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The Morning Record, July 16, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■ 1^;
einoiAi Mras
Fint Tear—\o: AS.
OBT tsstxbdJEt.
r T f -8
! ! ! !
tbe defendaut raised objections
plaintirs tatrodncUon of evidence on
tbe plaintiff's deelaration oa tbe comooanU in easnmprit. also tiw
ment of the plaintiff to tbe
Jury, -c^arding hU case. Tbe defendant claimed the plaintiff oegbt
to have set ap Tort and waived the
Judge Corbeu aaa-aulted the
plaintiff end the ease
tbe eopreme court. Tkattribanal held
Urnt tbe plalatiff was correct in his
plsadiaga. and reversed the deeirion of
tbe rironit court. Twaddle A Croes
Biley Sween WUl Occupy it ^
were attorneys for the plaintiff and
Bisplay of r
Pratt A Dsvle ter tbe defendant.
Mley Sweera, Ibe »omhetone ana
lonnment man baa derided to make
bU headquarters in Trarerse City leQuarterly meeting wiU be held to
i • ft I
Mew Ottk tor Eotri Pangbore.
__________ nsw Improvemeau U tbe
Hotel Pangbora. that hostelry wUl be
prmided OW by an experleneed clerk
in tbs perm of Joka May. fermeriy
clerk of the Hotel WUiing. The Pangbora U now ta first-riaas shape sad ttie
landlord wiU give ^tariel attention to
tbe trade of tbe traveUag g®.WU ae
malarrt Wrirtee wUl BeUver well as bU regalar gaaste.
Addreeese fianday.
a tlOO 1
».« totor wm >•
Mra. EUxabcUt M. Bekbart has be
league Suaday end p
gan suit In JastUe Brown's coart for
been made for a great day.
against M. £. Ellis and hU bondsmoml^ tbepalpUsof ‘
. Frank WUbelm and Henry meel^
eharebra and of Um Ooi
, will be ooenpled by speaker. newskL The eherge U aelUng liqi
Harry Johnson, a minor, whs U a
iMt oat by the AnU-Salooa Leegae.
In «»e evening the Praebyterien end married -man. The rvtara dey >
I vrUl hold a anion for the »d of this month.
-...-n-y in the BspUst ebnreh wUek
OUcego Market Beport.
wlB be addrsaeedbyoaeof tbe
Chisego, Jaly 15.—Wheat—July, 74c;
•pMksra StanUar evening meetings
September, 68bc; December,aew.<9k;
win be held In tbe Friends' and in
old. Mkc.
Oors-Joly. tSHri b
Id tbs a
May. S7ke.
tag vrUl be bald In StrinberTs Opera Deeembar,
Oata-Joly. ITHri September, iskc;
----------^ ,;to: addreased by
'miMkm- as adnUttanee wUl be ebsrg- Kay. WHO.
Pork-Jnlj. r-*ti SepMmber.r-ia
^ bntaeriloetkmtodpfiv oxpeneee
Lard-JalT. SAM; Septambar. SAM#
vi|W be takenAW: October. SSA7: Deaemb«..0LW.'
lenimMtntlTM <
day. Seturdey and Sunday. Bev. Sam■el MlUe. evaagriUUe
(trilane yearly meeting, will
Levi Lnpton. an <
of Ohio yeariy mceUng. wUl alao be in
Meeting of minUtera. elden and
workers thin afternoon. •
Oeepel eervieet this evening at
Satarday mo^ag awriee at la
BurisM meeting Satar^ aftarnoon.
ty evening at 7:30.
Sunday eervica morning and
UffBanday afternoon a Foreign MUelonwill be held beglimiag
>Del««ates will be preseat from Maston. Maple City, Pleasant Grove, Cedar,
Long Lake and Gnaway.
Tbe pablie U ctgdlally Invited to aV
tend taeee eervicee.
Boand for Omana.
A carload of pco^efrom LoelcviUe.
Ky.. pamed through tbe city today en
ronte to Omens reeori, ^where they are
booked ter tbe eeaeoa nt Omeae tniL.
They came in a private ccarii attached
to the O. a. A I. flyer and were taken
direct to tbe dock end tbenee lA
steamer apthebay. TUe ie tbe ed^
oad ^aeU earload from tbe aoatb for
Onwne wHhi* tbe peri week, a larger
party tram ClnelaaaU having pnaaed
tbreagh tbe rity Inri Tboiaday.
There vrill be aaotber meeting of
thayawimmate havlag in obarge tbe
Tenstera' dedlratkra, U E. of F. bell
from March 10 to July 10
0 T e I
r u I
which he b tbe ag^t for norUtern
MleUgap. will pot ta a fine stock of
In Grand Baplds, bowever.
which Mr. Sweet, will have ander hU
He has lessed la tbU city
the Baradeo property on Bast Front
etraet. ooeupying tbe building es reeldebee sad ofliee and asing the Urge
yvd for tbe dUpley of graniu work.
&SVXB0SB nr LAnnro.
Mrs. Voble WUl 00 to C^caga.
B. B. Lewis, msnager of' tbe Elk
d by Mrs. Lewie. The tron
compsny has just pnrehsaed the H. H
t, a^
Noble home.
aM la^ ^ **«------wUl nse partof Ulcw’offloea Mr. Lewis
wUlooeapy tbe ressrinder es a rasi'dance. Mrs. Noble expeeU
ber borne U Chicago tbU taU.
Are the WaUs of her house. Mike your wife
happy by taking home enongh wall paper w
that other room. Yon can afford it at the
prices we are making.
'^Wat Mteb of a lont flf from Hell's bat
in the ^th wbieb looked good for
twobaoea. Jonea, behind tbe bat, also
Watidae, as nsnal, pitched e fine
game, and had it not been for. Oi^ilro
Berne'■'WTor" in tbe sixth, wonldbave
Bbnt tbe visitors oot. That
fanny mktnke of Baras*, too. Beok
'came to bat withbne oat and no one on
bases, and eoms one of tbe visitors
claimed tbntVatklns bad made e balk,
and Baras gave tbe batter Us base.
Bane never ebangea his decision, and
the Becalde thUr only ran.
In the field the home teem pat ap n
iele of haU. Parks
badUseyeontbefaallcnd led tbe bit
Hall. Salfka, Hovotny
Wbeelernlso bit bard. Travene City made their rane as fel
la tbe first, after Adams and Boll
had been raUrsd. Wheeler bit a alow
one down tbe tblrd-beee line, etele
OlU. and eeored when Watkins reaebed
first on Van Wormer's errar. One run.
Tbe second inning wM prodactive of
seven more talliee. Hunt was Ut by e
pushed baU. Parks siagled. Kovotny
wsnt out en' a fiy to Lnker,
.^•^fka ringled. Hunt 'scored, Bries
rmehed first oa an error by ffieok.
Adams iraebed first on fielderb chriee.
when Bal^ was thrown out at eeeo&d.
Parka scored and Adams went to third
Tbaa Bull ringied and Solfks eeored.
HnU stole aeooad sad Wheeler got first
oa an error by Gibson and Adams
eramed tbe plate. Watkins also reach
ed flrat on an error. Hnnt ditto, and
Hall and Wheeler tallied.
made hU seeoad ringle In tbU innlag
sad eeored WatUas; than to end the
mUery Tbny Ut a.Uttle one to Glbaon.
The vteltore are good fellow* and
clever baU players bnt It requires e
more than orilnarUy strong aggrega
tion to defeat tbe Bustien. However,
there U no dead sure thing about tbe
game toda^. bat it U a sore thing that
the Herald aggregation wQl give
home Mam a good
The House-Keeper’s Joy.
Me^eraed by fiapreme Ooart.
The race of DeOraw va Emory which
was taken to tbe dspreme Coort. has
beea decided, a
yaaterdey affirming thatef the Clrealt
court Id thte ooanty. Tbe ease wee
la wUeh tbe Batory sew mlU
Xannment Onvelled
invrivad. The derision «Us la favor
With Zi
M. Dloklnsos DaUvered the Ora of Degraw. PateUn A Loraager were
attoraeyefortbepUlnUfr and Toner
A Oates for tbe defendant.
Mergaette. Hieb.. July 15.—The
AnotbM X. 0.«. M. Treat
tacoase repUee of Ti
ewtoe' of Father Marqastte, wUeb is
Pori ' Boron. Mieb., Jaly lA—Tbe
now In tbe stntanry ball at Wasblage Test K. O. T. M..and.8aprame Blve. L. O. T. H.. wUl bold their
oniae today.
eannel oonvenUoa ta this dty
Atuorlmtbv rraenM eattar Orcab- metMlng JUy SO and mMaaiag four
am fired the selate of SI gass. The or five days On tba evening of tbe
loompoeedaf alltbe tut the play "Jodaa Maccabmn" will
of tbe <dty. As the be preoeated at tbe aty Opera Boose
parade reaebed the foot of the street airier tbe aaepUse of tbe local Maceswhere tbe veUed moaament eteod. a bees, and big exeairioas wUl bs ran
pb of 50 canoes, manaedby In
dians, moved Uto the harbor. Stand*.
Ing In tbs prow of tbe foremeel boat
was a man dressedto reprceent Father
Mergeette. The landing was made on
tbe spot where the great .qileeloaary U
Charley Oarrer sad Hal Terry Bach
wsoo yearn
enppased to have landed
Scored 100 Lwt Mi^
A spirited rivalry exltte among
All dey yesterday ta tbe Ctreoit ooart
The pedeetnl which sarmonaU the
was devoted to tba trial of the case of beeeis eleven feet high, of Superior era! wrii-knewn loeai marksmen, and
C. J. Lloyd va. A- B. Maynard. The raindrop skme. Tbe pedestal le beaawlU probably go to tbe jary aboat tUaUy carved. On one ride are the scores that dlspUy great ekUl with the
rifle. The ehooUag gaUery of WUl
noon today or shortly alter dinner.
Morral U now tbe oonetent resort of
Oee of tbe cases of Ole Boetra:
plorer," and en tbe dlheri
against an' insaranu company wUl to Harqoetta Jaly ISib. 1697." Tbe re tbe merkamen, and every day efforts
prabably be called next. It Is prohaWe pUee praper U right feet high, and is are mode M excel ^be eooree previoosly
that only one'jfaee will be tried, ae of perfect brouc. It traly dcpleU made. L&t night the
:hed by Charles O. Osrver end
there are eeveAl of the mme character both the rievoul
and the one tried wUl be e teat
phyriqoc of tbe ex- Bal Perry, wbo each made e straight
lA which will be eWded by plorer. Tbe dgare U draped In the ISO ta ten ehote upon a half-insh bnUV
tbe foreboon Carver. Dan Cai
garb of a miiriMery. It brids a prayer
The ejectment ease df F. A. Eneriand book In tbe right bend and a craclfix U man. Ed. Broeeb and Jim PUbeam each
made », and tbe day before the Ugh
and J. H. Colcra. LUrie C. WoodetaL. In tbe belt
-Ueb was adjooraed com# time ago SB
Boa. Peter White made tbem^ntt- eat was mode by Cornell. Carver and
Mcoont of t£e abeenee of Blram D. UoB ^weeh and was followed br Mayor Perjy, eaehUvtar W. Tbli U firstclem ehootlng, sad the eeriae made last
Wood, a principal wltocce, will come
ap again eosn. Mr. Wood arrived on
behalf of the city. Dwi M. Diekia- night are evidence of enperier skill,
the elkam barge Alloc U. OIU ysater- ion of Detroit deUTe.-ed aa eloquent whleb many wQl try to aeqolrc.
day. and Us testtmeny was taken lest oration. The eeremcnles concluded
Ladies'Aid Excoraton.
evening by stipnlation by tbe eoart with aa address in French by Hon.
etenocrapber. HU tratimeny vrlll be Paths Primeue.
Tbe Ladise' Aid SoelstT of tbe Conread to tbe Jafy when tbe raae U
rMstioael ebureh. wUI give an exrarcalled. Tbe oatcome of thU rase wiU
rioD oe tbe sUamer Qplambla, tiiia
be watched with Interest. It U one
ereaing. leaving tbe dock at 7;S0. arerening.
which involves the home of Wood, Leelanau Olwult Ooart Bedrion Set riving at Ne-ab-ta-wante at 8:30 and re
oa a tax title for
main there an boar; arriving borne at
aoB-parment of teice whleh the ownThe Sapreme Court has revereed the 10:30 p.m. Bound trip tickets 33 eents.
rion of the Clrcait Coort of leelaFor all Unde of soft drinks cedi ap
eooniy in the eeee of Albert NelMXW n^^BFBOMX UMX.
bone 143. DeUvers^ free at reelvs. James EUlbridA Some Ume
Olrieena' Oompeny <
Stein Bloch Oo *s overeoaU and
Cottons Bey to-rabover the ealee of
Bay With Lesa ToiaL
latest and beet. Full Una
timber alleged to have been relas on exhibition here Thanday
Tbe CltUen's Telephone Co. of Grand moeed.from lend of the .plaintiff by
eetwean tbe defendant Thera plaintiff eovered
Baplda, has eetebllshed a 11ns bet
Lem Print and Sottons Bay. and
damages and tbe case was appsaled to
manicaUoD was began yesterday.
tbs oireait court. In the elreait coart
Terr blgUr reeommeaded aa toqlbte
aadsloqaeotoiMakwetowbomit will
be a plearare to listen, nose wbo
WAS OIVXV TO THB KS&ALD bear them obm wlU wish to bear them
a«olB. Tbe Uqnor qneeUon wlU be oonaid• in tba Tint ered from a bnslneae point of view, as
Svo Xanlngo—Tteltoa Onvo an Xx- weU as from qoral and bjrienle standhl&ition of Smn at Tint, bnt Aot- polnU. dll are inrited and foil boeeas
re expected.
tisd Down to Good Work.
Amoo£ tbe noted ' speakers from
The boll r
s jmuria^ »»• won bj abroad'who will address tbe meetln(tbe HwUon IsI ^ fini Mrf Mcmd
and preach in tbe sevarV obarebea
iBslsto. IboHonldooppnrod to'fo are: Ber. O. A. Wri»kt of IMilo. prafesistethoair is tttDoa issiacB,bst for sor of Bndish in tbe O. W. Unlvenltj:
, ooTtt lasisfo tb^ alorad gooi eleoa Bct. a. Webb,prafeBeor of eloaatton In
boU. uibooa »ltehed hr tbo rUlton Albion coUege: and Bev. Jehn T.
and olUtonrb twelve biU were mode
: of tbe
from bU delivery, after tbe Innisn
Mieblgan Anti-Saloon Leegae.
mentioBed. be kept
Sermons at moralag eervicee win be
and wiU toed eapportwonldbave held reaebed by Bev. Wrlgbt in tbe OontteHostleradomitoeeTeral lass
Bev. Webb in tbe Friends
Inker and VanWormer made a neat and Bev. Brant la ibe First
4on>de pUp in tbe eerentb innlnf. ebnreb. Fnrtbw detUle of the meetinir
Aft* Horotaj had aintied, Bales
vrSl be given Uter.
Ut a hot one to Laker wbo ena^t
and threw to first befon Tesp qoald
Obm of a Uoyd va. A. B. Maynard
bme, aeoeptlnt nine ehances witbont
Is Longl>rawn Out.
^ ame. Imwlormadea brUUes roe-
. Taking quality into consideration you will
find my prices are as low as the lowest
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss TheSe Bargains.
'wxyr tba
bigrat jrwu
yoo will get this
My great July Olearanoe Bale. I will quote a few
prices that are
ire bargains,
t»rgain«, bnt
bnt:space is too expenuTe to qnote
! out of every hundred. A good Loonge, well mads, full
ing, f4.00. A good Conch, fall spring, tSAO. A good
3ch, corduroy,
cordnroT, 8^
86 springs, 6A0. I will positivsly
positively tell
sell bnt 4
of these at this price. A good Uige B-pieos Bedromn Suit,
laige glass, patent castors, for 11.75, A fine large S-pieoe Sait,
patent doat-proof drawers, patent castors, for 12 AO. A fine 6piew Parlor Snit. best plnsb, silk banda, spring edge, 22.00,
Lanre bi^ back Dining Chairs, solid oak, 5.W,* Ugh back
Rockers from 95c. ap. Iron Bedsteads frdm 3.76 op. Polished
oak comtoation Rook Cases from 4 AO ap. We haven't many
of these, bnt wbat we have most be sola
Jaly 16th. tio
Ahoee that come early will be happy and those that miss this
sale will always regret it
J. W. Slater’s furniture Store,
m-m psoira sraxcr.TaAVi
Those Shirt Waists
i.’-.u.b.re'. Attract the Ladies'
And why ehoaldn't they?
am 91 J» M cut wABRv
nam exo w (Ut wAun
We still bare an i
nt, and all siaea.
These are all new Waists just received.
Reliably Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
A Pessimisl.
34 pair* ledira' Piuxree A Smith
Baior Toee. Band Tama, Cloth
T^. A. B and C. »4.50 aboce
» S3 to cloae ouL
75 pair. Oxfords, former price
ti.55.Sl.60, *1.75 and W. Our
Men's Patent Leather and Enamete. former Drieee *5 and tfi.
• u!»
47 pain ladlee'Btarii and Tan
Pingree A Smith Jnlleto, former
price *3. doelng out prise fit.
Make No Mistake.
The Original.
. We sura SmJlcm Frae U Beecbt or oa
Thinks everything is on the
down grade, going to the
dogs, under republican rule;
a democrat, vice versa. Our
“BEST" flour is on the up
grade, going to the dogs,
master and mistress, always
the same under any mle,
guaranteed forever.
Razor ToeS’-M Must Go.
A Few Bw^ains in I.adies’ and Genta’ Shoe*!
New Liae of Childreii'a Sheet.
Tea Cee Alwey Po BtSt M—
411,1.0. a T. laltiatary eoremeeiea.
iW M reqaaeUd to attend.
Visiting Good Thmplars wiU bs mai
Tbe Hastlera wOl eoea be etrengthad by a new pitcher. Itisnotdedded
yet whether it ie to be Loais Batherlord, who ^tdmd tor the Baatims last
year, or FIs^. a drat dam pitcher
One or the other will
beeigaed by wire tUemorelag.
Tbe eommodioas yaeht “Lady Watts'
CkTT CkaniuTOB
Ttaw* CH7,
cwolntkm pttirniar that tb* iirwMmt
be empowered to take cneh meai
m he' mey deem advlmble toobtaln the
nUoeeef the primen tehee treni the
OemiMUtor end eow held Is SpesUi
prtoose Is Cabs, elMthe reetoretips of
the Competitor to her owsers.
neoisUnsdeclereethet the .delaje of
the Speebh fforeromeat IsisekiBreB
•qeltebU dlqxMlUon of the <
•ed the ebaolste deaiel of Jse«k» esd Isflietios of
aeket it the 4s» of the preeIdesttedemesd repetetioe, esd that
etoDce. Is other worda, the Inteet of
the reeolBtieoU to foree the matter to
as imse. eras If it reqsirae a deelarattooof warecais^Spaia Is order U
defesd the hooor of tUe ooostrp asd
•btsla aheolste jsettee lor dmerieas
tftlteoa. Ibe reroletioo ti all rt^t
aad thisge are sow ehaptor iheomelrte
^ ai to eoop make it seneeaery for the
Dalted Btatca rotmimeat to t
hpais feel that there is to be so more
*>6Ukg. ^____________ ____
, Moui-MiLUOJiAiBTaoMasJ. bPios
edOliefow. te is New Torh leoldoff
after mattem of beeimee Batbealscae
k the meet iaaicBldsat of hie iatesttsw. Beta lookise fora wite. Bo hat
moaer to Wo., asd doan't earo
whether the riftat firllUe a fortase or
le perrerty etrickeB. Bxporieae
•then teaehee that a mimioa of that
cert is New Ywh le pret^ likely to
make life a bordes for the marddac
aarty. asd if he doeast look ost hte
wealth may be the mease of deetroyiaff hU fstsre peace of mlad; nolem be
three of hie qomt asd torse the ,pold
tfMolder to the lair oste of eotham.
