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The Morning Record, June 12, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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'<ir i
ornaxAL rtm
omatMit FAm
Vni »ot iBtnCm mA lUa BmViar^ os X»«:ks Bat ▼ill -WaA
m the noaai meiiilt et OosIvanM
yT«MMd*7—Kr- IaAcsU Oh Mm/ploy Wham H« Ohcow,
^ Tha OUDenlUM heratofore exktlaf
betwMi tb« lookl Hloa et tke ’Loaf
•hMDu't AMoeUtton Hd tU TnvwOty lAOtW Co. are pneUealljr
Mttiad, h4 MaufOT^ Lodgata haa
aatot»iaad his poaUiin..
DaaM J. Eaefa. prsaMwt of tha
Chioaco hrneh of the saMMiatloBud
olwitMaa of
exeeatire board of the
•miHto board of arWwatlH. aput
jMtarday !a the ei^ opofantof
with the nambers of tha nsloa, Mr.
lAdote. Boror
otbara. Mr.
Kaafa It a mu of kau diaoemiMiit
Hd after a close eto^p of tha oaadltloH gn^ tWMtaatkm a;t OBoa.
wu aele^al ocmaiatiBr of Mayor
emllb. Dr. Ashtoa.
nma. T. Batea'aad a^Attoraey P.
<XOUbert.to meet with Mr. Kaafa.
Maaacar Ladgau ud a oommlUaa
ham tha ubm. The ooatetaaea
E. 8. Pratt was praseat U the latarasU
of tbs eoHpajf. Tfca dataila of- the
tiH^dawara prasHtad and dlseaasad
by tha parties latersetad. Mr. Ladcate ssalatalaed Us rlfht to employ
man as he saw fit at each prieee u
- he thontht bast He sUted that the
lamber apoa the docks was aold orer
the ran aad he dooMdered It bis richt
fo aUow the men la Us employ in'the
yvA tg haadU the lamber on the dock
aad pot U orer the laU of the aosaeU
tsfcuy it away. Tbe aalba bad eontended that he bad not that rifbt. bat
be ooBteatad their damaada. beeaasa be
thoaffat it tor Us best laUnata. Tbe
anion mea eonteadad that be had
promisad to aUow them to handle the
mHl« wrUv
MaK». tat Uter
rafaaed to employ tha anioa asH be'
oaaaa they demanded moR ihu he
waapaylayUs yard-mea.
Mr. Keefe eoneedad to Mr. Ladgate the right
own men bat tbera
a doabt as to wbatbar the anioa i
CUeafowoald raoMea It from the bants
at thatport. Tba matter WHdiaeasaad
ulmA^y. aad the anion belAto its
paMticcuwbne Mr. Ladgate iaaMad
that he woald not employ a anion
apM the dodm. partlealariy Maaa
•Btraga parpebatad apoa Sim Mooday.
Mr. Kaafe was not slow ia
Us coBdemBatira af tee asaaalt apoa
Mr. Ladgate. Them
teat before tba anion eonld main any
claima apoa Mr. Ladgate the mae who
an gaUty of the ontmge shoald be
broa^t to jnstfea. Mr.GUbartaoasid.
raed that batere anything at all ooold
badoaetoaaUte tea matter tboae
ties ahoald flnt be appr
draoBBead, . Mayor Smith took the
aaaia etow. era tee qaaetion timply reaotred ItecU into a matter between the
c^tetaa srfao rsaeirad tea lamber from
.noQ.anio8 mea and tea anioa mra at
teepatBtctf dallrmry. Tba ooofarf—
aadad prlte mattam la this ah^ie.
Mr. Kaafa after dinaar had a
•aetiag wtte tee rapraaaataUrei
mnioa. aad after etatiag to ^cm tee
altaatian aa be foaad it madb.^ folSb teeal Union fto. a, Traaone Offu,
Oranxnjr—After ooaeMeriag the
fUflereacee between the Trareme Cite
Immber Co. aad local naioa Ko. 63 af
the lataruttoBBl 'Uagshoraman’s aamxAUaa. aa the rapraaeatatin of aald
A------------A.—,----------- J ^
fo^wte*Tbat loeal ukm Ko.
Ko. S3 go
work when aad wham tea* ara
gat it
,4t load iag lambar on tmbcSb
as tea mattsr era ba proearly iarastigated aad adjastod in Qiiosgo. or at
the ooBTaatSea to bs held in Oiaralsad.
I of tbaM pmsads that tha.aaia is
lafs, la short,
Bottolatarfaaa wlUi the
hf Mr. padgala apoa tha docks, bat
eu seek employmeal upon the boats
ia loadiaff « they as daalra. attbalr
a^Mdala ratas.
Tha AaMlt OoBdanaad.
After tha departara of Mr. Kaafa.
the aakm bald a "spaeial mapHoc la
' thasarreetlOBsoftha
rapreaaatativa from Chtea<ra aad paeaad
tha toUovlad raaolatfoi:
We, as a uaioa, do hereby eoadama
le act eoaferrad pa Maaa^ LodnU
t the Trararae Ci^ immbar Oo.
joaday moralaff last and wOldo^
“ ‘
poaslble to bria«
of tba
gaUty partlas before tbe paWc
kWRa. Dated tbU uih day of Jai
By^Oidar of OommIttM Loeal Union
While here Mr. Keefe exertxiaed good
ladgmMt ia eSaMdering tbe attaatlon.
aadwhHadinmaad to teak aftartba
last rigbte of tbe ulon mu. made its
paint to eemslder ibe Mtaatfoa fraoi
from all Mdes aad to acoord to atban
tbe pririJ^te rad rigbte daa. He was
atraag to Ms daBaaeUttee .of tbe disgraaefal set committed Moodayaad
did Do't bealtete to ateta his optetea to
tea naioa naaa. At tba same time be
raaUaU that tea net waa das to a few
bot-haads who do not stop te aoraldar
teat sacb proeaadiagi iaiara thair
caase. aad that the anioa men as a
nls were siaeere ud eaUUad to coadderaiioa. Mr. Keefe held a long comsaltation with Mayor Smith rad whea
bs want away bote felt that tbs risit
of Mr. Keefe woald reaaltla good both
for the anioa and tbe company ia the
Waateott Had Mo TroaUa.
Tbe Weateoh atramad into the bar-
Bot yet baea' settled, tamed aboat aad
It to John Larkins- dock for a load,
la tbs aftoreeon. bowarpr. tba eaptein
name to the city and latarriawed Mr.
Keefa..wbonotided him thatbeeoald
proceed sHlh loadiag lamber here wlthoat iatcrferaaoe from the aaion asea.
Oapteia Johnson atatad to the Rbcosd
that be had. no diffleal^ la aaloaoing
bte last cargo, which eras lomlad by
Arraatad Taatardsiy Upon a Obaigp
of Orimiaal Aaaaalt—The Oomplaiarat la Barham Bariaa, Si
o^Aga-Orarby Was la Ttaaams
Oby Data Tast^y.
Loa Overby, a yoang aad wall to do
famm, was arnatod at his place At
asar Good Harbor yaatMpy moraiag,
apoa a charge cd orimiaal amaalt apoa;
Mim Bertha Bariaa. a yoang womra
fLyears of age
It is aUegad teat tea aaaaalt wu
eommlttod near tee bom^ of tee girl
Headay aigbL «io aUegad teat, as
she wu going along tee road aaar tha
le. Overby, who wu coaeealad in a
clomp of boshea. sprang oat and assaaltodber. Tba gM dmdarad that
she reaisMd the aaeaolt with all her
agte. bat that she wu badly
bmlsadaad tea asuatt almtotproatiatod her. She ratenad to tee faonse
aad told tee story to her sist*, who
Ideated it to tee father, who wu farions at tee ontmge. In tbe m
it ia etated. Overby left home aad earne
to Tmvene City, bet retaroed yuterday moraiag. where be wu arrested
by Under Sheriff Brovraof lAelaad. ud
taken to JaU. Tbe eomplaiat
ssada by the awtor of tbe ^ri ea
Blag Mlowlag tee alleffed asmalt.
Yeeterday the girl wu takea to Satton’s Bay, where aa examlaation by
Dr. Jdella dlaelOMd uveral bralsea
which <
bare eat tbe story of the girl regard,
It it said that U«ro is stroag feeling
against Overby and that the case will
Life a Barden
Baostb Home.
Yesterday moraiag while the rig of
Cksa. Feast, the local agent tor the
Grand Rapids Brewing eompav was
•tudlag oa Unica etmet, near Howard
WUUngb, the end of a wire with
which Uaemea were worklag.
tee back of tee home, tbrowlag
biin to tbe groaad. The asme thing
reputed several times before the
drew ia the wire. Tbe botae
Tua Limit to Baeara Ooapoaa tor
strain ud wu braised.
Baae Bali Xxpirea Tonight,
U will be-seversl days before he is
ne eoeamittoa of the taopoaad co-op- himself sgsia. The' vrlre wu preb«uin b.. WU u.. b..
bbwir I ;;,j
u aatnaU of the leading basiaeas mea -In re anUted elsetrie li^t wire. Mr. Faast
gard to taking seaioB tiokcU ud tbu Uya tbe blame for the soeideat to the
tor have eecand snbaeripUou for aboat carelessiwBB of tbs ttnemea.
S3TS. ItU abeolntoly nsnreiiry tlAt
100 auBca tickets be sold before defFtiet Gama tUs Geaaba.
laato actira teall eoatmeaoa. la order
Tbs Jske's Slaggem ars at it again.
to allow teoM of amaU auau to help
Yuterday they defeated the Bast aids
tbe project along tbs eommittoe hu
base ball alae by a acore of <3 to 18.
demded to eall tbe cottpoaa ia emaller
DavUsoDb bmvy bitting for tbs
lota of from tl up This wUl enable
Sidera, aad Movotay's Am playing
everybody to take some tickets ud if
for the Slnggers were tee meet aetieews am to have baae ball all lover* of
able futaru of the gma Tbe fol
tbe game eboald aobeeribe tor u muy
lowing were tee batteries; WiaUe,
u they eu afford today. Bluks for.
Dewitt and Bovs tor tbs Bs^sUe:
be tonad at tee City
Helms and Peaniagtoa for tee Jeke*s
Bookatore, CiW News StaaA Caris*
dgar starp Herbert Moatagoe ia
Mereaatiie Co.*s store sad Osrey HalL
to VortewuA
Old Mtialoa fralt growars wHl have
o reason to eomplain this aeasoa of
teelrtmasportotioa faelUtiu: la ad
dition to tbe new plan by which they
will bs aaabled to sb^ frait dlreeUy
from tbe -Baet H.ead.” Armagedknts
have been eampletod by whleb 'teey
wUl have qalak socees to the markets
Chptala HeOload ud W. L. MUler of
tee'am barge B. B. -TatUe, ranaiag
betsrera Elk. Bapida ud Bscsnaba,
kave aitaaged with a Arm ia tee latter
plaoe to take aU tks frait tear krlng
daring the seaeoa, and tbe boat wiU
eall at Old Misaion at leut twice a
week darlag the eeaeoa. aftm trait ud
beiriea. Tbs trip betwera Bk Baptds
ud BMaaaba only takes tea boar* aad
the meet psrisbaMe harries will
arrive la
Batortalaed Crowds with all Undo of
Good Tbiaga.
Tba Davis Ugbt Onards kept open
booulut evening aad from Are aatU
their lady frieada, geattemen trie
boy friends rad girt friends with ice
cream, cake ud aU eorto of traits ud
dratiea Tbs reesptioa wu givsa tor
tee beoett of tbs orgralutioo, aad
tee prmmiiis wlllaet a autsam toward
tee parchase of aaltorma Tbe boys
hsd eatire ebaige of tbe sSalr, serving
tes gauts with raythiag teay wished
from s stick of chewing gam to a baate
of.baaaaaa Osehru HaU wu b
sly deeemtod for tbe oceaeion.
The Oloatag Ausm^.
City Opiem Hall vru well' Ailed last
Bight with ybaag people who spent
of tee most pleasut eveniags pf tee
oq. Tbe eloelng assembly of Protouor, Mnrtaagb-e during scad
wuacharmlag sodsl event aad tee
Blttaa by a PiokareL
gaum rajoysd s'tomptiag ^wead pro
Charles fr. Merriam and Dr. Blay- vided la tbe aeaAsmy dariag the e
maker of Ckieago went to Carp lake lag.
yesterday aad relamed with two large
Uaek beu weigUag Ave ponads eack.
aadtonAaeviekcML WheapalUagia
I at GaDlag Llqaar Witeost
oae of tes pMk««] Dr. Oaymaker wu'
Kariag Paid OomnmsM Tax.
UverMy WUen by it.
was sddad, teat tee Aaioa taka all
possible means to appcohand the partlm who eagagdd ia tea oatspga apoa
Maaagar l,ndgate aad to past rasolaMOBS at a special oteatiag, daaoaaalag
the act. aad to have said rsaolar
printed aad q>nad hroadeiist aa
tea padple of TrarerM aty aad abroad
wham they may be of latarsat.
Tbe raprasealatiraa of the bbIob
mally aeoepted the raeommandat
0UlAm8*s Sarrtou in Varioaa Tot
U tha fallowing terms.
ta tUa Aeotioa Tomorrow.
Wa. the anderalgaad, rapreaa—
tirea of Local Uaiaa Ko. S3, toeapt of
' will be qmlts gaaemUy
bytte^rap. otowved ia this sMtlca of tes atato u
aad tha Ut
alatioa. tea name to go into aSaet June ekildrra>B day ia tee *
ffvwaliu srim ba haldwilh apaeU
progmMtortheehtidrra la Old Missioa. WBUaraAmfg, Barker Cta*.
Twin tmkaa,MdplaOlty. aad tea M
W. H. MoKbub.-'
W. A Baaaa. a West side barber, wu
rrastod by Depaty U< S. -^arsbM
CTDoanell of OraadE^tarTedtorday.
ehaig* of seUiBff'Uqaor U VaaBoepa
witeoat baring atonrod a goveramsat
Uesaaa. Bs wu rolaased aa bk owa
rf« ktUbafsm
tes U. A Otealt aonrt la Omad BapUa
la Oatober. VigiOj Mdfdlsl ODanMUwuaaeompaMad to teto dig ta
A-wtS..* 0. B. DMMM AMOn^ B. B.
Yes, Sir!
-..We have the lai^t 8tpck of.»
U tee toaa la town wW beu ball
tele year it wSI ba aaemury torat
leau too cd teem to bay a auraa tlteet
^^^•^portiiig Goods and Bise Ban Sop^ ^
ires eaadldatoh racrived tbs Boyal
drte dagras at tea obavoeatiott of Trav
erse City Chapter Ko. ioS. R. A M. lut
Bight aadaboat Afty enjoyed tbe bu4^aet after tee werk.
Tbe ecboonar Onelds arrived bare
yesterday .awralag after a lead of
maple slabs from tke Tmveru CUy
Lamber Co. for the John Stemeder
Lamber Co. ia KUwaakss.
in the city, and pricM tell
We Frame Pictures I
The third qaarterly laesting of the
Oreea Lakp aad Grant townoUps Soaday-ecbool' smoristlim will be bald to
1 on Sntartoy. Jaly ti. A
good progmm is being mepared.
Our Mouldings are all
new aad the lateat
Our Work and Prices are gmratted to
give ARtwfactipB, BE
.*S SOOKS37083L
Tbe SsttaM Bay Bassoo hu tost isseed tee program tor tea maettog at
tee Lariaaaa enaaty tsaeber-S assoda^
ion, to be bald at Leiaad. June 18 sad
18. Prof. C T. Gmwa wUl deliver a
ioha MeDcnald Is raaelag one of tbe
to tee rity, next to teie Beaten store.
Jest BOW stmwlwrry ebcrtcake U bis
■peetolty. HessrvuittoeoptoasqesBUttca, aad it Is goed.
Chsrim A. Oolcord (81 Plnnkard) sad.
WOUam Tender of Dalate wtU n»wt oa
tee sut at Oolambia halt West Side, to
night aad wrestle tor tee sapremacy
sad a parse of SSS. eateb-aseatoh-eu
s^ia The BcysVbaad will not seskt.
A party of Elks, eoasii
r of Dick
CbmpbeU. Joha A Sbato, E McKaa. E C BUItogs aad Fred Bechtel, i
drove over to Elk Rapids from here tost I
eventog. They will uks the boat from !
there to Eeeaasba, whem ttey will at-1
toad tbe serial seesioa of tbe lodge at!
teat place.
erg did not know that <
(bare wu more thu oae estruee to |
hi* opera hoaee. bat half s dosea boye ’
d a way to enter witboat the
oeoemi^ of proenria# tickets, tost
nigkL Ttoey ssoesded the eeaffold er
ected to frent of the boUdtog ud en
tered by s window to tbe second stcryf
It. bat will not go again.
Third-Of tee twrato-fonr b
are generally rarat to bed.
well to have teat eomtorti
ItbalaoweUto rime your
doj^ teem « I
We bav« it to different Hfk
V..,, ss’ssaii-.jssiss
--------- *•
J; W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
- aMaraowrnnnr.
We wish to call your attention to
our new line of ■■ ■
Fancy Linens,
We have just received a very pretty line of CENTER
Hold undisputed swaj
over our competitors in—
and other articles too numerone to nation.. Samples of
these goods can be seen in our window display. Those
interested in Fancy Embroidering would do well to look
over the line b^ore the choicest nzes are gone.
Why? Because we do
not cheapen the gooda. It's
the price that we lower, not
qnahty of goods. Will cost
you nothing bn^dur time to
mvesti^te.' We place oa
gale this week many lots of
well made and up-to-date
Broken Sizes at
Less Than Cost
in order to tdose out entire
stock of Children's Clothing.
Reliable Diy Gooda, Carpet, and Clothing House.
Old lour, good bye. We’re
found aometbing ^bter,
whiter and better tnjtte '
Hot of $2.00 Suits
for..;.......... ...
11otof$ZS0 Suits
1 lot of $3.00 Suits
manufactured ut bome,.diy
1 lot of »3£00 Suits
ItmsbH iu (It SipiniMr
Prim II iH Stm fits.
A Few Bargalns ln Shoes:
ttwDwmithack. After be bad start
ed nwxy xnd gooa at far aa the door
Were the fesotoatlon ngnto proved imeiatible, and be wee soon gntiog IbonghtW^toffton. Jane u.->The Mtohlfan tolly at the mme page.
•*Oan wa do aomecbtog more far
eeaatom are heln* qnleUy ocnffrato. (aus^TB^KS BISAM.
yonP' naked the cleric.
lated on the look that atood by them
"Yon lean a great deni ahontwhat’s
9BM. T. BAtM *yp J- *• H**Wwhen the Innher eehednle waa taken to them books, don’t yon?" he asked.
np. Bnriowa vrM for a «l tax. while
"Wa naturally beeotne familiar with :
s. W. HaMI...
MetUllan waa for a tl rale. A direct the contents to tbs oponsot tinw."
was tbs nnswsx.
"WcU.it1riU psobablybe exposiag
the two, 'and. beaidea. woold have
proven veiycmbeRUetoff.ne both have my ignonxiee for nw to ask it, tot 1
wish yon would tell me whet that to.’’
very warm frienda in the «l and SI and be tuned the took aronod eo timt
'■•:>wmpa. When the baUou were taken, the salesman CDold aee. "1 never Imd
howevw. the votee came diet on Ate mnefa ebanoe to study op on natoual
1 apologetioaUy.
propoaitlon to except white pine. Thto
nobody wanted to do, and the amendt wae beaten," Then the qeeetion
Bis enrioaity -was not yet snHiliri.
pat <m plaetoff Inmber on the free
Be dropped bis bend over on his ShoalHat. and na both taetiona amonff-the der and looked at the ipoCm with ow
Innthermen oppoeed that the tiro eenaMoDAT, Jane !«•
ton aeted tcffether all the way **"IeBppo«." beiernmed. "thm tiito
•toff Dm ^ procl»iii»Uo» of th* for*
throaffh, no veto bavtaff been foroed an tiring wmldn’ttmtbcrBM 00 mnehto 2
the qeeetion whether the rnte ehoqld hadn't reecstly gtme on the road far a
^rmwtrj ot U>« adoption of the eton
be tl or to. Bat riffba of relief were patent medietoe flxm. That hea givcB
Mdnripee.tbe emblem of p«« and
brenthed by boto^whfn tbeeehodnle me an inteiest-I never badhetortt ,And
yon know wbeoever a- man has just
lIlMr^. Upon that 4*y erery Ameri
wne eat of ^e wny.
taken op a snl^ect it’s bard for trim to
ca aum ebonld display the ntitmnl
Ret It offals mind. 1 don’t believe that
*etoeeue«»pp™pf4»«“®®*^SD6AH 80KXDin.B AOAXM.
