The Morning Record, August 28, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 28, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






sKYHiisraiET mL




OeucU u4 Bm«< of ntblic Wocka
Xd« a /oint ■wricw aad Mate u
toTOOWgittu IHtyBofa—teKy
Vo. 1 Mm fbr Vo. S Miair-V*hmU wax bt Bwitklrod.
Itek SoTUth rtrut laprywaut
UMM iMiiaod to keap the ooomQ
••dbaofdofbMiAotpabUe work» in
» atoto el wij oadufMt, It haa
Lt ttM tUa faraUkad

Browa waa mat at the d^ot by om of
hto dU frirada, who had laaraad of tka
paipoM of tha datocUn, aad aotlfiad
BOTH rmAMM R.ATVD OOOXi that ba waa wuud tor mardar.
laayhad at tka abaardiW of tka propoattfaa. aa ka waa at Wintorasbary
Vat tha VMUa Oiaak Seam Frored M tka aiyht of «ka aardra. A okort
Toe Mew For the Haattma A tlraa altar^ard -the datoettn' talapkoaadtodka Sacoan. who waa looklay tetetka caaa, tkat Mr. Browa
Xa Which Vino WoA Wm Flastty
udVrrora Vaw.

MUM Uw oaatiwet cftIM fcr ;to. 1.
Arm * Ooli wOl te a«?lMd e( U«
iWDlk of ttw larrMUotim of Mr. OolUn aBdtk^wmraqoIra tka Akraa
Oo. totoakatee««ha>atoto raqalnd
la • 4««7 bjr tka tka
BKnaDtootAi^rafardiardka aUpmeot of tka UK Vr. Anna stated that
ba had waiahaaad a laira qouttl^ ba­
ton tka autraat wu laU bat tkat that
waa aiatplr a Batter of baatoaM with playad u aliDOBt orrorlam fame.
kto Cm, Mthveiaaaner
far ttttor el tkat Mad. aad bla
Bot hantoaskMB^CBsUhwheB e» aadaeietoryfortbaB<
VoTotayto attok
whare Ihv aboadd box tbttr atoek.
teeter to that daalraduA Three hiu
Sawed TbMr Vaj Oak
te Cva tlssm at bat wea bto recordparks dtoo hit w^ and kto field
Two ber^Bfa eanpad from tka ae
work waa fine; om of hto oatobaa te
tjr loD Bt Fruktort.< ThayaiBdaBi
from-a nae kmlte. aod with tha aaaiat- left batet of tha phnocnlwl order.
Whaelar was te farm aad hto third
aan of Bcid mwed throa^ tka door of
tkalr eall. which waa of etaaL Tbaj haaa play WM eery rood.
Watkiu pitched, as eMtal. a e^eadld
were awmlttBf trial for u aliatad b«rr
Ury coaaalUad la Ibompaonrilla.
UM. aad bat dee hlta Were Bade
from hto deltrary.
Th^ ara atUl at larfe.
Weraer pot ap e nice yarae at
abort for the rtolton. aeeepttey nine

a* to that firm. Aa latiBatfcB that
tka tfla«M“kUdna.’' laBtaadef Ra
1. fadaiwd the maaban el tka board d
«etba asd the ooaadl to leak into tka
mttar a UtUa aad tka raaalt waa
Pnatdaot Baadla of tha board
pabUe worha aaliad tka saBbara tofather jnterdaj Baralaff to
tka aabjaet aad Btrdat Oaia
> KaUj waa aoBmyad. Ibat fUtlaBuranUaahttheoeateaialeo tkat
tha titia waanotthaRBBbarQM a»- Oaoi«a OoU. Who Waa lajorad on
tMa. Tba Btottar waa broacht batora
tka Vecto aShortTima A«o, WU)
BWBbare of ^ eoeaeU aad a }oUt
S«a TtaTam Oity Lambar Oo.
aaaatlac of tka two boarfa
Oaorf* Ode, who aaflerad aarioaa iara^ to iamptet tka Ispi
]B(7 by a tall troa a Issber pUe on
whMi la U precraM. QtJ AtteciH)'
dodc of the TraTBtee City Lambar
OUbart aod atr Ctork Eiekerd.
Oo. to a boom of loss is the water Afwith tka par^.
Tka aaaatfar took plan at S:M ia tha teas teat below, to aboat to bavia la«al
aft to aoUaet damarea from
ruoa. « Sanalh atraat, whan
tha LoMbarOa. Cola’s Uf waa brdc
iteotoatof tha tOe had alraadp
ta tha faU aad ha wiU ba laid ap i
--_lald. Mr. Armaaeompi
«. W. K. Lindaar. u atb
cfidalaaodtotbaBha atatadtkat ha
aayotOhtoacAMlaJha ol^yastarhadocd«adtbaK»ltOaaBd ballaaad
daylookl^apthamattarlBthalatarthat tha drat qnaUtj had ban ablppad.
aata of Oola aad WiU baste aetloa te
Bowam, U it waa toaad that aax of it
tha Dallad Btotm Oeart te <Mtoar> tor
waaaeooad qaaUtj ha Woald an that
tio^ooo daamcaa. Ba haa rotolaad C
. tha MTor waa taetiCad bjr tha Akroa
G. Taram to matot te tha oaaa. Tba
Oenpaiay from whom ha boocht it.
that tte aatt to to ba bstaa te
Bad of thaofidafa aaamlaad tka pipe
Cktoacototh4 tha Lambar. Oempaay
aaditwaatkafaMtaloptalu that It
portoad te that aitywaa sot what thadtj had oadarad aad
expected to paj for.
The qswtiooaatathetlaatbe pipe
was lecaiTod IsthadVoaBa sp aad
fllilwmin Parker stated that U waa receStad hers oo Moada^. Aacoat lA Tha
eewtraet waa awarded to Arms A Cola
OB-tha Satsrdaj aWrht pnrloM. This
AM Bot seem raaaooable to aoma of the
ofBdala and Mayor Smith doolared that
it looked aa tbosrb tha oootraet had

. atotad that U eoeh a thtef bad beu
Com it waa tor the ooaaeU to look teto
Mr. Anna atetad that he bad teqairod
oltbaAkraaCo.b7laardtotaaM talapbou If they eoaldah^the pipe at
«SMb if he ahoald wire them. Ha raoalnd tha reply that tha tUa eoald ba
^ Aldarmu Ooodridi atplatead that
ha had tot two hide aaeh from Aima A
Oda aad tkaMmsutUa Co. prorhNa W
by thaboard
d io te order
kt tha probable omt of
f did act •
to meet with the approral ofthaofAototobatthaqomUonattosaewas aa
to whethn the oity waa to pay a aaaiheromprieeforaaBBbertwe arttola.
It waa tha yananl axpraasloa t^
.MiaAkmOo.had aot oorreeUy fiUad
tbaordar of Am A Gala, bet there
eeemed to beuma dUBoalty aboot bow.
to datermtea the graU of tUa auV
Som of It was oaAoobtedly all riyht
bat tbqre were rainy jaiata clearly iraparfaet. There ware ate jdate Oo tha
jpoBBd famtohad by tha Mamntlla
Co. to replMO eoiiia broken te tzaaait.
, tha <Ahara
red to be of flret oUm

Also Two Oemao With the Creek
Chicaco Vdfase.
It-to probable that next weak Will
afford the beat base bell of tha aaaaaa.
Tha Chiceso Edfarm. the faslest team
la Oiieefo. oatalde of the laama. «iU
ba ban Mosda.v ud Taaaday. One of
this epfTS«atlon to the oelebr
'■Jocko” Smith, u eld leepoer who
wu ban with Battle Creek two years
•to, whm that tau pat ap saeh fieet
ball with the HMlters. On Wedaaeday, tbs Cabaa Giaats wUl be bare tor
a tkM. This wiU ba the etar atttaotloB of the Maaoa. a* tha Oabu Gtonta
are tha awiftaat eelored taara te tha
coutty, aat aaeaptiat tha Paye Fawn
Gtoata. Tfato team to the ou which
defeated the'ehampioa laacu team
•areral tlraaa a tow yaaie te ueeaaaoa
aad tha nraa attrefatten whldt siada
a trteraphal tow to Baropa aad Aaatrmlto. It to pntabto that tea eolored
may ha aaeared tor aaotkar tame
tha followter Satarday.

