The Morning Record, November 21, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 21, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Wet Whom « Wamnt ia Hov ts
Hands of tha (MBcaia—ChaA vaa
XhavB aa Wint Vationat Blak and
tba Hatbad Adoptad la Similar to
a Baeast Oaaa.
Another ease of fofsarp came to
Urhl reatardar and one la whleb an
oferaager parly made too fraa use af
the firm fame of A. A. McCoy A SonE J. nice of UiaiTB eamo to the dty
yaatorday and
* ehwk
Wa%l Katlonal Basic, drarre to the
order of
Sivarta. for fTS. Mr. Pike
was Dotiflad that A. A. MeCoy A ^
had BO aoeoant at that bank. Be tkaa
went to the store of the arm. and not
andinp either of the arm went to the
State Bank. At the door be met A. A.
MeCoy to whom be ahowad the check.
Mr. McOeyatoDeedeteetod a forrery
and BoUaed Cashier Haaaah -that it
any more of the tame kind ware preo pay them.
tha\he^ receired
the kheck from U Swarto. in payment
for c Job of geiUns ont cedar upon
which be-and SwarU bad afreed.
Mr. McCoy sttted to the Bkx>kp that
- the Blrnatore was a eery bad imitation
of hU own bnt bon aimilarity to bath
that of his ton Bert and himself.
. At the same time he r«oor>tsad it
as T«ry similar to the band writlnr of
Swarta, who had worked for the Arm
oarly in the aeason. hnyln* poUtoae nt
Anffsll and WlUiamsbiiiV- Mr. rike stntad that 8 warU had driean to town with him and ba and Bert
MeCoy started oat to find the man. Altooofh they rititod eeeanl plnom
when he had been only a short tlmo
beforo they could not find him. Therafore a warrant was sworn out hefora
Jutiec Brown ebarrinc Swaru with
forrery. Bherlff Simpson and ofEcar
Ashton at ance beran a ssarcb for;
the "««- Tbeystrnek the trail, bnt
np to a Uto honr last Bl^t he had net
been arrested. Bert McCoy stated that
the dealisp> of SwarU with the firm*
had not been entirely saUs^actory and
that he had not worked for them for

. Octette. *' To the Barrest neld.”
Scriptnre raadint and prayer.
Soar. " We're BnUdinr Bnty Dnr.**
—Primary clam.
BaeiUtiaG. ‘ Thankful for Thankaririnr “-Floyd Jobnaom
Beritotlon. “ Elsie's Thaaksrl*inr“—
Alta Co^er.
Beeitotioa. • Dsath Brldre of the
Tay ”—Mra. Howard Moore.Plano Solo—LotUc Belm.
EeeltaUon. - The Tnrkey's MMtake“
-Edna Monroe.
BeeiUtton-Parker PeanUirtoD.
-Qeartet—- The Sept of the Soldier.“
ReeiuUon. “ Dear UtUe Beads In
the Pew "—Mamie Lamberu
Beeitation, "The Town of No Ood"
-Oamet BnUsr.
Beeitation. "The Wayward Lifs"MyrUe Stanton.
-Duet. "Sweat Mora"—Ptttline.Serson. LetUe Belm.
Beeitation. "The Master has ooins
OTor Jordon"—Ethel Hunter.
Beeitation—Winifred ITaU.
Dust—Ethel and Verlin Tfaomna
Beeitation. "The Son's sad end"—
Eddie Knapp.
ReeitaUan-Flora Bailer.
Beeitation. "The Boyirsa Town"Boy Inremoll.
Duet, mandolin and rnltai—Cbaries
and Lottie Belm.
Misaionary reeltatioa. "No Sonia'


I pleased to noUoe saeh
word to sent to the offlofe at-kirht s
t ’ *4_.
time k../—
before one ..-..I.—V
| Stoorhton Boee to an op>to-daU ad*
^-------j Tortiser. In brinriar to puMto notloe
EnrinsnStUl WorkinronthoBnina-Uhe eourb remedy "Pror la Toor
Amoricaa Gompaaito BearUst Lon- j Throat" be omploya a boy clothed in a
stn-ThreaHoBdrod Firms 8e*lnr i toMner almost saacUy like a frof,
Vow Oaartatn-Xany Were TJnin- rreea and yellow. The Anre w eo
the sueeto ymterddy.
London, Nor. tO,—‘The enrlnes nre
Georre Wllee of Cbleaco. passed
still pUylnr upon the ruins at the thronph the city yettorday on bis way
aeeaa of the rreat eonflacraUon of yto- to Es^plre.
terday. The direct lops will 'probably
be somewhat below •10.000.000.
Loam to tfaneo now and eojoy yourCooaoto nod India throe par emia. selraa.-Ob not wait natfi the danciof
hare fallen hmrily os the belief loseesj •«^*»« J*
with. Urn hlwe ymirwill neeeaol^te faeary tales by the Inaoranee eompsnim Most insvanen
thirty sbiUlnpL
The ErenlnrS
Uered the bulk of the lot


Detroit. Nor. CO.—Following to Ub
seoree ef today's foot ball enmes:
■At Detroit—D. A. C. 1«: Kalastazoo
CoUsen. IS.
: Ann Arbor—Uoirerslty of MichJfan. 3C: Wetteubeqr. o.
At New Uaren—yalr.C: Prineatoo. 0.
At Philadelpbia—Penosyiraaia. IS;
'Harmrd, ft.
At Canbridre—Harrard Freshmen.
4: Tale IVeabmemO.
Wees Point, «; Brawn, o.
At WnUamstowB—WUliama 0; partBooth. 52.
Annapolis Cadeta 2C: Lehlch. A

n«rl.01d.,w„™ar»l.«l i. U..


Laid In the Ornee.
All that to mortal of UtUa 6eU
Moffatt eras laid to rest in Oakwobd
o»eUry yaatorday afternoon. A great
many friends ot the (amUy fdUewed the
rostolns to Us grave and Ue casket
was covered wiU many beaotlfal t



Christmas Goods
AU New
No Old Ck>ods

we baveJhcm.

Steinbent*8 Cloak Department Leads.


here yesterday of a new lot of

Ladies’ Fine Boucle Capes
They're 27 inches long—full sweep—lined throi^>
out with fine silk finished Serge—double Enipire plaits in back, and is

Aiull Third

A 'Wonderful

1 eomfortoble.
aa extra good Woran Wire Spring'
plete lor $5.00. If yon want wood
wu can sell you a good solid well made
bed and an extra g^ Spring forts.75.

at the price we place on them

any size you want. Come and locdt at our
Cloak offerings—You'll be pleased.

138-138 Tro&t Stmt




Hen to ths FYogrnm ta FrsiMratlnB
by Friends Sonday BohooL
The Snaday school tsachsn and
.uUolars et Ue Friends cbnreh era
atokingewful praparatiobforaqdenentertoiDment to be given Thankngivtog Bight FoUowing will be Ue


Sk^l’s Bookstore.

Wm. OeWiit to ceofioed to bis bed
wiU muscular rbeumaUsm.
Tbs Portia Club will mrat wiU Mrs.
fr» wtU do your nweirHne okssner as*
J. H. MeUongh Mooday afternoon.
toltrribsBMir otkoT •top la <to 0I17. Cm
A. A. McCoy A Son hare shipped 26
tra ef potatoes east doriag Ue past sins.
PlrMClswIuorTnbM lim
niaa. rood eon,
The prices of potatoes ranged yester­
day Iron 37 to 45eeata. Only a few
eel plan la ito rlix. Pbeaerln u*s uta
loads, howorer. ware ^ fur the Ut­
ter figurd.
The Hannah BIflas will hold a spectol.meeUng Monday Bight to eonaidar
Frassn Trontand Whltefish.
importont bimiBam. Eroiy member to
The fish Uw. pnwidlac a closed
derired to be preoent.
October 31 to Desember 15.
Yesterday afternoon a Urge crowd

Kimball —ic
mnsie .t«r.-iu.
Uons just reeelvM for Ui
Al Cameron and urtfe and Archibald
Oamerae and wife et Torch Lake,
to Ue city yesterday to attend Ue fu­
neral service o^ Ueir nephew. 8eU
law would leaee the TraverM City Tent. No. 871. K. O. T.
nrrx&xtTiHO foot ball.
maikete open for Ue deaikra in froxeu M.. will give a graad dance U Ue
Brosch block Thursday evesUg. The
fish, bnt Uto tonotUeeaae.
' Game nd Fisfawarden Koeelaod haa to- ladles wUI serve a supper daring -the
isoed a notice tbat froxes fish as de- evening.
Tbe Ipdt ball game which took place
must not be aoldor sxpesed for
J. W MDliken's large Nsfoundland
in Ue TwelfU etreet park yesUrdsy . mIc in Uto county,
sg wns lout a few days ago. but wai
afternoon was eery UterastUg. The'
retnraed 9y PonDdmaster SmIU yesterHr.
eontaetanU wore the Hl^ fehool team
dav. The dog was token to him by
Last Bigbt a large number of friends another party and hto tog was ralssing.
and an Independent eUven.
, eoterUlned at
. I made BBtll the Ust tan mUntaa
Bev. B. H. Covart. evangelist, will
of .Ue last half, when Ue High sehool home ef Mr. and Mrs. MehoUs Mertea. assist Bev. O. 6. NorUrap in Ue
team managed to make one toueb- The oeeaaloa was Ur nlneteenU aning and evanlng sarvteea A vnr
UepopndewB. bat failed to kick goal, Ue ball
dial isvltotloa to extended to all whe
UroMlA The erening wss derated to
bitting Ue eroes-bar ot Ue goal.
wiU to enjoy ths song swine' in Us
The features of Ue game wera the prag^lee pedra and social plensnres evening.
absence of specUtorn and Ue long and retresbmenU were served. John
One of Ue good mnsleal evenla prom­
poni by Johnson. 80ms g^ Uekllng Barry was selected to pTceeet seraral
ised ter Ue futora is a eeeeert tor ths
a in honor of Ue o
wns displayed on boU ^ea, ahowiag
beneDt of Uraos ebnrek to he given
CMd Udiridnal work.
ef X E.
with sppeoprtoM remarks befitting Us
sentiment which piwmpted Ue giving.




OpMlel tsTnSpsnse Rat>w.

Ex-Fin Chief Deeprto will leave ter
New York Uto moralng in charge ef a
ef ten care UadedesrlU poutpea
The traU to sent to New York by A. A
HeCtoy A Son'and the ton
10.000 boshsto. The oars aru lined and
each to heated by a stove to prevent
damagu by cold weather. This to Ue
Va^ns-tong lllrectorh Keettng.
largest train load of poUtoes ever UipThera will ba aa jmpo^t meeUni,
ped fims Traveses City to one point.
The peUtoes are consjgnnd to Ue New ot Ue dlraetora M Ue We-qne-tong
York and New Jeraey Prodnoe Co. over club at 8 o'clock on Mtmday eveaUg.
Ur C A W. M. -_________ _
Air offioers nnd dlraetora are reqnested
to ne«t UtomseUng prampUy at

when one desires to be alone. At each times
a good book or popular magazine is a desir­
able con^ianion. Ererytbiog of that sort at'the


Supper will' bo serred at Ue elsae at and in eUsrs bscanss Ue Ibentioa *
the profmm. A free-will tbenk offerIderad danrerom by Ue Inanrai
inc will be taken to nrocnra new aentu compaalea
for the AtB«li.
Larder Hr. Teodor. \
wOlb^U prompUy et S
F. Ycnder held ticket Ne. NO. Whl^
All era edrdielly Inrited.
draw Ue $10 in aMrehaadtoa nt Ue
store of T. J. Boot Ust night, in the
mlBe for Ue benefit of E. O. Stroof.
The benefit was giren.nnder Ue aoBoorae ef the Oront OoU^ Oames in spleea of Trarersa City Tent, No. 871.
K-. O. T. M-. ot which Mr. Strong to a.
Tsirioos Farm of Mip
member. . Be baa bean dangerously U1

XntarUlned Oaptnm Bnney.
Lest night CaptaU W. 8. KUnsy of
Grand Bapids. who has been eesdnet'
lag Us aocUtn at Ue CSty Bookstora,
' ' hy Ue officers and
rn of Ue Bannah ElBes to one
at Tooy KovoUy’s lamoos beefeteak

There are Times.......

we have nothinc bid or al

The litot of Ue flsmee diaappmred at
11 o'clock Uto moraiaf. but water to
sUU belse poured upon Ue hot suasaes
of rain. Despite Us maealtuds of Ue
^toaster oaly two firemen wera sllfktly

About 300 flrme are seekinf uew at­
torn. The estimatea of damage rans«
from SIO.000.000 to $60,000,000. but aooordlnc to Ue beet opinion Ue loss is
raUef under tlo.000.000.
BecltaUon-Amss Wood.
The Insurance areats take an optim­
Solo. "Soldier of the Cross"—Bart
istic rtow of Ue
ranriarfram $1.500,000 to $4,000,000.
Beeitation—Wayne B’atora
of Us boraed ont firipa wera
Beettntlon—Pnalfne Berson.
anlosured in soms«casea beeauss they
Male qnartet. "Speed Away."

Frisnds of Hr. and Hm. Ftod Hod­
den Honored l^am.
Teaterday was the twentieth annlTtraary of the marriare of Mr. and
Mra Fmd. F. Bedden. Their friends
in Tmrsme ttty rttomberod the erect
and lest ereninc the plsssent home of
the family was inraded by ahoat sixty
whe came nnanaonueed to assist In obThesnrprtos wss
aerriv tb
eomi^ete iand many ralnable tokens
^01 were bronebt nnd
{xeseuted. with proper opremony.
She sreeisr wu deroted to mnsie.
carda and reciutiona
formed a pleasant pertlon ef the profram. Amon* the r<lU meelmd by T '
Uan has been generally baUeeed
Ute esteemed coop'le were a larpe plate
The Uw U eosflam mantel mirror andsereral raln^
kt aside from Us
bl. .bd
pi— «t cbU.— cuhl.,
aud whltefish
to-com»emorate tbs china weddin*. .
period me
mentioned, fraten
Bedtalioos were clren by Mrs. J. B. ' trout or ^
wfaltcBsb must not bu exposed
Martin, and musie by Mas ’
at first thought by




Rwt Te*r—No. 178.


After Us eloee eg Ue.CMy Bookstore
tosl Bight Manager M. B. Holley Invit­
ed all ot the employee of Ue etora to
a fine spread at Fleteberh Colamblan
restoBrant Besidss Ue regs.lar ferae
Uere were esveral who asatoted in Ue
anctlon sale rash.
Mra. Warren Boutaong was thrown
dewB on Us walk oa Union street near
.Moblo's pbotograph gallery yesterday
aftoraooit in a oolltoion wiU a bicycla
ridden by Roy Hannaford. Bannaferd
was badly brntoed and Mrs. Boab
was slightly Injured.
Dr. Will Camem. uncle ef 8eU Mof­
fatt. whose rentolns wera bnried yeetorday. arrived la town ycMday afterneon U Ume for Ue faneraL
Oameran to one ef Us etoff ef pbyal.-I,,. Ip the Northern Iheific Hospltol
nt Bralnnxd. Minn.
' AsHuimptoMWeferUeBnoou to
hear uf nil the eeelsl events and ebtsrtoinmeots which toko plaoeln Ue city

will satisfy any lady that we are showing
' the handsomest shoes in the city.
Our Ladies’ Shoes at Szjx), $2.50
and $3.00, are Tery nice.




Wt\na Kouaa €*1 srm-wwsow Olsw

Prooperi^ !• with ns also. W« liaTsn*t
time or spaos to teQ yon vharain. this Is
tms, bnt say to yon that the salsa of

f Flonr are inoreaslng, wUch
0 Is a alight indlcatioa.


Hannah & Lay Co.


your winter dress before the best and choicttt styles
are all gone?
If yon want the best, we hare it If 3c a yard is
what you want, we can fnmisb it.






Ladies’ 601 and Kangaroo Gaif Shoe for $150
Also Gent’s Box Calf inrisible cork Shoe at $2^.
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.


!thb uoxama

MceadAfy acbool, a» eaa who hM any I

noB m pmcB V m



beookd, bumpay, hovbkbbb

f PrapMod for


There Are
Gold mts
Right At Home

moDU to which yarn are lariled.
rminm’ cavV**-

ne pro»T*m far the
•" J"**™!*’ 1

Sawarc Moore iwd Mar) Hperr, Paaura.


Bible Bcbnol. v;«S.
MomlB* aerrice. II a- »-

Tma T. B&tk*


Inr wiU be oae of tbe opUftlnr ala-

FantarB* 1

><larlB( lb* UatAaead. can deny. |
In fact.
Kct. cottiBaa
counM « alody
slody bare
bave mder-,


a^at the paator Basday awraiaf
eraalay. The aoaf aer»kia in the area-


I*« of »»olU hJrhly bmetelkl to tb«,

J. *W.

-The Btreairer Mao."



Jaolor endeavor, 3 p. to., condoeted

t. W. Basku. Eoitor wd Mu»C«r.

,byAmaada Zl.menoa-n,

WhUe thaae meatln*. B«.pl«i>edj

> «Mk. tv earrMt,
tk-braalL •
----------.^Ik«. tv Bkli.


* k^br-,.
ro™i ii..^cu« 1. w

c. B.
a-lfo* i=«
t:4S p
aerrice T p in. 80b-

tJ.mUla^ and the topic aia -elactod, ,..1:


—4oc people who have learned that the
road to wealth is right buying. We
know peoj^e who have paid ftOO for .
shoesnoiasgoodasBxsdl forSl.SO;
and they were people who netalcd every cait they bad, too.
----------- 1 If they followed the saj« coura in their
other buying, its no n-onder they failed to
make headway In saving up something
for a rainy day.
And that reminds us—icj ra^f dap M have a matchless assortment of mbbeh and overshoes. We can save you
money on them too. i

A Thankacir-

an aoi.a^.

All are eordially Isvited.


aooe apeciai leawrea wuiou

acoooi. •“ »“« “•••
—------intercetto the realdMtaof tberityaa
rrade atodeoU in all coitnee puraoe
the aobject of Enyliab yramoiar aad
NeUbly U thle troeof the "Woman’e
eq«pcalUoB. InthiaconnieapeclalewSection." which wlU be held Bi U«ac«
pbaala U placed opoo the dtocuaaioB
hall Friday aflemoon. Dec. IT, nnder *
and elncidaUon of the more dilheolt
the leadeSSip «< Mra. N. 1«. Jonea of
•irramiaaUcal ooBairocUooa. Mocbtinie
Lanalbir. Hra. Jonea ataadi aaaony
U apenl oa the lairi'eal analyeio of
Thd E««rd'i lTa» Dapartura.
•• “i~-----------—
tfav first iB the TBBka of Miebican'a
ICtiOD of I
taooea aod on tbe
Th« WoBMM'EBroKDpraBeatato lu
beat w<»B»eii. foc
that shall espreaa the
..j ii>rr filled the poalllon of prealdeD. roadert today
today a
a oew
new leainre.

