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The Morning Record, November 11, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Fir.tT«v-No- IM-
::J^Q\ to Have a New Journal?
belpe peo^ to uV^tbe beat way ia i
true ChriaUftS work. TVe eoidelT wUlj
WIU Par.tbo PandlMtae thee,eobjeeufte. part of *^L,««-~aiT*DTB®T*B»AT
altp Tomorrow.
workof theohureb.^^ ^
Ban PTaoetaoo. No*. lA—WuUam
The eubJwU yrelerdftj
I Bonry Tboodorrf tturrani, the eon•ented bv ttlke. •» follow*;
«ura.r»r ol
••The Kliehen and lu Appoint OlUl Vnai >.»■. B-t BO.U o. th.
BoM« of BdontlOB Soot Oot •
mbU." Mr*. II J- Mor^a.
nlabw w WoA Vp o OuoniBH•The Dlnlii« Boom.” Mr*. U Boh_aew wait « am*T *»—•Hla attorney* w—,--------—
••Torol Imp.O»«n«» 0»4«dBoplaoa thoOld Andrew dob
tampt to aecarc a farther delay, bat
VMbiaftoa'o Birthdoy to »• 06•Maott and Tboir PrMantloa:'’
Vanned by 46 Ve. ai»a 8 0«c**m Jadpe ItahrebrathadaeideaUleebnkBl
•orroi in tbo Bokooln.
Mr* B. C. Doftpftm
Tottord^ aftarooon; the ^ time ahjectioat and ordered Darraat trf” b*
hanped next Friday.
It WM n qunrtorof nine Ukt n5»M
before ft qooram of U»e board of odoeo-, readffomlli*
------------- - Ladloe' Homo Jonraal.
itedI to a
ft Tiew
Tlew Ol
of one o*
of Uftclo ~
. Uon oenld be ftMenbted. MeaDo- Ooeh- ] b.v Mr». B. MonUfM.
,MMla TheArim. c**c*fal but bnalItn. l^boft. Boond. MoBftU nnd Niob-1- A .HreJy nod —
Tw. the
». i(OT-.——• of «a«* anb•
««r« In <ood ftOftMO » at-1 foUowwI
J«tA A
froat many aoefal thin** w««
toad the ftdjoaPBoAmooUft*.
at IS o'clock upon a tour ol iaftpocU^
mayor waa auroldably deulood and HtentioBod by dlltereat ladle* to help HlethobuelnmeoftheOroobamto inthe
boueekeeper. The profram
BBOthor wa» waemiry before the board
^oet all fttoam and eaillnjc craft on the
oonlddobaMneea Iboee prment wait- waetaehanre of Mra C. J. Kaeelaad. lake*: examine their paper*, life oaT«d ftOBie Umo to bopee that Frank -Ne»t Wedneeday the eoeioly wlU iac faeUltle* and general oonditipn.
Frioditeh woold tom up, but they Bteet todoeewlur.
The etoamer/baeoent wa* oabjeetod to
The next pr*c»*» "‘U be ‘‘ Bread.
waltod in Tain. Frank haa attOBdod
tho aoaal teet and paeeod
bat oao meeUnr eiace ho waa eloewd
oation by the oaeer* of
to the board and hla oolleffao* Ihourbt |
that he mtrht porhhpft break hie record
Boon alim tho boat arrtrod aA^
Aa t'raak dW notehow up f'rank Smith WUl Forw.n Mow Voatai* in the of cuTioaftiapoetator* and aeroral amawaa eoBatderod a poeeibUity. bat Mr.
Farmen' Inotiiato- -Fine Fro2^I^ph«* crowded tho dock.
Smith waft aloo not torthoominr. Mr.
franift Fromiood
but they w»..~—---------- •^bw dnally thoapht of Mr. Moor*
*jfte-Ore»hamdid wot oome to the
Tho anneal aieeUnr «< the Farmer*'
and omrtod oat to hunt him op.
Ik. but aaeborod a half mile from
laetltute ba* com* to be on* of the Importent rnthorium of the year amoar obora.
wrT^ the meeting proceeded. Mr.
SapraaeoUtiTe* ol the Mi»ns(i*« Kncthe farmer*, and tho meoUan to *bl*
CbohlU wat ehooen chairman.
eoanty eompai* th*o*ably with aay la om> aoMPtwl a cordial ln.H.t»a fro
The committee on bnlldin(* nad
the Btato. The farmer* of tU* rafiod th* eommaador tolnopoet the Tomel.
ttronndft rapartod that after aa InraeU.
Tb* Orofthom U the aew iutobm eattw
watloa the beat plaa in their opinion to ar* in tho lead in aU matter* portaln.1
la( toacrlcaltors aad fruit {Towlar.
remedy tho aaaitary dllUcnlty in the
'lo“baUd|nnd at the InotiUW many TalunhJ* u,.
Oak Park oAool bolldlnc------tt. .I— ol U« .OJ
ideaftaro oxehaAC^
on* in
- partition*
In *Bo
ih# •--------Tble year the m*ell*F will ho hottar JohBMa. Sh#l*th*fla**t*o»«W»“»
—— tkat the draft woald Boteany
etaft oa the lake* and to deoifupd to
foal air to tho upper part #1 tho baud- than er«r. The eooretary. E. O.
-ood omrle. ami *poo«- 8he to a
iBf. The report wao aeoopted aad Uo Ladd, ha*
mi* aad baa ^t oaeem* la tb. Uttar lanpwrt
' raoommondaUon adt^lod. Tho oam- arlth the fttalo
•aftlly umA* 17 knot* an
oeoa pe^wwT* _
tcood ouUlde
mltlao woo inotracted to hare the worii
taleai tai^tioB to that obtain bo^. TertwoatymUe*. Sh. to haUt
aUe at haaa. One of the featnrw •t .tool, to 815 foot OTOr aU
Bocardiar tlA dofoetft of the fanaee
wiU he a lalh on the ealtiTatioa and oa tho wator Unm Horbardo^K#
la the Oeatt^ baUdlaf tho oommitteo
lOB*. Her armamot to a alx pound l*F/ as extra rood Womn Wlro Kprias com
•acpwled that tire r<«MA be replnood pruainc of fralL Ulaatiutod with ftteriopUeaa tIow*. Thto addrom wUl he id Irlac can. which can oeud a 'buM plete for St.oa IT voa want wood bed*
with new oae* and lowocad. This oaf
leatthrae w* can lell yoe a pood bolld well made
by Bolaad MorrlU. oae of the ihroucha ' bed and aa extr* pood SprUf to SS.TL
Two Cent*.
Well, we’ve pot eyerytliiog you need in the
Blank Book line, and our prices tell the story.
Ask for these even if yon don't wrwt to buy
now. Yon will some day.
SCO FRONT sTiierr.
IS A HOMELESS PLACBBemomber yoa can
PWtam* framed and anfrunmd
or ha*e your owa plcdnran fraaaed.
It Was a Worten Wh’o Said...
“It takes a great many
things to be enough to choose from.”
at Haskell’s Bookstore.
axo. miOoto.
At THIS STORE jon have a most refreshing range of
choice in Coats ana Wraps. What's new. what's good,
what's desirable, are shown here—and many of the styles
shown here arc to be seen nowhere else, in this section.
'‘wt ~ Ladies’ Jackets. $3.76 to $16.60.
Ladies’ Capes, »1J» to $16.00.
^Another attraction, aad pa* that wUl ThoUtUrare; A. B- Daria. oapUU: 7ABC eo^w-MB——-w.—
Mhad teTeeticatA. Vaa Bcakorck. *ee«i4 U command;
•d the diffiealty with the eoaduetoia be a rar* treaL U an
Satare Btady by Dr. Bealxrf the B- BUcoly, third lleuleaaat; F. E.
and eoaled bid* wor* ireoeatod. Arm*
CU**a. Thto to eopodal- Owui. ehtel oafUonr. B. W. B^.
A Oole oBored to eupply aew pattor* . Anricaltaral
B. C. l^riAhi. nneoad nm
for SK aad the Hannah A Lay Mereaa- ly
• tUb Oo. aaked *S5 for tho job. The ooa- tha Hlfh *ebool wUl be eloeod that •totanti P. H. Vberrotb. C. E. J
afterwooB logire all the papitoaa op- •eoad Ueatonaate.
Uaot wiaawardod to the Moreaatile
The oSoer* are aolfcll bera ■
portanlty to hoar It.
The date, flxed apoa for tho la*Utute ^
«r* In oenunand of two »Mam
CUrfc Blekotdotatod that larfo puanar* Thaiuday and Friday. Doeambar W Uanehta on duty at the ”Soo." Tbeee
------------------ -Unnehe* ar* aUached te the OreeMi________________ the nao of th* aobool. and IT. ■Ehe cruft to propelled by a triple ex
and that a* mach ol it wa* boafbt
naatioB encine of the Uuet model, and
or A FAI.U
from farmer* it weald be wtoe to make
• sno knemm BOWer. ftftd tOUf boii.m
hOlUn do
duty below, two of them U oenaianl
BTt the other two Im emer^emite*..
-- --------------------------The boat to Stted with all modem ooo-1
^ BirnmU’r vritfa enrpenmnaiTTTatiilT aheald be aant to th* «om- daaghter.ot Mr. aad Mra. Dan McMal- ^
machUeahop, arm* room*. |
miUoe ca baildUn $ad rroaaito. who len of th* pMUftBla..fen from the|^^
aad euatnlaed
faeillty for perfect eerTlee
-or Uelr
»«eir teeidenoe
------------wo^ aathorixe the eitt clerk to pay pnroo of
a -paUful injury to eoe of her armn. •a .board. The quarter* of the oBoera
tiupartateadeni Urawn eU^ Uat At 6r*t it wa»thoa«ht that It wa* are »odel* afneaineea and comfort aad
fnn-y Ol the teacher* were dc^roua of oiaruly a *pluU. bat n wmtlnaeil swell- tiled u* attfueUtoy. Th* quarter* el
themed and petty ofieerAtho-Ah «t
AUandiac the mectinr of the North tny of the arm *u«f«ftted a-moi* *•*!' Michidan Schoolmaetora’ Club U Oad- Ou» ihjaiy. On Moaday tha firl wa* qalle *o due are not V-« oomfortabl*
Ulac on November s« aad 87, the two broaebt to the city and a pby.lelnn
day* loUowUy the Thank*cl»U* bolU- consettod. bat the arm arae *e badly **B^e* the mlx-poand fua.l whkA to
dky. He
■UCTeetod that
ai- •woUen that ft wa* Imponaibl* at onoe , mounted at tha how, tihere to an entfli
«»e auaaeasM
ss»» they
—-y be
— —
lowed the addltioaal day efl and that 'to detormin* wtet^er the arm wjuj of amall arm* for twenty men. oonfttoibrvknnornot. dldie to *tUl U care of ine of mndaxlne rifle*, catiaeeoeaad reit he made ap on W^iaCWa's birth
day. February 85. Mr. Moore thouflht a phyriciaa U the cUy and i«oWln« ^e«*. The men are eubjeclod to a
drill U no. or the other o! thee,
that Waahlnytoo’* birthday ahoald be aU the attentloa poaaible.
every day and the dtoeiplin* el
Appropriately obeerved U th* eehooto
nr 8IAVFR.
the veeMl to perieev Everythinc >•
and moved that the teacher, be pee________
toam ehineo brichtly and the deck* are
poltobed whit* and kept a» neat a* it to I
priauly obeerved with exerci-... com»attooni Junior a E.
otaeible for work to make them. The
to Indebted to Ueatenant
birth of WaehinrtoB.
The ConcrcrnUonal Junior C. E. and
tlie motion prevailed. The eenee oltheir friend* will enjoy * atomp eocial Bidflely for the coarte.1** exuaded oa
the boar* waft that la***ad of tiieoaual; this altomoon in the chareh parlor* beard and te the other oBoer* for prtvgrrrr-irtr a nrc«fum ahoold be I froai
S M o'clock. Tke feature lUfe* aad Uformatlon.
ffivua for tke beneflt of th* poplto In of the afteraooo'* amoeemenl will be
of ....
the a._
day ..A
and si...
that sL.
ao claas
clam -ft Jack Hamer pie with ft ’•plam" for OOPMTMY IJFM FMEFMMABLE.
$ver}' oo*.
be flv*
smsm- The admtorion wUJ —-----work be impoeed.
».uU in ntomps and the pa*ta«e ao pro So J>*od*d by th* Junior Eyeoum
cured will be aeod in eeodlns Saaday
Teotetday Afuraooa.
Mshoel paper* te a Junior aoclety aad
The Junior Lyoeam of the Blyh
Snaday echool amoay the -mountain
Mew tyatem Show* Or«at Sarias af
j wjbool held their tufular meetin* ?mwhlUa ” is Kentucky
Fuel at the Anytum.
tertay aftoruooa a»d a flne ptor»»
TbeTcgrularmoaUlyomeUarof the TTT-mflAT. lysE OF XBB KAXL8. waepreaeeteA Oae of tha intermttny
feotares of the meetiac was a detaate:
board of tmeteea of the N<wth«TB
Keaolved, Tkat city HI* M preferuMe
Asylum was held yeatorday. Tmeteea
to life in the ooaatry. Ibe jodye* de
Bafaah*. Davto. Baeku* and Bate* belay praanai. The aew boUar* are- U
Depaty O. S. Marihall O-DoaneU of cided th* debate qa Ito merita aad
favored the aeyativ*.
iiioniwtr’ epera^tiomaad a peat Mriaif Qruad Bapid* arrived in tk*
yeeof taal to made over previoc* year*.- terdny tram Booor. karinf in eaetody
The oaUm new plant wUl pay to Ito Ctmrle* Baker of that place who to
^wwny gMTOMinAl. MVMMTS
aalf U tha aarinc of feel in a very ahort ehoryed with havlny eeat eheeoac *aat.i~m lb* did brick ^ck to bM amaU tor thraoyh tke maUa. Ibe aoeaaed WUl be Suooaaod by Mm Wo«aa*.
and 0 tempmmry additional *Uek has wu* vws- batore L’ltiied StaU*
Qab Friday.
been pot np for the winter. Next **aTb# rayalar eeerion of th* We^aato
torinaer Boberto for
eoB a aew aad much larger brick Uoo. B* was held in th* earn of flioo Clab will be held Friday aftoraoon.
ckimaey will ba ballL 175 feet blyto
bail t* aaftwor bolor* th* Halted Suue The pmyrum. which wUl be to charpe
The 'UsUtatien UU excellent o»>of Mra. J. C. Motyao. oomp.-lee* tke
ditioa aad a aoUM* fnat to that with
ecu: Athena. Sparta;
5005 pattoat* there waa mto a aUyla
aeo-pm—. Tb* Priapaatoton War.
OhMagb VftAoL
death dorUc U* Uat moeth.
aad the deeltoe of tiroeea. Alexander
10.—Wheo. .
the Qruot and th* Maoodoaiaa Coohbr. *3%ci December aew, OSXe; old.
BTko: JanaaiyrOlMe.
Com-November Mlfci
8flS'4Nc; May. Utio.
Thetitead* of S.C. Hodyaman. to.
10K9MO; 1
nmly of thto city, bet for a namber of
«h* meettop of tb* Ladle*' Aid Sodoty her. l«Xl-*$0c.
of th* Conprayatloaol ehorth yeotorrv.se-,.s
day ofia-Boon. The procram arae the ..
Sfat which the aoeiety expeeto to ffiv* Lard—November. M.18; .
.................................... Whatovor dt.15; Jaaaary.ft.8TX94.*a
Misses' Jackets, Children's Cloaks and
Infants' weal—full linea.
128-133 rroBt StZMt.
Get Ready for
. Bsosuss ws ssU GOOD SaOBS.
A Cold
Sl)3P.... Our Buckwheat
It's $are to Come.
FLOUR is tttskindthst xBsksseskss tbst
We are the oriyiaator* ol low ;
price* oa pood fooda. not *hoddy. ■
tssts Uke BUCKWaXAT, and which stset-
h'Or thto week we offer the fol- i
lowio* prtoift oa A No. I mereh^toe.
Boya-pood Soite for fll.OO
Boy*' all wool (iolto tor *16*
Boy*' pood Overeoatt with cape.
Hot*' heavy ruteiu. apld laN ,
I rear for *6.T5-ae theweatherto '
’ warm, they fo to $4.«7
Boya'Corduroy Kaee Faat*. «c
Mea t heavy Cheviot'tSolta. to
> black or hrowB. *5
» elepaoL all wool, doo^
bria*tod^1*-to*t eotoe 1
sd ABMrlos*s I4>i>6tlts for BUi*R.WH£AT
' cakes yesrs s«o.
Hannah & Lay Co.
One Dressmaker
in this city said
Overcoats and
Th, ns* Amsriosn J-sdr Short Oamslls s
srsst impJOTYinsBt “They srs sssiar to fit oYsrs^d
Sts s bettor ontllBs." Thsy srs sms to be as populsr
MeaboxW heorywdol Ovoreoato. Kovy B^e,»».«.
Maab extra fla* wool faeovur
Mea'a extra heavy Uletota.
> hiyh ooUar. n.M
Meab extra CktoriiUto Ctotora.
We etrictiy rnan*tee the
.bovegoodetp five eattotocUoa
„ eyhock.
Ladies’Box and Kangaroo Call Sloe for 11.50
Also Gent's Box Calf invisible cork Shoe af $2.50.
Bov's and Youth's Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style. Wear and Price.
aw 010000. PARKER BROTHERS, 1=
With mach aanc-ft ot Saatord. Fkxrid*. I^Praetm. Frtedtoea tok.
tben ud CMfiatd EOUTEEIBS FOB TBS !**»».
rt yoor Oyateia tram Mdjallaa ±
YHB XOBiriKa SSCOBD. wane alitee
■l\*j are freak from BaUimorc.
to hU Vd tmA ot the Use. 'Be «UI
------------,1. .1 tauLoUllb. «< ot tU. M.r«.m.Oo.WUlH*..«iOl>»0«
weak to toka tke baiha aad gala non j
1* tt» •e’Tanl D^artmeato.
J. V. Blatar. the Boaaa Pamiabar.
mt Md may-be »bl« to aitoad to hi*
The Mwtuaia Co, will iaxradww a gelU toe Standard Sawlac Macbiae. a
praetiee aari; aaxtweek.
[arw departore UiU weak aixl anry flrat clam maeklBa. fora 1ltUa arosay.
|u<^l*iartled-to ebll tbair erocker?
Itora depertaeaU
deparuaanla Friday
" *-------^
tniraaanil Primary SdUel Fwda. I'atid faraitora
k T. Bana akb J. W. Babdoc.
I. The crockery
croekery Separtsaa
The oaml-aBDaal ^pertloamea'l of i s»-to^y.
t. W. Baxm. Editor and kUsacer.
primary aebool moaay tola lall U »;ha.Sre» ftlled lately-Uh a caagrtfl
—“ par eaplU. a hearlaf pareeata^ «*■“ Haa of elepaai warra-toal wUl deSUBSCRIPTIONS.
liifbl toe faocy of ereiy hooaewlfe. On
Friday aad Satarday a graod opeaiag
will be ylrcB. wbea ereiy lady will
.............. ......... ».•¥<» be glrea erery eenrteey. wbetker ahe
buya or Bot. There will be muUe farCm Cmcnaeea
Biahed la toe departmcat aed^ Fri
day afteraooB betweea the 'Aora of
two a^fire e'aoek erarr ladr who
TlalM toe departmeat will be preaeated with a pretty aoaeeair.
