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The Morning Record, June 20, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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onraxAL papsb
' pv nta am..
FM 7«i^Ko. 41.
T^VEESE Ont,"jrfcH, SCSDAI, JOT?E SO, 1W7.
I of war
acdtbe <
aoiver In MeKoaora Hall, from S to «
ft (Mbioaad by Ijtd^ icm
o'eloek. after whieh there will be doiK
•do. The axe
M ia S tneboi td
•PzamD nsBATB o«
taebM wide, > iBcbee
iBcbea Is thloba^ aod^ CTRMBUI nORX PEBDXOnO).
welfftaestfpaaada ItUp
Or. BorlK. of ITexterd, woe to town
teeptoele of m rollei wo* one of
•noor AIUmb WooU Aplwt JMM tbOM of the OBotoat Mooad Bandera. Cadodee X^eetod to B« toe Oeoter
U. C Dodpe retoroed (nmftoorUrnh
•o M >ot to Tbfow AB«tau.X*- Tbeaxawaacl’raa to H. A. tMCtrar*
■ofireat Loee of Lifb had Oeatraet- loot niebt.
thy, who boa left It at the RbcoOD of*
iea ef Property K«y Be toe Beetac
teMM Oat of >
AL Word, of DeeUer. O.. ta TtolUac
flee- Tbit ia a weapoa of 00000^
WMhlnctos. Jas«
B« \19.—The flu
11,-Tb. UDlUd SUM D. E. WrigkL
and flnely termed.
wMnle of the teri« MH «m
John A Lotaager retaraed from LacIV tte MBkto toter «tth tiitie 4»Uj,
eoadislag loot Bt^t
tk« pMdlBrqoMUoabeinroB AlllM-t
«.(or edeetraetlTe
AO. Adorns went to Maalrineoa toe
Woa Brokan OBd Oonaed Peon tor toe aterm ia toe rafioa of whioh Chleatoia excotolon thk morntog.
lar to tlimd. twlM, ato.. nude of flue.
tteeeatar. Tbe storm may strike any
Hobart Uw(e wUl epeod bto two
Pin Alnna Bytoesi.
h«nip or immlne, by SBbitiUUnc tor
weeks voeatioa to Elk B^lda
tbe defect to toe Are alarm ayatoia point to toe 1
tbe MMte rate the rate of H eenw per
Him Eoby Dooa Ima retoroed from
yaetetdoy created qatte e Uttle atir ead easy beoo widrapreedea to inflict freet
pooild oad MTeo^Irbtba of e eeat edit was roBorod that there bed been Oomafe to nay loealliy from Hadiaoa, YpaUantl for toe eurn'mer vocation.
ditioDol (or efeeb Iw is exoMa of Are.
C. E. Hole. Cor^ Hall and A. E Wo-'
taaeperiof with the nyotem. ' As; Wio., td Letoyette. lad. "Tboae oonVt^ 9( MlMovrl. ood JaMO. ef Ar>
toe dlffl- diUoae." auted . Profeoaer Oarrtott. terbory took to the Oraed Bapida cxeoatMted thcpropcaed oboace.
lapply to Sootoaro Wieaoaato. Beaten oorslqa.
eolty la box aamber A at toe the
ai^lPlC tb»t ibe ratw were exeeMlre.
Mte Wlaala Deapm retarnad Fri
ner of Uahm ead Bey atreeL The Iowa, fiortoera lUtoola, ladloae ead
ATtina mUDded that tbey.ve m m
tooea of toe trouble woa toe breekloy Soutoera Vlcblfoa. ThehimwUlbe day night from Big Bepljda tor the aomoiTdatyfor
acTS«. from toe preaeot ia- Bter Toeatloa..
of a ambtl eepper wire to toe box. t^
materiel a
dicatione, tor trenMadoaa eoaohltim
Hoa. W. W. Bmito and wife weat ta
d to M to demote woe aooo repaired end the aya- ond freet loaa of life end property."
Beaaonla yarierdoy. Mrs. Smith will
t«m placed to perfect worktof order
rwUh toe BepntaUremain two weeks.
James MUIer, ommbn of the laigcnt
AlUeen mored (or on toereoae to toe
a*W.K.TteeObanfe. _
wholaealeelbtoteg flrto to OUeago. is
rmtee reletiay to yeroe, mektop toe
1 Herbert
The new Um^eerd <m toe C. A W. Good Tmaplara Will Attend Ooayre- la toe city vj^i
U ; rateeereaeeatetoMeed.of«to oeote
M. foee into e^fMooday:
-poaod CM atoffle yonu to fray not fleer
Cbarias Fanet aad Jake Forierit re
tWaa arrive from Cbleafo aad Every meaaber'of Traverse aty lodge.
toea etfht lee or toe nomber oa proNa 4tl, I. O. O. T.. la reqaested to turned Friday night from Grand Rap
Grand Bapida at ( a m., 11:40 p.
poeed to tbe orifinol flaoece eommlttee
tat Montague hUl at S:30 p m. to ids. where they attmided toe gpnat
aad 11:10 p. u.; (ram Detroit oad Laat, ead flfty per eeat odto’
atof at s a m. aad ll:l0'p. m.\ from order to march to toe Coogregatomal Blka'dedieatioa.
lorcB iaateed of lorto par eeat oa etoebunh to attend C. E eervloea Topic
Petoakey at If :>s p. na oad 4:U p. m.
ftra. Mary Chick and dooghter. Mary
fie yorai liner took elftal. nof'flaer
Klk Bapida trmtoa leave
at a:U for toe meeting, “Am 1 my brotberb Oertrode, from Morioo. O.. ore to tbe
toea eifbty lee to number.
m. aad l o'clock p. m. Arrive at keeperr (e tempeianee to^). Generis city, vlrittog Mio. Otiek-a mother. Mrs.
Otv «eUed (or oa axptonqtiaa of toe
BUc Bapida at 9;S0 a m end S;0» p. m.
StevetnoD. oa Srveatb street,
UiamU Heeeld ie wooKt not do for
Flomee end Bearie Kelklrk, of
Tratoa leave Blk Bapidaat6:4S a m.,
A to alt atm witoeat oeytof
Ohioago Boat Obaagaa.
Grand Bapida, eome yesterday to spend
nifO a-m. aad l:ro p. m. Arrive a1
a word olmply beenaoe they bod toe
tag Tacedey tba «
Travsrae City at T:4J a m.. If :»9 p.
a week with Mm. Weatgate. Mrs
■ loaiiiry m^ortto' Beweltof i^ew Jet*totoey
aad4:Up. m.
Nelkirk wiU oome later to toe week.
. nay wid that toe toereoae hod been deIMS p m. and prrlre at Trewee City
Mim Chariotle Doogbyiy, Cli
eddad apoa to eompeaHte tor tM toat 7:30 a. m. Thnredaye. and leave Chi Deering. ead Blanebe Wright paaeed
creeee to the raU for raw material decago Prldxya at 7:00 p-m., arriving at toroogb town yeeterday oa torir way
■ootoM by weatera people. ‘ Vefy Tbe Petoakey OoRled'e Lerfe Oaifo Traverse City at 7;ooa. m. Suadey.
home from TpailsaU to ^nd their
.well,'' ooid Gray; ‘'that la more Ufbt,
This U toe aebednla for tbe aammer 'nmmer vaeatioa to Elk Bapida.
of Piolfbt Prom Here TeMerdey.
toot te more Ufbt toon wa heretofore
The ateemer Petoakey loaded toe
bod. Oo <»." “Ibat le eooofb,'
‘ Paraoa" Jtorieri "BowetyOlrL" i
yeatertorjeeted two or three' BepabUe
'• The Bowery Girl" eompaay paaeed ■
TheeoUoqoy ooatianed. bri^iaf oat day, InelodlDf oae oarload of batter
throng the rity yesterday oa their'
diohee end oue of wotoboerda eontoe tof-rmetdoo that toe meoafaetare
Pretty Operetta aad Ooaoert Pre way from Maelatee to Petoekoy. With
aifned to partimto Ha Loaia, Mo, and
of jUx yarai hod not b a profluble to
the aggregation was “ POcmb " Onviea.
pared by Prot Kartaagb.
one car load of dlabm for Cbiesfo peofeMtyeero.
TbeaaanalexhlblUooaaaar toe di who will be reatembered oa toe dlvlaa
pto, from toe Oval Wood Olab Co. blie
AlUeoe wld that U* woa toe pvrpoee
rection of Prof. Kunaagh oad pnptla whoae love for good horse flaob eanaed
•I. toe oommlttoe to'edjoet toe rate* eq alaoeairledaeerloadof eorUtn pelea
from WilUam Beitaer. eonalfned to wUl lake place next Friday evealsg in hla withdrawal from the palpiL Tbe
u not to U
MarahaU, Field A Co.. Cbicafp. Be- toe OiiyOpera Honae. Tbe Ocmgieaa^ eompaay also earriM Jim Barry, the
aldea tola there woa atom amoaat of of SUlea wUl be a prodaetioa each oa bantam weight pogUUU who tips toe
Urey noode an oifni
Boae but tboae in tbe larger ciUea beve ocolee at lOS ponada. Rob Arautcong,
toatebiol. toe aeoeealty for whleb, he
hod toe pleeanre of wllaesaing. ead the colored pogillst. was oioo cne of
•aid. le Uloatreted by tbe oeUon of toe
toe party. Tbe (amona colored hoaao,
Bun of O. *. Bicycle Clnb.
. fiasMeeemmittoe totoeeeee^of linea
eaotoer of the dleThe CbrleUen Eedeevor Bicycle club
I tiogulshed Stem.
wlU enj >y a rna Moedey eveainf. atart- moken miatoke. A grand .poaormna
to witooat dlrlolea.
tof from toe home of hliaa Oviett, tM of toe autea will be presented to toe
first part, each auu dkplaytog lU baaBest Ktoto street, at 7 o'clock.
1 In aeailoa nader the
Chriatlaa Badeevpreia . who ride bl
dome of toe Capitol.
cyciee ore tovlted to }oto tbe party.
Popular Hauer oad metklrr.
The'program wUi ooasist of an
A Uttte VrfIm
Mttog wUl be held after the
tom of aUtsa from the Ooddem of Lib
erty. naUoari march oad driU, national
It ban been ooaaldared pretoble that
oonga and aatoema, apeeehee, debate*
toe boe postal delirery system woald
I by the Jubd eotobUabad ta this elty about toe Kto, SUgont OoeoUBe Launob Arvmlle oreheetro. llwUlken ehormlog
Brat ofJoly.bat it seems aow that It
rivod Yeeterday.
wUl be daUywl aomewhav PoaimaaC. E. Marroy. local agent of toe
Paris two oad three will be interter Pried^ boa bean to eorraqi md- G. a A 1., focelved. oa toe etoamer
acoe with toe First Avrialaat Porimaay.hla
ter Oeoeral. oad a reply reerived re- gasoline loaa^ and loet no time to aadaeonttoooasapectaealarwin bold
tUl toe final drop of the
aenUy aUted that it will be imooasible geutog bar toto toe Boordman rivet
te toe OivU Sarrlee oommlarina to near toe We-qee-toag elehboaaa. She eartato.
It U toe derire of the
•end a peraoa beta to hold toe aecee- U a gtoccfnl craft, 30>v feet in leagth
of Travene City a
oaiy oxamtoationa before that time. by SS feet beam, oad will be a wel
Ibe leUer atoteoi however, that there come addition to toe growing fleet rep- flee eseareioB aad aaaaal phmie, aad
We piece moay cbolee barthey hope to reerive eaou^ from this
to aototog to pravenl
nmaWirn Tiaverae City oa toe bay.
galae baton ilM imWte. Jortto
toe oyatem to toto elty; bat toot, oa Mr. Hormy hoe not yet decided apoa a event to defray toe earpeaaca. The
oad JnvenUe
(here ore a aamber of ofieca to Mleb
make It totersettag we wUl
should be gioeted with a good attoadIgoa fogar (or toeayateoi, a little nrgmardm Uvtog prten
aace as toe cause they advocate la of
tog from tola end will harry matteta.
. Knigbta te Kaatotee.
totenot to all.
Ceagmeamaa Maririi has baea oakad to
A large number of eitlzru* will ac
push toe matter to Waahtogtoa. and company toe; UaUorm Bank of toe
« WtU be given out Kulghta of p/thtot to Moatotee today. motion of on aaiual ptebie (or tba
cfaUdrtn. wkea for ao little, ao mneb
Tbe Kalgbte will act as aaeort to toe
may be gatoef
K. of P. memwial parade and omlst to
It may alae be mentioned that the
JavoaUe Grcheatra has ai all times
PiBtoooor Poba Xerataer WUl tooeb
beartily donated Its aarrtece for eni
to toe Ann Arbor Uarrerrity.
lof all kinds, aad are always
Joba Imateer. prinetpri of toe High
plaaaed to be called upon to oealM to
oehool at GodUl^ whose home toto
any eatartriameat at home. Tbe od‘ toto city, received yesterday oottos of
mimloB price has been placed within
' bis eppolatmeat to a high
poaitton in
jreatordoy aftmnoon Mrs. Bowen and tbe reach of oil, 19 and 35 curia
toe Gniveerity
Gniverrity of MMIgoa. He wUI
her motoor, who. reside oa Wabster
buy year tieketa from tbe
amame the poritom of aariataat pi^lmtakes violenOy U1 at the ebildrea aad reserve yom eeato a> toe
ocr to Geraaa. which will requlre’lrtm,
time. Botobeldghloketoimltaae CHy Kewe Stand.
to teach, toe •oginecriog
•f the some allmeat It was (eared
iMtoeria knowledge of the German,
they hod eatea sometolag of a
laagaage flia him admirably for toU
poioonoua oalure.
Dr. Mortto woi
Tbe number of J. W. Btoter'e teleporitUB. oad hie recognised abUlty oa
called nod fouad that the ladies were pbooetais.
The above arc worto from
afflicted wito on attack of acute ladiSiOtofllAeoeh.
Bobmt OorUad of Artote te vmy U1
good oaa Tbe friends of Mr. Uataer
geettoo. caused from eattog atrawVerto tola ritywlUbs pleased to learn o(j
Both were vary rick (or a abort
hie Imprarod proopeeta This i* anIkere wiU be aa importeat meeting
time, but fortoaatriy toetr (aaru wore
t for a Traveree aty
of toe sennril Monday Bight.
TbeOt^ Travene Ooun^ Itoeh•m’ lastitate te annonbead to take
Chicago Market Boport
IMedof Dt]
place to tote city oa Aognet 0. eendbetMaty, toe It-yMr-rid dooghtor of 9«8Me: een, ujia oata, uve: port. «d by C. O. Hort.
Mr. and Mrs. John SUakam-, died at r.»s.Tbe Ottitorm Rank R. of P. wfll Bioet
their borne, near Hannah poatol
Jiqm. Wkc; Jaly, prompUy At 7:30 atthelr kaU tote
We ban a Oratoer-Jadk (or
Friday night, of diphtheria.
saifoi September, Mk904Sc: Deeemtrain to Maatetee
b«. fleH9«0Kl. Com-Juiw, t4H«
a. W. Spymoar. {
14M«;Jnly.M^U)4« Scptembm.UK
Oata-Jaae. Ifle; July. iSKSi toe rrnrHiiniM1nblnb*^3nMinrlaHim
««>wad Hp by A M. Xeaaaee «f WM«5 <
UMc. Fwk.-daBu. Ctempaay toft yesterday atearnoon for
r.M; Jnly. r.SA . Xmrd-Jaa*. $1.37) ObteogD,-via toe C A W. M.
B. Mri)ae« of Criior recently July. $3.8fl93 fl».
J'ake'o Blogcurs dotetto tot Bast
ptowod ap'a mound upon hte tom and' Hogs Tblriy netfw 3 eaata lowmr. Bide tmae kaU.Aebte yaateeday attai^:
trtoed a aumhar of Indian ruUcs of Ught. $3.W«MtM: wtMai, gl.30BI.40-.
5 Cents,
Bdys a good paper bomd be
All good stories.
i.ln Men’s Clothing:.
■r." 6.99
: $1.59, 2.98,3.98.
sea waa u^t.
KeA Wedaemy evening thrUteter.boodnf Fmeataia wa» j|iva a ten cent
M. B. H0U.EV. fdMUOSS.
Are ch^per ia 1897 than th^
were in 1797.
LaiTTm .T.*B
.ac mxoc^
X toe twate-l
twate-fonr boom
rally apeat ta
rll to t
% also «
ond«^ then
Wa ban it todifferaatawin and
acnommftdatiugnrteaa. We aw
oceemmodattog becanaa we unit
yw p^ethook. Interia^te
,v-«, srtss;
grt a aew supply and are aelltogthM dooa. just I
eveiytotog to the Fonlture Um
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
oppoeiTt Hserej-i Boonstoax..
t»ue moHT vranr.
Prices Cut Deep„„
Ladies’ Tailored Suits!
worth 16.00, for..*..
worth $6.00 for........
- 8.SO
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Glotblng House.
PoMn’t ntak« apf letter,
an, whiter,
nor any more bread than
, any other • Bonr; but it
makes jnat aa good, beajdea
being a home prodhet
—-vra wxd.rjrvTD'o,
DltCdlllll'OF Id TO 25 PER CENT.
on all Imdiea’ and Gents’ Raiortoe Shoes in stock.
' ■riiiten'
^^f^^&iaoaibaoBo. ,ui^: nnn. *Ci»7.
'tec. T. Bxt*» *»» J* W, Hask
X W.' BA»ro. Editor aad lUsAfv.
OM»»tK by
HAnMtaBlcai^ J
J. A w«»nto>, of TtofWM
Odn PriMbud of tkfeettj.. war* a'
la itom»ct teat Moad^ owlsf ak
Um OoocncaUooal putouo hf BarWUliaiB Ooebno. TIfer
tha l»dn«itol. aad wtU be at hcm» at
OirWoB atn^-Blf Baptda
roads ba*a lad to BMnba^s
Graad Opafm Hoaae dnriaf tha
week, where WaU A JoboaoB’i gtaoi
eanpaay. tke Stars of OboMdr,
hare haea \^rtaff
Biaats of a soparior order. Tha fim
Birbt there was a crowded hoasa aod
Impaind. if not entuely danrqyed, by
By indstiiig npoa the troth of the followlag aypeiicaoe that befeil aa one
.. ............................
My boy of Jfi aad
nysclf wen iodnlping
in a few davs’
ontlng at s little cioUxnue on tbe Po
tomac a short disiatier below old 'GnostoB UalL The wrathcr was Am—in
fact, too Qae for ocr porpaeos, at we
were after doHu. Early to the mocning
wa pot OBt, off tbe old histbrie Hallowins point, dear to many da<^ hnntezi,
about 40 new woodou deeoyi, as bsndaotuc as 1 ever saw, and then toedt oor
pneiiiomi iu the hlittd, full of tbraa feelitiga of rshilaraUon aod ezpeetaary
which all trae spartainen are boend to
(eel iu eomu deg^ even when all fa
vorable oonaitiout for sport are dead
against then.
After a few boars’ waiting in
onaaad BBtU Mara tha weak was over
there f waa > fratatom os staadlar
teat Bicbt. tha last
Of tha coBpaay, waa tha banner al^t
for the opera hoaae. Thera waa tha
largaat arosrd preaent that arer croi^ad
iato it for a theatrical
----------- perfesBaaoa tijy and Vi
aatan'thatiBaforthaoartoloM rise. Itrleved. bnt wh^ih proved tohis diaar«7 seat in the-bonae waa sold and, gntt to be nothing bat an old o
tha aialat ware partially Allad-. Tba 1 or mwbUl,
bill, known in tboae
tbrae parts
as a
parforaiaaca waa exceptionally good. [' '®"*>rrtoan,"
a .........................lardlyadd.
bird, I need hi
Tb» Urmen wHl be flMMd to loorn
4kAt«r>tw>Ue moreniMt. M»oo*tto»
to » “mebiae." bu beeo Mt m foot U
Wteooosia with tbc avoarad porpoae of
.ptHy oBt the bultariae Iwstnwa
, JM aow the sVersce famlljr does sot
haow whether it i* batter or botterlna
wktabrm** “**
'torafwsbior. howw. aone thaa.
to feel eoofidrst tbsi wa are abaorblar of apodal feataras of tha most enjoy
The incident over, wa walbd___
able natora. Wall "1 Jobnaon have
waited, with no rcssHa. imtll Anally,
aoompaay leariug tbe docqyt in poaitian, wa went
The BtaTor of hlaoistaa ordacad the of Brtiato of mraa than ordinary ability bark to the clobboase, jitqiared and st«
MraUon Army of that plsca to caaae dnd the axoeUanea of- their pertonn0 and thru
aafroU bark
into tbe woods and Aeldi on a tear of
Mdisff BBetinr- on ^ ooraara of ascei mented Use
oor heavy
tha vain jtreeu. The
This is aaralv tha beat aeries ;0(^ntar- inspection, wben, Aoding oor
ir the son’s
dkrcvarded the msndala aad
UlnmenU toer given in this dty tor
ra.va. we oaacloitod to return to tbe
that their order* csme from a higher snob low
. blind, wbw wo wore anrtt to And it
asthority. The sathority displajad.
