The Morning Record, September 29, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 29, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Qark; tetberof tho dooeeeed, MUed apoaDi. Garaer. Uoptorfap blai to call <»
bJedanphtar.wbo wae la ep w naily
After loBp heelUtloB tbedoetor M
njkVXMB oiTT smirm eLva to pd. etatiap to Mr. CSerk tbet it rSBX BX VAB AOaVBTXD XX
-MASiu rarAL
woeUtetepoaeibleforbia to attwd
tbeoeoBes be bed oharpa of aevanl
OflOM SMt«l

•arptael mso ea well as a aaatbar of fvT Vm Oat Bat Twaaty Xtaatoe
and Aceoiid Oeea. Vrao Afb
UttiaehDdrea. thaaoeoadtlM.MaB*
Datall «r tl» XMttet
ViU b« Wo D«jr* ef 6ood day woralap. tbe doctor waa oallad aad, S^MdlBC Tteee Xeatea la PaUVnuam Xaeeb oa TriU Ohaeped
V»»-A HMtteg VUl X»k* nao* ralMsd far tbe reaaoai eta ted abo
wlte Bhoottap BTak AnaabOaw.
ia PfMkn
Samntl 8. Trovatt b' troB Be has
Tte iM BMttac MUoMd ta Um
■anaesaitudlwajory la the Ofrealt
▼drdlet of OecaaMb Jaiy Oa tba
I of tbe teanre
Bltel7«RMff«d. ,
aMibteSrapedpAt Bhapterd.
muted aamalt apoa leabelU Maap.
At » wiiaar of th« Tnrm* a«r
cbild andertbeapeef 14 yoaiA aad of
Bhephard. Mite- SepA M.—1W o
DrlTt^ Club,
is tb« eoBBcU «
aoa^ Jary lB tbe toqaeet apoa tbe barlap lakeb ladeoeat Uberiba with
tlM noM OB Tband«7 aad FrM*;. death of Ctehier.SWabbla. wbo abot< tbepirl.
Tte arpameats la the
lelf orwMmrdvedia Us beak
Oototer nbudaUi,wiUi th* toUowlaatMOBtb. jMdmd a eerdlet at «:W daded teorUy after three o’ctock yeatarday afterMoa aad tba tearpe of tbe
tUa Moealap. Tba eerdlet wae rat
eoartwasoooeladedat a;M. Ttejary
letlied at eaoe aad after beiap oat
»-M OlMB trot orJIMB
Irto lor aUolMi trot «|»00.
tnaay pao^ bare aad is tbe earroBBd' twenty mlantee rotaraed ^
iBfooaatry. Parmiap people crowded not paUty as temped.
Mr. Tiaeett was as
tbe vlUapa last aipht la aatleipatl
dMO trot or pMB
before the eerdbtwa
tba eerdlet. They bU expected ■
wbea tbe worcb white treed him w«
or. at all eeeate oom
Oof^l *Uo fob: two tB throB
other tbaa tba eeidlet of eelelde. It ie epokea he broxe down sad eriad like
OfioM* for tbe Mm e»dla* Ju«U7
reported that JaryMa all taeorod the child, ttaally itolap and polap Into the
j. IMA wm oloetod m WIowb
eerdiet of eaieide frooi tbe start except rear nwm where he
Pmtd«t-B. J. MorroB. .
Moore, wbo stayed eat aatil the Ume. aad wae eoaprat-lsted by hb
TroMorer—Frod H. FroU.
oar. Be held that ao. eek'
teer«Mr7-S. B. KoOoFbad beaa latrodaead by tbe in
Tte TrmtM case was Immedlatoly
FoUowlnc the aoottac orrMfod U« tiap attorney to show that Strahkle
foUewed by that of tte Psofde te
Blcbt tkoro wUl raoM at Pelootw.
after beiap abot coaid baee diepteed cf WUUam Kaoeh. wbo waa oriplaaUy
'TMotey BBd Wodawdoy. Ootebw ll tbe roeoleer.
by mistake U tte eomplaiBr
Bad 1>, with tho foUawlBr ofoatw
ABotber rapert is that froo tbe start Jobs Keox. Tte aoteeed b obarged
tba jary stood foar for tbe eaieide the­ with teTiap eaaaed the deaUi of a cow
*-4< aaM, paeV or troA PBTM ... .MO.OO ory aad two for maider. yarora Kpttb
halonpiBf to William AUsb of Mar
S:*7 elBM. poee or trot, paiw........ eaoo aad Moore bold lap tte latter theory. field. byahoottap.OBOraboet Aapaet
Moore WMweaoeer to the eal- Wth. It was aUeped that Knox liree
fiBfihalT mUa r««. t is A pans.. ,ss.<
dde theory last alphA 3wmt EUtb aetphter to Alba aad that tte
this tooralap bwBBW oaBrlaead
latter had beaa caapbt
VrMloraU.kotorpBaB ps»
ieaad apteod
ibes of the aoeaaed. It wee abo
J:M eUoB trot or paoBP« .... #a«
aUwed that Knote had deebnd that
Obo-mOo rsB. I in a psrso............40.M
te woold kUl ttetettie of Allea if
Tha parsM la tko TrorerM Ctty I
are sot ftaad ^t tbay wiU bo ooH
they ‘were tooMd oa
apaia. Tte prabSeatloB SBdaarc
asrmta with tkc avesta sad tbe teeetPsMod Away at tee Borne of Hie
WwtU be oae of tbe beet beld here la
prore that Koote had Uned tee
Xrotbar. la Xaewkik.
MtetlM. Tbe loeal bonaaea are B>
qaeetloB oa or aboat Aapaat »■ Tte
Beary MeborA »be Ueed ia tbia city oow was foaad date la a dieempoaed
,'wwb MUaffiMl afTaa|«Mata ■
aad wbo was well aad eery toeorabty eoteitloa aboat three weete Utor with
/ tbe e»MU seat week are praerieed
be well worth tbe work deroted to kaowB here, died at tbe yaaideBee ef a woate ia bar flaah ate a eoatoaioa
hU brother, at Keewlte. Moaday after- oa the htod white ladkaled that after
- Mr. Metert leae>e waay warm beiap shot tee was fiabhed with a
frlaadb la Trareree City wbo wlU re- blow from sbAxb £me'ehot were
iber Bsay ^caeaat oecailoBO apoa foaad in the body of the aatmal white
white Mr. Meb^oMiritated to tes
S to be Kb*
rare of otbfe aad oeeiyoBe who as tbeae need by Kaoeh la a pan white
the Beadnaa la aeid to Have Ooae
kaew Um wUlte prleved to teara ci he had U hb pommaiaa Serenl witto tbe Xloadika.
hie daate Kotiea of tbs tamwal wQl
Tbe eeae of tbe people tb & & Tre- te piraa later. •
darlap the afteraoon ate tbe abot
eetA la which Uabello Mao» wee tbe
foate ia tbe body of tbe cow ware iaooeaplalBliV wltaoM. reeaU* tbe fact
l^rewUl to Bam Adam.
teedaearideaeB Ttecaaeof tbe
that ooe Oeorpe lUrUn wee pmetSam AdaaiB tbe sbortetop of tbe
ad apoB.oomplaiat of the Mae flri Haatlrrm. wbo tee pUyed hall la this
eoart tejoaraed fw tbe day. The tee«bar^ wttb oriwlaal awaalt and cttT for tbe peat three yraia. will laaee
ttmeay for tbe defease will be token
laleoMd' epoB a hood foe MOO. for- thbrnontiapfor aloapetalttohia eld tebmeraiap. ________
Biabed by Deo Deaa. fmaerly teller Id boaw la Polo, lUe.. aad Uhicapo. teat
M. E.
esat la aa aflidarit test
tbe nret Katleaal BaaA boos after aipht ateeial of his taUauie frieade
be was aaable te appear oa accoaat of
tbe hood wae died hUrtla.Jwaped hb
arraaped a farewell sapper ia hoaer of Ulneea. to answer to the ehaipe of riobaU aad hae elae* beea eaheeed of la Sam. white wasaerred at netoherb
labap the Uqnor law ate the case was
tbeae parta The aext atop wae to re- tlolamblaa rsetaaraaA Amca«
deferred ler tbe preeeaA
Barer the asamat of tbe hood Itmb potota ia addttlaa to tbe boDored yoaap
OeaB, which howerer hae BOt beea acIT VIXA. XX A OOOD OAKX.
were Dra. Neymaad Fameae of
tbe eaylwa. Chariee B. Bale, Balte
CAttorary Twaddle euted HaaletA.C P. Haator. Prsak Parte
to tbe BaoOBP yeeterday that he had aadBCBUllapB
Made aa laeeetifaUoo repaid lop the
aeoparty alleped tohare heea owaed
foot heU*\bb year than erw before la
by Dees aad foaad that it wat boopht
«a oostraot aad that Ue partiee troai Bate Arrieod Iteterday aad will te
«he« it waa pnioheeed ettU had