It ie sow ■tated'spos rood ssthori^
that Boftese D. Cosc«r. tsaaefer asd
oae of tl)e priocipat ewoera of'the
Qiaod Rapids Berald, ie to reecire the
•ppototmeat of poetmaeter of Orasd
Seplde. This berth It oae of the beet
fifte of Cie admlSieUaUoQ is HiebifSB. Mr. CoDCrer it ose of the ableet
mea is Orasd Repide tor the poaiUos.
He U a good newsp^mr mas. a good
eitiaeo. asd ese who is alire to the toterera of the Valley City asd entitled
by reaeos of loyal aerriee to the best
tUsr that the BevobUmo admloietratioseas beetow opos the deetu flsy.
BosoasBi.a Ji3BY 8uo>eos of Kan
aaa, has dleeorered that the eagar tnut
la, aecordlsf to '‘enrrest aeaertiosa,'' a
yigastie manopoly asdmdly in need of
iSTeeUgation. The orlebrated ,«oO'
greeemsBbas. therefore isbxdaeed s
1 In the houee asklsr the
epeehertoeppoiniaeommittee of five
*«o look into the isiqamet of thie els-
t of the
Tbs most i
Terkiah sltaation ti that the esltss
wsate peace. Aeoordlsg to raeent hisSory. if. hla Royal Feaoefslseaa has not
.ftad peace It is h^ own taslv
moraingto meet )
Bkm train. Parties deelrisg a pleasant
■ill and an oating at the prettteat day
resort in the region wi^ dowcUtotdee
a trip on the “Lady WatU” to Deland
Undertaker W. 8.'
leat Bight from Greenville, where he
attended the ennaal meeting of the
Michigan Undertaken' easodaUoa.
The vidton were well enbwtaiaed In
OreanvUle, end this was the best msstIng ever held by the emodstioh ^
tbe exertion of that held in Traverae
City alx yean ago. The aext meeting
terfleld of the Agrteeltnral OoUeBe«ipwill be bald in Petoskey.
mintendent of State Fnrmen’ inetituts.
Mb. B. O. I-a^,
ViU Hold a Berlee of Keetinga on
Traverae Ct^, Mich.
the Sooth Bide.
Dear Sir—At 1 wrote yon aoQe tii
ago, Wedneaday, Angnet 16ti>. U to be
‘As lAtter Day Sainta, have pip
day at-^y View. The fol
a tant on Sixth street, nmr Divisloa,
lowing program hns been arranged,
and have begu aeerim of meetings.
It may be Interesting to note that the meeting to be bald in the ^Anditorwhen Joe Bmitb was killed at Karoo, inm at 3 p. m.
1. “Tbe farmer's (solstioni its import
three mea straggled for the leaden
Brigham Tonng, reeeiring the votes of sod ita^emedies.*' kaa. John M. Stahl.
Chiesgo, nis.
nine of the twelve eldarsi led '
3. “Boms life on the farm," Mrs.
greater mrt of the Sainta to Utah.
A aeeild faction was led by a Uwycr Msry A. Msyo. BstUe Creek,-Mich.
8. -tPracties) edoeation," Prea. J. L.
named etrang, dnt to Wleoonsln end
Agriealtural College.
then to the Beaver Islaads, where they
This program will bs into
lived for tome time, leering fyr the
kttsrlng to el) with fine music. At noon there will
be n picnic dinner in the beaetifal
perm of the eoontry.
A thiid taetion was led by Joseph grove of the Assembly grounds. This
Smith, eoo of tbe prophet,' to Iowa, program is oae that ought to attract
where they now have their headquar wide attention from farmers in yopr
part of the state. Mr. Stahl U vrell
tt ie the latter branch whkb is bwe. known all over the country ae an agri
They nee the Bible and the Book of cultural writar. aad as a frisnd of the
Mormoa, bnt diedalm the doctrine of farmer. His sddrem is ssld to be of
extreme interest Mrs. Msry A. Msyo
The awriom last ni^t were eoodnet- bsrdly needs an introduction
fd ^ J. Deris. Tomorrow night norihera Michigan aadlenee.
Elder Corals will preach. He will also power to hold an audience of farmers
have charge of tbe meetings hare,
asd to pressnt to them vital trathi
eoineetod with life on the farm U
Sanday Bidet McIntyre wUl eon
wsU known. Prcaideat Snyder’s ad
dress on -.'rraetical Education" goes to
the bottom of the Bu*ijeet. sod bss
Mrs. ^lee ADtine has gone to St Ig- oeived the highest praise from leading
farmers of the etato. VVe are proud of
nnee to visit relatives.
Miss Curry of IndUaspoUs, is ridt- thU program, aad hope that your peo
ing Mrs. J. D. BUlings,
ple Will torn oat It is a rare opportnVmUs M. Slossonof Beed City, wss in nity to bear ootahle things.
the dty «n
Hiss Ivy Wood bsa retornad from a
trip to Cblcsgo on the AUee M. Gill.
• P. O. Diefeniorf arrived from Chica Ontaha wQl be tbe Vext Keeting
PUoe of the VatiOnai B^bgo ymteaday and U at Travetes Beach.
Ucan Leagns.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDensld of Chi
Detroit July 1& —There was a great
cago, are spsnding a few days in tbe
dralofUlk among the National Redty. '
League delegatee tbie mornMn. J. L. Stanton has retnrnsd from
Chlcsgo„wb«p she has been risiting lag about the coming departure from
the program of Crawford for pretident
her dsogbter.
Dowling for secretary, and Geasha for
Alex Steinberg will
from New York, where he has been pur the next meeting place.
men wanted tbe oonvention to eel
chasing goods.
Evelyn Mdrgaa retaraed yesterday aside the action of tire commiitoe pn
time and plaoe. aod select Bsltlmore
meralng from s three-weeks' visit in
as the convention dty. ThU U giving
Springfield, m.
the east s show for the league benefits
Captain J. D. Kramer, travello;
irelght agent of the G. R. A I„. arrived as well as the west. A» to secretary.
I ship. Mleblgan delegates bad started
in the dty last night.
Mrs.J. W. Bannen and daagbtcn an active boom for Fred J. Blakeley of
Detroit, sad the men from IHinoU were
Helen. Gertrads and Bern, went to Kalamsxoo yesterday for a visit with rds- etill in the field with Ora B. Ch^io of
OUeago, for secretary, and Chicago
Captain Blend, formerly eoasmnndsr for tbe place of holding the conven
of the etcam barge Bliss, is now mate
There was a hot fight la the election
of the AUee H. Gill. Be is is lbs city
for eeeretary, bnt Michael Dowling, of
risiting old frieadA
Minnesota, was cbcaen by a large maMias Bvelya Morgan arrived heme
yesterday oa the Petoticey from SpringThe cemtest for 'the place of the next
flslA UI.. where she has been risiting
meeting was also spirited, but Omaha
eollege clsesmatos.
train will
The raynlar
leave on the M. A N. £. at 6:30 Sasday
moraine for Unniatee.
and Mrs. Bert Cainpbsll of NorthBall game today between the Has
«lm« asd Grand Bapida Heralds wiU be poi^ were among the party of Maoea_ bees who went to tbe eriebration at
•eiledyat i o'tiock sharp.
J. U Hook psrebaded yesterday Petoskey Wednesday.
Mra. M. B. ~
dram BoberU d Wright, a fine pair of
from Chicago yesterday on the Petoekey. asd will resort at Traverse Beaeh,
The Altos Id. Oil) earns Into thie pprt
the gnest of LaadlOfd DUdendort
yesterday after a cargo of hardwood
Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Bean, parents of
ismber.frem Daniel Hake for CUeago.
Prat C. H. Bora, left for Grand BapOae of the horme of the dre team, ids yeriorday aftor'k- plearaat risit
ntaea. was takes very aiek last nl^t with tbe family of Professor Bora.
ai^ hopes of Its rsoorev wwa almost
Arthur&. Morgan, wife and.fsmUy,
and Mbs Bthsl Morgan arrived, yestarB. B Boraett, who wasCotead ost at day from Cinelnaati. and wiU apead
the laheAss fire, has nevly .... the baUnoe of tbe sammer at Omsoa.
jlrlif a new store, 30x40 fee^ asd has
Mr ud Mn. L. C. Bose aad ehOdrea
mered In a saw stock of goods.
of dachinati. left ysstorday merniag
game of bam ball for a weak, for Nenh-ta-waata. Tbqy are maklsg
nmtlofi vs. Heralds, at 3 o'clock this a tour of the tesorta aud will also visit
•ttwBooa. The Heralds are the hast Omena. .
•trietiy ematesr team is Mlchlgaa.
E. A Stowe. B. A. Stowe Jr.. Mra.
taak Vletoa. who has been In Bol- K. 0. Richards, aad Mra. Janma Boeklead fer a short time, has retaraed to wlth arrived from Grand Bapida ymtorWilUamebarf. He was in the
yee- day moralag, and after taklag dinner
at Park Place went over to Traverae
tmday aeMttag ap hie father^ estate.'
Point, where they wUl spend the rete the eeaeert to brgivm by Bemmiyl, maladerof the heated term.
the Camoea vioUnM. meat Monday
aight is Btalabwfs OtMd Opera floeae.
The party glvee ia tha
•eademy ^ the pepils e< IVifmenr
Mnrtaagh'e daaeiag damm liM alfbt
was largely alteaded aad teqr w
■ ttW IBffW
NJm madiag Of Travmae €^p
It wae« great featnre to aee ao many
darings a eompany of artistn of the
ions led' nnlformed ridere in the probighectrepntattone, hat been selected
with the greataet care for thdr partie- metan.^ They w«e ap^nded aU
ttlar flloea^for tbe pemonlficatioa of alo^ the line of march.
a oedlt to Petoekey, the a
the various ebsraetere of drams, mak
In which
tbe great erowde were
ing this by far the beet eompany ever
went hnngry. al^oegk
erganixed. or now traveling, and the
only firm dem Uncle Tom e Oabte Oo. many of the hotels did not expect eo
that will visit here tWeehashn.
large a nnmber.
The Coshmaa House Orchestra is
Santanelli gave anoti^ of/hU inim
jomposed of as fins mnslcisnt as at any
itable entariainmenta iM evenlag
<>f tbe nortbera rmoria.
The baae baU game made a hit. Tbe
Jsmes B. Lewis !ef the Cnshmu
memberaofthe Grand Baplde Berald
Hotoe, was kept more ttasa bncy greetteam and moct of the Haetlert wer
ing hie many trieads and ebserfuUy at
tmeeted ^eeUtora, and perhape they
tending to their nnmeroos wanta.
learned eomethlng of tbe game. There
In the evening the new ritoalletie
was certainly a ebanoe to leirn i
work was exemplified by the CbdUlac
^tty grand stand poses. Be aleo gave
degree team In tbe Grand Opera Bonee
eome new and adnslng teeta. There
before an andieaee of over , 400. in a
wae a very good hoeae. ■
■ that brought bnreta of spmany timea.
'Tbey'ie all
WAtatramm daT AT BAT VZSW.
The a A W. H. railroad did aU it
agreed to, and more. Not so aeeident
mamd the pleasure of the day.
B. O. Liadd, eeeretary of the
said they were cooing to
Inetituta. bH reedved tbe following
eommnnieation from Kenyon U Bet- Traveree City next year to prove her
Tbeatrioal Hotoa.
Tbe Salter A Martin Mnaunotb, orig
inal Uncle Tom's Oatds On., at StolabargUOrand. Jnly tl. travel la their
ewB serial trala of oara: carry tl.ooo
«rth«f aoenery. baaideehoram. burXM. doakiva. msles. tea Bhetiaad potfm, twelve maa-eatiag blo4ibondr„
aad la'cAar to ^aaeat a pmtect raa-
flveeenU. Everything strictly clean about
Fruit JSrS. CaiuiinVseasjjn.
2 Quart—65c, doz. I Quart—55c. doz.
Get them before eea«
is over.
Holiday Bargains
Steilberg’t Grand Open Hanu.
One Entire Week,
Bay View Bates.
Tickets will be eold ris the Grand
Bspide A Indians Railway to Bay View
and return July 13 toss, good return
ing nntU Angnet'31, st one fare for
round trip from aU Hieblgan points.
Send for Ulnstrated deseripti'
L. LLoeswuuD.
G. P. A T. I
Grand Bsplds,
Butter, per lb.......
d extensive end sew pat
c well eat end msd* es to de
ceive the tailors themselves. Come and
•ee the line Thursday and Friday at
our store. 'Bsmllton Clothing Co. ei-3t
Doa't Fail ta Call Tada;.
Ever before the Public.
Goming from kTrinmphul Bngag&ent
at Bammerateia'ii Olympian,
New York.
In lateiasting Paiformaacal
t Parformance Full af Bright
Has Your
I Fopdu Same Prios-tO, n ud 30c.
Now for Business!
Monday night will be Ladies' NlgfaL
- Bfchaser of a SOc. ticket being
to an extra ticket admitting a
lady free of charge.
Pure Cream TaxtAr,
(asdPurvBaktncPewSar. U you waM ne tb
wake U. S poasAe lot IISO. Subbw BheeUag,
AuMiefrBblBx.aaelwa, Water Boulce (guaraoieeS tor two yvaru.) Fountain eyvtncue,
wany kloea Tbrout Braebee. ax>d AUmleere.
GlyeSrlae and Wlicb Banal ImKb te the
be without
Fire iDsnrance
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
At Our .
Soda Fountain
•uawr we ere sever conMal to "let w,
useagh sleoe" he* ulwayn try to Iwp-oTiu
carry a certain amount
raonaiKTOB or thx
Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
July 21st.
w OrratM TSIBXTUM xrar Bsppraed-
boat sod wagon to ea)oy the day.
Tbe Charlevoix DrumCorpeof Itlads,
was one of thChHa of the day.
Bar Shora Teat turned out» of Ita
Soda ^ntpa with,
_________ • extracts at oar fountain. A
Tbe ofioera of the a
a for the
. year have a Mg thlag on their
bands U they beat Petoskey. but they
To Old I
my they are going to do U, with the aid
of the weli-kaown public spirit of tbe tel Whit__________ ____ _ _______
penekw mauers toaddtixans. ______________
just mn have aa Intorriew with nae “
The great aale of the Bteln-Bloeh that time.
JAMn Gaascn,
Oo-'e goods by our epeelal sales has led
Boliefwr of ~
otheiu to adopt a similar ooutss. “ImiUUoB U the siscereet flattery." It U
uselcm however to imitate these goods.
While a suit msy sppesr to.be of the
1^^^ Stows or Boasta. per lb. .8 tote
mme cloth as another, there Is' always
s doubt sbout the Intrinsic valnc
Veal Stews or Boasta, par lb—Ito^
well ns in the mske and euL Thi
Comer of Union and Bay Streets
nesrM..AN. B. depot, wishes to an
nounce to tbe public that he has refited and famished the Hotel Paagbom
better than it evm^ has been before and
Moomodate the traveling public In
Id good 'bbspe. Joho May formerly
with tbe Hotel Whiting will have
charge of the offiee aad attend to the
Secretory Dowling (hanked the dele- .wanta of tbe gucata. Satisfaction gnargsbe and promleed as good work un aatoed.
der Prmldeot Crawford as had been
done under Preeidem
Bsr SL wsr H. e X. K. Depot.
Be expretoed bis detarmlnstion
ebspe tbe destiniri of the league ac
cording to the beet of hU ability, re
gardless of Ihs erttleUm of thcae who
may not like hU methods
Prank J. Biggins of New Jeraey-waa
elected treesurar.
wssnsDAT IV pxTosnr.
The Pure
Fruit Juice
D. t. SALTER & lARTIM u. f.
at all timea
For Rates and any other imformation, consult,
E. W. Hastings'
Commeuciog on Monday
morning, July 12, 1897, I
will seU tickets to and from
all points on Carp Lake for
Phone 73. Johnson Block. one fare for the round trip,'
Lady Watts can be chartered
at aJl times for Fishing oor
Picnic parties at very reason
able rates. There is dothing
Ffirk StrM, bttwen Trent ft Cim, more delightful than a trip
on Carp Lake, these warm
Salmon, Bass and
. Rates. $1.50 per Day.
Pickerai fishing best in
ieinickets at Redaced Rates. Michigan.
James H- Watts,'
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Go. If You Have Logs to Sell
The favorite pUeefortboewwho were
tired waOtiag wae the
Lota," a 50 PEOPLE
maall park near thd
Bonea, As Immortal as the Oecli
whore testa had bssu plaeed under too
baantiful sbnde toeaa. It was small,
bnt restfuL
Tbs “Smvuiiir Boy" wasomn^rweav
Too maeh eredU eannot be give.
Preeidcat Waektri and Secretavy
Gravea Icr tbe admlraWe maanar in
vritieh all the little datoUs were looked
after, aad their untiring offorta to lock
after tbe wuUan of the vlMtara.
Hotifitcr Parade at Noon.
Tbe Biy ^naw dammy did a “n^
lag’' fcatiriii every M mlnstoa.
See Th..|iaj„^tsdjnr.
Mns-2S, 3S ud SOc.
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We ^ve for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floorif^,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including g Engines, Set Works, Carriage^
and Saws A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Livery, Bus and Feed'Stable.
bozses a special^. Hoisea boarfad.
Tereu reasonable.
Stftts Bt wwt of
the broad queatkm of
___ _
eontr«et hM t»«
Burope to coerce Turk..
m*S«. Am w«a no eb)t«tlni wd Ou
Standard aaya: "So tar aa BngtoBd I*
t«KaaaoB ww Adapted. Cabow uovAd
public BpIalOB doea not favor
in tb* BeoAte amead. 8tritui*s R»ply to a Rtport of
Wrapped Up in th« Stntt* Com*
inxit to tb* ciMrAl dtOdeBer blO. Tb*
mottos pmvAltod sAd. Cabaob. Nortt*.
VAT And SAjrcr* w*f* Appointed «mthe egtobng dpndtoek to alowjy butaure(emm.
