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The Morning Record, December 30, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Ftist Tear-Ko. 305.
ilabonM Fwt ct
•asd«7 tcho(»I LMt WlKht-Ohlek.
•B . PiB
Vnmmaa BcUoMiM
Fob—d Um IC«B!),Md • Good FroTkara kavc keaa «My
^aet* U the eitj- in the put few jmr^
bet noae of them have preeentad e
««« ebamlB« plotare than the one
teM sirht lathepvlon. The oecaMoa waa the bolldaj
nelafarnttaa of the mala dl*iaic« of the
apndar •ehcwl. and the attaadi
«eaplatalx filliar the parlora. There
■'mva^welre of thmn. moh aeetiaf from
eftMn\to tweaij-. each' clue harlnc
one. The white of the table-elotha and
' dUiea waa rellered h7 r'aeefal eprape
•f ImUax and farther eolor wae cieen
. each teble bj baaqaetUmpa wlU crepe
pajeer ehadea, lo deUeata tinU. The
eolor aeheiae waa farther carried eat
yy caadlaa in UtUa baUe oorarad with
ereipe paper, place at each plaU.
■ and it wae a dlSenlt utter to
teU wbleh wae the moit charm
ing. a
table in paleet
^k. of eae la delbata. blae. pallow,
aaa yieen or flowinf red. When all
tha candlea ware liffhtnd the rUUar of
oat. rla« and aileer and the iriow of
mprlada of tinj ll^la prdanted a
idetarn long to be ranMBbarad.
The pteordTreaMc^at each Uble
wae a laaeiOBa chlehen pia hat the raat
of the mMP wae left in each Inatanoe
- to the taate of the iadirtdaal dUmea.
and It woold eaem to the on-lookor
that the antiiaeoanuy bad been laried
■poe for dellaeiee. Him Laep Lewia
had the general oreraighl of the hanqnet, and Mra. J. W. MUUhea took
charge of the deoerationa Othere who
' and Bra Wm. Bank. Bra Bom, Bbs
Jeuw. Bra Lorn and Bba Wood,
while en^ teacher waa respoaalble for
the Bnisblag toaehea npoa kb or her
own table.
n# banquet propyr lasted from
7 until nearly 8 o'daek. At that
time a brief aad almost altcgether
impromptu prog rum wua girea. After
oeroiui aoao h> Ftfieh all }<ffsed. little
Baater Farmeaer sang a preuy Uttle
fhrbtmaa eeng, maponding to aa am-.
Be^ebemh Star" wnadelightfully
onar^by Dr. J. A. Snyder with rioUn
•hllguto by Him Cruwford.
D. Coehlln waa called upon for
A'taUiMdapokeof the Sunday school
' work. Be dwelt npoa the mcpcaaibllMee and opportanitim ef ^e toMAem.
andgare many azecllent blab la rw
gard to the atady ef tbe leeaen. He
abo ^ke of tbe obligatieaa npoa the
eeholkm, aad urged upon them tbe Im*
pertaaee of the work.
Bba Lewb gum aererul latemattag
uneedetea abeot Dr. Bmitii. the author
ef "America,” after which aU Joined
la Binging that faeertta-aong.
Bm. Bllllken told an intemating
otocy. and the program waa eoncladed
by the aiaging of Aold Laag Syne.
O. * W. K. Bay Build a Spur to
•Thni Frtnt.
Baabue, Dee. M.-Tbomaa BeOaim.
who btraraling freight agmt for tha
Chtaago A West Blchigaa mllroad. was
la the rUlage ef Bear Lake Tueaday.
looking orer tbe field with n view to
oenatroetlag a spar from the'aute road
croaalag down the right of way of tha
Bear L^kc A Eastern to the eHlageBr. Hetiaire ii mpertod to ham been
rery^ell tetlfied with the proopeci
aad it b preaumed t^t .before long
Bear Lake people'wlll ham an exit
wilhoat nalng tbe coatomary old stage
a. ▼. ZAmrBBold Blgbty Aema'Ttehm
Zmnd for That Price.
E.T. DarbofKaal. haaaeid te the
Wylb Ouopomge Oo mt Thompeoa<
•0 acme of timber land lb Long Lake
townabip. (or whiek be meeired $20 an
aem. In all fil.400. The eoop<
The price paid b a good o
eeerj ^do
Petoakeg filled with fiat eata. and' h
already bringing la from ten t« fifteen
car loada of lc«e dally Tmterday
there were many more care ready than
the regalar train ooold handle, and a
ppedal freight engine waa neat out
after thhm. The loge are maialy for
the Faigbom Manofaetciring Oo.. Baitner'a factory, the Oral Wood DUh Oo.
and Welle-Bigmaa baeket factory.
TbeO. B. A I. lapreparingfor a good
aeaaoB. The logi on the read will he
maialy billed te the baeket factory and
Wm; Beltaer.
The ■. A K. B. b making aotlre
prepafattone for handling Urge qoaatltiaa of loge tbb eeaeon. Already ataay
are being dipped to Maaletee and If
the good elelghing oeatinBee thera.wiU
be a raeh of loge all pleng the line.
D^af^handled by th
>emtlUat banbtea.
Hae Deaiaad an Inganlotw OoatHr.
aaoe fior Oaaeallatinh of Btampa.
A ehbrt tlm ago the poeloffiee de
partment, inriied aaplrlng inrentora to
anaraiee their ganioe la derlelBg an
‘—-orad method for the caaeellaUon
ampe. perttealarly for aee In emailer offleu The e^eet ie to almplify
the praaaat methoda and te preride e
qaleker and more affeetlre meana of
eaaealUtloa. John Daliell of Elm
wood hae been at mark for eome time
perfeetlng a dertoe wUeb promieee
firetelaaereenlU. It b different tram
anything of the kind in oaa and b real
ly aa tageatom cootriraoca. The
medel wae tent to Waeklngtan yaaterday. The isrentor wboae dealga b ae
e^Ahd hy iha gerammeat wlU reap a
rich rawardiaaflaanelatway beeidee
haring tha hewar aUartmt la aaeh
I trem their wedding tear to Uraad Bapids Taeeday night. They bare rented
apartmenb la. the TeeideBoe of Allen
jaom on Front atreet.
ATTangameabare la pi’ogrmi for a
A Xmy KOI Hae Bonght 60,. aeries of rariral meetlage to begin in
000 BuaheS iff Wheat This Fall and the Friends chnreh next weric. They
be eondneted by Ber.%mri I*. LapIt ta Batimated That There b Beariy BOpOO Bore la Thb Beglon- ton of Ogemaw eonnty, who will be
aeebtad by Bar. and Bn. Howard
Bye Coming From Ontelda.
Moora. ~
The fleer mUI U doing n haavyboeiThe eaae of Swalnetoa rm. Safgrnmrr.
aaae thb wiaihcood there b ao proeU which a jary dbagraad Taeeday in
pact that it wUl leeaaa for eeoathi -to
Justice Brown's coart, bia ptaeree of
eome. Thb-BU •0.00* boeheb of
I saoth'er trial. Anotharjary was drawn
wheat bare bean boeght from the
iyaaterdey. and the new trial hagaa.
farmers la thb aaetioa, at aa aremga An adjourameat wae takaa Uat night
Of tooeauabashal. putting into Imuntil thb morning, la the Rbcxiud
madUte eiiealaUea moOQ. Tb« prim
ymterday it waa aUted that tha jnry
hae ranged from 7S toSSeente, Moeau
whieb dbagresd stood 4 to * in &ror of
being the preeent market price- Mr.
. The remrse wae the
lb eetlmates that them are*frM
W.OOO to 60.000 buahela etill in the
bands of the farmers, which wlU nearly
aU'be 'dbpoead of by apriag. Tbe
mill b baying tn>m 1,000 to What's tbe matter with
6,000 boabeU n weak at preaut.
la addition to<
te SOO boabels ef wheat aad feed, heckwheat,rye aad meal to tha axi«atof700
boebris a areek are giwuad. Tbe mill
b Btaadily grinding oo floor lor the ouV
sUa market. A carload was shipped to
Bauatiqoe ea Chrbimas day. A good
deal ef wheat flear ia«alao being ebi^
pad to Grand Baplda and Detroit aad
rye floor to the east. Naariy fifty car
loads bare almady been ahipped thb tor a Christmas or Kev Tear's
fnU and rrintar.
We hsva a nice lot of
There b^ot eaoagh rye la
them in erery style and finish'.
te eapply the damand aad eight cara Ytliite Enamel, Antiqae Mi4>le,
hare jast beea receirad erer tbe a AW. B. by F. A P. B. ferry from Manl- Antiqoe Elm, Ash, Mghogany and
Birch in aqoare and long 'glass,
At tbb time of the year the war*- patent dost-proof dmweri, and we
crasaa here are nsaaUy filled bet the an selling them at prices that wiU
deaaand has beaa ao great that they
are eUll far from fnlL aad tbe mUl will
be kept mom than b»y for eooM
montha to eoaa
A Nice
Odil Nrasser
Bonse Ftimlshlng Store,
Beating of Bute Tenohnm' Aaaoeim>
tioa in Imnalng.
Tbe meeting of the Stale Teachers
d ia'Lraasibg thb werit
b the Istgeai la Ue hbtory of tbe or
ganisation. Tha following are the
newly alecMd offloera:
Pi«sideni. E. B. Winston. St. Johns;
rioe-pcoaldent. E D- Bailey. <Aaylord;
lbs Flom Uoadlc. Uaatinga;
-raadlDg circlC'^oard; E P.
Bot them b alwaya ro I (ot
Themtore eome at vmvm
Clarke, Berrien Bpnnga; C «. Panne-]I
PHOTOS. We ban a complete
tee. Lapeer T. Dale Cook. Detroit: W. lyoar
line of Pietem Hooldiuga aud will fill
B. Preach, BUlsdale; Bias Flom Bea all orden prampUy, U we hare to work
nd BnUrtalsing Xbetum Under tha
dle. Hastings.
all oigbk
Auspleea of tbe SaSeitioa Army.
w Friday Bight.
On Friday eeeblng Bajor'Edward
Parker of Ckicago will gim aa InterArrangemanta am in pregroaa for the 411 Sooth L'nieaSk
oating leetom 00 the social work of the Christmas featlml of the UaiaaSanday
army. lUwtrated by TS stereoptioon eebool. U the West Side chapel, for
rleira An admbsion fee ef 10 eeaU Friday emnlng. Them will be a Christ
will be taken'to defmy ezpeoaea. AU mas tree aad other eutertainmeot to
amUritod^________ I
: deUght the UtUe foUca and emryone la
inritod. Those ddairing U hare preeOompaaien OlBooiu Zlacted.
At the annoal meetingwff OoartTra?- their glib t* the chapel oa Friday from
a. No.«, Om
saof I..O. F..hald 10 a m. nntil erening.
yesterday aftemeen. tha followiag ofDied of Dtphthemtic Crbop.
leers were elected;
Past Chbf Companion—Bm. LorinB
Baric Lena, only child of Bn. Delia
aoeer. died last night at «:60 at her
(blef Companion—Bru. John Senaie. home on East Eighth street after an
Vice Chief Oompanlon-Bm- Ft«d Ulnem of only two day*, of dlphthemtle
omap. aged two year* aad tea montha.
Oompaaton Chapl^-Bm Peak
The metfaar b
Companion Seriho-Bm^Jnd Cbm her lass. The little girl r a a bright
ohUd for Me of her age.
Compaaion Flaaneler—Bm. A. Smith.
CompaaicoTmaaamr—Hn.C. Pybua.
Saoudlks Club Ate Oyster*.
Companion Barshal—Mrs. Jaa. OrifFim membet*of tbe Klondike Onh
«tlm*t night »t the home of Bari
mpanlen Ooadactmae-Bm. Wm. Tyler oa Park *11*01 end were enter
tained by a flas oy»t«- sapper prepared
Companion Gnard-Bm O. Ayers.
by Paiker PeanlBgioB. Boaide* tha
Companion Sentinel-Mm Jay Young •upper them were other elemeato to
The InsUllaUon si^ take place next
• Bp » eery pisaaaat emalng.
Vednaaday afiomooa. when it b reqaeeted that all membem be pma«
We are
Still Very Busy
Rusti Some More, of Coorse.
Our Cloak
Slelgbrida to Fadg* OampbaU
A number of yoong people am anULOOOZBO OFBBAXZOB6.
eipaUag mueh planeum la a sleigh ride
B:UBt of theButivM OS OM BnU- thb emniug. to (he ho^dtable boM of
Judge J. A. OumpboU of Elmwood,
As In all other UneeatbaalaaM, tht where Uey wQI be the guesb of '
loggiag season atarb np .briskly, and daughter. Bbs Bartia.
proaalsas to be Ua bmt for aameal
Jamaa Burahieb FMant.
yenri peat. Tha (aetariaa aad milk
•• aa patting U laigo atoeka. and will
Jamoe Barahie j>t tbb olW
noon he ready to mart np for the
granted a patent yeeter^py on a hand
-------- - Baay timuaund fees wiU. ba diilUag mnAlna A minnble deriea
faaulod In by teams bet tha laUronds wUek b bonad to moat frith maeh laare «B» maUag peaimfuBaM Ur a
in your home. Nothing so attinctire u • fine Pictur* '
nicely fmmsd. We do good work and torn ont oor or
der* when they are promised.-
WE CLAIM ToDotheV^-t
Pipture Fii-amin^
in thj'Citj.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
armbaas. mioolc,
at aay other tiaae.
a better SOW thaa
We meoUoa today
at 6c yard
cbotee pattern, ralne 8e.
Bo^ aa yoB waak
OUar Oatinga at 4e to lOe a yard.
From twenty to fifty
. per cent discountOn Short Lengths
and Ssnuutnts of
O. B. W. B. Profltiag by Oar Ferry
From Konkegon.
TheeflectorthenewC. A W. B. ear
ferry batweeu-Bilwaokea and Bnakegoo on the bnaiaeaa of that road b
already bripg felt, though It hu| only
been In oprr^on u week. While the
freight tmffic^tbb city from Bllwaakee b not Wy eztenaim. and eoaabta maialy m merehaadbe, some
teary freight la pamlng through hem
between Bilwankee nnd the northern
Justiee Tertyb Biitbday.
Tbe Thrrn Quarter B.E dob. protegoe of Jua^ Varly. last night gem
party in honor of the Mrthdv ■»»<*
mroary of the Juslice, in hb eoort
rooan. AnelaheraUapreadofmfrmhmeata sms aenrad by hb honor and tha
ig ladiei msdo U a particularly en
joyable oeoarioa for Mr. Verly. At the
rioae of the faetiritim tha JosUee
prmeDted wlU a fiae'cigar oaae filled
srith ehoioe Hamnaa to commemi
tha emnl. Bealdaa the mtreahu
tha emntog wua dorotod to cards and
ether games.
You Want anirnament
TbemwDl^ • mgalnr oonTanUen
tonight of the Knlgfato of PythUa.
Work la the »mpllfied third tnak.
The fancy droea party is prooesa ad
armngmaaat by the glrb of tbe HI^
frill ba giran January 7th.
Bte Florcmoe Jackson hatertalned
taa last eranlng in benor of Bba Wat
rrorth, who U rielUng in tha efty. ^
TI10 Wootan'a AaxlUary of Omee
ehareb rriU meet frith Bn B. L.
S*rngw thb nflerwoon at t e'eloeh
A nwular meeting of the B. A E E
WiU be held thb erening. Bet
other important bnaiaeaa. ofitoan wiU
be alectod.
Anotber of the popalar aorial pnrtiee
glrW by tte local young MMiety peopla,
wUl take plaM FiUay orwUag in the
aty Open Souee.
Amanda Hire Ho. SM. EO.T.B..
WlU Bomd'San oeat supper in the Foreatem HaU Friday aftprnoon and 1
tag. Oystma will he earred axta at
John Baaoom aad bride i«ln
will l>e espepially
busy as we are mating
Taklas Prices on some
of the latert product
IF SANTA CLAUS didn’t bring yon s pair of
Warm Shoes
We Can Sell You Thee Goode Very Cheap.
• Unquestionably So...
That A Flonr is known T>y the resnlts it produces.
T4iat The success of the Plonr 'is best judged by
the testimony given, and by that jndgment we are
willing to stand-, It is the “BEST.”
Hannah & Lay Co.
>4 6°
$6.60 jacket values.
of all kinds must
gio. It will pay you to DON’T iOmaHIR SECORD-tRiPE RURRtRS
Bny^'tha Lyoomlhg or Goodyear Glove Brands,
the Best on Bart^ at
■ “fiEPLY ¥liO.^
kob^ bboobb.
eCMtl*^ tbe.toM wob w«» *•-.
t^oMd froa Uia mtar «{ th« MlUar
»*AV»8ecrnr. .^kicindAM w th* fMr enan witk hear^ rota-*(
fol «jU of
la Uio kalL »»«»»»«»
«K» T..E*i1a tfp4. W. Uammmm. twlaad aMoad iho otoirmjr taillBC*
....... Ue ......
aod wiadofr*- aad orer
J. W. BA«m, Baitor ud lbi»(W. Ibo adcMr* baoMO- Tbo nocUl at tba
tb* bridal faiV »»•
blfb wttb belly broaobaa and 1
let borriw aad tare aylandld needU
■ .
palBBO ateodaa either aide of tbe tnr
^laoa. A Urre cat cUm bowl Blad
wllb UPraaoareaaaandplakaaadlaa
ta oatflaH ooadeUbnaai *m-
OBaa. U^wrifcfaat
gt» hod Ttwdnid o^ottar it tbe
or oMterManr
tbenad. Hob^l -------- ——
bad'aol dated yeL*^wonld DeT«r*aaanaa co«^ to bebare at alo*erabonld
piw.-5f fealainJty.
w«K tray end wTlona aid Innghilig *U
attmoe; Uatabebeda deU^ttfoLpet..witK ^iboogfal fit jMr.tnu
eweet Tbe ndily at prBBoat waa terrifyiBA' Be ronld »« yettaceWabefrothed. Ueanmlmre timetoffrt wM>io
is Q^l
Bst W* B^w* B Fla* SiffplAy of
badlT. ood bo bod booaiU. 8be tboa«bl
<d it oil day foep. taariDpdUvat^Md ttM
unit *e bad. modffo tbo-tfauiUiic,
thiap l90fcod 00 totter. Her btWfay
bad trat moopb to lire npoa, and (WTb
wa» an eud of it. Fate w al0*rdly
with tbe«9 aU. Derinc «
lABoUerdaypamed. On Ue foanb be
pirJa OBtto in and 1
dnated biamelf la a frork coat, edanied
UamllD waa alwayat
hia battoubole wiU a bonqort and etartad (or her booae.
Ooraer Park and
When be arrHed aa far at Ue afreet
Moiai* tbatTt lean abevmi. Ue right in which abe Ueed. be tnrtied rasDdaad
Breach store rw Maeoale block. OB Caion street.
peiwiDln;tb^rigbt pl^-^wiU flttliit
tbe boaotlfnl thing* went t« tbe «)aU. There wm a apte
of life Ibal
flatbed and tbrnri it Into bia pocket.
claim at ibar ripbi bma.
He went oni. and in tbe bnay traffic of
‘•Miurip. yon look jaepomotoon;
Ue atnew mad biaflm lore letter fiani
Jotted. Whatuitf Airyoainlorr
nu anarduft. or i* it only groerj
niratlan* toward Che liopnwibler'
afyoel U w»>* bri. rra kent.
“Ho, r um not in lore, bat 1 att
Bo did not read any more, hot atrode
Uinkini; of propoaing to tome one. “
homeward. Be bad been h jartty kind !
of fool auybow-^ rain
Aa if a |
‘3eo«me 1 am in a bnrty. Fred, yoa beaoHrnl girl like tbat-Hibei>he begaa j
for Beveral wpek*—So good that wr^arv
kwnr. Ufripbtfnllrbaidnp." .
to langh. At anj tnte.ba waa fate again }
••But why Am'l yon aoo.pt Mr. How- —favrl Hot amaebow be waau'i <] '- '
compelled to add
that be wautci to be lo *ory 1
brida .and fTM* olaod M 0
«». jrhHe •»»»•
eaaepy et holly. f*m which
a white dora ia a aept of bcidal
____ _ tba dere earryia* a wUU rooe- !^ U opened by'^a CUaOae atlalatar bad in bla beak. Tbe affect
•t WaobitftoB that there la no
tifnl. Tbe liffht from Ue cl
bQlty^Sf tbe dia.aBber-oat of China ik»> Uu«u»»
lent laaur
by the pewet*. and that if aroeet
frleada at
«a wont tbe Ctaiaeea torenmeat wiU ___ __________
e«ly apoai-Boiaia aa lU nateral ally. the aopUal leatlr.Uea. The refreshBe alao atatea that tbe rwrU cireo- muit roam table waa trlmoaed wlU
latad an Bnatly asanrwatad and tbal •mllax, pink aad whitexaraatloaa and
tbe only raaaeo OerBaay la looeneed a lar^e lamp shaded wUh a pish floba.. tat man nilh ta-ard and glamm
They met tbe next creoing el Lady I
acainat tba CUneae U that t»o Uer> The bride’* cake waa ea a aepanle aort nf thiuK—in tiio nbxtnrl
V.nghan’a She r«el*isd him wltlj a ;
“Oh, e*i»llcot iu
ahatJiirt: pro very bright amilc. and they danced. <
anaa wora merdend ja China For table, trimmed wttb tmWe.
that, tbe diplomat siatca. tbe rorara- __ II.. Hi** UatildaC.Carateaa, Mina tect* y<«, i< kind to, yon and girr* yon The* daiiood aewrul (im«a. and kfirn be
Everything Freak in Oroceriaa^ProviBioti*
ctHrk*. Ill the conen te be"—
said at Ue cpd. ’ ’) rappeau yon ocmldn't
ncat la wiUlaf aad eeady I# mmka lUtOdarA.-HeldaisaBBaBdlflm Elale
Mt». H»mliu.ilnn’t. Tlic-rffatand Ft«e1i Meats.
saltebla iwpantiaa. Tbte may bt tba j. WeedwerU pre^dod IB Ue dlalar ici i* aot dt''nii*able in tpr ctmrr. tc ” ore tor me. uoald you?" And abo oolottd
eaaa. bnttieaqoadroaaofwa)
aad Mlaa Flereaoe O. fioeeathal
“Fancy'Jaiam jaupodtiBr’mid oiw ODokln'i—not anyhorr in tbe woridr’
BOW ia Cblaeaa waun from TarioaB aad Mim Laora B. DaUeli »«»ed poach
llic girli>.
