The Morning Record, August 08, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 08, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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MvxaxAX. «An&


"^Plrtt Year-No. 83.




with a cacltalofatybtaf hk oriytoal
fottM, m»d« blB as uespMted tUit.
poem*, whi^ arare yraatiy appnelaat bto office to
.city, ramalnlnf a
tod. Mka Photo and Mn. Utaay aaMopteofdafa Proa Ibat tint Toiter
JOBXPB PABOST OP BZX BAP. ntrer beard from him aaUl be raeeivod XXPBOTBD ZXPOBXAnOH OP alstod to tba aatartalamaat with planelay mnoiaal aelaotlog*. Baa. Tkdpp k
the beppr aeira
obUyad to nUyn bk pastorale baoauto
The letur aUo atotea that
of lU health. 'He will laaaa boob for
Attoekad Xaat Vlpbt Voar Bart Bay waa aa aooantric indirMlaal who Urad
aloaa aad bad no blood belra. He waa
to Plum Oraak Ihetrict—darerel OUando.
COhiil of Poltoa lUBBta aad Oadva peddler. Mr. Taraer wlU leara «>Brawta Already Bopentad j»d a
abarUTAabmi SatferrorMde<i«Da
aiybt for Cbicafo to aaeare bit toOM X«akad W
Ua Oaac Bat Wlt8e«t I
PUtabery. A«(- 7 —Thraa camp* ba- J. K. watts VuTopoa Hm Bow
lome E. Tamer la a brother of O.
Boouby Tnwday.
alayad tba Da Armitt mtoea. Tba
. Pardaj of O. Taram. of Traratae CityJ. M. Watts waa to the city yaatarday
are raatlnc. pandlay detatop. Blk Bairidt oaat drirtap tote lb# dtp
amplaUay amacamaato for tba openmaata. At no Ua*a baa
at a re^ rate from tb* aeateni alda
been ao critical, bat no ooa who ba* lay of hk aaw Lalaad Point Boial,
Ba aoarht Chief of Miea Baaato and
to tbe diatrlci aTeiy day a^oa^ * bleb WiU ba formally opaaad Tuaaday.
reported that ba had baas “bdd Bp”
ceacamaal of tba marcbeb:^ ba- This will add aaotbar attraction to the
by a taap of half a doaan boboa,
Varaataia. .
Uaraa that tba mtoen wUl ba drawn already popular raaort. Mr.'Watu will
Beet Bay.
Imat alrbt Uia roraeton oontii
tolo tba fifht.
When tba trouble hare a eompatoat maniyar at tba hotel
Mr. Paday waa drirtop back to Blk their work oa praparaUoa of tbalr bl*
and wUl ylf« It hU penoaal auparrlsooiaaB. It wlil not ba balwaaa '
Bapida ftaa hara whan tbe fans tbraaAaTa’ oalabratloa aad dadlcatloa,
toa. U ha* been comfortably funkbad
atrlkan aad Bayroea la tba camp
•praap out of tha beabaa oo tba road- The coBunlttaca ware bard at work all
Dally, who are employed aa the PilU- aad wUl ba a walooaia retreat for raaide aad told him to ataad aad daiirar, day and laai eraainy yeUtoy dalalla arbuy ana Baaaamar nUroad.
Tba •orun and finbiny parUea
ae to apaak. Mr. Phrdey to BOt aaaily rasyad, aad batora Tbaaday*'moratcy
«a will ba dnwB to quaU tba
tottmldatad. bpt ba kaowa eaoaph sot aaarytbtoy will ba to raadinaaa for a
trouble aad n thraa-ooraarad fiyht 'te
.to tOBaaltoaachafaaf aa wca pra- yraad aaneeaa. The work of daoototlon
Pnak Eafka aad Oaorya Doyla left
aapaelad. In the Bayro eampdaprarad
aantad oa ibb ooeaakw. Tberateca ba will ba fiaUhad tomorrow aad the dadOB their taadam for CharlereU at t
aad woman are toyatbar to tauto
Aid aot ataad aad dallrer, bat made a ieattoa promlMa to ezeaad the moat
aod hut* where aTaiyoae baa to apeak ■o'clock tbk montoy.
^d break to aaoapa, which be ane- aaayalaa aapeetatloBa of the amml
easy. They bare tarrorlsed tba oomTbaatoamarOraaoant wUl take tba
caadad toi ddap. witbVfieally. iboopfa
lUBity. ShooUny affray* are almoal a axcuniaa to Mamh-ta-waam and OmaBaaifailif attaaapto wara mada to atop
dally oceuraaea. The atrlkan' camp aa today, to alaoa of tba OedumbU
him. Ha whipped ap hU bom and
k aaparatad from the BeyroaB bf a which torn to Ch
dariied away ano aaoeaadad to raachtof
road. Already tbara baa baaa aareraJ
Boboa Oommlttad
Tbe - fin nala " etotUar bm pUd tbe
toawU between tba partir* Tbe no- judymeat of fill nodarad i«atoBt him
tba a A W. B. Tarda
Wbaa ba told hla atory to tba chief of
yroaa are walktoy anaaak aad
la faror of Prank Fnalaad, wbo bonybt
TaataHay aftaraooa Jamaa Kekoa.
pdUoa. that ofieial to eompany wUh
atrlkan kaea ao waapona
a BBlt of elotbm then wkiehdldaotfik
TTndaiiWir Aahtoa aad Mr. Parday ayikt of tbe C. A W. M., died a oonDe Armiu aay* that ba kaa outwitted
Tba amonlaa to Cbarlarolx. via tba
dfva* back to the aoaoa of tba bddtop. plaint wieb Chief of Poltoa Banala
the atrlkan and that at Ua Pli
a abaap and dabet epoB arHrtop tbara ao alpaa of tba that boboa bad been maktoy too tree Creak mimt theca are »17 man at work.
UyhUsI trip oa tba hay. The reuad
Mb^wrtilifr-Tf Mr, Ponoa of with aoma of tba can at the railroad
The atrlkan are atUl waieUay for ito
wlUba but Moeata and the boat
Bay waa drirtoc bahtod Mr. Paroapacted Importatioa af aayro mtoan
will toara bare at 7:S0 tbk moratoy.
broken open and a qaaatdty
•diky wbaa tbe aUemat to atop him waa
from Wmt Vlrytala. The aflort to
made, and aaw tba whole perlanaaaea.
eandy stolpB.. Tbnm^ aiybt
Ooa of the wtodowB to Flatehar'a
tbe coal miaara to tba ooka re: bat tba boboa dUappaarad wbaa they aaotbar oar Waa aatond bet
yton to strike kaa failed. OopUaof the Ootumlaaa tmtauraat k ambaUt
Kabaa eaold dad aotUay af i
Daiformity ayreamaat are now to tba ritb a flaa aaw abow oaaa It's
mi^ay. There bare bean traaapa
yama for balp to eatek tbam.
of arary operator to tbe dktrict team of yood tUaya would cuusa jsa
Wkatbor tba yany knew that Mr. i.«,yi«y ^hoat tba yarda aa
apican to atop aad woadar. aad drira
for alyaaturaa*
Pardy had a tocye aum of moaay wUb daya. Laat alyht tbaobtef of pcdioe
a huayry Biaa toaaaa.
aollarad ow dlmepatablc epaetman wd
him la Mt kaewn. bat ^t
Tbara wW ba a layular maaUay of
bad aomaldwaMa eaab aboet hit paaaom.
I hfaa o^of town ea a double
Duebam Camp No. tt4S Modan Woad■AftavaaaazcAfor-traeaa af tba yaay qaiek. Thera |ra aoaaral more who Bade It Baoaaoary to Bead to OadlUae
of America to MoiOrnyua haU Mon­
Mr. Pardy drore aloay toward* borne, are »«-<"y walcbod aad will ba wmraad
day aiyhk AU mamban are requaated
for Aaotbar.
batBotbafoaababadflUed Ua pocket to make quick traeka
Taatorday aftonooa tba mfety tuItb to be preaaat at e o'eloek sharp, as
aad aappllad hk bayyr with a aoaMda
WiU be work to both
btow out OB G. R. A 1. anytoo No. 1.
arabla qoanUty of yood alaad atoeea
wbkb makm the na from karatoWal' Woodenfv
wUab ba toUndad to aaa aa waapoM
Good Tampian Praaaatod Blm Aa ton. U wn* aaoemary to naad to.
Gulok Batuna.
ApptoprUM Gift Laat Viybt.
lUnc for aaotbar enytoa. Altbouyb a
aadrartkamaat to tba BaoonD yoakla kpoelmaaa of bampa aboet tbe olty •Laat amaiBy.. WIU Gabel, wbo ba* quick run was mada tbe aobatltaie did tordsy to a purohasar for a bourn and
BOt yet ban untU aa boar attar tbe