After «hlcb tbe taou** Ad>
ly ruining Ontco. W* have befor* ua
to todAT.
tb* terrible proepeet of a Buropean
•mM* <N«*«B to Speaker B**d.
war: and R to not worth running such
And Waat* U Dow la a Banr-Bl
WABUnstOB. ^ti)r lA-The seeste
n rtik f^lh* mere nake of rehabOlAtferme* on the UrtB bill Are dUpoaed to
tng Qrecce.'*
raeot tbe attort* of SpeAher Reed to tagAXKBAirS BtJiR A* aAUSBTBT.
la**lf'aAd tb* AotlMtfltT
floeoee tbe acUob'of tbe houto coo' MoAo* m At* X.BiffT-t
ferreee. Tbe eeBAtor* Are ineUned to codMatsaa B* Talk* *M
•tme tbe, iptAkef* .pArtkiiiAttoa to tbe
Beto Abet The** Siato
WAihtBCton. Joif 1&-—SeiiAtor DAvta, proceeding* u uBB ArrAiited sad Are Ap*
OoBatazrtBope. July IS. — Ii
ItoodOB. JuIyU.-Tb* Intent not* cf tb*
AhAlnnAB of the contnlttM «a fereteo FAtoBtlr more detemdned tbAB betora mlnisterUl council* were tield
AmerlcAB govmment relating to tbe
MaUou. TMtcrdAT Rported tnm that bl« Attitude WA* keowB to btdd out day and Monday, At which an In aeni qaestlon to putmahedl here. AD
for the tooete figures Ttie contendtog
■AOAUidttM the folloA-liiK Jotet rAKlatloa: force* OB tbe wool aebedule. the carpet demnity from Oremw of CC.«00.«W
through it Secretory Sherman tobmatM
*ThAt the preAldcDt be MBpawered to__ ____
aa tbe limit. This agree- | hi decidedly cauatk language that Engand tbe wool grower*.
tAk* Mch meAmrM aa 1b hi* J»d«in*Bt j outide the.................. .......... ................... .
waa mncUoned by an Imperial mnd 1* not keeping tUtb to tbe Parts
swr be BMOBArr to obtAlB tb« ret«Aae ; narhrd *B AcreeroenC dbich It U pre- irade.' Tbe council* furtber prepared
BBd 8trietl7
OOBSOltettOB BBd EBBinhl
the SpoBMi «WfBB>*Bt of Qba 1 miiBed «1U be ratuted by the
.a report stlgmattolng tbe concert of cf tad faith are f
ally GratdiK
MaltOB. Alfred a l^bordc aod wniUn
Europe aa a "league of Crooa against
pondence thiito morolng aaya: "Onr
OOdea and tbe reftoTBtloe of theecbooB- After C o'clock yeaicrdAy ABdcthen ad- Creacent." The aulun. after ejnalderof the tnoutuMT bad i
toumad until today, omitting the naual
AT CeenpetllBr to b*r ow&er. asdUiaemre evening
aeerioB. They mid progregi bad tog the report. aa»wered by tbe foUow,thto be ia autbortoed and reouerted to been made. It waa impowlMe to
tog Irade: *'J am eoovtoeed that the ef neceamry to regard Secreury a
fort and energy of the power* are dl- exploBon aeriouaiy. It would be unwtoe
whether the aebaU or bourn bad
power AA may be Becewary." The («• advanUg* of the day** work. Botb aide* rveted lowardathematoienAnce of peaea 10 embitter the ntgottotlon* by anawerport redtaa tbe trial, aenicnoe. etc., o( looked weary and troubled. The ouilorA
tog Seeretary Sherman acerdtog
tbe prerantiaB
Anal agfvement waa aaid to be at
the tbrt* BtoB and c^racterHea It a
In these rim
Tbe Dally Cbronlcte my*
plain duty of Turkey, wboiw aenttmenti
''modtetr of a trial." The amdaTlii cf
bopee that Secretary Sbermasto <
tha partlM as* dted to abow tbAt they
patch, which almost amounU to an
were "coerced" Into SpAslah watctai to
tempt to pick a quarrel, to but another
whtob cA*e they were not AmeBaMe to
of jingo. antl-EnfU* toanpet
SpABlab JurladlcUoB. They were not of tbe foilowtog tUtooto men:
Bgtoe. ”Vrt thoogbt.'* tht pa
ABbtoct to piracy ABd toUBtod bo act of B. MngUl. congul -to Tamptoo. M*b.s
lAries for peaoe by per tayn "U wa* w* who bad a grierdepredattoa oa tbe aeaA Bor were they Oaorge J. Oorey. to Amsterdam. Nethance over lb* noo-exeeoOao of the Pari*
A Tap* -Waem.aaB
■ntatoet to tbe SpaBldi autboritiaB on Mteads: Dan T. PhllUpA to Cardiff.
AoeooBt Of Alleged rebellioa.
W«et: Adam Uetameckt, to Zurich.
The DaOy New* aay* edltortally: 'The
to autbenHc. but to r
Aato wt thAtoea Deal OaaBL Maw.’
Swltserland: Edmond Z. Brodowakl. garded aa a rua*
ugly dlspatrii from Seeretary Bbennan.
The report then taya: ''Irreapectlre of Braatou. OermaBy; Wllltom Hdrrtoon dectoton. Altbeugb In nooe quarters It which has grt Into print, to----- -------dfiy of the foregotag cofalderaUoBi the Bradley, to Tunatall. gagtond.
ha* led to the belief that today's coun
AoBdoct of SpalB. a* hereinbefore detailcil will deride to meet Europe-* view*
BeKtoley WtU Mat Be at Cklmg*.
^eodatiutaa each deUy and deBtal of
Waablngton, July U.-On acevunt cf an the fronUer question. . Tbe grand
ftuUee and auch an actnal Infltotloe of
on the brink of war. But It will be only
adjoureiBjtiaUce apon tbcae men ai, to make It
Monday wltb Count Nelldoff. RtomenUry. When tbe'facts are calmly
tb* daty of thU goremmeni to detDaad ment of congreaa. President McKlDlnr on
to Turkey, considered s teeling of humor ought to
reparation therefor IrreopccUvc of any And* It tanpewibte for btorto attmd the Ruanton ' ambassador
teeUng of
act. which theae prlaoBcra may have Uigan day exerriae* at Chicago on tb* wbe Insisted upon tbe evaruatton of
' • It to (
Tbeaaaly. and according
ooBUBltted BP to tbe date of their cap atod of tbe preaent month.
1 all that has lately been published on Ihf
threatened that UuBsla
Itussla would
wo^ . retaliate
ture. Awmftg the act* .of reparation
In Asia Mlnor.ltt Turtay
Turhsy aemaln^ ob- > question that the dispatch to out of date
Which ought to be demanded diould be
tbe grand vlsler re- jsnd Us, pubtleattoo
to eltber ludicrous
' Ibe releaa* of tbeae captires"
aecMeni or a pArtlmn device."
piled that Turkey wa* ready to
Beervtary Brana ia quoted to *Q
ply with this demand when RoaalA
thia podUoB. Tbe report dedare*
LoutovlUe, Jtfly Ik-Nouble and abould have evacuated Kan And BktOharlaa W. Bagtar, repraaenUng tl
the rights of tbe .men bare been ylo- unique to a de«|ee beyond any held for
Fine Merchant Tailoring,
Slain Bloch aothlng Co. of BoebasU
toted beeauae their trtaU bare eot been more tbSA a atpra of years In Kentucky
N. Y., win exhibit bto aperiAl line of
propw^ eren'lndged by Spaniri .
sulu at our stare ob lYiday and SatorIt to stated that t
are; that tbe men at the Aral trial did waa tb* TOOvantlon wblcb yesterday and
Bot know until after the testimony for last Bight brought to Loultx-Ule from all their conferences have arranged a plan day of ihto week. . Tbaee food* are an.
le Sleek. Dalsaglfma
7. S. Ttiz*.
(he proaecuttoo wa* lo that an intetpre- part* of tbe "bloody freundt sturdy of coercion, by which Ruaala will blocli- ! psrior to maka and flotob aad have bo Tewpbvssfo
. oow. iitxgavw
tor waa preaent and the only tranria- Bon* of Democratic forefatbera with the ade the Boepburua and England the iBompetltion. They At well. arttoUeDardanellea. while Austria will seUe ally cut. latoat designa Many wear
boo made to tbeip waa at tbe
-• purpoae. aa they t>«i « ‘n 'lew. of '
the railway toRsloBloia It Is rumored ftbe btoin Bloebclothlng who bavebeen
—WE HAVE MADEtbe mngulnary praceedlnga w
Mlnlngtrue Democracy and bricglDgback that while tbe exar's reply to the tul- , buying tbe higher priced tanorinade
were aaksd If they bad anything to aay. to such those who have strayed after t'
ten's telegrsm was peremploTT. Etn- goods. Only an expert caa toll the
Af.la Um All Bee Klphta.
Ever Bnrned Oat ?
silver IdoL" Tbe.mort prominent of K(
peror William promtoed lo contoder, but dlffersBee. We take sped&l orders for
After aomc more comment oo the trial tucky'a------------- -------- ------. iater the
• Oerman
- s:rongly
----------- tall dellrery: for overhoaU and nlatore
tb* report aaya: "In our optoloo tbeae there wa* almoat a con»tar.l Bow of advised tbe port* to agree with Eu- aa well
. aa solts. Come and look over
Let US make ■obc for yon.
Acts of delay.' denial of }u»tlce and to* omorfi of which nearly l.o« delegates rope's demands.
flkUoo of tnluabre. vitiate and make did not weary, and every face revealed l»en recelveo of the report that the Hamilton aolhlsg Co.
liraTTB A -N-Qg.
void any right which SpAto b*d
the teal which wa* frit In tbe cause Turks are constmctlng a miiltary fnad
o. r. OABTBR. Ag*«S
X.B.BOUkV. Mgr.
ig oi
of tbl* trmnmctloe to proceed wblcb led to tb^r aasembllng.
In one of the passes of Mount Othy*
crltnlnAlly against any cf these metnWhile determined to fight without and are preiwrtng to re*nine boslllllleB.
Tbto goverament abonld demand tbnt compromise or yltldlBg the sdvoente* of
they be set at liberty and that tbe Com free Blver. It wa* almoat the nnanlrwu*
London. July IS.—The Evening Stand,
petitor be restored lo ber owner, a* there conviction ttat the true spirit Biould
Is BO evidence ttal the owner knew any- cooslsl in a tireless effort lo "recUlm" ard regards tbe situation In aouth.aotEurope aa extremely (nave, and
' thing aboDt the divergence of the vessel those who had parted from them and
there Is no d >ubt that unless apfrom Its regular voyaga tc Lemon City. once again enable Kentui-ky. and every
leek will aecBrn a
pearancea are moot derepllve bost'llll
state, lo preeent a solid, united De between Turkey and Greece will
____ _.ii,»NtoAM: wn
mocracy to oppose the Republican p«ny be renewed. The paper says: "PerbieycU shop, til FYpntljt.
Op. Eari* 0*c*. p»y to look at tbe elecnnt Iln*. H. B illbta. in BiU* bicycle
Oor. great and.Vs 90 Bu.
may be at thr Ir-glnnlng of a
■ Complete ratlKactlra with the work
er'* priota,
,LL FIANOS—Soldat makers
port the Hawaiian annexattoo resolu- of the converlieri wa* to
read In the
ita W. W.
fare and bearing cf all the deleitatea
KImWII UoTChl—. S. E i
' • when Anal adjournment came, and c< na foregone conrloslan. but tbe unanl- | floenre waa freely expressed In the ultlTbe iDaurase*
mlty at tbe' vote^ 1* none tb* tom a tnate winning of a vutoiy which would
safe aad will Bott._,.
nourc* of gratlBcation to tbe prraldaDt 1(<> « natunal succee* In the next
A. Moataga*.
FroBt Bu
and tbe frlenda of annexation. Turple j prestdenllal ronl'm. The convcnUqn
and Daniel refrained fr. m voting, not nomir.Aied James IL Hindman fur clerk
•--------e they -were against the treaty. ;
of appeal*. ItuI the prlncl■ mght It-----*
c bring
t could be ':
object of the eocvertlcB »
Wins 1MTUTI0I8 nnrass.
Hotel Whiting
TmwrMOltr.ltlcIi. ^
rdjhum UM.
To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Lock Box 160.
We are headquarters for them.
3408 Frames
Geo. R. Winnie.'
iPainter and
up to in < i pgpgr Hanger
Suits to Order.
Great Cut in Bicycles
Worth Looking Up
The Final Wind-Up Sale, at
. ... _ _'
wblch did not And favor with a majorl. j
Wamrson and CarlMs In
ty of tbe eommlltee. and they tberefote ^^jnat the Chicago departure’,
sxpresaed a desire to preserve their i Anrong the speakcrewerc Henry Watoenstatency by refraining from sArma- (eraon. rurllile. and Senator Lindsay,
tlve approval. Turplc dors not bellrve
cheered to tbe echo
tbe "people•' of Ha»ai are conAnod to „
denounced the silver men. Tb*
the Tew thonaasd Amerl-an* and otb- ! pUiform Indorse* the plaiArm of prinare auppoMlng the Dole government. ;
announe-Aby tbe Louisville .con•nd thinks that the rest of the people ven'ticn uf Urd. and the (dstform
abonld have a voice In the matter. Tbe adopted at IniUanap>lto. and rrafArm*
annexatlnnlata to rurhmlUee think tbe .p-ariy allegtaace In the prlnc.ple* and
people of Hawaii don't count any \
therein exprcaaed. and U clar.a
Aore than so many Digger Ind.ana
three an* in acrordarvee
- platforrh* adopted by the
; various preceding natloral conven.latama Thai ■* Talks tlona. "which platform* we hereby reKillrelyTee Mark.
adort and by whlrh we stand." At the
Washington. July U -The a------- Blgbt neasiun the rerort
in a deadlock for several hour* yester- j
, . irermant-nt orgSDlxatlon wa§.
.................' the Hon. W, W, Bt.n*heo*«B,
day erllh buatnes* *i a siandatili while I of HaiToilahur*. and was rsMA. d On*
calls of the aenate. i..ll-«1la and other : ^ uj,
n prt>parltoroentary. expedient* were r.erted.^flj* that no penem bolding
..The Beston Store.
ThU to our tost week's bnaineaa at onr old Stand in -the Whiting Flock.
bSfore we more Into onr spaeiOBS quarter*-
“The New Glass.Block.’
It is just three years since we opened our doors to the
public of Traverse City and vicinity, with a line of merchan
dise which suited the times. 5>ome bankrupt stocks, some
up-to-date seasonable goods, bought alwa>’s at advantageous
figures. Ready cash was our great factor. The almighty
dollar performed wonders. We have thrown on the market
to. It was due to tbe .ff.........................
much merchandise at sSc. on the $i.oo. but our greatest bene
It* SM":
nettoB on the reaoluuoi^s U Harris of pti^ible lor service on - .
^nsaa d.-slgncd lo prei •vnt the dto- .........
. dreigned
. vxomit
fhtog Ibe factor has been the public. From the day we opened our
posal ut the government Ihrn on the : purpoae* of the party. Thu
doors up to the present time we have had our store thronged
Vntoa Psclflr railway under tbe terms i puuded vtgr.ronal}-.
niiugvd'ligrtemeut. There were j ■■
sfmm g*
Bait F-'-*
With people, almost to suffocatioH. Wc ukc this as an
"utkp?r^u<^^'‘ai^ ! Chicago. July IL-Foiirwing are ^ [opportune time to thank all of our patrons for their liberal
pronn. ro.» airo,,,...fln,
Jt». j patronage and will assure them that while we will add w our
1 the mull n wa* i
ily ■
u‘I?.h»a I hu:isiness more regular up-to-date lines whichVe will endeavor
r. 71b abA UmloB.
Cheap Suits
^^Zk* n ^mt at'tbe itoria tapostttoa to IMAtoBd a
- “*
Wilhelm Broa., Soath L'bIpb BtrMk
TEA-16, 28, 36, 60c.
I>bU. toro.ro.»
at Cleveland-Boston U.
to erect a studio near the alt* i.f tbe
our old systdfflti heretofore practiced.. Bankrupt stocks, jobs,
: Cleveland V.
hard-up merchants will find an asylum with us. In the mean
This afforded a leyt for *010* otrielure* by Morgan on the dvadlock which OraBd-BWld* K
badot>cl)«ed?The,*en*«ahadnatrt.kUo aaa Clty-lndlanapolto 11. Kanaas City time in the few days that remain for us in the old stand we
bad a patr|.>Uo
duty to perform. The pending PariAe (; at UlnneapoU*—Detroit S. h
made extra 'reductions and special cuts on a lot of
railway reeolutlon had beenunar.tmou*- its S: at St. Paut-Oolumbtu U. 8L
merchandise which we do not wish to move into our New
ly p*»«tod from tbe PariAe railway
«,u yet
,W tbe
v«v rbalrtnan
werten. AaaorlaUon; At Roritfo^
BomBUttee,, and
uf the
Block. In our shoe department we have uken a lot
had conduried Ur Abboator. , Burlington M. Bodrtord^
oegln op. Qutory U. Peoria &: at C^ BapIda«t. Jtseph t. Cedar’Rapida *: at Du of (.adies hand turned and machine sewed button Shoes
worth from $2.50 to $3.50 and have put them down to the
T^ureton regpoBded that on all PacUke rallaray detates tbe Alabama *enuniform price of $1.29. Ladies' congress Gaiters and Julietts
to had iBsuted
ator and hto aaaoriat**
inslited on
. July
!W. When U wni
occupying all tbe time.
at. Metropoll*.---------------, in black and colored, worth $2.50. we have put down to 98c,
DP at the- laat aesalon tbe 1
rbargr of st.-allng a young
ulv one
Alabama was tbe onlv
o .tkjvOject
growing fruit trees Bey-T Great reductions are being made on Men’s colored Shoes.
totianlttg asp^h Bold* arid n rill of tiee* to Judge Ben
to hi* (TbnreWB’al contlBUtef------Shirt Waist Department—The high art .of shirt waists
00 tbe aubJeoL
jamin O. Jonea for wblra be aaya be
"How .-many day* bad 3>*« apokeiWr' was never paid. Aftvr trying to vain of ours, which has been the talk of the town, we have divided
naked Morgan.
to collecl tbe neeouni he simply dug gp
"Not ose-tenlta of tbe tiro* oeoupUd the tree* and carried them off, ns he into four lots. Lot 1—All of our heavy percale and Jood
by lb* aertator from Alabama on 1«- aaya in broad daylight. The judge had lawn waists, which are good value at $iao, we have marked
BortaBt queetlona*' responded -nuraton Reynolds arreried tor theft.
Bbarply. "Wc have sat here listening
down to 48c. Lot 2—A lot of stylish waists, latest effects,
DomlnlM'* AIMm* Lebor Law.
tor day* and week* and month* to tb*
marked down to 88c. Lot S—Comprises all fine fabrics
o'tuwa Ont.. July IL—Tbe I
aeastor from Alabama and aumv of u*
have Thought that we bad some r ghU
which are being retailed ^t $1.25 marked down to 78c.
to the door even If It did curtaU the
lengthy reinark* of tb* aenaior from aa well as Manitoba, the Boetbweet 1
Lot 4—Is a lot of waists which are beauties to behold an.d
Atobama” Again referring to the tlm* rttorte* and Drltlsb Columbia, and
will be appoliitod for this purpoM the price on them today is 88c.
Come quick before these
eonaumed by Morgao tu dabace TnutnIn a few days
ton road* the aarcaatlc remark that ba
are gone. The Money Savers.
did not aspire to tb* urique dlatlnctloB
wm SxblMlat rsrt* la IBOI
at talklnr bto dern ncBBure to death.
