The Morning Record, October 28, 1897

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The Morning Record, October 28, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Rirt Te«-No. 152.

land «B*-half hoars. The aerideat oe1 earrad new Kent (Sty1 la this year efsli*btap|rie<ert>p L.
18. Soxslr of Acme eenda Ih*
leamplesof aalarfeaad fine Kertaera
Spy apple, to are ammlly to h. etoU ta
Orowa Will Appoint Ooramor. Who thebtoveeaeona.
On BcoMBt of aereral mecabaes ef
WOl Salect Hie pfbtnei *Samt«alaUadan Will Demand Abaolnto the Blfh eehool football team beln*
ladapandaBOe-WUl Mot Lay X>etnt BaahJ* to *et away, th* team wOl a*
Thair Anna Dnleaa They Got it ^ fotoMaaistoeSeUrdey. AfamewUl




*0 S|tt«r OaadlttoBa ia OA PMk
BnUdlsp-WaUr Supply te- Fraekfort.
•oAaiwt for'UifvBt »**d«-Tni*a«
OOow XwlB kMdmd Hla Pint





Why Waste Your Time..
and patience when yon can bny a Waate P»'per Banket for 25c, 30c. 35c. 40c. SOc and up
to*lJ0. AU Shapea and CoW



MadridN>o»- *7.—Praaderyaat the
W. J. Hobbs who Jriaad th* Oetohed•n»wa wm* ju*t » quorum »t the
new eol«ial mliilater. has ootlWd the
TBl club at Platt* Uk* Setorday. r«■toeUAf oi tbo board of edueatlOB lu«t
ptaa fer'Cabaa refonat aa fellowa:
tarttMl Ttoterday aad reported that the'
Amoac *»» aboouto- »*•
The aaMmomy .whleh the eablaet purother membera were baria* a rloriuos
rrmak Brnltb. wbo w— appolutml a»*
poeat to bestow upon Cube and INret©
time sad that baa*fi»bln* was exceltlflw a(o to an *ae*aey but wbo ku
Blea U a apeelal auUmamy^JooiKlfd oa
M yolutuodml a atDC»«
«>» AA-4-nhU pum for Prefitable Win* the aepiratloae adopted la the platform leat aad fame abundaak
4Ae beard. Sowew. tbore
of the ApUllau antoaoalsts and la aoi
V. W. KlmbaU Oo. wUt make’18.wy mueh to ta» ih. ouerfiea of the
idanUcal with the other ooloalal ecc 080 offuto this year and are sriiin*
Xmdiea' Aid Society
mtamben asd tie tueetiny wee ebrjt.
of BLAIR'S TABLETS. They are the
them at fartory eqsk Wboieaale aad 2
---- ^,The oolamllter oo claim- reeomme»*d
Beat Valaes for the price. At
the eooetitutioD* of Cuba aad Porto Retail. SU FrontatreekTtBTeraeCUy. 2
«be parmeot of clahpt arr«CuUac »»,- ^ty'belditoaratrernlarmaetiac foe Bido e»ree with those ooloaial eoniti
S. & buoa*. Maaafer.
ito :t
^84. There waa a bill of *7V.80 lor the oomlay year la the church parlor* »t.«« which start from self roremmi
aeaia ia the Ceairal belldluf that waa ycatar^ aiUniooB. The boeloeea of as the coital idea, and aelf lerlalatiou.
OB a-~l Mel^laa A Ash. 147-tf
axeepted wbeo the report
| theday before the aoeiety waa the lay
The islaod shall be raepc
pl^ f^r the #*ar » the yoremmenl aad the enp
that the eeaU were ordered by Fraak ,
' jieeUny* for the u»ual roulioe theforemor. wno shall repr
Friedrich, oue of the ebmioittoe ou ]
^ arfwlng. ete.. will be helo oooe mother eonatry and choose
balHllu«a asd prouada, who wae aoti-1
week*, altorttaliac with what who shall be exwmtlee in that x>louy.,
^‘NEW IDEA” Patterns—Economy of goods
Sad by SuperinUodent Orew* that the ,
work, of a eer
•ttU were badly needed. Mr. Friedrich
naiqre. at the ease totoiand Simplicity in Construction are .,
^ delccate. aaid tod
d the parchaae of the “•t»|
aad attted that he. would hrlac the
The lattor dlrleion ha»j Cuban relormw
Blatter properly before the other mem-!
»nrU.liif of a new departure. ■ c
of the eommlttea. “f- ------pit
oer* til
■ iin nrriTfiiiae
a innei nrri t --------------morei to pay the bill, but ettted that',^ profrum. The yaoeral dlrecUoa iopou anythin* but abtoluie ladepei
- the eommittae ahbuld be ealled down |
of houaehold eeo demea
( . ^ .
Md not be permitud to parchaae oomlm, more eapeclaUy, la the Hue of j -The Cuban patriots ard„4H^o«
suppltoeof thai aature without flrut
m»t«rri*U: health, economy and | iotany on theatru**le onlll
beln* amouf the pone
poae la aooo»pll*hed. 1 apeaWsf/M (
_ Is
aabmlttin* the matter to the hoard. mode* of prepaiaUon bale*
Mnparinteadeut Qrawn atatod that the anbiaefei
trmtod. ttn-n.
While not a cook- ' wbh
wbb are fullr
fully reeolrtwjlred to ^re t^rj
-^t. were abaolutely needed and that Inf^a^^ it wUl partake of Uto. for their Couatoy-. freedom. The
methode.orthat mod-louhan- will, nerer ac«pt autonomy.
. ^
i thaij
.the Bl*h achool waa i
they were needed at oaoe, waicu w« era aad popolar *dnc*tloa*l laeU- i»» matur how ample, a* the solution
the reaaau that Mr. Priadrieh had ord­ taUoa. Paper* eu anbject* la tbl* totlmir *1™**!* for iadepeodeneo.
Sun other styles being constantly receired, at
ered the eeata before the meetin* ef line, reclpea etc.. wUl by ooearian-j “Th# Cab*n problem muat be aeilled
the board. It wadtbe eaDtlmeiit ofabe aUy illnatratod by the prep*tatlon loaee for all.board that each mattera ahould come aad eookin* of toothsome deHearie*.!
-------- ------ --------- before the eaOre board for eonridoa- whlcb will be partokea of by the aa
tioB before purchaee.
pleie-layin* out of this eonrae of study
■“•»<» ^ pi,
make U*oa*. a rriy little coat 0
saiiau* 9ry Ondt. Carpet aad Oamat Esam.
bad ooudllloa ef the ceaapool at the;
perfected, yet euoofh we* decid
A food Iron Bed. br*»t trimux
Oak Park eehool. It wu* aeoacu
derided to
*« I*d
| .d in lb*
ibe afternoon
aftemooi dt»co«»ion
di»co«loa to ^ proIheannu*! meeUa* of Ihi Aid So- »bD eJwa’rood
extra rood tVo-eo
Woren WireSprinp
e and that the;
„ aitracUre wlnier'a work. A |
piral M. E- church ye*ler- , pirte for
wi. If j oe srant w«jd bc^
hare It cleared
eommittoe on u-.iu.wo and fronds i
attend the.* ; ^ nftomi^on the followln* officer*
■hould i.reall*ato the coadlUons aad
to all Trarerto I ^
^ l»d and an rxtr. *ooo opnn* lor
report at aa adjimmed meetin* to
w.imen. whatew their chareh 1 p^ideot-Mr*. Oriffla.
bald In two-reek*. It sr*. explained ;
to what-reratao-! ,,4-^ Pr^ident—Mr*. Shield*.
,.1 (
Jiil ATKJ'^
thht the srator .apply wa* entirely IB-;jj,ti„BU,,yns*ybelon*. Mr. Cochtin, ^ vice Preeldent—Mr*. J. Jameson.,^
adeqeate and eometUin* most be done;
1,1, ,jew of the matter in aa epl-; s*(r,Ury-ldru. J. O. Unfwortby.
128-132 Treat 8tr*rt.
to betterthr aanlury ecaditlon of th* p^nioiatic »enMoce; “A mao '.-eli fed 1 iteasurer—Mra. lAckey.
buQdin*. boperluteadaotOmwa nr**d ;
which, asonr think* of ^
------------ d-----------tfte aanlury srranfementt ihould
widen* out into a broad irofb.
^ ^ etownrda’ OonranUou.
.^ATleoked after at once aad aomeol^r
The-proaldeat Mm. C, T. Or*rThe Steward*' dlatriet eonreotiou
appointed the {ollowin* comm.tte«B: ' for the M. E. church, was held here I
when « better water supply ooold be
ViWTttie: M**4*me* Oriatt. Cnrtia.
oon with a food repre-1
Flour mAkeii the bMt bremd beoAUM
had. The *1,000 arurian weU on the W. Thnrtell, lioodrieh..Ebner.
the ehorchea of the ,
It hM the quality. Better get
fronnda aeem* to be a failure, a* the
Sxwixo: Keadamea Monroe. W. W. diatrieu Each chnreb la eeUUed to oar 1
stotor. while food, b too limited to be Dean. Kent.
delcTatc aad o»er thirty were preeent, j
Mmdamak Melntoah. Jobn- otoera b*in»- repremaldd by letlere«f nay praetknl eerriee.
Tmant Officer Mnrrin reported that aan. Hoyt, DotWn.
The chief boainem of the ateeUa* was
Pnoenan; MeedAme* C. J. KnMl^ to decide apoB the Preeldia* Elderi*|
Anrin* October he had fecud aarea
children failin* U attend aclmol, 14 a. Hontarue^ J. Mor*nn. b.tTDe*- salary and appoitioa it amoa* the
■ tranata which be had looked after and
I. Daamonl.
churchmlnthe dUtrict.
A ten-ceat eupper will be (Iren next
two fanllie* who wem too poor to aend
their riiUdren to school. He also eut- Taeaday erenia* aad othwe will be
Mr*. B. L. XellOfc'* Trip.
•d that In order to pmperly look after aaaoaaeedduriufthewiator. A tperiMiu. E. L. Kellof* will reUm today
the children who do uot attend school al featore of them .wUl he the aerial
U would take about half of ^the time time foUpwia*. and Ustia* thronfh from a three week.' rielt la eouthem
Micbiraa. WhU* awiy eh* aUeuded
of one officer. '
the erenia*.
of the XorthweaterD
Mr. Pybu* oonaldered that *11.000
Braaeh W. F. M. & at Jaekaoa. An­
ia*uranee for th* Elmwood and
other meeUa* of much laterert wae
TtnrdfnanareBneaeheoUwBa toe much
the tweaty-afth eunlTematy of the W.
F. M. S. atColdwater.of whleh orfanby Kra Ouetard of Mendoa.
Kellof* was formerly
bnlldia** could not fee ryplaced for
she baa aim Tialled at ^mer.
that amouBt he mnred that the clerk
aa Beclproclty day. Thqr* will be a La Port*, lod.. end other polatt.
aad pterideal be authorised to see that
short paper from one of the oUer ante
the iDsomuoe upon each waa reaewed,
club*, rasd by Mr*. D. E. Carter. Mra.
laitiattoB end Oyxtota.
at *11.000.
Alex. Cualaid. the prealdehi of the
Tbiwe will be a apeelal seeUn* of
The committee on boUdiafe and
Mendoa Woman'*Qnb. will eotertsln Dueheas Damp. Ko. 134&. Modem Woodfround* waaaathoriaed to aecure eetlthe ladim with .lecture upon Familiar
of America, toulfht la MooUfue
maiea for condoctor* to carry off water
('reocb Portrait*. After ad)oommeat hall. ThUmeetiu* i* called tor the
from the CenUnl balWla* and submit
a abort rocepOou will be held to five purpoae of laltiatln* wieeral caadlthe mme at the meaUaf two weeks
the ladieahn oppofiunliy for BteeUu* datea After the laitlatlou the mem­
Mrs. Caatard.ber* will father arooud the camp-fire j
-Buperlntendent Grawp fare a report
and oyateiB will be aer*^. A
•f mreral aou-rmldaul *U>d*Bta.of the
Hlfh school wh^ parenta were in artendanoe U derirriL
Comfortable, Easy
rcar* for tulilon. n* wa* aothdrixed Stora of Henry 8m»mUler Mat
CnoMd For the Wiator.
te notify thoae in aircar* that their
children mnaV be dlsoilmed if U* tollioa
Mitto Broa will clom thrir Tiriirt
not paid witWn tea day* after reBroker's office today, for the winter.
«rtrin* aoUoe toThat effack Be-eral Kidialey. waa eaterad Taeaday a
Frad Mayfield who he* bad cbar*e
<B*e* where paF^^i^i ^ tuilioa and *■ lotofboea aad about *1.00 to of the office for eos* Ume, wlU *0 to
for Boa-re*ldent pupil* had been ra- eaab atolea. Ko clue yet to the thief tttedo where he hm token a aaaitloa
faaed wa* reported by tte superintend­ or tbieecm
aa trarelln* ealeaman lor a larfe farent and in eome of thcee eaaes, where
niaUii* foods honea
Best Goods for $1.00.
it was shown that the pupil's parenu
wera *00 poor to cloth him or her aad
Mra. Golden briefs the RcoouD
where they were brie* eared for and •pray ofpmrbkmaom* picked ymter- Hra Alim WiUlama haa mored her
aent to achool by relaUee* ia the ciQr- day fromatrmioaMr.-Hivlrtaa' farm drmamaLlB* parlor* to Ut West 7th
Itwa. derided, to not form puymmt of on the Penlnaula. The trm la loaded
with Uoseoms, aad ha* bma la bli
the tuiUoa.
Tbe EqbyLlfhtClnbwIllmert Fri­
After the diaea^om of aomeieun for a wmk or sera
day oreuU* at the home ef WUUam
routiae inatten the board ndjoaraed
Loadem. W» E «lh atrmk
to meet la two week*.
F. M. Paine, thefloriak left at the
nuc: Baoaao otfie* ym|*rday aome elefant
(qteeimea* of early chiysaatbemam*.
The price of wheat la the local me
^ WBB ralaad to 80 oenU yeatarday.
For emae time only 7S oaota has been
Also Gents Box Calf inrisible cork Shoe at $2,50
Pork-Oetober. ti.TSK; Deoember.
The Juniors Lyoenm amt U 4h*
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Hlfh eehodi room after school yeeterr.-njf.
trd-Oetobab *t.U: Deem
dey. Aa latetaetiB* and iaetmetlm
•Right in Style, Wear and Price. .
Aa edrideat to the eafta* of th*
train cm the C A W. M.„do* here at U
o'oloeklaet nJfhtcaBaedadeiajofoa* tHfmaink.rri*^eb aik. Tra>*rwOarllUkstnet, Soath tHda




