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The Morning Record, August 24, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
R™t Tear—No. 96.
from Trnrarae Citt. Then then ■
other exensea offered, all Of them as
nnrwesansble as oae ooald Imarlne., It
speared after all. that the idea pretallad that there was more mono; in a
Keziah Kent, a Kate & Komical Kharacter d
ratae to Mantotes than there srenld
Kambridge Kollege, Konnectient. Komposed, Kompouoded
Imviiiac Hnciav. OnaA .Vatada, bate been In Ttateiec Clt;. nnd there Beoted OIB^ara and Xnjoyed an Xa& Kompressed Kold RoDdimeats for Klondikers who
Good Xoaic and FoUy Pleaie on fore Instead of keeplu; their eontract
Btraotiea •esMon-Bidiosb Of tAm Wm Pass teip the Hands of Frito
Konldn’t keep from the Roast. We are composing “warm*'
Oantral SchoolOraoBdi-AddnMi theoolored plsjen decided to throw
San FrandBoo OatheriBF and Talks
The poatoftoe ooatrorero; at Empire bargains for all who come our way.
br Hon. Jamaa O'OonnaU and ««V. down Tretme Clt; nnd pla; another
Upon .Ibnal; Copies b; the Dslahas finaU^ berm aettled. There sras
rasae la MaaisUe. Maaairer Kehos
Ban F. Bradlay.
Btranf .risAlrr tor toe office between
eras prett; hoi aboct the entire bnalFor tba Banda; aohoola of the Grand ncea and did not mlnee matters tn tel>the third auual oessentioB of the Friu Bohr and Georre Ta;lor. CoeTrararae tagion teaarraw will ba tba u>F hew he felt aboat It. Be coaid cet Leelanaa Coant; C E Cnki^ sras 1
Frewnaa Bishop was at Empire laat
M. B. HOLLEY. MAanao^
'rladdeat da; at allUiaxMr. It will no a;mpaUix«n in ManUtoe. howeter. at M^le aw ^tnrda; a^ fina^;
ik to look the Fronnd orer and
be Rail; Da; and {foonf folks fro« far ^ c>«j>
srord thml he wiU r
wanted to see another and waaanoUbleoaebothVtote^t
and naar, alaa man; that an not i p..„. i^,
Bohr tor toe place.
the Oolto and Olaau
atrietl; ;oosr folka, wiU attend the
In the ett; who srere disep- soetettea In l^eelaaan ooaaW- thSriblarfaat Banda; aeboot xatharinr
pointed sriU reedll; see that there sree port, C E and Junior. Sottons Ba;.
icnowif in thk aaetAon. Elaborate l
BO blame attached to the manacement Omens. BinFham, Good Harbor. Cedar
arattona wOl be made tor a aomptata Of the local team for the fallore of tha aw. Maple at;. Confrer^Uonal aad
Kan; FaOad to Find :
procraa. tnaplrlnff slafinr and as in- OlanU to appear.
Friends and Junior. With the exeep‘ Iniun.’
s WUl
«Mac addraaea. b; man wboaa elotioD of Sottons Bsj which was not repBe BuilL
f -qaanea and brlUlaiyy of orator}iWoled. aU sent larre delecaUana;
Abel T. PsFe. one of tbe osroers of
wall known. ax-Concremman Ja
^Doanallof Jadtaonand Bar. Dan. F.
dffht members of tbe older.eoeleW and Oraena. sraa in toe clt; yecterda; aad
^ Bmdl^, the noted dlrina of Grand Alen Parka, Who Was Dtjuied .
ten juniors. Winifred Pratt, sslsalae- had mneb to as; reevdtoF toe aaeoeas
Ohemicnl Works Fin, la Dead.
He states
Bapida. will addrcaathe throat 9P(»
mperioundent of tbe llth district. of toe saaeon at Omens
• A floom srasnst orer Elk Bapida M. B. Bolle;. district aeereUr;. and that elFhW FuesU hare reoenU; been
the Oehml adiool ti««Bda, where
tIoBS at Omens Inn
bapp; baakat picnle idU be be bald. Uatnrda; ereninF when Alsa Parka,
ooaooauntoftherash. The
rtUa will beasalada; for the Uttia who sras Injured Foioff to tha bttrsUpF eat. were alto present.
faUca and a da; of more than ordinar; cheminl srorka. died of the injeriee
Saturda; afternoon derotloaal toe seaaon has d
sined b; belnf run oser b; the aerrieea were conducted b; Arthur Uea for resort buslneae next year ard
dtnideaaaa to bi« folks.
cart. Tbe nnfortnnate man had Peltoa of liliiFham.' after which an already- two tonte and handsome
'William London will be praaident of
hare been eoatroeted for.
tn parlUmsat sras rood ue ted br Bcr.
' the da;. .3. W. bfUlikaa eblaf marshal suffw-ed a broken neck and thonrh Aepiircd of all animation, he remained W. B. Baribnt of Nortop-ert. In toe
and E. J. Falthom aaairtantehiaf
> aad emnfort lor many
Itoefa Snnda; school will aalaet ooasciaiu until death rellered him of erealnF Uie Friends church was crowd-1 Froeide
• aianhalalao.'wbo will look after bis his eaffeTingn Tbe fueral sras held ed, and an eatbnstiirraport of the San
or her parMenlar portion of the Kiand peatorda; afternoon, nader the au^aes Fraaebeo coorenUon
Fisea by M.
parade which atarto prompt!; at 1»:», of the E O. T. M. of srblch be sras a E Holley, after which a dellshtful inFour Happy Hearta.
The deeeased sras thlrt;
tonnfnt on Waahlnfton street betr
held. eottcludlnF
Tony Ssraboda and'Eatie Brant were
TTiWrdmsii aTenne and Wellintton ;eara of afe and leases a wife and srito a proFram eonabUoF of redta- married Satnrda; In Maple awa^wt and will more to Front throorh
ttona by Mn. G. W. Frol:IMc. Mbs Cbd- tort* number of friends from tob city
/one of tboee streets, thoafh Vtaieb
and Oeoree Soott of Miwle ware present and anjoy^ toe sreddinF
srlU net be decided until the pnrade At
at;. Mbs Tatcb of Omens, Mbs Viola feuBL
rcndx to form. The 1
of KorthporL and M. E Hdley
Another sreddinF took place at the
leamitod Oftoudoe FantlUaHOsa of a
thronth Front to Cnian
of TVareroe Qw. Md an
eame idaoe Soaday. Darid Melaer and,
Central eohool froanda, where the pleThere’s more real worth in the dbthing we sell, than
aouF by Mrs. UMde Dewmdra. Dr. and
When Trotene (St; was Intaded Mra O. W. Ftaliek. Mbs Boato Stan Pruda Newmaa belaF tlrn contnettoF
nieandenretamwUlbeheld. Badrsa
parties tob Urns. Both eoupla are
what will be shown you at any other store.
Mae weeks mgo b; rrpsles Frank
wlU be firenoot before the march.
ley, and John Byimr. srito Miss Ben; promUnt topple QWWe Invite Comparison.
Kratochtil boefto a pet bear tton
TlM rmiMhiii trill be led b; the
Band, and wilTbe made op of a the band. The ^ haa been an ob
Tbe Sunday moralnF proyer meellnF
The Mssbme Cdb srere defeated by
eolnmn of fours, tooreehdaie abreaat. ject of enrioalt; at the mensferie at sras abl; eondneted by Mim Martha
toe PsFe Fence Ulaau yeaterday b; a
and eneh tonr will keep as nearl; as
Tateh of Omens, in toe OoBFroFAttonal
• of 8 to 4.
poatible three paeea in leer of the one
diaroh, where all toe Sunday meetuiFi
immediatel; In Itt front Each ehlef A tew days sf« a part; «f Fs^tlemen
iheid. Both toband toe Friends
Reliable Diy Goods. OuDet. and Clothing House.
of dWision ahonld /hare hie dlrtatoa from toe ciW had ocraalon to spend a
defeated by the Fonch nine at the laV
formed in oolomn and read; for march few .boars orer there and Bruin sraa toeoecadon. Tbe reF»tor obnreh setplaee Snaday, toe score betoF 10 to
at the props- time. The* second, third hrouFht OBt to help enteruin the
to cbatF* of Joatoh Pea- A BaMeriea. Foaeh, KllmwAad Kalkparty.
nnd foarib dlriakms wUl form prompU;
BtBFUw. pastor of the Friends obniuh.
in rear of the oolomn as the procsssloo post b; a Ion; chain and the bear aad hb mbdooar; aerman sraa an to- sUne. Inurloeheo, Toubf. Hollband
Brayteu. Struck out by KUmer. 18:
■ar^Ma -past their point of asaembl;. ambled l^ntatasafe distABCe from
by Youbf, s; by Hcllb, I.
' <TheCkeeemitbandwUlalrobehi Una
In to* afternoon a roactnF Jttnior
sUpped tbe
rally sraa held, eondneted by Mra Daear 11 a. -X.. sxanoafD -nkn.
|rem its fasteninca. The bear found
bl Scott and Mrs. M. E Deasmoro of
out that he sras free and made orerEtorto*.
taros to minr'e sriUr tbe oompany. Maple aw- A pleaalBF soaF was Firea
by toe Kortoport jnalara followed by
Tbe Fs>ests scattered to conrenleot
. SlnrlDC, •■Onward Oiriatian Sol- corners, but Brain lasUted upon db- a rety elaborate exercise by toe Maple
aw jnniorB perfecUy rendered. At tbe
dtera.pUytaF tomniariUea that were not par
:Ioalonatalkon janlor srork was
Addiesaof welcome in behalf of the ticularly acceptable. FiosItyhealaFled
The fact that theFiren by Mbs Baiea
<dt;-«arrr W. W. Smlthi
out Sam lies for his especial aUeBUoa
toe erentoF a fine paper on MbAddrew of weloome In hehaU of the and'made a bold dash for that FeoUedooabyMbeaara Thomas of North8nnd^ eehoola—Bet. W. A. Frye.
SamUked ltnoL Bat the bear
losred by SB able taUi oc
Beapense-C. B. Bstaa.. prosUent reaeated.Sam's ^dnem and peiubtad
ibjeet by Mbs PraU. An
ia bla endearoTS to shew hia pr^ereace.
opan parll&meai on committee srork
Sam finally took to hla heels like a prois the only perfect Sonr in
conducted In a broexy manner by
feeaioDil sprinter, srith toe bear after
Mr. Holley, and afine aadramoo "Does
him. aad when laat seen sras jast dbthe fieU today. All others
ItPey to Send OeleFstes to Conreatrine to a elond of dust made by
Uooar* sraa dellrerod by Ber. W. E
Sam in hb fliehL
are simply relics of the past
BnrlbuL Tbe eoaelndlnFoonaeontlon
d by toe pn
H. Leslie of NorthporU ' a a fittioF
I Vito
•‘BlMt Be the Tie that tkngrtgMioaai tuBday School Will
Bold It Bally Day.
Tha entire proFiam sraa moat ably
Benediction Bet. Balsber;.
The Snnday school cf the CkmFrigainried unt by the prealdeaL Mr. Lee------ ^KOM OUR-----tional church will take adrantaFe of
c, who sraa aeconded ta hb srork
Bally Day to boliTtoelr'atiaiiar ^oa<e
and dinner which wUI be enjoyd on throng toe year by toeaeeratary. Uba
Elaie Stanley of lUpla aw .Md toe
toe Central echool Fronnda.
hereof toeaeboQland ehureb are nrired treoaurw. J. J-Eltsryof Good Harbor.
There will be tliree pood rames of
The newly elected oneera are:
preparo baaketo a^ coaae for a good
ball this week, tomorrow. Tbnreda; time.
PreeSdent-F.. a. Leslie. Northporv
nnd Frida;, fte BatUe Cre^ team,
Viee Pi-Mideat-Mia. Fraok Shnur,
one of the ter; atrooreat nmateor
Tha Death Becozd.
tenma in Mlchiiran. wUl be here to^ Cnrtlaa O. Beynolda died at bU btw
Seeretazy—JAbaaooFh. Ma|de aty.
Is what you will observe in evetything in our New Meat
.otem beta with the Hestlera. ThU in Garfield. Saturday, of dropsy.
~Cor. Seerotary—Mzb. F. J. Frmlfek,
Market in the Bn»eh Block.
teem w»4 here lwo;tors a(o nnd it SkyaoldasraiSSycaTuof age. and bad Northport
trill be remembered that .the
Treasurer—Mba Anna MeUne.
been a roaideBt of tobeection for nearly
were an^ czeltinF cooUaU that retorn twonty years. Tbe funeral aerrieea Omeaa.
' dates srere pla;ed. The boms team Is srere held at the Frii
Junior SnpL-Mba \Toto JobrnNorthts an; in Miehl^ and daymoninF. Bar. J.HodFBon efflriat- port.
akarp games may
.; b
be esepeeted.
The oouunitteea appointed by toe
president are as follows:
Fred Smith of Snttoas Bay. diad Son
.LookouL-J.BUby. Maple aW; Emday of cenaamptAon. Thafoneial will aa Ert^p.Ooed Harbor: Martha Tateh.
Ofoan By FaFc Fenoe Oianta For Mot be held tomorrow. Mr. Smith
Jmeaa: Arthur Felton. biuf»»»"»
been ill nearly three yeata; aad
Mbricnary-Clara TkomSk. KorthCorrespond with
ofSutlana Bayb pramiaent :
Them sraa a srratoy lot of base ball
pert: 6. W. Beajamin.. Suttona Bay.
teas in . tows yaaterdsy, and amooF
Mro. J. Sallirua. Cedar. Harry IM,
the Traverse City
toem a gtmt maay from out of towa.
Lumber Compapy.
We-----------have for-----saleGood.
Go Sound HemSge-LaroPeeteaxtrateeTr
Clara May. lalaat dauFhter of Mr.
srhea MaasFor Ktooe talecrapked from
The next eonrontioB SriU be held In
and Mrs. J oha Laaaa of Blair, died SnaIcmk turner Surfaced Sidewalk Plauk, Maple Flooring.
MaabteetoattoePi ~
Cedar, and toe time of meetiaF has
Short hfaple W<^ Unds for sale. Mill Machinery.of all
eaaealed the faite fixed tor yesterday dar BorfilB^. Tha tnoeral sraa heto beew chanFed to J ana.
from the pareab* reeldeace ymtwdayafternoon to tote clW- They
descnpttons, inclnd.ng 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
The boepiteliw of toe fo^ people of
JnaUy tooanaed. too. becaane Fro*t
Maple aty «ns Freatly epprodated hj
Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
pains had been taken to adrarttee toe
aU. aad tBoIr klndaem srUl Iobf ba reChlcSFU. Aapust S8-Wbeat—AuFuaL mamberodbytoedeUFatea.
gnmm all about toe earrouadtoF <
MHe: September.Ote;Deoember. bSke.
toy- ‘^0 aUracUra pasters of
Olaata Imd alee been caaeroualy
Cora—AufueL W!(c:
Dnfastaable Eeporta From Abroad
Bat there was aome
r. UMe; May. Uite.
BegaRiiBF Oiaia.
Fotiattm done la toe Salt OWr«>lito
J8Ke: SeptemI
held toe colored playeia iteetaVte Ibtee: Deoember.Mk:
-'Ibnnden, Aurast Si —Mark Lane
Theraaaoa F^wm
Pwk—AaraaL SB.ThK; <
in expmatBF aa oplakm la toe Weekly
Bay a
one. We. have some good ones cheap.
tha chance sraa that the Olaata aouU X-7SK; Oetober, X.ttK:
Beriew of the Froia altuatAon aaya:
aot maka eenaantioaa Worn kero
The wheat harreat b about half osar
OnruBa. wAHr%.tkey srme bUIsd
S4.U: I
and roperte eontinue to be falriy farmSL«3; . Oetobw, SL70;
ta^W- Maaagte
abia, An t^M of toe IntqmptAoM of
Tob Oaa Alwayn Po BFSTat-.»4.7*#Tr.
.tea aoald fix that dl riband aha
away bearyahowen aad tha F«s>eral
Xaix~ PwMM of too Oteata bow ha
delay As eanytoF too srhaat tlmt te
aadd Mhatba-ratyanM aouwl
afaaadyesL ForalFa hartwmwa an-
Dirty Clothes
Hamper. |
We Have SoAe Specials in
.Men’s Fall Suits
*5.00. *6.50. *8.50. *10.00.
*12.50 S *19.00. ■
Do Not Overlook
HANNAH & lay CO.
Watered Stock Sale
Bright, Fresh, Neat
‘s—r-f.ir-....* .27
'■straisr«r-... i.98
........ 25
•sarrrr^-r*... 4.33
Fresh MeatST^always fresh. Salt Mtots.
TSt.*reO!tK KO. I
If You Have Logs to Sell
..If Yon Want a Cheap'Shoe
t,-40ff=On all TanShoes=l-40ff.
*EB MOBvnra
from lha Ofal Wood Moh Co. anadij.
Poflor PolBt, kr > MOM od le tar 0.
Ko^ ud Dokoo won tto wiuiat
T&AVXRBi: omr. . icchioan teu^. ThaOcOta wClpUy tu rpcek
MoBot?ooekMKtBBnd>7- '
»-Ak-te-v*at» hod oUraetioBo ym- Den* 8o K la kllagod, by Proml*
nontCitiunt af aMieht«do7 for o lorfo porty of TmwM
•t. Batb AMD J. W. Eaxxxm. axj people
gkfi Town.
tMr rkiUn, rwftrt ■ tacof MtvOwrtwOoodriebood
9. V. HAun. ciitor Md Iteu
dreo of ew LooSb Mn. A. F. Chwwao
oad Mn. Dmotter. Mra. H. Q. AUe;,
Mil. VooTow. Mn. A. H. HolUaor ood
Mfm. W. a. Footor.
Mtofaifi. Aar- u-1faa Oulu ia TMMUO. tirihfato Of faefacB oflton, do-
: v:
cUraa that the only data proaostod by
too Daitod Statoa ta c
Oohafatoadanaodtopayoatof tafiooBlty totoofanUyof Dr. Bfahoito
Bofa. on Amorieoa dtlaan who not hfa
Aeath ta too jaU of Onoaahooooa oador
iMoo, oadeoachod
Chpttoa General
Woyler. fa fa f
DM rualfto^ but too |
ahortly oosaidor too Moolfa obtained
by toodonpalg* ta Ouho.
'JSSBc ■ .■ ••.
. .«
Cm OaccuTom day.
Mra E. D. AUaj fa OBtortatala*:
Van Ewan of Sparta.
“Tt. LaFctm of Battle Creak, fa afattii« Claranea Whilkay.
Ifte Minnla OaiToU trill Uaaa tfanra.
day for a aialt In Ckleafo.
iTwUlmolMoaaUdvohlo Acoitac
BtateWbaalfrotCfadUlaafa in the
tooMimoif the wt oMoot of Boooy
dty riaiUar hfa brother Bd.____ ^
win ba diotrihotod omoec the
■Hia. JnUMCbnahyot BatUe Ctnak’
ianmt at thta eosotiT throoch the tatbaroMtoflfn. A.-W. Bnabaa. ikotatho prtoa of whMt. Tba oatiIfia F.|F. Baddaa and MUa Bertha
■otodxoln in rirwooka ia$17&,000,000, Baddan want to Grand Bapida ycatara»d«ho isorcMe of the oiop of >807
«*w the 7«nr 18M wlUoBOOBt ta> S*M,- ^ta Uao. Mclellan leare* thfa
»M.7ao. Pntoioof^o<(l^l>>e>^ Bomiay for a Jannt in and aronnd In
Ik prie* of otbdr oattote ood the raooU
wtU ahow that the forswr ta Uhaly to
Mn. Cnttiney and Mra Or: Flaminy
TColtMTotmeonokamtowlfli k
Carrow of Ann Arbor, are at BdfolihorMdthatolMof Uoprodkcta
Mfawt Xary and Minnie Baitner left
iTlBkiotnatotadthot Oaptnin Oonontbeetaamar Fatoakey Sunday, for
onlWaptehoakMioaifBad. Bat that
COTorkBont ii now i^pnr- Chka^
Mr. and Mia B, F. PenntairtaHi of
1^ to look Intotootten • Uttla and
CbioagO, are tbe«Boataof Mr. and Ifta
try and datarmina aboot bow sneh
A. P. Bonyh.
loncarUotifSttotalca to aohdoa the
Martla Kritb fa in Onkwood to n
iMurpaata. U tba BeoktliBa Weylar
two wa^' vacatlok. Hfa wife will rafa bofal^ ancacad with hfa end of it;
tnra with him.
booaad no-in Ua paloM trenbllar with ' Miw OraF^anof Manfatae. toeWtter laet the Onhana abaU aoebaad in
iny bar eonria. Min Mary pnntar of
CktOii« entranaa to hfa joarad ^ortWaahlnytoa atraat. .