MUneapoUa JbIj lA—Tbe Asm
Whta the hoBn# reaumed «t» j«u^ at AiBWlren Coltogee of A«T^ti
•fw^ruta** takroi Tnartay Bssidar-
tog the ros.ro.*.—.. w. ....
Front uid Pu-k ^
u ■peetol attoolloB to tamUy treAe.
IB i A*h, oor. FroBl aad Parit, Bad
wtsAowm. » or »0e. 6.V Xartliam, Frost aWsBi
Bd}BtoIiig MeKamarB-a ahoc •!«•.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Friedrich Block.
_________ tar tie. ElAatrorth Bloek. DbIob street.
aud Bosd bone* a aptANGOS McCOLL SrriFSJIrd Aoor wpatTroUtog
of Morfaas Urery Bara.
PBckarrSaM ISO.. XXXX aad Jureay.
Xtoreow. Bl? Bay streM.
. Tab SbBta. Vtoi Ktd.
10 Per Cent..date:Off
BM Oaton. 8^1miu>-tBprtem tbe
. - cattltBaUFraBtOt A.8
I Haved Moved
B 40A, DaiM 8b
coil mad CM
_______ Ladtoi Ox Blood, onto torn
bare Iba Oxford* abise. Youtbto T*a
Shoe at fl 00. at6oubadBShoretm«.A.T.
at 6oub SdB Shoe eten.
Joha404 ttoutb Dahm 8L
PARUtfiRRRN k»d Itaect Pawdeim. Tbl* to potato bug tl~
f aiUl) OOimn
«xtor»toa*or from B. B. MIUw. tb*
origtaal dr«g mas. ftretdoorsaato
New Procliss Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
j 46Tront- St.
At LmSd Down by OttrmH.
SttUt thtiBigStrikt.
VlrfftBla OMt lb*rt are Mrvral •thv
Moron or auKkly.
tootkozs lUtnoU,
Kentucky, AUbonuL. rut Virilaio. cmtrol P«aavlvu)lk 01^ etber mlniac
roctam .OM pour •uppltei Into many ot
the i««dlac Mrfcou oowoScoUl by Uu
Wbtah Are
On. «Ml tnu >me.«a w OMala tk*
H af M Pm mi. *f Mm Other
Oyermiore. F*rli«pe—Mkn Cek Beod
ntubuTB. jJly Ik—Tbe ptoopeet for
» •etticBeu or ihe pmt miner*’ Mrtke
s coam on ■
Mor future.
P4U «rtka b> Wm Tltyla^
Poikeisburs. W. Vo.. Joly U.-'Two
undPed utBOTBemplozod by the Ojedn
•yndlcoto fX FlomisctDB tnolly otruck
yeMaeday. arary man in the mine quitttny. Thla la tbe fliwt atrlke under the
yencral order occurtloy la central IVaat
Vlratnla. It b expected that the mlaera In GatW mine, aaat of Flamltuctos.
raportad" that the atrikera wiU_____
march Id a body to Tilorimel to en
deavor, to Induce the mlncre there to
Join ibam. Rayardleae of tbe advanced
aoale tbe M.
ported to be d
I. Jttlj 15.—Yertwday
Tairflk Fwha. who U a
aaffoUMkmoa bahalf ^JAa^Mktah
gevarament, loformo^. the atabhaMdari
of Ae powen that be hoped Ae mmell of tDlnlateiB would make a reply to
t. and Aat Ae reply «
he praeocted Ttauruday aveolar.
rlae A Aa ht^Aat
Tnfkey will coaiply wlA Ae d
of Ae powera
Ihe weaAv ia cans
dteMpe Mxag Aa Tufto A ThcaMly.
IteSabllme'Pane rattaraWahis A-
Have ftm Mad oar makw
Tlie Hecimlaf twilerr
la 5 ahd Jte. ptgan
I aooB fallow Flaaanytoa'a lead.
Aaklay Belief fbr MHhm.
eompany.wkapp 1.200 men have Meo conMutty *t work, and wttkoot wbon ae-
I. July tt.—The mlnera
neaitj’ every county of tbe mlnlny'dlatrin of
t Indiana are formlrj
formlry oome
tcea to be aaat out
oak for relief
the etrtkera.
RepreaeeiUtlvea of the
miner* are here to aak the people to
TM ytrlkera hope 'to '
able to obtain tome aL*a:etancc throni
the mlneretbe amouBt obtalnitble from that aod-c*
he anthcleni to keep etarvat.un
away, their rcpreeentatlvt* aay. Oovatuor Roust haa asked a rammUtea.et
tMaocc the tucci m of the BOoremeBt
voiild have been Jeoi>ardl«ed. bo* aymd
to iotn tbe other <4>eratbr* lo a plan for
Ae aetUeannt of the ctrlke on a "true
aotformliy boiu. ThU r«tuM haa been
brooaht about ibrooyh the efforo of
Aememberaof the jotot orbItroUon com■
BUoloQ. who have been worklns oaatdend alBce meeUcs PmalDeartnit Tueaday.
Teatetday at*
tolled upon
Mraefc U TtotodM ef OMtrweC
mt tbe mlBere' offlrlalt ond the propoMUoB olao received ibelr opprovoL
U BvMeaUy a VM-17 tor Onmit
Under the lermi of the arreemeat
l>nnBlt oonaenu to Mob a roatraet
trhlMi vtu brlBC about a ooDdltioe oT
"tore uetforaltr*' lo the PUuborK dletrtet accordlnr...........................................................
vhich faUed el«hteen BKtotha «ca
Tbe eomimct provide* • • •
_ ,
• and the removal ot other
mplalned of by the mtnera.
.Ue Mil aten aucb a coniroct provMed «S
per cent of Ae operatora A the PUiaburr dlatrict bec<Mne partlea to it In
orreeln* to tbe term* the mioera' oS*
•e.tbelr iBfluence t
I. July U.-Of r.aoo miser*
employed 1b Blneleen countpa
diaiUL Jb which *ofi coal b foond la paytban (.WO
have no
them W wifI I* knows as the third Mbdietnet. InBudlne A* bliumlBou* leylMi* of OreeDe and cithar emiDtiea. are
under ewitract to work at At B-cent
•calc of Ibe [msnt Masan up to Bay 1.
im. Thouxh this contract was altned
by the oBlceia of the Uslied Mine Work
er* of America, it wa* promptly recmdl•ted wbea Ac ttrike was sedued
>- aRect
___________ ______________ __
-Ill be a
borrter atalnet recurrinv troublec in tbe
nttibaiT dlftrlct. The miner*' oAdal*
lined that even thouyh they bad won
-the vietcry
rory. a* tbe abrnnee of a coniroct *uA
Of hoa becB acreed upon vould have left
the door open for re*, ypevanre* that
were bound to mar.lftat thenaeK-e* un*
Ver tbe preaeni ibIbIbs lawt. and the
sew eoe* aoMilny the alynature of the
yoveniof. nfe provperi of a artitemeB*
et tbe mininy trouMe* *roa recerved
with a aenar of ynat relief-fas all aide*,
ond the re»n» of the eiforta of the Joint
......... ......................
filon lo
n aerure the r
neoewary » per c<ri of the operai
to the afreement will be awaited with
Seneral lBiere*L
ttlMI* Clala^ Sew aOirt Dswm.
The miner*' clfiflalr (Ulin that tbe
•Cahenshury mlrer In ihe Panhardle dlatriet. which have l>.- n in operation alncc
)wn yaefbc etrtke beyan. were abut down
1 Jolninc
terday on arcount
contAue to work until Ae order
cornea, provided Ae operator* Uv* up to
the ayreement lo ahlp no coal and tunnlsb none to rallwsr*' except dx car*
a day lo the Lake Erie and Weatem.
g.C.alLBBIT. A(U*M}
rnwnCLX a cnoos, Ausroeyn.
A aimiibr is p«*tocimg Isd* uib
•,CttyOp»»*Bo« Blsck-_______
Thanks to bis adeDce and sUU.
ofa. July 15.—The eavesA
aof AeBaptM.
Toanr Pac^le’e Caloa of Ameriea be
gan Ais marutar with aboat too daleB^Uat leadare to
US of
• A. W. JAHRAU8, •
He will be here
wlA a ehort
led by Dr. L.
vice, which
Fort Wayne, lodlaaa.
A pocititv sad pemsnent c«re
SMnred in all eases sbc«pteil. Now
aMleally #iA Ae'chotr In alnglng. and
a great wars of lutfUntiom and har-
"PUlstarj Flow, I».
many loated Arongh Ae buildtag. At
Acelaae.'f Aeaoag-aarrioa Dr.
'hich PmMant Chapman
Aeopaatogaddreaa. Addramm od wel-
Lederle’s Stt*
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
(rud Itpidt a iBdlui L I-
•oeraad'tbeforty-aizApaaln'aMd de-
A comidete Linn of tbe very
bc*»Te», 6o«e«, EverrlWn*.
oome. an of which trera aloqnem ahd
Ataraattog. weia Aan deUvared.
Free Consultation
Obariar W. Baxter will be at the
Bandlton CloAtag
Company^ staea
WlA a Una of BtoA BBoeh goods on
Tburaday and Friday of tbia week ABtsad of Friday and Saturday as m*aoanoedyasK^ay.____________
E rstything Fiesh sod In Bsssoa.
Root beer, sharbeu gingar ala, to-------aar. bireh bear, etc., drtl»aiad at raailencefrae. A. L. Joyce A On. ’H
best ta be hsd-slwagrs. '
Jacob Furtsch,
60 A Ae Lion Barber Shop lor hal
rate and baA*. 15 oenu eart.
l^tf ■
M. B. OmrTTm
415 Usiw SL .
TekpiMU 31.
Mm 1<
Lacon. Rli.. July 15 -A •IryattoB of
Toluca miners vidt-d Brertoed aad pre
vailed dpoB the mlcfr* to rirtkc.. At a
aw-meetlng II was .voted to qtdl arork
il* evenlns. TbI* clorvf all mtaiat
larahall county, and i.Vm
Jote row.e. Matovar* AieWMeet. Mi^r^e
Stopped Work a* Qa**ttto.
Danvitia tUa, July 15.—«r«r 5B mto.m were at the Pawnee ycatMdey
Donilos to pfvveni woria EwnrtJiing
raa quiet yeeterday. Been thv Pawnee
ind Kelly mmpanlee are bavltw deputy
BbertSa »wqro In to guarq Aelr mtoee.
^yAirrgD—aoop^ o» pog^oiwa^
The Specialist.
.Office Parlors at
j. w. rarcatM.
ImprUeaM Miner b All**.
i»«h*KeMI Opwatorl*>tb* lah—al
•rib* Cowl Ttodw*.
Hotel Whiting,
Mammoth mA« at aoldOelda la stiU
alive, tboueb the cmve-tB occarred aAe
dsye ago. He anaaere Ac Mgeal* of
the re*rnlBg party. Tbe a^iele forte of
tbe nUne I* kept at werk on. tbe rcaoua
ToMeto. Ont. July IS.—The Bpworth
League cabinet met yeiterdsy and de
cided Aal tbe coni-entlan next year wJO
be held elAer at Seattle. WaMi.
Omaha. Neb. Tbe Utter pUce't cli
will l« puBbtd by a delagatiun con
tag of the mayor and dty council.'
|- other vlnue*. 1* the UbmovI
the coal tnduatr}'
America. Por oev.
RaterTlng A the a
n coal famine ColOhel Rend asid;
y«t there b *
- '
"there Uksly to be
« at
St all- Tl------------------------------M, if
and oMalMUe fnnn Ainas itUl
InI Bight *i>-----------------A operauon than during any time of
the period of the general strike of IBK
-Lett*** and tebgrams are coming to
my ottw from various plarea offerAg
Urge Bhlpraeou at prices that do not
nppMT exeeaMve. The -West■ "'Tginta
and ahip^ng
number of the mine* in thkt sute may
be heougbt out. but thousBtid* of new
men win be put to work in the >*ai1oiu
Ukeiy lowbow a apesAy
Nal^ptd down to thb ragUn and want
todtoik dlsflng coal to taka th# ptoa*
acW«awlir (unibhad hy '
Kpironh lsaq*M Xext Tea*.
(CUcoyo. Juli Ik- He la tbt lahmoe)
at the cool trade." That la what W.
P. Read Bold yeaterday of W. P. Daormtt. pnoldent of the New Totb and
Cleveland Oae Coal company.
A." oald Colonel Rend, "who ae loud'
ly proetolma hl*hone»ty.ho folrnooanf
«ral year* be haa had bU haad rataed
both ayalnat tbe miner* and
aia conduct three year* ayo waa lary*.
I* MiMnaibl* for the etrike at that
e for the
tima. He waa mainly
■trike of 1«M, which wa* oauaed by.a
rodacUoe in wayfii
wap.-s An
Aral aurted by blm.
au conduct Uu-n. as now. mi
dUturbancra in we»trm Penneylranl
that extended xo other ptatea. and that
culmlasted In a geiteral uprlalng,
-JHlTVtmduct the last year provokpd
the reduction* in miner*’ wage* to M
edau a top in the T'itUburg held Md
btought about general derootallaatton.
ArBt iB that aectloa and soon afterward
In dlRerent secUon* of the eeveral
glatea. The other
othei Ptitsburg operaion
■Amto ready to advance
mit ran be gut t« do so. If be wl!
•ent to arbitrate theotbar leading Pitts. burg-operatora will wateome arblcrtlon. While In hi* hoatUe^duct Dei
ton U an Indumnal I^feael, be U.
AM pisaa aad praye»% Atprctsndlng
Fha^ n b time (oTtSb man
' glop to hb mad carmr aad Ustgn U>
apMata of treason. «t JusUcqr.snd
—--t— coBcHlAtlon or afbltratloe will
Hmt abont peace.
Whoever ataod*
In the way of peace
apon hloaelf
Carilnsvine. nia. July a-notO ytvterday ever}- mtse in Uacoupln connty
le fhut down In oUdli-ce to
ity-flvc eipplcyet of 1
Ccal cempary at Nilwood »elUvd A^ dlSemuee by accepllny an Increace ef 10 cent* per fon,
recelrint'tD renu per ton wtaa wdybu
and. have returned
•oed to worh1
abaolute. Coal «cld yeaierdo}' at
pw tM foe mixed and U.to for ru
o dlaiurbaocca of oty
epi'M No
any kind
Unf 0^
caned durlny U>e day ar.d quiet rMpi*
A ^ porta of tbe dlatrlct.
MKD jraps 05 I
aod B maUnr praparaUooe tor Ae
UamqwfAtiim of-troopa.
IS. — Tbe
e Uttle
eonwiMoh-^ kDockt oS I per oent. of
tbe operotora. Ibe layt time he demand'
All vbo u« now nnder Dr. HeDonnld's treatment eidnim
WUI antke tviMa Ordwea:
b eeatoraaeisa- ftlPrumto.
Cycle Owners Loekfiere!
i Am Gaining Far
The Che
* made
Bifftat Uiai wTv. DeanntL pnaldMi
otthe Rew Teik and Clet-Maod Oaa Cool
And everything in the hn
Qitfl Sudu.UftDtA.
■i of first class jewelry and
toilet articles.
r. -A.. VA-RTs,
Dr. McDonald locatee and de
scribee tbe most obecare diflCAeoe
joBt ns Boon na be eeee the patient
witboot ukiDgAny qaettions, lookat
toneae or feeling the
' telU at oooe ja«t what
thb troable U nod « 'hat the
He pate bis finger directly apon
AM ache, pain or diflagreeuie
feeUng, gives a tall hUtoryi
hUtory of tbe
esse b^-beginniog to eod, mach
better thanD tthe patients ewn
lalm •The reaaon why no manj pe<^e
doctor M moch and
are not cared, u beoaose their
is not properly am
.............. with him
. im u worth everyBoitetioo
thing, as tbe patients are abown
precisely what tbe trouble is, and
are told what tbev most do in or
der to get well. No peraon ahoald
tiiink of doctoring any farther or
of taking any more toMieme antil
they hue coasulted Dr. HcDonald.
^^wledge and tbe adviee
be gives u oertain to save endleaa
mistakea. troable, expenaeand sofferiog. No mattu what yoor oqndition, bow long yoa have been
sick, nor bow many doctors yoo
have tried, no matter what yoar
doobis aajr ba, ^ere is bopa. A
perfek knowledge of dinegie is
power and one Jialf its caiw. It is
tat* yoar life that is at stake; yoa
either get well or eoffer. 'No
No matif the beat gh^ciaiia hare giv-
TnierseJBtjLiiie olStumen. IX'' He min
E. J. Penulngton, Uiettamons pii>mour. U In New Tork. regl*tbr«d as "G.
Jobnron." He has Just arrived fromLcndoo and I* known to l<e Intended t.i the
BMhUfat'ture of huredes* caWi^ca. Ha
cUbna to have ll.5W.000.
A mob at Huron Krvet and KLlwaukee
avenue, Chlcami. allarked five men A
a goive! misAoi wagon Wedoaaday
The prcaldeDt ha* called for the rertgBatlon of W.'J. Ul*e. (ullei'lor of inter
nal revvnue at Chicago, to Ukc Mfcrt
Aug. 1. MUc'k term doe* not xxpire nnA next January'.
Mrs Margaret Ourr’vf Icala. Mich.,
aged M yeara died from drinking car
bolic add by mbUke She Uavm thirtyil-grandchlldran and f<^
The NorAarn DUnlaa Poultry and Pet
Block asBocUtkm haa selected Jan. 15
to 15. im. as Ae date* for As annual
exhibit to b« held at Rockford.
At Mlddbto*rn. N. J,
Charle* Ooudert. of New York. At
Torosto. Ont..
Henry M. Ji...................
Memphis. Tenn.
At Decatur, MMl.
Mrs. Man
It Guy.
of bees lighted In front of
Ae Steel hotel at 8L Johns,
Brave men flew to cover, and m one
knew what to do ti)l s trail Httle wetnan
donned a veil, borrowed a pair of glove*
and. gettAg a box. eaaUy hived the
Albert O. WoU. of Denver, visited
CMcago a few days ago and bat all his
He returned home and
rtoDcy, lAOOO.
' cy swallowed adoas
1 a Bt of di
of morpblna and died.
» of hemlock bark
amount to Steone
cords, which la abont as average wop.
Ml*. C. Dakyna a w<
Splsndld PrMTmm. Introduoing Favoiw Nnmban.
Potato tHW am so i
jaTRSfas & lopto GOunty. Mich., that
^Si^’toftosrs .am Ptowtoc np.tlMir
ito mops and rsptontlrg
Only oioipanmoe to TVatwrse City <tf
xoxsAT XTxraro, iclt uth.
Morning Record
ed yoa away as incatable, no matlo^ your
- wbat snyjxidy aays, loo'
needs squarely in Uie face; go now
—ttoday—to 'this most eminent
specialist. Becare a eorrect his
tory at yoar oase and a full oUtement as to what can be dene for
you. This be gives free of aqienM
to all booest aeekdce after heallh.
Hoar* daily from 9KX) a- m. to
bring quick relume. 8t00 p. m.
