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The Morning Record, May 14, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
First Tear—No. 9.
Two peats.
. WE PROGRESS. :si‘.^.i;’r:i::r^«^“.^fTflEY’RE ALL RIGHT.
the telephone company
lota of i
ALDBBJCAK BBSXOVO BBSS money and oouJd afford to pay to the' BV00inUU»X2r0 WOBD8 FOE THB
nae of our streete-the same aa they did
in other clttea. He concluded by em
S«dar«a the Telephooe Oo. Shoold Pay phatically declaring that now waa the Oommlttee on Seheola and Teachem
forUMofStreeta-DlTlfioo Btreet Ume far the city to make aoMC money
Declare that they are^orth Eig^wUl Have bo Btose Onlsert and out of enck privUegee. The question
er Salarim bat the Taxpayers De
ea to whether the matter, should not
the Dog BuslBeM U Bet^.
mand Boonomy.
Alderaian Goodrich »raBU a etone ha dlsouased farther with the property
To THi Public—Having heard It vaooWert OB DirWoa street wbm that owners on Union street came up, and Hodaly stated In and abont tee city
waa fiaaU^ agreed that this, togeth- that ^ reoent aetioe of' the oommitatroet U croved by MtU Creek.'
wlth the enggeetlon of Mr. Des tee on aehoola aad teachers in recom
The other memhera of the eooaetl.
witt^the poiiihle exception of Alder- mond. was enUtled to farther Jnveatt- mending a reduetics in wages was due
fBaaGarrUoa. don't want a atone cnl- Ration, therefore the matter was de to fauit of tee toaoheia. we wish to in
ferred until next Monday.
form tee public that no eoeb thing is
. eert a( that point. That U the reaeon
true We have no word of fanlt to find
that there will be bo atone cnlrert there
Alderman Lardie called attention to with any teacher concerned. We have
for the preaent.
fnll faith and confidence in their abili
AldercDao Dtamond eranta the Miehlflx eorapenaation for the dog catcher. ty and fidelity, and the aole eanae of
- gan Telephone Ca to pay theelty- for
The price suggested for the poend our aeUoD was the demand of taxpaythe' pririlegea of the atraeta. and tUn ka
50 cenU for catehing and ara in tee city. If baaed oo merit alone
that BOW U Wie aeeepled Ume Ui make
5$ penta per day for keeping five days, teeae aame teacbers'inight welt reoelve
aU the Money we can oot of awsh cor^
when the dogi unclaimed skall be de an increase in place of a redpctlon.
pormtiona. ^
stroyed. There waa considerable obP.^C. UiLaxirr,
Alderinam Lardie thlnka that
oeata a day Uenoogh lor the dty to pay jmUoDto 55 oente per day to board:
^ to the board of anclaUned dope while that was deemed too lnxar>ou for a dog |
, ,IB the poond. It waa anggeated that tbalweuld soon be dead. A oom pro
the ratehr Meeetapec,day; hot Alder- mise of ten cents wasflnallr arrived st,;
. men Orelilek uul Cckik, thoogbt -if that that price to include the killing and 1
prioe area to be paid tb^ had Better be burial of the dogs unclaimed after five | LitUe Inna Parka Suffbred a Fainfah
aent to Park Place to live their resiala- days.
” .■
Little Irma Parka met wlUi a painful
ingdayc Th^ wUl net gd to Park
Tha liquor bond of John Mnrroy.
yeaterday attemooh on the
rtlhJ .A Hopki»«.J Jo. Tro.Uj, ^
I. th.
ol ti.
Alderman Oarriaon wanU the poll Jr., aa anratlea. waa referred to the
City r—.i..
Lumbec.Co.. vrtifle going to meei
taxen^oreedandtheproeeede devoted
imittee OB lieenaca.
t her father, whom abehad not seen for
to bleycle patha Bot he waa Informed
some time.
ihai.the charter alreddy peovided for a
i GarriBefore adjourning Ald«i
of Mr. aad Mrs.
d^oaittoa of anek moaeyt. They U. unreJ 11I.I u« t-'i •.'» V CT>to™a ' Irma Is tee danghter
p..k. i».
, ehall be devoted to clearing snow and
obatraethMU from the walka,
telog cycle paths, bat
™. be
- was Inform
- '-""■'wid hu fanllj U oiOTiod from Grpnd
. whidt. odito iJpragne remarked, in- ed aa statedI.at the kbeginning
at this Kapida to thU city. Yestwday Mrs.
eliHka Mcyelea.
Parka arrived on the 1:30 train with
The abeve.were the ^dpal anb.Irma and at once they west to the yard
' jeeta of diaeaaaihB at the meellpg of
to greet tee father- Aacending to the
thp Bi^ eonbdl last night.
. tnmway the girl espied her father at
Party of Tramps fimaabed Windows
handling lumber. -8fie ran to
The llrft matter of i
of Ballway Ooacbea.
) before the bqprd waa the Dl^
meet him. and hia back being turaed
loo atreel bridge matter. The..diaeuaLast Bight about miduigbt Night- towards her ‘he did not see her. Aa
aioB waa atarted by a mottpn to reacind watchman Fox of the West Michigan the lilUe one approached on a run Hr.
the reaolatioa paaved at % former meet- round-honae waa alarmed by a commo Parka was in tee act of raising a plank
lag.' which gave the Aboard pf public tion among the ooacliea laid up there and without time to turn aside Irma J
erorks power to tear ap DivUioa atreel for the nighU Aa HresUgiUon re ran against the end of it with great I
preparatory to removlBg tpe 24-inch ve^ed nine tramps who were making foroe. She was thrown from the team-1
tile aod ia view of alUmately potting themselves too familiar with the prop- way to tee ground, a distance of 14 <
la a atone culvert or other eniteble erty of tha company. Mr. Fox took | feet. The parents I
^orlalon to carrying-off Uie water.
steps to aprehend the marauders and | where the child lay in an upconaclous
a Goodrich arged the advia- one of them was sacored in the closet eondllion and the father bore her in
IbOlty of planing there a atone colvert. of <me of tee earn. He then sought
to the office of Dr. Moon.
and Alderman Oarriaon favored ike Officer Grayaon and Sheriff Slmpara to The child'was still nneonaciona when
poaiUoa tokea by Alderman Goodrich. have the gang arreatod.
the offlae was reached, but recovered
‘The argument of ICr. Goodrich---soon after. Dr. Moon found a deep
*Mm.t tome meana maat be provided to
gash thioe Inehea in length on the
carry off the water from the flats in
temple near the eye. also eridenofil of
that locaUty. which have previously
i severe jarring occasioDed by the fallThe membCTS of tee McPherson Post _________
been damaged by heavy raina. There
After I
jng the w<mnd. which eras
waa conalderable argement against the
a painful laceration, the girl was token.
evening nt 7 o'clock and attend the in- to the Ooddental hotel- and tenderly
aoeooDt of the expenae^ The merit of apeetlon of the Haonah Elfiea in a cared for. Last ev^lng she sraa imbody. Beau will be reserved for teem
; of Ule
proviog aod it U not expected that tee
diaonaaed aad a auijority of the alder- at the City Opera House. All members rcsnlto will be very serious.
taen were of the opiniea that another are urged to be present.
tile would Mawer eve«T porpoaa to
WUl Knot June Sod.
eome time tA oome. ^Idennan Monlngne argued afcongly agalnat incurring The diroetora of the Farmers' Mutual
Bold in this Olty tela ianiOB.any additiaaal expeaae if another tUe Fire Insorume Co. of the eonntica of. When one stops to oonslder it is sur
wi:^ answer the pnrpoae to the pree- GrnndroTravene. Antrim and Leelanau, prising bow many bicycles have been
«nV He argued ^t there were other wiU meet la this city on tee 5nd of sold In tbia city this sf^ng. Since the
piy«— where Improvementa were need June to adjoat lomea and transact such beginning of the present season the
ed mdro.
and referred to the other buaineaa aa may oome before Hannah A Lay Mercantile Oo. has sold
.__________ ■'
ooeoeroJ^ak and Front atroeta where teem.
M, and two-thirds of that number are
prompt actlcM waa denanded. The
high grade wheels J. W. Slater, the
^neation of loWeriag tha pipea ao as
Fr«wt street furnilnre dealer, bad sold
uUow for a taore free passage of the BieyoU Fates ^Ikad of in Afijdining 46, J. A. Montague 7. tee Fhaona' 8
water aad to prevent Uie aocumulaUon
•ad tee express companies have reSince
of driftwood. eVc.. was diaentaed aad
ilioDofgood bloycle fpada to being oelved abont 60. sold through ageato
finally, on woUoo of Mr. Hontagne. It
was decided to pul in another 54-inch
and Bellaire are now talking up a
tile also to lower them all as much as
makce tee t9Ul number pemething
neemsary. Alderman Goodrich eap-^ pate aad It will probably be oompleted gresL
near future. It would be a great
ported the motiou in order to get it beWB-«DB-TOEO ASriTDAL.
Ipre thebense. but qualified bU attl- thing for all the towns belweep Petoatade by declaring an behalf of the key and Traverae City if they oonld be WUl bo Hdd VoxtToeoday Bventng.
board of public worka, that that body
The annual meeUng of tee We-quedmired the eounoll to auperintend the woidd not make more than a eeatniy
work Jnatdeclded upon, as the former ran. and would prove a great* induoe- tong elnb to cal^ for next Tuesday
did net approve of the aolioo of the ment to reaortera. and in teat way night, when the matter of leasing the
would be a paying hiveaunent, elnb honae totbeQaoea City Blcytee
COOBCU aad waated to have Dishing to
do with it. Aldmnaa Desmond enter-' to say notfalng of the increaae of travel Club will be finally dtopoaed of. and
nofteportanoe taransaet«d the discussion with suggsetiona to it would make betwara' the iowne
mbers to
ed.'^ A fnll attendanee of
economy and Alderman Oarriaon favor alongtee linfe and the
ed a ateee culvert a* the moat eeonom______
teal plan.* The motion of AlderBah abouL ' ;'
A $1,000 Cheek.
HooUgna prevailed.
It Wui be a Sig
A. Conlon, weU 'known (n
The offioera of the Oldd Sottieca' Aat
this city, find special agent for the
The matter of glvitig to the Michi ciatioB of tee Grand Travene region Mnteal Life Inanraaoe Go. of Hew
gan Telephone Oo. the privUege me preparing f* the annual meetli^' Y(wk. has sent to Frank Votroba the
«f the east aide-^ Union street lor the to take plaee In Ihto city, on Jnae lad. company's ehe<^ for tl.OOO in payment
* repladng of the'telephone pedea waa and there to a proepeet teat teto arUi of a policy taken out last Jaeanry. by
largely attended than any bto Ute aoh. Lento W. Votxuba. and
•ext brought op. Alderman Goodrich
•sweated that if the -eompany was previous gathering of the plbneera
upon which bnt one payment had been
willing to pay the expeue at aa enTha Oamera Olnb.
pUeer to locate thdlot lines, they be
W. E. a Aides .^pointed,
given the right to set their poles at
mt Commander Loutoe
those pedntt. Maaegw Barry, who home qf Mrs. A W. Peck, 545 Boat »th
streeL teto evening, to templete the Torek, of tee Weman*e Belief Cwpe.
wna present, agreed to toat p
has appointed her aidee for the coming
tern, hut Alderman Cook objeetod to organisation of tee elnb.
the nae of that atreeL
Go to tha Lion Barber nbop for teir year, and nsumg team are Mrs. Jennie
A Woodin, of Kalkaska, and Adalina
Bttht”i*" street u the proper plaee. onto and bates, 16 oontn eadL
a Desmond doelared tee alleys
Ttaqy, of Fife lAlm.
Is unfortunate, but if you can buy gbods a penny
less than formerly you're fortunate. Oije hun
dred pennies make a dollar. We can saVe you
dollars by trading herfe.
T • t
Black, Blue, Green. Red, Violet, Crimsdn, Fluids
I n LT Copying, Gloss, Fountain Pen, Ink, Diamoadt
Arnolds, Thomas, Staffords. All sites, 2 oz-toqt.
Cream .^aste and Pure
Gum Arabic. Looks nice
out its awfully sticky.
Making a Conquest
When sitting on one of
our luxurious sofas is an
easy matter for the daint
ily dressed maiden. Time
slips by when so comfoi^ably ensconsed, and the
visitor realizes, when be
leaves, that between wo
man's styeet fascination
and the beautiful effect
of Slater’s furniture arristicaliy arranged, that
his mind turned to home
comforts and thoughts of
love. We have the Furniture at decidedly the lowest prices.
J, W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
188-lSe FEOVT ftTEBBT.
orixMlic Ba-kelia Bookoturc.
Special Bargain Day
On Every Friday.
Begionifig tqday. May 14th. and oontiaalag thronA
the aammprseavoo. when we shall sell goods In each department at BpecuU
Low Prioea. FOR TODAY WE OFFER:------.........................A5Xe
1500 yds good Indigo Printo....... 4e yd ; Heavy Bi
filled. Ingrain
IS dox. extra good Linen Towels,
■ Ex. Sup
.............. .......... 57>f0
aizetSxSO Inches............ ......ISepri Carpet
Oarpet at...........*.. SOe
5000 yds. Min. wide Cotton, value
-lOoodBn .
*0 it............................................
4c Ladlaa* Fine Wool Suita-MMrt
Boy'B|l.75KoesPant8nlUat... *1.55
and Jacket................................. t4M
Men's Black Clay Worsted Suita
AU wool Oape. value fl.M. for... 5M
Come To-DayJ
IfU pay yon to do aowfor the valnes are wondi
ReliableDry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
to earth will
- rise again. You can
not suppress it. Just
so with’our-^—^
“BESr^ Flour.
its good qualiti«» can- . ,
notbcau'ppreasaijthey '
. are bound to^aei
moenutg keoobd
WlU Q*m tortdlBv* MW Kwtiaf
UoTol* Mia kim by OiM. O. terr«r.
FxiTr-Foinn> rosxu.
Captnrad at )
fisvfkt fiftoto
Yastarday ^tteraocm when frolcht
to^tn No. 63 an the C. A W. K. M^tved
bare it had on board as
Ua eaptared by the crew thie aid* of
Intarlocben. It waatoond la a pool
of water left by tbe reeeat mins. U
wM taken aboard th* tr^ and
brooght hero. Tbe wolgbt la a*boat 60
poomda aad In dinmetar the ahall a
Ike Haaaah BlSea extend a eordlal nreaaboatltlnehaa. This la tbe larr
■ ■ I: ■ « lavltatioa
to the pabUe, eapeoially eat oi Ita
ever aaea ia tUe lo
ladies, to thalr inspection in tbe City cality.
Opera Hoaae to-nlyht
on Barth.
Dr. sad ifrs J. W. Gi
Tbe Kalfcaakianmya that tie Prank
Phcb«Ct yesterday from aflahiaf trip to Elk
0«M. tS rraat aupM^
Taeker Theater Company disbanded at
B.yiiia AmoBC their
that place, attar filUtf a ona-aigbi eaM*i«wa]te«MSs^
gagement. Ur. TnAer expeate to go
black bam weicfaiar five poaada.
The X>seUa» of Otaao*.