^“Tatc Utew Ui'iu together. They con"Yon don’t know wbat Iwn capable tUatlT mcc Sbe tried to broid him,
aatkma iitdkmte a dlflarant ecsatraetr _ Ua library. Mita Alber*. Claoda
tea of tbe dittealtp.
Amaden and Clarrace Morrlaoa amlatod of,” rclnnicd Mai«it<. ’
bat be wonld not 1« her. aud abe ceased
'’I’ll dure y.ni. Mabic." Hr*. Uublio at laK_lo try. At Ibe cad of tbrre
la tbe earieoa roonm. The premmt
It i« aot oneocb for tbe eooru to de
**00 on. aiid I'll
yoo a montbt be again asked ber to he bia
ere ..oaoally aomerooa aad baaaUmonth."
'wile. Tbe tsar* crept into b«ey«a then,
cide that eoelety woaaea may not at >L
••TweBl^Swniiid*!" trp-atpd Hni«ii-. and abe amid. "Von arc Tory, kind and
tend aog fl(bta: bat now eoiaea ibe re
•Of tbe *00 lerlutietaf imaed half
raIrons, and 1 am very gratafol. bat
port from Hew Jereey tbal a yoanf «rs Beat eat ef town, but mtw Ua
in’I-iwieed I rao’tr So that be
eromaa waa fined >10 bcoaoae aba waa oae hnadred rorntt wen prebeai
waa a
oae of tbe prlaeipaU la aa aet of
Those prmMt tnm oat M tbe cl^
] not
latory raseaUea la tba hallway af a
- Mr. and Mra A. V. Friedrich aad
Umk down. He wM abroad wiU
all people, who in- Welby aad pnwed a piepuswrunaly dnU
boardlBC boaae. Tbe jodfenlad-that
Alfred. Mr.aadMn. JaeobFnrtJch iniriCMity. Mairic.
wt-if la pabl^ waa a brMrii of aad daoctater. Ntaa Laora Fnriaeb. TurlabJy nnated ber ewaina wfU a good OODIpaOMU.
tbepnea. Bat tiiia ww la >•« ->er- Frank Friedrich aad danybur. Mlaa tempm^ acorn Uatwa* tbe antyof btt
’’Mhewill nerer bate ma," be aaid
mie da* irrcloraotly. "I belicre it’a bll
•V- • -________________ _
drich. Oacar Friedrich, all
"I win do it nowf’ abe went on ex- becanas of that canlooaddd talegnm.”
ofTraronaOlty; Mlaa Wlalfrod Hatch tttadly. "MabeL giM me Ibom tala■•Moatlikdy.”
------Bopr»e Coart of CWlforala 1m
laaea aad Hwmal Laalle of NorUport; rn^>b forma. Of conra I wta't nniite*‘Wbat Uall I do.*”
dealed tba motioa fdr a new trial for
Mr. and Mn. Aaron Kcekie of Cble- Ue to oarry out tbe contract if any care
■get ber.”
Danpat. ^ mardararof Blanch Im
amepta " Ue added.
d'a wbai
wba I ham bnn tryiag to I
memb Tbe laat neeme la tbe drama debia
"No, no: bnt a boat fide prtpoaair" da batnke'a < ^ aomUnw lau my
“Mr. and Mr*. SmiU west last alfbt
amee.jem batbavUfbvdowa! of tbe
She tbea ui down knd
tbair newly foniabod ^srtmMtAla WTtnMelegraau and di^mtUed tbw
. eartala on tbe career of tbe aaarderer.
tbeEortlaadarbleek.wba>*U«y wlU by tbe tfialA -Beply paid.*’Ue aaid.
be at boms U Ueir frteads
"Aad BOW we'U barf lea”
“What baTO yen dsnef” qneatitmed
BoUUa bride aad yraoBW**^
moat faronhly hamwa ia Unad Baplda Uta aamlia.
HaloiacfM aiMlDg wiU Mm Harnlia.
”1 bam aafced aerea moi to marry •ad bar jaetty fUe waa emn paler thu
Xarriace of ■ e Imam Friedriob te She la as aooompllUad mnaiejas aad a
ooUemttt«Medmmiaa<ff UeaaiUtreat darertte la tba beat aeele^ oir“Malaiel”
' .
iagofUeM^ana “Ah,”Uemid.
elea. Be baa hot iwoeaUy rotoraed
Oraad Bapida.
gUtlemen wHl hardly "it ia a pity! I oaie ft* him ao mnob—
'A SOJnch piecd fin. A»tt.kh«ii
at *6.00i
from a year apeat la Boawa aad tw* be Ule to Uiak that 1 am piaing fv
One of tbe moat el
years la Faria, Fraaoa. when be baa them all. and ibey’U exUangeaotea’' en wrnrh mn it r-ir’^ aemr be oowl
A Oonej. Cor Cap., B8 tooh, »S,60
Coold itr'
1 U Onad Baplda waa
clcae atadeat ef mi
• Mwi new do that;*
•’ll’* taUer dlffienlt.” tUd Mm
that of Mte baara Friodrieb aad Imlm
I.adiaa’ Electric Beal and Aatrakhan OcUarattca iu.
‘ ’ Ab. what men never do Uat enrely Hamite. "How mad of u all to bam
drawlat aad other departmaa
-Caatiartoa fimlU. k0« Friedrich la
mnn alwar* <hm."Ue laagb^Ap>Bqp- letyondoil! Ve didn't lealia* riU-Ue PLbO each.
He holdaaa importaot pcalt
well knowB U Traearee Oty aad many
or WiU them 1* a oollertim
th^ Uinga were gtme. Yonr rpiritsoazried
Ue Mteblfaa Tradeeama”.
•f her near relatirde mUe ban. It
tasa no Miration in tbcatagnlar Y'M nsawgy. He's abroad, isn't bef"
ahall imd Ue aiwwm ”
wUl tberefore ba taum'tiaf to Trar•raa City people'to read tbe followiar
Tbat’a Ute, isn't ..
In dne ronree <ff tiae -the aaewme
•caonBt M Ibe brilliaat eraat of TaaaMlm Lottie Uarilaad ntoraed yea nmo. One ly one tbe girl opened them litUe »»d umile. "He all manage to
bear wbat we rnn'i." AndUeaatnle^y alrbU ■■which wn printed la the terday fmm a abort riatt la Acme
before her expretant Iricortn. wbo recame, reply paidfiraad Baplda Democrat yeaterday:
Mia* WealworU of Omad Baplda. ia fruedtovnlillallbadcomc. “Begrtta" gram
”Hbat it iir’ mid Mm Harnlia
OUa* Block,'
Front Street.
••Thawcddiacal HiasLaera&.Friad- Ue gniaVof Mlaa Uertmdc HMna
mioM Maiaic. bolding np <>nc wiU
"Be baa wired. LnrA!”
rieb aad Lake Baaiiartn emltb waa
Mra. F. F. Heddea will go fi» Omnd mevk grarity. "Next. ^ea*-. Ah;
"Aad wbat are yoo-goiDg to sayF' j
yen. Saaan! 'borTy. prrrios* co•aleteatad at e o'clodk laat aipht at Ue Baplda today for a riait uaUl Monday.
Tbe girl aat dowtt npua ber bmU spaa |
gagcmi'Ot.' ’Ala*! impnerible!'
beme of the brlde'a mother. Mre. Marie
tbe fin* aad lotAed fittt iato tbe fin .
Editor Campbell of Ue Empire Lead
friedricb af is; Colt aTeaaa. Bee. Daa er. <raa in Ua dty OB bnataem ywtUend tbea at Mr*. Uamlia “Itbink l!
F. Bradley, paaw of tba Park Coapreday.
yatioa^ «bareb. of -wUeh tbe bride ' Thomaa Oaalon returned to Aee Ar
••Te.,’’ aaid Mm HamUa. ”1 Uiak
•b4 rroem are taemben. performed tbe bor reaterday. afur demUBg a pbrtieB Iclt Twasao^
loig ago loo. Yon am,
coremoBy. Tbe brldc.'who la baaati- •f bla boUiUy mmtloa to aollcUlag lUe ladim. how-devoted any lover* -all am
fal. wora a onaa of white silk mall inanraase.
Bat 1 have won my btt. ib. herv it aaother;
oe«r pala Woe mtia. Tba akin w
I. G. Wlbale. who baa baaa laid ap
brlmmad with rofflea of tbe mall aad twa weaka wlU rhenmaUam. will go ViHirae I aio Irauand.’ *' abe reeA A
cnmwnt fla«h of abame mrvad ovtr (he
tbe bodies waa trimmed wltb roOea
V to werk in the hardware depertIrl'alaDgfaiiigfacx. "That'scbivalron___________
gi< Ibis a* an
To oar coatomeia for Ike liberal holiday patrooage
aad white allk lace laamdloB and lace maat of Ue MercanUle Co. today.
f said, frying lo hide bm ■ {Hurtrutioa of tbe kwo hnmor of Jnaactiorded na, mod oegore tbem tfaat ire ahall contnoe to keep a
•dytata at tbe neck aad wriata. A
Mip. E. J. Ranaloraky and family
embarraniDifm. “And aow to invent n
cm ooe t—wbeo
white moire ailk mah trimmed wlU rambriag for Ue wloMto Kellmi
polite n-faaal to my otra proposal."
I Ur uiadatoac was Uciuntng to gim
l-fuli flock of the beet qoaltty of Oroceiiel^ end Provialons.
raOm of moaaeelloe da eelc completed where Mr. Uaealemky U emaleyU o*
* „ *
up tbe Imd u> the hoonB of commwia to
Prompl Delivery. Price* Always Bight..
Bomce baud* was In chambraswbee ^ Wiliiam Harconn. it waa oouced
tbe ap^priaie eoetome. She earried
Mim Haiur'a tvlegratt—reply
—reply paid—
nernber* that be ieit ibe Uouae
itTMtaEW BBC,0^0 oixica
arrived. He <
ling a dgBretttj^j
dinner boar^and Sir WilUam
wilh MaxW-lby. Tbayg-ortally naok- lUtt-oort led tor tbe rest of tbe atriag
i-d )(>g< :li<-r n(t>T tno^ in a kind of Mr. Dariiag ooe ov**iU>g drove Sir Wil
ip..Uirtic rilciKv. it* read it alnwly, liam to fniy. on failtag tu rlicU a dril'AlmaM. Deaprm of Traverae City. She
II wuni <iol ui tbi- n<um. Ou tviiBQ- nice aarw** to ao inquiry, by cmmally
-' waa dyamed in pale silk orgMtdia emr
imr hi* frinid netioed an expromloo observing Ui tbe uunrae of bi* >|EWuh.
nf mii*t pBthi-Tir wcr ' opnu hi* r-Kid "1 have aolioid that tatriy tbe jauV,
white eUk. The bodice aad akin were
fniRiiv*. and anU abaiqtdog lonkU^ oppofiiu. aduptlng an naeientprvcwleut. I
•rimmed with white Btonaaellaeda sole
>*■ nlraLn>-d tn>m puuiug any iinratintia
nffiea headed with narrow green mlret
from Par of iiitrndlug on privai* mai laynod a i*y uj^tmmi.tbeoigfat.” Lmnber Company. We have for sale G6ck!. Souod Hem>
ribbon. She eerriad plak roaaa and
ler*. Hiewc. however. aiti-rvcBW fldg< «worn them ie her hair. There were
Ing. aaid. 'Y’ou know after oU if* a
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
laoT brideemalda all yonag mksaa
dri’iidful thius. Init wliatcnnld a fellow
Oraad Beplda Ite. »•”1 wno’t sabmii
**^ *"*^ (Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
Mlaa Uom Forteeb of Tramtie City
du? She'* a rboriaiug gtrlnfcoarne. bat away." mid tbe dim.^--------------------sad Niaa Emma Friedrich. beU aleoaa
Ididn'ithitikcirexaerlT—infset, I am tbebotvL "Sw ber^I ui flnUt" Aad' descrip^onsT including 2 Enjnnes, Set Works, Carriages
«( Us bride, aad Mlaa Lottie WlekUy
not a taarryiug maa.vuaknow. I uever be displajtti a roll ut bilU
gbo Moriamb B«aai7.
and Saws. A complete Sav'Miil Plant for sale.
tbnoght Hi marrying—don'tkasow anysad Mia* Haien Blickley were Ue
"I know." rotpiudKl Ue clerk, "bat
The romry ooonria of' PO beads, and
lUiug ubiiut it."
hrideamaida, two heiordraaaed
blae a ditOiaet ejaculation ia appropriated
I've gw a fni! booaa"—PhlUdripbia
"If y.ra’U <-xplaia what yoa am talk- HmUAmerMoa.
end twe ia piok. They all wore aad mi'b ai it fatrtm betwern the fiagexa
ing aboot. Imaybeablctnaadaetand.'’
earried pink raaea Comstenk Rank la BKb ^mlario® genemlly cooflst* nf
"Hell. Ibefatt ia MUe Maiaie wtovd
- waa tha'baqt men aad Boy C. Oabem two wordA and drclana a naoie or at imd a*k“d mi. tloo't yon kanr. and 1,
waa Ua-saamer ef cereamalea AlfrU tnUiic of liud Almost all Mtalmaa ia Hfcoor*.-"—
%eifldla* Friedrich. Ua UtUe 't-yeer.’ Avki-dyoo what?'’
la riwlr'ilockeu or ix^om* a string of
"Well, I imppoai' 1 oogbu'l In my."
aephew of tbe bride, was riag bearer. beads lor abt* porpoae, whioh they oae
Sadolph A. Wellenateia. Peter I'raak not oalv on rba bduukie I am deaoiib- be mid. -addc-ulv finUiug crim*cB.
"Did »be propuw to yoo>" asked
. aad Fletcher Mason fnmiUed erebea- .ing. but while idttiug aad amokiag
toal mmie oa Us piano, riolla aad eoi^ Ueir prpm. walktng in tbe'rirettaor Hrlby WiU aa iacndalou took of
ifty Bnbben are the
amnsanent. "AUwer paid toa The
a^t. playlag U* bridal maiU from •vea wblle engnged in ouovenatiua
When a Mtolmn bh« gemv over his devil «be did! And yoa baveaocepted?"
Wagaar’s opera of ‘‘ImbengTio" as Ue
" What f l*e woold yon have me doT”
•memban of Uc bridal party took Ualr beads at tbe rvgnlar rime uf pnyer.be
a aad doring tbe ceremony "Eren- tol^ faU bands, and Um. bolding them retnnicd bauds aUlidly.
npopea. a. U to teoalveawnttblng from
•er.- Musie
lag SUr,” from ”Tu
For tbe am few dayi Horace Saada
abova be pmy* for socb bleaamga aa be
i (araiabad by Ua a
deaxm t<* blmsak or bia boBaabold. exinrieucHid a general aeoae of hewOderebroaghoat Ua eveaiag.
Wboo Ihi* i» eoocladed. be atrakoa hia ^g d>-pTca*ipu. He waa aa eugagod
"The bridemaids mme down Uc heard WiU bU right baud aoff'uya ■an—to a very lovely girl, it waa tnia
Bh«£?Liid Co. and Woooasquatacket.
stairway two by two aad formad aa i*Ie "Fraiw.be ui.God!'- Thi* oooclndee bat aevmUrioia be waa engaged, tied
BP.- as it w«re—(uiDchady’a -property.
Look ont for TTJVCH^ GOODS,
with while aaUa ribboaa to Ua ftemt U* abole. —Mitid.
Bemnirt buv preeMitt onfl rings and
altar in Ue anpilal mrler. Tba groom
above Snbbers are Dear at Any Price.
Ta* M**an Maa *
Uiakoffnmltnro. KeiarlnkMlUabad
aad bia bml iflaa ToUowed from Uc
Aboot tbe tuwuMt man 1 eve* be Uongbt abont furtfew. Even at
Vhnry and wsltad for Ue brida, -who kn<-<v.’’ said Ue steady liar, "wa* a- oollege ba had not, as moBy of Ue ba
traa preceded by bar maid df honor aad fellow over ia Indiana, Hia little boy dlA tronbled bow bis dlggiaga were axUe ring bearer, be
dremad la got a I«g cot off in a mwmill. and Ue
old villaia bad a wooden l«g amde for ‘‘^panaed a man ia Ue atmet omyliM a fatciam aafa Be triad, to Uiak
Ueir pIaom.ataadlag twa *fr •nek ride tba kid of gnma wUlow. in Ite bop- whUa mU wm memit Hr aafl maUjad
of dha bride ead «mom Maw Muaald
Uat they wonld emtaMyUaveUhtt*
of boaer aad Ue bant moa ^ «Uaanta Some perambalaua U a gnat
U» eaaAt Us era aad'kettnffhed and
a« at taa ra<
Businssi His Been Good
New Stocks of Goods Constantly.
^ frank STEPAN.
After Christmas '(Gousideratim
The atMve mdans auick BalM andjNo Proflta
We Extend
;Hearty Thanks
= iu“=.il“S3;
ci;.,Yeu Have Logs to Sell
Paste Tliis ii Your Hat.
THH UpBirmft
> MiiB f««iB Nta .......... .....
.Chk^rx rieeiulluL «■
betiali; of «v^n Fllstminonm yu«er»
j on trhlrh Flu
tb* Kati
• Cmb AoM O
m nm* r*r—Ko
mt U U» HihmlaV VM
Hmdoti. IVr- a-A apet UJ dlapateh.
from RhABChnl dated .veaterday
*1( id tefiomd that a'^,^Dew Iim of
tw«Bt7 warablfia la «-nlUBC Mkr Ooto
bland. jjutMde-NaKnaakl. fuUy
y equipped
for war and roly awaltlna InatructloiM
tm* includen tba. i'aahUna and ibeFuJl,
two ol the Aheat venwl* in tbe Japanrat navy; and the Chen Tnen. Ual wa.
enptu^ from
UmiMj U deba B-U.
Fall Rim Cotton Mill Men
Their Position Regarding
the Wage Rediiotien.
im.>M Bill MOI
... ......................................... man Ul^a Ha
ber or Cbornakt and caUbUab hla ricbt
na a member of S^’e eUaa: let McCoy BM win Vrmioi i
bam hi* <rar up to « jommanding po»i'
, 1 BHUto took if Canada-a exporti to.Uoa nad coma akwc »itb bia <4inllan««
afterward. Bm Aral HrCoy muat debt
a flt orponem at the mlddle«al«bi ItoOaltmiy Mm Win* X IHeOan-l
Itpabd not at eatrh wH*ht»•
The eiaiement ronriudee na followd:
Fan River.. - . —. .....r--------- ---- •Tm not imlna ..
Wben Oref conferrrrr cni n.i.lre naa In oeo- Statea Carmda ImportM ujhe Mine of
•wept offer* from Inferhir m
MO. tw,. bourn la*, blyht, after «««* '
tbe proper tlnir r-tmea FIW
..... ____ I
I ImpMTta of Ametlean proweta of the
«ve eommlttee mrettn*. of the ra^
dMffn all. onr aner.the
afterithe other In tbc
anine rln*. if n.-ed*
onlonahadbteB held. Becrelary O Don- •
,b«e wa« collrcted duiy
j jirw \<vi.
Jf--“Kld" McCoy an
neU rave oat the follon'toy reeoluilon.
the amount <»f
'■ muerfd laal nlrhl that be hadairabked '
had been unanlinooall adopted [ rate of a pee cent.: upon total lm|*.na
: to meri M Smith In.tbl* efty today and by th- comwlttei;
tbe I'nllrd Rule* the aum of ».that he w it) ihep^-«»t *1,001. a* a icuar- ,
That we acept the reduc- 1 HT.^ an awrase rale of but ”
; act^
.n. It b to mret Martin ; Uon. a* _U would no* be (ood buaiheee
J*l«^rju)|n„T-«ndVl'l«r.‘announ^'ar Chi-' policy nn'our ^ m enter Into a Mrtkc ,
fleet, U la undeeatoott, U aclln* In dm*
toneb with the Brlileh *<iu*dr<m under
Vie* Admiral Sir Alexander BuUrr.
Hob. Japan will oeitalnly oppooe a pw-
Correct Styles. |
Real Estate'%
Fire Insurance.
Mmet to Loan
Most Complete Assortment:
ever shown in this Citj now j I
on sale at
No. 131 State Street
Traveraft City. Michigan. ! Improved FAmB «kTul
Come in and look them over. I
City Property.
JAMES A. MOORE.' j JohnMn Block.
Those 78.
A Few of Them Left
Tbose pretty Soli.i Nickel Quadruplo Silver Pint.-
jirOnv ia» armrired loday a
Uu- prvaeot time. But we tnforpi our t
p, ufmxli.ua he tuiy*. to [ ,„,pioyrtw that aa aucn a* we thlpk .
who Flt*,lmmoua warn, him |
. ^*1*111 of profli .ufllclxu f-r :
Qnrlnnatl. Pee. *».-Jamea 3. Cor-
gS!E;l Hastings.