The famUy of Qty Attoraay P. &
OUbert returned troa ibair on tiny at
WkiLXthe rowan bore been dallyinf Beal Satnrday niyfau
BeUie CkrrolH who baa been ririliny
k of ThMMly. H ia atatad frfanda in Chioayo. retmnd bona oa
that Oiaat Britain haa baao qalatiy the Petoakey Snndsy momlay.
Cbarlaa Mnrphy of tba Kalkaakian,
IkytnrherplaatWeatlooaa troa the
powan and to iktfaoau a datarBinattoo and Ora Glhaon of Balknaka, wore la
to —tba laiaad of Onto. It woald tba city yeatarday to aaa tba kail yana.
Mr. andMra'JaM Moody joda to
ffBacianddid aotlnthte eoatronny OldMlnloo^ tbalr wbaMa Snnday
dfaplay a daain to irobhla aowthlar and an thalAwttin atoppad at B»«borolhar, if nathyatralacy, ^a hold ta-wanta.
WUl GoWa. Chief Templar of tba
>eal L 0..0. T. lodya. left Sanday to
Tkk Kioodika fold fleida ^«a ra- ta.rj.en to attaad i atato neetl^ of
oafand a allrht alaea the ^ in the the Good Templam
pciea of whaai Howeaar. tba next
Dr. Boyaa of the aaylwn, ralnmad
ia-wbeat wlU aand the Eloodike from bfa racattoa yaaterday. Dr. Fnrotek np a notch or two.
«BU there wat a drop ia the price
of abortayea in the fwriyn crop wUl be
a abort time in the city, the yneaU of
likaly to eend the price np ayain.
the Bon. and Mra. B. Goodrich.
Antony the diaappolnted baaa ball
cranka In tba city yeatarday were
County aerk PUyy. Bayfater of Deada
C.M.0lney baa been ap
Mnppby and Prank G. White; all of
Ora Piarea baa been yrantad a rnfasaa Kalkaoka.
W. A. Ckamptco. who haa been asjoy^ paaMon of «10, dated from Jai
lay the excellent tohlny on Ckrp Lnka
at Laland Point, will leave for New
sr pipe for Iba Satnnth atraat
Tork today Hia family wUl yo to
lanctfendhyAnna A
Me yaaterday.
The tanilica of Aldaman iabiaaa.
It any proya of intaraat to nnay ta> E W. Cnnnlayhan and A. J. Bradabaw
kaow that there waa ao haU yana yea- hroha nmp at Carp Lake yeatarday,
fa-day. Why? O.
wham they have been cujoyiny an ontTba Oak Park OriyiaaU won n yood inyfortendaya.
ynna from the Mut Side kina yeafarMra. Sarah L. Baeaoo and tba Mfaaaa
Harriet and A. L. Baaaoa of BUaa. aad
^ nomlny by*a aeore of 17 to B.
Him Florence and Mfao BnDy Bonnd mnan Ulian Bloonftald of Booth
Mda to CbarleTotx on tbofr whaaU. Bond, lad., eana from Charlevoix yea
tfaoy ap«Bt a weak there nnd am bona tarday to apend a abort time at Park
9 A^tXKO AOr.
Tba owner of a doy ooltar with taxofaota 181 Ifaatanad to it. wUl dad it
with Pat Dean at the Choa atraat an W. E Hart maorind An Oetotoa in
ytoabonaa. .
la Boyinaw, W. & Bart, wbe opened
Bay Brown and FraA Holdawortb
hfa aaaaoo' bore, waa roeoivad with a
toft at foor o’clock tbiamarainy tor
Charleralx of thrir We7ciaa,«Bd expect ymat ovatin and played to Jannad
honan. Aalda from hfa dramatic talto ofake tba return trip today.
aot there waa another alanant which
The Udlea’ Aid aoeUty of the Flrat
PL E. ehnreh will neat Wednaaday
paoaad ttartrayh Miehlyan with Bhaa
•fiwsoon at t •'olodi la tba dinrdt two yean ayo, in yoiny from l/Udlayparlcra. A fnU attondanoa. ia dealrad.
ton the train which bora the aon^y
It la anpactad thatitba E. O. T. M. waa parUallytwrackad aad the anyltoad of Old Miafaoo and tba band of aaer WM fatally iajarod. Tha injarad
SAUiaiaabaicIwm be
■a waa Mr. Hart,
with tboeSoaday ao
aad the yomy aator axertod hfa beat
affoiia to allavlata tba aaffariaya of
who waa a nanbar of
fffarte. Battle Omak ea. Baottoa. Gana Saylaaw ledyaj Ho. 77.
In chriny
MOto at t;M in Iba aftowocn. Thfa to the injured nan Mr. Hart eontribea OM
Oka oft
oftbamrylrtroiiynM team
tad a fine.aawoaamMt to a pOlow.
.whkh waa mtaad tetftba uaaa to
All nonbameftba baakat oonnlt- wfaieh it waa lntandad.aaart carto
toaa to BaBy Day am raqnaatad to Bothlny. to Ithat bat did aU ia bfa
to nfan the Uat nonnifa of tba
MOtatTAOthiaartotayat tba bona
•t yobk OUUa4»0 Statoatoaat. to final dyiarainylnaaraaaoeufartabto na poattbla. Tba lodyanataa af tha victim
Manyar Eaboe of tba Hoattora of tba wraeb did aot foryet the ktodof tha actor, aad FrUay whaa he
,klnT to
that ha will be
ytoaaad to faaTa:nB theaa who bare aot appaarad la Sayinaw tha thaatra waa
Mtttod to the aaaaoa ticketa to be crowded, aad la the andienca vraa a
Tuat throny of maaooa. of tha lodya to
nady for a oaH fion him today.
which the
i. aaMtomkyibaaata of rafainy the After a curtain caU one oT^air nun
totot dfattaynlabad beam of the aai
her praaantad Mr. Hart with a nayail
■a yradaeea In bfa yardan aona fine leant floral naaonie anblan in b#half
m^f-~ of the Ootah CAmtEnUe ea- of tha lodya and in aonMdaration'of
yfal,. the poda natototay 8J<TMbn to
wad to the actor
J. E. V. Aynaw, .ynaaml aapfain13m faoM of tba A
•okAakt of the a A W. M.. aeeonpaSfad bybfafamOy.dahfa potato nr, arittiin twoyta^ to
iNralBthaei^yntoday. naybam
fatofiowBlto baOtoB, tPbfab fa tot
bon fcbtay at BeftMcfted left to totolhofallkHMrt^ llitotoao*totofiBapUaatttopn.
«fi la IflM ato htobtostoototooM
fifljniTT Colfadofntod tba tofak
Detroit, A^t- 0-—A epiefal to Thv
Free Preaa froni Sbeperd. Mlcb.. mya;
Pkeriff Moff. Deputy SheriS Eatec uod
PreaeeoUny aitornry McNunarm. vritta
eemml other county (eOc^ held
■jMetlny ytaterday at
to convult ued make furtV .ptona
the capture of Cuabler 8tritbk<i murderciu. It wua decided that cvrrytblnf
fa betny done that wtu eventuany lead
tn the arreta of the xuilty men. It it
tbouyht that ihreapromlneni men la tha
t.ielnlty are the murderera. but the otne.'rt wUl not dlvulye camea. Ther are
watched ererr moment, day and eight
ard cannot carape. Arreata are likely
tc take place at any moment now.
Sbepherd. lilclu Aug. ZX-^lt now appeura that the murder of Elmer K.
Stryble. enabler of the Famera' bank,
and prealdent of the village, who waa
Bbot St 4;» o clock tolurday morning.
It not au^ a myfie>y utter all. Fri
day aflentoao be held a coavetaatlon
over the trlerhone with J. F. Ryan,
owner of the bank, and tn that cot.reraatloa Kyaa ordered him to come to
Mount Pleaiant. the county eeal. Md
tng- with
r.-ople'e bank In Mount PleuMSt tailed
last week, sad It was supposed that the
Farmefta beak tree waa uSected. It U
supposed by the sheriff that this convcraatlcn over the telephooe was beard
by the persor.a who committed the
OfaM ef a Fterae aueusgte.
Be this aa tt may. ,CaaUer Struble
left hie henae dtwi d'rlork Buturday
morning to go to Mount Pleassrt. The
valuable papm and books w.ticb he
wua to curry with him were lock'd In
the bunk, and be told bis vrlfe be'would
uad get them, thei go to
2®** Jtbeey
- Pleaaunt. uad return “ *'— —
Tboatrfasl Mol
A Tory good boaao fraetod WQlard
Bowdl and hfa oapporttag oonpoBy at
Stotaborr'a Grand Itot oveaing.
To toy that Mr. Beweil fa good
woald be too nUd oa oaoortloa: bo fan
clover, foreofol oeior, and his work oa
Cyrus Blaakora ^ "Tho Maator Mtad"
Itot avaotag was aplaadid. Measra
Moore and UeUatoao have forafabed
him with a oonpoay of playere that la
toulr parta are eatlrdy wOTthy of toa
star. Joaepb E 1
••Joada Peer'taooght out everythlag
po^ble ia hfa liaoa, and
I also’good;
a muafaalai
1 from 'Tbo Ufa
of CbanpacM" beiag eapeefaUy well
Frank F. Moora was more thoa oeipUbla as "Joaepb Choadlor,’' propri
etor of the TeUow Poi
MIm NcUfa Diamood Bigby toa
aoutoetto, eaptored the andleaoe arlUi
her awoot songs nod oil around work.
Barry Marab proved that he was a
very dew doficer nod was liberally
Mfaa VoU DaVCrooB and Mfaa Madga
UviagatoM were also woU received, na
waa W. B. Bigby “ *’Barty Todd”. Id
a word toe ploy wu good aid too conptny wonb.voftoeploy. ToalghfThe
Opwotor” will be given.
rally ofur too bttok at too opaoisr
Cota fall away « ooat to »lj^
Cpiotoocloaatona wtoaoStartoer
Ognot* roily. Oa tto ooatrary>ito O
flBOl half boor of troA^ waajnanfo^ '’v.
Still <Ri Deck
at the Old Stand.
tew mlaate to M. Hoptomhor ema
slid down toAl. S aader eloto of flotardoy.
ye ta mwa to Thrir Wv m toO ArHete
Buffalo. Aug. S.—Buffalo fa on ready
tor the army of veteraoa which fa ou Ua
way bare to attend the thirty-flret onmml encampment of tbe Grand Army of
the Republic. During Saturday night
hundreds of veterans and tbrir friends
arrived, aad yesterdar they were contIrg fa by tbeueands. It fa erilmated
that nearly i.Mt atrongcre were fa town
Saturday and that from iS.Wio ».0«
come fa yesterday. The vArtcus rail
roads eBtertng Buffalo report that In
addition to (be hundredi of regular
. .
arrive by tomorrow noon.
Camp Jewett, aa the city of tents Is
known, is all ready for Its fahabtlanta
arA while it w«l not be forwtally
untn 4 o-clock thfa afternoon a number
of pasta are already InauUrd. Ami
i at the
camp aad elsewhere for tbe care of tbe
Mck. Three hospital tents have-beer
erected at Camp Jewett, each In
charge of a compeleot tUff of pbyvlclana Tbe honor of flying tbe flrat pen
nant from any lent at Camp Jewett be
longs to Reno poet No. M. of WnUaicoperi. Pa
Among the later aoDouncccnenti of
cundldatet to rucceed O
Chief CfartooD are the names of John
C Uneban.
NerTRaaspablre: Cecrge
The Eoterprise Grocery
U fltiU doing bosineflg on
Front Street, jnit west of
Stnoberg’s Grand Ope»
Honse, aad presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the dty.
Enterprise Groc^,
W. J. BOBOiaOH. Manager.
Has Your
Attention--- .
a got •
Store (Dur store)
Pun Povdend Bpioas,
Pan On«m Tartsr,
(and Para Bahiug Powder, If yte
us to make it, » ponndo te St.OQ.) Bahher Sboetinfi. tehher T^ebfag, oD
afaeo. Wote Bottlea (guoraatood te
Jfotioa to Tax Fnyura.
twoyuora.) Fonstofa Syrfagao. many
The tax roUa of the flea words ef the ktada. Throat Brnahao. and Atomfaen,
City of Traveno Clly,
Clly. for the calleetfam Glyee^ and Witch Boad Lotion te
of school, eit;^aad a
tot bands and toco.
I for tbe fiscal year 1897-18M boeo
..._driiv«rad to metre the City acrtc.
Said taxes may be paid to me at my <'
flea ataaytlmebofar«atofa»har li
ifW?. withoat charge for ooUectfa
At Our
Soda Fountain
Oountor wo ore u WM ccmfaatod to‘*fal
l#»7. J Will bo at my-------------------wdl eaomto oloM” hot always fay to
said taxes oo oil weak days from 8 improve.
n'eloek untD Ufao o’clock a. m. and
WHx^ cXiOSKD nr obxoaoo from I o'rioek until 4 o’clock f m. oad
on Tnaodny evanlnga from 7 o’clock
unto 8:M o^loek.
MaXjOOM Wquos.
Otoor OoteoU Flu
Affeetod by the Wboot XoAot- Oflte Boom t. Herald htoldtag. ll
Frost atraat.
Oom Took a dump but Btaodiod
Coieogo, Aug. IS.—Tho flrat curb
^uotailto forSoptamher wheat today
"rke^onareha of B«p
I WM gl.Ui W. OB advooca of S OOBtt
Oo to the Lien Borbrr Shop for hair
ISatarday'seloalagprieo. At the t
!UU and bathfc, IS eeou each.
I tine
.was bid for Soptenber
M. H. Gurm
aa tovoaee of t eeaU over Saturday's
dosr. Drcenbrr wheal sold betwaos
Tbe nne of watnr-for aprinklfag pui^
ti.01kaadfl.01H'wHfaUM waa
pmee fa. by our role*, onwflnnd to the
Snpportodbytho '
for corn The oewa oU potatod b
bonra of S a. m. and fl n. m., also
daybacaaloir'in all
^AirptaM where water fa found r
groin ^to.
: iUfcrpoolh opaafag wheat od'
oter contrary to this rule
he si
I .,
ifanOToiagwtoeijoaltoaatdlt per
habheL Saturdoy'a adeaBce bore was
B. D. CxMruxixABon.
"The Operator,” "The Mas
ter Mind.” "The Silver Lin
died 1 s-s at a per boshel, oooeiderOBBMAR PICRIC
ing,” "The Clemenceau Gase.”
ow toe local fdvaaee.
Stdilni'iGniil Opoi How.
the door of S'utbaiilelW.Slruble'a hurd.
vrurc uten;. In the mt of which the
bank wua located, and continued hie
way back to the vault. He had even
opened the vault bef. re he was aware
Of any one beleg present. This fact
fa dearly demcertrated. ua the entire
(uralture of the bank la ruined. Minnlng
slgBi of a tierce atruggle. and Struble i
inanimate body waa found bait Jnaid.
the vault.
■ ehheee Teak Nearly Beeeythla
The crime waa not dlarovercd until
ahortly attcr. 7 o'clock Salurds)' moniitig. when E. A. Wudotn. a clerk In the
hatdware attre. came down to open the
store. The unuaoal coudlttoaa fiout the
bank aroused hfa auepkton, and be entared to And the office a wreck, and
Btrulde lying accoesclotta oa the floor.
The money In the vault waa all gone
exeepUag tto In atleer. bat the re were
evldencto every-wbere to ihow that
Struble bad made a galUnt defettse at
hfa lire and the money with which he
waa intrtMted. Tbere was a bullet ia
StruUe'a'wrfaC a bole in the door to
abow where another bad mtr:ed. an
other bullet bole- In the uorortunate'
coehlcr-a back, and two more )usi over
it at am ibat
frotn the *»g"k to bfa borne, had died
without making a dgn. From a eeevertoUoD with the aheltf fate Saturday
algtat It uppesre that tbia statement fa
toot tnw. Struble died at U o’dork.
but a few mtnuies before death be
rallied, and fa the presence of a notary
made an aate-monem atotement, in
which be swore that be recogalsed three
of the robbera. and be gave tbrir namra
to the proaecuUng attorney and aberiff,
but these offlefafa refuse to divulge thfa
faformatloo. Tbe atartllng feature of
the case fa. It ia reported. Ibat tbe
poaltoro who, fearing tbe
about to fail, followed StrvUe to toe
bank, demanded their money, and upon
being refused shot the cashier and
looted tbe bank.
StniMe UM them that be fsceed the
money, ana m loe ngnr uea me maaao
from thrir teea and reeognfaed thorn,
n fa supposed they left bin boUevtng
eupled tba rocma cw
noise, but this U casHy nocousted for
■n the tact that toe bonk was
of toe buildtm owner, ■
and they a
fag over tbe books, but be retuaeo te
any stateaMBt as to the aaMoat
of money taken. Tbe popular briief fa
that tbe robben stoured a very large
sum.' as tbe bank boa been doing n
very fair business aad waa not aSeCted
by toe foUnre of tbe People's book fa
Mount Pleasant. Struble, who was a
popufar. geniul man. univerasUy liked,
leaves a widow and two children. Tbs
town is wild with exeilemcnL and if tbe
robbers smd murderer are caught u
rape and toe neorett tree wU save
taobeUe county from oD axpoaoa of a
St. Lottfa. And- to-Orcnlt Judge Jan
mianfag of the staiuto aad t
WUl faoue aa cedar oa toe toad
Strap on too praporty of tha f
Coming I
WHUnl Newall,
wurldh wbcat ahtpmeau last week of
7.S10.000 bnsheU but aboutflewamntoa
WM oOMtribuled by Amerfae. The
total Monday norttlag crop reporn
vrera olnoat aaitornly bed. Btoerially woe tola true of earn. Tba wmtoar
raporfa showed slightly higher Umporotore ta toe west.
Tba i:S3 ofursooB Lfaeipoel cebfae
ahowad a raewailoa pf 1 d ta
wheat tatarca aad oo thfa toa eorb
pries tors
’ AU too bouyuBcy wosont of whCat
wbto too opening ball rang on the
ragofar hourd. The hlghcat pricaa
tout vrera Uwebed la too Initial trod,
tag WM WH for September, the exact
quototioa at which too market elooed
flotardoy. Staaitoaeoaa eoien at too
opoalag were oU the way down a oeat
tower to MH for 8
few mlautto toe eofas ware reeordad at
07 nod toon to
tittto of wheat were teroole from weery
diraettoo. It waa hard to oall.- huyen
------------------------------- f--„ It tanked
os tooo^ nosy of toa holdara wen
avaOiv thinaalvtoof too
*0 Nollao profin by atUfag. Tin towaot potat raacho<wto *7 '
bar. a plasge of ?K from too kl^
Cora aympatofaod with too atamp to
wboot mod too flnt ngolar trodliv was
at U oad all too wop down to U for
tsmhto to oompored with US mt
carh. After toa tipoal^ rash to
aaU then was some tacoei
o'otoek thfa morsiag.
wboot waat back to M and
torn to ns. Bo moch Ripnmhdr
whoot woo addltoat IttoakodMtooagb
toe ball crowd hod
riniili firnif It n karl In nil tiipmai
hm optios that tooy toraod oroBod oad
aold Dooomhor BO a badga Tbs b«U
crowd took op too msrkot ogota oftor
too^tolrtymtaafaaaadtooooottaa^ oteogto at Uvotpool hod a attody.
tag laflaatoa. OndooUy too price
veoebod’up to »s tor Soptomhor and
flaetaotod botwoM toot pries oad 94.
