The Morning Record, September 25, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 25, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


UntTw-No. 124.



was ihtocsu so

Att—OBZMtO«7TM7 1^
-rnmotAttnetumMTmUi^ *j
Mwehftati-OAmM W«r* ▼«*r
BMa—fol-PtaU of Tlckoti Sold
I Bwiactho Wo^
IlMfoiroftkoOtwidTroww Afri
ooltml ud iBdwtrlol Soeietf hM
poModlatohtetocTiB OOBN roopoeta tk« fair wm » rae«0M ood U otlm a tailaro. Tke oxUUti of tha boaiooM hmo of TraTcna
Ottj wan ozeoUeot and aa Udaz to
tbo pwwWal ootarpriaa of oar mwOkaau. The aama oMp bo aaid of ibo
•rt and oebool ozbiUto. a faU doaeriplim of wUefc baa boon fitw la tbo
SaooBD. The fraU oxhlbiU WOK aiaek
bottor Uaa wore ozpoetod. aa tola baa
booa a paiofnUr off yaar tor tho korti-



Wl^ooplBC Ooacb Oaoao Soot Bo
QaatoBtiBod At VUb Laks.
VreporttiM la DoIbc Bortnd -Vltb
Tba oaoa of Lowla BeeUoa aa. tbo
pooolo wao oallod loot naiadap aaA.
Itallsta An Maym to Pnab tbe
waUBood orar util Friday, ru
iplaiot of Dootor Holbardt,* aa
haalUi offieor. for tba
eharrod a rlolattoa of tbo qaaiutiao
For two yean than baa beu nothlaw. la takiat tb^ ebUd ool after bo- lay of a dofialte ebaraeter kaown aboat
iae qaarutiaod. for
tbd pro^eeta of tbe Tnnna aty, (Nd
j Attoruy Boyd aj^aarod ifltaioa A PenlBaala SaUway Oe..
fortbo paopla and C. M. Pbelpa for tbo whicb waa otyulaad tor tbe par...
poae ot eoBatraollBy a railroad from
Aftar akard flfbt tba joiy broafht la iTnniae City to Old Mtmloa. Imtotbrir rordiet bf raUty aa chaired. Tbo ly.
howenr, than ban
tl and ooota, aarotiatioae* apu toot*' wUeb may
denl^ a matorlaUsatkm of tba
plu ariyiaally prepmed.
U E.
Oibbe, preeldut of tbe eempany,
bat beu la cerraapOBdUM with eaat-


Du Ballay IMk Flrat aad Arbatah
BooOad Koaoy—Battio Swift ud
Mattio HaU Xa tbp S:45 Baoa
od ttaolf at Baal Joidu Tbnroday ud
rood taonoy a^tU bo broarkt troa
tberp today.
Du Balloy. owned by A A MoOoy
A Son. took fint money la tko tr«e for
au. nao.
xuae, s:so-s.-SB. arooMB,
Arbataa, ownes
b™. ul 11.07. >~V
to bo doM
0 in tbla eonaty
eonatr at a fair.
I_____j______ .w______________
The atteBdaaeo yoptortay area j
tieaUy aotblnr. tbo ^raator part of WlUiam Irludb maro.Mattio Hall,oaeb
tbooe oa tbo frouda bolBf tbo ublb- took two boata In the »r4» km ^ tbe
Iton who dentod tbolr tiam in claarinr pane waa dlridrd between thorn. Tbe
tbo mala buHdinr aad rrouda of tbolr otrinr.wao taken to Boat Jerdu by
Sort MeOoy,' Bd. Lantaor. BUly BlyHowonr. It la pneUeally aaaarod flaa aad Charley Goraaalao. They wlU
that the ozponaoa of the utorprtae will retara today.
bo folly paid tron tbo raeripta. Booaaeo tba qzpoaoe tbla year baa bou mSSOKTKBS^gSOX PABX PXAOB.
1W total oaabor of admlmiu tlok- Tbo Season Bao Boom btroariy
nldwatl4t«. Oarriac* tiekota, 4».
Ploaaut At tbo BotoL
j tiekota, 167. The priaelPark Plan baa bou u attnetln
pal day, Tbanday. then wao a lar^ PUm for anatmor ririton tbU oa
bu laat you. Then
ud aevoKl famlUoobato bou tboK
atoo a few aapn admlcalont oa tbe diet tbo utiK onmmer.'- Ludlord ud
day. bat ra Wodaooday aad yootorday Nk. Boldu ban offered a>uy ooeial
ffbtao WM a peroeptiblo falUar off. ottractioDB wbleh boro bera tboroacbTba taraooon Wodaooday ud Tbnn- ly appreciatod ud tbolr poeata ban
Aay won well Doadnetod ud oxelllnr atoyed loacv than orirlnally Iniradad.
Aa tbe ooaaon'la over, bower^ tbo
raesta baTo|bornn to depart. Yootarday, Mrm. Karoe. of Chleafo. who baa
that a ooriao of eontoata ooold ban Mtoruinad aenra) timoa dariny tba
bou rlna yoatoiday. porbaph then aeaaoa. ud who baa mad# muy plaaawonld ban baon a larror attoadaaoe ant -friendt. left for her borne. MVa.
from tbo city oa tbe laot day. Then M. A. Mealck. and 'danpbtor. alao of
la BO diapatiar tbo faet tbat tbe fair Aieayo. loftyeatordayaftornooa. Mk
waa Mt tbe obccoootbUy^ tbat
O. N. SnowdoB ud danybtor of LoaU.
Qraad Tnnno ooutr utorprioo rille, Ky . ban cone to St. Joaopb for
abort rialt baton Ktaraiar to tbalr
Tbe diaplaya of vafotoblaa aad farm
prodneta waro food, what then waa of
them. Bat they wok Bot fair KpKaeatatioaa of tbo prodneta of tbo Orud
Tnrotoo tama. Tbo prieolpal ozhiblta
won mode by tbo markot fardoaara,
tke troaeral farmora Bot dlaplaylB*
tbelr aanal latanat In tba fair tbla
'year. The atoek ozhiblta won nry

rnpila Of Bl{^ School Isat VIghA
Tba moat daliybtfnUy laformal aodal
latof tba year waa ujoyad by fully
,««>.. I. U.. p^loT. M
tbe Oo^ntational efanrrii Uet nltht.
A natabar of tbe rnaeta
of the Hl^ o^od; tauy otben wan
pn'pUa of tbe Hlfb aebool. It waa U
boBorof tbeaetbat tbe reoepUon waa
arraaraA A eaaaideKble annber of
-nbne pmant wan nemban of tbe C.
E. of tbe Cearron^aaal ebareh, who
airaared tbo nebptira: than were otb­
en prtaaat from tbe Tariooa ebnreb
ooeiotioo of tbo city. A1 of them
yatborod to afford tbo toaehon
u opportnalty ■«. beebmo bottor
aeqnalnted with tbo pn^ aad


laat Blrbt (rota a trip to Oaooda. AaSabU aad otbor polota la tbo oaaton
partof thoatato.
Jake Strnblo of Poioakay la la ^
oity aoooBipaaiod by Inaa Parker of
OerrinfftOB. Ky.. who la
tbe eetabllahmut of a dtotlUarr at Pe«mk«y.
Mtoa *nly» Moryu to In Mutotoa.
wbon ■hoarlUopoadatowdayo viaiiiay friends baton yolay to CUoayo.
wbon oba orUl aioo rislt s abort timo
bofMo yoiny to Foreot Oton to roonino
bar otadtoo la tbo Nattonal Park Saminary.
Mtoa Emma Jon of Ssttoao Say aad
Prad SebKderoftbtoeity. wmo mar~
riad Thardday snalay at tbe home of
tba p^ts of tbeyroom. Ike oen-ony. waa psrtermod br Ke». Boekeler.; The ynay eonpls an belny
-JOyTatalatod by tbalr muy friuda
ud will soon be at home at their realduoe at tba eoraer of Codar ud SecMd atroott.