1 ever mil «et over bring pnsaled abant
ffke ItenBMaof Abe free dent from erery
Bohert Debate -Bemuned to the Btotte thatoeotanr.’’
W. B. Artiffmn preeeated
ffiLWay ud from every bone; let
"In what way?*’
«wrydtoentinftirl to tte'toooaethe
"Supporing be got ride.*’’
0Mg that la honored as the eysba of "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde." before a
Waahtoffton, Jn^e 11.—The emttoa(ood
even"WbomwodM tbeyoend for, aregMd lodividnal tteedbm, and
aaee of the debate on the aoffar achedasMeh to reepected by every naUon toff. Mr. HarUffna wee. trem the flat- ale to the aenate aerved to aweU the alar physician or n veterinary saxgeonr’
terina advance notioea. expeetod to be attendance oonaideiably today. Before —Waabittgtou Star.
ffood. and hto work Inei eventoff fally the tariff MU waa taken np. Harris of
It to enoonrafflar to note that in
bore ont theae roporte. and atampe him Kansaa. introdoced a reaolntioD raeit' One of Bloadin’s fsTorite jtkm waa
id eeriona dlfficnUy with Spain this ,ae one of the beet neton of
Ibff the atatos of affain relaitoff to the to offer to cany
«autiy wUl be prepared to pat Into heavy parte who have appeared Union Pacific raUroad and expreeatoff
jrti— a vapt army of trained men to thto city. An Dr. Jekyl he wae the the aenae of the aenate tkat the aeeraerltkia twenty-foor'bOBra. Stepa to
ihed. fentiemanly phyrioinn. Aa tary of the treaanry wonld taka et^ and the great eqnilibriat. with a genial
tnfomatlonaa to the probable Mr. Hyde he waa n fiend to hnmnn
smile, wonld my. "1 am aong yon ire
to pay off the Uena prior to thoaa of afraid 1 ebonld drop yen.’’ Bnthewas
y—w that eottld be mnetered la that ffotoe, a beaav Hto tranriormaUoaa
the ffovemment and then to operate botot onoe with bii own petard.
toBffth of time, are now beisff taken, from ou eharaoter to the other to view
the road, or.- If tkat wae not deemed
Bewm exhibiting to Paris and wm
.•ad other active Tneaeerea are la of the
-withent arOflelal aM expedient, to adt^t forMloenre proabqnt to otom tbe ^ioe on bU rope.
'froffreee. It to aUted epon tellable
srealtotto and effeetlve. Tkeenp- oeedtoffn to tke oonrte. The reeoto- Oham, tbe great carieatnrist. had cone
•etbcrity that thcM pi^mratloaa are porttoff company waa fair. Mr. Harti.
to malm a Wteb. Bloodtn. raoognixing
Uon went over.
iekea in ^ew of peaeiUe troeUe with
The tariff biU wae taken np at »:» him. at once invited him to cxnas with
naxtaeaaon to a pUy antitied "Jndaa
and the eenrideratiba of the anfar
“WHbpleasan,’’replied Oham, "tort
Maoenbeim'' writton by hlmeelf. lUaepBoantmxo Attobxxt’ BoDOXBa of trattoff the atory npon wU^ the order aebednle waa resumed. Jonee. (dem.) on one oooditicn.’’
of Arkaneas. beyan the dtoonwioa by
,dtoaadBapUto,iieBtiUad to toe aym"And that
tliwied Bloodto.
of the MhbcaheM wee foonded.
t of the
"Tbat 1 abaU oarfyyoB cximy bato."
pnthy of every nepeeUble eommnalty. Bartiffan ffatood many admiren toat plaotog oa raeord n i
answeiwl Cbam.
Be to a baae ball ciank of thenrankleat evralnff. and when he nUum will aoffar export, ahowtog the price
"Not if 1 know myseU." aasweied
•art. hatlD make hU aaCeriaffi more anrely be ffreetod by a erovrded bonee- eaek grade oT ngar. the rate of taxa
tion OB each under the Wilson act and Bkmdin.
iateMe and to advance pabUe morali^
Wall A JohnaoB'a Stan of Oomedy under the propoeed aehedala.
. the oonferenee of pastore baa decided
Cbam, "tbto time. M. Bkodto. it is
that Sonday ball pla/toffmoit be will open a weekb onffiffement at
and will r^ilire the pmee- Btetobe^ Grand Opera hooee Monday
•■tor to toeae the neceemry warraaU niffht, chanfftoff lU oomedlea aad apoe••d pneeeate the playerm who miffaffe laltiea alffhlly. Tbeoompany’a reper- Senate Oonmltee will Beport AdMr. Leboorbere is gratified at bring
tolre emtoaoea a line -of oomedlea aad
venriy on TUIman Beeolation.
the ffame In Grand Ba{dda tomor
able to pnt an end to okepucism nbont
taroe oomedlea which ara new-here.
Waablngton. Jane It.-The' membera bU Twicfcenbau boom being bnilt to
Tnx sUermen of Greater >ew York bntaU of them have been prod<
of tbs aenate committee on eonllnreot tbe rile of Pope's villa, lu making re
•M proffTeaaive. They have approprl•eafnllylnthe laiffer dttoa. The
t-xpeneea agraed to n>pon adie-- -Iv -w- pairs recently a stone wae found, on
•tnd tio.000,000 to de devoted to Die
wbicta was carved the ineoriptiou: "Op
ibe TUIman reeolnUm for the loo -i
Impnivement of pnblic edlool aeeom;: ■> rjoi stood nntil IS09 tbe boosp of
waluv "between aeU''and are
jar*~**— dorinff the itoit two yearn well caleolated to pl^ on noeoant of paUon of the alleged apeenlation . o Alt xuodcr Pope. Tbe gi«)tto that fonnec
<nat mxy be all ’ riffht Ifi New Yerk, their abondnnteomedy feataren. Nat «Dgar. It to onderatbod tbat the report the bosmicoi still remaini. IbtH.”
bntltwonldbethebeiffhiof extzara- and Mlnnia J^y. a aketeb and traveeReoeralty barren of reaalta.
ghaee te apead that amonnt In Trav"Yes, poor Mra. Elderly is ail wrap
acae City to ao abort a tlma.
ebnage their not nlffbUy and the roara
U baa Wa definitely decided to hold ped np in that son of beso."
of laughter they provoke make
s repnblican caaens tomorrow to aettle
"And be Isn’t mnob of awta]
prime favoritaa. The aame -may be the tariff dlfferencea.
said of John CarnOl. the Iriab eoBMdian
t Xntsraot- and petite Uttie Orarie Comminffa, who GLAOSTCNE AND DISRAELI.
toffty DiacoMad.
never faUa to atog and dance Ipweelf
Zn* War* of Um Two Grrot rissslnv
Spanish tuabogony wrigbs'fi&U
<lbeprcffnni at the Woman'a dub into the ffood gracea of be- andienee.
Woro CorlomlT I'rilko.
to tbe enbao toot.
^Mtarday anemooo. "HerediW nnd The prioea of admtoelon are bat 10 and : 1 beard nearly all tl>e great speoebes
Scaacmed dogwood wrigfas 47.16
made by bolb tbe men in that pafllaBnrironment.” afforded e^wclal
poonds to tbe oobio foot
•The MlUa o’ Brae," to the name of
•tosetion and entertainment, and
Bloe gnm is e very besvy wood, tin
to w. 8. B-rt .bo;
w ■ . - fc-b- ..MOWI U»aa. Mr Hart'
soperitwity to Mr. Glad cnbio foot weighing 6A6fi ponnda
Mra. Gray opcoti the proffram with haabeen
here aevetriUm^ **'-‘^l«one eU tbroagh. tot I qoite admit
Vbite pine, when green, weighs
•B able paper oe "Oar Foretathen and to going upon a atarrlng toor and be-1
,(ood up well to bis great 84.0S poonds to tbe onbio foot; when
<XhMr iBvtolble Environment." Uwae
I oppoount and that it was not always
aned, M.6A
• eelentifld preeenuUon'of the enbjeet,
Mask," j easy to award 4be piiae of viricty. Ae
A cnbio foot of green live oak wrigbs
' and took the view that enriionment to "The Lady of Lyona," 'The Bella," ^ two men's voices were cniirrsly on- 7S.75pounda Alter two years’drying
ank "Bomeo and Joliet"
-illl'*- Disraeli had o deep, low, j ower- in weigbt is reduced to 66.7A
larffoly reaponaible lor onr aota.
tot voice, heard evnywbere thronglioDt
Mra. Perry effave a fine p^er on
Oak lumber 1mm 90 per eent of ito
I the boDsa,-hilt baviog little variety .or
related many totereat.{marie In it Gladstone's voice was weight iu procem eff seasoning and
Biff anao^tca in' proof of her eabjeet.
-----_ . tooed to a higher note, was penetnt- over 80 pts oent when perfeetiy dry.
A thm^htfal and scbolariy paper by Faiatod Whan the Black Cap Waa
is not so light as is generally
rcaonant. Uqoid and fall of an exAdjuttad.
Bn. Travto, on "Pre-natal Infinenoee"
qnisitc modnlation'and
mnsio which sopposed. weighing 4AB7 pounds to tiie
dMlewed. It showed deep etady and
Boekford. 111.. Jane U.—Jas. Frencb gave new abodes of meaBing to every cnbio tool, a Uttie more than iocost or
yvM received with toterevt, At the waa banged today for the morder of hto empbestosd word. Tbe wsys of tbe hickory.
Virginia white oak green wrigbs
•OMliialoaofthe reralar preimaa. wife leat July,^ Two. haa4rad_ pe^la men were in almost every respect mioosly nnllko. Gladstooe was always
the ezacatioa, and the atreeto Mger for coiircrmtioD. He loved to talk 01.7 poonds to the cnbio foot. In two
4m by many of the Dtembera aad.a vote to the rielnltyof tbe JaU wercerowded. to aoybodyaboat snyttaing Disraeli, years' time ito wrigbt wUl be lednoed
to 40.0 poonds.
wm tahM oa|tbe qoesUon that eavlr^ Fraaeh fainted when the black cap even amoog bis most intimate friends,
Several artifleiai preosssm have
•mt baa more leflaeDceae the ho|nan waa drawn over hto bead, and depaUea wrt given to freqoent fits of obsolnte
resorted to in order to hasten tbe seaffknrpetor than heredity. ;Pie majer' had to braoe him until the drop waa and apparently gloomy rilenoe.
of. wood, some of wbloh seem to
Gladstone, after bis earlier parltoBp of the ladic^voled to
of the
Sheriff <Hiv«f euffered-aa atbe perfectly socccaafol.
The jsrrow wood, wbicb grow
■ There vras e41arffe attendaaee Wt t
aad the execution was poa^wned near
Anttralia. is alraoet tbe cmly kiod
torned oot in tbe newest fashion,
fMMtnff aad the proffram wa»mn
an hour.to allow him to perform ft.
down to bis latest years went to the known to tbe lombenDen which effect
ively resists'tbe dcpredatiOBS-cf im
Not an insect will toacb ib
Bd. Ashton's I
Trees wbicb have grown on a northq^ae Strneff by a Tetrifle Oyclone
e^osnie, m cm tbe north ride of a
Bd. Aakton fait a
and Xdvaa Wsm XAst.
many times during bis long psiUameot- hiU. prodnoe bettor, harder and i
yaloaff hto neck and i
a aty. to.. Jane U.—At 6:60 ary career, bat be eban^ hto opin dnrable Inmber than those wtaiofa have
tost niffbt a eyriona wtnmk northwest ions only in deference to tbe farm at a
pampered by the aontbern son.—
dropped down tonida hto aUrt of Ma,Mton.,toktoga aonthsastoriy growing couviction end to tbe reoog- hem
6l Lqnto GJbbe-DemcW
ooarae. Several people are reported nitiem of facto and ognditions which
wntottand }otoa killed aad tojnred. The ayelene tore bocdoldno longer coDScientioBriy dtoFOB BXOTOZ.X PABTIBS.
rtoff him ap boaam aad other hidldtoga to Ito pute. Nobody probably ever knew what
«vMto timaa on ronto.
When the eonrae aad the territory to now hare. Mr. Disraeli's real opinioca weronpan Good Dtonan at Lake View Eonae,
^ohnnfhnttieclearwl away andBd. Tbe path of the atasm wan abont half any political question or wbetber be
bed any reel optoions at aU. Gladstone
•Bad righted np the foldtoff bed, waak- amOeto width.
began as a Tory and gndnolly beeama
Oa and after Jane mh firat-clam
' ffiMd Md Im box and coaxed the north are down and box cam ori eid- changed Into a Badleal. DisneU begu Bonday dtonera will be served at the
•Mffhhon oat (fftfw river, he extoaet- togs wwe amaebed into ktodltoff.
m an extreme Badkul nnder the pet- Lake View bonse. Elk Baplda. at S6e,
Tnoa B. Srajo*.
•ialaiffe hlaek headed hornet from - Lyle, Mian.. Jnae 11.—So far aa ronage of Daniel O'Connell and changed at lt:30 p. m.
dtohnmhle eednefan to the ngionof known thto mormiog Baniy.Banm into a Tory. Bat «my body knew tbat
was the only man kUled to laet night’a Gladstone was at Brri a sincere Ttoy
}o to the Lion Barber Sbep far hair
and at last a sinecte
tornado. There are tea tojnrod, eome knew, or. indeed, eared, wbetber Dtotaaudbutha, l&entoeaA.
Obsnoe ter WtoMlamn.
1 tl
M. H. Oavpm.
> of. whom nrqeo badly hurt that farther naU cm wm either a rioeere Sadtaal
^maonfaetiiranofthe Onti^Hdeath! are pomlWm_________
nr a irinoen Tosy.—Jnstin MoCaitfay in
4i»^ are otetoff a fine IT-peond
totaedoteel raoer. for nee thto nnmmer,
■fiotheridermaktofftas or better, the
•eiMUttoMhetoff that the oneffetttoff Oaaaot Ort Xogethar Ibr a Fight.,.
Baffalo, June 11.—Jofaa L. SnlUvan
B will eater aU taeea to this part of the
and manaffer weat to New York thto
•late thto eeneen.
The man with a valim and an
oftornooa without havtog
brella bad boofbt one or two bbeap volAao^ OhUdrealaf
a match with gltxslmiaoBS Thmu to nates of fiction, when a.mcee pretenGhHdraa'a Day a
ao prohabUity of a match.
She honr for the marmtoff earvlea to the
oticgi. Itoontained
Sria Man Can Bida.
\Bapttot ofamreh. A iwogram hae been
a nniBhsrtff elshesatepiotans of mytbpmgwed to pleaee the ohDdna aepeeiIriBde. Jane IL-J. W.8
riksfaat cfaaraBlsa, aad be was fftaaoing
Yonnff people-e meating
* BK^toito ntooorea aMgyetoFea- npU}y tinoni^ ft vritn. one <ff ths
BfaftoattiMtBd his eapaoUltotmeak' Hs
■nnviHSKOiirT. -"inoHiaiS.
iu B. Cnitto of lat
MIm Lam Fitodrieh of Orand BapIda to la the dty far a weekto viaii.
HIM Bdlth Palae of ftoekfard, to vtoitiag ^er brother. F. U. Paine, the flortot.
Bev. O. 8. Northrap, who hae'
Barbor Sprlafft far two wecka.p^ ir ex.
peeted hotM today..
Dr. o'. C. Joelln drove over from Qnt.
tonto bay laat erentoff and attended
Ute preeentattoa of’"Dr.
and Mr.
Maeter Johnnie, eon of Hr. and Mn.
Joaepb Klaaaen of Dlvtoloa etraet, to
vtoltiaff hto (raadpareaU to Onad
Aldemn Daeaond went flehtaff .ap
the river yerierday. He camtot Jeat p
fewleaa troet than he noeivedvotee
Miaa Sadie PraUwiiTleavethtoBoretoff for a wedi'a vtoit to OadiUae. She
vriU atop a week to Ypellantl. and the
• ’ of the enmaier wm he apaat
with Irleode inltoatiae.
Bow Bwrown end
SJj.ll?t<S I
enough has
Lanndried'-NegUgee * been said for our
and otherwise.
Shirt Stocki-i-nNow that “shirt weather” has come we.
expect them to “talk for th^nselvcs*’
—Ask T18 to show yon anything in the
«£irt line and we can ^odnee it.
' f.
The Soda Seasona to our fine grade o
from pure ____ ._________ ________
Spoona, etk aiway* aeut aad rteaw .
Ever Burned Ont 7
If ao you know
-CARD ___
It Makes
No Diflference
Whether you ara mridtor
91 or 910. yon want to get tito beat
value for the purtienlar amanntapeBb
O. P. OABTXB. Agent. When you return from a. slriRiplaff
trip there tooattofaettem tofisUtogtS
yon have rroulved fair rutaraa tor your
saoney. Mypriem are low. my vnlnee
are bigb. Whatever amonnt you epead
tooar atore. yon get good, hoskeatahaeu
•udnpAo-dato every time.
Let na make a^ for you.
-A.. S.B^
3300 Frames
It Sets Thei Gaessing. Has Vour
Our Special 4Sc.,
63c. and $1.00—
Shoe Sale.
Pure Powdered Sploee,
Pure Cream Tartar,
faeaprivBaliiirPowder, if rm i
M. RaMn
e, truer BoulM (gmar-
At Our
Soda Fountain
ora eever eestMt to *6M waC
esieafta atoae" bet aHraje irr to
Prices and Goods Tbat
Are Right.
WoBt.-. fl8- Ktd Oxford.: wUd. dXe.
Women's fine Goat Oxfarda.,aoUd. 61c.
Women’s fine torn nole Oxfacria, 48c.
Women’s fine dark too 91 » Oxfonto.
good valae, 91.00.
-Womea’a fine strap Randala, 1 bnckla,
^'womento fine atrap Handali. riri kid.
Women'arioe Serge Gonfreae. 55c.
Womanb Serge Bnekina, ;s and 60c.
Womea’B indto Kid Bntton Shoe. TSe.
Women'e V(d Kid Bntton Shoes, 91.
Womenb Tennis Ozfatda, white. 60a.
Mtoam' EU. aoUd eole Shocn.» to 11.
Children's Rid. aedIdaoUshoaa, 6 to
Children’s Tan, tom sole. 6 to 6. 60c.
ChOdren'sTan. no heel Shoea, 80e.’
Infanta' ao heel Sboea, Oe., ise.. Me..
Men’s Plow Sboea. 84e.
Men'a fine Laoa. 91-<3 to 93 OO.
Men's Bioyrie Shorn 91.96 to 93.60.
frf-C.. dp,.
T4ie OriftinsL
Livery, Bus and feed SM...
Horae, bouded.
Feeding bnnen b to. •
Terms raaeaiiafale.
Pioneer Livery Stable
State 81 weet of
PariK Place HotfiL
*Oqm in and About tha.Town of
Lylo, Minnoaota.
It |t m gnat triempb te tb« ’’totajj
iapMl" ten of ctwia emrine Unt tin
lint one of thif trpe
*o • nann.
ruMEEa IHI PEitoPAi Loesm. I
Om Ufc Ka0V> X* t*0 l.Mt aa • aian ar
a* Mm »r Zm Xai8r«d-Tb« Dm4 Mas
Omm r«tr B«is hf «W WMHtas
t br n* Wiaa
w EacUad Esp
WMtW •( Uw Kr« lUaC
KismpeUi, Minn.. Jom 11,—a <p».
