The Morning Record, July 25, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 25, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



oywoiAi. gAia
07 TSS UlTI.

A. R. Cochran. poetaT clerk on the
...'to' be|»»dof. StorllBf in 186»
HMto betereen. Saginaw and Grand
witooBt» cenv Mid wiUi »
Rapid*, is in uV diy eieitlng J. V.
•d books, it now bM » Ubrnry o< «'«'
own* 51 {Mt of the most BVBTLSB8 LOST on TO OOLTSI Hanaen.
i U. H. K. tUrmondandtwo
TBlnnUe propertj oo Fiont ettnet
Ib the old store" for a few days more, until
ledtbrtmgbltown from Grand Bapide
which le ita Urge, nad hMHUome bnild- Oood Game up to SUrth Inning When iyMlerday>a th^ way to.MeahUone stock of Wall Paper is gone. It’s going
. Hr rntehin Aak«l to Bm SutMiee log contolning for mtny yonr* the only
Brron and Wild Throws Oare the wMte.
Mbftwd in Ordw to Knkb Mi Xflbrt; pnbUc hnU In the eltj-. The uMeUstein and'Ura. ynlin*
fast at OUT present prices.'
Oaae to Oolto-Huatleip Scored
; tton doM hot owe e cent nod hM m<w>ey
Bcgensteln and two sons, of Chte^.
tnSnv* Print
Only in Plwt Inning.
ont nt intoreet. The Hbmr; pnriore
rfaitlng their sUter. Ura. Herman
: Vandinc AntLoa d fa^niiM .OenrC
hnndewneiy fitted ep. nod the book
Hyman..on Waahlngttm etrecU
Lo^rie PiteheH hn* bMO teand gntU/ ■helvet oonUio fioc e^eetioat of
Menittoc. Ulch.. July M.-ltyitoU
The UlMse befflnwell of Chicago.
Vr * ioi7 of bU Ptot*. And Ur. Fltoh- books, in nil bmneben of lltentare. brilUant game of hall up to the a&tb
orer from Old Utssion ,yeetorday
fU bM fonnd tbM a it nnUwfnl to nn.
ting. The book eo»- inning, then for two InAnga Infidd
friends who will
nw*7 With the wife of nnother mMt.
mlttM bM the repototloB nmong Urge
from Chtengo on the steamer Petoakgy
The COM WM .Ulei with fMturee book hocineof being the'meet op to of wild ibrowa gaye the game to the
il in the extreme date of nny of their pntkont nod the Colts. The HneUer* pat ap e gilt edg­ tbU morning.
Ur. George W. Busted, wife and:
d to rirot the ‘
books are always to be ed eame antU the explosion come, then daagbter of ainton. liU. were at
attention of the ar^rhf* OrcoU ooort obtolned at the l.adiea' Library a* aoon settled down to bnslBCse again- Both
____ Park Plaee yeaterday of their way to
attendanoe. Uneb of the teetimong aa they are pnbUshed.
tirm^ I Old UlMion, aeeompsloed by C. W.
game. There were
WM nnflt tor fmblleatidn. bat extnmeBut it's no lie when we sa>’ that bar Picture
High echool Library.
ij intWMting and pleMlng to the moi^
Eleeea yearn ego the llbmry of the
: the summer at tbe Uiseloa.
Framing ukes second place to none in^Ae
bldlj cnrlooe, who are nenaUy on l)and
TraTone City peblie sehools eoasistod
whenerer angtbUg eeneational is on
of one well worn dletionary. Today in
tb* p«t«raiB. ThestofToftbe elopea room eepMUtly deroted to tbU purnent wae gieen praetldaUy m printed
Of Leglalatare WUl Be OaUed by the 1
in the UonxiNC Ebcoed at the time of poee in the Centnl bnlldlng are MO
Tolnmes.' a«d in addition small grade
Profeewr Uortaugh wUl entertain
Um arreeL Uacb of the
librariee and dictlonsrlo* are to be
Detroit. July 84 —Goremor Ptogree i _
i of his j'uTenile
tory «f the Hubtaell family was aleo
d that an extra •
s trip to Carp tmke next Satorday.
aired. It wae rerealed in the teeU- fonnd in all the rooms.
The school library is etricUy for bosiLadies' 60c. Belts, all styles—at 26c.
mooy that Ur. and Ura. Hnbbell Heed
rether notU PitobOtt en- B€M and fiction finds s plsee there only
is necessary iu the siady of liter­
tored the honsehold. when Ura. Hgbature to her* the work* of great wrtt- ing
Want To CODvincC yOU pf the WOHbeU and the school toaeber became
and •j fOcl 10 inches beini.
derful values we’re offering in
seb other unknown to ert for the benefit of the studeote.' The
E. J. Falghum and H, E-BaUard of
the Auband. with the rtmiU which baa referecee library is gooi. Amerioen Indianapolis, went flsn’ng In Bass lake I The objeete of the eeeeion will be the
Ladies......... .
history is a specialty orer 100 books
saetmenl of more stringent Uws with !
baM recorded.
being deroted to. this, branch of the Friday and snceeeded In/ianding 7! refeyenee to the taxation of railroads ,
Wltoceeee for the detesM teetlfted to
poands of bass daring tbe day.
-echool work.
. .
and other corporations:' a
the good cbaraolM borne by the accosdellrery wagon, eboat a eabmiseion to the people of e '
The eeienees claim theU share of
- «d and that be was an awidnponB stu­
allention and the world’s tamoos poeU with the Inecriptlon. ‘•Enterprise Gro- reriaion of the state coDsUtntion and
dent while In theBlgBapIds Indhsuial
___. prom­
,.----- -- eery." makes an attraetire addition to embodying in tbe new eonsUtatioD the^
bare s place by the side of. other
School. The testimony of Ure. Hubbell
inent .writers. ’The gi kteet need Is' the-eehictes npon tbe^tr^ts of the goreroor's IdcM for the regelelion or.
and ntehett regarding thidr reUUons
for dapileates, for where there Is only city.
A of the garment.
Priemere tbeee:
toppreesion of tnisU.
wn* practically the eame and both de­
ene book of a kind ft U almost im^
There will be a regular meeting of
nied that the acenaed was guUty of the
ynniot-b-X. in Uew Kerloo.
Bible for an entim class to do the nec- Duchec* Camp. No. 8J45. Modem Wood­
1.85 to F3.00 Shirt Waicte at. !50e. Shirt Waieta at........
«^arge brought ags^t him. Bat the
eeftary reeding in oon- man of Amepee. Uonday night. In
4.M Silk Walsu at..........................
U. B. Holley bM received from Sal-: ?sc. Shirt WaUto at....
eircumstanee* sarroundihg the occoreob SilkWalsto at. .
nectioD with s special subject,
MontogaeiUll. Alt members are rerence* reUied seemed to iosllfy the
cyclopedia and a eet of the Centnty qumted to be preeent.
Spanish, of a junior C. E. rally of the
jury in bringing In a eerdici of guilty.
DlcUonary are greaUy needed at pres- ■ Mlm Uanha Barney went to Fife "Socieilad Intantll Me Cristlano." He
The Jary received the ebmrge oL the
Hadn’t you l^ffter look at them?
oonrt about 4 o’clock yesterday after­
Erery tell aeolleetloh b taken op
noon, and after deliberaUngabout half
among the teacbere and popIU foe
«n boor bronghi in a Terfiiet
magazines, fire or six of tbe leading be’.d there next month.
the country prohibit tbe display
oorded. .
OUM being token.
of FmI Front street
‘"F hind upon the strt
J. W. I-atohin. counsel for the de­
‘The library at a very low eellmsU
fense retiaested the court to defer sen­ worth ovprjl.oouaudallexcepteiooof u going to build on the site olhU ree. j
Reliable.Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
tence fore few days in order that he thUBMb^raieedtoroagbtheefioruideDoereceutly denied by fire. "
might prepare a motion to admit the of ih, .oholsr. themMlves. Daring I A. Dean, the archltoct. U tns.lng the
--------respondent to bail pendlny acUon of
Ub. Khool r-tU..llb..rj
' the sapreme eoort. asking at tbe mme Mery dey aed lu value In cbnneotloa ^ Beginning Monday the_ eleamboat
aretvreniy-five of these Interesting and ,
time for a stay
of emy*^.
sixty days. Tne
dock will be closed between the hoars iutelUgent animals, ranging from the
y,, .«dies 1. beyond estimate.
token into consideration < 44 seems ^
a P*-j insw-•
— ,
•- a.
•. m. and l8:iop m. Agent Pope .^ lioilest
, cf. baby e'e....................
y the eoort nnUI Monday.
Jllprarie* should be so scattered and lAeslres to add that all freight for the
i available for eo short s time each week io’cloric boat ahool.l be delivered at the j
------------' j when together they would make a fine [dock not Isur than l:3Q.

™" ””5f





We’re Something of
Liars Ourselves 3

1 s! s; s! s fci n


Ttetn Others!




3^0 SILK \miSTS

"I'f ■”


n.,. I



The Bros OeliTery ByStom Will be I tuundaUon for e pabllc library, add j jn the rejwrt of the Fltchelt trial in ' *
totobllabed in thm Olty.
that Traverae City might well be] the Rbcokh. yeaterday
In aepeclal dispatd from WMhlng- proud of In y*^ to com*. Petoskey * Uoned that Eev. O. b. Northrop ‘ pertpryceterday it U stated that the poet- hM recently oombined her three elml-' (ormed an illegal marriage ceremony." j
olBoe department bM iMued an order Ur libraries locating them in the High This wm not Intended to convey that:
«or the eotobltsbrnpot of tree deileery school bnlldlng and <^>eoing them two i the ceremony wm Illegal, hot that the i
in the week. It is a good j marriage wm illegal boesose Mr* Uub•errioe at Travciae City, on Novei
There wUl be four carrier* employ­ idea, and one that could be elaboratedj belt, the bride already had a hushand
living.' Ur. Northrop performed the!
on to advantage.
ed in the eerrioe.
of the nee-!
eesary llcease. which bM been ettted
prerionaly in the Recou> several tiiuce.

24 Pairs


one Otty** Three Bxoellent Xdbrariea
TEavoraeCity is particularly fortnBate In her three good llhrarl**, and
; amoag the bright poeMbUlUe* of the
fatureis the Ume when tbeee shall
term the nucleus of a -fine public li­
brary, open *U days in the week, and
tree to all- The TowMhlp library hM
already a good start in thU direction
and ti largely patronliod, but U open
y In the week- This library
only one day
dates back into the earlieet hietory of
the region, being itortod in a email
way In itec. For years U 'axperieneed
many vicissltudee. traveling from one
part of the city to another m ehangee
were made in the
few yearn ago it drifted iutogoodquarton in the Hamilton-Mlllikcn block,
and pramiac* to *)ay there UU it out­
grows iu quarters, which will not be
ter some time to come.
In the iMl throe year* tbe library
bM more >*»«" doubled, and vAth the
ceemA addition of over too volumes,
sumbeia 8.10s books- While tbe Urger
number of theoe are aorels by the best
mritora. there U agood list of hUtoriea,
blograohiea, and book* of travel and
OnaWtion U devoted to
the teionee* and another contains a fine
poru and the annaU of the Michigan
Pioneer and Historical Society. Fre­
ts are made to the llet of
books, and'the library is well up
• data. It U psironlsed by young and
old. and Saturday is a busy day tor the
llbiariaat. Miss C. BoldeworU. ^rs
Daring the winter thenamberof
ghran on* each week averaged .nearly
SOOandln theeummer there are over
890 calls every betarderWhen the -change wm made from
village to city the library cam* under
the manegemont of the new
ntkm and U now known m the City
Library. . The Ladlee* Xabraiy AeooetoUon,
Tho LadUe- L
con of tbe ©Meet womonb o _
-'ttoae Is the etate, and it* roputoUoB ia

Ladies' nngree A .<mltb Rasw
Toe*. Hand Turn*. aothTope,
d C. »4 50 Shoes at
A. B. andC


OF 40 TO 80 TBfiTXaDAT,

The bill U new a law.
I>resident UcElnley's message advis­
ing tbe appointment of a currency comUlu Jennie Gilmore I* hack ' from '
mitsionwM read to both bouses. The
for said Old UissioD.
oebau on tbe bill |
Jonn B. Santo is In the npper pentnIS limited to one hour.
Both honeca adjourned sine die at « eula for a week’s trip.
UiM Ettt O’Neal hM reiampd from
a vUIt In Grand EUpida.
yotvxo tv WVDLOOV.
A.. V. Friedrich eccompaeied the
Bustlers to
«v. Howard Hoore Hade Two
Hiss Ettolls Holcomb U hdme ter ten
Young Feraon* Happy Yesterday.
days from the training school at Ann
Franklin Atkinson of Cedar Ban. and Arbor.
Him Oracle West of thU city, were
MraC. D. La Polite went to SUgbu
merried at th^ realdeoce of the bride's yestenUy for a visit with Mr*.' FrMk
parent*. itiA. Otb street, yesterday af­ Tomlinson.
Bev. Howard Moore per­
Tracy GUlU will leave
formed the eeremony. after which a for Chicago, wbare he iniond* to reside
■upper WM eerved to the permanently.
bridal couple and about 85 immedUte
Mrs. Belle E. Cese of Manistee. U
reUUvbs and triendR.
The happy visiUttg her sUtor. Mr*. J. B. Grcillok.
couple will make their, home at Cedar of Bay strecL
A. W. McFarland e«>d W. F. Corbu*
, ______________
and their famlliM. of lUtnols arc visitHew Barracka.
lag Bev. A. E. Welis.
Tbe Salvation Army hM rented
~'.D,.B. Day of Glen tlsven. wm In tbe
large and o
Vtf yesterday on businem and making
on Front street for headquarter*, and
wills upon old friend*.
will move In thU week.
Mr. andMra.J. T. Beadle hsve retomed from aa njttoadod visit at
tr^t aad other polata.
Urn Woman's Cei
Yesterday wm spent pt Noah-ta1 a profit of 1
wsata by the MUms Boberm. Hi
than 84.
B*oad,.Crawford aad Sbnltoa
Chtoago XariteL
W. W. Oowaa. special ageat for the
Chteago. July 84.—Wheat—Septom- Armour Soap Oo. of Chicago, b apeadlag
her. 71 Ke. Oon. MXc. Data. T7H9 a week la rest at Park Piaee.
Prof. C. T. Orawa aad bob Oari. hava
nxe. Pofk.r.7».
001—When*, 11* penny goao to South Lyon, aad Mtm Orawn
b atteadlag the Bay Vbw aeeemhly.

Is none too good for jon.

Ask Your Grocer
For It,
take no other. We guaran­
tee you satisfactioo.


Kn. B. Ahapartl Sotortainsd Friende
y by tbe Prsoiclent,
Lost Vight.
Who AUc Sent Hw Ourrency ■**•
Urt. E.' SheoaH gave a deligbUul j
,eag« to Oongtee* Both Boaew
door party last evening In honor of
'Ad^nnod st Vine O'Olock.
WMbington. July 54 —The confer- lotto ‘The UwD *TM deoorated with
garden seau. hamDoe report on tbe Urifl bill wm
adi^ted by the senate this afternoon mocks and cushions added to tbe p1<
by s vote of 40 to SO.. President Mc­ ure and comfort of the gueets. liclicKinley signed tbe bill shortly after 4. iouit refresh menu were served during





33 Pairs
Men’s Patoat Leather and Bnameb, former price 85 00 and
PC. 00,. to eloae out at tS-OO.

108 Pairs
Men's Satin Calf Shoes, regu­
lar 81.79 Shoe*. MW going mt
$1 11.

69 Pairs
Men’s Light, Color Tan Shoes
85 to SO per eent diseounL

118 Pairs
Lodlee’ Block aad Taa PbHr«e
A Sm'lth JnUeto, former prioe
8S. cloaiag out price $A

MBk8 No MistAkA

TIm Ori^tnsl.

