The Morning Record, July 07, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 07, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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xLoraro oovpu





in reUeriar the anffertoye of tboaa depriredoffDOd.olathlac aad abettor by
the reoeat fire at Lake Aaa. '
The Wonaa'i Bomanx|d Foreign MUaloaaiy Soriaty o< .the Congregational
church will hoid a meeUagthUorenlng
at the reridance of Mra. Arnold, on
Obnoeeled in Bia Bed Waa e BotUe Weahington atraet. ••FulBllmeat
Which Bad OonMlaed By
Ood’a PimaiUea'' U to be the anl^eet.
Acld-Ahlppad me hooka to Bia
The celebrated SaatlneUi. -Master of
Brather in Bettta Oteak Xmet Sat> nggeation." will begin a week*i «anrdey.
•gomeat la Steiab^e Gtaad nut
It M now clear beyond a doobt that
Ooerye L. Uwta. who waa tonad deed
ethaarmngaIn the Whltlar Snaday aijlbt. took hU the city today to a
own life. After the Inqnoet Landlord
. Compton dieeorered between the maVMiu. B. A. Chmpbell of Northport,
tteMee a bottle wl^ the label of iaa- dUtrict prmideat. and Mra. Minora
O. J.dknaon open It. It bad Oridently oCOrid. aute eiganlaer, of the W. C.
been oarefnlly oonoealed to arert aae- X C., eaeh gara as InatraeUra taik to
plelon, and the odor from it indicated a namber of ladiet on the work of tkat
come powerful poiaon.
•oriety and the Y. W. C. T. U.. in the
la<)al^ at the dray atore of Mr. Frienda' obnrch Monday.
Johnaoa rerealed the fact that Lewia
Dr. Ed. Aahton U llriiig on the fat of
had porchaaed a few daya ayo a the land alnoe ho mored weat He has
amail quantity of d
It waa aold him by Frank Mcada, who
.InqnUad what pvpoac the poiaon and three rorins rrer* kUled at one
waa to be deroted. He waa told that ahot. and that thU atatemeot can be
mknte. Aa ronchod for by the noighbora.
t rlritor at
the atore and waa known to bare been
Intereated in chemical experimenta.
there seemed to be no qneetion that be
dub 1
waa sincere In 'hU aUtomenta Tire
condition of the body indicated that
1 mambera of t^ Woman's <
I pOUon had beu taken and the fiadUtg
are requeatod to meet at 8:S0 o'd
of the bottle eeree* at an addiUaoal thU'monilngatthe tVe-que-toag <
eridence of that fact
Last Saturday
booae to tie eomfortcra for the Lake
LewU shipped to hU brother in BatUe
Ann Are anfferara. Ereryone ahoald
Orae'k alt bU books and litarury poabring thair owa aeUaora. ihlrablea, and
•eaelona. The upresa receipt for them
dura Ing noadlea.
waa fonnJ among faU effects.

The property eoold ,be
porehaaad by the el^ at a rery low
pribe. aad It le thoeyht aat eerlone
nnaeirtoritirm of each a proieet at thia LEWIS HABS«ABSrUL PESTABUme eranld not be oot of plane.


WOBM With Biwtaa4 u« ThtMOhUdfVB Baa Away Wltb a Wac^ Ate Belac Made for Xa^ Aaa
Haa-Thay War* Karrtad Xa Tbia
The reeponae to the proclamaUoa of
<my-laft OwawaU ToDowwl by
the Mayor and other appeala for relief
for the aofleren of the Lake Aaa eoa*
l^atoryola aaaiattoaal alopBeat flafftatkm. here been prompt and
waa broQffbt to Ufbtln>MUeaBifFwn-* UberaL The oommittee waa bnay iH
eoort taat araaiac. Hm cUaf .ebar- day yeaterd^. reeeirlaf and aht^lay
unarm In the oaae ware Mia. Araaa L, ■appUea of erary-kiaid. Ihe aeeda,
Bnbball. a married mromaa, with three howeror. oftbe tamillea left deetltnle
ehtidrea liriar ta Ormwell. acar Elk are many ead raried, and eaah oontH
Bayida. aad Lewie Pttohatt.- a riafle
i‘ar« needed yreatly. SappUea
aaa who raa away with the erriay of clothlay. beddlny. eoaklay otcuUa.
wonaa laat Batardayfood^
The eoapte were airaetad yeetarday lac in rery nioely aad the yeaeNal^
by DDdarSheriff Aehton of thie city efTiareiae City people'ia l>riny demMd/Bberifl DMo of Antrim oonaty, cmabmted. More are needed, aad at
t^7rrr»"*" the Kew Maeklnae hotel
L The committee dealrea to atau
oa MaeWaac lelaad. where itoy were ayala that all eontribotiona ahoald h<
■tayinc ae butbaad aad wifeepeelEad aad aeat 'to' the ^embera ef
ItUetated that.Fitehett letl
gommittee, wha will in ton abip
well.' alone. Friday aftemoea.. The tbeenppUwtothetoeal committee at
faUowiac mominf Mra. Eabbell alao I4d» Ann. Thta fi»n will enable the
left home, bet appareaUy to aell aome eoamitteee toaftaet a Judkioiu dietrihn
hotter la Elk Eaplda. Shale tlon of the oootribntlaae more qnlekly
Mid to hare goo* to Elk BapMe all aad ealuWy. A eatafnl record wlU
rifht. bet at that plaoe put np her rig kept of all eoafibatlona, inclndlny
and eame on to Tiarerae City, where the amalleet artielea aad oaah, and Una
she sMt FHUhctb ■' They! weat to Ue
Hotel Paarbom andnylateiod aa hne» ereniar a ^
kandaad wife. The i
irtanatee are ptofnae in umarriaye Uoenae waa .
preaetng theli graUtnde towarde Tr»rname of the woown beinr firA aa ame City, aad the klndncea of ber clUAyaea Cole. The oeremony waa per- tens rrOl nerer be fo^tea.
iormed the mom erenln* by Her. U. 8.
The members of the oommittee. to
h'orthnp After the
whom all arUelw are to be tent, are J.
the oonple left the city on the
W. MUllk.en. T. T. Bates, and E. L.
Mark LewU. brother of daoeaaed,
Petoekey and went to Harbor Springa Sprague. ' It U agrin urged that amall arrired ycuerday and directed that the
From thore they wentoa tb Maeklnae
body be Interred in tbU city.
the means of the contributor, be family U eridrntly without much
: Uland.
In tke meanUme the hneband. Wm sent In at soon at poaaible.
means aa the brother was unable to
L. Bmbball, dieeorered the departure ef
Among the largar donation* thu far pay expansea of the burial.
hU wile aad her erldont Intutlooa. are: A eeee of rioihlng. from Julius
Be at once ewore ont a warrant for the Steinberg, rained atflU
tli apprearreet of the two, aad In company with Priamd b> the Ladtea' Library AteoclaSheriff Dole of Antrim eoonty came to th». deroted to the purchaae of wear- Bringing Blgh Prieea la Chicago
. XhU Weak.
thU city. The birds had flown, bnt ing apparel for the women and chUaew warrants were awom oat here and drop, and bedding whloh were made np
g: W. Lardie ahipp«l a carload of
SberUt Dole aad Under Hherifl Aehton by the metnbemi tti in cash from strawberriee containing nine hundred
punned the pair to Macklpae. where Trarerte City Lodge. No. 8U, B. H. O. ciaUBio Chicago today,
rricea are
th^wm dieeorered aa related.
Elka. Other autaatactial offeringa are 1 holding np well and are oh the rise in
Arririag hare the erring pair were made, but it It not poaaible yel to gire i Chicago. Grand trawrM berriea bring«-t~i. before Joatl^ Brown, i- VV. »oomplete lUt_____________
^ from M oenta to ihbre yeeUrday.
Pntohiawae reUined by tbemaaand
. Poraetan’ tfotica.
woman. The woman wai taken into FOVBTB OF JDLT WEDDIMO. I
Jud Cameron, flnaneial eeoretary of
enatody by StaeriB Dole and Ukea to
a Crowd the FoTMtera. dealrea all members who
the Hotel Whlttng for the night. Ball
. .
, -__ hare not remitted their dues to do eo
waa flaod at SSori for Fitohell, aad in
datanlt of enretiea ha was taken to
jalL While in the eourtroom the two
ut together, the man rery unconceraed
bet the weman in a trembled eUie of
mlaA They eoareraed togeibar at
timea. and appeared to lake tblnga aa
phUoaopbleally as the clrcumelaneoa
mronld permit ■ The affection which
eeemed to exist between them, ap­
peared to be only inUneifled by the seriow eltnatlon in which they found
themealrea. tor w they wpre parted by
the aberiff they claeped dkeh other in

.( U.. tarU.

ui«.d —

Xmdlaa’ Aid Sapper.
The LiidUa' Aid eorieiy of the Pint
M. E church will aerra a teoroent sup­
per in the ehuroh parlor* thia arening
from 4 to 8 o'clock. Strawbarriea and
ream will be aorrad. Iqg cream 10
oentA. Everybody U cordUlly invited.
EefreahmenU'will oooeUt of coffee,
aandwicbev. and cake in addition to

1 cm PARK.
rropMltlad to Oraato a PubUe Sq^m
of the OuUar Property. ' ^

Ohnritable. LadiM
The Lndiee’ .Md aoclety of Ue BaptUt church will meet at the ehnrefa
parlors Thuraday aftemoan for the
purpose of working aad packing n box.
toeend to the auffereia of the Lnkej
Ann flra.
day* st the City H

Week as

/ Heusl.
TheSatiwl^y Market will he held
M wual thU week in M. E. BnakeU'e
bookstoie. The flrel diririoa. Mr*. H.
ii expeoted to
fmrskih the proririone m follow.:
Vend—white, brown a^ ■alt-ri«lAg:
'cmllef*,iolU. DutchebeoM. ple.^Me
Bhoal^ be oa hand M near > ^ m.
latarday M pomlble.
la thb dirieloci are
Meadame* B. Alley. A'. AdriU J. Adrit.
Wenaie Aadeieoa. Nettle Ayrea. T. T.
iatea. Snua Batea, Beith, Geo.
Bine, Jaa. Black. A. W. Blnek. A. B.
BemaelV B. Bnma. Aaha PBrigifc C.
BMskm-. Cbax Ball, Sauk Blackmaa.
FraaoM Omw, W. A. Oalkia*. H. Owtla. O. P. Carrar. Mariea Cnine. Bium
(look. A. B- Cook. F. J. Campbell. Covu
OampbelL Jno. dement. Jaa. Ckalg,
Lucy Cortia. D. B. Carter.

Wlxom’e rircua b booked Cor Ub city
on Ue 1»U.
Baae ball ’Thnuday. Manietee ra.
uverae dtyTbeuwlll be a regular meeting of
the oouneil thb evening.
Agent B. W. Ounniagham of the M.
A K. E. u riding a new Clifta4S~BpeelaL
Ute ateambarge Edward Bwkley b
to port after anoUer load of hardwood
g^m Wm. Beitaw.
« ateambarge Hilton aad a tow are
loading rinba from the doek of the
ItoTMM City Lumber Oo.
Georg* Maha aad Mba MaryB. Welrii
rare married Monday aftemoan by
Ber. &ward Moore at kb reridenee.
The Indlea of Amanda kiva will glee
B loe cream aoetnl, tallowed ^ a
danoe, thb ceeniag. In McNamam'a
B. J. Mofgaa bM reoaieed a letter
from Elmer MeOoy verifying the report
thatBbyrieGiri took UirdOKFi*
the Inat moe of the meet ¥t BatUe
imorrow evenlag, Jnly 7. there will
be an iM cream eorial on Ue lawn of
J. OUlb, Bint* nteeek for Ue hansAt of
theWeawa'aMbaienaryBori^. Prtea.
0 oaot*.