—Watch Repairing.
PHicTicii cmnni.
Tkk dty of KUea waa aflleWd wKb
• board of pobllc warka wktoh failed
-to plaaaa toe eooaeU. That body
prampUy declared thie memban of thy Ooad Work Aceampliahad aad What
is Bopwl for by toa VaadleiMard diachabred and appolatod new
work Guild.
•BOa The old board dceliaad M rec•geixe toe aetiaaof toe eaoBcll aad
At toU tima of toe year the ,beaeaonfaaad to eacate. They are atlll doing lent orgaoimttoua of the city begla to
V"«»aa— at toe old ataad and Milea la plan lor toelr wlBterh work. One of
pcoftttag by toe eipaHeaoa. Befare
toe eocleUea wbicb kaa extaUd here lor
aereral yeant. aad wbleb while worklagouletlj
il aa a fifth atoael to a wagon.
NeMlework Galld. Tblatea
TBa'tnoblemofmaltotlonlatoiOak_______________ _________
Park aebool boUdlag waa umporarlly j ^ dtoUnct from tooae of other orgasdtopoaed of at-Uia maetlait of the board Ixatioaa toalahrlei rzplaaattok w4l
«f aducatioD laat algfai. Bnf aaUl
be ialereatiag.
anpply h
The object of the guild U to fnralafa
^Bt toe health of toe pupUa of toe aew. plaia. aaluble clotoea to
aebool la aare to be aeaaeed. Il doea toa aeada of the poor. Memherah
sot aeem reaaoaahle that a mere parti- cladea mea. women aad chlldrM. toe
«loB can ramady toe-eell that exlata la only requiremwt being that either
toe balldlBg.
two ncir garmeataor coatributloe of
moaey be made aanually. There arc
nf firm! there wDl be ao
.. BO dnea and DO meeting* except ah aanvom.ll; to rodooio p™pt«J -W
1. U. toUtor U. ««Uoo
What la a -Qaaok?"
Tara to your Webatora—It reada an
Igaoraat pi^tloaer.
Aak ^OTMif toe qaeatlee: Caa a saa
be igaoraat who cum after mulUtndea
•t otoera fail? la be aot auparlor
toroDgb koli^Utl-m. ba»
dr,->,Ud tovlaU tolkcity and will receirw patieata perauaally at Travel**
Ciiv Nii-h.. Thuradayaad bVlday. Sov,
11 aad IS. U the private parlor of
Whitiag Uotel. from V a. m. to » p
Two day* only. Coualtotloa free and
strictly eoafideDllal.
RoiAirinr BIrr'W s HpeoksUr ssd rsotaa.
tood. AIbi obooU fur «olo svd to rosi*^*uB(r
0-1 |4ko» lo ibooiir riosooOvc wsinol end
bo roo«ID(k4.
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
^ ^ j "ss,“'SSr"hiVL”r,s"::!,
Enterprise Grocery,
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
HamiIt6ti^lothing Co.
Misses’ Lace or Bunon,
C-hocolste or Ozblood Shoes. «Izck 13 to 3. every pair warroatod
solid, for 6-ic pair, at A.S. KEYMANH. SU East Hmnl Street.
w b.«»«lt.T..™-aij who doj^,^ ... ,1... 0.1 hy . dWrtboP
i™«w wbolho, tholt pwt, h-),^ oowoilttw: dttn ct.t.1 h,«.tl. ,
Xtoer Haads Mooa^. )
'* gatloB, and *e qaietly aad earatally b
Now toat toa deer hnaUarWima b
toe work done toat tom b no pab- io nrogm* many will be deslroua
Dbnt it. to look toe mater of.
llelty whaterer. It mast be dbUaetly having toe bead* of tbeir prize* moo
will be Ip Traeerkc City la a f'
aaderatood toat the Qalld la BO way dark 1prepared
to exei-Bte all kind*
ooaflleu with other charitable ergaa- taevleemy. and will gnaraatee
Tbe Enterprise Grocery
ia toe city. 'l>
deer head* or any other kind of
E. a
w*a la Elk Ba^ yeatorto, the is still doiog busioess
only iaade la toe fall and .toe society
<wWnb at low prieea. to,
Fred PraU wdht to Fkaakforl - on
lam^. Order* tnay
i>..Cb1- Front Street, jnst west of
Some idea of toe r
•fcaaiani yaatmday.
an'* Bakery. Front *treet.
Steinberg's Grand Opera
- Ci'i.Max.
Prank Calmaa of Elk Bapfda came b ahowp framtoe secretary'* report.
In I89S. there were S4S gsnaeats db0nr yeatorday cm a vlait.
Rouse, and presents the best
DaaclBg School,
Mr. and Mra. nateber of PMb Uke
line of good goods cheap to
> S3) ia }«M aad it b hoped that even
■her the <
,were la toe city ymterday.
*t .iab.-i„ r'kdanelag
_ ball I
be found in tbe city.
Prof. £. F. Martough wemt to Cen lore wUl be coatribotod thb year.
evealng. Nov. 13 . I.e»»ne for toe
TravarM City braaeb. which wm ortral Lake yeeterday whei-a be iaaUoet•k. waltxk. te-oktr^ double
gaalted ,by Mr*. Agaea D Areamhal la i
«d a ciaaa ia daaclag laat alghb .
kcrml* "
Dr. W. E MooB went to Urmwa last
•e lavitrd Ito attend
■i^l to oondaef medical examiaaUoB* Th* piaee of f
. iaeludlBg Icesoa and hop.
•f a Bomber of eaadidatoa for Maoea- by toe ruIgaaUon of Mr*. J. D. Bill. aod Udim 1&
iag*. WB* filled by Mrs. P. J. Cnrtb.
feee honor*.
M. J. Smliay. a promlaent attomay ! asd Mr* John Uillb was elsdad eaereWair Drossiag Puloro.
«{ Otaad Baplda. aad law panaw of Ury and treasurar.
Miv hurrow* wishes to aBBOUBce to
Any ooe ioUreatod ia tbl* work,
ChDgnmman WUllam Aldea Smith,
ber friends sad palroa* tost she bs*
mt* la the city oa legal buxlaan yea- whether aoUcltod from or not. b re- retorasd
W. J. BOBIItSOK. 1Um(«.
_______ -from Chicago
............ w: the
qaeatad to oead eoatribution*
latest stT'.e* la hair dremiog. Sb* ban
mereUry. at >10 Stale street, i
1ess*d toe small stare east of Bugbee A
pl<-d by toe Kimball Masle Ca aad wUI
30th. The director* are roqoakUd
Ad lacraaae of senaieB boa 1
be pleased to meet ber patrons there.
aeod Uwlr packages to to* president at Bverythiag wiU-be ready for bbtiaes*
fraatod Stophea MeUany.
610 Sute tute.
la ample lime to arrange eolBures for
Prof. E Silvw* will give aaother
toe party Friday.
- AaaelBg party tomorrow evening attor
hb T^lar elamai
Mra C C. Kaowltoa brihga the Bbc.
Has Work
ton a fragraat baaeh of sweet peaa,
Cfattles Frobuaa has mcarid Rimiy
^tokad la her garden Nov. lOto.
to Do in lagbam Oooaty.
Arthur Jaoim- Utem play. Tba Liar* ”
Umso vOo lest* Uo
hbswUu or rriBln
Imam Bari b going to Lemdoo to do .olUoasrxvasUlSBfor
Thieves hroka into toa tae koma of
Lmaaiag. Nov. 10.—UaaapIalaU eaote
Ckarlm Merrill, tm Bayabeet, Tneediy from toe Bortoweatora part of lagbam a tan la the made baUs ladead of ap^
ity toat ageau of-graveyard iBsar■Ight aad stols valaahle carpeator'a
taiarlei Cafrblan u going stmmng in
I eompaalea hero bees doing a lacd
tools aad otoar v^oahlta.
le of tUB own plsya k babpurieal
3. E Boagbey. brother of the Boagfa- office boaUm* foraevetal ysara, aot- drama laid u tbe time of George IV.
gy hoys la tob el^. b hare from Kaa- withtUndiag toe law probiUUag thb
O 'Neil '• real name b OerWode
SalbriDe. lad., to boy pomtoern He b
She b IminsUng New York oroestw ica H
located at pttaeat at Oadar.
er* as tbe Imdiag Udyof a mockemaBaao- Cbdwell. whe paid groo in aa- paay.
Tbe laangaratioB of toe aodal em•aa ia toe city'wOI Uke ploM tomor aammaaU. b aboat to raeelva $390. hU
Aimie BasaeU wiU otmtt the Imdlng
graciooa partwXlhule* Prubmaa'a prodaotkm
row evralog In toe City Opeea Boaoe. ‘'aubjeet" bavlag bees
aaooghtodb. Other tarwera. thraagh
Jaoevb Aitoar-s new pUy. -Hie Salt
Thb wUt be a hrilUaat eveot and loeoi
the peraUteaey of toelr - sabJeeU " to of toe Earth.
tooele^ will aajoy lu
haagiag oa to Uf*. have been lecdored
Pnacb Culyb has been engaged by
William Beitnar ahlppad yas.urday paaalleoa. one loaiag bb bomeauul of Chubs Frobmaa to sppmr ip "The
----- MADE ON----, «w* loads of chair atoak. ooa to the
eighty acre*. Tbe latUr's wife died of Wbbe Bmtoer.'i U toe Amdemy of
Boaae of ComeUeo at Detroit and grief BOOB afur toe farm weal.
Made. JXtm Yuk.
•aether to a chair maaotaetiiriag eonJohnirAie Bennett, wbo annotmeed
Ia apite Of toeae examplee to* agent
aero la Mlaaeapolla. U mid to be still writiag a good dml ahe was going into a ooovoat two years
T%e Womaa'a AaxUUry of Graea trf tobclaaeof Intnraaee la the eona- ago. now divlares sbe i* going into bade
eharto wilt bold their annaal meaUag ty. Commbahaer Oamphall mid today and maanlaotBiv nrcktiro.
Cleo de Merude received for dstiring
thb aftornooa at toe home of Mrv that he b aware of tbe operatioa* man-"Soond. 138 Baal Eighth atroet A fall Uoaad aad caa be depended opos to do at Kottu A Bial’a. New Yuk. fl.bM a
week. Marie Lloyd, toe bglito aerio
•tUadsace b dcoi^.
bb duty ia toe premikee.
emnio. waa paid $600 a week.
The advance mle of alagU admimkm
Maode Adams made her mage debut
for toe first aamber la the
ia Saa Fraaosoo at the tender age of 8
■toool lecturo oourae wUl bagla at the
mootiM in Jamw A. Beane's ’’Heans
aty New* Buad Fi^y maming. The
Xeatfag of State FeO
ala Bagi-'
frte will be 90. 3S aad SOcaaU
taigaly Attended aad Gnat
rroak Culmaa of Elk Baplda. b prolatorast Kaatlsatod.
IS a perfec
. lect Klondike toevuy needy
fariag to hrlag hb fine ooUeetba af
Sagbiaw, No*. 10.~At toe bou of Polish exile, b mid to be not exactly to
gtoOed birds aad aalmab to thb city
Deed, bat not to have momey enoogh to
to ptaea on exhibition. He will Be yenlag the moTBiBg aemioa of the live in rctireateut and to he gotog to
bare tor a maaih to eagaga to UxiClafaa tha oradaatiab committeo waa Mew York to opm a school of noting.
,„h.h.™», „u
titan CnrtHi—It'k ail rlrhi.
Da Tkcuii-ook-Yco. I weu It and raeomawad it profMtoDally.
Nathiag bettor
Wh BxiTxaa-FiDeat 1 over were,
tixo. LABUla—Wore It two winter*. Like iL
Fa*aa Baonrii-Yoa belli .kali right. Woalda-tdo withdat tb
Cart. G. A. Webb-AJlvoa good satiafaeiioo.
'Trover** City. Mich. Out. 3?. lopt.
••Tux Babtliux Clutdino Co."
Geou: -1 am well aeqaafated with the “Jaroa“ Uaderweat. and I want to give, you my bearUesl eadoruBtoat of then
They are ao'soft
.*soft a* not to irriuto toee t«DOen«lBhlQ
sfaaerl__moisture so perfectly, aad
sad prev.-et toe suddeo rouilag.orcbangm of tba
of the body, (the usual cause* of coldsi. If yon cab gat
men of this place to wear them ijestesdof toe cheap Cot-
—Front Street.
Doec aot aoek ability deaote latoUlFRONT STREl-JT
grooe of a lapbrior—of the bIgbeM order? laut the
thf cloak aader
. .
racvonea bide? You cab come to bat
oue roDrluioB. That b erideet to »I1
Wc «UI do ]-Bur Kosmollsc rboseo' sud
tbinkiag oaeCalibr. It la far better, it briw
tbss sor etbrr ohae In (br rlt^. Con
lkt) r beat method poaaible to coaaalt
>o« Aar oolar wtIMte oiolnlns ood or*s
wroisl work job
, Onmr'ood kro bo
l^lsarr Tnbo* tlAU
the apecblbt Kiw.(roedoso.
»i «.
of toe firm of Ur* It S. d. Co.. IfuX'
goa. .b ch . ik frueh aa uae. Tralaii
hak made him what hr a-.
Patient r
kcarch no fully equipped him to bait
kUid-.-atfi.lIy with oik. aac in all ita mi
UluJiof forodk. Year* of toll have gi
«D Itiin the iBkigbi which he pnaaetM
22 clerks e^loycd aod more experienced clerks wantedThat is the condition “of things at
( •
And wonder why, when others are barely employed
with small forces. The problem is easily soH'eti^.
N<)thing but reliable merchandise here or no sale. We*excbange
merchandise purchased of us, or refund the money if
We place a uniform low rate of profits on all classes
of goods.
We do not come down on one item and mark
np on another.
A child can deal with us.
We have gained the con
fidence of the people and we mean not to . abuse it.
will beep the ball rolling with low prices—as we own onr
own goods—cheap enough to undersell any one in the state.
In our Cloak Department we have disposed of. more.
garments up to date than any three ordinary houses com* "
bined. Onr low prices on high-class garments does that.
Fakers who buy the name of a business bouse to cheat
the city out of tbeir just taxes consider 100 per cent an
ordinary rate of profit, today, here, tomorrow elsewhere;
no recourse to the unprotected victim.
Call at the Boston Store for Oennine Bargains.
Olsra Block.
(. Traverse City. Mich.
Grand - Opening!
and Saturday
of this weeky in bur
Footwear Crockery,
and Toy Department.
thb afteraaoa
o'idock. la toe Ladbe Ubrary room*.
Bnlnem oflmportUM b to be eoa•idared.
Mb* Barrowa baa rotBiwad from ChiaagoaadwlU aoeapy toa small store
east of Boghaa A Boxbug’s aty Drag idara te ber hair
Aromlag pariora. 8ha trill fit toam ap
prettily and ho roody fim baric — totoorrow.
Dr. A.EBomday.*rbewntto Mi.
CUmoM brt *rookfartrmWito> fu
beal^ed in lha ^lorb aad only a taw
dslsgatoa wan ia their amu Neuly
lamdlady (at dini»r>-Do,
«00 delwaUa faraished eredaatials. hbe eriUi CaU. Mr Surbo
Tbe forenoon was taken up by the ro-, StarboatdeewVea. indeed. Ma
paru of ofioera, eocamittaea aad to*
geUloK tob yearh meeting, bat b first
inthafiaUforDaxt yauk gathuiag.
On^oMOthuplasahaayatbaa man
Mowtotoetimeto ■
On Friday afternoon, fitMn two until fire p’dbdi,
Met to •■ sskms At.
Let no man accri at a yunng eoapb
ooenpytog both eidee of a front fertoe to
eamsto. Owomo. MUUagtoa. Laxtor j Uw twilight. Notonly agate, hot a wedton. Grand Bapida. Cbro. Lanetog and gJag may binge opcm it—PhUadelpbto
dug popnlarity. .daha
GoiKuaSMOD StockafBaitfhl Hei GMdi tf lUDescripUoa
Wem aot aqlltoga $1.80 abnaand
reproaeat it to be'a ls,00 sboa. We rafnad maoey wh*« gpoda are Mt aa-ws
rill be given to the ladies visiting this department of onr
Frank Friodrich,
BalUhla (
Mammoth Store
The Boimah & Lay Mercantile 6o.
JOHN BULL III IFflin Fresh Batter
Mr*. Nack Unburdans Har Mirtd
About tha Horribla GuU
densuppa Murclar.
tihy Ha Is Tbare, Accordine to
tha Viaw of Lerd^itbury,
British Pramiar.
1 br*r«4 the 4c«4 h«Jy.
tta» cor: «e»r look Chantr of tiie r>maln» Jen**'
h*n<l «rk> Ktlll in hi* foekel. but na
l»«*l«on »»» founC JoTrti »■*• *»],hU JS
7P*r» oM. wu n-JiTried and left ■ widrir
I knd a chtld at M, tii'fn* to. Kent', whiTre
I #k ram* yralerday raonilra on.oIBHal
prt. H* »a*T*r»aaHl>-Ir Can-rn
t or hla
-and whUr h.rr fit*
atlrmionx to IV rlrl or<»,Jon*d an murk
talk that I>r. CiUrne.B bad Wb aKEn: Tatad tnto ir«klB' tb* throat* ajtBlnat
OOflTIOT TTT:B J^OOOjtpUQJ Jom. ah-rJi
1*d tu the murdrr
**•, S*t.-IV>x ot
Hhaata a CaUlad
m—f IHMrlrt Atwnry.
Kew York. Nov. lE-Th* Herald aay*
tbki tnominc: JCtnarmtl Fiirnd. couti*
Ml for Ausnau Sack, wan at tb* liar.
latB Opera Hona* IM nicbt. It «a*
Mtleed when he cam* Into U>* lobby
that hc*appear<rd nervou* and Melted.
Bla extreme niTvouaneaa cauaed aoma
remarked eaatiallr
In apeakinr of the rondltlne* of a(<
■fair* In the l?rllMl Rlate* of I'-.j^nnea,
wber.' a pmilder.tlal elminr la to. be
held or Pee. B, I>r; Peuita *a''lt "They
are e»|ve, iiBE ir<.ublr th.tr. An omlnDU* feellnc prevalla, thourh
far «b-re
hem petuv. The <atn1ldat.ii nf
C<.n»*rvit11ve r
• r.vj-e*. and Car.i;
prime tnlrJster. and Arthur J. Ilalf.aio
fltst lord d(.,lhc treasury, wa* the algnal
for l<"id apAausr. I.ut the iroeptlpr t. n.
derrd to the fotrlch diplomat* laaa of
lamest charart.raa eomiuirvd with
cnlhuslariti which, last year greeled
then ambasaadur of the United Rialea,
Thomas r. Uayard
After the usual
rqul* of
siardiny army
to t'ol.-Tn. !
m ffeverrbla. •eery well equip
. ipped. Tim
Koverr [
meni 1|> holdlr* the army
Is rea
caae a'rev
'revnluilor 1* allrmpted."