B«T. and Mrs. G. B. Jaekwra. Bteytey
Bvaayaltou efOoldwater. Mick.. wfU
ba at the Sacoad M. E. rkardi toaiyhu
also Suday aiyht to toetare atol
dneteeaDy^ttoaerTtoe. The m»aik
Of tbe laettua UAs a*«Bii« srOl ba-“laA free wUI oflertey will be takm for
Bar. Jaekaoo aad.wlfc ban bau aaatottey Bav. Smith far the peat ten
days te the coutry aad the pastor to
ynaUy pleued with the raaolto of '
work. As a reaaltof two Baotiaip te
Mae fally
tha Potter aehool boaae
tall tw,
Ue altar aaektey tha 1

Wan Pot Off at Bnffhlo.
Oaoryo BaS. Oooaty Oark W. A.
Flulytha mstter was left with tha
board of pablto works to aettla to the Newua aad Jamra Maikkam rata
baat tetensto of the dty. That body yaaterday from the uttoeal laearapBeDtoftbaG.A.EteBoffaio. Bash
yteppad adds ud held q
n^oB. The rmalt was that WUUara
d to Btte a thor- to aay of the koaplteUty of BaAte aad
of aU tbe ttia ud ot tha ynat aaccem of faa uearap
f^totka board.
Mr. CalkteB wut to work as aoon aa
The Boys' Band srUl aoeompaay
till immtaraibn-r-* Tbs rmalt of -xeaistoo on tbe Cdarabte Saaday. te
' -ktoteemtiyi
tha ladtoa ^pmaatlayat Borthpet.
Chteayo MaAU
baNa.«Wa. ^ I
Sdx iatete faratolrad by tha ManutOa
(Mtoaye. Aayait ST—Wheat—AayasL
:. Ob. aad toond ou dafaoUn from a fire StMe;
. orack aad two men wbtoh bad ari- BOe; May.siMa.
dtoatiy baaa cradmd te haadUay. To
L »K9»e: fi
ba ablate form u tetdllyaat idm of MK#Me; Daeamaar. UBkio; Mqy.
«ko tdatin marita of tka tUa Mr. UMc.
i^aetad tha ataek aow on
Oats-Aayatt, I9%e;
ImadatlhaMareutUaOD.'astera, aad UMWXc; Oatobsr. I*M«
from wbtoh the ate Jotete wra« fdkm, MMe: May.fiWfa.
aad toaad tt aU to be tha Ho. l Af^P«k—AoyasL SAW;
Ba WfU report to the board of pablk matf, Oetebar. ABTX:
woriraiedsyaadroeomHiaadthata ed •LfiTK: Juaaiy. fa.W.
Lard-Anyairt, fiLfiO;
bate ba nqairod tor tha ddaoUe#
»4.«>; Oetebar. »LS7K;
juwm fa ouatey any laecranatoaM to
A Cola bf fajaaltey tka pipe.

TtoWfaflli-* ttgoedaaeayb tor tka

Two Ognls.

ms fis BETHS.

WiUfTS $10,000 DUUSES.



Want More 6oods»

Chicago wbolesfik bonscB say the coimtfj
merebaote are ba/ing in larger qaaatitaes
before. lost so with ns. People are toying becanae our prices are right A good tox of paper
and enrelopes for 7c. for examp^




» Bra
Mra Joka Thykrol lafaa to aejorlny
a rtoit witk Mrs. .Bilaa Caw of Baat
Ninth atnet

Paul’s Ink I

Thrao will baa irrr^tl ~*^Fry
Trarersa Oty Chapter. Bo. 14;. Order
tha Fast era Star, aaxt Taaaday
Mxa. Charlm Maatie aad ebOdm of
adteytoa. rcjolaed bar haabaad hm
teat alyhb Mr. Maatle caara ban a tow
■eeks ayo aad haa daddad to stay.
Tha yoaay aoetoty man of tha city
fan a plaasaataoctol party te the parton of Park Place Uat araolay. that
attaadad by tha elite aad thoroayhly ujofad.
Tooiyht tha Moan A Urteyatou
Mapuy rriU eloae their aayayo
te faateberyk Gtoad Opera Boose. The
attioctlu wUl ha ’■fikuty Qaaaa,

>yaam aeeeptad aS hto ten ehaeeaa
He also had the dtotiaetioa of mskiiiy
as aoatot with hto' acae. It waa te the
sixth teatey. tVatkins hit a hard.
srooBdar to him which be didn't yat'
hto haads os: It boaadad aad ab acih |
him OBthanaaa,bBd with rare pro
aaw of rated bs.Immped it oeer t
irwia at first ia tiiae to rstlra Watty.
Chloayo A Waat Mtohlyaa. pi
Tha BoMlan atartad tha ball te tha
throayb tha dty last aiyht apoa a
first teatey. Hast hit tor a baaa and
atoBB hand oar oa a tear of tew*
want to aaaoad oa a 'balk. Hall
of the road.
throwa oat at first, tku Watktara ateyFreda, the aana Booths' old tefaat
lad ud -Daaw’' scored. Perks aad
of Mr. aad Mrs. W. D. Biidye of latarWbaaler wnt oat at first. Ooe raa.
«, died Thonday aftarwoop of
Two men ware mads te tha third.
aratefutara. Tha taaoralsrUl ba
Paries rsaehad first u fibldsrk efaeieB.
Wheeler bit tor two bum aad Parks haUfrera the Dexter school boon this
ou o'clock.
Norotay ateylad aad Whaater
Two ladtoa toar^ to ride as a
ersmid tha robber.
by B. Wann aad Oalltotar Wcyelaa at tka ooraar of Oaas and
aad a two-bayyar by Hall yave tha lo­ Nteth atneto Tharaday afforded excals another In the fonrtkaut tor aenrai apaetatora. Tha
A coaple ofarroiaat third baaa, a ladtoa wan toaa'araaaad tbu tha aalaaad ball aadhitoby Norotay and dtoaoa. bat a few packiyaa of ooart
daara, wen raepcoalbla far three plaster wUl ssrrs to bsal the woaada
aateas te tha fifth. Noraonruawrae ssstaiaad by the ladtos te tha eoUtoBade by tha hoOM team.
then waa act u teatey te tba. yarae
Two Dasirabto booaaa. lakea on
BtoTtysyea. wUl be sold cheap if booybt
eooa. A chance teyat aboiMoa oasr
a—E W. Hast!^
M Ot'

M. B. HOLLEY, Mafitifin

Just Received, large aseort.
ment New Thing. Good
Thing. NonfipilUble.

Haskell’s Bookstora

Some Good Things
Tbe New Fall and Winter—

Cloaks and Capes
For Iradlas. Mtmra and (ABdisa. at--------

Reliable Dry Goods, Corp^ and Clothing House.

do not care to buy so early in the season, yon can
save you
^ money if you buy, but yon are as welcomed 1to?ot«
our new lines of these gOod&

.We Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the winHr.g
basinesE we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Korthem Michigan our....

401 hUtorabaaaudlfaSirudir

flour. Send iu an order.



liiiii Wite^ Stock Sale
i I

Bright, Fresh, Neat

i I



Is what you will observe in everything in our New Mdat
Market in tbe Brosch Block.

5 ■;
0 0 0 (..1


Kow a I
. paetad Mardarar la Ttamu

tom Pura. POte amr.
Bgs-toof Paam. anm tea,]

ML PloaauL MsriL. Any. t?.-WUltem K. Browa ot Au Arbor aad Hoaiy
WtoUaa of Sayteaw, the uly oat of
town itoekholdaiscf the tto^to'sbuk,
' a maattay bare today of at
Mykt or alae local ateckboldera.
oun baUare,’' oaid Browa. -‘that 8M- <
ml 1 hadaotaamblrafer a year
aad aetsr waa te Byub bank at Sbaphaed la tay life. iSj nlattou with______

Fresh Meats—Always fresh. Salt Meats.
telephone HO. A


FRANK BROSCH & SONS, mmiciiwg,

New Fall Styles!





W. V: Browa to waU kaosra te Tzarlaadty.^ batey tha owner of a
to fraqaeatty
U tu. iMait,.. On a.dnMd.; Hr.
fiiwwB waa te team u hto way to Au
Arbor. At U» same Umo there waa a
dateeUra bora from Imbrila eooaty
bto (rack aad thad
Idmtora yoed part of tba d^.


No Larger Nor Better
Selection of....

t!w..School Shoes.

T. Pfgmlar
a, Fn—ma ■&.

T»a,rara cwr

in tbe city than can be seen at


TRB xoumra bboobo, satvbdat, Atroun bs, 1997.


WCKldbl aad U tba Oattad Ihatol itoda atey
. wblahbabopad waald
aot ba tha aaaa, ha aaid thd Sp«B
waald do bar daty.
W. lUm

9mm «.

i. w. Hawm. Mitar —d



-• .


loooa AhteadyBBMadXa Oaeto*
aatt Vor Seat a ▲. A BaaaMp-

'^Amtriehn” Ini
tktooftfw PolittoteiN Of
TMt Cooimy.

nrrr m help at ub bibth,


•o^wOteRato^ 600,000 b^

WUdtiaaUrii7-«aU,aaa tha Baoanhaatowto acdaowladfatkatthan
faa"aUrbt fUAtaatot," aa aa<r

«M taat d tha aaciaaaBi aarUto tha
tgvrm flTRi ia tba Bacoao
wniar aftar water waa at.----Tat afttow^ tha Bofte boUly aaMaaaad to ite eolBaiat that a aaw
flowta«waa bad haao atraak at tha
a.aaddaaoribadita a^adtyUka


tod abaot 601,000
_ar hoera.
Vmhxfm It te fa ordar for tha toOMP
to dbatofa that than It a alifht diffarMM hatwaaa 60.000 aad 0eo,00OgaUoBa.