Seamless Shoes
Bound to Wear and Good Style.,

Oi Bloods and Ctiobolates ia Boys' aid foatlia' at Cost.
Yon r:ea Always Do PEST ai^


FroitJars. Canning Season.
2 OrUart—eOo. doz. 1 Quart—60c. dox
Get them before eeaeow b over.



If You Have Logs to Sell:

Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sole Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale* Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, inbhiding 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
and ^ws. A complete Saw MiU Plant for sale.



k Of SS.OOO MTM, or li ^
cnt: in (Aloof *1,000Mm, or a par
omt; In MleUfon of U.OOO Mm e
par aank in point of jaeAltton.
tba crop at thia tlna 01"
nU7 with that at the oorraapMt
period of laat year, (ha preaent average
balnff 87.1 afaiaat 09. The .preaent
Moo. T. BiTot M J. W. BAxm. eoodlUoa. it uy beetatad, la lower
J. W. HAKymi; Editor nnd. Mnnafv. than the 9mly ararape la a loaf larlee

falriea. and ean prodnee more eolid enbBtantlal tu thu any oompany eiaitinp
the city in muy a day. U that oompuy erer'pettoa their nppew’ the
town that eaniea It aboald be qnarutlned and ehnt ont from the raat of the
arorld. Ferrt deaereea aoeeeca. hU
people are all pooii peo^e. thoronpkly
pood, and thoae of 'our eitlaent who
failed to attend their performucc
mimed a«to«at. We >ope the Fwrla’

on the mareh; a blood-qalekralop reprodaetto of the Derby day meet, with
hope tally-boa. alrader apideia. pretty
T-oarta. blooded raeinp atock. Lonra^pdlfe; a brilliant pictwa ^Romu acid Oreelu snleDdor. fin idetnrad
U ihe^pTMt apamdea of Rome and
Athena, topether with the Olym^


: : : ,1

>. The moet (arorable reporte from
men rsoM tbb oou fiku
ap the aUtA of prindp^ prodnetiw an thoae from Iowa ud Nebrae- TaeahaC Cw by e Oulela at Oar M
ka, whieh indicate arerapec of (•! and
Waihlnpton. JnlyS^Shuin C H.

OrrCOKCMwi 94. raepecUnly.____________
Hoopper, commandlnt
Bebriny a*a
patrol neat, in a reportSo-^h* treeiory
departmeni dated Unala*a. July
Mya that the Jtlealu Commerrial cc
HiMB Paiit Bocel At 9ttawa Beach panr'a neamer BxteWer errivefi at that
Ike II^iMattee M TfkTM—. CUr,
a« al lh«
Borneff Teaterday.
port <m Jnly 4 with about forty mlnera
KWb . M
OtUwa BeacRMleh.. Jnly S4.-Ear)y from the Ynkop dictricc end about 8S00.'
The TariffBUI.
yeaterday morninp fire waa dlaoorered 000 In (Old bullion. Contlnuias be eaya:
•The Exrelcior briny* wonderful acin
Tbs MnAkj-NG Esooao prlato today
ewunte of diacoverte* in Ibc Klondyke.
the fnU textAf the tai^ bill, whieh Hotel and In Icea thu two bonn waa or Reindeer rieer. where foriunea are
made In a few weeke 'Aeccurdloy
was paMod in tVachinffloa yeetarday radaoed to aabca. The llfeaarinp crew briny
to theee reponi nolhlr^ hae ever been
aftanoan. at fonr o'clock and which did preat work, bat were much budl- dlacovered on the continent approerhiny
capped by the breakinp down of . tkelr It In rirhnem. The Klondyke ti a tribu­
WM immediately aipned-t^ P
force pnm^ The hotel waa filled with tary, of the'Yukon, a few milea above
McKinley. There are eipht |
paeaU ud there were aeeerml narrow Forty Mile, and Ir wholly within Cana­
thto edition |pd the who
dian terrliory. Oold wae dUcuvered
^pee, muy of thembelnpeompelled there laat auturrtn.' and durinjr the win­
to^eecapr in their nlpht clothinp. The ter attracted miner* from all direction*.
arewureerrcaearaeord iabekept to fire war anppoaed to hare ori^nated It li aald that ov.-r Z.0CC men are locall'd at E)aw»n. the prim-ipal town,
aie away Tor fotare rafaranoe. la thU from the paaollae liphUnp plut. while Circle City. Forty Mile ud other
M in all mattera of |mMie iataraat the There waa no inauruo*.
-------------------ij, j,^ned.
The hotel waa built fiftfcn yeara apo j -owlny
RscoBD famlabaa
it mdara with the
ic sudden Inflna of people
t matter of peblle 'la- and wu one of the moat popolar of | proviaicr.* were hlyh. bat
actual aufreriny.^ Betareat ae eooa at poaaible id pet them HoUud-a raaorta. It wm owned by
Lomu Jeniaon of Jeniaon. Hia loca. only be work^ In the winter when
before the peblle.
ia «!S.00(1; The loaa l« the pueata in oul-aoll Ir frosec. Tfar pay din ir melted
Tu Baple oaata Tbs Morbim Rbc- clothinp ud jewelry wilt reuh from by fire built In the abaft, and tbe ydd
extracted by the urual wakhlny out
OBD to be pood eooopb to ataU wbeth- to,
elalmda-SOC f*« In the dlbecMr*. Pruk Deam. of anelnnaU U
V Ooremor napree la a repnUiean ot
Tom bank to back.
>e oftbebeavt^tloiaara. She loat a
I exceed 6C4 feet.
not in view of the poremor'e erlUdaiBt
full aet af dlamtmda, valnad at aaecral
■pon the hide, enpar and lamber it
the yearly rental tioo. Clan
in thoae eehedulea. Why not aa
a* hlyh ar't& and ■ rtlll hlyher
An 880,000 new brick hotel will take price has becn^refdred to oibctW*
HeonalderaOeneial Alperand a aoo^
of other ataeneh repnhUcaaa on the the plaoe of the bamed atcactare.
Mtam aide of the atate cUU in the
Tbe noted Prorch writer Pirtm
party, becaoae they foopbt for a
sbbviobR today.
wit whom repntatiCD for brimaooy tff
dollar tarriff oo Inmber. Any tariff
cpeech waa ourivaled. Be woe famona
Mil offera a eaat field for dtrenity of Yaraiabad by tba Baapactiwc CBurebaa for hie flaahiDR rctCTta Mt er.
opinion open the marita ot ita proriebent of ua aametimea hare to bow to «VOLVXTSEBa
periority. tbouyb it be only tempnarily.
ioM: and it wonld be atranpe, indeed,
m stale emt.
if all membera of any party ahoeld Ueau J. HaeOretvt. Ueot-1. VUUaMoa
Pirtm In oompany whether be ooulB tell
aproe epos all the iu^ prceented in
Bollncaa meeUnp at 7 a. m.
her the
any ache^nle. Becanae eertain proria*
Chrlatian praiae meatinp.and aonp and a mirror.
iooa in the tariff bill, eotae of which a^iee at 7 p. m.
"It ia, madam." aaid Plron instant■ affeei him directly, do not meet the
of Lieut. WilUam.......... meeliny
..v...... —...........
........ — ,ly. ••that a miiror n?flecU without
^proral of the poTemor. It does not aonatSp. m. Wilileave for Oadillu | speaking wd a woman *peak* without
neoeeaerily follow that he la not i
•dot See- are on-fast time.
: you tell me lb<> diffeamee between a
mirror ud a mu?"
ntary Seward'a coorae beeauid he paid
j "No.-'aUBwerwl the poet.
tf,000.090 for Alaaha ahowed abont ae Bow*ra Moor* ubC Mary Boor*. PstU
"Ob.''waa the reply, "it ia thia, M.
little wiadom ac the croaken today
Services tomorrow a* foHowa:
I Piroo. A miror it ulway* poliabed, but
who bare been iDilatiny that nothiop
Mominp service. II a. m.
'a man 1* not alwyy* ea"—Yontfa's
bat the free and cnlimited cbloape of
Bible school.
aUrer wonld brlnp back preeperity to
Junior ud int.rmediale
ic.,j- ■“ ----------------.Why Sb. Be.
the United fiiatea. Alaeki hxaal>eady meeunp. 4 p. m.
bnmpht to the United Sutei many dolCbrutiu Gadeavor meetinp, «:I5.
lara more than It ooet nt, In iu for leai
Ereniup aervicc, 7:30.
ladnatry. and now it
Breffbody.U cordially Invited to all
richeet poid emine* In the wor d.
___ aerrioea also to tbe picnic next
find a ilbin o rown ter-1 Tueaday at Ne-ah-ta-i
ita. piven by
rito»t,^ coupled with the fsct that tbe the Prcabylerian and Friends C. E. nofold mines of the world »re prodi
eietlss. Boat leaves at 8:4S a. m.
thia year more thu crer in hiatary and
thit waure polny to draw preal qnu- Be*. D CeehUD.pMior.
titiei of poid from abroad in paymut . Sermon at 10:30 a. m. on St. I'aal at
of our cropa. for whieh hiph prioea are Athena: the infiaenee of Cbriatiulty
predicted, proralaes a pood aupply of npoo aft ud ilterat^. iu transfermoney and prosperity in the United rlnp influence.
Staleadorlnp the comlnp year, ud in­
Pleue be on Ume and take part in
deed indefinitely.
the hymns and responsive readings
Sunday aehool at cloee of church.
Thb Urlff bill is now a law ud the
men's claw in the atudy Is
t has sent to Coapreu a
class tn
in last
Ikst II
Yonnp mu>'s
s mass
bet we'n dotn what I
■ape advising the i aoin^^t of , I
Church. Jnaio*- po^fi
euTMcy commission
“ <:■
MU?Wmy~.'Tan*e we Ukea it—New
York 'Journal.
'ice at 7:3U p. i
atet« to esublisb u Improved taonegVSXOCLICAL CUl-BCH.
tory ayatem. Who eu eay that Uis
Re*. 8. Brisberj.
aetien has not beu accordinp to
mns—I don't think that tbe
Sunday servieea are aa foUom;
u always wUUng to beUeve the
iworalses made? The ‘Rbcoxd bePreaching Sonday 10:80 a. at
abont s mau.
*UnrM that-the law Just-maeted will
Oct a black eye and see.—
1b a va^ short time create a ebuge
Y. I’. A atop- m.
New York Jonnial.
for tbe better la oommen-lal oondiPreaching at7:SOO.
All are invited.
Ingllng Broa’ the Orandeat Dteptay
Tbaatncal Motes.
Ever Bun in Am-rlca.
The Al. O. Field real negh> minstreU.
A thirty-aactioo free street parade!—
Heavy Bhnnkape in Acreape of Pota- traveling on tbdr own train of palace this is tbe slarUHg n.Tolly which
toea and Idpbt Prult Yield.
cara. and with their own brass band Riogling Brotbera. the noted circus
The following utrmets from the ud snperb orchestra, are hilled to ap­ msaagera, offer tbe public this year as
the Uteatevideoee.ot
'ideoee.ot their oririhaiity
Dnited SUtes crop r^rt will be of pear at Steinberg's Grand opera bonse ud monlfimbt
Mt expenditure. Tne ides
for one night only, Thnraday., Jnly of dividing a circus procession into
peaetal Interest:
divisions is in iiaelf a novelty, while
PcMbm-With few emepliou the !«- *9th.
The eompuy comes highly racom- the wAsJn which the origioal aebeme
porta on the peuh er^ are ufavora^ded by tba arew of other eiUee. has been worked oat not only reflects
Ma. In New York it 1s asM to bo in
great credit up m th-se aiwayN pro­
rathea poor edition; In New JeiKy.- 33»*y here had a cost
gressive managers, but makm tbe
-------- --------------they inanpnrated
street paradm of other inititotius
■otv^ pood; in Prauylvuia. only
wdry in
moderate; lo Delaware, less than 10 their toor two yeareapo. The com­
ity of Chi
per eut of an average crop: In Mary- pany is eompoa^ of nearly the same
lud. a small crop: tnOeorpia, Ismthu people who were first brought together bibiled over one bondred timm to the
andiuoM ever seen in the
half a crop; la Kentocky. below lui by Mr. Al. Ql Field,—some fifty pnu,jwan U Ohio, almost u entire failure. ine neproea .The entertainment truly Weld's Fair city, tbe leading nevr*papera nnheaitetiogly declare that
Ob the other hand, the ArkaBU* crop Is utlraly different from that of ..siiai- Rlngling Bros.' street parade te tbe
kk on the whole, poods'Vhe California lar orpulsatiaos. The wardrobe, most novel, the moet unique, the Dost
ei^.'talr; the Washington crop, never stage effects, and everything pertain­ porpeons ud the mou royally rabettu; ud thatof Qrec^, moreprom- ing to the ubibitioo, has bee^.gatun apludent street display ever Inaugur­
np repardleia of expanse.
suta ated by a elreuB muapemut. And
Wng thu last seaaoB.,
even thte dom not toll the fall atory of
Appiee—This crop also teWow Uc will be on rale at the bog oSoa Tnaa- tu wonders. Bach aactipa
' Bvarape. except in the ter WeA and on day morning and will go very rapidly.
the Padfic coast Prom all tSe North That the boose will be crowded pom
Atiutle Slates the reports are more or withoct saying.
leas'nnCavorable. in Ohio the frnit has
About Ferris' OemedisBa. the Trlb- and the rart-ealon of t
dn^ped oft badly. uJ the IndlcatlOBs nae of Cbestae. IU.. mys:/' Dick Ferris
are that the preeut eondlUon of 46 te a whole team, with a d^ under the
ud effective doairuU lo the arttetic
par eut wUt prove to be too high rath- wapoa, a <
waybaek. eye. Among the notable feaitarea in
thu too low. Michigan has u av Dainty Orao
dtouaetrem of the thirty aeetions into whieU the pa­
crape of only 51. as eompa ed with 93 more thu ordinary merit and deurvea rade te divided are oeharactorteUe repre_________ of all tbe moat noted ml
at thte time last Tear.
the rapuiaUpn aha has, that of a papa- orpulxatlus la the world. aU In theTr
ra is the OBly etate lar favorite, and to adding lo her lu- national uniform, properly aoeontored
with any ea
rete at-oaeh appenianee on the aB«e. ud mounted on magnificent war
to thte crop that ahow* u laereate. The whole company te a good one. not hoeem; a military eonvoy in tbe Punjub. with iu poodaiona elephuts.
Tbme is u apparent redneUoa in New
In it. They are fine TO drawing ereat. Inmberini ennnon ud
York of4«,000BQrta,Brll»toeeet; la toltets. sing Uke aagate and dance Hka bearing Bast Indten oharp^ooMn la






The Pure
Fruit Juice
U what we flavor onr Soda Synpa with.
We do not use extracts at onr fonntain. A
large, cool, sparkling glam of iee craam
soda (the best in the eity. tb«y my) for
five crau. Everythiapatrietly clmn abont
I the fonnuin.


With pony
the ebUdren _____ .
_...over a hnadred dena.
Ulfiaaax cara. ud muy
capes ud uld


street dliplaye<
folly orpuized. It is this wonderfi
ly new new and novel proceaalon tb
wUl laanpurate circus day ia TTavei
City. Aup. 3. ud thoae who tall to i..
It will mim the irreatMt event. ouUide
of the performuoe Itself, that has been
prceented to tbe public dnrinp tbe pre­
sent century.
If your prooer does not keep A. L
Joyce A Co.'s soft drinks ask hb why.
and ’pbou 143.