be baa noeind eoaaiderable anoonr-'
■yemeat. la a latter froei^ifotr Yorit, at tbe tall i
September St, it la defialtaly W. Q. Lawr«
that If then la u dilfietaty
about tbaebartor ud riybt of way tba
■ inumirj capital will be faralabad.
pKridlay tbe eompasy to pnpared
act in a definite pr^oelttoa
tbe. lino.
Mr. Olbba ttUI e^ a mntiny. of tbo
otockholden aut weak to yin tbo
Blotter farther conoldoritira. Iko
a bao already beu aabmltted
to the prlneipal atoekbolden and they
in aiysified tbelr wtiUnysam to pnab
the pro)eet alony.
It will'be remembered that about
two yaan ayo tbla pnjoet waa yiron
Kbio atlutim in TKnrac
Bot than waa umo tronblo
abut tbo riybt of way. Now, howom,
Mr. Qlbbo auteo.tbat that dlffcnlty baa
bau remond ud tbat tbe riybt of
why to oararod by'yvarutaea from tbe
parties who at first bald uk
Tbo main difficulty, wbu tbo prop- rbnrittiayoa'ono of oor 1
ooIUra was firat made, waa tba lack of. ootao to u oaay matter for tbo daintily
Tiato allpo
capital to carry oo tbo uterpriao. New
loonaod. ud tbe vtotboK oooiDi to be a way oot and it -u
practically asanreJ that tba neeaaaary
ipiul to tortboomlay. proridlay then
wUI be no qaaoUoa abut tbe attitade
beantiful affect of aUtor’t’ffimlof tbe preahat etot^cboUera.
tuK artiatically amayed, tbat bit
A proapactna baa beu aobmiltad to mind toniad to boam eomforu aad
the partiea who an daalrooa of lanat- tbonyhUof love
lay aad puhlay tbe project, ud it now
WeVe tbe Pnraltan at decidedly
that then to a prnapeet of a rail­ tbo lowest prioea.
way line from ben to Old Mtoalu.
Tbe nice of aaeb a liae to obrifrua
and tbe benefita to be derived by TnvaneCltyud tbe farman, marebuU
and trait yiowen of tbe pulpanla
onn to ba yreat. If then abonld pron
to be a chance of tbe line belny u ao•ared fact then to no dcobt whatever
tbat tbe uterprlm wiU rouive a yrut
deal of oaeonrayamut from tbla ud
Of tbo rooto. Tbo yrowiny bnainom of
Xca. Anna Haadlud Stridtu With that seetim of tbo oonaty, both amoay
Haart PaOttaa.
tbo farmoro, frnlt frowam aad the roA vary oaddu ud ead dwtb oeenrmakatbsprojoetoao to bo am^
moKiair aidarodaeriooaly.
„ E»t Pro.1 ««.t. Bt. A.». Bad•ly aa well aa
few mooaota beton tbe time taentloaad. wbu abo wea andduly striek- O. V. OndBoy ofLake Abb, Died Taaea orlU haart faOnre. Deeeaaed waa tordayKonlayofaPxactuKd SkoU.
34 yean of aye. A bnabud ud alz
C N. CadBey. a vetariaary satyeu
^lldren eoi^n bar. Tbe fuaeral will of Lake Au. waa kicked 1b tke tompla
take plan toa>orrow.
by a bom while be waa eaynyW ^ f
laatiay the utmal from a plow TbaieO. B. A I. Time Ohanyea.
day evuiay. Tim-injur waa fatal
Tbe aew Unw card will yo iato otet ud Dr. Codney <Vod about tU o’clock
an yarmwto tbat
most mrrebuto think
on tbe local brucb of tbe O. B. A I.
irnlny. Hit okoll was
eu bo ollybtod.
railway tomorrow. The Soaday train
Ueernaed was tbirty-alz
anita an dlfferut. For InwlH be taken off ontinly ud tbe ar- yean of aye. Be leave* a wife and
atuee. wo yin particular
ordoK to have oor Woririny
traina will be at 1:30 ud 4:03 fou ebUdru. Tbe fnaanl wiU taka
Salto made up aasnfaotanUally. l(
p. m. The time of depertnn tor tralae piece at tbe famUy reaidsnu at Laks
wUl be at U:1& a- m. ud 4 p. m.
Ann at 2:30 tbla aftoraou.
Prion we offaru aHiele tbat to
Hen an tbiaa Iota, cuaot ba
Bobt. A Bold, totbeayutla Tnvbaatu:
• or tbe Hebnw oa Chy for tbo Grud Calm Too Co.

tbe teeeption woa yiron. It waa a
cban&iay ennu one ot wBleb cordial­
ity waa a fnlnn, and whoiti mataal
tin of friendabip ware tba raon firmly
eemutod by aooclabllUy which afforda
How Tear HoUdayo.
of Now York. Ur. Bold kaa bon aooppartaalUea for tbe luminy of laatr
aa_|itciabers baa baen raoryotl- licttiny anatom here with a blew to calay frludablpaud bladiny nuwe cloae^
rklny for aono time npon tba UbUtblny a tea. eoffoo ud ai^no atora.
ly tbo pnpUa to tbo toaebert ud of iBtarior K{mlro and daeontiay of the | olmliar to tbe
fonnlny ties whlrit will lend eooenrBe bao worked oo braaeb otorea la Cbieayo and other
•yonut both to teaetaor ud papll.
bard tbat tbe it
Iba yneata won reooind upon utor- been made, laelsdlay tbo paiatlay of
Mrm. Bald arrived from Cbariav^
tay by a eommittoo eoaolstiBy of Prof. tbe bnildlny. ^bonta pnpamtieu Wadaoaday afuneu aad they ban
C. B. Horn. Mtoa Junto M. Blyyo udi^
proynm for tbo beUday u*la tba rity,
M. BJ Bolloy. Mntaal Introdactioaa
rtho Second M.
fellowad ud U lafcwmal social Umo
followed tbcao.
towns an'ezpocted to partieipato. Tbe
The iBoyram was in eharye of tbe C boUdoya tbla year wU], ba obsamd
K. eoelal oommittoe aad wm admtoably with tbe most alaboKto eeramaatoa
F. O. Baaau waht to Ormad teptdo
carried out.
ever amayed ud tbe pries of UekaU yaatorday aftarnocm.
Tbe teachen and pnplto wen wel- has bou fizod at tl.U.
Etowortb Bala baa taku a poalUoo
oomad in behalf of tbe/Frimds ebonh
la tbo oton of Fruk FriedrkA
Ohlaayo KazlM
ky Levi HunlBytu: by Mr.
Mn. M. A. Wastyata ntnraad yaaGhleayo. Sept- 84.—Wheat—Septombeball of tbe Bpwortii La^e ot tba
tardoy from a vtolt to Otud Bapldo.
Matbodtot choreb; by C. A Boybee la bar, gstoc; Dooamber. CSH(<Ke: May.
Mro Joaapb Brotbwi af Cmmiac, to
-bSbalf of tbe Baptist Toany Pupla'a «itoc.
'Con—Soptambar, UBe; October, vtolUny Mta. Bowan aad Mm. Ctow far
OaiqB ud by Mtoa Oalia Driatt '
MUc; Daeemoar. to^c; May, top.
a few days. _J
half of tbo C. E af tbe Ooayrey
Mim Alias Bayot of EOt TUpbto,
Oata—Soptambm. IVUm Octobm.
. obanb; by Bar. D. Ooehlln la behalf
UXwDybambar.toXOXe; May. ns bou tbe ytMSt of Mn. a P. Oamr
ofaUtbachi^rebao.dnriay tbo fair.
An aloqnaaVtpneblBy napuoa
John Harwood, a pAmlamt attorPerk-Saptambar.
taaeban udpBpOawaamadabr Mtoa
aey of White OonA waa la the city
LUllu Dawnlay.
Oetdbm. yaatarday u profamltmal boaiaaaa.
TbMa wan foUowad toy aobart proBlmm MeOoy arrived from Bead
yrnm ammiotlay of a piau aalo by t4J0;'Daaembar, $4.45^47.
- Him Gartrade Moatayu: nedtatin by
dto call today
forUadiard Oomptam of tba Botol
ilm. j. B.Mai*lBUdamaaAoliBdBatt
■a sea bar hi
by Lottie and Omrlao Seim.
AlAvmu A W. Jabiua ntaiMd,
aad vrlator milllnary.

Two Cents.

When the Fnst is on the Pumpkin
TCrfanaer tbu is happy.
Thnb tba time m too an happy,
Fdr ha bnya tba yooda we tttL




M. B. HOLLEY, Muaonb

Soma of tba bNcyaat tUayo
for tbo moBoy In tbo rity at





\, suns.J


I lot
- $3.98
I Ultras" $5.79
I lot

TbU Store vrin ba clooad
Monday apd Ti.«sday, Sept- V7>38.

Our Suit Prices

$8.50, $ia00, $12.00, $15.00 and $|8.0a._
They’re the same materials as.the best,
tailors show, made equally as well in
every particular—tailoring, fit and style.
Out Suits Stsad Up Against Oompetitton-The best of
Beauty sad of Barrioe is hi them. Come to au them et

lalUU* Si70ceAi.0uptt sad Ol0tUfiyBe«M.>


nonrtoMa If. oni btuiiiM,. Ifw,
don’t mnk. Good Flonr wn ennt upnet
toMUlt nur. why w. kMp




Flour up to Its Btgfc Btaadard.



BrahM puut» aM»eiiM,«ranhm

for Half a Dollar I


We Goarsntee No Regrets.


DopartMl to provlny a aneom
Wujd bTplmSd to’SoiJ*fu
toSiorbiJ.*‘*“‘“‘ ^

eWHv 04 Istlut TUMr.

wouldn’t be remarkable if it weren’t for
tbe stilts themselves. For instance, take ''
our line of Handsome Fall Suits (made
from the newest fabrics, and cut accord­
ing to fashion’s lat«t requirements) at

We Inn jKt receind an eitire New Uae of....

