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The Morning Record, July 20, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Fint Te*r~Na R6.
wbh u thank the teacherq to
Ualr loyal eappert aad Ue rtearfal
maaaa in which they hart aartaiaod
9B of Chief of Police
XBTMBSSTXMO VAOTB Of THX me ta my wak and earried oat aU maf
loae offared whUe rMblnf Uatr
polawd a epeetal pelleemaa to Ua mspoar o? a ▼. mowmtht.
. nra LAST noBT.
Ktive ahoob while 1 Ure baaa
Wat Side aad Oeorye Qooa for the
tmptwwM oi SmB^ Sixth. Bart Side, boU to eerre wlUoet pay. Good Uniform Work Boported and
OadwudSpmMStnMBis a Oo- ^dermaa Lardie aanuted that
tproTomant Ow Prnioaa Team.
AldUMw dahtMB
ikfeMt and atae aoooapaaytay the BiDfUar elr^
ttM Aldwmaa froa tha SMoad a be pnUIbHed from oflaS Oea wlU Orating]
■tteet toaU of the oHy limlta, ae the re- tioa fflfnraa.
Saiaad Bia AdTSetava
Triad to Wateh Tbh to the Blw and
oeht Improwaoat haa aot yet been
AS air of UattaHsm agradad the eofibieaUy eetOed to make beary
Side a Wheal at Ua Same Tima
OOOMU ohaabK whoa ‘ttw aldvtaaa traUlGtBBoaltadrtaabla. Oamotioa the wort of Ue oonaty Mhoab dmind While B. L. Baaeom wae rldtof hb
irMhmd tor haalaaM >M alffab 8ose of Aldermaa lloBtacM Ue etoei oobk bet yaa» b aabmltted by OommbU
wheal bet ereatoy ea Proat ebwt
M thaa wata aaxioaa Sla
Uxroafh mbriemw era* ordered to feaee off that MeWeUy;
the toot of Boardmaa aTcaae, hb
witA the baaiacat of the eltr 1b
portion of the etract
r> to the Qtaad ppara Boom aad loae
rAldermaa Dee-- Mamba of ^
•to the I
weten of Ue rirer.
axwaaud traiB the fiddle by the r«Bt moad aryed Ue adrbaMli^ ef a park at pablb axam
Sltehett Btwt Stand TrtoL
> a^ the aarfaee to be atiea to the eatabUahmeat of a dty fliet yrada eertifieata
Lewb Fitehett mart rtaad trial npoa
nah baataaM to attaad to, bat be^ parte. He aac«ly rafarred to the tact Mamba of appltai
theUarye pratorrod ayatoat Urn by
that parka la olttM which do not boaet
•tbri naalre nii rilmnil Ilian ~ii la^ of^b^
W. h. Babbell, bnebaad of Ue woman
rwortdtteayaTe a>ora ■atlea«d tatoUe ^berattoBa of the alderWiU whom be raa away abont two
tub aad took atora pride la aaklar
wetim aya Jadya Corbett dmded the
a the anraat- their eltiea attraottre than Ttararae
awtion U qaeah Ua toiormation which
f the pcMWt board. Aad all CUy doaa. Aldemaa Qoodrieh thooffat llfteatee whh have had eo experleaee w^ amde by i. W. Patchto to behalf
baaaaaa cd AMewBaa OoodrtBh.
Of Fitehett e few daye ayo. Pllebett
dbeetloa.bat eebed thb.oppertaalty
«hma haldtof eoeoad wlU be tried UU tom.
Por Biaay naetlam
Aldanaaa to rerlaur hb dbaKvoral of the Oatlar rade eertifieatae to Uo ooeaty—eo.
Odbtetkt hMhafithaahvtoodot the property lor a pask. He deelared that Kamber of Uaoheta holdtor firet
Xhb Waa a Kean Trirt.
atrtar at the hands of Ua ooUecaaa. the hpy then wae the pt^w pbee for Crade eertifteatoe-4. •.
, bat be had a ewaat laraafe laet nirbt parke, aad that then aboald be thrM; Whole anmbar of qaaltflod toaehere Saaday mocatoy before yotoy to Ue
John Tatmaa filled Ue baU
which taacht hie '
i oonaty. exelntire of Travaru City tab to hb raome wlU aba bot rvater.
that be b toe old a l^rltlator to be wofka. aad aao|har at the head of Wart
wbieb ho fiyarad woold be aaiubly
eaacbi apwbic to loar at a atretch. bay.' ftliWrmaf Lar«a aiffed that a shoob,—litAmoant oC toetitoU feee eoUeeUd Inkewarm by Ua time of hto retara.
aittae froat the eoaacQ be ^polatTba aaatter that baa
flto room matee ww a ehaaoe tor a loka
edtoeoatewlththe aaperrieem with aad
Member of aoboob aappUed wiU aad iarlted Ue oo-operatioo of aa lee
a riaw to Ua iaprtrtOBaat of tba oona- flafe-n.
Sixth and Spraoeauaeta. TbeDiTiaioo ty Stoada earToaadliv the -eoldbn' WhUe there hae been a r«Beal Im- wayon. A few Ui^ eakm were pleoed
to the Ub, and when John retaraed bo
attaet ealeart waa one of hb |oadeat monnneat. bat Aldetsaa Good
to o«r aeboeU from year U piaByedtowithoatemameay. fiat be
dbooaracad that propoaiaoB aad .. proremaat
bopaa, bat be waa defeated
ae Ua teeehere hare bee toe bat immedbtely eocambtod oat ayato aad
Tbad delay ta Cane- of aUar ta^ro^ year
aCerta iabebaUofhb
(rtoIbn the Seeaath moau BOi« nnraatly aoaded. Ttere lay or clatofytoy them, it b wiU a aonyhi a warm epot to meditate to aad
hatoh ap toraaye apea Ua'fellowe who
ao aeUoa at thb Ubo.
atraet prapoeal caaae ap.
deyree of mtbtaetkw that we ooatom- perpabmted Ue mean triek.
dlfUrwan Pariter of the ooamlttee
plate Ue wort of the paet year.
fraaeatad a ^Bority nport, aad
Weot Slden Tletortona.
> la the All the aehoob hare bben rbitod aad
■ajority report waa prreanted by
d that the road Ue wort of the different
The Baet Side baU team wae defeat
Aldenaea Ooodrbh aad Oreilick. tfai leadiar from Freat etraet to Bopldae' noted, batoaaaeooatafUe
ad Snaday by Ue Went Side team to a
hMry wd oftbeooatadttae. At the iM hOBSe be pravaled aad t^t aa ap amoaat of ofiteerrork ae mooh time rood yame. There ware few error*
laet aaeetiac aad the prarloda oaa proach to the bay be made at Uat ooold Bot be yirea to the work of rbit- made by eiUer elda aad for foar' inpoiat. Btaaai
toy the different eeboto ne I wbhed. Btoye boU atom (aUed t» eeora- The
' Ua aeartta of the two reporta, natU aad tbelmprof
Cbmdytayoareehoobhae toereaaed battorr wtoc of boU teama partlenAaalli bbU were bfid apoa the table.
mba of the the work of Ue oommbtoaer. eepeeial- torly Uat of Ue rietore, wae yood.
Aldmaaa Mueteroe led (a the debaU
]y Ue elybU yude etaiainatioiie and Seore: le to 14. Baturlm—Weet Side,
for the Btlaority report aad Ue ooaaUa yiaattoy of diplamae U> capdidetm Koniy aad Saifka; Bert Side. Wtoab
oO WM eranly dlridad between
BBoecmtol In Ua examtoatieaa. bat it eadfioayb^r___________
two. bat at Ue bet metln( when It ward riiwanBieidid the appolntmetitof b Ue part of Ue ooaambBionm'e work
oaatieteaqaeattoaof bylB( boU apM J. W. Trarb to Ue yaeaaey Uu aw that b meet profitable to Ue aehoob.
a B. Bioyole Olab Baa.
''the taUe it required Ue rote of Mayor aled. As thirty days have not yet Many pa^ bare ramatoed to Ue TW C. E. Bleyeto Qab will me*
Saith to deeide la^aror of that pt^o- ebpaed elaa Mr. dohaaon movafi. the aehoob aad poranod stadba that wonld Ue neldeBoe of Bor. W. E. Wriyht.
aot bare beea taken wlUoot the etim- Wodaeeday ereatoy. laartoy there at
;i meetiaf.
Laet Bicht Aldermaa Jabraa wae
nine of Ueee examtoalioot and re- 7 0-eloek eharp for Arrtle. trtere a
the only abeaaiea, aafi he wee oae who Aldermaa OralUek offered a ax
wOl be held rriU the Arehb
eetod la law of Ue report of Mr. Uat Ue oooadl ohamba be elloked ap work to oar dbtrict eekobl and allowe Y. P. B. C B. It b
Paik>;x. Here wataa opealac to Al- a Hula. Ue walboalelmiaed. Ua wood them to eator the blyta aohool wlthont •very one be ready- to ■
derwB Goodrich, aad he itraeped it work cdled aad ftabbed. etc. The nay
aad nebriy all who
wiUcAataeterbMeeacaei^. After Ue
yradnate from oar dbtrict eUoob
roottae baaineea bad been dbpatehed
araUthemeelreeof thbprtrUeye aa b
Aldariaaa OoodriU offered a motkio to Aldermaall
ordarad tor Barlow ihown br the toereaaed ettoadaaoc at
take the reporb nealioned froa Ue
the hlyfa artool each year,
table. The propoeltioa wae eameetiy
imrtoy the abort ttom etoee we hare
Uyht abada Taa Shoaa. in
ooabated Aldertaen Moatacw. Ito- boanl of pabUe Wortrbe eo toxtraoted. imifled ear dbtriet aehoob (eto yean)
pain athalf prioe, ladba' aad
aaoad. PaUer aad HenllMBtaL Tbeee
-that Ub propoatUoe be laid npoa Ue webarayradaaMdaad yraated dlploCentleawa eab the deafar wUeh i
ooaaWaoed their partOoB aad aryned for de- UUe bat he *raa defeated aad the Bixty-iwo attended the axamtoatioa*
by. bat Ue notion was laebtod npoa oriytoal mottoa preraOad. Thb wae thbyear, itpamed Ua reqnlred arcraad Ua qenUon pet. The rote etood
aya aad raoeirwl dlplomaa aad ae all
Cor the affinaattra, Uiodrteh. Oralllok.
time papen. wiU few eroepttoo* reLardle. Oarrboa. aad Cook. For Ue
eelre the peraoBal toepeetioa ef Ue
aacatln. Montarea, Parker, HeaU- Botion tor Vpv Trial WIU be Bade
r. Ub work, added to Ue
MBUh nad Damoad. Tbenotb
to Oaae ef Shertdaa ra. Bymaa.
k at whbh
adopt the ni»rt wae earried, of eOBtaa. The oaee of Sheridan re. Bymaa. WC had 178 appUoaata. wbeaa paper*
by Ue toae vote. Tbca Aldermaa which hae oeenpled Ue attentioa of meat ba toapactod. wiU raporta to ba
Goodrich breathed erietorioQsaiyh and tba Cucalt eoort for Uc paet two daye.
mada oat aad «
UUaated hb deaire u adjoara.
wae fiabhed toot ere^ny aad Ue Jnry awer. to a oertato extoat a
randtrad a remliet of no canM of qaaatioowtay ti
action. Twaddle A Croee,
tiau rbltiny tba acboola.
mrtami to be Ue BMot oeonombal,
for Ue platotiS. wiU make a motioa Pntrona are ahowtoy more totoraet to
whoa Uemattmwaedbpoeod of Uat for a new trial Ub momtoy.
oer aehoob.
aiybt and Ue lybt ended the eapportSchool oOoen axardaa yraator
«ta of the mlaority report wtre etoariy
to the arieotien of ieaebam.
aad forced yraeetaUy to
WiUbm W. FblrehUd, yoardtoa ef Ibaohen are hired ter Ue yearto
•abmlt to the reanlC
Harfllah Koffmaatm, aoa of Ua Uta nearly arary toataaoa wbara Uey era
34 prinbdlm’Pta
Oae ether matter wae effeetaeUy db- Uriah Hfri^aa^.bae ^mllad to tha dotoy aatiafianart
Bat taw
Baaer Tom. Band
poeed of and the reenlt wQl brtey
It tor a mtoorh paa- chaayee ware aiada dartoy' Ua paat
Tope. A. B aad C
wreathe of rtopltoy uallee to the rb- eioa fierUo boy. Yaetorday be reoetr- yauw.
atSt-Utodoaaokaye ef Maaayv Barry of Ue Telepbcm od adriee from Waahtoytoa Uat Ue
The propotitioa of Alderhave feoad it bard.' In aaaxia pokatioB bad beea yiantod. The
Deemond to tax Ue Mbhlyaa amoaat eaeh auaU rrill be tlD aad eitioae.
Oar pabtme aad tcaehen maetlaye
-pbom a
bayto «riU April s, l«i7. The
75 pain Oxforda. termer prlee
Ube fee for
have beea w«U attoaded aad 1
aUo laoelre a eontiderabU
U.tA. Sl.tO. tl-Tt and R. Oar
Ue eity. WM rtportod adrenely by the dae npoa Uepeaahm'ef hbfaUer, who eon that Ureoih the toflaeaoe of
priea S1.00 to eloas oau
eemmbtoeoawpyeaadmaaae aad im died aereral mootha ayo.
aad toaohan
have been breaykt aaarar to aaoh oUar
eaeommeaa»Hnai aeeepted aad adopt
- _______
The eamoomtotttoe reqaertusd tar- J. A. Jfoata^aad hb aoM. Hmr of trna adnoatiim for our boya aad
Mrtih Fataat Leather aad Bathm tiSM on the maricet alto mdMec.
hart aad Albarv Pfofamor W. A. Oraaameb. former oriom R aad sa.
aoa. of Cbicayo. aad J. a OraMa. of Ubrattoa teve baaa ^aead to a aamtoeloaooaUtSAOO.
The r^ort of Uheomatittoe to wbqm Buffalo, will laara thb moratoy to Mr. barot
wai referred Ue matter of pnrehealay Moatayna-e new eloop-yacht, Oeawa.
a etoae omebar. wae prevatod, aa
for Oaoryton Bay, the party will be 01 waa Ua beat wa haya ever ylvea
paniodbyproporitioae from maai
abaimt aboat tear waeka and Ua tiam aad was proaonaoed Ue ynatoet av
83 pabe Menh Raab very
tarareof etoae emeher* wUhont
will be bpeat craiitoy. oam^ayt fleh- traetiaa at Ue fair.
atylbb SUpparn. totmar S1.7S
It elwwed' Ua wort that b batoy
aaunaadation. Bat the committee toy and barlay a yeneral goei Uma.
doae to onr oooatry erhnob and WM
noantmeadad that Ua Mayor and oaa
■mhm of the eoaaeU rbli Grand The Haatlcn will yo to Maabtoe SaV a aarpTbe to many.
or eome oUcr dW
nake to- arday ter two yamaa, aad itUtobaax- Fifty-three aohoob made Up exblRt
paotod that tin atoek of ytoyar. a par- aad reeetvad laiye faamad ^ctama
maU^ botore farUer aotioa. The tioa of irtieh waa aaeorkad at Me
47 pain Udiaa* Blart aad Tha
Threa ^eetol parboi ware offered.
yoa. b not oattraly exhaortod.
report wae aooeptod aad filed.
naytnr A SmlU Jaltota. formar
Old MimioB reealvad Srat prtoa. Sis
prioa R.eloatoy oat prior SL
Boridaate of Ue locality eart of WeiOhleaye Baikal Baport.
library; Fife Lake aritool laeaivad aaeXsks Ho XisttikA.
U^tOB etraet oa Webatar aad adjaeaat Chioayo. Jaly l».-WhcaWaly. oad prlaa, tlO library praatad by T.
■traoto aant to a proteal ayriaxt Ue ne: Seatambar, 71 He: Oaaambar, T. Bataa: Baal Paradtaa eUoal Bo. i
toytoy of Ue eewar mrin to W^toy- TlHe: old.1. n«—
raoaivad Ubd prtoa. SM Ubrary.
Inly. MHe: Septambar. MXe; Ptoy* are fioattny over avary aohool
taaatreetfromWaehUytoato KykU
"THStec: May. aoHe.
abaeta OB eooooat af the added axpaau
hoaoo to tirt eoaa^ bat fpai.
The Original.
tbit would be eotailed npoa them for
The ehiUreo art beUw toayht to
eusastiao wx*.
MMlaJbatfho bommltiM oaiM^; ptrt-Saly.StBTjHapiamber. r.MX -----OUfitf udUataaxta lova
a love of eoaatry.
W* Mav taa mm* rtbv B SMtlrt or
iir------- Ua layl^ at Ua
Tons of Gold.
Hare been fonnd in the Klondike region. We
are not ezactlj that region, bnt we can sase
yon money if yon want Wall Paper.
From March II to July I i
Juiill rtHI.
Taking quality into consideration you will
- find my prices are as low as the lowest
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss These Bargains.
PoaiUTAly ths UgBMt yon WiU rat this
r. My rreat Jniy OlsaraDOA SalA. 1 will quote a lew
»that are bargaiiu, bnt maoe ia too ezpguiTe to qtrato
of these at this ^ce.
large S-pieoe Bedroom Bolt,
lar^ fijasa, pattmt eastora.
11.75, A noe lArge &4deoe 80U,
drs- ora, OAteot caetors, tOr ISHl A fine A
• r Suit, Bee .plneh,^
bed Dining QiaJts, solid
Rockers fromn 9^. ap, IiM Bri tosda from 3.78 i^oBsbed
Wnp. \
of tbeee, bnt wbst we bare most 'be eold by Jnly 18th. Bo
thoee thsl come early will be happy and tbM that «"i— tbi
sale will always regret it
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
B SMWT srsssT.TsaTssas cnr.
Those Shirt Waists
Attract the LadieB
And whyehoolda-tUoyt
79c •S'JT:’:™............... 49c
We stiil hare an abundAnt nuortment, and all sises.
These are all new Waists jnst recelTed.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
M. a. HOUXY. til amuse.
Buy the •• BEST ” Sour, era,
if it M better than other
, flour; might eucourage home
industry if you did; beudeh
the foreigner pay* yonr tax,
A Few Bargain, in Ladie,' and Gente’ Shoe,!
New Line of'chUdren’s Shoea.
^ITW MOBinyO BBOOBD. B W. M. lut Aiflit «« n Bintw
■ ;r
Isto. llMnctMooUIMwttkB tne.
40«Md italMuUirhi ud WM tgraad to
nATXBsxorrr. • miohioah, «M B Uawra iB ili piftM.
aad WvagM Xoaqnltoaa.
r«oK no orrta os tn
Jobs lUlatoab. temeriy k aUc
Tha drat ttato o* amp Ufa. aa a
IB UtstoradT. J. BoMUtorotLad- »paap tola pair, araa aa}opad bp toa
toftoa, hu retorn»d to tlto ettp ud Baaaab Biflab datordap airbt aad Saa1IM. T. Batm aSO'J. W. Bjjnn. MMptod » petottoo to to* tiototof d*- dap. Aa aeUea tounat to aU toa raa<
partwat ot the Boatos atora. Ha bat, w. HA»m. KAttof —d MiBff*. Caa bia dnttaa paatontoT aad Ua toallp ttoa daUaa waa dlapl^ bp aU toa
kban. aad fn» "wralUa" to ‘laia bacatoatap.
(rear torn waa, iHtog^^ggaptloa of
tba time dartop tba b
«saMatbs.tarB8>l. Caa»aar.to8«»n,____
<« Xa Wtaa* toa Bwttan Pat Vp to
t at Tiasseas Otp.