. dal to Tbe Tribune from Maam Citr
la., mrt: At C:W Uai nl«bl a ercMlx
, mfick noTthwaai of lorOa JUbb.. taking
a'aootheaaterlz coorae. Several people
Srare UIM aad bUnrad. It ton up
bourn aud other bulldlosa lb lU course
aad the territorr is bow bare. IC was
%aU a mile In width. All telegraph lloef
north are down, and tfoa car* on sidlnca
wen amaahed Into kliidlliic. Cannot vci
Bat of kUled, Aaother tderran Crom
' WlUmar nra: A cTelonepasslnsorerth*
town of Kaadiobl. this countj. entireir
demoUahsd the buildUw oa the farm of
7obn BerqulsL
A special from Osace, la,.- xo The
Trlbuiie eonflnns the rqmrt of the
doBe. and aari six persons were killed
aad a number injured. A special t:
will take surreont from that place.
Lyle, Uin.. Jane 11.—The Sm reports
sinr tbe
t* crelonr at tbt* p
That Should MaVt for HappinoM
with THit Pair.
ran eate au, tbe KEgnnm*
Tspte Par tbs Wosfe I
Cwmmm by B». k B. Dayte.
Torvi-Th* tel way SB *0047 the a
Pa xis. T-U.
The NiaetBoMb Poaln speaks at the
glcBT of God M rsvealsd In natsre
1-dj and aln of Ood’s^orj
R-vealedi 1in His
“• written law (venrs
U wbrt bM »*oeoUy b« aeblCTed by j
■aemgineeai uieKaxw»wiw»AurijAuio.
the Wr|i^ boat TorbiBlm. ;! W> Malt* IMr Mant^ a
ThU little vessel of 100 tet length,] Tonta. Sswitr. a»d tr.
sun was seen "going forth as a bride
0 feet bean and
toes diaplaoeaentS An Thsif»-w.4diac at
groom out of bis chamber." declaring
■ at ”
. . - rpeTBK aortal E»Ml af O*
Hbe glory of God. Tben tbe paalmist
' dally te a marine trial of tbe ocmrtoaoar
kte Whs-riy«rvu. Well •it.000Aoa.i««»V have turned tala tbonght* to that
potmd steam turbine derigned by tbe
Bok CbarlaaPaaoGa Tbe Faeaona tur*
bine ntlUaea the steam In three .stages
ion be givea of tbe power end
and has
^ abown
^ I Afiderson-Perklns weddiny yesterday.
ce and predoosaea of God’s
New Process Vapor StoVes,
„ lea Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 Front St.
Why Go
match and are as devoted
IV Uw of tbe Lord Is parbet. ocavasttay
land, liaving achiered.a coofumptlon of each other as the most *xacUne loVer
When you eunot batter____
16.1 pounds of ateam per indicated borae could expect. Out Wealth and Fashion thsauul.
The taaUMiytf tbs LCrd B sura, msklac
seised upon the ceremony, and they wise tha rtnpl*.
TbestalskaorthaLardare rlsU. sej«4ala«
made It sDoIslIy yoryeoua more to their
a ringle eogiae and screw, sad in Che own dellyht. perhaps, than t
The eommandaast gf tha Lord Js para, asv
trials (be "oavlUtiaii.”
kgbhaUir tbe
Che lovers. In point of the money rep. UgbloBUir
-• eyca.
Tba fear of lb* Load ti rtsan. •
resected this sens first^mwy the yreat
sreddlnys of the century in this country.
The JhdgBests of Uw Losd nta Wosaud
Until very recently Mr. Anderson was a risbMou alltethcr.
AU other gooda in p
Mofvlebe4Mlml am th« than gold, ysa.
member of tbe United States dlplomaUo
Powder cf all kina
corps at Rome. Italy. His bride was than DiKb flse srtd.
Morrorer. by tben ts thy aervaat warn
Min Isabelle Terklaa, of
It this diy. heirla
ess to tl7.0»r.lUC.
rally CMwirtker W----------------Mrs, Anderson Is the dausbierot Cap- set tetfa in these and the auooeeding
UlD Georye Hamilton Perkins. U. 6. N. vuraw, iu power, its exeelloKe, its pm|.(rrtir<d). and a yrsnddauyhter of the dousnem. iU benelJoent cdlectR. suggeBt
late WlllAm F. Weld, of tbUcIty. whoae to ns tbe best wgys for studying tbe Bi
nulllons she Inberlu toyetber with her ble.
cousin. Mrs Cbsrles F. Rorayue. the
Oat. UaloB
Kistta Ms.
1. ,Tbc Bible sboinld be studied delly.
wife of Reprepenlsilve Rprsyue. of Mss- It is isoUablp thatAhis psaUn was com
tarbuseita. The groom U the son of a
And the VBBT Beat Oood«.
we!l-kno'8-n Washington family, “the posed In tbe taoruin*, at the writer
ottlp one—Henry Hanson. Uvlny
bead of which. Genersl Nicholas An
two miles west near Use Iowa Ur...........
derson. dk-d abroad a few years ayo. all kU splendtt. Tben be medltatM u
death. Hansoc had Just returned bone
Me Is a Harvard yraduate and was aa. on God's written law. What betl
from Zdde
r for'blB t
MAKXyil or OOWyODKBtWJ wt sDclated with Robert T. Lincoln in tbe
when the
e etom struck the bans, c
Twaares asoinc..
United States embassy at Rome uudw
................r It and kllUi
tented behind the propeller, was each
then tbe oontcmpiutjGu of Qod in natqre uril fnrtbrr ooUm
team and other stodt. Hanson Was _
Wt gra^ of
rted about forty rods cast. wtaw| hie that very diesppolnUag results followed.
and in His word? \Fbat better prepaxwbody, badly muUlated, was found. He Tbe riagle turbine wm removed aad re the Arlington Street «*urcb at
tio&fortbe day can we wnake tbim to
' was a prenseroua tamer and leaves a placed by three separate turbines direet- and araony those who were present as Twelve an inspinticBi by reading, stn^
widow and child.
ly coupled to three screw shafts, tbe yueau were some of (be moat prominent nndn
eUoo from tbe deep, hallowrtayad Movas wltkVraparty.
turbines being reqieotively tbe ht^ members of society In nearly every
Aa.aearty as tMw cam be ascertained ptesBuie. iatermediste end low pweanre large city of tbe United Statea
Tba Bible abtmld be studied in IM
Ha« tlM Caa-ptoa IMdal Bell.
the storas orlctnated four miles west of ellneala of e triple expaaaian engine.
Tbe terms "tbe Uw." "tbe plM-ProDt ud Pvk HU.
this mia«e. aad pursued a aUcsac ooume Tbe rcenlts were tmly xenaxknble, a
testimony,""the sutuiea," “tbejodgtoward the north'
speed of lfi.< teats being tesliaed.
skilled hand* of florists and dealynen ments," inolnde tbe eutlse word of God.
After further eqJerimcnt to deter- presented a moat beautiful appearance. In its pUoe and te its purpose aU tbe
• and tclepbcme a
. hansa fao'nses. mine the proper pitch te tbe screws s ___ ed plani
weed ibonld be diligently studied. "AU
orchards yrewes And yardena swtpt
Scripture is given bv la^iiraUaii of God
with tbe mad fury of the siom. Bev- mean speed of 81.01 knots en boor WM arriptloir. were used In profusion,
andiapraflUblefordociriDe, teteproed,
bridal bell was one of the laryeat
«al loaded cars oo the Chicayo. Mllwan- realised.
te iuatmetion in rightkae and 8l Paul mJIroad were ivmoved
Nine days later ttie TtupinUTeaUsea consirurted In Boston. It was composed
- bodily from the ttackaitherallroadyard
speed cf 881^ knots an hour, tbna snr- valley and small white buda
of L. A. Sbernsan. and Bcattervd promlsswing tbe world’s teecnd by abont
csooMy abost the country. Wind mlDs
sots This is equivalent to 87^ miles of broad White satin ribbon. l-:Acb col8. Tbe Bible tbould be studied perwiibooi number were deetro>-ed.
an boor, or equal to tbe average speed of uton of the church was wottpd with scnally and practically. It restores tbe
Ftaoaw arTwaty raraao* Bo»
many ao called espreas trains—Scien- a*].ar««tis
le dar
soul, it enlightens tbe eyes, it wamu,
try It 1* dllBroll lb _
dbetwSh it picToes the innermast recease* of the
yoUoh. but a* nearly as can be leansed.
the pillars and acnas tbe aJur and. soul and lays bare the sinfulness of tba
from fifteen to tweisty perronr are more
human heart aud proposes a remedy te
or less injured. Peter Rsnson. a harHigh efBciendAa are easstnotly being
dense it throogb rile grace of God. These are
S nsak'r. bsd his ley broken In
abnwn for tbe various types of impti)i
peed* of every bnmau being. Bach
A and hie son.>. 4f years
tugentialwaterwbeela Stane tasta,
for himself.
wvere bead wound, but will recover.
oHteteI nniveraity, of
reserved pews, comprising over They are n^-SKuy to the bust intcreats
Mr. and Mrs. Drook*: of Cliflim. la.,
«ei giv
two-lhirds of the church, were marked of bis soul ;rbe oily way to gel them
srho were vlallltiy at Hanson's, are both
off by wide white satin rlbblns. which out ul God's wunl U by the personal
■Uyblly Injured. Charley Larson, wife
........ Others
........... injured !
S7.06 and 01.86. Tbe at each pew were knotted to hold In srtd^nd
and chUd. are Injured.
jimctical application
place a cluster of white rnsea When
allyfally arei Mrs Pilpe.
Piipe. P.
P, K. Johnson, i
used was about
U>A« Peterson.
.... B.Christine Peiem.n.. Mads
Pe- I emniwla
pounda nr
or lAO
160 far*
feet ha
head, and tbe two- the hour for the perfprmsnce of the
Bible ReadiiipL—Dent. xvii. 18.20;
cerrm.-ny srriv.'d the orgsn broke Into
ter Peterson. Charles Beven-on. Mrs. I lolions of tbe wheels about 820 for 88 the strains of Mctideksehn's wtdding Johnu i. b: viii, 80-86; Ps. i. 1. 2; yl. InatnettoTu o
4o. ttuil
Dr. Fraser. Hrm. M. L H«....................................................................
■Band her inebea aad 426 for 26 iocbca, tbe for- march, snd the bridal party entered. b; cxix. 87-118; Im. xxxiT, iC; JdaL
aoB-te-law and daughter.
Preceded. by usher* and bridesmaids iii. le ib; John V, 89; Acts xvii, JO. II;
ItttraiBM tK SM iBtiC «Ttn UllL
and the maid of honor. Mias Hlltsbetfa I Tbt*. V. 80d2: 1! TlKWt iii, J; 11
Anderson, slrter of the groom. Mis* Tim. iii. 14-17; Jaa i. 22.25.
Pivklns proceeded to the altar leaning
aralad. Ever}-ihlr« 'that can be done
upon the arm of Ji.-r father. T'wn Uda
Kspoft of Pho
Boom B,' Otty Opera Baaae Bloek.
is being carefully atttnded to by ritBetween I.OOOsud 1.200tonaof pboa- dressed sa XIV criiiry pagi* followed
•---------frienda '
•the bride aa iraln-b.arers.
Mitchell and 8t. Ar.sg
pbate* are daily sbippM from Pen»auArsyai
sermon—a very bravo sermon—on the
TcupboDc 3«.
e ground saelstlnyr the lo
local doctors. diaa. Fla., to European porta Tbe
day of PenteoosL Ho did not avoid gi
i damage t<j propei
'perty I
indneliy has devetopod woodertnlly
AteTbsIrWMidiBg fWeaktaM la Laiory ing offoiae. lit- accused his bearers
t&OOO to
within tbe past few years, and troqneni
jmniripatian in a great crime and asaad Weal lo New Vorii.
WEPT BT FLOOD. dUroveries of deposits in Georgia as
Aa tbe bride neorrd the head of tbe sund them that there was oo hope for
weU M Florida make tbe ncpjy teem
broad cet.ter aMe Andersen, who was them except through repentanoe and
wall Bi^ ioexbsustibla.
kcmpanled by Charles Francis Adams, faith in the prrsnu they bad Just
Hearts. E. W. HA8T1
peci.rd. as best man. ttlvarced. and tenced to a siuituenij death as a :
meejlny Mlsa Perkin* benesth ihi floral!Onlitiarily ench
would create a riot, delivered in such
Fire Insurance.
citruuinaucea, and the preacher’s life
would have bC<cn In peril
wcaxbcr. appears to have blown Itself
m jUw nnA—^^^rt nf f he ek.ie !
P*«>' proceeded ...
j , But..tbe poly
•BL The siot^ Jia* been almost un- _»,«,•}, Tmes^r into mal! inlrfwrwnnlnv P«rklns home on Communwealih ave- &pint ww in Prirr and in ^ truth,
Ffacedented for\hli month, many 'rear* '
‘>r«akfa« was
aotls Uvamo mcmb« of i
haring passed Since rain ha.
•*^»' ch despised aecL It was a brave aermuB
heavUy In June. The storm was ap- ^
toward any part of the had lu-rn built In the rear cf tbe man- and efleetuaL—Obristian IntelUgeaoer.
parently confined to Massacbui ____
the rrylons northward, acarcely any^
A^tvcvotly deriysad chair ran be
pasftnyly »o. All that could be
(amas aoulh of the state line. The di
changed into a bed by dttin>>»M (be back
^ A had driver will apoil a boraa in a
ipttsbed with flower*, arrangid with
>A.lo life and property
and raising tbe foot nwt. the aidn openI artistic taste. *•*• done.
the storm bos also been
-The lisy windoV. w.re banked and
^ destiny Of a bcy
. ahmy
_ „____
______ branrhm , iflg out flat to make it widtv if dealicd.
the various
^dlc* and racking«------------neking ehair* ar»-------------to be garlanded
yroalny k
and f.*-1
of hta teacher and that tbe
------------ »lih
----- ------------..-..^r-,
of ibe BoetoD and MainerallruhA
Malnerallruh< Wash. I ,.fi»<4!c*
« is as dangerous
died and the freight 1-*'***'"*^°*^
which an to be flp toon* of pink and wbite rewes. Anmnd bnskl.
■ have nnuilplle
inity as a blundering dootor.
wreck at Exeter.Hr*In
pneamgtic a^ enthion pads ’*>e rooms w»re drap^ b^utiful upe*. in a
ler. N.
thi * ______
trainmen 'were killed, was due dJrMtly CB the bottama of tbe tuckers to makw
v”rner i-i t.'orner. and their Tbe true toad
to tb« storm. The lea* to the-r^O^ , them Doisrlesa and eamfortable
, fold* were filled >» iih rneer. From tbe ' an ideal of lifn. He must W true to it
me Btorra will be fully I
I and g^ea of
Nearly every dty and
'Hf'' radtsied lo (be ce;ilr.yw
Ktw Hamprbire- —...
aad Vermont aitiMt
Amtgican FpetxL
ofdalighta. PreUicM maidesa.
an a stretch uf ountlderable alse trims ’
* Hne wUb tbe stream of wate. Tbe candelbra suprvrted pouches of
asUta white silk filled with bridal roses. The,
Icawdsmsye by tbe high watsr. I'—•—------------bffwiuat which tbe water strikea
TW Olver With
While tbe low lands all through this forced tbmogb liie ootea and apnste banister and balustrade were IntevOur words are taaiaber tbsn our deeds,
■ winvd with whiu ribbons and ririoyi'
rayloB ary florded. At Dover, N. H.. oot In a apray.
of rose* and lilies of the valley, and the and- Bi this 'seaBoti, wb«*i tbe poor need
where In 1B4 four bridges and a bnalrooms
badly, U la wcU to coauningle
aeas Mock werecarried away by the floods
tbe Oofboo mill* hsvf suspended opera.U»
with one end perforated, -to be aewed -wer* 'k* leku.
. . ..
ttoita. Along the Merrimac Hv».
UcBarty a Concord.
H. H.. there was <®**4e tbe pocket, with (be other cud
preemta .
^ kindue* that wUi
BOtiie de«i icuon or property. In
__ ___
that: bent to pleas-against (bo opposite aide ^
floral | «,rt.ethe»iit vet luore aZmAsble and.
riiy one Of the
tbe peculiar
peculiar' remilu
renlu of the : tif
of the
tbe pookK
pmkM and ctee the opening. .
Overflow of tVnscook.
Penacook. lake is
la tkal
tbsl the '
fr.CT>,.... '
«ke Greek lelcyUil , f™’**
r supply
long-Memmed rt.se.. and Ull^ of lovetb a cheerful giver.-JowUh Excity'# water
supi • ba.
-been cut off. «
the water has
been diverted from tbe
«hr v»>lvy were heaped lo shallow
■«». per doi ..................................
device constats of a wedge shaped metal *ele. After th» breskfaet a twee
Bsrriee eU-,Cboise Mixed Pieklss, per bottle 10s .
t held, and Uter ihe couple departed
TBepiaclpitaUen ha* been exccpOonal. '
^ news act at ...
It is only with the pio
SAS.Ihcbe* of rain having .fslleii since angle to draw tbe ends cd the frame to te New Tork cn route fm- Europe and
the -far east The' bridesmids
............... were:
..... willtbatweeaubeaplritiuaiyatteodre
Wndneaday moming. wblle the wind at' gothcr when pwaecd toward the
His* eu—n
Pusan uaiion.
Dalton.' toUod. Aa long si Ilia noi^ reaUcaa PUyaehaage nigbUy. Saeureaeata a j*
tlmea reached a velocltr of thirty miles I Paner nrnt!nijU.a >— krtn<r r.iM.1 —> Hiss El.Bnrr Orsy. *»•*»
rf B«-tl..m,hu,w.caib.p«U.
Cor.TthoiBdrBloaMs. .
All (or SmilesH of r
call than in this auu. and predict small,
■Upp^toto w
Tbe go'
crops bscaUss qf used touing lo the ! ^
am^ aooket., the other end <rf
Itbe ncket bring fllj^ with a algt to -Doutvl and Faxon. The bride’s gown
cr> am satin lined tbroi
tbrougta; bold a pen, m.king g light god ebeup' YAlb
s of heavy cr.
Lnt C« Osihsv Op
I wi:h.uffeu Bilk. The seam
Instead of beixig.dlsoonngcd beoanke
outlined from waist in hem with o
Fine Merchant Tailoring^.'.
Pneumatic dram abieMi ax* BOW _
what re-do is uDwortby cf------God and inand the corsage with a su
thaac »iatc offleers; fleerstary-treaaur- log into am, an airtight pad being at-1 pUce efTcrt
fluffy UtffliidBgs
WB ix>r
«r. Martin Jesko. of Radoe; state or- tBCbed. to each side of tbe regular shield tuna.
done by otbexa, let ua gather up
Olty ITewfl Oo.
flaalKT. F. O. WeVr. of MUwaufcee: ROW in UK. togetbar sritfa a valve te
stnngth to retem our artun and na^
mamber* of tV exeruUve board: W. inflatitig. the cloth under tbe arm* be
toNtgbw attalnmeott.—^mzgeoB.
O. Raymond and C. Herman, of Mil ing thus held away fnm tbe body to
rgs, of tbe umvetnty of O*orgla^
waukee; c. W. fliewart. of Appieton: pKveat diaookntiao by persplnitei K. Boggs,
u-usOaorge Doney. of Green Bay. L«Crame and also to teaeD-tbe wear cf tbe cloth. tees at
yestwday, recomtnebda
I Athens yestwday.
warn named as tbe next pUea of msste unlverfiepeating alarm olocte ate ameng the admissloa of wothen e
ML And the conventloD adjouruad.
len'. It to
tba omr Inveutioai, the x«d cn which Mty on an equality s
Lumber Company. We have for aale Good,'^und Hotttw aptlu M srouBd beMgcoDtrolled
lock l..umber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
by a tooKd wheel to nreveut its uShort-Maple
Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Madunery, of all
Iowa dsportmant of the Grand Army vlndiBg beyond ««afti3a point at cacA
ChleagU, June IL—Tbe drainage board
or tba RapubUc cioaad hers last mgV
descriptions, including a .Engines, Set Works, CarriageSp
of tnutece yeeterday defaated a' rmeiter and
primoaed by Trostae Jonaa com.tto. thw maatiat tba alan as te- tvttoB
complete Saw MUl Plant te sale.
palilDg ooDtraetora to amptoy ao aaa
Faper Hanger
diAaitiSwabMef tteaacrRat&atoppafl trbo do not carry a Uhtaa card. The
Majerity agatte the nagtottei was CM.
