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The Morning Record, October 23, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Flnt Teftr-^No. 14a
WmXOmms Onad«mld «f Ofwd
X«dc* ef MkU«H—*t Dapot
mr Bud ud ft. o«od tud* 7«i' loWKl, IftOlBdtalC PpMChW ftild
wmoxAL pAns
‘aataaded a ipndal UaftatiM to be
to ba«a bh protaat a»al»at a dam
,Ow»of l**talaBca appaw is tba offtdal pcoeee^iara. Dewaaftf. tba nat voBTVKz nr noanor bob
ter la aatUed asd t^a eitp alarb baa W
TKB aSXBBBAXBO LUBMBBX. and tba flmraarriea performed by ^
„ed a. odea to iWannaa OoadrMt
smant\waa a aalaetkM npaa tbe
for tba aeTaniT-l*a aaata whkh ba daaUnacar VMdlatos Oflfera to |« aa
paaitad wttb.tba dtjtba Sasaaca Xakarb Bamd and
Ooadrteh. la erdar to abow tbatbadoaa
Woald Oiaa Kim 0600 DoUara a
•et eBMlriar tba anoast of money is
tbe tfoBMCtlaa, baa aadaiaad tba erdar
to tba trwaaw of tba Wenss'a
W. E. Make
bsnittii.d.r<°nii«i> a>-putoenlii|>f.ttl. fmpatt attsiungoa
wm 1$ HDiimTa;
Oikftco. Oct n.-Permal applWsi^
Tk« MMbm ot Oa Qfftftd Tnaaraa who eaa tat It by enUlsrat tbe BacosD
Lo4(». Xo. MO. 1. a a F-. teftdarad a oSea. wbacB It baa baas left for tbe tor bail for Laatiart waa made today
lo Jmdca TathlU by dttnaya Viao«l
TuifM- Uat al^i to £. H. Brown baftaftof tba aaiariatlaft
ftftd tha
------- *
Oeoepa Middlctoe. tbe dime moaaam
froB Ua tkftftd Lodra »t Lftaftiftf.
----- waa at tba eonrt baUdlsr
*tta apacMe raaaoB «f iba da»wbaa tbe aK>Uentioa waa made and
oftatfftUoB wM tha tact tkat Ladfa
Itafttb «r Bom. Bawtoft ^tanas. waa praparad to fp oa tbe aaoaar#
Knabar MO waa botforad hj tba Un»d
LL O. Vfttbar of Mra. W. Z.
aaker-t bond.
LadcebTtbaelacUaBolMr. Brows aa
Shonld Lnatffartbaralaaaed. pesdlsc
Wrl«bVot Oaiaabn^b, nift.
«faod Bersld. the ftrav ofioe la U-a
I to tbe hifb effiea of Orasd
Yeatarday noralar Mrs. W. K. another trial, be will probably airn a
Wriybt. wife of Ear. W. K. Wrifbt. MBtrsel wbleh Middleton baa ftlraady
Vaatar of tbe order la tboalata.
(ieUr Lnetfan a aalary of
jrhes Hr. Brows allrbted fran the paatorof tbe Pcaabytai
lllamo ef
• «Mk for Ua anMaraoea U tba
U o'cloek usln oo tba 'C, * W. H. ae- oalead Udtm of tbe m
lI.. ' moaeuB for an ladefiaiia period.
oonpoalad Vj Mra. Brown. Mrs. Oaerfa i bar fatbar.
>' Attocsay I
,. nia Mm. wriyht |
EUerasdMra. W. A. Dean, who
' D . of dal^tM to tba'Babakftb Aaaanblp. _________ iiratartid tor the badalda" of! oppoaad tba demand that tba
they were fraatad V atraioa of mnaic barfatbor. Later a maaoace eame that I be ralaaaed oa bail and tba
It waa that a formal de
by tbe Boya' Band and waloomed by a Dr Bateman waa dead. Be*. W. K.
mand for tba
Urd company of
Odd Fallowa. Tbe WHebl arri*ad home laat nl»bt from
_____________jd la Uae and beaded by Almd. wbara be baa beea dnrinc the bail waa made.
Jndc« Vineeet aald be wonld let tbe
tba band marebed to Odd Pellowa Ball. i peat weak, and upon reealrisf tba md
wkara an Infonaal raqaptlon waa bald. Itb'lnra'al oaae made praparaUoaa'fora matter' reat for two or^ree days and
Cana^eaena amoat toe
the naterntm
delarates wan,j-.e™ej
waaiinarsey te Galaabnr^ to Joia Mn. Um wonld make formal nppiiantioB.
tbka moralnr Be added that any t
Mrft Larinia MilobaU of Elk Bapida. a V^rirkt. Be will It
w*a IS year»iconldber«»u Uwaaii
ttWHMI taCDUI'S'" FRinD.
Y. O. U. Want
Oeronar^ Joy Saya Oyeleaa M BaVOnMUa lor tb^ Oolinfa ad
Batal in Obarlaaeix.
CharleroiX. Oct- n,—Tbe toroftar*i
jnry in tba Mr b
ly asoMfstaa tba arebttaet, tba bnllder
and all oonnaetod with tba aoMt
Srr'eaty wUnaaaaa were pi
on tba atand. Tba *ardiat aaya tbe dba baa*7 wind,
cydene or tornado.•• Tba bolal la al
ready rabnilt np to tbe aaeead atofy.
M. S. HOLLEY, Miwup
We Make Curtains..
any width or Imptb.
L Xqoal say Of the hlgW priS
we'd ratlwr p'd judge
of tbameritoaf oor
•mant to tbe oOaa of' honor at praridenlaf KoosXoUace. af a writ of babaaa eorpoa wonW be apSlate j piled far. If tbia action ia taken DanOnardian at tba banilir meeV
aaya be will at oaec pet the LnatSnparistandaat of Public InatrneUon.
inr- '
.__ cnaa on call tar -trial arnln. and It
drrtrinr at tb^haU C O. Tnmw ad- of Illlnala. nnd In anrty day* waa u
from tba UmbeeUastbamoolvos than from oaTthinr we any «d thorn. Bisftov
_________ _ latimata friend af Abrabnm LinotA. ia amoac tbe paMlbillUm t^t tbe aanammad tbe company
U oeBr»««l*M«7
Una ioat roeolred. Ail priaea. Sfwcial Valae* ftt 75^ 01,1.B8 aod IM. '
tmnnnd paidnnaloqnant tribota toibaria* bad offlsee adjolnlnr tboae W ■are maker wUlaralnbacn trial by
Mr. Brown, aim. Mrs- Brown, who la f Mr. Unooln for if*eral yearn. TbeTn- tba middle of next week.
Jedre TotbUl mid: “1 fancy that
Mackiatoaheft—Right Lines for Ladies and
«na at the miarratle workma tor tbe i timaey
when Mr. Uncoln became Luetrort *rill Se*ar afaln ba triad la a
order in tbb rity. Mr. Brown wna taGeotlemeB. Correctly Price Marked.
I of tba United Btataa Dr. court of thie county. That la a qaeabm aa complaialy by anrpriea by tba
tion that moat ba deeidad when tba
of your life b apent'ia bed. It b waU
damoftatmtlan that ba eanld not Sod
atato rata randy to make anetbar me*e. to.bare tbal oomfortabla. We «mn
■ blmaalf, hot be adneatlonal prefraaa of. tbe atau ef
tbanknd kb trianda^or the kaarty wel- ItllnoU for many yaara and waa amour
A food Iron Bed. braae trimmed, and
twel*e men who ha*o not nlrandy tried
OUBM they c*** him. AddmaMoana^ tba forampat ef the dlatinmiabad pab- the nccuaad in their own minds and aa extra prod Woven Wire Sprtap com
' . turns Dr, SOB
plete for 0S 00. If yon want (rood bed* UlAU Sir Onb-Cbp^nlSAUi, Iona
prMte to tba occaelon ware made by E Ue apiriiad cltlaen* of tba auta.
Many frtanda will monrs with Mra. ba*a rithar noqnlttod or oonrietod we eaa Sell you a irood eolidwall made
• ^nrborii. C A. Barbae. L' K. Uibtaa,
bad and aa extra good dpriap for pS-TS.
M. B. Oriffllb and Mm. Mlteball. Af Wrirbt nnd her family in their lam.
ter tbr form*'
ine mcmbai*
Kia Twanty-Krnt Withday.
rstulated Mr. Brown in
FralTht Car Famioa.
saterday waa Al*sk TylerU twentybb own bebalf and In behalf of tbe
{.anaiar.if -There b n frelrbt Sr*t Urtbda* aanieeimry. and in boaladra. After tbb an appetlxlnr lancb- 'ear temioe In Mteblrao aadil i* impoar of tbe e*ent about thirty of hb
rae wm apread and for aoma time the ,,,,,,
^^e mllroad*
cara ibool maten of tba Birb aobool
hall waa the aeeae of faatlrity and____
Ballroad Comm
Coaml**ionor Waa- orod him with a anrprisc laat eeenlnr
aeUna mya that the abortare amounU at hb home oa Park street After hb
• The olbar delarata who rbltad tba to aererM tbonaand can.
work ia the Park Place barbel abop
Orand Lodra hot who retursed aooaar
abont SaSabed be waa aant borne
BTB baaisr thnn sTsr b«A>rB, is BTi<
wna M. M. GrifStb. who retnmad yea
I friend after hb pbotorrapble
tarday noon. Mr. Brown' waa alee raus and wban be ienchad ibaro be
dsDos thftt tbr fiaallty of
etaetad treaanrer ot the Odd Fallowa Temonow Bvanlnt on Aoeount of the found the konse la nadUpatod poaBoma aaaoriatian.
aamlon of bU friends. Tbe eeeniim
Death of Ki«. Wr^t'a Ftthar.
apent In tbe anjoymem
Oalartotbedeathof Bon. Newuw
Bauman, father of Mr*. W. E Wrirbt. plaaaure and I'tfrmhmentn
Tbb b tba aarpriae psriy that waa
Mr. Wr«bt will not preach In the
Ae«ninad of Obarra of Aaeault^and Proabytaian chorch tomorrow. Be*.
Battery la dnatioa Brownb Oanit by J. B. HaH wUl ooenpy tbapnlpU la tba
aJnryEaat^lrbt. ,
marslnr. bnl there wUl be no aerrica
aty Snrveyor Nerthrsp retorsad last
• Floor Is hotter thnn oFor, end thst-tbe
A jorr in Jnatina Brown'* court raft- ia the aronlBrsipbt from Graod Bapida.
derod a rerdict of not r>llly lael nirbt
'lAdios oppreoUto oor oflbrtB to gire
Mr. and Mm. O. O. Bee
AtT. J. Boat's Popular QotbBareay
in tbe caae of aamnlt and battery
om OUmco yeatarday lo apaod ,tba
tfaem the host there Ie
•snlnat Lonb Uelrcr. Tbe trial eonlop Hooae of Travorse City.
A number ef tbe litUe friends
■rintor wlU tba family of Mm. Prank
named tbe enUre day and Ibe jury -waa Barrey Brnnar rb*e him • fnrowcl! Yandam.
<nit aboot three bonra, retnrninr tbelr party Tbnraday nirbt. a* be eapeeie to
Anrns.MeOolI. E P. Ferris. E B.
verdict at ■ o'clock p. mlea*e ia a few dan foi Urasd Bapida. Sabboiy* and John Muirsy raUised
Tba caae yrew oct of a row at a
»r tboae preoant we^ Arthur yaatofday ‘ from Petoobey. what* they
Man's kdaek Chariot Paau at l.t's
Aaaoe at Klnraley aoae Ume kr> OarUed. Benry dlabey. FriU Carter, want to attend tbe
Man's rmy
. Oelrer. who bacoaatdble. waa prca- Mlnaie and looltle rrterlyl. Irene and
Mr*. J. U. Martin want to UUnd
Man's Km/s
nt l.*»
eat Bftd there was troable. He wa*
> 1^0101.. Maud and Mabel Mc yeatarday to iri*« u anterialmanl ia
Men'sall wool Cnaimere Pants
called upon to ^oell ibe dUtarbaape by Mlcbaal. Grace Monroe. MayaadJaUa; aloonUon Usl nl(bt under tbe nnaplaea
purtim InaMe tba ball, and 0. W. Ball. 8tn^. Beulab Co*ell and Emma Fricd- of the Leelanai
' '
bb home to aealst When Ueli arrirod
M. tl. Oriffith retorsod last niebl
there *raa a ronorsl s»alaa and U .the
XlUs RamadMl’a Loan.
irom Lsnaiar. wbarakc attended tbo
Battertck'n Patfams for Noromber
Janrle <Wlrer wne aald to bare aoMr. and' Mrs. Ellb Bamadell went to Grand Lodes of Mlcblgsasa a dalaesta
Wbat aUmaWe are ba*lnr with
mnltod BelL___________ '
Lodfe. So. 900,
Trarane City Monday and left e*ery- [-from Grand Trsi
our Boy's t>nlt stock! Cfta’i keep
I. O. O. F.
rixaa. They dboppaar like bol
OBKOIT TO MOBHIMO BSOOKD. tblnp secure at bame *s they auppoaed. - - '
ter on a hot store. GualUy and
but at abont 11 o etock a. m. of tbe
Mim Borrotra will «o to elf's;;
Pries b wbat mores them!
day.Sre wae dbeoserod in tbe ait- Toasday fora rbll of abont two w..Wto a customer
ICicdiiru Oatbolic Baprodnead BlaUac room by Delpbbors. and by a hard WbUe there abo wQl make a atady of
tory of BC Fraseis Cborob.
Tba MIebiran Catholic, the orpan of alnwrle it was pot out but not befare all tba nawaal m*tb^ In bar profaawere not boo*bt of broken down
tba Cbtkolie danominatloo ic MIebtru. mneh danpe to fWnitnre. lace cur- aion aad look np tbe lataat methods of
in Ita laat bane reprednead the aketeb tains and the honaa was dona Mr.- babdramlnf^______________
bb lose at twobne«f tbe bbtory of Ht (Yaoeb church of
They eall ihenuatrcs. It b net
thb rity. alao tbe pieWre ot tbe ebaroh drad dallar*. Mach credit abonld be
Atleo E Ulo of tioatb Boaidmaa ba*
tba eoek nkd boll atoty ttet
the inritatioD is nsoally accepted, and no
amd the pbotoaof Fatben Bauer and pi*ea Ito tboae who pat tbe Brn oat—
baaa rrsalad a peat!on
wbieb appeared ia The MunsiMi
aadm tba eoUar: it's t
small amount of wonder meprttaed at such *
Football todayuA o'clock. Twelfth
Umbrella Sipek
A Full Third
128-132 mat Stnrt.
XimiapftjyBoristy Offloera
The ansaai maatinc s( tba Womss’a
Foreips MlmloBary Baelety of tbo
Friasds eborek was bald Tbanday and
tbe toUewiop oflieare elaetod:
Hat an Attempt wm ha Xada to
PraaldeDV Mm. Luiaaa Tbewme;
Flnlab PotoOkey Beooto Today.
Vice ilfmident. Mm. Mary Moore; Boo-,
- On neewnit of tba bad waatber and retory, Wloltred E PinU; Timaiirm.bosTy track tbe necn at Petoskay did Mii. Mary IsperMOl.
sol ooma off yeatarday. Ubpzpaetod
to ba*c them today it the srmtbcr will
Odd FoUov AaalTorsaty.
yarmlt but in esse eoadIGoaa ar^nOe tbe Mih of Ukcember Qisod Tm*-'
larorable tbe Tra*eree City bomav^l
Me Lodco. No. MS. 1. O. O. F. will
fatarn toai(bt anyhow.
tatbaBwosn. .
Aidermas Ooodrich BaaDoaatod Dbpntad 70 Oanto to W. 0.1. A.
Alderman OoodrirA doae not ear* foe
tbe amount in*ol*e<l In tbe printlnf of
)ib pcotbrt arainst tbe pnftOfgk-bH^e
'Bafttrbm; It b tbeprincipla iaralTod
whMh netaatad him in barinr
BNtaat paMMiad. Ha bMiavae •*■
- JnMdarsms abonld barn tba rifkt
Ohioftfo Market.
Chloaco.'oot. e.-WhesV-Octoher,
MMo; Deeombor. Bav. Mbs; Junnry,
MSci May. OBVe.
rn-Ootobm. tSMe; Deoambee.
MKebc; May.MMet
Oala-Oeiobar. l7lt«Xc; Doaombm;
llJte; May.tlK.
Btrcet prouada. Maabtoe *s- Travarm
CUy. ' Bath Blph acboel
WUl Darrew aad WUl PJnkanfi left
yostordsylmaton doya' hantlnr
padllbm in tba rieialty of tbe Biv-a
Maaapar Barry of Ua talapkona esobaaire. m barinr «lna alraac for insBrnnoalo in tbe leaideace of Prod. F.
Beddaa aad tbe Oronlt court imm.
Mr. and Mm. J. W. Patebia are
that another
Wma adM to tbe family cirela yeatarit^. The lad Upa tba aealm at 10
. Tba warns wbtnh wlU pUy foat
ball in tba Twelfth etnat rrounds
are mid to be erenty malcbad, aad a
alseeandaxeiUnyoafttaetbearoto be
Dr. Beardsley wUl deUror a leetnro
tomorrow arealap in Stolnbmr'*
a of tbe lecal
a good quaUty for-ao Httle money.
rwUI alwsTi find iu lertb b all powerful. I>are
aerar was a bettar
of truth than tbari
Mem's Fine Keraey O
tbe low price waofler them. 09.40.
Another good one/
sellB at $1.69.
We are noenead ot foUowia(
somaone's axamnU. That asm*
"somaeaa" wbnldpotaa Afriean
moaikeT to abame In tbe mimic.
Una. WerrUl taka ahanoca-om
im .hoiU. ui .11-0 dlun...
OMlH. WtH u4 hoM*.
ladies’ Boi and Ktngiroo Calf Sboe for $1.60
Also Gent's Box Calf tnriuUe cork Shoe at $2^
Boy’s and Youth's Heat7 Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.
First 8«wn Statnmnnt Mn4* by
Adolph Luotgsr^thn All^ind
Chicago Wifn'Murdorar.
^ i. w, Bijnni.
.MS. T.
J. W. BsSMU.. Bdlur «ttd lUMfwSUBBCKlPnO^
BM MM KH1 BI4 WiW and B
d u* PimaFi Mt T
]cb..WBM«v« «lM*a
1WW hM
BM h*«i
WU •• .w»»—
(h« tvpwtt tliBt b*T« taM iprasd Bboat
tknwb lb*
«f the oonntiT. th»t
PMideat HcKlmley wm» to tak»^ oettn port tn th< mmyoTBltj asiB|»1gs of
\ Or»t«r Ne* Y«h. The pr«iid«l hw
V .___ >.i..«.raBBiad e»d It i* (TsUfTtr lh»t the ehM oxeciiU**
U the Ualtod 8Ut« dlMlBliiis u; latMtloa whatever of eacafriar U> the
New Tork oontroreMy- Bn«» *“ »“*Mde woold detnct tram the dl(iiit7 of
the eaalted efiee which he hcdda Mr.
MeKialej bac a r»rj hlfh refMd far
Beth Low aad General -Tracy. bela(
pwMBally aoqaalaled with both, and
hta oalydealratarelatloo to the eon■ tMt M that rapahllcaaanooe* may be
•ymMaeed and followed by inity bar-
•10.000 for a new JaU and Grand UaT<
•emm to the front with a eeeond-hai
airtlele wbleh U offered at IS.OOe. Here
>«« for the Grand Traverae Co.
enparrleen to otaka a boalneea propoaittaa to Otuwa. We have a JaU which
M new of no yeaeUeal nafe enoept aa a
mtety depoatl Taolk It hat not had a
pvtenar for aoma time, and la therefore only an ornamental aocfeation.
