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The Morning Record, August 14, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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I- ;
vsab ths on
>AT Kouiva.
Sum l>«euisse SBtmd br DeriaB
XUme Who twand two Wati
omA » Bmlmr, BwUea Lwi
oaHo AxUdm.
The dqvedattOM bf hebw U the oatetdrie of the dt/ ere bMomlnr etUK^
inr wd ecu of • eriniiael seMre ere
UTlttiiB the etitet wreeUleBoe of the
loeel eaUMrittw Attempte et '.‘holdfraqaeat robbeitee e > reported. The
ooearred yeeterdey aocalnB aboct eer«a b'deck aboat foar mllee eoalb of
the city. Sylteaier Boateonq came
Into the cHy yeeUrdey and stated
that bte reeldence bad beer broken
Into, darlny tne Jemporary abeence of
- the family, by penlee nnknewn, end a
fold watch stolen, also s pair of spaotaeles belcaiflnff to bis hired mea. A
aalefad beloBfinf to the latter ^ litorally eat into, pieces bod the mtents
^ of clothing Bcaueri^ aboat the bonie.
The specttles were the only thing of
Talae taken from the mtcbel. The
tbleree eridently eoagkt articlee of
greater Talna.The hoose was also
raneaeked bat aothing szoepi ths
watcb was missed.
A short time before the robbers vis
ited the Boatsong reeldeaee. the ^weU
ings of WiHlam Hoe and A. D. Banei
were wbjeeted to a elmilar TlaitaUoa.
^ a Ilka .
'watch was aeecred from Hoe's honsa
and boas Barnes'a revolver was etoUa
COottlng and other srtielbs were ec
terad aboat bat nething alee taken.
.Bfforta were atones made to dboov«r the thieves and they ware foUowed
hy tracks for some dlstanee.. anti) aU
traeae ware loau Then the thefts were
reperted to the eherUr, who at once institatad meaeeres to detect ths manradera, bat wlthoat saccass, as there was
abaelataly no else by whleb-«iey
aprahesd the psrUee. The eberiff and
the dty and eaapicions characters are
not lOBt Site of qnUl they lease the city
w that their lalenllons are net
Oold Boaketa tew Xegar to go to the
Bloaklke this Wiutor.
Ban Praneboo, August U.—Durfiig
ths past week the Klcmdlke fever has
abated somewhat In thb city owing
probaWy to the report .recelTed from
Dyea. There are plenty of people who
annousee their intention of trying the
Chllkoot route in tbeepring and those
whoareanziocs logo atones, the lar
ger proportloa seemed disposed to
tcavel via. St. Michaeb pod np the Tn'^kon. The promoters of ^srpeditienB
bythbrouU are ready with protam
amuraace that ihe trip can be made
before the cloring of navigation.'bet
In all oases thev are earefal not to bind
themselree lo any way to take pamengere throng thb tall. At the offices
that the Inquiry for tickeu b diminishtag-
____________ •
•troag Sfffirt Bade to Beeuiw Permaaent Camp of ttata Xroopa.
n# Manistee News stated leet nighti
“John B. KlUean left thb moraing
for Island Uke. where he wUl meet the
eUte military board et the encampment
and offer inducemenU to loeaU a pertsaaant camp ground at ManUtoe. Mr.
KUlcan sras authoriaed to offer jbe
sUte forty acres of lend adjacent to the
Th<ind»7 WM web m to weite tbe
tMUWdwnrefoodpetraaMre. wd w
the Bbebojrw teem U one of the
ifeet lo ihe weet e hot ^eme iae7
«TKixxva nvnii Bsooimro
KOU 80U>.
J. O. Imngworthy aad family, who
have been camping at Carp L»ke. tutnraed home yesterday afternoon.
Bay Brawn. Oeear PrtedrlA and
Chas. B Hale rode over to Elk Baydds
on their btcyelae last evening, and rettunedontheColambla.
Dan McMVUan favored the Baroao
ysetardayvrfth a basket of fine peaobee
from theArehie Frnlt Farm, the first
of the sdteon from that locality.
FranM^Rnlgbt. formerly of Manbtoe,
has started In tiie comfeotionery nnd
tobacco bnslnem In the Kraupa bloth.
corner of Front and Wellington etreeta.
The Evangelical Snnday eehoob of
thb dty and silver Lake enjoyed a
pknie at But Bay ohore: there were aboot 00 In number und evLryone enjoy
ed It.
They Hare a •'Joan of Are” who
y of Triente Helped Sla Ojb.
Leads Barehera-On* Ban Vensd.
•erre Hie Btrthdeor.
ed In tontts With Depnty •herlffWill Heun 'reeehed eo xtreeeble
•Itaatton Orowlng 4Sartona.
BBiprlae ThonA^ e<real&B, when ebont
Plttabaig,.Attgttstll.—The striking
fitW of hie frieode dropped In to help miners started to march to the Plnm
him fltUnirlr eeUbreU hU blrthdej. Creek mines of the New York and
by the aeveland Gee and Coal Co- aboat 6ve
I e«d Proteeeor Muro'clock thb morning. T^y,^*1* »«
Usrh. bad Inter In the oeeniaf choco In the toad by Skertfl TS^erf. and
late. riaUle end lemon Ice eteem end depntba who mdered thein'^ go no
cakee were eerred.
ferthsTv A seoffle ensued is ^h Ja
cob Mott, a member of the baad, was
nertoesly cut over the eye by one of the
depnUee. eddsing the drat bloodshed of
Imaden the Oanter, of FoUowera of tbeeirika After some farther senfSlng
C. W. GreUiek bu take to camping
Olaimant to tpanish Throne
and threaU the crowd marobad back to OQtfor a few days and left for Carp
London. Aogast U.—Pall Mali camp. No arruU have bean made.! Lake yuterday. He will be joined by
Oasette thU afternoon says: “It b not Bodies of marchers also started from' his mother, Mrs GreUiek and R. D.
generelly known that London b one of Turtle Cruek for Oak Hill and Spring j Cbmpbell and fanuly in a day or
of the Ceribia.' Thou- UUl thb morning in deflance.xjf the In- two.
mods ofeettvefolloweiaofthe claim-, juneUop. but nothing hu been beard
Oa account of a bad arm. E. W. Fbbant to the Spanbb throne are being from them.
er, who hu been pitching tor the
loeated In tbboity." The Pall Mall
Abbot two o'clock thb morning soa»e Hustlers eeverul weeks, wu compelled
Gaiette adds: “Their leadeia
deputies who were doing duty at the | to qslt playing for awhile. He left
think that the fall of Oanovas brings Plnm Creek m'inw were called frrm. jeaterdey afternoon for bb borne tn
the Opportunity nearer. Daring tlte the Center school to dbperu a iruwd | Newcastle, lad.
paet week they held many meetings lo of Hungarians. '
i ust night officer Grayson pnl a
dbenie the best means of ambling
D.rln* lb. ».>ni>b< .bmt toVi.„,,l.u.,..„,,b« b»i b«b <™.l.
thalr oollaagnee in Spain in the event .Kb... .pp»™i O. lb,
of an nprlslng ocearring.''
to Plum Creek. The party «
''ou occaslone, An Interview with
«l b, lb. .Irib.™* q.«bi, Eib~. IU.t I J.dp B..bm. bd<bl b... . wbolnomi
wearing a wreath ^ daUlee and carry- >
log £ flay. A number of banners were
The Colambb took s lerge crowd of
Bn. J. W. KUilfcan Sntartalae
ktriklng Ineerlptiona.
i to Elk Bapids lut night,
rriwde Lam Might.
ftouuiy which were. “We are out for
every av^ble seat on the boat being
Aboot sixty yomg pe^e enjoyed' women's ligbtt." “alxty-nlne oenu
ths bospiUllty of Mr. and'Mra. J. W. bueu'' “Cnlted’weetand. divided we i
MOllkaa last evening In a party which fall.’' “It b bread and butter we want.'
was arranged In honor of Mbs Nan Tbe d^Uu lined npagaU and order of extreme enjoyment.
A party of Bigb Coart affieeia of the
Milllken of Worewtar. Maas., who b ed the crowd to' dbperee. One girl
ths gaest of Mia. MUlikan.
The said to a de^ty, “Oh. yon are not eo Foreeterm, coaebtlag of. High CWef
lavrn wee hrllliaatly Ulnmlned with
ly; wears aot afraid of you.” Tbe Banger Calaghan, High Secretary
High CounuUor McDonald
Japanese lant^ns and the'^prosties received meny taunb and
verMal ho^tnllty which b al jeers but tbe msreblag womea -ware aadPuV^Bigh Chief Banger Joelyn,
ways dbpAaed at the MUllksa finally per*u<tafi
ratara to their were ehowa about the
hoase. pervaded the
hoaue wlthoat any serloue troeble oe- aad driven to Trarerae Beach resort
and other points of Interut. by olBeeni
A portion of the evening was devoted curing.
to an sutograpb game in which Mbs
Decator. lU., Asg. ll.-About IDO of Court Tiavene.
Usvnspd won the priic. A telegram mea. advance guard of tbe body of.
The Frlnoeea Bai^^hop.
game was also one of the
miners from the west.
When you want a Ugbt. euy'sbsve
psstunss. which was followed by vocal met thb afternoon by ShariB-Kichob lor an uti?tic hair cut,’In at U
and Instrumental masle within doors.
OelloaterefrashmenU were served aad “'*ttaI*rit5*l^*^e^no't
^ I l^Jrkmen.
the latter part of the evening
any further. They went Into camp. M-tf
O. E. Bcurs.Pra^
passed in ezsmlnUig the splendid photograjAlcoollecUon which b the pereoDsl handiwork of Mrs. Milllken. The ^
r. repr*
event was one of ezqubite pleaeurc.
I fan styles 1 d place an order for fall,
FriMds Birthday Social.
I suit or oven
UAMii.rnz Ciormso Co.
Lut night an enjoyabb birthday aoelal was given in the Friends ebareb
by the Sundsy ubool pupils. A pleu- dosad the Taachan' tniUtaU Taa-,
The Opening
urday Aitarnoon.
lug program of recitations aad musical
..of the..
The teachers' lutituu closed yeeter-1
.aeleetione wu given and ice cream and
cake were served. There wu a large. day aftacnooa. after an exceedingly in-1
company preyent and evetyoae had a atraeUve and helpful week.
The attendanoe hu ^n large and
pleasant time.
the Interut maniluted la the work
In the morning ProfesKir Hoyt held
Sxperianoed I7 UtUe Howard Brit
kb UM»1 claaeu in litaratare. padston.
gagy. gaopaphy aad bbtnry. oonUnnHoward, tbe little three-ycaia-eU son tng the same llnu of work that hava
of Mrs. T. C. Britton, got hold of eome bun porsaed threagb tbe wuk.
for rat pobon
Mbs Marsh held a elau In arltha abort time ago. aad dranka quantity
before he wu dbeovaiad. FortniiaUy and bUU s
Prambsory notu ;
the aoUdotc wu given on the package,
aad by hard work hb mother anooeed- Mlb of exchange.
ad la mving hb life. Tbe little fellow
ork she Ulkad 00 tbe
bu been blluMor over a year aad It BU of the poem ae a hub for oompoelaeeme u if be wu having more than tton In primary gradu. aad told how
hb share of thb world's mbfortnnea.
Paul Bevere could be taug'ht bbtoriWaK a bracker Jack
In the afternoon the olaeeu
given up ahd the lustiMte Ibtened to
Trank Sehlai Oaae Hare Taotarday
The only drawback being
helpful Ulke by PipfeeMW Hoyt and
Blth Two and One Died Bnddanly.
we couid hot wait on all the
Mbi Marsh.
Yuterday aftorncoa a hone belong
Profeesu Hoyt talked about defee- trade. The following remark
ing to Frank SehleL droKted dead near tiv« ehildrsn. uaatinc physical detecte
S. C. Damw'e atoca. on Bay street. first aad taking up the dsfaetive eye was made by many at our
store: "That's the kind of a
Mr. SchUi Utu near Solos, nine otilu and ear. He also diuuesed the
wut of the city, and wu driving a ou chUd and the fuble miodad. Be *iale I like tb attend."
Gendoable turn Into town, when the hone
gavaanlntaruttagdeecriptinnodsueh utne Stuff—this is Ho fake and
The aalmal had been utink
“ if you are no, suiud you ge,
.idatable rye aad Imd beea akk.
camp groends. The .gtouat
fnrebbed with city water nmtne, wite
a taUraad switch Into Ihe pUt, down
town ooaneetioe vrith the aleetrie road
-^tacteverythtag that would go to
make of aa. Ideal ea^ ground for
Hl^lfus'e soldier teya There b aot
Tbe HnsOare left yuterday a
a more attrartlTs pines sltmg the rtore for Ml
I. bat seseawhat eripolad.
than at Mantatee. The ai^U are al Jerome Wilhelm aad Frank Parks did
notaeeompaay thetuiB.thefafcrasaanways oool and the days oomloetahle."
•gar Kehoe west away with two good
The Mood Templasa.
men abort. However he will rceort to
I. O. O. T-tadga. Ho. 4ll will con some meaeorc to give the Sewdnst ClW
vene thb evetaBf a* eight o'clock la a good, ffbrm game. Tbe Ewxibd will
MAtague hall. Thera will be tnlUa- bnllgl^’ the eeare tomarrew algbt
.tmy eeramjalm. ARsagameato wiU aad print aa account of the game Baabe amde for a literary eoatmt to take day mornlag.
plaee during the foDowtag quarter.
Every member should be ta atteadanee.
Xbta^. Aogut II—Wbut—Anguet,
to vbltlng Good Templam a oordtal taSic; S^tembar. 81H6He: Daucriber.
vitatkm b eateaded.
Cara-Aogasv rb6Hc< Bsatambu.'
S7X«9Sei Iboembar. .WHO.
WID »tay‘»ith the Kusticn B«*
Oata-Aaguet. IThdHo: Oeto>i^,
Posh—August and Baptambu. SS.CK^
Thera b a aura provact of mo»egood
October, S8.0SK.
' haeabaU Beat weak. Manager
fit.40: Bsgtamhar.
has elooed arraagemeateter agamihi
huaw the ausUen aad the Sheboygan •4.40; Octaher, •4.41.
9ari4g-«ash »o. t. S5K9UC.
^trsgatkm. the dwmpioa team of the
Bye Chsh; Saptambar. 4Se; DaesmWliawta league, for aect Tamiay.
Tho artUs put up hy the Hestldrs
First Tmt-Ko. 6a
Japaa Wants HawaiL.
Hawaii wants to be a part of tbe United
States. The United Sutes wants to be at peace with
all people. TBe people want square dealing and “we are
the people," so trade with us.
i Curtains^^
Factory made. Cheap. Or measure taken
and made to order and hung, at------
s’^rHASKElL’S B00KST0RE,“s^
You Take Half
We teke half—that's our ont-prioe etnry on whet'e left ta
Ixadies’ Suits,
Ladies’Summer Capes,
Child’s Summer Reefers.
and'Extraordinary. Values in Ladies* Shirt
Waists and SUk, WaisU.
• •
Hew Fall StaUI oomtag la every ^y now, at—
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
To the crippled condition of
the times we consider it our
duty to inform yon that,
quality considered, our.....
flonr is tbe cheapest yon can
T. J. Host’s,
Mbs Marah talked oa “What cbiid >’our money without a kick.
Sale will continue until furthet
Study b doing for the chUd.” Shedbeuead the tatigne tuta. and axpcrlmante la the eftaet of lou of slup and
food on animals. She also told of Dr.
Hsu's vrerk on the sabjaot of “ChUdrea’s fcara. theb beUeffi, tastes, their
pcaterenM in p^riomes. ta games, sto.'
u a basb upas which a truer system
of education mayoome day ha toundad.
The aeuionsru closed early and aU
sraet away with many haadshiku and
axpreulons of good will ter the tastruetoiu aad each otiier.
. oca scRV poa
H38, $4.98, $5.R9.
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block,
Fresh Meats—always fresh. SaltHeata
If You Have Logs !o Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
■heaM ba Takan by Vomaa and
Slcyslu Bldars.
- Ths Bust export and odeatifie aooten'of tbe preunt age raoomnuad
that when women are teklng a
Ucytde ride, teat they ter health's asks
take traqaeat.rute.________ *
The Uttar day aatate wUl oUm
thdr BMettage tathrirtaat temarrow
{fash Rais, to cioK...... ?9c
Good goods a.. Low Pricei
our motto.
School Shoes
U4ff ai III Tai CoM’Skoes ftsl this Mb.
. li-x*
Topolar Olothter.
THB iioxmxa
Friday erantny riaitUf with tbe
kobkiwo bboobb spent
Mmlly of Be*. 8. Balebery.
lUMm Wieeu and Lottie Meekel.wkO
.. „|,|„„ raT aoBsiM newaMWT.
Imre been rtotolny tbelr stoter. Mra.
Vletor Petertyl. tor tbepaeUe* »«dm.
retamad to .tbelr home la <%leayo yea.
tdday. aeeompaaled by tbeto nlepea.
'^■04. X. Batp asp J. W. HAxna. Mlnele and Lottie PatertyL who will
Tidt that
for a few daye.
Mra. Dr. Heath, Piad Heath, Tboa.
J. W. Ha
Timblin, Boy Timblln, Mr. aad Mra
Jobe Deral, Mr. aad Mra. M. & Loop.
Fred C. Weimore, Mra. Prank KIteaailer aad Mr. Van Bnakirk of CadUlae.
and Mr. aad Mia, a Denham of -McBala were tbe yneeto of Mr. and Mrs.
CtTTOwvurgk dilae caw of ^t Ninth street Tbmaday.
£=s;trr-. ■.■••• 2
Tbeatrleal Motaa.
1 of Oraad B^ds.
s of the owners of the CcwbatVPUsimona eertoeope. to expected ia tbe
.• .— *—>
askaal L
voK of ibe II lehBswadiu
tor tbe prodncUon of tbe plctarm in
ibery^ Grand Opera Honae on tbe
erealnyof Anyeatinh. The reriaeope
pieaento an exact reprodnetton of tbe
yreet poyiltoUe eonteat between tbe
two champions aad'tbe «yerm are preaeated in life else. Tbe detaU of eKb
ronnd to yiren andthoe^who remem
ber tbe reporte of tbe oelehraUd eneoonter will remember etoo tbe intense
•eat with which tbe eaoonnter wea
attmided. Tbe lllnatraUona are Tleid
and lifelike and tbe eartooope has aV
»d yreat erowdawberew yiren.
taaentioB » w«
Ahe Miohifu mUlUA. Be hM.iwned
*BOrf«rwhiclM»q«l«f«*lAW«tO«»l«to Ihe mUosaI colon wbertrer they
M«« in the eA^l^ Tbc or4«r aIw ai>piij> to rUilon end tbOM who fAll «o
fcowithccomiBMdlopAyA propw to^•et
I* the flaC Ate AabjMt
tOATTOBt. ThUmay aoe» a UtUe ae. m. but it ia likely to cAaae a raapaet
to the BAtioB'a cn^en tbAt U eomatiaea dtar^Ardfd la the atAte cakip;
thongb BO citixe^ill prwaine to cHiSeiM the order. Aid it ia qaiie probaUe
tbAt toldiera aad TiaitotA Alike will
Briny In Toar Otalam.
ftAeea care hot wfarset the MAainAad;
1 ' who -bare btlto ayainst Oonri
'JUA beoBoae of tbe fear of Arreal bat
■eiae, No: ess, 1. O. P., are reqt
beMoaa of loyol^ to tka flAf.
ed to leare them with & S. f^ria. so
that tbe oommittM of tbe raeent fair
Fkkz AiiTor bad loot ita ehanna for
dedication may andlt and pa;
iAfAB aad now that nation U boo
be nnder tbe rdd atAMard. Iba
y pkoae that baa been firan to tbe odn' t*e and enrrency *|U«atJ
tUxM Id tbe prloe of aU'
«aaper npon aooe of tboae who ware
aa.dalnty Httle'ttainy.ADdtbe
tbe etrOBcaat oonad
.. ismu Bppqaredtobe prep»
. of tbe whiU metal dnrtaff tbe loot ■aBHl in her faror riybt fnm tbe start,
was erldoiUy snnwAhlny that
OAByaiin. Tbt deeraane ia prise baa
^BooeUAtod already that eonntriee made him pAnsn
“Look ben." be said in bit Unnt
aAleb ate ander tbe free ailTer ortnace
■him, ‘THW wmmiA
tbatniii are la creat danfw now
aia ell right.
ooBiarmial disaster in treaUnf with It yon fcaertfeU there to to ksow abonl
ooutriea nnder tbe go^A ataadard. It. and y^ don't look Uka a |tri who
«■ aeeennt of tbe flnetnatiaoa In ex- would be rk-k erery third day and
want to yet away an boar or two early
aU tbe rest of tbe time, bnt betsrelen«0MM1W>105BB OEXXmAL or EmMAA ___ __yon 1 want
to^hare aclear nndm.tiem F0WIWBL.T beareqneetedtbe treee- etaadiny with yon oo one eahjeet.