Traverae 01^ KarfceH

MU4B. rwc*.


wbicb will ba fBily

• •-■’•

•Mince of

IhU locality

will afford. , Hon. <»plta

• The Old Reliable Sboeman,

. pangrap
mm me ...c «. ...V bomr and

gained a foothold io public favor, In the Engliah ao


: Hrr prccnoc
preaenoe in Trawr..-Ci,y
~o th.
— SJipr ^u.. ow!!!.

iiufloenoe.'lt. aoccew la flauer- ee. yet,.
£ fo tbe pnbUrfiera. aod a de-of American literature.



_____________ Wurzliurg Block.

118 Front Strert


Going! Going! Dncef Twice!

^„enl interwit to the ladiiw.

--iy I all Uie other




Ural 01


*tnc«i 1 lu•

..... ..


keen r««»rdod warrBo
Bade American atcrawre uiu»u‘>.u»
Today U piwaUd w —.1-.- -and to have them read and enjoy tbeae
b«. filled with iBtcreaUny r*M<}iny
clneaica for the refining effect they will
Matter. frcBh local aad yeneral news,
have upon their taste, and the nnooraiid brlybt with adrertiaeoeBU of the
aclou. effect aneh reading will have in
bwt Berehaau of TTBvetBe City. One
forming their own EnglUh.
wepeeially fine feature U a handeomely
IB the wnlh grade. atudenW in nil
niwmt^ article lomUhed by a »ynlortce are required to do ayawmaUc
oBd of which the Ekotbi) baa
work iB Engl»h .IxKkwood'a txaaooa
the ewduaivc. right to print In ihU loiB English being the text book «»ed.
eoUty. It U a complete dnecripaoB
In this grade more eyawmaUc work in
«< tho -EapoattioB of the CentnTy.
eompcailion le done. CompoeiUons on
the »reai •—
fair —-------to be given
hi IWria.
aarigned sobjecta. paraphraaing. reprw
Ptnnea is I9W. Tbla la but one of
duclBg. developing from' tbe principal
rf .P-U.H.U
.1woik along thta line. ‘Much atWnUee
yi.1— which will be printed hi the R -


'Pbii new

Aoparture U not a‘umpomry venlnr*.

We will quoU you e few prioes to bring yon iB'mnd the goods will do the
L For Friday BBd Seiurdey only there will be

Grange ball.
Another special feature le the infor­
mal recepUon and eocial aeesion to be


held at SWinberg s Grand ^’ridy^veniBg. Dec. IT. from T;.tO U> WS. pry­

to which we invite yonr attention.

ing the evening s address on ihs cBiti. gt.iOfeft.K: De­
ll Jann^.$4S:.

valion and nruning of fr?iV. by'iWUnd
. Morrell of Benton Oarbur.
The entire profratn will be equally
inWianUnr and tbe farnwra of the re­
gion ebould plan to attend every eee■ion.

U alio given to the study of fignrea of


Steinberg’s 6mnd Open Honse.

apeeeb. the oerrecUon of cotnuon erletwr

Bat ona which will be oOBtlnoed from



OUeago Mnrkot.

county school cou.-.——V..’ and at 8
li's sactinn will meet at


MID each week, on Snodnya.


Will BBtisfy your miuds and pursca io CWka, Cape* and Furs





nnetunuon. auu
and BO luivo.
. .
•amUhndbytheff---------- ..~rn...;ew.
. Shia daw, eight pages every Sunday
IB the eleventh grade American llwr,
T.U -U1 sake ine^oeai
; at;Vi..galntak«npf.ram,™ih^ n„ a
imper ‘haverae City ever had and will ntnre 1. again taken “ --- ---------------


-le. .11 —1 «.~.T I-Y". uum .Ijl.. worth K lor ».»!

all wool
Ketaey Jacket, good value at ^ for fia.M.
kUiwB mit
.t— $T
•- 54
«. Imdiee
T -.11— Jacketin
canI sbe
twequaled for
Our Ladles .lackeu at $» «.-$(>.«). $S,2S. ffJ Hi. $I0.TS and $14.
the beat uuslltiea made aod by the bmt and moat reliable manufaetnrera
We carry a large line of rough goods in Booelea. Pmaiaa Clolha, BngUah
CnrUand CaterpUlur Cloths at loweat prleea.
^^^M^^uk^^vrith Mohair Braids and Jet Trimmings at all

M h.

The publishera feel Oiat Traverae City.

1 Whirlwind of Comics in

tbe melropolU of ooribem Mich­

deeervea n

firal clnes


Side Tracked!

poper and this effort is made in ree wvbe.niooraffemcnl
W> me behalf of the Rkouiiu.
' FerBeeaL


J. BltWnbouee of Norwood, regieat Park Place yesterday.
• •^loa. and




’^lopmeol of the ihems

taned last night from ChDngo.
W. C. Nelson of Lelsnd stopped here
ymtevday on bis way to MnnUtee.

Mra. A. P. Bough will go to JbcIoob
«o spend the winlvr with relatives.




••me to the city yesterdey afternoon
Dr. J. B. Martin was called to KingaIcy oa profeealonal bnslneaa yeoWniay


Thomas returned yeeWrday



In the aetlor yeqr the work Uk« on } Uer. D C«kUn. p-i«m more eoamopoliun character. Tbe i
a. m. Sunday will be » serbUwraphiea of about twenty English 1 non fer the Tbankagivingaeasoo


author* are studied and some of their | heartily tn the hymns and responsive
v_. —rks
eriilcallv 1read
wu and dleeussed
■— : r-adlng If you would^enjoy the service
----------j.ieaie bring with yen the
in Claes. Tbe mnlu noint
In Uile
work a* In tbe nre^Ug. 1* (o de^<V

Laudea Domini

ChUdren wUl be bap-

the taiW of tbletodeeU and lead them Used at thb
Kunday school after marniag e^to nppiaclau a^d be infloeBced by the
b«t thought of the world’* grenWat oes.

irom Cedar, where be went oa basi- and beat men.
It U needlem to aay that student,
Mra. D. Jenkins ef Interlocben was

Junior Christian Endeavor at 3 p. «;

Endeavor at 4:«S p. m.

SpeciAltie* that bavG No Peer.


Invlw your frienda.
-Thanksgiving eoclal" at

fibe insto^SS-"*


church parlors, arranged by the Ladie*

society. Every
geatleman will be

- Sv^«™y.^oty ~«».rv^^^^^^,o„f,.rgoodcltlremblpa.^^
with a watch ch»in ^
T of "•ools, re^ed TMIerdsy
BtvUwh and literature, which „,rv
a necklace.
Admlscvri> lady with- -—
•^P.'”»theb«ncboft^.. I
miasloti f.
It free
free and
and all
all are ometoordi.
ally Invited.
Tbe lad lea with to aeod

Sight from Grand Rapid*, where she Grand, Thankaglving night, and pramnxTUotnat.
evj. A.
a. Biaadr.
oraaor, paswr
has been vUIUng since her relam tram itm to furniah no cad of fuB for the ' tterj.
The play baa a wooderfal
Sabbath preaching at lo:30 a. m. and
scenic equipment and amnslng and
high cMw*
Morningaubjeet: -The Ddlva:


High StfoooL

I* dtacaseed ia educational gptberingi
Aaring the last fear or five years than
the subject of English in secondary or
high school. This dlacusaioe baa com*
about very largely hecauae of the prea-

Ballway Htiwscv la lUInMa.
ffpringflrid, Ills.. Nov. ».—’The rvpon
f the railroad ar.d warehouse coinmlston shows the toial mileage of ail roadt
Id tbe nUte. on June M. 1»T. til be as
follows: Lergth of line operated. exeJoalve <rt trackaiw rights. lO.TM.i: ifil'w
aecond. third and founh.tracka. l.«O.U
irllcs: yard irucJts, rtdlngs and spurs.
4.0*3 «S miles. Daring the past year there

Dwelling Bouee and ContonU at


and supply themselves with anything Urey may need
te.complete their Thanksgiving table.

of the Godly." aad la th* evening a lec­
ture will be delivered eu ”
jan." a Marvelooa thama.
aaaa meeting at 9:30 a. m. and ala*
at the cloee of the evening eervioe.
Sundny mhool at 18 m.
Junior League at 8:80 p. m.
Epwerth League at S:tS p.-|0-

Inquire About the NEW RATES.

Ifs the best selected and altogether the Snest line of

Johnson Block.

the Crowd to

ever shown in tbe city, and we are -proud to be able
to sdl It at the prices we have marked.

Paiflfs Greenlionsff

Thuiaday pmyer meeting at 7:80 p.
rKSisTiAK aaKsc*.

WtkTMMls OIri Ilfwattate amilraca.
SludenU eauriiig college
Service* are held in' K. O. T. M. hall.
Chltaxo. Sov. SO-—Itnee SImbvek. SI
year* rUd, of Arcadia. ’Wta. vraa. cared 1*8 Front etmel. at 10:10 a. m. every
the ecienoea and the ancient for by the matron at the Harrlaon street Bonday. Subject for the regalnr eeraad modem language* osaally required polin- vlallon Tburaday night.
Th* rie«: ” Th* Armor of Truth."
for T*-****"*
found Badly de- young woman was wtthoul fHrnda
AU aru Invitnd.
flMent In their abUity to nee the moth- tbv city and had been locking for a A—
ation In fame UnriTy at beoaewnrk. Ber
m toogne with »*7 degree of fodUty pareeu arc dead, her cnli' relation* beBev. O. a. Ksrtkrmp. PasiBV.
s brothw and deter to W
B«. E. H. Covert, evaagnllrt. wlB
hM Mm peodortr

whOe. aa a rule, well prepared In mathamitl~

is extended to tbe
Ladies to inspect
stock of


•or* brengbi to hear upon tbe aeconAary echooi from the college and ual-


oot tome

baakete for Thankaglving dlmnera. and
« yeaterday on their way U> Benof aaarelnvitedtohrlngartleleeenlUbl*
•onto to risil their granddaughUr. ' Horatio Xerxes Booth I* the —-----------------------— '^for
•- tesketa.
*- .ket*. aucb as tea. coffee.
the fonoiesl tramp part aver wriltee
Mra Chat Mr. and Mra. Ua:h w. 1 aod tbU actnc tramp cOBlrols every ;
fruit, etc. A Uhl* will be
baw for Springfield, Mo., about I)eor of part* in '’Sl<leTrac‘‘*‘*- '!!!:», a U> Tvceivo kucaote
-"MBber Ut, where they wUl spend tbe
expected that thU wRl be
tbe ceoual figure io Jn1e Walterm’ fa­
mous laugh nrovokor entitled - Side apeuau/uv.ia..—- —
Dr. Boeenlhal-fhompaoa arrived ^ Traeked.’’whichapp*aTaatSte!nbergs:

Fnmiiml in th* Stady in th*

NOW is the Time to Inaut* Tour


Bon. and Mrs. D. C Leach ware In

No subject ha* been oiore therough-

A Cordial


Next Wednesday evening there wOl
be a

Traverse City. Mich-

ThOMjlke It

best who Uk* part flrat
Sunday eranlng gospel eervlce at 7
p. m.

the Tramp, will tale jna by

PleaaeVd tbe childrm wlU the

who have ttken the four year*’ oooree Thanksgiving earrioo.
Young People’* Society of CSiriaUsn
in EnglUh which bnr High nifoool

te the rity gcat*diy vtaitlnr^ra. J.
offna and have allowed ikemaelvea. to
be Influenced by it have forever parted
Mr^and Mra. U Carter of Grand Eapoompaay wiUi that which is low and
Ids.' are guests of Mr. a^ Mia. Fred
debasing in literature. Perhspa there
is oo'Une of work which tbe public
MimSWrilng, the saleslady at N. Eachools undertake which is so potent
Sueng's moaic store, will spend
Io brimring out that wticb is best is
Any at her
her homqfc
homTffn Eik
Elk Rapids
ligand girls and in laying Ihr


Class Block.

aPlarWitty and Wise


WUburr. 0(11 ef OlUs Her. U in' th*

-bhl »«wl- I«

and styllsb trimmings mm pi.w to a
smber l»—Ml, Friday and Saturday.

prove lovalnable to the anbacrlbera.

Eiegsnt Di^Uy of Fknren.

$10 w. nth BL

The Hannah & LayMercantile Company.


Presented Canada on'the SeJ
Question as a Condition Pre*
cedent to a Commission.

Of uarpMtlBectal rwtea. and that tatst
from the east bclnp the ssms results la
robsMrrabl* sdvanMe to Omsha. la
view of the conduit alfecllnp traasportatlOB to and from points In Iowa,
and of the whole rate altuallor. of the
two places, the etoiamlarton hold
charpe of nnjusi dIsiTim
apainst Omaha is not sunsla.-d.

MatboCa at tba Eortben


Akjlnia Praiacd.
I. B. Brown, adiun-af the htiebifaa
I Fhnner. apsat a (sw dajrsat the ssj-inip
: a short tliao apo in eoapany with the

Block Sanitary ComnUsion.

! who ware hera-to tospeet the aayinm


' Inr to asy >o bla paper recardinr the
Toeaty beverel. iK'ueed.
lorn bard of 115 Ralsteias aud gr%i
til. Ind- Nov. 8<> —A lad ac
ociutr.d on the Chlcr.K.. and IwUara
Ue new bams at the iokUtotlon.
, "We nesernw a finer lot of cattle,
»*<H« Wr Anw hi A-Jlbtac
Ik* ConiBl~hui !• bUUMC. >•«
taklnp anch a larpe herd into eooaiderl^al
ChMcn «riUi Mi* a»ah.-AB*Ott»«m
atlen. and we wish to say a word or
nics-ard Joattuyand Uarlnp aoout
VUrBlrh Tbrnt Cm Hr fahM vUb MbU,
Iners waa wix-kcd <m the illod- two reirardinp their sufroondinfs. The
AM7b*«—DM4>i«a U U« OawbB BrH«B
swtlcb and tso ears luadrd with cows are nearly all llolatelDs, aboot
BAilirar lUtr (W
their humim fr.-lchl left the track, tsrenty of the namber balnr "yoaeg
W«i*lnj:«on. N<iv. 86.—Tbe dlspatrlia rolled d..wii the emlar.kmsnr and lodpid
tbiaps,’’ heifer* and ballskesi Oiuwa «nn..unrlt>s that the Can- at the Iv' In a ditch flUe-l s lib water
"These caAle are kept in four well'
adlan cabinet . tia< decked to send a to tlie'd-plh of *.-\.eral Pn. .The mvl.
aonunlwfcw te ll'aidiinrtcn to secoUaie dam was caused by rurinlnc ..ver a hnlll. ecBBodioBS. thoroughly enatihorse. Twenty-lim e men ‘t all were
spedfic purmib a atmllar cotnmUaJoa to Iw ap*
pointed by tbe Ihilted Slates fcuyera- far

fp~ <>' «l««.rinp the diary catU. of
meot toui'hinp all the qaceiioes at lt«u<Elphteen of the Injured pi-rw.ns live the institution.
We never saw cow
between ibe t'Miod Sutee and CennJa
1 this >lt> and fiw lu t’<al.Bluff. The : bams eocataucted that met our aphas bad the ImiArtact effect of diasiii: faully injured are: .\-i.ury Itun.mcll, |
iBbrouphlv as thewe.
forth her*. -Xur the first time, a «uit«- check; Wciciiman at «h. Z Her « Me- |J
aellan Cool ..omiwny s mire: r.u, ;
’The os'y eriticiam, we make Ja iu
neul~Tt and Ouy Ack. iinan, liotlg ..f | the sUlia w aUncblons. , The swing
lald before tbe> CanailUn drlSKUts
this < lty. oiherw of the l-ijur-j A.-re: ;«unchlon ia used altofrelber. and the
when they were lb %Va»hlti|:tuii a few
days apo. This propoeltiun was as f)]>
: rib. HanlTV,. id. br.tke- : were fitted with the Bidwell aUlla they
"1. That both nations apre« at once
on ibe train, arm broken, and a | would be perfectly arraBg(«..lp our
to a 8b*i>enil.'0 of all kUUnc of seala
nam-d I'arpiiiler, arm liruk-n—all nainion.;
of thiH.cliv
4nrins the nexi naa^n In th<> racillc ex.T ft nHd. iH-lnp
There are tworews of stalls la each
«c*an and Behrlr.p aea. the modus to
sUble, the cows fscinir each other.
■o Into nin-ratlfln the flmlof next .iionih.
-------That tTpreiimlatlvea of the e*'IS ibePnFdBets with A wide feeding alley between.
,r .V,
Atates and
There is plenty of room hack of tbs
New T.1I*- N..V. 80 -Hrad-ir.-. l e-aj-a
cows fur a horse and dump «mrl toThere is a ro.-l-rjie lm|.r..»etti.nt U pass through whon taking onl the j
as pne.'.-ibl
staple i>rlres and Jn dinrll utlon of wo>.1, manure.
en k.erta. sli.v>. hala’and liki.It'orc
the rmt.d .Ittntea- with
• !
ther ocioij
lacion -jjf Ohi.aiio. At. le.u:
•tettlrni' ni by Irvaty. this to Ineludi
l-maba. O. M «,„her
T‘»’y !
sealing uu-^il.*n and any other ma te.*
F I’lty ar
tvonhwert and In the .-enttwl MlM'.salppl >« hardly deep enough, in onr esUma- [
which i llher c»\vmment may ch<K»<F
lirtn* fnrtvnrd?"
illryi un river vall.y* hay. helped ' Mob.
Plenty of atraw la used for bedJihiaarbM Ai«- Peolably Wr>^.
11 iradire
Manufa. ti'r.y of Inm. ^inp and tbesnanure made therefrom
«-l. aprtculiurwl lm|.|em.tnV. railway
• . . .
Bo far thr 'etaie d<partiTH-ni n •» r
ind w .-.l, n p.«jl* r.i««rt an active ' “ •
ealuable item in helping
been advha-d that the CanadU;i r.n<n
demand and'larpe output. alth«<:xh the maintain and Increase tht ferMIity of
has acted upon tin proi-iitlenr l ut
•arly answer Is rX|N i iej,aa is rv-lapp-arame of speculative «i..l ha* re- theasyium farm. *
by the fart that the date
■ r :
aulKd In wcsk.-nlRT ’■■..............

and a like tendency
beplnnlnp of the modus rluppinp t
kUIlns of the seals H no later than t
>. syrup. { ber of enUe fret air apace than in altat of next month. One Important fart
hides, fhoea ard luri>entlne.
he rtac- 1^001 any almilarcow born'we hate.
Hon In Iron and Heel Is llk.-ly to Ire fol­
b* apreed p-rtUiively before
lowed by an aduanre If the present
of mnsumpib'n ■■onilnues.
mment e
onacotsv. th. cmtiml*
n other
her words there tnun he no I
There are SS5 Ifuslmsw fallurea report- ; amount of aoUIng cropa arc growffNacid .
p ol
of seals wMIe the mminissloti la ert tthouKhout the I’hM.d Slates this
Swtl COT* fodderlt'cnl before j
. wot*. The rommliW'in mlphl aavowa Ions time In Its deliberations, and if
pelapic sesllnp is to pe on meatwhll.' atm and as c.mjored with li' In the Ukc ’ bt»». bay. com mc*l. etc., help main- ;
It Is believed hy our exie-rls that there w eeit cf IWI
Uin a mazlmom fiow of milk thrungb- I
Wilt be no seals lefi to serve as a harts
; out the whole year.
OMard's Vtrlliws « II Bwvserfor nepotlaliona
' the dlsIS shown.
Crahd Hapida. Mich.. N..x. b) ^DeialU !
palrhea are incorrerl and Canada has
in the location of thesaylnm a^fi farm,
tMt yet decided.
man and her brr.iher .tirnsl bj- F.
ao far aa tuntmadings and ability. IS
Vaney at B-ar Cr-k. twelve mll-s
Por there are aeveral leaaona wh), the
grow enormous crops of field and gol­
Canadlaaa have probably not yet acted niirtli of here, -are as fullnwa: Miss Pklii
mar kept b. use f<.-t her bn.thrr. a 90 is den tnck. la OUT kind of aeaaoa. is
upon the American pmiH.sal. One Is chat
a deflRMe feature of th.' piinposed com­ a fanner. Vaney and Ml** Akltman had
euBixed. but lost week Nellie noil- |
faeoeod location for fruii.
mission Is that Blr Julian Pauocemce.
fled her lover that the enxBx'tnent was ,
the'Brltlsh am>iaiBwdor...«ball be at
off. Vaney-iwme p. Uiabd Ka:Ms, 1 vegeubica. etc., for the froat acldoui
bead of the Brltlsb-Canadlan cnmi
Isrtixht a build. V r> volver. then div<t e I docs an^ damage before November lak
sloner*. and that In all pmbablllty
alialxht to Akliinaji s Boose fiw a set- n was a surprise to Us lb find grape
Uaurter _____




»l'A {


>"«e. .—v.-.