«® “• I more oomfortahlo Ucanse of the light
r, weot. M fire of the toldian
ag. tha mapi- bnene that was earning <ir« tbe water.
i folly aeope workcQ porfeotly apd preaentad
srare aliotrcd touoEsldcr i
On arTiring at tbe blind we noticed
Ja tha eity)*il.
pictnras of aaimati^ life with plasalng that one of tbe dcooyt was positiansd
eomc SS or SO yards from tbe otbera
lY Bight be s good lOaB to isqatra in the hands of peraona a
My Am tbonghi was rbat it was adrift,
and 1 was about pntthig oot in tbe skiff
Oeorial Weylar if a treaty ad to aatartain. aad the j
to reoorer it when I noticed that it did
'teadi^ totbe soDeztfliae of Chiba to, vIewB ware aatartaiaiagly |
not change its position, alibongfa tbe
tha United Sutes voold Beet with hit Travetee Ci^t&doieai thaStarsof Comtide was rauniug quite tirukly. Could
it have Aoatod off and bcocnno again
iTwUlbe perfecUy ptopar lor the of ladiaa and gaatlaBea of merit. Bose oangbtT Conld it have dragged ita anaoathern ststet to sesd a petitira to of tha aperial fealtrea.ot the last per* ebw that long diataine while the others
Thcae and other
the ataraopUotm pic'Spraying for the ft
tbeorios were Leiog diaenwed by
of hemp iato tbU foimtiy. lafaetthe tnraa of famous man, glm In oalora, wben suddenly over oor beads from be
lyschlag istenfcu drmsad aoma each and tbe Egyptian Are daocahind ^ere paawd a dark shadow, which
The ngagement of the Pi^iek on oor knkingnp prored to be made by
and as we
gaacd1 npou
ux tOBorrow
nuatvm/m a
,, Inrge
- ---------e—
aub mh
at onciavtnt
Steinberg’sm vrmau
Grand tor
Ohorcb Berricaa Today.,
Grass Chips
TV Stnad Magadae C B. Botch.
gxbvink rpviawa
-riba lasnltt of
in JAM.
“i^myopinioB tfw great aostben
sontlnaot it tbaOMnUad of tbe aonth.
» Jnat ,aa jmany poBiUUUos. I dc
nllyr tbeiirre Ithat bitbcrio nnknown
olmal life will bo fonndaa Eostb Viotoris Imtal
Oapt^n Lateen
on the
Whaler Jason brooght back peMAad
wood from Ursbam Land, sooth of Capa
Born, which fact, of oonm, provm great
climatio changes In thaw regions dur
ing nraeading periods. As oar knowl
edge of tbe gteoS aontbern ocniiaeot
Slanda we mnat believe it really
to be a coailnenl, and not a mere aecn.Bolation of Ulanda. aa well from tfaa
• cf tbe land, aa it bae been
sighted arnrly all rooad, as also fnna
aoa Knadlnga,. and last, but aot laatt,
fm the nature of "
rooks which 1 brtmght bark with me
tram Victoria Land. If it ia all land,
it it probably of an area twice tbe alae
of Annraha. .
•■Already tbe. Arm Bight of Vtetoria
-Land convinoea one that it tt td volcanto origin. Tbe votoanoee of Victoria
Land show a truileocy to follow tbe
same line. Pram Mount ElabiM to
Moottt Melboonie the troid is wroth.
Tenor lie all
. _
Sabine. Poriber north Aom M«^t Sa
bine tbe great earth fold, on tbe septum
of'which this ebshs of rolcanoea is altnated, jtobsbly^wids a little womward,
as shown partly by tbe.
partly by. tbe pcaition of fiallc:
land. Eorthwmt of fiallcny
. .islai
land t
great fold trends perbaps to tbe knot
ting point between tbe Tasmanian »v<v
of folding and tost of New Zealand, tbe
fanner, prrhapa, running ttarongh Boy'
al Company island, and tbe latter
tbrangh or nnr Anckland ialand and
Marqnarie ialand. The knotting point,
would proiwbly be aom'ewbere (approaimaiely) urar Uie'tnienoction of tbeaixticth parallel of sooth latitude with
tbe one bondred and Aftirth meridian
of longiiodc cast from Ont-nwicb. It
wonid Jnat Join the 1^ of extinct vol
canoes along east Auatrolia on tbe west,
and, perbapa, the active volcanic acme
of ibe Nonfa ialand of New Zealand, or,
at -all eventt. tbe f«d wbiob boanda
that cnptinmit oi tbc coat.
’’Traced in the opposite diraetton,
tbc Tolraoic aoQc probably runs thrangb
Seal isluxli. the active volcanoes of
Cbrisn-n^ai and Sarsco, and thrangb
Mount Haddington, an extinct volcano
in Trinity Iwnd, to .Paulet nnd Bridg—— islands, active rolcanoea.”
According to the wants of the
purebBer-^good cheap: hats at ;
three- five—ten--ot fifteen cents
—a dressj bat for twenty five.cents—
—a window full at fifty center^
- C
extra valoes—Pine Manillas for a
iittle more money.
I Ever Tasted”
Is what many peofde i*a»rk after Arlalf
Inks giaas of loe Creeim Soda at oor
fMBtain. it will only coat yo« 5 eenta to. '
try a glass—Ton will-have the oama ex>
perience aa aOicra—Beat frnlt jul
Petotoey loe C
id ways dean a
8. Z. WAIT.
j Bring Your Babies,,.
Oet a bonnet or bat at half-price.
New Block—160 different. «tylra—are
maaasd byUempreUrceSsKaas.
all going this week, atrictly at wholeooseKMsnoaAL.
sale price—from lOc. to an all aiik at
ad aad they
they present
present two
two Arat-olam
Arat-claM one- Billed, down sadileiilT. and with ootasr.O.OeekIis.pMior.
*'The CbilCreo sod tbsChareh'* will
nadlya, *' In Honor Bound *’ and i atrotebed loloua gTssjiud Ute poor, help
satad.” giving both tbe
the patbeiie j lc«
leas wooden thing and___
and rmc_____
with_it on
' ha tha svbject of the terBoa thkmcraaides of natora. Tbe
It-adcn nuritor showed al tbe sor.
lag at 10:3u. I’sreou are inTHad. MIm
face of tbe water, wS«n for some rraAlice Crawfoed will singaaolo.
people of the
^hspa benaasc of the discovere
« aivtrle amwB.
Oet the cbildreo ready for Ssnday- eUtad vritb aoma of the beat known Bon,
of bis mistake or U«aaa> <d tbc snildin*
Tbc metric eyvtcm of weights and
aeboo). I'oung meo s elaaa in the laat actors and sotresaas in tbto coMtry. ^
nnexpocuri iDi-reaae iu tV w. Jglit measures Is rnximmended for adoption
». Soaalan, Davi ; cf Mi burden, this king ofH
aaata is the cbarch; bnsiaees Ben's
, . . ...--------------------------------s —I by all depariments of tV United Btatm
-WB HAVE MADBdaB in the stud.r Hemninatlerehnreh porLa^ oi^.^whteb^ w ^f [IhU
hU qn^ iul© the water with a splato j governmcnt_ iu bouec bill loSS. introtor Scndsyscboul.
proof of tbelr aMltty. Tbe engage awl sentUed aiunos tbe river as tbougb ! doc«l by Oongn'SBUjan Hnrley! This
apisiiulJaaior Christiso Kodearor S p. b.
ment to for one nightonly.
! bill prapoees to moke tbe meiric
ment—Washington Letter in Purest tern tbe hgal system of weighn
Look ap the CbristiM Nearer tapLot ns make tome for you.
and Stttaun.
mc-asurre rvoagniiud in the United
to, Gan. cs-in. Ask yoorsalf tha aame
fiian-s afl«T July 1. 1?00. in tbe ttani.-«aaaaon.and
Ommn T. rfolOs m Bdllor.
action of all bnsinras requiring the nae
Sanday ereniog gospel aaetlng at tot ^prorad by Typographical
In JS&B The Atlantic Monthly poMed of weight and mcasun-aient, except ia
900 p m. IVsy for soaaenexad bring
into tbe bands eg Tirkuor A Fielda, tbe completing pblic land sorveya Tba
thaB with yon.
SnzWaablngton. Jane IB.—Tbe eenete
Tboae wishing to
with tha civil eerviee oommittee reenmed ito
' uif>etiug paswri
augo of mnrb impor vpyors.al its late ammal
Anreh at the next
hcaringa todey. A letter from Presi tance to all its ooutribarorB uud greatly nnolutione advocating the cxclurivc use
Mndd hand their namm to the paator dent Preedottof the tnteraaUonal Typ- affmted my own liiuraiy lifu. Lowell of the metrio system at or soon alter
the beginning of tbe new ccntuiy.
«rdaaooasuiswe«-k. They wUl alao
aaaat with the paator and daaoont at
At a tulip luncheon tbe ire ex
beatotod that the nnlon. after more u,e advantage over Lowdld bring both
the otoae of tbe eveBlng aarvtoa aexi toon
loor yema nader toe dril aerritp editor snd publisher, a
aw) biscuit glace were eerved in
be lu
•aaday. If yoa desire to Jala by latter roles, to not of the opinloa-that tbe free hand as to paying for articles. Tbe oral Bowers for cups. Twoblotaoma
fieasB head in the letter.
ued together with ribiiona. tbe leaf
peopled latoresto are suheerved- by prices then psid-wm> lower tbau now.
t 'oacacn or cbrist (acBangr}.
stem BlUehed, wtre laid upon a
lilted neadil and bvArstioto toe government butwi
plate and afrvvd to each gueat
Tbxt: Romans ziv.. KVSl.
Berrioea are held m K. O. T. M. hall
Be had a
Go tn toe Linn Barlwr Sho] tor hair
HwUlexerctoeitolnAneneetoeran-el^,^.^ j.
at I0«i every Kanday.
-wts and baths. IS cents aarb.
Fim Cream Tartar,
torir abragaUon and have the offle ' Mv'tib^lditti
M. H tSi
Subject. ‘ Msu-s aceeaatobilty to
plaeed npoa tbe same baato as most | volunteering to advauw mouev no i»oOod. Divin'e prinripla."
sooeesstnl boalneos offices. BrieAy the j apective articles, yet to U- written, and
(saJPe<«BsktDcVew4sr. U raa wsal u l»
Golden toxti ■ Kor God ahaU bring anion to of the oplnkn that hatter re-: be did Ibis more than ouoc to me. I
lU.lpsskasfor4im. Bsbber SbsvUsr.
•wry work into Judgment, with every aolta wtU he ohtoloed by meklng fora-1 be^e also known bini to increase the
BsbbrrTubUia. all stsss,Wsirr Beiliss (casr*
satssd foe iwe jvstB.) rensislB arrtDgra.
thing wbeiW it be good <r
> for toe quality and ““*°«bl paid on Bndiug that an autbur
Bsoir fclads. Throsi BmbVs. ss4 Atsutsrrs.
wjMlhar it be evii '-Reel. xlL. 14.
ptirficularly needed ibv money, eapecialqaantlly output of tbelr department.
i ly
the case of a wnman. His
PboUtapa-1. Mvoarapot to Jadga
' it it were unevamitM
‘"’•ympathy with itragglii I women wui
oaploy hrip at wUl and dtoehaige em
Men',. Ladies'
S. God’s Judgment ia aaaUMtod ployes for ineompeteaoey. neglect of always vm>' mraL and______________
'ibe only one In tbeesrlyAtlanticoirde.
At Our
thrangh the Christ taariilafa aad daBand Misses’
except: Whittier
_ and mvMif—with Emofcoffice rules. Me.
duty, vlolstlon of
eracn aim, latterly—wj
Soda Fountain'
, A The kingduin of
load in
-an anflrage.
mrightooitoneaa, and pnra and Joy In
With all hla deaSra to create a ataff
Fields was always ««erly looking out
Aba Holy Ubost.
-toM" t«t-l<nn ^ .
A ^lerial iarUatlon to extended to Banatorial Tight On in the Olaralaad for ww ulent and waa ever prompt to
counsel and cmooiirage. He iike^ <rf
eonm. to know eminent mra. and hit
In Light Tan Colors.
geese were apt to be swans, yet be Was
Mantongs ea usual oraey nlghti (mt- noon today when, the Repnblieaa'eoun. abietodiscriniiuate. HeotgaatoedDick
ens' readings, for iaatauoo. and weort to
aVwbtohbtorasd ty eonvrnUon got dowa to
Rearly all are the Plngree ±
Atoua are bclag held. ChrtoUaaa a^ Altbongh ratarna at the. primarids every one of them, yet oonfrswd frank
Smith make of Shoes.
fealplng as In tbe reacna. and aoato>ra abowad that toe Banna mea oontttUed ly that tfaelT-patoga was a failure; that
tbe Foraker foroea. little Nell was ureal, ud Pant DamI, which to odr only obted'by MsTor McEtoaoo,.dto. bey a tirauane creature wlioae death
rft^devQ. taJact, despite tbe wotk of
pated their ooetrol aod boasted toat was a tvlicL Fields was really a keen
dtoattona arc pointing towaidaWtewB
Jnd^ of character and bad bto own
«• reach here at 3 p. b
B.. todgy.^
todgy.. Tba
— wben tbc ooorantson was called teordWhetoer you ara spendlBg
1 ouoe naked him
r $10, you want to get the best
haaviealy gales are expeetod tt> blow •r they would be ia ebarga. Tbe Agbt wbkh be Uked toe b
value for toe partlcalar- ameant q>eni.
by toe
Thackeray at Dickens, and be
When you return from a al ,, ^
1. Tift, a MelQaaon man, and Jadge
trip there la aattetocUen in feeling that
Frannto J. Wing, a Banna
ling quesyou have rraalTed fair ratnraa for your
In a Double Bill,
Oiara Beating, kto.Jw'lM par. nmaaent ebalrman. The bal'iot re. tlouable Btoriua a Ibiiiug whirb Dickrua
money. My
prices ara low, my
my valnra
i ‘
never did.”—Colonel1 T. W. Higginann
arehigb. Whatever amonnt you epeed
aidted in an
Sydney brundy*e
ia AUantk.
la our etora, you get good, bonaatahoaa
_ Bannoo to K. O. T. M. M iW oa Wing, aod tbe oonvenUost was tbereafMasteii>iece
aad Bp-t»date every Ume.
tor clearly under the control of HannaA CWnwtt kumiss,
row of pewa raaa^rad for
A raeolutlon. ringing in tone, waa
little black eyed and nimble
■ambera of toe order.
Come wly before sizes -ffirfe
tongntf Irish sncLt car dontloctor on a
Stmday arimol at noom
tlon as United Smtaa senator, aod tbaa hnneb <4 Beaton s West End nilraadia
broken. Make no mistake.
JnMor toagna at 3 o’oioto. Mra M.
to alert a aoBiaa of no i-nd of amnsuineot to toe
n to toe atete wo*
aoDte of hla rtartUng nttenneenn at d:U.
Ev«- Burned Out-?
One day be earns iolotberar and
•called out in hfi pecoUarly penetn
The ilpllowing are said by a Swtoi voloe: “Wan seat on tbe toighL
The Original.
*Sanln^«n bt praranu
banter to have been tonnd near ibe n«rt rioMT on toe yoigfat. ladies and gintleof-«n eagle be reoenUy di«ovend In toe Bln, anmeAraan fee toe leddy’phwat'a
wvKxncao sul
Pennell’s Millinery,
ONE-HALF OFF 3316'Frames.
^ 1" -‘Id. i “
Has Your
« rSlll
197 Pairs
..Fickvkit Club
“In Honour Boind”
It Makes
No Difference
h J. r.
MUtar.Agaat plaaed fa Ua naMteme
•A ^niltohMlto. a tMra-Ugbt ptut
larmmjMi gra.oAwa dk Onla
dotMfUabtagnadaall^ dkoM
^inoirantoon mma. Mra. ttlM^
Alps: A bare. >7 cboiMda' fert„4 pt- atandlng. ”
-geoiu' feat, M fbeaduta'tot. 11 beadb
A trig, ttirly tooldag bob
of fowls. 18 be^rfff^ andito^ oonpTiBg •SABO toNogta fortwo nid
and aqulrrato. *__________
•’Can't yeecr’ ntorted tbe Ifttl* oonmtot ••BtganyyoQDivwwlBteaott.**ymMa<Mt .toat yon fora m, H
toVMfnto MUlwaldagforAbaA
It to neddlawtoadd Mtraomww
•to ‘Mttoite”ta'toe tody.—
Monday Qi
Tune all
Uvery, fiiis and Feed Stable
Pc^iin* tsmer. hoise, s .pwasl^. HotsM bosidri,
Prices 85 and 25c.
Btnt. St wwl of
THB l^Bimra MOOBg, BOTPA^. Jum
Tornado victims
wrionlr dAioAtvd. It u MU8iAt*4 ibtt
Uinnicbmrt-Uw dl»rtct «vw wblcb tb«
crelOBB novtd At IMM lW6nt|> peraoBA
wtn kllM csd Blnetr injurtd.
Tha wbol* wrfaoB ■( CovrbrToMk
Tbo chid faarhiHti(«
•Vi«t av« mitaa oonhvcat of BtrlA
w«t at • teublc -q«lck pae* to A»SivtQC»t Teniplr. Bmiqu.
, 1687.
et gnnpowte UriwwB
by Mr. Oaear anttmaaii, in hla book on
tbe nanofartare of explosiTea, to have
beat moat probably as evolntioiL Tbe
' -napbUia. BMetton^ \
New Process Vapor Stoves,
. „ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
No radical »TO>«lywHI evar Alter Jib- wptelnlng Biter, anl[to aad efaareoaL
more iban aicknembiMl Uarena Oiwcoa. who wrote in the tenth
amajaco. aad U» cycloae pr«Mte4 the Bian
-J Battmv—oo
----- oeotay, girea a oompoaititAi for chaigapiwanuu* of a rlou«j of amnkf icolnc ■ J***®
W ««wwl fey Uyialanon.
iag rocketa aud mcken eloaely apfrom ibr aouttia-eBt to Donheart. Roefa l-SabU Joaepb SilTtnaan. New
proACbing that d moden blnatiag pow
fl>-inc Id Ui( air like Utea.,
A Haj- pole flni^R rarda lon|T waa ear*
der. Tbif ledpe ia quoted fay Alkwrtiu
Tbe rk-mnit that ostm moat largrly MagnoA and Another cDe, u
r tbe tnpa of boitaea eenticuoiwi
aad ceoaplraotnly Into tbo atnioturc «rf
to tbe fair aronnda.
by llngur Bacon. K„' AmbulaiK-ea teid forty earrtacae are! •' larettrr. in. wbloli
_ _ _ ran
_ _ ctmflde
_ _
. bowerer, apeaka of tbe_____
the dead and wounded, i ia Ui« ckun-ot tif love.—Ber. J. O. ■ocb aohetAuoM in any way like ibo flr-A tornado
Valker, Bapiiat. PlHladclphia.
tog of peojoctiloB tram gnoa On tbe
niral and aoutbera
women and oblldren can be aeui alttl
Tbaaghto Are Thiagw
OBuntp at t:U p. ai\peaterdar. Tbe wreiilu upon tbe doeratepa ComldL.
ocartraiy. they all deaaibe endmn and
State iDaUtstloB for recbU Mladed waa aMe damaae waa abn done at Bi. rJii«
Thinking men have made tbe world bomba or maraou. and any that tbcae
damaaed. and a bare on tbe inaUiuilon
'Whai it ia. AU tbe workacf man smniid were dlacbarR«d into towaa tn» balBANKER SPALOma ACQUlTTEa
term oellapaed an Twen'tr-«B penbna
«a an but the mauriai foeu tbroggb llaae or catapalta or mangooda for tbe
Brurythiagln tbeline of
•'our were taken out dead:- Brireeier aiabe Beak PreeMeal lleelated Ko< Oeltir -which tbe tJiongbi ct man la upreamd. ptifptee <a aetting Arc to them.
Baker. Jamea O'Drlm, Neal MrKroale
Mr. Unttmaiiii haa fooud, bowerer, in
—Ber. 1^. Bni;ire, bteahytcrlau, NathFINE ROASTS
Chlca*o. Jube
Charim W.
lie wardrobe aoamnta of Ring Edward
ABd Quile U Baron. Neal HcKenate
TiUe. at LouiaviUe;
. Cbicaco; rarm Bupertntendnii Wilmot
Mea Iiaadad Trewhai,
^ England au entry between A. D.
Savtnta bank, aad «
waa fauUy hurt; L«mue} tileaaun.
of tha'
unlveraliy. waa yeaterday acuultaiiendanl. waa aevereiy injured, and |I autc “olveraHy.
>>>*> Henry
cimry ori^r.
Bn»ec, WlUlam
nwiain mrarn
ot embcailemcm. The
andI WBUe Tlataor
Tlabor Injured.
injured, Hncb damdam* r*«»l aurprU*. at tbe.
1 done to property both In tbe
tocuofirm tbetradiiiaa that
l-fnl, too t-mliuMdeUr, to ignore.—Her.
' and eonntry.
W.M naed by tbe Eugliab at tbe 1.......
llrai worda ottefed by Htialding after V- J- Brown of Loudon te'Ht. tonia
The atortn clouda ateembled In the the verdlrt bad been read b court were
(rfCrocyiuiaw. Mr. Ootlmaiindeeidee
The r«wev of aM^Uetty.
weet. one aeetlon pamlnc o\Vr tbeeute "Well, tbia la a •orprtae.'* Tbe apeciBe
that Bcitbold Sefawortt invented tbia
o6oDs deCiveeed.
. .JBpl-L-,______
to bold, wof
_ ,___ ______
alnot 1818. If ao„
aeylum. leanny ibe rouU o8 vartoui charge againat him waa eonvertlng fT.- ., Tbo lawyer iy not oampi-llod
boltdlnci. uprroxliK fpreet tree* and 000 wonb of bondt of -Ibe Plllafleld
..r....- ‘ •**' -If to Ui" inripid idireaeoiogy and I Bchwarta mnat bare been veryyoiiagal
very yoongat
acbool dtainot In >>lke conmy. Three.Urcwinrr>-|M'tit>onNorfalMbri<>fa. Evcry-itlx'tiiDearclae have livi-i*
t-d to a veiy
bonda were hypothecated wl t the dny laugtuipi'. wJtfa unaffcrrand patboa,' gnat bgc. lor tbe-dutc of bia deatbii
trepDiitan NaUoaal
National bank to accure
will miuc lurily
aun-Jy wiudiit
cure a willnumIum-wb« be;
be ' ^T8B
glrea at
aa lUd.-JicqmlarSdeuceMontbIWt.-JHqmJarSc
loan of K.TeaOor. Crriaw and Miath Su
Tba.Bcn Oradea at tbe Lowcat Friacm
pJeadi to tin- jury.—Father Williain
Bpoldlog owm hla-larealttal to a aldgle!