Tbb ooaaall baa e
tad to toe fact
a dtp park or two amid be a pood
Aldan&aa Uoadrito doM ^
baUaea to toa I
•oaa^ frooBda. ttat toa Hboobo aUU
taatoto toat there u toa paiat for toa
«nt atep to park iBpwaaaoata. The
groaad balospa to the eoaaip aad ia
baUowad bp a abaft araatod to ataaiarp
a< oar toldier hatoaa. If the aaaaa■watiatoatop toara It la a dlapiam
toaUowIttBBrroaadtofB to raatola a
toma waato. At toe aaaaa tliaa the
Bbooed doaa Bot diaeoarac* b topAbora
> fock; OB toe eoatnnr. toa paper wiU
/ Aeaeeiptotoc to ita power to brtap
-/ shoot anto aa Ispraeamst. B«t let
m iBprora the propaitf wa owa. aaphew. aad if tbara are aap poadUe
maBatoaddltAoBtooreatoa pleawat
' Vatoeat OB toe bap abora tot «a aaaks
the abaaaee of Aldarmaa Jabraaa den
toa aoaaeU Baettor toat aipbt pa^
toa aldaraaa troa toa aaeoad a ebaaea
to ^rtep a Bkoeanpoabii eoUaapaaa
toat toap aeold aat ebaekmato. ~
aaooad ward map now rent eontoat
|Xha DirldoB atreat ealrart waa Mlp
aappeatioB to/oonipaetooB to that whteb
toa board of poblic works waa ordarod
toat alpbt to exaeata. Tbh oratahadiawa a llttla thlnp Uln a ataaia ealeart
aad pieaa the aaooad ward a ahow for
It la aappeatad that thd eooadl oaaaa
• few inaxputalre bath booaea to to
wraetad alc^ toe bap abora at pdate
Boareatoat aad aaltoUe for totbera.
Tbit ia BOt a bad idea aad woaU to
pwitnllr appredatad. The tree totb
apateai ia a matter that la piran moat
wafal coaaideraUoo to aU torpe dtlaa
hartop tba taeiUUea. TPaeoraa Cltp
baa pleatp of water aad anotaroaa peraooa who aronld be beacfltad bP tbU
Lottie JaaaeeOB aad Jnlia Baoker
rode to Elk Rapida oa tb^ bkpdea
.Iha eaae of Claraaeei. Hartto ea.
Aahlep B. Cnrto Uoa trial ta toe Qiraait eonrt todap.
IheSandap-aebool of tba Mothi
Aareb wiU bold tbeir aaaaal pkaie toaaocrow at Baat Bap.
Tha Weaan'a Ceatetarp Improraaaaat ABaodatioa cleared $4 Satardap
at tba Satoidap ^rkat.
Tha Btoaai barpe Wcatoott la toadiap
hardwood lomber from tha Trarcrae
atp Immber Co. for Oktaapo.
Tto Mbooaar Uaeoa to toadtop with
toa bark from I. M. Wtoale.atttodoek.
aowitpaad to parties to MUwaakaa.
U J. Waatberwaa Uoea 'op srltb
Ptorp aad Carrer to a laarkamaMblp
aaore of 100 in WU) Marrefa pallaip.
Altoe Jarrto. D. D. &. of Pbiladrlpbto, will aaU oa tba «tod from New
Torfc for Europe Slia sdll ratora to
Tto Btaam torpe O. B Parka to to
tola port after the toet aarpo of maple
lumher from WIUlaiD Beltaer to Ritteahoaae A Bmtoee to Cbirmpa
* Tha aale of eeata tor taa perfonaaBOf
at Stetotorp's Qraad. of toltar A Hardtob Uaele Tom'a Cbbta Gompanp, to
morrow aipht, bepiM tbla moratop.
Tha fWlar mtoUnp of tba Batto
Baaerre toaoclaUoD wiU to bald to Me
JUmara haU tbU ereotop at etpbt
o’elodt. A full atuadaaoa la deairad
Tha ama-paar-old daapbter ol
Charlea MeMiebael wpa blUan pcatardap«ad badip hart bp a dap belonptop
Ao J. H. MarUoek. Di^. XaaeUad a»tmdad bar aad toa dop -waa on
hiUad. Th« wUlba aBotber rabaaraal tbia
•eaatop af the oboraaea of tha^oBdap
•^bool raUp dap. to toe parlota af toa
The triavpbaat 'HBatlare arrirad
oma paatardap. all svall aad to eorp
efaUaderar tbalr
two well aaraad rtotoriaa c
Tto bopa plapad aplaadld. baU aad
won both pamaa on toelr marlta.
Tbara ware (eataraa to toa flnt pama
ot maatlaaad to toe BaooaD'a
Saadap moratop. la tha &iat toalap
Tbrrp strato oat toa '
tot, nttrtop tba alda OD twalra pitched
Tto triple plap bp Adame. Parks aad
Noeotop waa tba aharpwt, qaMtaat
and prattieat plap arar arada oa MaekagoB'aproa^
Opportoaa Ula bp Watktoa aad Naratap helped matartoUp taward tba
toppp raaalt. Adama diato
bimaaU bp maktop aonm pwttp atopa
la faet, avasp
aambar of tto tom waa tall of ptopar
aadpatapap^vadfedartieto ofbalL
Below la toe ubalatad aeon of toe
ftratpame. Baleaamplred tbia pama
aad nto pood rnttafaetiaa.
| |T
Seore bp toatopa:
Baeiawad bp tba 0. B.*a of tba Oom
Aa totanatlnp conraatioB progri
piraa at
ebnreh Soadap aipbu The dinreh waa
alaboratalp daeorated with the San
Praadeco oolara pariae aad pold. aad
with mraalloB flapa.
The propram waa to ebarpe of Mim
Bippe aad aa aatertotoiap reriew of
tto proat maettop wae piraa bp M!
laabal Hammond, bialla Stooeldar
apd Mabel Batoe aad Maaara C H.
Bom, M. B. HoUp aad D. Ooeblto. The
eooprapaUoaal alaptop wae preaUp
oMlated bp toe aeoompaplmmit ot the
Ideal orobmtra, aad ia addiUoa a ado
bp Miaa AUee Crawford aad ado bp
Miaa Alice Botorta with obom V
Mim Roberta. Miaa Crawford. W. J.
Hobba and Dr. J. A. Sapdw were beutifnllp readerad. The araatop wi
aaoeam to .erarp partleaUr sad
filled with toe aathodaem of toe treat
B Hoaocad.
7:10 ah^
Ma^ Satlto aad Aldmrnaa Cook
eaapht toraa fine. Urpa mlmoa
at Ctorp Labs toe fliot of toa wato. OM
of toeSI meanred orar two (aat to
Mtoam Mteato aad Marp Baitoar.
CtopAtoAa Tadar aad Maaara Morpaa
Vwf, ChatUa Braakdfoot aad Ralph
aa}0f0d » ptoaic at Baaa Lake
thaFOeabbaaa baH la«to defeated
.toa SedM tom Btaaddrh^ a torn of to
to A. Battmtoa-itoMh. JCUitor,
aaa, aad KaUattaai'MPto S. aad B.
Tha U:topaaM«wtoiSto«B tha
Fridap totop toe Tiat blrtod^ of
aUbart PowUacw about tblrtp of bb
nalpbbon aorprlaad him to toe erealap.
Attar ridttop. mode aad atoptop, iae
mom aad cake ware aerrad.' Olfta
prasentad with wbbaa for naap i
arMOttpbaferaaaditwfUtoloap be
fore Itollke to ee«€i apato.
Tha pUarara to bla maale waa aapaaaatad to watabtop tba aapramioaa
that orept arar kla (aaa formtop a
art of toa tooaphtt callad torto bp
tomatotopwaapotopon. ^ptatoMelatoab had hi* man a? aliiaat at dap
braakand pat them tbroapb toa aeriae
of eallatoaalemoTamaato. to ^Itarp
parlanee known aa the ••aetttot op axwUcb laotuMimp toa>toto
aad mnaelea of toe mea aad pr^arad
them tor toe rapalar field drill of
tsro hoora. wblcb took ptooa after
time between
. drill aad ••poard
at 4 o^oek waa epeat bp toe mea
totolap to carp laka.
atoriee, eattop dtoaar. aad trptop to
kaapaool. Tha eompaap ahowad op to
to aU tba
and took to toa bard work Uka eataraaa, witoont a eomplatot.
Than waa a ebaaoa for tba mai
abow tbalr oomapa and aadaraaea to a
paanlae battle (with aioaqaltoea) aad
tbep babared aeblp. Thaaortofa
' qeitoaa that liraCarp lake appea
toHra oo aoldiera’ Mood. Btoee ware
b«lU and amndpea mada bat it oolp
mada toe rarapm of toa paata worea
The “Mta aearrad troopa” arrirad
bOBM at 8 o'eloto Saadap erantop aad
were maek plaaaad with tbeir axpera-bar toa moaqaUoaa-aad roadp
to po apato;_________ ,
tba bow.
Bamaarl la aapadaUp fortaoata la
Ua>mpa8p. Kim Brabaap Is a parUoalarlp asrMl aad plaaalap atopar aad
toa eAmrm of bar maMe ia iBcrearad bp
tor baaatlfBl (aaa. Mr. Wm. SaaTlat
M an aooompaatat M all that ooeid badeairad. aad to Ua toano a^ sbowad
to preat adraatapa hie fine taeaioaa
aaddaU^tfaltoaoh. poaoftbaai
bare, a parotte of hie
arip • weU raodrad. The
piaao Bead sraa one of tba 4
The aatAra propram raoeirad aathaAatAe aaeoraa and tba mamorp of tba
ereatop wQl loap to a plaaeaat one
into tboaa who ware ao fartoaata aa to
(H'lnn funiui.iiii'iL:
is the...
Fruit Jars. This
Canning Season.
2 Quart—60c. doz. 1 Quart—80c. dot
eontriboikm of K9 from tba Oral tooed
Nab Oo. aald « from Oraad Trararaa
Now for Business!
West up to Bmoka.
Tto ban of Qiarlaa Bmanaa. wha almplar. but no toes axqabtta Sehubart
line a few .milaa aoatb of town, wae fianaada or tto aUninpabatoa of mar.
totallp deatroped bp fire peatanl^. ttal atoto.
baUfitopaoBtatoada larpa qaaaDpoabto aaooad appaansoa ha waa
MW ef
«hiek waa aBMmad.aleo piraa a ptrtaet oratioa, and waa eaUed
a b«CP aad a eaU. ChOfina aad baek apato aad apato. Sato ^reeep
toaa an raid to to tba aaaaa
tto a wae nerar plraaaay one to T
tto Snhito.’**^^*
. ... ......................... ... ys
*Tt.t.WT> A HOBEB.
Tto VetaJ Sammpl Ml^tod a
Urpa AadiaBoa last VipbL
Meato lorera aajopad a ran treat last
aipht on toe oryraimi of toe appearanee of Bamaapl at toe Oraad. Th^e
was a moat appraatoUre aadtoaoe mad
todr aptoBstoam wu JuaUfied. Bemenpi more than fiUad tbalr a^patiOM. Be pate hto wbola ml into the
muaie aad makes toa toarto of bb bcarara reapoito aa to wilU. wtottor to tba
UWhatwefiaeoroar Soda Eyrtrsa ertth
toa do not aaa extneta at oniJoMtoto. A
Waa Btrook bp aa X. * «. & Trato
•aturdap Vipbt
Satvdap araatop tto Baaaab Rlflaa'
apaelal trato atroek aad kUlad a '
aaar Bateb'a eroaatop. Tba animal beTo Old Botdlara.
lonpad to Kratochril. It te aappe
■e to Trararaa Cira. a
that tto animal bad baaa taraad
________ np. Ihurodap. Joip t-______
peaaloo mattera to adtoe oompaaph propmlp to paetara.
Jrataaa bara as totarelew with ma
that time.
J^jut Gbxacxb,
the Fnad to Xaeraaotop.
Solidtorof Peaaioai
Tto (aad tor toe Uka Ana fin a
Tba TtoM FWt ^roaebaa.
Dra B. B A Ccs. toe noted
aad ^paietoM .. ___
kapoD. will ooB etolt tbb loralltp.
L. RoeeoeU back from KanoeloimTbalr Jama to a> far raatotop that It la
Mlm Jo Vadar want to Kortbport bardlp ne
peatardap on a riait.
toelr etolt
Bal^ Baaleu rataraad from Jaekm and Charlatta toat nlpbv
an the amtoeat pbp
Max Saiton of Otarlarato. la to tto
la parlora to tto hotel. Bo
dtp, toa poaat of Ji
toelr ekiU. ao eeemtorlp
hair enrea. ea paarlaea todr
B. C. BUltopa wUl pa to Cbieapo with
abimp that Dra B. 8. A Oo. ataad to
aptato Jobaaton oa tba Wdkteott.
dap aaappraaebaMa
bp aap of
. . ..
.. J
Miaa Oartrada Moatapna wlU po to >-workata
to the fieldJ ^
c madlrtoa
Oraad Ba^ tbia aftoraaaa tor a few
toe reanlt toat baa toea
Bar. J. Botonph aad wife of Maple to tboaaaads who tore ptoim themCitp apeat dudap with Bei. 8. Sala- aelraa under toelr care. Deaib aeetni
appalled, teems ntterlp tontad tbronpb
Mra Ida Averp aad daapbter aad tto heretofore nnbeard-of aktU dtoplaped bp tto doetora
Mrs. Sbriplep went
Bp all meant erarp enffadap find
afllleted one abonld codsbU with them
Mr*. A. BeaBett, Mra M. Uttle aad on thdr rtoit bere'to Trararaa Citp.
and Tboradap. Jnlp tl and
Mim Trane Gape apeat-Suadap to Pe«. in toe prirate parlor of toe Wblttoakep.
top Hotel, from B a. m. to 8 p. m. Two
Oaorpe Sapdar. of Paltoa. M rlaltlap dapa oolp. Oontoliatioo free and
with toe fmUp of bia aaa. Dr. J. A. atrieUp eoofidenttol.
Mr. aad Mra Rad RoM^of Elk BapIsaratoapMetaof Mr. and Mra H.
C Daria
Bar. J. A- Ftpra of Oraad Rapida,
Tiekata will be cold bP the
will to ttopaebt of Bar. B. Salsbnp CHSCAOO A WEST MICHIOAM Bnr
for a few. dapa.
J<ton Jamaaon aad F. B Labpm aad
EBR B. _
tbeir faeaUieaara
Jnlp rath, rla Detroit aad tto Waat Banale lake.
J. B. Baaaall.
Aopoat s. Tie Detroit aad the Mldtiwith A. P. Boopb. laftfi
Tie-Detroit aad toe
Aapaxt Kto. r
Mbs Jolto Rdaa baa rataraad from Onto Iraak B*p.
All. ttoketo p^ to ratora leartop
Eik Rapids, where ebe baa baea empNtopara Fhlto not tolar than fira dapa
top with a partp of frtaada
from and loclndtap dap of aala BaW
MbeTraep Wartborp ot Oraad Bap- from Trararaa Citj wiU to r. Aak
tda arrirad last eraainp to rbit her apeatofarfallinformaUooor addrem.
Oao. OsBavax. O. P. ‘
rotbera Peter aad IVed Wursburp.
Grand Bapida.
Dr. BhlUidap of Late Ann. b to toe
dtp Tbltsap aad remtodtop Tw
Citp of toe pood woik of bar people
dartop toe fire tmbla.
Kittle aad Lee Betobe
OB toe Petoekep Sundap morninp to
pam toe aummer with Jaoob Culmaa
and familp on (>001 etraet.
partp oouteUap of Mr and Mra
W. T. Boxbarpb and Mra Bd Fap and
daapbter Mabel, aad Mr. Boxborpta of
Hip Bapida. apeat part of peatardap at
Mr. and Mra T. J. Boat aad children
■rat io Petoakep ttnadnp. Mr.
came home to toe eranlnp. but Mra
Boat aad toe cblldran wlU remain for
two weaka at tto raaorta.
H. L. MueUar. formerip a ralo
to toe alore-ot to. J. Bell to tbb dtp.
now of toe V. A M. 'Friedmaa dip
poods booee in Grand Bapida. b to the
dtp mbttop Cba^ Boeanthal
imiap ibe new Beaton atore.
Mra Baaip OaUep of Maatotaa aeeompaaiad bp Mra. WOI Oaklap of
Trout Creak,* Oatoatpaaeoantp, ^ent
Bondap to toa dtp with Hanip Oaklep
oa tbalr wap to Bap View, where tbap
WlU ^aJ.afewwaalm to raenatkm
andraav _______________ _
The Pure
Fruit Juice
Oocner of Catoa aad Bap Btraatt
aaar M. A N. E depot, wbbm to anBouaea to tto puMic that to baa raSW
ad aad furabbad tto Hotel Paatton
better tbaa it arar hea base before and
to gaod abapa. John Map form
wlto tto Hotol WhlUap wQl bara
abarpaofttooaeeaad attend to tto
waataofttopaaatt. Batktoettoa paaraatobL
will Sell Today:
Hssf, Pork, Veal, MinDi,
Steinberg’s Grand
Pressed CooMNn,
Opera House. '( Dried Beef, Uier,
July 21st.
ClMiee Peiltnf
And ararptbtop a f
aaioiora aao ouoixal
Uncle Toi's OaiHO Go.
' Oer.OabaaadniatbSia.
I tto rw-ia^n/.« of
Has Your
lOCibu 111 tBfei RMOiae-lO Attention20
See The.,Giejj„C^^Je>,
Monster Parade at Noon.
Pure Cream Tartar,
Saau BOW on aale at box ofilee.
(aMPurBaklagtoraer. U yea wai
aukklt.tKm>d8{erliaa. lUMwr B
BuMer T«Mag. all slim. WaUr BetOai
bands aratsca.
be without
Fire iDsnraoce
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
At Our
Soda Foaotaia
mater «c ajv aster eoaleat to -Tct «<
■aaoto alOTW” Cal alirays try i« larrara.
carry a certain amount
For Rates and aoj^other imformation, consult,
E. W. Hastings’
C^mmeociBg on Monday
morning, July 12, 1897, I
sell tickets to and from
noicpr. oocBTBOtra ATTEimoa.
all points on Carp Lake for
Phone 73. Johnson Block. one fare for the round trip.
dy Wattscanbechartered
at all timea for Fishing or
Picnic parties at very reason
able rates. There is nothing^
Park StNft, bfitwMnrrcrt A Ofio, more delightful than a trip^
Carp Lake, these warm
Salmon, Bass and
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Pickeral fishing best in
Meal Tickets at fleilicetl Rates. Michigan.
« mra. racial mates
James M. Watts.
If You Have logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Ma^inery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriagety
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable...
PWiog {finnan bones a epeetolty. Hotmi hoarded.
Tema reaaoDAUa.
Btirt* it. west of
iimmooii U&6UL
m roE pmcAiran toCZBXT CAXZV StmtAT.
> XMtlBB* i»nt^ A*bWiUB* Pw.
AetodThtoSvwilsttatiu M«tho4^ M Okmh-OoximlttM A^«taM
PMb tha Vuiou OhorahM.
Bs&daj «M. “AaUAalooe LM««e
D»7" 1b IHtbtm City. Ib th« auraiBf Bad armlBf Ute TBriMa polfriu
•mm* wewtplad by tha Bblaapaakan
■Wiibaiy‘1 Onad Opm BettM^ adttmaad by Bar. J. P. Braat, tt»ta auyariataadant of Uw laafoa aad Prot. O.
A. Wricbt. ol tbe Ohk> CBimity. cD
, natDaattBC«aapf«idadoTerl7C.
A. Haiwwid Prof. Wrifbt wm« flrat
iBtrodaoad aad apoha of tha arila raBBlttac (MB aalooy. Ha daelarad
dbwtobalndietadbySaU elaaoaa. hy
Ua <AB(Aaa, by boalacaa naa and avas
tha aalooa kaapyn tkaaMlraa. BU
ba «raa a beardar at Uie hosa of Mra.
tacatbar wltb otbaaa, ooa of
rM a straafar to tha good UBd.
lady. Spaalmaw waa »U to baaa
kBOwa tha Baaaad Mra. Bakaralalatad
that he waat aacarlty far tha aoaoaat
of hit board. Spaalnaa alalaa that
tha Uadlady waa laboriar aadar a mtola that rairard. anborqaaaUy ha waat to Iowa aad whaa ha
raaehad there aaat Bra. Bakar h4.7S
wblah waa to ba daroUd aatlraly to
tha paymaat of tha tipnaaaga apoa
hla tmak.whid> ha dlraotad to ba
ahlppad tohlB. Iha traak waa ahipbat ^a
payneatof thaaxpraaaafa waa not attaedad to aa dlraeted. fran tha aom
east Bra. Bakar U Mid to hart dadaetad dl.TS, tha aaaoBBt olalmad to ba daa
froB the party whom Bra. Bhkar daalrad Hpaalmaa to aaMa for. Pfhaa
hla traak ba waa
ooMpallajd to pay 01.7B to aaka ap a
Lately ha eaoM faaek to
iTraaane City asa rataraad to Bia.