GraiidOperaHoDse. eSSGROCERIES,
5—Nights Odlj-—S


July 26,27, 28, 3t)aii] 31.

Monciay, July Sbth.

Great fO Gent Show

Brehm'a Tbier Leben, tbe meet OerlU scientific authority, mys; " Albtco
. r whiu elepbuu very rare: llpbt col­
ored BpeclmeM are rarely seen. In
Slam, where alblnea of all kinds of uImals are much esteemed, as they are
believed tS be the rulers of their kind:
where tbe white eli
u^whera OnruOe of theklnp U I.ixird Mosical Farce Comedies.
of the WhIU Elephut'—it appi
tbatthe people hare been able to
tain but few llpht eolered speclmi
sotwithaUDdiup all possible efforU'
have been made." As a matter ot fact,
tberw were only five in all Siam, and
oae of these tbe famous Blngliog Bros,
bsve secured, sfter months of nepotlau nd tbe expudlture ot s fortune
Mnsical Numbers. ?3 Specialties.' 415 Union 8t T«lepbono84.
n undoubted A great
show for little money.
EnUre change every night Ad
Sion 10c. Reserved see U 5c. extra,
Get UeVeto early.
Bv vltbtmt
TickeU wUl be sold by the
Juiv Tutb, via Detroit and the Wa­
bash E. R. '
August s. via Detroit and the MichiI Central
Lupnst 1___
iDd Trunk R'y.
II tickeu poed to return leavlnp
Niagara Falls not later than five days
from and includlog day ofMie. * Rale
fnm Traverse Cfy will be 87.00,
For Bates and Other Xnjonnation
agents for full Information or addres
tiro DsUsvrjf, G. P. A..
Grand Baplda.




Now for Business! FIRE INSURANCE


It cusu over 87.400 a day to operai
Rtngllng Bro*.' enormous exbIblU*
Thirls, in iUelf. a proof ot the ic
raensityof the instilntion.


VoUce to IVater C
l■Ho^Klrr•»rnF ths
eater for sprinkllnp pnr.. .. .... ... ales, confined to the
boon of a m. and 8 a. m.. also S p Corner of Coion ud Bay StreeU,
near M. A N. R. depot, wishes to nnnoooee to tbe public ths7 he ha* re­
filled ud foroished the Hotel Pangboro better than it ever'has been be­
I. D CsMrnxLLA So.v«.
fore and mn accommodsto thi: travel­
Tbe five long trains r>f double ea
ing public lo good shape.
John May.
used for trausportlog RingMnp -Bro
formerly with the Hotel Whiting, will
World's Greatest -Show* frr.m dty
have charge of the office ud attend to
eltv have a Soer*paeeof over I130 dr
ihe.wuUofUe gaeata. ttettefaetlM
railway cars.


Oo to thn^'n Barfa^ Shop <pr Ulr
cuts Ud hatha. 16 eeoU each.
, l-tf •
N. H iimmra.


■Suits to Order.

Bsjei., nmrM.eX X. Depot.

Will Sell Today

Beef, Pork. Veal, Motton.
Pressed Cooked Han,
Dried Beef, U«er,
Clioice Peellnf.
And everything a fint-elaaa ma
' ocntalna

Fine Merchant Tailoring.


Phone 73.

Has Yaur
AttentionEver been railed to the teat
that yon eu get at the Drag
' Store (our atcee)

Pure Powder^ Spicee,
Pore Oreun Terter,
(and Pure Baking Powder, if you want
ns to make it. 3 pound* for II 00 ) Rubb*r fiheeUng. 'Rubber TubiBg. all
sizes. Water BotUra (guarutced for
twuyrafs.) PouDialn flyringea, muy
kinds. Tbroet Brnshea. and Atomizers.
Ulykerine ud Witch Easel Lotion tor
the buds ud face.

At Our
Soda Fountain
well enou

tr lUar Masocile Btork. Valoo SUvet.

Oor. CsMs ssd xuuknu


Fishing Parties .FukStmt, lNtwNa?rfistAO«M.

CARP t.aitb!



Lady \Uatts
------ 80B------

Johnson BIk.

Rates, $1.50 per D&y.




NmI Tickets aiRedeced Rates.


3436 Frames
Let ua make eome for yop.



Ever Burned Oat?
If ao yon know

fWoiMDayBosiU. apmSslBsiss
From this date this boat,
O. P. OARVEK. Agaot. •
nrill not make regular con­
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, howeyer. can makfe arrangements
for the n«e of this baAdsoftie FMdlng Furmen* HoRfid* a SpeoUlty. HortM Boarded*
yacht, by commnnication by
mail or wire, with
B. J. HO&GAN. Prop.
Ireland, Mich. SiU a., Y«t fitPuk PhMMd.






tragedies of the mines^





t «•»■> la Urn Wad>tac*oa HaaiM

DriTcn Aftw HW.irw !>«■;««•
••111 thi* liD* Of
powtn OF THE SEA.
w BBrtcw ocrideuf' —------------«ac«rM." Futd Dfpntjr Mlw- iu*|>.<'tor
KffoK '
Frauk «niHFT tb« oUkt iilaht "Oiie

■trat^ Its Cumy-CaeOMad by Condi*
lun-aA u» rnwTt u rting
•Ro.'miid tU^ii
Umu of tb» w«otbor~L-M« *o Wbloh ■
A Whai
saWl - ■»* Ca»aa» aa ho*, mocb « take* to kill a lean i>onK>tb» Motor Kay B« Appl'iad.
I tint's aud boV eadly tbe Uinad at life

haiiFi tfarosRb the erutcr of Frarilr io
U>ut FTL-al obcliak ubicb WM . teeud al
Wa«bit>FM) In boocr of ow nabon’t
fir»t rol<^.


a« Caagtit Her.

Albert Bloodgond gazed, teng and
•irt>r«tly-iutD hi* jriatjg uile'i iy«. li
WM eridtvt that M-tion* dooUa Ind
taken poaacaiguii oi Lib). H« had been
inarriid u> Sylvia.Htnc.le<od lur three
day* nnd had ibtjaghl that h- w»» haiv
py. iwi !I. w. UK rbe ut ta-eide .lnm in
ihe I IttBging idcamer. a '
hMTil iI raiidenly fmnd iuelf