Chicago — r-.«.»r. 4
West Michigan
einoiAi Mras
Fint Tear—\o: AS.
OBT tsstxbdJEt.
r T f -8
! ! ! !
tbe defendaut raised objections
plaintirs tatrodncUon of evidence on
tbe plaintiff's deelaration oa tbe comooanU in easnmprit. also tiw
ment of the plaintiff to tbe
Jury, -c^arding hU case. Tbe defendant claimed the plaintiff oegbt
to have set ap Tort and waived the
Judge Corbeu aaa-aulted the
plaintiff end the ease
tbe eopreme court. Tkattribanal held
Urnt tbe plalatiff was correct in his
plsadiaga. and reversed the deeirion of
tbe rironit court. Twaddle A Croes
Biley Sween WUl Occupy it ^
were attorneys for the plaintiff and
Bisplay of r
Pratt A Dsvle ter tbe defendant.
Mley Sweera, Ibe »omhetone ana
lonnment man baa derided to make
bU headquarters in Trarerse City leQuarterly meeting wiU be held to
i • ft I
Mew Ottk tor Eotri Pangbore.
__________ nsw Improvemeau U tbe
Hotel Pangbora. that hostelry wUl be
prmided OW by an experleneed clerk
in tbs perm of Joka May. fermeriy
clerk of the Hotel WUiing. The Pangbora U now ta first-riaas shape sad ttie
landlord wiU give ^tariel attention to
tbe trade of tbe traveUag g®.WU ae
malarrt Wrirtee wUl BeUver well as bU regalar gaaste.
Addreeese fianday.
a tlOO 1
».« totor wm >•
Mra. EUxabcUt M. Bekbart has be
league Suaday end p
gan suit In JastUe Brown's coart for
been made for a great day.
against M. £. Ellis and hU bondsmoml^ tbepalpUsof ‘
. Frank WUbelm and Henry meel^
eharebra and of Um Ooi
, will be ooenpled by speaker. newskL The eherge U aelUng liqi
Harry Johnson, a minor, whs U a
iMt oat by the AnU-Salooa Leegae.
In «»e evening the Praebyterien end married -man. The rvtara dey >
I vrUl hold a anion for the »d of this month.
-...-n-y in the BspUst ebnreh wUek
OUcego Market Beport.
wlB be addrsaeedbyoaeof tbe
Chisego, Jaly 15.—Wheat—July, 74c;
•pMksra StanUar evening meetings
September, 68bc; December,aew.<9k;
win be held In tbe Friends' and in
old. Mkc.
Oors-Joly. tSHri b
Id tbs a
May. S7ke.
tag vrUl be bald In StrinberTs Opera Deeembar,
Oata-Joly. ITHri September, iskc;
----------^ ,;to: addreased by
'miMkm- as adnUttanee wUl be ebsrg- Kay. WHO.
Pork-Jnlj. r-*ti SepMmber.r-ia
^ bntaeriloetkmtodpfiv oxpeneee
Lard-JalT. SAM; Septambar. SAM#
vi|W be takenAW: October. SSA7: Deaemb«..0LW.'
lenimMtntlTM <
day. Seturdey and Sunday. Bev. Sam■el MlUe. evaagriUUe
(trilane yearly meeting, will
Levi Lnpton. an <
of Ohio yeariy mceUng. wUl alao be in
Meeting of minUtera. elden and
workers thin afternoon. •
Oeepel eervieet this evening at
Satarday mo^ag awriee at la
BurisM meeting Satar^ aftarnoon.
ty evening at 7:30.
Sunday eervica morning and
UffBanday afternoon a Foreign MUelonwill be held beglimiag
>Del««ates will be preseat from Maston. Maple City, Pleasant Grove, Cedar,
Long Lake and Gnaway.
Tbe pablie U ctgdlally Invited to aV
tend taeee eervicee.
Boand for Omana.
A carload of pco^efrom LoelcviUe.
Ky.. pamed through tbe city today en
ronte to Omens reeori, ^where they are
booked ter tbe eeaeoa nt Omeae tniL.
They came in a private ccarii attached
to the O. a. A I. flyer and were taken
direct to tbe dock end tbenee lA
steamer apthebay. TUe ie tbe ed^
oad ^aeU earload from tbe aoatb for
Onwne wHhi* tbe peri week, a larger
party tram ClnelaaaU having pnaaed
tbreagh tbe rity Inri Tboiaday.
There vrill be aaotber meeting of
thayawimmate havlag in obarge tbe
Tenstera' dedlratkra, U E. of F. bell
from March 10 to July 10
0 T e I
r u I
which he b tbe ag^t for norUtern
MleUgap. will pot ta a fine stock of
In Grand Baplds, bowever.
which Mr. Sweet, will have ander hU
He has lessed la tbU city
the Baradeo property on Bast Front
etraet. ooeupying tbe building es reeldebee sad ofliee and asing the Urge
yvd for tbe dUpley of graniu work.
&SVXB0SB nr LAnnro.
Mrs. Voble WUl 00 to C^caga.
B. B. Lewis, msnager of' tbe Elk
d by Mrs. Lewie. The tron
compsny has just pnrehsaed the H. H
t, a^
Noble home.
aM la^ ^ **«------wUl nse partof Ulcw’offloea Mr. Lewis
wUlooeapy tbe ressrinder es a rasi'dance. Mrs. Noble expeeU
ber borne U Chicago tbU taU.
Are the WaUs of her house. Mike your wife
happy by taking home enongh wall paper w
that other room. Yon can afford it at the
prices we are making.
'^Wat Mteb of a lont flf from Hell's bat
in the ^th wbieb looked good for
twobaoea. Jonea, behind tbe bat, also
Watidae, as nsnal, pitched e fine
game, and had it not been for. Oi^ilro
Berne'■'WTor" in tbe sixth, wonldbave
Bbnt tbe visitors oot. That
fanny mktnke of Baras*, too. Beok
'came to bat withbne oat and no one on
bases, and eoms one of tbe visitors
claimed tbntVatklns bad made e balk,
and Baras gave tbe batter Us base.
Bane never ebangea his decision, and
the Becalde thUr only ran.
In the field the home teem pat ap n
iele of haU. Parks
badUseyeontbefaallcnd led tbe bit
Hall. Salfka, Hovotny
Wbeelernlso bit bard. Travene City made their rane as fel
la tbe first, after Adams and Boll
had been raUrsd. Wheeler bit a alow
one down tbe tblrd-beee line, etele
OlU. and eeored when Watkins reaebed
first on Van Wormer's errar. One run.
Tbe second inning wM prodactive of
seven more talliee. Hunt was Ut by e
pushed baU. Parks siagled. Kovotny
wsnt out en' a fiy to Lnker,
.^•^fka ringled. Hunt 'scored, Bries
rmehed first oa an error by ffieok.
Adams iraebed first on fielderb chriee.
when Bal^ was thrown out at eeeo&d.
Parka scored and Adams went to third
Tbaa Bull ringied and Solfks eeored.
HnU stole aeooad sad Wheeler got first
oa an error by Gibson and Adams
eramed tbe plate. Watkins also reach
ed flrat on an error. Hnnt ditto, and
Hall and Wheeler tallied.
made hU seeoad ringle In tbU innlag
sad eeored WatUas; than to end the
mUery Tbny Ut a.Uttle one to Glbaon.
The vteltore are good fellow* and
clever baU players bnt It requires e
more than orilnarUy strong aggrega
tion to defeat tbe Bustien. However,
there U no dead sure thing about tbe
game toda^. bat it U a sore thing that
the Herald aggregation wQl give
home Mam a good
The House-Keeper’s Joy.
Me^eraed by fiapreme Ooart.
The race of DeOraw va Emory which
was taken to tbe dspreme Coort. has
beea decided, a
yaaterdey affirming thatef the Clrealt
court Id thte ooanty. Tbe ease wee
la wUeh tbe Batory sew mlU
Xannment Onvelled
invrivad. The derision «Us la favor
With Zi
M. Dloklnsos DaUvered the Ora of Degraw. PateUn A Loraager were
attoraeyefortbepUlnUfr and Toner
A Oates for tbe defendant.
Mergaette. Hieb.. July 15.—The
AnotbM X. 0.«. M. Treat
tacoase repUee of Ti
ewtoe' of Father Marqastte, wUeb is
Pori ' Boron. Mieb., Jaly lA—Tbe
now In tbe stntanry ball at Wasblage Test K. O. T. M..and.8aprame Blve. L. O. T. H.. wUl bold their
oniae today.
eannel oonvenUoa ta this dty
Atuorlmtbv rraenM eattar Orcab- metMlng JUy SO and mMaaiag four
am fired the selate of SI gass. The or five days On tba evening of tbe
loompoeedaf alltbe tut the play "Jodaa Maccabmn" will
of tbe <dty. As the be preoeated at tbe aty Opera Boose
parade reaebed the foot of the street airier tbe aaepUse of tbe local Maceswhere tbe veUed moaament eteod. a bees, and big exeairioas wUl bs ran
pb of 50 canoes, manaedby In
dians, moved Uto the harbor. Stand*.
Ing In tbs prow of tbe foremeel boat
was a man dressedto reprceent Father
Mergeette. The landing was made on
tbe spot where the great .qileeloaary U
Charley Oarrer sad Hal Terry Bach
wsoo yearn
enppased to have landed
Scored 100 Lwt Mi^
A spirited rivalry exltte among
All dey yesterday ta tbe Ctreoit ooart
The pedeetnl which sarmonaU the
was devoted to tba trial of the case of beeeis eleven feet high, of Superior era! wrii-knewn loeai marksmen, and
C. J. Lloyd va. A- B. Maynard. The raindrop skme. Tbe pedestal le beaawlU probably go to tbe jary aboat tUaUy carved. On one ride are the scores that dlspUy great ekUl with the
rifle. The ehooUag gaUery of WUl
noon today or shortly alter dinner.
Morral U now tbe oonetent resort of
Oee of tbe cases of Ole Boetra:
plorer," and en tbe dlheri
against an' insaranu company wUl to Harqoetta Jaly ISib. 1697." Tbe re tbe merkamen, and every day efforts
prabably be called next. It Is prohaWe pUee praper U right feet high, and is are mode M excel ^be eooree previoosly
that only one'jfaee will be tried, ae of perfect brouc. It traly dcpleU made. L&t night the
:hed by Charles O. Osrver end
there are eeveAl of the mme character both the rievoul
and the one tried wUl be e teat
phyriqoc of tbe ex- Bal Perry, wbo each made e straight
lA which will be eWded by plorer. Tbe dgare U draped In the ISO ta ten ehote upon a half-insh bnUV
tbe foreboon Carver. Dan Cai
garb of a miiriMery. It brids a prayer
The ejectment ease df F. A. Eneriand book In tbe right bend and a craclfix U man. Ed. Broeeb and Jim PUbeam each
made », and tbe day before the Ugh
and J. H. Colcra. LUrie C. WoodetaL. In tbe belt
-Ueb was adjooraed com# time ago SB
Boa. Peter White made tbem^ntt- eat was mode by Cornell. Carver and
Mcoont of t£e abeenee of Blram D. UoB ^weeh and was followed br Mayor Perjy, eaehUvtar W. Tbli U firstclem ehootlng, sad the eeriae made last
Wood, a principal wltocce, will come
ap again eosn. Mr. Wood arrived on
behalf of the city. Dwi M. Diekia- night are evidence of enperier skill,
the elkam barge Alloc U. OIU ysater- ion of Detroit deUTe.-ed aa eloquent whleb many wQl try to aeqolrc.
day. and Us testtmeny was taken lest oration. The eeremcnles concluded
Ladies'Aid Excoraton.
evening by stipnlation by tbe eoart with aa address in French by Hon.
etenocrapber. HU tratimeny vrlll be Paths Primeue.
Tbe Ladise' Aid SoelstT of tbe Conread to tbe Jafy when tbe raae U
rMstioael ebureh. wUI give an exrarcalled. Tbe oatcome of thU rase wiU
rioD oe tbe sUamer Qplambla, tiiia
be watched with Interest. It U one
ereaing. leaving tbe dock at 7;S0. arerening.
which involves the home of Wood, Leelanau Olwult Ooart Bedrion Set riving at Ne-ab-ta-wante at 8:30 and re
oa a tax title for
main there an boar; arriving borne at
aoB-parment of teice whleh the ownThe Sapreme Court has revereed the 10:30 p.m. Bound trip tickets 33 eents.
rion of the Clrcait Coort of leelaFor all Unde of soft drinks cedi ap
eooniy in the eeee of Albert NelMXW n^^BFBOMX UMX.
bone 143. DeUvers^ free at reelvs. James EUlbridA Some Ume
Olrieena' Oompeny <
Stein Bloch Oo *s overeoaU and
Cottons Bey to-rabover the ealee of
Bay With Lesa ToiaL
latest and beet. Full Una
timber alleged to have been relas on exhibition here Thanday
Tbe CltUen's Telephone Co. of Grand moeed.from lend of the .plaintiff by
eetwean tbe defendant Thera plaintiff eovered
Baplda, has eetebllshed a 11ns bet
Lem Print and Sottons Bay. and
damages and tbe case was appsaled to
manicaUoD was began yesterday.
tbs oireait court. In the elreait coart
Terr blgUr reeommeaded aa toqlbte
aadsloqaeotoiMakwetowbomit will
be a plearare to listen, nose wbo
WAS OIVXV TO THB KS&ALD bear them obm wlU wish to bear them
a«olB. Tbe Uqnor qneeUon wlU be oonaid• in tba Tint ered from a bnslneae point of view, as
Svo Xanlngo—Tteltoa Onvo an Xx- weU as from qoral and bjrienle standhl&ition of Smn at Tint, bnt Aot- polnU. dll are inrited and foil boeeas
re expected.
tisd Down to Good Work.
Amoo£ tbe noted ' speakers from
The boll r
s jmuria^ »»• won bj abroad'who will address tbe meetln(tbe HwUon IsI ^ fini Mrf Mcmd
and preach in tbe sevarV obarebea
iBslsto. IboHonldooppnrod to'fo are: Ber. O. A. Wri»kt of IMilo. prafesistethoair is tttDoa issiacB,bst for sor of Bndish in tbe O. W. Unlvenltj:
, ooTtt lasisfo tb^ alorad gooi eleoa Bct. a. Webb,prafeBeor of eloaatton In
boU. uibooa »ltehed hr tbo rUlton Albion coUege: and Bev. Jehn T.
and olUtonrb twelve biU were mode
: of tbe
from bU delivery, after tbe Innisn
Mieblgan Anti-Saloon Leegae.
mentioBed. be kept
Sermons at moralag eervicee win be
and wiU toed eapportwonldbave held reaebed by Bev. Wrlgbt in tbe OontteHostleradomitoeeTeral lass
Bev. Webb in tbe Friends
Inker and VanWormer made a neat and Bev. Brant la ibe First
4on>de pUp in tbe eerentb innlnf. ebnreb. Fnrtbw detUle of the meetinir
Aft* Horotaj had aintied, Bales
vrSl be given Uter.
Ut a hot one to Laker wbo ena^t
and threw to first befon Tesp qoald
Obm of a Uoyd va. A. B. Maynard
bme, aeoeptlnt nine ehances witbont
Is Longl>rawn Out.
^ ame. Imwlormadea brUUes roe-
. Taking quality into consideration you will
find my prices are as low as the lowest
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss TheSe Bargains.
'wxyr tba
bigrat jrwu
yoo will get this
My great July Olearanoe Bale. I will quote a few
prices that are
ire bargains,
t»rgain«, bnt
bnt:space is too expenuTe to qnote
! out of every hundred. A good Loonge, well mads, full
ing, f4.00. A good Conch, fall spring, tSAO. A good
3ch, corduroy,
cordnroT, 8^
86 springs, 6A0. I will positivsly
positively tell
sell bnt 4
of these at this price. A good Uige B-pieos Bedromn Suit,
laige glass, patent castors, for 11.75, A fine large S-pieoe Sait,
patent doat-proof drawers, patent castors, for 12 AO. A fine 6piew Parlor Snit. best plnsb, silk banda, spring edge, 22.00,
Lanre bi^ back Dining Chairs, solid oak, 5.W,* Ugh back
Rockers from 95c. ap. Iron Bedsteads frdm 3.76 op. Polished
oak comtoation Rook Cases from 4 AO ap. We haven't many
of these, bnt wbat we have most be sola
Jaly 16th. tio
Ahoee that come early will be happy and those that miss this
sale will always regret it
J. W. Slater’s furniture Store,
m-m psoira sraxcr.TaAVi
Those Shirt Waists
i.’-.u.b.re'. Attract the Ladies'
And why ehoaldn't they?
am 91 J» M cut wABRv
nam exo w (Ut wAun
We still bare an i
nt, and all siaea.
These are all new Waists just received.
Reliably Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
A Pessimisl.
34 pair* ledira' Piuxree A Smith
Baior Toee. Band Tama, Cloth
T^. A. B and C. »4.50 aboce
» S3 to cloae ouL
75 pair. Oxfords, former price
ti.55.Sl.60, *1.75 and W. Our
Men's Patent Leather and Enamete. former Drieee *5 and tfi.
• u!»
47 pain ladlee'Btarii and Tan
Pingree A Smith Jnlleto, former
price *3. doelng out prise fit.
Make No Mistake.
The Original.
. We sura SmJlcm Frae U Beecbt or oa
Thinks everything is on the
down grade, going to the
dogs, under republican rule;
a democrat, vice versa. Our
“BEST" flour is on the up
grade, going to the dogs,
master and mistress, always
the same under any mle,
guaranteed forever.
Razor ToeS’-M Must Go.
A Few Bw^ains in I.adies’ and Genta’ Shoe*!
New Liae of Childreii'a Sheet.
Tea Cee Alwey Po BtSt M—
411,1.0. a T. laltiatary eoremeeiea.
iW M reqaaeUd to attend.
Visiting Good Thmplars wiU bs mai
Tbe Hastlera wOl eoea be etrengthad by a new pitcher. Itisnotdedded
yet whether it ie to be Loais Batherlord, who ^tdmd tor the Baatims last
year, or FIs^. a drat dam pitcher
One or the other will
beeigaed by wire tUemorelag.
Tbe eommodioas yaeht “Lady Watts'
CkTT CkaniuTOB
Ttaw* CH7,
cwolntkm pttirniar that tb* iirwMmt
be empowered to take cneh meai
m he' mey deem advlmble toobtaln the
nUoeeef the primen tehee treni the
OemiMUtor end eow held Is SpesUi
prtoose Is Cabs, elMthe reetoretips of
the Competitor to her owsers.
neoisUnsdeclereethet the .delaje of
the Speebh fforeromeat IsisekiBreB
•qeltebU dlqxMlUon of the <
•ed the ebaolste deaiel of Jse«k» esd Isflietios of
aeket it the 4s» of the preeIdesttedemesd repetetioe, esd that
etoDce. Is other worda, the Inteet of
the reeolBtieoU to foree the matter to
as imse. eras If it reqsirae a deelarattooof warecais^Spaia Is order U
defesd the hooor of tUe ooostrp asd
•btsla aheolste jsettee lor dmerieas
tftlteoa. Ibe reroletioo ti all rt^t
aad thisge are sow ehaptor iheomelrte
^ ai to eoop make it seneeaery for the
Dalted Btatca rotmimeat to t
hpais feel that there is to be so more
*>6Ukg. ^____________ ____
, Moui-MiLUOJiAiBTaoMasJ. bPios
edOliefow. te is New Torh leoldoff
after mattem of beeimee Batbealscae
k the meet iaaicBldsat of hie iatesttsw. Beta lookise fora wite. Bo hat
moaer to Wo., asd doan't earo
whether the riftat firllUe a fortase or
le perrerty etrickeB. Bxporieae
•then teaehee that a mimioa of that
cert is New Ywh le pret^ likely to
make life a bordes for the marddac
aarty. asd if he doeast look ost hte
wealth may be the mease of deetroyiaff hU fstsre peace of mlad; nolem be
three of hie qomt asd torse the ,pold
tfMolder to the lair oste of eotham.