Baker'a. Ha ramalnad thara antU Ae
had reoairad aboot ft.TS arorth of board
aBdlodyiat and than
Ba*. #. W. Braat dealt with the praetkal aide of tha qaeatloo. He apoka
iB detaQ r««ai«]Br the
B koowB aa the Aati-SalooB Leafoe,
■hlrh la maallBC irllli fainrlni]! tha
larn dtiaa whararar latrodaoa^ ~
•waaatartedtaOhlo. asd that atata la
tfow tboro^hly orfaBuad. Hiehlcaa
btakiarap the work, aad coed ro. aalta are already to ba aaea. Ba daaoribad tha aathoda of local orfaainttOB iB a clear ataBaar. The onai
Ban to nmmartlwB atid Tnltmft iff ao
'-araad, poUtkal or aodal body, bat aU
aaraeat wotkaw era walootaa. It doaa
wot BBdartaka to deal with any of tha
fiaatqaaaUoMOf thaday except tha
a of the aeaaion o
of tha charch aad %
Ptoct Matbodiat-B. J. PBlfham. 0.
W. iBTdla. O. W. Balt.
Bpw^ Laaca*—K. B. Plaree. O. A.
BtdUday. B. Docfflaa.
XT. Oraw B. J.
ad. D. CdehUa.
T. P. B. C. E.-C a. Bom, 5.
Quids. Otto BeQaaky.
Pr«byteria8-P. B. Walker, A T.
Bexla, W. K. Wright
Y. P. 8. e B.-BoyThompaaa.
WUUrd W. C- T. U.—Baadamaa C. H.
Bly, B. 6. Sheflar. A. C. Smith.
L O. G. T.—E. B. Aliya. Chaa. UnCMtar. BiM. B. 3. Ovlatt
W. C T. O.—Beadamea M. E. Strong,
O. A Morthrep. A. W. Baahaa.
^A Bwattog wu chUad U the Baptfat
Aarah at thacoaelaaioa M the eval^
aerriea and a lampormry orgaato
made, with C H. Horn, ebairmaa. and
A T. Boxia aaeretary. The eommlttaM named to the aftaraooa warn praaent and E*v. G. 8. Morthfap. repre■rniUnr the BaptJet ehareh, and aevaml
eUccB toureated to tbe work icmatoed.
it waa daeidad to hold a ataaUng at tha
Pirn B. B. Aureh Taeaday evaniag to
parfaet tha orgaaimUoa aad at thla
time it U expeeud that other charcbe*
and aoeletlaa wUl be repreaeated. At
thk ttou the three ragalar ataadtog
committeea wUl be apsMaUd aa followa: Agitation, lagialatlva and tow
anforeamant By vlrtita of thMr poalttoB to the aommani^ all prtoata aad
mtolatm are ooaaldared Bamben. and
all othats totaraatad la the work are
gladly weleomeA A year from Sun
day tha Mme apeakar* axpaet to rCtam
and baB an aalvarMry aierttog.
Tbay Will Hooor Xra Page.
Oa Wadareday evealag, July Se, tbe
Ladiri- Aid Society of Long Uke. will
gtveao toaeraamaoetal apoB the lawn
of Bra 8 H. Hyde’araaideaee.oae-half
mile eaat of Lone Traa^ aebool boaae.
The event to arimnged to taoogniUoa of
Bra D. O. Page, who baa haea Mdly
afllcUd thro^b a atroke of parmlyaia
suUtofsd not long ago. Bra Pag* baa
been * noble worker in tb* aoeto^ and
bar efforto are appreciated.
WUl Work to WtooQBgto.
Be*. J. W.-^Bmat aad Prof. O. A
Wright wm leave thla aftaraooa for
**-i*u«» Wia. where they will orgaatM a state Asti-Saloao Laagsa Oa
Saaday at BUwaakee they wUl obaarva
tha first "Anti-Saloo* Laagne Day"
ly for a writ of r^larla. alao to Ja»ttoe Browa. bat waa adviaad that It
weald ba ehmpar to pay the damaad
ofBiaBakar. He daeUaad to do thla.
Aoase of tha lady aad
the trank
ptooad it apoe tha walk, whaia ha Mt
apos It to walUag for a dray. Brv
Bakar aroaa to todlgaaat wrath aad
vowad abe woald have tha trank
tha money. Her aatrMttoa failed, i
thrcalB of bodUy ehantoemaat w
•qnally nsavMllag, ao aha raaortad to
fordMa maaaaraa A atova poker
aaaaad tha moat paraaaalve aad likely
meaa* of brtegtog Br. ^aalaaa to
time, aa that implamant wm applied
with vigor and aarnmtnw aatU the
paraoa of Spaalaua waa to.daagar of
the aeoaaalty of Mrgical aUaatlan.
Bat aha didn't get-tha tmnk. The
aeqaal waa aa related.
ThMtrioal BotM.
The Farria Cbmediaaa appeal
SeWaberg't Oread on July »a. 17. »a.
giving aa their apaetolty maalcal
adtoa In Ihelf opaaiag bUI they preaeat no laae than 46 maaleal nnmbera
TbMrpartORBaBeaaarefiratctoas, aad
they play at popolaraniamer price
The Salter A Bartto mamiBoUi.
toal. *-oai L'aela Tom'! Cabto Co., at
mid to be a gio.OOO prodoetioa of thla
giaad old hiatorkal play—a magaifieant aeenle produetloa. It reqnlra* a
whole train of three alxty-foot palace
to traaaport thla m*mBWtb,i
taealar: fifty people, twenty pMlaa.
dookrya and bam*, malaa, oxen,
borar*. eight origieal jehUee aingeru,
pack of twelve maa-mttag SIhertoa
had Cabaa blood boand*: Eva's geldea
chartov "a thing of bmaty," cottog
over M.OOO; Uncle Tom aad hi* typical
aoathem ox-oart. The grand, free
etreet parade ie tbe fiaeat ever wiv
aeid. The aight of a UfeUma. .
Flocktog to
the ~H*w AlMkaa
Port Towaaead. Jaly J».-The ex-nr•hmatasaaer Qaaen baa-arrivad trcaa
ha with 170 ptmengerw. principally
toariata. Tha ofBoera of tbe Queen
atata that the awrehaata aad tradeaof both Jaamn and Sitka are
cloalng their etorc* aad abopa aad
hSMntog to the new Eldomdo. The
ofim my that by tbe time the Queen
reaehea Judmu os the return trip,
ntoe day* henee. there wlU not be aa
ahtobq^ man toft to the town. The
mer Alki mUed for Atoaka at mid
night. She carrtad forty home* aad
1.000 ahaep te Dym from whesc* they
will ba driven aorom the aammit to
to Vakoa valley. The ahsrp wUl be
m to Olrato CIW- Klo^to a^
aton^tared. Freah nmat aaito Uare
St U caat* a pocad.
la toil over Sunday than pay
Mil for aaether psrty- Whatevsr may
havebeaahtoob>eUanatosaaha prooeadara. tbe fact ramatos that beoaaa*
h* woald aot
of anothw he waa foicad to partak* of
tha hoapitaUty of Sharifi Bimpaoo•paaiman wm artcatod Saturday
•vaalag apoB a charge of fam^ag kk
own board MU. apou oomptotot of Mra.
' Bakar, who keep* a boardtog hoaa* on
BMt Froat atraet. H* wm talma ba
te* Jadg* Bobarta yeetarday moratog,
bat PsoaaMte Twaddle had looked
Into tha aatnal faela of the oaae and
: tha dlMfiarg* of
aecMsd aad the dtomkMl of tha
•gsalmaaV miirlisirr wm asaaysad pseaUar. ficMS month* sg6
Bacatwa Of tha Bawa Bala
iff BULAfllMtlocBnc^
Mew York. Jaly IS.-Thcra wab-i^d
tdtaaaaat la tha aarar crowd on tha
atoak axehaa«a thla aftaraooB m tha
raaalt of tha Bawe from Waahlaytoa
eraoeralnc the Urllf MU aad angar
aebedola. Tha daaUnga ware ow aa
aaomoaa aeala aad by lapa aadboonda
atook robe to U4H whaa it feU hack to
l«tX. In tha feBaiBl Uat alao thara
waa a barat of activity and bapyaacy.
oommiMloa boaaa
large aborta ware aovarad haa*llyand
tha valaw advanoed In all laodlng imilwnya and other aoorcaa.
t Hm Xada Xb
maad ea the BnMan.
the board Mil aad when Bpaalman daBarlla. Jaly 19.—Aeoordtog t
eUaad to aatUa, reminding bar of tha
apaatol diapatah Bmpearor Mtobotoa baa
tranaaetSon, abe rafaaad
allow him to remove hi* trask
avaeaatlon ofTham^ and thiCBtaa
from tha boBM Spealmaa wm wrathx
tog otherwlae that BaaatoB traopa will
that if there
law to Btehigaa ha woald gat hi* area* tha Tnrklah froatlar. It I* Mid
bare aami-oAciaUj today that aU powgaod* and ehattiM or know the raaaoa
eia except Oraat BriUto have conaaatwhy. Ha aafaaeqaaatly laamad
to aacariag ad to thto ooaraa.
aatantliKvle. Jaly 1».>-Tha
U* propwty. He want to Joatloa Ver-
•nmCAB GOT 1
Kra. aiskM,Tb*n
mm. The chip will akirt tha aoaat
^eanland, droppi^ tha aaiaatiea
partlaaat-aarkma>iinta. aad taUar
Peary to Whdla Sonad. wbara hla piau
for aatahOahlac a aattlaaaat will ba
aarriad oct.
ratom *oyac* »111
be baroa la aboot fl*a waaktahar thar
arrlTa at tbalr
Will XetsbUah SetUemest Oa Ooart
of OreaatoaA
Boatoa. July lO.-The steam aalltog
bark Hope, with Lieataaant Pasrv sad
psrty sbourd. bound
left St dsybTMk foUy
tod for the voysre. Tbeir object
to to ertsbltoh a m
t tbe reGreealsad.
which wiU be seed M tb* ha.* of eappliM te tb* *x| ..............
tbe north pole, ai
laltw. Tbtbtoesdspsrtyof Btoeimesax wiU be mtoMtobed st tbe eetttoMcMssd wiU, dartay the next year,
beffls fnpurtac te Pesryk uapadiitai.
la the party are torty-t^ FWSMa.
(cr>«Ual on reflitad aogar ia. bowrrw.
aoe-atghth of a cant pm poaad whila
the aenau dlSetMtial waa ooe-Sfth.
Tbe booae aacaiad the eUmlnaUoB of
the cne-toiU if a c«U rodaetkm al
lowed « ianory and other low grade
■agara taattng below n dtgrete by the
It U dalnwd tbet tbe Uereaae oe tbe tUfber gradca of eagar
which wOr'rwuJi from tbe loereaae of
arm add materially to the proteetkm U
the beet eagar todaetry. Th» ceflBera
reevlre Inoldrtital benefit,
ted that tbe ebaagea In thr
angar actaedule will raiae abost UtOO.aoo additional revenne.
Following gre aaumg the mora tatportaat changea made in other aebad.
alee; RMet. U per cent, ad valorvni.
In place of tbe » per cent, fixed by tha
■nate. Tbe honae.repraaantaUvea made
ctioDg fl^t to have hMco reatorad
I the tree Hat. but thy
ih to the nntlrtng demand of the
pound: aecond cUaa. U eeau: third. 4
eenta oo that below U cewta per potmd
In value Ind > eenta os that above U
emu In vaioa Tbcae rata* oa thtid
wool* were tbe reauk of an agiaebetween tbe wool growera and
tbe carpet raaoiufactuiata.
Coal. MWhIU pine lambev waa i«»toiad to
the houae cUuarifieatlon and the bona*
of t: per l.«0 feet inatead of the
aeeate rate of n. Tbe redproelty etooM
of both tbe aenau and bonaeachad.
nleatbe number of artlMw
aa baaea tor ladwhich can be
Tki OtbbnM SpHUiliU.
Hotel Wliitii^g
TraverM CUty, ICloh.
▼•dxwidaj find Thufidfi^.
AAg.lSABd», 1887.
Two 9^ Only BMh VuaUi.
Ooiuniltfitlo& ABdExAininBtioii Ftm «ad Btzietly
To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
aea^. Hew watoada
3ST pass. Tape Warm aad
Ttam who or* aaaU* te eaU. oaa writs f«U sartte*
. to tbe raatomtloB
dntUMe Hat of barlapa. fate aad }nU
baggtnc. eottoc baggtog. gawiy aaeha. Saa«e yaa take BO eksnasaU yea—play them, ttoy an
door amtUag and eonod tlea. which ttu
amau ptaoed on tbe free UaL While
teetored to tbe dutiable Uat. however,
tbe rata* are lower tbaa they have aver
been on thla claa* of aitlclea Aaothpr,
they wiah a »......... ^
vtetory of tbe bouae waa the ellmlaathe tolantioa 'of the TarkW govern, tlon of the aenau atamp lax oe boeda
aunt which haa hitherto haaa comma- and atocka R waa deeldod that the
Bay View Bstas.
< coUecUae waa too
aloated orally by Teafnk Pmaha TJu
Raw oottoB la reatorad to
neketowiU bo actld rts tbe Orssd
■tatad that if thto
tbe tree Uat.
Sspld* A lodiau BsUwsy to Bsy T^ew
not fortkoamtng they will eoapaad the
---------- .
sad retura Jaly If to ». food retonpeace ncrottotlon* and refer the whole
Waahiagton. July 11—It will be good iay antO Anymt tl, st one fare for Fbe Merebaot Tailoring.
matter to their raapaetiva govemm
newe for tbe peopU who haw been roaad trip from sU Hiehigsa potot
apwilhavlewofadepUBgeoardva a
C. L. Loeswoop,
pbtotmmt*. aa wvll aa tboae who real to
O. P. AT. A..
~ldeat vxpectatlOB of tovora of
Orsad Bsplda. MIcA
Oanmay uad ammims •* WUeae. 55
DRS. B. S.jSc CO.
Look Box leo.
Suits to Order.
Fee* dHlvercd a aebotorty
lectUTCupon Abraham tiacedB. At eight
Owfly Bile* and tbe Wtooaa
crebeatragavea concenwhieb attracted
many peopla Sunday la a]wa>* a^tulet
da>- at Winona. Tcatcrday moratog a
aermoB wae delivered by Rev. J. Commtog Snilth. A twlUgfat talUMde aerviev
of grret lotereat waa held to tbe e
Ing, followed by aaotber eennoii
Dr. Smith.
>B U TWM ai
fndlaoapolla. July U.—^oTrnwrBooat
be* appolixed Jobn B. Conner. ««*
Btatlarlan. and ex-Judge Tbomas J.
Tarbuae, of L«baD<m. commlaelcmriu to
vtwi tbe Indiaaa coal field* and lepon
oa the condlUon of the mine* aad tbe
miner* and other fart* lhai may have
relation to the preerci vnlki and
settlement. Tbe appotoler* have
r tbe coal Oi-lda
TUetag ibe «• aad L. A
Indtanapotu.July 19.—Tbe etate board
at tax oommietooner* haa decMed that
tbe ttl.0Q0.e» beldlby tbe balldlag and
loan aaaocutloae of the state must br
Hated for taxatina. laamiinknia have
been sent to county emreern to place
paid-up aad prepaid atock running
Block oa the tax dupHcau
aaUIMmegXM* amia '
Pitteburg, July II.—The ebeBt
WM aetUed Satunlay night at ■
ferenee beta-era the wage oomn
%ated a
and tbe new one la practically tb*
a* before, only e fee- mlitnr detail* be
ing ebaaged The effect of the aettlement will put between 20JWO aad Shew
men to work_______________
rrawfMd Ie Exlead HU Ua'r.
Andeiaan. !nd.. July W.-W.H. Uoora.
general •nisiertnlendent of tbe Chicago
aad Southeastern railroad, aaid that
Colonel Henry Crawford had made all
arrarucomenta ror extending the Um
toto Uuncle. eigbteeu mile* east. The
money haa been secured and work will
be completed by Oct. U. -tuMdic* have
been voted and six mile* gradeC.
ladetwmiaata Law k 0«M.
' Teriv Haute. Ind.. July. P.-Judge
Henry, of the euperlor court, de>J-l.^
the todetermtoau aentanoe tow psaaad
by the last ieglalature to be conatltutloasi. Jodgv Henry was tbe first judge
aaikd upim to paa* eu tbe vMldlty of
tbe new statute.________
tninvd to reatore tb* feea that were
—WE HAVE MADEoC by the toat admin iatratton.
Meegne Wee ta* geaBU gatamay.
Waahtogtaa. July l>. — Borgaa
cupied moat at Saturday In the *eo
to evpport of the HarrU rvaolutkin re
Let as aiske eopeteyoa.
lating to tbe Union Padfle railroad. He
■evrtely arraigned the exeouUve ofArtak ronnerted with a aaTe of tbe gt
M. B. BOLLXT. Mgr.
OD pyoet lU
enunent hiteieeu tn tbe road. Final a
3408 Frames
vast* That WUl Be t aetol «W Aay Ose
WWTatBk* afOetag TSMO.
Ban Francliwo. July Ih-^jeoepb XAdse.
tbaownerof the town Hteof OawaoeCity.
Alaika. the nmren towp to tbe Kiondyke regtea. eurted last night for hla
borne to Ptaltsbarg. N. T. B*
Sait Lake City. July I*.—When Sat
urday morning'* ecBtoon of tbe TruaeHtofleaippt Coogrem opened Praaldent
Craig said the commltim on pennaoent
queetioa. Later the eougree* had put
Uaelf on record dema»dloU‘>«^r 'Immeditte reptoratlon of UirmP a
limited coinage of silver al the ratio el
U to L Wltb bto acottment* and optalona en the moneury queatlon be would
be untrue to hlmseU ' * * If be reBtahicd longer as tb* presiding eOocr.
He therefore aeked Uw eoogreee to
Oovemor I>rahe. o. lewa. la recover nans hla auooMaor. WiUtoni J. Bryan
ing from tbe effect* of hk faff oa tb* stated that tbe financial views of Craig
mpttol ctep* at De* Molciea
Tbe Univwstty of WiseoMln has *>ect.
^ Mka Anal* Crmby Rtnery dea.. of
wetnen and amUtaat protemor of pUIlanonaiy refneed to aecepi CralT*
Fir* at Baku, tbe petrolenm eeatar at
Tb* esngrem cloaed Its butleew SaSRuaka. deettuged five refinerlc* and a arday. J. M. McKnlgbt was cboeen me.wharf.. Several petaucis wwc burned to rvury and Wichita. Kao., a* the place
for tbe next cocigiva______
Freeldeet HcKlaley wUI not be at ChlKlgM Ttm* twin a Mea.
Mgn at tbe dedication of tbe Lcmm
Rockford.' Ilia. July U.-John Welty.
monument. He eouidn't get
a year* of age.' aoe of a well-to-do
hi* bands
farmer living Just earn of tbe dty. to
ander arreal ou tb* charge of thfaateaIng *0 klU bto molhar aad sletar. He
B bard fight
B bim la tbe e
hM mad* threat* oe slumber af oeate exebutlve
—aad tou them to look out or
James B. Angall. new United Stai
States there would be another Hart murdar,
aadnlater te Tuiliey. accocapeBied
ipeaied by bto tbto 'betag the doubto tragedy which
wife, sailed from New Tork
k «w the Mea(
mandle tor Havre Saturday.
Reeeetly hi* emiber soU iwe culveas
The Brium .Mlp Maud hm
aad ca* son waa BO eetaged that be
dared Into quarantlm
pulled eut a kalta arA cut tbe IbrcuM
because one of berervw tsbrilcvM to be
a victan of tbe bufaemC plague.