Thiw iik«oiii6Dt confdftt of.'a ooppor |
wire ITf' feH loug wfilcb bold* a pinm
met .pfii^iided from lu lower ojctremity •
A etartling devclopsi.tnt in gnnniitkEnfflimjnf ba*« long 'm
jnio\areaael .if wafer. Two traniritt |
dttiae a practical plan ' "****? .“** j ^T^iiFed at ngbt angl'--* to
otb. r ng i* the rnw ubb iuaifc boU-tikiia.
p(w.T of thent Uon'of tvBv«andtldt»' ire focuicd open the wire jnet aburc
It flr<«oil aon or dOO in- **"i
w ho bad given h-rlile
per minute.
iM ncoti (h.ct Bcmcihigg
tb«tUl; bottnipi imt did not btmk i
aitll*>-d uauediatclf, or acc.^
accnluslai.^ ,1.. ol«.™
Orrgoto and ilir* natkiD.
,«.ttv badly >rwd op «mi»d^n«dial.^
■leecopff tb. fe]|^..9l vibratiun of,
; w-itn him. and. k*<k*.
TbH BUIe njarv-l of luechanism per-1
Cdonol Bukt r
and [
deal frigbl.-i..:!!, tot be vai .
.tored for faiot^WP^<,r^
—- RH^I tDB» oi rlcue iiindicaud forme tbe mivt aeioutiibuig function*
)d» <u hrcmgbt to -AiuHioa wlale a ' afl
In Ylgiil
vi..^ again
_ .ih in a day «r
api^toi Au
An be do* nnm,
apou ,a gradnated acal.
w ith txrice tile rapidity bIjiJ lunrt- than IrxA si a
or «r«
two. WWn
Wbt^n i «>«
. . an .effiruut apiafitOK
child hyhl*l«r<-l3t< Hie f,
, w. L .i . . h; br ,P„.
fell, nrwcniuoa.)
be went tlown .xi-r
feet OTM.
first, -ou-.
and a . Tiaed. wben.^
ti..- MP.I..10O
«i ii«tbe aCcnrucy of human intclligr-nce. It plating II
weave and rlnnued work to_ a Pbila- :
;«r. be made ava.lrble._tKAA obvioo. ^
ID a >4pl aaiDtuer day aoint- ^ load* a gun, cloex-a the lircc-t-b. tirt-a. aakert:
delphia mill. Young
itho bo.umi and Md«l a. a pamchntA
- •
to which it ran be ap- ,
r,...— tlljl- ap-i,Wrttbward nfew ' opx-n* tb.- hrv-ucb again, ihfow-* out tbe
love 'oor iitle dirlis
plied are olm<W wilbonf limit.
- homlTtdthH r^au Inch, and high wind* ! empty shxll and itnnelu'.x-> a new car* any nunvV Tell im.. dsrlir.g, what it la
a., nc,
FT- ludebutl to Indurtnw and I
Tariation from tridge exactly a* a w.l.'.ier wohkl do. i Ibal trnubk* you Diai’t liy id codcpaI
* Iron for a deacrljAiot) of an in^lcoa tin-uortaal.podtion ol the wins. Occa*
aooo.ft* be n>ulrt hcwetii toiUinoUaiid
al aU
lov. ydeny. Yon
Htwii BCLompli*b4» all thh. may be
a-ilboot tlx' .-lid nl inpch ar^niliiig edn*
know i’m so wi-» 1 ran *■• «x, ryibiog.
euajiendod ‘
by B; Mfirh-y |
plummet ewingii Ttolently nuderet<a)d Iw a geiH-ml 'rtiMipiioa
I'""mted blniM If. R»l admitted to tbe bar
like Uohaiutmd'*
foflkj. :i Fi;v;k„rf
FJrtcber of H-.«mln.UF.
Weatminiter. »bid.
which w.wld ,
i* calm and cool, ita
A gnn liarrU of extra >Treuglb ia Yoo told meiioy.-rtcnlay. wli< u Iguemed
and begat) th» prartira of tb<'_ law io
Kettrlr nlwne* wb^ a man falli
P««-, moU.aj nnder rucb circau.KUofv* bring acrewed :u frmit td a .m’ov'able lirecch < whul'^'in bad in that pT>-tty y wt-l bos
Ulddlc lUiDois. rid)iig In thc'rircnit anydUtaiice he'hini* over. If heaum tiaally nommal «*t. Briefly, tbe «► nurtibwi to Tlbration ol lb-earth itaelf. box which .-iiiitaiu* the oiicrmtuig formx."
witb Lincoln and winuinF fame a* an feet dowiiv ard. and finishet.. hi* plnugo
D< .dubed and aaidu
Dof tbe u
. mtre. He went !'• .Mexico ii* eoloori nf bead find
a daily KtaU-nient of llie transit* ah<l
•• Ah. *weein.-iBi. I don't knew w hether
I ban- aecu a nninliei of
-an lllibo). regiment and woo iaipe al cn*.« nhete lb.' man fell with liU boota
prepao a luciiibly ciian uf tbe aame. which (xnnmauicati-* with ttw barrel by I (ragbt to imparl my tbocgbu to ytn
OrtoGordn Bring attrarted to .Cali- CD and wo* found barefooiod when he
which !• filed in tbe war rtepartiuent meana of an 'irificc pcrforati-d at a idiigt oruu I^-tlmptlafuborT^ag'ttoulk
fiimik at an early doy. be * ul«d in
I tiav<| a* V'D knowC alwm4*< ii
di*irk. d np. 1 iop|ioM ihti 1* Uicanae
a* picked
distauoe from tlie mouth. In tbi* cylin­
Ban Prancirco lud speedily beeanw fa*
ni c rtodiunk'dik-ju-iiieD. IhavdAuh-d
elose* Uk interesting fuel that no p- r* der is a <x«ged piKpiu.
,e hlo«<l g « to the bend, nmktlig Ihr
noui a« a Juty i»«T«. partimlarly in
maueut change ba* 1 uU t-ffecte<l lu t!>e
W'lieii the *hot i* Bred, a* soon n* tte mi-n and v.ijmic, and'I have been wont
ruialUr. and be»id.» the pIi>*Tjn of
crtiniual ca)*"*. Si great,war hia repi
puRiticn i>f tbe luouumeul. the plnm- ball hu* pai«x-d tbe nrifiiv ooinmuui- to ihmk tbai.l knew beman natsre.”
[he air nprw the lieel and mouU'T aci*
orator that tbe
»*)c urged. U.-coniUig intermet having alwaye leaned toward it* caimg between tlie IkuttI and the cylrirelnimiand go rnil«
normal resting idac when Ihx- cuuws of tod»r, thegaMwTiom tbe powd<t p uw1 had to go over to Sand Ccniee to
I trail* «o hear hini
‘-W'Ml. 1-iiber my obe
dnturbauoe Bohsided.—Scientific Amer­ trartos into the (-bomber in front of ilie
invietigute an accident in ■wbicb one
pistOD and posh it bo^ to a i>aiUuu dedaci|i<>iis haye Lmd man wa* kill.*! nod auotlier bad tbr^r
t-ife tboold lope
wrbere <l i* held -by a cau-li. W-Ih-d rti- douT lox-e
broken. SjK-Bking trf Sand Conlee.
Frog* la K
ntne.1 to try to U- elected a Lnit.d 4.
i a* ibm that U J
trigger i* unoe more pre.^aed, the nai.;b
. Stio.e M-nator Horn Oiegoti.- Itwaek wauled to commit * RuidUe 1 Woald go
‘ occDrrx-nce
••Oh, Albert.’' the Bwcvt girl ciW.
is rx-k-uM-d, and tbe libmwted pi.-4ou
rio«t -audaeion* whetne, fora rerulent there to rtf' it I dfD’l ufx-an that life'toad* iuf-lmtl ib block* uf
bi* neck and
fii.a tiBi-k to ill inltioJ iioaitiou by
of r>ne rtaU- tiran. njpl i« become a Mi- -beviun-e eurh alotdeu lnlb«-coal coquor in (lay iiiaiiy feet U-tow tlie sarfoce m<-an* of a spring.
auLUngpitifully,'’what baicaiued yon .
ator Imiu iin adjuiiiing Ftale, wlaTe he try that ll-a.- tie* Ibnl hind nit'.im«e
of the gronud ha* (rften U-i.ti r» portod,
Tbv- ilikton. ifanfore, i* charged with to II nr, ihj* imiel. cmx-1 OpinkiU> What
bad not m il aiiempted to goin a*r<-*i- eaeily «ex-ered than elM..vbriv. bnl th.itbnt uercr fubstwitiated. *ayi LelRure a moiiun to and fro Which mu»t cun . iiu* 'nor- 'ink- darlie done to anMue
deuce. It wonld r.-ijuire •linlpnioiv ir afferrt*'nnaUrpaRWid, facllitie* ton
Boor. Dr. K. fi. Truquair. kM-per of tiunu a* long as tbc breech txiz u fur*. such a «u*pirioui'"
check for a Kew York man to try- to U- cheap and Jiapjiy di»pjtVb. If* a won­
the. BBtaml hi*«ory x-ulk^tiiD in the oiklMd with i-artridge*.' Ft i* i1h« alu»•■li I*tj'tw-baf yon have doo<;."bc re­
eameernutor from Canuerticat (bun it der b> lue that fonx- of the luauy |mo- JdiiMdiniif Sciiiio- nnd Art, Biliiitnirgh, nale movtmxnt of tbc piston whicb. plied, "but what yon bav« uot done,
did for ColcaH'J Bak.T tej niidtTiake to pie who annnaliy launch lueiniclTi-* :
ho* <-Kamib<-d Uii* deluiiun aiuxaig oth­ thivDgb an ingcuioos yet r- ry nmido ,^1 worries me.”
latxir from Oregon. The very }"*“ l■lenli|y Item Butte do net take
er*. and he put* ail sorb tvp<W« down arraugi CK-nt of cog* and piniun*. farces
It* drew hack in wild fwar ud
aadaeny of llie ack-niv commended
to want of pinvcr of accOrati; xjbietTB- back tbe tm>\abIfrLirM.-cb box. o|»u* tbe
i-d Sae lilni to pranced;
tbe Sand Couh-e rente.
to Colooi-1 Baker, And bceniend npon'
tion. A clone i* U-ing broken, a freg i« bn-« h. (Xtraru aud
pe-sii on, ”il is what yon*
«be empty
“DiMrii in tbe coal n:in.H there is ^
tile workwilh gn-iit etiersy. Be etnnip- one- pH*suge thati* three inihL loug. and >
pecn^hi^ipiug about cIom' t« tbe place, obeli. jio*b(i« a «i--w earlridg-.-into Ibe have utglecud that faa* canAd tfacae
cd OKgou t«(cre tbe June eiccrion and in eome^ the cliau.lcr.-ntr^tna ntH
ard fartiiw-itb tin lively iniapinacion of chargiug chamber, cloax* the brx«v'b, donbto to take yjosw-adau nf -oh-. Herb
boldly prorlainx il bimaelf a candidate
tbe *<uurT7nnii p>--rMiiuie>i him that be |«11* tbe trigger.BDd i-auaxe tbe di»- we-’ve tkv-n married for tbne days, aitd
».-cm tt>|rirmlale. L'p«ui ttie wall*
for tbe *.'iiMe or » Krpoblirau againat th< re i* lAgatbenug of troivture. and if sence bf M Fletcher’* Intenfiou U the ba* w-wu it a'-tually come ont of a cav­ cbarg< ,ln other word*, it imform* an- yoo hove noe ye-t asked me Io tclemnly
of rmfiance which ity in .the luck. IXwu Uockland mode
the oekbialid ileneral Jou Laiiv. Tbc you pdlT a cigar in oue et ihw cham­ provinon of a jm
Occlarv (burl Btve-r really loved until 1
ind dot*
down (■xi*-rimeiit* for the pnrpo« "f aister- tomalically all- tbe functinus of a gan- came tu know yi^."
iegialaturi’- la.-i in the fall, and after a ber* The nneke wUl xxk (b< walla. Ic-Cxid'in rx lntn
Thie i* Rttaiii.
boi fight Cqloih-1 Baker wa« t-lect.d een- wlK<rt- it clmgi with an nudnlaliug motion oftlw wavxw.. Tl
With a gnilty look abc aluhk away ttt
taiiiing Ih'W- lung frng* and Kauls conld
by mean* <d a subun-rg.-d b.dzxuital lixe «bnt 0|1 in caxitif-i id stone atidcs- , Tbc rartrnlgc* an- Hrraiigx-tf one be b(W rtateresim. fur *bc knew that alie
atcr. withn nnt.tlwii, James V. Ncabind tbu wbcT »d
mor.’UHDt like Bx*i.iay cd wtstia under plane xrr diek. which i< aucbnrxtl tn, the
Ciith, a* hie collragoe. .
mnuing water. -That dew on the wall* sea boituu) by powerfnl and ellicieut cinrtitl from air and fisiil. with tlie re- they are'bxU.iu pr.-Iticji'»»p*. had fon-vrr forfeited tbe right to dalm
Tbem-w^rof the i-lrction of S-nator il white damp, and tbe dx-ad air of tbo
*uli that moKt uf them, wen- dead with- There an- SO carm<igi-» foevery stnp. hia cobfiekDce.—Clereland Leader.
mooriugx. chains l-ridl-*. t-lx-.. doe
Bakrr'pii-cedrd hi* rvtnni Iw only a
cbkmbrr win re it i* fonud i*VH*r«ona.
few day*, raueing great >oy to bis Id a few niinnte* a f.i-ling id dtow id* |irovi<i,« Is’lug iiiaik fin the ri«v and iwoyeura Yei frog*ore alleged to have .
fall of tid.-*. Tbi* plate i* placed at
, ‘friend* In California, wbo decided to
I found iurliwi-tj in rock* which. •
ne»* *teah> on r a man who hnatbe* il. such a dvjrth below the anrfaoe uf ‘bertmrtUd
give him a pul-lic tw-c-ptiou. a fuuciioo and l«x-fbri' long h< if a«lwp and dream*
Frois CarawaU to A
that it I.-entirely unaffrt-led by
■|uilli..r.* .d , yeat» ug-K and after. w hich , ip tlmrx
■X day*
. meant the asi--m4|ig delicioody, wi thosi- «ay.wbo have
Tlix-fi.-eUfrf lM•rTlllgt*hlngboalsI^l■
ofibewai *:
bling of fnx-nd» to listen ro
■ ward sobpvi.d to a pteawti- which ba*
Tvsu*cituied. But the *j.cp .*
lng out (rf the port* e>( Olrat BtUain
Tlu motea- itw-lf CO iieuof Tvvo port*. ,
all the ftwsita conttined -fn
tbe hfucr.'d mat - Tlx.
are .grand -«-agning craft *tTong and
FIrsL a cv'lmdra-al t .. <ir hydtomet.T
„ g,, „
jj m-ukaty i*
ter on SauRonx. w#
*’*•“**■ «utuU>d limb* tbo arctic snow eddies at right augh* n
swift, and able- Io stood tbc stnrmiest
atenttorlyincnsjty<d a.n(a.«btn the «age w« .
btlj-mn.-a w«i
weoibtT. Tb«-y are nsnally rigged with
arrangi-d fnr auiJiiors, wa* x<ngaped ft
-AITorfsTlt ll.-IUlklk. HlTKAlUXlsL
two ictumpy,uia*U and carry eoiormoas
the occa'-iou. On ibe uppoinit<d evening
iimsooi" i-xplunt of thine nnder- surfaio- of I
Tbe- strips tbr-tuM Ive* arc kj arrwuged fejoan- logxaiU, .wbicb bare, to be low-.
eud. H-cond.
CoMpr4»id Air Mahm
every available .e-xt aud Ur of st.-xiiding
gfooud dtathrrai* rx-ahzcs hi* danger a rylmdrical
cre-d aud rafaed sr.-ry lime .the boaca
«bap-d buoy • Th, i,.* „{
wall air i* now *o
room WB« <muri<(L wirik- Imudrui* in time and iiianng(-* to stuRg> r-out infa
“oouH- abooL" In Scotland and Ifae
Nund Uk- i-staVlb-lK-d and N. < sicunvi that an or, wffi tumid away .</-al* at tiibi.-* w.-re )o the (nehair. 1h- ba* an t xpxrk-ucc ttfci-ij
tfa-y are called .
t«b>. and whieii ha* attaclr-vi
>t gaiiizuiitu Vmitlcd ilH- C<anpn-M.-d Air il fa only neceskty U' hit the lid of tbe English and lti*b
arrau-n-d un t h< *-tJig<- for hutf a diiax
to nuili-rgo which may cunm-: him to t«- a }Dtnp ),arr< I. vehii-h in ti> turn wiirk*
^ Al iker* of Anj-tirs liasnow <-otm- into box in order to iutridDew a uew strip logge rs, but iu ' the fale of Man liavet
reporU’ts. among il:< in b.-ii<g
FT. t that he did iKd rimalu imiJe. Ev­ around iti- intn ininHdiately I- h-w tlx■ —c • Tlie i<».'iii!*T» at pnw.-uf oon- into the t.vder Tin eue-v-Mve and on- the Iceal Hum. erf •'nicki^thin,'viiisniapiivi- hvking m:m aliunt
ery hoin- aud niwsx-le a<iie« WTIli the iulu niDiy ea«-» the crew* own the
<d Uk- u.-I. xuipl ij-x-d (g lu lx-eni• 46< oW, mimeil BaM, wh..-had toiir.iUe |>uighanry liui i« ktiuwii ic bui-T TlH-motii«i(i lo" bari'-l i* tn-r-boat*, each man bantiF a shan. bnt io
■d ill lb- o.i»M-u* (d iLe iK-w East
been r>-t«’riing for iH-wkpapct* i»>long CiiuvuJ-vKxnl* from y.-IJow fever. Tlie !(«»• avi*chr<»nnn« with the tiioveiiu-nl
In cmlcr to c«*ii tbe barre l, which ^ any cm*.- the- fi*ti.Ttuen bare ad luterMt
of llic wuv<« 111 a VTtical, h-riwailal
bndgi- to .'eiiL-jcct X*-w York and
•■uitxvw'd to l«- proof
.-■nt i*«{uipk‘. l-ut
(W angular |irep> <o. lu ntlM-rwordA
klyii. A eeli.dule cl w-a_--« bn*' comes rxsnad.rably bvated vtif-n lu nae, iu tbe amount erf Siib aold aud are paid
I * cf uiati or.muimji.
iirlyd.vid. the (ailervr i» nearly tbc puuip.laiiTc'l ui->vc*Tip aud d'lwu
to residta It fa a giiwiOOB
w.... .-*tabliab-d, xxn-ing wrh il>.-depth
time that a* bnri.-ri
. F
A IgJe i* dog in ih.- V-dt earth. thediix'inui./ the
sight to *tv ibtwel.oais racing borne Aft­
and ibe tix- pr jm wiurv. a* f.-lkroer From &5 torn lar^ part of the- bent
GolnuelB3<‘ i Hidx down to the m»t
ktnijd Dp in It. ed f1lbc'p^•v•|(1*■»w f iKt.D n»1—lhati*, f„-t d- plh. F-J T5 for 8 boor*'w-wk;
A r. gulator placed at the extremity er A gevid haul, tbe first boat ui bAvlng
) UmiM'u in nronud him
Uk- tub .
"1 ought-to moke the »p.iv-b <d mv'™ , f
" T tb-pi*l.«i rvi n»-viug la it>e
ju t.. m. f»*-i depth. F3 and 4 of th- gas cylliiux-r give* . la»Ue-ity to tbe- U-»t matki-t
It i» nes cmvimmoo at Toitot. tlw
barrel-the barrel ineweanp -nddowu hour*’*<»k; bn tx. VO feet .U-pth. *8.85 tbv rpact- iKX-cpnd by tbe powder ga«s
in fre^it of the pinion and rfHrare-s ibe lieadqasrt. r* irf tbe Lech Fre«e boats;
tbe pi*f<
___________ ________ _________ __________
TT,i water ,Dii,p«l c.
[S’ depth. *3. IVI and 1 boar and 8U miunuw’ rt uvlariir erf the m<chaui*m. Th*- gan Fi<l. Ul tbe fale Of Man: BMizanor. io
i»furun-beO with a lull and a the*. I tier Oaraw all. and at onme Irish i>orta to
cduducKvl by tuilable
weirk.—Aiuirtran Aloe-hinibL
btaev. w> tbsl- tbe gcunet may lake atr tb- fi*b-takeo away by cartloAd* to
shun- and thm-tuednr «nwd for hy­
. beighL nibh iii-aiHl creel in fnifd. with
(wrelol ahn Wfaii in n>*-. it fa me auP be- nwd by the farmer* for mannn- At
draulic purvwc*. nr it can U ivDilucud
t'x-deeelegrS MUM*.
« iiiagmliicnt li-ml scantily envervd
(d on a Iriiool, tbt-r. ar arm erf v ticb time*' wb.-n an onaanally tag cwiek b«
on isard iightabip*. jiifra. Lixrl<in.. Me-,
With gray Imir, a rtdoothlyshovx u face.
Eip. ri» *ay th^i me-ntal dwarft-are
SnlTu and 111* bUbjertv," uya:
! and emph.T.-d in g.-iK-ral;og mct hnine- mucL luote comtmm tluiu i>hy*iral einss. cvDlafan- a sr^eile, on wbicb tbe- gunner overso|(pliid 'be tuarkfrf.
nqnillne new. l-lpnngdark ryis.
luBT take bis m-bL The- gnn can be
Ill ,u.uny jdaivw during tbe apinni««
Bea.-k cucfrrhd w itli a w ide- Brinu col- '
“* tothe-.nifau hitin.^lf. hi* life U al f.wtr lu Poumv-Uuu, fur in.tumv-. Tiis brigbit-rt tdiiUlrvn nr. a* Imblu a*
:iu|-h »t and most anigeo*. Ha vith tin- gtncmliiDof electricity, for dull outw to bavc their lu.Dtal grenrtb faiwd or lowered'and twm.d 10 tbe Ibete are- races orgimfatvl by tbe townslor and xv. aiii.g eL.ik ckWiing wa. in- '
Hgfat at ie-fi at wUL -TbStrip-^afax-an javiple and visitorB fv tbcst-.logiiMjb
trodnee-d a* -('..kih I Baki-r. ooi m-aa» « undweirk* With Id* ■e-cTvta- . lighting, Ktgnaliug and other putpewca rtUUlMi. Tbc rea-jhil^ puw-ersgil 81
il nmn.
When tip: brsakfasta. The-e'ouditK.ii erf tbe ae-a aud wealtu-r in are-^iethBp* tbe MtiiC- a* at tlix- age of tie madcaabizb <.r a* Iowa* n.vvi.d, aud and ib>- iul.-rvst in tbe events fa far
tor from Or<-g<»i '•
Fi** or.........
no way Inu-rf.-nt*' wiib the e-flective 14. At'sn-tbe-menial racnoni I* plainly Ibe gniiuer iii.-iv s-.cme a sfonejiag. rit- mure k-eo than io. tbe finest'yaebt
At I had m C. r I- .ird Coledcl -BatSf •Aj“f
>• ‘
ir-iL I |>wiortBug <tr recoM
u hi* cart park. -When
raow. Only nwotly a Fiwsaure Inggrtr
tnkluK of Ibe appuruluo.
noticeAbln and U,-.v.r;ii-* more and morv
apbak. lot hud had mv bead flIKd w ith
wa* sailx-d by her ervw to Anatrahn.
A ikueuiktruiieD with an cxprrimenl- marked. At fgi tbi man j- rhap* tv<ray* can
• awrie* erf »:>< .V;; jOivciK 1
b«‘ g|t.k Budieno- to tbb
ul M-. i;.:.: |..':ly';u|fc.uud* aud made tbe pskWge in wondirfBlly
be^ ■belk-nl-ialam.
-vlani in. Uove-r harlxir ba* givx-u rs- »ign* of idiocy. Yet fn-ju. uily theiw oti • r ln«
amOUglhefvi»Ti.-».i. , n;bdlerd legillDkt
(ioicktimo. ‘nie large boau ora manned
wbicb are reiplrded a* fuily war- Dueievi'lripid ii.iud* grasp ertuin tblng*
blm'bv il>rpcnvf-iiv.,| myjiBTnrr, ^d «her ofticia.*. At *< .'clock b> dine*.
ug tlie furtliiT .-XI- iiditnrc tn-exs- with a (cadiiieke a broad niir.di-d jv-rwin tiip(X) al-*1 p..r.iii£l Boet xa‘A i» pack'd by front 20 to 80 ,iiu-d. rheMx-ighi irf
Modied him. Tieibchnnie minnte. anmeiini.-a aJen.. no
adrr^ rant)
away IU a
coie. <me mule can tbe lucuil^^akiog a big cyt-w a uveet-.
for tbe exuiRtruirfiun
faying vreaild fail to show. Me-dical ad«K»
I caiparcd him wiib the n.Scd rgaluri .
carry l-ocb ca*es. one airange-a on otlier Miy. Ih
caw* tbe oatl* are stained
much liiT)
1 faiid luaivUiiihccurt. my.-rlvc^.- ‘Vcak.nimlly hi* map »iy cW. Main* tlic
know* uoTx-mivIy for tbi*met at deftnt
■idi'. a* well a* a atrong fa.ix contaiui^ a rxdduh Ijvm-M. and distfa^fabinfMrfln*i.nUmg; ’’If this |. ‘the wivrmxi eiaivht.Ts nf the-en,la,^d<« erfol plant lire Dover pltnl wb.-n in llajiiiily, i
aoceaaoriea aud onfik-kmi ammuuiiiim te-p. and numbon. o« the *ail tell to
omior.rf ihclV-iae-aud'-rbcgrave-ugle •‘“5
F. ru iK.mtilme* nt dinner. full wirk i* i-aitd-lecf rtevv-kiping about

