The Morning Record, June 01, 1897

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The Morning Record, June 01, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Firat Tetr-Ko. 34.

It WIU. &SOVIU UBS 90 &trv
THB axxr TSM TXA&.



.remut oa Woodmere aveaue:


craved B^low
TBZBVTBS TO DEPABTXO VETThe eommittee oa wayi aad meaae


The June Magezines....
Arc all gems of art. Don't miss one of them.
We have the largest news counter in the
city. Look over l^e Periodicatesud you will
buy at least one.

Memorial Servlou Xmpreaaive aad
Larfcly Aatuded—Sloquut Addieu of J. W. Fatohia-W. B. 0.,
Haaaah Mifiu aad Sohool Ohildna
ia Uaa.
The eoiema aervloea of l^eaMriai day
were never eo nnlveraally oheerved ia
Sohool.......... ........................ fl.650 were oleeed aad all }otaed with the eld INDIAN BASKETS
The eommittee on fire aad water wae wldlete ia dolac reverraoe to tbd oemOFFICE BASKETS
rivu further'ilme to report upoe the Tsdeawhohave auwered to their laat
eemetery water propoeiUnn.
(C'uxUn Ui d on r>Ki Pape.)
The aarviem were flttincly
eed Saaday mwslac with a eermon adALL SIZES FR6m 5c TO 76c.
dreaaed to then. A. E. by B«v. O. 6.
Boad Baoe 'Waa Xzeitiac aad WIU
Northrup, putor of the Baptist ehnreh
neaaad by Throoft of People.
HU Bubjeet, "The iafiaenoe of its holi­
The flre-mlle h
days upon thecharaeter ofaBation’*.
teiday ezeited a frut dealuf latereet. wu thouchtfclly handled aad filled
Bot oaly amoBf wbadmu but the pea- with the spirit of patriotism and love
erul public.
of those who
their Uvu tor their
the route wU liaed with qputatoce
Oravu of Oemtadee.
from the eUrtlBC point, ooraer of
At 9 o'clock yesterday moraine the
Datoa and Froat atrute awv beyond members of MePhereu Put No. 18. U.
tbeO. B. AI. raUroadaroaMay.
A R., aooompanled by the W. E. C. aad
There wu ooaaldauble ri*alry be­ hundreds of oitUeu marched to the
tweu JuUu Paiye and Ralph Hut- eeamtery where the ritual of the arder
lace and the fiiude of euh were Uv- wu carried out aad the craves of ths
From the piazza in sum
lab la aiacinc the prulaea of their tav- old soldiers deoaratad. As the i
mer are appreciated by
oritea HuUact. however, carried off roll sail of the dead wu read aad
the romantic and stay-atthe firat time prlxe aad the aeeompaay- rsapeaae "here" efren,the huvy clouds
home people of Traverse
iachoaen, maklac a buntifal fiaUh, ttet hnnCffnjraadeoldovnriMadparthia time beiac U:l»; Pace foUowed edforaawment and the blue Ay shone
City, which are aided
aad Hale fiaished third. The firat man throach aad it almut seemed u if ungreatly by the cool, com­
over the ti«e. however, wu Bouchtoa. sau forms mincled with the llviac
fortable and airy Rattan
who Blade tha oouna ia ITiM. wiaalac eomredes end the circle wu onu more
Furniture bought at Sla­
The time amde wu exeellwt, eonTbouch theeemetery wu full of vis^
ter's. Their cool summer
rideriac the had eaadlttoa of the reacU, itorsthere wuaoae ofthe Boiaeaad
.furniture has been a
and aenw of the ridere were forced te ezdtessut uually assocUmd with beldiaaaouDt aad eralk over tha atretcb of Idays. but a faeliac'Bf revereaoe aad
haven of rest for those
mad Bear But Bay.
teadersem prevailed. The food work
who have bought at—
' The oaly casualty wu sufiered by of the Womu*B Oametery improvement
BUawortk Hale, who wu thrown from Aaaociatiem wu maaifmt on qvery hand
hit wheel at Beat Bay. heiac
Them are Kuatered Out
The Boardman Hirer Kleetrie U^ht badly braiaed aad havlac uveral iaehThe roU of the old aoldiers buried ia
A Power Co. eut to a propaml to fur^ m of akin aeraped fn» eae of faiaarnu.
slab wirier aad a motor for rapplyiap He reeovered kta equilibrium la a mo­ Oakwood eemetery U u follows;
Ahrem Adstt 10th Mich ; Beuismia
water to the eemetery for BMO aad of­ ment aad when be croeeed the tape
fered to eu^ly the tieoaaaary eurreat third plate wu ehalked up in hia fa­ AdsitBlstK Y.: J R Blaekmsa. Mtb
OnpoclM HukMl’a Boc
N. Y.: Ju Bsehelder. L. P. Braxer.
to pump the water, for tit per mn
Mathiu Brielhoso. isth Mleh.:Tboa.
vor. Be made a plucky ride for it.
The propoeiUoo wu referred to the
seth Mich.; K B. Bskef. llOth
Davideoa atarted before time, by aa Bates,
N Y.: J D. Biniacs. Henry Cook. Hull
eommlltee oa fire aad water.
anw. and rode over the utire ooniu. M. Cram. U. H CUrk, Uth MtcA: W.
MioeW-cix taxpayere aeked to bare
maktac r>od time. He made a fine A. DacceU. 3rd Mich.; Royal Dally.
theaoatk eadofSpruee etreMopued effort for a little fellow and the Bwaa- Ferdinand PorUch. 3rd Md.; W. W.
to Bereath etreet: i
Cere will reward him with a apeelal Fountain. Philip Felcer. iieth Ooodthe wort hraaeh of MiU ereek be ur- prise. There were uvwsl clou aad John Fnller. O. W. Greu. W W. Good
win. PanI Uraveli. Uth Mich ; J. R.
ried uader aad lerom Seveatb etreet
Oewdy, l&4tbOhio: M. B. HsrrU. 83ad
alw the fiUlBC of the yrade of Sereath
tional iateraette the crowd. Follow- Pun.; Uriah Hoffmuter. C. A 8th
atrut aad that a ultable etooe culnot lac b the rammary of the eoatuta:
Mich. Cav.;C. B. Lackey Mth Mick.;
O. B. Lewis. 9Sth IlL; Benoni Lamsia.
or hridpe be bsUt aerem MUl ereek oa nmm.baShlrt WabtbthcFiT. Thto Btora bada fca
KuAieep. Tla«. Uth MIeb: M. - 8. MoMlabaeL Uth
Sereatk etreet, aad lut, that a atose UiTlme.....Hartla.a. Seratek.
Mich.: D. Matteau. 23rd III; JohrMoenlrert be eaeayuoted aeroee Mill *ad " .. .-P*»«8....... Xmln.
----u, Mich.;
creek oa Dtrieioo etreet. TUe petlUos 3rd "
Not alone baunu^^ha^ tte^^l^t^ud ap-to-dal^^ba aad jiutaal
Inyt ,
waeiBlloe with theefTormof Alder- btPboa. ..BU(rhtoa,5H "
Sheraiao. loth Mich-; J. A. SaUth. 185
ouui Ooodrieb. beta# aetieu wee takea Sad •< .. ..Vaffal.,...7X " .
M. Y.: H. Slam, 6th K. Y.; Oeo. Ward.
atUdetiaea. It was arat with the reet 3rd."
i UBkaowa.
..Northrup. 4 "
of the etreet maUeiu ioThe oommittu 4th "
Aftaisooa Sarrloes.
• IHut....... 4 "
8th "
la thesfteraooa the wutbsr hricht'
..Frbdrieh,5 "
Tbepropoeed approprlatioae ofthe eth "
led aad it wu deelded to hold the
..Brown... 4 "
board of edvoatloa were presented for 7th
.. ..W.Raaab3 "
aerviem at the uldiers mousmut oa
eoweidetetkie aod epproval, but there 8111 "
the ouaty cronads. where aute had
..C.E«ate 2X "
#th “
>modato abrve
..C. Bmik..4H •• .
already M laviebly ladolred ia by the 10th "
------- Ladlu* Slxu, 32 to 44-Olrb* Sima, S8 to 33.
..Sohondd. 8 "
nemher. Atf o'oloek the i
aebool board,' by redsdop the aawuot nth
. ..Mum... 6 "
started from the Put rooms, headed
of theapproprietiehe. AldermaaOood- ISth "
...Haam....4X »
by the Boys' Band. The Haaaah Riftee
rich eame. to the frost with aa iaqniry uth"
uted u eacort to MoPheieu Put aad
M to
aaeeeeity of aome of the uth
. ..Mnmy,.« mb
the W. B C. and orsr three knadred
amoueU'-etipnlated ia the report. isth " . ...Holmm..8H " . ...48:10 echo^ ohildiea with flats followed.
There waa a Uttle matter of SSOO for 18th •• . ,..Vluk....3h " .
Tfaeeltiseutnraedoutlatoruaad the
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clpthing House.
furattare whiph Mr. Oeedrioh deemed ITth •• . ...UnwaoNSX " . ■44:M
utlrely uBaeeceeary. Aea there wu
The Prim Wlaams.
The profram wu opened wiUfmule
aeked BIDO fyt Uhrary bwHta, whfeh Mr The prism have heu awarded u ,hy the Boys Band and a sonc by Me
Ooodrieb declared wm aot aeeded, be- follows:
White. Sayder. Hobte and Banter.
eauM the hooka oa haad were aot all
Adjntant Morcan read the res'
Hsittarfs: pair Goodrich tiraa. pump
leaA Then tbefilM for apparatsawu aad jiffy r«p^ outfit.
order and Lioooln't addrem at Gettys*
deelarad eoUrely out of reaacm by Ald(CoaHtiudon^ Pu0C}
Paice: A. A W. pia aad fishiac rod.
ermaa Ooodrieb becauu wo have more B. Hale: Lady's bloyole hat aad fiah
apouiutu BOW thaa we waak Tbia lacmd.
wu aot all of the eoooomy propoeed by
Bouhtoa: eaamMiac whael' aad hi- Assaal Sxarelau of St KaxylB Sohool
the alderman from the eeooad He qyrielamp.
^ere Bald Saaday.
aerlouely obieeted to the Biooo for iaaad
The aaanal aebul axeroieu of 8t
uidutala. declaring that there ebould strap or fishiac rod.
be BO laeidratala to require euoh ex- Northrap. pipe ar elcu> eau aad two Mary’s Ouvut at Provemont were hrid
Of orders we are getting
at that plau Saaday before a very
St.ttO. After!
The proemm wu
Kut: hammock aadoaayearia uh. larfe aadtaaoe.
on account of the superior­
ssleadidly. rudered aad the pnpUa
i by the remalad- toBeralA
«r Of the board aad tha apprepHatioaa Frledrteh: pae laaer taU aad om of the aeheel di^layad aa aaaa.crso»
ity of our "BEST” flour.
allowed lam thaaomata mentloBed.
a^ftabhthatahowedtnlalac. The
muthh tub. to Moaxure Rxoosd.
T%e eommittu oa atreote aad w^^ Brosra: pair blorele shorn and two exaretaueoBalsted of alsctec. tmtrsDon't try to stem the tide
TiBoenmiadeil the rraveliair of Daioa months* barheriad.
flsevtal mmie, reeimtiou and disloatreeiBsmhlhtoUthaadthe teeaea- W. HuBie: Uqyoia lamp aad np^ir CBUurfthe
by using a poorer grade of
mwdatfawi wu adopted.
aadcrmtlyappreciated. Thawerkof
The petitioo for frsvellor Cam etrut; C. Bunie: Mnyele laaap.
the aehaol displayed elou appUuttoa
flour. Get in the proces­
from Tuth to the Mty Umito wu C Buck: flttiac bieyola
fraated, at a eut aot to exoeed BSOa
Lawruee, last maa to flaU: hu •d by ^ tuehere. The mhoot is
sion and follow the crowd.
Tha eommittu reoommeaded a eoat Crukar JaU oicaie.s
aot to exceed tiso, bat Aldenaaa
. dalSS prim exerabu proved him te beaaabbasd
Mcatafu vffued ia favor of dofaur the for torslac stake firat atfivemlleee^ careful Imthuter. Ia the eveslac the
tUaf u it ahoeld be doaa aad the
play, "The Herob Dutefamaa of 1778."
There is a tieSor apeelal prim for wu fiu^y fivu by local talut la
The petHloa for a walk oa Hailruad worst aeeidut betweu Hab aad whbhs maadeUa and fsitar etehoetra
aveau wu deaiad, u wu that for the aaaaa. This hu dot bsu deeldad yet