' iff® ni

Facts Upon Which Their Success is Based.


A Full Third

"*““rrr .




Inkcements., I The ‘Best’

Hannah & Lay Co.


A Good
Corset Waist

Pitting, Healthful.



‘ at Low Price of 50c


Ladies’ Box pd Kangaroo Calf Shoe for $1.50





mHIITS <5,000 MWBtS.


o«. w. n-Jp.
ms o. A V. X-for

J. W. Blhtor, the Beoee rmTBlaher.;

Qaioee WlUiama to is Uraod Baplda.
Bee. PaBBlaftoB toddaB(-hto m
at Lake Ana.
W. P. Orotaer went to PoAttae yeetwday oa 1^ haeiaaeA
Attorn^ A. F. Baattoc of Smpira.
ae le town ywtorday.
Toay Norotoy went to Orand^pld*
yeeterday to enjoy the cAralraL
Will 'Bioeeh went to Oracd Baplda
ywterday to atteod the wrairaL
Editor W. B. Ckmpbell «the Emd"
Leader, wae U town yeetarday am bael-

VotiM of Xeetlac or Board ef moTtow
XMdTpd iB AprU, IBM. '
mil TniiallBBlInn
AaActlMlorBtOOO dAmAfeawMb
The Board of Bertew aad baallw
.D> y-MrtAjr by Oeor»«W. Pb*lpA.
tloB of the Arc wardeot the city of
TrarereeOUy will meet la regular eeaTmot. r. ba» *jtp J- w. haww- by U* .Attonuyt DodfB A OmU,
.iea OB Monday, Nor. UV IWT. la the
U* Cbleaco A
i. W. Hawm. Biftor wd Mab*»«.
CoaacU room, from 8 o'clock to ll-.W
The PN>«* *"•
------o'elo^ a. m. and from l-AO o'clock to |
Jasm EAbo*. looi^ AiCMtot tie
r=a'=T'. ■■ ■■ ■■ 2 PbAliAWMbiJuAd while latheesaod eoaelder their etaumeate.
•f the eompeay. At Peteekey, oa
T%« Board ehall hare power to ^
IBOft. Be wee esAMoarthoao who wlU take Injho deacribe, re-raleeand re-«inaUw tbe
eereral partt ol a dcMriptioa el real
I OBA IrelebttTAia
^ prapertyV^t ran not change the total
and while at Peteakey in ewlteh- rmrairaK"
Toay Bartak. A. L. Joyoa. C W. ItoBat. ralBalioB of eaU deaeriplwa.
iBf r~-» bos can Bear the fre«bl Oink -Campbell, Morsaa aad.Jeliae
he nuMUted the ‘ ladder
City aark.
Pain-WUUam Lore. Jaoob Porieek l«-»l
of one el the can tor the pBrpoee of and Wm Bmltlr. aoa ot Mayor Hmlth.
eBoeBpliar It from ABOther. when hti
Mr. ABd Mra. Prod Bechtel wUl Iwre
body came ia ooataet with a plBUona
for Uraad Raplde thto moralac. Alter
which projected oot eo ae to come cloee eaJa^iW the caraWal Mr. Bechte. will
8rAis*A AMwer to the Uaited BUtee
.e eara The pUtforta
to the CohAB ooBUwrey hA» heea re- need in laadlBf fleh. Phelpa wae badly r> to Chleafo acoompaaled by Toay
Norotay who weot to Urand Ba|dde
«rieed. hot Ite terme wQl eot
and elaima to have reoelred
-V erUh Ue ApprwAl el the CohABA. The
yaeterday. They will be away aboat a
pertou«at lajoriee. Be etatw la hie
propo-M—.»• K””«* “> deelarattoB that ha baa boea enable*te week.
4he ol4 BpenlAh rale ABd It le viewed do aaytblaf bat lidbt work elaee the
M. Klaney, Jr., B. 3. Klaney aad
W the CobAB .Joata with diadAlB.
Arthar Prwae etart thto moralag to
It te ACAiB decOered by Uoee in Aolhorattend tbe Latter Day Aalau' ooarcnHty that the iaeor»eBU wUl aever lay
I«dlee Were Fleaeed.
tiOD -at Booth Beardmao. They want
dowB their AiweantU aheolBte ladw
The lectoreefireBbyDr.
>• flreB by Dr. Beardeley to eee the eoaatry aod wUl walk •
peadeaee isleeesred. The
^ popBlarliy each eren- a dtotBBoe ol aboat M mllea.
aeoM BOBeererAneadthAB
IBT. At StelBberr-e OrBoi Opera
tow the United -Btatee etepe 1b and
Boaae Iwt al(bt the doetor (rare bto
ahead. Whetevv the view* of
epeelal lecture to ladlee and
Pepitol, $100,000
CataAB rapportera, the aettoa of
giiU which wae attended by an aa- aad nomber. ^11 n« be <*t of pUre.
Uaited Btatee BOW will be looked tor
dlaaee wbleh nearly Ailed the heaee. and a little aueatloa to thtoeaggeetioa
^nrpluB, $fi6,000
drHBCh ealaable Intormation wae oonlireryerateD toeeUMiehed here la
Tn torifl pUeod bbob eoda by the eeyed and the mode ol proper Urin*
lOFFICBBS-rarry Haaaah. Prealdeal:
Diarley bdU ie already bariBAiag to eet forth la forcible and well eboeeo ehorv Ume.
A. Tracy Uy. lalViooPreaidenkJamea
Bhow ftMUjiag reenlta and in Mlehl- i.nymfo. The doctor wUl jire a aeeMoffma. tad Vice Prealdrat; J. T. Baa•Bd
(AB aloee a eoaeidwable an _
aah. Ckahlrr: Samori Oarland. AariatBad
will Bad omptoyBieatwhowoBldotheraatCaabler:
wiee hATC to aeek work is aaether line gire bto elcelag talk to ladlee only and
mEECTOKS-Jtorry BaAaah, A. Tracy
wl.lB^B*^- leBeoree, Bear Detroit, each lady la atteadaato wUI recMre a
Uy. Jamoa MorgAB. J. T. Baanah.
copy of the doetor'a leetnre oa Food
the UnltedAlkAlLO».U.Bow i
aad DigeeUoa free ol bhargeSamncl Uarlaad.
Bo heetwi the bnlldiad of ite ii
all Oolleetloaa aad
ptoat. whwh will eooB be eomiaeoeed.
When the toctory beflae to operate netregardlag
not appiar in the piwottnemiUr Teo{rely ^»oat 7.0«»aMB will beewpleyed. AaaodatiOB WOl Med tor BaatoeBC nraou wax riey bisarre in hl> dreaa and Itottor totoc Trareree City SUte Bank,
aiwaye afferted a cape coat ao^«faage Tr*reree City Mich.
Tkle U bet eae toetABee where protooFriday Mighk
wide awake hat. He wmil np M<ttfoed
iMBbera ol the Wert Side improre- cn a bright May moraing in.lMif to reto Ameriraa laborer*.
me>t AeeoclrtloB are retiBcatod to meet oeire faU doetor'a degree, which the
J at the Wood­ nnlrmaiyhad jari eaoftered Bpen him.
Tbat artealaa well'on the Oak PArk Friday erealBg at 7 O
Tbegtrat nnlrptrity ball wBe erowdod
eehool groeade torntohee aa asealleat ward bBlldtog oa Bay etreek near Dai' ritb arsdaito and riMurs to ibe topoBBlity of water, what there to of Ik row’aetorr. Boalaewof aoeclalJmpof*
ly a hanh fell on
Bleycla aepelrlaa a spectaity.
bat toe espeaditare ol aearty tanee to the Wert Bid* will be traneid a whUTcr wae
beard ererywbfrn. "TennyvJO—Tniaywhich it catadled hae not girea the ewmdyoemeoBt
acts." There be mood ia tor doorway,
viee demaaded. Now toe aaaitary ecshto JaU Agate iwaying from ndr to
dltom ol the bBUdiag wUl be a prob­ tola matter.
aide, hto cape coat aoUitKaiMl,
lem to tbe board el edncatioa UBtil city
with a pair ol white glore* that b
B. B. Au-T*. Secretary.
water to enpplled on toe prwatoe*. Bol
oily half drawn oa. no that the imAllcd !
au aUw-Mert'
in toe meantliae tomporarj- am
Angvr endi *«id oat oc hU l,anda. Tbe
Matare Favaw Be»ale OobbWpain- eajrire Frt»*. wi7 toe. PWem «l» wra
tansoaia. Mieh,/Oek <7.-^Altbongh rittmoe waa prult^od and
fal B* each one of tbe atemnl lase gand
frwt baa nipped regetotloa la ab
tboir All cn the really great man B«dall of toe eoBBtlae la Mlchlgaa. Bei
detily from cue of top topoura erota a
Klatstarial Ooi
, in toe Borthera park to lUll clothed ifa little piping voi«—aftriwarcl rtiwwtor- laCattorBMa.
Datoa Buwi. gear I
TbepregTamUont for tha aaBoal a beaatilnl green dreae. lilarirberrlea cd to be toat of a freehmae—ralhd ost;
meetlagof toe Or»nd Trarerae Dto- aad iBapberriea are bring picked while
"Did yoBT taotoiT call yon early, Altrlet Miatoterial Amodatioa aad Be- plenty ol graen trail aad Woeamaa may tmL d<ar?"
The effort may b^i imagined. TeanyTlral Cootorenoa. to be held at MaaLearea are dropping from old
eelaaa. Nor. IC, 17 aad IA Ber. B. L
Kellog prmidlBg alder of toe dtotriek
with difflcBity induced to retoni and
will apeak of the ontlook lor the year
receire in pnbUc toe degree that had
Attontlob! '
aad Ber. J. A. Breedy wUl dellrei '
bean oonfetred npoo him.—Town Tup-