aaaaral dayaaad tba ofloaia are keepdortay tliraa tana* bald tba offioa of time far tba tnto to leara. thus oana- lot, bronyht ImmMiatc roturns and belay e aloaa watck naoa them aad aavCUal Ttmplar of Trarana City Lodya. toy a delay of }ut that lanyth of Uata. fon BOOB the deal was made aad deads
aral hare baaa warned to leare town
sfsrrad. Thk was accompUsbsd
No. 4Sl. 1. O. O. T.. »faa boaocad to a
dnrtoy tba imat week.
by SB torestment of 15 eeats. wbioh
fitUny manner by bk fallow lodya
mamban. After the totullatloa of ofW. C Nelson, editor of tba Lealaaan k s practical erldaaosof (he raise of
"want” dapartmant of tba pape^..
flaan be was prtaaatad with a beanttwaa-to tba city yaatarday.
^aoob Bofli'a Bon ta Bafh with Hia fol aad raluabla. aoUd yold. baadromeIr anaoMlad aad ohaaad watch charm, Bcreral week* trip to Nawayyo aad
Jacob Befli'a boy. who waa rapewtad amblamatie of the order of Good Tamp- aoBtben Mieblyaa.
¥he Opening
The preeantotloa ^taaeh was
Mr. and Mn. Ctaraaoe Rama bare
to yceterday moratoyk RECOKDhamte- lara
..of ^he..
lay.yraaaoUoaUoBy. bat waa plekad made by Alban Ofay, to wwda apimo- ramorad to TbompaonriUa whata they
«p by bla yraadfatber. Badolpb Boff. prtotoly eboaae aad Mr. Uobal raspood- wUI anyaya to bnstoaaa
Laoaldna'B. Dark aod wife, of Onad
onhkwayto tba depot Friday. Mr. ad faaltoyly. Tba yifl w»* praaaatod
Baff B^laetad to aoUfy hayoBc of tba to babalf of the lodya mamban to boo- Rapldn. arrirad at Park Piaaa ymtmAay
-fact, and a aaarck waa kept np all tbe or of tba totoraat Ulna to tba work by OB tbalr way to Na-ab-to-waata. .
Him OUla Imelbara wbo baa baaa
atUmoon and araainy. Chief Rmnla Mr. GoUa and for bk aDaryatic work.
aiao mada prepatoUoaa to dny tba bay •hick ha* laryaly been lantnmaatol
yaataeday. A ielapboaa maiiaya to to maklisy tbk tba baaaar ladya of
and Mn. Fred Baddaa aad
Elk Rapid* yo*terday raridao tba re­ Mieblyaa. Tbe lodya now aumbma
mamban aadiaatUl yalatoy aad danykter, Bertha, rode orar to Old
port of tba boy'a aafaty. ■
MkaiOB ywierdayforatewdaya* rlMt.
Bally Day Ooi
Tba Ohara k of ualqna dealyn. toQhaa. E Taylor retunad yaatarday
There wUl ba a maatiny of tba Run- aeribad upoa oaa aide, >‘F. B. C.” tba from Kalkadm. where ba baa baaa
day Bckool Rally Di^ oommltiae Mon­ lalUalaottbaobJaetooftbeorder. aad opaadlay a few woaka with Us' parita
day alyht to the offlea of B. W. Baot- upoa tba oUar. -Wimarn Oobal. Chief
Templar, IW.”_____________
Mn. E Gore has raturaad to bar
toy* for tba purpoae of parfaetiay (
home la Old Mteton. after oaranl days'
aral dalalla of tba proyram All are
WILL PBTITZPM THB OODBOII.. rkit with bar dauybter. Mn. Tom
raqaaatad to be pratapb
Imoat Kat^aata laalst Vpoa
Mka LlUiaa Sbarmaa. who ka*
foroamaat of Ordlaaaeaa.
Kaatotaa Will Ba Bora Por Throe
to Lookport, K. Y.. to aararal yean,
Wad ac Cracker Jack
aa mettAaata of tba olty bare arrirad yaatarday to rkit her aktor.
Soya Naxt Weak.
dmwB up a patltioa which will yo to Mrs. WlUlam Shear.
The MaaUtaa Colta wtU ba hara tor
only drawback being
the oouneli at tU aaxt maatiay. pny'
S. E Ckafield has retanad from Cbrthree yamaa with tbe Buatiara duriof
1^ for tba anforoemant of tba erdl thmto. V. Y.. where ba want to aattla we could not wait on all (he
tba Poraalara' dadioaUoo aalabratton.
naaoe ratoUre Itoaaitoy ttlaarant tba aetate of Us yraadfaibar. BU fam­
The following -remark
Tuaaday. Wadne*day and Ihuiaday.
marebaatn. The paUtkm racitoa tbe ily acoompaUadUm.
Tba Butlan are ayato to abapa to play
was made by many at our
raaaat nelloa of tba oosadl. also tba
Mka OUre Rotbfus. who baa been
yood IM and will play hard aad ei
torma of the ordlnaaae which firm fit auytoy with the family of CAarlm store: “That’s the kind of a
mtiy ta win. Tbe Colu are tbe etronypar day for thirty days aad »» per day
to aoma nontbs. leftyastor- sale 1 like to attend."
MttodapaadaalayyrayaUouto Mlehttboroartar. not axeaadiay to aU fitoa day to bar borne to Au Sable.
fan. with the pomlbla aaeeptloa of tba
nine stuff-—this is no'fake and
Tbs doeumeat k alyuo* by a larya
Mn. E M. MulUkaa aad danyhter of
HafUera. and tba yamaa wiU ba
number ol tba baarioat toxpaylay
DatrolL and Mra' Fred MUUkda of 8L if you are not suited you get
hlood. Maolatoa wua from tba I
^aato wbo axpaet that tba souaaii Jmapb, WON tbe rurats of Mia. M- E your money without a kick.
P. M. warn of •eaytoaw yaatarday, fI
wUl ylra head to tbalr paUtiou.
Aitoiybt Friday aad Saturday.
Sale will condnue until further
Mim Baaa Wood of Watt Srranth
WA3RBB-BOBB BOBBB BAOBB. atroaL k aalarmlainy MUs Clara notice.
Fowla. who k atoaoCT^bat totboofBioChar ^0.0. Tuner Tnllo Bair Bhaar BoOey Makm Good Bayftaa of OoL M. A. Aldrteb. to Onad
oca acirn von
MaakarM- MIcb.. Any. 7.-Attor»ay
Elmar MoCoy arrirad borne, with E
Mr. aad Mn. ThobdoraOrr of Spar­
Jerome E Tuner of tkU Wty ha* baaa J. Maryna’a tael paciny mare Bloyela ta. nia. arrirad to tbarity yaatarday
aoUdad by May A Cadarwood. a tow Girl and MdMaaua Bnn.* Arbutan. yea- to opsad tba ramalndar of tbs aammur
firm of Okloai^ that ba baa fallen hair torilay. Baaxpraaad Unmall a*yroat- with tbe family of tbsirdauyblar. Mr*.
ta dTS.OOo, aecordtoy to tba prori*'
Ij plaonad with tba work of both F. A. Dean.
of a will mada by WlUlam Seymour of hornaa. Now Elmar k tryloy ta yet
Mn. MsBatb and dauyhtar aud Mn.
Uia Kenwood areaua. aad filed to tba tba lomi boieaman toyatbar and pnU wypon and son of Indiana, wbo bare
Sattoyau court to that city. Tbara te off soma mattoaaa bare baton ba yoa* baaa rklttoy Mn. M. P. Boras, rrili
.a auvy to coanaetlaa with tbla aurpria- away an tba faU cdrcult. Tbua U Itaas thk moratoy lor ChartoroU.
lay wiadfaU which Taraar raiato* a* plenty af yood material ta Tm
wbaro they wiU ocaapy. tbalr aummer
aty aad there baa bean aoma yood oottaya to the remalader of tba
Dariay tiw.Worldb fair bawM walk- raaaa bafara. aad they nbcmld prora
lay alcmy Clark ntraat wham to aaFLBABABT EBTEBTAIBBBBT.
ODoatorad aararal potloa offieara (a«myOUoace-ICaAat.
yliay wltk aa old rnaa. wk^^toy
Olaaa for Bauafit Bar. Xta J. Tripp
Chloiyo, Aoynat 7.—Wheat—AuyuaV
aaoeaadad to pnttlnc to a patrol wayob
Good goods at Low Prices
aad taklay to the ntaUan. Mr. Tnraaa', 7tHo: Saptombm. »Hc; "
Tba bauafit ytraa la tba Daltad
TCMd^TtKo; May. 781<e.
(or tba BoraltT of trylny a oaai
rriday Blyktln honor
Oenr-Awsat. MKci
(Bwayo. dafaadad tba old rnaa. w
of Aa raUitay pastor, Bor. Irs J.
aaoM waa WlUlam Seymour, yratal- teHo; Daoambar. MKeTripp.
taoatly. and yot Urn aoqaittaA
Soon Woodward aoatrlbaAbout a year aftw tbto oaomt tba lOHc: Oetobar, 17M«17Ma:


OM Stl is Roistin|».



T. J. Host’s,

(4.33, H98, $5.39

Crash Hats,to dose......29c

aU ama. whom Taraar tod alatPBt for.

«ad tba yioator portion of tbs prefram..



■ .jut'.

Pedple in certain sections of the country, bot
neither he nor our enstomers ever roast ns.
We turn out only the. best picture fran«s.


- M. B. HOLLEY, MsiMiemii-

Accident Insurance


Is a good thing. Commence by buying at *
our store and. insure yourself against iU' •
ferior goods and higher prices.

■♦—aa——aaaaaaua»#a—a ••••—#

These Prices
Should Interest the Ladies.
Silk Waists

Shirt WaisU


AU aaw.—Mo.. 4«e..
7»e., »Sa aad SLiS.
Valomara—WCL, Tto,
Si.U. Sl.-n, SAM to

Ladies' Suits—Skirts—Gapes
AND children’s JACKETS.
What we have left will be almost g^en away, to make
room for fall styles (bow arriving.)

Come in and see them.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

To the crippled condition of
the times we consider it our
duty to inform you that,
quality considered, our........

flour is the cheapest you can


Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in evetything in bur New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—alwars fresh. Salt Meats.



If You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond with.
the Traveree City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Hank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including » Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill PIant for sale.
Said to be the-

.^Jest Man’s tUO Siiov
On earth. We have it! Ladies'. Misses’. Boys', Youths' and
Childs' Waterproof Shoes just in.
Toa CUB AJwuya tm OAST at^

T.. J.
Populay dothlar.


Tmot. T. Ba»*» ato 3. W. B4X«nJ. W. Bahx««..B«»w -a

Cm OaectAvea


Oou> eeekere seed mat oaaftae 'tk^
M^uantokle^ Eaportaara re«aivad that dkeovcrlea of fraaV rlebce
kare been made la
vldally of tbe
Sea of Okboiek. in Atia and tliat fabo
loto wealtk U belM aaaartkad on tbe
iumtnm'* of Kamlkatka. It wmj ba
latartotlng ako to know Abat tke reoeatdtacoTerieabaTe bean deolded to
be amoaj a ebaln cd awonlnina m''
are la tbe »ame feaaral Uae ot a
Uim of «bleb tka Alaekaa cold Aalda
tonnaFart: Ibkk ekaartnc tfdlnra
Tboae wbodo BotfindaaaoMilnkl
aan keep ricbt on kavaUnt and are
aare to etrike it rlek la tiate.

having held Important podtiau la
nepport of Mr. WHlnrd, Mr. Crane,
Mka Mather, MofUeaka aad otheratan.
a^ Dwight Smith. UM USewerDMrttoKambarThread) of
Aaffut 7. -QalM a awof Daly> eompaay. tealk MMktove of
mUos hM 4***lop*d la
Salvhdb eompaay. Mr. Hatbewe k aa
«lw oT«rtbaicportttataiaa.I. Marrt ewordamaa. In tact, he k
Mdtkna TMia afo
1 to be droeraad, k
aUea. Tbaacaat«(» >< .
- ____
Prank UnOMy and Btopken Oane are (I) and part to be paid team the Goatkat k iatmatod la «ba mm,
all good men who have raoelrad a tbortapM the labrmattoa tkat Vartla k
o«gh tralniag la tka beat oompanlee.
dkgmma. plane and eetialive aad vrU) be breafht to ttk city
M. C. Bowen k tbe ^togn-'topnager. mataa of eald praposed mala aywer are
la tear or fire weeka. Sotoe ot the
OB file and open for InraeMon to the
The faot that he wat the pekt tae offioe of the Cty Clerk of Traveree aty.
—>r tke aoMBtof tke
yean la a Hka poeltlon wlth].Abea k Mlohigan.
pollake after kk <
The Board of PnhUb Worka of eald
proof othk worth, dlthoogh Mr. Bow­
otkera lafoeed to da to.
en k bat thirty yean of age he hae Cltf wiu meet at tke Clto Oerkh oBee
OD tetordH. Aagate 14th. 1897. at 7:80
been on the etoge fur twee^ yean. o'oloek P. M.. aod^oktoderanyeefgm
Thk company b oertalnly the flaaet kmc or obketiottB that may be mmia by
W. B. Bart Honored by Xmeal Sma- that hae ever reached thk dty. Mr. arUe* totormted with rcapeot to aad
Barth keen knowladga of the pttdm- ropoeed Btain eewer.
bear Xkamatlo Xalaet.
Dated Aageet Ttb. 1897.
Auwp W. Bkuhd.
Uai year H. & Hart, fim yooaf ac­ doa enahlea hlmto
a oompaay that k eeeond to lark of Btmrd ot Publk Works of the
tor who k to preeent three romaOe
Uityof Treveteeaiy, Mlehlgan.
diamae U Stotobers'e Qiaad tkk weak,
here ^hd-witb the emktanee pt (one of tha mut widely kkown manaVotiee.
Tiareree Cityb beet local talent, pro- fere in Amerlen.) k aleo a Arm ballever
itod the “Henehbaek.’* The ^y In everythiag being of the very fim
To Whom r Mat Coxennn—In pnrwae an ariUUc eneoeM and thatUe of order aod a* he k the flaaneUl faetor enanee to an act of the legktotore of
trltodahlp termed betweaa Mr. Bart with Mr. Hart'e company what be eaye Mlehlgan. 1 hereby warn all paraoaa
and the Udke and renUemea who k adhered to or to nee eommoo phreec- engaged to aeUlag U«aor that I ahall
termed tbe eaet have been laeUn(. ology “What he eaye goee.” Tbe ward­ rigidly ealoree the tow regarding the
The return of Mr. Bart yave an oppor- robe of Mr. Hart and hk entire eam- eale of totoxkeUsg Ikiaare to Indtona.
tanlty for a pleatont reenloa. which paay k vnlnad at not leae than eU In thk r^ard I call attention to Aet
wae yivsB laat evealay at the home thooaaad doUara. It k a worthy era- toUbe. Beetkm il. of the capptoment
of Mn. J. B. McrUa on Haehlnrtoa pany and a worthy etor.
of HoweU’s Anotated Sialetee. IM»—
etreeL Mie. Martia eaaaad to be ewved
1890, whkh rend* toimrt at followa:
SIX vieViMA OP TKK Piftfi.
It ehali not be towfel for any pen
WueaM to the
except a dreggkt, wbo ehall be gov­
lakeaaeaa ot tbe -Handbaok*’ aad OaneCObv
emw Dtm et tto ■meimt erned by eeeUen 8 of thk aei, to eeU,
Cbicngo. Aog. T.—With th* death oC tnnkh or give any eplrltaoBe. malt, or
Charkea W. Codvrey et tbe bamxiel yw- brewed, fermented ar vtoeoe* tqi
tardar tbe Um of vletune of the Ore aad or any benrege. Uqaor or Uqeids
ttplomaB ot the Nerthweatare elevator - Intog 'any epteibwea. malt, bre<
rmantod or vtoaons lloeor to
featarea, and the gathering proved aatremely pleaaant to Mr. Bart had hie
to any pereen to the habit of getting
totoxknred. nor to any Indton. nor to
Ny buratd beforv
B of Indtondaaoenv
fan. pipetoan enetar
OacAB Smreox. Sheriff.
» Mra. Martin. Mkeea cob 3. Bchcer. plprnms
. CapitoU Vadar. Oer- No. 1: Jacob F. '
to TPattr O
. Ella BtalBharg, Lottie throwD kto the river end drowned:
The BM of water tor eprinkUng perHBvUand; MMra Leon Titea.
Tbammi MaeaghaD. driver for Chief
k. by oar relee. eenfined to the
Qatto. P. e. OUbart. with Mr. Bart ta Bwenle. cot nma etoot the cxptoeloa. poace
aod ti k beHevad k berkd to the rntoa hour* of I a. pa. and 8 a. m.. ako t p
theUUerola. Tboee enable to be '
There k ervat prebebUliy that tbe
eatlaetnlgbt were Mr. Gilbert and deatb n>n wlU be toetcamd atiU furthkr *%?ptora^bere water k teond mo­
Mteto Sngaeand Btolnbarg. bnt add­ by Uuv«. John Hampa has net meeh ling eoBtrmry to thk rtUe will he abet
iff-eaoapt whei
ed to tbe eompaay were Mre. eatoe and loDcer to live. H* wee watebtog the fire ■een granted.
when B limber Mmek blm oo tbt bead
bare ekter. Mke Bvana
B. D. CAwanx A Soxa
Polyclinic boepitot.
nmy recover,
but there U Sight hope, William Ranley. plpeman of ei
eogtoe crapeny Na A
HUMa Ordered to Paliport, O., to k Just as near ddeath. Tbv
were ride by Sdr wbec they were Mraek
Bnbdne BteMoa Strlkere.
by the tolllDg briefc* and burned by (be
lambaa. Ctoio, A^. T.—CdptolB Sieet of fUme. UoBaghan’s bat' was
Barrowe of On. M. Fifth O. S. O. et
Painetoille. wired ddjetaat Gen«al
___________ .TeeCMan Cbe’tkee.
dpllae that he had beea ordered by
the mayor of Fdrpert to report to blm
Cbkage. And. T.~Leag«e base taaOiee(w dety at one o'clock tbk afteraoon. ird* yesterday: At Rrooklyn-Weahtog.
It k evideaUy cm aeooent of tbe ore
el Boetofr—Belitmore
lambme.Aeg 7.—depcdal to tbe
D^toh from PalneevUla Ohio, eaye: Chkago-Oevetond A Chicego
iMatrtal. enteaob- gnarael—4at‘The mUltk oempany left here at noon
Weeteyn Leaner: At Grand lUptdnfar Fairpmt, etoen allee north. There Pt. PeuI 4. Grand ItopKk i: et lodkaapelle-Milwaiikee L. Indtoeapotk «: at