rh» XMvlsiea Strwt 9U« OootooTwy
Agkio iDtrodoovd. But Ui« |7ork
Oi4n*d OompWd-----AMumw
Ooodriek reosbt Kurd Ut, Um
Tb«ru b»f« beau Mrezul ▼«« impor.
tulaMUBf* of the oltj eowlUUa
•priaf, but SOB* of them hen hod
tMre iBtMwt ih»B the Bdjoanwd BMotlag Uat Biffht. It WM »loag buoUbT.
too. tmt BOt Beurlr eo loBf m It woald
here beeo hod Bot the aemhere met
qatetlf iB the elerkh offioe eurlp lu the
eeeDlBff usd e«iwed upoa muCtere of
upproprietiene. lelerj ordissaoe, etc.,
therefore meiac muoh time is dUeue.stoBBtthe reffuler iBeetiBV. TUedid
set euTe the meahere from e loor eeeaioB, howeret, u It ome e quarter peat
tea before OB adloinuBeot WBetakea.
Thea OB iBTttoUoB of Aldermao ■eullmaatel the board, eltj oAdala asd
sew^per mea were Urlted totheSU
FraBde feeUral to partake of afeantae
Bohemlae upper (at the expeau of
AldanoaB Heullpiuatel). The laelUtiu wuaeupted aad the olBeiaU were
' The firet baalaeu before the bo(ard
laa patithui to frarel Wi
•meet from
to Broat. lAleh e
lefei'i'ed to- the eommittee on atre
Aaother pettttoa for the tmprere■aat of douth Uaioa etieet, ea Bou^.
0J Hill, wee aleo referred.
William HoMeworth afala aeked the
oouaeil to order the alley betweu hit
DBloaetraet property aod the river,
built up. The peUtkmer elated ia
phatie terme ualeae the matter wai
taadcd to be would pay so aurj tazce
OB the proper^ at that polut Thie
ales wui to the eommittu for eoaaid-

..........• S




Delightful Views


J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,

Of first

Shirt Waists


Perfect Fitting.
60c. to $2.25.



A Terrible Flood,..




noK TW omcB or fas

T. Batw Aao J- W. HAKSnt.
j, w: EAxym. Editor and Mwarw.
OmmodU. braioU.
Ckl«e «onlfcfc by B»U.
■U Moaibh. by noU. Om f»or. by BOU.______
OGee. m Ftonl BtreM.