The qOMtkm of a city park, eantrally
located. U balng agitated by aoreral
loading bnainoea mea. U has been augi geated that the Caller pitTWty.rooontly purchased by J. T. Bannah. would
it: wake an admirable site tor such
^ peril, and a apet upon whUh a rity
t-ndfug m'igbt be oweted In time. It
■y arg^ that thU U the only eential
poUtaraiUble. and that If thU U not
MOnrad it will be difflenlt to And a apot
Good bcM ball may be expected keu
‘'naaraoariuble. J.T. Bannah
tomorrow and Friday. The ManUtoe
tsrriewad by the Bsevnn regarding the Orito wlU play two gaam with tte
prbpeaitlon. and he aUted that -he HmUeu ____ ____________ willing to tnke the mntter
-Ohioago Btorkst Beport.
tete oonaMeratioa nnd lUton to engfeoOklaage. inlyS.—\Theat—Jnly. Miio;
IkM It had alas baea Anted thnt
Meemllote In eddlUan ooald be aeOora—Jnly. »lic; September, rxe:
Mmd In the enme loeali^ whUh.
Snared, woald glra a iraee of abont QenMBtNr. UKe.
Tmvena Bay Blv*. Ko. 71. L. O. T.
Buptaaibm. WBe.
Igpr aorea. The bneinee* mea who
bare *aii«d of the matter ate tn{ Pork—Jnly. r.nt JiBFWmbsr. r.80. M..'win tfs^ thbaftaraoea^flobloek
«or tbs parpoaa af taktog asOoa ts aid
«UM1 ariltknen^anwmka fBthml Ui«-4Sly. ft.10: ■liAimbw.

M. B. HOCLCT. Maraoba

We Have Them AIL
The popokr^Mthors in paper covered' aoreU—Holmep
-rSarage—Caine—Gnnter—Doyle— SterensoD—Camer'
on-HArdy-Bead-Marlitt, Etc. A fine lot to pick from at

Get Aboard I


Don’t 3Iiss These Bargains.
prices thst are bargains, bnt space is too erpensire to quote
one out of ererj- bnndred. A good Lounge, well mads, fnll
spring, W.OO. A good Cog,rt. full spring, 8&50. A good
Conch, cordoroy, 36 springs, 650. I will positirely sell but 4
of these at this price. A -good large 3-pieos Bsdsoom Suit,
•large glass, patent castors, for 11.75, A fine latve 3-piece Snit,

* ' ■

‘ p 125a A fine e.

.. Iron Bedsteads fr«n 3.76 np.^_______
oak combination Book Cases from 4>£0 np. We ksvan't many
of these, bnt wbat we hare must be sold 1^ Jnly 16th. So
those toat come early wUl be happy and those thst mia this
sale will always r^fret it

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,


JS-IB raoiiT ataarr. TXArxssx omr.

Y®uf Choice

Fine Shirt Waists



Light shade Tan Sboea.
pair* A halLprier, iadie*' and

Broken assortments of sizes is the only reason for these
cuts in prices on desirable goods.

Is All Eight.
- t, ' Mr. Cnrtl* U deprived of the uee of
A century run U child-* ^ W^y ^
one of the tnmllWUklimon of, ^tporu The Torch ^
wyt: -Ls*l Sondny morning he got
i*t«Ulgent nolmnl hitched to
MiridehUwheelnthUplAcenenrEMt-l^^^^j^^^j, m„ur nhonU '
pori and took a trip to Truveree City Ourtl* hM another yoSnger dog w-hleh
aad back in the forenoon, and then
be U breaking In for the Mmu purpoM.
took a roB np to Pcioakey and \mek but it will be aome time before he eaa
again in Ume for aapper. Tht dUUnce
Ukc the plaoe of the eoe polBqped. it
k who --




’ This

m Be arid

That makes just the kind of weather for
Hammocks. The prices we are making
for a short time win make tbeiiioney nm
right out of your pocket


for the oecaeloa. 1^0 eeia- •
I performed on the apeakpr’e ■
.UndbyJuatieeW.C. NeUon. in thef
_____________TbepriaclhU Oanlnn Oompunlan a Victim of
« of a raat qrorrd..
were F'nok WeUs and Uum; .
Sriibttiy. The Boye Band of thU rity ; .j.^
played the wedding mnreh nnd the Watch, owned by Henry CnrtU. wm
event WM one Of -tbe chief ntimetioni Ukea rick Bun^y momiag. and died
of the day.____________'
laUr, eridently from the efleet of pol-

with aa au reroir kUx Eridently an
M reroir careaa. aa the recent unlMrfnl groom obaerred to offloar Ashton,
they knew that they had committed a
wrong, but were reaolred to lire to­
gether anyhow.
The examlnaUoB of Fitcbett was m
for Thursday morulag, to allow Uar
tor the hnaband to get heramile ride la the round trip. «o far m threatened ^
emmecr Sow
to poboo ibu
thi» younger
we know that t* a new record fw the
aad there may be aome eokneetlon.
eonatry road* in tbU aeetlon."
Mr. CarUa. by Ue duik of Ub faitbfnldog. U. beridee being eoasideubly
Ladiea* Aid Seeletj of <
At the eoeUi gtren by the ladlee* Aid
SMUty of the Congregatloual church
on the lawn at ^e home of Jamea U.
Johnaon. last night, the earn of $18
eUarad for the baoeflt of the I.ake Ann
anfferura. The eocUl wat a eno
and the unfortaaatea will apDreclato
Mteaflorteof one of the leading aoel•Uaa of tbreity.

Hotl you bet it is.

Come promptly.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

14 pair* ladle*' Pingrer A SmlU
Baaor Toea. Band Turaa. CloU
Tom. a. » and C. $4.M ahoaa
at 81.:s to cloae oat.

Pl.Si. $


Mea-a Ibteat LmUer and Eaamela, former priea* $1 aad $6.


»$ pair* Menb RaU v«ry
atyllu Slipper*, foraasr $t.9s

*7 pain ladici’Black and Tan
Plagree A BariU JuUela, formn

prtoe to. riariag out price SI,
lUke Ho XlBtAke.

M *M m eee rre* U amgai OfO*

Ladies’ Tan Oxfords;.