Flaoad Today.
BBd that tbe eqalty of Deaa
Tbe foar balls for Si. kteaels tearte
waa iaeaflelast te/eetSafy tbe bead. arrired la pood ahape ysatorday aad
Bealdea tble tbe proeeeeior Uaiaed waibepotis peaiUoa at eaee. They
tbet Deaa bed left tbs oily aoao iiaw any pomtbly te la shape to riap today.
afo wllk tbe iDtcatloB of colnp to
•tlMttle. aad with tbe «andlke as tbe
Perils of a rrtotor.
objeetire polaL
,eia.aa employe of tbe
Herald office, had one of hb beads iw
jared la a prioUep press yeeterday afXlfiee Waat to PUp Bbae tamooB. HewasBt work at the praes
wtea his lefi bead beceaw caapfat bad
Kora Baee Ball.
three flopera a
Tbe Baaaah Biflee. whe reeeeUy de>
feated tbe Boys' Kaad in a paiae oaliod
baee tell, are aaslou totroepaiaet the
Tbe Boyai Neighbor* of America wUl
railroad teea fortaerly eomaianded by pfrea lOecatBepperUMoBtapac baU
Jamw Kehae. speat of tbe C A W. M. ^
May aftersooa from 4 aatil«.
la tble city, or aay other railroad teaee;
abort propram will te i
white teteaj eeleot. for a game to be
are laritod to oomB
played at aay U»e or ptaee hereafter
to te daaIpBatod. The Btdee hare had
aU aorta of plory la baee tell aad are
test erealap tbe If B. B. riab aad a
BOW wllHap to fiUT for
Bomber ef Meads aUted U plriap a
al-aometUap that eai
farewell party to Mbs Kittle Belabte.
te aaod to bay somethiap with.
wbo has bade a paeet of Jacob OUAtrarvAi. TSABX OTiBBoro. mao's temlly tbb sammor. Mte Betaboh will leare for her h^ la CUarpo
■rldpe Bulldert IMIO Boat This XreB- today.-'Tbe dab preseatod her with a
ploe of ellTerware
lap aad Bojoy a rropram.
kclabwaia a at two
The Bier
their roMieet for their frlwiA Be- o'clock teb afteraooB at Mcb Fienoa'e
Tte Toanp Udim' mteWiary aoele^
eerred ie Mia. Oal- ea StoU stneA for a raa toBdpewood..
of the Comrrepatlooal tearte. tbe
••Bridge Bailders" wlU bold tkeir an- amab earied and BBtqae etylm.
Amoap oteota tram eatof tbe eity
aaal Ahaak offeriDg ametiap la the]
who atteaded tbe Hebrew ballday earahloapo XarkaA
oharsh parlors this erealnp at 7:W
rleae wwe SoL Preaeat of Oteillee. A.
S8.-WteaV-Scfrtemo'Ueek. A social Ume wtO be eaj^od
OUdlasb ateaaa.JMUla« L Marko
ter, WKd ^mber, 90\<s-, May.
apd aa iatereetlap ptopram piw
ate Umc Prator of XavirB
eladtap atapiap by thc Brale v
d Soebty of tbe Oow^
The Udba’Aid
smber. »7M«N<Mobar,
BrcryoaekoonliallyiaTlted. Dtotap
AsrOllMteatfAO p.
tbe iiTMlap a thankofferiap wQl te Mbe; Deeember.»K9Kc; May.
JB today la the pariocB
IB U the teafth.
Data—Septomter, tte
December, II msmbere are arped to aUate to
Xa PMtiao to DoetarOarBor.
l»»fe; M^. nXc.
The dlqdey wlteow of tbe Upar
■te Btatomeat rolatiee to Dr. Oaratora ot Aldenaab Jabiaae teows
i; DecMater, SAS& '
lUap aerer seen U Tiawee aw
to be a
1 hMdatoly talaa
Thera li MtetUtofi a dbplay
IfaBday towUap aboot 4 e'dote Mr, SA«0| Oaeamter.





of taaf teteeem wbkk will dalipht the
heart of tbs ^ahm. Hr. Jabiaae hM
neeBtly laoairte a aew stote cf Baraaa. Samabawr^oar. Oeaaectteat aad
demwtic fillacA white be bas Hiaaped
atbaetirely la tbe wiadew.


The Sniallesr Warrant..
labotorr. Our {.no, u, right ud our nMVaU’

Xtece ate 186 Xea kaployad
a * W. X. &(tooMoa. Bat I
Are Heeded.
X. J. Baadoraky. wbo b time
oa tbe
Wra railroad, o
down Dam
Van Bareo ytorday after men aad
barns Be eepafte bat lew man
tea city ate wae torced to totepapb to
Orate Xapida after fifty mma. ~
aeete aleo'a damn taaM, bool. ..
white he My ebtala beta. There are
now Mployte aa tba extoaetoa lU
man ate low mOea of tbe read bare
already beee laid. Thera are erldaaUy
low meaootolsrorktaTrarecM.Clty.
jadpiap tram tbe exparbaee of tbe
pro^etort of tbe new UaB

no nonr gniar.

m. b. houjet, itrimw*




Right intheFacr
of an advance of from 20 to 35 per cent in t&^^
cost of CLOAKS, we offer /on the choicest erf?'
adoss for this fall and winter’s wear at the LOW­
EST PRICES KNOWN IN CLOAK mSTd-*RY. for like'qualities'. Purchases rwarie monS^^
a^, when materials and labor were at their low^'*
est, is what enables ns to do this.

MAKIU 1 COtgiiaT
wbea altUnp oa one of ow laxar
soteabaaoaey arnttcr tor tba daiattly
Time tl^ by when
' ate therb-


miad taraed to
tboaphb of lerA
We're tbac^Faraltara at AseUedly
tbe lowest prieaB


Don’t snoossd, WB OHat, 'Hsftos tout
intarpsts at* oon. Soirtian watrUyox






Flour is a saooass, wa ara taiwi
your bauaftt as wall as our own.


arc farm
meet merebaata thii-.
can be ellphted.
sDiUarcdlfiertet. Fi* laetenoe, we ^re partlealar
ordeie to bare oar Workiap
sot osore so, tbao a drees parmsBA With oar Popalar tZm
ft^je offer aa anfala that b


Any Old Thing.,

Here ate 1three lota, caaaot he

lUftSlSlKS: $3.98
lUfsrirafi-* $5,79
llitS=lr.3i-“$6.98 i

Dteartmeatb preriapa soeoem '

oar Uae wUthw yon
look or hay.

oomo to ^



That’s all wool and book folded goes in
some stores for quarter Dress Goods.
Style and Quality must be combined be­
fore they receive any consideration at
onr hands. You’11bettera|>preciate.the
simple statement if you extend ns the
courtesy 6f a look.
Butteri<^'s patterns, the moat relia-'
in tbe worlds will assist yon in sHatHfig
^np same.

We bn jvst rratini M gitin dm Um

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Sh^
Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, at-




«■». t! V*rm AMO 3. W. BiJnn. •XBATf^BOhMB.
Ti i'ii iirr-^ “~‘*~ ^
1, W. HAJOreM. Miter »mA

a* adl

teyfarlMroit whM thdrUlrlM
Hhrry O*^ Woihor ^ Aldi
OBBk.watff*M Am drhor today to


MttMl of U» A-WJCM p»pl*.
^1^ th«( tt* CKiUd BIklw «bB^
Mt W th* mjUm far «h« •

iBto tU*
World* omlntact oatiwM
4»*** lomody wi MC«** thrt OB«i»b
f»U tu* oa«nti7 it
tMelrinc mm of th* twt
wont elMH, ndodbr
■ doetrteMWOthMebT
CtM* t foothold «U«h
•oefal udladMtrfal Th* tMto fMMwtod hf Mr.
■ *» ler
ItUtiv* »etioB.

OBMTthOBBiMMttyWm AUm Aohtn**tBrt*far PhUodMphlB thlt nonlBr Bod MIm M*rk«
AohMM rotBT** to Abb drhor.
Mn. DBiD**ha*r of Waih
iMir -------------- *T
B rteit wlUi
IriBBda is Wlhador. <Mo*dB
TAB MIm** LbUb. EwidlBk- BBd
Edytha Orr of OrBBd B*pid*. BT* «bM
Of A. A. MoOoy BBd fBwUy.
do* nOMB BBdWtt*. Wte U«* tB
B**t Boy towBthlp. UBTt today far
WiBdKW,0*BB^forB*h«rt^k J.«. DoBfborty. OB* of tho *oiptoy«a
la th* haiMt factory, wlU Uor* today
for hla bme lo LootorUla, Ky.
Joha Siriffer. oa* of th* »Mk*t »ak.
•r* to Walto-BtrBiBB'a factory. wtU go
to hk bon* to St. Joooph todayM. HlnhiBBD of KalkHhB, wm to
th* dty Monday and yootorday to altaad th* B*hr*w holiday ••rrio**.
d. C. Hto*haw will rotar* to U*
hooM to Wtocb**t*r. Ind.. today after
BB BztoBdod Tkit with frimd* hato.
MiM K«U(* Book who h*a boon rUh
>C bor aktor. Mr*. M. A. Weatcat*.
1U fo to LBBMairaad Detroit oa the

Tam otOtadoof dldonoM Ooo.
towudt Mt, Boft«^bUlhM« lM*t
tb* morit of pof*i*to*o*- AfM holo(
•MBTod MTKOl tiaw h^ Hob. H. C.
D*tU. ekolrsMof the wtter eapplj
«a«mlttoe. ih»t Mr.
•horn tho dtj ti th* Umo h* WM
AldersM Ooedrieh atUl IsMtt* ttet
Mr. BoftordldMOhorfo. Letattrati
that thM orltUioB wUl BOt OMt th*
Mtr flv* h«adi«d dolUr* -iaBtaU of