Jaros Underwear
\vearers of Jaro.s goods know that they have no eijual. TN^can huy .^cece lined
Underwear for.35. 50. 75c and up to price of JaWis. but they^ill not prevent vour
rheumatism, keep you dry and warm, nor give 30U the wear the Jaros will-only
one genuine and we sell it. Ask for pamphlet concerning it.

Berkshire Pants
The manufacturer who makes the cloth also makes up the pants, cbnsequentl.r
knows just what is in them. .Fnlly guaranteed: buttons will not come off; will
not rip. and Jiest of all we think they are sold for less money than any other pant
on the market of equal value, and cijually guaranteed. If yon are not wearing a
pair ask to see them. $1.50 to $2.50—five or six different patterns.


itl.nard Croker ha* d-rided
at New Y.irtt all winter.


B.v™. .< .v™


1.2s to 6.60:


Duys one. Medium grades at

2.00 to 3.B0
are excellent values. An unus­
ually large and fine assortment.
Eveyy boy likes them. No long
, skirt to trail in the snow.
Made very heavy and warm.
Very, dressy.

Boy’s Ulsters
eight to fifteen.
and be satisfied.

Irish Frieze or Chinchilla, good quality at 4.00 and
4.50. Our line runs in-price from^I np. ages from
VoutbS'Ulslers. ages fifteen to. nineteen. Se^ our assortment

U talkisg

ODr Special Lines
of $7.50 Suits cannot
lie equalled — tnmed
wrong side out (see
cut). Every detail of
making is shown. The
very "Vitals” are
shown. The outside is
all wool strictly and
cannot be duplicated
at file price. Just the
kind of suits for busi­
$7.50 — just
vrlial they cost to ev­
ery one. A>k for this
special line — $7.60-

P'.I!--. and the I
.alkit.c towards :
y,.,-. Jh.-Th.^ p.dlre ere
'ganiifl.dthat they hnv ne..rrs A, Uerx„„ „
p-.^^,r.ur Hnusc. and w ill
^ thiu-i tiTh In.,.Cl. n ,.f all thBtieerv.
liar!} }••«;.r.’,.y m.'ming tlisteamer Irdiana arrlv.d here. Rhe t-i.-l
„„ i,j,rd a man win. acd as theuch
rark-cd. He ririralned on board all day
ar..!,.Jurtng the day the errw r.v.«nlt-d a* IhTgman by a pl.iure in a Chlrag.. >,«,*.*. At C o’clock he 1-fi the l*:at
and went ir th.- manklnton House.
where he wr i- Mt.-ra.

j ~«TIO-«U..-COMes"Si'E*I«PT,


From one dollar or less to five dollars or more.
V>IllIUrCU ^ 9U11.S» We can meet your wants. Some of the noV
biest things of the season, are the little three-piece Suits with short pants. $1.50
to 2.00 are the popular prices on Child's Suits, and on these lines our assortment
is especially .complete While they last we have a few extra rvalues at $1.95 and
2.10. Oo^ heavy Ker-sevs in ages from fii-e to fifteen. One*or two extra good
lines at 1.00 and 1.25.

rtup-r. nnd when iinuF-d by
said ]
that he had Le-n roMssl. and krt-t re- j
p-wling. "tVhal will she Ihinkr’ "What

WaahicgioL. N"< v. iO.—The Interatatc
dommerve cojimy*...*.' yerierday In an
has been OFih.d to d.-ride who nwns jrwrl* Osm’. Ageeu <-aa«4«-eie T«»ed ow
«pbdoc by Cvn.iM-.-;.ncr Krapp an- a bod) alter death, the hus'oand or |
n.elr MalsrtM l>) (-IKm.
noonced its ilet i-:. ■. of the rose of 'the wUe or their parents.
1- Washlpgton. -N.w, 80.-The laue oa lo
Oatnmercial club, of Omaha, against the
Srtt) rfudenu of Vassar coll.-gr are ] wbeihar . , ..r municlpaUiy con
Chicago and Noithwtaitn:' Hallway reported^aerl.iusly 111. all having b^n ;
campanr and tdher cTiers, known as

' compenaaGon of a postmaater -a. deUse Otuahs Uridge cws. . The objts-i of lmpn>iwfl> cooked i.ak
1 cided y.wt.ida) In sn op.niun reiiacrej
Um cumplalni was to eon.|.el Uo .ameri
:i has beep dirtovered that the sys- ;
*<.Ong Assistant
As^lsto.ot Attorncy
AUorncy tP j.eiw
to charge between Omaha aiei isdms In
larrisoD j.
J. Barr, u for ,,,,
the ^partem.
ItFwa no mure .than they cUiLri;..! or. like
““*■ department. The case aror.- ./r- wa Intrelfbt between CooncU Klulis and ibe
iqulry from the p.naraa*ier ut Gasun'lo—F~ ptdnu In Iowa. The ti.mmissKm
I couacll
lf>' N. C. It :luii s slat.- ha* i- > .<ukeUdcb that Coiuicil Blulls. on tht t«ai
tborlir to'tax tgc emolumi-nts
paid to
hank cl the Misacmrl rtver. ts n;or5 fa- the street railway fracrhfse.
— - - -»
any officer ur agent
rorably rttuated than Omaha, on the be rtopi ---------------------------------Mtu th*
matter If deflnlleiT Blales jnar -use and employ os
west fide of the river. In regard to traf­ aellled.
aar> and proper mcaiu t
fic with poir.U In Iowa, and that Uu- car­
The flrvTl thrSmugglermlDc at Aspen.. S-.vereIgn power."
riers are no! loT>e'cnBde«nB«d for Tts- Colu. rrouMns uucoiHiuvrod. and u Is
Barrett, saja: "The t
cgrlxlng such nalaral advantage of In- ru.. .rsirceded that It » U1 require weeks,
the Cnlled flutes Is snprttnc within ii
cation Ic ndjuiLIng ibair rturgee: n<rr and tsrhata mooths before It can be
rale* should 1sobde.-d.
moni.-lpamy *
IV ffssn'fFmaha'to CouncU Blaffs
A horse at Neenah. Wta.. which had
b-.-cii lilting In a peculiar maotier. wa'
iiiF-d by a veterinary surgeon and If the |l■•we^ ex1.*l**l
Tbs dtvirion
a three inche* long
the offleen or agenU
Conncil BlufTs enjoy equal rates
ten In.hea wide was found In Its thnwi. It could thereby Impair the pcA vr ol il.c
irom subAaniially all points ext .
Oenerol Castlua
Mareeilus Clay's execution of its roverelgnty. The postto ttu* traffic In Iowa, and II Is sbewr
wife left the Clay mansloc. Whitehall. i^er at Gastonia therefore cannot be
that rates from the south ar* made lh«
Ky.. tea days ago. and went to th* home roqulrcd to pay a 'tax opoa the Income
MBS by competing rallwaya <* both
ef her brother. "Cleir Richardson, si «f Us olBec. eltber to tbc xtate ef North
gldca of the river: that rates from the
Valley View. U U said obe will sol CaroUna or to tha maaldpality ef OaoWM( ar* the romt as tar cost as Ctdea.
ga, anfi are part of an extanrtre mrsum


In great demand this year.


lisewt wsumwiiai »rt?
-------' Chicago. Nov. M —The tN.lkv Iasi Bight
Vienna. Xov.SgJvienna toi threateged oecurvd ihetr flrii eJea to the disappear.w Kb a ’.Her famine.
aoce of Georgr jt. Uergman. who failed
to preis Bi himself for his atddlng tt
.Mias Margaret Ferry' Wednesday night.
Secretaij- Sherman ba^ppointF-d a
N- Lev. living on Michigan avn.ue
w.iman I- mis.rary is.nso^ai EdirAiD- invar Harrtwin sinvt. Inf<innrd the (sillre
none. N. R
[last night that late «n the night on «bk-b
The |.)tato crl^. of Colorado Is coll- '.Bergman dimpiowred he f.oind a young
malts] at loishels.. Some fields.,aliilng on the sidewalk at the ecryleldi d im OBcki {wr a<-re.
ber of HarrlS'T. stre-i and Watwsh sve-

iJ'FVcmfl* Iirake.
Mon'Aai'iiiin would
tlrally bind Orval Britain: (I would not ipai.- iVju.iu.-MLT.^puroler:’'*''
, h.iueier. btcauiw the's-naie
The Ct <.f malnt.lmng .he home T..
• would have a on the whole O.Ing.
ft.. f..We.mlnd-d :n Oupf-^^ Fails.
Another dl-iiatch fr.on Ottawa qu. tea
UT», for the past y-ar wn- Jl».
Sir Wilfrid lAturler as saying to a ror........- *•
“'i'"-- Ar-iet, . larxre*|*;
-H.otct.-r. yrm may nay
very emphatically there Is no Intention
Vhstever of iiegotiatlrg any rtsriproclly
tr.'blt- whii-h w.iuld ititerlen- with or
a tapialn In CuM.-r'«
ufft. 1 I'anadn * . exinlng British pre-'
dnd ai l.lfeniitla] iariff: thie Is well kniewn to
home la Custer Park. ill*., of pn-othe An'erl'an slat sni. n.’'
A blo-cle with piston rode Instead of I.
chain I* the lasl-sglnvenlloti. It w.ll U
CMha BrMlge t Bse DerMtrt U gavM wt
markrled*at IIUV. and Is said to wont
e-----« owitcll Blaff*. la.


with the ambassador on the commlaali
This chFiice of the British ambassxdtn■xdtir !
r.fii«.-d fli-d at l.lm. the bull-l ! vines, in fact everything. aUll green
la rtxnmiont as ahowlBR tbc punuso
of this savemmenl to fully recoenlxe Mriklrx him In the side, a* Nellie ran and appareatly growing,
"Uarden truck ii grown on a tine
the lmp<-fial character of the' nexi ila- frum the room Vaney sh.U hsr.
tiont and ic cwnducf them <mly ihi\uirh
! P>vs--e of mscky gros.Dd that cu be
the authcrlaeff fi-|ire»>-mailvrt> of thr
Nr.v. :i>.- -Tne <-al-.lnet -! both irrigalcd and dra‘ned at .pletaanre.
Britlsb aov^rumecl. The dispal-hes
was U a.r«..r f.r !«•> h.-jrs .vrwlrvday
crop* are grodra of puUtOM,
from Ottawa foil (.» sui. this fact, and dwofetl larxily p, a di.-usri..n of thej‘_._^_^
ibage. beete, celerv.
to lb^.excrni are said i'l l-e mlsl'adlnx- annua.l b-; 'Tt- ..f
•- if the reader will l<« k ;
Thcf^L-an be no Canadian eummlaalun.
map oof Mich I
a^^nol-dyr rejireaenimx
reiireaenimx Canada can ■ ?R'«-e^wa*rB"'y
ail!' y \'.f '!'.plriun ^"t" ' "P
'he m»
ther. wasaiaiby ..f I’'.'”’-"'
^^^y Iw s«i. «1i> there
B.,tUilans wlih the Volted ‘.j,,,,;,.
sutee pwemmerl.
- '
M> great an irnmnnity from frost. The
Mesa sdilp ari Her*
the Wwrid.
asylum and farm lb loealttd just insice
TWw TWse Is «wr tsorts.
Wasbinxtnri Nov. » --■&imm«dore
I Anctber dlfTb'ulty In the way of Can- Commtdore . tba limits of Traearro City."
/-'ada aarceinz v>ry promptly to the fore- Ikwey. proidetit of ibi naval
X tir>.t..«:tloB is that idle raiffhl Inoe board, has reiumss! P. Wasblncton from
il^iNG 8ERG
the sea,irial >.f th- Iowa, which b« declarw* 1* the usi ship of nr olam In the
• MCblr^m
AW« Mllwwakes..
tnlartor bad agrssd the agreeirent
would liave to c>. to th* senate railfleatlon and the^hances for rslincatlon
erould I-—It is ciBimed by manf wW>
have in mind other aenatorial actlnn—
against railiicwllon ef any treaty that
the Canadians woold slxn Ao that Can­
ada Would In the «md |~Thap»—almnat
probahly—get cnthl^ and t.e ouv her
ahare of the scale, too. The . ase is just
this: Whatever the commission de. lded
upon would, ten to one. I" ratuied by
Great Britain, while the ch*ants« a..'
duUons as to ratllKailon over hw.

Good Times
Good Goods

Seervtary of Troaanry.

Ibe MllcMa Avllutl Kisy. skawlng
I I I. whciT ISHIOB* are iwaeS
.hrougbi^niMh <-«Bjry M^MIerts

<- c r sIfows Wsdsinr. nmlrr ssauo*
<UH1 under B U sn* g g to glre ullxbi pasO U Pbm Hs^ Csp.M^rnarta^frMC
ol IkeCkMI. PMSS
ed aod Miruok lo coaions to Ike BoIt.
cc.erlo* sll porkei*. SI polBta O « O.

H U We

Mart f-spsoSurilcs of tke ImMe m■Ute _rt oar OcKkJaa. sad (• (k« <ml)
I7%.wesr Oolbtas wbereta -wlsiwt
•0 loewyaeiaU.
- uaFlke-wAj' fleo^ aaj^tallor(ox. aeO wr ore (ke oeb axrou who sell


Wror Ooeklsr eer*i lo oemalsty IsiriaU

Overcoats bearing Stein Bloch’s label rto one ex­
pects lo buy quite as cheap as a garment of another
make. They contain fine tailoring that is the result
of years of experience. We do not try to sell every
one these goods. We have other makes for less
monc}' that may possibly be more suited to your
needs. Our lines at $7.60. $10 and $12 are attracting
much attention this season; so much, in fact, that we
have difficulty in supplying the wants of our custom­
ers at these popular prices. Give us an early call.




fjov. ».-Th* comnicflcld. llhL. Nov.
nKwiary hruw and all U» coniejita and
the lr»dlne hegac *hd a Ur*e <tuaatlty
of ammunition oonialned therein, were
deftm>-ed by fire laat nttcbt- The Ion U
the state is about SlS.fM. fully rorcred
by Iwurance. The cause of the Are U

thouauids Ot -peopl* nirmuDM lb« b ._________ _______ __
flrp. Th« FMitrd inscM «f hvnanlir i
hmd to be ctiRetvillr rrtwd b«ck by the |
gBndaT tnchl

th* Tun* of Tw*nty«fiv*
Million DoUfti*.


extmnriy , Dr. JackjCMi. BinxiM, CMcago.

both fid* >nd there *i
■»{ th* nmMine orltdi
U> bettlRC ai b‘ Whelh
mihle lower ofi'SL C.llre' church the hall hf t|iarki> and burrlt s
fratrmenu with>-hl<-h It wa» *nvc]of*^.
There wiw i*» abatement of U-.e btaa*
! fail Bic

|. a. nwerday

: IT FOS 800 IEAB8.


nSiuiafc of tidd is Ua enrn
'a matiin es:■««>«
the ciillaim- of a wall on lb* rlRhl-hand- tiinateol (.irfau'd it wiU n<« bedimcnlt to esUmatu that mao.—Uiidiu|> £.
» tl
I side of Jhat thomuchfnn- wae
B. Btsdrix, MeUxslut. at Su'Luuia.
' of aavin* the last bulldlna In tl

j The s litlh of lied Cn-w elreei
nnse «aa*
Htf"inrlledtm) ha* litue iuUDeutaial
BsiWIac* *W are UManeW .aWanr ;
, J«riW them,
!co asyuuDj'ia uf lovu. HerMogba*
•ara m Tboaab Mw Wa«M Ws» lo- ; name* were eomrclled• e____ —--------------- - - I_ r_—
lirii'i]* Are Irumrsnee ; been c«nd>t up b>' tbe bfunau boart and
■ into tbc swcvBnes*
P«IU4 trail* la (In hi
~maa pwfc. HI* Uir Cae HU Hat and , ance rtiarr* . rerr practically anaalahle mffvwtioas.—Bov Jvukui Uoyd
nirhanse ye^erdar
yestentay «afier- , CaUoaga
Caw-<Kl**r h'aeeow f--rr—
•'™ *‘ nteharute