:Delrt>lt-K*DMr 'C1t>- A Detnrtt IT; at

At. Steinberg's . Grand . Opera . House. ,

Sat laa




It baa been a loan ttaa oocalnt. knt
at laat Ocand Bapida kaa a market eita.
Grand Ba|dde k aontantet larnr '
Traveiae a^. bat tbe axparienee of
-aha Valley City »1U Inaplra hope that
In time tbk dty aaay be favored with a
market ette. too. at aeaae dktant day.
Bet we eannot have market altaa.
water workeand rahlle parka aU at
onea dll thieve came to him who
Ikn bnlUon valM o< dmi
doUnre k qnolad la tke Utoat i
teperta u being Jaat td* oanta.
to not likely to be li
i; in toot,''that rate k
aaie to be redneed yet lower wHkla a
akart time. Thk doee net preeent an
'nMonmglng fatare for the tree allver
BnoounAoine repcwte regarding ftae
acopa of all kind* Is the Ormad Tteverne region are eomlng In daUy and tke
toeal merehaato are already expiarieaeteg a rerival of baeiaeee which ehowa
tadkatloM of oontianetloa.
•iTOa By Mra. W. O. Holden At Pofe
rieoe iMt Vl^u
Om of tbe moet.delMtral eoekd
•venu of tbe eammer nieciw wne given
at Perk Piece leet night. The epaelom
parlon of t^e botol were fbtonged
erllk local eodety people, rw
from TraverM Beaeh and Edge,
evoed and tbe gaeate «f tbe
heL d portion of ttm evening wne
Aevetod todnaelBg In tke large dlaroom end cnrde were Indalgod
to in the parlon by thoee whe did not
•nra to dance, tke gnmto eejoylng
•Itonately tbe eodal emeeemenu pro­
vided. Ma^ we* fnmkked by ProfMOV Marttagfa end Sterna The
faiiy WH emaged by Mra. W. O. Bol-


'W. S. HART ,r


------HTOPPOBTED by-

Miss Constance Williams


Watereil Staclt Sala
—.t The Boston Store.

Gyde Oners LookHere!



The reputation of the Peerless Manufacturinf: Co.
for making 6rst class goods has long been established.
Only a small pordon of the goods are slightly damaged
by water, and the rest are as good as new, but we
bunched them all up in lots, and offer the entire stock at

Lederle’s JTTa;

Rockford A Dee Motocs I: at Burltogtan
—teubnoae it. Burltogtoe *: at 8L Jo-

of Hammond. lod..
her SstfT. Mra Jarae* Hlngtoa of thk
efty. ter the pact few weeks. coeniaJtted
Kilclde to a benibc masoer yeaterday.
Mr lock three oonee* of e • per cent
B->lutlor. of carbolic aetd and aaffered vacroctaiing agony unill death enaoed. It
la sated that Mra Dark bad treebk
with ber tBO(hei->ln-law to
tnd., and that It preyed upOB ter mind
and caamd her to kill beraSf.


Hard Pan

' Many of the lots consists of fall and winter ^oods,
made up for the coming season, such as Mackinaws,
heavy underwear, heavy pants and shirts, but it will
pay you well to buy a little ahead of the season to
secure these bargains.
se dw Hank fuacy Ftoaa^


■klrte, worth tlAfi ter Sfie.
SO den. Keek toney Ftonanl
(Mirtn, worth
SO for TBc.
so dam bhie uU wool Innnel
aklrteSAtofor SI.»
ni'B kaevy
flannel night eblrta, worth 91.80
ter 890.
to dom menb fine imported
on*kimore tan hoar worth 80e. ter

Fine Shoes...


OnlUerOn Renbny. PaAier.
■■Proeparity dealied” k the theme of
tbe aermoB at the B^itkt ehnmh thk
momtog. Tkere will be no evening

Stylish Shoes...

■ewarO Hrat nte llesy Meet*. Psaqtv.
Sarvleee tomorrow ae teUowa:'
Meratog eerriee. 11 a. m.
Blbte eebooL 9-.U.
Junior meeUag. 4 p. at.
Chrktlao Endeavor meettog, fi:U.
-Brentog eerriee. 7:80.
Sttnagme to Ike city ora amAlaUy
invited to wenUp with n. '

'*Hea‘* Oxford grey wool paate
worth 98.80 fcw 91. TS.
Heavy Earscy wool panto
wortk 9140 te-98b.
Men's finvei white Alrta, short

Mea'e fine Arms panto. i

knee panto worth 80a
Fine dimf^ worth 10c. fbr to.
**TS^rlarham. finrte mada
worth Uc. tor 7a per yard,
^^^deeae gln|%am worth 7r.
Good print for 8c. per yaid.
Lqt of drten twUk worth Ma
98 eaprs go for 98 99.
lu with thk tele wr have made
gnat redatekme to aU Un« of
'Weotoeeoatoar kteyele eulto
forte TA
WeoffBr a tertelly dU wool
suit goed weight ter $44A
Mea'i eottoa nwentefu ter ISe.

' Oom« q^ck, b«ta« th« cnam Ib gosA.

Serrloee ra held to K. 0. T. M. hall
at 10-.B0 o'elook every Bandap.
8Bb}ect-“Paal dkeouMB oe tke
aeooad eratng of ChrkA'
Friday ei
7«) o’clock.
epedal toritattoe k extended to

Clam meettog at 9:M ta the parion
Preecktag lO-AoteUowed fay Banday
Tbe emalng eervtee will be devoted
to eekoee-from tbe great eoevtmtloa at
Toronto. .The ^worth Leagne will
be in eheige of tke eervlea. The mole
quartette wUl slpg. A good program
will be carried oat
AU are tbe eerriem.

Jerury Vr-il, ehaprd. ewcatar*.
worth Sauo for 91 OA
' Mva'e --Wood*'' nakm panm.
rxtn good wear, worth 91.89 tm


B Y. P. V at e:l5 in the church
lorv at 0:U p. m. Leader. Bdae Holds- j
worth. 8eb}eel “The Power of the
TongBO." Jaa. 8:t-ie.
Yob are cerAaUy invited to any or
all of thvee aervieea.


Moadaji, iipst S,
“Tka klfif IfHS."
Taasday, lagasi 10. . 1 . . “CmHIi.':
Wadaekar, Iipst 11, - “The laa ii On Irai list"


MoBxne Bnoonn—In view of the re­
cant eetkm of the oonneU regarding
Uthkdty, I hw
to remind that body that nb a dtiaao
and heavy taxpayer, a little lam than
a ymx ago I petitkped the cosndl to
the ememmtet epos my prop-'
eaboeteo redeoa
wry, whltb I claim wae nsjeat aad exaemive. • I have been latermed that my
de«m vraa placed on Ale IndtAnltoly,
and 1 have never beard anything of It
Bn INtoatroua BaOtond WrWk U alnoe. Beeently a firm bu eome Into
the city with a emoaUed atoeh of
aged goode which are planed la an^Ddlanapolk, Aagnatr—lhaChloago
eqnal compeUtloB with the waree of
anpram on tbe Penneylvanla llae due
the reliaUe de^en of the elty. By
hero at S;Su tbl» morning and a Moaoi
•wittb eagiae baAkaHlklM at Market
r theooencll to r
straet eroaeing at tear o’eloek tkk
tax provided by 4
■toning. William Maftln, the M
eoeoeraa, and they have fixed a Ueeaae
nnginew. warn inatantly IdUed. Both
of PM tor ten daya or tenger, while tke
the eagteei were oompleCely wn
Uw atrletly provldee that tbe lio
The Pnneylvaaia tr^' wae me
■hall be to per day tor thirty daye
Into end tke twfteb engine had taken
exoeed SMO in aU daring the
the trade. Saat of tke pemeege
term of the etay of the Itlaeraat
I evrelnjored.______________
ohaat in the eity- There k a gUriag
is theaeUoooftbe
cil la Uk caoe and ahowe a dkerlmlalned a Large Oanpany of
nation to favor of a party which
Prleada Teetarday.
her^-^to eeU all tbe good* be can at aa
efi price* ae ha caa get. and antan
tarn age of five yeua It k right and Into oompetltion with tbe tax payen
proper for him to begin to give —'—
■mmldtoatteo to tbe aUBtem
the tety, wllkoBt
Mdpty. and when a yenng man of that pay a oommaneemta tax. or having any
•go plangee into the eodal wUri he Intereet whatevar to the city or Ito peo­
mV betoldtobeatricUy *-1b it** and ple. Theocdinaaeeaof thedtyahoald
«■ the right road to a fatore of pleto
natdaya. TbM it k with Mamar LawMwe Boat, eon of Mr. and,Mn T. 3. the law, instead of heiag lUacrlmiaate
Boat, of Mghth etreet. Tbetarday^
agatoeA ae la tke cate redted. r«ha Afth birthday of Lawtenag aad —
Bttl^ly tommemarato tha event h* inW. A Barfe Snppoti.
Vi tod nbont 'fifty JnvenUe frlymk to
The nempany which wiU appear at
>Mp blm celebrate the impodnat
opoea. The lawn wae pretiUy Amo- Stetobergk Grand Monday, Taaaday
ntod te the oecaakm aad tae little and Wodnoaday evaaiage k <»a of *nfolk* had a hUaiteaaly good kme. Bsnal exnelleiioa. It k hea^ by Mke
•<hMe ana
aad wp
aaop" k a fa<
i—»—» OMHtanee WUUaaa. the weU known
■ npported
ttr yonng foUm aad tkk oeendon pre- toadlng tody wbo late
t U an
a rare opportenlty tm tndel- Mr. Fred Ward. Mite WUll
Moe of tbli meevoMnn gama.
^ aleo aeeomplkhed aeteem and a macnlAoeot
—-f otkm- paadatoe eqeally ««)e^a dretete Tbe-todlM of TravetM COy
IM nrnm. oake. oandice a^ other will find mneh to admire to the wardgnSoadeeaervedontee lawn were nto robe ofMImWUUaxmMU wae made
the lanet of tbe pleeeeree of the day In Paris iMB than tea weeks ago aad
all that k newote to French
and tke beya and girle were deUgfatfnlThe other todke are Mke
•' to mttomlned by Mm. Hoat.etokted by
ICm Brooks. Mka StanK and:
Mto Annn Mertoa, Mre. Tiengee end
Tboeghyoug to yean
Him Waisbarf of Onad BapMa.

toss OF UFE

Seats Not oq Sale at Box Oice

Boston Store,
TniFene City, Kieh.

