc'
prevailed. The miner*
mU a bestlwat
beatlaB al noon and
• local wtrarad «


DonvlUc. IlbL. Aug- M.—Tb* .Pawnee
Mira Ko. t of tbe Pawoee-Hlnvnd Oc '
I Orape Creek. ,
.tsoBCsd to otart op
Ohiy sight men *U
the adne was surrowided by about 4M
, .iJtrrawB. At 14 ri-rloch a telepboee coil
«' -Nres iAit 1b to the sheriff arittng that
' dtpoUeo be sworn in to protrat tbe
trad raen at work. Th* ennpany
aetlflod to Dwear out war
would be served. Shertff
partsd for the soene
-effort win be made
Maaoootah. lUa. Aug. M--9*m« Cai^
raa elate pTBsideBt of the United Mira
WerhsTA rap*: "We are Mnidy
•D -kaop tb* «eal strike erhere It I* this
If F* ds thil wt sgpeci arwr
M M the Ualtsd Btatra
maiTBs ta our oara* at
A MoBday la Sk Lools.


I4de—e»tbe PriilSeal W tbe Ararata
aevelanA Aug. M.-At tbe opening of
the tweiiUetb annual mraUng of th*
American Bar a*Boriatloa rraicrdaydn
the Hallenden hotel ihe feature was tbe
addrera of Preddent 1. W. Wodvortb.
of Omaha. He Mfd daring hU oddreas
that <.M Idea*, old eundarda of law. old
remedial fur old nianolocpertulBee. Ne«
evUe reuri be met with new enrea and
cooUnutd: "It can not'be denied that
great arrumuIaUona of wealth In tbe
hard* of tbe Um go alcnp wllta Ihe pro­
cess by wblch the poor arc crowded
dean In deeprr depths of poverty; abd.
more and more, tbe multitude on tbe
brink It pruriplUted Into tbe abym of
mlaety. while th.dr pUc
lo turn filled by the Indualrlo ta who beg
for work and not for br**d.
So great la the ImpaHenee to erwJ e||
Bocui erila at a atroke that th* rights
conaeerated In the rvciaraiioo of ladepfBdence and tbe coneUtotloM are nrthlestly aet at naught, and rvmcdie* devieed with some rerpect
for orderiy
BMihodi are contempiun Uy opurned.
even the Judges, have car cUmes urad
rapranlon* which lead to riate
Hra" Speaking of the vag-eamete be
Mid tbat If the day ever came for whic*
tb* lachr unions ihculd become raiugaied wlih aule BortatlMn “tbe federa-'
th ne of Uber. their batuiioM enthi
tartlc. eonpaci. diaciplloed. and mevi
with one Jmpulse at the word of eo
tnand when launched upon tneUtntIt
under which they suppneed themaeli
irnddrn down, will eaeep from the face
of the earth not rorporatlnn*. eyndleateo.
tnuu and aoKregated eapiial only, but
■ •
Seaeta oa ra* Ball FMA
Chicago. Aug. M.-l.caga* base ball
records yeMarday;
At Waahlagtoi
einclnnatl 4. Waablngton 4: at PhlladelpMa—St. Louie 2. Pblladelphta 4:
BaUlmore—ChlnMrt k Baltimore t;
Brvuklyn—Pttlsburg 1 Bnoklyn 14: _.
New York—Cleveland k New York t;
at Bnatnn—Louisville *. Booton 1': (Sec­
ond gsme) lAialaviUe U. Bneton «.
Wvdirn League: At Milwaukee-^, a., M"
Orar.d Rap:^ :
—UlnRrapolls i. Detroll

BurSaitpB «. Dubui
St JiMUb K Peoria 7: at Cedar RapMe
Urines II. Koritl '
Waveriy, Aug.
M.—Jerome Curran,
a farmer Uvtng a f«v mile* cast of bwc,
waa found dead la tbs woods Tacaday
evening, a bullet brie through bis Bds
and his clothes eotlrtly burned from td*
bodp lie had been mlratng rince Mon­
day morning, when he went Into the
woods to hunt for beso. Tbe theory
regarding his death I* murder, but no
motive can bt asrigned for -the deed
■ * to th# idenUty

a oemcn oounu' urraer, haa baen egiterlng for Biaeths post with a peculHr
pain IB hIs ebssk
Recently be oon<
wlted doctor*, aad they derided to per­
form an operation, wfairii waa done. The
operation revcolsd tb* tact tlrat- Herrttf* berat eras oa tbe right Bdeu In­
stead of the left. PIve quaru of fluM
was taker, from his breait. and ha I*
now getting well.______________

Meats and (^iles


TdiilioM Pmspilr








PukStmt, bitwmyTontAOim



Rat» $1.50 per Day.