<» AI.
W> per osM. Ian evenlnit

MXhfare and lied Cn« aireel Jual after '
1 o'clock yesterday afivmuos.
The '
-------flamasw««W.dbyastronctrlDdand IW.fia*a Oaeat .Seri*. o« ~
Were fed by falFhly tnAaminatile siurksof

Eondim has hern




currrd IwlSK. There had b.*m asuceesslon of disasters to wbkA this grrst Are
aas but Ihs ellinaz. In ISCI thvr. was a
_ do
destrurilve flee.’ and as there ,was
for flghtine It. a very
i life and property folIn 1«U the city was visited by
, their own way ard It was only after j
Idagur, In which SS.OOa persans permure than toy engines had worked as
hour that the chief of the fire brl|cad< Ished. And the following year anojher
great Are—the historic •'areal Are"
sent out the signal that the Are was un­
der control At It cT<io<A last night Ibe
Are was still the scene of gnat kacllemcBl. nfiy englneh wore pUylng on the siding whi-n a change of w
rulDS. w agues were hurrying up coal, Aanu-s bark upon the lUacken^ ana
and Inns of water were pouring Into the tumbling ruin*.
itery debria
After noon of tbe Am day no attempt
w-aSfjnade to Aght tbe Are. The In­
lliouaar.ds of people were trying to habitant* devoted themselves to saving
pcnetralr tbe cordon iralnlalned *-v t.Odd
polleemen, reinforcemenis for wbwn
wvre hurried up wbec noon after <
O'clock an Increase In the outbreak led
Commander WelSs la make a rsquIsUltin
! building's <
more upon the outlying sia>
Uor.a Tbe scene.must orrupy the Are them were of a comtamlblc ebaractar.
brigade for several days, espeelally In the task of slopping the coeftograxioo
view Of the grave danger of the cnl- was still quite beyoAd the power of the
lapse of shell* cf hulldtog*. which fall people.
now and again with a loud report. The , It Is said the fire of leesftumed thteelatest acci unu tndliate
r.carly 1» ; «„!„ of the area of I»niton. That of 1«S
warehouKS haw b. cr destroyed, while ; ^..^royod *<« ai-n-s of hi.uw*. It was
the loss will prribaMy reach £5.000.000 1 pmcl. ally everything of value In the
Tbe hisionc chun-fa of F(. fllle* ha* been I {^pd-m of that day. Every nruclure
much irjure.5. tbe prlnclptl damage be- j of any kind In flflven city ward* was
Ing to ihe rvK.f.lhe old,wind..w»; thr bap- i burned. In all. 400 street*, embracln'tf
thsnal fi.n and illlK.n's mtur.
11J.»0 ■•rtvale houses aud elghiy-vlEht
niru liMpeO<*>em.
went down In nilna

..lurches, w-er
Ham>ell *U-et was the s
p of the ! great g| Paul's egth. dral. ■
oulUvak of the Are. which was due tu notable strut ture. i.umtd
the rest.,
an e*p)i»l'*i In evinnictl.m with a gas F„ur uf the gate* oT the city were
angtoe on the.prrmls.'s of Wallet'llrown i autned. It seemed an uiier and .i-rvrft Co.. inar.iei.m-nufariur<-r* at » on 1 lasting exUncti-n of the capital.
thaJ thoroughfan. Thiir third fl<«r was I
jo mere money Ihe los* ha* lioen rstl.
eruw'de/J with slr ssh Btheftrvbmkeoni. i mated at £f.0ou.000. Of live*. *.ST« art
and it wa* Instantly (he scene of a tk ml-' Ksid |o have l>een l«*l. teindon wai
panic, the frtgbi- ned aperailves rushing i.many years ivc«verlng from the rRevii
to the ro.>f of the building and.thntee jof that fire. CurPrusly enough the ter a
efTtsslmi 10 other building*
and SO effect- rimry covered yesterday '
tog,.^lr escaie'.
••• the
'-•. while
flames were
that burned over In^OOS- Thr
curing . ui off the baevmem. In less place of beginning l» within 100 yards
7thar. a quaner of an hour the flanMa in luth lnslaiK->-a. The dlr.-vtk>ll Is the
' bad enveh>i<d the adjoining warehonae tame, and the same public buildings-and thence th. y leaped acm* the street • now vastly moiv rnagmOcrnl than then
to an ennmi-Kij* paper warehouse which ' -are Imi-Ttlcd pow '*•*« fcer..rl.-«lr.,ved
was fully sllghi In leg* ibsn ten mln- I then. BIncv toCt
CM no
of *0 great dentes. tly thl* lime It was evideni to the Birucilvenes* has visited the Eogllib
Arenieo that they were face ti> face with capital.
a great dlaaster and a general alarm
Brsal Pofee af FlreiM aad IVtUeey
Then from ill the Arc siailoim. even
those quite flvr mile*
the disai
ibr''H^’nl*^aylor. ex-tlnlted 8teU-i


influite ™*t to himself.—Bev. C. M.
•Bowen. Baptist. Clintob, Ban

wwbo If
wiu ebarg* BoVblag to

Be rwitkral to Tows.


Be faithful to yoorvowa Not only
in the Icvrur rTtoliuas of life' mu« we

bo |aitlifal. but to the bigbor spiritual Ofilr playjpmwp ebere yoe eaa gel
; jlntit* must wo be fiulbful With aU the
; oatudderatit* of itoeolloo.—Bishop 1*
| W. Bnitou. Epiacopal, at PbilailelpbiA
Oppo*lte M.'P X. t Depoi.
A^karsetertoUc wi the Age.

to Pwpertnoldm!



Free Storage
for Bicycles.

.Twopence may sometiiuis hewfcth
merr than a gallco of U-ordni
..risbw. Christ

. A. B. Spinney, of Detroit, also
•ictorof KeedCity.................................
Sanitarium. ii



irtnnily to eonsc
, . . at cannot aee him at hit SaiiitBrium.
' Tbe doctor has so mnch falh
, experience be has had In tftariog -1. 00. prepared m'
• ehl^ic disease, that be vein rix7^ ■
■ mouth'a treatment andjpedicine free.^’^STe.oDpSS!^
Also prke Bi'actcaLoi-KsarioNS to I
■ At-t, THOSE THAT ABB TOO P<HJB TO PAY. ------------------------------------------------ -


of toto

fc"s;!6ruid mpids s inflim 11

;’^;themnluobtainedbyhi. treatment.
' AU form, of chronic diseases and de-;
|formitira tseated.
No man in this
i State hat had aoeh egtendrd espe*
I rience in the treatment of CATARRH,
DISEASES as the doctor. He rradureland.

U»|rUA« tt UltUMu aa. ^




tice! after that l^ored as P
of A
____ aeopathic Medi^ Coilece for A
I years; waaSTeara Bnperintendent of
Alma and Vpailanti Sanitariui
Thia erperieuce. eombtned with many
' study
iy in the best hospitals In
r.and esaminioKand treat>nntry,t
inds of chronic caaea, has

age is maikisl above .

An and liteniutv as well as icieuofai
intmt tm diacasidng nature’s law* and
rewoduciug iifo as it ia—Mrs. Outia P.
W&. IndopeadM Llbaral Chuiuh.


_____ 1OH JJ6ClL

at the Old Stand. ESS'.'Lr.Si'TL'.r.VJ'yS’Sil

foe yearn?
Are yon disconraeed?
_____ and see na,we vrill tell
tall yon
yon whether
we can cure you or not. If w«
cure you. we wUl teU yon what relief


Attorueya at Law.
ones* la HstagM kleek. Tnversr OHy. Mich.

O -M. BBOWM. AUMBey ao« OeaBeeUorai

yN ILBKkT a <IATBI. AUoraey* BpeclalatVjr irstinn to rrehBte pcanlcv. KoeBstaad
Ik Mcrraotlle Co. Block.

M’tllA.-'fJVJi.!.'’,; KS.'^c'S
Bort Bill stiesd protapUy to


cinea, anr^Ct
The Bntefprise Grocery', abaolntely
tiODB, and the benefit of all os
akill to all who »
Btill doing business on, ]““■
Front Street, just west of i;--v;

Grand Opera 1 an agent* in Paralysi*. Doa* of Power.
.. Rheumatism, and all diaeaaea oT the
House, and presents the best; oervou* ayatem. go early, aa BUT

line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.

a aaetaeatA.
Traltt. aertr* fmaa
aaetasaH Oraad Kapaa*
^^^fJilghr'eB braaeb arrtvsa al II AO a. as.

— «».


day tir BlgSt


toi’dlS.?? dilSnSr.' "TJ?S.‘‘fw*biam*a^
irvatmesi ibAlowssi of aay saaUarlaB er'hsa

M.D..l'iuve»itT P«to. OSc*toMaB«w BUs.
-risM ><Q. iOl. IIH


-•*>"' c.a-ceaaV.a^
XKWOOO O.r.A.Ora^BariSa.-

Chicago —
West Michigana

anV.^ tocuM
hospital department ii our Sauitar
ium. Scud for Jouraa*.

Enterprise Groceiy,


GliMM srimtlbmllr flitod.
TNODOK a CXlVgLL. Aitomey. and ooBiwelU lor* at IBW 0«e»B.CUr Oper. Hoaer BUTTT”H.‘p(WT^All^«« at’liw. Bl»*la)
W . BIM)lil«l tow tuba.

o. vi;,v2rL.‘4S5'i''»i?:.“«£
I. *iSrrs5*“f-.sru.“.?r"i:;'i

BVlIr Hke-h.
5HrtWh!«l'lr Wt-il fi.ree. Thl* di*.
play of stn>ngih on the ,«ri . f ,he po- l-nf-a last night by «v. r iOOC pc,.toBee was required, a* the .-n.wd. swelling 1 Th- audl-rwi was strictly In syrojwthy
to slxe cv,-ev, *•>.*. apfonted | »1lh ih- *,waker In w.-ry statement tot|..D. Tel*|dfUOe.n.
to tens of tltonsard* of (wple. *n<1 thej regai.ling Culm.
'Laylor said to part:
ffrem-r r-qult>d evry ,-«n.le fredom ■ "H ihe prwldenl make* the fatal mlsnf actior a* t»-lr flsht wa/r'one irf the I lake of alum,.ili.g longer to mussle
jtT.*ie.t;y. owing ,0 the rarTTw. ; congrem by ,.uil'.ng-lii* linyrtmalur upnessof theold <r.>. t.d .i-.i* wl.-.har- Ion false h.ipv* a.i.l empty Illusion*, l-> 1'niCVCLB W4NTBD Anroee ksviag (er *alr
ihr-f,*i»e*cff that,oM,.rd. r.. «-.m- I f<*re the Ink Is dry ujk.d his me«*agv 1 P a ,adl«,_l.IcTcto,
the war-h-ms. *: ' ev. i,ts will dtoTedil all hi. ,.redicilons.
bto'-d with the height
firemen^i-.m all fair . "I-'l <-r.gre*s buis,wak flnMlemj.balic
Which Cl
wiml-m-wtiitloii—and to ninety oayi
ehsne* nf'cenflnine
r era. Vetloa Deal. lieu. W. Blewacd.
g bloody, tragedy wlU t


, r\-



-------------------- --------------McLellao A Aah-

Suits to Order.
Fioe Merchant TaUoring.

On daadng: Why be forerer tryinir W
pl^ op. or In other worda catch OD
the walu asd twrrotep wbsQ yon <
leare them both perfectly neder his

U Tl— 0t »#A

visited by


-Front Street.

uh'colder •e*iBi-r j

tSW. Catbulic. Buetiio.

material* of all descrtptlona that Ailed
..^vere a calamity a* that known as
\ *rery floor of ihi sla-Bory buildings to \ -ft, ,-r*at flr* of bondim.” shlcbaxi\th» old strerl. Cons*<jUerlly the orltseratlon gained headway with euri<n*lcg
npidliy. and was s.<on far Uy>nl the
pomlblllly of- b.-lng <-hecked by the few
engines which nrte early >ui the

.y loeml Utowrie
IB nateni pieiioD: bn-k ~«t a>rly wIikIii:
■artoerlo north-JutMTi
For Cprer
Mlehl,.B-Kb..w. r. hrl.k.nBthen».rir -i»d«.
P.e VweoBBlii-FMr. foil. »Mt tiy thriwtenlea

tbo iiruvrui); l«ad«n7 ol tbo knodoni in- 1
diTidul to take iu baud tbe precious
, of lift-and Aiug It Lock in tbe face on band.
bis Cnaiur.—Kviv. Faiber James J.
of bi


Oerscate street aid! beis.<-n that thor-

laj B UJaAiETom.
-John Verly.

Tor I;

for rbyxical rrvb—ttcT. C. U.

Pnlhwnaa. C<

Ixmdco. Nov ».—One of the Dion dta- .
»c telepbcr.e wire* hav* l-een
astroos Art* in laor-don'i history alnee . cut. thus interruptlna romtnunlratlnTi
the «rt«l Are . f l«S* out IB a larre '“'"h many of ih. bla-provtncUl town.

Ever Burned Out?
If BO you kooir
. . tbe ralne of

-Watch Repairing.

Tb* Wrslber
WMbItiftoe. KoT. SI -roUovlac

wtd aaimala Utd la«t«





______ Letvers Tvassis* Ctty and Bk Eagid*

Ar.Travenv CUT..
svMtorOraagBaptosat 4toDj^
i KKBOAAg*BV.Tra*an*0ny


luisnt uD wmusnti li

Take Off
Your Screens

T an OB IriKAVKb-Large. Idack Be*.
4 to Have ho Kff-rl *a th* •
1j loaadlaad dog; Bearsdogus lag No.W.
KobHbc < MiliBgTSUoa.
B-B^for bU fviara Bill be paid by J. W.
Firemen would get a bad of 1k«s to
tWhool HMTd* I'adOT tk* Law.
the roof of a building ai.d hardly start
TIilffTV ACBEW ol good taad (or ealr or
Chicag'.. N*.v PI—Judg* Tul*y held
(hv stream befett the building und-r
them would be aflre and they would yesterday that employe* of tbe tebool
board are within the aenpe of lb* ilvll
have to retreat down the (Ire jaca;--.
TTTABTKD-A eo«p.q»ot giri. Mr*. Joba
—rvl.v act and ..rrten-d a mandamus
W (Iim*.2l0{llalciu. !«»-<>•
Th* rewur of operallvesliythc flremeti:
to Issue compelling the lioard of educathe burr> of bt«V* bf clerk* who were Uoc to make requIalUoa upuo the ctvjl
trying to mve books and valuable pa­ wrvirt commlsNun for vertlBcale* nf r TmwTaeairLuiBberOo. MA^tf
per* fn>ro the fire, and th* ruihlng h-iv eligible candidate*. By virtue of this
and there of many employe* who were decision Jatffl'irw. olAc* emi^ny** an-t all
- 'attempilng to carry t(i place* of safely In' the classified' service controlled by igaodaseee. Tbe oaiar vaa be sees by calllag
1 at Oauag* Waloao oe Fvrsit a«^. Tmv*^
cosily merchandise or other vafnalils*, the Iraard or'vducwtloo. rir*plii
OUT- Mleb. W.ILtoll oa Uiae «».(or
added to the c-nfunon. The heal was ac er*. rsn«Tlnb ndrnl# and a**b
Intense iKal *»'<enil firemen were'oliUged perlntendente. are under the Jurtallctioa
to direct Ih Ir .qs-rallun* undw afioweri of (he clvU *eri'lce board
. Travers* Olv Law
of water iH'und upon them'.
But Iff
« DwtolMb
wpiU at the ex<rtl«ns of the flremen the
Atlanta. Ga.. Nov. ».-MaJor J. M. TTTANTEU-To »irb*
Arv crept on \rn sieadllj- until NIcholl
rUur aorir^*r will *
aquare. which iHkiuaied at the tar end Cbuper lost hts itohi In tbe United ^ W t-ra^g^ drlyl• draymaB. IU tf
States o.url yesivtday fur the place of ■ ebswp
of BamiHlI Slrvel, was reached.
thto wet WMtber. You eaa buy aow
At a lllllc after 3 o'clnok a dtia-n boae assistant postmasier. not because tbe | _ WILL gl.e rmi a blgbarsalB la afonr ream
11 scrvloe tows didI not firo
protect Major i X '
pipes, each with a iwelvt-foot spread,
par oeak All Bubbar Good* at a radueUn.
poured water Into tbr blase from an Couper. but beeai !• Judgn
opposite roof. fr>im the street below and and-Pardee derided tha« a court of
BalUmoea Stock BaMlvad Tlirea Tlmca a
from (be bunting premises Uiemselvea. equity baa no rlgbl to Interfere In mat^odU. SOe pur quart
but ll not s«*m In have any effect. Th* tor* of tbe kind and that aucli questions
water rufted nut nf th* velndnw* and must Iw decided liy the civil aervlee
t:«>k BALK—Si acres of laadhs Loag Lake
from tbe ground r—r Jlke a waterfall, commimlon gt Washington.
while the flanic* Trached higher and
Tmabls with tbe l^iWMth Laagaa.
hlglier, and a* ihc.flootw fell In Ih* place
Charlotte. Mich.. Noe,
Pastor A.
still hlas-d till tl^ bulldli.
-e. Nagler and the official beards of th*
...------ - gulled and Ib^Ils keeled over, j iu.,'iJvue'jdeih(il*t EpleeopaJ church
Tbe confuMon In the strecia Inrreaaed as j
mj^wn-led lb* Epwortb League
the ore spivwd. Suddenly there was an
nonnecUon with the church
explnddn of gas oetetw. sowing Hke
month* for conduct alleged
the report* of field gvm*.* foDowed by a ■
prejudicial to the best IntervsU
tnon:ri:tary buah. After that the wild if the church. Th* officers of Ibe league
rushing here and there was resumed thrraten 10 stir up B big church row.
^qppnyrK MiMMU^tor sale
with inrre ac-d energy. Men rtbked their

^ 1“'
Uvp* It rleepesatv rfforts to save day.
bcx>)w U-tger*. (vaihrra. Jewelry, valuH.m.eliinn. Mbh.. Nov. 10,—The
able chit aware, sic.
'mere 'airikc at the Atlantic mloa
Ore man sciualty haxaided hi* ]«*-» . tnon mrtcu*. the trammera toitoUns
fetch hie hat and cane. SOO feel of steel 1 the disebargr of Captain Bowlaada
work and glaat falling at bU h^ aa | whom they allege. »wears at them and
Ob iBgmveg etty piwpsny^Vitlding. Reveraj treat*. them llke' alavaa Mine depuUm
erged from the
gwun to 'and ttoabla la «s■ Aremen were almost borted to buretog have beta
a As th* afierooa a ra on the taw*

iSL's‘;.'sa'«rjrE^si"TOy "


and put flp STORM SASH. If you haven't
any we’d like to make yon some.