Him LotU* MarltoBd loarto thk
moralBC farCUeacB.'^whara aba will
h* too caau of Mn. O. O. BaUa far a
S. A. Troadway of Otaad ItepUa.
wat to to* dty toot Blcbt OB baMaao* iB
eoBB«etioB with to* 0. B. A 1. fnlrht

Tn fatad* of OorwBor PiaeVM
mmA BOt worry rec«r^ hi* wbero•boot*: Uh*hMT*BUyrM to Vm> raOnad i»ojaot W* friaad* aad tha
of MIoUcbb ara
aara to hear
ahoat it-wbaa

W. D. C Oonaala* wOl fo to Ckkaco
Hoam KOiato Rkhamad. lads
Fraak Boldaworto ralaia* to Aaa
Arbor today.
L. F. Titoacoaa to Datndt today far
• abortrlait.
a M. Bmwb k amoac toa Dotrdt
•Bearaioakta today.
•am EUor aad wife wiU to to Ohio
today to rkit friaada. ^
^Im Sad* Walkar k to toa dty today
-M bar way to Chk^
»L Toho wUl ioare today far a Vkit
wito hk aiator to Chioaco.
A. B. Frym wiU fp to Datodt ha
^aaeanMthk moratac.
Cha** wUl be oaa./of to*

1-h.aa lafakltom tod a pad kiaia "
"What did
"ttoMtoto>dSB.aBd""VhetdidJim der*
••Vkal-dM faadnwr'
“Ha Am a nwmt.

One of to* rmalkdllia BBw Unclay
tariff, it to* UU k pMwd. will prob­
ably be the bnUdit« np In
dravhknaa at to* BBpako* of WMi
aDdmllylaiBatahaatokacB whair bnnofa of trade that hm b

..... rr.sss’s.'ss

to* fifty day*'UMoha ..
■aya'poaiUTOly that h* 0
thaaa dayi’ work, aootly a>
-porhapa he did. bat 1 OobIA aa waU
^XoudlKaotiy *ay that ha did aot.
. waa atawd iB aooadl latoUBC* by
worthy Mayor. W. W. Smith, that
. -aatheoaly MBOB thr ooBmUtae
who had toad to aaU. UkwoUkaowa

dott*/ SA.000.000 was paid. U U pnm
by the menafaetsma that if the
liMD mbednle aaked (m ii adqpwd half
' thk UDoant oan be prodac«d In thk
ooantry. ud toe rerenae wUl not be
■ffecied by toe hteber tariff adeed few

land to aall
*all ■SlkhOBt-aa-that did
ba« laad
BOt dki
a»d IcBBBOtaMMy it ahoaid
elW.. a«
chaooA' oan,tarn oat m fine if am a
ald^maa. I oob*Mw- that as bbcob- llBer nrtiok than thd foMica makes.—
•rtniK mac at toyaolf—aa I ha*e not Dry Goods Cbrantck.
aakod to* dty to partoaaa aay of my
toada tor wator aapply »toa t
BBcan OooMMca.
Treeloa. N J.. Seix 81.—Wi-Swuiary
r Ibe Navy
H ttobeeun Hied
yraterdST at hU hnnv In thk i-Uy.Robr.
aen waa m vmn old. and had been k
Ofto* Board of ZdBOatiOB ofthoOi
falllnS bnltb fM aoVoral monlba. le
ofTrarmaOny. Mioh.
Jane. IKS. ho arm made anorntary of Dm
Davy. Ho aerved In IM» oBbv until tha
RMoiar BMOttne of Boord of Bdae
and of rrr*id<*l Gram a aroood term.
ttoahdd to OoBDdl Boom Sopt. i
Harvh. isn._______________
a* eallad to o
r. W. toktoPrceent. Mmahan Hoffatt. Moore.
Montrtideo. Sept t(~1M*patch«t raNiebdm. Boaad aad OaehUa. and W. eeivrd hero aay that th» dkamemaat
W. Smith. PreddenU
er the leaoncem fort** k ebmlst*. Th*
klaotoe ofleatnfalar aaMUac
arm* end ».*» c*rtnd«m
'^tfotto^.STM^toai Mn. Faaale

Baa]- Rnadcy. formarty af thk dty,
sow of
asm* to Travano aty
to parUdpat* to th* E*H*w holiday
Mm. Oars Cham will fo to Chieac«
today to rkit to* laadtoc dnm laaktoc
•sUblkhBMSk aad dadca* tor fall
aad wm Haike.
Motion eatrkd.
U^cay* Moir, wife and ahOdraa wUl
Traren* CHy. Mkh:. SapA tS. IMT.
taara tok maniac far a two waeh*.
rkltathkoldbemelBHaamU. Wa*t- 7b thr
^ Oat^ Oaaada Mr. MoIr
aot mob hk oM ham* far aaarly twdre
a* aad fooad eorrecti
Mim Pasri Ealtoy, who ha* be*a rkitinc bm- Bktor. Mr*. Gay (%ampa«y of
Mapleto*. for •emal moathA retara*
to her bomt ia North Am,^A Ohio,
- <-----------------------.-----Champaey will--------------today. #!•»—
her a* M a* Soafidd aad will ratan
to a few day*.
Will Botaamlry of Mebraaka. who
ha* bees rkiltochk deter. Mra Martoe WUnm. ofOaerdeuBeTaBB*. left
yaauideyfarOraadBedda Mn. WO•n will toere tol* montoefor bar old
Stuck, e^ bar brothar wlD
' joia bar «t Greed Rapid* and aeeompaay
her to***. Thry will rak

:: ,TS


Meal Dow DytocFortlaad. Ma. Sept. M.-Meal Dow
h* Tdaran prohtbittoakA k raportad

Ilk* Mlaale koaair wlD go toOhiamo today to rUit her aktor.
Mia. K. B. HiU laarca today far a
Of to* Otty OooaaU ofto* <Rty of Tib*4^ Tklt with frirsda to Chk^

MkMa»adindaakkM.iMn«oSpadal mMtfacofOtyODBBeU hdd
fa^ a taa day*'ddt to Allacaa.
room* SmA. ST. isaT. «. O. Adam* will laar* today far an
MmUM tn* ealled toordar by to*
«Ktoad*d TldttoChkacoaad lUtooU. Mayor; W. W. Satlth.
h*MBt—Aldanaan Parkar. Mosla^ aadBaiBaalBaattoaBd Bach
—,— fcBdJahrawBBd
Whltoamh ^T8 today f«
CkL r. ..
W. 'K; Ooodrleh of Oea*aM 'eoaaty k
wfaittoc hk aaeto, Boa. B. Ooadrleh.
toft yoatorday lor Ana,
Arbor whara^ WlU «ator to* UalrordtrJoha Larklaa of Btorham want to
MA CtoaNB* tok moratoc for tnaV
Mr*. C. J. Bhaer aad daafhtac will
today to Foatiao lor a M days'
m to Marck today
for a'ahort rkU with bar haabaBd’*
Bpch Vhlteomb wUl laan today for
Ckkaco. Imtar b* a^Mk to «* to
Atlay Thoma* ratarapd Monday
^^t fram ,aa antaailad rkit to laJ. W. Simatt
today oBthaai

. Hamilton. Clojthing Co.



ChiiJdren's and HisM*

Wilhelm Bros.

into the largest store north o( Grand Bapida, hrimming fall of bar«
'gaina. You will make^ miatake. With yoor feady eash bay of »
CASH HOC8E. ALWAYS. We do not charge op to yon aay loaae»
by “dead beato.” Deal ia a One-^Bned Ho»e. With competiUoa
from within and. witboot we most seoseakriiy be the cheapest, to do
the bnsineH we are doing. We have added new linea amoe moving
i, and we have greatly <
a At leak he he* e nady uam
la ow Dry
_ J* day in September be wm drit&» iinea. making oor stock complete ia all of its branches,
iaio town from bk pleoe in the oooB- Goods Department we offer a pore ailk velvet tot 47c a yard.

Ladiea* pare linen, hem stitdied handkerchiefs, 2 for 23c. The
e that yon pay
^aeoe for elaewbere.

tod Led Volmm.

boTBO. hadbem ra_____ ________ .. _rtnB drvldoB by a
maioriiy of 8 over Mr. T. B. Baehmim. 8mb dwr scan* BM asm* la oBd
mid tte* toe mafarity wm I0& Ha
tfdedttotlAwd------ aadlksd------- had
‘*SS^ft.«ft»v-.-« b. **MoSoti^*rri&.
Theebara not bavlto dW aarUfitotea: Toaad fas Volams.
"Ah." asid Toat«. "tost saeoaBk
1 Myron A. Oobb. StataEarmel. IWe.
tos twocipbma’*—Toatok OomS Eapbemk JUklUff. Parrk ladaaBetter for work end ospeaam oa re» UUka DowBlBC. State Normal.
biU wa* pnasatod aU road by tha
«‘'LacT8everwe. State Koraml.lWT,
IfMO OapUa Slaadard M
t F1ot^Wareer.StatoBormaVlS9T mk. W. W. Kiphall
Moved by i--------------------------- ----e BdlUi Olbba. State Normal. lasT.
Froatstrast, N. B. Stroac 1
toe btU be referred to toe CommlUM
OB Way* Mesas.
B Bat^ ScbBddar, FintOrada
Movad by Alderman Moatace* to
amend toe aaotioa of Alrtemtaa Goodrtek that the oriftaal MU of Mr. Raft­
toaalland aaamiaetbsSAL
10 Rflk lamb, Qsfard OdUc*. O.
er aa emieatod end Mrered by to*
art ambretdary and matariak as Mrs.
11 Uda Baabae. Pint Ond* 1S97.
18 Roby Daea, H. 8. and oae year U W. (V Uwnmeak MlUlaary Parl^
Him DoyU. wba baa aharc* of to* dto
aoUee be taken of the itemised MU of State Norm '
ct** laaaaasUaU
Board of
Mr. Beftar. aeid MU aot bevlac bma
kl^ of BmbroUsry aad Battosbarc
eppeevod by the Spadel Wetor Sepply Mr. Cobb.
Dowalacb-._________ - Oommlttee. •
Ameadmeat aarried by yaa ead aey eatmaad toah Mim Seterutee. Mim
Waiaer, Mim Gibbe. Mim Cryaler. Mim
Sebadder. Mk* Somer*. Mim Lamb.
Mtaa Baabee. aad Mk* Daaa bacraaud
Goodrich. Cook.