Groceries I
- Frank Stepan,
cunm Foi lie PEI DOzn.
HIMES, Photoerapher.
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Flour I
Family Groceries
Fresli Y(®itobles Baily.
Jacob Purtsch,
W SteiDberg’s Grand Opera Hoase
..One Solid Week.
ne invest, But tai Owpast!
Wall & Johnson’s....
OF safety...
Thurtell & Gane^
Palace Bakery.
Oakes and Plea.
Oookiea and Bread
i Collecrion of Noltd
bTIo People.
RDUED piTSju„.„..5c. pig.
to and 16 cents.
Do Tou Know
Thurtell AGane, Ltd.,
Suits to Order.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Geo. R. Winnie,
KM innima mow. mtosom, tumW «*»t.
ooilKtiM «t the t«« linpooed br tbla
•ma feSned ancar-**
- '
evoraOMd tbe vboto «§•
ftow rich in a prairie boots tows
TBomii 1 TEXT roi QIAV^
, «w Mb «»unr»«« »*M» *«<
VMM BMtr ««l>«r,.M ttM
<M l*to th* BlIU
la tbe bodae Jatnee T. Koyd. who me
recnitlp alerted to euooeed the late Bep>
reeealaRve OOea of tbe Plrat Miaamri
dlMrirt. took tbe catb. After aome iui>
db adlumneBt to Konday. eKbirta waa
Speaker Beod
•aved tbe meUoa by voUw a#e. De......................................
_ _________
for ibe > eaa
both didee andI tbe ....
bmUod waa carried—W
to M
_im ...
Ahto le WWhetaei th# Pi
Mr .1 a Depth of IM >
Met Cm of leferiae 0»
BeoanUylnet afonnerai
"Why. Vm asrprleed, JIniinto.” I »marked. “I tbosgbt yon were doing
well and getting rich. Tbe laat time 1
WMhllWt*. JOB* «.*-»!» 1M«
•‘clock yMUT«&r, •f"-’’
«U|wMa of th» errv#!.' m tb» •krtcoltor? kl acfaedule. Tbe U.i.tmI to tb« •oew
Tbe nocearfal lannoliiix M Elinbrth^H./..oftbe newHoUabdeobma.
•nr «ber •rtlrle th-r- vu tbe added
latereet due to ibe oenMiUoaal ebarfw
' »"«.<» at late., althlti and wttboist tbe
rtnn torpedo bpat oeatad e eotwlderaexwBtlan, at It It daisied tbe tM-
^Tst “rwol*; ns, d-. it tb*
1 be farooght h<re.
Tb« Urlff
Merely a qneetlob of policy aa to bow
tbe government, win ralat tbe r
t my with out hcaiatiM It to
bMt intercet of ibe American people
tbat the aniclet coniumed by onr people
•bpaid be produced by oar people,
tbet If Reputillcan doctrine, well and
good. If tbat li not D«mo(«lc doctrine,
it ought to be."
f-'-'’ ■
Into rtriwr* ef Me Oiutee.
Tillmab w ent on to argue that dl9m^
Aoccrdlsg m the in.
-----^pPDtty Mbets li
Cut Glass.
ro‘z»'s.X'*jss.« .s.;' p««
XLoiwB wao Know
'bo Tfcer Ara
Jpnaa opened th* driat* «■ ■
gdytog to Aldrich’* •
Igg to any aevrrv OcnuMiaiory ftoturm.
Veat eevercly.criuctord tbe augar tret
raed that iherateswere a further
and argued
Uibuie^o II
. Be called
aueaitao to Ibe fact that tbe truat wa*
making money. Th* Lexow inveatigarioo bad dtocloarii th*
canui of 171.000,000
.'SWAM.OW preferred *iuch. an aggngau
a n5eAOe.OOO. with pruAtaWlA'pereenL
on lu common atuch and 7 per oenb^
It waa a^^en.
bald, admitted truat
"Aa to Ibe queiUun
un af^Ibe effect at
r acitoB her*
put ihrre ta one plAca wT
I duui.i-ihat to a^xog
D Wall ilreel. They know
. .
the price of augar eicck up 15 a .bare
Within thirty minuowI after the new
OolMdul* waa agrsal oa by the cancua
They kaew whether tbto aebednl* t*
knora favorable than itac axtottog law or
Dtogley toll acbedul*. and
ran the price up from lU
' tiona
have beard
who ought to know that If tbla
•riiedat* eunda eogar will go to 5UB *
p- ■ r L"
aartalnefi ••« i
the. tnHS.
|g tbe pffat tow wa* A5t cepl* a
powtd:-toth8 Blnstor aekeSale. «M; in
tb* original toggii hol fi« ud in th*
Dew tobediBe agiaad aD.jylfa Steg«bU-
2S^iiS‘ mvat
gave itoilce ef the toT.............................
10 Osnts,
«». •p>r
—Kew Yotfc Jgpniat.
Suwi^ U Woodford, Mch of
dlr«»lly beneath the torpedo
fMaided by bb frtenda aew
thrower. Bat three of *btm will be emrfor the mlsriflD. It to believed a general 1^ g.* _omida Them
•apcMalon tbrmmh the prem a. to the ,
V. .ii e'enhmarinegmiat tboetemof the
Tbay are Um b«t igIffM
_ Tm (gof^ Of
Engltob college rmorda that be onoe
gave a Jeetoro npon the locomotive and
boat, which, with a 100 pound cha^
at exploriTc. to expected to hnrl a 400
poud S«4eetBe lOOyarda threrngh the
watef. Five eg :thMewill beeairled.
« mw ynvenile llateser. Be apote
to tbto clndent after tbe leotnre and aMced faim, “Well .>• auppoee yon nnder•tand an akbat tbe kxneiaaTe nowf"
“TM,"wae Uw nply. “aU bat one
down ...
adjnatod to maintain any fixed depQi
while rasning. If mnnlngnsdar a fleet
is deepwater, abewoald. cfconne, seed
"And wbat to thatr said the:
‘•I can't make ontwhataakaa tbe
at leari 80 feet of clear depth over ber.
- looOMOtlTemovewltbonthOMea”—Tit
le Chip might take a
bat wh
to be able to oome |
^-------------higher level, a
qnicklytothe •nrface now and then far ,
an ohaerration. She baa a powetfol
far tbeaa prtaea to bo ab^
qneatian in tbe afflnuadve, and
dlcatiofa arr that, with every govern
mllowanc* fur alwndoniiKSta. —
cent, of Ihi area harve*lcd leal year,
or «.» per cent, of the area'Mwii in the |
toll .of ISM. Tbto to round numbera to
tl.sat.W0 acrea
The percentagee of I
wiDier wheat aowagm upon the baato
InOioatad of the prinriptl winter i
are a* follow*: Ohio, 07; Mich
igan. 00:
M: Indiana,
Indiana. 07: IIIInoK. 51:
51; UlaIgan.
souH. 00: Kaimaa. 07; CaUfomla, 106.
Tbe condlUon of winter wheat baa
fallen rince report of May 1. being
• 'A.W, JAHRAU8, •
fui Strut, tttwrm ftoit t Cut.
ment In tbe world armed with nhma- . adelphlaTlinea
rim. ahipa within tbe Written yart. naTW HegeeaChiM.
val warfare will become reiy nnpojmlar.
“I aomedmea feel,’’aaid tbe old genIn tbe faadnating putrait of lori
and tbe exploralion
of anbiaa'
tleman. ."like taking tbat 4-year^
property the
aubmarlne bgal —
wlD grand«m of nine and aianuning him
dODbtleM beeome a gtoot aifi to tbe ; againat tbe wall"
wrecker and diva and make pomlble |
“What baa be doner
tbe lifting of abipa thalolbcrwlae ooold
“I told him that beaadfdl 'aleeping
1, ann aoo mom to our neauty' atoy—aooot now, ae mm »
knowledge of the aea. Moat of tbe
wrecka thai are going down every day
lie low than 850 feet from the anrfaoe
... great a depth for anbmarine
per cenL. a*ato«l MA on tbat dale,
decline <X 1.7 potnu. Th* oondliion on
June 1 la*i year wa. 77J. Tbe p*roentagea at toe principal aialea am: boal^and with their aid in avaping |
Ohio, a: Mlchlgin. TO; Indiana. 00; ebaloa. and faitcofng them to pouMont
tl. 45; Kanaaa. tt;
b larger prup
of to*
nail iu tbe par
irtni wheat area for tbe ebilre coupy. a COR
tbe prinoeae waa kimed, all tbe otoeko
hegao to go and tbe aefraDta began to
work and all diet kind of thing, nd
ibtmbeeaid.‘Wboproaaodtbe b
TTintiinneTl Bnqnlrcr.
Muat be mrri-
ble to have one die In yoor chair afta
The circniatioi ut itouder atortoa aa
to tbe tbinga to be dona with liquid air
yon have given blm etb«.
Destiit—Tee; It wa* fa*tbat le
that we edopied a rule that wbere an
aantbetie to admlntotecad Oie pattoot
Rates, $1,50 per Day.
MnlPekets at RMlicei Rates.
rint Oaw lyBM^^Wperial beue
Knpnru MDewtfrlTeaeeaa.
Wrariilngton. June It.—The auiement
of the ggtoelpal articice of domerilc ex
port tofued br the bureau ofAlaUattm
*bowa axporitfortheelev^nmonitaiended
5leyn.lt37.a*«*llowe: Breadetufta.^,-
> make boilding ftrepBoaf.
a i. HoguAM.
• OltrLawberOo.
aanatto'adda. aalt and bine vitriol mixed
waa arveeted on a rwqutolUon fn-m Juwa. tt^etba to fans a liqnld txf tbe thickto be turned over to ShwUf Davenport.'
of paint, the
oovattd by
= &lMllfUl«Miuil.L
The neri Otori Pete
OM t>gby the HataM faryb* Borntm
Milwaukee, June IL—Rlcbard Itooex.
a noted- fnfger. wbo on hi* dtoeharg*
sixty yeait ago Jowidi Ulllett ww •
wotklDf Jeweler in Bimlngham, BogHad. One day be eeeklentalty gplil ow
taioago. June ll.-A petlOon; rignwl
by a large number of worklm '
u l«f bto fine rieel toeda, and. being mderlaat nighi ' dody
forwarded to OovemorTannerl
dmdv called on to Mga areOlpt
a reoHpt and
urging blm to
not finding a pen bandy, be need tbe
bill, paaaed by th* leglalalur*. Tbto WII
tool aa a lubadtoto. Tbta led to
allAi the gamtohe* of aU a man'f
* 5
SI par weak-lb* M eaanot making
wag** alKiv*
Chicago -,4
West Michigan
■w^j^sr.xrKEf-'ss tsf
___ not only capable of diffn^ into
Waat the Oaae Mil Te*Md.
1* read by tbe paopte
to road*.
If yea Imve aigrtUa*
loaMI. trada, awMtt
toboyanythtog. M*ka
tl knows threogh tba
____ _ Mich.. June ll.-A* John
liftknia t
and Frank Snyder were eeDreh- pnoemfatoUlng Inieett oi atut now.
tom they rw into two girto Tbe procMB ooeM*of beating the
U yeMD throwing them ta
moapbeia djkmt tbe------------------------------------tbe tram to ahMt tiO
d^iMk, wbieb doe* not.lnjore the toea.
bat dtottqya inmot Ufa
Telephone 23.
to h^
anolb AMfa.~Ai
each otbawben they are tpo}tm bat
lAR; decreeae. lia.MS. ttotito and —
alto whan they are cold. Hebeaibown
nogt. **u,*iwve»i
uxTwev. fl.
Pmvtoioiri. 51IS.W7A»: decreaae. 1171.- that if nlean garfaoM of lead and gold
are beld togetba In vaeoo at a teaper40 degreae for fonr dayg
atnreof ooly
inalhaae teaVM Mr'iieaie.
they will unite firmly and can ba aejmWBBhliigtoa. June H.-Calbone left
lb* cliy laat alghi-for bto home to Dan- rated only by a foroe aqoal to^eUilrd
VIII*. Hla He expecto to rrium to Ibe of tbe breaking atrato of lead/
city prvlwbly neat week or aa aoen aa
the preeidant dealree to eonauli blm
further regarding affaire to Cuba.
- W.Off------------- --
mimioB of tbe liqnld when iti temper
ature mnri be kept at more tbas iOO degmee below noo. It wUl not oeiUj ha
believed to be pracUoable or proAtaUb
—Amerloao Meeb Inlet.
•S •
The .
The coedlilon of aprlngj—-------—, ,
avermge forth* whole spoc a oommorcial aoale la —
-----------tag aetUed. Aa to tbe atonge and txasri
all wbaat to tt.7 agalut r.S per oeaL
tbe mme dete lari y«er.
AMo s
TiMrwef >iiini«lai te tbe Kw I ■ gnot depth.
| the beme* of tbe aeTaral man ben of tbe
tbe Kriona buriuc** of war tl
botuebuld. winding up with t^t ct
Ini tl
>edo boat baa Bucb a na
, Bridget kcCarihy. “Bridget kftCarWaahington. June 11-Siailrilrian^fa'bmarlnetorpedoboMbaaauchaipaB-,
---- -------------- .4-.,..
4.----------- ^tbet
Roblnicn of the agrtcuHurmi depart-1 Mari advantage< that Ibe only qneedon ' thy," repeated tbe eenn*
oenen taker, “to Ma
wad fa
fnrai vnierdav afternoon, iMtd ihe ' «wr ratoed to. Can youbnlldonef A few • » <jotnc*iic>” It waa a
c^i^T^r^: fte reweek. wUl apparimtly wttle tbto ,«k. ftl he we. <s,Ml •to tbe
actvw Of
taiiiad aarwbera.
• 7 yean old asdwu 'cittlng
ball and eonld ftand tbepremmreet 160 . on tbe potcb when the cenm taker
___________ _________________feel if neceaMry, bnl for fighting par- name around. It wM Jack’* firm experiWttAOire BRPORT on tm* CBOro.
never be iwqnliad to go to enoe in tbi* line, and be willingly gaw
port of June
1 make* i
imsTEi in mmunn li
doubt, 'ntto query appUea to tbe caa* I tdiaigea of 100 ponDda of cxplorivee, ate
;-8eemUry Tracy. ax-MintotCT
j m be etmed tor tbto gnn, tte« U an
>9e«iator Edmunda airi Hon.
_____ ______________________ .. .
of the other of the gentlemen named |
light not be oBgrateful to the chief
agtotrate. while It would be weU for
to let It be kBownwbether tbe nbat U offered would be ac
cepted. '
Of courM it to within tbe beanda of
poaaluilty tbat amne emlnritt gentle
man who baa not aa yet bee named la
tbto ootmectlon may be ritneen. but that
to not likely, alnee the winnowing proeeae baa been g<4ng en for aeveral weeka
and available Umber baa been carefully
Bcaaned. In brief, the preeidenl. before
maUng the appototraem, muat be aacured In hla own mind that the
X —Watch Repairing.
—John Verij-.
-.Front Street:
. T>1 A. -PT.^
wanta to be aaeured of two tbingi be
ezpericd, take 1cm ihu a mlnnte 'to
fore a ftnal deototon la reached.
PlreL wtU the man be aaiUfaclory rabmerge Ibe tmaraod a^t tbe
wui . length of ttone far ber to riM to tbe
----------tbe----------------------------------Vnlted sutea aad ■
be be wilting. U aaked. to accept tbe i
gvMl rceponalMUty of the pott. Judge 1
Tb« armament oonitoti of thiee
waa pot for more farmer*, but for ■ tar
iff which DO longer would rob tbe farman we have. The tanner etood. 'hi*
aklnny. baay band
tbto export bouaiy to o
Mry of the puaent ayitem. and yei icnXtora aat to' etemy ell'tnee. expecting
tbto Idiotic famrr. with Ibe mortgage
gnewlng <» bl* hem*, not to know tbat
they rvfum to give him rtlief. Tillman
Tehrmently pledged M* word lo hi* colleague*
* ibai they wnuld
not drcriv* th*
Cann4va and that to* I.OM.OM fuUewcre
of Ihr plow "will etitk with you at tta*
Fancy Toilet Articles.
eamcMIy canhdertns the ap
of a aucoeeeor to Mlnleter Taylor at
btodnd. and thb of courae ncalto that
Tinmen auH'H'd tot teatare o
■ ^ when be *iv>kc for the C^oa
enl td th
- bout .
t a
«nral producu. which, by tbe
-hfMited. But even
. fO ‘ClllB..................
‘ClUman wae not a*
_____________ gaeniual He Mid be
« dee
tbe atienUon of Mi auoriaUak and u
the aitebdanee wae meager be noted
tbe alMttre of a oupnim. Tbe eall dieoaton preeeat. nine
1 tfly-four
ly-ftnir irtiatoi
ti. and TUtoMB pr»« than a q'uo
ceeded. He Mid the tarIP ttobatH bad
StoeiiMd a nebuloni coaSIUca to tbe
nnndiorpeaeiora. The RepuHUcan eent quietly.
by tbe oaitctia retoilng to .dtoeppi tbi
tolqvitlea of tbe UU and maaUnopaly
rotlfw for the eurilou la bchalt of
tnietl and rnoimiKill.a
Drat Kaew -R'hrre TlwyTe Ah'
■ “Oo the other band." proceeded Till
man. ‘the Drmorrat* are U a period of
They don't knew where
kbey-re ah The
proclatm their alleriacee to'the old.
tHne-bopored dociriRM. We had an ImpaMloned Mtech y«t.-r______
■t.-rday fbyWIUi] <
behalf of tbe Walker tariff prinriplea.
brougbt forward at tbto Utc day aa
Smoeratir doctrloea OacmalBa nullU
se^oa and ptber Imqea which have
I. Oitr opww aeoa*
Ibe man bac not yet been deflDlicly de
cided 'Upon.
He repardi at eeaentla]
■aaaic. conemiin*
tbat hli aelectlun ihall be not only a
McUon »1lb the prxrreaa o>r the acbed- aeir-poued manuC afralrabuiacquainted
Ilia Bdt tbe delate tailed to develop ae well wUb Iniematlonal and oontrow.................................................................................
TBK BoUAVo ermiABm noar.
law. ror-vartoua reaeona'pereoaat
dar dramailc lodderiia Senaton
^KUton won iBpfed toto • eUt« of to« and generaL tbe namee of eovend who | v«iitor, tbe can travel nnder water eight
•re eriden]^ flued have betmellminaied ■ *noto an boor for eight boore, and teo
ditrerenre ae^e eprrrbM dealt wUb a
from furi^r eonalderatloB. Reu<*»‘«- k»oU on tbe initoce. Tbe
I..- .w- #-_I
.I,...!.....------------------rnn. h
“ »UIS wu»
«arcei to itac auaar
mi not 10 the micnl irubUc.
nation a> large le o
rtake a Kobatoe. OaadOtata
t propoaed
rnwanuk * cat
X MlefUMtepM
eel iriU n
Tbe odiuaniKloD of tbe boat baa
What the PimMMt Omtme latlM Hlale*
e«erlr watched all over the eoostij.
It la cTlisdric^ la ebape. to 50 feet S
Waahlarnn. June U.-A corre^Ketd'
'inebM kwg. with a 4 fool errew pro
Ot oo tbe train that wae t^toa Pre«l<
ving extenabm: 10 feet S iscbeetsdldent MeKiBler to NaahvUle wired tbe
followtoa laet'iRkbi aneni tbe ap,„uab *“«*«aBiidmipa. andtbe moMeddlam-
•cbodttle bed b»«i « hUtod tor
•ad akde trMD tb< Met tbu
BM U derived fron< (}>gw tbu tram
tend deb*t« <* me WMf
tb« unit bill Mm. ua rtwnptly » l
TtoJt 1
aevenJ yean aga Tbete wae telltale
fringe at tbe bottom of bia trosatos.