Chief of Paliee Bennie deeiree the
i below the kaee Jolak
, tkaqttaas of asrlj ol*Oia' BxoosD to state that he expects every
the operation U aaooeaatal he expeote
ttbD, tka Wrtbplaoa 'of aoae of the proper^ owner to taka Immediate to procure an artifical Umb, wbieh will
to appear before the pnblic
world's woai dlatinffnlakad acbeUrs. measaras to clear the refaee from their
SB much a favorite ae is former yearn.
tka aast of lasrsiDC sad coltora, ksa si alleys.
lancOmq Berald.
]Mi bees fotoed to deaeead from har Ipfiy
Ckaa. Saekelbea asd Hiss Hepaak
Mr. Taeker pUyad at Traverse Clt>
padaatal of mivbt sad power. Ska hA Cox, wbo Uve la the aabarha of the
Wedneeday night to a big
kasa ooapeUad to bead oadar the iron
otqr, weteasarriad this moinlsc
and erM as liyaly and JoHy as ever. He
kael of Torbisk
paasad throucfa the dty *a a ^ort lefiyeeterday mordlng with hkood^
traaaary nasi dUgorf* laUlkm to be
weddinc tear.
paayfor UaatoB, and will coatinae
iBiaad bj rereaues: Tbaraaaltof the
TmtardayJarnaeKmbrid* aald 1060 aenth, playing at the priaripal towM.
srar pricttesUy jnsi ended doea aot
He wUl go to New Tort later ia the
aoaao to bear oat the tkaorr of tke ear* bashda *f Boral New Yorker poUtoee
aeaaon aad have hie foot, replaead by
siesl of the tMeat. bat rather the pow' to B. L. Banaam for Chieayo shipmeat
an arOfieial one.
W of mlrbt Ofsr ilffbt It Is homilistiMg to eootemplste tke prWeat aitM- the taaat sold bare tUe
Frank Smith vrae daoaratad wiU a
tioa od Greece, bat KTstl^riair to rafleet
fkst tkoagh Tarbsy eu empty b«a; oof- pretty palrof antiets by the Blks last XUoeatly Added to Ladle** Ubtary.
tes sad deprive her of political,power, nlrbt aad'bftarwards a Wnqaat was
Tbe Ladiea'. Ubrary
Ik* yiorj of the past of Greece esa enjoyed by a larya erosrd *f the mem- which ia one of the cldaet aad bast
kerw be obUterwted from the paces of bare of the ladfe In boner of the new orgaaimtioos of the kind la th* atata,
la contlnaally addlag to itMargellstof
Saparlatandant of Q
booka the aewaet and beat pabUen7u report in the United States Sea
arintandent Mona. Witbla the last week or two
•«a ycsterdsy afleraeoa. rooitiac the TTroman
Stacy of the Ulehicnn Tel
the frdlowing have bee* raecivad:
a^Uac daetitatlon of Ai
are la the
Inspactinc the work on
IMl Oa the Bad Staireaaa, M. Imlay.
Oaba. will'iBTlte the carefal
kttaaaad prompt soOen of Oopcreae the new pystam beiny constneted for
the company.
Mid tke Freaideav The laformsUoa
raeslTad U rdisble sad ao deamad by Two year* ayo yesterday wUl be re^ depsrtmeat of state. ‘Ibe sp- asambarad ^ every resident wbo has
I. R. H. Daria.
of SSO.OOO for their reUaf ie bean here that lo^ as the date of tbe
1666 Caba tn War Time. B. H. Davie.
heavy snow storm arkidi devMmted the
afood stsrVbnt more ctfeetiTe
1667 Tte Forge in tke Fbrect, C. D.
Brassre neeeamiy: sad there Is a* crop* and fruit and left dleaefrone re- Bobey.
1668 That affair next doer. Pntmaa.
4aabt the proper steps srlU be taheo to snlU for the farttan and trait irrow16B9 The Agincoorte, Beaty.
protaet tbe Urea sad property of
1670 On the Pace al the Water*,
Hoa. WUlard A. Smith of the Char Steele.
......................nos. This altasttoB I
Boland Blake. & W. MtlchelL
I on the part of levoix Seintiaal, aecompaaied \ij hie
of Llteratare to Life,
danybtera. Floraaoe aad Sate, and
C. D. Warner.
1673 Tneked by a Tattoo. Hi
AuiKtuiA* Dasaoxc baa introdnead a,
1674 Sir' Godfrwb Oraadda
paw ides, for this city, into tbe fatare last nlykt for a vtsfi. ,OoL Wickham is
the yavaiwmeat fa^wtor of harbors R. W. Carey.
the aee of the city etreeta. Laicer and is snparintandinr the
One. E. A Bow
altiee, and iadecd samllerones, are fet- of the aanth pier at Charlevdx.
1677 ThA Open Mystery, Wkitan.
tlBC retarns from telephone sad mU'
1679 White Aprons. M. W. Goodwla.
foad companie* for franchise*. No«
1679 A CbUd World, J. W. Riley.
aaoee Aldermaa Deamond sad declare- How a Toong Xarrtad Ooople. XIreva
1660 Tbe Greea Book.Uaams Jok^
that if oar streeu are worth asytklac
1683 Condoot of Life, Bmeraon.
to the telqihoDe company the aSe of
Tceterday a Mwly wedded* ooople . 1683 la Buncombe Ooanty, Jl. L.
them is worth somethlnf to tbe ci^.
came to the etty after the eoemony Pedfo.
1684 Oallagbcr aad Other Stories, Bwhich made them, a nnit and parl^ B. Davla.
WhatTb^ Think'flf na.
^ of a
1665 Nancy Noon, B. Swift.
1866 Adam Jobneah's Sm, P. M.
Traverse City's new dal\y paper, tbe tbe home ^bae of the eeteemed eiUklOBSuo BxcokD. has reached ocrtabla sena af Traverse City. Daring the re Cfnfriord.
It is nest, newsy and~^ hon» print past tbe ooaveyaace which bore them
With sneb well-known aad thoroayhly to town was left atanding at the enrbprogressive newspopirr men as Bateg Btoae and the horse eafely foaleaed.
and Uannen at the helm It ooybt to After the happy pair had mtlsfled the loterieehan Base Bali Team Organtaed.
Make a yokd it—Cndilfoc Denoeni.
cravings of haager, which nsaally aeWeareinyreeeipt otae*^ of ^e company tke boacymooa, they pre laterlechca cornea to the front with
for boalaeaa. and
MoBinxe Btcou>. a ^Iritly little daiily
............ftom the Hemld otBoe,' tle wllh tbe nniertaittUw of life. The tbeir first game sriU take plaea next
bride waa aseUted Into tbe vehlele with Boaday, when tbe boye expect to de
by Tkoa T. Bates and J. W. Haw
Travarae City'^ta a thriving little city ail tbe g^laslry of a devoted new feat tbe Wexford nine. The dab ia
of good player*, with Alex.
Mid the Bxcobp will no doobt be ball hosband, aad the rabae earefalty tack
Foantaia SB assaagar aad aacoad baaa.
ad withAcUgbt and together wltfa aU ed about her loaxelade the p
m the Um np:
athcr enterprises in tbe city receive north wind; then the groom clambered
S. Eobluo.,
aacooragemMitof the right sort —An r- io beaide bar aad gathered ap tbe
kor Spriua* RepuMioon.
We have received the flrst few nnm- eome time alternately la driving aad
ban of the Nonxixo Bm»B>, TraverM ataaUag admiring glaacea at tbablaom-’
City’*bew duly, T. T. Batae and J. W. tag faireae at hto Ade the groom pre
Bannen. pcblUhera, with tbe latter pared to make a little more baste
foaUriDsa as editor and manager. Tbe What was the corprise of both, abont Two pbote^teo oeat*. CabinetaTS
Bacono ia attracUveiy gotten np, wall tweaty mlnatea attar arating them cents doses. Himes, Front and Park,
printed, bright aad newey. aad jadg- aelvee in the baggy, to Bad that tibe rig
had hot moved afoot. The yoang man's!
iak from appeamacea, haa come
eaffaaed with a
*tay.-B» RapUU Proprew.
Tbe Traveiee (^ty daily Mossmo iy bat basbfal blnah whan be diaeov*iBkooKD. Isaaed from ^ Herald oOee, ed tbetr predleaaent. bat he bravdy
clambered oat apoB the walk aad
I to onr table. J. W.
fonaeriy of tbe Dally Bagla, is editor. haatily anhitebad the
It m a wry bright litUeaheat, and haa thea drove mcrnly away.
peasa*of tmtst aisM WadsMasy.
Tka Boys' BaadirU) ba is sUaaUMa
ftikkalMpartlosottka Bssaak Blfls
. T. Bati I AttD J. W. aunts*. toaifht.
Snaford Onaser of Shar^aa, bna,t .
g, W. Ha»*s«. .Bdttor and Manac«prantad a pataat on a sew device ia' b
r I
the braina aad capital back of i
Mhke it a snoceea.—Chorieroi* 8cm
Kim Kagfie MoXallar to Bxpaotad
Mias Maggie McKeilar will arrive to
day, aftdr seven years sbeeaee in In
dia aa a medical mtodoBary, and spend)
a short time with her sisters at Otawn.
She hM apant the greater part of her
tiaie at ladore aad Naemacb. startiag
a medical mission In the lattar plaoe.
Mtos McKellar visltad friends in thto
dty for s«ne time Just before startiag
for India and has many ncqaalataaeta
here wbo will be glad to Bieet her again.
«aw Offlean Blactod ia Bafotfl
At iU Grand Lodge of the Eaigkte
0t Pythias of Uichigaa, Jnst closed ia
Pstr^t. tbe fcdlowlng oSoeis
^tetad: Grand chaneallor, Dan. P. Ue-‘
MhUaa. Cheboygan; grand vine chan
MUor. C»mriea B. Fisk. Defoelt; grand
pralnta. A. W.-.Bennett, Big Bapids;
ffnnd keepm of records and seals.
XOsa 8. Corflss. Battle Creek; gnad
r of tbe exchequer, Joeep> B.
norn. Bndson: graiid-master-at-arma,
A FaU from a Porch.
Lnsk. West Bay
Yaatorday atoning Howard Griffith,
MBM guard, Leo. A. Caro. Grand Bap- tbrae yean of age, em of H. Griffith.
IdK grand eater jruard.Beano Bohaert,
by a tall from tbe
BnaU 6te. Mariei sapreme repreaenta- ppreh of the hoaae. oonmr Seveatb aad
tir* to th* sopreme lodge. W. D. CUs- Oak stoaem. A cempeand fraetore of
the arm wne sadafoed. 0*. A H. Ho
liday radacad th* frneton.
Pilace Biker;
la tba'plaM to bay
Atoo a good artide la
We also sen tke batter to go with the
bread, both Creamery aad Dairy.
We imr* in stock a faUUM of
Will create an
immediate demand fdr hot
weather shirts. After all
Thuftell & Gane, Ltd. we have said'on the subject
Cor.ru sad t-'alo* Sts.
the public ought to beiH-etty
well acquainted with the fact
Suits to Order.
that we are authority on the
Merchant Tailoring.. subject of shirts of all kinds,
mso wtr.
^ Itmr Mexiwlr Blevli. ftetae OtrcM. our stock of shirt uoveltiei
being the most complete just
HOTEL LEELANAU. now that it has been at any
FsrkSteNt, VHvm& r»Bt ft Omb. time in tbe previous history
ora* oat aho moBT.
of our businen. Tell us the
Rates, $i.50 per Day,
price yon can pay, Bnd ask
MmI riekthtiRafreMl
flitts. for the style yon want “We
■ tierBoerd. ap
do the rest”
They imitate our methods,
but can't match the ^ods.
Prices alone don’t tell the
tale, its the quality. . Our
goods will bear inspection
for comparison.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
The . .
Not Sboddy.BIaokandTaa.
Men's Congress Shoes-90c
All sues
Men's Dress Shoes
fil.5O-fil.7S-fS.O0. New
Men's Working Shoes-dOc
Children's Tans
and Ox Bloods
Infants* Fine Shoes
Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Shots
and 65.00.
Ladies* Kid Shoes
90a-»>.00-«1.86-fl tO-fl.78
aadfsoa AUSoUd.
M en's Bicycle Shoes
»t.6V-fil.75-«2.00fhll f3.ffi).
Black aad Taa.
Bicycle Leggings
60c-75e-Wle-«1.00 aad f]
Ladies' Tans and
Ox Bloods
f1.60-f 1 .'76-tt.00-f8.00 aad
•3 60.
Ladies* Fine Sandals
Ladies’ Black and
Tan Kid Oxfords
Hot Wave
alright prtoea. Try oor new brand
Mocha and Jars Coffee, tbe beat in the
eity.atHQo. It to simply elegaav'
bBijght hats
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Al-00-fl.36-fil.40aad fl.Ofi.
Not Sbeepakla.
Wc Shine I'oiored Shoe* Ffewc
If'Bougbt of U*.
The Man Milliner,
Telephone 23.
itoMtnre Bsdoto, FBioAT, mat li, ie»7.
tz»et SitutioB
tn ' 9na.X»
TMtCTda]r-««&*t0r Uor^'* I
oUtUn Want Orar XTotU TuaaiUy
-#80,000 Appropriata* ter BaUrf
.WaaUaffton, Ma7 W--'n«*
eommUtae on toralgn ralaUoM today
kad UMCabaaqueattosnafc eonaldarattea on thabnaUof tb# report of
the aab<ooaimlttae whlek wkicb
appointed jeatarday to eantar with the
pedant and iteeretary Shannan. Jht
report waa prepared by Sanatora I^Tla
onb-OMaaittee. Morpaa the demaeratio
BABbar, dacUniac to partieipata.
Tke report eoaatotad of ooaelaa atata>
menu of the oontaoU of the oOcial reporta frov theeaaanlB in tbo Oaban
qneatloD. brin^nr Infonnattoa np to
within a week of the preaaat time.
The repoi<aooflr«a and aren ffoea be
yond the aewap^M reporta in dadarinc the deplorable oondmon In the
islaad. It ia aUtad that three hnndrad daaericana are in a atarrinp eondiUon and are wretchedly clothed.
They are aoattarad on aU parte of the
bland and the^ are ahowa no eoodider
Mlon beeanae of their dUnenahip
They are panerally peraana' who realde
aa plaatatioae bat who aia drirm from
their Limea to towns or eoneentrpdos
and hieing a»OB( etraafere ai^ withoat employment, they are omnpelled to
nbdat upon almoat nothing. 'They
ed to reborn to their pUntaUoaa. evenk ta pick beiriea
beiTiea or 1to' eeenre the lenat article of i
They are theoretieally nnder the care
of the Spaniah araqr hat tbe army la
wlthMt eommioeariat^ They hare so
aeana of learing the ialasA TheeamBiilae woa eqwdally impremwd with
It k
woroe a^oeiepoB the qoeattea of oar
relatlona to Ccha than the Impriaooment of Amerieana, of whl^ there are
O.M-Daaeof^orthpart, waejatfia
dW yaeterday on bosteeia
the BMk Cr«
Howard OUlof Mortbport. eane down
- book “Wake
la hla
on the Patoekey yedarday noon.
