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The Morning Record, October 06, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tint Y®«-No. 183.
<n Oh«i„oU
rrwuty WM Brntiouly tojowd, Blx of thMn'From
.FI w Yo-***'*"^*'*** *^****^^^**^ Bpaciil »*U<f Train VrOB Orud
' BapSte lArt
Ttitaim m«
(tteUls-Vbm Mmf
B« WTTt Z>Mth»-Ltot ofDMdwdXaju«a-K«raloaSbtlatiB aftTa UA
•»d B«OM tb« VntortaMM.
waaaaaphaw a( D. HaiaUtaa.
CUrUrciM. UiA: Ooi. fc-Tk* Me tba aaa avpiaraa «pea tba latartor
roBodaUaeof thaCitj'f^MraBoaB U
UuOmf Park H»tal U prooM.
tbto •■eHj. wba laft oo tba apaelal lUt
of 6oo»Vrt9Hoo
»T*Uy collapBd moraiBe for tha aaaaa of tba dtaMtar.
at tbiMi^alodi tkto
Tba aaw Ian. aa It waa to be caaad,
Boston’s Big Boast—
Beans-Books-Base BalL
Marion Whlu arill leave
todai on Ue Obia
paaied hy Ut*. White aod___ ,
MiB Jennie Blee* Uavea ibU'
iae for a tbraa weeka' Taeatloa
friaada la Foatoria. Toledo aad aaeianaU.
HarT7Knaa)aBd«ill«oto BaToana.
Ohio, todv o* the oararmloa wbloh
laatotOB the
laUraad for
Obteac* Kadcot.
Harry'Hiiabhece of Elk Bapida, la >
Ohleaeai Oct. s.—Wheat ■-Oetobar. j
tba city attoadlae to aaerkaa of ^a'' MMc; Denaaibar. eifce; May. tike. ,
Day of dtoMaani in tba Babratp ayn- I 0er»l.OetoW. SSHe; Daoaabar,
»ke; May. SSSa
Mtv W. H- Baesas waa la town yaaterday on her way to liraad Rapida
Mendoa and Cob oonaY
where aba wUl.riMtaavaral wdaba
Fred 8ilaby wont to CbarlavM* on
Lardthe C. & W. M. cpaeMl tbia Boralne to Pt.SO.
look after hla brother WilUa. who waa
one of the ricUaia of the wteeik of the V Oyatora—of tha boat q^ity at the |
raUabla oyatar haaaa >latober'a Oo- «
la alraadj adaartlaad la laaort papen
balUlnr wm» toot atorlB
far aaxt
to opea aa Joaa Zi aod
doae SapV M. Theardrk Of poaatntc- SOKOOL BDFPI.T AOBBT BBBI.
^ «*j be bM *P bar* ^
oueiT AOaUMMD.
pfegrtBlae al^. bol
^ trwB tba top dowa bafoB U
the Me atraetaia la aairh«ia aaar do*
oratvtBhadbeaa Waaad.
tabad. Tbaplaita eall for a baUdloe OhargMl WUb Wttedng Fergad PaCeatfaelMa wara aSlowad to pTaater foer aterlaa bleb, wltb ITS rocuaa. aad
par.-tellacad to Hava Obta ad
aad It aliaply mo fadtof porab apaa tea bMo Soyt two nppar a
Honey on atf Orderle ^Mcb Bigaataraa Ar« Bald to B «« Boob
Ika klUod ware Ptoroo SoadaU of
•oeond by Irragalar Hatboda. .
CUriarMa, and Bay HaBQtoa of
Grand B^Ida. E. C BAnDtoa.
tathar of tha lattar, ana also proV
aMy ntaUy iaiand. Ahoat twaaly
etkenr aroro avlona^ lajand aa4 Bora
4aatu may aeoar. Aboat »S0 Ban
fi«B tarwa tore aaray the arraokae*
aad abc«e«« M tha ararit 'of naana.
SU pkyMelaaa.aia kept baay Ualeht
the aroaadad. .
BostoD bean l»«yel; the Ug banner, boo^t by
being tbe beet.baae ball batten. Oar-BigBdaar
is our nev atock of Pictcre Moolding.
wltearrritbeot FraBOt.
Bare yoo aaan team at
Yaaurday Bomlng W. M. SUnr.
Vw« Farara la tha OaM af Thlrihy agent of the American Setool Bnpply
ea l>ak> Baolodad Baoansa They
Go. of Cblcago. waa arreaud by SbariS
of Wexford eoanty. on a eharge
Drank With Datadant.
The apaenelaof tiyiae • «Me with of attering forged paper. Tha charge
preferred by Dr. J. B.-Oole of Sbortea Jarora la praaanted te tea Circnll
eoan of tela eooaty. la tba oantentlaa ___i, who caahed an oidar proabntod
ofBaaJ.ThlrU^n-DaalalDaka. Yca- by surer, aad whieb la alleged to bare
tarday Boraiae when tea eaaa waa been aliared In'away teat enhaaeed
eallad Attoraay Piatt of ooBsaal for Uarmloa.
Thera are fear ageau working in
tee platetlB. aatoaadad tea ooart aad
teU locality, teoae baaldaa Sllrar being
VoUMlne I* • list of tho aeoBBdad:
^of -tea Joroie bad Indnleed In drinking C. D. Valleab. John Moleb and a aun
>ea not teal more aomtertabla at wall
WiUla Btlahy. Travana OlW. Hba boor tea niebt before In -ooByany
«d teen teoas wboraclinaoe Sbtar'a
U li atatod teat one of tbaae partlaa
-kMtaa aad badly bralaad.
with tba defendant and aw
..ay Fnnltnre. He b giriag aoAa
rialtod acbool diatrtci No. T. Paalnaola rare bargalDs In Oonebte and Lou^b.
C. W. MeKaal. Ttaaorae Oty. aartona- frlBida. Tba two Jnrora aad ,Jnd*a
p. Md andoaroted to aall a bill He has a lane stock and a special lot
of good $K wx-ouebca
'oock teat be te eclllag
tba raantt waa teat the Joroie who bad ofanppllea
befenteey ,
SUaa Oaw, Travaraa OUy. aUo aartre of Ed. car- forPSM).
Haaoco^ thee!
leanlyed In ooarirlalliy at tbe asp
are all goaa
deleadaat ware aselodad fro» roU. director, to aa ardar for fK.SO.
payable Fetamary. ISPS. Mr. Qamll is
^—*.<«e other workmaa troia Trav- tea'jnry. Tba caae waa eooUanod
Bid to bars signed it with tbe aadai^
araa City who w«e Injaiad. tkooeb not tea jarora, by ^utnal ooaaent.
standing that bate the other membors
1S8~132 ric&t ftiMt.
awtoaaly. are M. 6- Chaae, Ckariaa Bra- dMondanl aad the jarora azeladed from of tee board should alga before bb
tba eaae nigad teat teara waa ao lo*lWt*«hWB.J.IlproaL
tentloB wbaterar oo altbor aide to algnatore ebonld benoma raltd. O. J.
WUUaa «aiMpa,^hadly iajnrad la- pradjnoe tee oaae one way or tee other Beneoa. the aaaoeeor, w«. rialled aad
toraally aad olhorwiaa braUad.
by tea aoMablUiy indalged in. bat tea requMted to algn tbe coder, bnt at drat
declined. Bylng that It reqnlnd tbe
Mr. Baird of Charte*M*.oaeayatoca •oort decided teat tbe oaae aboid
algnatnra of the moderator Instead of
triad w:lte tan jnrera.
bb. bnt when told that tba director
F. A. SBlth. badly Injnrad. one let
HOTBD VIBXTOM FBOK OHIO. wbbsd all tee memben of tee beard to
alga, it b lalA be did eo by rrrltleg bb
aad oao arB fraelnrad aad head aartEx-Ooraraor Footer aad Toledo Any- aama aad drawing a line terongb tee
oady eat.
printed word modaiator nnd wrtUng
Inta Board Are Hen.
Mr. Gala, hand onuhed aad latanal
lawMor abora IV
A party of diatlagnUbad geaUac—
iaJarlB. «rtU probably dla.
Whan Dr. Cob caabed tea ordar it b
JaBB oaiatt, three riba farokaa. alao
aald teat tea Una dra-wn tbnngb tbe
laat ereaiag aad wiU bo tba gecata, fer word modorator rraa erased aad the
tot«aaU) injaiad.
a faw daya. of SapariDMadaat Mnaeoa
John Onrik. Mda eraahad aad otkar- of tbo Nortearn Mkblgaa Aayiam.
tea idea teat tea aalboriw of tea modTba party coaalela of aa-Ooromor FoawlBharV
enter waa gtran. Tbta aaama to ba
Charlaa OabriaU aoporiataadaBt af Urpf Foatoria; Dr. H. 'A. Tobey. anpar- tea gronad for tba ebatga agalaat
CbariowU Bioebrio Worka. wb^ waa
iBMMa. atTolado: State Senator Will Sllrar.
l^t algbt BberiS Troy ratamed to
wlriae tha balldlae. aarioaMy hart bat lam Oeyeer. of Swanioa; Parka Foater
tbb city after witaeaaaa la tea oaae and
of Elyria and U C. Cola ol Bowling
iHtb him came Bllrer. who waa parThan Ware aboat tea aihaiBBora er Onan. Tbaea genllamon an all Boaafitted to go to tbe plaoe when be U
bora of tee Board of Tnateaa of tbo
Toledo laalltnUoa. and while here wUI faaanllag rrite Us family. Ba will
Tho BaaaeaMMt of the railroad of- Inreatigate the workinga and metboda glre ball teb momiat te tba aam of'
farod a apoeisl train to ooaray tba of tee Norterm aaylom for tba
surer was aeoa by a reporter of tbe
Tnvarae ClW Boa beau tealebt. bat aad teen will be a free Intarcbaag* of
Bnevu) last algbt and stated teat teen'
the pbjmielaa* adrlaad that MeKaal riewa aad ideaa batweon tee eSoara b sotblng la tab deallaga or of bb aaaad trnateea of tbeqtrro loatltatloat.
and caw bad better raBai^ aatU Bornl«at ereelng tbe loeM trnateea and B. aoelstes to wamat any aneh aelioB aa
lae aod tba oUteta ware not ao aarioaaly B. Hell, aa old-Ume friand o! one or baa been talun. Ha alawd that ba b
kart bat that they eoald do vary wall two of tbe rldting geatiemea. met tbe tea agent of tee Amarkan School Sup
ply Co. of Ctaleago. and eubmltted corIt's dangerooa Kslncoa dlggiag
goBU la tea parioraaf the aaylnia and
bare, aad they daeliaad to laaea.
gold la aleake tbb eeasoir of tee
gareteemaeordla] welooma. and plana
year, but prrieotly aafe te bur of
mdan froB him bad baaa aaknowl.
Mora, it's eoaad jadgmuV
Travaw City waa thrown Into a
edged aad ahlpped.^ ibb compMy. ba
aiata of iaUnae a*«lto»eni yaatarday tee rWlon r^Ue tbay ramUa In the deelaiad. are large Baaufaetaren
aftcradoa wban tea dlaaatar waa raaad bare been doing baalaam for
ported over ibaNwlroa. There b«ln(
BeoU Woodward waa anmBoaod to years la tab locality. He b rrorkaavaial men from Ibla city employed
tog for teem on eommtaaloo bnd
oa tea bold, teara ware many aexlona Aldan iMt night by tea aevera Ulncaa tba method pneUeed b te take
friaada and faBUlaa eaaking tldlnga by of bb fateer who want then yaatarday tee drdera. ernd teem In te
OB a Tblk The mcango alao
wire to loam of tea lajared
liDod.raderwcar at 50e e gai
railed for Dr. UarUa aad tea apeelat bean aad teen la order to got kb
.Tba '
Aaoteer lot flema lined andereommlirioB promptly te eeean the caeb
wear at 3»c a garmenV
n wUh
baaty —,----------laqalriaare- train on tbe G A W. M. to, ChariaeoUwaakapt
(B tee orders etg^ by tee bayerv Be
gardi^ tea injnrad antll a Ute hoar
aiatea teat tee atatemcat teat they
iaatnighV, Tbi
Boat aarioaaly Injured,
naU mdan for wbat tboy can get b
a ^w.
ware C. W. McNeal and BUaa
ixtnbeary camri
Mra. B. 8. Pratt' baa ntaraad troB lalao, aatesyask tee fnll amonn
but tea extent of teelr tajuriaa
katr nadarwaar, wool, at tOe.
faoa ralao. and get tv Be aaya
not be leaned daAaltaly. Mra — Ann Arbor.
I lot Boa’a extra baary Maria*
a be has had eimUar ordore cashed
Neal and Mra. Cbw wma adriaed te go V Mra. J. D- Mnnaea baantoraod from
. teb locality mnay times aad teb b
48c. our prtoe S3&
to Oiarleratji by • apMl^ Uaia which ,^rbbta Pontiac.
W. D. C. Germaina ntnraod from tbs Rat time bo baa bad tbslr ralldlty
^n.Mbuys a Baa'S baary ^ter
laft Grand BapMa for tbo eoooa of tba
m tee Btaadlag of bb boaaa qamUoaod.
dbaatar at tea o-alook, stopping ban
B. J. Morgan tUtedUM night that
$S buys e m*a'e henry black or
Mr. Md Mra. Cbarlee Boaeatbal arat two o'clock teb moralagMr. BHrar bed bean ben abent two
branded Chariot eulv
riyed yotteMay from Cbbaga
$4.rr bays a Ban's b
Tba apoobl train fnaa Onad Rapkb
Mr. aad Mra J. E. Jobnaan an homo moatea aad tent ha bad bed dealings
ended Oeakmarc aalv
with him wbbb rroie perfectly fair
did not arrira anul aboat thna o'clock. after a week's rblt is DctmlV
$S.M> buys a maa'a axl
Oa boa^ ware aareral oOebb of tea
Mra M. V. White wUl laara today and booonUe. alao that ba bad oadonblabnaatedanlVaU
dearored to soean some of tea mdan
-road aad paraona Interaated In tha ter bar boma at Bowling Greoa. (Milo.
BFtedete te pattBA.
Iran Dona. Oaear Bamna and W. J. at a dbeonat aararal Umaa bat BUrer
bad nfaaad M teka Irm than tea face
MeKaal and Mrs. SUna (bw.
- paalad by Prank LUll. boardal
WUIlam Abboft of Wmt Ttb atraeV raloa Ba atated teat Cbabbr Bamtea train, Mra McNaal bring weak
BBtwtalnlng bm tatbar, Ab Abbott moad of tea Flrat Natkmal bank bad
rrite Ulaaaa. not baring been eaV-.of af Naplpa Cb
caabad aerarsl ofteaordara and bad
tea boaaa for twe waaka Fnd BUaby
B. W. Booatta. Walter Yeaag aad yet w barg teat they rran not all
aad D. Bamlltem abo want on tea W. P. V(Y»di0^wUl bare tebtaoralng rigbV
inrnli’. tea bttarb tea ancle of tea for rnriarb. O.. oa tea oxaaraloa.
' Hr. Bllrar atated teat tftea alterawho waa kUlad. -Tba anfartnaate
MlB tJUtee Laate af (bdfllao ra> tern was Bade CA tea artmlnqiiallnB
ha waa aaawara of n. aa ha praoarad U
.irapd boma yaaMday after a ^
of oma c< bb iBWibtei
. aat Tbtt rrite Mba Ma MeOwmld
Qay HaBiltea. teayeaagBa
The Man
on Easy Streat
. udcoMtooirstonhr
FW TVs fMk-Ie m.
We Want
-Ton to BDOoeed Is hoYlBg tho Lishteot.
Whltoot And Boot Brood in RfioMgmn,
thorofbre odviM yonr nminc
Floor AS A '‘Boro thing.”
Remarkable in that
There*s No Wool in it
It looks like wool. It feels a littie like
wool. It’s calcnlated to deceire the
hastr bnyer. If you want a woedea
stocking but don't want to pa^ wool
{nice, yon can deceive yourself with this
one to good advantage. Price 15c, aivl
good^or the money.
Bad weather, and the
^ys wd
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. We
have Better Value in this line tham evrt-before.
T. j. HOST, PARKfefe brothers; £
TB* KOBanio.
Ktoekbote «Mte tkM ba te filW» ^
•rlsiaal aoUaet w4
•bortti** l» *•• ••
«B0«. T. Bath axu J. W. BAxm*
j. Jf. HA»ro. Bdiw Md MMNtw.
SUBSCRimOMBOm vMkl kr wTtv.
^japBIOAW* Of eiTB*» WW•aom TO Bi inmtMD
kwatfsbUMwd to Owvaa to ooBMoCioo with
(to) dtoto of Maria ttoobaeb. tba notad
0«>MB aettaaa, toowa rwp wall tba
mMani <f Atowptk* <f Arntncaa a&aira wUob
S^Taod ltoU |»walla taO«»aBp» aowtato
■"STto^ azttoV Saatoobwaab*raiD<«thaB to
M IMtaUnc of (b*Mtvn
*^JLb Oabtoat
to uaitod iuM*-a«« Tou^ wm
Ba OatUMf fbr Oate.
Bxmwnm U tbe
tttttim TBiVBSSS aBBil.D.
^”**™°*'*. ooioBm e. i
of ■
•ottotoatofT tbaa »aa bopad bf •»?
II Hill |-^ tomara, a»d aa aaalyai*
iio, abowB »bat »ba baata ratoad to tkto
«ooBtt7 ara awaatar tbaa tboaa wbteb
<m tba baato of tba r**t boat aacar
todaaUT U Oar»aay. wb^ ^bwt
boot aofartorwodaoadaiid wbata
taioMtrr baa baeotoa o«a al aaal
portoBoa. Tbla raaalt of tba axpariaaal aboald todaaa a nwaanMt to
ward thaaatobUabBMBtof (aetorlaa la
Mieblfaa aad aeVaa aa awamcaMBt
to iba fanaarttoaacBdra to tba |todaetloaoftbabaau.
Kow that Mr. Baftarb UU baa baaa
ai^oaad of ptfbapa It will ba la ocdar
to flT* • U»«« prallmlaarT attoaUoa to
olty parka, with tba »law of fatUaj
tba food woA atartod. It waa datarBtoad bp tbp oouai aoaa Um afO to
appcdat a o
^ttae bat not pat beaa opaad.
WaaUarW*. Oatobar 5.-Ooa waalt
or tka farmaOMi cl a Sacwta oabtoat
to Spala. U to tacUarad. «rlU ba tba
noattorof awaaaty to^aay. If nalall.
of tba AMrieu friaoMia bald l« Cab^
ood tha pardoa «t m»Mj OabMa aoo^ to toirriaaaaaaL Ewdtoc
BOB^ettoa «f Vb« ttofaato caUsat
tbara baa boaa ao li
totlaa wm ba takaa.b«t It to mW to ba
a aataral aad aaaaaaair part of tba
aaw Spaalab pollej toaalrtor tba withdrawal ol 0«i. Waylaraad tba adopttoa of »or
. - —k It la <
wlU ba ralaaaad aarly aad Mia Oa-
to lopkad opoo
to tbtoltoht ...
Aoomdiiie to tbto R
bpslMlo awetoa wbkb towMia tba
oM dap reotored a BMasawe KM
toraetoiaa to qoMboL .
Mtlmnan wtobad to am bm. 8be
' ADobMT tofanttot baa no dlfiooltp to
wa to- told tbe aerrant to tmi b^ to bar
■rluwa dnwiae nom to tba hotel, and wb«B
be arrired he totoodaoed hltnmlf aa a
entato Colonel Smith. Theobe pltmfed
at lbeob}e«*<< btovtoit and aaid that
be imaiarimd a omtain wall known
rtratfaaa Ibaaa Uttar an baalttafal
totoea, for nanp parta of oarlttBcaan
“^^"*&adp beaid." be mid.
not called Into aetlro an to ordtoarp
anagnmmttot. Ivantto
toialhini Tba apex.« top of tba Itae. find oat if r» an a food bntonamw^
to notablp a fwit wblcb doea
aaweU. Do poa want to make
Ip paititopata U tba mot--------toaathim, and aa tbto to the apeoto]
^j^^no objactiont tomakato
aaat ,of ooBanmrcloB attadt wa map
mid. "if it topoabbtomh
naacmabtp bold that tbr Uw of dinat that.’'a^
^walpWtw* and difntoad wap."
axptoto. toe paaHr ItobUitp of tbit
It’s to the mem oaarae. wap
pomibU tbat 1 intfnaa" tba Tint*
«»»toa.A "ami 1 oStr poa »l0.^ f«
« and bmine it. a. it a
U an WMttol ocmditltB for baaltb
^ elalBU. aaeb aa that la tba eai
benor Uaetater. bp totoetot into pUp
Dr. B«U Ittoaaldtbat a oomI
ttoi wboie of tbe Ipnea. or at kato t?
prabablp wUl ba prapaaad to daal with fanrise an to«raa«N<>^-?r(rt. to Ic
all dalna artatoc dartof tba rabal bonctomed an admirSbU a«f
Uaa aad than ara totiaatioM that
BMidm thto phpaieal tfftwfof Uaeb
•upa toward tba araatioB of aaeb a tw w« ban aim tc takeUtd'aroooDt in
oadar wap. At- mental tode. Tbon to a certaiu fanto
abmalat to be noted, a pq'chtc Molt,
Vbeofb there to ooattoaad
to addition to thi phpaical
tbc atata deparuaaat eanaaral
It to prettp owtoln the mental phan ol
Spantob Caban ^ffalra It to andaratt
a pood, bnrtp Utaph U to ttt war. ai
tbal tba eorermmaat baa bean
bralihfnl a* to ita phyeicnl a^iect.
formed that ttoato «
tMOpinp is aim pratoed aa an ’ezxsellont
» tbat eo}ar«d bp |
ritrcim. and pablic q>mkii>« to ai
------------------- laag tonic a# ode map with
It to bo that lir, Tbe onlp drawback to the werk <ri
tbe q>Mk<r to tbe fcnl dendition of thi
a of real i
oSarad U ahonld be aeoH>ted bj the armoftoeretowbkdibe hat often to dc
In (be damh of Htnlemor Oonaid G. : Oobana. The Ineomtof of Ue Safaato
Sweuberf. who died pmtardap. Grand wbinet to welcomed bp the admiatotrap.fie. loam a profrmtlra clUacn, an tto. which aeearal weak, afo waa ap•bio Mwapapar worktr and.ont wboaa
eaeiT. of a poemb.e earlp dtotarbMod dsada will leaf lamato pltaaant
ol oar trioadlp reUUoat with
mamorimto aomaa of Wanda and bnal-
Time 'f«e-faa to^^iu to thiok about it
—Time for ns to talk about it—Be^t ^
Underwear on the aiarket—Call, for
" Catalc^e concerning iL
Hamilton Clothing Co
fWbat bate 1 to do to latomT* «A"Kotbtof to tba wtrid." tihe eokmal
t^tUd.tml a. ba«itiorf tbe.x|»»
mtontobmmit <m bar bmt ba
wtnton: "I toM poa tbat 1 oame from
a mwtog mafWne compaup—<n
lanceat to tbe wtdd.' All tbal I
<f %o to nton fo tbe flO.000 to tbat
at Maifwrite- to tbe eptontof wbed
scene from 'PmM'poa will nm cne cd
in Black and White
ouder tbe collar or to tbe brenat pocket of every Coat made b]r L.