•Dd be ww a waUdog exporition at
"■ Lederle’e STTSSS
ornaxAL rtm
omatMit FAm
Vni »ot iBtnCm mA lUa BmViar^ os X»«:ks Bat ▼ill -WaA
m the noaai meiiilt et OosIvanM
yT«MMd*7—Kr- IaAcsU Oh Mm/ploy Wham H« Ohcow,
^ Tha OUDenlUM heratofore exktlaf
betwMi tb« lookl Hloa et tke ’Loaf
•hMDu't AMoeUtton Hd tU TnvwOty lAOtW Co. are pneUealljr
Mttiad, h4 MaufOT^ Lodgata haa
aatot»iaad his poaUiin..
DaaM J. Eaefa. prsaMwt of tha
Chioaco hrneh of the saMMiatloBud
olwitMaa of
exeeatire board of the
•miHto board of arWwatlH. aput
jMtarday !a the ei^ opofantof
with the nambers of tha nsloa, Mr.
lAdote. Boror
otbara. Mr.
Kaafa It a mu of kau diaoemiMiit
Hd after a close eto^p of tha oaadltloH gn^ tWMtaatkm a;t OBoa.
wu aele^al ocmaiatiBr of Mayor
emllb. Dr. Ashtoa.
nma. T. Batea'aad a^Attoraey P.
<XOUbert.to meet with Mr. Kaafa.
Maaacar Ladgau ud a oommlUaa
ham tha ubm. The ooatetaaea
E. 8. Pratt was praseat U the latarasU
of tbs eoHpajf. Tfca dataila of- the
tiH^dawara prasHtad and dlseaasad
by tha parties latersetad. Mr. Ladcate ssalatalaed Us rlfht to employ
man as he saw fit at each prieee u
- he thontht bast He sUted that the
lamber apoa the docks was aold orer
the ran aad he dooMdered It bis richt
fo aUow the men la Us employ in'the
yvA tg haadU the lamber on the dock
aad pot U orer the laU of the aosaeU
tsfcuy it away. Tbe aalba bad eontended that he bad not that rifbt. bat
be ooBteatad their damaada. beeaasa be
thoaffat it tor Us best laUnata. Tbe
anion mea eonteadad that be had
promisad to aUow them to handle the
mHl« wrUv
MaK». tat Uter
rafaaed to employ tha anioa asH be'
oaaaa they demanded moR ihu he
waapaylayUs yard-mea.
Mr. Keefe eoneedad to Mr. Ladgate the right
own men bat tbera
a doabt as to wbatbar the anioa i
CUeafowoald raoMea It from the bants
at thatport. Tba matter WHdiaeasaad
ulmA^y. aad the anion belAto its
paMticcuwbne Mr. Ladgate iaaMad
that he woald not employ a anion
apM the dodm. partlealariy Maaa
•Btraga parpebatad apoa Sim Mooday.
Mr. Kaafe was not slow ia
Us coBdemBatira af tee asaaalt apoa
Mr. Ladgate. Them
teat before tba anion eonld main any
claima apoa Mr. Ladgate the mae who
an gaUty of the ontmge shoald be
broa^t to jnstfea. Mr.GUbartaoasid.
raed that batere anything at all ooold
badoaetoaaUte tea matter tboae
ties ahoald flnt be appr
draoBBead, . Mayor Smith took the
aaaia etow. era tee qaaetion timply reaotred ItecU into a matter between the
c^tetaa srfao rsaeirad tea lamber from
.noQ.anio8 mea and tea anioa mra at
teepatBtctf dallrmry. Tba ooofarf—
aadad prlte mattam la this ah^ie.
Mr. Kaafa after dinaar had a
•aetiag wtte tee rapraaaataUrei
mnioa. aad after etatiag to ^cm tee
altaatian aa be foaad it madb.^ folSb teeal Union fto. a, Traaone Offu,
Oranxnjr—After ooaeMeriag the
fUflereacee between the Trareme Cite
Immber Co. aad local naioa Ko. 63 af
the lataruttoBBl 'Uagshoraman’s aamxAUaa. aa the rapraaeatatin of aald
A------------A.—,----------- J ^
fo^wte*Tbat loeal ukm Ko.
Ko. S3 go
work when aad wham tea* ara
gat it
,4t load iag lambar on tmbcSb
as tea mattsr era ba proearly iarastigated aad adjastod in Qiiosgo. or at
the ooBTaatSea to bs held in Oiaralsad.
I of tbaM pmsads that tha.aaia is
lafs, la short,
Bottolatarfaaa wlUi the
hf Mr. padgala apoa tha docks, bat
eu seek employmeal upon the boats
ia loadiaff « they as daalra. attbalr
a^Mdala ratas.
Tha AaMlt OoBdanaad.
After tha departara of Mr. Kaafa.
the aakm bald a "spaeial mapHoc la
' thasarreetlOBsoftha
rapreaaatativa from Chtea<ra aad paeaad
tha toUovlad raaolatfoi:
We, as a uaioa, do hereby eoadama
le act eoaferrad pa Maaa^ LodnU
t the Trararae Ci^ immbar Oo.
joaday moralaff last and wOldo^
“ ‘
poaslble to bria«
of tba
gaUty partlas before tbe paWc
kWRa. Dated tbU uih day of Jai
By^Oidar of OommIttM Loeal Union
While here Mr. Keefe exertxiaed good
ladgmMt ia eSaMdering tbe attaatlon.
aadwhHadinmaad to teak aftartba
last rigbte of tbe ulon mu. made its
paint to eemslder ibe Mtaatfoa fraoi
from all Mdes aad to acoord to atban
tbe pririJ^te rad rigbte daa. He was
atraag to Ms daBaaeUttee .of tbe disgraaefal set committed Moodayaad
did Do't bealtete to ateta his optetea to
tea naioa naaa. At tba same time be
raaUaU that tea net waa das to a few
bot-haads who do not stop te aoraldar
teat sacb proeaadiagi iaiara thair
caase. aad that the anioa men as a
nls were siaeere ud eaUUad to coadderaiioa. Mr. Keefe held a long comsaltation with Mayor Smith rad whea
bs want away bote felt that tbs risit
of Mr. Keefe woald reaaltla good both
for the anioa and tbe company ia the
Waateott Had Mo TroaUa.
Tbe Weateoh atramad into the bar-
Bot yet baea' settled, tamed aboat aad
It to John Larkins- dock for a load,
la tbs aftoreeon. bowarpr. tba eaptein
name to the city and latarriawed Mr.
Keefa..wbonotided him thatbeeoald
proceed sHlh loadiag lamber here wlthoat iatcrferaaoe from the aaion asea.
Oapteia Johnson atatad to the Rbcosd
that be had. no diffleal^ la aaloaoing
bte last cargo, which eras lomlad by
Arraatad Taatardsiy Upon a Obaigp
of Orimiaal Aaaaalt—The Oomplaiarat la Barham Bariaa, Si
o^Aga-Orarby Was la Ttaaams
Oby Data Tast^y.
Loa Overby, a yoang aad wall to do
famm, was arnatod at his place At
asar Good Harbor yaatMpy moraiag,
apoa a charge cd orimiaal amaalt apoa;
Mim Bertha Bariaa. a yoang womra
fLyears of age
It is aUegad teat tea aaaaalt wu
eommlttod near tee bom^ of tee girl
Headay aigbL «io aUegad teat, as
she wu going along tee road aaar tha
le. Overby, who wu coaeealad in a
clomp of boshea. sprang oat and assaaltodber. Tba gM dmdarad that
she reaisMd the aaeaolt with all her
agte. bat that she wu badly
bmlsadaad tea asuatt almtotproatiatod her. She ratenad to tee faonse
aad told tee story to her sist*, who
Ideated it to tee father, who wu farions at tee ontmge. In tbe m
it ia etated. Overby left home aad earne
to Tmvene City, bet retaroed yuterday moraiag. where be wu arrested
by Under Sheriff Brovraof lAelaad. ud
taken to JaU. Tbe eomplaiat
ssada by the awtor of tbe ^ri ea
Blag Mlowlag tee alleffed asmalt.
Yeeterday the girl wu takea to Satton’s Bay, where aa examlaation by
Dr. Jdella dlaelOMd uveral bralsea
which <
bare eat tbe story of the girl regard,
It it said that U«ro is stroag feeling
against Overby and that the case will
Life a Barden
Baostb Home.
Yesterday moraiag while the rig of
Cksa. Feast, the local agent tor the
Grand Rapids Brewing eompav was
•tudlag oa Unica etmet, near Howard
WUUngb, the end of a wire with
which Uaemea were worklag.
tee back of tee home, tbrowlag
biin to tbe groaad. The asme thing
reputed several times before the
drew ia the wire. Tbe botae
Tua Limit to Baeara Ooapoaa tor
strain ud wu braised.
Baae Bali Xxpirea Tonight,
U will be-seversl days before he is
ne eoeamittoa of the taopoaad co-op- himself sgsia. The' vrlre wu preb«uin b.. WU u.. b..
bbwir I ;;,j
u aatnaU of the leading basiaeas mea -In re anUted elsetrie li^t wire. Mr. Faast
gard to taking seaioB tiokcU ud tbu Uya tbe blame for the soeideat to the
tor have eecand snbaeripUou for aboat carelessiwBB of tbs ttnemea.
S3TS. ItU abeolntoly nsnreiiry tlAt
100 auBca tickets be sold before defFtiet Gama tUs Geaaba.
laato actira teall eoatmeaoa. la order
Tbs Jske's Slaggem ars at it again.
to allow teoM of amaU auau to help
Yuterday they defeated the Bast aids
tbe project along tbs eommittoe hu
base ball alae by a acore of <3 to 18.
demded to eall tbe cottpoaa ia emaller
DavUsoDb bmvy bitting for tbs
lota of from tl up This wUl enable
Sidera, aad Movotay's Am playing
everybody to take some tickets ud if
for the Slnggers were tee meet aetieews am to have baae ball all lover* of
able futaru of the gma Tbe fol
tbe game eboald aobeeribe tor u muy
lowing were tee batteries; WiaUe,
u they eu afford today. Bluks for.
Dewitt and Bovs tor tbs Bs^sUe:
be tonad at tee City
Helms and Peaniagtoa for tee Jeke*s
Bookatore, CiW News StaaA Caris*
dgar starp Herbert Moatagoe ia
Mereaatiie Co.*s store sad Osrey HalL
to VortewuA
Old Mtialoa fralt growars wHl have
o reason to eomplain this aeasoa of
teelrtmasportotioa faelUtiu: la ad
dition to tbe new plan by which they
will bs aaabled to sb^ frait dlreeUy
from tbe -Baet H.ead.” Armagedknts
have been eampletod by whleb 'teey
wUl have qalak socees to the markets
Chptala HeOload ud W. L. MUler of
tee'am barge B. B. -TatUe, ranaiag
betsrera Elk. Bapida ud Bscsnaba,
kave aitaaged with a Arm ia tee latter
plaoe to take aU tks frait tear krlng
daring the seaeoa, and tbe boat wiU
eall at Old Misaion at leut twice a
week darlag the eeaeoa. aftm trait ud
beiriea. Tbs trip betwera Bk Baptds
ud BMaaaba only takes tea boar* aad
the meet psrisbaMe harries will
arrive la
Batortalaed Crowds with all Undo of
Good Tbiaga.
Tba Davis Ugbt Onards kept open
booulut evening aad from Are aatU
their lady frieada, geattemen trie
boy friends rad girt friends with ice
cream, cake ud aU eorto of traits ud
dratiea Tbs reesptioa wu givsa tor
tee beoett of tbs orgralutioo, aad
tee prmmiiis wlllaet a autsam toward
tee parchase of aaltorma Tbe boys
hsd eatire ebaige of tbe sSalr, serving
tes gauts with raythiag teay wished
from s stick of chewing gam to a baate
of.baaaaaa Osehru HaU wu b
sly deeemtod for tbe oceaeion.
The Oloatag Ausm^.
City Opiem Hall vru well' Ailed last
Bight with ybaag people who spent
of tee most pleasut eveniags pf tee
oq. Tbe eloelng assembly of Protouor, Mnrtaagb-e during scad
wuacharmlag sodsl event aad tee
Blttaa by a PiokareL
gaum rajoysd s'tomptiag ^wead pro
Charles fr. Merriam and Dr. Blay- vided la tbe aeaAsmy dariag the e
maker of Ckieago went to Carp lake lag.
yesterday aad relamed with two large
Uaek beu weigUag Ave ponads eack.
aadtonAaeviekcML WheapalUagia
I at GaDlag Llqaar Witeost
oae of tes pMk««] Dr. Oaymaker wu'
Kariag Paid OomnmsM Tax.
UverMy WUen by it.
was sddad, teat tee Aaioa taka all
possible means to appcohand the partlm who eagagdd ia tea oatspga apoa
Maaagar l,ndgate aad to past rasolaMOBS at a special oteatiag, daaoaaalag
the act. aad to have said rsaolar
printed aad q>nad hroadeiist aa
tea padple of TrarerM aty aad abroad
wham they may be of latarsat.
Tbe raprasealatiraa of the bbIob
mally aeoepted the raeommandat
0UlAm8*s Sarrtou in Varioaa Tot
U tha fallowing terms.
ta tUa Aeotioa Tomorrow.
Wa. the anderalgaad, rapreaa—
tirea of Local Uaiaa Ko. S3, toeapt of
' will be qmlts gaaemUy
bytte^rap. otowved ia this sMtlca of tes atato u
aad tha Ut
alatioa. tea name to go into aSaet June ekildrra>B day ia tee *
ffvwaliu srim ba haldwilh apaeU
progmMtortheehtidrra la Old Missioa. WBUaraAmfg, Barker Cta*.
Twin tmkaa,MdplaOlty. aad tea M
W. H. MoKbub.-'
W. A Baaaa. a West side barber, wu
rrastod by Depaty U< S. -^arsbM
CTDoanell of OraadE^tarTedtorday.
ehaig* of seUiBff'Uqaor U VaaBoepa
witeoat baring atonrod a goveramsat
Uesaaa. Bs wu rolaased aa bk owa
rf« ktUbafsm
tes U. A Otealt aonrt la Omad BapUa
la Oatober. VigiOj Mdfdlsl ODanMUwuaaeompaMad to teto dig ta
A-wtS..* 0. B. DMMM AMOn^ B. B.
Yes, Sir!
-..We have the lai^t 8tpck of.»
U tee toaa la town wW beu ball
tele year it wSI ba aaemury torat
leau too cd teem to bay a auraa tlteet
^^^•^portiiig Goods and Bise Ban Sop^ ^
ires eaadldatoh racrived tbs Boyal
drte dagras at tea obavoeatiott of Trav
erse City Chapter Ko. ioS. R. A M. lut
Bight aadaboat Afty enjoyed tbe bu4^aet after tee werk.
Tbe ecboonar Onelds arrived bare
yesterday .awralag after a lead of
maple slabs from tke Tmveru CUy
Lamber Co. for the John Stemeder
Lamber Co. ia KUwaakss.
in the city, and pricM tell
We Frame Pictures I
The third qaarterly laesting of the
Oreea Lakp aad Grant townoUps Soaday-ecbool' smoristlim will be bald to
1 on Sntartoy. Jaly ti. A
good progmm is being mepared.
Our Mouldings are all
new aad the lateat
Our Work and Prices are gmratted to
give ARtwfactipB, BE
.*S SOOKS37083L
Tbe SsttaM Bay Bassoo hu tost isseed tee program tor tea maettog at
tee Lariaaaa enaaty tsaeber-S assoda^
ion, to be bald at Leiaad. June 18 sad
18. Prof. C T. Gmwa wUl deliver a
ioha MeDcnald Is raaelag one of tbe
to tee rity, next to teie Beaten store.
Jest BOW stmwlwrry ebcrtcake U bis
■peetolty. HessrvuittoeoptoasqesBUttca, aad it Is goed.
Chsrim A. Oolcord (81 Plnnkard) sad.
WOUam Tender of Dalate wtU n»wt oa
tee sut at Oolambia halt West Side, to
night aad wrestle tor tee sapremacy
sad a parse of SSS. eateb-aseatoh-eu
s^ia The BcysVbaad will not seskt.
A party of Elks, eoasii
r of Dick
CbmpbeU. Joha A Sbato, E McKaa. E C BUItogs aad Fred Bechtel, i
drove over to Elk Rapids from here tost I
eventog. They will uks the boat from !
there to Eeeaasba, whem ttey will at-1
toad tbe serial seesioa of tbe lodge at!
teat place.
erg did not know that <
(bare wu more thu oae estruee to |
hi* opera hoaee. bat half s dosea boye ’
d a way to enter witboat the
oeoemi^ of proenria# tickets, tost
nigkL Ttoey ssoesded the eeaffold er
ected to frent of the boUdtog ud en
tered by s window to tbe second stcryf
It. bat will not go again.
Third-Of tee twrato-fonr b
are generally rarat to bed.
well to have teat eomtorti
ItbalaoweUto rime your
doj^ teem « I
We bav« it to different Hfk
V..,, ss’ssaii-.jssiss
--------- *•
J; W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
- aMaraowrnnnr.
We wish to call your attention to
our new line of ■■ ■
Fancy Linens,
We have just received a very pretty line of CENTER
Hold undisputed swaj
over our competitors in—
and other articles too numerone to nation.. Samples of
these goods can be seen in our window display. Those
interested in Fancy Embroidering would do well to look
over the line b^ore the choicest nzes are gone.
Why? Because we do
not cheapen the gooda. It's
the price that we lower, not
qnahty of goods. Will cost
you nothing bn^dur time to
mvesti^te.' We place oa
gale this week many lots of
well made and up-to-date
Broken Sizes at
Less Than Cost
in order to tdose out entire
stock of Children's Clothing.
Reliable Diy Gooda, Carpet, and Clothing House.
Old lour, good bye. We’re
found aometbing ^bter,
whiter and better tnjtte '
Hot of $2.00 Suits
for..;.......... ...
11otof$ZS0 Suits
1 lot of $3.00 Suits
manufactured ut bome,.diy
1 lot of »3£00 Suits
ItmsbH iu (It SipiniMr
Prim II iH Stm fits.
A Few Bargalns ln Shoes:
ttwDwmithack. After be bad start
ed nwxy xnd gooa at far aa the door
Were the fesotoatlon ngnto proved imeiatible, and be wee soon gntiog IbonghtW^toffton. Jane u.->The Mtohlfan tolly at the mme page.
•*Oan wa do aomecbtog more far
eeaatom are heln* qnleUy ocnffrato. (aus^TB^KS BISAM.
yonP' naked the cleric.
lated on the look that atood by them
"Yon lean a great deni ahontwhat’s
9BM. T. BAtM *yp J- *• H**Wwhen the Innher eehednle waa taken to them books, don’t yon?" he asked.
np. Bnriowa vrM for a «l tax. while
"Wa naturally beeotne familiar with :
s. W. HaMI...
MetUllan waa for a tl rale. A direct the contents to tbs oponsot tinw."
was tbs nnswsx.
"WcU.it1riU psobablybe exposiag
the two, 'and. beaidea. woold have
proven veiycmbeRUetoff.ne both have my ignonxiee for nw to ask it, tot 1
wish yon would tell me whet that to.’’
very warm frienda in the «l and SI and be tuned the took aronod eo timt
'■•:>wmpa. When the baUou were taken, the salesman CDold aee. "1 never Imd
howevw. the votee came diet on Ate mnefa ebanoe to study op on natoual
1 apologetioaUy.
propoaitlon to except white pine. Thto
nobody wanted to do, and the amendt wae beaten," Then the qeeetion
Bis enrioaity -was not yet snHiliri.
pat <m plaetoff Inmber on the free
Be dropped bis bend over on his ShoalHat. and na both taetiona amonff-the der and looked at the ipoCm with ow
Innthermen oppoeed that the tiro eenaMoDAT, Jane !«•
ton aeted tcffether all the way **"IeBppo«." beiernmed. "thm tiito
•toff Dm ^ procl»iii»Uo» of th* for*
throaffh, no veto bavtaff been foroed an tiring wmldn’ttmtbcrBM 00 mnehto 2
the qeeetion whether the rnte ehoqld hadn't reecstly gtme on the road far a
^rmwtrj ot U>« adoption of the eton
be tl or to. Bat riffba of relief were patent medietoe flxm. That hea givcB
Mdnripee.tbe emblem of p«« and
brenthed by boto^whfn tbeeehodnle me an inteiest-I never badhetortt ,And
yon know wbeoever a- man has just
lIlMr^. Upon that 4*y erery Ameri
wne eat of ^e wny.
taken op a snl^ect it’s bard for trim to
ca aum ebonld display the ntitmnl
Ret It offals mind. 1 don’t believe that
*etoeeue«»pp™pf4»«“®®*^SD6AH 80KXDin.B AOAXM.