: aMlTieketsaiRtdtiiedRitBS. LadyWatbs
nm cuss Era Board. SyeelalBaM*

eelbach. of Detroit, a» secretary. After
of commltttees on resouoo. adionrament

lawyer of Detmll. erhe Is at tbe fe


ftaiement tbat this b
tbe Ameftcaa Protective Aascrtatlon tD- '
to ■ political party. A leapthy a
was dellrered by (Sdmiel 8eU<
wbleb he raid that th* two principal
parties are false to the doctrine aad
of equality and are a sUnOsg

Now lor Business!



BprtapMd. Mara.. Ang. M.—An exten-

the preeUenk Tb* man neared the prsiMem was directed to pel near tbe preB■ ban'

tbe American
ApricullurW. of
New York: the Orange Judd Parmer
Chicago, and tbe New EnpUnd Hm
aiead. of Sprtnpfirid. Uasa. tndleate*
acheme. It wae i o'clock before
(on- ibgt the food crap elluallon abread Is
sylvanla had gotten by tb* revleaing
grate ef Ohio Cemo* West.
Ohio rant* DWk
Desk •and aa her banner
<if ap­
mpared with average, li aa fol-

Awwilag lee Wile Mardee.
Green Bay. WU.. Aug. aa—JoBepfe Lerlalr
with - tbe
murd r
last Pai-

Fishing PartUe
From this date this -boat
will Dot make regular con*
nections with trains on ^ &
K. £. xFisbing parties, how
ever, cim make amngmneats
for ,the use of this handsome
yacht, by communication bj
mail or wire, with
________ LelMd. Mi^

See Dot Rew Uie
l•raPklmuB OF TBS

the Canton. O.. poet came along, abd tbe
pr«j$d*rt. riepping to tbe front of the
pUifurm. clapped hb band* vlgc
while tbe mmnben of the peel
their hats and shoaled.
At 1
prealdenl and OoVernor Black left tbe
reviewing fund Just aa the departo
of Connecttcul arrived at tbe plan
review. Lunch bbi served at-* priv
reriderce -near-hy. The departtnenc of ■
UaneihuMttj was also dlrappolnied
not SBelng the president. The slay
luarh was brief, however, and by l

“•"’“-■Sir —•






< .|be pike aiM passed under tbe traave.
with CUmmaader-in-Cblef CUrksob aM
thraa M«a WKbMt Uataa Owda
-0« their ratam Lbey ware stooped by
Oovaraor Slack and the I
(deputy sherlSe and told that they could - ffupailor. Wia, abi- M.—There I* a staff pawed ID review. Of all tbe tbi
rat pa« radar tha tramway, but must strike at tbe works of the Atteftean
vtewlac tbe prow
on* person
Wired H<m> eompaay.
The aai
ntnm to tbalr camp by eroartne a
was more ecttauiUMIc or more affreted
werkcra at tbe factory have pone okk
Sold aiM oooilac down tba railroad.
pirlnt a* tbeir tnevance that tbe i
Tbe marchara became enracad. and fbr asemeni ha* crantad employmei
.wacwverlnp to the national colors or th*
a K looked aa It tkarc vonld ba three non>nnloa ' man.
aalDiea of tb* veterana tb* prcaldeet
made for tbalr diaebarpe and refused.
vatebed tbe array eff proud veterans
; and twenty man went oak It U under­
march by- It era* eertalnly
stood that no oueetloB of wape* i*
to Inspire admiratloa. Such men as Beean by telai
valved In tb* matter. The worha
rcUry of War Alger. Oaneml Lew Wal­
aburdeem for lackof banda Tbe strlklace a?d Oraeral John Palmer walked
Dolan arr|red,abciTtly after 4 o'clock
will be plven an opportonHy to reand made a weccb to tba strtkera He <nra to work, and if tbay rofust tb* Bde by Bide wUta the pepro or tbe deraid that tba deputy raortSs bad ra manapamem will look elaawhere for as- crepit penBraer wbonT they had to asslsk
new to stop tbam from marchla
• thi/pubUc tbonmghfara as l«i
"Hurrah, hunuh. we'll ring tbe JuHh«." a voice la th* crowd Would about
and high would rtse tbe chorus for a
at tbe Palm* mlna operated t>r Pred
tiowB the road to go mdra ira ti
amd on to th* eaap. When Dolan Struck for an increase In wapes and the
rsarasd the tramway he was told iv nacrats of the cenuiaBy are here from
r and top tate band to them. jhrfPennsIrv*the dsimty ahsrtts that hc'eouldAo ra Hllwapkeelavratlpatlnp the matter
ara. dH division wab a very lanre one and
farther, and srben be wanted to knAr trylnp to l '
the ivaaon why be was told that sneft The emnloT
a move eras a vtolacion of tbe law and YLCk
tb* tnJuBcUon. TU* Dolan denied, and
tfi* arrest foUowed.' He was taken to
Washington on th* flrst tralq. Tb*
sod e