Oor 6(Unch all wool 8e^ and ih-inch dl wool Heoriettaa ai
48o par yard are the talk of the town.
Begaidleas ol advakota we
give better value than ever. Look at oar handsome, artistically made
Boy’s Blootea in the diOdren’s clothing department. Look at bor all
wo^ Hen's Nobby Bolt at $1 JO and oompare it with any $7 soita else­
where and be yonr own jodge.
We wQl eave yoo money on a^ kinds of statica»ry.
Do not forget to tamide oor-perfomes ia bolk which we are adlifigat2&operoaBoe.
Anticipate yoor wants in oor Uaea with oa and we wOl mve yoo

HeUtti«CrtdilntM .

Orlfliiel motioa aaei
hldermaa Parimr. Mentecae.

Mfk Ja*. Anry of Sprao* *trMt.
eartificAlm b* enc
Carrkaa ead Jahnae.
«U1 ID to Aaa Arbor today for aaedkal
Motion aarrtod.
AMmum^^ that toe
proMk* Mahd Whltalaam today far poaed sew Water Wath* mtom a* pro- tr^t ofBaar. who shell enem diaorOorarporh Ky.. whaya*^ «iU apead
to* wlatar.
Mim Libbl* Irkh wiU Ubt* thk
Marrto aesaid tnaat afiw.
moraine ter a ddt to bar oU 1
, Motioe eerrled.
MaaedJiy'Mr. MtfaU that to* Sapt.
I Oa BKMkm of Aldrniaas MaBlaca*.
BampBWatad to praeua two la^
daly earrkd, OeaaeO adjoaraed.
Mia. J. O. Ramadan wUl start tok ^
ifatfadartm far to* aehmU.
A. W.Ricksap. Qty CUtk.
*«toc dm FtorlaniUa. and ndeb• of Mr-Moore, daly mrrlad.
Akfamaa Ooodrlehk Fietaat.
WhUd it may ha beat to par Mr.
. Aft W. ^acnBD, Oly Oar)
MtoAllk WOktoBwOl iaaraoBlho
ap...umU. wawte

MtaBrinteMcawllI (ft ta (kL>.


Best Stock we have ever sbowp and
Prices nerer so attractive, at'

try when -be met aa aeqaeii
"Hallot" aaid toe Utter,
ytm dok« bmf i thoaebt aB nMdabU peep)* wankU of town.'*
“Wdl," add M oibm. “faBTayoB.
_.i^«9tolai to Bkfca yaaaHm yaar

C. Pfaua,
Jamss A.-Mooto.
a C MorrATT.
OenmittM aa Way* esd Moan*.



aobo Oto^ BtedaiFMaU.


The Boston Store
OlMB Ble^


..One Dollar a Pair Saved..
We have reduced toe price on all Dafk Oolor TAV and OZ
BLOOD &HOB6, OOIH T0B8, PtD«rM dt Smith and
Nettleton mako OHB POLTjAB n pair, for geatlemenh wear
in Ticl Kid and CaU. On ail Lfght Oolor Tons we have
cot toe price in two or One Half Off regolar price. Tbeee
are not a cheap line, bat ore Oor Bant Shoaa Ohanp...........

llSFkarr Smvr. Wobbow Block,

THa Koumro aaooap. waPHaapAT. sapTaxBaa a*, laar.


qgS&CM wm Mkad hln U
to tewUMT b* ted altered ibc booka ct
lb« ItetarT to teow faiw prodi^ bat

8tel OuMtion CentiruMt to Qivt
Our Eni^ ^CteMw" i

tbfr ted tewJiteUte »»

^w«b«id. uid Mm thing
iWbHc »nd EfMflMHttOory
thnlry wHh SuieW*.


nx iwiD OBAD-AIB nro stm. M^.FiSr

u le trriM to tod««

ted daoc ao. He waf »o(< e*ea^,
Mary HeaMcfac reeamed tte artte
ttmt W Iktatfe aa TWy Lay la Baau Wimif ftaed and avore itet Ia«ector teteack
■MMltawhlBS a rual Fan-HaBwn aeared her Into maUni eartata atata*• .LMtawl UaLXBIIa* tolKnrd; Jacob Heibcr. a butekef, twera
te aaw a ftrance eromaa
I. nia.
on Hay t
' Coma la.. Sept. It-^Tte Luetcert hi Wbaaton.
Oaed the pteacne
Jate Boeder, a tamer Uvtnc c«bt
''.telca portborcat nf,Camt). to tte acene
W a terrible Mcedr *htcb took place
Ut tefe and made by Mra Loetcert te leave bema
iMndajr. m«bt. Be to
baby are dead
Beary to at daatb*a door; in oar bed
three otter chudfea are dead, ate la
pMairatearateSBebBayar tte'waab
anotber itoa tte dead body of Uttlr Uaala arad (. Doecter wat to help a
Rpriitofleld. Sept.
Tbe forty-tooHb
aeiebbar tbrwb yeaterday reomlnc. ate anual nhMtleei of tbe nneoia aule fair
OB not puttlDk Id aa appearaac* aboat opened yeaterday wUb tte yraateat
* e'cloek bto brother Henry, eito Uvea blldto to Ita btotory. Tbe day waa
telb tbc old (idkt about teecaUr i«dt apart tor tbe anbaoh of lUtooto. ate HAaway, went to leara the reatoo of. hit aw ehUdeea'B Ucketa were dtotrlbuted.
Catiore to help. Thc .doora were locked
re were no atone' o
He tried to set lo cite bouae. but j
o the
mponae, ate fliially be kicked la tbe
date and found tte atate of aOtate tour-ion compeute-beam Mock a
- abava dtecrlbed, Boecher tetfa bto tele ate IIW In caah. ofirred aa a apecto]
ate baby alepi la a back roooi. ate tba prtoe tor tbe Urseal yicM of com from
three corpaca toy on oae tad.
oae acre of nitooii aoll. has drawn the
■•w the MtoM HM Ttetr niiilte.
flneat ■i>erirae<ii of that cereal ever ex­
Tbe wife bad been abot la tte sack hibited In tte (tala A mectot attraetMo
tetb a teotova ertalcb atote la^tba baa beea aecurad tor. each day of tte
eaim: the baby had been abot ate Ito fairbeaA enuhed with .tte butt e< a roMcmday waa chlldnn'e day. and all
volrer. Tte man itlll braatbiiw bad a ChUdree tinder IS yean* were admitted
ImlM bcOe btob up on tte forebcad ate free. Tueaday to “Pimternlly Day." and
by bto tode wet a SiBlth k Weaaon eto- tbe different aecret omnlulkiiiB will
ahooter. two chambera empty. It to a bold renntone and paradee na tbe
■tory'aod half flame boute. ate vp- KTOunda Wednraday U "Ctd S..|d|en'
atalra Hcory. arid k ate Idtee. ayed Day;" reterate will be admitted fror
- C. toy oa a bed wltb -ballet holea Is tbe ate prevented with a vonrenir ate reforehead, tbe totter dmd. tte bey atltl nnlno* will be held Thomlay 1C "nov
' bteathlito. and in tbe oppoelte wner ol ernoCa Day:" Governor Tanner and hfa
tbe roam. Caroline, ated It. Cbrtottne. enitre ataff will be prevent: the aowmaced I. ate John need I. were dead.' on
every etate to tbe t'n>on Invlled.
yacti wMb a bullet bole la the tneebead. Friday "SprinyflHd Day:" aJI the I
thiNtob CtoroUne bad 'two.
nem houaea in the rtty ain «-heie n
■to bite Wae nMtIva beh Tima.
afternocn. The feature of the day
Xtota yaeterday aftemoon tte bodtoa be a special match race between the
■ware Mil untouched, the aterltr-aad paclitf klnsa pur Pointer and Joy
coroaer belsc occupied to arranctof tor PaKken. tor tt.MA with fl.Wt to the
the Iteteot ate ether ptolimlnarlta. In- karr and an ertra pnrvr If toe world'a
qalry wlU be puibed today ate tbe ver- record of 1:S>V to beaten.
dlet of tbe coroner*! $Bry -wUI be renCAKWOT K A QREAT STATE.
dood. li to undouMedlr a caac of murder ate aaieede. The todlcatlona are
that Boeoker firat dtopateked bto wife
(rviUa wttb aa |i
with tbe ihotoun, teootlnc ber In tte
Topeka. San.. Sept. n.-Tbe ‘tajimoneck: then uaed tte revoirer on tte
baby, firat abootlny It ate thea knock- tlor stunted aome time aso by tbe fed.
M aot lU bralna with the bon. He. eral Jodpe at Colorado Sprlnse i
^ttiaa went upetaln where the fire cbllt with tbe tnxtoeaa to
’ dren were eleeptok and UUed ttem. Re
mutt have uaed a Ucht. for'bto aim wea
I cRccUrc. aach vtctlin betoi abot In tbc
r. William
aerlbe the c
luy'the rtotmc
If to Bleep. All except Henry, wbo was case. ludse William* said In bto optonot yet dead when foua& were attired loo that such aetton was arbitrary ate
In ntobt rotes. Boeeker bad reloaded “an BJBumptioffof authority tn a min­
tbc weapon while ifioatalrs. ate evWent- isterial officer ibat to startltos "
*Ir sent tte areote bullet Into the oMeel
Tte dectotoo. to effect, la a m
fflrTs brain Just betora leavins tter
of the action of tte ooud.u CUorado
Ootoff downstain te alrrtrbrd hlmtolf Sprinsa which set all Kansas to Ulklnt
beaMe tbc cerrae of his wife ate toot asaion the toderal courta caused Oov
btmseif His rlsht hate was burnt by ernor Leedy lo denounce the court, and
tte powder, tbowlac murb use of the led to Attorney General Boyle’s drflsncc
rereleer. The revolver te tow
of tbe court by brlnslns quo warranto
from Us brother Henry to»t Thuradar. proceedtnsB. Why the Judse allows fte
remvkdns that he wanted It to kill quo warranln ftsht to s» an does not
rata to tbe c^ar. It to new recalled appear from the optoioa. In ordinary
that he bad Unce practiced Unretal
rue Jodye Williams would bare amt
tiis with It Boeeker was M yean
the dectoton hw to be filed by Jtese
ate tor over twenty yeara had Bee
PoHer. but reonsoixliH Its ta .
be chose to read it blmseir mm'the
bench. When Jxdre Wllltoma had flntebed readins the d
myw. ai>peaclnx fci
suruce superinlen
SHte of the chlldre
United SUlea auptatte eaurt and mid
t the Boeeker booe I
that a
uppowd II Would be a&owed. “Cer.
tbe at toff they were seemlnsly
utoly." the Judffe aaU.
Blly. ate not a
the awfW trstoedy acted a few bonra
laW waa nMtolfaM on Boecter or any
<He «f tbe bowffibeld. Uambm of tala
fktbbrto fabfilr say he had no family
-mqiuiffer of the Spriiiff Valley Coal
troubliH. Us flnandal aSafra
company. He.qcrevd lo pay the Bprlnjtfield arale for company work, and would
pay tor dtatnccoaltbeseatoMbr adopted
life tor thirty- by the tnajomy at the operalers of (be
Dortbern nilaoto fleU. Tte outlete to
ffloomier than rver fir tte rtaum '
fiend Hoce anteown Bunday eeeUnff. ■
of mtotoff.
lA Ktanrfi ffoAP-xAHiKO rAiuiBi
Wtmorn Cbartm. Hto
ProTs. ayeryH
Chicajro. 8ept.
Tbe leadtoff eveeit
In the iMelrert trial yeaterday
endeuce of William ChaGea. Luelfferf*
buatocm partner. He ekplalned why.
at te claimed, the raustlr petaab Is
wbicb tte body of Urm. Lsielffert ta al-’
Iteed by the proaecutiun to hare bean
• •
bouybi. Aoccrdlac to
y the poiath purchased w
pal iBffredient of a •
as tbe P
M uaed to cleantoff
factory preparuttwy to lu aale 1
said be sufftcslrd thto method of
It In shape himself, ate tbst
actlnc[ Iupon the auffffesUoB.
ofcauBtlcpotaah, welffbbarrel of