Riwlin Of lifiots' to CkHdrai'* ^

Til, Gran uf BlicL

'• T*nC*aAJw«j»<»*“T*»—






Imdat BnbbaU of I
left yaatoiday lor Banaocla aftor a
A 9enl tocMian was nmlcnd at tha
abort ridt with tha tondly of Mta. J. E. Oanaad'by Hu btkaM Beat in Zto. ttaasoy department, growiny ont of
the aoC of an bcoatt charwoman who
- ^^and apactayeofmootyintheoashMlmoa Barda and Sana St^bmv raDetroit, Jaly A—The list of paraoaa loom whUa oitoBing op the c4Bm after
tnraad from OadlUac yaalmday. Thay
the darts had yotw fee the day. It was
who dtod If
clevly aa oeaniyhtca tbs part of aomsmtlan in thia d^raurdtf laawaltod
saw. t. Bat** aid J. W. HAnn. at that place.
body ocaoaet^wikh this tnacb of the
Mra. Oecrye OoUman of Ihlce Ann.
I. Who only
>. W. BAnna. Editor ud Min«^. who waa aaaoac thoaa bontad oat a
tharaorat*ra.Uatayiny with harda
iiy hs ... ................_
ter. Mra. Biaeddo Fallar.
ware more or laat lajorad byffraarorks woold •hara been any the wiser. This
— •
Wilbar Crow^ who baa been apandpachaya was made ap of dlOO notaa.
iny a month with hto paranto here, raniaadnlM who died fremt anaatroka and Uw eootents woold bare made the
turaad to OaraUad yaateiday to rafor the tamain•tut l>8At fs-ntMtian sia sa follows: ..... ............
aame hia madlral atndlaa.
ji-sr-Wy. 1.! der Of bar lif* Bnt she knew the manno. klon, <o Iw. «nl U.t II.
Mn-J. C. Oorobepn, wlfa of a prom aw SUIW. W <7. Ifr^Wo^ i,..
leant dentist of SL Panl. arrired Uat
OMa*. WrmtlVMl.
o„. w »; 8-0 w.i«. w o~. s;;
araninytoapandtha aammar with bar
gf (be watch, wbo aaw that
eoatlB, Mra. E. B. Salabary.
minya. ayed 01. Tha other saenn were r it taaobad the Uolted SUua troasuer.
Prof. B. Eoeatar. maalaal dlrador of
yonoy ohUdran.
Bad this mooey twan takao away M»
the Baptiat OoUeya In Belton. Tex., arG. V. N. lothrop. «c-Mlnistaf to f
«»»«>«■*<»« hare laUv
lx (he Bwtixr ProM of U«t aifrht rlred In tha city laat niyht to apand
than te a W»pat«b fras Baxlatee
who t^h^ly^^yvM 2
te ;^cSun'S;.^to ^
with Dr. J.
vrUeh deelxm in the heodUiiM that
Ai.»t«4^ b the flnt dt; to propOM aid
• **Whm tbU cireomatam was repeated
tie loth C. B. diatrlet of Miehlyan,
tor tha loka Abb •a«e»w. ItUproV
y Tanderlip. he »•
XBad to Baetric Chair.
paaaad thronyh town yaaterday oa bar
aU7 DOt knows that TraTaiaa Cltj waa
tray to Honar. whare aha will make her
Slny Stoy. Jnl, A-Jobn H.^Barkar.
tha only town which randarad ^ aafotnra home, and will alao teach tha colorad. waa alcctrocntod today far the.
^ asre the town, and that
pnWIe adwol for tha eomlay year.
mnrdar of-hU wife. Tha crime was,.*5. effoct that the dork who bad
■ baton tha amben of tha hpnad dwallMra. Chaa CUek and UtUa danybtar.
immlttad two yaara ayo at White 1 golUy of dmUodan of dnty sboold
had «clod off a apodal train bearMary Oeiinda. fram'Marion. Ohio,
laloa Baficar was Jealons of his wife, write a latter of thanks to the ofaartacp(«vldaB( from Tramaa Ctty waa
who hare bean rliitinf Mra. CUck'a shot her to death and thu hacked her woman and ayna to tan orar to bar
aaat with mneh-naadad rallaf. Tha
one month's mUiy ss a reward tor her
mother and Mends, will yo to Bly Bap- body with a spada.
Preaa alM aaemi not to know that tha
and honesty. It
ida and other plaeaa before ratarniny
Itomlltyandehari^ of Traaanaavy
*.U».«a.T«j boor totnalr.hgmalnObto.
ona-thltdof a month's aalaxy
toon (hat tisa, and that op to the praa1 Hto Tom on Fiaa Far
the charwoman, who has made aoch
aninorallelfrom any other town haa
MYyaumioMi hy.dfsooTcrinf
batt racairad by tha Laka Ann tdlaf
Wsshtoyto^ Jdy 6-Wlthoot pra- and tcuniny to Uncle Sam the packaya
ofiammarFinnara' leatitoia
money mislaid by one of faistrnstad
of the tar^
Bov eoneaa atan eallad Smith.
A anmiM emaloa of tha Farman'
Iff bUl. Baooa made a ppnooal
Cblonal Smith, of Atlanta, Oa.. a^ InxUt^ U an innoratlon In this raplanation of bla rata yeatarday for
ptwnta a acocma
aehema wharahy
vuww/ emy wv
dty yion. »t Ita anoeaM sraa amnrad yaaI will seppoM that yon ara yolny on
MUir amendment to Impoaa a tax of
a fooT months' raeadon somewboc to
U the oonatiy ii to loaa a larga prapor- tarday. A large nombar of Grand
fi*e par cenC on all manefaetnrad pro- the ooonory. and of oonne yoo will
tlen of lu inbablianta. Oolonal Smith Trararaa farmara aad tbelr wldoeu. Be aaid that ha had yiran the want to ^ flsbiiw wblto there. Kow
aakeaa bold propodtton to coloaiaa landed tha maaUny .bald In 'Uranya
It bis rate wItbOBt dof
what had yon batter take to^ way of
aU tha Smltha Id the eonntiy la <»a baU. and tha chly eritielam beard rras
If the tmpoaitkm ofioeh a
b^d a rart kpma or ntnat. that tha day waa too abort for the anaonid be cbnftoad to the soyar
First the rod. Do not yet a dwap
wUh 41 atoriea, which ha propoaaa to toyment of all the good tbinyt cm tha
tmst and other ylyaotle ooneeras ex-;
ntoka tha laiveat baildlnf in tha world.
inahaiye' and then yather- totratbar Bailha of
L. H. Ihftot tha Ajtr
eefcry aya. cdor. and nationality. Thla Colleca, who opened the momlny aaalaaiaahnni^ Bnt Colonal Smltb'a aioB srtth an able talk on the plantlny tooeh araiy rlllsya and hamlet in tha garefol srlec.'iou of tbe pleotc of
jbe cheap rbcb
y..«1 j---------iaaat the marit of aad eara of orchards. Profaasor Taft land and lay Ito hand oa the moat ^
hcmbla, he arawad a r«crat for bis, are made by fplittitiy tbe oaui-npvitb
«viylnality and abaardity. For thia known whereof ha speaks aad adra
baud asv sud ,yloiliug the jikoeetoeois of yastordsy. Bate of Tei
m it will UtIu aUaatka.
many pracUeal IdM Be oryad the tbaa dalirared a spaaeh ayaiaat the yetbet witboot rsamtotog whether
plantiny of ycraay trees, and adrlsad
I they are perfect .ra ncA
lx charity aa Id awythlny aJaa. the thoronyb cnlUraUon of orchards.
piece* to a rod, aod one bad piece will
TraTcrae City la In tha lead in thia aac: sixiil tbe whole. 'So the chaaen of yetA yeaenl dlseamioa followed.
«0n of tha etata. To the fenaroalty whb^ tha praeUaal experieneea of
i ti-M anything worth baeiug are eery
amalL Get a rod aboot 9 feet 6 inches
md dUuna here Lake Ann nafortanatoe' Grand Traeeraa fmll raisara sras ylran.
Laid on 1
i long, ra ereo shorter, made like a fly
mwe relief from hnoyer and dietnee.
A P. Gray yarn aa InterasUay talk
: rod. with tbe bands fra tba reel below
Other towna are clAltade. bnt fuUk on the adrantnyea of
Washlnytan.JnlyT -TbeBei
; tbe hand yrip and ralber Riff, made of
notion Ilka that displayed ham la what
green heart, which is, I think, better
aaMtorial caaeca today derided net
to neoeaaary In toeh yrara emerreDoiaa.
ayaln present tbe beet snyar bounty than bneewooidi and weighing aboot
There newsras a year whan farmara amendmaat to tbe tariff bllL and Ben eight oonces Bocb a rod ia a good all
were more trooblad with fralt enemies ator AlUscra was anihoriaed to moTc to round rod aod can be huegbt at any of
tbas at preaent and Profsssor Taflb hare the smandmenl offered by AJIro oar spotting goode shops for #9 ra fA
lick rari will cost «A and
Ulk os fanyl and fnnyleidee eras both Ublad. TbOTv was also a yeneral Ariiupl.'rir............................................
waieri'joof silk line, ahoot "F”siae.
Aettoa Stapa to AM lUka Ann
Umely and raloabla Be alao apoke at ayraemant to take np the Thurston • 1. F.
ashing yoa wiU
lenyth of strawberry and raspbar^ beat aayar bonn^ bill as an Indepecdthit« lout yat Icsdera Get them
Tbf ManUW* Nawa of last niyhi bUyht aadtba best remedies.
ant raaasnra the flnt thtoy after ooa- of th^ grade of "fine ttoat," not, bow^rlnu the foUowiny.
• Mrs. i. Q. Eamsdall has more than a yreas macU In December.
tor her canoed frdlta.
gat. SI that
and in a fine paper aha deacribed the MBXTXMO OF BTATB, HTT.LBBB them ebuoee tbe 1
mkrthlny at Lake Ann, which
abowa kw in tbe wsier, fw the hsh
Msriy wiped out
fire Satnrday proaam she nses. mnch to tha Intorcat
look np from the dark ton awl liybL
atternooB. Trnterea City at o
of the ladlaa in tha an^laoea.
The heR book for Doal Ashing ia tbe
A. D. McEaeandMra. H. E. “
"An •
dmliinle people, and now hare a
Ssytoaw, Jnly S —Tberei* a toryest.(ee on the r«»nd. Man- fallowcd^wlih .an able dlscnrnlon of the
ToUaf ooaomUtee
st the mastiny of the
iataa bat ceme to> the front and her dt- •sms snbjset. PWfsmor Taft closed
will do er-ery^iay in ^Ir ^wi
the afterneon acaaioa with a short talk SUto Millars' Asaoriatfam at tba Uotel
Tbaoti^sl "AleyTcnl" iraraeam
to the yonny people on the neoamary lUacroft today.. It was daridad to ad­
for adidlanoa to the — here to the plan adopted last year of man i* now llrtoy to Chicago at the age
• in the ayrlcoliornl oollaye. flxiay.tbe mtolmam price for flonr: of 70. ignaxiu Alhyn tti left Italy to
ISeo fra political reasons and nin>e to
t Intanpcraed with
tbe Cnihd BUUea lu tbe early wvenlief eommltlee yeeterday. and poran' mnsie by the ponalsr Archie orchestra.
riasbecame to San Francisco aod made
ant to call twenty baeineia men mat ad
A rota of thanks eras given to tbe | ert' order to pruteet the Jobbras.
money a* s coufeciioora. Five yean
the ooanell ruon.t. thU mornicy. Plana
agobeahiptied l.00u/(00 violeU from
of relief were diecneaed -rnpldly. and Oranyefor asa of tha hall. _to the'
Tbe Beat Mind cf Idgfat.
Califanria to Chiea^ in a retrigoatra
Archie orchestra for Ittflne mnslc aad
The aaelylena ya* msriitna.ptac.,.
to the axnAi.D for printed programs.
e at preseal at Lake Atm. auUny
lb. rnUu.. « A,tbo., UiAUIck bj I
.«»» « pHi«
toat''Mey n^ed beddioy, h^wan,
that tiroke the market there- In lh»5
Odd FsUowB' InatoUatien.
y-tu, bread, ktorea, elothlnyand ehoca.
U..„..U Joh. rbmlVb w„ p,, to ta™,,oCbk..!rf.«Jop,„«i. li.U.
Tbe followiny are the cftloers toto.. p«bi
pto». cob-to
aUUed last niyht by Grand Trararaa sUu of eight lights, aad they
• - dkpiay
Now be occBpiea
a light Of bcantlfnl hrUUaney aad
Lodge. No. 900.1. O O. F.:
ding on
J. S. Mclauyhltn of E!k Baplds waa
great Intenalty. ThU la one of several
Xpaof ei
W. Cbamplto. K. O.
In (ha dty yeaierdayplants placed to thU city by Mr. Smith, hU boiiaem.—Ban k'nuirlaoo Argonant
W. IX BoUlstar. V. O.
Be*. Wm. Uuribnt of Korthport
aad the light U one of the beat to be j
C. 8. JobnatoB, Bacrelsry.
n Tnearae City »Uilor yaaterday.
had. Especially adapted
' ' ‘ Plaottog''deooratira gSaots an obE. N. Davis. F. Secretary.
Bar- W. B. Unrlbnt of Bortbport

J. B. Monroe. Trraanrer.
taiued wUb incsudricvBt electric lamps
WM In town on bodnaaa yaaterday.,
J. SWple*. A S. N. G .
boae bulla are coshd with coloring
Mis. R. A. Chmpbdl of NcTthpcrt
Tuaaday's<ArriTata at FlctcbarU OoBayyard. L. B. N. G.
matter, hot the are Tight baa faiiberw
vWtad frianda In tha dty yeaterdny.
breu unavailatle fra sseti aarpoaci exMra. B. K. LaSln of Frankfort, haa
_C,'A. Buybae. Conductor.
, A F Yocmana. Chiotyx.:
I ^MiUny'Aer aiatw, ^ra. O. U.
E Black. LXrohnsoe. GreylluytKWier,
Wler, t btoaiiou with eolra.-d phua snwtu nnW. B. Edmond, Chaplain.
tv L buweil.. L L Layuril,
UyutJI. 'WUIla
WUIUmsllaxM-1 der so called electric fountains. Sev­
J. D. Bobba. L 0.
bury: J Kaley. ManUtae: M C Bowb
eral German cbemists, however, an
Frank E. Sonra and Lowdl Soots
.i Bovera. Ktoyabiuy: D GChandl
A. B. Brown. O. G.
_______ ller, ngw O71
erarain tha dV yeatetday from Elk
Mr sad Mrs 7
E. J. Davis. BAS.


■the Pure
Fruit jiiiee







WUbor F. GUI came orer frOfn GUKi
Ttoc yratarday on bndnaia aod>to rlait
, ^rtonda. ■
Mra Ecawithal af Petoakey la rWliV bar paranta, Mr. and Mra^iu
. Z'
MMaPraneaa Sonra paacp^ thronyh
aha dty yaaterday on her way from
'Bensonla. •
Martin Brosrn. nndaraheriff 9 Laelamnncoonty. came orar from Uland
FoaterdnyCharlaa Eoaanthal. of tha Beaton
Btora. U In Chicayo porahadny Axtaraa'
far bla new atom.
Mra. Bannat of Grand Ba^da,arrirad
in tha aMy laat eranlny, and
Mra. Oondnetor Branar.
Mteea Ira Crotaar and Jaania Hat^
aay, who hara beea rtoitlny at SaUon'a
Itoy, raUraad ycatarday.
P. B. 'irarU. aoa of Mr,.and Mn. J.
. «. Trarla, la here from Grand BapUa
|ar a tow waekn’raentinoi.
A B. Donyharv. proaaenttay at—
•ay of Aalrim eonnty, waa in the dty


i. Imtbrana. L A A
A. H. Brawn. M. B. Orifflth. represenuaresto the grand lodge, which
wUl meat in Lsnsiay Oatober lA

Mra C Despres.,

. Mra Goodall.
Goodall, civy;
Mr aad Mn G«o Southard, Uao Bulat.
Fuceb: John Bibooe. wife, aad sou.
Mayfield; B Baaaet. Island Borne: Miss
Ida Billctu. MUwsnkae; W. B Jayson.
Grant: Geo Whitson. Batec: Etto WhllI, Northport; A N Smith. Tnba: E
P Ladd. Old Mission
E Brown, Mspleton; J Schwart.
chwart. Laland; M Bargraves, Mra M C ttargraves. 1Moorov Cantor: L U Fuller. Ouk
Iber F GUI. Gllla Pier;
U Thompso-____
Lake; Chri__Malts,
Solon: WS Dobaoo. Lcof Lake: _.
ram Brows- Ar-Wa Brrirn. Wextort:
C B Fchrman. John 0^. Cedar; Jo a'
BLtney, Cfity; A W Clatk, Orawu:
A Babcock. Be::ndOB.