&Mord to Be Xal^geA.
UhubeentheiBteBUo/oftke pabikben of the Mobiiko Rm'oso
•Bl&rre the peper to»iix-colDma folio
OB the flat of the aooth. Owii^ to
4eU7 in the eblpment of the etoch.
o«aered ten <Ues efo. the enlnrgeaent
loieferrede d»T « two^____


This radnoea the aalary of Chief Deaprea $900 per year. ThatofNIgbt Po­
lice Grayson AS per moatb: that of
Teamster Doan AS per month aad admnoesAke salary of Night Watoksma
Elaney V per month.
By their action last sight ^s coonell will reduce the expenses of tbs city
over AiO.OOO for the eeming yeai
sides, the 1-miU U only half what It

The revert of the board of bnlldinff
and there waa a
a to accept their t
BtloBB to irrant the pemit to erw:t the
Friedrich buildinr. AlderGoodrich, bowerer, objected
the report, and aonsidemUe diapaaaion
followed in which Architect Dean
Joined, ft waa nryed that, as the. BLAirOBTZB OF TES OnrOORMT
bnildinff wu to be oaed tor a hotel,
thereby bewming a public building, A Gold Day for the Town Ball Team
A play entitled “lire Slaughter of
that the Inner w^ls ordered at the
last meeting of the oouncU, between the Innoceau” was enacted yesterday
the stores, were neceesary to the puWe afternoon at the ball park. The chief
aafety. Mr. Dean cxplainad that, m aotom were the Asylum base ball team
there was a ebanoe of Abe bandldg and a picked up nire from town. The
belng.regrranged ia time, they did not stage settings tacladed a liberal supply
wlah-te be oompeUed to construct the of arctic weather and , the ^ectetom
walls. Then the ouUide sralls became who tamed out In tA nnmbem were
nearly oongealed by the time the enthe subject of
flually decided to allow the coa- iertainmeat was orer.
It was expected wbea the game Was
stroeUon of the.building without the
Inner brick walla, but with a sixteen- Bmttaikad of that the BufUers, all
them am left of Uem ib the city,
inch outside wall.
would form one team, with a few pick­
The bUllard ball ordiaaBce was ed men to All in, but sereral failed to
brought «q> sg^ aad an amendment
and at the last mlunte
to the ordinance new existing,
, , I ..^faatltntcs bad to be found who had

What Wheelmen
Should Know.
That our line of Bicycle Fumi^ing Goods is as
complete, we think as the varied needs of Trav­
erse City wheelmen require—fr^ the cheapest
to the best—Whole Suits—Single Bicycle Pants
—Golf Hose—Belts—Caps—Can’t miss it by
giving us a call.


. Breritien.
lln. Carr of Dundee U Tieltii^ her
ho,, h.p.«.
^n^hter Ml« assnOerr.
to KoTeiaber’ l. and thereafter from last minute.
Mia Hery Arm»tnu« of UpMr ie Norember l to May 1 at lu o'clock p.
The two teams finally lined np in the
^tlBir Mle» btelle Downing.
m. Goodrich. Lardic aad Jatamus voted following batting order:
Mm. Itobineon of Snginew, of rteit- against the amendment.
Asylum—D. Cox, 3b; Resaer. aa; BefiBg her ewta. Mm. F. B. Hmitb.
Av ordinance regulating 'the use of fron, 9b: Purple, lb; NorU. p; Baddow.
On Boomint of jwterdn; beln^ n hoU- the streets and walks by
e; Croaa, If; G. Cox. cf: i'BIriek. ri
Aar. the enminntioa of Geotre Martin wms inlndneed. and subjected to an
Town team—Flesa. c. Parks, lb asd p;
qririted discussion. One of its pro Bull, 8b; Ash. 3b; Lardis. If; ‘Ihirlt^.
waa adjoorsed nattl thU nwmlat.
Dr. A. H. HoUidaj waa quite hadly risions was thst a bell be requlmd on as; Reed, rf; Steams, ef: Allen, p atrd lb.
Allen started In aa pitcher but was
tejarad Sunday alrht by beiar apaet all bieyclea Them was no pr
aHiUe drteinff to Old Mtaaioa to aee a for lamps, and upon a quay regarding poundad out of the box in the flmt iathat amimion Aldermaa Moatague ex- BiogaBd Parks changed places with
plalasd that lampa wem expoBatm aad
Mm. C. P. DiekerMB and Maater that if the ordinance oompelied lamps him,
The seam at the end of the Bth Inn­
Jamw Dowd of Grand Bapida are in It would be a hardship upon many
ing was 30 to 11 ia favor of tha Asylnm
«heel^ far a two weeka' rialt with Mm wheel owaem
as follows: *
•d that the Asylnm................10 1 1 8 8 It 3 4—00
Walter Halnaa took a bad taable
« a pleoe of class legisU- Town................... 1 0 t S 3 0 0 0—11
from hie wheel at MitehaU’a hrtdfe in tien because it protected certain porrmpira Bams.
Iberace jeaterda7,,bnt finiabed oat in Mobs of the city and acglected otbem
Them wem several very pretty plays,
On motion it was finally laid over nntU among the flireat being Aah’s ranting
C. J. Ebner left Teaterdaj norainir next meeting. The ordinance will pro­ catch of a fou'. and Pleas' one hand
far Buffalo to attend the naMonal Rol- hibit the nse of wbeeU on the walks as catch of a- fbuL The asylum team
teff of the Fmtemal Mystic Clrele. aa followq; East Front street from the showed their prwetice and found ttw
rapmaeoUtire of Michiffan.
of Frost and Union streets ball when iteamedown all too ofimi
The MereanUle Co. yeaterdayahin>ed to Wellington street; os the east side of for the peace of the •■Towneru." Hw
Aa Ralph Case at Kta^lcy a WaW\y U'nion-street from Float street sonth to game was won for them ia the first,
bicTcie. and a HtUe Sifbal wheel. 34 Tenth street; on Csm atreet between when fourteen men went to bat, and
i Front street and Cbss atreet
<wwv bridge;
urio|{e; ten
wm luua
rana were
weic made giving them a lead
iieh fmae.'for Mr. Case's so^.
__ Charlevoix
___ on
The steamer
will reach
‘' l*ark street between Front street [ thst could ikA b«- )>rokea, Five men
beiTtoiio^row' s'BdM’b»aiiuthwardt“^^****''^‘=®““**
of | were struck out by Parks, and eight by
Ari^ After leering here she will go to!
i North. The number of muffs made on
BIk Rapids sAer 3.0U0 i;,ort,e],of pota-!
“ *** wondered at
•'•‘d when fhe Centra] school is in sea- when the weather was taken Into oon- <be south side of WeslSerenth ‘ sidemtlon. While the game was not a
The stean *'
-p-klnj >«
,hkhW,h, Ur«...hlp=».«rfp„u
toes ever made from this oort aioue
and lovers of the sport will look
tj^ever msOe from this port
^ forwsH eagerly to an oJgauimd imm
SI- w T- ».
a. m. On all aaduome good work later in thesesson.
Mra. M. Lapman and Miss Jean .bridges having - bnt one sidewalk
............ ..................
Fergus < f Chicago, spent fiund^ at, wheels mmt take the road bed
ftueer Petrifeatioa.
P^k Place, on ^rir way to Elk Rapids, i An ordinuroe providing for a 1-mlUt One of the finest piece, of wood petAeae ^ the first resortem to pars; tax for the Interest and sinVing fond | rifaclion we have ever aeen was
Utrougb here this season.
was passed, Tlie snouai budget as 1 brought to this olUce a day or two ago
• Patrick Berson. axpert electrician of [given in the report of the committee on by fiteeet Commissioner John- Kelly
•be Michigan Telephone Ca, hssarrived I wsys and means (with the exoeptien of It was found In the gravel pit on Billfrom Detroit to- place the new switch j the amount for M>a interest and sink- lags Heights, on the PesiaanU from
board for the local exchange aad eon- iug fund) was then approved and fixed which the gravel f«- the city streeU k
aaet np the rearranged ^stem.
| by ordinance.
BOW being uken. It k part of a little
Mias Mabel White hag returned from I Alderman Montague called np the branch of a tree and k ao perfect that
matter and SKwed the small knot hoke dktinetiy appear
mnsi^ instrucUon in the city. Miss |
**® completed by tift where the twigs grew from the branch.
White has been studying in Professor {board of public worka. Before acUou It was found thirty feet from the sur­
Apel's school and has graduated with ®b
motion Alderman Goodrich pre- face and about twenQr feet from the
*-ent*d a letter from the board of pub- edge of the gravel bluff and abont fifty'
Tbeste^er Columbia isbeingfitteo 1 c works sogjeaUng that the oouaoU feet above the present level of the bey,
gnt by Capuln Young at Bowers Bar-i ^
haatUyln ordering the tUe which is DOW fifteea or twenty rods
feer. She will take the route ef the
!®*^ ****.
Creeoeot in a f«w days while the latter mended by the board. Thk created a
in which oonsiderablr
tar iwbeing ^vmhaulcd, whep both wUl
•Itefute dally betwM bare aad aharp parliam« ntary repartee '
Banquet tiekeU
I be secured by
dulged in betatwn Aldem
jJrich the alumni at P. Kyaelfca's store and
One hundred and forty-two bieyclea'“J
Alde^ ‘Sreilick j s. E-’WaTtk "drug a^ore.. The alb
•ware coiuAed at one time last eveniag
are again rsmladed Uiatthelc. annual
within distance of ten reds either aide
\*** ®®®®®^^
| dnes should be paid to tte treasorar.
jd tbs Hobmxo .Recoku office; aad the ground aad be better prepared toj Mki Mabel Bates, before Friday aight.
act They b
the stone as than are a number of expenses to ^
Afty-three new aamea were added to
Mr. Ml
mat ia ecsuMction wttb ths banqucL ^
Aha rabseriptioa UsU of thk paper this
tague declared that ^ere was no need
to go to such an expense, as the coraer
L. K. Gibbs of Mayfield, i
of Oak aad Pnmt stre^ needed atten­
•atarday from Racine, Wia, where he tion before such an amount should be
SonU Side Hardware.
I -P-nt oi Dl-i.lo» •>«.>. Mr. Goodrich
^.oCo-ot whichheta .cor ^ u.. cooocil to r>ta. bod,u>
th. ouoc OTOC hetoro So„.
•orthern Mlchlgau territory from and Alderman Ueamood agreed with Mr.
including Grand Bapida.
Montagne. wbo asked for the qe •tioa
One of the attractive sights on the oa hk motion. Then there wai more
atraeta last evening was Him Julia disenssion about the genet
Is a science,
ace. and long experience
Ra^sr and Mrs. John WUmu. who
oa the West Side. Mr.* Qoedrieh's efin-Painllilag and Paper Hanging
nrMsts with a tandem bicycle. They torts were finally defeated by the prehas uugl
gbt ns. that
thst U a
wart arrayed in the eoavealent and valling of the motion to instruct the
science also; therefore we teU
Rietaresqne cycling «steaie contrived board of public works to complete the
ao lies when we sdrertlse that
. _ thmoughly
far grace, case aad freedoau'^d work.
Posty card.
rhlyeajoysd thdr sfdn throagh
The ordiuanoe fixing the salaries of