aoup. irwe put tn three or four barrel*
of txUow ate ffreaa* ate otter «-astc
stuff lytfi* torramd tte ft
from the market." mW be.
“I mw Doeicert for the tost time that
erenioff to HaMffto saloon. , a quarter
bafure * o’eloek. I nrxi aaw him Bunday raortanff ffl •:». We went down
into tte basement ate looked at tbe vmt
' to aae bow the amp waa ceitteff cm. Tbe
ffreasr appeared to be to eoe pOc. tte
tailew to another pOe And the chops In
abotber. There were three dIstiBCt
niiwi* II wasn't a succcm Say bow."
iMHirert. aald tte wlUteB.-lbeB put the
taeue m the vat and turned tbe water on.
They .tbeu went apsulra and to their
bomea At 10 o'clock that momlnff they
mtuibed ta Sie office to talk over tbe
Mle of Ibe factory with Mr- AteaM.
Charlca next tew Loetyert al tbe #i
tety «a» HcmteA morutoff ata*cteek. Ttoey w»t fiaaru Into tbe bqa»>
d fiauiid tbe WAMT MS
* flaar wm a

Sbsboytsu. Wto.. fiepL tt.-H to
tboufft:. t^ Edward Hurphy. captain
of the aewteT-prljfbt. wbicb went aabore
faetwern Manitowoc apd this city durfnff
tbe heavy ffale of PrtOay slffbl tasL
washed overboard ate drowned. Horr to almost a t
Olympto. Wash.. Sept. JA-A Hlffht
aback of earthquake waa felt b<
•lerday raoralnit al l:» o'clock.
tauUona were nf mj* '
awaken aound eleeperu

ea-tMaay** toMMae.
SaiA. H. - Sir Julian



( cd tte I
malpia and <

tte teOeil aa en­
tered erfU Aofaat. Tte laereaio ttet
tell be alwwR la tte raecipta fran Intersal aooroca atom* to iaeUfy tte ezptteaor tbf traaaory earWa ttet by Jan.
I nest tte deficit wtU teee beee redoced
Mtalnal aneust. 1%c esecna at ea-'
llturaa over rtealpu ao far thU
Mo BaV arm taaettaa yw te lb

Ite first quarter of tbc fiscal yaar about
titierrial revenue eOMals call altehtlop
to tbe toct that already tte racetputrotn
tniernal revecue exceed them of last
year by about M.MAfM. ate coofidcntly
pradtn that by Jaa. 1 thto iaereaae will
have reacted fTAM.MI ate ptaalbly lAMb.88A Tte racetpu from cuatoms ao
far Mraw no msurlal ffatoa nor to li capccied that any ................
wm be showr until after the filet of Ite
year. Siunr If tbeu rxpMted lo flffurc
pnmlaeellr In tte rarelpta ate betora
Ibc Aose of the cteendar year much la
expsrted from wool exporta
- thrae moDll
paymetito ou'account of tbe Pacific rall-