Adler Broe. A Co. tbare ia-n liaen label, of which tb« foUowiag !>•
reprodoetkm in priirt.'
Ito drop from toe fallcrp. mptof toat
s maobtoe need bp Maria ' '
smid to bara
bnt. to tbe cart,
meet fer Uoetoe's aafcdp to d
m toe fedtof which mred bw animio
**Tboa*iBW Is of a type that dtoappmrod from feneral nm 40 pears afo
n doea not Tide It tool toe kind sold abuot P. T. &rWhen yon boy yoor “Adler^” 8oU thia fall, write yoor aMMo ,
'm wdl m bis pcu*o(ppa to tbe Umud n«m to toe earlier daps to bis earesr,
State. rtfoUr army, hot tbe Ukeea cl bnt tocrlm to toe kind atill pam matoor and tbe date of pmrbaae <» the label and wbmi yoo an fintOly rtedy
toe PRscb army are bettor and i----- to Europe, althoofb a i»o» afcmt who to diacatd it yoo will be nirpriaed to find bow loii« it baa iaated you.
m_aaytotof to tor
to toto
Xmrnfmt Will Mot Teattfy to H» Own
ooantrp wo^d won lose bis job.—i!aw There ia no dotfainK tbat ia cheaper than that made by tbia cd^rated
Smtea. Tbe >alf toed
Bp «. H. White A On. at Mapna
w^VsH and tba Bbmona Trtal
chamtirs are op to anp amoani cf werfc.
firm, becaoae do other ready-made clothing wUl wear aa loog and preOttp 'Flu Make Boalaaaa Oood
1 Normans
and Br«bu
Xa Vaarly Ended.
and tbe heart.----aerre ita ranmitial style and perfeoh ahape. Only coetom made garTBara.
CUmfe, Oeu t —Tba dtfaam to the eftheWUltota H. White A Oo. •f''Bopne
In bit yooBfw
toe U» Mr. W. 1 menta at double the price can be compared with it lor durability.
Laetfort marder -trial reetod Ito' cam ptobapeto
Garry, are^------------ ---------------dtp have porchamd 1.000 aeraa
Smith wa. asnally pswent tt
Mdap afterawo witaessm had taatUed. finb The Pmh artillery—Iwltored H.
^ iirntofc tapers dispsicbed. aad
terdwood Unbar land la Antrim ec
«-------... ..-.u--------Laetfert did not fo on the wltnam
uf toe ot
«p tram the O. B. A 1. .Ballroad o
•land to bis own detnaea. Tbe blf deli
te to toe army—was
^ , had pone wrmif, to toat to<re»_^_
fonj, the parchnee rapreeentlaf the
mamfe maker yielded to the ad rice of Th.) physiq^to
‘ ™
risk of that psper nusstox-cbe Oatoa.
inrmtment of >70.000. AnepUoa km the aitomepebatitwmarreatdtoap- li<-1d and how Uttrries
____ _____
Mr. rtoiith. rwupoUtop
•lai be^obihiacdon LODO.aerm
torew-.Jl bU tsmt. w.rked away m ban
pointmaot^ him. Be bee declared tost to toe line, and toe areiaj^
■norp F -tieerin of CoUmbm bi
to tbe ofiKvm is hifb*-r.
bu sobardiiial.ssod
had th
for moo^ tbal he mast toitbis stop eit-aey to
noma .a part owner to one of the mllto
. . . „M»
fOB toatti isa*m.d .with is s^ »,^ri.w‘<if atwiaf the cans knv
.be Jrp. Larwarfs cooase) feaiwd m.ist eUerttre w«is*»—tbo tieidfuwx I
of the eontpanp at Boyne Citp and will
lut wim OB the stand and ba accept- to »• mm., weishin* Ki,4» bnodrwLi
n^wa* alt«»ward knuiu* or.r one to
mere to that place to Uke cba<Ye
the slustioD with a trowa. This
Tbe eompasp bm eloeed a eonWact for _, -niof Jadf* Vtoceni pointed oot to wiiftaA atidflrini; a I7.S8 pooud nna-; ^ mbltwnsaliiis a {s>i>r. still to hit
arm*- when on.- <f toe men.
niiui shell. lS-6 |»>Bnd Khrapuel; to.'
Croifktto^lt.coo.ooo feet ol Icfn for G.
Luetfsrt that Wm. Cbarlea, bto bnsi- homr anillrty fan weiybiott 8 -16 buu mi*mktof him fur a matt. gave him a
Von PUttoa-oret tbc Boyne CSlp A
mrk cm ..........................
hu taoad hack. iulo the largeai atorr anrth uf Gruntl Rajuda. bruoming full of barMS partner 1^ told practicallp the dredw.Hghl.wito a 111-) pmuiAcom-i
•ontbem road w Boym atp. IVom
paina Yoa trill makr Do BuUke. ^yith your ready cash bnyH^a
ime albrp that Laetfert woald tell.
«ha dockVol the eompmp Ito earfoee
Well. Jack, old man. sre got that CASH HOUSE. ALWAY'8. We d*«ot chaige up to yon aay loanw
-YooeaBMtaddtoitanpthlDf that
dt lamber ha*e been ahlpped and tbe
lot away ■nartly." When "W. H '
will be ol bonefll.' mid ViaoeaL "If lonr gims to l.ow tolaatiy and me-, lalnd himn-ll. the- man rushed away. by -d«kd beata.^
Deal in a Ooe-Priced House. With oompeUtion
•ontlook for bostomt to mid to be e>poo f© open the wltaeas stand poa wUl airy—b not tbe only iudiratuai toal terriOed hP his blonckr
from vitbio and witboot «e most necanaarily be the chekpegi, to do
be sub}eetod to cram examinatloa laaP tbe Fmicb place great reUanoe apen
Ob coming <ai daep at night lbs mas the boaineag we a» doing. We bare added new lines ainoe morinE
■tof for days aad oorwHaf the antlra their artiUrty. Tbe battortoam toej raosiTKl a nose addremed to him. whjto
Botai Webber Ammad.
bsouu.-lo<bdn»taitMdtor"sack," bat into <mr new etokbliabment, aad we hare gw
Peter Webber bf MapfieU townUilp. period at yoar Ufa. Yoa wm fat ezble appearanee. The okt mazn
to hi* mrplrae
linm mahiw^ c iT gto^ complete in all of ill branebea
In oar Dry
wm arretted pmtardap by Uodaraberiff dtod and will my tbinfa that will In- "spit and polish" srm not m
that from tbs
Goode Departi »t we offer a pare mlk relret fw 41c a yard.
Atbton. aharfwi with aamnll dbd hat- Jnrapoaroam Mp.adeiea to yon to to mtsly mrried ont m is the cm*
woald be a faceman. "W. Hr--,
«M7 bp Albert Kraam. who wm •kaw__________
toe htoteries to tbe United Staten ie*a sense etneigb to s» that a nUn who Wat
Ur army. Tbe steel batoes aad coUu
tbiaahad bp Webber at a daaee Satai'
.iritgfal.dBl bs'
ehaiBs wav to same instamwi at
dap BifbL Tbt aoeaaed wm taken badi^ull task frr Ibis cRiplojm was
Uiffat m they might bsTs been, nm
to toe ngUt
f M JntUoe Brown and relmatd on
______ v________
OOP baU to appear for trial Mondap.
banmcetlate. bat toe bonea an btytad
Itodiw* poro linen, hem •titehed bandkerehieb, 2 fer 23e. Tbe
Aseasrif aoitsttad*.
Grand BapUv Mieh.. OcA S.—Conrad
>«cbool'Work to India.*' ,
game that yoo pay 25c apieoe for obevheie,
mto piece aad each cainsm U toorocMto
Him Auto—li ■ Ibuny •t<ont
Tba Womanb Foreifo Htaatonarp
to this eltp and
maiotp of tba M. B. ebnrob. will atoot BOwan**^P^
Yoto Trtimoa_________
ptoer Uble.
in tba obareh parfata tbto aftonoan i - .armarlp proprietor to Swaaab.
Mr. Age~Nototog atrangs. aheto
Aa risnssiiry nma
BnatoM OoU«ce- ^Ud hare ai 8A0
t;M. Babjeet. "DiaeraAt pbaam i
toat Naturally siw * kskisg after tbt
"Wbp." asked Pat m ka mm.
"kitty.-"—New Y’«k Triboaa
•aboeVwork la ladia."
oonghtog toto~toe gnippery. "ii
OorfiCUnch all wool Sergta and ifi-inch aU wool HnuieMaa at
DeroUaaal-Mra. W. P. OrfOa.
bumble Roat klwayt held up •• the
Herald and sinee he bm basa.ooai
48c per yaidarv the talk of tbe town.
RegardlM of adraneea we
8|ato hm M.»M rlrmesuary sot
Paper—Ura. D. B. Titu.
Ue for totuxktoiun—for tostanm. ‘ful
•d with that paper It hm baocmis one magoatr"
b« only 41 per cent to tbe children re give better Talne than ever. Look at oar bandaaoie, artistieaBy made
BecitoUoQ-Htot Mabel Bldrad.
of the beat and moat InflasaUal in
"I GaBWH maaa." answered Tim Aeieeeeen the radiiu.«teto an edoca- Bdr'a Bloiwee in the obildren'a clothing departmeoL
GleaatofetoMfa. W. T. Roaborfb.
Look at oar all
Mleblfaa. Ue was M years of afe and "anlna"—and he paiued luediutirelj tim. Th.- leacbos rwvlte only ♦« R
and ctmipare it with any |7 aaitoelaeand ItsAed at Pat m if be ezprrtod ar $400 per T.SU-. and mostto them ml* on- wo^ Men’a Kobby Suit at
Tbe prociam will be followed bp a dartaf hU life hm trarelad aztoDalee
InntatKm—"ankw it irbcouisr be b able to oulUct that.
here and be yoar own jndge.
ehiekaa pie supper from S ito 8 to which toroafb Europe. Maaiso aad all os
toe United Btalas, He wm one
m> wUI gave yoo money on all kinda of itabooery.
all an ooidUlIp larlud. .
I'ittshnrg N'ea-a
Grand BapWa’ lendtof elttotm and •
Do not forget to aimple onr perfomea in
whidi we are aeOBreritMa.
AU aauuala. dum.e>tic mm inclnded
ing at 28c per ouooewhrenme
Prod Eaeelaad ralamad Imt nlfbt
jtMT waata ia our lioiw with tie aad we will aare yoo
from OadUUe, where ba went with Dr.
their far looks Imsi bright and gloi^)
/. H. Cols to SU ebantaB afalnst W.
than lunal It is always a sore sign a
M. Hllrar. who obutoad sionaj from XdttU Tows of Anatto, Pa..' Mat With rain when burses and catUs aerated
Tartihls Diaaator.
OoU oe a aehoot order.
their necks and miff the air.
The Wosaeab Borne aad Porolfn MtoAceordtof' to dlspatebaa la peatar"““n^'^meats
TbaeTrtfhtisvsrytoUB iiijtDedta
toonarp aoeUtp of the Uonfrafational day's PM"” ^6
•bareh wm mnat with Mra. Arnold, oa Pa., wm satlrely wiped oat hy fin Ufe ty tifbt Uetof. *
Qlaat Block.
Waahtofton atreai. this aftarnoan at t Moadap afwwaooa. onlp fire haaaea be*“w1llia1T MOOLIHAN^
laf Uft. Over one kandrad-hoaaea
I daatropsd aad five bnadnd peo
•OTXBnUMT OLEmSB PAIX. ple wars made bomalaaa Th. fire srm
startto bp a load of hay helof ran toto
Aaonaad of Bmbaaaltof Ta
a fm Jat
trwtad toMto Oara.
Ttaeersa City p«>pU trill ha aapaatalWaaUnfWa. Get. A—TbaOtand Jaip Ip iBWraatod ia tbe news team toa feet
tatomed throe ladietmeaU afalnst tbal Wm. Bartep. one of the promi
PiMato' i. Uaekbofer. the law dtobara- nent hatlissi amn of Aastto. wm an
tof oBoar of liie stoto dapartmant, old time reaidssl of thU cdtp and U
'toe ptea oa »64 Ihlm «»*
Given by..dmrfttic him with
------------ •tdaly known here.
fit,000 of tbo foeal
Jaip and Ootobar l«te. and with approtetomartea.
prUttof to hto own nm WS?«0
A am eaptaiD tolls to hhi aailiag-te
worth of forammaat henda. Kiaok- Bontocru sum wbm- flying fish ahoand.
bofar was arreatod to Map. 18M. and ybaywonld stsuetini.s in their fiighi
^ tat toe ni^t come abuard tov toip and
todlcied. bis ambotUamm
from to to BO per cnaV fipaalal
^ Ariipto toe dec-k He had three oati
Low Vrteee ara fenad oa .arrow width.
’ tost, toongh they were lying ariecqi
October 7, a and a
After an toemtlfation «
ami amaU .Uto la ladice' and gaMtehetew. woald hear Iha aonnd whenerer
afitotoaok the desk a^ woald reto
nnmMoeed that there wm aa ^ipniant ap «e get IL They diatotgultoed this
Pattern Hals. Neweat and moat
' ahwt^ of more than tioo.000 to hto team all tobtraoimda Tbaonwariad
to Imitate it U rartona way*,-bat aaajd
111111-— Tba trtal wm to bora 1
handiome designB copied from the latest French pittenin.
W^'^dBaa iam a«n^ bat wm paetponM aMdaoMratoacM
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store
We Have Reduced
Millinery Qpeningl
Piipet t Smith
Hip Brak Footwear
Fi-w.-n.3r: Fa?±©ajrf.o3n^
Thursday. Friday, Saturday,
or Hay I aa oaaaL The mifermftai
aeamed to be la bit aanal ftaioe-c*
aceordleo to the wltaam. OderoMa
bad taatiBod t»a« Utetpert k>ohed“wflA*
ViriKtien In th* Bony Monotony
of tho Murdor Com That Jo
Entertaining Chieago.
Odeaco. Oct. t.—Aa «impcet«4 nrs
ta aamln occOrmS Itf the Lnctscrt trial
Oartnc the arternoon wwlnti ot the
eeon rMterOar.
defcsw vaddraly
AH Mm DwhQ'mgi Exe*^ FW*
in-^ Lumtwr Town in
Raraaa. Oct. A—It la announced freo
Spantah beadqnirtere that
Itollna. with a dcuchment et pererament trtiopa. mored on an tiiatir«eat
fore* under Araapo. Sanpnlly. Araapnreo and EUaeo. al Areoa da IMc«o
aad a.»«rianA on the heipbta about
Madrupa. Ibla province, oa tbe SMb et
Tbe Spaolah peseral divided bit
forcet and went throupb dlffereiiV moaatalB drfHea towarda tbe irmrpent oamp.
At M a m. on Oct. I brlBC war caa.
atnod all alonp (be Uac and tbe ta<
aunrmti were compelled to eeek refiipi
AadKM^.Cp a I
T.o.,a«i Oct. A-Thc Ttinre la a WOdal artlcte tbia enomlnp aayu: 'Tha
Wolcott commlwlen tn'enda le requoK
the puvemmeot to plvc a Baal aad Im
mediate reply to Ha moaetary prepoiaU.” After plvtap a review ef tbe
htetury of tbe uueatlon. the writer ot
tba arllple cvncludei; The core of tbe
wboTe'eubJect la tbe queetlea whether
Umetalllam ta wlae or fnoilab. The
United flutes and Praece my yew On
behalf of Oiwal Brlula It B decided to
av no. But It yea U to be aimwered
oa behalf of India we shall be le
a net of coatradictery propoolUoaa.ladeed, for tbe key* of the Indlaa mtnU
are le Downinp nreet no leas tbaa ibe
keys of tbe Aondua minh-
Buffalo. Oct. A-A apertal tp
**AoB-melaalUe Bo* rwtmal.
prcaaifTom WellpvtBe. K. T.. oayx: Tbe
At^f^’cloch Id (he aftemoaa tbe 8pabUncoln. Neb.: Oct. A-tc antl-fpd<«
little luinbertop town of Auatla. Potter
Urde had captured all tbe laaurpeat poPupubat euie coaventiU) yesterday was
■ettona. drlvlap the eoemy toaeek refupe
einxwi a failure. Bchaaae'e ball vraa
On|V«d lU Uoe of expert teeUmoor iod In cavee or Jump over bipta cilffa. The
adrenlord aa tbe place of mrettnp. but
'-.put 00 a wltocM, to Impeach the e<rt> Inaiyrent InfaMry. which waa cea* ernoon aad cvealap. At about t o'clock the cooventlon wae b«>d Is a private of>eoee of the vitacaaeo for the aute. maaded by Aranpo and Sanpul'ly. left_ . a'team dtnve.lato the livery of R. W. lice, tbe purpore belnp. ao It waa aatb« I PbUlIpe with a load of atraw. .The m uneed by the delrpttee. to eutwlt tboae
Cx>Jndoe Vlocent. Attoroer Phaleo. over 10» DM lulled at the foot of tM
Arnold Laetccrt ai>d otticn who are praciplcca. The Bpenlardf loot Bnera Btraw atruck apalnK a llpbtrd paa }at (avc'rable to fneion. whom ll waa feared
tatemted lo the dcfeam. b^d a c«t>- men kUied and had two oOcerv and thlr- and la a maoMDl Ibh whole baildlap cilpbt atitmpt to pain control, aa wai
ty-Bve men wounded.
Aee lajt year. After aacertaltUap tbe
aalUUoa reWtlre to whether or ool
naeabUae. The Itrety of P. A. Oalinp. almoat toul abaeuce of delepatca from
ImeUert AouMcoeatbe vltocM '
}tnt borth. vrai aoon In aabca aad the onulde of tbit county It w»* voted to
ptaod. At the Hoae of the coofercoce
tirt etaned for the.bualoem portion. It poaipone the eeale, convenUot. which
tnda Bane Dowa a Wi^ea aad Pevea
laat nlcfat ex-Judxe Vloccot aald be
waa foond neceamry to blow up tbe mwuie lie atBDdonmenL Tbe delepalx
—nHii uTin Be Ibe Total Baa^b
had not decided upoo the matter. It
wooden bnlldlnp orcualed aa a drup then orpanised aa a cenety
Willow Sprlapa, , Mo..
Oct A-A
and lelected a\tloket.
waa latlmated that Uielcert mlxht be
paaaeaper-train oa the KaoNta City, Btore by Ororse HCImlp U etder to kem
«aaad to the wilone ctaad today, la
rort Bcolt aikl'Memphli railway rau the Bre from the mllla. A aoutb wlad
met It le expected that hr wUI be. .The
waa blowtnp and carried tberfire to the
Romc. fStl. A—The pope, all reports Id
ttmi takee in the proceedioge rcetertay
MethodW cbuif-h and paraonape. tbe Paris anil Doodem papers to tbe con
permitted couaael to pet h line upoa the
trary.' fo'lc rxrellcDt health. Tbe Oapr^ble lenpth of lime it will tequire of here at » o'clock yeatetday momservatorc Romano says; Dr. Laflonl.
to flotib Ibe trtat
Btaie'a Attorney
tetaRy : (Ue loop line of wooden dwelUapa. moat- the phyalrlaD of his boUnesa In wo InDeoeen aald that three e-eeka mote tojurtap the other one. Tbooe killed ly occupied by empkiyra of the Mp tervlew with a repreaenistive of the
weiv: PhHlp 1. Wooton. PhlUp Wootmt Goodyear aaw mllla, and' aoe^lphty Aaanrlaled Press, confirmed tbe saatcouebt to nee tbe end of the eaae.
Jr„ Amanda Wooiun. Dora Wooton. boueee bad been burned tbahTpreond. ments’ of the Oaaprvalore Roms'no as
Praacle eeaueey.