. Around oIovm o'rioto too *—*tiiij
and at imi too tote te Boptomhor
wbaot WM S7M or two ooMi ndm
top flgwto toot wmo. ruoshod oa
toed thfa oBOuai pfaulc or
teat. Spodol attruetioM will be
vidad and a delightful day fa am
te oU who attend.
The C. A W. M. By. wQl run a apodal
tamiu Item Traverse City at 7 a. m., orriving nt Grand RopMa about no^
Leave tor home at 8:S0 p. m. Boshd
trip rate SI-OO.
Oko. DgBAvni.
93-«t ._________________ O P. A
“The Cross of Gold,” "The
Heart of New York," “Tbe
Bells”—preceded by "Lend
Me Five Shillings."
lurl; On Cu Uif )f Scntir
uaied in tori* prodoetkoa.
Puopte’Choap Prieea lOe.
Annual picnic of the German Soefatlaa of Grand Bapida aad Wentern Mfabigon oo above dots fa tfahoenfolds
Grave. Banda Lake. OM Oeuntry
'Ota of fun. plenty to tot and
_____ jftoiebytbeb^aadafaglag
noefaty. Don’t mfaa Ik
The C A W. M. B-y will run a epoetrain exenraion. Itovfag Travorao
City 017
at 7 0.
a. m ., Ioad orririag at Oraod
Bonlds abont noon, nnwutng mv
at 8;S0 p. m. Boood trip rkto SI.
Gxo. DnpAvn. G. P. A
lOe. Bxte'
Ever Boraed Out?
If aoyoa knew
O. P. OAETK Agwk
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Fire Ittsnran'ce.
Suits to Order.
FiJ Ifarduuit Tailoriiig.
irgbyO^mtonand ,
MifMn* OffioUt*.
•oiurttT «r« M to %t impcrtM ^ tk«
i .Uto U sot to dU-
tnrb thot ordr
upos whid boalBew UrrelT depeodj
•sd wMcA fUoistBtn cstorpriK.
It It ^a^ tbot 0 Mtentst of Uw iM«
tt tbecpcnton It ,dnc the pabue is «rCv tbst m clMT tod ImptiMs] sndrr•tSDdlss of tbc oieHtt mod deaiciltt gt
th* eonirwversy moy be trrlTed sL Thty
hop* 'hr •n.MBhsbie wcUoseBt Is tk*
PIttsbsTy dnuict. ksowlst thst neb i
remit •rill fdlov Is tn other dutrlett
*sd eutce. U It riwold fsU they mstt
pot their silset In epentlea. nslesi they
ST* eriUlnR to cosMst to ncrlBce tbetr
Q)«ti to thersea of violatiny t
with thrir rnatomerar
mmtt law4 by iSe O
PlttsbST*. As*. ;
, . the cool tnlolnc cittut.UoB Is the Pltu' bars dimtct vltl be trat^ed enth on.
aaasi icteratt this' emk. Both Mm
wo* appomtly at rest ynterday. but
U vaa developed that at the eonlei
today there will probably be a
rapUoB- By nasy it it beUered
Batcbfotd will set be preaeat.
tiatiried that bie •nu otk^ to hit orlfleal
atoertloa that be will sot ayree
. Htrate esleoi all the autes involved
art tapreseated. It. la a .welUknowi
(act that the opermton of other atatca
wUi not }elB the local operator! Is the
«ioves.eBt tor arbltrathm. U Ratehtuid
le thdurau the eontereoce wUl be uae.
“Praldeei Ratchford said last s
fore learlny fer Pmsbury that he
peeted the result of tbe coufeieuce ..
day with the Plttsbury operators would
be that a yeneral ccoference of all the
coal operators and mlnera of tbe entire
country would be culled for the near
future to cotiMder the question of a aetUemeni of the strike. He did net antic
ipate any other result from tbe confereitcc. Seemtary Pearce win also
tead tbe pocference."
OsmpalraAaalset Wew Mm.
rwui a T^ble aonree It la learned
F tr
If the
1^ I
■ wlU al»r
Sent DoUn returned from ColBinbue
Saturday UMnlny and announced to
r that be waa
nitve board and tbe operatota'
itloB for tbe pnrpoee of aetuiny by
bltratlon. If peMble. the yreat c(wl
Oolan and the operatnra Tbe tesult
cf thU mutiny waa that Dolan teleyiapiu
lied to National rrMldent Batchford arid
Secretary Peaiae to come to
Blttsbuiy for a meetlny^ erltb tbe operatore on Monday momloy. Dolan said:
"We will yo Into conference witb the
operators, but It mnat be pnderstood
that OUT action will not be bindiny. Tbe
mlnera must be consulted first."
St tsuia. Auy. ZL—A apecial to Tbe
Bepnbllc from Carlyle. Ills., sayi: ybe
Btrlke sftnatlon la Breeae to beytsalny
to aesum^ a serious aspect whldi to
demoTAtrated -by
telcyram received by Deputy SberUf Har«-ey Jones last eveality.' It
read.* "We deem It necessary for you
to be here tomorrow irrorniny.
•niny. aa
>r the strikers bare made Ihreai.la." This
was Blytied by Henry Uummert.
■ t of tbee mine andI .a
of tbe town. Joues, has left for i
scene. A larye number of deputies «
probably be sworn in to protect tbe
Cniaaders were arrlriny In
Decainr.lUa,Auy. 23.-U.waa tbonybt
that yesterday would wltnaae tbe end
I. and the coal be stored. of tbe llyhf that baa been wayed here
for over a week in aa etfort upon the
pan.of tbe miners of tbe Bprlnyfield
district and elaewbere to yet the men
la tbe two mlneavhere to quit work.
the eapmaea of a ftybt ayatusl
do not come out tolabor. Tbe miners- aflictato are maklay
mlacra who have
amwngements to have a fund on band
h4e nine days will return
U send torelyn tobur borne Just as fas! been In camp
as II arrives. Witb mines operated un- home. A tneellny of Decatur mineru
afternoon and at
the most to
b cperati
attend any mecclny yet held. Il was
wbo leap a profit they tu^e
meetlny held
available and'larye fund.
■D far. Committees were appointed to
. navsev PlgSt HWwvea 1
coll meetinya of the minere at tbeabafu
In addlUon to life yene<
woeb for tbe week
k the leaders have this morning, which *311 be tbe isst
effort to yel the men out. The men in
decided to direct especial aork
prevention of operations at the Sandy each abafl will agree to come out If the
Creek mine. The striker! say they •rill ofbere do. iait neither abaft ran be pre
resame their cnarcblny taettes. clalmtny vailed upon to take the InltUtlve.
Marquette. Mlcb., Aug.
There will
that under the rullny of Judye OoS la
c Weal Vtrylnis carei they are ylven be no walk out of anion men In tbe
mlnre at Tthpemlng today
. jlng I
. In the Plum^
Crurt mine today. It is aanounoed that to defer acilun a we«k.and In tbe ;
the New York and Oeveland Oaa Coal time take a vote by ballot on the adesapaay will make elybt more evlc- vlaablllty of strlklny In case tbe
tiMi today from elybt different eom- mUem men cant be forced out. A'
.. pany houaea Syn.patby for the atrlkera nlybt's meetlny the sentiment
by tbetarmera aaddtiaena U act dlmln- Mlybtly aya'-nst a strike- Had a
Mbinv ta the least. atUens of New been taken It
Texas rent word that tjiey bad plenty losL Tbe uni
At food for the men and wanted them men were enrolled, wlib »0 H
•• -
I P. De Andt
.hnM'int eight
3ny lo tbe tnnlde
between hto
I and atrlken.-tbat
as be could learn tbe atrllten
bad fired the first aboc. Tbe plaee where
the rolllMoa occurred, be m;
“apeak-easy." and Instead of
yotny there le Influence tbe atrikeratbey
bad been requested ro yc there ter the
oppoMU purpose. rfT aaya aa Investtyatloc wtn be made and if bla m
te blame, they must suffer tbe
CTATxeabT or'n
PltUburs. Any. 23.—Tbe feature of
tbe developments in tbe coal mine strike
•inea Sattuday mwnli^ to a suument
of the opetator*. whldi begins witb the
aacrUcc that ibere to a combination cf
Ohio. Indiana and IDlnoto opcraiora. tbe
object Of which to to supplant the Pltte-
mony with tbe combine either bnowlny-
eable and Impeabbie. because tbe operalots of the other . Setda will not
Ex-C«bln«t CffiMT Who Comid.
•re Thing* nry Much MU*d '
In That Country.
- VeylewUCterye Aaatiwe theSlrt.
WaahlnytoB. Auy. U.—Tbe foDowInc
cablcyram baa been tent -to tbe ouecn
teyent of Span from Waablnyton: “We
appeal to yoar tnaleaty in bnotanltr’e
aam to tourpoae tor Blysor Osnefon
In Cutm.“ Thh U Nyned by Ura. J. C.
Burrowa. prealdent: Mra J. Ellen Foa*
j forr Cuba.
Is aid of
I AmeHcao Bed Croaa. A dlipatch from
tiM Am DirM*4; New Tork aaya that Omcral Weyler
Oto PeeMa inH*. > denies that Slynora CSsseros has been
‘ tried and aenuaetd to a penal colony
for twenty ream.
Oeneral We^ ears: Tor Judicial
reasons tbereV os tHal Is tbe prellmInary atayes a person named E\-anyellna
Caasl CIsneeoe. who deceitfully lured
her bouse tbe military
t. who
be last cabinet of Senor Bayiala. la
ned him and attempted
w In Parla In tbe ooniwe of as Inter ____________ him. Thlt case la la
vtfew he deeply deplored the death of , preUmlnary alayee. ud haa not as yet
Ecsor Canovoa del Castillo, particulariy j been tried b., a t^npetmt tribunal,
bacauae of the war lnCubaWABe~-;
Is Cuba^ndABe-yen- ; and consequently no aeniecce baa been
a of polltiakln BpAla. ! paar»d nor siiproved by i
irda General
al de Aacari^A.'tbe
Aacanwya..'the J|
tmeoTlheT. P.&r.
n<w itremiT, as a clever and tfiHful
, V— I' _ Indianapolis. Auy.,a.-Tbc ninth a
k. will
—Ill be.
but docs not believe be
nnal eonventlon of tbe B. P. C. U.
able to repla.e Senor Canovaa aa the passed Into Urtory yesterday. Tbe
of Orsnr
Heats and Groceries
Tie Recopized luien
Is s aM lOe. Clean
' an m
Onlirs bf Telejhtn rnspili
: P«rkStrMt.bttwMD?i«&t8CAa.
In the opln.
October, but Albany. N. Y..
uea elrratu- baa tbe call and there to little doubt
tbe return bf 'j that tbe convention will be held there.
Senor Sayaata to power, aa tbe ConBervBtl\-e party to cnirabUny. taryely Slid that a CbrtoUan could not betony
through the fault be aald. cf Uecor 811- to either of tbe old partlcs-tbat be
vela, leader of tbe dlaaVnUeat Ounserva- Sinat If be to a CbrtoUan Join the ProbihUiontota
tlve*. and of Senor Itobicdo.
' TMak* ttiK-U ItoM WHI SM Islretns.
He mys Senor Cbrtelat baa dedded
Waebingtciu Any. 23.—II to not Im
not te re-enter polUks, but Ibsl bta ad- probable that official announcement will
\1iS wUl always he acuyht by both Ub- .be made In a few weeks of a radical
eraj and Conaervatlve-yovernmenta. In chanye In tbe present alUtude of the
ccnclndln* the Inlervlew Oeorral Dom- : pe-oaion bureau toward* pension ctolmloyUM said: "I do nrtt believe Ibat either anU who bad a Confederate
e pbny U a heavy o
1 cf Receral Dun
I favor of
tbe Cuban dimcully.
Spain has;yivlay them ponslona when they deIncalculable
irres at her command ^aerted from the relwl army and olrtalned
and the only ihiny
y to be feared to that j honorable dlsoharye from the Union
pUlUml dtopuiee may prevent tbe suppressiem of a rebelUon wtalch has now
arrived at the limit of exhaustion."
' trivktoM ler a Chi«ac» BMk.
asd bumbly to tbe sultan, and prepared
Auy. 23.—Tbe cum
an cncyrllral denounrint Ihe bomb IcrWashlnytoc.
of tbe curcocy baa declared a feurth
Ihrcweca. which was read la all tbe Ar
menian cburrhM resterday. .
a of tbc'Netlonal Beak of Hllaoto. et
BBCEpno.v TOO BjmrcnAma
Irtsb Bare# Bale Lmdres DmV Ub* On
WrlsMss te Prtawe dtoorta.
- London. Auy. 23.—Tbe cntbualasitc re-
Wi. JAtara
Rate., $1.50 per Bay.
■Ml rtetetsaiRMicM Rites.
Lady 'Watts
RrartWantAdS^ Fishmg parties
Charles, tbe alrahlp-inveetor. b
pnUlc tbe details of bla plan, which k
has protected. Hto machine to daalyae
tc duplicate exactly the motions. of a
blrd.and expert mechanics have amnred
tbe invenlor'tbat be has tbe best tblny
tbe Armenian revi.Iutlunary federation, yel destyned. A stock company with a
which to printed here. aaserts*thtt the
ip. Dr. Cbariet will lake balfal
rcccv.l explosions In Cocstaptinople wen
the work of the commmee.iand eayi the ! ««*■
« to dlrectlny Ihe movemenis of I
the partto* who are flybuny the Turks
_ ,
forthe murderof berbutbar.d. has final'
possible mean* t.. rarry on the siruygif ,, ,-o,oe to an end by the Jury render
against such overwhelmlny odds. Rev- ; ^g a verdict of not guilty. It to tin
olutlan to tbe only ■< urre left ua."
j^e btetory of Henry coun
Constaritr.crie. Auy. tt-Tbe forelyn; i, ,,here a wcmair waa tried on such !
nrabasaadors here have recrived a clr- charge. Before tbe verdict waa give!
cular Ptter from the Armenian Dash^ , d.rerslly of opUdoa amoni
nak-Zutium cwnmiltee almost Identical
onui, itenerxllv
-----------with that rent to them In im. decUrlny ,
that the ArmenUr.a are tired of waiting
>*■• •* P»ll Tim*.
aM are resolved to take arllor. fer the ! Port Scott. Kan., Aug. 23.—rpon or
redren of their-grievances.
Louis the lllisourl I'aThe revoluntlunary threats of the A'- <1Hc sh-ips here were Put on full time
menlan* are causing s<-me anxiety. The ten-hour time. Saturday for tbe first
AnnesISB quarters of tbe ctly are are- time nice Un. Tbe urdtr affecu all de-
F^pm this dBte this boat
will not make regolar con
nections with trains on M. &
N. £. Fishiifg parties, how*
ever, can tnake arrangements *
for the. use of this handsome
yacht, by cofnmnmcation by
mail or wire, with
Lelaiid. Mich.
See Oil Rew Uee
ijmer of Dnkm nM Bajr Siraeta.
aw M. A N. R. depot, wiahea to
Munee to tbe public that be baa re
fitted nod fnrotobed the Hotel Paaybom'-heUer than il ever baa been before and eaa hoeommodete the travel-
Picture Mouldings
Cycle OfDerslool Hen!
ssB-dlC. BDepoL
e greatly _d
Desvvr. Coio.. Aug. 2X—Tbe Denver
Trade* and Labor assembly yesterday
leg the yrtat coal atrike. After ttUfUc
reference to tbe yrowlny tendency icward ••govriTunent by lojunctica" and
the --ufurpatlon of blyhwaya by (be
blrHlnya of capiul." tbe rcsotutlona ny:
'That we believe tbe lime to near whet
peaceful tr.dbods cn the part of out
raged labor moat give pUce lo forcible
resuaance of armed capUal.evcn tbouyh
budged with tbe venal and corrupi auIhrrily of pintocrallr Judges.
•That we licreby pUce outaelvas on
irccrtl as being 'o the Igst extrme
against toleratlny tbe present or any
mber attempt to abridge any of tbe
riytis. prtrileyea and liiicrtlM of free
men." Tbe reaclulloisa then pledge the
sswrtnbly In advance to abide by the
derision of tbe 8l Louis conference and
call for a mass-meeting to be brid Ir
lenv.r tbe preaeol week to take action
0 the qua n of "yovernmenl by InJuaeiloB."_______________
WureU.sK la nee Pssibu
Zdma. O.. Auy. 2b—Tbe train dlaaster.
Friday right nas more aertoue Ibae
fltri reported. Tbe followlay were u.
tally Injured: Mra JcAn Burnham,
crushed: Mrs. WiUtora Murray: Mra. T.
Tbe operators ny that tbe Pittsburg
pcodsenrs have tewtebtos of tbeir own;
that they are May tbrooyb various In•uetirss tbs aaarbel that bdonys eat■tally to tbasD. and (bat the ■nlnera' orOatakoah. Wla.. Any. n.—Judye Dar
•awHariqa to beMw on ttato toss, add- nell held Saturday la the salt of tbs
1^ “By fsaaan ad an amlMble ar- Alextan Brothers' bosplUl against Win
(neiMMnt bstwaaa the operatei
nebago county Utat such inatJtuUooa
are gxempt from taxation. Ela deelalon
ttan od lbs MRwe sarniass of tbe
was baaed on a deriakin In a sliullar
OMjauy'ua by Bm opassion to retained cast by tbs supreme court.
and paid over to lbs nlasrr oOclato.
Tba estteatsd aaaoant ao paid over ta
daaatea tlSlfleo a year,
r bad yot tbe half
By amewsdd? tund the eryanlitoUOB
la matetalned. tb
utly at
(nbbtt that wm ait
Off inti
meg dCtba oats.
••A*deww." bsmia.‘*I«iU jn__________________a dltadramaye
in the labs marbeta"
Tbs,statemee( aara next ttast tbe mbiSTS’ oryanlxatlon haa finally apd reluciTbe Oooni—1 baf mriU
antly ayreed to a conference with the
PtRsbui* operalors and tbe latter bopt dguyhter a—wbat yon eall t
for a aatkelactory aettlemML ir tbeo
pmssads; -They (the operatotsj ylaa>ri
Bst Fatber-B’inl I tUak tnuporithat tbe call tosued by tbe ofikets oTtBl tifW
IfWiq Bbm hwt'
' Kleen Cor a eonvenU9s of all tbedlmor. lynLUe. ______________
tented aeri Bl«ald(d elements of tb«
( coBntry to arraign the eouris and im........................... n of tbe laws of
'1M a faUow down on Dm Bowwy
:t « M
s of every tew-abMran to* ba dM. «
DuhUn. Any. 23.-Y3K Duke and
DoebM of Torb pamed yestrrdayqnlelly witb vtoils lo Howtb castle, where
tbev were tbe yuestsof Lord Aahbourna
lord chancellcT cf Ireland, and to Bl
Anas ClonsUlrf. tbe seal of Baron Ardltoun.
leodered them by tbe people It most cor
dial. The Duch*** of Tork to teal be
coming a great favorite.
e tay that tbe meet
ing of the peace cdnterence today .
likely to develop a crieis. It la underitood that Sir Philip Currie, tbe BritTurkey, haa received
Wat ta* a>sU Way Before tbs Wan
Athens, Auy. 13.—A meeUny of over
ItM prcrie hrld here yesterday
adopted an addrens to King Oeorye,
The Fromakridt“?rt > Sandc, e small
town la
ooD waa I
great height and lo a oortbweatL...
dirsctlon. Ptom the lialk>ofi depsaded
a tackla which appeared to be lunuYimm Are Beitor N tadla.