“Tea sir.'' she replied, looking at
hiy department of tbe Ublted SUIee
to take itnnediaU BMasnree to yaard him inqoiritigly.be evT.I«le«d, "I expect
Ofainat the iBtal^Uon of anarcblate
TfecllT sattofaetotT, bat
yon will be
'ffOB Enrope. prinei^ly Spain. He if yon are n
haaaaked.thatconaalpearraUat rari- aboot my right to dtochsige yoa.
. OM foreipp poiaU notify klm at oner
'•Certainly not"
•d tbe embarkation' of donbtfnl ebar“If 1 want yon to go. I'll
aelera. This ia a precaatloa that wUl CBS of (be clerks put a ootooanyoordeak
Met with tbe approrel of tbe Anwrl- or leave It with Ibe oaabier for yon, nd
caa people. Tbe laand of aaarebiata
bred in Spain or any kind wbaUrer
will not be weleomod to tbSe eonatry.
We bare bad enonyh of that eort of
_______ •
•Kloiidlke’' wae d
•ear Xbceeaion. OaL. by a thrifty Canmade, who tailed an abandoned mine
' «sr that pnrpoee. He made bU MnS
•tkhaUrlcblandbadalmoAeloeed a
deal to aelUbe mine to Toronto oaplballata. when an esperteame aldnyand
•aw tbronyb tbe whole tame and the
deal wae off; and
•erffainlnt wealth ware loatferever.
Waa Both Gonld of HaaUafe. Is elaltMies
a Ayaca
A«ac« Bleb.
f. 0. Baanan weatlo Mm
Barry Blim of Baeina. Wto., to the
«MAt of a £. Wait and famOy.
KtoaAlloeAiMnebaeretwsed i
Mra. ElU of Cbariotte, to tbe ir«
Mia. B. (Qiepard. on Bute etraet.
. Mia: John tbwle la cntartalnlnr her
iBwelr. John Baab of Boebeater. M. V.
Mra. a E. Wait aad Mtoa W^t raIwed yesterday from a six waeka'
wAM la Baelne. Wto.
A. B. Dontberty,
•ay of Antrim eonaty. waa In tbe elty
paeteadayonletal baalaeaa.
Mr. and Mia. A, W. Peck erill retarn
froaa Bay View today after a few
Mtoi Bertba Oolman. who baa been
^■illne1lflt in tbe aaborbe near
•topUs. arrieed borne ycMrday.
J. V. Nelntoeb left yaetmday
Mr lalaad Lake to enjoy a few days at
Me elate mllitaiT encampment
Mr. aad Mia. Jelina Stdnbeiff and
mm Imam have yoM W Bk Ifuoe to
wtoit ianeb Stelbbery aad famBy.
r. A. Badaoa. oontraetinff ayen
the W«l Bbore Fact Freiybt Uae.
hi the dty yaaterday as boaineea.
Mtoe Beany Petrie, om of tbe elerha
Ib WUhdm Broe.’ etore, will yo te
fMMfart to^ to ^d her raeatloa.
^ Mta EUa Stelabery baa retamad
Mom Bay View, where ebe bee been
Mkiny aha aemmar ooozae in eloeatks.
Mtoe >Ubel Ball, who^baa been a
yoaetat Bea. & Batobeiyttte a few
dayn. baa retamed to bar bMh at Pe-
ef the Potato Implement Oa. will leare
thto wniay for flairtobnryb. Pa., oa
Mxa. L. Karts of Wtorteld. Leaawee
aea-iadaw, Lea
99tmm. editor Of tUOepamhh Oeertw.
bboobs, batotjab, auopsi
iradfs naloe labels, tbe trademarks .
of manetactarera etc. Tbe workman re
tired fMtlng Ibai they .bed won a yrml
Opinton on That Otecriminatii^
Tariff A««in<t Cuihdian Railwayt Coming Soon.
Thi Cdlitntdd SpNidlifftfl.
Ne Map* ef Aiadw aeeMeelha
Wtahinytoa. Ao«. ll-Tbe report tarnyiiten published (bat ibe xeneral toad
ofltoe would soon luue mspa of Atatom
TEA nfFOBTEBB'ABK A HEABIIO. Mtowinx tbe leieet surreys and explora
tions of tbe gold reriona that ofljee has
been Hooded with letters requeetli^
> er the OMy Ml carles of tbe. maps. As It will be Impos
sible to prepare the maps for several
BMd.]n>taht*l « VahetCheMatter- months tbr tequesU cannot be granted.
TmATXBBB C^,' Micb.
the letjm. explslntng tbe stluatloa
le yselbgical survey to la much tbe
me ^oodlUoa.
—Valea.tabeh Kel PiwhMtee Vigor
ataCIgmfwtyfM’taigea. , .
Washlagtoo, Aog. ll—Attorney Qeaeral McKenna and SoUdlor Oeoerai
Hlcbards are making a careful study
of the questions Inrolved In tbe con
struction of section S A tbe new tariff
act, and it Is expect«a^M(Bt~bn opin
ion covering the subject
be Iwnt to
SeereUry Oage early In 't^comlog
week. The main question at iaeue Is
whether leas and other goods shipped
from China and Japan by vesael to
Vaoeouver, B. a. and thence by rail
Urge proportion of tbe teas and other
pmduriB of Clilna and Japan are ao
s.'^lpp^d to the New England and other
eastern cltlro at a less rate than to
rhargvd by way of American lines of
rniin.ad from San Francisco. Ftoatern
•Kporters of tbeoe commodities Iberefore ac i^d to he ^posed to any eon■trucUon of the act which would Impose
tbe addlilMnal 10 per cent. duty. The
Losion and Msine lUllraad oomoany
has asked tn be heard OD the
tbe question
tv-ndlhg Its nbal determination and^be
SI turner general hai concluded to give
Hotel Whiting
18; 1897.
Xwp Daya Only Xacb MontM.
WaablagtPo. Ang U—The civil acrrice commtoalon has toaued a drcalar to
the esamlninc boards of Ihe alxty-three
districts snnounclng
>r deputy 'collecton.
mmiDBttoik Free end
StriotY .
er-gaugers and r
Id each dleiiirt cm Bept. II. to be conttnoed the next week dayilf all apptkanu
Washington. Aug. it—Aulborii
been graiinted.......................................
for the Milllkon National
bank, of Decatur. Jlla Capital slotk.
To Young; Middle Aged, and Old Men
asITeniis frowjury wskMesss. w CBB sirs retmsscM retle(.C AteoMe rore# sBaiaaMa
AUwmd omsngta Hosbata Dow ita Work
AND CAXlIKa cored vUbostsci^^Siie. pals or scar. Rew aetheds.
with a ftsioL
Dorango. Colo.. Aug. iJ.-Wlll Arey.
brother of C. J. 8. Arey. of Chicago, waa
^ Ve Bill Sire ipeeUl sitestiaa «
shot sod almost Insuatly klllrd by Dr. iBtkdmmrs. P.tMo. applylagfer irei
W. R. Winters yesterday. The tragedy ^n£?tbe.c«si>.bleu>eauea. vritefsllrsntostoesor the
occurred at C:S0 a. m. Arey waa accused Met by exiovML. mitb tuU toMrortluM how to be Ishes.
Tbe Srw <U Drs. li.. A. * Co. w UcorporstcU erwiaj year* M c with s espHsl
bcBinyua labs iwrvBBcmK yMewplay leea. They arc rtsma le ana sell kauBC
months ago Dr. Wlniets made thrvau
Arey and he left town for a time.
Six weeks ago Mrs. Winters spiled for
divewee and the case was to ruffle Up
yesterday. In going to work Arey passed
the omce of I>r. Winters and It Isclalmed
that fae^oiked to at the window. He had
a revolver lb lilt hand. The doctor
-atep|<ed out on the todrwalk.
It It not known wbo Bred flrst. but oie
witness sutvs that Arey dIA After two
shnis were flred Arey ran across the
Wlrlers l.dlowsd. Arey fell
on the aldewaik and Winters conttnned
shooting at the prt.strale man until tats
' An Iniereating.' report, albeit it Is
rvstly Ugurea, Is obulbcd from tbe
Ir asurr rv^rOs as to who does our
ocean carrying trada
According to
these records Brtlt^ .Teonrls are car.
tying over U p.-r caht. of tbe...........
dine of the t'nli>d Slates^ both
of im
ports and of exporta. Eamlnatton
flxuros rot the dm six months of 107
show that the total Imports in vessels
have been of the vaiae of HM.dtI.NL he had falleo. :
and or dogtretlc eTboris In vessels t4U.IOO.««A The percentage of Imports car
ried In American veaseU la ILSS. and In
mem^ of the |
ifeU tor B M
DRS. B. S. & CO. Lock Sox too.
The tax rolto of tbe flvs wards of tba
City af Traverse City, for the oellaetion
of school, city and speetol swessmrnt
taxw for the Meal year l»v?-ievf barn
barn dalivarad to me ta tba City Clark,
ttoid taxeansay bepald tomeaimy offlee at any Ume before ftoptombar let,
iciVT. without ebarga for eolUcUoo.
One per cent, peealty -for coUaetlon
wUl beebarfad and eolto^ upon aU
uxm remalaing uapsid SaptamW Isi.
lem. I will be at my ofiee to rsceiva
said taxea on all weak dayu from 8
o'clock naUI I1:J0 o'clock a. m. and
slock p. ffi.
from I o'clock uatU 4 o'clock
m. and
on Tuesday evenlnn !>'>>» ~ o'elota
aatU ■.*«
e;S0 o'clock.
Msixmm WtSXIJC.
City Trwtoarrr.
Office Boom i, fierold btaSlng. 1S3
Front street.
Waukon. U.. Aug. ll-Fraak ArooU.
cent.; the Oermans. 11.41: French.
144: DuKk. S.3: and
all other a lucal sporting man. baa been held to
foreign vesseU «.»: of domestic the grand Jury wli
exports only R.18 la carried In week's preliminary bearing for tberour.
of Henry V. Duffy, a prominent
American b>U«ma. SI.SJ being carried
city, on tbs night
In vessels of other natioDiL
vesiw-U carry «S.a per rent, of the of April S4. The matter.has since been
value of experts by vessels; fterman. wrapped tn mystery, and public senti
between murder
A"5:. French. !.1S; Norwegian. tSS;
Might Bobool'
' >nd suicide. Tbe general opinion Is that
: •" ‘'***''^ foreign. ».54.
Taisrr -tfLrcsr- Tims mV
| *^'* evidence agamat'Aniold wUi not at tbe Business Collar*-alwr BrptemThe value of Imports carried In Amer- j <»nvkt.
_____ j___________
bw IbV
»J-e. a d. ■“
x.cM Merlin' Is All night.
Iran voosbvIs for the six months ended |
June » was MI.4Jt.14S. and of that ear. ] chicagei Aug. It-All d-uM as to-' De-.t Fall to flea Tbami^Today at
our Btore Ut-o- Miller will exhibit M.
Kolb and Son's flegant line aaiu aM
overcoats. Orders taken far future de
csn-ied ih American vessels, was MT.livery.
as tf
Karanllr.'' sbe Hiid. kiokiiig at I
hisikt.s::. The value of
cashier of the recorder’s ofBse. ^>e
him in stsue sm^ae.
' »hli-h has been largrly hrsughl from yarhl reached 8Mvan beach Wednesday
.In'gq^ condition and the same night
____________ _____________________
‘hr perrentage-of Imports In '
Si from that port headed south
i American vesseU higher than that of ;
* month's crubw on the Uke.
BACL'BflION. AL'U. 18.
« « all yon re ix* to wwp.
< jj,* ^alue of domestics exports Since
Great cboaoe to visit tbe “Fairy IaIc"
Wby, 1 suppose I can ssk ytm ^ jg^® ,!,■ bureau of stbilsiirs has suted
Cross at a low mt*. Tbe C A W. M. By.
Wby*'— '
I the value of merchandise Imported and
wiifa the 12-yesr-old will sell tlckau on above data to Madc“Ton can't ask me a thing,"-Be exportcim ran and other land vehicles,
«i sad srent Inac latoud and return for gJ.OO rpnnd
heok* to..-“If yon «et
get A note aiktog ' During the first half of the present year
trip, via Bay View aad ti. R. A I. By..
the value of Imporia carried was tN.yon to quit, yoc'rs jntt to put
train laavlng Traverse City at • a. m.
toings and walk out without a whimBoat .win arrive at tbe Uland at tliM
per or quegtiooof any kind. Is that on
t;l-Bldt'S TAKIPy DKTRbOFimT.
bold her until of age. Mra '
OoveeOMBWI MBsSncyttoBlfDstF.ewetoM
“It to.''Mto replied.
the state, tf not la tbe United Maiea
“Hare I yoor prontoe to lire np to
Oev. Di
WaahlBgton.Aug.U.—UnlesstbetrsaeFABMEBU DAT .
that agrseBMStr'
DCS Motoea
“Ton have. But it IsnehaDatnflg- ury department con be brought tomodl- Drake
lies ST Excrtslor Springs to a
fy Its 'ennstriictloa of tbe tariff ‘tow to
diiduT iwoM that 1—1“—
very crltk-al cendlUao. Adjutant Oen“Ton^woman,"said the oldgew- respect to tbe duty on stoae bnportad eeal Henry H. Wright, wbo has Just
thanan Imfrairely. “1'tc bm to bui- for gorere meIII use. one of be totgsst refurtved from his Iwdstde. says that thto data, la which farmara wiU be
very serinut fears are entertained far
Mst bees tor dO yeats, and np to tbe
this country.tbeconstructlonof tbrSuf- hts recovery. Re Iq (Sifferlog from* a
C. A W. M. train srill leave Traversa
71 be brought to as
City at «dM> a m. aad arrive at Bay
View at ft. Rrtnmlac Usvs at 7 n. m.
T7>e war depangegiag awldtotaargiiigoleckx eseeened
Rfrnt made a contract with Hughes
trip rate fli.JS, which ladadm
to me best tfom jbe etandpolDt of my Brothers A Bangs fnr the cnastractloa
‘ • • don tlckst to all'Asaambly ft
In as angnatded monebt, of this work, and under the contract the
government was to lake tbe alnne from
Take yonr laneb aJonf and hnvs
woman to mn a typewriter tor
the Canadian quarriea ocrosa the toks
good time.
after I foond tbat abe WM't
and lay it down at the breakwater. crssfully ptocsd to drydoefc at Hailtox.
Gxo. DkHatrx. O P. A.
tny to me it tock me on* right weeks Tbe treasury department had been flrst N. R.
hBT cinsolted and held thgt thin could be] W. J. Bryan has rcituned
to dtootatge her. 1 left a »wWB
d«^ aiid~ibe promptly oame in
dope wltimut Incurring any duty. Now.:
seveme^ days'
........- Just as the work Is starting. I
«*>•'••«** T'
on mine. 1 turned tbe job ore '
the colletlor at Buffalo has noUfled Ibe i Ethan Allen Hitchcock, of 8ULoula
war department ..ffletoU that he most has accepted the Ruitoan mltaoo. He
j", ... ^
assess doty on the elotie and refuse to ' was In no sense a candidate.
wscpliig. and inmda of a week she had ,
u nntll the duty is paid.
C. C. Harris fell from a thHly-foot
tbe whole ftgee wrought np to a.pototi The dilHculty to that the engineers ' sroffold white lainilng at Butler, tnd.
wbeibbnaiiiamsrae being neglected, and have no money , to pay this duty, aad so sr>d received injuries which proved fatal,
abe was stilldnwtng aatoryjnst tbe ; th' work musi^top unlroir the treasury 1 The U-year-oM sou of Rlcherd Bell,
tobostnem maybe aU \ umetato relent. The et<mi>age would tn. j living amiih of Ft Ctartea la.,
right, but wtan it ooaue to g«tii« her
antoftotoinem«nabodyetoeoan tava
borers and ptont on the ground tsody j whub Freoe aad Rudy XIorppM. *
tbelr contract might secure ;
ot age. tapped the tin at Boonm***"»?.
heavy tanmges for demurrage. Oeis^ ble's
weep if yon don't unit I'll trj yon.*'— Wilson,
of engineers, has referred ,
.cd s
the subject again to tbe treasury
The deadly ctgamir ctolmed another
several prapoBjtlons to meet the cose, victim at Chicago when James Morgan
ti to estimated that the duties tkat atletnpted tw.4iandlr gasoline with a
the govenunent must pay ttseU on the lighted dgomte to hto month. He was
“lam afraid,"oMd tbeofUimtotta- atone would amount to betwaen u quar badly burned.
hwtanUy, “toat tbe flying tmbkipo out ter and a half of a mtUlon of dottora
Tbe American Bxprrsn ogW to Mobaccording J* the eonstnctlon given to roq. Wto.. was entered and scaled packfriend talks about to a meeatoDey."
“Ito ■’replied tbe akaptte, “U tai't the Urlff act by tbe tNoSury depart- ogea were lora open and a vajnable dia
mond ring that was to one of tbe pack
aaaw^tbat. 1 have beard of each a thing
ages was JsketL
aa a flight cl fancy"—Wtabington RO ItoW ABAII
Tbe engagemant of Ones Anson,
taelff Ae* Dsee P
daughter of tbe sretl-hnown Chicago
tiose hall player. Adrtou C; Anson, U
Tbe ■Msea Why.
Wasklngtoa. Ang. U.-A IMcgathm. Waller R. Clough, formerly of Lsavun“ Tour wile doesn't eeam to improva
repreMtIag tbe dgarmakcis' nalona worih_ Kan. to a
Cbales Stevens « s.arrssied at M«ma“Ka Ai faat ae ebe gains ettength called « Seostory Ooge yesterday to
Inquire if the provWoa In tbe new tariff
■ba neee it np telling people wbei to
tow prabihiting the insertion of ptcturca burg. la..
tbe matter with bcr. ■'—Okteego Beecxd.
numbera 4ilc.. In cigar and dgaretie Tbe eberUf bad exttaditloo
the governors of Iowa and
Asstatgni Btaie Dairy and Food Commtoitoaer W. W. Chadwick, of WtoeonDnamer—I aaked Mies Werk«r U
asigbt bora ino
atberekrine. the tow they could no longer pot tbe ton. Was la JaneviUc. Wto.. thto weta.
tags no tbelr proddcUona Fmrtnl that and sriu mon begto pnacenttons against
■Wtat did ebe eayt
leisqns who tave vtotaud Ibe
fed. “W
'Wbat'e tbe mat- if this proved to be the case it would seventeen
give non-union workmen to the Itaaceo mOk «nd vtsegar towa
awwitbrnonayr Bret
Mta Jota Palgata. wbo lives mat
OsmagevUle. Green county. Wto. met
with a iWTlblc accMcnL While untytag
bar borse toe got tangtod said Ml and
tbs botse stepped, on her taad savunl
Acting Internal Ravunne O
Omaa Uaiing Mt her left ayu. heaaktog
"And mine wae aurried."
WUsoB. who daewed that
“Bally gtal ru tat 111 fla I
nothing toI tta
the tow to arevsBt a pontto- ------------*»d ebaak boot aad anutog
the graettoa of fla^ttng bar ^ to
«nr-Saw Trik Xrntk.
Ever Burned Oat?
If soyMkaow
tbe volaa of
O. P. OARTSB. Agent.
Has Your
AttentionErer been'eallrd to tbe toet
tbat you can gat at tbe Drdg
btoiT (par Bterc)
Pure Pevdexed Bpiega.
Pure'CreaiD Tartar,
(aad Fore Bskipg Powder, if ywa wont
as to make il. 3 pounds for ll.tiO.) Buhbar bbreUBg. Bobber Tublag. aU
ktoda Throat Broskea and Atomtoara.
Glycerine and Witch Haiel Ution for
At Our
Soda Fountain
Oonntar wa arc nwar oontcatad le “lat
wall eoonitb alone" bnt alwgys toy te
JAS. 6. iOfiSSOI.
W OF SAFETY........
Fire Insurance.
SteiDberg's Grud Open Hone.
One Night Only,
Wedoesday, Angut ISth.
Ittllttu nite—-
Freaantad by the
Every detail of tba 14 rounds, as wsU
aa tbe tan minates prevtons and tta tan
mlMtea after tba giuat battle aatbortUvdy shown.