“S-.- ■■

More to Gome!
r fortweyaara; It hae
Db. C H. KiBO—I hare tMed J;
a aad 1 can highly n
blooded aatota.
1. M. Wi*Bi*-l wo»M wear aotblag etoe bat the ••Jaroe.'*
O. C. Morrart—Hare worn the Jama Uadfrwear tor two a
Maas Caaw-BoBghttwoaaito. seed them two wiatora. and good yak
Da. 0. A. Holubat-I hare worn the Jaroe Dadwwear tor three
y«an, aad ereattog U yek perfectly wttoAad with ik


Bay Early.

It will adrance a little

later in the season.

Hamilton Clothing Co.


Bicjcle mil GoienlRepiir Stop


Xedemptlan ol XutSal«.
Tbe following rirealar toeaad by
Auditor Ueaeral Dls wlU be of enpedal
Bademptom freta tbe eala made
dram tbe toa record at the aanaal tas
ante in December. 18M. for tasee ol
18M or prior yeaia. mart be made on
«r before December 4to.l8»7. whether
toe aale waa made to an indlridaal '
toe daecripOon bid to the rtat*. 1
AempUen money eaaaot be reerired.
^ther by tbe eeaaty traaeurara or by
mu departmaak at any later date.
••On aad after Deeambcr «. 1807. aU
landa htd to toe etate at the tas eala la
DMmmbm-. I0#6.*ad not redeemed
dare that date, beeome ataU tas landa
and aebjert to aale aa aoeh. and alt
w»ji» arid to Indlrtdeato at aaid aale
arlU ba deeded cm enrrundartoarcafter
of toe nertmrate ot aale."

tMring, Mi«h.. Oek «7.—Tbe l
MBual apportionment of primary
II be toe
money to be made aom -wUl
Ingnt la toe btotory of tbe atate,
p«. o^ta bring ninny MBta
total about gW,0«. Dual May tha
oppro|giatfoa wae Bttg-B>v eaato par

thdt the mlmloa would cloee thto areaIng ba acoouat of urgent wert la other
parte ot the eouatiy.
"The Papal Blearing" will be glren
thto awing and aU CatooUea and n.
Ctotoolimare urged to be pteeeat
wltaam toe cloee ot tha beat mtoelos
rer giraa akSk Francto eharch.
Tbe eertnoa lartsraoiag waa fieea by
Fr. Bobtota, who took for hto eabjeck
> Adorabla Saorameat of the AlOatoellea baliere that Cbrtot to really
pramat aader the appearasnaa e« I
aad win*.
Tbf Bar. epaaker aherwed how maeh
arraUtade waa ahewa to Ood. noV
the belief that they profaaeed.
ipplied aeraral tceta that went to
show toat aome OathoUea an very negllgeut la toelr reltgtoa.
The adorable meramoat to the real
xmdatioa of to* cntkolio riiurab.

A Business Carnival!
------ AT THE------


A let of pleasure and i
not only old tariff prieee, bat more than that, priem way down below anything
erer offerad yet wUl be inaagaratedat the Bortaa Store thto week. Our mammetlr atoek ofDryJIboda, Ctotolag, Booto aad Sheet, Qoaka aad Ctorpeta we parchaeed betora toe tariff mlfoetod high prioea. Buying gooda In oaeel^ma to*,.
do. direct from the mllto, weeara you the middle man'a proAk

« m.

Specials In the Cloak Department


h.W.d -d


Specials in the Oiothins Department



Taaaday ereBlng eermoB. The
Tbe atton'aanee of all membm of
oeatiom was held in TraraiM City last toe local lodge of Good Templar* to demrto eoBBeetioB with the dtotrlet aired at toe nest regular meeting, Bat■pworth LaagBC eoBreatloB.
arday erealng at 7:10, Is Moatagn*
hall. BaecUoo of o»c«* lor the anBBOULDyXX BUPPOJtSSP.
nlngqBartorwmbetbeapeclal order
of barinma Quarterly dace are bow
Ab» Xe What OrgABlaer Bintto Saya payable to Hubert Northrup at Oty
. -Of Itooal Cigar XapBtoetarara
aewe ataad ia pert offiee. ArruageA. J. Bmlto of Braaeriaa, Ind.. to la meuta an being made for another UltheeityiatoaiBWr«Bto d the Ogar eraryeonteek ____________
Maketa' Dakm. Mr. Amilh to the oBWe Oen Beat Tbla.
«tol orgaaiiar of the bbIca and to here
looking into toe ooadlUoB of toe 1«ba1
Maaton, Mich.. Oek *k—Horther*
hraaeh. Mr. e«lth wya that be toanr Mlcblgua to nauaaally 'wall farored
priced that toe ioeal dealera do not gire thto year tn tha line of a good potato
crop. Bacbanan Depew. a farmer lieIdg eart of hare, to Aatohing a harrert of
to the city.
MO buifacU from one and three-qaartoca
maeh trade aa to cent away for giadea
af lanA
of good* not aa good ae made her*,
there would be at leart thirty mora
workmen employed her*.
He kaa
_mneh to my regarding the eseelleaoe ekFianria XlmloB Haa Bean Balpfbl
•1 toe cigar* made in Trarerae DHy
nbd InUraating.
woBdaia ifby /ealen pay ae much
money trf loraign maamtoetofara. bled la Sk FrauetocburchUrteTeaing.
which might Jert aa well go Into aeUro Much dtaappolatment wae frit last
rirealation In tHto riw.
Sunday, wbea Fr. Beberto aaaou


r SFwHsE

the esnartioo of a needle from toe
body by mean of a magnet is


Dry Opoda Department

m Krai aaU crew ptaumUsa.
needle lather right band whUe wash­ . WILLIAM HOOLIHAN.
ing clntoes. Tbe needle haring dimpnMceWtoJ.C.Tlaefc.'
poind la toe Acah. toe aaigwo who Pioet Bcmt. ispiwneeel tThtUaf.
ww ocaaalhd mrmal days afto' toe aocidrot refused to pivforu an operatioo.
fcaring lestbeabould be obliged to make
a largo number ot inriricna among the
liguiusta (d toe articolatliri. Two
monihe afterward the girl lost toe oae


1 to estraet toe needle
with tbe aid of a magnek drawing it
ioto.a Aesby region wbon an inoirion
fn-ble electro magurt. Imt a diffioalty
arOBc. Tbe needle baring mttered print
Ant, It would hare to be drawn oat
backward^ toehroketi tort in advance.
‘•The Arm trial 4aet<d two boora,
with abort bito-rala of rest, witoont
ibe UllIAJ
trial toe girl arid toat abe frit a prick­
ing in the tiala of the hand noor tlm
place wburt) toe megnrt had been ap­
plied and whife the needle onitot to ap­
pear. At toe tiinto sluing AbaUy toe
needle appoartd beocnih toe ikin and
rame oot whole, brokra <nd Ant. witooat pain and without lorn of blood. It
Ased itaeir to the pole of toe electro
magnek and the young Isnndrem was
puivd. Thii reenll—toe drawing of a
needle torough toe Aeriyr-ia very re­
markable. Id *0 bosn after toe Aral
trial tola needle waa exlne^ from toe
tnride of toe hand, after lying
more than- two mot>toB.’'-»Tr*ni
For Uterary Dlgrat


Goodyear Well
It's a Fall and Winter Shoe.
Ifa 8 Waterproof Shoe.