Londew. Any. tt.—Tbe Tima comspoudent at Simla aaya that good ratna
have fallen rvemihere ttarcuybout In
dia except In tbe dtotrtcu of 'Bombay
and Decenr. and tbe crops protntoe to be
exerptlonally large. Tbr numbers on
tbe relief list are rieadlly dlmlntohiny.
te gradually briny the currency of that
country to a gold baato.
The . last expediOcai ibia year
Cautemia for tbe Alaska yoU Adds wUi
leave San Fianctoeo Any. 3k
Casper M. Banger died qt MI
after a bnyeriny tllneaa. Mr.
waa well-knoirn. bavlay bees i
Ed Thorp, reported 1
when yoa can to In*
The Pure Juice
B. wJS',
Walt's soda toiatal
First Class
■_________^__________________ Pitloa strewta.___________
poys’ Blouses
Great Cut in Bicycles
PbymMli of tl-M
eeask win eimrs a
I.M a mask
Wbeel. m to *00. WlU
pay to look at tiea alagnat linA H. E. GH*a. i« BUs Meyala abop, 311 FitmtH*
tween 'hem.
M. Plenaa. believed te be tbe anaMtatot
wbo was expelled from Prance a werit and
a hairayD.arrivedatNewTorkSaturday.
and proveil that be waa a Cuban rebel
instead of an nnanhtot.
Elcary Sullivan, convicted-at Wllh
iatxisbory.Ky..of the rapeotBarahLaw.
. Ill ^ ,FTOBt I
senteneed to twenty years In
the penUenUary. was taken from JaU
by a mob and banged.
tlf x
The retort of tbe PUeer Mlnlny eom- SOGa WatCr T'
pany e min. eatlmaied to t« worth
»faivi co,
eao. was carried off by r ■
while being taken by a ma
nranlte to Lesdvllto. Colo.
______________________________ _
Green that will kill Bugs
Bicycles to Rent ^
To Rent
The Best Candies
.!*».*?• »-- •«
nearly every county in Iowa
Jmepb Drowtn faXa bis ley caught
in Rao^ Bros.' a
a post with
torn off. -Be wltl mubabiy live.
Otoriea Andrew, vice present oftba
C B. Andrews Company, dealetu ta
coffee and spices at Mllwankae. waa
suSoeaied by yaa wfaicb waa turned on
In hto rooms aeddeBUlly Batuiday
M. HadA wm Smith and Bd Prancto,
the window yUaa i
wobem bare Saturday was frnlltom of
tesulta. Tb worfcen InetMcd on an ad- Ue of aowp at Arepta. IHa. misto
vance of 20 per cent, and (be manutae- package Iff red jwseipttam to rrii pgtwms offered to rtstorc McKinley wages.
Tbe fiatleners and cutlers said they
would not yo te work unless paid as
lgr*a an advance aa tbe hlowera. Tbs
WMetlny adjourned without date.
■areb Ass fuslewn BrePIse.
New York. Auy. 22.—Sarab
yell, the woman wbo clalma lo have
bees tbe wife of Jay Oould and to aulny
tbe orisie for dower, baa cwtmacd that
me nrrsr waa Oould'i e^fA Bcr eonFerWIm
fssaloe eonfinns the riata et the OooM gweriywW*ia toWtnmWe
heirs that tbe ault la M rawtit s< a aMeplraey.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Paris Green
’ wIffInaUnif
Mnrfun's Uvsiy Bm.'
ra. Thfa is potato bog time. Lookewt
nr exterminalor bom & B. MQler tto
I. Brut door SM of poatofitos.
YmAIbm Fansars’ Boraaa a Spaolal^.
Boraaa Boardsd-
••John, "aaljl the editor to hUoBeel PATCHIX & CRQTSER,
Ib • «Mtiiiie«lMtic-le onttotn
boy.^‘‘am 1 a rich man—a «*y rich j
.Th« etl|7 eonseil of Atlutn li«
rneye at.:
■ten of scnoa fcT «Rra<7 <t ll«bt Tbo ; "
MBteck. Trtwr«7ai|(Mk
tdopiea n anU high bat oritaasofe
ionrnal of Pboregr-pUy hw rbii inter■‘I never bean taU that yon woa.‘»,
Pbrnn Bobtann bat bean eng^ •Miag paragmpb:
brto Pteketer "Tmio< the D'0rb«>
“SelcaiODl aud luau; ulutt uuuwa lo
“^^Sfnofe^^tetnb^oFr- \' ~
Ttltey and tbo poaeilibpoMilil.- changia
chanait ibat
Dm OtdlTtt bat loan angi«cd by ^eteU.
"aiuJ papiT, ^il «ira 2“^
' •■H«eTJoJ£^y‘irb«.k«ndob«ek. • g.
Jaoob Utt to flay tba tiUe role In aonndit nud« tb« infliKDoe. of intfrml
book* witboot nmnber lying all ainond ittacnwiuirtSr^tH
— Africa bave 1ik1b«.0 genlotriati to
^ •
;---------:------------------“Ohiiamte FadAsa”
toit light. FrieaeU
Bake a critical invoatigaiion of ^
^ -"Ka^ona."
reaSnaad her
Ion.'with tbe ric«
Tbe editor aigbed. tben toned to;
----------------------------------------tsT a tiirw. A
bow far tl>e esistin
Itoc tc
K poor Fortakl
dr a nodt ru i
uitllr Co. Block.
' nan voice U rimple aiKiiKai. a pteoe
(i;.<,r.nufW .i»«adalond:
■va Vincent «UI play tbe lei41fig: of panbmcDi is
Canale diarac«er in tbe new Do BonabM
j nretrbed like a dnin. TI|
Inn of Uie
(am, "My Wife'a Step-Hnaband.”
t* a very ibin picee of idlver
iintr m, cbupu Uptitri. AWHpkiooiiinIhtio.b
they are now. Beiouwatetlve playera , a pint..........................................................
[ gr^.btfortil.isi^ewfallnpQptbe,||f^;“^^^^P|^^^
tbiongbODVtlM. bikiorie period of
Tbe reflwVed ray
babiit.:>i>u there: that many parte now
early aa •-pUi.^^-'™’Ptaiw ><a. m. i>toi.
»3S?*.SS ’ taliSSa"™ toUM.
d(*crt and
ipdi^t. o,. to d» « «p.di. I
Jaidine for '‘Tbe QeMia’’!
andwUl replace Min VlAat Lkyd aa
| vibraBona of tto
o™. >
b„ b».
A,to_ , of man'i lodgnirni in tbe wildernean
to s,!r«toto"™ to
^‘t^d'a-T; ’
W. Ferry Taylor, tbe manager of tha
BnSate meeting, perpoma to add a ateepleoh^raeeench day to tba trotting efcetfiii
and pacing attnetl one.
tank Bogaab. l;04)d> waaabldr*- with tbe lime light abining npoo
eairtlyW) George Van Dyke, Bte wealthy comely face and well propontened llfflba.
lambeanaB of Bbaton, for fS.OOO. He
I (sgaekaMta
aT;terc;.ry’Cbm";;; ^
Tbe Mn«^re fim tnendooed na be
ing cckMiamtl by tbe Swrdca and KorwegiaM in tbe cfairteentfa oentory.
Tbe Lomberdi were originkUy tbe
iMgobordi. or long bearda. Tta^ mi
grated into Ita^ from oortbeni Prnaaia.
Tbe Bavariaaa aipeared, m a aepante people, io fl»0 A. D.,wbeo they are
mentteoed aa
^ TnisporUtieg Co.
Rfirthen UioUgfiA Line
West Michigan
' S'?....
I »».-■
‘*p S'
II Ws.b!
HU BapUs.
imsm ID mnimni li
oooro noBTB.
flat, at at preoenL moat bare depodted
i^TuT^sTto »-s.».7 ’ ssL-rrofTiSs: i:;s
limber Bdy. S;16K> by limber Jim.
ta eald fb be LeretoM. by General BanOKk. and paced to a reoord of S;l« in
- iSM.eiDocwbicbtim'ebebaa been ring
ing nndei diffaresi namea.
EUotee. tKt9>,'. and Oakland Baron.
SK>9>4. were both trained and need In
tbeir k and 8 year old fdim, a faot t^
doea not aeem to have invented.tbeir
noing anoermfully after reaching ma
Uirmarrelonr that five t-yeer-old
paoera aboold be Bed for tbe obampiooahip boDora. Tbe world’a record rtaoda
at > :0»H- wbieb figure baa been reaebed
. by Judge Ban. Agitato. Bolpbide. King
of Oiamaad* aod Searcbligbt.—Uot*-
^ —■
. .^Oread Baatea. Macklaav aad Mae
Waype. Detroit. CMeate and,
ora- Haate. » « V- - ^
ettolAOKWOOD O.P.AtoOeaadKaaUa.
Rnta IcUgai ^
Minnie Maodern Fiikn will preaenl a ’ alngly (bcae warek ata
r Americaa play
■ roext
aeaaop. Tha '
I te> .to tato. ot .bto,
5.^' Si.'™ p™“i„ ito'li!, "^S
m ii tnppqaed to0 be
I: the Joint woric
to_ n. «>».
I .W’> 'r n'i
• '”tol. ol p..,.!. .1- to totli Ato tod
Mr. andMra.L FtiAa.
Somoyearkogotberewaaeibibfted In
^ ^
5*“/ banded them to no .-iti.r.
Tbe familiar comedy ••Ooetar BUI’^
‘TJJ’ P™
baa been rciocarnated at the Tbeata Plomdlll^jSDg Swiaa lady named i
aometbiog uropg with l.i»
MMiopole in (tenth London nndar tba fSatberineBoebner. At tbeageof »8abe
meaanr«l 6 feet 8 Inebm and cmnc to
aUe-Tbe Kangaroo Olrl, '
:na(ioua of dinnaand and bile mod. t
Tbe Fifth Avenne Ibeaier. Kew
daring which me waa proaented at
louaU to oecor. ila- lac.-fir»t wup- EliSiiS.
York, will open* iti acaaou l ader
trsud un.l-exieudisg dqwti t
Edwin Knowiea’ managemea: a itfa
inamof ivelrao Mi;d and
-----Z beingamaaaofiW4rroi«ai;an
Max Btelmau'a production of "A Sontbced
With alight Ipieiropticoia t
“STTLifm' ■ ^ rCUKinuei to .he dec,-.
the lndivido;il ftogiiKUta
nearly all perfi-ctly rouudul. Uiag ofl>^'
ih ■(»«(». te-«t
8c. Jamea rtreet abont the year 18*8..
to tliai of a ben a *-gg. Thia i
Ortrer Ocorge Spear l« naming a faro- Thia Frenchwoman waa 6 feel « inebea : all aiiMop
“ "?>!
«•«> cloaely with
ken eeUar bone ai a remit of noolliaten.
vviooily (tetainad at
AlleHon, after floiabing a very heavy . About 14 yeara ago a very remarkable
Otnd aeamo in Keotneky, bat been ablp- ^>eotecolarpertormanoe,caUed "BahU;
and Bijon." -------- —.— -toastoto>-•"«
' pad borne to GaleaUug, lUa
tba evideawe, and o
tbe old Albamtn.
Lottie Loraioe wat timed aepafately
It the nbdcltt
in S.'Ob in one of tbe beata of tba ftea aqnare, tben nader tbe n
Rieaef depofiti
••the people’aoaterer,”4he late William
te all pace at OleveUnd teoenUy.
. which were farmed nnder totally differiolland Maaa.tbec
Javelin, SHJ8: W. Wood, IsO?; Aglta- Ptol.bl.topto.Uto to .b.plto»,bS 9‘”“'‘“»”»??.‘9"-W'topto™U nXMLOCK WOOD gOR aALK-aU|te ^
** nortbeaatoro Africa at tbe preaent
to.td»; Dublo. SK>»1<, and (kioket, ik. tokt ♦
g:10, wem alt bnd at Oakwood Park
t rettnm. -Tram^ OHr
alevaiion at koat from too to #00 feet
farm, Woodland. CaL
are eridenee -- ------- ,---------
.to to ^d.™ rf ^
1 .d..«i..to “B.W....D.p.Atoto."--- “■—•--d ■>—> IPCItoOptod ! iUto„o„„ui.o.p.
b.. ,t .to.-.! sT‘5.r:ss«“i'-.,':‘i;£.‘SS:
‘. cat wavea on b
finoi n^Ui t iBfllU L R
tbe ' were laid down aa tbe aorfaoe grodnalIt aobaided below the level of tbe MedI iterraneaa. Tbe borioga have not yet
Jodging of tbe genero! dbqnaltlaQa «i] organltnu foemd that could give a
of the Tork, Mia. Max Moller, io bet clew aa u tbe age of tbe d«eper depen••LK»m From Oonatantinople.*' thna ,m or tbe length of time that waa oo-.
axpeaacB betaelf:
i oopied ln the nuking <ff tbe lotmatioB.
"EdooBtloD baa done aa yet very lit—
Ue to tame tbe fvrociou q^t Inherited by tbe preaent Tnriu ftiom tbeir
1 in one of tbe nllTartar aod Mongolian ancMtoro When
:aabingtoa baa for y
one aeea tben hnddled togetber itear way o)
newqmper aceoante
tbeir mcatioeA. one fccla that the Uoua been o
taofaUkioda. Hen
and tigera might apriug npon yem at
any time and gt tbe amalleat provoca-: bat thooaa'nda of tbeae Damtirtai, and
tkBL It aeema a miatoka to imagine that from an attenttve atody of them be baa
tbe Tnrka bate tbe Cbrittian reBgkm. | oome to tbe coocloaion. that no looamortboold aay tbey it^wet It, and they tlve engineer evs a
do not eveo bate tbe Obriatiani oa' tUtd dlaaater. It ae
Obrinteoa. bnt aa Bolgariana. ArnHsi-1 U widely held by engineera tbemaelnw.
ana, Bnaaiena aad all tbe rwL Is no aod tbe maker of tbe aciapbcok
pointed t* tbe high
key. where weUnd CbriatUna not only ; tbe law of g
totoPtoto... Wben n man la maaaacred. it ------------...---------------------------------------maybediffteoHtodnwIbelineandtt.wbobaabadtwo-cteae calU" wiU. if
aay whether be waa maiurrrd aa a Bol- ha it wlae. abandon raltraading and
garlan or at a Cbiiatten. nor would It - make bU llviog to aome other way.
mkke mocb diffenoce to him. All 1! ia not dlfBcoU to aee bow anofa a aoperaay U that aa far aa I cw gange I atition aboold bave ariaen,
ariaeo. for tbe
tbercocof Um batted ia national and ebanOM that an engineer will three
rvivetbe p
for him than any
11 a train, are msnifeaily c
e.flm me
Bia aistcr. EUo Hat
Ua danger U giewter in tbe
In tbe fiict wreck ia of oonim merely
biiag Atoott’a. even to the long, white, ■•»<>***» form of tbe delnM that "lock
wavingbair. lu very aapect cried ooL »• boond toclupge. LmAdomuban^
tbongta never ao mercifolly. "My ter-: *f • »■“” of fact bni Ou aaanmptiim
tbe preaeot icrrliary of Mam
name -waa afterward applied to tbe monlj endli»1" Aunt EWc. bnnoblng ; *»-» one *> called chance bappcuii« U
by ite ptvdeeomon ii M
i«ry ber abooMera In mlnhlol appreciation.
"Kathaalel alwava bated it”
poaterw for grov* conrlderation by
^^ptooeeded thence to Bpa^
had “Jbody except tbe
Kp.to„ A..pto^o> age
top, be
ne Japamwe claim that tbeir nation
(tabling "ay,
tf founded B. C. eeo. by Jii a-"tj; ' already bad enoog'b of Wcaley, and my ,
^ « •««*. 'rtth a rejoicing iangb. daaeribed' “n®*
The bncBW ny.
je throne. The Dtet literary aeeoiait of ■ »»o*.
*«» being able * 'induce blicldera
tbeJapmieaewMfiomtJiepanofMaroo.‘oacinpon bianbborroue. of tte melOne Of tbe mon wetol of Inaocta li.
-to. .toto. to-cototopp to
tojto.,to.to^to « rwlBg to tbe ignorance of tbe pnblio.
, .
, forever being kUled. It it known aa tba
I tbrongb a bole in tbe pedeatal whteb gngun fly. tbe needle caae and tbe
- »e Hin^ioe Uanda.
' bad revealed l^lowncm. Be then
d^ing newUe. Saya a writer
Malay peniiuula. _Java. Bor^ a^ . atood tbe bo« oprtde down ngaintt tbe of antborltyi
m^oiberiwrttoftbe a^ami*cl^:.»ijlin,eow place. OMifld^
1.1m larval attteitanbaiate alm«t
g*' tug tbe fteering of tbe water. In which I mtirelr on tboaa amaU mmirmiog
Mwitlally differ^ Mom aitber tbe event it wat to be hoped that tbe pnp-1 tbreadi wbkAoan be Men darting aboot
Ofaineaew tbeEartIndiana. Tb^datm
moniaer woold buri. like a l i. any atlll water, and which batth ont
lU or BBHm, UK
pttobM «ndcr.rimiUr edda. Bnt John ; |.» tbe rweet alnring mo^to. ‘
ond HH (f Noah..-8L Looia Globe- WeaJey never borW, to tbe dlagnto of a i ^a aoon at the dragon fly teevea tti
broader mind and tbe oSendad wonder watery ntualDg gronod and. climbing
of childteb ey«-"Mam«tea of Haw•• rood, thiowa away tbe old
■boll and fflee away, it M helping man
again. Ite qnaay now la tbe booee fly.
If you are down with tbe btoea. r
bhhw sk «iteam«at,
John Bright onoe aaid of Oladriona: knodteddown In
••fie te aa boueat man; be believca | bad been doing yaoman'e rorvloa, and
wbatbeaaym. The wemof it te that be i Mn obildm and women awmtd deB yon are oot of aorta, read tbe too teadUy belieree wbat bewtebw to; lighted, altbongb tbey abraok baek^
twainb cbapteH of Bebrewa.
/ believe." Tovdoettiaa whether that from tbe poor, wounded dragon fly.
waa not acanetbing like eell deceit, Mr. Tbey all ttaongbt it bad aa awtnl ating
Bright lepUed: "Ho. Mr. GUdatone ' at tbe wtd of iu long body, a cnal in■BM an objeot wbieb faa^binkt of ritel '
Wben tbe V
Ttotib tbe iDMOtap,
t, aod be tnnl ia all diieo^ *tfaMa^*’^^«^of I Oor- ttomte argnmenteia aa^ort of it. tber. WM ge
Be flada them, and ba haaomaa ~«aeon- .WMb
aekmi of anything ootalda <f-'Tbem. offered It and it ale it greedily.
B there tea dtOlyi
ibe heart, read Uie ttaf«r-«hapttc «ff Tbattenottolt d«»lL" Totbe abjeo-, buy* of tba b----- ----------------------»
tion that it WM a dangetona qoali^ in a dragon fly again.
Bevelatioa .
If yoo doDt know whme to 4aok fcr a irateainao to be able to mt only that
tba montfa’a rent, read tba TbUty-tov- aide (f a qoMtion wbkb be wtehed to
aea. Mr. BrifMropUed that eMiy man
r <M are yqa. tM»
wbn bad tm» anything gSMt in tba
Btoaatove^pebtofnUM flownaad worid bad bean of that aawtoltatknu
-T«a wm bave tea* ma. ^
tba ooiA «<ma ctf in a pto. BDt tbn mne
alwayi takae otege M my
toBaamw^ yevMatf&l read tta
'.S'i'Ci,__Koney to Iioan
Os lAgcored tut prepwiTPATOBUr * OBOTUtS, AtMneya.
OOse* orer Kosuga-'s luweTiM Mere.
. N^i.SiU
■ ^^PA.Aaeau TceenasOtty.
.Youp Choice.
oono HOOTS.
Buildings Lots
Houses and Lots
. ‘•'‘•ssisssr*-
LViTrs^qO................................... siisS
For All Oash or Ixiwfor
Part Cash
Sm aaSr«/M--Blbi. BaHpto.