It ie sow ■tated'spos rood ssthori^
that Boftese D. Cosc«r. tsaaefer asd
oae of tl)e priocipat ewoera of'the
Qiaod Rapids Berald, ie to reecire the
•ppototmeat of poetmaeter of Orasd
Seplde. This berth It oae of the beet
fifte of Cie admlSieUaUoQ is HiebifSB. Mr. CoDCrer it ose of the ableet
mea is Orasd Repide tor the poaiUos.
He U a good newsp^mr mas. a good
eitiaeo. asd ese who is alire to the toterera of the Valley City asd entitled
by reaeos of loyal aerriee to the best
tUsr that the BevobUmo admloietratioseas beetow opos the deetu flsy.
BosoasBi.a Ji3BY 8uo>eos of Kan
aaa, has dleeorered that the eagar tnut
la, aecordlsf to '‘enrrest aeaertiosa,'' a
yigastie manopoly asdmdly in need of
iSTeeUgation. The orlebrated ,«oO'
greeemsBbas. therefore isbxdaeed s
1 In the houee asklsr the
epeehertoeppoiniaeommittee of five
*«o look into the isiqamet of thie els-
t of the
Tbs most i
Terkiah sltaation ti that the esltss
wsate peace. Aeoordlsg to raeent hisSory. if. hla Royal Feaoefslseaa has not
.ftad peace It is h^ own taslv
moraingto meet )
Bkm train. Parties deelrisg a pleasant
■ill and an oating at the prettteat day
resort in the region wi^ dowcUtotdee
a trip on the “Lady WatU” to Deland
Undertaker W. 8.'
leat Bight from Greenville, where he
attended the ennaal meeting of the
Michigan Undertaken' easodaUoa.
The vidton were well enbwtaiaed In
OreanvUle, end this was the best msstIng ever held by the emodstioh ^
tbe exertion of that held in Traverae
City alx yean ago. The aext meeting
terfleld of the Agrteeltnral OoUeBe«ipwill be bald in Petoskey.
mintendent of State Fnrmen’ inetituts.
Mb. B. O. I-a^,
ViU Hold a Berlee of Keetinga on
Traverae Ct^, Mich.
the Sooth Bide.
Dear Sir—At 1 wrote yon aoQe tii
ago, Wedneaday, Angnet 16ti>. U to be
‘As lAtter Day Sainta, have pip
day at-^y View. The fol
a tant on Sixth street, nmr Divisloa,
lowing program hns been arranged,
and have begu aeerim of meetings.
It may be Interesting to note that the meeting to be bald in the ^Anditorwhen Joe Bmitb was killed at Karoo, inm at 3 p. m.
1. “Tbe farmer's (solstioni its import
three mea straggled for the leaden
Brigham Tonng, reeeiring the votes of sod ita^emedies.*' kaa. John M. Stahl.
Chiesgo, nis.
nine of the twelve eldarsi led '
3. “Boms life on the farm," Mrs.
greater mrt of the Sainta to Utah.
A aeeild faction was led by a Uwycr Msry A. Msyo. BstUe Creek,-Mich.
8. -tPracties) edoeation," Prea. J. L.
named etrang, dnt to Wleoonsln end
Agriealtural College.
then to the Beaver Islaads, where they
This program will bs into
lived for tome time, leering fyr the
kttsrlng to el) with fine music. At noon there will
be n picnic dinner in the beaetifal
perm of the eoontry.
A thiid taetion was led by Joseph grove of the Assembly grounds. This
Smith, eoo of tbe prophet,' to Iowa, program is oae that ought to attract
where they now have their headquar wide attention from farmers in yopr
part of the state. Mr. Stahl U vrell
tt ie the latter branch whkb is bwe. known all over the country ae an agri
They nee the Bible and the Book of cultural writar. aad as a frisnd of the
Mormoa, bnt diedalm the doctrine of farmer. His sddrem is ssld to be of
extreme interest Mrs. Msry A. Msyo
The awriom last ni^t were eoodnet- bsrdly needs an introduction
fd ^ J. Deris. Tomorrow night norihera Michigan aadlenee.
Elder Corals will preach. He will also power to hold an audience of farmers
have charge of tbe meetings hare,
asd to pressnt to them vital trathi
eoineetod with life on the farm U
Sanday Bidet McIntyre wUl eon
wsU known. Prcaideat Snyder’s ad
dress on -.'rraetical Education" goes to
the bottom of the Bu*ijeet. sod bss
Mrs. ^lee ADtine has gone to St Ig- oeived the highest praise from leading
farmers of the etato. VVe are proud of
nnee to visit relatives.
Miss Curry of IndUaspoUs, is ridt- thU program, aad hope that your peo
ing Mrs. J. D. BUlings,
ple Will torn oat It is a rare opportnVmUs M. Slossonof Beed City, wss in nity to bear ootahle things.
the dty «n
Hiss Ivy Wood bsa retornad from a
trip to Cblcsgo on the AUee M. Gill.
• P. O. Diefeniorf arrived from Chica Ontaha wQl be tbe Vext Keeting
PUoe of the VatiOnai B^bgo ymteaday and U at Travetes Beach.
Ucan Leagns.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDensld of Chi
Detroit July 1& —There was a great
cago, are spsnding a few days in tbe
dralofUlk among the National Redty. '
League delegatee tbie mornMn. J. L. Stanton has retnrnsd from
Chlcsgo„wb«p she has been risiting lag about the coming departure from
the program of Crawford for pretident
her dsogbter.
Dowling for secretary, and Geasha for
Alex Steinberg will
from New York, where he has been pur the next meeting place.
men wanted tbe oonvention to eel
chasing goods.
Evelyn Mdrgaa retaraed yesterday aside the action of tire commiitoe pn
time and plaoe. aod select Bsltlmore
meralng from s three-weeks' visit in
as the convention dty. ThU U giving
Springfield, m.
the east s show for the league benefits
Captain J. D. Kramer, travello;
irelght agent of the G. R. A I„. arrived as well as the west. A» to secretary.
I ship. Mleblgan delegates bad started
in the dty last night.
Mrs.J. W. Bannen and daagbtcn an active boom for Fred J. Blakeley of
Detroit, sad the men from IHinoU were
Helen. Gertrads and Bern, went to Kalamsxoo yesterday for a visit with rds- etill in the field with Ora B. Ch^io of
OUeago, for secretary, and Chicago
Captain Blend, formerly eoasmnndsr for tbe place of holding the conven
of the etcam barge Bliss, is now mate
There was a hot fight la the election
of the AUee H. Gill. Be is is lbs city
for eeeretary, bnt Michael Dowling, of
risiting old frieadA
Minnesota, was cbcaen by a large maMias Bvelya Morgan arrived heme
yesterday oa the Petoticey from SpringThe cemtest for 'the place of the next
flslA UI.. where she has been risiting
meeting was also spirited, but Omaha
eollege clsesmatos.
train will
The raynlar
leave on the M. A N. £. at 6:30 Sasday
moraine for Unniatee.
and Mrs. Bert Cainpbsll of NorthBall game today between the Has
«lm« asd Grand Bapida Heralds wiU be poi^ were among the party of Maoea_ bees who went to tbe eriebration at
•eiledyat i o'tiock sharp.
J. U Hook psrebaded yesterday Petoskey Wednesday.
Mra. M. B. ~
dram BoberU d Wright, a fine pair of
from Chicago yesterday on the Petoekey. asd will resort at Traverse Beaeh,
The Altos Id. Oil) earns Into thie pprt
the gnest of LaadlOfd DUdendort
yesterday after a cargo of hardwood
Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Bean, parents of
ismber.frem Daniel Hake for CUeago.
Prat C. H. Bora, left for Grand BapOae of the horme of the dre team, ids yeriorday aftor'k- plearaat risit
ntaea. was takes very aiek last nl^t with tbe family of Professor Bora.
ai^ hopes of Its rsoorev wwa almost
Arthur&. Morgan, wife and.fsmUy,
and Mbs Bthsl Morgan arrived, yestarB. B Boraett, who wasCotead ost at day from Cinelnaati. and wiU apead
the laheAss fire, has nevly .... the baUnoe of tbe sammer at Omsoa.
jlrlif a new store, 30x40 fee^ asd has
Mr ud Mn. L. C. Bose aad ehOdrea
mered In a saw stock of goods.
of dachinati. left ysstorday merniag
game of bam ball for a weak, for Nenh-ta-waata. Tbqy are maklsg
nmtlofi vs. Heralds, at 3 o'clock this a tour of the tesorta aud will also visit
•ttwBooa. The Heralds are the hast Omena. .
•trietiy ematesr team is Mlchlgaa.
E. A Stowe. B. A. Stowe Jr.. Mra.
taak Vletoa. who has been In Bol- K. 0. Richards, aad Mra. Janma Boeklead fer a short time, has retaraed to wlth arrived from Grand Bapida ymtorWilUamebarf. He was in the
yee- day moralag, and after taklag dinner
at Park Place went over to Traverae
tmday aeMttag ap hie father^ estate.'
Point, where they wUl spend the rete the eeaeert to brgivm by Bemmiyl, maladerof the heated term.
the Camoea vioUnM. meat Monday
aight is Btalabwfs OtMd Opera floeae.
The party glvee ia tha
•eademy ^ the pepils e< IVifmenr
Mnrtaagh'e daaeiag damm liM alfbt
was largely alteaded aad teqr w
■ ttW IBffW
NJm madiag Of Travmae €^p
It wae« great featnre to aee ao many
darings a eompany of artistn of the
ions led' nnlformed ridere in the probighectrepntattone, hat been selected
with the greataet care for thdr partie- metan.^ They w«e ap^nded aU
ttlar flloea^for tbe pemonlficatioa of alo^ the line of march.
a oedlt to Petoekey, the a
the various ebsraetere of drams, mak
In which
tbe great erowde were
ing this by far the beet eompany ever
went hnngry. al^oegk
erganixed. or now traveling, and the
only firm dem Uncle Tom e Oabte Oo. many of the hotels did not expect eo
that will visit here tWeehashn.
large a nnmber.
The Coshmaa House Orchestra is
Santanelli gave anoti^ of/hU inim
jomposed of as fins mnslcisnt as at any
itable entariainmenta iM evenlag
<>f tbe nortbera rmoria.
The baae baU game made a hit. Tbe
Jsmes B. Lewis !ef the Cnshmu
memberaofthe Grand Baplde Berald
Hotoe, was kept more ttasa bncy greetteam and moct of the Haetlert wer
ing hie many trieads and ebserfuUy at
tmeeted ^eeUtora, and perhape they
tending to their nnmeroos wanta.
learned eomethlng of tbe game. There
In the evening the new ritoalletie
was certainly a ebanoe to leirn i
work was exemplified by the CbdUlac
^tty grand stand poses. Be aleo gave
degree team In tbe Grand Opera Bonee
eome new and adnslng teeta. There
before an andieaee of over , 400. in a
wae a very good hoeae. ■
■ that brought bnreta of spmany timea.
'Tbey'ie all
WAtatramm daT AT BAT VZSW.
The a A W. H. railroad did aU it
agreed to, and more. Not so aeeident
mamd the pleasure of the day.
B. O. Liadd, eeeretary of the
said they were cooing to
Inetituta. bH reedved tbe following
eommnnieation from Kenyon U Bet- Traveree City next year to prove her
Tbeatrioal Hotoa.
Tbe Salter A Martin Mnaunotb, orig
inal Uncle Tom's Oatds On., at StolabargUOrand. Jnly tl. travel la their
ewB serial trala of oara: carry tl.ooo
«rth«f aoenery. baaideehoram. burXM. doakiva. msles. tea Bhetiaad potfm, twelve maa-eatiag blo4ibondr„
aad la'cAar to ^aaeat a pmtect raa-
flveeenU. Everything strictly clean about
Fruit JSrS. CaiuiinVseasjjn.
2 Quart—65c, doz. I Quart—55c. doz.
Get them before eea«
is over.
Holiday Bargains
Steilberg’t Grand Open Hanu.
One Entire Week,
Bay View Bates.
Tickets will be eold ris the Grand
Bspide A Indians Railway to Bay View
and return July 13 toss, good return
ing nntU Angnet'31, st one fare for
round trip from aU Hieblgan points.
Send for Ulnstrated deseripti'
L. LLoeswuuD.
G. P. A T. I
Grand Bsplds,
Butter, per lb.......
d extensive end sew pat
c well eat end msd* es to de
ceive the tailors themselves. Come and
•ee the line Thursday and Friday at
our store. 'Bsmllton Clothing Co. ei-3t
Doa't Fail ta Call Tada;.
Ever before the Public.
Goming from kTrinmphul Bngag&ent
at Bammerateia'ii Olympian,
New York.
In lateiasting Paiformaacal
t Parformance Full af Bright
Has Your
I Fopdu Same Prios-tO, n ud 30c.
Now for Business!
Monday night will be Ladies' NlgfaL
- Bfchaser of a SOc. ticket being
to an extra ticket admitting a
lady free of charge.
Pure Cream TaxtAr,
(asdPurvBaktncPewSar. U you waM ne tb
wake U. S poasAe lot IISO. Subbw BheeUag,
AuMiefrBblBx.aaelwa, Water Boulce (guaraoieeS tor two yvaru.) Fountain eyvtncue,
wany kloea Tbrout Braebee. ax>d AUmleere.
GlyeSrlae and Wlicb Banal ImKb te the
be without
Fire iDsnrance
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
At Our .
Soda Fountain
•uawr we ere sever conMal to "let w,
useagh sleoe" he* ulwayn try to Iwp-oTiu
carry a certain amount
raonaiKTOB or thx
Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
July 21st.
w OrratM TSIBXTUM xrar Bsppraed-
boat sod wagon to ea)oy the day.
Tbe Charlevoix DrumCorpeof Itlads,
was one of thChHa of the day.
Bar Shora Teat turned out» of Ita
Soda ^ntpa with,
_________ • extracts at oar fountain. A
Tbe ofioera of the a
a for the
. year have a Mg thlag on their
bands U they beat Petoskey. but they
To Old I
my they are going to do U, with the aid
of the weli-kaown public spirit of tbe tel Whit__________ ____ _ _______
penekw mauers toaddtixans. ______________
just mn have aa Intorriew with nae “
The great aale of the Bteln-Bloeh that time.
JAMn Gaascn,
Oo-'e goods by our epeelal sales has led
Boliefwr of ~
otheiu to adopt a similar ooutss. “ImiUUoB U the siscereet flattery." It U
uselcm however to imitate these goods.
While a suit msy sppesr to.be of the
1^^^ Stows or Boasta. per lb. .8 tote
mme cloth as another, there Is' always
s doubt sbout the Intrinsic valnc
Veal Stews or Boasta, par lb—Ito^
well ns in the mske and euL Thi
Comer of Union and Bay Streets
nesrM..AN. B. depot, wishes to an
nounce to tbe public that he has refited and famished the Hotel Paagbom
better than it evm^ has been before and
Moomodate the traveling public In
Id good 'bbspe. Joho May formerly
with tbe Hotel Whiting will have
charge of the offiee aad attend to the
Secretory Dowling (hanked the dele- .wanta of tbe gucata. Satisfaction gnargsbe and promleed as good work un aatoed.
der Prmldeot Crawford as had been
done under Preeidem
Bsr SL wsr H. e X. K. Depot.
Be expretoed bis detarmlnstion
ebspe tbe destiniri of the league ac
cording to the beet of hU ability, re
gardless of Ihs erttleUm of thcae who
may not like hU methods
Prank J. Biggins of New Jeraey-waa
elected treesurar.
wssnsDAT IV pxTosnr.
The Pure
Fruit Juice
D. t. SALTER & lARTIM u. f.
at all timea
For Rates and any other imformation, consult,
E. W. Hastings'
Commeuciog on Monday
morning, July 12, 1897, I
will seU tickets to and from
all points on Carp Lake for
Phone 73. Johnson Block. one fare for the round trip,'
Lady Watts can be chartered
at aJl times for Fishing oor
Picnic parties at very reason
able rates. There is dothing
Ffirk StrM, bttwen Trent ft Cim, more delightful than a trip
on Carp Lake, these warm
Salmon, Bass and
. Rates. $1.50 per Day.
Pickerai fishing best in
ieinickets at Redaced Rates. Michigan.
James H- Watts,'
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Go. If You Have Logs to Sell
The favorite pUeefortboewwho were
tired waOtiag wae the
Lota," a 50 PEOPLE
maall park near thd
Bonea, As Immortal as the Oecli
whore testa had bssu plaeed under too
baantiful sbnde toeaa. It was small,
bnt restfuL
Tbs “Smvuiiir Boy" wasomn^rweav
Too maeh eredU eannot be give.
Preeidcat Waektri and Secretavy
Gravea Icr tbe admlraWe maanar in
vritieh all the little datoUs were looked
after, aad their untiring offorta to lock
after tbe wuUan of the vlMtara.
Hotifitcr Parade at Noon.
Tbe Biy ^naw dammy did a “n^
lag’' fcatiriii every M mlnstoa.
See Th..|iaj„^tsdjnr.
Mns-2S, 3S ud SOc.
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We ^ve for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floorif^,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including g Engines, Set Works, Carriage^
and Saws A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Livery, Bus and Feed'Stable.
bozses a special^. Hoisea boarfad.
Tereu reasonable.
Stftts Bt wwt of
the broad queatkm of
___ _
eontr«et hM t»«
Burope to coerce Turk..
m*S«. Am w«a no eb)t«tlni wd Ou
Standard aaya: "So tar aa BngtoBd I*
t«KaaaoB ww Adapted. Cabow uovAd
public BpIalOB doea not favor
in tb* BeoAte amead. 8tritui*s R»ply to a Rtport of
Wrapped Up in th« Stntt* Com*
inxit to tb* ciMrAl dtOdeBer blO. Tb*
mottos pmvAltod sAd. Cabaob. Nortt*.
VAT And SAjrcr* w*f* Appointed «mthe egtobng dpndtoek to alowjy butaure(emm.