Shoe Departxnent
Up stain
Dooh at our Bargala Tablea aou
1—Womea’s Eangaroo. Calf and Kid Bborn..
No. »—Women’s extra One Kid Shoe*, for............
No. S—Mea’e Satin CHI Shoea, for............................
No. 4—Pieklng* of S> aad »« Bboea, for...

Qlftss Block.

Traverse City, Mleh*.

Six Houses and Lots

Cash or on time—Best chances in the city.
If yon want to bny, come quick.

War Be Wm Wetesme.
“Hen, Barry, la a dime Iw;
mid Mr. Harper to toe little brat
the one be lore*. ''Hare youeverbeard
Him B^e my anything nhout me
wbem 1 want brier’
“Oh. loti ri ttmea." retried toe yw
Hetvy Sole*. Calt Lined, Boll
Dog and Coin Toes. It’s s gentie*
"And what dom lb* ay, BsiTyr*
“She mya ehe'aaltraya glad to hara
yon oome ben when abe'a iariln aU
wore and tired.’’
“And." coottaned tha delighted
young man. "dom toe erer explain
atoy ebelikmwfaarameoameatsaoh
. W. ir.
Oo will mrayou tU tonesr’
retail agesta’ preAt on plnwne and er- - “Yea. She aff* yo«*re an eagy toa
gara at toelr Kanto Star*.
Frmit ean go to ale9 Bd riiU keep yoagaamrt^ y. E. Stwmg. manigar.
In.“—Omlandtgndec. WvAwr Bk-*

In Box Calf
In Cordovan
In Enamel.



Braiy botti* gaarantead. Tbe oriy 0»tarrb Medielnearad by Vapor Inbalatom. & X WAIT, DraggM.

Mayer's Mapetic Catarrh Cure. :

Fraokfriedrichi Misses’ lace or Bunon,

liBSlimK C».

w Ozblood Shoea. risca It to », e
' arild. te’ A& FETMAITS. IH ■


Shows on ths Horizon of Anglo*
Frsnoh Movsmtnts In tho


Bt, P»oL OCt. H.-A t«t*T»ni frw *ttonwr Qttr^l MeK«aaa» y«»i*rt»y
iwtllM Um *ivoni»r» T"
nl la tbr I'aloB ParlOc matter
that tlie ml« w^d ptw«d a* ortfUtdllT

Hs Wni Not Bo Invited te Qo
p. Thor* D) tho Fitends of
Horny Coorgo. •

...i the reoiwUaUoB cwamlttm that

l<M>e4 at Parti aad aa Koaally Bmpt B*-

tlcUl WUI Be Brt.1
. Mem au Tara i:p t»eer t^tarta** PaUay.


auar,m«d to the »»vm.meai u« fun
Uec OB the property. fSeawal Joha C.
t«aln. of Omaha, and ca-G«rervtr
Seorse F. Headley, of New Turk, were
b Ihe city le preia the taotloo (or
r a alz I'
tnatronemeBt. BoU
Chtraaa I
ern *tv<-B VuDday I.
Cuirln. Traterday
_____court for amii
of the iDoUaB.
IMator Trtlar Wrtta. a IMtmr aa tha •
Bowrver. yeeterday aftcTBOOB came t
oaaeral PallUeal hltaaalaa.
talezratn from tbr attorney (enetal •
Ke«- Y«»k. Oct. 17.—The campaUe '
Orrtaa the arUbdrawal of the moUoo for
the Henry <Jeor«e foro-ea j

ParU, Oct. Z7.—A aeml-oOclal MteM9t rerardiiiT the rrponad trouble la
Waat Atrlea vai laaued laat areBtnc. It
nua telesram vu preacmed to Judae
MPa: ~The heva frum W«m Africa lore-. Sanbon.
Bbadowt SMt aUDcuillt* IB Klkki and drcuit emrt
la Borru. The Kl««r compaay (BrltWiI motion
la aaadlBC olDcara there to tcclie rebelBy attpulaUon the aale of ibe
dlrlaion aaa eel for Dec. U. but
UoB aad diatrtboie anna to the oallrea.
the math line erlll fae'aold nezt Uenday
Omhha aa beratafore aanowiiccd t<y
from Basaral aa a preveollre ineaaure. Uaatef Coaunlaaloner Cerrlah. In apeakIna of ihla anioo. Oeoeral Coa-ln aaldi
Moraoeer, the BrlOih necoilaiora for a
erllhdraa-n lu i
aelUeiBem of the NIaer <iu«atloe bdre
'-teaB LB Parta for over a week, aod ev0 drvat Brilalo tccklnt


SJiTp^cotorcmctoVi iart Biaht d^
dared that there dore not act
any leaaotiable fear of compile
KikU. "provided the French a»vtnmoot behavea reaaoBahly." Bat. It waa
addad at the rolonial alBce. Great Brit.
Olii haa taken the detrnnlnaUox to mure
eifectualty police her territory and "If
the Fm^b peralai In treopaartni
pUcBtlone eclU Baturally etuoer

- .

Loodua. Oct. n—The Odeaaa c
voadent of The DaBy Hall, corai
Inc OB Ibe immenae crowih of the HuaHan BBvy to recent yeoxa. rapeda
traBaport'Teaarli. aaya; "Huaala
kolwy pour hundrtdi of tbooaaa
tmope aad the material of war Into
India by way ut the Buck eea as
traBa-CatuaalaB and Dacbeatan
waya Encland would be at an enoi
dlaadvaniacc If tnyolved to a war w.Uh
Rumla. while tbe RuaUna buaat that
In the event of a crUU the Ameer of
AfrhanMan would l>r on their Mda'
todU Tlltimmea FbU ef Flcht.
Simla. Oct. n.-OffleU advicce m*
eelved here yeoterday Prom Kharappa'
Aanounec that a lanrr foracinc party of
Brttlab troope Honday captured the r
lace of Rlmadlan and aecured a quanr
Uty of auppUea On retlrlnc tbe troope
aroea hotly follnwed by the rnnoy
within a mUe of the Biiildi camp. <
adowA '
of Inaun
ervaatog. and they are ufferlag a detrrutoed from la all dlrectlona. Tbe Brillab offirei. my the (rlbeamen excel to
gnoTlUa wartare and are wondcrftil
r Urge rclnfcrre.
are lulnlnx (be tnaurgent .
y oowncATATirEa oppooa KAOAgrA

Ratoe^ to Cwbn to Bra.


Havana. Oil r.-The failure
autonumtot pollcv of the new Spantoh
e apareni

o Cuba and have—a? to my—
washed their bands of tbe coasequencr.
wbIHi ma* follow if the governmn
Madrid peralsu to conylBg uuttbrptona
of Fremler ttogas'.A The cunsrrvaUvca
Mooday Dlgbi held a meritog to this city
loattog tour hour*, at which''several
Miisohm war* made to uppoaltlon t'