R™t Tear—No. 96.
from Trnrarae Citt. Then then ■
other exensea offered, all Of them as
nnrwesansble as oae ooald Imarlne., It
speared after all. that the idea pretallad that there was more mono; in a
Keziah Kent, a Kate & Komical Kharacter d
ratae to Mantotes than there srenld
Kambridge Kollege, Konnectient. Komposed, Kompouoded
Imviiiac Hnciav. OnaA .Vatada, bate been In Ttateiec Clt;. nnd there Beoted OIB^ara and Xnjoyed an Xa& Kompressed Kold RoDdimeats for Klondikers who
Good Xoaic and FoUy Pleaie on fore Instead of keeplu; their eontract
Btraotiea •esMon-Bidiosb Of tAm Wm Pass teip the Hands of Frito
Konldn’t keep from the Roast. We are composing “warm*'
Oantral SchoolOraoBdi-AddnMi theoolored plsjen decided to throw
San FrandBoo OatheriBF and Talks
The poatoftoe ooatrorero; at Empire bargains for all who come our way.
br Hon. Jamaa O'OonnaU and ««V. down Tretme Clt; nnd pla; another
Upon .Ibnal; Copies b; the Dslahas finaU^ berm aettled. There sras
rasae la MaaisUe. Maaairer Kehos
Ban F. Bradlay.
Btranf .risAlrr tor toe office between
eras prett; hoi aboct the entire bnalFor tba Banda; aohoola of the Grand ncea and did not mlnee matters tn tel>the third auual oessentioB of the Friu Bohr and Georre Ta;lor. CoeTrararae tagion teaarraw will ba tba u>F hew he felt aboat It. Be coaid cet Leelanaa Coant; C E Cnki^ sras 1
Frewnaa Bishop was at Empire laat
M. B. HOLLEY. MAanao^
'rladdeat da; at allUiaxMr. It will no a;mpaUix«n in ManUtoe. howeter. at M^le aw ^tnrda; a^ fina^;
ik to look the Fronnd orer and
be Rail; Da; and {foonf folks fro« far ^ c>«j>
srord thml he wiU r
wanted to see another and waaanoUbleoaebothVtote^t
and naar, alaa man; that an not i p..„. i^,
Bohr tor toe place.
the Oolto and Olaau
atrietl; ;oosr folka, wiU attend the
In the ett; who srere disep- soetettea In l^eelaaan ooaaW- thSriblarfaat Banda; aeboot xatharinr
pointed sriU reedll; see that there sree port, C E and Junior. Sottons Ba;.
icnowif in thk aaetAon. Elaborate l
BO blame attached to the manacement Omens. BinFham, Good Harbor. Cedar
arattona wOl be made tor a aomptata Of the local team for the fallore of tha aw. Maple at;. Confrer^Uonal aad
Kan; FaOad to Find :
procraa. tnaplrlnff slafinr and as in- OlanU to appear.
Friends and Junior. With the exeep‘ Iniun.’
s WUl
«Mac addraaea. b; man wboaa elotioD of Sottons Bsj which was not repBe BuilL
f -qaanea and brlUlaiyy of orator}iWoled. aU sent larre delecaUana;
Abel T. PsFe. one of tbe osroers of
wall known. ax-Concremman Ja
^Doanallof Jadtaonand Bar. Dan. F.
dffht members of tbe older.eoeleW and Oraena. sraa in toe clt; yecterda; aad
^ Bmdl^, the noted dlrina of Grand Alen Parka, Who Was Dtjuied .
ten juniors. Winifred Pratt, sslsalae- had mneb to as; reevdtoF toe aaeoeas
Ohemicnl Works Fin, la Dead.
He states
Bapida. will addrcaathe throat 9P(»
mperioundent of tbe llth district. of toe saaeon at Omens
• A floom srasnst orer Elk Bapida M. B. Bolle;. district aeereUr;. and that elFhW FuesU hare reoenU; been
the Oehml adiool ti««Bda, where
tIoBS at Omens Inn
bapp; baakat picnle idU be be bald. Uatnrda; ereninF when Alsa Parka,
ooaooauntoftherash. The
rtUa will beasalada; for the Uttia who sras Injured Foioff to tha bttrsUpF eat. were alto present.
faUca and a da; of more than ordinar; cheminl srorka. died of the injeriee
Saturda; afternoon derotloaal toe seaaon has d
sined b; belnf run oser b; the aerrieea were conducted b; Arthur Uea for resort buslneae next year ard
dtnideaaaa to bi« folks.
cart. Tbe nnfortnnate man had Peltoa of liliiFham.' after which an already- two tonte and handsome
'William London will be praaident of
hare been eoatroeted for.
tn parlUmsat sras rood ue ted br Bcr.
' the da;. .3. W. bfUlikaa eblaf marshal suffw-ed a broken neck and thonrh Aepiircd of all animation, he remained W. B. Baribnt of Nortop-ert. In toe
and E. J. Falthom aaairtantehiaf
> aad emnfort lor many
Itoefa Snnda; school will aalaet ooasciaiu until death rellered him of erealnF Uie Friends church was crowd-1 Froeide
• aianhalalao.'wbo will look after bis his eaffeTingn Tbe fueral sras held ed, and an eatbnstiirraport of the San
or her parMenlar portion of the Kiand peatorda; afternoon, nader the au^aes Fraaebeo coorenUon
Fisea by M.
parade which atarto prompt!; at 1»:», of the E O. T. M. of srblch be sras a E Holley, after which a dellshtful inFour Happy Hearta.
The deeeased sras thlrt;
tonnfnt on Waahlnfton street betr
held. eottcludlnF
Tony Ssraboda and'Eatie Brant were
TTiWrdmsii aTenne and Wellintton ;eara of afe and leases a wife and srito a proFram eonabUoF of redta- married Satnrda; In Maple awa^wt and will more to Front throorh
ttona by Mn. G. W. Frol:IMc. Mbs Cbd- tort* number of friends from tob city
/one of tboee streets, thoafh Vtaieb
and Oeoree Soott of Miwle ware present and anjoy^ toe sreddinF
srlU net be decided until the pnrade At
at;. Mbs Tatcb of Omens, Mbs Viola feuBL
rcndx to form. The 1
of KorthporL and M. E Hdley
Another sreddinF took place at the
leamitod Oftoudoe FantlUaHOsa of a
thronth Front to Cnian
of TVareroe Qw. Md an
eame idaoe Soaday. Darid Melaer and,
Central eohool froanda, where the pleThere’s more real worth in the dbthing we sell, than
aouF by Mrs. UMde Dewmdra. Dr. and
When Trotene (St; was Intaded Mra O. W. Ftaliek. Mbs Boato Stan Pruda Newmaa belaF tlrn contnettoF
nieandenretamwUlbeheld. Badrsa
parties tob Urns. Both eoupla are
what will be shown you at any other store.
Mae weeks mgo b; rrpsles Frank
wlU be firenoot before the march.
ley, and John Byimr. srito Miss Ben; promUnt topple QWWe Invite Comparison.
Kratochtil boefto a pet bear tton
TlM rmiMhiii trill be led b; the
Band, and wilTbe made op of a the band. The ^ haa been an ob
Tbe Sunday moralnF proyer meellnF
The Mssbme Cdb srere defeated by
eolnmn of fours, tooreehdaie abreaat. ject of enrioalt; at the mensferie at sras abl; eondneted by Mim Martha
toe PsFe Fence Ulaau yeaterday b; a
and eneh tonr will keep as nearl; as
Tateh of Omens, in toe OoBFroFAttonal
• of 8 to 4.
poatible three paeea in leer of the one
diaroh, where all toe Sunday meetuiFi
immediatel; In Itt front Each ehlef A tew days sf« a part; «f Fs^tlemen
iheid. Both toband toe Friends
Reliable Diy Goods. OuDet. and Clothing House.
of dWision ahonld /hare hie dlrtatoa from toe ciW had ocraalon to spend a
defeated by the Fonch nine at the laV
formed in oolomn and read; for march few .boars orer there and Bruin sraa toeoecadon. Tbe reF»tor obnreh setplaee Snaday, toe score betoF 10 to
at the props- time. The* second, third hrouFht OBt to help enteruin the
to cbatF* of Joatoh Pea- A BaMeriea. Foaeh, KllmwAad Kalkparty.
nnd foarib dlriakms wUl form prompU;
BtBFUw. pastor of the Friends obniuh.
in rear of the oolomn as the procsssloo post b; a Ion; chain and the bear aad hb mbdooar; aerman sraa an to- sUne. Inurloeheo, Toubf. Hollband
Brayteu. Struck out by KUmer. 18:
■ar^Ma -past their point of asaembl;. ambled l^ntatasafe distABCe from
by Youbf, s; by Hcllb, I.
' <TheCkeeemitbandwUlalrobehi Una
In to* afternoon a roactnF Jttnior
sUpped tbe
rally sraa held, eondneted by Mra Daear 11 a. -X.. sxanoafD -nkn.
|rem its fasteninca. The bear found
bl Scott and Mrs. M. E Deasmoro of
out that he sras free and made orerEtorto*.
taros to minr'e sriUr tbe oompany. Maple aw- A pleaalBF soaF was Firea
by toe Kortoport jnalara followed by
Tbe Fs>ests scattered to conrenleot
. SlnrlDC, •■Onward Oiriatian Sol- corners, but Brain lasUted upon db- a rety elaborate exercise by toe Maple
aw jnniorB perfecUy rendered. At tbe
dtera.pUytaF tomniariUea that were not par
:Ioalonatalkon janlor srork was
Addiesaof welcome in behalf of the ticularly acceptable. FiosItyhealaFled
The fact that theFiren by Mbs Baiea
<dt;-«arrr W. W. Smlthi
out Sam lies for his especial aUeBUoa
toe erentoF a fine paper on MbAddrew of weloome In hehaU of the and'made a bold dash for that FeoUedooabyMbeaara Thomas of North8nnd^ eehoola—Bet. W. A. Frye.
SamUked ltnoL Bat the bear
losred by SB able taUi oc
Beapense-C. B. Bstaa.. prosUent reaeated.Sam's ^dnem and peiubtad
ibjeet by Mbs PraU. An
ia bla endearoTS to shew hia pr^ereace.
opan parll&meai on committee srork
Sam finally took to hla heels like a prois the only perfect Sonr in
conducted In a broexy manner by
feeaioDil sprinter, srith toe bear after
Mr. Holley, and afine aadramoo "Does
him. aad when laat seen sras jast dbthe fieU today. All others
ItPey to Send OeleFstes to Conreatrine to a elond of dust made by
Uooar* sraa dellrerod by Ber. W. E
Sam in hb fliehL
are simply relics of the past
BnrlbuL Tbe eoaelndlnFoonaeontlon
d by toe pn
H. Leslie of NorthporU ' a a fittioF
I Vito
•‘BlMt Be the Tie that tkngrtgMioaai tuBday School Will
Bold It Bally Day.
Tha entire proFiam sraa moat ably
Benediction Bet. Balsber;.
The Snnday school cf the CkmFrigainried unt by the prealdeaL Mr. Lee------ ^KOM OUR-----tional church will take adrantaFe of
c, who sraa aeconded ta hb srork
Bally Day to boliTtoelr'atiaiiar ^oa<e
and dinner which wUI be enjoyd on throng toe year by toeaeeratary. Uba
Elaie Stanley of lUpla aw .Md toe
toe Central echool Fronnda.
hereof toeaeboQland ehureb are nrired treoaurw. J. J-Eltsryof Good Harbor.
There will be tliree pood rames of
The newly elected oneera are:
preparo baaketo a^ coaae for a good
ball this week, tomorrow. Tbnreda; time.
PreeSdent-F.. a. Leslie. Northporv
nnd Frida;, fte BatUe Cre^ team,
Viee Pi-Mideat-Mia. Fraok Shnur,
one of the ter; atrooreat nmateor
Tha Death Becozd.
tenma in Mlchiiran. wUl be here to^ Cnrtlaa O. Beynolda died at bU btw
Seeretazy—JAbaaooFh. Ma|de aty.
Is what you will observe in evetything in our New Meat
.otem beta with the Hestlera. ThU in Garfield. Saturday, of dropsy.
~Cor. Seerotary—Mzb. F. J. Frmlfek,
Market in the Bn»eh Block.
teem w»4 here lwo;tors a(o nnd it SkyaoldasraiSSycaTuof age. and bad Northport
trill be remembered that .the
Treasurer—Mba Anna MeUne.
been a roaideBt of tobeection for nearly
were an^ czeltinF cooUaU that retorn twonty years. Tbe funeral aerrieea Omeaa.
' dates srere pla;ed. The boms team Is srere held at the Frii
Junior SnpL-Mba \Toto JobrnNorthts an; in Miehl^ and daymoninF. Bar. J.HodFBon efflriat- port.
akarp games may
.; b
be esepeeted.
The oouunitteea appointed by toe
president are as follows:
Fred Smith of Snttoas Bay. diad Son
.LookouL-J.BUby. Maple aW; Emday of cenaamptAon. Thafoneial will aa Ert^p.Ooed Harbor: Martha Tateh.
Ofoan By FaFc Fenoe Oianta For Mot be held tomorrow. Mr. Smith
Jmeaa: Arthur Felton. biuf»»»"»
been ill nearly three yeata; aad
Mbricnary-Clara TkomSk. KorthCorrespond with
ofSutlana Bayb pramiaent :
Them sraa a srratoy lot of base ball
pert: 6. W. Beajamin.. Suttona Bay.
teas in . tows yaaterdsy, and amooF
Mro. J. Sallirua. Cedar. Harry IM,
the Traverse City
toem a gtmt maay from out of towa.
Lumber Compapy.
We-----------have for-----saleGood.
Go Sound HemSge-LaroPeeteaxtrateeTr
Clara May. lalaat dauFhter of Mr.
srhea MaasFor Ktooe talecrapked from
The next eonrontioB SriU be held In
and Mrs. J oha Laaaa of Blair, died SnaIcmk turner Surfaced Sidewalk Plauk, Maple Flooring.
MaabteetoattoePi ~
Cedar, and toe time of meetiaF has
Short hfaple W<^ Unds for sale. Mill Machinery.of all
eaaealed the faite fixed tor yesterday dar BorfilB^. Tha tnoeral sraa heto beew chanFed to J ana.
from the pareab* reeldeace ymtwdayafternoon to tote clW- They
descnpttons, inclnd.ng 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
The boepiteliw of toe fo^ people of
JnaUy tooanaed. too. becaane Fro*t
Maple aty «ns Freatly epprodated hj
Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
pains had been taken to adrarttee toe
aU. aad tBoIr klndaem srUl Iobf ba reChlcSFU. Aapust S8-Wbeat—AuFuaL mamberodbytoedeUFatea.
gnmm all about toe earrouadtoF <
MHe: September.Ote;Deoember. bSke.
toy- ‘^0 aUracUra pasters of
Olaata Imd alee been caaeroualy
Cora—AufueL W!(c:
Dnfastaable Eeporta From Abroad
Bat there was aome
r. UMe; May. Uite.
BegaRiiBF Oiaia.
Fotiattm done la toe Salt OWr«>lito
J8Ke: SeptemI
held toe colored playeia iteetaVte Ibtee: Deoember.Mk:
-'Ibnnden, Aurast Si —Mark Lane
Theraaaoa F^wm
Pwk—AaraaL SB.ThK; <
in expmatBF aa oplakm la toe Weekly
Bay a
one. We. have some good ones cheap.
tha chance sraa that the Olaata aouU X-7SK; Oetober, X.ttK:
Beriew of the Froia altuatAon aaya:
aot maka eenaantioaa Worn kero
The wheat harreat b about half osar
OnruBa. wAHr%.tkey srme bUIsd
S4.U: I
and roperte eontinue to be falriy farmSL«3; . Oetobw, SL70;
ta^W- Maaagte
abia, An t^M of toe IntqmptAoM of
Tob Oaa Alwayn Po BFSTat-.»4.7*#Tr.
.tea aoald fix that dl riband aha
away bearyahowen aad tha F«s>eral
Xaix~ PwMM of too Oteata bow ha
delay As eanytoF too srhaat tlmt te
aadd Mhatba-ratyanM aouwl
afaaadyesL ForalFa hartwmwa an-
Dirty Clothes
Hamper. |
We Have SoAe Specials in
.Men’s Fall Suits
*5.00. *6.50. *8.50. *10.00.
*12.50 S *19.00. ■
Do Not Overlook
HANNAH & lay CO.
Watered Stock Sale
Bright, Fresh, Neat
‘s—r-f.ir-....* .27
'■straisr«r-... i.98
........ 25
•sarrrr^-r*... 4.33
Fresh MeatST^always fresh. Salt Mtots.
TSt.*reO!tK KO. I
If You Have Logs to Sell
..If Yon Want a Cheap'Shoe
t,-40ff=On all TanShoes=l-40ff.
*EB MOBvnra
from lha Ofal Wood Moh Co. anadij.
Poflor PolBt, kr > MOM od le tar 0.
Ko^ ud Dokoo won tto wiuiat
T&AVXRBi: omr. . icchioan teu^. ThaOcOta wClpUy tu rpcek
MoBot?ooekMKtBBnd>7- '
»-Ak-te-v*at» hod oUraetioBo ym- Den* 8o K la kllagod, by Proml*
nontCitiunt af aMieht«do7 for o lorfo porty of TmwM
•t. Batb AMD J. W. Eaxxxm. axj people
gkfi Town.
tMr rkiUn, rwftrt ■ tacof MtvOwrtwOoodriebood
9. V. HAun. ciitor Md Iteu
dreo of ew LooSb Mn. A. F. Chwwao
oad Mn. Dmotter. Mra. H. Q. AUe;,
Mil. VooTow. Mn. A. H. HolUaor ood
Mfm. W. a. Footor.
Mtofaifi. Aar- u-1faa Oulu ia TMMUO. tirihfato Of faefacB oflton, do-
: v:
cUraa that the only data proaostod by
too Daitod Statoa ta c
Oohafatoadanaodtopayoatof tafiooBlty totoofanUyof Dr. Bfahoito
Bofa. on Amorieoa dtlaan who not hfa
Aeath ta too jaU of Onoaahooooa oador
iMoo, oadeoachod
Chpttoa General
Woyler. fa fa f
DM rualfto^ but too |
ahortly oosaidor too Moolfa obtained
by toodonpalg* ta Ouho.
'JSSBc ■ .■ ••.
. .«
Cm OaccuTom day.
Mra E. D. AUaj fa OBtortatala*:
Van Ewan of Sparta.
“Tt. LaFctm of Battle Creak, fa afattii« Claranea Whilkay.
Ifte Minnla OaiToU trill Uaaa tfanra.
day for a aialt In Ckleafo.
iTwUlmolMoaaUdvohlo Acoitac
BtateWbaalfrotCfadUlaafa in the
tooMimoif the wt oMoot of Boooy
dty riaiUar hfa brother Bd.____ ^
win ba diotrihotod omoec the
■Hia. JnUMCbnahyot BatUe Ctnak’
ianmt at thta eosotiT throoch the tatbaroMtoflfn. A.-W. Bnabaa. ikotatho prtoa of whMt. Tba oatiIfia F.|F. Baddaa and MUa Bertha
■otodxoln in rirwooka ia$17&,000,000, Baddan want to Grand Bapida ycatara»d«ho isorcMe of the oiop of >807
«*w the 7«nr 18M wlUoBOOBt ta> S*M,- ^ta Uao. Mclellan leare* thfa
»M.7ao. Pntoioof^o<(l^l>>e>^ Bomiay for a Jannt in and aronnd In
Ik prie* of otbdr oattote ood the raooU
wtU ahow that the forswr ta Uhaly to
Mn. Cnttiney and Mra Or: Flaminy
TColtMTotmeonokamtowlfli k
Carrow of Ann Arbor, are at BdfolihorMdthatolMof Uoprodkcta
Mfawt Xary and Minnie Baitner left
iTlBkiotnatotadthot Oaptnin Oonontbeetaamar Fatoakey Sunday, for
onlWaptehoakMioaifBad. Bat that
COTorkBont ii now i^pnr- Chka^
Mr. and Mia B, F. PenntairtaHi of
1^ to look Intotootten • Uttla and
CbioagO, are tbe«Boataof Mr. and Ifta
try and datarmina aboot bow sneh
A. P. Bonyh.
loncarUotifSttotalca to aohdoa the
Martla Kritb fa in Onkwood to n
iMurpaata. U tba BeoktliBa Weylar
two wa^' vacatlok. Hfa wife will rafa bofal^ ancacad with hfa end of it;
tnra with him.
booaad no-in Ua paloM trenbllar with ' Miw OraF^anof Manfatae. toeWtter laet the Onhana abaU aoebaad in
iny bar eonria. Min Mary pnntar of
CktOii« entranaa to hfa joarad ^ortWaahlnytoa atraat. .