School Shoes...

' Are a few of tbe
Rdiable Lines we '
mendoD this week. You
get them only of

10V will smioin

Ittts and Grpcfflies

rut ttmt. Mwmb rnat * Cm.
Kabx, $1J0 per Dax.

iHl Tltkeit It Rtimf fans.
PMCnra Bv nmL^Bnrtte Btea.

Orim by Takylm PnwO)



TELEPB08B 141.



Ever Burned Out?
If aoyoa know

a P. OASTEH. Afens.



nAfTMt U|>ona

eealtforCoai Digging.

dck Dotaa Mid oi^erk H* bokb DioiM.
▲ofiielt«r. PMI TrtBim*r *M
Bdmid lf«K«9 iB NW bdll aw^ tor
the «4ptaBibar twni tf e««rt. Ball ««•
Mtwad for an. Th* e»Ma asalcM CamMlittf. WUtto Wamr aad B^d-

. Troubis About Tviff.



• MaSlbiV^MWark.
M at OoMoaB-b
ChariMtoa. W. Ta.. Aus. T.-A }«IM
• Kaaw /baat Oi
mcodiiB of mlnna vaa beM at Hanger
‘ of dd««Btra r«^
raoaiitlni; boUi Xanawba and tiew TOt*t
mlnaa Tba mlaea wttt not aU rapraoaotad. tbm belnc onlr al«htM mao
WaahtortoA. Ae*. I. - TM Oarman
the maatUt*. Tbar PMoed
a^acSeU. IUa. Auc. . f.~Tba teal
— thort — royatbrneet baa a«els anterdd^-1o(maI
■ilMt# aiait cocrnitlM adopted tA* toU
arafebt artd 00 taala par too for dlnUA- protaat a«eleat tba O#lowlBi aeau of.irarei; BnimlActoa Scid
maa aQAer of aaetka. I of tba ba'^miW
—Bialdwood. SSia MDta par tea; brtutiact. br wUA ancta aa«t>
taS U ecBU exti^ LaSallA
ctsta Thara U n
' Btiaa^ aad Clara Ciir. U oaeta. Uotba aetloe of ttala tnaatlnr. At aararad taxed with A .hlgber U
u not danlfd.
maatlnra of tbl* kled baaa raeantlr beae
var. that tba Oarmae auw claertr
valaa. SSH ctota and K% cabta. Pod- bald Id botb Kaaaarfaa aiA New RlTtr

caota. Foerla abd CbctoD aob- rertonA and almllar reoalatloea eaaaad.
reuoB of perBi«>t of eo export
dlaulct. 41H ccbta. lUefaloa minlDc-tor bet the mao la tba
abooUB*. loadlDC pd tUnbaiiDf.. » It dteaserdad tba raaolistlOBa peaaad U boontr. bat the coetaeUan U made that
cebti; maeblba mnacn. KAO par da^; Ibeaa reeatlndatibd k^t oe atyvork. Brt >be additional dutr Impoaed la In effect
UoBdar B«lt n win be knowe bow tar J dlsertmlnatlaa acalnat Oarman
Atoa bolpatB. K.1A- 8prtBcflaW dU- hia
atlaaia wU raapood to tbe caO to «ult wbieh la iBcotnpaUbU botb with the
trtet. 40 caoaa ^ c and A. road ooutfa irorfc.
BMtfavorednaUoBrlvhUwhlcharaaaM aprlBvS^ » caetiL Pana. fonxlah1ba«'ecTh*tKaUir»ebaTrata.
cored toOeneae redbctlonf by thetreotfcac MPplUA IB ecBti. .DaorUlf
Terre Haett. led.. Anc- 7-—It darelopt i
eow Id lorca. and aUo with the pro.
Orapa Crtak, 40 eaeta Ballrvllla dta- that the
mlbart who aelaed a ' elala&a of the "—‘—------------- *
tftet. 40 caatA Oaquoto. M eaeta Coal tralD at Eteore and damaoded that
VbDar, U ontA OUcbiW aod WablocA. be takao to Uitle'. were sot of the recH
eUr marchlsg hand. The Elsorm crowd
HMAIaaMtaUcatBallaalbA .
headed br Joseph Pickett, a Ooxar- BAS diarce ...
. Ballavma marine mleea-abAottefc tia amooc the islsn WbaD tba train Id hU bote to the .aecratary of atata
C and Umbanat. » eaeta; maebUM wa* boarded the teas at UiUa'a ware el- appaara to retire tbe poaltlon taken In
readr out. Tbe Elnere erowA flndlec Jusa, UM. with rtapect to tbe duties
k 4 caniA TAi
I and tftootan. 10 eaeta: that the railroad compasr were deter* lavlataia upon bounded sucata Tba mat.
• then eonaldpred te coeaectkin
■MUba rtnmarA 4ift eanta. AUma ma- mined cot to more tbe tralA left it Is
wlMra '^twmata. l-l eaeta par dlKun and returned to Tbair bomai U with tbe 6
of Ang. «. 1*W. U reUUon to mlt dullea
•VMrt foot; abootlng. Icedlbf eiK ttm- Orem countr.________
II eantA AaaempUoB. 4t OMtA
Ka« a Kocle >RlMar” Kead ApKr.
Atlanta. Aog. 7. — Not oontaat wttb
wfsBlnc tbalr potsl that no necroea Ir dollable Von H
Movaqoa maehbia mlsaa-loa< Aball hare work In the relloa mtlla
jRTA Ktooten
of a klnl wKite people are now gntn*. bU tartlcttUr reraranee ta to the traeiy
tba etrUara bare demanded that no of Mar 1. 1(9, betwaab 'lbe United
dHfaraet woiAara o adjoat (Mr pert cl
*W 1.
All AV.
Tba total.
It U observed by tbe aUle dapart; , •atomrtta DvWarkaaa
K agreed t.
mest that It la sUU without any UiitchaaM Na t iS cacta: No. 1 to be
fbrteatlaci from tba Oeratae gorarttpaoportlQead aceordtnc to tba ratpaeUra
It of Ha 1 ebd A iUehlba
- Is tba OasTlUa dtatriet-for abooUns.
I be takas ea effective with respect
loadlAC aad tlmbenns. S eoiti; all othPhlUdaIpbiA AV- T.—Tbe opeeing D other portloDS of tbe ai^lre, or to
ar tnecblaa work to ba advanetd In pro.portlOD. Scale of dar vork for tba aetlre race meal ot lid atgUmth aneal meet Applicable onlr to tba i
aUta: Track Urn KAS; tlmbaraian. of tba L«agne W Americtn Whaelmrs
contention that the t
■ «A»: drivare K-OO; earn KAO: trapSam K-OO; Uborara. lealdt. KOO; Ubor- perk, tcurtaea miles from ibU city, be- U IncompAiibla with the terms of th*
«TA top, n.aO: dompm. K.OO; oar trtm- fore U.OOO macUtoTA It wea tba moat Beralcvgn treaty of August. tOI. the
mn KAO; bcu ear AoaelerA ILK. AU aBcceaaful In the history of the orgaetaa- auU depertmant tebes the poMi
perdata to be adraecad from pricat ai- lioe Is atlendance. entb\ialaam acd good that that agreement ceased n1th
Mint pravlona to tbu aaapanaio^ Id pro- racing. BarerAl sute records were pamage of tbe tariff e« of Aug. 27,
pardon to the adrinca
adrieca In
' minlcg ratca
Btnaabed and Arthur Qurdlner. tbe Chi- IIM. whldi repealed section I of tbe .
Pvleae Are 4m- the Wbete Year.
cage cratk. caune within two-flftha of a i of Oct t. 1»0. Nn tefarenee whatei
TBo.tBinara alto demand tbe ngbt to
of breaklag HamllKm’s world's : la made In Von Reicbenau'a note to the
the act which f
ansidor a check welghaDhu. aed pay record for one mile, paced. Be succeeded 1 other pmvls'on*
ansl-moatblr. AU other mlsera not In >owerir.g the fast mile made by teed tbe scope of tbe Increased date
here CBBmeraiedIo adjust prices accord. "Jobnsy" Johnson at Chicago last year
by fcar-Bflhs cf a aeoor.A Gardlscr
croaeed the line like a AaMi and tbe time
dUttaKttao wUI be
1 made batwaee s
caught beautifully. He never ceased
mrr end wleUr.
his pace until tbe finish. madelnliK I-&.
breaking the state record of 1;4J >-E
to WUmv >We Ass At.'
Dorieg tbe day Oorersor Tanner viaThe ptaie departmcttl has sent Instmce scheduled .rseca tbe bonots lons to the United States anbasaadom
Had tba convection and made an ade won by F.
drcM. He aald be woold co-operate In
and mlnlriers abroad accredited to coanany manner to bring about a aattlement
tbree triato. ^
wllb which wr have trade relattors
If axUilng dliBcuittoA but did not think
t lay In the power of reprenenlallrtai
. aenatora. and tbe govemor.
I of these flnala. tbe a
of tbe Dlngley uriff bOl. directing them
to adopt a scale and iplle profesAonal. be brtke the
Bebngrt i:
combiunlcale lo the foreign office In
ibmlt It to the owners and ba promised com^mion rmrd of (:M 4-A by cover- j tbeir r^^i •f pcfU the I •XI of tbe act
*D his power te tnilentloi) to the sections of
teee tbe oparstora to adopt the acAle. A
tariff which provide for reiallaAmong 11
___ _ ________^......................
..'"fesolniloa to aapplr tarrnera with coal
far tbalr tbrestalzig was voted dowA
evenly dlildtd with tbe beff j menta Thto to done In order that there
racing done by Peabedy. Johnstn. Hid- may bt a proper'baata for the Institu­
BAtliOM CKSTXAt. PESNSTLTARiA. deadorf. 8rkadr._Krlck ud Miller.
tion of oegotls
negnttatlons looping
. . to '
Aimmation of some •of
of tbe
the rectpmeal
Bnmbwrg Man Ate Itoepaiiag Ss bc^la a
Weskiv LysHtlsr la Keatseky.
Big ■iM-CleslBg Geatme*.
BarboumUr. Ky.. Aug. 7.—Jack W!!l- agreemeats contcmplaicd In tbe Dlngley
Pittsburg. Ang. 7.—Tbe propoead cam- tama was caught In the monnules near
The ground to be covered by tbe state
palga agalnat the mine ownera of Wert
epartfiien In these negotiations will ba
Is btvlbcr 1
Moteiasd connly and tba tqiaratoru of
traverse, owing to tbe comc a deaf n
. iilly of the sahjecu to be
Tom Williams was (orred
ffetayad. U
treated of and the d;admllar, congtrike leaden daddad on It daOnliely and there are threats of tynebtag ta
dJllona existing In variooa conntrlea,
At a cAmp confereoee vaatarday and a
wtih which we must haec todoiysl
IsIMesrPllal Ote
he any delay In ondrrttk{ Ing th; task, inasmuch ae roRgress has
inufacturers of the m „TmS enjoined the beginning of the
Q the order of the tamAmerican
negollstlOBe "as sedn as may be after
I Coxey
thie s«." So faa. H ti
Already constituted the pUns ptupuse
e whole ler- coming season. The only change In the I ,ald. r» formal rtspories tc. our adA direct march ihrougb tbe
rttory where' mines are being opetAi
etAte-1 scale IS an advance of 4 per seat, on i ranees have been made, bni from eergrlndlng
frem Europe,
trotll Clesrflvld county u reached.
Canipa will be toft at each of tbe Ue
It to perceived i>ai such overtures may
. Armlt mines at Canonabarg. at Bunula
befxptcted at S'v mnirenl.
and any other place that
SBceaaarT to keep the mlnn closed yestnday until October.
j "Honon of war" is tbs privUage alwhich Bjipean before the enuadera
Goveraor BushneH. of Ohio. Ig sail-! lowed to tbe enemy, oo a^dtnlatina. <d
leave. The leaden estimate that
ously lU with heart weaknesa.
| bguig permitted ta retain tbeir
In behind In the c
P<Mrla. IUa. br. Jobs TbU U tbe bigbest boocr a TUto> o
n WUI be kept conauni- M. Powell. U. At Geriog. Nvb.. Jodgr . _ , TanoBisbed toA
.... ..
nent- A mllliary code & B. Sbanway.
' Si.,