Ua> ntaht. after a Iona meellna. j

the Henry Oeora* forceo billeve they t and a
It of the diioao. otban at
a dbadvar.iaae . and i
luclunasaud othenaiillI afflrti^hat
to thl. reaprol. The* clalin.tbai llryao , **n»Uc tratotna eohooli
we besio >d die oa aotzi m
reha. dfcllned to
------------ - ----------------------------••I ahubld like to know,
Oueated and ronOdenco waf expreased to
Taremany. and Ihla they
poatos ooouaeL -whai do«sj
the official oraao of the unloo. Armenia
claim If practically a tilumph tor Hchiy
that ttaeotyr'
Oeorye. If Bryan were naked to come deeply de|-re.-aled. Lyiieblna. dilnb oa
“Or Watta*' mid Mr Web
to.Ihe tnlereoU of Henry Oenrae and ahipa ard railway! hod camblinc were Sreat dignity. “Tbe meanein
ahould refuae Ihe Oeottellco araue that the l■•pl^» .f other ree<>lail<wta The ab- to live waoU beph todia"
ft 'would reduce them to Ibe level of aolule abejiahment of the aoclal erll wat
r BoM on Uonday. The mie of the ' Tammany to Bryan'e eatlmalloii. "Of
Kanma dlrUlos it pomported by aareome." aald
r. 'If Hr Bryan d
and ao'ai
chance of proaramme la br^oaht
___ Sivea a *»o»nr iiat of them who hare
about, a Waahloalon dktalch my',
by the offer from the ayndleate to bid W^e wllTmert htol Jt the trTm
Laetaert cate A.tnraey Phal.n ..Id yea. far exoerdod tbe throemocc yeanand
the aaareaate of the whole eUlm of Ibe a bated and a proc«^don and mike bit »»"»»»• -T'-»hln the laM twenty-foor too. AmangtbeenuiMDt nnsMiatwCh*anverrment aaalbal the Unioa PaclOc Clay rml pleaaant But we tdiall not to- houra we haeerecelvedinfonnatlon that aiai. who Uvod to 07. Candine Hi-rt(dMil
to »«. dir W. lienckel to b4. Newton
vltr him. If be want, to come let him "“T
to, reveal Ihe i
to S4. Maty SooHCTiUe to *1. Hall^ to
be tbr Judae."
region reports
lofoimaBt oor^the location if the dly
be. Sir Uuuree Ainy to M. Sir Oarid
A rht^B OptaMa mt Haertma.
to which he'ilvea at preaent. bsl ft la
The Henry' ^
Bnwats to be. Sir R Sabute to 94.
within Nf mllea of Chlcaco. and the
Aay M«» F
tee laat nlahl Ifeued
Bouboldt to 90. Schwabe to be. SanCLni
------- to aa ex-ofllelal of the place.
New OrteaiiB. Ort. 17.—There were U ‘ which‘John Z. While,
to 91. and Flmteovlle to 100. Begolarew caaew or yeUow fever In thU city \ irw- to a Chlcaco dl.lrlrt Un fall, exof babil ocmdwxa to looervity in any
I Hra Luetcert within f
yootorday with 7 dealha; ■fr.tal <«ae» to '
“f Carter HarrlarB
walk of life, and it u a oecemity to ttaa
date, t JO: total dealhr. MS; totol coaeo ?"'> »"• •PPft>*cMBa
aaranooMr. Thia. added to tbe calm
imart. Kalchl Teraplan.
aboolutely recovered. 07; to
porvait of tboaewho atody tbe bearena.
................ —
— .-------. --------e--------u"''
CSiloaico. Oct. r.—In the council of the
the effect of laid wstobzlirltnitee It folely to the faciAhat Bar- | Knichl TempUt* of thU stole yealerday
tbe night air.
rlion waf
w.f "(he nin
Kin of hto fa(hef."
fathe^.^' mtite
White : Brand Commander Pare, In
to revleartoc : ioea and azpoouv
aaya (he Chkajro corporaConr uddihrtr u,e werk of the year, referred with pride
etore and the dcclora aay simply
tonuenee to elect Hamaon because they
,i,e (a>-( that tbe'erand rotnrnandery
flylnz -ardond and that ; *.......................
■ ««“« HarrIaoB haa ! «( ijimoto ranked fourth In point of
»‘n:an men.
Bombera The yrand recorder-; report
nev Thomka J I>ucey. poaior of 8t. ibowed rlx(y->lx canmanderlea. with a
iMal memb-rahip of »4W. The follculng
Georf^f headquarter, -that »rand officer, were elected: Commander.
wUhtn-thlrty-alx houra and the bea^^
h*. enfaged Cor|cr Vnloo for, a , jame. P. Fherwtn. Chicago; rveurder.
Officer, believe L-.
-----M ; „„„„
public meeting (hi. areBlng. al which Gil W. Barnard. Chlcagb.
reached Ita wora atagra ao far af Hem* | -^rtltleal hcualam"
be deonunetd. '
LMky itoe Fwairt Bha Gut.
phb to cencerred
At Bald Knob and p„a
of Henry CeortfeTaa !
Wtore Ark there atr aurplrkni.
___ ..._________
DMWinr. Ilia. Oct. If.-Walker Ofay
r. At T'-‘"
• -------------------.
Vcblle. J
new caaeo. no ,
«a,b >«, Ctolmefb. Tlrtbry.
waa arreated at Uarua yeaterday on
death. In four <ta}-.; al Uonummery. I
viewa of the varloui • charge of Iryina to caah a forged
Alq_ M new Can a 1 death; at Scrarlon. ' (»naidatea;.
money order. He hae confciaed to hav
Uiaa.. i: r*w caaea I deatbe;
Hurt J. Oranl—Van Wyek wRl be >“* laken ten .olcr* at Woldon poalLcula. MJra. !« hew cmara. 1 death: at rtected without qurallon.
«»»«« and filled them out to amounta
Biloxi. Him.. II new cave.: at HcHenry
Secretory .Clatk-Bcih. Low will be varying from »W to »M. He went from
lea.. I new ceee. 1 drnib
elected. He *« gat CM.OM Votoa. p*r- , Kenney to Hanm accumranled by Him
Uerldtop. Him. Ort, 17.-Dr. H. S. hap. isoioa
Vt'lll'-ainr. and 11 waa ibrtr plan to
Oullo. atate health effleer. to to recelpi
ra.—:.. Quippi, have no more go to Hu—url to J» married. »»■•«» [
- ---------------------i, ,oy way with hto |


Fresh Botter


Per PouiL


Ptr Dua. ’






ttn.ry OF SAFETY,...


Fire InsuraiY^e.

Cycle OfnersLookHere!
- !S

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.



mom dcpopuUUd.____________






-Watch Repdring.

J Abhoil-The George del

[ ly.

i ^have never aald I thought there waa
hope for Wowtalltom. -That to one

' rnUm toBlcM. riw Lower Htehina—Tkrmtnothing win
Ihe plain people of the oouo
- - urlr

-J . .
- . —-------------have
* ^"7 '
________ _______ into I
imany w.ath*raodMght
sad I
o fcrMkTwrtsUe wtodv
aiiTurlog Fu
please me greatly If be could be. The
election' ..f 'Tammany wlU nut todlcato
that the Demucrailc |>arty of the couB^
*® abandon allrer,
"The Ivmoctatlc party Is committed 1
""d »"• •■*«t.nus on that line. I
•"« the gvid DemuTat* win gu to Ihe
T%* oaperwtilitui thot'18
iniiu- wbieti to tiaued bock to a mcittl auoroa.
Ill dv- Btwtw with as many cuntiadicticais at
«c*de and debam the party
Tbe fact _______________
that,tbe borlc*tcnl as I0 make Ihe «ld llberty-loving ^p^, ----------- ;urted at
Itopobllcana leave It 1 expert ... — bin fire IB tbe Fanx Bazaar started at
u>totrgnipbed anarutmdtha
toe rvepubticwn jarty tn me tianat'ui ■ ■ '
the gtdd Republicans aod Ibe gold Dem- WOrkt whareos Uttle noOoe Uattramod
_ _
ucrau. aad under the dumlnallon
ati-1 ! ly NoBaes-s atoaem with II1
(he worst eirmeoi ever le : ooe time 9 was a dreaded number ia
Amerkon poutlca
, Ewpi.wd owing to tbe dynswic disa*
*'I do not care what yoar P-rujyl- I
«(, gU monaichi -«~e»d cd tbefr
.anto plalform sa*-. about
l» per '
Ethclred D to
cirvuWtiuB. OoveriKW
Oovermw .H.-ttox*.;
Kapole*‘. nomber ihroBfh aU hi.
all tbe RepubHcas IMOw* ..
. Ut* era* *. aad who. cobid wiab fer
stale underrtand that ptotfurn.
made to gel Into eOce on. and 1 expect ' faenar tack thaa came to Goody Two


Mowtogua. IIlA. Oct. n.-Tbe large
grata Merator of Toat Breo. at Haetm.
Dto, has beee totalfy deKroyud ^ Sra.
lAoa ni.M*: partly Inaurad.

The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Qraod Opera
House, and presente the best j
line of good goods cheap to j
be found in the city.

—John Verly.
—Front Street.

EDterprise Grocei?,

Jno. R. Santo,

W. J. BOB1K60N. II


; rrci; r«

.. S27T. t;;; "ail'

the VMted Slatm contained In Wtiod-



] ab.rlutehr .ure tn wm.
ha. made the f-'ll.-Ving avintninu-(
Cadillac. HIch.. Oct. r -Urw Hary j' •'^‘^•‘JOlearor-Do T expect
Wtlllam B. Soiaby. of Hlm'.mli pb c
UcKInnon. while uttertng a prkyer at i »lee»d
WTiy. ccriaMily. Hr
•ul at Ran Juan Del jjorle
Nortr illre>town>.
the Vclunteer armory wa» nrlcki-n with 1
«.w Tkey rigaiv It Owt.
Nicaragua; Wllltagi K. Van Rerpmheart dinmsr and to a few moments waa i
Whoever rtiall be the vlcur in the
general and chief of tbe bureau
m^iictoe and rargery Tnlted Rule,
pronounced dead Her prayor.tbe tenor , m«ror.«y cOniem Will win by a pluralof Bhlch wa. (hat "ai Ihe bert we have
-Hr 'nie nn.y. Tbe tcinl *oie may be
tVltoon n. Gay. tltoled Rla(e»
but a ahrrt time Un ihb earth to prvm<tetoo- «f the Clttoen.' p,,„roey
fer ihe dMrId of Watotogtun.
pare for tbe wvrfd to .•nme," wa. an
amwrte that lujw will win with .
ImpomtonMl ard eioquein pica to tbe I
Van Wyck rerelvinic m.«m and '
»» Melewd U the Ovatoptoto
young people, and w hen about to rlooe. < TVaey and Genncr IM.OOC each The Re- ; TiuStonapullw Ort. n.—Dan UrlAcd
after calling for a blrming upon all I pubUian claim I. of nO.OOO for Tracy, won the cbamplct.hlp of the world at
thoae present. s*i- erteJ "Jesus, mve
for V.r Wyek. «.(•* for George heavy
catch - a* - catch-Tagi
and «.0«0 fur-Low.
. w-remllng tost night from "Farmer"
Bishop H ft. Potter In a recent arttcl' Burnwbefute as audferce of l.too people
urged all gr««1 rlltocnf to register. It at Ibe Granf Opera House. He took the
Braaliw Jtorit -a la a nut (bal (he bishop him- flrst and (Mrd falls' to S and 17^
San IMego. Cfl.. <vt. r.—I'nlted Stat<
> wtontog tht
aeir haa fail'd to regtsler.
Senator Murgah arrived here Hondi
evenleg «nd iinv-eJ^d to Coronado. T
Dmib wf MWbart Brand
mnator v% a« not fe,-’lrg well and cona
Chicago. Oct. r.-HIchari Btacd. c
not deemed advtoabl. to.
tender'him the r*c<ptloB that.bad been
atrungvd In bis honors Senator Hor­
an's lltoem J. mM to'be due to a cold. btartag on poUtKal cvndltluna gooerally ' nenlly coEiiected with brewery tattertaU
tbe west, died yerterday after a tong
>hlch lAcausbi c n the battleablp Oren Ihe ho- ; by Wllltora WlibHm. reprrarntatlve o( . lUness. aged 4> yeara
gon. A lelr.phor.e
auffertog ! tb. Republican SOrer party to thtocoau- ;
Among ether thing. Teller i .