To Advertise
And Tell No Lies


U..CH, offleo. (or th,
Wanted ia Ondlllan
The Hannah Rifles have reedvedaa
IsviUticn to go to CkdlUae to asakt ia
•he celebratioB of the Fourth (ff July.
Noaeoeptabcehnsyet ben made, bnt
Ababeys will probably decide to gn.
AhyAn Mtsy win be jmra of a r^al re-

wb do:



The Soda Season^


is Jnst fairly m
Being. Wa wish t
draw your atteltion
atteltii to our fine grade of
Ice Cream Soda at & eta a glasa Oool
Sparkling Soda. Petoakey lee Cream, (ito
all cream.) Symp. of fine flavor made
from pom tmit juieea «ily.,
Spoons, etc always neat aad clean. Aa
lacneosive. cool, spafkliag. refreshing,
drink. Remember thh place.



Ever Burned Ont ?

If so you know
thevalae of
O. P. OAXVn, Agent.

We MakeMore Picture Frames
Than any other firm in thed^.
Have TOU ever seen our new

TANS. In New Shoea
Oxbloods, CbocoUtes,
Cloth Tope'
$1.«7 $2, 92.21 $8.
Other Colors, Other Prioee. Mitui.
are Uie best and Lowest in Price.
L. S.B'a-jr:

M. B. HOLLSV. Mgr.



Three Barrels

Stylish Shoes


First Class

Stylish Ladies Lead Faint
60c, gallon.


Canopy Top Boggy,
lAp Bobe ud BarnaM,


The Pingree A Smith

Bottle Green
Shoes —Very new.
Ox Bloods
—New ooiora.
Dark Tans •
—Several shadea.
Vici Kids

—Rid aad (doth


Do You Enow


—tips, very stylkh.
—Just in.

«as OM



o. s.,


This Week.



KORirhrG HEOOaD, TirXBDAY, JXTVE 1, 1897.

. 01<7 Open Boom • Serae of Zntnui.
tins Beauty—Pntty Women Xnter>
tained Throoise—Auspitiooi BesinisSoTaOreatSveot.
Laat erealns tr^«D the door* of (he
City Opera Boaee were thrown open to
. the pnblic for the openiny of the (eel)«al of Si. Franele chareh. the riiiltora
were aorprieed.
The hall waa a .eseoe of beanty
bprietinf' gpon «nehahtnseot.
BrerSreena. national eotora beaotifnUy
featootoed. bnaUnf tastofully draped
and potted plaata formed a bower of
heaaty. while the frayrant perfntee of
cnt flower* lent a charm ^hat was

been as&idnoisly at work and the
ereatioas at their hands will be on^of
tte aaeceRKes of the feetiral. Ibedas
liny electric liybts lent aa addlUottal
oharm to the scene, while the daintily
arrayed maidena and oonrteoaa matrona
‘fare cordial welcome'to tba yneeto of
the ereniny.
The arranyement'df the bootha waa
made with a view to eoarenlenoe and
of apace, and
imayine bow ao
leave room to more about. Bat (the
committee had performed Ha s^ork
weU and the reenlt waa yratlfylay.
At the -weet end of the hell is looeted
the yrand baser, where the drewinya
Uke pleee end' many kloda of naefnl
•nd ralnaUe arUelee are to be won by
^ Incky peraona. This eneloanrd U pretUly
sad daaiyned for heanty and praetieal
The aU^ ia aei apart tor the ooateai
for the ftid-heededoane. which will be
. pablla each nisht, except tor the leet
helf hour of the leat niyht, when the
mat wUl be kapt 'eeerpt natil the
clone. John T. Beedle haa with­
drawn from the oonteat and Prank
Friedtieh haa been aobaUtnted.
The aontheeat ooram of the ball is
encloaed by mi arilatie matic fence
adorned with ereryreen trhnmlsya.
which aeperetes the loe cream perlore
from the rnain hall.
Within^ the eacloenre are oererml Ublea where that
r is dispensed to the
rititon. Adjoininy the ice cream parlor is the lemonade and confectionery
booth trimmed in a manner similar to
the baser.
Next to that U the Bsb
pond, characterised by a larye net
draped ecroaa the front, with eveiyi'een
Intertwined In iu meshes.
The aaain center of the ball is attrectlrely errenyed with the refrrehment
bootha ('aciny the sUye ere the ftobemlan end Preach reetanranta. where
natlrea of cither country may find reit jnat as mother eerred ia
Fbtiny the entrance are the German
aajl iiiah refreabment booths. Oere
the naUrcs of the Emerald Isle eaa
sued aide by side » <th the Teuton and
feast upon the delicaciee which they
aloae know bow to enj'.y.
Bnnnlny east and weat/thronyh the
entire ^aee betweea-tbe bootha mentlond. it the American booth, patrioUcally draped with the ataraand stripes,
where rianda atrtcUy American arc
eerred. ^bore all the booths are anspended pr^ty. a^atleally armnrd
canopies, which add to the beanty of
The boxes arepmbelliehed with the
nationel oolon and ereryreen trimmtoyv'diepleyed with eapeib teste.
Tba whoto is h eplendid work and the
oemmiUeeV* entitled to ooeyiMlaTheee Are The Wo^ece