After «hlcb tbe taou** Ad>
ly ruining Ontco. W* have befor* ua
to todAT.
tb* terrible proepeet of a Buropean
•mM* <N«*«B to Speaker B**d.
war: and R to not worth running such
And Waat* U Dow la a Banr-Bl
WABUnstOB. ^ti)r lA-The seeste
n rtik f^lh* mere nake of rehabOlAtferme* on the UrtB bill Are dUpoaed to
tng Qrecce.'*
raeot tbe attort* of SpeAher Reed to tagAXKBAirS BtJiR A* aAUSBTBT.
la**lf'aAd tb* AotlMtfltT
floeoee tbe acUob'of tbe houto coo' MoAo* m At* X.BiffT-t
ferreee. Tbe eeBAtor* Are ineUned to codMatsaa B* Talk* *M
•tme tbe, iptAkef* .pArtkiiiAttoa to tbe
Beto Abet The** Siato
WAihtBCton. Joif 1&-—SeiiAtor DAvta, proceeding* u uBB ArrAiited sad Are Ap*
OoBatazrtBope. July IS. — Ii
ItoodOB. JuIyU.-Tb* Intent not* cf tb*
AhAlnnAB of the contnlttM «a fereteo FAtoBtlr more detemdned tbAB betora mlnisterUl council* were tield
AmerlcAB govmment relating to tbe
MaUou. TMtcrdAT Rported tnm that bl« Attitude WA* keowB to btdd out day and Monday, At which an In aeni qaestlon to putmahedl here. AD
for the tooete figures Ttie contendtog
■AOAUidttM the folloA-liiK Jotet rAKlatloa: force* OB tbe wool aebedule. the carpet demnity from Oremw of CC.«00.«W
through it Secretory Sherman tobmatM
*ThAt the preAldcDt be MBpawered to__ ____
aa tbe limit. This agree- | hi decidedly cauatk language that Engand tbe wool grower*.
tAk* Mch meAmrM aa 1b hi* J»d«in*Bt j outide the.................. .......... ................... .
waa mncUoned by an Imperial mnd 1* not keeping tUtb to tbe Parts
swr be BMOBArr to obtAlB tb« ret«Aae ; narhrd *B AcreeroenC dbich It U pre- irade.' Tbe council* furtber prepared
BBd 8trietl7
OOBSOltettOB BBd EBBinhl
the SpoBMi «WfBB>*Bt of Qba 1 miiBed «1U be ratuted by the
.a report stlgmattolng tbe concert of cf tad faith are f
ally GratdiK
MaltOB. Alfred a l^bordc aod wniUn
Europe aa a "league of Crooa against
pondence thiito morolng aaya: "Onr
OOdea and tbe reftoTBtloe of theecbooB- After C o'clock yeaicrdAy ABdcthen ad- Creacent." The aulun. after ejnalderof the tnoutuMT bad i
toumad until today, omitting the naual
AT CeenpetllBr to b*r ow&er. asdUiaemre evening
aeerioB. They mid progregi bad tog the report. aa»wered by tbe foUow,thto be ia autbortoed and reouerted to been made. It waa impowlMe to
tog Irade: *'J am eoovtoeed that the ef neceamry to regard Secreury a
fort and energy of the power* are dl- exploBon aeriouaiy. It would be unwtoe
whether the aebaU or bourn bad
power AA may be Becewary." The («• advanUg* of the day** work. Botb aide* rveted lowardathematoienAnce of peaea 10 embitter the ntgottotlon* by anawerport redtaa tbe trial, aenicnoe. etc., o( looked weary and troubled. The ouilorA
tog Seeretary Sherman acerdtog
tbe prerantiaB
Anal agfvement waa aaid to be at
the tbrt* BtoB and c^racterHea It a
In these rim
Tbe Dally Cbronlcte my*
plain duty of Turkey, wboiw aenttmenti
''modtetr of a trial." The amdaTlii cf
bopee that Secretary Sbermasto <
tha partlM as* dted to abow tbAt they
patch, which almost amounU to an
were "coerced" Into SpAslah watctai to
tempt to pick a quarrel, to but another
whtob cA*e they were not AmeBaMe to
of jingo. antl-EnfU* toanpet
SpABlab JurladlcUoB. They were not of tbe foilowtog tUtooto men:
Bgtoe. ”Vrt thoogbt.'* tht pa
ABbtoct to piracy ABd toUBtod bo act of B. MngUl. congul -to Tamptoo. M*b.s
lAries for peaoe by per tayn "U wa* w* who bad a grierdepredattoa oa tbe aeaA Bor were they Oaorge J. Oorey. to Amsterdam. Nethance over lb* noo-exeeoOao of the Pari*
A Tap* -Waem.aaB
■ntatoet to tbe SpaBldi autboritiaB on Mteads: Dan T. PhllUpA to Cardiff.
AoeooBt Of Alleged rebellioa.
W«et: Adam Uetameckt, to Zurich.
The DaOy New* aay* edltortally: 'The
to autbenHc. but to r
Aato wt thAtoea Deal OaaBL Maw.’
Swltserland: Edmond Z. Brodowakl. garded aa a rua*
ugly dlspatrii from Seeretary Bbennan.
The report then taya: ''Irreapectlre of Braatou. OermaBy; Wllltom Hdrrtoon dectoton. Altbeugb In nooe quarters It which has grt Into print, to----- -------dfiy of the foregotag cofalderaUoBi the Bradley, to Tunatall. gagtond.
ha* led to the belief that today's coun
AoBdoct of SpalB. a* hereinbefore detailcil will deride to meet Europe-* view*
BeKtoley WtU Mat Be at Cklmg*.
^eodatiutaa each deUy and deBtal of
Waablngton, July U.-On acevunt cf an the fronUer question. . Tbe grand
ftuUee and auch an actnal Infltotloe of
on the brink of war. But It will be only
adjoureiBjtiaUce apon tbcae men ai, to make It
Monday wltb Count Nelldoff. RtomenUry. When tbe'facts are calmly
tb* daty of thU goremmeni to detDaad ment of congreaa. President McKlDlnr on
to Turkey, considered s teeling of humor ought to
reparation therefor IrreopccUvc of any And* It tanpewibte for btorto attmd the Ruanton ' ambassador
teeUng of
act. which theae prlaoBcra may have Uigan day exerriae* at Chicago on tb* wbe Insisted upon tbe evaruatton of
' • It to (
Tbeaaaly. and according
ooBUBltted BP to tbe date of their cap atod of tbe preaent month.
1 all that has lately been published on Ihf
threatened that UuBsla
Itussla would
wo^ . retaliate
ture. Awmftg the act* .of reparation
In Asia Mlnor.ltt Turtay
Turhsy aemaln^ ob- > question that the dispatch to out of date
Which ought to be demanded diould be
tbe grand vlsler re- jsnd Us, pubtleattoo
to eltber ludicrous
' Ibe releaa* of tbeae captires"
aecMeni or a pArtlmn device."
piled that Turkey wa* ready to
Beervtary Brana ia quoted to *Q
ply with this demand when RoaalA
thia podUoB. Tbe report dedare*
LoutovlUe, Jtfly Ik-Nouble and abould have evacuated Kan And BktOharlaa W. Bagtar, repraaenUng tl
the rights of tbe .men bare been ylo- unique to a de«|ee beyond any held for
Fine Merchant Tailoring,
Slain Bloch aothlng Co. of BoebasU
toted beeauae their trtaU bare eot been more tbSA a atpra of years In Kentucky
N. Y., win exhibit bto aperiAl line of
propw^ eren'lndged by Spaniri .
sulu at our stare ob lYiday and SatorIt to stated that t
are; that tbe men at the Aral trial did waa tb* TOOvantlon wblcb yesterday and
Bot know until after the testimony for last Bight brought to Loultx-Ule from all their conferences have arranged a plan day of ihto week. . Tbaee food* are an.
le Sleek. Dalsaglfma
7. S. Ttiz*.
(he proaecuttoo wa* lo that an intetpre- part* of tbe "bloody freundt sturdy of coercion, by which Ruaala will blocli- ! psrior to maka and flotob aad have bo Tewpbvssfo
. oow. iitxgavw
tor waa preaent and the only tranria- Bon* of Democratic forefatbera with the ade the Boepburua and England the iBompetltion. They At well. arttoUeDardanellea. while Austria will seUe ally cut. latoat designa Many wear
boo made to tbeip waa at tbe
-• purpoae. aa they t>«i « ‘n 'lew. of '
the railway toRsloBloia It Is rumored ftbe btoin Bloebclothlng who bavebeen
—WE HAVE MADEtbe mngulnary praceedlnga w
Mlnlngtrue Democracy and bricglDgback that while tbe exar's reply to the tul- , buying tbe higher priced tanorinade
were aaksd If they bad anything to aay. to such those who have strayed after t'
ten's telegrsm was peremploTT. Etn- goods. Only an expert caa toll the
Af.la Um All Bee Klphta.
Ever Bnrned Oat ?
silver IdoL" Tbe.mort prominent of K(
peror William promtoed lo contoder, but dlffersBee. We take sped&l orders for
After aomc more comment oo the trial tucky'a------------- -------- ------. iater the
• Oerman
- s:rongly
----------- tall dellrery: for overhoaU and nlatore
tb* report aaya: "In our optoloo tbeae there wa* almoat a con»tar.l Bow of advised tbe port* to agree with Eu- aa well
. aa solts. Come and look over
Let US make ■obc for yon.
Acts of delay.' denial of }u»tlce and to* omorfi of which nearly l.o« delegates rope's demands.
flkUoo of tnluabre. vitiate and make did not weary, and every face revealed l»en recelveo of the report that the Hamilton aolhlsg Co.
liraTTB A -N-Qg.
void any right which SpAto b*d
the teal which wa* frit In tbe cause Turks are constmctlng a miiltary fnad
o. r. OABTBR. Ag*«S
X.B.BOUkV. Mgr.
ig oi
of tbl* trmnmctloe to proceed wblcb led to tb^r aasembllng.
In one of the passes of Mount Othy*
crltnlnAlly against any cf these metnWhile determined to fight without and are preiwrtng to re*nine boslllllleB.
Tbto goverament abonld demand tbnt compromise or yltldlBg the sdvoente* of
they be set at liberty and that tbe Com free Blver. It wa* almoat the nnanlrwu*
London. July IS.—The Evening Stand,
petitor be restored lo ber owner, a* there conviction ttat the true spirit Biould
Is BO evidence ttal the owner knew any- cooslsl in a tireless effort lo "recUlm" ard regards tbe situation In aouth.aotEurope aa extremely (nave, and
' thing aboDt the divergence of the vessel those who had parted from them and
there Is no d >ubt that unless apfrom Its regular voyaga tc Lemon City. once again enable Kentui-ky. and every
leek will aecBrn a
pearancea are moot derepllve bost'llll
state, lo preeent a solid, united De between Turkey and Greece will
____ _.ii,»NtoAM: wn
mocracy to oppose the Republican p«ny be renewed. The paper says: "PerbieycU shop, til FYpntljt.
Op. Eari* 0*c*. p»y to look at tbe elecnnt Iln*. H. B illbta. in BiU* bicycle
Oor. great and.Vs 90 Bu.
may be at thr Ir-glnnlng of a
■ Complete ratlKactlra with the work
er'* priota,
,LL FIANOS—Soldat makers
port the Hawaiian annexattoo resolu- of the converlieri wa* to
read In the
ita W. W.
fare and bearing cf all the deleitatea
KImWII UoTChl—. S. E i
' • when Anal adjournment came, and c< na foregone conrloslan. but tbe unanl- | floenre waa freely expressed In the ultlTbe iDaurase*
mlty at tbe' vote^ 1* none tb* tom a tnate winning of a vutoiy which would
safe aad will Bott._,.
nourc* of gratlBcation to tbe prraldaDt 1(<> « natunal succee* In the next
A. Moataga*.
FroBt Bu
and tbe frlenda of annexation. Turple j prestdenllal ronl'm. The convcnUqn
and Daniel refrained fr. m voting, not nomir.Aied James IL Hindman fur clerk
•--------e they -were against the treaty. ;
of appeal*. ItuI the prlncl■ mght It-----*
c bring
t could be ':
object of the eocvertlcB »
Wins 1MTUTI0I8 nnrass.
Hotel Whiting
TmwrMOltr.ltlcIi. ^
rdjhum UM.
To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Lock Box 160.
We are headquarters for them.
3408 Frames
Geo. R. Winnie.'
iPainter and
up to in < i pgpgr Hanger
Suits to Order.
Great Cut in Bicycles
Worth Looking Up
The Final Wind-Up Sale, at
. ... _ _'
wblch did not And favor with a majorl. j
Wamrson and CarlMs In
ty of tbe eommlltee. and they tberefote ^^jnat the Chicago departure’,
sxpresaed a desire to preserve their i Anrong the speakcrewerc Henry Watoenstatency by refraining from sArma- (eraon. rurllile. and Senator Lindsay,
tlve approval. Turplc dors not bellrve
cheered to tbe echo
tbe "people•' of Ha»ai are conAnod to „
denounced the silver men. Tb*
the Tew thonaasd Amerl-an* and otb- ! pUiform Indorse* the plaiArm of prinare auppoMlng the Dole government. ;
announe-Aby tbe Louisville .con•nd thinks that the rest of the people ven'ticn uf Urd. and the (dstform
abonld have a voice In the matter. Tbe adopted at IniUanap>lto. and rrafArm*
annexatlnnlata to rurhmlUee think tbe .p-ariy allegtaace In the prlnc.ple* and
people of Hawaii don't count any \
therein exprcaaed. and U clar.a
Aore than so many Digger Ind.ana
three an* in acrordarvee
- platforrh* adopted by the
; various preceding natloral conven.latama Thai ■* Talks tlona. "which platform* we hereby reKillrelyTee Mark.
adort and by whlrh we stand." At the
Washington. July U -The a------- Blgbt neasiun the rerort
in a deadlock for several hour* yester- j
, . irermant-nt orgSDlxatlon wa§.
.................' the Hon. W, W, Bt.n*heo*«B,
day erllh buatnes* *i a siandatili while I of HaiToilahur*. and was rsMA. d On*
calls of the aenate. i..ll-«1la and other : ^ uj,
n prt>parltoroentary. expedient* were r.erted.^flj* that no penem bolding
..The Beston Store.
ThU to our tost week's bnaineaa at onr old Stand in -the Whiting Flock.
bSfore we more Into onr spaeiOBS quarter*-
“The New Glass.Block.’
It is just three years since we opened our doors to the
public of Traverse City and vicinity, with a line of merchan
dise which suited the times. 5>ome bankrupt stocks, some
up-to-date seasonable goods, bought alwa>’s at advantageous
figures. Ready cash was our great factor. The almighty
dollar performed wonders. We have thrown on the market
to. It was due to tbe .ff.........................
much merchandise at sSc. on the $i.oo. but our greatest bene
It* SM":
nettoB on the reaoluuoi^s U Harris of pti^ible lor service on - .
^nsaa d.-slgncd lo prei •vnt the dto- .........
. dreigned
. vxomit
fhtog Ibe factor has been the public. From the day we opened our
posal ut the government Ihrn on the : purpoae* of the party. Thu
doors up to the present time we have had our store thronged
Vntoa Psclflr railway under tbe terms i puuded vtgr.ronal}-.
niiugvd'ligrtemeut. There were j ■■
sfmm g*
Bait F-'-*
With people, almost to suffocatioH. Wc ukc this as an
"utkp?r^u<^^'‘ai^ ! Chicago. July IL-Foiirwing are ^ [opportune time to thank all of our patrons for their liberal
pronn. ro.» airo,,,...fln,
Jt». j patronage and will assure them that while we will add w our
1 the mull n wa* i
ily ■
u‘I?.h»a I hu:isiness more regular up-to-date lines whichVe will endeavor
r. 71b abA UmloB.
Cheap Suits
^^Zk* n ^mt at'tbe itoria tapostttoa to IMAtoBd a
- “*
Wilhelm Broa., Soath L'bIpb BtrMk
TEA-16, 28, 36, 60c.
I>bU. toro.ro.»
at Cleveland-Boston U.
to erect a studio near the alt* i.f tbe
our old systdfflti heretofore practiced.. Bankrupt stocks, jobs,
: Cleveland V.
hard-up merchants will find an asylum with us. In the mean
This afforded a leyt for *010* otrielure* by Morgan on the dvadlock which OraBd-BWld* K
badot>cl)«ed?The,*en*«ahadnatrt.kUo aaa Clty-lndlanapolto 11. Kanaas City time in the few days that remain for us in the old stand we
bad a patr|.>Uo
duty to perform. The pending PariAe (; at UlnneapoU*—Detroit S. h
made extra 'reductions and special cuts on a lot of
railway reeolutlon had beenunar.tmou*- its S: at St. Paut-Oolumbtu U. 8L
merchandise which we do not wish to move into our New
ly p*»«tod from tbe PariAe railway
«,u yet
,W tbe
v«v rbalrtnan
werten. AaaorlaUon; At Roritfo^
BomBUttee,, and
uf the
Block. In our shoe department we have uken a lot
had conduried Ur Abboator. , Burlington M. Bodrtord^
oegln op. Qutory U. Peoria &: at C^ BapIda«t. Jtseph t. Cedar’Rapida *: at Du of (.adies hand turned and machine sewed button Shoes
worth from $2.50 to $3.50 and have put them down to the
T^ureton regpoBded that on all PacUke rallaray detates tbe Alabama *enuniform price of $1.29. Ladies' congress Gaiters and Julietts
to had iBsuted
ator and hto aaaoriat**
inslited on
. July
!W. When U wni
occupying all tbe time.
at. Metropoll*.---------------, in black and colored, worth $2.50. we have put down to 98c,
DP at the- laat aesalon tbe 1
rbargr of st.-allng a young
ulv one
Alabama was tbe onlv
o .tkjvOject
growing fruit trees Bey-T Great reductions are being made on Men’s colored Shoes.
totianlttg asp^h Bold* arid n rill of tiee* to Judge Ben
to hi* (TbnreWB’al contlBUtef------Shirt Waist Department—The high art .of shirt waists
00 tbe aubJeoL
jamin O. Jonea for wblra be aaya be
"How .-many day* bad 3>*« apokeiWr' was never paid. Aftvr trying to vain of ours, which has been the talk of the town, we have divided
naked Morgan.
to collecl tbe neeouni he simply dug gp
"Not ose-tenlta of tbe tiro* oeoupUd the tree* and carried them off, ns he into four lots. Lot 1—All of our heavy percale and Jood
by lb* aertator from Alabama on 1«- aaya in broad daylight. The judge had lawn waists, which are good value at $iao, we have marked
BortaBt queetlona*' responded -nuraton Reynolds arreried tor theft.
Bbarply. "Wc have sat here listening
down to 48c. Lot 2—A lot of stylish waists, latest effects,
DomlnlM'* AIMm* Lebor Law.
tor day* and week* and month* to tb*
marked down to 88c. Lot S—Comprises all fine fabrics
o'tuwa Ont.. July IL—Tbe I
aeastor from Alabama and aumv of u*
have Thought that we bad some r ghU
which are being retailed ^t $1.25 marked down to 78c.
to the door even If It did curtaU the
lengthy reinark* of tb* aenaior from aa well as Manitoba, the Boetbweet 1
Lot 4—Is a lot of waists which are beauties to behold an.d
Atobama” Again referring to the tlm* rttorte* and Drltlsb Columbia, and
will be appoliitod for this purpoM the price on them today is 88c.
Come quick before these
eonaumed by Morgao tu dabace TnutnIn a few days
ton road* the aarcaatlc remark that ba
are gone. The Money Savers.
did not aspire to tb* urique dlatlnctloB
wm SxblMlat rsrt* la IBOI
at talklnr bto dern ncBBure to death.