Bobin," aod in the chapter entitled
Jndpe Loren BoberU want to Van ‘'Spring at tbeUapitar*<pa«« 1B6-1M),
Baron yaatarday on profeaeioaal had- John finrroagba aayi: ".Outdde of tba
dty limita tbe great point od Intareat
B. 8. Bull haaretamad teosa trip to the rambler and lover of oatnre ia
to Waablngton and other aonthem tbe Bock creek regioo. Bockcreekiaa
large, roogh, rapid dream which haa
ita aooroe in Ibe iutrrisr of Maryland
Major Oao. C. Kewcomb ratnraad
aJ^ flowa into tbe Potenao between
frM a trip to Aahland. Wia- Waabiugtoo and Oecnpaltm-n. Iti oonrae
fordre or dx milea oet of Weabington
Oaorpe MUlar of
ia marked by great dlrerdtj of eoenery.
down on the etaamar Patoekey bed- Flowing in a deep valky, which now
and then heoamca a wild gorge with
Mye Jordan of Sattoos Bay, and E orerhanging rocka and high, prccipiuraa
bcadlAda, far tbe most part wooded
B. Daily of Empire, arrired ia town
—here icpoeing in long, dark renobea,
yeeterday to do baelaeaa
i there sweeping and bnnyiuj atonnd a
Mr. and Mia. O. P. Oarrer,•. go to their; certain bend or over a nwky bed; refarm on the Penlnaala today, where I ociriDg at abort interrala mall nna
they will apend' mneb of the time dat • j- and spring riTolcta which open np Tiaing the snmmer.
! tea and oatlooka to the right and kit
Nothing more beauti
ful than a well kept
Lawn.« In order to
produce one it is necessa^ to keep it well cut and watered
LAWN MOWERS. From.... .........$2.75 to $8.00.
RUBBER ANDCOTTON HOSE....IO to 15c per ft.
1 alsa put in Taps and Connect to city warn at bottom
prices. Give me a call.'
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
---- AT-----
A.. A.iw..^
-t- ^! creek haa an aboudanca of all tbeelaAo*^b«^ YpdlwU
that make up not cnly pleadng
Tlio, 1.
local pnbUc acboola
pe^apa not another dty in dw Cnioa
Uoyd MUla, formerly of. this elty, that haa on ita toj threabold ao much
now with tha Hexelttee Drag Ca., of natnral beauty and grandenr, aocb aa
?k for in remote foreaU and
Grand Rapida, b in the city doing boaA few tOQcbet of art woold
Ineaa and ealllng on old-time friends.
oonrert tbia whole n«iau. extending
Frank Baaailton retnraed frow
from Georgetown to what ia known oa
Grand Bapite last night aeoompanled Ctyatal vringa. not moe than two
by Mka Bra Hamilton. hU niece, who milea from tbe prreent atate deport
hae come from Boetob to spend the ment, into a park npeqoaled by an^>
thing in tbe world. There are pamagts
aommer at Snneet Cottage.
between tbcae two points as wild and
ssTage and apparently as remote from
THE MAKING OF^POISON. dvilisatiop as anything one meets with
ia tbe moantaiii soorces at the Bodsoo
or the Delaware."— 'Life and Ugbt
behind a wildemea at waiehonaes and
tnmbJedown lenemeuta, in
e getei
Jealooaly gnnrded. A rliitor most not
oaly be earqtel when be stepa and refnLi iKn tonching, be most also
tareotte with great oentiem. One of tbe
terribto poiara maimtactiired
■eenoaM^aebemteal laborat^. This
is tbe daadlidst of all known poteona
stricken dead from
inhalit« its
la fames. From S to 6 f«
cent of this
perts-df watw aiafcea prasrie add. This
dilated poison .ransea iostant death,
The report indicatca a genaraUy even when taken in
wratdhed eoaditkm of aU the InhablNext 19 anhydraa arid, the wont
tante of the islands.
ptdson they make is cyanide of potmYellow ferer, email pox and dyean- sinm. imet year they tnrned c
tary are ehewn to he preralenL Tfaeee I.OOO tons of iL Five grains being a
fatal dose, the annnal odtpal would he
lUanaim are eepetfially oppeeaiTe to.tbe
■Bfflrient to kill S.600.000 people. In
Spaniah soldien. The report indieatu __________
tbe warkroou. where men are gatbas>'d
that the SpanUb army is less strong |
, wKcb’s c^dron Staining
than it was a year ago, largely on ac-. ever a hondred
fanndnd wei|d>t a
cd molten cyaeooat of theae raragea They indicate I aide, a Mrmgu picture is preaentt d.
ia forora.
‘ Tbe seething mam nf white hot liquid
Mr. Angns MecKenxie. An old mtam
well knows as a prospector in tsstbem
Qoea^iid. Asstralie, reoenUy atrieod
teom Mew Oninea with a large qaeatity itf gold imd thinks there is a gnsA
adranmge to being a tteotchnsn. When
Btribtramnehof tbeMwMAteD
to his lot while iausptdting te gold.
Be mM tfant the ttsttres would do any
thing for him. pnriding Ik ployed the
pipee to than at night. They lootod idter him and his efleem and acted asportemwlthoat other pay than tbemoate
at tbe pipea They took him over new
oonntry and riiowed him where heavy
gold cooM be obtaioed. It ia pomdbk
that intending pnepectors in Mew Unlnea might lay oat their money to worm
advantage than in tbe porehaae of bagpipea In any cam, Mr.
gnds tbe pipes as tbe best and omet
t be ever made.—
Jndidont i
Mew York Bon.
l am the ageat for this fam
ous Brand.
I Violin. Mandolin, Ban
jo. Onitar. Cello and Basa.
tatmob kH dMt iBle 01 m kMi.
Ternu Beaaenabla.
DeUverM to maj port of tbe city.
FtBisehmai’s CpmpresseiTnst
Boom e. Oltp Opera Boom Sloefc.
E. W. Hastings,
—Fire Insurance a
—Real Estate.
TiLBraoits n.
Jacob Furtsch,
AlBtJnioB St.
Telephone 34.
Are Others I
But there are no Clgaru arado
——equal to------
Groceries I DIAMOND J.
Gel yqpr photo at ?& cants dosrn two
»ma 1 onea for tan eanta, at Himes*
Gallery, south eaatooraar Front and
1 lersace nreo uw pnauiom taoraoc tne Park streets.
» as to the Aorencan »<B*men. exrreloped ia an nnoanuy
poUoy, bnl reporU tlm aitnation aa the < lookii^ ^am nuiKk. peering into tbe
mambera aae it. In view of these de-' heart of the dreadhil mixture tfarongb
ealopments la the committee, Morgan j tbe thicA atmrapbere, an a tcmble
vread not to prem hte raaolntkm to-1 Bisiit- lo another room, where are tons
CUr«sr sol rsjrbrute the foarlli.
hr ts<^r roar
day. bat wiU aeek to hare the queaprodnet, looking like
palsted la SB srUMlr
joystaliied sugar, "good enougb
tlon made oaflatshe.
■ ■ eat, ” one man is nerri allowed alone.
Thk acqeiaeoeaee anihe eeaai
laUwspsrt' po.
___ acme inexplicable ____________
t'p-to-dsts PaiaUT sod Psper Bsas«ris for temporary delay and is givrn ■ dsm t strange fascination for tbe .
voder tiwtmprensloa that it will rasnlt who inhale its fames, nisy are bituit-1 *»» Vrant otraet.
ed fay a deoire to rat it Bot. fcoowing |:
in bring
a of foreigo that satisfying tbeeraving means m-__________ ,_____
part of t
•sM by an Dsaltfi.
riant death,
but not aU. are idile A/rBBBIXI&KOrB . .
Telephana ordan to No. lf«.
to resist it Aside from this tesdiiaiian
orbo sr» loohlas tar ibe tsiret rBshka
At two p'eiorii the Mogan Caban its maimtsctore is not comridexed nnItarsdDn^aiU So »rU te rsll si our MabS ami
raaolntioo went orcr nntil Taeeday at healthy. Tbe same rannoi be sted of
m tbe brarnt of Ihr Urs*s> rsrtofy of eibratbe reqooat of Senator Morgan. After cotrorivpsublimate Itsfumea uredeadilBtbrrigr.
c on Che CAapimn resolatkm. It ly.—Chicago Inter Ocean.
Oity Kewe Co.
sily referred to the judiciary
A joint rasoInUon'. was
Tbey were just .O&icg pp tbe real es
ofterad by (?aiager apprapriaUag SM.tate deal, and the man o^bo always
•00 ter tha'Amarirans in Cuba whiefa wanted Fomeilung Ibrowo in to make a
. weint to tha for
Ever Burned Out ?
good bargain appeared tcMeriUta.
"Wbat'll you throw iu?"
The delay in the aeaata cwmmittee of
Il'Imt’U you throw in as a sort of
•.nlf. ,.I.Uou I. .rilUnldl., Ik.
report onUl Mooday la to- the purpose bonnsr
"Ob. yes, yes. of oaorre!" odd tbe
J o. r. OABVm. Aorat.
ofgiriqgtbeprcaldantan c^iportaai^
realesrete man. “fiowrinpidof mel
Bepreaentattoma have been
Why. tbe fa<‘t u, in our line of busiiKm
m^tetheprerident tbat there *«1 ;e sre^Tx^^UyTt^l^b^^^^
htery for Immediate aoUoa.
It was. prO^ tvt. In Thts TWO, fOR te •mfce It
lorn Croom FniitTlATOn-VaaOla, Chooolata, mrawbeny. Pita
also repreaeritad that tbe matter of bisdi^. 1 don’t mind tfarowiiag in tbe
BaepbeiTy. TdM Fratti, Orange, Peach. Lemon. Banana, Piatoshio. Cheng,
xaoogaitioa ought to bo by the oxw boekttxra."
"Sow you're talkii
oaUve and sot by the leglaUtlve bMch
gruit lOBB—Lemon. Pine-Apple, Orange. Bampberig. Cherry.
l^j claimed tbe would be
Shoes at all prices from
dl the governmeot. Tbe pn
pays for a teas to stick ootter hla
this to •l.M.
8herb«rta—Baafberry. Orange. Stmawbarry, Cbarg, Lembe, Plse-i^ppia.
bean urged also to take steps looUag^
0^1, S:
The 4th of July.
And tbe VEBY BMt Goode
Gteo. B. Wiimie,
Frank Stepan,
Frapait iii OelidHS I
Wiol0iBi.,W«itadt. • A.W. JAHRAUS, •
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
and Fine Candies.
Th« EoUowlnff FlhTon are nutde to orAori
Shoes For S1.60.
toward the relief of the staiving Amar-!
only aftar-Ow troaMmwra
leau is Cuba.
The membete of tbe I node «bri Jw
ooi^ttae think that the prarident wilt > wen p^abte by and not to tbe owner,
taka aetloo before Monday, but if noth- < —fAiaago Pori.
Ing b dene twfore tbat time there .gill
be no doubt tbat tbe eommtuee .wUl
Good ciwnradwditp may coast for
■rge the Morgan rcablndon l£ the
modi. Mo man ever typSed thh be«er
tbri tbe WgO MWri Broker who euid
t will be practically a unani- to bis friend the reporter: "I didn’t,
n in favor af the reat,- tail until after Ihe evening papas went
to prem. to that yoe ooold bave it all to
immense New Sleet fron
Chieage. .
. I Peifect T1me.Kee|mr...
Have yoo ever aeea our new
'Oabinct nioioe, 7S cents a doaen,
omaDer awes two for tea oeata. Himes'
gonay. aoatb east earner Ikont A
McLellan & AJsh,
Braeeh Braib Cetoe Ok,
Want Drar aim.
Railroad Men!
Than any other finals theeliy.
We make them cveig dag.
.S.. S. n-K-yTMT A.JT.
We Make More Picture Frames
Try a Pound Box of o«r Ptoe Chocolates.
Ttae Hamilton Watch
it that if I
aore landing food and clothing to re
lieve the wantsof the Amerkans they
abould be accompanied by an Aarerican
vrazohtp. The preaMaat listened to
tbk advice but he tea not indicated
his intentions.
We eleo put up Bridt^ Oieum—AU llavoia. one to three f
abri^ Wa deliver to all parte of tbe
and out of tbe el^.'
,ef Wbtebm mat Jemtrr-
if Yott Have Logs to Sell
Correspond widx
Lumber Cbmpany. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wobd. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, includiog a Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Powers Present Their Note to the
Sublime Porta.
B«t 8* Umr IMbm to DoAl «iili Katopr
'-tma lo^C oa
DlrooOr wltk
Orerro-Xauon Ar* Vot Vnjr
M Bate KMw-fliwlu B««ala th* Bt«kt
to Boftoe Aocoptoac* of to* SMn> Of.
June 4, BlIU wciv pasSa: Provldlnej
that cities oiraBlaed under special char- ,
-------------ten shall have the aame power to levy 8^ mWemmm Ptoy»4aTf««fc «a a Oahto
and collect Uses as cm« Incorpoeaied j
Car rsaaiilm.
under the *eneral Isw; to encourace the ; . .“John, dear, mme one ought to speak
proiBitatlon. cultivation and protection to that womau. Bee. tbe’s Baotb”— •
of ll»b; makta* aprn>i»rtatl..n for the i
-pm not nsnning this toad, fimddee,
aoutherd Illinois penlu-mlary at Ch«»-' jt’e nrobatlv her own kid."
rfo„,lo„ .r u.. -1..I r»iM lo
Has Your
Fore Powdered Spicee,
Cl K. BBOWir.' Attoraey aad OoaaMlltoat
O. low. SpeeUl ottetoMs to eoUieUtoa
aad coDveyaaetBs. MlFmmto.____________
(. V. X. MOON.
AM of ibo
naex. C. mi3gBT. AUonry. 8p«riM aV
Jr tontko to ProbMe peaeOew koowSaad
fO. MercaaUle Oo. Week.
The hoti*- pa«-e<l the bill to do away \
Of courae this dialogue we8 futniabed
with stX'day'blcyvle raivs and strike out - by hoeband and wife. Booribs—A cable
Pore Cream Tartar,
1, Ctly Opero Soose Block.
the Miactln* cUuses of the Humphrey
l«ood down towa The character
*tre« railway Wilt by an ove^hdmlng
as "tliat wofuan'* was a favoir.
naleof oucrrtoluageaDd decided atem- (SDt Fsee BoklAs Powder. If yon waat n* to
Lonflor. May IJ.—The powors throujre
nie Ifltereet In the fl*ht
■she It. 3 pounds for »l.0D. Hnbber toeetlng.
Dim 8bo boarded the ear at Fiflyth^r untiaasaAor* t ConAtonUnople
Rubber Tnbtog. all nlacn. Water Bottles tguar»«ve rWYntwl « note to the porte Mk- «as mctirally no flKhi. a« the oppon- ointb atiwt. Di her anna abo eafried notood for two yean.1 Foautoln SyriDgro,
In* the RUUnn to »*ree to an «mi*Uoe enlr ot the tilltf wen- In auch irrmt ma- flw “It” referred to mau faabioD as aaay kinds. Thmt Brubes. sod AtOBiirn..'