Malbcey, aoo
For the time bcinp oouaael for tbe Mrv. erwac™
le satufartory state of tbe health
M __ ____ ..___
dafenae la tb* Ltlelpert caae yeaterday
* monlba old. Philip Wootonh
The Up pumps wbicb are st^lM by ef the supreme pontiff and emphatically
aaaumed that the bonee offered by tbe
l» “ l»*ly liun itet al
a main pond near tbe rllHpe. anirvrhteh denied tee recent atermlap reports elrPtau aa evldeew ware buman. and then
Tbe train war «o^ and Ibe re- are used only In cane of fire, were foua-1 cnlated co^rutrx tee poke's bealtb.
AhJ Injured wire to be entirely us-leap on -secount of
Niowed that If tbe theory li eoneet tbe «nbl“»
Talked Ahsat Ike Wta.
mufderod or mlaalnp wmnan waa but I broupht bere._ponductor Hallaway aaya searclty of' water,
rater, tl
the pond belnp at tela
London. Oct. A-The Vnlted RUUs
forty Incbea la beIpbL Attorney Vln- • Jwopor slpnxla for the. cmaMBp were
special UwlD
cent bad.pUnned the affect with preat | dl'ett, but they were not beard. The
Costello, a nelphbortnp mmbaasador. Cnkcil Jetm Hay. viaJted
fervipn office ytsserday.
care, and altboupb tbe
ridkulet craaelnp U coneldered'one of the moat vltlaire. whirb carriod to Austin all tee
I of that department if tee British
the prupoaticn the bold flat atbteoient I danperone In tbe country, belnp a curve fire appanins which <-ouIc] be prorured
ealed no Uttle flurry lo tbe court 1 “■>*
The bo^lea.are now Id that town. 'Eumer is the street on
<M!ooeI 11
-- «•............................
-ec of
the eoroncr here. The
room. Aaslaunt
hute'i Attome>- ••
Me- II •" ebarpe
ilrb' all the dwelllnp bouses weriL-sCtEwua was equally aurv tbe atale's caae i Pemona UUeB lived 1 I Texaa county. ualed. ]
In tbe matter baa not yet heea
waa not Injured by the development of '
a»a «« «« ‘heir t
Only five .dwelllns
■ upon; but Colonel Hay will
Ibe belpbt queetkm. He btdda tear the ' Plrk cottoeu________________
bmises are left In tbe town Tully W
probably tocelve a deOnlte atatemesi on
80IXV SMITH GETS THE OEOSION. perscew are bomcleas. and are aecfclup the subject this week_________
tvfupe In -tbe few buslneas booses on
be puesard at. Aa.a matter of fact the Berness nays Bo Pat rp a BsSSer Twwaty. Main street
Insurance men wbs are
Lard PhaWa al HMIplewSsa.
'femur !■ not aa wot* dianpad aa tboa*
UfMn the scene of the disaster place tbe
(tonll Sle. Marie. Mich.. Oct. A—Lord
Baa Praarlsco, OrA A—dolly flinlth. loss at from ne.aM to
Douplam of Harwtek arrived In thB
of Doe Anpelea. was ptven the declBoii nipbt tbe low'p was forested by a pans clly yeitetday mortiinp from tbe Mlchlof
pc.ld fleldw where he secured
over Osbrpe Dixon, of Boston, la a
feared that conaMcraMe of the property
Interest In seven valuable claims. He
yeetetday Vincent arked tbe court to tweirty-rouBd Bpbt last nlpbA The aawdV''u><I fall Into their banda
tn enthusiastic believer in tbe prea\
aUow .Profemor Eckiry to aaw a real match was virtually for the citaihplonpnsrihllllirs
nf this new mtnfop reptnn.
human temporal bone uaad In tbe Aa- Blip of the fealbersrelphl riaaa and
and has lelepraphed his brother Sboilo
fMiae'a cxperlmeat In the same manner Smith Is now at tee top. Tbe ftphl was Rsmmos the Pvwlrto Aands Us Terrible
flcaltic to meet bim hero, when tbe
aa was done fiy tbe atatv'a expert when not a remarkably fast erne, tbs men Uksod rsmi Ksvwe.
two will further ravectlpa'c.
the aUepyd temporal bone In evldeacv
Mjner. 8. D, Drtj^S.-Partlm Joal la
■Tww Ate TklMnw Aro r-aad.
was sayrMl. The purpose of ibla was to rounda when Dixon attempted ,tg fore tiocn twenty milts north stair that as a
compare tbe two trapmenta The result
Mkrinem'. Wl«.. Oct. A-TriOJe, and
Smith, faoarvpr. who has preally tm- resoltof abippralris fircone msnhasd.rt} Otlla Cuir.mtopB were found yesterday
^tainefl was not riven la court, but
«te defense's experts say It ComiOetely proved since he met Dtxoei l>efur<. bad and three others may dP fleven or etptat radrslDp. They were |-l<ked up by a
Overthrows the auie's cUlm that Us* all the tietter of tee In-flphUnp, usinp .wire way burned, one/lsmlly of-B\-e former acd brouphi home. They say
. bone was from a buman belnp
"We bU rtpM with *r^- effect both on tbe named Prerion sM belnp In a danpert.U' tb-y were taken by tbe fomvr apslnst
and head.
Smith' was coot
bad t>r. K. D: Pierce IvBpm for tbe body
will, and abboupb cryinp lo he al
ecrdlilop. Hundreds of-lomi of bay acd
plate] saw the- bone for ue," said Or. tbP>uchi-ui the npht.->nd .rmme out IpsJr were d>»troyed.
lowed K-.co'hnm- were Isk-r alK-ut rix
B. U Ritse. -ao that wc would be sure without a'marfc of any kind HlsbliwktVinnlpvp. Map.. Oct. A—Reports con- mfies up the river and kept vmtl ycslertbe stair's trralmem of Us exhibit Inp knd ducklnp of Dixon's l-ads w-re Unuc l« pour in fenm all parts of the
mm lnp. They were pune for four
would Iw duplkatod. Our human b>me the f-sturee r.f the Upht and k.pf him province of d--'tiuclk<n b^ prairie flees. dsvs and ae many nlphia___
te enllrrly different frem the one la oi t.of harm's way.
In h-mc disti;»< le m
■ lane Baal a RaW wM O reals.
bse l-j- the tlcry w
D-rirlptbc IWyi.Bs4 0»Tfe. ^
Uaf^n. Me', th-t S.—The Ho ler coal
IndlshSpolis. txC i--K caJI hasjmen
the artlcuUr
lamed ftir th^lpbtb nsth-mst cunvenraise frow M to » rents a ton for mlalion of tbe ^yr- and Girls' Nsiluoal fiM- aid for those who soriali
Inp owl after the 11th. A stronp faction
Oosnr.and Employment s—'orlsilon, to the bmb eouniry east of the city, where urpre that this be made In the shape of
As to the not. Ibr experts of tbe dabe held In this city D-i. 1-Brd lA The
B demaiMl with a strike nttlmdium..
fonse yesterday c->ntlnued to drive nails
askklatloa waa omrlxvd some yeaaw thetr Uvea.
This Is not eocouraped by the orpanised
In tbe coffin of the state's lionc case.
fiflosm flprtnpw. Ark-. Oct. A—A itape fur tbe purpoe- of ascertAlnlnp Ibe
portion of the ifllnerx. who feel that
BcUry declared that tb- temporal bone
nature and extern ;jf crirhe amotuf atrorUve pisirjc fir- Is awccplnp ever ,lliey can better obtain conresslcns by
and femur are not from a buman betiM-.CheroKi-e
nyouth, lu orlpin. asd if powrible to
avoidance nf Chresla
IrtB Samuel C. Plummer,.
fire iwenlr to be sweepinp a vast stretch
tumlsh a remedy for lu suppreaeion.
fled that tbe stele's exhihluVere not
(ismass Taawer Oaas VTte.
of counto'. ami as the droophl Jn ihsl
human bonoa. Aouls Ooitscbalk. a soap
sertton has been unprecedented evrryOmaha. OcA A—Oovemor John R.
manutsclurer. dtwcrlbed the probable
thlnp Is dry and Inflammable.
TBnn.ec aad party paqpcd tbroupfa
rcmiir of such an aitempt to wake soft Jerday
Oili-apo Junction. 0-, Oct A—The Are Omaha Sunday for tee Black Bnis In
mmp as Auetpeit is allepad t« have Wvnor.a bui
on the .New Haven msiab la still sprvad- a private Ctakapo and Northwestcra
made, and bla description fitted tbe borsef. whUh had Just been shipped
inp, tbouph no spertal
car. They win be pone ten days. There
story told by the defense.
from Che stair fair at Sprtnpfleld. many suited within the past few boora Noth- ate cipht In the party, four ladies aad
of thtm wearirB the first aad second Inp but B roadway prevents tbe tliv four peellcnien-^____________
l.remlnm eclont awarded them there. from cnlcrlap a new terrUory whkb U
It Whea Me Da- 1..WS is t&O.OOo: insumnec Is on the ten far more valosMe
TCashfopton, Oct. A-Tbe
aim. The fire h supposed to have beta land already burned. Farmers are haala nf deputy .rollectom^and
started by tramps In tbe hay loft.
The PUte pot ore bit of comfort
iac water to be.
Inspectors ef
pet arrow tbe ro
OoUBChalk's lePtlmony. Dcnecn and Mcyesterday;
VllUam RMh. al Grand
ICwen flpured ihai the soft soap Aueitincoln. Neb. Get. A—Chairman Dabt- ROTRD MOBTBLBT QVICBAT WBRBU. Haven. Mtcb.: Charlea H, Emsi and
Bvrt tried to make would have costabout mac. ,cf the Democratic state ceeiral
James 'B?>1
ttO.wbenhteonMhsve bnuphlenoupbal- eoriunltiee, yrst-rday filed with tbe aee- foams . IJrk It Vp la Half aa Hms Is
ready made for about tl- Durtnp tbeaft- reury of sute a protest apaJnsi placinc
s. Oct A-Tbe Hotel LafoyVatelarck. Uri. A FeOewtse sr,
ernoon samlee Proi'cascit’ Eckley was k- the “NaUonal- Democratic nomfoeni
wmOw ttx'iiwUnM for tweoly.tcRir hoan
enUed and admitted that upon one occa- «n the ofllelBl ballot at the eomltuc elec- vile. MlDiMtunka'p man famous noktelry. fro-c * p. B. yes esdsy: For lodlsas and
aiun he did may that J'rofeasor Dorsey, tloD. The prolFsl stales thal there It no Is a wmutjIderlnB ruin. Fire ws
niuote Psrtle rloady we ter Rskt .
whose etidence be icptllled apainpt. was surh party ln.>'ebraaka aa the ‘Nation- covered In tbi laundry yeaterday
erly wtods For Mlehtea sad Wlwoa
of Ibe best men the sisle could have ■r I>-moctnU.
fop at 11 o'cloefc. Wllbln an laeredlbly Psrlly ri iSdy mater, site oresrinail •
pn ured as an expert. It may be.putcd
short apse* of itina tee hupV slrunnn Ms: frssb suutewesteriy ta wiaeriy ■
PUr lowa-l-snly dowdy msib- rvotb
here ihsi on Batii^y ll was pnbllahed
Bostrm. Oci A—The new champions was s mass of Bamst. In Juet forty
with conrid^abl^emphasis thal ' the took the first psme foe the Temfde cup minutes the flames had-rati-n theii way
nUte would force Dr. Eckley to adbill yesterday. Acfeatinp the Baltlmores te a
to Ibe male ainiciuh!. The wind was
that be had nW be (Fk-klry> kr^ little
close «wnlesl more throni* a-comblift- blowtex towards Crystal tny. but tee
about I'ini-s. when the slat- wanted him lion of lucky hits and dsHep tsise run- fire made steady pnepreesaxslnsi It. The
lo testify fur Ih^ priaecuUun.
bulliTInp was like Under std In lem than
Blnpe assisted hy dark
PrefraB-r WllUaif^latl. <P Ibe Nonbhalf ac hour the entire main
sreslern Dental i-.ll-i.-*-. an expert U
was In aebes. (if the entire e
A BoAfot iaonlor who has a taleBt
. • The fccr* was; BalU
Hiemlnry. pav, r... I'lihi-iesilmony srltb
msnt rterylblnp was uucaumed
I ftr ndvefoiriog aa wall as a ncuius for
refet-erc- lo Uu a.
..f {. usta Bpoo
l•olI• r bcuiv. ■
I nechanira has boac lemiiwliue his patrivMeads la rslbd Bask tasew
false teeth and the plaio ic which tear
The laifayvue was bnll.l Jn HM sn&
irctis totally that a wnlc*4s Uw Buallare attached. It was bis opinlnn that
WarbJnpton. Oct. A—Tbe comptn.lter P.rlsl>ed In IMS and every year slmr
ast, c.nst dclical« tnacbuie that
the potash solution In tbi lat In which at tbe currency has declared dlvl^rndsln has been a resort ‘
erea tamstyaoud of the max' number of
Mia. Ducipert's. body la aald to Have favor of tbe ctediton of Inmlveel na- I from qll parts of the lountry. It
been dMnumted was not of sufB< i-nt tiofial iBtks as follows; Flflren per larpetu cummer resort bouar In .tbe west. jarta; Alwot K6 diffecimt piaoea of madcsInictJve iKiwcr lo seriously anm the ceniu. First Nsikuial liank of Newport. brlnp'Ta fort lonp.'U feet wide.and M lerial miep into iu ooistneiitai and
(ertb. but would nndoubtedly «ltb-r de- Ky.; b per cent., North Flalte Kailonal fert htpb. Tbe total area ef-floors la tee upward of S.400 aejarate upBBttod
atpuy cr preatly damage the moulhplsie ( ,ank of North Plane. Neb.: ( per cent., bnlldlnp amounted to thr^ ard or.e-bail anprtoed to its maanfaciuiB.
David Victor, a carpenter who Iiv« In-r chemical National bank of Chleapoarrrr. or Ovr acres Includinp the kitchen.
Itae vldolty of Ihe Luvtpert sauaape far-----------------------------------_ .
latmdTT Bud srrvaru' quarleix, wbicn
tory. was called upon to tell whelber be 1 ..
*riw«uaa Bdltar Ms a PSB.
were dsforbed from tbe main bulldirp.
bad ever ohaerved bite. Lurtpert In a I
Wsshlnpton. Oct- 'A-Amoap the ap- There were 300 lied mums and Ibe balls
aad or moroae condition of mind; Re mid : polnim. nu announced by tee prealdert were Rxtrad fret wide, rxtendlep tbe •trikee aoreiul tbooaand blows oa _ .
hr bad not. Bhe alwaya was cheerful yeaterday was that of B'lUlam R. Finch, entire lenpth of tbe bulldinp. No flparm aavU to a day and to itoht glad wbmi
of Wlscooain. to be mlnlater of the have >ei beae plwe out as to tbeamonnt 8uiidB.T cDBwe arouBd. but the loDer
and happy when be aaw her.
"ilow many times bave you area ber United Rlalca lo Parapuay and- Uru- at the losa.________ _____________
Jewel of a watch tnakea ever'? ttoy and
puay. FlPrh Is editor and owner of tba
Bn. Asaptry^ Bx-Wasksad Issiai,
Sau CTalrr Repuhllcap and Lender.
Dondon. Oct- A -7 Edarard Lnaptry. tbe fix*, or t67.flWi.000 blmrstoay
Dsmbstna Ks-Vsllsd maBsSewolm. '
formar husband or Hiw Ully Lanptry. without atop cr rest, or a.l6«,e00.000
“Well, about ITS ttoiesr' uipid tee
«A Piul.' Oct. A—Ex-mitrd 8Utm the actresa. who recently obuUled a di totedwri spaoe of SO yuaia.
questioner. ■•Not wo many."
Benatur Ramuel J. R. UcUlllan died vorce train him la GallforDla. and who
Theae fitrorcs are torood the grasp «<
•Well, r:t ttmaa ttear *Tei. tbat'a
Sunday nipht of anaemia. Hr was rs- is (Bid to have brra prtvnialy married
about richU''
crnily a rnemlwr of iHr commllrc of re- to Prlne* Paul Esterhasy. has been
. "80 are you. Tau omy
doeasocteoplMsw. It haa be«B enttonntvislua of the ccnf-inloi; uf folih of the
. atatr'a attorney, and tbe
Prealrylerlan church. He was Tl yean ditlon on tbe iwllway line near Chester «d thal tbe power that iBOvea the watch
ness stepped duwn.
la equiraleat to cnljr four tii
and bfcn aebt to a lunatic asylum.
Drnpxftt H. F Krueper, at whflae
fcnc tUBxl
tuial in
to a flea
a Jtunp;
coDaeqiMntatore at Ciybuurr at>d Ashland avenur*
And kvinr Omresm BUI Paidm RImi
DMsUttW IjfoymOffforRaekvIUw.
“ ly it might-be cnltod a four flea power.
Frank Rtalk bnupht a betlle at HunCrystal FklU. , Mkh.. Oct. S.-Pe(ti
Detroit. HiK. Oct A—Mayor May- Oue iKPsepower would snflloe
ydla water on the nlxht 'of May 1. ex Dons, lb- murderer and rnvlabrrof Pwirl bury sad a eoorr of-Mher prominent clt5l70.0O0.000 watoijsa.
plained that (here ere rix dlffenat vaIt before Judpr Stone y
Itens started last nipbi la a Birclal ear
Kow the bntonoo wheal of a watch to
rlAlee of ihle mforrsl water and that
for the .Nashcllle cxpoaliloa. wb-«
i by this four flea power
Blalk called for a variety for ablcta
Mkhlpaa day will be eekhrwied tomorLuelpert had rx|>ressrd a pnfereace.
no aacmmoC teaWaUadto nae
tee snat toe lumfoBlIyte tfteBte*.
■aicB.1 hmlB&aiuteBltjfookMrv*
teetelUvltew)^ teoUMkwtna.
wbodoaperntparCof tbasMBialUtxr.
oaniod terns. wW aad otetebaildint maMPiala te tete teada toteoWF
o< a ftvo tear tew tea |BPt«« tea
hotel sot tesD Buitete
of tee BBSRtec teJteiafJ with
vhkh teoytwtxBte tete fWa)tea^
tete otlte up aad down tee Itepladdacm. trite brnry loada tefSteOy poteed
«B tear woolly patteWdao to teo
temiMm witeewtete tearfiaspedteeh
nae tite >*««• «ite tea pvM tea
Smy did not place tee tell cr ttebedOB A....
low of tec foot <s tee na#.
fmove at tec juncturv of, teo grt»t wo
with tbe bur.y of tec fdoCAod-teey
bM fast by makinp teo teck <d tea
oteiP W«a abcrd tee ruber prippiag dnrtaoe. iumophteemijH'waytecAbya■»■■«««■ uati«'< <-arnlr>' pnuqi tbescimp
atio 1 i:trw. u: u.:'Umiil: anto Lo
an blac.ie». udi tec btw.-oxtea
1 ycAe. fcui'-^c «
tuclc with
b ta-hl teiwtui bu- pnui aad me<md toat. while bia tmly arm waa devot
ed to oaeUsp hi# AeiuBer'a whip.—
Ovoiaiid Moutbly.
‘Walinu an apjaiaed I7 aaana folka
-j can rfawiniattaa and teoteatea aad
for this fbuxAu. tear m. dbOBU be
CBzriad to ted poekeA
1000 Oopiaa Staadard MaMa.
«aata. W. W. Kimtell braate store.
Frost atoMA K. £■ Sttosf Maaaffar.
For Friday Mod
•y OP SAFETY....
Sirloin Slid Porterboitoe Steak,
^ te jSsMsteik Mk' ****^^^**
Fire Insurance.
StiU on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Thus It was sfaswa why I.uetpert bad
acm for the water when he had fortyDlar bomrs of watertb hte factory.
Frank Grlsler, who was employed Id
te proerry departmeat of Lurtpert'a
MMpe factory, toM of aaelnp Laetpert
•roB^ tbe factory durlap tbe fo.-aaeea
Bin} Is Cain mrer Oolfom.
Ban Fra^claeo. Oot. A—As a taauh of
tba rimu le Unde (be mint In tele city
wm at Boce reauine tbe eotoa«e «C aUvrr
doUara, In accordance wtte toatracr
niocired tnm WaablntlPB
Ibe Chloaso-VItdea Coal comimnr'i
mine at Verdta tevc mtumsd lo work,
tee oprrstoia payte thawenla ated by
tee mlnera.
aaeh yibratiuo-fl.Ufll^ mite ountton
ouly to one yuar.
■If you would pwdBTt the timaVaar
tog quaUtte «< your WBloh, you abopld
........... .....
wrttj li ■oate.-:>ToMh'pOam«a
See Oor tew line
The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business
Front Street, jiist west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in tbe city.
PiGture Mouldings
Cycle Owners Look Bere!
RubbTTksclarTusaips CssiIn
OwlfBkiiSw E^"uickk''tl
Entenirise Groceiy,
ssss.TS'SiJss rra.ir.Js
W. J. SOBtliaON. Hkbarer.
Jip. R. Santo,
Lederle’s TrTiiSi:
a Brtlar. PtolsO
—Watch Repairing.
—John Vefly.
-Front Street.
Mayer s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ST
tarrh Madtolae aatd by Vapor tahalattos a E. WATT, DragstoA
SoDlb Ualoa StraaA
For Peaches and Crab Apples
laloB ana SevuDth SU.
whtoootisidewwd to total. A litotteBuith
ar-ABytklBg to tba Itoa «d .