Yetlrw Pev*r Aboat ru.,ed Oat.
' that he bad }uat mne from • tone Intemew with hi* rtlent. Mia N«ek. He
»at half the ptay thmuih and on coniInc out Mill; "Mra. Nark hue n.nfeaia^l.
Thal.b all I ran a^. Rhe ha* roBr«t*e^ and will E>.*on the aland to>
roorruw asaitiM Tti.en. I .annot talk
about the mailer ary fur.her 1 bava
.Blade a Bolemnpmmlaeof aecrrry. There
b BO B» of tryin* lo are me bterthere b no uae trylsE to aer any ona
da*. GreB Ur. Howe doe* ni4 kauw.
- The few other* whodokn- u are pled«>8
> Mcrery. a* 1' *m. Mr* N*ik ha*
.made a h
full roi.fe.evion—that'* all I can
•ay." •
r*t ThreuEti a IbrHM. Onbal.
The Herald iLi'.her my*: Hr* Aohse made a full r>mfe**icm
11 yeMiertby bad not uiiered
a word that «<.uld Iprrlrolnate her. Rbe
e efTort* made by the
police l>
t from her an a
huppe or ihat *he bad planntd hb deall.
and lured him tn Wwablde. I. 1_ where
Martin Thorn arlnally dKr Ibe idiontirc.
TV w'lman had been aul.Jnt t^ to the
thirty-third depree t.f the police—to
every known melh'Mj of torroent. I^he
had lieen i^'nlrODteil nith tbe.bnrtld
m^*e* of lle«h: fhe had l»een coaxed,
vheedieil and threatened. The promlae
of life h.i.! been HHd out to -her a* a
reward for a few word* that would
surely re*iiH In Thorn'* execution. She
had'remained firm durins her Impriaonroeot at pul|re. heailqoarters.
At all
• and nil
I. but (I
y Mory ahAm twid lo Betel
Mow rtte c<ve**e«. tiy what dlroct
IpRoeBCe b niH known. The atory Ura
Nark ha* told and that *hr will be
vailed uiioB to repeal to the /ary b full
/ of dramatlr intmit. She ha* described
- Bl arett lenEth her life wilh Guldenauppe. She quarreled with him fredueotly after ThoNi appeared upon the
acece. Ouldenauppe wa* violent, and
to rid tbemaelves of him abe and Tb<wn
determined to kill him.- Rhe Induced
aoldenruppe to co to Woodaide lo Inapeci a cottape wWeb she had hired,
a* ahe told him. lo conduct her buBneas a* midwife.
She sent him ud>
•fairs alone, and when ahe heard shots
she kne* Ihat Thorn had carried out
hi* promlsr. She h»« also told bow they
dlapoaed of the rrmalna.
llsbad Haka* DMrIei AUamey KIIU4 by a
.■ay <My I* V*a» bid.
Carahn. Nev.. Nov. lO.-the enUre
•tale was startled and ahorked.-ai the
murder late yesterday aflerBooh of
Charles A. Jonr*. United Btatea distrii-t
year.«ld a
bcbB. The proi
rerp <jf all cor-B.cled
r affair.
r atleodant clrcum•Uneea. and the suddenness at Ibe trapcly nbkr II one of the moM leBsatlusal
■happentrEs In the bblur>' of Nevada.
Jonuf death wa* caused by a bullet
wound tn the bead, and
a lime nys-ter> •urr.aiodtd cv<n* .rlrrumalaace
cunw of hb apeech he eulofflxed
iwlbiit work being done on our Jndlan
nsiler, iwpetUlly
iwpet'Ully by
hj the troepaoT
trOopSoT thaw
nalUe ruler* wbu hav,- lorqt wished
Hand ahouliler lo sfxailder with u
He then pnweedid In point out the n<
• of the army
.......... "the requiremenb of lmpcrUt •
coumn. . th"UsMihe ; panaion."
ptamie sill roi Ik- entirely irnni- at
Mdlsbary Ulves as Otwtiaa.
oriesr*. M.il’lle and ••lint' guff le'lni*
The Margub of fbUsbarr cn rblr£
bef, t>. Nov. Ml Th- rtK'tgtir. quarantine wa* gr-.tb-d with arvcrel minute* ut
b lifted Bl b*t. busliies* w ill K re«iim<d conlinuou* .'hecrlng. He ts'gan by .le•ml-wheel* will revolve acfcln, ifter e. pp.rirqr the ev.Blne.rw' ilbpul-. which he
BM.rlh’< Idlener*. eti SV.f’OC miles if rail
-|n«.iv<» the fuluie prtHU«ill}
ro.ds The flrsl cades at tVe.n Spr.itga j dblater of the reui:i^i^/''l.ur;dlw‘'
Mbs were re.-rted .bout the middle j
,rtad to «y there wia -a
of September and ftw th«t day unjll ,
proape«-t ilfitt the hoard of trade'#
now busirr*. tn. letulstar*. Texa*. Ar- latervenU.m would prove surcea*f,.|.-'
kanaa*. Tenrewee. Mlrwlsslppl and Ab- Mb lordship read a tebgrar- from the
hania ha* b-vr d.-moeallxed.
queen, abiing hire lo express h< w de.-p.
i ly her maj.
« d sSle martelou*
crr.ws and.Aqber
Chlesgo. Nrv. 10.—Former Judi
VIB- '
Ihe diamond Jubile^S^terYJublb...............
- . - ihe
, ^ he rnrdurt
trbi <.f Ad<l|«
..J|* I- I,ueigerl. ha* j
withdrawn frren the <
•rqii:. of nSns.
:hrsr; U*eil by the Uarqii:.
inwne. and warmly praV
duct of the Anglo-fktyptl
In Ihe P..Ddan eampAlgn.
<ame lu the leadi
psawige In hi*
r«e al lb.-second h-ailng. whkffi S
~ the IllateoUta*
I .le- railed Within Six wiwks.
I - This Irlnducd Ihe l^rslcd quesl‘i«
Dtrappeweed *. IW Lsl«. h.' ointll.'ilcg cUlma
Detroit. N'i'V n.—John P, McK>nr.«i, J and irt
<ir.-ai llriuln
fnrmerlv a w ealthy luml>erman of this j France ir. that section of \V.-*t
Miy. dlrapprared firm hi* «tate r»Rn j He anid:‘Tt might not achieve
e the gen
on the steamer City .if Alpena heiw.or ' cral ron* illnt. r>- preres* detired
ed If I . nCbetieypan and Por Honm. tbrnie of | tered frankly Into all the n.Botbll .ns
YIcKIrtfi 1.-* cl.ifhee were found In the j between thv* (M.nera''reapecfing Africa,
deierl.d Mate n-.'.., ami It I* thmicht i «’e are atl aware id Ihe great extent
that he Jump'd nverb.ard
Family and ^ terphrry
l.mse during the IsM tweti
.flnanrlat iroull.w are elven as tV ) ty year* Ir Afrlra and pul up as the oh■wed aulrlde.
I Ject of acv|ul»;t1..n b r •*v..rs1
;ing goventmei ta The ner-'.tlotlon* Ih
I. H HeMlag at* Awn.
i.nllnuClevrUt.rt, Nov. W.-Therr has
"desire Ihil t..rellin-v
Chang, f .t ih. 1- itcr In the condl- |
striri ptir<-lnlc* of tic'
Butterle holding hi*
peril} an.
i give* wan* en- pire We do rol desira unjust a
couragemrni to his family and friends.
Ttatstils al iMhat AswasBIy. '
Xsoulsvllle. N..V
Id. — There were
Ks-Bsle nenaiar ArreMed.
New York. Non
lO.-Fcrmer SUte
Benaior Wllllrni Cauldw-ell was arrestKl
yeetrrCaj and rvl«ae..d In $10,000 ball
th* ehrrwe .'.f •p^.ptiattng funds .of
f.r wh^
h fie I*
1* ttrurtee.
It* riaiiii J rab-a
C. N'
v. lE->8er'<r
lt-®er->r Moret, minis
ter of coUTle*. win aubmll In ibr calil.
net today a draft of the prerKwed Cu
ban reform*.
TB* Weather We Mv F-*pe«*.
Washinp.ai. Non. lu PeOuabc ar* tlH
aaatbiv bdlratba* for twaalT-'asr bosn
from * tL m. yes eresy For ladtaaa and IDIBSl.-Parti' ciosdy srwatberi stowb rMnc
temiata are; wai.h rly wind* P.g XWUcaa
•mrWiwtmba-ParHy elnody wratl-r; tr.fmw; llgtit Trrt bl* srt da For lows-Fsir .
—bar: ^rrasy-wind*
Harter propva
duce mlUlary
>- drill at the I.
Per DoBn,
Will present the latest and best Dress Goods
at a scale of anifomir low prices—so low in
fact they may be ialled “price amcessions,”
A look will convince you these are no idle
wtirds Will you call and give it?
10 piece.'t good Dress Brocades, worth 15c a yard, for 12c.
Fancy Brocade Dress Goods, worth 25c a yard, for 15c.
15 pieces Dress Novelties, fancy colors, worth 30c, for 23c.
10 pieces 40-inch Pompadour Suitings, worth 35c. for 2^
10 pieces Andorra Plaids, tvorlh 15c,-for 9c.
Good Black Brccaded Dress Goods, worth 18c,‘ for lUc.
Better Black Brocaded, Dress Goods, worth 30c, for 18c..
Our Best Dress GckxIs in all colors are being
sold at lower prices than ever before.
Jao. R. Santo,
nre. .tccidsol. fUmm Boiler. Pblef
and 1-kapl.i}**.' Ltabliif luswasre.
244 Front St. BroAcluBlocl^>Sff. BAKLAN, Propr.
Also even-tbioe in tbe line of
Goode promptly deliver^.
Orders by Pbone jjiven quick «tteution.
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
tmiTh MmKcIdv naed by Vapor lobalaUoa.
S. EL WAIT. DnigrisL
Free Storage for Bicycles .
E. tlUms- Repair Shop; '
eDumel^ up-to-date, with nrUstlc airipiag sad
sear KrcmL
Cutler boHdlng.
I will have a car loaj of horses in Trav
fOHN Bt'IX ts mitm.TWSIKItlUI.
I* preliminary ,
Per M.
Mala* lilna*ortf«wu llWw CxillaaTiMwe ^ kThleh He tVanU tw tie N.lEbh<w1y.b.t
RiMIBe* Jebsy Cr»|*Ml4 lo-Keep Off Ih*
thqiaMjitoMi. ilaaa.
Omo" at UrtlUb BIchU Whal the «**•
New York. N,ot. 10.—Prerldrot.lKitCM* of tbreiw AortemelbliM U th*
aua. at CtMa .ILra. hae taken a^oihei
lUsbef sad What It Kltht
step to aecure tile rr-ole<-tloB. He haa
Bovs Itoae.to Itreonv
exiled hi* pred.<v>w..fcrm. r I’reHdem
atvdrdlni: In a stateniert made b>Londoo. Nov. 1«.-The bHIUaBcy.jKthe
Dr. J. H »u», u( H-waa
H-naa del Torre, ffBtheril K at the lurd iQayur*' banquet
rr.lird Simea «f ColuRibla. v
irrlved St the (itiud Hall last cvminc wa*
somewhat ruarred by the Uikeib ct
mournlnf for the late Ouchsta •4’Tevlt.
I.lmoD." nald T>r. Feuaa. "I heard that
Mcra had been exiiHl. He venl to w.me A majority irf the Udis* pr*nra( wore
eiiunlry. •
leh'rta* rows* .if btark or dark gray. The enliao<-e uf the Manjul* of ttallriiuiy.
Ihnucbt the <i|>|M.JIIon '
plain Great Britain’* iKwIilon as fol
low*; "Our Abject* are sub-lty bual
ne*s. We wls« to eisendl commerce,
trade. Indualry aiwS tlvlllsallnti; to
throw open a* many market* as pnwil.
ble, and to bring together as many conand prcducer* aa powai
puaMble, and
tbe grsal natural highways snd
and In doing tbear ihlnga-whllr we
wlih to behave In a neighborly manner
snd lo show due cansidetatloti for tbr
feelings and cbltna of others—w* are
obliged lo say that there b a llmll lo
l*e of this itartK ulsT net <.f
f„,,oxs. sod w*
low our pbio
rtxht* to be ov.
Kb lordihip then pawed OB lo apeak of
e BllunUcai In tbe
erse City od Saturday, November 13.
Buropeao concert had failed i J piev.
Greece from going lo w ar. Ini' had *i
ended In prvserN-ing th.- i>ea
rope. It war., he aul.mltt.Hl. a
The total nrc Icsoe* of October In liie ' cert to avert that clamlty. He coiiUrlied Btatea and Canada agEr-gai. tlnoed; "Had the c.ii.crt exerted all
I Jt, fo,.,,
pnient Greece from going
To^> and tomorrow the^Noi^hwe,i. ] to war the resiwnWi.lllty might have
Brigg. Houae
the map." frith referen.e to tbr Cretan
Tmie Arelrraun. a pailenl in a Rl. qaratlon hb lordship uhwned that thb
•ulelde. i.ut n.. weapon belnp foand on
hb prr*..n r,..r mar the a^che at Ibe Paul horgiltal. bsk been kept alive fur was atlll unsettled. I.ul added;
Concert of Kurope b like a steam roller
MmmIbc 11 l.ecame evident that hb flv* weeks by anlficbr respIraUune
gnat power, but IllUe speed.”
death had le-r caused by another. Knd
as hour bter y<.unx pulanar surreBder*
bury Mild; "One b.qw -wt. have of preed trimarlt ai ih-'nhetlfr* office and cob-. days longer. Is di-sd st Muclr. Ird
A 6->-esr-n1d l..y fell from a forty.fort venilog Ihe compeililuh of aymamenl*
fesaed to the kllI.r.E.
The aiatemer.i . f ihr youth, who b vbducl at Jat>e»N ille. Wb, and suffered among Kuropean le.wer* ending In a
BOW is JaU. b to Hu- eiT*,r that immedl- nc more Injury than a bad rut uo the terrible effnri for mutual destruction,
fatal to livUliaUun. b that Ibe power*
atalr prtof to the ahe^n* be-had ob- head. ^
•erved hb tiMcr lalklr* to Jemea. with
George Browa, Jr., of Indiana a son may graduaU} be brought to act to
gether tn a friendly spirit as to all
whom hi* father bad fcrbirlden tnrrlr
of Admiral Brown, retired, has been apquenloBS that may artae. until at last
Uon. when "be *uw Dr. llubnan ap- palmed by the president an saBslant
they ahall be welded Into some liRerpruarblnp. Bellerlnp trouble to be Is- paymaatrr In thv osvy.
nallonal conalrucUun which will give
evluUe when lb* two mas *h.,uld meet
The aitriRi.l lo start a movemenl In the world, aa the result of their grest
the bc7 pracored a WlBChemer rlDe and Ihe Central Labor union fur the erection
strength, a long spell of unfettered comalatloned bUDaelf at a window f.-r the of a Henry Geuige memorial bulldluk at
mrrvc. prtaprraua trade and conUnual
purpose, aa b* •ay*, of proleeilnc bU New York has fallen through.
P~«." - ______________________
father. Upos eneduBl*Hnx Jonea. Dr.
of rellgigus estfanaiBnn has
Oubnan aaJd it bits: "Thb b i :he l.st seised' the aisdetita
r Sr-*.*li coUege,
lime I Aall ever wan you a«alni
WaibingtoB. Nov. 10 -Coasol Oeuater
Nimhamplon. Mass., and rrvtrml meec
Ins company with my danrbter.
at Crcfeld, Germany, reports lo the
Inga are held two and three times s day.
JoBCB irered at the doctor lO comment
State department a dlaccn-rry
The farmers of Brown rouny. Wia.
upon bl* warnlSK. and allpped hb hand will.form t ed-opcra'tlve sJBUclaUon. there which It b aal<] rvvolutlunlsm the
IrJo hb riffbt band pocket. JuUas aUter through which they expect In buy their method of lUumlnaUon. It b aa Inthat harms often heard' hb faibei farming marblncry and many other ar- candc•^e^t gas.'A single Jet of ordinary
thrraies to kill Jones, and haviBt bseij llclra.
abe can cfflii a light of auch more than
Informed that the dMrtct atlorBer al
LOM candle power and fine print can
FIX drunken tndlsos tried to ukc P<aIW feet.
ways ■••tried a rerolrer, which ho be semicn of s atn«1 ear at Green Bky. be read at a^btaiM
lieved from JoneW mofkis wa* aboBt.to
Wl«. Th* redskin* were arrested after - Blie«lea CiseeplliaSw Oarah HaCtera.
be drawn, (he boy flred at JoBe* In BB**m**dersWe damage bad been done lo
New York. N<ye. IS—Greater New
Udpaiioi. hr an aiurk upon bb fatber.
Jeee* fel) forward dead. Uc bulrt
Oeesul Oeewral de Cartte at Roma tHMS the nne havlnc eoterod abort bb
agrapbs the state dapartmeet Chat tbe
f1**l eye and pasad out at tha seek
IialbB wheal barveat tMa year ta
a odr taro dloecaaa la tbe aaeae dty. a MtuabeWBt. Mb. OutanaB. a<mtBff 3<wm
g|.m.f« buibeia abwR m i
It. last tioa which tbe etaareb agpraaaly torfaa. threw herself «pcn him and cmyaaFa pewdueUcB.
Weight from 1200 to 1600, Come and see
them. Will be as good a load of horses as
were ever brought to Traverse City.
You rail save from $15 to $20 by buying
a horse from me.
All horses not,,as represented will be
made good.
Can be seen at the Cutfer barn, Uaipn
Street. •
Want Ads'Pay!
Cost Light
Take Off
Year SciBens
And put up STORM SASH. If yon haven't
any we’d like to make yon tome.
The Record J. e. Grenick co.
eo to
■lb* twiin<SinB\1«r
iard Frlloward the JndrWorkmen vf
Sprinstleia. tlta..
Mo War irittk I'Arl* ^
MadHd, Nerv. 1«—In resitanae to a
eal'lo mea»ce from a nmi>(dldal AitirrIran aouree Frenr Saeaita. the ffremle.-.
I l.aa aeot tbe rolloerlae rabled ^laiatluo liimueb Senor Pupuy de Xaunv.
AS4 Will rir« KMvln- «ha AtIMUoB a( the Spanirti nilnlater at M'aehInKtor.:
Aloiw. ^Ator WUrfc II WIU "Ao far'from B'^kinp a'lnviexl to de
Ba UooiJalrr*^ liy iMrtcr. I'MOcrfot*. clare aar aaalnal the Unllrd Statrr
Dr. A. B. 8pinncyv«f Detroit, atac
Spain would rrirard It aa a relirfnrtunr tuusl be delivered.