1 ever mil «et over bring pnsaled abant
ffke ItenBMaof Abe free dent from erery
Bohert Debate -Bemuned to the Btotte thatoeotanr.’’
W. B. Artiffmn preeeated
ffiLWay ud from every bone; let
"In what way?*’
«wrydtoentinftirl to tte'toooaethe
"Supporing be got ride.*’’
0Mg that la honored as the eysba of "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde." before a
Waahtoffton, Jn^e 11.—The emttoa(ood
even"WbomwodM tbeyoend for, aregMd lodividnal tteedbm, and
aaee of the debate on the aoffar achedasMeh to reepected by every naUon toff. Mr. HarUffna wee. trem the flat- ale to the aenate aerved to aweU the alar physician or n veterinary saxgeonr’
terina advance notioea. expeetod to be attendance oonaideiably today. Before —Waabittgtou Star.
ffood. and hto work Inei eventoff fally the tariff MU waa taken np. Harris of
It to enoonrafflar to note that in
bore ont theae roporte. and atampe him Kansaa. introdoced a reaolntioD raeit' One of Bloadin’s fsTorite jtkm waa
id eeriona dlfficnUy with Spain this ,ae one of the beet neton of
Ibff the atatos of affain relaitoff to the to offer to cany
«autiy wUl be prepared to pat Into heavy parte who have appeared Union Pacific raUroad and expreeatoff
jrti— a vapt army of trained men to thto city. An Dr. Jekyl he wae the the aenae of the aenate tkat the aeeraerltkia twenty-foor'bOBra. Stepa to
ihed. fentiemanly phyrioinn. Aa tary of the treaanry wonld taka et^ and the great eqnilibriat. with a genial
tnfomatlonaa to the probable Mr. Hyde he waa n fiend to hnmnn
smile, wonld my. "1 am aong yon ire
to pay off the Uena prior to thoaa of afraid 1 ebonld drop yen.’’ Bnthewas
y—w that eottld be mnetered la that ffotoe, a beaav Hto tranriormaUoaa
the ffovemment and then to operate botot onoe with bii own petard.
toBffth of time, are now beisff taken, from ou eharaoter to the other to view
the road, or.- If tkat wae not deemed
Bewm exhibiting to Paris and wm
.•ad other active Tneaeerea are la of the
-withent arOflelal aM expedient, to adt^t forMloenre proabqnt to otom tbe ^ioe on bU rope.
'froffreee. It to aUted epon tellable
srealtotto and effeetlve. Tkeenp- oeedtoffn to tke oonrte. The reeoto- Oham, tbe great carieatnrist. had cone
•etbcrity that thcM pi^mratloaa are porttoff company waa fair. Mr. Harti.
to malm a Wteb. Bloodtn. raoognixing
Uon went over.
iekea in ^ew of peaeiUe troeUe with
The tariff biU wae taken np at »:» him. at once invited him to cxnas with
naxtaeaaon to a pUy antitied "Jndaa
and the eenrideratiba of the anfar
“WHbpleasan,’’replied Oham, "tort
Maoenbeim'' writton by hlmeelf. lUaepBoantmxo Attobxxt’ BoDOXBa of trattoff the atory npon wU^ the order aebednle waa resumed. Jonee. (dem.) on one oooditicn.’’
of Arkaneas. beyan the dtoonwioa by
,dtoaadBapUto,iieBtiUad to toe aym"And that
tliwied Bloodto.
of the MhbcaheM wee foonded.
t of the
"Tbat 1 abaU oarfyyoB cximy bato."
pnthy of every nepeeUble eommnalty. Bartiffan ffatood many admiren toat plaotog oa raeord n i
answeiwl Cbam.
Be to a baae ball ciank of thenrankleat evralnff. and when he nUum will aoffar export, ahowtog the price
"Not if 1 know myseU." aasweied
•art. hatlD make hU aaCeriaffi more anrely be ffreetod by a erovrded bonee- eaek grade oT ngar. the rate of taxa
tion OB each under the Wilson act and Bkmdin.
iateMe and to advance pabUe morali^
Wall A JohnaoB'a Stan of Oomedy under the propoeed aehedala.
. the oonferenee of pastore baa decided
Cbam, "tbto time. M. Bkodto. it is
that Sonday ball pla/toffmoit be will open a weekb onffiffement at
and will r^ilire the pmee- Btetobe^ Grand Opera hooee Monday
•■tor to toeae the neceemry warraaU niffht, chanfftoff lU oomedlea aad apoe••d pneeeate the playerm who miffaffe laltiea alffhlly. Tbeoompany’a reper- Senate Oonmltee will Beport AdMr. Leboorbere is gratified at bring
tolre emtoaoea a line -of oomedlea aad
venriy on TUIman Beeolation.
the ffame In Grand Ba{dda tomor
able to pnt an end to okepucism nbont
taroe oomedlea which ara new-here.
Waablngton. Jane It.-The' membera bU Twicfcenbau boom being bnilt to
Tnx sUermen of Greater >ew York bntaU of them have been prod<
of tbs aenate committee on eonllnreot tbe rile of Pope's villa, lu making re
•M proffTeaaive. They have approprl•eafnllylnthe laiffer dttoa. The
t-xpeneea agraed to n>pon adie-- -Iv -w- pairs recently a stone wae found, on
•tnd tio.000,000 to de devoted to Die
wbicta was carved the ineoriptiou: "Op
ibe TUIman reeolnUm for the loo -i
Impnivement of pnblic edlool aeeom;: ■> rjoi stood nntil IS09 tbe boosp of
waluv "between aeU''and are
jar*~**— dorinff the itoit two yearn well caleolated to pl^ on noeoant of paUon of the alleged apeenlation . o Alt xuodcr Pope. Tbe gi«)tto that fonnec
<nat mxy be all ’ riffht Ifi New Yerk, their abondnnteomedy feataren. Nat «Dgar. It to onderatbod tbat the report the bosmicoi still remaini. IbtH.”
bntltwonldbethebeiffhiof extzara- and Mlnnia J^y. a aketeb and traveeReoeralty barren of reaalta.
ghaee te apead that amonnt In Trav"Yes, poor Mra. Elderly is ail wrap
acae City to ao abort a tlma.
ebnage their not nlffbUy and the roara
U baa Wa definitely decided to hold ped np in that son of beso."
of laughter they provoke make
s repnblican caaens tomorrow to aettle
"And be Isn’t mnob of awta]
prime favoritaa. The aame -may be the tariff dlfferencea.
said of John CarnOl. the Iriab eoBMdian
t Xntsraot- and petite Uttie Orarie Comminffa, who GLAOSTCNE AND DISRAELI.
toffty DiacoMad.
never faUa to atog and dance Ipweelf
Zn* War* of Um Two Grrot rissslnv
Spanish tuabogony wrigbs'fi&U
<lbeprcffnni at the Woman'a dub into the ffood gracea of be- andienee.
Woro CorlomlT I'rilko.
to tbe enbao toot.
^Mtarday anemooo. "HerediW nnd The prioea of admtoelon are bat 10 and : 1 beard nearly all tl>e great speoebes
Scaacmed dogwood wrigfas 47.16
made by bolb tbe men in that pafllaBnrironment.” afforded e^wclal
poonds to tbe oobio foot
•The MlUa o’ Brae," to the name of
•tosetion and entertainment, and
Bloe gnm is e very besvy wood, tin
to w. 8. B-rt .bo;
w ■ . - fc-b- ..MOWI U»aa. Mr Hart'
soperitwity to Mr. Glad cnbio foot weighing 6A6fi ponnda
Mra. Gray opcoti the proffram with haabeen
here aevetriUm^ **'-‘^l«one eU tbroagh. tot I qoite admit
Vbite pine, when green, weighs
•B able paper oe "Oar Foretathen and to going upon a atarrlng toor and be-1
,(ood up well to bis great 84.0S poonds to tbe onbio foot; when
<XhMr iBvtolble Environment." Uwae
I oppoount and that it was not always
aned, M.6A
• eelentifld preeenuUon'of the enbjeet,
Mask," j easy to award 4be piiae of viricty. Ae
A cnbio foot of green live oak wrigbs
' and took the view that enriionment to "The Lady of Lyona," 'The Bella," ^ two men's voices were cniirrsly on- 7S.75pounda Alter two years’drying
ank "Bomeo and Joliet"
-illl'*- Disraeli had o deep, low, j ower- in weigbt is reduced to 66.7A
larffoly reaponaible lor onr aota.
tot voice, heard evnywbere thronglioDt
Mra. Perry effave a fine p^er on
Oak lumber 1mm 90 per eent of ito
I the boDsa,-hilt baviog little variety .or
related many totereat.{marie In it Gladstone's voice was weight iu procem eff seasoning and
Biff anao^tca in' proof of her eabjeet.
-----_ . tooed to a higher note, was penetnt- over 80 pts oent when perfeetiy dry.
A thm^htfal and scbolariy paper by Faiatod Whan the Black Cap Waa
is not so light as is generally
rcaonant. Uqoid and fall of an exAdjuttad.
Bn. Travto, on "Pre-natal Infinenoee"
qnisitc modnlation'and
mnsio which sopposed. weighing 4AB7 pounds to tiie
dMlewed. It showed deep etady and
Boekford. 111.. Jane U.—Jas. Frencb gave new abodes of meaBing to every cnbio tool, a Uttie more than iocost or
yvM received with toterevt, At the waa banged today for the morder of hto empbestosd word. Tbe wsys of tbe hickory.
Virginia white oak green wrigbs
•OMliialoaofthe reralar preimaa. wife leat July,^ Two. haa4rad_ pe^la men were in almost every respect mioosly nnllko. Gladstooe was always
the ezacatioa, and the atreeto Mger for coiircrmtioD. He loved to talk 01.7 poonds to the cnbio foot. In two
4m by many of the Dtembera aad.a vote to the rielnltyof tbe JaU wercerowded. to aoybodyaboat snyttaing Disraeli, years' time ito wrigbt wUl be lednoed
to 40.0 poonds.
wm tahM oa|tbe qoesUon that eavlr^ Fraaeh fainted when the black cap even amoog bis most intimate friends,
Several artifleiai preosssm have
•mt baa more leflaeDceae the ho|nan waa drawn over hto bead, and depaUea wrt given to freqoent fits of obsolnte
resorted to in order to hasten tbe seaffknrpetor than heredity. ;Pie majer' had to braoe him until the drop waa and apparently gloomy rilenoe.
of. wood, some of wbloh seem to
Gladstone, after bis earlier parltoBp of the ladic^voled to
of the
Sheriff <Hiv«f euffered-aa atbe perfectly socccaafol.
The jsrrow wood, wbicb grow
■ There vras e41arffe attendaaee Wt t
aad the execution was poa^wned near
Anttralia. is alraoet tbe cmly kiod
torned oot in tbe newest fashion,
fMMtnff aad the proffram wa»mn
an hour.to allow him to perform ft.
down to bis latest years went to the known to tbe lombenDen which effect
ively resists'tbe dcpredatiOBS-cf im
Not an insect will toacb ib
Bd. Ashton's I
Trees wbicb have grown on a northq^ae Strneff by a Tetrifle Oyclone
e^osnie, m cm tbe north ride of a
Bd. Aakton fait a
and Xdvaa Wsm XAst.
many times during bis long psiUameot- hiU. prodnoe bettor, harder and i
yaloaff hto neck and i
a aty. to.. Jane U.—At 6:60 ary career, bat be eban^ hto opin dnrable Inmber than those wtaiofa have
tost niffbt a eyriona wtnmk northwest ions only in deference to tbe farm at a
pampered by the aontbern son.—
dropped down tonida hto aUrt of Ma,Mton.,toktoga aonthsastoriy growing couviction end to tbe reoog- hem
6l Lqnto GJbbe-DemcW
ooarae. Several people are reported nitiem of facto and ognditions which
wntottand }otoa killed aad tojnred. The ayelene tore bocdoldno longer coDScientioBriy dtoFOB BXOTOZ.X PABTIBS.
rtoff him ap boaam aad other hidldtoga to Ito pute. Nobody probably ever knew what
«vMto timaa on ronto.
When the eonrae aad the territory to now hare. Mr. Disraeli's real opinioca weronpan Good Dtonan at Lake View Eonae,
^ohnnfhnttieclearwl away andBd. Tbe path of the atasm wan abont half any political question or wbetber be
bed any reel optoions at aU. Gladstone
•Bad righted np the foldtoff bed, waak- amOeto width.
began as a Tory and gndnolly beeama
Oa and after Jane mh firat-clam
' ffiMd Md Im box and coaxed the north are down and box cam ori eid- changed Into a Badleal. DisneU begu Bonday dtonera will be served at the
•Mffhhon oat (fftfw river, he extoaet- togs wwe amaebed into ktodltoff.
m an extreme Badkul nnder the pet- Lake View bonse. Elk Baplda. at S6e,
Tnoa B. Srajo*.
•ialaiffe hlaek headed hornet from - Lyle, Mian.. Jnae 11.—So far aa ronage of Daniel O'Connell and changed at lt:30 p. m.
dtohnmhle eednefan to the ngionof known thto mormiog Baniy.Banm into a Tory. Bat «my body knew tbat
was the only man kUled to laet night’a Gladstone was at Brri a sincere Ttoy
}o to the Lion Barber Sbep far hair
and at last a sinecte
tornado. There are tea tojnrod, eome knew, or. indeed, eared, wbetber Dtotaaudbutha, l&entoeaA.
Obsnoe ter WtoMlamn.
1 tl
M. H. Oavpm.
> of. whom nrqeo badly hurt that farther naU cm wm either a rioeere Sadtaal
^maonfaetiiranofthe Onti^Hdeath! are pomlWm_________
nr a irinoen Tosy.—Jnstin MoCaitfay in
4i»^ are otetoff a fine IT-peond
totaedoteel raoer. for nee thto nnmmer,
■fiotheridermaktofftas or better, the
•eiMUttoMhetoff that the oneffetttoff Oaaaot Ort Xogethar Ibr a Fight.,.
Baffalo, June 11.—Jofaa L. SnlUvan
B will eater aU taeea to this part of the
and manaffer weat to New York thto
•late thto eeneen.
The man with a valim and an
oftornooa without havtog
brella bad boofbt one or two bbeap volAao^ OhUdrealaf
a match with gltxslmiaoBS Thmu to nates of fiction, when a.mcee pretenGhHdraa'a Day a
ao prohabUity of a match.
She honr for the marmtoff earvlea to the
oticgi. Itoontained
Sria Man Can Bida.
\Bapttot ofamreh. A iwogram hae been
a nniBhsrtff elshesatepiotans of mytbpmgwed to pleaee the ohDdna aepeeiIriBde. Jane IL-J. W.8
riksfaat cfaaraBlsa, aad be was fftaaoing
Yonnff people-e meating
* BK^toito ntooorea aMgyetoFea- npU}y tinoni^ ft vritn. one <ff ths
BfaftoattiMtBd his eapaoUltotmeak' Hs
■nnviHSKOiirT. -"inoHiaiS.
iu B. Cnitto of lat
MIm Lam Fitodrieh of Orand BapIda to la the dty far a weekto viaii.
HIM Bdlth Palae of ftoekfard, to vtoitiag ^er brother. F. U. Paine, the flortot.
Bev. O. 8. Northrap, who hae'
Barbor Sprlafft far two wecka.p^ ir ex.
peeted hotM today..
Dr. o'. C. Joelln drove over from Qnt.
tonto bay laat erentoff and attended
Ute preeentattoa of’"Dr.
and Mr.
Maeter Johnnie, eon of Hr. and Mn.
Joaepb Klaaaen of Dlvtoloa etraet, to
vtoltiaff hto (raadpareaU to Onad
Aldemn Daeaond went flehtaff .ap
the river yerierday. He camtot Jeat p
fewleaa troet than he noeivedvotee
Miaa Sadie PraUwiiTleavethtoBoretoff for a wedi'a vtoit to OadiUae. She
vriU atop a week to Ypellantl. and the
• ’ of the enmaier wm he apaat
with Irleode inltoatiae.
Bow Bwrown end
SJj.ll?t<S I
enough has
Lanndried'-NegUgee * been said for our
and otherwise.
Shirt Stocki-i-nNow that “shirt weather” has come we.
expect them to “talk for th^nselvcs*’
—Ask T18 to show yon anything in the
«£irt line and we can ^odnee it.
' f.
The Soda Seasona to our fine grade o
from pure ____ ._________ ________
Spoona, etk aiway* aeut aad rteaw .
Ever Burned Ont 7
If ao you know
-CARD ___
It Makes
No Diflference
Whether you ara mridtor
91 or 910. yon want to get tito beat
value for the purtienlar amanntapeBb
O. P. OABTXB. Agent. When you return from a. slriRiplaff
trip there tooattofaettem tofisUtogtS
yon have rroulved fair rutaraa tor your
saoney. Mypriem are low. my vnlnee
are bigb. Whatever amonnt you epead
tooar atore. yon get good, hoskeatahaeu
•udnpAo-dato every time.
Let na make a^ for you.
-A.. S.B^
3300 Frames
It Sets Thei Gaessing. Has Vour
Our Special 4Sc.,
63c. and $1.00—
Shoe Sale.
Pure Powdered Sploee,
Pure Cream Tartar,
faeaprivBaliiirPowder, if rm i
M. RaMn
e, truer BoulM (gmar-
At Our
Soda Fountain
ora eever eestMt to *6M waC
esieafta atoae" bet aHraje irr to
Prices and Goods Tbat
Are Right.
WoBt.-. fl8- Ktd Oxford.: wUd. dXe.
Women's fine Goat Oxfarda.,aoUd. 61c.
Women’s fine torn nole Oxfacria, 48c.
Women’s fine dark too 91 » Oxfonto.
good valae, 91.00.
-Womea’a fine strap Randala, 1 bnckla,
^'womento fine atrap Handali. riri kid.
Women'arioe Serge Gonfreae. 55c.
Womanb Serge Bnekina, ;s and 60c.
Womea’B indto Kid Bntton Shoe. TSe.
Women'e V(d Kid Bntton Shoes, 91.
Womenb Tennis Ozfatda, white. 60a.
Mtoam' EU. aoUd eole Shocn.» to 11.
Children's Rid. aedIdaoUshoaa, 6 to
Children’s Tan, tom sole. 6 to 6. 60c.
ChOdren'sTan. no heel Shoea, 80e.’
Infanta' ao heel Sboea, Oe., ise.. Me..
Men’s Plow Sboea. 84e.
Men'a fine Laoa. 91-<3 to 93 OO.
Men's Bioyrie Shorn 91.96 to 93.60.
frf-C.. dp,.
T4ie OriftinsL
Livery, Bus and feed SM...
Horae, bouded.
Feeding bnnen b to. •
Terms raaeaiiafale.
Pioneer Livery Stable
State 81 weet of
PariK Place HotfiL
*Oqm in and About tha.Town of
Lylo, Minnoaota.
It |t m gnat triempb te tb« ’’totajj
iapMl" ten of ctwia emrine Unt tin
lint one of thif trpe
*o • nann.
ruMEEa IHI PEitoPAi Loesm. I
Om Ufc Ka0V> X* t*0 l.Mt aa • aian ar
a* Mm »r Zm Xai8r«d-Tb« Dm4 Mas
Omm r«tr B«is hf «W WMHtas
t br n* Wiaa
w EacUad Esp
WMtW •( Uw Kr« lUaC
KismpeUi, Minn.. Jom 11,—a <p».