Zbub to dasoa aov and wj
Ml*«a.^Do not wall nnUlTha
rwUb. Un blame
OtUB-B. Oot_ Dec. a—The Mdaa
and navleatlod retnm# abonly to ba
loaned wto ^ew that ibe total Unporta entered for ennaumi-tlon Mat year
wore tm^.ori. •• aealnm Imperta of
tU0.KT.(H the pre-.,d >■ year. Ibe dot*
CoMected amounted to na.Ol.WT.
aoalnat ttO.tie.Ot;—a decreaae of tBT,»M. ' Riport* amounted to mUCO.OS.
an Incrrane of tlT.Ut.feC. There were
exported to the V> led Btaten Canadtao
Whwi Ttwy produru to ibr valoe df ULMl.taA aa
J»pan*t n*«t ^ Twf*^
'art^ ua
FIghtincMMhinMOnijrAwtit* Intbi «ou<« iui«crfduimr<ioa. Hn- fi«»- Iiur th» Word to Oe.
| gwn>«n» h*» wh—m him (rrm bU
U------------------- -----------------------
THTTWAY, PgqgyBBK 80, 1687.
Mbm a l-XM'B^bme the hew Man
- 1
Inatalled befure daylirtat
V ahall demand u..ev«, if w
here after an
extromtiy of leavlni jmateeday momlo* mom.
V eolnx __
OB airtke.”
. aU nlchl vlti: In ih* pdatuflice.
^ P-
e diet w
t> prevent tb* lar»d' low hie trail Utl 1 omipel blm_to n*m
» fron
from Odeeaa
Iny of relnforrmieni*
r proleotina of the Rue
Asiatic railway In Manrhurta.*
-------Bad ta Pay Saoa far a PeemH la Baa Tea
Aa Kveat X tiWMl atcnlBmaro.
Aeeoedlb*; to a letter which TboTti
rt*. 1 Kew Orleana. Dec. t».-Jark Daly arid
> moiTtBB from A
before the TuUne
It Toklo^a caUnet
jh, fmolutlon to tbe
Get One Before They
ud foifnd that they were eorreot./Tea.
I untona. there b a pomlbllliy they tfiU i terday mornlo* they took poaaeoMon
! not aoerpt It. The cplnnera. alaaber ten- and eworv In lUrher and tbe emtiloyew
’ dere and hvnn flxer* eopecially talk on tbeU* arrival. Two of the employe*
„rtke, and
iHwaltile that the) may ryfoerd to lake <>aih to the new poet•u vote at tile nu-eUac tomorrow Blchu maater and were enapended. Colonel
Rapier, who. . lalm. to »«ld oto l.y
- ~
virtue of tbe law which be rtalma rebefore explntloD
due to tbe refuml . Avenue Athletic
eufved In V
with about l.M*-; proMdent*. R. 1.. t-. The KvenlBK Foot «*"”■
» by the advitv a
of the T*ro*f»*alat» to vole
i«e of Iht
Hrtttah Ho«lrr> c.mp*.
prveefct for a percenu«e
ibt fof»- I|
The Hrttlah
> at 1:«
Ic the land tax. which I* neveaaary ow......................for Tbumton. R
I., li Imaklto
- i—i
Tbe match waa ortginally
Siaiet drcult
tne to the defldt* rauaed by the late 'twenty ruuDda. hot the mayor would ...................... lifcC* of
war. rarilatiient would have expired
lue a permit for over ten rvmiula. ai.u!h. A plant I* to be eXabllshed at
Tbe plea waa that Barkey
next June, and the Procrewlata wiih' 1 and chanted *5« for that
Kverhardt N'arbville. ts"® • and a number of the and la imt |.wtroa«er beraaae lUptrr
a nneral election. In atytat. did tuU d
. aald he ^ Iraloed for twenty roubda
baa not been lerally removed and Barkalre to rlik unpopularity by votin«
leave for that «tatr. where they win
' i and refuaed
er'a name haa not beva aent to 1'
Inerenae taMtUm .H^vr. Count ^
,h„ if both were on thHr | be tBed ai Inatrurtora to tbe a
Kapler aaked »tot Barker
Oknina. the leader ef the Pro»re«ii*atA ;
i,„ rounda the litexpeneneed
aoutbem roloreu cm- ;
with him In
left tbe forelCT olBce. aaya the co^ !
^ de<lared a draw.
1 Ployea. Tbe matia«etiienl aaa«na that
BMmdenL with an ehba^ rep^tlOA
tried to make U a tou*b
win be uaed for r.rtr-fu.e,l tr. eeani
n I the
me aoutb^n
aoutddn plant
and next to Harqula lio .v^uide# the 1
ruablnk flkht frodt the atart. but
*ooda. and that the chan«v lanecea.
It 1! ton rooda.
------------ ----------- f«heBeldotihrim^n.
>ay { alUled by the preaeni i-ondlttoif of colvlMcm. The
eonrem Te—— eommentin
................... .
'.rrem rufuanmeat
teiuu .ouuo jud ton manufaclurthf. 1
Ully upon thU letter and lu dtwatehe*.
a rvablac buMneaa on cetitly bad much trouble with tla emkOu: 'The .dtwi.1 of a cablrm W by Everhardfa H*
b.dy. ."TS^rTTa.
aod there waa tUndan ployea' and derided upon a kwk-ouL
mretlna -f tbe Stale
b aaaleamen a
cer of a’ knock-out. Then Kverbardt wtitcb .was enforeed for a day when an
-------------------------ellBcbed and wraxUed attd raved bla
eventkif creat almlflcance by tbe other
„„,it ume waa called and Referee
AMOffO tb:
declared U.a draw.
All Gone-
F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
; UouBon Block.
I Printers’ Ink Says:.
« tbeCX M
»ttm Mete
wi-rv ail relative u
Treulon, N. J.. Dee. 9.-The ManuIbe public schoola.
faeturinc potters of Itata ctly. and tbc
men employed In tbe rlay department mtitee of flfiy-oae wa* • iBttoned. J.
W. Rrranl. to re^n rbalrman. Tba
had a eoafeiTBce yesterday at which renualttee waa tnsrucicd to (o beforw
It waaaffTaedtbat tbamea should.be re tba rdivnue cootfriittee of tbe Wfftalastored the l!lk -per cvnL cut mAde
lui* BOW In ,eaama. and uae all Inflair action: extra
their waaea hi 1«»V Thla flnlal
un tenc* avsilabta to have tbe matter taken
vaila at the mliltaTy aiS naval defeta
anafnctBiM up sow.
tbe conferencea of il
sad WM^ua are aaseiabtlaa at Kaffaa- and *t waa affien nhout to curse one of
eral depanmenu of tbelr work, and
Cblraco. Dec. 9.—Tbe aannal neeltnc
ITenna. Dee. M.-The Nei
roand revtnrailon t*f tbe IfH per cent. '
■ the Northweatevn Travelln* Mrn'a
_ ...................................
lurcarian foretcn '
Milwaukee. Dec. 9.—Atameetinc yeareporta .ff ofllrera and
mlnlater. foretold everyihln* In the fa- ‘
boped to cel tbe. manuta, lurei
abowed the orwanlutloB
eaal and we*t loitviber fur tbe ...
Iflourtuhln* condition, a
a consuntly
Ite airalnat Airiertcn. it add*: -mere
• K otllerra
_ _
were elected; Preaident. of affreeini: up.m a uniform *calw.j>f
Blent y of mom for alU and If Knxiand 11“
I.%F.m du tme; vice prea- waaea.' Tbe manufa.-turer* claim that
11 flabt with the ICuropean powers^
deota Arthur Buieh. Mtlwnnkee: A. B.
I* paid II
*'WeaL lake Mill*: treaeuri-r. F. G. the men more tl
i office of »ecreury and ——
rn «p<Tnt‘'e.c.
D-c. 9-The pro- "M •—rt of d1re.ti.ra
H-avee Fall.,
prietom or the Mayorr ur..iher* poU*y elected.
----------------BMlarTWeIr mien Leva.
at ihl* plaiv ha>v
o thbir ; Aahlaad Balaca BM La
Detroit. Dte. 9.-VMmund TiSver. a ts£ opetwlor. that
Of IIW ■ Anhtand. Wla.. Dec.
9.-Mnee tbe
t> L. WlnBB*. repBWm That Ibe'AIrMit Bare Bm> WX1
Creamer.were lak.n t</Kmer*enc> boathu* n.aklnx an advati.v of liyiuaantlna W-y-rhau*er A Rnttedxe.
lU. on their pnlK-nt waaea.U> dlte 1
shipped .'e'u.tw feet of lumber from
t.ondon. Dee. 9.-A diepaivb from: ^ '•«*
from Chrisllha* day.
1 .v«hiaad in Mlctalyan and New York.
Ptohawur wye: 'The PrUlah
tman wi» dle.^M?
Kltunnlnc. Pa.. Dec. 9.—Pivaldent ,
tbe .\shMnd Lumber
have rerii™<’’ f"™> Kh>**r par* aOer
differ. ea,h areo»ln« ihr other John WIrk refuaed Mi«dar ta reatore . , ,
Nrin the ahipmmt of «MaM
allshi opinion, the ^
,he .hnoilnc after 1
wtnployn of tbe Wick Ct
feet recently aold 1* New York parllea
tbe Baa^ valley.
Ihe ISH per crnl. and ycaierda;
tary operation* ua tbe fronUrr
l»uu. tve 9.—C'nraa.
K.very AfHdl nnd Orakxal
Japan, aaya the dlaaolutlon of the diet 1
baa rvwtly anitered the polltlral parUaa It la probable that tbe Maniul* ,
ItA former premier, and Count Okunia. :
a tormer forrifn ratnlater. wUI form a
eoalltloB mihlatry. with a vumrou* for- ,
■‘.Among the best advertising media arc papers that
spend money Itbsraljy on {K^selvcs,'first in secur
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."
CMma-dfr—Cumm M T»—hw
loulat llle. IMc. » -Patrick Kelley,
n hardmood flnUher. wbo tot over a
year baa been dnml.. auddenly r^v_ a Ot of
ered tbe uae of speech
creatly surprised to
! Ulkio« and chanced bla
fl»fl W'
ruraea la a fervent “Ihaak
2^ "•.-s.'rwD'nSSrDa;
le: Muniing: Record
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Ever>- Day, and on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-to-Date
Popidar ntastrated; MurtSi
ht::^ any if th^'m aiiin. “The opirativea j aurvlvlhs non of Lexlii^oo. ibeceWbravatp-v ha* l«nn vlallrd. It now apeara
ted ratvhorae. died auddenly i
tbat the enemy a loa* haa Ipeen oowe IWare pn-,.rtn* ft a Km..teb' —-------evoL Mo. The cauar of hM death a
vete than waa at flri; believed, pnd out
Turuu.ilse haa be«n diaro.-eeed In UnCbirURBITT PLAN
, due to Ihe ruplure of a Mood vtxnti Be
of all proporthen to hic posalble ftxhtine
coln c'ounly. .Vev,, at the foot of Suyar
HI* trade with our centrra
We*n-IF.'ae*e—I. by *0
^ wj* 8 year* ol^
LaaJ *-wk.
for The tiec-**ine* of life Kaa been
Ftlv si I>elr>.;t <WU*ed Ibr flomUha
e*nacd. and hla aulnmr. laliaffe preventPlttahurc, ime, 9—JWty per cent I
! ot tb*' Free Frexa Fnntlnff piaaL ««lB>
Tbe ■ > --------------- - DIDN’T RECOGNIZE GOULD. I
r fhe nii^liur* dlsirM-t coal eperwiofa :
OrakmU la now- arr<unpllaned. Many
Bve aliae.1 a lewal d,^menl bindin. ! hM*y X a Maa-Wb* Tb*a.M tbe 1
hlUiano tmkeowB airale.iealfron.ler, <loor.e Tllt*tMn. a IJ-yi
nem tn unlf-rmUy, and -tsieri lu be :
etrr a Bank* m*ater.
roirtea Jmiv been aurceyed and mapped .
vaunted prealim of the Af- » dynamite cartrid.,
operatln* uml-r the new pmn by Jaa j
when the lata Jay Uonld
Of tbe edite tool 1. Tbc *l.ncn*win meet lo»norroa: to ; ,
__ been
lowwd. and their pun- , -ElphUy
ly pee
, ,0 MntvaMvUle.
vriih bis .
L'nllrd Rtatn taflO thcTr alknature. and4« *«tte» ,
lahfnent haa paved the way for the iwe- I maoufarturera
_____ _
nrarwal weRlemm;l of tbe counto'.
KM have cooauUdated their Interna
Aa :i reaoll of llw I'nli/n Pacific r«
that, eul off fmta India
flrmly believed
Ibe prom-t-r* of thw - heme i wciubauf X ibo viUaKA wbo waa to
acliwtlon the oflli'w of th*? ftim|.
with a relnvaak-n of ] mmliuilo
land Ibreatened
: wrly a rl.«k with tiould to Borbary.
their eounlry la the aprln.. they will 1 will l«- removed from tkwiua to «ew tbai It can be puahod to «ut*a*.
ibe auTvcm^t have the <•<>- i Kvxy «me wbo koowa *r Dwtor well
a..w aulonll."
. York.
iwe w-Mh- cull* bin. "ti. " and Ibiawn* wbul Hr.
,L.mrt..n, Dec. ».-Ml.ha*l Jlavltt baa
liellud. prv>|..l.-tor of the Noeratinn of lb- miner* and tkiwe
be corai'lle.1 to p
a l-ne l-tier In YW Dally CYi'onlcle to- ah's Aik. a .joLI- n ature at nshkuab.
day In i-iily to one that appewri-d lu Ua I wu.. made so awii^rei'm In Robert j <val*
column-. >-*ter.lay nirned by Adjolant - Buckalaff.
.—*Tirtcr for mlnin. unlll they come
Oeu- rai J..hn E- Itallalne. of tbe atate ;
The third annuli ahow of ibv Nonh- 1 umftwtnlly or unirofiruty I* proven
of AVashlnclon. He mx-pt* the Utter'*
Wlwonaln WtlltrV and Fet flt.ak I fujiurr. Frr-m Ihe preaeat outlook M
•enllmeni* aa rcprewnilnc a laryv *ec- u*.K-lat1»n will be.ln at i^ui«rinr Jan. i Wli-ved ahouL'on—half the mlBea In
Bon of American opinion, bul prirtrata ; j,
cohtlnne aix daya.
> ib, dl*irlci aiU
•t.Kmeni* that Tammany ' oovemor and Mra. Scofield, of MT»I be Ibe ffiaad. exclaimlDR:
ball la ah Ineh <ir«aniaaUon and that enaBn. w Hi rive a^vpt^ ai the ex- .
V TOO. Mr tb-ckerT 1 km glad '.
XriabmeD are ,-»ior.*IMe f.»r ««rrupt
muaSrlpal .ov-riimem. While re.rettta. the comjpti'.n )ln the 'polUM of
.Kew Torlt an.I
be polnta out
lu ^rr^t
tbat la many dlrv iii.n*. »ui-h aa a-aler nlea tbat tbe tariff i»em«lalKm*w|th the
, c_
aad ll.hUn.. h-w Y-rk L,r,*urpaaBpa L'rUted Flale* have b--a’ brakrh off. tl«, alll b- renewed with all employee »■««“' .
.•yiepi the timnASe hard* Tbe bonu* |
"kew •> am L but I 000 t know you.
.^Jjcmdoa' In pPOiTc*" »nd enUrhtenmeal. addin. ihaT ihyy have only Jual eompayment* a-bh-h th- cocniony baw , air. (lord dav “
made aliwe Ji:ne. 1H:«. In addition loj
“But. li.dd up.*' xald tb» Other.
EckeU baa arreed
to th*- MU- (KPtract iw.ew.
.......- ——
rale* will iw
be «-,.ii,inuiw
continued lo
to '1 —anwi
"aran a
t foo Oootgo Decker Of Hargarct-^eoba
Btohar*. - irnioriant ’ plan
IKiuldaUoa iwcommooOrt W i
employe# recelvlus a bunui no*. In- ,
Barilo lowuo. have been ot* u|ded by , the
e ,-nnrerrera
over t^jcludin. lonnare. tura and day men. uj- !
..yj,- j^. .a..-. wli ripht ;• raepomd• tbc Lamo Bauaaa.
Tbe Inhablianu ; u Phiia^eipoia. pro,
are enthualaaUe ovx the prv»en.-e of *ra aleutaJriM.
-dforpoat.th* Bmiah ftafc aa they feared .u. at- . a. U l-etty wiu be
tween the ccmpalty and tbe tonnas* 1
lei-k from Freoeh naOve troon. who ■ nia«l<-r </f CharleX.m. W. Va..
an- endeavorin. to force tbemnelve* on eredMra Krtina.wldaa XlkrlafeRcnato
. . IMtom HawwieBaaumSflqbt.
<h« Barilo oouBtry
arx devaaut- ; KerAa. for artwo* retehUou a Mtoim
m'* mid the UtUe man.
rxumbua. O.. Dm. 9.-Major Chxle* •
Ins It.
' effort wal made.
UJayOonld. Uon'tyou
____ 7TL
At Oaayoo City. Ora.. Fetor FYeacb IMck arived truen Oeveland tot niffht {
wa* kllkd l-y a man named OUver. R
New-York. Deo ».^Vr the fi-urth
la rvp-.rted that, tbe dW wa* a cold- Dreonal IMffoxt* In tbe •erttural elec- I
Bine Miepben V. (-Deuca"> Whit,
Iduoded murder. A land dl*puu 1* aaid tlun Hanna I* not expeciad here hetom
demuniiraled beyond
Sunday. Major Dick will h«ve« onr^ '
to l-r tbe caux of.tbe irouKlc.
lieutenant* to aealat him and the j
eandwr* X.'lbe
fcjuix-n to make; "My
Mpect* are to a very lively aklrmMh. |
■yai, m fur th* month of November w»e
"Deoooo” WWIff
reod a* liiy t
Of meniben clatm.-d by Kurts
---------- '
**Mr oppammL " abuQted tfan onto.
tn«j aK an locrrax of tan.ied For tbe
, onfftotloa to Hxiina c^miaa tbe M^a* eemi fli to wtfx to the toot that
Bioniha fram July 1 to Nov. M the Bel
a ]uai told dver -dollar c
Mrinr* Were C.MS.Ttl,. ah incTriW* ot
97 mother took to wnabiot- tib* <U4
Md what i* morutothep^ abehller A. B. W*eaa*aai
The ffiBBd Jury at Cbicadu rotad as
way* mutt
It heralof Hanna.
Mew York, Dec, M -Adlal B Bievea- indlcimant anlaat CharM M. GhaiBe-
It Costs Money to Do lt
but the Increase of the Circulation !*roves that
BECOBD His 1 Restned Seat In tbe Band fi|in.
Advertisers Profit by It.
HalliBor* Stock fieeelved Throe Ttoea a
d'AontK. AOc per quart
Ktondorda, SUc per quart
Solid Hrata.
Ftetchus Ofsier Bepot Md ResiairaiL
are wbdt yon need for tbu
~:^edther. And yon emn boy
tbffmof ns
i the peeltiM «f
rl of tb* Mertb AimcMU
ot lilt* 4
* bcordof dlrertev
ly, eiPMwaeurer of th* PMBbrtettM
btoto e( aM fur aeademiM and anUeffoa
Xbe MB wvu*ea Chartiely ot ambenaWBreMbfMLMo.
OabotM. JaM
mt Wight,. Dm.
‘ wan Ml tt took."
After that there vm Dathla«to4e
hni<B9 a «i>«ltjvoH to toe Ban
whom BMeai ihuwed aMh erMaato cf
6c, 12c, 27c, 32c, 3Sc, 46c.
Y« gnt tfaf
■ iSi/'''V
I •
»th* OoodTMtr mAkee fat ttal price.
An B ,
«i|l a«h« «U th* r«j»rmHc» ttot Mw
U Iw pow*r.
■ni bM WVM- r«ruiM4 M Ae tb*t.
> tiwn tw U)« pun»*« of oHObk CbinMf
lf>t*rpr*t*tion 01»«n Our R*»
li«f MeUUrM for Cub*.
^untrr *•» »ow «»»*«««nco
«rf Europe. Bnl ibt CWB«*H»vCT^hI mi wirboAj; »b*T kept
their bouraertee. Much ot the troBble
----------------- - - l»wted within her beundart»
»h.W«. ••Mtebt-u
TfweUae H.e UMlet MuwTti.^
Pbllewrhm her. auM “
^ 1 AcJeter trl^ er.. worked by W*li«
• tb, .ruiW U t.-ron lu wer.Ul,
, b,*
w«. •• CaZ .UCU• enw ptrU:>>’:n>ctnilirrru.fblM ,
tn.vt hna nieu were
It of tbrlr-nouey At ibe esA
>1 Id tbr woliiuit
ti,c»i*.lth»*.y.trBii..»Thlkec|ifcT But • pn-Hy M>d uioA*" »SI»kt«»« yu“K
iM.ui.Bt the tK« Kteryi...t:i..*-brw.nmD»tared in ■ sUlrntjon Artny nni
ante bUnicir
Ttll ..oe had fomowm-ed ' tonn. She wna eer>-latent mnaatB'
fearlul at Imkape t>f ewbewtsir ton Ic per wblcb ib* w«» nadiiijt and J»W Itl______
lb. Buntyy
ijilcr. charj oJ hU body t i
attenliOO Ui the crowd ot trariliDK
Tbe«^ •
BM of wMtltb.*'wi>UlMrt (banporMT. 1
a. he cotorwi the gnx BwobaM'i
rdAoe. -a. a a«t of leM fe» tba yoVBff i
IBM of today. Woald yoa lalad MlllBg I
ma bow you got yoBT flrat real Mtt la
■■Sot at all. not M all." rrpUtd tba
(dd man tdeaaaily. “DoyouwabiUM
troth. <ir tbe nvutatlaahlognptalCBl rt>-'
MDcr that la ordmarily naedf U'rlm* !
material w
--Cblcago yom;
If ao yoB know
O P. CARVER. A«Mt. ,
Suits to Order.
forelttun. cmllnualU m.lel «»"“ «■ ! and oow at 5i. be bmIM Ibruunh llle M a |
m.Wd ww. .■ well
••1 d<n^ quite catch ib* drift of yoor
*oima Rome of eur young men. al».
of hen • r«a
I ^
' - afle*. bt.*u« the '"^,bi„|le .peaking, hyi-wi.y 1. tht ' Are-cd yoim* U»a who Wb. w^DR nmarka" wud tbe girl wbo wUlfolly
ImraU.Dt abd
HMpto Chka«b-I
gnventment move* slowl)'
••1 ibiuk I do of ymira." ^
tutkm of reftwma••Ttie trtifb ti the coTemment
......... .....