E. Greilick Co.



213 Front St.


fletcher's Oyster Depot and Restaarant.

IfYou ^^ave Logs to Sell fh^-^r^Sy

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
including 3 Engines, Set Worlcs, Carriages
Honey to Loan descriptions,
and Saws. A complete'Saw Mill Plant for sale.





been flnallr daelded in favor of a eywtem of traoUoa Orat lairodoced and
I'.-sled In .tbe Colted Htatea Tb* aa
called ''s)orln« .aldewalK.' wbk*
arouaed atich well .dejwrved IntereR at
ChlcatB. World-a fhlr. wlU

Paris Wiff Endeavor
. Excef fhe Chicago Fair.

resllnc up..n an elevated wooden pave“I-"
:he I'nlled Slalearamstates
by elwirictiy.•"'»
mc hatilam ronalsf.
mlMlon hae l>eei>
^ e.1 tn nallly ..f two |«rallel aurlacac
ovetv>ane. and the other loreieneommla- m.idnc In Ihe same direction, the oaa
rsrtw. from Ihe tup of wKlch a madtiin- aloQera have Im^h the flret to conicralu- .
coloc Ct *
cent view Mill be affbrdrd of the |>anon the ai
•iiwme uf the I'tiaRipe de Mara and of effon*. lite lial* on-wh1ch'tbe dieiVi^ ;^
The electricity bulldlnc will l>e a pat-

sr.if :'.TH.r'.u rrrr ■


' will look like a dicnnllc baacun of licht.
A new promenade will be divided be­ The machinery buUdlnx of im wUM>e
tween th^i^hampa Blyaeea and tbe Qual pmwrved, thoucli It* form will be aomede la donference. On the rlsbi. and : what Biralined. as also the use' to whl<-h
taclnc the Hotel dea Invalldea, n-lH be It will I e put. In the center will be Ineiwcted the palace
Fine Aria, and on j stalled a imwl Rieettnx hall, of which
the left will nae tbe palace, of ainaller I the palace of ejactrlclty will coaaUlutr
hnd the two
the palace of
reen the vroup
V I of axrlculiutv.
French ..
'two buildllUto.
bu'ildliucs. with the monu.
The famous.Birfel lower will alim l*e
ai brnire, will be the only perms- r.-i*lned, but beyoud Ibl* the eommltlee
nent one* of the exposlllon. Thry will ha* not yd arrlvt.d at aaiy derision.
I«e so tranced a* m>t to chance the, Mill undoubtedly l» ad<>vd to In ml
character of the creat I'arlalan avenue. I'artlculai* with the vies of maklncti
laliibutlon will lend Itaelf still creater wonder than
to the same anietic purptaie for all time,
Tbe rarts exposition I* to witness the
tcoprnrhi. i«:.i
Aerial ranway. the jrtrantl.- telescope t a* doea that of the actual naUce of In- cTbwnInc tnumph of the bicycle. It
rnibuaiaam and and other bin feature* t>r the expualilon. i duslry. INirtlcn*. statue*, beda of now- will be In the form of a Wrycle palace.
•stnvacaacr can ln»urr agrmia. the Amonn-Ihe other pro|m*uiun* presented | en n^d the like w ill help complete tbe The plan* for this remarhaMe structure
• ParlB azpoaUlon o( IMO will be the —and there have been 2S0 of them—I* a i l>eautKul picture thu* to l.e ttealed.
are the leaull of tbe centos of U. d'aul
rhUt wonder of the world, and an un- palace for the mcfoi*tnodatl..h of the
The monumental bitdce
jwllcled acblevemcat may W eai»if^l public In ceneral. a *ontrou* affair, feet in width, and will m
the twentieth cen- which. It
wKh navIcBlIon. A ttnlque an-h
The palace Itealf will be a remarkable
to the ira] ...
erythlnc that bean jCouM wish anj beaten steel is expected tn lend nnui
sirudure. Tbe Intertor will not
Vba work of preparation for the creat money ran buy.
crAndeur, a part of which will be •
broken up into amall aparlmeni* to any
Then there will be an exhibition of ihe en-d by an oriiainenial sch.-me of
hitdertakina baa befun In eamea
Axl-nl. but Inalrad tbe vast apace will
' the deptollUon of bulldlniu on i>
works oT man from an early period up Iremely llclil porllo,*. fonnlnc a na
I be used for the display of the wheel In
«f tbe expuiUlon l« under way. The I to duie. Tbib w-yi apply particularly lie net of lareuorii appVsrance.
I all Us forma. fr<>m the first crude two
D of tbe emunds
only provid.s . ii> the more notable Inventions vrf rrenl
adopted . a heeled walklnc machine to the dellfor an area f.iur time# as jarce da that artist*, and will Include portraits, stalmecoanlsm which »ill mark the
Of ifea ocpMltlos of ikO. bnt alM callB uary. manuscriptB. etc. A WO ton clock

in such cumiK-tlnc nailon* aa i
Germany and : pefvislon of tbe Ant^cu 11
ed Klates. Greatt Hrltaln, Germ
ry. Tne treatbieoc
treatment u»
of j
- -■
mc«i favored nation* was from the first
-movlnc sidewalk” of tbs Paltt
sure to be accord" to Huasl. on
«l»»i>b.n of l»o will resemble It* pr^
count of (he aUlance, and to Helctom. i
*» “» ceneral plan, bill It wIB
whose Indusinat Inurest* are a.) close- j *>»o embrace several Important inly united with those of Ihe Frwch.
I provemenl*. One of the principal obThe esaenllBl work of ihe *t-clal mm. 1 J»«Pms Co tbe ortclnal Invenlloo a-a»
mlssloner was to secure for the rmied «*>» tact thai not only the planes, but
Sistei- this Ireatmcnl of equstliy with *l»o pretty h-ell all the other portion*
Ihf-other-creal nation*. The conres- of the contrivance-wheels, molcuw.
‘ Blons of incrrasnl space which have sxleA etc.—were Included In the cenerwl
been mart# crown this work and have movement. Thia necesaliated a «opheen ac-pied, by Major Hafidy. They fade -f the entire mecbanlam evd*T
comprise very murJi more than was dm- repair* l*c*me neceasary. ooc*propos- d on his arrival, and ara>wn- , sb.nlng a *Tl.-v..ns Interference with tbs
rally aa much a* the rDlled,8tnt»i«t!a* traffic. Furthermore, tbe dIapoalUoB of
a rtirhl to ask In consideration of tll*..ibe rails and other defects In lbs con- ^
llmtiatJoos on all tbe nations
r>^iilon resulted In mnalderahla frteIt Is expected that the Atnsrtcaa for- ••n-nSind wear and tear, calculated IS
estry exhibit will he of unosual inier- render the opcralln* of the road a
est, Tbe llncsi collection yet made of wriou* menace to Ufa and limb. With*
anulhi-rn woods, now on exhlblUon at out eolnc Into technical details, tt mar
Nashville, will be ready for IMS. and It l>e aald that the French rndneara.
should Iw corapteted by an adequate Messrs. Armeniraud, Blot. Guyenet aad
and comprehensive ekhlblllon of tbe Mncomble. have succeeded In ellmlnatwoods of the niTlih and west.
! Ins all the obji-ctiunabir fealura* of tbs
At the Fait* exhibition of 1*7* the ! oW system and prodo.ina a method of
fnltcd Wate* was represented by I.U6 traction lhal rortm.-od* Itself to the eXexhibitor*. In US> lly number was In- j position commission a* fuimiln* all tbs
crejis<"d to 1,000. and .p Is not too much requirement* of the sUnatlon. This
to expect at least 3.000 and proliably as , mad. formlns a le-lt around lb#
111 be a- ■ ------a per hour, a record Imposs).
jal by any other method. Jt
' I The esyemess whirh forel»ner# have;
a vertlable codsend If. asihs
• showrn to parUcliiate ha* caused the ex- wlH P
l•aslllotl maruiyement to allot a larvejmmnl
tMvrt of Ihe space to them, and this does i ‘

Progress, Pfans and Purposes
• fhe Greafesf ExhibfHon
Tn fhe Hisfory of
fhe WorW.

floor, se|iaral-d onlj- by fesluimnl curtain*, w hich will l»- mmle enilrily of network such as Ihe material the exhibits of prtvate Individuals and York elevated rallmad, beinf aupi
usually used la the suard on the wo­ flrma. It I* estimated that <me-tenth of by steel uprlxht* about li feet In b
the sn-ond* win be .-overed by Ihese with stations st regular lnt<
mans bicycle.
At either end of the main fl'ior srlU i
as far as the Esplanade i
fare will obtain a full panorama Of tbs
best part of tbe exposition.
It Is noi exi>ecied that there will bs
any pecuniary profit from the expoaliloD. any more than there was from the
Worid s fair, but the Indirect beneSt t»
France win la.- enormous, for miUlona of
dollars wiu be spent by visitors. For

d»t work of considerable roamitude
fTSM preteaUuiu. Intended* to outlive
( tbs exposition and forever after beausxprnditure of Tft.Ono.OOC franr*. aboui
.»U.0O#.0W la ouf money, fin.- quarter
*f thla aum will l« us-d in t•eauur>-lnK
tbe Champa Elyeee*. already ■*># of Ihe
•tost beautiful *i->ts In rarls.
No city anywhere, hoi even In the
tlnlted Blatea. i-onmlns In a* renter an
area of land equally available-for exposUlon purfinscs. Wh<n you stop to
sosslder that this wonderful show Is
U be held not In the oulsklrt* of this.
OM of Ihe oldest and most ■■eautllul
of tbe Kuro|-ean center* of iKi-ulailon,
bat In the vers- heirt thereof, you will
be able k> form an adequate idea of tbe

de Jena. TbU includes
teniiory the Champ* de Mars, the Trocadero palace and park, which was tbe
site of the exposition of im; U>« Eapla*
, Bade des Invallde*. the Qual d'lirsay,
the guai de Is Conference, the Oour la
Belne. and a lartte section of the
Champ* Elysees. thte lalier Includlni
the an- of the l>slsce' of Jg^ustry.
which was (he Iniematiunal exposition
of mo tbe first of tbe sertes of French
li Tislf the schemes that have Wn
fmewted for the exposition should be

1* under cnslderatl m. A wine Tat that
will bold kv.oao gallons Is another sug­
gestion.' Mine* and geologti-ui exhibit*
without numlier are among th- plan*
submitted. Camille Flammarlon. the
fasnou* astronomer, wants a In-mendou* moon ennstrurted, anpund which
those whip dca|(* shall cirrulale In a

employed In IKRt, In t
sirucllons will be plice
All this pan of the ten
position will be ressrvcp
trial arts and all
-It was proposed to tear down (he
palace of Industry, but tbe project ha*
startled a great number of people. Art-

amusemrnta, there srv suggesllon*
without number. Of course. It Is prod lo have the Passion play. An­ pressed It for them. whMelD__________
other Idea Is to have a submarine thea­ ibemsclve* for four yaar*.
comes tbe ueual Alpine pann7
But (he committee within who**
srary incvnlou* schemer the. world over ram*Then
and anniber srhich It I* alleged bands the work of laying out the gen­
has hssn devotme himself to roakinx
rspreaenl tbe myslerte* of tbe eral plan was loirustrd has assured
. stmastlon* for atrkli# festurss for the
that they used not fear. The an­
SXposltlon. There IS the i^arrehMU city
nual salon of tb* Society of French
In the air to be *u*ialn-d,by a cIVsaUc
Artula. they •■y. will be given a home
balloon. Tbe city l* m drop down to
e one wlabas to exploit on-canvas, or habitation In tom* part or other of
tbe (round at convenleni intervals and
so It goes.
the Champs Elysees, and as for the
taka sboSTd such additions to Its |x>pute entries have sOw ctosed, asd tbe other sorirtic* concerned, the commit­
Ution as may be inclined to thus rise in members
of the exposlllon comrslllea tee eays they will make It Ifartr bniltbs world, or to permit the rt.-barkatlon must dcllberaia over what I* before neai
to find quarters for them also.
St persons who are tired of renrainlnc
The exposlllon will cover both banks
While M Bjiggeatton* have l>e«
«o long within one CUT'S limits
held to be worthy^corislc
of the Seine up to the Alma hiidga. On
. .
The womsn-a bulldlDg. which has
Ihe iHght will be the building* of the
more than Cl of tlirse projects
practically been decMsd upon. U llkHy
I accordance with tbe gen- city of Parts, of horilcuanre and social
to be In the fonn of a romposlb- h.-od.
Ihe expoaiUon. One of the economy, and on the 1*0 the foreign
this head being inadr In accordunce
building*. Prom th* Alma brtdx* lo the
with a composite picture of the muet that only 23 of tbrie «r* at all appro- Champ* de Mars sUUon will b* erected
beautiful women In the srortd. The
' le. Init thla question must be »et- the palace* for th* exposition of land
head U to possess many unique fea­
by the eommissloners as a whole.
■ warfare, m-cchant marine,
tures. beaidm oontaintoK all sons of
- principal entnnre to tbe ex|N>*1comfurti—from the fooms trbspe wow'ill be situated near the Seine, at
•pf the angles of the Place de la

One of the most unique Idea* submitt*d was that of a gigatsUe fountain to
hs placed in the center of a great bsadn
sr lake. Tremeodoua fore* U to be apptiad to lb- leta. forctag them to a
halcht of !M feet.
TMA there I* . the gnat gleb*. tb*

Cmokrs tuldng. by » hich artlfirlal day­
light Is produi-sd. These munsier wheels
will revolve from* the lime the exposi­
tion open* until ita'close. Ai>art from
the light produced In thU manner Ihs
only lltomlnatlun will be large bicyde
lamp* of every conceivable coimlmctlon.
Every sent In tbe building wlU be
of part* of a bio-cle. though nnay

disbars will be used
cushioned wheeU In some case* lor
seats, while the chairs will be held up
by dUtermt pans of tbe frame.

IS acceptance of Invlutloa* to exhibit
>1 micb afialra, and thU one has been
10 exception.
Major Handy wUI find that the Cnttad
■late* Is handicapped by ihe delay In
laat of the important nations of tb*
world- a^epted the invIUtloe of tb*
French govemm'eal. and Jrenre all other
nation* have a ibnrA-siart over us.
Our delay ha* met with much crttlcl^
In France, especially smee the French
have always been friendly to America
and that repuMIc was th* first natlcn to
accept th* prealdeni-* InvtUUon lo take
part In th* oMebratlon of the four bandredtb nnalversary. of the discovery of
Amerkn. Even Germany, the tradi­
tional *0*1117 of France, long ago d*nlaiwd its daUgU to aid In tb* celebra­
tion IB boBor of lb* gtwaitic** of Fmnce.

T»^LE| fowE»V

clgB ecustrtes wm be allotted ahBBt
twice aa much space a* they had Ib
ISS. provision being made for W.OOS f<w.
Blgn sxhlbltuTB.
' tU U. ins. Is the date which has
set for tbe opening of the expoelBBd It* door* wOl claae -ag Nov.
&. Tbe plana bavebeen armaged on an

> Bgricullure, mines and melalluigy.
ehemtstrr. transporUtloo, electrleltr..
and Jn-irniiton. No structure of any Clothing, fnortt, civil engineering and
klad win Impede the view of Ihe Seine the like will also be l^ted hem.
OB the left, but .* gorgeoui spsctaele
Tire series of pal.tcas, on tbe asm*
wH greet lb*, eye In th* temesd gar- ghnsml prtnclple. each group, neverthsdsns. which *WUI he eonstruried on a
One of tb* moat «aeait problems
princely scale on tbe border of th*
coBBaeted wUb the SKpoamea. that of
adralttad Maicr Handy** main oontan- npld traasit witbls tb* groBbdA ban

ttmtaae*. It I* estlmatad that tb* S9n>.
MUob of UO draw to Parts me.OOMOS.
of which «UMt*m,«6o came (tom tb*
prorlne** and 3lM.SM.SW cam* from
abroad. It U expected that at leaat W
per ecst more money wUl be apeet Ot
Tb* gam of •n.SM.SW la tb* oOlelaJ *w
tlmaie of ibq com of th* Wn1d'« fair
of IKS and I* grently In exeen of tbs
Part* expoMtlsn of -IXSt. which cost ttSDSSSD. or that of IfTt. which c<wt tUM.ess. Tb* coal of tb* two place* on tbs
Champ* Etynew will also* b* 34.SSe.0Sh



Ubonl.T after Uie party adjoiaMd to ; |
atly'nro* du^ thliwi to ay.
the drawing room the buster, ranlns- ;
aatuc<u UiIk mcntitf war exly to Edward*' t»aief. aniuas&ord hii ■ oollflot uid yoor duui«r thia eruilBfe
Intmtiflo of froiiw homo, usd jatimpUy 4«u»i1t ^ A* to that deal. why. we
uldibMdmjcht Afteran eT«iti« plea*- |
^ ^ orcr next diue wa meet,
aatly t>»«l bj *ll-’ <>««»» wbtob the |
i,. ,1,^ for a lo9«
ruitw ouly added to tbo itood imptee- ; h..^ ■■
to be bed -or>«tod eariier. Edwasd* j a «hlcwofanB«d hufaittnhief did the
hintnl that he wu. aUmt to leare.
j »*«. and *c*jn the ol? witop wa» alwp"Watt a niunuut. pl«a«i*."mid the 1
the U.Kirof hi* Ubpary.
bi>Jt.n. •Tbt! otbir day 1 bou«)
boivbt a I Bd««rd« ds>-w a lou* hrtath a* be
lutulluft. wbicb 1 w^ iafumed «
I walkid into the ball He
H ootsld hmr
_______ .
tl ^ . L.
tf .. ... .
t art, Mr. Ed- I
wahlii. 1 wotild v.«T uouh like to hare j at once ronrindfd all wax mfa So. reron atop Into the kbraty and exaniine 1 locktiiR the Hhnwy door, lie pat the key
to bis piekit and wallud hahUy into
tbe drawing routu.
••With itreM pl<
"LswUea. " uM lie. "I will hid yoa
i:dwarda "Totallyuathotmt^paiot- taUy
uif^t now. with many thank* tor
iu)ttuualway*bc«uuoaof myhobbuja"
Bxc-asipK tht-nuelrea. the biahop and yoor kind h.«pitallty. Uy the way. the
his tral^ omecd the ball and hiond bi*b«i> dom Dot wish to be dietnrts'd ^lr
thomeelTee in a imall hot coxy little as ItwM an b<«r. He is busy in the li­
rooui. ui whiub a m' aboivtai ladtu with brary sttidTiiig some icfoTtnali'in I hare
Sbiiihyrical wiwka. a larite wrilitijt de*k, jnst giTHi him to nymrd to a liUlo
a '■mall mfu and a lyorlt'o! ehalm. lid- dial. 'TAmorrow eva-oiuK I may tall I
ward* uaA in the situBtiaa with a
t:lau<»'.Vitud an obwercr would hire
Hvu a uA-t sBiileuI aatiiifartion on hi* of the b
faro An odd think he did. a cab wa* wailing fur bint.
"Jtoi." eald he t<.\tbo dTiree. ••*.)
bat mBTflhiuE that the bhhop
|aviM->'n)>ied to uotia'. was to uuia.>li<enly fiyw till TOO gi*t ruand Uweanier. Tb. D
to (he utoTion like hell I've cupped the
turn lln‘ key UI-IIh- door.
■ ‘, " aaid the hiab . tale W.-'lldivvylater.'
II' yniS-ewily wbat
oppruadly •‘To
you tliink <d it"
led it wiUs 0»
air of an rxiiert.
You uo-d hare no fora." uid be U


niUEmtulate you on it* p.wiwiua.'
The liirimp (WTi-b litib- nidi of n-lief.
••TLiUik yon. ' »'. ••|wa»afraid
1 miEbt have Ixi-u do)ied. Ifaolwh 1 asu
MOdnpi rauKbl noplutiK le t OKP^uni. "
.••tine luuniiul. pliwxe." aiJiiMl M
ward! Iinitkly. ••! wi*h yon wviild idt
down, an I hare a num ubat hiUKlhy
make to yoo."
Why. cvrtalnly," fn-h.lbe btohop
affAlJ} "l»it ton-fcrwK’o to the dntir'
L|- to a diwl.'' h-peab-d the
e tn-uud i



In the dim etr«t liKlit the buhe^
imd. "Herbert H Wwards. Chitag.'-

A Tliaxuotvisti KTOaT.