Tb# work of amityiBy for the feetl*
ml and the yenerel i
eberyc of Mra. L. P. Per'kett. Mra. Jno
Berry, Mra. N. Mertee. John Berry end
T. J. Boat. U F. Perkett bae yencral
enperrlrioD of the ball
Therariona oommitteea are aa fol­
Beception—Miss Marie McLanyhllB.
Mra. Tboa. Dyer, MleaOampbell. Beniy
(. Will Needham.
Grand drawiny basar—Mfu. L. F.
FerkeUand Mrs. N. Mertos, aasistod
. by tbe Miaees Crosla, Hpyy>« ^<>
Bertiia dome. Carrie Broderick. Maygls Gaaya. Miaa lloxie. May GoUiua
DsooraGny-Bcrt Hall, H. .1. Holmes
Amerteautable-Mra. Bert Hall Md
Bra. Hayden, aasistod by Uie'Misoei
Murphy. EagUab and Grace Wilhelm
English toUs—Mrs. T. B. A.Tregea
and Mrs. Wm Jaeksoo. aaaistoirby
Mlaaes Franc Gage, Bounds and ftorUc
Bohemian Uble—Mrs- J. M. HueUmanttiaml KIU./X Germaine, assistod
by the Mlseta Sorb and Behaek.
Iritii toble-Mtu. Collins and Mra
>bed Bouybey. astistod hj tbe Mlasea
VtiUe Goyas and caaru SeyBoar.

Preach Ubie.—Mre. LeBonte end
Mra. DaSormler. eesiated by Uie Misers
Tbee Rteherd. Megyie Oayoon end
Nellie Brepreen.
Gsrmaa feable.—Mia. Pred Warxbary
and Mra. Ibaa. Sbaae, asaisted by (he
M!»*ea Nellie Simms and Mertea
Lemoaade booUi.—Tbe Mlasea Kelli#
ani Minnie Oarroll and Mra. Clan^.
ice Cream booth.—Mia Beamish and
Mrs. Boat, assisted by (be Mtasw Julie
and Uollie Needham, Birdie and Bose
Colman, Mina and Mamie Compeao and
EaGe Popp: '
Fith Poad.—MHa Piorence Ja:1non
and Mim Cnnalnyham.
Votlay'Cmteet.—Thos. M^lnakey.
J. M. Buellmantel. L F. Perkett.
Proyram-E HtNamara,'Mra Jtbn^
Kitohen—Mra. J. W* Backer and Mrr.
Perrin, aoatoted by Mra. Verrean. Mra.
Qlnyrasa, Mra. Adnean, Mra. CloUer.
D>ir keeper—John Mcaosky.
Sapper ia Mrred every ereniny, beyinniny at 5 o.clo^ and lastiny till
the proyram, bryina about 8 o'clock.
Laat niyht buwirede feasted upon the
dainty rhmds prepared by the yood
ladieaof thechnrch ^nd as the tame
oftbeyoodtbinysis spread abroad a
still laryer crowd will come tomorrow
niyhi, prepared for an epicurean treat.
The aenae of heariny as well at those
of alyht and taste was yraUBed in the
|laa proyram yiren dnriny the ereniny.
Sereral eelecUona were yiren by the
Band, and recitaGons
Mies ElU Stelnbery and Moselle
nett wtrt mneh enjoyed.
The proyram for tolGyfat wiU be aa
Mnaie, Boys’ BasiL



New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.

B. X>. Oampbell U Pleased and Bakes
SoygesGons as to Bigli School
The official proeeedlnya of the Board
of Bdacation of the city of Trarerw
City, at their late meeGny of May M.
aa appeared in the Moemxo Bkoo&p of
the ti>tb init, are good imdiny and of
Intereat to erery tax payer In the city.
We can say "Well done yood and faithfnl.aorranta." 'Inoomparinyeatimatoa
of aehool espeasea of 1m year with' the
year to come we And the'ftilowiny:
Last year* tax levy............ ^7 07U to
One MUI tax
On the Oonntytax roll...
3.s;x 7t
ToUl by tax lery\....i33.«3.t«
;Primai7 School fun^). - - - ■ «.m.«
Forelyn tnitioB........................
711 SI

Grand total.......................*S6.4li».lfl
School fund for the year last passed.
The eeU mates asked for'by the
Beard for tbeoominy year are aa followa:
ToUl estimate.........................
(see prooeedinys.)
Leesomount of primary
school fund..................... »S.600
Foreiyn tniGon.............
leariny the taalanoe of SI3.100 to be
spread npon the tax rolL
To this add
the one mill tax $S,IS7.0T, which makear
thesnmoft!5.Vil7,07toraise by taxaGoa; nalesB the Connell see fit in their
wisdom to deduct .the ene-mUl ta\.
from Gm esGmate of the Board,
when the amonat te spread npoa
the tax roll wonid be •90,93S.)i3.
This would appear oorreet and ihoold
be dona It was donbGeeran oremlyht
of the Board, otkerwiee it would appear
Vocal solo. Mias Joaefa Wilhelm.
la the column of the primary school
, Mie. J. B. MarGn.
fond and tnltkm leca
PiaM aolo, Miaa Aim
Tbto then makes a very liberal redocUon in oer aehpol tax levy this year
Orertnie, fttif. MnrUayh’s orehaatra. aa compared with last wiG 91S,
290.47; and as compared with tha year
The aneeeaa of the feattral waa a 1895. »1S,211.91 leea
foreyona oonelaaton from the Gma
Practically, U ooate the tax payer
tha doom of the biy opera henae were abool $20 per capita per year to main­
flriti^ed tethe admiriny ritilora tain onr schoola. and the statute preSuch crowds bare seldom been seen at
GmKnpn-reeident pupils tuy be
any entertainment^ and all are out­ admitted and that tnlGon
spoken in their admiraGon.
ebaryed therefore. whi<rh tuition aball
■ot be yreattf than fifteen per cent
more than the areraye coat per capiu
in asy of tbe departmeata
The fesGral will laat two days lonyer
Glre OB within tbe bounds of'tbe city
and erery one will be well repaid by a limiU all the adrantayea of a ecbool
with free nniform.text book* where all
tbe Enylish branches are Unyht, fitA pretGerlot of youny ladles ne^ tiny the scholar for a lliyb achoo!
were yathered together ia the city, courae where the hlyher branches—
than thoae asslsGny at the rarions.'A^d prebooths and Ihbles.
i paraiory to enleriny a professional

'course—and charye the non-resident
The merchants of the city bare been i
Bot leas than the per capita
very liberal ia their donations, abd '
flftoen pr-r cent added thereIhcir kindness U yrealiy appreciated, i
xesident the same less such

I sum of school tax as her—bis parent or

146 Front St.




Fire Insurance.

Biozlny and Enameliny.

Wofk dom
Aleo a full

tine of materiaL

eil East Front St

e'aaa in erery rcepeet or money refund­
Don't make a mistake in the
place Front and Park Sts.

HIMES, Photographer.

Takje Lessons

OouGauud Autcrast tu Burivul ia
Bseond.K. Jt Obaich.
To-day will bo PeBtaecutal Day la
tha rerlral at the deeoBd M. E. ebnreh
os West Bide. There will bo serrices
all day. eoadueted by tbe noted eolor^
ad erangelist. Rer. G. E. Jackson. ’The
Ume anff anbjecu Md bourlj asrrlees'
arc yiren as followa
9KKI a m., prayer. 10:00 a m, Bible
readiny. Bubjsot, ■•Power.” ll:S0a
, sermeo: "My Need.”
IKIOp. m
prayer, noa-ebureb-yoera 2:00 p. m.
r- S:00p.m..sennoa:
"Why am I Here?”



Here SJi^Goes!

The Baoono reaones laa pespla who

Eyerytiiieg Sold Cheap.

In the city.

• A,W. d^HRAUS. •


Fancy Toilet Articles.

Fleischman's Compressed Teast


Jacob Furtsch,

3 doe. E^s.................................. 2^
Pricea on Lemons slat^btored
dnriag the balance of tbe week.