... crowd
«w^ maa who bad baw tiytug to ivo- '
ncithmit either
had about RIUoU J ...........
of tbe
<J........... "
-It i. wmKdhiag ia the nature <ff
«lDg ar fa»l aa It aafely can. tfe can , onalnlr
Italy ao |«etcnie
fweccna* For one and thirty • (^marked
j«iuarked apmr
ai»*r tbe
the beaut,
beauty of the lUtie pare
fjater than «e cao edu- years
y,,„. tf
,f waeztai'l
waettai.l »"
an ocrwatrwal
octwlnnal wmle.
wmle ha i g,ivation
u,ivauon Army worker. All eyea
eye. were awowdrilt ■ —CtD< iBBati Enquirer.
aafaly r
„ far aa Roaala ■ ream] pnlden
cate the maaara.
..... paltede. In Tl
^ ^ little wnoau. aud »be
on terma of the atnwtai
L ThopruaperU>e ha. btoke 1
Tbae bt tuel
that the reUef meaauree ^opted by the been our friend at llmea whea that , wonuiB
||ow Ibe anal of a port dropprd W habi
VaMed Buiee aad cooperated in by frleadablp waa of laeatlmalde yalue.
‘ -------------•— 1 I ailonin
—„ nf
the hnw.!
n „ ,4,y, ^yed. or- drew near to tbe crowd. He. ton.
Bpalo are a atep toward Interventloo by
1 tbe iwo Mrudl with tbe appea^do^of the wotbU Boyenunent In tbe alfalfa of Ctitaa.
i« fettered to the oalllhB
. by that token tl
nt mlnlater characlartaea auch reports »f‘
BUiy ax
ird whool toNbee. tbr god*
jp and handed
•ni fl»« a»yy»o«fyoufoUowa$i»
aa aa effort t« mix pollii- wiu. chart. | ^viiW
: plain when the tlnw cornea bteadil.r the If yoa kiaa tbal girl’- mid ba
a cake.*'
Ibejadge-v—______ _
rfliree iMomatnm-forlhetankeof am-n-I
ty. *aad a» calculated te exrtte 01- ,
TboM> in tbe crowd took tbe date.
”8ixty daya, I u
leelliiB. which win embarraaa the amrt- [
•0 Record.
..Me novemenl and Impede lu ezecu-i
---------------- .~.«4cate I
Btnnger wb<. bad ofiered tba mooey.
tlOB la Hatraaa and throoitbout tbe lal-1
Him Chrlatloe Oenrude Forbain waa a I ••fU bet you |» that yoa mn-t kua
asA Keferrlr.* to the auUJe*. he aaJd; ^
Vetlee ta Tax PayM
g the great fi
higher grade whooltewher. wbo made tri- ' her."
•Tbl. talk of tnteryentlon
la certain!i Sneal n;. at‘iS;? rtK-k oro.bral.ar with .
• V...................
- - - Toynhre h^ to I
Tb,wn«,ger beriutedloroeseral aeeI will beto»yo«oeoo week dayaibrtu
olher purpooe than to;
J ,Lt
Qaartera baa
from tbU data aatil Kebraary laV l«»t.
>UBtrim aad to dlrert j *p,„|,h workmen P«»» da«>' over "tbe ! njj,
porta," »he atybd
embnirr both
to receiTC «Utc and Couaty tagea aad,
that bet.
- “1
"I’ll juet
iuet take Ui
tbr original ceaenllal gnirT»oc o
Bar* to and from their work on the,
Mlu Foriu
Tbe money waa pal up. a»d tbe
maaiem on too uu;e |
-j j_._ I.________ ...
e eztenaiaa or aio to toe: fortlftcallons
A large numuer
number oi
at >oy ^ mm oihur than
the------------llery are belag !
A|^«e»amc *he wa. todlnnMUj • | “T"**-»*"
Cuba la no more loterveo- 1 hearvleal piece, of i
• auRcren
k ta under con- ---------------woman
Tlie two met at a aub- ] Walter Sedinaid. Walktd oeer towafd
U'the-'put Ib place.a great
lloB than »‘aa tbe action pf
wocaao to Bnifana.
----------------------------------------- and.
—* afler ; wQl be charged.
Atala alnictlon. and the'plan of defenae per- , (criptlon dance.
BaUoaa «rf the world—Includln
■loar .ber IdraL bowing rrofouadly. took a aeat by ber
, mlta of the alwolule protection of a vaat................................
j tog. he (vrtalnly droopod^k
Atjrr January lOtb. imi. a penalty
a extend hqlp to Chicago
Fioe ..Merclmnt TaUDrinj.
_____ bTtt.
“ •ue'Ksrtd“«£rr3s«'iJ!rrj*i£2
big file, or ‘1’“*
Contrary t" the policy puraued U.
mn^i« a ahlp load of ^in ^
anf last year
of Loodon in
to I’artw when the alege by toe
m^a a as ralaed "
K«.y Itewert liwm toe IsUod.
^,.i,i„n ^
Turning to a dlaiatch Juai received ^
----------------> general at :
Very OMIclagef the Tnrh,
Olavuna. the mlnialer iruceeded, uootlag la pan from (hr diapalch: "It ta
not true that, the Apanleh autborlUak
«D Cuba arc not equal to the altuatlon.
Succor I* being given abunJently and
relief eommlueee arc to rvguUr opeja_
aion. Jn l«o ..f the prov.nr-a-PiuWto
'■Njh-locipe and Santiago—there haa been
Forty pUntaUona
ore rrtndinr augar. and there la ample
work for thoac who want It. Many
of the reconcealradoa who are re-
■ • to the rma.
>I to.tlnct
mniKn wa» carried
; ,„u ^ m IWa r-.uth Hcni-cy. at « »
r four per oeat fur ooUeetloa wUl bej-j
"^ttot *ewoman temfd to be yery
^wSfbooia. g o’clock to n ;»0 o'c'oek
m. and 1 o'clock to 4 o’clock p. m.
Ofica in.room i. BetaM Balldtog.
riikm. tif Ibe w-bool Uiani for london (ora Ibea began to open tbeir ryea wide
., aad it»
I _________________
and sank______outer
*'' — 0‘t*..r f!li
«21i iBontha
mnatb. 1 I One
rw.. of
..r them
rUaM mid:
mM- "Tlmt
fellow ba.
.after tbe aiddlng Ellioit dined with Urt whole lot rf infloftweoyer tbal girl It
Wariilngloa. I>er. ».-An IndteaUon ,
at "Jonimy’." and d^k ^ bp ,hgi
u a hypootiat’- BwJ-
of tbe trilliag^
eminent to oblige the Cnltcd
Cnlted Rlntee , cabman II .hilling* and undreawo him
-•-.later at Cnralamliinplr,
ror.t.mlnople, who ha. .od lit him to l«l. That night the «>^
of the -I ,be »wt ahrtoktog from the fimh.
been prreudng for the punlshint
mui-deren. of the American Wcycllat > btimcd a............
......... even the embmikment
I..eaa. la contained In a cablegram from j board waa appareled In while llghtVyellng. with tba freak* uud.P**;
............. ...........................
announcing ...— v— -------- wu« o.
-------- ---------L'JTir-----: rteiera hare been convicted and »en- tboughu and boue. aa bcrrielcro. Mom
i fenced to Pfieen yeerW Impriaonmetit. womca would have *liuula««d InleiM
*■ *.
talked for probably two mtoatta
s ihBWMtiaB.
«drten kli^^ wo^
Bedmood walked oecr to tlto«a»bolder andteadeed bit money. HoUm
MrWd from Ibe depto.
dn»t. Tb.
little woTbe littl<
a quickly anwe from ber «•». und.
taking bia arm. walked to Klolb and
Broadway, wbera tbe oonpla took
Earn Broadway oar. Badmooi*I ia
** tall
and baadaoCDW Hlf wife U
and la cwapriooaMy pretty.—LouwvlUa
I a o' II «
City Troaaaror.
IM—Thur..-Hat.. Tuea.. ti
42, M»
Free Stora^
for Bicycles. •
U .bar,* aottojg tor ea*. aaS a«r
+ enameling
aerted to be auffering are In aucb coadl-; baring eaiaprd monlha ag.> Into the i bmker'a wife
ttoa through aa unwHUngneaa to work. ;aut Ian Caucaaua.
that the Titrfclah
Her liute femtnlaa arta and wbima
i ..............
Cruled, condemned po^ imretuarkcd
Thai mood of tlrad
The energy with which
i fwveinm. which .be loui.d to oa^ie, to
Owlrgawto^owajrbe^fjaaaa gwAntoUe
iwlog coodurted
Havana U I S^'aentenced them s their abaenc*.
; oMoe U»k* and In'muric. wa* tu bUn aa
----------- —
ahoa-n b> a glai ce at me Havana pa- i
aa Homau U«.
pern every
day. where there are long!
.wWwr* Ma*a wi
ry day.
••Mv wlfevouldn t go to ibo -oooorrt
to her. Ihwaa
Jlata of charitable donallona of eonWaahlnglon, Dec
last night becaoaa the baby thraateuad
denaed milk, com meal
and like ar- 1 rabinei -----m’cetlng
— »..»
• — "*
to bare croup.'
Uclrw. eaie-.-lally acrrtceal.le tor the te- [ Recretarlra Oago-and Bill
^^mu^Mtowaehorrtvwwt tlOOa. m.
to tb*
the bowwto
bouw to
citr and Secretory Alger 111. only ,»halAlgyHeiriqtttw.«
Heirioucwio* w
Uef of children
"Tct.ut>d now sbaiabap(uag mad
ave BiOTben. attended. The appeal^ to |g,„ ,„i jerp' l-ba Hoo _Alg«<M
Hew tier Help WIU B> Meaelre*.
the Amert<-an people
Bourke llwrton t * aaenior meudaer of becau^t^ baby didn't bavucroupafter
•Tl la perfectly weP underatood lhal
wnmiD bad dub- all. •■^-Cbioogo Sown.
auffecera In C?uUa waa the prtnriial a*V(*al juhlor eJuha.
tbe AmerteWB help trill be received with
bed him onoe "a rip with a ta
topic of diaeuaaton-______
the aplrlt that It U given, and the
TMoM tb* Civil aenKe Bela*.
Amerli-an goveramenl — aa Secretary
fiberman ezprvaaed It to hla recwnl
Dec. r» —Fred E. rin*ier
Attoraays at Law.
ter—oRera ihr well-known genvroolty
tviUlam L Muir, deputy collector
oaoe* IB Mowiagae Btoek^ Tnvene"c«p. Bleh.
of the AmericwB people
and iBPperior at' t^»rt Huron. Mich.. bad furi iniaglaation auougb
mlrtt that Iber have accepted foreign
uiid Inertly
help la eaaea- of public oalamity. It MHona for violation* of the rivll ae
ChrieilD*. bowaver, hailed »■■■. — - ;
aeema that aome perwon. who make rtea rule* In eollclUng 'cwmpalgu co:
I creature of light and wl-lom and ludcawl p
tbti: atalemaat aa to the <v>ndltloaa to trIbullOB*.______________________
I to hb froth and tmail <***• to a *)ilrtt ot
Culo forget that the evllo of War can
ipurvgratltmlr She hod mw* a Wng dto-I
urtco—eraartac tU rremOt.,
not I* mitigated la a ahnrt time. They
ner of herb*, and here- abe thought, waa a
(all to .onijiare the actual altuatlon of
■torr TmM by a BealleLaa toawi Cab to I aalad. *wruleBl._crl.p. delighttul^^^i^
today with that of the paai. and they
. ' Slllon u)ua«y. Herrlott i
totally dlaregaiil tbe effort* made te
caty of Mexico, Dec- »-A ganllat
Improve the altu^on.”
[-i/i bU etedlior. by totiag
(rum Cuba who haa been In Mauaar
la time It canw iq^lng
of the ao-called pa<-ined pro- : ibeir dim
The SpanUh mlnlater haa received a
_ tea with Mra Em.
* dtapaich from Havana’aiatlng lhal ihr Ttocea aaya tr.ai In reaUO' the w
^ bic
auiomm.lfi mayora of
and am begun them, f-w tbe country ha* !
o„ , cortolu Saturday the eoapta woe
Juanaliwcoa bad been IBaagutated amM beeu abandon to tb# toaurgenta. who |
-Kceai enfhi.aiaani.-ihe people rrcelring have bolU town* which am aupplled i,^a^,wnyu>a eorpmailOB ball "I’m
______ berwaoTiw. was CHIT ao* I
'them with riiouta or*lx>Dg lire Spain." wUb ahundanl provMuna from the [^nid you'd batter not turn up. Cbrli,
by Einon ,^h,,
."Theiw * notlme
Tbe diatwicta add* that the patriotic neighboring ealatv*
inutacture gun- ] iq, .
fnick. and you wt:
wodldn'i like to
aplrtt abown at theoe demonatratloha rebcU. who even
r eoura*
factorte.. t.n-jg^in.baold one. 'beaald
give anaurance of tbe *iwvdy rcallxa- powder and l»^-e
always new ' he addnertes
and ahOc ..
faclortea an that they 1 • man .clotbmatw
lion of llic good effreu of
long aa hU ahlrl I* clean '
.»J '
ofnou* form off go< «-mitKmi in rube, COD aopply tbetr trxM^
Spanish au- i
llloWMaldat tKima
In tb. alter
nonioua mayors to these two
The I
amnig the (Irwt-to be named. tbortly t* not rrc<«nltad, and Ibe In- ; noon HarrloM oalWd and took tew AfMcllle*
babitaat* are n'mfortabtr oettled un-< ward they mt on aeida with Sw^nbune.
OffT tbe autbortty of tbe CubOB mntb- ,
Pix wa* cue k used trom tbr cluck
auL9«»wopp 0
Priace of Retail Mermans
JobD Wanunaker
«ACSe Hiu koT RkStfihEO OmCK.
^ .
-----/»evwr Wa- Anything WwM PatoHag to
Base the Kem-rt I t»w"
■Waahtogion, Ue, .'».-itocreUry Gage
wa* seen on hla mum ftom Sew York
yeeierdsy and quesUoaed as to the
truth of tb* pubUahed tvporl that be
^ tebdervd hi# realgftaUoB to Ih*
....... ....... ..to'eVIafldence aad apinx lailun of bla ability
as show □
and ..there who am really
lUlSTM UD HtnUfftB L I
•».... Jn. V. ue..
oonro HosTB.
Sunday’s Record. 2.,
hiruseU nJ ifil foeik- pag»nUm
iij ia-i'fi
ttoehbMew «te to Ito ttoseww.
but aald tbal he had n.n tendered bis
Rprlngflokl. 111*-. Dm »-AI a meet- ,l^»*,d,i.aply
reetgnatloB. nor had he any resaon to _ ng
^ held
......... ...........
last evening of tbe ai«-khold- ,
jnaqUvk BklrmUhof pelttog fun b*
Mleve that he and the ptes’d.nt were
ra .-f Ibe Illinois Hiotoetlve
Piotoetlve Building '> goiight
nught toasoape
But —---------------------tb* w-omsB rase.
not in aubstemlal aeewd on the great
^ua^ gsocjatlotv. which wa* rep..rt- I awept UirtMiKh tb* door and turusd to*
que*tk>na now before the country. Th*
audlt.w of poWlr acct.unw as a,,, .nd to bar pink silk eveolng eJotoe*.
report he aald pr..bably sprung from
v.-m. u waa de<4ded to keep the as- gad lured arm* ut on th* ball to
/ -a remark he JUid made to. Intlmat*
nut of tbr hand* of a receiver, .tog for brr husband
k friend* to kh* effect that aol for any
,h* oiocic. A new p xb* dining rwm doer baadU ebook
'tklag would'be embarraaa the prealeleettd. W. B. i pair and again and w —
, tg,rav- lor esuape
dent, and- If-be *** ---------that he
rth. be would resign at once. Be add--|
, ., „
.,i|,.gMt t.. have cat
cau^ the |gblB bAwecB ber palms
Twelve pOMcd
er ougnt
i .:lrx dropped and new
ofB-! and I
Hb* beard to* gyrating ol * key
ed. "A cabinet officer
ought aiwaya
alwaya to , jn/.m.-:.. l..:lrx
ly to agereader bis ofllee ; '
hla Chief, the esecutlve!
______eueet door op>-ued.
a mOB la
but I have not the aUghem reason to
la.. Dec. *».-Oovqmor. ,fc, lining romn
1 loekad fclm to*** believe that such ai llon oa my part ta
"Tb* d*tll you dldi" told OOyert
•van mnouly desired by th* pterideat raivt L, U. tPiaw aad hi* family ^
.. j, |, ,
both know—to* KM
Tbe deolret ot other people to that rived 1n Pe« Moine* iodi>-. It la
Arwltun I am am dlapoMd to ceaald- foni..l removal t.. De* Motoes »*« I Hemott I mk ad him to dl a nee
|I wito roa
yoa to
I Umsh to*
in fact there
never wa* any Dentaon. rthaw expecta te tumaln here rude to ^
e before hla t
fouadaiicgi worth aotlctog for tbe re
"Vazy weU. Chrtt. " b* replied.
TbM Hia EUloM swung berasU «•
ElIkM eaugb* up a tMlag whip,
locked tb* diulag room dooe and flung
blmmU Aciosa to* room
Ba was quit*
eprlng&elA IH»»
».—Tb* State mberat toll Urae.
Waabtogtaat Dec. ».—There
HorllcultnnS aoclety began a tom
Tb* guest of to* ovenlng was ctnlag
WMOt pqtolWllly of toe dlaiB.
l^godoa asMa.*o unlit dgereo#
-toeat of oitoa. It wojat oooe* toweem. | day*" aaaatoB be** yeaterday. A to*
cxbIWt of fruit* grown on pilnoU lo^
caubMtsato. Be rose at tb* opening
cwiw. wU rely oa Btiaola as ber aat-;
ohowu. sad preraluBto aggregating »*• at to* doer. Olly»l eaught him by lb*
ural aUy. .*»«*'
tmtoion eater- i wlU be awarded Thnraday. President
-- -and drugg^hlm iwund. Then b*
tatoOd by Wu-Ttog-rong. the Chtoeo* T. B. Goodrich, of Oobdeti. delivered W*
at bin tlU bM anu ttrad
Aftarmlnlater to this oowrtry. *1 am of th# aaaual sddreoa Tb* election of omcera wgfd ba iuutad him Into lb* hall. Mra
opinion. " mU raac. •nhat to* olleimd
toe eusulng year, occurs lomorrow imiuM ~r»^ down and stood by to* baa
Intention ef to* pewan to porttuim to* n^lng.
MMra wlto wUMasdtae* aad bUstiig ayea
S^we* mraflad tola toeMsMabd
. Chlneoo-gmplr*
FeU Om Ovor a Orwvw,
ger«t..i -What ha* CUBA dso* to be
toedooraaeppsdbtotod —
lacrosse. Win. Dec. ».-Bffward F.
dlvide.1 up and porettod out omeog to*
fru dead yesterday over tb*
power*? What are Ml tlBaUto* aol***
nations or against toe efrittoatUB «( BIKVC eC Erwia W. Chamberlain Doaae
. TbaaebotoMaphtb* epoch Id which wt B»*f .OenHMT was offonipanird by other Grand Amy
Tb* Indlas god^ was a soldier ot company
dMwanttoawayof eilbaU goto
T> Voprusath TnacoaslB legtmeot sad HLa hod
-Book 0*4 WhM
MHTad totuagb toe war.
Wawto to Knew tTby Aar*** DwMt I
Occasi'jcally the Spanish . convoya
■But tillyart I away," abe aitowared
1-.^ over the roada hot the Inaurgents
'M'r>ut and meet them and lUbtlng ' doul Ifully
roads, the jwtlrlol* ml- ;
‘ The s«*m woeld be our* dear 1*^ '
,»jung the uH. naive. Tbe irvirer,
•• 1 .hoold toU hUu ihf moiuanl bafa
I- ' ^
,B auep a oondltlon |aro*il- '
„uuh ayropathy I* amuaed. th-y '
"Ask lb* Oft* a baim Wire eoi* M
I ^mug Inomly buy*, thto and pale, and | •Tbe Btodto. OulldbaU ’ "
eml^tolng of tbe w-mched quality of
"Oh. .-.ay II you like' ib* mid abortiy
their «-*nty ratloit# and ot aat remtv- Aaf he «^d
Chicago —
West Michigan.
BaM avaeer. IB lw«____________________
Scenes aloi)s the Water
Front of a Great Cityr^
' Set'cral Fine
Illustrated Features
Neit Simdty’s Reoiffl
•L*CL__Money to Loan ^srnasSST^3r3fa
Oa tmyeem etty fMssty-
TASOXOr * OROmB.AMatoato.