IMnad at VlrtRir
i. Jnly A—Wbltalaw RaM. Ue
United SUtat envoy, goes to HVlndaor
this aftornoon at the qneen's tovltatioa
and will dine and alaap at WIndara
Bay will ^ra a dinner
tonight at hia raaidanea to honor oiriha
Wall Paper at eoat for tha laxt 10
irnited Stotoa Monetary Got
days at tha City UookatqrA
•Ohristton Bndaavoran Aniviag to

M- B. (InlpfiTtL

yA—Alls to readloess fra the yraat 0»rjsUan Endeavor
wntwn. Aboot «to tbooaand '


of tha tarry depot la .^wdad. aadO.T. By.nttbatawfri mas avra
mads fra^tcT nn oeraHoS Ttakata
wilUmgwid to ntora
toelarivA Boundtrip rata from Trav
• to took at tha min 9
The Bmobb renahaa Uw pac^ who arab <aty wOl bo tlT Oao. DaBavta.
O.F. A.

* to” ^ the carban pandis during tba
proceaa cf mannlaeinn. sltboaRb tbry
hara not yet auafled tbe icchuical }oornals to (lieir ova cooutry that tbe expeilBUt U_a Rioeeaa.—New York Mbi • fvm* te asm
dney Cook, wbo otice teoovDirer Sidney
ered gl. t9& OtiU from tbe a.-a ^ra otben
gireu op (be istk. ia now ilvtog
qnieUy in-Frraqne Isle, cmjqytog a weU
eaiMd rest (rum his luiU. Tbe tteaRira
referred to was part of the eatgo of tba
Golden Gate, bnrnad off Iba
Uvea were Iral and 90 boxes of goM
ooto and hnUirai sank. Sevraal ex^itiont attempted to raoover tbe coin, eaa
emit by the InRiraaee oatnpnniea onatiati'
gfiO.OM. with nothing to show'fra it.
and anotber •fiO.OOO. with a like retalt.
Then Mr. Oerit nadetuok the (ata.—
Lawiston Joornsl.
A LMkr rut.
A woman now residing to Nrath Walgria. Vl. not keg ago waa ratployad
ragracm at Bellows Falla. Otm
day aha found a mm of anxy atitebsd
into the lining ef an 014 cori. Shaontt
work at ooc^ itBd no cm haa riral. ..
nUi to aaecrinto tha kaxmat of bar
M. tml to* hto taeosbB n

Bra oanta. Bemythtoy ssrietty d«n nboot


Pegnell, Tlie Mau Hilliner
I« selling cbeapo' Ui^ srer
now. ETerTthing ^ the store
entbnUin two. 0 you erer
bought cheep yoo enn do it now.

lad Front Street.


Friedrich Block.



Holiday Bargains

EpworthLrayaa intomalkwal Oonrention. One fare for ronad trip. Sail
Jnly IS. 14 and IS. Betarn limit. k4th.
Extamion of limit to Acynat ISth will
- Udaslrad.
Maauny and AsatmUly. One
Betorn limit, Anynst Sl.--^
.xBuuoBi iwimuijuaa Leayna Gen rantlon. One tare ;ior roend tr» Sell
July j: and IS. Betorn limlL July lA
Baptiat Yonny pK^e's Union Maritor One fare for rovnd trip. Sail
JnlytU. Hand 15. Betorn 11^Jaly
Si. Limit will be extended to Anynri
tern limit. August 17.
Unvtdltoy Logan
e for round
d trip,
Mp. SeUJulyil. Ra■n UmiL Jnly :•!.




Frime Beef Stows and Bcaris.
parlA............................................ StoTB ■
Nation StawacrBcwto. par lb.-••dm J
Vaal Stawaor Bcaata, par lb....Meta
Pork, par lb..................................... • to Ita
Bnttra.parlb........................... lOtolta ipvlb...................... lldelta

Doi’t Fail to Call ToB8|8



Has Your


Pan Craem Tartar,
(saarmnskiBcrvoder. U po« warn aa aa
piklmtoeiwiun. Bsbber aasnira.
nsMwTsbmx. all Wees. Wstrr Bette ixnra.
Olrwrta* SBC t

At Our
Soda Foun^in



be kuitbout

Fire Insurance
On your Dwelling,
Store, Fkotbryor Stock;
oarryaoortaln amount
For Rates and any other im(ormation. consnlt,



Best Grata
li Bloos.-.

All Colors Oolj i&c.perdoE




—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street.

E. W. Hastings’ Sayl

moiiFr. oorxnocs anuntuH.

Phone 73.

Ever Barned Oat ?
If to yon know


Johnson Bloch.

O. P. aAMTBB. trmx.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. Wc have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Luqiber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple. Flooring,
Short Maple M'ood. Lands for saJe. MUl Ma^inery, of all .
descriptions, including 3^ Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A cooiplete.Saw Mill nant for sale.




Livery, Bus afid Fefid Stabia

e - - borsta ^
s ^mdalty.
^metalty. 3Botm bosrdca.
Twbm rtaiOBfifate.


TH« MOHglWQ VaoOMD, WTOlOtaPAT, JT7LT 7, lSd7.

WmOote Eurep* Aft^ Cengr«M


:^uds« B. A. Hiirtiii of Oi*Bd B»pl4»
*T>v«refnei>t to,m«e • r»dlrml chaar*
■ policy tp-tbe ireatneBi of that lon(kftj h«ld a poatihjB .n tb* panHoc o«ee
e. and to aetee
for nearlr i^Bly n»n- H« ha» <J«a Rapubliean S«n«tor« ta Qonkidar
aonoUBOe Ua
Uw cnvaslsaitos
mort hart arotk tor
for U»»
tht Sugar OuMtien.
doptiOB^r a “bold Atnertcan r>Wcy"
aod iralntnaiiM
lABM of 0» Mlohl*an awa j*rtlc■uUr correr other Wotvertee In tht
Cor. Pioot aod Ualaa Ma.
a for b:
Datlooal cajJial. The aa»clai
alvari bwn aolrant. aafl tlwr »
FcaiMC P.^er,
J»4#e HarliD hu P«t ipaw a dollar

oiA a PUa T«at Wul'W£^>^
out of hU mik mUry to pay bUU whea
with RamltB.
»Ua •« a-«w4 •> tw
ih« troaaun'
iroaiurv waj
« u do^elrt
dopirtrt He
H« la
ta pojw.
po|n>people realdent here.j HoekTaaAaopMdWitko.t.vw^^s
Ur wilb» ^chlfma

(Paper Hanger

• la Mabt—Tbe tMl Oaa>- ' COdCIMa t
It can be atated that It arOl not ahorr
u.. u Not CHUaO.
change In the policy bf thu govam“j..r
, vhich baa. ever Aioe the Am
When Senatcr Palre^r cf Mlcblsau pnhUcan aertaiora baa been called for
t the Parla aa-art
w« in'tw natloatal capltol. lew
10 a. m. today to <o(uid«r the advHaa- i 'revutailana ahowed the IneSloacy «
-rle knew him aave aa a very dicalftedruilty of relntrodudbc the beet augar tboae reguUtkma to protect the oeaJa.
_ much inure than! bounty amendment. The dacWon to call I loat no opportunity to urge an extenaton
. (Uiei
.aucua wax the rtoult of a neriea | «f
nileo upon Great Bnialn. TW.
I that. He war i jolly
...good fellow, a’ the
| prince of good fdlowa among hi* per-1
,<»f.------, aonal frtenda He haa been mlaaed very j
p*,:, f the day. but which de- ;
^ the regret o
I divergence of vUaw aa
after elalton from Michlr
tbem -about the city and dlrvctlDg them j

fn-i-nr Aaak.a. AWalTMr MaMa
Waahlngtoo; July a-"Aa aooo aa poaaiUe anar loncrcaa adjounia 1 aiB KoUut
to Europe." eayi ^naior Burrowa.
t remain eery loac, but ab*ll
lake the voyage for-my health. The
twelve dayi going and coming on the
' ocean, and a abort aojaam In the Kufo-


Op. KaglaOSee.

Smokers I



A oonjpUte lAo» of the my
best Tom, CofFeea, ETerythiog.

BavujM triad our makes

The Recngpizef ttailers
In » aad toe. Clfan ’
an my

ETerytbing Fresh And Iq Pettsoo.



s that 1 am aleh. for I am noC
conference eonld the twunty quo- j iwmonatiancca exchanged, lor tnManre
But I an tired out add need real and a on the north aide of UePberaon aauare •
The best to be.liBd-dwaj-s.
mue recreAUon. My wife, daughter and wai the acene of many a good ttoa.! U** be nelUed In a way to bind aU. At ^ BrMlah have pm^ted ^h« what
lort and boon com- ' one lime during the day It appearrt ; they regard m the abw of the right of
that aevcral ■
aon-ln-law wUl aecoespany me.''.
part of
of our patrol vea________ wli^ Pl^re^ : that the Anaix^ committee would re- i
on ther part
The actiator looha to be ttrohg And
There ■ were alwaya bimardi^ Introduce the beet anger amendmeni tn 1 aeu
vtgofoua. but he baa_________
done a great deal . .
And OB oor part the BntUh have been
.... .-r extra aeraton of and whlat and nuialc. dalntUa to tidila rrsponae to the Kpreneptatlona Of the' t told that their rvfueal to permit the
a oorreepondcncc haa been : nenaiortal paUlee and a little aome*; ^Ivocaaea of a bounty.
up of Are arnia carried ^