Uv.' party abuuM energetwaUy uppom
sraai McKlaley.
■s. le KlU
autonomy aad the pulley of the SogaMi
oabliisl to thto'dtrvctloa.
Sencr FratK-Uen de Iqy BaBtoa Goaa Icadtog conaarvallv* and depuiy,
ugly agaian the new pol- oua trouble for Preeldro.i McKtBlay."
the E
nmeot. ctomint wa* Ihe aulement of a ma'p giving tlfc j
.It as -polUkal
Tbe speaker name of Caeorge »chold.-r. of Ottfr.creck. ;
■miy crIUciaed the Madrid guvtni. fa. to Senator Hnaun's law officer f
mant tweauae it had not availed Itaell
of Ibe -geBUlee and hlalortcal represenUUoo of the autunumlsi jarty. which
haa remained loyal to SpolB during.the tag w&at he deatred P n the prealdeal.
war to .pile of the Insulu from the
Tb. WIN KUUwg noetoid Again.
lobel Juntos of New Turk and Parto."
,BrmaU. Ind.. Oct. n.-Newtom Kemp- I
aasening that tbe goventmeni was
fer. a years old. shdt and killed bis!
availing luelf of the arrrlrea Of reform. we* -t the home of her grandmother to ■
lata who bad
suddenly iranxfo
tounrtlK' yesterday.
- "The appotoinicBl
y had been n sprlej
Beoor EBtonu<lr.o d- Aaunlii.'. who 1
but a year, but lived uabappUy to- .
miirtary geaeral/dorlnc the adrahito- gather. Be asked her to live with him
tratlon of General Callc-Jc to Cuba, and agalD. She refused and he drew a re- I
during w hom term of oBlcr the eoomry
rolver and flrvd three shou at bar.
- :
bod been "geeatiy agtlaled with ro(orms." or a campaign to that direction.
Tbieato «f Lyaehlag a theto.
Details of Ihe ktWn of General CasPofttond. Mkh.. CK-L n.-A tramp
ttDe. a noted rebel leader, are oartolly giving bis name as WUltom Itottun. of
auted aa tollcw.: A Spanlab fere* cn- La&slng. attemi.led a criminal asmult
gogvd IB aacortlRC a convoy of prorto- >D tbe 4.}-car-c4d daughter of A. C.
Joaa waa attacked by the Bomero branch %rnwning Just at dusk tost hlght H*
or the iBgnrgpM force, pelnforccd by the
IS caplutcd an hour later and to now

- neral Castillo. ~
Jail He Was followed to (be toD by
e guard
ard o
e Spanish
•ztremr adv.
ancty mul. and (breata of iyimhtog
we made. There appears no Ukrtlhood
n to retreat and eventually seek refuge to the hUto. There the 1n•orgents were pursued from bill to HTTI
D«» Motoce. la., OoL
S7.-Tb* j«uby civil gitotd* and zvenluany Genrral
esse court declarea that while no tow
Castillo fell with three olbeca suffering
nmprU i.lcyrltou to ui* laBtem* or
Crosn build wounda Ib the midst of the
lelto at night, wbeetmen emheut them
•ftat Captsln MedeL of the SpsElsh
could b* guilty of cuatrlbutory oegUtrwga. cut down and killed Rcaoero. tbe
two* ta ase of aemdent.
Insurgrol leader. The wife and diltdren
of Castillo are undetateod to be Uelng to
New Tork- After the tody had been
Bmporta. Kan.. Oct. »7. - The AUfemtolly Identifled. tbe remains otOcn.
AraertcaB Jtgxrcsatlon received a terr1«tasday In (be cemetery of Coltou
ble denbbing here yeaterday at the
Tbe to>-l>h«eWto hetman.
hasdi of tbe ex-chtmrJons.
Watolngton. Oct r. - CosOnuatlon Baltimore. M; All-Americaa. 1
from official sources Is given that the
. .KetostoeBf^yOeeee*.
Mpwwtoti authoHlIes at Madrid delleerea
Madrid, Oct. tr.-The Spantoh gorernto IFoodfcrd Honday ereatag the an­
swer of ^joto to (be repreaeBtatJana of BMOt reftiae* to fnrnlAb fur

UMtad BUies mliiistsr has adetaad the
MRhogtUsB hat. oa tb* aBKBttol tM7«M Of tb* raply. It wtD bat b* mod*
H«Hle m «Kb*r Md* «< tb* wator nCD

HoroBlo. ObL. Oct. r.-Taaterday
the lui day of the World-a W. C. T. U.
OM FO«r Oyatara froai UeLallaa A
eoBvenUoB. 1b Htu wmarfa teenpo- Aak.
llM7 ara freah from Baltiawra.
rary alioenee Mlai Aanaa B. Black preaided at the Kondns aiaMoa After the
raadiBC of the report of Hrt. J. K. Bar.
Bey OB •• ChartUWe aad RafonBatorr Work" ax hoar of devoU^ttal vurfe
waa iBalltuied. The esecullvr eommlitca
ally bo woold iBOodDoa a bit of taamoc
then reported the folloatB« ecerly elect.
rery effeotieely. an t&Msce of which
«d otBcere; Honcrary prrsldeot. Mra. M.
C. l^vlll. Uoatoo:
Hlaa Tbo Uftam Baa aiTrnao foUowa:
Daniel WelatBrVbtM to foil praecioo
Fcancea E. Willard. CvanitOB. nia.: rlea
pre«jdeni-a|.Ursa, Lady Honry Somer- waa employed to ttefrml the wUl of
Baser Ftaktoa of Hi^Aintoo
A phyM<in rnaife affldarit that the leotator wwi
OonJc*. EvaBitOB.
«mdi with death wbm be ei«imd tbo
treajuber. Mtaa Mary SanderacB.
will. —
toaBMMttbaraagh ezaminaiiuo.
the AnatralU
the cornSi',..;V”

toSuence of yoar si .ti given Shoe, cr than that ^lieh resolw
and that of your wwatora and tnemtori etrara from hariag two aoingi to yoar
Ixrought to hear on con- how?
grou to
Ire Ibe grevabark;
Tbren. wbhffi idaoe Um daya <d Fyueaaary
and let tbe -toRks ani thagegaa
haixbaeo tb* dlTiae msmber,
banker, of the courut Usue nh.tever i ...................................................taixariahly
u to
fegtapaper money they thtok the country
bteaaie three.
torts and that l«ue will thru i- de:et.
mixed by the totrre.i of tbe hanke and : *^ •*« *^
„ I tbraa. but to alto ! . tha judgaate
boBkcfa, and not the tntercst of
the people Tbe Agbt for Ml- hade* aad tha bead* tffUegtanu. TImb
eer to still on. sod w ill i»^Btll we get e tbreosre tbetwotd* c« threedUIoyai
rtghtson. monslarr sysirn.. and that we tribe* in WeWi hiatorr. then or* tha
never will have unill we get oiwnmiiue thm robber. 4n Grian's bait; then
for gold and silver at a rate to be ea. wen tbe three tynata at Atbcaa. aad
tabllshrt by law.''_
S la mythology is as onlocky os it
Bryim Gees to tfir liata»*e atoto
Udtrlae. JaM socleoriy as it ha* been
Cblcaro. OcL r.-WItnam Jenrlngs Mmws ia tinm that tbd nalacky I
Bryan arrived to Cbirago yesterday aft- oan be Inoky aad that tha plaareu
wnooe from Uncoin. Neb He did not e (M be oapleeMaat the fcdlowtot of
twUfy hto Cbicage fitendt that he was
Ota lata O^Mia Fowkrwoold abow
to pare ihrnuzk tbe dly and so dM not
that tha tialaoky II gob be tha loekiaat
geadve such a Peeling as he might otharwlre bsve expected. He left here earty Bomber thn i*. 60 we may ae weU
regret bM dajBftarA whila wa wUh
- .

B, J. 3Sd:oiia-.A;isr
^-e-exwe OiV3c,






raaM STOM T»« EAtTUW MAmigTg

Also ererrtbiog io fhe lin* of

CkndB j^pUy delirered. Ordeig by Phooe given .quick attentioD.

If You Have Logs to

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mijl Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.


UngeriRg )Vinter Makn a Start
arid Lands in Coiorade
with Both Fsst.

KMMbS Uk* 1

- wm.
b Cmtmt timu KxMlr.


It Hm*.

« MHi

Ortppt* Crwis. CoJo.. Oct- 17 —Not ia
>«ar* ha* ihrre bo«a aucb ■ biluard
here a* that «^hlcb proTalU at the prea.
eat lime.
Kish winda that carte ia
atrtak* like wave* of a trphooa ar*
drtfUtuf Ui« mow that make sJdewallt*
to pU,\i almost lmt>aaaabla. Tramr oa
railroad* 1* suspeaded aod Idepbooc
irtmare down. Canons are cAkid allh
anew and ti.l* impoMiid* to so« 100 f*e^
on accoant of-lh* bltndlns storm. Caa>
•idprable damaso to property baa oc' Impeded b>- the alarm which has been
taslna 'fourteen bourt and contlanea
fanoualy with no alsn of abatemejit
noon. The Weather la very cold and It
la feared tberv wlU be creat auSerias
amoQK the i>ocir.
0»U> Heraa be Ortae^.H Coital.
t>enver. OciArtde from the ttem.-i.uuus IncMOvenlBDce caused Uie pub­
lic and private tateresu the *t..n« of
Uonday night ^ yesterday
nroustat an Intrlaelc daniase la the city
.of Denver a'r.d It* su!>ur>i* that Is conaervallt ely e»unun«d tc U In exceas of
tlOO.soo. Of course tbouid the Sturm
continue ae.vrral days tbe amount will
mulUply Biany ■ timea
The eatlmale
of damace Includes or.lV the eeml-publlc concern*, such as the electric light.
teJephono. ti-lea-rwpb and strvel car com­
panies. ' 1< U to the wlm.and iKiles
that tbe Krealeat barm ha* beea done.
City Klectriclan Stem aald ymerday
aftem,«>n that probably hOOC poles were
down,In Denver alone and upward of
4,two mile* of wires.' Oeaeral Maitaser
Field, of the Cohirsdo Telephone
pany, rstlnmtod the present damage to
Its system at CO.tW. It would'be gtvater. be said, hut for the fact that In tbe
eeniral lairtlon of the city the i-nmpaDy
had reoently* placed many of It* wires
under gmnnd.
Ballway Tisvrl Kewfiy rarmlySsd.
With the exce-piltm of the Kock tsiaad
the Kansas I^flc. the Colorado Cen-

ing Into ivenver were compIcK-ly blocked
all yesterday. .Snow plow* were brought
lato active aerviev on all lines, but the
crack* became cowti-d wiih snow again


Wrtma Lsater. U BlmwU.
John ntokwltb. tbr wurvbnowstsn.
Bbe had a voice like a .Br«. and
racTlTdd a lemTilu (xbm(UyeddTnM- -«'^*Leaai«—

and trees belas blown' down. Utile
snow ^ell. but the wihd attained a
velocity of fifty 4iamUn from the north
St 11:U o'clork a. m. and Idew dowa all





Om Hat* B,1y PMSad U lb* WiecA on
tie Mew Vuek Oaliwt.
OarrlsoR. N T.. OcC n.~Tweaty lives
are now known to have been luat In
Buiday'a accident on tbe New York
Central railroad, and eighteen bodies
bave been found. The body uf an unknoa-n man was rcooverad’ yesterday,
as well as that'of the Aremsn. Tbs
day coach of the ill-fated train was
raised and In It was found a victim not
hitherto liuluded In the Ust uf dead.
The engine was alao brouabl'io the
surface, and with It the bbdy of Flrw-

Ever Burned Out?