The famUy of Qty Attoraay P. &
OUbert returned troa ibair on tiny at
WkiLXthe rowan bore been dallyinf Beal Satnrday niyfau
BeUie CkrrolH who baa been ririliny
k of ThMMly. H ia atatad frfanda in Chioayo. retmnd bona oa
that Oiaat Britain haa baao qalatiy the Petoakey Snndsy momlay.
Cbarlaa Mnrphy of tba Kalkaakian,
IkytnrherplaatWeatlooaa troa the
powan and to iktfaoau a datarBinattoo and Ora Glhaon of Balknaka, wore la
to —tba laiaad of Onto. It woald tba city yeatarday to aaa tba kail yana.
Mr. andMra'JaM Moody joda to
ffBacianddid aotlnthte eoatronny OldMlnloo^ tbalr wbaMa Snnday
dfaplay a daain to irobhla aowthlar and an thalAwttin atoppad at B»«borolhar, if nathyatralacy, ^a hold ta-wanta.
WUl GoWa. Chief Templar of tba
>eal L 0..0. T. lodya. left Sanday to
Tkk Kioodika fold fleida ^«a ra- ta.rj.en to attaad i atato neetl^ of
oafand a allrht alaea the ^ in the the Good Templam
pciea of whaai Howeaar. tba next
Dr. Boyaa of the aaylwn, ralnmad
ia-wbeat wlU aand the Eloodike from bfa racattoa yaaterday. Dr. Fnrotek np a notch or two.
«BU there wat a drop ia the price
of abortayea in the fwriyn crop wUl be
a abort time in the city, the yneaU of
likaly to eend the price np ayain.
the Bon. and Mra. B. Goodrich.
Antony the diaappolnted baaa ball
cranka In tba city yeatarday were
County aerk PUyy. Bayfater of Deada
C.M.0lney baa been ap
Mnppby and Prank G. White; all of
Ora Piarea baa been yrantad a rnfasaa Kalkaoka.
W. A. Ckamptco. who haa been asjoy^ paaMon of «10, dated from Jai
lay the excellent tohlny on Ckrp Lnka
at Laland Point, will leave for New
sr pipe for Iba Satnnth atraat
Tork today Hia family wUl yo to
lanctfendhyAnna A
Me yaaterday.
The tanilica of Aldaman iabiaaa.
It any proya of intaraat to nnay ta> E W. Cnnnlayhan and A. J. Bradabaw
kaow that there waa ao haU yana yea- hroha nmp at Carp Lake yeatarday,
fa-day. Why? O.
wham they have been cujoyiny an ontTba Oak Park OriyiaaU won n yood inyfortendaya.
ynna from the Mut Side kina yeafarMra. Sarah L. Baeaoo and tba Mfaaaa
Harriet and A. L. Baaaoa of BUaa. aad
^ nomlny by*a aeore of 17 to B.
Him Florence and Mfao BnDy Bonnd mnan Ulian Bloonftald of Booth
Mda to CbarleTotx on tbofr whaaU. Bond, lad., eana from Charlevoix yea
tfaoy ap«Bt a weak there nnd am bona tarday to apend a abort time at Park
9 A^tXKO AOr.
Tba owner of a doy ooltar with taxofaota 181 Ifaatanad to it. wUl dad it
with Pat Dean at the Choa atraat an W. E Hart maorind An Oetotoa in
ytoabonaa. .
la Boyinaw, W. & Bart, wbe opened
Bay Brown and FraA Holdawortb
hfa aaaaoo' bore, waa roeoivad with a
toft at foor o’clock tbiamarainy tor
Charleralx of thrir We7ciaa,«Bd expect ymat ovatin and played to Jannad
honan. Aalda from hfa dramatic talto ofake tba return trip today.
aot there waa another alanant which
The Udlea’ Aid aoeUty of the Flrat
PL E. ehnreh will neat Wednaaday
paoaad ttartrayh Miehlyan with Bhaa
•fiwsoon at t •'olodi la tba dinrdt two yean ayo, in yoiny from l/Udlayparlcra. A fnU attondanoa. ia dealrad.
ton the train which bora the aon^y
It la anpactad thatitba E. O. T. M. waa parUallytwrackad aad the anyltoad of Old Miafaoo and tba band of aaer WM fatally iajarod. Tha injarad
SAUiaiaabaicIwm be
■a waa Mr. Hart,
with tboeSoaday ao
aad the yomy aator axertod hfa beat
affoiia to allavlata tba aaffariaya of
who waa a nanbar of
fffarte. Battle Omak ea. Baottoa. Gana Saylaaw ledyaj Ho. 77.
In chriny
MOto at t;M in Iba aftowocn. Thfa to the injured nan Mr. Hart eontribea OM
Oka oft
oftbamrylrtroiiynM team
tad a fine.aawoaamMt to a pOlow.
.whkh waa mtaad tetftba uaaa to
All nonbameftba baakat oonnlt- wfaieh it waa lntandad.aaart carto
toaa to BaBy Day am raqnaatad to Bothlny. to Ithat bat did aU ia bfa
to nfan the Uat nonnifa of tba
MOtatTAOthiaartotayat tba bona
•t yobk OUUa4»0 Statoatoaat. to final dyiarainylnaaraaaoeufartabto na poattbla. Tba lodyanataa af tha victim
Manyar Eaboe of tba Hoattora of tba wraeb did aot foryet the ktodof tha actor, aad FrUay whaa he
,klnT to
that ha will be
ytoaaad to faaTa:nB theaa who bare aot appaarad la Sayinaw tha thaatra waa
Mtttod to the aaaaoa ticketa to be crowded, aad la the andienca vraa a
Tuat throny of maaooa. of tha lodya to
nady for a oaH fion him today.
which the
i. aaMtomkyibaaata of rafainy the After a curtain caU one oT^air nun
totot dfattaynlabad beam of the aai
her praaantad Mr. Hart with a nayail
■a yradaeea In bfa yardan aona fine leant floral naaonie anblan in b#half
m^f-~ of the Ootah CAmtEnUe ea- of tha lodya and in aonMdaration'of
yfal,. the poda natototay 8J<TMbn to
wad to the actor
J. E. V. Aynaw, .ynaaml aapfain13m faoM of tba A
•okAakt of the a A W. M.. aeeonpaSfad bybfafamOy.dahfa potato nr, arittiin twoyta^ to
iNralBthaei^yntoday. naybam
fatofiowBlto baOtoB, tPbfab fa tot
bon fcbtay at BeftMcfted left to totolhofallkHMrt^ llitotoao*totofiBapUaatttopn.
«fi la IflM ato htobtostoototooM
fifljniTT Colfadofntod tba tofak
Detroit, A^t- 0-—A epiefal to Thv
Free Preaa froni Sbeperd. Mlcb.. mya;
Pkeriff Moff. Deputy SheriS Eatec uod
PreaeeoUny aitornry McNunarm. vritta
eemml other county (eOc^ held
■jMetlny ytaterday at
to convult ued make furtV .ptona
the capture of Cuabler 8tritbk<i murderciu. It wua decided that cvrrytblnf
fa betny done that wtu eventuany lead
tn the arreta of the xuilty men. It it
tbouyht that ihreapromlneni men la tha
t.ielnlty are the murderera. but the otne.'rt wUl not dlvulye camea. Ther are
watched ererr moment, day and eight
ard cannot carape. Arreata are likely
tc take place at any moment now.
Sbepherd. lilclu Aug. ZX-^lt now appeura that the murder of Elmer K.
Stryble. enabler of the Famera' bank,
and prealdent of the village, who waa
Bbot St 4;» o clock tolurday morning.
It not au^ a myfie>y utter all. Fri
day aflentoao be held a coavetaatlon
over the trlerhone with J. F. Ryan,
owner of the bank, and tn that cot.reraatloa Kyaa ordered him to come to
Mount Pleaiant. the county eeal. Md
tng- with
r.-ople'e bank In Mount PleuMSt tailed
last week, sad It was supposed that the
Farmefta beak tree waa uSected. It U
supposed by the sheriff that this convcraatlcn over the telephooe was beard
by the persor.a who committed the
OfaM ef a Fterae aueusgte.
Be this aa tt may. ,CaaUer Struble
left hie henae dtwi d'rlork Buturday
morning to go to Mount Pleassrt. The
valuable papm and books w.ticb he
wua to curry with him were lock'd In
the bunk, and be told bis vrlfe be'would
uad get them, thei go to
2®** Jtbeey
- Pleaaunt. uad return “ *'— —
Tboatrfasl Mol
A Tory good boaao fraetod WQlard
Bowdl and hfa oapporttag oonpoBy at
Stotaborr'a Grand Itot oveaing.
To toy that Mr. Beweil fa good
woald be too nUd oa oaoortloa: bo fan
clover, foreofol oeior, and his work oa
Cyrus Blaakora ^ "Tho Maator Mtad"
Itot avaotag was aplaadid. Measra
Moore and UeUatoao have forafabed
him with a oonpoay of playere that la
toulr parta are eatlrdy wOTthy of toa
star. Joaepb E 1
••Joada Peer'taooght out everythlag
po^ble ia hfa liaoa, and
I also’good;
a muafaalai
1 from 'Tbo Ufa
of CbanpacM" beiag eapeefaUy well
Frank F. Moora was more thoa oeipUbla as "Joaepb Choadlor,’' propri
etor of the TeUow Poi
MIm NcUfa Diamood Bigby toa
aoutoetto, eaptored the andleaoe arlUi
her awoot songs nod oil around work.
Barry Marab proved that he was a
very dew doficer nod was liberally
Mfaa VoU DaVCrooB and Mfaa Madga
UviagatoM were also woU received, na
waa W. B. Bigby “ *’Barty Todd”. Id
a word toe ploy wu good aid too conptny wonb.voftoeploy. ToalghfThe
Opwotor” will be given.
rally ofur too bttok at too opaoisr
Cota fall away « ooat to »lj^
Cpiotoocloaatona wtoaoStartoer
Ognot* roily. Oa tto ooatrary>ito O
flBOl half boor of troA^ waajnanfo^ '’v.
Still <Ri Deck
at the Old Stand.
tew mlaate to M. Hoptomhor ema
slid down toAl. S aader eloto of flotardoy.
ye ta mwa to Thrir Wv m toO ArHete
Buffalo. Aug. S.—Buffalo fa on ready
tor the army of veteraoa which fa ou Ua
way bare to attend the thirty-flret onmml encampment of tbe Grand Army of
the Republic. During Saturday night
hundreds of veterans and tbrir friends
arrived, aad yesterdar they were contIrg fa by tbeueands. It fa erilmated
that nearly i.Mt atrongcre were fa town
Saturday and that from iS.Wio ».0«
come fa yesterday. The vArtcus rail
roads eBtertng Buffalo report that In
addition to (be hundredi of regular
. .
arrive by tomorrow noon.
Camp Jewett, aa the city of tents Is
known, is all ready for Its fahabtlanta
arA while it w«l not be forwtally
untn 4 o-clock thfa afternoon a number
of pasta are already InauUrd. Ami
i at the
camp aad elsewhere for tbe care of tbe
Mck. Three hospital tents have-beer
erected at Camp Jewett, each In
charge of a compeleot tUff of pbyvlclana Tbe honor of flying tbe flrat pen
nant from any lent at Camp Jewett be
longs to Reno poet No. M. of WnUaicoperi. Pa
Among the later aoDouncccnenti of
cundldatet to rucceed O
Chief CfartooD are the names of John
C Uneban.
NerTRaaspablre: Cecrge
The Eoterprise Grocery
U fltiU doing bosineflg on
Front Street, jnit west of
Stnoberg’s Grand Ope»
Honse, aad presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the dty.
Enterprise Groc^,
W. J. BOBOiaOH. Manager.
Has Your
Attention--- .
a got •
Store (Dur store)
Pun Povdend Bpioas,
Pan On«m Tartsr,
(and Para Bahiug Powder, If yte
us to make it, » ponndo te St.OQ.) Bahher Sboetinfi. tehher T^ebfag, oD
afaeo. Wote Bottlea (guoraatood te
Jfotioa to Tax Fnyura.
twoyuora.) Fonstofa Syrfagao. many
The tax roUa of the flea words ef the ktada. Throat Brnahao. and Atomfaen,
City of Traveno Clly,
Clly. for the calleetfam Glyee^ and Witch Boad Lotion te
of school, eit;^aad a
tot bands and toco.
I for tbe fiscal year 1897-18M boeo
..._driiv«rad to metre the City acrtc.
Said taxes may be paid to me at my <'
flea ataaytlmebofar«atofa»har li
ifW?. withoat charge for ooUectfa
At Our
Soda Fountain
Oountor wo ore u WM ccmfaatod to‘*fal
l#»7. J Will bo at my-------------------wdl eaomto oloM” hot always fay to
said taxes oo oil weak days from 8 improve.
n'eloek untD Ufao o’clock a. m. and
WHx^ cXiOSKD nr obxoaoo from I o'rioek until 4 o’clock f m. oad
on Tnaodny evanlnga from 7 o’clock
unto 8:M o^loek.
MaXjOOM Wquos.
Otoor OoteoU Flu
Affeetod by the Wboot XoAot- Oflte Boom t. Herald htoldtag. ll
Frost atraat.
Oom Took a dump but Btaodiod
Coieogo, Aug. IS.—Tho flrat curb
^uotailto forSoptamher wheat today
"rke^onareha of B«p
I WM gl.Ui W. OB advooca of S OOBtt
Oo to the Lien Borbrr Shop for hair
ISatarday'seloalagprieo. At the t
!UU and bathfc, IS eeou each.
I tine
.was bid for Soptenber
M. H. Gurm
aa tovoaee of t eeaU over Saturday's
dosr. Drcenbrr wheal sold betwaos
Tbe nne of watnr-for aprinklfag pui^
ti.01kaadfl.01H'wHfaUM waa
pmee fa. by our role*, onwflnnd to the
Snpportodbytho '
for corn The oewa oU potatod b
bonra of S a. m. and fl n. m., also
daybacaaloir'in all
^AirptaM where water fa found r
groin ^to.
: iUfcrpoolh opaafag wheat od'
oter contrary to this rule
he si
I .,
ifanOToiagwtoeijoaltoaatdlt per
habheL Saturdoy'a adeaBce bore was
B. D. CxMruxixABon.
"The Operator,” "The Mas
ter Mind.” "The Silver Lin
died 1 s-s at a per boshel, oooeiderOBBMAR PICRIC
ing,” "The Clemenceau Gase.”
ow toe local fdvaaee.
Stdilni'iGniil Opoi How.
the door of S'utbaiilelW.Slruble'a hurd.
vrurc uten;. In the mt of which the
bank wua located, and continued hie
way back to the vault. He had even
opened the vault bef. re he was aware
Of any one beleg present. This fact
fa dearly demcertrated. ua the entire
(uralture of the bank la ruined. Minnlng
slgBi of a tierce atruggle. and Struble i
inanimate body waa found bait Jnaid.
the vault.
■ ehheee Teak Nearly Beeeythla
The crime waa not dlarovercd until
ahortly attcr. 7 o'clock Salurds)' moniitig. when E. A. Wudotn. a clerk In the
hatdware attre. came down to open the
store. The unuaoal coudlttoaa fiout the
bank aroused hfa auepkton, and be entared to And the office a wreck, and
Btrulde lying accoesclotta oa the floor.
The money In the vault waa all gone
exeepUag tto In atleer. bat the re were
evldencto every-wbere to ihow that
Struble bad made a galUnt defettse at
hfa lire and the money with which he
waa intrtMted. Tbere was a bullet ia
StruUe'a'wrfaC a bole in the door to
abow where another bad mtr:ed. an
other bullet bole- In the uorortunate'
coehlcr-a back, and two more )usi over
it at am ibat
frotn the *»g"k to bfa borne, had died
without making a dgn. From a eeevertoUoD with the aheltf fate Saturday
algtat It uppesre that tbia statement fa
toot tnw. Struble died at U o’dork.
but a few mtnuies before death be
rallied, and fa the presence of a notary
made an aate-monem atotement, in
which be swore that be recogalsed three
of the robbera. and be gave tbrir namra
to the proaecuUng attorney and aberiff,
but these offlefafa refuse to divulge thfa
faformatloo. Tbe atartllng feature of
the case fa. It ia reported. Ibat tbe
poaltoro who, fearing tbe
about to fail, followed StrvUe to toe
bank, demanded their money, and upon
being refused shot the cashier and
looted tbe bank.
StniMe UM them that be fsceed the
money, ana m loe ngnr uea me maaao
from thrir teea and reeognfaed thorn,
n fa supposed they left bin boUevtng
eupled tba rocma cw
noise, but this U casHy nocousted for
■n the tact that toe bonk was
of toe buildtm owner, ■
and they a
fag over tbe books, but be retuaeo te
any stateaMBt as to the aaMoat
of money taken. Tbe popular briief fa
that tbe robben stoured a very large
sum.' as tbe bank boa been doing n
very fair business aad waa not aSeCted
by toe foUnre of tbe People's book fa
Mount Pleasant. Struble, who was a
popufar. geniul man. univerasUy liked,
leaves a widow and two children. Tbs
town is wild with exeilemcnL and if tbe
robbers smd murderer are caught u
rape and toe neorett tree wU save
taobeUe county from oD axpoaoa of a
St. Lottfa. And- to-Orcnlt Judge Jan
mianfag of the staiuto aad t
WUl faoue aa cedar oa toe toad
Strap on too praporty of tha f
Coming I
WHUnl Newall,
wurldh wbcat ahtpmeau last week of
7.S10.000 bnsheU but aboutflewamntoa
WM oOMtribuled by Amerfae. The
total Monday norttlag crop reporn
vrera olnoat aaitornly bed. Btoerially woe tola true of earn. Tba wmtoar
raporfa showed slightly higher Umporotore ta toe west.
Tba i:S3 ofursooB Lfaeipoel cebfae
ahowad a raewailoa pf 1 d ta
wheat tatarca aad oo thfa toa eorb
pries tors
’ AU too bouyuBcy wosont of whCat
wbto too opening ball rang on the
ragofar hourd. The hlghcat pricaa
tout vrera Uwebed la too Initial trod,
tag WM WH for September, the exact
quototioa at which too market elooed
flotardoy. Staaitoaeoaa eoien at too
opoalag were oU the way down a oeat
tower to MH for 8
few mlautto toe eofas ware reeordad at
07 nod toon to
tittto of wheat were teroole from weery
diraettoo. It waa hard to oall.- huyen
------------------------------- f--„ It tanked
os tooo^ nosy of toa holdara wen
avaOiv thinaalvtoof too
*0 Nollao profin by atUfag. Tin towaot potat raacho<wto *7 '
bar. a plasge of ?K from too kl^
Cora aympatofaod with too atamp to
wboot mod too flnt ngolar trodliv was
at U oad all too wop down to U for
tsmhto to oompored with US mt
carh. After toa tipoal^ rash to
aaU then was some tacoei
o'otoek thfa morsiag.
wboot waat back to M and
torn to ns. Bo moch Ripnmhdr
whoot woo addltoat IttoakodMtooagb
toe ball crowd hod
riniili firnif It n karl In nil tiipmai
hm optios that tooy toraod oroBod oad
aold Dooomhor BO a badga Tbs b«U
crowd took op too msrkot ogota oftor
too^tolrtymtaafaaaadtooooottaa^ oteogto at Uvotpool hod a attody.
tag laflaatoa. OndooUy too price
veoebod’up to »s tor Soptomhor and
flaetaotod botwoM toot pries oad 94.