Can.<m-ai. enthnaiaam la tempentily
Mdeiraoked U Gian^ Bapida. peodinf
n UUla rejotder on lha aide, baeanaa
ed the reeommendatkw of General WUeon. chief of eoflMera of the ar^.
which ewtfeau aa approprtetion of
•tM.000 for the Improvemaal of Grand
If the freight car famine eonUaeoa
me railn^ wUl be compiled, to eaInrie Uteir ahopa and ooaatraot more
enra to meat the demand, and thna add
to the general proaperity.
Banger Threatened toy NkcaTatlona
is Tamamek Klnea at Oalnmek
OalameV 'Mich.. OcL t».-i-Bacldaatt
Dear the Tamarack mine locatiaa were
awakened by a pecra’lar trambUng of
the earth, which nelebUy ahook all
baUdlnga within aradlna.af a half a
They at firei thongbl that a let of
dyaamiu had exploded ander greend.
bnt thie proved to not be the earn. The
paeple are at a^loea for an ezplanatiaa.
Ij6e^ gaologiato think It waa an
eprtkqnnke and that it# canaa waa. in4tnotly. Ike ezeavationa of the Tama
rack mine.
Try M OM Oet «■ Dea
CUeago. Oct tk-fbe AaoeUiedPram
Um night oblalord the one grant fraiure
mimUig In tbe fninoiu Laeigart trial—
the eworn uettniMiy of the defeodaci
hliearlf. Adolph L. L.uetg«rt. Stnodltis
laec night In the gloccny jail edjulaing
the,iTlm-leokliig gray-atutw coert buildlag In whicii hie remarkable irlM hac
at law been bjeught to a Oeltti. the burly
•enumge manofaciurer capped tbe
max of tbe extraordtpary eerlee ofevcotg
Which began with bla bedikruptc-y> and,
alleged mghtful dlaboIUm of boiling hli
wife to death at midnight In a vat la bli
metory oelUr. ChxnJy following the
floal roault of the irtal which hma aiti^cted World-Wide attention. L.uetgert
made under cath a ataiement ocetcerrilnc
aver known la newapai
Itaao Wa. r.Mae and Dm—tie.
The aOdaril »w» pot la writing la due
legal fonn. and U certtSed tobyanotary.
Sz-Jndge William A. Vincent, tbe lewdIng eonnael for (he defendaiil la tbia rel
ated cnee, the man to whoae brain.
aklU aad energy tAictgert beyoad all
doubt owes his great legal viclury. gave
oonmnl to tbe affidavit bring made. The
acene la (he fall when Idtelgen to<A the
oath was a« dramaOc as tbe clrcnmerneoee were unlour. In Ihedlmtylighted
fall corridor. Lurigert standing erect
graepfng the iroa bars that min kepthlm
from liberty. lifted his right hand wdemnty aaer.ied as (Be noury admlalstmwd the oath. Ttir^imiesmnc tuiroundlags were a reminder In aone degree of
the midnight occqrtwes la tbe factory
cellar t^t^ve become famUlar to tbe
........... --------------- * who have fol
lowed Uir drtalle of Uie great IHaL
Few If any of the cuHoiu- rrlaoner*
and tcrckrtw who were w«mtura bad
W tnUlog of what war taking pUee.
:.»etgm the noiarr and the reprewnca:tve nf the Awortaled Preei raiferred
ngelber for a few momenu and then
’metgen wllhoot beettatlon miTde aBIdarli and algned It Jn ink with rhe band
that i* alleged in have rawiinlited a»e of
tbe moM flenditb erime on re<sird.
-1 DM Mm KUI Mg Wlfe.Tbe affidavit expltmly decUm Luetgtrt'e Innocence. Tbe dorument In full
•TO rubHe: tbe rvmli of mrtrtal. end
ing today If a victory for me taevaiuF of
the dlmgrevmenl of the Jury,' but I am
and very mneb
that the fnry did not bring In
a vetdki of not guIUy.
T did not.kin my wife, nod do ndt
knew where the Ir. Inn I am rare that It
l» onl> a queeikh of time unUI thecomes
1 did not go « n tbe wttnesn stand
cause my lawyi , Judge Vincent, was
bliteriy optMoed my dotngwi.aadberause
that II was not necesanry.
<»anze In public nemlment la iEg.faver.
and time wlNdemunstrate ehat 1 am ar
only aa InGwrat bnt very grievous]
wrongMl man.
• AT>OU»H t. I,rBTnF.RT.”
ibM-Hhjd and eworn to before me
thb fist dAy of October. A- D.. 1»T.
M..F Bl^n'AN.
Notary PubUe.
M M Trade Waal* to B
Aay Panltor Law af Tiaw.
Lroedoa. -Oct. SZ.—A new and Importaai, element has been Inlroducvd Ula
toe grrwl eoglneertag dispute by tbe offi
cial latervcullon of the bused of irada
Kmxntoana WtU be Ihtoraahed. , Right Iloa C. T. lUIrhle, president of
A enrpet ooneens locnted In Chlcbco the txmrd. prt.poaes In an. Identtcwl toiler
U> the masters aad the men a
M mnnnfnetnring what they are pieaaed
conference, being.held upon tbe foilowto rail a Maeeabee rag. aad have agnata
U different parte of Mlchlima and olh- fedrratcdrmplnycrs, whlledtonTcmngall
or aialra eelllng them to the memben loleeiuon of Inlerftrlng ^fh the legltlof the order wlthmit flrat obulnlng mair acth>ns cf the tradee unlona will
admit no rirai of Interfrivnce la thr
tha approval or endmeemeat of the ez- management of their buslneaa
eeoGve oflioerv The emblema woven' trades unions, on their part, whilemahi.
Into the rag are net eorreet. nod ne the (aialng the rirtt of comblnatlun. will
horac bna not rvoelve^efllcinl aanettoe disavow anyeioienllon oflnlerfrrlng with
ibcmaragemcnt of the buMnwa of the
'~nnd the rag doee net abow the proper -mployers.
MUema. and na the >>bm hnadllng
Second, the demand foe h fony-rlght
them refoim* to apply for permWoe hour* wc-k n<*.k irede hy the men's
commllfs- upon th* federated emand refnem to change the deeign ao aa
ptoyer* of Ismdcn. withoui. a lewliAia
to make It a Maoeabee rag. the mem- reuuesl for a iwoferem-e with (He embera ahould govern themeelvca nneord- pl^rs. is withdrawn. Third, a cooferedee Utween the rspreseatallve < tht
federated eipphiyvTs and tbe engturering
It la nnld that ngenU m
unions shsll I* h- M forthwith to dincuse
Tkevmea City far the article
and settle (he hours of Isbur. Fourth,
tbe constlluthin nf the coofnvnce shall
be arranged hy Its rfialnnsn or other
•elected represenuiUves of hoth partlra
•The Xar and Haarlag,'’
The tnembrts of the employrra' cc«federailon at Olasgow my there te no
prospect ihsi She tnhdlstloD of tbe board
of •r'de^B the dtapote bn the line* m
Dr. Baardaley Imat Nl^t.
Ideniica! totter of
Aaotbar-iaige andicnoe attanded the brard will lie accepted.
Tbe-Tlmsp (Ms morning to nn edllodal
metnre by Dr. Baardaley at Ulolnbarg’a
Grand Opera Boiiae laat night, tba rab- OQ tbe engtne.rir,z dispute says: T(
woMd be a
paylBg huslnsee foe
jtT« b^ng “Tbe Ear and. Bearing, ^ Germaa oe American artisan, to aupplv
wUeb waa tborengbly explained by fnnde to pralcre a mruggle which will
drive tbe enelnepring boalaMw from
---------of modela and pnlntlaga. An«tbar pubUe laetnra wUl be given to- Great Britain to fnrelgn competltora
nlghf at eight o’clock apt* “The Brain,
Nerve and Tbrnperamenta.” and It will
ton na nzplnnntion of tha engiBa room
Of tha banae we live in, abowUic the
tefleanee of adaeatkin on. brain develma and pteven•pmant. para
Man. Ttoa
B^}aJed a Dot lAck Tra
.* Laat evening a few trienda were iswltod to tha home of Nra. A. W. Peek
ten “pot leek ten.“at wkieh MIm
iravM waa tha (neat of hoscr.
Vtor-I^BteU XtiMeStora has added
wraryihiar^B the maMe tlae. lis-it
». W. «atar. tba Xoaae Foraiahaz.
Topio.>«onfnmBt Oulal fatoms man: why BMla tha 8toadaid Bawlag Hachlae, a
sad hew. John zta m-a-. Bom. a. S-li lA flrat Idem ma^pa.teallttle mouey.
Thb topic anteali eepeeiallj to the
asacolata Bwmben. li appeals to all
who beltove in Ctoist, toot who have
aoicmlwci atto as Laid hafm the
woeld. Boose people bold tba opiniem
tharhil who leallp believe will ooatom
CbiiiL This it a mUtake. IBnly baUeva that manj.people dooeielT baliova
in Joeus Christ who will not ooofeas
Bln. at lean top uatting with HitebBreb'
or in a pobllo way. We have Setiptnn
authority te tbe belief that m^ may
beli^ in Gbriii and yat not emilom
Him. JobntcUs us that “among tbe
ttoigrruton alto many boUeved on Him.
bat becaaae of tbe Pbariaeea they did
BMomfeas Him. ton tbej ibouM bepat
ml of tbe synagngae. te they loved the,
praim of men intna thao . tbe praiae of
God.” Many today believe in Christ,
bbt do not coafeni Him. Borne tbink it
is not Darrmary to make a public proteniaa of (heir fallb. wane are too
timid. K»e feel Ibeii petaoual nnwctthlDeaa. aame that tbey may oot toe
able to rvprasrnt CfarUt property, and
alas, are afraid of (be oidaicXM of
itber*.. Ilike ibe rnlera cf old.
believers should coufem their be
lief. Notbtog aboold keep
Chiiat if ' • real)
ally believe ia
Biai. Thera it no lost reasca te not
doing aa Tltera ara many spkadld rassoBi why wti ibould; I. Cbrist expects
ui to oonfras Him before the world. He
tea Him. ObriH's wleb Miould be law
to bciieven Kbal Ha wauU u to’do
we aboold da He wants as flrat to be
lieve and then tn coetfeas Him. Coofrasiou sbooia be tbe uafbral uid togical
rasult of faith. lVbf« Weai^ ia tba
brart. wc should oonfMa wAh tba
moBib. *. Vv sbould cuofrag^^rist te
the benefit of others Anhareauinfloeace in tbe vrorld. Our lofioewce sbould
be for Christ if we bclieva la Him It
will uot be nolesa we CDufcm Him. By
gileoi love and Mlleiit falilryva«antint
axrrcise aa iufioeaca teCbrisL Our
vciy silenra will nwak against ChtisL
B. We will want C*hrist to caufesa us
wbro we stand befora Ibe bar.af Ood.
Be has pKBBisrd to do so if vra'eaufess
Him iu tbe world. How ran we axpret
it if we aeclect or refuas to oonfem
Cbrist bowl
How should we taafew ChrirtI First
of ail by nnitingounclvee with Christ's
ebnrefa. It is ia ibi* way that we pro
claim ouraelves Chritiiioa. Thou apoa
•very occaidoa given by word and deed.
bytestimoaynDdbylife wa sbould coofeas ChiisL Oar loogaes and our lireu
should testify to tbe world tbsl ore
hare bean wl'ta Jeauk
Bibto Resdiag—t
xvi, 18-fO; Mark vili, Z
xii, 8. Vi-tvili. 9-U; xzlll, 89
41: John ix. at: Acts ii. >4-17; vIll.
96 40: 11 Tim. ii. 19; 1 John i. MO:
U.t8: lv. 9,9.
..Three Excellent Testimonials...
VotiM«f.atratt«<dB^d «r Xariav
from men in entirely differ
Thd Beard of Baview aad Bqoallratloa of tha flve wards of lha City of
Travaraa City wUl meat Ig nralar tea
atom OB Hoe^. Nov. 1st. ito7. la tbe
Oonaell room. fromSo'alnek to ll;M
o'eloek a. m. aad from l:U o’clock to
>'elodi p m.
a tatereatod may appear at
this I
g and the Board w^haar
•n>e' Boiid ab^*bara“
deaerfhe, ru-v^ae aad n
• -'
of rual
several parts of a
property, bat can not chsage tha total
ir^U^ofaald deseripii
A>Mt>x n. BicKSkb,
When we have a good thine we like to pnbliah it— we want
the people to feel that if a good thing is
on th» mariiet,
we an ready to adTocaU it.
we believe ia an artiole deaerringtff mentioQ-meritorioas to
every way. It is a pleasure for os to kdow that our patroos advocate its oae. Bead tbe foUowing.
Hamiltox CLOTklS
___ -1_____
have won. t^aw
. Ca.
___ __ ___________
aad have foaad it th» moat nomtortahto aadmraar. la avery ra, I bar* •vur BSMi.
psnoa wtobm to Icmp hia afclo dry and
>. Uw Jarsa UadcTwcarwill do it.
Baapcutfally. •
(fa J. IDmujio.
bought twosultauf daw (Tadarwear twoysaraago. 1 have wora
them ever ataee. wiatar
Tbev ara good yK. I WMid not
go wtthoat theau I do not know of anything that would taka their
plaea They arawana. dry. light aaiI oomtotahla. They ar* ediphatW. A. Senmuu.
LuThe lambar woeds.
It gave me |
J. A. Btkkb.
Fcruaaaa ter WUat A Oa. Uma lAka.
-OApltel, $100,000
; BorploB. $$6,000
OFFICBES-Itarry MaaBah. PiunldaBt:
A. Tracy lay. 1st Vtoe Prvnideat: James
Morgaa. Sad lice Pntodent: ). T. Baaaab. cashier; Samuel Garlaad. Amiataat Ghahlar.
Sl\oe^ Sale!
-------- AT TBE--------
DIBBCTpRS-IteTy ^aah. A. Tracy
lay. JaaMB Morgaa. J- T. UaaBah.
Samuel Oarlaad. '
New Shoe Store
K. a—Addraaa aU ColleeUcoa aad
OofTtopoBitoacw regardtag BaaklBg
Matter to the Traverae City State Beak.
TraVaraeCtty Mieh.
No. 135 Front Street
800 anlra Udiea Shoaa. eommon aeMa tnea. forma- urleu flt. now
1(» paira Ladtoa- Welt Bhoea, eommon toe, forma price »«. now
100 pnira Mlaeae’ and Chlldiwn’e (ihnea. werth Me. M
100 pairs B.^’a dhoca. geing at....................................
Ba^ Hheas at
Me te toe
Men-a Oil Oraia Kboea at
91.W. 1.98. 1. to and X.
Men's Beat Klp^Iloou at
UnloB S.rv.*, ^W FroBt.
Batobos ef aU klnda. No. 1. (no eU atoekVat
cr-'W <loM*: slMlkavv Mdfd a siM» si
trie (loed*. WUl vv> rsa la aa
BaU br tosTlnc rrar «^ •( tav <
The New Shoe Store
13S Front Street, Trnverac Oty.
C. O. SMITH. Propr,
Baarty judgmeoi of tbe artioas of
others ia daagerous and cfieu ODjast.
Wc measara lOD'uiDeb br mme superfi
cial appearance and euudemo battilv.
wbnu. If freknevTall^aud understood
some cme. '*ThU peln. sorrow dr lass
has not drvply affected him. ”
But we do not know. It is like tbe
death at a few of the soldlfn in trwt
(ff a regimeuL Tbe broken ranks dose
up ngsin into tbe solid phalanx, uiA
the lort ia not apparent Tbcee may be
DO disorgaaintiaii. 'uo aun«nder. ao
oravlBg for pity, do display (A despair.
It is like Ibe calm, daxaliag play of tbs
There U no siga of tht wreck; tbe tide
hat tattled tbe debris away ter out on
Ibe posan: Ibe traneberoos water b«
swallowed all sigai aad
cf tbe
night's nvrful work.
We see oaly Ibe falrsem of Ibe moRiing. not tbe •afferiog of tbe uighL Let
ui be charitable in our Judgmeai and
eoDdemn uot wbeu we d« dm kaow.—Chuiok Standard.
If we deserve eympsthy, ire are pret
ty eure'tf getting it by eDurageously
aui] quietly sbowisg that wn are d<-serving. We caniMA have ii-lv demanding
It with wbluea. and lamrniatinna and
demooStratiOBa of oor sufteing forced
apoB nasrlJUng toK—Sunday Sobool
Ha* pvR!ba.ra tW H«V4 Kark*4 fewrir oprratM b} J. C.
Vlara. Ii vUI bv ■*#« ever
WAi^ we Offer, PardonlBriy iB LadiM'Wmt.
SBcvrawr la J.ic.Ttaek
emt nwaat. areasba Bawl Waiiiag.
New "■Nobby
Gooitifear Walt
»;.a ehara ef tham and the rsMlt Is Uls sp<
P Meeha Kid Oloves. worth 91 t&.teTve.
^ .
U dosM Ladies' sud Mhos' Ihess K
A line...........................................
I latedlffa
It’e a Fall ami Winter Shoe,
It'a a Water Proof Shoe.
I'd rattofir trifle with tbe forked Ugbtliag ar’tbe deadly pestilence than wiib
-myohaDoeof etmal life.—D. L. Moody.
The dt pamneni siurra have bees i«t>nonsoed an evil with iduguler nuanimity of (gduKui by (hoagbtful toes ia the
varioBs (liruk«s<if wriety. They bare
driTtn muliitadce
tradcumen oot of
busintaa They have bankrupted snare
of werdtaBta both in wholesale wm) re
tail Um of trade. Heal eutatr u dofueaiated all along tbe prinripai anteta of
cor city. SUM by (be bundled are for
n«t. FenoCT stowteiepita are reduced
to tbe po>dtion cf rle^ al tow sragvs tn
these gnwl cmporlama, which ■w-tiM
atone Mww any Mtu of cranmemal
sritov. Me. to
life.—Bitoop FaUoVk Beformed bfeUnnukee. Ort. Zl—Tbe vIsltiQg l«h- ocpal. Chlcaga_ _.
opa, clenfvmen and delagata* »o .w*
Fplscopel Ulsalonary counril
are ‘boilden. haildinc a
Sion at lli’wankee spent I
Kaebotah. Wla. where sen,loev attend boaqe^ for tbe futore. Every man k
Ing the rrlntmneni if the rvtnatnseif the buiUiiig some kind of s_____
tale Rev Dr. James Uoyd Brack al by day ewob one of us is naniig wane
Kashotsh Tloune were held. Itoe aenicee IclDd (f ebelter te etenity. Wc muut
nf the slm|k"si rbsranW. in ksep- build eotuMhio*. ETeaMtoDMietoaildwith the man whoae msmorr they .iugaahaair. Lm is bnUdliig a borah
intecdid to honor. ____
VtrtueiebnildiDgapalace. ButaUmen
can cbooto their own foubdatiem Some'
UCB ebooae the towlandi aad othoa
tbuoar baihUag sHea above tbe higbeet
tadleposed Tocaday. He U better now. temUbc. Some boild an tbe eand and
tbe fevec bavtag named away, and he
arosk.—Bev. Wnieai O. Par-'
wUJ prat^Mp teoutla a_dv orlwo.
[A Great Giete WtekWitliDs!i
Ask for the Boswell Hat
In Blnok and Brown.
Bray hat wanwatad. If it fadae ei
’egtrayouanMM. (
« -Itiaaqoal to any Knox a Dunlap «8 hat te wea.p
Anothe.-. ito •■Challente.’’ a voy etylisb hat.
B^mI to jtoyjB hatla thecUy.
\ Olavt Block.
Id Box Calf
In' Cordovan
In Enamel.
Six Houses and Lots
Ci^h or oo time—Best chances in the dty.
want to bny, come quick.
Heavy ^m. Calf Lined, Bull
Dog and Goto Tom. It’aageotle. SEE THEM AT
Tra»«r»o CHy. Mieh. \
Ap. RafiM*! l“p ai( limlaM Ci.