Waa It a Foul Blowt
OonM aadSae for Tovrsatt ^
PBlCBa-asa, aoe. and TSa.
Suits to Order.
Fisc MerchMit Tailoris*.
X '
. vested they srfU have to armt elL
Wlthoat doubt there wlU he sUrrtag
rvents tn the Plttibutg district to dag.
T1m» fa not« mium rwwou now m
A ifaM hml heea fired at ui M «s ndi
toRDsrly for eonplalnt afaoot tba Ul^- AloMI tfac Ufitiwv to eiduu ot teiA
8h*rifr«t D«c«tur. IHt^ PropoM*
hUlty of poaonaika. for Is all taiger---------------- -------------------- -------------------Decatur, nis-Aug. U.-Abo« » hun—. to RmM th* Marching
offloaa-band stamps have gtvea plwM to bit mddla. sbol thx«igh4be heart Ttm
trad mihecs from out of the county are
Mina Strtkara.
«.eni.iMM that produoe
srodooe beHttfulJy
beoattfaUr eiear
dlaar dlx*
by awe
g« *»»Ufideti
«der to
In camp at Klastlc.
are trma Lln^ end tbe rest from
thxow down the fence and Hda tbtoogb
They sre flolei and orderHewas ciA«redrt thefer
OOFFEEl a ¥SA£T Of ER&DLEI, Sprmgfl^
ty. and so mr hive sjKnni no signs of
only meaninglem^^ It tost*be
giving trouble at any Ome. Thoae who tmudges in* 1 of .
bave'talksd with them are of the opts- >«hUa
much greater number ; g^m and grlnlj. ud eriib eyesoCdefiion that tbe leaders will succMd tatlbelr |___ .
‘—^—jusrfced in sBch aaee.
«jugcsstd Intention of keeping down :
“WaaL «bst fa iir beqsfatlyaek.
JilWng like disorder. The vlHage h way that only by tbs «*«rolse rf great
iia*a *MMM-Ta»
•! ihmU*- board of Nlantlc baa put ou duty twen- IngMulty and Lbe wwia of oxaslcmally
Vto telaaeUM FiMly Cm« la Um PWt»- ty extra poltcemen. The men stayed v^oable time can tbs piww and day of
the cabin *>wBtbB.**
1W(S DlMriM Afimat «a* atHkaM. Wha
AM DaCaat-Cftal* at BmU.
qnesI ways tbe letter eboat wbii^ a
Ilte, Attg. li^lAte laM
fsnttoJIld’emrMdbyr .
klgbt Adjutant Oaacrdl Race* revalued
rity of in''Iteefam." .
a trttiiam from IberUr Nicbolaon. of
**Oocua along.''
OMaUir. AtUac for 100 riOM aod amTba oabtawM reached in flee ml»OBWtitloo, with wbleti to arm bU dapu•lea A gray haired woaaan and a girt
ttoo. any of whom have bt«B owoni la mlnera were admitted to that meeting. i tbe result is Int—
ct tfr—wife aad danghter Bond in tba
•ad arc now la the Docatur court bouse. It M expected that ,tbc Lincoln and I tieote and ton
Of«n door.
' B. B. Ray. who fa reprmcetJD* tbe go*- BptlngftcM miners vlU eoaUnus their: Mam. tbecefm,
-What is it. Jimr* askad tbe wife aa
- «mor lb Oceatnr. bsi refused to ask •on and Mayor Taylor drove, to Nianilc
tbe man Mood befcce bhr.
«ar them. A State B^tet special from yesterday aftsmooa and read
»*» deurmiuali
"Gwine to kiU me. I reckon,'’ be im
Tmu^i' «*«'•* trrtwi
making theeo osrfnl.
Nlaatld' sutes that tbe Nlantlc mlaet* asseoiUed
h«M a mecUBg there last nlglit and by by the mayor Wednesday Mghl.' They <a poientiaUv omdul. markA and that pUed.
to De-1 tiw
ci(de«* BAR do at good work
a VOU of tt 40 IS decided to strike.
advised tbe miners not to^
____ ___________________any
indlca-i in this Hapect ai the Mg onea "Leglbfa
Troebto U Km Orer al CWAMa.
and told them that
"Hut Goudby. Jim!"
St Louis. Aug. S1.-A special to Tbe Uon of violence would be met srltb. poatmarking." be aays In a recent tet
"Goodby. daddy!" from tbe gid.
ri.^ Theater cd instractios. "isof tbe greatest
Bspubitc from CoOecA lUs.. sars:.
rraak Campbell, who was aatUWedaea* Dacatur miners say that they will stay
Hudahakea no t
day tbe trusted Ueuteuaiit of “Oeaerar' at work, and they will be fully pro
- .
It. DO pleading. Ten Tods below tbe.
Bradley, was forced to Am tor ha’ Ufa tected.
Plnckneyvtne nis.. Aug. tt-Tbe sHesbadetree. Twoor
y bandied by' post- bonae w
employees. ' three bsltcrs were knotted togetbo. the
yesterday morning, and work i„
iplaiDts in r^yard ' npe thrown over a limb, a oooae alipaagry mob of Slavs, who charged him mines has been practlcslly suspended i Tbs frequmev of
bimd. and next »owith havtag sold BradlA and hU aten after four weeks of activity. Near two [ todefscttve
to adopt
severe meat—be —------was dangUng
clear at tbe
out to tbe Coffeen Cem and Copper weeks ago. si a meeting of lens tbsti * sarv for tbe
r- —-----—
aowpeny. Campbell declares that he zoe of the Duqooia men. U was de- | measuria to remedy tbe tmbta. Much , grauDd. Be bad no esews. made no
acted la good faljh aad that he did elded to strike, but an the main hndy i gf tbe pfwte»«eWi.e, Mpe-inlly that st' plea. Mked oo mesvy. Be went to his
•01 aetl his comrades out tn accordance of men had not a'ttended the decision , ^ souiUer offims. is k leOection upon [ doOb with tbo stoicisni of an Indian.
With 'the agreenseat entered Into
arrloe. Tbe figures of the i Wife and daughter stood la tbedoarwhy
Wedneaday night Superiaiendent Mills
____ ,____ be carefully adjoBed at tbe | and law aa tut tb«c were no team,
•rdered the frei^t stoppad at tbe
b^inniug of each day. and tlwn a clear ^ no ootbarsL Aa we were ready to ride
Strifct ■
inipceesioo most be made in a benk es-1 away tbe woman came slowly down tbe
tbe o .
for tbe purpose, eo aa to apot, locked at tbe bo^ for baU a
thesB to move on. They said that they ing of tbe Duqnoln men held last ev<
In the discharge
of this meut. and then tsmed to afar:
were golfig to- storm the town. Kol a lag and s cnnunlttee was appointed
_____ _______
BBaa got aboard. The strikers are still ascertain the desires of th« men with Importaht dotv.” It might faaof amist"Is Jirndewdr’
deOiuit Last night SbeiiS Raadle regarddto—•
to striking.
I of this
anoe is tbe I
90^ a proclamaueo ordering tbe
And Mm walked slowly t»ek
ail hot important refom If ovoryawikm Csptste a Trwia.
■ty&cn to dlsperae from their camp and
Bridgeport. O.. Aug. lt~Three bun- hofiy who rBodvea an ilfaglhly post- to the bonse and entered U. nnd abot
laavc the county.
dred miners from Wheeling Cre^k.May- marked letter wonld make a complaint tbe door, and we rode on and left tba
a BM Tims Bsre ToOsy. iWnapa
• banging—Detroit Fiss Bitm.
Tbe members of the board of super* hsrd snd Barton, massed hare Wednes to the proper bureou of the ]
Tisorw under wbose oidcra tbe aherlS day night and marched to tbe RlverPstrisg a Mamp Cpstde XSewa.
Mill II if the proclamatton. drove to camp alde aad Belraoot mines. They sneeeed._
Folk in getwtal are not oowadays eg
yeeterday aflertwon. Chairman Cars- •d in getting all of the men out. and
tens informed the strikers that , they retornlns marched to Martin's retry
tbe fhw Latarial of «i»«fnl •• tl>rJ
yem ago ia tbe
Bpmoe t
: the Laugblin miners out. The
Are vtotathig the law. are a menace to
afflilnf postage stampt to
wood pulp, sod n
a peaceable copiminilty, and are aub- Barton and Maynard men flagged the
>ct to arrest. Bradley again made an night fteMht andof the pa'per t^ in tbe
«“* waetaer W
cQort to aseure tbe consent of SherUt pelting tbe crew g> carry them to this i priating trade. Aecotdiag to estlamtee ««
\ givea out be tbe fueesfry drpartmeot at
*** »>»
"P » upside
Randle and Haym Traylor to make a place.
Waahlagton. tbere is only six yeats'
i the streets of Cofsupply of coniferous woods in sight if before tbe rush and roar of thu half of
feen. He offered any sort of c
the oncers might name, but both were
tbs present rale of ooosomptioa is kepi
“hf"! »*««•
It was next door
oMurate. Tbe supervlaorB held a eonop Dealers in srood pulp are somewhat «« •
in the ey*s of many, lo affix
fersBce wttb tbe sheriff and mayor snd .
ekeptioal regarding IhU slatement al- *
bead tte
1 to come cut
It wardedded to give tbe etriker^ time of the mlnes-Hw a portion of them-> though rber admit the increasing scar-. *”*« *■“? "P- Menywere not cmly
to peaceably dispel before dlapers- Wednesday and yemerday the men ' city of sprqce in ihUcoontty. Tbm are under tbe impreasksi that her majesty
lag them, aod the sherUre proclamation went back to tbe number of about half, tboommds eprm thousands of acres of
orderlng.them to dleperee was written. All are expected to go to work today.
_______ inCanada. bow- j *«3k «l»- matter up, pptaonelly or told
** tbe
" wmp Is not broken by tomorrow Mines along tbe' Air tine—Ayrshire, _
over, aud the Canadian lumbermen are'officials to act punUbment could foland t
Uoonvllle. Uttle's and olhets-are ail contemplaring With DO smell dqtree ofiio^•>«
boweves. many
tbe sheriff declares he will charge them
irted-gt w.nrA
■ • a force of inierrsi tbe prosprets of a spruoe famine P«pl« »*» >ook ^th homa upon a
p the grove «
In the Cnited Stetea.
.g^stampnpatdedown.-^oto• A»1
Altboogbe mlial to the t
Marlon. Ilia. Aug. lA—Tesierday the
toier and to Made., spruce trees ate of
firstlndlestlonof trouWeamongibemlnChingo. Aug. IS—David E Bales ad- •arpnsingty small value as tbey stand
ersdeveioped In tbUcounty. In tbecounOeorre Killer, traveling saleemao fer
ty then are quite a number of mines mined five of his sevep marriages yes in tbe rarest. A'writer in The Paper
numlng on full time to tbe entire aatis- terday. He mid mrei of ibem were made Mill says that there are te-tween 400 A large Kgw York C-othlngJouse. wUl
’Caetloo of the mine ownere snd miners. for mmipatby. Ills tender bean was so ami 000 spruce treea os an acre of cshiblt his. line in '-or ato^ Special
fuiore dellrery.
u>d. snrb as in vartoos pane of New
IndlcBUoni now point to serious dlffl- touched by seeing i
;Und would be worth between fiS
culUea oo account of a large body of cn wruggllBg along slBgl. against the
marching miners in camp at Johnson world that be «un<-d bravely out to alfilSperaere. TaUng 400 trem to
At Fopfar Point.
Qty. five rapes north of Marlon. Tbey levwlc the sufrerings of es great a
tbs acre aa a basis <d ulcnlatlan, it is
ber as possible cn ISA a month.
^own lbc.1 tbey wonld be worth only S
There sriU be a hail game between
Bales has admllK-d t« a friend that or a oenu each, it fa hard to Mliae Ufayaue’a Colu apd the Fooch team
bowobaaply nature does Its work la at Popelar Point Sneda/ at I p. m.
lice hi
'Ihe boat wUl maka regnfar trips from
friend that be had been married seven growing forest trees. Atong Ibe epper Ceas stfoet bridge.
tlmea One of the missing wivss Is now vatare of tbe Peoobnoot river tbe lamnwchcnov ao4i«t griuBM
m Wisconsin and the other Is In Chica hetman pays Bboot M-60^ 1.000 feet
■ Tbe Klohigna Geld Our»
go. but It la -eld that neither will appear
against him. His lawyers will plead In- oo tbe average In tbe forest, to make
Or. J. O. Coaaer. medical dlroator of
hfa l.ODO feet, or a trifie OT«r f0 oenu tbe Mleblgna Gold Cm*, fa now located
ntuburg. Aug. 'll.—"Ocvernmeni by mnliy or the subject of marriage
a tier. Tbe eorting and hauling of tbeee fa Trevenc Clly and wtU remain unUl
Injunction" will Itave a very 'full trial
I PenofaMot gpruce Bern wU! average abont October lav He treats neorwtn this strike district within the next
eap* and bounda
j from 40 to M cenu each.—New Tork fnlly alt caeca of the UqBor. morpbioe,
lam daya De Annit has obuined a
otdnm and cocaine haWta. Com^faac»ni a. bushel Times.
isslRg by mare than a cent
temporary reaualr.lng order from Judge
I previous roctrds since the bull cam
ColUer. In which tbe strlkeri are warned
A Wemaa aa tka famm.
*Wff the earth" la the nteebborbood of paign opened. Chicago at Aral ltd the
confideottol If desired, srilbont lorn of
rim. •
the De Annlt mlnca with, however, tbia
time from bnalncm, UoexeepUonal
board fenos at one aide of Mrs Oaewr city refrreneeo furnished of patfante
important quailficsilcn; "for tbe. pur
treated here a year aga For any fapose by intimidation, menseea threats
> Ott crnlA from ablrb
and oppraMotts words of preventing tbe
mt a buHiet. only to rccoa-er later In Mm Stevens reuliate wdth a higher one formatkei In regard thereto addrea
P. O. Box iooo. aty.
miners of tbe plaintiff from working.ie day. reaching SOS cenia Right al
•4 «t
J- G- OoxuB. M. D.
The miners and their offiriaU dslm that
ic close a lot of long wheal was unrxtb^ are keeping within the law and
ways' Not a bit of it. She snsgems that
have the right to gseemble la peace aod
Thin fa tba Day that Geo. Miller
tbe mao ou tbe other side pot npasimAemonslraie to the world that th^ arc Rcple
of aalfa and c
iiember. or s cent below the hlgtarsi 'Uar ttTnecare. go that sbe can nae ber
being wronged by a rate of wages that poiri
yard for a pen. Iintimstee that tbo 60 eoate made by M. Kolb aad Soo'a.
keeps them consUMly at tbe point of
derm trill be taken for fall dalivery—
foot 10 fret higi
mm tn*
marvatlon; also that they have a right
going op will be a fine place for
Chicago. Aug. IL-League base ball
lo tme tbeir presence and influanee
83 tf
BAHiLTon Cvomuo Co.'
among the men who are mlllUllbg acotvs yesterday were: At B’ashlngtoa otrcni posters and then meekly temarka,
.agslnat t^lr Interests, by continuing st —Brooklyn 4. Washington 3: at Louis. ""In Gw meantime if yon are a forlorn
srork. The New Tork and aevriand vUlf—Chicago h. txiulBviUe «: at Oeve- person stuing on top of a bldeooa ten
-Pltuburg L Cleveland •: at Rhil- foot bcMud fenoe, gaMug up on to Ml
Oas Coal company, os the other band,
asaert that the marchee and amemblagcs ____ ite-Baltlmore U. Phlladel|4sU 7; Desert street, ronirmber it fa no esea^
by rrsolotlon beretofore famed,
are unlawful and a menace to their em at New Tork—Bneton t. New Tork 4: lanatie, only a wnmau whose ohsrming
d a nine (V) In main gewer fald
ployes. many of whom. tbey. wy. are (ascend game! Boston 10. Nrw Tork 7. view of green fawns, elegant oarrl^es,
WestemLsagne:At Milwaukee—Kan_____ rer DfatHot Namber Three (J) of
willing to worii provided tbe strikers rsbeandfolly ditseed ladies and God's
main sway.
fresh air bu been shut oat and das fa
If the strikers continue their marobea
'sitting on tbe fenos to ass them go in Wdllpgtcm stpeet from WaahingWii
aa they new my they will in defiance of
by.' "—Bar Harbor Beeoed.
street to ffifbtbatrwt.
the iajubctloa. capiases will be iasnsd
Pwpi of toe oast of told main sewer
for the ■ ■
Joseph—Rockford 4. g
tempt .
in-said Besrer
be enforced, tbe strikers' camps aroand
Mat Om •le.BMk
Oab drivers in Loodau ihU seaM
d part to be liiid from tba Gsw
tbe Be Armit mines will soon be eatlncL
8t_Loul«. Aug. tt-The loss by fire somswhm “apset" abooi tbe pcevaleiws
The avowed intention of the strikers
swer fond.
Ja tfie building of Ibe Bnlerprtsr Brnu
plate dfagrama. plana aad eatimarch despite the Injunction is expected eempany Wednesday night was greatly Of tto aJl pervading bioyefa. One
' '
'ber bnsbsnd i
sewer are
to result In bloodshed, or tbe filling of
................................................ flgwd^'fto'fasaeetioii fa the
The pr^Ment of tl
offiee of the Cty Cfark of Ttmvane City,
his loss wlU' not exceed $10,000, which
Is ceveredny Insurance.
at miners' headquarters. Dolan, whswas
men. who dmok their bead$ end refnmd **Tbc^£art of Public Wmta of s^
........................I toe aty aerfcb office
I s Wife name wnh Him.
erritlng st tbe time, sesrecly stopped bis
to answer their summons in tbe most City wUl meet at toe aty C1897. at 7:M
OB daturday. Angoat I4tb.
Work for more tban s second, snd wbrn
, Mich., Aug. U.—Isaac
iMgraTsdog manner imaginshfa At fast o'clock P. M.. a2 coiMider
ending was finished ac
tbe fady. who was srilbont an umbrella
« by merely wtying Thank you."
beaays the tajuncuon will not cbat.ge the
ikago Saturday on buslneea
aitaeTS' campaign In the least.
•urprlsed Us friends by returning yee- oame tearful, and ber buabaad tn deIt U daJmed by the strikers that this teVday with a bride. Olive Foster, of ^nir culled rat to a paming fonr wbeelmovement of tbe company Is only ancth- tUrtford. Mich.
«*throagb Ibe raindtopA "I'U give yon
ds on the
6 abillioga if yon will drive me to------ Cfart of Board of PabUe Worka of the
aa^ Taaht gUll A
Poet Anbor. OnU. Aug. IL—Seutor •quare." Tbe cabman checked bis bone
nod MTcnaxicgUy himefi tbese galling
tbe Jails are becoming crowded ii^M ex
>mds: ."Zitl Go now nnd gel you
pected that the aheriS will adjudg» thgt aground tee miles from Nipigon. The
bis deputies are not sufficient to cops tugs Mary Ann and Deorglana left here
with the sltustlnn. and be srlll be <
MMsa to,by,oorrafa«.ooaanad
Blr Jnmes Grunt pndkM tbfa the
strained to caU out the mJIlUa. Thi
koarsof «L'a
8a.m. a^ 8 a. nv.a
gold output of Csxiadn. efawdally «t
the view of the Btuattoc taken by
laaders of the *r0(ars now In ca .
DUfak Tex, Ang. a.-n fa teperted
iBst sssatiM tbe strikers at Plum Greek that the Mfatonrt Tanoes kbd Tsxw Boridtonedfafautdnfa..
Md a mseonff and voted nnanf
s qwefalpamlthaa
sorth.boafid pnseenger train k fa. the
to betd tbs fort, bat hm to teB«
ditehwi Caddo Mats. No putieafa
ttm WBluHoM my that If owe
rou wiu smlBBn
Smokers I
Tin RBcoeiizetf iNtos _
Meats and Groceries
U s aad lOe. Ogan
Orders ty Telephoie Preaptli
itwided a
diamoiTd J.
Firk stmt,
Tnmt A Cfififi. I
•Iwsye in stock.
am DAT AXP noHT.
A. -W. JAJ
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
■MlJIcteiiaiReilecM Rates.
liody Watts
K^WantAds ss
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
From this date this boat
will not make regnlar con*
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. '‘Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangementfi
for the nse of this baodsooe
jaefat, hr communication by
mail or ^ire, with
I^ei^d, Mich.