.Tn Afto advaacM tha
«hat two aitob w^ at that d tha
aftMiaa ««haratthe taylato woald
■ ha aaCBeiad to-aapfily tha
yaan toaaaao. ThaweU to qi
ftowB. acacadlar to tha Mat d axycrt
ai^aato. 600,000 falloaa rrary twaatfitmr haul. Two aaeh waUa, ao^
aordtoctotharde at thraa. t^ald prodace 1.600.000 calloBadaOT. Now.ooa
aaoM d tha raeeat ayttotlon d tba
water worict qaeoticm arM .that
a^yatan tow to bm to tbit
ia aattody toadaqtate for tba aaada d tha
dtgr at thU tlaa, lat atoae tha toi
If the BafU wiU look op tba eapadtj
d tbepraaestayateBaadtba a»out
d water pospad daily. It WiU tad that
ite wtlmate racatdiur two artaatoa walla
ia eoiiA ''
Tha oatepball water ouBpa bare
a aapadty d 4.000.000 ^aUoat
dally. TbaatoracaBaadpardaydartoy
thapadyaarhM baA fiOly. U aot a
littla More, thaa 1,600,000 callou.
Om day receBlly wbaa that*
_aa aMa danaad for water tor laws.
dotoMtie aad atraat aprtokltod ihu^
piaaa, IM.OOO KUou
«wa boor, whleh te at Ua rate d S.M0,ooe nUoaa par day. If thtetetheoaaa
mow. wbatteay b« tha axtaat d tba
■MMito to totaM yaaraK if tba dty
aotettoBM to yrow to potMlaUoa m It
tedvtortbepaat tbraa yaaia? TW
hit cattoiato d Baftoaar Battor



Cu^ tha latara of pronertty.
the party te matotelo
aad eqatUble dvtt m
t Orratead

hare twaa^ iiiitir to
ba pad few d« /They
and are eald te hare baeUna te a laica
aBteber of ether lUtM. A aaUoaat com'
nlttM waa olacted of tea manben. with
Colaacl A H. SeUara. of DatrotL aa
cbalrmaa. FM CariMa. of DatrotL
who waa arinted for tba poalUoa of
arorataiT d the oenuotnae. te ae old-

tromOSKto»6. aaaeaparadarltb MX
at tba cion Int aight-- A rally to 66
faUoarad on aona baytog by tha baU
at. eiX atertad today at 60 aa X
tonbad 6>K aad raoorarad to 61.
^tetor to tba day tba narkat l«ato
■ wteachlag
66H M ecnpAad with 61X at tba etoaa
toat Bight. Tha erowd waa maefa Ispraaaad by a dlntetoh eldattog that
at tha anboard
aad atooad.
U, anrly ato aadar toat alghfa dr
OeaaaibM qali at M far aU . aad

at the Old Stand.

Tha a*W.M.aadD.G. AAW. OtUl Ol

tiel^ to Ktogararalla u rary low

Eotara. limit wQlbafiva dayt from
Wartb of date olaato. AahAgWtafar parttonton.
Pispaiy Md KUUag Twa 6tlim*A
O. P. A
FlUabnrg. Aug. C.—Plie tut avcBlng
mnaad tbe Maa et 00.616 worth of prop­
Motica 60 Wator OongoBoa.
erty. dtUb to twa aiuaam and craatad
m panic te (he Savaate Areane beteL

Aj_________ - - .


... ^

. —


■tory t^ng at CO O
•aettelaSV BdmVBdaag AParrtoe'a tor*
-................................... and gained aoeb
rajdAbradway teU tba building v
aaaas of flamee befare tba eng
raaebad ter acme. The banding i
back to a tm-foot alley te tt>a r
naparattef It tnan tea BeiMitt Avr
Tbegucatoof teebi
pn^er at tbe time tee
names were aeen pourtngtfram tee rear
windows of Bdmustoon A Perrinc's
building. A gmUl. stead panic enaiad
and a grand niib ama mode far tea ex*
tta Portanuely no one waa hurt. A
portkn of tbe rear waR of tbe farniturs
atom Ml teu tec alley, catching two
flrvmrn. cm of wbem. Jota Nsaten. was
tadly hurl but net aertoualy no. Later
a wall fen oa Jake Olover and Barry
Holt Bremen. Idlltag teem both.-Two
boy* ar* bcUeved to be In the ruins alan.

atm of tha Repab.
Ikaa party ooder tba oaka of Jaek*
dltioaal memban of the <
Manlikn. be had eftan reaolrad thU
Cteblaa d a Aadiaa to Uaaipoel are; AUteop Btocker, Denver, Colo.;
Oaaaad tba Price to Drop JIaarly W. C. Boidk. OaleatatT. tlla; D. D. «b« the tiaa ease ta aarip ba wduU
adlUa Uh«tr itoariy. But when the
■to Onto.
faletol boar sue and ba undegtoek to
(toteago, Aagaet n.-Wknt breha
abe tlomptad htoh*
var S onto today at the apniag. aad
Bow little mra usd
rwybody araatod to anload on tha
totoanataK anyhow I Hba hadn't mI>aak nblaa. Liaerpool ahoarad a daad cheap. like to not aba would bar*
dtoa aqaal to aaar s. BaaiTthtog on
tba flaor am damonUaad by tba aaU- oaartwa for tbe enalBC year. The oan>
She hadn't faaqwgttad bargato mIm
tog to wheat. Aftn Ue dairy tba veetloa waa te owcaUra aeteloa trote fog nnthtog. Sba knew whaa a thtog la
condear and whoa it ia cheap a laigblp
trade to wheat ategnaUd. tba pit not
tight faattar than fat did.—Haw Teak.
»than half falL
or 4fa« eomralttea oa reaolatlon. Altar ;n«h.
ar wheal opaaad ail tba army
forai. which la a leogthy doeamanu
dadaee tbe party Id reiam for the auffta»e of the people that It wUl embody
teto tew for the bncflt of the whole
ptople the rarorma^aa^ed. It rtartt
oat with tfa^ daclaratlOB that the amt
poteot aafeaaard ol pronertty te aa
abuodaot rtveaiM, aad thacafara favnra
each an adluatawat of tba tariff and
>u«a aa will prodaca aulB>

Soimof & a.BL aad 6 a.u..alao8p.
■L aad 6p. m.
AU ptoeaa where water la found run*
atog eontraiy to this rule will haabat
od-axeapt wbaro a agwetel parialthas
tii^jrmato^ ^ Ca»tox A Sosa.

Steinberg’s GnM &

Botetinisfi Groc^,
W. 3. B0BIB80K. ManngM.

Mondiii,ii^30 Has Your


..Rose Eytinge*.

Bvor been otitod to the fact
thotyoaMa gut at the Drag
Ston (our etaru)

Put# PowrOsrsd B^oea,.





Prices 2S-36—60c.
■tag Mhtot-'onnuiO.''
Ctoriyhair. an rUtoaa yur f awuar
Ufce a pufleot geat to ftvo ntoutoA—
Kew TockAouraal_________

^e enterprise Grocery
is still doing bnuaess on
Front Street, jwt west of
Steioberg’s Gi4iid Opera
House, aad presents the best
Hue of good goods cheap to
be found in the dty.

Thm Rigkts, CtnmMiq


Os tbe ftnaocial qaeatm the platf<
baa tbii te aay: "Slnea nearly cr qalte
6> per cent of , '
of the
« coantry a
the OM of epede we favor tbe demooetJaatloB of both crM ar.d tilrer. the pro*
blbUtOB of eofurarta for payment Js cola
at eltber metal, and the •nbMIlulioo of
metallic tdiesa for cor precent mteor
lira J. O. UrdnO te rtolting filasda cotea. We beller* that all tbe currcBcy
■boald be in the frrm of tivarary notea
of aoUmlied leqal tender quality and te
J. M. Watte of Lalaad. waa to
auch qaanUly aa aball facilitate the
frtcM oomnaerclal eschanyca. and that
badla Prall retamed boaa from Iroo every form of.curmK-y note* ehould be
withdraws from clmitetioD.
not the K
C. B. BaaterteTtelUiwhteaoa Frad
Hooter far a few daya.
with their expreered rondlliona. For thif
AlWt Ulobcaaky te
parpohe the IP Id and atlver coin* withriatt to Saalt 6U. Maria
draws from drvalallos .teiogid be held
Prank BanllMn rataraad yaatorday. Is the trepaory far tbe redempHos at
aach bond# aa are apectelly payable te
tron hie trip to New York.
Attoracy C< U. Tamer waa to Utead
Thaiaday oa legal'baatocM.
"We believe that the miru of tbe
Mtea Maty DeZoate te ntertatol
Uitlled Stater ihrald be open at all tlawe
to all cHteeta free of charge for the aaMtea Jaania Banatoga d Oihngo.
aayteg- reameg. <aaUpg teto ban and
Laa BaiaUUB of Aagaate, Ky..

the gaMtot Mr. and Mra. & W. A
A ACroteerof AagcOa-Ind., te rteittog 6oL Crotacr d Wnt Saraath
Mia. J. n. Bctentof ML. Morrte, te
the gaaat of Mra P. T. O'NcU of 468
Fifth atraeL
I of 1,600.000 gaUaw
Min JaMU Johaan d Uab. ladiwaatBatontlor tote
aaa, te ririttog bar
Eighth atraav
aaab walla aatbat at tba aaglaa aaald
ba driraa bara, whteb to aot at an ava. falofalld a
r the G. A.
that aambar would' aiteroaly ba aaAdaat to aapply tba aaada d tbedtyto
Mite Maida McDaraott te back to
Iba wot raatote totara.
bar datite to tba peat o«ea, after a
Wunm may be tba atarite d tba twa wMke’
Mra Chaa Hcely d La^^. aad
Saraatb ateeat aewar pipa aoDUotaiay
(hare wUl be BO dlfiaranaa to pablte Mra. G. W. Beely d Poattee an eteiv
Mia. C. H. PnU.
epteioD r^rdiar tha action of tba
'arm and Cbaiiaa Satebariy bare
aonaeU aad board dpabUe worka to
raqairtor a rebate for datoetire tOa. gone to Ponoaatoapnd a few dajn
ealling oa dd friaada.
BWd Arau A Cote wiU asdoahtwlly
M. P. Byaa, factear aditn- d the
aaad to aaeartoir the aaaaaaary oa
ABagaa tlateocraL aad E. A Bote alao
atoa from the Akron Oowpany.
d AUegma are to tha dty.
P. J. O'Brin, a waU to
TKA6 Uuto aaVto wUofa baa 1
patead thioagh
baanaspaatedbatwa^ Ooranor L_ taker d Graad
gwm aad Banator Barrow^ baa dasUy the ally ywterday oa bte way to Maabaraa and tbaitoaltwOlba watabad tetoa fm« Petaakay.
Ltodiay aad
Mr. Bart Ltodlay toA yaalteday far
thair borne to CkUa^. aftor a few
daya’ rtell with frtnto in the dty.
Mr. aaA Mra. J. Tawehar d Iowa,
toft fiajtetoad far a aanthte naptog
a few daya rWttog A
«L manMiT. Aa». t7.-Jt te aa»laMiUy aMoaaaad today ^ oMfarBMto batwaaa tba FVaach aad Baatiaa
wlalaMt far faratoBaSaln ware bald
tint to tba praaanaad tba Cmt aad
•ftwwpidi to tbapraaaaoe d Praaldant alongataytothtedtyaadBlk B^ito
■bMa. Tha raaalte wara aioat Mtte- ddttag thalr aona, Dia. J. W. aadd. a
«M6arrdar.AatotarHtedFtoaaa aad
Margaa Bataa. i
aitefartbapaaeadtha wortd.
the BnatogChU'tatojatto. lad., arrlaad to tea d^ yaalarday far a law
daya’rlalt with tha faid^ d hte broth­
TTf—• By tba Vaw TraBtiar\ttf er, T. T. Bataa
Mra. A J. Moffaa, Tharon aad
eoghtera Bralya aad Oraea, ao
panted by thdrganL Mra. White, tataraad.traa thalr trip to Itetoad Potot
aad otiter pdatadtotaraat to Laatooenaty, Thanday aeantog. Tba
yoBBg ladtaa aovaMia man 6o Utoad Potot toagteada toaaA with Mr.
. »0ikh patUteal aad toilt- aad Mia. Watta.