Bawvtary Alger hm gone to SMilt
Mew TdeA July tS-ToeaM Betefia
iMke. la., to attaod a aoldlenr rsuMen.
aner which he will go te Chicago te VWaw. pratodeat of tb* Cabua fuata,
parfidpau UtbeL<«as Day rrmpnidm bm leotovad a—• thM lew wellFwer Martin. Who toe* down the atam aqatoped trtwpe to first «le« phytocul
a** mw eauttag tbe provtooe
aad etripm al Tccnita, wm ftaed M sad eaodltte
- iiwiitM, Oaba. wHteut eay aeitam
eeata with tb* opttaa «g ampiag thirty
■fit to to* pan «f tb* fipaaiaidg
day* to MO. Be chom the ftemm puM
Ever Burned Oat 7
o. r. cASYxm. Ageut.
Great Cut in Bicycles
ptj to look at the elegset line. B. B. Gtbtaa, in ElUi bkyel* chop. 811 Froat 8v
Worth Looking Up
KimbsllCc .Cbieeco.
Lahue brought with him enough gold
du(t to keep him In comfort fer aome
time to come. He g»c this In the Klnndyke rrgtoa. which U not in Atoaka. bat
In British Ameriea. well
to Nerthweet territory. Thire are gi Id
region* "n the Alarka side of tbe line,
but tbe bonansas that are creating sacb
a furor are a long way taelde of Bi
tarrllory-sbout 100 mile*. •
l^due stated that there was no doubt
of the richnem of tbe gold diggtog* to
tbe IfloDdyke region. He thtofcs there t*
eoouiyx-'fifld to the ground to keep
tbe mlciTs.who can work busy for
next twenty years Ladoe. hewevet. Iseoe* a warning to the throniBds who arc
preparing to rush to the gold field* thi*
year. He my*: "There are at presini
aboul tM*' people to the country, and
thaticumhfv to about ak that can be ac
commodated thb alnter. mitlUonsare
high. I «dv1»r every om g<‘lng up to
Uk* supplier rutflrienl to lari at lea*
eighteen mnnlha The fare to Dawwm
from ban Fmnriiwo to «». and It
ccri at lea* tWt to tranapen mptrilea for one man."
KIMBALL PlAEO»-8old St mskerto prieas.
Bmj jmymeota. W. W.
K. E 8troay. M(r. Tiav.
Brsaefa Stars.
GaeoUa* Stove to atooIeUsafe sad will not explode. It i* cbMp, too. i
A. Moataffae. It7 Freut SL
Is the plaee to buy s Hrat eism loaf Btesd—tbs
best la town. T17 oar ~
BresA It is s
wlaoer. TbartMlAG*
7th sad UsiOB.
Cheap Suits
- Star Groeety, Ui Front 8L
soda. McLrllaa A A*b.«or. Froat ^Bd Park, aad rear MaaonicBloeir^
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Trot^ aad Bosd hortm a qiw
«et of Moqraa* Urmj Bara.
XXXX aad J«
10 Pel- Cent. Off
A. S t>ym£.
I Haved Moved
Modhdaei or TMlot arthflea, Q. A.^S^ A 0^
I.ADIRR CHOCOLATE Button 8boMM81.M. UdtoeOx Blood, oola tom
wuvwimtu at ii aL Mtoaea Tka Oxford* at TSe. Yoaib'a Tka
Bbo. 8tom. A. T. Job.
and Inaeet Powden. This to potato baf Ume. Look OfiS,
tethem. Oetyoer extormlir-^-^- Milte. 'te
E E.
ortyiaal dref man. fiiat door 001
New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Froezers, Etc.
146 Front St
«y Mwnbtrt of th« VMtInii South
; ;:
UBM Btev.
r*i rMcued
e*turte>ot of tour*
vUhoat food Md but UtUc
m otor. At 7 o'eiock BaXtttdhT momln«,
»t a depth of IK feet, the BUiten broke
taio the drift where Bterme had beta
eoBBort. BUreitf la raarfultr antaclatad
- * baa kiat btUy ee<raDtr peoiid* dur*
bta odoflanowt but hi* mind ta
«.rtk.PF»* S!fL
Hr had baaneatoft by the carflh wUh
cctly • BalloB
of water and wUh no food
L. Jutr U.->TSw «
and wfth two
o capdiea that ware aooo
IS he <worked hy their
Md South Anwrka. Who BatindAy tuchl «Rtn«tilBbad as
—• - 'o nach the Tictalty of a Hoall
ntumad (rem thMr fortr dhr** tour of
the lAtfualruI ceotM of the oountrr. of the drii
hwwabled yaotordor hf the PblUrtel*
phU Conwrcial llowuma aed held a wuary hours he had apeet with t^
denaeot dariuM about him and the
BOB the outdoctof r
___________ ti are paMlHot If yoB
cbooM them with dlacaeCian and treat
them with the
ana men wn loo mneo aam, or w
mu wd tba bcgr't wife will lanaf) all
the dadded rws^ on the tariff nuaatloa.
A BVhMwl dUcuaaion of the aublect tollowed. Z>r. Ouatava NeldMtdBe acleatlOc
. director ef the muaaam. prtaldad. By
way of Istrodoorion, be held: ‘The
XJelted Butca oaarreea U now paMlnc
the tariff bUl. and In the ameada^ta
a aperial power la flven to the ptaM*
dent to toaer the tariff quotation 10 ptr
«mt. tor cadi article which ^ be In*
elBdad K treatM of yadBCoaty. ffht
Be proceeded as toUawa: “It would
be atlil iDUfe dlAcult to hare ezeepuon*
al lawB favorinc the many natfisoa on
the Jkaoeelcan oooUoeaL The Inter*
aau of three natlotia m not alike, nor
•an tbelr produce and
dad an
a It would be'__________ ________
poee any leflslaUon that would enclhda
«UUe« equaHty whereby all natlona
iBtarfcrr with producUoa. tor It would
lead to surplur atocka. aadaaatt quantlUes for t^er would be required ta•laad of promaalvc Increaac. which
aaly creatrr and malar latemsorua
With the wbolr world can toner and
Weald Bare Oar
**We have aeen on our tear that the
Vnlted Blales produce
teary «f the articled which we taport
*t preaeoi from otbar eauntrica add
we hare noticed that theae aUtea atao
Itoport many thinft rimllar to what we
buy In Buiope. I muat aay. however,
that1 the m^rlty of your i
tnrea althou^ in moat ways Btted for
our markrta. are too blch-priced. and
there wU be no iDcteaae tn torelpn
- '.trade unUi there is a iwdnctloo tn the
•eneral acale of prteea Tou hare to
•ppredate your doltoa whkh hare
Mtherto been ao easily earned: you
■mat make tbelr purefaaslnc power
Bteater. so that cheaper.Urine win tol.
low and more contectinenL But with
protective duties and Inflated currescs.
•ueb taeulu caanoi be atoned." The
fade aa the only
that they ml^t as well Bght ss etarva
Plane for bringing out the mlnsre 4t
srork In the Boone and AUlmc mines
» woman who la \Tafcabiaatn^
iiiaaitoLa a
AD wbo are now ciwier Dr. Me*
Doacld'a treatment exclaim
Bcbt oo^in tbe back yard when ynor
back is tuned, bat If omiaekms of yocr
own yoa can tocffleo tbe UtUe Km of
otbma Too can hardly taU to beoasM
eknelyaiucbed to tbe quiet, soft roioe*
ptemant peopl^. who as soon ss tbay
bare leaned yoor ways wfO take rad
|OeMBtetntnAli«and then of aklanM
I thTmaldA of uye.apd
'a boliday aow
now ai
a Nindfwi, adV'«
tfaaB«rwtad tnthetbeatw ortbe wiew
tUnff match «e rhddynvaadad by nA
bright fsoM and unmistakable wamth
of weleoM w arriring and ef good
' repay yon tnWd.
DIAMOND J. GTde Oners Look Hml
“I Al Gaining Fast” Pipes
Traa^Bsrisrvyw cape-cisotternyoe* ^
Uarien. Ilia. July Ik-Wfaiu attend*
lag a prayer meeUng at Freedom chur^
four mike aoutb-ast of here. lafaam J.
aometfanm in (rfamUy abandon with the
master and mistsem, admiring drimei,
pkfwee 01 waataa noraltiei and liatea*
Mmetimea to tbe eaniaun and koto
McUldran of tbe honmbolil —Ed '
AiBcdd in acrltewr^
oagn Tttoee-Bcrald.
It bm been stated that three penou
Hampton brothers. Bylv^Mer anl
oot of ereiy flee to tbli eoantcy wbo
esL aged 22 and 1» rmpeciirely. These bare attained tbe ms of 40 yaazs are
moto or tom deaf to one or both
roentfardlfBcnMyaf be
of CosU Rica. Cmtral Amcrioa. made a
strong plea in favor bf pruCcctloo. Be
declared that tbe quesUon came dowa
a centeet between the necesrity- of
BL Loula July U. - Dr. luchmond
Cornwall, of Kaam* City, Uo.. wl
r. Jamm Kerr Isire of GbHgnr rewhile detedtng hU father kOied his
bratber. Herbert Cornwall, was acquit* oraUy read a paper on deafnem brfca*
tbe Boyal society of Edtobotglk <n
led Batwday.
It appears that coagetotal deafaspiration of the scientific—free trada
■how thst the Ulttag was
•Tbe Ualted States U right to protect
___ d. but failed to do so. No asm tnaY be eltbfer broeditary la tbe dl*
action win be taken to the nmt* 2*01 Itoe a la oollataral taaadMa. and
Ber laduitrieeuntll sbecan walk alone." fwriberact
bo ca^MOtned; - for to some pollUml-'teT.
that It^^deprad* oa aroraa^bot ma^
roMweia she U eilll a baby." The meet*
tog hereupon recolved Itmif Into a de
New York. July
The Central La- deaf panorn peryetnatee bat doea aot
bate between Uir free traders and the faor
onion. aRcr a long wrai«l( at their aoceotaate tbe teadraoy of dsatnwa
e party.
yesterday, sd^ed tbt follow* Tbe bearing taotboe and ■Istem of d^
Louis A. Dillon, of Bcuador. told bis meeting
resolutloa: “That tbe appointment of mutes arc as likely to bare drof mute
hmrtrs that hli country imported rdry 1^,?
Powderiy at eommlsOoMr of Im* (ffmalBg as If tbq-kad hero deaf mntee
orach more from the United Btatas than
D as ths grmtest ofBetol laUlt
they asported to them, but the bustaese
men of his country had found that they
could do baiter with Burope. wb< «
war many oaam of eonganiul dewfasro
they were anabled to secure very muto
y. One of tbe Boat aiagutor pednte
smaller rates of tralgkt F. Ferrari
Or. Lore's paper wee tbe ammtlro
• of tbe
ttallbe state bad tbe righi teoutral
Tbe Boanoke Mews prints tfotoOowtag fervent prayer which a oolomd min* «■ marriaro <f pMiooe betoagla
reduelBg Ittt
iiiS* Mcaally made in behalf of a fallow fkmlUw badly tainted with deatna
. .
w da Brm
iff- Cbptali
minlstor: **0 Uad. gib kiat da aye dk
naral oBeer et B.
glnaer at
de esgle det be apy out ton alar oft.
The am of water for aprlaUtag Bar*
Mtber Cree trad, ar
rix bis band* on de goapal fkm.
I tbtj
bie loagM to de line Ob tntt. Kail bit
BoDstreelir. Other eddrsa.
har to de gtraeJ pola
%ll plaM^rbera stater U feand rane Oariand. of Uma. Peru: way down belwera bit fcMH
knew way down ta Ktae loneWa^ ooatem^l^ts r^a wUl be
aad namr ralleywhere mjer la maeh
1 granted.
After tbe general dIecBMoo which wanted to be nnda *Holnt him wld do
H. P. Campbbu. a Sosa.
tsltewed tbe party treat te WBlow karomae lie of mlratAan and rot *'
grove, erfaw* dtoner was served. Te- Bia."
gay there eriU bs aaotbsr Meetteg at
tbe Mueeam. and thee iM Belegstee
Be aame <toWB tbe etatantoteoace
If tbe raioaMr reroct hotel two stept at,
a tima and ntefaed ap to tbe dera.
“Big.” ^ arototmed. “whare-t tbe
mBOEu;AineuD8 WAirra.
Cape Town. Jtoy
Lederle^s SVTSi^
• A.W. dAHRAUS, •
A poritire hbil pent
aooeptad. Now
awofM in all c
if tbe tune to oomraeaw ireatmt at
—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street.
SGROGERIES, Gnid Bifib t Iidiui L I
and they perer speak cnept cm tbelr
bieei and facee-tbey like to be taken
Once In awbUc tbe clerfce In Ott pub*
.. decided to maidb on to lie Ubrary get bold of a good jete
! Of people*
Canaanaburg mince last night. The____
. ...tbe i
Relaring brase band and tbe CecU drum oomc tbete to take out books It wad
corps ware engaged; and tbe march not kmg ago that a woman wbo was
i “**«“ » F)» «**• Dangblem of tbe
I American Eerolntloo oame there tn
from the dlftercnt eectlona They united
' took up the tramp took up be* family blrioiy and get btr
at BridgerUle and
tmti and claim* toady
ready to enbmit to tbe
of twelve miles across
oomDlttce on membentolp. 9bt
the plan aald there woBld be at least about It in, ratber a queer wey. Afttr
l.eu meo Id Una !( was iaeraed that tonkins aboat almlem^ throtMh tbe to*
the aefaeme has been In process of
fcrmailoii ter several days R was rnUy aistray of tbe Oalted Btatea
lalhad of seveiai da»-t ago. and got to She wrote her luqueel tor tbe books oa
tbe .ears of the optrutors of tbe Csn- OM of tbe cards preeldcd for that pat*
nonstmri mince: hence Uirir decision to
pm* rad WM qaiw todignnnt with tbe
Itcrcasr tbelr force dcpuiles.
Tbt o^tlattoM to Induce the coal oMwbo banded it to berbecaamlt
upeiuteis of the district to etgn m uni* dldnolcoBtalnwbattoewaeMd. *
It was not kmg utter this inOldeat
tormlty agTMmcot arc sriU going oa.
The commissloBan hariag it In charge that raotber woman, wbo. from b«r
feel as U they wouU he able to ac- dims rad appearanoe.tbe ctoiks tboo^
rompUsh H.
Becretarr O. rrank might be iittmy, wrote oa one of tbe
Schmidt mid IsB night that the prow Mtds a reqnMi for “The Aatooat of
-pecu were bri^ter (han they have
•‘Bolmm* ‘AsMomt, dq.yoa waatf’*
■■Ob. Idra't omi^amlt it,’*wm
tbe reply. "1 caly want to Bad oat tf It
iful contum* is proper to am toothpicks at tbe faroakit tbe-agraemeaL Jt sras h»> •gttoble."
.last night by a prombmot o^
Anotber itqaeM «w ■ OMgastiM which
erator that tf the .strike to Vest TlrM’pURtBt —wm sailed Sknln
knpt one of tbe clerks basybuB&« half
Pittsbtv operators wUi make aa eSort
early orzt week to start tbelr mince et
the K cent rate. They sriU claim that
aa they arc willing to pay tba price
asked the Uw must protect tbcm to tbe •d tbe otbm div by a nqaeet far Wi
lagtoaIrTtog*i-Alabama" Tbed
opeiatloe of-thrir mlitea
aad Tbea Bam tHaaer.
filtchlngB. rien-i were for the mom
pan saeondsd by Carioe Us Klett. ao
astanslrc eaporter of wool and faMee
Free Consultation
415 Union 8L Telephone 84.
The Specialbt.
Office Pariors at
Hotel Whiting,
Fm TbBndiF, JUj ISO.
West Michigan
And everything in the
of firat das. jewelry ;
Dr. McDonald locatea and de*
acribea the moBt ofaaenre diaearoB
joat as soon as be see# tbe pati^t
without asking any qaeations, luok*
inf at the tongde or feeling tbe
He UlU at onoe io«t what
Uu; trooble ia and what ne canae.
He potB bin finger direetiy vm
any ache,
or dingree^le
feeling, girea a (all biatorr of tbe
CAM frotBbecdnning to eiu, mocb
better than ue patients can titm*
Tbe reason why ao many people
doctor so orach and so lon^ and
are not cored, ia beeatwe their oaae
is not property ooderstood. A oon*
U worth every
thing, aa tbe patient* an shown
. hat the tronble ^ and
are told
what the* most do is order
. to
t ^ well. Na peraon should
think in doctoring asy fnrtiier «w
of taking any more mraeina nstti
tb^ have ooKsalted Dr. McDonsld.
Hisknowle^ aad the adviee
be gites it eertein to save endleaB
minakeB, trouble, enmBaand got*
fering. iko matter
^tioo, how If
siek. ntfr bow
have tried,
donbts may
____ ____ __
perfect kwraledge of dis^ is
power and ana half its care. It is
year life that is «t stake; yon most
either get weU or aoffer. No maU
ter if the beat physiciaus have gfr*
en yon np, or hoapitale have tw*
ed yon away aa incniable,
no mat
matter what anybody aays, look
’ ' your
seeds eqaaiely in the (silee; go now
- -tn riaT—to fkie most
______ Secure
-........ . oorrect bia.
(ory of year ease aad a fall state*
nrent as to whst can be dene (or
toilet article!.
*• lak* aaeet aoaiv. Jaw ». UBf.
ati roa'cteeka m.
oooro MOkTB.
LT.VrarawClir................................... •«•••
GTU:t.*Si5£JfflSJS^ _ _ _ ,
dBWmdtd tke^
*^Btaamape." nraattdfbefaaB.
&miB daily (ron 9KX) a. m. to
8:00 p.m.
- 'j- elkhis^iii
Baveym tried oar
I ooBpaet ih Japan to sake life
f>MpUwfao loae
ways In a buny, baaa doors, swear and
*«n«fec. Bud ttnnMlm out of plm
in a land when the lowest oooij learaa
and pnotkiw an andent ooorttay tran
tba tlnM when ba wabbles about aa a
bihyinasUstnotbat'abacfc. 7
ta he treated weU In Japan—as.
IpdeeiLelaewbae—you mnal treat ereiy*
body. lacJudln« your domeatka, wall,
and tban you wiU enjoy the noat plaaa*
ant and wlUlnc Mrrlea
Thanka to hia adeoce and aUIl.
nttabtei. July U.-^Tbe erenta d yes*
terday In tbe Plttsburc coal mlntnc d»*
tilct indicate that Utera S trouble
ahead, The atrtte has been on for two
WMha with ao eauae tor alarm In any
qMiter. but yesterday tbe pann of
hunm and mutarincB of dlfmotent
took tamiue .tom. and l.WO lalaers
started to Barcta on CaxtneaabuiB. tbe
«h)ocUie point betne the Boone and Al*
Um Dinm. A (tw days arc thc.t^s*
e nearor Use aoUstloa of aratora of theae mfdaa.made a ruquiaiUm OB tte BherlS af Washlnctee conn
thif mat ptoblem."
ty tor addttkusal dapuUes. It la aapriMaaMed me Tradae «Uha
re at least thirty
The moat irohouaced free trader ef
m. ^ell armed Cm
the party. Ayibv 8. B. Bltritlwn. at
Itk> de Janeiro, taad-me to bar: *^Bael*. *The mlnm of tbl tkulera and Tom's
procitr. K “ «*re as easy: 'ated- Aon 'diatrim yuauiday beM
• • aa betwaaa UaUvtdiiaia. wenid
bledlb' be a Jttat daBnltlqa of
«<•Btees'a mince
Bridferilc. CecU sn
meeting of lAorel UUI Noa t and «.
Ckeedmor and Blahop minea aad tbe
fiiendly oountrin dKmM be tneUned to dlgBsrs employed In tbe Standard aad
make It a eyatem U nanrah but I do BUswortb mines m UlUsr-s Ran alee
not thbik It ran exfliat without free held a maetlag.' Tbe catherlags srare
attendsd by men. women aad chUdtsB.
Usny of the women openly branded
I than otbera'
. De ttah referred to the p
Morning Record
bring quick rBtumB.