Ftist Tear-Ko. 305.
ilabonM Fwt ct
•asd«7 tcho(»I LMt WlKht-Ohlek.
•B . PiB
Vnmmaa BcUoMiM
Fob—d Um IC«B!),Md • Good FroTkara kavc keaa «My
^aet* U the eitj- in the put few jmr^
bet noae of them have preeentad e
««« ebamlB« plotare than the one
teM sirht lathepvlon. The oecaMoa waa the bolldaj
nelafarnttaa of the mala dl*iaic« of the
apndar •ehcwl. and the attaadi
«eaplatalx filliar the parlora. There
■'mva^welre of thmn. moh aeetiaf from
eftMn\to tweaij-. each' clue harlnc
one. The white of the table-elotha and
' dUiea waa rellered h7 r'aeefal eprape
•f ImUax and farther eolor wae cieen
. each teble bj baaqaetUmpa wlU crepe
pajeer ehadea, lo deUeata tinU. The
eolor aeheiae waa farther carried eat
yy caadlaa in UtUa baUe oorarad with
ereipe paper, place at each plaU.
■ and it wae a dlSenlt utter to
teU wbleh wae the moit charm
ing. a
table in paleet
^k. of eae la delbata. blae. pallow,
aaa yieen or flowinf red. When all
tha candlea ware liffhtnd the rUUar of
oat. rla« and aileer and the iriow of
mprlada of tinj ll^la prdanted a
idetarn long to be ranMBbarad.
The pteordTreaMc^at each Uble
wae a laaeiOBa chlehen pia hat the raat
of the mMP wae left in each Inatanoe
- to the taate of the iadirtdaal dUmea.
and It woold eaem to the on-lookor
that the antiiaeoanuy bad been laried
■poe for dellaeiee. Him Laep Lewia
had the general oreraighl of the hanqnet, and Mra. J. W. MUUhea took
charge of the deoerationa Othere who
' and Bra Wm. Bank. Bra Bom, Bbs
Jeuw. Bra Lorn and Bba Wood,
while en^ teacher waa respoaalble for
the Bnisblag toaehea npoa kb or her
own table.
n# banquet propyr lasted from
7 until nearly 8 o'daek. At that
time a brief aad almost altcgether
impromptu prog rum wua girea. After
oeroiui aoao h> Ftfieh all }<ffsed. little
Baater Farmeaer sang a preuy Uttle
fhrbtmaa eeng, maponding to aa am-.
Be^ebemh Star" wnadelightfully
onar^by Dr. J. A. Snyder with rioUn
•hllguto by Him Cruwford.
D. Coehlln waa called upon for
A'taUiMdapokeof the Sunday school
' work. Be dwelt npoa the mcpcaaibllMee and opportanitim ef ^e toMAem.
andgare many azecllent blab la rw
gard to the atady ef tbe leeaen. He
abo ^ke of tbe obligatieaa npoa the
eeholkm, aad urged upon them tbe Im*
pertaaee of the work.
Bba Lewb gum aererul latemattag
uneedetea abeot Dr. Bmitii. the author
ef "America,” after which aU Joined
la Binging that faeertta-aong.
Bm. Bllllken told an intemating
otocy. and the program waa eoncladed
by the aiaging of Aold Laag Syne.
O. * W. K. Bay Build a Spur to
•Thni Frtnt.
Baabue, Dee. M.-Tbomaa BeOaim.
who btraraling freight agmt for tha
Chtaago A West Blchigaa mllroad. was
la the rUlage ef Bear Lake Tueaday.
looking orer tbe field with n view to
oenatroetlag a spar from the'aute road
croaalag down the right of way of tha
Bear L^kc A Eastern to the eHlageBr. Hetiaire ii mpertod to ham been
rery^ell tetlfied with the proopeci
aad it b preaumed t^t .before long
Bear Lake people'wlll ham an exit
wilhoat nalng tbe coatomary old stage
a. ▼. ZAmrBBold Blgbty Aema'Ttehm
Zmnd for That Price.
E.T. DarbofKaal. haaaeid te the
Wylb Ouopomge Oo mt Thompeoa<
•0 acme of timber land lb Long Lake
townabip. (or whiek be meeired $20 an
aem. In all fil.400. The eoop<
The price paid b a good o
eeerj ^do
Petoakeg filled with fiat eata. and' h
already bringing la from ten t« fifteen
car loada of lc«e dally Tmterday
there were many more care ready than
the regalar train ooold handle, and a
ppedal freight engine waa neat out
after thhm. The loge are maialy for
the Faigbom Manofaetciring Oo.. Baitner'a factory, the Oral Wood DUh Oo.
and Welle-Bigmaa baeket factory.
TbeO. B. A I. lapreparingfor a good
aeaaoB. The logi on the read will he
maialy billed te the baeket factory and
Wm; Beltaer.
The ■. A K. B. b making aotlre
prepafattone for handling Urge qoaatltiaa of loge tbb eeaeon. Already ataay
are being dipped to Maaletee and If
the good elelghing oeatinBee thera.wiU
be a raeh of loge all pleng the line.
D^af^handled by th
>emtlUat banbtea.
Hae Deaiaad an Inganlotw OoatHr.
aaoe fior Oaaeallatinh of Btampa.
A ehbrt tlm ago the poeloffiee de
partment, inriied aaplrlng inrentora to
anaraiee their ganioe la derlelBg an
‘—-orad method for the caaeellaUon
ampe. perttealarly for aee In emailer offleu The e^eet ie to almplify
the praaaat methoda and te preride e
qaleker and more affeetlre meana of
eaaealUtloa. John Daliell of Elm
wood hae been at mark for eome time
perfeetlng a dertoe wUeb promieee
firetelaaereenlU. It b different tram
anything of the kind in oaa and b real
ly aa tageatom cootriraoca. The
medel wae tent to Waeklngtan yaaterday. The isrentor wboae dealga b ae
e^Ahd hy iha gerammeat wlU reap a
rich rawardiaaflaanelatway beeidee
haring tha hewar aUartmt la aaeh
I trem their wedding tear to Uraad Bapids Taeeday night. They bare rented
apartmenb la. the TeeideBoe of Allen
jaom on Front atreet.
ATTangameabare la pi’ogrmi for a
A Xmy KOI Hae Bonght 60,. aeries of rariral meetlage to begin in
000 BuaheS iff Wheat This Fall and the Friends chnreh next weric. They
be eondneted by Ber.%mri I*. LapIt ta Batimated That There b Beariy BOpOO Bore la Thb Beglon- ton of Ogemaw eonnty, who will be
aeebtad by Bar. and Bn. Howard
Bye Coming From Ontelda.
Moora. ~
The fleer mUI U doing n haavyboeiThe eaae of Swalnetoa rm. Safgrnmrr.
aaae thb wiaihcood there b ao proeU which a jary dbagraad Taeeday in
pact that it wUl leeaaa for eeoathi -to
Justice Brown's coart, bia ptaeree of
eome. Thb-BU •0.00* boeheb of
I saoth'er trial. Anotharjary was drawn
wheat bare bean boeght from the
iyaaterdey. and the new trial hagaa.
farmers la thb aaetioa, at aa aremga An adjourameat wae takaa Uat night
Of tooeauabashal. putting into Imuntil thb morning, la the Rbcxiud
madUte eiiealaUea moOQ. Tb« prim
ymterday it waa aUted that tha jnry
hae ranged from 7S toSSeente, Moeau
whieb dbagresd stood 4 to * in &ror of
being the preeent market price- Mr.
. The remrse wae the
lb eetlmates that them are*frM
W.OOO to 60.000 buahela etill in the
bands of the farmers, which wlU nearly
aU'be 'dbpoead of by apriag. Tbe
mill b baying tn>m 1,000 to What's tbe matter with
6,000 boabeU n weak at preaut.
la addition to<
te SOO boabels ef wheat aad feed, heckwheat,rye aad meal to tha axi«atof700
boebris a areek are giwuad. Tbe mill
b Btaadily grinding oo floor lor the ouV
sUa market. A carload was shipped to
Bauatiqoe ea Chrbimas day. A good
deal ef wheat flear ia«alao being ebi^
pad to Grand Baplda and Detroit aad
rye floor to the east. Naariy fifty car
loads bare almady been ahipped thb tor a Christmas or Kev Tear's
fnU and rrintar.
We hsva a nice lot of
There b^ot eaoagh rye la
them in erery style and finish'.
te eapply the damand aad eight cara Ytliite Enamel, Antiqae Mi4>le,
hare jast beea receirad erer tbe a AW. B. by F. A P. B. ferry from Manl- Antiqoe Elm, Ash, Mghogany and
Birch in aqoare and long 'glass,
At tbb time of the year the war*- patent dost-proof dmweri, and we
crasaa here are nsaaUy filled bet the an selling them at prices that wiU
deaaand has beaa ao great that they
are eUll far from fnlL aad tbe mUl will
be kept mom than b»y for eooM
montha to eoaa
A Nice
Odil Nrasser
Bonse Ftimlshlng Store,
Beating of Bute Tenohnm' Aaaoeim>
tioa in Imnalng.
Tbe meeting of the Stale Teachers
d ia'Lraasibg thb werit
b the Istgeai la Ue hbtory of tbe or
ganisation. Tha following are the
newly alecMd offloera:
Pi«sideni. E. B. Winston. St. Johns;
rioe-pcoaldent. E D- Bailey. <Aaylord;
lbs Flom Uoadlc. Uaatinga;
-raadlDg circlC'^oard; E P.
Bot them b alwaya ro I (ot
Themtore eome at vmvm
Clarke, Berrien Bpnnga; C «. Panne-]I
PHOTOS. We ban a complete
tee. Lapeer T. Dale Cook. Detroit: W. lyoar
line of Pietem Hooldiuga aud will fill
B. Preach, BUlsdale; Bias Flom Bea all orden prampUy, U we hare to work
nd BnUrtalsing Xbetum Under tha
dle. Hastings.
all oigbk
Auspleea of tbe SaSeitioa Army.
w Friday Bight.
On Friday eeeblng Bajor'Edward
Parker of Ckicago will gim aa InterArrangemanta am in pregroaa for the 411 Sooth L'nieaSk
oating leetom 00 the social work of the Christmas featlml of the UaiaaSanday
army. lUwtrated by TS stereoptioon eebool. U the West Side chapel, for
rleira An admbsion fee ef 10 eeaU Friday emnlng. Them will be a Christ
will be taken'to defmy ezpeoaea. AU mas tree aad other eutertainmeot to
amUritod^________ I
: deUght the UtUe foUca and emryone la
inritod. Those ddairing U hare preeOompaaien OlBooiu Zlacted.
At the annoal meetingwff OoartTra?- their glib t* the chapel oa Friday from
a. No.«, Om
saof I..O. F..hald 10 a m. nntil erening.
yesterday aftemeen. tha followiag ofDied of Dtphthemtic Crbop.
leers were elected;
Past Chbf Companion—Bm. LorinB
Baric Lena, only child of Bn. Delia
aoeer. died last night at «:60 at her
(blef Companion—Bru. John Senaie. home on East Eighth street after an
Vice Chief Oompanlon-Bm- Ft«d Ulnem of only two day*, of dlphthemtle
omap. aged two year* aad tea montha.
Oompaaton Chapl^-Bm Peak
The metfaar b
Companion Seriho-Bm^Jnd Cbm her lass. The little girl r a a bright
ohUd for Me of her age.
Compaaion Flaaneler—Bm. A. Smith.
CompaaicoTmaaamr—Hn.C. Pybua.
Saoudlks Club Ate Oyster*.
Companion Barshal—Mrs. Jaa. OrifFim membet*of tbe Klondike Onh
«tlm*t night »t the home of Bari
mpanlen Ooadactmae-Bm. Wm. Tyler oa Park *11*01 end were enter
tained by a flas oy»t«- sapper prepared
Companion Gnard-Bm O. Ayers.
by Paiker PeanlBgioB. Boaide* tha
Companion Sentinel-Mm Jay Young •upper them were other elemeato to
The InsUllaUon si^ take place next
• Bp » eery pisaaaat emalng.
Vednaaday afiomooa. when it b reqaeeted that all membem be pma«
We are
Still Very Busy
Rusti Some More, of Coorse.
Our Cloak
Slelgbrida to Fadg* OampbaU
A number of yoong people am anULOOOZBO OFBBAXZOB6.
eipaUag mueh planeum la a sleigh ride
B:UBt of theButivM OS OM BnU- thb emniug. to (he ho^dtable boM of
Judge J. A. OumpboU of Elmwood,
As In all other UneeatbaalaaM, tht where Uey wQI be the guesb of '
loggiag season atarb np .briskly, and daughter. Bbs Bartia.
proaalsas to be Ua bmt for aameal
Jamaa Burahieb FMant.
yenri peat. Tha (aetariaa aad milk
•• aa patting U laigo atoeka. and will
Jamoe Barahie j>t tbb olW
noon he ready to mart np for the
granted a patent yeeter^py on a hand
-------- - Baay timuaund fees wiU. ba diilUag mnAlna A minnble deriea
faaulod In by teams bet tha laUronds wUek b bonad to moat frith maeh laare «B» maUag peaimfuBaM Ur a
in your home. Nothing so attinctire u • fine Pictur* '
nicely fmmsd. We do good work and torn ont oor or
der* when they are promised.-
WE CLAIM ToDotheV^-t
Pipture Fii-amin^
in thj'Citj.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
armbaas. mioolc,
at aay other tiaae.
a better SOW thaa
We meoUoa today
at 6c yard
cbotee pattern, ralne 8e.
Bo^ aa yoB waak
OUar Oatinga at 4e to lOe a yard.
From twenty to fifty
. per cent discountOn Short Lengths
and Ssnuutnts of
O. B. W. B. Profltiag by Oar Ferry
From Konkegon.
TheeflectorthenewC. A W. B. ear
ferry batweeu-Bilwaokea and Bnakegoo on the bnaiaeaa of that road b
already bripg felt, though It hu| only
been In oprr^on u week. While the
freight tmffic^tbb city from Bllwaakee b not Wy eztenaim. and eoaabta maialy m merehaadbe, some
teary freight la pamlng through hem
between Bilwankee nnd the northern
Justiee Tertyb Biitbday.
Tbe Thrrn Quarter B.E dob. protegoe of Jua^ Varly. last night gem
party in honor of the Mrthdv ■»»<*
mroary of the Juslice, in hb eoort
rooan. AnelaheraUapreadofmfrmhmeata sms aenrad by hb honor and tha
ig ladiei msdo U a particularly en
joyable oeoarioa for Mr. Verly. At the
rioae of the faetiritim tha JosUee
prmeDted wlU a fiae'cigar oaae filled
srith ehoioe Hamnaa to commemi
tha emnl. Bealdaa the mtreahu
tha emntog wua dorotod to cards and
ether games.
You Want anirnament
TbemwDl^ • mgalnr oonTanUen
tonight of the Knlgfato of PythUa.
Work la the »mpllfied third tnak.
The fancy droea party is prooesa ad
armngmaaat by the glrb of tbe HI^
frill ba giran January 7th.
Bte Florcmoe Jackson hatertalned
taa last eranlng in benor of Bba Wat
rrorth, who U rielUng in tha efty. ^
TI10 Wootan'a AaxlUary of Omee
ehareb rriU meet frith Bn B. L.
S*rngw thb nflerwoon at t e'eloeh
A nwular meeting of the B. A E E
WiU be held thb erening. Bet
other important bnaiaeaa. ofitoan wiU
be alectod.
Anotber of the popalar aorial pnrtiee
glrW by tte local young MMiety peopla,
wUl take plaM FiUay orwUag in the
aty Open Souee.
Amanda Hire Ho. SM. EO.T.B..
WlU Bomd'San oeat supper in the Foreatem HaU Friday aftprnoon and 1
tag. Oystma will he earred axta at
John Baaoom aad bride i«ln
will l>e espepially
busy as we are mating
Taklas Prices on some
of the latert product
IF SANTA CLAUS didn’t bring yon s pair of
Warm Shoes
We Can Sell You Thee Goode Very Cheap.
• Unquestionably So...
That A Flonr is known T>y the resnlts it produces.
T4iat The success of the Plonr 'is best judged by
the testimony given, and by that jndgment we are
willing to stand-, It is the “BEST.”
Hannah & Lay Co.
>4 6°
$6.60 jacket values.
of all kinds must
gio. It will pay you to DON’T iOmaHIR SECORD-tRiPE RURRtRS
Bny^'tha Lyoomlhg or Goodyear Glove Brands,
the Best on Bart^ at
■ “fiEPLY ¥liO.^
kob^ bboobb.
eCMtl*^ tbe.toM wob w«» *•-.
t^oMd froa Uia mtar «{ th« MlUar
»*AV»8ecrnr. .^kicindAM w th* fMr enan witk hear^ rota-*(
fol «jU of
la Uio kalL »»«»»»«»
«K» T..E*i1a tfp4. W. Uammmm. twlaad aMoad iho otoirmjr taillBC*
....... Ue ......
aod wiadofr*- aad orer
J. W. BA«m, Baitor ud lbi»(W. Ibo adcMr* baoMO- Tbo nocUl at tba
tb* bridal faiV »»•
blfb wttb belly broaobaa and 1
let borriw aad tare aylandld needU
■ .
palBBO ateodaa either aide of tbe tnr
^laoa. A Urre cat cUm bowl Blad
wllb UPraaoareaaaandplakaaadlaa
ta oatflaH ooadeUbnaai *m-
OBaa. U^wrifcfaat
gt» hod Ttwdnid o^ottar it tbe
or oMterManr
tbenad. Hob^l -------- ——
bad'aol dated yeL*^wonld DeT«r*aaanaa co«^ to bebare at alo*erabonld
piw.-5f fealainJty.
w«K tray end wTlona aid Innghilig *U
attmoe; Uatabebeda deU^ttfoLpet..witK ^iboogfal fit jMr.tnu
eweet Tbe ndily at prBBoat waa terrifyiBA' Be ronld »« yettaceWabefrothed. Ueanmlmre timetoffrt wM>io
is Q^l
Bst W* B^w* B Fla* SiffplAy of
badlT. ood bo bod booaiU. 8be tboa«bl
<d it oil day foep. taariDpdUvat^Md ttM
unit *e bad. modffo tbo-tfauiUiic,
thiap l90fcod 00 totter. Her btWfay
bad trat moopb to lire npoa, and (WTb
wa» an eud of it. Fate w al0*rdly
with tbe«9 aU. Derinc «
lABoUerdaypamed. On Ue foanb be
pirJa OBtto in and 1
dnated biamelf la a frork coat, edanied
UamllD waa alwayat
hia battoubole wiU a bonqort and etartad (or her booae.
Ooraer Park and
When be arrHed aa far at Ue afreet
Moiai* tbatTt lean abevmi. Ue right in which abe Ueed. be tnrtied rasDdaad
Breach store rw Maeoale block. OB Caion street.
peiwiDln;tb^rigbt pl^-^wiU flttliit
tbe boaotlfnl thing* went t« tbe «)aU. There wm a apte
of life Ibal
flatbed and tbrnri it Into bia pocket.
claim at ibar ripbi bma.
He went oni. and in tbe bnay traffic of
‘•Miurip. yon look jaepomotoon;
Ue atnew mad biaflm lore letter fiani
Jotted. Whatuitf Airyoainlorr
nu anarduft. or i* it only groerj
niratlan* toward Che liopnwibler'
afyoel U w»>* bri. rra kent.
“Ho, r um not in lore, bat 1 att
Bo did not read any more, hot atrode
Uinkini; of propoaing to tome one. “
homeward. Be bad been h jartty kind !
of fool auybow-^ rain
Aa if a |
‘3eo«me 1 am in a bnrty. Fred, yoa beaoHrnl girl like tbat-Hibei>he begaa j
for Beveral wpek*—So good that wr^arv
kwnr. Ufripbtfnllrbaidnp." .
to langh. At anj tnte.ba waa fate again }
••But why Am'l yon aoo.pt Mr. How- —favrl Hot amaebow be waau'i <] '- '
compelled to add
that be wautci to be lo *ory 1
brida .and fTM* olaod M 0
«». jrhHe •»»»•
eaaepy et holly. f*m which
a white dora ia a aept of bcidal
____ _ tba dere earryia* a wUU rooe- !^ U opened by'^a CUaOae atlalatar bad in bla beak. Tbe affect
•t WaobitftoB that there la no
tifnl. Tbe liffht from Ue cl
bQlty^Sf tbe dia.aBber-oat of China ik»> Uu«u»»
lent laaur
by the pewet*. and that if aroeet
frleada at
«a wont tbe Ctaiaeea torenmeat wiU ___ __________
e«ly apoai-Boiaia aa lU nateral ally. the aopUal leatlr.Uea. The refreshBe alao atatea that tbe rwrU cireo- muit roam table waa trlmoaed wlU
latad an Bnatly asanrwatad and tbal •mllax, pink aad whitexaraatloaa and
tbe only raaaeo OerBaay la looeneed a lar^e lamp shaded wUh a pish floba.. tat man nilh ta-ard and glamm
They met tbe next creoing el Lady I
acainat tba CUneae U that t»o Uer> The bride’* cake waa ea a aepanle aort nf thiuK—in tiio nbxtnrl
V.nghan’a She r«el*isd him wltlj a ;
“Oh, e*i»llcot iu
ahatJiirt: pro very bright amilc. and they danced. <
anaa wora merdend ja China For table, trimmed wttb tmWe.
that, tbe diplomat siatca. tbe rorara- __ II.. Hi** UatildaC.Carateaa, Mina tect* y<«, i< kind to, yon and girr* yon The* daiiood aewrul (im«a. and kfirn be
Everything Freak in Oroceriaa^ProviBioti*
ctHrk*. Ill the conen te be"—
said at Ue cpd. ’ ’) rappeau yon ocmldn't
ncat la wiUlaf aad eeady I# mmka lUtOdarA.-HeldaisaBBaBdlflm Elale
Mt». H»mliu.ilnn’t. Tlic-rffatand Ft«e1i Meats.
saltebla iwpantiaa. Tbte may bt tba j. WeedwerU pre^dod IB Ue dlalar ici i* aot dt''nii*able in tpr ctmrr. tc ” ore tor me. uoald you?" And abo oolottd
eaaa. bnttieaqoadroaaofwa)
aad Mlaa Flereaoe O. fioeeathal
“Fancy'Jaiam jaupodtiBr’mid oiw ODokln'i—not anyhorr in tbe woridr’
BOW ia Cblaeaa waun from TarioaB aad Mim Laora B. DaUeli »«»ed poach
llic girli>.