. . ............ ....
e govemmaal of tbe army will
Secretary Shennaa arrived at Wasbbe formuUled before tba movement Is
atartad. Prealdeat DiUan says that with
__/ kind of a syatam ha will be. able
Chsrtos OrofllD loaf all but tbe UtUe
to keep averylhlng uuM and'tba
finger of bto left band wbUe blasting Pine Merchant Tailoring.
An Immense ineetlng. numbering nrily ruck wllb fimamlte at Deerfield. Win
The process of
JO,000 pe«mle. gathered around tbe
atrtkan' camp at Tonia Creek last
^BearXaaeelcBleek. CstoeBuweb
ntgbt. Eugene Debs. Ura. Jonoa. and
tudt. Oona.. recently.
seseni local apeaken made addre
The preducUoe of tpclier la tbe Unit­
DpI^ationi from all the surrounding
aountry aiunded tbe meeting and the ed SUlee for tbe first ria moetbs cd lOT
Aothualasm was unusual. Tbe Weat- Whs Mton toito. of which lUiMto
lAghbuae eraployea from Bast Pittsburg funilffied 1A40 tons
John Hbgpcck, Jr., has bea reap
' 1.K0: the striking puddlen
polDled de^tuy stamp collector at Oreen
(rom McKeesport attended, and
crowds from wnwerdlag. Pittsburg Bay. Win- He held the pusltiao undev
And Allegheny helped to swell the num- the Ute admlBlstrstioe.
bSTS. A rooitoter parade preceded the
Tbe Missouri sUte beard of equallsaloo has made a raise of over K,«gB.WB
■AetlBg. taimets snd cttlsens geaerslly
macvhlDg with tbe atrlkers to sbow in the vplustloo of rallraad bridges and
Sver been «a17cd V> the fact
telegraph property In tbe state.
that yon cad get at tbe Drag
three*hwra. I
Miss nara Flinn. aged 14. to a mall
Store (onr atore)
bto address be j» almost overwhelmed earrtor between Parkersburg and Ellaaby lbe«reat aumber of people who ta- betb. Wirt ciunty, W. Va.. making two
Pure Powderffd 8ploe«»
Stated shaking i^ods with him. Dur­ trips between these points dally.
ing hU apoeeb aRbe Pittsburg meeting
‘ TYmrsday n^hl Debs retcnvd lo Judge money left lo Nevada for meals and
Pare Oreem Tartar,
Jackson's Injunction in B'est Virginia luncbes by tbe Ctaristton Endeavor ndeclaring that It prohibited hlmrcDelwl curslaototB will----- --------n nearly
*- K0.080
(rum walking on any public '^bway
(sad Pure Baktug Powder, U you i
Imdtng to the coal mines in WffR~Ylrua to make it. l pounds for «100.) BobklRls, He then said, characterlstlcaby; for tbe purpoac of asMmloallng Rrv. bar Sheetiar. Bubber Tnbiag. aU
T bold the lajuncuoa and the Jute trt Edward Evervtt Hale, it locked up stsea. tVaiar BotUro (tufmatsed for
who issued It In supreme coniesnpi.- lo the Elngston. R 1.. jail.
twoycAra,) FbnstAla STriagw, many
The strike rituatlon tote last eight rukinds. Throat Bruahea. AadAtomlsers,
nmlos practically unchanged. The Im­
Glyoerlae and Wiub Baael Lotion for
ported diggers for tbe Oak HHl mine
the hAAda aad faoe. *
I panii
have iKrt yet shown up. As to the De
Armlt mlBes, at Sandy Creek, only
tbree men are at work. Tbe camp Is
Aocordlnc to tbe Hambuig
thinfilog out aod tbe men are. fcriuii «> rlebten. Prince Bsmarok's bei
tb* Plum Cre*k camp because their
' Be walks a
prsaeace iss not needed at Bandy C
The output of the Sandy CreMt to ostiy aot yet qulu got rid of bto neuralgia.
two pit can and tbe mine to ahaaiutely
Seattle of tbe
AmA At Plan Crwk eighty men who
weU Moagh
hot -Iwy. ^ lo
■worked Tbureday did not go Into lbs death last April of Charles A. Back
Mias reMerdaF umralag. Tbe cdBctato Sanaa. Ocosga Botebar aad J. W MaUagua.
to Ate
Of tbe oompABy ta expUnetloe My that
‘ "e UMoYo-igy off
r. wbhA Is today. to make their way back to Seattla.




2 Styles 25c

• -------

Calico Blouses—
Large as well
' as Small.



Suits to Order.

Has Your


At Our
Soda Fountain

JAS. fi. joeisoi.

. i £<-!■><. i..u


Boys 4 «o 8.-40c. 50c.
60c, to$i.oa
Good for the money.

Colored, with
Cuffs, no collars
$1.25 goods,
to dose 83c

$6.95 J
Real Good Value;
Mich Uider Prin.

All $12x0. Si3X». $i4J30 !
' suits in Summer Suits.
Novelties. Go at

Ghiidfen’s Boys’ Straw
Straw HatsLinen Pants.
Half Price Nice t Summer HALF PRICE
Child’s Cotton Bathing Suits Boys’Short
- Pant - Suits $1.39
Boys, 4 to i4.


5SC. 50C. 69c,
to close.

50c, to close.............S8c
75c, to close....... . • • 60c
$1.25. to clo^......... 98c


Lot to close, 29c
All sizes.
Sold easily for 5Cxv

: Men’s Pants
; Lot good values to dose.
$1.19, $1.65. S1.85.
* and $2A3a
; Begnltf PiioM 96 per
cent, higher.