Otha aranu -laat alibt a
b» Kra. Catbartna -r. Bsivt,
limMcBt ot »aXadiaa
»a Xadiaa «( tba O. A. I
at tba iKidWtt hotel; a taoapUon I
Mra r. C. Woodley, naUonal peartdast
of tba Anny Wtata, at the Won
Union." and awMoa* raeagtIoB


Corrar of



Picture Mouldings



^ M. A K. R depot, wtabw to aanraraa to tbe puUle tbat be haa refiuodapd forslabed the Hotel Paar-

ralred that Xb* woman had requested
i -lhat In ease tff her sudden
- -'
death a Mrtrt Inveeitgatlon
Leclslr odmllted In
fforc the eonioar'* Jury that
tbey dM not live happily Wgetber.

bore better tbaa it eeer baa been befcee and earn aeeommodau Uin treeellof public la good abapa.



Mae* Lwigt CUmra »w Maaak


smuing and lirttra-hls bat t

After 1:04 lb* Washlngtnn dIvIslaB
raised and waa accorded a apeclal wel­
come by tbe president. Ihe rolotwd
crane eapedatly being recognised. -Tb*
Michigan dlvIiUonetrn.H] great appUuM
on lU appearann-. Detroit ptet especial'
ly. and the prraldeni aald to ComBander-ln-Chief Clarkson: "That la i
flne dlti.lay.- Wben Palrbank poak of
Deuall. <»m« along, Setretary of War
Alger was aeen uiRW tbe right flank of
Ihe flrvt company, marching In tbe poet
nniform. When the prealdent raw him
he lolmed him out and the aUhd
cupanis gave
round of appla
With lAtayei
General Lew
a welcome. At tbe bead of tbe Hlnnerata dlvtrion a drum corps of tbe
-oldest veterans attracted tbe ailentloa
of tbe precideet and be gave them
rpeelal rvcognltlon.
When tbe illlnols dlvUlee paowd tL.
veieran* uncovnud and waved bat* and
bands and the prealdent agala rtBng re­
turned tbe niutc by kissing his bind
them. The orders were eery strlcl tbat
the reviewing stand tbe men
•p cyee to the

the parade escaped tbe preefdenl'e at­
tention. and be laughed heartily i
corn and wheat dUplaye uf the wn
the compumemary referenes* to
perlty. It waa l.l0;«rhen tbe New Toik
eute department.^ Commander Bhsw
and hla staff, sainted the peerident aad
thelTewTotk auteveteraat began to file
by. They comprised two divisions and

Bays: Mne* lAilgl «ff Savoy and a party
of liallam reaebid tb* sumoill of Haunt
m. Tbe
*t- RiHa July « at U o'clock

Balvadisr's cengnra baa voted to adopt
a geld eundard.
Poor JnroTB were obtaliM tn the
Lueigert case yesterday at Chicago.
During July real estate transfer:
Oiicago amounted to ikSM.tOt. an
dieaae of 10 pet ceci. ever a year oj
George E. Eroshaw. of Pbilsdelphla.
fell tme tbe pool of faritlng water In the
Tellowalone pafk SBd was badly burned.
The UarrbflHd <Wla>Cbalr and HaS'
nfUEtdrlng company baa atolgned U J.
Z. Hsreh. Tbe aaaeu are tM.000: liabltltlea ni.OOO.
September wheat at Chicago yeeterday cloeed at M% centt and December
at nii cent*, while " ‘
rioeed at »% ceqia.
(lovernor Seofleld. of WIsc^Bn. baa
■ued a ...
Monday. Sept. A as Labor Day. under
the art of t
> tbe t _
Indowaiaa* araodatton.Uic latest
truak tb* mabufacturen' prlea of
will go up t per cent. Sept. I.