SmS&an' Mktartoto, aaU ob
Bicycles to Rent
VI_II ll... —
Strt.raiTrir SK
for tedtoa. Mtoam. M«b and Cblldran al
If You Have Logs to Sell
tbe TraverseCiqr
Lumber Company. Wc have for sale Good, Sound Hem-r
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. L,ands for sale. Mill Macfainery. of all
descriptions,. including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
: XH* MMa XBOOB), w»DrfiliMir:^aahftbte «;«9T.
Wh*r*in It Will Differ u tx> Cuba
from TKatoftho Ut* Canevaa dal Castillo.
••1 waa only 1» ymr» of **o sad SHd
Mrt wttb I. • aMOw«.t.
T.-a4hlB»toB. Ocjt- E-Ooe «futi at
' tb* (ortnailOB of a Saauta cabinet
la B;ala. It M believed. wlU be the
Edwardi. Min.. Ort[ E—There haw
teen r-portrd elabteeii new cwm.: tm
CCMB aertouBly tU. two with black
y^mli; two death.
MvWta. Ala., OcL I. He via new eaaei
and one death wne rtpdr&d for ycaier.
i-Hni. MIm. Oct. L-The new eoea.
It was an exprituce nalcnlirwl «i ay
of tbli
I* coedICl
T b AAKU.VK1 KD. «
ngeru DMnMt* Carte Naca.
Hadrtd, <tH. t.^^e arw mlnlslry Ja
ecmsutuicfi as follows: Sagasu. praldeni of tht courrtl at mtolsler.; Gul-
a point where leocat yellow U pran*
liM Rtandaf^^nale.
W. KIttWI biW atora,
U K. S^H^g HaSi^
' Ever Burned Out?
U ae you kn-w
JJTBTTR trera.
O. P. OARVEU. A^t.
^ AUeneys at Law.
•Meae la lt<Ma«w Stock. TratetM CUr. MMk.
firsiirjus caaos.
Suits to Order.
fHoe Merchant Tailoring.
D Bt dtf.
>, Caieaatr«et.'
lardnentwat under martial law. ^thinner and at laoh a mint
jnat oomwenoed. and peop!*:^^
Elm U rotdy to give way at tha
aVtne to obeying military ordora.,
- ••
m^iy -------------I ortend
that no
or ine net
; It was.
«»dmd that
no ptnon
pmon anooui
: ^|iw Cecity
dtv of SanU Fe Uiw depart ili^todw
,It wilhont
wiituint inwiatminji hit naniei ed by th
with the provoat
] was po—dw and
Thcdr offered by the Conaervatlve'cab- fhet- and made known to the tlntted
BUM through Abe Spanlah minister.
1>Dpay de Inme. contanplated a council
of admtnlstmllon elected In part by' the
BM Amaa^ltirtUagCeal Hlam
Cuhaaa. which was to have anldvimry
8l Louta Oei. S.—A special to The
power In ahaplog (he affair* of the ialand. This plan baa ukrn the form of a P<ut-l>{si>alch from'Bdwardsvllle. Ilia.
lengthy-decree, which ha* been alraady 1 says that a rtocjia* .broken oul am.mg
gaaetted. altbongb It baa never been the —riking miner* thee*, and a mUlIU
put Into effect In Cuba owthg to the company ha* liet
disturbed condltlona The objection froiB BrlleslUe.
> this plan waa that while, ll
Bmrtag O-mpa-f Fbltw
-- e autonomy U did not give
I^ulsvllle. Ky.. Ort. t-The Phoenix
L- rule, as the Cuba
Brewittg''corapuny. one oMhe oldest
tanot tube aleglsUtlvebo^wKh final
brewl^ romi—nie* In Ihe eliy, a*4gned
. iwcrs of making laws, bnl merely an
yesieifty lo C. C. Vogt with llabimieaof
adviaory council. In contrast arlib thla
'C-Vi.dM and aaseis allghtly In eaceas
by the Spanish
rtaieamen, Casi.
when autonomy, was first suggested
thclsland. 81 '
I U eaid.
port in Cuba among the subrtAolla] Mementa there, tncludtog the Autonomist
party. In this connection It Is under
stood that the newl) cboeen president
of the Insurgents. Mendes Capde. |a a
man of conarrratlve tendenrle*. and
dnrtiig a vtolt to B'amiijgtoo aome
months ago 1* aald to have expraewd
views favorablir to a rioae ef hostiUtles
on some fair baali of
a In this c
Miaa DoylawUI rumala natU Wad■eaday aruaiac aod oimfinua hw Baa
"--lay of embreiderx-gaitania. laaa
( and eamplated paUama at Hra.
reaea'a Billlaery atora. The ladlaa
1000 Copiaa Standard Haala.
lo are invited to call and axamlbe bar
eoBta. W. W. Kiahall hraaeh atora, Block which iDcluda* all the latcat and
tYu-tatiwet. N E. Suonf Manager.
Boai beaoUfal daairni -and aiylaa at
'■'Whatkindrt anexpMiencadidynt on change frtim
I bubble to another.
Cubaa »-ut ef the t-pSwew.
New Tork. Orb J.-Oetierat Calbrto
Garda's oflldal report of the capture c.f
VIdorU de las Tunas by lhef?utwnforrrt
Utder hi* command was received yetterday by the Culan Junu. ll dryile* the
8|«nlsh etorteu of atrodtw rommlutd
by (be Cubans at that place.
xsis.irs;; i
^ „ iuoti; where it u Um.
ctf an ii»b..aiid
Uament or le-lslaiurc. with final powers
«X Uw-making. aave ibe naual power of
veto prirerved to all fonas of constitu
tional guremraent.
(bp.*, awd ralma D-Kst AgrsM
ThU would be on tbc lines of the
Hr. Bryaa
OnsaU aod raalda at Eewadia.
eonuin aotoe
S.000,000 olkti
^ threa'^nllUonih i» aac* a puT of an
nndeMrtble. be added, for »t al^
made an old man of me In a ain^ d^.
■■ arerl
the rcbelUon. and t
Igrnrrelly brld IhHr ca n. .made enough
that aupe toward the creMloo of auch a
,,i„ |„ numerou* place, to
coounlaaloo'are new under way.
larger Demorrailt- gain*
Wrte TtOakt-g-lanww wHhW>-a.
cinstPuIn a f(w tiT*-i
'Although there.1i continued reUcenee Ilona]
Idea (h4l
at the atate department coocerolngread any por
8pantah<hiban affalrf It U underetood tion of the consUloiHt n and -alulee 4
that the government ha* been loformed the state and roust al«o lie abk- lo wrU»f!
r autonomy to Cuba
that Spain will
aimllar to (hat enjoyed .by Canada, and
BMtao Mas (be pMaaal.
,ea the prevalent
UosSOD. Oct. t.—Tbe IVwton Base Ball
Opthlon aeetn*
measure of real antomdsy la rtfeied It dub reertved the pennant aa National
Would be acccpled by the Cuban*- The League damploo* at the Tranom (bea
Icoomlng of Afar SagasM cabinet la wel ter last flight. Mayor Quincy made the
preernuilon speech and hVsnager Srlee
comed by the
accepted the pennant in behalf of Che
duh, the tnerolier* of which, together
Ible early dl—urtwnce of 00
kith the naltimore l.■atn. occupied ah
ly reUtloQS
.UtloQS with Spain,
Spain. ' the ■
the bosee of the thealer._____ ,
atlrtbotad (0
Bryaa aad tamlly of
arfU <aka oWr. of tte Toreh Lab.
t lientenant'a eammiNaou in the PifMi ||tcb as tbatnl IdtM of the Bible la a
Ke« Orieane. Orf. E—The aUte board Inlautrr wbcB an arait oocwTed which ^ rf the aua of all of Ita lettwm.
bf brtllha yello» fever bUlleUiu "Caae* :
noto• * ^- n-aouBhl
'--otoThe bnbblo. however, la cot of ecjoal
of yellow fever mtertay. M: «Mth4 I
the thickueaBatallpoIi>U.aiidltUf<»thli
ooue; toul rar.-*
rare* to
to! oate.
date. JU.; toUl
,, „
-t,., --tnH 'luaww that it bae thevaiiou*oolm.
811 dajT have paaart-nee other night ”^ot«ly waa then^
STTmUcc-. abtwver the film U
crantlnc of anneatr to moat If »« *»
of the Amerlran ptupoert held la Cuba,
and the pardon of maar Cuban* eoaBeiaaed to inpHacmmant la the Wand
of Ceuta. Pendinr the ccanpHUon of
it^eery. MHa. Oct. E—Three netr
the Sacaata cabinet there has been no en»a« here yaaterday. Bunday nlcbt an
eaelal intimation that aueb acUon ucsuccenaful atlMnpt waa madeby noma
would bt UKen. but ll la aald to be a unknown party to BaanwUnate W. C.
who U under arreat for vtolaUn*
natural and nocea—ry part of the
UUuenUne rcculallona
Spanlah poU^ lirvolvln* the wlthdr
■UH»> atme TMee. MM »e--------------of Oeoemf Weyler and the adc«>tlon of
tnorv conciiutory plant. The Compell.
Stm Haves. Coon., Oct. E-Conn«c!U
tor prlaonen. It la espectad. will bt re- enl't "lUtle town" e!ecil.«k* wrre held
leaaed cortr. and Ulw Clneroa alao. yrtterdar. and while toMmeaectloe. of
the-ate there WTrrewrpH-Dftumoveri
CofXorrtna peddlnc cWmatueb aa that
iltp ahow that ihe chanev troro
the r
of a year ecu t* not yrewt. Wiih
would favor t1
Bar. Erad J.
way. Th.OldaDd^N.-trTtaUtt*t u,^l?S^nS3c-fA. ’ “
BaW-Blat TIuH tW Ctef>c* M r«U<T ■>
ProMOly Ae-M TcmM.
WM O..U.M4adywl».\oBrB«k.
Ca:«iM U* toterfuwoe* of Um VeU*«
SIMM, u U><
wouia Ihel-by «cQoln 4 klr<! cf ri»lit ID cootrol tbt »tREFUSED TO GIVE HIS NAME AND
t4l» nt ifat iKUDd- II la
Ibe «Ur«me thiantiM cE tb« taabhl« la
. mUtikf n>» 4lii)i of AmeriWAS HUNQ av THE THUMBS.
laSaad woadtrful. It U trtlwalwl itoaf
>»r>-, whlrti <J-rtr«» toarmduil.
the fibs in •amt pl«ort U 00I7 00a
Ir d«uct> Cob. from Bt.1d. 1^UH«
inrli hi ttiirhifM
U -ntitl-d to lh» #oIh-lli^ of Europe,
**** pirtiablj few of w CM omeetn of
who t( hemir thnwiM-rio mart to
Ijoc ow ariawa it in anoths
her ctIobUI wcurlUr.-________
TfMbte—PlMta**t I
PaoersI -( Gewerwl K«rt Dm.
Pnniand. He.. Od
t —Ihe* foneral
a.*nire* of Gantral Neal Oow w 11 be
held at the Revond Parish church In ihia
rtly at t;» p. m l^y.______
. The new Oesek rablnet ha* been far*
many Installed in office.
It I* alao mid lh*l ex-PresJdeol Clevewanu u all In the now vacant emt
Ibe New isruey rv urt of errors.
H. Moan, a Rorkd.te. WU.. farmer. Is
» a critical condltl.n frotn ihr line* of
falling pltchfurk'penetrating h- tide
nd longs
JoeBlackbom. an old seiUer eearOorooeiuarKDUi
inly, Wl*.. was found
dead at bli door fay Indians. A aelgtabor
Is suspected.
Wlsmnsln appears to have the least
I on-IU farm* of.
any r
tog kss than tl.eoo.eoo.
Pltteburg haae hall club has offered
Manager Ned Hanlon.of Balllfflore.tlt.00 a year and an Interest to the club
0 ihanagr the Pirate*.
Lycuryn* T)aveni-ort Palmer, founder
of the Musratine lodge, (he first Masonle organlullon in Iowa, dled-yesierdar
at m. Paul, aged ~ years.
Jame* Miles, of Milwaukee. It Is alleg*--!, went lo.lhr home of bis divorced
wife to Nvansvllle. Bla. while she was
swB> and look two ybUdrvn.
a riot. Sunday between
Jtyrlan and Arsblan memlirTu of (be
Ryrtgn Jlnman Catbollr ebnreh. Harrluon street and Charlea p|*ee, Chicago.
Willie, the t-yrar-old son of Charles^
p-ro. i.f Troy. N. il.. was killed througli
swaliow^t a bev. The insect rtung him
Internally. Tht 'child died
Interlor: Court Xlcucna. public wivfca:
H-rei, colvnca. The ministry, after an
Informal uiMtrd. proctvdrt to the palace
and took Ibe cath of olfire.
Tb' isbln.l I* regarded a* fairty
atriing. aiU-ouA some d-a|ip»loumni ia
fell Hirt Sen.v Oamato. SenurTUum.
WllllBDi UcCaleb^rut the throut ef faU
1‘ehsi'v ArmU" and eitbers who had wlfe.-Antile. lo UiHr RKum al Ctokagu
been innked
wllh an Ink eraser, killing her almost
rludfd. ll 1* under—ood that toruntly. Me then taially
Behor Maura, who was the author ef th* Wmeelf.
firsi Culan hime rule bill, felt ihnt he
Tbe seivnd floor of ihe baltdlng
couM sot art mllsfartority wllh Hetfcr 4> rundc.lph street. Cblmgo. has
Mttrrt. while Senator Oamgao. who t. a
................. .. hsadunsrtera of ll
fvla:lve of Ssr.or Uauru. f-ured that
iChrlMlaii F
« pressnre titighl imply a Irablt I toward
weekthe Maura scheme of refurma
11..11 .mono b-r'd
ber'duUev as
Ml*. Mabel Bell, a
London, 0^- k“* kadlngLondon dip-1 ,
^ “ of Oeo.
affair*, raid ts
rrptveeniatlv* of I
As-cialed Pr
: -I btllrvethec'
rahlnet <
to the
( KVal) ef Captain Oeaeral Weyler
from Cuha aad the aufastttuann of Mar*
CaptaU^ntaUng. if (be BrtUsb -h
ahal Blaneu for him. beraust Raguta
e Renter,
arrived al
Rt. «iet. which
pennwHIy ftUtikm Wayler.
S. 8. partly dismantled. 1
will probably «i«am Caka with Omsrml
Woedfort tn a moru aoacinatarr inarmer
•on mlllng -ahlp go lo Ih* bolloir to
than kis prrfiertaaor. bat hr is net llktly
urrtcanc Repi I.
He says it had a
te do more ihan that. Sagaata hai bevn
rew of at least fifty psraoca. •
informed on autborUy that tbt Cabana
Bwry one of the members of the
will accept autonotny and th* withdraw
couBly fllM.) board ef oemmlaal of the spenirti treewa. althoogh tfc«
have protested
iKal they will not do eo; Blqhen has been arrerted through thr
M effect* of a teroperaae* wtman feg-tb#
hutldeubhur Spain will
- -haulpg of a hcccse to aell mall liquors
wHMb the twe-mOs limit (tf the Tot
[ (
SS^Get E-The Plgtre baa an artlI '
«1* from a M-ctal oorrespnodsnl <a th* of Korih Harvey, a Chieafio saburt).
Savage Landor. Oic artist,
E * . . :
mu-oa of Ot-eral Blewart L. Woed.and urrttsr. who went eu. aa
^ . 3
ford, tb* Usltsd Stats* ntokasr UBpato.
agplortat tgtpadtUo* to Thibet for Gib
lATB. AitonMye. ap-riaJ ea
aloolon BveryooeUdo(A- udwtUaMMdpemipMr U> all Bay or a^i
dutlca, was lying down in
m.v P»il
> MM in tberainbenr. In that TTr B. HOOK. Phy—» art AcrmM- Mm:
^ th. ralndr^MT^teltintt
•TU. A glaaa paiam wiU do the boassaaduaewM.
Uwwaaaman in the.coetouyif iLc
you may t-ove
t»ove by
looking' —^
eroTdst manhal wlumlbsbd loptehit Mae.. aa yon
oy looging.
Plant Ads
reading a book. aAordiglynponed tlui
lu u»».d« o.
looking gang *» tac ever _-w. Wood a
'Wheat 1 aekrtl him whyhe war
howevey. T^ODQg a covgni. Auwwe*. aa*
MUC* the film and U M-S—ratxl Ml that, J.riar**i lev.OBras.OnyOpetwUoaseBIk.
pana <d we serexi evuus* aiv uuvwu ; —— g
1-”."'. “r. "'T ™‘“" ■"
^iTlrrosm. utm « I—. »>u
tn coMody, be inforuKd me that he war into the bofahle,and vre can me than ai ' W. wienti^toi
wider wTTfat bstmuae be had TOfuacd te
give' hi* name *r to register with the
provoat marsbaL When 1 politely reEUoMed him to go with me and rtgi*dnt where the -oak
tw. be luspoDded, ‘Yon know me well
BiKher in 6c.
«Doa^ and do not need aik mg name.'
When 1 tmati him that 1 had nevex Hicbolaa ______________________
meti him before and I itsjnt-ted him tc
-bSwse ■awtsbip.
ocinply with the «der under which 1
As a gladiator trained the body, so
was aotine'be sefnmd indignantly tc
(|£k we train the mind to -Of moifioe.
10 endure all things.” to meet and
“1 then ordesad the gnanUtotake overootne difflcnlty and danger. We
him to the puade gruond and (ip him must take the ron^ and thmy roads
to the flagutafL' llpoo arriving these 1 a* well at the smooth aixl plnuanl. and
^ais begged Um lo ho reaaaoahlo and a portloc at kart of onr daily duty---------------------------------------------------------------------------give hit bams, hot hr c^rtinstvly re
fuel to do so. Iben 1 ordered tbc meo mind cannot he kept etrot-g aiU healthy 1
V. apMaln. m-in
to tie him up by the thnmht Afta
leaving bi.ii|^ in fthat poaitiaD for tluve
minutes he vraa let down, hut again re:
maioed ohstinamly aileoc
He w*i
dnwn op again, aud after leaving him
in that paii^ pocticxi nearly tea min- ssshinfi thisn. Let thorn nut repine, bnt!
Btes be was let down, hot KumfoUj take them as a part of that odixattonal.
declined to answer my moat polite
queat to UvemehUnamu. 1 hen.
him to pSteve me of the nweasitT oi rllg^ '
Bcora.tllPiuet.ui-i. Wt-tf .
id t<
sting I ) mese force and
bTM Pigbu.
cn are too cold blooded tad
ical r-<n but be aroned me.
then 1
_____________■' mid a j-Muig woman with
wras on the parade gnond with 1
iileman. who waa tna)
tnanileUly of nwt n miixicai. aooirdiiig to the IndlauapoUaJowiial "Von cunnot make «n earthan
n cffdinary
cffdinar abiUty ai
fight for prindi iv as women da
in the world,
world. and In the .
-Ah.” r.-plKd the mau with a gift
Oe iMseeveecltf prvpuv.
i^imental staff. L a young ctSoer. 1
(Tlgrani. "then 1 am to infix that it
Siete BtripUng, and y« the ofBov o
that uiakm yon senp ao
the day. was Oylng to ocnpel him h
eaiamdy at the bargain o
give hia name in acco
Chicago ••* w.iw.
—Kj__Money to Is>an
____________________ Jidly Mlent. am
ibcai I orttoud theguardi to l«k a»t
gag him. It was a painfnl me. wbid
I shall sever fmget. The soldier* du
their <lsty, bonsd him is an asomufon
able prrttiaB and gagged him au tlgbtlj
thatthehloodiaa fromhiimoath. Tha
waa man »b«" 1 bad iatendid to bi
dmie the first time, and it was
than I conlfl hnr w ma. an 1 (Mderei
"A* he jtood B^ WnMiag
pain. puiadiwEhd bnuiUisiitgi. be*mid
'1 am Joseph U. Knapp, chief Ih-loe a
the untavue aonrt of iht- territory o
KewMoxloo.’ I immedUlely orderw
his rulmse from onstody. and bs r
nmtd to tbii Hotel Frmda. whrte hr
had regirtered npoa his urlval. Hli
pmenoc In Santa Fv waa no -xovt. aw
amriy everybody knew him. Therffar
be may have rm-med that I knew bin
aad was merely innkiiig a parade at m;
aathority needleasly it: adtiug him hi
name aad txunpeUing him to -give It
Yon may hr veiy uort« that 1 rugrrttei
theocenmnee when I heart him an
noanoe hU name. hU tiUe and hU off!
eia! atanillug. as. isdetd. 1 had siamre
ly rttfivoed (he entiiu wane fnan Th-Was anything dene about it «
ts trotal. and 1
eortingi a^lnst ms. altboagh be kuet
that 1 had rally done my daly in thj
11 an ohtenre dtiaeh bed re,
fused to give hit name, aa Judge Knapj j
had done. Onkaiel Oarlelee woald hav |
—jt-t my ooarse. Aa it was
Judge Knapp and Oolooe! Oarlebs
•x»«B Wrtidaaiid hrt been fo
year* Thiaafaee he waa biasrt In th
mattrt. The pa|*r* were fiuany tab
beftwe President Unoedn. who had m
■ Irif____
.r of th
It wrote OB
tack of Ooionei Oarfctrm’t Tejxwt
Tklsyouas man ha* -nply dose ki* an
'•DkMroa^w meet
with Jadg
••ISranl ttmaa bat we wwa nsra
W ^iikiag •whUr He waa not «iiy •
pNaabMttaeiaLa gM» }arinand
Muitf gmlnaa. brt he waa also <ai
S^rMtetwaaf ibeBtLaalsBs
rkamneullMa. B.
NO 10
Cupboard Safe
THE J. E. dRElLICK 00. = •
"West Michigan.