: Children’s
: Gaps

Handsome Suiped
Cotton Goods

; tOc: Children’s
: Calico Waists
: 19c

I piece, 50c. 65c, $1x0
aod $1.50. .
2 piece, 65c and Sixxx
Trunks, loc to 25c.

Men’s Working Men’s Pants
A great lot of
Single Pairs

Great Bargain, 14c.
A lot of Regular 40c
Goods, 25c. •

25 M

Men’s Suits Unlaundried
White Shirts
Closing Out a.lot of
Better Goods.

- Include some

SB and $7 Suits

With Colored Bosoms

Negligee Shirts

to close.

50c Up

On Wednesday, August 11th,
George Killer, traveling salesman for
a large New York Olotbing House, wiU
exhibit" his line In our store. Special
orders taken for future delivery.



IH* koBirnro
■ Wi OAVt Htl^HEABT TO MC. .

b€T. whil« BUa wok______________
To olrto
h«rlOmi> th»Mb tt ««ol: mo iMorl wm



sinirDAY, AUOtrsT 8. i697.


Now for Business!


T iwae *iACTBicrrr-iir».

Death, pBchaace, ia Ute in ita etotedon. the binb throe <d a bi^tr life.-'
0OOK WAKTSD-Trtrww CRT Lutor^^
Ber. Oeoege A. Ohapb^, Chiiatfeo,
Cbioago. .
j>rt«1Ito?JM the «IH «c ««r
wv VtM Ttootow ruO.
Allot tbe beantlMcecBoiuic (beoriea
•bI lh««. olKk. MVMhelfanai
Tbe toneyaoBi WM eett.'and tbe
beoatM tl^ depend «pca
••Ato." crtod Cupid. -‘aciM
T ASD-Caufaw trlctiu«ed eirt Xov. HI to lievad. feida aq^ htldegracBi were tentning.
S^o^‘ S
i Xj allre trow ireJSS
They acrieed ia England one deiightfel
ruUoreoie—, -----------------■LBBer erenii^ and traeakd direei to
. TrsTwre OM
Be one bor urrov tbeow,
txBte- When tbQT reached their hotel,
Snggciditre htetacwe and pictma oa
Amni^trati bw^toito i
a'lettor wat pet into Mr JlerrilJeld‘a walla and teaio**and windowt that ccw
bandt hrUfly aEnotmeing bU lUter'e * ttantly.Beet the eye ct yooth are one
FolM. Copul threw i ■Me hie bow.
teth tbe day
before .....
to ««« gate <rf bell.—Ber. A W. B...............
Mtd to.
bed lo bee anai health, aod when brr
I tow ate
imherv tvarsvre qij
Bald went to aioiito her tbe (olleviiig
BiDg ibe foBBd brr dead
Were Chriat to kno^ at the dexxa Of
lU WM tibcereij- eonr. bot tbe
Tbea to-^i
grtered Bcve on her heabasd'a Mconot
teg her own. Perhapa deep down in
ber heart there wa« a feeling of reliet not 9. Sarage, Unitarian.
She WM a qn«rr UWe
there . though tbe ba^ berwU for It when
Qilweiw Blew.
- nopaixToB or rnx
«M DO doow about It-a Uule dowdy ’ .he aaw how tanihly itricken and orerThere are tboae that trifle with teali*
irely ere
«xBne tbe mrcbdwicoa wmob lenming of
ereanre. barely
fire feet
faet high,
h^ with a. come
tiec and fail to reaUfee that infftseseca for
ind a big fONhaod
tu bereaeatnanL
■Mil face and
femtead and win- ; bit
weel or woe, to healing or hurting, an lorare of Cnioe and Bay Streeta.
talgray eH«
alwayi aocffied
--Like aU *aiT'totaUectnally and
otButantly actiee berauae of what we
Ob iBUvereS «*y pcepenraaking qoettiout; nob
-..V. a
. oontnat to bar
djanwtBB. be baa a men
_icar M. A N. R. depot. wUbre to aaPATOHXJi * oaonn. Anre
toother, the big, bandaome anbdeaooo. affectionate and teotiUve aatnre.*'ahe are.—Bee. W. D. Boebaaan. Preabyte- neuBca to the public that, he bas reOOew over Xontarre'e barCvar* •
wbo geiued all beam with hla cbBB- explained to their wany inqslilnB rlan. New Trek.
flttodaad fonilahed the BoMl Paagtog maDDeca and winning antile and
To undreaubd tbe days to 1^76 wa bon better than it ever bas Man be­
woo golden opinicBi Iran eearTbodr for
McoUm pawed, and tbe archdeacon
3ust atrip tbe boose to its sewing ma- fore and uaa aeoommodatc tba travel­
bia eloquent yennona.
began to recoeer bit tplrlte. bni aotne
Jobs May.
hina, piano and ereiy modem ecamn- ing pnblic to good abape.
lUi fiiUT Ared with Mb, andpaopla cnbtle change bad come over him. Bit
ratber pined nim on mat aooooDt MIb aennODe were no longer what they naed kmoe. leaTtog only tbe spinning wbaal formerly with tbe Hotel Wbittog. wiU
Merrifieid wat to aby. w dilBcnlt to get W be. VCbereai fonneriy be “tpake ai and-tbe fireplace.—Her. N. D. Bill^ bare charge at tbe office and atteud to
on with Sbe nerer bad a word W aay adyitkgBian to dying Ben.''be now Central Mpric Hall. Chicagit
tbewanUeftbe gseata. Satisfaction
for faeracdf and apparently bad no ttei ntteced trite and ootnmonplace apbor*
beycBd dinrict nvittog and occdlewoit. Umt. wbicb fell ragnely on tba eaza of
iaappulntmeatt to youb are bte to
:, bat ,Uwy prepare to an>-to life.
One of tbe greateet of tb>- arebdea- tboae who liatened.
con'i tnany adtuitere wm tbe dean'a
The delirery w« tbawBe—tberoloe Wbat a difference between young folk
Bre BI-. rear M. a K X Depoilokk
daughter. Ella St Clare .El.a Vm e
tep, fnll and Boiioal and tbe geenraa iriM are dladpllDod and tboae not dis­
beaoty. and abe knew it
aimpte and graoefnl—^t tbe anbjgot ciplined at sU-'—Bev. OeorgeU Adama,
OongiegatidbaUat, San FranciHCO.
. Moreorer. tbe wm an beirM, for b« matter, alaa. bow diSaenl
toother, wbo bad died whan Ella wm Vbat bad beocene of tbe baaolifnl.
qiniB a child, had left ber a Mwaider- poetical t)KMighttf Where were tbe
IdtmbtifyonwiU find an^rben M
able fortune, wbicb wm to odne into atoangt^ and patboa and
Utaretare aay Atoy of woman’a lore
her eole paateafioe m aooB M aba at­ Wbioh bad
dI itbe aicbte- that antadatea «be Si»g to aongs. Itit
tained ber majorityeon’a fender diaconneeT
' men that areds speetol eapbaris in
Sbe bad enjoyed tbe ootonand of ttali
People begenfowU^Nramoag thcaatime and in our ouanuy.—Her. ty>
DOBey for eotoe three yeare now and aalrea of tbe change and awigned m tbe
1 Abbott. OongregaihBalfet. BrookCITY BOOKSTORE.
had bitbetto rbown no imiiBatioe to
ahaie it with anybody alto.
Aztillery offioen fran tbe
It hM been zuypciTlkge to act as
ledtotre betwere great bodies to ma
When tbe came o«l of te caibedral
d tbesaelTH and tbelr gacgeoai after te hnabend had proicbed. toatead and tbelr eanployeia. I hare inrarlably
wnifomt at ber feet in tain. Bla wm ct a ■siinBr of
foond both aides wilUag and amdoos to
«tloal,al- there‘W
_othlng if
m now elleaca. Itwaa'p^dee nct.witb due regred to tbe rights each
tbongh, of cooree. ofdinan^ ticart and lomre to ber to IMea to him. Her to tbe otbet.—Biabop M Po«er. Bpfoonrateewere m little aUgible m artil­ heart beat and bat obceka grew pale oapal. New Trek.
oowo aocra.
lery offioera MoreeTce. aba woeahiped
serertbeaaw him aaoend-toe pul­
intellect, and tbe aTceage man la. gen­ pit. and abe faadto that people looked
Wemnstwlnoorapws. Witboati
erally tpeafcing. bardb to be deavibed M^jinglr toward her. Sbe became eo kw there can be no reward. Tbe old
hy tbe totm toteUectnaL
mnaitiTe upon the poioc at laat that on Homans cosmidRed ao one worthy to ha
Tba hero of EUa'e day dreame
Attorneys at Law.
tbe oeamioDt when ber btUbandwi
MtroUed M a tolinen, no matter haw
MM «rhA
SWAT ttw toarte of tL__ tog to peeacb the need to make
wealHiy be might be. tinlcm be bad
1 gite a ccaae for rrmaloiog at borne.
done ecTTice to tbe autc.—Father B
wide_ ..r______
rrpntation by
rear »«< kJ*
Tbe olimax came^ben tbe arcb- R Wyman, Catbollc, San Pianciaoo.
toitlto It and onnanal mleata
It onfortoBBta that ibe coaid not aetiDon wbea i
Marriage is the ivtbmtu over «hkh O IS. BEOWM. AtWM wy wte Om
get on with Ulaa Merriflald. With tba tower.
nmat pass tbe traditions to tbe past a»«
fffpreeSV.** ‘
Tbe cathedral would be graced ky into tbe shining coutinent to fotntity.