BK. R.—-laa new junen«


d mArarii tba *. IM •


hara baaa tadktoad alz^ by tba


Rational aaMtepMaat d tba Q. A.
A bara.ayearbwea. Tha drat-tatotniB waa raealvad hf ^
baaaa, aagactof parioct and thirty
M fartbaDatrdtpoate. TfaaOolto poaldCUeatoaaearad pa
aad rooMferoaahaitetodated tblr^
Iban at tba Graad hotel, at which
•IhiMfk »t3P0(i^>UeBl «mr ta tha
• rbotoa baaa atoa ban engagad
-"-J thaMiwiatgl
alia flow ol tBe wta^ waQ at tka far the eaaunadar-lfr^tefaad ataft.
botela haaa atee raetiaad oedara.
wjlM «ru i1«an w 600,aoo banaU, laslaad nt that anaW of faUaaa. Tha
■iffla dataeta aoaaUacaUa kaaa.. .
thte aatMMBt a^ ta aa odttorial TaaOaday
^«*oa to tkla:
Wbaa K oowa to artotoaa toaDa WBXAX TOOK AKOBBSB TUXthan It a aU|^t dlftmea batwwa a




ChaatrleU Moim.
It hu no' bc«B detidc^. M ycL
which pteya theOwaa OoMpany wlA
pement hare. aaUa from tba o^iag
nighL whM ••Otliello'*>wm ba rwnder*

£ver Burned Out?,
If ao ybn know
o. P. OABVER. AgraL

Pan Orsam Tartar,
(aai Faro Bahtog Itiadm. if you waat
aa to aulti to, 6 pooBto far SL60.) Bab*
bar Shaati^. bahhar Tabtog, aU


GlyoMtoaaadWltehBaaal Lotkm far

At Our
Bodh Foantaln


its. uomsM.
Entinsnt Aftw

Wilanl Niml,
Sopgrtiad by the


n to this city Imt subbm.
F. Al)or A A. ChampagM Oo.
It 1a to doubt which to iwlharaopaMd
peaL Othello, hewavar waa not ptayod
dnrtog their last ongagamaaL Bob*
arteoa'a wall kaowB upmedy of ‘-David
Oamek" wUl to all probabUity ba aaa|
of tee pudnetteM, to tee comtog ea-'

HevudSecoitf Had

homady It ia. but being a abtrt toll tha
oteMt aeaaa from Haalai will ba to*
trodsaad by way of a eurtato itiaer.
with Mr. OwcB aa tha ' Malamtioly
Dana’aad Boac ^ttoge aa Queem Oer*

out own terrllory." Is addilioa te Ibte
an favored the inmance of tew letercat
bearteg aavlng* ceruflntea for popolar
Inveetmeot. exchangable for Don-lntrrest
bearing Pnlted Bute* nelet and payable
In gold or Oliver bolllon. and tlK.aSertBg
Tba “SilvM LtotoT' was toat aighth.
te ninu wiihlB tee reach of aU of tenea
of Irierest bearing obOgatlone of the ^ay by the Moore A Urtogatoo# comrmted Stataa The platform favon the paay. The play ia poor, aad eteaer
actor aa'Mr. Bewail aadoubudly ia,ttla
trage for both
aot a auBCree Tha parta arc amlgaa^.
auiea; control of all
and ntlUtlee by tee goveroment-nalloB. to moat tostaiioee, to people who am
al. aute, county or municipal: Income not flttod fv term, and tha play ap­
tax: rerlrtcHon at antfrage tn thiwe able pears to baVa bean but Uule rabaanad
to read and write tee KagUah language
Last nigbt aararal of the oompaay woro
and cmapulaory education.
alow at takiag tealreuea. aad appeared
Ocean City. Md. Aug. n.~Br n vote to have aot preporiy uaaortead their
of C to M the delegatca to tee RepubItoM.
Ucan atate conventten yeaterday retuacd
to Indcrae Oeorge L. Welltegto and ter wMk. Tonight "BaarU of Raw
hta rieaa aa to tee leadenblp of the York.'’
party Is Maryland. Tbe cteah between
Votiea to Tan Payora.
the oppoalng facUont began almoai with
tbe fall of tee gavel thatcaRed tbe eon*
ThatozitolaatthaSva WMdaaf
PBOtten to order After getting poaaea. aty af Trarana aty. for tba ooUae
atoa of the eanvemm the antl-WeUing. of aebooL dty aad spatial amema._tonltaa declared the Baltimore detegatm taxca far thr flacol year 1669-1666 hara
not aattUed te aeata. becauae tee prtm- baaa dativarad to me «y tba Oty Cl«k.
artea wo<a imcniar: a new primary teldtoxMmaybapaidtoma Jmy t«*
daetten waa provided for and tbe eoo- flea at aay tiM bafara fteptombor tot,
eantloB than adlonracd to Sapt U at 1667. wltLml aham far oblteattote

Bicycle Repair Shop


Shanty Queen,”
Or. '-Baana of New Totk."

tOA to aU parta of heoaa.


Will bii ui sell staid hnd
lioiseimdgMdsHd lininn. Reirtylfaie C« Uadtf ScRunr

an« work fully f«araala*4. OlvaaaaaalL

High in Grade !
Low in Price!



—Watch Bepairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

1667. r^Tblat aay ofBoa to roaolva
Mid taxaa
on all weak daya from i
til uatQ 11:60_________________
11:60 oteloeh a m. aad
I. Neb.. Aug.
* mag* a record
far indratry from 1 o’aioeh «bUI 4 o'atoeh p. u. mad
oa Tueaday avo^aga from 7 ohloek
I barmony yaaterday t
natil 8:60
o'eteM te tea a
platad before A The •reaoBiteaUoB of Ofiee Boom 6. Ba^
Boa. A. M. PoaL of Blattc county, aa
hMoftat* iuaUoe of tbe auprema oourL
was a foregone coeelution bafara tea
OMvrnUon maL Tbqrr was bat minor
tetarcM te BtaU Calvanity ragantA and
tba caevnaa fog tbCM poafttarw was at
60 time aadtliiv. C W. Kaley. of Sear,
Oo to tha UoB Barber Bbap far hah
bay eouaty. was rawnmlnatad far
■ta and batha, 18 aaate aaM.
o ftbe Btata Dafaenfty to-oedu


o s-ysisrasu |LW. BianilMte
Fire Insurance.

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

tba apeech of ter convratica. Tbe ptatttOB. laat makaa no mentioe et Mtvw. urn
tee reaaen was teat the mver qneatlea
U dcuA In taU tewacb Tbwatoa an*
imnced teat be would net be a toad!*
due far re-elactlon. *
Barrisbvg. Pa, Aug. ff.-Tba Ra.

eaaatj. far mte ttiastoar.

If You Have Logs to
Lumber Company* We have for sale Good. Souod Hem­
lock Lumber. Surtaced Sidewralk Plaok, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood* Lands for sale. Mill Mafdiinefyn of all
descriptioos, iaduding a Eugiues, Set Woris. Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill PUittt



----- 1-2 Off.