Frank friGdricll, Misses’ Lace or Button,
Wara^ BtoM
lie FaaatBL
« a Oahtood Shoea. al
aoUd.te6tepair.at AA FSTMANti. 914 1
TBa uaaitaa bbcobd. battjbdat. ocf^toB sa, ibst.
aochvM to the. Meal iiaiode. Oe the
iatuicb at tbe UOM «-rre tbl^tr'Bv* BM.
torludinc U
Rumll 8aca SpoiU tha f>lartt d
thf Unkm Padfle RailwaySyndieatk.
The smokfMack. the top of the heller
and tbe tart of tbe canopy Arvar the
boiler secee Wosrn Into tbe air. and what
eras left of the Uunch caught fire from
the .heel of flame that followed tbe
bursting of tbe boiler. Ml tbe fliv bad
IKllc to Ibum. The BBBO In th# pit wlib
, »llec-J«to Phtlllpe. an oOer, and
I John nsbar, a coal pamer—were thrown
; vtoiemly agntoM tbe wooden partuion.
Fisher sms badly Injured Inlerivally.
^ M Ite OBwa OU ■
iB ttaU ciljr re««rdBy tf^oon
Ohleago't Mayof^* Trip to Ntwr
York ^ Holp Tammany
BlnnuT €rf l»»« UMKbln* of the
OoaaUtulton. Anun^ the BpeaUrfB w»»
naodore «oo»evelU «»N»t*Bt •eeratUT
■rf tb« BBrj. He «td to P*rt: "Tbo
msMt of tbe Coutiiutto'B iMWchtos
ns the be|.-1nnlr« of our n»vy B> -ee
knt>« K todBj. ft »»• #fto*B re*r"
Bfter the UunrbliUE of the OoaMitoUop
•iMl favr etoter »hl|« twfure that pnol
' nac ahlrh mMUu-ed ua »aj bumUcii.
• •rr-iitM
BDd durlnr that fifteen rear* there *t.re
«»o ob^ed to the mala'________ ..r •
t tiM ChfTM* «
.. . _ Lecaaae ere had the Caneti*
her aliter ahipa that We came
*to«»eyh reaaa-paink«l Men ttac* ■
Oeihaae-t>e.i«« Theealrae
war a1lh ered'lt and V U due
New York, Oct. tt—Tbt annoanee-1 id a poller rowrarj- to that whlcn
■Mat that Uaror Harrtmn. of Chloa»r. I prompted the totfoduMl.m of a^h vaa-
}Dd«e Van Wrek. tha Tamnmnr ooen- .
baa for mapor, U not rwrieed with faTOC even hr the Tammanr whema. I
From the oduh tbe Bapubllcana have ,
bean critlctaed by tbe Democratic to^h-j
aiara and the laad^ and the newepa-
wmain >L
crfand. of Boattm. who wae a pov der
hoy on tbe Oooamtillon. In bee famou*
battle wttb the QgefTlera.wai preaented
to the audlonre. and Oorentur Woleoll
blmaalf led ta ttaraa rbeen tor tbe
Mk»r npportera of the aUuaa' Union
■•peake'ia. aouble amons whom were
Oct. Xt—At the mends'
Forahar and Tbontoa. The accaptanot naUonal meet! Id ycMerday tbe badness
•h* conference wa» orof >f«>ur HarrtaoD'a tender at wrelcee eoannlllee of
definlu proposttioh on
to regarded u a ■tnlUflcatlofi of tha
Derabcratic poalHon oe thlB eabdecC
Colonel Witttam L. Brown cava roloa
to tha dlBcntlcBl aentlment raaiardap.
He aald; "I wrote to Mr. Sheehan aubmiited a propoMtion. that m
of yearly irMWilogs aa srr
anr acbeme of thti kind. J hatra retend
celred a letter from' Mr. Bbeeba^ In
which he aald that be ontlralr asined gers and to strensthen their Joint i
With me to tbe Btaa'd 1 baea taken. It
Is ■hadpolltloa.unneceaaarr *nd lll-tlined.
to brine Marcr Harrlaon to New York." plan for dowr union, to be mihmltin
'^'ba. then.'’ Colonel Brown wai the yearly meetlnsy for thrtr approi
Iso to appoint a coforanirc to prepare
naked. ~hi rrapomlble for Carter Hairt•OB-B Tl«l It Mr. Sbeebnn did not Ueor _ dtadrllne for Bobmlerlon to the yearly
tneeitogs for their approvaL
.erlik avary atova
Wa will touks TOO A vaty tow rnto to
Ofuud Baptoa. DgtrolL
XHto' Kdfc
Cbkaro cw Oaetnad.
A Couros of Fie* Pupator PubUe
1 le.ee j
B. F. BMFdBlBj, X. B.
New ■ York. Oct. M. — Bnmdl Sage
mated a aennlloa to Wall street late
yesterday by announctog that ha had
been Invited by Prealdent JIcKInlcy to
torsn.a syndicate In Unloo PaeWe ran.
way'bn the baala of aattofylng the fuU
govemitrenl claim In tbe Union.Pacific.
Sage Invited aubw-rlpllont to a plan to
be-bareafter brought out by him for l!*«
fbregotog object- The payment of the
bTW They Bat
ksSSarh Air Bees
Pt. LooU. rvt. e.—Suit President
WllUatn Carson, of,- CFallon. of the
Uteris- union; WUUam Nerbury. of
Troy: James Page, of Btauoli.n; Ous
Horst, of tilen CarbcB.. and Th<
Simpson, of CollltwrlUa-iBamban of tha
executive committee, an being tried by
a convenUon of thirty-five delfgatemto.
era tn East 81. lAstls on ihe rbarg
accepting bribes of WW each to Induce
e mtorrs to their districts to return '
srk; Tbe money was paid the men. i
Is charged, to Induce minera to mui
. srork at a tower scale than that t
srhkh they scent co a strike.
«{ Bartlerd. Coua.. bsrlSBtog i»
I^rume, Wl».. Oct.
The annual
rsunUn uf the Iron Brigade aaaoclatiun
cloaed yWterday. Kverylhlng was In
formal. tbe Mtincss being dmuioed of
Wedoeaday. The headquarters of the
reunion waa Ihe scene of a JoUtocaUon./
The veirmne vUlled. told siorlea. Bang,
ainoked and told exprrienceu. The
Memorial to brror vf tbe late Captain
James D. W«4j.
company O. Serond'Wlscunitn Volunteer Infantry, was
O^ 1»—‘‘Ika
eras shot and Instantly killed here yes*
tnday bv Bsnry Duncan, who accused
Foley with Itr^rr -.cy with Mrs. Duncan,
his alfe. OiFcr.Uesnastef. who wai
the strect/W^th Fuley when Dunesh
tacked him. received a charge of
hurkshoijtn the breasi and Is dangerous*
ly srouafU^___________________ _
. ItU..
Ocu r--Oovern«r
and rirlh
it. 10c.
S Want Adsi;
Fire Insurance.
night that he had received subacrlpUous
rer fU.MO.UOO within two hours of
nnouncenient. 'it was annouaced
be would conttoue to receive aubsertpliorw until bte pUr wna sutaertbej
Irwsi three Unres over. Aa la tjrt
jd trnrtnarllon Page thinks xprr* li
unlimited caiUtal available for Iba'aet.
Urreent of tha Psrtllc road di^ts wllums to the govcminent and without
blind poou
^ Oaa. to SaaTwe.tr MUiloaa.
ftage-r^rnlon Psclflc aebamT'were
foUowlng: Bubwll Sage.hT. WUsun 't Ca. na.OM.Wia: Samuel
•ortheBtateof NewYork. tl-OW.OW; Will,
■^•ald.«f Astor. »X.«0(l.«»- Aslor**
ceired by cable last night. Boiim of these
names represent other Interests heeldes
the. Mgners. It Is.Mid that a large
New-Yurk Life Insurance comps
aulwertbr to Bags'* plan tor lit
eommUiee »f ih r American 1
as»c<ailiui effectuaKy dispoasa at me
alory that Presidem Calcs was to be rvtlred by renomlnatlrg him for a itoth
term yesterday anorniBg. All the present
offleetB were , nmomtnsted with , one
mituir eacvpllon.__________ __
at the Old Stand.
Wi^ Meale MIU Iw Dwwaa.
PHtsbuTg. Oct. a.-Tbe Joint wagt
conference of window glass MSitotactaren and werkere held here yesterday to
arrange a scale for the ensuing ysar.
adjourr.ed last night without rsaebtog
aa agrevmenL
sa iwss aato Ite lewr Have a<bat-----^
Washington, rv'i. St—Atoor Dapuy de
Ismte.'the Bpst.bO minister. ww» an
Becretary Bhermen'* callers yesterday.
It being dirhanailr day. and apent ahncM
an hour in eernerS' consultation with
tbe seervtahy and wlih Aaatstabt Seerp.
lary Adoe, wh< Was seat for by Ibe a^
The Eaterppise Grocery
is still doing busioess on
Front Street jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.
' iwsAtyJoer buwrs
from S p. A. yiw enls
iranoM-rslr wsa'hrirt
W> Men M the BaUMrlp «**>• totol
bsramlac*aTto>4e: vwT- .. ..
tKM. For Liver Michigas-FSir wsMhw;
Boston. Oct. tt.—The boiler of ooe
ebsriM til wont port K« thir rswaiagiYMbt
theetcam laupcbeSofAe battleshipTexss wesWrtywiBda for Up|-r MWngwt Ctoarly
fsir wrotbw: Hghl
blew up while If was elongaldt of lbs Ikbasmslr.
^ . follow«n.i
wintfa-rwerte t
iBUilrvhlp yesterday. The explutoon occarted Just as tbe launch reached tbe in,. foUoiM by t«ir
of the fhlp. having towed down Ibe sMMo • to sroiberlc
sblp's Wts! each full of men. who wert Fair,wanasr weather:
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
'-Front Street.
ItsalbM^r. Ne.Mi
aalei>l<urg. Tllr.. Oct. SI—Dr. NeuK n
Bateman, tor sevei.teer years preMdent
of Knox CiJlege, SI
Irtendrn't uf publli
trola. oled here at hiahtmelaat night.
•udden. the result of
n educBior be bad a
oaticcal reputation.
Cedar Rap!«H. la- -Oct 8.-BaUlmore
difeaied Ihe AU-AmerJea aggTvgatlonhy
a Kvjn of : to 4 before a large crowd
here y’crierday.________________
The German government »ill Mionly
ask fora large Ini-rvaec In Utc
Tbe slcumcr Alameda, which arrived
ymterday from Pj-dney. brought »«».«M ln.^EnglM> BOVCTI-Igns from Auriralla.
Tufierculosis In an advsiwed stage hai
been found lowilst In a herd uf iwllle
owned by the KWiaas BUtr AgiiciriiurAl college
pIfaSiy wHh Bartleya P
W. H. Lexer, tbe great Englbh sr
mahulacinrcrehas come to Am»ncm
I-ln.oln, Neb, Oct. tt-In
eslsLllph soap faroorUs .to the United
dresard to the cittoens of Nehrdaka. Slates end Ceaada.
llecansr he had siomach trouble Fre
Ooverrwr Holcomb detmds himself from
chargea of (wrrufiiion in conoet'ihin'wKh ley A. Tast, a clerk to years old. cum
the diefalcalloti of cX-Treasurer Barfley, milled BUiddr at the home of lUs brotband totleTly arraigns Re|iut>lk«B lead- cr-ln-law. at Chkagw
era of Ihe autc uhoiti hr declares are
Reypen to be
respimMUe fur
s'drJcruns stoftee
circulated agalnsf^im
ITirue aturtss grot! general of the rAvy to succed Sur
allege that the goMTnor approved geon-<7enrrBl Hate*, deceased.
A call bar been laaied by H. W.-Senntbe bond of *x-Trwurer Hanley know
bis. aecrvlary of the Bulld&ig Tradrt
log It to be faulty, and that he wai
aware of Bartley'a aburtage Iona be connriL of 81 Louis, for a general
fore it was made public. GovcrtMir Hot- veniloB'^cf rounrlta to he held In that city
comb declares that it eras rocumbeol on Dec. to. '
Upon Oovemor Crouiu. bis predeccsa-r,
Major Mem* P. Handy, the ' spa
to tovectlgale the treasury cvndltioti commissioner of the United Sisito to
and approve the iMnd. but that he French iDlertiaklousy expoMlIon of I
ahirted the responMbinty to him <Ho]- is a> eerltiosly Ul at Paris that
eoBsb). and be was.compelled to meet friends are alarmed.
thg eeodllhms which be found id exluUlrxctor* of the janevvllb. Wis.. colne governor then proceeds to die- ton mills hqve under coostdcraOoo
ekwr tbe nmdlUon of afraiis at the glK>|«<ri(lon from g fwesnt«« knittir
atau house when be assumed otnee. cumiwcy to rent the UKier mill*. TI
whicb he- declares w« honeycom’>ed ^radiae comiacy has tIto.WO capital
with fraud and mlsrile.
The entire i Ineorrwraiu.n paiwru bave been se<
eomTnunICBllM la a seiiM of senmllon- to Rprlngfivld. Ills...for a new beneficial
SJ charges ms«e against pollticu' cp- society, the AmeriraB Ftatefnal Ceague.
ponenu to eonneclkin with the state whose rncmU rvbtp conslsu of 'men w bo
trcaa«ry. and an elabomte defenae of bave wllbdtaarn from tbe Royal League.
Us own aettona Tbe article baa us
FUbIng tor wblieftsh and trou
eeptloB to tbe suit against Bartley's lAke Michigan must cease for Stk week*
beadsmen now
going on si Omaha, under the new WlsconWn law. Many
where the governor wsa called as
flMMrmrn sl«tg the ahom will fish
RUonte walrro during the prohlhil
tog and feeing purpoae* after Nov. It
i. fine sallhoat n> Lake Koshkonong.
longing to Albert Vincent,
quent erwiaee, thereby ans
iih of tbe dock
frightening tbe fowl nwnp. has auddenly
Tbe rettaalns of ah anknoa n
fpoad to the woods near Star. lake.
Wla. A Btotch. a little monv. and ■
Ttdvsr atm to hli hand was aO Uiat
tonad M Ms pat MSI- A bullet bok In tbe
bsad tedtoalad that be bad eoeunlti '
Enteiprise Groceiy,
KS^WantAdsS. •
Jao. R. Santo,
For the opening of the new sto^e,
e borough of the
Btonx. The meeting was attended bv
it t.M* perpone. General Traey anS
M general conventton yesterday »»
overwhfiming majority. If tbe aetlou
oEtbe ppment body Is tsttted by tbeconventiOB of im. acceptance K the WinChester creed will no longer be a eoi “
tlao of fcllowshtp In the church, and
old daclaiatioe of prihclpiee win remain
1 tbto plan.
The case grows out of the action ol th>
Alton city ouni-ll to iM liing apart iw •
il huuBce-the UiveJ.-y and DougU*
... the exriuelve use of colored p'UpUa.
and exchjdlng aueb pupUa tronf five
other w-b«»U of the city.
* sum rviiiuin ueir... ii vues erie
by roblwry of the people, by the
bar of power be usurped, lefhlm g
England. If I have tbe power, the prnitent'ary yawns fur him. If I have Ibe
power tbe fate of -BmW Tweed and JMn
Y. HcKane srlll be his.
I make no
threats but a grjat crime haabceecommilted."
Vaa Wyek aM Traey HtwHasa.
Robert A Van -Wyck. ^he Dcmocrsllc
nofailnee. was elated for s Speech at a
Tammany meeting at the JefCersivn club
bonae. but he failed tn put In an ap-'
pearance. Instead, however, be sent a
letter, which was read
tl^e audlMce.
It was an attack on the pres'ni city
nrallon. General Henjamln F.
lots of iNtes at
10. iSaidlOcaPect
Digesttou.'Tburkdaj " aaiBg. OcL tl—*'TW
Butoan Kje.'
Triday evenUc, OeL tS—"TW Ba■aa Ear.*'
batarday cvMlng. OeL t»—••‘Tbe
Brain. Neevea. aBdTrmpcra»rBta.''
dpto>didly niuatraw/ by Manh
View* to tbia eannirv.
d eB'FootmasIce
Tb>:mas JeBeri
f bocougb of I
Uolkett & Co will be .ooUiBg oot
Steiaban't Graad OFra Hoasa
iaMaealbaTetkea Tab
_____on. Oct. a.V
It Is believed that Henry Oeortte has _..lcle thU morrlng. on.lbe opening of
deeilned tbe aemcea of aowes of Potn
tbe Yertes oJxrvsidry. txprcaeee the
Usttnnd Oliver oratora. amonc them fe
bops'that It mil be tree from "a great
rr Blmiinon and former Senator Peff^v. danger that eeema to btoet so many
who bava volunteered to rpeak tor him AtneHran InstItallonij-aB Inaufflclency
tn Nc« York. Geom baa WO aprakrrs. of eneuch means to ieftoy annual esnearly nil resldenu ed Orenter
penwfC" Tbe Tlrree adds; The VnlverYork.
Miy of Chicago will not hr estaUltbed
OraatNetb LdW DamaaMUam
or. a firm Iwels urlll an mdowmenl suf-
lAacc to Cameirie ball laal ntotft.
ttaraendoiu thronit that filled every
In tbe pit. crowded Use boxra ahd 1
thence swept up to tbe topmost row
' IbB bid faltofT. v.aa.pr*»enL Even I
slace was tmeomfortaUy crowded, the
henebea that rose Uer.llkc from the
lectern belnc fauined. The moat I
markable feature of the meetlni w
the fact that U was not .bJIIrd ss
tod. being held onder tbe suapicea <
Kepubllcan organlsatlor
Plattl of ibe city of New York. About
ene-thlrd of\he sudletine
Twenj Days
-Ba>*TAOOa.Me aa th. LMNaw.a
-Thai."^he repll.4
•Il9w Ou^t We to live. Etc."
B. O'. MOBa-.£i-i>r
LmW-OMen at fl
AIbo e.i'erything in the line of
In the Broach Block.
About November 1,
to make your fall and 'winter
purchases of Dry Quods, Cloth
ing, Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s
Furnishing Gloods. A great new
stock at guaranteed loWest
prices in the city. New goods,
new prices, at
GiXMlfl proii]p«ydeC>-ered. Oidera by Phone givea quick itleotioB.
Bwy bottto
toad. ..Tbe enly Cb& a WAIT.'Orafrito.
Mayer’s Mapetic Catarrh Cure.
Correspond with
Have Wc
to Sell thef,:':
Traverse Gty
have for sale Good.
Lumber Company.' Wc bave for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery', of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Worics,. Carriages
and Saws.- A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
traverse oity lumber
IBS KuBimra utooxo. sxtuxday.
IteviAW of 1h# Colobrmtod U«^
gtn Murdor TrUl «t
•M* Wmitw • M«««ran
AWU U» i*rUo~>
Dontr. • Mfwar m tbt neU CoioB.
Was moMtuB
Dr. Ovort* V. •BaUtr.
at tb* maamtn. aad
Dr. Hewaa, aa arttrvUtar.
tracsM** «r tMMW )rgfB
eoapad waa MeMlM aa pan of a buaae afcnU. A badly imsUlatad botw troa
tbe aaftaa roan vpi McattlM poaiUva*
as. iss7.
(AHailaa Mnamaary eODvemiOB oaI «lded to hoM the. tint aatioDal coaveail Chauanooca. Her. r. D. Pow.
Waablastoa. waa elected preol- i
er. ofr WaahlaatOR.
dent at the AnerteaB
AawrteaB ChrU^n
7 roter^ay for the par*
ladopled deHaHoc thei
a plan of aeUca
the VToaleat e
tlBC thee
(bt neAeral of the d
' and rinUsatloB. .