See Oiir New line
Picture Moulding!
i-Hoi-KtirroB or- thx
Mrner of L'nioa nnd
nenrM. AN. R. dep>V
nounoc lo tbe public tbet be baa re
fitted aud furulabed the Botel Pangborn-'tetter than it ever baa bran be
fore and enn accommodate ttaci travel
ing pabltc'la good shapeJohn May.
fomerly with the Hotel tVhltlng, srUI
have charge of the offiee and attend to
the wants of the gucaU. Satfafaetion
Lederle’s JTVSS
Barm..MarK.AK UDeyM.
The Pure Juice
- ■-
Butter, .First Class
Boys' Blouses South OaloB SttMk
A. T. Johnson, tfanth Side Shoe iftora. 404 Cafaw SteaeV
dreat Cut in Bicycles
_____ fit.M a week will seearns
ndereon Wheel. g» to Mo. Will
pay to look at toe elegant line. H. B. Otbba, ia
fa Bllfa
Ell Meyde ehc^'lll Front St
Accidents Impossible
J.A. Moalagns. mFrontSL
Green that wilj kill
Every pound full weight and gm
Bicycles to Rent
FaU lias matorfaL
Soda Water
T n*5“*
u MaCpy A Sow. Fnmt Sk
To Rent
The Best Candies
Ice Cream Freezers Irs?
______________________ -
Front 8C.nd)rtnfag McNamara's sbos.atoto-
Ladies'. High Bicycle Boots
Friedrfah Block.
Anps McColl aIty.
Paris Green
and Boadhflcama^
Third door.westof Morgan's Uvtcr Bam.
•fa’s; FMdtog FtrifiAn' Hotsm
SpeoiAlty, Hon«g BoMdsd.
Stall L, M Whfk Dm Md.
VfiCi litmtfiiro jUMOss, «ATUBOAir, avovst 14. ie»7.
u bm
a Potwllata and rtialrman
t thdr aute central oomialttee sloce
1 of the party. Taylor
BMdte. a tuidoQlst PopuUat. waa aamad
8ayt That Chart* of Attwnpted
Bribaryof PepulwttUAb.
aurdty Fait*.
__________ _
Tbrwwdaof Chritt la tbit pamga'
“Wbat did tbat yomia nas «U ttaia
poenr’ adtad tba adiur.
-A •»!»."
"And tbat itapliaa that ba M abow.
awkMMN and abntdily.td
(at Uw:
■fltoMlaKuetaciM BlocffflUUMCfce^M^tSeaeaeTwalaoaaanaflafeetMlaBBit
oto *laUn. ta aSwl Jiiiw tl. IBO.
lUK^ej asa CoaBM-Uorot
•haaenaea ka*« Oat U Laka.Eitoai U^i |
II « 4 IS
Domenon wat aeen by rt.ldenii of thltj ||y He point! tmt the fart that tbe bwa-:««*>* l» • aalin-oo poeUy.”—Wo*. : W.SvJoJwiTSL'r
rtMOJ be the neatoM. Enltttioo ‘tW** Stw.
1 ”’
EAIBES AI OSUE OF YEBAOITT, cliy at « bclofk yeeterday* montlny. i
Five large aaiertpeut* *«e teen far | ^ be erco by bwniJiaUon.
I P*SSi“J¥!SS;
oot IB the lake moving in an ea«^y m., yy, leodi Him to apeak trf Wbat
B 8« Ka DmM 1
BH* tOWOld eear naid to a Dtcacfaet
iTtwgODLg a ettoaa. atwrarr>. Spaeia.
%Va S OS
;rrjSi •«
Brte IfaMUIm. WBiop of Clemwit
. „„„
h.« ta.rt mmy (TOl, M*SU» 1,"
flfteeo minuiea atronit tailed diarip1e,,4be jgofaablUty
' woQld be tbat be woaW detpiw the
iteakly diaoiple, perfaapa ridlcnle bte
deferta, make ligbt ot hit Infimittea, led with tbem. £Tt*y time 1
and at le^
an wunta
woald om
not obssi
anSar ow
bk tsIntanitWto0 iDdsenee bia actien n at to
• large gate of the A'
and atrijbJbr»gakCT ona.
ancoonme and
etMTte tbe
tbe Aroiig
.. „ ikoold bert'acatlered In every By neb a1 rooree
fttmibUng block''in>be way «d ^OSr-t^M
nruek :
T*o atntck the thore near the foot of
Wlllacn avenue, wh'.lf the ether tno por■ued tbalr eatterly course down the lake.
The largert apout airuek the there at the
foot -ot Coc nreel with terrinr force.
ClevaUnd. AuB. ll-Oa kU wtuni
trom CWe«o rwientar Major Charte*
liarvM of »
•ubjwt of the cb»i
Iw inoOr m
PwitJ»i Mate eoaveatloa lo ctoection with hla same. He
___ a o.
tbe weak.
lead him
X"-.”,.'" ;r. xs ",
resenting b
good speskr
i x;.
a dollar to ccntrel h
lltkal conduct. Upon bis urgAt and re
peated rt^ueeU. and'after Mr. Preyer
d-reveral times at my otBo
tailed to see me. I flged a. time wbra be
could see me. as Is dona every day with
calleA whoetyr they may be.
w «r Xew
SyraAM. N. T., Ang. It-Thc AbwmmlttA of the Loyal Democratic
tieagne last evAjng adopted an addrea
to the DcmocraUc atate Ainmliie^ of
. New Turk. It lelU tbe commlltA. that
the people who selected iU membera
dAtonsiratA by their votes last fall
their loyally to the platform adoptA
Toricvllle. & CL. Aug. it-The a
toflal campaign meeting here yesterday
was quite <iramailc. Candidate May
Arid made good an offer that if be Auld
Slot jirove that Senator McLaurln had
tried to oAanlcr a PauUsI party la
South Camllna he wotiid withdraw
e United Stale* a
new Anvlnr.^ from' _
had givA him that McLaurin largely
MetRnrin an injustice apd would srUbdraw from
Mrl.«urtn shook btsbud and thanked
him apild great a^^use.
Evans mid
Id 1UcLi
IcLaurln bad invited him
to go into the Populist party with him.
and Als led to a taestad dlacnagloB.
McLaurln spoke with much vehemence
that he fainted on ADClndlag. Be was
taker to bl* hotel nd tbe doctors Inalst on^t* resting for a
days Oov*.
enor -EvaAs
. _____
.• MelAurtn
showed much feeling toward eaA other.
•aya. "tbrongh whwn tbe orcarion (of
gtomblitlg} rtnielb. Wlioao Aall offend
n'MkoCK wood roaSALg-eiagle loas
EX Meeau.doubleloa.] A cea*. Treem
WM common among the Greeks Md I
Basaas, bat TA7 rare among (be Jews, j
This fact intAsiAm the UlustntlA '
used l7 Ckrist. Again Christ nsya,
• jis.......................................
• that in os which is a ci
Ir.a. ,r. a. *. a.l*. a.
............ ...........................
__ Xoziey to Loan
_______ Ir.m.;r.a. *. a-r-x.
r. BM^iprtng^''!
,”lf IS
Le.EUBapuU.... SM.-B. tl »..a. nsvai.
tor.Trosvrae City.. T4ia.a. U Mr a. 4 UP4l.
■ill bnsiEi UD loimisTsu 11
Ka. slxa. llXe. I
« rid for good hx tbenplifil^ and
of At fellow ara rstbA than
tbe oppoalta Bible Beadiags: Lev. ilX,
14; Dent xxvti, 16: laa. viiL IS-lf;
Prav. gziii, W-Sl; Mai. il. 6, *: Math.
XXV, 61-46; Mark ix. 66.60: Lake xvii.
1, 1; I Cor. i. *8. £4; vUi, MB; tx. |
SO-67; Rom. viii. 88; xiv, 1.J6; xv,; « • •
1-4; 1 Pet. ii, 6-6.
! Antoloasaesa Cd right, of tralh and C«
| doty .oogbj to give a* tbe coange of
! oar coovictiooa, tbe rosolatiA to do
Ad dare for Uteoaaae we have at beajL
Tbe dangers are Dot all pamed. There
will yet be opportanltiea to gain glory
WW M„..
»M .....Ml. ..MMM .
tiriM ud only when tbo.davor is agreeable and tb<m bappAs to be a little
loose change in tbe pocket Religfan as
. ncomMty is tpJrit and Ufa Beligton
„ . Inxair U tbe biabeat easeaoa of
OoasUea at the Bawr.
It is bettar to admit we do not know
••1 Wish 1 OAld tell"- aald tbe man K»gfa to fwuipit*»«Md tbe works of
wbo bad hold of tba side of bia ItoA God than to think' tbe works of God
tow OAt wltb both basd| and was CBsU ebongta for our oomptabeoMtBL—
twiitiog btmtolf to get a good look«( CbitotlA4Md«.
'jffbatiaftyAwMbyooooald talir'
^ed his wile.
Look well to your lotegrity, and tba
WtaMber tba gapattaat araappovtaf Lord will look to year pountoilj—
to this goods an nataral groerthaor Bpargeta.
mosqnito paoctaiaa. “ — Waabtogtoe
Ananeintoomom baa beanrevimfi
_iaomaSngliab rand district* Ongy.
man. to anpUeae and atjeaded by a
Dhoir. made a toor to pcocsmlA of the
Tcgidm. Kan.. Aag. a>-Tlie Popallat
-state central commute* met beta last «*ta oftaad ap tec a hlasalng o*tbc
adgbl to accept tbe rerigaatlA to Jtoa
Trereraa OKy.
Buildins; Lots
to tbe adAoacytd the fnU admowlcdgmeot of tellgioos liberty and of tbe
c^ial rights of all, and to tbcae and to
aU aimilar noble oaonee, both as Amerioaos aad Jews, oar best efforts sboold
be giv*n.-.^ewlsh EzposiAt.
• Wbatever religiA wwld have power
to it mbst eoltintc tbe imagination.
ttandvr storms In aortharopoftl.n; werato; Witfamt It tbe world bAomes bare ud
ItfekA ud witboat ft religiOB sinks
into a mere form of words or a repetitiA of anmAtiing Ideas. Wbarever
“Bew far can yos sarim, WUlie?" there is stroog faith, loving service,
tognired tbe viritor.
oaoseefated will, tbere is to be found
“Oh, I donT know,” replied WUlia tbe imaglAiiA at work to give tbem
”AeroM tbe oceasT" persisted the life and power.—Cbiistiu Register.
“I abonldn't wooder,” amend
Willie promptly
Willie, do yon know>ow far
it la aerom tbe ocean*'' demanded WilUe’a mother.
“Doo't care bow tar it la” retorted
WHlia' ••Pop
“Pop wldmeA«
told me otMe i>ev4x
never to*^
to adWttlla
mU tbat 1 ooaldn'4 do a tbing aatU 1 d
tried and failed, and 1 xiaver tried
Your Choice.
Be Nat Aftwtd.
Let aa oot be afraid to assert oar
rights as men and Atnericaos wheaevtt (bey dial! be jApardtacd. Kot offAatrely, if it can be avoided, bat, at uy
WUliam E. Mason.
sate, witbnut besitatJAandnndoe txvpalsWid* Asa
idatiA. We have no inirrests tbat clash
with those ol oar beloved ooantry.
nta' Acursluns artbe series o
... h- .k. Vr......
Mf Ihia ** Wt we do see do for ber sake, for tbe
.to .lit .rd..
S SK 4 le
SH' 111
John A. Logan. George R Darts *
,,. ------------ ;-------.
\-rWatch Repairing,
y—John Verly.
—Front Street.
heaven Ibeir ugcls do always
tbe face od My Patber which la IIn bear-
“I tMW Wn faal wsyvpat'ywU
gtrikam” oaid Meandering Hike.
“1 dAt tea dM yOB*ve got any aa«M
blame 'em. ” leplia'Ploddtng Fata.
by the Republlnan county oonvmtioa ter“Den
atot ao exoom toi ‘an.” wat
yastc'iday. Th« raaoluUonJs as foUevs:
— 1 tthis oDvintlA oStadema la u- tbe empbatio reply. “It's detoffwa aotimia dst brings'em to it. B^diab'l,
eatored term* ths cal
teadiA reports authottoedSyyOeveAor bars M bwtnem goto tmw^toda
Hutromb nuo *At by btm toShe east, first plaea.”-Bxabanga
erii pr<iw a* to the agrlcuHiral
reseuroea of thi* sUU, and fwhar we
condemn his rr>,i>*tstcmAt> of (acta as
to the real c
Nebraska's proa-
Chicago •"
West Michigan
__________ JgL i Si'S
alAe and emreb was mad* for tbe
youth. His body was fount:
iind hi
Allonwood 4rce or it
CO hit b
HehadevldAtly^dcad iwenty-f«ur
hours The ground MmwA chat tbe boy offenso or « atmntiutig. we aw to pan
had boA "rt^d" from bis horw by i with it, tbongb it be as dmr to os m
Mr. <n <k. MMl. ' hand, foot oreya.
Tbe weak may iMff be able to ptisiah
tbOMwtio mialAd^tbem. bat they are
tbe B>Mial object of God's pAtecOng
csre. and He will avenge them. “In
r Holoomb and easter
for wblrt the governor bas been critlvised Id this slate, wat made the auhjart
1 denunciatory
new. ApiOrat lifW.flhauaM. al^M*
troe character of such a coniwe by d
ibiiig lu awful laiigosge the penalty
■ /~|ook waNte^
•e city LOBber .C^o.
tbll eiu. "Woo lo that uiau."He
berino. inTiona Aoac^niy. ^^ «.. last' tbesea.” Capital put,iAinAl by drown.' SjST^
Friday eveuln^to visit nelgWbor».^Bun- :4ng with a hegty weight abont tbe Deck j ■.
sure was made yesterday from poinu
ontheliaeof itaePennsylvanlarmtlway to
id to ti
Indiana. Kentucky, Ohio. West Virginia
dldatea nomlnatA Aemib. The i
Over 2.0M.
and wette
deriarca that If tbe DemAratlc
of the slate could speak at this time
there would be no queatlon tbat the
TN* Waatbar W* Mar MxpaM.
Chlcagn platform wwld be reafflrmA
and a candidate oomlnatA {or chief
fadge of the Aurt of appeals who ac
rataSp. io. Te*tafday: P.w lodtaasaad DU.
tively and ppenly mpported tbe parab-rab. wariasr wsa'bar: hgbt rsrUblB
tya candidate and platform last falL .rladk br«min**outh«riT.- Tea- Lower M<a»
ff no Mate cobvaUa ahall be called |ga->-r*lr. wsiier wMiUwn Ughl aoatharty
■ • I., For Cpior .Htcblgae Fair waaihsr,
this fall tbe demand is niade tbat the
ted by shew* * thW aftarauon: warmon
state nomniitlee issue an uaAUlvoca!
aouttwi^ winds For Wiarossta-Falr
reaArmatiA of tbe ptatfonn of the
fallowed by toow.i*
Buffalo ronvAttnn and also of the ChU
cago plstform. and nominate a can
didate who la Id fall accord with both
g to oUi.
os. and ChriM Himaclf cniphaaiscs tbe
have been committed by Mexican neigh.
^ rr^Oraod Baptda. lUekUww aad paiaa
rilrtoiT leaves
itforbidsour «id.i?!^Jw52j«WBl™P3V5Se». ^t»
«-„XS ™, Ct .fi wa..,bM Wi... ta
"At that conference he expressed bis
view. Is tht mstier of tbemlddle-of-tberoad ticket, which was discureed In s
ganerml way. However, at that time he
tIMtX Famar BaaaU ai
said 10 me that he did not thinkbcwould
attend tbe state eenvAUau. No underKewAee. Hla.. Aug. U.—Bound and
atandlng or arrargemAt was mad* or gagged. James Johns,
Johnston, a wealthy
attempted, and at no time has Mr. ^ey- bsAelar farmer,
passed Tuesdsy. night
tr. pass
er acted undA my dlrectlA or repreI the ffoor othu
of hU kueben. He was
sentid me In any way. As t nndersUnd
lUlted by two masked men at S
It neither Ur. Preyer hpr Mr. Taylor o'clodr
o'clot* at Bight
night while eaUng topper
and U«3 band and feet and thrown
r bad any <
......... of the
...... ...............
with the coBventlA. I beard nothing Into _
a comer
while the
arercbed through the house for
.More from him until the receipt of the
' note reqneetlBg the’loan, which 1 An> the secret hoard of money whlA they
gidettid and trealA as a purely person*
al msUer. Other* whose name* have
Xel Ba^ng Klaadyke acSteutta.
been mentioned In AnnectlA with tMs
Chicago. Aug. IL-The following permatter never received a cent from mr or
ons have found It neceroary to anthe promise of any
for political
ounce that they are nut tntvreated In
waywllb recently exploits ecberoee
to gel rich by gold
Id mining In t
'%« CBleago..
FV*k tu stomUe, is" not rraUwd. Who lyt. iBw...tiT»p 11« a ockaa^P «■ tori»o« «p»el
eonld naliav tbe euonuity of tbe ain of
b, a. uiewaro.w»caaleading to deatroriion a wnl lor which--------- :------------1----------------------------------------------------1
Cfarift dird? But tbe iScriiitorr Ivavcs aiTU.tTlOS W.tVTfc
fi—. .rf .K. ' Me, It Wire tmtir for him that a.nilU- TTrawnCD-Los ralten
Tranrae atyi
tone were banged aUwt hU oeck. and . W LuiaberOo._________________________att j
t.rewnitA letiont ear. I Katwas cuy. Pliwtuirg and tiuil laii
tTr ^^aeJ^VrirT^.
'«n hi. father's ranch near Cham, i tbit be wcre drew iitd in tbe depth of dtoukhc Lt'MBta^aaN at Mrar IM
wa.a^^^II. Jit,.!
atmUcatloB for
, S Of' Vi «
’iT ("bbf
ooraar irf WwUilngty a^ M
clixiirartances hadirjt up t> the tncl- BacwMaThey Dan-IUka a FamUy They
dcnt< which marked the. > nsatlonal i
Umc a ia.Tear Mid Ray.
avermentr In cor.nectloB with the Popu.
kar.tar'Clty. Aug. Ih-A epetlal to
IlM conv. raun. he MW: "As nearly aa I | .ft, Journal from El Paro ray*: Harold
•i ii!
XTorthtn ICohlgan Idas
He would dbr&Tage him,
into emna. pertuipa
bUs to glee «p it) despair and to leave F°?,f
off folJowiug Christ altogether. What a iiar«eld. uirii. ewaS^
could he glx’tn
On this mere-Incldeal i large ercilonf of the <Vo«-f» fn-m wr-'
the amtrun tsmade toweaie a political' rounding Aeda were blown off. Then the j
aenaaiioiu 1 never gave Mr. Prtyer or: foioe of the whirlwind. f< r such li wa». I
any other man a dollar with a view of , aeem^ to n^-nd Hrelf. The taih seemtd ,
co.iirolllrg hie pcUtlral action or Intlu. j lo be about SOO feet In width and pur*
enclng the result of the PoffbUst eonvcD* iMod a rouiheaMcrly couree through tbe
I city. Ko on^ aa Injurfd-
r. “m I'Xs
a. D.. Phjrvirtaa aot
lurtlKni UcUiu
?re.. '«. Triii5portatroii Co.
oaK: -The *ole itorT of attetBpled
The shipping department of thte plant
brlb^ U altfurdly falae. On Mooday
r being ffialrM. and a large
morDlnsiaai I received a aoie from Mr.
' tlon of the roof wat taken off. A te^a
HugoPreyer. taking a pemonal l«n a^
theahlpg to return it In a few dart In ;; ping houae
request i gsve mm my . vray
pertonti ebrek i .r JtS. The cheek Itself , mo of tbe track
_____ _______ a.. .. a ' m*.A
TU fartag the ierioar down.
to vela •« SMRh tba kw«S dasp
Fur Blai ao dmtk <aa drewB.
Bat warn, sweet, usdw. ewe yal
A pretest faelp la Ba
And milh toe yet llaDUtm.
And tore Its OalUtw
Houses and Lots
O LaN and Mamw Gf a* aUi
ler petal* s*(«b
tloa. tsk* UU irala esS
teXo.1 rau^psoelr u> laka
B. W. OemVOXAN, Asvwk
GREAT BARGAINS Tnnne.BtfUiie ol Steuitn.
................... js::
For All Gash Dr Low-for
Part Cash
aoixo socn.
ikswtAarOMmHa at
(*a*freV«ar«4 4h«tarsW»mS«»tH«« IP* la
MctosobBUa tatlfr'* ibreagatopw,
Ow Urn Of toUdbood frame.
The teat lew whimw* of can toad
Are bardreid wxh Bw asms.
of Oackawa Ji
«k»BC*at JaaM
I- ;
vsab ths on
>AT Kouiva.