To b. Be—d by the Oaaeaa l-era amounted to — evanbm of the aplrlt
a«orwofo«ceaeexlngc^ltuen w B^l^rcwaago^atorrtcl lng andilM-] The ,en«o„ bolding the view that 1
he Parta award. Bui In all tbU th-re
aldea. aiace he waa made a member of i tn^ r~a
been ho exhlbUion of lU-feellng
iRted of
t -committee on Anaj»ce W.
he V-.
haa w„
been I ,^1
Mnatorlal quartette c
anything like "Jtngolam“ o^our part
kept buay by day and by nigbt worklag , Painter, aoprano. and
and while the reocnl auccem of Poiner
with the other liepubUcan roembera of bawo. They could alng »o much and ao that e tail Ropubllfi
had decided In favor of auch a ' ^ aectarlng the adhesiOB of RuiaU totbe
ee la the formation of varl« j hard that U required only (he two
bounty. Thle brought out the fact that
e and liIn making the tariff I make up a quartette. Mr. Bdmunda «
£ Kbrtulee
north I^iAc oceaa beyond Um
. baaed upon'
I tom degree has Hfeogthmed our post.
bat oomplatned that after the aoprano amrs iat the caucus wbCfT (be oi
prtnclplea of protection.
tM tide In the BmUh nc^lalktia A eao.
•1 ^11 probably rcturti* to Detrell aad basso got a-going he waa like a | takea. —u
there has been asy
auon after adjourainent.'' mya Benator nan in the uproar of bawie. wbo can't j abnenteea would
The ' ‘•bange in the Hue of poUey thaJ was
McMillan. "1 have many bulnem Ib- tMI whether his gun goes ofl or not. | be bound by H
BeCTeiAH- OIney la the
tarmti which will command my pcracn- So be withdrew, and would afterwards, conwnlttae decided . n account of] >»“
• A W. JAi|^AU8. •
at attention. Although the eongreaa haa esnseni to alng nothing but vkw to a i this conSict to reuubmlt the matter to a
cancus. IJ appears {^bifble that the
yodH obligato -by Sen^^ Canreron.
raiicua will i^lnd the ortw of the
Waabltigtcn. July A~A paiii-^tlc cele­
commitbration was held here yesterday at
joyed good health, bw wUl be gUd
Senator DavU
->avu of M
Minnesota. .... ..
Grand Opem House-under the Jolni
get away taom Waahlagton before (
Palmer's be«
•t fdenda. aayi that “there lee to report a sugar ar
spices of the NaCional Amocistlofi of
—WE HAVE MADtfAuper-bcated eeaaae Xwgtna.**
never have betf such
euch :Jolly reunlone as
Democratic auhs and the Democracy of
e used to hav?
have at Toi
Tom Palmer's. BeDety o« Imnlhar.
the Dlrlrlct of Columbia and coatigouus
. eath hla roof we were all friends and
AU of the
e tana bill. I DO one ever had any thought of undue senators would be Instructed to vote for ■ sretiona An elaborate programme was
here and ready t
It Is generally believed that ibe con- ; restraint. - We were aimply our natural
Let BB auks aome for vem.
gtem will adjourn not later than ibe : selves and perfectly at home with our They thus hope to put tbe r«iy in the , of tb* leading Deiboerals in public life,
aanate on recort — for the amendment. , Patriotic addresses were delivered hy
Uih of the month. The question of « 1 host and with each other."
or M lumber will chine up when Jhe Ur-( An ex-senator says; "I went out of while they avoid tbe rrsponstbUlty for ; Senator John W- Daniel, cf Virginia,
And everything In tbe line
B, BOLUT. Mgr.
JB Wll goes Ihto ^ference. and aU of ] the senate when Palmer did. but I have the delay which they adfnlt tbe. anHStd- ; and Hon. Jtteph C Sibley, of Pennsylment
the Michigan suiewDen expect to have | ta«n here oftener aiace. than be has
•ometljing to say upon the subject.
j been. TVe used to have very pleasant leaders tllU announce themselves as un- |
of first Class jewelry and
Among the recent vliHort from Mich­ ieaUKrtngs at Edmunds- and Sherman's alterably opposed to the lioumy prtv
nst«D and aay they-will de>«ie li for an Jampsd r
igan were George W. Johnson. R. H. I and -'tbera. but there was always
hideAnlte length of time In ordn to
Brows and wUe, and Miss Mary Brown, j airalni or a shadow of a renratm
toilet articles.
and Judge C. J. ^lley of Detriilt; Judge i did .nni'exist at Paimvr'a He posseasea prevent Us IncorporAtlnn Into ibe bllli
Kew Toik. July A-~-Anotber caodidate
M. C. Burch and S. Prostt>f Grand Eap- | that ran- quality of a host, wiihotit
for fame met desth Hunday In Jumping
Fire Merchant Tailoring. I A
Ids: A. C. Cook of Iron Mountain, and | which one can’never be a real host, the
e'.'A_ iffiAJEiXs,
froin the. Brooklyn bridge. Hr waa CapMr. Leet of Ithaca. Mr. Leel It a can- ability m rut every one at ease and on AUte— Will Ash Uie nr—te loSUiy Awaha lain W. C. Kcrlilc. who l4d a reputa­
didaie for a consulate and bis appllca- , good terms with himself and with his
— the Tnrttr Bill.
tion for Jumping from bridges and
tkm is prcpiriy endorsed and Alcd at the , ueighbors. TbU is a great gift and few
’Washington.JuiyC.—All.R'B. In charge mast< of vr«s-la The bridge p llc^fetewstSW-.-d.
departnienl cf stale.
i pcssess It: When U
of the tariff UII. armcur.ctd ahorlly be- ,
-tip- „f the coding event <
A. P. Dlnsmore of Michigan waa chief '
* __________ the adjournment
AiUouminent of the senate lest
lest)I ttoturdaysovenlng.
Koturday..-[-ruing. Captain Wart i
- of the draughting division In the genPMI deal 1 night, that as no agreement had been . onre orter^ three patrvlmen station)
era! Und oBlce during the Uarrlson adp*i^’'m'^tbr*iJirld. -fom' PaU j reached' fbr a Aral v. le on the tariff i at -Uher end of th<i bridge, while an -^fmlnlsirstton, but was removed durirg
e ^eveland admiDlivwllon. Having
(bst tort of s man. and under I bill he woulil ask ih - ssruite to remain "err in rtt'sen's cl.-:bea was smi ir
beeif a soldier h> is eligible to reinstate- { lya inAuence It was pleasant
neni, and his appllcaticn was Alid three
months ago. hul.nnhlrg came cf It. Mr.
and dlgnl:
D. Joyce A Co . tor Soft Drinkss jaat what you De«d tUs
DlQsmore rxently Invotlgated the mat- streak of hunt)
if ecdurance unless the 0|>pOKltion ;
.lirni >1
•t weather. Boot B- iir. RirukUeAT, ttiBEer AeD CrMm Soda.
..^der to aBcmoir. the cause'< f the delay. ...................
matfer bow’ thick the crust of
Ibe bill gives way,. AtIUons ata.^:
Th.vnas -Sra-ly. who waa s^mre
Sherbet. Etc.. Free Deltvery, Fam<’7 tn de a speciaUy.
and be found cut that the Uem- crat W-bo I aelAshneas
preicntl<-n, show up. The
niler ar
another futtl- . tK-^eblr clltnlhad been ari«lnted to rueccMl him now i mao
pian who
e IF