eraft bclxDga — K«W
maxofCaiil.fftiia.’h- .ikmnrbov. rtnP-d. 1 '*'**'’ w-"l-a very Mlciib one. i«
Atiuihcf mole fa laden with sopplehave hc;:n: a sever, .rf men wIk. crtrlkd *-«-rd »u g-tgeyu. siyk-. a la Francaw. lumm «truke-^of 4 f<* i. Tlx-diameter'of
-A hill is now iK-ndiug in cnaeress tbe meutarv WmocitioD packed away iu York bnn.____ .
^lag u wtm. .
him ’ Th-ft 11.vomc Itn.-re.ud in ibv «>,
«»»*«■* ®** the fivwtuig bnew L«iug 4 f.«L and tbc puriKJte of which is to make it nnlaw- rivo bnxeii. each cuuuimug 88 strip* of
Oiattcr ihi luuiUH-t (rf the-.-fiiior.
^ ^>tv<-lain. Thcrwwanrwf*. .siBL-citlx-puiupbiUTvloulyiKiuglim- fol -for leii.’i I (olilfTliirs i.Miffer prizes
, -0\A J(JS»a n------ wai a rural poatmao
slice r and the i. vre* at Yildia nre bof* Hetl hy tli.-size-of Uie bney. A larger b) ihi'ir clx'iite for patent-;. An addi­ cartridgex.
Hi* v«.-v- I
1 in
' Tile uiiiraillen-e can U- i.-ioautetl and in a w**» country dinrirt and in a
‘ prl«lu■^•d by a .ilve-r M y 3e-Iigne. Isjih Iti quanuty aud qn.-ility. plaiii i* now Lving (VDstruezed. Tbi* tional cfau.e erf ihe bMl provides that dfamoouted by any •-.Idit-r erf average rattier rnogb fasbinn wa> afao an amsVery oft-D in tin- cve-uitig Al*lnl Ham- apihxrauu. wbie-h hu.‘ an intK-r lube 18 Ihi-goxerumi nl *fmn r.-fund few paid
Wbeti jThiX'd hv a i»a*ter. hi* g-*l<
intx-Jlige U.-I- and w-ilbout tbe ww erf any ten; de-ulfat 0:i hi* roniidc,^. ifarb^
■ SM’ined iiiorv 8{ |fr»'priat.; am' grur ,1 id play* du.-u ou the piauowith bia ini-ius in diaiux-ier. is d.-eiguesl lu d.-ve-l on aiTonnt erf appliuatinci* wliu-b aretqofa
Tbe tnutirr m.chBofam being mri a'renalii farmer aUwi to »-urt fia
tliaii thou (4 an> -pt-akxr I had . .. yoang-'r .-hikln-ti lie- i* v< rv-fane) <rf up 300 inejicat.d - hi-tacpow. r vvbx-n ftAiOd In lip au[ie-);ialed hv deviee* al- rcrtihiH-ar uIktu* of Uw nw of tbe-gun -a ux tuik ride'(> uiwvi fur tlu |«rpoRe
ligiil i-juHc. iind Id-, fav-crit. -cor.-working at ft.ll eiroke. Wh. i. it is
beard, und -hi* utieiipjers xnr.e m.
rsad.v pitruied. A* ifa- M-nn-b in the at suy,iu.-liu.iUoo, i-ithe-r aLote or fa- erf getting an a'-htn* u*i|h drawn. On
trauc-iug that oil uloi uf llin iligln
pateiij oJliis i* lituib-i to leiW the »ie.Tirjli ' Tb. sartndge fa in Hvihg old John. iKTwevet. Hie tanoa^
i^rn-- wa* lott a- the ears drank >t>
tb>-ofHc-bh-e Ihe ( ffw-t of tbi* second ouqiW t w ill) tho fa-at.-d |Kirti.m of the dt«trar*ed with pniu. det-miiued to teat
, word* a*"'watched his. gr ,- th-iiiati, alxvay.- wv ariug s-lrK-kcnaL i« ahcnilK-d.
rv-mdou woi.ld prot-tiiwlly fa- the iw- gun .inly atrfhe l; ..u- ul of dfaebaKv.
tbe aid man'* idtill a* a tooth psller. A
tin- hn-art of v
ful inoveeucii
Two men or. un-ded to maoage'it pair erf rame what fpsly plict*ws»prt>,d and-ldaziug with d.^.gu erf)ib, ap^'u.
To giv.- you an idea erf tbc jower of
rij-hly . ml
with tbe (dijK-tTaxe'raL.le rvsolts. but at dneed. aud'afOY a few twg* tbe toMb
w-bich is to ta-emphn*. d wbc-u
Coleim-I BakctV/.i..l(iry it is.imiigh iq
wa* be Id np fur xbe fanner to oea. wbo
a irtneb cue man w ill sulEevrvlBt(-<h«i Mr. Hart, the ca*x- hard. nc4.i—'
The- firing can be condncied (dowly, '--esolBi-uedrvporiM 1 bav(- tmurinord, Is-rame "io ;
“Why. Jerfin. yoa’ve drawn tbe wrong
Anx-newu l.ruct-js arx. exported io afatbi- rate -rf luo cartn-Jgvs a rohiale,
ago tb. tmuenerfAna- , a* to be ahvaya from oui-bulf i
1 absorts-d in Jhi- itiatUT and so faariuated | ““'‘r*’
large iinuifar* tu many roontriea Our or rapidly, at the r^ (rf. 600. Tbta few- tooth’ That fa aaonnd one-! ’
* by Ibe- tcauni r erf the orator Uiat be- for- ,
tu.iaji •d hnmbleUxs from Engi third* imu-ersed'. an that be-avy wav
••I'kocw- that. mai««x,” said JuMl.
e-xpiirtatiiiiis erf br«mis p> *ome <»nu- tnrv matMiinnlGosanK^ mudem'imgot bli doty to lii. newspaper, forgot to
"*'^.2' them tree iu tbtir clqvet will ju*v ocmplrtvly over it-wilhont
“bni iKiw I can gM at tbe erfber baodiiri.» have within recfiit year*, eiw ing to plemeni* uf war.—Krw Ycrt Umld.

ifoU-s. fotgi.t hi* lummudiug* ap.1
i Weekly.
1 not fifiun*!. in Anrtralia, aitwn erf Un. pump or ewosing inlurv natural cansew. docTe-asi-^ but emr agat one cliiuax in the *p«<h Jump.vl
[port* arv uevmb.-hvrf now
ifa-w eoniiug Ibe famien bad , to otbe-r !>ortian* of the plaul. Where f*[]
"Itom bi* wwl. rtm ont on tbc stage-.
larger tbrfu eve-r und «lill inertoniRK.
Ship* pao|a-]fad by gm eogiuea- are
{Tabbed ColiiiM-l ilak(-r round the neck no moT.- (iiPicnliy cu that udaro, Mr. : iH-o-ssary, tbo plant can be rvadiJy dnbir
tbe emioeor Bngsend
And, amid tbe tre-nH-ndeDS cbe-e-riug of Darw-tn had shown-4but buiubfcbe-en .plicated ortripUraKd.
. iulowoost bci - Sooth Amcrie-a and Sontb Africa, to airfiatvntly gaming faviT in France. A
isb Dnvtlfat.
nnvtlfat. mid. when be wml back
new- boat of tbi* type boa rtcwntly been
tbs cn-at andn-ni-c ye lled• w-ertf tbe only iu*«-t* Imid erf clovcrnoo-. on additional indoosmeuL—Electrical
Ibe-Unitnd Kiugduin and to France and pul in aervic*- fea- tbe HavTW-Boiwti- to England sfUT arise here, that noth-.
-B.Ood. rt,. ™ .re>ehl- , t., -h.-h !«« ■.■.. .
________________ «
Gtmiuy.—New Yeak bnu.
Pari* line, Uw spxvd attoiowl being
•n.0 .Mm, H,r.'
b. «ot- m ■ f-”".
'h- toUo^ .,1. |
' V-....... I.
n-vxD kuota. llfaiuofcet faog, with a^ekwply aa «ie devotion erf oar fpong aeven feet dnfL divided Into four wa­ people to their iSag: fbat D(jwbere ed
ter tigbttfeimparuneuta. Tbi: gaa fa cu[K cept among Bri^sb or.Idien ba^ be aea
' Aiuidtbe'wildaiid limgrout^icdehe*.T- tfa* e lover liead "o Ibot tbv polli-nwowld line-between Chicago and Jlilwanke*
hatiramotnal oowwm. Tbe pacrana aeyd. If uot diluted, tbi* acid rapidly plfad tram on sboae and fa stared on such afieetioo and respe-ct fer a natianal
Lu of tbe van aodieurc.

fall cai Ihe inaect'e back 'and tbo* be
7wu tbef line and pav 6evnu a mx-eaage. oxidize* iL Dilute anlpboric acid dia- board in a rtewl bolder, on aecn-nafabtf edbletu. aedtbal a nation wblA as a
K,«, ot lb.. -.poTtm»,ibM«w the same specif*,
ceording to a writra I The line, ba* paid for itself and tbe oe»t solves tbe Wul aarfly. but if e»ao«- eofflpoaed of *teel pipes, under a pnainre whole felt a* we Btetaed to feel aboat
Srg* ever ablr to write onl wore '
.H.i ,=•« in Ponular ifeiene.- Kewa the bomble- ! of operatiem and rrrfnms a dividend an- i trai.-d it has no oi»ion ip tber oerfd, uf 96 atmeapberew abont b5U ponoda oor color* from tbe tune we left oar
' panigruph
of that
b^ara' Ta^b
' «toe* Mt to Autralia oS the fanrnn [ tonally. Tfa- dividend, are applied to whereas on facing to ebolUtion tbe Tlh-engine eniphTwl faa two cylindew motben' knem. wa* (me tbtt conld
bonr. *,.v<h ma U- ‘^O^t I-B^. ,
^ extenrie* .and improvement of lbs , Boo i* diaaolTed with evolntion erf anl- oDoerf 40 henepowe-T-'bcieutiflcAmer- aithstand tbe wboie world in anna —
Charles Sydney Clatk ia BL Kkbofaa.
beard bm> make. tiny
- tbe- tjioe.
| pbnrie a-id gaa It U also diamlved by
proved .le. ---------U- worth
rarrl beramccarttofnKcina'
hydrex-blonc arid m aqna regia—Jew1* in New York 1 * lu* patri^
FTcat <-i
(atewMiya 1,000 rf
May Ms*a. BinsIsitag ................ .
TbeLoDdmi I
rfan' Circular.
cJcctrifv III-'
tbe IrUi conslabalary with rifles woeld
Mn EstiUkv-Von vfai;ed Vonloe
the (leauitry by fat* impicmptn rervatorTtbt-wwttmobofCanstsDtinc^ .
AlsaxtalSM s-d TsaaSIsai
r BouDc. la. bo* i
ply to Btwkliiri^; delivered while io
Earopew 1-hsar. Ura ptnmbing of Providence suuw that tbe
io lebmlaatta
alnderfeotive )ofai discovered In IbM irere
tfae mod ataiued uniform iu which be ,T«>tt«!
mltdiun and can readily be alleered with
bad iusteeouc frtim the field erf battle
M»- *n>«fr-^Y*a. lodeed. and m 17 per eent of tbe wbele- anmber in- it. doe to its presence io mow of ibe _
Tbe lataUeot tom tfalya
get tbegfafae»m
and to die fighriiig for bis adopted conn'Wtd about by emccif tbe ohanfie- epeeied. In 1696 tbe perrantage wm 94.
. beteaticaUy Broofca boa aa- vbleb. to be oarc, fa a
AOd in 1894 It was 44 — Ainerwan toaoxitas Ibat are nativa al
try at Ball’s BlulL-F: B. J. In New Hi-r* for which that d« fa
«a libMBOC«amfate.-l
tomplfabad thfa. mIU fa claimed
otea—Almnioun WmldYork a,.,.

*" '‘TD^wL''tmi“ tlThlTull-






Wuit» th« Htad* of Organixad
M Help the ■»•«» WIe the hlrt
■MweeTM il le Lahore n«ht*i
he*-Wee WkU he* .Beeh the Cm
>e( ntt
' ler TM4er M teU T
. .W. Vh.. July

to piMM. Th* SMinUn h»«« Mt
tam pajrtw ««<• r«tt)4rtT oaA oOeon
■vtaBlac to kii^ for bock MterM.
_ mM thfct » iB*«Un« wUl b» brtd
wttbls tb* Belt few d&r* to aetermlB#
whether or not the onloe ebeU dlebwid.



Special July . ...

Sflnd* Four Stssmbeat M«n to pcoria.
July h. — she main
Thoir Last Long-Homa.
tmikun* of )tht Peoru ompe


company yras coropletely deatrayed by
of Keiuu mine« will b* tacM at Pltt»
burs, Kao., today to diww the Qtteatkai of etrikli* m nyropaihy with their
ewfteni brethren, fnleee torn le a rad­
ical chance IB the aHaatloo between now
d the time the conerntloD aatoblca
It bUieved Ite delccaiea wOl be alMl nnanlmraely oppcted to a euike
at thle time.