Sum l>«euisse SBtmd br DeriaB
XUme Who twand two Wati
omA » Bmlmr, BwUea Lwi
oaHo AxUdm.
The dqvedattOM bf hebw U the oatetdrie of the dt/ ere bMomlnr etUK^
inr wd ecu of • eriniiael seMre ere
UTlttiiB the etitet wreeUleBoe of the
loeel eaUMrittw Attempte et '.‘holdfraqaeat robbeitee e > reported. The
ooearred yeeterdey aocalnB aboct eer«a b'deck aboat foar mllee eoalb of
the city. Sylteaier Boateonq came
Into the cHy yeeUrdey and stated
that bte reeldence bad beer broken
Into, darlny tne Jemporary abeence of
- the family, by penlee nnknewn, end a
fold watch stolen, also s pair of spaotaeles belcaiflnff to bis hired mea. A
aalefad beloBfinf to the latter ^ litorally eat into, pieces bod the mtents
^ of clothing Bcaueri^ aboat the bonie.
The specttles were the only thing of
Talae taken from the mtcbel. The
tbleree eridently eoagkt articlee of
greater Talna.The hoose was also
raneaeked bat aothing szoepi ths
watcb was missed.
A short time before the robbers vis
ited the Boatsong reeldeaee. the ^weU
ings of WiHlam Hoe and A. D. Banei
were wbjeeted to a elmilar TlaitaUoa.
^ a Ilka .
'watch was aeecred from Hoe's honsa
and boas Barnes'a revolver was etoUa
COottlng and other srtielbs were ec
terad aboat bat nething alee taken.
.Bfforta were atones made to dboov«r the thieves and they ware foUowed
hy tracks for some dlstanee.. anti) aU
traeae ware loau Then the thefts were
reperted to the eherUr, who at once institatad meaeeres to detect ths manradera, bat wlthoat saccass, as there was
abaelataly no else by whleb-«iey
aprahesd the psrUee. The eberiff and
the dty and eaapicions characters are
not lOBt Site of qnUl they lease the city
w that their lalenllons are net
Oold Boaketa tew Xegar to go to the
Bloaklke this Wiutor.
Ban Praneboo, August U.—Durfiig
ths past week the Klcmdlke fever has
abated somewhat In thb city owing
probaWy to the report .recelTed from
Dyea. There are plenty of people who
annousee their intention of trying the
Chllkoot route in tbeepring and those
whoareanziocs logo atones, the lar
ger proportloa seemed disposed to
tcavel via. St. Michaeb pod np the Tn'^kon. The promoters of ^srpeditienB
bythbrouU are ready with protam
amuraace that ihe trip can be made
before the cloring of navigation.'bet
In all oases thev are earefal not to bind
themselree lo any way to take pamengere throng thb tall. At the offices
that the Inquiry for tickeu b diminishtag-
____________ •
•troag Sfffirt Bade to Beeuiw Permaaent Camp of ttata Xroopa.
n# Manistee News stated leet nighti
“John B. KlUean left thb moraing
for Island Uke. where he wUl meet the
eUte military board et the encampment
and offer inducemenU to loeaU a pertsaaant camp ground at ManUtoe. Mr.
KUlcan sras authoriaed to offer jbe
sUte forty acres of lend adjacent to the
Th<ind»7 WM web m to weite tbe
tMUWdwnrefoodpetraaMre. wd w
the Bbebojrw teem U one of the
ifeet lo ihe weet e hot ^eme iae7
«TKixxva nvnii Bsooimro
KOU 80U>.
J. O. Imngworthy aad family, who
have been camping at Carp L»ke. tutnraed home yesterday afternoon.
Bay Brawn. Oeear PrtedrlA and
Chas. B Hale rode over to Elk Baydds
on their btcyelae last evening, and rettunedontheColambla.
Dan McMVUan favored the Baroao
ysetardayvrfth a basket of fine peaobee
from theArehie Frnlt Farm, the first
of the sdteon from that locality.
FranM^Rnlgbt. formerly of Manbtoe,
has started In tiie comfeotionery nnd
tobacco bnslnem In the Kraupa bloth.
corner of Front and Wellington etreeta.
The Evangelical Snnday eehoob of
thb dty and silver Lake enjoyed a
pknie at But Bay ohore: there were aboot 00 In number und evLryone enjoy
ed It.
They Hare a •'Joan of Are” who
y of Triente Helped Sla Ojb.
Leads Barehera-On* Ban Vensd.
•erre Hie Btrthdeor.
ed In tontts With Depnty •herlffWill Heun 'reeehed eo xtreeeble
•Itaatton Orowlng 4Sartona.
BBiprlae ThonA^ e<real&B, when ebont
Plttabaig,.Attgttstll.—The striking
fitW of hie frieode dropped In to help miners started to march to the Plnm
him fltUnirlr eeUbreU hU blrthdej. Creek mines of the New York and
by the aeveland Gee and Coal Co- aboat 6ve
I e«d Proteeeor Muro'clock thb morning. T^y,^*1* »«
Usrh. bad Inter In the oeeniaf choco In the toad by Skertfl TS^erf. and
late. riaUle end lemon Ice eteem end depntba who mdered thein'^ go no
cakee were eerred.
ferthsTv A seoffle ensued is ^h Ja
cob Mott, a member of the baad, was
nertoesly cut over the eye by one of the
depnUee. eddsing the drat bloodshed of
Imaden the Oanter, of FoUowera of tbeeirika After some farther senfSlng
C. W. GreUiek bu take to camping
Olaimant to tpanish Throne
and threaU the crowd marobad back to OQtfor a few days and left for Carp
London. Aogast U.—Pall Mali camp. No arruU have bean made.! Lake yuterday. He will be joined by
Oasette thU afternoon says: “It b not Bodies of marchers also started from' his mother, Mrs GreUiek and R. D.
generelly known that London b one of Turtle Cruek for Oak Hill and Spring j Cbmpbell and fanuly in a day or
of the Ceribia.' Thou- UUl thb morning in deflance.xjf the In- two.
mods ofeettvefolloweiaofthe claim-, juneUop. but nothing hu been beard
Oa account of a bad arm. E. W. Fbbant to the Spanbb throne are being from them.
er, who hu been pitching tor the
loeated In tbboity." The Pall Mall
Abbot two o'clock thb morning soa»e Hustlers eeverul weeks, wu compelled
Gaiette adds: “Their leadeia
deputies who were doing duty at the | to qslt playing for awhile. He left
think that the fall of Oanovas brings Plnm Creek m'inw were called frrm. jeaterdey afternoon for bb borne tn
the Opportunity nearer. Daring tlte the Center school to dbperu a iruwd | Newcastle, lad.
paet week they held many meetings lo of Hungarians. '
i ust night officer Grayson pnl a
dbenie the best means of ambling
D.rln* lb. ».>ni>b< .bmt toVi.„,,l.u.,..„,,b« b»i b«b <™.l.
thalr oollaagnee in Spain in the event .Kb... .pp»™i O. lb,
of an nprlslng ocearring.''
to Plum Creek. The party «
''ou occaslone, An Interview with
«l b, lb. .Irib.™* q.«bi, Eib~. IU.t I J.dp B..bm. bd<bl b... . wbolnomi
wearing a wreath ^ daUlee and carry- >
log £ flay. A number of banners were
The Colambb took s lerge crowd of
Bn. J. W. KUilfcan Sntartalae
ktriklng Ineerlptiona.
i to Elk Bapids lut night,
rriwde Lam Might.
ftouuiy which were. “We are out for
every av^ble seat on the boat being
Aboot sixty yomg pe^e enjoyed' women's ligbtt." “alxty-nlne oenu
ths bospiUllty of Mr. and'Mra. J. W. bueu'' “Cnlted’weetand. divided we i
MOllkaa last evening In a party which fall.’' “It b bread and butter we want.'
was arranged In honor of Mbs Nan Tbe d^Uu lined npagaU and order of extreme enjoyment.
A party of Bigb Coart affieeia of the
Milllken of Worewtar. Maas., who b ed the crowd to' dbperee. One girl
ths gaest of Mia. MUlikan.
The said to a de^ty, “Oh. yon are not eo Foreeterm, coaebtlag of. High CWef
lavrn wee hrllliaatly Ulnmlned with
ly; wears aot afraid of you.” Tbe Banger Calaghan, High Secretary
High CounuUor McDonald
Japanese lant^ns and the'^prosties received meny taunb and
verMal ho^tnllty which b al jeers but tbe msreblag womea -ware aadPuV^Bigh Chief Banger Joelyn,
ways dbpAaed at the MUllksa finally per*u<tafi
ratara to their were ehowa about the
hoase. pervaded the
hoaue wlthoat any serloue troeble oe- aad driven to Trarerae Beach resort
and other points of Interut. by olBeeni
A portion of the evening was devoted curing.
to an sutograpb game in which Mbs
Decator. lU., Asg. ll.-About IDO of Court Tiavene.
Usvnspd won the priic. A telegram mea. advance guard of tbe body of.
The Frlnoeea Bai^^hop.
game was also one of the
miners from the west.
When you want a Ugbt. euy'sbsve
psstunss. which was followed by vocal met thb afternoon by ShariB-Kichob lor an uti?tic hair cut,’In at U
and Instrumental masle within doors.
OelloaterefrashmenU were served aad “'*ttaI*rit5*l^*^e^no't
^ I l^Jrkmen.
the latter part of the evening
any further. They went Into camp. M-tf
O. E. Bcurs.Pra^
passed in ezsmlnUig the splendid photograjAlcoollecUon which b the pereoDsl handiwork of Mrs. Milllken. The ^
r. repr*
event was one of ezqubite pleaeurc.
I fan styles 1 d place an order for fall,
FriMds Birthday Social.
I suit or oven
UAMii.rnz Ciormso Co.
Lut night an enjoyabb birthday aoelal was given in the Friends ebareb
by the Sundsy ubool pupils. A pleu- dosad the Taachan' tniUtaU Taa-,
The Opening
urday Aitarnoon.
lug program of recitations aad musical
..of the..
The teachers' lutituu closed yeeter-1
.aeleetione wu given and ice cream and
cake were served. There wu a large. day aftacnooa. after an exceedingly in-1
company preyent and evetyoae had a atraeUve and helpful week.
The attendanoe hu ^n large and
pleasant time.
the Interut maniluted la the work
In the morning ProfesKir Hoyt held
Sxperianoed I7 UtUe Howard Brit
kb UM»1 claaeu in litaratare. padston.
gagy. gaopaphy aad bbtnry. oonUnnHoward, tbe little three-ycaia-eU son tng the same llnu of work that hava
of Mrs. T. C. Britton, got hold of eome bun porsaed threagb tbe wuk.
for rat pobon
Mbs Marsh held a elau In arltha abort time ago. aad dranka quantity
before he wu dbeovaiad. FortniiaUy and bUU s
Prambsory notu ;
the aoUdotc wu given on the package,
aad by hard work hb mother anooeed- Mlb of exchange.
ad la mving hb life. Tbe little fellow
ork she Ulkad 00 tbe
bu been blluMor over a year aad It BU of the poem ae a hub for oompoelaeeme u if be wu having more than tton In primary gradu. aad told how
hb share of thb world's mbfortnnea.
Paul Bevere could be taug'ht bbtoriWaK a bracker Jack
In the afternoon the olaeeu
given up ahd the lustiMte Ibtened to
Trank Sehlai Oaae Hare Taotarday
The only drawback being
helpful Ulke by PipfeeMW Hoyt and
Blth Two and One Died Bnddanly.
we couid hot wait on all the
Mbi Marsh.
Yuterday aftorncoa a hone belong
Profeesu Hoyt talked about defee- trade. The following remark
ing to Frank SehleL droKted dead near tiv« ehildrsn. uaatinc physical detecte
S. C. Damw'e atoca. on Bay street. first aad taking up the dsfaetive eye was made by many at our
store: "That's the kind of a
Mr. SchUi Utu near Solos, nine otilu and ear. He also diuuesed the
wut of the city, and wu driving a ou chUd and the fuble miodad. Be *iale I like tb attend."
Gendoable turn Into town, when the hone
gavaanlntaruttagdeecriptinnodsueh utne Stuff—this is Ho fake and
The aalmal had been utink
“ if you are no, suiud you ge,
.idatable rye aad Imd beea akk.
camp groends. The .gtouat
fnrebbed with city water nmtne, wite
a taUraad switch Into Ihe pUt, down
town ooaneetioe vrith the aleetrie road
-^tacteverythtag that would go to
make of aa. Ideal ea^ ground for
Hl^lfus'e soldier teya There b aot
Tbe HnsOare left yuterday a
a more attrartlTs pines sltmg the rtore for Ml
I. bat seseawhat eripolad.
than at Mantatee. The ai^U are al Jerome Wilhelm aad Frank Parks did
notaeeompaay thetuiB.thefafcrasaanways oool and the days oomloetahle."
•gar Kehoe west away with two good
The Mood Templasa.
men abort. However he will rceort to
I. O. O. T-tadga. Ho. 4ll will con some meaeorc to give the Sewdnst ClW
vene thb evetaBf a* eight o'clock la a good, ffbrm game. Tbe Ewxibd will
MAtague hall. Thera will be tnlUa- bnllgl^’ the eeare tomarrew algbt
.tmy eeramjalm. ARsagameato wiU aad print aa account of the game Baabe amde for a literary eoatmt to take day mornlag.
plaee during the foDowtag quarter.
Every member should be ta atteadanee.
Xbta^. Aogut II—Wbut—Anguet,
to vbltlng Good Templam a oordtal taSic; S^tembar. 81H6He: Daucriber.
vitatkm b eateaded.
Cara-Aogasv rb6Hc< Bsatambu.'
S7X«9Sei Iboembar. .WHO.
WID »tay‘»ith the Kusticn B«*
Oata-Aaguet. IThdHo: Oeto>i^,
Posh—August and Baptambu. SS.CK^
Thera b a aura provact of mo»egood
October, S8.0SK.
' haeabaU Beat weak. Manager
fit.40: Bsgtamhar.
has elooed arraagemeateter agamihi
huaw the ausUen aad the Sheboygan •4.40; Octaher, •4.41.
9ari4g-«ash »o. t. S5K9UC.
^trsgatkm. the dwmpioa team of the
Bye Chsh; Saptambar. 4Se; DaesmWliawta league, for aect Tamiay.
Tho artUs put up hy the Hestldrs
First Tmt-Ko. 6a
Japaa Wants HawaiL.
Hawaii wants to be a part of tbe United
States. The United Sutes wants to be at peace with
all people. TBe people want square dealing and “we are
the people," so trade with us.
i Curtains^^
Factory made. Cheap. Or measure taken
and made to order and hung, at------
s’^rHASKElL’S B00KST0RE,“s^
You Take Half
We teke half—that's our ont-prioe etnry on whet'e left ta
Ixadies’ Suits,
Ladies’Summer Capes,
Child’s Summer Reefers.
and'Extraordinary. Values in Ladies* Shirt
Waists and SUk, WaisU.
• •
Hew Fall StaUI oomtag la every ^y now, at—
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
To the crippled condition of
the times we consider it our
duty to inform yon that,
quality considered, our.....
flonr is tbe cheapest yon can
T. J. Host’s,
Mbs Marah talked oa “What cbiid >’our money without a kick.
Sale will continue until furthet
Study b doing for the chUd.” Shedbeuead the tatigne tuta. and axpcrlmante la the eftaet of lou of slup and
food on animals. She also told of Dr.
Hsu's vrerk on the sabjaot of “ChUdrea’s fcara. theb beUeffi, tastes, their
pcaterenM in p^riomes. ta games, sto.'
u a basb upas which a truer system
of education mayoome day ha toundad.
The aeuionsru closed early and aU
sraet away with many haadshiku and
axpreulons of good will ter the tastruetoiu aad each otiier.
. oca scRV poa
H38, $4.98, $5.R9.
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block,
Fresh Meats—always fresh. SaltHeata
If You Have Logs !o Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
■heaM ba Takan by Vomaa and
Slcyslu Bldars.
- Ths Bust export and odeatifie aooten'of tbe preunt age raoomnuad
that when women are teklng a
Ucytde ride, teat they ter health's asks
take traqaeat.rute.________ *
The Uttar day aatate wUl oUm
thdr BMettage tathrirtaat temarrow
{fash Rais, to cioK...... ?9c
Good goods a.. Low Pricei
our motto.
School Shoes
U4ff ai III Tai CoM’Skoes ftsl this Mb.
. li-x*
Topolar Olothter.
THB iioxmxa
Friday erantny riaitUf with tbe
kobkiwo bboobb spent
Mmlly of Be*. 8. Balebery.
lUMm Wieeu and Lottie Meekel.wkO
.. „|,|„„ raT aoBsiM newaMWT.
Imre been rtotolny tbelr stoter. Mra.
Vletor Petertyl. tor tbepaeUe* »«dm.
retamad to .tbelr home la <%leayo yea.
tdday. aeeompaaled by tbeto nlepea.
'^■04. X. Batp asp J. W. HAxna. Mlnele and Lottie PatertyL who will
Tidt that
for a few daye.
Mra. Dr. Heath, Piad Heath, Tboa.
J. W. Ha
Timblin, Boy Timblln, Mr. aad Mra
Jobe Deral, Mr. aad Mra. M. & Loop.
Fred C. Weimore, Mra. Prank KIteaailer aad Mr. Van Bnakirk of CadUlae.
and Mr. aad Mia, a Denham of -McBala were tbe yneeto of Mr. and Mrs.
CtTTOwvurgk dilae caw of ^t Ninth street Tbmaday.
£=s;trr-. ■.■••• 2
Tbeatrleal Motaa.
1 of Oraad B^ds.
s of the owners of the CcwbatVPUsimona eertoeope. to expected ia tbe
.• .— *—>
askaal L
voK of ibe II lehBswadiu
tor tbe prodncUon of tbe plctarm in
ibery^ Grand Opera Honae on tbe
erealnyof Anyeatinh. The reriaeope
pieaento an exact reprodnetton of tbe
yreet poyiltoUe eonteat between tbe
two champions aad'tbe «yerm are preaeated in life else. Tbe detaU of eKb
ronnd to yiren andthoe^who remem
ber tbe reporte of tbe oelehraUd eneoonter will remember etoo tbe intense
•eat with which tbe eaoonnter wea
attmided. Tbe lllnatraUona are Tleid
and lifelike and tbe eartooope has aV
»d yreat erowdawberew yiren.
taaentioB » w«
Ahe Miohifu mUlUA. Be hM.iwned
*BOrf«rwhiclM»q«l«f«*lAW«tO«»l«to Ihe mUosaI colon wbertrer they
M«« in the eA^l^ Tbc or4«r aIw ai>piij> to rUilon end tbOM who fAll «o
fcowithccomiBMdlopAyA propw to^•et
I* the flaC Ate AabjMt
tOATTOBt. ThUmay aoe» a UtUe ae. m. but it ia likely to cAaae a raapaet
to the BAtioB'a cn^en tbAt U eomatiaea dtar^Ardfd la the atAte cakip;
thongb BO citixe^ill prwaine to cHiSeiM the order. Aid it ia qaiie probaUe
tbAt toldiera aad TiaitotA Alike will
Briny In Toar Otalam.
ftAeea care hot wfarset the MAainAad;
1 ' who -bare btlto ayainst Oonri
'JUA beoBoae of tbe fear of Arreal bat
■eiae, No: ess, 1. O. P., are reqt
beMoaa of loyol^ to tka flAf.
ed to leare them with & S. f^ria. so
that tbe oommittM of tbe raeent fair
Fkkz AiiTor bad loot ita ehanna for
dedication may andlt and pa;
iAfAB aad now that nation U boo
be nnder tbe rdd atAMard. Iba
y pkoae that baa been firan to tbe odn' t*e and enrrency *|U«atJ
tUxM Id tbe prloe of aU'
«aaper npon aooe of tboae who ware
aa.dalnty Httle'ttainy.ADdtbe
tbe etrOBcaat oonad
.. ismu Bppqaredtobe prep»
. of tbe whiU metal dnrtaff tbe loot ■aBHl in her faror riybt fnm tbe start,
was erldoiUy snnwAhlny that
OAByaiin. Tbt deeraane ia prise baa
^BooeUAtod already that eonntriee made him pAnsn
“Look ben." be said in bit Unnt
aAleb ate ander tbe free ailTer ortnace
■him, ‘THW wmmiA
tbatniii are la creat danfw now
aia ell right.
ooBiarmial disaster in treaUnf with It yon fcaertfeU there to to ksow abonl
ooutriea nnder tbe go^A ataadard. It. and y^ don't look Uka a |tri who
«■ aeeennt of tbe flnetnatiaoa In ex- would be rk-k erery third day and
want to yet away an boar or two early
aU tbe rest of tbe time, bnt betsrelen«0MM1W>105BB OEXXmAL or EmMAA ___ __yon 1 want
to^hare aclear nndm.tiem F0WIWBL.T beareqneetedtbe treee- etaadiny with yon oo one eahjeet.