OeMnl Benedict .AnoM fotmht s edinaronnd basuKeatuuidaitdleariiig Kid n^ set*, mad gri acm. thsa^ hw a
t-n .i...
j.. o.
aelDcar KUbttra WeUa iB ITttl wltL tbe Oakland puaitark. Hettlaomlai ,
fotmbuad rvfleUirely
a s
l«d Umdardaln. wba sftw
AntoldIt. rhbbed
Biamd hicB. tvfnard either to ftae or U>
•pedoKue. aarti4; that if tba grtxnl
ntU he wax, in lb04 the tnrlmlent

Why did yoo do thatr* a*ed hia,
pertoer. -nal mipbt hare tnuainedl

tnotneOt and

laid QainaUotd. tbe sytnmetncal artangertnnt of whisw wliitw and sticka
ov«-blachuv«TI>>«« t» deaertbrd by
Bynai. "FVyj the thick hhidenB to

•>JmikiM mya Ucydee are nm d«aho. itdidnt. J wnse it myatti.
Motti than ttoller
tbe habit of wiiiuigUt-'
•Are yoa
you iu
w,...*. i.*.
tern to yotumlfr'

If aoyati know
tbe value of

wlt^ opmlm tha ,ttAK)tintoateccrtdB«tMt.aM*eWB»t
adiy eye in the fotBL-Tit-Uitt.
---------------------------------fysOs of a «foaa OMp.

O. P. CARVER. Acau.


Suits to Order.

tbe taper iwitoh.” lost bU life to-a“Ve*. He got bit hf •
«r I
dael be owed to a ruagvaaoe de femiirt. wnttup that .r,.eurtay a^ *°*'**^ «> I while big bead was tattled watchiiw a Pintt
CKtoato B«t bad oaagbt d.abariuw
nitotd Symoodi in tbe act of
tnud. »w® «wd puari bontma aud five j
and kiokad bu face td a pulp The 7**^*
haarrl^ah that I faatw ftut to go
Spsetol Oaraiva^ Sgeuntoit.
pptn-a wife wrote Uamelfcird ai) aDoiy- *-'™ *'
»'»y "«*« t»o»
moti* U tter t.. tell hUD hi* tniod Bt«t
hadalandnod bim A davl wa« fuuiria
with pistaU I they wm> tbe two beat

* »>««• »
to mymlf ahaat
Ia aAiiUoB to the oM-fare for r
««*vihin* 1 wanted u. natMuber
rip Oct. ISth to 19th tba <J. &. A 1
«" toiil it for two week*— —. s*'. m
^ 1^1
Rapids Friday. Oet. toto.
abota to EnglaAdtaud Caiwlfiad tcU *''r»Uvt.«» Port.
Leave Travrne City S:tSa
witbamanalwouud '-'Ynabarekillrd __________________________________________ _
OadUlae .
- Beet,"said tbe d.rui|t mBB.'*bot|
. Tbe budy
Reed City
Kveaieenih aptv Uii- wreck ! the fault i* wholly
I n-iieve you
illeih knuwa vlcUtn.
lofaUtbeWame." Hot Bum of mattiro
tflat of a maa 3t years uf age. dark
I Grand Rapid! 11:15 a. m. Re-|
with a dark, short mousuchw He was
tamlag. special wUl iea<m Uraad Rap­
dressed la a gray wouiea shirt, dark
ids for Traveiae
blue'vest and trouseri. a black necktie
and yellow aocka
G. Logwood,
Tbe shoes bad beea r»mov*d and so
«. P. A
had the .coat and It was tvIdetit^tUsl
wtw eic^d
.mlaa^ Fox And ut tuTiur mid apdo- •
x. B. Spianey. of Detroit, alw
came. In on* of the
ket* of tlie v.wt
Xoti^ to Ts^to
proprietor of Kecd City SaaitariuD. is
was a wallet r.mtalnlag ax 110 bUla. a
t“ lisdto, ■ coming to yoor town, where 1 « wid
I will br in my oSoe daring the.
■ _
e hiU and a caaually ln*uiwnce com­ towaid the end erf the last oentmy. a reioAiB for one day only to pire tbe
pany ticket. su<4i a* I* sold at .ralln ad dnelwaafottgbi bccwcee Wam» Bart-^ nick axf opportuiuty to consult-him month of October,I*9T. Vo rreeiv* city---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,
slatiana It Was made nut for the usual
not *c«
and Sir I*hilip Fiancta the latter • thaf CaAaot
ace himathiat^
him at hia Kanliarii
sum of tSJ-'O la case of dmlh.
T troaudwt -Slsortly
curiousJv the name or rather
irieace be baa bad to treating weninys
• ■
afwrwarj. iu Bomba/ Ldtd MorattDey
oing* from
7 o'clock
to 8;5<1 o'clock.
aamcouf both juiyerand l>enend
uuiLmiru .-1
•xnucii i.aSontc,
'"*= *i*«=**«*
mMnc "nie •aid read »o far s r.,uld and Mr. I
af WkiBsstV’

See Ouf New Line

iHiPicture Mouldings

OB. SHNHET 5S.,'saJ3?..%r.




Eipidi« liidiiM R. I

7.7, ‘"‘"s

I- Actli.bertd "Ike It” as the
purA.tser'a name and "Mrs. 1-7' as ihe |wrwhom II was
hr psid
las Uamed later. Il was Isaac
UunmlsTf;. of Cleveland. O.
>'Xprvni car was ale> rained -and
ife* found all right. wfti> all the
valuables except a atnall package of

Th. l.m^l rf *i.t r„nsg that AtK too foo* To rav.
AUthatheatoa in return i* thaf
at night is the |nu>(co
htd Lino . every patient wUl wtate totbclr (rieada
ton. at Boitobui. M)d''auixirtuif{ the the results obtained by hia treatmeat.
* and deoouditJuos of It bofari-toind ib a pnvalo' AU form* of cbroaicdii
. . —a ia t’
ran uvevachop, uatabi^gde cuo>nr*

liMBpvCaiuiuigwua seriously wound__ fta* ^d aach extended ex
woun .H- auu i.A«uer«KU met at «t-

TOrSTat” AN*D *u5«i

«f- >**
; *.■..**. r*. l.».
Ar. s. g. ' r. a.' rj>.
ll It (OU Tr*i.i-uy ; -J. . I m ert
Dated Oet. 7. Tav7.


1 10......... ;
X ae . .. ; K--4 «.l

Shota la ; Ol^Alra’aa^e d*Tor!^ He ^^VdoAUecneja at Law..
oriwaei tioary
37 yt^rm
^ oaci
dad brlwmo
Heaiy orartan
Oratum aad
j^ri ago
^ fre
from Oevelaad,
• Pwsl^toee V
Mr. Corry a
thv 'laocr'* Ohio; w4* ■■
15 year*
in feaers'
■ sbatterud
ear* in
. KltU R*pC>

• .......................................................
• jr that lectnret
lectnred a* Pr
?7 -Ahcnff ■WIB)^ ‘
______ ________ tny aad Phykiology
Pbysiolocyia Detroit
' InxkKAW'.
.! for 2
Mocker with .llsiwt^' frwU' name ,.M<*«tto« Chrmiiclc. when ..... (IwU Homeopathic Medical Colley
itcadeht of
ib-OrtAM .
Wacdoti Wilcox, aiaitog that he had had 1
«ch*agtd without ,yt*uU. The
..iDat-l. M.C
a fight with Irdlans wh«n\ hr was try- 1 «gb«to(r i»i
experience, combined with many
. . awl’aaww
ink'to arrv*i. and that feur or five of the
latter wcr.- kllK-d. The sjal-d ' Batoeitoni Tbe M.umiag Foxt.'^S
that Warder. Wilm* had gone to IJIy both. A dead shot, uud wuh what hia tog thousands of chronic eases, ha* /t tLBEBT a UATX8. AUonwy* 'BpcctolavL7 tcDil<soicProa*iepr*eU(*. teowsewed
Park to arT.-*t' Ir.dlsre who hod ------------------ mriva
pnrfUgate prepared him to core when the rcneral M McrTwmllc CO. Bta-k.
keen re|wn.-d as killing game. Warden . ________
be wgs imwt sncivsalal a* a uractitioher fails. Have voa been sick
DRTOK. g n.. Physlctoo a
Wilcox t(u>k - --------, --------------- idovlirt He"plnkLd-.'”Ki*:hiiuKFitt- for year*?
Are yon diseonraged?
-_______ S*. lor«l*e la TrarriM O