tbe preeenoe to royalty on Ihatoooadoa, Maniage is tbufi the binding link in tbs
It ODa.
. Pritorteh Blerk.
and EUa could not ooneeal ber anxiety. chain to our inheritance; it akw
. ... _ MOOM. PUrtolaa at>S But*bob.
For e fortnight beforehand Mr. Merri offer to drUixatkB tbe elixir to hmnor>
apeetBl an«eatn> str«B to Siavaaea •> (to
WM not worth uking tbe trouble to field ued to chut hlmeeU upinbieatiidy tnl life.—BabM Leon Harriscai. 8L
rer. BOM. Ureal aaS akiB. OStee la fvMSknow Ella tboiooghly hnderatood tlw erery morning after breakfaef, while LonU.
art of drraalng well and oonld not tm- bis wife kept watch and ward and per­
way Dreth U • Hrewey.
derataud or lympatblae with poor Miaa mitted no one to dlatatb bit meditaDeatbisasleq>-thatUalL It ia like
Merrlflpld for'DCTer baring acquired It tfeoa
Ute obild wbo first oloaos ita eyre in Oiia
Tbe rear after tbe MerriOelda' came -When ibe day came, be wm not world. It will anrely^wake again and
to Baxton tbe bitbop loat hla yonng ready at bla naual time, ao Ella'went
life will go on. Wbat a mytoery sleep
wife under r^ tad drcnmatai
bia ffody and knocked at tbe door. Berear CreaU to HaslatM.
vaan x bowtox. i D.. rkyateua nul
They bad only been married a Butt oeiTtog DO anawer, tbe entered and expericaeel The «Bly reason death la a
I IB TiaeeiBS qty.
tune, end ahe died of a rapid decline
fomd ber btwband Bitting hy tbe writ­ mystcry-ia because itoomeaonly on
■■ ‘.".sjas Ean -End Michigan
On tbe Sunday following the foneral ing table with bU face boiled in bie a life.—Her. Wilton M. Bmitb, Pru^- ealla. amsal auretlea alTvB
Aceot, Tr
aBdefcUSru'adiaeaaea.^«oaB 1
tbe arcbdeacou wm amioanoe^
treian. New Trek, at WatodnatesL
paeaeb. and it wm gebeially expected
•■Are yoo ready, tfeatr'JUi
tbet be would make eoae alloaiooa tc Mftly. "Ulitlmeweatarted."
tbe Bad erent Nor were tbcae expectaHe lifted bia bead and looked at ber
> tiODi disappointed Tbe text was. "A^ eftangely.
ooe wboiu bia mother eomforteth. ao
■■Oomebere, EUa," be mid hoarmly.
will I comfort thee," and from tbii *‘I want to tell yon aomethitig."
FBeding F«mien’ Hor»M b SpecUlty. Honea Boarded.
tbe arcbdeacou pttocbad a aannon
Sbe wai alarmed and went haitfly
Bare you tried onr usalcea
wbicb went etraigbt to ail bearta over lo him. laying ber band on bia
of Clgunf
There were no flue pfaraeet in H. no Bboulder
vague epecolatioot on the glories to tbe
••Are yon ill. daaiiair' abe atoed
bereafu-i, no quotaticBt frtxn tbe poeta. anxioualy.
.The worda be ipcAe were eery dmple
He *mad€
lu s and lOe. Clgmn
B. J. XOBGAB, Prop.
EUUft.. TiHiIhrtRutBltd/
and direct end auefa as tbe pooreet and she drew Mr band away.
are mv
aoold nndereuud. but tbelr pgUtoe and
“1 know that you bare noticed, as
•enderaeai thrilled and loucbed tboae eretybody else basooiioed. the wretched
wbo iiateoed till tbe whole oongrega- falling off in my aciiDons lately. ” be
Mon eeemed to bare but ooe heart. aaidabraplly “God knows 1 bare tried
bard and doM my beat'*- Be broke
-------AND-----, At tbe atrhdeacoo c
> out tbrougb off abruptly, and there was a long
pause. "1 nerer wrote a line to them.
I own bouse groupi outeide made Ella, - be reaumed at lait -8M wrote
i. Walt's soda touatato.
way for bim in rererent silence, and it them all—yea. all I wax'only ber
was almost a shock to them to bear tbe moutbpieoa.’' And ba pointed lotM
pbotograpb to bis sister. Which stood
Union atreatA
upon tM table among bia boohs and padrreaiog Miss St Clare with a reqaeet pera
that abe would come to tea with bimElla reeled- Tbe shock wm too gnat
■eU and bU siaur tba following after- Sbe oonld not ntteraword eltber of
and every kind of-----Boon.
OMnfoet or reproach, and, turning away,
Lwa than a fortnl^t afterward ber abe stole silently out to tbe room.
engagement ta the
wm anTbe archdeacon never recovered Ua
A. T. Jobnaon, Muth Side Shoe Stora. 404 Oaton Btewak ,
aoanoad. a piece to news which gsn
unasual aatisfsctlou. as U Justified
alwqya to etoek.
Fine Andereoa Whoel, tto to gSO. __
grief upon a aciisttire and tender heart
pay to ISbk at tbeH^antltoa H. E. Othba, to ElUa bteyala fbop, lu Frupt St
Then y a tablet to tbe memoty to
H goin;
Mia MeiriAeljl wbicb was
in .A.. *W. JATTRATTS,
Tbe iMuranoe Qaaalina Store is akaHutofirst and had sbed many secret tean at tbe caibedral by ber bratber, but tbe in'
safe and wiu not axplnda. It k ah
tbe thought to parting from ber idol- t^tante to Boxtoo wUl never be aware
3. A. Montegut, m PfoatSt.
feed biuttaer. schooled baraeU to re- to bow great and ncblc a aool owoe
oelre tbe ubnonooemeot with tbe raqal:. dwelt among them in tbe person of tba
Tbat'a tha Paris Qrrea w« salt
eita^maDlfeaBtlca>■ of jteauM. asdraT
„ wm pay you to buy your P. O. „
Ella declared afterward, ‘'really oonus. Erery pound full wHgbt sad gaaraatoad to iSl tb^ sTl Watt. Drug- gratulatsd me qniie maully."
ist, Maaonie Block.
rrteMV five ahnuag irem.
A few days iter, bowevse. Ella sur­
Tbe Prince of Wales wm one day to
prised her lo tears, leaning over tare lit­ as elemcMary mbool on bU Santoingtle old (asbiooed devasport. wltt a bam enate. and is bis nsaal genial wi^
bundle to manuaeript paper before bw. Mid up • 0 abming pieea. aaytog;
which aba ttamst away from ber when
•*1 will give this to tbe aeholar wbo
•be petodred bar fumre eunr-in-Uw.
can toll me tM difftenna batvam bun
.••I beliere your sister is writlog a re ber and myaeU."
Borel." EUa aaid to 1^ batrotbed after.
After a pan* a bright iBS^lug Uttla
lad nood Bp and aaid:
••1 think I can. air.*'
•■Impomlbli." be said
••Well," WM tbe pritioHa reply,
Ella iangbed "Why ^ .
‘•wbat U it. toy boyP'
From this date this boat cream soda. MeLallab A Aab. ear. Front and Park, and rear Hasoalc Block.
. Hie demanded gayly- Bni. AMt. Marei•‘I am waiting for your crown. Hr,
field made no reply, with bar nanal tael and you an waiting freycurmotbre’a" will not make re^lar con­
to» changad tbe subject
Nredleaa to add, be got tbe money nections with .trains on M- &
. --TM wadfii^ orae off to «w oonrue and amwsd tM prince ImmeosHy.—
Front Sk. adjolatag McNamara*a ah
N. E. Fishing parties, howand WM M brilliut and anecaatoal nr Golden Dayt
CNid taare-been wlHicd
erer, can mak$ arrangements
mart «to to tba Pateh
Mias Merrifteld wm tor once to ber
Wt Diaely drreasd. ElU bomlf hatobg
‘1 aent 60 ocans tor there original «- for the use of this Imndsome
B bre coatnme and auperinteodnl metioH for fnreiahing anmroer bad- jachtf by communication bj
Ifaa maki^, tfaereof. but aba looked rooma."
mail or wire, with
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__Honey to Loan

-^Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.


West Michigan


See Our Hew Uee

Picture Mouldings

Nortbtfs licMgao



Fire Insurance.

1. i... .n.. ta...., Ju. n, w,.

W Tii








TliB Recoenizeil Isideis


DiAM J. Butter, First Class


Boys’ Blouses ^£.SS.


Great Cut in Bicycles I

TnieneBifUitof SteuMiL'
OOlse BMETa.

• VSS:SS:::=::=~-\ !!!S ■

Accidents Impossible ^

Lady Watts

Fishing Parties

Green that will kill Bugs
Bicycles to Rent gi



Soda Water i


The Best Candies

Ic6 Crc3TTi Frazers


Ladies' High Bicycle Boots

Angus McColl ^
F>aris Green


loe; a k.*



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