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Be«t Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, st---------





tbm Kwnro

■OB^ nE8(8 tmCL

mL^SKsx cnr. ^

maooap. battopat. mptmcbmi w. iter.


tat aoM »o raUiOW
votmAx. nrnv oBUUsir

nMatmlmiro Alice M. 001. Obptala PraakUa. beared for Cbtoafo laM
a«htwlttaao«>wcaic»«fpiM aad
a tar BtitaahOaea A Bmbraa. Qap-


ahwtt7 BiMn V«TB«d to Lmvo tho i^SX^sUally to cam a( tbMd .
Udtac-Vteo BopMtmMt Grip, Dtona^w
d St Ootttac of Hoo»-PoUo> fell bed been ramoved by
> Sake la 1,«
ctherttiM Mod >7 SMon.
W. G. Lawreaae'a MOUamy Parton.
aa aohieveoMOt. and yea if Mtoa Doyle, wbohaaebarfe oftbe dtoedfcc
mA a thi^ wm poitofato aftot it had ptay. to arapared to fiva leaeoac to all
foM of ottMto b7 » mob, oaolOad tlM bees
lid atiU ha M If


AaporiMSt tkk aaoralar to mr*
tome______ ,
letbmeaaythiagtbattocMnmlT WIU
■oio portion •< tbo Bwion** &--Midlot.
^ nmn of tbo itniet- BDytbiac toal tbTOafboat eornlty? Ae
Oar Bpaattmlted aMBBtoare'WkwMbomd. dit«o mA Buoi- we look at tba world abmt aa U Mw lac like hot cakea.' try them. MeHbtoet ta the Uws of obaiw aodde- Lallaa A Aah.
tprotUMoltiamwUcAwoolMld IM
«ay. and we an nmioded?the wonto
• rtotoaoerowd fotberod woood cd tbe^KMttolbat**U«thla«ethatan
the boUdlof end opeolr. thnot
eeea are tampaeaL" The world bai not
tbot ot tbe^nt opportottiV «*W7 alwaye extoted. “In the beglBBiBC Ood
created the baevcM aad tbe earth."
«tmU«r« IL
Tbe world ' wUl not atwaya axtot
attMdTO inbUloowtlc»<ktioot of in- Afaea and a Bomber of etatera.of chor- “fieevea aad earth abmll pan away."
’JeeacOixtot. What then to eteraalT
tty with help from the boeidtal hed
MiohJtoo. U tkoro or* ony polUy heea pottiny the boildlng ia order ' koldm of the Boy Stole Boooftctory reoepUoo of yeUow ferer patieata.
daeoeioUoB of Weetleld. Mo». to tUo
M Biybtfall Serf. OB Bloom of the inOod'iword. HomaB life to not a
Tidolty they b«l brttor enquire loto hoapltal. the atotera aad othere, bad ■peril that to to be put oat to thto
the oondltio® of the orfooleotioo. A been warned that they bad beet leave world, hot it to an etental ray. hern
TCoeot exomiooUoB lodltotee that the the boildlny. They did eo headed by iatoextoteooebytbepowmcdQod. We
totol ueeu era hat •ift.m end the lie- Stoter Aynea. rolay throoyh a deaaa •hall live fareret. inito>4^ SMCt eolaodabooldbetti^a^lmpreHive
todby tbeeleraaeeor
WUtiee •4J4.818. Cooiialwlooer C^p- crowd of paaie atriekea cdtlaeBB. Than .
roTrlation of Ood'e WM /
beUeayethat the ebowiat to eaeh that a amaU forae of police were ordered to
Tbe revelatioD of etomrity aa to Ufa
the eeeepany ontht to be prohir
the aoeae. bat the mob. beat on iaoea- to eolemn end impnexive beoanee tben
ehai^tbaa the foarda
(km dolof bodoeM la Mkhlgeo.
nod while |tbi*polloe were bnay eaToo defeub la the Loetfret amider traced in altomptloc to qnaJl the rfol- in bappiaem with Ood, aad eteraal <
ona crowd in frOat of the tniUdlaf. two death, eternity eiietit in aeperatiem frets I
that lira. Loettret to alive aad ddac of the iDoeadlarlee with a flve-callae God in Bieery. It to thto fact that t
trelL U ttattotbecoM the Identic eaaof M proceeded <«o the rear aad Bakee Henilty of ao Bc
and iBporUnee to c- It to thto fart
qnlckly hed the boUdlac oa fira. The
oeaeete vet to etlU a nyetaiT. The firatenciae'badecarealy arrived wbea that elMiiid Bake tu wUltoy to aarriSc*
tbit lif^ if neeeeaaiy. that we ebooid
ayetery of tbeeooeafe tnaanfi
their boee waa cnt. When other en- pnin eternity. Many think it to aoreaby beuttraa will therefore eoat
Ciaea arrived their hoee waa atoo de- aonable to give ap tbe prenat for tbe
Matter of reSectloo to thooe who have atroyed by the mob. Chief Oaater final- fottite. yet It to what Bcm era doiag
oowamed thq.i>rod«itBof the laetoty ly*rrtvad la Ue patrol wacoa with a
la practieal daily li
7 dtr it
fO. 80 I
la tlaae tone by.
bic aqnad of ofBeera who bdbt the mob
net ravitwof yellow.(eew In the ba^aadltbea the ~
tOyeanof troQwrity
•natb ailordeacbaBeeforlhe favored In preventlac the a1
(Dtaie. and -yet ao man bee any gaarcaeUeataoftheQrandTravene ration of the bnlldinc.
antn tbrt be wiU live tbeee fame
Every tody to the dty wUl profit
to r«)otoe^toorellBatetoa cai
The bnUdlac wae eatlraly tooUted
by aa iaapeetloa of oar elegant
le rormen to ^ivifioa
tonohaaoonr|e.aadtbat a foothold laadtoaltnatedlotbeoeatMofa lazfe
llaeof Umi^.
(or the dMoaoelathto aoetloa of the •qaara. Thera waa no deafer ot lafeethm from It and the people of the
than to HTfiflee tiae for eternity.
aei^borhood ware eadiily alarmed. Whet are SO. BO. 70, 100 yean in oobBtevltto^
new eaeerhaebeea reported ihto larleoB to eternity lea tbeee few yeamf
lltoe AcBM 1. Doyle, fomarly la mermlaf.
Gladly aboald we be wUling to loee thto
Front Street.
boil----- here, to afaln la the dty and
IOC deathe have oecanod «p to oa lita if ninreniy togein etemel lito'
Etonal life can only be fOnnd la
k toriWt .
.1 o'doek Ipd^ from yeUow fever.
Jmbi Ctartot Cbrtot came to e«tta to
bbe. W.«. tawrenee'e. Proot etreet
bring life aad immortaUty to light
dt the Good Teaplara aeetlaf thto
tbroogb the goepel. He baa bnmgbt it. One Week of..
•nBlar. Oompany Ko. t. wUl eaterj
tala. Kvery meaba will be expeeted. „p„ To„ c.»n»k.u.
Xhltiatory ooranoalea. Weloome exThe dtaplay window of Baakell’e | ,p
aralb to diet And yet
bookaton to the Markham block prw God hm revealed tbe fact that bmb
to etoHlay Good Teaplara.
•eato a^iereeUag dtoptor'et carved •hall lire
Ewndtrl BirTtillrl
woodeaWare. the haodiwe^k of Eobert
De» kB« an thoti. etwtilty.r
Dederatadt of Beltoira. who bad
A* tens >» Gcd w Uod. •» kec
Endara the p»l>» ’ > bHI end wrap*.
exhibit at the fair. Mr. Doderatadt
able latormatioB.
loafc the >«ia of btavra rmalB.
will ehow hto norelUce aaUl aooa to­
oa.Ui«BOoyi oil UMUitiatBi
PkltodeliAto. Sept. t4.-Llentei
day. la the meantime. If there are any
p^. tbe arctic explorer, arrived
Bible Reedtiige.—Dent, xxxiii, M
who would like to have aamce owed
here lart alfbt aad weat to the hotel
upon cuee or nmbraUa hpadlcA he *T: Pa xe. 1, 8; toa. Ivii. 16; Math
•ad retirbd wUhoet regtoUrlag. He
will be prepared to do the work ia an
.gave ordere not to be dtotarbed eaytog
arttoUemaaserataeaatof from 10 to John lii, 14-81; iv. 86, 8
86; Bob. vi, i
' that be wosld receive ae one. Early
15 cento eaeh.
1: lTiB.Ti.6.18; I
fihto Boraiag tbe explorer wae dr
l>r. PamsHSOdaUMsg of «|<m4s11m« ar* is
go twagae Uland Kavy Yard, where he
Md be wae going on otOetol boeiaeeB.
■a etat^ tbto morntoig that what he
y Iby Btart a Ootoay
by knowing Ood hintoBlf. we
^ ^ Ue finding of relies of tbe
we Uim to nstum.
Save Your Lll*.
Greriey expedlUon.tTheee were fonod
-CvTO* Field Wmto a more profonnd etady of the
Cbieago, Sept *4.-C:
» wbicb eera tbe liring God ai well
«■ Cape Sabin, but he mid be vr
rilfred F. Boetoad
ard of Beetoa aed Wilfi..
■ot dneribe them at proeaat. The of Bay
Mich., memhera of the oo- at gocpel miih in it WcemmstwaOBnlatTHyMM t(
All hiiuey contatoe Hie prenriio
warty. P»ry uM. experieaeed a meet etol democracy committee to pick a eito
OrtarAOknide andPrivUs
work, bat wblcb el the great fatoto
, t*a»mUy etormy eeam.
fqr tbe propoM oo-operaUve oommoa- everotoerved tbew?
v^tt. left tor Nashville tost mighty
ToweHlB toetantiy to darken:
Oaralval at Grand Bevida.
ooater wIU Oeloael Hlatoa. aimther- Ucoon ic tbe vtokm of great faith.
pablie-eifiritod dtlwasof Grand Bapmembw of the eommlUae.'
Tbe porified and Cbrtotlika heart ww
Ida an makiag arraageiaeato for a aeaOodintfaeBoriageof tbe wont atoaera
rill# the oommlttoe will
«M of ton napreoedemted in the htotory Olympia. Waebington. and ooaaaH the
Bnl tbe httoe ot blim in to we Him in
•f that of Bay other dty. Foardaya- etato offidato ef Waah iagUa regarding cme'e own heart todwelUag aad ahldfwwday. Wedneaday. Tfaanday aad what help will be extended by the tog.—GfaxtotiBiiBtandmrd.
ypUay, Oetober 86 to 89 ladadvw-wre atoto to tbe ooloatoera If they Oedde to
fie be given ap to fertlriUea C The ar- make tbe firat large veatare la* that
II tbe apiritaal rhapeodiea and
.Mgementetor tbe -aftair are to tha etato. Tha oo4amittoa baa been aoUfled
hands «f a large eommittee ef weU dready that 84.000 ba« beea appro­
toowa bMlnew Bca. aad OoL M. A priated by tbe etato for irrigation paila vrill not atone for
Aldrieb to director general.
taUaie to epeak
! geoUe
a More help to piremtoed.
Tbe dally program -will oondet of
fine featnrw of eatortalamealaad Oov•raor Plagrae. ex-Goverpora Imee. Al­
WrksraaevM m blM ***a Is ta* vmvi
ger aad Bich are to be gaede of bomor TeUow Fever On Ue; lacrcaw At "of raligion, gives by Christ himwlf, to Tmmm le •■•M s roM.
frait brsring. Have yoo visited tbe
sick, cosofortod the prisoner, fed tbe tto SMeteet Ossi88isri~Wshitstaed
CmhRMIn ul butnON fm.
nxXTMKirr. mcLCiSNO PxoiciKxa.
ew epsw of yellow fever have beea
vain.—WUlisB T. Bllia
rportod Maes tost alghk The total
Dr. Peruos' cllak wUl b* InraltiS •> BoiM
WbitlM Iw amt vMk rrwtj iwe Boaths. B*M
AttenUon of Veteraa Degwa.
amber to date to one haadred and
Sir*, driuii. aim.
toiambaa fNilo. Sepk S4.-Thn Na­
f hmnan natnre has In ito carnal ttate l^^w^S StoTSi? S^J^^lSTto
il of the Daicm Vetor
1 Legion elected the tallowlag ofil- four pbyalriaaa Their eaergtw are be drprarad feeUngs wl ranaing la
n Natieaal Commaader. Archibald aorely taxed. Tbe dtoeaw tos|neadlag be wrong direction. The oatoral heart
■o rapidly and the list laelndw to many to incUaed and alert to tbe works erf iakely of Plltoborg. Sealer vice
Botal Whlitag,
Taarsama Crrr.
lade to easy.
idw. B. D. Spooner of Cbkago; of tbe poorer clam who are an^le to Iqni^. To run down gra^
. Tbe deril*i
Iw vice oommaader. Wm. Baird ef bwr aay expeam that the towa wUl
3 Oeaeral. Dr. BOOB have to accept the help that has Machinery needc bat 1
—B«fot»ed Obaioh McMonger.
C M. Aavage ot Colambna. <toio; Qaar- beea offered from variow polaU.