Mid order Edhem r*iriia to »top tlie Ad iorits that they r.'fuaed to pemitt de- ^tbekid.” Ti-nderly. aliaoat loraffo- Olyrerias and Witeb Uarel Lotion for ifae
vance of blB trooRA.. The Atbens corre- bele. and wouM not let any one ex Mtion, tbe woman bogged her charge. hands and (aeo.
plain hla vote. aithouKh eeverai at Not even tbe end of io tiny noae nor a
^londent of The DaHy T<rte*ram enyt:
tempted to do ao. The vole on the dirt wiapef bat^-hair peeped ont from thc
“Bj- the c*«r** e*pr.vred
Uli was on Btrlkln* out the enactln*
Cdtint Muravlerr. Oie Russian forelm clauw—>-ea». 1£2: ray*. ». The second folds of tbe long cloak. Tbe wpmas
■Duggled and coddled tbe bundled obild,
minister, has Instructed M. de Nelldoff, Humphrey. Wll-the commleaion b!Iland never an infantile Wail or a gasp
the Rusetan ambassad<sn at Coustantl- waa killed'hy a vlVa vcce vot^.
7*h'e nay vote on-ihe fltvt Mil was ae for breath aronaed the wondering paa^ople, to lnri«i peremptorily upon a cesaeugers
to actiui. When the car teacbaaUOB of txiMllUies by Turkey. I also folluwv: Allen of Vi-rmiUon. ATchltom.
ed Thirty-fonrth atxtrt, “that woman,” kwaler we are aerer caute'ot to "let w<
leant that Cou^ Muravieff has'derided Dames, Barrirklnw. Ranlin*. Blond.
enough nkme' bat always try to laprbre.
Brannf®. Brown. CavanauRh, Crala. atiU bugging her bondle, left tbe car.
to have an aesembly elected In Crete In
^ .
,, ! EdeJirteln. KIdrIdire. Fanvll. FlannlRan. The bosbai^ and wife followed. Tbe
oMer to ascertain the
Cretan opl^
Jarxla. -Johnson of WhUeirapedmi.
IMU If the Creuna ivject autonomy, the I
Mitchell. Morrl», McGInnte.
Safe on tbe iridcwalk. tbe woman
entire Question will bereconrfdered. Ihlsl McEnry. Mltc*elL Morris. Murray of panisd, shook the folds of tbe baby's
altitude ie mil of hope^ for Crete and ; Clinton. Murray of Sansarntw. Nichols.
ekak. and deposited on tbe paveaent a
Greece.'* ■.
It wss 12 o'clock when<derk Reeves long eared, wet noeed. watoy ^ed
The correspondent of The JJally Trie■panieL That was all
pa'graph at Constantinople says th« sulian
• •Well. John. I'm beat, ” told the wife,
neects the mediation
latlon of the powers and
“go’s the condoctorand tbe compa
detfvs to negotiate w ith Greece directly and the hig belt <m
houses wos tr.lling solemnly as If ring ny, ” lespondtd John. “Sbe smuggled
If this Is nfusrd the Turkish dAnandr
ing the death knell of the H'
tbe Ixw-i and gcA (bo- beet of tbe
will be more exacting.
i was e-niBit enougb to mind tny
nie BerUr. ewreepondent of The Daily
hrarr* ea Che Ilall Field.
Hews says he Irame on cxrrilept au
Came on.” -New York
thority that the'Turtdsh government de-| Chicago. Slay 18,—Leotrue w
nrnnde a war fndemniiy of £8.eee.riK>and ' the dtam-nd
|Mo. line. 4 HO. 8
Btealt of MsssIbb,
the right to occupy Thessaly until U is, burg] M»ll I g» AoCb
Euginrering achievenentx and poastlA M.tP. H. A. B.
{ Philadelphia 3.St. t»uis8: isecondgame)
’ RaXi WantsVbe IV>wei» to Hurry.
| Philadelphia S. St. Ia>uIs t; at Washing- biliiiM, from tbe modpra point of view,
The corresiiondent of The Times at i ton—Boltimor*- 6. Washington 4: at arc tecciving an adtiitioual ilinstration
Athens aajvi "Anitc anxiety 8 fell here : CTeveland-Brookyln B. Cleveland S: at in the ruse of .the projected innuvl bebecause of the absence of any hews from Chicago—Clnrlnnatl 1.' Chicago 8.
(wcni the mainland of Italy and the 8General SmoleneW* column. Owing to! Wefteml,*ague;AlMt;waukee~Kan--NewIdeas In----deUy In arranging the annistloeihegov- gas City 1. 'MlUvaukee «: at Detroit— laud Asf Sicily, - ptana and details of
wbicb. in xbndel, at executed by tbe
emmer.t has addiessed a strong protest 0«nd Rapids 1. Detroit 8.
civil eugioucar De Jobannis,
to the powers, declining to bear the re- ; Weriertr AsaoriatUin: At Quincyy «]
should further bloodshed oc- ' Cedar R.Trids '.Quincy «;-at Des Moines have attracted much KtrutiDO at tbe |
, fponslbllity
serious compileayona ' —Dubuque I. Des Moines 6; at Burllng- University of padoa. After tborongb]
cur and lead
As M. RgiH expUins to me. the got-wn- ’ ton—Rockford 1. Burlington 7: at 81. Jo- and carcfol stndiea of tbe strait of Mes-'
meni 8 In d serious predkameni. In or- ' eepb—lUim
■ina, its varying depths, tbd nature of !
. der tn.aecure medlaijpn It has corapro- jump ________
tbe gronod and of all other ooBditions ;
-Pretty Effect* .1 —^
mtt«l lt»ll in uS ey- ot l»il. Grenk. ;
M.y ri-I,.wr.'nV. Btm- wbMd) might assist or interfere with j
and Cretans, without obtaining « post- '
man. a farmer from the neighborhood aneb an ondertaking, De Jobannis de-'
five guarantee that Turkey will cease of ManUtee, Mich., took paeAsgicided (hat tbu beginning of tbe tunnel i
Milwaukee on the steamer M. H. Co- Vbonld bo near loan Giovanni di 8ani-i
- The Times corespondent at Candla
veil, but when the bc«i arrived here tello, a^ tbe foot of tbe Aspromonte'
It Is feari-d that autonopiy will '^
•, tbe niootb on the olb- i
owing to rte op^commtfwj 'suicide by
tlon of the .20,004 Cretan Mohammedans ,
His brciher-lh- CT side to bi‘ located on tbe degli ingle-;
«n the Island who fear that autonomy j
p„idh.k rccelved a letter ci plain. Tbe entire tnniN-1 will beitear-1
wut end In union with Greece: while the '
Saturday' saying that iy two miles long and will consist in
tbo main of two sbafls of about 10,000 ,
feat each, descending at a grade not cx-' H
c^iug 82 feet in each l.OOa Such a ’
Illinois Ceatral tielU Ho
ssmiAG TO OK*.BCtr» aouMKiiT. ,,
York. .May 13.-The IHinols Ceninel is thongbt pivferable to a bridge , gheCUa Knock tbe .Fat lalo tbe rise U’ tral rallrdad has negctlated a sale of that would involve snebagreet ..__
toe UortolUke the Cookery.
I gM.WW.bOO of 3H TXT cent, gold boildt and wind exporare.—Harper’s Bound i
, “
»« ••
^Dondon. May 13—The Athens ebrres- 1 «--cured upon the fomer Chew^ake. Table.
. .... 480a.m.
unsTB ui noBEUiin LI
At Our
Soda Fountain
..... ..
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Cut Glass.
.honl, l.Ior. ,.,ia.«lil l..t :
u-,S ..a' N™ (Sm
ceording to the Baltimore Kewa tbe ^
evening, siys; The government is l«mortgage 8H P?r cenL bonds to fandcis of Maryland are becoming 1b- l
coming sermusly discontented with tht :
maturing dlvtalnnai bonds, and
tmriedintbe morcmuit lor a general 1
dlpkimattf situation, and the opinion U , >2 ooo.wpo of maturing 8pringfl<ld dl- chitivation of tOfaaixn and f<w the intro- I
growing Ihil It would be Utter to con- ; vision bonda to U rehew
leuvdI at 3U per
dnetion of the raising of rice. In earlier *
tlnue the sriuggle than to submit to : c
days tobacco was grown thiVugbout tbe i
terms woundlrj: the nation^ honar. '
ttatc. bmfor tbe last half century it j
Some of the poweta Tavor a ^roall In- ,
demnlty, ,a
a modlflcaUoh elibe
eljbe frontier i Pittsburg. May IS.-Pri-Atdvnt M. M. has been confined to the conuties of |
and a limitation of the Gr«k IlreL But ■ Garland, of the Amalgamated Astwcla- wnlbem Maryland. Rice basuever been !
this w .nid never be arcri'f^ by Greece. ! tlon of Iron. Steel and Tin workers, baa grown in tbe state, but tbe recent sa<.'- ;
Bhe possesses the rixbl to veto the de- ! appolnled tbe wage committee for Uiis
rialons of the powers. In their original 1
This committee will meet at the
note me powers can.-d upon her to aban- • headquartei* of the organlxaUon tomordon her IniereAs to ih«n, but UiU form'; row morning and fommUte a report on profitably taken np in Delaware and
was rejected and the word -aurus." the wage scale to be presented at the Maryland. The yield of Dee is Dom 85
was substituted for "abandon."
\ annual convwiUon to be held In Detroit to 60 buAeU an acre, and 8« net profit
I week.
o news of re-'|
Tbe fact that, there Is no
ipsaid to be from $20 to $45 an acre.
sewed fighting must be regarded si |
d Bed Xea. ■
n ttifeasy lepllns
feeling «UI.
exists J
good news, b 1 .n
y 13.—The greet couru
here. The ^rks-dre trying to
| oil of llllnola Improved Order of Red
the Greek A^ilicn at Domokos. and the Men. Hected the followlrjg
delay in tl(e pone's reply la also inter Great Hchem. P. J. Nanawirtb, Chica
preted te’meXirfhat Tuticey dots not in go; great rtilef of records, WUson
tend to' cease hu«tilitles. Telegrams from Brooks, Chicago.
• the frxmt reporf^ that-both armies a.w
toticentraiing tn'antlHpation of as en
Green bay. WU.. <barbers «re trying
Tbe city continues QUlet though It is
hetle%'ed iliat tbe numemus Italian to bring about-8unday closing.
The Mississippi Valley CoMonwood
volunteers and socialisu now here wiU
c&dearor to fonic-ni'a revolution leading aasuciatlon Ttas declined. t“ ads-snee the
Es of cuiionwood lum) a republic. But the Greeks
4..0I-] to the tnon»roblc-l I.m *nd the ;
C p.. l.OW feet.
*om thht I. likely to h.ppett -111 he >
WllU.m J. BiThit 1* W
e^hiute of eoren-lyti. The tetttrti of , Demoe™® iti.u ttteetlhi et 8.1; Fi.n_JV of Frcwit
Crown Prince Constantin to the cajdUI <''*'<»
might produce dlsturbatw es. bm be Is i Master t^umbeis at Chlc.igo have ani» roroiily
• Hkrly to be discreet enougb to avo:j : nounced U»elr Intention a ending the !
.hhh. with
Athens for a time._____
I strike by rsopenlng thetr sbotw
union calls this
^ Metom to
Done hy a "Be«tT (TUlsr
experieore wod satUiaeUow
i a •'hluir." but If It Is put luio effect it - HineeB yeare’ exper
Ottomwa.-la.. May U.—Th» mystery , mM g crisis hi the trouble will result.
•r the KIdon bank roW^D'the ntotn- I
grttaln 8 buying horsv In lb*
M/.vCEiJ.A.VEOr.S H-.4.YTS.
mg of Feb. 1, at Whlrh Urn*- K.tqo tn | AegenUae republic for use in ib«ca\-airy
eaXb was leken. has at last bton un- :
nveled by Pinkerton detectives. Ex- '
QD- Maivbat Charles Stevens, of Eldon.
a highly re*pc«ed clOsen, has confewsod reiiwlnder of hla days.
•0 being the InHIgaioF of the crime
tanpUcate* Dick IVxld. of Ottumwa. Qtid
j ITIBinr CLAaB-BlUlard asd Poo! la^ fw
three Chlmgo chracksmen. The latter
mis KB
-ijr *wJe. SwItoMe for wo-w'; ' '■ort. /Can
OLB BOSmen did the work while Sterenswatebad convention at Pittsburg. About W of | w ^-wre^wi^^m^A^
Mlride. Stevens was -night watchman the £»0 member* In the a.«oriailon are TKb«. Hotel Leeuosn. r*
«f lAi- tlly at the Ume.______
fKT*D-Oood, reliable agento
in attendanre.
- es«y wtode.^^
r^flU--------Why. or cwa’iwe They Wees.
A wedding out of tbe ridinary took
4 ••
PrmwMrect. wpetalrw.e
HaxhvUIe. Tenn..toUy lA—A double. plAcd at lacrosse. Wls. The contracting
, lynching has occurred at Jeff, Ala. parties were John Amasmeier and
Catherine Bollgen. The groom'd parBoth men l>-nched were negroes.
18. — The em». who were celebrating the golden
aonwes of two women. Nclile 8n.lth and annlvereary of their own wedding, of
ficiated as best man and maid of honor,
Tauber, wholes^e tlquor dealer
et tbe village of Jeff. They wert, hanged
bjr« mob for poisoning Joahna Krily, a at 444 Blue IsUod avenue. Chicago, has reTenctob. BEETWILH£UI,cS«t rxUoc.
wrildQMTO dtla^
They ware ne- failed. The ameU are 88.06C and the Ua- gad iMk 8U.________________ Z
bUitlca 812.000.
Tbe imnris supreme courf has hand-
Eclipse Tea
LeakJs them all fof qualkj' at
■» gv
itof |£k
1 f%.
r™^hiJj”Z.rti““h^| Ollier Teas tfoni 20c. Ui. up.
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
........... .... .........
tas Bel /town m «haa> wit
There is a bread war at JaMtoffla,
Bprtngfleld. Dig. May U—Tbe MDSte ;wjfc OQt.toBLa lORtls the ei?<*-PP*.
yasterday adopted the Houm joint reaoJPWo pbotefi tea oBBU* Oaplacta 78
mtlos • for ffoal adjoaram^PT after
Btaa*. IDmt ami Park,
gniwamg ti
m to
th« $pte aoBlhibrt eoraar.
oifkaas^DCU^TlEr^inSslD sod
fcWgwwlJunctloctoNo. I JBtop*<mly « tok*
uTU. ta. -I -ha. —isss."-
West Michigan
...... 110 6 m
BW 480 ttf
ijj IS.’:'".
IMckage Ocffeee from............. 14e. Ib. iip.
Sc. pke- B'.'toine tor....:......................Beloe. botUe of Mustard for......................5e
AU othOT gooda aoM is p
QvaUtF Ossiwnto
Cor. 7ib'witd L'alon Sts.
Thompson, The Artist
leOhraad Elk Raptds
h. » - ........... U40s.a.
Ar. nh BapMs..... S804.H.
glhRapMs. ... ««s.m.
srleawsfof Ofsad BayMs i
J KXa0C»AgatoTrs
MM *H-agr Ageut,
8 BAVBH, OetotofPasdce
Grud Rtpids & Isdiant R. &
pt.ft. 18
Can aerer see life through the at
pair of glaiiei. But for all those who
need glaaaea, either old or /onng. they
will find that, as expert o|(aeiaaa, we
can adjust glaaaea and teat tbeeyewitb
aaalsrriTtoUtgOaau Ltoref!top.». ^
aoearacy. Our stock of ^itAcal foods
id the finest in town.
GAHHEn BROS., Jnelers.
Ads. in the Horning Record
Bring Qnick Returns.