M lutaolai
The CbkacD dralaact {g t^e di
tioB that hercaftOT
caaal and the removal at the dama wni . «catea v...
be 4tiait«rod on a
Civt to otannwe a ahlp waterway
b*, took oot for
3 targr of
d Ibaba.
lief iber
j vm trm Ibe •
and ibai lodivMua) prohaMy a
X,«atcan'a aiiorMr* nuaad two a»tm honac tindiM to be eookad Is tba
raUdte ral asd t«ru of arrrral otbera
o aaa wbetbar crude potaab woald de*
*rojr them aa
a« the Ptate
Hate <-)almed.
found In the ta ■nape rakinira aa cenet
Heela and frnen
OKperta tdontlfled
iBMWtjr. dvgaflBg ddoanitr and tiaosnaptkn afleMiiqt tiiem.—M» B. K.
Bullock. V. q. X U.. i» B«w Ml
Oalf of Mexico. A larse Bumber______ .
Ofaiea waa te atiendaim. reprtaeollnc
the rarhiu ciUea la the IlUstaa/ rteer
haalfiv. W. H. Hlaricbaeo delivered the
leading addreoa to which he reviewed
the benefita to be derived from the remuv^ of the Aew^ and tbe Becetdty at
the aeUoe.
1 that tbe eattmated
BpiBUl OarBtwBl Bm
O. F-’CARVXB-A«rai
. Ih sddlUoB to tba oM-tare for_______
trip Oct. uu'to mb tbe V- ^ * I' Bt~3ackBOovnie. Ilia. Oct. B.—The prtn* wui rieo a ^adal egeuretoB to Orubd
dpal work of the State PcdentloB of Bapida Friday. Oeu ffltb.
l^'omtn'c Cluba ywterday wai the c«n- Leave Inverse CitfS:4lAm. faruSLM
7:40 •'
InaUoe of utBcen for the cjiaulca yeef.
Seed a»
8:41 "
The canunlitcc reponed BBapIsK ueiy
Big Bapida
ta favor of Mm Allce^ Bradford B':M. <4
neward Qty VA4
Cbicaca to aoccevd henelf ac pnaideat.
Arrive Grand BapMs 11:14 a m. BoOther ocncrre •
iU Ivuve Gaaad Bnp
Suits to Order.
e—K.—.-I ----------------------removal or the dama *lBla Bach, of
i Racmmt ot a hutnaB toe.
dredihny of the. channel over reiary____
Three «ea BreWd la a Ktee.
lahpetalsg. Mlrh.; Oct. 22.-Th'ree rein-'
era were Uuted under a maadve taU of
ground at the tarveland Lake Dine al II
o'clock yeeterday, rooratag.
One of
them. Onet Murtena. was kQhd. and
Gus r^l»n was rescued alive, but bad
ly Injured. Tbe third tnan. wboae name
la not yet known, is stiU under the dirt. I
bol worfcmee are making a heroic effort
te reach him. It la thought that he la
Mary SJemmerlac. the aarraiil Ctrl, iw
When the defenae was bpci» A flcbt '
tired for the nlchL leartnc Hra Dtset>
waa made over the Identity of thebosea I
Clin elin about the booae. A UtU{ Uler •Dr. Waller H. AUpon declared the al•A fnan
the boy Louts tetumed
fron a cclrcoa, Itced human thlyh waa
waa a
a part
part of a-"
\ which had beeB-exhIbmoC In tbe nelsb- ;
rteletnn, and that the other beoeo
\ borhoed and found bit mother dttla* Is . were not human: Neither Dr. AHport
a cbalr. It was then about It o'clock . noc. the expert! tor the defeiita. who
and be was aect to bed. bavlar obb the were chiefly veterinarlaOA were able to
taat of hu roother. peebapo focertr. Mr.
the bpoea to any sbIi^ with
Lnetgert came Into tbe bow a Hltle be-.
•'sceptlOT of the thigh.
(of« tbe boy went te bid. ard tba tatter
*STw b^
Tolm the story dlvercea and tbe moai
garUniB trouble of A. L. lAielgert'a ntc
bectaa At what hour Mra Luetgert
left the bourn so one. save pomThty her
bssband. knows. The foUoarlB* dayBuBday-memberc- of -tbe famUy knew
boni in tbe vat on the night of
Uay 1 to make snap with, and etker
wiiBeaoM eoBflrmed the claim of tke
defenae that buetgen was making soap
<• the night of May !.
rt’s per^ *be claim blA
t Mr*. \Betgert baa aplea'at 100 dlffervni- clUOA
. On the 17th
Luetgert'a pteUmlnary
and will be worth n«e an acre, or ao a
frecale of SMAW.MO. Ai
*o»<»d ihelr iotervet le the project were
Hon. 1. V. Qraff. Of Pektr.: Kben J,
Itler; J. U. Ntehaoa of
PeoHa; Sylveeter Allen, of Bloffc; May
or tagger and the city counell erf Jcdlet.
and Chlrago Dtstnage Dlnrlci Trwle-o
JoBca. Carter. Hmyth and Wer.ter. Aft
er raadng reaDlotioni praying «iiigieo»
to -moie tbe dares tbe cunvenlloB ad.Joonted.
whM <he nghi CM vmgtmt.
l>mrton-,Oct. 8—According to a
AI dlspatkh from Simla, the casualties
during, thy Rghtlng Wednesday, which
' t vtortnlftg of Da
IVCrolu Oct. 8.—A copy of the Vee
.-------^ T- ■ --A 1____
the aerond dlvUloB of tbe I
n Herabl baa been
here, ! ridgv
under General TratmsnpubUabed in Caiseaa. In BnglUh
wrre three British otflceis kfllid
flve wounded; of the rank and
IM were klUed or wnuoded. the Oordon
tDewa Therw
t^orTokre of the sute i
» was yver s^.wb
l^etgert^i^ «
Inder being eoually divided
between the Gurkbsa and the Derhyshtrv rtgimenL.
We are aWe t«>idate uu
ithority that tne
wardness of Ibe object 'f the vtelt wai
of pounds of eaos»•« carted away from-bit
Ora Week to «M a gaiy.
The trial waa begua right weeks ago. '
«B Aug. ZX. One bUBdrvd and forty veaIremAB ^ I..................................................................
ceHved the following rahtegrara feom
General tVryler: "ritaee deny Ibe re
port that has been publlMwd that 1 hav<
fused to aurrender n
gms 8tomeya suceveurt In fri^len^ them oB crow-cgamlnaUun. Thera
record aenrauon whets Ntcbolai
FMber teauoee that on the night of May
I be had gone to Lueigm'i bouse lo ap
ply for work al tha taetorr. and that ha
alai. had aien 'Luetgen ard bis wife gof^dowB the aUey toward the factory J
aridence the autc. prodneod. Numcrt whom had were
toe rings.'poritivaly idantlOed then as
Mrs. Luetgert'a and bat one' wltaara
varievw produced who doobtod tbrir
Tbe state began by showing the fwliBg of Luetgert toward hli wUa Then
tbe proaecutloa traced her from tl*c
bouae on the fdght of May 1 almM to
the door of the Uctory with her hmliaBd. It waa shown that the haaetneni
door waa barred, and that Blalk. the
only peraen la the fMory that nlghL
)wd been seat away at aboal tbe ume
It was charged the murder ooeurred.
Boare Idratiflad aa Itoiaqa,
* rix-atory
, ~.MA — »A—'
nVarjy at' nc’w opi sawn
JancstlUe- Wto.. Ot. B.-Prad McAd
ams was dlscbaiged wbea brought
Into the municipal court for examination
on the charge r.f murderirg William
Ewing. The dlstricl attorney, baring
-vldence to show that McAdams wu
r.V Vm^e.aV
I'iM ;■&
*•:.. •-»'
IS BerraotUr Co Blerk.
"'I -liS'
w «-.n-
man named Neal waa oentenced to a
raonlh’s tmpriaonineBt fOr dangerously
wounding a ahipmale on board the
Amertean line steamship 8t. Paul. The
recorder in passing sentence remarfce-1
that accerding'lo the evidence the ilhtp
seemed to have bam—a pelTect pan-
«*|......jyi- WaH
::;:;"lm. t
ora- .rev
w. ■uisasii'SE" —
prwB n. Voyre. Ora— 8a|—t. OnroU a—
Ireal feetekt re brwalek arrlToo a> II80 a. m.
Leavsaal lAOB.ta
0.(.U>OKVOOO O.r.A-Ora—RawSa.
Chicago -AA
Vest Micfalgap.
AnvalAri tor Frrach'> Malgcw ,
Three lAkvs. TVls.. • Oct. B.—Dau
Miper was arrvsied asd taken to Orandon for hrartrg on snaydricr. of having
murdeiyid Frederick Preneb. the trapper
whs mysteriously ditappeared two weeks
agu. Miller was Prvoch'a partnrr. aod,
tris sieged, tells confllMleg riorlea as to
hts whercehonls when Preach Is alleged
to have dlaaw^ed___________
BareStoa TV Be Orakre's OoasL
New Tort Oct. 8-Dortng bla com
ing Tlatt to this city. Mayor Cartor
Harrison, of Chicago, wlU be the guest
Rlchaid Croker.
Bore. Moore.
>kor8 ketrew
*» fSSKr*.....
....l« TO ggSfP-rtl Caloa a
V irr.ek-wp: ore aM lepnaS kare karaew
aaSbtUa C. T. Orawh. «: WasUreva SUM
ir II
UBiB iu Rmunin li
Taiafca ariaal 8a»iay.Aare8 MB.
T WILL alrv yoe a hU kamla Is a tray rs
X Aoooe <rlik kara ob4 MW. oo Vaoklag
• a gk:«mje 8 48
sTveir.'s'.siriJsri'Sir ^»
TriOKfllLF—KooUMraroetableroakdnM-e lo
1* - rvMewl yoriloBri any To ore who 4eolire reemaaral kirei aa4 peraori|
ralM. tkA. le o goad oreoi
borrahuboi mill beooUta
art '4'm|"48i
Ckwf Lake ...
eouwy oe eKj peowwSTOkaaLC-ratanvool laadra laag Lake
f asuatreraetaiare-ireari perpravo. tar
' SW
prartlrsUy avhe and his wife aaVed In his
pi.nt. He borrowed almoai as
„„ph more incomplete It. and as -"oe'
of his borinvM waa dnnr »n credit.
It. whet
Ur hard timet came he bad no c
with whirii to go on. When hs
Ot-Hgi-d to borrow right and left. Mre.
l.uetgert hM nn chance to remind b’ns
rASTi. *
V.44I K.nkoUA
•rj^ATtKIi TO EACHa^g-Good kSeyela
P^r^^^kMrapsSrao^^^lk* CaSa
8 RKVT-Wiei kali
■ obow awiB.
w KlmSiJ?- '
pSKM'Vo* aatk-4 mllaa aootk a« Tvararre
rarelly dess
lAtt Pebraary Luetgvrt's factory
clooed down. H-hea proflls craaad to
pOa up. Mn Luetgert'a acoldinga and
the family Jara ’
a«mering had In thwith the Lueigcrta and Luetgert's roodnew for her. It la aaJd. locreasA-d (ha
Utteraaaa between him and bla wife.
Plnandal ruin stared Laielgvrt In the
face by tba middle of April. The.rausage-makyr and hla wife raw that the
factory araa almoM caetain
from, and butchers and market
men. who were tn Luetgert’s debt were
unable to help him out of difficulty tn
the bard ttanvs. Mrs. Luetgvrt. who
lad seeu her advlcv thrown to the winds
raked out tha folUralcg day. and It was
her dire predictions all cuma true,
wbm there aabea were dumped toat
no «pportBi.lir u ocold bar hu»parts of tbe fragments ot alleged hu1 'fo^ hla folly. Tba reports of the
maa bone arere discovered.
A moamold boas and a DMUioTpaL
lodlr nmukted br tba fluid, tad found
lo the middle vat by toe pollre. were
Kre Laatgort-a rotaUvra.
laalllTriT MtotiBtd as humaa tr Dr.
S^^ulhampton. C
able bouse for a mile around, waa not
envied, however. 'When ahe saw tbe
changp In her husband's hablla ahe
fretted and chided, till Luetgert finally
wenflo live among'hla dogs In the fac
tory. He JRtad up a alerplng ruom In
his office, and his bulky frame never
was seen in Ibe bouse cxOvpl at meal
Maes la Kaetogre hlaek. Ttowpaa CUy. Kiel
Mra Luetgert
*‘ri»vd her huatAitd to Invest t*o.m Ip
e '•lance
Ivlance of
of tbrlr
other InveatmanL
aavlnffa in
LuPtgefl had ni» u»o way.
l>uring the year uf the WnrITs fair
Luetgert cleared 84.000 from bla saus
age biMlitera
At that time he was
rvpulrd to Ip worth about 4300,000. Mrs
Lurlgvrt. It Is raid, nevrr ceased to
chid.- her hnlADd for putting all hts
logs In the plant, even when profits
SniOipidt i liliui g. t
l^aUB A aoRTOX. a. D.. PhysMow 0*4
alder as pacified tte four westeta pe.-'- JxL
aargeoa koo loowtad la Teoiveos CMt.
taccA In accordance with her majesry » oad win aitewO sevrapUy to oU dwj er Ugkt
command 1 will rail oo tbe Uat 'day of rail*. Arertol oHrmtaa oireti u> iibsi-"-—
oadefclldrvo'o disewaeo. Markhaas Bka
this month.**
gntfntrd by Mra Agatha TV*h. Prank take care ef iham. The 8ctory waa loBialk told of Loeieen's unexpUinad i eaird then In Sheffield avenue, near
,, his V Ife ^rar-tehed.
and DIVency.
then tbe eia'te dlarlcaed how the potaab
came Ir the fatLuetgert and his wife had widely dlfPraAk Odomfakr and Jamb Igvandowsky. V
laborers al«nr thi t\c^:
into vnar pieces, burni.ig thrir ^da '
and toraa ard putting llTr Ihe v.^n? '
der f.ncteen'a CTd~rv. Thev deOcrihed
the vtickv rilmv siolf c-b rte
— finer th- fr-crrirg'after the alleged mnr- i
Evr. wl-cr T.i*»»»-eet bed
v»d rartly
eenie o
toe rat by means of a
Neighbors and iriaUves of the Lueigeru tv*U.rd u tbe bluer uvarrela bejween them. Ad Luetgert'a empioyea
— TWlaied bow Mai-> Biioiuicilng. bis m
1 viilicd him at the fartory _
unseemly h-.nra It was knowp that
When Lueigert rent uM Frank UlaUi lo
a dtaUM drug stun for iltinyadJ water
While he was biuq: at the vat. there wfga
eny boukrs pt liunyadl water In the
laaotTEmma and O^lirbe Brhlmpke, two
8ris living screw the glrvet from the
Luetgerta Went on the stai d and told
t saclng Luetgert and bla
In the direction uf the facli
Picture Moulding^
great fartorr at Dlveracy and Herml- > gM rsM at A* ■----------rail*, bai
tagv avoBoos made the Germans and
Pulea of bis nrighborbood caU him
New Orleans, Oct. B.—The frvvr kuking
natlon improved P-i acme extent heiDuring the twvcty years stnev Lnet- yestefday. Al iCgbIfall there bad be.-B
ipit two 8tal ^arva 'reported.
wralber yvolerday tm^ng was coot
_je sund
sttveL where her gold and reportr tram below New Ortoans
Lotus Luetgvst. the li-iyear-old m I vedaing ring waa first worn. Mra Luet- are to the effect that there waa a iight
«f tbr iirtsoner, was one of the stata's ^ F<^ ttad tolled with her husljand and Iron TVednewday nlghL Colonel I. D.<
garlleel wUnesraa He recited the oc- : had planned' w-ltfi htro. 4-uetgert was Bllla of Covrrnor Foater's auff. eald
cntTcncto of' tbe night 'of May L and a prasprroua aSloon keeper wbrn they that be had received .advices that theyv
teU a powerful slr.o- for thr prosecupnw
been fruat In 8t. Bernard partab
I were w edded.
Boo. on ct
Wedoes- '
.. .‘r was a ' a pretty German domeellc,
irprlse for tbe slite.
The boy ns- acarcyly
;ly a word of English.
day night,
hounevd that at t o'clock ... the
... It
last Luetgert and bis wife had ; »>lFbt and poaalWy not a
meat stamp out Abe dlwvse here.
tng of May t, whm.''arcordlrur to the ' raved ennugb muney
........................................ ..............................aliK-A from Selma. Ala., yesterday a
stroyed In the rat. be beard a
The falnlly weflt to live over the.mar- frori this morning, with »
thUf pr
g I saloon had
Tt &ga
•vccllected this Id the office «r Loetgvrl's'the back doors of bis friendr borasA
. Mofallv. 4 new cares. 4 deaths.
atterasys. and the gtalr flatly charged : He saw posalbllittev In BauBagrimakthal Luetgvrt'8 allameyshadmanuract-I Ing. and gradually be went Into the Clinton. Mira. 4 new caaea: Edwards.
d tbe evidence.
i nurtneiis nf makln summer aausagvs. Mira. 4 new cares: NlUa Tama. 1 new
caeca: Bay 8L Loula. 7 new caws. \
Luetgvrt's thrrau, bit Ptalvment that; At ni^t thto’waa''rarrirtTt
be would like tc crash hts wife, and that ] room of the market. After
while it death; Cayuga. Mias,. I new cases.
be rvgrettd lAlIlnr
for —her ,; ooutripped tbr regular
-.. a
- doctor
-------- --------bualncra,
When she was III. that the “dead, rot-j and Loetgerl aaw buslnes and proflta
I. rw B.—The NalloBal
ten beast wcold have croaked,- were re- r come In almrat faster than be «old
Heruld BoUding. L_______
Mslooln WixnK.
CUy Treraorer.
Dated OeL 7. 1887. lS4-lf
Key WaJmr Wejpre OreeMf
WaVilnri> n, <Vt, S.—Benor de Ix^m
i Sr,X'.
1 will be is my office daring tba
BoeUi of October 1807. to receive city
' oltexsu. Office boars 8 o'clock
to niM o'effick A m. and trtau I o'clodi
lo 4 o'cloek p. B-. and oo Tueaday
erenintB fron 7 o'clock te 8:W o'clock.
4m Dor Ms Uk
AtteneTa ht lAw.
began before JuvUce Kvralen da Hay
, saw the strange Vn:naa
8 Blckeneve. Mrs. Luetgeri'a L.other.
r sure she
a not Mrs.
. , told of Luilgert's Irdtflerence.
----Frank Blalk tuld how Lurigrrt bad
...HaAyi .ik.^ ' Guarici. n-gUre. and Ibe poretblHtr of
apvot Ihe night on which. hU wlft dto- , *
«*talntng ccntriH of one or two aepoail
appeared cooking sometUng ,n the n-tJ.
mine, of the republic- Aral thU la why
die val. and the pollw dlacloaed the **”*' "**
rings Mia Atfatha Toeeb. Loetgm'a: loaaBBOBa CAU.CD BIM KlUO.
warm mend and.prr--'-----* -■
loon which be patrraM moat. detUred Fes
j has abmethlng above tf.t-^,-—
j 800.800 lo expend in the paving uf streets
to the police she bellered him' guilty
and donslructlon
fonslroctlon of aidcwalks. the gnvhas iwen the object of uik |
thvjalemal feelfng for hit
railed about hla wife to hrr. and bad ^od nJ^Uoo for the lasr flve reari.
•aid he wietoed *e wvre dead.
I,,,.- TT
,1/^^ 1
buslnere Ir. ort-r
Tbe only perwre from whc»n the poSo~ hl^
^ *'“*
grrt hlresvlt.
Swratbox. perpuasloB.
ttareats and 'coaxing had no effect on
Votion «» Ta^atFun.
NO 10
Sr Cupboard Saife
:Sm. wS5i
Dapsb I fl a
Olaas 4are> oo up. earreil pasat 4ares kalaw. : (Tga drSwes.
•a. Lower pari eviullaUAl.