n InAuence George
0 have a lime Ax)>d for t
lop of the rstl. Jtn-I runrlrg i->ward him
The loanrasoo tUanllBe hu>re i
cMlms to he a Ri'itubUcun. and hai'the rounds ami John Fbennan ei al. to J-»in
e nypecli- th<-senate made good- £h-<Ut<--t t» him to stop. i)ef..iv h- could
backlcg. of Scrator Tom l'inU._ C<tn“":pn«r.m yeil.rday. 'dlsp-slng of t-wo .
r lock up "the '
■ ' Mortimg- I. a bom host.
- ; qmsridmer^ that i-tar bp a siamp tax j
has demonstrated to the dipartment that
the man la a red-hot Uem.wrat. Mr.
aud wllhMit the formality
- 140 r>vl lx l-'<T. w hen 11 struck t1
Snover has secured a picture of a Dem­
I. and tbe \
Ihfl he has great w
e, while i'
Pmnt m4 Park StB .
ocratic club, and this man's picture years at hard work He behind.
He , iK>lng a tariff InvtstlgalloB. was
Is Included. Pft ofa of the fact that the
The beat instmmMt made. H. E. Strong. tDBaacqr
man Is a Democral have l•een laid be- |
fore Seoalcr Platt, but he atlM seems to . poseTrgverae City brmoeh. Front atawet, adtobiijic Htetnbe Inclined to sunain hla Democratic makl._ ..
berr'a Grand. Muaieal merehaadbe.
friend. C..ngr«a£man aicver bas In­ jMissIble. so he threw off
revenue tax on atn, Irt-sTim* tc TO
him fammjs ka a museum
formed tb* "easy bo»s" that nnUsn he burdens of the senalurshlp and went,, cei.lB per gallon was d.-ftated- *’ •
.vas sn rr-glli>*>maii by birth.
gets out cf the -way and lets tbe ITiilon
An amr-rdment by Mills .
soiaer Into the department tats conduct bltUles. exrr- •to make surishlns
tax of O.jier cent, un'manufartu.
wlH be UId before every- Grand Army datit f-lacoa I
■ ucia. the pn*c»eds lo go toa-ard rtdueing j
post in tbe Mate cf Nt w Tork.
One .
the iionded debt, was pjA-ted—IS to ». 1 Chicago. July — F. Hr wing
hew-PuiraStoF U—ted.
' Another amendnn-ni by Mills .granting - DeaEurlAsc |iai: acoees frrlnd-ijrendence
Senator Bumwa bas Altd -wilb the CTHTcnt (hat .be was wrliitig a Dov<-t. : {q per cent, rrtucib-n fn dutl- s t.. th> w ‘ Day (Mi WiIrg
:ter with tee ereain, apecial attesUon to fainUp trade,
{K«imaaier general the prilllcn and ap- ■iThat U not exactly true." replied the c< ur,tries admitting gold and eilver i.i - Cleveland 4. I*lti el.urp 3; at Phlladri^
ellvcred. MeLellan & Aah. oor. Front and Farit, and
pllcath.n cf citlxcm cf WbealUnd town­ Michigan stattenian. "I am not writ- their minis at the rale r>( ic tn l was de-j phia—V<..ston 3. ’h.Ia-MpHa 3:
•rear MaK
lasoBlc mock.
ship. Hll'udalf ivur.ty. f-.r a r.fw post- , ing
_a novel It Is a poem. Not my f^ated- r« t> 31. On xis v- <e one Re- ; rlr.nau—Ualllmcrs S. Ctncirratl S;
offli.*: lo U ni-n.ed Kuffi-id. with Charles • f^ithalsmlum, but a jeotlm of rejoldrtg , publb-ar.. Carur, votrd -with the Demo- N-" Y.irh-HAi. kl> n 0.
York 10:
F. buffort aa i« sima>i< r. The s-nalor !
c^tmmeni. lie- irty retirement from . rats, |■opuIlIlr «n«f silvir Kej-ubi.igns at «'h,. ago—Washlt gion 4. Chicago «
indorsed the pai->». and In a »h<.it itme '
seryite. I have got the Arsf verse p. the afflnnaUve and two DemKrata. lAfi ino-r.l At ritlsbwrg—Olevelard 1,
the new poM«A1<. will be esialif.shed. dene and.the (liwt line of the aircond- Caffery and Gray, vr ted with the Re-, rtusburg 4; al Ix-ulsvllle—St. Drub (,
It wilbaccomr..i.e:au many i topic who PHij'le will swear that ll la from pubilcani In the ni-gatlve. Mill* also ! Doui-MIte
> :»e. Special drisB.
*4 Phlladelpkla-Bosti
are Duw -ibllget! te go to Church, tb-vie. Waif, but 1 -wpws every w-.-rd of ll ms> wset-.l l«rk* on Ih- fr.e list. also. bw« Ph'lad-lphla S; al N-w V-rk- llp-nkiyn
Mudw-n, aud t.’h.ailard-for their malL self, and ll, l*s-gtna tn this way:
• 4. New- Tf'rk 3; «l Chicago—Wa«hlngtan
Numerous p«:I.lent have reetntly been
Fire Worka: Go to A. A. McCoy A Sob and ananpe for yow
" '.til hall austUelous day
j Teller sold he hair tried to Ism what *■ Chlcsgn «; al Clr.c nnati—Rain.
received liy the Michigan serAlors from
That aev* my soul's release.
1 amount of r-.-rnue the tiAl n-oubl yb-ld..: Western D- agin-; f Mn-tilug games) At
tbe manufacli:ri<tK -mr.iilsi* of MichlAnd puts me on ihe.pUgrim's way
- *, d wculd be ,-Iad to ha\> (he ehalrman | Indiasiajvills -<v>lumbiis 3. Ind-anaptihn
gau prol'-stlcg a bill requiring
lAw-a noweta. gardsn hose. Screen doors. SI.
all pcisoua to Ik jut up Ic triangular
»;r»e o,«ms:
y,.t, This bnm.^t Alllsnn tn hU fnet ,
windows, ts or lOc. 8. K Nortbam, Frostatraet
at Grand Uapids—Oelmll U. Grand
botUea Tbe Lai. K passi.d. wi uld apply
•"Dong ha*- I ling, red h-r--.' '
(..r i; e Rest d-tln'ie s(alemei*| as lo the ' lUiilds 10. at Kanuxa City-Milwaukee
adjolalBg McNamara’s shoe store.
only to the District ot Columbia, and
(toad I'bf e to t> Hie 1‘vetr*.
r. >'CI He --X|eii-,| (u Ih- deriv(-d. He xa'd ' <• Kaniuis City 1. (AfierrinoBI Al
would require i.-tat.ufyc^uilng gbemists
-Thatis a* ur aa J have got.
X » « a iM't pn-.^ble for any expn-t in i KarAas City—MMw'aokee 14. Kansas
10 hsK-e bottle* specially Uepared foe wrote that vrte Bfi-.rn-.«n *rhen I waa matn
ikeenri la'-ulajlnni *n> the amount ' Cllj' 4: at Griod llaplds—Detmh It.
betore they are all roh«- A. V. ]
Ibla trade.
prtw'.dtna over the aenate wh.le Ingalls of rr
a iiHff bill w-auld yi,-ld It j nraitd Rapids T: at Ulniww|>mis—Si.
Albert lAWrencs. the Eietmll betr^ was gone tn lum-h. and ibr n- xi
' HI dnne amr never w-nuld ' Paul R. Mlnnewp<dir 3: at Indlanajedl*
Ix^. w ho lost 1 Is place as a page is the
h»lr I bnpe
d‘>n*. "But trom the bial Infnrma-I--K?<4um>>«R A Indlanap'l
house of rtpnvtntailvet under the new •wlcrd verse nnish'ed Tb- vice preel-' tb^i1 available," prne-nded a111<*.)ti, "I I \Ye»torD Arwv-lBtkgi: At D*a Mnlnoa
for Sic. Boldaworth Block. Uoion aueeb
orgasiaatlon. las b^n given a place la deni'a desk Is a nrst-<-lass jdaev tn write SLlleta this hill will yield ilTS.O-O.ion ti —Gulrx-y 3. Hex Itolr.e* C: (s-cuodgamel
the war depanrccr.rby Genera! Alger.
pte-iry. and If I wm to l<e elected vice tl90.0DC.0n0 the A^ri year—that W toim : Qulucy *. l>w Miune* 7; al Truliuque— ANfillft MrTHM. traeUeal Borseaboer. TrotUaF mad Bead horses
CongresRoai .«am Kn (th bas made preeldeni ^ |•resllIne I should r><me out July 1. ls»T, to July I. tm" He said j Kntkrnril C. rHibuque ft: at SI. Joseph— Anuuo
BliWliL ^n,. -Third dw weal of Mows LivetT Bam.
application h- th< war dtiarimcnt for a Tennys^ nt a Mllbm. or at Iraai tbe the schedulc-s bad been g,me over at ' Burilngtcn &. SI Joaeph 4: at Cc-da>
tbe dlschargey f.l'ilv'etc K. \V. Diets of aweei'TlSger of Michigan "
ev.-ry aUg-as aueees -lvf changes were ' lUpIds—Penna 1. Cniar Rsplda 7.
(he Nlnelsenrii InUr.iry. whose trite la
ntneral Alg-.-r c r Allchlgan ha* done made, and he felt that, this -stlmatej
I*. r»»he, «ig»w»h st*d Jobs,
alowly dying • f c..i.rurrM':<>ii In Michi­ very many gra d things for hla friends, could 1»e safely made. It appll.-d Only to i
Vnek. Jutv < -TheeihlbUlon boot
gan. ^ Secretaiy Alger will prclably or-| and haa shown many favor, lo old sol- the first year, after whl<* there wtwid
diera. their widows and nn.hana
He he.a much Urger yield of reicour
, hriweeti Rni.n Flixslrnmniie and John
e discharge liee-auw ..f the truth"
. the s-rond. yearT'
. . I L Bulllvan. -artieJnled foe yi-stertay
S>1 lor ..t. stt f).rui 4.J- 0.r.grefSil(^an
always a warm perwinal friend of
-How- much
much the *wondyearr-queried
,i Ambrose park.
$S iB place of 3 SO. A-AFrymaa. SUEFroatSt.
Smith that '*thl« soldier la n,«dcd Wt ! <},.„,ral Logan, and when th-gr«l w>l- While.
take' place. Martin Julian
hU home and tb* gmvernrauil cat dlf | „„,eer soldier w-aal<«Hed from earth. ; -It depends." anrw-ered Allison; “but
crowd of enyMaiops
I H;)\/Afi Mnv/AH To the hsBdsone Store 400. Cnlon SL CaU aad get
per.m'^'lth hU-.ervlce. wltbcui
ul feelJBg
feeUsg j ocr-eral
QFr.ersl Alger uundeHo.* to make suit-' | would say ...meailBg over »»0.«a..,
I ndveu mUVtJU *«oolgUto lee Oeam boda or anytfaiBf 1b prSra
(he loss of onee soldier
soldier wbosswhose pl^
place (4n
t4n | au„,irovl*!oo.
I*®" the P«lce mo foroiaaen
t, foe
hla widow.
widow,.. He
He InIn-• hou
and that thereTor*- the principals
Medlcloea or Toilet artlelea. O. A. Johasw.A (Jo.
ufftcera." |.-cp.r%. her
lUtL all. about M.oqo. ao'
-- readily
- fllltd by rtrrvlling
—: offitem."
M-f lUtle
"How much »...
had concluded to w'Uhdraw rather than
cn of T- Wlmer for ap:i,ha, r, yield, Mrs Logan a handsome asked Ptewan of Nevada.
The appllewiun
polBtmeBt aa a membf-r ..f tb, Ipmrt at imxreat. and h# has so secured li iltft,. "AN.ut Wo.Ort.OOO." responded AlItaoB. violate the law. ._______ ___
VesasseU'Celebratew Use Powetli.
englceera on the Icb^-atlonAI d^p wa- |
.in.ply cannot Io«- It unlc DeuSt,. •‘hw Ij will dep.nd upon tbe condition
ter eommimlon I* Indcratd by-tlte-juin- , f,],,
,h, rtver and dlsappcais la, of our tn.losui«. It Is not po-»lble to
New Tork. July A—A dl«!>a’eh t
<Kal reprieenwilv.a of the trenap.»in- Ls,^r Erie.
‘ make more than a geni-ral estimate"
World trom Caracaa V-n-tuela. layi:
lion (hterme of lb* lak* region. C^lArb Usdoe^oesU.
; Vest remarked that the average ad Iniiependeqce Day *ae celfl.raied 4»re
TbU la potato bag time.
greftinaa Corllaa IM atrongly IndcrNd | a few days after General Alger had valorem rwte of the hill would be much ! with enthoriarm^ Wlltlgm Kuasell. the
for Ibem.'^ Get yMr egtor^Mtor from't. E.’ MiUer,
ajipHcaUcn. and. Insamuch os Bec- | ^ Artnly Aked her future living fqr higher than that of existing law; the ! aecrelary of tbe'i'r.lted Btaies Irmtlon.
drug maB.
6r»t door east of poato(Bee.
reUrj- Algyr peft.«ally knows the At- \
Mrw Logan, a T.romlnent
hanker was . McKinley ad
valorem being 49 per cent I
and at presentorigioal
the American
new^ of the appUcact the appolnlmenl in Alg.-r a office talking business
of the exbulnc law- 39 pes rent, while the ; d'altolrca. held a reception which -was
» "k. ly to be msde.
msny kjnde and d-gr*,-».
estimate uo the house bUl war 6* per j alfrnded hr the hading Vtn-gu< Una and
• How would you like w> dMroUBt . cent.
the dlnlomatlc
dlplomstlc cortw.
Congrerman &m 8mttb has applied lhatr' asked Alger, handing him a| AUbsoD mid the average ad valorem
CowUsss us Fight Is RrwalL
to the (ecmary*of war for a quantity note for
Mrs. I-ognn's order, 1 of tbe IHII In tia Anal Arrm would h* In
Loodon. July A—The ooirespotK eirtot
tt-tibsSIelc Rltal! bram cannon tor the rigned "Atger A Bmitb"-hi. Arm name. ; the neighborhood of » per cent
JatiHro aaye; "It is
use of the Grnrrd Army |iott at Roebes“Do It In a mltiurt." promptly re- j The house hy a party vote. wltbcAt
nr. The ai-i Ucatlon wUl be granted.
sponded Ih* banker
, 'trgnaacUng -any burineas. lo< k a recess reported here that tbe g<
Aa the time Bi.proacbes when Speaker
"I thought you would." said Alger, nntlt tomorrojv to get teady (or the tar- troops attacking Antonio C(
leadi of the fanatics at .
• Beed la lu ar.i.Nunce, the committee as­ wbo could iHirrow half a milll.m on hts , iff Ull. If completed before then by tbe
Bahia,^ thrice rvpulaed. losing
signroecis for tbe house of represents- cwB personal -note any day In tb^ week i senate.
over LOCO men. Consrihetro'a lossss are
tivet tbeMichlgan
sGIl greater. FtghUng baa been can. .. „ their places.
tlBuous Mped June n.~
Who will ref>rcw'»t Michigan on Ui« «
h... -n,
aoFnpntae tm rtveri and harbors? That tropble about it. Turn It ovi-r.”
HeaWosthee ta WIsassstB.
The hanker did ao. The hack of (he |
Fw eight years Bkm
MItwaukea. July C-Tbe Intcaaeiy hot
BoU WAS oteplr coyerad w^totoe^mes j
wavs oontlnwea unabated and Uie raesrd






3368 Frames


Suits to Order,


- .





SEWING, MACHINE PstirS."''SLp‘prj.,’S'£2f t.


TEA-16,26, 36, 50«,


HAVE YOO SEEN FINCH? L7.’’oKS=.Ji'Sr!S:S'.5;:.25





x's I «oT »»«•

Xai^ McMBIbb. Mlehlisa's VtiiU
Idlchlgaa IB every river ut« barlMr bUL Btotto atBaur. Tbe payment M JMt gpmtdsMa that it htf,
Bo has tatted Bum nrmgrim aad hts IM.MS eras ascBtad by Atty to a»c haa. gtBBhig «f the aeastoa fs^iactJag the
BBsetstof. Mr. Bbcldep et Bopshum. Js draa ailUkma of d^lata.
B^rtii* Ma «aJ flshsriea aimsas* to
ws-bisw te sseare a poittlofi «e that 1»-

4*V/ ■

dhlS here tram tb* beat and there were
CBmaona rmstraUona Other part* at
sontber* .ivuincsla art oaOtriBC tb*
taiB*. aa MUwaBkaa. •

New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ , iGe Cfeam freeze'rs, Iter

146 Frtjht St



v^7?issyr^ r • '^ •

^ . s -' r^• T •)'?>:-



Many Kill«<J by Firaarmt and Fkf
wofka bn tha Fourth.
WIta Tim l»»»'Olfc.r.


0»M>mUi>« Ibe Itar-Mi" Ofcrrtm Oa
Kla.-B»f KUM by Mac CanM OB
*■ a BallM-Aaral DmUi at B. B.