Kuums Citv
word in the aiyute and that wortTia |
.the aterm atruiA tbe aaylom farm, rtntrnl." Tbe Srara rould not hroomr i
World Waa Mad* Otvot. •
three milea away, wreeklns a bus* Oow reconciled to *Me propualilun that the I Tbe man.tra of ilie world are tl
hare in ahjeb twenty-alk aousbl refuse; vx-trreanra- of the Unlveralty of nil- | men wbu imve mudo tbo world tni:
Harty New Cagtoag.
Nearly Aft;
nrteeo peraona effected alnsular «ota Imretlonally embeaaled the Imnda'
Ood. faltofnlHnidly 80 bonana in «Q Kew Ear
»r that
Inatliution. After bring taken
-t loatliution.
dating t«ck of 1700 are yrt In^
la folly I10.00a The extent of
o Jail Spalding aald: "I want to ^ ira WnlDoae-ilH*. « Urn thing.!
BIUBS, the PhotogTaphevwlJl mgke
the atom In tbe country la unknown,
that It did aurpAar me anme at TO and wnimn Imvc .Itt-d ftx. aud-i,*^. anlre, to , matw.alV t
antU fnrther noUoe
oe tJ
the beat greda hf
AOer a)U.......................
but ‘mneeded to be STMt In Aoaa -to
^ynre gn»tl«7ni« «hry have
|grm.d conditlr*. Alboatibcmc
property, and may-be many Ilvea are of 11 urged by i
gUsrt, Pwa- tiiRB, ,r^
ronsh. box ahaprd,
Talepbose ordere to Ko. 108.
byterian, St PanL
bwt- Tbe ttorm satbend auddenly.
a rluor in oun rideaod a bigfa pitched
preceded by. a mare of rolllns and tbe Jury waa bound to acquit ma”
OrMitweaa aC MedtoerUy
. raof„to make ebc aoow alide off oaaily. aad no«xtre charge for Aronpa. BetomMlns cloud* of white* and black, tbere are atill tWcnty-arvenlniilctmenU
Jan to be nn average man. on erdi- \ and a chimney <ff prudigitfiia aice. A nrember tbia work U gnarenteed firat
aacendlns and rteacendlne at tntenala.
nary, waman, airua
X ! few yren
y«»ra ago tbe great cbimucy
of tbe e'aaa in every reaped or nuwey refund
Tbe couraewaa from aouthvrret tononhDon't make a miatake In tbe
There ia little to atir Ibe Uoagioation ____
Bnecawen. Where OcMxal ed.
eaat after paMlns Uncoln.
ptaee—Front and Park 8u.
iuibe lifcUuii ttudgea akmg tbe val-[John A. Dig waa hot^,
Beaey ItaaMe* le nuttoam.
ton down
IndUnaiMilU. June II.—l^ter reinrea lywaa Ttou Nearly'cAared a Railway Ifya. yet tbe preparwitwm for tbe bilia, and found to contain ISO.oOO of brick.
Harr-r at Chla^a.
recelvedfrombotbibenorihcreand weil^
ooiDve frem jnrt there commcarplaoc , The ebimuoy of the Darling Ironae ia
•re portion of tbe aiate Indicate that
CSilrego, June 1»,—The aiwldrnt
•dayK—Riv. F. <J. PeuLtdy, Custariaii, , tbia town, deatruyod aUmt the tai
Thufwlar nlsbfa atorni. which did not the C..U. and RLp.tn which aauburlwn Barranl UnfvcreJty,
turns waa about na lar^
large, Ite removal
le until yeMerday morelns.did tnuab train came near g.dns into the ChiI provided tbv bonae with a goal aiiod
A lelesram from C
cago river through an <meo drew, and
Mm a bo atotly ouc aide of a anbjcct i
K«re- AltuoatnlJtheaevkn- aaya that reporta from tbe country thow
----AT---which the lococnntlvf and romhlna-' all tbrir Im-a almoat inTuriahiybrtwei <f*Wb cvb^uiy bonca wore wooden,
that larye QUantUlea of reluabir timber
imeaturd in itx-ir philcwcpby. Tbe cn-i
the oldcat atmcttire in
were deatroyea.larse treea belnsiwlated Uon ear did go into the r
off at ibeir roota Pairn fenclns and (o Jamea Harrntgion, It e brdgetend-v tbbaiaam fur tbe aturiy of |vycbolc«y' New England waa built of etone at
BtocK auffered aerarely, and la-n larae —war due •mtlrely to the amtngemei
fnmi tbo matcriBl aide ha. led men to - UuUfwd, Oodil, iti-or near 1088. £seor the IlghiB -on the -budge. A laiy
bama. ralued at tl.MO earli. wc
U _ I ae>a«uii
hexagon iiaai
light la
U uaoQ,
uaod. i,nr-aatr
.,nr-haif the iguore Boal life nutij adaedmea they I *«*'■ oldcat. the Dorliug bonae. ia alxmt
mroyed by Usbtnlng.
* J''"** .fowigiT. Exeter barl oa»-.iu!me I “**'*'
"A one-half wblla. Har. apeak aa if ibcrewtre oetbine of the
brtek-a atatlon contalntn
ee valuable
L. blieldon. U-fure the 1
W'">‘ bonna ffatuig far bark
./ffve ttn
Society of EthicaK.Tiitnrc, bt. Lonte. j inf'» ’•>« ■ )gbt<-.'mb reumry. and now
Brownahorgh and Wabaah the datnage
Wwrera Wh. CamUtu
Mill «ui be calk'd
waa bMvy totertiv-proiicriy.
red to aujipwn d tk« city.
Poar PvrMa* RarUd la Balaa.
Braniifol wrenen. memUre of oof|**^‘‘ •*‘*f
lie clalnied that Ibe engineer Caught
The wrrt wing <.t the Paregor.paper
gianrc at Uw light In.trad
mill at KatoD wa* bicwn in during the an aohIlTiue
wof bwb Uod W«] mw. tegn...
look full lb n. face, end aal<
aald that
worm Four pe-tde are repom-d ■•urled ' •m
,« e.t.ari - a>.e Lur
tbe llgnt
light w'UUlll, fCU
in the detirt* The |r„
,.roperty 1»]I Sack.
1.^ which
which the
t»o.ii.n» o.
IZMND. The rtiof of th.- Raton window- tng, Ihdw-while.
hoW while. He ekally proved hU and di-roto the snalsr nan of awr-rw I
revered bHweeu 1.80 and
glam workf war IlfieJ off and mu<4i rwat l.y
awlnglnx the )>r»d|
tusk to the wicked f.^inution. 3!
*^ **‘‘''^’**“«
e other prr.iierly waa done.
IwxlltoB It nn-upicd -when Ihr train
game, d el...w,f A»d theiv are nrai.le '
bnilder, replacms an
................... —r Lurnlwr com- ot-er the <elgv. and the accident aeemt g
which had been bwwd.
pany'a rheda were bfewn down, the A1- to have »>,.en cau.ed eniin-ly by the who apokigixe for ihii
hany hwHe work* were anrorfed ar.d light. Tbe lrt»-k. are nni more than tkfw In aocieiy.—Rev. W. W- Imndram. The ve*y jiirtarraque Dctim tt Gilman
bouao, a bnck atrectare kitb gamhrel
chlmneya and tUcka were levrjed. Tele four feet alwvc th. aurfi.ee of iVhraler Baptbit. Atlanta.
phone and lelegrabp wirta are all down. and the fall waa not great.
roof, wbieb atood abooewbere iheAtnae
. A >l
ItrtMittmawHBk «l IB UiU.
TTm flint glare work, were damaj
taxed' ai
aged by lightning. A
d to-lhe extort rf
tf U..
Boom ft. Olty Opera Houae Bloeh.
•10. A touth-bcund Monen train, eight
mnea Iwyond moomlngton. war rtnick
Drat beby lightning and the pane ngerv rbaken aenirlPX a abui-ter day. Pr..-xldent
t evemhiling
----------Jehn--All reicrgy
reicrgy by which ■
up aevereiy Conductor Johnapn war Bon and aomc of the New Tork dalegatre '
iaaeqaind, and ait
We Sellpalofnlly Injured, bnt
of|pot^ II <in the groi •
Later, aa the train waa raring G
burg H ran Into a large re that I
m^hZ> rtfor^* and'VIlJe^""/
tbe Rcvototkwaiy oo'tbeeak fff
been blown acrom the ii :k
fldenev In the Typograi*ical I’nWa ;
It waa then that Ibe older of tbe
engine wxt hadly di .agrA
■ Albany tl eallmated <ai 8».esf> wrrth
ywe laanred. g. W. HARTSeOa m
. ' -------------------wiu ^ ,,.u» wr-re erwtKl. lire war
of damage wai done 0 property, but
?uSr,"uto pU~Tiirt the ■
Obarecte*. and 1 pretty eaectivcly
topped booac bnildao Ilvea w-ere loat.
.rTcd V^lu^|ol;^^o7
«o are Ibe da.r, when we itet. but by isooprtwpcrity had returned.
Itle*r Away Rowfi atMl rhlmaey..
Fire Insnrance.
adtniitbe dAtxknrio and Nvw Englargl abirx>wix-n breaine
nf a cntnmlltev of fl/e
_to ‘‘’***
atorm. prevailed ui
nch. The booae bu.ldiug mania
a widc'diatrtet In ro-ojxralc with the Ty^mgrapblcal Co .onr bone aa we woqJd n-ftwe to uunil
Kabraaka tele T*tui day nxhi andearly lon r<»- the nlnv-hnur {lay.
the ,’f***^
we diarover a lire in onr broke ont again iu tbe ftnu of tbrw
Id I.tnniln aome ''a bonre, we have no btwitarina ' groat, aqoare, three nory bonaea of
Munroe. J
.g,--------- --------l--------------TwraiyPewplv a I »«■ Brea Ftot.
‘"nKJIately’ ciyiug. “Fire, trel" ^lofa ftx. Ire hai a few ^ of whit*
« '*- -JMe i,._ t “*"*
P»‘tibg «t «L Tbe Salem. Newboryport and Portamontfa
««>«*«'■*• U« «» Ibc 0001*
te Uft In tbt town and many rout, were Duilng th* yir».t laradc l.y tb« l^men
taken off. Tbe houae of Peter T'Wn Broa.' clrvu> ye-treday a iMlcony ever ™ nature, and it baa att ui fire l>«: Tbe magnatea of IBDO-IO dl
no nub-no
wax totally wrecked and Mr. and Mra. a atdrwwlk UTupUd h> about twenty oiwt* of belL—Rev. W. A. Gaidnui. gnn.bn-1 roof* aud
irooka and itarngvC Tbev were nlain
Tobin allgirtiy Injured.
Norfolk auf prople gave wwy and the party wat Chriatlaa. San Prauciaoo
hurted at-out elKht«n fed to ihe walk I
*^ **“'“:
fered from the atorm In tbe way of on- bel.
w. Many irenUe were Injured. 8cv«:
«gwtora«» «r a Jati.
i *3"^“* ™ ntHitariiin men, and
roofed bouaaa and rtnall Mldiitga Mown rtui . hlklren who occpuied' ihr walk I ***»
• rttuf! Jn which tbe hnUdboilt btmaea aa aqnare aa themaway. Two man were Injured, but not
la s and iQe Ogam '
»U!yr IhJurrt. Oenie Ertekwmund ' •“«
■ j«U ia tfic fareiutcn.ofamUDo tiooaeare atoot iben.
■nerioualy. At Milford ai»d Bagt, the Carrie Hat^n were among ihnre
an my
wu. In
„,o« I leaiuwu.
tbe era wbca all incB w-er^
wa*llT •nprrtpooa
wh>d damaged emaH' atruciurea.
Mibri; the 1
ed to
ic I\ oeprau'd end crinK* wua ouivcwiibI “““ ««y- were the* worthka *0 re-,
limited amnuntWralD felt.accamimnled be fatally Injured. V tetter te believed
by haJI.
! prtaona «.re nuiltougbt of. but wbi-n
■adrilla. M.. AtanTtdtad.
I aoclcty roar in ibeacaleor Tiitoe totbe P*“^.
Improveiuenta which And everything in the Iin
Danville. Ilia.. June !».—A Chicago
'be mujorily could diatioIntoodnred In arahtteeterc.
Bedalla. He.. June
Thia town wax
vlaltad hr a fletre eircirlewl and wIM and Kaetern ininols excurnkm train, «
butwren right and vkNmg ifaii “**»•*■/would be pretty anre In tepoatortn tea) evenlnx. The prwer bouV reuir from Terre Haute to Humanca majtxity nude lawa for tbo uaniab- "‘**«'w*‘*> «*» the adorsmenta for of first class jewelry ant
of tha Bedalla Ktecirii Railway attdt DU., with 700 paaaengera.
- -. ran ----Into au metit
mail nf ( tlldone
and laid
tbo ffonncl*. T^.ch poor Qaren Alwe baa bees beU
--------------lid tot)
Power company wa. arrack hy lightning “«wn awiich...............................
tioiH Iu- Ibe brat ptiaoa.-Brv.
priaou.—Brv. N.
N. U
O. ■
*“ *^«**'
and an or the dynamae nilr.-il. liavlcg j cdHId.d
a freigi'irtrete *’T^e*4i!
_H.) Kewa toilet articles.
the eliy wlihoul atrret lighie .teal night : gtr^-of
loi- **‘*’‘*'
Irwin* were Iwdry-demol
Mart Aatoar* Debt.
and Btnpping the eara on all of tbe atreet i <M(M. hot
bi nol a piarenger waa aetiuui
be TUrmral to U.U.
' air
car line*, a one-atory brick rreiaureni'rinjurcd. Application
of- theair-brakea;
tlon of
In tbe uainro of ibioga ibere are « Mark Antony bold aloft tbe bloodIn Main Mreat waa Uow n down A^m- ; prevraied a terrible wreck.
manyaonltthatnreltioapubleof trala- ■tainod tem* d bia murdered Mend.
«®4ef*7kted<,t-------,, maUcBi.- They
oaiumt b.
be Mliiiitta]
admitted boo
info I
»—iTS,-7 0UUM.t
that' ibe uiguiut
bigUxt Utea. lliey
They are bopclemlv
bopcle*ly '
^.A. ,oA oreamenui treM ih «d 2^\j! A.-DKago.
Cl'icago. dune
June If.—ine
tl.—Tbe BteiemeBi
ateleme that''ue
abd mnai to iibut osL That ia their
of tbe rt» were bro^ra down.
< j Taber, will *iar reparetaly next aeaeq^ pnnWinM-ni for a:
' *
MB B««ml Otkm Mmn «r L
•mniy Wm«4«4 - iiMvr Dmi
Dmm Ib «tM VtelBitr — laAtaM A
<hnv«lir (h*0«
— Maa/ I'amaai KU|a4 aaO '
br a atona S«v j
146 Front St.
LookHerel Attonfion, test side r
frkh liver
Frank. Stepan,
• Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Family Groceries
Fresli YegetaWes Daily. '
Jacob Furtsch,
.... - ________
Tlie Hacowifrilfiailfifs
to‘.u.'Twv;. jhi':3i| i.r*-'-”’”’ ^
Iv*' 0»
Delicious Drinks..
Ottumvra. I.., June II.-A Wll
i iV2^u"‘Te^?^tev!
rteae J«aaed over Roat Hill, a bimII t
-.10. TO «... «.evpit, i„.«—! _
'to. 1
to _____
trniage In
in Keoknk
Kertnk county,
reunty, yeati
n. Tbii
From the New l*roe
.Afternoon, touching the ground in ...
c reiailcn
»a »™. T—. that Ju nan
I, tSifcpick M. Up.
oral plaew Joat outeldc the town. Tbe
W. Heck Serves Them
damage done waa oontinad to irrea and j
«. out Iff baiuooy ,
teH^llHega Another eyclooe of aom*. 1
•to*--------At the Houtb side rv-nfminoan B
, with Ibe alw3*___,
orurr, and arc JosUi
wh*t greater vluleoee paved alx mile* ,
. Jane II.-The
Tbo PriiMc of Walea ia Mid to have
_ annual
“ ^ deutroyed. bo with tbeaaulatff
•oolaof iWlis
. aa« of OmalooiA. Itt path waa over ^
t of the Lake Brie aad
Wealleartied te bia yootb to make ateckiD&
two mUct In length aad abent fifty ’
. railroad, made public yeaterd^* i
Bteaoo. tba Oukoeff York, learned tbe
parte In width. The damage, however, |
-wa that the gro* earnlnga for IM
Bapttel, ISL P*oL
■ alight, being cehflaed
- 1te I
year auffered a derreaa* of'uie.tNi.SS.
Orar Biebotea II. can .plow, aow and
■a and ot
Tbe net earalnx* Ohow a rnrreapondlng
^oonUcitma te tbia rt*nOy b«*; reap. Tbe Bmperer VUUam U a pnoddacreaae of W7i>W.tt. and tbe aurpluw tbe time tbatocr i
Fine Merchast TaiJoriog.
iwtoraffm oattled aal Uiamiitet. Ming Bom bert ia not <min DO! .
tbe granite hUii eff Kew lya2
Tlt^ga■ Xrae PwrJito^ oad Oaate Md
Otty H«wb Oa.
0~r « 8w«k.
■PaHA Jnae u.-a lerilUe tore^
tertn*fleld.»llla.. Jnae ll.-Ooveroor
TOck aeveral vlltagra In the vldnlty Tanner yemerOay appointed ex-OoverMignonrtte and tbUow. pink tevrblte'
d -tbia city yaauiday,
AI the nor RMiard Ogleaby. of BIkbarti J. ealttbem, ibongb -tbeyw**DcntlyaU‘ Mig
time the cyelont eiruck Amertaa B.,Or*nbut. iff Reoilai J. T. Hobllt, eg yonng men wboi they waa over to this *«Mp< oonbliM baantUuUy for nnral
a telr waa la progrera
Every- UnoolA and Oiarlea Deraa, of Rock cootttry, hftd to bnatle to bwp &«b »»«ha pBBter eff A dtoner table
Md treeateg. With a aoll te
thing wai Uterally demollMiad. Two Uand. addiUwua delMmus in the in_ mvrauon
_ tebteh locki preponderated too laitety
Lumber Company. W« bare for sal« Good, Sound Hem
TOTO tre* ware uprooted. The roof ternattonal
d Oolguefa flreworka factory waa be bald Jnly 7. d and I at Denver. Oolo.
lock Lumber,, Surfaced Sidewalk Hank, Maple Flooriim
vrifb a
^n off: a tab chimney waa bteam
Miami Want te AMITO
M^e Wood. Lands for safe. Mill Machinery, of aa'
down and tbt boiler exploded, hilling
laona. Fa. JnadJi.—Tbe mlMn*
axvaral parauni and injuring fifteen. It
enttaA reoulund to aauate wRh
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Caniasea
Miworud that five• parwaa w** fcUted
1 nattoMl labor msaaiaatlOA. T»a
te A Veate. te
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Bant for sale.
Do You Know
• A.W. JAHRAU8. •
' Suits to Ore’er.
If You Nave Logs fo Soli SSse
Geo, G, Winnjo
1^ o«7x»to.*«. at.
Tga yoaarnr^ bbookp, axyyipAY, jujb so. isst.
>~:inLLioK8 isbcttoks
dra, who bad Brew
a tonla. rrad hit sana io Tto
Ibl* ended too dlaewaloa aad tto I
------Gagatt* and loaod to bla lorprlM that
boi^ratra t« bac«lad aad aabackled ;CATCHC8MltOC Of
'f C^my®^J»ONO* to bad anatnedtoaraBkotjeolOMlU
, Sntl-Trutt Bill Coottniet^d by.
tto itvpanal forae
b CF b^is wv.
IfilKary am xe
tor tto tomiMnee, rw «C H enat per I
e«e nBBwaaiive to tto odBoare Ttoy
t Ceade Uto a ghtoy oBroll asy neir they itoe. aod tbey b1jlBiTT POIALTT FOK TIOUTIOn
tWa-lto totdkaleae toeate fto €
' r pay let naay more atea
Watolnctoa, Jaaa U.-Retming. „
wily to Ito army Aboot
B>rt XmU,, fart»« Tmm
■pMtol dlapatchM fion thb Mty atat'
j T« pef
full tranber at ura
«1MM r«M «r IMb ~
log that to hai declarod ainoo too
Mmt-IMXo'* T.fc. ■ Dv uc • alpoature o
Bemrtly at tbeBotcl Draoat tbm i
*^‘»P W‘» »>» »b«» toy l»
awiage atwi«thoftbe
ftk« UUp^- ■» b«^ 4««I
treaty tbat tr. a*M ~rpiiairt to anntaa* Wto h tolart • wrtoBi and latwawlag. (orm. ewa andet
Li Haag Cbaag'a
«ai itote vwr tk»n ae^ hoped the treaty *o«ld to rejected BovreUry fUterman toy* too oe- aoil»tJ«W(*«ote®ltoit<wa,ttoi«oper-legBip„„irfdy boum oftem. vhiio
claJa are falaei that aa a rule he U <9. tyof Baian-FeHcBBaaf Patia Tbta«a. ,toabm 100 wea ce pap« tonally
tweed to the fnl
lacUai. «bkb waa ribltalKd la liiSO at mean bnl 40 or bO in tbr flato . On nUw exporitka of daooratlVe arta. mlcbt. new diyi toe olBom cngMe a ■nartent
ritaj any one ci tooae baJe^iag to tto BvmM-r erf apidien by tto day to taaka
ttrIK Mil lb tbr Knnt* M« whi
cutonaUatlo bnuonlita ta Ito ' ^
tkiaki wtU in*erthr ..i.jMMowthfcthbv* Japan to tbeee lalands. Re tbarafore ap
OlaplHto. tor mnakilBB. col- ‘
aontcee of proflt bmidaa dtoliag
• tom Bud* to oiT.=r BmetoiiWBU o* » proved the treaty maklag Uawall a
laolcd 7.160 difluwit mciawM. |n > is dnmtuy «(<ldleta. Tto Ure oae* have
atinllarchArarier. liUa.Wjow*: -Bretr Ptowwloa of tto United Btaiw.