Tint Y®«-No. 183.
<n Oh«i„oU
rrwuty WM Brntiouly tojowd, Blx of thMn'From
.FI w Yo-***'*"^*'*** *^****^^^**^ Bpaciil »*U<f Train VrOB Orud
' BapSte lArt
Ttitaim m«
(tteUls-Vbm Mmf
B« WTTt Z>Mth»-Ltot ofDMdwdXaju«a-K«raloaSbtlatiB aftTa UA
•»d B«OM tb« VntortaMM.
waaaaaphaw a( D. HaiaUtaa.
CUrUrciM. UiA: Ooi. fc-Tk* Me tba aaa avpiaraa «pea tba latartor
roBodaUaeof thaCitj'f^MraBoaB U
UuOmf Park H»tal U prooM.
tbto •■eHj. wba laft oo tba apaelal lUt
of 6oo»Vrt9Hoo
»T*Uy collapBd moraiBe for tha aaaaa of tba dtaMtar.
at tbiMi^alodi tkto
Tba aaw Ian. aa It waa to be caaad,
Boston’s Big Boast—
Beans-Books-Base BalL
Marion Whlu arill leave
todai on Ue Obia
paaied hy Ut*. White aod___ ,
MiB Jennie Blee* Uavea ibU'
iae for a tbraa weeka' Taeatloa
friaada la Foatoria. Toledo aad aaeianaU.
HarT7Knaa)aBd«ill«oto BaToana.
Ohio, todv o* the oararmloa wbloh
laatotOB the
laUraad for
Obteac* Kadcot.
Harry'Hiiabhece of Elk Bapida, la >
Ohleaeai Oct. s.—Wheat ■-Oetobar. j
tba city attoadlae to aaerkaa of ^a'' MMc; Denaaibar. eifce; May. tike. ,
Day of dtoMaani in tba Babratp ayn- I 0er»l.OetoW. SSHe; Daoaabar,
»ke; May. SSSa
Mtv W. H- Baesas waa la town yaaterday on her way to liraad Rapida
Mendoa and Cob oonaY
where aba wUl.riMtaavaral wdaba
Fred 8ilaby wont to CbarlavM* on
Lardthe C. & W. M. cpaeMl tbia Boralne to Pt.SO.
look after hla brother WilUa. who waa
one of the ricUaia of the wteeik of the V Oyatora—of tha boat q^ity at the |
raUabla oyatar haaaa >latober'a Oo- «
la alraadj adaartlaad la laaort papen
balUlnr wm» toot atorlB
far aaxt
to opea aa Joaa Zi aod
doae SapV M. Theardrk Of poaatntc- SOKOOL BDFPI.T AOBBT BBBI.
^ «*j be bM *P bar* ^
oueiT AOaUMMD.
pfegrtBlae al^. bol
^ trwB tba top dowa bafoB U
the Me atraetaia la aairh«ia aaar do*
oratvtBhadbeaa Waaad.
tabad. Tbaplaita eall for a baUdloe OhargMl WUb Wttedng Fergad PaCeatfaelMa wara aSlowad to pTaater foer aterlaa bleb, wltb ITS rocuaa. aad
par.-tellacad to Hava Obta ad
aad It aliaply mo fadtof porab apaa tea bMo Soyt two nppar a
Honey on atf Orderle ^Mcb Bigaataraa Ar« Bald to B «« Boob
Ika klUod ware Ptoroo SoadaU of
•oeond by Irragalar Hatboda. .
CUriarMa, and Bay HaBQtoa of
Grand B^Ida. E. C BAnDtoa.
tathar of tha lattar, ana also proV
aMy ntaUy iaiand. Ahoat twaaly
etkenr aroro avlona^ lajand aa4 Bora
4aatu may aeoar. Aboat »S0 Ban
fi«B tarwa tore aaray the arraokae*
aad abc«e«« M tha ararit 'of naana.
SU pkyMelaaa.aia kept baay Ualeht
the aroaadad. .
BostoD bean l»«yel; the Ug banner, boo^t by
being tbe beet.baae ball batten. Oar-BigBdaar
is our nev atock of Pictcre Moolding.
wltearrritbeot FraBOt.
Bare yoo aaan team at
Yaaurday Bomlng W. M. SUnr.
Vw« Farara la tha OaM af Thlrihy agent of the American Setool Bnpply
ea l>ak> Baolodad Baoansa They
Go. of Cblcago. waa arreaud by SbariS
of Wexford eoanty. on a eharge
Drank With Datadant.
The apaenelaof tiyiae • «Me with of attering forged paper. Tha charge
preferred by Dr. J. B.-Oole of Sbortea Jarora la praaanted te tea Circnll
eoan of tela eooaty. la tba oantentlaa ___i, who caahed an oidar proabntod
ofBaaJ.ThlrU^n-DaalalDaka. Yca- by surer, aad whieb la alleged to bare
tarday Boraiae when tea eaaa waa been aliared In'away teat enhaaeed
eallad Attoraay Piatt of ooBsaal for Uarmloa.
Thera are fear ageau working in
tee platetlB. aatoaadad tea ooart aad
teU locality, teoae baaldaa Sllrar being
VoUMlne I* • list of tho aeoBBdad:
^of -tea Joroie bad Indnleed In drinking C. D. Valleab. John Moleb and a aun
>ea not teal more aomtertabla at wall
WiUla Btlahy. Travana OlW. Hba boor tea niebt before In -ooByany
«d teen teoas wboraclinaoe Sbtar'a
U li atatod teat one of tbaae partlaa
-kMtaa aad badly bralaad.
with tba defendant and aw
..ay Fnnltnre. He b giriag aoAa
rialtod acbool diatrtci No. T. Paalnaola rare bargalDs In Oonebte and Lou^b.
C. W. MeKaal. Ttaaorae Oty. aartona- frlBida. Tba two Jnrora aad ,Jnd*a
p. Md andoaroted to aall a bill He has a lane stock and a special lot
of good $K wx-ouebca
'oock teat be te eclllag
tba raantt waa teat the Joroie who bad ofanppllea
befenteey ,
SUaa Oaw, Travaraa OUy. aUo aartre of Ed. car- forPSM).
Haaoco^ thee!
leanlyed In ooarirlalliy at tbe asp
are all goaa
deleadaat ware aselodad fro» roU. director, to aa ardar for fK.SO.
payable Fetamary. ISPS. Mr. Qamll is
^—*.<«e other workmaa troia Trav- tea'jnry. Tba caae waa eooUanod
Bid to bars signed it with tbe aadai^
araa City who w«e Injaiad. tkooeb not tea jarora, by ^utnal ooaaent.
standing that bate the other membors
1S8~132 ric&t ftiMt.
awtoaaly. are M. 6- Chaae, Ckariaa Bra- dMondanl aad the jarora azeladed from of tee board should alga before bb
tba eaae nigad teat teara waa ao lo*lWt*«hWB.J.IlproaL
tentloB wbaterar oo altbor aide to algnatore ebonld benoma raltd. O. J.
WUUaa «aiMpa,^hadly iajnrad la- pradjnoe tee oaae one way or tee other Beneoa. the aaaoeeor, w«. rialled aad
toraally aad olhorwiaa braUad.
by tea aoMablUiy indalged in. bat tea requMted to algn tbe coder, bnt at drat
declined. Bylng that It reqnlnd tbe
Mr. Baird of Charte*M*.oaeayatoca •oort decided teat tbe oaae aboid
algnatnra of the moderator Instead of
triad w:lte tan jnrera.
bb. bnt when told that tba director
F. A. SBlth. badly Injnrad. one let
HOTBD VIBXTOM FBOK OHIO. wbbsd all tee memben of tee beard to
alga, it b lalA be did eo by rrrltleg bb
aad oao arB fraelnrad aad head aartEx-Ooraraor Footer aad Toledo Any- aama aad drawing a line terongb tee
oady eat.
printed word modaiator nnd wrtUng
Inta Board Are Hen.
Mr. Gala, hand onuhed aad latanal
lawMor abora IV
A party of diatlagnUbad geaUac—
iaJarlB. «rtU probably dla.
Whan Dr. Cob caabed tea ordar it b
JaBB oaiatt, three riba farokaa. alao
aald teat tea Una dra-wn tbnngb tbe
laat ereaiag aad wiU bo tba gecata, fer word modorator rraa erased aad the
tot«aaU) injaiad.
a faw daya. of SapariDMadaat Mnaeoa
John Onrik. Mda eraahad aad otkar- of tbo Nortearn Mkblgaa Aayiam.
tea idea teat tea aalboriw of tea modTba party coaalela of aa-Ooromor FoawlBharV
enter waa gtran. Tbta aaama to ba
Charlaa OabriaU aoporiataadaBt af Urpf Foatoria; Dr. H. 'A. Tobey. anpar- tea gronad for tba ebatga agalaat
CbariowU Bioebrio Worka. wb^ waa
iBMMa. atTolado: State Senator Will Sllrar.
l^t algbt BberiS Troy ratamed to
wlriae tha balldlae. aarioaMy hart bat lam Oeyeer. of Swanioa; Parka Foater
tbb city after witaeaaaa la tea oaae and
of Elyria and U C. Cola ol Bowling
iHtb him came Bllrer. who waa parThan Ware aboat tea aihaiBBora er Onan. Tbaea genllamon an all Boaafitted to go to tbe plaoe when be U
bora of tee Board of Tnateaa of tbo
Toledo laalltnUoa. and while here wUI faaanllag rrite Us family. Ba will
Tho BaaaeaMMt of the railroad of- Inreatigate the workinga and metboda glre ball teb momiat te tba aam of'
farod a apoeisl train to ooaray tba of tee Norterm aaylom for tba
surer was aeoa by a reporter of tbe
Tnvarae ClW Boa beau tealebt. bat aad teen will be a free Intarcbaag* of
Bnevu) last algbt and stated teat teen'
the pbjmielaa* adrlaad that MeKaal riewa aad ideaa batweon tee eSoara b sotblng la tab deallaga or of bb aaaad trnateea of tbeqtrro loatltatloat.
and caw bad better raBai^ aatU Bornl«at ereelng tbe loeM trnateea and B. aoelstes to wamat any aneh aelioB aa
lae aod tba oUteta ware not ao aarioaaly B. Hell, aa old-Ume friand o! one or baa been talun. Ha alawd that ba b
kart bat that they eoald do vary wall two of tbe rldting geatiemea. met tbe tea agent of tee Amarkan School Sup
ply Co. of Ctaleago. and eubmltted corIt's dangerooa Kslncoa dlggiag
goBU la tea parioraaf the aaylnia and
bare, aad they daeliaad to laaea.
gold la aleake tbb eeasoir of tee
gareteemaeordla] welooma. and plana
year, but prrieotly aafe te bur of
mdan froB him bad baaa aaknowl.
Mora, it's eoaad jadgmuV
Travaw City waa thrown Into a
edged aad ahlpped.^ ibb compMy. ba
aiata of iaUnae a*«lto»eni yaatarday tee rWlon r^Ue tbay ramUa In the deelaiad. are large Baaufaetaren
aftcradoa wban tea dlaaatar waa raaad bare been doing baalaam for
ported over ibaNwlroa. There b«ln(
BeoU Woodward waa anmBoaod to years la tab locality. He b rrorkaavaial men from Ibla city employed
tog for teem on eommtaaloo bnd
oa tea bold, teara ware many aexlona Aldan iMt night by tea aevera Ulncaa tba method pneUeed b te take
friaada and faBUlaa eaaking tldlnga by of bb fateer who want then yaatarday tee drdera. ernd teem In te
OB a Tblk The mcango alao
wire to loam of tea lajared
liDod.raderwcar at 50e e gai
railed for Dr. UarUa aad tea apeelat bean aad teen la order to got kb
.Tba '
Aaoteer lot flema lined andereommlirioB promptly te eeean the caeb
wear at 3»c a garmenV
n wUh
baaty —,----------laqalriaare- train on tbe G A W. M. to, ChariaeoUwaakapt
(B tee orders etg^ by tee bayerv Be
gardi^ tea injnrad antll a Ute hoar
aiatea teat tee atatemcat teat they
iaatnighV, Tbi
Boat aarioaaly Injured,
naU mdan for wbat tboy can get b
a ^w.
ware C. W. McNeal and BUaa
ixtnbeary camri
Mra. B. 8. Pratt' baa ntaraad troB lalao, aatesyask tee fnll amonn
but tea extent of teelr tajuriaa
katr nadarwaar, wool, at tOe.
faoa ralao. and get tv Be aaya
not be leaned daAaltaly. Mra — Ann Arbor.
I lot Boa’a extra baary Maria*
a be has had eimUar ordore cashed
Neal and Mra. Cbw wma adriaed te go V Mra. J. D- Mnnaea baantoraod from
. teb locality mnay times aad teb b
48c. our prtoe S3&
to Oiarleratji by • apMl^ Uaia which ,^rbbta Pontiac.
W. D. C. Germaina ntnraod from tbs Rat time bo baa bad tbslr ralldlty
^n.Mbuys a Baa'S baary ^ter
laft Grand BapMa for tbo eoooa of tba
m tee Btaadlag of bb boaaa qamUoaod.
dbaatar at tea o-alook, stopping ban
B. J. Morgan tUtedUM night that
$S buys e m*a'e henry black or
Mr. Md Mra. Cbarlee Boaeatbal arat two o'clock teb moralagMr. BHrar bed bean ben abent two
branded Chariot eulv
riyed yotteMay from Cbbaga
$4.rr bays a Ban's b
Tba apoobl train fnaa Onad Rapkb
Mr. aad Mra J. E. Jobnaan an homo moatea aad tent ha bad bed dealings
ended Oeakmarc aalv
with him wbbb rroie perfectly fair
did not arrira anul aboat thna o'clock. after a week's rblt is DctmlV
$S.M> buys a maa'a axl
Oa boa^ ware aareral oOebb of tea
Mra M. V. White wUl laara today and booonUe. alao that ba bad oadonblabnaatedanlVaU
dearored to soean some of tea mdan
-road aad paraona Interaated In tha ter bar boma at Bowling Greoa. (Milo.
BFtedete te pattBA.
Iran Dona. Oaear Bamna and W. J. at a dbeonat aararal Umaa bat BUrer
bad nfaaad M teka Irm than tea face
MeKaal and Mrs. SUna (bw.
- paalad by Prank LUll. boardal
WUIlam Abboft of Wmt Ttb atraeV raloa Ba atated teat Cbabbr Bamtea train, Mra McNaal bring weak
BBtwtalnlng bm tatbar, Ab Abbott moad of tea Flrat Natkmal bank bad
rrite Ulaaaa. not baring been eaV-.of af Naplpa Cb
caabad aerarsl ofteaordara and bad
tea boaaa for twe waaka Fnd BUaby
B. W. Booatta. Walter Yeaag aad yet w barg teat they rran not all
aad D. Bamlltem abo want on tea W. P. V(Y»di0^wUl bare tebtaoralng rigbV
inrnli’. tea bttarb tea ancle of tea for rnriarb. O.. oa tea oxaaraloa.
' Hr. Bllrar atated teat tftea alterawho waa kUlad. -Tba anfartnaate
MlB tJUtee Laate af (bdfllao ra> tern was Bade CA tea artmlnqiiallnB
ha waa aaawara of n. aa ha praoarad U
.irapd boma yaaMday after a ^
of oma c< bb iBWibtei
. aat Tbtt rrite Mba Ma MeOwmld
Qay HaBiltea. teayeaagBa
The Man
on Easy Streat
. udcoMtooirstonhr
FW TVs fMk-Ie m.
We Want
-Ton to BDOoeed Is hoYlBg tho Lishteot.
Whltoot And Boot Brood in RfioMgmn,
thorofbre odviM yonr nminc
Floor AS A '‘Boro thing.”
Remarkable in that
There*s No Wool in it
It looks like wool. It feels a littie like
wool. It’s calcnlated to deceire the
hastr bnyer. If you want a woedea
stocking but don't want to pa^ wool
{nice, yon can deceive yourself with this
one to good advantage. Price 15c, aivl
good^or the money.
Bad weather, and the
^ys wd
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. We
have Better Value in this line tham evrt-before.
T. j. HOST, PARKfefe brothers; £
TB* KOBanio.
Ktoekbote «Mte tkM ba te filW» ^
•rlsiaal aoUaet w4
•bortti** l» *•• ••
«B0«. T. Bath axu J. W. BAxm*
j. Jf. HA»ro. Bdiw Md MMNtw.
SUBSCRimOMBOm vMkl kr wTtv.
^japBIOAW* Of eiTB*» WW•aom TO Bi inmtMD
kwatfsbUMwd to Owvaa to ooBMoCioo with
(to) dtoto of Maria ttoobaeb. tba notad
0«>MB aettaaa, toowa rwp wall tba
mMani <f Atowptk* <f Arntncaa a&aira wUob
S^Taod ltoU |»walla taO«»aBp» aowtato
■"STto^ azttoV Saatoobwaab*raiD<«thaB to
M IMtaUnc of (b*Mtvn
*^JLb Oabtoat
to uaitod iuM*-a«« Tou^ wm
Ba OatUMf fbr Oate.
Bxmwnm U tbe
tttttim TBiVBSSS aBBil.D.
^”**™°*'*. ooioBm e. i
of ■
•ottotoatofT tbaa »aa bopad bf •»?
II Hill |-^ tomara, a»d aa aaalyai*
iio, abowB »bat »ba baata ratoad to tkto
«ooBtt7 ara awaatar tbaa tboaa wbteb
<m tba baato of tba r**t boat aacar
todaaUT U Oar»aay. wb^ ^bwt
boot aofartorwodaoadaiid wbata
taioMtrr baa baeotoa o«a al aaal
portoBoa. Tbla raaalt of tba axpariaaal aboald todaaa a nwaanMt to
ward thaaatobUabBMBtof (aetorlaa la
Mieblfaa aad aeVaa aa awamcaMBt
to iba fanaarttoaacBdra to tba |todaetloaoftbabaau.
Kow that Mr. Baftarb UU baa baaa
ai^oaad of ptfbapa It will ba la ocdar
to flT* • U»«« prallmlaarT attoaUoa to
olty parka, with tba »law of fatUaj
tba food woA atartod. It waa datarBtoad bp tbp oouai aoaa Um afO to
appcdat a o
^ttae bat not pat beaa opaad.
WaaUarW*. Oatobar 5.-Ooa waalt
or tka farmaOMi cl a Sacwta oabtoat
to Spala. U to tacUarad. «rlU ba tba
noattorof awaaaty to^aay. If nalall.
of tba AMrieu friaoMia bald l« Cab^
ood tha pardoa «t m»Mj OabMa aoo^ to toirriaaaaaaL Ewdtoc
BOB^ettoa «f Vb« ttofaato caUsat
tbara baa boaa ao li
totlaa wm ba takaa.b«t It to mW to ba
a aataral aad aaaaaaair part of tba
aaw Spaalab pollej toaalrtor tba withdrawal ol 0«i. Waylaraad tba adopttoa of »or
. - —k It la <
wlU ba ralaaaad aarly aad Mia Oa-
to lopkad opoo
to tbtoltoht ...
Aoomdiiie to tbto R
bpslMlo awetoa wbkb towMia tba
oM dap reotored a BMasawe KM
toraetoiaa to qoMboL .
Mtlmnan wtobad to am bm. 8be
' ADobMT tofanttot baa no dlfiooltp to
wa to- told tbe aerrant to tmi b^ to bar
■rluwa dnwiae nom to tba hotel, and wb«B
be arrired he totoodaoed hltnmlf aa a
entato Colonel Smith. Theobe pltmfed
at lbeob}e«*<< btovtoit and aaid that
be imaiarimd a omtain wall known
rtratfaaa Ibaaa Uttar an baalttafal
totoea, for nanp parta of oarlttBcaan
“^^"*&adp beaid." be mid.
not called Into aetlro an to ordtoarp
anagnmmttot. Ivantto
toialhini Tba apex.« top of tba Itae. find oat if r» an a food bntonamw^
to notablp a fwit wblcb doea
aaweU. Do poa want to make
Ip paititopata U tba mot--------toaathim, and aa tbto to the apeoto]
^j^^no objactiont tomakato
aaat ,of ooBanmrcloB attadt wa map
mid. "if it topoabbtomh
naacmabtp bold that tbr Uw of dinat that.’'a^
^walpWtw* and difntoad wap."
axptoto. toe paaHr ItobUitp of tbit
It’s to the mem oaarae. wap
pomibU tbat 1 intfnaa" tba Tint*
«»»toa.A "ami 1 oStr poa »l0.^ f«
« and bmine it. a. it a
U an WMttol ocmditltB for baaltb
^ elalBU. aaeb aa that la tba eai
benor Uaetater. bp totoetot into pUp
Dr. B«U Ittoaaldtbat a oomI
ttoi wboie of tbe Ipnea. or at kato t?
prabablp wUl ba prapaaad to daal with fanrise an to«raa«N<>^-?r(rt. to Ic
all dalna artatoc dartof tba rabal bonctomed an admirSbU a«f
Uaa aad than ara totiaatioM that
BMidm thto phpaieal tfftwfof Uaeb
•upa toward tba araatioB of aaeb a tw w« ban aim tc takeUtd'aroooDt in
oadar wap. At- mental tode. Tbon to a certaiu fanto
abmalat to be noted, a pq'chtc Molt,
Vbeofb there to ooattoaad
to addition to thi phpaical
tbc atata deparuaaat eanaaral
It to prettp owtoln the mental phan ol
Spantob Caban ^ffalra It to andaratt
a pood, bnrtp Utaph U to ttt war. ai
tbal tba eorermmaat baa bean
bralihfnl a* to ita phyeicnl a^iect.
formed that ttoato «
tMOpinp is aim pratoed aa an ’ezxsellont
» tbat eo}ar«d bp |
ritrcim. and pablic q>mkii>« to ai
------------------- laag tonic a# ode map with
It to bo that lir, Tbe onlp drawback to the werk <ri
tbe q>Mk<r to tbe fcnl dendition of thi
a of real i
oSarad U ahonld be aeoH>ted bj the armoftoeretowbkdibe hat often to dc
In (be damh of Htnlemor Oonaid G. : Oobana. The Ineomtof of Ue Safaato
Sweuberf. who died pmtardap. Grand wbinet to welcomed bp the admiatotrap.fie. loam a profrmtlra clUacn, an tto. which aeearal weak, afo waa ap•bio Mwapapar worktr and.ont wboaa
eaeiT. of a poemb.e earlp dtotarbMod dsada will leaf lamato pltaaant
ol oar trioadlp reUUoat with
mamorimto aomaa of Wanda and bnal-
Time 'f«e-faa to^^iu to thiok about it
—Time for ns to talk about it—Be^t ^
Underwear on the aiarket—Call, for
" Catalc^e concerning iL
Hamilton Clothing Co
fWbat bate 1 to do to latomT* «A"Kotbtof to tba wtrid." tihe eokmal
t^tUd.tml a. ba«itiorf tbe.x|»»
mtontobmmit <m bar bmt ba
wtnton: "I toM poa tbat 1 oame from
a mwtog mafWne compaup—<n
lanceat to tbe wtdd.' All tbal I
<f %o to nton fo tbe flO.000 to tbat
at Maifwrite- to tbe eptontof wbed
scene from 'PmM'poa will nm cne cd
in Black and White
ouder tbe collar or to tbe brenat pocket of every Coat made b]r L.