T. »*"• *»®

j. w. H*««. Miw »d auwsuBBCJUPnoMe.

cove; RING


Hamilton Clothing Co.





Thirsdt), Friday aid Sahtday.


One Week Uiiigtr, eetil
SeterdBf Niglit, Sept. 25.








OhUdren’s andViues’

Best Stock we have ever shown and
Prices never so attractive at

ilhelm Bros.


Dr. Parson's Meriiod Cores.


for the Oponing of onr





nogii mwosts.

Dr. Parsons Clinic

•wwaator Oeaeral. Thoa J. Bobbard
■f Baltilmare; Chapida. Bev. Chaa L.
Hhatgw ef WdtoboRi. Fa.
A rwolution wae ad^tod apaa
^QoattoB- It-proridw tbe fob
lowing eeale: All penoae ^o have
•erred over atoety daya each raorin
9S.00 a awath aad one eat a day tar
(he time they are la earvioa
Widows of ofioera aad enltoted me
who eekved three veara aad over 8lf
Month. Widow* ef thaw eervtag an
two yeara and aader throe yeara 810
pioDth. Widows of tbeee eerrlag ever
ploety daya and nader iwe yean 88^
•A roMtatioa was adopted to apnolat
m to Big« the weretary of
war to laelads la the printed war
I ihe m baatmaat o( tbe Daka
f Wirt*.

Bobort Daderriadt WiU Pom a'
Oarviag Olaw if be Gan Bet Poplto.
If Ue ladies ef Traverw aty wonld
Ike to form aad maUtala a earvlag
eiu- at tbelr very deon for the eomlag
iator, they eaa do so.
If/twelve or fiftoea pupils can
■icarad Mr. Dederatadt will be glad to
eoiM here onoe a week and give two
CbU at BaMselVt tbto forwuMM and
talk vrtth Mr. Dadwatadt about


A .................
A little girl wbo bad naotered tbe
nBrnaadmeato oonfeewd herself dis^h
pointed “beoaose.'’ abe mid. “titongb 1
obey tbe fifth oommaadBent aad booor
em puttohed
Hot* et • Bne.
A man vriio will sscrlflee hto wit to
wave Uw fseUags iff anotbet to Mote «rf
• hero than tbe man Wbff risks bit life
to Mve a friend fron fira or drawalag
before s orowd of speomtora.—Wslf
Blaekhome Harie.
04 Kwe FTsiSIml Vlas.
OplBkBa an good tfatoqs to have ito

An all wool, oxtoa hearr EeiMjr Jaeket, ealk boed, oonaderad good
valoe at tiO. tor U£0. '
A 24 inch Beaver Gape, trimmed with for and fbnr rows of Imid,
worth 23AQ, for tL76.
A ladie*' Boaole Jacket, aatin boed, good valoe at 16, for thia special
•ale, $a.75.
A heavier Boqcle Jacket, satin lined tlurongfaoot. preaeot valoe tSXIO*
onr price at thia qiecial sale, $8.25.
A ladies' genoine Sealakin (pieces) Oollaretteat thia qweialaale $6iX).
Our stock of Cloaks ia nearly compete on the eecond floor where yon
will find great rarietiea of inbnfs Cloaks and Fni Seta, mime’
and ohUdren'8 Cloaks, Far Edgioga and ladies^ MnSa.
We eolidt visits from onr friends and patnna. Coorteons treatment
abown to all, whether yon bny or not

The Boston Store
OUfifi Block.


Free Concerts

..One Dollar a Pair Saved..
We have reduced the price <n all Dfirk Oedor TAH nnd OX

BliOOS SH0B8, OOnr TOES, PlngTM A Smith and
Nettlettm wk«* ONE BOLLAE a pair, for geatlemm’a wear
in Yid Kid and CM. On aU Id^t Color TanB we have
ent the price in two or One Hnlf Off regnlar price. These
are not a cheap line, bat are Onr Befit BhoM ObMp....-...

The Old BelUble Shoe Han,

118 Front Stebbt. Worzburc Block

H. M. Gstrffnn.

THJI MOkHOre >M00B1>, «ATgBPAT. 8»THimy-«5, 1»B7.
Mfta. anu. tells

milOlllDM.-Lord Farror Putt in a Word Againat
Intamational Bimatallism at
tita Fermar Ratio.

ptlHib —.pin PiaaeiwUy PaaA
loa. BepL M-—Lord razrcr baa a
____ jolumii latter 1» Tbc Ttmea thU
BMTBliy o« biDetallliSi aad tbe Indian
bUbL Ha aya: ‘la my opinion tbe ulti­
mata aoluUoD dr the qnaoUon win ba
tOODd In tbe adepuan of tbe fold aundard In India." Lord Purer then go« oc
to dlaeuaa the propoMU of tbe Anrrtran
oommUaiocKn and the Prrnth govern.
iDMiv bi wbicb eonnacllon be taya:
Thera baa been no offldal aUlement of
Babatnr Wolrotfa propdaUa. botwe loay
tom a abrewd fueat from an arUcle
wblch appeared In tbe Na\loittl Review
tor AntuK entitled: ’Et*»odea of tbe
Hontb.' and written by aotne one wbo
appeara to be in tbe coanrila of tbe
' Americaa uegoUston. PVon tbla we
father that India la invited to open her
mint at a iwtlo of »% to L whlcb In all

another story


a W. Marka. mm of
«T*Mlt AM> M tk* Dwp DvrOlnr •* Jmpbp
Star PdnM and 3t» Patobto.
atam B.
wbo htok* Sotra at
fCB *rc B*dc U » T*> Aanuoda. it wat tboogbt {wnaiMBtly.
r4 aMoctloB of lbs.
iaaow an vfgf neorered that Saatiim
bm bfg%otk CB him agaUt
. lavt bwB i*k«i trom b« hcubkad
Oratt^Bor met defeat tor tbe Siel
3 roanc atca of tbU coantr m4
me in eoa« weeke et Qmwoud, IIU
b«td m« a prtooaer bj- iMm for noariy
wMk. l.atrr dorrtopmooU hay* <!•- Beret beat him in ftraigbt beata, bat
triad PrtMrcoUor Aitoracy Bndlty had to enp tba half mUa bode tb«e ia
roo irloMJM u» prlauBM*. JartaoB Slid to do It
^d McKean, wbo an charart with
GberleeMn, 1:11$^. tbe former graol
bavlna abdoctod the vomaa, aa b« ba* race barm eml now good eto. bm been
Hern ibal bad ba releaacd than both planed, in training and U to trot
rot a apereuld bare bead lyaebed. Sunday U»t cdal e» Paw Paw, Sta., B
t taiefato
ProaacuUopa Attoney Bradley waa
o. eiiObarlea, 9:16^.
taheo Into the wooda by Ifrieoda of
jlpnta. and there be aaw tbc Still
When John B. Gentry paced tba
woman In apparent revelry with a STraonee half mile track la 9Ki6)<. be
younc men. and waj told by. flnipbed tbe Uit qnerter in 10% aeober that abe bad left her buaband coda. When Robert J, on tbe nme day,
voluntarily and would not return to paeed it in t.-OSJ^, be atepped tbe tbird
qoarter in
eeoonda—'Bone fi»’‘‘ifra. Still and bw buaband are to­
gether again at ehe home of relafiTca Ylew.
at'Xobnnater and Nie told the proaecot. ALLUSION TO BROWN UNIVERSITY.
lag attorney a new atory
fair. < She aayi tbe two men wbo took U Wbk.b -V«« t^n-oi'. Vo* i>H- 1* nelly
ber from her btaband on (be high road
Sept 11 kept her a prlaoovr two daya
in an abandoned caMn In the woodt
and tbeo pent herao ber mother^ borne
at Sulphur Springa. ARer tbe arrpet
of Jachaon and UcKeehan. abe aay*.
o men clalmlling to be the aherUf o 'Which have bees accepted here aa applylr.g to the recent trouLlea of PrealtnaoD county' and hU d
dent Benjamin EL Andrew* and tbe corher motber'a t
perauoo of Brown unlvemlty. ••ComelL"
evtdenre obaerved Seburmann. ~rr<^leca that
the majority may be wrong'knd-<f3KJba
wai nereaaary to lierp
■ •
~bei3^re atooTbei?
penitentiary. She went with them, the mtnorlty may be right
t freedom la lha anal of lbe\lnM|la* by them. —
tien. Brice called our majci
kjcrily rute-yy*„ .. -mlah the I
' fetallam of
Kltude. tVe bee weoOa.and tell tbe
Ueve here that one man with Ood'a truth
atory abe told.