Aad •ee.-’Sl Seevraly Murt-K
Takes PUm a«sht I'aAsr the Pset ef the
TMCtaxeaU IMI r Weoehs the


HhtchforO. preetdent of the United Mine
mrkm of Amertch Uet alsbt tele•Thphed tb* rolluwiag letter to Bunuel

BprlncfleM, Ilia. Ju& M. — A coal
famlD* If Imminent In this city. Sev­

Oonpetm. preeiaent of the A«ertc*D
l*edet»llon of lj*bor. »t Woehloft.
"On the fair aot! of Weal Vlrflnla peace-



want of fuel. Railroads, seise tbe
eoal sbipped to this dtp from oUwr

A crisl* If upon
na which mast be met if w* would es­
cape total slaeerr. The ct«a( mlBlnc
strike DOW eatend* orer flee states;ISO.«0» miners and ibetr
a mliUoa souls-are involved.
sentlmcBt is over4lhelmin*ly with ua
Only the hollow, heartless senthneBi of
eorpcaaie capital, echoed by.Its Tvlear

Sbeibnra. Ind- July 24.-Tbe mlpera at

clifhl-flve miners.

parrot the subsidised preai.
tp na
The acute sta^e bai been
icachtd. ThU If no lonjcer a strike for
Justice, but a stni«le acaJnsl starea-


Ttilt will t

mines ccntrol altuatica

Thrift la SsttlML

, New Toi*. July 14.-R. Q. Dun ft
After furiber remai*s of a flnnar Pn'B weekly review of trad* says: Tbe
tMor the. letter roes on as Wlows:
end of uncertainty reyaidlng .duties on
"Tbe minioil# of riurdy eraftsmeB of
Imports icives srsaier confldenoe alike
our country must be aroused. I thereto those who have opposed and tbooa
/fore call upon you Ih behalf .of
who have favored the chanre.
/ struuUnc miners to convene all
irreat atrenjnb In stocks, parllculariy In
^ef executive olRceTa of all national
tbooe of tbe ftrancer list, retlocta as­
labor orranUailont at .WheeUac. W.
surance of heavy cropa The remartaTa.. on Tuesday, duly n. for the purble rise in wheat, noisrithstandln* that
peae of meeUns this criaU and adilcvassurance. Is based on heavy buyUft
tot victory for ih* cause of labor. No
for export and the belief that forelxn
duty which any labor ofBcial may have
demands will be terse. To these must
at this Ume U to be compared In Unidded anotber element of
pMtancc to this rrcat demand, and U
scarcely 'obeerved a week ago — the
m therefore hoped and expected that
ivy Increase In reeelpU of gold,
each and sU of them will attend tn
ether from one side of the'TAlaaka
, TMs la not tbe time to consider
border or thf other. The one reurding
differences betp-een
orssntealiona. If
foixu—tbe Aike of coal miners—has
dlffetoBcei there be. and no msn who
cBUsed closing of a few manufacturing
baa our cause at brsrt wtn-ralse that
works for want of fuel.
question. The call to duty U to all orwheat market Is tbe sensation
sanlied Isbor and the chief executive
of the month. Since July .1 the prtje
Of each orsanlsatlou la expected to slve
had risen 13 cents b# Wednesday, when
the conference the benefit of his person­
reaction of 4 cents was not surprlsal I
the close was 3-»e higher for
Calb it a Hi
tbe Week. .It Is notable that this rlae
*Tf this battle la a

fatally injured, a number
a serious condition. The steamer

day bycause of tbe coal famine andonly
tnougb steam was made to keep up lb*
damaged tbint *1.000. The dited are:
The aprinklrr syab
Patrick Moran, killed ImufUJ-; J«"y worked promptly, but the ezplosloh had
Cenners. died while bring Uken to bos- i filled tbe basement *1lb flames and
pltal; Jerry 0*C<mnell, died at hnsplul; nothing could Iht done to st.>p It. The
wnknoa-o man. fonnd In hold. The in- right-stor,- building. 1.0 by .»

ably strenxthenvd; but
Will be set Ucfc at least ten year*
Never have the American people ao
unaalmooaly Aupponed a labor strike.
Fully 80 per cent. are'wlU^ us and will
support our cause to the end. This la.
the supreme opponunlty to strike she
blow forlnduftrial Ubrny.snd If Utnored
the doom of labor U waled, and we
trusted leaders must hear the odium of
our cowardly Inaction
The very pres­
ence of the
in this state will waken the hosu to
Artbnr’s Repirte BaMbhnd.
. ftatrhford sent a meesaee yeslerday
Chief Arthur, of the Brutherhood of Lo^eomoltve Engineers, .requeatinx
presence at a conference of tebor-leadersto'be held-at Wheelinc, W. Va..
on Monday. Chief Arthur replied as
follows; -1 cannot lexally comply

crop E
had f

support nothing but foreign
s and demand.
Both becausr
of tile M-ason and bt>cause of the' pend­
ing action on the tariff. Idustrtal opera­
tions are waiting, and yet with an Im­
provement which under such rircunsstBTK-e is significant. The textile
Justrtes have l.<st no ground, as
curtailment of production In cotton
a time ts really a gain. Tbe demand has
somewhat lnrreas>-d.
teled stocks of g-nj-ls muSt be^-duced
bef.^re ImiiaUencv to buy can be ex­
rallurvxfur the
e we*
week have bw 3S7
In ^e t-nked Stair*
tales against »1 last
year an<*
B Canada against ZS test
IS^rays FBI
Kenosha. Wls- July 34—Fire at BS
early hour In the morning destroyed a
bam on the thwon F-.» farm, three
miles w-isl of here, causing a loss eitlmatyd at 83.300 Th- re were-Jhi tons of
hsy. 100 bushels of oats. 130 bushel*
ol liariey. a span of fin* farm horse*,
a valuable helf-r and cunstderalile farm
machinery in the building. The Ins*
Is complete. It Is believed the Are was
set by tramps, who got Into the hsy
loft to sleep
The ham was Insured,
but there was no Insurance on tbe con­

of tbe brotherhood prevented his altendai
and that
his atlendapc-e might lead
a mlsunave noihiBg to do a-lth the strike."
and while as individuals we syi
with the striker*. «e cannot a
■aateatlen aid tbon."
Ptiuburg. Jply
The sItuatlOB In
this dMrici did not nlaierially chance
yetterday. The cforte of tbe arbitra' tion commUsloei have been ao far rueeeaafu] that a cell for a tneellng of oper-

Hfawm M4 h«( W-vrey Tsaaer.

Tb* Car.rr.fburg region priyluctd no
BerrtiV f-aturer. The itr klr.g mlnth* Atibon I
1 ercarri)rd
dc «i.r* ra :
the bwlng I poMpontd ‘
from yesterday until Monday there i,:

No. 136 Front Street

One Might Onl7,

Oatlaw ry ta Ftextve** aest*.
Delrrli. July 34—A i-oat -f t^
feathers was (hr punishment meted out
to.Boyie Spekher. whoailres near Glendal--. Vwe Itu.-eii .eunty. by his neigh­
bor* Thihwdny nlghl. Fpcl.-her was a*.
Bourne's IThestil-al company , ""^.,1’
InsuKing women. He was orhad been plsj-tng s season's engaget -f town and left
meni in th- building In the "BtreeU -.f
Whats Uowa l.*r Three Wee'S*,
New Y.>ik. ' The Are originated on the
rirbrxlei. N II.. July 34.-Notices
stage in Ih*- thlr-1 an, while shotAlng
p>islrd In t^e Am.tskeag c-olthe street flr. •< .-ne. The theatre buildillls amu.undng a shut down of the
Inx was covered with ter pat'er board.
The flames si'fead fo ihVv.r'-'f. whlrh entlix'
.................plant f<*r three week*, c.^nmenew-as ln*tanlly-*n a blase. The crowd Ine Aatur.lay. .tug. 7
This will throw
In the'chmlre U-<-amc panle-alrieken, ; al"'UI J.'M> pe.-'ple out of w*/tk.

Faate Oeewt*. Ftriy Are arorehed aad IBS
Crippled—Raiaor eC trisllis.
Paducah. Ky.. July M—The Casino
theatre burned lari night.
It w-as a
one-slciry frame structure 800 feel In

WBm«m and


living trampled i*

and <hllJren. wt:^ bumel about
(he face and
hands, and
100 *
All the d/y-tor* In (he
have been kept busy
w-ound* of the Injured H Is Imposa
to ascertain the truth *






' MRteB raatordar
oot tb* tntonii*8M that tbs.locsd tomacb may b6m

Londen. July M -A dtapatcb frem
o says that the report ot the
capinte ot a tamer pigeon In the ridnJty ot TTomsoe teland. bear tbe moolb
*g Norway stamped wUb tb* word* aad
figure* *^orth pole paansd U“ la not


Si;;",!..,,; v„


FKICF.S:—EbUre first floor. 30e.
First 3 rows in UaleonT. 50c.
Next r> rows in 'salcoDj. 33c.
So extra ebarire f..r reserved seats.

blw»ya is stock.
.A.. -W. *J.



A. T. Johsaon. boutb Side Shoe fitora.

Great Cut in Bicycles Kr

rtBenU uf $1 30 a we»k win aeeare a
. JB* Andarsrm Wb«el $S* to Sr-i. WUl
11. E Gibbs. In Ellis blcyele abop. 811 Froet St


too. ^ J. A. HoBtague. 137 PrantSi.


TbsrteU ft Qaae. cor. '7tb a>d UuioR.

Cheap Suits
Cyclists, Look Here!
^nH;i Wrifpf Flaeslintbecity. Bll the best fruit iUetMa Frails a»d
OUUd TTdUCI Copfeetionery tbebtot. ft A. McQpy ft Sou. Fn»t 8v

---------------------- —

The Best Candies
ereftm soda

MeLellap ft Ash. eor. Kroot aad Rark. aad rear Maaoplc Block.

Ice Cream Freezers X"

Screen doors.
S K Nonham,
Front St., ad^oinfpc JdcXamiIra's shoe Store.

Ladies' High Bicycle Boots

ittlest in towa. $3 30
Alfred V. Frleorieb,
LViedrieh Block.

Have You Seen Finch?
tin Lake Champlain ar*d Peemen- Blk"
Stabrighl. N. J. Becretary
fontu'l any plana,
Wllsi n has not form’d

Mseder Hyaieey iB Mliassia
Keokuk. Is. July 34.—Two children;
while playing in a yard atWblte Undge j
•chool bouse, rear Wsyland. Mo., dte- i
covered the 1-xly of a beautiful woman 1
In a w-rll. The ccrcner-* Jury Tvadered
a verdict that she had been aaaassinated a week ago and thv body
Into the well
The woman Is unknown
and apparently about 33 years old.

R**«. ibe ______ _ __ *_____ ________
34.—The larreri
nts (if fourtb’-clais
Ir on a Mngle day
recorded yesterday with an aggre“


M. - bjevad
Pssha has started'0
10 thTte. T^e palace party contends that
bto experienre *«|wclal1r qualifies him to
bring about an '

tb* admirals ot tbe I
and ttaa Muarndman Cratute wUta nd8r-

and everr ki»d of—

Wstch for the Big Paraile.

The Palace Bakery I;'.I,.-. T.,o.;_c»»«iir..d;n.irA-

the bouse, whlth tbe men fulled to geL
Tb* woman may's'll recover frem tb*
i-Bects of her li^utlrs.



Accidents Impossible

The Wother We M*r Ctp*

Case for lariaaee.

Orwn Bay. Wla. July M.-The lar«*
plant of tbe KeWiolta Furniture comphny in IhU city was destroyed by fire
at ao early hour yewtentey morning
Sponuneous eombuation started jba
Nteae. The lom la about tie.800; «>v.
rred by Inaurancc. An immeiiae aroounl
of atock for.fall trade Is a total loss.

Frank flailstock's Orcbestra.



The Western Negro Press a
kill blmselr by hanging I ,rUl meet al kanaas City.
’ for circuit clerk cf Jrfleraoti county by ,
day. Aug- n. fsr a two days' s
i the city and tcwjmy commltlee, wbogate
I uncoBscIo i when found.
Bight thousand petrims at 8
him the ncmmallor over Colonel John
Geo. Dixon and OaJHawklpr
. Cnmltlees of Knights of
OaagllSaa si ea-Ssaatwr Roaimb.
ive been actively sollrlllng
-Providence, R. I.. July 84.—Ficm in­
and wane provirinns have come Into
quiry at tbe home uI Dr. Burge at
towp. But the fpod no SDcncr arlves
AJC*n~Tt Is consumed. Th* fanner* of Bdgewond. wbere ex-Renator Doollttla.
fthilnam county, scti-s* tbe river, are ; of W
/golnlng to donate 300 buibete of oorn | that
a resUaas lujlbL Ha
. and haw it grr.und up Into cam meal : but that ha
(tor tbe n«sd;
dy. TtMerday tbe
church gave a

Prof. Bob Thompson’s^Mam.
moth Military Band.


band upris'bt Piano. Bnaton make, in rood eondki*tt, witb
VMU stool and cover
Worth $333; goes at.$liu if taken at oaoe. Pavxaants
C E Strong, Mftt TrarefaeaiT Braa^

for tbe month
tt.WU*. In May. IOC.
j they w-erv *3.48;.428. To Juqe thte year*
Mardervr Tries Is Kill Ul
Rucker, who era* yesterday numtnaled
the earning* were 810.088.434. and for a
Boston. July 34—Anton.10 BaJariere
I arrested
tvvemie colector of Georgia.
; like period teal year were 811J83.TM.
an Italian peddler.
' Is B colored ms’p resldliig In Atlanta.
1 This la a deciyaae ut 10.8 per cent, c
.bare Wednesday night .

that need a

M nromlDeot People 50

8ts«'* to G-rmnny.arTlveil «n board the
*jiamer..N.'imarria from Hamburg yegI trrday,

July 34.—A . dispatch from |
I theCUnesesleamer I
Srihengann. bound fyom Singapore 'or from-r. W v.-«»vrd«T: For l-disntasd HUMalacte with
IM ttessengera. was Bri*-F*lra*«th-r la soMbem. k-c*l *b<i«*va
wrecked In a squall off Ualacla on Jan* tWOorUiera parlme*: n>4er Ikt* s't
18. One hundred and twenty persona. tml«bt;c
* Merly
Including the captain of (he aluamer.
were druwntd

Am OM Fwb. Pwwe. b Osb


pay to Itek at tb« cFeffant line

' London,


T4ie Recognized Leaders
In 3 BUllOe. Offwa



r has

Have TUB tttod o«r


PrwiesUsg Aboat HawalL




Tlinrs., July 29

qaassser Pteas nf Csh<aet Memhen.
Pprkirtl Id, I11».. July :t.-ln an int -sview- with (t< v»:h' r Tamer al» ul Ih*
Washington. July :4.7-Thr
hlsflng IrCdtnt durlrg
ira th.
ih*- l-g»n
t.<gcn pa-!
plane cf the members •-{ the cabinet have
pa..ed the ^n. Idml I
rad* at Chkage
l>een roughly arranged, tv letery- 8her
Rlematter and raid
will stay at Amacanieti P r
that terville .ill reexm. Th- men tle.1 Ihold w*.*kp.
know why ar.y.unt should b.‘» .11

fkcuiary Csg« rrlisbly
j- lady ui by the thumb;, heal her cruelly
In here In his home st Ch-vy Cbsee.
day cr that nccarion, Kvt n if
. : wUo switch** tnd burned her Pel with ■ ^ t,va.»l
been natlceiL 1 w< uld hav.- |iald
u-hlngi'in suburb. S.-cr-tary I> ng
Th* g-v«rt.*-.t, hcw-ev<
. A.
___, . Will make a iTulrr on the Dolphlr. pr* bprc»*ed himself se plea-.d and driirtt.d
b-aving Wa.hlcgbn text

•Spring Valley, ilia. July M.-Th* bus-

buy a carload of flour
Buj«r\-l*or Neteon. who li ^a^™
e town, w-aa n

C. Q. SMITH. Proprietor.

Held the C.
July a.—The
corom-r, Jury which has been lavestlgutlng the flood caused by the bursting
of the Metslngsb dam,' which ca
the death of seven‘i>er*on*. flntsbed tbe
Inquest at Uatlew-an yeetc-rdsy andr««'
dered a wdlrt holding the Mattewan
and Plshklll Water company rvspni
We for the disaster.