^“Tatc Utew Ui'iu together. They con"Yon don’t know wbat Iwn capable tUatlT mcc Sbe tried to broid him,
aatkma iitdkmte a dlflarant ecsatraetr _ Ua library. Mita Alber*. Claoda
tea of tbe dittealtp.
Amaden and Clarrace Morrlaoa amlatod of,” rclnnicd Mai«it<. ’
bat be wonld not 1« her. aud abe ceased
'’I’ll dure y.ni. Mabic." Hr*. Uublio at laK_lo try. At Ibe cad of tbrre
la tbe earieoa roonm. The premmt
It i« aot oneocb for tbe eooru to de
**00 on. aiid I'll
yoo a montbt be again asked ber to he bia
ere ..oaoally aomerooa aad baaaUmonth."
'wile. Tbe tsar* crept into b«ey«a then,
cide that eoelety woaaea may not at >L
••TweBl^Swniiid*!" trp-atpd Hni«ii-. and abe amid. "Von arc Tory, kind and
tend aog fl(bta: bat now eoiaea ibe re
•Of tbe *00 lerlutietaf imaed half
raIrons, and 1 am very gratafol. bat
port from Hew Jereey tbal a yoanf «rs Beat eat ef town, but mtw Ua
in’I-iwieed I rao’tr So that be
eromaa waa fined >10 bcoaoae aba waa oae hnadred rorntt wen prebeai
waa a
oae of tbe prlaeipaU la aa aet of
Those prmMt tnm oat M tbe cl^
] not
latory raseaUea la tba hallway af a
- Mr. and Mra A. V. Friedrich aad
Umk down. He wM abroad wiU
all people, who in- Welby aad pnwed a piepuswrunaly dnU
boardlBC boaae. Tbe jodfenlad-that
Alfred. Mr.aadMn. JaeobFnrtJch iniriCMity. Mairic.
wt-if la pabl^ waa a brMrii of aad daoctater. Ntaa Laora Fnriaeb. TurlabJy nnated ber ewaina wfU a good OODIpaOMU.
tbepnea. Bat tiiia ww la >•« ->er- Frank Friedrich aad danybur. Mlaa tempm^ acorn Uatwa* tbe antyof btt
’’Mhewill nerer bate ma," be aaid
mie da* irrcloraotly. "I belicre it’a bll
•V- • -________________ _
drich. Oacar Friedrich, all
"I win do it nowf’ abe went on ex- becanas of that canlooaddd talegnm.”
ofTraronaOlty; Mlaa Wlalfrod Hatch tttadly. "MabeL giM me Ibom tala■•Moatlikdy.”
------Bopr»e Coart of CWlforala 1m
laaea aad Hwmal Laalle of NorUport; rn^>b forma. Of conra I wta't nniite*‘Wbat Uall I do.*”
dealed tba motioa fdr a new trial for
Mr. and Mn. Aaron Kcekie of Cble- Ue to oarry out tbe contract if any care
■get ber.”
Danpat. ^ mardararof Blanch Im
amepta " Ue added.
d'a wbai
wba I ham bnn tryiag to I
memb Tbe laat neeme la tbe drama debia
"No, no: bnt a boat fide prtpoaair" da batnke'a < ^ aomUnw lau my
“Mr. and Mr*. SmiU west last alfbt
amee.jem batbavUfbvdowa! of tbe
She tbea ui down knd
tbair newly foniabod ^srtmMtAla WTtnMelegraau and di^mtUed tbw
. eartala on tbe career of tbe aaarderer.
tbeEortlaadarbleek.wba>*U«y wlU by tbe tfialA -Beply paid.*’Ue aaid.
be at boms U Ueir frteads
"Aad BOW we'U barf lea”
“What baTO yen dsnef” qneatitmed
BoUUa bride aad yraoBW**^
moat faronhly hamwa ia Unad Baplda Uta aamlia.
HaloiacfM aiMlDg wiU Mm Harnlia.
”1 bam aafced aerea moi to marry •ad bar jaetty fUe waa emn paler thu
Xarriace of ■ e Imam Friedriob te She la as aooompllUad mnaiejas aad a
ooUemttt«Medmmiaa<ff UeaaiUtreat darertte la tba beat aeele^ oir“Malaiel”
' .
iagofUeM^ana “Ah,”Uemid.
elea. Be baa hot iwoeaUy rotoraed
Oraad Bapida.
gUtlemen wHl hardly "it ia a pity! I oaie ft* him ao mnob—
'A SOJnch piecd fin. A»tt.kh«ii
at *6.00i
from a year apeat la Boawa aad tw* be Ule to Uiak that 1 am piaing fv
One of tbe moat el
years la Faria, Fraaoa. when be baa them all. and ibey’U exUangeaotea’' en wrnrh mn it r-ir’^ aemr be oowl
A Oonej. Cor Cap., B8 tooh, »S,60
Coold itr'
1 U Onad Baplda waa
clcae atadeat ef mi
• Mwi new do that;*
•’ll’* taUer dlffienlt.” tUd Mm
that of Mte baara Friodrieb aad Imlm
I.adiaa’ Electric Beal and Aatrakhan OcUarattca iu.
‘ ’ Ab. what men never do Uat enrely Hamite. "How mad of u all to bam
drawlat aad other departmaa
-Caatiartoa fimlU. k0« Friedrich la
mnn alwar* <hm."Ue laagb^Ap>Bqp- letyondoil! Ve didn't lealia* riU-Ue PLbO each.
He holdaaa importaot pcalt
well knowB U Traearee Oty aad many
or WiU them 1* a oollertim
th^ Uinga were gtme. Yonr rpiritsoazried
Ue Mteblfaa Tradeeama”.
•f her near relatirde mUe ban. It
tasa no Miration in tbcatagnlar Y'M nsawgy. He's abroad, isn't bef"
ahall imd Ue aiwwm ”
wUl tberefore ba taum'tiaf to Trar•raa City people'to read tbe followiar
Tbat’a Ute, isn't ..
In dne ronree <ff tiae -the aaewme
•caonBt M Ibe brilliaat eraat of TaaaMlm Lottie Uarilaad ntoraed yea nmo. One ly one tbe girl opened them litUe »»d umile. "He all manage to
bear wbat we rnn'i." AndUeaatnle^y alrbU ■■which wn printed la the terday fmm a abort riatt la Acme
before her expretant Iricortn. wbo recame, reply paidfiraad Baplda Democrat yeaterday:
Mia* WealworU of Omad Baplda. ia fruedtovnlillallbadcomc. “Begrtta" gram
”Hbat it iir’ mid Mm Harnlia
OUa* Block,'
Front Street.
••Thawcddiacal HiasLaera&.Friad- Ue gniaVof Mlaa Uertmdc HMna
mioM Maiaic. bolding np <>nc wiU
"Be baa wired. LnrA!”
rieb aad Lake Baaiiartn emltb waa
Mra. F. F. Heddea will go fi» Omnd mevk grarity. "Next. ^ea*-. Ah;
"Aad wbat are yoo-goiDg to sayF' j
yen. Saaan! 'borTy. prrrios* co•aleteatad at e o'clodk laat aipht at Ue Baplda today for a riait uaUl Monday.
Tbe girl aat dowtt npua ber bmU spaa |
gagcmi'Ot.' ’Ala*! impnerible!'
beme of the brlde'a mother. Mre. Marie
tbe fin* aad lotAed fittt iato tbe fin .
Editor Campbell of Ue Empire Lead
friedricb af is; Colt aTeaaa. Bee. Daa er. <raa in Ua dty OB bnataem ywtUend tbea at Mr*. Uamlia “Itbink l!
F. Bradley, paaw of tba Park Coapreday.
yatioa^ «bareb. of -wUeh tbe bride ' Thomaa Oaalon returned to Aee Ar
••Te.,’’ aaid Mm HamUa. ”1 Uiak
•b4 rroem are taemben. performed tbe bor reaterday. afur demUBg a pbrtieB Iclt Twasao^
loig ago loo. Yon am,
coremoBy. Tbe brldc.'who la baaati- •f bla boUiUy mmtloa to aollcUlag lUe ladim. how-devoted any lover* -all am
fal. wora a onaa of white silk mall inanraase.
Bat 1 have won my btt. ib. herv it aaother;
oe«r pala Woe mtia. Tba akin w
I. G. Wlbale. who baa baaa laid ap
brlmmad with rofflea of tbe mall aad twa weaka wlU rhenmaUam. will go ViHirae I aio Irauand.’ *' abe reeA A
cnmwnt fla«h of abame mrvad ovtr (he
tbe bodies waa trimmed wltb roOea
V to werk in the hardware depertIrl'alaDgfaiiigfacx. "That'scbivalron___________
gi< Ibis a* an
To oar coatomeia for Ike liberal holiday patrooage
aad white allk lace laamdloB and lace maat of Ue MercanUle Co. today.
f said, frying lo hide bm ■ {Hurtrutioa of tbe kwo hnmor of Jnaactiorded na, mod oegore tbem tfaat ire ahall contnoe to keep a
•dytata at tbe neck aad wriata. A
Mip. E. J. Ranaloraky and family
embarraniDifm. “And aow to invent n
cm ooe t—wbeo
white moire ailk mah trimmed wlU rambriag for Ue wloMto Kellmi
polite n-faaal to my otra proposal."
I Ur uiadatoac was Uciuntng to gim
l-fuli flock of the beet qoaltty of Oroceiiel^ end Provialons.
raOm of moaaeelloe da eelc completed where Mr. Uaealemky U emaleyU o*
* „ *
up tbe Imd u> the hoonB of commwia to
Prompl Delivery. Price* Always Bight..
Bomce baud* was In chambraswbee ^ Wiliiam Harconn. it waa oouced
tbe ap^priaie eoetome. She earried
Mim Haiur'a tvlegratt—reply
—reply paid—
nernber* that be ieit ibe Uouae
itTMtaEW BBC,0^0 oixica
arrived. He <
ling a dgBretttj^j
dinner boar^and Sir WilUam
wilh MaxW-lby. Tbayg-ortally naok- lUtt-oort led tor tbe rest of tbe atriag
i-d )(>g< :li<-r n(t>T tno^ in a kind of Mr. Dariiag ooe ov**iU>g drove Sir Wil
ip..Uirtic rilciKv. it* read it alnwly, liam to fniy. on failtag tu rlicU a dril'AlmaM. Deaprm of Traverae City. She
II wuni <iol ui tbi- n<um. Ou tviiBQ- nice aarw** to ao inquiry, by cmmally
-' waa dyamed in pale silk orgMtdia emr
imr hi* frinid netioed an expromloo observing Ui tbe uunrae of bi* >|EWuh.
nf mii*t pBthi-Tir wcr ' opnu hi* r-Kid "1 have aolioid that tatriy tbe jauV,
white eUk. The bodice aad akin were
fniRiiv*. and anU abaiqtdog lonkU^ oppofiiu. aduptlng an naeientprvcwleut. I
•rimmed with white Btonaaellaeda sole
>*■ nlraLn>-d tn>m puuiug any iinratintia
nffiea headed with narrow green mlret
from Par of iiitrndlug on privai* mai laynod a i*y uj^tmmi.tbeoigfat.” Lmnber Company. We have for sale G6ck!. Souod Hem>
ribbon. She eerriad plak roaaa and
ler*. Hiewc. however. aiti-rvcBW fldg< «worn them ie her hair. There were
Ing. aaid. 'Y’ou know after oU if* a
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
laoT brideemalda all yonag mksaa
dri’iidful thius. Init wliatcnnld a fellow
Oraad Beplda Ite. »•”1 wno’t sabmii
**^ *"*^ (Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
Mlaa Uom Forteeb of Tramtie City
du? She'* a rboriaiug gtrlnfcoarne. bat away." mid tbe dim.^--------------------sad Niaa Emma Friedrich. beU aleoaa
Ididn'ithitikcirexaerlT—infset, I am tbebotvL "Sw ber^I ui flnUt" Aad' descrip^onsT including 2 Enjnnes, Set Works, Carriages
«( Us bride, aad Mlaa Lottie WlekUy
not a taarryiug maa.vuaknow. I uever be displajtti a roll ut bilU
gbo Moriamb B«aai7.
and Saws. A complete Sav'Miil Plant for sale.
tbnoght Hi marrying—don'tkasow anysad Mia* Haien Blickley were Ue
"I know." rotpiudKl Ue clerk, "bat
The romry ooonria of' PO beads, and
lUiug ubiiut it."
hrideamaida, two heiordraaaed
blae a ditOiaet ejaculation ia appropriated
I've gw a fni! booaa"—PhlUdripbia
"If y.ra’U <-xplaia what yoa am talk- HmUAmerMoa.
end twe ia piok. They all wore aad mi'b ai it fatrtm betwern the fiagexa
ing aboot. Imaybeablctnaadaetand.'’
earried pink raaea Comstenk Rank la BKb ^mlario® genemlly cooflst* nf
"Hell. Ibefatt ia MUe Maiaie wtovd
- waa tha'baqt men aad Boy C. Oabem two wordA and drclana a naoie or at imd a*k“d mi. tloo't yon kanr. and 1,
waa Ua-saamer ef cereamalea AlfrU tnUiic of liud Almost all Mtalmaa ia Hfcoor*.-"—
%eifldla* Friedrich. Ua UtUe 't-yeer.’ Avki-dyoo what?'’
la riwlr'ilockeu or ix^om* a string of
"Well, I imppoai' 1 oogbu'l In my."
aephew of tbe bride, was riag bearer. beads lor abt* porpoae, whioh they oae
Sadolph A. Wellenateia. Peter I'raak not oalv on rba bduukie I am deaoiib- be mid. -addc-ulv finUiug crim*cB.
"Did »be propuw to yoo>" asked
. aad Fletcher Mason fnmiUed erebea- .ing. but while idttiug aad amokiag
toal mmie oa Us piano, riolla aad eoi^ Ueir prpm. walktng in tbe'rirettaor Hrlby WiU aa iacndalou took of
ifty Bnbben are the
amnsanent. "AUwer paid toa The
a^t. playlag U* bridal maiU from •vea wblle engnged in ouovenatiua
When a Mtolmn bh« gemv over his devil «be did! And yoa baveaocepted?"
Wagaar’s opera of ‘‘ImbengTio" as Ue
" What f l*e woold yon have me doT”
•memban of Uc bridal party took Ualr beads at tbe rvgnlar rime uf pnyer.be
a aad doring tbe ceremony "Eren- tol^ faU bands, and Um. bolding them retnnicd bauds aUlidly.
npopea. a. U to teoalveawnttblng from
•er.- Musie
lag SUr,” from ”Tu
For tbe am few dayi Horace Saada
abova be pmy* for socb bleaamga aa be
i (araiabad by Ua a
deaxm t<* blmsak or bia boBaabold. exinrieucHid a general aeoae of hewOderebroaghoat Ua eveaiag.
Wboo Ihi* i» eoocladed. be atrakoa hia ^g d>-pTca*ipu. He waa aa eugagod
"The bridemaids mme down Uc heard WiU bU right baud aoff'uya ■an—to a very lovely girl, it waa tnia
Bh«£?Liid Co. and Woooasquatacket.
stairway two by two aad formad aa i*Ie "Fraiw.be ui.God!'- Thi* oooclndee bat aevmUrioia be waa engaged, tied
BP.- as it w«re—(uiDchady’a -property.
Look ont for TTJVCH^ GOODS,
with while aaUa ribboaa to Ua ftemt U* abole. —Mitid.
Bemnirt buv preeMitt onfl rings and
altar in Ue anpilal mrler. Tba groom
above Snbbers are Dear at Any Price.
Ta* M**an Maa *
Uiakoffnmltnro. KeiarlnkMlUabad
aad bia bml iflaa ToUowed from Uc
Aboot tbe tuwuMt man 1 eve* be Uongbt abont furtfew. Even at
Vhnry and wsltad for Ue brida, -who kn<-<v.’’ said Ue steady liar, "wa* a- oollege ba had not, as moBy of Ue ba
traa preceded by bar maid df honor aad fellow over ia Indiana, Hia little boy dlA tronbled bow bis dlggiaga were axUe ring bearer, be
dremad la got a I«g cot off in a mwmill. and Ue
old villaia bad a wooden l«g amde for ‘‘^panaed a man ia Ue atmet omyliM a fatciam aafa Be triad, to Uiak
Ueir pIaom.ataadlag twa *fr •nek ride tba kid of gnma wUlow. in Ite bop- whUa mU wm memit Hr aafl maUjad
of dha bride ead «mom Maw Muaald
Uat they wonld emtaMyUaveUhtt*
of boaer aad Ue bant moa ^ «Uaanta Some perambalaua U a gnat
U» eaaAt Us era aad'kettnffhed and
a« at taa ra<
Businssi His Been Good
New Stocks of Goods Constantly.
^ frank STEPAN.
After Christmas '(Gousideratim
The atMve mdans auick BalM andjNo Proflta
We Extend
;Hearty Thanks
= iu“=.il“S3;
ci;.,Yeu Have Logs to Sell
Paste Tliis ii Your Hat.
THH UpBirmft
> MiiB f««iB Nta .......... .....
.Chk^rx rieeiulluL «■
betiali; of «v^n Fllstminonm yu«er»
j on trhlrh Flu
tb* Kati
• Cmb AoM O
m nm* r*r—Ko
mt U U» HihmlaV VM
Hmdoti. IVr- a-A apet UJ dlapateh.
from RhABChnl dated .veaterday
*1( id tefiomd that a'^,^Dew Iim of
tw«Bt7 warablfia la «-nlUBC Mkr Ooto
bland. jjutMde-NaKnaakl. fuUy
y equipped
for war and roly awaltlna InatructloiM
tm* includen tba. i'aahUna and ibeFuJl,
two ol the Aheat venwl* in tbe Japanrat navy; and the Chen Tnen. Ual wa.
enptu^ from
UmiMj U deba B-U.
Fall Rim Cotton Mill Men
Their Position Regarding
the Wage Rediiotien.
im.>M Bill MOI
... ......................................... man Ul^a Ha
ber or Cbornakt and caUbUab hla ricbt
na a member of S^’e eUaa: let McCoy BM win Vrmioi i
bam hi* <rar up to « jommanding po»i'
, 1 BHUto took if Canada-a exporti to.Uoa nad coma akwc »itb bia <4inllan««
afterward. Bm Aral HrCoy muat debt
a flt orponem at the mlddle«al«bi ItoOaltmiy Mm Win* X IHeOan-l
Itpabd not at eatrh wH*ht»•
The eiaiement ronriudee na followd:
Fan River.. - . —. .....r--------- ---- •Tm not imlna ..
Wben Oref conferrrrr cni n.i.lre naa In oeo- Statea Carmda ImportM ujhe Mine of
•wept offer* from Inferhir m
MO. tw,. bourn la*, blyht, after «««* '
tbe proper tlnir r-tmea FIW
..... ____ I
I ImpMTta of Ametlean proweta of the
«ve eommlttee mrettn*. of the ra^
dMffn all. onr aner.the
afterithe other In tbc
anine rln*. if n.-ed*
onlonahadbteB held. Becrelary O Don- •
,b«e wa« collrcted duiy
j jirw \<vi.
Jf--“Kld" McCoy an
neU rave oat the follon'toy reeoluilon.
the amount <»f
'■ muerfd laal nlrhl that be hadairabked '
had been unanlinooall adopted [ rate of a pee cent.: upon total lm|*.na
: to meri M Smith In.tbl* efty today and by th- comwlttei;
tbe I'nllrd Rule* the aum of ».that he w it) ihep^-«»t *1,001. a* a icuar- ,
That we acept the reduc- 1 HT.^ an awrase rale of but ”
; act^
.n. It b to mret Martin ; Uon. a* _U would no* be (ood buaiheee
J*l«^rju)|n„T-«ndVl'l«r.‘announ^'ar Chi-' policy nn'our ^ m enter Into a Mrtkc ,
fleet, U la undeeatoott, U aclln* In dm*
toneb with the Brlileh *<iu*dr<m under
Vie* Admiral Sir Alexander BuUrr.
Hob. Japan will oeitalnly oppooe a pw-
Correct Styles. |
Real Estate'%
Fire Insurance.
Mmet to Loan
Most Complete Assortment:
ever shown in this Citj now j I
on sale at
No. 131 State Street
Traveraft City. Michigan. ! Improved FAmB «kTul
Come in and look them over. I
City Property.
JAMES A. MOORE.' j JohnMn Block.
Those 78.
A Few of Them Left
Tbose pretty Soli.i Nickel Quadruplo Silver Pint.-
jirOnv ia» armrired loday a
Uu- prvaeot time. But we tnforpi our t
p, ufmxli.ua he tuiy*. to [ ,„,pioyrtw that aa aucn a* we thlpk .
who Flt*,lmmoua warn, him |
. ^*1*111 of profli .ufllclxu f-r :
Qnrlnnatl. Pee. *».-Jamea 3. Cor-
gS!E;l Hastings.