trip alout OtL IS, notwltbtoateinc reporu that be would not be buck to Ume
tor tte Behrink aea conferrmre. Tte
Hair of the UrttMi eenbamy. rurw at
Uanobeater-br-tlw-Hea, •■III return neat
weelL-Bi.d actordlna i» preei-nt plane
tte entire Brlltsh repreaeatatloe rrlU
be here when the' aeal eonferenee 1a
teld. Thto to tolereatlna bocauae of the
hitch In lb- acraratemeou for tte
conference. It heto* uteeraiood
tere that the RrltWi covernmcpl wlU
nafum le cnefiW if Hurela ute Japan
have repreai nutives In (be eonferepoe.
A dtopatcb from Ottawa, ftonada. aaya:
Tte Domtolno anvernment baa not yet
been advtoed that Oreet BrtUIn bat
wlthdraem from the cetenMce..^iv1(h
the tinned RUm - —
----- etola confidenUy prtelet that t
tbe feel oue«tl.m. Hut J tte
Ully equal or exceed tbe need* of
United Rialea toaliu upon JaW ate
Kutnto betof reprevented at tbe cuDWHERE IS THAT GOVERNOR!
torcnce there to not a doubt in ollhdal
ctrclva here that (Ireal Britain wlb
Cbkat Essewllv* I* LoM.
Leteae tUM. Mate, a Ptotac
DetrolL Bept. R.—Some of Govenmr
in ibtt eoane«-tk.n the followln* eabtoa
from Ixandon are tntemilnk The Tlipm PlnffTee’e friends arc beromisff uneasy
as the lime irora by snd bto wbrrrateuts
arv not Jocaied. The ffuvernor left Deul confereoce or the ■*
iroli ivo wrekr affo. supposedly fur a
tip ’(Jewn east." accompanlrd by Ocst the meeilns of expci
is1 Arthur L. Brraler and Colonel B1
r lend Co dHay a
R. SiitloR. Orneral Brraler has now re­
tte baato o(^ ancctatoed facto ate m turned lo the city, sailnir that te has
render It Improbable that the new r«sti. lirm In New Tork city for the past two
toUOM will be rtkdy to be eaforted to week* nte knows nolhlcff et tte ff«vthe amrimer of ISH It to obMoua that a
reyaHtoff bto
eontoranee tetween tte UoUrd Btotea,
r only Hac te
Rnaria and Japan, vrithncn Rnsland.
could not to tte amallrat detrw affect from Curaco. B'ml Irjdlrs. saylcff Ite
.the bltelns character of the Parts ffnvernor and Colonel Sutton are fiffuraerard. A rertoion of tte award ateuld Inff on securlnff a ralliuad conctaalon’
be dstsTmInrd by the roromnn acTee.' from tbe VenrxDeton ffpvetxrnent.
menl of Ibe sorernmenU of tbe United
J. B. Howarth. one of Plnyree’s part­
Stalceanrt llresl Hrjiain So iither pow. ners to tbe (boe bustneru. says be dora
on have any liabl to a coatrulliks rolee not know what Ite aovenKT to doUff ta
South AmsetoB. ate many of bla totltutea think that If te has cone SDUIh
-Tt may be added that as tbe Amen, at all It to on a plcksare trip, seektoff a
ten claim was tounded ortotesltr on the rest. Careful toqulrr aa to bto wtere.cnnl-r\tl-m Ihet the Uplted Htair
aWmt* al tbe ffnverncir's residence fate
r In line tn ail the rlshts* to elicit any lEformatton. Uil ffOROSlIbc Itehrlas sea II seems five alarm bat ycl been rsprteaed by
. rocvedtns to ccnterMl ttet hto family.J_______________
Rusaian Irierevts In tbal quanrr iuaiiry
daM Osr -Wtoad OMees.a demand tor tte aspirate rep.-esrfitaBsvana. iiept. H.—Tbe Madrid coarattom of a power imM ImpVcaied in the
sard. BTten Great BHtHn ha* settled MemdtDl cf La Lueba caUea bto paper
that he baa had as inien lew with tbe
«b tte ITnlled Riales sbMher i
Unit’d Stair* mlntoter a* to the Ouhaa
resnlallotts are !<■ be revised, and
slluaUan ffte that- General Woodford
fe will ts- itntbiTtc
described bto n-Uwlon In Bpaln aa
; tbelr extynslun to the western coaHs "whully friendly" ard for tte larpoae
of offerlBff -nhe ffood cIBcen of the Unit­
ed State* to rr-eatabllah a tostinff peace
to Cuba."
._________ .
Ruteto aiid Japan
any. We Waat <■ PM
I>tv1ifa«i of taratew Basks.
The London tforelns Awl says: 'll to
WatblnictoB. Sept. 2S.—Tbcraaiptrallec
the clear object of Ite. parly In
of the currmry ha* dertored divideM
srew of which Hr Dtosley Is h>
In favor of the credilora of Irjmlmit naman not te pursue a dispamioaat
ilonal hanks as follnwe: Trn per rent..
quiry Into the rmiurul hlnory o:
Unton Katlonal tank of Hloneapelto: 18
seat bni to secure a verdict asalnst the per emt.. Harter Katfonsl hank of Du(WCDpatton of Canadian fishermen out- tulh. Minn.: 12 per nut. Unrou NattabMde Ibe aone of tte Pribyloff totonds. al bank of Hurra;. 8. D.
•uppliee a
of fflrfilnk at Great OrRato. and enables
IT I nrulia Wto.. 8rpl. fA—Ttae Jury ta
Them tn worry a ecetUn number of their the Plevu murder rase (reuffht tn
Canadian ndahhoni llluMrstlons of verdict at !•;» o'etock tost ntffM. aft
Ibis kite win Eiudually learh our peo­ five houn' drUberatlon. It foundethr
ple (hat the brat rule to dealtoc with
t ffum'y of the rbarvr to t
Amerlran detnsndv Is in refuse
rrt of marderlnff'ber hasbai
bluntly wlthnnt rlrcumk>cu|lna. ftey
do not uriffinate to lofflUmate yrlevam
bar#. 1
but In fbe naaslanale dmlre of Ite n
lion lo Injure ai>d hnmlllstr ua"
Itov- We yianw rW l>tapaW.
v: *pT*I
a Gasette. recalllnff exII enntrsetkm between a Wuropean ate. ' will to aortewa parti
n Ameriren Male to In
wtod*. TWJKtobltea ate
makes fbe followln* comiv
;>rty ’ wind* Por^*^wa—Paw
arune such dorlAne la wor



at the Old Sti^il.
The Enterprise Grocerj
fa still doing business on.
Prout Street, jnst west of
Steinberg's^ Grand Open
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.


POk A buOT


Enterprise Grecei;,


V. 1. aomsaoK. ■

Lady Watts

Jao. R. Santo,

Fishing Parties



From this date this boat
will not make regular con: nections with trains on M- &
N. E. Fisbing parties, bow- ever, can make arrangements
for the use of this h^dsome
yacht, by communication bj
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich,

Sn Oil Im liii

Picture Mouldings

JecBar of Cuhm usd Bay Stoaata.
mar H. AH. R. depot, wtoban loanmunos te tbe puteto that tw bbs rflttedand furuiteed tea Ret# Puagbora better teas tt ever bM bacu beitora Sbd eaa aoeommodalp tee tonv#teg puWiete good ahape. Sutkfaettea


■MSt..M^ta.bV a-ItoML

Lederle’* iTfiSJ:

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Broscb Block.

Fresh Heats—always fresh. Salt Heats.

leaM- TliU Is le ilscir a
t which
wc and tbe other »ovr
Tbe dapartXMi Hme idea ta by bfi
• note.
saisd ir
loslnK our heads ate DMaa a new tme. bnr hai it rea^ in
this cBuBOy it* hiffbtte denOopBiraA
rtiahlnc tn msH as evil half
as fftsd reasrei for rlcaHna out pilnds Tbe great entubltofameet iu Parto. atiD
K of its kind, aterted in tbe
and prapartna for serious practical
I amaUeaC wav te 1B5I. today
total bOBlnUi «f g30.000.000.
than twin- thu of any Amerioaa Mall
ewahitohmaBt TbeffiftoteMadvaacto^
Mxdb. Modjetea dadam teh win M wMgwudve > .
i«ute next faa
ante la bald omaUe of tbe p(«|de te tba
‘*Tba Salt cf tba Bqxtb*' la the titk ■ttwe. and tbf'kwdmhipcf fbe bMitom
of Jampfa Artimr'a sew ptxy.
to tevaatod te thiae {mxhbb mleeted
It to rutDORd that Uapleaoa wlQ from tbe heada of departSKHto by the
bring Patti to America, next aeaooD.
vtee of tba emiilcyara—L e., teaiteoldBmma &idm win create tbe titlesola iffi Ibitaigb an electicn bold miy
tbr«e yM.-8atnnal Hopktea Adabta
te Battm Erlangcr'* "twx Ceoda.'
SaUnyo Kidder to mid to bare made
0*ur bU.(K)0 ootof "Mme. SxwOeBa.'



The Pure Juice


South VBled SWMt.

For Peaches and Crab Apples ax';.


“was tbe u,eaM # aavi^ my tUa dnrins tbe flood te oar tows • few yuan

doB te Augnat. eanbou and c
SxBdowhaa itnwad bto k
London ParilfaR te n woedlem
act play.
Tbe pnBplar of tba Oontedie PkanctotoAafWboldiivtbaoaoagO yunii
• bMMignad.
fcxbm Bte_____ ________ ..
'OtealJa'' nipertmentaUy te tbe
It to said teat SeHa DatUMtewOl
Mtenmaiaf tee Qt«te and Turktofa sol- be a membm cf tbe Motooftolican Open
Btotty SnOteati. a MB te tba oM litob
«adar the «n. tngifHiin Tni «rxl«qd texhto mmirr
Mteen. Chatlqy danrr*
Xtlff Bte
Myd yatwtaB
mwlUHD Ift LoBdoa. bte
... an OB iMMki^ Mbte
M te tea
. Stebte daw tea mke of tea •botary.
*teff taiSMA


Pn^nat. K. K. atmg Haaagat:

**“Bow waa thter' Mte tba younff
lady wbo aanff.
.••Wben ib» water atniek twr b____
my huabate pot rai fbe ftddteff bed and
IlMted doun the atreate until ha

Paving block* <f mimdow gram
a>e now being made in AUaatk City.
Tbe inventor to Rev. J. H.^Amiea. The
meadow gran tmpieguatod with oil.
tar XDd Tusiu i. ptrased into blocks
measarteg 14 teefaea by II feet 6 teob(«, end iben bound with iron etrupa
Tbcae blocks are said to weigh 40
drairrd. Tbe cUlm i*____
teal tbe etreet pavvmrot of teese bloeka
to noiftokH and elastic, mtote wear
weB, aod to teipcrrlcu to beat and
oolA Ita DBOulaetnrFri guarantc* Ito
Ufe fer flev yean. A plant was eeectrd
te Kotfidk afatmtihM yean ago.
experiment* were made with tea parcmant te Kodtdk and Rb4.mravi, and
tea reanlta
reanltt aia ctetemd te have been
vq^aaiaiteil. Tba ^am bibI to

for Ladtoa. MtoMa. He* and CbUdrMutMaaotoffB
tea doUarat A. A FBYHAKTi, >U Haat Pnwt Stiwt.

toA HuMtote btete.

Bicycles to Rent


if You Have Logs te Sefl

Correspond wkb^
Ae Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good^
Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Spaced Sidewalk Plank.
Short Id^e Wood.. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptioOB, including 2 Engines, Set Worics. Carriaiges
andSama. A comply Saw MiO Ptant for sale.