1640 a ooUcetew la Ubeat aabiblted | » *«" ahifortM sad to eat. aad Into
porotm. flm
Obrtoar Mm* a Itovlbged Toeea^
man ibaa Sfi.000, Bad M.
I food and clotbw are nppllad at extorttoUtamriwi «< ttoGmaobla !#««,. 1 Hooa» prfrw by toe rtBeew. aq ttol ot
|c|>atalkiB in tola: 11>^ P
to^ month paid by tto gorbBBMb <d oartoaillM torot«b bU oOtleo. enuneai for each wWier, about oae^fto
, Ann or cvriKiratluD to (boBopoRM
tkw sd battowaf Utoritnand of ndor wtcruMk thr ira«l" or commerce to
t© tto tvaeto wbo are
nw or rvDBrd mcar ><r tar kiod Bmonc'
* coBiemri yoeierday by Judge Brad-1 The bullnaBof tbe elghteealb eeatary • ^ eagtged dariug wartime and
tb» oermi »iui<>. or with forolso t»not faerauoe ai a nea'apoMr man! trlng bigb prieto in Ito maricei at tto ■ diebandeJ toa uoneal «to fUbUiig »
UoBb, fur thr -|>um~3<« «f aaduir A>.
thlage told him were privileged, but on iBftoent time; Ttote-are loma of tbom etar wIkrevet Tbty may bappm
kuctnf the piUo i>f Mch bugar, thBll the
aad nearly alwaye wllboat the tM
ground that the quwUoe naked waa toat ftogcaaid. we an t
to drrmeti ouHi' '>i t Bilodemoaser, ImpertlneaL wlto hie marvaluw saoML in hU tluw of rrraralag to ^ir bconea, too* keep
Wd OB ooavlrliiiQ
Q lli
ihrmoC. btaU to PUB.
Wae rrm Ctomr (a .War Tlawa.
d ing up Ito eupply of amed robbers all
Wied br • line of•t nnt Mbi.tku IMDlK*
_________ .., toitona to big to a omra pkoe; on over tto emplR. ■
more than
Bny^------------------------------------------As to tto stddlen ef ibe ttandlng
oMhe Naitocal Baft. wblrfa allegoriva and varloBt aafajheW
At bard tai«r imi 1< m Utah aii bkwUw Pep
army lo times of |aacr. they are, wito
and Tniei company. { were carTtd,
» ihai. !«.■ y*4i«. or by both died bareBavlnge
after a bHef Hli____ ...____
Baotoatnoet- wrilm la bU •'Seerat toe exorMloo of tto JIaateboo garrlMo.
Said" Jibin.uu la ito dlwmiOB o( fi
yeare old. Hie relaltona with t*r«al. ileiuoire," Nov. Id. MM: -The mania so wretchedly paid Ibal Its einuglb exIh# court.
"deal Llnmln and Secrriao' dupionwere fnr baftatie la lUdarfftrvtnely rMicn- Ifti only ou paper. Tto men enliat and
Hao la triruUI) bTrhC.
latimare durtiur the late wer. DuHng
“And IB ca*v yf a coivoratioa foand that period.hrwae prew renaur juid cue- k>aa Tbvy aiv ant only of enonaoaa rrgalarly draw ibclr pay—< tolUings
fuliir of Mill otfen.r the ]aiy abali alao
llan of toe telegraphic eervlto of the BlB^ some of tbew aa big aa eix pound per mt^th—and have acareely any far
aecertalh ahd riiid nbat oAcwa of tba wardeparfcenu________
crawna, bat minUtsrte and pierarea ara ther (^oect>OB with tto military aerrcorporation aunJ ix dlroelad the oor.
made opou Ibrm, and tliia omamatta- kc Ttofewihatgooadatylutbeolty
porailM tn r.iiiimii euch.offraK, and
Teller latMBaeee Two RUb.
tioa ia eatrewely coatly; borne of tbrm gaiee live pniin ly on bribe*. Thr Man
BDcb offlrer*. »n i>rina found guilty of
ITaahlnginn. June
Teller latr^
caaalac or 4ir'otlnB (be toiporatlM t» dticed a bill In the eenaie yeoterday ruftmat the ujidala ef toe II Ctowia cha farce Buder tbe Ikriar geiiriuL 00
otben aatique atgCDeeaud eltn ottom tbe other haild. b well paid, bat Ibeae
rummii (he (irr>nm- of which tl It fuoad
that all tonk n»let ehall ha tto Hetamucpbotoior Ovid."
eohlH-te do DO (Igbiing They are tmly
gumy. ohall lir
to the punlah.
laabey. in bii biogtapbinl notoa, eagagwl
guardliig the city toalatt
aforeuid u •hall to a autteient
lag.In the tndl.'imant to doaorlto
a*y» ttot wboa be eame to Purie to Cbiueoi- reUbu Tbr.v live Is a arparate
the olfi-nae In th<- laiieuage Of tble law;
wwked far a living by tnaking ooptoi Quarter to that ocrnpird by ttoCbtiiMe.
and the fan ih«i a manufacturer or
cd VaakxB and Botirbm on the lid* oi oa wbwn they ofiea make ntwortdwd
rvAner of cugar 1. fur/i to Mil Ua tttoar
MirboCH, aud that far tbiae medal- atiarks. Thai flgbu-betwcea tto CbIto ibe tuiMlr In Inivretate or foreign
IkM to WM paW from « to « trauc* Btec aud the TaMaraoldfaty br of cmatrade otharwlee itor. ihroogb epedal
tto faabton,
tuon ottwrrrace. and as Ibeec Tartar sol
- '-•Aa it waa atlli
fariori or ^grille ehall be deemed prtma 'Cbirago. Jane tr.-Commiitece are
diers sre uut auderthejarisdlcltonof.
tolioqe m big aa
fatle rvideticv if m"nnt>ojtalBg or at- work peifactlng the ursaalaailuD of (he ! "kW. "•o
____ In »«r “Social Democracy pf America.* I true pkvc, upnawhfab OopkU, Boweta
tempUnt to m..n.>i..iit«- tbe trade
auger among ti«
ral ttaua. ocwlih tto phi«nlx akich baa risen from IBe ud laadirapea wrrv cut la cameo, 1 go aspnaiabed.
foirlgn nallont.
Via. went into that bufinem. IgoiltKto love last between tllb ciiy b
aabet of tto American- Railway Umoa.
I'arle aeiB le Keeewla tto law.
(he aalive Ciiuiese. —Unglith Lxcha^a
Toaterdarl aeaelon al I'hlirh'a ball w«a
•The aeveral HrcuiicnurtBof ttaePnll- adjourned early untU > o'rluak Uila
I after iMa pariod fa the
ed Hieiee are h<-r>-l.y liiveatedwUb Jurie. morning to .allow the legtelailve com
din Ion to prevent eml reaimlB vlula- mittee Uate to comideie tbe coneiltaiioa. rradlllon to lake Up rdiksbift. All tbe
____ __
b rrportod
freo bendtlune of ihl» Ua: and H ahail he the Tbe work of lb* r
a al-! fine maanments of
« Paris were oarred' wfah of aaottor orlgiDal copy of Mrs.
ffioai aaHrrly
•Btiivly of pmili
rutting into fcrtnal, „ ,!,«». Then
tbe pauiottc bat- ■ Browalai's "The Battle of Maratboa,
the I'alled Slairf la (h<-lr rsapaodvr
*«v. klrwady ! toiH, rrprmraUDg tto ukiigof
taklogef ttbe Bat-' which wm pslDM (or W. LiadanQ, 87
* trtet*. under ibe direetioa Of the af- bwa axpresaed.
tenwy general, in in*ntut«’pn>c«edlngs
>bJem of tto ibnv
order*. !■ Wimpole
Vimpole atreel.
st^ CIvendial
Otvcadleb aqoare, la
At a meeting «,dilay au ihoae having ^
la equity to prvvcni and reatraln eut-h oredcBtiais
aailaiM «»^ii.[|^.li>«Pbryglanrap.ibe|icgtratta(«Loab I8W. It waa Uaight at
vjihlng (Cl uiiiu with the. *'’1-“* Niiateek
way of rrmi.m wiiing farib th* A. R. ti. urulrr (to new namr. and ! Hbortly afterwfid ftoec
ttoae cnamentt ahlllluga. Upto tto year 1601 bat thrw
CAM aaS rraying that such vtolatlun poaelWy other lympathlavr* with the : wew laid a« ‘
aoarc* work were knosm
abali he,eBj.:!inMnr -tborwlarigohlblted. muvamant. will b* admitted. AcUr. tiatfa batton was over,c reign of tbe ar-;, oopiw of thbthe
r, aad Ito mother to exist, esd tbr only one that baa ever
^'hen the paKi-. .MmpUloed of ahail
* Just aa ■
aold by enetlMi rvallanl 080 at
bav* (wen duly
- - n ahail |>vk-<w1 i
I* hearing
s'ld drlertnlnaiioo
d. —-------------.1
JnscoiM and
•I.ie ».,d
of I -...............................
Doha lilnlght nr* ih* f„now(ns i-“**^“"*
k**^ anMiug tbt'itlkvilcBs are may have bH-nuaeof tbe three oopim
thr case; and i-emimi! wh prtmon and | ootllnt of ihr plan iMw
proposed today:
vSy* ; **
at Myewus^
to to proposto
imitoua diacnvttvd
I The anil of Uir dn-mociiscy will l>: tb*
I, CUy Ot»T« Hvaw I
TikiAfai k
s, ■
dkeorda but'ali
Oeorgta had gone Into "tbia to’
waablng Democratlr dirty llaea’’
^ !
(Vest) would ask bk aaaocktea • *•*
Me qneftioaed Bacon as to wtoiber be
beli.ved In taxaUea IUto ted to tbr Deeds
of aa economical goventmrnt aodBacou'
-toUd he did Then Veet mid to ccnldn’t
see bow Bacon was In favor of morrrev.
. they had given In th* Wllasu bill to c«rtaln-raw maiertala If tbk was a fraud
then tbe tuveent contest over raxing raw
snatertal was merelr as to (he amonnl
of lb* fraud. Tbaa TUlmao addM. “aad
J say plainly. If we an to have tbk
atewUng. 1 waat ay Aar* (er Aovtb
'Tbk washing ef duty Deaomatk
Diien k aaUiti«Bewtamd''TlU9anda-
Biita t-ow bae here aoeeptsd tg tto
.......... "
inlaattOB ef tto
I. cauditot* for
mayor agalaat
Bgalaat Tammany
TAznmany ihalL
it is delivered before
It coDUins all the
local news up to 'Oiid*
It conuini a resume
ofimporun^ aad gen*
E era! newi of the world
of the previous day.
It is thb neatest and
: moil attractive daily
I newspaper north of
: Grand Rapids in all
It is tbe only morn
ing daily paper i
Northera Michigan.
Hi’^yttiAKEors WAfrn.
i :Kii ill
West Michigan
Quick Returns
Lederle's JrfSa:
?uk mm, Mwm rtod * Cm.
toot OAT AXO inOVT.
Rates, $1.S0 per Day.
Telepbone 23.
CjGle Oners Look Here!
"US'-1 I
MbBA. OM'tar tto
M. l«
"July 80,
A-Hal»dto over
by |*jwA.vn;l)--t»vnl sMMdhsied weleh WIU
MoBUrcy lo.tto Mnninls to tolgwlay i W_Mrtons*.wn*ii^lHL^ aad tg*.;
fto tto king 76 diamuud battoaa. 6W.trtrMam-ITA B<Bm.(.Yt».
708 llvma.
I "Aug. I. I«86.—Two digmoBd but^ 87.8M UvrsA
"Aag. 10. itoiA.—TbnadiaaekdlfalVM. Ok. 400 Uvito
"Ore. 80. 1086.-.FMrdlUMmd bM. BRntluiaeTOA for eaw. O
dllloe. to»i aut-c-^rvelo i..—
Auoibex^icm lu tbe Mfat yaaR
yM u*e ■•m*r
Bit* fa^W tojietr
"July fd lesd—Farnlsbed by Mofa toep.sii grrMiai.
farey for tto king's vsat: FtatytohM C*oA BANk-Aes-i
goM Lultou. each art with a dlBfaCBd,
UdH0lW4.Df-l,lck.-m «..■
posed at Sv« diamoedi each end a cd
ODediamoad eacb. 186.188 livraA
"Also 884 dwpi (or tto doabkt oT
k (roe leVB. slselj bctm
I betMtsga. wvU sreletM W
mond each, l.ooe.846 Utka
tt.^ a jraokoAM"lu additkai (ton
aseatal cla^ of tbns
801.87Q llTRA
"baedry preacsta,
-MM4. Arab I. tv..daa^ 6;4.8a«llmA'
Tbat foots ap a total of about 8.000,
000 lirm few tbe bottoaa at tto "Great
King" for tbe aiagle yearof 1888. Tbe
■Louis XIVnoeivadalot
of butums that wen vaiped at 1,071,000
Uvra Jb tton enuacswtictw then is
aio meatick of the dtamoade (nr tha
sbcaw, tto gattegd tM cuffs aad tbe
bets of tbe maaarcb.
BsMMtortagaWe CUpe-OwB'i IcM rtwr
We an obliged » admit. 4tb «u'
Up*.' psi ^ **
ecAU and overeoats gaxniatod wltb mk- OertTftsaSe
araUe'UtOe ctotb aud boue affaira, we
«At a poor Agare la tto fancy bactoe
toaliMm compared to tto dadaa of tbe
Bh.attos psaamtiytow*- fuMWag nm* hj
daya of Look XIV.—Parti figatA
•Bd bk
It is go cold that it
\ : «m. g
m. ou.
A of oxygeij X
of TODdolenct uu tbe daaih •( Sv rrtary
aresbam paaaed by tb* HawaJlan goveremcr.t have remained in an egprea
office t» Chicago uadriivervd tocaaat
Mr*. Orethem'e address was not known,
although It appear* In Che dlrtctery.
The Vdell Woadtnware cVBpaar, tt
At Loul*. wboM stock for tb* third time
la ax mnay yean wa* bureed Uat week.
hM Aled a genrrul a**lgnment LiabUItke. 4SS.0W; ameta. ffidSto
Tba Oaisnaa L4itbM«a church of
Ohio and Hlcblgan. eoatprtslag (bS
eastern dktrtet aguod of Iowa, b boM*
lag its aUteeatb aaDual eoareoUon ai
Norwalk. O.
A yoaag jaaa ftum my native town
' Piia at .Vhltewrlgbt Tea, daatrared eatCBcd tbe army, aad iy.dlDt of bard
Av* brtede tolldiegt. Lma m.«S| lasur- Aghring aad nal mlnlt rose to tbe rask
smod 8M.kfa. Aevea penoae ware laof brigadier geserai, bat wito Mm at
Jared mois orAtm. but aaae fatally.
Alkn Batbr. colored wee egasaited fa every pramotioB ran hk bcotbar, whom
tbe Jail y*H at Port Ailee. Wait Baton i * *
who was pcAetfnUy.ooaa
Roagv partib. La.. yMterday (or wife lor yean
u a dktavi tmtam dsa.
pud as cook
labtnrdtvaB^aw. JU aoUlsr,
aftst «Bob IIII8M4TSI14U ^btob be'die-
-Jewelry. " i ^
—WAtch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
j Morning
mail to I ship of t.W0. Tht local ualons will mah* I foand la the icanb (4 CbllderioL Tto Qaeoily atvoer than _______
up suu brani hea. and-thr Plate or- . latter were exhibited at tto Louvre in . Browulag Lad neither sera nor beard of
gantaalloii* the nall< nal rtuneil. whirh tto
tbe Maare dee booveralaaHtmveTalna' They an a cepv
cepy up to wttbln
within a aburt
abtst Ume
time of hU.
in tun wm Misci a r,.tu«*i b ard -^i. amfa of gold and of oulorwi glii: 1ml- Lth; a^ wtoa hU
And PM* (a s !>■; TkesslalagBlAt ef'body will have real ontrateg thr demotailag gtHK*. BotiQoa detached from id to It exptemed a docht wtotber it
\>r» Old Tarig.atiww,
rracy and will »lr»t omrvra. Tb*
[<«pM and religions ganactita of Ito might not Ue fabrioatloa—AttoawWasbiiigtoa. Jim. IS—TW* uri« tdll
cams (0 a halt in tin- BW^^rtierday.
- lass than me i-agt ..f >!» Aaa nhrduls
anal per capita Ut. Umlted to the cur-I
Bot the rkbeeWthingtof tbekiad. bw
ktU Atr hr tb* BsMta.
being disposed C.r. Th* dsMte drfhsd
rwii sxperssa of the rider. Thtrs w HI 1 joad a doubt, are tbosai that were won
Uque^ed' air ran now to ordered by
into poUili-al .hann^Is. Dac«>n. Veet.
J«— «f
** • ngular commlssfaa appointed 10 ^ by Loaii XJV. M. Maae ttowicr. in tto tbe doaea botUea la Mankb. but fast
Jons* ef ArhariMf, and TUlman takilig
y is ia doubt
Phene80c. 90
per dos.
I People
deefQrd ]us( In ih - ti>,-iiiiada*
thoKiugr'al prreiul isrsimd ia tba
: falnlauycdloreigb aSaira giwi auofD| Hslacrunnttd th* LiKiouttJ that pompI
wtvm iga. It !• a> follows: j
"F.-h. 8. 1«M—MimUrty preaniMd
, to tbe kiug W uiaUHaitl bultona, valued
• gt JbO.OM; Mtnva
; atumet.
‘ Kk tom
iss.iSi.T™'"“'“T""'• fta'.ja™’!-";.™...t;;:;’..;svin?Jf.,..v«* tlu
trine on thr tatlff. It led to aevaml
BMM«Bib*gAii nsM.
lively exchano-a during Which
Chicago. June It—Soorvi on th# die"Clsaning of i- iiii.al dirty lia«a“ war
mend made by League cluto* yreterday
trsqumly rrr.m.l lo. Tlllman'a remarks were nisdv. u lib hie chanclerta- wars; At Washlngtoo-LoulivlH* I.
Wnahlngioa *; at BalUmort— Pittsburg
f. Balllmorv 11; et Phlladapbta-ei.
’ there
to weoied bte
Migie (or
Uir le (h«
Western Lragur; At Orsad Raplde
day Mvi-rgaa p> i- .sd a awsspfag
—gt. Padl & tiraud Rapids 4.
awivadhisat to i-.a.. a 14 ptr cent, ad
vafarem duty cm all artklae now on (be
ibwaur 4. 9ulBcy *. at At. Joerphfrsr Uet. w ith e f-m > xcrpUoea. le su|>
Orta A Al. Joarpb
m Kee
loarpb 11;
11: at Dm
ponihg tha am.n.yr.nc Morgan nlkd —Cedar Rapid* 4. Dm MoIbm 1; at Burtientloa tv th< •li:>:uiar fact that th*
icrome lax ftaiur r thr Wilfon Mil le ItagloB—tlrnkford t. nurliugioa 11.
not rvpralrd and
___by a
to eofarosd
abange |a Jh* pFr».m«^l of tto BU|wetM
Credliori of th* defunct Commercial
oonn of (to lVli.d wiatra
When ihi Aaa •. ludul* rams up bank of AlfVrns piiat. Wia., repne*
Veet made a ent.-q at tbs .•uta*i. svniing aliout two-thlrda of lb* totat
moving to atrike uui ihe Am paragrwi h.
flat riraw. at U per i n. The amtndmcat
ueltor* will receive about
was fvjcf-trd-iv t- tt-itcEaery voiing
with (to.wepublicanv. Ip cijiklslng thr
ftaxI pars«Taph
parstgra-*^ W«i
A diwAteta fram Parle aaBetafet tb*
tr (hat arm of
o pro-pcilty
marriage of Purla dr Chavaaote. tb*
which had b-e
famous pAiBltr. and PrtnccM Caata•ollklaUy and -.clatastlraUy i
- ..................................
in a r«vot psayrr |,y ,
chaplain'of th* rrnatr. "aa rmiMry
Tbe ctory tbat Wmiam M. Evarts k
S>rovld(lBC*.". Thrrv WAS aa weiHrg
dangerouMy 111 with pneumonia k de
tMTUptlon wfarr. lUcrin eriUcIsad
, poaltlon of seine of hit hseodat
. Ouatcmalanad Ccata Rica have Jolped
favoring a rrvei If duty aa raw inai^ the Oreatar Republic-, of Oeaual
rials. Veet tpra r t. bla feet add wtib America.
gnat whtmenc. psrialmed; TMi Is i A etold silver wieon. ball tnarked k
very. drleciaUe
; to Ite preernted to (web toby bore withTheir hearts ar* ch.-cred,
I in thr administrative area of Londou
itbus : i^tveen June' tl and midnight of June
onraxAL papsb
' pv nta am..