The Pure Juice
Boys’ Blouses
Great Cut in Bicycles frra.2«*‘itU,'TS»"ir«S
pay to Iri* at tha riagrat Hdb.


Rlirirat S

»isi (K-- «v W.11-

Bicycles to'_______

Soda Water

^ To Rent





t rajayarr-sa-"

^ g- The Best Candies
Ice Cream Freezers .Tk :
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots Priedrioh Block. v:”S«Sct!
Angus McColl
Paris Green.js’ir

B -vxE

& B. Clbb*. la Ellla bicycle

MoLoUaBB Fkrataad ^?«3l

Boben B. Burtcc. a praratoratCU _
______________________ sd to hit bom* with
eertoos Internal lajurtra rBcefved a*
a nsnit of a faO ^wn the front Btalrway at bt* rcridraec.
great applause, aad Gettysburg prak
A rabid dog ru tense In th* sNthem
of Nrw York diy. was heartily cbeered.
end ofOileago and Wt tkie* pennaa boOn aad on went tb* oriuan. aad fnr
Teea be was kUled by a bollM Cram the
an hour H waa aothlag but New
iwriver of Bergeut McNamara, of the
Torkera OrnetBl Alger Joined ibe re­
viewing party while New York'* dslo- Boutb Chicago priki statkm.
Mira Mattie MeQuade, era of the
gstlon was paasicg.
It was nearly ( o'dack wbco tb* last
Of New York sute dlvirioa. eomiw
« brigade of Hu^Sato poets, poraed___
Hand, ojid after aaarly six hoursof coariant attention the presMaai and Oovr Black were driven U tbeir hotel
amM the busaabs of tbe old ooMleiB
and tb* app^wae of tbe vast crowd.
ThroughSU a* entire day tb* great
crowd was orderly and ibtrc was ra In­
trusion von tbe preridrak The peraMeat sdimniil tbat be was tired with
tb* day'* work but pleased.
TM ckrira rarat at tb* evtatig was
«TboapOra to th* peesliint at Mrato

A U-7*ar-old son of Auguri KewntaAat WerawBC. Wis.. waa prohaWy tauUy
loJurBd by ^lag drafeged by a taam
whtra he era* dm-lng. which had hecarae trlghtoaed by a traettee eutoa.
Th* prarident has appotetod WOliasa
tL ntaimmf. «t ladiaaa. fanrarty Wltor
a»dwwrare< th* inillsrajriM Newa to

FMdltiE Farfttn’ Hotmb » 8p«eUlt7- Homs BoardBd.
g'JtLKEffB -P-gi A parx-PJA T^T.Yn




T;g« MumimiQ


»*ww«1 Mb* of tb« Of*ka«l:

IB eniUdaa tb» T«vt>lt tn tb« «w»t mlKr ^ tvo Uff brivBdM mn IkMIbb

FIim • Faiil SulM mt lIU Pndd*nt Of Thct South Amar.
k>» Ropubiie.
cLin iranE iTTEKDore A rm