Otenk tea Mtw 4# Omk •
terlacMd, Ifk.. Akg. fT.-Managm
later, of Saagaima abaft Ka k called
'a anating of the mlnan teg laat evoalng
--------. ..
^ employoft at
) atteateacc. FWiar

tMis) son in:


to return to wwk at M cenu par toa. ak
advaaea of 7 eaoti ow tbe preaaat price
paid. The men eoted to aemt tk#
Tbe mlnn*’ ometak did am
kaow of the meeUag onUI H «

ntttbwc. Aac. tr.-QoiOBd W. P.
BsbA. tht CUeuo opefktar *ho ei«at«d
• acwii dBTtai ttaa rmlil piltit
tanoBt oi rntaMt* aafl conton br
B«klw Mrtooa qbarsw a«»iMt Pn«l*
- «Mt ttetehteO. ntMMd cnn Boffalo
yMMrtair. Wboi toM that hk ebarcci
. haa enatod cavUMabU* aadte
and that tattaMtloaa had baas throwa
aw that a Ubai aaU might be eatend
•galaat bln Coloaal Read aaid: -Xet
' him aat'iaa. 1 am nadf to prora <
I «har*«d. and I thiKV k woaM be a
good thiag Car the conatir U It a
wavad. That BL Laala otmycm
caaM Mt aet ItaaU a batter fob tbaa a
c thk matt*. I made E
aa offer t
• aet aoeeptad.'*
•a^ the iMke 1* LmC tarn.
SpwUac W the acrtke gepeiWU 0(
that wlthlB the Best tev daya oetr men
- ami be bnmcht la to atart. aoeie Wtbe
Stte: bat eWB if tUt la not dose and the
ndBM remain Idle tlie men wia never get
■ach another goUea apportaaltg aa tber
bare ratectad. He aays their giaat mletaka «M In aappoaisg the «g>eraton
eicre leadg to gire la becanee tber
adaght aiWtrailbB. Re daclarec thet
an tbc large take Wlppen at* flrmly
dwetattaeddo tesut the demanda of the
mlatra ,Jt (be adnata had ameptad the
Brat MpaAtloaa aaide tag the operatora
at t^mfeteace tm rater tber «oald

/ OeaBpm..a(ttae
l<abor, cave hk view of the preaent ooal
atrtka BitaaUoB aa follow “rbe ataatlaa aa 1 gather it tmm the reporta
oToarorgaalMra Indleatm (hat betwoae
•I per ecat and « per cot. of the mlnea
ta JCeet \nrgtnU are now doeed down
aoBldetWr- A letter 1 haveinat received
from the Cooper and fHtcaboBtea dietart la brimming trlth eoefldeece. and
aan that work in that rwlon baa been
redocad oae baU in the Uat fortnight
eratlone that*
warn, of coarae. Uttle
late vtetirr for the miner*, beeaoae
Wea Virglnbi could auppply the urgent
seed* of the market. But wUh the napenaioD In Weat V
anvanla, Ohio. India
t. aa I am eohildent
e MHke moet reaiU in an

*ore acute and while I beattatc____
. a ter 1 believe that the Wrike wU) be
m twmlaated br the end of Beptember and
tbat the eettlemcnt will be- In faiw of
the miner*.- Whea Oompenr attention
that the ceal operator* had taught the
■lawit tew U anSer. Theg had been
- ' tefUod la hawiihlp* by the operatora.
Tber woald eoattnuc/to endure their
mala a HtUe longer la the hope at retettag thttr fttanUoa permanently ta
the teturc.
Jaarewd Oeetae the Mew <Maa t. WeehKvtrttowa
Plttaburg. Ang. ».—The wlvee and
tengbten of tbe etrUdng ailners at De
Anntfa Oak BIU rnlnea near Turtle
Creek, took a prominent part gtatetday
m the damonetraUOB agalnat tbe worklaf mioera Eariy In the morning a
teaen or more women gathered at the
camp, and with Oage and baeorn
marched almig the rcadi teadlag to­
ward! the tlppla On their way tbey
met a number of mtsen gotng to tbe |dt
and greeted them with geUt and ieera.
Tbeg derided tfaeurtnen who were wortiIng and ridiculed them In a "»«—e
which cauttd many of them to bang
tbelr bead! In abaiBe. The women aay
a demonatraUoo every
Tbe strikeri claim that
« were at work In the
Oak HOl
yeeterday and that the
outpiK Wedneaday waa only thlrty-Sve
ptt can. while tbe company my* that
atktr-Ave pit can were mined.
Superlntanftmt BCD* Armlt and
laar deputy teerlftt eommcwecdiheworh
of cTleUiw the famlUm of tbe Plum
Crook atrlkm* yuMarday. The work win
•Bpany haa poaAt Buncte the
It amkara- Paaitada men l etinned m
(nen. tt'prapirlaff kit
Uof the NewTdrtiABd

dare tbat the camp and marching k
for tbe parpoae of tadmltetlan «r
.■Mfitri to ate one. bat apetWg to tadlaate to tbe men in tbt mlam tbat the
■tem* geacrally are on a atMfc* and to
taOeato tbeir atrength by a abow <g

ten PranelKo. Aug.
Joe Walcott
kaockad oat Oeorye Oroen to the
elghtaenUi round Uat night after one
of the taateat ftghta ever mm In tea
Ml_______ ______

*.___________.,_______________ ..

. ______ -

ever. Walcott leading to every round
with perhapa the czeepUte of the
awd and twelfth. at*ea abowed :
at hli (dd-Uaw date and Tim. and
meraid to be aitertg at sen at meetlag
and guardlag agalaw tbe attudg little
eolored mank rtubea Green k ementlal]y a body Bgbter, but taat night be
did not land half a doaen good body
panrbm during the eatke dghtteo
roanda. Waloott took bta wponeafs
Ugbt left-band fate witk amllm and
paid htm bhek with rlgfat CTom-counten
tbe bead and law. Green.feaght
agahiat time after the eteth luahd. Several timm be waa groggy and bung
to the eolored man la the cUnteca The
ttetateenth openad up about the
“* the half d--------------- -------------After about a ateutek Oghtlng Wal­
cott landed a rlgbt and left on Oreen't
fawABd a <mn<h followed. In the break
WaleoK brought hli right acraaa and
knocked Green ap agaUiet tbe ropi
Walcottk eprner. belpleen, with
hands down. With a weU-dlracted ri
hand blow on the law Walcott
knocked the CalKUnian through
ropes la tbe negrok corner. Tom
O'Roudte held Green ap with bis toot
OB the ring ptatform unUl br wt
coaaiM oat. Oracn was cairled to b
drmalBg room te bl» eecooda.


jntaaiiTi wm tee ieztmbei;

sxceuUTe amkon was calka to
Ike selection of tte next (dace of
lag waa Aral tahee up. and the rival
ffUet were glvcnk bearing. Oa the Oret
ballot ClpdanatJ reedvei SM votta. and
Ban naaclaeo tlC Tte rata bad act
been annouiiccd whea WoodraS with­
drew Ban pnBckoe nnd asked tbat tte
aeleeboB of antdanatl be mads anaalDOBA TbkwasagTcedtobyaeclamstton.
foitowing Ike attcctloa of Oartimatl
Arebbtemp Ireland was called to the
stage and made a patrioUc epteefa. Ha
was foUuwed by General Lww Wallaca,
who caade a short addremt
Tte report of -tte coaimluee on In•fraetkm toUewed thk addrean It cHUclaad the books on history read in the
acbook la «>e aevtb as laaccurata and
for eommander-ln-chlel were then de­
clared In order and Isanc P. Mack, of
n, 1

RRTMnio omntA:


er-ln-ehlef mid; "The coamluee on p<
m have given much atteoticm to t
Btehll A Co., leading sRk Arm of Zu­
BCA Iff tte work, antll quits tab
rich, have decided to esublkb a branch
b but Uttle effect. Within the ><
faertory in thk country.
months tbe latc-h atrlng* bare be
Julio* Bamuetooo waa given fear knsened and many Jnstly-enlltled v
■oaths in tail fer sHIIng llQuar wlttebt
a ilcecae at RbtneUnder. Wk.
ottaeuA slopped without rause.bare bete
Tbe alien tax kw
Penatelvaak haa r*«arcd to the rolk. and tte maeblwry
0 fttiat groat departmsnt of tbe goveraAcbeson. of the L'nltad Stole* court.
ment aeeina to bav* bees oOcd wIlk tte
oil of human fclndoess and bonsai obllgallon and to be niritlng much moiv
■ncvfbly and with much lea* friction
than befora. t beUerc It srtu net he long
every case properly made op wto
yeetetday In Texas.
. ... bs reached and raorive attrntlcm.aged womsD and was mobbed at BeUTills
One pasaengey ws* killed and a doseii p«Hle aeteols. and which baa roesntly
lBfni«d in a train conkloo cm tbe Chi­
k for a laigt Mtare of pabtlc at­
cago Gloat Western raflway at Alto tention. tte eonmnDder-lo-cblat Hdd:
TtatA te.
MlH Marioa Tooker sailed the yacht
liorna Doom at Pew lake. Wk..and won that the truth of history should be
over tte Batprka. nailed by Mias Plor- MBgbt to oar ehOdren. The ceamiinac
nce Bropby.
--------- ----------- by ms
Ssaator Mark Hanna and P. BchlsMa. to conaidef and report apon this sab)set
er. of Mnwaakaa, have bought the have given much time and tbougbtfal
ctmtlderaUoB to It. and I do not tealtoto
lewport lion mtao. tte
to say yon wtll be aarprMsd at ttelr
you will apI tn tbe I
tbelr report and roeommsadaand mines arwond Jansau i
It 1* certainly not (be
Aileded by men who were Mrandad at Dyaa
rand Amy of tte Re
ibHt way to tte KKmdrka.
Ike WOTim killed
at New- keep open tbe wobbSs of tte .
of this we are detcrmlaad. tbte one kde
. WU. oa the B
of that grant atrnggleWwa right and the
IdsotlBed a* Mra
other Md* WTong-euid w* were not the
Mhkael MaOte. a BKka nalooeka^. wrong side and we don't intend that
ehOdrem aball be tai«h( tbat we
ta ander arrmt charged with gtvliM oar
wera. I hope the report of this enmwhkky to the Indiana- Five of tte vle- mlttce wDl receive the carefal eaeatdtims are dead and the other* are dying. aratton of thb
Ocmsul Oensral Lac at Havana MeBBtU acliaol htatmton In wTm our pubIK aeboot* teU tte tnith.