Fint Te*r~Na R6.
wbh u thank the teacherq to
Ualr loyal eappert aad Ue rtearfal
maaaa in which they hart aartaiaod
9B of Chief of Police
XBTMBSSTXMO VAOTB Of THX me ta my wak and earried oat aU maf
loae offared whUe rMblnf Uatr
polawd a epeetal pelleemaa to Ua mspoar o? a ▼. mowmtht.
. nra LAST noBT.
Ktive ahoob while 1 Ure baaa
Wat Side aad Oeorye Qooa for the
tmptwwM oi SmB^ Sixth. Bart Side, boU to eerre wlUoet pay. Good Uniform Work Boported and
OadwudSpmMStnMBis a Oo- ^dermaa Lardie aanuted that
tproTomant Ow Prnioaa Team.
AldUMw dahtMB
ikfeMt and atae aoooapaaytay the BiDfUar elr^
ttM Aldwmaa froa tha SMoad a be pnUIbHed from oflaS Oea wlU Orating]
■tteet toaU of the oHy limlta, ae the re- tioa fflfnraa.
Saiaad Bia AdTSetava
Triad to Wateh Tbh to the Blw and
oeht Improwaoat haa aot yet been
AS air of UattaHsm agradad the eofibieaUy eetOed to make beary
Side a Wheal at Ua Same Tima
OOOMU ohaabK whoa ‘ttw aldvtaaa traUlGtBBoaltadrtaabla. Oamotioa the wort of Ue oonaty Mhoab dmind While B. L. Baaeom wae rldtof hb
irMhmd tor haalaaM >M alffab 8ose of Aldermaa lloBtacM Ue etoei oobk bet yaa» b aabmltted by OommbU
wheal bet ereatoy ea Proat ebwt
M thaa wata aaxioaa Sla
Uxroafh mbriemw era* ordered to feaee off that MeWeUy;
the toot of Boardmaa aTcaae, hb
witA the baaiacat of the eltr 1b
portion of the etract
r> to the Qtaad ppara Boom aad loae
rAldermaa Dee-- Mamba of ^
•to the I
weten of Ue rirer.
axwaaud traiB the fiddle by the r«Bt moad aryed Ue adrbaMli^ ef a park at pablb axam
Sltehett Btwt Stand TrtoL
> a^ the aarfaee to be atiea to the eatabUahmeat of a dty fliet yrada eertifieata
Lewb Fitehett mart rtaad trial npoa
nah baataaM to attaad to, bat be^ parte. He aac«ly rafarred to the tact Mamba of appltai
theUarye pratorrod ayatoat Urn by
that parka la olttM which do not boaet
•tbri naalre nii rilmnil Ilian ~ii la^ of^b^
W. h. Babbell, bnebaad of Ue woman
rwortdtteayaTe a>ora ■atlea«d tatoUe ^berattoBa of the alderWiU whom be raa away abont two
tub aad took atora pride la aaklar
wetim aya Jadya Corbett dmded the
a the anraat- their eltiea attraottre than Ttararae
awtion U qaeah Ua toiormation which
f the pcMWt board. Aad all CUy doaa. Aldemaa Qoodrieh thooffat llfteatee whh have had eo experleaee w^ amde by i. W. Patchto to behalf
baaaaaa cd AMewBaa OoodrtBh.
Of Fitehett e few daye ayo. Pllebett
dbeetloa.bat eebed thb.oppertaalty
«hma haldtof eoeoad wlU be tried UU tom.
Por Biaay naetlam
Aldanaaa to rerlaur hb dbaKvoral of the Oatlar rade eertifieatae to Uo ooeaty—eo.
Odbtetkt hMhafithaahvtoodot the property lor a pask. He deelared that Kamber of Uaoheta holdtor firet
Xhb Waa a Kean Trirt.
atrtar at the hands of Ua ooUecaaa. the hpy then wae the pt^w pbee for Crade eertifteatoe-4. •.
, bat be had a ewaat laraafe laet nirbt parke, aad that then aboald be thrM; Whole anmbar of qaaltflod toaehere Saaday mocatoy before yotoy to Ue
John Tatmaa filled Ue baU
which taacht hie '
i oonaty. exelntire of Travaru City tab to hb raome wlU aba bot rvater.
that be b toe old a l^rltlator to be wofka. aad aao|har at the head of Wart
wbieb ho fiyarad woold be aaiubly
eaacbi apwbic to loar at a atretch. bay.' ftliWrmaf Lar«a aiffed that a shoob,—litAmoant oC toetitoU feee eoUeeUd Inkewarm by Ua time of hto retara.
aittae froat the eoaacQ be ^polatTba aaatter that baa
flto room matee ww a ehaaoe tor a loka
edtoeoatewlththe aaperrieem with aad
Member of aoboob aappUed wiU aad iarlted Ue oo-operatioo of aa lee
a riaw to Ua iaprtrtOBaat of tba oona- flafe-n.
Sixth and Spraoeauaeta. TbeDiTiaioo ty Stoada earToaadliv the -eoldbn' WhUe there hae been a r«Beal Im- wayon. A few Ui^ eakm were pleoed
to the Ub, and when John retaraed bo
attaet ealeart waa one of hb |oadeat monnneat. bat Aldetsaa Good
to o«r aeboeU from year U piaByedtowithoatemameay. fiat be
dbooaracad that propoaiaoB aad .. proremaat
bopaa, bat be waa defeated
ae Ua teeehere hare bee toe bat immedbtely eocambtod oat ayato aad
Tbad delay ta Cane- of aUar ta^ro^ year
aCerta iabebaUofhb
(rtoIbn the Seeaath moau BOi« nnraatly aoaded. Ttere lay or clatofytoy them, it b wiU a aonyhi a warm epot to meditate to aad
hatoh ap toraaye apea Ua'fellowe who
ao aeUoa at thb Ubo.
atraet prapoeal caaae ap.
deyree of mtbtaetkw that we ooatom- perpabmted Ue mean triek.
dlfUrwan Pariter of the ooamlttee
plate Ue wort of the paet year.
fraaeatad a ^Bority nport, aad
Weot Slden Tletortona.
> la the All the aehoob hare bben rbitod aad
■ajority report waa prreanted by
d that the road Ue wort of the different
The Baet Side baU team wae defeat
Aldenaea Ooodrbh aad Oreilick. tfai leadiar from Freat etraet to Bopldae' noted, batoaaaeooatafUe
ad Snaday by Ue Went Side team to a
hMry wd oftbeooatadttae. At the iM hOBSe be pravaled aad t^t aa ap amoaat of ofiteerrork ae mooh time rood yame. There ware few error*
laet aaeetiac aad the prarloda oaa proach to the bay be made at Uat ooold Bot be yirea to the work of rbit- made by eiUer elda aad for foar' inpoiat. Btaaai
toy the different eeboto ne I wbhed. Btoye boU atom (aUed t» eeora- The
' Ua aeartta of the two reporta, natU aad tbelmprof
Cbmdytayoareehoobhae toereaaed battorr wtoc of boU teama partlenAaalli bbU were bfid apoa the table.
mba of the the work of Ue oommbtoaer. eepeeial- torly Uat of Ue rietore, wae yood.
Aldmaaa Mueteroe led (a the debaU
]y Ue elybU yude etaiainatioiie and Seore: le to 14. Baturlm—Weet Side,
for the Btlaority report aad Ue ooaaUa yiaattoy of diplamae U> capdidetm Koniy aad Saifka; Bert Side. Wtoab
oO WM eranly dlridad between
BBoecmtol In Ua examtoatieaa. bat it eadfioayb^r___________
two. bat at Ue bet metln( when It ward riiwanBieidid the appolntmetitof b Ue part of Ue ooaambBionm'e work
oaatieteaqaeattoaof bylB( boU apM J. W. Trarb to Ue yaeaaey Uu aw that b meet profitable to Ue aehoob.
a B. Bioyole Olab Baa.
''the taUe it required Ue rote of Mayor aled. As thirty days have not yet Many pa^ bare ramatoed to Ue TW C. E. Bleyeto Qab will me*
Saith to deeide la^aror of that pt^o- ebpaed elaa Mr. dohaaon movafi. the aehoob aad poranod stadba that wonld Ue neldeBoe of Bor. W. E. Wriyht.
aot bare beea taken wlUoot the etim- Wodaeeday ereatoy. laartoy there at
;i meetiaf.
Laet Bicht Aldermaa Jabraa wae
nine of Ueee examtoalioot and re- 7 0-eloek eharp for Arrtle. trtere a
the only abeaaiea, aafi he wee oae who Aldermaa OralUek offered a ax
wOl be held rriU the Arehb
eetod la law of Ue report of Mr. Uat Ue oooadl ohamba be elloked ap work to oar dbtrict eekobl and allowe Y. P. B. C B. It b
Paik>;x. Here wataa opealac to Al- a Hula. Ue walboalelmiaed. Ua wood them to eator the blyta aohool wlthont •very one be ready- to ■
derwB Goodrich, aad he itraeped it work cdled aad ftabbed. etc. The nay
aad nebriy all who
wiUcAataeterbMeeacaei^. After Ue
yradnate from oar dbtrict eUoob
roottae baaineea bad been dbpatehed
araUthemeelreeof thbprtrUeye aa b
Aldariaaa OoodriU offered a motkio to Aldermaall
ordarad tor Barlow ihown br the toereaaed ettoadaaoc at
take the reporb nealioned froa Ue
the hlyfa artool each year,
table. The propoeltioa wae eameetiy
imrtoy the abort ttom etoee we hare
Uyht abada Taa Shoaa. in
ooabated Aldertaen Moatacw. Ito- boanl of pabUe Wortrbe eo toxtraoted. imifled ear dbtriet aehoob (eto yean)
pain athalf prioe, ladba' aad
aaoad. PaUer aad HenllMBtaL Tbeee
-that Ub propoatUoe be laid npoa Ue webarayradaaMdaad yraated dlploCentleawa eab the deafar wUeh i
ooaaWaoed their partOoB aad aryned for de- UUe bat he *raa defeated aad the Bixty-iwo attended the axamtoatioa*
by. bat Ue notion was laebtod npoa oriytoal mottoa preraOad. Thb wae thbyear, itpamed Ua reqnlred arcraad Ua qenUon pet. The rote etood
aya aad raoeirwl dlplomaa aad ae all
Cor the affinaattra, Uiodrteh. Oralllok.
time papen. wiU few eroepttoo* reLardle. Oarrboa. aad Cook. For Ue
eelre the peraoBal toepeetioa ef Ue
aacatln. Montarea, Parker, HeaU- Botion tor Vpv Trial WIU be Bade
r. Ub work, added to Ue
MBUh nad Damoad. Tbenotb
to Oaae ef Shertdaa ra. Bymaa.
k at whbh
adopt the ni»rt wae earried, of eOBtaa. The oaee of Sheridan re. Bymaa. WC had 178 appUoaata. wbeaa paper*
by Ue toae vote. Tbca Aldermaa which hae oeenpled Ue attentioa of meat ba toapactod. wiU raporta to ba
Goodrich breathed erietorioQsaiyh and tba Cucalt eoort for Uc paet two daye.
mada oat aad «
UUaated hb deaire u adjoara.
wae fiabhed toot ere^ny aad Ue Jnry awer. to a oertato extoat a
randtrad a remliet of no canM of qaaatioowtay ti
action. Twaddle A Croee,
tiau rbltiny tba acboola.
mrtami to be Ue BMot oeonombal,
for Ue platotiS. wiU make a motioa Pntrona are ahowtoy more totoraet to
whoa Uemattmwaedbpoeod of Uat for a new trial Ub momtoy.
oer aehoob.
aiybt and Ue lybt ended the eapportSchool oOoen axardaa yraator
«ta of the mlaority report wtre etoariy
to the arieotien of ieaebam.
aad forced yraeetaUy to
WiUbm W. FblrehUd, yoardtoa ef Ibaohen are hired ter Ue yearto
•abmlt to the reanlC
Harfllah Koffmaatm, aoa of Ua Uta nearly arary toataaoa wbara Uey era
34 prinbdlm’Pta
Oae ether matter wae effeetaeUy db- Uriah Hfri^aa^.bae ^mllad to tha dotoy aatiafianart
Bat taw
Baaer Tom. Band
poeed of and the reenlt wQl brtey
It tor a mtoorh paa- chaayee ware aiada dartoy' Ua paat
Tope. A. B aad C
wreathe of rtopltoy uallee to the rb- eioa fierUo boy. Yaetorday be reoetr- yauw.
atSt-Utodoaaokaye ef Maaayv Barry of Ue Telepbcm od adriee from Waahtoytoa Uat Ue
The propotitioa of Alderhave feoad it bard.' In aaaxia pokatioB bad beea yiantod. The
Deemond to tax Ue Mbhlyaa amoaat eaeh auaU rrill be tlD aad eitioae.
Oar pabtme aad tcaehen maetlaye
-pbom a
bayto «riU April s, l«i7. The
75 pain Oxforda. termer prlee
Ube fee for
have beea w«U attoaded aad 1
aUo laoelre a eontiderabU
U.tA. Sl.tO. tl-Tt and R. Oar
Ue eity. WM rtportod adrenely by the dae npoa Uepeaahm'ef hbfaUer, who eon that Ureoih the toflaeaoe of
priea S1.00 to eloas oau
eemmbtoeoawpyeaadmaaae aad im died aereral mootha ayo.
aad toaohan
have been breaykt aaarar to aaoh oUar
eaeommeaa»Hnai aeeepted aad adopt
- _______
The eamoomtotttoe reqaertusd tar- J. A. Jfoata^aad hb aoM. Hmr of trna adnoatiim for our boya aad
Mrtih Fataat Leather aad Bathm tiSM on the maricet alto mdMec.
hart aad Albarv Pfofamor W. A. Oraaameb. former oriom R aad sa.
aoa. of Cbicayo. aad J. a OraMa. of Ubrattoa teve baaa ^aead to a aamtoeloaooaUtSAOO.
The r^ort of Uheomatittoe to wbqm Buffalo, will laara thb moratoy to Mr. barot
wai referred Ue matter of pnrehealay Moatayna-e new eloop-yacht, Oeawa.
a etoae omebar. wae prevatod, aa
for Oaoryton Bay, the party will be 01 waa Ua beat wa haya ever ylvea
paniodbyproporitioae from maai
abaimt aboat tear waeka and Ua tiam aad was proaonaoed Ue ynatoet av
83 pabe Menh Raab very
tarareof etoae emeher* wUhont
will be bpeat craiitoy. oam^ayt fleh- traetiaa at Ue fair.
atylbb SUpparn. totmar S1.7S
It elwwed' Ua wort that b batoy
aaunaadation. Bat the committee toy and barlay a yeneral goei Uma.
doae to onr oooatry erhnob and WM
noantmeadad that Ua Mayor and oaa
■mhm of the eoaaeU rbli Grand The Haatlcn will yo to Maabtoe SaV a aarpTbe to many.
or eome oUcr dW
nake to- arday ter two yamaa, aad itUtobaax- Fifty-three aohoob made Up exblRt
paotod that tin atoek of ytoyar. a par- aad reeetvad laiye faamad ^ctama
maU^ botore farUer aotioa. The tioa of irtieh waa aaeorkad at Me
47 pain Udiaa* Blart aad Tha
Threa ^eetol parboi ware offered.
yoa. b not oattraly exhaortod.
report wae aooeptod aad filed.
naytnr A SmlU Jaltota. formar
Old MimioB reealvad Srat prtoa. Sis
prioa R.eloatoy oat prior SL
Boridaate of Ue locality eart of WeiOhleaye Baikal Baport.
library; Fife Lake aritool laeaivad aaeXsks Ho XisttikA.
U^tOB etraet oa Webatar aad adjaeaat Chioayo. Jaly l».-WhcaWaly. oad prlaa, tlO library praatad by T.
■traoto aant to a proteal ayriaxt Ue ne: Seatambar, 71 He: Oaaambar, T. Bataa: Baal Paradtaa eUoal Bo. i
toytoy of Ue eewar mrin to W^toy- TlHe: old.1. n«—
raoaivad Ubd prtoa. SM Ubrary.
Inly. MHe: Septambar. MXe; Ptoy* are fioattny over avary aohool
taaatreetfromWaehUytoato KykU
"THStec: May. aoHe.
abaeta OB eooooat af the added axpaau
hoaoo to tirt eoaa^ bat fpai.
The Original.
tbit would be eotailed npoa them for
The ehiUreo art beUw toayht to
eusastiao wx*.
MMlaJbatfho bommltiM oaiM^; ptrt-Saly.StBTjHapiamber. r.MX -----OUfitf udUataaxta lova
a love of eoaatry.
W* Mav taa mm* rtbv B SMtlrt or
iir------- Ua layl^ at Ua
Tons of Gold.
Hare been fonnd in the Klondike region. We
are not ezactlj that region, bnt we can sase
yon money if yon want Wall Paper.
From March II to July I i
Juiill rtHI.
Taking quality into consideration you will
- find my prices are as low as the lowest
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss These Bargains.
PoaiUTAly ths UgBMt yon WiU rat this
r. My rreat Jniy OlsaraDOA SalA. 1 will quote a lew
»that are bargaiiu, bnt maoe ia too ezpguiTe to qtrato
of these at this ^ce.
large S-pieoe Bedroom Bolt,
lar^ fijasa, pattmt eastora.
11.75, A noe lArge &4deoe 80U,
drs- ora, OAteot caetors, tOr ISHl A fine A
• r Suit, Bee .plneh,^
bed Dining QiaJts, solid
Rockers fromn 9^. ap, IiM Bri tosda from 3.78 i^oBsbed
Wnp. \
of tbeee, bnt wbst we bare most 'be eold by Jnly 18th. Bo
thoee thsl come early will be happy and tbM that «"i— tbi
sale will always regret it
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
B SMWT srsssT.TsaTssas cnr.
Those Shirt Waists
Attract the LadieB
And whyehoolda-tUoyt
79c •S'JT:’:™............... 49c
We stiil hare an abundAnt nuortment, and all sises.
These are all new Waists jnst recelTed.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
M. a. HOUXY. til amuse.
Buy the •• BEST ” Sour, era,
if it M better than other
, flour; might eucourage home
industry if you did; beudeh
the foreigner pay* yonr tax,
A Few Bargain, in Ladie,' and Gente’ Shoe,!
New Line of'chUdren’s Shoea.
^ITW MOBinyO BBOOBD. B W. M. lut Aiflit «« n Bintw
■ ;r
Isto. llMnctMooUIMwttkB tne.
40«Md italMuUirhi ud WM tgraad to
nATXBsxorrr. • miohioah, «M B Uawra iB ili piftM.
aad WvagM Xoaqnltoaa.
r«oK no orrta os tn
Jobs lUlatoab. temeriy k aUc
Tha drat ttato o* amp Ufa. aa a
IB UtstoradT. J. BoMUtorotLad- »paap tola pair, araa aa}opad bp toa
toftoa, hu retorn»d to tlto ettp ud Baaaab Biflab datordap airbt aad Saa1IM. T. Batm aSO'J. W. Bjjnn. MMptod » petottoo to to* tiototof d*- dap. Aa aeUea tounat to aU toa raa<
partwat ot the Boatos atora. Ha bat, w. HA»m. KAttof —d MiBff*. Caa bia dnttaa paatontoT aad Ua toallp ttoa daUaa waa dlapl^ bp aU toa
kban. aad fn» "wralUa" to ‘laia bacatoatap.
(rear torn waa, iHtog^^ggaptloa of
tba time dartop tba b
«saMatbs.tarB8>l. Caa»aar.to8«»n,____
<« Xa Wtaa* toa Bwttan Pat Vp to
t at Tiasseas Otp.