Bmt»-I>r.irala« t



TarM;^ Fatal MliW*CMaaao, 3iAt a—I'cUioutm elalmrd
‘ Bre Uvea ywnerta)' *a<J theca waa an
cxtra-loBB Uaf ofroelmed .M...
etod Injured
pMple m U>» reauU of the Fourth of

Carrr. an aleelrtrlaa.
The boat WB
orertaden and Blpped water over her
fanwalea. Some of (he party cUmhed
out of ihe boat, whtrh was In fome way
orertonied. L>«wii Bprafue. A- Ingra.

hand. The UcDonelde
drowned were ehlldren of D. J. HrDon.
ald.whokerpe a hotel at Itaeca and were
all unmarried. MeCurrT. wboee people
live to Omaha wa» ate* unnarrled.
Korwalk. 9-. July
Runtler neerh,
four inllee east of Huron, \ar the ec'ene
yevlerdayof e terrible irch.r.e and llfhlnlng. The cyclcne cm a twath throufh
tbe large oak greve. felllnf large numben of tirea. (wining them off like pipe
Frank Chandler, of thli city,

*>lp by a fallIng tree, both l(ls horrae aleo being
A doxen boraee were Ulled
and a large number of buggies and carBcBt fatallUeti: Jnmue U. Keene, (oond itagea anashcd lr«o kindling wood. The
deed to hie i^rh rard. eirock to head
ind peebr aumr bollct; Cberlee BmJtfa, Crlcbt*
heat claimed
Jul7 eelcbraUWJ.
ydne rtctlms; F.'11li«-1o* are the aeed-

«aed br the eepl<elon of a faint are
crackw and fell out of a arcond norr
window; John HdHuetef. » >eareold;

Fell Over a PreHpb*.

Tottngaiown. O.. July S.—Ihomaehfor.
kin«d hr the explf^ton of powder to a gan and bia wife met a horrible death
glam botUe »lilb he held to hie baadc; yeatarday afternoon. They were driv­
John Thome*, to >e»re old, kUIed to ex- ing hear a cliff, when the horee backed
aeUr the euiiie menmr a* Uuffueter; the buggy orer (he bank. Ur. and Ura.
Wllttain Alim, S year* old., dolhtof UoHraa fM alxty feet and were tnatanU
tfolled by Are <raeker cauelnC’ fatal ly killed.
iNitM. Aboui tony i>euple were eUfbUy
Fie* DniwBMl Ui (be Bleer.
UJured durtoc tbcday.

Br£/jr£S8 CARDS.




! olileetioi wea mndr that ihla'^ould t

Psrtitan Eag>« That Scraama oi) tw don«.-uni:i the commiuee on c
tha Fourth Nowa.*Oaya.


A CEAX. Arvbitoetai

dentlali showed ihal CIS delegates with
jat^rr eredetitlalt were prtaect from
twen(y*ftve >tat<s. well scattered all
over the I'nlon. The lempdrary organt-


ere^w^DoswUreu mad -kic. OBcc la FrtoS-


ttbu. (oth^u;
liter>i>rid< and Irby ;
Raarty o*M la Oim
opMtiag j
*1 a bMBtoHal CMipiibra/ FopalUt*
OpeaTbBlr CMBfereMeat KaabtlUa.
_ .
. .
bew York. July E-The partisanship
Uikthbi been marking the celebraUon of ,

10. MrtTWBUIr GO. Block.

member from each state waa app<-lnted.
During the aflenioflii a number nf brief
aiwhrj, were
Amrng Ih* arraker* wen Colonel jraae
Harper, of Illlnoi*. gf.d W. E. Farmer,
« Texas. Several rewklutlonr were rut>milted- One of.them wei lo the effect


Cycle Owners Look Here!

I Kubbn Baring Tor CUpa-CaaKiraer-nr
srhen Ue letters from thoee who were t fru”* ‘be ranks,
invited but did not attend weH- weE i
“rbe mni aund performance of tha

[Coriiltaadir £rlp^ Bl’cliU

of Nashville, and John H. UcDowell,
of Voice City. Tenu. In a talk on Ten*
aersee Populism McDowell referred to
Undsley. whose whiskers are very nd.
phatlc announcement of Ihe jirtaclidea as a red-headed sap*sQcker. Llndaley
turn bratowed upon McDowell the
and belleta w'hicfa accord with the best
and most thoughtful senllmkiU and ' *P>‘bei of a mullet*headed bussard who
opinions of our countrymen." William '
Pnpu'lsl party of Teroerree
J- Bn-an i»Tote that llrere was "a sne. i *°


; r. i



Inailonendflrva'rk« ditplay cn the river
IVnsatHila. Fla.. July €.—A train of
last nlghi weri’ n:arr. d by (he drowning
empty flat tars on the Muscog..-,- branch
of (he two men who were handling the
rbllriiad. while bring backed down to
«rework*-tV. Mai-ne. of Brooklyn, and
the mill struck a hand car and was
John T. Nolan, . f N-w Turk. -TTie men thrown, from th* track

and had been drinking freely. | „ved Ihcmaelw by jumping. The-two
Malcne was arranglrg same flrewotka e„iortd brakemen of the train. Joe Jonra
When he slipped and fell into the river. I ,„d Hritry
iry Davta.
I killed, both
He weal under the float and------ — ’.- being horrtiily mang^.
oai the other rids.
Arrested far MaMer la V
As be 41d so Nolan saw him and ',
Jumped Into the water. Hardly had he ! Hayward, Wta, July 6-Eugene BurtL
Otruck (be water when Malone grasped • farmer living ntar’bere, was arrested
bllii with a'drewning man’* clutch and , ‘*"3 P>*red to Jail charged with tha
Nolan wa* unable tu loosen his hold. : murder of Fred Nelson, w1lh whom ba
* Both men rank before the accld. nt was ' «»• «»roci«‘cd In busJnesa last Beptem*
known to those on shore or In boala ber. and whi> has ncit-ei-c seen since. At
near by. and the Brat Intlmallon the ' ““f
NoUc.n dr.w M» from Ih*
♦pectatora had that anything wa* wrong
and w.nt off with Butll.
Kenslngt' n, Ills.. Jufy E — Four huualon of a mortar near the terminus ot dred and eighty men ot (he M'S entries
Haight rirret, where the fireworks ex­ Burned Ih the Pullman runrt race and
hibit I cm was given Mat night. F. J.
Maihewa aimllkman. was killed and hU
anion.-'Ura. Blldepburg.- aaverely
conn: anlc
( ume wtonar

Lats (to aad Falls to (h* Oreaad—oVihad
Oat or

n ain.

Ban .Francisco. July E—Bertram
the (-yrar-«l<i|non of Oiauncey HUI.
architect, was the victim

al balloon accident yeaierday. In con>,
pany with Mias OIney. daugh^ of tala
guardian, be went to Blalria
Oakland u witnera a hot ato"kal^
nacenslon bv Oharlea CoaUta. of\(ha
Acme AlMrilc dlub. Then the taal^
shot Into the air the cbnd clung to''6Dc
of the guy ropes and waa carried aloft.
Th'-aeronaiu hiard the abouU of the
peoplt- not to cut base bis paractoute
and ob-yed. not knowing the reason,
^'hen a thousand or more feet Ip the
air he heard the Imy’s ertea and asw a
cap, come fluttering down.
He called
out to hi* unseen compenloo to hold
and made every eff-.rt to as'
In vain, fee soul
. by him and wai
when It struck t:

Wa. Oewtodea.

-West Snpertor, Wla- July E<-«r tha
capatolng of a boat In Bupextor taaj yna.
- Mrday four peraou into ttatto Bt«.
Three were membus of tha
family, of Uaaca-Dan' - kUy-apd till other i

FTMtob n-oA. OrowB Thlrtaea.
Toulouse. Pranoc, July I.—The river
^v^has overflow^ at tale-en-Dudoa.
dretroring forty houses and drowning
thirteen people. At St Laurent threa
pepfdc have been drowned-^nd thirty'
-Konaes have been swept away.

made l
also want a half mile agatot t
•:5THfrom Bombay say that from MC^to LOW
rioters were killed during the recent not­
ing In the \1clnlty of Caicutu and it la
added that nailve circles put the death
roil as high as LM*^________

For todlas* aud ntooieLeww Mkfalgsa and

!t; ..........

art eouthwlr Wind

Oitoagu. July

. becomlat sua^.y.


I ,.r ut

,h, m,..„



« o,
______ _ T'lrT^uTn » li iL


Macor.. Mo.. July 5 —There was a dlsastnjui end'ng to (he Fourth of July
tvlcbration at EihH In this couriy. A
misdim-led rt-man candle struck a

Bumler. R. V... July « -Thf Om meettog of the riunpalgn for the DemocraOe

State, renator to.
fill the plaev
nokC occupied
K- note
occupied by
John U
,„a,ng ,l,e reativllle,^ Horwa reared
Mv!.aurla by appolntnwnt from G>v. and plunged and Ko-t through the crowd.
. knocking pt^Ie down right aud left.
A number of isople wera
struck by the promlar-uously ffyli
wcjrks. »r-j wound* cf various charac(•r* ixnti-fd, Mir:, King was hit in Ihr
thigh iiy a skyrockei. which tore Ua
way through her leg. Inflicting a fright­
ful and probably fatal wound.

emor EllWbee. was,held here y.atcrday
and proved rooMiluVal In the exiraua.
It opfiwd qufcily In the opera bouse,
was only cnmfonably <lll«j
Coimty Chairman Purdy lntro<lucrd
! Senator Mcl.aufln as the flna smher.
McLaurto was warinl} reudv.-d and
aat down with the plraalng aiwurenns
of having mad, a g-od Impreswi-n. Then
the,«orro lirokc. Kx-l'nittsl Stat.-a 8 iw
iator.Irby was InitrkduckaJ -and at on*
I Umeflrby and Mcl.aur1c were only pre.
I wanted from
clinchiog by the Interfcrenca of thnar on the sttlp'
Irby Is hU sp<'« h applied the sevnvet
to —snu
Mcl^urin.,^1 ' u.______ la
the front End the cheers for him were
daafentog.- Irby then said bbi enemlre
were trying to howl him down OhalrPurdy then said thai it waa
— lbs

dreire t give Irby a resp-viful bear.
mg atic be asked that b. not repeal ths
kiaulUng language. U he could not ka
rrepectful they did not want to hear


Rprltigfl' 'd preach'd
•* '' vi-tmtosl. t Abbey Run.lay afwr___________ ___________
' Grrore Ready to Pay the l-demwlty.„n. ■July E-A dlspalch to Th#
, D*ny Mall from Ath.-ns way*
gorernmnit has alreadv negotiated a
loan and lljat the moinent the peace
condlUons arc rigti. d the Ind. mnlly will

striped and speckled pottttclan. .
Finally McLaurin. who had turnwl
pale, lumped up and flaced him rating:
"Irl-y Iri s have aii underaUndiiig right
here. We have known each other some
time. Tou can't accuse me of disVaieoty- Tou can’t InsuU me In that way "
The two men faced each mber. Irby
Btdedreplied .ihai he had Raid li ai
• I ray furthre- that If you hU
be hit back.'- Al this Juncture Editor
Appell rush'd up to McLaurin and told
him hf would have's reply. Charl'Emanuel rushed to aud said ti> Irby
"No one but-a^ coward w^ld talk that
way." Irby replied that no one but a
enward would Inault a guest
and olben giA the men quieted, ths
bouse being to a uprwar.
ft'hen Irby
flnlahed McLai
that he waa k
as atsn-

Fifty-odd horns sureumbed
beat at Chicago.



Frank Hern', aged U'yeara and John
Coto'uW- aged H years, were drowned
while twthlng In thr river al FUno. Ilia
The rotlan n iw ritowe signs of ylvld‘“A
question of the rectJflcailon
of the
Turkish frontier In the direction

»«ed mother Of Prerideot MeKinlej-Biumbled and felt as her home to
| Canton. 0-. and cut a gash on her forcj
*•' aewed up.*

UffirELLASBora »rASTS.
: G vmoe
: Xj' pio*!^i A^lfsMi^'FaAW
Bk Rspbl..
WffAjlT*D-Two or three *s*»rnlriie« rooia.


S*K52'g^%S».’S'..rS, sr:.