FM 7«i^Ko. 41.
T^VEESE Ont,"jrfcH, SCSDAI, JOT?E SO, 1W7.
I of war
acdtbe <
aoiver In MeKoaora Hall, from S to «
ft (Mbioaad by Ijtd^ icm
o'eloek. after whieh there will be doiK
•do. The axe
M ia S tneboi td
•PzamD nsBATB o«
taebM wide, > iBcbee
iBcbea Is thloba^ aod^ CTRMBUI nORX PEBDXOnO).
welfftaestfpaaada ItUp
Or. BorlK. of ITexterd, woe to town
teeptoele of m rollei wo* one of
•noor AIUmb WooU Aplwt JMM tbOM of the OBotoat Mooad Bandera. Cadodee X^eetod to B« toe Oeoter
U. C Dodpe retoroed (nmftoorUrnh
•o M >ot to Tbfow AB«tau.X*- Tbeaxawaacl’raa to H. A. tMCtrar*
■ofireat Loee of Lifb had Oeatraet- loot niebt.
thy, who boa left It at the RbcoOD of*
iea ef Property K«y Be toe Beetac
teMM Oat of >
AL Word, of DeeUer. O.. ta TtolUac
flee- Tbit ia a weapoa of 00000^
WMhlnctos. Jas«
B« \19.—The flu
11,-Tb. UDlUd SUM D. E. WrigkL
and flnely termed.
wMnle of the teri« MH «m
John A Lotaager retaraed from LacIV tte MBkto toter «tth tiitie 4»Uj,
eoadislag loot Bt^t
tk« pMdlBrqoMUoabeinroB AlllM-t
«.(or edeetraetlTe
AO. Adorns went to Maalrineoa toe
Woa Brokan OBd Oonaed Peon tor toe aterm ia toe rafioa of whioh Chleatoia excotolon thk morntog.
lar to tlimd. twlM, ato.. nude of flue.
tteeeatar. Tbe storm may strike any
Hobart Uw(e wUl epeod bto two
Pin Alnna Bytoesi.
h«nip or immlne, by SBbitiUUnc tor
weeks voeatioa to Elk B^lda
tbe defect to toe Are alarm ayatoia point to toe 1
tbe MMte rate the rate of H eenw per
Him Eoby Dooa Ima retoroed from
yaetetdoy created qatte e Uttle atir ead easy beoo widrapreedea to inflict freet
pooild oad MTeo^Irbtba of e eeat edit was roBorod that there bed been Oomafe to nay loealliy from Hadiaoa, YpaUantl for toe eurn'mer vocation.
ditioDol (or efeeb Iw is exoMa of Are.
C. E. Hole. Cor^ Hall and A. E Wo-'
taaeperiof with the nyotem. ' As; Wio., td Letoyette. lad. "Tboae oonVt^ 9( MlMovrl. ood JaMO. ef Ar>
toe dlffl- diUoae." auted . Profeoaer Oarrtott. terbory took to the Oraed Bapida cxeoatMted thcpropcaed oboace.
lapply to Sootoaro Wieaoaato. Beaten oorslqa.
eolty la box aamber A at toe the
ai^lPlC tb»t ibe ratw were exeeMlre.
Mte Wlaala Deapm retarnad Fri
ner of Uahm ead Bey atreeL The Iowa, fiortoera lUtoola, ladloae ead
ATtina mUDded that tbey.ve m m
tooea of toe trouble woa toe breekloy Soutoera Vlcblfoa. ThehimwUlbe day night from Big Bepljda tor the aomoiTdatyfor
acTS«. from toe preaeot ia- Bter Toeatloa..
of a ambtl eepper wire to toe box. t^
materiel a
dicatione, tor trenMadoaa eoaohltim
Hoa. W. W. Bmito and wife weat ta
d to M to demote woe aooo repaired end the aya- ond freet loaa of life end property."
Beaaonla yarierdoy. Mrs. Smith will
t«m placed to perfect worktof order
rwUh toe BepntaUremain two weeks.
James MUIer, ommbn of the laigcnt
AlUeen mored (or on toereoae to toe
a*W.K.TteeObanfe. _
wholaealeelbtoteg flrto to OUeago. is
rmtee reletiay to yeroe, mektop toe
1 Herbert
The new Um^eerd <m toe C. A W. Good Tmaplara Will Attend Ooayre- la toe city vj^i
U ; rateeereaeeatetoMeed.of«to oeote
M. foee into e^fMooday:
-poaod CM atoffle yonu to fray not fleer
Cbarias Fanet aad Jake Forierit re
tWaa arrive from Cbleafo aad Every meaaber'of Traverse aty lodge.
toea etfht lee or toe nomber oa proNa 4tl, I. O. O. T.. la reqaested to turned Friday night from Grand Rap
Grand Bapida at ( a m., 11:40 p.
poeed to tbe orifinol flaoece eommlttee
tat Montague hUl at S:30 p m. to ids. where they attmided toe gpnat
aad 11:10 p. u.; (ram Detroit oad Laat, ead flfty per eeat odto’
atof at s a m. aad ll:l0'p. m.\ from order to march to toe Coogregatomal Blka'dedieatioa.
lorcB iaateed of lorto par eeat oa etoebunh to attend C. E eervloea Topic
Petoakey at If :>s p. na oad 4:U p. m.
ftra. Mary Chick and dooghter. Mary
fie yorai liner took elftal. nof'flaer
Klk Bapida trmtoa leave
at a:U for toe meeting, “Am 1 my brotberb Oertrode, from Morioo. O.. ore to tbe
toea eifbty lee to number.
m. aad l o'clock p. m. Arrive at keeperr (e tempeianee to^). Generis city, vlrittog Mio. Otiek-a mother. Mrs.
Otv «eUed (or oa axptonqtiaa of toe
BUc Bapida at 9;S0 a m end S;0» p. m.
StevetnoD. oa Srveatb street,
UiamU Heeeld ie wooKt not do for
Flomee end Bearie Kelklrk, of
Tratoa leave Blk Bapidaat6:4S a m.,
A to alt atm witoeat oeytof
Ohioago Boat Obaagaa.
Grand Bapida, eome yesterday to spend
nifO a-m. aad l:ro p. m. Arrive a1
a word olmply beenaoe they bod toe
tag Tacedey tba «
Travsrae City at T:4J a m.. If :»9 p.
a week with Mm. Weatgate. Mrs
■ loaiiiry m^ortto' Beweltof i^ew Jet*totoey
aad4:Up. m.
Nelkirk wiU oome later to toe week.
. nay wid that toe toereoae hod been deIMS p m. and prrlre at Trewee City
Mim Chariotle Doogbyiy, Cli
eddad apoa to eompeaHte tor tM toat 7:30 a. m. Thnredaye. and leave Chi Deering. ead Blanebe Wright paaeed
creeee to the raU for raw material decago Prldxya at 7:00 p-m., arriving at toroogb town yeeterday oa torir way
■ootoM by weatera people. ‘ Vefy Tbe Petoakey OoRled'e Lerfe Oaifo Traverse City at 7;ooa. m. Suadey.
home from TpailsaU to ^nd their
.well,'' ooid Gray; ‘'that la more Ufbt,
This U toe aebednla for tbe aammer 'nmmer vaeatioa to Elk Bapida.
of Piolfbt Prom Here TeMerdey.
toot te more Ufbt toon wa heretofore
The ateemer Petoakey loaded toe
bod. Oo <»." “Ibat le eooofb,'
‘ Paraoa" Jtorieri "BowetyOlrL" i
yeatertorjeeted two or three' BepabUe
'• The Bowery Girl" eompaay paaeed ■
TheeoUoqoy ooatianed. bri^iaf oat day, InelodlDf oae oarload of batter
throng the rity yesterday oa their'
diohee end oue of wotoboerda eontoe tof-rmetdoo that toe meoafaetare
Pretty Operetta aad Ooaoert Pre way from Maelatee to Petoekoy. With
aifned to partimto Ha Loaia, Mo, and
of jUx yarai hod not b a profluble to
the aggregation was “ POcmb " Onviea.
pared by Prot Kartaagb.
one car load of dlabm for Cbiesfo peofeMtyeero.
TbeaaanalexhlblUooaaaar toe di who will be reatembered oa toe dlvlaa
pto, from toe Oval Wood Olab Co. blie
AlUeoe wld that U* woa toe pvrpoee
rection of Prof. Kunaagh oad pnptla whoae love for good horse flaob eanaed
•I. toe oommlttoe to'edjoet toe rate* eq alaoeairledaeerloadof eorUtn pelea
from WilUam Beitaer. eonalfned to wUl lake place next Friday evealsg in hla withdrawal from the palpiL Tbe
u not to U
MarahaU, Field A Co.. Cbicafp. Be- toe OiiyOpera Honae. Tbe Ocmgieaa^ eompaay also earriM Jim Barry, the
aldea tola there woa atom amoaat of of SUlea wUl be a prodaetioa each oa bantam weight pogUUU who tips toe
Urey noode an oifni
Boae but tboae in tbe larger ciUea beve ocolee at lOS ponada. Rob Arautcong,
toatebiol. toe aeoeealty for whleb, he
hod toe pleeanre of wllaesaing. ead the colored pogillst. was oioo cne of
•aid. le Uloatreted by tbe oeUon of toe
toe party. Tbe (amona colored hoaao,
Bun of O. *. Bicycle Clnb.
. fiasMeeemmittoe totoeeeee^of linea
eaotoer of the dleThe CbrleUen Eedeevor Bicycle club
I tiogulshed Stem.
wlU enj >y a rna Moedey eveainf. atart- moken miatoke. A grand .poaormna
to witooat dlrlolea.
tof from toe home of hliaa Oviett, tM of toe autea will be presented to toe
first part, each auu dkplaytog lU baaBest Ktoto street, at 7 o'clock.
1 In aeailoa nader the
Chriatlaa Badeevpreia . who ride bl
dome of toe Capitol.
cyciee ore tovlted to }oto tbe party.
Popular Hauer oad metklrr.
The'program wUi ooasist of an
A Uttte VrfIm
Mttog wUl be held after the
tom of aUtsa from the Ooddem of Lib
erty. naUoari march oad driU, national
It ban been ooaaldared pretoble that
oonga and aatoema, apeeehee, debate*
toe boe postal delirery system woald
I by the Jubd eotobUabad ta this elty about toe Kto, SUgont OoeoUBe Launob Arvmlle oreheetro. llwUlken ehormlog
Brat ofJoly.bat it seems aow that It
rivod Yeeterday.
wUl be daUywl aomewhav PoaimaaC. E. Marroy. local agent of toe
Paris two oad three will be interter Pried^ boa bean to eorraqi md- G. a A 1., focelved. oa toe etoamer
acoe with toe First Avrialaat Porimaay.hla
ter Oeoeral. oad a reply reerived re- gasoline loaa^ and loet no time to aadaeonttoooasapectaealarwin bold
tUl toe final drop of the
aenUy aUted that it will be imooasible geutog bar toto toe Boordman rivet
te toe OivU Sarrlee oommlarina to near toe We-qee-toag elehboaaa. She eartato.
It U toe derire of the
•end a peraoa beta to hold toe aecee- U a gtoccfnl craft, 30>v feet in leagth
of Travene City a
oaiy oxamtoationa before that time. by SS feet beam, oad will be a wel
Ibe leUer atoteoi however, that there come addition to toe growing fleet rep- flee eseareioB aad aaaaal phmie, aad
We piece moay cbolee barthey hope to reerive eaou^ from this
to aototog to pravenl
nmaWirn Tiaverae City oa toe bay.
galae baton ilM imWte. Jortto
toe oyatem to toto elty; bat toot, oa Mr. Hormy hoe not yet decided apoa a event to defray toe earpeaaca. The
oad JnvenUe
(here ore a aamber of ofieca to Mleb
make It totersettag we wUl
should be gioeted with a good attoadIgoa fogar (or toeayateoi, a little nrgmardm Uvtog prten
aace as toe cause they advocate la of
tog from tola end will harry matteta.
. Knigbta te Kaatotee.
totenot to all.
Ceagmeamaa Maririi has baea oakad to
A large number of eitlzru* will ac
push toe matter to Waahtogtoa. and company toe; UaUorm Bank of toe
« WtU be given out Kulghta of p/thtot to Moatotee today. motion of on aaiual ptebie (or tba
cfaUdrtn. wkea for ao little, ao mneb
Tbe Kalgbte will act as aaeort to toe
may be gatoef
K. of P. memwial parade and omlst to
It may alae be mentioned that the
JavoaUe Grcheatra has ai all times
PiBtoooor Poba Xerataer WUl tooeb
beartily donated Its aarrtece for eni
to toe Ann Arbor Uarrerrity.
lof all kinds, aad are always
Joba Imateer. prinetpri of toe High
plaaaed to be called upon to oealM to
oehool at GodUl^ whose home toto
any eatartriameat at home. Tbe od‘ toto city, received yesterday oottos of
mimloB price has been placed within
' bis eppolatmeat to a high
poaitton in
jreatordoy aftmnoon Mrs. Bowen and tbe reach of oil, 19 and 35 curia
toe Gniveerity
Gniverrity of MMIgoa. He wUI
her motoor, who. reside oa Wabster
buy year tieketa from tbe
amame the poritom of aariataat pi^lmtakes violenOy U1 at the ebildrea aad reserve yom eeato a> toe
ocr to Geraaa. which will requlre’lrtm,
time. Botobeldghloketoimltaae CHy Kewe Stand.
to teach, toe •oginecriog
•f the some allmeat It was (eared
iMtoeria knowledge of the German,
they hod eatea sometolag of a
laagaage flia him admirably for toU
poioonoua oalure.
Dr. Mortto woi
Tbe number of J. W. Btoter'e teleporitUB. oad hie recognised abUlty oa
called nod fouad that the ladies were pbooetais.
The above arc worto from
afflicted wito on attack of acute ladiSiOtofllAeoeh.
Bobmt OorUad of Artote te vmy U1
good oaa Tbe friends of Mr. Uataer
geettoo. caused from eattog atrawVerto tola ritywlUbs pleased to learn o(j
Both were vary rick (or a abort
hie Imprarod proopeeta This i* anIkere wiU be aa importeat meeting
time, but fortoaatriy toetr (aaru wore
t for a Traveree aty
of toe sennril Monday Bight.
TbeOt^ Travene Ooun^ Itoeh•m’ lastitate te annonbead to take
Chicago Market Boport
IMedof Dt]
place to tote city oa Aognet 0. eendbetMaty, toe It-yMr-rid dooghtor of 9«8Me: een, ujia oata, uve: port. «d by C. O. Hort.
Mr. and Mrs. John SUakam-, died at r.»s.Tbe Ottitorm Rank R. of P. wfll Bioet
their borne, near Hannah poatol
Jiqm. Wkc; Jaly, prompUy At 7:30 atthelr kaU tote
We ban a Oratoer-Jadk (or
Friday night, of diphtheria.
saifoi September, Mk904Sc: Deeemtrain to Maatetee
b«. fleH9«0Kl. Com-Juiw, t4H«
a. W. Spymoar. {
14M«;Jnly.M^U)4« Scptembm.UK
Oata-Jaae. Ifle; July. iSKSi toe rrnrHiiniM1nblnb*^3nMinrlaHim
««>wad Hp by A M. Xeaaaee «f WM«5 <
UMc. Fwk.-daBu. Ctempaay toft yesterday atearnoon for
r.M; Jnly. r.SA . Xmrd-Jaa*. $1.37) ObteogD,-via toe C A W. M.
B. Mri)ae« of Criior recently July. $3.8fl93 fl».
J'ake'o Blogcurs dotetto tot Bast
ptowod ap'a mound upon hte tom and' Hogs Tblriy netfw 3 eaata lowmr. Bide tmae kaU.Aebte yaateeday attai^:
trtoed a aumhar of Indian ruUcs of Ught. $3.W«MtM: wtMai, gl.30BI.40-.
5 Cents,
Bdys a good paper bomd be
All good stories.
i.ln Men’s Clothing:.
■r." 6.99
: $1.59, 2.98,3.98.
sea waa u^t.
KeA Wedaemy evening thrUteter.boodnf Fmeataia wa» j|iva a ten cent
M. B. H0U.EV. fdMUOSS.
Are ch^per ia 1897 than th^
were in 1797.
LaiTTm .T.*B
.ac mxoc^
X toe twate-l
twate-fonr boom
rally apeat ta
rll to t
% also «
ond«^ then
Wa ban it todifferaatawin and
acnommftdatiugnrteaa. We aw
oceemmodattog becanaa we unit
yw p^ethook. Interia^te
,v-«, srtss;
grt a aew supply and are aelltogthM dooa. just I
eveiytotog to the Fonlture Um
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
oppoeiTt Hserej-i Boonstoax..
t»ue moHT vranr.
Prices Cut Deep„„
Ladies’ Tailored Suits!
worth 16.00, for..*..
worth $6.00 for........
- 8.SO
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Glotblng House.
PoMn’t ntak« apf letter,
an, whiter,
nor any more bread than
, any other • Bonr; but it
makes jnat aa good, beajdea
being a home prodhet
—-vra wxd.rjrvTD'o,
DltCdlllll'OF Id TO 25 PER CENT.
on all Imdiea’ and Gents’ Raiortoe Shoes in stock.
' ■riiiten'
^^f^^&iaoaibaoBo. ,ui^: nnn. *Ci»7.
'tec. T. Bxt*» *»» J* W, Hask
X W.' BA»ro. Editor aad lUsAfv.
OM»»tK by
HAnMtaBlcai^ J
J. A w«»nto>, of TtofWM
Odn PriMbud of tkfeettj.. war* a'
la itom»ct teat Moad^ owlsf ak
Um OoocncaUooal putouo hf BarWUliaiB Ooebno. TIfer
tha l»dn«itol. aad wtU be at hcm» at
OirWoB atn^-Blf Baptda
roads ba*a lad to BMnba^s
Graad Opafm Hoaae dnriaf tha
week, where WaU A JoboaoB’i gtaoi
eanpaay. tke Stars of OboMdr,
hare haea \^rtaff
Biaats of a soparior order. Tha fim
Birbt there was a crowded hoasa aod
Impaind. if not entuely danrqyed, by
By indstiiig npoa the troth of the followlag aypeiicaoe that befeil aa one
.. ............................
My boy of Jfi aad
nysclf wen iodnlping
in a few davs’
ontlng at s little cioUxnue on tbe Po
tomac a short disiatier below old 'GnostoB UalL The wrathcr was Am—in
fact, too Qae for ocr porpaeos, at we
were after doHu. Early to the mocning
wa pot OBt, off tbe old histbrie Hallowins point, dear to many da<^ hnntezi,
about 40 new woodou deeoyi, as bsndaotuc as 1 ever saw, and then toedt oor
pneiiiomi iu the hlittd, full of tbraa feelitiga of rshilaraUon aod ezpeetaary
which all trae spartainen are boend to
(eel iu eomu deg^ even when all fa
vorable oonaitiout for sport are dead
against then.
After a few boars’ waiting in
onaaad BBtU Mara tha weak was over
there f waa > fratatom os staadlar
teat Bicbt. tha last
Of tha coBpaay, waa tha banner al^t
for the opera hoaae. Thera waa tha
largaat arosrd preaent that arer croi^ad
iato it for a theatrical
----------- perfesBaaoa tijy and Vi
aatan'thatiBaforthaoartoloM rise. Itrleved. bnt wh^ih proved tohis diaar«7 seat in the-bonae waa sold and, gntt to be nothing bat an old o
tha aialat ware partially Allad-. Tba 1 or mwbUl,
bill, known in tboae
tbrae parts
as a
parforaiaaca waa exceptionally good. [' '®"*>rrtoan,"
a .........................lardlyadd.
bird, I need hi
Tb» Urmen wHl be flMMd to loorn
4kAt«r>tw>Ue moreniMt. M»oo*tto»
to » “mebiae." bu beeo Mt m foot U
Wteooosia with tbc avoarad porpoae of
.ptHy oBt the bultariae Iwstnwa
, JM aow the sVersce famlljr does sot
haow whether it i* batter or botterlna
wktabrm** “**
'torafwsbior. howw. aone thaa.
to feel eoofidrst tbsi wa are abaorblar of apodal feataras of tha most enjoy
The incident over, wa walbd___
able natora. Wall "1 Jobnaon have
waited, with no rcssHa. imtll Anally,
aoompaay leariug tbe docqyt in poaitian, wa went
The BtaTor of hlaoistaa ordacad the of Brtiato of mraa than ordinary ability bark to the clobboase, jitqiared and st«
MraUon Army of that plsca to caaae dnd the axoeUanea of- their pertonn0 and thru
aafroU bark
into tbe woods and Aeldi on a tear of
Mdisff BBetinr- on ^ ooraara of ascei mented Use
oor heavy
tha vain jtreeu. The
This is aaralv tha beat aeries ;0(^ntar- inspection, wben, Aoding oor
ir the son’s
dkrcvarded the msndala aad
UlnmenU toer given in this dty tor
ra.va. we oaacloitod to return to tbe
that their order* csme from a higher snob low
. blind, wbw wo wore anrtt to And it
asthority. The sathority displajad.