Zbub to dasoa aov and wj
Ml*«a.^Do not wall nnUlTha
rwUb. Un blame
OtUB-B. Oot_ Dec. a—The Mdaa
and navleatlod retnm# abonly to ba
loaned wto ^ew that ibe total Unporta entered for ennaumi-tlon Mat year
wore tm^.ori. •• aealnm Imperta of
tU0.KT.(H the pre-.,d >■ year. Ibe dot*
CoMected amounted to na.Ol.WT.
aoalnat ttO.tie.Ot;—a decreaae of tBT,»M. ' Riport* amounted to mUCO.OS.
an Incrrane of tlT.Ut.feC. There were
exported to the V> led Btaten Canadtao
Whwi Ttwy produru to ibr valoe df ULMl.taA aa
J»pan*t n*«t ^ Twf*^
'art^ ua
FIghtincMMhinMOnijrAwtit* Intbi «ou<« iui«crfduimr<ioa. Hn- fi«»- Iiur th» Word to Oe.
| gwn>«n» h*» wh—m him (rrm bU
U------------------- -----------------------
THTTWAY, PgqgyBBK 80, 1687.
Mbm a l-XM'B^bme the hew Man
- 1
Inatalled befure daylirtat
V ahall demand u..ev«, if w
here after an
extromtiy of leavlni jmateeday momlo* mom.
V eolnx __
OB airtke.”
. aU nlchl vlti: In ih* pdatuflice.
^ P-
e diet w
t> prevent tb* lar»d' low hie trail Utl 1 omipel blm_to n*m
» fron
from Odeeaa
Iny of relnforrmieni*
r proleotina of the Rue
Asiatic railway In Manrhurta.*
-------Bad ta Pay Saoa far a PeemH la Baa Tea
Aa Kveat X tiWMl atcnlBmaro.
Aeeoedlb*; to a letter which TboTti
rt*. 1 Kew Orleana. Dec. t».-Jark Daly arid
> moiTtBB from A
before the TuUne
It Toklo^a caUnet
jh, fmolutlon to tbe
Get One Before They
ud foifnd that they were eorreot./Tea.
I untona. there b a pomlbllliy they tfiU i terday mornlo* they took poaaeoMon
! not aoerpt It. The cplnnera. alaaber ten- and eworv In lUrher and tbe emtiloyew
’ dere and hvnn flxer* eopecially talk on tbeU* arrival. Two of the employe*
„rtke, and
iHwaltile that the) may ryfoerd to lake <>aih to the new poet•u vote at tile nu-eUac tomorrow Blchu maater and were enapended. Colonel
Rapier, who. . lalm. to »«ld oto l.y
- ~
virtue of tbe law which be rtalma rebefore explntloD
due to tbe refuml . Avenue Athletic
eufved In V
with about l.M*-; proMdent*. R. 1.. t-. The KvenlBK Foot «*"”■
» by the advitv a
of the T*ro*f»*alat» to vole
i«e of Iht
Hrtttah Ho«lrr> c.mp*.
prveefct for a percenu«e
ibt fof»- I|
The Hrttlah
> at 1:«
Ic the land tax. which I* neveaaary ow......................for Tbumton. R
I., li Imaklto
- i—i
Tbe match waa ortginally
Siaiet drcult
tne to the defldt* rauaed by the late 'twenty ruuDda. hot the mayor would ...................... lifcC* of
war. rarilatiient would have expired
lue a permit for over ten rvmiula. ai.u!h. A plant I* to be eXabllshed at
Tbe plea waa that Barkey
next June, and the Procrewlata wiih' 1 and chanted *5« for that
Kverhardt N'arbville. ts"® • and a number of the and la imt |.wtroa«er beraaae lUptrr
a nneral election. In atytat. did tuU d
. aald he ^ Iraloed for twenty roubda
baa not been lerally removed and Barkalre to rlik unpopularity by votin«
leave for that «tatr. where they win
' i and refuaed
er'a name haa not beva aent to 1'
Inerenae taMtUm .H^vr. Count ^
,h„ if both were on thHr | be tBed ai Inatrurtora to tbe a
Kapler aaked »tot Barker
Oknina. the leader ef the Pro»re«ii*atA ;
i,„ rounda the litexpeneneed
aoutbem roloreu cm- ;
with him In
left tbe forelCT olBce. aaya the co^ !
^ de<lared a draw.
1 Ployea. Tbe matia«etiienl aaa«na that
BMmdenL with an ehba^ rep^tlOA
tried to make U a tou*b
win be uaed for r.rtr-fu.e,l tr. eeani
n I the
me aoutb^n
aoutddn plant
and next to Harqula lio .v^uide# the 1
ruablnk flkht frodt the atart. but
*ooda. and that the chan«v lanecea.
It 1! ton rooda.
------------ ----------- f«heBeldotihrim^n.
>ay { alUled by the preaeni i-ondlttoif of colvlMcm. The
eonrem Te—— eommentin
................... .
'.rrem rufuanmeat
teiuu .ouuo jud ton manufaclurthf. 1
Ully upon thU letter and lu dtwatehe*.
a rvablac buMneaa on cetitly bad much trouble with tla emkOu: 'The .dtwi.1 of a cablrm W by Everhardfa H*
b.dy. ."TS^rTTa.
aod there waa tUndan ployea' and derided upon a kwk-ouL
mretlna -f tbe Stale
b aaaleamen a
cer of a’ knock-out. Then Kverbardt wtitcb .was enforeed for a day when an
-------------------------ellBcbed and wraxUed attd raved bla
eventkif creat almlflcance by tbe other
„„,it ume waa called and Referee
AMOffO tb:
declared U.a draw.
All Gone-
F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
; UouBon Block.
I Printers’ Ink Says:.
« tbeCX M
»ttm Mete
wi-rv ail relative u
Treulon, N. J.. Dee. 9.-The ManuIbe public schoola.
faeturinc potters of Itata ctly. and tbc
men employed In tbe rlay department mtitee of flfiy-oae wa* • iBttoned. J.
W. Rrranl. to re^n rbalrman. Tba
had a eoafeiTBce yesterday at which renualttee waa tnsrucicd to (o beforw
It waaaffTaedtbat tbamea should.be re tba rdivnue cootfriittee of tbe Wfftalastored the l!lk -per cvnL cut mAde
lui* BOW In ,eaama. and uae all Inflair action: extra
their waaea hi 1«»V Thla flnlal
un tenc* avsilabta to have tbe matter taken
vaila at the mliltaTy aiS naval defeta
anafnctBiM up sow.
tbe conferencea of il
sad WM^ua are aaseiabtlaa at Kaffaa- and *t waa affien nhout to curse one of
eral depanmenu of tbelr work, and
Cblraco. Dec. 9.—Tbe aannal neeltnc
ITenna. Dee. M.-The Nei
roand revtnrailon t*f tbe IfH per cent. '
■ the Northweatevn Travelln* Mrn'a
_ ...................................
lurcarian foretcn '
Milwaukee. Dec. 9.—Atameetinc yeareporta .ff ofllrera and
mlnlater. foretold everyihln* In the fa- ‘
boped to cel tbe. manuta, lurei
abowed the orwanlutloB
eaal and we*t loitviber fur tbe ...
Iflourtuhln* condition, a
a consuntly
Ite airalnat Airiertcn. it add*: -mere
• K otllerra
_ _
were elected; Preaident. of affreeini: up.m a uniform *calw.j>f
Blent y of mom for alU and If Knxiand 11“
I.%F.m du tme; vice prea- waaea.' Tbe manufa.-turer* claim that
11 flabt with the ICuropean powers^
deota Arthur Buieh. Mtlwnnkee: A. B.
I* paid II
*'WeaL lake Mill*: treaeuri-r. F. G. the men more tl
i office of »ecreury and ——
rn «p<Tnt‘'e.c.
D-c. 9-The pro- "M •—rt of d1re.ti.ra
H-avee Fall.,
prietom or the Mayorr ur..iher* poU*y elected.
----------------BMlarTWeIr mien Leva.
at ihl* plaiv ha>v
o thbir ; Aahlaad Balaca BM La
Detroit. Dte. 9.-VMmund TiSver. a ts£ opetwlor. that
Of IIW ■ Anhtand. Wla.. Dec.
9.-Mnee tbe
t> L. WlnBB*. repBWm That Ibe'AIrMit Bare Bm> WX1
Creamer.were lak.n t</Kmer*enc> boathu* n.aklnx an advati.v of liyiuaantlna W-y-rhau*er A Rnttedxe.
lU. on their pnlK-nt waaea.U> dlte 1
shipped .'e'u.tw feet of lumber from
t.ondon. Dee. 9.-A diepaivb from: ^ '•«*
from Chrisllha* day.
1 .v«hiaad in Mlctalyan and New York.
Ptohawur wye: 'The PrUlah
tman wi» dle.^M?
Kltunnlnc. Pa.. Dec. 9.—Pivaldent ,
tbe .\shMnd Lumber
have rerii™<’’ f"™> Kh>**r par* aOer
differ. ea,h areo»ln« ihr other John WIrk refuaed Mi«dar ta reatore . , ,
Nrin the ahipmmt of «MaM
allshi opinion, the ^
,he .hnoilnc after 1
wtnployn of tbe Wick Ct
feet recently aold 1* New York parllea
tbe Baa^ valley.
Ihe ISH per crnl. and ycaierda;
tary operation* ua tbe fronUrr
l»uu. tve 9.—C'nraa.
K.very AfHdl nnd Orakxal
Japan, aaya the dlaaolutlon of the diet 1
baa rvwtly anitered the polltlral parUaa It la probable that tbe Maniul* ,
ItA former premier, and Count Okunia. :
a tormer forrifn ratnlater. wUI form a
eoalltloB mihlatry. with a vumrou* for- ,
■‘.Among the best advertising media arc papers that
spend money Itbsraljy on {K^selvcs,'first in secur
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."
CMma-dfr—Cumm M T»—hw
loulat llle. IMc. » -Patrick Kelley,
n hardmood flnUher. wbo tot over a
year baa been dnml.. auddenly r^v_ a Ot of
ered tbe uae of speech
creatly surprised to
! Ulkio« and chanced bla
fl»fl W'
ruraea la a fervent “Ihaak
2^ "•.-s.'rwD'nSSrDa;
le: Muniing: Record
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Ever>- Day, and on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-to-Date
Popidar ntastrated; MurtSi
ht::^ any if th^'m aiiin. “The opirativea j aurvlvlhs non of Lexlii^oo. ibeceWbravatp-v ha* l«nn vlallrd. It now apeara
ted ratvhorae. died auddenly i
tbat the enemy a loa* haa Ipeen oowe IWare pn-,.rtn* ft a Km..teb' —-------evoL Mo. The cauar of hM death a
vete than waa at flri; believed, pnd out
Turuu.ilse haa be«n diaro.-eeed In UnCbirURBITT PLAN
, due to Ihe ruplure of a Mood vtxnti Be
of all proporthen to hic posalble ftxhtine
coln c'ounly. .Vev,, at the foot of Suyar
HI* trade with our centrra
We*n-IF.'ae*e—I. by *0
^ wj* 8 year* ol^
LaaJ *-wk.
for The tiec-**ine* of life Kaa been
Ftlv si I>elr>.;t <WU*ed Ibr flomUha
e*nacd. and hla aulnmr. laliaffe preventPlttahurc, ime, 9—JWty per cent I
! ot tb*' Free Frexa Fnntlnff piaaL ««lB>
Tbe ■ > --------------- - DIDN’T RECOGNIZE GOULD. I
r fhe nii^liur* dlsirM-t coal eperwiofa :
OrakmU la now- arr<unpllaned. Many
Bve aliae.1 a lewal d,^menl bindin. ! hM*y X a Maa-Wb* Tb*a.M tbe 1
hlUiano tmkeowB airale.iealfron.ler, <loor.e Tllt*tMn. a IJ-yi
nem tn unlf-rmUy, and -tsieri lu be :
etrr a Bank* m*ater.
roirtea Jmiv been aurceyed and mapped .
vaunted prealim of the Af- » dynamite cartrid.,
operatln* uml-r the new pmn by Jaa j
when the lata Jay Uonld
Of tbe edite tool 1. Tbc *l.ncn*win meet lo»norroa: to ; ,
__ been
lowwd. and their pun- , -ElphUy
ly pee
, ,0 MntvaMvUle.
vriih bis .
L'nllrd Rtatn taflO thcTr alknature. and4« *«tte» ,
lahfnent haa paved the way for the iwe- I maoufarturera
_____ _
nrarwal weRlemm;l of tbe counto'.
KM have cooauUdated their Interna
Aa :i reaoll of llw I'nli/n Pacific r«
that, eul off fmta India
flrmly believed
Ibe prom-t-r* of thw - heme i wciubauf X ibo viUaKA wbo waa to
acliwtlon the oflli'w of th*? ftim|.
with a relnvaak-n of ] mmliuilo
land Ibreatened
: wrly a rl.«k with tiould to Borbary.
their eounlry la the aprln.. they will 1 will l«- removed from tkwiua to «ew tbai It can be puahod to «ut*a*.
ibe auTvcm^t have the <•<>- i Kvxy «me wbo koowa *r Dwtor well
a..w aulonll."
. York.
iwe w-Mh- cull* bin. "ti. " and Ibiawn* wbul Hr.
,L.mrt..n, Dec. ».-Ml.ha*l Jlavltt baa
liellud. prv>|..l.-tor of the Noeratinn of lb- miner* and tkiwe
be corai'lle.1 to p
a l-ne l-tier In YW Dally CYi'onlcle to- ah's Aik. a .joLI- n ature at nshkuab.
day In i-iily to one that appewri-d lu Ua I wu.. made so awii^rei'm In Robert j <val*
column-. >-*ter.lay nirned by Adjolant - Buckalaff.
.—*Tirtcr for mlnin. unlll they come
Oeu- rai J..hn E- Itallalne. of tbe atate ;
The third annuli ahow of ibv Nonh- 1 umftwtnlly or unirofiruty I* proven
of AVashlnclon. He mx-pt* the Utter'*
Wlwonaln WtlltrV and Fet flt.ak I fujiurr. Frr-m Ihe preaeat outlook M
•enllmeni* aa rcprewnilnc a laryv *ec- u*.K-lat1»n will be.ln at i^ui«rinr Jan. i Wli-ved ahouL'on—half the mlBea In
Bon of American opinion, bul prirtrata ; j,
cohtlnne aix daya.
> ib, dl*irlci aiU
•t.Kmeni* that Tammany ' oovemor and Mra. Scofield, of MT»I be Ibe ffiaad. exclaimlDR:
ball la ah Ineh <ir«aniaaUon and that enaBn. w Hi rive a^vpt^ ai the ex- .
V TOO. Mr tb-ckerT 1 km glad '.
XriabmeD are ,-»ior.*IMe f.»r ««rrupt
muaSrlpal .ov-riimem. While re.rettta. the comjpti'.n )ln the 'polUM of
.Kew Torlt an.I
be polnta out
lu ^rr^t
tbat la many dlrv iii.n*. »ui-h aa a-aler nlea tbat tbe tariff i»em«lalKm*w|th the
, c_
aad ll.hUn.. h-w Y-rk L,r,*urpaaBpa L'rUted Flale* have b--a’ brakrh off. tl«, alll b- renewed with all employee »■««“' .
.•yiepi the timnASe hard* Tbe bonu* |
"kew •> am L but I 000 t know you.
.^Jjcmdoa' In pPOiTc*" »nd enUrhtenmeal. addin. ihaT ihyy have only Jual eompayment* a-bh-h th- cocniony baw , air. (lord dav “
made aliwe Ji:ne. 1H:«. In addition loj
“But. li.dd up.*' xald tb» Other.
EckeU baa arreed
to th*- MU- (KPtract iw.ew.
.......- ——
rale* will iw
be «-,.ii,inuiw
continued lo
to '1 —anwi
"aran a
t foo Oootgo Decker Of Hargarct-^eoba
Btohar*. - irnioriant ’ plan
IKiuldaUoa iwcommooOrt W i
employe# recelvlus a bunui no*. In- ,
Barilo lowuo. have been ot* u|ded by , the
e ,-nnrerrera
over t^jcludin. lonnare. tura and day men. uj- !
..yj,- j^. .a..-. wli ripht ;• raepomd• tbc Lamo Bauaaa.
Tbe Inhablianu ; u Phiia^eipoia. pro,
are enthualaaUe ovx the prv»en.-e of *ra aleutaJriM.
-dforpoat.th* Bmiah ftafc aa they feared .u. at- . a. U l-etty wiu be
tween the ccmpalty and tbe tonnas* 1
lei-k from Freoeh naOve troon. who ■ nia«l<-r </f CharleX.m. W. Va..
an- endeavorin. to force tbemnelve* on eredMra Krtina.wldaa XlkrlafeRcnato
. . IMtom HawwieBaaumSflqbt.
<h« Barilo oouBtry
arx devaaut- ; KerAa. for artwo* retehUou a Mtoim
m'* mid the UtUe man.
rxumbua. O.. Dm. 9.-Major Chxle* •
Ins It.
' effort wal made.
UJayOonld. Uon'tyou
____ 7TL
At Oaayoo City. Ora.. Fetor FYeacb IMck arived truen Oeveland tot niffht {
wa* kllkd l-y a man named OUver. R
New-York. Deo ».^Vr the fi-urth
la rvp-.rted that, tbe dW wa* a cold- Dreonal IMffoxt* In tbe •erttural elec- I
Bine Miepben V. (-Deuca"> Whit,
Iduoded murder. A land dl*puu 1* aaid tlun Hanna I* not expeciad here hetom
demuniiraled beyond
Sunday. Major Dick will h«ve« onr^ '
to l-r tbe caux of.tbe irouKlc.
lieutenant* to aealat him and the j
eandwr* X.'lbe
fcjuix-n to make; "My
Mpect* are to a very lively aklrmMh. |
■yai, m fur th* month of November w»e
"Deoooo” WWIff
reod a* liiy t
Of meniben clatm.-d by Kurts
---------- '
**Mr oppammL " abuQted tfan onto.
tn«j aK an locrrax of tan.ied For tbe
, onfftotloa to Hxiina c^miaa tbe M^a* eemi fli to wtfx to the toot that
Bioniha fram July 1 to Nov. M the Bel
a ]uai told dver -dollar c
Mrinr* Were C.MS.Ttl,. ah incTriW* ot
97 mother took to wnabiot- tib* <U4
Md what i* morutothep^ abehller A. B. W*eaa*aai
The ffiBBd Jury at Cbicadu rotad as
way* mutt
It heralof Hanna.
Mew York, Dec, M -Adlal B Bievea- indlcimant anlaat CharM M. GhaiBe-
It Costs Money to Do lt
but the Increase of the Circulation !*roves that
BECOBD His 1 Restned Seat In tbe Band fi|in.
Advertisers Profit by It.
HalliBor* Stock fieeelved Throe Ttoea a
d'AontK. AOc per quart
Ktondorda, SUc per quart
Solid Hrata.
Ftetchus Ofsier Bepot Md ResiairaiL
are wbdt yon need for tbu
~:^edther. And yon emn boy
tbffmof ns
i the peeltiM «f
rl of tb* Mertb AimcMU
ot lilt* 4
* bcordof dlrertev
ly, eiPMwaeurer of th* PMBbrtettM
btoto e( aM fur aeademiM and anUeffoa
Xbe MB wvu*ea Chartiely ot ambenaWBreMbfMLMo.
OabotM. JaM
mt Wight,. Dm.
‘ wan Ml tt took."
After that there vm Dathla«to4e
hni<B9 a «i>«ltjvoH to toe Ban
whom BMeai ihuwed aMh erMaato cf
6c, 12c, 27c, 32c, 3Sc, 46c.
Y« gnt tfaf
■ iSi/'''V
I •
»th* OoodTMtr mAkee fat ttal price.
An B ,
«i|l a«h« «U th* r«j»rmHc» ttot Mw
U Iw pow*r.
■ni bM WVM- r«ruiM4 M Ae tb*t.
> tiwn tw U)« pun»*« of oHObk CbinMf
lf>t*rpr*t*tion 01»«n Our R*»
li«f MeUUrM for Cub*.
^untrr *•» »ow «»»*«««nco
«rf Europe. Bnl ibt CWB«*H»vCT^hI mi wirboAj; »b*T kept
their bouraertee. Much ot the troBble
----------------- - - l»wted within her beundart»
»h.W«. ••Mtebt-u
TfweUae H.e UMlet MuwTti.^
Pbllewrhm her. auM “
^ 1 AcJeter trl^ er.. worked by W*li«
• tb, .ruiW U t.-ron lu wer.Ul,
, b,*
w«. •• CaZ .UCU• enw ptrU:>>’:n>ctnilirrru.fblM ,
tn.vt hna nieu were
It of tbrlr-nouey At ibe esA
>1 Id tbr woliiuit
ti,c»i*.lth»*.y.trBii..»Thlkec|ifcT But • pn-Hy M>d uioA*" »SI»kt«»« yu“K
iM.ui.Bt the tK« Kteryi...t:i..*-brw.nmD»tared in ■ sUlrntjon Artny nni
ante bUnicir
Ttll ..oe had fomowm-ed ' tonn. She wna eer>-latent mnaatB'
fearlul at Imkape t>f ewbewtsir ton Ic per wblcb ib* w«» nadiiijt and J»W Itl______
lb. Buntyy
ijilcr. charj oJ hU body t i
attenliOO Ui the crowd ot trariliDK
Tbe«^ •
BM of wMtltb.*'wi>UlMrt (banporMT. 1
a. he cotorwi the gnx BwobaM'i
rdAoe. -a. a a«t of leM fe» tba yoVBff i
IBM of today. Woald yoa lalad MlllBg I
ma bow you got yoBT flrat real Mtt la
■■Sot at all. not M all." rrpUtd tba
(dd man tdeaaaily. “DoyouwabiUM
troth. <ir tbe nvutatlaahlognptalCBl rt>-'
MDcr that la ordmarily naedf U'rlm* !
material w
--Cblcago yom;
If ao yoB know
O P. CARVER. A«Mt. ,
Suits to Order.
forelttun. cmllnualU m.lel «»"“ «■ ! and oow at 5i. be bmIM Ibruunh llle M a |
m.Wd ww. .■ well
••1 d<n^ quite catch ib* drift of yoor
*oima Rome of eur young men. al».
of hen • r«a
I ^
' - afle*. bt.*u« the '"^,bi„|le .peaking, hyi-wi.y 1. tht ' Are-cd yoim* U»a who Wb. w^DR nmarka" wud tbe girl wbo wUlfolly
ImraU.Dt abd
HMpto Chka«b-I
gnventment move* slowl)'
••1 ibiuk I do of ymira." ^
tutkm of reftwma••Ttie trtifb ti the coTemment
......... .....