Yea Chinamen arv s«od miner* We IproprJe'.orof Need City Sanitaria
a To »* am IbHr »ah> to l« ctvrn the ori aohm for aueh aa un
where I e
happy reoolulKxi. Ablmaled aa ahe !• haw Isrre mliilujt ImortwO In th- w**k
town,, t...................
by the niiaa amloal-lr MCllmmla to and many Chinamen work for ua
We |Temain for one day only to irive
'WMhIneirr, Nor. 10.—Colonel Poatcr ward tbe rreat repulillr, Spain hope* QBJr net mm Immedlairly If there ii;nick aa oppoiiunity to coniult him
•ad Sir JulUo Psannefote eunferredyeM of Amerli-a that tbe latter alll dn lu
reai®n m believe tbe Mrikera wiK 1 that cannot ace
see bit
bim af
tarday aa to the anncemeDli ^or the almoal to fortify aenllmenu of friend
Thai rqporl about a mock-: The doctor has so muen latui in xne
-thia-we are In duly hourl !e»perieuc* he baa had in trcatinr
•SMUnp of Iinilah. Canadlas and Am>r- ablp for the aake and welfare nf hotl
r |irri«erty. and the Uv,-» of chronic disease* that he wiU give on#
loan mrcx oiallvca relBlIvc to Brbrtne sounlrlM. while al the aamc Umt r*- to pri t,
month's treatment nnd medicTne free.
•>o<-t1ns the rl|ThU nf Spain."
Also rxk» auaciCAL oPKaaTiona to
Rareelona. Nov, 10—A areal meatira CatiK.n Hill *
raached Ihai (be arrival yrMerday of Bir
af ttepubltran* «rn held lart rvrnina ai
WUtrld Laurter. Ibr CanadtaB premier,
All that he aaka in return i* that
the Theater Tivoli In ttaU clly. Afl.i
asd party aould permit tbe meetlaa to addremcB by popular Republlran oramake trouble we wiu employ men to ; every patient will state to their friend*
• open os lumorruu.
ta today
cuatd the pn-ml*e* "
, the resiilu obtained by hla treatment.
Ukely to be flvrn l« an czchanae of i
^Sam Hoy.
-mayor ** rw,ioai.,*o.-I ^Wornuof chronic diaeMea
1 this
Vlaira between the Caradian* and Betl-
:«,New Departure!
iah. The. UrtUab amlwtaadar aceom-paoled tht premier to tbe While Houm Deleliiwllon of Corpui Chriml on
- Uil* momliia
btm tt la«l year, tnaelher with explanatlot;*
to the preeldent.
This was a call of •Of the arbitrary use the aulboiitie* have,'
Vnade of that ausiienslon. and of the ru-'.
oouites)-. however, and ll wai hot exmored Inqnlritorial proceedlns* asalnat
peeled that any of the pendica quv^ anarchiet* at Monilulrh fortrewa. The**
tlona would t« ref'-ired to. 7^ iirUlsh reaolutlona the meelinx directed to .be
embany bad czieodid an Invllatlue to lent to the xovemmenteir Wilfrid lb be a aueal durlna him Mar
here, but hr bad determined io reman
with the other Canadian reprraeniailrra
Which Look* a UHi* Uka a daka aa iba
. al the SboTvham. w bvre auarter* had
baee eiiaaaed
Cairo. lUa. Nov. lO.-Lquto Wllmot.
MaeUBa Will 1>fca a tirwad anap*It la now deflnllely reiiUd ihai'the ,ef tbl* city, raised a curlcadly In hi*
•Oinina maellna will take a much hroad- sarden thtt summer in tbe shape oC a
ar a>-ope than was at Hrai anilrlpated. esbbase with sixteen well-developed
He. Is an ardent admirer of
At the ouloet there will Iw a catnparl*.>n faeada
of noiea between the Mlexperis—Ham- Hryan. and Ihnusht the leader of the
free HIver force* mlahi be plad to have
Tbompaon for Crrai llrlialr and Pro- tbe M-to.4 veceuldc. Hr wrote Bri
feaaOT Maeoun for Canada. Tbe Cana- an. telUhs him of It. and oSertne to
send It to him If he would aco^t the
dlae premier and
Julian Paunrefoir
ahfeni from home.
. .
lyed. but- a day nr
win be preaent In an onofBrtal capacity,
ready to take up tbe lamer pbaaea of two since Wllmot recHred Ibe followlnt
pply from Bryan:
tbe quealon when Ibe aval expeni have
*1fy Dear Sir: Tour favor has }u*t
eoncluded their ezrhanse of lechnltal
' thank
ink you
Information li Is aaJd Ibe relatlona exyour czprcmicma of rood wrIU and If
IsUac belwpee Oreal Rhlaln and Can
ada make it emenlUl that all quealiona you aUH have the rnrloatty you menof an Imperial character riiould be con tlon and wish to send it to me you may
cluded by (be direct reprenantativea of do aa and I wtU pay theexprem eharrro
With beat wlabes for your health and
tbe Imperial fOvemmenL
proaperliy. I am. x'ety truly youra
aaallBc OafMtaa Ip Cmb* rp nrwt.
Al tbr oame time tbe preaenre of the W. J, Bryan.TTw cabbare ,vras shipped at onew.
Canadian premier t* expacted to awlol
In reaehlna tqteedy cnnclailona without Wllmot value* tbe letter vary birtlly
will preaerre
it I* am auto■ anlR* II
WawM Hsahh raal ilalL
practii__________ ____________,
for years?
Are you diaoourared?
Call audacens,we will tell you whether
we can,cure you or net. If we cannot
cure you. we will tcU yoa what relief
we can rive yon.
^Remember, one month will be
abaolately free—medlcinca, anrcical
operationa, and the benefit of all oar
akili to all who are too poor to pay.
Our metboda of treatment UaU that ia
known by all tbe achooU, with the aid
af electricity, that moat wonderful of
all agenta In Paralyaia,
of Power.
Rbenmatism. and all diseases of the
nervous system.
Go early, aa my
office ia always crowded.
tHMM carsd bT"12iri?‘.‘r*u w^llrn’ramdla
. .rank
I pay for six roonttia . Major Bnckr
- w-at charred with conduct prellrial to rood order and mmtary dlallre, ronMMlnr of 5n*cl-nce to Aaalstant Adjutant General Bmllh. apd In
refuslnx to.Ufce car* bvrv on the Chi-
Suits to Order.
imMk af~sa~Aawd Al^imaaM.
■fvd. K. W. BAmKOa la
block mil*
Fire Insurance.
TboagbUy—Well, old
Maud you B|iplied iur a .gnud poaitioo
yuoierdaj- Wba'
Uacky Jim i__ ______
CincuioaU Cwmmtkuial
"1 MW turn with hu am annrad
Grand Rtpids k Indiui R. I
*’ln the waits. yoaRnow."
“ObU—UiKuwD PoA.
{ o-s. I r.w. -Lr.
{II t» eooTrwT.citr
6ba—1 hear yen have Joat got t
I er! I w Hal
••Wirgina haaa new typewilMr sM.
"What betBBW of tbe other OM?"
"HermaUinc waa aoonclnal that bl
her to r> in for dialect wHt* iThkncn Eeoewd.
Attorneys at L*w.>■*** IB Msaueve niark.'Tchrar** CKjr. lUek.
: irsaiawEl tb* Pmst of asy aaaliariaa ar ha*plul I* (b* Ualtad Bum*.
Remember, we give a written ruai
ante# to cure every caae of PiLES and
I RUPTURE. Also, we f ivea l^y;nr-ln
ho«piial department it our San><
Ijum. Send for Journa'.
ratnoftATiox TO u BtsmtirtKD.
ce to the >H>un«-ll chamU-r Mnnday nlcbl ultli the mlvr
mivnilon of ehnefams
hi* Ilalm Io fame 0* a
ordliani-e will proMbll the plsylna
fi«i iwll otaywhere wHWa tbt city t
111 of the cUy of OUcaao-
New Tork. Nov. W.—The death yeateiday lal the aye of It) of Hear Ad
miral Alexander O. KblBd. L'. R. N..
cloaca the life of our of tbr moat dsriac
of the naval offlerra^f this country.
Ev«r Boraed Oat?
, 'If ao you know
tbe value of
Chlcaco. Nov. 10.—Aldeniiar. i'hdka.
•tilsh hal iMdorieiy. Kwk another Fine
Merchant Tailoring.
anlhariiliS In the Chlcafo Cbtnear col.
ony. say that the |dan of Impon.lnf
Monkullan miners faam Wynmlnx to till eVB. EAR, THROAT A.NO LUNd
doctor. He irraduthe slMklnc miner* at DISEASES aa the
from Cleveland,
ated 87 yean apo
Braldwood ba* fallen Ibrouah, and that---------------------------.........................
Ohio; waa 15 y<
the BKvnt of the BII Companie*. h»«,Ohlo5
years in jme^al practlcc; after that lectured as Professor
served notice on the coal company that tice;
he will be unable to suimly tbe necaaal» of the coal com-; Homeopathic Medical Collee# for*
sarymen. The ntnclals
that the years; waa 3 Tcaru fiunerinteodeut of
paoy. howeva-r, said yrwterday
coBIracI with U|e Sixt Companies I* still Alma and YpaiUnu Baoitariuma.
“ lit experience, comhioed with many
la Mfecl
*ra' att^y io the beat boapital* in
the civil
for^rlhich be received tbe
at tbe stuck on Kori Fisher that be
woo hi* areate*( rehowa. Assisted by
Ueuiensm PreoUm and a voluniaer
from hi*
with m
r abd bo^ba set to
axplode by
fk. w^^owad cloaa
'9 tbr ton.
Tbe offleera and men were taken oS
by tbe atoamer Wndrmro*. The powder
boat blew up as expected. Ihii did little
Injury to the fort. ThI* uperallon was
l>y neneral Hrnjareln F.
ter and Admiral Piuier. nvbe detailed
tbeuffleen and Id hi* niwrt *ald: -roramander Hbind ind
BriUab forelan oltlce. The formal execu
■had madr an arran«*m*nt to aactUce
tion of tbeae conclurlons will devolve en
tbamache* In ca»>
tirely on the Imperil! aulhnrillrw In
hoarded, a thini: Ilk.ly u. happen."
X-ondon and their r*pretrntatlve here, f^ewaa«»r«^Ke^
the BrilMi ambawrador. It was mid at
John A. Willard, of Mankalo. Minn..
the state departra*ni yeslerday that Ih*
RprinrHeld. Ills. Nov. 10.-The Und- weli-lcnewB aa a millionaire a
1 hanker,
Rret ol l«'i wool4 lie to reach a'aetlle- Inx* were yesterday mad* public of tbe
mm or iheHehrinc aea queatlon. and court martial which recently triedllajor
with that out of the way there would be
John C. Buckner. conunmidlnK tbv
ev*ry dlepoelltlDn to favorable poni'erNinth batulhm Icvlurvd). IlUool* Na
erre nr herder Immlimul'iii. Canadlantional Guard
He wa* found rullty of Amerir-an Iriereet* In the Klondike, re- all rhe'rbarxes and apect'
clproeitv. and the other queeilon* which mu the a-cond charrr. «
Sir Wllfrid’and bl« aeaoclaira reparJ -i-Inr ble triKHia before ,
parwmourl to the Rehrlnx *ea liwue.
WMailaa aa Thai SaKleet TaBetbe nLt
Tbkaa l> by Caagirat.
W^lnaton. Nm-. 16.—One of the flna
measure* nf public Importance that win
come up for mnalderatlon '
next wwelon will be k bUl |o
milled to
an leaderu In tbe hnose and aenate win
devolv lhv:r altratlon
aarly In
last Gongtvm i«**ed aa
Clevriaid, will, vetoed it
The bott»*
prumpili |>a**rd Ibe bill over bl* veto,
but ouiiii: to.tbe lack of time the
oU did nol.act Upon It. The man who,
wa* i.hiiirman of tbv iwmniittev on ImmlgiaU..u If. the house-at that time—
lianholdl of Mlaauurt—oH>«ed tbr bilk
When F|H-ak,-r Heed a|-pulnt<-d bl*
oommlts-va foi this cotinv** be «upplanird Ur. ItarUiuldt a* vbatrman by
Dsn Fold, at whK whude In m-mpathy
with th, admltii»lr*li»n on the Immlgrallun qU'vtlrti. || ir llk< l> that the
.UU which Ptva^di^t Cleveland' vei
inaj be ahum
satisfy Ihpw who oppotMNj
Creixhton ri-nde-red an Iniervatln* deelRton inanlnsuranreeaae. Klixa Niaa-’
ban bada <U.rinaxaiiu4 the UittuallAfe
Jiimrance t^tnpiny. of Wairrlor,. la.,
The d -fendsnl pl> aded «h*«
It wa> not 11<N-r«0d to do burincm m
rillncl*. and ihM It had no ppwer.te
enter Inlo a •ronirari with Ih^.lnanred.
Judffv Cr^lxhloh FUrialm-d tbedemnrrer
to tblF |.lea, holdlu* that tHHt-com|4I-'
eio- ulih the Innirani'e lawa of th*
riate wa* no jToutid for ibe defendant
to avrfd II* ftWB contra,i
<%‘ra#o. Nov. la—Crneral Manaccr of
H. V. Taylor, of the Ih* Pour Wllraln*“
iOR Coal oumiwny. When acen repaidlna
.......... .JB BalUmilorpki^ya
tbr alleced.Intention of the comiiany to
oa^^d. MelUilaa 4c Alb. H*-if
work Chlniwe In the mlnn. aald; "I hart
no acatenient to make aa to Chinamen
bains hired by the i<tmi«ny. but ]
•ay that \\i- mu«l have mvii to woik
-mine*, and the nallui.sliiy make* no
DO dlfdK- :h*r«4and<F.
He- .
ferenoe. - Tbe compaity would mui-h ptefer to have the Dten rrium to work, and
I ibink ircry ciiamv' has been stves
them to do so. Jl u now six month*
Cbal Campway Hm Ctoairwala pendent ScaadI
II HaM rainil.
I America, with I
le l<«:boiu>d Ball*
I at the British*
American Co
• Begin*
ning Probably Toi
cleat TM«c
Alltand b
■' TBtl<rM.
J *. BkOWK. Altot-ter a
). Lav. nperIM •I.eBIKi
MroBn-raaclBS til *>001
■ ^’llwMf^l^oa bewneb airtveaMlinea aa.
UnrtoProbBteprartiee.' 1
Bstllr On. Blork.
SibSSS.'Sisiriisiitr “ West Michigan.
and will aucBAprowpiU to ah da) or M#hi
Fprinjrflcld. I
. 10--A dele*aofliclala beaded by
Pewident Cartwrlahi. of tbe.Springfield
"ilv^lMtl.t waited ..n Oovrrnor Tan
yrat^rdij- 1 n rvssrd to Uiarumori'd
Importafn of a Urcr bod> of CUoeae
miner* B>io thr Braldwo,*! Avid. The
governor rzpreaaed
] the whiir mlnetw. and said that while
; hr could not reMrict Ibr Iminriatlon of
,lmr* hr would not prr[.the
velir the state branng
1 mil
Id be |•rnnll the prewnce
; of arravd *x-<*hlci,
, A* guards io tli,- CMm-sr.
. p,"'.r ha,
irdnni-d I-ifkr Flint,
has wrretl iBx munlha
of a yi-ar * sent* mv to the *laie prison
Film plcaih-d guilty In
tnit Judge Mssllnga. who
feni-tired dtlm. In a-lHlcr to the govI ernot etate* that Flint was drunk when
The new bill wlU protidr for th* 1
' he mad- the pl-a. and (bat he has since
clualoD of AoarctalMa It will aim to
lat filnt
v.-r-d that
was mitlmpUcated
keep out tbe ignorant clames of ImmlIn the offense li
graii's who form thr dangerou* >irBHMit* In thr oUlM. It will exclude tbe
men In reruiln skilled branches w ho arc
loc. N,.v. IC-Aaa istanl Postacrust.ntR-d to come to America In bu*y
ister Generat Heath yiaietday made
■eawin*. Uke the place* of better paid
rangemenia for the ouneolldalldn of
Amerltan labor, and thru when times
BtoOlce* In the tinrinlty ..f Indlanaiware dull g" home again to spend Uirlr
In cgnfr'TTnance with the "Greater”
saMnin there. It will discriminate
Pirtcen addltioral
agalnM FTvnob-Canadlan* and other* carrien will be allowed and aall*fartor>'
w-ho are clUsena of a forAjm govent- clerk provtslont will be made. Four ni
tnent. living acran* tbr border, but who five posicBlce* will give place te poM'
onler the I'nlted 6Uto* In Ihe-moralng. office auilnna and aub-aUllona
eotn|R.-le witb American lalior, and go
Chicago, Nov. ie.-Pa**eagrr traffic
Powderly, comml^oner
generator Inwlgra'tlirD.aaystherelscry.- en western road* la rapidly Increasing.
Ing nerd for an amendment to the Im- Reports show that recenl earnings are
mlgrallon law-a which will prevent tbe tar In advance of those for the roireMWidlng period last year. Th* ImproveIntroduction uf
noted is not canAnad to any
s oouotri' through Canada He
dlsoeveru that large numbere of Immi
grant* are
unloaded at Quebec and
other Canadian port* and atalp|>rd Inlo through traffic.
the state* without being. oMIgtd.in unMo^^kN Trial Owe
to vhlch Immli^nt.
viattm.da,Nov. lA-The Novak
a-,- Minjreted who land at AmeiKan e.r (rial was railed In tha district conrl
aesi-^rtaThleetil. he thinks tfcouM be'";,the gt^
wractad. and he will Iwlng the njatterij;^
forenoon ^^y to secure a
dtrecOy to the ^enllon of oongreaa
j^. a* the Mate evidence wUl be alBVgOBBDt or MIX at rmu
moat Wbony
Closely upon that polMWashlngioa, Nor- IE—The guTeni'
msnt has baas appaalad te to hehAlf of
whairr* who art lf*.bnsnff lb UM air.
«1r. of whaw-aiuiaiion Ih* fullowlbg It
JNHni liKirow
tneh. ThatM ar* now______________________
kg In* naar that |0k>*. Tha Mhlll—
towman Newport. FiiItoM, iMBhlt
Teas ara
„„ , V In aiieitdanc* al the fail aa
Bilun. whU-h 1* b
U. of ih* Faimcr Hnut*.
TwwH** iBMoallr MUM.
Qn«1w«. Kvh., Nov. l»~Th* belifr
' ~
IM Mt>iua«d
To Young, Middle Aged, and Olt| Men-eakeeraw. we ran gito perKantal tvUef. Atoulau eanw* gnarai
- -....... 'XUS cared wUbnut ■rid*, knitr. pain or Mur!
SrwbameVrraODeol. fnwpmic* and ebrap.
h To care eecry raw ol I>7i(wpMa. tUek Bradarba
are anBl4e to rail con wriw full pankuli
wwUn engera. with full iratraeUnw. how u. he take*.
Tbe SiS ol Or*. K- a A Co. wan iocortwraled wrera
hrereynitakeaiccaoeeollraaeaiplertaeai- Therae
“““ DRS. B. S. & CO.