«® “• I more oomfortahlo Ucanse of the light
r, weot. M fire of the toldian
ag. tha mapi- bnene that was earning <ir« tbe water.
i folly aeope workcQ porfeotly apd preaentad
srare aliotrcd touoEsldcr i
On arTiring at tbe blind we noticed
Ja tha eity)*il.
pictnras of aaimati^ life with plasalng that one of tbe dcooyt was positiansd
eomc SS or SO yards from tbe otbera
lY Bight be s good lOaB to isqatra in the hands of peraona a
My Am tbonghi was rbat it was adrift,
and 1 was about pntthig oot in tbe skiff
Oeorial Weylar if a treaty ad to aatartain. aad the j
to reoorer it when I noticed that it did
'teadi^ totbe soDeztfliae of Chiba to, vIewB ware aatartaiaiagly |
not change its position, alibongfa tbe
tha United Sutes voold Beet with hit Travetee Ci^t&doieai thaStarsof Comtide was rauniug quite tirukly. Could
it have Aoatod off and bcocnno again
iTwUlbe perfecUy ptopar lor the of ladiaa and gaatlaBea of merit. Bose oangbtT Conld it have dragged ita anaoathern ststet to sesd a petitira to of tha aperial fealtrea.ot the last per* ebw that long diataine while the others
Thcae and other
the ataraopUotm pic'Spraying for the ft
tbeorios were Leiog diaenwed by
of hemp iato tbU foimtiy. lafaetthe tnraa of famous man, glm In oalora, wben suddenly over oor beads from be
lyschlag istenfcu drmsad aoma each and tbe Egyptian Are daocahind ^ere paawd a dark shadow, which
The ngagement of the Pi^iek on oor knkingnp prored to be made by
and as we
gaacd1 npou
ux tOBorrow
nuatvm/m a
,, Inrge
- ---------e—
aub mh
at onciavtnt
Steinberg’sm vrmau
Grand tor
Ohorcb Berricaa Today.,
Grass Chips
TV Stnad Magadae C B. Botch.
gxbvink rpviawa
-riba lasnltt of
in JAM.
“i^myopinioB tfw great aostben
sontlnaot it tbaOMnUad of tbe aonth.
» Jnat ,aa jmany poBiUUUos. I dc
nllyr tbeiirre Ithat bitbcrio nnknown
olmal life will bo fonndaa Eostb Viotoris Imtal
Oapt^n Lateen
on the
Whaler Jason brooght back peMAad
wood from Ursbam Land, sooth of Capa
Born, which fact, of oonm, provm great
climatio changes In thaw regions dur
ing nraeading periods. As oar knowl
edge of tbe gteoS aontbern ocniiaeot
Slanda we mnat believe it really
to be a coailnenl, and not a mere aecn.Bolation of Ulanda. aa well from tfaa
• cf tbe land, aa it bae been
sighted arnrly all rooad, as also fnna
aoa Knadlnga,. and last, but aot laatt,
fm the nature of "
rooks which 1 brtmght bark with me
tram Victoria Land. If it ia all land,
it it probably of an area twice tbe alae
of Annraha. .
•■Already tbe. Arm Bight of Vtetoria
-Land convinoea one that it tt td volcanto origin. Tbe votoanoee of Victoria
Land show a truileocy to follow tbe
same line. Pram Mount ElabiM to
Moottt Melboonie the troid is wroth.
Tenor lie all
. _
Sabine. Poriber north Aom M«^t Sa
bine tbe great earth fold, on tbe septum
of'which this ebshs of rolcanoea is altnated, jtobsbly^wids a little womward,
as shown partly by tbe.
partly by. tbe pcaition of fiallc:
land. Eorthwmt of fiallcny
. .islai
land t
great fold trends perbaps to tbe knot
ting point between tbe Tasmanian »v<v
of folding and tost of New Zealand, tbe
fanner, prrhapa, running ttarongh Boy'
al Company island, and tbe latter
tbrangh or nnr Anckland ialand and
Marqnarie ialand. The knotting point,
would proiwbly be aom'ewbere (approaimaiely) urar Uie'tnienoction of tbeaixticth parallel of sooth latitude with
tbe one bondred and Aftirth meridian
of longiiodc cast from Ont-nwicb. It
wonid Jnat Join the 1^ of extinct vol
canoes along east Auatrolia on tbe west,
and, perbapa, the active volcanic acme
of ibe Nonfa ialand of New Zealand, or,
at -all eventt. tbe f«d wbiob boanda
that cnptinmit oi tbc coat.
’’Traced in the opposite diraetton,
tbc Tolraoic aoQc probably runs thrangb
Seal isluxli. the active volcanoes of
Cbrisn-n^ai and Sarsco, and thrangb
Mount Haddington, an extinct volcano
in Trinity Iwnd, to .Paulet nnd Bridg—— islands, active rolcanoea.”
According to the wants of the
purebBer-^good cheap: hats at ;
three- five—ten--ot fifteen cents
—a dressj bat for twenty five.cents—
—a window full at fifty center^
- C
extra valoes—Pine Manillas for a
iittle more money.
I Ever Tasted”
Is what many peofde i*a»rk after Arlalf
Inks giaas of loe Creeim Soda at oor
fMBtain. it will only coat yo« 5 eenta to. '
try a glass—Ton will-have the oama ex>
perience aa aOicra—Beat frnlt jul
Petotoey loe C
id ways dean a
8. Z. WAIT.
j Bring Your Babies,,.
Oet a bonnet or bat at half-price.
New Block—160 different. «tylra—are
maaasd byUempreUrceSsKaas.
all going this week, atrictly at wholeooseKMsnoaAL.
sale price—from lOc. to an all aiik at
ad aad they
they present
present two
two Arat-olam
Arat-claM one- Billed, down sadileiilT. and with ootasr.O.OeekIis.pMior.
*'The CbilCreo sod tbsChareh'* will
nadlya, *' In Honor Bound *’ and i atrotebed loloua gTssjiud Ute poor, help
satad.” giving both tbe
the patbeiie j lc«
leas wooden thing and___
and rmc_____
with_it on
' ha tha svbject of the terBoa thkmcraaides of natora. Tbe
It-adcn nuritor showed al tbe sor.
lag at 10:3u. I’sreou are inTHad. MIm
face of tbe water, wS«n for some rraAlice Crawfoed will singaaolo.
people of the
^hspa benaasc of the discovere
« aivtrle amwB.
Oet the cbildreo ready for Ssnday- eUtad vritb aoma of the beat known Bon,
of bis mistake or U«aaa> <d tbc snildin*
Tbc metric eyvtcm of weights and
aeboo). I'oung meo s elaaa in the laat actors and sotresaas in tbto coMtry. ^
nnexpocuri iDi-reaae iu tV w. Jglit measures Is rnximmended for adoption
». Soaalan, Davi ; cf Mi burden, this king ofH
aaata is the cbarch; bnsiaees Ben's
, . . ...--------------------------------s —I by all depariments of tV United Btatm
-WB HAVE MADBdaB in the stud.r Hemninatlerehnreh porLa^ oi^.^whteb^ w ^f [IhU
hU qn^ iul© the water with a splato j governmcnt_ iu bouec bill loSS. introtor Scndsyscboul.
proof of tbelr aMltty. Tbe engage awl sentUed aiunos tbe river as tbougb ! doc«l by Oongn'SBUjan Hnrley! This
apisiiulJaaior Christiso Kodearor S p. b.
ment to for one nightonly.
! bill prapoees to moke tbe meiric
ment—Washington Letter in Purest tern tbe hgal system of weighn
Look ap the CbristiM Nearer tapLot ns make tome for you.
and Stttaun.
mc-asurre rvoagniiud in the United
to, Gan. cs-in. Ask yoorsalf tha aame
fiian-s afl«T July 1. 1?00. in tbe ttani.-«aaaaon.and
Ommn T. rfolOs m Bdllor.
action of all bnsinras requiring the nae
Sanday ereniog gospel aaetlng at tot ^prorad by Typographical
In JS&B The Atlantic Monthly poMed of weight and mcasun-aient, except ia
900 p m. IVsy for soaaenexad bring
into tbe bands eg Tirkuor A Fielda, tbe completing pblic land sorveya Tba
thaB with yon.
SnzWaablngton. Jane IB.—Tbe eenete
Tboae wishing to
with tha civil eerviee oommittee reenmed ito
' uif>etiug paswri
augo of mnrb impor vpyors.al its late ammal
Anreh at the next
hcaringa todey. A letter from Presi tance to all its ooutribarorB uud greatly nnolutione advocating the cxclurivc use
Mndd hand their namm to the paator dent Preedottof the tnteraaUonal Typ- affmted my own liiuraiy lifu. Lowell of the metrio system at or soon alter
the beginning of tbe new ccntuiy.
«rdaaooasuiswe«-k. They wUl alao
aaaat with the paator and daaoont at
At a tulip luncheon tbe ire ex
beatotod that the nnlon. after more u,e advantage over Lowdld bring both
the otoae of tbe eveBlng aarvtoa aexi toon
loor yema nader toe dril aerritp editor snd publisher, a
aw) biscuit glace were eerved in
be lu
•aaday. If yoa desire to Jala by latter roles, to not of the opinloa-that tbe free hand as to paying for articles. Tbe oral Bowers for cups. Twoblotaoma
fieasB head in the letter.
ued together with ribiiona. tbe leaf
peopled latoresto are suheerved- by prices then psid-wm> lower tbau now.
t 'oacacn or cbrist (acBangr}.
stem BlUehed, wtre laid upon a
lilted neadil and bvArstioto toe government butwi
plate and afrvvd to each gueat
Tbxt: Romans ziv.. KVSl.
Berrioea are held m K. O. T. M. hall
Be had a
Go tn toe Linn Barlwr Sho] tor hair
HwUlexerctoeitolnAneneetoeran-el^,^.^ j.
at I0«i every Kanday.
-wts and baths. IS cents aarb.
Fim Cream Tartar,
torir abragaUon and have the offle ' Mv'tib^lditti
M. H tSi
Subject. ‘ Msu-s aceeaatobilty to
plaeed npoa tbe same baato as most | volunteering to advauw mouev no i»oOod. Divin'e prinripla."
sooeesstnl boalneos offices. BrieAy the j apective articles, yet to U- written, and
(saJPe<«BsktDcVew4sr. U raa wsal u l»
Golden toxti ■ Kor God ahaU bring anion to of the oplnkn that hatter re-: be did Ibis more than ouoc to me. I
lU.lpsskasfor4im. Bsbber SbsvUsr.
•wry work into Judgment, with every aolta wtU he ohtoloed by meklng fora-1 be^e also known bini to increase the
BsbbrrTubUia. all stsss,Wsirr Beiliss (casr*
satssd foe iwe jvstB.) rensislB arrtDgra.
thing wbeiW it be good <r
> for toe quality and ““*°«bl paid on Bndiug that an autbur
Bsoir fclads. Throsi BmbVs. ss4 Atsutsrrs.
wjMlhar it be evii '-Reel. xlL. 14.
ptirficularly needed ibv money, eapecialqaantlly output of tbelr department.
i ly
the case of a wnman. His
PboUtapa-1. Mvoarapot to Jadga
' it it were unevamitM
‘"’•ympathy with itragglii I women wui
oaploy hrip at wUl and dtoehaige em
Men',. Ladies'
S. God’s Judgment ia aaaUMtod ployes for ineompeteaoey. neglect of always vm>' mraL and______________
'ibe only one In tbeesrlyAtlanticoirde.
At Our
thrangh the Christ taariilafa aad daBand Misses’
except: Whittier
_ and mvMif—with Emofcoffice rules. Me.
duty, vlolstlon of
eracn aim, latterly—wj
Soda Fountain'
, A The kingduin of
load in
-an anflrage.
mrightooitoneaa, and pnra and Joy In
With all hla deaSra to create a ataff
Fields was always ««erly looking out
Aba Holy Ubost.
-toM" t«t-l<nn ^ .
A ^lerial iarUatlon to extended to Banatorial Tight On in the Olaralaad for ww ulent and waa ever prompt to
counsel and cmooiirage. He iike^ <rf
eonm. to know eminent mra. and hit
In Light Tan Colors.
geese were apt to be swans, yet be Was
Mantongs ea usual oraey nlghti (mt- noon today when, the Repnblieaa'eoun. abietodiscriniiuate. HeotgaatoedDick
ens' readings, for iaatauoo. and weort to
aVwbtohbtorasd ty eonvrnUon got dowa to
Rearly all are the Plngree ±
Atoua are bclag held. ChrtoUaaa a^ Altbongh ratarna at the. primarids every one of them, yet oonfrswd frank
Smith make of Shoes.
fealplng as In tbe reacna. and aoato>ra abowad that toe Banna mea oontttUed ly that tfaelT-patoga was a failure; that
tbe Foraker foroea. little Nell was ureal, ud Pant DamI, which to odr only obted'by MsTor McEtoaoo,.dto. bey a tirauane creature wlioae death
rft^devQ. taJact, despite tbe wotk of
pated their ooetrol aod boasted toat was a tvlicL Fields was really a keen
dtoattona arc pointing towaidaWtewB
Jnd^ of character and bad bto own
«• reach here at 3 p. b
B.. todgy.^
todgy.. Tba
— wben tbc ooorantson was called teordWhetoer you ara spendlBg
1 ouoe naked him
r $10, you want to get the best
haaviealy gales are expeetod tt> blow •r they would be ia ebarga. Tbe Agbt wbkh be Uked toe b
value for toe partlcalar- ameant q>eni.
by toe
Thackeray at Dickens, and be
When you return from a al ,, ^
1. Tift, a MelQaaon man, and Jadge
trip there la aattetocUen in feeling that
Frannto J. Wing, a Banna
ling quesyou have rraalTed fair ratnraa for your
In a Double Bill,
Oiara Beating, kto.Jw'lM par. nmaaent ebalrman. The bal'iot re. tlouable Btoriua a Ibiiiug whirb Dickrua
money. My
prices ara low, my
my valnra
i ‘
never did.”—Colonel1 T. W. Higginann
arehigb. Whatever amonnt you epeed
aidted in an
Sydney brundy*e
ia AUantk.
la our etora, you get good, bonaatahoaa
_ Bannoo to K. O. T. M. M iW oa Wing, aod tbe oonvenUost was tbereafMasteii>iece
aad Bp-t»date every Ume.
tor clearly under the control of HannaA CWnwtt kumiss,
row of pewa raaa^rad for
A raeolutlon. ringing in tone, waa
little black eyed and nimble
■ambera of toe order.
Come wly before sizes -ffirfe
tongntf Irish sncLt car dontloctor on a
Stmday arimol at noom
tlon as United Smtaa senator, aod tbaa hnneb <4 Beaton s West End nilraadia
broken. Make no mistake.
JnMor toagna at 3 o’oioto. Mra M.
to alert a aoBiaa of no i-nd of amnsuineot to toe
n to toe atete wo*
aoDte of hla rtartUng nttenneenn at d:U.
Ev«- Burned Out-?
One day be earns iolotberar and
•called out in hfi pecoUarly penetn
The ilpllowing are said by a Swtoi voloe: “Wan seat on tbe toighL
The Original.
*Sanln^«n bt praranu
banter to have been tonnd near ibe n«rt rioMT on toe yoigfat. ladies and gintleof-«n eagle be reoenUy di«ovend In toe Bln, anmeAraan fee toe leddy’phwat'a
wvKxncao sul
Pennell’s Millinery,
ONE-HALF OFF 3316'Frames.
^ 1" -‘Id. i “
Has Your
« rSlll
197 Pairs
..Fickvkit Club
“In Honour Boind”
It Makes
No Difference
h J. r.
MUtar.Agaat plaaed fa Ua naMteme
•A ^niltohMlto. a tMra-Ugbt ptut
larmmjMi gra.oAwa dk Onla
dotMfUabtagnadaall^ dkoM
^inoirantoon mma. Mra. ttlM^
Alps: A bare. >7 cboiMda' fert„4 pt- atandlng. ”
-geoiu' feat, M fbeaduta'tot. 11 beadb
A trig, ttirly tooldag bob
of fowls. 18 be^rfff^ andito^ oonpTiBg •SABO toNogta fortwo nid
and aqulrrato. *__________
•’Can't yeecr’ ntorted tbe Ifttl* oonmtot ••BtganyyoQDivwwlBteaott.**ymMa<Mt .toat yon fora m, H
toVMfnto MUlwaldagforAbaA
It to neddlawtoadd Mtraomww
•to ‘Mttoite”ta'toe tody.—
Monday Qi
Tune all
Uvery, fiiis and Feed Stable
Pc^iin* tsmer. hoise, s .pwasl^. HotsM bosidri,
Prices 85 and 25c.
Btnt. St wwl of
THB l^Bimra MOOBg, BOTPA^. Jum
Tornado victims
wrionlr dAioAtvd. It u MU8iAt*4 ibtt
Uinnicbmrt-Uw dl»rtct «vw wblcb tb«
crelOBB novtd At IMM lW6nt|> peraoBA
wtn kllM csd Blnetr injurtd.
Tha wbol* wrfaoB ■( CovrbrToMk
Tbo chid faarhiHti(«
•Vi«t av« mitaa oonhvcat of BtrlA
w«t at • teublc -q«lck pae* to A»SivtQC»t Teniplr. Bmiqu.
, 1687.
et gnnpowte UriwwB
by Mr. Oaear anttmaaii, in hla book on
tbe nanofartare of explosiTea, to have
beat moat probably as evolntioiL Tbe
' -napbUia. BMetton^ \
New Process Vapor Stoves,
. „ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
No radical »TO>«lywHI evar Alter Jib- wptelnlng Biter, anl[to aad efaareoaL
more iban aicknembiMl Uarena Oiwcoa. who wrote in the tenth
amajaco. aad U» cycloae pr«Mte4 the Bian
-J Battmv—oo
----- oeotay, girea a oompoaititAi for chaigapiwanuu* of a rlou«j of amnkf icolnc ■ J***®
W ««wwl fey Uyialanon.
iag rocketa aud mcken eloaely apfrom ibr aouttia-eBt to Donheart. Roefa l-SabU Joaepb SilTtnaan. New
proACbing that d moden blnatiag pow
fl>-inc Id Ui( air like Utea.,
A Haj- pole flni^R rarda lon|T waa ear*
der. Tbif ledpe ia quoted fay Alkwrtiu
Tbe rk-mnit that ostm moat largrly MagnoA and Another cDe, u
r tbe tnpa of boitaea eenticuoiwi
aad ceoaplraotnly Into tbo atnioturc «rf
to tbe fair aronnda.
by llngur Bacon. K„' AmbulaiK-ea teid forty earrtacae are! •' larettrr. in. wbloli
_ _ _ ran
_ _ ctmflde
_ _
. bowerer, apeaka of tbe_____
the dead and wounded, i ia Ui« ckun-ot tif love.—Ber. J. O. ■ocb aohetAuoM in any way like ibo flr-A tornado
Valker, Bapiiat. PlHladclphia.
tog of peojoctiloB tram gnoa On tbe
niral and aoutbera
women and oblldren can be aeui alttl
Tbaaghto Are Thiagw
OBuntp at t:U p. ai\peaterdar. Tbe wreiilu upon tbe doeratepa ComldL.
ocartraiy. they all deaaibe endmn and
State iDaUtstloB for recbU Mladed waa aMe damaae waa abn done at Bi. rJii«
Thinking men have made tbe world bomba or maraou. and any that tbcae
damaaed. and a bare on tbe inaUiuilon
'Whai it ia. AU tbe workacf man smniid were dlacbarR«d into towaa tn» balBANKER SPALOma ACQUlTTEa
term oellapaed an Twen'tr-«B penbna
«a an but the mauriai foeu tbroggb llaae or catapalta or mangooda for tbe
Brurythiagln tbeline of
•'our were taken out dead:- Brireeier aiabe Beak PreeMeal lleelated Ko< Oeltir -which tbe tJiongbi ct man la upreamd. ptifptee <a aetting Arc to them.
Baker. Jamea O'Drlm, Neal MrKroale
Mr. Unttmaiiii haa fooud, bowerer, in
—Ber. 1^. Bni;ire, bteahytcrlau, NathFINE ROASTS
Chlca*o. Jube
Charim W.
lie wardrobe aoamnta of Ring Edward
ABd Quile U Baron. Neal HcKenate
TiUe. at LouiaviUe;
. Cbicaco; rarm Bupertntendnii Wilmot
Mea Iiaadad Trewhai,
^ England au entry between A. D.
Savtnta bank, aad «
waa fauUy hurt; L«mue} tileaaun.
of tha'
unlveraliy. waa yeaterday acuultaiiendanl. waa aevereiy injured, and |I autc “olveraHy.
>>>*> Henry
cimry ori^r.
Bn»ec, WlUlam
nwiain mrarn
ot embcailemcm. The
andI WBUe Tlataor
Tlabor Injured.
injured, Hncb damdam* r*«»l aurprU*. at tbe.
1 done to property both In tbe
tocuofirm tbetradiiiaa that
l-fnl, too t-mliuMdeUr, to ignore.—Her.
' and eonntry.
W.M naed by tbe Eugliab at tbe 1.......
llrai worda ottefed by Htialding after V- J- Brown of Loudon te'Ht. tonia
The atortn clouda ateembled In the the verdlrt bad been read b court were
(rfCrocyiuiaw. Mr. Ootlmaiindeeidee
The r«wev of aM^Uetty.
weet. one aeetlon pamlnc o\Vr tbeeute "Well, tbia la a •orprtae.'* Tbe apeciBe
that Bcitbold Sefawortt invented tbia
o6oDs deCiveeed.
. .JBpl-L-,______
to bold, wof
_ ,___ ______
alnot 1818. If ao„
aeylum. leanny ibe rouU o8 vartoui charge againat him waa eonvertlng fT.- ., Tbo lawyer iy not oampi-llod
boltdlnci. uprroxliK fpreet tree* and 000 wonb of bondt of -Ibe Plllafleld
..r....- ‘ •**' -If to Ui" inripid idireaeoiogy and I Bchwarta mnat bare been veryyoiiagal
very yoongat
acbool dtainot In >>lke conmy. Three.Urcwinrr>-|M'tit>onNorfalMbri<>fa. Evcry-itlx'tiiDearclae have livi-i*
t-d to a veiy
bonda were hypothecated wl t the dny laugtuipi'. wJtfa unaffcrrand patboa,' gnat bgc. lor tbe-dutc of bia deatbii
trepDiitan NaUoaal
National bank to accure
will miuc lurily
aun-Jy wiudiit
cure a willnumIum-wb« be;
be ' ^T8B
glrea at
aa lUd.-JicqmlarSdeuceMontbIWt.-JHqmJarSc
loan of K.TeaOor. Crriaw and Miath Su
Tba.Bcn Oradea at tbe Lowcat Friacm
pJeadi to tin- jury.—Father Williain
Bpoldlog owm hla-larealttal to a aldgle!