CaaW Re<C
After pointing out that varleaa tempofury panic* would pnibably enaue from
carrying out the prppemla Lord rarrer
dcettdica thr poaitlop of currency In tbe
United Btatea and Awncc. from wblch
be concludea that there la "every
•to beUere in '

a wodid raise or main­
tain Ita gold value at the ratio of UH to
L Aa to India, experience ba* abown
empbailcally that the imenlcg of. it*
mint* arould net create the r —-rrirr
demand. Indeed.'rlrcum«tancea would
be Itaa tavorubte iberc. for tbe
•pcBlng of the rreneb- and tbe
*“ ' ■
’d create a compell-

WIggin* predlit* a great burrlraoe. Re
aay»: Tbe announcement by the marine
depanmmt that a hurricane !»• now
moving up the AUanUc coaM from the
Wnn Indio, t* a meieorlogicwl event of
more than rommnn Inlrrewt. . Thai a
great norm I* near U a meieorc.loglcal
fact. ThVmoon will be In conjuowith Jupiter and Mercury on the
and Mar* on the Tiih. The moon cr<
the ceWII^ eouucr on tbe Slh moving,
aouthneard. She will be In conJuDCtlt
with (he aun on tbe Mtb at 1 o cloHc
m London time, and will be at her pe
Igee nr neareal point In her orbll (o 11
earth on the Ztth. There are all or nea
ly nil dangerou* element* to Ibemarlut
for they indicate a atorm on (he afte
noon of Wedreaday the »h wllh high
(Idea on (be North Amerlcnn roart.

lowing to Inj
. bot
oat would
wouic alto
t NIver from
Ini^ eaiutng an export to Europe.
/ nayatheW
-wteorM will Have GtJd.
VTliere UI another
Oilcago, SepL tl.—Judge Showalttv.
rtek. It te highly
of the federal diMHct court, jevterday
: that any diplomaUe
divwilved the Injannioe a
e pait Its people of Pulton lo prevet* tbe
year* to make gold the etandard of of the headquarters of the
elr city. 'HU ruling
▼aide. The Englteb people adopted It Woodmen
ground*: FI ret. that
In spite of government. It Iv much more wa» Ineed on
T rontemkm: and.
Kkely thst the American banka* and there.was no
* merchant* wlil arrange to make their
Inland and therefore \
-.Aeallnc* on a gold Iwei*. and the* evade
I'nilod Fistes roun Hhould rot be alilcM
to d,->(de II, Tto ailurnrys for Fulton
of Internallc^l
an appeal.^___________
rmwwerH Inqne*! M Lsttltnev.
eur In all large dealings at home
abroad. Rupposlng the prapomi __
eeeded. It* effect vrould be In all parts of
into the destb* sf Ihr
tbe British empire and all gold rtandard striking
mloers who were shot by a
pnoie of ahertfTa depuHe* at l.«ttlmer
diaebanre gold obligations at the rate of A two hours' sernkm wa* held, durla
which a aenre eg wUn.stee were ei
amired. Nearly alt ihe lestimnnv adE WOVUI BK OIBBOXCtr.
ditced ws» a repetllKin of that brought
t the hearing of the deputies
t1. l^idahlp.angaBad
tuele to.
m tbe Plgbt
"Beeauae any oo* could'take stiver
24.—Alioul 2
tba French or American mints and get
prople attended the opening meeting <
It coined Into franca or do
at’ihe Audi
Which, oe the hypolberts that tbe pUo tortum lest night. Hem. Allen
W. Thorsucceeded and a stable exchange la man preMded. The chief speech was that
aecured. would be worth In the marl
of Horace L. (Thapmao. candidate for
.. of the world. Including London, oi
governor. The other speakers were
fifteenth and a half of their weight
oeneraf A. J. Warner, cf Martrlta:
golA It would enaUe tbe United Statea Mayor Jame* A. Rice, of (^ntua and
Representative John J. Lenta
The mieU
'Washington. Rept. 24.—Tbe flgorts retoting
lo the opesatlon of the filledcheesr
f tbe aUver with which they could
Into effect 1:
.Wnw pay them. Ruefa a change would
be good for nelthw India nor any ether UK to the end oT the flacal year, June
country wblA valan common honesty. 18. in;, show thst during that i
Bncb a change wotfid be most Injurldtia l.ia.tgr pound* of fllled cheese
to Great Britain aad the Brttiab etnidre, produced. Tbe number of factories en­
and y« this revolutionary change would gaged In the Industry was seven, all tocaicd Is IlUnoto___________
be eflecli '
juncurfe.--Teaimd These Are Other Moriee.
It U Impoaaible to belSve that tbe gov­
Washington, BepL 24.-la decidedly In­
ernment will take such a step.
terestlng story ass learned yesterday
■ Enough has been ssld to show that at the state department to tbe terday
tbe propoml . i* impra
chat Spain has gone down on ber bere
dtaimble apd ucdealrublc, If prse- knees
to England and is asking an al­
For the sake of India liance. If these I* any truth In thi*. It
and the empire It ought to be
of course, that Iherc are ckhera
Jacted anmmarlly. Rut there la another means,
also In the mure or lesa unholy
D for rejecting It summart
eeply Inter
tbe United 8UI<
Only Rlchty.ase Ceamdto P**w
country tnafcea, while
............... ....
as a rommcidial rival Injure, u* far
more a* Crlendly dealers and rustomera.
Wbat abe needs above all la a restora­
tion of a sound system of currency, and
tbts she win not get while the ‘Ignis
Cataos’ of Internatlonal blmetaiiin dlttracts the atlentlOD of her rulers. The
sooner we can help to lay that phaeietT,
tie bettor for both countrlea"
BB* PowCT* best Btla T at Toledo.
*nw TMBSS says editorially ibis
wlQ aooa ba osea J
tog: "We do not supposeu In view of pablic.
tbe emphatic runonMnnee of tbe LonTbe vatoranFred B teama off tbia
1 tbc general businesf

•Teachen ehould^ freeio Inveatlgale
ind to annctince aoTproclaim that they
have dlarovered. They mu* be free to
preaent both vide* of a uueotlon. ^e
leacbcr I* not the repreaintatiye of a
corporation <ir the people, but a repreawtatlve cf the Ood of truth. While
money Is a ncreaalty to ary nnlveralt;
a teaching staff."
Wbal a W—IS* Win DeWhra toa I* .
CwpIdV UHp.
Atlantic City, N.
SepL H.—Robert
}. Htbhan was placed oc trial In May*
Landing yesterday on the charge of at­
tempting to murder atra. Phut he PhilItpa at Atlantic City last summtr. Be
Bbol her four timra. .After all the evi­
dence wa* In Mlblnrt and Mrw. Phillip*
were allowed to *ee each other acd eur-,
prtnd everybody by anrKur.clng that

Ited from tbe beginning. We must depraeate In tbe ntoat emphaUc way any
attempt to bung political Infloeoee to
btor upon the admlntotiWilvc policy of
the bank. * • • It to dHBcalt to re­
sist lbs force of Lord Famifa arguhad foo
. asaoL An internatloaal arvaMcmei
tucasiratody with
tatoC'sriTer to the arOSeial value
tKB'platod would ba a revKutto
JaDM DustiB la DOW driving Js^
(9). 8:18H> and toa root of D. A.
oat the oonseet of 1
Tbe Hubkiger otabto ttmly bw a
pair of qoWM in Gram BaMinga, 9:08,
and Pearl Onward, 9;0d>i.
It to roptrad toat Planot'
Colambiu. O.. BepL 1
fesca arranged for ffv* of the post-sca- toa laat quarter of tbe alxtb beat cf Us
gon game* of tbe Western League be- not at BaadrUto is 99)^ <
twees tbc Indiaaapolla and Colnatms
Go^ Tcrtoy, Albany, hw bot«bt
Mama for tbc Detroit Froe Ptsb cup toa Ohio paeiBff lakUst Billy O, i>09M*
M <ello4rs: At andtonapoUs, BepL IS •
------------------------------------ - -1 «<


mcBth 19,000,000 imported and 99,000.BoraUtbalataatthlnga in ribbona
and vaOing Inapaet Ura. W. O. Lawraaet-a atoefc at(er toll mUlinary optnlag today aad tomorrow.