MUneapoUa JbIj lA—Tbe Asm
Whta the hoBn# reaumed «t» j«u^ at AiBWlren Coltogee of A«T^ti
•fw^ruta** takroi Tnartay Bssidar-
tog the ros.ro.*.—.. w. ....
Front uid Pu-k ^
u ■peetol attoolloB to tamUy treAe.
IB i A*h, oor. FroBl aad Parit, Bad
wtsAowm. » or »0e. 6.V Xartliam, Frost aWsBi
Bd}BtoIiig MeKamarB-a ahoc •!«•.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Friedrich Block.
_________ tar tie. ElAatrorth Bloek. DbIob street.
aud Bosd bone* a aptANGOS McCOLL SrriFSJIrd Aoor wpatTroUtog
of Morfaas Urery Bara.
PBckarrSaM ISO.. XXXX aad Jureay.
Xtoreow. Bl? Bay streM.
. Tab SbBta. Vtoi Ktd.
10 Per Cent..date:Off
BM Oaton. 8^1miu>-tBprtem tbe
. - cattltBaUFraBtOt A.8
I Haved Moved
B 40A, DaiM 8b
coil mad CM
_______ Ladtoi Ox Blood, onto torn
bare Iba Oxford* abise. Youtbto T*a
Shoe at fl 00. at6oubadBShoretm«.A.T.
at 6oub SdB Shoe eten.
Joha404 ttoutb Dahm 8L
PARUtfiRRRN k»d Itaect Pawdeim. Tbl* to potato bug tl~
f aiUl) OOimn
«xtor»toa*or from B. B. MIUw. tb*
origtaal dr«g mas. ftretdoorsaato
New Procliss Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
j 46Tront- St.
At LmSd Down by OttrmH.
SttUt thtiBigStrikt.
VlrfftBla OMt lb*rt are Mrvral •thv
Moron or auKkly.
tootkozs lUtnoU,
Kentucky, AUbonuL. rut Virilaio. cmtrol P«aavlvu)lk 01^ etber mlniac
roctam .OM pour •uppltei Into many ot
the i««dlac Mrfcou oowoScoUl by Uu
Wbtah Are
On. «Ml tnu >me.«a w OMala tk*
H af M Pm mi. *f Mm Other
Oyermiore. F*rli«pe—Mkn Cek Beod
ntubuTB. jJly Ik—Tbe ptoopeet for
» •etticBeu or ihe pmt miner*’ Mrtke
s coam on ■
Mor future.
P4U «rtka b> Wm Tltyla^
Poikeisburs. W. Vo.. Joly U.-'Two
undPed utBOTBemplozod by the Ojedn
•yndlcoto fX FlomisctDB tnolly otruck
yeMaeday. arary man in the mine quitttny. Thla la tbe fliwt atrlke under the
yencral order occurtloy la central IVaat
Vlratnla. It b expected that the mlaera In GatW mine, aaat of Flamltuctos.
raportad" that the atrikera wiU_____
march Id a body to Tilorimel to en
deavor, to Induce the mlncre there to
Join ibam. Rayardleae of tbe advanced
aoale tbe M.
ported to be d
I. Jttlj 15.—Yertwday
Tairflk Fwha. who U a
aaffoUMkmoa bahalf ^JAa^Mktah
gevarament, loformo^. the atabhaMdari
of Ae powen that be hoped Ae mmell of tDlnlateiB would make a reply to
t. and Aat Ae reply «
he praeocted Ttauruday aveolar.
rlae A Aa ht^Aat
Tnfkey will coaiply wlA Ae d
of Ae powera
Ihe weaAv ia cans
dteMpe Mxag Aa Tufto A ThcaMly.
IteSabllme'Pane rattaraWahis A-
Have ftm Mad oar makw
Tlie Hecimlaf twilerr
la 5 ahd Jte. ptgan
I aooB fallow Flaaanytoa'a lead.
Aaklay Belief fbr MHhm.
eompany.wkapp 1.200 men have Meo conMutty *t work, and wttkoot wbon ae-
I. July tt.—The mlnera
neaitj’ every county of tbe mlnlny'dlatrin of
t Indiana are formlrj
formlry oome
tcea to be aaat out
oak for relief
the etrtkera.
RepreaeeiUtlvea of the
miner* are here to aak the people to
TM ytrlkera hope 'to '
able to obtain tome aL*a:etancc throni
the mlneretbe amouBt obtalnitble from that aod-c*
he anthcleni to keep etarvat.un
away, their rcpreeentatlvt* aay. Oovatuor Roust haa asked a rammUtea.et
tMaocc the tucci m of the BOoremeBt
voiild have been Jeoi>ardl«ed. bo* aymd
to iotn tbe other <4>eratbr* lo a plan for
Ae aetUeannt of the ctrlke on a "true
aotformliy boiu. ThU r«tuM haa been
brooaht about ibrooyh the efforo of
Aememberaof the jotot orbItroUon com■
BUoloQ. who have been worklns oaatdend alBce meeUcs PmalDeartnit Tueaday.
Teatetday at*
tolled upon
Mraefc U TtotodM ef OMtrweC
mt tbe mlBere' offlrlalt ond the propoMUoB olao received ibelr opprovoL
U BvMeaUy a VM-17 tor Onmit
Under the lermi of the arreemeat
l>nnBlt oonaenu to Mob a roatraet
trhlMi vtu brlBC about a ooDdltioe oT
"tore uetforaltr*' lo the PUuborK dletrtet accordlnr...........................................................
vhich faUed el«hteen BKtotha «ca
Tbe eomimct provide* • • •
_ ,
• and the removal ot other
mplalned of by the mtnera.
.Ue Mil aten aucb a coniroct provMed «S
per cent of Ae operatora A the PUiaburr dlatrict bec<Mne partlea to it In
orreeln* to tbe term* the mioera' oS*
•e.tbelr iBfluence t
I. July U.-Of r.aoo miser*
employed 1b Blneleen countpa
diaiUL Jb which *ofi coal b foond la paytban (.WO
have no
them W wifI I* knows as the third Mbdietnet. InBudlne A* bliumlBou* leylMi* of OreeDe and cithar emiDtiea. are
under ewitract to work at At B-cent
•calc of Ibe [msnt Masan up to Bay 1.
im. Thouxh this contract was altned
by the oBlceia of the Uslied Mine Work
er* of America, it wa* promptly recmdl•ted wbea Ac ttrike was sedued
>- aRect
___________ ______________ __
-Ill be a
borrter atalnet recurrinv troublec in tbe
nttibaiT dlftrlct. The miner*' oAdal*
lined that even thouyh they bad won
-the vietcry
rory. a* tbe abrnnee of a coniroct *uA
Of hoa becB acreed upon vould have left
the door open for re*, ypevanre* that
were bound to mar.lftat thenaeK-e* un*
Ver tbe preaeni ibIbIbs lawt. and the
sew eoe* aoMilny the alynature of the
yoveniof. nfe provperi of a artitemeB*
et tbe mininy trouMe* *roa recerved
with a aenar of ynat relief-fas all aide*,
ond the re»n» of the eiforta of the Joint
......... ......................
filon lo
n aerure the r
neoewary » per c<ri of the operai
to the afreement will be awaited with
Seneral lBiere*L
ttlMI* Clala^ Sew aOirt Dswm.
The miner*' clfiflalr (Ulin that tbe
•Cahenshury mlrer In ihe Panhardle dlatriet. which have l>.- n in operation alncc
)wn yaefbc etrtke beyan. were abut down
1 Jolninc
terday on arcount
contAue to work until Ae order
cornea, provided Ae operator* Uv* up to
the ayreement lo ahlp no coal and tunnlsb none to rallwsr*' except dx car*
a day lo the Lake Erie and Weatem.
g.C.alLBBIT. A(U*M}
rnwnCLX a cnoos, Ausroeyn.
A aimiibr is p«*tocimg Isd* uib
•,CttyOp»»*Bo« Blsck-_______
Thanks to bis adeDce and sUU.
ofa. July 15.—The eavesA
aof AeBaptM.
Toanr Pac^le’e Caloa of Ameriea be
gan Ais marutar with aboat too daleB^Uat leadare to
US of
• A. W. JAHRAU8, •
He will be here
wlA a ehort
led by Dr. L.
vice, which
Fort Wayne, lodlaaa.
A pocititv sad pemsnent c«re
SMnred in all eases sbc«pteil. Now
aMleally #iA Ae'chotr In alnglng. and
a great wars of lutfUntiom and har-
"PUlstarj Flow, I».
many loated Arongh Ae buildtag. At
Acelaae.'f Aeaoag-aarrioa Dr.
'hich PmMant Chapman
Aeopaatogaddreaa. Addramm od wel-
Lederle’s Stt*
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
(rud Itpidt a iBdlui L I-
•oeraad'tbeforty-aizApaaln'aMd de-
A comidete Linn of tbe very
bc*»Te», 6o«e«, EverrlWn*.
oome. an of which trera aloqnem ahd
Ataraattog. weia Aan deUvared.
Free Consultation
Obariar W. Baxter will be at the
Bandlton CloAtag
Company^ staea
WlA a Una of BtoA BBoeh goods on
Tburaday and Friday of tbia week ABtsad of Friday and Saturday as m*aoanoedyasK^ay.____________
E rstything Fiesh sod In Bsssoa.
Root beer, sharbeu gingar ala, to-------aar. bireh bear, etc., drtl»aiad at raailencefrae. A. L. Joyce A On. ’H
best ta be hsd-slwagrs. '
Jacob Furtsch,
60 A Ae Lion Barber Shop lor hal
rate and baA*. 15 oenu eart.
l^tf ■
M. B. OmrTTm
415 Usiw SL .
TekpiMU 31.
Mm 1<
Lacon. Rli.. July 15 -A •IryattoB of
Toluca miners vidt-d Brertoed aad pre
vailed dpoB the mlcfr* to rirtkc.. At a
aw-meetlng II was .voted to qtdl arork
il* evenlns. TbI* clorvf all mtaiat
larahall county, and i.Vm
Jote row.e. Matovar* AieWMeet. Mi^r^e
Stopped Work a* Qa**ttto.
Danvitia tUa, July 15.—«r«r 5B mto.m were at the Pawnee ycatMdey
Donilos to pfvveni woria EwnrtJiing
raa quiet yeeterday. Been thv Pawnee
ind Kelly mmpanlee are bavltw deputy
BbertSa »wqro In to guarq Aelr mtoee.
^yAirrgD—aoop^ o» pog^oiwa^
The Specialist.
.Office Parlors at
j. w. rarcatM.
ImprUeaM Miner b All**.
i»«h*KeMI Opwatorl*>tb* lah—al
•rib* Cowl Ttodw*.
Hotel Whiting,
Mammoth mA« at aoldOelda la stiU
alive, tboueb the cmve-tB occarred aAe
dsye ago. He anaaere Ac Mgeal* of
the re*rnlBg party. Tbe a^iele forte of
tbe nUne I* kept at werk on. tbe rcaoua
ToMeto. Ont. July IS.—The Bpworth
League cabinet met yeiterdsy and de
cided Aal tbe coni-entlan next year wJO
be held elAer at Seattle. WaMi.
Omaha. Neb. Tbe Utter pUce't cli
will l« puBbtd by a delagatiun con
tag of the mayor and dty council.'
|- other vlnue*. 1* the UbmovI
the coal tnduatr}'
America. Por oev.
RaterTlng A the a
n coal famine ColOhel Rend asid;
y«t there b *
- '
"there Uksly to be
« at
St all- Tl------------------------------M, if
and oMalMUe fnnn Ainas itUl
InI Bight *i>-----------------A operauon than during any time of
the period of the general strike of IBK
-Lett*** and tebgrams are coming to
my ottw from various plarea offerAg
Urge Bhlpraeou at prices that do not
nppMT exeeaMve. The -West■ "'Tginta
and ahip^ng
number of the mine* in thkt sute may
be heougbt out. but thousBtid* of new
men win be put to work in the >*ai1oiu
Ukeiy lowbow a apesAy
Nal^ptd down to thb ragUn and want
todtoik dlsflng coal to taka th# ptoa*
acW«awlir (unibhad hy '
Kpironh lsaq*M Xext Tea*.
(CUcoyo. Juli Ik- He la tbt lahmoe)
at the cool trade." That la what W.
P. Read Bold yeaterday of W. P. Daormtt. pnoldent of the New Totb and
Cleveland Oae Coal company.
A." oald Colonel Rend, "who ae loud'
ly proetolma hl*hone»ty.ho folrnooanf
«ral year* be haa had bU haad rataed
both ayalnat tbe miner* and
aia conduct three year* ayo waa lary*.
I* MiMnaibl* for the etrike at that
e for the
tima. He waa mainly
■trike of 1«M, which wa* oauaed by.a
rodacUoe in wayfii
wap.-s An
Aral aurted by blm.
au conduct Uu-n. as now. mi
dUturbancra in we»trm Penneylranl
that extended xo other ptatea. and that
culmlasted In a geiteral uprlalng,
-JHlTVtmduct the last year provokpd
the reduction* in miner*’ wage* to M
edau a top in the T'itUburg held Md
btought about general derootallaatton.
ArBt iB that aectloa and soon afterward
In dlRerent secUon* of the eeveral
glatea. The other
othei Ptitsburg operaion
■Amto ready to advance
mit ran be gut t« do so. If be wl!
•ent to arbitrate theotbar leading Pitts. burg-operatora will wateome arblcrtlon. While In hi* hoatUe^duct Dei
ton U an Indumnal I^feael, be U.
AM pisaa aad praye»% Atprctsndlng
Fha^ n b time (oTtSb man
' glop to hb mad carmr aad Ustgn U>
apMata of treason. «t JusUcqr.snd
—--t— coBcHlAtlon or afbltratloe will
Hmt abont peace.
Whoever ataod*
In the way of peace
apon hloaelf
Carilnsvine. nia. July a-notO ytvterday ever}- mtse in Uacoupln connty
le fhut down In oUdli-ce to
ity-flvc eipplcyet of 1
Ccal cempary at Nilwood »elUvd A^ dlSemuee by accepllny an Increace ef 10 cent* per fon,
recelrint'tD renu per ton wtaa wdybu
and. have returned
•oed to worh1
abaolute. Coal «cld yeaierdo}' at
pw tM foe mixed and U.to for ru
o dlaiurbaocca of oty
epi'M No
any kind
Unf 0^
caned durlny U>e day ar.d quiet rMpi*
A ^ porta of tbe dlatrlct.
MKD jraps 05 I
aod B maUnr praparaUooe tor Ae
UamqwfAtiim of-troopa.
IS. — Tbe
e Uttle
eonwiMoh-^ kDockt oS I per oent. of
tbe operotora. Ibe layt time he demand'
All vbo u« now nnder Dr. HeDonnld's treatment eidnim
WUI antke tviMa Ordwea:
b eeatoraaeisa- ftlPrumto.
Cycle Owners Loekfiere!
i Am Gaining Far
The Che
* made
Bifftat Uiai wTv. DeanntL pnaldMi
otthe Rew Teik and Clet-Maod Oaa Cool
And everything in the hn
Qitfl Sudu.UftDtA.
■i of first class jewelry and
toilet articles.
r. -A.. VA-RTs,
Dr. McDonald locatee and de
scribee tbe most obecare diflCAeoe
joBt ns Boon na be eeee the patient
witboot ukiDgAny qaettions, lookat
toneae or feeling the
' telU at oooe ja«t what
thb troable U nod « 'hat the
He pate bis finger directly apon
AM ache, pain or diflagreeuie
feeUng, gives a tall hUtoryi
hUtory of tbe
esse b^-beginniog to eod, mach
better thanD tthe patients ewn
lalm •The reaaon why no manj pe<^e
doctor M moch and
are not cared, u beoaose their
is not properly am
.............. with him
. im u worth everyBoitetioo
thing, as tbe patients are abown
precisely what tbe trouble is, and
are told what tbev most do in or
der to get well. No peraon ahoald
tiiink of doctoring any farther or
of taking any more toMieme antil
they hue coasulted Dr. HcDonald.
^^wledge and tbe adviee
be gives u oertain to save endleaa
mistakea. troable, expenaeand sofferiog. No mattu what yoor oqndition, bow long yoa have been
sick, nor bow many doctors yoo
have tried, no matter what yoar
doobis aajr ba, ^ere is bopa. A
perfek knowledge of dinegie is
power and one Jialf its caiw. It is
tat* yoar life that is at stake; yoa
either get well or eoffer. 'No
No matif the beat gh^ciaiia hare giv-
TnierseJBtjLiiie olStumen. IX'' He min
E. J. Penulngton, Uiettamons pii>mour. U In New Tork. regl*tbr«d as "G.
Jobnron." He has Just arrived fromLcndoo and I* known to l<e Intended t.i the
BMhUfat'ture of huredes* caWi^ca. Ha
cUbna to have ll.5W.000.
A mob at Huron Krvet and KLlwaukee
avenue, Chlcami. allarked five men A
a goive! misAoi wagon Wedoaaday
The prcaldeDt ha* called for the rertgBatlon of W.'J. Ul*e. (ullei'lor of inter
nal revvnue at Chicago, to Ukc Mfcrt
Aug. 1. MUc'k term doe* not xxpire nnA next January'.
Mrs Margaret Ourr’vf Icala. Mich.,
aged M yeara died from drinking car
bolic add by mbUke She Uavm thirtyil-grandchlldran and f<^
The NorAarn DUnlaa Poultry and Pet
Block asBocUtkm haa selected Jan. 15
to 15. im. as Ae date* for As annual
exhibit to b« held at Rockford.
At Mlddbto*rn. N. J,
Charle* Ooudert. of New York. At
Torosto. Ont..
Henry M. Ji...................
Memphis. Tenn.
At Decatur, MMl.
Mrs. Man
It Guy.
of bees lighted In front of
Ae Steel hotel at 8L Johns,
Brave men flew to cover, and m one
knew what to do ti)l s trail Httle wetnan
donned a veil, borrowed a pair of glove*
and. gettAg a box. eaaUy hived the
Albert O. WoU. of Denver, visited
CMcago a few days ago and bat all his
He returned home and
rtoDcy, lAOOO.
' cy swallowed adoas
1 a Bt of di
of morpblna and died.
» of hemlock bark
amount to Steone
cords, which la abont as average wop.
Ml*. C. Dakyna a w<
Splsndld PrMTmm. Introduoing Favoiw Nnmban.
Potato tHW am so i
jaTRSfas & lopto GOunty. Mich., that
^Si^’toftosrs .am Ptowtoc np.tlMir
ito mops and rsptontlrg
Only oioipanmoe to TVatwrse City <tf
xoxsAT XTxraro, iclt uth.
Morning Record
ed yoa away as incatable, no matlo^ your
- wbat snyjxidy aays, loo'
needs squarely in Uie face; go now
—ttoday—to 'this most eminent
specialist. Becare a eorrect his
tory at yoar oase and a full oUtement as to what can be dene for
you. This be gives free of aqienM
to all booest aeekdce after heallh.
Hoar* daily from 9KX) a- m. to
bring quick relume. 8t00 p. m.
Chicago — r-.«.»r. 4
West Michigan
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