A. a. Buriey. bead and fonader of the
w«U-ksowB china and andterr h«B*e
of Barley A Co.. Chlcaga. to lying in a
-------------------------- ,
hp rukdsnes la
duBctioa te eoald act that city.
- bter(M*nKh amteter* who paiM*
Wbesi adipaed tte top-aoteh prieei of
with a kaad ft tte tend. The miiy
teranMa»J*tbo**wboar*tDttei^-^./«rV <*»“«<! »*-* •« reacted
tag lb* warkaptk. A targe (wtad. naff
saaeting ^SsitaUatTkHtaCr^M
55; Decsmat »%.
Pk* taasea ta Ctokage for tte alx
■nafka «M*d fate » Mat man
IFL ahoat m yu eoat at tte sattr*


tte Otand Amy camp yaKetday weralag. atthoagh te bad
tnvttaUaa of the vc
-thiag raadlnens u raestvg hba.
Tte taddeat pswad one of grant mo*>
itloB to (te Grand Amy toadar* and
led indlgnatloB among tte member*
of the hxa] cnmmlttea. Tette
Atm It waa a irlAs annoylM. bat
few mlButss after tte eptsode te u
Asr-to-CkM BeMM *■ the hi
bavtag a bwtysMagh ever K and excusiag tte offKtoJyrbo rvfnscd him antry
by aaytag that Us man was psrteetly
jrSara. no mailer i' '
u reason .
. itry had been or­
Buffalo, Aug. n.—aadaBaUklrlamph
dered to
te «<bmt BO e
caiTiBg* to tte camp.
Later ibe preMdeat vlaiud Caytwa Ulim and rcanxylvBBla'B Ttetory In u
aad. tbe site of the fta-Amerleaasxpoettloa. asd with a mallet oa which his
Grand Amy were the ftatum of
asms waa lambed drove a stake ht a
Q. A. R. cneampmer
gram plot In the center of the Wand.
battim wet* bate leaghL The nrug^

gate Brawn, at Ohio; J. P. B. OoblB. of
tebanoa.. was nomlnatte by Delegau
Stewart. «faPBBaylv*nla: George H. tanla. of Boat on. by Delegate Wetberbea,
of Mamarbaaetta. and Jobs O. LInehaa.
of New Hampshire, by Ddegato C<«*Chicago. Ang. XI.—-m>eat hat ad­ welL «C New Hampshire. WotbOTtwe
vanced afaoBt » ceaW a bushtt atnea I taler wtttadrrw the aams of lank. Tte
left home.- said Fraak P. KaclAatea. Ar« ballot raautted: Mack, dtt; Uasbaa,
choice. Tte vot
of the Tkpeka Bute JounuL resta . -----------HacLennan left Topeka leas than throe
weeks ago and It retoralag with hk
wire ant danghur from a brief vaca­
tion cm tbe northern lake* arriving eo
the Btaamer Mannou''trom Mackinac.
BeCiM* tte raauH could be annOBDeed
-The mckt carefal gpUmaieA- canttaned tet
the tdlrra tte ten Mimouri vote* that
ha. "iilaee the Kateas crop of that one
Mack wet* wllhdi
ccrml at ttteMir boabek. Thia ad­
to Gobla. who had
vance alone In these few days m
twelve of the twentytwo rotes taelonglDg to tbe state. Tble
grower* on that single prodiicL The gasre Gobbi Ma vote* and encugh
elect. DUboIs luid olber states began
yield per am* U nnwuaUy.kfgA <«
lag In come Inetanccs more (hna tarty erder tbrlr vote* changed, bat while thk
buahek to the Acre.
WAS In in»*ivai R. B. Brown, of Ohio,
•TbU wheat crop In vartpus loeallUen who Bomlnaled Hark, steed unanlmco*
win not fmly enable tbe Kaiuaa Ui
consent that tte adjutant general be tn10 ekvatc bk mengace to ■kingdom ttnseted to east the vote of the encoma.’ but win give him enongta funda carapment for OoNn. making hk electo more than pay for hla land. He tlcm unsnlmoes. The enesmpmeni th«
ou BOW yuallae more from bk wheat adlooriied until tbit movclng.
than the ghnind would hs>-v sold few a
Rew CMef Olvva s thuyUsa.
gear ago. This k true In hundred
Pret No. 12A of Philadelphia, j
leeuncvs. Tbe thrifty Kansas Ui
fommander-lr-Chlcf-Elcct Oubln
1%again Id good clrcumslancra. He ha* rousing nceptlon at ihe Hotel Iroqsok
been going toward tbat condltloo
aeveral years and tbe crop* thk seam of Pesmartvanla veteran* and much enwin make him IndependroL"
thnatosoL Cotonel Gob
thanking the member*
Newport, R. t.. Aug. r.—In the Mini* toe Ibek gtx>d wlabes. The departmefil
of New Tork. O. A. R.. gave a recepmatch for the eatlonal cfaaaitdot '
tlcm law night to Governor Black ai tbelr
geateiday Wrenn. the AmericaB el
plon. defeated Eaves by three aett to beadauaney* In the EaUcoli Bgi
banging. Bt which l.OW people ■

been formed to compleu the Panama


Htai Jtl^ left here ycaterday aftcniaoe
(or raevetand on board Benator Banna-*
ytekl____________ ____

Tin RmspMImMr

----- ^ByBajliVTesr------

U • mad lAe. Otan



Otftrs if TAtokwe Praapiti


ni;s>HOHB HI.





M Stntt bstwsn Trart 4 OsM.

alssAj* la ata^

r Wit...... Hto
MoBierldao. Aag. XT.—Tte ■

the SMsalDatkaB of President Borda.
of Uruguay. Seeretory Sherman sent
tte following dtapatch to Minister
Btaait: *-Bxpreaa tte deep
oL tbe preaidait and peegOe of tte
United Stotsa at tte aasaartnatlon of
Praddent Boeda. and i
with hk oouBlrrmen in Mr aaKtloa.*'
Secretary Sherman ah
towing telegram to tte pr*
CWrcMBd: "In view * a Meg
oar minietar at Mtatovidco X
day telegraidied Mr. Bumrt t
the imp abhorrence of tbe prmidcot
and paeplc of tte Unlted'Stotci at tte
a*daaalBatloB of Prestdeat Borda. and
their •O’mpathy with hk e
(hetr aAletlaB.**

Clrveland. AU- XT.—Ijr. Jordan's decMratloa that seak ran be perman
ye«erda> i


Lady Watts "

PMOMasSurWeaed. ByuuMIBaM


Fishing PartiM

Now for Business!



Fit>& this date this boat
will sot Buke regular con­
nections with trains on ^ &
N. E. Fisbing parties, bowf
ever, cM make arrangements
for the nse of this handsome
yacht, by communication by
mail or wire, with
Lelknd. Mich.

-Uranu-d. for t

a akin so branded can te
Just'a. .
hamllrd by the furrlera as
owe (bat has sbut-holra. cut*, or epcar
«roand* in ii-~better. Indeed, becaass
it ran te smoothly plucked and
-Tte (hlef cause of dtaconnt <*i
pelagic aklin. or thoae (hot and speared
In tbe water, to the fact that suck sUns
In tbe done air of the *cb<
as tbey are on the tolsnda In ^be Urge,
airy, aall booaeA Tte Canadton banter*
will not atop taking seal* under lb»
ParU rsgiilatlae because they are
branded. Ttey *nil take ttefc Juat tte
une. as MM A* they can And
West Sapettor. Wte. Aug. H.-Tte
quertioo of emptoylng married or anmarrHed women to toach In lb* 8urerior pubUc acbook to eoebceUag tte
board of educaUen ter*. An effort to
BOW being made to eutahltata tte custom
of b
Bsyu that te does It upon the ground
that they ai* more etBcieet. When de­
mand was msde tor bk reason* fer as
a contue te stated that married wca
were only tempnrarll>- la tte boain
and that the Angle ones who have
on tbemaeires and have Sti
tbemselvea (or tte posUKaa sboald be
uared. Tbe board
lb* prcferenc*.

Washington <; at PhAadelphla—Plttsbaig 4. PhUadelphla l; at BatUmOf*—
Clnrlnnstl X. Baltlmorr »: at New Tork
—CbKagt. C. NewTrork if; at BostoiaCleveland T. Bostae 1: at
LoaMrUte If. BrodUyn t.
WesAca League; At Oetrott-MlaeapeUs 7, Detroit It
Wrattro amorlatkm: At Dubuque—
BusllngioB 4. Dubuque f: at RoekfordDrc MrU.«* S. Roekferd 14: al Peoria6t. Joseph iL Peoria 4: at Cedar BapMi
-QnlncT T, Cedar ttsplds ».

Board of Trade, and an capMre of John
U. Wrenn * Co., bankers Is the Rookary balldlag. aeddentoUy teet htmsMf
ye-terday while practlclag shootit a BtoTh with a revolrcr. Traadsrara body was tamd ta tte fair
Dds a adie south of town with a
buDet la the heart and the rrroivur
IjrtBg Bear. He sraa Mgimm old.
Ftmd d« Lae. WM. Aug. XJ.-Bdgar
KtiMta sad Mk* Beth Bragg wer*
___ Jd la msrtiag* at I o-elotti Wedaeaday Bight at BL PaaTs csihadnl TteDony waa partermsd ta St AagaaUse's chapel by the Rev. Wardaa
Rivera Tte MtfMI party coaMsud of
OcB*ralaB« Mra BAirafd S. Bkacs.Mra

, Tb^begWiitouf the «ad torn aigkt;
the day of smaller thing* to upon tM.
• tte rmriew CokuM BeBsett pnW* at* far past tte merMMa Indtvid■d to tte goveiaor two Saga with
aaUy. and as an order tte atoaam to
tiCB to be idaoed la Hrmarlal halL
na^Mff laaMly dotra tte MO. Ag* aM
rairy, >earpcvJrty at*, making great taroada Into Tte Sags wste the Ftmrth caraJry.
itod daring tte Mexican
n srar.
and _.
cartried by oumpauy
ay L Bevmrfb
chafter* ar* bolM sarreiidcrud. Tte
hearts arc la (te right place, bet tte
laavttobir M befos* *a What shaO we
1. XI. — A .iatsa
«*- Keppy u
Aanw M raoordad M tte daassip.
ttv* bosk, aad ararr MgiwM eomrad*
M agate tintolig Mbew with hb 3-

r. o-.njasa.'txs.
Rates. $L50 per Day.