First Tear—No. 9.
Two peats.
. WE PROGRESS. :si‘.^.i;’r:i::r^«^“.^fTflEY’RE ALL RIGHT.
the telephone company
lota of i
ALDBBJCAK BBSXOVO BBSS money and oouJd afford to pay to the' BV00inUU»X2r0 WOBD8 FOE THB
nae of our streete-the same aa they did
in other clttea. He concluded by em
S«dar«a the Telephooe Oo. Shoold Pay phatically declaring that now waa the Oommlttee on Seheola and Teachem
forUMofStreeta-DlTlfioo Btreet Ume far the city to make aoMC money
Declare that they are^orth Eig^wUl Have bo Btose Onlsert and out of enck privUegee. The question
er Salarim bat the Taxpayers De
ea to whether the matter, should not
the Dog BuslBeM U Bet^.
mand Boonomy.
Alderaian Goodrich »raBU a etone ha dlsouased farther with the property
To THi Public—Having heard It vaooWert OB DirWoa street wbm that owners on Union street came up, and Hodaly stated In and abont tee city
waa fiaaU^ agreed that this, togeth- that ^ reoent aetioe of' the oommitatroet U croved by MtU Creek.'
wlth the enggeetlon of Mr. Des tee on aehoola aad teachers in recom
The other memhera of the eooaetl.
witt^the poiiihle exception of Alder- mond. was enUtled to farther Jnveatt- mending a reduetics in wages was due
fBaaGarrUoa. don't want a atone cnl- Ration, therefore the matter was de to fauit of tee toaoheia. we wish to in
ferred until next Monday.
form tee public that no eoeb thing is
. eert a( that point. That U the reaeon
true We have no word of fanlt to find
that there will be bo atone cnlrert there
Alderman Lardie called attention to with any teacher concerned. We have
for the preaent.
fnll faith and confidence in their abili
AldercDao Dtamond eranta the Miehlflx eorapenaation for the dog catcher. ty and fidelity, and the aole eanae of
- gan Telephone Ca to pay theelty- for
The price suggested for the poend our aeUoD was the demand of taxpaythe' pririlegea of the atraeta. and tUn ka
50 cenU for catehing and ara in tee city. If baaed oo merit alone
that BOW U Wie aeeepled Ume Ui make
5$ penta per day for keeping five days, teeae aame teacbers'inight welt reoelve
aU the Money we can oot of awsh cor^
when the dogi unclaimed skall be de an increase in place of a redpctlon.
pormtiona. ^
stroyed. There waa considerable obP.^C. UiLaxirr,
Alderinam Lardie thlnka that
oeata a day Uenoogh lor the dty to pay jmUoDto 55 oente per day to board:
^ to the board of anclaUned dope while that was deemed too lnxar>ou for a dog |
, ,IB the poond. It waa anggeated that tbalweuld soon be dead. A oom pro
the ratehr Meeetapec,day; hot Alder- mise of ten cents wasflnallr arrived st,;
. men Orelilek uul Cckik, thoogbt -if that that price to include the killing and 1
prioe area to be paid tb^ had Better be burial of the dogs unclaimed after five | LitUe Inna Parka Suffbred a Fainfah
aent to Park Place to live their resiala- days.
” .■
Little Irma Parka met wlUi a painful
ingdayc Th^ wUl net gd to Park
Tha liquor bond of John Mnrroy.
yeaterday attemooh on the
rtlhJ .A Hopki»«.J Jo. Tro.Uj, ^
I. th.
ol ti.
Alderman Oarriaon wanU the poll Jr., aa anratlea. waa referred to the
City r—.i..
Lumbec.Co.. vrtifle going to meei
taxen^oreedandtheproeeede devoted
imittee OB lieenaca.
t her father, whom abehad not seen for
to bleycle patha Bot he waa Informed
some time.
ihai.the charter alreddy peovided for a
i GarriBefore adjourning Ald«i
of Mr. aad Mrs.
d^oaittoa of anek moaeyt. They U. unreJ 11I.I u« t-'i •.'» V CT>to™a ' Irma Is tee danghter
p..k. i».
, ehall be devoted to clearing snow and
obatraethMU from the walka,
telog cycle paths, bat
™. be
- was Inform
- '-""■'wid hu fanllj U oiOTiod from Grpnd
. whidt. odito iJpragne remarked, in- ed aa statedI.at the kbeginning
at this Kapida to thU city. Yestwday Mrs.
eliHka Mcyelea.
Parka arrived on the 1:30 train with
The abeve.were the ^dpal anb.Irma and at once they west to the yard
' jeeta of diaeaaaihB at the meellpg of
to greet tee father- Aacending to the
thp Bi^ eonbdl last night.
. tnmway the girl espied her father at
Party of Tramps fimaabed Windows
handling lumber. -8fie ran to
The llrft matter of i
of Ballway Ooacbea.
) before the bqprd waa the Dl^
meet him. and hia back being turaed
loo atreel bridge matter. The..diaeuaLast Bight about miduigbt Night- towards her ‘he did not see her. Aa
aioB waa atarted by a mottpn to reacind watchman Fox of the West Michigan the lilUe one approached on a run Hr.
the reaolatioa paaved at % former meet- round-honae waa alarmed by a commo Parka was in tee act of raising a plank
lag.' which gave the Aboard pf public tion among the ooacliea laid up there and without time to turn aside Irma J
erorks power to tear ap DivUioa atreel for the nighU Aa HresUgiUon re ran against the end of it with great I
preparatory to removlBg tpe 24-inch ve^ed nine tramps who were making foroe. She was thrown from the team-1
tile aod ia view of alUmately potting themselves too familiar with the prop- way to tee ground, a distance of 14 <
la a atone culvert or other eniteble erty of tha company. Mr. Fox took | feet. The parents I
^orlalon to carrying-off Uie water.
steps to aprehend the marauders and | where the child lay in an upconaclous
a Goodrich arged the advia- one of them was sacored in the closet eondllion and the father bore her in
IbOlty of planing there a atone colvert. of <me of tee earn. He then sought
to the office of Dr. Moon.
and Alderman Oarriaon favored ike Officer Grayaon and Sheriff Slmpara to The child'was still nneonaciona when
poaiUoa tokea by Alderman Goodrich. have the gang arreatod.
the offlae was reached, but recovered
‘The argument of ICr. Goodrich---soon after. Dr. Moon found a deep
*Mm.t tome meana maat be provided to
gash thioe Inehea in length on the
carry off the water from the flats in
temple near the eye. also eridenofil of
that locaUty. which have previously
i severe jarring occasioDed by the fallThe membCTS of tee McPherson Post _________
been damaged by heavy raina. There
After I
jng the w<mnd. which eras
waa conalderable argement against the
a painful laceration, the girl was token.
evening nt 7 o'clock and attend the in- to the Ooddental hotel- and tenderly
aoeooDt of the expenae^ The merit of apeetlon of the Haonah Elfiea in a cared for. Last ev^lng she sraa imbody. Beau will be reserved for teem
; of Ule
proviog aod it U not expected that tee
diaonaaed aad a auijority of the alder- at the City Opera House. All members rcsnlto will be very serious.
taen were of the opiniea that another are urged to be present.
tile would Mawer eve«T porpoaa to
WUl Knot June Sod.
eome time tA oome. ^Idennan Monlngne argued afcongly agalnat incurring The diroetora of the Farmers' Mutual
Bold in this Olty tela ianiOB.any additiaaal expeaae if another tUe Fire Insorume Co. of the eonntica of. When one stops to oonslder it is sur
wi:^ answer the pnrpoae to the pree- GrnndroTravene. Antrim and Leelanau, prising bow many bicycles have been
«nV He argued ^t there were other wiU meet la this city on tee 5nd of sold In tbia city this sf^ng. Since the
piy«— where Improvementa were need June to adjoat lomea and transact such beginning of the present season the
ed mdro.
and referred to the other buaineaa aa may oome before Hannah A Lay Mercantile Oo. has sold
.__________ ■'
ooeoeroJ^ak and Front atroeta where teem.
M, and two-thirds of that number are
prompt actlcM waa denanded. The
high grade wheels J. W. Slater, the
^neation of loWeriag tha pipea ao as
Fr«wt street furnilnre dealer, bad sold
uUow for a taore free passage of the BieyoU Fates ^Ikad of in Afijdining 46, J. A. Montague 7. tee Fhaona' 8
water aad to prevent Uie aocumulaUon
•ad tee express companies have reSince
of driftwood. eVc.. was diaentaed aad
ilioDofgood bloycle fpada to being oelved abont 60. sold through ageato
finally, on woUoo of Mr. Hontagne. It
was decided to pul in another 54-inch
and Bellaire are now talking up a
tile also to lower them all as much as
makce tee t9Ul number pemething
neemsary. Alderman Goodrich eap-^ pate aad It will probably be oompleted gresL
near future. It would be a great
ported the motiou in order to get it beWB-«DB-TOEO ASriTDAL.
Ipre thebense. but qualified bU attl- thing for all the towns belweep Petoatade by declaring an behalf of the key and Traverae City if they oonld be WUl bo Hdd VoxtToeoday Bventng.
board of public worka, that that body
The annual meeUng of tee We-quedmired the eounoll to auperintend the woidd not make more than a eeatniy
work Jnatdeclded upon, as the former ran. and would prove a great* induoe- tong elnb to cal^ for next Tuesday
did net approve of the aolioo of the ment to reaortera. and in teat way night, when the matter of leasing the
would be a paying hiveaunent, elnb honae totbeQaoea City Blcytee
COOBCU aad waated to have Dishing to
do with it. Aldmnaa Desmond enter-' to say notfalng of the increaae of travel Club will be finally dtopoaed of. and
nofteportanoe taransaet«d the discussion with suggsetiona to it would make betwara' the iowne
mbers to
ed.'^ A fnll attendanee of
economy and Alderman Oarriaon favor alongtee linfe and the
ed a ateee culvert a* the moat eeonom______
teal plan.* The motion of AlderBah abouL ' ;'
A $1,000 Cheek.
HooUgna prevailed.
It Wui be a Sig
A. Conlon, weU 'known (n
The offioera of the Oldd Sottieca' Aat
this city, find special agent for the
The matter of glvitig to the Michi ciatioB of tee Grand Travene region Mnteal Life Inanraaoe Go. of Hew
gan Telephone Oo. the privUege me preparing f* the annual meetli^' Y(wk. has sent to Frank Votroba the
«f the east aide-^ Union street lor the to take plaee In Ihto city, on Jnae lad. company's ehe<^ for tl.OOO in payment
* repladng of the'telephone pedea waa and there to a proepeet teat teto arUi of a policy taken out last Jaeanry. by
largely attended than any bto Ute aoh. Lento W. Votxuba. and
•ext brought op. Alderman Goodrich
•sweated that if the -eompany was previous gathering of the plbneera
upon which bnt one payment had been
willing to pay the expeue at aa enTha Oamera Olnb.
pUeer to locate thdlot lines, they be
W. E. a Aides .^pointed,
given the right to set their poles at
mt Commander Loutoe
those pedntt. Maaegw Barry, who home qf Mrs. A W. Peck, 545 Boat »th
streeL teto evening, to templete the Torek, of tee Weman*e Belief Cwpe.
wna present, agreed to toat p
has appointed her aidee for the coming
tern, hut Alderman Cook objeetod to organisation of tee elnb.
the nae of that atreeL
Go to tha Lion Barber nbop for teir year, and nsumg team are Mrs. Jennie
A Woodin, of Kalkaska, and Adalina
Bttht”i*" street u the proper plaee. onto and bates, 16 oontn eadL
a Desmond doelared tee alleys
Ttaqy, of Fife lAlm.
Is unfortunate, but if you can buy gbods a penny
less than formerly you're fortunate. Oije hun
dred pennies make a dollar. We can saVe you
dollars by trading herfe.
T • t
Black, Blue, Green. Red, Violet, Crimsdn, Fluids
I n LT Copying, Gloss, Fountain Pen, Ink, Diamoadt
Arnolds, Thomas, Staffords. All sites, 2 oz-toqt.
Cream .^aste and Pure
Gum Arabic. Looks nice
out its awfully sticky.
Making a Conquest
When sitting on one of
our luxurious sofas is an
easy matter for the daint
ily dressed maiden. Time
slips by when so comfoi^ably ensconsed, and the
visitor realizes, when be
leaves, that between wo
man's styeet fascination
and the beautiful effect
of Slater’s furniture arristicaliy arranged, that
his mind turned to home
comforts and thoughts of
love. We have the Furniture at decidedly the lowest prices.
J, W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
188-lSe FEOVT ftTEBBT.
orixMlic Ba-kelia Bookoturc.
Special Bargain Day
On Every Friday.
Begionifig tqday. May 14th. and oontiaalag thronA
the aammprseavoo. when we shall sell goods In each department at BpecuU
Low Prioea. FOR TODAY WE OFFER:------.........................A5Xe
1500 yds good Indigo Printo....... 4e yd ; Heavy Bi
filled. Ingrain
IS dox. extra good Linen Towels,
■ Ex. Sup
.............. .......... 57>f0
aizetSxSO Inches............ ......ISepri Carpet
Oarpet at...........*.. SOe
5000 yds. Min. wide Cotton, value
-lOoodBn .
*0 it............................................
4c Ladlaa* Fine Wool Suita-MMrt
Boy'B|l.75KoesPant8nlUat... *1.55
and Jacket................................. t4M
Men's Black Clay Worsted Suita
AU wool Oape. value fl.M. for... 5M
Come To-DayJ
IfU pay yon to do aowfor the valnes are wondi
ReliableDry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
to earth will
- rise again. You can
not suppress it. Just
so with’our-^—^
“BESr^ Flour.
its good qualiti«» can- . ,
notbcau'ppreasaijthey '
. are bound to^aei
moenutg keoobd
WlU Q*m tortdlBv* MW Kwtiaf
UoTol* Mia kim by OiM. O. terr«r.
FxiTr-Foinn> rosxu.
Captnrad at )
fisvfkt fiftoto
Yastarday ^tteraocm when frolcht
to^tn No. 63 an the C. A W. K. M^tved
bare it had on board as
Ua eaptared by the crew thie aid* of
Intarlocben. It waatoond la a pool
of water left by tbe reeeat mins. U
wM taken aboard th* tr^ and
brooght hero. Tbe wolgbt la a*boat 60
poomda aad In dinmetar the ahall a
Ike Haaaah BlSea extend a eordlal nreaaboatltlnehaa. This la tbe larr
■ ■ I: ■ « lavltatioa
to the pabUe, eapeoially eat oi Ita
ever aaea ia tUe lo
ladies, to thalr inspection in tbe City cality.
Opera Hoaae to-nlyht
on Barth.
Dr. sad ifrs J. W. Gi
Tbe Kalfcaakianmya that tie Prank
Phcb«Ct yesterday from aflahiaf trip to Elk
0«M. tS rraat aupM^
Taeker Theater Company disbanded at
B.yiiia AmoBC their
that place, attar filUtf a ona-aigbi eaM*i«wa]te«MSs^
gagement. Ur. TnAer expeate to go
black bam weicfaiar five poaada.
The X>seUa» of Otaao*.