. dal to Tbe Tribune from Maam Citr
la., mrt: At C:W Uai nl«bl a ercMlx
, mfick noTthwaai of lorOa JUbb.. taking
a'aootheaaterlz coorae. Several people
Srare UIM aad bUnrad. It ton up
bourn aud other bulldlosa lb lU course
aad the territorr is bow bare. IC was
%aU a mile In width. All telegraph lloef
north are down, and tfoa car* on sidlnca
wen amaahed Into kliidlliic. Cannot vci
Bat of kUled, Aaother tderran Crom
' WlUmar nra: A cTelonepasslnsorerth*
town of Kaadiobl. this countj. entireir
demoUahsd the buildUw oa the farm of
7obn BerqulsL
A special from Osace, la,.- xo The
Trlbuiie eonflnns the rqmrt of the
doBe. and aari six persons were killed
aad a number injured. A special t:
will take surreont from that place.
Lyle, Uin.. Jane 11.—The Sm reports
sinr tbe
t* crelonr at tbt* p
That Should MaVt for HappinoM
with THit Pair.
ran eate au, tbe KEgnnm*
Tspte Par tbs Wosfe I
Cwmmm by B». k B. Dayte.
Torvi-Th* tel way SB *0047 the a
Pa xis. T-U.
The NiaetBoMb Poaln speaks at the
glcBT of God M rsvealsd In natsre
1-dj and aln of Ood’s^orj
R-vealedi 1in His
“• written law (venrs
U wbrt bM »*oeoUy b« aeblCTed by j
■aemgineeai uieKaxw»wiw»AurijAuio.
the Wr|i^ boat TorbiBlm. ;! W> Malt* IMr Mant^ a
ThU little vessel of 100 tet length,] Tonta. Sswitr. a»d tr.
sun was seen "going forth as a bride
0 feet bean and
toes diaplaoeaentS An Thsif»-w.4diac at
groom out of bis chamber." declaring
■ at ”
. . - rpeTBK aortal E»Ml af O*
Hbe glory of God. Tben tbe paalmist
' dally te a marine trial of tbe ocmrtoaoar
kte Whs-riy«rvu. Well •it.000Aoa.i««»V have turned tala tbonght* to that
potmd steam turbine derigned by tbe
Bok CbarlaaPaaoGa Tbe Faeaona tur*
bine ntlUaea the steam In three .stages
ion be givea of tbe power end
and has
^ abown
^ I Afiderson-Perklns weddiny yesterday.
ce and predoosaea of God’s
New Process Vapor StoVes,
„ lea Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 Front St.
Why Go
match and are as devoted
IV Uw of tbe Lord Is parbet. ocavasttay
land, liaving achiered.a coofumptlon of each other as the most *xacUne loVer
When you eunot batter____
16.1 pounds of ateam per indicated borae could expect. Out Wealth and Fashion thsauul.
The taaUMiytf tbs LCrd B sura, msklac
seised upon the ceremony, and they wise tha rtnpl*.
TbestalskaorthaLardare rlsU. sej«4ala«
made It sDoIslIy yoryeoua more to their
a ringle eogiae and screw, sad in Che own dellyht. perhaps, than t
The eommandaast gf tha Lord Js para, asv
trials (be "oavlUtiaii.”
kgbhaUir tbe
Che lovers. In point of the money rep. UgbloBUir
-• eyca.
Tba fear of lb* Load ti rtsan. •
resected this sens first^mwy the yreat
sreddlnys of the century in this country.
The JhdgBests of Uw Losd nta Wosaud
Until very recently Mr. Anderson was a risbMou alltethcr.
AU other gooda in p
Mofvlebe4Mlml am th« than gold, ysa.
member of tbe United States dlplomaUo
Powder cf all kina
corps at Rome. Italy. His bride was than DiKb flse srtd.
Morrorer. by tben ts thy aervaat warn
Min Isabelle Terklaa, of
It this diy. heirla
ess to tl7.0»r.lUC.
rally CMwirtker W----------------Mrs, Anderson Is the dausbierot Cap- set tetfa in these and the auooeeding
UlD Georye Hamilton Perkins. U. 6. N. vuraw, iu power, its exeelloKe, its pm|.(rrtir<d). and a yrsnddauyhter of the dousnem. iU benelJoent cdlectR. suggeBt
late WlllAm F. Weld, of tbUcIty. whoae to ns tbe best wgys for studying tbe Bi
nulllons she Inberlu toyetber with her ble.
cousin. Mrs Cbsrles F. Rorayue. the
Oat. UaloB
Kistta Ms.
1. ,Tbc Bible sboinld be studied delly.
wife of Reprepenlsilve Rprsyue. of Mss- It is isoUablp thatAhis psaUn was com
tarbuseita. The groom U the son of a
And the VBBT Beat Oood«.
we!l-kno'8-n Washington family, “the posed In tbe taoruin*, at the writer
ottlp one—Henry Hanson. Uvlny
bead of which. Genersl Nicholas An
two miles west near Use Iowa Ur...........
derson. dk-d abroad a few years ayo. all kU splendtt. Tben be medltatM u
death. Hansoc had Just returned bone
Me Is a Harvard yraduate and was aa. on God's written law. What betl
from Zdde
r for'blB t
MAKXyil or OOWyODKBtWJ wt sDclated with Robert T. Lincoln in tbe
when the
e etom struck the bans, c
Twaares asoinc..
United States embassy at Rome uudw
................r It and kllUi
tented behind the propeller, was each
then tbe oontcmpiutjGu of Qod in natqre uril fnrtbrr ooUm
team and other stodt. Hanson Was _
Wt gra^ of
rted about forty rods cast. wtaw| hie that very diesppolnUag results followed.
and in His word? \Fbat better prepaxwbody, badly muUlated, was found. He Tbe riagle turbine wm removed aad re the Arlington Street «*urcb at
tio&fortbe day can we wnake tbim to
' was a prenseroua tamer and leaves a placed by three separate turbines direet- and araony those who were present as Twelve an inspinticBi by reading, stn^
widow and child.
ly coupled to three screw shafts, tbe yueau were some of (be moat prominent nndn
eUoo from tbe deep, hallowrtayad Movas wltkVraparty.
turbines being reqieotively tbe ht^ members of society In nearly every
Aa.aearty as tMw cam be ascertained ptesBuie. iatermediste end low pweanre large city of tbe United Statea
Tba Bible abtmld be studied in IM
Ha« tlM Caa-ptoa IMdal Bell.
the storas orlctnated four miles west of ellneala of e triple expaaaian engine.
Tbe terms "tbe Uw." "tbe plM-ProDt ud Pvk HU.
this mia«e. aad pursued a aUcsac ooume Tbe rcenlts were tmly xenaxknble, a
testimony,""the sutuiea," “tbejodgtoward the north'
speed of lfi.< teats being tesliaed.
skilled hand* of florists and dealynen ments," inolnde tbe eutlse word of God.
After further eqJerimcnt to deter- presented a moat beautiful appearance. In its pUoe and te its purpose aU tbe
• and tclepbcme a
. hansa fao'nses. mine the proper pitch te tbe screws s ___ ed plani
weed ibonld be diligently studied. "AU
orchards yrewes And yardena swtpt
Scripture is given bv la^iiraUaii of God
with tbe mad fury of the siom. Bev- mean speed of 81.01 knots en boor WM arriptloir. were used In profusion,
andiapraflUblefordociriDe, teteproed,
bridal bell was one of the laryeat
«al loaded cars oo the Chicayo. Mllwan- realised.
te iuatmetion in rightkae and 8l Paul mJIroad were ivmoved
Nine days later ttie TtupinUTeaUsea consirurted In Boston. It was composed
- bodily from the ttackaitherallroadyard
speed cf 881^ knots an hour, tbna snr- valley and small white buda
of L. A. Sbernsan. and Bcattervd promlsswing tbe world’s teecnd by abont
csooMy abost the country. Wind mlDs
sots This is equivalent to 87^ miles of broad White satin ribbon. l-:Acb col8. Tbe Bible tbould be studied perwiibooi number were deetro>-ed.
an boor, or equal to tbe average speed of uton of the church was wottpd with scnally and practically. It restores tbe
Ftaoaw arTwaty raraao* Bo»
many ao called espreas trains—Scien- a*].ar««tis
le dar
soul, it enlightens tbe eyes, it wamu,
try It 1* dllBroll lb _
dbetwSh it picToes the innermast recease* of the
yoUoh. but a* nearly as can be leansed.
the pillars and acnas tbe aJur and. soul and lays bare the sinfulness of tba
from fifteen to tweisty perronr are more
human heart aud proposes a remedy te
or less injured. Peter Rsnson. a harHigh efBciendAa are easstnotly being
dense it throogb rile grace of God. These are
S nsak'r. bsd his ley broken In
abnwn for tbe various types of impti)i
peed* of every bnmau being. Bach
A and hie son.>. 4f years
tugentialwaterwbeela Stane tasta,
for himself.
wvere bead wound, but will recover.
oHteteI nniveraity, of
reserved pews, comprising over They are n^-SKuy to the bust intcreats
Mr. and Mrs. Drook*: of Cliflim. la.,
«ei giv
two-lhirds of the church, were marked of bis soul ;rbe oily way to gel them
srho were vlallltiy at Hanson's, are both
off by wide white satin rlbblns. which out ul God's wunl U by the personal
■Uyblly Injured. Charley Larson, wife
........ Others
........... injured !
S7.06 and 01.86. Tbe at each pew were knotted to hold In srtd^nd
and chUd. are Injured.
jimctical application
place a cluster of white rnsea When
allyfally arei Mrs Pilpe.
Piipe. P.
P, K. Johnson, i
used was about
U>A« Peterson.
.... B.Christine Peiem.n.. Mads
Pe- I emniwla
pounda nr
or lAO
160 far*
feet ha
head, and tbe two- the hour for the perfprmsnce of the
Bible ReadiiipL—Dent. xvii. 18.20;
cerrm.-ny srriv.'d the orgsn broke Into
ter Peterson. Charles Beven-on. Mrs. I lolions of tbe wheels about 820 for 88 the strains of Mctideksehn's wtdding Johnu i. b: viii, 80-86; Ps. i. 1. 2; yl. InatnettoTu o
4o. ttuil
Dr. Fraser. Hrm. M. L H«....................................................................
■Band her inebea aad 426 for 26 iocbca, tbe for- march, snd the bridal party entered. b; cxix. 87-118; Im. xxxiT, iC; JdaL
aoB-te-law and daughter.
Preceded. by usher* and bridesmaids iii. le ib; John V, 89; Acts xvii, JO. II;
ItttraiBM tK SM iBtiC «Ttn UllL
and the maid of honor. Mias Hlltsbetfa I Tbt*. V. 80d2: 1! TlKWt iii, J; 11
Anderson, slrter of the groom. Mis* Tim. iii. 14-17; Jaa i. 22.25.
Pivklns proceeded to the altar leaning
aralad. Ever}-ihlr« 'that can be done
upon the arm of Ji.-r father. T'wn Uda
Kspoft of Pho
Boom B,' Otty Opera Baaae Bloek.
is being carefully atttnded to by ritBetween I.OOOsud 1.200tonaof pboa- dressed sa XIV criiiry pagi* followed
•---------frienda '
•the bride aa iraln-b.arers.
Mitchell and 8t. Ar.sg
pbate* are daily sbippM from Pen»auArsyai
sermon—a very bravo sermon—on the
TcupboDc 3«.
e ground saelstlnyr the lo
local doctors. diaa. Fla., to European porta Tbe
day of PenteoosL Ho did not avoid gi
i damage t<j propei
'perty I
indneliy has devetopod woodertnlly
AteTbsIrWMidiBg fWeaktaM la Laiory ing offoiae. lit- accused his bearers
t&OOO to
within tbe past few years, and troqneni
jmniripatian in a great crime and asaad Weal lo New Vorii.
WEPT BT FLOOD. dUroveries of deposits in Georgia as
Aa tbe bride neorrd the head of tbe sund them that there was oo hope for
weU M Florida make tbe ncpjy teem
broad cet.ter aMe Andersen, who was them except through repentanoe and
wall Bi^ ioexbsustibla.
kcmpanled by Charles Francis Adams, faith in the prrsnu they bad Just
Hearts. E. W. HA8T1
peci.rd. as best man. ttlvarced. and tenced to a siuituenij death as a :
meejlny Mlsa Perkin* benesth ihi floral!Onlitiarily ench
would create a riot, delivered in such
Fire Insurance.
citruuinaucea, and the preacher’s life
would have bC<cn In peril
wcaxbcr. appears to have blown Itself
m jUw nnA—^^^rt nf f he ek.ie !
P*«>' proceeded ...
j , But..tbe poly
•BL The siot^ Jia* been almost un- _»,«,•}, Tmes^r into mal! inlrfwrwnnlnv P«rklns home on Communwealih ave- &pint ww in Prirr and in ^ truth,
Ffacedented for\hli month, many 'rear* '
‘>r«akfa« was
aotls Uvamo mcmb« of i
haring passed Since rain ha.
•*^»' ch despised aecL It was a brave aermuB
heavUy In June. The storm was ap- ^
toward any part of the had lu-rn built In the rear cf tbe man- and efleetuaL—Obristian IntelUgeaoer.
parently confined to Massacbui ____
the rrylons northward, acarcely any^
A^tvcvotly deriysad chair ran be
pasftnyly »o. All that could be
(amas aoulh of the state line. The di
changed into a bed by dttin>>»M (be back
^ A had driver will apoil a boraa in a
ipttsbed with flower*, arrangid with
>A.lo life and property
and raising tbe foot nwt. the aidn openI artistic taste. *•*• done.
the storm bos also been
-The lisy windoV. w.re banked and
^ destiny Of a bcy
. ahmy
_ „____
______ branrhm , iflg out flat to make it widtv if dealicd.
the various
^dlc* and racking«------------neking ehair* ar»-------------to be garlanded
yroalny k
and f.*-1
of hta teacher and that tbe
------------ »lih
----- ------------..-..^r-,
of ibe BoetoD and MainerallruhA
Malnerallruh< Wash. I ,.fi»<4!c*
« is as dangerous
died and the freight 1-*'***'"*^°*^
which an to be flp toon* of pink and wbite rewes. Anmnd bnskl.
■ have nnuilplle
inity as a blundering dootor.
wreck at Exeter.Hr*In
pneamgtic a^ enthion pads ’*>e rooms w»re drap^ b^utiful upe*. in a
ler. N.
thi * ______
trainmen 'were killed, was due dJrMtly CB the bottama of tbe tuckers to makw
v”rner i-i t.'orner. and their Tbe true toad
to tb« storm. The lea* to the-r^O^ , them Doisrlesa and eamfortable
, fold* were filled >» iih rneer. From tbe ' an ideal of lifn. He must W true to it
me Btorra will be fully I
I and g^ea of
Nearly every dty and
'Hf'' radtsied lo (be ce;ilr.yw
Ktw Hamprbire- —...
aad Vermont aitiMt
Amtgican FpetxL
ofdalighta. PreUicM maidesa.
an a stretch uf ountlderable alse trims ’
* Hne wUb tbe stream of wate. Tbe candelbra suprvrted pouches of
asUta white silk filled with bridal roses. The,
Icawdsmsye by tbe high watsr. I'—•—------------bffwiuat which tbe water strikea
TW Olver With
While tbe low lands all through this forced tbmogb liie ootea and apnste banister and balustrade were IntevOur words are taaiaber tbsn our deeds,
■ winvd with whiu ribbons and ririoyi'
rayloB ary florded. At Dover, N. H.. oot In a apray.
of rose* and lilies of the valley, and the and- Bi this 'seaBoti, wb«*i tbe poor need
where In 1B4 four bridges and a bnalrooms
badly, U la wcU to coauningle
aeas Mock werecarried away by the floods
tbe Oofboo mill* hsvf suspended opera.U»
with one end perforated, -to be aewed -wer* 'k* leku.
. . ..
ttoita. Along the Merrimac Hv».
UcBarty a Concord.
H. H.. there was <®**4e tbe pocket, with (be other cud
preemta .
^ kindue* that wUi
BOtiie de«i icuon or property. In
__ ___
that: bent to pleas-against (bo opposite aide ^
floral | «,rt.ethe»iit vet luore aZmAsble and.
riiy one Of the
tbe peculiar
peculiar' remilu
renlu of the : tif
of the
tbe pookK
pmkM and ctee the opening. .
Overflow of tVnscook.
Penacook. lake is
la tkal
tbsl the '
fr.CT>,.... '
«ke Greek lelcyUil , f™’**
r supply
long-Memmed rt.se.. and Ull^ of lovetb a cheerful giver.-JowUh Excity'# water
supi • ba.
-been cut off. «
the water has
been diverted from tbe
«hr v»>lvy were heaped lo shallow
■«». per doi ..................................
device constats of a wedge shaped metal *ele. After th» breskfaet a twee
Bsrriee eU-,Cboise Mixed Pieklss, per bottle 10s .
t held, and Uter ihe couple departed
TBepiaclpitaUen ha* been exccpOonal. '
^ news act at ...
It is only with the pio
SAS.Ihcbe* of rain having .fslleii since angle to draw tbe ends cd the frame to te New Tork cn route fm- Europe and
the -far east The' bridesmids
............... were:
..... willtbatweeaubeaplritiuaiyatteodre
Wndneaday moming. wblle the wind at' gothcr when pwaecd toward the
His* eu—n
Pusan uaiion.
Dalton.' toUod. Aa long si Ilia noi^ reaUcaa PUyaehaage nigbUy. Saeureaeata a j*
tlmea reached a velocltr of thirty miles I Paner nrnt!nijU.a >— krtn<r r.iM.1 —> Hiss El.Bnrr Orsy. *»•*»
rf B«-tl..m,hu,w.caib.p«U.
Cor.TthoiBdrBloaMs. .
All (or SmilesH of r
call than in this auu. and predict small,
■Upp^toto w
Tbe go'
crops bscaUss qf used touing lo the ! ^
am^ aooket., the other end <rf
Itbe ncket bring fllj^ with a algt to -Doutvl and Faxon. The bride’s gown
cr> am satin lined tbroi
tbrougta; bold a pen, m.king g light god ebeup' YAlb
s of heavy cr.
Lnt C« Osihsv Op
I wi:h.uffeu Bilk. The seam
Instead of beixig.dlsoonngcd beoanke
outlined from waist in hem with o
Fine Merchant Tailoring^.'.
Pneumatic dram abieMi ax* BOW _
what re-do is uDwortby cf------God and inand the corsage with a su
thaac »iatc offleers; fleerstary-treaaur- log into am, an airtight pad being at-1 pUce efTcrt
fluffy UtffliidBgs
WB ix>r
«r. Martin Jesko. of Radoe; state or- tBCbed. to each side of tbe regular shield tuna.
done by otbexa, let ua gather up
Olty ITewfl Oo.
flaalKT. F. O. WeVr. of MUwaufcee: ROW in UK. togetbar sritfa a valve te
stnngth to retem our artun and na^
mamber* of tV exeruUve board: W. inflatitig. the cloth under tbe arm* be
toNtgbw attalnmeott.—^mzgeoB.
O. Raymond and C. Herman, of Mil ing thus held away fnm tbe body to
rgs, of tbe umvetnty of O*orgla^
waukee; c. W. fliewart. of Appieton: pKveat diaookntiao by persplnitei K. Boggs,
u-usOaorge Doney. of Green Bay. L«Crame and also to teaeD-tbe wear cf tbe cloth. tees at
yestwday, recomtnebda
I Athens yestwday.
warn named as tbe next pUea of msste unlverfiepeating alarm olocte ate ameng the admissloa of wothen e
ML And the conventloD adjouruad.
len'. It to
tba omr Inveutioai, the x«d cn which Mty on an equality s
Lumber Company. We have for aale Good,'^und Hotttw aptlu M srouBd beMgcoDtrolled
lock l..umber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
by a tooKd wheel to nreveut its uShort-Maple
Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Madunery, of all
Iowa dsportmant of the Grand Army vlndiBg beyond ««afti3a point at cacA
ChleagU, June IL—Tbe drainage board
or tba RapubUc cioaad hers last mgV
descriptions, including a .Engines, Set Works, CarriageSp
of tnutece yeeterday defaated a' rmeiter and
primoaed by Trostae Jonaa com.tto. thw maatiat tba alan as te- tvttoB
complete Saw MUl Plant te sale.
palilDg ooDtraetora to amptoy ao aaa
Faper Hanger
diAaitiSwabMef tteaacrRat&atoppafl trbo do not carry a Uhtaa card. The
Majerity agatte the nagtottei was CM.