“Tea sir.'' she replied, looking at
hiy department of tbe Ublted SUIee
to take itnnediaU BMasnree to yaard him inqoiritigly.be evT.I«le«d, "I expect
Ofainat the iBtal^Uon of anarcblate
TfecllT sattofaetotT, bat
yon will be
'ffOB Enrope. prinei^ly Spain. He if yon are n
haaaaked.thatconaalpearraUat rari- aboot my right to dtochsige yoa.
. OM foreipp poiaU notify klm at oner
'•Certainly not"
•d tbe embarkation' of donbtfnl ebar“If 1 want yon to go. I'll
aelera. This ia a precaatloa that wUl CBS of (be clerks put a ootooanyoordeak
Met with tbe approrel of tbe Anwrl- or leave It with Ibe oaabier for yon, nd
caa people. Tbe laand of aaarebiata
bred in Spain or any kind wbaUrer
will not be weleomod to tbSe eonatry.
We bare bad enonyh of that eort of
_______ •
•Kloiidlke’' wae d
•ear Xbceeaion. OaL. by a thrifty Canmade, who tailed an abandoned mine
' «sr that pnrpoee. He made bU MnS
•tkhaUrlcblandbadalmoAeloeed a
deal to aelUbe mine to Toronto oaplballata. when an esperteame aldnyand
•aw tbronyb tbe whole tame and the
deal wae off; and
•erffainlnt wealth ware loatferever.
Waa Both Gonld of HaaUafe. Is elaltMies
a Ayaca
A«ac« Bleb.
f. 0. Baanan weatlo Mm
Barry Blim of Baeina. Wto., to the
«MAt of a £. Wait and famOy.
KtoaAlloeAiMnebaeretwsed i
Mra. ElU of Cbariotte, to tbe ir«
Mia. B. (Qiepard. on Bute etraet.
. Mia: John tbwle la cntartalnlnr her
iBwelr. John Baab of Boebeater. M. V.
Mra. a E. Wait aad Mtoa W^t raIwed yesterday from a six waeka'
wAM la Baelne. Wto.
A. B. Dontberty,
•ay of Antrim eonaty. waa In tbe elty
paeteadayonletal baalaeaa.
Mr. and Mia. A, W. Peck erill retarn
froaa Bay View today after a few
Mtoi Bertba Oolman. who baa been
^■illne1lflt in tbe aaborbe near
•topUs. arrieed borne ycMrday.
J. V. Nelntoeb left yaetmday
Mr lalaad Lake to enjoy a few days at
Me elate mllitaiT encampment
Mr. aad Mia. Jelina Stdnbeiff and
mm Imam have yoM W Bk Ifuoe to
wtoit ianeb Stelbbery aad famBy.
r. A. Badaoa. oontraetinff ayen
the W«l Bbore Fact Freiybt Uae.
hi the dty yaaterday as boaineea.
Mtoe Beany Petrie, om of tbe elerha
Ib WUhdm Broe.’ etore, will yo te
fMMfart to^ to ^d her raeatloa.
^ Mta EUa Stelabery baa retamad
Mom Bay View, where ebe bee been
Mkiny aha aemmar ooozae in eloeatks.
Mtoe >Ubel Ball, who^baa been a
yoaetat Bea. & Batobeiyttte a few
dayn. baa retamed to bar bMh at Pe-
ef the Potato Implement Oa. will leare
thto wniay for flairtobnryb. Pa., oa
Mxa. L. Karts of Wtorteld. Leaawee
aea-iadaw, Lea
99tmm. editor Of tUOepamhh Oeertw.
bboobs, batotjab, auopsi
iradfs naloe labels, tbe trademarks .
of manetactarera etc. Tbe workman re
tired fMtlng Ibai they .bed won a yrml
Opinton on That Otecriminatii^
Tariff A««in<t Cuihdian Railwayt Coming Soon.
Thi Cdlitntdd SpNidlifftfl.
Ne Map* ef Aiadw aeeMeelha
Wtahinytoa. Ao«. ll-Tbe report tarnyiiten published (bat ibe xeneral toad
ofltoe would soon luue mspa of Atatom
TEA nfFOBTEBB'ABK A HEABIIO. Mtowinx tbe leieet surreys and explora
tions of tbe gold reriona that ofljee has
been Hooded with letters requeetli^
> er the OMy Ml carles of tbe. maps. As It will be Impos
sible to prepare the maps for several
BMd.]n>taht*l « VahetCheMatter- months tbr tequesU cannot be granted.
TmATXBBB C^,' Micb.
the letjm. explslntng tbe stluatloa
le yselbgical survey to la much tbe
me ^oodlUoa.
—Valea.tabeh Kel PiwhMtee Vigor
ataCIgmfwtyfM’taigea. , .
Washlagtoo, Aog. ll—Attorney Qeaeral McKenna and SoUdlor Oeoerai
Hlcbards are making a careful study
of the questions Inrolved In tbe con
struction of section S A tbe new tariff
act, and it Is expect«a^M(Bt~bn opin
ion covering the subject
be Iwnt to
SeereUry Oage early In 't^comlog
week. The main question at iaeue Is
whether leas and other goods shipped
from China and Japan by vesael to
Vaoeouver, B. a. and thence by rail
Urge proportion of tbe teas and other
pmduriB of Clilna and Japan are ao
s.'^lpp^d to the New England and other
eastern cltlro at a less rate than to
rhargvd by way of American lines of
rniin.ad from San Francisco. Ftoatern
•Kporters of tbeoe commodities Iberefore ac i^d to he ^posed to any eon■trucUon of the act which would Impose
tbe addlilMnal 10 per cent. duty. The
Losion and Msine lUllraad oomoany
has asked tn be heard OD the
tbe question
tv-ndlhg Its nbal determination and^be
SI turner general hai concluded to give
Hotel Whiting
18; 1897.
Xwp Daya Only Xacb MontM.
WaablagtPo. Ang U—The civil acrrice commtoalon has toaued a drcalar to
the esamlninc boards of Ihe alxty-three
districts snnounclng
>r deputy 'collecton.
mmiDBttoik Free end
StriotY .
er-gaugers and r
Id each dleiiirt cm Bept. II. to be conttnoed the next week dayilf all apptkanu
Washington. Aug. it—Aulborii
been graiinted.......................................
for the Milllkon National
bank, of Decatur. Jlla Capital slotk.
To Young; Middle Aged, and Old Men
asITeniis frowjury wskMesss. w CBB sirs retmsscM retle(.C AteoMe rore# sBaiaaMa
AUwmd omsngta Hosbata Dow ita Work
AND CAXlIKa cored vUbostsci^^Siie. pals or scar. Rew aetheds.
with a ftsioL
Dorango. Colo.. Aug. iJ.-Wlll Arey.
brother of C. J. 8. Arey. of Chicago, waa
^ Ve Bill Sire ipeeUl sitestiaa «
shot sod almost Insuatly klllrd by Dr. iBtkdmmrs. P.tMo. applylagfer irei
W. R. Winters yesterday. The tragedy ^n£?tbe.c«si>.bleu>eauea. vritefsllrsntostoesor the
occurred at C:S0 a. m. Arey waa accused Met by exiovML. mitb tuU toMrortluM how to be Ishes.
Tbe Srw <U Drs. li.. A. * Co. w UcorporstcU erwiaj year* M c with s espHsl
bcBinyua labs iwrvBBcmK yMewplay leea. They arc rtsma le ana sell kauBC
months ago Dr. Wlniets made thrvau
Arey and he left town for a time.
Six weeks ago Mrs. Winters spiled for
divewee and the case was to ruffle Up
yesterday. In going to work Arey passed
the omce of I>r. Winters and It Isclalmed
that fae^oiked to at the window. He had
a revolver lb lilt hand. The doctor
-atep|<ed out on the todrwalk.
It It not known wbo Bred flrst. but oie
witness sutvs that Arey dIA After two
shnis were flred Arey ran across the
Wlrlers l.dlowsd. Arey fell
on the aldewaik and Winters conttnned
shooting at the prt.strale man until tats
' An Iniereating.' report, albeit it Is
rvstly Ugurea, Is obulbcd from tbe
Ir asurr rv^rOs as to who does our
ocean carrying trada
According to
these records Brtlt^ .Teonrls are car.
tying over U p.-r caht. of tbe...........
dine of the t'nli>d Slates^ both
of im
ports and of exporta. Eamlnatton
flxuros rot the dm six months of 107
show that the total Imports in vessels
have been of the vaiae of HM.dtI.NL he had falleo. :
and or dogtretlc eTboris In vessels t4U.IOO.««A The percentage of Imports car
ried In American veaseU la ILSS. and In
mem^ of the |
ifeU tor B M
DRS. B. S. & CO. Lock Sox too.
The tax rolto of tbe flvs wards of tba
City af Traverse City, for the oellaetion
of school, city and speetol swessmrnt
taxw for the Meal year l»v?-ievf barn
barn dalivarad to me ta tba City Clark,
ttoid taxeansay bepald tomeaimy offlee at any Ume before ftoptombar let,
iciVT. without ebarga for eolUcUoo.
One per cent, peealty -for coUaetlon
wUl beebarfad and eolto^ upon aU
uxm remalaing uapsid SaptamW Isi.
lem. I will be at my ofiee to rsceiva
said taxea on all weak dayu from 8
o'clock naUI I1:J0 o'clock a. m. and
slock p. ffi.
from I o'clock uatU 4 o'clock
m. and
on Tuesday evenlnn !>'>>» ~ o'elota
aatU ■.*«
e;S0 o'clock.
Msixmm WtSXIJC.
City Trwtoarrr.
Office Boom i, fierold btaSlng. 1S3
Front street.
Waukon. U.. Aug. ll-Fraak ArooU.
cent.; the Oermans. 11.41: French.
144: DuKk. S.3: and
all other a lucal sporting man. baa been held to
foreign vesseU «.»: of domestic the grand Jury wli
exports only R.18 la carried In week's preliminary bearing for tberour.
of Henry V. Duffy, a prominent
American b>U«ma. SI.SJ being carried
city, on tbs night
In vessels of other natioDiL
vesiw-U carry «S.a per rent, of the of April S4. The matter.has since been
value of experts by vessels; fterman. wrapped tn mystery, and public senti
between murder
A"5:. French. !.1S; Norwegian. tSS;
Might Bobool'
' >nd suicide. Tbe general opinion Is that
: •" ‘'***''^ foreign. ».54.
Taisrr -tfLrcsr- Tims mV
| *^'* evidence agamat'Aniold wUi not at tbe Business Collar*-alwr BrptemThe value of Imports carried In Amer- j <»nvkt.
_____ j___________
bw IbV
»J-e. a d. ■“
x.cM Merlin' Is All night.
Iran voosbvIs for the six months ended |
June » was MI.4Jt.14S. and of that ear. ] chicagei Aug. It-All d-uM as to-' De-.t Fall to flea Tbami^Today at
our Btore Ut-o- Miller will exhibit M.
Kolb and Son's flegant line aaiu aM
overcoats. Orders taken far future de
csn-ied ih American vessels, was MT.livery.
as tf
Karanllr.'' sbe Hiid. kiokiiig at I
hisikt.s::. The value of
cashier of the recorder’s ofBse. ^>e
him in stsue sm^ae.
' »hli-h has been largrly hrsughl from yarhl reached 8Mvan beach Wednesday
.In'gq^ condition and the same night
____________ _____________________
‘hr perrentage-of Imports In '
Si from that port headed south
i American vesseU higher than that of ;
* month's crubw on the Uke.
BACL'BflION. AL'U. 18.
« « all yon re ix* to wwp.
< jj,* ^alue of domestics exports Since
Great cboaoe to visit tbe “Fairy IaIc"
Wby, 1 suppose I can ssk ytm ^ jg^® ,!,■ bureau of stbilsiirs has suted
Cross at a low mt*. Tbe C A W. M. By.
Wby*'— '
I the value of merchandise Imported and
wiifa the 12-yesr-old will sell tlckau on above data to Madc“Ton can't ask me a thing,"-Be exportcim ran and other land vehicles,
«i sad srent Inac latoud and return for gJ.OO rpnnd
heok* to..-“If yon «et
get A note aiktog ' During the first half of the present year
trip, via Bay View aad ti. R. A I. By..
the value of Imporia carried was tN.yon to quit, yoc'rs jntt to put
train laavlng Traverse City at • a. m.
toings and walk out without a whimBoat .win arrive at tbe Uland at tliM
per or quegtiooof any kind. Is that on
t;l-Bldt'S TAKIPy DKTRbOFimT.
bold her until of age. Mra '
OoveeOMBWI MBsSncyttoBlfDstF.ewetoM
“It to.''Mto replied.
the state, tf not la tbe United Maiea
“Hare I yoor prontoe to lire np to
Oev. Di
WaahlBgton.Aug.U.—UnlesstbetrsaeFABMEBU DAT .
that agrseBMStr'
DCS Motoea
“Ton have. But it IsnehaDatnflg- ury department con be brought tomodl- Drake
lies ST Excrtslor Springs to a
fy Its 'ennstriictloa of tbe tariff ‘tow to
diiduT iwoM that 1—1“—
very crltk-al cendlUao. Adjutant Oen“Ton^woman,"said the oldgew- respect to tbe duty on stoae bnportad eeal Henry H. Wright, wbo has Just
thanan Imfrairely. “1'tc bm to bui- for gorere meIII use. one of be totgsst refurtved from his Iwdstde. says that thto data, la which farmara wiU be
very serinut fears are entertained far
Mst bees tor dO yeats, and np to tbe
this country.tbeconstructlonof tbrSuf- hts recovery. Re Iq (Sifferlog from* a
C. A W. M. train srill leave Traversa
71 be brought to as
City at «dM> a m. aad arrive at Bay
View at ft. Rrtnmlac Usvs at 7 n. m.
T7>e war depangegiag awldtotaargiiigoleckx eseeened
Rfrnt made a contract with Hughes
trip rate fli.JS, which ladadm
to me best tfom jbe etandpolDt of my Brothers A Bangs fnr the cnastractloa
‘ • • don tlckst to all'Asaambly ft
In as angnatded monebt, of this work, and under the contract the
government was to lake tbe alnne from
Take yonr laneb aJonf and hnvs
woman to mn a typewriter tor
the Canadian quarriea ocrosa the toks
good time.
after I foond tbat abe WM't
and lay it down at the breakwater. crssfully ptocsd to drydoefc at Hailtox.
Gxo. DkHatrx. O P. A.
tny to me it tock me on* right weeks Tbe treasury department had been flrst N. R.
hBT cinsolted and held thgt thin could be] W. J. Bryan has rcituned
to dtootatge her. 1 left a »wWB
d«^ aiid~ibe promptly oame in
dope wltimut Incurring any duty. Now.:
seveme^ days'
........- Just as the work Is starting. I
«*>•'••«** T'
on mine. 1 turned tbe job ore '
the colletlor at Buffalo has noUfled Ibe i Ethan Allen Hitchcock, of 8ULoula
war department ..ffletoU that he most has accepted the Ruitoan mltaoo. He
j", ... ^
assess doty on the elotie and refuse to ' was In no sense a candidate.
wscpliig. and inmda of a week she had ,
u nntll the duty is paid.
C. C. Harris fell from a thHly-foot
tbe whole ftgee wrought np to a.pototi The dilHculty to that the engineers ' sroffold white lainilng at Butler, tnd.
wbeibbnaiiiamsrae being neglected, and have no money , to pay this duty, aad so sr>d received injuries which proved fatal,
abe was stilldnwtng aatoryjnst tbe ; th' work musi^top unlroir the treasury 1 The U-year-oM sou of Rlcherd Bell,
tobostnem maybe aU \ umetato relent. The et<mi>age would tn. j living amiih of Ft Ctartea la.,
right, but wtan it ooaue to g«tii« her
antoftotoinem«nabodyetoeoan tava
borers and ptont on the ground tsody j whub Freoe aad Rudy XIorppM. *
tbelr contract might secure ;
ot age. tapped the tin at Boonm***"»?.
heavy tanmges for demurrage. Oeis^ ble's
weep if yon don't unit I'll trj yon.*'— Wilson,
of engineers, has referred ,
.cd s
the subject again to tbe treasury
The deadly ctgamir ctolmed another
several prapoBjtlons to meet the cose, victim at Chicago when James Morgan
ti to estimated that the duties tkat atletnpted tw.4iandlr gasoline with a
the govenunent must pay ttseU on the lighted dgomte to hto month. He was
“lam afraid,"oMd tbeofUimtotta- atone would amount to betwaen u quar badly burned.
hwtanUy, “toat tbe flying tmbkipo out ter and a half of a mtUlon of dottora
Tbe American Bxprrsn ogW to Mobaccording J* the eonstnctlon given to roq. Wto.. was entered and scaled packfriend talks about to a meeatoDey."
“Ito ■’replied tbe akaptte, “U tai't the Urlff act by tbe tNoSury depart- ogea were lora open and a vajnable dia
mond ring that was to one of tbe pack
aaaw^tbat. 1 have beard of each a thing
ages was JsketL
aa a flight cl fancy"—Wtabington RO ItoW ABAII
Tbe engagemant of Ones Anson,
taelff Ae* Dsee P
daughter of tbe sretl-hnown Chicago
tiose hall player. Adrtou C; Anson, U
Tbe ■Msea Why.
Wasklngtoa. Ang. U.-A IMcgathm. Waller R. Clough, formerly of Lsavun“ Tour wile doesn't eeam to improva
repreMtIag tbe dgarmakcis' nalona worih_ Kan. to a
Cbales Stevens « s.arrssied at M«ma“Ka Ai faat ae ebe gains ettength called « Seostory Ooge yesterday to
Inquire if the provWoa In tbe new tariff
■ba neee it np telling people wbei to
tow prabihiting the insertion of ptcturca burg. la..
tbe matter with bcr. ■'—Okteego Beecxd.
numbera 4ilc.. In cigar and dgaretie Tbe eberUf bad exttaditloo
the governors of Iowa and
Asstatgni Btaie Dairy and Food Commtoitoaer W. W. Chadwick, of WtoeonDnamer—I aaked Mies Werk«r U
asigbt bora ino
atberekrine. the tow they could no longer pot tbe ton. Was la JaneviUc. Wto.. thto weta.
tags no tbelr proddcUona Fmrtnl that and sriu mon begto pnacenttons against
■Wtat did ebe eayt
leisqns who tave vtotaud Ibe
fed. “W
'Wbat'e tbe mat- if this proved to be the case it would seventeen
give non-union workmen to the Itaaceo mOk «nd vtsegar towa
awwitbrnonayr Bret
Mta Jota Palgata. wbo lives mat
OsmagevUle. Green county. Wto. met
with a iWTlblc accMcnL While untytag
bar borse toe got tangtod said Ml and
tbs botse stepped, on her taad savunl
Acting Internal Ravunne O
Omaa Uaiing Mt her left ayu. heaaktog
"And mine wae aurried."
WUsoB. who daewed that
“Bally gtal ru tat 111 fla I
nothing toI tta
the tow to arevsBt a pontto- ------------*»d ebaak boot aad anutog
the graettoa of fla^ttng bar ^ to
«nr-Saw Trik Xrntk.
Ever Burned Oat?
If soyMkaow
tbe volaa of
O. P. OARTSB. Agent.
Has Your
AttentionErer been'eallrd to tbe toet
tbat you can gat at tbe Drdg
btoiT (par Bterc)
Pure Pevdexed Bpiega.
Pure'CreaiD Tartar,
(aad Fore Bskipg Powder, if ywa wont
as to make il. 3 pounds for ll.tiO.) Buhbar bbreUBg. Bobber Tublag. aU
ktoda Throat Broskea and Atomtoara.
Glycerine and Witch Haiel Ution for
At Our
Soda Fountain
Oonntar wa arc nwar oontcatad le “lat
wall eoonitb alone" bnt alwgys toy te
JAS. 6. iOfiSSOI.
W OF SAFETY........
Fire Insurance.
SteiDberg's Grud Open Hone.
One Night Only,
Wedoesday, Angut ISth.
Ittllttu nite—-
Freaantad by the
Every detail of tba 14 rounds, as wsU
aa tbe tan minates prevtons and tta tan
mlMtea after tba giuat battle aatbortUvdy shown.