Chief of Paliee Bennie deeiree the
i below the kaee Jolak
, tkaqttaas of asrlj ol*Oia' BxoosD to state that he expects every
the operation U aaooeaatal he expeote
ttbD, tka Wrtbplaoa 'of aoae of the proper^ owner to taka Immediate to procure an artifical Umb, wbieh will
to appear before the pnblic
world's woai dlatinffnlakad acbeUrs. measaras to clear the refaee from their
SB much a favorite ae is former yearn.
tka aast of lasrsiDC sad coltora, ksa si alleys.
lancOmq Berald.
]Mi bees fotoed to deaeead from har Ipfiy
Ckaa. Saekelbea asd Hiss Hepaak
Mr. Taeker pUyad at Traverse Clt>
padaatal of mivbt sad power. Ska hA Cox, wbo Uve la the aabarha of the
Wedneeday night to a big
kasa ooapeUad to bead oadar the iron
otqr, weteasarriad this moinlsc
and erM as liyaly and JoHy as ever. He
kael of Torbisk
paasad throucfa the dty *a a ^ort lefiyeeterday mordlng with hkood^
traaaary nasi dUgorf* laUlkm to be
weddinc tear.
paayfor UaatoB, and will coatinae
iBiaad bj rereaues: Tbaraaaltof the
TmtardayJarnaeKmbrid* aald 1060 aenth, playing at the priaripal towM.
srar pricttesUy jnsi ended doea aot
He wUl go to New Tort later ia the
aoaao to bear oat the tkaorr of tke ear* bashda *f Boral New Yorker poUtoee
aeaaon aad have hie foot, replaead by
siesl of the tMeat. bat rather the pow' to B. L. Banaam for Chieayo shipmeat
an arOfieial one.
W of mlrbt Ofsr ilffbt It Is homilistiMg to eootemplste tke prWeat aitM- the taaat sold bare tUe
Frank Smith vrae daoaratad wiU a
tioa od Greece, bat KTstl^riair to rafleet
fkst tkoagh Tarbsy eu empty b«a; oof- pretty palrof antiets by the Blks last XUoeatly Added to Ladle** Ubtary.
tes sad deprive her of political,power, nlrbt aad'bftarwards a Wnqaat was
Tbe Ladiea'. Ubrary
Ik* yiorj of the past of Greece esa enjoyed by a larya erosrd *f the mem- which ia one of the cldaet aad bast
kerw be obUterwted from the paces of bare of the ladfe In boner of the new orgaaimtioos of the kind la th* atata,
la contlnaally addlag to itMargellstof
Saparlatandant of Q
booka the aewaet and beat pabUen7u report in the United States Sea
arintandent Mona. Witbla the last week or two
•«a ycsterdsy afleraeoa. rooitiac the TTroman
Stacy of the Ulehicnn Tel
the frdlowing have bee* raecivad:
a^Uac daetitatlon of Ai
are la the
Inspactinc the work on
IMl Oa the Bad Staireaaa, M. Imlay.
Oaba. will'iBTlte the carefal
kttaaaad prompt soOen of Oopcreae the new pystam beiny constneted for
the company.
Mid tke Freaideav The laformsUoa
raeslTad U rdisble sad ao deamad by Two year* ayo yesterday wUl be re^ depsrtmeat of state. ‘Ibe sp- asambarad ^ every resident wbo has
I. R. H. Daria.
of SSO.OOO for their reUaf ie bean here that lo^ as the date of tbe
1666 Caba tn War Time. B. H. Davie.
heavy snow storm arkidi devMmted the
afood stsrVbnt more ctfeetiTe
1667 Tte Forge in tke Fbrect, C. D.
Brassre neeeamiy: sad there Is a* crop* and fruit and left dleaefrone re- Bobey.
1668 That affair next doer. Pntmaa.
4aabt the proper steps srlU be taheo to snlU for the farttan and trait irrow16B9 The Agincoorte, Beaty.
protaet tbe Urea sad property of
1670 On the Pace al the Water*,
Hoa. WUlard A. Smith of the Char Steele.
......................nos. This altasttoB I
Boland Blake. & W. MtlchelL
I on the part of levoix Seintiaal, aecompaaied \ij hie
of Llteratare to Life,
danybtera. Floraaoe aad Sate, and
C. D. Warner.
1673 Tneked by a Tattoo. Hi
AuiKtuiA* Dasaoxc baa introdnead a,
1674 Sir' Godfrwb Oraadda
paw ides, for this city, into tbe fatare last nlykt for a vtsfi. ,OoL Wickham is
the yavaiwmeat fa^wtor of harbors R. W. Carey.
the aee of the city etreeta. Laicer and is snparintandinr the
One. E. A Bow
altiee, and iadecd samllerones, are fet- of the aanth pier at Charlevdx.
1677 ThA Open Mystery, Wkitan.
tlBC retarns from telephone sad mU'
1679 White Aprons. M. W. Goodwla.
foad companie* for franchise*. No«
1679 A CbUd World, J. W. Riley.
aaoee Aldermaa Deamond sad declare- How a Toong Xarrtad Ooople. XIreva
1660 Tbe Greea Book.Uaams Jok^
that if oar streeu are worth asytklac
1683 Condoot of Life, Bmeraon.
to the telqihoDe company the aSe of
Tceterday a Mwly wedded* ooople . 1683 la Buncombe Ooanty, Jl. L.
them is worth somethlnf to tbe ci^.
came to the etty after the eoemony Pedfo.
1684 Oallagbcr aad Other Stories, Bwhich made them, a nnit and parl^ B. Davla.
WhatTb^ Think'flf na.
^ of a
1665 Nancy Noon, B. Swift.
1866 Adam Jobneah's Sm, P. M.
Traverse City's new dal\y paper, tbe tbe home ^bae of the eeteemed eiUklOBSuo BxcokD. has reached ocrtabla sena af Traverse City. Daring the re Cfnfriord.
It is nest, newsy and~^ hon» print past tbe ooaveyaace which bore them
With sneb well-known aad thoroayhly to town was left atanding at the enrbprogressive newspopirr men as Bateg Btoae and the horse eafely foaleaed.
and Uannen at the helm It ooybt to After the happy pair had mtlsfled the loterieehan Base Bali Team Organtaed.
Make a yokd it—Cndilfoc Denoeni.
cravings of haager, which nsaally aeWeareinyreeeipt otae*^ of ^e company tke boacymooa, they pre laterlechca cornea to the front with
for boalaeaa. and
MoBinxe Btcou>. a ^Iritly little daiily
............ftom the Hemld otBoe,' tle wllh tbe nniertaittUw of life. The tbeir first game sriU take plaea next
bride waa aseUted Into tbe vehlele with Boaday, when tbe boye expect to de
by Tkoa T. Bates and J. W. Haw
Travarae City'^ta a thriving little city ail tbe g^laslry of a devoted new feat tbe Wexford nine. The dab ia
of good player*, with Alex.
Mid the Bxcobp will no doobt be ball hosband, aad the rabae earefalty tack
Foantaia SB assaagar aad aacoad baaa.
ad withAcUgbt and together wltfa aU ed about her loaxelade the p
m the Um np:
athcr enterprises in tbe city receive north wind; then the groom clambered
S. Eobluo.,
aacooragemMitof the right sort —An r- io beaide bar aad gathered ap tbe
kor Spriua* RepuMioon.
We have received the flrst few nnm- eome time alternately la driving aad
ban of the Nonxixo Bm»B>, TraverM ataaUag admiring glaacea at tbablaom-’
City’*bew duly, T. T. Batae and J. W. tag faireae at hto Ade the groom pre
Bannen. pcblUhera, with tbe latter pared to make a little more baste
foaUriDsa as editor and manager. Tbe What was the corprise of both, abont Two pbote^teo oeat*. CabinetaTS
Bacono ia attracUveiy gotten np, wall tweaty mlnatea attar arating them cents doses. Himes, Front and Park,
printed, bright aad newey. aad jadg- aelvee in the baggy, to Bad that tibe rig
had hot moved afoot. The yoang man's!
iak from appeamacea, haa come
eaffaaed with a
*tay.-B» RapUU Proprew.
Tbe Traveiee (^ty daily Mossmo iy bat basbfal blnah whan be diaeov*iBkooKD. Isaaed from ^ Herald oOee, ed tbetr predleaaent. bat he bravdy
clambered oat apoB the walk aad
I to onr table. J. W.
fonaeriy of tbe Dally Bagla, is editor. haatily anhitebad the
It m a wry bright litUeaheat, and haa thea drove mcrnly away.
peasa*of tmtst aisM WadsMasy.
Tka Boys' BaadirU) ba is sUaaUMa
ftikkalMpartlosottka Bssaak Blfls
. T. Bati I AttD J. W. aunts*. toaifht.
Snaford Onaser of Shar^aa, bna,t .
g, W. Ha»*s«. .Bdttor and Manac«prantad a pataat on a sew device ia' b
r I
the braina aad capital back of i
Mhke it a snoceea.—Chorieroi* 8cm
Kim Kagfie MoXallar to Bxpaotad
Mias Maggie McKeilar will arrive to
day, aftdr seven years sbeeaee in In
dia aa a medical mtodoBary, and spend)
a short time with her sisters at Otawn.
She hM apant the greater part of her
tiaie at ladore aad Naemacb. startiag
a medical mission In the lattar plaoe.
Mtos McKellar visltad friends in thto
dty for s«ne time Just before startiag
for India and has many ncqaalataaeta
here wbo will be glad to Bieet her again.
«aw Offlean Blactod ia Bafotfl
At iU Grand Lodge of the Eaigkte
0t Pythias of Uichigaa, Jnst closed ia
Pstr^t. tbe fcdlowlng oSoeis
^tetad: Grand chaneallor, Dan. P. Ue-‘
MhUaa. Cheboygan; grand vine chan
MUor. C»mriea B. Fisk. Defoelt; grand
pralnta. A. W.-.Bennett, Big Bapids;
ffnnd keepm of records and seals.
XOsa 8. Corflss. Battle Creek; gnad
r of tbe exchequer, Joeep> B.
norn. Bndson: graiid-master-at-arma,
A FaU from a Porch.
Lnsk. West Bay
Yaatorday atoning Howard Griffith,
MBM guard, Leo. A. Caro. Grand Bap- tbrae yean of age, em of H. Griffith.
IdK grand eater jruard.Beano Bohaert,
by a tall from tbe
BnaU 6te. Mariei sapreme repreaenta- ppreh of the hoaae. oonmr Seveatb aad
tir* to th* sopreme lodge. W. D. CUs- Oak stoaem. A cempeand fraetore of
the arm wne sadafoed. 0*. A H. Ho
liday radacad th* frneton.
Pilace Biker;
la tba'plaM to bay
Atoo a good artide la
We also sen tke batter to go with the
bread, both Creamery aad Dairy.
We imr* in stock a faUUM of
Will create an
immediate demand fdr hot
weather shirts. After all
Thuftell & Gane, Ltd. we have said'on the subject
Cor.ru sad t-'alo* Sts.
the public ought to beiH-etty
well acquainted with the fact
Suits to Order.
that we are authority on the
Merchant Tailoring.. subject of shirts of all kinds,
mso wtr.
^ Itmr Mexiwlr Blevli. ftetae OtrcM. our stock of shirt uoveltiei
being the most complete just
HOTEL LEELANAU. now that it has been at any
FsrkSteNt, VHvm& r»Bt ft Omb. time in tbe previous history
ora* oat aho moBT.
of our businen. Tell us the
Rates, $i.50 per Day,
price yon can pay, Bnd ask
MmI riekthtiRafreMl
flitts. for the style yon want “We
■ tierBoerd. ap
do the rest”
They imitate our methods,
but can't match the ^ods.
Prices alone don’t tell the
tale, its the quality. . Our
goods will bear inspection
for comparison.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
The . .
Not Sboddy.BIaokandTaa.
Men's Congress Shoes-90c
All sues
Men's Dress Shoes
fil.5O-fil.7S-fS.O0. New
Men's Working Shoes-dOc
Children's Tans
and Ox Bloods
Infants* Fine Shoes
Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Shots
and 65.00.
Ladies* Kid Shoes
90a-»>.00-«1.86-fl tO-fl.78
aadfsoa AUSoUd.
M en's Bicycle Shoes
»t.6V-fil.75-«2.00fhll f3.ffi).
Black aad Taa.
Bicycle Leggings
60c-75e-Wle-«1.00 aad f]
Ladies' Tans and
Ox Bloods
f1.60-f 1 .'76-tt.00-f8.00 aad
•3 60.
Ladies* Fine Sandals
Ladies’ Black and
Tan Kid Oxfords
Hot Wave
alright prtoea. Try oor new brand
Mocha and Jars Coffee, tbe beat in the
eity.atHQo. It to simply elegaav'
bBijght hats
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Al-00-fl.36-fil.40aad fl.Ofi.
Not Sbeepakla.
Wc Shine I'oiored Shoe* Ffewc
If'Bougbt of U*.
The Man Milliner,
Telephone 23.
itoMtnre Bsdoto, FBioAT, mat li, ie»7.
tz»et SitutioB
tn ' 9na.X»
TMtCTda]r-««&*t0r Uor^'* I
oUtUn Want Orar XTotU TuaaiUy
-#80,000 Appropriata* ter BaUrf
.WaaUaffton, Ma7 W--'n«*
eommUtae on toralgn ralaUoM today
kad UMCabaaqueattosnafc eonaldarattea on thabnaUof tb# report of
the aab<ooaimlttae whlek wkicb
appointed jeatarday to eantar with the
pedant and iteeretary Shannan. Jht
report waa prepared by Sanatora I^Tla
onb-OMaaittee. Morpaa the demaeratio
BABbar, dacUniac to partieipata.
Tke report eoaatotad of ooaelaa atata>
menu of the oontaoU of the oOcial reporta frov theeaaanlB in tbo Oaban
qneatloD. brin^nr Infonnattoa np to
within a week of the preaaat time.
The repoi<aooflr«a and aren ffoea be
yond the aewap^M reporta in dadarinc the deplorable oondmon In the
islaad. It ia aUtad that three hnndrad daaericana are in a atarrinp eondiUon and are wretchedly clothed.
They are aoattarad on aU parte of the
bland and the^ are ahowa no eoodider
Mlon beeanae of their dUnenahip
They are panerally peraana' who realde
aa plaatatioae bat who aia drirm from
their Limea to towns or eoneentrpdos
and hieing a»OB( etraafere ai^ withoat employment, they are omnpelled to
nbdat upon almoat nothing. 'They
ed to reborn to their pUntaUoaa. evenk ta pick beiriea
beiTiea or 1to' eeenre the lenat article of i
They are theoretieally nnder the care
of the Spaniah araqr hat tbe army la
wlthMt eommioeariat^ They hare so
aeana of learing the ialasA TheeamBiilae woa eqwdally impremwd with
It k
woroe a^oeiepoB the qoeattea of oar
relatlona to Ccha than the Impriaooment of Amerieana, of whl^ there are
O.M-Daaeof^orthpart, waejatfia
dW yaeterday on bosteeia
the BMk Cr«
Howard OUlof Mortbport. eane down
- book “Wake
la hla
on the Patoekey yedarday noon.