Kuums Citv
word in the aiyute and that wortTia |
.the aterm atruiA tbe aaylom farm, rtntrnl." Tbe Srara rould not hroomr i
World Waa Mad* Otvot. •
three milea away, wreeklns a bus* Oow reconciled to *Me propualilun that the I Tbe man.tra of ilie world are tl
hare in ahjeb twenty-alk aousbl refuse; vx-trreanra- of the Unlveralty of nil- | men wbu imve mudo tbo world tni:
Harty New Cagtoag.
Nearly Aft;
nrteeo peraona effected alnsular «ota Imretlonally embeaaled the Imnda'
Ood. faltofnlHnidly 80 bonana in «Q Kew Ear
»r that
Inatliution. After bring taken
-t loatliution.
dating t«ck of 1700 are yrt In^
la folly I10.00a The extent of
o Jail Spalding aald: "I want to ^ ira WnlDoae-ilH*. « Urn thing.!
BIUBS, the PhotogTaphevwlJl mgke
the atom In tbe country la unknown,
that It did aurpAar me anme at TO and wnimn Imvc .Itt-d ftx. aud-i,*^. anlre, to , matw.alV t
antU fnrther noUoe
oe tJ
the beat greda hf
AOer a)U.......................
but ‘mneeded to be STMt In Aoaa -to
^ynre gn»tl«7ni« «hry have
|grm.d conditlr*. Alboatibcmc
property, and may-be many Ilvea are of 11 urged by i
gUsrt, Pwa- tiiRB, ,r^
ronsh. box ahaprd,
Talepbose ordere to Ko. 108.
byterian, St PanL
bwt- Tbe ttorm satbend auddenly.
a rluor in oun rideaod a bigfa pitched
preceded by. a mare of rolllns and tbe Jury waa bound to acquit ma”
OrMitweaa aC MedtoerUy
. raof„to make ebc aoow alide off oaaily. aad no«xtre charge for Aronpa. BetomMlns cloud* of white* and black, tbere are atill tWcnty-arvenlniilctmenU
Jan to be nn average man. on erdi- \ and a chimney <ff prudigitfiia aice. A nrember tbia work U gnarenteed firat
aacendlns and rteacendlne at tntenala.
nary, waman, airua
X ! few yren
y«»ra ago tbe great cbimucy
of tbe e'aaa in every reaped or nuwey refund
Tbe couraewaa from aouthvrret tononhDon't make a miatake In tbe
There ia little to atir Ibe Uoagioation ____
Bnecawen. Where OcMxal ed.
eaat after paMlns Uncoln.
ptaee—Front and Park 8u.
iuibe lifcUuii ttudgea akmg tbe val-[John A. Dig waa hot^,
Beaey ItaaMe* le nuttoam.
ton down
IndUnaiMilU. June II.—l^ter reinrea lywaa Ttou Nearly'cAared a Railway Ifya. yet tbe preparwitwm for tbe bilia, and found to contain ISO.oOO of brick.
Harr-r at Chla^a.
recelvedfrombotbibenorihcreand weil^
ooiDve frem jnrt there commcarplaoc , The ebimuoy of the Darling Ironae ia
•re portion of tbe aiate Indicate that
CSilrego, June 1»,—The aiwldrnt
•dayK—Riv. F. <J. PeuLtdy, Custariaii, , tbia town, deatruyod aUmt the tai
Thufwlar nlsbfa atorni. which did not the C..U. and RLp.tn which aauburlwn Barranl UnfvcreJty,
turns waa about na lar^
large, Ite removal
le until yeMerday morelns.did tnuab train came near g.dns into the ChiI provided tbv bonae with a goal aiiod
A lelesram from C
cago river through an <meo drew, and
Mm a bo atotly ouc aide of a anbjcct i
K«re- AltuoatnlJtheaevkn- aaya that reporta from tbe country thow
----AT---which the lococnntlvf and romhlna-' all tbrir Im-a almoat inTuriahiybrtwei <f*Wb cvb^uiy bonca wore wooden,
that larye QUantUlea of reluabir timber
imeaturd in itx-ir philcwcpby. Tbe cn-i
the oldcat atmcttire in
were deatroyea.larse treea belnsiwlated Uon ear did go into the r
off at ibeir roota Pairn fenclns and (o Jamea Harrntgion, It e brdgetend-v tbbaiaam fur tbe aturiy of |vycbolc«y' New England waa built of etone at
BtocK auffered aerarely, and la-n larae —war due •mtlrely to the amtngemei
fnmi tbo matcriBl aide ha. led men to - UuUfwd, Oodil, iti-or near 1088. £seor the IlghiB -on the -budge. A laiy
bama. ralued at tl.MO earli. wc
U _ I ae>a«uii
hexagon iiaai
light la
U uaoQ,
uaod. i,nr-aatr
.,nr-haif the iguore Boal life nutij adaedmea they I *«*'■ oldcat. the Dorliug bonae. ia alxmt
mroyed by Usbtnlng.
* J''"** .fowigiT. Exeter barl oa»-.iu!me I “**'*'
"A one-half wblla. Har. apeak aa if ibcrewtre oetbine of the
brtek-a atatlon contalntn
ee valuable
L. blieldon. U-fure the 1
W'">‘ bonna ffatuig far bark
./ffve ttn
Society of EthicaK.Tiitnrc, bt. Lonte. j inf'» ’•>« ■ )gbt<-.'mb reumry. and now
Brownahorgh and Wabaah the datnage
Wwrera Wh. CamUtu
Mill «ui be calk'd
waa bMvy totertiv-proiicriy.
red to aujipwn d tk« city.
Poar PvrMa* RarUd la Balaa.
Braniifol wrenen. memUre of oof|**^‘‘ •*‘*f
lie clalnied that Ibe engineer Caught
The wrrt wing <.t the Paregor.paper
gianrc at Uw light In.trad
mill at KatoD wa* bicwn in during the an aohIlTiue
wof bwb Uod W«] mw. tegn...
look full lb n. face, end aal<
aald that
worm Four pe-tde are repom-d ■•urled ' •m
,« e.t.ari - a>.e Lur
tbe llgnt
light w'UUlll, fCU
in the detirt* The |r„
,.roperty 1»]I Sack.
1.^ which
which the
t»o.ii.n» o.
IZMND. The rtiof of th.- Raton window- tng, Ihdw-while.
hoW while. He ekally proved hU and di-roto the snalsr nan of awr-rw I
revered bHweeu 1.80 and
glam workf war IlfieJ off and mu<4i rwat l.y
awlnglnx the )>r»d|
tusk to the wicked f.^inution. 3!
*^ **‘‘''^’**“«
e other prr.iierly waa done.
IwxlltoB It nn-upicd -when Ihr train
game, d el...w,f A»d theiv are nrai.le '
bnilder, replacms an
................... —r Lurnlwr com- ot-er the <elgv. and the accident aeemt g
which had been bwwd.
pany'a rheda were bfewn down, the A1- to have »>,.en cau.ed eniin-ly by the who apokigixe for ihii
hany hwHe work* were anrorfed ar.d light. Tbe lrt»-k. are nni more than tkfw In aocieiy.—Rev. W. W- Imndram. The ve*y jiirtarraque Dctim tt Gilman
bouao, a bnck atrectare kitb gamhrel
chlmneya and tUcka were levrjed. Tele four feet alwvc th. aurfi.ee of iVhraler Baptbit. Atlanta.
phone and lelegrabp wirta are all down. and the fall waa not great.
roof, wbieb atood abooewbere iheAtnae
. A >l
ItrtMittmawHBk «l IB UiU.
TTm flint glare work, were damaj
taxed' ai
aged by lightning. A
d to-lhe extort rf
tf U..
Boom ft. Olty Opera Houae Bloeh.
•10. A touth-bcund Monen train, eight
mnea Iwyond moomlngton. war rtnick
Drat beby lightning and the pane ngerv rbaken aenirlPX a abui-ter day. Pr..-xldent
t evemhiling
----------Jehn--All reicrgy
reicrgy by which ■
up aevereiy Conductor Johnapn war Bon and aomc of the New Tork dalegatre '
iaaeqaind, and ait
We Sellpalofnlly Injured, bnt
of|pot^ II <in the groi •
Later, aa the train waa raring G
burg H ran Into a large re that I
m^hZ> rtfor^* and'VIlJe^""/
tbe Rcvototkwaiy oo'tbeeak fff
been blown acrom the ii :k
fldenev In the Typograi*ical I’nWa ;
It waa then that Ibe older of tbe
engine wxt hadly di .agrA
■ Albany tl eallmated <ai 8».esf> wrrth
ywe laanred. g. W. HARTSeOa m
. ' -------------------wiu ^ ,,.u» wr-re erwtKl. lire war
of damage wai done 0 property, but
?uSr,"uto pU~Tiirt the ■
Obarecte*. and 1 pretty eaectivcly
topped booac bnildao Ilvea w-ere loat.
.rTcd V^lu^|ol;^^o7
«o are Ibe da.r, when we itet. but by isooprtwpcrity had returned.
Itle*r Away Rowfi atMl rhlmaey..
Fire Insnrance.
adtniitbe dAtxknrio and Nvw Englargl abirx>wix-n breaine
nf a cntnmlltev of fl/e
_to ‘‘’***
atorm. prevailed ui
nch. The booae bu.ldiug mania
a widc'diatrtet In ro-ojxralc with the Ty^mgrapblcal Co .onr bone aa we woqJd n-ftwe to uunil
Kabraaka tele T*tui day nxhi andearly lon r<»- the nlnv-hnur {lay.
the ,’f***^
we diarover a lire in onr broke ont again iu tbe ftnu of tbrw
Id I.tnniln aome ''a bonre, we have no btwitarina ' groat, aqoare, three nory bonaea of
Munroe. J
.g,--------- --------l--------------TwraiyPewplv a I »«■ Brea Ftot.
‘"nKJIately’ ciyiug. “Fire, trel" ^lofa ftx. Ire hai a few ^ of whit*
« '*- -JMe i,._ t “*"*
P»‘tibg «t «L Tbe Salem. Newboryport and Portamontfa
««>«*«'■*• U« «» Ibc 0001*
te Uft In tbt town and many rout, were Duilng th* yir».t laradc l.y tb« l^men
taken off. Tbe houae of Peter T'Wn Broa.' clrvu> ye-treday a iMlcony ever ™ nature, and it baa att ui fire l>«: Tbe magnatea of IBDO-IO dl
no nub-no
wax totally wrecked and Mr. and Mra. a atdrwwlk UTupUd h> about twenty oiwt* of belL—Rev. W. A. Gaidnui. gnn.bn-1 roof* aud
irooka and itarngvC Tbev were nlain
Tobin allgirtiy Injured.
Norfolk auf prople gave wwy and the party wat Chriatlaa. San Prauciaoo
hurted at-out elKht«n fed to ihe walk I
*^ **“'“:
fered from the atorm In tbe way of on- bel.
w. Many irenUe were Injured. 8cv«:
«gwtora«» «r a Jati.
i *3"^“* ™ ntHitariiin men, and
roofed bouaaa and rtnall Mldiitga Mown rtui . hlklren who occpuied' ihr walk I ***»
• rttuf! Jn which tbe hnUdboilt btmaea aa aqnare aa themaway. Two man were Injured, but not
la s and iQe Ogam '
»U!yr IhJurrt. Oenie Ertekwmund ' •“«
■ j«U ia tfic fareiutcn.ofamUDo tiooaeare atoot iben.
■nerioualy. At Milford ai»d Bagt, the Carrie Hat^n were among ihnre
an my
wu. In
„,o« I leaiuwu.
tbe era wbca all incB w-er^
wa*llT •nprrtpooa
wh>d damaged emaH' atruciurea.
Mibri; the 1
ed to
ic I\ oeprau'd end crinK* wua ouivcwiibI “““ ««y- were the* worthka *0 re-,
limited amnuntWralD felt.accamimnled be fatally Injured. V tetter te believed
by haJI.
! prtaona «.re nuiltougbt of. but wbi-n
■adrilla. M.. AtanTtdtad.
I aoclcty roar in ibeacaleor Tiitoe totbe P*“^.
Improveiuenta which And everything in the Iin
Danville. Ilia.. June !».—A Chicago
'be mujorily could diatioIntoodnred In arahtteeterc.
Bedalla. He.. June
Thia town wax
vlaltad hr a fletre eircirlewl and wIM and Kaetern ininols excurnkm train, «
butwren right and vkNmg ifaii “**»•*■/would be pretty anre In tepoatortn tea) evenlnx. The prwer bouV reuir from Terre Haute to Humanca majtxity nude lawa for tbo uaniab- "‘**«'w*‘*> «*» the adorsmenta for of first class jewelry ant
of tha Bedalla Ktecirii Railway attdt DU., with 700 paaaengera.
- -. ran ----Into au metit
mail nf ( tlldone
and laid
tbo ffonncl*. T^.ch poor Qaren Alwe baa bees beU
--------------lid tot)
Power company wa. arrack hy lightning “«wn awiich...............................
tioiH Iu- Ibe brat ptiaoa.-Brv.
priaou.—Brv. N.
N. U
O. ■
*“ *^«**'
and an or the dynamae nilr.-il. liavlcg j cdHId.d
a freigi'irtrete *’T^e*4i!
_H.) Kewa toilet articles.
the eliy wlihoul atrret lighie .teal night : gtr^-of
loi- **‘*’‘*'
Irwin* were Iwdry-demol
Mart Aatoar* Debt.
and Btnpping the eara on all of tbe atreet i <M(M. hot
bi nol a piarenger waa aetiuui
be TUrmral to U.U.
' air
car line*, a one-atory brick rreiaureni'rinjurcd. Application
of- theair-brakea;
tlon of
In tbe uainro of ibioga ibere are « Mark Antony bold aloft tbe bloodIn Main Mreat waa Uow n down A^m- ; prevraied a terrible wreck.
manyaonltthatnreltioapubleof trala- ■tainod tem* d bia murdered Mend.
«®4ef*7kted<,t-------,, maUcBi.- They
oaiumt b.
be Mliiiitta]
admitted boo
info I
»—iTS,-7 0UUM.t
that' ibe uiguiut
bigUxt Utea. lliey
They are bopclemlv
bopcle*ly '
^.A. ,oA oreamenui treM ih «d 2^\j! A.-DKago.
Cl'icago. dune
June If.—ine
tl.—Tbe BteiemeBi
ateleme that''ue
abd mnai to iibut osL That ia their
of tbe rt» were bro^ra down.
< j Taber, will *iar reparetaly next aeaeq^ pnnWinM-ni for a:
' *
MB B««ml Otkm Mmn «r L
•mniy Wm«4«4 - iiMvr Dmi
Dmm Ib «tM VtelBitr — laAtaM A
<hnv«lir (h*0«
— Maa/ I'amaai KU|a4 aaO '
br a atona S«v j
146 Front St.
LookHerel Attonfion, test side r
frkh liver
Frank. Stepan,
• Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Family Groceries
Fresli YegetaWes Daily. '
Jacob Furtsch,
.... - ________
Tlie Hacowifrilfiailfifs
to‘.u.'Twv;. jhi':3i| i.r*-'-”’”’ ^
Iv*' 0»
Delicious Drinks..
Ottumvra. I.., June II.-A Wll
i iV2^u"‘Te^?^tev!
rteae J«aaed over Roat Hill, a bimII t
-.10. TO «... «.evpit, i„.«—! _
'to. 1
to _____
trniage In
in Keoknk
Kertnk county,
reunty, yeati
n. Tbii
From the New l*roe
.Afternoon, touching the ground in ...
c reiailcn
»a »™. T—. that Ju nan
I, tSifcpick M. Up.
oral plaew Joat outeldc the town. Tbe
W. Heck Serves Them
damage done waa oontinad to irrea and j
«. out Iff baiuooy ,
teH^llHega Another eyclooe of aom*. 1
•to*--------At the Houtb side rv-nfminoan B
, with Ibe alw3*___,
orurr, and arc JosUi
wh*t greater vluleoee paved alx mile* ,
. Jane II.-The
Tbo PriiMc of Walea ia Mid to have
_ annual
“ ^ deutroyed. bo with tbeaaulatff
•oolaof iWlis
. aa« of OmalooiA. Itt path waa over ^
t of the Lake Brie aad
Wealleartied te bia yootb to make ateckiD&
two mUct In length aad abent fifty ’
. railroad, made public yeaterd^* i
Bteaoo. tba Oukoeff York, learned tbe
parte In width. The damage, however, |
-wa that the gro* earnlnga for IM
Bapttel, ISL P*oL
■ alight, being cehflaed
- 1te I
year auffered a derreaa* of'uie.tNi.SS.
Orar Biebotea II. can .plow, aow and
■a and ot
Tbe net earalnx* Ohow a rnrreapondlng
^oonUcitma te tbia rt*nOy b«*; reap. Tbe Bmperer VUUam U a pnoddacreaae of W7i>W.tt. and tbe aurpluw tbe time tbatocr i
Fine Merchast TaiJoriog.
iwtoraffm oattled aal Uiamiitet. Ming Bom bert ia not <min DO! .
tbe granite hUii eff Kew lya2
Tlt^ga■ Xrae PwrJito^ oad Oaate Md
Otty H«wb Oa.
0~r « 8w«k.
■PaHA Jnae u.-a lerilUe tore^
tertn*fleld.»llla.. Jnae ll.-Ooveroor
TOck aeveral vlltagra In the vldnlty Tanner yemerOay appointed ex-OoverMignonrtte and tbUow. pink tevrblte'
d -tbia city yaauiday,
AI the nor RMiard Ogleaby. of BIkbarti J. ealttbem, ibongb -tbeyw**DcntlyaU‘ Mig
time the cyelont eiruck Amertaa B.,Or*nbut. iff Reoilai J. T. Hobllt, eg yonng men wboi they waa over to this *«Mp< oonbliM baantUuUy for nnral
a telr waa la progrera
Every- UnoolA and Oiarlea Deraa, of Rock cootttry, hftd to bnatle to bwp &«b »»«ha pBBter eff A dtoner table
Md treeateg. With a aoll te
thing wai Uterally demollMiad. Two Uand. addiUwua delMmus in the in_ mvrauon
_ tebteh locki preponderated too laitety
Lumber Company. W« bare for sal« Good, Sound Hem
TOTO tre* ware uprooted. The roof ternattonal
d Oolguefa flreworka factory waa be bald Jnly 7. d and I at Denver. Oolo.
lock Lumber,, Surfaced Sidewalk Hank, Maple Flooriim
vrifb a
^n off: a tab chimney waa bteam
Miami Want te AMITO
M^e Wood. Lands for safe. Mill Machinery, of aa'
down and tbt boiler exploded, hilling
laona. Fa. JnadJi.—Tbe mlMn*
axvaral parauni and injuring fifteen. It
enttaA reoulund to aauate wRh
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Caniasea
Miworud that five• parwaa w** fcUted
1 nattoMl labor msaaiaatlOA. T»a
te A Veate. te
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Bant for sale.
Do You Know
• A.W. JAHRAU8. •
' Suits to Ore’er.
If You Nave Logs fo Soli SSse
Geo, G, Winnjo
1^ o«7x»to.*«. at.
Tga yoaarnr^ bbookp, axyyipAY, jujb so. isst.
>~:inLLioK8 isbcttoks
dra, who bad Brew
a tonla. rrad hit sana io Tto
Ibl* ended too dlaewaloa aad tto I
------Gagatt* and loaod to bla lorprlM that
boi^ratra t« bac«lad aad aabackled ;CATCHC8MltOC Of
'f C^my®^J»ONO* to bad anatnedtoaraBkotjeolOMlU
, Sntl-Trutt Bill Coottniet^d by.
tto itvpanal forae
b CF b^is wv.
IfilKary am xe
tor tto tomiMnee, rw «C H enat per I
e«e nBBwaaiive to tto odBoare Ttoy
t Ceade Uto a ghtoy oBroll asy neir they itoe. aod tbey b1jlBiTT POIALTT FOK TIOUTIOn
tWa-lto totdkaleae toeate fto €
' r pay let naay more atea
Watolnctoa, Jaaa U.-Retming. „
wily to Ito army Aboot
B>rt XmU,, fart»« Tmm
■pMtol dlapatchM fion thb Mty atat'
j T« pef
full tranber at ura
«1MM r«M «r IMb ~
log that to hai declarod ainoo too
Mmt-IMXo'* T.fc. ■ Dv uc • alpoature o
Bemrtly at tbeBotcl Draoat tbm i
*^‘»P W‘» »>» »b«» toy l»
awiage atwi«thoftbe
ftk« UUp^- ■» b«^ 4««I
treaty tbat tr. a*M ~rpiiairt to anntaa* Wto h tolart • wrtoBi and latwawlag. (orm. ewa andet
Li Haag Cbaag'a
«ai itote vwr tk»n ae^ hoped the treaty *o«ld to rejected BovreUry fUterman toy* too oe- aoil»tJ«W(*«ote®ltoit<wa,ttoi«oper-legBip„„irfdy boum oftem. vhiio
claJa are falaei that aa a rule he U <9. tyof Baian-FeHcBBaaf Patia Tbta«a. ,toabm 100 wea ce pap« tonally
tweed to the fnl
lacUai. «bkb waa ribltalKd la liiSO at mean bnl 40 or bO in tbr flato . On nUw exporitka of daooratlVe arta. mlcbt. new diyi toe olBom cngMe a ■nartent
ritaj any one ci tooae baJe^iag to tto BvmM-r erf apidien by tto day to taaka
ttrIK Mil lb tbr Knnt* M« whi
cutonaUatlo bnuonlita ta Ito ' ^
tkiaki wtU in*erthr ..i.jMMowthfcthbv* Japan to tbeee lalands. Re tbarafore ap
OlaplHto. tor mnakilBB. col- ‘
aontcee of proflt bmidaa dtoliag
• tom Bud* to oiT.=r BmetoiiWBU o* » proved the treaty maklag Uawall a
laolcd 7.160 difluwit mciawM. |n > is dnmtuy «(<ldleta. Tto Ure oae* have
atinllarchArarier. liUa.Wjow*: -Bretr Ptowwloa of tto United Btaiw.