Groceries I
- Frank Stepan,
cunm Foi lie PEI DOzn.
HIMES, Photoerapher.
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Flour I
Family Groceries
Fresli Y(®itobles Baily.
Jacob Purtsch,
W SteiDberg’s Grand Opera Hoase
..One Solid Week.
ne invest, But tai Owpast!
Wall & Johnson’s....
OF safety...
Thurtell & Gane^
Palace Bakery.
Oakes and Plea.
Oookiea and Bread
i Collecrion of Noltd
bTIo People.
RDUED piTSju„.„..5c. pig.
to and 16 cents.
Do Tou Know
Thurtell AGane, Ltd.,
Suits to Order.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Geo. R. Winnie,
KM innima mow. mtosom, tumW «*»t.
ooilKtiM «t the t«« linpooed br tbla
•ma feSned ancar-**
- '
evoraOMd tbe vboto «§•
ftow rich in a prairie boots tows
TBomii 1 TEXT roi QIAV^
, «w Mb «»unr»«« »*M» *«<
VMM BMtr ««l>«r,.M ttM
<M l*to th* BlIU
la tbe bodae Jatnee T. Koyd. who me
recnitlp alerted to euooeed the late Bep>
reeealaRve OOea of tbe Plrat Miaamri
dlMrirt. took tbe catb. After aome iui>
db adlumneBt to Konday. eKbirta waa
Speaker Beod
•aved tbe meUoa by voUw a#e. De......................................
_ _________
for ibe > eaa
both didee andI tbe ....
bmUod waa carried—W
to M
_im ...
Ahto le WWhetaei th# Pi
Mr .1 a Depth of IM >
Met Cm of leferiae 0»
BeoanUylnet afonnerai
"Why. Vm asrprleed, JIniinto.” I »marked. “I tbosgbt yon were doing
well and getting rich. Tbe laat time 1
WMhllWt*. JOB* «.*-»!» 1M«
•‘clock yMUT«&r, •f"-’’
«U|wMa of th» errv#!.' m tb» •krtcoltor? kl acfaedule. Tbe U.i.tmI to tb« •oew
Tbe nocearfal lannoliiix M Elinbrth^H./..oftbe newHoUabdeobma.
•nr «ber •rtlrle th-r- vu tbe added
latereet due to ibe oenMiUoaal ebarfw
' »"«.<» at late., althlti and wttboist tbe
rtnn torpedo bpat oeatad e eotwlderaexwBtlan, at It It daisied tbe tM-
^Tst “rwol*; ns, d-. it tb*
1 be farooght h<re.
Tb« Urlff
Merely a qneetlob of policy aa to bow
tbe government, win ralat tbe r
t my with out hcaiatiM It to
bMt intercet of ibe American people
tbat the aniclet coniumed by onr people
•bpaid be produced by oar people,
tbet If Reputillcan doctrine, well and
good. If tbat li not D«mo(«lc doctrine,
it ought to be."
f-'-'’ ■
Into rtriwr* ef Me Oiutee.
Tillmab w ent on to argue that dl9m^
Aoccrdlsg m the in.
-----^pPDtty Mbets li
Cut Glass.
ro‘z»'s.X'*jss.« .s.;' p««
XLoiwB wao Know
'bo Tfcer Ara
Jpnaa opened th* driat* «■ ■
gdytog to Aldrich’* •
Igg to any aevrrv OcnuMiaiory ftoturm.
Veat eevercly.criuctord tbe augar tret
raed that iherateswere a further
and argued
Uibuie^o II
. Be called
aueaitao to Ibe fact that tbe truat wa*
making money. Th* Lexow inveatigarioo bad dtocloarii th*
canui of 171.000,000
.'SWAM.OW preferred *iuch. an aggngau
a n5eAOe.OOO. with pruAtaWlA'pereenL
on lu common atuch and 7 per oenb^
It waa a^^en.
bald, admitted truat
"Aa to Ibe queiUun
un af^Ibe effect at
r acitoB her*
put ihrre ta one plAca wT
I duui.i-ihat to a^xog
D Wall ilreel. They know
. .
the price of augar eicck up 15 a .bare
Within thirty minuowI after the new
OolMdul* waa agrsal oa by the cancua
They kaew whether tbto aebednl* t*
knora favorable than itac axtottog law or
Dtogley toll acbedul*. and
ran the price up from lU
' tiona
have beard
who ought to know that If tbla
•riiedat* eunda eogar will go to 5UB *
p- ■ r L"
aartalnefi ••« i
the. tnHS.
|g tbe pffat tow wa* A5t cepl* a
powtd:-toth8 Blnstor aekeSale. «M; in
tb* original toggii hol fi« ud in th*
Dew tobediBe agiaad aD.jylfa Steg«bU-
2S^iiS‘ mvat
gave itoilce ef the toT.............................
10 Osnts,
«». •p>r
—Kew Yotfc Jgpniat.
Suwi^ U Woodford, Mch of
dlr«»lly beneath the torpedo
fMaided by bb frtenda aew
thrower. Bat three of *btm will be emrfor the mlsriflD. It to believed a general 1^ g.* _omida Them
•apcMalon tbrmmh the prem a. to the ,
V. .ii e'enhmarinegmiat tboetemof the
Tbay are Um b«t igIffM
_ Tm (gof^ Of
Engltob college rmorda that be onoe
gave a Jeetoro npon the locomotive and
boat, which, with a 100 pound cha^
at exploriTc. to expected to hnrl a 400
poud S«4eetBe lOOyarda threrngh the
watef. Five eg :thMewill beeairled.
« mw ynvenile llateser. Be apote
to tbto clndent after tbe leotnre and aMced faim, “Well .>• auppoee yon nnder•tand an akbat tbe kxneiaaTe nowf"
“TM,"wae Uw nply. “aU bat one
down ...
adjnatod to maintain any fixed depQi
while rasning. If mnnlngnsdar a fleet
is deepwater, abewoald. cfconne, seed
"And wbat to thatr said the:
‘•I can't make ontwhataakaa tbe
at leari 80 feet of clear depth over ber.
- looOMOtlTemovewltbonthOMea”—Tit
le Chip might take a
bat wh
to be able to oome |
^-------------higher level, a
qnicklytothe •nrface now and then far ,
an ohaerration. She baa a powetfol
far tbeaa prtaea to bo ab^
qneatian in tbe afflnuadve, and
dlcatiofa arr that, with every govern
mllowanc* fur alwndoniiKSta. —
cent, of Ihi area harve*lcd leal year,
or «.» per cent, of the area'Mwii in the |
toll .of ISM. Tbto to round numbera to
tl.sat.W0 acrea
The percentagee of I
wiDier wheat aowagm upon the baato
InOioatad of the prinriptl winter i
are a* follow*: Ohio, 07; Mich
igan. 00:
M: Indiana,
Indiana. 07: IIIInoK. 51:
51; UlaIgan.
souH. 00: Kaimaa. 07; CaUfomla, 106.
Tbe condlUon of winter wheat baa
fallen rince report of May 1. being
• 'A.W, JAHRAU8, •
fui Strut, tttwrm ftoit t Cut.
ment In tbe world armed with nhma- . adelphlaTlinea
rim. ahipa within tbe Written yart. naTW HegeeaChiM.
val warfare will become reiy nnpojmlar.
“I aomedmea feel,’’aaid tbe old genIn tbe faadnating putrait of lori
and tbe exploralion
of anbiaa'
tleman. ."like taking tbat 4-year^
property the
aubmarlne bgal —
wlD grand«m of nine and aianuning him
dODbtleM beeome a gtoot aifi to tbe ; againat tbe wall"
wrecker and diva and make pomlble |
“What baa be doner
tbe lifting of abipa thalolbcrwlae ooold
“I told him that beaadfdl 'aleeping
1, ann aoo mom to our neauty' atoy—aooot now, ae mm »
knowledge of the aea. Moat of tbe
wrecka thai are going down every day
lie low than 850 feet from the anrfaoe
... great a depth for anbmarine
per cenL. a*ato«l MA on tbat dale,
decline <X 1.7 potnu. Th* oondliion on
June 1 la*i year wa. 77J. Tbe p*roentagea at toe principal aialea am: boal^and with their aid in avaping |
Ohio, a: Mlchlgin. TO; Indiana. 00; ebaloa. and faitcofng them to pouMont
tl. 45; Kanaaa. tt;
b larger prup
of to*
nail iu tbe par
irtni wheat area for tbe ebilre coupy. a COR
tbe prinoeae waa kimed, all tbe otoeko
hegao to go and tbe aefraDta began to
work and all diet kind of thing, nd
ibtmbeeaid.‘Wboproaaodtbe b
TTintiinneTl Bnqnlrcr.
Muat be mrri-
ble to have one die In yoor chair afta
The circniatioi ut itouder atortoa aa
to tbe tbinga to be dona with liquid air
yon have given blm etb«.
Destiit—Tee; It wa* fa*tbat le
that we edopied a rule that wbere an
aantbetie to admlntotecad Oie pattoot
Rates, $1,50 per Day.
MnlPekets at RMlicei Rates.
rint Oaw lyBM^^Wperial beue
Knpnru MDewtfrlTeaeeaa.
Wrariilngton. June It.—The auiement
of the ggtoelpal articice of domerilc ex
port tofued br the bureau ofAlaUattm
*bowa axporitfortheelev^nmonitaiended
5leyn.lt37.a*«*llowe: Breadetufta.^,-
> make boilding ftrepBoaf.
a i. HoguAM.
• OltrLawberOo.
aanatto'adda. aalt and bine vitriol mixed
waa arveeted on a rwqutolUon fn-m Juwa. tt^etba to fans a liqnld txf tbe thickto be turned over to ShwUf Davenport.'
of paint, the
oovattd by
= &lMllfUl«Miuil.L
The neri Otori Pete
OM t>gby the HataM faryb* Borntm
Milwaukee, June IL—Rlcbard Itooex.
a noted- fnfger. wbo on hi* dtoeharg*
sixty yeait ago Jowidi Ulllett ww •
wotklDf Jeweler in Bimlngham, BogHad. One day be eeeklentalty gplil ow
taioago. June ll.-A petlOon; rignwl
by a large number of worklm '
u l«f bto fine rieel toeda, and. being mderlaat nighi ' dody
forwarded to OovemorTannerl
dmdv called on to Mga areOlpt
a reoHpt and
urging blm to
not finding a pen bandy, be need tbe
bill, paaaed by th* leglalalur*. Tbto WII
tool aa a lubadtoto. Tbta led to
allAi the gamtohe* of aU a man'f
* 5
SI par weak-lb* M eaanot making
wag** alKiv*
Chicago -,4
West Michigan
■w^j^sr.xrKEf-'ss tsf
___ not only capable of diffn^ into
Waat the Oaae Mil Te*Md.
1* read by tbe paopte
to road*.
If yea Imve aigrtUa*
loaMI. trada, awMtt
toboyanythtog. M*ka
tl knows threogh tba
____ _ Mich.. June ll.-A* John
liftknia t
and Frank Snyder were eeDreh- pnoemfatoUlng Inieett oi atut now.
tom they rw into two girto Tbe procMB ooeM*of beating the
U yeMD throwing them ta
moapbeia djkmt tbe------------------------------------tbe tram to ahMt tiO
d^iMk, wbieb doe* not.lnjore the toea.
bat dtottqya inmot Ufa
Telephone 23.
to h^
anolb AMfa.~Ai
each otbawben they are tpo}tm bat
lAR; decreeae. lia.MS. ttotito and —
alto whan they are cold. Hebeaibown
nogt. **u,*iwve»i
uxTwev. fl.
Pmvtoioiri. 51IS.W7A»: decreaae. 1171.- that if nlean garfaoM of lead and gold
are beld togetba In vaeoo at a teaper40 degreae for fonr dayg
atnreof ooly
inalhaae teaVM Mr'iieaie.
they will unite firmly and can ba aejmWBBhliigtoa. June H.-Calbone left
lb* cliy laat alghi-for bto home to Dan- rated only by a foroe aqoal to^eUilrd
VIII*. Hla He expecto to rrium to Ibe of tbe breaking atrato of lead/
city prvlwbly neat week or aa aoen aa
the preeidant dealree to eonauli blm
further regarding affaire to Cuba.
- W.Off------------- --
mimioB of tbe liqnld when iti temper
ature mnri be kept at more tbas iOO degmee below noo. It wUl not oeiUj ha
believed to be pracUoable or proAtaUb
—Amerloao Meeb Inlet.
•S •
The .
The coedlilon of aprlngj—-------—, ,
avermge forth* whole spoc a oommorcial aoale la —
-----------tag aetUed. Aa to tbe atonge and txasri
all wbaat to tt.7 agalut r.S per oeaL
tbe mme dete lari y«er.
AMo s
TiMrwef >iiini«lai te tbe Kw I ■ gnot depth.
| the beme* of tbe aeTaral man ben of tbe
tbe Kriona buriuc** of war tl
botuebuld. winding up with t^t ct
Ini tl
>edo boat baa Bucb a na
, Bridget kcCarihy. “Bridget kftCarWaahington. June 11-Siailrilrian^fa'bmarlnetorpedoboMbaaauchaipaB-,
---- -------------- .4-.,..
4.----------- ^tbet
Roblnicn of the agrtcuHurmi depart-1 Mari advantage< that Ibe only qneedon ' thy," repeated tbe eenn*
oenen taker, “to Ma
wad fa
fnrai vnierdav afternoon, iMtd ihe ' «wr ratoed to. Can youbnlldonef A few • » <jotnc*iic>” It waa a
c^i^T^r^: fte reweek. wUl apparimtly wttle tbto ,«k. ftl he we. <s,Ml •to tbe
actvw Of
taiiiad aarwbera.
• 7 yean old asdwu 'cittlng
ball and eonld ftand tbepremmreet 160 . on tbe potcb when the cenm taker
___________ _________________feel if neceaMry, bnl for fighting par- name around. It wM Jack’* firm experiWttAOire BRPORT on tm* CBOro.
never be iwqnliad to go to enoe in tbi* line, and be willingly gaw
port of June
1 make* i
imsTEi in mmunn li
doubt, 'ntto query appUea to tbe caa* I tdiaigea of 100 ponDda of cxplorivee, ate
;-8eemUry Tracy. ax-MintotCT
j m be etmed tor tbto gnn, tte« U an
>9e«iator Edmunda airi Hon.
_____ ______________________ .. .
of the other of the gentlemen named |
light not be oBgrateful to the chief
agtotrate. while It would be weU for
to let It be kBownwbether tbe nbat U offered would be ac
cepted. '
Of courM it to within tbe beanda of
poaaluilty tbat amne emlnritt gentle
man who baa not aa yet bee named la
tbto ootmectlon may be ritneen. but that
to not likely, alnee the winnowing proeeae baa been g<4ng en for aeveral weeka
and available Umber baa been carefully
Bcaaned. In brief, the preeidenl. before
maUng the appototraem, muat be aacured In hla own mind that the
X —Watch Repairing.
—John Verij-.
-.Front Street:
. T>1 A. -PT.^
wanta to be aaeured of two tbingi be
ezpericd, take 1cm ihu a mlnnte 'to
fore a ftnal deototon la reached.
PlreL wtU the man be aaiUfaclory rabmerge Ibe tmaraod a^t tbe
wui . length of ttone far ber to riM to tbe
----------tbe----------------------------------Vnlted sutea aad ■
be be wilting. U aaked. to accept tbe i
gvMl rceponalMUty of the pott. Judge 1
Tb« armament oonitoti of thiee
waa pot for more farmer*, but for ■ tar
iff which DO longer would rob tbe farman we have. The tanner etood. 'hi*
aklnny. baay band
tbto export bouaiy to o
Mry of the puaent ayitem. and yei icnXtora aat to' etemy ell'tnee. expecting
tbto Idiotic famrr. with Ibe mortgage
gnewlng <» bl* hem*, not to know tbat
they rvfum to give him rtlief. Tillman
Tehrmently pledged M* word lo hi* colleague*
* ibai they wnuld
not drcriv* th*
Cann4va and that to* I.OM.OM fuUewcre
of Ihr plow "will etitk with you at tta*
Fancy Toilet Articles.
eamcMIy canhdertns the ap
of a aucoeeeor to Mlnleter Taylor at
btodnd. and thb of courae ncalto that
Tinmen auH'H'd tot teatare o
■ ^ when be *iv>kc for the C^oa
enl td th
- bout .
t a
«nral producu. which, by tbe
-hfMited. But even
. fO ‘ClllB..................
‘ClUman wae not a*
_____________ gaeniual He Mid be
« dee
tbe atienUon of Mi auoriaUak and u
the aitebdanee wae meager be noted
tbe alMttre of a oupnim. Tbe eall dieoaton preeeat. nine
1 tfly-four
ly-ftnir irtiatoi
ti. and TUtoMB pr»« than a q'uo
ceeded. He Mid the tarIP ttobatH bad
StoeiiMd a nebuloni coaSIUca to tbe
nnndiorpeaeiora. The RepuHUcan eent quietly.
by tbe oaitctia retoilng to .dtoeppi tbi
tolqvitlea of tbe UU and maaUnopaly
rotlfw for the eurilou la bchalt of
tnietl and rnoimiKill.a
Drat Kaew -R'hrre TlwyTe Ah'
■ “Oo the other band." proceeded Till
man. ‘the Drmorrat* are U a period of
They don't knew where
kbey-re ah The
proclatm their alleriacee to'the old.
tHne-bopored dociriRM. We had an ImpaMloned Mtech y«t.-r______
■t.-rday fbyWIUi] <
behalf of tbe Walker tariff prinriplea.
brougbt forward at tbto Utc day aa
Smoeratir doctrloea OacmalBa nullU
se^oa and ptber Imqea which have
I. Oitr opww aeoa*
Ibe man bac not yet been deflDlicly de
cided 'Upon.
He repardi at eeaentla]
■aaaic. conemiin*
tbat hli aelectlun ihall be not only a
McUon »1lb the prxrreaa o>r the acbed- aeir-poued manuC afralrabuiacquainted
Ilia Bdt tbe delate tailed to develop ae well wUb Iniematlonal and oontrow.................................................................................
TBK BoUAVo ermiABm noar.
law. ror-vartoua reaeona'pereoaat
dar dramailc lodderiia Senaton
^KUton won iBpfed toto • eUt« of to« and generaL tbe namee of eovend who | v«iitor, tbe can travel nnder water eight
•re eriden]^ flued have betmellminaied ■ *noto an boor for eight boore, and teo
ditrerenre ae^e eprrrbM dealt wUb a
from furi^r eonalderatloB. Reu<*»‘«- k»oU on tbe initoce. Tbe
I..- .w- #-_I
.I,...!.....------------------rnn. h
“ »UIS wu»
«arcei to itac auaar
mi not 10 the micnl irubUc.
nation a> large le o
rtake a Kobatoe. OaadOtata
t propoaed
rnwanuk * cat
X MlefUMtepM
eel iriU n
Tbe odiuaniKloD of tbe boat baa
What the PimMMt Omtme latlM Hlale*
e«erlr watched all over the eoostij.
It la cTlisdric^ la ebape. to 50 feet S
Waahlarnn. June U.-A corre^Ketd'
'inebM kwg. with a 4 fool errew pro
Ot oo tbe train that wae t^toa Pre«l<
ving extenabm: 10 feet S iscbeetsdldent MeKiBler to NaahvUle wired tbe
followtoa laet'iRkbi aneni tbe ap,„uab *“«*«aBiidmipa. andtbe moMeddlam-
•cbodttle bed b»«i « hUtod tor
•ad akde trMD tb< Met tbu
BM U derived fron< (}>gw tbu tram
tend deb*t« <* me WMf
tb« unit bill Mm. ua rtwnptly » l
TtoJt 1
aevenJ yean aga Tbete wae telltale
fringe at tbe bottom of bia trosatos.
•Dd be ww a waUdog exporition at
"■ Lederle’e STTSSS
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