B. J. 3UCOIIC3--A.it
Txa-iT-oaroo 0±M^,
If You Have Logs fo Sali
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. Wc have for sale Good,
Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for tale. Mill Machinery, of all
deacriptiona, including a Enginea, Set Worki. Carriages
andSawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Fir.tT«v-No- IM-
::J^Q\ to Have a New Journal?
belpe peo^ to uV^tbe beat way ia i
true ChriaUftS work. TVe eoidelT wUlj
WIU Par.tbo PandlMtae thee,eobjeeufte. part of *^L,««-~aiT*DTB®T*B»AT
altp Tomorrow.
workof theohureb.^^ ^
Ban PTaoetaoo. No*. lA—WuUam
The eubJwU yrelerdftj
I Bonry Tboodorrf tturrani, the eon•ented bv ttlke. •» follow*;
«ura.r»r ol
••The Kliehen and lu Appoint OlUl Vnai >.»■. B-t BO.U o. th.
BoM« of BdontlOB Soot Oot •
mbU." Mr*. II J- Mor^a.
nlabw w WoA Vp o OuoniBH•The Dlnlii« Boom.” Mr*. U Boh_aew wait « am*T *»—•Hla attorney* w—,--------—
••Torol Imp.O»«n«» 0»4«dBoplaoa thoOld Andrew dob
tampt to aecarc a farther delay, bat
VMbiaftoa'o Birthdoy to »• 06•Maott and Tboir PrMantloa:'’
Vanned by 46 Ve. ai»a 8 0«c**m Jadpe ItahrebrathadaeideaUleebnkBl
•orroi in tbo Bokooln.
Mr* B. C. Doftpftm
Tottord^ aftarooon; the ^ time ahjectioat and ordered Darraat trf” b*
hanped next Friday.
It WM n qunrtorof nine Ukt n5»M
before ft qooram of U»e board of odoeo-, readffomlli*
------------- - Ladloe' Homo Jonraal.
itedI to a
ft Tiew
Tlew Ol
of one o*
of Uftclo ~
. Uon oenld be ftMenbted. MeaDo- Ooeh- ] b.v Mr». B. MonUfM.
,MMla TheArim. c**c*fal but bnalItn. l^boft. Boond. MoBftU nnd Niob-1- A .HreJy nod —
Tw. the
». i(OT-.——• of «a«* anb•
««r« In <ood ftOftMO » at-1 foUowwI
J«tA A
froat many aoefal thin** w««
toad the ftdjoaPBoAmooUft*.
at IS o'clock upon a tour ol iaftpocU^
mayor waa auroldably deulood and HtentioBod by dlltereat ladle* to help HlethobuelnmeoftheOroobamto inthe
boueekeeper. The profram
BBOthor wa» waemiry before the board
^oet all fttoam and eaillnjc craft on the
oonlddobaMneea Iboee prment wait- waetaehanre of Mra C. J. Kaeelaad. lake*: examine their paper*, life oaT«d ftOBie Umo to bopee that Frank -Ne»t Wedneeday the eoeioly wlU iac faeUltle* and general oonditipn.
Frioditeh woold tom up, but they Bteet todoeewlur.
The etoamer/baeoent wa* oabjeetod to
The next pr*c»*» "‘U be ‘‘ Bread.
waltod in Tain. Frank haa attOBdod
tho aoaal teet and paeeod
bat oao meeUnr eiace ho waa eloewd
oation by the oaeer* of
to the board and hla oolleffao* Ihourbt |
that he mtrht porhhpft break hie record
Boon alim tho boat arrtrod aA^
Aa t'raak dW notehow up f'rank Smith WUl Forw.n Mow Voatai* in the of cuTioaftiapoetator* and aeroral amawaa eoBatderod a poeeibUity. bat Mr.
Farmen' Inotiiato- -Fine Fro2^I^ph«* crowded tho dock.
Smith waft aloo not torthoominr. Mr.
franift Fromiood
but they w»..~—---------- •^bw dnally thoapht of Mr. Moor*
*jfte-Ore»hamdid wot oome to the
Tho anneal aieeUnr «< the Farmer*'
and omrtod oat to hunt him op.
Ik. but aaeborod a half mile from
laetltute ba* com* to be on* of the Importent rnthorium of the year amoar obora.
wrT^ the meeting proceeded. Mr.
SapraaeoUtiTe* ol the Mi»ns(i*« Kncthe farmer*, and tho meoUan to *bl*
CbohlU wat ehooen chairman.
eoanty eompai* th*o*ably with aay la om> aoMPtwl a cordial ln.H.t»a fro
The committee on bnlldin(* nad
the Btato. The farmer* of tU* rafiod th* eommaador tolnopoet the Tomel.
ttronndft rapartod that after aa InraeU.
Tb* Orofthom U the aew iutobm eattw
watloa the beat plaa in their opinion to ar* in tho lead in aU matter* portaln.1
la( toacrlcaltors aad fruit {Towlar.
remedy tho aaaitary dllUcnlty in the
'lo“baUd|nnd at the InotiUW many TalunhJ* u,.
Oak Park oAool bolldlnc------tt. .I— ol U« .OJ
ideaftaro oxehaAC^
on* in
- partition*
In *Bo
ih# •--------Tble year the m*ell*F will ho hottar JohBMa. Sh#l*th*fla**t*o»«W»“»
—— tkat the draft woald Boteany
etaft oa the lake* and to deoifupd to
foal air to tho upper part #1 tho baud- than er«r. The eooretary. E. O.
-ood omrle. ami *poo«- 8he to a
iBf. The report wao aeoopted aad Uo Ladd, ha*
mi* aad baa ^t oaeem* la tb. Uttar lanpwrt
' raoommondaUon adt^lod. Tho oam- arlth the fttalo
•aftlly umA* 17 knot* an
oeoa pe^wwT* _
tcood ouUlde
mltlao woo inotracted to hare the worii
taleai tai^tioB to that obtain bo^. TertwoatymUe*. Sh. to haUt
aUe at haaa. One of the featnrw •t .tool, to 815 foot OTOr aU
Bocardiar tlA dofoetft of the fanaee
wiU he a lalh on the ealtiTatioa and oa tho wator Unm Horbardo^K#
la the Oeatt^ baUdlaf tho oommitteo
lOB*. Her armamot to a alx pound l*F/ as extra rood Womn Wlro Kprias com
•acpwled that tire r<«MA be replnood pruainc of fralL Ulaatiutod with ftteriopUeaa tIow*. Thto addrom wUl he id Irlac can. which can oeud a 'buM plete for St.oa IT voa want wood bed*
with new oae* and lowocad. This oaf
leatthrae w* can lell yoe a pood bolld well made
by Bolaad MorrlU. oae of the ihroucha ' bed and aa extr* pood SprUf to SS.TL
Two Cent*.
Well, we’ve pot eyerytliiog you need in the
Blank Book line, and our prices tell the story.
Ask for these even if yon don't wrwt to buy
now. Yon will some day.
SCO FRONT sTiierr.
IS A HOMELESS PLACBBemomber yoa can
PWtam* framed and anfrunmd
or ha*e your owa plcdnran fraaaed.
It Was a Worten Wh’o Said...
“It takes a great many
things to be enough to choose from.”
at Haskell’s Bookstore.
axo. miOoto.
At THIS STORE jon have a most refreshing range of
choice in Coats ana Wraps. What's new. what's good,
what's desirable, are shown here—and many of the styles
shown here arc to be seen nowhere else, in this section.
'‘wt ~ Ladies’ Jackets. $3.76 to $16.60.
Ladies’ Capes, »1J» to $16.00.
^Another attraction, aad pa* that wUl ThoUtUrare; A. B- Daria. oapUU: 7ABC eo^w-MB——-w.—
Mhad teTeeticatA. Vaa Bcakorck. *ee«i4 U command;
•d the diffiealty with the eoaduetoia be a rar* treaL U an
Satare Btady by Dr. Bealxrf the B- BUcoly, third lleuleaaat; F. E.
and eoaled bid* wor* ireoeatod. Arm*
CU**a. Thto to eopodal- Owui. ehtel oafUonr. B. W. B^.
A Oole oBored to eupply aew pattor* . Anricaltaral
B. C. l^riAhi. nneoad nm
for SK aad the Hannah A Lay Mereaa- ly
• tUb Oo. aaked *S5 for tho job. The ooa- tha Hlfh *ebool wUl be eloeod that •totanti P. H. Vberrotb. C. E. J
afterwooB logire all the papitoaa op- •eoad Ueatonaate.
Uaot wiaawardod to the Moreaatile
The oSoer* are aolfcll bera ■
portanlty to hoar It.
The date, flxed apoa for tho la*Utute ^
«r* In oenunand of two »Mam
CUrfc Blekotdotatod that larfo puanar* Thaiuday and Friday. Doeambar W Uanehta on duty at the ”Soo." Tbeee
------------------ -Unnehe* ar* aUached te the OreeMi________________ the nao of th* aobool. and IT. ■Ehe cruft to propelled by a triple ex
and that a* mach ol it wa* boafbt
naatioB encine of the Uuet model, and
or A FAI.U
from farmer* it weald be wtoe to make
• sno knemm BOWer. ftftd tOUf boii.m
hOlUn do
duty below, two of them U oenaianl
BTt the other two Im emer^emite*..
-- --------------------------The boat to Stted with all modem ooo-1
^ BirnmU’r vritfa enrpenmnaiTTTatiilT aheald be aant to th* «om- daaghter.ot Mr. aad Mra. Dan McMal- ^
machUeahop, arm* room*. |
miUoe ca baildUn $ad rroaaito. who len of th* pMUftBla..fen from the|^^
aad euatnlaed
faeillty for perfect eerTlee
-or Uelr
»«eir teeidenoe
------------wo^ aathorixe the eitt clerk to pay pnroo of
a -paUful injury to eoe of her armn. •a .board. The quarter* of the oBoera
tiupartateadeni Urawn eU^ Uat At 6r*t it wa»thoa«ht that It wa* are »odel* afneaineea and comfort aad
fnn-y Ol the teacher* were dc^roua of oiaruly a *pluU. bat n wmtlnaeil swell- tiled u* attfueUtoy. Th* quarter* el
themed and petty ofieerAtho-Ah «t
AUandiac the mectinr of the North tny of the arm *u«f«ftted a-moi* *•*!' Michidan Schoolmaetora’ Club U Oad- Ou» ihjaiy. On Moaday tha firl wa* qalle *o due are not V-« oomfortabl*
Ulac on November s« aad 87, the two broaebt to the city and a pby.lelnn
day* loUowUy the Thank*cl»U* bolU- consettod. bat the arm arae *e badly **B^e* the mlx-poand fua.l whkA to
dky. He
■UCTeetod that
ai- •woUen that ft wa* Imponaibl* at onoe , mounted at tha how, tihere to an entfli
«»e auaaeasM
ss»» they
—-y be
— —
lowed the addltioaal day efl and that 'to detormin* wtet^er the arm wjuj of amall arm* for twenty men. oonfttoibrvknnornot. dldie to *tUl U care of ine of mndaxlne rifle*, catiaeeoeaad reit he made ap on W^iaCWa's birth
day. February 85. Mr. Moore thouflht a phyriciaa U the cUy and i«oWln« ^e«*. The men are eubjeclod to a
drill U no. or the other o! thee,
that Waahlnytoo’* birthday ahoald be aU the attentloa poaaible.
every day and the dtoeiplin* el
Appropriately obeerved U th* eehooto
nr 8IAVFR.
the veeMl to perieev Everythinc >•
and moved that the teacher, be pee________
toam ehineo brichtly and the deck* are
poltobed whit* and kept a» neat a* it to I
priauly obeerved with exerci-... com»attooni Junior a E.
otaeible for work to make them. The
to Indebted to Ueatenant
birth of WaehinrtoB.
The ConcrcrnUonal Junior C. E. and
tlie motion prevailed. The eenee oltheir friend* will enjoy * atomp eocial Bidflely for the coarte.1** exuaded oa
the boar* waft that la***ad of tiieoaual; this altomoon in the chareh parlor* beard and te the other oBoer* for prtvgrrrr-irtr a nrc«fum ahoold be I froai
S M o'clock. Tke feature lUfe* aad Uformatlon.
ffivua for tke beneflt of th* poplto In of the afteraooo'* amoeemenl will be
of ....
the a._
day ..A
and si...
that sL.
ao claas
clam -ft Jack Hamer pie with ft ’•plam" for OOPMTMY IJFM FMEFMMABLE.
$ver}' oo*.
be flv*
smsm- The admtorion wUJ —-----work be impoeed.
».uU in ntomps and the pa*ta«e ao pro So J>*od*d by th* Junior Eyeoum
cured will be aeod in eeodlns Saaday
Teotetday Afuraooa.
Mshoel paper* te a Junior aoclety aad
The Junior Lyoeam of the Blyh
Snaday echool amoay the -mountain
Mew tyatem Show* Or«at Sarias af
j wjbool held their tufular meetin* ?mwhlUa ” is Kentucky
Fuel at the Anytum.
tertay aftoruooa a»d a flne ptor»»
TbeTcgrularmoaUlyomeUarof the TTT-mflAT. lysE OF XBB KAXL8. waepreaeeteA Oae of tha intermttny
feotares of the meetiac was a detaate:
board of tmeteea of the N<wth«TB
Keaolved, Tkat city HI* M preferuMe
Asylum was held yeatorday. Tmeteea
to life in the ooaatry. Ibe jodye* de
Bafaah*. Davto. Baeku* and Bate* belay praanai. The aew boUar* are- U
Depaty O. S. Marihall O-DoaneU of cided th* debate qa Ito merita aad
favored the aeyativ*.
iiioniwtr’ epera^tiomaad a peat Mriaif Qruad Bapid* arrived in tk*
yeeof taal to made over previoc* year*.- terdny tram Booor. karinf in eaetody
The oaUm new plant wUl pay to Ito Ctmrle* Baker of that place who to
^wwny gMTOMinAl. MVMMTS
aalf U tha aarinc of feel in a very ahort ehoryed with havlny eeat eheeoac *aat.i~m lb* did brick ^ck to bM amaU tor thraoyh tke maUa. Ibe aoeaaed WUl be Suooaaod by Mm Wo«aa*.
and 0 tempmmry additional *Uek has wu* vws- batore L’ltiied StaU*
Qab Friday.
been pot np for the winter. Next **aTb# rayalar eeerion of th* We^aato
torinaer Boberto for
eoB a aew aad much larger brick Uoo. B* was held in th* earn of flioo Clab will be held Friday aftoraoon.
ckimaey will ba ballL 175 feet blyto
bail t* aaftwor bolor* th* Halted Suue The pmyrum. which wUl be to charpe
The 'UsUtatien UU excellent o»>of Mra. J. C. Motyao. oomp.-lee* tke
ditioa aad a aoUM* fnat to that with
ecu: Athena. Sparta;
5005 pattoat* there waa mto a aUyla
aeo-pm—. Tb* Priapaatoton War.
OhMagb VftAoL
death dorUc U* Uat moeth.
aad the deeltoe of tiroeea. Alexander
10.—Wheo. .
the Qruot and th* Maoodoaiaa Coohbr. *3%ci December aew, OSXe; old.
BTko: JanaaiyrOlMe.
Com-November Mlfci
8flS'4Nc; May. Utio.
Thetitead* of S.C. Hodyaman. to.
10K9MO; 1
nmly of thto city, bet for a namber of
«h* meettop of tb* Ladle*' Aid Sodoty her. l«Xl-*$0c.
of th* Conprayatloaol ehorth yeotorrv.se-,.s
day ofia-Boon. The procram arae the ..
Sfat which the aoeiety expeeto to ffiv* Lard—November. M.18; .
.................................... Whatovor dt.15; Jaaaary.ft.8TX94.*a
Misses' Jackets, Children's Cloaks and
Infants' weal—full linea.
128-133 rroBt StZMt.
Get Ready for
. Bsosuss ws ssU GOOD SaOBS.
A Cold
Sl)3P.... Our Buckwheat
It's $are to Come.
FLOUR is tttskindthst xBsksseskss tbst
We are the oriyiaator* ol low ;
price* oa pood fooda. not *hoddy. ■
tssts Uke BUCKWaXAT, and which stset-
h'Or thto week we offer the fol- i
lowio* prtoift oa A No. I mereh^toe.
Boya-pood Soite for fll.OO
Boy*' all wool (iolto tor *16*
Boy*' pood Overeoatt with cape.
Hot*' heavy ruteiu. apld laN ,
I rear for *6.T5-ae theweatherto '
’ warm, they fo to $4.«7
Boya'Corduroy Kaee Faat*. «c
Mea t heavy Cheviot'tSolta. to
> black or hrowB. *5
» elepaoL all wool, doo^
bria*tod^1*-to*t eotoe 1
sd ABMrlos*s I4>i>6tlts for BUi*R.WH£AT
' cakes yesrs s«o.
Hannah & Lay Co.
One Dressmaker
in this city said
Overcoats and
Th, ns* Amsriosn J-sdr Short Oamslls s
srsst impJOTYinsBt “They srs sssiar to fit oYsrs^d
Sts s bettor ontllBs." Thsy srs sms to be as populsr
MeaboxW heorywdol Ovoreoato. Kovy B^e,»».«.
Maab extra fla* wool faeovur
Mea'a extra heavy Uletota.
> hiyh ooUar. n.M
Meab extra CktoriiUto Ctotora.
We etrictiy rnan*tee the
.bovegoodetp five eattotocUoa
„ eyhock.
Ladies’Box and Kangaroo Call Sloe for 11.50
Also Gent's Box Calf invisible cork Shoe af $2.50.
Bov's and Youth's Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style. Wear and Price.
aw 010000. PARKER BROTHERS, 1=
With mach aanc-ft ot Saatord. Fkxrid*. I^Praetm. Frtedtoea tok.
tben ud CMfiatd EOUTEEIBS FOB TBS !**»».
rt yoor Oyateia tram Mdjallaa ±
YHB XOBiriKa SSCOBD. wane alitee
■l\*j are freak from BaUimorc.
to hU Vd tmA ot the Use. 'Be «UI
------------,1. .1 tauLoUllb. «< ot tU. M.r«.m.Oo.WUlH*..«iOl>»0«
weak to toka tke baiha aad gala non j
1* tt» •e’Tanl D^artmeato.
J. V. Blatar. the Boaaa Pamiabar.
mt Md may-be »bl« to aitoad to hi*
The Mwtuaia Co, will iaxradww a gelU toe Standard Sawlac Macbiae. a
praetiee aari; aaxtweek.
[arw departore UiU weak aixl anry flrat clam maeklBa. fora 1ltUa arosay.
|u<^l*iartled-to ebll tbair erocker?
Itora depertaeaU
deparuaanla Friday
" *-------^
tniraaanil Primary SdUel Fwda. I'atid faraitora
k T. Bana akb J. W. Babdoc.
I. The crockery
croekery Separtsaa
The oaml-aBDaal ^pertloamea'l of i s»-to^y.
t. W. Baxm. Editor and kUsacer.
primary aebool moaay tola lall U »;ha.Sre» ftlled lately-Uh a caagrtfl
—“ par eaplU. a hearlaf pareeata^ «*■“ Haa of elepaai warra-toal wUl deSUBSCRIPTIONS.
liifbl toe faocy of ereiy hooaewlfe. On
Friday aad Satarday a graod opeaiag
will be ylrcB. wbea ereiy lady will
.............. ......... ».•¥<» be glrea erery eenrteey. wbetker ahe
buya or Bot. There will be muUe farCm Cmcnaeea
Biahed la toe departmcat aed^ Fri
day afteraooB betweea the 'Aora of
two a^fire e'aoek erarr ladr who
TlalM toe departmeat will be preaeated with a pretty aoaeeair.