W. \V. Kimball Co,

erteOityoB above data at 7:so a.
bod errivu in Cikleago about 8:90 p.
LaCeuea* about'6.-0Oj>. m.. uud Detiotl
(vie D . O. &. A W. B. B.) about 7:4t p.
m. Bound'trip rate to Ctaicugo 9S.OO.
Detroit aad LaCroaae SS Oo. Batura
llmlL OeV8tb. Tickete may be uaed
to prinel^l ctaUoB* aootb of HoUaud
aad eaat of Oraod Ledge. Aak ageau
tor full laformation.
Gao. DxHaw, O. P. A.
O. B. A I.
Wedueaday, Beptefnber WU.
Oraad Bauida A Indiana Bailway wiU
ruB the annual Fail

from all kUUona Mack­
inaw City to Big Bapida, iaeluBive,
good going only on special train*
of Sapteaiber mtb. and good retarning on regular train* uuUI and in^eludlag Ooobw etb. Pa*
at Kalaaiaxoo, Grund Ledge ^
Hyland, or poiuti
lints (outb
of. on O. B. A I. B'y.. C. A W. M. R'y .
I or D-. O. R. A W. B. B.. and tieketa eaa
I be made good returning from aueb
pointo Through ooaebee «rlll be run
to tbe eaverul deetinatioua For Ume
«f epedal traioa and further laformaUos cauault 6. B. A I. Ueket ugent or
C. L. LnckwooD.
G. {'. auAT. A.,
Grand Bapida, Rich.

235 Front Street
N. E. STRONG, Local Manager,

Bolto. Ptaie Olaa*.


‘srTssLs.'Ss. Fishing Parties


two boon they were In secret consuUatlon Id Ihe parlor of the Plunkett resi­
dence. 'After thr meeting adjouraed
the prefUdent and Secretary Long went
for a short walk through the Plunkett
_____________ _
Chsmberfala Msk* gaau,oaa
Lerdon. Sept 24.—The DaUy Hall this
morning says Joseph Chamberlain, aecreary of state lor the colonlef. has lost
£M.0M sterling (CM.008T In experiments
In Msal gro« ing to ths_Bahama Ulanda
The Weatosr We May Bsposh
- -WatolaroD. Bept. SL-PoHowIbs are tb*
wssther lodloBUnn* for twmty-few boon
fnsB 8 p. at ym erdsr Tot Indiana and
imsoN Fair wartbsr: •ootbvasMeiy trteda
PorMItotosn-Palr. warmer wmthOTT«(bt lo
fr^ «Msrly to snsUMs>tavly wtada Ttr

an-Pslrwestbert llabtMfretoaoeth.
' wtnda Fur ta*s-P»ir wsathm:

From this date this boat
will not make regular con­
nections with trains on M, &
N. £. Fishing parties, bow* ..
ever, can make arrangem^ts,'
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by commonication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

See Our New fine

Picture Mouldiogs

rBornivToa or the




Cycle Owners Lookflerel

Coraar of Unlo* and Itoy Streete,
near M. A K. E. depoL wtobes to anBsbber Badef ■to* Cllp*-C*Bt Lac yo«r
noonce U the public toat he ba* rofittod and fnrntohed the Hotel Fangborn better than it ever ba* been be­
fore and can aeooraaodate tbi> travel­
ing public in good abape. 'SaUafaeUon •■“— »——— (D fnfonum. Btaslac et




Bay8a.aeani.*l> g-Droel.

Lederle’8 JTTS:'.!'

Bright, Fresh, Neat

or Aaiytblnf In toe line of
Smttoaia’ Matoriato, call oa

Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.


■IKoHh AteM.
sas.. SepL 24.—Tbe


Now for Business!



>lhlr.g definite war accompUahed. Vice
lalrman Leighton presided In the abnee of President Bdmunda who went
to Philadelphia. The time last night was
occupied In discussing ithe general scope
of tbe work lo l>e undertaken and in
endeavoring lo teach an understanding
work to be assigned the gen-

Lady "Watts

Jno. R. Santo,


‘munliy have a
Ing officer* are endeavoring to ahleld
pertcu* suigiected of Struble'a murder '
by working up a theory of suicide.
Much adverse crltlrlam I* expfemed OB A....
and there I* some Ulk of an Indlgnallan
lAmonl. Ia.. Sept. 24.— Mrs Elisa­
beth Strang, aged about 78 years, was
buried yestrrdsy from the restdence of
her daughter In this place. Mrs. Strang
was the second polygamous wife of
Janes Strang, of Sever Island. Lake
Mlrtilgan, notoriety, where he set ap a
faction of Hu Mormon faith after tba
death of the Smiths at Nauvoo. Two
of his wives are now dead and two are
yet Illrtag. one lo Wisconsin and tb*
ler in Idaho.

Makers of Pianos and Organs, and the only deal­
ers in Sheet Music •^d Murical Merchandise of
every description in tnhiKrity. Your >own judg­
ment used in cbnjuiiriion vhh our yekrs of prac­
tical experience will enable you to make your selection and secure proper value for your moneys •Whether you desire to buy or not, we would be
pleased-to have you call and inspeOt our stock.
No trouble to show goods.


defendant and romplatnant were made
man arvd wife. HIbbart 1* 22 and lb«
woman «.
Struble Myviory la Jol nbw>Hr,A
Phepbent Mfrh.. fRept- 24.—The Stran all likelihood be cond .today. The vigorous effort* of


:o go farther, e

BtttNb mtot «elM W SOM ««


Fresh Heats—always fresh. Salt Heats.

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
• The Enterprise . Grocery
is 8tUl doing business
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, an^ presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.


Angus McColl i

▼,'Trottiaga^ Bond boraeaa^avrsat of Moegan'a Livery Ban.

The Pure Juice S::r.ssk'S;w.:s^.:Ur..S.3“ *"




To Rent
For Peaches and Crab Apples


------'8 Pklaoe Bak«7.
Inina and Sevento Sfa.

Enterprise Groeeiy, BROKEN SIZES IN TAN SHOES..
W. J. BOBINWN. Maaafar.

The $6 Falcon Camera


ML Maaonle Woek.

Bicycles to Rent

UsM onr Ugfat-Proof FUk Cartrldgui for 11 Bxposnroa and LOADS
IK DATUGHT. Improvad aafety
sbattar.aK of throe tiopo. Ena aebMosatle Um, view indar and aoeksA
far tripod aeraw. Ramhax Eonak
On., Booboalar, V. Y. FurMlaby


If You Have Logs lo Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.


TH« icuBunra igtooKD, satpbpay, bkptmmsewl at, i«ot.

kElSTOWRIIDOCurrmey Comptrolbr Spwila t<
• It^raMfitathr* Audi«nc« of
Contonnial 8tato CMson*.

a 'Ihl-c*
«• gvewed Op
«»ery»aei» lenie Thi-». Tta» hbeekd
KM Cbm*
0 HaM-Weattki
ee KMaOthM-.
Dcover. Bept. M.-CoBiptroUer of the
Carreoey James H. Eckrts was the
(nest of honor at the faahqwet c<**d
tast erenlnir at the Brown Palace hotel
tv the Denver Ciearlnc House aiwrclation. One hundred disllnftilshed eltlaens
of C<d«ade—hankera. sute senalursand
Wthere wboee names arc assoclattd with
the upbolldiDs at this dtr and suie.
were preseat- Comptroller Eckels made
an aficradllmer speech lo which eloaa
attention war paid by bis auditors, aad
at ns cloee be was warmly applauded.
Kcklee begas by empbaalilna tbe tact
tbai caiBcaa of all parts of the eonairy
in aciustcd by cbe same epirtt—a de>
are for the good of the whole country*and that no matter bow fierce the ftabt
between partisans mirht be waced there
Is no danger of lie wtakening the foun*
dstlon 3f the* republic. After pleading'
for a conilnuatiGc of tbe feeiins of mu­
tual confidence s
tween tbe east and the s I. be said:

Votfeo To Taxpaywa.
SM Uie Jadlw at bw tall mDllsHt
bb la ny oOe* to roeolvo tbo
opMtbf today and Uhmwiow. Tha saw atyBBdSebool'i'agwaftbe Uty dnst walkiag hau a apadalty is Cowboy tar ^
of BopUabar. IM7.
and Oavalior otylw.
troM t o'elook W ll JOoWk a. h. aad
(row J o’clock to 4 o'eloek b. bl and on
TBaoa» oreniara fraa 7 o^k to 8A0
Aecordin^te tht DafinM in Lu«t- 3. W. Paickia.
V. T. Orwuw. o’elodi|L».
g*rt^ CfiM th« Victim Wm
AbMnt at the DmA.
AUbraoya at Law.
per MBti fOTwilKtloB. .X>B all taxes
s^^W7. tbsrs
ogbsa Is Meaiagwe Week. Tiaeens CKy. lOch. iZL«» nans Id OcUiboVl''i.‘*’"~
**~ ~~
lOBgaro WQX 'was beei aute
eoat for ooItMtJow^
diac, Ma.^
Ofiea la Hetaid'SaUdiac,
rraat atteot, Boom s.
Two nays After Rrr Alleged Vai^r. go g K. BROWN.
Attecssy and OoBBesUer ai
These WitsMto XtorUre. UenlUylag O. La*r.
City Tfsasuref.
Has by Phetugiwpa*- klmua bFhlmphe's
Dated Bept. 1st. 1«*7.
TeeUtosay (or tbe PeetoewU-. Olvea lu gw U'DbRT * UATWa. Atserweys- Opeelal alteatleotoPiwbMeprweUee. RoonsSaad
Deashblew AppetoaUy by HetoeUWh.. M.«srematUeOo.Btok.