. Around oIovm o'rioto too *—*tiiij
and at imi too tote te Boptomhor
wbaot WM S7M or two ooMi ndm
top flgwto toot wmo. ruoshod oa
toed thfa oBOuai pfaulc or
teat. Spodol attruetioM will be
vidad and a delightful day fa am
te oU who attend.
The C. A W. M. By. wQl run a apodal
tamiu Item Traverse City at 7 a. m., orriving nt Grand RopMa about no^
Leave tor home at 8:S0 p. m. Boshd
trip rate SI-OO.
Oko. DgBAvni.
93-«t ._________________ O P. A
“The Cross of Gold,” "The
Heart of New York," “Tbe
Bells”—preceded by "Lend
Me Five Shillings."
lurl; On Cu Uif )f Scntir
uaied in tori* prodoetkoa.
Puopte’Choap Prieea lOe.
Annual picnic of the German Soefatlaa of Grand Bapida aad Wentern Mfabigon oo above dots fa tfahoenfolds
Grave. Banda Lake. OM Oeuntry
'Ota of fun. plenty to tot and
_____ jftoiebytbeb^aadafaglag
noefaty. Don’t mfaa Ik
The C A W. M. B-y will run a epoetrain exenraion. Itovfag Travorao
City 017
at 7 0.
a. m ., Ioad orririag at Oraod
Bonlds abont noon, nnwutng mv
at 8;S0 p. m. Boood trip rkto SI.
Gxo. DnpAvn. G. P. A
lOe. Bxte'
Ever Boraed Out?
If aoyoa knew
O. P. OAETK Agwk
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Fire Ittsnran'ce.
Suits to Order.
FiJ Ifarduuit Tailoriiig.
irgbyO^mtonand ,
MifMn* OffioUt*.
•oiurttT «r« M to %t impcrtM ^ tk«
i .Uto U sot to dU-
tnrb thot ordr
upos whid boalBew UrrelT depeodj
•sd wMcA fUoistBtn cstorpriK.
It It ^a^ tbot 0 Mtentst of Uw iM«
tt tbecpcnton It ,dnc the pabue is «rCv tbst m clMT tod ImptiMs] sndrr•tSDdlss of tbc oieHtt mod deaiciltt gt
th* eonirwversy moy be trrlTed sL Thty
hop* 'hr •n.MBhsbie wcUoseBt Is tk*
PIttsbsTy dnuict. ksowlst thst neb i
remit •rill fdlov Is tn other dutrlett
*sd eutce. U It riwold fsU they mstt
pot their silset In epentlea. nslesi they
ST* eriUlnR to cosMst to ncrlBce tbetr
Q)«ti to thersea of violatiny t
with thrir rnatomerar
mmtt law4 by iSe O
PlttsbST*. As*. ;
, . the cool tnlolnc cittut.UoB Is the Pltu' bars dimtct vltl be trat^ed enth on.
aaasi icteratt this' emk. Both Mm
wo* appomtly at rest ynterday. but
U vaa developed that at the eonlei
today there will probably be a
rapUoB- By nasy it it beUered
Batcbfotd will set be preaeat.
tiatiried that bie •nu otk^ to hit orlfleal
atoertloa that be will sot ayree
. Htrate esleoi all the autes involved
art tapreseated. It. la a .welUknowi
(act that the opermton of other atatca
wUi not }elB the local operator! Is the
«ioves.eBt tor arbltrathm. U Ratehtuid
le thdurau the eontereoce wUl be uae.
“Praldeei Ratchford said last s
fore learlny fer Pmsbury that he
peeted the result of tbe coufeieuce ..
day with the Plttsbury operators would
be that a yeneral ccoference of all the
coal operators and mlnera of tbe entire
country would be culled for the near
future to cotiMder the question of a aetUemeni of the strike. He did net antic
ipate any other result from tbe confereitcc. Seemtary Pearce win also
tead tbe pocference."
OsmpalraAaalset Wew Mm.
rwui a T^ble aonree It la learned
F tr
If the
1^ I
■ wlU al»r
Sent DoUn returned from ColBinbue
Saturday UMnlny and announced to
r that be waa
nitve board and tbe operatota'
itloB for tbe pnrpoee of aetuiny by
bltratlon. If peMble. the yreat c(wl
Oolan and the operatnra Tbe tesult
cf thU mutiny waa that Dolan teleyiapiu
lied to National rrMldent Batchford arid
Secretary Peaiae to come to
Blttsbuiy for a meetlny^ erltb tbe operatore on Monday momloy. Dolan said:
"We will yo Into conference witb the
operators, but It mnat be pnderstood
that OUT action will not be bindiny. Tbe
mlnera must be consulted first."
St tsuia. Auy. ZL—A apecial to Tbe
Bepnbllc from Carlyle. Ills., sayi: ybe
Btrlke sftnatlon la Breeae to beytsalny
to aesum^ a serious aspect whldi to
demoTAtrated -by
telcyram received by Deputy SberUf Har«-ey Jones last eveality.' It
read.* "We deem It necessary for you
to be here tomorrow irrorniny.
•niny. aa
>r the strikers bare made Ihreai.la." This
was Blytied by Henry Uummert.
■ t of tbee mine andI .a
of tbe town. Joues, has left for i
scene. A larye number of deputies «
probably be sworn in to protect tbe
Cniaaders were arrlriny In
Decainr.lUa,Auy. 23.-U.waa tbonybt
that yesterday would wltnaae tbe end
I. and the coal be stored. of tbe llyhf that baa been wayed here
for over a week in aa etfort upon the
pan.of tbe miners of tbe Bprlnyfield
district and elaewbere to yet the men
la tbe two mlneavhere to quit work.
the eapmaea of a ftybt ayatusl
do not come out tolabor. Tbe miners- aflictato are maklay
mlacra who have
amwngements to have a fund on band
h4e nine days will return
U send torelyn tobur borne Just as fas! been In camp
as II arrives. Witb mines operated un- home. A tneellny of Decatur mineru
afternoon and at
the most to
b cperati
attend any mecclny yet held. Il was
wbo leap a profit they tu^e
meetlny held
available and'larye fund.
■D far. Committees were appointed to
. navsev PlgSt HWwvea 1
coll meetinya of the minere at tbeabafu
In addlUon to life yene<
woeb for tbe week
k the leaders have this morning, which *311 be tbe isst
effort to yel the men out. The men in
decided to direct especial aork
prevention of operations at the Sandy each abafl will agree to come out If the
Creek mine. The striker! say they •rill ofbere do. iait neither abaft ran be pre
resame their cnarcblny taettes. clalmtny vailed upon to take the InltUtlve.
Marquette. Mlcb., Aug.
There will
that under the rullny of Judye OoS la
c Weal Vtrylnis carei they are ylven be no walk out of anion men In tbe
mlnre at Tthpemlng today
. jlng I
. In the Plum^
Crurt mine today. It is aanounoed that to defer acilun a we«k.and In tbe ;
the New York and Oeveland Oaa Coal time take a vote by ballot on the adesapaay will make elybt more evlc- vlaablllty of strlklny In case tbe
tiMi today from elybt different eom- mUem men cant be forced out. A'
.. pany houaea Syn.patby for the atrlkera nlybt's meetlny the sentiment
by tbetarmera aaddtiaena U act dlmln- Mlybtly aya'-nst a strike- Had a
Mbinv ta the least. atUens of New been taken It
Texas rent word that tjiey bad plenty losL Tbe uni
At food for the men and wanted them men were enrolled, wlib »0 H
•• -
I P. De Andt
.hnM'int eight
3ny lo tbe tnnlde
between hto
I and atrlken.-tbat
as be could learn tbe atrllten
bad fired the first aboc. Tbe plaee where
the rolllMoa occurred, be m;
“apeak-easy." and Instead of
yotny there le Influence tbe atrikeratbey
bad been requested ro yc there ter the
oppoMU purpose. rfT aaya aa Investtyatloc wtn be made and if bla m
te blame, they must suffer tbe
CTATxeabT or'n
PltUburs. Any. 23.—Tbe feature of
tbe developments in tbe coal mine strike
•inea Sattuday mwnli^ to a suument
of the opetator*. whldi begins witb the
aacrUcc that ibere to a combination cf
Ohio. Indiana and IDlnoto opcraiora. tbe
object Of which to to supplant the Pltte-
mony with tbe combine either bnowlny-
eable and Impeabbie. because tbe operalots of the other . Setda will not
Ex-C«bln«t CffiMT Who Comid.
•re Thing* nry Much MU*d '
In That Country.
- VeylewUCterye Aaatiwe theSlrt.
WaahlnytoB. Auy. U.—Tbe foDowInc
cablcyram baa been tent -to tbe ouecn
teyent of Span from Waablnyton: “We
appeal to yoar tnaleaty in bnotanltr’e
aam to tourpoae tor Blysor Osnefon
In Cutm.“ Thh U Nyned by Ura. J. C.
Burrowa. prealdent: Mra J. Ellen Foa*
j forr Cuba.
Is aid of
I AmeHcao Bed Croaa. A dlipatch from
tiM Am DirM*4; New Tork aaya that Omcral Weyler
Oto PeeMa inH*. > denies that Slynora CSsseros has been
‘ tried and aenuaetd to a penal colony
for twenty ream.
Oeneral We^ ears: Tor Judicial
reasons tbereV os tHal Is tbe prellmInary atayes a person named E\-anyellna
Caasl CIsneeoe. who deceitfully lured
her bouse tbe military
t. who
be last cabinet of Senor Bayiala. la
ned him and attempted
w In Parla In tbe ooniwe of as Inter ____________ him. Thlt case la la
vtfew he deeply deplored the death of , preUmlnary alayee. ud haa not as yet
Ecsor Canovoa del Castillo, particulariy j been tried b., a t^npetmt tribunal,
bacauae of the war lnCubaWABe~-;
Is Cuba^ndABe-yen- ; and consequently no aeniecce baa been
a of polltiakln BpAla. ! paar»d nor siiproved by i
irda General
al de Aacari^A.'tbe
Aacanwya..'the J|
tmeoTlheT. P.&r.
n<w itremiT, as a clever and tfiHful
, V— I' _ Indianapolis. Auy.,a.-Tbc ninth a
k. will
—Ill be.
but docs not believe be
nnal eonventlon of tbe B. P. C. U.
able to repla.e Senor Canovaa aa the passed Into Urtory yesterday. Tbe
of Orsnr
Heats and Groceries
Tie Recopized luien
Is s aM lOe. Clean
' an m
Onlirs bf Telejhtn rnspili
: P«rkStrMt.bttwMD?i«&t8CAa.
In the opln.
October, but Albany. N. Y..
uea elrratu- baa tbe call and there to little doubt
tbe return bf 'j that tbe convention will be held there.
Senor Sayaata to power, aa tbe ConBervBtl\-e party to cnirabUny. taryely Slid that a CbrtoUan could not betony
through the fault be aald. cf Uecor 811- to either of tbe old partlcs-tbat be
vela, leader of tbe dlaaVnUeat Ounserva- Sinat If be to a CbrtoUan Join the ProbihUiontota
tlve*. and of Senor Itobicdo.
' TMak* ttiK-U ItoM WHI SM Islretns.
He mys Senor Cbrtelat baa dedded
Waebingtciu Any. 23.—II to not Im
not te re-enter polUks, but Ibsl bta ad- probable that official announcement will
\1iS wUl always he acuyht by both Ub- .be made In a few weeks of a radical
eraj and Conaervatlve-yovernmenta. In chanye In tbe present alUtude of the
ccnclndln* the Inlervlew Oeorral Dom- : pe-oaion bureau toward* pension ctolmloyUM said: "I do nrtt believe Ibat either anU who bad a Confederate
e pbny U a heavy o
1 cf Receral Dun
I favor of
tbe Cuban dimcully.
Spain has;yivlay them ponslona when they deIncalculable
irres at her command ^aerted from the relwl army and olrtalned
and the only ihiny
y to be feared to that j honorable dlsoharye from the Union
pUlUml dtopuiee may prevent tbe suppressiem of a rebelUon wtalch has now
arrived at the limit of exhaustion."
' trivktoM ler a Chi«ac» BMk.
asd bumbly to tbe sultan, and prepared
Auy. 23.—Tbe cum
an cncyrllral denounrint Ihe bomb IcrWashlnytoc.
of tbe curcocy baa declared a feurth
Ihrcweca. which was read la all tbe Ar
menian cburrhM resterday. .
a of tbc'Netlonal Beak of Hllaoto. et
BBCEpno.v TOO BjmrcnAma
Irtsb Bare# Bale Lmdres DmV Ub* On
WrlsMss te Prtawe dtoorta.
- London. Auy. 23.—Tbe cntbualasitc re-
Wi. JAtara
Rate., $1.50 per Bay.
■Ml rtetetsaiRMicM Rites.
Lady 'Watts
RrartWantAdS^ Fishmg parties
Charles, tbe alrahlp-inveetor. b
pnUlc tbe details of bla plan, which k
has protected. Hto machine to daalyae
tc duplicate exactly the motions. of a
blrd.and expert mechanics have amnred
tbe invenlor'tbat be has tbe best tblny
tbe Armenian revi.Iutlunary federation, yel destyned. A stock company with a
which to printed here. aaserts*thtt the
ip. Dr. Cbariet will lake balfal
rcccv.l explosions In Cocstaptinople wen
the work of the commmee.iand eayi the ! ««*■
« to dlrectlny Ihe movemenis of I
the partto* who are flybuny the Turks
_ ,
forthe murderof berbutbar.d. has final'
possible mean* t.. rarry on the siruygif ,, ,-o,oe to an end by the Jury render
against such overwhelmlny odds. Rev- ; ^g a verdict of not guilty. It to tin
olutlan to tbe only ■< urre left ua."
j^e btetory of Henry coun
Constaritr.crie. Auy. tt-Tbe forelyn; i, ,,here a wcmair waa tried on such !
nrabasaadors here have recrived a clr- charge. Before tbe verdict waa give!
cular Ptter from the Armenian Dash^ , d.rerslly of opUdoa amoni
nak-Zutium cwnmiltee almost Identical
onui, itenerxllv
-----------with that rent to them In im. decUrlny ,
that the ArmenUr.a are tired of waiting
>*■• •* P»ll Tim*.
aM are resolved to take arllor. fer the ! Port Scott. Kan., Aug. 23.—rpon or
redren of their-grievances.
Louis the lllisourl I'aThe revoluntlunary threats of the A'- <1Hc sh-ips here were Put on full time
menlan* are causing s<-me anxiety. The ten-hour time. Saturday for tbe first
AnnesISB quarters of tbe ctly are are- time nice Un. Tbe urdtr affecu all de-
F^pm this dBte this boat
will not make regolar con
nections with trains on M. &
N. £. Fishiifg parties, how*
ever, can tnake arrangements *
for the. use of this handsome
yacht, by cofnmnmcation by
mail or wire, with
Lelaiid. Mich.
See Oil Rew Uee
ijmer of Dnkm nM Bajr Siraeta.
aw M. A N. R. depot, wiahea to
Munee to tbe public that be baa re
fitted nod fnrotobed the Hotel Paaybom'-heUer than il ever baa been before and eaa hoeommodete the travel-
Picture Mouldings
Cycle OfDerslool Hen!
ssB-dlC. BDepoL
e greatly _d
Desvvr. Coio.. Aug. 2X—Tbe Denver
Trade* and Labor assembly yesterday
leg the yrtat coal atrike. After ttUfUc
reference to tbe yrowlny tendency icward ••govriTunent by lojunctica" and
the --ufurpatlon of blyhwaya by (be
blrHlnya of capiul." tbe rcsotutlona ny:
'That we believe tbe lime to near whet
peaceful tr.dbods cn the part of out
raged labor moat give pUce lo forcible
resuaance of armed capUal.evcn tbouyh
budged with tbe venal and corrupi auIhrrily of pintocrallr Judges.
•That we licreby pUce outaelvas on
irccrtl as being 'o the Igst extrme
against toleratlny tbe present or any
mber attempt to abridge any of tbe
riytis. prtrileyea and liiicrtlM of free
men." Tbe reaclulloisa then pledge the
sswrtnbly In advance to abide by the
derision of tbe 8l Louis conference and
call for a mass-meeting to be brid Ir
lenv.r tbe preaeol week to take action
0 the qua n of "yovernmenl by InJuaeiloB."_______________
WureU.sK la nee Pssibu
Zdma. O.. Auy. 2b—Tbe train dlaaster.
Friday right nas more aertoue Ibae
fltri reported. Tbe followlay were u.
tally Injured: Mra JcAn Burnham,
crushed: Mrs. WiUtora Murray: Mra. T.
Tbe operators ny that tbe Pittsburg
pcodsenrs have tewtebtos of tbeir own;
that they are May tbrooyb various In•uetirss tbs aaarbel that bdonys eat■tally to tbasD. and (bat the ■nlnera' orOatakoah. Wla.. Any. n.—Judye Dar
•awHariqa to beMw on ttato toss, add- nell held Saturday la the salt of tbs
1^ “By fsaaan ad an amlMble ar- Alextan Brothers' bosplUl against Win
(neiMMnt bstwaaa the operatei
nebago county Utat such inatJtuUooa
are gxempt from taxation. Ela deelalon
ttan od lbs MRwe sarniass of tbe
was baaed on a deriakin In a sliullar
OMjauy'ua by Bm opassion to retained cast by tbs supreme court.
and paid over to lbs nlasrr oOclato.
Tba estteatsd aaaoant ao paid over ta
daaatea tlSlfleo a year,
r bad yot tbe half
By amewsdd? tund the eryanlitoUOB
la matetalned. tb
utly at
(nbbtt that wm ait
Off inti
meg dCtba oats.
••A*deww." bsmia.‘*I«iU jn__________________a dltadramaye
in the labs marbeta"
Tbs,statemee( aara next ttast tbe mbiSTS’ oryanlxatlon haa finally apd reluciTbe Oooni—1 baf mriU
antly ayreed to a conference with the
PtRsbui* operalors and tbe latter bopt dguyhter a—wbat yon eall t
for a aatkelactory aettlemML ir tbeo
pmssads; -They (the operatotsj ylaa>ri
Bst Fatber-B’inl I tUak tnuporithat tbe call tosued by tbe ofikets oTtBl tifW
IfWiq Bbm hwt'
' Kleen Cor a eonvenU9s of all tbedlmor. lynLUe. ______________
tented aeri Bl«ald(d elements of tb«
( coBntry to arraign the eouris and im........................... n of tbe laws of
'1M a faUow down on Dm Bowwy
:t « M
s of every tew-abMran to* ba dM. «
DuhUn. Any. 23.-Y3K Duke and
DoebM of Torb pamed yestrrdayqnlelly witb vtoils lo Howtb castle, where
tbev were tbe yuestsof Lord Aahbourna
lord chancellcT cf Ireland, and to Bl
Anas ClonsUlrf. tbe seal of Baron Ardltoun.
leodered them by tbe people It most cor
dial. The Duch*** of Tork to teal be
coming a great favorite.
e tay that tbe meet
ing of the peace cdnterence today .
likely to develop a crieis. It la underitood that Sir Philip Currie, tbe BritTurkey, haa received
Wat ta* a>sU Way Before tbs Wan
Athens, Auy. 13.—A meeUny of over
ItM prcrie hrld here yesterday
adopted an addrens to King Oeorye,
The Fromakridt“?rt > Sandc, e small
town la
ooD waa I
great height and lo a oortbweatL...
dirsctlon. Ptom the lialk>ofi depsaded
a tackla which appeared to be lunuYimm Are Beitor N tadla.