Tbb ooaaall baa e
tad to toe fact
a dtp park or two amid be a pood
Aldan&aa Uoadrito doM ^
baUaea to toa I
•oaa^ frooBda. ttat toa Hboobo aUU
taatoto toat there u toa paiat for toa
«nt atep to park iBpwaaaoata. The
groaad balospa to the eoaaip aad ia
baUowad bp a abaft araatod to ataaiarp
a< oar toldier hatoaa. If the aaaaa■watiatoatop toara It la a dlapiam
toaUowIttBBrroaadtofB to raatola a
toma waato. At toe aaaaa tliaa the
Bbooed doaa Bot diaeoarac* b topAbora
> fock; OB toe eoatnnr. toa paper wiU
/ Aeaeeiptotoc to ita power to brtap
-/ shoot anto aa Ispraeamst. B«t let
m iBprora the propaitf wa owa. aaphew. aad if tbara are aap poadUe
maBatoaddltAoBtooreatoa pleawat
' Vatoeat OB toe bap abora tot «a aaaks
the abaaaee of Aldarmaa Jabraaa den
toa aoaaeU Baettor toat aipbt pa^
toa aldaraaa troa toa aaeoad a ebaaea
to ^rtep a Bkoeanpoabii eoUaapaaa
toat toap aeold aat ebaekmato. ~
aaooad ward map now rent eontoat
|Xha DirldoB atreat ealrart waa Mlp
aappeatioB to/oonipaetooB to that whteb
toa board of poblic works waa ordarod
toat alpbt to exaeata. Tbh oratahadiawa a llttla thlnp Uln a ataaia ealeart
aad pieaa the aaooad ward a ahow for
It la aappeatad that thd eooadl oaaaa
• few inaxputalre bath booaea to to
wraetad alc^ toe bap abora at pdate
Boareatoat aad aaltoUe for totbera.
Tbit ia BOt a bad idea aad woaU to
pwitnllr appredatad. The tree totb
apateai ia a matter that la piran moat
wafal coaaideraUoo to aU torpe dtlaa
hartop tba taeiUUea. TPaeoraa Cltp
baa pleatp of water aad anotaroaa peraooa who aronld be beacfltad bP tbU
Lottie JaaaeeOB aad Jnlia Baoker
rode to Elk Rapida oa tb^ bkpdea
.Iha eaae of Claraaeei. Hartto ea.
Aahlep B. Cnrto Uoa trial ta toe Qiraait eonrt todap.
IheSandap-aebool of tba Mothi
Aareb wiU bold tbeir aaaaal pkaie toaaocrow at Baat Bap.
Tha Weaan'a Ceatetarp Improraaaaat ABaodatioa cleared $4 Satardap
at tba Satoidap ^rkat.
Tha Btoaai barpe Wcatoott la toadiap
hardwood lomber from tha Trarcrae
atp Immber Co. for Oktaapo.
Tto Mbooaar Uaeoa to toadtop with
toa bark from I. M. Wtoale.atttodoek.
aowitpaad to parties to MUwaakaa.
U J. Waatberwaa Uoea 'op srltb
Ptorp aad Carrer to a laarkamaMblp
aaore of 100 in WU) Marrefa pallaip.
Altoe Jarrto. D. D. &. of Pbiladrlpbto, will aaU oa tba «tod from New
Torfc for Europe Slia sdll ratora to
Tto Btaam torpe O. B Parka to to
tola port after the toet aarpo of maple
lumher from WIUlaiD Beltaer to Ritteahoaae A Bmtoee to Cbirmpa
* Tha aale of eeata tor taa perfonaaBOf
at Stetotorp's Qraad. of toltar A Hardtob Uaele Tom'a Cbbta Gompanp, to
morrow aipht, bepiM tbla moratop.
Tha fWlar mtoUnp of tba Batto
Baaerre toaoclaUoD wiU to bald to Me
JUmara haU tbU ereotop at etpbt
o’elodt. A full atuadaaoa la deairad
Tha ama-paar-old daapbter ol
Charlea MeMiebael wpa blUan pcatardap«ad badip hart bp a dap belonptop
Ao J. H. MarUoek. Di^. XaaeUad a»tmdad bar aad toa dop -waa on
hiUad. Th« wUlba aBotber rabaaraal tbia
•eaatop af the oboraaea of tha^oBdap
•^bool raUp dap. to toe parlota af toa
The triavpbaat 'HBatlare arrirad
oma paatardap. all svall aad to eorp
efaUaderar tbalr
two well aaraad rtotoriaa c
Tto bopa plapad aplaadld. baU aad
won both pamaa on toelr marlta.
Tbara ware (eataraa to toa flnt pama
ot maatlaaad to toe BaooaD'a
Saadap moratop. la tha &iat toalap
Tbrrp strato oat toa '
tot, nttrtop tba alda OD twalra pitched
Tto triple plap bp Adame. Parks aad
Noeotop waa tba aharpwt, qaMtaat
and prattieat plap arar arada oa MaekagoB'aproa^
Opportoaa Ula bp Watktoa aad Naratap helped matartoUp taward tba
toppp raaalt. Adama diato
bimaaU bp maktop aonm pwttp atopa
la faet, avasp
aambar of tto tom waa tall of ptopar
aadpatapap^vadfedartieto ofbalL
Below la toe ubalatad aeon of toe
ftratpame. Baleaamplred tbia pama
aad nto pood rnttafaetiaa.
| |T
Seore bp toatopa:
Baeiawad bp tba 0. B.*a of tba Oom
Aa totanatlnp conraatioB progri
piraa at
ebnreh Soadap aipbu The dinreh waa
alaboratalp daeorated with the San
Praadeco oolara pariae aad pold. aad
with mraalloB flapa.
The propram waa to ebarpe of Mim
Bippe aad aa aatertotoiap reriew of
tto proat maettop wae piraa bp M!
laabal Hammond, bialla Stooeldar
apd Mabel Batoe aad Maaara C H.
Bom, M. B. HoUp aad D. Ooeblto. The
eooprapaUoaal alaptop wae preaUp
oMlated bp toe aeoompaplmmit ot the
Ideal orobmtra, aad ia addiUoa a ado
bp Miaa AUee Crawford aad ado bp
Miaa Alice Botorta with obom V
Mim Roberta. Miaa Crawford. W. J.
Hobba and Dr. J. A. Sapdw were beutifnllp readerad. The araatop wi
aaoeam to .erarp partleaUr sad
filled with toe aathodaem of toe treat
B Hoaocad.
7:10 ah^
Ma^ Satlto aad Aldmrnaa Cook
eaapht toraa fine. Urpa mlmoa
at Ctorp Labs toe fliot of toa wato. OM
of toeSI meanred orar two (aat to
Mtoam Mteato aad Marp Baitoar.
CtopAtoAa Tadar aad Maaara Morpaa
Vwf, ChatUa Braakdfoot aad Ralph
aa}0f0d » ptoaic at Baaa Lake
thaFOeabbaaa baH la«to defeated
.toa SedM tom Btaaddrh^ a torn of to
to A. Battmtoa-itoMh. JCUitor,
aaa, aad KaUattaai'MPto S. aad B.
Tha U:topaaM«wtoiSto«B tha
Fridap totop toe Tiat blrtod^ of
aUbart PowUacw about tblrtp of bb
nalpbbon aorprlaad him to toe erealap.
Attar ridttop. mode aad atoptop, iae
mom aad cake ware aerrad.' Olfta
prasentad with wbbaa for naap i
arMOttpbaferaaaditwfUtoloap be
fore Itollke to ee«€i apato.
Tha pUarara to bla maale waa aapaaaatad to watabtop tba aapramioaa
that orept arar kla (aaa formtop a
art of toa tooaphtt callad torto bp
tomatotopwaapotopon. ^ptatoMelatoab had hi* man a? aliiaat at dap
braakand pat them tbroapb toa aeriae
of eallatoaalemoTamaato. to ^Itarp
parlanee known aa the ••aetttot op axwUcb laotuMimp toa>toto
aad mnaelea of toe mea aad pr^arad
them tor toe rapalar field drill of
tsro hoora. wblcb took ptooa after
time between
. drill aad ••poard
at 4 o^oek waa epeat bp toe mea
totolap to carp laka.
atoriee, eattop dtoaar. aad trptop to
kaapaool. Tha eompaap ahowad op to
to aU tba
and took to toa bard work Uka eataraaa, witoont a eomplatot.
Than waa a ebaaoa for tba mai
abow tbalr oomapa and aadaraaea to a
paanlae battle (with aioaqaltoea) aad
tbep babared aeblp. Thaaortofa
' qeitoaa that liraCarp lake appea
toHra oo aoldiera’ Mood. Btoee ware
b«lU and amndpea mada bat it oolp
mada toe rarapm of toa paata worea
The “Mta aearrad troopa” arrirad
bOBM at 8 o'eloto Saadap erantop aad
were maek plaaaad with tbeir axpera-bar toa moaqaUoaa-aad roadp
to po apato;_________ ,
tba bow.
Bamaarl la aapadaUp fortaoata la
Ua>mpa8p. Kim Brabaap Is a parUoalarlp asrMl aad plaaalap atopar aad
toa eAmrm of bar maMe ia iBcrearad bp
tor baaatlfBl (aaa. Mr. Wm. SaaTlat
M an aooompaatat M all that ooeid badeairad. aad to Ua toano a^ sbowad
to preat adraatapa hie fine taeaioaa
aaddaU^tfaltoaoh. poaoftbaai
bare, a parotte of hie
arip • weU raodrad. The
piaao Bead sraa one of tba 4
The aatAra propram raoeirad aathaAatAe aaeoraa and tba mamorp of tba
ereatop wQl loap to a plaaeaat one
into tboaa who ware ao fartoaata aa to
(H'lnn funiui.iiii'iL:
is the...
Fruit Jars. This
Canning Season.
2 Quart—60c. doz. 1 Quart—80c. dot
eontriboikm of K9 from tba Oral tooed
Nab Oo. aald « from Oraad Trararaa
Now for Business!
West up to Bmoka.
Tto ban of Qiarlaa Bmanaa. wha almplar. but no toes axqabtta Sehubart
line a few .milaa aoatb of town, wae fianaada or tto aUninpabatoa of mar.
totallp deatroped bp fire peatanl^. ttal atoto.
baUfitopaoBtatoada larpa qaaaDpoabto aaooad appaansoa ha waa
MW ef
«hiek waa aBMmad.aleo piraa a ptrtaet oratioa, and waa eaUed
a b«CP aad a eaU. ChOfina aad baek apato aad apato. Sato ^reeep
toaa an raid to to tba aaaaa
tto a wae nerar plraaaay one to T
tto Snhito.’**^^*
. ... ......................... ... ys
*Tt.t.WT> A HOBEB.
Tto VetaJ Sammpl Ml^tod a
Urpa AadiaBoa last VipbL
Meato lorera aajopad a ran treat last
aipht on toe oryraimi of toe appearanee of Bamaapl at toe Oraad. Th^e
was a moat appraatoUre aadtoaoe mad
todr aptoBstoam wu JuaUfied. Bemenpi more than fiUad tbalr a^patiOM. Be pate hto wbola ml into the
muaie aad makes toa toarto of bb bcarara reapoito aa to wilU. wtottor to tba
UWhatwefiaeoroar Soda Eyrtrsa ertth
toa do not aaa extneta at oniJoMtoto. A
Waa Btrook bp aa X. * «. & Trato
•aturdap Vipbt
Satvdap araatop tto Baaaab Rlflaa'
apaelal trato atroek aad kUlad a '
aaar Bateb'a eroaatop. Tba animal beTo Old Botdlara.
lonpad to Kratochril. It te aappe
■e to Trararaa Cira. a
that tto animal bad baaa taraad
________ np. Ihurodap. Joip t-______
peaaloo mattera to adtoe oompaaph propmlp to paetara.
Jrataaa bara as totarelew with ma
that time.
J^jut Gbxacxb,
the Fnad to Xaeraaotop.
Solidtorof Peaaioai
Tto (aad tor toe Uka Ana fin a
Tba TtoM FWt ^roaebaa.
Dra B. B A Ccs. toe noted
aad ^paietoM .. ___
kapoD. will ooB etolt tbb loralltp.
L. RoeeoeU back from KanoeloimTbalr Jama to a> far raatotop that It la
Mlm Jo Vadar want to Kortbport bardlp ne
peatardap on a riait.
toelr etolt
Bal^ Baaleu rataraad from Jaekm and Charlatta toat nlpbv
an the amtoeat pbp
Max Saiton of Otarlarato. la to tto
la parlora to tto hotel. Bo
dtp, toa poaat of Ji
toelr ekiU. ao eeemtorlp
hair enrea. ea paarlaea todr
B. C. BUltopa wUl pa to Cbieapo with
abimp that Dra B. 8. A Oo. ataad to
aptato Jobaaton oa tba Wdkteott.
dap aaappraaebaMa
bp aap of
. . ..
.. J
Miaa Oartrada Moatapna wlU po to >-workata
to the fieldJ ^
c madlrtoa
Oraad Ba^ tbia aftoraaaa tor a few
toe reanlt toat baa toea
Bar. J. Botonph aad wife of Maple to tboaaaads who tore ptoim themCitp apeat dudap with Bei. 8. Sala- aelraa under toelr care. Deaib aeetni
appalled, teems ntterlp tontad tbronpb
Mra Ida Averp aad daapbter aad tto heretofore nnbeard-of aktU dtoplaped bp tto doetora
Mrs. Sbriplep went
Bp all meant erarp enffadap find
afllleted one abonld codsbU with them
Mr*. A. BeaBett, Mra M. Uttle aad on thdr rtoit bere'to Trararaa Citp.
and Tboradap. Jnlp tl and
Mim Trane Gape apeat-Suadap to Pe«. in toe prirate parlor of toe Wblttoakep.
top Hotel, from B a. m. to 8 p. m. Two
Oaorpe Sapdar. of Paltoa. M rlaltlap dapa oolp. Oontoliatioo free and
with toe fmUp of bia aaa. Dr. J. A. atrieUp eoofidenttol.
Mr. aad Mra Rad RoM^of Elk BapIsaratoapMetaof Mr. and Mra H.
C Daria
Bar. J. A- Ftpra of Oraad Rapida,
Tiekata will be cold bP the
will to ttopaebt of Bar. B. Salsbnp CHSCAOO A WEST MICHIOAM Bnr
for a few. dapa.
J<ton Jamaaon aad F. B Labpm aad
EBR B. _
tbeir faeaUieaara
Jnlp rath, rla Detroit aad tto Waat Banale lake.
J. B. Baaaall.
Aopoat s. Tie Detroit aad the Mldtiwith A. P. Boopb. laftfi
Tie-Detroit aad toe
Aapaxt Kto. r
Mbs Jolto Rdaa baa rataraad from Onto Iraak B*p.
All. ttoketo p^ to ratora leartop
Eik Rapids, where ebe baa baea empNtopara Fhlto not tolar than fira dapa
top with a partp of frtaada
from and loclndtap dap of aala BaW
MbeTraep Wartborp ot Oraad Bap- from Trararaa Citj wiU to r. Aak
tda arrirad last eraainp to rbit her apeatofarfallinformaUooor addrem.
Oao. OsBavax. O. P. ‘
rotbera Peter aad IVed Wursburp.
Grand Bapida.
Dr. BhlUidap of Late Ann. b to toe
dtp Tbltsap aad remtodtop Tw
Citp of toe pood woik of bar people
dartop toe fire tmbla.
Kittle aad Lee Betobe
OB toe Petoekep Sundap morninp to
pam toe aummer with Jaoob Culmaa
and familp on (>001 etraet.
partp oouteUap of Mr and Mra
W. T. Boxbarpb and Mra Bd Fap and
daapbter Mabel, aad Mr. Boxborpta of
Hip Bapida. apeat part of peatardap at
Mr. and Mra T. J. Boat aad children
■rat io Petoakep ttnadnp. Mr.
came home to toe eranlnp. but Mra
Boat aad toe cblldran wlU remain for
two weaka at tto raaorta.
H. L. MueUar. formerip a ralo
to toe alore-ot to. J. Bell to tbb dtp.
now of toe V. A M. 'Friedmaa dip
poods booee in Grand Bapida. b to the
dtp mbttop Cba^ Boeanthal
imiap ibe new Beaton atore.
Mra Baaip OaUep of Maatotaa aeeompaaiad bp Mra. WOI Oaklap of
Trout Creak,* Oatoatpaaeoantp, ^ent
Bondap to toa dtp with Hanip Oaklep
oa tbalr wap to Bap View, where tbap
WlU ^aJ.afewwaalm to raenatkm
andraav _______________ _
The Pure
Fruit Juice
Oocner of Catoa aad Bap Btraatt
aaar M. A N. E depot, wbbm to anBouaea to tto puMic that to baa raSW
ad aad furabbad tto Hotel Paatton
better tbaa it arar hea base before and
to gaod abapa. John Map form
wlto tto Hotol WhlUap wQl bara
abarpaofttooaeeaad attend to tto
waataofttopaaatt. Batktoettoa paaraatobL
will Sell Today:
Hssf, Pork, Veal, MinDi,
Steinberg’s Grand
Pressed CooMNn,
Opera House. '( Dried Beef, Uier,
July 21st.
ClMiee Peiltnf
And ararptbtop a f
aaioiora aao ouoixal
Uncle Toi's OaiHO Go.
' Oer.OabaaadniatbSia.
I tto rw-ia^n/.« of
Has Your
lOCibu 111 tBfei RMOiae-lO Attention20
See The.,Giejj„C^^Je>,
Monster Parade at Noon.
Pure Cream Tartar,
Saau BOW on aale at box ofilee.
(aMPurBaklagtoraer. U yea wai
aukklt.tKm>d8{erliaa. lUMwr B
BuMer T«Mag. all slim. WaUr BetOai
bands aratsca.
be without
Fire iDsnraoce
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
At Our
Soda Foaotaia
mater «c ajv aster eoaleat to -Tct «<
■aaoto alOTW” Cal alirays try i« larrara.
carry a certain amount
For Rates and aoj^other imformation, consult,
E. W. Hastings’
C^mmeociBg on Monday
morning, July 12, 1897, I
sell tickets to and from
noicpr. oocBTBOtra ATTEimoa.
all points on Carp Lake for
Phone 73. Johnson Block. one fare for the round trip.
dy Wattscanbechartered
at all timea for Fishing or
Picnic parties at very reason
able rates. There is nothing^
Park StNft, bfitwMnrrcrt A Ofio, more delightful than a trip^
Carp Lake, these warm
Salmon, Bass and
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Pickeral fishing best in
Meal Tickets at fleilicetl Rates. Michigan.
« mra. racial mates
James M. Watts.
If You Have logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Ma^inery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriagety
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable...
PWiog {finnan bones a epeetolty. Hotmi hoarded.
Tema reaaoDAUa.
Btirt* it. west of
iimmooii U&6UL
m roE pmcAiran toCZBXT CAXZV StmtAT.
> XMtlBB* i»nt^ A*bWiUB* Pw.
AetodThtoSvwilsttatiu M«tho4^ M Okmh-OoximlttM A^«taM
PMb tha Vuiou OhorahM.
Bs&daj «M. “AaUAalooe LM««e
D»7" 1b IHtbtm City. Ib th« auraiBf Bad armlBf Ute TBriMa polfriu
•mm* wewtplad by tha Bblaapaakan
■Wiibaiy‘1 Onad Opm BettM^ adttmaad by Bar. J. P. Braat, tt»ta auyariataadant of Uw laafoa aad Prot. O.
A. Wricbt. ol tbe Ohk> CBimity. cD
, natDaattBC«aapf«idadoTerl7C.
A. Haiwwid Prof. Wrifbt wm« flrat
iBtrodaoad aad apoha of tha arila raBBlttac (MB aalooy. Ha daelarad
dbwtobalndietadbySaU elaaoaa. hy
Ua <AB(Aaa, by boalacaa naa and avas
tha aalooa kaapyn tkaaMlraa. BU
ba «raa a beardar at Uie hosa of Mra.
tacatbar wltb otbaaa, ooa of
rM a straafar to tha good UBd.
lady. Spaalmaw waa »U to baaa
kBOwa tha Baaaad Mra. Bakaralalatad
that he waat aacarlty far tha aoaoaat
of hit board. Spaalnaa alalaa that
tha Uadlady waa laboriar aadar a mtola that rairard. anborqaaaUy ha waat to Iowa aad whaa ha
raaehad there aaat Bra. Bakar h4.7S
wblah waa to ba daroUd aatlraly to
tha paymaat of tha tipnaaaga apoa
hla tmak.whid> ha dlraotad to ba
ahlppad tohlB. Iha traak waa ahipbat ^a
payneatof thaaxpraaaafa waa not attaedad to aa dlraeted. fran tha aom
east Bra. Bakar U Mid to hart dadaetad dl.TS, tha aaaoBBt olalmad to ba daa
froB the party whom Bra. Bhkar daalrad Hpaalmaa to aaMa for. Pfhaa
hla traak ba waa
ooMpallajd to pay 01.7B to aaka ap a
Lately ha eaoM faaek to
iTraaane City asa rataraad to Bia.