—Watch Repairing.
PHicTicii cmnni.
Tkk dty of KUea waa aflleWd wKb
• board of pobllc warka wktoh failed
-to plaaaa toe eooaeU. That body
prampUy declared thie memban of thy Ooad Work Aceampliahad aad What
is Bopwl for by toa VaadleiMard diachabred and appolatod new
work Guild.
•BOa The old board dceliaad M rec•geixe toe aetiaaof toe eaoBcll aad
At toU tima of toe year the ,beaeaonfaaad to eacate. They are atlll doing lent orgaoimttoua of the city begla to
V"«»aa— at toe old ataad and Milea la plan lor toelr wlBterh work. One of
pcoftttag by toe eipaHeaoa. Befare
toe eocleUea wbicb kaa extaUd here lor
aereral yeant. aad wbleb while worklagouletlj
il aa a fifth atoael to a wagon.
NeMlework Galld. Tblatea
TBa'tnoblemofmaltotlonlatoiOak_______________ _________
Park aebool boUdlag waa umporarlly j ^ dtoUnct from tooae of other orgasdtopoaed of at-Uia maetlait of the board Ixatioaa toalahrlei rzplaaattok w4l
«f aducatioD laat algfai. Bnf aaUl
be ialereatiag.
anpply h
The object of the guild U to fnralafa
^Bt toe health of toe pupUa of toe aew. plaia. aaluble clotoea to
aebool la aare to be aeaaeed. Il doea toa aeada of the poor. Memherah
sot aeem reaaoaahle that a mere parti- cladea mea. women aad chlldrM. toe
«loB can ramady toe-eell that exlata la only requiremwt being that either
toe balldlBg.
two ncir garmeataor coatributloe of
moaey be made aanually. There arc
nf firm! there wDl be ao
.. BO dnea and DO meeting* except ah aanvom.ll; to rodooio p™pt«J -W
1. U. toUtor U. ««Uoo
What la a -Qaaok?"
Tara to your Webatora—It reada an
Igaoraat pi^tloaer.
Aak ^OTMif toe qaeatlee: Caa a saa
be igaoraat who cum after mulUtndea
•t otoera fail? la be aot auparlor
toroDgb koli^Utl-m. ba»
dr,->,Ud tovlaU tolkcity and will receirw patieata perauaally at Travel**
Ciiv Nii-h.. Thuradayaad bVlday. Sov,
11 aad IS. U the private parlor of
Whitiag Uotel. from V a. m. to » p
Two day* only. Coualtotloa free and
strictly eoafideDllal.
RoiAirinr BIrr'W s HpeoksUr ssd rsotaa.
tood. AIbi obooU fur «olo svd to rosi*^*uB(r
0-1 |4ko» lo ibooiir riosooOvc wsinol end
bo roo«ID(k4.
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
^ ^ j "ss,“'SSr"hiVL”r,s"::!,
Enterprise Grocery,
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
HamiIt6ti^lothing Co.
Misses’ Lace or Bunon,
C-hocolste or Ozblood Shoes. «Izck 13 to 3. every pair warroatod
solid, for 6-ic pair, at A.S. KEYMANH. SU East Hmnl Street.
w b.«»«lt.T..™-aij who doj^,^ ... ,1... 0.1 hy . dWrtboP
i™«w wbolho, tholt pwt, h-),^ oowoilttw: dttn ct.t.1 h,«.tl. ,
Xtoer Haads Mooa^. )
'* gatloB, and *e qaietly aad earatally b
Now toat toa deer hnaUarWima b
toe work done toat tom b no pab- io nrogm* many will be deslroua
Dbnt it. to look toe mater of.
llelty whaterer. It mast be dbUaetly having toe bead* of tbeir prize* moo
will be Ip Traeerkc City la a f'
aaderatood toat the Qalld la BO way dark 1prepared
to exei-Bte all kind*
ooaflleu with other charitable ergaa- taevleemy. and will gnaraatee
Tbe Enterprise Grocery
ia toe city. 'l>
deer head* or any other kind of
E. a
w*a la Elk Ba^ yeatorto, the is still doiog busioess
only iaade la toe fall and .toe society
<wWnb at low prieea. to,
Fred PraU wdht to Fkaakforl - on
lam^. Order* tnay
i>..Cb1- Front Street, jnst west of
Some idea of toe r
•fcaaiani yaatmday.
an'* Bakery. Front *treet.
Steinberg's Grand Opera
- Ci'i.Max.
Prank Calmaa of Elk Bapfda came b ahowp framtoe secretary'* report.
In I89S. there were S4S gsnaeats db0nr yeatorday cm a vlait.
Rouse, and presents the best
DaaclBg School,
Mr. and Mra. nateber of PMb Uke
line of good goods cheap to
> S3) ia }«M aad it b hoped that even
■her the <
,were la toe city ymterday.
*t .iab.-i„ r'kdanelag
_ ball I
be found in tbe city.
Prof. £. F. Martough wemt to Cen lore wUl be coatribotod thb year.
evealng. Nov. 13 . I.e»»ne for toe
TravarM City braaeb. which wm ortral Lake yeeterday whei-a be iaaUoet•k. waltxk. te-oktr^ double
gaalted ,by Mr*. Agaea D Areamhal la i
«d a ciaaa ia daaclag laat alghb .
kcrml* "
Dr. W. E MooB went to Urmwa last
•e lavitrd Ito attend
■i^l to oondaef medical examiaaUoB* Th* piaee of f
. iaeludlBg Icesoa and hop.
•f a Bomber of eaadidatoa for Maoea- by toe ruIgaaUon of Mr*. J. D. Bill. aod Udim 1&
iag*. WB* filled by Mrs. P. J. Cnrtb.
feee honor*.
M. J. Smliay. a promlaent attomay ! asd Mr* John Uillb was elsdad eaereWair Drossiag Puloro.
«{ Otaad Baplda. aad law panaw of Ury and treasurar.
Miv hurrow* wishes to aBBOUBce to
Any ooe ioUreatod ia tbl* work,
ChDgnmman WUllam Aldea Smith,
ber friends sad palroa* tost she bs*
mt* la the city oa legal buxlaan yea- whether aoUcltod from or not. b re- retorasd
W. J. BOBIItSOK. 1Um(«.
_______ -from Chicago
............ w: the
qaeatad to oead eoatribution*
latest stT'.e* la hair dremiog. Sb* ban
mereUry. at >10 Stale street, i
1ess*d toe small stare east of Bugbee A
pl<-d by toe Kimball Masle Ca aad wUI
30th. The director* are roqoakUd
Ad lacraaae of senaieB boa 1
be pleased to meet ber patrons there.
aeod Uwlr packages to to* president at Bverythiag wiU-be ready for bbtiaes*
fraatod Stophea MeUany.
610 Sute tute.
la ample lime to arrange eolBures for
Prof. E Silvw* will give aaother
toe party Friday.
- AaaelBg party tomorrow evening attor
hb T^lar elamai
Mra C C. Kaowltoa brihga the Bbc.
Has Work
ton a fragraat baaeh of sweet peaa,
Cfattles Frobuaa has mcarid Rimiy
^tokad la her garden Nov. lOto.
to Do in lagbam Oooaty.
Arthur Jaoim- Utem play. Tba Liar* ”
Umso vOo lest* Uo
hbswUu or rriBln
Imam Bari b going to Lemdoo to do .olUoasrxvasUlSBfor
Thieves hroka into toa tae koma of
Lmaaiag. Nov. 10.—UaaapIalaU eaote
Ckarlm Merrill, tm Bayabeet, Tneediy from toe Bortoweatora part of lagbam a tan la the made baUs ladead of ap^
ity toat ageau of-graveyard iBsar■Ight aad stols valaahle carpeator'a
taiarlei Cafrblan u going stmmng in
I eompaalea hero bees doing a lacd
tools aad otoar v^oahlta.
le of tUB own plsya k babpurieal
3. E Boagbey. brother of the Boagfa- office boaUm* foraevetal ysara, aot- drama laid u tbe time of George IV.
gy hoys la tob el^. b hare from Kaa- withtUndiag toe law probiUUag thb
O 'Neil '• real name b OerWode
SalbriDe. lad., to boy pomtoern He b
She b IminsUng New York oroestw ica H
located at pttaeat at Oadar.
er* as tbe Imdiag Udyof a mockemaBaao- Cbdwell. whe paid groo in aa- paay.
Tbe laangaratioB of toe aodal em•aa ia toe city'wOI Uke ploM tomor aammaaU. b aboat to raeelva $390. hU
Aimie BasaeU wiU otmtt the Imdlng
graciooa partwXlhule* Prubmaa'a prodaotkm
row evralog In toe City Opeea Boaoe. ‘'aubjeet" bavlag bees
aaooghtodb. Other tarwera. thraagh
Jaoevb Aitoar-s new pUy. -Hie Salt
Thb wUt be a hrilUaat eveot and loeoi
the peraUteaey of toelr - sabJeeU " to of toe Earth.
tooele^ will aajoy lu
haagiag oa to Uf*. have been lecdored
Pnacb Culyb has been engaged by
William Beitnar ahlppad yas.urday paaalleoa. one loaiag bb bomeauul of Chubs Frobmaa to sppmr ip "The
----- MADE ON----, «w* loads of chair atoak. ooa to the
eighty acre*. Tbe latUr's wife died of Wbbe Bmtoer.'i U toe Amdemy of
Boaae of ComeUeo at Detroit and grief BOOB afur toe farm weal.
Made. JXtm Yuk.
•aether to a chair maaotaetiiriag eonJohnirAie Bennett, wbo annotmeed
Ia apite Of toeae examplee to* agent
aero la Mlaaeapolla. U mid to be still writiag a good dml ahe was going into a ooovoat two years
T%e Womaa'a AaxUUry of Graea trf tobclaaeof Intnraaee la the eona- ago. now divlares sbe i* going into bade
eharto wilt bold their annaal meaUag ty. Commbahaer Oamphall mid today and maanlaotBiv nrcktiro.
Cleo de Merude received for dstiring
thb aftornooa at toe home of Mrv that he b aware of tbe operatioa* man-"Soond. 138 Baal Eighth atroet A fall Uoaad aad caa be depended opos to do at Kottu A Bial’a. New Yuk. fl.bM a
week. Marie Lloyd, toe bglito aerio
•tUadsace b dcoi^.
bb duty ia toe premikee.
emnio. waa paid $600 a week.
The advance mle of alagU admimkm
Maode Adams made her mage debut
for toe first aamber la the
ia Saa Fraaosoo at the tender age of 8
■toool lecturo oourae wUl bagla at the
mootiM in Jamw A. Beane's ’’Heans
aty New* Buad Fi^y maming. The
Xeatfag of State FeO
ala Bagi-'
frte will be 90. 3S aad SOcaaU
taigaly Attended aad Gnat
rroak Culmaa of Elk Baplda. b prolatorast Kaatlsatod.
IS a perfec
. lect Klondike toevuy needy
fariag to hrlag hb fine ooUeetba af
Sagbiaw, No*. 10.~At toe bou of Polish exile, b mid to be not exactly to
gtoOed birds aad aalmab to thb city
Deed, bat not to have momey enoogh to
to ptaea on exhibition. He will Be yenlag the moTBiBg aemioa of the live in rctireateut and to he gotog to
bare tor a maaih to eagaga to UxiClafaa tha oradaatiab committeo waa Mew York to opm a school of noting.
,„h.h.™», „u
titan CnrtHi—It'k ail rlrhi.
Da Tkcuii-ook-Yco. I weu It and raeomawad it profMtoDally.
Nathiag bettor
Wh BxiTxaa-FiDeat 1 over were,
tixo. LABUla—Wore It two winter*. Like iL
Fa*aa Baonrii-Yoa belli .kali right. Woalda-tdo withdat tb
Cart. G. A. Webb-AJlvoa good satiafaeiioo.
'Trover** City. Mich. Out. 3?. lopt.
••Tux Babtliux Clutdino Co."
Geou: -1 am well aeqaafated with the “Jaroa“ Uaderweat. and I want to give, you my bearUesl eadoruBtoat of then
They are ao'soft
.*soft a* not to irriuto toee t«DOen«lBhlQ
sfaaerl__moisture so perfectly, aad
sad prev.-et toe suddeo rouilag.orcbangm of tba
of the body, (the usual cause* of coldsi. If yon cab gat
men of this place to wear them ijestesdof toe cheap Cot-
—Front Street.
Doec aot aoek ability deaote latoUlFRONT STREl-JT
grooe of a lapbrior—of the bIgbeM order? laut the
thf cloak aader
. .
racvonea bide? You cab come to bat
oue roDrluioB. That b erideet to »I1
Wc «UI do ]-Bur Kosmollsc rboseo' sud
tbinkiag oaeCalibr. It la far better, it briw
tbss sor etbrr ohae In (br rlt^. Con
lkt) r beat method poaaible to coaaalt
>o« Aar oolar wtIMte oiolnlns ood or*s
wroisl work job
, Onmr'ood kro bo
l^lsarr Tnbo* tlAU
the apecblbt Kiw.(roedoso.
»i «.
of toe firm of Ur* It S. d. Co.. IfuX'
goa. .b ch . ik frueh aa uae. Tralaii
hak made him what hr a-.
Patient r
kcarch no fully equipped him to bait
kUid-.-atfi.lIy with oik. aac in all ita mi
UluJiof forodk. Year* of toll have gi
«D Itiin the iBkigbi which he pnaaetM
22 clerks e^loycd aod more experienced clerks wantedThat is the condition “of things at
( •
And wonder why, when others are barely employed
with small forces. The problem is easily soH'eti^.
N<)thing but reliable merchandise here or no sale. We*excbange
merchandise purchased of us, or refund the money if
We place a uniform low rate of profits on all classes
of goods.
We do not come down on one item and mark
np on another.
A child can deal with us.
We have gained the con
fidence of the people and we mean not to . abuse it.
will beep the ball rolling with low prices—as we own onr
own goods—cheap enough to undersell any one in the state.
In our Cloak Department we have disposed of. more.
garments up to date than any three ordinary houses com* "
bined. Onr low prices on high-class garments does that.
Fakers who buy the name of a business bouse to cheat
the city out of tbeir just taxes consider 100 per cent an
ordinary rate of profit, today, here, tomorrow elsewhere;
no recourse to the unprotected victim.
Call at the Boston Store for Oennine Bargains.
Olsra Block.
(. Traverse City. Mich.
Grand - Opening!
and Saturday
of this weeky in bur
Footwear Crockery,
and Toy Department.
thb afteraaoa
o'idock. la toe Ladbe Ubrary room*.
Bnlnem oflmportUM b to be eoa•idared.
Mb* Barrowa baa rotBiwad from ChiaagoaadwlU aoeapy toa small store
east of Boghaa A Boxbug’s aty Drag idara te ber hair
Aromlag pariora. 8ha trill fit toam ap
prettily and ho roody fim baric — totoorrow.
Dr. A.EBomday.*rbewntto Mi.
CUmoM brt *rookfartrmWito> fu
beal^ed in lha ^lorb aad only a taw
dslsgatoa wan ia their amu Neuly
lamdlady (at dini»r>-Do,
«00 delwaUa faraished eredaatials. hbe eriUi CaU. Mr Surbo
Tbe forenoon was taken up by the ro-, StarboatdeewVea. indeed. Ma
paru of ofioera, eocamittaea aad to*
geUloK tob yearh meeting, bat b first
inthafiaUforDaxt yauk gathuiag.
On^oMOthuplasahaayatbaa man
Mowtotoetimeto ■
On Friday afternoon, fitMn two until fire p’dbdi,
Met to •■ sskms At.
Let no man accri at a yunng eoapb
ooenpytog both eidee of a front fertoe to
eamsto. Owomo. MUUagtoa. Laxtor j Uw twilight. Notonly agate, hot a wedton. Grand Bapida. Cbro. Lanetog and gJag may binge opcm it—PhUadelpbto
dug popnlarity. .daha
GoiKuaSMOD StockafBaitfhl Hei GMdi tf lUDescripUoa
Wem aot aqlltoga $1.80 abnaand
reproaeat it to be'a ls,00 sboa. We rafnad maoey wh*« gpoda are Mt aa-ws
rill be given to the ladies visiting this department of onr
Frank Friodrich,
BalUhla (
Mammoth Store
The Boimah & Lay Mercantile 6o.
JOHN BULL III IFflin Fresh Batter
Mr*. Nack Unburdans Har Mirtd
About tha Horribla GuU
densuppa Murclar.
tihy Ha Is Tbare, Accordine to
tha Viaw of Lerd^itbury,
British Pramiar.
1 br*r«4 the 4c«4 h«Jy.
tta» cor: «e»r look Chantr of tiie r>maln» Jen**'
h*n<l «rk> Ktlll in hi* foekel. but na
l»«*l«on »»» founC JoTrti »■*• *»],hU JS
7P*r» oM. wu n-JiTried and left ■ widrir
I knd a chtld at M, tii'fn* to. Kent', whiTre
I #k ram* yralerday raonilra on.oIBHal
prt. H* »a*T*r»aaHl>-Ir Can-rn
t or hla
-and whUr h.rr fit*
atlrmionx to IV rlrl or<»,Jon*d an murk
talk that I>r. CiUrne.B bad Wb aKEn: Tatad tnto ir«klB' tb* throat* ajtBlnat
OOflTIOT TTT:B J^OOOjtpUQJ Jom. ah-rJi
1*d tu the murdrr
**•, S*t.-IV>x ot
Hhaata a CaUlad
m—f IHMrlrt Atwnry.
Kew York. Nov. lE-Th* Herald aay*
tbki tnominc: JCtnarmtl Fiirnd. couti*
Ml for Ausnau Sack, wan at tb* liar.
latB Opera Hona* IM nicbt. It «a*
Mtleed when he cam* Into U>* lobby
that hc*appear<rd nervou* and Melted.
Bla extreme niTvouaneaa cauaed aoma
remarked eaatiallr
In apeakinr of the rondltlne* of a(<
■fair* In the l?rllMl Rlate* of I'-.j^nnea,
wber.' a pmilder.tlal elminr la to. be
held or Pee. B, I>r; Peuita *a''lt "They
are e»|ve, iiBE ir<.ublr th.tr. An omlnDU* feellnc prevalla, thourh
far «b-re
hem petuv. The <atn1ldat.ii nf
C<.n»*rvit11ve r
• r.vj-e*. and Car.i;
prime tnlrJster. and Arthur J. Ilalf.aio
fltst lord d(.,lhc treasury, wa* the algnal
for l<"id apAausr. I.ut the iroeptlpr t. n.
derrd to the fotrlch diplomat* laaa of
lamest charart.raa eomiuirvd with
cnlhuslariti which, last year greeled
then ambasaadur of the United Rialea,
Thomas r. Uayard
After the usual
rqul* of
siardiny army
to t'ol.-Tn. !
m ffeverrbla. •eery well equip
. ipped. Tim
Koverr [
meni 1|> holdlr* the army
Is rea
caae a'rev
'revnluilor 1* allrmpted."