••I am delijfhwd to meet yon. my
boy." aald Ibe bishop, with cordiality,
hi* vanitT giatl&rd in no email meanorv
by the flatbrinit alloiduc to hU Mwroon.
"WUl you be in New York very l«Kt? "
"Oh. tKv" wa* EdwartU' reply. “<■>'
ly _
a few
day* My busim-M btsv. for
my ridt ia a boonee* cpie. will not deuin me Iook. and with bDlalimited


fOnpTTl*bt. W7, ^ H. A
xeet with
that ralm. diitnided an
a tpaddle. cultivated by o many chaiub
dietaries A* bedned a roan with an
aasynmancDre. be walked with his bead
well ap ia tbe air and betrayrd
arttole apiiearwu* that he wa. wril
MBedwtifah.roa-V (iood rva« f.r be-

put I
in voB which 1 would |>«haps
give to nobody else toithiFwtrld."
th«( wtrlA
Tbe btiJiiip suili-d at tte^yf>aug°
"Voo iwe." be'*-« n. "th^bieet
AitnwM li
Ua delicate oie. not to betnwlJa
Ughtly. Wtenl IrftGhwagu tbiw days age,
1 baa to leave to eotoewhat of a burry
and was ftceed to tun at hardly a moBiaU's Doto I bad bni liule time to

our I'.iintTy is the fullowing entry in an old
Bible l>-l"iiging tonne
Of »!»••
"t^ooue bom loStuanna
Willie. DeortiibCT iVUi. liwO. yt six
o'cKs'k innnaug. Next day we tne>-t fur
prayv-rand n^ksgiviug." Tbu,, bawcver. u
arwpted a* the ,
Cr>t nlm^vauo- of Unit ualur-. store it ;
h.vr'lly isunuA of the rlntraeitf uf a
general .thaakviviug But I& raemthi
afl'T-ttte pUniius *ailed fro'ci Holland
they h.;ld a liarveet ft-mivs] «bich tott­
ed a WC-.A Thu I* geiunlly spoktm of
as tbe firm Tbautegiving to Ntw Eng­
land. but It was nig a day M-t a{strt by
th.' govi-mor. nor was it atuuded by
any religious obucrvance.
A few yeen tour preeiaely the mme
thing occumd Tbereu^ July SO.
I63A was apiwtobd as a dayof thankaglriiig. and before the ewood mmaet a
evUef abip arrived. Fast days •»>
tbautegirUig day* came at irregular inIcrvala fur a uumUr uf yeara, the totter
fullow^ aome maricedevtsitor abeorfioeni aatura. ndi as getting rid of
Anne Hutchtoaoo, whiae

pwA and fiwgot a Dumber of things thu
a gislletuBn always-sbould have with
him ■ Atnimg other* wa* rav watch. A*
a bunnesaman I am to ouaeianl .to-td <d
a ttmepiero 1 ue yon are w twring ««e.
. after yeu. to uy nothin* of hU wta-k „ u., ,„ dinner e*,xo.lly."
bishop. Migfat I ask you in Ion it to
among the many p.» »«,l_nch owa.
gPhUme. merely to loan it to uv. for a couple
father—whean be inimmcted e»«r son- ^
carvl^ily threw open hi* of day.V
w and tbe close <d tbe Bev
day to ihemyateneaof tbi-narrow patE
■Whatr ihonderud tbe bishop. and tbe crinni[Ji of todepeodence to
' Tbo hiahop’e •crwmn* w.-re remark- he was -bnlllaady a.-7ayed to ____
Amnica. Tbtm came the practice of
able few their eloqarooe. and be had ex’
-Oh. I a* you mteely a* man to the gnverttor of iwch itnte Mining a day
oelled himself to tbe Thankj«riving wT•Ah." tbonght therrv-?^ geotleI relv on your gnodneee of heart fig general thanksgiving Tluae at flnt
mod that uoqiiiig. The nwult of hi* ___ ■eleidenUy A wvll u> dc yonng | „ exhibited all erwuug not to tuftroe were nut ouini-idi-ut. but the beautiful
peaching wa* prartitwlly eeeti in the
custom has pn-railid fc* a umiddcrable
' And be add'd sbsid. a reqno- ; this tnfla "
Mae cd the we&ly rollectiogt, and be aive chisd iu hi* heart being tooched u ' The bUbopui glartog to hUarm
hadnorraacm to romplaiu id the Thankathemi-ntiooof thewigd-'didnert"
; ohair. He made m. movemeoL HU
giTiag day oiatnbuUiou. ThoeXi
liately awsy from ; efanthy. round faco yaa apoplertie with
>• with Uje tvliectino of work well
a day Itte ibi* i
toe Ihatthe g.xd bishop ws* on bis
vcm dtoij« with fnrod. this
earfa «tat<' aiMnia by oamiiig the atme
srav now to a qaiet comfortable, little
e■ no litue to waste day Thus Iherv U roc day <-acb you
wb'D the 4i statra and the Icrriuiries
trum the Atlanlic to the Ptwnflf and
U. d.rf. m™.ly .dpmrf f™. ,,t„ „„ . mui orawn ^
trom epwams «i«»ws fn'in British Atu.fica to the gulf return
one by uiy
p«ket acted like an .d.'ctne shook cm i »hank» to God lor bi. manifold bleu
tog* and merciea
old Tbautegiving din
dinner to wl-bich I . tjie bishop In a mmiieut the rich)
Thnre wa* a k«» miiswTioo of frost
acvwwi.vL : pvreled watch was on Ibe tor at the
to the au. with the ,-respect a mow^
! feet of the roan from Chicago
tall before momin*. The bwbop tnvdl••tosboo. if I did
that you, -nuit »rro*aia61e,"«id h« "Now.
tintarily hastened hU pace a little a* be wopld Ivfuse me I would auk you to ' my dror bisboi>. that, gol^ rruu around
ColMri NuT^Irfi. .tK> U >t lh«
felt the rootoui of the atmroipbera It ootae and dine with me thUe*.eitog." c.mrunA f will keep it a* a twBvmiir brad uf the electricml department of tbe
ImoK ' o'clock am
Sew York. New Haven and Hartfotd
"We tan do much better than that." irf
Near the comer of
1^ devised a mvttod by means
broke au
to uw
the hahup
bishop warmly. "Iwobldi
ccattoned Edwards pockM
of which locQinutive "siarte” ran be
beplra«idifipr*..uld .«nem.ddine u»g the crom. "have you ttiy mime
* (he railing to from
ntilixcd as fuel. The "spariu" ara the
“I well built
»l.>ot yro?. 1 nmfisM I came awuy u
ohimdL wa* a talk
mvomutoteundcra •cram
[ yoong
dinner, andt you
you would be en night ridienloualv nbnrt
nbort cf change.
tnan. ap^atly fiudii'iaal>ly i
liralv welcome to diare it"
Tbe btsbtip glowered at him to Ua- to the smckewtai^ of locomocireo.
He probaWy wa. not more than *6 or
Edwards' surprise «
at ,.this
patent wrath, but Edwards pneerred Hitherto Uiey hare been thrown away.
Colroel Hefl's whrtue ia in opuraiios
M. A* tbe bUbop paued where be wa* fciadn«» must have bew vety miiimil.
•taodtog be spoke to the divum. and the
b..uv,-d to add. hia toee
at the new electric power bonse in Ber­
latter baited, tbpugb the young man timing wiii go.d will;
lin. Conn. Tbe funiaoea nnder tbe boil­
ers to tbil powro bun*e are simitor to
wra anutt«-ttrmug.rto btm
listen u, no ob>«*itm*.
others, rxropi that at the roar of the'
**.“**• for you ran have nroe to rra-ai. My
is liswltd the blovCiug appaiato*
«et|iaiug<)Uicklyicthe huhop.ttde.
.borne u ,«ly a *b.« dittanoeupMadiIQired fro I
"A little too rtsd forme, rt^amded „ .^roue. aiHll «* yon ara quite pre-I
indeed 1 amjwrythatl
„„ delay mr trii, .'day lonwr.

You Can Get....



We will make «pu:ial pricM on many linen of aboee
that will miike it an auvABtoKe for you to bay of ua.
airs ladies' Fine Shot;*. »l Ts aad II &o Shoea. thto *re«l
e«k. Sl.ltt 4
Week r.ltl *


^ » «oi.

Popular SLoe Houne of Traverse City.

You have Many Things to be Thankful for.
Make you wife or liukband a Hiankai^iving Prenent
of a

Carpet Sweeper or Carving Seft
They will appreciate it; aee if they won't.
A nice aaaortmeot at

Hfi Front Street,

- Traverse City, Mich.

Yea. we ara runutog a drag etere to the Bradle BaUdtog.
Ferhape yoa ara oue of our cuabKiwn. Now. if so. we venturk to asy-you are pleased with our prieea. If you are net
one of our eostomera. w* wrant you to be. Wo know you
will be plrasTO with your fweepUon and our prieea. We
charge SOe fora Sue preecrlptiou—not SOe. Bring ns your
and family redpea. Ease sells you a twow bouto for T&e.

Tn—a„. Mich.

Beadle BaUdtog.


A Winter Overcoat or Ulster
Tbe Style*, the Quslitlee, and thtt<«VBeral goodaeas,
about the atoeks of Overeoats andUlstan we're ahowahowing. ABE BIGHT.

lit*mid Prices are Away Down for Sneh dualities.


that it tvqditv* eonew-tiat more of the <
IT was dineted »t the other.
,itb good uatwe. the :
Her* ara a taw kind**-aU rritoWa gridem
"*turks" than of cual to make •tram, !
The young man ttuilidworthy bishop Parted up the ttrtet. fol-1
“Ah. yea eaiH be suavely.
I fro(j,,. ^
Chbago, jto- ,
but itaai steam is prodpoed at a very |
got to totroduoe myscU You must pw!
low oust.—Electrical Bwiew.
dro my rudroom. 1 braid you pnwh
Utlj mrontog Mdtop. and as-iiw y.«i
,j,c rev .evn.1 g. iulroron that liu.,
p.^ now! ttottghtyon wonW u<a
I A rorw«p<md«it of Tbo British end ' b,„, Beaver, srall made, velvet
Good. to-T OxM SbdUud
take It amitt if I vrotnrvd to toll you
,1,„ y .
j GolonuMhuggitt say* that tbu “acid t
f « SO
bow wpiuroid I WBS with your ero- jbe blAoj* <--u\'d to sls-cutote he roigbl
. ■
in a day or two b»-slile M give biro a
IttvKia-lKiwriiCA-rautt* tobawoto; brown, tailor made................AOO
Tbo bishop would have made »»i« ^„ble tip. w h.-nut the
. . PH-btock Kersey.
sdenowU-dgment of thee «raplto.rov,;ru^w;;';wnn;,Twhl,:wK.r.ey. alagaaUy
but the sprakro did not give him lima t , .pjeudid i lronce to add t» hi» liiianera • hi. impmurtaWc traiU- *^^ *^^** ahout you muM «rM uke the swurtsand made and tfimmed. worth «K.
Betrotinnid burriedly:
i I Thanking
Thanking batocard*.
liWrard*. he
he builod
huitod ptoiulv
plainly .
afterward cbc
4i is
U oeckmaty
necematy to
to for...................................................'
w to.K)
biMl-This i* my wry fl« visit to New
.^e ntigUi take advawagi-^bis
bare the acid ta*u- in your month wten
Tork. I roily arrived latt nighty ex-I
you smoke or tbe proullar n- usea denseCome and Sec Them at
poet to rvtniu to my bemie to Chicago • t- »_ .j...__j
olrastm- it wimld
Huml mid the guect« tbe
qoent ro tbe meeting of the two BaTon
will not be tboningbly appreciatod.
The tusbup oudded.
After dinner is tbe best time to con••Tbon." mid Edwaida witbgravlty. mroiw. Make a potol of taking a few
Tbe Thanksgiving dinner [ttSKd off
•'{ frar I win have to ask you to open acid drop* directly you have flnl^ed
the meaL Thu i* Just the time when a VliiU* S17 OeadA Oarpat and (Qathiac Eoua
menjreants most fro a smote and amttqaendy the bett time to start (be axmid Bdwarda Throe wera the wifa
daughter and i of toe ltebupa^a
xte bttoopattomptod to«pott«l«a
iaathro, a well to do banker, 'ine
••The money bolong* to the ohnndi.
dan^tro. about kl yran old. wa* a
Pergdration fwsn a bealtby man
tall, (lender. wiUuwy girl fair nt oron"Ah. that vuj ba but 1 am o
when Inyerted into a dog will kill him
plexicm. with clear, blue eyro. and (be bronnring u fwim tbe chnndt. and I
to fresn one to three dayw Tbe dean is
vlxitrowas BMtdnoDS to b'
cubic croruiisacn to each kilopW
ibeohurch youraelf totttml fropM |0f dog. Tbe effect U also fatal on »b-1
j bitt. thckgtrtiMy raqnuv a Uiger dean, '
and naturally the e»«iviaratow~vmui«x
■tiroatdtonro '
- t Hurryl"
the nafrotunate I *«
On goods from one to teo years old are
tnnrtl agiratdralon football mal «i
er <B hi* hand* i ^
the day-, gmna Bdwm^ ««ued tbi^


to. sis"rr^b. itTL rr.


Cut Prices....


- rrlrroii^—-V
with varioos Cbirago drogymeu. all
advance him to the Uttro's^iod graocA

••Bgaa M VT cAga.”
bow deligteed Iwas at the good for­
tune whkdi led me to yoor thsrtdi b>day. J am atondng at (be Fifth AvaMA mnw tha'aqnara. &(* U my oaid. "


Hi* hand* shook *0 ttet be ODold

^ the rtimlt*
exptrtment* by

ravqlvcr'tohand. stood guard ovro him.


with the prices you get all the year around on new
vp-to-daie doods^ at

the rapadoBS pockeu of the vtoUro.

Markham Block,
**^^!S* ,
nulled Stom^ igoM

Traverse City, Mich.


k>d«i« to pv (Irk beoeilM wu D<A rent­
the »ov«t-U:n rreod lodp'. «j» 'n>»
DonilnkoD Uihl Kellow
be la­



^------ -—__ --






Your House.

aipUaH fivtof uitr loir Hah

1 b^iK-fa vt lbv»rd>-r in aliiu»tetei7oU»ct



^bst tlif no Aixl t«nb are Itmf tpberiral siafoets: that tbf win'i itTWl pw«


netic «uie iu it* int>fioT.,rteKi«»bint b
Hie ««hh ID f*ya and %brtv t^tnhuK*
Jod^iMiuon ha» bwi/ pnmiliHUt 1b|
Tbetbrne ol Old KHkwthlpafe oaed
earth * nailBKiaa. that the
SU«>iirf*ttKThl»>o«th aDdU|*rtFimod,tedU.»»-ertTicod*.ootuuualetbeBi. ^
e«th haaan onur ahell vhich i. per•» « meatfd by ih.'w myi.; tliat masoetii;
.. ......................... ...............................
____________ ____
_ .
't, °°*T .77 rhanKnob-ranuieanatiaiia.ol the taa*
Ohio. |o>l KmiKl cnmoiandee i>r Ohio jmr «a> «« 4V |kt
IDS aiwai*
De»-<lk‘«r5-in truth . ffert. of tire
Jblighta Tetuplan aad aB buoonyy aeati. aupitx r at iIh- home

Don't .buy trash when you can
well finished Furniture at these prices:


and rojoyable

'—A'nice Bedroom Suit. Bed
6 ft. hi^rh. well made, nice fin- ,
ish. patent casters, for
Cheap, weir, made Bed,
with best woven wiresprines,
Nice, strong Inm Bed
A Beautiful Birdseye Maple
Tdble. polished.