Bobin," aod in the chapter entitled
Jndpe Loren BoberU want to Van ‘'Spring at tbeUapitar*<pa«« 1B6-1M),
Baron yaatarday on profeaeioaal had- John finrroagba aayi: ".Outdde of tba
dty limita tbe great point od Intareat
B. 8. Bull haaretamad teosa trip to the rambler and lover of oatnre ia
to Waablngton and other aonthem tbe Bock creek regioo. Bockcreekiaa
large, roogh, rapid dream which haa
ita aooroe in Ibe iutrrisr of Maryland
Major Oao. C. Kewcomb ratnraad
aJ^ flowa into tbe Potenao between
frM a trip to Aahland. Wia- Waabiugtoo and Oecnpaltm-n. Iti oonrae
fordre or dx milea oet of Weabington
Oaorpe MUlar of
ia marked by great dlrerdtj of eoenery.
down on the etaamar Patoekey bed- Flowing in a deep valky, which now
and then heoamca a wild gorge with
Mye Jordan of Sattoos Bay, and E orerhanging rocka and high, prccipiuraa
bcadlAda, far tbe most part wooded
B. Daily of Empire, arrired ia town
—here icpoeing in long, dark renobea,
yeeterday to do baelaeaa
i there sweeping and bnnyiuj atonnd a
Mr. and Mia. O. P. Oarrer,•. go to their; certain bend or over a nwky bed; refarm on the Penlnaala today, where I ociriDg at abort interrala mall nna
they will apend' mneb of the time dat • j- and spring riTolcta which open np Tiaing the snmmer.
! tea and oatlooka to the right and kit
Nothing more beauti
ful than a well kept
Lawn.« In order to
produce one it is necessa^ to keep it well cut and watered
LAWN MOWERS. From.... .........$2.75 to $8.00.
RUBBER ANDCOTTON HOSE....IO to 15c per ft.
1 alsa put in Taps and Connect to city warn at bottom
prices. Give me a call.'
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
---- AT-----
A.. A.iw..^
-t- ^! creek haa an aboudanca of all tbeelaAo*^b«^ YpdlwU
that make up not cnly pleadng
Tlio, 1.
local pnbUc acboola
pe^apa not another dty in dw Cnioa
Uoyd MUla, formerly of. this elty, that haa on ita toj threabold ao much
now with tha Hexelttee Drag Ca., of natnral beauty and grandenr, aocb aa
?k for in remote foreaU and
Grand Rapida, b in the city doing boaA few tOQcbet of art woold
Ineaa and ealllng on old-time friends.
oonrert tbia whole n«iau. extending
Frank Baaailton retnraed frow
from Georgetown to what ia known oa
Grand Bapite last night aeoompanled Ctyatal vringa. not moe than two
by Mka Bra Hamilton. hU niece, who milea from tbe prreent atate deport
hae come from Boetob to spend the ment, into a park npeqoaled by an^>
thing in tbe world. There are pamagts
aommer at Snneet Cottage.
between tbcae two points as wild and
ssTage and apparently as remote from
THE MAKING OF^POISON. dvilisatiop as anything one meets with
ia tbe moantaiii soorces at the Bodsoo
or the Delaware."— 'Life and Ugbt
behind a wildemea at waiehonaes and
tnmbJedown lenemeuta, in
e getei
Jealooaly gnnrded. A rliitor most not
oaly be earqtel when be stepa and refnLi iKn tonching, be most also
tareotte with great oentiem. One of tbe
terribto poiara maimtactiired
■eenoaM^aebemteal laborat^. This
is tbe daadlidst of all known poteona
stricken dead from
inhalit« its
la fames. From S to 6 f«
cent of this
perts-df watw aiafcea prasrie add. This
dilated poison .ransea iostant death,
The report indicatca a genaraUy even when taken in
wratdhed eoaditkm of aU the InhablNext 19 anhydraa arid, the wont
tante of the islands.
ptdson they make is cyanide of potmYellow ferer, email pox and dyean- sinm. imet year they tnrned c
tary are ehewn to he preralenL Tfaeee I.OOO tons of iL Five grains being a
fatal dose, the annnal odtpal would he
lUanaim are eepetfially oppeeaiTe to.tbe
■Bfflrient to kill S.600.000 people. In
Spaniah soldien. The report indieatu __________
tbe warkroou. where men are gatbas>'d
that the SpanUb army is less strong |
, wKcb’s c^dron Staining
than it was a year ago, largely on ac-. ever a hondred
fanndnd wei|d>t a
cd molten cyaeooat of theae raragea They indicate I aide, a Mrmgu picture is preaentt d.
ia forora.
‘ Tbe seething mam nf white hot liquid
Mr. Angns MecKenxie. An old mtam
well knows as a prospector in tsstbem
Qoea^iid. Asstralie, reoenUy atrieod
teom Mew Oninea with a large qaeatity itf gold imd thinks there is a gnsA
adranmge to being a tteotchnsn. When
Btribtramnehof tbeMwMAteD
to his lot while iausptdting te gold.
Be mM tfant the ttsttres would do any
thing for him. pnriding Ik ployed the
pipee to than at night. They lootod idter him and his efleem and acted asportemwlthoat other pay than tbemoate
at tbe pipea They took him over new
oonntry and riiowed him where heavy
gold cooM be obtaioed. It ia pomdbk
that intending pnepectors in Mew Unlnea might lay oat their money to worm
advantage than in tbe porehaae of bagpipea In any cam, Mr.
gnds tbe pipes as tbe best and omet
t be ever made.—
Jndidont i
Mew York Bon.
l am the ageat for this fam
ous Brand.
I Violin. Mandolin, Ban
jo. Onitar. Cello and Basa.
tatmob kH dMt iBle 01 m kMi.
Ternu Beaaenabla.
DeUverM to maj port of tbe city.
FtBisehmai’s CpmpresseiTnst
Boom e. Oltp Opera Boom Sloefc.
E. W. Hastings,
—Fire Insurance a
—Real Estate.
TiLBraoits n.
Jacob Furtsch,
AlBtJnioB St.
Telephone 34.
Are Others I
But there are no Clgaru arado
——equal to------
Groceries I DIAMOND J.
Gel yqpr photo at ?& cants dosrn two
»ma 1 onea for tan eanta, at Himes*
Gallery, south eaatooraar Front and
1 lersace nreo uw pnauiom taoraoc tne Park streets.
» as to the Aorencan »<B*men. exrreloped ia an nnoanuy
poUoy, bnl reporU tlm aitnation aa the < lookii^ ^am nuiKk. peering into tbe
mambera aae it. In view of these de-' heart of the dreadhil mixture tfarongb
ealopments la the committee, Morgan j tbe thicA atmrapbere, an a tcmble
vread not to prem hte raaolntkm to-1 Bisiit- lo another room, where are tons
CUr«sr sol rsjrbrute the foarlli.
hr ts<^r roar
day. bat wiU aeek to hare the queaprodnet, looking like
palsted la SB srUMlr
joystaliied sugar, "good enougb
tlon made oaflatshe.
■ ■ eat, ” one man is nerri allowed alone.
Thk acqeiaeoeaee anihe eeaai
laUwspsrt' po.
___ acme inexplicable ____________
t'p-to-dsts PaiaUT sod Psper Bsas«ris for temporary delay and is givrn ■ dsm t strange fascination for tbe .
voder tiwtmprensloa that it will rasnlt who inhale its fames, nisy are bituit-1 *»» Vrant otraet.
ed fay a deoire to rat it Bot. fcoowing |:
in bring
a of foreigo that satisfying tbeeraving means m-__________ ,_____
part of t
•sM by an Dsaltfi.
riant death,
but not aU. are idile A/rBBBIXI&KOrB . .
Telephana ordan to No. lf«.
to resist it Aside from this tesdiiaiian
orbo sr» loohlas tar ibe tsiret rBshka
At two p'eiorii the Mogan Caban its maimtsctore is not comridexed nnItarsdDn^aiU So »rU te rsll si our MabS ami
raaolntioo went orcr nntil Taeeday at healthy. Tbe same rannoi be sted of
m tbe brarnt of Ihr Urs*s> rsrtofy of eibratbe reqooat of Senator Morgan. After cotrorivpsublimate Itsfumea uredeadilBtbrrigr.
c on Che CAapimn resolatkm. It ly.—Chicago Inter Ocean.
Oity Kewe Co.
sily referred to the judiciary
A joint rasoInUon'. was
Tbey were just .O&icg pp tbe real es
ofterad by (?aiager apprapriaUag SM.tate deal, and the man o^bo always
•00 ter tha'Amarirans in Cuba whiefa wanted Fomeilung Ibrowo in to make a
. weint to tha for
Ever Burned Out ?
good bargain appeared tcMeriUta.
"Wbat'll you throw iu?"
The delay in the aeaata cwmmittee of
Il'Imt’U you throw in as a sort of
•.nlf. ,.I.Uou I. .rilUnldl., Ik.
report onUl Mooday la to- the purpose bonnsr
"Ob. yes, yes. of oaorre!" odd tbe
J o. r. OABVm. Aorat.
ofgiriqgtbeprcaldantan c^iportaai^
realesrete man. “fiowrinpidof mel
Bepreaentattoma have been
Why. tbe fa<‘t u, in our line of busiiKm
m^tetheprerident tbat there *«1 ;e sre^Tx^^UyTt^l^b^^^^
htery for Immediate aoUoa.
It was. prO^ tvt. In Thts TWO, fOR te •mfce It
lorn Croom FniitTlATOn-VaaOla, Chooolata, mrawbeny. Pita
also repreaeritad that tbe matter of bisdi^. 1 don’t mind tfarowiiag in tbe
BaepbeiTy. TdM Fratti, Orange, Peach. Lemon. Banana, Piatoshio. Cheng,
xaoogaitioa ought to bo by the oxw boekttxra."
"Sow you're talkii
oaUve and sot by the leglaUtlve bMch
gruit lOBB—Lemon. Pine-Apple, Orange. Bampberig. Cherry.
l^j claimed tbe would be
Shoes at all prices from
dl the governmeot. Tbe pn
pays for a teas to stick ootter hla
this to •l.M.
8herb«rta—Baafberry. Orange. Stmawbarry, Cbarg, Lembe, Plse-i^ppia.
bean urged also to take steps looUag^
0^1, S:
The 4th of July.
And tbe VEBY BMt Goode
Gteo. B. Wiimie,
Frank Stepan,
Frapait iii OelidHS I
Wiol0iBi.,W«itadt. • A.W. JAHRAUS, •
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
and Fine Candies.
Th« EoUowlnff FlhTon are nutde to orAori
Shoes For S1.60.
toward the relief of the staiving Amar-!
only aftar-Ow troaMmwra
leau is Cuba.
The membete of tbe I node «bri Jw
ooi^ttae think that the prarident wilt > wen p^abte by and not to tbe owner,
taka aetloo before Monday, but if noth- < —fAiaago Pori.
Ing b dene twfore tbat time there .gill
be no doubt tbat tbe eommtuee .wUl
Good ciwnradwditp may coast for
■rge the Morgan rcablndon l£ the
modi. Mo man ever typSed thh be«er
tbri tbe WgO MWri Broker who euid
t will be practically a unani- to bis friend the reporter: "I didn’t,
n in favor af the reat,- tail until after Ihe evening papas went
to prem. to that yoe ooold bave it all to
immense New Sleet fron
Chieage. .
. I Peifect T1me.Kee|mr...
Have yoo ever aeea our new
'Oabinct nioioe, 7S cents a doaen,
omaDer awes two for tea oeata. Himes'
gonay. aoatb east earner Ikont A
McLellan & AJsh,
Braeeh Braib Cetoe Ok,
Want Drar aim.
Railroad Men!
Than any other finals theeliy.
We make them cveig dag.
.S.. S. n-K-yTMT A.JT.
We Make More Picture Frames
Try a Pound Box of o«r Ptoe Chocolates.
Ttae Hamilton Watch
it that if I
aore landing food and clothing to re
lieve the wantsof the Amerkans they
abould be accompanied by an Aarerican
vrazohtp. The preaMaat listened to
tbk advice but he tea not indicated
his intentions.
We eleo put up Bridt^ Oieum—AU llavoia. one to three f
abri^ Wa deliver to all parte of tbe
and out of tbe el^.'
,ef Wbtebm mat Jemtrr-
if Yott Have Logs to Sell
Correspond widx
Lumber Cbmpany. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wobd. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, includiog a Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Powers Present Their Note to the
Sublime Porta.
B«t 8* Umr IMbm to DoAl «iili Katopr
'-tma lo^C oa
DlrooOr wltk
Orerro-Xauon Ar* Vot Vnjr
M Bate KMw-fliwlu B««ala th* Bt«kt
to Boftoe Aocoptoac* of to* SMn> Of.
June 4, BlIU wciv pasSa: Provldlnej
that cities oiraBlaed under special char- ,
-------------ten shall have the aame power to levy 8^ mWemmm Ptoy»4aTf««fc «a a Oahto
and collect Uses as cm« Incorpoeaied j
Car rsaaiilm.
under the *eneral Isw; to encourace the ; . .“John, dear, mme one ought to speak
proiBitatlon. cultivation and protection to that womau. Bee. tbe’s Baotb”— •
of ll»b; makta* aprn>i»rtatl..n for the i
-pm not nsnning this toad, fimddee,
aoutherd Illinois penlu-mlary at Ch«»-' jt’e nrobatlv her own kid."
rfo„,lo„ .r u.. -1..I r»iM lo
Has Your
Fore Powdered Spicee,
Cl K. BBOWir.' Attoraey aad OoaaMlltoat
O. low. SpeeUl ottetoMs to eoUieUtoa
aad coDveyaaetBs. MlFmmto.____________
(. V. X. MOON.
AM of ibo
naex. C. mi3gBT. AUonry. 8p«riM aV
Jr tontko to ProbMe peaeOew koowSaad
fO. MercaaUle Oo. Week.
The hoti*- pa«-e<l the bill to do away \
Of courae this dialogue we8 futniabed
with stX'day'blcyvle raivs and strike out - by hoeband and wife. Booribs—A cable
Pore Cream Tartar,
1, Ctly Opero Soose Block.
the Miactln* cUuses of the Humphrey
l«ood down towa The character
*tre« railway Wilt by an ove^hdmlng
as "tliat wofuan'* was a favoir.
naleof oucrrtoluageaDd decided atem- (SDt Fsee BoklAs Powder. If yon waat n* to
Lonflor. May IJ.—The powors throujre
nie Ifltereet In the fl*ht
■she It. 3 pounds for »l.0D. Hnbber toeetlng.
Dim 8bo boarded the ear at Fiflyth^r untiaasaAor* t ConAtonUnople
Rubber Tnbtog. all nlacn. Water Bottles tguar»«ve rWYntwl « note to the porte Mk- «as mctirally no flKhi. a« the oppon- ointb atiwt. Di her anna abo eafried notood for two yean.1 Foautoln SyriDgro,
In* the RUUnn to »*ree to an «mi*Uoe enlr ot the tilltf wen- In auch irrmt ma- flw “It” referred to mau faabioD as aaay kinds. Thmt Brubes. sod AtOBiirn..'