1640 a ooUcetew la Ubeat aabiblted | » *«" ahifortM sad to eat. aad Into
porotm. flm
Obrtoar Mm* a Itovlbged Toeea^
man ibaa Sfi.000, Bad M.
I food and clotbw are nppllad at extorttoUtamriwi «< ttoGmaobla !#««,. 1 Hooa» prfrw by toe rtBeew. aq ttol ot
|c|>atalkiB in tola: 11>^ P
to^ month paid by tto gorbBBMb <d oartoaillM torot«b bU oOtleo. enuneai for each wWier, about oae^fto
, Ann or cvriKiratluD to (boBopoRM
tkw sd battowaf Utoritnand of ndor wtcruMk thr ira«l" or commerce to
t© tto tvaeto wbo are
nw or rvDBrd mcar ><r tar kiod Bmonc'
* coBiemri yoeierday by Judge Brad-1 The bullnaBof tbe elghteealb eeatary • ^ eagtged dariug wartime and
tb» oermi »iui<>. or with forolso t»not faerauoe ai a nea'apoMr man! trlng bigb prieto in Ito maricei at tto ■ diebandeJ toa uoneal «to fUbUiig »
UoBb, fur thr -|>um~3<« «f aaduir A>.
thlage told him were privileged, but on iBftoent time; Ttote-are loma of tbom etar wIkrevet Tbty may bappm
kuctnf the piUo i>f Mch bugar, thBll the
aad nearly alwaye wllboat the tM
ground that the quwUoe naked waa toat ftogcaaid. we an t
to drrmeti ouHi' '>i t Bilodemoaser, ImpertlneaL wlto hie marvaluw saoML in hU tluw of rrraralag to ^ir bconea, too* keep
Wd OB ooavlrliiiQ
Q lli
ihrmoC. btaU to PUB.
Wae rrm Ctomr (a .War Tlawa.
d ing up Ito eupply of amed robbers all
Wied br • line of•t nnt Mbi.tku IMDlK*
_________ .., toitona to big to a omra pkoe; on over tto emplR. ■
more than
Bny^------------------------------------------As to tto stddlen ef ibe ttandlng
oMhe Naitocal Baft. wblrfa allegoriva and varloBt aafajheW
At bard tai«r imi 1< m Utah aii bkwUw Pep
army lo times of |aacr. they are, wito
and Tniei company. { were carTtd,
» ihai. !«.■ y*4i«. or by both died bareBavlnge
after a bHef Hli____ ...____
Baotoatnoet- wrilm la bU •'Seerat toe exorMloo of tto JIaateboo garrlMo.
Said" Jibin.uu la ito dlwmiOB o( fi
yeare old. Hie relaltona with t*r«al. ileiuoire," Nov. Id. MM: -The mania so wretchedly paid Ibal Its einuglb exIh# court.
"deal Llnmln and Secrriao' dupionwere fnr baftatie la lUdarfftrvtnely rMicn- Ifti only ou paper. Tto men enliat and
Hao la triruUI) bTrhC.
latimare durtiur the late wer. DuHng
“And IB ca*v yf a coivoratioa foand that period.hrwae prew renaur juid cue- k>aa Tbvy aiv ant only of enonaoaa rrgalarly draw ibclr pay—< tolUings
fuliir of Mill otfen.r the ]aiy abali alao
llan of toe telegraphic eervlto of the BlB^ some of tbew aa big aa eix pound per mt^th—and have acareely any far
aecertalh ahd riiid nbat oAcwa of tba wardeparfcenu________
crawna, bat minUtsrte and pierarea ara ther (^oect>OB with tto military aerrcorporation aunJ ix dlroelad the oor.
made opou Ibrm, and tliia omamatta- kc Ttofewihatgooadatylutbeolty
porailM tn r.iiiimii euch.offraK, and
Teller latMBaeee Two RUb.
tioa ia eatrewely coatly; borne of tbrm gaiee live pniin ly on bribe*. Thr Man
BDcb offlrer*. »n i>rina found guilty of
ITaahlnginn. June
Teller latr^
caaalac or 4ir'otlnB (be toiporatlM t» dticed a bill In the eenaie yeoterday ruftmat the ujidala ef toe II Ctowia cha farce Buder tbe Ikriar geiiriuL 00
otben aatique atgCDeeaud eltn ottom tbe other haild. b well paid, bat Ibeae
rummii (he (irr>nm- of which tl It fuoad
that all tonk n»let ehall ha tto Hetamucpbotoior Ovid."
eohlH-te do DO (Igbiing They are tmly
gumy. ohall lir
to the punlah.
laabey. in bii biogtapbinl notoa, eagagwl
guardliig the city toalatt
aforeuid u •hall to a autteient
lag.In the tndl.'imant to doaorlto
a*y» ttot wboa be eame to Purie to Cbiueoi- reUbu Tbr.v live Is a arparate
the olfi-nae In th<- laiieuage Of tble law;
wwked far a living by tnaking ooptoi Quarter to that ocrnpird by ttoCbtiiMe.
and the fan ih«i a manufacturer or
cd VaakxB and Botirbm on the lid* oi oa wbwn they ofiea make ntwortdwd
rvAner of cugar 1. fur/i to Mil Ua tttoar
MirboCH, aud that far tbiae medal- atiarks. Thai flgbu-betwcea tto CbIto ibe tuiMlr In Inivretate or foreign
IkM to WM paW from « to « trauc* Btec aud the TaMaraoldfaty br of cmatrade otharwlee itor. ihroogb epedal
tto faabton,
tuon ottwrrrace. and as Ibeec Tartar sol
- '-•Aa it waa atlli
fariori or ^grille ehall be deemed prtma 'Cbirago. Jane tr.-Commiitece are
diers sre uut auderthejarisdlcltonof.
tolioqe m big aa
fatle rvideticv if m"nnt>ojtalBg or at- work peifactlng the ursaalaailuD of (he ! "kW. "•o
____ In »«r “Social Democracy pf America.* I true pkvc, upnawhfab OopkU, Boweta
tempUnt to m..n.>i..iit«- tbe trade
auger among ti«
ral ttaua. ocwlih tto phi«nlx akich baa risen from IBe ud laadirapea wrrv cut la cameo, 1 go aspnaiabed.
foirlgn nallont.
Via. went into that bufinem. IgoiltKto love last between tllb ciiy b
aabet of tto American- Railway Umoa.
I'arle aeiB le Keeewla tto law.
(he aalive Ciiuiese. —Unglith Lxcha^a
Toaterdarl aeaelon al I'hlirh'a ball w«a
•The aeveral HrcuiicnurtBof ttaePnll- adjourned early untU > o'rluak Uila
I after iMa pariod fa the
ed Hieiee are h<-r>-l.y liiveatedwUb Jurie. morning to .allow the legtelailve com
din Ion to prevent eml reaimlB vlula- mittee Uate to comideie tbe coneiltaiioa. rradlllon to lake Up rdiksbift. All tbe
____ __
b rrportod
freo bendtlune of ihl» Ua: and H ahail he the Tbe work of lb* r
a al-! fine maanments of
« Paris were oarred' wfah of aaottor orlgiDal copy of Mrs.
ffioai aaHrrly
•Btiivly of pmili
rutting into fcrtnal, „ ,!,«». Then
tbe pauiottc bat- ■ Browalai's "The Battle of Maratboa,
the I'alled Slairf la (h<-lr rsapaodvr
*«v. klrwady ! toiH, rrprmraUDg tto ukiigof
taklogef ttbe Bat-' which wm pslDM (or W. LiadanQ, 87
* trtet*. under ibe direetioa Of the af- bwa axpresaed.
tenwy general, in in*ntut«’pn>c«edlngs
>bJem of tto ibnv
order*. !■ Wimpole
Vimpole atreel.
st^ CIvendial
Otvcadleb aqoare, la
At a meeting «,dilay au ihoae having ^
la equity to prvvcni and reatraln eut-h oredcBtiais
aailaiM «»^ii.[|^.li>«Pbryglanrap.ibe|icgtratta(«Loab I8W. It waa Uaight at
vjihlng (Cl uiiiu with the. *'’1-“* Niiateek
way of rrmi.m wiiing farib th* A. R. ti. urulrr (to new namr. and ! Hbortly afterwfid ftoec
ttoae cnamentt ahlllluga. Upto tto year 1601 bat thrw
CAM aaS rraying that such vtolatlun poaelWy other lympathlavr* with the : wew laid a« ‘
aoarc* work were knosm
abali he,eBj.:!inMnr -tborwlarigohlblted. muvamant. will b* admitted. AcUr. tiatfa batton was over,c reign of tbe ar-;, oopiw of thbthe
r, aad Ito mother to exist, esd tbr only one that baa ever
^'hen the paKi-. .MmpUloed of ahail
* Just aa ■
aold by enetlMi rvallanl 080 at
bav* (wen duly
- - n ahail |>vk-<w1 i
I* hearing
s'ld drlertnlnaiioo
d. —-------------.1
JnscoiM and
•I.ie ».,d
of I -...............................
Doha lilnlght nr* ih* f„now(ns i-“**^“"*
k**^ anMiug tbt'itlkvilcBs are may have bH-nuaeof tbe three oopim
thr case; and i-emimi! wh prtmon and | ootllnt of ihr plan iMw
proposed today:
vSy* ; **
at Myewus^
to to proposto
imitoua diacnvttvd
I The anil of Uir dn-mociiscy will l>: tb*
I, CUy Ot»T« Hvaw I
TikiAfai k
s, ■
dkeorda but'ali
Oeorgta had gone Into "tbia to’
waablng Democratlr dirty llaea’’
^ !
(Vest) would ask bk aaaocktea • *•*
Me qneftioaed Bacon as to wtoiber be
beli.ved In taxaUea IUto ted to tbr Deeds
of aa economical goventmrnt aodBacou'
-toUd he did Then Veet mid to ccnldn’t
see bow Bacon was In favor of morrrev.
. they had given In th* Wllasu bill to c«rtaln-raw maiertala If tbk was a fraud
then tbe tuveent contest over raxing raw
snatertal was merelr as to (he amonnl
of lb* fraud. Tbaa TUlmao addM. “aad
J say plainly. If we an to have tbk
atewUng. 1 waat ay Aar* (er Aovtb
'Tbk washing ef duty Deaomatk
Diien k aaUiti«Bewtamd''TlU9anda-
Biita t-ow bae here aoeeptsd tg tto
.......... "
inlaattOB ef tto
I. cauditot* for
mayor agalaat
Bgalaat Tammany
TAznmany ihalL
it is delivered before
It coDUins all the
local news up to 'Oiid*
It conuini a resume
ofimporun^ aad gen*
E era! newi of the world
of the previous day.
It is thb neatest and
: moil attractive daily
I newspaper north of
: Grand Rapids in all
It is tbe only morn
ing daily paper i
Northera Michigan.
Hi’^yttiAKEors WAfrn.
i :Kii ill
West Michigan
Quick Returns
Lederle's JrfSa:
?uk mm, Mwm rtod * Cm.
toot OAT AXO inOVT.
Rates, $1.S0 per Day.
Telepbone 23.
CjGle Oners Look Here!
"US'-1 I
MbBA. OM'tar tto
M. l«
"July 80,
A-Hal»dto over
by |*jwA.vn;l)--t»vnl sMMdhsied weleh WIU
MoBUrcy lo.tto Mnninls to tolgwlay i W_Mrtons*.wn*ii^lHL^ aad tg*.;
fto tto king 76 diamuud battoaa. 6W.trtrMam-ITA B<Bm.(.Yt».
708 llvma.
I "Aug. I. I«86.—Two digmoBd but^ 87.8M UvrsA
"Aag. 10. itoiA.—TbnadiaaekdlfalVM. Ok. 400 Uvito
"Ore. 80. 1086.-.FMrdlUMmd bM. BRntluiaeTOA for eaw. O
dllloe. to»i aut-c-^rvelo i..—
Auoibex^icm lu tbe Mfat yaaR
yM u*e ■•m*r
Bit* fa^W tojietr
"July fd lesd—Farnlsbed by Mofa toep.sii grrMiai.
farey for tto king's vsat: FtatytohM C*oA BANk-Aes-i
goM Lultou. each art with a dlBfaCBd,
UdH0lW4.Df-l,lck.-m «..■
posed at Sv« diamoedi each end a cd
ODediamoad eacb. 186.188 livraA
"Also 884 dwpi (or tto doabkt oT
k (roe leVB. slselj bctm
I betMtsga. wvU sreletM W
mond each, l.ooe.846 Utka
tt.^ a jraokoAM"lu additkai (ton
aseatal cla^ of tbns
801.87Q llTRA
"baedry preacsta,
-MM4. Arab I. tv..daa^ 6;4.8a«llmA'
Tbat foots ap a total of about 8.000,
000 lirm few tbe bottoaa at tto "Great
King" for tbe aiagle yearof 1888. Tbe
■Louis XIVnoeivadalot
of butums that wen vaiped at 1,071,000
Uvra Jb tton enuacswtictw then is
aio meatick of the dtamoade (nr tha
sbcaw, tto gattegd tM cuffs aad tbe
bets of tbe maaarcb.
BsMMtortagaWe CUpe-OwB'i IcM rtwr
We an obliged » admit. 4tb «u'
Up*.' psi ^ **
ecAU and overeoats gaxniatod wltb mk- OertTftsaSe
araUe'UtOe ctotb aud boue affaira, we
«At a poor Agare la tto fancy bactoe
toaliMm compared to tto dadaa of tbe
Bh.attos psaamtiytow*- fuMWag nm* hj
daya of Look XIV.—Parti figatA
•Bd bk
It is go cold that it
\ : «m. g
m. ou.
A of oxygeij X
of TODdolenct uu tbe daaih •( Sv rrtary
aresbam paaaed by tb* HawaJlan goveremcr.t have remained in an egprea
office t» Chicago uadriivervd tocaaat
Mr*. Orethem'e address was not known,
although It appear* In Che dlrtctery.
The Vdell Woadtnware cVBpaar, tt
At Loul*. wboM stock for tb* third time
la ax mnay yean wa* bureed Uat week.
hM Aled a genrrul a**lgnment LiabUItke. 4SS.0W; ameta. ffidSto
Tba Oaisnaa L4itbM«a church of
Ohio and Hlcblgan. eoatprtslag (bS
eastern dktrtet aguod of Iowa, b boM*
lag its aUteeatb aaDual eoareoUon ai
Norwalk. O.
A yoaag jaaa ftum my native town
' Piia at .Vhltewrlgbt Tea, daatrared eatCBcd tbe army, aad iy.dlDt of bard
Av* brtede tolldiegt. Lma m.«S| lasur- Aghring aad nal mlnlt rose to tbe rask
smod 8M.kfa. Aevea penoae ware laof brigadier geserai, bat wito Mm at
Jared mois orAtm. but aaae fatally.
Alkn Batbr. colored wee egasaited fa every pramotioB ran hk bcotbar, whom
tbe Jail y*H at Port Ailee. Wait Baton i * *
who was pcAetfnUy.ooaa
Roagv partib. La.. yMterday (or wife lor yean
u a dktavi tmtam dsa.
pud as cook
labtnrdtvaB^aw. JU aoUlsr,
aftst «Bob IIII8M4TSI14U ^btob be'die-
-Jewelry. " i ^
—WAtch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
j Morning
mail to I ship of t.W0. Tht local ualons will mah* I foand la the icanb (4 CbllderioL Tto Qaeoily atvoer than _______
up suu brani hea. and-thr Plate or- . latter were exhibited at tto Louvre in . Browulag Lad neither sera nor beard of
gantaalloii* the nall< nal rtuneil. whirh tto
tbe Maare dee booveralaaHtmveTalna' They an a cepv
cepy up to wttbln
within a aburt
abtst Ume
time of hU.
in tun wm Misci a r,.tu«*i b ard -^i. amfa of gold and of oulorwi glii: 1ml- Lth; a^ wtoa hU
And PM* (a s !>■; TkesslalagBlAt ef'body will have real ontrateg thr demotailag gtHK*. BotiQoa detached from id to It exptemed a docht wtotber it
\>r» Old Tarig.atiww,
rracy and will »lr»t omrvra. Tb*
[<«pM and religions ganactita of Ito might not Ue fabrioatloa—AttoawWasbiiigtoa. Jim. IS—TW* uri« tdll
cams (0 a halt in tin- BW^^rtierday.
- lass than me i-agt ..f >!» Aaa nhrduls
anal per capita Ut. Umlted to the cur-I
Bot the rkbeeWthingtof tbekiad. bw
ktU Atr hr tb* BsMta.
being disposed C.r. Th* dsMte drfhsd
rwii sxperssa of the rider. Thtrs w HI 1 joad a doubt, are tbosai that were won
Uque^ed' air ran now to ordered by
into poUili-al .hann^Is. Dac«>n. Veet.
J«— «f
** • ngular commlssfaa appointed 10 ^ by Loaii XJV. M. Maae ttowicr. in tto tbe doaea botUea la Mankb. but fast
Jons* ef ArhariMf, and TUlman takilig
y is ia doubt
Phene80c. 90
per dos.
I People
deefQrd ]us( In ih - ti>,-iiiiada*
thoKiugr'al prreiul isrsimd ia tba
: falnlauycdloreigb aSaira giwi auofD| Hslacrunnttd th* LiKiouttJ that pompI
wtvm iga. It !• a> follows: j
"F.-h. 8. 1«M—MimUrty preaniMd
, to tbe kiug W uiaUHaitl bultona, valued
• gt JbO.OM; Mtnva
; atumet.
‘ Kk tom
iss.iSi.T™'"“'“T""'• fta'.ja™’!-";.™...t;;:;’..;svin?Jf.,..v«* tlu
trine on thr tatlff. It led to aevaml
BMM«Bib*gAii nsM.
lively exchano-a during Which
Chicago. June It—Soorvi on th# die"Clsaning of i- iiii.al dirty lia«a“ war
mend made by League cluto* yreterday
trsqumly rrr.m.l lo. Tlllman'a remarks were nisdv. u lib hie chanclerta- wars; At Washlngtoo-LoulivlH* I.
Wnahlngioa *; at BalUmort— Pittsburg
f. Balllmorv 11; et Phlladapbta-ei.
’ there
to weoied bte
Migie (or
Uir le (h«
Western Lragur; At Orsad Raplde
day Mvi-rgaa p> i- .sd a awsspfag
—gt. Padl & tiraud Rapids 4.
awivadhisat to i-.a.. a 14 ptr cent, ad
vafarem duty cm all artklae now on (be
ibwaur 4. 9ulBcy *. at At. Joerphfrsr Uet. w ith e f-m > xcrpUoea. le su|>
Orta A Al. Joarpb
m Kee
loarpb 11;
11: at Dm
ponihg tha am.n.yr.nc Morgan nlkd —Cedar Rapid* 4. Dm MoIbm 1; at Burtientloa tv th< •li:>:uiar fact that th*
icrome lax ftaiur r thr Wilfon Mil le ItagloB—tlrnkford t. nurliugioa 11.
not rvpralrd and
___by a
to eofarosd
abange |a Jh* pFr».m«^l of tto BU|wetM
Credliori of th* defunct Commercial
oonn of (to lVli.d wiatra
When ihi Aaa •. ludul* rams up bank of AlfVrns piiat. Wia., repne*
Veet made a ent.-q at tbs .•uta*i. svniing aliout two-thlrda of lb* totat
moving to atrike uui ihe Am paragrwi h.
flat riraw. at U per i n. The amtndmcat
ueltor* will receive about
was fvjcf-trd-iv t- tt-itcEaery voiing
with (to.wepublicanv. Ip cijiklslng thr
ftaxI pars«Taph
parstgra-*^ W«i
A diwAteta fram Parle aaBetafet tb*
tr (hat arm of
o pro-pcilty
marriage of Purla dr Chavaaote. tb*
which had b-e
famous pAiBltr. and PrtnccM Caata•ollklaUy and -.clatastlraUy i
- ..................................
in a r«vot psayrr |,y ,
chaplain'of th* rrnatr. "aa rmiMry
Tbe ctory tbat Wmiam M. Evarts k
S>rovld(lBC*.". Thrrv WAS aa weiHrg
dangerouMy 111 with pneumonia k de
tMTUptlon wfarr. lUcrin eriUcIsad
, poaltlon of seine of hit hseodat
. Ouatcmalanad Ccata Rica have Jolped
favoring a rrvei If duty aa raw inai^ the Oreatar Republic-, of Oeaual
rials. Veet tpra r t. bla feet add wtib America.
gnat whtmenc. psrialmed; TMi Is i A etold silver wieon. ball tnarked k
very. drleciaUe
; to Ite preernted to (web toby bore withTheir hearts ar* ch.-cred,
I in thr administrative area of Londou
itbus : i^tveen June' tl and midnight of June
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