A QuMtien That WH1 Cemt Up ff
Thtf# l« a Canaral TtvUp
of Chicago Straot Carfc


I 0««M


all agree, and we—Phil J. Bsyla Them'
PS T. Thocnaa. Barton Ffeas and Peiar
MsHiercah. of ibla iury. do further aay
-------that the mM
Oeotant —.....................othPUtock srith
ling peaceably
•in Wert marehlng
peaceably ahd
armed on tbe pubHc highway: thal they
srer* toisrcspted by said Sheriff Harila
and hM depotlea and merelleaty ghat to
drath: and we da fuiiber find thal tbe
killing was nnnecewry and eoold have
been avoided witiuwil srrloos Injury in
eltber perarm or properly, and ws ffnd
Anally that tbe klTlirut was wantoo and
bajUstlAable: butlnthtssre.ReorkpHaae
and J P. HacNeal. of this iury. do not
roneur: and we the jury do further any.
that there sras such atreng ansplcton of
nnlawful vloleoc* st Ihe hand* of peeann or persona unknown to the ]ary as
to make thU InqucM neceaaary."

I srin be la BT edieg te raetiva tbe
CUy aad School tbns of tb*
durtbe Month at BentsMbar. imt.
psamaiwik^ at Daair««ae*a I
trsM • o’eteek M U-Je7eicek a. m. and
Bept. »8. at 7iM aad wOl bsaisasod to fraa 1 e'tioek to 4 o'eteek a- m. and os
mast aU who wfA to ma&a tmtlbot TaMd^ evanlnga frOM 7 oUoek to »40
, proffrsM in tbM work.
o'aledip-mMgMmajbap^ daring BopTra*erae atyXmdga. Bo. 7», K. af P.. tamhM with aa addfiiMl Cm of one
per Mat- for eoOeetfga
On all taxm
«l wrmal tnilsa Afim dark Oto iafiamwtU most toaiffht tor work la tbs rank
W1.1M7. there
matatT gtihstanra vm ignit^ and tbs
af Page.
lie ^g^apeaal^of two per
hiolA R-mra gw«pt away in all diraottcMorcrtbedvkwaunofttasaM. Iti
wag a sirlkiBC aadlinigMlTa aigbt.
Fraat atrogt. BoemJSaod y«t it was tij no mwmh bsw.
Maiixlm Wonm.
Nea^ every woek our own liwgted
Chlea«oriT«bsannMa"mcd flaiiMS."
Attorneys at Law.
Dated Bspa. let. l«»T. '
hat few people take tbe BoaUeof fagiag
en band to Me tbe display. On tbe up­
per metefagg ct the rieer, near BridgaaforTtaledo. O..
where tbe water growa foal tron
, (he -Orvwtee Hew Teefc.of aewaga
and C H. A D. Byb. will
New Tork. Sept.
most tn>
Stan fr«a> tbe M. A N. E. B. B. depot
ponaat dereli^meat In the Oraater grated, and it rlam In great
at B:W a. m. WodaMday. Oetebsr «tb.
New Tork political Mtuatiqn ysatetday 'trocn tbe wntcr In tbe fcrm <d bobbles.
Ibraagh aaack to ToMo. TWeoIs »
was the nnanlorout comlaatlon of Hen­ It U a tarvUe gport of tbe tagmoi and
te 1^0. 0..«ad one fata and
W. MrreasUls 0». Bleek.
•• 1 for
ry George tor mayor by the United of others who visit that stretch <d the
Democracy, composed of
rireg to tench a naceb to the gas and
watch tbe flamsB aboot away in ererr i
direction ow tbe water. Tbe fire lasta
jnJjftJK? dlsssssn &feka. Blrak^
polled Ci.OM *
dIdale for mayor of New Tork. Hi
atraigth. If be should accept, srobld 1
atraage as ft otsy aecen. tbe lire depart­
ment has bran called oat mcee than
onc» to ektliigolib tbe blasiBg rirer.—
adopted a
action of the Male committee In refusInf to reaflln
reafllrm the Cblcafo ptatform ar>d
in nominating
noRilnaUng as eaadMalr (or chief
lodge of the
ot appeals All
' ‘
B Parker, w
party (tally Is
Dnion PacdJfe {aasn^r^ wU<^ i T>^o(
doubtful thal he is popularly heHeved ran efr a bri^near Bym. Colo., re- [HmUi l
to have voted against the Rryan aod
lates an IncideDt of tbe wm^ that cloae-1
Bewail electoral ticket last year.
Tbe conventioneonvenlion' nominated Toba G. ly trrmda upon the borriUc. "Tbe chair |
*V» **1- !->««. 'was*
Joyd tor com^roller and WnAeld
'Overton for president of tbe rounictpal | »be water. After wv had carried the m-;
thal George }nred paasengen out aud wtn- about to'
a U<r. oeran City Opars B
will not
If Tam-. abandco tbe car. 1 beard faint gnaoa I j
many r
On tbe other hand, tbe old-time Demo,
with lnT * ~ - ..
dm Mr. 1 found a wo
crallc leaden prefer to Ignore tbe silver
question allogetber. Bo the Demorrats
lift btir out. but sbe
are ss much
worried over Henry
George aa
as the Ilnoublicans are vver was tost, and we could net mure her. 1
dimoToed that ibewaadmld tost by ter
Seth Low.______________________
hand between two neato 1 called tor
an ax and told ber 1 would have to cat
bar band off to Mve bw life, as tbe cmr te 4 p m. TMighMi. tl
OsRlayat a krwntM tba Qa^teM
ftmtaff a uliit ct tbo Baartaa grand
dakm Ibe fomor
tbs tows had
o^rwl tbs
«d grssttBg kts

Sonteo bsfflpataff Tbidar 1

BalkUn^a. m.

OPS In the event of a lUlke belnc d»>
clareC. Tbete- li a creat 4mI o( talk •(
- the raUroaPt comblalnio In Ueir owp
tPUfeata aad 1 »ke no ibaaoo whr Ike
PMP ottouM not have the saM rt«kt to
le." The lurecoing Matecneot
In regard h
OBipiorea of the Clir Railway cDrapany.
He la an advocate of orgaalaed labor.
Tba eouneil «nii take a band la the
Agbt on lb* aide'of the men. Cougbllcr
wlU aik (or the pam^ of an order
upon 'ttae corporation counael (or an
opiolcc .as (0 the right ot the street


the frapcblsc of anr o
General EMtrk road, which t* operat*
UK under the charter of a strain road,
conveying aul'heiily to carry (reicht o(
any sort. U li can l<e abnwa thni the
road baa no right to carry the United
Slates rnaU. ope or the oUauclea In the
way of a ptHke may be removed. **t(
there Is a etHke On the anitfa side street
car linra. which I hope win not occur.

feres with
operstloc at the cable or power boose eo
as to Ifilemipt the transmladon of the
malls'will be promptly arrested by the
VnllM Statec marabal.**
Umm*. IH4 Net Want tbo Matt.
'The foregoing was the warning of

• emptoyee of

a In caae theinalli

ing any one In the event of a atrlka 8upertnlendept Tmy says the Introdactlon
of the street railway mall

ore Un , . _________
d by tbe goeernmeoi.
Wheeler the LmS <n Chassol
Mr. Whyeler. presideut of the south
pide compsny. was ih* law to consent
Jn order to avoid May* to the regular
• trains Wheeler eleTOd te pvt on a regur mall train which d'lea not carry
la optional

'I defeat
Strfke* U oot trve_ There is noshtog to
prevrat say man quitting work, hot of canoot Interfere srith onewbn



New Orieana. Bept A-The hMrd of
health of the sute of Louislatia offlrially
asnunces the state of affalm la New
Ofirans aa regard* yvllaw fever at fol­
MtsM. ap swifw isran
lows; Kor the iweniy-foar hour* ended
Monday. SepL N. a
------------- .. ...._
...... .----------B < to pry tbe
deaibA U: I grata tor enoo^ apart to release her. It

lees than XL
At Biloxi-ibm were 17 new rams and
1 death; t Mae* and 1 death at Bcraslnn.
srhUe at Ocrarr Spring* there were no
aew eases sod no draiha
Edwards. MUa. .Srpt. !t.—There have
been all told Itt rase* and C deaths hers
and t esMS in lb* rnonly sdjarrat.
MoMIr. Ala.. Sept, ft - Tbtee new case*
were (fftctdlly reported y^erday; 1
deslb g__________________
Beattie. Wash. Sept 9L—A rival to
the .North American Traaspnrtatl^in and
Trading company in Alaska siramship
bobneM hsa appeared. It I* Ihe'Alaska
Transpnrtathm wnd Develnpttrenl com­
pany. of Oilrago. cspltallard at IS.OM..
Senator Mason, of Itllnol*. and
Alben Blata the Milwaukee brewer,
are among the promlneni eastern men
IdentlAed with the company.

fViaimawer General Heath, who returuni .1(1 Waahini
visit to bis borrw
ports an exreptlootl. d*gree of sclhitr
In the Indiana gas hrli. where there are
many glass and lrr>n factoriew He mrs
hair of them-are runnliuc both day and
nleht. He predict* an raHy advsnee m