H^'i?»ASTV:cs aycLis
__Money to Loan
Flnt Teftr-^No. 14a
WmXOmms Onad«mld «f Ofwd
X«dc* ef MkU«H—*t Dapot
mr Bud ud ft. o«od tud* 7«i' loWKl, IftOlBdtalC PpMChW ftild
wmoxAL pAns
‘aataaded a ipndal UaftatiM to be
to ba«a bh protaat a»al»at a dam
,Ow»of l**talaBca appaw is tba offtdal pcoeee^iara. Dewaaftf. tba nat voBTVKz nr noanor bob
ter la aatUed asd t^a eitp alarb baa W
TKB aSXBBBAXBO LUBMBBX. and tba flmraarriea performed by ^
„ed a. odea to iWannaa OoadrMt
smant\waa a aalaetkM npaa tbe
for tba aeTaniT-l*a aaata whkh ba daaUnacar VMdlatos Oflfera to |« aa
paaitad wttb.tba dtjtba Sasaaca Xakarb Bamd and
Ooadrteh. la erdar to abow tbatbadoaa
Woald Oiaa Kim 0600 DoUara a
•et eBMlriar tba anoast of money is
tbe tfoBMCtlaa, baa aadaiaad tba erdar
to tba trwaaw of tba Wenss'a
W. E. Make
bsnittii.d.r<°nii«i> a>-putoenlii|>f.ttl. fmpatt attsiungoa
wm 1$ HDiimTa;
Oikftco. Oct n.-Permal applWsi^
Tk« MMbm ot Oa Qfftftd Tnaaraa who eaa tat It by enUlsrat tbe BacosD
Lo4(». Xo. MO. 1. a a F-. teftdarad a oSea. wbacB It baa baas left for tbe tor bail for Laatiart waa made today
lo Jmdca TathlU by dttnaya Viao«l
TuifM- Uat al^i to £. H. Brown baftaftof tba aaiariatlaft
ftftd tha
------- *
Oeoepa Middlctoe. tbe dime moaaam
froB Ua tkftftd Lodra »t Lftaftiftf.
----- waa at tba eonrt baUdlsr
*tta apacMe raaaoB «f iba da»wbaa tbe aK>Uentioa waa made and
oftatfftUoB wM tha tact tkat Ladfa
Itafttb «r Bom. Bawtoft ^tanas. waa praparad to fp oa tbe aaoaar#
Knabar MO waa botforad hj tba Un»d
LL O. Vfttbar of Mra. W. Z.
aaker-t bond.
LadcebTtbaelacUaBolMr. Brows aa
Shonld Lnatffartbaralaaaed. pesdlsc
Wrl«bVot Oaiaabn^b, nift.
«faod Bersld. the ftrav ofioe la U-a
I to tbe hifb effiea of Orasd
Yeatarday noralar Mrs. W. K. another trial, be will probably airn a
Wriybt. wife of Ear. W. K. Wrifbt. MBtrsel wbleh Middleton baa ftlraady
Vaatar of tbe order la tboalata.
(ieUr Lnetfan a aalary of
jrhes Hr. Brows allrbted fran the paatorof tbe Pcaabytai
lllamo ef
• «Mk for Ua anMaraoea U tba
U o'cloek usln oo tba 'C, * W. H. ae- oalead Udtm of tbe m
lI.. ' moaeuB for an ladefiaiia period.
oonpoalad Vj Mra. Brown. Mrs. Oaerfa i bar fatbar.
>' Attocsay I
,. nia Mm. wriyht |
EUerasdMra. W. A. Dean, who
' D . of dal^tM to tba'Babakftb Aaaanblp. _________ iiratartid tor the badalda" of! oppoaad tba demand that tba
they were fraatad V atraioa of mnaic barfatbor. Later a maaoace eame that I be ralaaaed oa bail and tba
It waa that a formal de
by tbe Boya' Band and waloomed by a Dr Bateman waa dead. Be*. W. K.
mand for tba
Urd company of
Odd Fallowa. Tbe WHebl arri*ad home laat nl»bt from
_____________jd la Uae and beaded by Almd. wbara be baa beea dnrinc the bail waa made.
Jndc« Vineeet aald be wonld let tbe
tba band marebed to Odd Pellowa Ball. i peat weak, and upon reealrisf tba md
wkara an Infonaal raqaptlon waa bald. Itb'lnra'al oaae made praparaUoaa'fora matter' reat for two or^ree days and
Cana^eaena amoat toe
the naterntm
delarates wan,j-.e™ej
waaiinarsey te Galaabnr^ to Joia Mn. Um wonld make formal nppiiantioB.
tbka moralnr Be added that any t
Mrft Larinia MilobaU of Elk Bapida. a V^rirkt. Be will It
w*a IS year»iconldber«»u Uwaaii
ttWHMI taCDUI'S'" FRinD.
Y. O. U. Want
Oeronar^ Joy Saya Oyeleaa M BaVOnMUa lor tb^ Oolinfa ad
Batal in Obarlaaeix.
CharleroiX. Oct- n,—Tbe toroftar*i
jnry in tba Mr b
ly asoMfstaa tba arebttaet, tba bnllder
and all oonnaetod with tba aoMt
Srr'eaty wUnaaaaa were pi
on tba atand. Tba *ardiat aaya tbe dba baa*7 wind,
cydene or tornado.•• Tba bolal la al
ready rabnilt np to tbe aaeead atofy.
M. S. HOLLEY, Miwup
We Make Curtains..
any width or Imptb.
L Xqoal say Of the hlgW priS
we'd ratlwr p'd judge
of tbameritoaf oor
•mant to tbe oOaa of' honor at praridenlaf KoosXoUace. af a writ of babaaa eorpoa wonW be apSlate j piled far. If tbia action ia taken DanOnardian at tba banilir meeV
aaya be will at oaec pet the LnatSnparistandaat of Public InatrneUon.
inr- '
.__ cnaa on call tar -trial arnln. and It
drrtrinr at tb^haU C O. Tnmw ad- of Illlnala. nnd In anrty day* waa u
from tba UmbeeUastbamoolvos than from oaTthinr we any «d thorn. Bisftov
_________ _ latimata friend af Abrabnm LinotA. ia amoac tbe paMlbillUm t^t tbe aanammad tbe company
U oeBr»««l*M«7
Una ioat roeolred. Ail priaea. Sfwcial Valae* ftt 75^ 01,1.B8 aod IM. '
tmnnnd paidnnaloqnant tribota toibaria* bad offlsee adjolnlnr tboae W ■are maker wUlaralnbacn trial by
Mr. Brown, aim. Mrs- Brown, who la f Mr. Unooln for if*eral yearn. TbeTn- tba middle of next week.
Jedre TotbUl mid: “1 fancy that
Mackiatoaheft—Right Lines for Ladies and
«na at the miarratle workma tor tbe i timaey
when Mr. Uncoln became Luetrort *rill Se*ar afaln ba triad la a
order in tbb rity. Mr. Brown wna taGeotlemeB. Correctly Price Marked.
I of tba United Btataa Dr. court of thie county. That la a qaeabm aa complaialy by anrpriea by tba
tion that moat ba deeidad when tba
of your life b apent'ia bed. It b waU
damoftatmtlan that ba eanld not Sod
atato rata randy to make anetbar me*e. to.bare tbal oomfortabla. We «mn
■ blmaalf, hot be adneatlonal prefraaa of. tbe atau ef
tbanknd kb trianda^or the kaarty wel- ItllnoU for many yaara and waa amour
A food Iron Bed. braae trimmed, and
twel*e men who ha*o not nlrandy tried
OUBM they c*** him. AddmaMoana^ tba forampat ef the dlatinmiabad pab- the nccuaad in their own minds and aa extra prod Woven Wire Sprtap com
' . turns Dr, SOB
plete for 0S 00. If yon want (rood bed* UlAU Sir Onb-Cbp^nlSAUi, Iona
prMte to tba occaelon ware made by E Ue apiriiad cltlaen* of tba auta.
Many frtanda will monrs with Mra. ba*a rithar noqnlttod or oonrietod we eaa Sell you a irood eolidwall made
• ^nrborii. C A. Barbae. L' K. Uibtaa,
bad and aa extra good dpriap for pS-TS.
M. B. Oriffllb and Mm. Mlteball. Af Wrirbt nnd her family in their lam.
ter tbr form*'
ine mcmbai*
Kia Twanty-Krnt Withday.
rstulated Mr. Brown in
FralTht Car Famioa.
saterday waa Al*sk TylerU twentybb own bebalf and In behalf of tbe
{.anaiar.if -There b n frelrbt Sr*t Urtbda* aanieeimry. and in boaladra. After tbb an appetlxlnr lancb- 'ear temioe In Mteblrao aadil i* impoar of tbe e*ent about thirty of hb
rae wm apread and for aoma time the ,,,,,,
^^e mllroad*
cara ibool maten of tba Birb aobool
hall waa the aeeae of faatlrity and____
Ballroad Comm
Coaml**ionor Waa- orod him with a anrprisc laat eeenlnr
aeUna mya that the abortare amounU at hb home oa Park street After hb
• The olbar delarata who rbltad tba to aererM tbonaand can.
work ia the Park Place barbel abop
Orand Lodra hot who retursed aooaar
abont SaSabed be waa aant borne
BTB baaisr thnn sTsr b«A>rB, is BTi<
wna M. M. GrifStb. who retnmad yea
I friend after hb pbotorrapble
tarday noon. Mr. Brown' waa alee raus and wban be ienchad ibaro be
dsDos thftt tbr fiaallty of
etaetad treaanrer ot the Odd Fallowa Temonow Bvanlnt on Aoeount of the found the konse la nadUpatod poaBoma aaaoriatian.
aamlon of bU friends. Tbe eeeniim
Death of Ki«. Wr^t'a Ftthar.
apent In tbe anjoymem
Oalartotbedeathof Bon. Newuw
Bauman, father of Mr*. W. E Wrirbt. plaaaure and I'tfrmhmentn
Tbb b tba aarpriae psriy that waa
Mr. Wr«bt will not preach In the
Ae«ninad of Obarra of Aaeault^and Proabytaian chorch tomorrow. Be*.
Battery la dnatioa Brownb Oanit by J. B. HaH wUl ooenpy tbapnlpU la tba
aJnryEaat^lrbt. ,
marslnr. bnl there wUl be no aerrica
aty Snrveyor Nerthrsp retorsad last
• Floor Is hotter thnn oFor, end thst-tbe
A jorr in Jnatina Brown'* court raft- ia the aronlBrsipbt from Graod Bapida.
derod a rerdict of not r>llly lael nirbt
'lAdios oppreoUto oor oflbrtB to gire
Mr. and Mm. O. O. Bee
AtT. J. Boat's Popular QotbBareay
in tbe caae of aamnlt and battery
om OUmco yeatarday lo apaod ,tba
tfaem the host there Ie
•snlnat Lonb Uelrcr. Tbe trial eonlop Hooae of Travorse City.
A number ef tbe litUe friends
■rintor wlU tba family of Mm. Prank
named tbe enUre day and Ibe jury -waa Barrey Brnnar rb*e him • fnrowcl! Yandam.
<nit aboot three bonra, retnrninr tbelr party Tbnraday nirbt. a* be eapeeie to
Anrns.MeOolI. E P. Ferris. E B.
verdict at ■ o'clock p. mlea*e ia a few dan foi Urasd Bapida. Sabboiy* and John Muirsy raUised
Tba caae yrew oct of a row at a
»r tboae preoant we^ Arthur yaatofday ‘ from Petoobey. what* they
Man's kdaek Chariot Paau at l.t's
Aaaoe at Klnraley aoae Ume kr> OarUed. Benry dlabey. FriU Carter, want to attend tbe
Man's rmy
. Oelrer. who bacoaatdble. waa prca- Mlnaie and looltle rrterlyl. Irene and
Mr*. J. U. Martin want to UUnd
Man's Km/s
nt l.*»
eat Bftd there was troable. He wa*
> 1^0101.. Maud and Mabel Mc yeatarday to iri*« u anterialmanl ia
Men'sall wool Cnaimere Pants
called upon to ^oell ibe dUtarbaape by Mlcbaal. Grace Monroe. MayaadJaUa; aloonUon Usl nl(bt under tbe nnaplaea
purtim InaMe tba ball, and 0. W. Ball. 8tn^. Beulab Co*ell and Emma Fricd- of the Leelanai
' '
bb home to aealst When Ueli arrirod
M. tl. Oriffith retorsod last niebl
there *raa a ronorsl s»alaa and U .the
XlUs RamadMl’a Loan.
irom Lsnaiar. wbarakc attended tbo
Battertck'n Patfams for Noromber
Janrle <Wlrer wne aald to bare aoMr. and' Mrs. Ellb Bamadell went to Grand Lodes of Mlcblgsasa a dalaesta
Wbat aUmaWe are ba*lnr with
mnltod BelL___________ '
Lodfe. So. 900,
Trarane City Monday and left e*ery- [-from Grand Trsi
our Boy's t>nlt stock! Cfta’i keep
I. O. O. F.
rixaa. They dboppaar like bol
OBKOIT TO MOBHIMO BSOOKD. tblnp secure at bame *s they auppoaed. - - '
ter on a hot store. GualUy and
but at abont 11 o etock a. m. of tbe
Mim Borrotra will «o to elf's;;
Pries b wbat mores them!
day.Sre wae dbeoserod in tbe ait- Toasday fora rbll of abont two w..Wto a customer
ICicdiiru Oatbolic Baprodnead BlaUac room by Delpbbors. and by a hard WbUe there abo wQl make a atady of
tory of BC Fraseis Cborob.
Tba MIebiran Catholic, the orpan of alnwrle it was pot out but not befare all tba nawaal m*tb^ In bar profaawere not boo*bt of broken down
tba Cbtkolie danominatloo ic MIebtru. mneh danpe to fWnitnre. lace cur- aion aad look np tbe lataat methods of
in Ita laat bane reprednead the aketeb tains and the honaa was dona Mr.- babdramlnf^______________
bb lose at twobne«f tbe bbtory of Ht (Yaoeb church of
They eall ihenuatrcs. It b net
thb rity. alao tbe pieWre ot tbe ebaroh drad dallar*. Mach credit abonld be
Atleo E Ulo of tioatb Boaidmaa ba*
tba eoek nkd boll atoty ttet
the inritatioD is nsoally accepted, and no
amd the pbotoaof Fatben Bauer and pi*ea Ito tboae who pat tbe Brn oat—
baaa rrsalad a peat!on
wbieb appeared ia The MunsiMi
aadm tba eoUar: it's t
small amount of wonder meprttaed at such *
Football todayuA o'clock. Twelfth
Umbrella Sipek
A Full Third
128-132 mat Stnrt.
XimiapftjyBoristy Offloera
The ansaai maatinc s( tba Womss’a
Foreips MlmloBary Baelety of tbo
Friasds eborek was bald Tbanday and
tbe toUewiop oflieare elaetod:
Hat an Attempt wm ha Xada to
PraaldeDV Mm. Luiaaa Tbewme;
Flnlab PotoOkey Beooto Today.
Vice ilfmident. Mm. Mary Moore; Boo-,
- On neewnit of tba bad waatber and retory, Wloltred E PinU; Timaiirm.bosTy track tbe necn at Petoskay did Mii. Mary IsperMOl.
sol ooma off yeatarday. Ubpzpaetod
to ba*c them today it the srmtbcr will
Odd FoUov AaalTorsaty.
yarmlt but in esse eoadIGoaa ar^nOe tbe Mih of Ukcember Qisod Tm*-'
larorable tbe Tra*eree City bomav^l
Me Lodco. No. MS. 1. O. O. F. will
fatarn toai(bt anyhow.
tatbaBwosn. .
Aidermas Ooodrich BaaDoaatod Dbpntad 70 Oanto to W. 0.1. A.
Alderman OoodrirA doae not ear* foe
tbe amount in*ol*e<l In tbe printlnf of
)ib pcotbrt arainst tbe pnftOfgk-bH^e
'Bafttrbm; It b tbeprincipla iaralTod
whMh netaatad him in barinr
BNtaat paMMiad. Ha bMiavae •*■
- JnMdarsms abonld barn tba rifkt
Ohioftfo Market.
Chloaco.'oot. e.-WhesV-Octoher,
MMo; Deeombor. Bav. Mbs; Junnry,
MSci May. OBVe.
rn-Ootobm. tSMe; Deoambee.
MKebc; May.MMet
Oala-Oeiobar. l7lt«Xc; Doaombm;
llJte; May.tlK.
Btrcet prouada. Maabtoe *s- Travarm
CUy. ' Bath Blph acboel
WUl Darrew aad WUl PJnkanfi left
yostordsylmaton doya' hantlnr
padllbm in tba rieialty of tbe Biv-a
Maaapar Barry of Ua talapkona esobaaire. m barinr «lna alraac for insBrnnoalo in tbe leaideace of Prod. F.
Beddaa aad tbe Oronlt court imm.
Mr. and Mm. J. W. Patebia are
that another
Wma adM to tbe family cirela yeatarit^. The lad Upa tba aealm at 10
. Tba warns wbtnh wlU pUy foat
ball in tba Twelfth etnat rrounds
are mid to be erenty malcbad, aad a
alseeandaxeiUnyoafttaetbearoto be
Dr. Beardsley wUl deUror a leetnro
tomorrow arealap in Stolnbmr'*
a of tbe lecal
a good quaUty for-ao Httle money.
rwUI alwsTi find iu lertb b all powerful. I>are
aerar was a bettar
of truth than tbari
Mem's Fine Keraey O
tbe low price waofler them. 09.40.
Another good one/
sellB at $1.69.
We are noenead ot foUowia(
somaone's axamnU. That asm*
"somaeaa" wbnldpotaa Afriean
moaikeT to abame In tbe mimic.
Una. WerrUl taka ahanoca-om
im .hoiU. ui .11-0 dlun...
OMlH. WtH u4 hoM*.
ladies’ Boi and Ktngiroo Calf Sboe for $1.60
Also Gent's Box Calf tnriuUe cork Shoe at $2^
Boy’s and Youth's Heat7 Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.
First 8«wn Statnmnnt Mn4* by
Adolph Luotgsr^thn All^ind
Chicago Wifn'Murdorar.
^ i. w, Bijnni.
.MS. T.
J. W. BsSMU.. Bdlur «ttd lUMfwSUBBCKlPnO^
BM MM KH1 BI4 WiW and B
d u* PimaFi Mt T
]cb..WBM«v« «lM*a
1WW hM
BM h*«i
WU •• .w»»—
(h« tvpwtt tliBt b*T« taM iprasd Bboat
tknwb lb*
«f the oonntiT. th»t
PMideat HcKlmley wm» to tak»^ oettn port tn th< mmyoTBltj asiB|»1gs of
\ Or»t«r Ne* Y«h. The pr«iid«l hw
V .___ >.i..«.raBBiad e»d It i* (TsUfTtr lh»t the ehM oxeciiU**
U the Ualtod 8Ut« dlMlBliiis u; latMtloa whatever of eacafriar U> the
New Tork oontroreMy- Bn«» *“ »“*Mde woold detnct tram the dl(iiit7 of
the eaalted efiee which he hcdda Mr.
MeKialej bac a r»rj hlfh refMd far
Beth Low aad General -Tracy. bela(
pwMBally aoqaalaled with both, and
hta oalydealratarelatloo to the eon■ tMt M that rapahllcaaanooe* may be
•ymMaeed and followed by inity bar-
•10.000 for a new JaU and Grand UaT<
•emm to the front with a eeeond-hai
airtlele wbleh U offered at IS.OOe. Here
>«« for the Grand Traverae Co.
enparrleen to otaka a boalneea propoaittaa to Otuwa. We have a JaU which
M new of no yeaeUeal nafe enoept aa a
mtety depoatl Taolk It hat not had a
pvtenar for aoma time, and la therefore only an ornamental aocfeation.