Cigar on the mar­
ket equals our Dia- ,
mood J. for 10c.

OaUrerrd to anr pan of Uta eilr.

Freeh T^otaUea Daltr.
Beet BnUo-................................ ito
fiteak.'best cats of all kinds lOe
Keanorlal Day Betoa
The local merehaato displayed lib­
Veal Stews.............................. B tohe
eral qnanGGes of bna
Veal RoasU..................
colors in their windows and npoa the
AlSUailon St.
fronts of their bnildtnya
One of the moot eonsplcnoea and in- f'BIDAY AND SATURDAY.
toreetiny displays was in tbe window
of W. S. Anderson's Rndertakiag parlora Borne old rclloa"were ahowa.
amsny them a mnsket picked up from
tbe battle field of Bull Bun, by the
father of Jaeob Purlseh: the diacharg«^
of B. Anderson, one of TraretM Clty’a
old vetorana dated in IfiiK and signed
by Abraham Llnooln; also the kimpaaek and eantoen carried by Mr.
derwm daring Us serrlce ia the war.

The Traverse Belle
5c. Cigar is posi­
tively unequalled

-Kew ZdOM in-

^Special Rato*


■ ous Brand.

Rates, *1.50 per Day.
find Claaa

Telephone orders to Ma 10ft.

Largest and Finest Line of

Park Btieet, bstwetn freat it Cast, I am the agent for' this,^amOPKK OAT AKO KIOBT. ,

Cut Glass.
S'. JV
HanaoB Bloek. .

■ Correspond with
if You Have Logs
^ to Sefi thcTraverse'City

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound ^Hem­
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Ma(^e Flooring.
Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of ^all'\
Sheep and Calves Wanted.
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Wprks, Carriages,
and Saws. . A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
All goods first tisss and delirered.

Oor. emoa sa4 math am.


And Uie VEBT BMt Ooodn.


Murtaugh’s Academy.


Geo. R . Wumie,

Frank Stepan.

It grade

Boom ft. Oltr Opera Hoi e moeh.

The first- 21 rotes oast in the easic
rp-lo-daw Painter and Paper Bancrr.
oonteat went for Aldermna Montayue
8SS Front Street.
about 11 oclock._____________



IntniBNMi ud Sk«t luie .ol iD Uodi.

Facts and Fairy Tales


Bicycle Repairing,

carried out In less tkan three weefca,
but ererythiny is finished es thouyh
monlbh had been epent Is preparGon.

Tbrrr U s« gaurb difl^rrixTr hi a (m'd^obaBd
_ ooor onr aa tberr b> bm«rv-n KariK and Falrr
Taira. A man. to do a yood Job, auM not onlr
to roBprtrnl bin bocpot.



The fis\ pond is one of the cestors of '
®»y P«y
the city in secorUalttmcGoa, and nnlike most Grand i‘“ck
Trarerse pdsds. erery anyler lands a '•■“«■»«( men and aomen InstruetioDs on Vlnlio. Mandolin, Ban­
: pay their way through school and are
jo. Geiur. Cello and Ram.
the leaders thronyhont onr land.
a 1) CAMPIlkLI..
l%e faaUral has all been ptannedaod

Tbe ladiee and yentlemen upon whom
tbe reaponsibUity of tbe affair resU
deserve yreat credit for their s^soees-







(CkmMfiueii/ram tH pa^c.)
ImrvwMrl***. A pmyw ^
OoeUl> follow«4. , A MxtoO* “toltar
«t» «owe»" w» |^l«B by


Smc a*U U OM MMos. .
Tlw Old Mtotoa bMe b&U te«a> lui
owdA floe prepmtiou for tbe Mwoa.
They tavo UU out •
oa ttM BriBkaaa pUee. It bM a elayad aorfaea aad tba oatSold la leral aad