NaafavUle. T«n., July C.—The national
cooferon^ of the People's party reel at
n a m. yerierday lo the ball of the
houie of represenutirre at the aute
eapllol. aeverM hundred delegates being
to atlendanoe.
The confviynce was
called to order by Milton Parks, of
Texas, who aald lh]aawsF>a cooferance
of men who bcllevafln the principles
enunciated at Omaha-and Bt. Louis;
B. Bradley, of Texaa was elected tempbrarj- phafritfan by acchtmatlon.
aald ho wanted to Me plain, unmtstakable declarations that no one could ^*understand, and be wanted Jo.sA a
Bvani of xnatong tbra, effective,
trusted that tM deliberalluns would be
cool and calm. a«d that there sronW be
no recrlinlnaUon.
J. A. Pirker. of Kentucky, was ehmn
Umporary secretary by acclamailon.
The cooference then took a recera ot
ly mtontra and mtMlagi of the atatc
' • • aU OTSf the hall to

drop o pootol to Be* BE TTwrerjo Cltr- ue no-

^ypBtotig^^BQT- ^aXTlD-TEAlJBM


Lederle’s 2«g

Ptrk StrNt. bttimn ?ibnt k 08%..



Rates, SI.SO per Day.

Meal Tickets at Reduced Rates.

rtrsi Ctaaa

BoM^Rpaalal Batra

.Grud tiplto ft Iii^ K. R
FerWnlT^ aad dapanwre of irals* at Traruraa
^ City BtoUoa. la aSset Janr tl. ivr.

II to
...J u eg
• to
• to^

19. e to:
t I7j T tt.



* 'I'

*» V t to

I at ea CadlUae
...| « to 7 to Br^ city
...I tta. ........ I Bagiaaw
...| t Mj lOtoGrdBapda
U V. ........ A.O.BA

. _

; dlaoavolt* and Loolariik * to a'm.
From Graad Bapida. Marklasw and pn—■

Frow ^on
DnroH. Ckleage and
Oread kapid*T:top.aL.


Chicago —.


West Michigan
- i*- »-t>. M.U. a.

. Because:
It contolns all the news
while it’s fresh.

.... Uto'

1l» f»

« to^ Cal___ ____



..........1 TODAIHAM
it Ikj TlODn'I. H.C.


I to

• to, t»


• to Tto iu9)
• to •«> zi»

At CUaaM......

r.B-1 p. a. .a.

;EVoFK^.nrr7 T5 T»
Ax S/t1^..........

TralBsbKwwsaTrereresCnraad BZk Bapida
. Lr.TrersrsrCKy.. f Ikajt- .......... tIOPto.

The reedere enjoy it at
S1.A KMAoWBaaS SaKla

Farlorear Irerr* forOraad Bapld* al 12:16 a. M
i EBHOB.Agvct:^rerwcOl(y
OBO. DB BATBX, Oran^Faaagr Agoat.
Oraad Bapid., Kick.

junsm UD KmisfEiii lt


Qonro KOBTB.

! —,


• to

OaraaaiaJcl......... -


Uerkarea.................. Lre

by tislng the columat of

. Fll-r** Awlk*-......... “

oonro •ocTK.

'TTUFII FOR taALB-keowo o. thoRorre
C toBrallraooaU trooi WWB, alooty
Inreored. good baildiog*. well ware

i •«


_--------------- tt
- ;

; ■W'CSiSr'

raemhan of tha eomniittae on
crednattala When the eonference wai
again calM to order (bare were about
«» dM^iw presenL The coimiiUtea
sa cradautlato was aanouncad. and t


•pScial%’*SlrapIra pto5l“to'^

Htatoric Pwlplw.

T.nndon. July A—*Tbe pulpits of At.
Ppiiil taihedral and Wreunlnater Abirey
will I.C occiiRlrd during the rema.ulng
Rundavw gf July l>y Amerfa-an clerg -


all klad- ptonpUr d-or. Fawklag Tlrea ky
! Vvleaaltiagor otlw i rtw. I do M cut yowr


day by Democrats at this time, when | .peakeris desk and rapred Lindaley
the party has )ual freed Itself from for- , over the head wUb a cane. VlipJ-Iey
cign financial InRuencn and taken an ' atrock him and Ihe twe men clinrhed.
tittle Rock. July g.—A eklff contain* emphatic sund In favor of an iCiner- | They were aeparaied. however, befora
lean policy for the AmTlcnn people.
erlous damage was dooE
Following are those who auecnmboil Ing five persona waj run down by a
UUmw («r Cierelainl-. Leller.
to the ht-at of thi weaihar. The total Bteamer laat nlghi. jtU were drowned.
Labor CbSmw OoIsw late FollUe*.
TChentheietitr from Grover a. veland
are nine and the proatratlOBa
Denver. July
A meeting was held
EX40VERN0R ALTGELO't POLITICS was read hit kame was greeted with
were iwe»t>-.-ijrtii. three of which are
_______ ____It was said (hat .
a ur
deUgati m ,
probably teuil' Simoa Kooaecta Cetla
from the Rrogresilve Dr mrcratlc Leagut |
Belie. Albyt -Ktkib. Ororre WUliama
BepebUeaa Paity.
wa* present to hlaa all the gold men
member* of the trade* unions
Bra. Emma y.en nl.Jajnc’Cudehy, BamNew Tortt July E—Ex-Covemor AH- Bryan's letter was loudly vhwred. ReiC :
tadep-ndrot pnlliicat actiel WaJcaKr. Adai;>h Valkner and'C geld came here from Chicago to addreae
reseuatlve Jame. Hamilton Lewia of'
*»* ■ «ormy —
Taylor. The total number of deatha to
a meeting held ui^r the aurplcea of the Washington, made « humorous
the Uet four day* altrlUnlable
twnv's' platroem willre and perf-^led
................................................................. Hunter.
tteal wae ta
an orpantxaiton under the name of ths
Jlllnola read a weecb denouncing ir
US prottrai.uiis. .some of- which may terday al Bruu^-o. The ex-govcrcor
and the Re|iubtican party IngHher. Ex- Colorado Social Democracy.
prove faiaL
At other (<nlnta. deatha from toe Among the drat to greet Aitgeld wera Rcnaiuf Hill, iileadlira a prevloua engagemenf said:
hWvs but one pracheal are n-i-ortiJ as follawa:
Pliu- ■Henry Ororge and bis aon- George In­
burg, two 0 alhs and 17 pTWIratlona: troduced Altggld al the meeting. Asked
at DeCrolt four dratht and twenty
--.M^aukee. July E-The anuuM ©onproa(rat.b>n, aiii'iis those proatrated AltgcId as^: "My sole oi.Jeci In reel­
liepubiKwn cly; ..tberwlae It would . venUoo of the National EducaUcnal A»being George Vannesa Uotore^. United ing Is to ^ak at this meeting. 1 nay
ha\ie »>een
lieen crested.
rtemr—ratle dldl. <■ tpciatlcm for
not1 have
Stales mli.l-tvr to Russia dttrtag Cleve­ stay for tiro daya but not longer.**
The ex-governor raid he had rend cf »-lalon win fulnil their expeciatlona ■ teachers have already arrived, s
land's admlnistratlKi. Kwta to acriUcaf
Cinctnnail there were the plana of EJugene V. jjeba, but had Dempentir unity will dtrappolnt them. . ^
not given them consideration. • Me
twelve deatha.
Council of Education.
At Ihe
thought that uoiU there waa a Demo;lng the time waa devc.l. d
0RATH AT A PRtVATKCBLEBRATlON. cratle administration there would be no
dliwuaalon of the aubtoct "The
Bk-Covernor John p. AligeM. of Rll- VL.V^.o.
prosperity to this country. 'The Re­
d k„ n *
publican party to power." be aid. noil, addressed ai«ut S.Ot* people In
*Tneans the party of comiptlon. 1 find
New Btdford. Mass.. July E—Henry
Where\-er I go there Is ii growlrig feel,IJ. Stone, formerly (owsIdeBt of the Chi­ tog of revolt (he Kepubllcans.**
cago. Bur1lngli>n and Quincy rallroaE^
and InlrodUvvdAlTgeld. who waa greeted
a"""*’ oiseuwion was nau.
and prealdent of the Chicago Telephone^ ^ BaywrAtbeOmtorat Phltodrlphla
At the evening a>wslnn a paper was
heony applause, which broke out
FhlladcIpfala.July E—Tne one hurdrad
company. t(aa ioptanily killed at Non-'
read liy George P. Brown; editor of the
colli yesterday morning by an explo- andtweoly-flrsl annlvvrsaiy of the sign­
.State Joi^mal; of Bl'etmtogtro, Ilia. In
HlP speech wap largely devoted
ing of the declaration cf Indipendruce
made ft>r
Bion of.nreworka. Stone with hit fam­
waa celebrated yealertlay In frori uf
ily and oiber summer residents of*SonIndependence Hall. The celebritlur. was
wulit were celebrating the holiday with
under the aurpicts of the Society of
a handsome display irf day dreworka
War of ISII of Pennaylvanla. The
Among them nn* a mine which was ay ;


5S!£"Haffi.^S',si::" .is

Bx-Prealdent CTeveland .wrote that hia
engagements would not permit him to
attend, "but 1 hope Its slgnMIcai
pre*<^mli>emly ronalsi to a'clear and «n*

rietlau of (be T.rrtd Beat.

It did nci appear a- If the si«rk
) Engl^^ waa the
going to rrestih tin mine.
Stone ad■•vaiiosl and look the piece up to hl«
handa when It ctp1»W. atrtklng him
D«wth wf Dr. LsBgfDrd.
full In Ihe fticv. Ht* features were ImdNew Todk. July ».—Dr. WllUai^ B.
, ly mulUal<-<1 and he.nuatalned a «om- Langford.' geoerkl secreury of thr7)opound fracturo of ib. skulL
tncinlc and Foreign Mlrwlonarr socisty,
friend* who were praaent ........
- Of the Prolesunt Epiroopal eburch, dted
(ell Just bow jhc n -cldr-nl occurred. One mnJdenly Ute Friday night at Twilight
gmUemwii who wa- i.rerem slates that j p,* jn the Cateklllt, where he bad gone
When the t>omh did not at -nee go off ; ,-itn nis family to spend the summer.
ABd aeemed as If li was not going to, i
^ngford was me«f the most promSume tor* tl In his hands, holding It ; luem men In the Protestant -Epsicopal
dUlte close to his fac-.-p———wi- ..........................................
' church In tl * country, and war knowi
ton the spark Into a bias
!• Ihe party had flairty
'• Ulm to bwiHa*.
turn«d tn vl-w the explosion they were
hoTTifled-to see stoo.- drop to the-ground ) Saratoga. N. T_ July E-Hardto Paramid a crash and volume of flama and ' “*• »
«<S- who arrived to town
amoka A physIclBn was tnimediately '
Terfc diy la.n Thursday, wa*
ealh-d. but rmihliuf could be doee. Mr. found dead In hl» bedrenn to a aanlPwne-having U-n It.nanUg kUled by Urtum here. He had committed suicide
the idiock
I with a revoly r. Ift had evldtsitly been
----------------dead several hours w^en dlscoiWed by
, fci,
attendant, w ho occupied anotherrooti). Parish suffered greatly from
I Inso
• mmrla. He had for many years lived
tier* llrlnkl-s TM Frertf.
Springfield. Mas,.. July E-The lllam;



Delicious Drinks...

Frara the New Proem Soda fout^,

W. Heck Serves Them
At the Sooth Od* Ooateetfa
. DtateSM*.

ni6 people r««d it and
bBOBM it ia the only
moraine dally north ot
Grand Bapida Alaotho
bMt daUy tn ibia part of

ek^^raJ^yUra toko. I.

aaly tolaha

a. W.CDFTKO»>II.Ag^.^^^


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