Yetlrw Pev*r Aboat ru.,ed Oat.
' that he bad }uat mne from • tone Intemew with hi* rtlent. Mia N«ek. He
»at half the ptay thmuih and on coniInc out Mill; "Mra. Nark hue n.nfeaia^l.
Thal.b all I ran a^. Rhe ha* roBr«t*e^ and will E>.*on the aland to>
roorruw asaitiM Tti.en. I .annot talk
about the mailer ary fur.her 1 bava
.Blade a Bolemnpmmlaeof aecrrry. There
b BO B» of tryin* lo are me bterthere b no uae trylsE to aer any ona
da*. GreB Ur. Howe doe* ni4 kauw.
- The few other* whodokn- u are pled«>8
> Mcrery. a* 1' *m. Mr* N*ik ha*
.made a h
full roi.fe.evion—that'* all I can
•ay." •
r*t ThreuEti a IbrHM. Onbal.
The Herald iLi'.her my*: Hr* Aohse made a full r>mfe**icm
11 yeMiertby bad not uiiered
a word that «<.uld Iprrlrolnate her. Rbe
e efTort* made by the
police l>
t from her an a
huppe or ihat *he bad planntd hb deall.
and lured him tn Wwablde. I. 1_ where
Martin Thorn arlnally dKr Ibe idiontirc.
TV w'lman had been aul.Jnt t^ to the
thirty-third depree t.f the police—to
every known melh'Mj of torroent. I^he
had lieen i^'nlrODteil nith tbe.bnrtld
m^*e* of lle«h: fhe had l»een coaxed,
vheedieil and threatened. The promlae
of life h.i.! been HHd out to -her a* a
reward for a few word* that would
surely re*iiH In Thorn'* execution. She
had'remained firm durins her Impriaonroeot at pul|re. heailqoarters.
At all
• and nil
I. but (I
y Mory ahAm twid lo Betel
Mow rtte c<ve**e«. tiy what dlroct
IpRoeBCe b niH known. The atory Ura
Nark ha* told and that *hr will be
vailed uiioB to repeal to the /ary b full
/ of dramatlr intmit. She ha* described
- Bl arett lenEth her life wilh Guldenauppe. She quarreled with him fredueotly after ThoNi appeared upon the
acece. Ouldenauppe wa* violent, and
to rid tbemaelves of him abe and Tb<wn
determined to kill him.- Rhe Induced
aoldenruppe to co to Woodaide lo Inapeci a cottape wWeb she had hired,
a* ahe told him. lo conduct her buBneas a* midwife.
She sent him ud>
•fairs alone, and when ahe heard shots
she kne* Ihat Thorn had carried out
hi* promlsr. She h»« also told bow they
dlapoaed of the rrmalna.
llsbad Haka* DMrIei AUamey KIIU4 by a
.■ay <My I* V*a» bid.
Carahn. Nev.. Nov. lO.-the enUre
•tale was startled and ahorked.-ai the
murder late yesterday aflerBooh of
Charles A. Jonr*. United Btatea distrii-t
year.«ld a
bcbB. The proi
rerp <jf all cor-B.cled
r affair.
r atleodant clrcum•Uneea. and the suddenness at Ibe trapcly nbkr II one of the moM leBsatlusal
■happentrEs In the bblur>' of Nevada.
Jonuf death wa* caused by a bullet
wound tn the bead, and
a lime nys-ter> •urr.aiodtd cv<n* .rlrrumalaace
cunw of hb apeech he eulofflxed
iwlbiit work being done on our Jndlan
nsiler, iwpetUlly
iwpet'Ully by
hj the troepaoT
trOopSoT thaw
nalUe ruler* wbu hav,- lorqt wished
Hand ahouliler lo sfxailder with u
He then pnweedid In point out the n<
• of the army
.......... "the requiremenb of lmpcrUt •
coumn. . th"UsMihe ; panaion."
ptamie sill roi Ik- entirely irnni- at
Mdlsbary Ulves as Otwtiaa.
oriesr*. M.il’lle and ••lint' guff le'lni*
The Margub of fbUsbarr cn rblr£
bef, t>. Nov. Ml Th- rtK'tgtir. quarantine wa* gr-.tb-d with arvcrel minute* ut
b lifted Bl b*t. busliies* w ill K re«iim<d conlinuou* .'hecrlng. He ts'gan by .le•ml-wheel* will revolve acfcln, ifter e. pp.rirqr the ev.Blne.rw' ilbpul-. which he
BM.rlh’< Idlener*. eti SV.f’OC miles if rail
-|n«.iv<» the fuluie prtHU«ill}
ro.ds The flrsl cades at tVe.n Spr.itga j dblater of the reui:i^i^/''l.ur;dlw‘'
Mbs were re.-rted .bout the middle j
,rtad to «y there wia -a
of September and ftw th«t day unjll ,
proape«-t ilfitt the hoard of trade'#
now busirr*. tn. letulstar*. Texa*. Ar- latervenU.m would prove surcea*f,.|.-'
kanaa*. Tenrewee. Mlrwlsslppl and Ab- Mb lordship read a tebgrar- from the
hania ha* b-vr d.-moeallxed.
queen, abiing hire lo express h< w de.-p.
i ly her maj.
« d sSle martelou*
crr.ws and.Aqber
Chlesgo. Nrv. 10.—Former Judi
VIB- '
Ihe diamond Jubile^S^terYJublb...............
- . - ihe
, ^ he rnrdurt
trbi <.f Ad<l|«
..J|* I- I,ueigerl. ha* j
withdrawn frren the <
•rqii:. of nSns.
:hrsr; U*eil by the Uarqii:.
inwne. and warmly praV
duct of the Anglo-fktyptl
In Ihe P..Ddan eampAlgn.
<ame lu the leadi
psawige In hi*
r«e al lb.-second h-ailng. whkffi S
~ the IllateoUta*
I .le- railed Within Six wiwks.
I - This Irlnducd Ihe l^rslcd quesl‘i«
Dtrappeweed *. IW Lsl«. h.' ointll.'ilcg cUlma
Detroit. N'i'V n.—John P, McK>nr.«i, J and irt
<ir.-ai llriuln
fnrmerlv a w ealthy luml>erman of this j France ir. that section of \V.-*t
Miy. dlrapprared firm hi* «tate r»Rn j He anid:‘Tt might not achieve
e the gen
on the steamer City .if Alpena heiw.or ' cral ron* illnt. r>- preres* detired
ed If I . nCbetieypan and Por Honm. tbrnie of | tered frankly Into all the n.Botbll .ns
YIcKIrtfi 1.-* cl.ifhee were found In the j between thv* (M.nera''reapecfing Africa,
deierl.d Mate n-.'.., ami It I* thmicht i «’e are atl aware id Ihe great extent
that he Jump'd nverb.ard
Family and ^ terphrry
l.mse during the IsM tweti
.flnanrlat iroull.w are elven as tV ) ty year* Ir Afrlra and pul up as the oh■wed aulrlde.
I Ject of acv|ul»;t1..n b r •*v..rs1
;ing goventmei ta The ner-'.tlotlon* Ih
I. H HeMlag at* Awn.
i.nllnuClevrUt.rt, Nov. W.-Therr has
"desire Ihil t..rellin-v
Chang, f .t ih. 1- itcr In the condl- |
striri ptir<-lnlc* of tic'
Butterle holding hi*
peril} an.
i give* wan* en- pire We do rol desira unjust a
couragemrni to his family and friends.
Ttatstils al iMhat AswasBIy. '
Xsoulsvllle. N..V
Id. — There were
Ks-Bsle nenaiar ArreMed.
New York. Non
lO.-Fcrmer SUte
Benaior Wllllrni Cauldw-ell was arrestKl
yeetrrCaj and rvl«ae..d In $10,000 ball
th* ehrrwe .'.f •p^.ptiattng funds .of
f.r wh^
h fie I*
1* ttrurtee.
It* riaiiii J rab-a
C. N'
v. lE->8er'<r
lt-®er->r Moret, minis
ter of coUTle*. win aubmll In ibr calil.
net today a draft of the prerKwed Cu
ban reform*.
TB* Weather We Mv F-*pe«*.
Washinp.ai. Non. lu PeOuabc ar* tlH
aaatbiv bdlratba* for twaalT-'asr bosn
from * tL m. yes eresy For ladtaaa and IDIBSl.-Parti' ciosdy srwatberi stowb rMnc
temiata are; wai.h rly wind* P.g XWUcaa
•mrWiwtmba-ParHy elnody wratl-r; tr.fmw; llgtit Trrt bl* srt da For lows-Fsir .
—bar: ^rrasy-wind*
Harter propva
duce mlUlary
>- drill at the I.
Per DoBn,
Will present the latest and best Dress Goods
at a scale of anifomir low prices—so low in
fact they may be ialled “price amcessions,”
A look will convince you these are no idle
wtirds Will you call and give it?
10 piece.'t good Dress Brocades, worth 15c a yard, for 12c.
Fancy Brocade Dress Goods, worth 25c a yard, for 15c.
15 pieces Dress Novelties, fancy colors, worth 30c, for 23c.
10 pieces 40-inch Pompadour Suitings, worth 35c. for 2^
10 pieces Andorra Plaids, tvorlh 15c,-for 9c.
Good Black Brccaded Dress Goods, worth 18c,‘ for lUc.
Better Black Brocaded, Dress Goods, worth 30c, for 18c..
Our Best Dress GckxIs in all colors are being
sold at lower prices than ever before.
Jao. R. Santo,
nre. .tccidsol. fUmm Boiler. Pblef
and 1-kapl.i}**.' Ltabliif luswasre.
244 Front St. BroAcluBlocl^>Sff. BAKLAN, Propr.
Also even-tbioe in tbe line of
Goode promptly deliver^.
Orders by Pbone jjiven quick «tteution.
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
tmiTh MmKcIdv naed by Vapor lobalaUoa.
S. EL WAIT. DnigrisL
Free Storage for Bicycles .
E. tlUms- Repair Shop; '
eDumel^ up-to-date, with nrUstlc airipiag sad
sear KrcmL
Cutler boHdlng.
I will have a car loaj of horses in Trav
fOHN Bt'IX ts mitm.TWSIKItlUI.
I* preliminary ,
Per M.
Mala* lilna*ortf«wu llWw CxillaaTiMwe ^ kThleh He tVanU tw tie N.lEbh<w1y.b.t
RiMIBe* Jebsy Cr»|*Ml4 lo-Keep Off Ih*
thqiaMjitoMi. ilaaa.
Omo" at UrtlUb BIchU Whal the «**•
New York. N,ot. 10.—Prerldrot.lKitCM* of tbreiw AortemelbliM U th*
aua. at CtMa .ILra. hae taken a^oihei
lUsbef sad What It Kltht
step to aecure tile rr-ole<-tloB. He haa
Bovs Itoae.to Itreonv
exiled hi* pred.<v>w..fcrm. r I’reHdem
atvdrdlni: In a stateniert made b>Londoo. Nov. 1«.-The bHIUaBcy.jKthe
Dr. J. H »u», u( H-waa
H-naa del Torre, ffBtheril K at the lurd iQayur*' banquet
rr.lird Simea «f ColuRibla. v
irrlved St the (itiud Hall last cvminc wa*
somewhat ruarred by the Uikeib ct
mournlnf for the late Ouchsta •4’Tevlt.
I.lmoD." nald T>r. Feuaa. "I heard that
Mcra had been exiiHl. He venl to w.me A majority irf the Udis* pr*nra( wore
eiiunlry. •
leh'rta* rows* .if btark or dark gray. The enliao<-e uf the Manjul* of ttallriiuiy.
Ihnucbt the <i|>|M.JIIon '
plain Great Britain’* iKwIilon as fol
low*; "Our Abject* are sub-lty bual
ne*s. We wls« to eisendl commerce,
trade. Indualry aiwS tlvlllsallnti; to
throw open a* many market* as pnwil.
ble, and to bring together as many conand prcducer* aa powai
puaMble, and
tbe grsal natural highways snd
and In doing tbear ihlnga-whllr we
wlih to behave In a neighborly manner
snd lo show due cansidetatloti for tbr
feelings and cbltna of others—w* are
obliged lo say that there b a llmll lo
l*e of this itartK ulsT net <.f
f„,,oxs. sod w*
low our pbio
rtxht* to be ov.
Kb lordihip then pawed OB lo apeak of
e BllunUcai In tbe
erse City od Saturday, November 13.
Buropeao concert had failed i J piev.
Greece from going lo w ar. Ini' had *i
ended In prvserN-ing th.- i>ea
rope. It war., he aul.mltt.Hl. a
The total nrc Icsoe* of October In liie ' cert to avert that clamlty. He coiiUrlied Btatea and Canada agEr-gai. tlnoed; "Had the c.ii.crt exerted all
I Jt, fo,.,,
pnient Greece from going
To^> and tomorrow the^Noi^hwe,i. ] to war the resiwnWi.lllty might have
Brigg. Houae
the map." frith referen.e to tbr Cretan
Tmie Arelrraun. a pailenl in a Rl. qaratlon hb lordship uhwned that thb
•ulelde. i.ut n.. weapon belnp foand on
hb prr*..n r,..r mar the a^che at Ibe Paul horgiltal. bsk been kept alive fur was atlll unsettled. I.ul added;
Concert of Kurope b like a steam roller
MmmIbc 11 l.ecame evident that hb flv* weeks by anlficbr respIraUune
gnat power, but IllUe speed.”
death had le-r caused by another. Knd
as hour bter y<.unx pulanar surreBder*
bury Mild; "One b.qw -wt. have of preed trimarlt ai ih-'nhetlfr* office and cob-. days longer. Is di-sd st Muclr. Ird
A 6->-esr-n1d l..y fell from a forty.fort venilog Ihe compeililuh of aymamenl*
fesaed to the kllI.r.E.
The aiatemer.i . f ihr youth, who b vbducl at Jat>e»N ille. Wb, and suffered among Kuropean le.wer* ending In a
BOW is JaU. b to Hu- eiT*,r that immedl- nc more Injury than a bad rut uo the terrible effnri for mutual destruction,
fatal to livUliaUun. b that Ibe power*
atalr prtof to the ahe^n* be-had ob- head. ^
•erved hb tiMcr lalklr* to Jemea. with
George Browa, Jr., of Indiana a son may graduaU} be brought to act to
gether tn a friendly spirit as to all
whom hi* father bad fcrbirlden tnrrlr
of Admiral Brown, retired, has been apquenloBS that may artae. until at last
Uon. when "be *uw Dr. llubnan ap- palmed by the president an saBslant
they ahall be welded Into some liRerpruarblnp. Bellerlnp trouble to be Is- paymaatrr In thv osvy.
nallonal conalrucUun which will give
evluUe when lb* two mas *h.,uld meet
The aitriRi.l lo start a movemenl In the world, aa the result of their grest
the bc7 pracored a WlBChemer rlDe and Ihe Central Labor union fur the erection
strength, a long spell of unfettered comalatloned bUDaelf at a window f.-r the of a Henry Geuige memorial bulldluk at
mrrvc. prtaprraua trade and conUnual
purpose, aa b* •ay*, of proleeilnc bU New York has fallen through.
P~«." - ______________________
father. Upos eneduBl*Hnx Jonea. Dr.
of rellgigus estfanaiBnn has
Oubnan aaJd it bits: "Thb b i :he l.st seised' the aisdetita
r Sr-*.*li coUege,
lime I Aall ever wan you a«alni
WaibingtoB. Nov. 10 -Coasol Oeuater
Nimhamplon. Mass., and rrvtrml meec
Ins company with my danrbter.
at Crcfeld, Germany, reports lo the
Inga are held two and three times s day.
JoBCB irered at the doctor lO comment
State department a dlaccn-rry
The farmers of Brown rouny. Wia.
upon bl* warnlSK. and allpped hb hand will.form t ed-opcra'tlve sJBUclaUon. there which It b aal<] rvvolutlunlsm the
IrJo hb riffbt band pocket. JuUas aUter through which they expect In buy their method of lUumlnaUon. It b aa Inthat harms often heard' hb faibei farming marblncry and many other ar- candc•^e^t gas.'A single Jet of ordinary
thrraies to kill Jones, and haviBt bseij llclra.
abe can cfflii a light of auch more than
Informed that the dMrtct atlorBer al
LOM candle power and fine print can
FIX drunken tndlsos tried to ukc P<aIW feet.
ways ■••tried a rerolrer, which ho be semicn of s atn«1 ear at Green Bky. be read at a^btaiM
lieved from JoneW mofkis wa* aboBt.to
Wl«. Th* redskin* were arrested after - Blie«lea CiseeplliaSw Oarah HaCtera.
be drawn, (he boy flred at JoBe* In BB**m**dersWe damage bad been done lo
New York. N<ye. IS—Greater New
Udpaiioi. hr an aiurk upon bb fatber.
Jeee* fel) forward dead. Uc bulrt
Oeesul Oeewral de Cartte at Roma tHMS the nne havlnc eoterod abort bb
agrapbs the state dapartmeet Chat tbe
f1**l eye and pasad out at tha seek
IialbB wheal barveat tMa year ta
a odr taro dloecaaa la tbe aaeae dty. a MtuabeWBt. Mb. OutanaB. a<mtBff 3<wm
g|.m.f« buibeia abwR m i
It. last tioa which tbe etaareb agpraaaly torfaa. threw herself «pcn him and cmyaaFa pewdueUcB.
Weight from 1200 to 1600, Come and see
them. Will be as good a load of horses as
were ever brought to Traverse City.
You rail save from $15 to $20 by buying
a horse from me.
All horses not,,as represented will be
made good.
Can be seen at the Cutfer barn, Uaipn
Street. •
Want Ads'Pay!
Cost Light
Take Off
Year SciBens
And put up STORM SASH. If yon haven't
any we’d like to make yon tome.
The Record J. e. Grenick co.
eo to
■lb* twiin<SinB\1«r
iard Frlloward the JndrWorkmen vf
Sprinstleia. tlta..
Mo War irittk I'Arl* ^
MadHd, Nerv. 1«—In resitanae to a
eal'lo mea»ce from a nmi>(dldal AitirrIran aouree Frenr Saeaita. the ffremle.-.
I l.aa aeot tbe rolloerlae rabled ^laiatluo liimueb Senor Pupuy de Xaunv.
AS4 Will rir« KMvln- «ha AtIMUoB a( the Spanirti nilnlater at M'aehInKtor.:
Aloiw. ^Ator WUrfc II WIU "Ao far'from B'^kinp a'lnviexl to de
Ba UooiJalrr*^ liy iMrtcr. I'MOcrfot*. clare aar aaalnal the Unllrd Statrr
Dr. A. B. 8pinncyv«f Detroit, atac
Spain would rrirard It aa a relirfnrtunr tuusl be delivered.