ferrlng t

had come to the point, he said, when the
representatives of the people In tha
other house were convened aad dis­
pel^ by an automatic vesotutlon.
which worked like a door, opening and
A tootay aad attneUve
closing to the representatlvee of tbe
Wblta, Baydar. Bobba aad Hoakar.
peopla The house of rcpreaentatlvca
had so vacated Its funcUena. Abandoned
•der Vadar tben
paeity for aboat WO paraeaa.
Men Dner le TBM. Timr mi Ibe PriMet Its duty, that there was a grave ques­
the apa^ar of tfac day. Boa. J. W. Pati -llaMere Thee Ih rt*» «««a> •« the tion whether coograae was now In seeel^B. wba deUveiod <ma of tka BMst ANGBU, A9D TOR VNBfRAKABI.b.
WlUaa mu—TraaMr Ahead, Uawrvee,
It was a Bbocklag outrage, be said. «a
aloqaaat aad forcefol awaorlaT adWbea aaga; U Kaartied-daotaaB AS
4maga ar«r Uataaad to by a Timrane ■Mmitwi tM-iiMia to ahr M
larks Um U«Mue aad ika Winaker in Vto- the govemmeni and tbe paopla. of Uia
United Butaa, and it brought
wt a Hariiatneatory Law.
WaehlBRton. May at —Certain In*
Into desertp^ and
Pktriotto SaatlnaBa
oulrin that have been propounded by /Washington. May SI.—The Imprearion Here were hundreds of i
H general about the senate at the close Funding around until one man said
Ba c*** a
piotara of alavaiy. the TurklMi Roremment aa to tbe rec. Of the first week's dlacUsaiohnr the tariff they were to act. Tbe oongrem of the
ord of Df. Anaeil. who haa been ap­
and all that it neaat aa
United States was dlriionoring Itself by
pointed we^aaor to Terrell aa ralnleier bill that the augar sche^le wUL be
tbaifree iadoatry and tte adMtkm
reached toward the close of the pteaent submitting to eueb a flagrant wrong.
to Turitey. have led to tbe
of tbe North. The areata of
terri- condualon that formal obfacUos haa weak. The progress eo far made, while This course was all In the IntereM ot
the Uriff Ull. and one man commanded
bla yaara of iba w bare aade na for* been made to the mlnlater. or In other It was much leas marked Saturday than "pas* the bill." "Fiand and deliver."
la generally regarded Popular representation in the house of
arpr pcoad of tbe aaaM “Anarioaa words, that our covemmer.t baa been
> Ifaabood,” aad “Aamdcan Woaua- Informed that-Dr. AnRvIl la persona as imte leas than phenomenal, as enod- represenUtlveF wss dead, and tbe
1 arata. At (he state
ite depai
lartff go. Veal declares rights of the people were dead.
hood.” A beaotlfal tribute followed,' la flrmly denied that any such obiminn
that the present bill ts as far advanced
the oqntace aad cheer of tha brare has been made to the reception of the now aa was the Wilson bill after nve
minister, but U te the fact that some
WMaaa of Use warweeks of discuasion, while
Ha ^ehe of all the oouforta aad Ume aro Terrell was acquainted by the Arkansas aasms that aa much of the
pone with the fact that the Turttlsb
pleaaarea ^ren ap fw the prtratloaa jox-emment would be pleased to know present blU was paased over on the ftrai
and dlslram of tbe held, but all borae i whether certain kWm of the qualltiet day of Lonsld'‘ratl< n aa was disposed of
with a oheerfalOMS —jd brarary that' hhd record of tbe new mtnlner were In the Wilson bill In three weeks. The
Kepuhtlcans geneiwllyconcede that good
. .. ! pored to he haaed upon his connection progieas has been made, but they are
tod.; « w« would OTOoUo th^ to tko i
wou-ti not Inclined to felicitate themselves too
—»A> defToe- V
the pone suspects of peculiar antipathy much until they see what policy la to
be pursued when Questions of more gen­ Which PMtod Up the Orest Haoi of ttr
to the Mohammedsn faith.
. The war waa a p«»t fonaar of'c.i.
WhllelnDr. Anxell's case thereewas no eral liitereat are reached than have yet
741.1*0 fh Soak*aad fit.ooe la Cashd ba atadied la this
fonnal complaint. It 4ws (he belief of been broached.
real Mo.
Vyhv The IndirUoal ebaraeter of the the ofBclals that it would be best st once
The -eaiar la tbe Oaard.’
Asked, b«l WlU l-robably Sat Mareaad
‘nil- sugar schedule in all p:«balilUty
American clUun U the aaferaard of to meet the snsplrlons. spperentiy
to Their SehaiBC. tor Cartala <
the Bepobllo. Orare qneations eoasaas-Chtoage's Laatgeit Cass.
truth. To this end the Turkish mtnlner debate than any other in the bill.
, froatt aa ts^y. aad there la the saaie here, Munafa Bey. has been coiwutted; The Dsmoviata are making very exNew York. May M.-NIneteea years
' aaed far patrlotiaia. firmneas, wiadom and explanations have been made to Umelve prej'aratlon lor the .dlscumion ago tbe country waa startled by the re­
of this Bchedule.aadseveral setspKchea port of the biggest bank burglary
abd ekoer that exlated years aco- Be
will be made upon U. Tbe Indliaiiaas known In tbe history of the wortd. It
his bearere t« remembar tbe axemment as to the mlRiner'B fltnem for arc that various other Qo>-stlona of genSmplee net by the coaatry's defeadhre his post and his accepiaUllty to tbs snl Interest will be considered in cm- occured Sunday. Oct. TT.'UTt. The Man­
hattan Ravings Institution of this City
InUmesiMt. "Let as have peace.” Turks
nectlon with the sugar duty. Pettigrew
Is contemplailng piveenUng bis amend­ was robbed of securittee valued at S2.ahoald ba aafiavea in ewy heart.
ment against irusw In this connection, 747.700 end Hl.OM In cash. With tbe ex­
Xaay of the fallen soldiers bare no
and It Is certain that the Hawaiian ception of a few bonds offered for sale
atoBe, bat tbelr deeds
time ago none of tbe seeurtUes
quesilon «1ll come to the front la an
•r ra(4o-Prtal itoap PoUUcs.
are mooBBonU that will last wbaa
WaMilncton. War SI.—RepreeeeUtIve amendment providing for the canUnu- has been recovered. It was believed
tboee of a»rble and
Richardson, of Tennessee, before the ance of the reciprocity Ir-aty «ith tbe thst they had been buried br
Hawallans lalanda With reference to
crembied into dost.
senate committee on civil service Sat­ this treaty, there Is no longer much That the •ecurtlles are sClII in existence
urday. replied to the statement made room for doubt that provision wlU be Is known here. A riiort Ume ago ne­
Tbe I
the last session of the committee made to continue It.In HfecL It ts gotiations were opened between men
patriotic aeleetlon by tha band aad the
by Barold Benedict that durlny the probable'that tbia will be done by a Mid to represent the burglars and PreaaiBfiar of Ameriea by the aadlaaoa
latter part of Palmer's former admin­ diroct declaration that nothing In the (dent Joseph Bird., of the Msnhatun
istration.of the aoveminent prlntlnx of- bill shall be construed as abrogaUng Savings inrtituUoB. for their return,
nny ThaaMBd DallafS bTaa Maria
4c« seveuty-flve permtis had been ap­ the treaty.
WUl visit TraTorae City Tmoirew. pointed to positions ttaeie at hU InThe burglars .have made a demand
irUtey Uaee rtiel Oats" Itu-Trast.
oe. while be fRIcbardson) wai
for SSO.eoo arri ift> quemlons to be asked,
If Pettigrew Inslsu upon offering
Ibtaomw the ptoaeara of- tbe*Qraa4
the understanding that fhe securi­
rust amendment tu (his schedule hr will
Trswaiae rsfioa will poat into the city
ties are to be handed over in good
preripRate one of the longm deJisti
. from all direeCkma aad the annoal cdki's Hatamenl to be untrue. He mid of the session
The RekubMcana are shape and that ImiAmedlately kpon (heir
mseUnc of Oie Old SettUn' Amociatien that during hit entire service of ten not yet derided whether they wlM cau- delivery the money ahatl be paid in
years as a member of (he priming com­ cus on the sugar artiedule. but there U «*»h. Pnsldent Bird, who at the Ume
wUl be a pleasant mnion of old mittee he had secured the appolntmrnt
moie or lees uik to thU effect. There : o7 the robbery wes paying teller of the
okava for of but eighteen persona all from hla are two schedules to be considered after ( Manhattan Savings InMltuilon, aald
many years beoa InstraaMOtal in the district
the com-luaton of that under present dis­ yeeterday that MO.OOO had been naked
Chairman Pritchard presented a tab­ cussion before the sugar schedule can for the return of the bonds *«<< al­
ulated ftatement from Public Printer
though tbe hank officials wcnild Uke
t will befinto Palmer, giving the political standing be reached. These are the metal and get them back be declared they would
wool schedule Tbe metal schedule Is
aMcmbl* In the City Opm Boom at of the working force In the different not especially objectionable to the Dem­ not pay that amount. ComlDulng. Bird