A Kela-Kah kidio' ii
r nietawv.
itad*~ and
nietamv. If ,lh.aodcdeii......... ..........................................
neutan,1 iie
lie iuctub|n
lucmbin tm-dKeat
nevdlee at a^vru moDK-m
an- iioinlinp
luribf itHlmdual u»-oi
dl:«(-ltl'Il^ at tbeMivi
Th.- A I* U’ i» «ivrB l7 the In
and ►t40id uititi- oi»rly p-naitditTihir
Thie iMloel-i Uje>ln uBthiijiiiB>‘f
B>-f 'what
{•lalled tVeeit.-niul niBBtietii- faMI mrA br»lb>T aha I* in
tlUral* n.«f the A T
intUnK-the larth
eluiiiBe* t<<asv
lodltvaiihiD the jariMlH-tinn n:tilA|mnit
irrrftiilar intervala and are >|ai*
«lie. Fcnbinutwe. th-ni are <«hir
j impnlaea whieh ttim-e tlw ma«iatit
.\oa n.^ ROud tiMie for ew »o^ a^
,.^,h ,br.«iBh ■’•rtaUi
inf tbr <xa»AiluiMU

y? mn fnmiBh yot
it tloDe io the state, for tbal (a


At the m«n«-K»aof the Brand..
tawimeutot Ni-i. Ilai..|»diin- the antiiiaJ
iv|»n> i>r<.>.ui<'d *bu<rrd a total of 3o oaomiinueni. it. the /un«Ja-tion. with a ui

^ Wim-b the new tUitry ha* been
PrtiftVKir niBelow believt.* that ttie
ran'« iremniduti* luafni-iio fdrcf. flow



eonne on reaefaint Tbe trnrtb'* rarfaee
j, d^RiH md appear to pidwlraje the en-

The «-nlor warden mnt. aaerrondoB-

Antoo rammandcTOf PlNatar* I* ar-' «
by a ^lectoHy chaftcfttl wanner, to raU , P»^tatvfa t. ab-nt
Feh 6 «>d morn April «
TbeprtniMwhIcIi FrermaraMyteacbn

'only a onapanHin-Jy thin
outoide. a« etnBc*!**!

thoORh.lho m^nietic fomr.
onnit tl
.fnau the ontude. wiw trytuB loaroid

----------------------------------D «ra* bm.


a larpt-• Dorl.-o*
norleo* m*ide
ioride uxth.- wirih.
earth, bnt
: w^Jily penetrating tbr opper Uyera of

Mcsauuttir laid In Pn>

r erectloo of a »tou.i*a> temiilv

wbii nrgleru to pay hl( aaarnaand due* uo or briorr Ihv la*( day
lUi u vniting niiii*elf in daaof etvry d
Krery niUiuteot our ezl*bnue to a
battle of life ainii
aininat «>A(h Erery «tep wn

“Sapiihre.'' «aid Prufrorar Bigeknr.
"that vdu have a baU flxed id a «reatn
ot water. The luiea <d now will paw

raU* of the imind halgv of StoKtond

who win ihc .
bU family Ui tw. even (or uoe
I-lrid I* I.................................
abould DOC
kindred onlrr an e|.n.ltoclur of
awrenieBi* arHi doca
Oov vmj
day iOM-r
Ub r Mt' look u.^ poo sm.
who wercgrfimto
An •.cch-nuil dM-haige klUrd
He vUbin U> funu a uDuiidne Itot
; him iiwtamly He »u*k1 one itoy •u*peod: fd
The older OM^tiumd refund i« eoo-|
*UliT any rtoiiii for briKdll*
.Noik- wa» ,
luty U lar freiii being
I of h» dim and aa- .
Id the JnrUdlctlon <if the irraDd todgeof
L iDCludiDg
Texaa tbi-ie are to.;!


' Retir fleWx^.6k lUya Thi* agreement 1
ia IB harmony with the aopiwrition ;
that the trne lartod flf tbe mn'a rota- '
tim )» that at ita equator aB.t sot at t^ ;
niiau (If the auti rpot belta."
Althwgb D.-w in Ibe p>H<ctar mtiid,;
, «-day. thi* intererting tbe«itT that the i
■ eon and «mh are magnet* waa di*- !
i 8D«red br M.'ieuli.t* 40 you. ago. bot .
diw-niUltd and ducarded no what Pro- ;
leraor Bigelow ray* ww uiraffleient ■
gnitmd*. It wa» unfoed that the son. to ■
eierl tnagDetinn a* far a* tbe earth— I
■PXUOO.OIK. ii.ilre away—must beamag- ,
nei of grveta-r .trengtb lhan could be ad- |
milled withiu (be oKegrer of (Bottobll- j
Becreii .daerraiioDk. however, in-,;
diotr ibat Ibe *uu * magnetic (me at I
tbe rartace of the earth i» n.mally <»ebaU a* inienre a* tbal of a tnttuated
•teel magnet aud ocranuially teo timea
a* great
WbeD aidnd a* to tbe effect bU interestuig difcotvries might have opoB
wvatbiT (mcastiDg lu (be fottire. Proie*M>r HiBeiow »aid that he bad (otuid .
an iDteresttag i-mnerUiO between mag- |
n.'Tic Law. and weather conditiooa >
TemperetarM-and ^-wnre* inibenortb-



weateni pari ot till* ctmntxy have been
found t. pi>gi*w. the
period and
tlw satui- wmraniinal iDversico of (be
type curve—explaiued befure—aa ibm j
rctinurttd (or the magnetic (cvere. Tbe
iDaBie-tic pennd, wbit-h be* tven dediuvvl with gnat care (mtu daU dating
tack SbTWx will give to tuetwruiotbe a n.rir turtbod ofr claaRfriDg
oeneetd “bigb*"
of pTMenre w Uw-h enter (be

►!•«>«» *'■ «i«K-aren,w™bm.Btog

?^l.l"re.t tbem-lyre 10 OwweUare of,mtichuea. Tbeootwdx^avftberarth
&.U Iu maalog* “'id '
m-m* to gallnT the DiaguetK rev* im..
• labor lor II.,J, T Smah. i»"
iiaelf. like a pnv.-.rf
plini- .if wft
jrft iron,

--------*7 1,with
but Bloc
H- W., South llakuta
it i* af.-iurtTn.doui.e-'of the maguHic



_____ Braegt to tbo Order.
Helmet Glleu.

From thU tiuw furwaid we looLfortn 1
The R»thbi«>e M»u-r» have takee e mia*
,eraa*od galDaell aluBg tbe line
i Rpm'iiDem |«n in ibe pn^rea. amlttovd
ipof H. '' upmut III ryibuui*>ii to Ibe luwirdutualn
I They ‘ ,ive l«vc the laiwiT U-bind tbe
; throne itoAhn* Ml .iiioeuiwM.
. iDdlllenaav and aiwthv ii.iu rnlliuctacllc


An iDteratuig qneetirai io dytuuaiee
i« auggerted io cDODe((i(m with tbe aa-'
tiODd] game The force ot (be xtroke .
* being equaL j
aod all otb
m pitched tw:i ir a *wi(t ball |
will a »!ow
be baited to the gresier dirtaoce- Tbe |
qaerrido raggmu two ratber cpotradict
ory au*wer*
A (be (tree of |
tbe drake mo*t of eourre be lost od (be I
•(>“ tocooie cvnc-titraltvl in two ' elt^ge of. ifae boll. aud a- the iiwift !
ball mn»t require toore (ircv to rtop it;
belte DpuD ibe ■ artb. uue uutfaeDCtTbmiaudUieoiberuniheratitli.inibrtn'*;d>ere. Tbe uurtbernninet (unQ* X rode
oral aruuDd tbe ituiBui-llcin'l BVOglapb
»c north pole* of (beeanbandcimAltme, ,i.e an* wiiL.u which tfleattrota*

tto«-we Lnd
ul u-tir the u.rth puie.
will, ttoir i.n«
(.na to“n*
to-n* (toy
Itoy Rathto
Rathb ...
i»x sl.ter^
sl.ter'ttow.V uwW
dWu* t«*«lB<-i-l Ito-order lit K.ia-tit* ul that they are m.w Inqceut at from Ik
wuuld nut only miu- iiuuiy
PyU^ -Kn;Bh«* J-w.iidand lleiiMt
to » degtvr* tolow it, and that tbey
•kin*. I.iit Ito-y u.Kilil al—toableUJ
Tbetir,! |•rtbu.n tomH-inlhowurlil w«* fall off to Ibe pnuimnra winthward
pert iiifunualioii l.> |m
How (tore who m.l>wairil>.n-...i...d.nOb«.
U to Ireomd l* ibo known Ibat ibe year* in wbleb
tbeniM U.-,

from iht-ir lento and in com
ai »l-ra.*t- -u
Mareabre ur
The tudireuf Itllnul* anwc|Wlat*d
«f tto next grand
gaDUation ’ Taku tbs liurbcl Irum off yobr #Sif *1 !..i IU .
taaadandjet >.,ui ligbl ablne aod tbsD. ireJuc.
•Balgbtway g.H uf> n eharUr lUt
■ Tto-n-arv h.77> Knlgbtoof Pythla* In
nmanprenie i< ot
<-o(upi**d of leprc- .Velawk. 10 r.i hill*..-.
MRtatlvcB •eh. I.d i-> the na-niton, and
The (•'{•nt ui Ihr grand ufBrer* of Id*to thto way each iinlrv idual iiwmbsr ba* a rauri -I.. »- iial ii.ei,-tual Im-uadtCRMe
voice aodvoieuu all ta*ien Utot may Id iia:ii.ivr»i.n. uiiriiig the yi.r and only
CDOie befota It
m>e udai f -iil ;ii>lllulcd
Without doubt we hove now tbe moat lodgrehave- .m-nueredltoirchartm
up to data. priyroMlve .-nkr In tbe connTbe grand Udge ol Nvlumdia ha* ratry. I Jookfortbl* biennial v-nu to be dnre-d ito Uultoiio., ire Irum *2o to *14
OMpbadomenal In growthand KtaUlUy
—b W. bquler. State Commaudi-r For New
Itaicbu al Baa

Baigbto aad ladto*
Tbe new ritual will gp into effect July
I next- Tbi. ritual U mariy the earn* a*
tbr ortglual mital of tbe orte
Tbe cupreiiii- liaigc
ranart^ bya|*-r
capita tax ut 11 per annum: poyabk remi
An iiiirrreilugdQCDmeol ha* been toned
a oompkUtlou of Ba
cs and will kerve a uaeful purpore
Tbe order gvoerally reanx to be In exaipaonally
lygud nmdIUoo
Bma and activity 1
MfM during ibawl
B to t.6n-f.»W-Rdlcr and m racial.

best S
StwingMaC 26.00
[sh tir payments.


:* and do it for ad little mom-y im you i-hl get
r busim-sii. Will exchange any g<x^b iliht do

the aurora* are mo.1 (requenUy wen
cocTrepoud t-xarilv wub tbtiM-in wtalcb
arc olrerved tbe-gnwlret number trf ran
rpott a* well a* with tbe y«ari when
tbegrealret tItoiurtiaua-» bare toen de
tected in Ibe maBuetirfialdof ibecartb
Tbeee (hrev pbunuineiia bare perB«tnl
io loog in a^zrg toBi ibiTan lo leave oo
4ogbt that they rewult from the moM
fnndainelilal fnn'c
••Nnw.wbeh fbe TarUtiato of tbe
niagtietic nw-dle ate examiurd mlontelv
a et-rtraol yreiv tbedata beinir
r—o .1.. ,...1.0
ilacre as poMbl* in boil

• of tbe earth.


ball in the oppoeite ditvrtiau wbrii tbe
nrifl ball ^ faeee ntut^ed. audcocw'.
nvqnrutJy tbe «wift pKcbrel kail will <
Doi to- taitiyd a* far a* (be clow ball
If i« (urtber hated to argumeui that a ,
batter who paore np bl* iwu ball and .
(bin rtnktw it will koock it toN greaier
dinancr ibao ii d'lOe in game* with a
ngnlarly pllcia<d toll
On tbe other baud, it i* argued that [
tbe elaciic tvacuun (if IbeYall itwlf i*
tbe nltimale force which impel* it. and '
Of tbe *wUt pitched ball mu*t be more
comprrewd (ban -tbe alow ooe by the
mme* blow it idbK alto be impelled by
tbe greater Icxw wb** tbe elaatieity of
tbe ball nauaiwa itwlt and tbo xvift
pitched ball lamit (berefore be kmxked
farther tbas the xltm balk Tbe fact
that B ctaoding battw can knock a ball
of bi* own boaibg fanbtr i*. if true.
do aignintiit in (be care, a* hex of
orfuraB, bita the ball m<ae aipazely and
reem to be inipartani facuin is tbe
(are and ibeae in practice may be .n
diSm-ut a* ia Mano carea to favur ooe
line of argumem and lb *<m» caan the

Srpt bu
The rwelpto'were ill • eruo
nd «x|aradU<iiTai4.i!7li.4e Uf thto tioo*
orer ili.evu we* *pent dtreetiy lu Onct
gUMlua tbe eider
' reiwt
repetmoox it i* nadilr oocnpuled froni
Grand Tnwrarer W B Young of Penn- tbe ublra that they cccar ouce in S6 68
rtaaty eX Tfa
lylvaul* rrpurto the balance anU rc«.-lptf
),'ovr. from tbe obarevaliim*
auiuutiung Ui fV aud warrani* |l,n g,
xpota. it to known (bat Ibe vtoible
717. h-aung • batoDBc on band ot it.- I aU 1 know.
' « of tbe ran route* with differ
Jodg»-AU right, go ak«d. - There
Ohio lodgra ar
j are two wBratra yvt bafora ttoa to adbelt, tbe average pe- j ioani—BronkUn Ufa


young men are eomlng to tbe
(onksef tbe order aad wklng tbe pit______
theae wbo have (er yean bom dm beat
Md burden of I be day

________ le phretomena tbe »
at iu equamr bM beea deearmiaed to b*
abou *6.10 daya Tbix period eortoipoad* alnxM* exaotty with that tff tha
jlorco*rtet«iadwUblntbeaartb'e nag-

a complete line of both fine and heavy shoes, yon- will
find our store loaded with the best line of warm foot­

Haniad »«■ wbo an obUgad to ga(
wp in tbe mi^ of tbe Digfa»*witb tba
laby drauld atody tbe valna eff tba bicycle aa • meaiw of indoar tnv^—

We have Pacs, Felt Boots and Shoes, Rub­

bers and SoxB.

We carry notiDg but first quality in

Look our lines over before buying



vmnmmmvmmmm% '•'^1

^ Better Attend to Your Eyes. Now |
It will net be ae May v> gM waited
when the Botlday raafa begioa .



cuuotry ID a rnn.idul pruct-w-ioo (roD
tbe uurtbweat —New Yurie Herald.


le d
detlvcnug ray* iu ibe
■ukid of over *« ; ^e ktiBcid of Cbe
oonbern bemirubef.
“1 >“ iSrauYbert. brmlapbrre.,
It can
ji f.
readily to wen that Un- A U L M
pemmul aorl^ Supreme Uonlcn away from Ibe «on. a* if trying Io lorn
' I'arUb mill- .\.iMU>uii hvl all (be grand tbe twnb ■> tbal Ibe ncrtbeni bemigain iL
^ ^________ .„|_i._____ J u_____ I JurialN-uon. of the Koyal An-anuui In ncl rfUipre abonld ^Dl more directly “•
n me.uU.r*hlp
>. Ibe aoglea

V.- for Ibr ^^ard the ano
railed Workmen I* to
iB^-wiihCunDettleut. «Vhi^ Three ra^i'loocb'ibe rarfmw
owa and orphan* of Ita de
rN«L M-dyand ^
.odlcSe that tbey are re....................
Nowhere ill tbo lloltcd
Stoua or Id
d ConCaoftacted like rati, of light mienug a eor' fact- ot gla»
the (ami)M t
g in California In U
b ■mrattb.-pi*
" Anntber ey«t«n nf force* ahow* that
EDI u( a grand a
the north pole of tbe rao la. lu all pnd>

aad axidcoim-.
beoetu fund*

Ouilts from 50c up.

128-132 Front Street.

• Id the A. „ „„
There abould bo DC-----------------------------------_
! | aarT.ll l
It U the duly of exery member
tTnaiuity of tbr untor—that of'
iii>iT>v«d:ii »
to do*U fnll ahare toward nn-uBthenlnK ' lacnadog the mru.b.-nhip
TwiAs saimi *si. *f»
aDd;huHdlng U|i ibcunlCT .So btyhre
J,rg,u„u. Ut riiTy rtyn-nl call logefb- ammiid Ibe lioU in <Dch carymat ccrre-

The grand Indgeof PeDorylrania fixed
Oe|wrcB|ille tax at H

Feather Pillows from 35c up.

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store.

............................... .
IUHTUhientp* ‘I
pn-eiiiiot) bare tucarun'd and n-corded
Btiuti not laa-rituui the third tv-itular:
the dirntioD* and f.ui-eaaJ lhe*> ioi
tUK In ibe term
A tody n«iiilier a<a«ebekah»nai»»rho pnl*__
^ r,Ttirally
tvd* af
>i{ the turtroonalR
1. ootatioHM^etuaya^aralwdBvuftdnk the n-cord*
and itmai riLUdn in lieu of a .-..liar
bn-a ntlocd to lablr* and diasranis,


$ .(

Dou!)ic Blankets from 45c np.

not give MtiisfaetioD.


ber of tlx' «Ui>n-ii>e c»uih-il of the Rcottlah
. Kite. IVnutBDloa l^timmii*fln.tom<elD
ibe Benunl Brand cbat«rr wa* that of
irer, and he ha* l*«i n»ularlv adran«du.thehtBht-t.db.e
d Ui the hlehr^t oAae ' Hel..,.i..KlHe I* <iiii«idend one <d tb.- 11.0.1 h»n>ed and diflin-'
stitobnl hlaaoiiic jun*u tu thtomiiniry
[)f the Ancient Ac-


Nice Solid Oak Stand •




Munson Block

Send Your —


"Turkeys, Chickens, Geese,
Ducka. Oysters, and io fact everylbiDg
to prepare your Tbanksi-iving Dinner.


The Holidays
Will Soon be Here

W'e have the largest stock ever displayed.
The Finer Books in sets are more beautiful than ever
Nearly all the popular authocs. have hew books thb
season, and we have them all. It makes the finest reading
that has ever been put on the market.
•- .
Our book department will contain the best that' the
market affords.

M. B. HOLLBT, Banager.


. »
kDowMsc of adn*.
oltirn(iw ‘ DoTel* ct aoIt lltaaium
knowaot Uw "phunaBi ■UrL"lfaa
•puok o( tha blch tow.
Bui It hM ooc
known tturt nblpi
lbr[ii.eKa «v banntod and tbM In the
■a^keof lb*i:all«J S»Mt'«i«t «ar*w


salt habit.
turn* •* tb* B«b* ml thm


«- •




BogvaltoM will apparently tHlato
life for a owcidtyable tima

Tb« nw <rf Mlt M a oondltaent ii ao
..aMTalaBdao ooivemllj bellarnd in
M BC0P1T7 that i«« nirpljr bisr a word
agaioR it* eznwiTO on. bat Lbm are
ponrtui who «at f« too
niBch «lt; mt It on |-it7fhtng riti

Cioric add i* Btattd to laualTaaetioteta
genna when dimolred to water Vo ^
extent ol fonr partau 10.000.