TheNe-w Shoe Store,

Wheeling. W. Ya.. July 34 --NenS hat
Jnst rewched here Cf the torture and rob-

-ncocred that iht-lr mines would remain ' uve. will, a Biwhea Wees,
closed nnlll after thr hearing
As far (
July 3I.-Tw., week* ago
a* the htjuncllon Is concerned the strik- j
Kelley, a farmer residing near
o ^eci, at
fell from a load of wheat,
dUlocatfng hi* neck
Although death
waa lirunedtetfily expected, Kelley Is
atlll alive and straJlly' Improving,
though below- tbe blps he Is totally
ns Men at gpHax Tal
paraiyaed.____________________ __
see* to Renew tbs
Ines men of ihlr .place held a meeting In
the HriW ball yertetdaraftrmetm. NearIgalKft tbemerchanuwerepresent. They
•gised to Immediately sollril contrlboUuna of money among themselves and


Ws wesre !,*»( at M*«.
yesterday were." Al Loulsvllle:nr 4. I.e-ulrville
I-<.ulrville 6; al ClevetendPhlladelpl
Clrvetend 4; at Chicago
T<rk 3. Chicago 14: at Pittsburg
—BslUmore' 8, Pltsburg T.
W.stem I.cagiie:
Indlanais'lls 3. Mlnneni»!u' 3.
Western Asay-tstloni Al Cedar Bapld*-BurllnBb:n'2., C-lar lUptds t: st
Peuria-Ft J.-“-|.h 4, pe..Ha 1; at «ockfurd- lies Moines T. Ktx kfurd 3; at DubuQU*—(jultiel S. Dubuque I.

New York *r.d Clevelar.d Oas Coal cempaay; J. B Zerl». t rr the Ohio
Fenrsylvaiila C‘Sl company: B. Young,
for M. A. Hanna ft Co.; Oeorge W,
Bchlendrbtrg. for the E. U Bobbin* Co.,
and other leading operainn of the dietrick These name* to the nullco of a
r of the
meeung I* >
B of th*
Ih gathering Ic pilr.t
tendance. W P Ber.d w-ill alsn b* a>kcd
to sanction th* slgr.lrr *.f hIs name to
tbs calL H* Is now tn Chicag*-.

Shoe Dnaatag. all kinds.


relbeni a* to the -Street cause of Ih*
(Xplorion. U was fllal alleged that
lightning struck the t>oat. Inn It was
later asrertaed that a dv- khand went In­
to the held to light his pipe, and K is
believed ibst the' lighted rrstch In a
c1c*d forecastle esUMd srrre nsphlba
vapor 10 explode. A c0rc4»er s Inquest
will be held.

-.1 88 to 4 00
.. Me to 8 00
^J Ss to 1 M
. - ^ to. ato

Boys' Shoes.......................
Hen's Gil litaln shorn
Children's tiboM.

falling-In. It combed a great
Patrick Olennan. ibcugbl to be faully
of very valuable ihachlneryT tbe
burned; Michael Maguire, probably la^one costing in.0». Tbs
tally burned; EdwBtd Lynch, burned ^p^s employed 400 men and used IfcmhAUi' face and head;
head: John Hartwell. ' agg
mwi busbils of com a day.
They will
seriouriy bum^: John Coonrilr. burn^ . be rebuUt as soon as. posalble.
about face and cbtri.
PaUtIcal Ptaes lor P
Explodod Blnhl fadw Tbrir Peet.
he men are sll connected wKb tbe <
providence. R. I.. July 34.—At a meetb(«t. Immedteltly after the explosion |ng of tbe Democratic state central
an alarm of Are Iras sounded, but the committee held bore yesterday tbecomflrv was extlngulMied and the firemen mlltee unanimously adopted Ihe.foUowhad mile to do but to assist and car* for tag resolution: “That In case the reslgIhe injured. Tbe stevedcres were eating nation
~ ...........
••rui'per" deck, list over the bold. 'Andrews is accepted by the corporation
when the explosion took place, and the of Brown university. In the oplnloa of
men were thrown In andlrcctlunsagalnst this committee be should, prior to the
the woodwork. Two of the men were election next April, lie selected by tbe
thrown overboard and were rescued un- Democratic party of this stale as Its
Injured, while none of the clber* escaped candidate for United States senatOT.
unharmed. The deck upder tb* sup|»r ;
----------------------------- :-----table was fcluwn open ten feel wide, j
The Reply Ussm* Apparent,
while Iioth side* cf the teat forward of ! LoudoB^JuIy 34.—Hogan.aBil-Pamelltbe gangway were torn Into spllclefw
I Ite. has given notice that on Mrmday
rapyTrm To Be a ft— el Wapkihn.
next hesflll ask Curaoa.under secretary
A huge mass of fragments wm scat- t^_U*e forelgn_office. rtetber_the_pr^
Clayton-Bulwer ttwaty to
tered oveY the lower deck, ar.d a* far rteloB
virion of
of the
effect that neither Great Britain
back a* the engine rotra all the oarptn.^1
thr United States shall annex Ha­
ler work was wrecked. The tnlerior of
waii la Btlll recognlaed by both powers
the dining i^wm on the foiecastle
completely demcUsbtd. Tlie officials ar^ as nl binding




Jured; Michael Reardon, burned and tntemal injuries, not experied



Are laat-eveBlas. Tbe loss Is MM.fOt.
tbejotil Insurance carried beln« M».m. o^hkh nearly OM.tM was oo the
bun^ buUdlBS and oonienta Ncco-.
tlatlom have been la pro«i
r the transfer of t
Clucose trust, but U Is not
if. pairs of Moore A Shafer S^ota. Preach Kid.
seas* toe. worth
the known here whether tbe deal had
$3.00........................................................................................... ............................ ...................
‘ profresned so fsr that the loss falls on
Paal* The! PMlwws.
the new combine or tbe orlxlnal com­ 40 pairs Oeuoet Paris, hand tuniad. former priee BS..........................
,BHd»eport.C«»n.. Juty *4.^6:IOp.______
pany. She works
. ti pairs Pbap. Dodge ft Pcdmer. head taraod. worth $3.30...........
m. yesterday s terrible explosion oc- I ^oj^uon In which the Make eMte. of
S3 pairs aarry Gray Preach Kid. eomaaoa saase toe. cheap at $4
Kulmcc Bute.
SL. Paul.
Is the principal i
l« pair hand urscd $t eboee...... 1.......................................................................
tbe Bridfeport Steainablp line, while gumuel Woolner. of Peoria. Is
Ladles* Vid Kid bieyele sbt^.
she a^ Ijinc at btr flip st tbe foot of ury and treasurer.
7 o’clock to tbe
Tbe lira broke o
Soutb PURt.
streei. and as m
s •result .-v.
four ...-m
■ ^
Ladies' C
Dongola. IW«OSVB*Jt«
laUst styles, frotn..
..I 00 to J 00


“> *
as —™
Mc^a B yem
s found mangled
and unmarr^.
^ o"
i Ogden, la
In »»«»'
«>* W—mt rush of tnyel
i to the Klondyke gold ftelds. Becretary
‘ Gage bas esteWUbed a aub-poct of eni try at Oysa Alaska
W. F. Crawford, aa lasotaaea agent
from Des Molbea sutcMed at tbe But­
ler Hotme. Boon*. la. with cblurotaria.
He waa skft sad dmpoodent.
E. V. Ulnar, of Bloomingtau, fUa. I*
pa« bte 73tb birthday, and ba* }n«t been
surprtaad by tb* growth ot a nsw ast
ot frent tsMh la bte lower Jaw.

,___ AOhimahd
get the chain oilad. cleaned, aod the
wheel adjusted for 33c. Boldsworth Block. Cnioa street.

MllgUb mtLUII


Ho™*»bo«T. Trompgaod Eoadb«S**e«a*i
Third door west of M?wgan* Lively Bara.

lOc a Gallon i
10 per cent offs;t.“'t;lr,.''Sr;;,s
.t sit East Front St. 'tr*!

*. ISc. XXXXaod JaiWT.


haVA mm/Ad Toth* bandarme auve 403. Unkm St. Gall sadgAa
IldVC IllUVtM eool glaae IM Cream Soda or anvtblng in Draga, Medh
ednrs or Toilet artielca. (*. A JohBson ft Co.

Paris Green

original drag man. first door east of yoatofiea.


New Process Vapor Stoves,
ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
14« Front St.





good XMJ d tbeo. too," nid Tartetai.
ilaiBgiliildclT and roAiug to the pUia,
an eaauple vhich all, iDcIodiag Mn.
gtoeniDb. «t ouoe followed. She waj
Tbe Wlor problem Utbetopreme and
tmabllngkiow. f» abe fell aartmd that iiTPiMMibb! uvUcm qf tbe wocid toOmr twn ram, aid* W

abe cotUd axplaln (be eanw of tbu oonday—R«r. E- »■ ailla.^Methodirt. San
A» «laT »dl«»“"d ‘fc**' *»«* «“ dW.
mvatcM aad Cod'* WUL
tuoiog io her aa aonu aa be bad given [
On* •truaud irhita oo a mtwW« trlfht,
= « «ckttc» and, death a»a.^_B|i
bii ordero for tbe acliou of tbe troopa.
Aa* knirtlradrawaruUtriatmnK UcU
WaablBKtou’a focM -the wUl of God.
••wbotber any of WaablBKtou’a--------To >aB'h)a ktoc la U» tnf.
ate in thia u. igbborbood or uotr'
a lawljn^er
add ia iWifToWitwtt
d—E<w. R. X G«^, t
•• Too tnui know that Qeoeral Gnwn > will .rf G«L—E<
TW tfhn- ftuxapwi tta aD<i«7 Wad
At ilM-ftaraad trtrf Hao‘•
‘-------and tb>- mnniula are in Soutii Carolina., gregaiiomiUrt.
ilUt. Ch-%.
Ch-v-i Uu(ts_y
Ehr kiaaid it* la tal. aad ammonal
and 1 have no ikfobt you wooM be
The ■edera wajr ta
‘■t fear, I (mr-l lurv bin ao.”
plMaed to aw Lee onw more. He abook ' in Uie lwtfinui*>g gT<.'4it w.alth wae acbe mw fair (BsmHT.oriili bealad b
your band very warmly tbe laat time be cucinUted by thrift, indnnry aud isterJH. m the flodi of a hreUe teia.
ttPt jroo. 1 aa tolJ. ”
i pri*-. Ja then.' days the pcipnlar method
An oath eacap^ tbe angry onlonel'a .of getting rich la by kpemUlioii.—BeT.
Upa. and be gbmerd lor a moment at: Charbw H. Eaim. Uuivvraaliat, Now
tbe acar whirb thf wound Lor bad made I York.
had Ml . on bta hand; bill be inrued | .
tbe Oia D«ya aad ta* Itew.
abruptly and orden-d the troopa to farm | Tbe doapotuim and dnngivni of ycaterOD tbe right, and he datbed down the day bare bevn mccvrdud by tte- aohoolIn a dlMaol. eerdanl ralW.
^alazT. lua>—I atroam,
I. boofe of today, Wbue
_____ waa
. - tbe clank of
BlooK* a r>ai'
a reave,
A about and tbe aonnd of flivarmt ^ thain* !• now heard tbe' ebont of UbOao arUlv ru.e.'to tbe atmlUht-a tl
diew tbe atteiiliou of Mra Slocnmb lu! nty.—Rev. 'Or. Hillia. ludepeodcnL
tbe long avenoe Ibat led to the boo*'. ! Cbkaga
A «ay eacaped. ber ut the tight, for |
Maat Uaer Bread Fire*,
there was herbakbaud, followeel by two ;
mnsi iiatx ietirity for the borne
of her neigbUin; porkoiug ou bum-back and The fumilv. It i« liardforthe work*
One warm niominE In the anrlGg of *
i ingmau to think of hear.n and tbe FaOne warm morning, in
tbe conutiyiher when the Uttle one u rrving for
1780 Mm- Sloeoinb wa. dtUng
Ou and on they came, aad It war evi-' bread.—Bev . W. D. P. Bli». Epianopal.
broad plaxta about her home on a Urge : dent that tbe p„„
poronen wen.- too bn«y to
pUntatiou in Sooth Carolina. Her hiu-: 1,,^ notitxl tbe army of Tarleton.
Krcp Mavlag.
band and many of hU neighbor, were i Broadnrord. and
no varum, kind,
kincp of
oi weawea-; j, ^
,,, ^
malp miflakek tlum ^
with .Katuicr, fighting for (be itnig.l poa.were fbuhii
hiug in t^B air. imd It,
jdii.«,d inartivcandview aU thing.
gling coionk*. hot on thta btantUull wa. plain that.
• p«-uu«tic,-undpomt

tm • Omoi. fwdu)! r«n^.



6nil bpldi t lidlm L R
*Ta , y. a. r
e a> II «»
. 7 tr, la I*
1 tt
S 47

r.a. Lv.
Ar. a. a ,r. a. r.a
4 « Trav Cuj » K I In T («
14. Waiior. ! 7 IT n u t sa
es Kalk*.k..... . IlKttt.
BtOHaBMioaa .......... II « 4 W
.. sai^

C M !«.



4 is' * • I m

lOJu, ....D-a^n.


....... i ro.'DA'aiati.
Hit 7ioDvtxic.a
1I ». a..
_____ 1 e 47 11 4«lta]'
.... *«« Caic^.,.


... T4SCltK;k___
S ODlBdi.'oplU
....< I IS at Loul.



Tr»li»arrtv« irvB cioriBiatl. Cbtaate.
.laoapeUxUd LoultrUlv («. m /
From Grand Rapid*, Maeklaav Mid Fvua-


, Dtlrolt. Cnieaco aad

I o. I-LCXriCWOOO O. P A..Or*Bdaaol3.

“ - i^tOREATESTX.PARADt-SEEN I Chicago.«
West Michigan


iS IsiS-

„„„M .1,.'
near ber or apnke to her rimer, who waa
Qni- of the Tone, bad jtwt fallen.
> hind tbe happy^Oc fife t« the •
her companion, tar addreaeed a word to ^bcn .he aaw h.-r hn.baDd’. boian .od- hapRr htme . Tbe Ijome is'tbe lonnda-1
the aerrantt there waa no alarm manl-: dMUrmopaud .werretooneride. Wbat Hon of pure ir-.-»ety and guud govern- .
f«t. Botin a mo*n«t the entire acena. w«.thecaoM
••There oimeaomeaoldlea." Mid her' comb bad dUpatcbed. a. aooh m Tarle-; Btw. Dr. Pirkard. B«i.urt. Lu«u.v>|le. aiabir, pointing toward an officer and SO ton bad^oome. to warn brnmaband, ,
u«ip u>r L-aimaa.
trooper* who turned out of tbehigbway had marf-d promptly ou hi. mand. but | This home of oar* ba> Ucu made free,
and enton'd tbe yard.
I tbe bri^t coat* of tbe British had w fiw ^us sh<-d to «k-ub- it. fnvdoni. i
Mn. Skromb made no reply, al-! charmed him that he had lingered about Leniio uumu.ty nf thi. iw-ite ui. to our ,
tbongb txT fare became pale and there tbe place, aud when the wmud of tbe ^gty to in all jioaible w^v* awd.i nu- '
waa a lighlening of the lip* as abe guua wai beard Sambo bad gonie only happy, benue, mnigglibg Cuba.—Bev.
watched tlie mtoi. Her fears were not a* far at the hedgerow that lined ifac raewrg.. F. Uilli-r. Epiiaxipal. New
idle becam^aatiafiKl that avenne. DiKretion became the bi tter .
____ . xatagruj.
of valor tb<^ and the ni-gro in bit'
j none other than tbe hat_ .............................................
K- may .nrronud tU- right of propbad
crawled beneath it for..............
Colmiel Tarleton, That shcul, thick■eel body, dnvwrd in a gorgiv.u. aearlet but when bis frightonrt face U-beld* ^4
• nniforui, tbe flarid face and cruel ax->.«« approaching he bad muriered JS our S .Ld
arc not
pri Mion. proclalnicd the approaching . courage enough to crawl fo«h
offlcir only too well. But tbe miKresa hiding place and atartle tbebonMai _
B. F?Licain<Z Cuitonan Cbioagavr no sign of fear a. she arow to lit-1 they paatod.

ton to tbe wortU of-the lewier. who | “Hol ou, mamal Holonl"baaboutaoondiew bt. hots.'to n bnll befipehir. I ed.
Hairing hi. cap aud bowing to bU ! Beeognlring tbe voice, filoenmb and d™,'^rihiLtiXnd U-ii.ed'to piitifv
boro--, neck, be .aid. ■•Have I the; hi. toUower. for tbe fir.t lime .wppeil
It i.
pleasure of....................................................
sdlrecring tbe miatrem of' and glanced about tbi-m. Off to Uu-ir
^ ,V_T , ” ‘.i.
tfali plautntionl ’
"it it my hosband'a’’

iTralaabetir«.DTra*cracCUraod Dk Baptlla
, LT.TraveraeCUj
t lU.a................... ItlOf.B.
' tr. Elk Raplda. .. S»ua...................
< Lf. Elk Bapida .. I4»4.a. II
a. a. t lOrm.
Ar.Travarae Cl<r • 7«t a.a. U » r a. 4 IS r.a.




aud already in thi ir rear. Quickly
■eodyy CNKlaUtr Attarkea.
iiv-cily for
it no leWl. is herIf jeoah biidii't ifwallowt-d the whale.
••No.rir. He ia a roldter to tbe army 1 tbe bonw, near which tbe guard bad
of hi. coontry aud bghttog ber invad- been stationed. On they w.iA. and. M<««y might bum-. I defyj^to^
"H.n.ortte.„ t.lw,dDofri«rfof dM,pa.< bwnid.ri,„«.raofbnl]oi. .b.y -'b-d,.
bft couuiry If b. Otbu-Muuid bu .»ft.d ftuoojb tb.. op,', loi. A«oU.« op


CM <«e, t<0 ,
r.a. a. a.U. a. -



Lv„, b,. mp*.. d,. u*. lift yon
1-•■li»ii Cndn.