Londew. Any. tt.—Tbe Tima comspoudent at Simla aaya that good ratna
have fallen rvemihere ttarcuybout In
dia except In tbe dtotrtcu of 'Bombay
and Decenr. and tbe crops protntoe to be
exerptlonally large. Tbr numbers on
tbe relief list are rieadlly dlmlntohiny.
te gradually briny the currency of that
country to a gold baato.
The . last expediOcai ibia year
Cautemia for tbe Alaska yoU Adds wUi
leave San Fianctoeo Any. 3k
Casper M. Banger died qt MI
after a bnyeriny tllneaa. Mr.
waa well-knoirn. bavlay bees i
Ed Thorp, reported 1
when yoa can to In*
The Pure Juice
B. wJS',
Walt's soda toiatal
First Class
■_________^__________________ Pitloa strewta.___________
poys’ Blouses
Great Cut in Bicycles
PbymMli of tl-M
eeask win eimrs a
I.M a mask
Wbeel. m to *00. WlU
pay to look at tiea alagnat linA H. E. GH*a. i« BUs Meyala abop, 311 FitmtH*
tween 'hem.
M. Plenaa. believed te be tbe anaMtatot
wbo was expelled from Prance a werit and
a hairayD.arrivedatNewTorkSaturday.
and proveil that be waa a Cuban rebel
instead of an nnanhtot.
Elcary Sullivan, convicted-at Wllh
iatxisbory.Ky..of the rapeotBarahLaw.
. Ill ^ ,FTOBt I
senteneed to twenty years In
the penUenUary. was taken from JaU
by a mob and banged.
tlf x
The retort of tbe PUeer Mlnlny eom- SOGa WatCr T'
pany e min. eatlmaied to t« worth
»faivi co,
eao. was carried off by r ■
while being taken by a ma
nranlte to Lesdvllto. Colo.
______________________________ _
Green that will kill Bugs
Bicycles to Rent ^
To Rent
The Best Candies
.!*».*?• »-- •«
nearly every county in Iowa
Jmepb Drowtn faXa bis ley caught
in Rao^ Bros.' a
a post with
torn off. -Be wltl mubabiy live.
Otoriea Andrew, vice present oftba
C B. Andrews Company, dealetu ta
coffee and spices at Mllwankae. waa
suSoeaied by yaa wfaicb waa turned on
In hto rooms aeddeBUlly Batuiday
M. HadA wm Smith and Bd Prancto,
the window yUaa i
wobem bare Saturday was frnlltom of
tesulta. Tb worfcen InetMcd on an ad- Ue of aowp at Arepta. IHa. misto
vance of 20 per cent, and (be manutae- package Iff red jwseipttam to rrii pgtwms offered to rtstorc McKinley wages.
Tbe fiatleners and cutlers said they
would not yo te work unless paid as
lgr*a an advance aa tbe hlowera. Tbs
WMetlny adjourned without date.
■areb Ass fuslewn BrePIse.
New York. Auy. 22.—Sarab
yell, the woman wbo clalma lo have
bees tbe wife of Jay Oould and to aulny
tbe orisie for dower, baa cwtmacd that
me nrrsr waa Oould'i e^fA Bcr eonFerWIm
fssaloe eonfinns the riata et the OooM gweriywW*ia toWtnmWe
heirs that tbe ault la M rawtit s< a aMeplraey.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Paris Green
’ wIffInaUnif
Mnrfun's Uvsiy Bm.'
ra. Thfa is potato bog time. Lookewt
nr exterminalor bom & B. MQler tto
I. Brut door SM of poatofitos.
YmAIbm Fansars’ Boraaa a Spaolal^.
Boraaa Boardsd-
••John, "aaljl the editor to hUoBeel PATCHIX & CRQTSER,
Ib • «Mtiiiie«lMtic-le onttotn
boy.^‘‘am 1 a rich man—a «*y rich j
.Th« etl|7 eonseil of Atlutn li«
rneye at.:
■ten of scnoa fcT «Rra<7 <t ll«bt Tbo ; "
MBteck. Trtwr«7ai|(Mk
tdopiea n anU high bat oritaasofe
ionrnal of Pboregr-pUy hw rbii inter■‘I never bean taU that yon woa.‘»,
Pbrnn Bobtann bat bean eng^ •Miag paragmpb:
brto Pteketer "Tmio< the D'0rb«>
“SelcaiODl aud luau; ulutt uuuwa lo
“^^Sfnofe^^tetnb^oFr- \' ~
Ttltey and tbo poaeilibpoMilil.- changia
chanait ibat
Dm OtdlTtt bat loan angi«cd by ^eteU.
"aiuJ papiT, ^il «ira 2“^
' •■H«eTJoJ£^y‘irb«.k«ndob«ek. • g.
Jaoob Utt to flay tba tiUe role In aonndit nud« tb« infliKDoe. of intfrml
book* witboot nmnber lying all ainond ittacnwiuirtSr^tH
— Africa bave 1ik1b«.0 genlotriati to
^ •
;---------:------------------“Ohiiamte FadAsa”
toit light. FrieaeU
Bake a critical invoatigaiion of ^
^ -"Ka^ona."
reaSnaad her
Ion.'with tbe ric«
Tbe editor aigbed. tben toned to;
----------------------------------------tsT a tiirw. A
bow far tl>e esistin
Itoc tc
K poor Fortakl
dr a nodt ru i
uitllr Co. Block.
' nan voice U rimple aiKiiKai. a pteoe
(i;.<,r.nufW .i»«adalond:
■va Vincent «UI play tbe lei41fig: of panbmcDi is
Canale diarac«er in tbe new Do BonabM
j nretrbed like a dnin. TI|
Inn of Uie
(am, "My Wife'a Step-Hnaband.”
t* a very ibin picee of idlver
iintr m, cbupu Uptitri. AWHpkiooiiinIhtio.b
they are now. Beiouwatetlve playera , a pint..........................................................
[ gr^.btfortil.isi^ewfallnpQptbe,||f^;“^^^^P|^^^
tbiongbODVtlM. bikiorie period of
Tbe reflwVed ray
babiit.:>i>u there: that many parte now
early aa •-pUi.^^-'™’Ptaiw ><a. m. i>toi.
»3S?*.SS ’ taliSSa"™ toUM.
d(*crt and
ipdi^t. o,. to d» « «p.di. I
Jaidine for '‘Tbe QeMia’’!
andwUl replace Min VlAat Lkyd aa
| vibraBona of tto
o™. >
b„ b».
A,to_ , of man'i lodgnirni in tbe wildernean
to s,!r«toto"™ to
^‘t^d'a-T; ’
W. Ferry Taylor, tbe manager of tha
BnSate meeting, perpoma to add a ateepleoh^raeeench day to tba trotting efcetfiii
and pacing attnetl one.
tank Bogaab. l;04)d> waaabldr*- with tbe lime light abining npoo
eairtlyW) George Van Dyke, Bte wealthy comely face and well propontened llfflba.
lambeanaB of Bbaton, for fS.OOO. He
I (sgaekaMta
aT;terc;.ry’Cbm";;; ^
Tbe Mn«^re fim tnendooed na be
ing cckMiamtl by tbe Swrdca and KorwegiaM in tbe cfairteentfa oentory.
Tbe Lomberdi were originkUy tbe
iMgobordi. or long bearda. Tta^ mi
grated into Ita^ from oortbeni Prnaaia.
Tbe Bavariaaa aipeared, m a aepante people, io fl»0 A. D.,wbeo they are
mentteoed aa
^ TnisporUtieg Co.
Rfirthen UioUgfiA Line
West Michigan
' S'?....
I »».-■
‘*p S'
II Ws.b!
HU BapUs.
imsm ID mnimni li
oooro noBTB.
flat, at at preoenL moat bare depodted
i^TuT^sTto »-s.».7 ’ ssL-rrofTiSs: i:;s
limber Bdy. S;16K> by limber Jim.
ta eald fb be LeretoM. by General BanOKk. and paced to a reoord of S;l« in
- iSM.eiDocwbicbtim'ebebaa been ring
ing nndei diffaresi namea.
EUotee. tKt9>,'. and Oakland Baron.
SK>9>4. were both trained and need In
tbeir k and 8 year old fdim, a faot t^
doea not aeem to have invented.tbeir
noing anoermfully after reaching ma
Uirmarrelonr that five t-yeer-old
paoera aboold be Bed for tbe obampiooahip boDora. Tbe world’a record rtaoda
at > :0»H- wbieb figure baa been reaebed
. by Judge Ban. Agitato. Bolpbide. King
of Oiamaad* aod Searcbligbt.—Uot*-
^ —■
. .^Oread Baatea. Macklaav aad Mae
Waype. Detroit. CMeate and,
ora- Haate. » « V- - ^
ettolAOKWOOD O.P.AtoOeaadKaaUa.
Rnta IcUgai ^
Minnie Maodern Fiikn will preaenl a ’ alngly (bcae warek ata
r Americaa play
■ roext
aeaaop. Tha '
I te> .to tato. ot .bto,
5.^' Si.'™ p™“i„ ito'li!, "^S
m ii tnppqaed to0 be
I: the Joint woric
to_ n. «>».
I .W’> 'r n'i
• '”tol. ol p..,.!. .1- to totli Ato tod
Mr. andMra.L FtiAa.
Somoyearkogotberewaaeibibfted In
^ ^
5*“/ banded them to no .-iti.r.
Tbe familiar comedy ••Ooetar BUI’^
‘TJJ’ P™
baa been rciocarnated at the Tbeata Plomdlll^jSDg Swiaa lady named i
aometbiog uropg with l.i»
MMiopole in (tenth London nndar tba fSatberineBoebner. At tbeageof »8abe
meaanr«l 6 feet 8 Inebm and cmnc to
aUe-Tbe Kangaroo Olrl, '
:na(ioua of dinnaand and bile mod. t
Tbe Fifth Avenne Ibeaier. Kew
daring which me waa proaented at
louaU to oecor. ila- lac.-fir»t wup- EliSiiS.
York, will open* iti acaaou l ader
trsud un.l-exieudisg dqwti t
Edwin Knowiea’ managemea: a itfa
inamof ivelrao Mi;d and
-----Z beingamaaaofiW4rroi«ai;an
Max Btelmau'a production of "A Sontbced
With alight Ipieiropticoia t
“STTLifm' ■ ^ rCUKinuei to .he dec,-.
the lndivido;il ftogiiKUta
nearly all perfi-ctly rouudul. Uiag ofl>^'
ih ■(»«(». te-«t
8c. Jamea rtreet abont the year 18*8..
to tliai of a ben a *-gg. Thia i
Ortrer Ocorge Spear l« naming a faro- Thia Frenchwoman waa 6 feel « inebea : all aiiMop
“ "?>!
«•«> cloaely with
ken eeUar bone ai a remit of noolliaten.
vviooily (tetainad at
AlleHon, after floiabing a very heavy . About 14 yeara ago a very remarkable
Otnd aeamo in Keotneky, bat been ablp- ^>eotecolarpertormanoe,caUed "BahU;
and Bijon." -------- —.— -toastoto>-•"«
' pad borne to GaleaUug, lUa
tba evideawe, and o
tbe old Albamtn.
Lottie Loraioe wat timed aepafately
It the nbdcltt
in S.'Ob in one of tbe beata of tba ftea aqnare, tben nader tbe n
Rieaef depofiti
••the people’aoaterer,”4he late William
te all pace at OleveUnd teoenUy.
. which were farmed nnder totally differiolland Maaa.tbec
Javelin, SHJ8: W. Wood, IsO?; Aglta- Ptol.bl.topto.Uto to .b.plto»,bS 9‘”“'‘“»”»??.‘9"-W'topto™U nXMLOCK WOOD gOR aALK-aU|te ^
** nortbeaatoro Africa at tbe preaent
to.td»; Dublo. SK>»1<, and (kioket, ik. tokt ♦
g:10, wem alt bnd at Oakwood Park
t rettnm. -Tram^ OHr
alevaiion at koat from too to #00 feet
farm, Woodland. CaL
are eridenee -- ------- ,---------
.to to ^d.™ rf ^
1 .d..«i..to “B.W....D.p.Atoto."--- “■—•--d ■>—> IPCItoOptod ! iUto„o„„ui.o.p.
b.. ,t .to.-.! sT‘5.r:ss«“i'-.,':‘i;£.‘SS:
‘. cat wavea on b
finoi n^Ui t iBfllU L R
tbe ' were laid down aa tbe aorfaoe grodnalIt aobaided below the level of tbe MedI iterraneaa. Tbe borioga have not yet
Jodging of tbe genero! dbqnaltlaQa «i] organltnu foemd that could give a
of the Tork, Mia. Max Moller, io bet clew aa u tbe age of tbe d«eper depen••LK»m From Oonatantinople.*' thna ,m or tbe length of time that waa oo-.
axpeaacB betaelf:
i oopied ln the nuking <ff tbe lotmatioB.
"EdooBtloD baa done aa yet very lit—
Ue to tame tbe fvrociou q^t Inherited by tbe preaent Tnriu ftiom tbeir
1 in one of tbe nllTartar aod Mongolian ancMtoro When
:aabingtoa baa for y
one aeea tben hnddled togetber itear way o)
newqmper aceoante
tbeir mcatioeA. one fccla that the Uoua been o
taofaUkioda. Hen
and tigera might apriug npon yem at
any time and gt tbe amalleat provoca-: bat thooaa'nda of tbeae Damtirtai, and
tkBL It aeema a miatoka to imagine that from an attenttve atody of them be baa
tbe Tnrka bate tbe Cbrittian reBgkm. | oome to tbe coocloaion. that no looamortboold aay tbey it^wet It, and they tlve engineer evs a
do not eveo bate tbe Obriatiani oa' tUtd dlaaater. It ae
Obrinteoa. bnt aa Bolgariana. ArnHsi-1 U widely held by engineera tbemaelnw.
ana, Bnaaiena aad all tbe rwL Is no aod tbe maker of tbe aciapbcok
pointed t* tbe high
key. where weUnd CbriatUna not only ; tbe law of g
totoPtoto... Wben n man la maaaacred. it ------------...---------------------------------------maybediffteoHtodnwIbelineandtt.wbobaabadtwo-cteae calU" wiU. if
aay whether be waa maiurrrd aa a Bol- ha it wlae. abandon raltraading and
garlan or at a Cbiiatten. nor would It - make bU llviog to aome other way.
mkke mocb diffenoce to him. All 1! ia not dlfBcoU to aee bow anofa a aoperaay U that aa far aa I cw gange I atition aboold bave ariaen,
ariaeo. for tbe
tbercocof Um batted ia national and ebanOM that an engineer will three
rvivetbe p
for him than any
11 a train, are msnifeaily c
e.flm me
Bia aistcr. EUo Hat
Ua danger U giewter in tbe
In tbe fiict wreck ia of oonim merely
biiag Atoott’a. even to the long, white, ■•»<>***» form of tbe delnM that "lock
wavingbair. lu very aapect cried ooL »• boond toclupge. LmAdomuban^
tbongta never ao mercifolly. "My ter-: *f • »■“” of fact bni Ou aaanmptiim
tbe preaeot icrrliary of Mam
name -waa afterward applied to tbe monlj endli»1" Aunt EWc. bnnoblng ; *»-» one *> called chance bappcuii« U
by ite ptvdeeomon ii M
i«ry ber abooMera In mlnhlol appreciation.
"Kathaalel alwava bated it”
poaterw for grov* conrlderation by
^^ptooeeded thence to Bpa^
had “Jbody except tbe
Kp.to„ A..pto^o> age
top, be
ne Japamwe claim that tbeir nation
(tabling "ay,
tf founded B. C. eeo. by Jii a-"tj; ' already bad enoog'b of Wcaley, and my ,
^ « •««*. 'rtth a rejoicing iangb. daaeribed' “n®*
The bncBW ny.
je throne. The Dtet literary aeeoiait of ■ »»o*.
*«» being able * 'induce blicldera
tbeJapmieaewMfiomtJiepanofMaroo.‘oacinpon bianbborroue. of tte melOne Of tbe mon wetol of Inaocta li.
-to. .toto. to-cototopp to
tojto.,to.to^to « rwlBg to tbe ignorance of tbe pnblio.
, .
, forever being kUled. It it known aa tba
I tbrongb a bole in tbe pedeatal whteb gngun fly. tbe needle caae and tbe
- »e Hin^ioe Uanda.
' bad revealed l^lowncm. Be then
d^ing newUe. Saya a writer
Malay peniiuula. _Java. Bor^ a^ . atood tbe bo« oprtde down ngaintt tbe of antborltyi
m^oiberiwrttoftbe a^ami*cl^:.»ijlin,eow place. OMifld^
1.1m larval attteitanbaiate alm«t
g*' tug tbe fteering of tbe water. In which I mtirelr on tboaa amaU mmirmiog
Mwitlally differ^ Mom aitber tbe event it wat to be hoped that tbe pnp-1 tbreadi wbkAoan be Men darting aboot
Ofaineaew tbeEartIndiana. Tb^datm
moniaer woold buri. like a l i. any atlll water, and which batth ont
lU or BBHm, UK
pttobM «ndcr.rimiUr edda. Bnt John ; |.» tbe rweet alnring mo^to. ‘
ond HH (f Noah..-8L Looia Globe- WeaJey never borW, to tbe dlagnto of a i ^a aoon at the dragon fly teevea tti
broader mind and tbe oSendad wonder watery ntualDg gronod and. climbing
of childteb ey«-"Mam«tea of Haw•• rood, thiowa away tbe old
■boll and fflee away, it M helping man
again. Ite qnaay now la tbe booee fly.
If you are down with tbe btoea. r
bhhw sk «iteam«at,
John Bright onoe aaid of Oladriona: knodteddown In
••fie te aa boueat man; be believca | bad been doing yaoman'e rorvloa, and
wbatbeaaym. The wemof it te that be i Mn obildm and women awmtd deB yon are oot of aorta, read tbe too teadUy belieree wbat bewtebw to; lighted, altbongb tbey abraok baek^
twainb cbapteH of Bebrewa.
/ believe." Tovdoettiaa whether that from tbe poor, wounded dragon fly.
waa not acanetbing like eell deceit, Mr. Tbey all ttaongbt it bad aa awtnl ating
Bright lepUed: "Ho. Mr. GUdatone ' at tbe wtd of iu long body, a cnal in■BM an objeot wbieb faa^binkt of ritel '
Wben tbe V
Ttotib tbe iDMOtap,
t, aod be tnnl ia all diieo^ *tfaMa^*’^^«^of I Oor- ttomte argnmenteia aa^ort of it. tber. WM ge
Be flada them, and ba haaomaa ~«aeon- .WMb
aekmi of anything ootalda <f-'Tbem. offered It and it ale it greedily.
B there tea dtOlyi
ibe heart, read Uie ttaf«r-«hapttc «ff Tbattenottolt d«»lL" Totbe abjeo-, buy* of tba b----- ----------------------»
tion that it WM a dangetona qoali^ in a dragon fly again.
Bevelatioa .
If yoo doDt know whme to 4aok fcr a irateainao to be able to mt only that
tba montfa’a rent, read tba TbUty-tov- aide (f a qoMtion wbkb be wtehed to
aea. Mr. BrifMropUed that eMiy man
r <M are yqa. tM»
wbn bad tm» anything gSMt in tba
Btoaatove^pebtofnUM flownaad worid bad bean of that aawtoltatknu
-T«a wm bave tea* ma. ^
tba ooiA «<ma ctf in a pto. BDt tbn mne
alwayi takae otege M my
toBaamw^ yevMatf&l read tta
'.S'i'Ci,__Koney to Iioan
Os lAgcored tut prepwiTPATOBUr * OBOTUtS, AtMneya.
OOse* orer Kosuga-'s luweTiM Mere.
. N^i.SiU
■ ^^PA.Aaeau TceenasOtty.
.Youp Choice.
oono HOOTS.
Buildings Lots
Houses and Lots
. ‘•'‘•ssisssr*-
LViTrs^qO................................... siisS
For All Oash or Ixiwfor
Part Cash
Sm aaSr«/M--Blbi. BaHpto.
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