|0:We’do(^ in the maralof and at
ocrats containing as It does many of said: "Many of the securities are worth1st of April last. The Matement Wiowed the Wilson rates, but It la more or leM leas today t riiould say. since the gov­
Boon a jolly pienk dlnam- will afford a
that of .the entire fixve of f,*7l per­ complicated and will neceeaarily (sin- ernment epme to our aitostance
pleasant opporionity for riaiUny aad sons ns were RepuhUcans and l.m aume tirhe. The wool achedule will de- time ago by an act of rungrvaa authorfctttay arqnalniod.
Tablss will be Den-.ocrata.
velopnuUitleantagunlsm. Whenltcor.ieo
to tbe duty on lumber there will be a
porided. toother with tw and coffee
Wants Higher Ratos aa Taw and Hemp.
quite determined effort to rratorc white stolen ITnlied States bonds
and all the nsoal trimmiafs. bat the
Washington. May ft.—Senator Davie
Beads Ha WoaM UketoBw«w^
eiaitore will eome provided with w*U has given notice of amendments he
"There was a numl>er of other bonds
purposes offering to the tariff bill, in­
lUed baaheto of appeUxlay tere.
The attempt to emharraas Rpeaker Issued by cities and corporations, bowi
creasing the rates on tow and hemp.
Reed for the "programme of inactiun" ever. Some of these are due soon. an4
■ After dinaer the addreee will be depwnnied liy the majority has becorng-the of course we would -like to have the
Uvar^d by Major E. B OraenofChara the rmtoratlon of the bouse rates
the proposed change on unhac&led flax settled policy of Simpson and other origlnala as u would make It easier for
d by the
members ot tjto minority, and the ses­ us to collect the
aleettoe of olBe«a.'etc. Traverse City
than tbe house figure and three-fonrths sions of (he house (his week will wlt- refer particularly to the Yonkers city
ariU axteaa a oordinl weleome to the of a cent lUgber than that .of the-a^te peto a conUnuatlon of these uctica. The 7 per cent, coupon bonds There were
conference reports on ih^ sundry cfvll lltLdCO Yi^nkers bonds stolen, and out
ptoaoera. m she always does and their bllL
and Indian appropriation bills
of that amount we have recovered tM.visit sriU be remembendwlUi feellace
ready for conalderathm and this week 000, which leaves ttO.OOO due."
•f pieaeare for a loaf Mme to e
' like to diapose
Me* Wha Oatonyttod the Irlma,
> diflieulty now
Bird Slated that he believed the offer
la'that many of the members have ^ae to be made In good faith, and that tha
home, and at present there la no quorum case has been placed in the bands of tbe
In the city. ThU wm'lntertere with the bank's counseL Thoee who participated
B«v. D. Oo^in Bpeke Words of Addesire of the leader* to recess until to­ In, or were connected wruh. the robbery
. vice to tte OraioatlBff Olaaa.
morrow when the house meets today, were Jimmy Hope. John Hope. Patrick
Tbe aeooad tmpertaat eveat is the district of Huron. Mich.: Thornton 8. and compri anadjourameni until Ihurs- Shevelln (the watchman of the bank).
Howacd. of Dm Molnea. to be register' day. On that day. If a quorum Is prea- Wimarn Kelly. Peter (alias "Banjo
axarelseB of eoBiamacemet week
Pete"). John Nugent (a poUceman). Edllifi Tleitafaareatn tunnrm which waa
HsaM DsBias a Reparl.
«lvaB Saaday evinlnc by Rev. D. Coch
•i— a
- special
-w-i-i a
for tbe I
Johnny Dobbs. Of these
•Washlng»n..Ma>- *1.—Senator Hanna government printing office.
lia. wbe'was aaaiated in the openloy
Jimmy and John Rope are living In
aervioM by-Rev. A. B. Wells The largo
this city. The others are all rither dead
report to the effect that hebad premised
or In prison.
aadieaoetooiaaBdparlocaof the Cue ll.t- railroads that a pooling bill should
awys the HpcakarKatoi That Rady WhlA
wraRsUonal eiareh were crowded and be enacted out of consideration for the
WaaU Tbb Mas's Addltoa.
U «M OwUwse—CwUait to Order,.
many were aaable to obtain ndmis- alleged assistance rtndertsl the Repub­
Terre Hauu. Ind.. May SL—Coal Op­
Washington. May U.—Progresa on
lican party by the ra
erator Somers, of. Suunton. has offered
In the recent campaign. ‘The report.’ the tariff bUI in the aenaie waa checked a rewanl of 3&0 for the name of the
Mr. OoehUa ffsve a fiae address he eald. “Is ^posteraus' and I "Inperson who placed a campaign picture
jMovlng a sourre of coniroietsy lasting
abosring tbe great advaatnge to be"____
'bf McKinley alongside one of hU notica]i
throughout the day. As a result UtUa of a reduction of wages. A fingsrpointCaiaed from iatelUgeot labor, aad the
more than a we of the bill waa dis­ Irg to the notice extends across the Mchlgb
oiU*en*hlp prodnead by
posed of. The finaitM committee suc­ Kfoley picture and the worde: 'This
Informally with his culadaoeting the yonng-. Be spoke elo-^
ceeded without difficulty Ip nsatlng Is what we voted tyt .last fall.*' '
siaeoUy ia behalf of the High aebools leagues o ihe committee on contingent propcM^ amendments from Democratic written over ii. The miners are t
and an agreement wasreached
arging that they be malatolBed. sod to report the TUIman resuiuiiMi for a nuinl>ers of the committee, although strike against the reduction of wages
. aoocloded with a etroag talk oa char­ augar Investigation back to tbe senate. each amendment was debated at great from 61 to 47 cents.
length. The senate adjourned to to­
acter bnUdlag. The aermoB was an
Will Baao Be t-r*«Wenttat PastafitoM.
morrow in honor of Iiecoration Day.
Impreaelvr one and was listened to with
Washington, May 31.—The follbwins
An cirlUng incident ooeiirred during
Kion BfTttni Hamiffireyi is in Lonclose attaatfoD.
postoncea will be raised to the pr.xl- ........................
the afternoon
was esUied
to order by Oallinger. who wws lem- j dcm, where she will ^|nar in opera. dentUl claae
porarily In the chair, for severoly cHtt- j darn Morris has made a groat hit in
Tonight the V<
cUlng the houseof represeautlves. Mor- ',
(he vaodovUJe ‘
Bad a High Old Ttate.
gan declared that the weaker of the ,
___ r™
wUl bold a weleo
Lianring, Mich.. May 31.—Tbe inem- bouse was enforcing an automatic trap- i
ahresrd tbeaOrtol aufboritM
of tseir new lleotenant, Miss Jennie bers of the Iggialature kept up uoUl a door nile by which rvpreaeniatlves were fTwlirt thst tbe era of tbe ato(& grMa
Gregor, who is expeetad from Cadillac late hour their revelry incident to tha ; assembled and dUposed of. and he riiar- ia about to, to amame oommsnd of thjs closing of the busineaa Friday night. acteriied this action a» an outrage
.-Tbe Widow OoIdsMn.** bf t^UUs
During the celibratlon a valuable against isRtnlar rights. Prye first gave Lswt« uid lAwnaoe Mantoe, bM ftOlCB
braach of tbe eoelety.
portrait of General Lafayette, which warning that a protest would bo'made
hung on the senate walla, was greatly against criticisms of the other house. |
damaged, a oouple of books having been aad when Morgan vebemenUy repeated ' Onoorlalaild U bavlag a ted tlHOoC
r Vbattrtp thrown sgiynst the canvas, tearing It in his critic^ Hale made a point of or- It with tbe other nearby seaMflo fw ‘
Btartad Tcitarday oa
two placea. Tbt elegant glass duore. -Mr-against him. Tbe teroporahy pro-j moat ttf whksb are equally witted.
eCThe ■eaaon.
sf the senate chamber were broken and
oflksT dirriited Morgan to reaum« j xbe anootaa of "Briset 8ervb*" iw
TW stesznar Lon A- Oammlnga left tbe walnut dsrics were defaced with jb ■Ming
his seal and then ruled that he was out!
by an Amerioan oompaay ia
lay oa her first trip eS carpsBUr’s hammer._________
of order. Ibe AUbama senator, some- .
what chagrined, was about to appeal i
tbe in-----She earrisd M karrete of
Tw*lva-T«ar-OM lUariwe.
____ ________________
_ the
the derision of
ohalr srhen ' OnroUne Miikel Hoyt, accordlog to
oUaadotbar marehaadise for tbe Em>
Decatur. Ind, May tL—At a'test^ from
Hale withdrew his point of order end eursat minor, will retfie permaiMDtly
pin Lambw Oo. at Empire aad a qaaa- ers' examination hi this city before the further briction was avoided.
| froa tbe ste« at tbe eadof this seasoa.
tor th* D-yeer-old soa sf WUlUm Bebsarsy.
The remarks Chat Hale and Frye ob-,
annoaaood for next
suMri^Ur paMd aad was awaid^ )ecud>to and finally caUed Morgan to

Mada by tha^nata In Conaidara*
bon of tha Tariff.


Biggefft Bank Robbary on Raeord
Racallad to Memory-


TSB u>p. A, otnnmioB

mioMto. »«»> «»r. .I. •nir>


dlana, U not In the Uottad State

I«r wer^ ^

sa^ ^Uva

i tattva body." Tbe Alabama a


t. W. S. MOOR. I
throwrairiaklo. OSes la

iO. HerpaatUe Co. Btork.

I, atyoSiwB«?rSlSf^

H rORSALS-kiwnniastbeMaM Cana
k'OCIIO LAOIEB waated to
reugresa «( Bl^^^ly

. Stole straet. •


Cycle Owners Look Hew!

Pajehlor fSS

meatrtal. r—'--------------_

Lederle’s STTaU!:

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
IV R——.a. Block. CiriM M—t.

—Watch Repairing.
-Front Street.

Palace Mery
b Uw place to bny ,


We abo sell tbe butter to go with tbo
broad, both Ct'osaiary aad Dairy.
We have in atpok a faU Ua* of

at right prioeo. Try ear new braafi
Moeba aad Java Coffee, tbe beat in tlw^Oe. ft is
la simply eUffaak

Thutiell & Gane, Ltd.,
Cor. Ttb aad Caloa fits.

Has Your
AttentibuiPore Powderwl Spio^
Pure Oream T»rter,
(sadPnrcBaktasFewAw. If yes-wsst sa to .
Maheli.3peas4ster«im finbber fikeetlag. .
EabberTahliig.aUalasa.Wswr Baulsn (gaar*
Mtoed tar tw« yesn.) ranstols firTtorea,
Olyeerlw and WlUh Baari .LotiSB fee tbe

At Our
Soda Fountain
r" but always Wy to Unr-nw'.




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