... crowd
«w^ maa who bad baw tiytug to ivo- '
ncithmit either
had about RIUoU J ...........
of tbe
<J........... "
-It i. wmKdhiag ia the nature <ff
«lDg ar fa»l aa It aafely can. tfe can , onalnlr
Italy ao |«etcnie
fweccna* For one and thirty • (^marked
j«iuarked apmr
ai»*r tbe
the beaut,
beauty of the lUtie pare
fjater than «e cao edu- years
y,,„. tf
,f waeztai'l
waettai.l »"
an ocrwatrwal
octwlnnal wmle.
wmle ha i g,ivation
u,ivauon Army worker. All eyea
eye. were awowdrilt ■ —CtD< iBBati Enquirer.
aafaly r
„ far aa Roaala ■ ream] pnlden
cate the maaara.
..... paltede. In Tl
^ ^ little wnoau. aud »be
on terma of the atnwtai
L ThopruaperU>e ha. btoke 1
Tbae bt tuel
that the reUef meaauree ^opted by the been our friend at llmea whea that , wonuiB
||ow Ibe anal of a port dropprd W habi
VaMed Buiee aad cooperated in by frleadablp waa of laeatlmalde yalue.
‘ -------------•— 1 I ailonin
—„ nf
the hnw.!
n „ ,4,y, ^yed. or- drew near to tbe crowd. He. ton.
Bpalo are a atep toward Interventloo by
1 tbe iwo Mrudl with tbe appea^do^of the wotbU Boyenunent In tbe alfalfa of Ctitaa.
i« fettered to the oalllhB
. by that token tl
nt mlnlater characlartaea auch reports »f‘
BUiy ax
ird whool toNbee. tbr god*
jp and handed
•ni fl»« a»yy»o«fyoufoUowa$i»
aa aa effort t« mix pollii- wiu. chart. | ^viiW
: plain when the tlnw cornea bteadil.r the If yoa kiaa tbal girl’- mid ba
a cake.*'
Ibejadge-v—______ _
rfliree iMomatnm-forlhetankeof am-n-I
ty. *aad a» calculated te exrtte 01- ,
TboM> in tbe crowd took tbe date.
”8ixty daya, I u
leelliiB. which win embarraaa the amrt- [
•0 Record.
..Me novemenl and Impede lu ezecu-i
---------------- .~.«4cate I
Btnnger wb<. bad ofiered tba mooey.
tlOB la Hatraaa and throoitbout tbe lal-1
Him Chrlatloe Oenrude Forbain waa a I ••fU bet you |» that yoa mn-t kua
asA Keferrlr.* to the auUJe*. he aaJd; ^
Vetlee ta Tax PayM
g the great fi
higher grade whooltewher. wbo made tri- ' her."
•Tbl. talk of tnteryentlon
la certain!i Sneal n;. at‘iS;? rtK-k oro.bral.ar with .
• V...................
- - - Toynhre h^ to I
Tb,wn«,ger beriutedloroeseral aeeI will beto»yo«oeoo week dayaibrtu
olher purpooe than to;
J ,Lt
Qaartera baa
from tbU data aatil Kebraary laV l«»t.
>UBtrim aad to dlrert j *p,„|,h workmen P«»» da«>' over "tbe ! njj,
porta," »he atybd
embnirr both
to receiTC «Utc and Couaty tagea aad,
that bet.
- “1
"I’ll juet
iuet take Ui
tbr original ceaenllal gnirT»oc o
Bar* to and from their work on the,
Mlu Foriu
Tbe money waa pal up. a»d tbe
maaiem on too uu;e |
-j j_._ I.________ ...
e eztenaiaa or aio to toe: fortlftcallons
A large numuer
number oi
at >oy ^ mm oihur than
the------------llery are belag !
A|^«e»amc *he wa. todlnnMUj • | “T"**-»*"
Cuba la no more loterveo- 1 hearvleal piece, of i
• auRcren
k ta under con- ---------------woman
Tlie two met at a aub- ] Walter Sedinaid. Walktd oeer towafd
U'the-'put Ib place.a great
lloB than »‘aa tbe action pf
wocaao to Bnifana.
----------------------------------------- and.
—* afler ; wQl be charged.
Atala alnictlon. and the'plan of defenae per- , (criptlon dance.
BaUoaa «rf the world—Includln
■loar .ber IdraL bowing rrofouadly. took a aeat by ber
, mlta of the alwolule protection of a vaat................................
j tog. he (vrtalnly droopod^k
Atjrr January lOtb. imi. a penalty
a extend hqlp to Chicago
Fioe ..Merclmnt TaUDrinj.
_____ bTtt.
“ •ue'Ksrtd“«£rr3s«'iJ!rrj*i£2
big file, or ‘1’“*
Contrary t" the policy puraued U.
mn^i« a ahlp load of ^in ^
anf last year
of Loodon in
to I’artw when the alege by toe
m^a a as ralaed "
K«.y Itewert liwm toe IsUod.
^,.i,i„n ^
Turning to a dlaiatch Juai received ^
----------------> general at :
Very OMIclagef the Tnrh,
Olavuna. the mlnialer iruceeded, uootlag la pan from (hr diapalch: "It ta
not true that, the Apanleh autborlUak
«D Cuba arc not equal to the altuatlon.
Succor I* being given abunJently and
relief eommlueee arc to rvguUr opeja_
aion. Jn l«o ..f the prov.nr-a-PiuWto
'■Njh-locipe and Santiago—there haa been
Forty pUntaUona
ore rrtndinr augar. and there la ample
work for thoac who want It. Many
of the reconcealradoa who are re-
■ • to the rma.
>I to.tlnct
mniKn wa» carried
; ,„u ^ m IWa r-.uth Hcni-cy. at « »
r four per oeat fur ooUeetloa wUl bej-j
"^ttot *ewoman temfd to be yery
^wSfbooia. g o’clock to n ;»0 o'c'oek
m. and 1 o'clock to 4 o’clock p. m.
Ofica in.room i. BetaM Balldtog.
riikm. tif Ibe w-bool Uiani for london (ora Ibea began to open tbeir ryea wide
., aad it»
I _________________
and sank______outer
*'' — 0‘t*..r f!li
«21i iBontha
mnatb. 1 I One
rw.. of
..r them
rUaM mid:
mM- "Tlmt
fellow ba.
.after tbe aiddlng Ellioit dined with Urt whole lot rf infloftweoyer tbal girl It
Wariilngloa. I>er. ».-An IndteaUon ,
at "Jonimy’." and d^k ^ bp ,hgi
u a hypootiat’- BwJ-
of tbe trilliag^
eminent to oblige the Cnltcd
Cnlted Rlntee , cabman II .hilling* and undreawo him
-•-.later at Cnralamliinplr,
ror.t.mlnople, who ha. .od lit him to l«l. That night the «>^
of the -I ,be »wt ahrtoktog from the fimh.
been prreudng for the punlshint
mui-deren. of the American Wcycllat > btimcd a............
......... even the embmikment
I..eaa. la contained In a cablegram from j board waa appareled In while llghtVyellng. with tba freak* uud.P**;
............. ...........................
announcing ...— v— -------- wu« o.
-------- ---------L'JTir-----: rteiera hare been convicted and »en- tboughu and boue. aa bcrrielcro. Mom
i fenced to Pfieen yeerW Impriaonmetit. womca would have *liuula««d InleiM
*■ *.
talked for probably two mtoatta
s ihBWMtiaB.
«drten kli^^ wo^
Bedmood walked oecr to tlto«a»bolder andteadeed bit money. HoUm
MrWd from Ibe depto.
dn»t. Tb.
little woTbe littl<
a quickly anwe from ber «•». und.
taking bia arm. walked to Klolb and
Broadway, wbera tbe oonpla took
Earn Broadway oar. Badmooi*I ia
** tall
and baadaoCDW Hlf wife U
and la cwapriooaMy pretty.—LouwvlUa
I a o' II «
City Troaaaror.
IM—Thur..-Hat.. Tuea.. ti
42, M»
Free Stora^
for Bicycles. •
U .bar,* aottojg tor ea*. aaS a«r
+ enameling
aerted to be auffering are In aucb coadl-; baring eaiaprd monlha ag.> Into the i bmker'a wife
ttoa through aa unwHUngneaa to work. ;aut Ian Caucaaua.
that the Titrfclah
Her liute femtnlaa arta and wbima
i ..............
Cruled, condemned po^ imretuarkcd
Thai mood of tlrad
The energy with which
i fwveinm. which .be loui.d to oa^ie, to
Owlrgawto^owajrbe^fjaaaa gwAntoUe
iwlog coodurted
Havana U I S^'aentenced them s their abaenc*.
; oMoe U»k* and In'muric. wa* tu bUn aa
----------- —
ahoa-n b> a glai ce at me Havana pa- i
aa Homau U«.
pern every
day. where there are long!
.wWwr* Ma*a wi
ry day.
••Mv wlfevouldn t go to ibo -oooorrt
to her. Ihwaa
Jlata of charitable donallona of eonWaahlnglon, Dec
last night becaoaa the baby thraateuad
denaed milk, com meal
and like ar- 1 rabinei -----m’cetlng
— »..»
• — "*
to bare croup.'
Uclrw. eaie-.-lally acrrtceal.le tor the te- [ Recretarlra Oago-and Bill
^^mu^Mtowaehorrtvwwt tlOOa. m.
to tb*
the bowwto
bouw to
citr and Secretory Alger 111. only ,»halAlgyHeiriqtttw.«
Heirioucwio* w
Uef of children
"Tct.ut>d now sbaiabap(uag mad
ave BiOTben. attended. The appeal^ to |g,„ ,„i jerp' l-ba Hoo _Alg«<M
Hew tier Help WIU B> Meaelre*.
the Amert<-an people
Bourke llwrton t * aaenior meudaer of becau^t^ baby didn't bavucroupafter
•Tl la perfectly weP underatood lhal
wnmiD bad dub- all. •■^-Cbioogo Sown.
auffecera In C?uUa waa the prtnriial a*V(*al juhlor eJuha.
tbe AmerteWB help trill be received with
bed him onoe "a rip with a ta
topic of diaeuaaton-______
the aplrlt that It U given, and the
TMoM tb* Civil aenKe Bela*.
Amerli-an goveramenl — aa Secretary
fiberman ezprvaaed It to hla recwnl
Dec. r» —Fred E. rin*ier
Attoraays at Law.
ter—oRera ihr well-known genvroolty
tviUlam L Muir, deputy collector
oaoe* IB Mowiagae Btoek^ Tnvene"c«p. Bleh.
of the AmericwB people
and iBPperior at' t^»rt Huron. Mich.. bad furi iniaglaation auougb
mlrtt that Iber have accepted foreign
uiid Inertly
help la eaaea- of public oalamity. It MHona for violation* of the rivll ae
ChrieilD*. bowaver, hailed »■■■. — - ;
aeema that aome perwon. who make rtea rule* In eollclUng 'cwmpalgu co:
I creature of light and wl-lom and ludcawl p
tbti: atalemaat aa to the <v>ndltloaa to trIbullOB*.______________________
I to hb froth and tmail <***• to a *)ilrtt ot
Culo forget that the evllo of War can
ipurvgratltmlr She hod mw* a Wng dto-I
urtco—eraartac tU rremOt.,
not I* mitigated la a ahnrt time. They
ner of herb*, and here- abe thought, waa a
(all to .onijiare the actual altuatlon of
■torr TmM by a BealleLaa toawi Cab to I aalad. *wruleBl._crl.p. delighttul^^^i^
today with that of the paai. and they
. ' Slllon u)ua«y. Herrlott i
totally dlaregaiil tbe effort* made te
caty of Mexico, Dec- »-A ganllat
Improve the altu^on.”
[-i/i bU etedlior. by totiag
(rum Cuba who haa been In Mauaar
la time It canw iq^lng
of the ao-called pa<-ined pro- : ibeir dim
The SpanUh mlnlater haa received a
_ tea with Mra Em.
* dtapaich from Havana’aiatlng lhal ihr Ttocea aaya tr.ai In reaUO' the w
^ bic
auiomm.lfi mayora of
and am begun them, f-w tbe country ha* !
o„ , cortolu Saturday the eoapta woe
Juanaliwcoa bad been IBaagutated amM beeu abandon to tb# toaurgenta. who |
-Kceai enfhi.aiaani.-ihe people rrcelring have bolU town* which am aupplled i,^a^,wnyu>a eorpmailOB ball "I’m
______ berwaoTiw. was CHIT ao* I
'them with riiouta or*lx>Dg lire Spain." wUb ahundanl provMuna from the [^nid you'd batter not turn up. Cbrli,
by Einon ,^h,,
."Theiw * notlme
Tbe diatwicta add* that the patriotic neighboring ealatv*
inutacture gun- ] iq, .
fnick. and you wt:
wodldn'i like to
aplrtt abown at theoe demonatratloha rebcU. who even
r eoura*
factorte.. t.n-jg^in.baold one. 'beaald
give anaurance of tbe *iwvdy rcallxa- powder and l»^-e
always new ' he addnertes
and ahOc ..
faclortea an that they 1 • man .clotbmatw
lion of llic good effreu of
long aa hU ahlrl I* clean '
.»J '
ofnou* form off go< «-mitKmi in rube, COD aopply tbetr trxM^
Spanish au- i
llloWMaldat tKima
In tb. alter
nonioua mayors to these two
The I
amnig the (Irwt-to be named. tbortly t* not rrc<«nltad, and Ibe In- ; noon HarrloM oalWd and took tew AfMcllle*
babitaat* are n'mfortabtr oettled un-< ward they mt on aeida with Sw^nbune.
OffT tbe autbortty of tbe CubOB mntb- ,
Pix wa* cue k used trom tbr cluck
auL9«»wopp 0
Priace of Retail Mermans
JobD Wanunaker
«ACSe Hiu koT RkStfihEO OmCK.
^ .
-----/»evwr Wa- Anything WwM PatoHag to
Base the Kem-rt I t»w"
■Waahtogion, Ue, .'».-itocreUry Gage
wa* seen on hla mum ftom Sew York
yeeierdsy and quesUoaed as to the
truth of tb* pubUahed tvporl that be
^ tebdervd hi# realgftaUoB to Ih*
....... ....... ..to'eVIafldence aad apinx lailun of bla ability
as show □
and ..there who am really
lUlSTM UD HtnUfftB L I
•».... Jn. V. ue..
oonro HosTB.
Sunday’s Record. 2.,
hiruseU nJ ifil foeik- pag»nUm
iij ia-i'fi
ttoehbMew «te to Ito ttoseww.
but aald tbal he had n.n tendered bis
Rprlngflokl. 111*-. Dm »-AI a meet- ,l^»*,d,i.aply
reetgnatloB. nor had he any resaon to _ ng
^ held
......... ...........
last evening of tbe ai«-khold- ,
jnaqUvk BklrmUhof pelttog fun b*
Mleve that he and the ptes’d.nt were
ra .-f Ibe Illinois Hiotoetlve
Piotoetlve Building '> goiight
nught toasoape
But —---------------------tb* w-omsB rase.
not in aubstemlal aeewd on the great
^ua^ gsocjatlotv. which wa* rep..rt- I awept UirtMiKh tb* door and turusd to*
que*tk>na now before the country. Th*
audlt.w of poWlr acct.unw as a,,, .nd to bar pink silk eveolng eJotoe*.
report he aald pr..bably sprung from
v.-m. u waa de<4ded to keep the as- gad lured arm* ut on th* ball to
/ -a remark he JUid made to. Intlmat*
nut of tbr hand* of a receiver, .tog for brr husband
k friend* to kh* effect that aol for any
,h* oiocic. A new p xb* dining rwm doer baadU ebook
'tklag would'be embarraaa the prealeleettd. W. B. i pair and again and w —
, tg,rav- lor esuape
dent, and- If-be *** ---------that he
rth. be would resign at once. Be add--|
, ., „
.,i|,.gMt t.. have cat
cau^ the |gblB bAwecB ber palms
Twelve pOMcd
er ougnt
i .:lrx dropped and new
ofB-! and I
Hb* beard to* gyrating ol * key
ed. "A cabinet officer
ought aiwaya
alwaya to , jn/.m.-:.. l..:lrx
ly to agereader bis ofllee ; '
hla Chief, the esecutlve!
______eueet door op>-ued.
a mOB la
but I have not the aUghem reason to
la.. Dec. *».-Oovqmor. ,fc, lining romn
1 loekad fclm to*** believe that such ai llon oa my part ta
"Tb* d*tll you dldi" told OOyert
•van mnouly desired by th* pterideat raivt L, U. tPiaw aad hi* family ^
.. j, |, ,
both know—to* KM
Tbe deolret ot other people to that rived 1n Pe« Moine* iodi>-. It la
Arwltun I am am dlapoMd to ceaald- foni..l removal t.. De* Motoes »*« I Hemott I mk ad him to dl a nee
|I wito roa
yoa to
I Umsh to*
in fact there
never wa* any Dentaon. rthaw expecta te tumaln here rude to ^
e before hla t
fouadaiicgi worth aotlctog for tbe re
"Vazy weU. Chrtt. " b* replied.
TbM Hia EUloM swung berasU «•
ElIkM eaugb* up a tMlag whip,
locked tb* diulag room dooe and flung
blmmU Aciosa to* room
Ba was quit*
eprlng&elA IH»»
».—Tb* State mberat toll Urae.
Waabtogtaat Dec. ».—There
HorllcultnnS aoclety began a tom
Tb* guest of to* ovenlng was ctnlag
WMOt pqtolWllly of toe dlaiB.
l^godoa asMa.*o unlit dgereo#
-toeat of oitoa. It wojat oooe* toweem. | day*" aaaatoB be** yeaterday. A to*
cxbIWt of fruit* grown on pilnoU lo^
caubMtsato. Be rose at tb* opening
cwiw. wU rely oa Btiaola as ber aat-;
ohowu. sad preraluBto aggregating »*• at to* doer. Olly»l eaught him by lb*
ural aUy. .*»«*'
tmtoion eater- i wlU be awarded Thnraday. President
-- -and drugg^hlm iwund. Then b*
tatoOd by Wu-Ttog-rong. the Chtoeo* T. B. Goodrich, of Oobdeti. delivered W*
at bin tlU bM anu ttrad
Aftarmlnlater to this oowrtry. *1 am of th# aaaual sddreoa Tb* election of omcera wgfd ba iuutad him Into lb* hall. Mra
opinion. " mU raac. •nhat to* olleimd
toe eusulng year, occurs lomorrow imiuM ~r»^ down and stood by to* baa
Intention ef to* pewan to porttuim to* n^lng.
MMra wlto wUMasdtae* aad bUstiig ayea
S^we* mraflad tola toeMsMabd
. Chlneoo-gmplr*
FeU Om Ovor a Orwvw,
ger«t..i -What ha* CUBA dso* to be
toedooraaeppsdbtotod —
lacrosse. Win. Dec. ».-Bffward F.
dlvide.1 up and porettod out omeog to*
fru dead yesterday over tb*
power*? What are Ml tlBaUto* aol***
nations or against toe efrittoatUB «( BIKVC eC Erwia W. Chamberlain Doaae
. TbaaebotoMaphtb* epoch Id which wt B»*f .OenHMT was offonipanird by other Grand Amy
Tb* Indlas god^ was a soldier ot company
dMwanttoawayof eilbaU goto
T> Voprusath TnacoaslB legtmeot sad HLa hod
-Book 0*4 WhM
MHTad totuagb toe war.
Wawto to Knew tTby Aar*** DwMt I
Occasi'jcally the Spanish . convoya
■But tillyart I away," abe aitowared
1-.^ over the roada hot the Inaurgents
'M'r>ut and meet them and lUbtlng ' doul Ifully
roads, the jwtlrlol* ml- ;
‘ The s«*m woeld be our* dear 1*^ '
,»jung the uH. naive. Tbe irvirer,
•• 1 .hoold toU hUu ihf moiuanl bafa
I- ' ^
,B auep a oondltlon |aro*il- '
„uuh ayropathy I* amuaed. th-y '
"Ask lb* Oft* a baim Wire eoi* M
I ^mug Inomly buy*, thto and pale, and | •Tbe Btodto. OulldbaU ’ "
eml^tolng of tbe w-mched quality of
"Oh. .-.ay II you like' ib* mid abortiy
their «-*nty ratloit# and ot aat remtv- Aaf he «^d
Chicago —
West Michigan.
BaM avaeer. IB lw«____________________
Scenes aloi)s the Water
Front of a Great Cityr^
' Set'cral Fine
Illustrated Features
Neit Simdty’s Reoiffl
•L*CL__Money to Loan ^srnasSST^3r3fa
Oa tmyeem etty fMssty-
TASOXOr * OROmB.AMatoato.
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