Can.<m-ai. enthnaiaam la tempentily
Mdeiraoked U Gian^ Bapida. peodinf
n UUla rejotder on lha aide, baeanaa
ed the reeommendatkw of General WUeon. chief of eoflMera of the ar^.
which ewtfeau aa approprtetion of
•tM.000 for the Improvemaal of Grand
If the freight car famine eonUaeoa
me railn^ wUl be compiled, to eaInrie Uteir ahopa and ooaatraot more
enra to meat the demand, and thna add
to the general proaperity.
Banger Threatened toy NkcaTatlona
is Tamamek Klnea at Oalnmek
OalameV 'Mich.. OcL t».-i-Bacldaatt
Dear the Tamarack mine locatiaa were
awakened by a pecra’lar trambUng of
the earth, which nelebUy ahook all
baUdlnga within aradlna.af a half a
They at firei thongbl that a let of
dyaamiu had exploded ander greend.
bnt thie proved to not be the earn. The
paeple are at a^loea for an ezplanatiaa.
Ij6e^ gaologiato think It waa an
eprtkqnnke and that it# canaa waa. in4tnotly. Ike ezeavationa of the Tama
rack mine.
Try M OM Oet «■ Dea
CUeago. Oct tk-fbe AaoeUiedPram
Um night oblalord the one grant fraiure
mimUig In tbe fninoiu Laeigart trial—
the eworn uettniMiy of the defeodaci
hliearlf. Adolph L. L.uetg«rt. Stnodltis
laec night In the gloccny jail edjulaing
the,iTlm-leokliig gray-atutw coert buildlag In whicii hie remarkable irlM hac
at law been bjeught to a Oeltti. the burly
•enumge manofaciurer capped tbe
max of tbe extraordtpary eerlee ofevcotg
Which began with bla bedikruptc-y> and,
alleged mghtful dlaboIUm of boiling hli
wife to death at midnight In a vat la bli
metory oelUr. ChxnJy following the
floal roault of the irtal which hma aiti^cted World-Wide attention. L.uetgert
made under cath a ataiement ocetcerrilnc
aver known la newapai
Itaao Wa. r.Mae and Dm—tie.
The aOdaril »w» pot la writing la due
legal fonn. and U certtSed tobyanotary.
Sz-Jndge William A. Vincent, tbe lewdIng eonnael for (he defendaiil la tbia rel
ated cnee, the man to whoae brain.
aklU aad energy tAictgert beyoad all
doubt owes his great legal viclury. gave
oonmnl to tbe affidavit bring made. The
acene la (he fall when Idtelgen to<A the
oath was a« dramaOc as tbe clrcnmerneoee were unlour. In Ihedlmtylighted
fall corridor. Lurigert standing erect
graepfng the iroa bars that min kepthlm
from liberty. lifted his right hand wdemnty aaer.ied as (Be noury admlalstmwd the oath. Ttir^imiesmnc tuiroundlags were a reminder In aone degree of
the midnight occqrtwes la tbe factory
cellar t^t^ve become famUlar to tbe
........... --------------- * who have fol
lowed Uir drtalle of Uie great IHaL
Few If any of the cuHoiu- rrlaoner*
and tcrckrtw who were w«mtura bad
W tnUlog of what war taking pUee.
:.»etgm the noiarr and the reprewnca:tve nf the Awortaled Preei raiferred
ngelber for a few momenu and then
’metgen wllhoot beettatlon miTde aBIdarli and algned It Jn ink with rhe band
that i* alleged in have rawiinlited a»e of
tbe moM flenditb erime on re<sird.
-1 DM Mm KUI Mg Wlfe.Tbe affidavit expltmly decUm Luetgtrt'e Innocence. Tbe dorument In full
•TO rubHe: tbe rvmli of mrtrtal. end
ing today If a victory for me taevaiuF of
the dlmgrevmenl of the Jury,' but I am
and very mneb
that the fnry did not bring In
a vetdki of not guIUy.
T did not.kin my wife, nod do ndt
knew where the Ir. Inn I am rare that It
l» onl> a queeikh of time unUI thecomes
1 did not go « n tbe wttnesn stand
cause my lawyi , Judge Vincent, was
bliteriy optMoed my dotngwi.aadberause
that II was not necesanry.
<»anze In public nemlment la iEg.faver.
and time wlNdemunstrate ehat 1 am ar
only aa InGwrat bnt very grievous]
wrongMl man.
• AT>OU»H t. I,rBTnF.RT.”
ibM-Hhjd and eworn to before me
thb fist dAy of October. A- D.. 1»T.
M..F Bl^n'AN.
Notary PubUe.
M M Trade Waal* to B
Aay Panltor Law af Tiaw.
Lroedoa. -Oct. SZ.—A new and Importaai, element has been Inlroducvd Ula
toe grrwl eoglneertag dispute by tbe offi
cial latervcullon of the bused of irada
Kmxntoana WtU be Ihtoraahed. , Right Iloa C. T. lUIrhle, president of
A enrpet ooneens locnted In Chlcbco the txmrd. prt.poaes In an. Identtcwl toiler
U> the masters aad the men a
M mnnnfnetnring what they are pieaaed
conference, being.held upon tbe foilowto rail a Maeeabee rag. aad have agnata
U different parte of Mlchlima and olh- fedrratcdrmplnycrs, whlledtonTcmngall
or aialra eelllng them to the memben loleeiuon of Inlerftrlng ^fh the legltlof the order wlthmit flrat obulnlng mair acth>ns cf the tradee unlona will
admit no rirai of Interfrivnce la thr
tha approval or endmeemeat of the ez- management of their buslneaa
eeoGve oflioerv The emblema woven' trades unions, on their part, whilemahi.
Into the rag are net eorreet. nod ne the (aialng the rirtt of comblnatlun. will
horac bna not rvoelve^efllcinl aanettoe disavow anyeioienllon oflnlerfrrlng with
ibcmaragemcnt of the buMnwa of the
'~nnd the rag doee net abow the proper -mployers.
MUema. and na the >>bm hnadllng
Second, the demand foe h fony-rlght
them refoim* to apply for permWoe hour* wc-k n<*.k irede hy the men's
commllfs- upon th* federated emand refnem to change the deeign ao aa
ptoyer* of Ismdcn. withoui. a lewliAia
to make It a Maoeabee rag. the mem- reuuesl for a iwoferem-e with (He embera ahould govern themeelvca nneord- pl^rs. is withdrawn. Third, a cooferedee Utween the rspreseatallve < tht
federated eipphiyvTs and tbe engturering
It la nnld that ngenU m
unions shsll I* h- M forthwith to dincuse
Tkevmea City far the article
and settle (he hours of Isbur. Fourth,
tbe constlluthin nf the coofnvnce shall
be arranged hy Its rfialnnsn or other
•elected represenuiUves of hoth partlra
•The Xar and Haarlag,'’
The tnembrts of the employrra' cc«federailon at Olasgow my there te no
prospect ihsi She tnhdlstloD of tbe board
of •r'de^B the dtapote bn the line* m
Dr. Baardaley Imat Nl^t.
Ideniica! totter of
Aaotbar-iaige andicnoe attanded the brard will lie accepted.
Tbe-Tlmsp (Ms morning to nn edllodal
metnre by Dr. Baardaley at Ulolnbarg’a
Grand Opera Boiiae laat night, tba rab- OQ tbe engtne.rir,z dispute says: T(
woMd be a
paylBg huslnsee foe
jtT« b^ng “Tbe Ear and. Bearing, ^ Germaa oe American artisan, to aupplv
wUeb waa tborengbly explained by fnnde to pralcre a mruggle which will
drive tbe enelnepring boalaMw from
---------of modela and pnlntlaga. An«tbar pubUe laetnra wUl be given to- Great Britain to fnrelgn competltora
nlghf at eight o’clock apt* “The Brain,
Nerve and Tbrnperamenta.” and It will
ton na nzplnnntion of tha engiBa room
Of tha banae we live in, abowUic the
tefleanee of adaeatkin on. brain develma and pteven•pmant. para
Man. Ttoa
B^}aJed a Dot lAck Tra
.* Laat evening a few trienda were iswltod to tha home of Nra. A. W. Peek
ten “pot leek ten.“at wkieh MIm
iravM waa tha (neat of hoscr.
Vtor-I^BteU XtiMeStora has added
wraryihiar^B the maMe tlae. lis-it
». W. «atar. tba Xoaae Foraiahaz.
Topio.>«onfnmBt Oulal fatoms man: why BMla tha 8toadaid Bawlag Hachlae, a
sad hew. John zta m-a-. Bom. a. S-li lA flrat Idem ma^pa.teallttle mouey.
Thb topic anteali eepeeiallj to the
asacolata Bwmben. li appeals to all
who beltove in Ctoist, toot who have
aoicmlwci atto as Laid hafm the
woeld. Boose people bold tba opiniem
tharhil who leallp believe will ooatom
CbiiiL This it a mUtake. IBnly baUeva that manj.people dooeielT baliova
in Joeus Christ who will not ooofeas
Bln. at lean top uatting with HitebBreb'
or in a pobllo way. We have Setiptnn
authority te tbe belief that m^ may
beli^ in Gbriii and yat not emilom
Him. JobntcUs us that “among tbe
ttoigrruton alto many boUeved on Him.
bat becaaae of tbe Pbariaeea they did
BMomfeas Him. ton tbej ibouM bepat
ml of tbe synagngae. te they loved the,
praim of men intna thao . tbe praiae of
God.” Many today believe in Christ,
bbt do not coafeni Him. Borne tbink it
is not Darrmary to make a public proteniaa of (heir fallb. wane are too
timid. K»e feel Ibeii petaoual nnwctthlDeaa. aame that tbey may oot toe
able to rvprasrnt CfarUt property, and
alas, are afraid of (be oidaicXM of
itber*.. Ilike ibe rnlera cf old.
believers should coufem their be
lief. Notbtog aboold keep
Chiiat if ' • real)
ally believe ia
Biai. Thera it no lost reasca te not
doing aa Tltera ara many spkadld rassoBi why wti ibould; I. Cbrist expects
ui to oonfras Him before the world. He
tea Him. ObriH's wleb Miould be law
to bciieven Kbal Ha wauU u to’do
we aboold da He wants as flrat to be
lieve and then tn coetfeas Him. Coofrasiou sbooia be tbe uafbral uid togical
rasult of faith. lVbf« Weai^ ia tba
brart. wc should oonfMa wAh tba
moBib. *. Vv sbould cuofrag^^rist te
the benefit of others Anhareauinfloeace in tbe vrorld. Our lofioewce sbould
be for Christ if we bclieva la Him It
will uot be nolesa we CDufcm Him. By
gileoi love and Mlleiit falilryva«antint
axrrcise aa iufioeaca teCbrisL Our
vciy silenra will nwak against ChtisL
B. We will want C*hrist to caufesa us
wbro we stand befora Ibe bar.af Ood.
Be has pKBBisrd to do so if vra'eaufess
Him iu tbe world. How ran we axpret
it if we aeclect or refuas to oonfem
Cbrist bowl
How should we taafew ChrirtI First
of ail by nnitingounclvee with Christ's
ebnrefa. It is ia ibi* way that we pro
claim ouraelves Chritiiioa. Thou apoa
•very occaidoa given by word and deed.
bytestimoaynDdbylife wa sbould coofeas ChiisL Oar loogaes and our lireu
should testify to tbe world tbsl ore
hare bean wl'ta Jeauk
Bibto Resdiag—t
xvi, 18-fO; Mark vili, Z
xii, 8. Vi-tvili. 9-U; xzlll, 89
41: John ix. at: Acts ii. >4-17; vIll.
96 40: 11 Tim. ii. 19; 1 John i. MO:
U.t8: lv. 9,9.
..Three Excellent Testimonials...
VotiM«f.atratt«<dB^d «r Xariav
from men in entirely differ
Thd Beard of Baview aad Bqoallratloa of tha flve wards of lha City of
Travaraa City wUl meat Ig nralar tea
atom OB Hoe^. Nov. 1st. ito7. la tbe
Oonaell room. fromSo'alnek to ll;M
o'eloek a. m. aad from l:U o’clock to
>'elodi p m.
a tatereatod may appear at
this I
g and the Board w^haar
•n>e' Boiid ab^*bara“
deaerfhe, ru-v^ae aad n
• -'
of rual
several parts of a
property, bat can not chsage tha total
ir^U^ofaald deseripii
A>Mt>x n. BicKSkb,
When we have a good thine we like to pnbliah it— we want
the people to feel that if a good thing is
on th» mariiet,
we an ready to adTocaU it.
we believe ia an artiole deaerringtff mentioQ-meritorioas to
every way. It is a pleasure for os to kdow that our patroos advocate its oae. Bead tbe foUowing.
Hamiltox CLOTklS
___ -1_____
have won. t^aw
. Ca.
___ __ ___________
aad have foaad it th» moat nomtortahto aadmraar. la avery ra, I bar* •vur BSMi.
psnoa wtobm to Icmp hia afclo dry and
>. Uw Jarsa UadcTwcarwill do it.
Baapcutfally. •
(fa J. IDmujio.
bought twosultauf daw (Tadarwear twoysaraago. 1 have wora
them ever ataee. wiatar
Tbev ara good yK. I WMid not
go wtthoat theau I do not know of anything that would taka their
plaea They arawana. dry. light aaiI oomtotahla. They ar* ediphatW. A. Senmuu.
LuThe lambar woeds.
It gave me |
J. A. Btkkb.
Fcruaaaa ter WUat A Oa. Uma lAka.
-OApltel, $100,000
; BorploB. $$6,000
OFFICBES-Itarry MaaBah. PiunldaBt:
A. Tracy lay. 1st Vtoe Prvnideat: James
Morgaa. Sad lice Pntodent: ). T. Baaaab. cashier; Samuel Garlaad. Amiataat Ghahlar.
Sl\oe^ Sale!
-------- AT TBE--------
DIBBCTpRS-IteTy ^aah. A. Tracy
lay. JaaMB Morgaa. J- T. UaaBah.
Samuel Oarlaad. '
New Shoe Store
K. a—Addraaa aU ColleeUcoa aad
OofTtopoBitoacw regardtag BaaklBg
Matter to the Traverae City State Beak.
TraVaraeCtty Mieh.
No. 135 Front Street
800 anlra Udiea Shoaa. eommon aeMa tnea. forma- urleu flt. now
1(» paira Ladtoa- Welt Bhoea, eommon toe, forma price »«. now
100 pnira Mlaeae’ and Chlldiwn’e (ihnea. werth Me. M
100 pairs B.^’a dhoca. geing at....................................
Ba^ Hheas at
Me te toe
Men-a Oil Oraia Kboea at
91.W. 1.98. 1. to and X.
Men's Beat Klp^Iloou at
UnloB S.rv.*, ^W FroBt.
Batobos ef aU klnda. No. 1. (no eU atoekVat
cr-'W <loM*: slMlkavv Mdfd a siM» si
trie (loed*. WUl vv> rsa la aa
BaU br tosTlnc rrar «^ •( tav <
The New Shoe Store
13S Front Street, Trnverac Oty.
C. O. SMITH. Propr,
Baarty judgmeoi of tbe artioas of
others ia daagerous and cfieu ODjast.
Wc measara lOD'uiDeb br mme superfi
cial appearance and euudemo battilv.
wbnu. If freknevTall^aud understood
some cme. '*ThU peln. sorrow dr lass
has not drvply affected him. ”
But we do not know. It is like tbe
death at a few of the soldlfn in trwt
(ff a regimeuL Tbe broken ranks dose
up ngsin into tbe solid phalanx, uiA
the lort ia not apparent Tbcee may be
DO disorgaaintiaii. 'uo aun«nder. ao
oravlBg for pity, do display (A despair.
It is like Ibe calm, daxaliag play of tbs
There U no siga of tht wreck; tbe tide
hat tattled tbe debris away ter out on
Ibe posan: Ibe traneberoos water b«
swallowed all sigai aad
cf tbe
night's nvrful work.
We see oaly Ibe falrsem of Ibe moRiing. not tbe •afferiog of tbe uighL Let
ui be charitable in our Judgmeai and
eoDdemn uot wbeu we d« dm kaow.—Chuiok Standard.
If we deserve eympsthy, ire are pret
ty eure'tf getting it by eDurageously
aui] quietly sbowisg that wn are d<-serving. We caniMA have ii-lv demanding
It with wbluea. and lamrniatinna and
demooStratiOBa of oor sufteing forced
apoB nasrlJUng toK—Sunday Sobool
Ha* pvR!ba.ra tW H«V4 Kark*4 fewrir oprratM b} J. C.
Vlara. Ii vUI bv ■*#« ever
WAi^ we Offer, PardonlBriy iB LadiM'Wmt.
SBcvrawr la J.ic.Ttaek
emt nwaat. areasba Bawl Waiiiag.
New "■Nobby
Gooitifear Walt
»;.a ehara ef tham and the rsMlt Is Uls sp<
P Meeha Kid Oloves. worth 91 t&.teTve.
^ .
U dosM Ladies' sud Mhos' Ihess K
A line...........................................
I latedlffa
It’e a Fall ami Winter Shoe,
It'a a Water Proof Shoe.
I'd rattofir trifle with tbe forked Ugbtliag ar’tbe deadly pestilence than wiib
-myohaDoeof etmal life.—D. L. Moody.
The dt pamneni siurra have bees i«t>nonsoed an evil with iduguler nuanimity of (gduKui by (hoagbtful toes ia the
varioBs (liruk«s<if wriety. They bare
driTtn muliitadce
tradcumen oot of
busintaa They have bankrupted snare
of werdtaBta both in wholesale wm) re
tail Um of trade. Heal eutatr u dofueaiated all along tbe prinripai anteta of
cor city. SUM by (be bundled are for
n«t. FenoCT stowteiepita are reduced
to tbe po>dtion cf rle^ al tow sragvs tn
these gnwl cmporlama, which ■w-tiM
atone Mww any Mtu of cranmemal
sritov. Me. to
life.—Bitoop FaUoVk Beformed bfeUnnukee. Ort. Zl—Tbe vIsltiQg l«h- ocpal. Chlcaga_ _.
opa, clenfvmen and delagata* »o .w*
Fplscopel Ulsalonary counril
are ‘boilden. haildinc a
Sion at lli’wankee spent I
Kaebotah. Wla. where sen,loev attend boaqe^ for tbe futore. Every man k
Ing the rrlntmneni if the rvtnatnseif the buiUiiig some kind of s_____
tale Rev Dr. James Uoyd Brack al by day ewob one of us is naniig wane
Kashotsh Tloune were held. Itoe aenicee IclDd (f ebelter te etenity. Wc muut
nf the slm|k"si rbsranW. in ksep- build eotuMhio*. ETeaMtoDMietoaildwith the man whoae msmorr they .iugaahaair. Lm is bnUdliig a borah
intecdid to honor. ____
VtrtueiebnildiDgapalace. ButaUmen
can cbooto their own foubdatiem Some'
UCB ebooae the towlandi aad othoa
tbuoar baihUag sHea above tbe higbeet
tadleposed Tocaday. He U better now. temUbc. Some boild an tbe eand and
tbe fevec bavtag named away, and he
arosk.—Bev. Wnieai O. Par-'
wUJ prat^Mp teoutla a_dv orlwo.
[A Great Giete WtekWitliDs!i
Ask for the Boswell Hat
In Blnok and Brown.
Bray hat wanwatad. If it fadae ei
’egtrayouanMM. (
« -Itiaaqoal to any Knox a Dunlap «8 hat te wea.p
Anothe.-. ito •■Challente.’’ a voy etylisb hat.
B^mI to jtoyjB hatla thecUy.
\ Olavt Block.
Id Box Calf
In' Cordovan
In Enamel.
Six Houses and Lots
Ci^h or oo time—Best chances in the dty.
want to bny, come quick.
Heavy ^m. Calf Lined, Bull
Dog and Goto Tom. It’aageotle. SEE THEM AT
Tra»«r»o CHy. Mieh. \
Ap. RafiM*! l“p ai( limlaM Ci.