UOBBI fMt vhich wu h«U bw« TMtar.
«Ajr PtMidcBt 3. ItUkrt* Borta wbb abet
Bad klUad br BO 1—bRb- Beaor J.
Xdlaru BonU «bi elactad pniBldBBt of
UivffttBy tor tbf tm axtandlBK i
MbtcA. im. to UN. lb« t»te Bt which
be wu BBCBBUBBted WM bdu held IB
cNefaTB^ of the ledOMdcaoe of Uni>
CUT. wbl^ wee adilered ob Aag. lA
The BBBBsinBUoB «f the preNdeot oc.
BBire^ >u« ee he wu JaaTliis the obUnAtbL where b te deimi bad bees subc.
n* BBUeteB WB* Bnwted.BDd IB
TMtb BBBMd Anedoedo. Pr«BMe_.
Berta «M bIbmM ImmcdUktelr «ner be
waa Bhot. Beoor CueMta. {weNdeat of
the MDBta. hB» Beamaed tbe preddmcr
«(the repehUo ed latettak
OetaeMet Atta
WBBhiagtoiv Am
Ang. N.-The morteted
pndtaBt of Urei
Bboui W
merried ead
a faniiljr. Be wu eleeicd three rean
age. belBg a eaedidatc of aereral par
Uee. Hla electloa to the chief maitletrae;
l< BBld to hare beee dlstaateful to lb
more Bdranced elemeet c€ the people.
Tbe BaaejuJaalhw of PreNdent Borta
«wt ODtbreaka In Urugnayl This wu
the eecoad attempt oa the preetdeBt'a
life, the (orifier being made ^ a eraap
atadeat named Reeeeea. After It tailed
the United Biatea minister inade-a per•ceal call on President Borta to conver
(he eoBgratulatlout of PrealdeBt Me*
Klaler ee tbe (<1111101*0 eeoape.
Bents Wes AObM tar Nb Ula
The last man adrloas reedecd bera
•bowed that tbe rePdutlOB had beaken

OamlM BoMty bMbb Ibas Bmahta
Pretoria. Aug. N.—At a meetlnr of
tb* volhsraad yesterday Pruhtent Kruger delivered e speech which Is Ukdy
to caase the grutest exdtement te
Great Britain. He snM that the retetteaa between Orest Brltate and tbe
Bontbem AYrtean Kepubllc are regu­
lated by tbe ronventlcm of fUi. Re
adtad that te Ibc convedUon of Novumber. lUI. a referenoe to thr saaatatetyof Great Britain did appcar.brit
that te tbe nrih conveitlon, of IM. not
• atngle word appeared beartog precise­
ly Upon that point, and alnre thm the
aaserataty bad ceased to exist.
This, be continued, did net do away
with tbe fact that tbe South African
BepobUe and the whole nattoo rveogDteed the oonventloo and would eodeavcri tv maintain It entirely, but
oould not recognise tbe
>lDly of
Qrsril briuln. I,tvauae


PBOTtoiTB rBuomur.

India Batter.
Simla. Ang. 2<.-Tl>c BriUah agent at
^teil. the capital of Atgbanisun. re­
ports that ibr amter brid a durbar <«onVentlon of chiefs) ao tbe ITtb t
read tbe protest of Lord BIgte. tb* ladten vtcerog. against tbe eompSetty of
Afghan suhjecu In tlw ontbceahs of the
Indten irlbefon the froaUer And then
read bis oan reply to It. foltawing this


'meiti pccuuAR

t«riMr 8iodd«fd u irrltlat a. tD>
trait tt natupul
Matte lOv tar Eohm
^0 not ACQUIREa
^TtoOmuavUl ta«« Aanren.
•*«« «aUtM “Hr. Bmdb