«*w CWM. M ChM M»r« ItaMk.

Hew OrtcMkBept *4.—Tb* loekJ l*vw
•mwttoR did net *huw tor tmivoT*.
meat r«defd*y *b«> rcMtU wto
•umracd up. There wei^ fewer cua
than were reported Wedneedmr. but
there waa <ne more death thaa le the
previous tweaiy-tour honn aad hi least
four of the patienu were reported at
« o'clock to be In a danperous coadlUon.
! There were three dwtbs asd nine hew'

have been
»»ea thlrty-eichleaea
yellow fever. Ihrse have
died, sixteen
have been discharged aad nineteen re­
main under treacment. Tsro new eawe
were leported yeeterday asd tan wart
. Waablngtntk. Bept
Cairck lUa..
the busrsiitinearound tbe hospital ward
In which the fever paUeaU were con­
fined has been ntlaed. There were
twenty-two new easee la Edwards.
Miss.: total to date. IM.
Atlania..Oa.. Sept. N.-The board of
health of AtUaU announces that Carrie
nemtag. a H-year-old girt from Mobile
with her father aad mother. U eufferlag
trlih the yellow fever here.
Louisville. Sept tt.-John McDeugall.
tbe young tnarhlnlM from Mobile. Alt.,
who had been sick wllb yellow fever,
died yesterday morning.
Calm. Ilia., Sept. M.—11*6 patient «tevena on tbe dredge boat Alpha, has had
a relapse.

Chicago. Bept. H,—ITewed from vari.ons siandpolDis yestrrday's proceedings
tbe Luetgret murder trial were the
that have occurred
within t

has been produced to. prove that Mrs.
Louise Loslgrrt inel dratb In her hushand's s^sage betonfon Hay L three
wltnetoes testIBed yesterday that they
saw the woman aJIve oo May I and 4.
CBS of thew! wllBtosra ulked lo her and
believed from the dtscripUon and photo­
graph of Utm. Luetgert that (he w ogian
hr saw was Mrs LuWriC"thU witsM
was Hsu 3. Sholry. l^keeiirr al Hot. I
Maple. KenoeUa. Wit 'Ur told bi atw
a Blrangr «- oman U HoteMlai Ir on Ihe
evening of Hay Z, and lalkrd with brr
' fatalTxpj.iwon at a FIBE.
nearly len mloulea Sbr askid to l>r di­
Kills Twe Ken. Oas oMThom I. Banmd rected lo Ihr farm of one klutiUr In thv
to I>Mlh*-Othrr> Hart.
nelgbOorbood. bul as no one stiiiied to
Chllllcothe. O, SepL ft.—Tbe village, know such a-peraon thr li-fl.
pf Bainbridge was the scene of on
confUgratiofis and brr cU.thlng, ar.d IdcmiRrd
k Of:
‘a phoicgraph of Uis. Lutigvii as the
this county. An entire square eontala- woman he saw.
the country, which has come with age tag most of the govemmeni business
MUal Yp Aboat Har UelgliL
and thrift and opportuniilea or the west bouses, several handsome residences
On cruto-exarolnsllon'the wUrias at
to point with overweening pride to Its and the Ifelhodlst church was entirely first fixed the weight of the won an hr
anpendobs reaources and Ita wonderful dWtnyed. and two prominent business ■wAt IM or 14CI i».ur.ds. Thenhehrsl; advancement. The wealth of the one men lost thdr lives in an exploilon. The Uted—said be had gu mixed up—and
but conllnues. to diminish If not em­ fliv was surled In a barn In the tea remarked that the woman w-igtird in
ployed. and that of tbe other Is of no of Perrin Ilrown's general store by tw
to m pounds^wUeb Is about MiaLuri' avail If not developed. Tbe advance of llltle boys who were playing will grri's wrIghL This biwiatlon and cor­
both follows the same pathway awd cen­ -llKhled malche*. The flames spread rection was made much of hy the proreters le tbe same tnleresia. I liave lonlgbi apidly and communicated wKb
cullon. Policeman Henry Feldsliaw. of
BO plea tojnakc for the country’s seeuKenoaba. tvu.. trstlUtd that hr saw a
Beardsley's drug store adjoining
(nuUled capital npon the one band, nor
airange woman In the poller sution of
for lU undeveloped rirfies on the other, next ablase. In the midst of the excite­ his town OB May 1. WHnws told hr
except the plea that at a time wb« we ment a terrlMe explosion occurred
aflerward iww the woman al the Hotel
are entering upon an era of better thtnin tbe drug wore and Bcanlaley. w ho Was MMr.and Uis following day at the rallthey may be braughi nearer togett^r Inside endeavoring lo save some of his w* aUllOB. Hr described the woman
*t driven wider gp
aad not
apart. It Is a plea property, lost hb life In tbe ruins KIg as a blonde, and said she wore a sailor
•onnbnaBl with the dlcli..........
• of businea brotber-ln-law, Thomas Blggius. who bat and slippers. One slipper sbe had
went to hb rescue, was unable to
' lodgment and accords with the
worn was found In the police atatlin afl•enas. It is a proirsi lhal may wsll be out and was burned death, white
er sbe had left. TYltneaa Identified a
ntleied by clllsens everywhere, bp mai­ eral others were more or less Injured, picture of Ura. lAetgert as olosely «vler what tbe mnasure of 'Ihelr InlcrestS but none fslally. Bui two houses 'were aembltng the wooian he iww.
or tbe ftnaudal tenets to which they left aundlng on tbe stjuatv, both being
William J, OtMunrn. a clerk In the
private ■residences owned by Perrin Ofsm htitel. Kenneha. Idenlllled apholobear allegiance.
Moore. The estimated loea U IW.MM.
Mahee as Aftostoa to Hirer.
graph at the rHclurr of the woman he
■1 am not unmindful oT Ihe fact that
saw- In bis hotel on Mar I He told she
a Urge Diajnrlty of the Hilsens of this
came into the hotri and remaln-d
•tale feel that lhe>y have. In the econ;
mlnuleg and left, ite de««4lbed tbr
omr of Ihe commerce, b^n sorely In- mill holler of E. O. Dex, three i
man and cormboraiod ibe evidrece of
fared In one of ihelr grest wealth-pitw fmnl Livermore, blew up . yeelcrday. the other witnessee. ___
daring InduKrirs If such a result hss Three men Ivere killed and Jep Injured.
followed they hsve not been left wholly Cold w^r run Into Ihe holler caue-d
wtihPul compensating benefits, nor have the accBent. The mill was totally Pwtat^Cap«toiw.u. the ItoftotohMewt «f
they suFered more keenly than at vari­ wrecked John tioodwin and Henry 8aHeemory Hrrrelt
ous limes in the roiinln'e history hsve lee are the names of two of the men
Rcfalmrkr came in the court
eibers who hsve emliarkrd In other lines
room In the afternoon to hear R««a
of undertaking. The law of Ihe com- U learned.
her evidence. m*r was
mercisl world, through sU Its hlstorr. Is
proven to he s law of contlnnsl change
Bpringfleld. Ills, Bept. M.—Tral'rdsy fighting mad when she heard beVaelf
Mure than/once New RKUnd and Ihe the miners at the Clear Lake Co-opera- made a falsifier. -Atloniey Phalen m-.
aasi have I'een compelled to yield to oih- live Cnl company's shaft ' reeumrd covered her presence In the room and
ir secllnne of the eountrv great indue- work, the operators agreeing to pay thi oalkd her lo the witness aland. When
.triea whkh Ihelr people had hoped to miners' scale nf t7 crnia. gross weight. asked If she bad not told K<«a Glelch
build upon for the future, and In'the This Is Ihe first shaft In ftangamoncoun- •he hkd bed on the wllneas aland Ihs
years to come i doubt rot but that other ty lo resumr. Today Ibe miners at lbs witness replied: "I don’t remembci
"Did you not tell Harry Fiedler
and gmalsr ebanges will come upon 'Clllsens' Coal company's idiBfl will rwthem
Ued when you said you aaw Hr. and
suBie work al tbe same rale.
Mrs. Luetgert Hay 1." "I don't re­
WllhiB the tUmt* ft PtosIMIty.
*T| la not without the range at peal'-Did you not tell Rosa Glelch you did
MUly Ihtl IheOarottnas may draw from
Paris, hepi. «.-Tbe Llbertalre
Masachuaetu the cotton mill, and the been seised by the police for publishing not sec Mr. and Mrs Luetgert on the
autes of Tennessee and Onlnisdo from an article advoraiing the assaaslnallcn night of May ir' "I may have said ao."
Mrs Mattie Bcherer. the last wlin-ws
Pennsylvania the alaci and Iron Indus- of President Fsurv. King Humbert and
Of the day. UMIfled positively that Km.
triSS. But If they do. following tbe llns tbe queen twgenc of Spain.
Bchtmpke told her that Ihe (estlef oeonomlr truth some new develop­
wony ttbe Schimpke girl bad given on
ment will I-e fostered wbirh will more
less Bland
than nuike adequate reparation fnr a
Ruaa Glelch. wbo on W<
warning Irreparable lo** If the cittsen
of CnlrTrado has suffered deepite the fact. .
. he can b.>aw a territory more nearly i
Attorney Deneen
roaseewed of Blithe Ihinge ereenllallo the 1
War Velerana. In
support of • people Jhan any mie with- ^ afS-aahYi
st S-sahYiIle. elected Major 8. P. witnvas with one of the muel remarka­
Tuft, of JlllnolA president.
ble croM-examlnatlon ever heard
In the horderw of the I’nlon."
It Is asserted that the Husatan gov­ criminal cuttri. Ills qumtluns were fired
Rrkels with a propITecy UMI the
at her witb thr rapidity of a repealing
eeunlry is i>nw enlering upon an eea nf ernment will sbonly prohibit ’
rifle worked to -ihe limit of Iti speed.
Tenew'itl pmsperity In which east. wesL portallon rj wheal from Runs
imrth ard «nulh will alike ^rtlrlpate. > I'anll. Ind.. tapliallsu have « _ . . The witnese was quick-witted and nlo rush to completion tbe agAngflekl. plled promptly fer awhile, but she was
River and KouUi Atlantic railway, no! as resourceful as Ibe lawyer, and
nes Lane, To: years old. fainlllaily after half an hour rtie became confused
CwU Mtollarto'4Ww to Twpeka BfwwgMacI
and her face Idased with excllemei
known as "Unele Jimmy" Lane, m
Omaba by Vwrie Cam.
Then sbe began b> contradict herself
dldeSt rewldents of Chicago.died
Omaha. Neb. Rept. 14—Pull has JUSl Ihe
■Time i«rtlculars- bul two other witness
lerdsy of old age.
been hrnuchl by ihe I'nlted Plales
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago.will make were ca1U-d wh., corrolKiraiM ber tesllagalnei ib.- Pnuih Omaha Live Stock the dosing w>ee>-b Of the Greater New mony In all lmi>irtaBl points, one being
Kxchanee and all Its mVtrbHra tie. York mayoralty campaign ^Id behalf of Mrs. Pcherer referred to In the above
and the olbi-r Harry Ftedlrr.
mentle-rvhlp amuunla (o a few over MO. tne Tammany candidate. '
The eult If auiliicrlred bv AllOrrey Gen„ speelsl dispatch from Pretoria. , Fiedler, at thr suggesilun of
pul up two plots on Miss
era! McKenna, nf Ihe Ilnlled Piaiea. The ! TrwnsvaaUeepuWIc. runlalita a denial of Daugherty,
8ehlmi<ke. ' One
In ' Mtxg
Mpt ia In Ibe aull were flleri with him ; the stBltmeiil lhal’Ihe hvaltb of Prem- CIcIch's
home, where Kmma was drawn
amtie time ago by Allomey John T. ____
on by Rosa to admit that ber testimony
Catbera. af ihle city They wem re-: frlcnda.
for tbe prosocullon was false,
turned v-*lerd.iv morning wUb tbs j The Illinois railroad and warehouse knowing that there were three or four
alait-menl lltai the atlorney general M ' oommlaslon srtll atari on Us annual lour people listening In the ncx
Tbe effecl of Ihe j „f mapsclU.ii of all rallrtwds In the what ahe said, and Ihe olber decid-d as ihai at Topeka, will
oct. It Ten thouaand nUas of side nf a fence where lloto drew Bmma
be lo penwiiially restrain Ihe powih mck will be gone over
out while young Fiedler, hidden behind
Omha Live Pi.Vk Exchance from rar-.j j,..rtar Alleyp has sued the Wlaconib Ihe feme, heard her admit that
rrlng ne. hr b...lneas The suit Isbroughl
Michigan r<«iJ f.ff K.lfOt damacr. sworn falsely.
under the anil.irust Uw.
for .aUeged Injurl. a received by-being I A |K>ini on which defense la
hit In the face by a bundle of papers , stress yesterday was the alleged IntlmU
•* ■■ Chbwgw
Chicago. Kept. M.—Chairman Jamsa thrown from a train at MarinrUe. Wla. I dallon of Up wHnewaes by the pHIce.
Judge "Huck" Kligurr. ex-reprewenla- [Altoniers Phalen and Vincent'
K. jonew of the DemtKTaht national
eommlllee. arrleed from Washington live u> congieas from Texas who kicked I that the potuv elBeere under Inspector
the door nf the house chamber so he ISbaack and Cai^n Bchuettler arc
yaMerday and Immedlaiuly went Into
eonference with a number of Iowa Dem- . could get out when Heed was couBtlrg Ithrewtsnlng thewltttesaracallrdon Luria
quorum, died at.Ardmore, L T.. ytw- geri'a behalf and Ihs quutlon caused i
ocrallc Wriera who bad come here to
I bitter encounter as soon as tbe proceed.
BMWl him: This conference was of ifteri
Tbe Jobs Ound brewing and malting Ings were resumed at >:H o’clock. Har­
duration; asd al Its conclusion Senstor
Jones. 1s oompanv srith National Cso- pisni at LaCnmae. Wla.. burned yroter- ry Fiedler testified on the stand lhal
nlttsemn Gahan. nf Illinois caBed on day morning. Lose. tMO.DW.-half. of Ofllceg Griebenow warned Urn not
which is rvvrred by Insurance Is old- Icstify a certain way. Tbe suie after­
«g.Qoveri>ar Jobs P. AJUelA
The plant wUl bs n-. ward brought out the fact that Fielder
Trwewy (be Hsywr wfCrwator New Teefc.
had told Griebenow a story contrary
New Tork. Pept. »—After an exwenDr GaudeL who has been wugaged la the evldenor he gave yesterday. Tl
tive nteellng of the Republican asseffi- thr practice of medicine tor threemonths srllneea said the policeman frightened
bly dlstrirl leaders yesterday Chstnnan SI Chippewa FUlla. Wla..
him Into imaklng a statement that
■a., ■tienij'ifvj
attempted w
Oulgi annouitced Ihsi • rewilullnn was cmn^ll suk-lde. Pori naiely he took an would awfst tbe proarcutloo. Judge
unanimously paaw4 requesting former
le nf atryebnlne and It refused tp Tulhlll delivered a stinging criUdaB of
Becretary uf tbe Navy Tracey lo allew gel-In III dewdly work.
the «se\of We name as Ibe RepubUean
John Paxe. a young man ot aparxa,
uomtBse tor mayor of Greater New WU.. attempted to commit nilride by
I. O.. 8ci>L U.-At tbe n
drinking rarl«llc acid. Hit mother Is tog «f the VnloB Veteran Isgloh Mat
dying of ranrer, a sister is very low night Judge Aichlbald Blakely.
with pneumonia, and young Baxs has B.ttsburg. was el«-ted national e<
been fact leaMig hli eyeatghL He will mandsr by a large majority. Vbt
probably recover.
wit on tbe other officers was not
F. L. BloufTet. a; former JaneavlUe. Bounced.
^Pee. II U also undmood that be la ln- Wis..
reHdrnt. wae bunting piRlrte
fi*rted for ermn. coneplracy to defraud oklckeDS
and bad cock«~the gun ready
to shoot when be stumbled and tdl. the
' ■eetto en the M t>eU.
(tot taking eirart It hls left wtMC ter­
Chteaao. Bept. M.—Lea^e bass ban ribly mangUag It Vbt doctur^Jouoa
tweur«f geaierday: At pe?slai>d-Chl. that amputallaa of lb* forearm waancc- 4>roperty. rUH. Ortgla o
eace 1 Ctevcland a