Adler Broe. A Co. tbare ia-n liaen label, of which tb« foUowiag !>•
reprodoetkm in priirt.'
Ito drop from toe fallcrp. mptof toat
s maobtoe need bp Maria ' '
smid to bara
bnt. to tbe cart,
meet fer Uoetoe's aafcdp to d
m toe fedtof which mred bw animio
**Tboa*iBW Is of a type that dtoappmrod from feneral nm 40 pears afo
n doea not Tide It tool toe kind sold abuot P. T. &rWhen yon boy yoor “Adler^” 8oU thia fall, write yoor aMMo ,
'm wdl m bis pcu*o(ppa to tbe Umud n«m to toe earlier daps to bis earesr,
State. rtfoUr army, hot tbe Ukeea cl bnt tocrlm to toe kind atill pam matoor and tbe date of pmrbaae <» the label and wbmi yoo an fintOly rtedy
toe PRscb army are bettor and i----- to Europe, althoofb a i»o» afcmt who to diacatd it yoo will be nirpriaed to find bow loii« it baa iaated you.
m_aaytotof to tor
to toto
Xmrnfmt Will Mot Teattfy to H» Own
ooantrp wo^d won lose bis job.—i!aw There ia no dotfainK tbat ia cheaper than that made by tbia cd^rated
Smtea. Tbe >alf toed
Bp «. H. White A On. at Mapna
w^VsH and tba Bbmona Trtal
chamtirs are op to anp amoani cf werfc.
firm, becaoae do other ready-made clothing wUl wear aa loog and preOttp 'Flu Make Boalaaaa Oood
1 Normans
and Br«bu
Xa Vaarly Ended.
and tbe heart.----aerre ita ranmitial style and perfeoh ahape. Only coetom made garTBara.
CUmfe, Oeu t —Tba dtfaam to the eftheWUltota H. White A Oo. •f''Bopne
In bit yooBfw
toe U» Mr. W. 1 menta at double the price can be compared with it lor durability.
Laetfort marder -trial reetod Ito' cam ptobapeto
Garry, are^------------ ---------------dtp have porchamd 1.000 aeraa
Smith wa. asnally pswent tt
Mdap afterawo witaessm had taatUed. finb The Pmh artillery—Iwltored H.
^ iirntofc tapers dispsicbed. aad
terdwood Unbar land la Antrim ec
«-------... ..-.u--------Laetfert did not fo on the wltnam
uf toe ot
«p tram the O. B. A 1. .Ballroad o
•land to bis own detnaea. Tbe blf deli
te to toe army—was
^ , had pone wrmif, to toat to<re»_^_
fonj, the parchnee rapreeentlaf the
mamfe maker yielded to the ad rice of Th.) physiq^to
‘ ™
risk of that psper nusstox-cbe Oatoa.
inrmtment of >70.000. AnepUoa km the aitomepebatitwmarreatdtoap- li<-1d and how Uttrries
____ _____
Mr. rtoiith. rwupoUtop
•lai be^obihiacdon LODO.aerm
torew-.Jl bU tsmt. w.rked away m ban
pointmaot^ him. Be bee declared tost to toe line, and toe areiaj^
■norp F -tieerin of CoUmbm bi
to tbe ofiKvm is hifb*-r.
bu sobardiiial.ssod
had th
for moo^ tbal he mast toitbis stop eit-aey to
noma .a part owner to one of the mllto
. . . „M»
fOB toatti isa*m.d .with is s^ »,^ri.w‘<if atwiaf the cans knv
.be Jrp. Larwarfs cooase) feaiwd m.ist eUerttre w«is*»—tbo tieidfuwx I
of the eontpanp at Boyne Citp and will
lut wim OB the stand and ba accept- to »• mm., weishin* Ki,4» bnodrwLi
n^wa* alt«»ward knuiu* or.r one to
mere to that place to Uke cba<Ye
the slustioD with a trowa. This
Tbe eompasp bm eloeed a eonWact for _, -niof Jadf* Vtoceni pointed oot to wiiftaA atidflrini; a I7.S8 pooud nna-; ^ mbltwnsaliiis a {s>i>r. still to hit
arm*- when on.- <f toe men.
niiui shell. lS-6 |»>Bnd Khrapuel; to.'
Croifktto^lt.coo.ooo feet ol Icfn for G.
Luetfsrt that Wm. Cbarlea, bto bnsi- homr anillrty fan weiybiott 8 -16 buu mi*mktof him fur a matt. gave him a
Von PUttoa-oret tbc Boyne CSlp A
mrk cm ..........................
hu taoad hack. iulo the largeai atorr anrth uf Gruntl Rajuda. bruoming full of barMS partner 1^ told practicallp the dredw.Hghl.wito a 111-) pmuiAcom-i
•ontbem road w Boym atp. IVom
paina Yoa trill makr Do BuUke. ^yith your ready cash bnyH^a
ime albrp that Laetfert woald tell.
«ha dockVol the eompmp Ito earfoee
Well. Jack, old man. sre got that CASH HOUSE. ALWAY'8. We d*«ot chaige up to yon aay loanw
-YooeaBMtaddtoitanpthlDf that
dt lamber ha*e been ahlpped and tbe
lot away ■nartly." When "W. H '
will be ol bonefll.' mid ViaoeaL "If lonr gims to l.ow tolaatiy and me-, lalnd himn-ll. the- man rushed away. by -d«kd beata.^
Deal in a Ooe-Priced House. With oompeUtion
•ontlook for bostomt to mid to be e>poo f© open the wltaeas stand poa wUl airy—b not tbe only iudiratuai toal terriOed hP his blonckr
from vitbio and witboot «e most necanaarily be the chekpegi, to do
be sub}eetod to cram examinatloa laaP tbe Fmicb place great reUanoe apen
Ob coming <ai daep at night lbs mas the boaineag we a» doing. We bare added new lines ainoe morinE
■tof for days aad oorwHaf the antlra their artiUrty. Tbe battortoam toej raosiTKl a nose addremed to him. whjto
Botai Webber Ammad.
bsouu.-lo<bdn»taitMdtor"sack," bat into <mr new etokbliabment, aad we hare gw
Peter Webber bf MapfieU townUilp. period at yoar Ufa. Yoa wm fat ezble appearanee. The okt mazn
to hi* mrplrae
linm mahiw^ c iT gto^ complete in all of ill branebea
In oar Dry
wm arretted pmtardap by Uodaraberiff dtod and will my tbinfa that will In- "spit and polish" srm not m
that from tbs
Goode Departi »t we offer a pare mlk relret fw 41c a yard.
Atbton. aharfwi with aamnll dbd hat- Jnrapoaroam Mp.adeiea to yon to to mtsly mrried ont m is the cm*
woald be a faceman. "W. Hr--,
«M7 bp Albert Kraam. who wm •kaw__________
toe htoteries to tbe United Staten ie*a sense etneigb to s» that a nUn who Wat
Ur army. Tbe steel batoes aad coUu
tbiaahad bp Webber at a daaee Satai'
.iritgfal.dBl bs'
ehaiBs wav to same instamwi at
dap BifbL Tbt aoeaaed wm taken badi^ull task frr Ibis cRiplojm was
Uiffat m they might bsTs been, nm
to toe ngUt
f M JntUoe Brown and relmatd on
______ v________
OOP baU to appear for trial Mondap.
banmcetlate. bat toe bonea an btytad
Itodiw* poro linen, hem •titehed bandkerehieb, 2 fer 23e. Tbe
Aseasrif aoitsttad*.
Grand BapUv Mieh.. OcA S.—Conrad
>«cbool'Work to India.*' ,
game that yoo pay 25c apieoe for obevheie,
mto piece aad each cainsm U toorocMto
Him Auto—li ■ Ibuny •t<ont
Tba Womanb Foreifo Htaatonarp
to this eltp and
maiotp of tba M. B. ebnrob. will atoot BOwan**^P^
Yoto Trtimoa_________
ptoer Uble.
in tba obareh parfata tbto aftonoan i - .armarlp proprietor to Swaaab.
Mr. Age~Nototog atrangs. aheto
Aa risnssiiry nma
BnatoM OoU«ce- ^Ud hare ai 8A0
t;M. Babjeet. "DiaeraAt pbaam i
toat Naturally siw * kskisg after tbt
"Wbp." asked Pat m ka mm.
"kitty.-"—New Y’«k Triboaa
•aboeVwork la ladia."
oonghtog toto~toe gnippery. "ii
OorfiCUnch all wool Sergta and ifi-inch aU wool HnuieMaa at
DeroUaaal-Mra. W. P. OrfOa.
bumble Roat klwayt held up •• the
Herald and sinee he bm basa.ooai
48c per yaidarv the talk of tbe town.
RegardlM of adraneea we
8|ato hm M.»M rlrmesuary sot
Paper—Ura. D. B. Titu.
Ue for totuxktoiun—for tostanm. ‘ful
•d with that paper It hm baocmis one magoatr"
b« only 41 per cent to tbe children re give better Talne than ever. Look at oar bandaaoie, artistieaBy made
BecitoUoQ-Htot Mabel Bldrad.
of the beat and moat InflasaUal in
"I GaBWH maaa." answered Tim Aeieeeeen the radiiu.«teto an edoca- Bdr'a Bloiwee in the obildren'a clothing departmeoL
GleaatofetoMfa. W. T. Roaborfb.
Look at oar all
Mleblfaa. Ue was M years of afe and "anlna"—and he paiued luediutirelj tim. Th.- leacbos rwvlte only ♦« R
and ctmipare it with any |7 aaitoelaeand ItsAed at Pat m if be ezprrtod ar $400 per T.SU-. and mostto them ml* on- wo^ Men’a Kobby Suit at
Tbe prociam will be followed bp a dartaf hU life hm trarelad aztoDalee
InntatKm—"ankw it irbcouisr be b able to oulUct that.
here and be yoar own jndge.
ehiekaa pie supper from S ito 8 to which toroafb Europe. Maaiso aad all os
toe United Btalas, He wm one
m> wUI gave yoo money on all kinda of itabooery.
all an ooidUlIp larlud. .
I'ittshnrg N'ea-a
Grand BapWa’ lendtof elttotm and •
Do not forget to aimple onr perfomea in
whidi we are aeOBreritMa.
AU aauuala. dum.e>tic mm inclnded
ing at 28c per ouooewhrenme
Prod Eaeelaad ralamad Imt nlfbt
jtMT waata ia our lioiw with tie aad we will aare yoo
from OadUUe, where ba went with Dr.
their far looks Imsi bright and gloi^)
/. H. Cols to SU ebantaB afalnst W.
than lunal It is always a sore sign a
M. Hllrar. who obutoad sionaj from XdttU Tows of Anatto, Pa..' Mat With rain when burses and catUs aerated
Tartihls Diaaator.
OoU oe a aehoot order.
their necks and miff the air.
The Wosaeab Borne aad Porolfn MtoAceordtof' to dlspatebaa la peatar"““n^'^meats
TbaeTrtfhtisvsrytoUB iiijtDedta
toonarp aoeUtp of the Uonfrafational day's PM"” ^6
•bareh wm mnat with Mra. Arnold, oa Pa., wm satlrely wiped oat hy fin Ufe ty tifbt Uetof. *
Qlaat Block.
Waahtofton atreai. this aftarnoan at t Moadap afwwaooa. onlp fire haaaea be*“w1llia1T MOOLIHAN^
laf Uft. Over one kandrad-hoaaea
I daatropsd aad five bnadnd peo
•OTXBnUMT OLEmSB PAIX. ple wars made bomalaaa Th. fire srm
startto bp a load of hay helof ran toto
Aaonaad of Bmbaaaltof Ta
a fm Jat
trwtad toMto Oara.
Ttaeersa City p«>pU trill ha aapaatalWaaUnfWa. Get. A—TbaOtand Jaip Ip iBWraatod ia tbe news team toa feet
tatomed throe ladietmeaU afalnst tbal Wm. Bartep. one of the promi
PiMato' i. Uaekbofer. the law dtobara- nent hatlissi amn of Aastto. wm an
tof oBoar of liie stoto dapartmant, old time reaidssl of thU cdtp and U
'toe ptea oa »64 Ihlm «»*
Given by..dmrfttic him with
------------ •tdaly known here.
fit,000 of tbo foeal
Jaip and Ootobar l«te. and with approtetomartea.
prUttof to hto own nm WS?«0
A am eaptaiD tolls to hhi aailiag-te
worth of forammaat henda. Kiaok- Bontocru sum wbm- flying fish ahoand.
bofar was arreatod to Map. 18M. and ybaywonld stsuetini.s in their fiighi
^ tat toe ni^t come abuard tov toip and
todlcied. bis ambotUamm
from to to BO per cnaV fipaalal
^ Ariipto toe dec-k He had three oati
Low Vrteee ara fenad oa .arrow width.
’ tost, toongh they were lying ariecqi
October 7, a and a
After an toemtlfation «
ami amaU .Uto la ladice' and gaMtehetew. woald hear Iha aonnd whenerer
afitotoaok the desk a^ woald reto
nnmMoeed that there wm aa ^ipniant ap «e get IL They diatotgultoed this
Pattern Hals. Neweat and moat
' ahwt^ of more than tioo.000 to hto team all tobtraoimda Tbaonwariad
to Imitate it U rartona way*,-bat aaajd
111111-— Tba trtal wm to bora 1
handiome designB copied from the latest French pittenin.
W^'^dBaa iam a«n^ bat wm paetponM aMdaoMratoacM
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store
We Have Reduced
Millinery Qpeningl
Piipet t Smith
Hip Brak Footwear
Fi-w.-n.3r: Fa?±©ajrf.o3n^
Thursday. Friday, Saturday,
or Hay I aa oaaaL The mifermftai
aeamed to be la bit aanal ftaioe-c*
aceordleo to the wltaam. OderoMa
bad taatiBod t»a« Utetpert k>ohed“wflA*
ViriKtien In th* Bony Monotony
of tho Murdor Com That Jo
Entertaining Chieago.
Odeaco. Oct. t.—Aa «impcet«4 nrs
ta aamln occOrmS Itf the Lnctscrt trial
Oartnc the arternoon wwlnti ot the
eeon rMterOar.
defcsw vaddraly
AH Mm DwhQ'mgi Exe*^ FW*
in-^ Lumtwr Town in
Raraaa. Oct. A—It la announced freo
Spantah beadqnirtere that
Itollna. with a dcuchment et pererament trtiopa. mored on an tiiatir«eat
fore* under Araapo. Sanpnlly. Araapnreo and EUaeo. al Areoa da IMc«o
aad a.»«rianA on the heipbta about
Madrupa. Ibla province, oa tbe SMb et
Tbe Spaolah peseral divided bit
forcet and went throupb dlffereiiV moaatalB drfHea towarda tbe irmrpent oamp.
At M a m. on Oct. I brlBC war caa.
atnod all alonp (be Uac and tbe ta<
aunrmti were compelled to eeek refiipi
AadKM^.Cp a I
T.o.,a«i Oct. A-Thc Ttinre la a WOdal artlcte tbia enomlnp aayu: 'Tha
Wolcott commlwlen tn'enda le requoK
the puvemmeot to plvc a Baal aad Im
mediate reply to Ha moaetary prepoiaU.” After plvtap a review ef tbe
htetury of tbe uueatlon. the writer ot
tba arllple cvncludei; The core of tbe
wboTe'eubJect la tbe queetlea whether
Umetalllam ta wlae or fnoilab. The
United flutes and Praece my yew On
behalf of Oiwal Brlula It B decided to
av no. But It yea U to be aimwered
oa behalf of India we shall be le
a net of coatradictery propoolUoaa.ladeed, for tbe key* of the Indlaa mtnU
are le Downinp nreet no leas tbaa ibe
keys of tbe Aondua minh-
Buffalo. Oct. A-A apertal tp
**AoB-melaalUe Bo* rwtmal.
prcaaifTom WellpvtBe. K. T.. oayx: Tbe
At^f^’cloch Id (he aftemoaa tbe 8pabUncoln. Neb.: Oct. A-tc antl-fpd<«
little luinbertop town of Auatla. Potter
Urde had captured all tbe laaurpeat poPupubat euie coaventiU) yesterday was
■ettona. drlvlap the eoemy toaeek refupe
einxwi a failure. Bchaaae'e ball vraa
On|V«d lU Uoe of expert teeUmoor iod In cavee or Jump over bipta cilffa. The
adrenlord aa tbe place of mrettnp. but
'-.put 00 a wltocM, to Impeach the e<rt> Inaiyrent InfaMry. which waa cea* ernoon aad cvealap. At about t o'clock the cooventlon wae b«>d Is a private of>eoee of the vitacaaeo for the aute. maaded by Aranpo and Sanpul'ly. left_ . a'team dtnve.lato the livery of R. W. lice, tbe purpore belnp. ao It waa aatb« I PbUlIpe with a load of atraw. .The m uneed by the delrpttee. to eutwlt tboae
Cx>Jndoe Vlocent. Attoroer Phaleo. over 10» DM lulled at the foot of tM
Arnold Laetccrt ai>d otticn who are praciplcca. The Bpenlardf loot Bnera Btraw atruck apalnK a llpbtrd paa }at (avc'rable to fneion. whom ll waa feared
tatemted lo the dcfeam. b^d a c«t>- men kUied and had two oOcerv and thlr- and la a maoMDl Ibh whole baildlap cilpbt atitmpt to pain control, aa wai
ty-Bve men wounded.
Aee lajt year. After aacertaltUap tbe
aalUUoa reWtlre to whether or ool
naeabUae. The Itrety of P. A. Oalinp. almoat toul abaeuce of delepatca from
ImeUert AouMcoeatbe vltocM '
}tnt borth. vrai aoon In aabca aad the onulde of tbit county It w»* voted to
ptaod. At the Hoae of the coofercoce
tirt etaned for the.bualoem portion. It poaipone the eeale, convenUot. which
tnda Bane Dowa a Wi^ea aad Pevea
laat nlcfat ex-Judxe Vloccot aald be
waa foond neceamry to blow up tbe mwuie lie atBDdonmenL Tbe delepalx
—nHii uTin Be Ibe Total Baa^b
had not decided upoo the matter. It
wooden bnlldlnp orcualed aa a drup then orpanised aa a cenety
Willow Sprlapa, , Mo..
Oct A-A
and lelected a\tloket.
waa latlmated that Uielcert mlxht be
paaaeaper-train oa the KaoNta City, Btore by Ororse HCImlp U etder to kem
«aaad to the wilone ctaad today, la
rort Bcolt aikl'Memphli railway rau the Bre from the mllla. A aoutb wlad
met It le expected that hr wUI be. .The
waa blowtnp and carried tberfire to the
Romc. fStl. A—The pope, all reports Id
ttmi takee in the proceedioge rcetertay
MethodW cbuif-h and paraonape. tbe Paris anil Doodem papers to tbe con
permitted couaael to pet h line upoa the
trary.' fo'lc rxrellcDt health. Tbe Oapr^ble lenpth of lime it will tequire of here at » o'clock yeatetday momservatorc Romano says; Dr. Laflonl.
to flotib Ibe trtat
Btaie'a Attorney
tetaRy : (Ue loop line of wooden dwelUapa. moat- the phyalrlaD of his boUnesa In wo InDeoeen aald that three e-eeka mote tojurtap the other one. Tbooe killed ly occupied by empkiyra of the Mp tervlew with a repreaenistive of the
weiv: PhHlp 1. Wooton. PhlUp Wootmt Goodyear aaw mllla, and' aoe^lphty Aaanrlaled Press, confirmed tbe saatcouebt to nee tbe end of the eaae.
Jr„ Amanda Wooiun. Dora Wooton. boueee bad been burned tbahTpreond. ments’ of the Oaaprvalore Roms'no as
Praacle eeaueey.