Snow baa extiognished the forest Ares
In the Big Horn country
The fdnifi annual convenlioo rtf the
I'niled'itiatra Brrwmasters’ tragne Is
In sessior at the H.^el CadllUc. Delroll.
Michigan's stale iss for 1*47. as ap
portioned, aggrraale* tm.«07 *niU Is
t IU mill* on an equalised vslaatlOB of
•• rnmblnallan
emhratra ernry p
In the country.
Hon. Peter pjisco. ex-state seoalor,
present Judge o lindiale couG. ‘died si
hts home in Marquette. HIrh.. last night.
SC years of eg*

On rraasetnbllng, be asld. lb* conven­
tion miKhl Uke aurb aytlon as It mw of It* new church.- Thl* make* the new
m on the credentlaU. The prvgrarame edlftcr frur from dcM. •
was carried out
At the Columbus (O.) aodUortnm IpAn Incident showtag the temper of tbe day was opened the Aral annual con­
men occurred When a delegate rong atdhe vention of tbe mayor* and counHImm
time after tbe conclusion of Debs'
of the Unlled Riates and Canada.
speech and asked him what was »U
Brualor and Mra Hanna celebrated
authority for saying tbe Chl.wgo Pedat Olenmere lail evening Ihe IhlGv•ration of Uabur had withdrawn rrom
thlrd anniversary of their wedding.
the movement. Del* replied that >>«
Clrnmcre Is Ihelr home near Clevetsrul
mw It In the papera. Tbe questioner
Anthony Buck, of ChlMgo. acridml*lthen gently rebuked the msn frtsn
Terre Haute for placing guch credence
tried to
,ir> the very papery be ao cheerfully
t towards
• roasted" on every occaMon. Thera was with a gur.
a ripple of laucliter in which Deb* Mm- bim.
Tbe steamer Admiral Gewala with IM
pelf }olned, and then It was all a "ctomd
pawchxcr*. nxA "'v olf Ufa. nnuihern
I which

panic ensued
The afternoon aemloa was uken op ~
with approving credrallsto and listening
• n addresses on the best ways
DeloMrs. A. r.. Paul
by Mayor Harrieoit and Cm
McOapq to have charge of ctcanlng
down-town areeta of CblMgn. .Bbe
will begin ber work at once..
The r~celvera of tbe Baltimore and
Ohio railway haw arranged t pay the
Interest on tbe Imnd* of th> I aUlmoev
o and Chicago division
of tbe
D which detoolt was made op
a riot occurred here early ye»twday. morning between a mob of Polandcra Thirty.
subbdl. nine of whom wlU dU.
Hasetton. Pa, SepL tt-Tb* eoenner’i
jurr vhk-b iBVcMtgatod ^doatbof the
strlkiiK miners at Lautma met In Dep­
uty Coroaer Cowaoia ufliM la« ovmicg. iud after aa booi** Aeab«ratloa
rtndered tb* fsOoudeg vorfilct: Tlwt
from the circauBStaaMa of Iks MM and
the evMepM 0S«Md the afffi Cterneat
PUtock and etbor* caiM'to Iboir BMtkg
by gunshot woonda M SapL M. tVt M
ISJMMifartto aM
the hands of aiwlS
s thU^ the JWT do
bb depnilM. and to


, engineer.
Ft. Pan! to repair an air box when a
freUht train backed down fronn a mrltch
and moved hie anglnc a few feet. Me
was decnpluted.
The ncwNiwth German Uoyd ateamcr
Kalaer WnbHm drr Grease rut an hour
n ber maiden
speed (or the
trtp ww ttA* k< »ois aa hour. The
Xauantt hM tb* record—1L«- kaota

Suits to Order.


finii Kvlk I Mini 1.1









was the bMTwat lifting trf my life. We
earrisd ber eff the Mr and as we
sd Mfeiy the oar^hk from si^t Two
Mcwndi later and we would all have
baen drowsed.—Kanms City Journal.


Lamb, Smoked .and Salted Heats.

erica, aU aell.
' FnllLiAeor I
iag at Cbeapeet Spot Oaeh PrieeaDodH
to Cal] Today. Hooey
iarad ia moo^ earned.

was ainkiiig tosL Sbe looked at me pitaoualy, but iaid nothing. I took off my
ooat and pot it over bar bend so riM eould
mM s» the cruel blows with the ax.

4 nebele lb* 4>nly
Cbicpgo. flept. tS.^Rugene V. Debs
was the oaly prominent labor leader,
present at Orpheut ball when the labor
convention railed by the conftremj* held
o otd
^b« ht.ti- U. who madr a conisTtalivc
r of 8t Uoal^
1 and W. R.
raiTlck. of apnnsylvmnla. for merrtarr,
A delegate In the frohl row moved that
the secretary read the call In which
Ibis meeting was the rarponse and that

Ever Bunuod 0«t?
UMyaa InMr



1taaoarTtro(rom.aoets.mBL Oraol kapM* aa4 FoMokay u 1M p w

OaMdWt PM the PMa.
CaiarlM K. Darling, editor of tiw
"Beriy Inwi’tof ManebnaeOs,” fur- CTfOex BOa.taskr*sd.viUbeaxUbiud at
niibea tbe following copy of a petithm.
pcrfgred to tbe gmi^ coot in l«6d;
BmmwI OraerwU CDnrt <g

Fire Insurance.

!>«llKaM' Jobs amlth InhsUtasl ts Cbarlm-1 TWrww gtsLsmbwto

________ Jbj tbeC
«• pay a Bn* of are pouB_________ , _
•r tUa Bemorasd Conn BraitsMoq of tbs *01*0.
haring unwitOaglyofferaM. to 1 hartag hr
ay nayboai. Bee w


•pyOUSE TO BECT-^ Weohis
Broea^PrMttoOT^'lol'.tf^ ^

—Front Street.


Mob*. Bai nos nhealalag other. I ■
And A stranger oramg to mra
sbllUagi wwth M H off mra.
Md h
mm ss It roet me*. Now I baably
(U* BMonrad coon to bra ptaasM to past by
my TriiiigTimlriii. oad te fcogtra moo ay

.'j-oealfraMoB awMbontrooallMa a.
aLUXanrOUD a.P.A,Oraa4Biis3s. .

Chicago — •
West Michigan.
—Watch Repairing.
4. als. aU. a.

nfsalv Srratre Is Ihe
nagnalea.eppnaed t


sirS* zsssa jiS r.cjsc


Rato, $1.50 per D*r.

Etil Tickets It IMKedRMn.


sus/jrsss CAJWS.

e kaiw Ip orcpnislnc p uptop (or
r protectloe 1 .b^v* that public
t Ibc street car

Fuk etiMt. brtrra mn SOm

.Koney to Loan
er Men«Mt>e'o karCvat* oime.


BIm* yin^ttk all bapptiM Is the
world CO coma Be* Mstna yew Fore FMHmw.
yoiD enn. i
It was tboofdkt "mrete that tbe flue
bs (Muitted Tea ffiillin^ so as to bo
payed in to the Coortea T^rasy. upea
notice tberoof,"

FartoroanoorMferOraadRapMaa 4;«a.a


liiQia lu lOBTBSisna l i

Ul of tbMB aU aud very n
Too abquld not ba witbouiiL

through tbe Am with which he adrooated the must of the rata of Antun.
They had been gniumraied to appear be­
fore the bishop'aigocugaod tiww catue |
why (bey abould not be exoaDUnunicat- '
ed. Chiiewuetta was attainted to de-J
fend them and began by deamading
that tbb nmxDODs should ba luad in twery paritii, siaoe the rau wou'widely
Kattervd and might otberwiM not bMr
of iL He next excused their nsoapfiearanee by mying that tbe roads were daitgeroaa fer bis client*. SMiDg that cat*
.were eroywhere lying in wait fcg than,
and finally, haring
aU mqdM
of delay, ke made an elutinMl speech;
on tbe injustice of proceeding againK;
tbe whole ntimber at once and demand-1
ad that each .rat aboald be tried wpu- '
ntely. This gAuch.
was recalled to his metnory by the;
U as preaidt tof t
partemaii oi Ptotwueo. be was obliged |
to lake part in the pecaecnticgi of Ihua >
UBfortunaM aecariea.-Cogi>hUl Mag-;

B«gin a atady of yooraalt Hot* you |
btighL wel^ cfiieM and waist azpaa-{
tioB. tang edacity. meaMmeott ofi
dlflsnnt tarts of your body, hahita in 1
rating, drinking, bathing, tauathing.!
talking, toot mannau. taalts. guodj
noinu (drai’t be aftaid (ogiveyootoalf a;
Uttle pcaiM if dratrved), tarcrita
Btadtoa. dafidemeiM of aU kinds aud
ovttplns of wbatanr ewm.. gBpaabtiD-;
dant In-j^ natwa, and try to ronud
np and ont. flUlug in'eaTitias and deprearioui and laraling tla peoto, antil
you hsTaagyminetrical ^anwtar, mind
and body, fcr. with rare MKuyttuna. you
^ hava all—ttoiTOMM Sdwol Jov



NO 10

Cupboard Safe



Aa istaad o( Chalk.




laebso. Ota*. to«o.ap.Mfto» »»•» to« below. tog» draw**.
paaolotoo. Leww pMtr«ntUara4.______________________________________
Tha Shgiitii itiand at Iboaht is almost wboUy oompewd of dmlk nhe
island is 10 BilM in laigtb and about
6 in temdth. and gaolagtoM say ttut
tbaa ara not lam than 41,000.000,000
tons ff dialk "Id sight" m U.




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