Baker'a. Ha ramalnad thara antU Ae
had reoairad aboot ft.TS arorth of board
aBdlodyiat and than
Ba*. #. W. Braat dealt with the praetkal aide of tha qaeatloo. He apoka
iB detaQ r««ai«]Br the
B koowB aa the Aati-SalooB Leafoe,
■hlrh la maallBC irllli fainrlni]! tha
larn dtiaa whararar latrodaoa^ ~
•waaatartedtaOhlo. asd that atata la
tfow tboro^hly orfaBuad. Hiehlcaa
btakiarap the work, aad coed ro. aalta are already to ba aaea. Ba daaoribad tha aathoda of local orfaainttOB iB a clear ataBaar. The onai
Ban to nmmartlwB atid Tnltmft iff ao
'-araad, poUtkal or aodal body, bat aU
aaraeat wotkaw era walootaa. It doaa
wot BBdartaka to deal with any of tha
fiaatqaaaUoMOf thaday except tha
a of the aeaaion o
of tha charch aad %
Ptoct Matbodiat-B. J. PBlfham. 0.
W. iBTdla. O. W. Balt.
Bpw^ Laaca*—K. B. Plaree. O. A.
BtdUday. B. Docfflaa.
XT. Oraw B. J.
ad. D. CdehUa.
T. P. B. C. E.-C a. Bom, 5.
Quids. Otto BeQaaky.
Pr«byteria8-P. B. Walker, A T.
Bexla, W. K. Wright
Y. P. 8. e B.-BoyThompaaa.
WUUrd W. C- T. U.—Baadamaa C. H.
Bly, B. 6. Sheflar. A. C. Smith.
L O. G. T.—E. B. Aliya. Chaa. UnCMtar. BiM. B. 3. Ovlatt
W. C T. O.—Beadamea M. E. Strong,
O. A Morthrep. A. W. Baahaa.
^A Bwattog wu chUad U the Baptfat
Aarah at thacoaelaaioa M the eval^
aerriea and a lampormry orgaato
made, with C H. Horn, ebairmaa. and
A T. Boxia aaeretary. The eommlttaM named to the aftaraooa warn praaent and E*v. G. 8. Morthfap. repre■rniUnr the BaptJet ehareh, and aevaml
eUccB toureated to tbe work icmatoed.
it waa daeidad to hold a ataaUng at tha
Pirn B. B. Aureh Taeaday evaniag to
parfaet tha orgaaimUoa aad at thla
time it U expeeud that other charcbe*
and aoeletlaa wUl be repreaeated. At
thk ttou the three ragalar ataadtog
committeea wUl be apsMaUd aa followa: Agitation, lagialatlva and tow
anforeamant By vlrtita of thMr poalttoB to the aommani^ all prtoata aad
mtolatm are ooaaldared Bamben. and
all othats totaraatad la the work are
gladly weleomeA A year from Sun
day tha Mme apeakar* axpaet to rCtam
and baB an aalvarMry aierttog.
Tbay Will Hooor Xra Page.
Oa Wadareday evealag, July Se, tbe
Ladiri- Aid Society of Long Uke. will
gtveao toaeraamaoetal apoB the lawn
of Bra 8 H. Hyde’araaideaee.oae-half
mile eaat of Lone Traa^ aebool boaae.
The event to arimnged to taoogniUoa of
Bra D. O. Page, who baa haea Mdly
afllcUd thro^b a atroke of parmlyaia
suUtofsd not long ago. Bra Pag* baa
been * noble worker in tb* aoeto^ and
bar efforto are appreciated.
WUl Work to WtooQBgto.
Be*. J. W.-^Bmat aad Prof. O. A
Wright wm leave thla aftaraooa for
**-i*u«» Wia. where they will orgaatM a state Asti-Saloao Laagsa Oa
Saaday at BUwaakee they wUl obaarva
tha first "Anti-Saloo* Laagne Day"
ly for a writ of r^larla. alao to Ja»ttoe Browa. bat waa adviaad that It
weald ba ehmpar to pay the damaad
ofBiaBakar. He daeUaad to do thla.
Aoase of tha lady aad
the trank
ptooad it apoe tha walk, whaia ha Mt
apos It to walUag for a dray. Brv
Bakar aroaa to todlgaaat wrath aad
vowad abe woald have tha trank
tha money. Her aatrMttoa failed, i
thrcalB of bodUy ehantoemaat w
•qnally nsavMllag, ao aha raaortad to
fordMa maaaaraa A atova poker
aaaaad tha moat paraaaalve aad likely
meaa* of brtegtog Br. ^aalaaa to
time, aa that implamant wm applied
with vigor and aarnmtnw aatU the
paraoa of Spaalaua waa to.daagar of
the aeoaaalty of Mrgical aUaatlan.
Bat aha didn't get-tha tmnk. The
aeqaal waa aa related.
ThMtrioal BotM.
The Farria Cbmediaaa appeal
SeWaberg't Oread on July »a. 17. »a.
giving aa their apaetolty maalcal
adtoa In Ihelf opaaiag bUI they preaeat no laae than 46 maaleal nnmbera
TbMrpartORBaBeaaarefiratctoas, aad
they play at popolaraniamer price
The Salter A Bartto mamiBoUi.
toal. *-oai L'aela Tom'! Cabto Co., at
mid to be a gio.OOO prodoetioa of thla
giaad old hiatorkal play—a magaifieant aeenle produetloa. It reqnlra* a
whole train of three alxty-foot palace
to traaaport thla m*mBWtb,i
taealar: fifty people, twenty pMlaa.
dookrya and bam*, malaa, oxen,
borar*. eight origieal jehUee aingeru,
pack of twelve maa-mttag SIhertoa
had Cabaa blood boand*: Eva's geldea
chartov "a thing of bmaty," cottog
over M.OOO; Uncle Tom aad hi* typical
aoathem ox-oart. The grand, free
etreet parade ie tbe fiaeat ever wiv
aeid. The aight of a UfeUma. .
Flocktog to
the ~H*w AlMkaa
Port Towaaead. Jaly J».-The ex-nr•hmatasaaer Qaaen baa-arrivad trcaa
ha with 170 ptmengerw. principally
toariata. Tha ofBoera of tbe Queen
atata that the awrehaata aad tradeaof both Jaamn and Sitka are
cloalng their etorc* aad abopa aad
hSMntog to the new Eldomdo. The
ofim my that by tbe time the Queen
reaehea Judmu os the return trip,
ntoe day* henee. there wlU not be aa
ahtobq^ man toft to the town. The
mer Alki mUed for Atoaka at mid
night. She carrtad forty home* aad
1.000 ahaep te Dym from whesc* they
will ba driven aorom the aammit to
to Vakoa valley. The ahsrp wUl be
m to Olrato CIW- Klo^to a^
aton^tared. Freah nmat aaito Uare
St U caat* a pocad.
la toil over Sunday than pay
Mil for aaether psrty- Whatevsr may
havebeaahtoob>eUanatosaaha prooeadara. tbe fact ramatos that beoaaa*
h* woald aot
of anothw he waa foicad to partak* of
tha hoapitaUty of Sharifi Bimpaoo•paaiman wm artcatod Saturday
•vaalag apoB a charge of fam^ag kk
own board MU. apou oomptotot of Mra.
' Bakar, who keep* a boardtog hoaa* on
BMt Froat atraet. H* wm talma ba
te* Jadg* Bobarta yeetarday moratog,
bat PsoaaMte Twaddle had looked
Into tha aatnal faela of the oaae and
: tha dlMfiarg* of
aecMsd aad the dtomkMl of tha
•gsalmaaV miirlisirr wm asaaysad pseaUar. ficMS month* sg6
Bacatwa Of tha Bawa Bala
iff BULAfllMtlocBnc^
Mew York. Jaly IS.-Thcra wab-i^d
tdtaaaaat la tha aarar crowd on tha
atoak axehaa«a thla aftaraooB m tha
raaalt of tha Bawe from Waahlaytoa
eraoeralnc the Urllf MU aad angar
aebedola. Tha daaUnga ware ow aa
aaomoaa aeala aad by lapa aadboonda
atook robe to U4H whaa it feU hack to
l«tX. In tha feBaiBl Uat alao thara
waa a barat of activity and bapyaacy.
oommiMloa boaaa
large aborta ware aovarad haa*llyand
tha valaw advanoed In all laodlng imilwnya and other aoorcaa.
t Hm Xada Xb
maad ea the BnMan.
the board Mil aad when Bpaalman daBarlla. Jaly 19.—Aeoordtog t
eUaad to aatUa, reminding bar of tha
apaatol diapatah Bmpearor Mtobotoa baa
tranaaetSon, abe rafaaad
allow him to remove hi* trask
avaeaatlon ofTham^ and thiCBtaa
from tha boBM Spealmaa wm wrathx
tog otherwlae that BaaatoB traopa will
that if there
law to Btehigaa ha woald gat hi* area* tha Tnrklah froatlar. It I* Mid
bare aami-oAciaUj today that aU powgaod* and ehattiM or know the raaaoa
eia except Oraat BriUto have conaaatwhy. Ha aafaaeqaaatly laamad
to aacariag ad to thto ooaraa.
aatantliKvle. Jaly 1».>-Tha
U* propwty. He want to Joatloa Ver-
•nmCAB GOT 1
Kra. aiskM,Tb*n
mm. The chip will akirt tha aoaat
^eanland, droppi^ tha aaiaatiea
partlaaat-aarkma>iinta. aad taUar
Peary to Whdla Sonad. wbara hla piau
for aatahOahlac a aattlaaaat will ba
aarriad oct.
ratom *oyac* »111
be baroa la aboot fl*a waaktahar thar
arrlTa at tbalr
Will XetsbUah SetUemest Oa Ooart
of OreaatoaA
Boatoa. July lO.-The steam aalltog
bark Hope, with Lieataaant Pasrv sad
psrty sbourd. bound
left St dsybTMk foUy
tod for the voysre. Tbeir object
to to ertsbltoh a m
t tbe reGreealsad.
which wiU be seed M tb* ha.* of eappliM te tb* *x| ..............
tbe north pole, ai
laltw. Tbtbtoesdspsrtyof Btoeimesax wiU be mtoMtobed st tbe eetttoMcMssd wiU, dartay the next year,
beffls fnpurtac te Pesryk uapadiitai.
la the party are torty-t^ FWSMa.
(cr>«Ual on reflitad aogar ia. bowrrw.
aoe-atghth of a cant pm poaad whila
the aenau dlSetMtial waa ooe-Sfth.
Tbe booae aacaiad the eUmlnaUoB of
the cne-toiU if a c«U rodaetkm al
lowed « ianory and other low grade
■agara taattng below n dtgrete by the
It U dalnwd tbet tbe Uereaae oe tbe tUfber gradca of eagar
which wOr'rwuJi from tbe loereaae of
arm add materially to the proteetkm U
the beet eagar todaetry. Th» ceflBera
reevlre Inoldrtital benefit,
ted that tbe ebaagea In thr
angar actaedule will raiae abost UtOO.aoo additional revenne.
Following gre aaumg the mora tatportaat changea made in other aebad.
alee; RMet. U per cent, ad valorvni.
In place of tbe » per cent, fixed by tha
■nate. Tbe honae.repraaantaUvea made
ctioDg fl^t to have hMco reatorad
I the tree Hat. but thy
ih to the nntlrtng demand of the
pound: aecond cUaa. U eeau: third. 4
eenta oo that below U cewta per potmd
In value Ind > eenta os that above U
emu In vaioa Tbcae rata* oa thtid
wool* were tbe reauk of an agiaebetween tbe wool growera and
tbe carpet raaoiufactuiata.
Coal. MWhIU pine lambev waa i«»toiad to
the houae cUuarifieatlon and the bona*
of t: per l.«0 feet inatead of the
aeeate rate of n. Tbe redproelty etooM
of both tbe aenau and bonaeachad.
nleatbe number of artlMw
aa baaea tor ladwhich can be
Tki OtbbnM SpHUiliU.
Hotel Wliitii^g
TraverM CUty, ICloh.
▼•dxwidaj find Thufidfi^.
AAg.lSABd», 1887.
Two 9^ Only BMh VuaUi.
Ooiuniltfitlo& ABdExAininBtioii Ftm «ad Btzietly
To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
aea^. Hew watoada
3ST pass. Tape Warm aad
Ttam who or* aaaU* te eaU. oaa writs f«U sartte*
. to tbe raatomtloB
dntUMe Hat of barlapa. fate aad }nU
baggtnc. eottoc baggtog. gawiy aaeha. Saa«e yaa take BO eksnasaU yea—play them, ttoy an
door amtUag and eonod tlea. which ttu
amau ptaoed on tbe free UaL While
teetored to tbe dutiable Uat. however,
tbe rata* are lower tbaa they have aver
been on thla claa* of aitlclea Aaothpr,
they wiah a »......... ^
vtetory of tbe bouae waa the ellmlaathe tolantioa 'of the TarkW govern, tlon of the aenau atamp lax oe boeda
aunt which haa hitherto haaa comma- and atocka R waa deeldod that the
Bay View Bstas.
< coUecUae waa too
aloated orally by Teafnk Pmaha TJu
Raw oottoB la reatorad to
neketowiU bo actld rts tbe Orssd
■tatad that if thto
tbe tree Uat.
Sspld* A lodiau BsUwsy to Bsy T^ew
not fortkoamtng they will eoapaad the
---------- .
sad retura Jaly If to ». food retonpeace ncrottotlon* and refer the whole
Waahiagton. July 11—It will be good iay antO Anymt tl, st one fare for Fbe Merebaot Tailoring.
matter to their raapaetiva govemm
newe for tbe peopU who haw been roaad trip from sU Hiehigsa potot
apwilhavlewofadepUBgeoardva a
C. L. Loeswoop,
pbtotmmt*. aa wvll aa tboae who real to
O. P. AT. A..
~ldeat vxpectatlOB of tovora of
Orsad Bsplda. MIcA
Oanmay uad ammims •* WUeae. 55
DRS. B. S.jSc CO.
Look Box leo.
Suits to Order.
Fee* dHlvercd a aebotorty
lectUTCupon Abraham tiacedB. At eight
Owfly Bile* and tbe Wtooaa
crebeatragavea concenwhieb attracted
many peopla Sunday la a]wa>* a^tulet
da>- at Winona. Tcatcrday moratog a
aermoB wae delivered by Rev. J. Commtog Snilth. A twlUgfat talUMde aerviev
of grret lotereat waa held to tbe e
Ing, followed by aaotber eennoii
Dr. Smith.
>B U TWM ai
fndlaoapolla. July U.—^oTrnwrBooat
be* appolixed Jobn B. Conner. ««*
Btatlarlan. and ex-Judge Tbomas J.
Tarbuae, of L«baD<m. commlaelcmriu to
vtwi tbe Indiaaa coal field* and lepon
oa the condlUon of the mine* aad tbe
miner* and other fart* lhai may have
relation to the preerci vnlki and
settlement. Tbe appotoler* have
r tbe coal Oi-lda
TUetag ibe «• aad L. A
Indtanapotu.July 19.—Tbe etate board
at tax oommietooner* haa decMed that
tbe ttl.0Q0.e» beldlby tbe balldlag and
loan aaaocutloae of the state must br
Hated for taxatina. laamiinknia have
been sent to county emreern to place
paid-up aad prepaid atock running
Block oa the tax dupHcau
aaUIMmegXM* amia '
Pitteburg, July II.—The ebeBt
WM aetUed Satunlay night at ■
ferenee beta-era the wage oomn
%ated a
and tbe new one la practically tb*
a* before, only e fee- mlitnr detail* be
ing ebaaged The effect of the aettlement will put between 20JWO aad Shew
men to work_______________
rrawfMd Ie Exlead HU Ua'r.
Andeiaan. !nd.. July W.-W.H. Uoora.
general •nisiertnlendent of tbe Chicago
aad Southeastern railroad, aaid that
Colonel Henry Crawford had made all
arrarucomenta ror extending the Um
toto Uuncle. eigbteeu mile* east. The
money haa been secured and work will
be completed by Oct. U. -tuMdic* have
been voted and six mile* gradeC.
ladetwmiaata Law k 0«M.
' Teriv Haute. Ind.. July. P.-Judge
Henry, of the euperlor court, de>J-l.^
the todetermtoau aentanoe tow psaaad
by the last ieglalature to be conatltutloasi. Jodgv Henry was tbe first judge
aaikd upim to paa* eu tbe vMldlty of
tbe new statute.________
tninvd to reatore tb* feea that were
—WE HAVE MADEoC by the toat admin iatratton.
Meegne Wee ta* geaBU gatamay.
Waahtogtaa. July l>. — Borgaa
cupied moat at Saturday In the *eo
to evpport of the HarrU rvaolutkin re
Let as aiske eopeteyoa.
lating to tbe Union Padfle railroad. He
■evrtely arraigned the exeouUve ofArtak ronnerted with a aaTe of tbe gt
M. B. BOLLXT. Mgr.
OD pyoet lU
enunent hiteieeu tn tbe road. Final a
3408 Frames
vast* That WUl Be t aetol «W Aay Ose
WWTatBk* afOetag TSMO.
Ban Francliwo. July Ih-^jeoepb XAdse.
tbaownerof the town Hteof OawaoeCity.
Alaika. the nmren towp to tbe Kiondyke regtea. eurted last night for hla
borne to Ptaltsbarg. N. T. B*
Sait Lake City. July I*.—When Sat
urday morning'* ecBtoon of tbe TruaeHtofleaippt Coogrem opened Praaldent
Craig said the commltim on pennaoent
queetioa. Later the eougree* had put
Uaelf on record dema»dloU‘>«^r 'Immeditte reptoratlon of UirmP a
limited coinage of silver al the ratio el
U to L Wltb bto acottment* and optalona en the moneury queatlon be would
be untrue to hlmseU ' * * If be reBtahicd longer as tb* presiding eOocr.
He therefore aeked Uw eoogreee to
Oovemor I>rahe. o. lewa. la recover nans hla auooMaor. WiUtoni J. Bryan
ing from tbe effect* of hk faff oa tb* stated that tbe financial views of Craig
mpttol ctep* at De* Molciea
Tbe Univwstty of WiseoMln has *>ect.
^ Mka Anal* Crmby Rtnery dea.. of
wetnen and amUtaat protemor of pUIlanonaiy refneed to aecepi CralT*
Fir* at Baku, tbe petrolenm eeatar at
Tb* esngrem cloaed Its butleew SaSRuaka. deettuged five refinerlc* and a arday. J. M. McKnlgbt was cboeen me.wharf.. Several petaucis wwc burned to rvury and Wichita. Kao., a* the place
for tbe next cocigiva______
Freeldeet HcKlaley wUI not be at ChlKlgM Ttm* twin a Mea.
Mgn at tbe dedication of tbe Lcmm
Rockford.' Ilia. July U.-John Welty.
monument. He eouidn't get
a year* of age.' aoe of a well-to-do
hi* bands
farmer living Just earn of tbe dty. to
ander arreal ou tb* charge of thfaateaIng *0 klU bto molhar aad sletar. He
B bard fight
B bim la tbe e
hM mad* threat* oe slumber af oeate exebutlve
—aad tou them to look out or
James B. Angall. new United Stai
States there would be another Hart murdar,
aadnlater te Tuiliey. accocapeBied
ipeaied by bto tbto 'betag the doubto tragedy which
wife, sailed from New Tork
k «w the Mea(
mandle tor Havre Saturday.
Reeeetly hi* emiber soU iwe culveas
The Brium .Mlp Maud hm
aad ca* son waa BO eetaged that be
dared Into quarantlm
pulled eut a kalta arA cut tbe IbrcuM
because one of berervw tsbrilcvM to be
a victan of tbe bufaemC plague.