Frank friGdricll, Misses’ Lace or Button,
Wara^ BtoM
lie FaaatBL
« a Oahtood Shoea. al
aoUd.te6tepair.at AA FSTMANti. 914 1
TBa uaaitaa bbcobd. battjbdat. ocf^toB sa, ibst.
aochvM to the. Meal iiaiode. Oe the
iatuicb at tbe UOM «-rre tbl^tr'Bv* BM.
torludinc U
Rumll 8aca SpoiU tha f>lartt d
thf Unkm Padfle RailwaySyndieatk.
The smokfMack. the top of the heller
and tbe tart of tbe canopy Arvar the
boiler secee Wosrn Into tbe air. and what
eras left of the Uunch caught fire from
the .heel of flame that followed tbe
bursting of tbe boiler. Ml tbe fliv bad
IKllc to Ibum. The BBBO In th# pit wlib
, »llec-J«to Phtlllpe. an oOer, and
I John nsbar, a coal pamer—were thrown
; vtoiemly agntoM tbe wooden partuion.
Fisher sms badly Injured Inlerivally.
^ M Ite OBwa OU ■
iB ttaU ciljr re««rdBy tf^oon
Ohleago't Mayof^* Trip to Ntwr
York ^ Holp Tammany
BlnnuT €rf l»»« UMKbln* of the
OoaaUtulton. Anun^ the BpeaUrfB w»»
naodore «oo»evelU «»N»t*Bt •eeratUT
■rf tb« BBrj. He «td to P*rt: "Tbo
msMt of tbe Coutiiutto'B iMWchtos
ns the be|.-1nnlr« of our n»vy B> -ee
knt>« K todBj. ft »»• #fto*B re*r"
Bfter the UunrbliUE of the OoaMitoUop
•iMl favr etoter »hl|« twfure that pnol
' nac ahlrh mMUu-ed ua »aj bumUcii.
• •rr-iitM
BDd durlnr that fifteen rear* there *t.re
«»o ob^ed to the mala'________ ..r •
t tiM ChfTM* «
.. . _ Lecaaae ere had the Caneti*
her aliter ahipa that We came
*to«»eyh reaaa-paink«l Men ttac* ■
Oeihaae-t>e.i«« Theealrae
war a1lh ered'lt and V U due
New York, Oct. tt—Tbt annoanee-1 id a poller rowrarj- to that whlcn
■Mat that Uaror Harrtmn. of Chloa»r. I prompted the totfoduMl.m of a^h vaa-
}Dd«e Van Wrek. tha Tamnmnr ooen- .
baa for mapor, U not rwrieed with faTOC even hr the Tammanr whema. I
From the oduh tbe Bapubllcana have ,
bean critlctaed by tbe Democratic to^h-j
aiara and the laad^ and the newepa-
wmain >L
crfand. of Boattm. who wae a pov der
hoy on tbe Oooamtillon. In bee famou*
battle wttb the QgefTlera.wai preaented
to the audlonre. and Oorentur Woleoll
blmaalf led ta ttaraa rbeen tor tbe
Mk»r npportera of the aUuaa' Union
■•peake'ia. aouble amons whom were
Oct. Xt—At the mends'
Forahar and Tbontoa. The accaptanot naUonal meet! Id ycMerday tbe badness
•h* conference wa» orof >f«>ur HarrtaoD'a tender at wrelcee eoannlllee of
definlu proposttioh on
to regarded u a ■tnlUflcatlofi of tha
Derabcratic poalHon oe thlB eabdecC
Colonel Witttam L. Brown cava roloa
to tha dlBcntlcBl aentlment raaiardap.
He aald; "I wrote to Mr. Sheehan aubmiited a propoMtion. that m
of yearly irMWilogs aa srr
anr acbeme of thti kind. J hatra retend
celred a letter from' Mr. Bbeeba^ In
which he aald that be ontlralr asined gers and to strensthen their Joint i
With me to tbe Btaa'd 1 baea taken. It
Is ■hadpolltloa.unneceaaarr *nd lll-tlined.
to brine Marcr Harrlaon to New York." plan for dowr union, to be mihmltin
'^'ba. then.'’ Colonel Brown wai the yearly meetlnsy for thrtr approi
Iso to appoint a coforanirc to prepare
naked. ~hi rrapomlble for Carter Hairt•OB-B Tl«l It Mr. Sbeebnn did not Ueor _ dtadrllne for Bobmlerlon to the yearly
tneeitogs for their approvaL
.erlik avary atova
Wa will touks TOO A vaty tow rnto to
Ofuud Baptoa. DgtrolL
XHto' Kdfc
Cbkaro cw Oaetnad.
A Couros of Fie* Pupator PubUe
1 le.ee j
B. F. BMFdBlBj, X. B.
New ■ York. Oct. M. — Bnmdl Sage
mated a aennlloa to Wall street late
yesterday by announctog that ha had
been Invited by Prealdent JIcKInlcy to
torsn.a syndicate In Unloo PaeWe ran.
way'bn the baala of aattofylng the fuU
govemitrenl claim In tbe Union.Pacific.
Sage Invited aubw-rlpllont to a plan to
be-bareafter brought out by him for l!*«
fbregotog object- The payment of the
bTW They Bat
ksSSarh Air Bees
Pt. LooU. rvt. e.—Suit President
WllUatn Carson, of,- CFallon. of the
Uteris- union; WUUam Nerbury. of
Troy: James Page, of Btauoli.n; Ous
Horst, of tilen CarbcB.. and Th<
Simpson, of CollltwrlUa-iBamban of tha
executive committee, an being tried by
a convenUon of thirty-five delfgatemto.
era tn East 81. lAstls on ihe rbarg
accepting bribes of WW each to Induce
e mtorrs to their districts to return '
srk; Tbe money was paid the men. i
Is charged, to Induce minera to mui
. srork at a tower scale than that t
srhkh they scent co a strike.
«{ Bartlerd. Coua.. bsrlSBtog i»
I^rume, Wl».. Oct.
The annual
rsunUn uf the Iron Brigade aaaoclatiun
cloaed yWterday. Kverylhlng was In
formal. tbe Mtincss being dmuioed of
Wedoeaday. The headquarters of the
reunion waa Ihe scene of a JoUtocaUon./
The veirmne vUlled. told siorlea. Bang,
ainoked and told exprrienceu. The
Memorial to brror vf tbe late Captain
James D. W«4j.
company O. Serond'Wlscunitn Volunteer Infantry, was
O^ 1»—‘‘Ika
eras shot and Instantly killed here yes*
tnday bv Bsnry Duncan, who accused
Foley with Itr^rr -.cy with Mrs. Duncan,
his alfe. OiFcr.Uesnastef. who wai
the strect/W^th Fuley when Dunesh
tacked him. received a charge of
hurkshoijtn the breasi and Is dangerous*
ly srouafU^___________________ _
. ItU..
Ocu r--Oovern«r
and rirlh
it. 10c.
S Want Adsi;
Fire Insurance.
night that he had received subacrlpUous
rer fU.MO.UOO within two hours of
nnouncenient. 'it was annouaced
be would conttoue to receive aubsertpliorw until bte pUr wna sutaertbej
Irwsi three Unres over. Aa la tjrt
jd trnrtnarllon Page thinks xprr* li
unlimited caiUtal available for Iba'aet.
Urreent of tha Psrtllc road di^ts wllums to the govcminent and without
blind poou
^ Oaa. to SaaTwe.tr MUiloaa.
ftage-r^rnlon Psclflc aebamT'were
foUowlng: Bubwll Sage.hT. WUsun 't Ca. na.OM.Wia: Samuel
•ortheBtateof NewYork. tl-OW.OW; Will,
■^•ald.«f Astor. »X.«0(l.«»- Aslor**
ceired by cable last night. Boiim of these
names represent other Interests heeldes
the. Mgners. It Is.Mid that a large
New-Yurk Life Insurance comps
aulwertbr to Bags'* plan tor lit
eommUiee »f ih r American 1
as»c<ailiui effectuaKy dispoasa at me
alory that Presidem Calcs was to be rvtlred by renomlnatlrg him for a itoth
term yesterday anorniBg. All the present
offleetB were , nmomtnsted with , one
mituir eacvpllon.__________ __
at the Old Stand.
Wi^ Meale MIU Iw Dwwaa.
PHtsbuTg. Oct. a.-Tbe Joint wagt
conference of window glass MSitotactaren and werkere held here yesterday to
arrange a scale for the ensuing ysar.
adjourr.ed last night without rsaebtog
aa agrevmenL
sa iwss aato Ite lewr Have a<bat-----^
Washington, rv'i. St—Atoor Dapuy de
Ismte.'the Bpst.bO minister. ww» an
Becretary Bhermen'* callers yesterday.
It being dirhanailr day. and apent ahncM
an hour in eernerS' consultation with
tbe seervtahy and wlih Aaatstabt Seerp.
lary Adoe, wh< Was seat for by Ibe a^
The Eaterppise Grocery
is still doing busioess on
Front Street jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in the city.
' iwsAtyJoer buwrs
from S p. A. yiw enls
iranoM-rslr wsa'hrirt
W> Men M the BaUMrlp «**>• totol
bsramlac*aTto>4e: vwT- .. ..
tKM. For Liver Michigas-FSir wsMhw;
Boston. Oct. tt.—The boiler of ooe
ebsriM til wont port K« thir rswaiagiYMbt
theetcam laupcbeSofAe battleshipTexss wesWrtywiBda for Up|-r MWngwt Ctoarly
fsir wrotbw: Hghl
blew up while If was elongaldt of lbs Ikbasmslr.
^ . follow«n.i
wintfa-rwerte t
iBUilrvhlp yesterday. The explutoon occarted Just as tbe launch reached tbe in,. foUoiM by t«ir
of the fhlp. having towed down Ibe sMMo • to sroiberlc
sblp's Wts! each full of men. who wert Fair,wanasr weather:
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
'-Front Street.
ItsalbM^r. Ne.Mi
aalei>l<urg. Tllr.. Oct. SI—Dr. NeuK n
Bateman, tor sevei.teer years preMdent
of Knox CiJlege, SI
Irtendrn't uf publli
trola. oled here at hiahtmelaat night.
•udden. the result of
n educBior be bad a
oaticcal reputation.
Cedar Rap!«H. la- -Oct 8.-BaUlmore
difeaied Ihe AU-AmerJea aggTvgatlonhy
a Kvjn of : to 4 before a large crowd
here y’crierday.________________
The German government »ill Mionly
ask fora large Ini-rvaec In Utc
Tbe slcumcr Alameda, which arrived
ymterday from Pj-dney. brought »«».«M ln.^EnglM> BOVCTI-Igns from Auriralla.
Tufierculosis In an advsiwed stage hai
been found lowilst In a herd uf iwllle
owned by the KWiaas BUtr AgiiciriiurAl college
pIfaSiy wHh Bartleya P
W. H. Lexer, tbe great Englbh sr
mahulacinrcrehas come to Am»ncm
I-ln.oln, Neb, Oct. tt-In
eslsLllph soap faroorUs .to the United
dresard to the cittoens of Nehrdaka. Slates end Ceaada.
llecansr he had siomach trouble Fre
Ooverrwr Holcomb detmds himself from
chargea of (wrrufiiion in conoet'ihin'wKh ley A. Tast, a clerk to years old. cum
the diefalcalloti of cX-Treasurer Barfley, milled BUiddr at the home of lUs brotband totleTly arraigns Re|iut>lk«B lead- cr-ln-law. at Chkagw
era of Ihe autc uhoiti hr declares are
Reypen to be
respimMUe fur
s'drJcruns stoftee
circulated agalnsf^im
ITirue aturtss grot! general of the rAvy to succed Sur
allege that the goMTnor approved geon-<7enrrBl Hate*, deceased.
A call bar been laaied by H. W.-Senntbe bond of *x-Trwurer Hanley know
bis. aecrvlary of the Bulld&ig Tradrt
log It to be faulty, and that he wai
aware of Bartley'a aburtage Iona be connriL of 81 Louis, for a general
fore it was made public. GovcrtMir Hot- veniloB'^cf rounrlta to he held In that city
comb declares that it eras rocumbeol on Dec. to. '
Upon Oovemor Crouiu. bis predeccsa-r,
Major Mem* P. Handy, the ' spa
to tovectlgale the treasury cvndltioti commissioner of the United Sisito to
and approve the iMnd. but that he French iDlertiaklousy expoMlIon of I
ahirted the responMbinty to him <Ho]- is a> eerltiosly Ul at Paris that
eoBsb). and be was.compelled to meet friends are alarmed.
thg eeodllhms which be found id exluUlrxctor* of the janevvllb. Wis.. colne governor then proceeds to die- ton mills hqve under coostdcraOoo
ekwr tbe nmdlUon of afraiis at the glK>|«<ri(lon from g fwesnt«« knittir
atau house when be assumed otnee. cumiwcy to rent the UKier mill*. TI
whicb he- declares w« honeycom’>ed ^radiae comiacy has tIto.WO capital
with fraud and mlsrile.
The entire i Ineorrwraiu.n paiwru bave been se<
eomTnunICBllM la a seiiM of senmllon- to Rprlngfivld. Ills...for a new beneficial
SJ charges ms«e against pollticu' cp- society, the AmeriraB Ftatefnal Ceague.
ponenu to eonneclkin with the state whose rncmU rvbtp conslsu of 'men w bo
trcaa«ry. and an elabomte defenae of bave wllbdtaarn from tbe Royal League.
Us own aettona Tbe article baa us
FUbIng tor wblieftsh and trou
eeptloB to tbe suit against Bartley's lAke Michigan must cease for Stk week*
beadsmen now
going on si Omaha, under the new WlsconWn law. Many
where the governor wsa called as
flMMrmrn sl«tg the ahom will fish
RUonte walrro during the prohlhil
tog and feeing purpoae* after Nov. It
i. fine sallhoat n> Lake Koshkonong.
longing to Albert Vincent,
quent erwiaee, thereby ans
iih of tbe dock
frightening tbe fowl nwnp. has auddenly
Tbe rettaalns of ah anknoa n
fpoad to the woods near Star. lake.
Wla. A Btotch. a little monv. and ■
Ttdvsr atm to hli hand was aO Uiat
tonad M Ms pat MSI- A bullet bok In tbe
bsad tedtoalad that be bad eoeunlti '
Enteiprise Groceiy,
KS^WantAdsS. •
Jao. R. Santo,
For the opening of the new sto^e,
e borough of the
Btonx. The meeting was attended bv
it t.M* perpone. General Traey anS
M general conventton yesterday »»
overwhfiming majority. If tbe aetlou
oEtbe ppment body Is tsttted by tbeconventiOB of im. acceptance K the WinChester creed will no longer be a eoi “
tlao of fcllowshtp In the church, and
old daclaiatioe of prihclpiee win remain
1 tbto plan.
The case grows out of the action ol th>
Alton city ouni-ll to iM liing apart iw •
il huuBce-the UiveJ.-y and DougU*
... the exriuelve use of colored p'UpUa.
and exchjdlng aueb pupUa tronf five
other w-b«»U of the city.
* sum rviiiuin ueir... ii vues erie
by roblwry of the people, by the
bar of power be usurped, lefhlm g
England. If I have tbe power, the prnitent'ary yawns fur him. If I have Ibe
power tbe fate of -BmW Tweed and JMn
Y. HcKane srlll be his.
I make no
threats but a grjat crime haabceecommilted."
Vaa Wyek aM Traey HtwHasa.
Robert A Van -Wyck. ^he Dcmocrsllc
nofailnee. was elated for s Speech at a
Tammany meeting at the JefCersivn club
bonae. but he failed tn put In an ap-'
pearance. Instead, however, be sent a
letter, which was read
tl^e audlMce.
It was an attack on the pres'ni city
nrallon. General Henjamln F.
lots of iNtes at
10. iSaidlOcaPect
Digesttou.'Tburkdaj " aaiBg. OcL tl—*'TW
Butoan Kje.'
Triday evenUc, OeL tS—"TW Ba■aa Ear.*'
batarday cvMlng. OeL t»—••‘Tbe
Brain. Neevea. aBdTrmpcra»rBta.''
dpto>didly niuatraw/ by Manh
View* to tbia eannirv.
d eB'FootmasIce
Tb>:mas JeBeri
f bocougb of I
Uolkett & Co will be .ooUiBg oot
Steiaban't Graad OFra Hoasa
iaMaealbaTetkea Tab
_____on. Oct. a.V
It Is believed that Henry Oeortte has _..lcle thU morrlng. on.lbe opening of
deeilned tbe aemcea of aowes of Potn
tbe Yertes oJxrvsidry. txprcaeee the
Usttnnd Oliver oratora. amonc them fe
bops'that It mil be tree from "a great
rr Blmiinon and former Senator Peff^v. danger that eeema to btoet so many
who bava volunteered to rpeak tor him AtneHran InstItallonij-aB Inaufflclency
tn Nc« York. Geom baa WO aprakrrs. of eneuch means to ieftoy annual esnearly nil resldenu ed Orenter
penwfC" Tbe Tlrree adds; The VnlverYork.
Miy of Chicago will not hr estaUltbed
OraatNetb LdW DamaaMUam
or. a firm Iwels urlll an mdowmenl suf-
lAacc to Cameirie ball laal ntotft.
ttaraendoiu thronit that filled every
In tbe pit. crowded Use boxra ahd 1
thence swept up to tbe topmost row
' IbB bid faltofT. v.aa.pr*»enL Even I
slace was tmeomfortaUy crowded, the
henebea that rose Uer.llkc from the
lectern belnc fauined. The moat I
markable feature of the meetlni w
the fact that U was not .bJIIrd ss
tod. being held onder tbe suapicea <
Kepubllcan organlsatlor
Plattl of ibe city of New York. About
ene-thlrd of\he sudletine
Twenj Days
-Ba>*TAOOa.Me aa th. LMNaw.a
-Thai."^he repll.4
•Il9w Ou^t We to live. Etc."
B. O'. MOBa-.£i-i>r
LmW-OMen at fl
AIbo e.i'erything in the line of
In the Broach Block.
About November 1,
to make your fall and 'winter
purchases of Dry Quods, Cloth
ing, Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s
Furnishing Gloods. A great new
stock at guaranteed loWest
prices in the city. New goods,
new prices, at
GiXMlfl proii]p«ydeC>-ered. Oidera by Phone givea quick itleotioB.
Bwy bottto
toad. ..Tbe enly Cb& a WAIT.'Orafrito.
Mayer’s Mapetic Catarrh Cure.
Correspond with
Have Wc
to Sell thef,:':
Traverse Gty
have for sale Good.
Lumber Company.' Wc bave for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery', of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Worics,. Carriages
and Saws.- A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
traverse oity lumber
IBS KuBimra utooxo. sxtuxday.
IteviAW of 1h# Colobrmtod U«^
gtn Murdor TrUl «t
•M* Wmitw • M«««ran
AWU U» i*rUo~>
Dontr. • Mfwar m tbt neU CoioB.
Was moMtuB
Dr. Ovort* V. •BaUtr.
at tb* maamtn. aad
Dr. Hewaa, aa arttrvUtar.
tracsM** «r tMMW )rgfB
eoapad waa MeMlM aa pan of a buaae afcnU. A badly imsUlatad botw troa
tbe aaftaa roan vpi McattlM poaiUva*
as. iss7.
(AHailaa Mnamaary eODvemiOB oaI «lded to hoM the. tint aatioDal coaveail Chauanooca. Her. r. D. Pow.
Waablastoa. waa elected preol- i
er. ofr WaahlaatOR.
dent at the AnerteaB
AawrteaB ChrU^n
7 roter^ay for the par*
ladopled deHaHoc thei
a plan of aeUca
the VToaleat e
tlBC thee
(bt neAeral of the d
' and rinUsatloB. .