Yea Chinamen arv s«od miner* We IproprJe'.orof Need City Sanitaria
a To »* am IbHr »ah> to l« ctvrn the ori aohm for aueh aa un
where I e
happy reoolulKxi. Ablmaled aa ahe !• haw Isrre mliilujt ImortwO In th- w**k
town,, t...................
by the niiaa amloal-lr MCllmmla to and many Chinamen work for ua
We |Temain for one day only to irive
'WMhIneirr, Nor. 10.—Colonel Poatcr ward tbe rreat repulillr, Spain hope* QBJr net mm Immedlairly If there ii;nick aa oppoiiunity to coniult him
•ad Sir JulUo Psannefote eunferredyeM of Amerli-a that tbe latter alll dn lu
reai®n m believe tbe Mrikera wiK 1 that cannot ace
see bit
bim af
tarday aa to the anncemeDli ^or the almoal to fortify aenllmenu of friend
Thai rqporl about a mock-: The doctor has so muen latui in xne
-thia-we are In duly hourl !e»perieuc* he baa had in trcatinr
•SMUnp of Iinilah. Canadlas and Am>r- ablp for the aake and welfare nf hotl
r |irri«erty. and the Uv,-» of chronic disease* that he wiU give on#
loan mrcx oiallvca relBlIvc to Brbrtne sounlrlM. while al the aamc Umt r*- to pri t,
month's treatment nnd medicTne free.
•>o<-t1ns the rl|ThU nf Spain."
Also rxk» auaciCAL oPKaaTiona to
Rareelona. Nov, 10—A areal meatira CatiK.n Hill *
raached Ihai (be arrival yrMerday of Bir
af ttepubltran* «rn held lart rvrnina ai
WUtrld Laurter. Ibr CanadtaB premier,
All that he aaka in return i* that
the Theater Tivoli In ttaU clly. Afl.i
asd party aould permit tbe meetlaa to addremcB by popular Republlran oramake trouble we wiu employ men to ; every patient will state to their friend*
• open os lumorruu.
ta today
cuatd the pn-ml*e* "
, the resiilu obtained by hla treatment.
Ukely to be flvrn l« an czchanae of i
^Sam Hoy.
-mayor ** rw,ioai.,*o.-I ^Wornuof chronic diaeMea
1 this
Vlaira between the Caradian* and Betl-
:«,New Departure!
iah. The. UrtUab amlwtaadar aceom-paoled tht premier to tbe While Houm Deleliiwllon of Corpui Chriml on
- Uil* momliia
btm tt la«l year, tnaelher with explanatlot;*
to the preeldent.
This was a call of •Of the arbitrary use the aulboiitie* have,'
Vnade of that ausiienslon. and of the ru-'.
oouites)-. however, and ll wai hot exmored Inqnlritorial proceedlns* asalnat
peeled that any of the pendica quv^ anarchiet* at Monilulrh fortrewa. The**
tlona would t« ref'-ired to. 7^ iirUlsh reaolutlona the meelinx directed to .be
embany bad czieodid an Invllatlue to lent to the xovemmenteir Wilfrid lb be a aueal durlna him Mar
here, but hr bad determined io reman
with the other Canadian reprraeniailrra
Which Look* a UHi* Uka a daka aa iba
. al the SboTvham. w bvre auarter* had
baee eiiaaaed
Cairo. lUa. Nov. lO.-Lquto Wllmot.
MaeUBa Will 1>fca a tirwad anap*It la now deflnllely reiiUd ihai'the ,ef tbl* city, raised a curlcadly In hi*
•Oinina maellna will take a much hroad- sarden thtt summer in tbe shape oC a
ar a>-ope than was at Hrai anilrlpated. esbbase with sixteen well-developed
He. Is an ardent admirer of
At the ouloet there will Iw a catnparl*.>n faeada
of noiea between the Mlexperis—Ham- Hryan. and Ihnusht the leader of the
free HIver force* mlahi be plad to have
Tbompaon for Crrai llrlialr and Pro- tbe M-to.4 veceuldc. Hr wrote Bri
feaaOT Maeoun for Canada. Tbe Cana- an. telUhs him of It. and oSertne to
send It to him If he would aco^t the
dlae premier and
Julian Paunrefoir
ahfeni from home.
. .
lyed. but- a day nr
win be preaent In an onofBrtal capacity,
ready to take up tbe lamer pbaaea of two since Wllmot recHred Ibe followlnt
pply from Bryan:
tbe quealon when Ibe aval expeni have
*1fy Dear Sir: Tour favor has }u*t
eoncluded their ezrhanse of lechnltal
' thank
ink you
Information li Is aaJd Ibe relatlona exyour czprcmicma of rood wrIU and If
IsUac belwpee Oreal Rhlaln and Can
ada make it emenlUl that all quealiona you aUH have the rnrloatty you menof an Imperial character riiould be con tlon and wish to send it to me you may
cluded by (be direct reprenantativea of do aa and I wtU pay theexprem eharrro
With beat wlabes for your health and
tbe Imperial fOvemmenL
proaperliy. I am. x'ety truly youra
aaallBc OafMtaa Ip Cmb* rp nrwt.
Al tbr oame time tbe preaenre of the W. J, Bryan.TTw cabbare ,vras shipped at onew.
Canadian premier t* expacted to awlol
In reaehlna tqteedy cnnclailona without Wllmot value* tbe letter vary birtlly
will preaerre
it I* am auto■ anlR* II
WawM Hsahh raal ilalL
practii__________ ____________,
for years?
Are you diaoourared?
Call audacens,we will tell you whether
we can,cure you or net. If we cannot
cure you. we will tcU yoa what relief
we can rive yon.
^Remember, one month will be
abaolately free—medlcinca, anrcical
operationa, and the benefit of all oar
akili to all who are too poor to pay.
Our metboda of treatment UaU that ia
known by all tbe achooU, with the aid
af electricity, that moat wonderful of
all agenta In Paralyaia,
of Power.
Rbenmatism. and all diseases of the
nervous system.
Go early, aa my
office ia always crowded.
tHMM carsd bT"12iri?‘.‘r*u w^llrn’ramdla
. .rank
I pay for six roonttia . Major Bnckr
- w-at charred with conduct prellrial to rood order and mmtary dlallre, ronMMlnr of 5n*cl-nce to Aaalstant Adjutant General Bmllh. apd In
refuslnx to.Ufce car* bvrv on the Chi-
Suits to Order.
imMk af~sa~Aawd Al^imaaM.
■fvd. K. W. BAmKOa la
block mil*
Fire Insurance.
TboagbUy—Well, old
Maud you B|iplied iur a .gnud poaitioo
yuoierdaj- Wba'
Uacky Jim i__ ______
CincuioaU Cwmmtkuial
"1 MW turn with hu am annrad
Grand Rtpids k Indiui R. I
*’ln the waits. yoaRnow."
“ObU—UiKuwD PoA.
{ o-s. I r.w. -Lr.
{II t» eooTrwT.citr
6ba—1 hear yen have Joat got t
I er! I w Hal
••Wirgina haaa new typewilMr sM.
"What betBBW of tbe other OM?"
"HermaUinc waa aoonclnal that bl
her to r> in for dialect wHt* iThkncn Eeoewd.
Attorneys at L*w.>■*** IB Msaueve niark.'Tchrar** CKjr. lUek.
: irsaiawEl tb* Pmst of asy aaaliariaa ar ha*plul I* (b* Ualtad Bum*.
Remember, we give a written ruai
ante# to cure every caae of PiLES and
I RUPTURE. Also, we f ivea l^y;nr-ln
ho«piial department it our San><
Ijum. Send for Journa'.
ratnoftATiox TO u BtsmtirtKD.
ce to the >H>un«-ll chamU-r Mnnday nlcbl ultli the mlvr
mivnilon of ehnefams
hi* Ilalm Io fame 0* a
ordliani-e will proMbll the plsylna
fi«i iwll otaywhere wHWa tbt city t
111 of the cUy of OUcaao-
New Tork. Nov. W.—The death yeateiday lal the aye of It) of Hear Ad
miral Alexander O. KblBd. L'. R. N..
cloaca the life of our of tbr moat dsriac
of the naval offlerra^f this country.
Ev«r Boraed Oat?
, 'If ao you know
tbe value of
Chlcaco. Nov. 10.—Aldeniiar. i'hdka.
•tilsh hal iMdorieiy. Kwk another Fine
Merchant Tailoring.
anlhariiliS In the Chlcafo Cbtnear col.
ony. say that the |dan of Impon.lnf
Monkullan miners faam Wynmlnx to till eVB. EAR, THROAT A.NO LUNd
doctor. He irraduthe slMklnc miner* at DISEASES aa the
from Cleveland,
ated 87 yean apo
Braldwood ba* fallen Ibrouah, and that---------------------------.........................
Ohio; waa 15 y<
the BKvnt of the BII Companie*. h»«,Ohlo5
years in jme^al practlcc; after that lectured as Professor
served notice on the coal company that tice;
he will be unable to suimly tbe necaaal» of the coal com-; Homeopathic Medical Collee# for*
sarymen. The ntnclals
that the years; waa 3 Tcaru fiunerinteodeut of
paoy. howeva-r, said yrwterday
coBIracI with U|e Sixt Companies I* still Alma and YpaiUnu Baoitariuma.
“ lit experience, comhioed with many
la Mfecl
*ra' att^y io the beat boapital* in
the civil
for^rlhich be received tbe
at tbe stuck on Kori Fisher that be
woo hi* areate*( rehowa. Assisted by
Ueuiensm PreoUm and a voluniaer
from hi*
with m
r abd bo^ba set to
axplode by
fk. w^^owad cloaa
'9 tbr ton.
Tbe offleera and men were taken oS
by tbe atoamer Wndrmro*. The powder
boat blew up as expected. Ihii did little
Injury to the fort. ThI* uperallon was
l>y neneral Hrnjareln F.
ter and Admiral Piuier. nvbe detailed
tbeuffleen and Id hi* niwrt *ald: -roramander Hbind ind
BriUab forelan oltlce. The formal execu
■had madr an arran«*m*nt to aactUce
tion of tbeae conclurlons will devolve en
tbamache* In ca»>
tirely on the Imperil! aulhnrillrw In
hoarded, a thini: Ilk.ly u. happen."
X-ondon and their r*pretrntatlve here, f^ewaa«»r«^Ke^
the BrilMi ambawrador. It was mid at
John A. Willard, of Mankalo. Minn..
the state departra*ni yeslerday that Ih*
RprinrHeld. Ills. Nov. 10.-The Und- weli-lcnewB aa a millionaire a
1 hanker,
Rret ol l«'i wool4 lie to reach a'aetlle- Inx* were yesterday mad* public of tbe
mm or iheHehrinc aea queatlon. and court martial which recently triedllajor
with that out of the way there would be
John C. Buckner. conunmidlnK tbv
ev*ry dlepoelltlDn to favorable poni'erNinth batulhm Icvlurvd). IlUool* Na
erre nr herder Immlimul'iii. Canadlantional Guard
He wa* found rullty of Amerir-an Iriereet* In the Klondike, re- all rhe'rbarxes and apect'
clproeitv. and the other queeilon* which mu the a-cond charrr. «
Sir Wllfrid’and bl« aeaoclaira reparJ -i-Inr ble triKHia before ,
parwmourl to the Rehrlnx *ea liwue.
WMailaa aa Thai SaKleet TaBetbe nLt
Tbkaa l> by Caagirat.
W^lnaton. Nm-. 16.—One of the flna
measure* nf public Importance that win
come up for mnalderatlon '
next wwelon will be k bUl |o
milled to
an leaderu In tbe hnose and aenate win
devolv lhv:r altratlon
aarly In
last Gongtvm i«**ed aa
Clevriaid, will, vetoed it
The bott»*
prumpili |>a**rd Ibe bill over bl* veto,
but ouiiii: to.tbe lack of time the
oU did nol.act Upon It. The man who,
wa* i.hiiirman of tbv iwmniittev on ImmlgiaU..u If. the house-at that time—
lianholdl of Mlaauurt—oH>«ed tbr bilk
When F|H-ak,-r Heed a|-pulnt<-d bl*
oommlts-va foi this cotinv** be «upplanird Ur. ItarUiuldt a* vbatrman by
Dsn Fold, at whK whude In m-mpathy
with th, admltii»lr*li»n on the Immlgrallun qU'vtlrti. || ir llk< l> that the
.UU which Ptva^di^t Cleveland' vei
inaj be ahum
satisfy Ihpw who oppotMNj
Creixhton ri-nde-red an Iniervatln* deelRton inanlnsuranreeaae. Klixa Niaa-’
ban bada <U.rinaxaiiu4 the UittuallAfe
Jiimrance t^tnpiny. of Wairrlor,. la.,
The d -fendsnl pl> aded «h*«
It wa> not 11<N-r«0d to do burincm m
rillncl*. and ihM It had no ppwer.te
enter Inlo a •ronirari with Ih^.lnanred.
Judffv Cr^lxhloh FUrialm-d tbedemnrrer
to tblF |.lea, holdlu* that tHHt-com|4I-'
eio- ulih the Innirani'e lawa of th*
riate wa* no jToutid for ibe defendant
to avrfd II* ftWB contra,i
<%‘ra#o. Nov. la—Crneral Manaccr of
H. V. Taylor, of the Ih* Pour Wllraln*“
iOR Coal oumiwny. When acen repaidlna
.......... .JB BalUmilorpki^ya
tbr alleced.Intention of the comiiany to
oa^^d. MelUilaa 4c Alb. H*-if
work Chlniwe In the mlnn. aald; "I hart
no acatenient to make aa to Chinamen
bains hired by the i<tmi«ny. but ]
•ay that \\i- mu«l have mvii to woik
-mine*, and the nallui.sliiy make* no
DO dlfdK- :h*r«4and<F.
He- .
ferenoe. - Tbe compaity would mui-h ptefer to have the Dten rrium to work, and
I ibink ircry ciiamv' has been stves
them to do so. Jl u now six month*
Cbal Campway Hm Ctoairwala pendent ScaadI
II HaM rainil.
I America, with I
le l<«:boiu>d Ball*
I at the British*
American Co
• Begin*
ning Probably Toi
cleat TM«c
Alltand b
■' TBtl<rM.
J *. BkOWK. Altot-ter a
). Lav. nperIM •I.eBIKi
MroBn-raaclBS til *>001
■ ^’llwMf^l^oa bewneb airtveaMlinea aa.
UnrtoProbBteprartiee.' 1
Bstllr On. Blork.
SibSSS.'Sisiriisiitr “ West Michigan.
and will aucBAprowpiU to ah da) or M#hi
Fprinjrflcld. I
. 10--A dele*aofliclala beaded by
Pewident Cartwrlahi. of tbe.Springfield
"ilv^lMtl.t waited ..n Oovrrnor Tan
yrat^rdij- 1 n rvssrd to Uiarumori'd
Importafn of a Urcr bod> of CUoeae
miner* B>io thr Braldwo,*! Avid. The
governor rzpreaaed
] the whiir mlnetw. and said that while
; hr could not reMrict Ibr Iminriatlon of
,lmr* hr would not prr[.the
velir the state branng
1 mil
Id be |•rnnll the prewnce
; of arravd *x-<*hlci,
, A* guards io tli,- CMm-sr.
. p,"'.r ha,
irdnni-d I-ifkr Flint,
has wrretl iBx munlha
of a yi-ar * sent* mv to the *laie prison
Film plcaih-d guilty In
tnit Judge Mssllnga. who
feni-tired dtlm. In a-lHlcr to the govI ernot etate* that Flint was drunk when
The new bill wlU protidr for th* 1
' he mad- the pl-a. and (bat he has since
clualoD of AoarctalMa It will aim to
lat filnt
v.-r-d that
was mitlmpUcated
keep out tbe ignorant clames of ImmlIn the offense li
graii's who form thr dangerou* >irBHMit* In thr oUlM. It will exclude tbe
men In reruiln skilled branches w ho arc
loc. N,.v. IC-Aaa istanl Postacrust.ntR-d to come to America In bu*y
ister Generat Heath yiaietday made
■eawin*. Uke the place* of better paid
rangemenia for the ouneolldalldn of
Amerltan labor, and thru when times
BtoOlce* In the tinrinlty ..f Indlanaiware dull g" home again to spend Uirlr
In cgnfr'TTnance with the "Greater”
saMnin there. It will discriminate
Pirtcen addltioral
agalnM FTvnob-Canadlan* and other* carrien will be allowed and aall*fartor>'
w-ho are clUsena of a forAjm govent- clerk provtslont will be made. Four ni
tnent. living acran* tbr border, but who five posicBlce* will give place te poM'
onler the I'nlted 6Uto* In Ihe-moralng. office auilnna and aub-aUllona
eotn|R.-le witb American lalior, and go
Chicago, Nov. ie.-Pa**eagrr traffic
Powderly, comml^oner
generator Inwlgra'tlirD.aaystherelscry.- en western road* la rapidly Increasing.
Ing nerd for an amendment to the Im- Reports show that recenl earnings are
mlgrallon law-a which will prevent tbe tar In advance of those for the roireMWidlng period last year. Th* ImproveIntroduction uf
noted is not canAnad to any
s oouotri' through Canada He
dlsoeveru that large numbere of Immi
grant* are
unloaded at Quebec and
other Canadian port* and atalp|>rd Inlo through traffic.
the state* without being. oMIgtd.in unMo^^kN Trial Owe
to vhlch Immli^nt.
viattm.da,Nov. lA-The Novak
a-,- Minjreted who land at AmeiKan e.r (rial was railed In tha district conrl
aesi-^rtaThleetil. he thinks tfcouM be'";,the gt^
wractad. and he will Iwlng the njatterij;^
forenoon ^^y to secure a
dtrecOy to the ^enllon of oongreaa
j^. a* the Mate evidence wUl be alBVgOBBDt or MIX at rmu
moat Wbony
Closely upon that polMWashlngioa, Nor- IE—The guTeni'
msnt has baas appaalad te to hehAlf of
whairr* who art lf*.bnsnff lb UM air.
«1r. of whaw-aiuiaiion Ih* fullowlbg It
JNHni liKirow
tneh. ThatM ar* now______________________
kg In* naar that |0k>*. Tha Mhlll—
towman Newport. FiiItoM, iMBhlt
Teas ara
„„ , V In aiieitdanc* al the fail aa
Bilun. whU-h 1* b
U. of ih* Faimcr Hnut*.
TwwH** iBMoallr MUM.
Qn«1w«. Kvh., Nov. l»~Th* belifr
' ~
IM Mt>iua«d
To Young, Middle Aged, and Olt| Men-eakeeraw. we ran gito perKantal tvUef. Atoulau eanw* gnarai
- -....... 'XUS cared wUbnut ■rid*, knitr. pain or Mur!
SrwbameVrraODeol. fnwpmic* and ebrap.
h To care eecry raw ol I>7i(wpMa. tUek Bradarba
are anBl4e to rail con wriw full pankuli
wwUn engera. with full iratraeUnw. how u. he take*.
Tbe SiS ol Or*. K- a A Co. wan iocortwraled wrera
hrereynitakeaiccaoeeollraaeaiplertaeai- Therae
“““ DRS. B. S. & CO.
B. J. 3UCOIIC3--A.it
Txa-iT-oaroo 0±M^,
If You Have Logs fo Sali
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. Wc have for sale Good,
Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for tale. Mill Machinery, of all
deacriptiona, including a Enginea, Set Worki. Carriages
andSawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
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