Malbcey, aoo
For the time bcinp oouaael for tbe Mrv. erwac™
le satufartory state of tbe health
M __ ____ ..___
dafenae la tb* Ltlelpert caae yeaterday
* monlba old. Philip Wootonh
The Up pumps wbicb are st^lM by ef the supreme pontiff and emphatically
aaaumed that the bonee offered by tbe
l» “ l»*ly liun itet al
a main pond near tbe rllHpe. anirvrhteh denied tee recent atermlap reports elrPtau aa evldeew ware buman. and then
Tbe train war «o^ and Ibe re- are used only In cane of fire, were foua-1 cnlated co^rutrx tee poke's bealtb.
AhJ Injured wire to be entirely us-leap on -secount of
Niowed that If tbe theory li eoneet tbe «nbl“»
Talked Ahsat Ike Wta.
mufderod or mlaalnp wmnan waa but I broupht bere._ponductor Hallaway aaya searclty of' water,
rater, tl
the pond belnp at tela
London. Oct. A-The Vnlted RUUs
forty Incbea la beIpbL Attorney Vln- • Jwopor slpnxla for the. cmaMBp were
special UwlD
cent bad.pUnned the affect with preat | dl'ett, but they were not beard. The
Costello, a nelphbortnp mmbaasador. Cnkcil Jetm Hay. viaJted
fervipn office ytsserday.
care, and altboupb tbe
ridkulet craaelnp U coneldered'one of the moat vltlaire. whirb carriod to Austin all tee
I of that department if tee British
the prupoaticn the bold flat atbteoient I danperone In tbe country, belnp a curve fire appanins which <-ouIc] be prorured
ealed no Uttle flurry lo tbe court 1 “■>*
The bo^lea.are now Id that town. 'Eumer is the street on
<M!ooeI 11
-- «•............................
-ec of
the eoroncr here. The
room. Aaslaunt
hute'i Attome>- ••
Me- II •" ebarpe
ilrb' all the dwelllnp bouses weriL-sCtEwua was equally aurv tbe atale's caae i Pemona UUeB lived 1 I Texaa county. ualed. ]
In tbe matter baa not yet heea
waa not Injured by the development of '
a»a «« «« ‘heir t
Only five .dwelllns
■ upon; but Colonel Hay will
Ibe belpbt queetkm. He btdda tear the ' Plrk cottoeu________________
bmises are left In tbe town Tully W
probably tocelve a deOnlte atatemesi on
80IXV SMITH GETS THE OEOSION. perscew are bomcleas. and are aecfclup the subject this week_________
tvfupe In -tbe few buslneas booses on
be puesard at. Aa.a matter of fact the Berness nays Bo Pat rp a BsSSer Twwaty. Main street
Insurance men wbs are
Lard PhaWa al HMIplewSsa.
'femur !■ not aa wot* dianpad aa tboa*
UfMn the scene of the disaster place tbe
(tonll Sle. Marie. Mich.. Oct. A—Lord
Baa Praarlsco, OrA A—dolly flinlth. loss at from ne.aM to
Douplam of Harwtek arrived In thB
of Doe Anpelea. was ptven the declBoii nipbt tbe low'p was forested by a pans clly yeitetday mortiinp from tbe Mlchlof
pc.ld fleldw where he secured
over Osbrpe Dixon, of Boston, la a
feared that conaMcraMe of the property
Interest In seven valuable claims. He
yeetetday Vincent arked tbe court to tweirty-rouBd Bpbt last nlpbA The aawdV''u><I fall Into their banda
tn enthusiastic believer in tbe prea\
aUow .Profemor Eckiry to aaw a real match was virtually for the citaihplonpnsrihllllirs
nf this new mtnfop reptnn.
human temporal bone uaad In tbe Aa- Blip of the fealbersrelphl riaaa and
and has lelepraphed his brother Sboilo
fMiae'a cxperlmeat In the same manner Smith Is now at tee top. Tbe ftphl was Rsmmos the Pvwlrto Aands Us Terrible
flcaltic to meet bim hero, when tbe
aa was done fiy tbe atatv'a expert when not a remarkably fast erne, tbs men Uksod rsmi Ksvwe.
two will further ravectlpa'c.
the aUepyd temporal bone In evldeacv
Mjner. 8. D, Drtj^S.-Partlm Joal la
■Tww Ate TklMnw Aro r-aad.
was sayrMl. The purpose of ibla was to rounda when Dixon attempted ,tg fore tiocn twenty milts north stair that as a
compare tbe two trapmenta The result
Mkrinem'. Wl«.. Oct. A-TriOJe, and
Smith, faoarvpr. who has preally tm- resoltof abippralris fircone msnhasd.rt} Otlla Cuir.mtopB were found yesterday
^tainefl was not riven la court, but
«te defense's experts say It ComiOetely proved since he met Dtxoei l>efur<. bad and three others may dP fleven or etptat radrslDp. They were |-l<ked up by a
Overthrows the auie's cUlm that Us* all the tietter of tee In-flphUnp, usinp .wire way burned, one/lsmlly of-B\-e former acd brouphi home. They say
. bone was from a buman belnp
"We bU rtpM with *r^- effect both on tbe named Prerion sM belnp In a danpert.U' tb-y were taken by tbe fomvr apslnst
and head.
Smith' was coot
bad t>r. K. D: Pierce IvBpm for tbe body
will, and abboupb cryinp lo he al
ecrdlilop. Hundreds of-lomi of bay acd
plate] saw the- bone for ue," said Or. tbP>uchi-ui the npht.->nd .rmme out IpsJr were d>»troyed.
lowed K-.co'hnm- were Isk-r alK-ut rix
B. U Ritse. -ao that wc would be sure without a'marfc of any kind HlsbliwktVinnlpvp. Map.. Oct. A—Reports con- mfies up the river and kept vmtl ycslertbe stair's trralmem of Us exhibit Inp knd ducklnp of Dixon's l-ads w-re Unuc l« pour in fenm all parts of the
mm lnp. They were pune for four
would Iw duplkatod. Our human b>me the f-sturee r.f the Upht and k.pf him province of d--'tiuclk<n b^ prairie flees. dsvs and ae many nlphia___
te enllrrly different frem the one la oi t.of harm's way.
In h-mc disti;»< le m
■ lane Baal a RaW wM O reals.
bse l-j- the tlcry w
D-rirlptbc IWyi.Bs4 0»Tfe. ^
Uaf^n. Me', th-t S.—The Ho ler coal
IndlshSpolis. txC i--K caJI hasjmen
the artlcuUr
lamed ftir th^lpbtb nsth-mst cunvenraise frow M to » rents a ton for mlalion of tbe ^yr- and Girls' Nsiluoal fiM- aid for those who soriali
Inp owl after the 11th. A stronp faction
Oosnr.and Employment s—'orlsilon, to the bmb eouniry east of the city, where urpre that this be made In the shape of
As to the not. Ibr experts of tbe dabe held In this city D-i. 1-Brd lA The
B demaiMl with a strike nttlmdium..
fonse yesterday c->ntlnued to drive nails
askklatloa waa omrlxvd some yeaaw thetr Uvea.
This Is not eocouraped by the orpanised
In tbe coffin of the state's lionc case.
fiflosm flprtnpw. Ark-. Oct. A—A itape fur tbe purpoe- of ascertAlnlnp Ibe
portion of the ifllnerx. who feel that
BcUry declared that tb- temporal bone
nature and extern ;jf crirhe amotuf atrorUve pisirjc fir- Is awccplnp ever ,lliey can better obtain conresslcns by
and femur are not from a buman betiM-.CheroKi-e
nyouth, lu orlpin. asd if powrible to
avoidance nf Chresla
IrtB Samuel C. Plummer,.
fire iwenlr to be sweepinp a vast stretch
tumlsh a remedy for lu suppreaeion.
fled that tbe stele's exhihluVere not
(ismass Taawer Oaas VTte.
of counto'. ami as the droophl Jn ihsl
human bonoa. Aouls Ooitscbalk. a soap
sertton has been unprecedented evrryOmaha. OcA A—Oovemor John R.
manutsclurer. dtwcrlbed the probable
thlnp Is dry and Inflammable.
TBnn.ec aad party paqpcd tbroupfa
rcmiir of such an aitempt to wake soft Jerday
Oili-apo Junction. 0-, Oct A—The Are Omaha Sunday for tee Black Bnis In
mmp as Auetpeit is allepad t« have Wvnor.a bui
on the .New Haven msiab la still sprvad- a private Ctakapo and Northwestcra
made, and bla description fitted tbe borsef. whUh had Just been shipped
inp, tbouph no spertal
car. They win be pone ten days. There
story told by the defense.
from Che stair fair at Sprtnpfleld. many suited within the past few boora Noth- ate cipht In the party, four ladies aad
of thtm wearirB the first aad second Inp but B roadway prevents tbe tliv four peellcnien-^____________
l.remlnm eclont awarded them there. from cnlcrlap a new terrUory whkb U
It Whea Me Da- 1..WS is t&O.OOo: insumnec Is on the ten far more valosMe
TCashfopton, Oct. A-Tbe
aim. The fire h supposed to have beta land already burned. Farmers are haala nf deputy .rollectom^and
started by tramps In tbe hay loft.
The PUte pot ore bit of comfort
iac water to be.
Inspectors ef
pet arrow tbe ro
OoUBChalk's lePtlmony. Dcnecn and Mcyesterday;
VllUam RMh. al Grand
ICwen flpured ihai the soft soap Aueitincoln. Neb. Get. A—Chairman Dabt- ROTRD MOBTBLBT QVICBAT WBRBU. Haven. Mtcb.: Charlea H, Emsi and
Bvrt tried to make would have costabout mac. ,cf the Democratic state ceeiral
James 'B?>1
ttO.wbenhteonMhsve bnuphlenoupbal- eoriunltiee, yrst-rday filed with tbe aee- foams . IJrk It Vp la Half aa Hms Is
ready made for about tl- Durtnp tbeaft- reury of sute a protest apaJnsi placinc
s. Oct A-Tbe Hotel LafoyVatelarck. Uri. A FeOewtse sr,
ernoon samlee Proi'cascit’ Eckley was k- the “NaUonal- Democratic nomfoeni
wmOw ttx'iiwUnM for tweoly.tcRir hoan
enUed and admitted that upon one occa- «n the ofllelBl ballot at the eomltuc elec- vile. MlDiMtunka'p man famous noktelry. fro-c * p. B. yes esdsy: For lodlsas and
aiun he did may that J'rofeasor Dorsey, tloD. The prolFsl stales thal there It no Is a wmutjIderlnB ruin. Fire ws
niuote Psrtle rloady we ter Rskt .
whose etidence be icptllled apainpt. was surh party ln.>'ebraaka aa the ‘Nation- covered In tbi laundry yeaterday
erly wtods For Mlehtea sad Wlwoa
of Ibe best men the sisle could have ■r I>-moctnU.
fop at 11 o'cloefc. Wllbln an laeredlbly Psrlly ri iSdy mater, site oresrinail •
pn ured as an expert. It may be.putcd
short apse* of itina tee hupV slrunnn Ms: frssb suutewesteriy ta wiaeriy ■
PUr lowa-l-snly dowdy msib- rvotb
here ihsi on Batii^y ll was pnbllahed
Bostrm. Oci A—The new champions was s mass of Bamst. In Juet forty
with conrid^abl^emphasis thal ' the took the first psme foe the Temfde cup minutes the flames had-rati-n theii way
nUte would force Dr. Eckley to adbill yesterday. Acfeatinp the Baltlmores te a
to Ibe male ainiciuh!. The wind was
that be had nW be (Fk-klry> kr^ little
close «wnlesl more throni* a-comblift- blowtex towards Crystal tny. but tee
about I'ini-s. when the slat- wanted him lion of lucky hits and dsHep tsise run- fire made steady pnepreesaxslnsi It. The
lo testify fur Ih^ priaecuUun.
bulliTInp was like Under std In lem than
Blnpe assisted hy dark
PrefraB-r WllUaif^latl. <P Ibe Nonbhalf ac hour the entire main
sreslern Dental i-.ll-i.-*-. an expert U
was In aebes. (if the entire e
A BoAfot iaonlor who has a taleBt
. • The fccr* was; BalU
Hiemlnry. pav, r... I'lihi-iesilmony srltb
msnt rterylblnp was uucaumed
I ftr ndvefoiriog aa wall as a ncuius for
refet-erc- lo Uu a.
..f {. usta Bpoo
l•olI• r bcuiv. ■
I nechanira has boac lemiiwliue his patrivMeads la rslbd Bask tasew
false teeth and the plaio ic which tear
The laifayvue was bnll.l Jn HM sn&
irctis totally that a wnlc*4s Uw Buallare attached. It was bis opinlnn that
WarbJnpton. Oct. A—Tbe comptn.lter P.rlsl>ed In IMS and every year slmr
ast, c.nst dclical« tnacbuie that
the potash solution In tbi lat In which at tbe currency has declared dlvl^rndsln has been a resort ‘
erea tamstyaoud of the max' number of
Mia. Ducipert's. body la aald to Have favor of tbe ctediton of Inmlveel na- I from qll parts of the lountry. It
been dMnumted was not of sufB< i-nt tiofial iBtks as follows; Flflren per larpetu cummer resort bouar In .tbe west. jarta; Alwot K6 diffecimt piaoea of madcsInictJve iKiwcr lo seriously anm the ceniu. First Nsikuial liank of Newport. brlnp'Ta fort lonp.'U feet wide.and M lerial miep into iu ooistneiitai and
(ertb. but would nndoubtedly «ltb-r de- Ky.; b per cent., North Flalte Kailonal fert htpb. Tbe total area ef-floors la tee upward of S.400 aejarate upBBttod
atpuy cr preatly damage the moulhplsie ( ,ank of North Plane. Neb.: ( per cent., bnlldlnp amounted to thr^ ard or.e-bail anprtoed to its maanfaciuiB.
David Victor, a carpenter who Iiv« In-r chemical National bank of Chleapoarrrr. or Ovr acres Includinp the kitchen.
Itae vldolty of Ihe Luvtpert sauaape far-----------------------------------_ .
latmdTT Bud srrvaru' quarleix, wbicn
tory. was called upon to tell whelber be 1 ..
*riw«uaa Bdltar Ms a PSB.
were dsforbed from tbe main bulldirp.
bad ever ohaerved bite. Lurtpert In a I
Wsshlnpton. Oct- 'A-Amoap the ap- There were 300 lied mums and Ibe balls
aad or moroae condition of mind; Re mid : polnim. nu announced by tee prealdert were Rxtrad fret wide, rxtendlep tbe •trikee aoreiul tbooaand blows oa _ .
hr bad not. Bhe alwaya was cheerful yeaterday was that of B'lUlam R. Finch, entire lenpth of tbe bulldinp. No flparm aavU to a day and to itoht glad wbmi
of Wlscooain. to be mlnlater of the have >ei beae plwe out as to tbeamonnt 8uiidB.T cDBwe arouBd. but the loDer
and happy when be aaw her.
"ilow many times bave you area ber United Rlalca lo Parapuay and- Uru- at the losa.________ _____________
Jewel of a watch tnakea ever'? ttoy and
puay. FlPrh Is editor and owner of tba
Bn. Asaptry^ Bx-Wasksad Issiai,
Sau CTalrr Repuhllcap and Lender.
Dondon. Oct- A -7 Edarard Lnaptry. tbe fix*, or t67.flWi.000 blmrstoay
Dsmbstna Ks-Vsllsd maBsSewolm. '
formar husband or Hiw Ully Lanptry. without atop cr rest, or a.l6«,e00.000
“Well, about ITS ttoiesr' uipid tee
«A Piul.' Oct. A—Ex-mitrd 8Utm the actresa. who recently obuUled a di totedwri spaoe of SO yuaia.
questioner. ■•Not wo many."
Benatur Ramuel J. R. UcUlllan died vorce train him la GallforDla. and who
Theae fitrorcs are torood the grasp «<
•Well, r:t ttmaa ttear *Tei. tbat'a
Sunday nipht of anaemia. Hr was rs- is (Bid to have brra prtvnialy married
about richU''
crnily a rnemlwr of iHr commllrc of re- to Prlne* Paul Esterhasy. has been
. "80 are you. Tau omy
doeasocteoplMsw. It haa be«B enttonntvislua of the ccnf-inloi; uf folih of the
. atatr'a attorney, and tbe
Prealrylerlan church. He was Tl yean ditlon on tbe iwllway line near Chester «d thal tbe power that iBOvea the watch
ness stepped duwn.
la equiraleat to cnljr four tii
and bfcn aebt to a lunatic asylum.
Drnpxftt H. F Krueper, at whflae
fcnc tUBxl
tuial in
to a flea
a Jtunp;
coDaeqiMntatore at Ciybuurr at>d Ashland avenur*
And kvinr Omresm BUI Paidm RImi
DMsUttW IjfoymOffforRaekvIUw.
“ ly it might-be cnltod a four flea power.
Frank Rtalk bnupht a betlle at HunCrystal FklU. , Mkh.. Oct. S.-Pe(ti
Detroit. HiK. Oct A—Mayor May- Oue iKPsepower would snflloe
ydla water on the nlxht 'of May 1. ex Dons, lb- murderer and rnvlabrrof Pwirl bury sad a eoorr of-Mher prominent clt5l70.0O0.000 watoijsa.
plained that (here ere rix dlffenat vaIt before Judpr Stone y
Itens started last nipbi la a Birclal ear
Kow the bntonoo wheal of a watch to
rlAlee of ihle mforrsl water and that
for the .Nashcllle cxpoaliloa. wb-«
i by this four flea power
Blalk called for a variety for ablcta
Mkhlpaa day will be eekhrwied tomorLuelpert had rx|>ressrd a pnfereace.
no aacmmoC teaWaUadto nae
tee snat toe lumfoBlIyte tfteBte*.
■aicB.1 hmlB&aiuteBltjfookMrv*
teetelUvltew)^ teoUMkwtna.
wbodoaperntparCof tbasMBialUtxr.
oaniod terns. wW aad otetebaildint maMPiala te tete teada toteoWF
o< a ftvo tear tew tea |BPt«« tea
hotel sot tesD Buitete
of tee BBSRtec teJteiafJ with
vhkh teoytwtxBte tete fWa)tea^
tete otlte up aad down tee Itepladdacm. trite brnry loada tefSteOy poteed
«B tear woolly patteWdao to teo
temiMm witeewtete tearfiaspedteeh
nae tite >*««• «ite tea pvM tea
Smy did not place tee tell cr ttebedOB A....
low of tec foot <s tee na#.
fmove at tec juncturv of, teo grt»t wo
with tbe bur.y of tec fdoCAod-teey
bM fast by makinp teo teck <d tea
oteiP W«a abcrd tee ruber prippiag dnrtaoe. iumophteemijH'waytecAbya■»■■«««■ uati«'< <-arnlr>' pnuqi tbescimp
atio 1 i:trw. u: u.:'Umiil: anto Lo
an blac.ie». udi tec btw.-oxtea
1 ycAe. fcui'-^c «
tuclc with
b ta-hl teiwtui bu- pnui aad me<md toat. while bia tmly arm waa devot
ed to oaeUsp hi# AeiuBer'a whip.—
Ovoiaiid Moutbly.
‘Walinu an apjaiaed I7 aaana folka
-j can rfawiniattaa and teoteatea aad
for this fbuxAu. tear m. dbOBU be
CBzriad to ted poekeA
1000 Oopiaa Staadard MaMa.
«aata. W. W. Kimtell braate store.
Frost atoMA K. £■ Sttosf Maaaffar.
For Friday Mod
•y OP SAFETY....
Sirloin Slid Porterboitoe Steak,
^ te jSsMsteik Mk' ****^^^**
Fire Insurance.
StiU on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Thus It was sfaswa why I.uetpert bad
acm for the water when he had fortyDlar bomrs of watertb hte factory.
Frank Grlsler, who was employed Id
te proerry departmeat of Lurtpert'a
MMpe factory, toM of aaelnp Laetpert
•roB^ tbe factory durlap tbe fo.-aaeea
Bin} Is Cain mrer Oolfom.
Ban Fra^claeo. Oot. A—As a taauh of
tba rimu le Unde (be mint In tele city
wm at Boce reauine tbe eotoa«e «C aUvrr
doUara, In accordance wtte toatracr
niocired tnm WaablntlPB
Ibe Chloaso-VItdea Coal comimnr'i
mine at Verdta tevc mtumsd lo work,
tee oprrstoia payte thawenla ated by
tee mlnera.
aaeh yibratiuo-fl.Ufll^ mite ountton
ouly to one yuar.
■If you would pwdBTt the timaVaar
tog quaUtte «< your WBloh, you abopld
........... .....
wrttj li ■oate.-:>ToMh'pOam«a
See Oor tew line
The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business
Front Street, jiist west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in tbe city.
PiGture Mouldings
Cycle Owners Look Bere!
RubbTTksclarTusaips CssiIn
OwlfBkiiSw E^"uickk''tl
Entenirise Groceiy,
ssss.TS'SiJss rra.ir.Js
W. J. SOBtliaON. Hkbarer.
Jip. R. Santo,
Lederle’s TrTiiSi:
a Brtlar. PtolsO
—Watch Repairing.
—John Vefly.
-Front Street.
Mayer s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ST
tarrh Madtolae aatd by Vapor tahalattos a E. WATT, DragstoA
SoDlb Ualoa StraaA
For Peaches and Crab Apples
laloB ana SevuDth SU.
whtoootisidewwd to total. A litotteBuith
ar-ABytklBg to tba Itoa «d .