Mid order Edhem r*iriia to »top tlie Ad iorits that they r.'fuaed to pemitt de- ^tbekid.” Ti-nderly. aliaoat loraffo- Olyrerias and Witeb Uarel Lotion for ifae
vance of blB trooRA.. The Atbens corre- bele. and wouM not let any one ex Mtion, tbe woman bogged her charge. hands and (aeo.
plain hla vote. aithouKh eeverai at Not even tbe end of io tiny noae nor a
^londent of The DaHy T<rte*ram enyt:
tempted to do ao. The vole on the dirt wiapef bat^-hair peeped ont from thc
“Bj- the c*«r** e*pr.vred
Uli was on Btrlkln* out the enactln*
Cdtint Muravlerr. Oie Russian forelm clauw—>-ea». 1£2: ray*. ». The second folds of tbe long cloak. Tbe wpmas
■Duggled and coddled tbe bundled obild,
minister, has Instructed M. de Nelldoff, Humphrey. Wll-the commleaion b!Iland never an infantile Wail or a gasp
the Rusetan ambassad<sn at Coustantl- waa killed'hy a vlVa vcce vot^.
7*h'e nay vote on-ihe fltvt Mil was ae for breath aronaed the wondering paa^ople, to lnri«i peremptorily upon a cesaeugers
to actiui. When the car teacbaaUOB of txiMllUies by Turkey. I also folluwv: Allen of Vi-rmiUon. ATchltom.
ed Thirty-fonrth atxtrt, “that woman,” kwaler we are aerer caute'ot to "let w<
leant that Cou^ Muravieff has'derided Dames, Barrirklnw. Ranlin*. Blond.
enough nkme' bat always try to laprbre.
Brannf®. Brown. CavanauRh, Crala. atiU bugging her bondle, left tbe car.
to have an aesembly elected In Crete In
^ .
,, ! EdeJirteln. KIdrIdire. Fanvll. FlannlRan. The bosbai^ and wife followed. Tbe
oMer to ascertain the
Cretan opl^
Jarxla. -Johnson of WhUeirapedmi.
IMU If the Creuna ivject autonomy, the I
Mitchell. Morrl», McGInnte.
Safe on tbe iridcwalk. tbe woman
entire Question will bereconrfdered. Ihlsl McEnry. Mltc*elL Morris. Murray of panisd, shook the folds of tbe baby's
altitude ie mil of hope^ for Crete and ; Clinton. Murray of Sansarntw. Nichols.
ekak. and deposited on tbe paveaent a
Greece.'* ■.
It wss 12 o'clock when<derk Reeves long eared, wet noeed. watoy ^ed
The correspondent of The JJally Trie■panieL That was all
pa'graph at Constantinople says th« sulian
• •Well. John. I'm beat, ” told the wife,
neects the mediation
latlon of the powers and
“go’s the condoctorand tbe compa
detfvs to negotiate w ith Greece directly and the hig belt <m
houses wos tr.lling solemnly as If ring ny, ” lespondtd John. “Sbe smuggled
If this Is nfusrd the Turkish dAnandr
ing the death knell of the H'
tbe Ixw-i and gcA (bo- beet of tbe
will be more exacting.
i was e-niBit enougb to mind tny
nie BerUr. ewreepondent of The Daily
hrarr* ea Che Ilall Field.
Hews says he Irame on cxrrilept au
Came on.” -New York
thority that the'Turtdsh government de-| Chicago. Slay 18,—Leotrue w
nrnnde a war fndemniiy of £8.eee.riK>and ' the dtam-nd
|Mo. line. 4 HO. 8
Btealt of MsssIbb,
the right to occupy Thessaly until U is, burg] M»ll I g» AoCb
Euginrering achievenentx and poastlA M.tP. H. A. B.
{ Philadelphia 3.St. t»uis8: isecondgame)
’ RaXi WantsVbe IV>wei» to Hurry.
| Philadelphia S. St. Ia>uIs t; at Washing- biliiiM, from tbe modpra point of view,
The corresiiondent of The Times at i ton—Boltimor*- 6. Washington 4: at arc tecciving an adtiitioual ilinstration
Athens aajvi "Anitc anxiety 8 fell here : CTeveland-Brookyln B. Cleveland S: at in the ruse of .the projected innuvl bebecause of the absence of any hews from Chicago—Clnrlnnatl 1.' Chicago 8.
(wcni the mainland of Italy and the 8General SmoleneW* column. Owing to! Wefteml,*ague;AlMt;waukee~Kan--NewIdeas In----deUy In arranging the annistloeihegov- gas City 1. 'MlUvaukee «: at Detroit— laud Asf Sicily, - ptana and details of
wbicb. in xbndel, at executed by tbe
emmer.t has addiessed a strong protest 0«nd Rapids 1. Detroit 8.
civil eugioucar De Jobannis,
to the powers, declining to bear the re- ; Weriertr AsaoriatUin: At Quincyy «]
should further bloodshed oc- ' Cedar R.Trids '.Quincy «;-at Des Moines have attracted much KtrutiDO at tbe |
, fponslbllity
serious compileayona ' —Dubuque I. Des Moines 6; at Burllng- University of padoa. After tborongb]
cur and lead
As M. RgiH expUins to me. the got-wn- ’ ton—Rockford 1. Burlington 7: at 81. Jo- and carcfol stndiea of tbe strait of Mes-'
meni 8 In d serious predkameni. In or- ' eepb—lUim
■ina, its varying depths, tbd nature of !
. der tn.aecure medlaijpn It has corapro- jump ________
tbe gronod and of all other ooBditions ;
-Pretty Effect* .1 —^
mtt«l lt»ll in uS ey- ot l»il. Grenk. ;
M.y ri-I,.wr.'nV. Btm- wbMd) might assist or interfere with j
and Cretans, without obtaining « post- '
man. a farmer from the neighborhood aneb an ondertaking, De Jobannis de-'
five guarantee that Turkey will cease of ManUtee, Mich., took paeAsgicided (hat tbu beginning of tbe tunnel i
Milwaukee on the steamer M. H. Co- Vbonld bo near loan Giovanni di 8ani-i
- The Times corespondent at Candla
veil, but when the bc«i arrived here tello, a^ tbe foot of tbe Aspromonte'
It Is feari-d that autonopiy will '^
•, tbe niootb on the olb- i
owing to rte op^commtfwj 'suicide by
tlon of the .20,004 Cretan Mohammedans ,
His brciher-lh- CT side to bi‘ located on tbe degli ingle-;
«n the Island who fear that autonomy j
p„idh.k rccelved a letter ci plain. Tbe entire tnniN-1 will beitear-1
wut end In union with Greece: while the '
Saturday' saying that iy two miles long and will consist in
tbo main of two sbafls of about 10,000 ,
feat each, descending at a grade not cx-' H
c^iug 82 feet in each l.OOa Such a ’
Illinois Ceatral tielU Ho
ssmiAG TO OK*.BCtr» aouMKiiT. ,,
York. .May 13.-The IHinols Ceninel is thongbt pivferable to a bridge , gheCUa Knock tbe .Fat lalo tbe rise U’ tral rallrdad has negctlated a sale of that would involve snebagreet ..__
toe UortolUke the Cookery.
I gM.WW.bOO of 3H TXT cent, gold boildt and wind exporare.—Harper’s Bound i
, “
»« ••
^Dondon. May 13—The Athens ebrres- 1 «--cured upon the fomer Chew^ake. Table.
. .... 480a.m.
unsTB ui noBEUiin LI
At Our
Soda Fountain
..... ..
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Cut Glass.
.honl, l.Ior. ,.,ia.«lil l..t :
u-,S ..a' N™ (Sm
ceording to the Baltimore Kewa tbe ^
evening, siys; The government is l«mortgage 8H P?r cenL bonds to fandcis of Maryland are becoming 1b- l
coming sermusly discontented with tht :
maturing dlvtalnnai bonds, and
tmriedintbe morcmuit lor a general 1
dlpkimattf situation, and the opinion U , >2 ooo.wpo of maturing 8pringfl<ld dl- chitivation of tOfaaixn and f<w the intro- I
growing Ihil It would be Utter to con- ; vision bonda to U rehew
leuvdI at 3U per
dnetion of the raising of rice. In earlier *
tlnue the sriuggle than to submit to : c
days tobacco was grown thiVugbout tbe i
terms woundlrj: the nation^ honar. '
ttatc. bmfor tbe last half century it j
Some of the poweta Tavor a ^roall In- ,
demnlty, ,a
a modlflcaUoh elibe
eljbe frontier i Pittsburg. May IS.-Pri-Atdvnt M. M. has been confined to the conuties of |
and a limitation of the Gr«k IlreL But ■ Garland, of the Amalgamated Astwcla- wnlbem Maryland. Rice basuever been !
this w .nid never be arcri'f^ by Greece. ! tlon of Iron. Steel and Tin workers, baa grown in tbe state, but tbe recent sa<.'- ;
Bhe possesses the rixbl to veto the de- ! appolnled tbe wage committee for Uiis
rialons of the powers. In their original 1
This committee will meet at the
note me powers can.-d upon her to aban- • headquartei* of the organlxaUon tomordon her IniereAs to ih«n, but UiU form'; row morning and fommUte a report on profitably taken np in Delaware and
was rejected and the word -aurus." the wage scale to be presented at the Maryland. The yield of Dee is Dom 85
was substituted for "abandon."
\ annual convwiUon to be held In Detroit to 60 buAeU an acre, and 8« net profit
I week.
o news of re-'|
Tbe fact that, there Is no
ipsaid to be from $20 to $45 an acre.
sewed fighting must be regarded si |
d Bed Xea. ■
n ttifeasy lepllns
feeling «UI.
exists J
good news, b 1 .n
y 13.—The greet couru
here. The ^rks-dre trying to
| oil of llllnola Improved Order of Red
the Greek A^ilicn at Domokos. and the Men. Hected the followlrjg
delay in tl(e pone's reply la also inter Great Hchem. P. J. Nanawirtb, Chica
preted te’meXirfhat Tuticey dots not in go; great rtilef of records, WUson
tend to' cease hu«tilitles. Telegrams from Brooks, Chicago.
• the frxmt reporf^ that-both armies a.w
toticentraiing tn'antlHpation of as en
Green bay. WU.. <barbers «re trying
Tbe city continues QUlet though It is
hetle%'ed iliat tbe numemus Italian to bring about-8unday closing.
The Mississippi Valley CoMonwood
volunteers and socialisu now here wiU
c&dearor to fonic-ni'a revolution leading aasuciatlon Ttas declined. t“ ads-snee the
Es of cuiionwood lum) a republic. But the Greeks
4..0I-] to the tnon»roblc-l I.m *nd the ;
C p.. l.OW feet.
*om thht I. likely to h.ppett -111 he >
WllU.m J. BiThit 1* W
e^hiute of eoren-lyti. The tetttrti of , Demoe™® iti.u ttteetlhi et 8.1; Fi.n_JV of Frcwit
Crown Prince Constantin to the cajdUI <''*'<»
might produce dlsturbatw es. bm be Is i Master t^umbeis at Chlc.igo have ani» roroiily
• Hkrly to be discreet enougb to avo:j : nounced U»elr Intention a ending the !
.hhh. with
Athens for a time._____
I strike by rsopenlng thetr sbotw
union calls this
^ Metom to
Done hy a "Be«tT (TUlsr
experieore wod satUiaeUow
i a •'hluir." but If It Is put luio effect it - HineeB yeare’ exper
Ottomwa.-la.. May U.—Th» mystery , mM g crisis hi the trouble will result.
•r the KIdon bank roW^D'the ntotn- I
grttaln 8 buying horsv In lb*
M/.vCEiJ.A.VEOr.S H-.4.YTS.
mg of Feb. 1, at Whlrh Urn*- K.tqo tn | AegenUae republic for use in ib«ca\-airy
eaXb was leken. has at last bton un- :
nveled by Pinkerton detectives. Ex- '
QD- Maivbat Charles Stevens, of Eldon.
a highly re*pc«ed clOsen, has confewsod reiiwlnder of hla days.
•0 being the InHIgaioF of the crime
tanpUcate* Dick IVxld. of Ottumwa. Qtid
j ITIBinr CLAaB-BlUlard asd Poo! la^ fw
three Chlmgo chracksmen. The latter
mis KB
-ijr *wJe. SwItoMe for wo-w'; ' '■ort. /Can
OLB BOSmen did the work while Sterenswatebad convention at Pittsburg. About W of | w ^-wre^wi^^m^A^
Mlride. Stevens was -night watchman the £»0 member* In the a.«oriailon are TKb«. Hotel Leeuosn. r*
«f lAi- tlly at the Ume.______
fKT*D-Oood, reliable agento
in attendanre.
- es«y wtode.^^
r^flU--------Why. or cwa’iwe They Wees.
A wedding out of tbe ridinary took
4 ••
PrmwMrect. wpetalrw.e
HaxhvUIe. Tenn..toUy lA—A double. plAcd at lacrosse. Wls. The contracting
, lynching has occurred at Jeff, Ala. parties were John Amasmeier and
Catherine Bollgen. The groom'd parBoth men l>-nched were negroes.
18. — The em». who were celebrating the golden
aonwes of two women. Nclile 8n.lth and annlvereary of their own wedding, of
ficiated as best man and maid of honor,
Tauber, wholes^e tlquor dealer
et tbe village of Jeff. They wert, hanged
bjr« mob for poisoning Joahna Krily, a at 444 Blue IsUod avenue. Chicago, has reTenctob. BEETWILH£UI,cS«t rxUoc.
wrildQMTO dtla^
They ware ne- failed. The ameU are 88.06C and the Ua- gad iMk 8U.________________ Z
bUitlca 812.000.
Tbe imnris supreme courf has hand-
Eclipse Tea
LeakJs them all fof qualkj' at
■» gv
itof |£k
1 f%.
r™^hiJj”Z.rti““h^| Ollier Teas tfoni 20c. Ui. up.
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
........... .... .........
tas Bel /town m «haa> wit
There is a bread war at JaMtoffla,
Bprtngfleld. Dig. May U—Tbe MDSte ;wjfc OQt.toBLa lORtls the ei?<*-PP*.
yasterday adopted the Houm joint reaoJPWo pbotefi tea oBBU* Oaplacta 78
mtlos • for ffoal adjoaram^PT after
Btaa*. IDmt ami Park,
gniwamg ti
m to
th« $pte aoBlhibrt eoraar.
oifkaas^DCU^TlEr^inSslD sod
fcWgwwlJunctloctoNo. I JBtop*<mly « tok*
uTU. ta. -I -ha. —isss."-
West Michigan
...... 110 6 m
BW 480 ttf
ijj IS.’:'".
IMckage Ocffeee from............. 14e. Ib. iip.
Sc. pke- B'.'toine tor....:......................Beloe. botUe of Mustard for......................5e
AU othOT gooda aoM is p
QvaUtF Ossiwnto
Cor. 7ib'witd L'alon Sts.
Thompson, The Artist
leOhraad Elk Raptds
h. » - ........... U40s.a.
Ar. nh BapMs..... S804.H.
glhRapMs. ... ««s.m.
srleawsfof Ofsad BayMs i
J KXa0C»AgatoTrs
MM *H-agr Ageut,
8 BAVBH, OetotofPasdce
Grud Rtpids & Isdiant R. &
pt.ft. 18
Can aerer see life through the at
pair of glaiiei. But for all those who
need glaaaea, either old or /onng. they
will find that, as expert o|(aeiaaa, we
can adjust glaaaea and teat tbeeyewitb
aaalsrriTtoUtgOaau Ltoref!top.». ^
aoearacy. Our stock of ^itAcal foods
id the finest in town.
GAHHEn BROS., Jnelers.
Ads. in the Horning Record
Bring Qnick Returns.
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