•he^ Ohio BROtualon.
TW MBual dROunton for Toledo, a.
d poiaUlnDbio
poiaU InDbio on the W. A L. B..
. C-. H. V. ead
end c.--------_
C. H. A a Br-a. srtll
Aert tram the M. A K. B. E. B.
1 depot
et »:M e. s.
R. WedsMdej.
Oetober «th.
Ihioefh eamA to T^So. TIakete $6
to Toledo. O., aad one fare ead trmaa'' 1 for pofate beread, Uslted
* •'----- - OaUeariyead

Park stmt hftwBtt rront A OtM.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.

himCUMOeyaoeid. apedalRaMc
by toe week., .

Ever Ba'rned Out?

o. P. Oa&txr. A«eat.

Suits to Order.

8osa. Cnltw Sttost. laepbooe HI.___________

eOalp Thing tameJoasU PanV
'■ '■PekHkev'* ■BtHkeseloo. Me-

Pine Merchant Tailoring.
Cr Bear Matowle Stock. CM


^iBWantAdsE erud Ripidi i lodlui L K




laedwn Angust tt,U
a.a.' r.B. iLe. - Ar
11 »' 4«»^Trae.Cny



_ _



---------- Ibeef;
UokSmokiiil md Salted Meets.
Full Line of Grooerie«, all eell
TNOn TAIi So, » has btoo-left M ibis sOew iog At ChefipCSt Spot CmL PliceB.
U Ibe owner eto ^brappw^.-------- Don«t Fail to Call Today. Money


caved ic -...........
money earned.

blarksarle. Fiwdetlewteal Ra
raoalre reward. IS-R

■ WWi. Wajma
t Jatekwood'

TtoTivtot'ttr LuiaWt'o. Ul-tf



(kw. CaisaaedElatfeeu
'sl«e«.spstoi»s. l»-et


T OCIT-ThBtwlar eesalBS. briwesa <V

Fire In$drance.

f^llU. W.VVTK



• ai Hper tea

__MoAey to Lqmi
Oe baysueed elty penysiy.

—Watch Repairing.

^Trolto arries bem Ctsria.«<^ OraaA Rap|>e^^S^ro^OroU'aAptoa.Petro4l and
'"b^troi^oe brawck arrietogt II NS a. ■.

Chicago •"
'West Michigan.


-John Verly.
—Front Street.

PATOBin A OBOTBBB. Attotaayu.,
oaves oeer Mootapwe'sbariirace store.

TbkBletbemwt <
wdl ns atuaetive.

a of them all and very rooaj- es
You obould not be srltbont lA

NO. 10


V SL. ti .• ii-i;

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