M lutaolai
The CbkacD dralaact {g t^e di
tioB that hercaftOT
caaal and the removal at the dama wni . «catea v...
be 4tiait«rod on a
Civt to otannwe a ahlp waterway
b*, took oot for
3 targr of
d Ibaba.
lief iber
j vm trm Ibe •
and ibai lodivMua) prohaMy a
X,«atcan'a aiiorMr* nuaad two a»tm honac tindiM to be eookad Is tba
raUdte ral asd t«ru of arrrral otbera
o aaa wbetbar crude potaab woald de*
*rojr them aa
a« the Ptate
Hate <-)almed.
found In the ta ■nape rakinira aa cenet
Heela and frnen
OKperta tdontlfled
iBMWtjr. dvgaflBg ddoanitr and tiaosnaptkn afleMiiqt tiiem.—M» B. K.
Bullock. V. q. X U.. i» B«w Ml
Oalf of Mexico. A larse Bumber______ .
Ofaiea waa te atiendaim. reprtaeollnc
the rarhiu ciUea la the IlUstaa/ rteer
haalfiv. W. H. Hlaricbaeo delivered the
leading addreoa to which he reviewed
the benefita to be derived from the remuv^ of the Aew^ and tbe Becetdty at
the aeUoe.
1 that tbe eattmated
BpiBUl OarBtwBl Bm
O. F-’CARVXB-A«rai
. Ih sddlUoB to tba oM-tare for_______
trip Oct. uu'to mb tbe V- ^ * I' Bt~3ackBOovnie. Ilia. Oct. B.—The prtn* wui rieo a ^adal egeuretoB to Orubd
dpal work of the State PcdentloB of Bapida Friday. Oeu ffltb.
l^'omtn'c Cluba ywterday wai the c«n- Leave Inverse CitfS:4lAm. faruSLM
7:40 •'
InaUoe of utBcen for the cjiaulca yeef.
Seed a»
8:41 "
The canunlitcc reponed BBapIsK ueiy
Big Bapida
ta favor of Mm Allce^ Bradford B':M. <4
neward Qty VA4
Cbicaca to aoccevd henelf ac pnaideat.
Arrive Grand BapMs 11:14 a m. BoOther ocncrre •
iU Ivuve Gaaad Bnp
Suits to Order.
e—K.—.-I ----------------------removal or the dama *lBla Bach, of
i Racmmt ot a hutnaB toe.
dredihny of the. channel over reiary____
Three «ea BreWd la a Ktee.
lahpetalsg. Mlrh.; Oct. 22.-Th'ree rein-'
era were Uuted under a maadve taU of
ground at the tarveland Lake Dine al II
o'clock yeeterday, rooratag.
One of
them. Onet Murtena. was kQhd. and
Gus r^l»n was rescued alive, but bad
ly Injured. Tbe third tnan. wboae name
la not yet known, is stiU under the dirt. I
bol worfcmee are making a heroic effort
te reach him. It la thought that he la
Mary SJemmerlac. the aarraiil Ctrl, iw
When the defenae was bpci» A flcbt '
tired for the nlchL leartnc Hra Dtset>
waa made over the Identity of thebosea I
Clin elin about the booae. A UtU{ Uler •Dr. Waller H. AUpon declared the al•A fnan
the boy Louts tetumed
fron a cclrcoa, Itced human thlyh waa
waa a
a part
part of a-"
\ which had beeB-exhIbmoC In tbe nelsb- ;
rteletnn, and that the other beoeo
\ borhoed and found bit mother dttla* Is . were not human: Neither Dr. AHport
a cbalr. It was then about It o'clock . noc. the expert! tor the defeiita. who
and be was aect to bed. bavlar obb the were chiefly veterinarlaOA were able to
taat of hu roother. peebapo focertr. Mr.
the bpoea to any sbIi^ with
Lnetgert came Into tbe bow a Hltle be-.
•'sceptlOT of the thigh.
(of« tbe boy went te bid. ard tba tatter
*STw b^
Tolm the story dlvercea and tbe moai
garUniB trouble of A. L. lAielgert'a ntc
bectaa At what hour Mra Luetgert
left the bourn so one. save pomThty her
bssband. knows. The foUoarlB* dayBuBday-memberc- of -tbe famUy knew
boni in tbe vat on the night of
Uay 1 to make snap with, and etker
wiiBeaoM eoBflrmed the claim of tke
defenae that buetgen was making soap
<• the night of May !.
rt’s per^ *be claim blA
t Mr*. \Betgert baa aplea'at 100 dlffervni- clUOA
. On the 17th
Luetgert'a pteUmlnary
and will be worth n«e an acre, or ao a
frecale of SMAW.MO. Ai
*o»<»d ihelr iotervet le the project were
Hon. 1. V. Qraff. Of Pektr.: Kben J,
Itler; J. U. Ntehaoa of
PeoHa; Sylveeter Allen, of Bloffc; May
or tagger and the city counell erf Jcdlet.
and Chlrago Dtstnage Dlnrlci Trwle-o
JoBca. Carter. Hmyth and Wer.ter. Aft
er raadng reaDlotioni praying «iiigieo»
to -moie tbe dares tbe cunvenlloB ad.Joonted.
whM <he nghi CM vmgtmt.
l>mrton-,Oct. 8—According to a
AI dlspatkh from Simla, the casualties
during, thy Rghtlng Wednesday, which
' t vtortnlftg of Da
IVCrolu Oct. 8.—A copy of the Vee
.-------^ T- ■ --A 1____
the aerond dlvUloB of tbe I
n Herabl baa been
here, ! ridgv
under General TratmsnpubUabed in Caiseaa. In BnglUh
wrre three British otflceis kfllid
flve wounded; of the rank and
IM were klUed or wnuoded. the Oordon
tDewa Therw
t^orTokre of the sute i
» was yver s^.wb
l^etgert^i^ «
Inder being eoually divided
between the Gurkbsa and the Derhyshtrv rtgimenL.
We are aWe t«>idate uu
ithority that tne
wardness of Ibe object 'f the vtelt wai
of pounds of eaos»•« carted away from-bit
Ora Week to «M a gaiy.
The trial waa begua right weeks ago. '
«B Aug. ZX. One bUBdrvd and forty veaIremAB ^ I..................................................................
ceHved the following rahtegrara feom
General tVryler: "ritaee deny Ibe re
port that has been publlMwd that 1 hav<
fused to aurrender n
gms 8tomeya suceveurt In fri^len^ them oB crow-cgamlnaUun. Thera
record aenrauon whets Ntcbolai
FMber teauoee that on the night of May
I be had gone to Lueigm'i bouse lo ap
ply for work al tha taetorr. and that ha
alai. had aien 'Luetgen ard bis wife gof^dowB the aUey toward the factory J
aridence the autc. prodneod. Numcrt whom had were
toe rings.'poritivaly idantlOed then as
Mrs. Luetgert'a and bat one' wltaara
varievw produced who doobtod tbrir
Tbe state began by showing the fwliBg of Luetgert toward hli wUa Then
tbe proaecutloa traced her from tl*c
bouae on the fdght of May 1 almM to
the door of the Uctory with her hmliaBd. It waa shown that the haaetneni
door waa barred, and that Blalk. the
only peraen la the fMory that nlghL
)wd been seat away at aboal tbe ume
It was charged the murder ooeurred.
Boare Idratiflad aa Itoiaqa,
* rix-atory
, ~.MA — »A—'
nVarjy at' nc’w opi sawn
JancstlUe- Wto.. Ot. B.-Prad McAd
ams was dlscbaiged wbea brought
Into the municipal court for examination
on the charge r.f murderirg William
Ewing. The dlstricl attorney, baring
-vldence to show that McAdams wu
r.V Vm^e.aV
I'iM ;■&
*•:.. •-»'
IS BerraotUr Co Blerk.
"'I -liS'
w «-.n-
man named Neal waa oentenced to a
raonlh’s tmpriaonineBt fOr dangerously
wounding a ahipmale on board the
Amertean line steamship 8t. Paul. The
recorder in passing sentence remarfce-1
that accerding'lo the evidence the ilhtp
seemed to have bam—a pelTect pan-
«*|......jyi- WaH
::;:;"lm. t
ora- .rev
w. ■uisasii'SE" —
prwB n. Voyre. Ora— 8a|—t. OnroU a—
Ireal feetekt re brwalek arrlToo a> II80 a. m.
Leavsaal lAOB.ta
0.(.U>OKVOOO O.r.A-Ora—RawSa.
Chicago -AA
Vest Micfalgap.
AnvalAri tor Frrach'> Malgcw ,
Three lAkvs. TVls.. • Oct. B.—Dau
Miper was arrvsied asd taken to Orandon for hrartrg on snaydricr. of having
murdeiyid Frederick Preneb. the trapper
whs mysteriously ditappeared two weeks
agu. Miller was Prvoch'a partnrr. aod,
tris sieged, tells confllMleg riorlea as to
hts whercehonls when Preach Is alleged
to have dlaaw^ed___________
BareStoa TV Be Orakre's OoasL
New Tort Oct. 8-Dortng bla com
ing Tlatt to this city. Mayor Cartor
Harrison, of Chicago, wlU be the guest
Rlchaid Croker.
Bore. Moore.
>kor8 ketrew
*» fSSKr*.....
....l« TO ggSfP-rtl Caloa a
V irr.ek-wp: ore aM lepnaS kare karaew
aaSbtUa C. T. Orawh. «: WasUreva SUM
ir II
UBiB iu Rmunin li
Taiafca ariaal 8a»iay.Aare8 MB.
T WILL alrv yoe a hU kamla Is a tray rs
X Aoooe <rlik kara ob4 MW. oo Vaoklag
• a gk:«mje 8 48
sTveir.'s'.siriJsri'Sir ^»
TriOKfllLF—KooUMraroetableroakdnM-e lo
1* - rvMewl yoriloBri any To ore who 4eolire reemaaral kirei aa4 peraori|
ralM. tkA. le o goad oreoi
borrahuboi mill beooUta
art '4'm|"48i
Ckwf Lake ...
eouwy oe eKj peowwSTOkaaLC-ratanvool laadra laag Lake
f asuatreraetaiare-ireari perpravo. tar
' SW
prartlrsUy avhe and his wife aaVed In his
pi.nt. He borrowed almoai as
„„ph more incomplete It. and as -"oe'
of his borinvM waa dnnr »n credit.
It. whet
Ur hard timet came he bad no c
with whirii to go on. When hs
Ot-Hgi-d to borrow right and left. Mre.
l.uetgert hM nn chance to remind b’ns
rASTi. *
V.44I K.nkoUA
•rj^ATtKIi TO EACHa^g-Good kSeyela
P^r^^^kMrapsSrao^^^lk* CaSa
8 RKVT-Wiei kali
■ obow awiB.
w KlmSiJ?- '
pSKM'Vo* aatk-4 mllaa aootk a« Tvararre
rarelly dess
lAtt Pebraary Luetgvrt's factory
clooed down. H-hea proflls craaad to
pOa up. Mn Luetgert'a acoldinga and
the family Jara ’
a«mering had In thwith the Lueigcrta and Luetgert's roodnew for her. It la aaJd. locreasA-d (ha
Utteraaaa between him and bla wife.
Plnandal ruin stared Laielgvrt In the
face by tba middle of April. The.rausage-makyr and hla wife raw that the
factory araa almoM caetain
from, and butchers and market
men. who were tn Luetgert’s debt were
unable to help him out of difficulty tn
the bard ttanvs. Mrs. Luetgvrt. who
lad seeu her advlcv thrown to the winds
raked out tha folUralcg day. and It was
her dire predictions all cuma true,
wbm there aabea were dumped toat
no «pportBi.lir u ocold bar hu»parts of tbe fragments ot alleged hu1 'fo^ hla folly. Tba reports of the
maa bone arere discovered.
A moamold boas and a DMUioTpaL
lodlr nmukted br tba fluid, tad found
lo the middle vat by toe pollre. were
Kre Laatgort-a rotaUvra.
laalllTriT MtotiBtd as humaa tr Dr.
S^^ulhampton. C
able bouse for a mile around, waa not
envied, however. 'When ahe saw tbe
changp In her husband's hablla ahe
fretted and chided, till Luetgert finally
wenflo live among'hla dogs In the fac
tory. He JRtad up a alerplng ruom In
his office, and his bulky frame never
was seen in Ibe bouse cxOvpl at meal
Maes la Kaetogre hlaek. Ttowpaa CUy. Kiel
Mra Luetgert
*‘ri»vd her huatAitd to Invest t*o.m Ip
e '•lance
Ivlance of
of tbrlr
other InveatmanL
aavlnffa in
LuPtgefl had ni» u»o way.
l>uring the year uf the WnrITs fair
Luetgert cleared 84.000 from bla saus
age biMlitera
At that time he was
rvpulrd to Ip worth about 4300,000. Mrs
Lurlgvrt. It Is raid, nevrr ceased to
chid.- her hnlADd for putting all hts
logs In the plant, even when profits
SniOipidt i liliui g. t
l^aUB A aoRTOX. a. D.. PhysMow 0*4
alder as pacified tte four westeta pe.-'- JxL
aargeoa koo loowtad la Teoiveos CMt.
taccA In accordance with her majesry » oad win aitewO sevrapUy to oU dwj er Ugkt
command 1 will rail oo tbe Uat 'day of rail*. Arertol oHrmtaa oireti u> iibsi-"-—
oadefclldrvo'o disewaeo. Markhaas Bka
this month.**
gntfntrd by Mra Agatha TV*h. Prank take care ef iham. The 8ctory waa loBialk told of Loeieen's unexpUinad i eaird then In Sheffield avenue, near
,, his V Ife ^rar-tehed.
and DIVency.
then tbe eia'te dlarlcaed how the potaab
came Ir the fatLuetgert and his wife had widely dlfPraAk Odomfakr and Jamb Igvandowsky. V
laborers al«nr thi t\c^:
into vnar pieces, burni.ig thrir ^da '
and toraa ard putting llTr Ihe v.^n? '
der f.ncteen'a CTd~rv. Thev deOcrihed
the vtickv rilmv siolf c-b rte
— finer th- fr-crrirg'after the alleged mnr- i
Evr. wl-cr T.i*»»»-eet bed
v»d rartly
eenie o
toe rat by means of a
Neighbors and iriaUves of the Lueigeru tv*U.rd u tbe bluer uvarrela bejween them. Ad Luetgert'a empioyea
— TWlaied bow Mai-> Biioiuicilng. bis m
1 viilicd him at the fartory _
unseemly h-.nra It was knowp that
When Lueigert rent uM Frank UlaUi lo
a dtaUM drug stun for iltinyadJ water
While he was biuq: at the vat. there wfga
eny boukrs pt liunyadl water In the
laaotTEmma and O^lirbe Brhlmpke, two
8ris living screw the glrvet from the
Luetgerta Went on the stai d and told
t saclng Luetgert and bla
In the direction uf the facli
Picture Moulding^
great fartorr at Dlveracy and Herml- > gM rsM at A* ■----------rail*, bai
tagv avoBoos made the Germans and
Pulea of bis nrighborbood caU him
New Orleans, Oct. B.—The frvvr kuking
natlon improved P-i acme extent heiDuring the twvcty years stnev Lnet- yestefday. Al iCgbIfall there bad be.-B
ipit two 8tal ^arva 'reported.
wralber yvolerday tm^ng was coot
_je sund
sttveL where her gold and reportr tram below New Ortoans
Lotus Luetgvst. the li-iyear-old m I vedaing ring waa first worn. Mra Luet- are to the effect that there waa a iight
«f tbr iirtsoner, was one of the stata's ^ F<^ ttad tolled with her husljand and Iron TVednewday nlghL Colonel I. D.<
garlleel wUnesraa He recited the oc- : had planned' w-ltfi htro. 4-uetgert was Bllla of Covrrnor Foater's auff. eald
cntTcncto of' tbe night 'of May L and a prasprroua aSloon keeper wbrn they that be had received .advices that theyv
teU a powerful slr.o- for thr prosecupnw
been fruat In 8t. Bernard partab
I were w edded.
Boo. on ct
Wedoes- '
.. .‘r was a ' a pretty German domeellc,
irprlse for tbe slite.
The boy ns- acarcyly
;ly a word of English.
day night,
hounevd that at t o'clock ... the
... It
last Luetgert and bis wife had ; »>lFbt and poaalWy not a
meat stamp out Abe dlwvse here.
tng of May t, whm.''arcordlrur to the ' raved ennugb muney
........................................ ..............................aliK-A from Selma. Ala., yesterday a
stroyed In the rat. be beard a
The falnlly weflt to live over the.mar- frori this morning, with »
thUf pr
g I saloon had
Tt &ga
•vccllected this Id the office «r Loetgvrl's'the back doors of bis friendr borasA
. Mofallv. 4 new cares. 4 deaths.
atterasys. and the gtalr flatly charged : He saw posalbllittev In BauBagrimakthal Luetgvrt'8 allameyshadmanuract-I Ing. and gradually be went Into the Clinton. Mira. 4 new caaea: Edwards.
d tbe evidence.
i nurtneiis nf makln summer aausagvs. Mira. 4 new cares: NlUa Tama. 1 new
caeca: Bay 8L Loula. 7 new caws. \
Luetgvrt's thrrau, bit Ptalvment that; At ni^t thto’waa''rarrirtTt
be would like tc crash hts wife, and that ] room of the market. After
while it death; Cayuga. Mias,. I new cases.
be rvgrettd lAlIlnr
for —her ,; ooutripped tbr regular
-.. a
- doctor
-------- --------bualncra,
When she was III. that the “dead, rot-j and Loetgerl aaw buslnes and proflta
I. rw B.—The NalloBal
ten beast wcold have croaked,- were re- r come In almrat faster than be «old
Heruld BoUding. L_______
Mslooln WixnK.
CUy Treraorer.
Dated OeL 7. 1887. lS4-lf
Key WaJmr Wejpre OreeMf
WaVilnri> n, <Vt, S.—Benor de Ix^m
i Sr,X'.
1 will be is my office daring tba
BoeUi of October 1807. to receive city
' oltexsu. Office boars 8 o'clock
to niM o'effick A m. and trtau I o'clodi
lo 4 o'cloek p. B-. and oo Tueaday
erenintB fron 7 o'clock te 8:W o'clock.
4m Dor Ms Uk
AtteneTa ht lAw.
began before JuvUce Kvralen da Hay
, saw the strange Vn:naa
8 Blckeneve. Mrs. Luetgeri'a L.other.
r sure she
a not Mrs.
. , told of Luilgert's Irdtflerence.
----Frank Blalk tuld how Lurigrrt bad
...HaAyi .ik.^ ' Guarici. n-gUre. and Ibe poretblHtr of
apvot Ihe night on which. hU wlft dto- , *
«*talntng ccntriH of one or two aepoail
appeared cooking sometUng ,n the n-tJ.
mine, of the republic- Aral thU la why
die val. and the pollw dlacloaed the **”*' "**
rings Mia Atfatha Toeeb. Loetgm'a: loaaBBOBa CAU.CD BIM KlUO.
warm mend and.prr--'-----* -■
loon which be patrraM moat. detUred Fes
j has abmethlng above tf.t-^,-—
j 800.800 lo expend in the paving uf streets
to the police she bellered him' guilty
and donslructlon
fonslroctlon of aidcwalks. the gnvhas iwen the object of uik |
thvjalemal feelfng for hit
railed about hla wife to hrr. and bad ^od nJ^Uoo for the lasr flve reari.
•aid he wietoed *e wvre dead.
I,,,.- TT
,1/^^ 1
buslnere Ir. ort-r
Tbe only perwre from whc»n the poSo~ hl^
^ *'“*
grrt hlresvlt.
Swratbox. perpuasloB.
ttareats and 'coaxing had no effect on
Votion «» Ta^atFun.
NO 10
Sr Cupboard Saife
:Sm. wS5i
Dapsb I fl a
Olaas 4are> oo up. earreil pasat 4ares kalaw. : (Tga drSwes.
•a. Lower pari eviullaUAl.
H^'i?»ASTV:cs aycLis
__Money to Loan
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