ItMaais •( (b* r

****• Pu*»K>e^ tneJona In boCKr. ,
oOS«*»'WQiipc-ed to b. ^ tom^. Rnipa and aqoMbi^ to '

her tboe liai
tf. AI
^ooai that wardroom >cft oaoBOt dtapeA
But}-on board bcf'ha* becD Atmtied ai
woold be a peetllenee, and atorle* haec
been told by offloCT* who have cralmd
aboard ber that era .not anod for timid
people lo bear. OfBoerf hart- bealtaMd
about lellliut tbew uncanny tmriea. but
they ham bocuioe MilBcieDily well k'nown
to make a billet to duty aboard the Kacra



Th«n* A.

btnad and on a b«wf of food* too nnaiA !
on* to meotioo. To n great an extant
if it c««I that DO food I* mliatofl wfaidt |
haa not a bIIt taate. and Uibi bido*
taatt CB- lea* ttoi twd ta4«^ which U of-1
Kai ».TT7 delicate.
Now, the atnooDt of aalt reqiiired to
the ar*Um i* oatn[mtiTp]jr aniall. and
illhodiethasbeen rightlroaupoanded
Tory little i* neoeamry. &ane go ao far ]

Edlaon. wW. ^ apmt

To diKingniab a m^rooni fron a
toadaool..*pnakie toll on the imdertode. If it torn* black, the eegeuble U
edible: if yellow. UUpouoaona Boiba

■ 999S^9V'9S^99939S999S^§


nbooi <a ItlkUown
Green wood hto«*aodfplotter*wb(B
Bwnior. tii lakiug ir..ti am frtan the
'large amount of
muH and w ianiiiig it from pnlt«Tia.«d
fibiTB. which to
«ock lirminn* of nugnitb ^fauoouicchanged tote ateam by the beat and
that the
u sncr.T»
Jn an inn-mew in Ihe Elwmc Ee- bnm» oS tiny ►pliuteni
riew be mid tliut be b.-lU.Tcd the fans
Chptato Parre apeafca at tin- groat di»bad U.m doveli^ thwiiiagbly. lanoe that
i during
Afiir cxiilaiuiDK alfwi the dejnuu of
inn cnwiii New JtTwy and the nemrrity


Eagn-. for Jack Tar to
with theuU mime It would
ipulbk- to *hlp * crew.
Uitiienant Hlgby King deacrlbaa hi*
littol expcrtcDee when be wa* aadgnod
>dutyonthe Bagra to thw way: “Sh*
id her full eoniplentent of o.fSoen intoo*
boaidol her at Newport to
(omploto the list. Rveay etbto w
pled but theportcabin bytbeoo
way. and to that 1 wa* aartgned-iV. bad a yoHy Wmedraum n


xroderaand igher* to look into tbi* matter and to try and dituintob the Vae of
tbi. ixudimitil a* tar a* potolble. We
bi-licvetherwill be becterforlt->^oarnal of Hygiene,
-•Vharapiwal**«* Mllh.


low^ to drop down tbtongb a long
ties of electtv uia^ieu.
^ .wooden ..............
to ao arranged
at the iron,
inui. aitractetl
aitroct.-tl by the mgfBK'ta.
fU«t.d to
fid.-, while
while tfabsBUtd.
one eid<-.

Jas. G. JolmsoiL

^ '■



N. E. Strong,

Local Manager, 235 Front SL


Needn’t fight
the eold weather


It to said that when whisky 1* n*ed
i inatcad of watiT in making gtou the
i mixtnro will n-main unalb-n-d for
yeow, will romam perfeclly liquid exeept to vi-ry Cold wvalfaor and is Wady
for u- wlilioni the upplirotlouuf htwt.


Uouof ibeeidveut to fbvouly tiwraatiun
Dii.vMary to fcivp the .glue iKrfcct. All
that to lu-v-oieary i« tu tatwk the gloe
fragwente, ,Uatv ibw.' in a ;
gia« v„*d and i»inr .a«Lieut whisky .
them to th.iroaghly diaaolva—
Atncricau Muohtotoi.

A Fn«ch iDTt-utor emvm* grain in­
to dougii at one upvratiiMi without mill­
ing. Tho grain ik noaked, 'and outeriag
one cod uf tbv mschtoe to erntbed and
dtototegratod, the paste paasiog uu to
the kiicadiug maebine at Ibe other end
of tbo apiurstus. whore it is aerated
and kueudi-d into dtgigb. which can he
pnaerved iiid(£nite]y without inju^.
The nutritive qnalitiea of the grain,
Tcr to tbeu treated with olb«. which , than Incliidvd. are kept.—Fopalarbcl-


the wardruomRumtR*
in way ckMvd slowly vith a loo^
^^'luaklng notoe
They had acldan bjA
etoaxL and it took the enilre sUTagtl^ a
mac to start them from their rusty Mantog*
Vet upon i^to oecartuu tbty •caned
m»lly and ckml llghUy. while tho ofBoen
jumped tothi-lrfen to Twoathkto aauogetrtiler TalaeegC rawnl
An experimeot with slag paving in
kshtueet. Half a dose
From ten pounds of occiiiMal yon lien of nianadam to being mado co Pina
open In hate, but not
them or anywhere iR>
ean''ul^n eight pound* of good no^ street, trum Michigan to UUnola in
eU frtoDd of the port cabin.' anggoatad
It, whUc from the i
quantity > Chicago. Tbu stog, which oantalas Ksna
one. and to awe Mtlckrn altoooe the bndth at poutoc* there to lea* than* poBDdof
at the -mtollt gboat' waa drunk.Pbito' fio npon
autriiive matcriaL
cerdiag lo Mnnicipel ^igtoueiing. It is
■nootfa. easily repaired and pleasant to
the eye, and the cost of toyi^ to praoOne.third of the pre^e who go mad tlcalTy the remo as
Wayi .......................
lor turning tbclr eye* away from the Hash,
lutng Dr. Elkins- mcatRiienMit at
and beUeva if ansateun to general woold it* dtotance, the star Arctnru* exceeds
te to the typical fiaahUght rxpreasloa' theanninactual brigfaU>«to&.0V0tinMrt.
ereuldbacinwaUitogof theiwst. A oourtof tnberole faaciUi from tbo spntuia
MDd ana* were in ore
nle toloDt on a gama of canto, chrea cc
phthisis and tends to core the dieWma. with a few figuna in Uw liaek- to Egypt a* early a* 700 B. C. They
a by amaimg growth hf haoilli and
ground wdiching the game, a group look­ were made by the prieatB. who wore the
f atgantoiirt capable o<
ing at an album with a child pointing ont phyniciaa* <ff that early time.
one of the iilctarta. ladlea sewing ce knithir Bajnrt DaU. the astroDcxure. lay*
(tog aw- a few •uggmtloaa for pons that
n^iral and .rtTnctlva for liaihllgbt that for ouumuDicating with the iiihahli the anxioat, iunt* of Man we woold need a flag as
A foreigD exohaugv mates that Prince |
largo a* Ireland and a poke flOO mika
Tiokr Emmanot-I of Naplec to said to '
t aam to be:
be an expert cU-ctriclan. Ke experi-',
In 1677 Paloon toland. in the Frlted.
■tudy. A pteaeliig flnUh laay be given to
asBtS cn all its application* to light, i,
prtnu afUr mcmaitog by applying a parte ly group, began a* a mokhw shoal. aoond. tnotive poi^ and photography , i
It whtM wax dltooloeed to turpenttoe and Tea yeua Uter it was a wakanie toUhd and was cs>e of the flm permns in Italy I
tabbtoghrtoklr with canton flannel wb« about 800 feet high and over IK mU«
to tBTestigate Bomitgvn ruya.


W. W. Kimball Co.

500,.,,.,,^ c»rrif» it off to the briijneW

woM wilhui a Ptasonahly s^ time, obrndcr. " «) that-it may be molded m«nd three lemperuturw nrv above those jq bnpu,^,,.,.
ordinary Kteam. it is » freqlMUy
. ob- ,,
,j,o mixeTs ..
Fservt-d fact. hawrv«r. tliaf wooden log- |
wta-m larrie*
rarriiw the
the paeiy
pasty blank
black ma»
mam of
| ging applied 10 steam j.ii.-. and etigtoo 0,^
V! to ,b„
tbo bri<imtttog
briiini-cttog machint*.
machinoL which
«7>todera bvocim« chanvd after a long - ^^ip it under gnat pmamro into bi..* watched me
in »h..
anhmtow-' cnitiaboot thvsixc W weight „*
of aiUcally a* 1 UKik niy tent, t bad nm toooe pound Kal<- wvigliL The briqnoctea
toiuhtl to «ay anjvhing about my expertarc dropped tbe-n on to another conveyor
coev. for I tbougbt then I bad •n-n aoaie
and are carried np and down five times
aon of hallocliiaUim and attongly *u*pectIn China the bt* to k«?pt oaoftonUy »-hiiein the ««v*yt» bucket* throogh
•d that I wa* vetplng on huaoliy. lAou- •
* U l_tod *topt,bn*y.
Wbim md engaged to baMhing j , j^ynaoe, wherothevaroitoikid an boar,
•Didn't yid'^./own brood. *he'to
tbi bdktog
^ u compelled
eompellrf to !i Wh^ the
toxompl. t.-d, another

long. Now it to dtre|»tortag

A Comiilete Lioe of Small Itstrtments, Sheet
Music and Music Becks Constantl|[ on Hand.


baa been
gntggtsl u|rtotho air again aud isallaw.-d ii>
iviim-down bv gravity
, hoau-r. wln.h dry* It. On ivschlng
the luv.-l of Urn «nh au«U-r svstem of

flame. A tempiTwinr.-, too. ..f some -TOO
••Iivctird.d blra hi scared «Ilro» furl. ^

toe gdtoi to BMriy dry.''

Glycerine and

Sold in bulk or bottles.

li*« wbeh be or It or wbau-vvr It wa*
dtoappoonU . Dunna that Umo the ghost,
and BSrh I i»« l«-llev» h------------ ----------btea,
taaOt not a motion, nor did It say any^ng
!>reaaauy I lookaai again, and U


and if an instrument does not prove satisfactory,
the $3,000,000 (which reprints the captal of
the Company) is amply sufficient to make it right.

ration, try it.

being ncmmagm-Uc, lalla by gravity to
tbo otba side of the iHrtilinn.
.1 of ctaiTc

""" '"'“"SS

acted In cxacil.r the «boic »ay In meb k<-u. and -tlie *i>awu. which ha* been
mae. exccid in tiie raacuf Irviiig. whoabut - waniii-d iuto life. 1* t-tuptiml into a
at It with ilia pl.tiil. wto-n It ImiiMrtiaK-ly ahalli'.w piol. well wuynK-d by the *an.
fll*a|i|ir:.r.Al Sum- i-f tl*e «bira bad U-va j Hen- the UlinOc'W* tlmt hiou develop are
jed lij
III liKIuireganyone
,nn,• c, tiu-Muhadk r.--rmblod ^^^
Uke or »troaui.—Popular-Bd.
id ((fUDil that none'if
... or the unfortunate
unfnrtunate ------- voUtiliiaaoe* nt nil Umd tie- diicrlirtio.i
It hod ■
bMn'duliUxi bylheuu tbc'iiitolU ghsat.' i.
Thatone rxprrtooce wa* cmHush tor me.
The Ulcrelalld. Miiina nud Sootbem
and alter ihat I by coortray •bared Iba
Becfric Kailwayoompanyof Cleveland,
cabin of another felluw.
" I.h-utenant Irt Ing and other* corrobo­ with a capital ttwkrfS.50.000. baa
rate the «orv of l.kuu-iiBDt Kin*
King, and a* ' U-.-U]Ainii.'d. The line a* isupuaed
additional evl.lemv thal the
■e i
Jt f vill t*- the longest t>f the kind to the
haunted Lieut, luiiit Irving d.-crtbe» a .^prld and i* to trevetse the atate from
- S.-w'ae.u t-xp-rtenor of the Kainv • Cluvt'land to Cincinnati. It will pau
aflicen that U to my the kw»t. o.nvl to
through the follnwiug cotmtics: Cnj-a(be waypf aopen
The nrat Uairt. boga. Medina. Wayne, Ashland. Bicb"It was at I
-Swrotbeart* and Wltew' bad Uvn drunk, land.. Knox, Licking, Franklin, Madias It always to by Yankee aallon ito-wertd am. Fayetto. Gwen, Clinton. Warren,
n avwiaoa* of froUHir
Kreff one Clermont and nauiiltou.
py. or.'a* Thackai*^
wm fevltog happy.

. Kimball Goods are
Sold on Their Merits

for roughness of the

left the itoht

£ SSIS “••‘-“I .-f ■“!

sells the KIMBALL in^
in - Northern
Michigan, ai|d mainta^..^the reptitation of the
Kimball Co. foFEow Prices on high-grade goods.

hands and *face.
you do not know the
merits of this prepa­

TWO or nt EPBOS oito suiQucma.
toelydiTidedoretoelevatedbyanendSp of tU

*“akes first-class, highgrade instruments which


Witch Lotion is all
that is claimed for it

th..<,p,i(ty and f,nantity of H'inid to be
BCTjlUvd. The inventor claim* that by

don^kBowbowloaiiwltT^nybacTiunHal the mv^-aty amonnt of ctrbenie ^d
Idlinhewaid- gait The nimlt i* a refreshing. biwUhto the light. The
noise onwud
roomafiera lime, and 1 knew tne other* fnldrink, which ktvphltvhUtodcltoiiely.
had tunnd In. but i fell uiiorouuntably
' ~^tervous and nwtic**
t turned over and
IgaUw* by Ms«« npra.
wide, awake.
faoid the.................................................................
The<]ni-siion lia* been muchdisetuaed'
an elderly ^
and ili.-ro.................
the liability of eteam pipes
.,:mun. MviuiDBly w/aj.t to deep thougbL
Be wa. itreMsvl
and Iwtl a long, gray
larjtvly a matiiT of tuiietoobvionsTrnm
were clusped In hi* Uil and hU «•?*•
downcasL HU face was not |iaU and thofactilhat
11 ti take* a vny high tei{i'
as the facvsof ghost* an.- popular- t—iKbib'wisd
Jr .uppoeed to be. but ruddy and wchibar ^-ben j, u «•! «, liro by OflUtort wilt,

jrSn-Ji^h J.


are sold the world over at prices, way beyond all
competition, quality considered-

Others do not

door had tlio usual cabin lock of braaa. bealtbfal and agreable dnnk—"ttoamand thr porthole was atoo wcnroly (as- pagnixedi milk. The. milk mud first be
tenpd Thcrooouldhavebeenooooeooder akimmed,then ibeneiwwryKweelening
thebidor.ofa.*.tome«h»ahwtoa£ao. and disditd fl»«w add.d- The whole to




Many Know,

sz.r 3; ^ r snr^t,T,ir

*“f f


»v>. --to

the mill* of Uu- jtud. be ontltoed the
work to whieb be ha* b«« devoted for
nenriy eight yrara it u applying on a
-fOitoas TWat Tors Omt tha tigbis.
amle'of many tbotimud* of iraiaaday
In rboro day* uf ejeemciry it i» not
ibe prtociple of a magnet drawing^he
aencial to have smuebudy tnrn oot the
partidekv <rf oie from th«. ptUreriaed light*. Timu KwiictMw are made which
„xdt. The magtn tic anrveya, wbtdi can be auacbtd to ■ duck and made to
were ^<lc under bir diraction trr aevout clwtrio ligbto ui any deairad
etal curi» of mtaj, melnded a whole boor.—Popular Saeuce Newa
lower Canada to the Groat
Smoky mnantamr of North Carolina.
rrcleiW Haegsr aigaal.
for the pun«to of loraiing the b.«t deA physi.'Un who has given mneb
po*i(* of iron.
thought (u lht-gubj>Kt ray* that ao iuug
'"Alin' U^ing prn» in a lug mill the
a* the cycltoi can bn-athv with the
tn anotliiu-.
!«*«>»'WUvl from <me mill to
month «lrat be t* rvosAiuably *nfe from
overux the kidney* m it* cenmval and ;
muan* of a tytoemof belt aud backet
batre nraiu.
that tho great nomber of caaee of do- i noovt-vorr, eitbtsr to a- atotvhooK. or to
ranguiu.-m and diaeaaeof ih.weorgan*,!* , »ha magnet buoau. IT to the Utter, the
^oe to thif u«l It takes tmlv a litAe
,!____ ____________________ I

tlrod by my joorocT to join U>
others who were still at the U
le tileoDu. having bade me good nigntSlMtlr alienee did not '
li.l ki



whether tfai* to wise or not we will not;
here consider.
What are aom.- of the cril* of the exoeadve n*e of mill Tbeyarelo paralyae '
WtUlaro T. Uamer. her young mllUoo- the nerve* <rf ia*t«. or to pervert tb«n
alie muxt, « a* eery proud of hi* new *0 that they cannot enjoy anything '
eiaft.aiid aU iN-tben luadrr»o( New York wbicb ha* not a aalty flavor, and to ad- :
•odety were Invli.-d to participate In tb* ditioo there to a direct tax on |nth the j
go^ time afloat with which her Unneb ■kin and the kidney* to removing it :
M cemjniH^
celebrated vAimuiuuurv

uarud. uwu from the blood. Whrtber the skm to
but SS ytmra old. and hit young wife en- hannKl by tbi* tax we do not know. ;
tcetaloMl charmingly, and Che trim, apeedy
Poadblr it u oot greaUr tojored. yet
we know that few people pnmm a ,
SS^*^a^*ldd^ii3lrfXt^dT^* heaUHy akin, but it to iww j^tiy well j
at Siaplcwin. N. Y.. and fix people »»»• l
drowDLtl like rata inberoabto and tore-1
Mohawk waa ^-d at a^
V • and puivhawd by tb. United |
fltalra jtovernaent for the acrvke of lb*



If you wear a suit of our fine Underwear and
one of our new swell Overcoats. Another good idea
would be to wear one of nur stylish Warm Suits hetween,
also you can he comfortably dressed at a very small
cost if you visit the right place. All we sayTs.come in
and examine our goods and .prices will convince you
that you are in the right place. No matter what you
want, no matter where you see it advertised,.no matter
what pHce anybody else names, I will supply that iden­
tical article for the same money or less.

Ardble 1. flrish Frieze, lot A OR
3011, regolar value 7^0, for
Article t. Gray CbiocMUa,
lot 7214, n«ular value 9JiO. Q

Article A Men’s fine Dreea
Orerooeta, lot E V 8 r^n.
lar valne fi.OO, for---- Article 6. Men's fine Drew
Overooata, blue black Chin­
chilla. lot 7473, regulfr »»!•
ne6.00, for.........:........



Artislee. Onr bait Mn't
Dreaa Overcoata. lot 6272, (
refular value 12Ji0. for.... '

Article 7. Lot 7285, regular e oq
valne S.00, for..................... l.»0
Articles. Lot 7S11, Reunine A
Melton, regnUr val. 6.00, for ^


Article 9. Lot 7488, extra
heery, dlile-bnaated Ober. A OR
iokSnit, reg. value 7.00, for
Artiele 10. Lot 7492, fancy
Flaid Wonted, regular vafne 1050, for.........................


Leader of Low Prices,
Traverse City, Uich.

244 Front St, Brosch Blk.

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