-» ;rto»„ rf Kii.»f,ii.p,», it,„ „ tH-b.-t-'b fti'di-pyoouib—a-y.

P.rlorrarr Ivavea
le.»s» f<prUraaCBaM4*at 17iUp. ■



:5 «MAT AkOlllSffiET-SS

fe Ukk* vflociButydar, Janv to, IW7, ..
aildOe'elaeka a.




Befierved SeaU asd AdmlMlong .Show Day Witboat Extra | tnu^^a?!wh
Cbarga at Post«£ace Newa Stand

•■ODly.l.r~b...o,«o,y.l«.."re.! bor«, Ic.pnl ft,.- bro«l brook, or Bo-l-nl.. U,—. bjoip
plied the nudauuieil wnniah.
i caual, a. it was called, aud tbeu almoat
We Hava a lugtit t* IH*.
Tarleton'* face flosbe-d, but bo mode ' before tbe guard bad cleuri-d tbe feuier
••Why don’t yon buy a ticket initead 1
„i,,. Fannie Trombly, baring
DO reply, and, timling to one of hit they bud gained the shelter of tbe with tbe advauev of cnlrmv and edneapaying me the money en-rr time?" I j^fni
* and

‘ persona
omnpouiou., gave oni. r* for a camp to woodt beyond and were safe.
! tiuu. It i. tU' price of ciriliaatiou. It is if
laid a conductot on tbe Connivtiont hereby
notified not to trnai her. furbe made iu tbe orchard near by. Soou iThe chagrin of tbe British Tariehm
tbe <x«t of pmgnw. A. wc have a right Wetteru to a daily pOMcngi-r, who al- niab ber with any anppliea. good, or
tbe I.IOO meo in bit command bad , waa a. great as tbe relief of Mrt. Slo- to lire, so we ban- a right to die that ways made it a point to pay to caafa. leredit on my aeemintpttobed their tents, aud tbe peaceful i cnuib, and when on the following day noDUkncautaketnaiiUh.-s-Bev.HerU- ■You’d save money.'
Dated July Slat. ixtc.
planiaiton took ou tbe garb of war.
| tbetmopt moved ou tbe cordial adieu gt. Croix Wright. Uiutariau. New York, j ••Well," said the pataenger. ••I'll'’tell 1
Josu-u Tuobblv. Jh.
tUtorning to tbe piaxxa and again , of Un- bustess led the colonel to oay::
yon. Some time last aummer 1 got Into
bowiug[ low
the Brifirii ooloncl aald: 'iTbe Brilitb are uot robbers, madam, i Hnmblc. honest w<»k is tbe grandett a Uttle trooUe with tbit company.
pay you for aU we bare
tji.- star*, iind just as wire They tuiri me meau, and I awore tb^
: takem"
to occupy your \
***^‘ phinet. or Water obonld never oee a oent of my mouey
I bare to make my qnart««. in yoi
w pejok^ at what 3^ have ^
« .atm- U it a rin and agriu. Tbat’t tbe reason I always pay
y ,: Kubavr Bo<-iDtrTovClip»-Caii'tloa»rour
te;. that U, if it will not he tc 1, M taken tlM 1 ahull uot complain if I .
tbe cot
-Nt-w York Tribune, !c«rk
'c^k Uaiidlv
uasSL lirlsi*. BlekU Up*, pnl aa.
) do^ hear from you again.” rise w-»„ jive
great an inconveoi. nc« to yoo. ”
**My family couaiatt at preaent of I J***™'
, y I Without toil in tbU world.—Ei-v. J. W.
PaaiTl^ t> tha Tvaaty................
oolymyoelf. my child and tistor, beI Uaiooim, tjoiigregauouaiiK, VAmveioa
"Tbere ia c»e thing tiat I WMt to
HuDdrlrk IB rrolsnstB*. arouo. ei :
iDU, and We mnat obey ' ad.—Loulsmie
Bidet tbe I
•nw Varaifkisred An Piwdigala.
It thia matter, ” oaid (ba i
pnMDptli dnnv
Patcklea Tim taf
:lB. or einrrvlBr. I *« acH rut ;aiir
I. aa be looked hard at tbe ate- !
I I think in n-gaKl to tbegnwt army of .
rvpBlr tbr«i. Bloplr Toh» Work a j
r. CbeaprBt plarv In ia» ritf
CiUt |
!• tbe unemployed that tbetv is uo artifi- retary of aiate.
The .acred thread of the Bn
O. aailBtariuiE gtiaraBiml ai—
Jrft-ft'rt'io'rh, :
■ lt'7.'.
JUrtpcri,; : rftj rup.ip
.■» ft.«.h. .Irh.'. u
that would prove a ' a. to one especially important aectiOD. i
faigb rail feucx». soldier* tu bright nni- i assumed at au early ar- aud nifver pa t-, •
c» &

tormi were nicriiig here and tbere. Be-i «d with. It must U-made by 1i Brah- nai cure M
, ,. ,,, ,
tore entering tbe btniw the British coio- man-and ihonld fou*i.t of tfat«*tranda b" ^
h * sUy-bUtwtta^ do yog not intend to embrace Queen 1

— --

go.f'N« t1«a. riw*
Hall 'Bkt> laee-aiB.P.
a. M.IP. k.iA. M p.^

j,Cycle Owners LookHere!
I s£;'^rS».*as“‘'''



—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Del ealltd wmie of hi. ofllccw aud gave ' aacb of a diflerx-nt cxilor, 48 yard, to
i "I do not," aaifi Mr. gbennan.■taftp ortm teKo.,10, U».«u.“»Tllo.«,bM ..d „i«.d U»«b« bU ddI,j.„-ECT. D-od UUai t.aOlereland1 Plain Deal
Within the ucighborbood of 10 nr 16 twice, tbe eu<U tied in knota. It mu*l tanan, Ihiuxxir.
' be vtiru wxt tin- akiu, ovi-r tbe left
t»«»iibb Bxaaaaiwa
Thii Sharp command was not lost op- abonlder. haugiug down to the thigh on
We most discotmUnauc*- tbe whole
"Isn't it atxord wbal idi-a* pec^e to ^ on Mol blocomb, nor wa» she slow to tbe right ride. Tbi tliree castes of the sysb-m of aalvation as jTi-actKd by travactnpou it hena.f. a* weroon shall aee. ; Hindoo* are disfinguiKliid by tbematm- elitig evangi-Jista In ibie symt-m no ac- amal} towns have of targe eitiosP^
"Yet; tbcrc'i Juti one thing mon “
Bot fur III.' pt. M Ut, tq-ing to stifli her al of these threads—ooiiunfor tbe Brah- count b> taken trf beix-dity or tbe toed
fears, sbe d.terniiui-d to make tbe best maaa, b«up for the warriora and wool that ualuri? pewr-fttgivk*. T»iD of
of tbe siTbstioiiBiKi avert all tbe danger tor the ariisau*. The Parm-ea also wear tbomauid. << pikyet> will uul *v^ for
poMible by iinividiug for tbe comfort tbe aacml thn-od, and bny* of 7 'or B tbe very pxiialty of siu i» wrntipt-d up lu
cd Turb'ioii and hi* ni.-u, and acrordtng- arc inveetiri with it, tbe tbn ads ua^ riu itaoU. bmI tbe sneux-r tbi. is ungbt
ly abe bad a diuuir aoon ready fit for a being made alwoyi of fiber* id tbe anru tbe bi-tter^—Rev. Tbiwa. Vau Kusi, {
Birsis£ss cAHiiS.
yortttrn Uichtgui
ng and anreiy
anrelv far
for too good
tree/Honier WUliam. di-scribe. tbe ap- Unitariau. Bostim.
tor pbc
U nvey
A- cd
a cnelkaDd biocdihinitv man as Tarle- -cred girdle at tbe Panees a* made
iBonw, Au.n-iv/ aa* C«BtMU*r M {
wa. known to'be.i
wotdi® tbreada. forming a fiat baud. ) ^-jiat we want i. a bouflix:. Wbal a
When the col.m.'l and bU staff were which i. twined three time* aronud the blow we could have if all the li-wd
ilieri aa* BB|>rrloM4rsl.
A. DCAW. ArrhI.
m. Uiey ut body and tied iu two p«uliar knots, books and n
FrlrdHck Blorl
I table wbirb fairly groaned . tbe aecret of which is known only to tzadous and works «f so calU-d art, pic^ ‘
^k.laB^aa4 Sar^M
beneath tbe good thing, beap^ uptm the Pursees. .
turv* cd lewd wosnes, were in tbe beapi |

7 as only tbe
Tbe use of "medicine cord.!' u eon- i u-il yon the ualioa U decaying, going ; |
knew how to mon amung North American Indiana.
gf Kineruh. and what we waut,,
3 became jo- ; Hr. Bomke chaoribn tbow worn by the (. »] burn up tbe art wotks aad cvi-rv- nABM C. OILUBT. AtURMT. Oprelal a>Veahallbave Apeebea. These oonriTri of one, two,
rise vila—Rev. A L Moody. X^wtnlmioProbalvpraeUra. BoaBiSaad Ar.aa^'aprino"'."
III Hereanlil* C». Biork.
te*r lobn men tj
a to be ‘ tacbed abellA f.albera b*«di, taafc cry.tain, "if ibU i* be waywe me
treabri. I soppi^ wben^ lit
°l‘n' vb. pktu.«bo
«. ftjiof uu. I. ciir Optra Bonar Blork.
intry wnt-bf
divided «»«k doobtius empioyed symbogoaHy.
,„.Ung. when calmed and
Mover all thi. country
■ABTE B aoBTOX. M. D., nroletaa aa*
: —Chambers' JouruaL
, offloug tbe soldim. Bb, colotieP”
I brought to reason, caonot bot admit that
mbl'edly tbe offieen qQH occnI a war between &3gtasd aud tbe United and Ortll siwad
ralb>. Sptelal
py Urge porfiooi of tbe oonntty,” raStates wOoldbare been tbe grealeripoa- aad
ektldm'* t
piled Tarleton.
••Vn. I know Just bow mneb tb«T »«uded as the
almost nulmown
orlll each occupy, "arid Mra Slocumb, .
of theft
; pcpfdes will be brooifiit Into a
them, and a murder doe. not happen to :
„f unltr.—Bev.

unable to maintaiu rilenec longer.
K.Z v.«*
“And bow much will that be, mad- a geoeratloD. Tberv i> only oue poliob '
- ................... who spend, ri.
Newton^Eplsc.q*l. New \«k.
_gin*” inquired Tarleton,. bowing low.
••lilkbWrevatd xrill be laid to Ibe Had
W. A. S'awUjn.OoaBtrTI«rk.
months of the year In -the nortb and tbs
"Six feet twa “
PluaimMm me*na death. When
Tbe oiliioel's face again finabed with :
^ timetot^kjavik. when lb*
Putnam, the great apostle of p
IOeeoU.4a«Urlaada> e«i-a Vftavetsk
as h„
he nmllMt
replied, “Rxr
‘Kxciito me, but I, «ly Jail i* ^keated.
Lambrr Oo70-U
prison is a magnificent turoed on the gas not Jong a^ to a Boaabsll endeavor to have this very planta- ^ tilandeni ibis prirou
III it utmiltof atone, and ' ton hotel aud died, te wa. a^plj contimi made over to me as a dn^ seaL" ' buildtog. to that
"i have a buriand. whom
yon tonn
atom tbi-y
they tbiak
tblak it i. a dimet toviutioo to t^l ^ tte dark go^ be pre^
B yoo
to forgi-L and I can aasure yon
roc te is not rirotigdotog.
rirongdotog, at
as a---------------an inmate of—
tbe,--------prison, ;
\oltaira, witlj W
-11-.,,. even tbe kitip
With OCbOPmhsnSrr,
(be ....
m'au ...
to allow
king *.lta,-..l#
himaelf livr-«
lives in
to aa iiirv
nice nvm,
room, ai.ldva
eujoys tl,a
tbe viv-iv-i.
prirt-'' DOldL /rtto
Seboprabanm, tliat
ttet Ua
li«c of reposing ou a real l«d and eaG I
i« a mistake and man s Ittoto U
Bat tte otmvj rsatitin suddenly was iug bread al meaU, Inturies wblcb an ' * «»*• ««
derimy ^BNbOeX LVKBn^oric at to
tateTTuphri by the sonntb of firing.
i ordirfsq Iwlander war.xly ever has tbe | ytmrmll. or. Jac^g tte phyrical ooo^
••SooiN atraggliug scout running ! oppottanlq of todgiging iu. In epite | ^ to do th^
IMaway," said one of the meu. not quite ot all ttew tamputioi.a the Reykjavik !
7^Coat End Ktobigan St,
wUliai to leave tte labia

; pristm is nearly always mupq.—friam Gregwy, Ctamfii td tte Eedeem®.
- Mr. Tbm
- tbara.
• aMdajSarvioiOaqa^
an rite


Ktrthtni MlcblpD ■
Tnusporlation Co.,ltaieia BajLiieDf SteaiaeB.





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Evary Oar r«n ran lakv a cool. p)ea>aiUf44ree
GraedTraTTror Bsjr.

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LT.TfavvnaCHr ...............................
.......................................... »oa
Taatar TtBtxdaJ aaC


ar.totS4«w.. II usa

«oixo sonra.

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4 SO a-a.
5 Wa. a.


mi JKwass?


iiatv<maa*a^ aa!VaSikvfiin' tIuSSSf


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