aWenM Be BMee-Srtata eg the B
Lota ftiUerbne rWmrwed to Ennipa
Whe Cu a Odt te gill Befb Bi
Abs. M.-TDC '
IttsfqedthtaMmts to
eg Pltafea t Ooaatitaa
caarlna and President Pattre and tbeU
BiBDaiw, IdwBtd SWTtaa
rtspeetlte taiStea witBeaMdR marta past
•■Bcir does H (e«) to rita a book! Aoiwtaa TbooBi
hat ntomed to
nai bee
of «.<M iroope at tbe Erawwe Setae
Mew fork from Ariaoaa. when be tai
camp reMwdar. As the Imperial gtiArd jsttpert*’
Many yean apo we arind Ibte ^bm- been |ettiB( local eokg tar a new pley.
pamed the grand eland the ctar cried:
-Ihank you. my men.- In the march tlQB Bf a well known loo^ rider a
Jobs J. McNaUy of tbe HcNtm Her­
pan Pitaee NapcItOB led the Curlaa-e an) BMetlng him.
ald tetworkiiw oa a eenedytar Andnw
m'II he
I. hlBMf gallofing to the troni
be enre
seiprttod when yoa try,' JJUok.^wU^ wUl be FioitaBd early to
isthereidy. "Tbe emasb ofhit hoofs ,
rcmklys meg* aew tony tooBtittad
BkiB of the march put a mUlUry talasd tSTneSS to
looe aseeaded, beaitng the InacriptloD: prtii^. It eomo. like a pistol taoL
"VIee ta Pmnee. INT.** Lpst cvealiic and it's Moacb to make yoor ja** orack. tm ynOtkion In PUladelphtoeariy
the emperor gave a banquet to U.
pert waifa
Paure. H. Fhtire toasted ibe Rutaan of right aitogetber. betweeo hii tan
iwd Job is wbea be goes ,
nary and the tear the Prench anny.
fc kRd' eatefa his
TwiMyeweWaaeaBIOsd. .
* d^-^rnHf yon stick
Madrid. An«. ».-rwefitr womra were
killed yetaerday by an aeddeat to an to bto (ben. yoa'n ItakyJt be doetot '
apparatoa ueed for ralstag water at work tbe eeddle crer b^ad.”
*'Ton don't aean wilboot bceaktog
Heeeado, provtnde of Valeada. on tbe
Ibe gUibri" we eselaimed.
Uoooata tlrw.
"Oertoialy," be replied. -Aikeay
tou who bes tookee wild bonw whether
a bad eoe can’t-totopMt of tbe saddle.'
n rit him
im ti
till: tbe third 'back.'
let me aay that yoa don't always
Mia deSenoB Darla Mra EUubetb gw to the third."
As we hare ait (shd also bran thrown)
Cady Btanioa and other sotabk Atner*
kan mosica nrglog clcmeacy (or the by back Jnmpers sinoe then we oan inyoung girl. BvangeUne Ctado Clsneroa. done Borceerredly every word of this
tnrareerated at Harana by tbe Spanleb aatbority on tbe nblect. To say one is
miltUrT ButhoHilea and who. It wa» re­ •wprised is a mild term to employ. On
ported. wu to be exUrd to tb*
tl penal oar Ant attenpl oar i;hirf utoi i«hineDl
■ ■ .......................
li ifirk to
colony at Ceuta. Africa, tbe realdeot I ***
SMBlsb Alnlsier. Dupuy de Lmae. bu
tbe gmind after tbe borm Ugi
d a letter to Hra Darla giving
tbe oOrlal Spactah verrioa of tbe amm
Many who know anything of riding
of the young Cuban and tbe alleged to this (SO called) brave loving .uiaticw
nawae for her detention and prapmed o( oan will think thry bsve ridden a
"bock" oflua and tequiie do infonaa
Of the nnb of tbe matter De Ixune tloo 00 tbe sabJeoL Be assn red. bow■aya; The InformaUuD . received fnau
r, trader. 4bat it 1s as
Cuba by the S
_ _
thing. We here kaown men wbo
laid before her majesty, and that hu
been transmitted to bm by cable, ebewa hart broken berses 00 eolooial cattle
in my ortclon. that a shamel«to coe- •tolioufot ao years and have am
tailrmtlon to promote tbe Interest of one toes a real back jampw.
or Btore sensational tripen ie at tbe bot­
A leano for this is■ tbe
t faM. Wbieb
tom of the romaace that hu touched
your good bean. The tacts show that
Mias Evangwme Oondo CUaeros lured
may rear and fall back oo-bls
te bet house tbe mlUtary commander of
tbe Island of Ploea and had men c«e- fMw, or bemi^jc^l on tbe graand and
cvaled tn It who trltd tu
Mbt nnpJeaMnl and sot to
•ndeddnaohild'e pony, lor
r fr^ b«
I and being tawtabce). hot if he baaa’a got tbo right
■«y tei^ trunsponed
to a penal aHtle- kwad he wUl never •’tmek."
In Atrtca. rise hu oot been tried;
tbe public ptueecuior bu not pel pre^ torioM about bone* te toat baek Jumpecs which are exhibited in publte. like

the yeer as a result eC the rrvoloUea. The last Issue of the Montevideo
Times reewred here states that tbepreaMeat remalaed away from the state
house te evMeai fear for his life.
ly dlapowd of.
BmelWtaaaiy Cttab WUl BomM.
. At tbe same time a "colsrado'* or
very eaay to proTc.
Juau of those seeking to overthrow the
ul croermL or any of
•govemment bad esiabUsbed active op- tbe foreign consuls te Cube wuiliig to
watloos at the capItaL The asaeaateathm of the prraident do«btl<os will bring
the otrantiT to a rrvoluttatiarr crl*s
a bad beentoughL
g the ad▼antagr. There Is sn rniguayan lepreaeautive la Washlagtoa.