Araf in tte Oniguayu anny named
Av*Uno Arredondo Tte --------- gives
as bto only ezruae for bis dastard ' '
that te penonally bated Borda.

«*■, MitJMM


See Dll Risf Un

Picture Moulding[S

to. Fajwa-iioKxr.




Comer of Uakm asd Bay StruoM.
A S. R. depot, wlahsa to aa-----aaa to tte public that he baa rcAttoda^ faralahad tho Botol Pa^bara bettor thaa It over haa hsM bofore and eag aoeemmodato tha tnwaliMpabltelaffooEakapa. BatMfaiKiosi


Lederle’s Jrriia:

Ate M, asar H. a S g B*^

The Pure Juice


Butter, First Class
Boys’ Blouses l£,,

vatBto o< xs* aad Me. mihalB B

Bicycles to Rent

r«U llaa maurML

Soda Water
u MaOey A Boa. PFoat at.
L BICTCLBS. at Fteeb'a BkyeU Bggait 8haf
To Rent
The Best Candies S:;,


Ice Cream Freezers ^
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Paris Green

cMlty. Third ddtessuat of MorgMlUrasTBayB.^


uSntdMraaatofpiMtoaaa. .

Faadiag FBnun* Horsas a Spaelattr- Hwaaa Bonrdad.




TBB MUBVnrO\«|BOQSl>i 8ATUEOAY, AtrOUBT 88. 1807.
St. PM*nb«» Atw. n.—At m IvacA.
MB itven reMcrMr in bour «( ttra
c«w <w bcAM lb* FrcBdh erutaer Pothun Um «r tn pratM*li« » toMt to
tb» P*wsch priest uid: •^oor mr
car two m«iiai7 »Bd *bOM’ MUoaa.
wbieb are oqwllr rwoIvM to Bonutbau
wttli aU their powet to the nHlntomBM
of peace In the wortd In the «drU of
tUtat and eqaltr.*' '
Faria. Ang. I7.-AB at CM 0^ papm
bare cditortala obmmatuiw oa the tm(OTtanee of the aBBoaoeea PraDco-Baiatan aUlapco. The Mwa arnirad In
i toe late
to eanae maak oomment
«B thee evenlfw papetn. Speelal editkma

4al^baUbenri^(tekatSL9D; Kn.
Inrwd to the teebarU doak vQl
anctennoard. W# wlU aUow pern W
per eeot dteoant Of eoorae tbCM
prteee woold be oa U aingla deaka and
» rwim. aeoording to peor laiter.
Hopfw that we map be taeorad with
ponr oroar, we remain
Dnran Scatb Senoot Fcnmvnn Co.
Par C. F. Bsjcsn,

Box err.

Oadute, Mte.

tte. »• the W-h Bsgtaalag A^ hr
A a. Dwta.


.. ___________
I (f tbe
! Gneka, tbe Am dUeorerp of iron bp
tbebaman taoe was made on MaaM
I IdA bp a tribe oalUd Daetpk*. It U

ntlnmaja at tew.




ooi of gold and ailnr.
and pel M bw not bp anp m«nae nneb
ad. a point wbm God bolds Ant place
In tbe baman bean. Oor IdoUwp map
differ in form from that which ezUaed
in tbe pari and esiris in manp beatesi
tete todap. bat it doee not differ la
ebaraeter. It U no tea iddatrp beeawe
era bare ceased to bow down to that
tbe tbiage whleb we

tbe bed of Inn beueetb waa maUad and
trteUad in mall namns down .into tbe


r«7ssv •

Tmeoiaa Otp. Hteu. Jalp at. l»»7.
■eeo U A
Prof. C. T. Brawn, 3Vot<erae CUy, artcA.
Tbe am of inn in «
' PnanSat—TbeOrmnd Bapids Seating
an new aa people are i
Co. Write oa that poa bara, adriaed
them tbat on Wbdneadap eraoW. Jnlj
Mfeetblgb. ItUlCinefaaein "
tath. tha Bebodl Board of TIaTatae atp
w(D 'raeeice propoaais for St nlaiftc
dcaka.Ho.4; 10
laar aenlTNo.
4. and 1 toaeberU deak, Na ». The
Fnn rmrdsestant UUn
Orand Bapida Sealing Oompanp deabaa
eUe In tbe plan <d ablp oenain that It was aliaadp in aithe bOBlevarda.
as to bandla tUa matter for tbaca and
Later Preatdect Phare eMtad
tad Sm M^boriaa aa to make tha following God. It U in dinrt Tiolatioci of tba *“------900pwnfi. C
easamaad of God. "Tboo ebalt bare do
StOMlaa Seet. and then rctarDlnd
C Ito the!
Pethoaou. pat to tea oa hla Miua to N«.'4aU«UdeakB.............................. tS.» otber gods before Mg" Tbe fcdlp of
Fraace. _________________
No. 4 aingie raaio............................ !.t0 ^Bttp U ioptelDa. U eanool bot ap­
No. at Taaeban’ Deak U Uated at pear eo to anp wbo wtO gin tbe matrir
■ettaetDar ortho T«ia
/ St. Loola. Ana- n.—TeMerOar woe hr SIS to and thep Inatraet aa to name a aesiooe thoaghL Whp men eboold
/ tar the betteat day of the rear toTSt. poa 10 par aent diaeoant from tbU ban ever made imagm and beta «aUe<l
1 rim. I
LovlB and rldidtr. From mitj mon- prte on taaebera* deak. <mlp.
them god* is a gnai mprterp. We eanUse pttoea pa tba otbar d«b
taw the memrr MmM ateedDr apDol botwoeiderwbo made tbe Am idol T OCAL A
araid aotu at 4 o'clocfc la the aftaraeon aat & a^ n^ t o. b. onia in Jt aeona «adi enprrme follp for mm to
_j^ri?WanM>^&S*M.Ds«itei aaS
Ut la the Aade wa^the lyord by the Grand Bapte Skoald poa derira pri- ban believed that tbe works of tbrir
^^j£^trs4^ea>TseeaasTtmaHI»a. m.
9oa oawtbar narnbea. wUI almptj add
own bends coold do eoptbing for them
‘-rt^ti k-m.
Saneae CItr. Aas. IT.—Handrrd de­ that tbep tetraot OB to aama:
t. Loconroom O. P. A. Oe^ nasMs.
gree weather was experienced here and Xoa. 1 and I alaglo daaka................. Sl.40 tbetltwoold be iocredibledid we ooi
No. a atari*
(Same aa No. 4.)
know porilinlp tbet 'aoeb bes bees tbe
throBKheat Kansas yeeterday.
Noa. BA 0 liatU deaka..............
owe. Bot tbe tdoUtap of tbe modern
XIabt MAoes Itrowaod la a Weoek.
Bean and Froata......................—. *00 world U hcoe tbe lem nopendooslp foolLbboo. ABK. r.-Thc Brittah ateamcr
U their #rtees arc such aa to merit tab. ll is snip B obengr in form. Tba
loch, boui
boua.d from here tor Abordeea. the oidarjive wiU be pleaaad to bea­ thing Idpliaed onna tbe place cf God
baa been wp
flee mUm aorth of dle It.
Verp loan pours.
Cape Bt. \naceot. Blftat of bar (
Tax EUxxab A Lav MncAams Oo., in tbe bean sod Ufe.andtbe follp of n ipog^T-TWet
doing U ■aprrnic. Tbe bnman sooJ
weae drowoed.
Per H. Moxtaou*.
*he WertOwr W« Har BapoA
ont Ood.
TtaTerae atp, Mtob.. Aag. 10, 1807.
WaAlBftea. A«. r.~P«dlowta« aro the
There are manp tbivgs wbiefa we are
Td the UonombU BoonI o/ EdwMtm <tf
likely to worship ei idoie. Tbe seooiid
7VtR«rse Citif. Mich.ootKoaotTB.
teca poetine; owls
Btna.—Tear eommittea on BdOdlnga topical lefciiiKe snggeets gold. How
tooirht In wsotn t
and Qroands anbmlt berawltb Mda ro- manp areworsbipiDg the golden calf to­
she fair. t.. _ _____ ____________ eelred for faraUblng M Na 4 alnglc dap as rincerelp and dcvootlp as tbe Je­
loda Pw L->«or WthWaa-Oeoatollr tslr desks with Ink wells, 10 No. 4 aingla ns of old? Tbe gieed for geld U eud
Bather: vomer la aiirttugliia porttoa: renra. 1 taaebar^ desk No. t. And we bes been almost liisaliable. It bes
oiw lonldbt la wosteni porthn; tn^aoMb- hai^ awmidad tbe eontract far forniabceaaed men to SKriSce booor. paririoo.
ing theaametoQ. E. Boaghep and In> end evezptbing that men
Btraeted poor dork to orte aam* for­ rimld bold dear in tbe world. Tet bow T;K>8 UU-A 9rw
a t^hS
----f ,,, oa
warded immadiatelp. Tbe amoont of
Mr. Q. B. Boogbep's Idd being tlSS.SO tranriest its bkesinga are. Todap w*
hen wealUt, teepurivw ll U gone, end
1 o. b. Trararaa
even if it aboald lari anttl the eod of
- A-Moona.
saavLoanr Oa.
life we osanot take it with as at death.
E. Nicm-Aa.
Oommittee on BnUdiaga and Gronnda. Sow fooUab to lei it take God’s place.
Ptenn U an attnetin idol in tbe
Mored b
Iba fliet rapmur of P^aooe waa 1
L «<aats.<
of tha Om
XDI. Tbe Kational Uteaip pom
the naBBioriptaaf-M attkleiwr..._
dr»m (g it and live fos
t^ttatfctaw. AlnioMaUara acDOOBli
lUBIB IDIOnillfflD Ll
Travacaa atp, Mte.. Jalp SO. 1S97.
Ood and of etttnitp. SeU U another
If bU mUitaip opatatkiia Tbrna artito take agmaetriar. Jaa. m. Hri.
clee ware pahHifaed in tbe Qaaette de Tt> the Honarabte Board of SdtmatkmoJ popalar god. BeltiihBm U the eontrallymeracCttit
principle of manp linn . Before
'Frmoa. Tbe "oopr.” bowarw. did not
Wa, poor' OemmWtaa on Ways attd
go dlracOr to tbe printai. Lonb Zm
pet tbe trwri' life U a Ule for God and
mote abontinhble Prmb. asd be bed
Tagw Dottotai of onbognpfay. HU ar- following bUa for aeteo) aapedte, W. for otbriB. Let a* live lean fer mlf and
ttoUa wm cocioetad and ofMn ent ' A. Olmtend, M. E. Haakall. Man/ Uo. , more for otfaeia. and wc will be len
and Central e^otd Snppip Boomwitb Ukelp to fall Into idoUup.
naRBngad br a aaontai7 named
the following ranlt:
t End Miirrtugaa
Bible Beadinga—Bx. xxii, 90; Lev.
vbo eopied them. aemUo^ to MebeUea W.A-amtad..'............................ tin is
-- ----------------->).................... U7 75 xxvi. 1-8; Ocat. It. 10-19; 1 Kings
XTili. 9S-89;Pa.«s«v. l-«;e*xxT. 10-91;
toed It in hU ton and often intaod....