Waa It a Foul Blowt
OonM aadSae for Tovrsatt ^
PBlCBa-asa, aoe. and TSa.
Suits to Order.
Fisc MerchMit Tailoris*.
X '
. vested they srfU have to armt elL
Wlthoat doubt there wlU he sUrrtag
rvents tn the Plttibutg district to dag.
T1m» fa not« mium rwwou now m
A ifaM hml heea fired at ui M «s ndi
toRDsrly for eonplalnt afaoot tba Ul^- AloMI tfac Ufitiwv to eiduu ot teiA
8h*rifr«t D«c«tur. IHt^ PropoM*
hUlty of poaonaika. for Is all taiger---------------- -------------------- -------------------Decatur, nis-Aug. U.-Abo« » hun—. to RmM th* Marching
offloaa-band stamps have gtvea plwM to bit mddla. sbol thx«igh4be heart Ttm
trad mihecs from out of the county are
Mina Strtkara.
«.eni.iMM that produoe
srodooe beHttfulJy
beoattfaUr eiear
dlaar dlx*
by awe
g« *»»Ufideti
«der to
In camp at Klastlc.
are trma Lln^ end tbe rest from
thxow down the fence and Hda tbtoogb
They sre flolei and orderHewas ciA«redrt thefer
OOFFEEl a ¥SA£T Of ER&DLEI, Sprmgfl^
ty. and so mr hive sjKnni no signs of
only meaninglem^^ It tost*be
giving trouble at any Ome. Thoae who tmudges in* 1 of .
bave'talksd with them are of the opts- >«hUa
much greater number ; g^m and grlnlj. ud eriib eyesoCdefiion that tbe leaders will succMd tatlbelr |___ .
‘—^—jusrfced in sBch aaee.
«jugcsstd Intention of keeping down :
“WaaL «bst fa iir beqsfatlyaek.
JilWng like disorder. The vlHage h way that only by tbs «*«rolse rf great
iia*a *MMM-Ta»
•! ihmU*- board of Nlantlc baa put ou duty twen- IngMulty and Lbe wwia of oxaslcmally
Vto telaaeUM FiMly Cm« la Um PWt»- ty extra poltcemen. The men stayed v^oable time can tbs piww and day of
the cabin *>wBtbB.**
1W(S DlMriM Afimat «a* atHkaM. Wha
AM DaCaat-Cftal* at BmU.
qnesI ways tbe letter eboat wbii^ a
Ilte, Attg. li^lAte laM
fsnttoJIld’emrMdbyr .
klgbt Adjutant Oaacrdl Race* revalued
rity of in''Iteefam." .
a trttiiam from IberUr Nicbolaon. of
**Oocua along.''
OMaUir. AtUac for 100 riOM aod amTba oabtawM reached in flee ml»OBWtitloo, with wbleti to arm bU dapu•lea A gray haired woaaan and a girt
ttoo. any of whom have bt«B owoni la mlnera were admitted to that meeting. i tbe result is Int—
ct tfr—wife aad danghter Bond in tba
•ad arc now la the Docatur court bouse. It M expected that ,tbc Lincoln and I tieote and ton
Of«n door.
' B. B. Ray. who fa reprmcetJD* tbe go*- BptlngftcM miners vlU eoaUnus their: Mam. tbecefm,
-What is it. Jimr* askad tbe wife aa
- «mor lb Oceatnr. bsi refused to ask •on and Mayor Taylor drove, to Nianilc
tbe man Mood befcce bhr.
«ar them. A State B^tet special from yesterday aftsmooa and read
»*» deurmiuali
"Gwine to kiU me. I reckon,'’ be im
Tmu^i' «*«'•* trrtwi
making theeo osrfnl.
Nlaatld' sutes that tbe Nlantlc mlaet* asseoiUed
h«M a mecUBg there last nlglit and by by the mayor Wednesday Mghl.' They <a poientiaUv omdul. markA and that pUed.
to De-1 tiw
ci(de«* BAR do at good work
a VOU of tt 40 IS decided to strike.
advised tbe miners not to^
____ ___________________any
indlca-i in this Hapect ai the Mg onea "Leglbfa
Troebto U Km Orer al CWAMa.
and told them that
"Hut Goudby. Jim!"
St Louis. Aug. S1.-A special to Tbe Uon of violence would be met srltb. poatmarking." be aays In a recent tet
"Goodby. daddy!" from tbe gid.
ri.^ Theater cd instractios. "isof tbe greatest
Bspubitc from CoOecA lUs.. sars:.
rraak Campbell, who was aatUWedaea* Dacatur miners say that they will stay
Hudahakea no t
day tbe trusted Ueuteuaiit of “Oeaerar' at work, and they will be fully pro
- .
It. DO pleading. Ten Tods below tbe.
Bradley, was forced to Am tor ha’ Ufa tected.
Plnckneyvtne nis.. Aug. tt-Tbe sHesbadetree. Twoor
y bandied by' post- bonae w
employees. ' three bsltcrs were knotted togetbo. the
yesterday morning, and work i„
iplaiDts in r^yard ' npe thrown over a limb, a oooae alipaagry mob of Slavs, who charged him mines has been practlcslly suspended i Tbs frequmev of
bimd. and next »owith havtag sold BradlA and hU aten after four weeks of activity. Near two [ todefscttve
to adopt
severe meat—be —------was dangUng
clear at tbe
out to tbe Coffeen Cem and Copper weeks ago. si a meeting of lens tbsti * sarv for tbe
r- —-----—
aowpeny. Campbell declares that he zoe of the Duqooia men. U was de- | measuria to remedy tbe tmbta. Much , grauDd. Be bad no esews. made no
acted la good faljh aad that he did elded to strike, but an the main hndy i gf tbe pfwte»«eWi.e, Mpe-inlly that st' plea. Mked oo mesvy. Be went to his
•01 aetl his comrades out tn accordance of men had not a'ttended the decision , ^ souiUer offims. is k leOection upon [ doOb with tbo stoicisni of an Indian.
With 'the agreenseat entered Into
arrloe. Tbe figures of the i Wife and daughter stood la tbedoarwhy
Wedneaday night Superiaiendent Mills
____ ,____ be carefully adjoBed at tbe | and law aa tut tb«c were no team,
•rdered the frei^t stoppad at tbe
b^inniug of each day. and tlwn a clear ^ no ootbarsL Aa we were ready to ride
Strifct ■
inipceesioo most be made in a benk es-1 away tbe woman came slowly down tbe
tbe o .
for tbe purpose, eo aa to apot, locked at tbe bo^ for baU a
thesB to move on. They said that they ing of tbe Duqnoln men held last ev<
In the discharge
of this meut. and then tsmed to afar:
were golfig to- storm the town. Kol a lag and s cnnunlttee was appointed
_____ _______
BBaa got aboard. The strikers are still ascertain the desires of th« men with Importaht dotv.” It might faaof amist"Is Jirndewdr’
deOiuit Last night SbeiiS Raadle regarddto—•
to striking.
I of this
anoe is tbe I
90^ a proclamaueo ordering tbe
And Mm walked slowly t»ek
ail hot important refom If ovoryawikm Csptste a Trwia.
■ty&cn to dlsperae from their camp and
Bridgeport. O.. Aug. lt~Three bun- hofiy who rBodvea an ilfaglhly post- to the bonse and entered U. nnd abot
laavc the county.
dred miners from Wheeling Cre^k.May- marked letter wonld make a complaint tbe door, and we rode on and left tba
a BM Tims Bsre ToOsy. iWnapa
• banging—Detroit Fiss Bitm.
Tbe members of the board of super* hsrd snd Barton, massed hare Wednes to the proper bureou of the ]
Tisorw under wbose oidcra tbe aherlS day night and marched to tbe RlverPstrisg a Mamp Cpstde XSewa.
Mill II if the proclamatton. drove to camp alde aad Belraoot mines. They sneeeed._
Folk in getwtal are not oowadays eg
yeeterday aflertwon. Chairman Cars- •d in getting all of the men out. and
tens informed the strikers that , they retornlns marched to Martin's retry
tbe fhw Latarial of «i»«fnl •• tl>rJ
yem ago ia tbe
Bpmoe t
: the Laugblin miners out. The
Are vtotathig the law. are a menace to
afflilnf postage stampt to
wood pulp, sod n
a peaceable copiminilty, and are aub- Barton and Maynard men flagged the
>ct to arrest. Bradley again made an night fteMht andof the pa'per t^ in tbe
«“* waetaer W
cQort to aseure tbe consent of SherUt pelting tbe crew g> carry them to this i priating trade. Aecotdiag to estlamtee ««
\ givea out be tbe fueesfry drpartmeot at
*** »>»
"P » upside
Randle and Haym Traylor to make a place.
Waahlagton. tbere is only six yeats'
i the streets of Cofsupply of coniferous woods in sight if before tbe rush and roar of thu half of
feen. He offered any sort of c
the oncers might name, but both were
tbs present rale of ooosomptioa is kepi
“hf"! »*««•
It was next door
oMurate. Tbe supervlaorB held a eonop Dealers in srood pulp are somewhat «« •
in the ey*s of many, lo affix
fersBce wttb tbe sheriff and mayor snd .
ekeptioal regarding IhU slatement al- *
bead tte
1 to come cut
It wardedded to give tbe etriker^ time of the mlnes-Hw a portion of them-> though rber admit the increasing scar-. *”*« *■“? "P- Menywere not cmly
to peaceably dispel before dlapers- Wednesday and yemerday the men ' city of sprqce in ihUcoontty. Tbm are under tbe impreasksi that her majesty
lag them, aod the sherUre proclamation went back to tbe number of about half, tboommds eprm thousands of acres of
orderlng.them to dleperee was written. All are expected to go to work today.
_______ inCanada. bow- j *«3k «l»- matter up, pptaonelly or told
** tbe
" wmp Is not broken by tomorrow Mines along tbe' Air tine—Ayrshire, _
over, aud the Canadian lumbermen are'officials to act punUbment could foland t
Uoonvllle. Uttle's and olhets-are ail contemplaring With DO smell dqtree ofiio^•>«
boweves. many
tbe sheriff declares he will charge them
irted-gt w.nrA
■ • a force of inierrsi tbe prosprets of a spruoe famine P«pl« »*» >ook ^th homa upon a
p the grove «
In the Cnited Stetea.
.g^stampnpatdedown.-^oto• A»1
Altboogbe mlial to the t
Marlon. Ilia. Aug. lA—Tesierday the
toier and to Made., spruce trees ate of
firstlndlestlonof trouWeamongibemlnChingo. Aug. IS—David E Bales ad- •arpnsingty small value as tbey stand
ersdeveioped In tbUcounty. In tbecounOeorre Killer, traveling saleemao fer
ty then are quite a number of mines mined five of his sevep marriages yes in tbe rarest. A'writer in The Paper
numlng on full time to tbe entire aatis- terday. He mid mrei of ibem were made Mill says that there are te-tween 400 A large Kgw York C-othlngJouse. wUl
’Caetloo of the mine ownere snd miners. for mmipatby. Ills tender bean was so ami 000 spruce treea os an acre of cshiblt his. line in '-or ato^ Special
fuiore dellrery.
u>d. snrb as in vartoos pane of New
IndlcBUoni now point to serious dlffl- touched by seeing i
;Und would be worth between fiS
culUea oo account of a large body of cn wruggllBg along slBgl. against the
marching miners in camp at Johnson world that be «un<-d bravely out to alfilSperaere. TaUng 400 trem to
At Fopfar Point.
Qty. five rapes north of Marlon. Tbey levwlc the sufrerings of es great a
tbs acre aa a basis <d ulcnlatlan, it is
ber as possible cn ISA a month.
^own lbc.1 tbey wonld be worth only S
There sriU be a hail game between
Bales has admllK-d t« a friend that or a oenu each, it fa hard to Mliae Ufayaue’a Colu apd the Fooch team
bowobaaply nature does Its work la at Popelar Point Sneda/ at I p. m.
lice hi
'Ihe boat wUl maka regnfar trips from
friend that be had been married seven growing forest trees. Atong Ibe epper Ceas stfoet bridge.
tlmea One of the missing wivss Is now vatare of tbe Peoobnoot river tbe lamnwchcnov ao4i«t griuBM
m Wisconsin and the other Is In Chica hetman pays Bboot M-60^ 1.000 feet
■ Tbe Klohigna Geld Our»
go. but It la -eld that neither will appear
against him. His lawyers will plead In- oo tbe average In tbe forest, to make
Or. J. O. Coaaer. medical dlroator of
hfa l.ODO feet, or a trifie OT«r f0 oenu tbe Mleblgna Gold Cm*, fa now located
ntuburg. Aug. 'll.—"Ocvernmeni by mnliy or the subject of marriage
a tier. Tbe eorting and hauling of tbeee fa Trevenc Clly and wtU remain unUl
Injunction" will Itave a very 'full trial
I PenofaMot gpruce Bern wU! average abont October lav He treats neorwtn this strike district within the next
eap* and bounda
j from 40 to M cenu each.—New Tork fnlly alt caeca of the UqBor. morpbioe,
lam daya De Annit has obuined a
otdnm and cocaine haWta. Com^faac»ni a. bushel Times.
isslRg by mare than a cent
temporary reaualr.lng order from Judge
I previous roctrds since the bull cam
ColUer. In which tbe strlkeri are warned
A Wemaa aa tka famm.
*Wff the earth" la the nteebborbood of paign opened. Chicago at Aral ltd the
confideottol If desired, srilbont lorn of
rim. •
the De Annlt mlnca with, however, tbia
time from bnalncm, UoexeepUonal
board fenos at one aide of Mrs Oaewr city refrreneeo furnished of patfante
important quailficsilcn; "for tbe. pur
treated here a year aga For any fapose by intimidation, menseea threats
> Ott crnlA from ablrb
and oppraMotts words of preventing tbe
mt a buHiet. only to rccoa-er later In Mm Stevens reuliate wdth a higher one formatkei In regard thereto addrea
P. O. Box iooo. aty.
miners of tbe plaintiff from working.ie day. reaching SOS cenia Right al
•4 «t
J- G- OoxuB. M. D.
The miners and their offiriaU dslm that
ic close a lot of long wheal was unrxtb^ are keeping within the law and
ways' Not a bit of it. She snsgems that
have the right to gseemble la peace aod
Thin fa tba Day that Geo. Miller
tbe mao ou tbe other side pot npasimAemonslraie to the world that th^ arc Rcple
of aalfa and c
iiember. or s cent below the hlgtarsi 'Uar ttTnecare. go that sbe can nae ber
being wronged by a rate of wages that poiri
yard for a pen. Iintimstee that tbo 60 eoate made by M. Kolb aad Soo'a.
keeps them consUMly at tbe point of
derm trill be taken for fall dalivery—
foot 10 fret higi
mm tn*
marvatlon; also that they have a right
going op will be a fine place for
Chicago. Aug. IL-League base ball
lo tme tbeir presence and influanee
83 tf
BAHiLTon Cvomuo Co.'
among the men who are mlllUllbg acotvs yesterday were: At B’ashlngtoa otrcni posters and then meekly temarka,
.agslnat t^lr Interests, by continuing st —Brooklyn 4. Washington 3: at Louis. ""In Gw meantime if yon are a forlorn
srork. The New Tork and aevriand vUlf—Chicago h. txiulBviUe «: at Oeve- person stuing on top of a bldeooa ten
-Pltuburg L Cleveland •: at Rhil- foot bcMud fenoe, gaMug up on to Ml
Oas Coal company, os the other band,
asaert that the marchee and amemblagcs ____ ite-Baltlmore U. Phlladel|4sU 7; Desert street, ronirmber it fa no esea^
by rrsolotlon beretofore famed,
are unlawful and a menace to their em at New Tork—Bneton t. New Tork 4: lanatie, only a wnmau whose ohsrming
d a nine (V) In main gewer fald
ployes. many of whom. tbey. wy. are (ascend game! Boston 10. Nrw Tork 7. view of green fawns, elegant oarrl^es,
WestemLsagne:At Milwaukee—Kan_____ rer DfatHot Namber Three (J) of
willing to worii provided tbe strikers rsbeandfolly ditseed ladies and God's
main sway.
fresh air bu been shut oat and das fa
If the strikers continue their marobea
'sitting on tbe fenos to ass them go in Wdllpgtcm stpeet from WaahingWii
aa they new my they will in defiance of
by.' "—Bar Harbor Beeoed.
street to ffifbtbatrwt.
the iajubctloa. capiases will be iasnsd
Pwpi of toe oast of told main sewer
for the ■ ■
Joseph—Rockford 4. g
tempt .
in-said Besrer
be enforced, tbe strikers' camps aroand
Mat Om •le.BMk
Oab drivers in Loodau ihU seaM
d part to be liiid from tba Gsw
tbe Be Armit mines will soon be eatlncL
8t_Loul«. Aug. tt-The loss by fire somswhm “apset" abooi tbe pcevaleiws
The avowed intention of the strikers
swer fond.
Ja tfie building of Ibe Bnlerprtsr Brnu
plate dfagrama. plana aad eatimarch despite the Injunction is expected eempany Wednesday night was greatly Of tto aJl pervading bioyefa. One
' '
'ber bnsbsnd i
sewer are
to result In bloodshed, or tbe filling of
................................................ flgwd^'fto'fasaeetioii fa the
The pr^Ment of tl
offiee of the Cty Cfark of Ttmvane City,
his loss wlU' not exceed $10,000, which
Is ceveredny Insurance.
at miners' headquarters. Dolan, whswas
men. who dmok their bead$ end refnmd **Tbc^£art of Public Wmta of s^
........................I toe aty aerfcb office
I s Wife name wnh Him.
erritlng st tbe time, sesrecly stopped bis
to answer their summons in tbe most City wUl meet at toe aty C1897. at 7:M
OB daturday. Angoat I4tb.
Work for more tban s second, snd wbrn
, Mich., Aug. U.—Isaac
iMgraTsdog manner imaginshfa At fast o'clock P. M.. a2 coiMider
ending was finished ac
tbe fady. who was srilbont an umbrella
« by merely wtying Thank you."
beaays the tajuncuon will not cbat.ge the
ikago Saturday on buslneea
aitaeTS' campaign In the least.
•urprlsed Us friends by returning yee- oame tearful, and ber buabaad tn deIt U daJmed by the strikers that this teVday with a bride. Olive Foster, of ^nir culled rat to a paming fonr wbeelmovement of tbe company Is only ancth- tUrtford. Mich.
«*throagb Ibe raindtopA "I'U give yon
ds on the
6 abillioga if yon will drive me to------ Cfart of Board of PabUe Worka of the
aa^ Taaht gUll A
Poet Anbor. OnU. Aug. IL—Seutor •quare." Tbe cabman checked bis bone
nod MTcnaxicgUy himefi tbese galling
tbe Jails are becoming crowded ii^M ex
>mds: ."Zitl Go now nnd gel you
pected that the aheriS will adjudg» thgt aground tee miles from Nipigon. The
bis deputies are not sufficient to cops tugs Mary Ann and Deorglana left here
with the sltustlnn. and be srlll be <
MMsa to,by,oorrafa«.ooaanad
Blr Jnmes Grunt pndkM tbfa the
strained to caU out the mJIlUa. Thi
koarsof «L'a
8a.m. a^ 8 a. nv.a
gold output of Csxiadn. efawdally «t
the view of the Btuattoc taken by
laaders of the *r0(ars now In ca .
DUfak Tex, Ang. a.-n fa teperted
iBst sssatiM tbe strikers at Plum Greek that the Mfatonrt Tanoes kbd Tsxw Boridtonedfafautdnfa..
Md a mseonff and voted nnanf
s qwefalpamlthaa
sorth.boafid pnseenger train k fa. the
to betd tbs fort, bat hm to teB«
ditehwi Caddo Mats. No putieafa
ttm WBluHoM my that If owe
rou wiu smlBBn
Smokers I
Tin RBcoeiizetf iNtos _
Meats and Groceries
U s aad lOe. Ogan
Orders ty Telephoie Preaptli
itwided a
diamoiTd J.
Firk stmt,
Tnmt A Cfififi. I
•Iwsye in stock.
am DAT AXP noHT.
A. -W. JAJ
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
■MlJIcteiiaiReilecM Rates.
liody Watts
K^WantAds ss
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
From this date this boat
will not make regnlar con*
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. '‘Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangementfi
for the nse of this baodsooe
jaefat, hr communication by
mail or ^ire, with
I^ei^d, Mich.