moom, fmday. auovsi s7. i«9t.


ooe wbo hu broken boraee will know
that in tbeir wild Male ttiiT rrqein ao
' toetructioB wbaievec in this diierOeta
Tbe wbede art of bruaking ooarislB to

«• of the world. Time there U taooey.
e humanity
^ ft»nd for
instmd of b
B by the yard (bariag poaribly i
of «
I Ikclr usual slanderous tnetbuda*'
j before), rtgwd ajx east, aud while
I D Lome adds Chat tbr queen regent -be is
00 tbe gronud...................................
n anddle arid bridle
auums him that she a III give tbe gtrl't are worked oo to him. A rough rider
e all ^blr coaridertaUn* when It 1, put np. ha drirw tbe spare weU
pomes before b^.
i borne, aad (here yon bare a
back Jumper (or lifa
Boltecd. Mkb.. Aug. M.-The poputa-' ■
yootmlf to tbe borm'a plaee. aad
tlou of tbe quaint old town, uwetber ; y«a will hardly wonder at iL He is by
with sereral hundred visitors from -Wls- Pattre (nartaidiy nervoua, aitd man is a
censte. .{pwa Nn> Toric. New Jersey.! thl^ alraut unkoosm tiU bow. H»e
ts and other stataa bocrid blaek object oe bis baek te to
I him tbe foal Eeiid ineamale. and tbe
begto to this country I *“ Anitralia it omd to be no wnw
the great Dutch begiia
king I
a wbo bad aeott
te 1*4:. The town wu gnly decorated
te liooeir of tbe vlslora tbe Intertwined to oell goth

Urtiitn Hdiiii
^..TruiBrUttN C«.

fpOB^T-T^SOoJ nsus oT. M

oowo robtb.


■f^lisT-imosritoe tel pis, wsarsrlue OP
1j taxth tUsri. Ptedsr Wl culw a tasot
helmTlust kanoaixrito. «.a*

• at ass,;;;;:;..; ••~6cMSos^r~



r ut|


^gMLoeg wwo j^as^.-atyte •nrr


Ob UbssvsvS cKy pfessfly.
PA>OM:ia • OBOTBBB.AWoemei


Dttlem be was a ttot dam rider tbe
ezperiouoa of the buyer on moonting
him neat day Woald be both unexpeotedanduxbUnruling.
Wbo an tbe btto riders to the world?
The AatoaUans say tbey.ate, and they
d bymoatoompetootjudgtt.
South Amerioans claim to he aa good,
aad they are oertainly good riders but
Bot toacleatiSe. They are aattetad U
they can stick ou and even Mart to
pattiBf tbe spurt bMweeo the girttafoc


II Waw pnriar ear laavseJ^(>mo4 Baptm at U; iS a. ■


.3» „ ,
’f.'Sh—Honey to I.oan





»r Cemll le MaaMm.

East £ad Xltaicaa 8iL

I esa-s


«• late sdsM isatay. Jnhe a, BN,
allrila'clseha m.




.Youp Choiee.

Building Lots

Tbe tough rider wu hotatod up. a
, u,,' tbo ^ wcBt^tto^ bis mperulru
•aether tadtaettam fer twenty (our l«ate OOatOCfioua. buiag orttsionally Imdied

weather, fdbo ed'by ebowete tmtsht; tsU
—------------»•--------- taNpteei "pJaytoB ap" were (for the
.nttwei nutwaru-rlnaa-temior-lkiMbciag. ot mine) out (d tbequangaconlsrtin gkUeeutbraaSrrty wteds. I tioiL Tfau mark of tbe Buddie ITM polMudoutas iBTwf poeitive that beeould
be ridden, aud be changed barnla. guar' -bonoghJyqutetaad bcokwto

o.LLoogwooo o.p:£.oS5nn.'s«ir*'

Chicago -x
West Miclilgan


r~—~'-r loHwb. J«mt.WaWira». ta-tt , *

_____ brtWjto^

Houses and Lots


fr i.

” riidssr

J'or All Casb or Low for
Part Cash

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