", 98-87; Math. vl. 19-94; xvi.
additional oorreatioBa At tbeaiegeof
. xU. 18-98; Acts It. 8-18; rrii.
OorUe tbe king wrote a few lioea esio99-81; 1 Oor. z, 14; 1 Jotan ii.' 10-19.
gUtio of ibe oardinal. b« afterward
oromed them ooi of bU artielfc Biohe- Bot consider it as tbe otk
lieo wrote them in again, and k> tb^ with the bid aaked tor. Tbeiafoee.
» awarded tbe bid
The babil td looking on tbe bright _
aigwared in the Geaette de Franca.—
Rene de Pam.
rideof tbingiUagoodoswandUwtttb n
a grriit deal to each om who caltivatee .
IL Oertainip one sbdald not cnltivate : 9f
C. Ptbvs.
Matthew Baebinger, meotiobed In
tbe babil at looking m tbe dark side, i tS
Jambs A. Moona,
old Engliefa wonder books as tbe "man
especiallp when be mnri draw cb bis i Si
O. C MorrATT,
Committee m> Waps and Meat
fUb,’’-wa* tbe most remarkable moo'logs and apptebensioBs for a ri-' {2
atrositp of bU time. He bad neither
Mond bp Mr. Ollbart that tbe report
tbkt dark aide, and tbos are not M
bands, arms, feH nor lega Aotn bir wf tha eommiUM be oaoepUd and
MtooMen grew twofinllkeei
and along bit back tbere were aereral
eaeb time of need, bn not for teefa time
of worry and anxieip. Be pramUea to
rowaof acaleo. He bad tbe lidleM epee
Bpt Be Wants That Uttle
tiMSBCterinic of tbe fish apeeiea and a
be with HU people when they pass
qaaer pnekmd month and no aaia.
thnmgb tbe Are, bot He does not prom'





IbrtlKrD Iddgu
TnisgtiUei G«.

.m. "T:ii

S32Tp > SSZr^. ^5i3B5o^^

Chicago — »—«.«
West Michigan



■w*sssisi ■

-Honey to Loan


‘Man Wants

But Little

Here Below,'

I people pern tbrongb tbe waters tbep
..««»: Miall not merikta them, and we oogtat
i to be ntUAed whb that. If we trust in
.. tmlOodtbe dUaoteis we dread mwt wiU
' ' iSinerer eoiM. cr, if tbep do, Be will
change tbe dUarier into btmdiolian.—

bat it U dreadfnl work. li___ ______
tbe akin off poor Unger tipa. and tbe
- ■ 'HD; of ii U perfeetip
Uab i

dlemea U that cbnrefa wlme doew
are erer bring opened bp potmg men
anziou to And a pUoe within ber folA
Ton need nerer Oemblc ftk tbe ebueb
trboae pews poo see AUed with poong
men in lore with tbe gospel wemsgt.
Bot poo oanoot keep tbem if pon allow
tbem to rumain idle. Tbep must be pat
e w < to work. Tbip am anxious tbsi ibrir
' “ kalenU be otilted. Tbep love tbe
ofaurcfa and long to see fan ptoeper, and
tbep nave a place tte t^ map aid in
. TbU dosUa aboald be
caltirated end <
Q. WiUon in PblladelpbU MetbodUL

t97.000.000,000.000 people, or as manp
as tbe wi»ld would prod^ in 100.000

Of tba Board of Bdaoatbn of the Oitp
Begalar meeting of Board of Edomtion held la CopaeU Boom Aag. IS.
Tbare belag not
A. W. Riockm. aerk.
Spedal martlng of BoaM ^ Bdoeation, held la emneil roomNkag;. »■
MaeUng sraa oallad to ordw bd V.
W. Smith. President.
Preaeat Mamhen MoSatt Moore.

Wbea tbe Christian aoldief at
abemt bUn wbo ars 1
la worldlineas of varioas fonns, living
in aaneaea a»d tanip. reoriviiig the
booors of te world and tbe attratlon

An Ailyertisiminti.«.Want Dipartinant*-

The. Morning..Reconl

oSui;tok.-.:v.:.:v. -





I being not ____________
1 on Aof. isUs to- ooBstltoi
______oU a
n for tha u
otlon of boaibp the PraM- UoasoftbaoL_______
AenCMUad for tha traaMction of aa^
Motion earriad.
Moved bpHr. Fpbaitbat tta Oom'"SoMMs^'taSpilar aaatUMf bald Jalp dtlaa oa BoUdings and Groonda he
M, U97. were read and npprotad.
-stborisad 10 phrabaaa foal for tha
aobeolalor thaprsaaat aebaolpear at
Trmrenaa^. KiA.. Aag. 9. IMf.

ST5:.‘ -S» ________

Morod bp Mr. Moora that tba bOU of
Dun Saa-1 wUl famiab pva wUb Q. E. BoDfhCT of 9m.H for aahool
aeaU and oTw. A. Olmtad of 91W.I7
■ttooi Camltara M fnUnwa:
foraappUsa, be paid bp tba Mayor and
Moa. tort. noUalmi. nntomatfe
Olarb om Approval of &e bOU bp tba
Hoa. s or e. an^............................... t lO
Bear and front aeata, aapaiMB.. t 10
Ko. s Mabara' deala..................... 0 so
AU to bo tetlearad t o. b. eara. Treeacae atp. and aap parts foond bn

“csa.'s'ss:^. tokw

Motion oarrii..
. Movad bp Mr. Moora that L. M.
TompMns %m aUowad r.M par aMath
for taklmr oace of Weat Alda primary
aebool Qlding and grounds and keep’
lag Ana In tbe Elmwood Aveaoe aebooi
Motte loot.

Movad bp Mr. Fybos UrntL. M Tootpkias be iOiot^ r so par calendar
moatb for taking ear* of tbe prteiarp
aebool boUdlngen Elmwood AvSva.
r tka walka riean and earing for

Q E. Bovenrr.
Tmeatae atp. Mtab., Aag 4, t»97.
3b the Hen- Sdioot Beard «if 3<nmrae
Bndnoad ploasa Sai elmlv 4^_________ of Mr. Moota.'dalp eWiM.
taa aahoal toa^«U daA. and ate
SUsonaabooidmteWIUbeplr- Board adjoaraad.
A. W. finmn, 09 CtaB.
^ naasa poa the foBpNi^frtea:

vmitp. oheoaritp
not marmar and think that tbe Lord U
a reapeeter of persona ItUootamatk
of divtoe dUpleatata, bat rather,an
bonat, tobetried.—Hripei.
Tba obnicb of Ood n
Tbe church of Ood mnri have aoritatblng more than abe bas todap. with all
berpreriige and aU ber caaigp. She
needs the upper chamber, ibe saads tbs.
tanpinj at Janmlem. she nseds tbe
power of tbe Holy Obost, Mie needs a
oontlnoed PenMecM, and nothing lam
than thU can tring to ber tba aUghtet
gwite pmtieU of powei.^ Pap

The SabUlb bp tmn etote flw Mm
poor mas: Tbe rich man sriU bm it.
btat M» pommaa baenot-ChiMtei

Is known to be Effeotive.



If Ton Have a Want


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