Bawvtary Alger hm gone to SMilt
Mew TdeA July tS-ToeaM Betefia
iMke. la., to attaod a aoldlenr rsuMen.
aner which he will go te Chicago te VWaw. pratodeat of tb* Cabua fuata,
parfidpau UtbeL<«as Day rrmpnidm bm leotovad a—• thM lew wellFwer Martin. Who toe* down the atam aqatoped trtwpe to first «le« phytocul
a** mw eauttag tbe provtooe
aad etripm al Tccnita, wm ftaed M sad eaodltte
- iiwiitM, Oaba. wHteut eay aeitam
eeata with tb* opttaa «g ampiag thirty
■fit to to* pan «f tb* fipaaiaidg
day* to MO. Be chom the ftemm puM
Ever Burned Oat 7
o. r. cASYxm. Ageut.
Great Cut in Bicycles
ptj to look at the elegset line. B. B. Gtbtaa, in ElUi bkyel* chop. 811 Froat 8v
Worth Looking Up
KimbsllCc .Cbieeco.
Lahue brought with him enough gold
du(t to keep him In comfort fer aome
time to come. He g»c this In the Klnndyke rrgtoa. which U not in Atoaka. bat
In British Ameriea. well
to Nerthweet territory. Thire are gi Id
region* "n the Alarka side of tbe line,
but tbe bonansas that are creating sacb
a furor are a long way taelde of Bi
tarrllory-sbout 100 mile*. •
l^due stated that there was no doubt
of the richnem of tbe gold diggtog* to
tbe IfloDdyke region. He thtofcs there t*
eoouiyx-'fifld to the ground to keep
tbe mlciTs.who can work busy for
next twenty years Ladoe. hewevet. Iseoe* a warning to the throniBds who arc
preparing to rush to the gold field* thi*
year. He my*: "There are at presini
aboul tM*' people to the country, and
thaticumhfv to about ak that can be ac
commodated thb alnter. mitlUonsare
high. I «dv1»r every om g<‘lng up to
Uk* supplier rutflrienl to lari at lea*
eighteen mnnlha The fare to Dawwm
from ban Fmnriiwo to «». and It
ccri at lea* tWt to tranapen mptrilea for one man."
KIMBALL PlAEO»-8old St mskerto prieas.
Bmj jmymeota. W. W.
K. E 8troay. M(r. Tiav.
Brsaefa Stars.
GaeoUa* Stove to atooIeUsafe sad will not explode. It i* cbMp, too. i
A. Moataffae. It7 Freut SL
Is the plaee to buy s Hrat eism loaf Btesd—tbs
best la town. T17 oar ~
BresA It is s
wlaoer. TbartMlAG*
7th sad UsiOB.
Cheap Suits
- Star Groeety, Ui Front 8L
soda. McLrllaa A A*b.«or. Froat ^Bd Park, aad rear MaaonicBloeir^
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Trot^ aad Bosd hortm a qiw
«et of Moqraa* Urmj Bara.
XXXX aad J«
10 Pel- Cent. Off
A. S t>ym£.
I Haved Moved
Modhdaei or TMlot arthflea, Q. A.^S^ A 0^
I.ADIRR CHOCOLATE Button 8boMM81.M. UdtoeOx Blood, oola tom
wuvwimtu at ii aL Mtoaea Tka Oxford* at TSe. Yoaib'a Tka
Bbo. 8tom. A. T. Job.
and Inaeet Powden. This to potato baf Ume. Look OfiS,
tethem. Oetyoer extormlir-^-^- Milte. 'te
E E.
ortyiaal dref man. fiiat door 001
New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Froezers, Etc.
146 Front St
«y Mwnbtrt of th« VMtInii South
; ;:
UBM Btev.
r*i rMcued
e*turte>ot of tour*
vUhoat food Md but UtUc
m otor. At 7 o'eiock BaXtttdhT momln«,
»t a depth of IK feet, the BUiten broke
taio the drift where Bterme had beta
eoBBort. BUreitf la raarfultr antaclatad
- * baa kiat btUy ee<raDtr peoiid* dur*
bta odoflanowt but hi* mind ta
«.rtk.PF»* S!fL
Hr had baaneatoft by the carflh wUh
cctly • BalloB
of water and wUh no food
L. Jutr U.->TSw «
and wfth two
o capdiea that ware aooo
IS he <worked hy their
Md South Anwrka. Who BatindAy tuchl «Rtn«tilBbad as
—• - 'o nach the Tictalty of a Hoall
ntumad (rem thMr fortr dhr** tour of
the lAtfualruI ceotM of the oountrr. of the drii
hwwabled yaotordor hf the PblUrtel*
phU Conwrcial llowuma aed held a wuary hours he had apeet with t^
denaeot dariuM about him and the
BOB the outdoctof r
___________ ti are paMlHot If yoB
cbooM them with dlacaeCian and treat
them with the
ana men wn loo mneo aam, or w
mu wd tba bcgr't wife will lanaf) all
the dadded rws^ on the tariff nuaatloa.
A BVhMwl dUcuaaion of the aublect tollowed. Z>r. Ouatava NeldMtdBe acleatlOc
. director ef the muaaam. prtaldad. By
way of Istrodoorion, be held: ‘The
XJelted Butca oaarreea U now paMlnc
the tariff bUl. and In the ameada^ta
a aperial power la flven to the ptaM*
dent to toaer the tariff quotation 10 ptr
«mt. tor cadi article which ^ be In*
elBdad K treatM of yadBCoaty. ffht
Be proceeded as toUawa: “It would
be atlil iDUfe dlAcult to hare ezeepuon*
al lawB favorinc the many natfisoa on
the Jkaoeelcan oooUoeaL The Inter*
aau of three natlotia m not alike, nor
•an tbelr produce and
dad an
a It would be'__________ ________
poee any leflslaUon that would enclhda
«UUe« equaHty whereby all natlona
iBtarfcrr with producUoa. tor It would
lead to surplur atocka. aadaaatt quantlUes for t^er would be required ta•laad of promaalvc Increaac. which
aaly creatrr and malar latemsorua
With the wbolr world can toner and
Weald Bare Oar
**We have aeen on our tear that the
Vnlted Blales produce
teary «f the articled which we taport
*t preaeoi from otbar eauntrica add
we hare noticed that theae aUtea atao
Itoport many thinft rimllar to what we
buy In Buiope. I muat aay. however,
that1 the m^rlty of your i
tnrea althou^ in moat ways Btted for
our markrta. are too blch-priced. and
there wU be no iDcteaae tn torelpn
- '.trade unUi there is a iwdnctloo tn the
•eneral acale of prteea Tou hare to
•ppredate your doltoa whkh hare
Mtherto been ao easily earned: you
■mat make tbelr purefaaslnc power
Bteater. so that cheaper.Urine win tol.
low and more contectinenL But with
protective duties and Inflated currescs.
•ueb taeulu caanoi be atoned." The
fade aa the only
that they ml^t as well Bght ss etarva
Plane for bringing out the mlnsre 4t
srork In the Boone and AUlmc mines
» woman who la \Tafcabiaatn^
iiiaaitoLa a
AD wbo are now ciwier Dr. Me*
Doacld'a treatment exclaim
Bcbt oo^in tbe back yard when ynor
back is tuned, bat If omiaekms of yocr
own yoa can tocffleo tbe UtUe Km of
otbma Too can hardly taU to beoasM
eknelyaiucbed to tbe quiet, soft roioe*
ptemant peopl^. who as soon ss tbay
bare leaned yoor ways wfO take rad
|OeMBtetntnAli«and then of aklanM
I thTmaldA of uye.apd
'a boliday aow
now ai
a Nindfwi, adV'«
tfaaB«rwtad tnthetbeatw ortbe wiew
tUnff match «e rhddynvaadad by nA
bright fsoM and unmistakable wamth
of weleoM w arriring and ef good
' repay yon tnWd.
DIAMOND J. GTde Oners Look Hml
“I Al Gaining Fast” Pipes
Traa^Bsrisrvyw cape-cisotternyoe* ^
Uarien. Ilia. July Ik-Wfaiu attend*
lag a prayer meeUng at Freedom chur^
four mike aoutb-ast of here. lafaam J.
aometfanm in (rfamUy abandon with the
master and mistsem, admiring drimei,
pkfwee 01 waataa noraltiei and liatea*
Mmetimea to tbe eaniaun and koto
McUldran of tbe honmbolil —Ed '
AiBcdd in acrltewr^
oagn Tttoee-Bcrald.
It bm been stated that three penou
Hampton brothers. Bylv^Mer anl
oot of ereiy flee to tbli eoantcy wbo
esL aged 22 and 1» rmpeciirely. These bare attained tbe ms of 40 yaazs are
moto or tom deaf to one or both
roentfardlfBcnMyaf be
of CosU Rica. Cmtral Amcrioa. made a
strong plea in favor bf pruCcctloo. Be
declared that tbe quesUon came dowa
a centeet between the necesrity- of
BL Loula July U. - Dr. luchmond
Cornwall, of Kaam* City, Uo.. wl
r. Jamm Kerr Isire of GbHgnr rewhile detedtng hU father kOied his
bratber. Herbert Cornwall, was acquit* oraUy read a paper on deafnem brfca*
tbe Boyal society of Edtobotglk <n
led Batwday.
It appears that coagetotal deafaspiration of the scientific—free trada
■how thst the Ulttag was
•Tbe Ualted States U right to protect
___ d. but failed to do so. No asm tnaY be eltbfer broeditary la tbe dl*
action win be taken to the nmt* 2*01 Itoe a la oollataral taaadMa. and
Ber laduitrieeuntll sbecan walk alone." fwriberact
bo ca^MOtned; - for to some pollUml-'teT.
that It^^deprad* oa aroraa^bot ma^
roMweia she U eilll a baby." The meet*
tog hereupon recolved Itmif Into a de
New York. July
The Central La- deaf panorn peryetnatee bat doea aot
bate between Uir free traders and the faor
onion. aRcr a long wrai«l( at their aoceotaate tbe teadraoy of dsatnwa
e party.
yesterday, sd^ed tbt follow* Tbe bearing taotboe and ■Istem of d^
Louis A. Dillon, of Bcuador. told bis meeting
resolutloa: “That tbe appointment of mutes arc as likely to bare drof mute
hmrtrs that hli country imported rdry 1^,?
Powderiy at eommlsOoMr of Im* (ffmalBg as If tbq-kad hero deaf mntee
orach more from the United Btatas than
D as ths grmtest ofBetol laUlt
they asported to them, but the bustaese
men of his country had found that they
could do baiter with Burope. wb< «
war many oaam of eonganiul dewfasro
they were anabled to secure very muto
y. One of tbe Boat aiagutor pednte
smaller rates of tralgkt F. Ferrari
Or. Lore's paper wee tbe ammtlro
• of tbe
ttallbe state bad tbe righi teoutral
Tbe Boanoke Mews prints tfotoOowtag fervent prayer which a oolomd min* «■ marriaro <f pMiooe betoagla
reduelBg Ittt
iiiS* Mcaally made in behalf of a fallow fkmlUw badly tainted with deatna
. .
w da Brm
iff- Cbptali
minlstor: **0 Uad. gib kiat da aye dk
naral oBeer et B.
glnaer at
de esgle det be apy out ton alar oft.
The am of water for aprlaUtag Bar*
Mtber Cree trad, ar
rix bis band* on de goapal fkm.
I tbtj
bie loagM to de line Ob tntt. Kail bit
BoDstreelir. Other eddrsa.
har to de gtraeJ pola
%ll plaM^rbera stater U feand rane Oariand. of Uma. Peru: way down belwera bit fcMH
knew way down ta Ktae loneWa^ ooatem^l^ts r^a wUl be
aad namr ralleywhere mjer la maeh
1 granted.
After tbe general dIecBMoo which wanted to be nnda *Holnt him wld do
H. P. Campbbu. a Sosa.
tsltewed tbe party treat te WBlow karomae lie of mlratAan and rot *'
grove, erfaw* dtoner was served. Te- Bia."
gay there eriU bs aaotbsr Meetteg at
tbe Mueeam. and thee iM Belegstee
Be aame <toWB tbe etatantoteoace
If tbe raioaMr reroct hotel two stept at,
a tima and ntefaed ap to tbe dera.
“Big.” ^ arototmed. “whare-t tbe
mBOEu;AineuD8 WAirra.
Cape Town. Jtoy
Lederle^s SVTSi^
• A.W. dAHRAUS, •
A poritire hbil pent
aooeptad. Now
awofM in all c
if tbe tune to oomraeaw ireatmt at
—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street.
SGROGERIES, Gnid Bifib t Iidiui L I
and they perer speak cnept cm tbelr
bieei and facee-tbey like to be taken
Once In awbUc tbe clerfce In Ott pub*
.. decided to maidb on to lie Ubrary get bold of a good jete
! Of people*
Canaanaburg mince last night. The____
. ...tbe i
Relaring brase band and tbe CecU drum oomc tbete to take out books It wad
corps ware engaged; and tbe march not kmg ago that a woman wbo was
i “**«“ » F)» «**• Dangblem of tbe
I American Eerolntloo oame there tn
from the dlftercnt eectlona They united
' took up the tramp took up be* family blrioiy and get btr
at BridgerUle and
tmti and claim* toady
ready to enbmit to tbe
of twelve miles across
oomDlttce on membentolp. 9bt
the plan aald there woBld be at least about It in, ratber a queer wey. Afttr
l.eu meo Id Una !( was iaeraed that tonkins aboat almlem^ throtMh tbe to*
the aefaeme has been In process of
fcrmailoii ter several days R was rnUy aistray of tbe Oalted Btatea
lalhad of seveiai da»-t ago. and got to She wrote her luqueel tor tbe books oa
tbe .ears of the optrutors of tbe Csn- OM of tbe cards preeldcd for that pat*
nonstmri mince: hence Uirir decision to
pm* rad WM qaiw todignnnt with tbe
Itcrcasr tbelr force dcpuiles.
Tbt o^tlattoM to Induce the coal oMwbo banded it to berbecaamlt
upeiuteis of the district to etgn m uni* dldnolcoBtalnwbattoewaeMd. *
It was not kmg utter this inOldeat
tormlty agTMmcot arc sriU going oa.
The commissloBan hariag it In charge that raotber woman, wbo. from b«r
feel as U they wouU he able to ac- dims rad appearanoe.tbe ctoiks tboo^
rompUsh H.
Becretarr O. rrank might be iittmy, wrote oa one of tbe
Schmidt mid IsB night that the prow Mtds a reqnMi for “The Aatooat of
-pecu were bri^ter (han they have
•‘Bolmm* ‘AsMomt, dq.yoa waatf’*
■■Ob. Idra't omi^amlt it,’*wm
tbe reply. "1 caly want to Bad oat tf It
iful contum* is proper to am toothpicks at tbe faroakit tbe-agraemeaL Jt sras h»> •gttoble."
.last night by a prombmot o^
Anotber itqaeM «w ■ OMgastiM which
erator that tf the .strike to Vest TlrM’pURtBt —wm sailed Sknln
knpt one of tbe clerks basybuB&« half
Pittsbtv operators wUi make aa eSort
early orzt week to start tbelr mince et
the K cent rate. They sriU claim that
aa they arc willing to pay tba price
asked the Uw must protect tbcm to tbe •d tbe otbm div by a nqaeet far Wi
lagtoaIrTtog*i-Alabama" Tbed
opeiatloe of-thrir mlitea
aad Tbea Bam tHaaer.
filtchlngB. rien-i were for the mom
pan saeondsd by Carioe Us Klett. ao
astanslrc eaporter of wool and faMee
Free Consultation
415 Union 8L Telephone 84.
The Specialbt.
Office Pariors at
Hotel Whiting,
Fm TbBndiF, JUj ISO.
West Michigan
And everything in the
of firat das. jewelry ;
Dr. McDonald locatea and de*
acribea the moBt ofaaenre diaearoB
joat as soon as be see# tbe pati^t
without asking any qaeations, luok*
inf at the tongde or feeling tbe
He UlU at onoe io«t what
Uu; trooble ia and what ne canae.
He potB bin finger direetiy vm
any ache,
or dingree^le
feeling, girea a (all biatorr of tbe
CAM frotBbecdnning to eiu, mocb
better than ue patients can titm*
Tbe reason why ao many people
doctor so orach and so lon^ and
are not cored, ia beeatwe their oaae
is not property ooderstood. A oon*
U worth every
thing, aa tbe patient* an shown
. hat the tronble ^ and
are told
what the* most do is order
. to
t ^ well. Na peraon should
think in doctoring asy fnrtiier «w
of taking any more mraeina nstti
tb^ have ooKsalted Dr. McDonsld.
Hisknowle^ aad the adviee
be gites it eertein to save endleaB
minakeB, trouble, enmBaand got*
fering. iko matter
^tioo, how If
siek. ntfr bow
have tried,
donbts may
____ ____ __
perfect kwraledge of dis^ is
power and ana half its care. It is
year life that is «t stake; yon most
either get weU or aoffer. No maU
ter if the beat physiciaus have gfr*
en yon np, or hoapitale have tw*
ed yon away aa incniable,
no mat
matter what anybody aays, look
’ ' your
seeds eqaaiely in the (silee; go now
- -tn riaT—to fkie most
______ Secure
-........ . oorrect bia.
(ory of year ease aad a fall state*
nrent as to whst can be dene (or
toilet article!.
*• lak* aaeet aoaiv. Jaw ». UBf.
ati roa'cteeka m.
oooro MOkTB.
LT.VrarawClir................................... •«•••
GTU:t.*Si5£JfflSJS^ _ _ _ ,
dBWmdtd tke^
*^Btaamape." nraattdfbefaaB.
&miB daily (ron 9KX) a. m. to
8:00 p.m.
- 'j- elkhis^iii
Baveym tried oar
I ooBpaet ih Japan to sake life
f>MpUwfao loae
ways In a buny, baaa doors, swear and
*«n«fec. Bud ttnnMlm out of plm
in a land when the lowest oooij learaa
and pnotkiw an andent ooorttay tran
tba tlnM when ba wabbles about aa a
bihyinasUstnotbat'abacfc. 7
ta he treated weU In Japan—as.
IpdeeiLelaewbae—you mnal treat ereiy*
body. lacJudln« your domeatka, wall,
and tban you wiU enjoy the noat plaaa*
ant and wlUlnc Mrrlea
Thanka to hia adeoce and aUIl.
nttabtei. July U.-^Tbe erenta d yes*
terday In tbe Plttsburc coal mlntnc d»*
tilct indicate that Utera S trouble
ahead, The atrtte has been on for two
WMha with ao eauae tor alarm In any
qMiter. but yesterday tbe pann of
hunm and mutarincB of dlfmotent
took tamiue .tom. and l.WO lalaers
started to Barcta on CaxtneaabuiB. tbe
«h)ocUie point betne the Boone and Al*
Um Dinm. A (tw days arc thc.t^s*
e nearor Use aoUstloa of aratora of theae mfdaa.made a ruquiaiUm OB tte BherlS af Washlnctee conn
thif mat ptoblem."
ty tor addttkusal dapuUes. It la aapriMaaMed me Tradae «Uha
re at least thirty
The moat irohouaced free trader ef
m. ^ell armed Cm
the party. Ayibv 8. B. Bltritlwn. at
Itk> de Janeiro, taad-me to bar: *^Bael*. *The mlnm of tbl tkulera and Tom's
procitr. K “ «*re as easy: 'ated- Aon 'diatrim yuauiday beM
• • aa betwaaa UaUvtdiiaia. wenid
bledlb' be a Jttat daBnltlqa of
«<•Btees'a mince
Bridferilc. CecU sn
meeting of lAorel UUI Noa t and «.
Ckeedmor and Blahop minea aad tbe
fiiendly oountrin dKmM be tneUned to dlgBsrs employed In tbe Standard aad
make It a eyatem U nanrah but I do BUswortb mines m UlUsr-s Ran alee
not thbik It ran exfliat without free held a maetlag.' Tbe catherlags srare
attendsd by men. women aad chUdtsB.
Usny of the women openly branded
I than otbera'
. De ttah referred to the p
Morning Record
bring quick rBtumB.
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