SmS&an' Mktartoto, aaU ob
Bicycles to Rent
VI_II ll... —
Strt.raiTrir SK
for tedtoa. Mtoam. M«b and Cblldran al
If You Have Logs to Sell
tbe TraverseCiqr
Lumber Company. Wc have for sale Good, Sound Hem-r
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. L,ands for sale. Mill Macfainery. of all
descriptions,. including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
: XH* MMa XBOOB), w»DrfiliMir:^aahftbte «;«9T.
Wh*r*in It Will Differ u tx> Cuba
from TKatoftho Ut* Canevaa dal Castillo.
••1 waa only 1» ymr» of **o sad SHd
Mrt wttb I. • aMOw«.t.
T.-a4hlB»toB. Ocjt- E-Ooe «futi at
' tb* (ortnailOB of a Saauta cabinet
la B;ala. It M believed. wlU be the
Edwardi. Min.. Ort[ E—There haw
teen r-portrd elabteeii new cwm.: tm
CCMB aertouBly tU. two with black
y^mli; two death.
MvWta. Ala., OcL I. He via new eaaei
and one death wne rtpdr&d for ycaier.
i-Hni. MIm. Oct. L-The new eoea.
It was an exprituce nalcnlirwl «i ay
of tbli
I* coedICl
T b AAKU.VK1 KD. «
ngeru DMnMt* Carte Naca.
Hadrtd, <tH. t.^^e arw mlnlslry Ja
ecmsutuicfi as follows: Sagasu. praldeni of tht courrtl at mtolsler.; Gul-
a point where leocat yellow U pran*
liM Rtandaf^^nale.
W. KIttWI biW atora,
U K. S^H^g HaSi^
' Ever Burned Out?
U ae you kn-w
JJTBTTR trera.
O. P. OARVEU. A^t.
^ AUeneys at Law.
•Meae la lt<Ma«w Stock. TratetM CUr. MMk.
firsiirjus caaos.
Suits to Order.
fHoe Merchant Tailoring.
D Bt dtf.
>, Caieaatr«et.'
lardnentwat under martial law. ^thinner and at laoh a mint
jnat oomwenoed. and peop!*:^^
Elm U rotdy to give way at tha
aVtne to obeying military ordora.,
- ••
m^iy -------------I ortend
that no
or ine net
; It was.
«»dmd that
no ptnon
pmon anooui
: ^|iw Cecity
dtv of SanU Fe Uiw depart ili^todw
,It wilhont
wiituint inwiatminji hit naniei ed by th
with the provoat
] was po—dw and
Thcdr offered by the Conaervatlve'cab- fhet- and made known to the tlntted
BUM through Abe Spanlah minister.
1>Dpay de Inme. contanplated a council
of admtnlstmllon elected In part by' the
BM Amaa^ltirtUagCeal Hlam
Cuhaaa. which was to have anldvimry
8l Louta Oei. S.—A special to The
power In ahaplog (he affair* of the ialand. This plan baa ukrn the form of a P<ut-l>{si>alch from'Bdwardsvllle. Ilia.
lengthy-decree, which ha* been alraady 1 says that a rtocjia* .broken oul am.mg
gaaetted. altbongb It baa never been the —riking miner* thee*, and a mUlIU
put Into effect In Cuba owthg to the company ha* liet
disturbed condltlona The objection froiB BrlleslUe.
> this plan waa that while, ll
Bmrtag O-mpa-f Fbltw
-- e autonomy U did not give
I^ulsvllle. Ky.. Ort. t-The Phoenix
L- rule, as the Cuba
Brewittg''corapuny. one oMhe oldest
tanot tube aleglsUtlvebo^wKh final
brewl^ romi—nie* In Ihe eliy, a*4gned
. iwcrs of making laws, bnl merely an
yesieifty lo C. C. Vogt with llabimieaof
adviaory council. In contrast arlib thla
'C-Vi.dM and aaseis allghtly In eaceas
by the Spanish
rtaieamen, Casi.
when autonomy, was first suggested
thclsland. 81 '
I U eaid.
port in Cuba among the subrtAolla] Mementa there, tncludtog the Autonomist
party. In this connection It Is under
stood that the newl) cboeen president
of the Insurgents. Mendes Capde. |a a
man of conarrratlve tendenrle*. and
dnrtiig a vtolt to B'amiijgtoo aome
months ago 1* aald to have expraewd
views favorablir to a rioae ef hostiUtles
on some fair baali of
a In this c
Miaa DoylawUI rumala natU Wad■eaday aruaiac aod oimfinua hw Baa
"--lay of embreiderx-gaitania. laaa
( and eamplated paUama at Hra.
reaea'a Billlaery atora. The ladlaa
1000 Copiaa Standard Haala.
lo are invited to call and axamlbe bar
eoBta. W. W. Kiahall hraaeh atora, Block which iDcluda* all the latcat and
tYu-tatiwet. N E. Suonf Manager.
Boai beaoUfal daairni -and aiylaa at
'■'Whatkindrt anexpMiencadidynt on change frtim
I bubble to another.
Cubaa »-ut ef the t-pSwew.
New Tork. Orb J.-Oetierat Calbrto
Garda's oflldal report of the capture c.f
VIdorU de las Tunas by lhef?utwnforrrt
Utder hi* command was received yetterday by the Culan Junu. ll dryile* the
8|«nlsh etorteu of atrodtw rommlutd
by (be Cubans at that place.
xsis.irs;; i
^ „ iuoti; where it u Um.
ctf an ii»b..aiid
Uament or le-lslaiurc. with final powers
«X Uw-making. aave ibe naual power of
veto prirerved to all fonas of constitu
tional guremraent.
(bp.*, awd ralma D-Kst AgrsM
ThU would be on tbc lines of the
Hr. Bryaa
OnsaU aod raalda at Eewadia.
eonuin aotoe
S.000,000 olkti
^ threa'^nllUonih i» aac* a puT of an
nndeMrtble. be added, for »t al^
made an old man of me In a ain^ d^.
■■ arerl
the rcbelUon. and t
Igrnrrelly brld IhHr ca n. .made enough
that aupe toward the creMloo of auch a
,,i„ |„ numerou* place, to
coounlaaloo'are new under way.
larger Demorrailt- gain*
Wrte TtOakt-g-lanww wHhW>-a.
cinstPuIn a f(w tiT*-i
'Although there.1i continued reUcenee Ilona]
Idea (h4l
at the atate department coocerolngread any por
8pantah<hiban affalrf It U underetood tion of the consUloiHt n and -alulee 4
that the government ha* been loformed the state and roust al«o lie abk- lo wrU»f!
r autonomy to Cuba
that Spain will
aimllar to (hat enjoyed .by Canada, and
BMtao Mas (be pMaaal.
,ea the prevalent
UosSOD. Oct. t.—Tbe IVwton Base Ball
Opthlon aeetn*
measure of real antomdsy la rtfeied It dub reertved the pennant aa National
Would be acccpled by the Cuban*- The League damploo* at the Tranom (bea
Icoomlng of Afar SagasM cabinet la wel ter last flight. Mayor Quincy made the
preernuilon speech and hVsnager Srlee
comed by the
accepted the pennant in behalf of Che
duh, the tnerolier* of which, together
Ible early dl—urtwnce of 00
kith the naltimore l.■atn. occupied ah
ly reUtloQS
.UtloQS with Spain,
Spain. ' the ■
the bosee of the thealer._____ ,
atlrtbotad (0
Bryaa aad tamlly of
arfU <aka oWr. of tte Toreh Lab.
t lientenant'a eammiNaou in the PifMi ||tcb as tbatnl IdtM of the Bible la a
Ke« Orieane. Orf. E—The aUte board Inlautrr wbcB an arait oocwTed which ^ rf the aua of all of Ita lettwm.
bf brtllha yello» fever bUlleUiu "Caae* :
noto• * ^- n-aouBhl
'--otoThe bnbblo. however, la cot of ecjoal
of yellow fever mtertay. M: «Mth4 I
the thickueaBatallpoIi>U.aiidltUf<»thli
ooue; toul rar.-*
rare* to
to! oate.
date. JU.; toUl
,, „
-t,., --tnH 'luaww that it bae thevaiiou*oolm.
811 dajT have paaart-nee other night ”^ot«ly waa then^
STTmUcc-. abtwver the film U
crantlnc of anneatr to moat If »« *»
of the Amerlran ptupoert held la Cuba,
and the pardon of maar Cuban* eoaBeiaaed to inpHacmmant la the Wand
of Ceuta. Pendinr the ccanpHUon of
it^eery. MHa. Oct. E—Three netr
the Sacaata cabinet there has been no en»a« here yaaterday. Bunday nlcbt an
eaelal intimation that aueb acUon ucsuccenaful atlMnpt waa madeby noma
would bt UKen. but ll la aald to be a unknown party to BaanwUnate W. C.
who U under arreat for vtolaUn*
natural and nocea—ry part of the
UUuenUne rcculallona
Spanlah poU^ lirvolvln* the wlthdr
■UH»> atme TMee. MM »e--------------of Oeoemf Weyler and the adc«>tlon of
tnorv conciiutory plant. The Compell.
Stm Haves. Coon., Oct. E-Conn«c!U
tor prlaonen. It la espectad. will bt re- enl't "lUtle town" e!ecil.«k* wrre held
leaaed cortr. and Ulw Clneroa alao. yrtterdar. and while toMmeaectloe. of
the-ate there WTrrewrpH-Dftumoveri
CofXorrtna peddlnc cWmatueb aa that
iltp ahow that ihe chanev troro
the r
of a year ecu t* not yrewt. Wiih
would favor t1
Bar. Erad J.
way. Th.OldaDd^N.-trTtaUtt*t u,^l?S^nS3c-fA. ’ “
BaW-Blat TIuH tW Ctef>c* M r«U<T ■>
ProMOly Ae-M TcmM.
WM O..U.M4adywl».\oBrB«k.
Ca:«iM U* toterfuwoe* of Um VeU*«
SIMM, u U><
wouia Ihel-by «cQoln 4 klr<! cf ri»lit ID cootrol tbt »tREFUSED TO GIVE HIS NAME AND
t4l» nt ifat iKUDd- II la
Ibe «Ur«me thiantiM cE tb« taabhl« la
. mUtikf n>» 4lii)i of AmeriWAS HUNQ av THE THUMBS.
laSaad woadtrful. It U trtlwalwl itoaf
>»r>-, whlrti <J-rtr«» toarmduil.
the fibs in •amt pl«ort U 00I7 00a
Ir d«uct> Cob. from Bt.1d. 1^UH«
inrli hi ttiirhifM
U -ntitl-d to lh» #oIh-lli^ of Europe,
**** pirtiablj few of w CM omeetn of
who t( hemir thnwiM-rio mart to
Ijoc ow ariawa it in anoths
her ctIobUI wcurlUr.-________
TfMbte—PlMta**t I
PaoersI -( Gewerwl K«rt Dm.
Pnniand. He.. Od
t —Ihe* foneral
a.*nire* of Gantral Neal Oow w 11 be
held at the Revond Parish church In ihia
rtly at t;» p. m l^y.______
. The new Oesek rablnet ha* been far*
many Installed in office.
It I* alao mid lh*l ex-PresJdeol Clevewanu u all In the now vacant emt
Ibe New isruey rv urt of errors.
H. Moan, a Rorkd.te. WU.. farmer. Is
» a critical condltl.n frotn ihr line* of
falling pltchfurk'penetrating h- tide
nd longs
JoeBlackbom. an old seiUer eearOorooeiuarKDUi
inly, Wl*.. was found
dead at bli door fay Indians. A aelgtabor
Is suspected.
Wlsmnsln appears to have the least
I on-IU farm* of.
any r
tog kss than tl.eoo.eoo.
Pltteburg haae hall club has offered
Manager Ned Hanlon.of Balllfflore.tlt.00 a year and an Interest to the club
0 ihanagr the Pirate*.
Lycuryn* T)aveni-ort Palmer, founder
of the Musratine lodge, (he first Masonle organlullon in Iowa, dled-yesierdar
at m. Paul, aged ~ years.
Jame* Miles, of Milwaukee. It Is alleg*--!, went lo.lhr home of bis divorced
wife to Nvansvllle. Bla. while she was
swB> and look two ybUdrvn.
a riot. Sunday between
Jtyrlan and Arsblan memlirTu of (be
Ryrtgn Jlnman Catbollr ebnreh. Harrluon street and Charlea p|*ee, Chicago.
Willie, the t-yrar-old son of Charles^
p-ro. i.f Troy. N. il.. was killed througli
swaliow^t a bev. The insect rtung him
Internally. Tht 'child died
Interlor: Court Xlcucna. public wivfca:
H-rei, colvnca. The ministry, after an
Informal uiMtrd. proctvdrt to the palace
and took Ibe cath of olfire.
Tb' isbln.l I* regarded a* fairty
atriing. aiU-ouA some d-a|ip»loumni ia
fell Hirt Sen.v Oamato. SenurTUum.
WllllBDi UcCaleb^rut the throut ef faU
1‘ehsi'v ArmU" and eitbers who had wlfe.-Antile. lo UiHr RKum al Ctokagu
been innked
wllh an Ink eraser, killing her almost
rludfd. ll 1* under—ood that toruntly. Me then taially
Behor Maura, who was the author ef th* Wmeelf.
firsi Culan hime rule bill, felt ihnt he
Tbe seivnd floor of ihe baltdlng
couM sot art mllsfartority wllh Hetfcr 4> rundc.lph street. Cblmgo. has
Mttrrt. while Senator Oamgao. who t. a
................. .. hsadunsrtera of ll
fvla:lve of Ssr.or Uauru. f-ured that
iChrlMlaii F
« pressnre titighl imply a Irablt I toward
weekthe Maura scheme of refurma
11..11 .mono b-r'd
ber'duUev as
Ml*. Mabel Bell, a
London, 0^- k“* kadlngLondon dip-1 ,
^ “ of Oeo.
affair*, raid ts
rrptveeniatlv* of I
As-cialed Pr
: -I btllrvethec'
rahlnet <
to the
( KVal) ef Captain Oeaeral Weyler
from Cuha aad the aufastttuann of Mar*
CaptaU^ntaUng. if (be BrtUsb -h
ahal Blaneu for him. beraust Raguta
e Renter,
arrived al
Rt. «iet. which
pennwHIy ftUtikm Wayler.
S. 8. partly dismantled. 1
will probably «i«am Caka with Omsrml
Woedfort tn a moru aoacinatarr inarmer
•on mlllng -ahlp go lo Ih* bolloir to
than kis prrfiertaaor. bat hr is net llktly
urrtcanc Repi I.
He says it had a
te do more ihan that. Sagaata hai bevn
rew of at least fifty psraoca. •
informed on autborUy that tbt Cabana
Bwry one of the members of the
will accept autonotny and th* withdraw
couBly fllM.) board ef oemmlaal of the spenirti treewa. althoogh tfc«
have protested
iKal they will not do eo; Blqhen has been arrerted through thr
M effect* of a teroperaae* wtman feg-tb#
hutldeubhur Spain will
- -haulpg of a hcccse to aell mall liquors
wHMb the twe-mOs limit (tf the Tot
[ (
SS^Get E-The Plgtre baa an artlI '
«1* from a M-ctal oorrespnodsnl <a th* of Korih Harvey, a Chieafio saburt).
Savage Landor. Oic artist,
E * . . :
mu-oa of Ot-eral Blewart L. Woed.and urrttsr. who went eu. aa
^ . 3
ford, tb* Usltsd Stats* ntokasr UBpato.
agplortat tgtpadtUo* to Thibet for Gib
lATB. AitonMye. ap-riaJ ea
aloolon BveryooeUdo(A- udwtUaMMdpemipMr U> all Bay or a^i
dutlca, was lying down in
m.v P»il
> MM in tberainbenr. In that TTr B. HOOK. Phy—» art AcrmM- Mm:
^ th. ralndr^MT^teltintt
•TU. A glaaa paiam wiU do the boassaaduaewM.
Uwwaaaman in the.coetouyif iLc
you may t-ove
t»ove by
looking' —^
eroTdst manhal wlumlbsbd loptehit Mae.. aa yon
oy looging.
Plant Ads
reading a book. aAordiglynponed tlui
lu u»».d« o.
looking gang *» tac ever _-w. Wood a
'Wheat 1 aekrtl him whyhe war
howevey. T^ODQg a covgni. Auwwe*. aa*
MUC* the film and U M-S—ratxl Ml that, J.riar**i lev.OBras.OnyOpetwUoaseBIk.
pana <d we serexi evuus* aiv uuvwu ; —— g
1-”."'. “r. "'T ™‘“" ■"
^iTlrrosm. utm « I—. »>u
tn coMody, be inforuKd me that he war into the bofahle,and vre can me than ai ' W. wienti^toi
wider wTTfat bstmuae be had TOfuacd te
give' hi* name *r to register with the
provoat marsbaL When 1 politely reEUoMed him to go with me and rtgi*dnt where the -oak
tw. be luspoDded, ‘Yon know me well
BiKher in 6c.
«Doa^ and do not need aik mg name.'
When 1 tmati him that 1 had nevex Hicbolaa ______________________
meti him before and I itsjnt-ted him tc
-bSwse ■awtsbip.
ocinply with the «der under which 1
As a gladiator trained the body, so
was aotine'be sefnmd indignantly tc
(|£k we train the mind to -Of moifioe.
10 endure all things.” to meet and
“1 then ordesad the gnanUtotake overootne difflcnlty and danger. We
him to the puade gruond and (ip him must take the ron^ and thmy roads
to the flagutafL' llpoo arriving these 1 a* well at the smooth aixl plnuanl. and
^ais begged Um lo ho reaaaoahlo and a portloc at kart of onr daily duty---------------------------------------------------------------------------give hit bams, hot hr c^rtinstvly re
fuel to do so. Iben 1 ordered tbc meo mind cannot he kept etrot-g aiU healthy 1
V. apMaln. m-in
to tie him up by the thnmht Afta
leaving bi.ii|^ in fthat poaitiaD for tluve
minutes he vraa let down, hut again re:
maioed ohstinamly aileoc
He w*i
dnwn op again, aud after leaving him
in that paii^ pocticxi nearly tea min- ssshinfi thisn. Let thorn nut repine, bnt!
Btes be was let down, hot KumfoUj take them as a part of that odixattonal.
declined to answer my moat polite
queat to UvemehUnamu. 1 hen.
him to pSteve me of the nweasitT oi rllg^ '
Bcora.tllPiuet.ui-i. Wt-tf .
id t<
sting I ) mese force and
bTM Pigbu.
cn are too cold blooded tad
ical r-<n but be aroned me.
then 1
_____________■' mid a j-Muig woman with
wras on the parade gnond with 1
iileman. who waa tna)
tnanileUly of nwt n miixicai. aooirdiiig to the IndlauapoUaJowiial "Von cunnot make «n earthan
n cffdinary
cffdinar abiUty ai
fight for prindi iv as women da
in the world,
world. and In the .
-Ah.” r.-plKd the mau with a gift
Oe iMseeveecltf prvpuv.
i^imental staff. L a young ctSoer. 1
(Tlgrani. "then 1 am to infix that it
Siete BtripUng, and y« the ofBov o
that uiakm yon senp ao
the day. was Oylng to ocnpel him h
eaiamdy at the bargain o
give hia name in acco
Chicago ••* w.iw.
—Kj__Money to Is>an
____________________ Jidly Mlent. am
ibcai I orttoud theguardi to l«k a»t
gag him. It was a painfnl me. wbid
I shall sever fmget. The soldier* du
their <lsty, bonsd him is an asomufon
able prrttiaB and gagged him au tlgbtlj
thatthehloodiaa fromhiimoath. Tha
waa man »b«" 1 bad iatendid to bi
dmie the first time, and it was
than I conlfl hnr w ma. an 1 (Mderei
"A* he jtood B^ WnMiag
pain. puiadiwEhd bnuiUisiitgi. be*mid
'1 am Joseph U. Knapp, chief Ih-loe a
the untavue aonrt of iht- territory o
KewMoxloo.’ I immedUlely orderw
his rulmse from onstody. and bs r
nmtd to tbii Hotel Frmda. whrte hr
had regirtered npoa his urlval. Hli
pmenoc In Santa Fv waa no -xovt. aw
amriy everybody knew him. Therffar
be may have rm-med that I knew bin
aad was merely innkiiig a parade at m;
aathority needleasly it: adtiug him hi
name aad txunpeUing him to -give It
Yon may hr veiy uort« that 1 rugrrttei
theocenmnee when I heart him an
noanoe hU name. hU tiUe and hU off!
eia! atanillug. as. isdetd. 1 had siamre
ly rttfivoed (he entiiu wane fnan Th-Was anything dene about it «
ts trotal. and 1
eortingi a^lnst ms. altboagh be kuet
that 1 had rally done my daly in thj
11 an ohtenre dtiaeh bed re,
fused to give hit name, aa Judge Knapj j
had done. Onkaiel Oarlelee woald hav |
—jt-t my ooarse. Aa it was
Judge Knapp and Oolooe! Oarlebs
•x»«B Wrtidaaiid hrt been fo
year* Thiaafaee he waa biasrt In th
mattrt. The pa|*r* were fiuany tab
beftwe President Unoedn. who had m
■ Irif____
.r of th
It wrote OB
tack of Ooionei Oarfctrm’t Tejxwt
Tklsyouas man ha* -nply dose ki* an
'•DkMroa^w meet
with Jadg
••ISranl ttmaa bat we wwa nsra
W ^iikiag •whUr He waa not «iiy •
pNaabMttaeiaLa gM» }arinand
Muitf gmlnaa. brt he waa also <ai
S^rMtetwaaf ibeBtLaalsBs
rkamneullMa. B.
NO 10
Cupboard Safe
THE J. E. dRElLICK 00. = •
"West Michigan.
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