'?!pw»l<t"*Mr.Tvtn|Jc.B.vimaKUim»- CalUnda«n..wewinteiljtmwhetbcr and wiUauetx:
prowptl; 10 all day o* *■<
alwvt thirty
found «iune
TratosretntiMn paeln-s^ Ora^.fitie _
lo Ihe .•nmt'wr.d wse ! f'«»l «»>•«• ^ met hi* match at
dl.n* He
“ CAjdain hUgh-y Rnbiiuou. who
r-A“l:emember, One month Wilt be 1-tU.* HOLUDtY *Wll.BEIiM||A II. Bui-| . Vkm'Ft. Wsyns.Ofaixl kspid., Deteuli iadff
try ing i Irrtlu. - h.- ladinns
to the reoervuil-m
when a
In the pive him a wvw wound, balvwboui itMolatclr free—netlicinc*. aurKical
M. D^’^i»vr^5P^”odl2lB*»lai^'BkS-l*^k^^'rrtg*t oabrw»ehwrTlve*atHiO* m.
Ihe ..fT..
<mirt n
hentoowimiidiaL—AldmUill Na^iaiue. operation*, and the beneht of all •
ilemert which fi.Itowed Cap-'
who are too poor to p
‘“*’1*“___________________________ - c. m. MCkUAV. A-em.
■f Hear Hlvr. was struck a
Our methods of treitmcoc^all th« i*
Bi^ a
.»• en the head with ihe bulk
(’■mntji'-vuur.'OiSceFrisdrict. Muck.'Pboae. . ,
, —............. - ■
. .
—1 wa t t« take JBIA
the hand* of nr.e ■«' the In
abd <rtos. to.
dlsns The r.fneer* ihirklr.g ’hey were
Dt«ti»(—It I
I, -t Usual to admtoiaII agents in'ParaIvsia,
Loss of Pow<
about lci4>e murdered, ..|s>f)ed llrcor. the nr PM fur *m'b a smuiH tuulh. 117 b# -Rhea-natism. aod all diaeasc.
diaeasra of the
, T)R «
Irdtsi;.. Wh-c ItTmedlsIely took to the b won’t hurl yotpftir an
Go early, aa toy
bnisb In'lhe their reserva’•Yuu're ptd to pive
.• pa*, or 1I «-3cc is____________
Csrcers. Tas
on WierffTAVIIhee, ef Weelier. to jhom
wim't hayv It ont."
-» esn-Abr a ese
■ ird was at nnee'eent, tonli a p.sse and
to S> dan
dST* witbost
tbe k*i(* Fcsisle
•‘Von rhdoldu t bt “O afraid of b-ing
■srled for Ihe srene of the tmolile
diseases ol all h-rts* tn
tnated **cburt. Now. ail up liituv Uwe a UuU- *..isi:r. MtnTpshMisthatcaaaot
tringychi r«.u MibwaeXww.
s r.nBecsob«cared*t«ar8*Bli*|li
SABli^Ba.vhlcb TNODT.E A rovku. Atuney* asd counsel.
s4kal arflil.wsvr XJ lues ai lav. oArM.OItr Opsr. Bouse Uk.
Oevelard. fV-i. -T-Preslder,i Callo^'t afwd if being bnrt. bat I
mt far board ssd
ay.-of the lAke Sh-.e roHway. mid •rptxt I ataall screech when it ootsm y'e »<nef tbe Ptoesi ol aa; saaitarlwB or bo*
yiwterday that hi* r.m.rnnv would f.ght
pltal to tb* Ualtad Stats*
»cnj ihcS-.
m 11 ea g*-Wlfsnac led
Kgtoember, we pive a wr^en cuir■That won’t aa«er.”
Ilch'-can legl-4atUfe. lie deh* Ellch'-c*
mtee 10 care every case of FILES and
Ye* itwtU. All tbe boys I ever,
msiimilonal and
s >Ksi II I
R’JPTURE. Alao. we t tve a iTinp-ia
methe legn.1ature ha* iram-.-ended It*
u.rsnitai department it oor Baaitar
IS 7«...
lum'. t^nd for Joama'.










Railroad rvpcuYs show.-d tl
LS general througiteut Ihe.asU-m half
> section of llie anithem ji*n of
e snulftiTTi lart nf Wy.*
and the western halves of c< braska and
Caald Xo( Me Arrow the AlreM.
' A message fi.iin Colorado
Slated that Jhe snow and sli'ri were
blowing so fiirlnuHy there that to ws*

ahelier fheir stork, hut-the fsii
peraiutr to not mnalderrd by experts
great er.ougli to endanger Ihe live* of
catile. The city was In dariineas last
BlKhl. as the mayor compelled the elecon accr.unt'%
The health deioulment Is of the opin­
ion thai the at.irtn will prove of lB"Stl'mable Ismellt In kffiing Ihe lair garms
of disease
RAiN^ wiMt. ntentr



KobrwAa ^ SoatirnnkotB 1* IheOtaepof
a Ilwiiip BUkasrA.
Omaha. Oct. K.—WrmJ was receive^
laatnlg):! fr-rni many pMnts m Nebraska
and South Dakota to the effect that the
storm ef mi«u. ileu and rala that ha«
been UavtlUig ewsiward lor ,iwemyfour bout* still cur.tlnoe*. The Burling­
ton iralnk are delayed and -the Rock
iNaiid tram* brtw.-in Dymaa and Col, oudo Bpring*. Colo., are l■kK■kAded.
. East of Grand Islaad. along the I'niur.
PaHIU.. the elorm to noa; w«i of
there II to mliialed.smiw and alecL Oh
to* Elkh.rt!. te.i- the snow turai to rain
-cato ol Len<g i’lne. So tar Iht ratlruada
• ^■ee/'iiiy slightly bainp,red .Jiy
;» stdha.
st*m- At JuleNiurg.__
JuleNiurg. on__the Union
Itorltlc. two engine* nBlldrd tn the
' C saow.
doing but silghi dsmagr.
The Oieis
e Buffered a brskea
Tbe worst featurr of tbe storm to the
bigh wind, which to ptoylng hav.w
tbe telegraph wires; commuijlratloa I*
badly Interrupted and la many places Is
cut -off cnttivly. In Bomb Dakota the
aame v«nd!cluaa prevail.
A meaaage
from Huron rtys that rain that fdi
there all day turned to anew at nighttoll and atm continue* From Miller.
Aberdeen. Bloax Falla, and Mitchell
rtmttor dlipatc-hc* are rWelved. No rala
baa yet fallen-la Omah* but tbf bi>proaefc of tbe storm to manlfeat by a
rapid fan la tbe temperature and «
gUff gale ttom the north.
Chamberlain. 8. D.. f>
wfakb bad beea •teadlly tolUag for ,«ftcen hour* yesterday roonlag turned to
scow, which fell beamy all dagr. aeeoir.panled by a severe norViwest wind
The snow to very molrt Many esuir
ire not proviaed wiib ahelier
more aevere on them than l
alorm* la the mlddlt of w inter, because
tbe snow sticks to them and tboruigbiy
chills them.
Sidney. Neb.. Oet 1
am night mi
: her* anowf
genuine liltoaard was i
I fay a bl^
toUtax npldly. aecomj
rt eitrejp^
northerly wind,
cold, hoi tbe be*vT toll of anowfand
strong wind made the atorm eeryh^ere
-on eiredt. Neariy all tbe trains are
absad<«ed. Rrix.rta 4n>ra Deakelmaa
artd HoMredge Indicate that tbettorm
to moving rapidly Mstwardf'urbto. Cole.. Oct. r.—nigh wind aid
snow over a wlderangcof country ncuth
«md aouth of PueMo atom * a’dcwk yes-

Chicago r-d hriH-rttm.

West Alichigan.

O. £-f£SSi.;


ntwa^ai^ Tbenday aetU 9 pm. Sovom-

Micharl Dorsey, aged n. died at Powhallwn. O.. yrtterAsy. Hr wa* the old­
est living pnsimasicr In the enuniry.
who was for eighteen yvwm
^Mant jBlU-r in C,v4i cnimty lll>.)
tall, died Monday morning wl Chk-wgo.
E*-Ii.;pn*cfii»tlve iTharle* W. W,s)d.
man. of Chicago, was fooBd tfvaanr by a
Jury, and has Is-en lakes i« tbe agylum
I Elgin.
Andrew Haw he. 1» yearn old. had bl*
neck btT.kon m a srrlm.m**,- durirg a
game of ft* i l-all al Casino Ut-arb, near
Bteteway. L. I.
Mr* CllnKm B. Flak baa »>eer reejeotetl f’-iddml Of the Woman's Home
MlBMtmary srslety of tbr •Hrthodtof
Kplsnihsl churrti.
Uoriinrtt Trritschand. of Negwuaee.
•t gun
Ml( h . agcldrmally ran
hr .v1c,->iiy of Kwaniy; Mk-b... and
fstaKy hurl.
bcnsln university artentUla have
.v.-rrd ihai the rljienleg of ehrcae
to nut due to bartrrla. bub to tsused by
Tertnrnu th the milk.
Corey, of IlllBOto. baa lUed an ap-plication at the treaeun drpanmenl for
the poalUon of chief of the bureau of
pVinUng and ecmvHtg.
Mr* P. DtnlclMin. living sear nraatoellle. Wl*. was f.Miiid dead In tbe n<ad
-wh-rrl she had expliid while returning
fmm a neighbor’s bmiae.
Ktnamn. of Albion.,Wl*. wkcae
mltrd hat become unhatonred through
brooding ovrr rellgton. was committed
to tbe hi«Mta1 at Meadoia.
Kchllllsg. an Illlnou lab<>r Icadi




JUaOK. Ageat.
OBO. Dg BATKH. OsaeJpaw

^ _BEST OF THE LOT i _ ^
rf tlwD all aad very r.
boold not be without

ETJ.itiTs'sr- “==tsas,™-


IU05RE an 1
To laKe «*CI Bsadmy. AaBS to. IWf.


.^AJ^rak aALE-Or^esebaagr tw^Trar


tisibar. Call oa tulbm A
bddreos loe. O.W.
Mack, or bd<
Ttb Mseei.

*ar (R 4 n »a

^lyOCTh TO RkXT-TSr Catoa
tor tbeviMor-l

sin ‘im "tM


street Taeaiii tot wUl be take* a* part payJobuVeelr.tBrrualwreet. IMtf

rala* tluslswvuod opportunity. It to not w
bargain, but will
for wbu H to netnnlly


vnoB BahB-gM ocean of tort oa hoag Lake
i? Bultubto for (aiiB or resort porpooe* lor


TJtOE AALg-Cto to r*
K. Ba^;A ^.‘nTste



and wapdered tor threvday* aod night*
The Chicago chief of police has "arad'’
nearly 4W men appointed during Mayor
SwUt’a admlntolratloB and In their
ptoect tbear "aied" by BwUl win be ap­
A tr'ide-leck freight car coaUI
<5« .d«>ts . f all knoa e and unknown
breeds passed north Ibrougb Slcvena
rlnt, Wl*.
Wto., bound for Alaska via Br*l1. Wash.
. , • of alleged fraodulentwarranto on tbe Unltrd Blatce treasury on
tbe account of the Creek Indian halloB
tn Territory have been
goverranmt antborlUe*
TTie anaual gale to raging
wreckirut small
and aumner rvaort buildings ahd terd
walk* sod Hooding banrirl* with high
Ude* No live* bavt been lost. '


aosdrt! fMd bow wub smm awMasoah
bara.*toan borae bam. toss of smbaUrtsf*
rtaetMofrlrcrbenoat toad wllh Boardiaas

2= Tssy-A-ae

■W'»2S.Si’AS«S.’S.a S;

TWr*t«*Cttytaa>bw<'«- I"-**

NO ro



Bnmw.111 rnwlMisot. tn-tf

Cupboard Safe

le at R pre imo


Ued W^tb* ranwaya numlag tots bar*


.Honey to I«oan

s. tab*
.. ibtowbto aad


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