See Oiir New line
Picture Moulding!
i-Hoi-KtirroB or- thx
Mrner of L'nioa nnd
nenrM. AN. R. dep>V
nounoc lo tbe public tbet be baa re
fitted aud furulabed the Botel Pangborn-'tetter than it ever baa bran be
fore and enn accommodate ttaci travel
ing pabltc'la good shapeJohn May.
fomerly with the Hotel tVhltlng, srUI
have charge of the offiee and attend to
the wants of the gucaU. Satfafaetion
Lederle’s JTVSS
Barm..MarK.AK UDeyM.
The Pure Juice
- ■-
Butter, .First Class
Boys' Blouses South OaloB SttMk
A. T. Johnson, tfanth Side Shoe iftora. 404 Cafaw SteaeV
dreat Cut in Bicycles
_____ fit.M a week will seearns
ndereon Wheel. g» to Mo. Will
pay to look at toe elegant line. H. B. Otbba, ia
fa Bllfa
Ell Meyde ehc^'lll Front St
Accidents Impossible
J.A. Moalagns. mFrontSL
Green that wilj kill
Every pound full weight and gm
Bicycles to Rent
FaU lias matorfaL
Soda Water
T n*5“*
u MaCpy A Sow. Fnmt Sk
To Rent
The Best Candies
Ice Cream Freezers Irs?
______________________ -
Front 8C.nd)rtnfag McNamara's sbos.atoto-
Ladies'. High Bicycle Boots
Friedrfah Block.
Anps McColl aIty.
Paris Green
and Boadhflcama^
Third door.westof Morgan's Uvtcr Bam.
•fa’s; FMdtog FtrifiAn' Hotsm
SpeoiAlty, Hon«g BoMdsd.
Stall L, M Whfk Dm Md.
VfiCi litmtfiiro jUMOss, «ATUBOAir, avovst 14. ie»7.
u bm
a Potwllata and rtialrman
t thdr aute central oomialttee sloce
1 of the party. Taylor
BMdte. a tuidoQlst PopuUat. waa aamad
8ayt That Chart* of Attwnpted
Bribaryof PepulwttUAb.
aurdty Fait*.
__________ _
Tbrwwdaof Chritt la tbit pamga'
“Wbat did tbat yomia nas «U ttaia
poenr’ adtad tba adiur.
-A •»!»."
"And tbat itapliaa that ba M abow.
awkMMN and abntdily.td
(at Uw:
■fltoMlaKuetaciM BlocffflUUMCfce^M^tSeaeaeTwalaoaaanaflafeetMlaBBit
oto *laUn. ta aSwl Jiiiw tl. IBO.
lUK^ej asa CoaBM-Uorot
•haaenaea ka*« Oat U Laka.Eitoai U^i |
II « 4 IS
Domenon wat aeen by rt.ldenii of thltj ||y He point! tmt the fart that tbe bwa-:««*>* l» • aalin-oo poeUy.”—Wo*. : W.SvJoJwiTSL'r
rtMOJ be the neatoM. Enltttioo ‘tW** Stw.
1 ”’
EAIBES AI OSUE OF YEBAOITT, cliy at « bclofk yeeterday* montlny. i
Five large aaiertpeut* *«e teen far | ^ be erco by bwniJiaUon.
I P*SSi“J¥!SS;
oot IB the lake moving in an ea«^y m., yy, leodi Him to apeak trf Wbat
B 8« Ka DmM 1
BH* tOWOld eear naid to a Dtcacfaet
iTtwgODLg a ettoaa. atwrarr>. Spaeia.
%Va S OS
;rrjSi •«
Brte IfaMUIm. WBiop of Clemwit
. „„„
h.« ta.rt mmy (TOl, M*SU» 1,"
flfteeo minuiea atronit tailed diarip1e,,4be jgofaablUty
' woQld be tbat be woaW detpiw the
iteakly diaoiple, perfaapa ridlcnle bte
deferta, make ligbt ot hit Infimittea, led with tbem. £Tt*y time 1
and at le^
an wunta
woald om
not obssi
anSar ow
bk tsIntanitWto0 iDdsenee bia actien n at to
• large gate of the A'
and atrijbJbr»gakCT ona.
ancoonme and
etMTte tbe
tbe Aroiig
.. „ ikoold bert'acatlered In every By neb a1 rooree
fttmibUng block''in>be way «d ^OSr-t^M
nruek :
T*o atntck the thore near the foot of
Wlllacn avenue, wh'.lf the ether tno por■ued tbalr eatterly course down the lake.
The largert apout airuek the there at the
foot -ot Coc nreel with terrinr force.
ClevaUnd. AuB. ll-Oa kU wtuni
trom CWe«o rwientar Major Charte*
liarvM of »
•ubjwt of the cb»i
Iw inoOr m
PwitJ»i Mate eoaveatloa lo ctoection with hla same. He
___ a o.
tbe weak.
lead him
X"-.”,.'" ;r. xs ",
resenting b
good speskr
i x;.
a dollar to ccntrel h
lltkal conduct. Upon bis urgAt and re
peated rt^ueeU. and'after Mr. Preyer
d-reveral times at my otBo
tailed to see me. I flged a. time wbra be
could see me. as Is dona every day with
calleA whoetyr they may be.
w «r Xew
SyraAM. N. T., Ang. It-Thc AbwmmlttA of the Loyal Democratic
tieagne last evAjng adopted an addrea
to the DcmocraUc atate Ainmliie^ of
. New Turk. It lelU tbe commlltA. that
the people who selected iU membera
dAtonsiratA by their votes last fall
their loyally to the platform adoptA
Toricvllle. & CL. Aug. it-The a
toflal campaign meeting here yesterday
was quite <iramailc. Candidate May
Arid made good an offer that if be Auld
Slot jirove that Senator McLaurln had
tried to oAanlcr a PauUsI party la
South Camllna he wotiid withdraw
e United Stale* a
new Anvlnr.^ from' _
had givA him that McLaurin largely
MetRnrin an injustice apd would srUbdraw from
Mrl.«urtn shook btsbud and thanked
him apild great a^^use.
Evans mid
Id 1UcLi
IcLaurln bad invited him
to go into the Populist party with him.
and Als led to a taestad dlacnagloB.
McLaurln spoke with much vehemence
that he fainted on ADClndlag. Be was
taker to bl* hotel nd tbe doctors Inalst on^t* resting for a
days Oov*.
enor -EvaAs
. _____
.• MelAurtn
showed much feeling toward eaA other.
•aya. "tbrongh whwn tbe orcarion (of
gtomblitlg} rtnielb. Wlioao Aall offend
n'MkoCK wood roaSALg-eiagle loas
EX Meeau.doubleloa.] A cea*. Treem
WM common among the Greeks Md I
Basaas, bat TA7 rare among (be Jews, j
This fact intAsiAm the UlustntlA '
used l7 Ckrist. Again Christ nsya,
• jis.......................................
• that in os which is a ci
Ir.a. ,r. a. *. a.l*. a.
............ ...........................
__ Xoziey to Loan
_______ Ir.m.;r.a. *. a-r-x.
r. BM^iprtng^''!
,”lf IS
Le.EUBapuU.... SM.-B. tl »..a. nsvai.
tor.Trosvrae City.. T4ia.a. U Mr a. 4 UP4l.
■ill bnsiEi UD loimisTsu 11
Ka. slxa. llXe. I
« rid for good hx tbenplifil^ and
of At fellow ara rstbA than
tbe oppoalta Bible Beadiags: Lev. ilX,
14; Dent xxvti, 16: laa. viiL IS-lf;
Prav. gziii, W-Sl; Mai. il. 6, *: Math.
XXV, 61-46; Mark ix. 66.60: Lake xvii.
1, 1; I Cor. i. *8. £4; vUi, MB; tx. |
SO-67; Rom. viii. 88; xiv, 1.J6; xv,; « • •
1-4; 1 Pet. ii, 6-6.
! Antoloasaesa Cd right, of tralh and C«
| doty .oogbj to give a* tbe coange of
! oar coovictiooa, tbe rosolatiA to do
Ad dare for Uteoaaae we have at beajL
Tbe dangers are Dot all pamed. There
will yet be opportanltiea to gain glory
WW M„..
»M .....Ml. ..MMM .
tiriM ud only when tbo.davor is agreeable and tb<m bappAs to be a little
loose change in tbe pocket Religfan as
. ncomMty is tpJrit and Ufa Beligton
„ . Inxair U tbe biabeat easeaoa of
OoasUea at the Bawr.
It is bettar to admit we do not know
••1 Wish 1 OAld tell"- aald tbe man K»gfa to fwuipit*»«Md tbe works of
wbo bad hold of tba side of bia ItoA God than to think' tbe works of God
tow OAt wltb both basd| and was CBsU ebongta for our oomptabeoMtBL—
twiitiog btmtolf to get a good look«( CbitotlA4Md«.
'jffbatiaftyAwMbyooooald talir'
^ed his wile.
Look well to your lotegrity, and tba
WtaMber tba gapattaat araappovtaf Lord will look to year pountoilj—
to this goods an nataral groerthaor Bpargeta.
mosqnito paoctaiaa. “ — Waabtogtoe
Ananeintoomom baa beanrevimfi
_iaomaSngliab rand district* Ongy.
man. to anpUeae and atjeaded by a
Dhoir. made a toor to pcocsmlA of the
Tcgidm. Kan.. Aag. a>-Tlie Popallat
-state central commute* met beta last «*ta oftaad ap tec a hlasalng o*tbc
adgbl to accept tbe rerigaatlA to Jtoa
Trereraa OKy.
Buildins; Lots
to tbe adAoacytd the fnU admowlcdgmeot of tellgioos liberty and of tbe
c^ial rights of all, and to tbcae and to
aU aimilar noble oaonee, both as Amerioaos aad Jews, oar best efforts sboold
be giv*n.-.^ewlsh EzposiAt.
• Wbatever religiA wwld have power
to it mbst eoltintc tbe imagination.
ttandvr storms In aortharopoftl.n; werato; Witfamt It tbe world bAomes bare ud
ItfekA ud witboat ft religiOB sinks
into a mere form of words or a repetitiA of anmAtiing Ideas. Wbarever
“Bew far can yos sarim, WUlie?" there is stroog faith, loving service,
tognired tbe viritor.
oaoseefated will, tbere is to be found
“Oh, I donT know,” replied WUlia tbe imaglAiiA at work to give tbem
”AeroM tbe oceasT" persisted the life and power.—Cbiistiu Register.
“I abonldn't wooder,” amend
Willie promptly
Willie, do yon know>ow far
it la aerom tbe ocean*'' demanded WilUe’a mother.
“Doo't care bow tar it la” retorted
WHlia' ••Pop
“Pop wldmeA«
told me otMe i>ev4x
never to*^
to adWttlla
mU tbat 1 ooaldn'4 do a tbing aatU 1 d
tried and failed, and 1 xiaver tried
Your Choice.
Be Nat Aftwtd.
Let aa oot be afraid to assert oar
rights as men and Atnericaos wheaevtt (bey dial! be jApardtacd. Kot offAatrely, if it can be avoided, bat, at uy
WUliam E. Mason.
sate, witbnut besitatJAandnndoe txvpalsWid* Asa
idatiA. We have no inirrests tbat clash
with those ol oar beloved ooantry.
nta' Acursluns artbe series o
... h- .k. Vr......
Mf Ihia ** Wt we do see do for ber sake, for tbe
.to .lit .rd..
S SK 4 le
SH' 111
John A. Logan. George R Darts *
,,. ------------ ;-------.
\-rWatch Repairing,
y—John Verly.
—Front Street.
heaven Ibeir ugcls do always
tbe face od My Patber which la IIn bear-
“I tMW Wn faal wsyvpat'ywU
gtrikam” oaid Meandering Hike.
“1 dAt tea dM yOB*ve got any aa«M
blame 'em. ” leplia'Ploddtng Fata.
by the Republlnan county oonvmtioa ter“Den
atot ao exoom toi ‘an.” wat
yastc'iday. Th« raaoluUonJs as foUevs:
— 1 tthis oDvintlA oStadema la u- tbe empbatio reply. “It's detoffwa aotimia dst brings'em to it. B^diab'l,
eatored term* ths cal
teadiA reports authottoedSyyOeveAor bars M bwtnem goto tmw^toda
Hutromb nuo *At by btm toShe east, first plaea.”-Bxabanga
erii pr<iw a* to the agrlcuHiral
reseuroea of thi* sUU, and fwhar we
condemn his rr>,i>*tstcmAt> of (acta as
to the real c
Nebraska's proa-
Chicago •"
West Michigan
__________ JgL i Si'S
alAe and emreb was mad* for tbe
youth. His body was fount:
iind hi
Allonwood 4rce or it
CO hit b
HehadevldAtly^dcad iwenty-f«ur
hours The ground MmwA chat tbe boy offenso or « atmntiutig. we aw to pan
had boA "rt^d" from bis horw by i with it, tbongb it be as dmr to os m
Mr. <n <k. MMl. ' hand, foot oreya.
Tbe weak may iMff be able to ptisiah
tbOMwtio mialAd^tbem. bat they are
tbe B>Mial object of God's pAtecOng
csre. and He will avenge them. “In
r Holoomb and easter
for wblrt the governor bas been critlvised Id this slate, wat made the auhjart
1 denunciatory
new. ApiOrat lifW.flhauaM. al^M*
troe character of such a coniwe by d
ibiiig lu awful laiigosge the penalty
■ /~|ook waNte^
•e city LOBber .C^o.
tbll eiu. "Woo lo that uiau."He
berino. inTiona Aoac^niy. ^^ «.. last' tbesea.” Capital put,iAinAl by drown.' SjST^
Friday eveuln^to visit nelgWbor».^Bun- :4ng with a hegty weight abont tbe Deck j ■.
sure was made yesterday from poinu
ontheliaeof itaePennsylvanlarmtlway to
id to ti
Indiana. Kentucky, Ohio. West Virginia
dldatea nomlnatA Aemib. The i
Over 2.0M.
and wette
deriarca that If tbe DemAratlc
of the slate could speak at this time
there would be no queatlon tbat the
TN* Waatbar W* Mar MxpaM.
Chlcagn platform wwld be reafflrmA
and a candidate oomlnatA {or chief
fadge of the Aurt of appeals who ac
rataSp. io. Te*tafday: P.w lodtaasaad DU.
tively and ppenly mpported tbe parab-rab. wariasr wsa'bar: hgbt rsrUblB
tya candidate and platform last falL .rladk br«min**outh«riT.- Tea- Lower M<a»
ff no Mate cobvaUa ahall be called |ga->-r*lr. wsiier wMiUwn Ughl aoatharty
■ • I., For Cpior .Htcblgae Fair waaihsr,
this fall tbe demand is niade tbat the
ted by shew* * thW aftarauon: warmon
state nomniitlee issue an uaAUlvoca!
aouttwi^ winds For Wiarossta-Falr
reaArmatiA of tbe ptatfonn of the
fallowed by toow.i*
Buffalo ronvAttnn and also of the ChU
cago plstform. and nominate a can
didate who la Id fall accord with both
g to oUi.
os. and ChriM Himaclf cniphaaiscs tbe
have been committed by Mexican neigh.
^ rr^Oraod Baptda. lUekUww aad paiaa
rilrtoiT leaves
itforbidsour «id.i?!^Jw52j«WBl™P3V5Se». ^t»
«-„XS ™, Ct .fi wa..,bM Wi... ta
"At that conference he expressed bis
view. Is tht mstier of tbemlddle-of-tberoad ticket, which was discureed In s
ganerml way. However, at that time he
tIMtX Famar BaaaU ai
said 10 me that he did not thinkbcwould
attend tbe state eenvAUau. No underKewAee. Hla.. Aug. U.—Bound and
atandlng or arrargemAt was mad* or gagged. James Johns,
Johnston, a wealthy
attempted, and at no time has Mr. ^ey- bsAelar farmer,
passed Tuesdsy. night
tr. pass
er acted undA my dlrectlA or repreI the ffoor othu
of hU kueben. He was
sentid me In any way. As t nndersUnd
lUlted by two masked men at S
It neither Ur. Preyer hpr Mr. Taylor o'clodr
o'clot* at Bight
night while eaUng topper
and U«3 band and feet and thrown
r bad any <
......... of the
...... ...............
with the coBventlA. I beard nothing Into _
a comer
while the
arercbed through the house for
.More from him until the receipt of the
' note reqneetlBg the’loan, which 1 An> the secret hoard of money whlA they
gidettid and trealA as a purely person*
al msUer. Other* whose name* have
Xel Ba^ng Klaadyke acSteutta.
been mentioned In AnnectlA with tMs
Chicago. Aug. IL-The following permatter never received a cent from mr or
ons have found It neceroary to anthe promise of any
for political
ounce that they are nut tntvreated In
waywllb recently exploits ecberoee
to gel rich by gold
Id mining In t
'%« CBleago..
FV*k tu stomUe, is" not rraUwd. Who lyt. iBw...tiT»p 11« a ockaa^P «■ tori»o« «p»el
eonld naliav tbe euonuity of tbe ain of
b, a. uiewaro.w»caaleading to deatroriion a wnl lor which--------- :------------1----------------------------------------------------1
Cfarift dird? But tbe iScriiitorr Ivavcs aiTU.tTlOS W.tVTfc
fi—. .rf .K. ' Me, It Wire tmtir for him that a.nilU- TTrawnCD-Los ralten
Tranrae atyi
tone were banged aUwt hU oeck. and . W LuiaberOo._________________________att j
t.rewnitA letiont ear. I Katwas cuy. Pliwtuirg and tiuil laii
tTr ^^aeJ^VrirT^.
'«n hi. father's ranch near Cham, i tbit be wcre drew iitd in tbe depth of dtoukhc Lt'MBta^aaN at Mrar IM
wa.a^^^II. Jit,.!
atmUcatloB for
, S Of' Vi «
’iT ("bbf
ooraar irf WwUilngty a^ M
clixiirartances hadirjt up t> the tncl- BacwMaThey Dan-IUka a FamUy They
dcnt< which marked the. > nsatlonal i
Umc a ia.Tear Mid Ray.
avermentr In cor.nectloB with the Popu.
kar.tar'Clty. Aug. Ih-A epetlal to
IlM conv. raun. he MW: "As nearly aa I | .ft, Journal from El Paro ray*: Harold
•i ii!
XTorthtn ICohlgan Idas
He would dbr&Tage him,
into emna. pertuipa
bUs to glee «p it) despair and to leave F°?,f
off folJowiug Christ altogether. What a iiar«eld. uirii. ewaS^
could he glx’tn
On this mere-Incldeal i large ercilonf of the <Vo«-f» fn-m wr-'
the amtrun tsmade toweaie a political' rounding Aeda were blown off. Then the j
aenaaiioiu 1 never gave Mr. Prtyer or: foioe of the whirlwind. f< r such li wa». I
any other man a dollar with a view of , aeem^ to n^-nd Hrelf. The taih seemtd ,
co.iirolllrg hie pcUtlral action or Intlu. j lo be about SOO feet In width and pur*
enclng the result of the PoffbUst eonvcD* iMod a rouiheaMcrly couree through tbe
I city. Ko on^ aa Injurfd-
r. “m I'Xs
a. D.. Phjrvirtaa aot
lurtlKni UcUiu
?re.. '«. Triii5portatroii Co.
oaK: -The *ole itorT of attetBpled
The shipping department of thte plant
brlb^ U altfurdly falae. On Mooday
r being ffialrM. and a large
morDlnsiaai I received a aoie from Mr.
' tlon of the roof wat taken off. A te^a
HugoPreyer. taking a pemonal l«n a^
theahlpg to return it In a few dart In ;; ping houae
request i gsve mm my . vray
pertonti ebrek i .r JtS. The cheek Itself , mo of tbe track
_____ _______ a.. .. a ' m*.A
TU fartag the ierioar down.
to vela •« SMRh tba kw«S dasp
Fur Blai ao dmtk <aa drewB.
Bat warn, sweet, usdw. ewe yal
A pretest faelp la Ba
And milh toe yet llaDUtm.
And tore Its OalUtw
Houses and Lots
O LaN and Mamw Gf a* aUi
ler petal* s*(«b
tloa. tsk* UU irala esS
teXo.1 rau^psoelr u> laka
B. W. OemVOXAN, Asvwk
GREAT BARGAINS Tnnne.BtfUiie ol Steuitn.
................... js::
For All Gash Dr Low-for
Part Cash
aoixo socn.
ikswtAarOMmHa at
(*a*freV«ar«4 4h«tarsW»mS«»tH«« IP* la
MctosobBUa tatlfr'* ibreagatopw,
Ow Urn Of toUdbood frame.
The teat lew whimw* of can toad
Are bardreid wxh Bw asms.
of Oackawa Ji
«k»BC*at JaaM
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